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Is This Henry Mills?

Opening sequence

Regina's car is featured in the forest.

Event Chronology

The Storybrooke events occur after “The Final Battle” and "A Pirate's Life" and before the opening scene of “Hyperion Heights” . The Seattle events occur after “Flower Child”.

In the Characters' Past (the present day)

In Storybrooke, Regina has Henry line up against a wall to measure his growth. As he leaves for school, Regina gives him her car. However, he isn't sure about colleges at this point. Later on, Regina surprises Henry with a bunch of brochures from universities for him to consider. Weeks later, Regina discovers that Henry was accepted to every university, but Henry continues to have doubts about his future and isn't sure about what he wants.

The flashback reveals a twist in the story: as Henry goes upstairs to try on his cap and gown, he gets a surprise phone call. When Henry answers it, it is the adult Henry on the other end. Adult Henry says he's a friend of young Henry's mother, and they have a brief conversation. Before ending the call, the adult Henry tells the young Henry where to find the box that was behind the dresser. When Henry does, it reveals a magic bean, which Henry will use on the day he leaves Storybrooke.

Later that night, Henry finally tells Regina that he is ready to make a choice but will tell her the following morning. The final moments have Henry writing his book called "Once Upon a Time" and narrates the opening tales about him and his family.

In The Present Day

A dark storm cloud circulates around Seattle, and Lucy tells Regina that Facilier saved Henry from the curse, but it failed to ignite True Love's Kiss between him and Jacinda. The two are startled by Gothel, who offers Regina a chance to join her Coven and save her family as she tells them that Henry has lost his powers in believing. Regina turns her down. Later on, Weaver makes amends with Regina by offering a special potion to help Regina save Henry. He tells Regina he's doing this because of Belle. But when she gives Henry the potion at his apartment, it doesn't work. Regina and Lucy decide to use another approach, by using the "Once Upon a Time" book, but that doesn't work either. At this point, Henry still doesn't believe and wants Regina and Lucy to stop this nonsense. After Lucy leaves, an upset Regina keeps trying to make Henry believe. When he asks where are the heroes in the book such as Snow, Charming, and Emma, Regina reveals that the curse Gothel created sent everyone back in time and that their past selves have yet to leave Storybrooke (thus revealing that the Storybrooke flashbacks and the Hyperion Heights action are actually occurring alongside each other). After they return to Henry's apartment, and after Lucy tells him she has given up on him, Henry discovers the adoption papers with a phone number. He calls the number and speaks to his younger self, which causes Henry's memories to come back. Lucy is excited that Henry's back, and they go to rescue Regina.

At the Coven, Rogers watches as one of the witches is transformed into a tree, while the power causes Tilly to fall into a trance. Rogers escapes. When he reaches the police station, Rogers confronts Weaver about Gothel and the witches, and Weaver tells him that everything he witnessed is true and that it will all make sense soon. The two then recruit Margot to help them. When they return, Margot tries to talk Tilly out of it but Tilly uses her magic to push her away, then shrinks Margot, Rogers, and Weaver down in size. They watch as the rest of the witches turn to trees.

Earlier that day at Jacinda's, Lucy and Jacinda are packing for Bainbridge Island when Sabine gives Lucy a backpack that Drew used. When Lucy shows the two a tarot card and tells them about Facilier, the ladies decide to pay a visit to Samdi's office. Arriving there, Facilier shows them a tied-up Drew, then sticks a pin in a doll that caused Sabine pain. The women comply by joining him in the closet.

That night at the garden, Regina tries to stop Gothel, but as Regina doesn't have magic, Gothel gets the upper hand. As Gothel prepares to destroy humanity, Henry and Lucy show up, and as Henry grabs Regina, he kissed her and breaks the Curse, saving humanity. The ending of the curse reunites Henry with Ella, Regina and Lucy, and Alice with a full-sized Weaver, Hook and Robin. The curse not only restores everyone and their magic, but it also gives Alice a chance to choose love over evil. She uses her magic to transform Gothel into a tree, and she places flowers around it.

The curse also wakes up Ella and Tiana, but Facilier escapes before they can stop him. Sabine/Tiana and Drew/Naveen are also reunited. With Weaver's powers restored, the former Mr. Gold attempts to retrieve his and Belle's album book, but it is not in his safe. He then visits Facilier's office and discovers it there. When Facilier walks in, Weaver attempts to use his magic to choke Facilier but stops short of killing him. But then, Facilier is killed in front of Weaver by the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin, who wants to become better acquainted with Weaver.

My Bicycle

An indigenous man named Komol who is fired from a job in a town and returns to his hillside native village with only a bicycle. Although his son is happy to have his father back, but he has nothing to give his family except the bicycle. Komol decides to not return to the town for new jobs but tries to secure their livelihood through the cycle. He offers to ferry passengers and goods of villagers from place to place on his cycle and earn. Unfortunately one day an accident occurs, injuring an old man. Village goons threaten Komol and declare that no one can ride on that cycle. When Komol refuses to give them extortion, they destroy his bicycle.

Wild in the Sky

Three draft age boys are caught with marijuana during the Vietnam War era. The judge hates "Hippies" so sentences them to prison. The driver of the bus taking them to prison must go to the bathroom, so he stops at a remote and poorly maintained wayside to use its outhouse. The outhouse floor is rotted and the driver plunges through and is killed by the fall.

The driver hadn't set the parking brake on the prison bus, so the bus rolls down the highway and falls into and down a canyon with the three boys chained onboard. They survive, and after some minor trouble free themselves from the wrecked bus. They then find their driver, dead. They realize that the bus fell into an Air Force base where troops are gathering for transport to the war overseas. They plot to steal uniforms, board a troop transport plane, and get off in the Philippines – figuring that since they are not on any passenger list they will make a clean get-away.

The three boys know nothing about air force planes and board a B 52 bomber instead of a troop passenger plane. The bomber crew quickly realize that the three new guys know nothing about working on a bomber crew. Having been found out, the three boys take over the bomber, planning to take the hijacked bomber to Cuba. When they find out that the B52 is carrying an atomic bomb, they realize that the United States will destroy the aircraft rather than let them escape to Cuba with a nuclear weapon, and give up that plan.

All the bomber crew except the pilot decide to escape and parachute out, abandoning the plane. The movie ends with a view of the bomber flying aimlessly over the United States.

The Forgiven (2021 film)

''The Forgiven'' takes place over a weekend in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, and explores the reverberations of a random accident on the lives of both the locals and Western visitors to a house party in a grand villa.

Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway

The film opens with the wedding of Thomas and Bea, with all their friends, human and animal, in attendance. Peter Rabbit tells Benjamin Bunny that he is totally fine with Thomas marrying Bea, until the priest mentions Thomas becoming like a father to the animals. Peter appears to go berserk and attacks Thomas, leading the other animals to attack the humans until Peter makes Thomas float away on balloons. This is, of course, in Peter’s head, and he still accepts this new part of his life.

After their honeymoon, Thomas helps Bea as she works on her children’s storybooks based on Peter and his friends. Peter is a bit dismayed to know that the books have portrayed him as “naughty”. Outside, he talks to Johnny Town-Mouse who talks about his life as a married mouse with kids, and Peter does not want to think about Thomas and Bea starting their own family without him. Bea then gets a letter in the mail from a publisher who wants to distribute her books.

Thomas and Bea take Peter, Benjamin, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail to meet the publisher, Nigel Basil-Jones. The other rabbits, barring a suspicious Cottontail, seem to like Nigel, until he presents his marketing plan toward the rabbits, which paints Peter as a troublemaker. They even see a billboard for a potential Peter Rabbit movie, which makes him look outright villainous. Flopsy and Mopsy, meanwhile, do not like that people can’t seem to tell them apart or always associate one with the other.

A dismayed Peter walks away from the group and goes into town, where he meets an older rabbit named Barnabas. After getting into some more mischief, Barnabas recognizes Peter as the son of his old friend when they would swipe food from the McGregor farm. He is impressed with Peter’s movements and skills, but they are unfortunately caught by animal catchers and taken to a pet pound.

Bea starts to sign over the rights to her books to Nigel, although despite her request that the books not be turned into a gaudy hip cash grab property (with Benjamin looking right at the camera for this), it becomes apparent that this is Nigel’s plan anyway, as he is known for turning simple concepts into something “cool” for a more commercial audience.

Peter and Barnabas are taken in by a little girl named Amelia. After an afternoon spent being washed and roughly played with, the family steps out of the house, leaving Peter and Barnabas in a cage. Barnabas manages to free himself and Peter, so they go to raid the family’s fridge with the helps of Barnabas’s crew – the mouse Samuel Whiskers, creepy cat Tom Kitten, and his sister Mittens. As they try to sneak the food out, Amelia’s mother comes home with the intention of getting rid of the rabbits before her kids come home. The animals manage to run from her as she chases them into town, and they get away with their food into their hideout.

Barnabas later takes Peter through the town as he talks about how his father used to steal for Peter and his sisters to keep their bellies full. Thomas and Bea then find Peter and bring him home while Barnabas returns to his hideout.

The next morning, Thomas and Bea take the rabbits outside to play by a field. Thomas tries rolling down the hill like the rabbits, only to roll too fast and hurt himself. Peter tells Benjamin about Barnabas and convinces him and his sisters to join him in meeting the crew. Barnabas recognizes Peter’s sisters and divulges to all of them his big plan – he and his crew want to rob from the farmers market, with their big score being packs of dried fruit.

Thomas and Bea meet with Nigel again to go over designs for the rabbits. After already having them dressed up in contemporary clothes (one that says “hype beast”), Nigel makes another suggestion that they be on a beach, despite Thomas disagreeing with the idea. He starts to realize that Nigel’s idea are not in the best interests of Bea’s work. He even later goes to confront Nigel himself in a boxing gym to express how he feels, with Nigel interpreting it as him speaking for Bea. She finds out and is unhappy with Thomas.

The rabbits gather help from their animal friends – Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Jeremy Fisher, Pigling Bland, Felix D’eer, and Tommy Brock – to pull off their heist. The animals create distractions, even getting a girl named Sara – whose family creates the dried fruit – distracted when the boy she has a crush on (whose family sells cheese wheels) is knocked over. The rabbits prepare the bins of dried fruit, but in the chaos, a cheese wheel rolls by and knocks over Thomas and his tomatoes that he was going to sell. After getting the dried fruits into their getaway truck, all the animals, including Benjamin and the sisters, are captured by the pet pound people. To Peter’s dismay, Barnabas reveals he was all along using him and his friends to keep the dried fruit for themselves. He even explains that he intentionally “bumped into” Peter in town after reading about him in his book, having spent a lot of time feeling angry that nobody wanted him because he was too old. Everyone is left to blame Peter for getting them into this mess, while he himself feels utterly terrible.

Peter leaves Barnabas and his gang and goes to find Thomas, enlisting his help in recovering his friends. After hitting a snag with their truck, they go to Bea for help while she is in a meeting with Nigel and others from the publishing company. They want to put Peter and his friends in a ludicrous space adventure, which pushes Bea to realize that this is nothing like what she had in mind, and she pulls her stories from Nigel’s company. After talking it out with Thomas, she agrees to help him and Peter recover all their friends. They go on over-the-top missions to find them, like swiping Benjamin off a boat, Jeremy Fisher from a school classroom, and skydiving to get the sisters.

Peter, Benjamin, and the sisters then make one last stop at Barnabas’s hideout. They take the dried fruit away from them, only for the crew to appear and capture Peter’s family. They then turn the tables on them by having prepared for this, with the rabbits stringing up Barnabas and his crew by nooses so that they get pulled away into the great beyond when the nearby tailor shop owner leaves in his truck. The rabbits then return all the dried fruit to Sara and her family.

The rabbits rejoin Thomas and Bea as they drive home, with Peter deciding to be more willing to listen to the ones that love him.

Rogue & Gambit

When the X-Men suspect foul play at a vacation resort, former romantic partners Rogue and Gambit infiltrate the resort by pretending to be a couple needing marriage counseling. They discover the resort is managed by the villain Lavish, who is taking mutant visitors captive and replacing them with robot duplicates. Rogue and Gambit destroy all the robots and free the captive people. During this mission, Rogue and Gambit become a couple again.

Wish Dragon

Din is a working-class college student in Shanghai who dreams of reuniting with his childhood friend Li Na, who moved away ten years ago from their neighborhood with her father, Mr. Wang, and now lives a lavish life. One day, Din is given a teapot by an elderly man, from which emerges Long, a wish dragon. Long informs Din he will grant three wishes to his master, i.e. whoever holds the teapot. Din will be Long's tenth and final master and will free Long from his servitude, allowing him to enter the Spirit world. Subsequently, Din is chased by a trio of goons led by a man named Pockets, sent by Mr. Wang to recover the teapot in hopes of saving his failing business. Din uses his first wish to fight the goons and escape.

The next day, Din and Long arrive at Li Na's birthday party. Din makes his second wish—to temporarily appear as a wealthy princeling for one day, hoping Li Na will notice him and rekindle their friendship. Li Na is disappointed when she realizes her father will not be attending her birthday party. Din, sticking to his disguise as 'Dan', comforts her and they are asked by Mr. Wang (via a video call) to share a meal together. Long warns Din that Li Na will leave him as soon as she finds out his identity, because of their different socioeconomic status.

During the date, Din asks Long for advice on how to act accordingly to his new status, but ends up upsetting Li Na in the process. They both end up in Din's neighborhood after the goons pursue Din again. Din reveals himself to Li Na, and they spend the rest of the day in the neighborhood reliving their childhood pastimes. However, Li Na finally retreats claiming that she has responsibilities and expectations she needs to meet, hurting Din's feelings. Later that night, Din angrily asks Long to make him rich in a last-ditch effort to be respected. Long reveals to Din that in life he was a wealthy and powerful lord whose reign ended in loneliness and tragedy and was punished by the gods for his selfishness by becoming a wish dragon. Long's servitude as a wish dragon is meant to make him appreciate the meaning of life, something he has failed to accomplish with all of his previous masters.

After tracking down Din, Pockets betrays Mr. Wang by taking the teapot for himself and asks the wish dragon for his first wish to turn everything he touches to gold. He drops Mr. Wang from a large scaffolding, mortally wounding him in front of Li Na. Din chases the goons, and eventually ends up fighting Pockets on Long's back. Pockets corners Din and prepares to hit him with his golden hand, but Long puts himself in the way, causing both him and Pockets to turn into gold statues. Din is unable to stop Long's statue from sinking to the bottom of a river, while Pockets shatters to pieces against the ground.

Long finds his human self at the entrance to the Spirit world. Despite being tempted to go through the gates, he pleads with the guardian of the gate to return to Din because he has not used his third wish. The guardian agrees, on one condition. Din uses his last wish to heal Mr. Wang, and Long disappears.

Sometime later, Mr. Wang starts a restaurant featuring Din's mother's cooking, with both Din and Li Na helping. Din finds a teapot like the one Long resided in and releases him. Long tells Din the sole condition for his return to Earth was to stay and serve ten more masters. After saying goodbye to Long, Din places the teapot on a carriage driven by the elderly man from the beginning, who is actually the guardian of the gate to the Spirit world.

Cutting Room (film)

Charles Drake, maker of C-grade low-budget exploitation films, has brought on neophyte director Ed Smith for his latest bit of twaddle, "Curse of the Killer", based on an unfinished script penned by Ed himself. Ed fancies this opportunity as his big break, though he is alone in this belief as most everyone else involved with the meandering project sees it for what it is. Everything turns a darker shade of weird when people involved with the production start getting gruesomely killed off one by one. Charles, who has a history of dealing with nefarious characters, suspects the person responsible for the body count is a mob boss who is funding the film, but no one knows for sure. In the end, will there be anyone left to complete the film, or will the prophecy in the script "Curse of the Killer" turn into a reality?

Sweet Home, Sweet Honey

The story about a group of youngsters being pushed into society and the people around them.

Tracey (film)

Travis Tung's family consists of wife Anne, son Vincent, and daughter Brigitte (who lives with her husband Jeffrey). Vincent describes his mother as having mysophobia and being racist against their housekeeper. She "prohibits sex in the house," which is interesting as she and her husband sleep in separate rooms. After going to work, Tung secretly changes into women's underwear underneath their clothing.

While taking their dog Bowie (named after the singer) for a walk, Tung thinks they spot an old friend and chases after them, only to find that Bowie has succumbed to an unknown illness. The family is distraught at their dog's death, and a pregnant Brigitte stays the night, citing that she doesn't want to wake up her husband.

It is revealed that Tung's childhood friend, Ko Ching, has died overseas. With friend Chi Chun, Tung goes to the airport to pick up Bond Tann, Ching's husband. Bond has had trouble at customs as security has taken away Ching's ashes. Bond comments that Hong Kong is a "backwards country" due to its discrimination on sexuality. Tung states that they will ask their son-in-law for legal advice as he is a lawyer.

At a small performance of an opera troupe, including their wife Anne, Tung sees the old friend for the first time in decades. Fa Yim-hung, known affectionately as Brother Darling, is a Cantonese actor who was famous for playing women's roles in operas. They knew each other when Tung was younger, working in a restaurant with Brother Darling. Tung recalls an incident in which there was a "peeper" in the ladies' room, only it was actually Brother Darling. Brother Darling reveals that they cannot pee standing up because although they were "born with a male body," they are actually a woman.

Back at home, the family argues about Brigitte's options because Jeffrey has been unfaithful. She is considering abortion and divorce, but Anne insists that sh will have nothing if she leaves her husband. Vincent leaves to be with his girlfriend, a tattoo artist, who says that she gets this artwork done on herself because "my body belongs to me."

Tung visits Bond at his hotel room to find him sobbing. They cry together on opposite sides of the door before coming together. They reminisce about Ching, discovering that Tung and him had a requited love at their age but never acted upon it. Bond and Tung kiss, Bond unbuttoning Tung's shirt to find women's lingerie. Embarrassed, Tung leaves in a hurry.

Bond and Tung later reconvene at a pond where the three friends used to meet all the time. Tung comes out to him there, saying, "I am a woman, not outside, but deep inside." Tung knew they were different at an early age, but at first thought they were gay. When they discovered their gender identity, Tung thought they couldn't be with Ching because he was a gay man and wouldn't see them as a woman. Tung used to stuff bras, wear women's underwear, and tuck in secret, stating "I detested my body" and that "when there are things you can't contain, you look for substitutes," citing peeing while sitting down and their habit of changing into women's lingerie at work. When Tung's father was murdered, they were forced to become the "man" of the house.

Back at home, Anne reveals that she has found receipts from the women's lingerie store that Tung frequents. Tung tries lying, saying they're for their mother, then for Brother Darling, but ultimately assuages her when they say that they're not gay.

Tung, Bond, and Chun go to sea to spread Ching's ashes. There, Tung comes out to Chun, who accepts them and Ching's homosexuality.

Tung introduces Bond and Chun to Brother Darling. They decide to have makeovers and head to a club as trans women in full hair and dress. Both Tung and Brother Darling are having the time of their lives and Brother Darling exclaims that "I can finally use the ladies' room!" Unfortunately, Brother Darling passes out in the bathroom and the group has to rush her to the hospital. Entering the taxi, Tung and her son Vincent see each other before leaving. Brother Darling has died. Vincent is actively ignoring Tung's messages, when his girlfriend calls out his hypocrisy: "So it's okay for others to be gay, but not your own family."

Tung goes home, still in full women's wear, and tries to come out to Anne, but she becomes hostile and insists that Tung is just sick and being selfish. Distraught, Tung attempts to cut off her genitalia to no avail.

Time jump to seven months later: Brigitte has had her child and Tung is now a grandmother. Tung goes to Anne's latest performance on Vincent's advice. Anne still refuses to sign the divorce papers and laments to her son, "why force me to accept this?"

Another seven months have passed: Tung has undergone gender affirmation surgery: "Farewell Travis Tung," she is now Tracey, after her mother. Tracey and Bond reconvene after a gallery and become physically intimate. Tracey visits her blind mother who says "Male or female, you're always my child."

The Duel (1910 film)

The film is based on the novel ''The Duel'' by Aleksandr Kuprin.

The Water Nymph (1910 film)

The film is based on the play ''The Water Nymph'' by Alexander Pushkin.

Anna Karenina (1911 film)

The film was based on the 1877 novel ''Anna Karenina'' by Leo Tolstoy.

Poibos Part 1

The Dark Galactic Emperor invaded the planet Poibos and destroyed almost the entire population. The few survivors were imprisoned on the planet Kurane belonging to Empire. One of them, our main protagonist Jorg, managed to escape. He needs to find the seven surviving Holy Men and try to resurrect Poibos. ''[ Poibos Part 1: Dasshutsu at Mobygames]''

The Web Between the Worlds

The novel tells the story of Rob Merlin, the best engineer who has ever lived. His machine, the "Spider," extrudes graphite cables of incredible strength. Darius Regulo has a monopoly on space mining, and doesn't like rockets. Half of their fuel is used to lift the ''other'' half, a waste of energy. Regulo wants to build a space elevator, and hires Merlin to do it. Merlin will need to modify his Spider to extrude pure silicon cables, and to work in space.

As work progresses, Merlin becomes convinced that his parents' accidental deaths, when he was a child, were in fact murders. He comes to this conclusion based on conversations with Regulo's people he meets in the course of the project.

The questions of who, and why, become urgent as Merlin becomes certain that his life is in danger.

Boy General

The brave young warrior Seo-Me defeats the SeoGuk invaders. After defeating Hobi, Seo-Me and his comrades return home. Meanwhile, Hobi survived after falling and some people rescued him out.

No No Sleep

''No No Sleep'' consists of a series of scenes filmed with a static camera and without dialogue in a variety of urban locations, such as train tracks, a subway train, a bath-house and a sleep chamber.

The Young Idea

Act I

;The hall of George Brent's country house.

Roddy Masters, a neighbour, is in love with George Brent's wife, Cicely. George walks in on the two, to find them in passionate embrace. He pretends not to have noticed, but after Roddy has left he takes Cicely to task, telling her that although he no longer loves her, he is not prepared to have a scandal. The exchange does nothing to ameliorate relations between the couple, which are already strained because George has invited Sholto and Gerda – his children from his first marriage – to stay with them.

The young people, who have been brought up on the Continent by George's ex-wife, Jennifer, arrive full of high spirits. They bring out two large photographs of their mother in her garden at Alassio, and, unnoticed by his father, Sholto puts them on the mantelpiece.

A group of house-party guests of the Brents enter. The photographs of Jennifer prompt a discussion of George and Cicely's private lives. Cicely appears and is annoyed to see the photographs. George, much amused, makes Gerda and Sholto take them down. Roddy returns, with the news that his only brother has died in Jamaica, and he himself will be going there to take over his plantation. Gerda and Sholto see Cicely's agitation at this, and as she has been unwelcoming and unfriendly towards them they determine that they are going to get some fun out of their visit.

Act II

;The same

Scene 1

The guests are gathered in the hall after dinner, dressed for a hunt ball. The others leave and Sholto and Gerda try to clear things up with Cicely, asking her why she dislikes them so much. She makes a hostile reply and leaves them; they decide to act on their suspicions that she is having an affair with Roddy. Their first move is to enlist the sympathies of once of the guests, Priscilla Hartleberry, by representing themselves as objects of compassion: they spin Priscilla a yarn about their mother, saying that she eloped with an Italian Count and now drinks heavily, a mistake they say they want to stop Cicely from making. The innocent Priscilla is on the verge of telling them what she knows about Cicely and Roddy when they are interrupted.

Getting their father alone, the young people try to rekindle his affection for his ex-wife. They tell him that every year she revisits the scenes of their honeymoon. He tells them emphatically that he is no longer in love with Jennifer and is perfectly content with his life as an English country gentleman. They try to persuade him of the delights of a journey to Italy, but he is adamant that he will stick with Cicely as long as she sticks with him. Gerda replies that case she and Sholto will take matters into their own hands. The arrival of their stepmother drives them from the room.

Cicely complains to George of the children's rudeness to her; he stands up for them and there is a fierce quarrel. When he leaves she is in such a rage that, when Roddy asks her to go away with him, she is completely willing. They agree to drive to London overnight, and sail from Liverpool the next day. The curtain falls as they embrace.

Scene 2

At half-past two in the morning, Sholto and Gerda have returned from the ball ahead of the other guests. They hear a car and see Cicely and Roddy get out. Hiding behind the curtains, they hear Cicely say that she has left a note for George and is going to fetch her luggage.

The young people are delighted, but another car brings their father with Priscilla, who has warned him of the elopement. Still hiding, the young people watch the scene that develops as George confronts the eloping couple. He calmly points out to his wife that life in British colonial society for a woman living with a man to whom she is not married will be highly unpleasant. He adds that she does not really love Roddy, but is merely bored and resentful, which is a very bad reason for eloping.

Cicely is wavering when Sholto and Gerda rush in and contrive to tip the balance by imploring her not to go, because "we're going to stay here always". She repulses them furiously and goes out with Roddy. They forget their luggage, and so Sholto and Gerda rush out after them carrying a suitcase each.


;Jennifer Brent's villa at Alassio, Italy. Jennifer Brent is wakened from her siesta by her maid, Maria, announcing a visitor, Jennifer's American admirer Hiram J. Walkin. He has come with a large bunch of flowers to propose to her. He has done so before, without success, but this time she accepts him. She admits that she does not love him, but she thinks her children need a man's influence.

Maria excitedly announces that the carriage bringing the children home is approaching, and Jennifer asks her suitor to wait in another room until she has broken the news to them. After a joyous reunion, the young people say they have a surprise for her; she replies that she has one for them and tells them about her suitor. They conceal their dismay and, while she is fetching him, they quickly decide a plan of action.

Mr Walkin is startled to find that the "children", whom he had imagined to be about twelve, are more or less grown-up. They tell him that their father is not divorced at all, but is a lunatic, and that their mother's sanity is doubtful. At the end of this tale George himself enters, and is introduced by Sholto as "Mr Peasemarsh". Gerda then launches into another preposterous story, but Mr Walkin cuts it short, remarking that he is not half-witted and can see what they are trying to do: "If you didn't want me to marry your mother, why the hell couldn't you say so?" He leaves, offended.

Jennifer, upset by events, starts to have a row with George, while the young people slip away. The realisation dawns, first on George and then on Jennifer, that they still love each other. He exclaims, "Come and kiss me!", and going to him she replies, "George! You haven't altered a bit!".


To repair the mind of insane artist Jeffrey Halsyon, supernatural being Solon Aquila causes Halsyon to live out various wish fulfillment scenarios — all of which are terribly flawed.

Sisters Under the Skin

Millionaire John Hunter Yates (Frank Morgan) tries to recapture his youth by abandoning his business and going to Europe. His wife Elinor (Doris Lloyd) refuses to go with him. Yates meets a young actress, Blossom Bailey (Elissa Landi), and takes her with him. In Paris, Blossom falls for musician Zukowski (Joseph Schildkraut) and they fall in love. Yates tires of the bohemian life, and returns to America with Blossom and Zukowski. At Blossom's urging, he finances Zukowski's musical career, and he becomes famous. Elinor tries to win her husband back, even as Yates becomes certain Blossom and Zukowski are betraying him. Yates discovers Blossom has been true to him, and returns to his wife—allowing Blossom to marry.

Occupation (film)

A group of Australians form a resistance army after their small Australian country town is enslaved by an extraterrestrial force. Together they form the human rebellion in a battle for the survival of their group. They progressively find more members to join and form a small community in the Australian bush. Finally, they team up with the remnants of the Australian army for the final conflict that will have a drastic impact on not only them but the whole world.

Eugene Onegin (1911 film)

The film is based on the 1825-1832 poem ''Eugene Onegin'' by Alexander Pushkin.

1812 (1912 film)

The film in four parts illustrates the events Patriotic War of 1812.

El fantasma de mi novia

The film revolves around Lupe del Mar, an impertinent and arrogant actress of Mexican telenovelas, who travels to Dominican Republic to make one of her greatest dreams come true, to record a film. She suffers a terrible accident, which leads her to be in a coma and experience fun situations.

Quantum Deadline

Prior to the events of the contemporary-set novel, journalist Daedalus Howell's intern has committed suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, an event for which the character feels responsible and that has sullied his professional reputation. Forced to work for a second-rate blog, Howell is still trying to clear his conscious and his byline five years later. Then he and Jude, a lost 11-year-old thief, happen to both witness a murder in a discount men's suit shop. When they re-meet during the investigation, the boy claims to know Howell but from a parallel universe. He proves this to the reporter by using his original, not professional name, which was Kit Fergus (a.k.a. "Chris F." in Howell's previous novel ''The Late Projectionist''). Jude claims he found a smartphone loaded with a game called ''The Knights of Skeldaria''. An Easter egg in the app sent him to Howell's universe where no records of his existence can be found to the consternation of Detective Shane, Howell's wary friend. Howell pitches Jude's story to his editor at the local news blog he writes for but is dispatched to cover a 100-year-old's birthday instead. There he meets Mac, an elderly and retired reporter who claims to have written the notorious "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline, except where he came from it was correct. Mac, like Jude, is from a parallel universe and urges Howell to help the boy. When Howell contacts Detective Shane seeking information, the boy has vanished. Howell resolves to find and help the boy as a means of reconciling with the intern he was unable to talk out of suicide. This leads him to both his ex-girlfriend, Annika Strang, an artificial intelligence researcher, and his old college friend and sometime rival Cameron Block, whose success in tech — particularly the ''Knights of Skeldaria'' video game — has long rankled Howell. The reporter connects the dots between Block and Strang's research and the Easter egg Jude alleges to have activated, which brought him into Howell's universe. Hijinks ensue, leading to a fatal showdown between Howell and Block.

Das Steingeschöpf

The story is about Hertzel, a young stone restorationist, who just finished his apprenticeship and received his first job assignment from Frau Leitner, a German lady, to repair a stone statue.

He made the journey from Berlin to Bavaria by train and arrived Frau Leitner’s chalet very late at night. He found out that she was an older woman with a bad cough. He anxiously asked Frau Leitner to show him the Steingeschöpf that needed restoration and they went upstairs to the attic. Hertzel was astonished when he discovered that stone creature named "Ambroise" was carved in Queckstein by De Loynes, the Great French Master in the 17th century. He suddenly felt inadequate and was afraid he was not up to the task. There was also danger in working with the Queckstein as its dust could destroy the lungs. He tried to refuse the job but Frau Leitner talked him into it.

The story also shows the affection between Ambroise and Frau Leitner, and how little time they had left.

The Corpse Grinders

When the Lotus Cat Food Company finds itself in financial trouble, the owners stumble upon a new, cheap source of meat—the local graveyard. Only one problem—the cats develop a taste for human flesh, and the pets have turned viciously against their owners all over town. Veterinary doctor Howard Glass (Sean Kenney) and his nurse Angie Robinson (Monika Kelly) become suspicious and begin to investigate. "It’s a silly little gore comedy that stars Sanford Mitchell and J. Byron Foster as the owners of a cat food firm who find their sales booming when they accidentally turn a sleeping partner into cat food."

The Enemy Within (TV series)

In 2015, Erica Shepherd is the CIA Deputy Director of Operations. When Russian master terrorist Mikhail Vassily Tal threatens her daughter Hannah, Erica is forced to reveal the names of four agents: Steven Haibach, Brian Lanich, Desiree Villareal, and Laine Heffron. The agents are killed, and Erica is arrested by FBI agent Will Keaton and sentenced to 15 consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole. Three years later, Tal strikes again, and Keaton is ordered to bring Erica out of ADX Florence to join the hunt for Tal and his growing network of spies.

Un corazón para dos

Bernardo is secretly in love with his friend Valeria, but has not gathered the courage to express his true feelings. When he learns that he does not have much time to live, must confront Valeria and let her know how he feels. When Bernardo learns about Valeria's heart condition he makes the heartbreaking decision to donate his heart to her to show his love.

A Single Pale Rose

Steven (Zach Callison) is contemplating the conflicting information he has received about Pink Diamond's shattering, and anxiously waits while Amethyst (Michaela Dietz) teaches Pearl (Deedee Magno Hall) how to use her new cell phone. After Amethyst leaves, Steven confronts Pearl and asks her if she was the one who shattered Pink Diamond. Pearl doesn't answer, seemingly shocked. When Amethyst returns, Pearl immediately changes the subject and stores her phone in her gem, leaving Steven confused.

Later, Steven receives a text message from Pearl: "I want to tell you but I can't.🙊" Steven returns home and confronts her about it, but Pearl says she hasn't used her phone since that morning. As she tries and fails to retrieve her phone from her gem, Steven receives another text—a 🌺 emoji. She tells him to enter her gem and get it himself, hinting that he will find the answers to his questions there.

Inside Pearl's gem, Steven meets a personification of Pearl's ability to compartmentalize. She can't find the phone stored with Pearl's other belongings and sends Steven deeper into Pearl's mind to look for it. He visits her traumatic memories of Rose Quartz's pregnancy and the aftermath of the Gem War. He eventually arrives at the moment after Pink Diamond's shattering. He sees gem shards on the ground and Rose holding her sword. When he steps closer, he realizes that it is not Rose but Pearl, shape-shifted into Rose's form. She reveals Pink Diamond's undamaged gemstone in her hand and sends Steven further back through her memories.

Steven ends up inside Pink Diamond's palanquin hearing a conversation between Rose (Susan Egan) and Pearl. While Pearl is hesitant to do what Rose is asking, Rose insists, and tells her that they'll be free afterward. Pearl finally agrees to Rose's plan and, to Steven's shock, Rose reverts into her natural form: Pink Diamond. She creates some fake diamond shards and swallows them, and gives one last command to Pearl as a Diamond: to never again speak of what really happened. As Pink Diamond leaves the palanquin, Pearl turns to Steven and gives him the missing cell phone. She assumes the form of Rose Quartz and heads out to fake the shattering. Steven texts Pearl back in the real world and is pulled out of her mind.

Steven somberly states what he has learned: his mother was actually Pink Diamond. Behind him, Amethyst and Garnet gasp in shock.

The Death of Frank Sinatra

Mike Rose is a Las Vegas private eye. His schizophrenic brother Alvi is released from the mental hospital and mouths off to Zig, a gangster who long ago killed Rose's father and slept with his mother. Plus a devilish client wants Rose to murder her husband.

Expecting Love

Ian (Joshua Leonard) is a successful American lawyer and rising star in a Los Angeles firm run by George Patten (Robert Forster). Ian's life is upended when he discovers a fling he had with Joanna (Agnieszka Grochowska), a Polish woman, has resulted in a pregnancy. With his career on the line, Ian heads to Warsaw in an attempt to talk Joanna out of keeping the baby, but what he discovers on the other side of the world leads to unexpected twists and turns, forcing to him to confront his priorities in life and love.

In the Tall Grass (film)

Siblings Becky, who is 6 months pregnant, and Cal DeMuth travel to San Diego. They hear a young boy, Tobin, calling for help from a field of tall grass. His mother, Natalie, shuts him up. Concerned, they enter but quickly get separated and find that their distance changes unnaturally. Panicked, they decide to leave but can't find the road. Becky encounters Tobin's father Ross, who tells her to stay with him and not to lose sight of him but she unfortunately ends up losing him. Cal stumbles across a bruised, dirty Tobin holding a dead crow. Tobin claims the grass won't move dead things and buries the bird in the path and then he tells Cal that Becky will die soon and that the rock told him that. When Tobin leads Cal to a rock in the field and tells him to touch it, interrupted by Becky's scream, he is attacked by a ghost.

The father of Becky's child, Travis, arrives looking for her and Cal. He investigates the field, stumbling across Tobin, implying that they are acquaintances, leading him to Becky's corpse. Tobin arrives at a nearby church with his parents. Hearing Travis, who is now calling out to Tobin, their dog Freddy runs into the grass, and the family runs in after him, where Travis hears Tobin and looks for him. The family panics, with Ross stumbling across the rock and touching it. Becky and Cal re-enters the grass as Tobin states that Freddy died. Knowing the grass's trait, Travis, Becky and Cal move towards Tobin, and all four find each other. Travis tells Becky and Cal that they had been missing for two months. It is also revealed that Travis originally was not interested in being a father and asked Becky to abort their baby, which she refused. As a result, Becky and Cal were traveling to San Diego to meet a family interested in adopting her baby when it was born as she did not feel ready to be a single parent. Travis expresses regret at his actions and now wants to be part of his child and Becky's lives.

The group spots a building in the distance. Becky receives a phone call from someone warning them not to keep making the same "mistake." The grass seemingly enters Becky's uterus, and she passes out, only to be revived by Ross, who then reunites with Tobin and says he'll show them out. Ross leads them to the rock where they are confronted by Natalie, she warns them not to touch the rock. Then, she claims she saw Becky's corpse earlier. Natalie warns that Ross is dangerous, and the others decide to leave. Travis attacks Ross who then breaks his arm and crushes Natalie's head. Ross claims the rock showed him the truth and the way out, but he doesn't want to leave.

Becky, Cal, Travis, and Tobin reach the building, and while scouting, Travis and Cal discover that Freddy has managed to escape the field via a "hole" that leads to the road. Jealous Cal, implied to have incestuous feelings for Becky, lets go of Travis as he slips, causing him to fall off the roof. Tobin flees into the field when Ross follows them to the roof. The two follow Tobin, but Becky refuses to leave Travis and goes back as Cal flees, Cal is strangled to death by Ross. It is revealed they are in a time loop, with Cal permanently being hunted by an insane, possessed Ross in the grass. Travis survives and searches for Becky. Becky says the baby will be fostered.

Becky is attacked by Ross but escapes by stabbing him in the eye, and a thunderstorm begins. Becky is confronted by Grass Creatures, who carry her to the rock, which has prophetic marks relating to her pregnancy. Becky makes a phone call, pleading for her past self to prevent Cal from hurting Travis. As she screams in pain from contractions, the ground underneath the rock opens, revealing multiple roots that turn into humanoid figures reaching towards her. She passes out and wakes up to Cal who squeezes water into her mouth. He is holding her baby. She goes back to sleep and wakes up to Cal feeding her baby to her and telling her it is just grass and seeds. Becky realizes that "Cal" is Ross. Tobin finds Travis and tells him that Ross killed both the baby and Cal, and is going to keep killing them over and over. They are confronted by Ross, who mortally wounds Travis. As Ross attempts to force Tobin to touch the rock, Becky attacks him and scratches out his other eye, before dying from her wounds. Travis kills Ross. To understand, Travis touches the rock and sees strange visuals. He grabs Tobin's hand and guides him to an exit, instructing him to stop Becky and Cal from entering.

Tobin emerges across the road as Becky and Cal are about to enter the grass, convincing them to stay out by showing them Becky's necklace that Travis gave him, hence closing the loop. Becky decides to keep her baby as they drive back home. Travis listens to them leaving and dies.

Us (2019 film)

In 1986, a young girl named Adelaide—"Addy" for short—watches a commercial for Hands Across America. At night, at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, she wanders away from her parents and enters a funhouse, where she encounters a doppelgänger of herself in the house of mirrors.

Years later, an adult Adelaide goes on vacation with her husband, Gabriel "Gabe" Wilson, and their children Zora and Jason. She is apprehensive about the trip, haunted by memories of the encounter and her recovery, during which she stopped speaking and withdrew from her family. Despite her misgivings, the family meet with their friends Josh and Kitty Tyler and their twin daughters at the beach. On the way there, they witness paramedics taking away a body of an old man, blood on his chest. Jason later sees someone strangely similar to the old man, standing still with his arms outstretched and hands bloody.

That night, Adelaide tells Gabe about her childhood experience, but she is stopped by a family of four, dressed in red, who appear in the driveway of the home before breaking into the house. Cornering the Wilsons in their own living room, the family is revealed as their doppelgängers. They include Pluto (Jason's fire-loving, mouth-scarred double), Umbrae (Zora's sadistic double), Abraham (Gabe's animalistic double), and are led by Red (Adelaide's double), the only one who can speak, albeit in a guttural, raspy voice. Red explains that they are called "the Tethered” as they share a soul with their lookalike counterparts, and they have come to "untether" themselves. She tells them the story of a girl who lives a life of comfort and joy while her "shadow" remains in the dark, suffering while living a mirrored, painful version of the girl's life and hating the girl for it. The Wilsons are separated and terrorized by their demented doppelgängers. Adelaide is handcuffed and Jason discovers that Pluto mirrors his actions. After Gabriel finally kills Abraham, the family gets on their boat together to find help.

Meanwhile, the Tyler family is assaulted and murdered by their own doppelgängers at home. The Wilsons arrive and are assaulted as well, but they manage to eventually overpower and kill the Tylers' doubles. Realizing they are not the only people with doppelgängers, they turn on the news to see that the Tethered have been murdering their equivalents across the U.S., and after doing so, joining hands to form a massive human chain. The Wilsons decide to drive along the coast and escape to Mexico. While leaving, Umbrae attacks the car and Zora kills her by sending her flying into a tree where she is impaled on a tree branch.

Arriving at the boardwalk, the Wilsons find the townspeople already slaughtered. They also find the road blocked by a burning car. Jason, realizing it is a trap set by Pluto, orders everyone out of the car. Before Pluto can ignite the family's car, Jason backs away so that Pluto mirrors him and walks into the burning car. As Pluto dies, Red suddenly appears and snatches Jason. While Gabe recuperates from his wounds with Zora in an ambulance, Adelaide chases after Red to the funhouse where they first met. She finds a secret entrance that leads to an underground facility overrun by white rabbits, where she finds Red in a classroom.

Red tells Adelaide that "the Tethered" are actually genetic clones created by the government to control the originals on the surface. When the experiment failed, the Tethered were abandoned underground for generations, mindlessly mimicking the actions of their counterparts and surviving on rabbit meat. After they realized that Red was "different from the others,” she organized them to escape and take vengeance by murdering their counterparts. Red and Adelaide begin to "fight" in the form of ballet, with Red gracefully evading and countering all of Adelaide's increasingly unbalanced attacks. When Adelaide allows Red to attack, she impales Red with a fireplace poker, then strangles her to death and breaks her neck, before rescuing Jason from a locker. Jason also rescues one of the rabbits.

While Adelaide drives the family away in the ambulance, she thinks back to the terrifying night she first met Red in the hall of mirrors. It is revealed that the clone had choked Adelaide unconscious (damaging her larynx, making her voice raspy and guttural sounding), dragged her underground, handcuffed her there, and returned above ground to take Adelaide's place in her life, eventually learning to speak and adjusting as a human being; thus it is revealed that she is the Tethered clone and Red (who she just killed) was the real Adelaide.

Jason looks suspiciously at his mother, who merely gives him a sly smile. A final aerial shot shows that the Tethered have formed a human chain, replicating the Hands Across America demonstration, stretching across the United States as helicopters hover overhead.

The Photographer (1974 film)

The film begins with Adrian Wilde (Michael Callan) living his life as a photographer. Everything seems normal until he stumbles upon a dead body, and takes a picture of it. This sparks a dark deep fetish Wilde has had since he saw his first dead body washed up at the local watering hole he used to play around as a child. This leads Wilde to spiral into a murderous rampage to sustain his lust for the two things he loves most: murdering unsuspecting attractive women and photography. This leads to a cat and mouse chase between the police, Lt. Luther Jacoby (Harold J. Stone) and Sgt. Sid Collins (Edward Andrews). In the end, Wilde is finally caught as he is about to maim and consume his victim. The two officers are heralded as heroes.


The story revolves around Father Ramiro Ventura, a priest who seeks the help of the legendary demon hunter or "Diablero" Elvis Infante. With the help of Elvis's sister Keta and demon possessed Nancy Gama this unlikely team unleashes a series of events that could determine the fate of humanity.

Salient Minus Ten

The plot of ''Salient Minus Ten'' focuses on Adam Harper, who unexpectedly finds himself thrust into a brutal game of life and death.

Waterproof (film)

Tyree Battle (April Grace) is single mother, a cab driver, living in Washington, D.C. She's doing everything she can to keep body and soul together, primarily for the sake of her only son, 11-year-old Thaniel (Cordereau Dye). Thaniel is a good kid, but one night gets mixed-up with a group of older kids, who force Thaniel to rob a local deli/market—at gunpoint. In the process of the robbery, the store owner, Eli Zeal (Burt Reynolds) is shot in the arm. Searching the rainy night for her son, Tyree finds the situation just as it occurs. She determines that Zeal's wound is not fatal—and learns that Zeal is all alone with no living family. Tyree's concerns are to tend to Zeal's wounds and to keep her son out of the way of the police. She can't take Zeal to the hospital because gunshot wounds must be reported to the police. She tends to Zeal's wounds with antiseptic and gauze from a local mini-mart. Then, thinking one small step at a time, she decides to go to the only place she is sure will be safe: her old hometown. She drives all night to Waterproof, Louisiana, where her entire family—mother, two brothers, and 100-year-old grandfather—still live, and where Tyree has not been since she mysteriously ran away from home 15 years prior.

The next morning, Tyree, Thaniel, and an injured Zeal arrive into the Louisiana Delta town of Waterproof, a land of cotton fields—a virtual throwback to 100 years ago—and where they are enthusiastically greeted by Tyree's mother, Viola (Ja'Net DuBois). Tyree intends for her grandfather, Sugar (Whitman Mayo), to "heal" Zeal with his homemade remedies and for her mother to enroll Thaniel into a local school and keep him for a while.

Tyree is itching to leave as quickly as she arrived, but the painful and scarring reasons for leaving home fifteen years ago begin to emerge, affecting everyone in the family, including her two brothers, Brother Big (Anthony Lee) and Natty (Orlando Jones).

Back in D.C., the police have discovered Zeal's empty store, and are now on the trail of Thaniel and Tyree.

Still in Waterproof, Tyree's skeletons soon come out of the closet, all of which revolve around her once being in love with a young White boy, Chris Hardwick (Gil Johnson), and the damage that love inadvertently caused, from which Tyree could only run.

In the meantime, Zeal has found a kindred spirit in both Sugar and Viola, and even attends church with them. He begins to enjoy the very place Tyree wants to leave.

Eventually, with no changing the past, and encouraged by Zeal to come clean (Tyree has told Zeal the story of her past),Tyree reveals her past to her family and hopes for the forgiveness that perhaps only family can give.

In a post-credits scene, we learn that Eli has sold his store in Washington to live out the rest of his days in Waterproof.

Furlough (film)

A young woman works part time at a prison while also caring for her mother. The rookie guard gets a chance to prove her mettle when she's tasked with accompanying a hellraising inmate on an emergency furlough to visit her dying mother. But things soon spiral out of control, sending the pair on a surprisingly touching road trip.

Diablo Guardián

The story revolves around Violetta (Paulina Gaitán), a teenager from Mexico frustrated with her life. In a moment of desperation she steals $217,000 from her parents to get to New York, a city where she has always fantasized about starting a new life.

Melodies of a White Night

A Japanese pianist (Komaki Kurihara) travels to the Soviet Union to better understand the country's composers' production. She falls in love with Soviet composer Ilya (Yury Solomin), who has lost his parents in the Siege of Leningrad and also his wife during childbirth. The lovers enjoy Leningrad's white summer nights, and Ilya starts composing a piano concert inspired by Yuko. A couple of years later, they meet again in Japan in Kyoto, where Ilya is conducting his piano concert, and Yuko is the soloist. Ilya finds out that Yuko is a widow and starts to experience feelings of guilt.

Hare and Wolf

Hare and Wolf lives in the same village. So the series follows the comical adventures of Wolf, trying to catch - and presumably eat or even sell to China - Hare. It features additional characters that usually either help the hare or interfere with the Wolf's plans. * '''Episode 01''' (1992) : ''The head and the tails'' (Cái đầu cái đuôi) * '''Episode 02''' (1994) : ''The ears and the eyes'' (Cái tai cái mắt) * '''Episode 03''' (1995) : ''Travelling a day...'' (Đi một ngày đàng...) * '''Episode 04''' (2000) : ''Not to care a fig'' (Coi trời bằng vung)

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis

At the Hall of Justice, Justice League newcomer Jessica Cruz is busy examining for suspicious activity when the Trouble Alert goes off, alerting Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg about Lobo's attack on a warehouse at Dread Lake storing alien technology. When Aquaman receives word of this, he attempts to join in. He soon realizes that Dread Lake is in fact a dry lake bed, leaving Aquaman's abilities futile as he is repeatedly beaten by Lobo until the Justice League arrive. Although Lobo manages to escape with a glowing blue orb despite their efforts.

Wanting to lighten the mood, Aquaman invites the Justice League to a feast that Atlantis is hosting in honor of his anniversary as king. While attending the feast (using a spray Batman designed to help them breathe underwater), Aquaman's brother Ocean Master soon gathers the inhabitants of Atlantis where the entire city is engulfed in a bizarre red light which begins to corrupt and enrage them (a force field created by Cruz prevents the Justice League from its effects). With Atlantis under his influence, Ocean Master reveals an Atlantean scroll which reveals a law that only a pure-blood Atlantean can be king. Since Aquaman is half-human, he reluctantly gives up the crown to Ocean Master.

Now in control, Ocean Master introduces his corrupted subjects to his new adviser Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lantern Corps (who was responsible for corrupting the Atlanteans) and demands the destruction of the Justice League. Attempting to escape the corrupted Atlanteans, Aquaman and the Justice League use a device known as the Atlantean Gateway (which can open portals to other water-based worlds) to escape. However, Cruz fails to enter the portal before it closes.

The Justice League end up arriving on a desert world with a red sun (rendering Superman powerless) and find themselves in a factory of Red Lantern vehicles and robots. Noticing that this planet's end of the gateway is being powered by the orb Lobo stole, the Justice League realize that Atrocitus plans to send his forces to Earth and have the Atlanteans invade the surface world. After escaping the factory, the Justice League have Aquaman (who is naturally drawn to water due to his Atlantean physiology) lead them to water where they find it in a bar known as the Watering Hole and learn that water on this planet has become scarce and expensive on this planet ever since Atrocitus drained it dry. Fearing that Earth will suffer a similar fate, the Justice League become determined to return home. Encountering Lobo, they learn that he was hired to steal the orb by Ocean Master and request his assistance in exchange for returning his beloved dolphin Fishy (who was also corrupted by the Red Lanterns) to offer Lobo reluctantly accepts.

Back on Earth, Cruz is rescued by Mera who initially attempts to aid against the corrupted Atlanteans only to be corrupted herself. Escaping on a Red Lantern vehicle, Cruz makes it to a seaside fair where the Atlantean invasion begins. Cruz, Robin and Batgirl do their best to fend off the invading Atlanteans led by an enraged Mera. Upon realizing that the entire world is watching her on the news, Cruz flees from the battle, but works up the courage to return and fight back when she sees Mera attempting to corrupt Batgirl and Robin. Using her power ring, Cruz is able to defeat Mera and negate the effects of the Red Lantern light, returning Mera to her benevolent self.

Elsewhere, the Justice League attempt to return to Earth. They succeed in shutting down the Red Lantern's factory and the Gateway, but not before Fishy, Red Lantern Corps member Dex-Starr and a handful of Red Lantern drones make their way through it. Upset for their failure, Lobo storms off. The Justice League manage to use some reserve power and new vehicles to temporarily re-open the Gateway and return to Earth, but are defeated by Ocean Master and Atrocitus and locked in a gold cage.

At this moment, Atrocitus betrays Ocean Master and reveals his true intentions. Using a weapon known as the Submerged Limitless Underwater Rapid Pump (S.L.U.R.P.), Atrocitus plans to drain Earth's water supply and spray it into space until Earth is as dry as a desert. Seeing the error of his ways, Ocean Master helps the Justice League escape and uses his magic to protect them from the Red Lantern's light. Using the Trident of Poseidon (which can only be wielded by the rightful king of Atlantis), Aquaman is able to defeat Atrocitus and destroy the Red Lantern power battery (the source of his power), undoing the effects of its light. Surfacing, the Justice League, Batgirl, Robin and Mera attempt to destroy the S.L.U.R.P. but their efforts prove futile. Lobo (who has been reunited with Fishy) arrives to aid the Justice League. With Aquaman's advice to work together, the combined efforts of the Justice League and Lobo destroy the S.L.U.R.P. while Superman pushes the water that was already drained (which had frozen into a brick of ice) back into Earth's atmosphere where it melts into rain and is restored to Earth's oceans.

With Atlantis the peaceful and happy kingdom it once was once more, Ocean Master apologizes for his actions and even admits to falsifying the law which dethroned Aquaman in the first place. This, coupled with the fact that Aquaman was able to wield the Trident of Poseidon allow Aquaman to be rethroned as King of Atlantis. Atrocitus and Dex-Starr are handcuffed and acquired by Lobo who plans to head to Oa to collect the bounty placed on them. As he leaves with Fishy, Lobo states that when he returns he "might not be on his best behavior".

As the Justice League celebrate their victory, Cyborg receives word that Gorilla Grodd and his forces are attacking Kathmandu, forcing the Justice League into action.

The Prince and the Evening Star

Old King has a son Velen and three daughters. One day he leaves Velen to temporarily run the kingdom. One night, Velen wishes upon the Evening Star, hoping to find husbands for his three sisters, and Evening Star delivers her three brothers, Moonbeam, Sunbeam and Wind. Meanwhile, Velen falls in love with the Evening Star. King is dissatisfied with Velen's actions and wants Velen to bring his sisters back. They quarrel, and Velen leaves the castle on a quest to retrieve his sisters, as well as find the object of his affection, Evening Star. He has to face many dangers on his quest, including being endangered by the evil wizard Cloudbreaker (a personification of storm) who wants to marry Evening Star. Velen is helped by his brothers in law and defeats Cloudbreaker. He then returns home with Evening Star and his sisters, accompanied by their husbands. Velen is allowed to marry Evening Star.

Temple of Yog

In ''Temple of Yog'', the player acts as a deity that plays as sacrificial tributes from four guilds through a procedurally-generated labyrinth filled with dangerous enemies.


Act I

Kalyanavarman, the exiled prince of Magadha, is living in the hermitage of Jabali, near Lake Pampa in the Vindhyas. His loyal minister Mantragupta is living in disguise in Pataliputra, the capital of Magadha. Once, while sitting under an Ashoka tree near the temple of goddess Chandika, the prince recalls his childhood, and wonders if his memories are a dream or an illusion. Meanwhile, Kirtimati, the beautiful daughter of the Shurasena king Kirtisena, visits the temple. She rests under the same Ashoka tree, and is romantically attracted to Kalayanavarman.

Yogasiddhi, a nun and the guide of Kirtimati, informs her that her residence in the hermitage is ready. As the princess leaves, she glances at Kalyanavarman in a way that makes her passion for him evident. Meanwhile, Vaikhanasa, Kalyanavarman's jester (''vidushaka'') arrives, and informs him that Mantragupta's plan is going well. The prince describes princess Kirtimati to him, but the fool thinks of this encounter as the final disaster to strike the prince after the loss of the kingdom. Vaikhanasa sees what he thinks is a heap of rice, but turns out to be a broken pearl necklace dropped by the princess. At this time, the prince is called for his mid-day exercise.

Act II

Princess Kirtimati becomes infatuated with Kalyanavarman, and unable to sleep, paints his portrait. The prince also becomes lovesick, and starts neglecting his meals.

Yogasiddhi becomes concerned at the state of the princess. Meanwhile, she recalls her own past: she became a nun after her family suffered a disaster, and came to the Shurasena capital Mathura, where the Queen liked her and made her the caregiver of the princess. As Yogasiddhi thinks about her past, a hawk grabs the portrait of Kalyanavarman and drops it near her. Yogasiddhi recognizes Kalyanavarman, and recalls that she used to be his nurse when he was a young boy: she became a nun after his family lost the throne of Magadha. Yogasiddhi faints, and is revived by Kirtimati's confidante Nipunika. Yogasiddhi vows to unite the lovers, and writes a verse on the painting, declaring that Kirtimati is as worthy of Kalyanavarman, as Bandhumati of Shaunaka, and Kurangi of the Avimaraka (characters from well-known stories).

Meanwhile, Vaikhanasa comes to the residence of the princess, and returns the pearl necklace to Nipunika. Yogasiddhi recognizes him and gives him the portrait of Kalyanavarman.


The prince asks Vaikhanasa about Kirtimati's necklace. Vaikhanasa pretends to have lost it, and instead shows him the painting. The prince paints a portrait of Kirtimati beside his portrait, while Vaikhanasa tells him about Yogasiddhi, the writer of the verse, being his childhood nurse.

Act IV

In Pataliputra, Mantragupta's agents prepare for a coup against the usurper Chandasena, who is busy dealing with a diversion organized at the frontier by Mantragupta. (Mantragupta had instigated the Shabhara and the Pulinda tribes to rebel against Chandasena).

Kalyanavarman's loyalists plan to appoint him as the new king. The son of the chaplain of Kalyanavarman's father narrates how Chandasena usurped the power: An adopted son of Kalyanavarman's father Sundaravarman, he entered into a marriage alliance with Licchavis, the enemies of the Magadha dynasty. He subsequently attacked Magadha: in the ensuing conflict, Sundaravarman and several of his ministers were killed. Queen Madiravati, the mother of Kalyanavarman, suicide by self-immolation. Chandasena conquered the capital, and became the new ruler of Magadha. The orphaned prince Kalyanavarman escaped the capital with his nurse Vinayandhara and other loyalists, including the sons of the ministers.

Mantragupta describes the evening in Pataliputra, and at night, he receives the news that Kalayanavarman will arrive in the city in the morning. He sends the Chaplain's son to Mathura to arrange Kirtimati's marriage to the prince, as a surprise gift for the prince at his coronation. A voice then proclaims the arrival of the prince, and the coup starts at the daybreak.

Act V

The audience learn that Kalyanavarman has conquered the kingdom, Chandasena has been killed, and the celebrations are being organized. A gambler returning from Mathura states that Kirtisena is sending Kirtimati to Pataliputra. Meanwhile, Kalyanavarman longs for Kirtimati, not realizing that she is already in Pataliputra, where Yogasiddhi has hidden in the grove of the Suganga palace.

Kirtisena's chaplain enters the court, and announces that Kirtisena has offered to marry Kirtimati to Kalyanavarman. He presents the pearl necklace (mentioned in Act I) to Kalyanavarman, and narrates the story of its origin as follows: the necklace was made from the temples of an elephant killed by Arjuna during the Bharata battle. Arjuna appointed at Vrishni prince as the king of Shurasena, and gave the necklace to him. The necklace was inherited by the present-day royals of Mathura. Kalyanavarman wears the necklace and visits the grove, where Nipunika brings Kirtimati to him.

The drama is said to have been staged on the occasion of coronation of Kalyanavarman, on a full-moon day, resulting in the name of the play ("Full-Moon Festival").

Unspeakable (2002 film)

A scientist (Meyer) uses technology to peer into the minds of death row inmates. After selecting one sociopath, a serial killer (Grover), she learns of his extrasensory abilities and much more.

The Shore of Salvation

The events unfold on the cruiser "Svetlana", one of the Russian ships that participated in the fighting of the Russo-Japanese war. The cruiser is attacked. After the fire is over, the crew decides to flood the ship so that it does not get to the enemy. Only five sailors can survive. They arrive on Korean land and are sent to the Russian territory, on the way they face various dangers.

The Welldeserved Fox

Film based on poem ''The fox and the hive'' (Con cáo và tổ ong) by Hồ Chí Minh.

In the forest lived Bear and Chicken farming. Once, Chicken was enticed by Fox's cries pretending to be a Rabbit to play with Chicken. The Fox tries to eat the Chicken, but the Chicken luckily escapes to a nearby tree. The Bear thought the Chicken dead, eaten by the Fox, and mourns the loss of Chicken with the Bees.

Bear inadvertently sets a trap for the Fox, which was successful, and the Bees manage to chase and apprehend the Fox. Then, Bear and Bees discover that Chicken is still alive. They rejoice together in the end: the Chicken is watering the Flower, the Bear is tending the Flower, whilst the Bees draw pollen from the Flower, all working together in harmony.

Manifest (TV series)

While traveling from Jamaica to New York City, Montego Air Flight 828 experiences a brief period of severe turbulence. When they land at Stewart International Airport in Newburgh, New York, the plane's 191 passengers and crew learn from NSA deputy director Robert Vance that over five and a half years have passed while they were in the air, during which time they were presumed dead. As they rejoin society, the passengers begin to face the fact that their lives—and loved ones—are not the same as they were, while they also begin to experience guiding voices and visions representing events yet to occur, referred to as 'callings.'

Wolf in the Snow

In this nearly wordless picture book a girl and a wolf each get lost in a snowstorm. The two meet as the storm ends and the girl picks up the wolf and follows the sounds of wolves she hears, encountering some dangers along the way. After returning the wolf to its mother the girl gets lost and falls. The wolves howl to let one of the girl's searching parents know where to find her. The words that are present reflect the sounds and actions of the story.

Steel Sharks

A news report announces a revolution has overthrown the Iranian government. This coincides with the disappearance of an American UN chemical weapons inspector, Dr. John Van Tasset (Barry Livingston), in Iraq. The US is determined to stage a rescue, fearing that he will be used to develop weapons for the new Iranian government. A Navy SEAL team is recruited for the mission, but is down a member due to illness. The replacement, Bob Rodgers, (Billy Warlock), is a young SEAL fresh out of school. The SEAL team is flown out to an aircraft carrier group in the Persian Gulf, where they meet Rear Admiral Jim Perry (Billy Dee Williams), who commands the fleet and the rescue mission, and will be dispatched from a submarine to rescue the scientist from where he is being held in Iran.

Upon arrival at the submarine, Cmdr. Bill McKay (Gary Busey) is introduced and the SEALs are quickly sent off to rescue Dr. Tasset. They stalk quietly through the Iranian compound killing everyone they meet. After rescuing Dr. Tasset from an interrogation, they try to sneak back to the US submarine but are discovered by a group of soldiers that alert the entire base. They get into a gun battle where one of the members of the team is killed and the others are ultimately captured. They are taken to a new secret Iranian submarine for safe keeping.

On board the Iranian submarine, the leader of the SEAL team is taken to Captain Reza Lashgar (Shaun Toub) who shoots him despite the protests of others on the crew. The sonar technician aboard the US submarine detects the sound of gunshots and McKay begins to follow the Iranian submarine. Simultaneously, the SEAL Team realizes they have to escape to survive and plan an ambush of the guards, which works flawlessly. They split up, one group to head straight to the escape hatch and the other to communicate their escape to the US submarine. Through this electronic communication, McKay is aware that the SEALs have escaped and begins to hunt the Iranian submarine to buy time. They are engaged multiple times by the submarine, but expertly evade their torpedoes. With the help of Bob Rodgers' lucky coin , both groups of SEALs are able to reach the escape hatch and leave the submarine. McKay deftly leads the Iranian submarine down a narrow canyon, resulting in the submarine striking the canyon wall with a torpedo and being sunk by the falling debris. Enraged, Captain Lashgar blows the ballast and the Iranian submarine rises for one last attack. Knowing the SEALs are safe, McKay torpedoes and destroys the Iranian submarine.

A Perfect Day (2006 film)

Rob is a man who lives a miserable life made of sacrifices with his family. The turning point comes when he finally decides to publish a book inspired by the moving experience of his father-in-law's death. At first his book will not get great fame but later Rob will find himself having to travel around the world submerged by important conferences and meetings with curious readers and authors. This unfortunately will lead him to put his loved ones in the background and to separate from his wife. To bring him back down to earth will be an elderly gentleman who will point out to him what he is losing, foreseeing his near death. Therefore, he will no longer be able to reconcile with his family if he does not put his interests aside. This man looks like an angel sent by God to get Rob back on the right path. Later it will be discovered that the alleged angel is in truth an ordinary mortal, but a very important element for the story, without which the protagonist would no longer be able to get close to his loved ones. The film ends with a pleasant happy ending: Rob hugs his wife and beloved daughter again, after asking for forgiveness from his abandoned father for years.

End of Sentence

Frank Fogle, a widower, reluctantly embarks on a journey to honour his wife's last wish of spreading her ashes in a remote lake in her native Ireland and a promise of taking his estranged son, Sean, along for the trip. As Sean steps out of prison the last thing on his mind is a foreign road trip with his alienated father. What he needs is a fresh start in the United States. But when his travel plans collapse he reluctantly accepts his father's proposal in return for a ticket to the West Coast and a promise that they never have to see each other again. Between a disconcerting Irish wake, the surfacing of an old flame, the pick up of a pretty hitchhiker and plenty of unresolved issues, the journey becomes a little more than father and son had bargained for.

Rel (TV series)

The series centers on Rel, a nurse living on the West Side of Chicago, whose life is soon disrupted when his wife is having an affair with his own barber and divorces him.

Criminal Lawyer (1951 film)

A drunken attorney tries to sober up in order to defend a friend in murder case.

The Tall Stranger (film)

A Union soldier return to his western home at the end of the Civil War and finds himself caught in the middle of a land war between his greedy half-brother and a wagon train of Confederate homesteaders.

The Ultimate Life

3 years after the events of, ''The Ultimate Gift'', Jason Stevens (Logan Bartholomew) is running the Stevens Foundation after inheriting the trust of his grandfather, Red Stevens. Planning to propose to Alexia (Ali Hills), Jason is interrupted by a notice of a lawsuit by his aunts and uncles members vying for control of the foundation (and thus the inheritance left by Red). So focused on fighting the lawsuit and the continued pursuit of his wealth, Jason does not have time to listen to Alexia's announcement that she has decided to become a disaster nurse in Haiti for six months. Alexia leaves a note with Jason who reads the news of Alexia's departure with shock. Going to his grandfather's friend and lawyer, Mr. Hamilton (Bill Cobbs) for advice, Mr. Hamilton reveals that his grandfather had written a personal journal that he encourages Jason to read for advice.

The rest of the film is a frame story covering the life of Red Stevens and his pursuit of his wealth.

The Rachel Divide

The documentary explores what led up to Dolezal's fall from being a respected university instructor and activist, the circumstances surrounding it, and the aftermath of the scandal.

The film states that Joshua Dolezal was accused by his sister and another of the Dolezal siblings of sexual abuse when they were younger. The film further delves into Dolezal's upbringing by parents whom she claims were psychologically abusive and whom her sister Esther says were physically abusive. Esther is shown on camera as having a scar on her thigh that she says is the result of a beating from her parents with a glue gun stick. Esther also says while visiting South Africa they beat her with a baboon whip. Rachel Dolezal claims in on-camera interviews that her parents neglected to educate their adopted children about their racial heritage and this is what led her to researching black history and doing so in their stead. She implies that this research into another culture led to her ultimate transition to appropriating black culture, heritage and becoming, in her words, "transracial".

The film also follows Dolezal and her two children, her biological son Franklin and her adopted son Izaiah (Izaiah was originally her adopted brother) and includes her pregnancy and early months in the life of her youngest son Langston, named after Langston Hughes. During the documentary, she is seen talking more than once about how she is forced to stay at home due to constant berating by the public.

Harvest (The Americans)

Philip tells Stan that he has to go to Houston to help Elizabeth with a client and asks Stan to look after Henry and to take Henry to meet his ride back to school. Before Philip leaves, Stan notes Philip and Elizabeth's stress and the odd hours they keep as travel agents. Philip tells Stan that the travel agency is failing.

Philip arrives in Chicago, where Elizabeth is surprised but happy to see him. While Stan drives Henry to meet his ride to school, Henry says that he has never met any member of either parent's family, not even Elizabeth's "Aunt Helen", although Paige has. Philip and Elizabeth walk through the plan to extricate "Harvest" from CIA surveillance, which has a window for success that may be as little as 30 seconds. Philip and Norm hire five day laborers. In a precise operation, Philip drives a shuttle bus while a second truck blocks the FBI's view of "Harvest". One of the day laborers replaces "Harvest" as driver of his car, while "Harvest" boards the shuttle with Philip and Elizabeth. They then turn and transfer from the bus to an escape van driven by Marilyn. However, before they fully leave the area, the FBI discovers the switch, and two FBI agents block the road. When Marilyn tries to drive through, they fire and fatally wound Marilyn, but both are killed by return fire from a seriously wounded "Harvest", who escapes with Phillip and Elizabeth. "Harvest" tells Philip that the Altheon sensor schematic is in France, then he swallows his cyanide capsule. While switching cars again, Philip uses an axe to remove Marilyn's head and hands to prevent her identification, and Elizabeth puts them in a bag and throws it into a nearby river. On the plane back to DC, Elizabeth draws sketches for homework assigned by Erica.

Remembering William's description of a spy couple with two kids, Stan breaks into the Jennings' house and thoroughly searches the house, basement, and garage during their absence but finds nothing. At the FBI, Dennis is crushed by the two agents' deaths in Chicago and the loss of "Harvest", while Stan asks about sketches of others from this escape and reviews the files from a prior case with a similar escape and the sketches from another similar escape. Elizabeth reminds Philip that the summit starts in a week. Erica continues working with "Stephanie" on how to create art. After "Stephanie's" shift, Elizabeth visits Philip at the travel agency and learns about the layoffs there. Elizabeth then visits Paige at school and tells Paige about Marilyn's death. Paige says that she does not have any friends and wants to continue as a Soviet agent; Elizabeth then says that it is now time for Paige to apply for an internship with the State Department. At home, Philip remembers his wedding to Elizabeth three years previously.

Preso No. 1

Carmelo Alvarado (Erik Hayser) is 45 years old. He was born in a rural family in northern Mexico. Amancio Alvarado, Carmelo's father, came from a humble family in the state of Chiapas. When Amancio’s mother died, he went looking for her, not knowing that he would be caught in the middle of the Zapatista Conflict, in which he would die. Carmelo saw his father’s picture in a newspaper and decided to go look for his body. He was then 20 years old and never found his father.

This is how Carmelo’s journey started, the rural young man who came to work on television and who thanks to his character and intelligence, became a leader, and later, the independent candidate for the presidency. And although he neither looked for it nor wanted it, he got it. Carmelo assumed the presidency with two groups pressuring him: the Grupo Impala (wealthy men, real owners of the country), and the narcos. As president, Carmelo was toughening his speech with the simple goal of being useful in "a splendid country that could provide to all, what it denies to almost everyone."

A millionaire fraud was disclosed by Pía Bolaños (Mariana Seoane)—a journalist with many followers but low moral values—who was responsible for publishing all the false story, shaking the government and leading the Prosecutor to bring a formal accusation against the President of the Republic. The complaints were adding up, all of them prefabricated in a scenario that allowed them to be credible, to grow and multiply. This led to the arrest and imprisonment of the president. But the arrest and imprisonment of Carmelo achieved much more in society than his alleged corruption. The people reacted angrily in defense of their president, now imprisoned. With this, Carmelo became more dangerous to his enemies. Carmelo now must fight for his life, his freedom and take revenge against those who conspire to destroy him.

Betty en NY

The series revolves around Beatriz Aurora Rincón Lozano, an intelligent and capable young Mexican woman who lives in New York City who goes after her dreams, overcoming prejudices in a world where image is everything. After suffering six months of rejection in all jobs that she applies due to her lack of physical attractiveness, Betty decides to accept a job far below her abilities. Thus, after entering the sophisticated fashion company V&M Fashion, she becomes the personal secretary of the company president. Although she is ridiculed and humiliated on a daily basis for being completely lacking in style, Betty is more than willing to not be defeated in this ruthless war of appearances. While she is extremely competent and has great plans for personal growth, none of her many qualities will be able to help Betty find true love.

The Monster of "Partridge Creek"

Banker James Lewis Buttler and miner Tom Leemore tell Dupuy that they were hunting moose near Clear Creek when the animals they were hunting began running away in fright. The men said they followed tracks, which they interpreted as being made by a large animal, into a deep rocky gorge. Dupuy agrees to join the men, along with French missionary Father Pierre Lavagneux and five unnamed First Nations individuals, to search for the reported animal. The group establishes a camp site overlooking a ravine near Partridge Creek where, for 10 minutes, they observe a creature described as 30 feet long with a hairy body. In the French language version of the story, upon seeing it, a frightened Lavagneux exclaimed, "A ''Ceratosaurus''. It is the ''Ceratosaurus'' of the Arctic Circle".

Dupuy's story describes how he and Buttler were "the laughing stock of Golden City" for a month after they reported an encounter with a dinosaur, and that the ''Dawson Daily Nugget'' wrote a satirical article comparing him to Edgar Allan Poe. Dupuy's story includes a letter he allegedly later received from Lavagneux in which the missionary claimed to have spotted the creature again in the same area on December 24, 1907, carrying a dead caribou in its jaws and leaving tracks identical to previous ones.

Falsa identidad

Season 1 (2018–19)

Isabel (Camila Sodi) and Diego (Luis Ernesto Franco) are two strangers who must flee from their past to escape their enemies. Diego left his family after his father died and his mother remarried. In an act of rebellion, and to punish what he considers a betrayal of his father's memory, Diego gets involved in a criminal world, selling fuel to Sonora's most powerful drug dealer, Gavino Gaona (Sergio Goyri). Things got complicated when Diego, being the boyfriend of Gavino's daughter, also ends up having an affair with his wife, thus putting a price on his head.

For her part, Isabel marries Porfirio "El Corona" (Marcus Ornellas) at the age of fifteen years old. He was a member of a norteña music group, whose career was just beginning to take off. Over the years, El Corona's career dies, and he becomes a bitter and neurotic jealous man, who physically abuses Isabel for any excuse. Isabel endures the abuse thinking it is best for the children and to keep the family united until one day the violence of El Corona reaches her children: Amanda (Barbie Casillas) and Ricardo (Checo Perezcuadra).

Isabel escapes from her husband's house with her children, and finds refuge in Zoraida (Marcela Manriquez), a maid that works for Eliseo Hidalgo (Manuel Balbi), the mayor of Álamos, Sonora. Diego, who is the mayor's brother, also hides from the narco in the same house. It is there that their paths cross for the first time, and permanently. Eliseo devises a plan to hide Diego outside of Sonora, taking the identity of an American tourist who has just died in Sonora with his wife and son. To complete the farce, Isabel must pretend to be Diego's wife and have Ricardo act as their child.

Although this decision is the opportunity that Isabel was looking for to escape from El Corona, it also means leaving her oldest daughter behind, and trusting a man she has just met. Isabel and Diego begin their new life in Mexico City, at first they are complete opposites, but they learn to trust in each other. El Corona and the narcos do not take long to go after them, the past always finds them. But in the middle of persecution, Isabel and Diego discover a passion and chemistry that they had never experienced before, and there is only one step from here to real love.

Segundo Sol

Set in Salvador in 1999, in the historic district of Santo Antonio, lives the Falcão family. Beto, one of the four sons of Dodô and Nana, made his fame as a singer of axé, but for about three years he has experienced the bitter taste of ostracism. The family earns their livelihood from the crab bar in the same house where they live, but runs the risk of losing their home because of the mismanagement of Beto's career by his manager and brother Remy, the "black sheep" son. To help pay part of the debt, Beto agrees to perform in Aracaju, when the plane he had planned to take crashes at sea and he is presumed dead. Due to the unexpected nationwide commotion, the singer is convinced by Remy and his girlfriend Karola — with whom his relationship is very shaken — to continue passing off as a deceased man by staying in the fictional island of Boiporã. It is at this moment the troubled Beto meets Luzia (Giovanna Antonelli), a fishwife, abandoned by her husband, fending alone for her young children. The two fall in love and soon make plans for marriage, without her knowing the true identity of Beto, who presents himself as Miguel. Hostage of a large plot orchestrated by Karola and Laureta (Adriana Esteves), the couple ends up separated. They find her ex-husband and he tries to kill Beto but Luzia ends up killing him. Luzia, now a fugitive, flees to Iceland, with the help of Goa (André Dias) where she becomes famous as DJ Ariela.

Second phase

After nearly 20 years, Luzia returns to try to reunite her shattered family, without imagining that Miguel, her great love that she could not forget, is the famous singer Beto Falcão. Along with his family, Beto maintains to this day the farce of his death and is unhappy with the course that life has taken. He also keeps his love for Luzia alive and goes crazy when he discovers that the fishmonger, now a successful DJ, is in Salvador and will do everything to find her and rekindle their past romances.

God Friended Me

The series chronicles the life of Miles Finer (Hall), an outspoken atheist and podcaster, who is sent a friend request on Facebook by an account named "God". This account suggests new friends to Miles, people in his hometown of New York City, who will require assistance. Initially skeptical, Miles decides to follow these suggestions to help people. His first suggestion is a doctor who lost a patient and is on the verge of losing his girlfriend. While following up on his second suggestion, he meets and befriends Cara (Beane), a struggling magazine writer. Together with Cara and his hacker friend Rakesh (Sharma), Miles tries to find out who is behind the "God" account while still providing help to the account's continuing friend suggestions. Miles' atheist views sometimes cause friction with his father (Morton), who is the pastor of an Episcopal church in Harlem.

Tough as They Come

Tommy works for an unethical finance company that charges borrowers extremely high interest that is difficult to pay back. As a result, the company repossesses items such as radios, furniture and cars from their debtors. Tommy believes that the company's practices are unfair and collects evidence to bring to the district attorney's office.

The Crossroads of New York

As described in a film magazine, vamp Grace St. Clair (Terry) is willing to accept large checks from millionaire James Flint (Beery) but does not care for his caresses. James' nephew Michael (O'Hara) from the country arrives, fondly expecting to live in luxury at his uncle's home in the city, but he is quickly disillusioned. His uncle gratifies his wish to wear a uniform, but it is of the White Wings street cleaners. Michael goes to live in a cheap boardinghouse where the landlady (Farley) makes violent love to him, and he discovers that he is somehow engaged to her. Her lover Star Boarder (Gribbon), who acts the yokel, cannot move her heart, even when he sings "You Made Me What I am Today." Michael is called upon to save the lovely heiress Ruth Anthony (McGuire) on two occasions, and Star the humble suitor convinces the boardinghouse lady that the young man is not true and gets her heart on the rebound. Lady Luck apparently discovers Michael, and his uncle James goes to Alaska, falls down a cliff, and is reported as being dead, leaving Michael the house and his millions. Michael now feels that he can tell Ruth of his love, for she has dismissed her fiance Garrett Chesterfield (Cain). Because the uncle can no longer supply the needed funds for her needs, Grace makes a play for Michael. Michael finds himself the subject of a breach of promise lawsuit with Grace telling the most amazing story of his violent courtship of her. Then Ruth's father John D. Anthony (Standing) is held prisoner by her rejected suitor Garrett, and Michael comes to the rescue. In the end the villains of the story get their just deserts in a most approved fashion, and the young pair Michael and Ruth are reunited.

Family First (film)

In Verdun, Quebec, Dany runs an illegal drug cartel. His nephews, JP and the younger Vincent, who's 19, work in deliveries and "collections". JP and Vincent travel through Verdun to a Chinese restaurant possessing drugs on Dany's territory, harass the staff and empty the tills; they also intimidate others to coerce them to stop selling on the family territory. JP is dating Mel, who is alarmed about Vincent's erratic behavior, and she suggests to JP that Vincent needs help. Mel sleeps with JP at JP and Vincent's residence, where they live with their mother Joe; however, Mel tries to persuade JP to move in with her. Vincent frequently sleeps in his mother's bed.

Dany tells JP that he wants a woman, Chantal, killed. JP resists, but Dany harangues him for telling him how to run his business. Dany also warns JP that if JP does not take the job, he will enlist Vincent to do it. JP also becomes aware Dany has been sending a large number of text messages to Mel; Dany tells her via text that JP is a "fag" and she should leave him. JP and Dany break into Chantal's residence, but JP finds Chantal's children are present, and he pulls out with Vincent, leaving Chantal alive. Outside, JP tells Vincent their situation is spiraling out of control and that they should leave the cartel. Vincent disagrees, saying this is what they share. At the dinner table, Vincent also accuses Mel of wanting to leave them, and warns her not to take JP with her. Vincent says he is marries to his family, JP and Joe.

Dany is enraged that JP has failed to kill Chantal, and gives the job to Vincent. JP attempts to warn Chantal. Vincent attempts to ambush Chantal with a gun, but Chantal is accompanied by a man who is also armed. The man intimidates Vincent, forcing him to drop his gun. Dany visits Joe's residence to express his anger, but when he leaves he is gunned down.


In a modern and civilized world populated by anthropomorphic animals, there is a cultural divide between the herbivorous animals and the carnivorous animals. Legoshi, a large gray wolf, is a timid and quiet student of Cherryton Academy where he lives in a dorm with several other carnivorous students including his outgoing Labrador friend, Jack. As a member of the school's drama club, Legoshi works as a stagehand and supports the actors of the club headed by the star pupil Louis, a red deer.

Out of nowhere, Tem the alpaca is brutally murdered and devoured in the night, setting off a wave of unease and distrust between the herbivore and carnivore students. At the same time, Legoshi has a fateful encounter with Haru, a dwarf rabbit who has been in love with Louis, and begins developing complex feelings for her.

Homecoming (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

The "O" in the series' fonts creates a portal. The Seattle scenery is not featured.

Event chronology

The past and present Wish Realm events occurs after the events of "Wish You Were Here" and "Tougher Than the Rest". The Seattle events occur after "Is This Henry Mills?"

In the characters' past

During the early days of his travels through the realms, Henry comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress, but another prince arrives to save the day. Despite being disappointed, Henry lets things go, content to keep trying to find his story. The Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin appears ready to give him a deal, but Henry turns him down, vowing never to make any deals.

Present day

With the curse destroyed, everyone is celebrating a new beginning. When Henry brings up Facilier to Regina, he started to wonder about him. At another part of town, Hook and Alice have a conversation but from afar. When Regina showed up at Facilier's office, she finds Weaver tied up and released him and warned her about the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin.

Speaking of the Alternate Dark One, he surprised Henry at his apartment just as Henry, Ella, and Lucy were celebrating their reunion. When they blew out the candles on the cupcakes, Henry discovers Ella and Lucy gone. Rumpelstiltskin sent them away and is using them as bargaining chips by forcing Henry into attaining The Dagger, despite Henry's refusal to make deals. Henry later informed Regina, Hook, and Weaver about what happened. So the foursome, with the use of Hook's magic hook, create a portal that brings them to the Wish Realm.

In the Wish Realm

When Henry, Regina, Hook, and Weaver enter the Wish Realm, the portal splits the quartet up. Henry and Regina end up in Rumpelstiltskin's castle and run into Peter Pan, who is being held in a gallow and warns the two about Rumpelstiltskin. They also run into another prisoner, a Wish Realm version of Cruella De Vil. After dealing with her, the two find Ella and Lucy trapped in a snow globe and discover that The Dark Rumpelstiltskin is the only one who can release them but because Henry brought along others he fills the snow globe with real snow and increases the temperatures to freeze them.

In the forest, Weaver and Hook end up at the home of the original Rumpelstiltskin before he became a Dark One. Weaver believes it was there to torture his past. The two arrive at a cavernous location and encounter the Wish Realm Ariel, who is ready to bring them to the Castle.

When Weaver rejoins Henry and Regina at the castle, Weaver and Regina suggest that Henry stay and help save his family despite Henry being reluctant. Weaver then returns to the farm and confronts the alter ego, but this time he is ready by tricking him by giving him the Dagger. As the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin takes possession, he is frozen by squid ink and Weaver is about to kill him. Regina interrupts his attempt, allowing the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin to free himself of the ink, then reminds Weaver of the previous encounter with the Seer, who told him that Henry would be his undoing, as he wanted to use Henry for different reasons altogether.

Henry finds a quill and finds a way to use it, but knocks Hook out. He seeks out the Wish Realm Apprentice, who is now blind. He reminds Henry of the responsibility that came with being the Author, and the quill appears in his hand. When Henry returns to the castle, he uses the quill to suck the ink out of Cruella, but before he can write in the book, the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin takes the quill and book away from him and surprises Henry with a new ally: Sir Henry from the Wish Realm, who unlike his counterpart did make a deal with the Alternate Dark One. It appears that the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin wants Sir Henry to use the ink and the book to rewrite the story to give the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin the power he craves, and to keep the Guardian from taking possession of the Dagger. With the stroke of a pen, and despite pleas from the Adult Henry that what he is doing is making a serious mistake, Sir Henry alters the course in the book and made Adult Henry, Hook, and Weaver disappear, joining Ella and Lucy as prisoners inside the snow globe. Regina is spared because Sir Henry got something in exchange for the deal, which is to seek revenge on Regina for killing his grandparents during the previous encounter when Regina rescued Emma from the Wish Realm (still thinking "his mother" is being kept from him by Regina).

In Seattle

In between the events, Tiana is trying to adjust to being Sabine while remembering her previous life as a queen, but Naveen assured her that she still has a responsibility to do what is right for her people in this realm. At Roni's, Tilly begins to feel pain and senses something is wrong, and she tells Margot that they should help the others in the Wish Realm. They turn to Sabine for advice, who gathers the residents by the food truck to find something that will guide Margot and Tilly to the Wish Realm. After a little hesitation and Naveen getting their attention, a resident came forward and gives them a magic bean that he had harvested, which Tilly and Margot use to create a portal. Sabine decides to stay behind and guide the neighborhood's residents. As they entered the portal in the food truck, Margot tells Tilly that she knows where to find help, which is in Storybrooke.

Brothers' Nest

One cold morning in Victoria, brothers Terry and Jeff arrive at the family home with plans to kill their stepfather, Rodger, who married into the family after the suicide of their biological father. Their motive is to get their dying mother to change her will and testament, as well as to take revenge on Rodger for being an irresponsible parent. Rodger is expected to return home at night to sell the family's horse. Jeff has carefully planned out the murder, intending to electrocute Rodger by killing him with a live radio thrown into a bathtub filled with water. In anticipation of their stepfather Rodger's arrival, Jeff prepares a to-do list, including cleaning the house of evidence, setting up an alibi of the brothers spending the weekend in Sydney, and rehearsing the murder. Terry reluctantly follows instructions, despite expressing fear and doubt towards his brother's intricate planning.

During the preparations, Terry has second thoughts about the crime, but Jeff is determined to carry through, leading to constant bickering. This ultimately results in Terry discovering that Jeff is in fact unemployed, and may be simply planning the murder as a means to obtain the family home to escape bankruptcy. Their argument is cut short by the unexpected early arrival of Rodger, and Terry is forced to make conversation in order to stall for time. Rodger reveals that the reason he was so distant in the boys' childhoods was because Jeff was deeply traumatised by their father's suicide, and thought it would be best to give them some space. However, he eventually remembers the brothers' Sydney alibi, and Jeff is forced to reveal himself and ties Rodger up before throwing him into the bathtub. Terry, now regretting the plan, attempts to untie Rodger as Jeff leaves to fetch the radio, but he's unable to free him in time before Jeff throws the radio into the bath, killing Rodger.

The brothers start to clean up the scene, but their mother, whom they thought was in hospital, had returned home with Rodger. She becomes impatient of waiting in the car, and enters the house to search for Rodger. Instead, she finds him dead in the bathtub, and grieves over his body while Terry and Jeff discuss their next move. Jeff suggests killing their mother too, which Terry vehemently rejects. As they argue, their mother approaches them and, seeing a pistol in Jeff's hands, taunts Jeff by insulting him and his biological father. Jeff shoots her to the horror of Terry. Terry runs out of the house, while Jeff remains inside and sets up the crime scene to frame Terry. Then, he follows Terry outside, and attempts to shoot Terry with the pistol. However, the gun clicks empty, and Terry reveals that he had removed the remaining bullets from the magazine, and was holding them in his hand. He scatters the ammunition on the floor and punches Jeff. Jeff starts to pick up the bullets to reload the gun, but Terry breaks his arm before he can do so. Jeff then runs away while continuing to reload, but Terry catches up and wrestles the pistol off him just as he finishes, causing the shots to go wide. Terry enters the house to retrieve a knife, and Jeff uses this opportunity to lock himself in Rodger's car, but is forced to come out after Terry lights the petrol tank on fire. Defeated, Jeff is forced to kill himself with the knife Terry hands him.

Another car, the buyer for the horse, pulls up to the house. Terry calmly makes conversation about the horse, seemingly oblivious of the carnage behind him as she surveys the scene in horror. As Terry leaves to fetch the horse, she calls the police, but is informed that there has already been a call. Terry returns with the horse just as police sirens can be heard in the distance. She asks him what happened here, to which Terry replies 'just some family stuff'.

Martín, el hombre y la leyenda

The series delves into the known and unknown details of the life of the boxer Martín Vargas, who disputed four times the world title of El Peso de Mosca between 1977 and 1980, and enjoyed a fame rarely seen in the country, from his humble beginnings in Osorno until his rise to fame. In addition, his intimate and complex relationship with his wife Mireya Inostroza, his famous battles for the world title that paralyzed the entire country in the midst of the Military dictatorship of Chile (1973–1990), the difficult relationship with his manager Lucio Hernández, his outright fall and his subsequent redemption will be shown. in the 90's.


'' '' focuses on the early life of its protagonist.

The Pontiac Bandit Returns

Posing as a Santa, Jake (Andy Samberg) manages to catch Doug Judy (Craig Robinson) with the help of Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz). However, Doug Judy seeks special treatment as he possesses information regarding the ringleader behind the Giggle Pig ring, Tito Ruiz. Despite Jake's skepticism, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Rosa accept his offer.

Judy demands special treatment such as getting an expensive hotel room, meal, and Rosa being nice to him. Jake becomes paranoid at every opportunity, sensing Judy could escape but Judy shrugs it off. Jake, Rosa and Judy arrive at Tito's sting, where they prove their loyalty by having Jake break into a car. After meeting Tito, they raid the sting with operatives. Jake catches Judy before escaping but is forced to let him go when Tito is fleeing. Jake catches Tito, but Judy escapes. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) shows Gina (Chelsea Peretti) a Christmas gift that his father intended for her mother. They open the gift and find it to be a digital scale. Later, while dining with their parents, they find out their parents are planning to move together. Afterward, Boyle and Gina decide to work to dismantle their relationship.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) invites everyone to a Christmas celebration but maintains a strict "no gift" policy. Nevertheless, Amy (Melissa Fumero) designs a collage about Holt's cases and accomplishments. However, while investigating, she finds out that one of his cases involving an arsonist may end up as a mistake as the arsonist could be innocent. Still, Amy reports the mistake to Holt. Holt then explains to her that he does not accept gifts because he does not like bootlickers and asks her to help him investigate the case.

The Road Trip (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) assigns Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) on a work trip to deal with a criminal. Holt also asks Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) for help to learn how to cook a breakfast for his and Kevin's anniversary. Seeing how he doesn't learn the lesson, Holt storms out of his classes.

Seeing they'll stay at a bed and breakfast, Jake decides to invite Sophia (Eva Longoria) for a romantic weekend. As a gesture, he also invites Teddy (Kyle Bornheimer) for the weekend. However, he is scolded by Amy, as she was about to break up with Teddy. Jake and Sophia decide to help her control her emotions during dinner. However, Teddy's behavior does not change, leading Amy to break up with him. Teddy suspects that the break-up has to do with Jake and Amy's feelings for one another. This also upsets Sophia, who storms out. Jake manages to make up with Sophia.

Meanwhile, Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) notice that Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) has a cold and suggest she should go home, to no avail. Later, when she coughs in front of a perp, Gina locks her down for the rest of the day. The following morning, she awakes, healthy. Holt apologizes to Boyle for his behavior but reveals that he read Boyle's cooking blog and managed to make the meal he and Kevin ate on their first anniversary.

Stakeout (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

After Holt (Andre Braugher), Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) are honored by Deputy Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick), the precinct is informed about a possible lead into Alexei Bisko (Dimiter Marinov), a Ukrainian mobster. In order to monitor the possible drop-house, two squads must lead a stakeout in a condemned hotel during 8 days. Jake and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) volunteer to cover the eight days.

On day 2, Jake becomes annoyed at Boyle's habit of chewing with the open mouth and Boyle is annoyed with Jake's eating habits. They decide to create a "no-no list" so each one can't do certain things. However, as the time passes, the lists keeps growing, to the point the operation ends up in jeopardy. During a fight that ends their friendship, Boyle throws a ball in anger through the window, which alerts the drop-house and ruins the operation. Forced by Holt to check door to door, Jake and Boyle catch Bisko and rekindle their friendship.

Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) find some drawings Terry (Terry Crews) has drawn for a book he plans to give to his daughters, basing it on people in the precinct. However, they read the story and find their characters are bad representations of themselves and confront Terry. Terry defends it, stating that the characterizations are "nonsense". Meanwhile, Rosa meets Holt's nephew, Marcus (Nick Cannon) and forms a relationship with him, leaving Holt in an uncomfortable state.

Beach House (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) announces that as part of his divorce, he will get a beach house for a limited time and sets a detectives-only fun weekend, which everyone accepts. While talking to Holt (Andre Braugher), Jake (Andy Samberg) finds that he wasn't invited to social events during his days as detectives due to his race and sexuality. Feeling bad for him, he decides to invite Holt to the house, much to everyone's chagrin.

However, Holt's old fashioned manners end up causing the weekend to be boring, like refusing to gossip during dinner, walking on the beach for more than an hour during winter, turning off the bubbles in a hot tub, and listening to recorder music played by Joram Leifgrum. Jake suggests making two parties at the same time; one in the lower area of the house and another one with Holt with people switching places. However, Holt finds out and storms off, saddened. Jake talks to him and after a time, Holt returns to the party to play a game to decide if he said certain things or were made up.

During the weekend, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) tries to know which personality Amy (Melissa Fumero) becomes after a 6th drink. After getting her many drinks, she shows up in a sad state, which is unrelated to her energized aptitude. Boyle helps Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) with a texting situation in her relationship with Marcus (Nick Cannon).

Payback (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Terry (Terry Crews) asks Jake (Andy Samberg) for owed money, which surprises Jake as he doesn't seek money. After a little investigation, Terry reveals to Jake that his wife is expecting another baby and he needs the money to cover the costs. Jake decides to give him money and asks to be the child's godfather, to which Terry says he will consider if he keeps silent about the secret for a month.

The other detectives begin to suspect Terry's and Jake's behavior, so Jake decides to pay them back by settling their debts and doing favors for them. However, he accidentally sends an e-mail to the whole precinct, revealing the pregnancy. After convincing everyone to remain quiet about the secret, Jake distracts Terry while everyone deletes his e-mail. However, Holt (Andre Braugher) congratulates Terry on the news, upsetting him. Jake then gives Terry the rest of the money by selling his car, surprising Terry and letting him be the godfather.

Meanwhile, Amy (Melissa Fumero) finds a mistake in an old case and is ecstatic as she will work with Holt on the case. However, Holt solves the case quickly and both set out to find the real culprit in the case. While waiting on the car, they decide to eat at Amy's recommendation. They soon find that the culprit died months ago and Holt experiences food poisoning due to Amy's food.

The Defense Rests (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) notes that Sophia (Eva Longoria) has remained distant recently. She explains that her co-workers do not like cops, especially her boss, and asks for a "pause" in their relationship. Jake decides to talk to her boss, Geoffrey (Chris Parnell) to smooth the situation.

Jake brings Terry (Terry Crews) as help to a charity event where Sophia's co-workers and Geoffrey are attending. Despite a lukewarm initial response, Jake and Geoffrey bond over competitive facts. However, when Jake goes to the restroom, he finds Geoffrey snorting cocaine and arrests him. An upset Sophia arrives at the precinct, planning to defend Geoffrey. After a heated argument, Sophia breaks up with Jake, citing that their occupations don't work together.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) finds out that Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) is planning to move out of Brooklyn for another police force and is asked for a recommendation letter. Holt consults with Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) in order to know what to do and is told that even if he wants revenge, he should be nice. He ends up writing the letter but discovers that Wuntch planned to move into the New York force and kisses him on the lips, stunning him. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is constantly bullied by Gina (Chelsea Peretti) as she does not give his father (Stephen Root) her blessing to marry her mother. After a talk, she gives his blessing but threatens Boyle's life.

Windbreaker City

Terry (Terry Crews) announces that as part of the DHS, the precinct has been offered a place into the annual Inter-Agency Anti-Terrorism Drill, being the only non-federal agency. Throughout the day, Jake (Andy Samberg) keeps waiting for a message from Sophia (Eva Longoria) who has decided to end their relationship in the previous episode.

Arriving at the drill, the precinct is welcomed with hostility from Agent Kendrick (Nick Kroll), the designated DHS leader. The precinct is given the role of hostages, which disappoints them. Jake then decides to break free from his role and convinces the others to fight back against the designated terrorists. Jake and Kendrick then get into an argument, to which they decide to compete for who will be the last man standing. After only Jake and Kendrick are left, Kendrick surrenders but this is a facade to shoot Jake with the paintball gun. After the drill, Jake returns Sophia's stuff to her office, where he meets her. They politely chat, Sophia claims her box of items and leaves while Jake tries to cope with being rejected.

Meanwhile, Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) compete to get a weekend off work. Deciding to use the drill as an opportunity, Amy shoots Rosa, only to be shot herself. Afterwards, Amy lets Rosa have the weekend as Rosa wants her parents to meet Marcus. Holt (Andre Braugher) decides to take Gina's (Chelsea Peretti) psychological test and is stunned at finding both have the same score. They spend each of their segments in argument over the results, namely in Holt trying to disprove their similarity until Gina argues that their being effectively equals isn't a bad thing, leading Holt to concede when pointing out that a number of other results of the test could've easily been his own results.

The Wednesday Incident

While Jake (Andy Samberg) prepares to lead an operation, a federal agency is handed the case by Captain Holt (Andre Braugher), who is in a bad mood and cancels overtime hours. The precinct blames Jake for Holt's bad mood, as Jake's bad handling of a champagne's cork ended up turning on the sprinkler system and ruined Holt's office (referred to as "The Wednesday Incident").

Jake sets out to prove it wasn't his fault and that Holt was already on a bad mood before he arrived to his office. He teams up with Gina (Chelsea Peretti) and Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) to find out what caused Holt's mood. Soon, they find that Holt skipped his fencing classes, which disappoints Kevin as Holt has been lying to him. Jake discovers through security cameras that Holt was assaulted by three thugs and was stabbed, causing his mood. However, this ends up causing friction into Holt's and Kevin's marriage. After Jake finds the address of the last thug, Holt tells him that he was in a bad mood due to embarrassment but asserts that Jake isn't the problem. Holt and Kevin solve their problem.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) brings an old man named Marvin Miller (Garry Marshall), claiming he stole a huge chunk of money from a bank. This upsets Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), as they doubt a man of his age would do the robbery. While Amy and Rosa aren't around, Marvin calmly tells Boyle all the crimes he did, confessing to the robbery. While Boyle tries to make him confess, Marvin dies. Later, Amy and Rosa apologize to Boyle for not believing him, as they found evidence proving Marvin's crimes.

Boyle–Linetti Wedding

The wedding of Lynn Boyle (Stephen Root) and Darlene Linetti (Sandra Bernhard) is approaching and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) are making their best effort to make a perfect wedding. As the minister has left, Gina asks Terry (Terry Crews) to become the minister. After Terry's failed attempts (due to him constantly breaking down while reading it), Gina has Holt (Andre Braugher) act as the minister.

Jake (Andy Samberg) is assigned to get the wedding ring and also plans to meet with a former classmate who dumped him. However, he agrees to help Amy (Melissa Fumero) catch a perp before the wedding. They catch the perp and arrive at the wedding. However, Jake discovers he lost the ring while fighting the perp and they go back to retrieve it. They find it but it gets stuck on Jake's finger. They return to the wedding where Terry pulls the ring off his finger. However, he also finds that the classmate dumped him again for another man.

While helping with the wedding, Gina finds that Lynn is suffering a nervous breakdown. As Boyle fails to make him reason, Gina manages to convince him about his bright future with Darlene. The wedding goes as planned and Holt delivers a great speech at the wedding, remarking that he delivered something he wanted for his and Kevin's (Marc Evan Jackson) wedding. After the wedding, Holt and Kevin discuss marrying again.

Sabotage (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

After few days where many unfortunate things happen to him, Jake (Andy Samberg) is told by Holt (Andre Braugher) that he failed a drug test, with labs finding cocaine and methamphetamine in his urine. While Holt believes Jake that he did not do it, he has to suspend him.

Holt then tasks Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) to investigate the possible sabotage. Throughout the day, Jake bothers them into helping them, much to their dismay. Later, Jake is kidnapped by Geoffrey Hoytsman (Chris Parnell), who is revealed to be the one who orchestrated the sabotage, blaming Jake for ruining his life. Geoffrey tries to make Jake confess to framing him and absolve him of everything at gunpoint but is found and arrested by Rosa and Amy. Jake is subsequently cleared of all charges.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is forced to work with Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) on a case. After Hitchcock and Scully fail to take the case seriously, Boyle calls them "the most incompetent detectives". Later, Hitchcock and Scully tell Boyle that they managed to solve the case, proving to be smarter than what everyone thinks. However, due to their unwillingness of going off-desk, they ask Boyle not to tell anyone. Holt tells Gina (Chelsea Peretti) that he missed one of her dance performance. This depresses Gina, who decides to quit dancing. Taking advice from Terry (Terry Crews) about lying, Holt gives her a chance to perform at an important event.

AC/DC (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) pursue a perp as he runs above the cars. Jake runs as well, and falls on a car, injuring himself. Back in the precinct, Jake is told by Terry (Terry Crews) to go home and rest while he is healing.

After a few days, Jake and Boyle depart for Atlantic City to take vacations on a four-star hotel. Calling the trip: Atlantic City/Dudes Club. However, once they arrive, Jake reveals to Boyle they're following the perp, much to Boyle's disappointment. Jake then renames the trip Atlantic City/Detectives Club. A few hours later, Terry shows up in the hotel, as Boyle informed him. Then, they find the perp and go after him. However, Jake is hit by the incoming police cruiser, injuring himself severely. At the hospital, Jake explains to Terry that the reason why he can't leave the case open is because he blames himself for stopping working on a case while he went out with some friends, resulting in the death of two civilians. After some advice, Jake decides to rest and departs with Boyle to Atlantic City to make up for their promise.

Holt (Andre Braugher) tells Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) that Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) wants to set up dinner to meet her and Marcus (Nick Cannon). Fearing the dinner may go awry, Holt invites Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) to the dinner as well. However, Amy and Gina's subway train is delayed and they fail to get to the dinner and both decide to get drunk. In the dinner, Rosa leaves abruptly, telling Holt she fears she may be pregnant and the dinner ends. The next day, Rosa reveals to Holt she isn't pregnant and thanks him for the dinner.

Det. Dave Majors

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are investigating some robberies in the area when they're informed that they'll work with respected Major Crimes Detective Dave Majors (Garret Dillahunt). This makes both of them ecstatic as they both admire his work. While working on a case, Majors takes Jake with him to a "cop only" bar for a drink. While at first happy to work with him, Majors tells Jake that he plans to ask Amy out on a date when they finish the case. This worries Jake, as he still has feelings for Amy. Throughout the day, he tries to ask Amy to go out with him but fails at every occasion. After the case is over, Majors takes Amy to the bar while Jake tries to intervene but he is stopped by the doorman (Cedric Yarbrough). The next day, Jake finds that Amy turned down the date, as she doesn't want to date cops, disappointing Jake. However, it's revealed that Amy also has feelings for Jake.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) meets with Gary Shaw (Craig Stepp), thinking he wants to give him a new job position. However, Shaw reveals that he intends to offer the job to Terry (Terry Crews), who wants the job as he needs money with the new baby coming in the way. Seeing this, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) try to show Terry the benefits of the precinct, only for Holt to continue giving him more work and stress. The next day, Terry reveals he turned down the offer, as Holt's assignments show him that he loves his job.

The Chopper

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) are investigating a years-old bank robbery where the money was never recovered and two of the four robbers have been murdered since they were all released from prison. Lacking resources, they ask Captain Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) for help. To their surprise, she accepts to support the operation, even providing them with a helicopter.

While Jake and Boyle are ecstatic, Holt (Andre Braugher) is suspicious of Wuntch's intentions. In order to find out, he decides to join the operation in the field. After interrogating the third ex-convict and putting him in custody, they fly to a farm to find the last remaining ex-con who is now suspected of having murdered the others to keep all the money for himself. However, they find him dead and the ex-con in custody has escaped, upsetting Holt. After being given advice, Holt conducts another investigation and they find the suspect in a basement with all the money. While Jake and Boyle are lauded as heroes, Wuntch tells Holt that she wanted him to have the success so that he could get a promotion to a desk job and leave the precinct, shocking him.

Meanwhile, Terry (Terry Crews) tells the precinct that a school is planning a field trip to the precinct and asks for help in conducting it accordingly. While the trip starts well, Amy (Melissa Fumero) decides to show the kids photos of many corpses and crime scenes, ending up traumatizing them and causing the instructor to leave in disgust. However, Amy manages to prove to the instructor that the kids managed to learn more about the forensic science, impressing her.

Johnny and Dora

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are pursuing an identity thief with the help of Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz). During the mission, Jake explains to Amy that he had earlier planned to ask her out for a date which is why he was reluctant to work the case with her.

Jake and Amy go undercover to a restaurant posing as an engaged couple and find the identity thief, who is about to handle a package. Throughout the operation, they kiss in order to pose as a couple. After catching the theft, they discuss what happened on the operation and whether they have feelings for each other. Meanwhile, Boyle tries to organize a birthday for Rosa, but she despises her birthday. He then shows Rosa that Marcus (Nick Cannon) has booked a bar for a date only for themselves thanks to him.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) reveals to Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) his situation with Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) and asks if they could retrieve the letter to prove Wuntch conned him. Terry and Gina manage to retrieve it and hand it to Holt, who shows to Wuntch that he has evidence of what she did and tells her to reconsider her plans. However, she informs him that if he reports her, she will make sure everyone in the precinct is moved to different places. Holt decides to accept the offer and has an emotional goodbye with the precinct, only to be joined by Gina as well. Jake and Amy share a real kiss in the filing room until they're told that the new captain has arrived.

New Captain

The new captain, Seth Dozerman (Bill Hader), arrives at the precinct. Introducing himself as an efficiency-obsessed and addicted to timekeeping, he constantly suffers heart attacks. He gives the precinct "Dozerpads", for which they will need to accomplish something every 55 minutes.

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) discuss having revealed their feelings for each other and decide to pursue a slow and mature relationship. However, after their first date, they sleep together. When they face getting discovered by Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Jake meets with Dozerman, putting himself as efficiency-obsessed as him, earning his respect. However, when Jake and Amy kiss in the filing room, Dozerman finds them and threatens consequences. However, he gets a severe heart attack, dying and exposing their relationship to everyone. Amy takes this as a sign that their relationship can't continue and they break up, but they then decide to get back together, no rules involved. However, the precinct is informed that The Vulture (Dean Winters) is their new Captain, promising that everything will get worse.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) adjust to their new roles in the Public Relations Department. Holt is annoyed with his unproductive co-workers, who have spent weeks debating the name of the department's mascot, a pigeon costume. After he criticizises the wasted time on naming the pet, Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) makes him the person who must use the costume. Holt plans on quitting, but after advice from Gina, he decides to continue working.

The Funeral (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

While the precinct gets ready for Dozerman's funeral, The Vulture (Dean Winters) continues annoying everyone with his behavior. In an attempt to mitigate it, Jake (Andy Samberg) attempts to befriend him, but the Vulture discovers that he is not sincere, and retaliates by ordering Jake to end his relationship with Amy (Melissa Fumero) or face being demoted to beat cop.

At the funeral ceremony, Jake and Amy try to show to their Chief of Detectives evidence of the Vulture's actions, to which they record him demanding they end their relationship. However, their attempts to show it are problematic when Dozerman's wife confuses Jake with one of Dozerman's friends who went on fishing trips involving prostitutes that nearly ended their marriage. The Vulture finds the recording and retrieves it. Knowing of Vulture's obsession with publicity, Holt (Andre Braugher) gets him publicity just to stop interfering in their lives.

Meanwhile, Holt and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) show up at the precinct with a PR problem. Later, Terry (Terry Crews) helps Holt with the problem but both end up drunk. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) tries to have casual sex with a colleague during Dozerman's funeral but breaks up with her after learning she is vegan. He later tells Gina and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) that he wants to pursue a serious relationship after his failed relationships.

Boyle's Hunch

While Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) wait in the courthouse, Boyle meets Genevieve (Mary Lynn Rajskub), an art gallery owner, and instantly falls in love with her as they both have common interests. When visiting her the next day however, he finds Genevieve has been declared guilty of robbing art.

Setting out to prove her innocence, Jake and Boyle go to Genevieve's ex-boyfriend Nick's (James Urbaniak) art gallery to question if he framed her. However, Boyle loses control when Nick describes when Genevieve and him covered themselves in paint and had sex on a canvas for 24 straight hours to make a painting. After inspecting a storage unit Genevieve ordered, they find the stolen art in the unit, convincing them that Genevieve indeed stole it. However, Jake does his own research and concludes that Nick's assistant Dvora (Stormi Henley) is the culprit, as she's in love with Nick. With this, Genevieve is released from prison.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) asks Amy (Melissa Fumero) for a promotional campaign for the police, despite protests from Gina (Chelsea Peretti). Amy is used as an image in the walls but her image is vandalized for backlash, prompting Holt to apologize to Gina. Also, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) is convinced Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) stole her ice cream and teams up with Terry (Terry Crews) to prove it.

The Oolong Slayer

The Vulture (Dean Winters) decides to give all the major cases to another unit, leaving the 99th with only misdemeanor cases. Still, Jake (Andy Samberg) finds a pattern in the recent cases that could link to the Oolong Slayer, a serial killer who's been on the loose for 10 years.

Jake asks Holt (Andre Braugher) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) for help in the case, which they secretly agree to do. They follow a lead on a suspect but discover he died a long time ago and both are suspended by Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) and the Vulture (Dean Winters). However, Jake decides to continue the case alone and finds the Oolong Slayer, but is held at gunpoint, but Holt arrives and they catch the suspect. Later, Jake meets with Chief Garmin (Tim Powell), who Jake lets take credit for the arrest in exchange for renaming Holt as captain. Both Holt and Gina are welcomed back to the precinct.

Meanwhile, The Vulture makes Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) plan his birthday party. After failing to get ideas, they decide to hire the Vulture himself to play with his band and end up embarrassing him. Also, Terry (Terry Crews) is given cacao nibs to calm his stress by Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), but Terry gets addicted to the point that he begins gaining weight. Realizing Terry is eating due to the stress of the new baby, Boyle proposes a schedule that could help with his chores, ending his addiction.

Halloween III (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Continuing the annual tradition, Jake (Andy Samberg) and Holt (Andre Braugher) set to prove who is the "amazing detective/genius." This time they must steal the title's crown which is locked in a suitcase in the interrogation room. However, this time, they will now work in teams.

Holt selects Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina, (Chelsea Peretti) while Jake selects Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz). To her anger, Amy (Melissa Fumero) is left out of the competition, because both sides suspect she might betray them and spy for the other (as she is both Jake's girlfriend and Holt's mentee). Jake and Boyle distract Gina while Rosa manages to steal the crown and put in a vault in Jake's desk. However, Holt monitors him and uses Terry's wife (Merrin Dungey) to distract Jake while he steals the crown. Holt throws the crown into a trash can to distract Jake and it goes missing. Meanwhile, Boyle introduces Gina to a friend of his named Nadia, (Josh Casaubon) but Gina believes this is part of Boyle's plan to steal the crown and she rejects Nadia. Upon learning of the veracity, she pursues him back. However, she is horrified to learn that Nadia, whose real name is Leo, is actually Charles' girlfriend Genevieve's twin brother.

Learning that a janitor took the crown from the trash can, Jake and Holt (as well as their teams) run to the janitor's apartment building, having to run up many floors as the elevator does not work. They finally reach the janitor on the rooftop, only to discover that is Amy herself. She explains that she orchestrated the events in order to retrieve the crown, in retaliation for being left out. Amy is subsequently crowned in the bar with the title.

Into the Woods (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

During an operation, Jake (Andy Samberg) decides to smash through a window, forcing Terry (Terry Crews) to work on more paperwork, stressing him. Jake and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) decide to take Terry on a trip to the woods to relieve his stress, staying in a cabin owned by Detective Lohank (Matt Walsh).

Upon arriving, it turns out the cabin has polluted water and no electricity, and Jake has brought no food. Boyle goes out to forage for mushrooms and gets lost; Jake and Terry find him in a sinkhole and while attempting to help him climb, they fall in as well. Jake then spends the night using clothes in order to climb out, saving them. Despite the disastrous trip, Terry realizes that he wants to continue being "Fun Terry", and the guys set off the fireworks Jake packed in lieu of food.

Meanwhile, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) asks Holt (Andre Braugher) for help in breaking up with Marcus (Nick Cannon), and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) helps Amy (Melissa Fumero) promote a product for the precinct.

The Mattress (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) is told by Amy (Melissa Fumero) that she has experienced back pain after sleeping on his old mattress, and asks Jake to buy a new one. While this happens, Holt (Andre Braugher) assigns them a case regarding a new drug in town, despite being worried that their relationship could ruin the operation.

While shopping for a new mattress, Jake and Amy get into an argument after Jake refuses to pay for an expensive mattress. Later, while watching the drug dealer, Jake and Amy get into another argument, which alerts the dealer and he escapes, upsetting Holt for mishandling the operation. Holt then talks to Jake, explaining that his relationship with Kevin was difficult at the start but they showed they cared when Kevin bought a classic sports car. On hearing this, Jake decides to buy the mattress.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is upset as his parking space is blocked by the classic sports car that Holt has identified as a precious family heirloom. While trying to take his car out he scratches the car by accident, angering Holt, who has Boyle pay for the damage. Gina (Chelsea Peretti) then helps Boyle by putting a cupcake on Holt's chair, ruining his pants but making him see his mistake.

Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) deals with Sam, a teenage boy she once helped straighten out when he returns to the precinct after shoplifting. Terry (Terry Crews) then explains to Rosa that acting rudely towards him will not solve the problem. To prove his point, he tracks down Rosa's childhood ballet teacher Ms. Miriam as an example as a nurturing role model, but Rosa points out that Ms. Miriam was actually very strict with her. Later Rosa tells Terry that she let Sam off with a warning, citing how Ms. Miriam's harsh teaching style made her miserable and eventually drove her to quit dancing.

Ava (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

With Sharon's (Merrin Dungey) pregnancy in an advanced state, Terry (Terry Crews) asks Jake (Andy Samberg) to watch her while he and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) go to Rikers Island to work on a case. He also advises Jake to not let Holt (Andre Braugher) intervene, as he would cause stress on Sharon.

Bringing Sharon to the precinct, Jake finds that her water just broke and he seeks Gina's (Chelsea Peretti) help while Sharon refuses to go to an hospital after their bad reception in the last birth. Holt is also notified, but upon learning about why they tried to avoid him he decides to step aside and give them his office. While all of this happens, the precinct is suffering from late paperwork, as the internet is down, forcing everyone to do the papers themselves, all while a crowd protests in the precinct. Terry learns about the birth and heads back to the precinct after getting the information from the case.

After failing to calm Sharon, Jake asks Holt to call his ex-boyfriend, Frederick (Nick Offerman), who is a doctor. However, Holt's and Frederick's relationship got tarnished when Holt threw Frederick's expensive duck off a bridge. After making amends, Frederick visits the precinct and tells Jake that Sharon needs to go to the hospital. They convince her to go to the hospital and take her there. Terry arrives at the hospital as well, initially angry at Jake for taking his wife there. After a few hours the child is born, turning out to be a girl named Ava. Terry apologizes to Jake for his attitude and lets him meet his new godchild.

The Swedes

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) investigate a thief in the docks. They catch the thief, who holds an expensive 36-carat jewel and speaks in an unintelligible language that the episode claims is Swedish, although it's actually gibberish. As the jewels are from Stockholm, two Swedish detectives are sent to retrieve the jewels.

The Swedish detectives, Inspector Soren Knausgaard (Anders Holm) and Deputy Inspector Agneta Carlsson (Riki Lindhome) show themselves to be connected and very close, unlike Jake's and Rosa's relationship as partners who avoid certain subjects. Jake and Rosa decide to go a step forward and find a container linked to the thief, however the container proves to be an erroneous one. They then discover another container with the jewels inside, and manage to catch the thieves. After the Swedes leave, Jake and Rosa decide to improve their relationship as partners, with Rosa revealing to Jake that she has a boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) asks Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to be his partner in a squash championship when Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) is out of town, but Boyle fears his extreme competitiveness, The Beast, will surface. After failing to give a decent match, Holt tells Boyle to "unleash the beast", after which they win the championship but are banned for life from all future championships. Also, Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Terry (Terry Crews) help Gina (Chelsea Peretti) prepare for her upcoming astronomy test. Terry even brings Neil deGrasse Tyson, a friend from his gym, to help Gina. Eventually they teach Gina through dancing, however Gina reveals that she already did the test and passed.

Yippie Kayak

When Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) arrives with Christmas gifts for the staff, Jake realizes that he forgot to get a gift for Boyle. He then asks for Gina's (Chelsea Peretti) help in finding a gift for him. However, they're joined by Boyle, with Jake lying that the gift is for Amy (Melissa Fumero).

While at the store, they find that thugs are in the middle of a robbery and have staged a hostage situation. Jake excitedly seizes this as an opportunity to act out a real life version of the film ''Die Hard''. He informs Terry (Terry Crews), forcing him to leave his Christmas dinner and head the operation. However, Terry finds that the Vulture (Dean Winters) is heading the operation, much to his dismay as the Vulture exhibits an incompetent attitude. While all of this happens Gina is taken as hostage as well.

Amy joins Holt (Andre Braugher) and Rosa's (Stephanie Beatriz) Polar Club swim despite them worrying about her willingness to enter the water due to the low temperatures. She proves their point and everyone heads to the store to deal with the hostage situation. Back in the store Jake and Boyle knock out some of the thugs and head to a hall where the hostages are being held. Jake lets himself be caught so that Boyle can enter through the vent. Boyle knocks out the main leader while the other thugs escape through sewers. Upon doing so, he mistakenly utters John McClane's catchphrase from ''Die Hard'' as "yippie kayak, other buckets", to Jake's dismay. Terry decides to ignore the Vulture's protocol and send the police in the thugs' direction, catching them. Jake explains his gift situation to Boyle and both make amends. Holt tells Terry that while he is suspended for breaking protocol, he has the makings of becoming a lieutenant.

Hostage Situation (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) tells Jake (Andy Samberg) that he and Genevieve (Mary Lynn Rajskub) want to have a baby. He already got frozen sperm on a bank that he did before he became sterile after an incident in which a perp hit his crotch.

Eleanor (Kathryn Hahn), Boyle's ex-wife, shows up in the precinct. As the sperm bank account is on her name, she retrieved the sperm and tells him that she is facing a lawsuit after hitting a pedestrian with her car and he has to make him drop it or she'll drop the sperm. After failing to get the sperm, Boyle handcuffs Jake and tries to intimidate the pedestrian. However, Jake frees himself and arrests Boyle. Jake tells Boyle that he could be the father through another donor, as he will father the child anyway. With this, Boyle decides to abandon trying to get the sperm and decides to look for another donor.

Meanwhile, Amy (Melissa Fumero) asks Terry (Terry Crews) for a recommendation for a mentorship program, which he accepts to do. However, during a defense class, Amy accidentally breaks his nose. Later, Amy finds that she didn't enter the program and confronts Terry, who angrily says that he sent the recommendation. Then, Terry finds that he sent it to the wrong program but manages to get Amy on the program still. Also, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Holt (Andre Braugher) arrest a perp (Kyle S. More), who only wants to speak with Gina (Chelsea Peretti) as they used to be classmates in school. They decide to use Gina as a way for him to confess but she fails. Rosa and the perp then talk about Gina, after which he finally confesses to the crime.

9 Days (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Noting that Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) feels lonely while Kevin is in Paris, Jake (Andy Samberg) decides to cheer him by suggesting they take a cold case of a criminal that was left on his desk. Holt accepts the case.

While following someone related to the criminal, Jake and Holt are exposed to mumps and are forced to be quarantined on Holt's house to work on the case for 9 days. As time progresses, their salivary glands become inflamed. After a few days, Jake finally confesses to Holt that he brought up the case to keep Holt occupied, for which they fight for the rest of the night. Amy (Melissa Fumero) later makes both of them make amends after Holt knows that Jake did it to feel accompanied. They ultimately discover their smoking gun through a fake recipe for baked ziti. After they heal, Holt thanks Jake for the week.

Meanwhile, due to Holt's medical leave, Terry (Terry Crews) assumes charge of the precinct. However, his leadership is jeopardized due to the stubbornness of Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller), who refuse to work after Terry took their sandwich, and the fact he destroyed Holt's office after angrily shutting the door. Later, he manages to get Hitchcock and Scully to work and fixes the office. Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is mourning the loss of his dog, Jason. After failing attempts to get him to move on, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) organizes a proper funeral for Jason.

The Cruise (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) wins tickets for a week on a cruise and decides to take Amy (Melissa Fumero). While on the ship, they discuss the fact that Amy enrolled them on nearly all of the cruise's activities. To their shock, they find that Doug Judy (Craig Robinson) is the cruise's music entertainer.

Due to being on international waters, they can't arrest Judy and the Captain also refuses to arrest him. Judy tells Jake that he got him the tickets, as he's being pursued by a hitman of one of his former bosses. After doubting Judy, they find him getting attacked by an assassin, who manages to escape. They decide to bait the hitman by having Judy perform in the cruise. The hitman takes Judy but Jake and Amy manage to catch him. However, Judy escapes on a boat, leaving his cabin to Jake and Amy.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) investigate the murder of an elderly woman but are stunned at the vacant apartment. They try to compete for the apartment but the landlord (Ruben Garfias) states that the apartment is already sold. Later, they find evidence that the landlord is responsible for the murder and arrest him. Also, Holt (Andre Braugher) is unhappy as his sister Debbie (Niecy Nash) visits him. Deeming her a "drama queen", Holt tries to make her leave the precinct. However, upon realizing that she came after her partner cheated on her, Holt decides to spend time with her.

Karen Peralta

It's Jake's (Andy Samberg) birthday and as such, Amy (Melissa Fumero) and him are visiting his mother, Karen (Katey Sagal) to celebrate his birthday. Amy is nervous at meeting her, to the point she has to talk about Karen's interests.

At her house, Karen reveals that Roger (Bradley Whitford) is visiting, as they have gotten back together, upsetting Jake. During the evening, Jake spends time making his father look at everything he has done. He later tells Amy that he witnessed his father having sex with one of his mother's friends years ago and never told his mother. He then tells his father he will tell his mom about the affair if he doesn't leave, which he does. However, Karen reveals she knew about the affair and says that he has changed. Jake goes after his father and convinces him to go back.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Terry (Terry Crews) participate in an operative where they have to carry cameras in their suits to pursue a perp. However, Boyle spills soup all over his camera and leaves to change his clothes. Rosa catches the perp in a restaurant's bathroom but finds Boyle naked, all while filming with her camera. The precinct is then forced to watch the video in order to evaluate the operation. Also, Holt (Andre Braugher) tells Gina (Chelsea Peretti) they are undergoing a team-building exercise at an escape room. Due to everyone having plans, only Holt, Gina, Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) show up. Using their different tactics, they manage to escape the room.

The 9-8

Due to a plumbing problem, the 98th precinct is forced to be relocated to the 99th precinct while the problem is fixed. The problem reunites Jake (Andy Samberg) with Stevie Schillens (Damon Wayans Jr.), his old friend from the precinct. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) begins to feel sidelined by their new friendship.

Jake, Boyle and Stevie begin working on a drug dealer who frequents a bar. Due to a technical error, they get permission to stakeout his house, finding drugs. Meanwhile, the precinct is subsequently filled with the 9-8, whose bad habits annoy the precinct, particularly Terry (Terry Crews) and Amy (Melissa Fumero). After meeting Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) on the roof, they decide to use the roof to operate. Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) finds out and forces them to return to the precinct, despite having his office taken by the Deputy Inspector.

At the precinct, Boyle tells Jake that he saw Stevie planting the drugs in an attempt to arrest the dealer, and they get into a conflict. Jake then confronts Stevie, who admits planting and they, along with Boyle, get into a fight. Their fight initiates chaos in the precinct between the 9-8 and the 9-9. Holt then seizes the opportunity to break the heater, forcing the 9-8 to relocate again.

House Mouses

Holt (Andre Braugher) announces that a high-profile celebrity has been robbed, which attracts Jake's (Andy Samberg) attention. Jake then gets on to change his drug case with Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) in order to work on the celebrity with Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio).

However, the celebrity turns out to be an oboist who lost his oboe and the drug case looks to be even bigger than expected as it is connected to a major narcotics ring. After fighting with Terry (Terry Crews) for handling the case to them, Jake and Terry search for Hitchcock and Scully. They find Scully but Hitchcock is kidnapped by the dealers. Infiltrating the hideout, Jake, Terry and Scully are kidnapped as well and tied to chairs. Hitchcock and Scully manage to break free from the chairs and arrest the dealers. As a result, they're awarded new chairs in the precinct.

Meanwhile, Boyle continues the investigation on the robbery of the oboist John William Weichselbraun (Brad Hall), whom Holt admires. After Holt spends time with Weichselbraun, Boyle finds that Weichselbraun stole his own oboe for the insurance money, which disappoints Holt. Also, Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) help Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) fight her fear of needles by fighting their own fears: Amy's claustrophobia and Gina's fear of businessmen.

Cheddar (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Feeling that Holt (Andre Braugher) is lonely while Kevin is in Paris, Jake (Andy Samberg) proposes he and Amy (Melissa Fumero) babysit Holt's and Kevin's dog, Cheddar, so Holt can fly to Paris and meet with him. Jake also brings Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), who just got eye surgery.

However, while house-sitting, Boyle's pants catch fire and Cheddar escapes the house. With Holt deciding to go back to the house after being notified of the fire, Jake asks the precinct for help and has Gina (Chelsea Peretti) delay Holt's return to the house. Despite their efforts, Holt finds out and dismisses them while he goes outside to find Cheddar. Suddenly, Jake and Amy use Kevin's binder to locate Cheddar at a park where he and Kevin used to go. Later Holt reveals to Jake and Amy that the reason he decided not to go to Paris was not because he was worried about the house but that he and Kevin were going through a difficult time and he didn't want to go to Paris and end up fighting with Kevin.

Meanwhile, while searching for Cheddar, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas) flirt throughout the search, making Terry (Terry Crews) uncomfortable. However, Adrian considers leaving her due to his nature but Terry convinces him otherwise by leaving his past behind.

Terry Kitties

Terry (Terry Crews) receives a package with a kitty, upsetting him. He tells Jake (Andy Samberg) that when he started working 20 years ago in a different precinct, he had to solve a case to prove himself. Tracking someone he was convinced of robbing, Terry led a raid on the suspect, only to discover he was in a wheelchair and in a panic, blamed his cat of being a complicit. This prompted laughter from his colleagues, who sent kitties in subsequent years to remind him of his failure.

Jake decides to help Terry in solving the case to stop the constant humiliation. After getting in contact with the precinct, they follow a lead and ambush him in a restroom, only to discover he is not the culprit, prompting the detectives to laugh at Terry again. Jake decides to continue the investigation and finds that the culprit is the man in the wheelchair, faking his condition. They catch him without the wheelchair and arrest him. While Terry is fine at not scolding the detectives, Jake sends rats to their precinct.

Meanwhile, Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas) is kicked out of his apartment for his constant screaming. When Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) tells him he'll help him, Adrian self-invites to live with Boyle. Boyle is frustrated at Adrian's personality and behaviour and wants to tell him to leave his house but can't bring himself to do it. Gina (Chelsea Peretti) offers to help by telling Adrian off, saying that she can "alpha" him off, but Boyle intends on pleading to Adrian (like a "beta") for him to leave. When it doesn't work, he finally begs Gina to help him. She lashes out at Adrian, prompting him to leave the house. She thinks that she has proved the strength of the "alpha" but Boyle reveals that by begging her he managed to manipulate her using his "beta". Also, Holt (Andre Braugher), Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) participate in an exercise to deactivate bombs, competing between themselves. Despite Holt deactivating it, all fail the exercise for not taking it seriously.

Paranoia (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

After catching a perp, Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) and Adrian Pimento (Jason Mantzoukas) announce to the precinct that they are getting married, much to their shock. Even more shocking is when they announce the wedding is one week away. Adrian asks Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) to be his best man, which he accepts. Rosa also has Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero), and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) as her maids of honor.

Jake prepares a bachelor party for Adrian on a party bus, with the help of Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), Michael Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Norm Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller). Terry remains skeptical, as Adrian's attitude may ruin the party. However, Adrian takes the party bus, as he states a hitman is coming for him. Inspecting a nearby building, they find no one there and head to a restaurant to toast the party. However, the hitman (Max Silvestri) arrives but they subdue and interrogate him. They learn that he was hired by Jimmy "The Butcher" Figgis, a high-level gangster that Adrian previously infiltrated.

After failing to decide on which party to celebrate, Rosa has the three maids do their parties. Gina's party involves paint-ball, Amy's party involves drunk trivia about Rosa, and Boyle's party involves wrecking an abandoned restaurant. Rosa names Boyle's party as the best. Later, Jake and Terry stage Adrian's murder and deliver false evidence of his death to the man who ordered the hit. He leaves a package with Jake, who notes a scar on his hand. They trail him to an FBI building, and discern that he is an agent. The precinct decides to secretly find the mole while Pimento goes into hiding. Before leaving, he says goodbye to Rosa.

Maximum Security (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

The squad prepares to begin the operation on finding Figgis and his FBI informant. As part of the plan, they stage Adrian's death certificate and begin planning a funeral. Also, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) has to go undercover on a maximum security prison in Rocksprings, Texas to get close to Figgis' sister, Maura (Aida Turturro) and posing like a pregnant woman.

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) accompany Rosa and act as her OBGYN doctors. However, an inmate identifies Rosa and force them to send Amy (Melissa Fumero) instead. Throughout her attempts to get closer to Maura, Jake continuously brings her back to the offices because he fears for her safety. After reassuring things over, Jake decides to let her gain fame by letting her punch him on the floor to make her look bad. After this, she gains respect from Maura and is offered to join her gang.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher), Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) hold a false funeral for Adrian, in order to lure the hitman with the scarred hand. They also give Rosa advice on how to look grieving in order to convince the crowd. During a eulogy, the squad intercepts someone who runs away but it's not their hitman. Rosa manages to deliver a decent eulogy that shows her false grief.

Bureau (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Having problems in identifying Figgis' informant, Holt (Andre Braugher) calls his former partner, FBI Agent Bob Annderson (Dennis Haysbert) for help. After getting information of the description, Annderson deduces that fellow FBI Agent Ryan Whealon (Jon Root) may be the informant, while Amy (Melissa Fumero) continues getting closer to Maura Figgis (Aida Turturro).

They decide to go after Whealon's files, which are stored in the FBI building. With the help of Annderson, Jake (Andy Samberg), Holt and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) manage to retrieve the file from the building. Meanwhile, the precinct suffers a problem when the arrest count gets leaked and Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) headline the investigation. However, Gina finds out that Terry accidentally leaked the count due to a photo which he posted online.

Amy's investigation is disrupted when Maura develops feelings for Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio). The operation is also nearly jeopardized when Genevieve (Mary Lynn Rajskub) calls Boyle. Back in Brooklyn, the gang raids Whealon's house, finding him wounded. Deeming him the informant, Holt and Annderson stay in the hospital while Rosa and Jake leave. However, Amy calls Jake and tells him that Maura said that there's another informant: Annderson. Jake calls Holt, who is being held at gunpoint by Annderson (who also smothered Whealon).

Greg and Larry

Jake (Andy Samberg), Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) find the hospital room empty and begin looking for Holt (Andre Braugher) and Annderson (Dennis Haysbert). They find Annderson holding Holt at gunpoint on the roof, but he is tackled by Terry (Terry Crews), who arrived with Gina (Chelsea Peretti).

While Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) return from Texas, the gang tries to take Annderson out of the hospital. However, the hospital is filled with Figgis' henchmen. They decide to disguise themselves as doctors and disguise Bob and Gina as asylum patients, managing to fool the henchmen and escape the hospital. Taking shelter in Rosa's apartment, the squad takes turns in attempts to get the information from Annderson, but he refuses to talk. However, the apartment is suddenly attacked after someone tries to kill Annderson. While barricading, Annderson reveals the location of the files needed to take down Figgis' operation.

While Jake and Rosa fight the assailants, the rest hide in a panic room. In the panic room, Annderson explains that he turned into a traitor after the bureau misspelled his name. Rosa lets them out, revealing that the attack was staged with the help of Amy and Boyle. Jake retrieves the files, also detailing Annderson's treason. One week later, Holt leads a toast in the bar to commemorate the arrest of 75 henchmen working for Figgis, although Figgis remains at large. While Jake and Amy talk about moving in together, Jake receives a call from Figgis, threatening his and Holt's life. One month later, Holt and Jake are revealed to be living in Coral Palms, Florida on a witness protection program, using the names Greg and Larry, respectively.

The Night Shift (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

The squad is in a bad mood due to being assigned to the night shift, with Jake being the only optimistic one as he's excited to go back to work. He manages to convince Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to work on a thief that robbed a jewelry store.

Jake and Boyle find that due to the night shift, many of their assistance services are not available and makes it much more difficult in finding the thief. When their shift is over, Boyle leaves to take care of his son, Nikolaj (Antonio Raul Corbo), which disappoints Jake as he tries to catch the thief. After finding him in a house, the thief escapes, forcing Jake to commandeer a pedestrian (Zooey Deschanel) car but ends up crashing it. After getting advice from Detective Lohank (Matt Walsh), Jake explains his worries to Boyle and both make up, and Boyle lets Jake play with Nikolaj.

Meanwhile, noting the pessimistic environment, Holt (Andre Braugher) decides to help the precinct lift their spirits with many methods, such as making them smile, forcing laughs and throwing a dull party. After Holt expresses that he also hates the night shift, the squad decides to make a better effort in showing their support. Also, Amy (Melissa Fumero) finds Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) spends time at a bench in the park instead of going to the restroom and making Amy finish the paperwork. After confronting her, Rosa reveals that she was waiting in the bench for Adrian to come back. Amy apologizes for her attitude and agrees to help Rosa with her paperwork.

Halloween IV (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

It's the fourth Halloween heist and Jake (Andy Samberg), Holt (Andre Braugher) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are competing for the "Ultimate Detective/Genius" plaque. This time, they will work with someone in the precinct. Holt selects Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), knowing Jake relies on him; Amy selects Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz); and Jake selects Gina (Chelsea Peretti).

Terry (Terry Crews) decides not to participate in the heist, citing paperwork. Feeling suspicious, Jake has Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) follow him. With the help of Gina, Jake locks everyone and manages to steal the plaque, handing it to Gina. However, Gina gets hurt while rollerskating and is sent home but the plaque returns to its original position. Using many pizza delivery people, Amy and Rosa manage to steal the plaque and put it in an air vent.

Holt brings Cheddar to track the plaque and finds it in the vent. Jake manages to get Boyle to tell him the location and retrieves the plaque. However, Holt and Amy show that they have their own plaques as well. The lights suddenly go off to reveal the words "Heists are dumb" on the plaques and, since Terry is the only one who often says "Dumb" in the precinct, they confront Terry, accusing him of being the one with the plaque. Gina reveals herself to be the mastermind on the heist, citing that getting the "Detective" status amended is her goal. She is subsequently named "Ultimate Human/Genius".

Monster in the Closet (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) finds Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas) in his son's closet and brings him to the precinct. Adrian then explains that he was in an Uzbek prison but managed to escape. After meeting with Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), the decision is made to resume the wedding.

While Amy (Melissa Fumero) stays to work on the wedding, Jake and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) accompany Adrian to retrieve his grandmother's earrings from a pawn shop. However, they discover the shop has been burned down, which Adrian sees as a sign from the universe that they shouldn't marry. Jake manages to find someone who took the earrings and go to her house. When the owner does not give it, they steal it by climbing through a window into their house. On the way back to the wedding, their car breaks down, which Adrian sees as another omen. However, they manage to get to the wedding by taking a plane.

At the bar where the wedding will take place, Amy finds that Rosa is drunk. Despite the help of Boyle and Terry (Terry Crews), everyone, including Holt (Andre Braugher), gets drunk, with Holt upset that his balloon arch won't get used on the wedding. With the help of Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller), Amy sprays them with fire extinguishers to help them sober up. As the wedding is about to start, Jake and Amy note that neither Rosa nor Adrian want to wed. After talking with them, Rosa and Adrian decide to cancel the wedding preferring instead to go on a date first.

Mr. Santiago

It's Thanksgiving and it's Amy's (Melissa Fumero) turn in hosting the dinner at her house, for which she invited her father Victor (Jimmy Smits), a retired cop. Intending to impress him, Jake (Andy Samberg) reveals to Terry (Terry Crews) that he orchestrated a binder that has his interests.

Jake picks Victor up from the airport and begins bonding with him. However, Victor finds the binder but states that he likes Jake, to which he reveals he has an unsolved 20-year old case that Jake could solve. They decide to find the culprit of a bank robbery and confront members of a family. However, the members prove they weren't in the bank at the time and they both leave. Victor then tells Jake that he also has a binder with Jake's data and states that he doesn't like him for his attitude, deeming him not right for Amy. After getting in a discussion with Amy on the phone, they manage to solve the case by proving the daughter of the family committed it. This gets Victor's respect for Jake.

While they solve the case, the rest of the squad work on the dinner. Due to a lack of turkeys in the market, they're forced to get a real turkey, which Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) will behead. After Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) fight to keep it alive, the turkey turns aggressive and locks them in the bathroom. Boyle manages to calm him with food, although he ends up injured. Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) gives Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas) a $2000 loan to get a private investigator license. However, Adrian decides to spend it to bet on a televised dog show, infuriating Holt, who threatens to sue him. Despite Holt's worries, Adrian's dog wins, earning him $70,000.

Skyfire Cycle

Jake (Andy Samberg) finds that a nearby precinct has the case of D.C. Parlov (Fred Melamed), author of the popular ''Skyfire Cycle'' book series. When Terry (Terry Crews) reveals to be a big fan whom Parlov sent advice on a book years ago, Jake has the case assigned to them so he can meet Parlov. However, Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) advises Terry "not to meet his heroes".

Jake and Terry meet with Parlov, who states he's received death threats. While searching for suspects, Jake finds evidence that Parlov may have sent the threats to himself, as the letters on the threats and Terry's advice are the same. When they confront Parlov, he states that he didn't write the advice to Terry, as his assistant did. This depresses Terry, as the advice served as an inspiration for him. Jake goes to find the assistant, who tries to escape. However, Terry arrives and barricades him.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) get into a discussion about the Monty Hall problem. After Amy (Melissa Fumero) says Kevin is right, this causes a fight between them. Seeing no solutions, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) tells Holt that the night shift has led to them not seeing each other enough and suggests them to have sex, upsetting him. However, the next day, Holt shows up in good mood after having sex. Also, now that she's involved with the Boyles, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) has to suggest the family vacation destination. While Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) wants Iowa, Gina suggests Aruba, managing to convince the Boyles. However, this earned her a place in the Boyle graveyard, much to her dismay.

The Overmining

Still on the night shift, Jake (Andy Samberg) and Holt (Andre Braugher) find that C.J. (Ken Marino) lost evidence on a drug case when someone stole it. This delights Jake, as this could get C.J. demoted so Holt and the crew can return to the day shift. However, Holt tells Jake they'll help C.J. to retrieve it.

Jake meets with C.J. and finds that due to losing the evidence, his transfer to the police academy has been denied. Jake then decides to help him. While Jake and Holt confront a dealer in his hideout, C.J. remains in a van. However, after blowing their cover for his constant noise, they arrest the dealer. Later, Jake and Holt lead a raid on the drug operation where the leader flees, but C.J. knocks him over by opening his door. For his service, C.J. is awarded the Medal of Honor but states his intention to remain with the precinct. Holt calls reporters to ask him questions, which he messes up. Holt is subsequently renamed Captain and the squad goes back to the day shift.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) convinces Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) to go to a foot massage in a spa to calm their stress. Much to her surprise, she enjoys the massage. However, they find that the spa is used as a money laundering operation. Despite expressing interest in letting the spa stay, they arrest the culprits. Also, Terry (Terry Crews), after failing his Lieutenant exam, wants the precinct to reduce the energy consumption but Gina (Chelsea Peretti) challenges him by having multiple space heaters on her desk. Terry manages to get her to take out the heaters when he gives a heater to Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker).

Captain Latvia

Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is determined to find an action figure, Captain Latvia, for Nikolaj (Antonio Raul Corbo) as a Christmas gift. However, the figure is from Latvia and is difficult to get. Despite having ordered it a month ago, the figure hasn't arrived.

Jake (Andy Samberg) decides to help Boyle in finding the toy. Confronting the owner, they find that the Latvian mob is behind it. Infiltrating a ring to get information, they steal a pad that can lead to the headquarters of the mob. Jake begins noting that Boyle is putting himself in danger for the toy and knocks him unconscious. After he awakens, Jake tells him that the best present he can give is being alive for his son. While Boyle leaves to be with Nikolaj, Jake leads a raid on the headquarters. He later shows up at Boyle's house to give Nikolaj another present: a police cop figure, which Nikolaj likens to Boyle.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and the rest of the precinct compete against the MTA officers on an annual Christmas carol singing competition. They find that a perp, Patrick (Lance Barber), has a beautiful voice, and decide to include him in their group for the competition. Patrick has a panic attack and flees the stage. Finding him more open when drinking alcohol, they let him get drunk in order to overcome his stage fright and sing. However, the competition still doesn't work as he intentionally distorts the lyrics and insults New York. While the squad is smarting about their humiliation, Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) says that the important thing about Christmas is being together as a family. At first they make fun of him but they later join him in singing carols outside Boyle's house.

The Fugitive (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Part 1

During a prison transfer, the bus carrying the prisoners crashes and 9 inmates escape the van, an event that Marshawn Lynch fails to see. This leads the 99th precinct to begin a manhunt on the inmates. Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero), who have been discussing moving in together, see this as an opportunity for a bet and decide that whoever catches the most prisoners, the loser will move to the winner's apartment.

While Holt (Andre Braugher) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) work on getting a foreign woman to get information, Jake works with Terry (Terry Crews) on a part of the city while Amy works with Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) on the other part. While Jake and Terry catch an inmate, Amy and Boyle catch three prisoners thanks to thermographic cameras, giving them a 3-1 lead. However, Jake and Terry use DHS equipment to catch another 3 inmates, giving them a 4-3 lead. While following an inmate, Terry is held at gunpoint by one of the inmate but is arrested by Amy, bringing the score 4-4.

Holt and Rosa finally manage to identify the final suspect and leads the teams to the sewers. In the sewers, they catch the inmate at the same time but Jake decides to hand him over to Amy, as he wants her to be happy and agrees to move in with her. However, the inmate isn't the one they're looking for as he was forced to fake his identity. When they are given the identity of the real inmate, Jake decides to contact the inmate's brother: Doug Judy (Craig Robinson).

Part 2

Jake decides to give Judy immunity for all his past crimes, much to Holt's dismay. Judy leads Jake and Holt to an event where his brother George (Charles Baker) is planning to rob an expensive item. Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) complains that he has been left out of the group's text chain. After teaching him the proper use of messages, Amy and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) let him in.

During the investigation, Jake and Judy continue bonding, which causes more problems for Holt as Judy identifies himself as a cop and even carries a gun. At the event, George is not revealed to steal the item, but steals the participants' car, including Holt's car. They go to a workshop where the cars are being held. Holt finds his car getting dismantled and he and Jake follow George. However, George is saved by Judy, who flees with him in a stolen car, disappointing both Jake and Holt.

Finding a lead on the location of George, Jake and Holt arrive at their house but are then held at gunpoint by Judy and George. George's gun is revealed not to be loaded and is knocked down by Judy, who faked his allegiance in order to catch him. George is arrested and the ADA grants Judy immunity for his crimes, clearing him. At the end of the episode, Boyle continues with the proper use of texts, sending one to Gina on the street. However, while Gina reads it, she's hit by a bus.

The Audit (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

After Gina (Chelsea Peretti) recovers from her accident with a Halo brace, Holt (Andre Braugher) informs the precinct that while crime in New York has declined, this caused the NYPD to consider shutting down one of the 22 precincts in Brooklyn. As such, an auditor is coming to inspect the precinct.

The auditor, however, turns out to be Teddy (Kyle Bornheimer), Amy's (Melissa Fumero) ex-boyfriend. Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy spend time with Teddy to prove to him the precinct is fine, although both note he still remains the "most boring person in America". They find that as Teddy left his phone recording, they accidentally said rude things about him. While dining with Teddy and his new girlfriend Rachel (Jama Williamson), Jake and Amy retrieve the phone although they still tell Teddy about it. Teddy then reveals that he still loves Amy and proposes to her in front of Rachel, and is rejected by both.

Meanwhile, in order to pass the audit and give a good impression, Holt tasks Terry (Terry Crews) to fix a $21,000 Japanese copier that former Captain C.J. ordered. Despite the struggle, he manages to translate the instructions and fix it. Also, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) is tasked with solving a rat infestation in the precinct. However, Boyle gets stuck in the air vent and the rats cause him to shake up and break a water tube, destroying the roof and the copier. Holt then uses Gina in order to get insurance to pay the damages and the precinct is cleaned. Teddy arrives and announces that he has decided to recuse himself from auditing the precinct. The new auditor, Veronica Hopkins (Kimberly Hebert Gregory) turns out to be Terry's ex-girlfriend. Despising him, she tells him she will shut down the precinct for good.

Serve & Protect

While the precinct is still undergoing the audit, Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) are assigned a case where a laptop belonging to star actress Cassie Sinclair (Kelly Sullivan) was stolen on the set of crime show ''Serve & Protect'', their favorite show.

On the set, Jake is enthralled with the producers. Executive producer Gary Lurmax (Greg Germann) offers him a consulting producer role in the show, with Jake accepting the offer and ruling out Lurmax as a suspect in his enthusiasm. Rosa believes the latter to be clouding her partner's judgement. Jake and Rosa also have to deal with actor Mark Devereaux (Nathan Fillion), an avid method actor who perpetually stays in character as a dramatised detective and contaminates evidence with his fingerprints. Rosa finds evidence that Lurmax stole the computer by checking footage of him breaking into Sinclair's RV and both confront him. However, Lurmax explains that he broke into it because Sinclair was experiencing an addiction to painkillers - he was stealing the pills to help her recover. Jake attempts to salvage his position as consulting producer and Rosa repents on the spot, but Lurmax rejects their efforts. Later, they arrest Devereaux, deducing that he stole the computer to humiliate Sinclair, whose character was going to have her own spin-off show. Days later, the show creates the "Jake Peralta" character in retaliation: a pervert who is shot multiple times by Sinclair's character. Despite the negative portrayal of himself, the real Jake is still enthusiastic that they named a character after him.

Meanwhile, fearing that Veronica (Kimberly Hebert Gregory) will use her revenge for the audit, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) decide to blackmail Deputy Commissioner Grayson (Steven M. Gagnon) in his apartment. However, at the last minute, they decide they're breaking their own morals and leave. Gina (Chelsea Peretti) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) interrogate Terry (Terry Crews) to find why he drove Veronica mad. Despite Terry saying he was nice, he finds his break-up really hurt her. He apologizes to her, and asks her not to forgive him but not to punish the precinct. She accepts the apology but admits that she already sent a bad report about the precinct.

The Last Ride (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) announces to the precinct that the audit has both the 99th and 74th precincts as the most likely to be shut down, with their own being the prime candidate. Unless the precinct is handed in particular cases, their chances are running out.

With the only case left being that of a stolen bicycle, Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) go to investigate. Determined to make their last case the "coolest case ever", they equip their dream gear and find that the case is even bigger than expected as someone stole it to handle a package of heroin. Meeting with the dealers, Jake fakes being one of the candidates to deliver it. Competing with another bicyclist, Jake loses the race but Boyle puts a GPS on the bicycle to find the meeting. Using tactical equipment, they watch the meeting and consider arresting everyone to save the precinct. However, they decide this goes against their code and decide to wait for the arrest, even after it goes past the deadline.

Meanwhile, Holt is convinced by Amy (Melissa Fumero) to speed through five years of (strenuously planned) mentorship before the precinct closes. He manages to teach her, although it only manages to cover a part of the whole mentorship. While Gina (Chelsea Peretti) pulls pranks on the precinct for her live audience, Terry (Terry Crews) finds that he needs to solve a case to surpass Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) for most solved cases. Terry investigates when a man loses a phone but Hitchcock solves it by finding he broke it on purpose. Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) then shows him that as he helped everyone in the precinct, he already solved the most cases in the history of the 99th. Holt then announces that the precinct is not getting shut down, thanks to Gina's audience calling the Commissioner. Amy is disappointed that all of Holt's remaining teachings have been delivered in a day, but when Holt informs her that it was only the "first volume" of mentorship, she is ecstatic.

Moo Moo (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Terry (Terry Crews) decides to apply as a city council liaison for additional responsibilities. Having to stay and work on paperwork, he has Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) pick up his daughters. During the trip, Cagney’s blanket, "Moo Moo", is accidentally thrown out of the car, forcing Terry to stop his car and head out into the night to find it.

After finding the blanket, Terry is subsequently stopped by Officer Maldack (Desmond Harrington), who snarls at him for daring to be outside at night and nearly arrests him, only backing off when Terry angrily identifies himself as a cop. While discussing with the uniformly shocked and angry precinct for experiencing racial profiling (even Hitchcock gets visibly furious at how Terry was treated), Terry decides to meet with Maldack. Maldack apologizes for nearly arresting him, but Terry angrily says that Maldack targeted him for being black and wants an apology, which Maldack refuses to give him. Terry decides to file a complaint and asks Holt (Andre Braugher) to submit it. To his surprise, Holt suggests that the complaint isn't the best idea. While babysitting Terry's daughters, Jake and Amy explain Terry's problem to them and have a discussion about being a minority in America.

When Terry is discussing the matter with Holt at the latter’s house, Holt explains that he does not want to submit a complaint against the officer on the matter, since the potential fallout from doing so could lead to negative consequences for Terry's future. Terry then explains to Holt that as an overweight child, a cop saved him from bullies, and the gratitude and respect he felt for the cops was the exact opposite of how Maldack made him feel. Holt then decides to support Terry's idea to submit the complaint. The next day, Holt tells Terry that his application for the liaison job was denied, most likely due to reporting the incident but Terry still feels good about doing the right thing.


Holt (Andre Braugher) announces that the precinct will be attending a convention for cops in Rochester, New York. While the squad is excited to party, Holt states that they're going so Holt can run for a position on a NYPD group.

At the hotel's reception, Holt finds his rival Jeffrey Bouché (Andy Daly), who seemingly is a kind person, is running for the position too. While Holt is signing in, the gang check out the tech demonstration, which includes the Wasp, a device that emits a frequency only people 35 and under can hear, which is painful to Rosa but Jake and Charles pretend to be affected since they're over 35. While waiting for the next day for a presentation to the board of directors, Jake (Andy Samberg) and the gang go to a party, only to learn it stopped since the cops throwing it accepted bribes, but Jake decides to throw a party. He has a robot from the tech demonstration monitor Holt's movement while the rest of the squad and the other precincts party in a hotel room. Holt arrives at the room and handles a laptop with the presentation so Terry (Terry Crews) can add color, managing to avoid seeing the party. The next day, suffering from a hangover, Holt comes over for his laptop and Jake fails to distract him, then Terry says that the laptop is missing. They buy time by saying Terry should add transitions and Jake then has Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) distract Holt by having him go to a gym. Gina (Chelsea Peretti) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) find that Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) has fallen in love with someone in the convention, Cindy (Audrey Wasilewski). They help him gain confidence but she does not like him like that. When Amy and Gina try to get Cindy to give Scully another chance, she states she hates confident people and likes people who are weird. When Scully acts as himself, they kiss. After getting clues from last night, Jake, Terry and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) find the laptop and give it to Holt. However, the slides were replaced by images of them at the party, orchestrated by Jeffrey. Holt leaves angrily but then explains to Jake that he was disappointed that he wasn't invited and felt left out. The squad decides to make it up by taking him to a thermometer museum he previously expressed interest in.

Chasing Amy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Amy (Melissa Fumero) is stressed as she's about to do her sergeant's exam. Jake (Andy Samberg) tries to calm her down and guides her into getting prepared for it and leaves her in the briefing room with a practice exam. However, he finds that the practice exam freaked Amy out and she has left the precinct.

Jake asks Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) for help in finding Amy. Thinking like Amy, they visit her friend Kylie (Sarah Baker), who is always mad at Jake for ruining "trivia nights". She gives them a case that Amy asked, the file where she and Jake had their first date. Finding her at the rooftop, Amy explains that she worries that if she passes, their relationship could get strained. He convinces her to take it and she arrives in time to start the exam, managing to finish it early. As a reward, she has the trivia nights accommodate Jake's interests.

Meanwhile, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) is bequeathed an important Boyle family heirloom that belonged to Boyle's (Joe Lo Truglio) recently deceased aunt but she accidentally destroys. As a result, she is expelled from the Boyle family (much to her delight) but Boyle is expelled as well for bringing her in. She then decides to help him by having another heirloom but this causes her to get invited back. Also, Terry (Terry Crews) and Holt (Andre Braugher) compete to see who can build the best train model station in the lobby for the kids. However, the kid who checks them is bored and prefers a video game.

Your Honor (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) finds that Holt (Andre Braugher) has a visitor in his office, his mother Honorable Laverne Holt (L. Scott Caldwell). She wants their help as there was a break-in at her house, to which they accept to help her.

Jake, Holt and Laverne arrive at a wine club to inspect anyone who could have got in her house. Jake and Holt suspect George Kenderson (Kim Estes) may be responsible. While Holt goes to investigate, Laverne tells Jake that George didn't do it because she is in a relationship with him for the past 2 years, not telling Holt about it. When Jake and Holt chase George, Jake is forced to tell Holt about it, upsetting him. At the precinct, Holt and Laverne discuss and he accepts the new man in her life, setting to be more communicative.

Meanwhile, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) has a flat tire on her car and forcefully accepts Amy's (Melissa Fumero) help to change it. However, she doesn't pay attention when Amy changes the tire so an angry Amy accidentally cuts into another car's tire. Gina then uses a video (and Amy's car) to change the tire. Also, Terry (Terry Crews), Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) decide to refurnish the break room according to their taste, angering Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller). When they have problems using it, they ask them to put it back to its previous state.

The Slaughterhouse (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) are following a bank robber, Billy Ocampo (Dutch Johnson) in a warehouse. They try to catch him and his men but Ocampo escapes. The rest of the henchmen turn out to be undercover officers working for Lieutenant Melanie Hawkins (Gina Gershon), who is angry with them for messing the operation.

Jake and Rosa apologize to Hawkins for the mishandling but she is impressed by their abilities and she offers one of them a place in her task force, The Slaughterhouse. Despite agreeing not to compete, Jake and Rosa eventually turn against each other and try to catch Ocampo by any means, even sabotaging each other. Eventually, they find Ocampo in a building and Jake arrests him. Jake intends to get credit but Rosa tells him that she wanted to work on a task force led by a woman for once, making Jake decide to give her the credit. Hawkins is impressed by their loyalty and allows both to enter her task force. However, Jake overhears Hawkins talking with Ocampo, finding that she is a collaborator with him.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) accidentally loses Amy's (Melissa Fumero) pen, which she considers very precious. When she does not seem to be bothered by it, he decides to help her express her anger when confronted. After failed attempts, she manages to let her feelings out regarding the pen, pleasing Holt. Also, Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) fight over Scully's new girlfriend interfering in their friendship. Terry (Terry Crews) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) try to help them, to no success. Eventually, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) manages to reconcile them, by treating them "like animals".

The Bank Job (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) inform Holt (Andre Braugher) about Hawkins (Gina Gershon) and her corrupt business with the bank robbers. Due to a lack of evidence, they decide to recruit Adrian Pimento (Jason Mantzoukas) for help.

Amy (Melissa Fumero), Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Terry (Terry Crews) note that Gina (Chelsea Peretti) regularly gets out of the precinct and deduce she's pregnant. After confronting her, she admits she is but due a non-disclosure agreement, she won't reveal the father. They find that she is lying and ask again who the father is. Gina reveals the father is Boyle's cousin, Milton (Ryan Phillippe), much to Boyle's annoyance, as he considers Milton the worst in his family.

Adrian tells Jake and Rosa that they have to punch him to show they can be corrupt as Hawkins. They punch him in the slaughterhouse, but some of their conversation is filmed on camera. They find Hawkins destroyed the file and asks them to go for drinks that night. Using fake cocaine from the evidence room, they join them on the night and get a hangover. The next morning, they participate on a bank robbery, to which Jake sends Holt the address. Jake, Rosa and Hawkins' force arrives at the bank and are then arrested by the police. However, the address is a distinct bank and Hawkins frames Jake and Rosa, deeming herself to be undercover.

Crime and Punishment (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Two months have passed since the last episode and Jake (Andy Samberg) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) were framed for the bank robbery and are heading to trial. Due to a lack of evidence, the chances that they are found guilty are very high. They're also accused of hiding money in Cayman Islands bank accounts that were somehow created in Jake's and Rosa's names.

With one last day to get evidence, the squad finds that they got a name related to Hawkins: Matthew Langdon (Brent Briscoe), in Pennsylvania. While Terry (Terry Crews) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) find a hacker to find the database to the bank accounts, Jake and Amy (Melissa Fumero) visit Langdon at his farm. He explains that he worked with Hawkins years ago and found her corruption, to which she threatened his life if he didn't flee, forcing him to exclude himself. While initially unwilling to participate, he decides to help them.

Rosa decides not to waste her time and decides to flee with Adrian to a ranch, but Holt (Andre Braugher) convinces her to stay and not leave her "family". In the trial, Jake brings Langdon to testify against Hawkins. However, Terry and Boyle find too late that Langdon was the one who sent the money to the bank accounts. Langdon lies at the trial and testifies against Jake and Rosa. After consideration, the jury finds Jake and Rosa guilty.

Kicks (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) is back at the precinct and is excited to go back to working in the field. However, Holt (Andre Braugher) informs him that due to his time on prison, he was relegated to desk duty as his prison time prevents him from going into the field.

In order to return to the field, Jake must pass an evaluation test that Holt has to oversee. He and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) work on the case of a burglar and find evidence that a certain man is responsible and arrest him. However, Jake begins feeling the man may be innocent and talks with Boyle. The two get a lead on a possible suspect and confront him, who reveals their man is the right one. However, Jake already released the suspect, angering Holt. Jake explains that he wondered about his innocence because he fears people go to prison like him and will have to endure the hardship in prison which Jake experienced. Using new evidence to track the suspect, Holt decides to give back his position to Jake, citing that Jake's prison time has matured him into a better detective but Jake declines, opting for desk duty to readjust.

Meanwhile, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) returns with Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas) after a long time in jail. However, feeling Adrian has been distant recently, she uses multiple objects to spy on him. Finding him meeting with a woman, she angrily affirms he's cheating on her and confronts him, breaking up with him. However, Adrian explains that the woman was a Spanish teacher whom he was learning from so he could impress Rosa's parents. Despite him being proven innocent, Rosa decides to break up with him after realizing that she would've felt relieved had he been caught.


On the fifth annual Halloween heist, Jake (Andy Samberg), Holt (Andre Braugher) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) compete for a champion cummerbund, shortened to "belt" for "amazing human/genius". However, Terry (Terry Crews), Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) also compete for the belt.

Someone steals the belt and threatens the precinct by posing as Gina. However, this is part of Jake's and Boyle's plan as "Gina" is actually Bill (Winston Story), from last year. However, Boyle handcuffs Jake, having teamed up with Rosa and Terry to get the belt and also has Bill watch over him as he invested in pyramid scheme NutriBoom. Jake manages to get free by doubling Boyle's offer, investing in NutriBoom. Meanwhile, Holt uses Cheddar to retrieve the belt but finds that neither the belt nor the dog is authentic.

Amy retrieves the belt and locks it in her vault. Jake then uses extras to distract everyone and hide the belt. When Jake and Amy are in the evidence locker, Amy finds it but discovers that Jake changed the title to "Amy Santiago, will you marry me?" and Jake proposes to her. She happily accepts and the precinct goes to a bar to celebrate. While everyone makes a toast for them, Holt is slightly upset as no one won the belt because Jake changed the inscription.

Bad Beat (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

After making Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) his best man, Jake (Andy Samberg) meets with Terry (Terry Crews) and Holt (Andre Braugher) to discuss a criminal and going undercover on an underground gambling ring. As Holt wants to stay far from gambling due to a previous addiction, he helps them on the operation.

Jake wears a bug so that Holt can help him win some games to find the criminal in a club. He succeeds and proceeds to meet the criminal later. However, due to this, Holt has relapsed into his gambling addiction, much to Jake's and Terry's dismay. While Jake meets with the criminal, Holt accidentally blows his cover in a bathroom and is held at gunpoint by the criminal and taken to a limo. Jake and Terry manage to track his phone and stop the criminal from killing Holt. Holt eventually decides to enter into Gamblers Anonymous.

Meanwhile, Boyle and Amy (Melissa Fumero) find a truck involved on a crime scene but Boyle decides to use it to invest into a meatball business with Amy, although he forgets to tell Amy about it. Eventually, Amy finds him another truck so they can start the business. Also, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) makes fun of Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) for spending all day sitting. She eventually attempts to sit all day with them and finds that remaining seated is very difficult.

The Venue (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) announce that they have set a date for the wedding: May 2018 and work on getting a specific venue. However, they're notified that their venue has been taken by The Vulture (Dean Winters), who is marrying a woman named Jean Munhroe (Maria Thayer) on that date.

Jake and Amy find that Jean is a kind charity worker who is inheriting a large sum of money and decide to catch The Vulture cheating on her. They pretend to be a woman on a dating app, to whom The Vulture sends pictures of his penis. They confront him about it, to which he regrets, explaining that he has changed and is deeply in love with her. He promises to give them the venue if they remain quiet. Despite this, after learning how much he's lied to her about his character, they tell the truth to Jean, who dumps The Vulture. Jake and Amy decide to hold an after-party at the venue after The Vulture uses it for a wrestling match.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) investigate the disappearance of Sergeant Peanut Butter, the horse that overshadowed Boyle's Medal of Valor presentation. They find him in a warehouse by a man who flees by setting it on fire. Boyle manages to get the horse out in time but the media falsely gives credit to Peanut Butter, much to his dismay. Rosa eventually decides to leak video evidence online so Boyle could be properly credited. Also, Holt (Andre Braugher) tries to convince Terry to be less image-conscious after Terry (Terry Crews) begins to prepare a party for a cop he accidentally offended. After making the preparations, Terry takes Holt's advice and decides to throw the party for Boyle to celebrate him rescuing Sergeant Peanut Butter instead.

Two Turkeys

On Thanksgiving, Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are working on setting a dinner with their families to meet, hoping nothing goes wrong at his mother's house.

At Karen's (Katey Sagal) house, Jake introduces his parents to Amy's parents, Victor (Jimmy Smits) and Camila (Bertila Damas), who brought an additional turkey. As the evening shows no progress, Jake gives Roger (Bradley Whitford) and Victor more wine, but both end up drunk. At dinner, Roger and Victor get into a fight over their social status and compete to see who can finish carving the turkey first, which ends with Roger accidentally cutting his thumb off. At the hospital, Roger and Victor solve their issues and settle on splitting the costs of the wedding evenly.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) introduce a pie they plan to bring to Kevin's family. However, the pie goes missing and Holt suspects Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Terry (Terry Crews) of eating it and asks Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) to find it as they're experts on the matter. They eventually discover the pie in the trash, and Holt learns that Kevin himself threw it out as he hates the pie and wants to spend more time with Holt, which he accepts.

Return to Skyfire

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Terry (Terry Crews) convince Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) to investigate a case related to D.C. Parlov (Fred Melamed), the ''Skyfire Cycle'' author who got his latest manuscript stolen and partially leaked on the Internet. The culprit is blackmailing Parlov into giving $500,000 to prevent the release of the rest of the book. Despite a previous negative encounter with Parlov, Jake became a fan of the series after reading the books in jail while Terry discovered that he seemed to be a nice person. They go undercover as cosplayers at the fantasy convention where Parlov is speaking, with Rosa reluctantly participating by dressing as a character from a steampunk novel.

At the convention, they find that Parlov's rival, Landon Lawson (Rob Huebel), also had his manuscript stolen and the two authors accuse each other of stealing the manuscript. During this, Jake finds that Terry wrote a fantasy novel and has Parlov take a look at it, but finds that the novel is terrible. When Parlov compliments Terry's novel, Jake and Rosa find that he's lying and that both Parlov and Lawson stole each other's manuscript to get more attention. They end up arresting both and Jake reassures Terry after finding out that Parlov found his novel terrible. Meanwhile, Rosa unexpectedly becomes a fan of the steampunk novel.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) attend a forensics course by Dr. Ronald Yee (Reggie Lee) with the hope that their performance can get them a field lab in the precinct. However, they are forced to submit Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) as well, who can't keep digressing on anecdotes about his family on any subject. They use him as the cast subject to keep him from but accidentally forget to lubricate it, trapping him in the cast. After struggling to keep him quiet, they return to the course for help, with no chance of getting the lab.

99 (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Captain McGintley (Mike Hagerty), the previous Captain of the precinct, has died and the squad go to Los Angeles for his funeral. At the funeral, Holt (Andre Braugher) is told he is on the shortlist to replace the retiring New York City Police Commissioner and agrees to return to New York for the interview.

While driving home, Jake (Andy Samberg) makes the car stop so he can visit the Fox Plaza, the location of ''Nakatomi Plaza'' in his favorite film ''Die Hard''. However, they get stuck in the plaza for two hours when the door gets locked, missing their flight. With all flights from Los Angeles International Airport cancelled due to storms in the Midwest, they have to rent a derelict RV to drive to New York. While driving through Texas, Holt smells smoke coming from the RV and the group exits shortly before the RV explodes. They then sleep at the cattle stud farm of Boyle's (Joe Lo Truglio) cousins. During this, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) reveals to Boyle that she is bisexual and is in a relationship with a woman but refuses to speak more about it.

The next morning, Jake arranges for them to fly back to New York aboard a cargo plane departing from Jacksboro Municipal Airport, but when they try to drive there in a cattle trailer they are pulled over by the police. When the officer claims to be acting on a tip that a similar trailer is being used for drug trafficking, Jake realizes that Holt called 911 on them and confronts him. Holt reveals he sabotaged the RV by pouring cheese puffs into the fuel tank, manipulated them into getting stuck at the plaza, and deliberately slowed the road trip by breaking the speedometer. Holt admits that he was compromised by Seamus Murphy when exonerating Jake and Rosa and fears what his position as Commissioner will bring. The gang promises to help him on the issue and Amy (Melissa Fumero) uses math to arrive in time at New York for the interview. After his interview, the squad meet at a bar and Holt announces that he is on the shortlist for the Commissioner position before toasting the 99th precinct.

Game Night (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

During a briefing, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) comes out to the precinct as bisexual. She then tells Jake (Andy Samberg) that she hasn't told her parents about it and asks for help. Jake accompanies (unknowingly) Rosa to a restaurant to meet with her parents, Oscar (Danny Trejo) and Julia (Olga Merediz).

At the dinner, Rosa and Jake have to feign being in a relationship but their cover is blown when Jake's fiancée, Amy (Melissa Fumero) calls him. Rosa's parents, however, are relieved as they would rather have her be someone's mistress than bisexual, causing her to storm off. Later, she and Jake visit her parents for a game night to discuss again. Everything goes fine but her parents continue disapproving her sexuality, deeming it a "phase", angering her. The next day, Oscar visits her and apologizes for his behavior, telling her he loves her and accepts her for who she is, but Julia will take time to accept it and as such, their game nights might be postponed. The precinct then decides to make a weekly game night at Rosa's apartment.

Meanwhile, the Cyber Crimes division is moved next to the 99th precinct and is using up all their bandwidth, causing problems with the internet connection. After a few failed attempts to persuade the division and seeing no other choice, the precinct calls on Gina (Chelsea Peretti) for help, for which she intimidates the division leader Devin (Paul Scheer) to return the bandwidth. Gina explains to the precinct that she's not coming back as she wants to begin a business to raise her daughter. However, after being touched by Amy and Boyle's (Joe Lo Truglio) good-bye speech, she decides to return to the Nine-Nine while continuing to work on her side business.

The Favor (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Seamus Murphy (Paul Adelstein) meets with Holt (Andre Braugher) to finally ask for the favor he owes him: he requests a permit for a block party that will cover up their planned robbery of $20 million worth of bonds from armored trucks. If he refuses, Seamus will leak the tape where Holt asked the favor and ruin his reputation.

Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) decide to befriend Seamus' incompetent nephew, Kyle (Mike Mitchell). Unfortunately, they discover that he was expelled from the crime family for losing a Rolls-Royce car. Meanwhile, Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) try to request a permit for the block party, but they are rejected. When they ask a retired civil servant for help in making the application, she reveals that she deliberately created the form to be logically impossible to file out of spite, shattering Amy's faith in the bureaucracy. Rosa and Amy instead search for loopholes in the system to get the permit. Eventually, they use an obsolete permit that was never officially decertified to get the party permit.

Jake and Boyle manage to retrieve the car from the impound lot and Kyle returns it to Seamus, who welcomes him back into the family. Using a bug on the car keys, the team manages to foil the truck robbery. While this happens, Seamus returns the tape to Holt, ending his obligation. However, Jake discovers from his bug that Seamus blamed Kyle for the failure of the robbery and implies that he is planning to kill him. Humbled by his experience in prison, Jake convinces Holt to take Kyle into protective custody under the pretext of an arrest for unpaid parking tickets. Seamus visits Holt at a diner demanding Kyle's release, and when Holt refuses threatens Kevin's (Marc Evan Jackson) life.

Safe House (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) and the squad retrieve Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) from the Columbia University campus. Holt (Andre Braugher) informs them that Kevin will be sent to a safe house and Jake volunteers himself to accompany him throughout his time.

For 2 months, Jake and Kevin stay in a safe house but due to Holt's severe limitations, which include staying out of sight of the windows during daytime and no phone or Internet, they are quickly bored with their environment. This also causes a strain on Kevin's and Holt's relationship, as Kevin is unable to research his book. Meanwhile, the squad tries to track down Murphy (Paul Adelstein). Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) goes to a hair salon and is forced to gossip and change her hair to get info out of Murphy's girlfriend, Nikki (Cyrina Fiallo). Amy (Melissa Fumero), Terry (Terry Crews), and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) search through a room full of shredded documents to pin down Murphy's location.

Jake decides to sneak Kevin to the New York Public Library so he can enjoy some time off, and to avoid further straining his relationship with Holt. However, they are both caught by Holt and are forced to return to the house by bus. In the bus, they notice Murphy's henchman and Jake and Kevin escape, but Holt is captured by the henchman and brought to Murphy. Rosa sends the address she got from Nikki and the shredded documents, and Jake and Kevin arrive at Murphy's hideout. Jake is captured and about to be shot by Murphy until Kevin crashes a car into the hideout and punches Murphy in the throat, freeing them. Murphy's operation collapses and Jake and Kevin return to their normal lives.

The Negotiation (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) is called as a negotiator on a hostage situation in a jewelry store, much to his excitement and to the dismay of Dennis Kole (Chris Bauer), who wanted to act as the negotiator. However, the perpetrator turns out to be Doug Judy (Craig Robinson).

Judy explains that he has upset a drug dealer, Holloway, who will kill his mother if he does not give him the diamonds to pay off an old debt. Instead, they plan to set up Holloway for an arrest and take Judy and the diamonds into custody after, which Judy agrees to as long as his mother is safe. Using Rosa's (Stephanie Beatriz) and Scully's (Joel McKinnon Miller) help, Jake and Judy manage to escape the store with diamonds and meet with the criminal but they're interrupted by Kole, who helps Jake catch the criminal. However, Judy flees with the diamonds, and Jake faces suspension for letting him go. Rosa calls Jake gullible for falling for Judy's plan. Jake is then given instructions to go to a karaoke bar where he retrieves the diamonds, and it is explained that Judy left the diamonds there as a gift for Jake so he will not be suspended.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) begins his food truck business and Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) agree to help him. However, his perfectionist attitude and rudeness make them quit. Boyle later apologizes for his behavior, although they won't work for him anymore.

In a separate plot point, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Terry (Terry Crews) have to change Hitchcock's (Dirk Blocker) attitude in order to pass an interview for Holt's commissioner position. Although they only have an hour to prepare, the interview is a success. Holt and Terry ask Hitchcock why he doesn't change his behavior for good, but Hitchcock immediately reverts to his old self.

The Box (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Phillip Davidson (Sterling K. Brown), a successful dentist, is called to the precinct in order to be questioned about his business partner Robert Tupper's death, of which he is deemed the prime suspect. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) informs Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher) about the case, prompting Holt to cancel his plans in order to interrogate him.

The interrogation turns out to be even more difficult than expected. Davidson manages to hold off the accusations by having an alibi and having excuses for all the connections regarding his whereabouts when Tupper was killed. When Jake and Holt's various interrogation tactics repeatedly fail, Davidson manages to himself erode Jake's trust in Holt. Eventually, against Holt's request, Jake lies about a witness seeing Davidson at the scene of the crime (citing to Holt ''Frazier v. Cupp'') but fails upon learning that the witness died long prior to Tupper's death. Davidson calls his lawyer (Romy Rosemont) in order to finally be released and Jake and Holt can only detain him for a few minutes more before they could file an assault report.

However, Jake finally comes up with the conclusion: Davidson was stealing meds from his partner's office when the partner found out and threatened to call the police. Jake says that Davidson bludgeoned him with a glass trophy and escaped to his uncle's cabin, constantly pointing out that he got lucky. This angers Davidson, who confesses that he killed his partner and had planned the perfect crime, and wasn't just an incapable amateur who just "got lucky". Jake and Holt eventually leave the precinct, only to see Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), realizing that it is already morning, at which point they decide to "start" their work for the day.

The Puzzle Master

Amy (Melissa Fumero) learns that she has passed her Sergeant's Exam and will be officially promoted in a week. Jake (Andy Samberg) decides to work with her on their last case before she is a sergeant and chooses an investigation of a series of arsons connected with Amy's love for crosswords.

To Amy's delight, Jake brings in the victim, Amy's favorite puzzle author, Melvin Stermley (David Fumero). To Jake’s dismay, however, “Vin” turns out to be hunky, personable, and the opposite of the nerd Jake envisioned. Vin and Amy begin bonding throughout the case, causing Jake to feel jealous. Jake comes to believe that Vin's friend Sam Jepsen is starting the fires, but Amy and Vin come to believe that a different person is starting the fires to spell their name. While pursuing a suspect due to Vin's hunch, Jake doesn't follow protocol and monitors Jepsen. However, Jepsen turns out to be innocent and the real arsonist starts a fire where Jake was supposed to guard, angering Amy. After Jake apologizes for his behavior, he solves the case by finding that it was Vin's obsessed neighbor who caused the fires as part of an elaborate marriage proposal and death threat for Vin.

Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) meet the competition for the Police Commissioner position. At the meeting, Holt is intimidated by Captain Olivia Crawford (Allison Tolman) who is in the running for the position and is opposed to precincts. He considers allying with one of the selectors, Patrick, only for Patrick to claim that Crawford was nominated as a public relations ploy and that the NYPD should not have a female Commissioner. Holt reveals this to the audience, causing a new group to be selected to nominate the Commissioner. As a result, Holt and Crawford depart from the incident as "frenemies."

At the same time, Terry (Terry Crews), Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker), and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) debate over who should get the new Detective car. Terry tries to solve the issue by having them draw names from the basket, but the other three accuse him of cheating after he draws his own name. Eventually, Terry breaks down and confesses. Rosa decides to give it to Terry as she feels that he is willing to help his colleagues whenever in need. She tricks Hitchcock and Scully into agreeing by washing their car and claiming that it is a new model.


Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) is visited by Bill (Winston Story), the NutriBoom representative that made him sign the contract, who reminds him of his contract. Tired of NutriBoom, Jake and Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) decide to face the heads of NutriBoom.

At the headquarters, Jake is notified that he has to pay $10,000 to end the contract or be a benefactor for the company, which he refuses. They decide to infiltrate NutriBoom to find evidence behind the possible homicide of the CEO David Stovelman's wife Debbie, with the help of Jay Chandrasekhar, who is forced to be the face of NutriBoom's ads. However, they find that Debbie (Kate Butler) is alive and secretly running the organization, having paid a private company to make her disappear and avoid federal investigation. She taunts Jake that the company has no actual proof of their activities and that she will never be arrested. She bribes him to back down, but he refuses and reports her to the FBI. NutriBoom starts surveilling Jake and Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) to intimidate them.

Meanwhile, Amy officially becomes Sergeant and begins her course by teaching new recruits on the precinct. However, she finds one of the recruits, Gary Jennings (Drew Tarver) very annoying and an upbeat overachiever. Seeing that he is a version of herself during her early days, Amy tries different ways to avoid Gary, to no success. She consults Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) for further suggestions, but they all fail or backfire. Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher) advises her to listen to Gary's ideas, like he did with her. Eventually, Amy apologizes to Gary for her behavior and decides to listen to him more.

DFW (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Jake (Andy Samberg) invites his half-sister Kate (Nasim Pedrad), one of his dad's many daughters through affairs, to New York to meet with her in anticipation for the wedding. However, when Jake and Amy (Melissa Fumero) meet her, they find her annoying and chaotic.

When Kate considers staying in New York after a rough break-up, Jake and Amy call in her ex-boyfriend Kurt (Kirk Fox) to mend everything so she can return to Dallas. Kurt travels to New York and they reconcile but break up again when Jake sees that he is a bad person for his sister and kicks him out. Kurt then reveals to Kate that he came because Jake and Amy called him and she storms off to the airport. Jake pursues her and apologizes to her, saying that they need to have a better relationship than the one their father gave them.

Meanwhile, Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and Holt (Andre Braugher) practice yoga. Terry (Terry Crews) decides to join them but ends up getting his back so injured that he asks Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) for help. He accidentally ends up stuck in Scully's nap room for the whole day until Boyle carries him out. Also, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) sets a date for Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) in a bar. However, the date, Trishelle, proves to be annoying for Rosa so she spends the night with Aubrey, the bartender, instead. The next day, Gina reveals that Trishelle was a decoy and that Aubrey was the real date.

Gray Star Mutual

Jake (Andy Samberg) accompanies Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to help on his food truck and they leave for drinks. When they return, they find the truck has been burned down and call the insurance company Gray Star Mutual. To their surprise, the investigator turns out to be Adrian (Jason Mantzoukas).

Adrian's behavior on the investigation worsens when he finds all the events he missed while he was gone and while accusing Boyle of being his own arsonist, he denies the insurance claim. Jake and Boyle then decide to file a complaint with the company against Adrian. Adrian finds out and locks himself with them, threatening them. They eventually reconcile but Adrian gets fired and the claim is dismissed. With the help of Adrian, Jake and Boyle track down one of Boyle's former employees who is responsible for the fire.

Meanwhile, Amy (Melissa Fumero) thinks that shopping for her wedding dress would make her look weak to her subordinates, so Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) helps her choose the right dress while instilling a sense of confidence within her. Amy uses the dress while chasing a perp, which makes her feel confident. Also, Terry (Terry Crews) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) convince Holt (Andre Braugher) to create a Twitter account to gain attention for the Commissioner position. However, Holt quits Twitter after his account is suspended for being supposedly a bot. One of the candidates for Commissioner turns out to be disqualified, leaving 3 captains as the front-runners.

Show Me Going

Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) try to get places on a multi-agency, multi-state task force. However, Jake previously injured the task force head (Akiva Schaffer) in the police academy, so the two are forced to return to the precinct. There, they learn that a shooting near a hotel is taking place and Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) is near the scene and is called to help.

The squad is told to remain in the precinct and continue their jobs, per the Commissioner's orders. However, Jake is intent on going to help Rosa but Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher) strictly tells him not to leave the building. During this, Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews) begins experiencing an existential crisis and tries to up his life insurance policy, calling in a doctor to take his blood pressure. Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) decide to fix the broken women's toilet on their floor but end up breaking the pipelines.

With help from Boyle, Michael Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Norm Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller), Jake gets weapons from the armory, faking Holt's voice for permission and proceeds to leave the building. However, Holt catches him and tells him that he has to remain to help the others, who are worried about Rosa's status. Jake still leaves in his car but instead of helping Rosa, he comes back with pizzas for the precinct to calm them down. This even brings down Terry's blood pressure. An hour later, Rosa returns safely and she is welcomed into the precinct. Gina shows her the broken toilet as Amy returns, and the three hug.

White Whale (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Amy (Melissa Fumero) and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) find that their "white whale" suspect - a ruthless killer who has managed to elude them for seven years - has been spotted around the city and set to finally catch him. Before leaving, Amy leaves Jake (Andy Samberg) a list of chores he has to tackle before the wedding.

Amy and Rosa interrogate the killer's old familiar in an elderly home but find no information. Then, Amy reveals to Rosa that she accidentally let the killer escape when she inspected another part of the building they were inspecting, upsetting Rosa. While heading out, a woman tells them the killer is in the home and they return to catch him. Amy tries to mend her mistake and falls off the home, injuring her knee. Rosa explains to Amy that it's normal to make mistakes and she was angry because she lied to her, not for letting him go. They finally catch the killer at his house and arrest him.

Meanwhile, Jake has trouble tackling the chores so he asks Terry (Terry Crews) for help. Terry helps him with a few chores but soon finds that due to Jake's over-confidence, he's already over-budget with the wedding before the chores are done. Jake is able to stay within their budget by opting for a cheaper wine package and asking Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) for help packing goody bags in exchange for candy almonds. The group manages to finish everything on the list but Jake accidentally locks Terry's keys inside Terry's minivan as they're preparing to transport the stuff for the wedding to the venue. Jake starts to panic about the keys locked in the car being a sign of a disaster-filled marriage with Amy, but Terry calms him down by saying that his love for Amy won't lead to that. Jake realizes that he would do anything for Amy because of his love for her and proceeds to break the window of Terry's minivan with a rock to get the keys out, and breaking a second window as a part of his adrenaline-filled proclamation.

Also, Holt (Andre Braugher) and Crawford (Allison Tolman) find that the other candidate for Commissioner has a 50% approbation and as such, one of them has to quit the candidacy. After the two argue for the other to withdraw, and Holt rejecting Gina (Chelsea Peretti) and Boyle's (Joe Lo Truglio) idea to spread false rumors about Crawford, Holt decides to submit a letter withdrawing from the commissioner's list but finds that Crawford withdrew as well, forcing Holt, Boyle, Gina, and Crawford to break into 1PP to retrieve the letter. Crawford finds Holt's letter and destroys it but reveals that she sent her withdrawal via e-mail, leaving Holt and John Kelly as the only two remaining candidates.

Jake & Amy

It's the big day for Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) but the wedding does not go as planned when Amy's veil is ruined and the venue is forced to be evacuated when someone calls Jake to inform him he has a bomb in the venue. The person got the address when Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) posted the venue's address in the newspaper.

To Jake's and Amy's dismay, Amy's ex-boyfriend Teddy (Kyle Bornheimer) is the leader of the bomb squad who will handle the bomb. Jake, Amy and Boyle try to find suspects that could've done it and discover that the culprit was a criminal (Kyle Gass) Amy arrested in the past who planted a bomb in the vents and they arrest him. However, the bomb remains in the venue and they're told the wedding won't happen that day. Terry (Terry Crews) has to fix the veil and he and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) take a cab driven by a woman named Alicia (Gina Rodriguez), whom Terry tries to hook Rosa up with.

Holt (Andre Braugher) receives an email informing him if he has successfully been appointed Commissioner, and holds off reading it out of fear. To compensate for the wedding, Boyle organizes the precinct to be the wedding ceremony. Holt officiates the wedding and Teddy helps bringing in the rings with a robot, to compensate for the venue. Jake and Amy are officially married. While celebrating at the bar, Holt tells the precinct that he got the results for the Commissioner campaign. He reads it and makes a gesture, leaving the precinct confused as to whether or not he got the position.

Bachelor/ette Party

Jake (Andy Samberg) has his bachelor party organized by Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) with the assistance of Terry (Terry Crews) and Holt (Andre Braugher) while Amy's bachelorette party is organized by her friend Kylie (Sarah Baker) with the assistance of Gina (Chelsea Peretti), Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller).

Boyle's plan involves an overly-elaborate scavenger hunt, which upsets Jake, Terry and Holt. Boyle is then "kidnapped" and gives the gang instructions for the next 6 hours to find clues around the city. Finding in his mail the final destination, the guys decide to eat and drink at a restaurant during the 6 hours. However, at the destination, Boyle realizes the deception and leaves, upset. Jake asks for help from Reginald VelJohnson, who was part of the clues, to locate Boyle and they both apologize for their behavior. Jake then offers an apology to an angry VelJohnson, who immediately rejects this by informing Jake that he has made an "enemy for life" and that he plans to tell Jake's idol, Bruce Willis, that he sucks.

Amy's party turns dull so the gang play Never Have I Ever, which causes Hitchcock and Scully to go to the hospital. During the party, Kylie reveals that Jake hired a band whose lead member, Constantine Kane (Blake Anderson), she once dated (and is still in love with her) to perform at their wedding. The women confront him at a bar, where he refuses to cancel his performance unless he's paid a cancellation fee of $15,000. Amy then takes his contract and burns it, breaking the clause.

The Farmer (film)

Decorated World War II veteran Kyle Martin returns homes to Georgia to start a farm, but realizes running a one-man farm isn't profitable, and the bank needs to foreclose, despite his being a veteran. At that point a gambler named Johnny has an auto crash close to the farm, in which Kyle spares his life. Johnny offers him $1,500, which actually isn't sufficient to spare the homestead.

At this time, Johnny past-posts mobster Passini on a horse race for $50,000. This angers Passini who along with his three colleagues, murders Johnny's bodyguard, and blinds Johnny's eyes with corrosive acid to "make a example out of him".

Johnny asks his mistress Betty to hire Kyle so he can kill to Passini and his men individually for $50,000, which he needs to save his farm. Kyle is initially reluctant to do so. However, one of Passini's men by the name of Weasel rapes Betty at Kyle's farm. Weasel then kills the farmhand Gumshoe while trying to save Betty, then burns down the farm.

After arriving in time to save Betty from the burning farm and surveying through the burnt wreckage the next day, Kyle finally accepts Johnny's offer which sets the path for revenge.

Symphony No. 42 (film)

The short consists of 47 loosely connected scenes revolving around the "irrational connections between human and nature".

America's Dream

A talented young African American student presents his teacher with one of his paintings on her birthday. There are gasps of shock as the painting is revealed to be of Christ on the cross, a Christ who is black. The teacher accepts the painting graciously, and when the end of the year arrives, it is displayed with all the rest of the artwork produced in the school that year. The final ceremony is attended by the white superintendent of the area, who presides happily over proceedings. All is well until he examines the work on display.

The Perfect Clue

Jerome Stewart (William P. Carleton) throws an elegant dinner party to announce his engagement to Ursula Chesebrough (Betty Blythe), but the engagement comes as a total surprise to his daughter, Mona (Dorothy Libaire), who doesn't like Ursula and takes it badly. Longtime admirer and inebriate Ronnie Van Zandt (Richard 'Skeets' Gallagher) convinces her to run away and elope with him, although she does not love him. The two board the train for Buffalo but Mona soon changes her mind and gets off the train at a whistle stop and attempts to hire a car from Johnny Rourke to drive her to Albany, but instead employs David Mannering (David Manners) as he is coming out of a café. He drives her to a remote area and robs her, leaving her behind. Later he comes back for Mona, and agrees to drive her to where she wants to go as Mona feigns a sprained ankle for sympathy. The car gets stuck in the mud and they are forced to spend the night in the car until David can find someone to pull them out in the morning.

Somewhat infatuated with David by now, Mona wants to know more about him, he tells her that he got out of prison a month prior, and that he had been a bank teller and had been accused of stealing money, although he claims that he didn't do it. Stewart and Ronnie track Mona to the whistle stop but soon discover that Rourke was not hired by Mona, and they then hire him to drive them to Albany. Meanwhile, Mona is frightened by a bull, causing her to run from it and David discovers her ruse. Once they get to Albany, David plans to see a man by the name of Delany (Robert Gleckler) for work at a bowling alley/pool hall. He tries to get Mona to get out of the car which attracts an audience, then she tells a policeman that she and David are newlyweds arguing over where the honeymoon will be.

Just before David goes to see Delaney, Sid Barkley (Ralf Harolde) and Butch Carter (Ernie Adams) demand $10,000 from Delaney, their cut from a previous job that they took the rap for. Delaney refuses and Carter knifes him in the back, and the two ransack the office looking for money then flee. Delaney has enough life left in him to hide the note from the two criminals in a bowling pin. David discovers Delaney on the floor, saying "the pin" just before dying. David, afraid of being connected to the murder leaves the back way and flees the area with Mona in the car.

Since David was the only person to see Delaney before he was killed, police begin a frantic search for him although Mona believes he is innocent. After the police catch up with them, both David and Mona are arrested for the murder. Jerome and Ronnie visit Mona in jail, she tells her father that she loves David, and that he is innocent and insists he get them both out of jail. Mona's father visits David, who refuses help from him and asks him to get his daughter out of jail.

Jerome asks Mona to forget David, since his fingerprints were found on the knife and he is the leading suspect. Mona still insists David is innocent, and that she had seen two men drive away from Delaney's place. Mona and Ronnie try to determine what Delaney meant when he said "the pin" just before he died. Mona and Ronnie go to Delaney's office to find clues to the pin, while Barkley and Carter also go there to retrieve the letter they sent him. Mona calls the police just before Barkley and Carter discover she and Ronnie are in the office and the men try to escape the back way but are caught by the police. Mona finds Barkley and Carter's letter in a hinged bowling pin that is lying on the floor. Later the two men confess and David is found innocent. Mona and David reunite.

Mug Town

Steve, Tommy, Pig, Ape, and String get chased out of town. During their attempt to hop onto a freight car, Steve dies. The other boys go and tell Alice, Steve's mother about what happened. This leads to Tommy getting a job in the storage facility which she co-owns with Mack. Don, Steve's brother, also works there and Tommy learns that he is working for gangsters by informing them of when valuable items are available to be stolen. The other boys learn of Don's plans to make Tommy as the "fall-guy" during the next job and set about to stop him.

La Taxista

Victoria (Ana Belena), a woman who, with enthusiasm and joy, attempts to move forward her mother Lupita (Martha Mariana Castro) and her sister, Marion (Vanessa Silva) driving the taxi of her late father. Victoria's main concern is her daughter Daniela (Camila Rivas), a small girl with different abilities that fills with joy their humble home. Everyone expects Victoria to marry Juan (Mike Biaggio), the man they believe is perfect for her and who also adores Daniela. Juan asks Victoria and little Daniela for marriage, and the girl accepts without hesitation. Victoria, who loves him with all her heart, but as a friend, accepts the proposal because of the well-intentioned pressure of her family and because she believes that she will not find a better father for her daughter. Victoria falls in love with Alvaro when she almost run him over with her taxi. Alvaro (Marcus Ornellas), is a successful automotive entrepreneur, who is emotionally destroyed after learning that Carolina (Cecilia Galliano), his wife, has been unfaithful. Álvaro, about to suffer a heart attack, asks Victoria for help, who gets him into the taxi and using her driving skills, manages to take him to the hospital saving his life. This experience unites Victoria and Álvaro in a relationship. The taxi driver and the businessman will fight for their love, showing that there are always second chances.

The Poppy War

The novel centers on a poor orphan, Rin, who studies in secret to test into the elite Sinegard Academy. Kuang said Rin's life is meant to parallel the trajectory of Mao Zedong. Grounded in the real-world history of Chinese wars and adding a fantasy drug element inspired by the Opium Wars, ''The Poppy War'' is a dark and fatalistic tale of warfare. When a conflict surfaces between the Nikara Empire and their neighboring nation, the Federation of Mugen, Rin is called to the front lines. She must decide whether to make a deal with the gods to unleash her shamanic powers. Her decision may change the war but result in the loss of her humanity.

The Cameraman's Revenge

The film is based on the love collision of the Zhukov family (deer beetles), the artist Usachini (beetle-beetle), the grasshopper cameraman and the dancing dragonfly.

The Beautiful Leukanida

The film speaks of two bugs which fight over a beautiful female bug.

The Little House in Kolomna

The film is based on the 1830 poem ''The Little House in Kolomna'' by Alexander Pushkin.

Por amar sin ley (season 1)

The season follows the life of a group of lawyers who work for the firm Vega y Asociado founded by Alonso Vega (Guillermo García Cantú). The main characters are Alejandra (Ana Brenda Contreras), Ricardo (David Zepeda) and Carlos (Julián Gil). After the police imprison Carlos for the death of a prostitute, Alejandra begins to work for Vega y Asociado and begins to be attracted to Ricardo, but Carlos, after seeing this, decides to do everything possible to separate them together with the help of Elena (Geraldine Bazán). On the other hand, are Victoria (Altair Jarabo) and Roberto (José María Torre Hütt ), Roberto tries to seduce her, but she refuses to fall into his game, Benjamín (Pablo Valentín) and Leticia (Eva Cedeño), two ambitious lawyers who are lovers, Olivia (Ilithya Manzanilla) who is madly in love with Leonardo (Manuel Balbi), but he only has eyes for his work, Gustavo (Sergio Basañez), who after a bad decision ends his marriage, and Juan López (Víctor García), a lawyer who admires the firm Vega y Asociado and wishes to obtain a position in that law firm.

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

The story follows Zangetsu, a swordsman searching for revenge upon the demons who magically cursed him. He feels the presence of a great demon, and swears to kill all demons he can find as he quests across the areas of ''Curse of the Moon''. During his search he encounters Miriam, Alfred, and Gebel. Based on how the protagonist treats the other travelers, the ending changes. In all paths, he fights the archdemon Gremory in the final stage. If Zangetsu allies with all three potential party members, Gremory's final attack on the party is blocked by him, who absorbs the dark power and becomes corrupted. Miriam, Alfred, and Gebel manage to escape the castle, but are not able to forget about Zangetsu who was left behind. If the protagonist ignores all three potential party members and travels alone, then the three of them arrive to block Gremory's final attack, sacrificing themselves and saving the main character. If Zangetsu mixes recruiting, ignoring, and killing the others, then he (and any allies) will leave the castle and watch as it crumbles with the sunrise, but the swordsman is not freed from his curse. If Zangetsu chooses to kill the other three and absorb their power he will absorb Gremory's dark energy attack and become the new dark emperor.

In "Nightmare" mode, unlocked if the player defeats the game while recruiting all three potential allies, Miriam, Alfred, and Gebel travel back to the castle to defeat the corrupted Zangetsu, who is that mode's final enemy. The three kill the emperor and free his soul from the curse of the moon.

Dogs of Berlin

Police officers Erol Birkan and Kurt Grimmer investigate the murder of the fictional Turkish-German football star Orkan Erdem. The act sends Berlin into a frenzy, and the list of potential suspects is long: Neo-Nazis from the Marzahn borough of Berlin, the Arab Mafia from the same neighborhood as the footballer, Turkish nationalists angry with the superstar playing for Germany instead of Turkey, football fans, and the Berlin Mafia. The chain of evidence may even lead to the highest offices of the capital. In order to uncover the truth, the two police officers have to venture deep down into the Berlin underworld.

How to Get Away with Murder (season 5)

Season 5 picks up after Annalise's (Viola Davis) class action victory in the Supreme Court, with Michaela (Aja Naomi King), Connor (Jack Falahee), Asher (Matt McGorry) and Laurel (Karla Souza) moving on with the next chapter of their lives.

The Ballerina

Glen Sorenson is nearly involved in a wreck with some Rednecks, while driving his daughter, Sophia, to a ballet recital, but makes a stop at his hunting spot. Later, dirty, Glen has a long beard, and Sophia's ballet costume is in torn up, presumably a great amount of time has lapsed.

In a transient tent camp, a lady, Marjorie Mitchell, knows that Sophia is traumatized by night terrors and visual/auditory hallucinations. She tries to convince Glen to let her bring help, but he declines. Glen looks at family photos that show him with his wife, Jennifer, Sophia, and their three sons.

That evening, they sit around a campfire, with other people in the camp roasting marshmallows. Sophia sees a green lantern, and a young girl that looks normal, and then appears badly burned. Sophia screams and cries, then passing out. Doe, a nurses aid in camp, says Sophia is having Psychosomatic hallucinations triggered by emotional trauma, and they need help.

Glen tells Doe that Sophia's hallucinations, and night terrors began happening one year ago, when their family died in an accident on the way to Sophia's recital. Child Protective Services was on the verge of taking Sophia, so they hid in the camp. Doe urges him to get help, but he says it's not an option. Doe tries hypnotherapy on Sophia. The next day, Sophia slept well, but the effects are short lived.

The girl with the green lantern returns, and is wearing a girl scout type uniform, introduces herself as Annie, coaxes Sophia out of the tent. Sophia sees more girls with Annie, that are also badly burned and pulls away. Sophia screams, and the next day, draws the girls she saw.

That evening, Father Callihan says children are vulnerable to spirits, and puts his hands on Sophia's head and has a flashback of what she's seen. He tells Glen to stay awake to watch over her. Annie returns, and gives Sophia the locket, with 2 pictures that are of herself and her little brother. The next morning, Sophia is not afraid anymore, and shows Glen the locket. A picture in the locket looks familiar, but Glen can't place it. They now believe Sophia is seeing ghosts, and they need help from a medium.

Therese Magloire, a medium, holds a seance and she translated by her Etienne. Therese is over taken by an unseen force, and she sees six little girls sitting with them around the campfire, in the girl ranger uniforms. Therese has a flashback and sees them in and old car from the 1950s, and in a horrific accident, killing them all, and they were badly burned. They walk away as Therese tries to get them to stay. Therese says if Sophia talks to the girls, it may help them understand.

Glen researches and finds information about the wreck. "Annie" is actually his aunt, who was killed 66 years ago. The boy in the locket is his father, Hank. Annie comes back and gets Sophia to follow her. Glen notices she is gone, and frantically looks for her. Annie and the other girls lead her to a pond and push her in the water. She manages to cling to the tree, she asks why they are doing this and they signal her to look down at something in the water. Glen has a flashback to the day of the recital, Sophia stayed in the truck, and it gets dark. Sophia sees a car pulling up, so she hid on the floor board. The Rednecks from the incident earlier peer around the truck, but it is locked, so they keep walking. They come back, and Sophia gets out of the car.

Seeing them at the truck, Glen orders them to leave at gunpoint. Glen notices she's gone, and goes to look for her. In the present, he reaches the pond, and wades across to get her. In the past, Glen looks for her, and a Redneck hits him in the head with the gun, knocking him out. In the present, Glen stumbles in the pond, and no longer sees Sophia. In the past, Glen regains consciousness and resumes searching for Sophia. When he asks what they did to her, they motion him to look in the water, and he sees Sophia's skeletal remains there. In the past, Glen calls Jennifer and a police officer has her put him on speaker phone, stating it is now 3:30am, and he lost her around 7pm. In the present, he cries hysterically while holding her remains. In the past, the police arrive and search for her. In the present, Sophia now appears to Glen as she did that day, he apologizes to her, and she forgives him. The next day, Glen's father Hank meets him in the woods to tell him to go home to his family and make it right, because they're still alive.

He gets there to find that they cannot hear him because he is dead. In a flashback 21 days after Sophia went missing, the prospects are grim. Severely depressed, Glen committed suicide. After visiting his family, Glen learns that everyone else in that camp are dead people that don't realize it. They keep walking and see Sophia waiting for them.

Cyrano de Bergerac (1925 film)

As described in a film magazine reviews, Cyrano , a Frenchman celebrated as a hero, poet, and soldier, wins fear and respect because of his swordsmanship. Because of his sensitiveness of his huge nose, he keeps himself from society. He believes he is outcast from romance. When he falls in love with a young woman, Roxanne, he courts her by proxy. At last she realizes Cyrano's feelings for her. Before she has an opportunity to talk to him, he dies a death of glory.

Lambs of God

Three Catholic nuns, Sisters Iphigenia, Margarita and Carla, are the last remaining members of the enclosed order of St Agnes living on a remote island with a flock of sheep which they believe are the reincarnations of their departed sisters. A young priest, Father Ignatius, arrives to survey the supposedly abandoned abbey for the church, but he is injured and becomes their prisoner. His presence stirs very different emotions in each of the nuns which come to a climax when another envoy from the church, Father Bob, is sent to investigate and dies after falling into a trap. While Iphigenia travels to the mainland to claim her inheritance to save the abbey, Margarita accidentally creates a miracle and heals Ignatius' foot. The abbey then becomes a commercial success as an attraction for pilgrims.


Matthew is a young Canadian new to Berlin. He's come to make a fresh start, but feels the isolation of living in a strange new city. He is entranced when he meets Matthias. Beautiful and charismatic, Matthias is everything Matthew wants to be. Soon Matthew's interest transforms into obsession. He begins to transform himself into the object of his desire: cutting his hair and buying new clothes to look like Matthias.

When Matthias is injured in a motorcycle accident, an opportunity presents itself and Matthew becomes Matthias. Comatose in the hospital, Matthias' waking life, dreams and memories blur. Where the real ends, the artificial begins. Meanwhile, Matthew sinks deeper into his new life. When Matthias finally wakes and confronts him, they embark on a new and strange final chapter.

Throw Grampa from the Dane

The Simpsons wake up to find their house completely flooded with water. It is revealed that the night before, Marge asked Homer to help her readjust the position of their sailboat painting. However, they accidentally knocked a nail through one of the water pipes, causing the flood. After receiving an insurance payout of $102 and six months' temporary housing, the Simpsons have to vacate their house while the water damage is being repaired. After hearing about this, Grampa asks to use the money to fund an important operation, one he wishes not to discuss. After Dr. Nick proves ineffective for that, Lisa brings up Denmark's free healthcare, and Marge suggests that they use the insurance payout and Homer's vacation time to take a family trip to Denmark for Grampa's operation. Homer at first refuses, but Grampa tricks him into reluctantly agreeing to go.

Upon arriving in a wind-powered district of Denmark, the family stay at an Airbnb apartment that is space-efficient, to Lisa's glee. The owner proceeds to show them around Copenhagen, visiting places like Amalienborg, Land of Legends and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. Marge and Lisa are fascinated by their culture, while Bart and Homer make fun of it. Homer learns that although non-Danish people don't necessarily qualify for free healthcare, people who are injured in Denmark are treated for free, while Bart, Lisa and Marge begin to contemplate the idea of moving to Denmark for at least one semester, to which Homer disagrees. The three then storm off, leaving Homer and Grampa scouring through Denmark to try to get Grampa injured, without any success.

At Kronborg Castle, having become accustomed to Danish culture, Marge asks for Homer to think about moving to Denmark. As he finally begins to consider the possibility, he changes his mind at the last minute and tries to push Grampa down the stairs for his free operation. However, as Grampa clings to Homer's leg, he admits he did not really need an operation for something life-threatening, but to remove a heart-shaped tattoo engraved to Mona, as he feels ashamed of living without her. As Homer and Grampa drown their sorrows from Mona's death at a Danish bar, a Danish woman approaches Homer and they proceed to share a dance together. Marge sees them through the window and, devastated, runs off, with Homer following her.

Following the incident, an understanding but angry Marge confesses to Homer that she is not coming home with him, and neither are the kids, wishing to stay in Denmark indefinitely. At the airport, Homer begins to regret leaving her in Denmark, but Grampa admits he ruined his marriage to Mona similarly with his stubbornness, advising him not to make the same mistakes he did. The two race out of the airport and rush back to the apartment so Homer can make up with Marge. Upon finding her, Homer pledges his love for her and vows to stay in Copenhagen with her. Marge is glad, but admits that she is having second thoughts due to problems with space and arrangement in the apartment and the distracting dark skyline in the window. She concedes to Homer that she is ready to go home now. The kids agree to go back as well as Bart doesn't want to take advantage of the good schools and Lisa knows she will be an outcast in moving to Denmark. Before leaving, the family take Grampa to a socialized tattoo parlour, where the tattoo artist refashions his Mona tattoo for free into a lemonade tattoo, giving him a new outlook in life.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games

Maya's hive is abuzz with excitement as the summer harvest is now over, but with little results. Just then, a royal messenger and master of the Honey Games, Master Beegood, steps in and announces that after many years of being uninvited, they're finally allowed to compete in the Honey Games in the city of Buzztropolis. Though everyone is at first thrilled, there is a slight catch: the hive must contribute half of their honey for the athletes' health. Maya is surprisingly shocked in disbelief, but as the Queen hesitates for a moment, Beegood warns her not to reject the offer, and she therefore accepts the invitation, regardless of the consequences.

Soon after, Maya and Willy decide to take matters into their own hands, and they fly to the thriving hive of Buzztropolis, where upon arrival Maya bumps into one of the competitors called Violet, who is later revealed to be Beegood's daughter. As both bees greet the Empress, Maya explains that if the honey is all that matters, then why can't her hive join in the Games? Unfortunately, as they make a deal, Willy spills the honey onto the Empress and Maya's incident is witnessed by the Queen. Later, both royals confide in one another about what happened in the throne room. As Maya insists that the Empress reconsider the decision, she makes a wager: if Maya's team wins, all is forgiven, but if they lose, the Empress will steal all of the hive's honey. Maya agrees, even though the Queen is reluctant of what may happen.

On the opening of the games, Maya is met by her team; Spinder, a spider, Craig, a germaphobic cockroach, Bedford, a bed bug, and Arnie and Barney, the ant soldiers, all of which are untrained and unskilled, much to Maya's disappointment. On day one of the games, the teams are tasked with a simple game of dodgeball. Things get off to a shaky start as Maya's team are easily beaten, but as the challenge progresses, the fellow competition is having a fair bit of trouble, too. At the end of the task, the results reveal that Team Tropolis (Violet's team) came first, but Team Poppy Meadow (Maya's team) haven't placed last.

Later that evening, Violet invites Willy and Maya over to dine with her, but Maya is taunted and bullied by Violet as she keeps calling her a "meadow bug". Violet then frames Maya for smashing her hand and being mean to her. Beegood warns Maya that she will be expelled from the games if she creates any further harm. Infuriated, Maya flies off to be alone, though Willy reassures her that they're still best friends.

On day two, the teams are tasked with climbing the vines of a willow tree, and reach their colored flag at the top, as a team. As some of the teams get off to an early start, Violet's team tries their best to reach their goal, whereas on the other hand, Maya is desperate to win the challenge, and abandons her teammates. As both team captains reach their goals, it is revealed that Violet and her team came SECOND and Maya's team placed in third place. Unfortunately, she is rejected by the team due to her selfishness and lack of leadership. Violet apologizes to Beegood for not winning, and is reminded by her father not to disappoint again. Later, Maya returns to camp and finds out that the team now knows why she has to win, as Willy previously mentioned. They wonder why she didn't say anything, and she replies that she was afraid that they would worry too much. However, the team finds out that they need just a little training and as the afternoon passes, they are finally ready for the next challenge.

On the last day, the final three teams are challenged with navigating through a maze, without waking the tortoise in the center and are also required to not fly in this task. As the teams get going, Maya and her team manage to tie a string of Spindler's silk so that they can follow the way. Meanwhile, Violet and her team are caught in a dead end and after a brief argument about where they're supposed to go, Violet is run over by the giant tortoise that Willy inadvertently awoke. As Maya's team wins, the rest of Violet's team come second, disappointing both Violet and her father. Both the Empress (angered by the result) and the Queen (happy of the result) prepare for the final showdown.

The night before the final showdown, Violet and Maya confront each other and dare to do a duel down a big hill covered with thorns called Sluggy Hill. Confident, Maya accepts, unaware that Violet is secretly doing another trick on her again. As they race, Violet stops before the finish line, whereas Maya passes it and accidentally knocks over the Honey Cup, Violet frames her again for breaking the honey cup on purpose. Beegood is furious by the chaos and damage Maya has caused, and expels her from the Honey Games. Saddened once again by the Violet's bullying, she flies away, devastated. Shortly after, Flip talks to her and explains why she has been neglecting the team: she is so caught up in trying to save the hive, that she hasn't been leading nor communicating with her teammates. Inspired, Maya thanks Flip for the advice and buzzes off to camp.

After reconciling with Willy and the team, Maya decides to up her game and knows what to do during tomorrow. As the big day dawns, the Empress, the Queen, and everyone else is gathered in the arena for the last showdown. At first, Maya's team apparently enter without Maya, much to the Queen's confusion and the Empress's appreciation of Maya would never compete the games. Suddenly, Maya flies in and requests for a second chance, regarding to her inexcusable behavior. The Empress gives her permission to continue competing, much to Beegood's dismay. Desperate that Maya should lose, he tells Violet to take a shortcut along the route in order to win.

The race begins, with Maya and Violet's teams neck and neck. But Willy once again gets separated from the team and follows what appears to be Maya going into a bush with a shortcut. Violet instructs Willy to fake an injury in order for his team to slow down, to which he refuses to do, and accuses her of cheating. And so, Maya's team successfully find the pollen of a purple flower. Meanwhile, Violet and her team are surrounded by a spider called Thekla. Just as both teams are about to be eaten, Bedford lullabies the spider to sleep with his talented singing. As they rescue their rivals, Violet has a change of heart and guiltily apologizes to Maya for her bullying and for cheating. Maya reminds Violet that having a team means having new friends.

Both teams make a last sprint for the finish, and Violet's team stops before the finish line as they helped Maya and her team cross it and are crowned the winners. However, the Empress is aghast as to why this is as it has been. Violet betrays her father and explains to everyone with deep regret that she cheated during the challenge, but Maya rescued her. Before making an example of Maya, the Empress is cut off by the Queen who stands up to her and tells her that enough is enough, and she should accept the fact that the right team won. The Empress finally sees reason and declares that Maya's team wins and also forgives her for her actions.

At the after-party, everyone is dancing and enjoying the party, whereas Violet and Maya dance with Willy happily.

Sultana Bibiana

The young man is the Sultan (Bappy Chowdhury). His nature of the way and the way of moving around. For unknown reasons, he came to the state of flower one day. The two eyes filled with the boy's eyes. Sultan's great love for flowers, and hanging Mali Afaz of flower gardens. Flower lover nature lover sultan stabilizes, at the festoon of flowers. It goes from its good states. Begin with his nature. The bird came in the flower garden, but the bird is a manlike bird. The name is her Sonali (Achol). The story ongoing then. Shonali falls in love with Sultan. However, Shonali's father won't allow her marriage with Sultan.

The Laundromat (2019 film)

Lawyers Jürgen Mossack and Ramón Fonseca introduce themselves, along with the concept of money and credit. The pair serve as narrators for three stories of people around the world who are adversely affected by the machinations of their company, Mossack Fonseca. While the story has been somewhat fictionalized, the names of the law firm at the center of the scandal, along with those of its founders, were not.

Characters Ellen Martin and her husband, Joe, are on a pleasure boat, the ''Ethan Allen'' at Lake George, New York, when it capsizes, drowning Joe and many others. When Ellen tries to get compensation from the boating company for Joe's death, she cannot because the reinsurance company that the boat company's owner and son, Matthew bought their policy from, was sold to another company based out of Nevis. The Nevis-based company is actually a trust of one of Mossack's shell corporations, which is under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for fraud. When her attempts to contact Mossack and the Nevis-based company are unsuccessful, Ellen travels there to confront Malchus Boncamper, the manager of the trust. When Ellen bumps into Malchus, not knowing who he is, she asks questions about his firm's location. He lies and walks away. When Malchus travels to Miami he is arrested by IRS-CI Special Agents at the airport.

The second story is about Simone, who is the daughter of Charles, an African billionaire. When Simone discovers her best friend is having an affair with Charles, he offers her shares (supposedly worth $20 million) in one of his investment companies to keep her silence. She accepts his offer, but when she travels to Mossack's offices in Panama City to claim the shares, they turn out to be worthless because they are actually part of a shell company under Mossack that only exists on paper.

The third story is a dramatization of the death of Neil Heywood, part of the Wang Lijun incident. Heywood (renamed "Maywood" in the film), is an intermediary for wealthy Chinese looking to funnel money abroad. He visits a Chongqing hotel to meet Gu Kailai. Maywood demands and pressures Gu for a much higher price if she wants him to continue laundering money for her family through a shell company Mossack owns. Gu responds by poisoning Maywood's drinks. Gu discloses the incident and reports Maywood to Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun who secretly records the conversation; he then reports her to the Chinese government. The story ends with the arrest of Gu and her husband Bo Xilai for Maywood's murder and for corruption.

The film ends with the leaking of the Panama Papers and subsequent police raids on Mossack Fonseca, the brief imprisonment of Mossack and Fonseca, and the shutdown of the firm. Mossack and Fonseca, along with Meryl Streep as herself, remind viewers that many such companies still exist, and the practice of money laundering and corruption using fake trusts and shell companies based in tax havens is still widespread. Streep closes the film with a statement about the immediate need for campaign finance reforms in the US before adopting the Statue of Liberty's pose.

S.O.S. Mulheres ao Mar 2

A year after they met, the writer Adriana (Giovanna Antonelli), now a successful writer, happily follows in her romance with André (Reynaldo Gianecchini), who is about to launch his newest fashion collection during a cruise Caribbean and will travel from the US to Mexico accompanied by Anitta (Rhaisa Batista), a top model desired by men. However, when she discovers that the beautiful ex-girlfriend of the stylist will accompany him in search of a reconciliation, Adriana summons her sister Luiza (Fabíula Nascimento) and Dialinda (Thalita Carauta) to take the first flight to Miami. The next day, Dialinda, who now works in the US, greets the sisters and takes them both to the city's port. An unexpected problem causes them to miss the ship's departure. Dialinda proposes that they drive to Mexico without knowing that she was sworn to death by the family of traffickers she worked for. In addition to the bad guys, Adriana and her friends are also followed by Roger (Felipe Montanari), a charming American FBI agent. It is the beginning of a new journey full of misunderstandings, by air, earth and finally sea, in which Adriana will prove, once again, that there are no borders for a woman in love.[ S.O.S. Mulheres ao Mar 2 on Adoro Cinema]

Doom Patrol (TV series)

''Doom Patrol'' follows the unlikely heroes of the eponymous team who all received their powers through tragic circumstances and are generally shunned by society. Most members of the team were treated by the Chief, a medical doctor who gave them residence in his mansion to help protect them from the outside world. Their name derives from an earlier Doom Patrol team that was formed by the Chief.

The first members of the Doom Patrol to be introduced in the series are Jane, the dominant identity of a traumatized woman with dissociative identity disorder; Rita Farr, who struggles to prevent her body from turning to a gelatinous state; Larry Trainor, who has an entity of negative energy living inside of him; and Cliff Steele, whose brain was placed in a robot body following a car crash. The team is later joined by cybernetically enhanced superhero Vic Stone.

In the first season, the Chief is captured by the malevolent Mr. Nobody, sending the Doom Patrol on a journey to rescue him. Along the way, they discover secrets about themselves and the Chief, who they eventually learn is responsible for the tragic events that gave them their powers.

The second season sees the Doom Patrol joined by Dorothy Spinner, the Chief's daughter who possesses the ability to bring her imaginary friends to life. While the members of the Doom Patrol face their own personal dilemmas and contend with the truth about the Chief, Dorothy inadvertently endangers the world when her powers threaten to unleash an ancient entity known as the Candlemaker.

In the third season, Dorothy's battle with the Candlemaker reaches its climax and the Doom Patrol suffers a tragic loss when the Chief finally dies of old age. Although, the Doom Patrol's ally Willoughby Kipling salvages Chief's head, stating that his time isn't over yet. In the aftermath, the team go their separate ways as they struggle with their identities when the arrival of Madame Rouge in a time machine sets them on a new path.

The Mysterious Wall

In the taiga a very strange phenomenon forms — a wall in the form of a dome about two kilometers in diameter from a foggy blanket that disappears and appears with a certain periodicity, and presumably constitutes a powerful electrostatic charge. This strange Wall attracts scientists who in the process of research find out that it causes the viewer to see different visions from the past.

Under the dome of the Wall is a research station, scientist Lomov (Lev Krugly) has been working there for the third month. Lomov believes that the Wall is an envoy of a different civilization, and, despite the futility of his attempts, continues to attempt contact. He, using a loan from a military locator, tries to transmit various pictures to the Wall and studies how it responds to them. The Wall reacts by causing hallucinations from the past life of locator operators, while the radar equipment burns out.

The authorities send there a friend of Lomov, Andrey (Irakli Uchaneyshvili) to replace him on duty, because he believes that Lomov has overtired himself and begins to fantasize that the Wall itself is an intelligent alien. Together with Andrei goes the bride Lomov, Lena (Tatyana Lavrova), and along the way to them the military attach senior sergeant Valya (Andrei Mironov). The sergeant was sent to prepare a broken locator for dismantling. All of them take an active part in discussions about what the Wall is, fix the locator, experiment with it, and come to the hypothesis that hallucinations are caused by Martians who are studying life on Earth in this way.

The culmination of the film is the moment when Lena during one of the phenomenon of mirages receives a clue that it is possible to make contact by entering the Wall. She tries to do it, but does not have time (the Wall closes), the comrades who come to watch observe this.

The expedition returns to Moscow with a report, where it gives a press conference at which journalists and scientists question Soviet scientists about the nature of the mysterious Wall.

Soviet scientists are beginning to prepare a new expedition from a large group of specialists for a detailed study of the Wall.

13 (Zeitoun novel)

Marnie Harmon is a 13-year-old girl growing up in Ottawa. Initially she attends an ordinary high school, where she is alienated from her peers, who don't understand her angst, her rejection of fashionable clothes. She experiences unwelcome attention from a male teacher, and when she tries to retaliate, she is the one who is punished, being sent to a Roman Catholic high school.

It is at the more controlled school that Marnie makes friends, among the schools other rebels. They engage in rebellious behavior, like underage drinking, and hanging out in strip clubs.

Her dream of running away to New York City, to meet her hero, John Lennon, is the narrative arc that cements the story.

Wolves at the Door

In 1969, John and Mary, a married couple sleeping in bed, are awakened in the middle of the night by knocks on their doors and windows. John goes downstairs to investigate but finds nothing. As he gets back into bed, he hears a crash downstairs. He sees the shadow of a man saying "Little Pig". As he runs back to his room to his wife, he locks the door. After calling the police, the intruders break open the door. Later, the intruders write messages in blood on the walls of the house, but leave before Detective Clarkin and the police arrive at the scene.

The following night, Sharon, Jay, Wojciech, and Abigail commemorate Abigail's upcoming move back to Boston with a celebratory dinner at El Coyote in Hollywood, even though Wojciech is upset that Abby is allowing her parents to influence her decision. After dinner, the four friends return to Sharon's house for the evening. A pregnant Sharon calls her husband from the nursery, but suddenly the line goes dead. Meanwhile, Steven arrives at the property to see his friend William, who lives in the guesthouse. After selling William a stereo, Steven tries to leave, only to find the driveway gate disabled. He gets out and opens the gate, but his vehicle turns off unexpectedly. As he returns to his vehicle, he turns his headlights on to see a man standing in front of his truck and a woman standing behind his truck. He is then pulled out of the vehicle and stabbed to death.

Wojciech goes outside to have a cigarette. As he approaches the truck in the driveway, he sees a man slumped over. He approaches the truck, but the man lunges at him and chases him to the front door which is locked. The attackers stab Wojciech drag his body back to the house and leave him in the shower. Later, the intruders write the word "Pig" in blood on the front door. In Sharon's bedroom, she and Abigail become concerned when they observe a young woman prowling the premises. Meanwhile, Jay is stabbed to death while sleeping on the couch. When the two hear Jay screaming, they return to discover his dead body and try to hide throughout the house as the intruders stalk them. While Abigail fights with an attacker, Sharon hides in the bathroom and finds Wojciech, who is still alive. One intruder breaks down the door to capture both Sharon and Wojciech. Sharon and Wojciech are dragged through the hallway as Abigail escapes the house.

Abigail tries to get help from William, but he is unable to hear because of his music. One of the intruders catches Abigail and carries her to the house. She is taken back to a bedroom where Sharon and Wojciech are also being held. An intruder enters the bedroom and drags Sharon away. Wojciech and Abigail fight their way outside, but Wojciech is stabbed to death on the lawn. An injured Abigail makes it to the street to flag down a car, but finds it is occupied by two of the intruders. She falls to the ground, gazing at the locket Sharon gave to her, as the two intruders approach her with a bloodstained sledgehammer.

The film ends with a series of interviews of Charles Manson and the attackers.

Shattered Dreams (1990 film)

Charlotte O'Donnell and John Fedders meet at Catholic University where John is in law school, and Charlotte attends nursing school. The two fall in love, date, and get married.

In 1968, they move to New York City, where John works at a prominent Wall Street law firm and Charlotte becomes a nurse. Their marriage begins to deteriorate due to John's increasingly abrasive behavior. After John hits her, breaking her eardrum, Charlotte goes home to her parents and asks John for a divorce. John cries and apologizes, saying it will never happen again. Charlotte says they have more than just themselves to think about, and announces she is pregnant.

By 1973, the Fedderses have moved to Washington, D.C. They have two sons, Luke, and Mark, and Charlotte is pregnant again. Charlotte has given up nursing to be a housewife. John continues his controlling behavior. Charlotte goes to talk to a priest, who reminds her of her sacred vows, telling her to go home and love John, and look to the heavens for answers.

By 1978, the Fedderses have four sons and John's behavior has not changed. After John beats her in front of the children, Charlotte takes the boys to her neighbor Elaine's house to call her sitter Dotty. Dotty and Elaine try to convince Charlotte to press charges, but she refuses and locks herself in a bathroom. Charlotte goes back to the house to pack and leave a letter for John, hoping he will get help. Before she leaves, John apologizes again and she takes him back.

By 1983, the Fedderses have five sons and John has gotten a job as the Director of Enforcement for the SEC.Charlotte goes to counseling on her own, where she learns about battered woman syndrome. When John nearly hits their oldest son, Charlotte throws him out.

Charlotte hires an attorney and they go to court. On the witness stand, John testifies that he believes Charlotte enjoyed the abuse. The next day, John's lawyer asks for him to be granted the time to pursue reconciliation because he is remorseful. Charlotte's lawyer counters that he was always remorseful for the abuse, nothing changes, and she does not want to reconcile. The judge grants 60 days for reconciliation, and Charlotte storms out of the court.

John resigns his position at the SEC, in wake of negative attention his personal problems are causing. John sends Charlotte a letter saying he hopes to meet with her when she's ready. She goes to meet him, only because of court order. John starts to pressure her about a reconciliation. She throws his ring on the ground and drives away. They are granted a divorce and Charlotte helps other battered women.

The General's Daughter (TV series)

2nd LT Rhian Bonifacio is an AFP Military Nurse dedicated to save lives. Beneath her benevolent exterior, however, lies a secret - she's a spy, trained by her very own father, "Heneral" Santiago Guerrero, to exact revenge against his sworn enemy, BGen. Marcial de Leon, the commander of the Northern Command of the AFP.

Unbeknownst to Rhian, she has been living a lie - that the father she has known and loved all her life was the enemy all along and has trained her to be used as a weapon against her real father. Having been indoctrinated to believe in the nobility of Tiago's cause, Rhian will be caught in the crossfire between Tiago's cell and the AFP. Rhian will find herself struggling between her love for her false family and the dictates of her conscience.

Utopians (film)

''Utopians'' is a coming-of-age story about a young student, Hins Gao (Adonis He Fei), who unexpectedly finds himself deeply attracted to his male professor, Antonio Ming (Jackie Chow). Despite having had a conservative upbringing, Hins wants to get close enough to Ming to understand him. The experience transforms his life and comes to define his adult identity. The story is described as a "visually stunning paean to open love and pan-sexuality freely blending straightforward narrative and fantasy elements".

Fouetté (film)

Prima-ballerina Elena Knyazeva prepares for her performance on the anniversary jubilee for the theater Swan Lake on the eve of her fiftieth birthday and simultaneously participates in the production of the innovative ballet Master and Margarita. Suddenly, the choreographer gives the role of a young ballerina, with whom he begins an affair. Overcoming jealousy and desperation, Knyazeva begins to work with the student over the image of Margarita.

In the film are Valentin Gaft's poems.

Los archivos del cardenal

''Los archivos del cardenal'' is a work of fiction, but it is based on real events.

The series tells the story of lawyer Ramón Sarmiento (Benjamín Vicuña) and social worker Laura Pedregal (Daniela Ramírez), both workers of the Vicariate of Solidarity, an organization founded by Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez and whose mission was to advise families of the victims of human rights abuses during the Chilean military dictatorship which existed between 1973 and 1990. In this institution, the social assistants had the task of receiving persecuted politicians and their relatives, especially of the disappeared detainees. Subsequently, the lawyers had the job of filing ''recurso de amparo'' legal actions that were aimed at protecting people.

The first season of the series starts with Ramón Sarmiento, a lawyer and member of a high class family who had suffered the expropriation of his haciendas during the agrarian reform under the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva. Investigating the appearance of bones on a farm near his own, Sarmiento meets Laura Pedregal, who works at the Vicariate with her father, Carlos Pedregal (Alejandro Trejo). Together they begin to get involved in the stories of those persecuted by the security agents of the dictatorship, such as the Central Nacional de Informaciones, under the direction of the vicar Cristián (Francisco Melo), a role inspired by the story of priest Cristián Precht.

Perfect Weapon (video game)

An Earth Defense Force top agent and martial arts world champion named Blake Hunter is knocked out after a winning match and taken away to an alien environment. Now all alone, Blake explores his surroundings, fighting for his life and trying to find answers.

Summer Impressions of Planet Z

Felix, a 12-year-old boy from outer space, during the summer holidays gets admitted into a summer children's sports camp. Few people know in the camp that Felix is not there by chance, and a few days ago he was created in a school laboratory because a space intellect sent him as an agent to planet earth to study humans. He is assisted by an ordinary boy Boris and a teacher who explains Felix local traditions and customs.

Twin Beds (1929 film)

Elsie Dolan (Patsy Ruth Miller), accidentally finding herself in the office of songwriter Danny Brown (Jack Mulhall), achieves Broadway success with Danny's help. Marrying Danny out of gratitude, she is temporarily enchanted by her egotistical leading man Monty Solari (Armand Kaliz), leading to an evening of misunderstandings, door-slammings and hasty retreats under the bed when the very-married Solari wanders drunkenly into Danny and Elsie's apartment. Previously filmed in 1920, Twin Beds was memorably remade in 1942 with George Brent, Joan Bennett and Mischa Auer.

Mystery Ranch (1934 film)

Pulp Western writer Bob Morris is invited to a dude ranch whose owner Mrs. Henderson promises will feature the "real" dangerous Wild West. In reality Mrs. Henderson arranges a variety of fake lynchings, cattle rustling and dangerous situations to frighten Mr. Morris and gain publicity for her ranch. The joke backfires because Morris is a skilled horseman and expert fighter who impresses Mrs. Henderson and her daughter Mary.

Morris and his secretary Percy Jenkins view an automobile hold up that they believe is another of Mrs. Henderson's tricks. In reality it is an actual holdup of gold bullion with the robbers coming to Mrs. Henderson's ranch.

Ultimate Betrayal

The 4 adult Rodgers sisters have been experiencing issues stemming from their childhoods, where they and they were subjected to extreme physical, and sexual abuse, at the hands of their father, Edward, a top ranking F.B.I. expert on child abuse, while their mother, Helen, turned a blind eye. Mary, the youngest sister is proposing a lawsuit against Edward, to pay the $400 monthly cost of her therapy, and she calls on her three sisters to support her by testifying. Their 2 brothers, John, and Steven, were also abused, but are close to their father now, and side with him. Susan and Beth want to be let out of it, even though they both acknowledge the effect the abuse had on them. The oldest daughter, Sharon, initially says she'll support Mary by testifying to what she saw, but she herself had not experienced any abuse.

Mary tells Sharon she is dropping her lawsuit when her husband tells her it is ruining their marriage, and threatens to divorce her and take their daughter away. By then, Sharon had already revealed to herself, many repressed memories, has talked to her therapist, Sarah McNeil, and is ready to pursue the case. Susan is convinced by her teenage daughter, who has been through her mother's hospitalizations and suicide attempt, to pursue the case. Sharon and Susan go to Colorado, where the abuse happened, and meet with the attorney Mary found, Dana Quinn. Dana calls their mother Helen, and even though she eventually acknowledges the physical abuse, she denies any sexual abuse happened, says that there was nothing she could do to stop it, and that Sharon was his pet, and could've made any of it stop. She thinks the girls should just get over it.

During a pretrial hearing, Sharon and Susan sit at a boardroom table with Dana, across from their father, and his attorney. Dana questions him, and he denies everything. The go to trial, but Edward does not show up. It's highly unusual, but they proceed with the trial, even in the absence of a defendant. Sharon has begun to recall memories of the same sexual abuse her sisters experienced, and tries to get Beth to join their lawsuit. Their brother Steve is threatening to disown Beth if she testifies. Susan testifies about various incidents including being molested, raped, and beaten in her father's room, the basement.

Both Beth and Mary agree to go support their sisters, even though it is unclear if they will take the stand. John and Steven also arrive, attempting to provide a defense for their father, but the judge denies the attempt, stating that Edward could've appeared on his own behalf, but chose not to. All of the siblings argue outside of the court room. Beth takes the stand, but in addition to the beatings and molestation, she got pregnant at 17, and was sent away for 9 months. Her parents put her son up for adoption without giving her a choice. Beth and the father of her son, her now-husband, Tom, have been trying to find him ever since. After she had the baby, Edward continued to molest her, saying that "she's a woman now".

Mary never takes the stand, but she tells her three sisters a harrowing account of the abuse she faced, being the youngest, when they older siblings had left home. Sharon and Susan are awarded $2.3 million, twice the amount they asked. Their father disappeared to avoid the judgement. Later, the same year the movie was released, legislation "The Child Abuse Accountability Act" was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

The Summit (The Americans)

When Elizabeth arrives home from visiting Paige, Philip tells a furious Elizabeth that he has been reporting on her activities as requested by someone from "back home" (Oleg), who claimed that she has been working for a cabal that is trying to overthrow Gorbachev and the Soviet government. Elizabeth becomes especially angry when Philip tells her that she needs to think about what she is doing. The FBI believes that the Russian Orthodox priest Father Victor may be a spy and calls him in for a meeting. However, the witnesses' descriptions of the Chicago illegals do not match the drawings that the FBI has from its previous illegals incidents. Gorbachev arrives in the USA. Elizabeth tells Claudia that Nesterenko has a solo meeting set up with the US negotiators.

After Glenn's attempt to kill a suffering Erica by overdose failed, "Stephanie" kills her by suffocation. Glenn tells "Stephanie" that he left the negotiating team over Erica's illness and offers her one of Erica's pictures, which she takes and burns. Renee gets a job interview at the FBI; Stan says they would want to know if she is a loyal American and can keep secrets. To tape Nesterenko's meeting without Glenn there, Elizabeth (as "Wendy") seduces Jackson, the congressional intern, and has him unwittingly plant a box of documents containing a recording device in the room. Stan takes a picture of Elizabeth to Curtis, one of Gregory's people, who doesn't recognize her but remembers that the woman smoked constantly.

When "Wendy" has Jackson bring her the planted box, he challenges her story and reveals that he found the planted recording device. Elizabeth allows him to leave her car without harm, even though he claims not to understand her instructions. On the tape, Elizabeth hears Nesterenko discuss Gorbachev's vision of a nuclear-free world, without saying anything against the interests of the USSR. Philip goes to Stavos's apartment to apologize; Stavos says that he always suspected something irregular was going on with the travel agency, even though he never called the police.

Claudia orders Elizabeth to kill Nesterenko immediately with a cyanide gun, but she does not, although she has a chance. Instead, Elizabeth returns and demands an explanation from Claudia, who admits to being part of a Center plot to overthrow Gorbachev, which would then be advanced by falsifying Elizabeth's reports on Nesterenko. Elizabeth refuses to continue as a part of it. Philip rents and watches a Russian movie. Returning home, Elizabeth tells Philip to contact Oleg to confirm the anti-Gorbachev plot and also asks Philip to take a meeting with Father Andrei tomorrow while she watches over Nesterenko.

Songs of the Sea (1970 film)

An amateur musical group of Romanian students from the city of Constanța is going to get to the Sochi festival, but they do not know the text of the compulsory song. Meanwhile, the text of the compulsory song wanders around the country due to the fact that it was stolen by a certain person from one Moscow archive. Soon, Nina Denisova (Natalya Fateyeva), representative of the Sochi festival, arrives in that city (in Constanta), where the ensemble is headed by student Mihai (Dan Spătaru). Nina is fond for Mihai. On a train ride to Bucharest, Mihai recognizes the melody of the compulsory song, by overhearing violinist-bandits at the signal of Nina, memorizes it and conducted it for his team. The jury unanimously decides to nominate this student group for the festival in Sochi. Before the trip to Sochi, Mihai and Nina have a temporary quarrel over Sylvia, one of the participants of the ensemble. On the ship all the heroes are sent to Sochi, where the festival is to be held.

Vanishing Men

Russ Whitely has become involved in Heck Claiborne's cattle rustling. Facing arrest by Sheriff Doug Barrett, Claiborne's associate Luke Grimes shoots and kills O'Hara, the sheriff's deputy. Barrett asks Diane Melville to help influence Whitely to abandon his criminal connections, and hires gunslinger Bat Morrison as his new deputy. Morrison kills Grimes when he resists arrest. Claiborne informs Whitely of a plan to ambush and kill Barrett, but Whitely warns the sheriff. Unable to arrest the man who saved his life, Barrett resigns, and the new sheriff, Baker, tells Morrison to stop the rustlers. Morrison arrests Whitely, but Claiborne's gang meets them at the jail. Morrison shoots Whitely, and is killed in turn by Barrett. Baker arrests Claiborne and his gang, except the injured Whitely, who is allowed to return to his ranch and begin a new life.

The Ballad of Hugo Sánchez

Hugo Sánchez (Jesús Zavala), who now, after being named Chava's personal assistant, will be in charge of taking the Cuervos to a tournament in Nicaragua called "Duelo de las Aves". For the first time, Hugo leaves his comfort zone to take charge of a team and his own life.

Yoko (TV series)

The story follows the adventures of Mai, Oto and Vik and a magical creature named Yoko. Yoko has been developed as a truly international property focused on outdoor play patterns with a social curriculum that mixes friendship, nature, and imagination. Yoko is a magical forest creature who only appears to those children who play with no holds barred. The main characters simply love to play outside. The enthusiasm and energy with which they throw themselves headlong into their games arouses the curiosity of a magical being Yoko who takes ordinary children's games and turns them into extraordinary adventures. Thanks to Yoko's magic, games such as "tag", for example, can suddenly become an exciting rocket race in outer space. Adventures are featured in various settings that cross different continents.

Impact (2002 British TV series)

Chief air crash investigator Marcus Hodge (Iain Glen) and his team consisting of Gaynor Crosswell (Sarah Parish) and Phil Epson (Hugh Bonneville) of the Air Accident Investigation Bureau are tasked with investigating a tragic plane crash involving Atlas Air Flight 231, which explodes in the sky over rural England. As well as all 280 passengers on board losing their lives, a number of civilians on the ground are also killed. Marcus's job is to sift through the wreckage of the downed aircraft – ‘tin kicking’ – to search for clues as to what might have caused the explosion. Despite pressure from both the public and the airline to declare the explosion an act of terrorism, the investigators try to keep their pace to reveal the truth. Marcus soon discovers that it was in fact a bomb smuggled aboard the plane that caused the explosion.

Shortly before the crash, Marcus was waiting at the airport for the arrival of his 15-year-old daughter Angel, whom he had not seen since leaving his wife twelve years ago. Angel had contacted him by phone and was planning to come and visit – and was due to arrive on Atlas Air Flight 231. As a result, Marcus is personally involved in the case. When he finally receives the passenger list, he is relieved to discover his daughter's name isn't on it. But in the wreckage of the plane, Marcus finds a small souvenir that he had given to his daughter twelve years ago. He soon discovers that Angel travelled on a false passport, and was actually on board the flight. Suspicion of Angel's involvement in the explosion continues to grow, and Marcus is forced to try and prove that his daughter is innocent. He must fight against time, the growing anger of the relatives of the victims and the pressure of the public.

Girls of Summer (2008 film)

Holly is a retired model who is the only female player on her cousin Jake's softball team, the Hornets. Jake, while drinking in a bar, makes a $50,000 bet with Gary, who coaches a rival team, that he can win the league championship with a team made up entirely of himself and female models. The first game is a disaster, but other more talented players join the team. This still is not enough for the team to improve by much. Eventually, with hard work and training, the Hornets contend for the league championship. While they lose the final game against Gary's team, Gary is willing to let Jake have double or nothing.

If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die

Eripiyo is initially a woman leading a normal life until it is turned upside down after watching a performance of the minor idol group ChamJam, which leads her to becoming obsessed with one of its members, Maina Ichii. Despite Eripiyo's enthusiasm towards her, Maina is consistently the least popular member of the group, leaving Eripiyo to take it upon herself to buy a lot of Maina's merchandise, which mainly involves singles. Due to her using almost all of her money to buy this merchandise, Eripiyo has only a single tracksuit she wears all the time. She frequently goes to ChamJam's concerts with her friends and fellow ChamJam fans: Kumasa, whose favorite is Reo Igarashi, and Motoi, who prefers Sorane Matsuyama. Eripiyo continues to work several part-time jobs to support Maina, and Maina herself increasingly becomes concerned that Eripiyo is pushing herself too hard for her.

Shirley (2020 film)

Fred and Rose Nemser are newlyweds relocating to Bennington College for Fred's job as a lecturer. Fred is about to work for Stanley Hyman while Rose, still a student, is already enthralled by the work of Stanley's wife, Shirley Jackson, writer of “The Lottery”, the dark short story which shocked readers of ''The New Yorker'' when it was published on June 26, 1948.

Minutes after their first meeting, Shirley asks Rose about her (not yet announced) pregnancy, saying “I’m a witch, didn’t you know?” Soon after, Stanley asks Rose to help with menial jobs around the house because Shirley is struggling to write after suffering another bout of agoraphobia. Fred and Rose reluctantly assent and move into the house. Rose realizes that she has unwittingly agreed to serve as the family housekeeper. She also sees the pathology of Stanley and Shirley's marriage: in his worship of Shirley’s genius as a writer, Stanley enables her drinking and her lethargy; in turn, Shirley tolerates Stanley’s posturing and pomposity, and she winks at his serial affairs.

The Nemsers move into the Jackson-Hyman house. Shirley is deliberately dismissive of and even cruel to Rose, who has apparently given up on her studies in order to manage the household. Shirley begins to write again, announcing a new work based on Paula Jean Welden, a young woman who recently disappeared from Bennington's campus. Stanley is obsessive and controlling about Shirley's writing process; he asserts that she is a genius, but he wheedles and cajoles her to stay on task. Despite her initial harsh treatment of Rose, Shirley begins to think of the younger woman as somewhat of a muse. Shirley opens up to Rose, having her do research for the new book, including stealing the medical files for Paula Jean Welden. As the two grow closer, Rose falls more and more under Shirley’s spell. She is enraptured by and protective of Shirley. A sexual flirtation builds between them, but is never acknowledged or consummated by the two.

In the meantime, the relationship between Stanley and Fred deteriorates as Stanley seeks to tamp down Fred's ambitions and to torpedo his career as an academic.

Rose's baby is born, yet Shirley remains wrapt in the cocoon of her writing; the arrival of a baby has little effect on life in the Jackson/Hyman household. Now feeling that the Nemsers have served their purpose, Stanley arranges for them to move out. Desperate to stay, Rosie writes the name of Paula Jean Welden in a Bennington College library book and gives it to Shirley, hoping she’ll infer that Paula had been Stanley’s student and had been having an affair with him. To Rose’s shock, Shirley is unaffected, saying that she’s well aware of Stanley’s affairs and that she knows Paula was not one of his lovers. She also reveals that Rose’s husband Fred is just the same as Stanley — that he, too, has been sleeping with his students.

After confronting Fred about his infidelity, Rose runs off. With her baby daughter in her arms, she follows the trail where Paula disappeared. Shirley finds her at the edge of a cliff, where Rose is clearly weighing whether or not to jump. After a tense moment, having thrust her baby into Shirley’s arms, Rose gives in and turns away from the edge. Her safe return home isn’t a capitulation, though. When she and Fred finally drive away from the Jackson-Hyman house, Rose vows never to return to being a docile wife, devoted to a life of domesticity.

Alone at last, Shirley allows Stanley to read her work on ''Hangsaman''. He declares it to be a work of genius. Shirley acknowledges his praise. It’s obviously a familiar pattern in their peculiar partnership. The two celebrate by drinking and dancing—together and yet alone in their cluttered house.

The Laramie Kid

Tom Talbot has earned a large amount of money in breaking horses. Hoping to double his money he loses it by gambling and returns in shame to his fiance Peggy. Mistakenly thought a bank robber, Tom lets Peggy's father claim the reward. Tom goes to a road gang in order to identify and bring to justice the real bank robbers.

Elseworlds (Arrowverse)

Part 1

On a ravaged Earth-90, The Flash escapes as a mysterious figure uses a powerful book. On Earth-1, the same figure gives the book to Arkham Asylum psychiatrist John Deegan, who uses it to rewrite reality according to his will. The following day, Oliver Queen and Barry Allen wake up in each other's lives. Team Flash does not believe them and locks them up in the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline. Oliver and Barry use each other's abilities to escape and travel to Earth-38 to get help from Kara Danvers and acquaint themselves with her cousin Clark Kent and Lois Lane, at Smallville, Kansas. Meanwhile, an android called A.M.A.Z.O. awakens and threatens Central City. Cisco Ramon retrieves Oliver and Barry from Earth-38, with Kara and Clark helping. After defeating A.M.A.Z.O., Clark returns to protect Earth-38. Cisco vibes Deegan and the mysterious figure, who sees them vibing him and tells the group that something is coming and they will not be able to stop it. Oliver realizes the figure and Deegan were located in Gotham City.

Part 2

In Gotham, Barry, Oliver and Kara are arrested by the GCPD. They are bailed out by Wayne Enterprises' CEO Kate Kane, who tells them Deegan is at Arkham Asylum. The trio, with the assistance of Caitlin and Diggle, break into Arkham to confront Deegan. They retrieve the "Book of Destiny" but Deegan escapes by causing a mass breakout. During a confrontation with inmate Nora Fries, Barry and Oliver are exposed to fear gas and believe each other to be Malcolm Merlyn and Eobard Thawne, respectively. After stopping the breakout, Kate, as the vigilante Batwoman, rouses them from their hallucinatory state and tells them to leave Gotham. They head to A.R.G.U.S. to restore reality, where Earth-90's Flash warns them about Mar Novu / Monitor, who is testing worlds for an impending crisis. They confront Novu, who breaches away Earth-90's Flash, reclaims the book and returns it to Deegan, who writes a new reality in which Barry and Oliver are powerless criminals known as the Trigger Twins and are confronted by a black-suited Superman.

Part 3

Oliver realizes the Superman impostor is actually Deegan before forcing him to save innocents while they escape to find Cisco. Deegan and his forces, including the Earth-1 doppelgänger of Kara's adoptive sister Alex Danvers, are holding Kara at S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry and Oliver locate Cisco and persuade him to take them to Earth-38. They find Clark, who agrees to return with them to Earth-1 while Kara persuades Alex to release her. Arriving on Earth-1, Clark and Oliver fight Deegan and his forces while Alex, Barry, and Kara locate the Book of Destiny in the Time Vault and take it to Clark, who restores Barry, Oliver, and Kara to their real selves. Deegan retrieves the book and attempts to rewrite reality again. To impede his progress, Barry and Kara slow down time by speeding around the Earth in opposite directions. Oliver confronts Novu, asking him to spare Barry and Kara, but Novu demands something from Oliver in exchange. Clark, joined by Lois, Brainiac 5, and J'onn J'onzz, fights Deegan and a revived A.M.A.Z.O. Barry and Kara are nearly torn apart by their speed but Oliver shoots the book with an arrow enhanced by Novu. Deegan reverts to himself, though heavily disfigured, and reality is restored. After returning to Earth-38, Clark and Lois tell Kara they are expecting a child and will return to Argo City, leaving Earth's protection to her. On Earth-1, Oliver is contacted by Kate, who says Deegan, now incarcerated at Arkham, has made a new friend who tells Deegan: "Worlds will live, worlds will die, and the universe will never be the same".

Fairy tales... fairy tales... fairy tales of the old Arbat

In one of the quiet cozy alleyways of old Moscow, lives a talented puppet master. He has a faithful friend Christopher, son Kuzya and many dolls. Suddenly, a sweet and tender girl, Viktosha, appears in the house, which was loved by her father, son, and even dolls.

The Purple Gang (film)

A fictionalized account of The Purple Gang as they smuggled liquor in 1920s Detroit, Michigan.

Los Peques

The Peques live somewhere in the Andean Patagonian mountain range of Neuquén, in houses called peque rukas, which are a kind of arboreal hut and are built with materials that Mother Nature gives them. They have an organization, the Armies of the Mapu, 4 that have nothing to do with wars, but with the care of nature. When young people enter what is known as the smallness of the turkey they are sent to watch distant areas so that they do not falter.

Hasta después de muerta

Beginning at the grave of a young woman, the film is a long flashback that tells the story of that young woman with a couple of medical students in a comical way at times and dramatic in others. Transcript of the multiple personality of Florencio Parravicini, scriptwriter and leading actor. It was a bourgeois and citizen theme, with touches of comedy alternating the melodramatic context.