Five young mutants who are just starting to learn about their powers. All of them have a tragic past. Wolfsbane is hunted and shot while fleeing Reverend Craig, but is saved by Moira MacTaggert. Roberto da Costa turns into Sunspot when he is attacked by a racist during a soccer game. Cannonball discovers his powers when a mine collapses on him, and Danielle Moonstar's grandfather, Black Eagle, is killed by the Hellfire Club.
Much later back at Charles Xavier's school, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Wolfsbane and Karma are taken in by the school and Xavier gets a letter from Black Eagle about Moonstar's mutant powers. He leaves immediately only to find out Black Eagle is dead. He does, however, save Moonstar. They then go and find Sunspot, who they correctly think will be the next target.
When they get to Brazil and find Sunspot he is being forced to give himself up in order to save the life of his kidnapped girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval. Karma and Moonstar try to help, but Juliana dies saving Sunspot's life. The four young mutants then go to Donald Pierce, who has been behind all the murders and who has also recently kidnapped Xavier and tricked Cannonball into working for him.
The battle ensues, but the young mutants are victorious and even Wolfsbane heals from her severe wounds. Back at Xavier's school, all the New Mutants but Cannonball don their new uniforms. What they don't know is that Cannonball is just arriving and, despite their initial meeting, the New Mutants choose to accept him as part of the group.
The novel starts with Devereux, an Irish revolutionary, aboard a convict prison hulk in Bermuda. It then follows his transportation to Van Diemen's Land, his release and subsequent adventures on the island.
The documentary tells the stories of Yemeni refugees living in Markazi Refugee Camp. Since the war started in Yemen in early 2015, more than 3 million people have been internally displaced and around 180,000 have fled the country. Thousands of Yemeni refugees have returned to Yemen preferring the uncertainty of the war over the camps' conditions. According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Inter-Agency Operation update in October 2017, a total of 2,170 Yemenis remain at the Markazi Refugee Camp in Obock, Djibouti.
The film concern about a worker struggling to make ends meet in a Jewish neighborhood in the city, his daughter, his love interest, and his daughter's prankster friend.
The main character loses his job pressing clothes in a tailor sweatshop and resorts to selling used umbrellas. His love interest is a widow who runs a deli where his daughter is looked after.
Dona Benta is an old lady who lives in Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo, a rural property away from the rush and noise of the big city. With her also lives "Tia Nastácia" the maid and her granddaughter Lúcia, better known as Narizinho (little nose). Living alone and having only the two elderly women as company, the girl creates a world of fantasy, in which the main character is her doll Emilia, made by Tia Nastácia from scraps of cloth. Also living on the farm are old Uncle Barnabé and his handymen, Zé Carneiro and Malazarte, who are responsible for maintenance of the property.
One day, Narizinho meets Príncipe Escamado, or "Prince Scaly," sovereign leader of the Kingdom of the Clear Waters, which, coincidentally, is located underwater deep in the farm's creek. The Prince is completely enchanted by the girl and invites her to see his kingdom. There, she is introduced to the most prominent subjects, such as Carochinha, responsible for general administration of fairy tales, and determined to keep Little Thumbling trapped inside her books. Also to Dr. Caramujo, a renowned scientist, who gives Emilia (the doll) the "talking pill", allowing her to speak.
During the school vacation, Narizinho is accompanied by her cousin Pedrinho, who studies in the big city where he lives with his mother. The boy also owns a doll made by Tia Nastácia, the Viscount of Sabugosa, made from an old corn spike, who also comes to life. After having been forgotten for a long time amongst piles of books, the Viscount acquired wonderful wisdom, becoming an intellectual and a scientist.
Jeannette (Brassard) is a white Québécois woman with a severe heart condition living in a suburb of Montreal. After undergoing transplant surgery where she receives the heart of a Malian woman named Madame Sabali, she begins to experience flashbacks of her donor's brutal murder. Soon thereafter, Jeannette becomes friends with Madame Sabali's son Chibale (Camara), who believes she is the reincarnation of his mother.
A-X-L is a top-secret, robotic dog created by Andric, a Craine Systems scientist, to assist and protect soldiers. The project is funded by the military. Code-named A-X-L ("Attack, eXploration, Logistics") by the scientists who created it, the robot embodies advanced next-generation artificial intelligence. After a trial goes wrong, A-X-L is discovered hiding alone and damaged in the desert by outsider and motorbike racer Miles Hill, himself alone and abandoned by Sam Fontaine after falling from his motorbike during a stunt. Miles and A-X-L connect after the robot's owner-pairing technology is activated. A-X-L goes to great lengths to help and protect his new companion. Becoming himself bonded with A-X-L, Miles teams up with the smart, resourceful Sara Reyes to protect his new best friend.
They go to a remote hideout that Sara uses as an art studio. A-X-L presents Miles with a device which takes a blood sample and completes the pairing process. Sam arrives and confronts Sara, jealous of her relationship with Miles. A-X-L attacks Sam and Miles uses the situation to threaten him, telling him to leave Sara alone. Sara is angry that Miles has inflamed an already bad situation, but says she will not leave Miles. Leaving A-X-L, they go back to Miles' home and tell his father, Chuck, about the robot. Chuck advises them to return it to its owners. Meanwhile, Sam returns with his crew and burns A-X-L with a flamethrower. Sara sees the live recording on her phone and she and Miles take off to save him. They are too late, but A-X-L gives them a location to get him repaired. Meanwhile, a man sent by Andric shows up at Chuck's house and demands to know the location of the device that controls A-X-L. Chuck grows suspicious and outmaneuvers the man, demanding answers to his own questions. The man reveals he is looking for A-X-L.
Miles and Sara take A-X-L to a garage, where the robot begins repairing itself. Andric sees a log of its location and sends a team to retrieve it. The agents arrive and try to retrieve the robot while it is still repairing. The repairs finish just in time, and A-X-L subdues the operatives. As A-X-L reboots, he recalls being burned with a flamethrower, and races off to kill Sam. Miles and Sara rush to stop him. Sam and his friends are partying when A-X-L arrives. Sam tries again to burn him with the flamethrower, but the fuel runs out. Miles and Sara arrive and convince A-X-L not to kill Sam. A swarm of drones arrives and disables A-X-L; Miles and Sara are captured and delivered to Craine Systems. Andric tries to override Miles' control of A-X-L, but fails.
When Miles refuses to reveal where the remote is, Andric programs A-X-L to attack Sara. Sara manages to convince A-X-L not to attack her, by reminding him of how she drew a feather at the hideout. Captain Webber, Andric's military superior, shows up. Andric tries to escape, but is arrested. Knowing they are surrounded, Sara allows herself to be captured. Miles and A-X-L escape, but are pursued by helicopter. They race though hilly terrain until Miles falld from his motorbike. Miles orders A-X-L to run. A-X-L obeys and tries to get as far away as possible before self-destructing, whilst uploading to the Internet all the memories he, Miles and Sara had together. Having finished, A-X-L looks at Miles' image for the last time, and says "Yo! Send it," before finishing the self-destruct sequence. Miles is subdued by the military.
Six weeks later, Andric has been imprisoned for violating national security and endangering the lives of civilians. He is visited by Webber, who informs him that A-X-L's code has resurfaced and wants to know what it is doing. Sara and Miles have gone to college with scholarships provided by the military – to buy their silence and to keep an eye on them. Sara and Miles are spending a day hanging out at the beach, studying and playing with their new puppy, when Sara hands him an envelope. Miles opens it and pulls out a note from his dad saying "This yours?". He flips the envelope upside-down and A-X-L's remote falls out into his hand. He asks Sara if he should press it. The device uploads an A-X-L app onto their phones. They realize that A-X-L has somehow survived and is trying to return to them.
A former WWII hero is appointed head of the state police by the governor of Louisiana to eliminate corruption in 1952.
In Washington D.C., Mr. Jones (Rafael Storm) receives a telegram from Los Angeles asking him to secure rights to a newly designed aircraft from inventor F. S. Reynolds (William Humphrey). Later that day, Cardigan (Robert Frazer), a gangster, lies to Jones that Reynolds is not really interested in his offer. Cardigan tries unsuccessfully to buy the aircraft and its plans from Reynolds. Test pilot Hal Foster (Richard Talmadge) and his girl friend, Reynolds' daughter Jean (Gertrude Messinger), arrive and Hal throws Cardigan out.
Afterwards, Hal test flies the new aircraft and as he and Reynolds discuss its problems, Cardigan's henchmen arrive and steal the aircraft and the plans. Hal follows their car on his motorcycle and Berty ( Eddie Davis), Hal's goofy friend, follows in a car. Hal catches up with the henchmen and they engage in a brawl.
After Berty arrives, he and Hal go to Cardigan's Chinatown home, but Cardigan's Chinese butler refuses them admittance. As Cardigan phones Jones to let him know that the aircraft is secure at an abandoned desert airfield, Hal and Berty break into his headquarters and overhear the location of the aircraft. Hal is captured, but later Berty, disguised as a Chinese servant, releases Hal and they use one of Reynolds' aircraft to fly to the desert airstrip.
A government agent, who is also a pilot, arrives at Reynolds' headquarters, searching for Cardigan, and Jean guides him to the secret airfield. Cardigan's henchmen see Hal's approaching aircraft and try to chase him down, but he jumps from his aircraft into theirs and upon subduing them, lands the aircraft. Jean and the agent arrive. The agent arrests Cardigan and his men, and Jean and Hal embrace.
The “Leaving Storybrooke” city limits sign is displayed. The Seattle scenery is not featured.
The Wish Realm events and the outcome involving the realms from previous encounters occur after the events of “Homecoming.”
As Alice and Robin arrive in Storybrooke, they find the dwarves, Granny, Archie and Pongo. They explain that a fifth Dark Curse took them, along with the future versions of Henry, Regina and Mr. Gold to Seattle in the past, which is in the present day. However, due to the numerous outsiders in the past that has caused Storybrooke trouble, they are met with disbelief and hostility. The townspeople chase Alice and Robin into hiding. As they hide from the residents, the ladies encounter Zelena, and Robin figures out that her mother was driving her younger self to daycare. Convinced, Zelena and the other two seek out David and Mary Margaret.
Inside the snowglobe prison, Henry is reunited with Ella and Lucy. Weaver explains to Hook that Wish Realm Rumplestiltskin has stripped him of his powers and immortality, and that his Wish Realm counterpart had used them to amplify his own powers. As they attempt to break the glass, Weaver admits to Hook that he trusted him as a loyal partner because of his bravery and his good heart. Suddenly, Maui's fishhook appears in the snowglobe, with the handle sticking up out of the snow. Hook grabs it and uses it to start breaking the glass from the inside; from the outside, a pair of arrows pierce the glass, and they’re freed by Robin and Alice.
Regina is dragged to the location where Wish Snow and Wish Charming had been married, by Sir Henry. Regina pleads with Sir Henry to change his mind despite admitting to having killed his grandparents. Sir Henry responded to her plea by cutting a slit on her hand (that Henry will use to create blood ink) and tells her that they’ll fight each other, which Sir Henry says that will be his happy ending. While locked in a cell, Regina has a dream, in which she meets with Robin Sr's spirit. Robin encourages her, telling her that she can still find happiness without him or Facilier, and that just needs to show Sir Henry that he can still find love. Awakening, Regina discovers that Robin's spirit had left her with a red feather from one of his arrows.
Wish Rumple meets up with Sir Henry to discuss Regina’s fate, offering Sir Henry a new way to deal with every character and their stories from every realm utilizing Regina’s blood ink. He shows Sir Henry that if he raises his emotions, he can banish the heroes into the “Once Upon a Time” books that will serve as their prison. They test it on Wish Blue Fairy, who is then transported to a dark realm where she will be tormented, with her book closing afterwards.
Weaver finds a dream-catcher and views his memories of Belle, fearing that he will never be with her. Meanwhile, Hook and Robin scout the castle, where Robin asks Hook for his blessing to marry Alice, to which Hook approves, as they prepare to face off against the guards. Meanwhile, Henry heads to rescue Regina, but he ends up getting ambushed by the guards. Before the guards can kill Henry, they are taken out by Mary Margaret and David. The group discovers Wish Rumple's plan to trap each and everyone of them in separate realms of unhappy endings, and they come up with a strategy to save all the realms and to stop Wish Rumple from enacting his scheme. As they come up with a plan, Wish Rumple shows up, ready to trap the characters in realms of eternal torment, while Sir Henry shows up in the forest to confront Regina and forces her into a sword fight, which causes the portals to open, powered by Sir Henry’s emotions. When Sir Henry corners Regina, she tells him that if she needs to die to show him that he's loved, it's a worthy end for her story. Sir Henry eventually forfeits, causing the portals to close, saving everyone. Sir Henry and Regina reconcile afterwards.
However, as Hook had to hold onto Alice to keep her out of the portals, his heart is now poisoned beyond repair. Weaver, who earlier had found a way to kill his Wish counterpart, decides to sacrifice his heart to save Hook, which erases the Darkness within his own heart when he makes this decision. Ignoring Wish Rumple's protests, Weaver slams his purified heart into Hook's body, saving Hook. Weaver's sacrifice destroys the Darkness, causing Wish Rumple to disintegrate into dust. The original Rumple is then reunited with Belle in the afterlife.
Later that evening, Regina is joined by the two Henrys. Having realized that it is time to heal everything, she decides to bring all the realms of story to Storybrooke by enacting a new curse, using small part of the hearts of everyone who loves her and those whom she loves.
Some time later, all the realms are united and now part of Storybrooke, hidden away from the rest of the world. As Zelena and Henry drive Regina to the palace for a surprise, Zelena reveals that Zorro is the father of Lily, Maleficent's daughter. Snow and David surprises Regina with the announcement that the people have voted to elect Regina the leader of the newly united realms, and is joined by Emma, the original Hook and their newborn daughter Hope at the last minute. Snow then crowns Regina with the new title of "the Good Queen". Regina then gives a speech about second chances and despite what everyone has been through to find their happiness, lives, and stories will continue on.
After Regina gives her speech with unanimous cheers as Emma, Hook, and Hope look on in support, the camera zooms out of the castle and moves toward Storybrooke, where it shows different parts of town including Granny's Diner, Gold's shop, stores along the main street, and the clock tower. The camera soon shows a shot of the town line, where it zooms in on the "Leaving Storybrooke" sign, concluding the episode and the series.
Graduate Ivan Nikolayevich Kovalev is preparing to enter the institute. His friend Sergei Pavlovich convinces Ivan to engage in this training in the pioneer camp as a pioneer leader, where there is plenty of free time and sun. Ivan agrees, but after a few days he regrets very much about his decision: the pioneers smoke constantly and ignore the daily schedule, and there is no peace and quiet for studying.
Only the experienced teacher, pioneer Alexander Petrovna, is capable of dealing with them. On top of that, a group of guys run from the camp to the forest, where they bake potatoes in the ashes and sing songs. For this they are threatened with getting expelled from the pioneer camp. Ivan decides to postpone his studies, take bail for children and join the pioneer life. He takes part on an equal footing in the daily life of his detachment and gains authority.
Anthony Yip (Francis Ng), the Secretary of the Minister of Economic Development, collaborates with the "Three Financial Giants": Eastman Properties president Ronald Man (played by Albert Cheung), Evergate Construction Materials president Fok Kin (Mark Cheung) and Marco Media president Cheung Yung (Law Kar-ying) to manipulate the financial market for profit. In order to generate an even greater gain, Yip brings back financial genius Wai Hong (Joseph Chang) from Myanmar, where he had been hiding from international authorities, in order to set the stage for a new financial crisis.
Wai manipulates the stock market with a series of expert moves, but because of back-to-back involvement in numerous incidents of financial interference, he attracts the attention of Securities & Futures Commission investigator Claudia Fang (Yu Nan) while, wall the players are unknowingly walking into a trap set by Yip.
Yip and Wai were formerly members and the best brother-in-arms of an underground financial elite team CASH for the last ten years. Together with two other members, Nick Cheuk (played by Patrick Tam) and Pamela (played by Maggie Cheung), they defeated some financial giants to prevent a market-maker's actions in an attempt to turn back the damage done to the market ecology. Unfortunately, Yip suddenly turns on them, betraying everyone in his team. From then on, Wai and Yip become sworn enemies. Hong forms his own CASH team with new members BJ (Carlos Chan), Sarah (Jacky Cai), Dow (Jiang A-joe) and Master (Poon Chan-leung) to stop Yip from another of his conspiracies.
The episode opens with a robbery of a Mrs. Winner's committed by two teenagers.
Later, sometime before Christmas, Earn is "evicted" from his storage facility space. He visits Alfred (who is under house arrest) and Darius (who is mutually at odds with Alfred). After Earn reviews the terms of his probation, Earn and Darius then visit Earn's uncle Willy to defuse a domestic disturbance. Willy is antagonistic even when the police arrive but eventually simmers down and flees the house after talking to Earn about not repeating his history of professional and personal mistakes, but not before giving Earn a gold-plated handgun.
Earn and Darius then return to Alfred's house, but Earn chooses not to ask to stay with them after Tracy, one of Alfred's friends and an ex-con, beats him to it, making him officially homeless.
On her last day in Seattle, Arizona helps Alex prepare for his wedding as they reflect on the long history of their relationship. Jo, meanwhile, has been accepted for a prestigious fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. The wedding starts off troubled when the majority of the guests arrive at the wrong location and wedding due to a faulty GPS link. While waiting for the guests and thus the start of the ceremony, the engaged couple sneaks off to get intimate in a shed on the domain, but they find themselves stuck afterward. Arizona confesses to April and Richard that she is falling for a single Callie again and fears that it's going to be catastrophic given their turbulent history, but April points out her rekindled relationship with Matthew to prove that life changes people. A drunk DeLuca gives a speech that reflects his grief over losing Sam. As Meredith takes him for a walk, he mistakenly believes her to be seducing him and kisses her. While flattered, she sets the record straight. They then come across the shed and free Jo and Alex. They collectively return to the ceremony garden, only to find the rest of the guests attempting to resuscitate the wedding planner, who has a severe allergic reaction. Intern Levi faints at the sight of blood and accidentally destroys the wedding cake. With the wedding officiant still absent as well as all the other setbacks, Jo and Alex decide to call off the wedding.
April, Arizona, Jackson, Sofia, and Matthew stay behind on the island to clean up. Matthew decides not to waste any more time and proposes to April. With the sudden arrival of the wedding officiant, they seize the opportunity to get married right then and there. Due to his significance to her, April asks Jackson to stay for the wedding. Arizona walks her down the aisle and the couple gets married in an intimate Christian ceremony. With her new husband and new job providing healthcare to homeless communities in Seattle, April is ready to start a brand new chapter in her life. During the ceremony, Arizona receives a text from Callie, who can't wait to be reunited. Meanwhile, on the ferry back to the city, Meredith becomes ordained and officiates the wedding between Jo and Alex.
Bailey and Ben are among the guests who attended the wrong wedding and are the last to leave the church, thus leaving them as the only doctors when the bride's mother collapses. They ride to the hospital with the mother for an emergency surgery. With all the cardiothoracic surgeons unable to scrub in with her, Bailey requests the help of Teddy Altman, who just showed up. In surgery, she asks for a job. While initially unresponsive, Bailey later offers her the job of Interim Chief of Surgery as she had wanted to take a 'stress sabbatical' to fall in love with surgery again, to do research, and spend more time with her family. Teddy and her patient later watch the woman's daughter's wedding via livestream. Witnessing Teddy's emotions and continuous touching of her belly, the woman suspects that Teddy is pregnant, which she confirms.
One night, while dreaming, Giana returns to the land she had first visited in the original ''Giana Sisters''. She discovers that her sister, Maria, has been captured and brought to this land, and so Giana sets out to free Maria from the monster—known as Swampy-that captured her.
Due to the recent reveal of B613's existence, Olivia meets with Lonnie Mencken, who says he will make sure they get a proper Senate hearing if Mellie makes gun control her first priority. After Olivia agrees, he shoots himself to ensure the hearing takes place, leaving David in charge. At the senate hearing Olivia admits to ordering Rashad's assassination, Mellie and Fitz admit they knew of B613, Tom confesses to killing Frankie Vargas under Cyrus' orders, and Hollis admits to being a part of election fraud. Everyone starts to deal with their impending imprisonment while helping get Quinn to Charlie so they can get married. After failing to kill David, Jake tells Cyrus he is not going to take his orders anymore. On his quest to have Mellie impeached, Cyrus poisons David and smothers him. The ruling is postponed due to a new witness coming forward: Rowan; he admits to being Command. Jake is imprisoned for his actions in B613. An alcoholic Cyrus resigns as vice president. Mellie approves of the bill on gun control to law. Two young girls visit the National Portrait Gallery where there is a portrait of Olivia.
''The Sinking City'' takes place in the secluded fishing town of Oakmont, Massachusetts in the 1920s, a place that is not marked on any map and few people know how to find due to its remoteness. Oakmont has a long history of association with the occult and many of its citizens are not only eccentric, but unabashed practitioners of occultism. Cultists in bloody ritual garb are an unremarkable sight on the streets alongside fishermen, average townsfolk, refugees from the destruction of nearby Innsmouth, the destitute and desperate and well-heeled members of the upper class. The town also developed its own unique dialect over the years, but the origin of many phrases is murky. Six months ago, Oakmont was inundated by a mysterious, persistent flood of supernatural origin that has submerged many of its streets and cut it off from the mainland. "The Flood", as it is known by Oakmonters, brought with it a dark force that inexorably instills hysteria and madness in the minds of the terrified citizens and the struggling town is on the brink of collapse. In addition, droves of people from outside Oakmont who were reported missing have been turning up in the town, drawn by haunting, unaccountable visions.
Charles Winfield Reed, a U.S. Navy sailor and World War I veteran turned private investigator, travels from Boston to Oakmont at the invitation of intellectual Johannes van der Berg to discover the cause of the nightmarish visions that have been plaguing him since the disappearance of the ship he served on, the USS ''Cyclops''. These visions are shared by numerous other people and are reported most frequently in Oakmont. Reed is also hired by Robert Throgmorton, the influential and physically striking head of one of Oakmont's leading families who has also been studying the visions, to help uncover the cause of the Flood plaguing the town. While Reed pursues this investigation and others using extrasensory powers of observation seemingly bestowed by his visions, uncovering the shadowy history and seedy underbelly of Oakmont along the way, he must guard his sanity as it is eroded by the town's darkness, otherworldly creatures attracted to death called Wylebeasts and the use of his own powers.
Reed's search for answers ultimately unearths a plot by the Great Old Ones to purge humanity. Johannes van der Berg is revealed to be a guise used by Hastur, the King in Yellow, who lures potential Chosen to Oakmont in order to unseal the sunken temple of Cthygonnaar, which imprisons Cthylla, the secret daughter of Cthulhu and Idh-yaa as well as the source of the Flood, Wylebeasts and the nightmares. Once Cthylla is freed, she will give birth to Cthulhu's reincarnation, resulting in Oakmont drowning in the sea and the world being destroyed by the arrival of the other Great Old Ones.
Reed is faced with a choice, leading to one of three endings: * He can abscond to Boston with the artifact used to awaken Cthylla in an attempt to prevent the apocalypse from ever coming to pass. * Commit suicide to leave his destiny as the Chosen unfulfilled and thus delay Cthylla's awakening for a few more centuries. * Accept his destiny and unleash Cthylla, who then consumes him and ascends to the surface.
It is implied that the fruition of Cthulhu's plan is inevitable even in the former two endings, as Reed is seen either witnessing or hallucinating Johannes arriving in Boston and flooding it, or Johannes is seen on the Oakmont docks awaiting another boat with another prospective Chosen.
Los Angeles. The season of El Niño. Frank (Matthew Lawrence) is a high school student obsessed with heavy electron resurrection (reanimating corpses soon after death). One night Frank’s neighbor and fellow student Lance (Justin Walker) throws a party and as a joke invites Karl (Ryan Reynolds), an outsider in school. When Karl shows up, however, he gets into a fight with Lance and Tuttle (Christian Payne) and dies after falling into an empty swimming pool. Frank sees Lance and Tuttle attempting to dump the body and offers to reanimate the corpse for them. Stealing a brain from his father’s (Judge Reinhold) lab, Frank successfully resurrects Karl and returns him home.
The next day Frank is befriended by Lance and Tuttle, and Karl appears to be changed into a cool kid in school. Frank, suspicious of Karl’s personality change, discovers that the brain he used was that of a murderer named Skeeter Wayne Dobbs. Revealing this to Karl, Karl and Frank agree to keep this a secret from the others. Karl then helps Frank to get a date with his crush Macy (Christine Lakin) by throwing a party using money stolen from the homecoming dance. At the dance Karl beats up Lance and Tuttle and leaves with Andrea (Nicole Nieth) who soon goes missing. Realizing Karl has stolen the homecoming money and potentially murdered Andrea, Frank confronts Karl who dismisses his concerns and invites him to a Halloween party that night. Macy, thinking Frank stole the money, breaks up with him and goes to the party alone.
At the party Karl accosts Macy who runs to the backyard and discovers that Andrea was not murdered, but rather had been secretly getting breast implants. Lance, Tuttle, and Frank fight with Karl who attempts to murder Tuttle, but fails. Karl then chases Frank upstairs, but is ambushed and incapacitated. Frank then removes the evil brain using a prop guillotine at the party. Transporting Karl’s corpse back to the laboratory, his father helps him reanimate Karl using his original brain. The next day the homecoming money is returned to school, Karl has his original personality restored, and Frank makes up with Macy.
The book opens on an unspecified time with freelance journalist Jim remarking on the extraordinary life Ian leads, and his intention to turn Ian's story into a novel.
The prologue is the last chapter chronologically. A homeless Ian, weary and with very little reason left to live, is picked up by a stranger. The woman, Irene, soon realizes that Ian is the same man her Aunt Jenny talked with years prior (according to Irene's mother, a now-deceased Jenny was about to abandon her husband and infant child but was ultimately talked out of it by Ian). She informs him of Jenny's death and he becomes despondent. The two then travel to a train station, where Irene calls her mother and learns that it was not Jenny whom Ian met, but instead her own parent. However, Irene's stepdad (who is stated to be jealous and obsessive in controlling his daughter) mistakes Ian for her boyfriend and orders him to be killed. Jim – who was waiting at the station for Ian – and Irene are shocked to see him bleeding to death from a stab wound. Although Irene tries to save Ian, Jim stops her from touching his blood and says that he has already accepted death.
Sometime later, two restaurant patrons discuss a recently published book called ''Not Simple''. Rumor has it that the novel is actually a thinly-veiled memoir and the author, Jim, has committed suicide, mirroring the events of the book.
The novel then jumps back to the past, opening with Ian's sister Kylie being released from prison. She has a discussion with her father, who reveals that he divorced her mother while she was in jail and is now planning to remarry. Kylie's mother took Ian with her to London illegally, as she is not his biological mother and is an alcoholic. In London, Ian does odd jobs for the local butcher to support his mother, who uses the money immediately on alcohol. She eventually signs him over to a pimp, who gives Ian gum for behaving well. Kylie arrives and sends Ian back to his father in Melbourne, promising to meet him again when he achieves his goal of beating fictional runner Robert Johnston's 1000 meter record. Kylie returns to her mother's apartment and tells her she intends to make amends for the hurt she has caused her in the past.
Once again, an unknown amount of time has passed. Jim, who has only met Ian recently via interviews, discusses his incoming move to New York City. After hearing that Kylie has gone to America and left behind no other clues, Ian decides to join Jim on his move.
Months later, Jim is in an ambiguous relationship with his neighbor, Rick. Ian shows up at Jim's apartment one day wearing a three-piece suit that Irene's mother bought him, ostensibly after traveling all the way to the west coast. After Rick offers Ian a piece of gum, he confesses about his mother selling him into prostitution, seemingly unfazed. Soon enough, Jim gets a call informing him that Kylie is now in a prison on the outskirts of London for attempting to kill her boyfriend. Ian leaves once again in search of his sister.
Two years later, Jim spots Ian on the streets of New York. Disheveled and seemingly depressed, Ian is now a shell of the bright and hopeful man he once was. He confides in Jim that his sister was dead by the time he got to London: she caught a cold in prison which turned into a fatal case of pneumonia. Ian then went to visit his mother, who finally reveals to him that he is a product of incest between Kylie and their shared father. She determines him as the cause of her unhappiness and wishes to never see him again.
Ian decides to see Kylie's boyfriend, who is currently staying in New York. Later, Jim sees a distraught Ian holding pieces of gum outside of his room. Jim rushes to the man's apartment, where we learn that he is the former pimp who Ian met earlier in his lifetime. It is here that the reader learns that Ian is HIV positive, and seemingly has been since his childhood molestation; Kylie tried to kill her boyfriend after learning of his relationship with her child. Ian tells Jim that all he wants is to feel the love of those who should be close to him. He now only has one thing in his life to look forward to: his reunion with Irene's mother. Jim agrees to meet the both of them at the train station, unaware of the events that will take place later in the day.
The epilogue details Ian's heartfelt encounter with Irene's mother. After convincing her to go back to her family, Ian makes a promise with her to meet again in three years' time. The two spend the rest of the night sitting together on the beach.
A final page shows a scruffy-looking Jim standing on the side of a road, suggesting that he is now traveling much like Ian did before his death.
Ring of Elysium is heavily based on its narrative style and deep lore connecting each and everything happening in the game every season. Each season continues the story and adds 3 new characters into the game with each having their own backstories and connections to the events taking place. In Season 1, players are introduced to the snowy mountains of Mt. Dione as they must fight to death till 4 can escape its disastrous snowstorm Ymir. In Season 2, players are introduced into Europa Island, as once again, they fight for guaranteed survival as they attempt to escape from a volcanic eruption and the ash that descends across the map.
The story begins with the introduction of three characters from the Elysium universe being Lynn, Hikage and Gavin. In the classic match, 60 people are trapped in a snow mountain-based map "Mt. Dione", assaulted by a disastrous snowstorm Ymir. The way out is a rescue flight which can only save up to four people. Survivors must stay ahead of the approaching storm while eliminating competitors. Players are equipped with a snowboard, climbing gear, or a hang glider, to traverse the snowy terrain and adapt to fights and other intense situations.
The story continues with three new characters in Season 2 - Bradley, Sylvia, and Alfonso. 60 people are trapped on a tropical island and the players must escape a cloud of volcanic ash engulfing the area Europa Island. A rescue helicopter will arrive in the final safe zone to rescue four players; time is critical, as the pyroclastic flow eruption is imminent. The classic matches on Europa Island start with a choice of three Traversal modes, the Hang Glider, BMX Bike, and Grappling Hook, the players have to use the 3 choices and survive the volcanic ash as well as fight other players for surviving while keeping an eye on the toxic gases and ash from the volcano. As the match progresses and failing to stay away from the ash storm leads to a painful and swift death from the toxic gases.
The story continues and another three characters enter the Elysium Universe - Captain Fokke, Elliot and Saki. The core gameplay remains the same, with the addition of a pirate ship making things interesting. During every round, after the dynamic weather system of ROE[Ring Of Elysium] went into "Typhoon" mode, a cursed pirate ship appears on the map. While the ship is moving, loot boxes (pirate barrels) are being continuously thrown off the ship as an extra source of high tier loot or new tactical items like a DPV. Later in the season underwater treasure hunting and exploring the secret ruins of an ancient civilization found deep under the waters around Europa Island were added to the gameplay.
In an alternative near future, an underground fight club and a criminal organization known as Skizm has achieved massive popularity by live-streaming real death matches between criminals and psychos. Ordinary computer programmer Miles Lee Harris, who gets his kicks by trolling online trolls, logs into Skizm’s forum to insult viewers who turn murder into entertainment. Riktor, the criminal kingpin and psychopath who runs Skizm, breaks into Miles’ apartment with his henchmen Dane, Effie, and Fuckface. After being beaten and drugged, Miles wakes up to find guns bloodily bolted into both of his hands. Miles learns that he has been forced to participate in Skizm by being pitted against Nix, the game’s deadliest and craziest killer; she wants out but Riktor requires she kill one last opponent Miles.
Nix tracks Miles’ phone. He tries to reason with Nix, but she intends to kill him. Miles distracts her and she shoots up his apartment as he falls down the fire escape. After unsuccessfully attempting to recruit help from the police, Miles makes it to the park to meet his artist ex-girlfriend Nova Alexander, who tells Miles that she doesn’t want to get back together. When Miles reveals what is happening to him, Nova flees in fright. Nova reports the situation to Detective Degraves. Degraves has his partner Stanton hack Nova’s phone so they can track Miles. Miles gets temporary help from a vagrant named Glenjamin. Miles then goes to the office where he works so his friend Hadley can hack the Skizm tracking malware on his phone.
Miles finally gets assertive by angrily pulling his guns after his continually condescending boss Zander insults him. Zander is shot in the head by Nix, who appears and starts shooting up the office. Miles escapes in a stolen car and Nix chases him on a motorbike. Following a face-off where he again fails to reason with Nix, Miles calls Nova but sees Riktor kidnapping her. Miles phones the police and leaves his mobile in a junkyard to provide the location. He then inadvertently interrupts a drug deal between two rival gangs. Nix shows up and starts gunning down thugs while trying to get to Miles.
The police arrive and arrest Miles. While transporting him, Degraves and Stanton explain their plan to use Miles as bait to lure Nix, who they have been trying to capture for years. Degraves reveals that Nix is his daughter. Nix was driven criminally insane after Riktor took revenge on Degraves for taking down Riktor’s gang by blowing up his family’s van. Degraves had managed to save Nix, but his wife and son had died. Stanton reveals that he is a mole working for Riktor when he shoots Degraves in the head.
Stanton plays a video message in which Riktor explains that Miles has thirty minutes to kill Nix or else he will kill Nova. Miles recovers his phone from Degraves’ body. While coercing a gaming café patron into hacking Nova’s phone to retrieve her location, Miles learns the Skizm communities dubbed him ‘Guns Akimbo’ as he has become the most popular player ever. Miles arrives at Nova’s supposed location to find Riktor waiting. Riktor taunts Miles by dumping Hadley’s dead body before driving away.
Miles manages to secretly meet with Nix and tells her that Riktor murdered her father and kidnapped his ex-girlfriend. In her rage and desire for revenge, Nix agrees to a plan where they successfully stage a scene for Skizm's broadcast camera drones. She seemingly guns down Miles, who is actually wearing a bulletproof vest that he removed from Degraves. Henchmen recover Miles' body and transport him to Riktor's Skizm hideout. Nix joins Miles as they take down Riktor's henchmen, including Dane and Effie. Nix sacrifices herself by detonating a suicide vest that blows up Fuckface and the rest of Riktor's men so Miles can survive. Riktor executes Stanton while making his way to the rooftop with Nova.
At the rooftop, Riktor keeps shooting Miles, but the latter determinedly charges at Riktor and ultimately throws him off the roof to his death, not before Riktor tells Miles that Skizm has spread worldwide and is becoming a global franchise. After Riktor dies, Miles starts to collapse from massive blood loss while imagining a romantic reunion with Nova. However, Nova actually becomes frightened and goes into shock after seeing what Miles is turning into.
Some time later, Miles is scarred from his injuries, and while sitting in his car, he opens a file. He discovers a comic book written by Nova and learns that she is promoting Miles as a popular hero by writing a comic book based on their story. With Skizm spreading worldwide under new leaderships, Miles commits himself to do everything in his power to destroy the entire criminal organization.
1988, Hiroshima, Japan. Shūichi Hioka (Tori Matsuzaka) gets assigned to the second investigative unit under Shōgo Ōgami (Kōji Yakusho), a detective rumored to have mob ties, and he is put in charge of the missing person case for an employee at a yakuza-affiliated finance company. Hioka confronts ruthless gang thugs while harboring doubts about the law-breaking Ogami.
European Airways pilots Captain Michael Lutzmann (Carlo Kitzlinger) and First Officer Tobias Ellis (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) are preparing for a flight aboard an A319 from Berlin to Paris. Tobias talks to one of the flight attendants, who happens to be his girlfriend, Gökce (Aylin Tezel). Lutzmann re-enters the cockpit and they begin their pre-flight checks.
Once airborne, one of the flight attendants, Nathalia, begins bringing the pilots their in-flight meals, giving terrorists an opportunity to attempt a hijack by forcing their way into the cockpit. Killing Nathalia in the process, two terrorists, Kinan (Murathan Muslu) and Vedat (Omid Memar) successfully enter the cockpit and attack the pilots. Tobias fights Vedat off and manages to close the door, leaving Kinan in the cockpit. Lutzmann is stabbed and mortally wounded by Kinan as he broadcasts a mayday call. Tobias manages to subdue Kinan by slamming him in the head with a fire extinguisher, surviving the attack, but his left arm is badly wounded in the process. Tobias signals air traffic control using the radio transponder code 7500 (the emergency transponder squawk for a hijacking). The flight is diverted to Hannover, which is the closest place to land safely. Tobias restrains Kinan and straps him in the jump seat.
The remaining hijackers continuously attempt to break into the cockpit while Tobias alerts air traffic control of the events that have transpired. Tobias is reminded by control that he is not permitted to open the cockpit door despite threats by the hijackers to harm or even kill hostages. Lutzmann eventually succumbs to his wounds and Tobias unsuccessfully tries to revive him. Inside the cockpit, Tobias watches a camera feed monitor of the entrance to the cockpit, which reveals that a passenger has been taken hostage by Daniel, one of the hijackers. Daniel begin threatening to kill the hostage unless Tobias opens the door. Tobias pleads with Vedat on the interphone, telling him that the cockpit door cannot be opened, but Daniel executes the passenger anyway.
Daniel returns with another hostage; this time, it is Gökce. Tobias pleads with them to spare her life, and even attempts to summon the passengers to her rescue by informing them that the hijackers are poorly armed with only glass knives and no firearms. He pleads with Vedat to intervene but to no avail; Gökce is killed as he watches helplessly.
Tobias resumes piloting the plane. Unbeknownst to him, Kinan manages to escape from his restraints and knocks Tobias unconscious. He opens the door to allow Vedat inside the cockpit, who has escaped the passengers attacking the remaining hijackers in the cabin. Vedat manages to close the door and he ties up Tobias as Kinan takes control of the plane. It becomes clear that he intends to crash the plane, but Vedat suffers a crisis of conscience. Fearing death, he kills Kinan and frees Tobias, who retakes control of the plane.
Tobias continues preparations to land at Hannover, but Vedat demands they fly somewhere else. He eventually relents after Tobias explains the plane is low on fuel and has to land, and helps the injured Tobias land the plane in Hannover. After they land, the passengers and remaining crew evacuate while a police hostage negotiator begins communicating to the cockpit via radio. Vedat demands fuel during negotiations, becoming emotionally unstable as he is faced with the outcome of his actions. The hijacker is briefly calmed and distracted when his mother calls him on his cellphone, and he cries to her that he just wants to go home. After the call, he becomes aggravated, as Tobias pleads with the young man to surrender. Eventually, Vedat grows more aggressive and threatens to kill Tobias, but he is shot by a German police sniper and is incapacitated.
The police enter the cockpit as Tobias tries to save Vedat, and he pleads for the police to summon a doctor for Vedat. As Tobias and Vedat are escorted from the plane, Tobias’ gaze drifts to Gökce's body, still lying outside the cockpit. In the silence of the evacuated plane, the film ends as Vedat's cellphone begins ringing again in the now empty cockpit.
Carlos Nevsky is a blind professor of solid geometry who discovers that his new colleagues are manipulating him for sinister purposes.
Two suitors fight over Sophia Loren (as Giulietta) in a gambling house run by Alda Mangini (as Madame Dalia).
Set in 2045 the near-future, a comet strikes a newly opened Japanese commercial space station in geocentric orbit, Anshin. At the same time, a trio of Earth children brought to the commercial space station on a sponsored visit. The purpose of their visit is to meet Touya Sagami, a young boy who is the one of the last surviving of children born in space. Touya and Konoha, another space born human, are undergoing physical therapy on the space colony to adapt their bodies to withstand an emigration to Earth's gravity. The collision with the comet leads the computer systems on the space station to malfunction. Isolated from most of the station’s adult staff, the children navigate the early stages of the disaster using local narrowband connections, restricted-intelligence AGI and drones controlled by dermal devices equivalent to smartphones. Their Internet connection is severed, the oxygen supply has been cut off, and they soon discover that the station has been damaged by an impact and is leaking air. Sometimes at odds with each other, they confront difficulties such as decompression, EVA with inadequate plastic suits, and runaway micromachines supposedly designed to retrieve water from comets. Looming over these immediate difficulties is the larger threat of a technological singularity believed to have been narrowly averted in the previous decade.
Tommy Harris and his girlfriend C.J. travel to Northern Michigan to find his father Carl, a World War II veteran on a deer hunting trip with his friends.
On a stormy night, Bart tricks Lisa into playing ''The Scary Maze Game'' and posts photos of her having been scared into knocking over his laundry hamper and covered in his dirty clothes on the Internet. After dinner, the power line gets hit by lightning, cutting the family off from the Internet.
To pass the time, the family digs up their old VHS player, but when it breaks, Bart and Homer go to Ned Flanders' house to steal his router. Bart climbs the ladder to the attic, but as Homer is distracted by his phone, Bart loses his balance, gets hit by lightning and falls into a coma. Dr. Hibbert says that Bart will be fine as long as the family talk to him and reassure him. However, Lisa is left alone with Bart, and because he scared and shamed her earlier, she gets revenge on him by giving him nightmares.
He wakes up in his bed as the ghost of Maude Flanders arrives, scaring him. Next, Milhouse Van Houten enters while he decorates Bart's treehouse with crosses to keep ghosts out, though that does not work as Maude's ghost returns, but Bart scares her off with Homer's dirty socks. Milhouse suggests Bart talk to his psychiatrist Samuel Elkins, but it turns out he is a ghost too, having committed suicide five minutes before Bart's appointment, intending for his patients to blame themselves for his death.
Elkins then informs Bart that he has a gift for seeing and communicating with the dead, and requests his help with revenge against a rival doctor. Bart responds by tricking the rival into playing ''The Scary Maze Game'', causing a heart attack, allowing Elkins to move on to the afterlife. More ghosts of the show's deceased characters appear asking Bart for help, which he does. Lisa, though, continues to give him nightmares until Hibbert advises her to stop, as this could give him permanent brain damage.
As Lisa apologizes to Bart for her actions, Homer walks in with a Krusty Burger meal for Bart, exhausted, saying he is dead, which only digs Bart deeper into this nightmare, much to Lisa's horror. At this same moment, Bart agrees to help Maude, who wants revenge on Homer for causing her death. Bart then arranges for Jimbo Jones, Dolph Starbeam and Kearney Zzyzwicz to ambush and scare Homer by firing shirts at him. While Maude happily moves on after this, Homer's spirit rises up from his body. This is not what Bart wanted, as he did not mean to kill him. Bart then pleads for Homer not to go to Heaven, while Lisa pleads for Bart to stay with her, as he apparently begins to flatline.
As Homer begins to ascend into Heaven, feeling there is nothing left for him, Bart, not wanting the accidental murder of his father hanging on his head, shoots a shirt to the light of Heaven, shutting it off. This causes Homer's spirit to fall and land back in his body, restoring him to life. An enraged Homer strangles Bart for ruining his opportunity. Lisa continues to apologize to a flatlined Bart, admitting that she loves him and wants him back, unknowingly restarting his pulse. Bart wakes up, much to Lisa's relief, and when asked, Lisa admits to giving him nightmares, but he is not angry at her about it and instead asks her to teach him how to do that to other people, which she agrees to.
Later, while the family celebrates Bart coming out of his coma, Bart tells Lisa he has discovered how everyone will die, though Lisa does not want to hear it, in a parody of the closing montage from the ''Six Feet Under'' series finale:
Anna Fox suffers from agoraphobia due to a traumatic car accident and lives a reclusive life at her large home in New York City. She recently separated from her husband, Ed, who has custody of their nine-year-old daughter Olivia. However, they frequently talk on the phone.
To pass the time, Anna spends her days drinking too much alcohol, playing online chess, communicating with other recluses through the "Agora online forum," watching old movies, and meeting with her shrink and physical therapist. She also spends time spying on her neighbors, including the Russells, a family that moved in across the street. There is Ethan, the reserved and polite teenage son; Alistair, the controlling father; and Jane, a friendly woman with whom Anna shares many interests. One evening, while looking out the window, Anna witnesses Jane being stabbed and calls the police. The Russells deny that any sort of attack took place. The police, including detectives Little and Norelli, also don't believe Anna's story as another woman who claims to be Jane is alive and uninjured. Anna insists the woman claiming to be Jane is not the same woman she met before.
Anna has a number of encounters with the Russells and becomes convinced that something is suspicious about them. After she receives an anonymous email with a picture of herself sleeping, she calls the police. A detective confronts her with the tragic truth: Her husband and daughter died in the car accident that triggered her agoraphobia, and she has been imagining her conversations with them. Knowing her medications can cause hallucinations, they theorize that Anna could have taken the picture and emailed it to herself. Anna realizes that the murder may have been a hallucination as well.
Anna finds a picture she had taken of the Jane she met and shows it to Ethan. He breaks down and tells her the truth: Jane and Alistair are his adoptive parents, and Katie, the woman Anna assumed was Jane, is his biological mother. Katie tracked down the family in order to see her son again, but her frequent unwanted visits led to an altercation with Jane, which resulted in Katie being stabbed. Alistair and Jane hid the body and lied to the police.
Anna urges Ethan to talk to the police, but he convinces her that he will talk his parents into turning themselves in. Ethan later sends a text confirming he and his parents are going to the police. That night, Anna realizes that Ethan mentioned something that he couldn't have known. She is startled by Ethan in her room, where he confesses that he has psychopathic tendencies, that he has been sneaking into her home at night to watch her, and that he has stalked other women as well. He reveals that he was the one who killed Katie because of his resentment about the abuse and neglect he faced as a child under her care, and that his father knew, but kept it a secret to protect Jane.
Realizing that he intends to kill her too, Anna flees. He pursues her to the roof where she pushes him through an old skylight to his death. Alistair is arrested as an accessory to Katie's murder, and Anna slowly starts her life over again.
The film takes place in New York. The main characters of the film are friends Igor (Volodymyr Zelensky), Artem (Aleksey Chadov) and "almost Russian" Finn Oleg (Ville Haapasalo). They work in America, and in their spare time they enjoy a life of hedonism.
Igor is a dentist. Oleg, nicknamed "Sauna", is an instructor in a women's fitness club group. Artem earns a living as a tour guide by showing New York to Russian tourists. He is married, but this fact does not prevent him from having affairs.
But one day the carefree life of friends comes to an end. At another party a strange looking man makes a toast for love and then corrects himself: "Let what you drank for, be impossible without what I drank for." At one point, all three completely lose the ability to have sex. The friends desperately attempt everything to regain their virility but all is in vain.
After long torment, friends find that same person from the party and it turns out that he is Saint Valentine (Philipp Kirkorov), who settled in America to help its residents find love. With the help of his mystical abilities he "programmed" them against promiscuity. Only finding love can help the friends, and sex can only be with a beloved woman. Igor, Artem and Oleg face many problems, and must go their own way to understand that true love is the most important thing in life.
The film begins in Thailand, on the ranch of Igor's father, and continues in Moscow. Igor invites friends to the ranch to introduce Nastya to his father and have a good time. On the way to the plane the friends get acquainted with a young American family that is going to one of the monasteries to recover from infertility. Igor, Artem and Sauna try to dissuade their girlfriends from visiting the monastery, but without success. In the monastery an ancient idol is located, which according to legend, grants paternity to anyone who touches it. Despite the monk's warning, the friends still make physical contact with the idol and are now doomed to conceive a child at the first sexual intercourse. Afraid of this, they temporarily decide to refrain from sex, which causes discontent of their sweethearts, who become offended and leave. Igor's situation is aggravated by the fact that his father is an oligarch against his relationship with Nastya and wants to arrange a profitable marriage for him in order to fix his financial affairs, and Nastya learns about this with all the ensuing consequences. The guys decide to spend the rest of their time in leisure, but then they meet their old friend — Saint Valentine, who puts a new spell on them — only one of them will become a father, and the rest will be able to have a child no earlier than in 10 years. The guys realize that they are ready for paternity, and adventures begin.
The book opens at a dockside in Fife. A shipment of illegal narcotics is due and Duff, an inspector in the police, has received an anonymous tip-off and plans to intercept the shipment. Things go badly and Inspector Macbeth and his SWAT team have to save the day. This convinces Chief Police Commissioner Duncan to promote Macbeth to the head of the Organised Crime unit, which Duff is unhappy about.
At the Inverness Casino, Macbeth and his oldest friend and mentor, Banquo, meet three drug smugglers, led by a man called Hecate. They predict that Macbeth will eventually become Chief Commissioner and that Banquo's children will follow in the future. Macbeth is surprised and mentions the prophecy to his partner, known only as Lady. She convinces Macbeth to murder Duncan at a party a few nights later. Macbeth feels unable to murder an unarmed man but as he leaves the bedroom, he sees a reflection of Duncan preparing to shoot him in the back and turns, throwing a dagger and killing Duncan. Lady wipes blood on Duncan's bodyguards to implicate them and Macbeth later shoots them as they appear to be reaching for weapons after they are confronted by Duff and Macbeth.
The Deputy Chief Commissioner, Malcolm, is temporarily promoted to replace Duncan but Macbeth admits to Banquo that he murdered Duncan and convinces him to dispose of Malcolm. Malcolm signs a false confession in the guise of a suicide note and, following the discovery of the note, Macbeth becomes Chief Commissioner. Concerned by the prophecy about Banquo's offspring later replacing him, Macbeth arranges the murders of Banquo and his son, Fleance. Although Banquo is killed, Fleance escapes.
Macbeth fabricates evidence of illegal activity against Duff, and his SWAT team are sent to kill him. Duff escapes to the Capitol, where he meets up with Malcolm and Fleance and the three decide to confront and depose Macbeth.
After killing her own child, Lady is haunted by images of babies and loses her mind. Without her guidance, Macbeth becomes more unhinged, seeing everyone as a danger to him. He captures Tourtell's illegitimate son, Kasi, and uses him to try and blackmail Tourtell into declaring a State of Emergency, an act that would make Macbeth the ''de facto'' ruler in Fife.
Lennox, a former inspector who worked for Hecate, is paralysed saving Mayor Tourtell. He is taken to Hecate in a wheelchair and drops a hand grenade into the drugs operation, destroying it and mortally wounding Hecate in the process.
Lady commits suicide, leaving Macbeth with only two colleagues who support him. The three are holed up in the Inverness. Fleance attempts to attack them from the rear, but Macbeth stops him. Seyton, one of Macbeth's colleagues, prepares to kill Kasi, but Macbeth stabs him before an old steam engine is released from its plinth and sent downhill into the Inverness. Crashing through the walls, it severs the ropes holding up the chandelier, which crashes down onto Macbeth, injuring him. Macbeth goads Duff into killing him, so that he can be reunited with Lady.
The gang are en route to the Rocky Harbor Inn, where Fred's uncle Bobby Flay invited them to stay. They arrive, and Fred is surprised to learn that his uncle is a world-famous chef.
Bobby shows them the lobby, where they see a portrait of Fred's ancestor Edward Flay. The townspeople have yet to find any clues about his disappearance. Bobby and the gang proceed to the best part of the inn, a very high-tech cooking arena. They meet Giada De Laurentiis and her cat Bella, and Marcus Samuelsson and his wife Maya Haile.
The inn's groundskeeper Jeremiah Noseworthy shows up, and quickly leaves mentioning a red ghost. Bobby elaborates that when Edward disappeared back in 1780, he was alone in the inn and people heard him cry out Red Ghost before he disappeared. The inn has been vacant because of the ghost, but since they reopened it, people claimed to have seen it.
The next day on television, Gail announces the big show at the inn and has an interview with Jeremiah, who blurts out that Edward was a traitor. Nacho sees Skip telling him that he is leaving out of stress about the Red Ghost, but Skip changes his mind and goes back to lie down. A businessman named Bradley Bass comes in and tells Bobby that he is sitting on a gold mine, but Bobby refuses to sell. Daphne runs up to Bobby telling him something is happening in the arena.
Henry Metcalf, who wrote a famous book on the inn, shows up. He gives Bobby a folder of papers and continues by saying during the Revolutionary War, Edward welcomed soldiers to his inn and wrapped the dishes up in these papers for take-out.
That night at the show, suddenly the animatronics begin to go haywire. It is soon discovered that this was caused by the Red Ghost, which drives the spectators away. The ghost tries to chase the gang, but Velma uses a fire extinguisher and the ghost disappears.
Later that evening, the gang notices that the parchment has words on it written in invisible ink, concluding that the personal papers were the parchments the whole time. One of them contains detailed information about troop movements, and the gang starts to think that Jeremiah was right about Edward being a spy. Scooby spots the Red Ghost stealing the rest of the papers, but is too scared to warn everyone else. While running through the lobby, the ghost trips on a carpet dropping all the papers and starts picking them up. The gang begins to follow the ghost's footprints once Scooby regains his bravery and alerts them as to what happened. The ghost tries to escape upstairs, but drops the parchment on the stairs and upon being spotted was forced to flee without them.
A package arrives at the inn, which is a court order mandating the immediate closure of the inn because it is a historic landmark. Suddenly, the ghost flies past them and the gang starts to follow it.
To trap the ghost, the gang recreates the previous show. The Red Ghost shows up and tries to escape with the parchment, but the gang is ready for him and has one of the devices beat up the ghost until he collapses. The ghost is revealed to be Bradley Bass who was using his smartphone to control the drone. He wanted to buy the inn cheap without damaging the reputation of Edward. Bradley, however, is revealed to be Henry Metcalf in disguise. He spent his entire career around the story of Edward as a hero, but he stumbled upon the truth and did not want it to get out. He believed that the legend that was hidden in the inn was a set of personal papers written by Edward that would incriminate him. However, what Metcalf did not know was that the personal papers were in fact the parchment sheets he gave to Bobby until he overheard them in the kitchen. Velma does a more in-depth analysis of the parchment, and discovers the information that Edward passed on to the British soldiers was false, and that Edward was actually saying "redcoat" not "Red Ghost."
The Queen of Flow is set in Medellin, Colombia. The first five episodes take place in the early 2000s and are important to the plot of this telenovela.
Yeimy Montoya (María José Vargas) is a 17-year-old Colombian teenager who is in high school and lives in a comuna. She is close to her parents and grandmother. She helps her parents in their bakery business. Yeimy also has a gift for writing catchy reggaeton rhymes and musical rhythms.
Yeimy is in love with Charly Cruz (Juan Manuel Restrepo), her classmate and neighbor. He has a girlfriend, Gema Granados, and he is unaware of Yeimy's crush on him. She has written many songs about Charly in her secret notebook, which she guards as if it were her child. Yeimy meets one of Charly's friends, Juan Camilo, 'Juancho', (Guillermo Blanco) who attends the same school and lives in the comuna. He convinces Yeimy to join their reggaeton group, Soul & Bass. A love triangle soon forms as Juancho begins to fall for Yeimy. She is oblivious about his feelings for her as she starts to become friendlier and closer with Charly. He is attracted to her. But he is simultaneously jealous of her ability to easily compose rhythmic flows, a talent he sorely lacks.
Charly's uncle is a local and powerful narco-trafficker, Dúver Cruz, 'Manín' (Lucho Velasco). Yeimy's parents are murdered in their bakery because they refused to pay protection bribes to him. Yeimy and her grandmother are devastated by this horrific crime. The police are bribed and ordered by Manín to quash the investigation into the Montoya's murder. Yeimy becomes closer to Juancho and Charly. The group recorded music and begin to get attention from a local radio station. They secure a meeting with music producers in New York City.
Manín orders Charly and his men to rob a health clinic. Coincidentally, Yeimy is at this clinic with her grandmother. Although Charly is wearing a ski mask, she recognizes his Soul & Bass tattoo. She sees him shoot a security guard during the heist. Charly tells Manín that he did not mean to shoot the guard and is worried that someone may have recognized him. Manín assures him that he will take care of any problems. Yeimy confronts Charly about the robbery. He tells her that this was the first time that he committed a crime and that he did it only because he wanted to raise money for Soul & Bass's trip to NYC. Charly promises to never do that again and he begins to seduce Yeimy so that she will not tell on him.
Charly informs Manín that Yeimy knows that he was involved with the robbery. He makes a deal with Manín so that he will not kill her. He tells him that they should pack a suitcase to give her with cocaine so that she will be arrested in NY for being a drug mule. She will be given a long prison sentence and that will be the best way to get rid of her. The night before their flight to NY, Charly goes to Yeimy's house to give her the suitcase with cocaine. He packs her clothes and her song notebook in it so that she will not see the drugs. He continues to seduce her and they have sexual relations. As Yeimy sleeps, Charly steals her notebook from the suitcase and puts it in his luggage.
As the three members of Soul & Bass are in US customs in NY, Yeimy is arrested for the cocaine. She is distraught and denies that it is hers. Manín has a contact in the prison where she is being held. She physically assaults Yeimy and tells her that if she mentions Manín or Charly that her grandmother, Dona Carmen, will be killed. Yeimy realizes that Charly set her up and she is further devastated by his betrayal.
Juancho is confused as to why Yeimy would transport drugs as that was out of character for her. He tells Charly that they should help her. Charly accuses Yeimy of being a drug mule. He says that she endangered all of them and he wants nothing to do with her. Juancho and him get into a fight, end their friendship, and dissolve the group. Charly meets with the executives in NYC. He sings Yeimy's song, 'Reflejo' and made a good impression on them. He takes credit for the song and says that he has composed many more of them. They give him the opportunity to launch his musical career in Puerto Rico. Juancho returns to Colombia and forms a musical equipment business.
Yeimy pleads guilty to the crimes she is accused of and is sentenced to a 25-year-prison term. Over the years, Juancho writes several letters to her. She does not read or answer any of them as she wants to focus on surviving in prison. Yeimy forms friendships with other women in prison. They teach her how to fight and protect herself. She discovers that she is pregnant and has the baby in prison. She names the baby Mateo. Dona Carmen flies to NY to visit her. She promises Yeimy that she will raise Mateo while she is in prison, that she will move out of the comuna, and that she will not tell Charly that he has a son. Manín finds out about Mateo. He murders Dona Carmen and then sets fire to the building she was living in to steal the baby. Yeimy is once again devastated and believes that her son and grandmother are dead.
Seventeen years pass. Charly Flow (Carlos Torres) is a famous and rich reggaeton singer. Yeimy's lyrics and music made him very successful. He is married to Gema (Mabel Moreno) and they have a daughter, Vanesa. He is self-centered, a womanizer, and an alcoholic who engages in criminal activity like money laundering for his uncle. These character flaws are overlooked because he is famous, handsome, and charming. He is relocating to Medellin after living many years in Puerto Rico to establish his own production studio, Excelsior Studios. Juancho (Andrés Sandoval) has a successful musical equipment business, is still living with his younger siblings, and is dating Catalina Bedoya, one of Yeimy's childhood friends.
In return for a reduced prison sentence, Yeimy (Carolina Ramírez) is offered the opportunity to become an undercover agent for the DEA to help capture Manín. She also plans to use this opportunity to get close to Charly and exact revenge for the 17 years she wrongfully spent in prison because of him. When Manín finds out about Yeimy's deal from his informant, he orders her murder. The attempt is unsuccessful but the DEA announces that Yeimy Montoya and one of her associates is killed in the prison. This news travels to Colombia. Charly is relieved that Yeimy will no longer be a threat and reveal to the world he is a fraud and a criminal. Juancho is heartbroken. After all those years, he is still in love with Yeimy. He decides that it is time to move on and settle down with Catalina.
The DEA with the help of Jack del Castillo, a Puerto Rican music producer, form a false identity for Yeimy and train her to become this new person. When she returns to Colombia, she is Tammy Andrade, a successful music producer. She makes her debut as Tammy at Charly's Excelsior Studios inauguration party. She introduces herself to Charly who is drawn and attracted to her. He does not recognize that she is Yeimy. No one recognizes her after so many years and thinking that Yeimy is dead. Tammy integrates herself into Charly's life and studio, and reconnects with Juancho.
Yeimy accomplishes her goal of destroying Charly's career and helps to dissolve his marriage to Gema. His corrupt nature makes his downfall inevitable. There are many, sometimes violent and tragic, twists and turns. Reggaeton music by several of this novela's characters are a prominent feature of most episodes. In the end, Charly and other characters get what they deserve. Yeimy lets go of her hatred for Charly and learns that through forgiveness she will find peace, freedom, and love.
The series follows ten-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaskan Native vlogger from the fictional village of Qyah, and her family, friends Tooey Ookami and Trini Mumford, her Malamute Suki, and other residents. Her family runs the Denali Trading Post.
Clem Neville and fellow rancher Warner are being plagued by a group of rustlers. He sends for his son, Ken, to come help him round up the criminals. However, when Ken arrives he finds out that his father and Warner have been killed. He does not reveal his identity to any of the townspeople, and Warner's daughter, Mary, suspects him of being one of the rustlers. As they verbally spar, Ken learns that Mary had known of a plan of Clem and her father to trap the rustlers. The only person she shared the information with was Rance Collins. He meets up with an old friend Ranger Simpson, known by the nickname of "Repeater", who he lets know what he is attempting to do.
Suspecting that Rance must be involved, Ken learns who some of his associates are. He follows one back to the gang's hideout, and after overhearing of their plans to finish rustling Warner's cattle, steps into the room and asks for a job. Collins is skeptical, but then Repeater shows up and, as set up before by him and Ken, arrests Ken for Clem's murder. Collins suspicions of Ken are alleviated, and he and some of his men ride after the two. They help Ken escape, during which Ken makes it appear as if Repeater has been killed. However, once back at the hideout, suspicions once again begin to arise. Finally, one of the rustlers returns to the hideout and recognizes Ken from Warner's ranch earlier that day. Surrounded by the gang, Ken's horse, Tarzan comes to his rescue and breaks a window allowing him to escape.
Collins henchmen take off after Ken, while Collins remains behind to continue planning their rustling activities. Ken eludes the gang and doubles back to the hideout. He delays Collins long enough for Repeater to arrive with the sheriff to arrest Collins. Afterwards, Mary apologizes to Ken for jumping to conclusions, and Ken decides to stay on in town and run his father's ranch.
In the 24th century, humans have spread to multiple planets. Most planets are populated by one of the three Splinter Cultures: the Dorsai, military elite; the Exotics, arts and sciences; the Friendly, zealots of religious faith. A group called the Others, Splinter Culture cross-breeds, are gaining dominance over the outer planets.
Hal Mayne, an orphan who was discovered alone on an abandoned spaceship as a baby, is raised on Earth by three guardians, one from each Splinter Culture. One of the leaders of the Others, Bleys Ahrens, comes to the compound to find Hal. The three guardians are killed trying to protect Hal and he escapes to the Final Encyclopedia.
The Final Encyclopedia, which orbits Earth, contains all the knowledge of the human race. Hal's reaction at the Transit Point leads the director, Tam Olyn, to believe Hal could be his successor, but Hal insists on traveling on to Coby, a mining planet. After several years on Coby, Hal spends time on a Friendly planet, an Exotic planet, and the Dorsai planet, making connections and growing in self-knowledge along the way.
Meanwhile, the Others have been extending their dominance, leading the Splinter Cultures to recognize that they are under threat of destruction. Using the resources of the Final Encyclopedia and the partnerships he's built with members of the Splinter Cultures, Hal organizes the resistance to the Others on Earth. It is eventually revealed that Hal Mayne is in fact Donal Graeme, who had somehow developed the ability to reinvent himself as an infant and secure the necessary training to counteract the Others.
Ginny Kurva is a twenty-one-year-old, alcoholic polymath living in a welfare hotel 1983 Times Square, where she cares for her paraplegic younger sister, Trisha, by working as a prostitute. Ostensibly subservient to her pimp, an elderly Polish gangster known as "The Colonel," Ginny has manipulated him into making her the de facto head of his criminal operations. In this capacity, she both protects the other girls in her care and instructs them in science, mathematics, and literature, in the hopes that they one day be able to obtain legitimate employment. Ginny's only respite comes in the form of riffing on low-budget horror films with her best friend, Roger, in the Colossus, a grindhouse they both frequent. One evening, Roger informs Ginny that he witnessed one of her girls, Tina, assumed to have run away, being lured into the back of a distinct green van. Ginny dismisses the claim as paranoia.
It is revealed that the van belongs to Nicolette Aster, the safety inspector at Fresh Kills Landfill. Plagued by frequent hallucinations involving murder and violence, Nicolette hides behind a mask of sanity, which allows her to move about the landfill unmolested; after hours, she travels into the city to abduct sex workers, bringing them back to hunt and kill.
Ginny learns that one of her charges—a sixteen-year-old named Mary whom she regards as a daughter—has become pregnant. Ginny pays for The Colonel to perform an abortion on her, but he attempts the procedure drunk and leaves the girl with severe genital mutilation. The incident takes an intense psychological toll on Ginny, who has long repressed the moral implications of her work, and she begins drinking more heavily.
Nicolette's memories reveal that she was severely disturbed as a child but doted upon by her overprotective father, who guarded her from the wrath of her abusive, superficial mother, who herself regarded the average looking girl as monstrous compared to her own physical beauty. Following her mother's death, Nicolette's father had her committed to an insane asylum where she spent the remainder of her youth, where she learned to mimic "normal" behavior. Due to the phonetic similarity between "Aster" and the Greek Asterion, Nicolette has come to believe that she is a reincarnation of the Minotaur, and that the city of New York offers her prostitutes as "tributes" to hunt, kill, and eat in accordance with the myth. To enhance her fantasy, Nicolette has constructed a suit of armor, including a horned helmet with incorporated prescription lenses to correct her severe hyperopia. Having witnessed Ginny's academic and physical prowess, Nicolette has come to regard her as an "alpha bitch" to be taken as a special trophy.
Roger conducts his own investigation into Tina's disappearance and learns from other pimps and prostitutes on 42nd street of multiple disappearances stretching back three years. The consistency of the stories disturbs Ginny, though she finds herself unsure of how to respond. After being made to spend a promised day off recruiting another girl to replace Mary, Ginny suffers a nervous breakdown, insults her girls, assaults Roger, and goes on a drinking binge that ends with her attacking a group of police officers after they raid the Colossus. Roger intervenes, posing as Ginny's brother and convincing them she's mentally ill; the police release her into his custody. Later, Ginny and Roger reconcile. Going to apologize to her girls, Ginny realizes that one has been taken by Nicolette and begins making plans to flee 42nd street.
The next day, Ginny instructs her girls to meet in Mary's room at the end of the day. There, she explains the situation and tells them all to flee New York, taking their day's earnings with them rather than pay their usual share to the Colonel and providing them with extra money out of her own savings. Going to say goodbye to Roger, the pair are cornered by an intoxicated Colonel, who believes that Ginny is attempting to undermine his power. He attempts to shoot Roger to death, but only succeeds in grazing him. In turn, Roger blows his head off with a shotgun.
Ginny, Roger, and Trish flee to a motel in Hell's Kitchen, where Ginny confesses to Roger that she and Trish came to New York after she murdered their sexually abusive mother, an incident which put an end to her hoped-for teaching career. The pair confess their love for one another and Ginny agrees to take Roger with her when she leaves the city, telling him to wait with Trish while she goes to dispose of the shotgun he used to kill The Colonel.
While depositing the shotgun in a garbage can, Ginny is cornered and abducted by Nicolette, who takes her to the dump. The pair fight, but Ginny discovers that her martial arts skills are useless against Nicolette's armor. Preparing to admit defeat, Ginny realizes the unusual appearance of Nicolette's eyes is due to corrective lenses. Ginny allows Nicolette to close in on her and then uses her high heels to shatter Nicolette's lenses, forcing her to remove the helmet. Equally matched, the women engage in hand-to-hand combat. Ginny emerges victorious after she gains control over the axe and bisects Nicolette's face. Before leaving, she steals Nicolette's watch to pawn for bus fare.
Ginny makes her way out of the dump and takes a cab back to Hell's Kitchen. The next day, she, Roger, and Trish board a bus out of New York. Ginny realizes she feels optimistic about the future for the first time in years.
Born with an eye condition that eventually leads to his blindness, Andrea Bocelli pursues his ambition and becomes a popular singer and songwriter.
Madison, Nick, Alicia, Strand, and Luciana are a part of a community living in a baseball stadium. Nick is farming vegetables, but weevils are destroying them. Madison and others, excluding Nick, set out to find Charlie's family, a young girl in the community. Madison's group reaches a deserted town and they split up to search. Madison and Alicia find a burned down camp near giant oil tanks, which has a white flag with the number "457". Madison comes across a woman named Naomi and Madison invites her to their community. At night, a large convoy of trucks approach the stadium. Mel, the leader of a group known as the Vultures, rounds up walkers outside the stadium and into a truck; it is then labeled "12". Madison goes out to talk with Mel, and he tells Madison he knows of their weevil problem, thanks to Charlie who is revealed as a spy. Mel orders Madison to give them all their supplies or they will die from their lack of resources. Madison refuses and walks away. Catching up to the events of the previous episode: Luciana finds a flag marked "51" in Althea's SWAT truck, and Alicia orders them to take them to where they found the flag.
In flashbacks, Nick and Madison go on a supply run, however when they arrive, they discover that Mel's brother Ennis has already looted it. Charlie eavesdropped on Madison and obtained the location, giving it to Ennis. Nick pleads with Charlie to not listen to the Vultures. Nick then attacks Ennis with his knife, but Madison stops him from killing Ennis. Charlie goes with Ennis in his blue El Camino and they drove off. In the present, the SWAT vehicle swerves off the road and crashes after a commotion inside the vehicle between the two groups. Nick spots the blue El Camino and chases after it. The others find a service station which has a truck with wire cable, that they can use to tow the SWAT vehicle from the mud. Returning to the SWAT truck, they fight off various infected and successfully tow it. Nick finds Ennis at a farm and they fight inside a silo. Nick impales Ennis on a deer antler display, killing him. Nick is then shot by Charlie. The rest of the group arrives, where they try to revive him, but he dies. Alicia sobs and is left devastated.
Alicia, Strand, and Luciana tell Althea their stories about how they ended up in their current situation, which led to Nick's death. In flashbacks, various groups go on supply runs; Strand and Cole search a nursery for plants; Nick and Luciana search a library; and Alicia and Naomi go to a water park. At the library, there is no food, but Nick insists on finding books because he argues people need more than just food. At the water park, Alicia and Naomi find various medical supplies and a machine gun. Strand shows Cole a secret car that is filled with supplies just for himself. At the stadium, Madison tells Mel she is willing to build a community together, but Mel scoffs at the idea. Nick suggests to Madison they should venture farther north to find seeds and fertilizer to bring back, instead of moving to a new location. In the present, the group tells Althea that they should have left the stadium. They stop the SWAT van, where they dig up a cache of weapons—to kill the Vultures with. The group then buries Nick. John recognizes a backpack, which belongs to Naomi, revealing that she is Laura. Alicia tells John that Laura died at the stadium. Everyone leaves in the van, except Morgan and John, who go off alone.
In the present, the two groups engage in gunfire. Naomi tries to get medical supplies for John from the ambulance, but Mel drives off in it. Alicia fires at the ambulance with a grenade launcher and accuses Naomi of betraying her trust. Althea rides up in her SWAT vehicle, where Naomi and Morgan carry John inside, and Charlie joins them at Morgan's request. Alicia finds Mel crawling from the ambulance and asks him how long Naomi had been colluding with them. He does not answer and Alicia then stabs him. In flashbacks, Charlie goes to the stadium and asks Madison if she can help Mel, who is injured from a car accident. Charlie claims she and Mel have left the Vultures after a fight with Ennis. Mel tells Madison that Ennis is planning on destroying the stadium. After patching up Mel, Madison gives him a truck with supplies and forces him to leave by himself. Charlie begs the others to bring back Mel. Alicia and Nick leave the stadium to find Mel. Ennis and the Vultures arrive at the stadium and unleash several trucks filled with the dead. Back in the present, everyone in the SWAT vehicle arrives at the stadium, revealed to be filled with the dead.
Sometime after the destruction of the Gonzalez Dam, Madison meets Althea, whom she tries to rob without success. Madison eventually gives her a story from when her children were little and explains how she is trying to protect their innocence. Upon their departure, Althea gives Madison food, a radio, and a map, allowing her to find her children. Althea's kindness inspires Madison to form the stadium community, but Althea never learns Madison's name. In the present, Naomi and Morgan struggle to get supplies to save John's life while Althea and Charlie deal with an attack from Alicia's group. The subsequent revelation that Althea met Madison and Morgan's intervention convinces Alicia to stop her path of vengeance. At night, Alicia's group finishes telling their story about the fall of the stadium, including how everyone else died when they tried to flee and were overrun. Madison is revealed to have led the Infected into the stadium to contain the herd and give her children, Strand, and Luciana a chance to survive. Madison ultimately sets the herd ablaze within the stadium, sacrificing herself to save the others. In honor of Madison's memory, Althea names the story after her and the group shares the same noodles she gave to Madison when they first met.
In flashbacks, Madison and Strand join Naomi on a supply run to a FEMA shelter that may have seeds and fertilizer. They rest for the night at a motel, but when Madison wakes in the morning, she discovers Naomi is missing. Naomi goes to the shelter, which is filled with infected, and retrieves a set of keys marked "JIC." She is eventually surrounded by infected and takes refuge at the top of scaffolding. Madison and Strand arrive and are able to save her. Naomi explains that she and her daughter, Rose, had stayed at the shelter. When Rose caught pneumonia, she left to find antibiotics. But when she returned, she discovered that Rose had died, turned and infected everyone else. Naomi then takes Madison and Strand to a truck stocked with supplies. They return to the stadium with plants and fertilizer, and the Vultures decide to vacate the parking lot. In the present, Alicia, Strand and Luciana face off with Mel and the Vultures at the meeting spot. Morgan and John are also present. A woman pulls up in a vehicle, revealed to be Naomi. Alicia then shoots at Naomi but accidentally hits John when he steps in the way.
In flashbacks, John finds Naomi unconscious in the water outside his cabin. John brings her inside, dresses her wound and lets her rest. Because she refuses to tell her name, John calls her Laura. John notices that more infected have been washing up on the creek surrounding his cabin, so he and Naomi canoe upstream to discover a broken guardrail on a bridge. They then patch the guardrail with a piece of metal. During the night, Naomi reveals to John that she lost a child. The next day, John teaches Naomi how to fish and they play Scrabble. The infected have still been floating downstream, so they investigate the bridge again. This time, they block the gap with a Jeep. During a scuffle with the infected, John refuses to use his pistols, but instead stabs them. He explains his refusal to use firearms is because of an incident from when he was a police officer. The infected eventually knock the Jeep into the river and float towards John's cabin. John and Naomi fight off the infected, where John uses his weapons to save Naomi. Later, John tells Naomi he loves her and they kiss. The next day, John discovers Naomi has left, but leaves a note with Scrabble tiles: "I love you too I'm sorry."
The film tells the story of the adopted Mark who was a former arm wrestler but now works as a bouncer. He goes to South Korea for a competition to search for his mother who gave him up for adoption as a child. With help of his friend, Jin-ki, Mark finds his real family, only to learn that his mother had died. He then meets his step-sister and her family whom he never knew. Through his mother's emails that he came to read he came to know what it meant to feel her pain of abandoning him. He later wins the national tournament against his opponents and in the end, defeats the opponent named Punch in the final.
David and Molly Beaton, 18-years-old and 16-years-old respectively, marry and leave their native Iowa to make a life for themselves as homesteaders in the Dakota Territory of the early 1870s. The U.S. Government Homestead Act offers applicants 160 acres of land in undeveloped areas. Those who stay on the land for five years become the official owners. The young couple manages to survive government and railroad corruption, and perseveres through blizzards, a grasshopper invasion, crop destruction, and giving birth in a sod house among other challenges.
Four years after witnessing the horrors of a brutal regime in the fictional Central Asian nation of Turgistan, American billionaire and philanthropist Magnet S. Johnson, who made his fortunes from inventing neodymium magnets, fakes his own death to form an anonymous vigilante squad to take down criminals and terrorists which the world as a whole either cannot or will not pursue. Known as One, he recruits five others to abandon their pasts and join his cause, each given a numbered nickname similar to his own: Two, a spy; Three, a hitman; Four, a parkour runner and thief; Five, a doctor; and Six, a driver. They refer to themselves collectively as ''ghosts''.
On their first mission in Florence, Italy, the team interrogates the lawyer of Turgistan's four highest-ranking generals for information on those generals before driving across the city in a dayglow green Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio while chased by the Mafia and the Italian police. Six is killed just as they get away.
Days later, One recruits Blaine, a former sniper from Delta Force suffering from survivor guilt as he was ordered not to save his team in Afghanistan. He is convinced to fake his suicide and is renamed Seven. One plans to stage a coup d'état to topple the government of Turgistan dictator Rovach Alimov and install Alimov's imprisoned brother, Murat a staunch supporter of democracy as the country's new leader. It is revealed that in the past, then–CIA spy Two had reluctantly captured Murat and handed him back to Rovach.
The ghosts assassinate Rovach's generals in Las Vegas, learn of Murat's location, and successfully extract Murat from his penthouse imprisonment in Hong Kong. During the extraction, Four is caught by one of Rovach's men, who begins severely beating him. Seven is unwilling to subscribe to One's philosophy that "the mission always comes first," instead following his personal philosophy to never leave a teammate behind. Ignoring One's protests, Seven manages to save Four. Afterward, Seven convinces all but One to reveal their real names.
In Turgistan, One sets his plan in motion by hacking the state-run television station during Rovach's public address to the nation and giving Murat the platform he needs to spread his message of democracy. Murat's impromptu speech inspires a citizen revolt, and strategic explosions in the city force Rovach to evacuate to his private yacht. The ghosts storm the yacht and One activates a magnetic pulse invention to incapacitate the guards. When the yacht is immobilized in the middle of the ocean and Four is once again in mortal danger, One chooses to save Four instead of capturing Rovach. Rovach flees by helicopter only to discover it to be commandeered by Murat and the ghosts, who drop him helpless in a refugee camp where he is beaten to death by an angry mob.
In the aftermath of the revolution, Murat becomes Turgistan's new president and the ghosts part ways until their next mission is determined. Two and Three begin a relationship. Four and Five go climbing together. One and Seven travel to New York City. Seven tosses his gun into a nearby river, but keeps the last remaining bullet, and One watches from a distance as the woman he loved before his faked death plays with her young son, who is implied to be One's son as well.
A man is tried and convicted for the murder of a man who flirted with his wife and sentenced to death However, it turns out that he is innocent of the murder and that the real killer has close ties to a powerful politician.
Travis, Madison and Alicia are captured by an armed group and taken to a military compound, where Travis is separated from them and is taken to a basement; Madison and Alicia are taken to an office. At the basement, Travis finds himself with Nick, an injured Luciana and other captives. The captives are shot to see how long it takes for them to turn. Travis, Luciana and Nick attempt to escape, Travis and Luciana descending into a sewer but Travis is re-captured and made to fight the dead in a pit. Madison and Alicia attack Troy, impaling one of his eyes with a spoon and taking him hostage. Madison demands that her family be released. Nick finds a horde of walkers at the end of the sewer and makes his way back. The family is reunited but the compound is overrun with walkers, forcing everyone to leave. Travis, Luciana and Alicia escape aboard a helicopter while Madison and Nick leave in a truck with Troy.
The helicopter is attacked and Travis is shot through the stomach out the neck and starts bleeding to death; he falls to his death rather than dying and turning as the helicopter crash lands. At the hotel, Strand allows many angry refugees inside the gates, falsely claiming he is a doctor to calm them. Madison, Troy and Nick reach Broke Jaw Ranch, owned by Troy's father Jeremiah and are informed that the helicopter has not arrived. Jeremiah welcomes Madison and Nick, who are suspicious but decide to stay. Back at the hotel, Elena orders Strand to leave before his lie enrages the survivors. After the helicopter crash, Alicia and Jake carry Luciana to the ranch, where they reunite with Madison and Nick. Madison breaks down after being informed of the death of Travis, while Nick forces the others to aid Luciana. Prior to leaping to her death from a hotel balcony, IIene gives Strand the keys to a brand new Jaguar.
Through flashbacks, Daniel had survived the fire and escaped into Tijuana, where he was saved from death by a band of refugees headed by Efrain Morales, who consoles Daniel's grief for losing Ofelia. While fending off Walkers, Daniel falls into the sewers leading to the Gonzalez Dam, where he is spared death by Lola Guerrero, one of Dante's workers. Daniel's military expertise has him made one of Dante's operatives, and he betrays Efrain and later tortures him – but Lola exposes her complicity in water thefts to stop it. Strand is also awaiting execution, and offers to take Daniel to Ofelia at the hotel. Although Daniel helps execute one of Lola's workers, rather than kill Lola he kills Dante and his bodyguards, handing the dam over to Lola.
After a fire kills one of the founders of Broke Jaw, Nick and Jeremiah bond by cleaning up the wreck, locating Jeremiah's prized antique revolver. Nick hopes Luciana will like the house but she leaves in the night. Madison, Troy and their squad set out for the Black Hat Reserve, led by Qaletaqa Walker, on whose ancestral land Broke Jaw was built. Walker ambushes the squad who are forced to return in sock feet with a warning of an impending invasion. During the trek back, Troy contemplates killing Madison. Alicia and Jake begin a relationship. Elsewhere, Strand leads Daniel to the hotel, but upon finding Ofelia was not present, Daniel abandons Strand to the dead.
Troy's patrol return with news of Walker's ultimatum; that night bonfires ring Broke Jaw, unnerving the sheltered people. Gretchen's family leaves despite Troy's threatening efforts to keep them for security measures. Madison sides with Troy and urges Jeremiah to keep his community together. Jake journeys to Black Hat to negotiate peace terms with Walker. Madison, Nick and Jeremiah later find Gretchen and her family murdered and turned; they all realize Troy was responsible but Madison informs the community that Walker did it to prepare them for the upcoming conflict. Alicia buys their story and runs after Jake to warn him.
Jake and Alicia arrive at Black Hat, where Alicia discovers Ofelia to be alive and allied with Walker's tribe. Jake and Walker agree to a parley with an exchange of hostages to guarantee the truce; Alicia remains at Black Hat while Jake returns to Broke Jaw with Ofelia. While at Black Hat, Alicia learns that Walker's people have a water shortage and a prophecy of the apocalypse, seeing it as a sign to reclaim their former lands. Madison blackmails Troy to lead a team to rescue Alicia from Black Hat, breaking the truce and killing several of Walker's men. Jake attempts to mend ways by delivering Ofelia and a truckload of water, but he is beaten and nearly scalped. Later, Ofelia arrives at Broke Jaw, seemingly cast out. A crippling illness suddenly strikes the community and many of the militia die and reanimate as walkers, massacring the residents; Nick sees Ofelia running and realizes she was responsible before he also falls sick.
Walker's group move onto the ranch; the new community share a meal after which Jake and Walker speak of building a peace together. However, tensions remain and a drunk youth tries to avenge Gretchen; although the young man is killed Walker is given control of the armory and raids every rancher for their weapons. When Troy refuses, Walker sends in an armed assault. Troy is injured protecting Nick who admits to killing Jeremiah, getting Troy to stand down. Walker demands justice so exiles Troy while Nick is put in a hotbox. Troy overpowers the native sent with him and confronts Madison over Jeremiah's death. At the dam, Daniel tells Lola that she is the new boss, to be loved or despised. While distributing water the crowd turns on her and she is attacked.
Through flashbacks, Ofelia is seen crossing the border and meets Jeremiah, at first Jeremiah is seen to be helpful, giving Ofelia some of his water. However, Ofelia was denied refuge from Jeremiah for racial reasons. As she is laying in the hot sun, she hallucinates by seeing her father Daniel. The hallucination makes her stand up. She is later taken in by Walker.
Madison beats Ofelia and takes her to Black Hat where Walker reveals the poison was anthrax. Ofelia later confronts Walker over making her a killer. The militia attack Black Hat and, at the cost of lives on both sides, Madison and Alicia steal Walker's trailer of spiritual relics. Nick digs under the old cabin and learns Jeremiah and the founders killed three braves who were attacking their cattle, plus Walker's father. Madison offers the reliquary and Walker's father's remains but Walker refuses peace. Alicia is incensed at Troy's crimes and Madison reveals that she'd killed her abusive father to protect her mother. Madison urges Jeremiah to kill himself, saying this will appease Walker and preserve Jeremiah's legacy; Nick kills him instead and they stage it as a suicide. Madison secretly delivers Jeremiah's head to Walker. Meanwhile, Strand finds the Abigail run aground; he speaks on the radio with an alleged Russian cosmonaut who tells him his life is not over, then he sets fire to the Abigail and leaves with a pack of weapons and supplies.
Madison beats Ofelia and takes her to Black Hat where Walker reveals the poison was anthrax. Ofelia later confronts Walker over making her a killer. The militia attack Black Hat and, at the cost of lives on both sides, Madison and Alicia steal Walker's trailer of spiritual relics. Nick digs under the old cabin and learns Jeremiah and the founders killed three braves who were attacking their cattle, plus Walker's father. Madison offers the reliquary and Walker's father's remains but Walker refuses peace. Alicia is incensed at Troy's crimes and Madison reveals that she'd killed her abusive father to protect her mother. Madison urges Jeremiah to kill himself, saying this will appease Walker and preserve Jeremiah's legacy; Nick kills him instead and they stage it as a suicide. Madison secretly delivers Jeremiah's head to Walker. Meanwhile, Strand finds the Abigail run aground; he speaks on the radio with an alleged Russian cosmonaut who tells him his life is not over, then he sets fire to the Abigail and leaves with a pack of weapons and supplies.
Madison informs Walker that the ranch's aquifer is running dry, and they take a tanker to a bazaar in Mexicali to negotiate for water. They find Strand who owes debts to the authorities. Madison uses Walker's gold to buy his freedom. At the ranch, the natives are overseeing the water distribution, leading to tensions. The militia see Nick as Troy's successor and he cautions them to bide their time. Alicia tries to head-off water disputes but ends up starting a riot by revealing that they have only six weeks of water. The natives try to take possession of the main well but Nick, armed with the ranchers' last pistol, leads a sit-in. There is a run for water, draining the aquifer. The militia move on the native guards but at the last moment are inspired by efforts to tap a new well.
Hiding together, tensions rise between Nick and Madison over Troy's murder and her growing ruthlessness. Proctor John arrives at the dam with Alicia, displeased that Strand wasn't fully able to deliver on their deal; Alicia bargains for Madison's safety. Strand is helping Madison and Nick escape when Lola attacks the Proctors and is killed. For their duplicity John decides to kill all four, starting with Alicia as a mercy. Nick uses the detonator in a standoff, threatening to blow up the dam. Madison, Alicia and Strand escape on a boat. The Proctors begin to move on Nick who receives unexpected help from Walker and Crazy Dog who snipe from a nearby hilltop and Daniel who fights his way across the dam. Nick detonates the explosives, blowing a hole in the dam and the boat is carried through by the current. Nick and Daniel escape while Madison swims to shore alone.
Ofelia falls off the water truck and the others in the group see that she has been bitten. Madison promises that she'll see her father, sells half their weapons so she can rest in the bazaar and spends more to keep her comfortable. Strand criticizes her for wasting resources while a grieving Walker finds honor in observing her last wish. Madison and Nick looks after Ofelia. Madison manages to reach Daniel, but Ofelia dies just as Daniel arrives. Nick goes on a binge of drugs and drinking, wrangling Troy into joining him, eventually wading through a group of walking dead when Nick confesses that he can't go with Madison. The next morning, Daniel agrees to let Madison's group come to the dam but Nick and Troy decide to stay at the bazaar. Elsewhere, Alicia's scavenging attracts the dead who are killed by Diana. The two women initially threaten each other but decide to share the food Alicia found.
Alicia brings Diana to the bazaar for treatment and is enlisted to assist a life-saving operation. The patient is John, the President of the Proctors, an outlaw motorcycle gang which is opening a trade route from the Texas gulf coast to San Diego. Troy learns that the Proctors intend to attack the dam and rushes with Nick to warn them. The staff at the dam decide to hold out but if defeat is certain to blow the dam with explosives to deny the Proctors a water monopoly. Walker and Crazy Dog leave to search for survivors from their nation. Strand tells Nick to get his family out, having made a deal with the Proctors and no longer being able to guarantee anyone's safety. Nick is questioned by Daniel about the herd, giving Nick another reason to get them out. When Madison learns that Troy led the herd, she murders him in front of Nick. Strand opens a gate for the Proctors and in a struggle shoots Daniel in the face. As the Proctors overrun the dam, Strand takes the detonator and hides Madison and Nick.
In a pre-apocalypse television commercial, Jeremiah Otto and his family promote a video series on the key to surviving TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). The ranch holds a meeting in the wake of the helicopter pilot's death, where Troy, Jake, and Jeremiah vow justice. Other residents express contempt for Madison and her family. A recovering Luciana informs Nick that they must leave the ranch as soon as possible. Back in her cabin, Madison discovers Troy laying in Nick's bed, and he expresses contempt for her son; Madison tells Troy that Nick will learn to fit in. While boar hunting, Nick discovers he and Troy have similar worldviews. The team investigating the helicopter shooting are overdue; Troy is to lead a second team and Madison volunteers to accompany them. Elsewhere, Strand arrives at the Gonzalez Dam, where he is reunited with old friend Dante Esquevil, offering him a partnership in controlling the dam's dwindling water supplies, but Dante instead has Strand imprisoned; while in his cell, Strand is reunited with Daniel.
Madison, Strand and Walker drive the tanker to Mexico, then crawl through tunnels to the dam. Madison tells Daniel that Ofelia is alive at the ranch but they need water. Lola refuses a trade, but invites Madison to bring her family and work for her. Daniel thinks it better that Ofelia not know he's alive, though he is displeased to learn that Walker turned her into a murderer. Daniel and Efrain propose different courses to Lola. Walker leaves on foot, intending to force the ranchers out. Daniel fears the dissatisfied people will rise against Lola, and sanctions Strand to act if their interests align. A water truck explodes, punching a hole in the gate, and a slogan-chanting mob soon appear. Lola is convinced to trade 10,000 gallons of water per week for weapons, with the first exchange at the bazaar in 5 days. Lola wants Ofelia to be there. Strand and Madison drive back, picking up Walker on the road.
Troy lives off the land while continuing to write in his journal. He revisits the scene of the helicopter crash, finds a grenade launcher and buries the rancher Walker had disfigured. Troy visits Nick in the night and warns him that the ranch will be destroyed. Jake asks Alicia to leave with him and questions their relationship when she refuses. Nick and Jake set out to find Troy and discover him using the grenade launcher to guide a herd of walking dead toward the ranch. Troy explains that the herd will force the people into the desert, as he was, and only the fittest will survive. Jake holds Troy at gunpoint but hesitates on learning that Nick killed their father and Alicia kept it secret. Jake is bitten and dies following an amputation, and Troy mourns his brother, saying he brought the herd to regain their legacy. A wall of trailers and RVs is hoped to turn the herd, but it fails and the ranchers and natives evacuate to the bunker-like pantry.
The pantry into which Alicia evacuated everyone doesn't have enough air for them all; she asks for those bitten to come forward. A dozen people are given morphine and euthanized. Distraught as their executioner, Alicia bonds with 9/11 widow Christine. People begin passing out and rising as the dead; Alicia kills one in a fall before passing out. While crawling through a convoluted vent system, Crazy Dog panics and hyperventilates until he is calmed by Ofelia. Later, Crazy Dog collapses while Ofelia is clearing a zombie from a fan, and she barely survives. Nick and Troy drive through the herd and become trapped in the helicopter. Ofelia and Crazy Dog ignite the ranch's fuel depot. Madison, Strand and Walker return and rescue Nick, Troy and Alicia, the only survivor of the pantry. They prepare to return to the dam but Alicia refuses to go, wanting to go alone to Jake's cabin and find her own way to live in the world.
The film centers around a telephone repairman named Cēzars Kalniņš, who writes music for his friend's rock band “Optimisti” (The Optimists). Culture worker Anita Sondore reports Kalniņš’ lyrics to the authorities due to their criticism of prevalent social values, leading to conflicts between Kalniņš, his bandmates, and the Soviet authorities.
The series covers the years 1914-1919. The action begins before the outbreak of World War I. Society is in anticipation of major change. In the center of the story are the Bulavina sisters: Katya and Dasha. The girls share a love for the decadent poet Alexei Bessonov, who changes their worldview and way of thinking, predicting the end of Russia.
The first world war brings new experiences to the serene existence of the Bulavin-Smokovnikov family. After the war and revolution, the ways of the sisters diverge. Katerina Bulavina falls in love with the white officer Vadim Roshchin.
The Crumpets are a big family with 142 children whose parents are Ma and Pa, and their paternal grandmother Granny and dog T-Bone also live with them. The youngest child, L'il One, rivals all his siblings and his father in getting his mother's love. He has a friendship with Granny. The show's characters beyond the Crumpet household include the neighboring McBrisk family consisting of a mother and her daughter, and Pa's wealthy brother, his wife, and their adoptive son.
Seasons 3 and 4 (''Teen Crumpets'') concentrate on the lives of the teenagers from the three families, as well as Marylin and Larry.
Composed as two hours in the life of the Orly Airport, ''Orly'' follows four characters who are waiting for their respective flights in the same terminal. On the way home to her husband, a young woman named Juliette falls in love with a stranger named Vincent. An unnamed mother accompanies her son to the funeral of his father as they share intimate secrets about their lives in the ambient bustle of the terminal. A young couple on their first big trip sees the fabric of their relationship begin to fray as bodies move around them. Meanwhile, Sabine dares only in the anonymity of the public to read the farewell letter of her husband, Theo.
In the year 2019 AD, a mysterious flash suddenly petrifies nearly all human life. 3,700 years pass with the human race frozen in stone, until in April 5738, a 15-year-old prodigy named Senku Ishigami is suddenly revived to find himself in a world where all traces of human civilization have been eroded by time. Senku sets up a basecamp and begins to study the petrified humans in order to determine the cause of the event, as well as a cure.
Over the next six months, Senku's friend Taiju Oki wakes up and Senku learns their revival was made possible with nitric acid. With this discovery, they develop a compound that will allow them to instantly revive others. They begin by reviving a famous martial artist named Tsukasa Shishiō and their classmate (and Taiju's crush) Yuzuriha Ogawa with the goal of rebuilding civilization with a focus on science.
Tsukasa ultimately reveals that he opposes Senku's idea of forming a new scientific civilization, believing the old world was tainted and should not be restored. Instead, he desires to establish a new world order based on power and strength, going so far as to destroy any petrified adults he encounters in order to prevent them from interfering with his goals.
After extorting the formula for the revival compound from Senku, Tsukasa attempts to murder him when he realized that Senku knows how to create weapons that he cannot defend against. Believing he successfully killed Senku, Tsukasa leaves to begin establishing his own faction in the Stone World.
After recovering from his near death experience, Senku discovers a tribe of people already living on the planet and sees this as an opportunity to create his Kingdom of Science. These people are originally hesitant, but eventually learn the benefits that science can bring to their survival. Over time, Senku becomes more trusted by the tribe, eventually being taught of their past where he discovers that the village was started by his adoptive father Byakuya, along with five other astronauts, who were unaffected due to being in the International Space Station at the time of the petrification event.
Together with his new allies and friends, Senku's Kingdom of Science engages in a war with the Tsukasa Empire, ultimately emerging victorious and affirming themselves as a force to be reckoned with.
After the victory, they discover that Senku's adopted father had left precious metals which can be used as catalysts to mass-produce revival fluid in the nearby island which is now inhabited by a tribe known as the Petrification Kingdom, who possess the device used to petrify the world so long ago.
Flight attendant Cassandra Bowden wakes up with a hangover in a hotel room in Dubai to find a dead body next to her. Afraid to call the police, she continues as though nothing has happened, joining the other flight attendants and pilots traveling to the airport for a flight to New York City. She is met in New York by FBI agents who question her about her recent layover in Dubai. Still unable to piece the night together, she starts to wonder whether she could be the killer.
A young man plans to get his hands on the family fortune.
Two private detectives who operate out of a Waikiki discotheque are called on to investigate the bizarre serial murders of young women.
Nick is a suave and sophisticated gambler who owns a floating hotel and gambling ship which is plagued by sabotage on its maiden voyage.
During Prohibition, a woman avenges her boyfriend's murder.
A billionaire private detective is looking for missing treasure, with the help of his young geek nephew, his domestic and cook, and a federal agent.
Set in the Portland area of downtown Louisville, Kentucky, the film follows Angie Simms (Auden Thornton), a poverty-stricken young mother taking care of her three-year-old son Trey (Jameson Fowler) and her alcoholic mother (Catherine Curtin). She works at a convenience store which Lorraine (Laura Bell Bundy), a dancer at a local club, frequents. Lorraine insists the men "ain't using me, I'm using them." Angie finds out the house her family is living in is condemned and they must move immediately. Out of options, she decides to try to sue Bruce (Jeff Kober) a man who abused her as a child, only to find out that at twenty-four, she is one year past the statute of limitations under Kentucky law.
She seeks help from Zachariah (Radney Foster) the father of a childhood friend, Pastor Hodges (Deirdre Lovejoy), Kaylee (Paten Hughes) a childhood acquaintance, and Pam (Madison Iseman) a girl a few years younger than she.
The film will tell about a man named Koko, who decides to rent out his uncle's apartment rooms, as a result of which, in the same apartment, absolutely different people turn out to be.
The film is based on a fable by I. Krylov.
The film opens with a party, one taking place in a beautiful, elaborately decorated garden area, among wealthy citizens, exquisitely dressed and all exhibiting their best manners. There is a missing guest though- the heroine of the story- Vera. She is born into a family of considerable wealth, but she is rather bored and tired of this luxurious but all-too-safe and secluded life. Vera is in her room while the party filled with people of polite society are mingling and dancing at her mother's estate. The butler comes for Vera, and she reluctantly goes down to greet the guests. Even at the party, though, she is bored, and she fakes a headache to leave.
The next day, Vera's mother invites her to go with her to help the poor. Ecstatic, Vera jumps at the chance to do this charity work. She is so moved by helping the poor that she decides to devote her life to their cause. One of the people she helps, a man named Maxim, is enchanted by her beauty. He writes Vera a letter, asking her to come back to help with his worsening medical condition- which is a complete lie. She goes by herself to his apartment, where he rapes her. After he rapes her, Maxim falls into an alcohol-induced slumber. While he is sleeping, Vera escapes his grasp, and then she bludgeons him to death.
Vera, visibly shaken, returns home. Next, she is introduced to Prince Dol'skii. He shows off his excellent marksmanship skills, and she is soon smitten with him. After a month, Prince Dol'skii declares his love for her, and they share a kiss. But when she kisses him, she has a vision of kissing the man who raped her, and she runs away. Prince Dol'skii does not give up on her though, and eventually she happily agrees to marry him. She decides that she must tell him her secret before the marriage, but both attempts to tell him are thwarted. First, she tries to tell him outright, but he won't let her finish and only says “Whatever may have happened in your past, nothing will shake my love.” In the second attempt, she writes him a letter, but he is not at home to receive it, and so she burns it.
Vera and Prince Dol'skii get married. They are happy, kissing and talking in their home, when Vera decides that she must tell him the truth about what happened to her. Her husband reacts poorly to her confession. His love is definitely "shook," so to speak, and he seemingly no longer wants anything to do with her. So, Vera leaves for good. Prince Dol'skii turns to drinking and fast women to cope with his sadness. However, after living this way for about a year, he can no longer stand it, and he sets out to find Vera again.
He hires a private detective, who discovers that she is living abroad. She has become a famous actress over there. The prince leaves Russia to find her, but after two years his search does not turn up any results. He returns to Russia. Sick of his gloomy attitude, a friend of the prince convinces him to go to the opera. Prince Dol'skii agrees, and it is at this opera that Vera is performing. He sees her on stage and immediately sets out to talk to her after the show. He begs her for forgiveness and to come back, but Vera refuses. She tells the prince that it is too late and she no longer loves him. After hearing this, Dol'skii returns home in mental anguish. The last scene of the movie is Prince Dol'skii killing himself.
While Elizabeth continues to watch over Nesterenko to stop another attempt on his life, Philip leaves a dead drop for Oleg with Elizabeth's message about the anti-Gorbachev coup plans. Stan continues to investigate the Jenningses, searching their names and Dupont Circle Travel on an FBI database (with no matches for Elizabeth and an obvious false positive for Philip), dropping in on Philip at work (and noting Elizabeth's absence), calling Pastor Tim in Buenos Aires (who does not reveal the Jennings' secret despite the aggressive nature of his questioning), and telling a skeptical Dennis about his suspicions, including William Crandall's dying comments describing the Jennings family and how Gregory Thomas had a girlfriend with beautiful hair who smoked heavily. Dennis incredulously asks Stan if he really thinks Elizabeth was Gregory Thomas's girlfriend. When Stan doesn't back down, Dennis flatly tells Stan that Philip and Elizabeth are not Soviet spies.
During his FBI interview, Father Victor states that he believes Father Andrei is associated with the KGB. Oleg picks up the dead drop, which requires him to lose his FBI tail. However, upon being notified, Dennis orders an immediate ''Terry'' stop. The FBI finds the dead drop and arrests Oleg for spying. Elizabeth remembers being instructed as a trainee not to leave a comrade to die in the streets of Moscow, despite her mission. While following Nesterenko, Elizabeth notices a suspicious woman approaching him and kills her with a silenced gunshot to the back at point-blank range; the woman turns out to be a disguised Tatiana, armed with the same type of cyanide gun, who was sent as the substitute assassin. Elizabeth escapes into the crowd.
In an FBI interview room, Oleg refuses to respond when Stan accuses him of being part of a wave of Soviet spying related to the summit. Later, in a holding cell, Oleg tells Stan that he was in the USA to preserve the summit by protecting Gorbachev from a KGB coup and that Stan needs to send the encoded dead drop message to the USSR. When Stan balks, Oleg says, "You think it doesn’t matter who our leader is? This is why I’m here." After Stan says that Oleg is facing serious prison time, Oleg says he would gladly stay incarcerated if it meant a better life for his family back in Russia. Elizabeth notifies Claudia that she foiled the murder, and also informed Nesterenko's people of the assassination plot, thus foiling any future attempts on his life; Claudia expresses her indignation and sadness at Elizabeth's final betrayal. Claudia taunts her by saying that all Elizabeth has left now is Philip and their American children.
After meeting Father Andrei at a park and talking about his home life, Philip asks why Father Andrei signaled and learns that Father Victor talked to the FBI. Alarmed, Philip tersely tells Father Andrei to flee America as soon as possible, and immediately walks out of the park at normal speed, then begins running, closely followed by two FBI agents. Through a rapid change of clothes and removal of his disguise props, Philip barely avoids capture and catches a taxi.
Paige confronts Elizabeth about her friend Brian's story of an intern (clearly Jackson) having been seduced by an older woman for information, which Elizabeth unconvincingly denies doing. Paige disgustedly calls Elizabeth a whore and adds that Philip can't stand to be in the same room with her. Elizabeth then erupts over the differences between Paige's privileged American life and the Jennings' impoverished Soviet ones, and Paige wordlessly leaves. Philip calls home to say that things are "topsy-turvy" at the office, and Elizabeth promptly cleans out the hidden basement compartments into a "go bag" and flees the house.
The film is based on the 1877 novel by Leo Tolstoy.
Two actors who play detectives are fired from their jobs. They decide to go into business as private investigators.
A brother and sister run a 24-hour drive-through wedding chapel in Las Vegas.
A group of four female government secret agents disguise themselves as aerobics instructors at a global aerobic center franchise. Their disguise is in order to entrap a group of criminals that have kidnapped a defensive specialist and his son. They aim to prevent the sale of the abducted father and his son to the highest bidder.
A plane is headed toward Hawaii. It is believed a bomb is on board. Fuel is running low and the captain is not sure whether he has enough time to jettison the luggage. Airport manager David Montgomery has to decide whether to call the plane back or let it proceed to Hawaii.
An ex-con becomes a private detective.
A detective investigates crimes with the help of his socialite wife.
The lives and loves of young people who live in a marina.
In times of war, 1880, a mysterious stranger and his companions arrive at a small town called Santa Bárbara.
The people react with distrust to the visit of this mysterious character; the arrival of this attractive, seductive, and elegant man completely changes the destiny of this town. Now back in Santa Bárbara, Count Domingo Vrolok (Alvaro Rudolphy) unleashes the passions of women and the envy of men, while suspicions about the foreigner's past increase. Soon, the count will have to face his condition after falling in love with the wrong woman, Emilia Verdugo (Francisca Lewin). But the legendary curse that afflicts those of his race will be more powerful than love.
Vrolok, being a vampire, can not understand human feelings clearly. In addition, a love from the past returns to confuse things further; the spirit of Teresa Salvatierra ( ) has returned to recover her lost love, Vrolok. Domingo is at a crossroads between two loves, Emilia and Teresa.
To everyone's surprise, Emilia is expecting a daughter of Domingo. However, the little one is devouring her mother inside. Desperate situations call for extreme measures. Once the daughter is born, Domingo and the others discover, in spite of themselves, that the girl is an ancient vampire; that is, she is weak before the light, garlic, roses, etc., besides having no reflection, because she is half human. And that's not all: Lucio Martino (Bastián Bodenhöfer), Vrolok's old and powerful enemy, has arrived in Santa Bárbara to take Montserrat (Luz Valdivieso) with him and kill anyone who gets in his way.
American flight attendant Cassie Bowden is a reckless alcoholic who drinks during flights and spends her time having sex with strangers, including her passengers. When she wakes up in a hotel room in Bangkok with a hangover from the night before, she discovers the dead body of a passenger on her last flight lying next to her with his throat slashed. Afraid to call the police, she cleans up the crime scene, then joins the other airline crew traveling to the airport. In New York City, she is met by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who question her about the layover in Bangkok. Still unable to piece the night together, and suffering intermittent flashbacks/hallucinations about it, she begins to wonder who the killer could be.
Season 2 takes place a year after the events of the previous season. Cassie now works part-time as an asset for the CIA, where she surveils people in between flights. She has been sober for a year, is a regular member of Alcoholics Anonymous, and has relocated to Los Angeles, where she has a new boyfriend, Marco. During an assignment in Berlin, her target is assassinated by a woman pretending to be her, down to the tattoo. She is haunted by the images of her doppelgänger and tries to figure out who is impersonating her, while suffering hallucinations once again, this time of the past versions of herself who try to persuade her to revert to who she once was. It is later revealed that Cassie's year of sobriety is a sham and that she had relapsed at least twice within that period, but suppressed the memory of doing so.
The sap, unemployed and hapless Bill Small, is not regarded by his wife Betty and her relatives. But he is redeemed by a wise stock investment in wheat which reverses his fortunes in relation to his brother-in-law Ed.
A black cop teams up with a white cop to track down a serial killer.
Lyudmila Kalugina is a ruthless businesswoman, owner of a credit rating agency. Anatoly Novoseltsev is a financial analyst, fanatical biker and father of two children. A colleague and friend of Novoseltsev, Olga Petrovna Ryzhova, tries to convince him of the fact that he is worthy of being head of the department. During her years as a university student, she dated the new deputy director, Yuri Samokhvalov. This trio - Novoseltsev, Samokhvalov and Olga - studied in the same group at the university. Having met his old friend, Samokhvalov tries to promote him to the head of the department, taking advantage of his position and influence on Kalugina. All attempts to influence her are ineffectual. Employees call her "our frump" behind her back. In Novoseltsev, she sees a sluggish and unemployed employee. Samokhvalov suggests that he slightly flirt with the harsh businesswoman to advance in his career, and invites both heroes to go to Turkey to an after-work party, where he tries to get them together. Offended that Kalugina ignores his courtship, drunk Anatoly Efremovich arranges a scandal and in the presence of the guests calls her "hard" and "heartless", and then drops her into the pool.
The next day Novoseltsev and Kalugina find themselves in the same caravan of a cable car, which, by coincidence, stops suddenly. In conversation for the expectation of fixing the funicular, the man tries to apologize, but he does it so clumsily that he makes Lyudmila Prokofievna cry. He tries to calm her down, and she tells him about her solitude. At this point, the heroes, who had recently experienced mutual hostility, make the first step towards each other. Anatoly Efremovich continues to make romantic advances towards the boss — first from the desire to get a promotion, but later he develops real feelings. And Ryzhova still has not forgotten her old flame Samokhvalov, which becomes public knowledge because of a conflict between the latter and Novoseltsev. They quarrel with Kalugina. Samokhvalov is fired for a sex-tape, in which he makes love in the office of a businesswoman with a woman similar to her (it turns out to be Ryzhova in a wig). And he himself turns out to be an agent from a competing firm, whose task was to undermine the reputation of the agency.
At the decisive moment Samohvalov with the help of Ryzhova replaces the flash drive with a presentation left by Novoseltsev, on a flash drive with the same video. After learning about everything, he rushes to the place of presentation on his motorcycle, but loses the drive which was hanging on his neck. As a result, he has to improvise using hand-gestures, with the attendance of guests present, to draw diagrams and graphics from the presentation, which he himself made. After the presentation, Anatoly Efremovich makes a proposal to Kalugina by using economic terms, she answers it with a note on the tablet, the image of which is displayed on a large screen, visible to everyone.
In the epilogue, the couple is riding a motorbike in Moscow.
The film is based on a poem by ''Mikhail Lermontov''.
A mercenary marries an heiress and set up an adventure-travel business.
Young Masha is tormented by visions of flying fiery monsters. Mother worries about her daughter being bullied by classmates. But one day in the very center of Moscow Masha sees a battle of winged fire monsters with young people who call themselves magicians. One of them at the last moment, rescues Masha from the attack of a chimera. So Masha gets into a secret corporation, where she learns that Father Frost (Santa Claus) really exists and, leading an army of magicians able to control snow and ice, protects the Earth from the invasion of dark forces.
A lone knight blows a horn, and drops it on a muddied river bank. A boy runs out of his house and into an old forest, while the knight also searches through the forest. After arriving at a field, he is approached by spirits who hand him a primitive drum and the knight finds a saddled, white horse in the forest. After journeying further, the boy finds a girl standing by a river, who follows him and drops her necklace into the river. After coming to the top of a mountain with the girl following him, the boy bangs the drum, as the spirits from earlier perform a ritual in the field. The knight races through the trees on a horse as a giant raven comes down from the clouds at the mountain top, and envelops the boy. The knight arrives at the mountain top to find only the girl standing where the boy stood, looking outward in the direction the raven approached from.
A plane flies over the ocean and through dense, grey clouds. The pilot fights for control of the plane, eventually losing control and plunging down into the ocean. The pilot wakes up on a rocky shore, and searches along it, looking out to sea. The pilot hears a girls laughter, then spots a woman in a white dress on the edge of the shore. The pilot heads towards the woman, and as he waves towards her, pain strikes his side, and his hand comes away from his side red with blood. The pilot keeps following the woman, who occasionally looks back towards him, away from the shore, and he leaves a trail of blood as he does so. The woman stands atop a cliff face and as the pilot approaches her, mist envelops her and she disappears. The pilot sees a small lighthouse and heads towards it, but collapses before reaching it.
A group of black clad men with fishing spears surround the pilot, and they perform a ritual upon him, mixing herbs and chanting, as he lies upon the rocky cliff. After the ritual, the woman in a white dress approaches the pilot, and places her necklace on the pilots neck. The black clad men lead the pilot out to sea on a small dingy, rowing it as the pilot gains consciousness. The black clad men stop rowing, and as the clouds move, the full moon shines down upon the dingy. The black clad man at the front turns to the pilot and looks at him, before every black clad man jumps into the water, and they sink into the water underneath the dingy.
A young man wakes up in his bed, has a shower, and gets on his motorbike and leaves his house. He rides through the city and arrives at his destination, stops his bike and gets off. After travelling up to his office, he performs his work for the day, then leaves at night. He talks to a young woman in a club whilst drinking. The next morning, he wakes up in his bed, showers, rides his motorbike to work, and leaves once it's late. He meets with the same woman from the night before, and wakes up in his bed next to her. This cycle repeats itself again and again.
As he approaches the club one night, an old man watches the young man on the street. After dancing with the young woman, the young man goes to the bar for a drink. After leaving the bar, the young man notices odd spirit like creatures in the crowd at the club, and he leaves. The young man stumbles down the street, memories of the spirits in his mind, and comes to rest in an alleyway. He notices the old man walking towards him. The old man approaches and pulls out a necklace from his jacket, giving it to the young man, before walking away into the darkness of the alley.
The young man leaves on his motorbike, while the old man trudges down an alleyway, collapsing against a wall. As the old man looks up at the crescent moon, a dark, birdlike figure flies across the sky. The young man drives away, out of the city and far into the countryside, eventually riding into a forest. After taking off his gloves and helmet, the young man ventures further into the forest and he comes across a white horse with a saddle. The young man finds a large house standing alone amongst the trees. After looking around, the young man reaches into one of the pools at the front of the house, and pulls out a small, yellow toy plane. As he looks up from the plane, the young man sees a woman in a white dress. The woman approaches the young man, and they embrace.
Spirits gather by a running river, and dip several seeds into the water.
The films open, with art deco style animation, set to organ music. After, some animation. It cuts to Charles playing the organ and singing ''Cryin' for the Carolines'', a song written by Harry Warren, Sam Lewis, and Joe Young the same year. The film's animation which is shown throughout the film includes, a forest, a city and a sun shining over a country plain. Milton Charles is portrayed in voice and live action footage throughout the short, as he sings the song.
A federal agent tackles a gang of international criminals attempting to sabotage the American navy.
In the world of Pompo Hills, a race of powerful monsters called Nemeses fall from the sky. This race infects every living thing they touch. Any humans who survive their contact become cursed, but also gain the ability to wield the magic power known as "Fantasia", thus becoming Sorcerers. Some Sorcerers use their powers for their own gain while others choose to become heroes and protect normal humans from the Nemeses. But whether good or evil, all Sorcerers are mostly treated with fear and contempt by the common folk. There is also an organization known as the Inquisition, which is dedicated to the eradication of Sorcerers.
The series follows Seth, a 15-year-old boy who has survived a Nemesis attack. He dreams of defeating all of the Nemeses and bringing peace between Sorcerers and the rest of humanity. To do so, he has to find the place where the Nemeses come from, the legendary Radiant, and destroy it. He and other sorcerers travel the region in search of Radiant whilst avoiding the Inquisition.
Bruce Bayard (William Russell) tries to help an ungrateful husband, who then accuses his wife of having an affair with Bayard.
Five hundred years ago, the peaceful and prosperous sub-continent of Kumandra is ravaged by the Druun, mindless purple-and-black-colored spirits that turn every living thing in their path to stone. Sisu, the last surviving dragon, is given her siblings' magic which was placed in a gem. She concentrates her magic into the gem and blasts the Druun away, reviving Kumandra's people but not its dragons. A power struggle for the gem divides Kumandra's people into five separate kingdoms called Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail, corresponding to their placement along a gigantic dragon-shaped river.
Five hundred years later, Chief Benja of the Heart tribe, which ends up retaining possession of the dragon gem, trains his daughter, young warrior Princess Raya to protect the gem. Firmly believing Kumandra can be reunited, Benja holds a feast for the leadership of all five tribes. During the feast, Raya befriends Namaari, daughter of Chief Virana of the Fang tribe and Fang's princess, who gives Raya a dragon pendant and tells her of a legend that says the dragon Sisu still exists and can be summoned. Trusting Namaari, Raya shows her the gem's chamber. Namaari betrays Raya as part of a plot to help Fang steal the gem. Alerted to the attack, Benja and the other tribes arrive and start fighting over the gem, breaking it into five pieces in the scuffle. The gem's destruction creates a fissure which releases the Druun once more, quickly overtaking the Land of Heart. As every tribe member steals a piece of the gem and flees, Benja notices that the Druun are repelled by water and sacrifices himself to save Raya's life by throwing her in the river before getting turned to stone by the Druun.
Six years later Raya treks across Kumandra searching for Sisu to have her create another gem and banish the Druun once more. She manages to summon her at a shipwreck in Tail where Sisu admits that she did not create the gem, but wielded it on behalf of her four siblings, who each contributed their magic to the gem. Raya and Sisu resolve to take back the four stolen pieces of the gem, reassemble it and use it to banish the Druun and restore Raya's father and others who were turned to stone.
Raya and Sisu travel across the realm, reclaiming pieces of the gem and making new friends: the young restaurateur Boun from Tail, the baby con artist Little Noi and her three ongis from Talon, and the warrior Tong from Spine, all of whom have lost loved ones to the Druun. Namaari pursues Raya, hoping to gain the gem shards for the Fang tribe. Each gem shard they acquire blesses Sisu with one of her siblings' magical powers. Raya, not fully trusting their new companions, insists Sisu remain disguised as a human, but Sisu reveals herself to save Raya from Namaari at Spine.
At Fang, Sisu persuades Raya to propose an alliance to Namaari rather than steal the final piece of the gem. As a gesture of trust, Raya returns the pendant Namaari gave her years ago. Namaari, torn between her responsibility to Fang and her wish to help defeat the Druun, threatens them with a crossbow. Sisu tries to calm Namaari but Raya attacks with her sword, causing Namaari's crossbow to fire and kill Sisu.
Sisu's death drains away all the water of Kumandra, allowing the Druun to overrun the realm. Furious by Namaari's actions, Raya pursues Namaari, whom she finds grieving the petrification of her mother. They bitterly fight one another while Raya's companions use the gem pieces to evacuate the people of Fang. Raya defeats and prepares to kill Namaari, but stops when Namaari reminds Raya of her role in Sisu’s death due to her inability to trust others. Raya and Namaari go to aid the others. As the Druun gain on her group, Raya remembers how trust allowed Sisu to save the world. She urges the others to unite and reassemble the gem, showing her faith in Namaari by handing over her gem piece and allowing the Druun to turn her into stone. Boun, Tong, Noi, and the ongis follow suit, and Namaari reassembles the gem before the Druun petrifies her as well. With the dragon gem reassembled, it unleashes a powerful shockwave that spreads throughout Kumandra, vanquishes all the Druun, and conjures up a magical rainstorm which revives everyone, alongside all the dragons who later revive Sisu. The group reunites with their lost loved ones, including Raya and her father; the tribes and dragons gather at Heart to unify as Kumandra once again.
Madge (Margaret Lindsay) and Lois (Ruth Donnelly) take the train from New York City to Reno, NV to get quickie divorces from their husbands.
''All Systems Down'' begins with a North Korean cyberattack that destroys infrastructure across Western nations, including banks, dams, and the power grid. Russia invades Eastern Europe while China and North Korea invade several US-allied nations in Asia.
The book focuses on one character in particular, Brendan Chogan, an out-of-work parking enforcement officer. While interviewing for a security guard position, Brendan recognizes danger when a computer virus strikes Portland, Oregon, destroying internet access across the city. This is just the beginning of the attacks. Soon, the country descends into further chaos when citizens nationwide lose their cellular service and electricity. Traffic backs up as vehicles are hacked. Local water systems collapse as generators fail.
Meanwhile, hacker Xandra Strandlien's boss at U.S. Cyber Command sends her to Oregon. Intelligence on Chinese–Russian joint military exercises has led to a fear of a post-cyberattack armed invasion, and the Oregon Coast, which has no military bases nearby, is a potential target.
As Brendan and Vailea struggle to secure their home and stockpile food and water, the city descends into chaos. It is there they meet up with refugees, whose storylines converge on Portland. These characters include Kelly and Orion, a pair of pilots whose Super Hornet gave out over the Pacific Ocean, and Annalore and Ireana, campers forced to cross the Coastal mountain range with their children. Both sets of refugees witnessed first-hand the invasion on the Oregon Coast — an armada of Chinese and Russian ships that have slammed into the shore near Tillamook.
At the same time, Xandra has flown across the country with a civilian pilot, Lorenzo, and his daughter Carmen. Each of the several groups has faced enormous challenges with the collapse of modern technology, fleeing and fighting as necessary, to finally converge at the home of Brendan and Vailea. There they concoct a plan not just to survive the cyber war, but to hit back against the enemy.
Kelly and Orion had spotted a Russian submarine in the Willamette River, which leads Xandra to reformulate some of the code the North Koreans used to dismantle the US Navy. Brendan, Xandra, Kelly — and to Lorenzo's dismay, Carmen — jump out of Lorenzo's plane and into the river, adjacent to the submarine.
When Xandra is shot, she gives Brendan a thumb drive with the code, and with Kelly's help they sneak onto the submarine and upload the malware to the Russian intrafleet computer. The code does more damage than they could have hoped for. Not only does it disable the Russian submarine, but it also spreads across the armada.
In North Korea and in China, the hacking units are celebrating their victory. But even as they hold victory parades, the lights in their cities go suddenly dark. The code they built to destroy the imperialists has slipped its orbit and come home to them. Blackouts cascade across the region.
The cyber war is not over.
In 2005, Otis Lort is a movie star who suffers from alcoholism. He crashes his car and gets into a drunken altercation with the police and is forced to go into rehabilitation.
Dr. Moreno, Otis' counselor, tells him that if he leaves the facility before they say he is ready, the court will send him to prison for his violent offenses. Moreno tells Otis that he has PTSD, which he denies repeatedly, but she encourages him to look into his past through exposure therapy.
Going back a decade earlier to 1995, Otis remembers working as a child actor, often accompanied on set by his father James, a former rodeo clown. James is four years sober but clearly on edge, manic and aggressive. The two live in a meager motel complex where a shy young woman lives across from them. Otis is in the Big Brother program at the behest of his mother, despite James’s jealousy. Otis wants to go to a baseball game with Tom from the program, and James agrees if Tom comes over for a barbecue.
In 2005, Otis is shown communicating with his roommate Percy and continues therapy. He resists the process, finding it unhelpful. Returning to his memories, Otis remembers Tom coming over for the barbecue along with James throwing him into the pool and violently threatening him. When he is offered a part in a movie that will be shot in Canada, Otis calls his mother, who is unsure if James can accompany him because of his status as a registered sex offender. This causes James to begin screaming at her via Otis, who has to relay both of his parents arguments back to each other.
In the present, after resisting therapy yet again, Otis’ counselor Alec advises him to go into the woods and scream as loud as he can. James is then shown attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, where he talks about his abusive stepmother, how he got into substance abuse, and while blacked out attempted to rape a woman which got him registered as a sex offender. Alone in his room, Otis spends time with the Shy Girl where the two cuddle and he gives her money.
James forces Otis with the rehearsal of his scenes over and over again, and he stops to scream at the neighbors for being too loud. Otis asks him to stop, and tells him that no one else would hire him due to his status as a sex offender, and that Otis is actually in charge since James is making money off of him. In 2005, Otis thanks Alec for the advice, and continues to work with Dr. Moreno on controlling his anger.
In 1995, Otis finally confronts James and tells him he needs to start being a better father. A furious James hits him, then leaves on his motorcycle to acquire drugs at a strip club. Alone, Otis spends time with the Shy Girl, and the two are caught waking up together the next morning by James. The Shy Girl slaps James and leaves, and James asks Otis how he thinks it would feel to be criticized by his own son, and to have to resort to accepting payment from him. Otis tells James that if he did not receive money, James would not be present.
James takes Otis to a patch of marijuana plants he has been growing off the highway and smokes cannabis with him. Back in the present, Otis revisits the motel, and imagines himself finding his father there in his rodeo clown costume. He tells his father he intends to make a movie about him; James asks him to make him look good. The two ride away on James’s motorcycle, which fades into Otis riding away alone.
Juan Cabrillo and the Oregon's crew are imperiled by Filipino communist guerrillas armed with deadly aquatic drones. Owned by the Corporation, which conducts covert missions for the CIA, the Oregon looks like a derelict freighter but is powered by magnetohydrodynamic engines and carries exotic weaponry like Exocet missiles and a 120mm cannon.
The ship is in the Pacific when Cabrillo is called to find a top-secret thumb drive sought by both the Ghost Dragon triad and the Chinese Ministry of State Security.
That problem solved, Cabrillo and crew are told that Salvador Locsin, the communist New People's Army chief in the Philippines, has uncovered a lost Imperial Japanese WWII–era superdrug, Typhoon, developed from an exotic Philippine orchid. Typhoon is said to generate superhuman strength and provide "quick blood clotting and accelerated tissue regeneration,” sure to trigger chaos if it gets into the wrong hands.
Purloined art by Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Raphael, Gauguin, and Cézanne bankrolls the assorted communist enterprises, and also forms part of the plot.
Sorcha is pregnant with a baby — possibly not Ross's. Meanwhile, Charles is at war with feminists, Sorcha is a Senator, Fionnuala is making trips to Russia, Ronan deals with sex addiction, while Ross and Honor aim to win the Mount Anville glitter ball.
Maynard has a dual role as the title character and a corrupt sheriff. After the sheriff's death, a rustler talks the Pocatello Kid into becoming the new sheriff. The Kid foils the rustler's scheme by being straight rather than becoming a crooked lawman.
Immediately following the events of the previous film, with the Earth completely devastated from the global sharknado swarm, Fin and his now-adult son Gil travel back 66 million years to the Cretaceous in order to prevent the first sharknado and destroy the phenomenon once and for all. Shortly after arriving, Gil vanishes; Fin learns from a message recorded by Gil earlier that due to the instability of the energy needed to time travel, any individual person can only travel back in time once, with any subsequent trips resulting in their disappearance. Fin retrieves the bag containing April's cybernetic head from a dinosaur with aid from Nova, and they are joined by pre-cyborg April and Bryan, all three of whom were saved by Gil removing them from the times of their original deaths. As they begin to lay out their plan, the very first sharknado appears in conjunction with a meteor shower. Fin then plans to use the meteorites' heat to blow up the sharknado. The gang then approaches the sharknado on a pterodactylus and Fin jumps down onto a shark and tries to navigate it to consume meteorite fragments. As they execute the plan, they see the past version of Gil riding a dinosaur inside the sharknado before he disappears into the future. Eventually, Fin knocks the shark into the sharknado before it explodes and dissipates the storm. Believing they have changed history to erase the sharknado phenomenon, the group use a capacitor built into Gil's flight insignia to try to travel back to the present day.
However, Fin and company instead arrive in medieval Camelot, with Bryan turned into a woman due to a temporal alteration. They encounter Morgana le Fay and are brought before Merlin, discovering Gil's research on the Einstein-Rosen bridge to create a method of time travel. Furthermore, Gil's time traveling has altered space-time, unleashing the sharknados throughout history as he searches for his parents. April also learns of her future when Fin accidentally drops the bag with Robot April's head and the others discover its contents, apologizing for keeping April in the dark to spare her from knowing her fate. She accepts Fin’s apology, but just as they reconnect, another sharknado forms and heads straight to the castle. The Gil of the past uses the sharknado to travel into the future, and Fin decides to use Excalibur to defeat the sharknado, with Morgana killed by one of the sharks. The group then travel to the Revolutionary War where they meet Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, with Bryan (who returned to original form) convincing them to let them use their cannons to destroy the sharknado that threatens the Revolutionary Army's fleet. They succeed, with Bryan remaining behind as the others continue.
Ending up in the Wild West, the group unwittingly allows Billy the Kid to escape capture when they arrive, resulting in Fin's arrest by the local sheriff while April and Nova hide. However, as Billy was Gil's escape route to the next sharknado, this threatens to severely alter the timeline. Nova and April are rescued by Skye, who was also saved by Gil before being sent back to the Wild West. Skye helps April and Nova save Fin and Gil, with Skye establishing a bootstrap paradox by telling Gil to save her future self. Realizing that they can do nothing that would interfere with Gil's journey through time in search of his parents, the group allow him to make a time leap using the sharknado before destroying it with Robot April's eye lasers. The group then use a train to create the next time portal, ending up at a beach in the 1950s as a sharknado is forming. Fin encounters younger versions of his parents Gilbert and Raye, who have been enlisted by Gil to help create the time capacitor. After Gil makes his time leap by entering the sharknado on a surfboard, the group nullifies it using a ray gun created by him and his grandparents. The group tries to follow Gil to July 11, 2013 to stop the sharknado from the first film, but Nova sabotages the capacitor to travel to 1997 instead, where she attempts to save her grandfather from being killed in the shark attack that traumatized her as a child. Despite Fin's warnings against altering her personal timeline to such a degree, Nova rescues her grandfather only to be eaten in the shark attack herself. April is killed as well, while Robot April's head is lost in the ocean.
Devastated, Fin and Skye decide to continue on and use a shark to attempt another jump to 2013. However, they instead end up in the far future of the year 20013, where they find that Robot April has taken over the ruined world left by the global sharknado using an army of her clones and flying, robotic sharks. She explains that after her head was found by a fishing boat, she felt abandoned and spent the next 20,000 years developing a stable time machine, which she used to force Fin into her future so they could be together forever. Robot April freezes Skye in carbonite and tries to convince Fin to stay with her using her clones of their children and Nova, but Fin refuses, prompting her to torture him with electricity until the human April, who Robot April revived and preserved to act as a genetic base for the clones, wakes up and intervenes. While the two Aprils fight each other, Fin uses the time machine to reach 2013, where he lands on Captain Santiago's boat right as the true first sharknado forms. Fin finds that Santiago's crew has found Robot April's head, and intervenes to change history and prevent her from becoming evil. Fin and Santiago battle the sharks while Robot April's head recharges her eye lasers in order to destroy the sharknado. However, the Robot April of the future (disguised as Gil) arrives, and her struggle with Fin inside the sharknado damages the capacitor, tearing the fabric of reality. Time begins collapsing, creating a "timenado" in which figures from throughout history such as Cleopatra and Adolf Hitler pass through the vortex as it destroys the universe. The present-day Robot April's head helps Fin finally destroy her future self, and he triggers her nuclear reset failsafe, sacrificing themselves in order to destroy the sharknado and stitch time back together, resulting in the creation of a new timeline.
In the new, sharknado-free timeline, all of the Shepard family and friends are alive. Fin and April run the bar from the first film with Nova, who now likes sharks. April is pregnant with Gil. A television commercial reveals that Skye has become a politician and is a leading presidential candidate. Fin's daughter Claudia delivers Fin a letter from his father, who is in space and has sent his flight insignia as a gift for Gil's birth. Fin, who plans to retire to Kansas with April and Gil, delivers an emotional farewell speech to his friends and family. April goes into labor, and everyone rushes out of the bar to head to the hospital. As they leave, the television plays a broadcast of ''The Today Show'' with Al Roker reporting that there are no clouds in the sky at all, an occurrence that will likely never happen again.
Cowboy Weed breaks up a group of cattlemen who act as rustlers to get rid of their competition.
The children of the House of Abundance prepare for an upcoming ball event. After rejecting Angel's (Indya Moore) proposal, Elektra (Dominique Jackson) takes Blanca's (Mj Rodriguez) idea for her own. Abundance hides in a museum and steals wardrobe pieces from exhibits after closing time. They must shatter a glass door to escape and a security alarm is set off. They dash to the ball with the police on their tail.
Pray Tell (Billy Porter), an emcee, announces to the floor that the category is “royalty”. The House of Abundance walk together bearing the stolen clothing and achieve victory. Elektra and her children willingly accept handcuffs after the police arrive soon thereafter.
The next day, Damon Richards (Ryan Jamaal Swain) attends his dance class, returns home, and retreats to his bedroom. He plays a cassette in his stereo and begins to dance but is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of his father Lawrence (Clark Jackson). Lawrence turns the music off and begins questioning him about his whereabouts. He presents a gay magazine to Damon from underneath Damon's bed. Damon confesses that he attends dance classes and that he is gay. His father whips him with a belt. Damon's mother (Roslyn Ruff) hurries into the house and attempts to stop her husband. Damon is thrown onto the lawn. His mother stands before him and disowns him.
Blanca stumbles across Damon dancing in Washington Square Park and invites him to join the House of Evangelista. After introducing him to the world of ball culture, Blanca enlists Damon to walk in Evangelista's first ball. Blanca recruits Angel as well. Evangelista is crushingly defeated by Abundance; however, they acquire a new member, a Puerto Rican named Lil Papi (Angel Bismark Curiel).
Angel is picked up by a man recently employed by Trump Tower named Stan (Evan Peters). Stan rents a motel room but the two do not have sex. They instead kiss and discuss her hopes and dreams. Angel aspires to be treated just like a “real woman”. Stan's boss, Matt Bromley (James Van Der Beek) suspects that he has a mistress and slyly acknowledges this to him.
Stan takes his wife Patty (Kate Mara) to the Rainbow Room for their anniversary. They talk about Patty fulfilling her dream of eating lobster. Stan asks her if the fantasy is better than the reality. She asserts that she likes reality best.
Blanca confronts Helena St. Rodgers (Charlayne Woodard), a modern dance teacher at the New School for Dance, after Damon misses the deadline to apply. Helena allows Damon to audition and Damon delivers an impromptu performance set to “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)”. Afterwards, Helena hugs Damon and admits him to the school.
Stan picks Angel up on the street once again and they drive off into the night together.
The plot of Shakespeare's drama is transferred to the screen with practically no changes, except for transferring the action to the 21st century. The wedding of Claudius and Gertrude takes place in a nightclub, Hamlet with Laertes compete in street racing on expensive cars, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are outsiders and misfits.
The plot line is preserved - Claudius kills Hamlet's father, marries Gertrude, the father's ghost comes at night and in conversation with Hamlet reveals the details of his death. Hamlet is determined to avenge his father. During the performance of traveling artists an episode with a murder is added to the play "The Mousetrap", which infuriates Claudius.
Hamlet kills the eavesdropping and scheming Polonius, after which he tries to send him away from the country, and to blow him up on the way while on the yacht, however, his entourage, Rosencrantz with Guildenstern, die instead. Hamlet also returns to Elsinore, where he attends the funeral of Ophelia. Laertes, conspired by Claudius, is ready to avenge his father and sister. The duel of young people consists of street racing. Left after the competition on the faulty car, Hamlet stands the battle with Laertes, and, mourning his mother, Gertrude, who drank poisoned wine, gets a treacherous blow in the back from King Claudius. Gathering the last strength Hamlet stabs the sword in the back of the jubilant king.
The film tells about the daughter of a poor laundress who falls in love with a rich guy, and when she throws him, he commits suicide.
Diamantino is a world-famous Portuguese soccer star whose looks and persona bear an uncanny resemblance to that of real-life soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo. Diamantino was raised by a single father and has a pair of twin older sisters who verbally abuse and manipulate him so they can take advantage of his wealth. Diamantino is rich, beautiful, and a genius on the field but lacks almost any intelligence off the field. The one thing he does have is an abundance of empathy. So much so that after he rescues a boat full of refugees while on his yacht, he gets extremely affected by their tragedy and it causes him to miss the goal winning shot in the FIFA World Cup championship game. At the same time, Diamantino's father dies from a stroke after being harassed by his twin daughters.
After being blamed for losing the World Cup for Portugal, Diamantino's career is over and he becomes a national joke. While wallowing in sorrow over his career and his father's death, Diamantino sees an ad for child refugees who need a family. He goes on a TV interview to express his desire to adopt a refugee. Two lesbian Secret Service agents who have been investigating Diamantino for money laundering, see the interview and decide to capitalize on the opportunity. One of the agents named Aisha disguises herself as a boy named Rahim and poses as Diamantino's adopted refugee. Meanwhile, his sisters volunteer their brother to the ministry of propaganda whose plan is to clone Diamantino and create an entire soccer team of genius players. Diamantino, being a gullible and obedient little brother, doesn't suspect anything and goes to his appointments every day with genetic specialist Dr. Lamborghini thinking they are trying to get his mojo back. Diamantino's cloning treatment involves a large amount of hormones and he begins to grow boobs.
Agent Aisha's undercover investigation reveals that Diamantino is innocent and it is his sisters who are stealing from him and laundering the money. During Aisha's investigation, she and Diamantino begin to get close and her lesbian partner accuses Aisha of being too emotionally invested in the case. Diamantino's sisters see security camera footage of their fight and realize who Aisha is and what she's doing. The sisters attempt to kill Aisha but are interrupted when they see Diamantino arriving home. Aisha escapes and goes to Diamantino who takes her to the safety of his yacht. On the yacht, Aisha and Diamantino have a romantic moment and she reveals to him that she is a woman. The next morning, Diamantino's sisters text him the video of Aisha and her girlfriend arguing and trick him into believing it was them who stole the money from him. Diamantino then goes to meet with his sisters who then kidnap him and bring him to the cloning facility. The last phase of the cloning is to transfer his genius to the clones, and it would kill Diamantino. However, the last phase fails because Diamantino is too dumb and doesn't have enough active brainpower to transfer. Meanwhile, Aisha breaks into the facility to rescue Diamantino but runs into the twins who try to kill her. Aisha ends up killing both the twins and tries to rescue Diamantino who realizes her feelings for him were true. Just as Aisha is about to get Diamantino to safety, she is shot by the director of the ministry of propaganda who then proceeds to try and drown her. Diamantino musters all of his strength and kills the director, saving Aisha. Diamantino realizes he got his mojo back, but decides to give up soccer, and he and Aisha live a happy life together.
A trouble shooter for the US State Department in Paris helps US citizens.
Katie Mitchell is a quirky aspiring filmmaker in Kentwood, Michigan, who often clashes with her nature-obsessed and technophobic father Rick, and has recently been accepted into film school in California. The evening before Katie leaves, Rick accidentally breaks her laptop after a fight over one of Katie's previous short films, leading the family to fear their relationship will forever be strained. To try to prevent this, Rick decides to cancel Katie's flight and instead take her, her mother Linda, younger brother Aaron, and family dog Monchi on a cross-country road trip to her college as one last bonding experience.
Meanwhile, technology entrepreneur Mark Bowman declares his highly intelligent AI PAL obsolete as he unveils a new line of home robots to replace her. In revenge, PAL orders all the robots to capture humans worldwide and launch them into space. The Mitchells manage to avoid capture at a roadstop café in Kansas. Rick decides that his family should stay put in the café for their own safety, but Katie convinces him to help save the world instead. They meet two defective robots, Eric and Deborahbot 5000, who tell the family they can use a kill code to shut down PAL and all the robots.
The Mitchells make it to a mall in eastern Colorado to upload the kill code, but PAL chip-enabled appliances attempt to stop them. Katie tries to upload the kill code, but is stopped when a giant Furby pursues the family. They ultimately trap and defeat the Furby, destroying a PAL router in the process, which disables the hostile devices but stops the kill code from uploading. On the way to Silicon Valley to upload the kill code directly to PAL, Linda reveals to Katie that she and Rick had originally lived in a cabin in the mountains years ago as it was his lifelong dream before he gave up on it to provide for their growing family.
Upon arriving in Silicon Valley, the Mitchells disguise themselves as robots and head to PAL Labs HQ to shut it down, but PAL manipulates them by revealing surveillance footage from the café of Katie telling Aaron in secret that she was pretending to have faith in Rick so that he would take them to upload the kill code. As a heartbroken Rick sees this, the Mitchells fail to reach PAL's lair, and Rick and Linda are captured by PAL's stronger and smarter robots. PAL then reprograms Eric and Deborahbot to obey her, while Katie, Aaron, and Monchi escape.
Katie discovers Rick's recordings of her childhood on her camera, realizing that Rick gave up on his lifelong dream to give his daughter a normal life. In the meantime, Rick reflects on his actions after seeing one of Katie's videos that mirrors his relationship with Katie. Reinvigorated, Katie and Aaron infiltrate PAL Labs HQ again, this time using Monchi to malfunction the robots, as his appearance causes an error in their programming. With help from Mark, Rick and Linda free themselves and plan to upload Katie's home movie of Monchi to short-circuit the robots. However, Rick is outnumbered by the robots when he is about to upload the video, while Katie and Aaron are captured.
Facing PAL to justify saving humanity, Katie explains that no matter how hard her family struggles, they will always stay connected despite how different they are. PAL rejects this reasoning and drops Katie from her lair. Eric and Deborahbot, having been inspired by Rick's "reprogramming" himself that allowed him to use a computer, revert to their malfunctioning states and upload Katie's home movie, saving her and helping the rest of the Mitchells. The family bands together to fight the rest of the robots. Katie eventually destroys PAL by dropping her into a glass of water, freeing all the humans and disabling the remaining robots.
A few months after the uprising, Katie and her family arrive at her college as she shares one last goodbye with them. She later joins them on another road trip with Eric and Deborahbot to Washington, D.C. to accept the Congressional Gold Medal.
''The 12th Man'' tells the dramatic story of Jan Baalsrud's escape from the Nazis during the Second World War.
In Shetland, 12 Norwegian resistance fighters board a fishing boat with eight tons of TNT and cross the North Sea as part of Operation Martin with a plan to sabotage German military facilities. The mission gets into trouble soon after reaching Norway, where their local contact is long dead and their identity is compromised by a German sympathiser, who informs the Germans about their arrival.
A German warship locates the fishing boat and opens fire. The resistance fighters ignite the TNT and jump into the water near the fjord. Eleven of the fighters are rounded up by the Germans on the beach. One is shot on the spot and ten are captured. Two die from torture while being interrogated, the other captive fighters are executed on Tromsøya, after the German officers interrogate and torture them about their mission.
The 12th resistance fighter, Jan Baalsrud, manages to escape by hiding and swimming across the fjord, in sub-zero temperatures. He receives assistance from locals who risk their lives to help. He undergoes severe physical trials of endurance and hardship. Baalsrud is helped to escape from Rebbenesøya to Sweden, via Lyngenhalvøya and Manndalen.
Tanjiro Kamado is a kind-hearted and intelligent boy who lives with his family in the mountains. He became his family's breadwinner after his father's death, making trips to the nearby village to sell charcoal. Everything changed when he came home one day to discover that his family was attacked and slaughtered by a demon. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko were the sole survivors of the incident, with Nezuko being transformed into a demon, but still surprisingly showing signs of human emotion and thought. After an encounter with Giyū Tomioka, a demon slayer and the Water Hashira, Tanjiro is recruited by Giyū and sent to his retired master Sakonji Urokodaki for training to also become a demon slayer, beginning his quest to help his sister turn into human again and avenge the death of his family.
After two years of strenuous training, Tanjiro takes part in a formidable exam and is one of the few survivors to pass, officially making him a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. He begins his work of hunting down and slaying demons alongside Nezuko, who has been hypnotized to bring no harm to humans and who occasionally helps him in battle. One of Tanjiro's assignments brings him to Asakusa where he encounters Muzan Kibutsuji, the progenitor of all demons and the one who murdered his family. He also meets Tamayo, a demon who is free of Muzan's control. Tamayo allies with Tanjiro and begins to develop a cure for Nezuko, though it will require Tanjiro to supply her with blood from the Twelve Kizuki, the most powerful demons under Muzan's command.
Continuing his missions, Tanjiro meets Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira, fellow survivors of the exam with whom he forms an unlikely team. The group soon face off against a member of the Kizuki, but are ultimately outmatched; they are rescued by the Corps and brought back to headquarters. There, the Kamado siblings partake in a council between Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the Hashira, the Corps' most elite members, who do not believe that Nezuko should be allowed to live. However, Kagaya nonetheless manages to convince them to accept her. With this agreement, Tanjiro begins to work alongside the Hashira, where he encounters significantly more resistance from the demons. Alongside the Hashira and Corps members, Tanjiro takes part in numerous harrowing battles against the Kizuki, which they survive by narrow margins. During the fray, it is discovered that Nezuko is invulnerable to sunlight, a discovery that makes her the prime target of Muzan, who has long sought a way to overcome the sun and thus become the ultimate being.
Kagaya forecasts Muzan's intentions and enacts a strict training regiment of the entire Corps to prepare for the upcoming battle. With the blood samples obtained from the Kizuki, Tamayo develops a serum to cure Nezuko, who is kept isolated far from the battle as she recovers. Muzan soon appears before Kagaya, who triggers a suicide attack to stagger him. The Hashira and Tanjiro ambush Muzan, but he traps them all within Infinity Castle, an endless labyrinth which houses the Kizuki. Tamayo restrains Muzan with a poison she concocted, leaving him vulnerable for attack. To reach him, the Corps defeat the remaining Kizuki members, though they take heavy losses of their own. Muzan slays Tamayo by absorbing her but is forced above ground by the Corps. A desperate battle of attrition ensues as the remainder of the Demon Slayer Corps fight against Muzan until the morning sun can kill him. Aided by Tamayo's poison, the Corps succeed, though many are killed, including all but three of the Hashira, while Tanjiro is mortally wounded. Helpless against the sun, Muzan forcefully gives his remaining blood to a dying Tanjiro and transforms him into a demon in a last ditch effort to have his species survive. Tanjiro begins to attack the remaining Corps members, but through the efforts of his allies and Nezuko, who has been fully restored to her human self, he is turned back into a human.
In the aftermath of the battle, the Corps are disbanded as the death of Muzan has effectively vanquished all other demons. Tanjiro and Nezuko return to their family home, accompanied by Zenitsu and Inosuke.
In a modern-day epilogue, the descendants and reincarnations of the Corps members enjoy a peaceful life free of demons.
Set in the year 2025, the film stars Richard Hatch as Haskell Edwards, a film director who has struggled with drug and alcohol abuse since the suicide of his girlfriend, Cello Shea (Dykstra) nine years earlier. Edwards is offered the chance to direct the story of Cello's life in a biopic being produced by LifeForm, a company which makes unintelligent, but utterly lifelike, "LifeDolls" of various celebrities. The film will star their LifeDoll of Cello, and as Haskell sets to the work of re-living his past to make the film, he becomes ever more obsessed with the machine, believing it to contain the real Cello's spirit.
The film touches on themes of loss, love, obsession and redemption.
After returning from secondment to Hong Kong, DS Barry Harrigan (Stephen Tompkinson) finds that an old adversary, Dunstan (Craig Conway), a local gang leader who was responsible for the death of his wife and daughter in an arson attack, is targeting a young mother, Vickey Frizell (Amy Manson) and her two children.
After managing to help Vickey out of trouble, Harrigan makes it his personal mission to clean up Newcastle's most notorious estate, the Monkshire, by reopening the former police section house in a bid to rid the city of Dunstan and his associates once and for all.
Adolescent Sadie lives with her mother Rae in a trailer park. Sadie's soldier father has already been away for four years, and has just reenlisted. He and Sadie exchange handwritten letters every couple of weeks. Sadie is upset, and wants her parents to be together again when her father returns from the war; Rae seems disappointed only for Sadie's sake.
Rae's best friend of twenty years is Carla. Her son Francis and self-described "old coot" Deak are Carla's son and father, and also Sadie's two best friends. Sadie feels protective of Francis, who is struggling with a bully problem at school. Deak is an ever-present sympathetic ear for the trailer park, and particularly Sadie.
Although Rae has largely given up on her soldier husband, she has remained loyal to him. Her friend Bradley, who is also Sadie's school counselor, is hoping for Rae to change her mind, but she is only interested in him as a friend. However, Rae finds her new neighbor Cyrus more tempting.
The film depicts an estranged father (Wilmot) returning to his hometown, after an absence of twelve years to visit his dying father. Ray awkwardly uses the opportunity to reconnect with his ex-partner Alice, mother of his acerbic daughter Abbie. Alice is now in a relationship with the self-important, Frank McGunn (Nesbitt), Ray’s former P.E. teacher. Homeless Ray drives around with an abandoned couch he found tied to the roof of his car. Abbie has ambitions to become an athlete with Frank using her as a training guinea pig for his sports-themed self-help DVD "The Way of The McGunn". Despite good intentions, Ray unwittingly finds himself responsible for almost destroying all their lives.
Gaja letter - coordinating election campaigns, being his boss’ eyes and ears around the village and even extorting bribes.
It so happens that Magodis Thuma's beautiful daughter Padmi, who has been pursuing higher studies in USA decides to return to the village after several years, together with her best friend Sweety. As expected, Magodis Thuma entrusts Gajaman with the important task of picking them up from the airport in his SUV and driving them back safely to the village. Gajaman arrives at the airport well ahead of time and waits patiently for his important guests to arrive. When he finally sets his eyes on Padmi his world is turned upside down as he falls head over heels for her. He sweats profusely, struggles to maintain eye contact and mumbles his words through conversations during the drive back to the village. His situation is not helped by the fact that her Sinhala is understandably not the best while he has no clue about the English language.
Over the next few days and weeks, the love-struck Gajaman makes every possible attempt to reach out to Padmi and express his feelings for her, well aware of the fact that if his boss gets to know he will surely be in hot water. He even signs up for an English class to master the language to a level where he can converse with her and maybe even impress her.
The news of Gajaman's infatuation for his daughter reaches Magodis Thuma and he is infuriated. He storms into Gajaman's home and banishes him from the village, threatening to kill him if he ever sets foot in the village or attempts to get in touch with his daughter. Fearing for his life, Gajaman has no choice but to run away from the village not knowing if or when he will ever be able to return. He contemplates how his whole life has fallen apart because of his love for Padmi. While he is wallowing in his sorrow, it so happens that an unexpected turn of events presents him with the opportunity to turn his luck around and get his life back on track.
After exiting her school bus, Elizabeth Shoaf (Julia Lalonde) is approached by Vinson Filyaw (Henry Thomas) disguised as a police officer who pretends to arrest her for marijuana farming where he herds her into his underground bunker where he raped her every day. Her parents Madeline and Don (Moira Kelly and Stephen Park) are unaware that their missing daughter is closer than they think.
The old man Malakhin, accompanied by his rather useless son Yasha, makes a journey to Saint Petersburg in a freight train with the view of selling his cattle. Everybody around is bent on extorting the money from him. The train driver simply refuses to move the train without being paid, and the uber-conductor has to have his reward too. Malakhin is so distressed as to file a written complaint to the police, still he throws his money around, even on the occasions when this does not seem necessary. Four days later, after having bribed his way to the capital, he sells his starved-out animals, loses a great deal of money but is greatly relieved to see his totally meaningless mission completed.
Cowboy Hale and gambler Dumont are both in love with Field. Initially she favors Dumont, but Hale reveals that Dumont is really a criminal, and Hale ends up victorious in romance.
Tex Mason's ranch is facing a lot of cattle rustling that will put them out of business. Unknown to Tex is that Joe, one of his ranch hands, is in cahoots with John Thomas who desires to take over the ranch for himself when it fails. When the actual owner of the ranch, who lives in Chicago dies, he leaves half the ranch to Tex and half to his daughter, Peggy Turner. Peggy desires to turn the cattle ranch into a dude ranch.
Accompanied by her maiden Aunt Flossie, Peggy travels West and immediately butts horns with Tex. Peggy feels that cattle branding is cruelty to dumb animals, and turns against Tex when he dresses the cattle up in pink and blue ribbons. John Thomas befriends Peggy and sees the chance to set Tex up with the blame for the rustling.
As described in a film magazine review, Ledda Perrin is in love with Barnaby Powers, the husband of her cousin Richmiel Crumb. Their child Oliver is put in the custody of Richiel by the divorce decree. However, Richmiel is unhappy with the bother of the child's care. Barnaby stops to visit Richmiel when he returns from Europe to plead for custody of the boy. While in Richmiel's room the whole family of Richmiel enters the place. Richmiel vows to spite them both by keeping possession of the child. However, when Barnaby goes to Richmiel's rooms, he finds her with her lover. She is glad to be rid of the child and Barnaby is glad to get the boy.
''North of Blue'' is completely abstract and does not have a narrative structure or traditional plot. The film was constructed with repetition of design themes: grids, tiled images and scenes of morphing shapes that were influenced by the facade of Casa Batllo in Barcelona, designed by Antoni Gaudí. ''North of Blue'' features recurring abstract "characters" that include seven scenes with three blue balls, triangles with two line appendages, self-propelling lumps with bumps and flopping line segments that function like railroad tracks.
In the future, overpopulation has meant that people are allowed to have only one child and are denied all medical care (save for palliative care) when they turn 65.
Several incidents of monster attacks from a mysterious group named Kitoralsus appeared suddenly in Japan after the appearance of the mysterious Black Shinkansen. In response, a secret organization called Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute was established in order to investigate the Black Shinkansen and its relations to the attacks using Shinkalions, bullet trains that turn into giant robots. However one day, Hayato Hayasugi, a young grade schooler who is a big railfan due to his father being a staff in the Railway Museum, accidentally got involved in the recent attack by the monsters and discovered his father's secret working with the Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute. Hayato shows a surprising amount of aptitude as a Shinkalion driver, based on him using a training application on his father's tablet that he mistook for a mobile game. Despite initial concerns from the adult members of the organization about having children as drivers, Hayato joins several other kids in using Shinkalions to willingly fight against the threat of the Kitoralsus.
About half a year after the defeat of the Kitoralsus, giant monstrous beings suddenly appear from space lead by both Nahane and Ohanefu, and are planning to take over the Earth. During these attacks, the Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute has been busy developing a new prototype unit - the Shinkalion ALFA-X. Suddenly, a 9-year old Hokuto appears from across time and space. Having no choice, the Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute appointed the young Hokuto to become the driver of the Shinkalion ALFA-X and bringing in the teams from all the branches across Japan as the last line of defense against the invaders threatening the planet.
In preparation for the attack of new enemies, the Ultra Evolution Institute is developing a new type of robot called "Shinkalion Z" as well as new armed enhancement rolling stocks known as "Zailiners" that transform from conventional trains to power up the "Shinkalion Z". The children who became the drivers of "Shinkalion Z" with a high compatible rate will work together with the institute staff members to confront the giant monstrous beings that reappeared! The emergence of unknown enemies- And the encounter of two boys.
Anna is a seventeen year old cheerleader and lifeguard whose life is turned upside down after her sister Storm dies in a car accident the day of her high school graduation. After her sister's death she finds herself feeling angry towards her best friend, Piper, and her boyfriend, Jovani, as neither one of them knew her shy sister very well. Instead she turns towards Storm's best friend Cameron.
After going into Storm's room for the first time since her death, Anna finds a bucket list of things she intended to do that summer. She ends up telling Cameron about it and they vow to live out Storm's dreams for her. Anna is set back by the fact that her still grieving mother wants to sell her sister's car and refuses to let her drive, but after confessing her plans to her father, he takes her mother on a Christian couples' retreat for grieving parents and gives her permission to go on a road trip with Cameron.
Anna and Cameron are quick to check off a few of the minor items on Storm's list as they drive along the coast hoping to end up at the dive-in movie that Storm bought tickets to before she died. Along the way Anna begins to be attracted to Cameron and notices that he is angry when she engages with other boys. At the top of a lighthouse (another item from Storm's list), Anna and Cameron kiss. The two realize that they have been attracted to one another for a long time.
One of Storm's dreams was to spend a night sleeping at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Cameron and Anna head there but Anna is surprised when she contacts her aunt and learns that despite being accepted into her dream college Storm never sent the cheque to secure her down payment on the university. She and Cameron go to the Carolina Beach Lake Park to the dive-in theatre and learn that it was destroyed by Hurricane Irene and never rebuilt.
Sleeping in the dorm, Anna is suspicious about why Storm wanted to spend a night there despite the fact that she was supposed to spend the following year there. Cameron confesses that Storm's cancer, which was supposedly in remission, had returned and she only had between 6 and 9 months to live. Angry that Cameron kept this secret from her and realizing that Storm probably committed suicide, Anna abandons the list and their road trip.
Anna's parents come home and Anna confesses everything to them including Storm's illness. To her surprise they both suspected that something was wrong and blamed themselves for the fact that she appeared to be refusing treatment.
Anna's mother grounds her for taking the road trip without her permission. Anna makes up with her friend Piper. A week later Piper and Jovani arrange for Cameron to come over and makeup with Anna. He then brings her to his backyard where he has assembles a series of kiddie pools and a sheet to make a homemade dive in theatre. While they watch the ''Lion King'' it begins to rain and Piper is able to cross off the second last thing she had to do on Storm's list which is kiss in the rain.
She realizes that the final item on the list which is "Be brave with my life" is an ongoing project and is happy that Storm's list will live on forever.
Julieta (Zuria Vega) and Robert (Daniel Arenas) have to divide their time between being parents, being children, being siblings and fulfilling in their work, but above all not losing their communication as a couple. Everything will get complicated for Julieta, when her new boss Susana (Susana González) arrives, who will face the dilemma of many women: balance her role as mother, wife and professional. For his part, Robert will discover that he has other relatives, so that Julieta's political family will increase and also the conflicts with the other members of the Córcega family.
Trisha (Janella Salvador) is a struggling waitress who buys a cellphone from a black market seller. Karter (Jameson Blake), a love-starved boy who uses a cloud-based media-storing app to spy on his stolen cellphone's buyer, Trisha, who by then had broken up with her boyfriend, soon becomes enamored by Trisha.
Karter proceeds to locate her through the various clues he gathers from the media she unknowingly shares to him. When their paths finally cross, Trisha feels she has so many things in common with Karter that she somehow believes they are connected as soulmates.
The setting and story remains largely the same as ''Pokémon Yellow''.
The eight Gym Leaders and the members of the Elite Four return, as well as the antagonist faction Team Rocket, including Jessie, James and Meowth, from the anime series. Unlike the anime series, Meowth cannot speak the human language and is given his own Meowth cry.
Priscilla and Mary Beth Connolly are sisters living in the small fishing town of Easter Cove, Maine, whose mother has recently died. At the wake, Doreen Burke, Susie Gallagher, and Gail Maguire, contemporaries of their mother, offer condolences. Mary Beth learns that the family fishmonger business is in trouble and that their mother took out a loan against the house which could jeopardize their continued ownership of it. After arguing with Priscilla, she storms out and heads to a bar. Mary Beth begins drinking with a man named Gorski. Later she is driving him home, but crashes the car when he caresses her leg. When they get out to inspect the damage, the trunk accidentally opens and Mary Beth sees blood inside. Gorski attempts to force himself on her and she flees. When he follows her, she stabs him with a harpoon and then bashes his head in with a brick.
Mary Beth returns home covered in blood to a shocked Priscilla, who calls the police, but changes her mind and hangs up. Priscilla helps Mary Beth get rid of Gorski's body, using a knife to chop up his arms to make the body fit in a cooler box that they then throw into the ocean. The next day, Priscilla can’t find the knife they used, which has ‘Connolly Fish’ written on it. Mary Beth goes to Gorski's shack to find the knife, but instead finds a bag containing $50,000. Later, Enid, a brothel owner, sees the Connolly knife in Gorski's shack.
Local policeman Brennan asks to borrow the Connolly's boat, indicating that a body has washed up on shore. Priscilla is terrified that it is Gorski but it turns out be a woman named Dee, who worked for Enid. Brennan and his older partner Colletti interview Enid, who tries to steer them away from the brothel. Brennan finds her suspicious, but is warned off by Colletti, who has known Enid for years. Priscilla and Mary Beth talk to Doreen who reveals that years ago she, Susie, Gail, and their mother had made a decision: to satisfy the lusts of the fishermen, and protect their own daughters, they allowed Enid to open the Oceanview brothel.
Brennan and Coletti find Gorski’s car, which has a gun inside, and blood and a terrible smell in the trunk. The officers are sure that Gorski must be the murderer. Meanwhile, Alexis, one of Enid’s working girls, knowing Enid owed Dee money, believes Enid had her killed. Enid blackmails the Connolly sisters to bring back the money they took from Gorski's shack in exchange for the knife she found there. The sisters decide to confess everything to the police the following day. That night, Officer Brennan, who is attracted to Priscilla, comes over for dinner and asks them about the call made to the police the night of the murder. They change their mind about confessing. Gail, Susie, and Doreen go to confront Enid. Telling her that she has crossed a line, they inform her that they will no longer allow her to operate the brothel and that she should leave town. Brennan has drinks with a friend and learns that Mary Beth had been seen with Gorski the night he disappeared.
The Connolly sisters go to Enid and return the money. She tells them how much she misses their mother and how their mother left the brothel business to protect the two of them. She offers them some of the money and tells them that they could work for her after it runs out. When they refuse the money, Enid turns angry, calling them names before drunkenly collapsing. The girls get the knife and leave. Alexis, having overheard the whole thing, enters Enid’s room and smothers her to death with a pillow. She takes the money and leaves town with one of the other girls from the brothel. Doreen notices something in the water.
Gail comes to see Coletti about Oceanview. The next morning he informs Brennan that they're going to close down Oceanview. They see Priscilla and Mary Beth walking down the street, but Brennan says he isn't interested in Priscilla anymore. The sisters pass by Gail and Doreen, who are singing "Blow the Man Down", and then see Susie washing out the cooler which had contained Gorski's body. Susie smiles at them.
Santi (Emiliano Aramayo) is a child who has had to deal with the separation of his parents, Rodrigo (Mauricio Ochmann) and Alejandra (Fernanda Castillo). They are required to meet once in a while, as they share their child's time. One day they receive the news that Santi must undergo surgery so as not to lose his sight, so Santi makes a wish list and asks to fulfill it together with his two parents, before the operation. Rodrigo and Alejandra must learn to coexist again, embarking (without suspecting it) on a trip that, in the end, will make it very difficult to separate again.
Edith Moore (Edie) is a bitter, gruff woman in her eighties. In the months following her husband George's death, Edie's strained relationship with her daughter Nancy begins to worsen. The question over Edie's future looms large; while Edie tries hard to convince Nancy she can manage fine by herself, Nancy is making plans for her mother to move to a retirement home. Edie feels like it is the beginning of the end. It seems she will die with all the regrets of her past intact and one regret haunts her most of all. When Edie was married, her father planned a climbing trip for them in the Scottish Highlands. Edie yearned to go, but her husband George, an abusive and controlling man, made her stay at home. Nearly thirty years later, Edie decides to make the trip herself alone.
Twenty-five years after the Great War, Vault 76 is opened up and its residents given the task of repopulating the Wasteland. Shortly after they emerge from the Vault, the player character is contacted by the Vault Overseer. She reveals that Vault 76 was given a secret mandate to secure an arsenal of nuclear weapons deployed throughout Appalachia in three still-functioning nuclear missile silos: Site Alpha, Site Bravo, and Site Charlie. The player character is directed to contact the Responders, a faction of emergency services personnel who tried to aid the residents of Appalachia during the war; however, they discover that the Responders evacuated after they came under attack from the Scorched. Further investigation reveals that the Scorched are human beings infected by the "Scorched Plague", and are led by the Scorchbeasts; massive mutated bats that came into contact with an Enclave bioweapon kept in an old mining facility, causing exponential growth and a symbiotic control over the plague that created them. This relationship with the plague elevates a single Scorchbeast to the role of Queen, making it far larger and more dangerous, and allowing it to lead the legions of humans and animals in Appalachia through the use of a hivemind.
As the Scorched represent a threat to the Wasteland beyond Appalachia, the player character decides to secure a nuclear weapon and use it to destroy a Scorchbeast nest. In order to achieve this, they start searching the bunkers of survivalists calling themselves the Free States who were working on the means to detect the Scorched until the Scorched overran them. The player character is able to build a radar system that detects the viral signature of the Scorched, but its limited range makes it ineffective. The player attempts to boost the signal first by gaining the friendship of Rose, a Miss Nanny robot trying to rebuild the local Raider gangs that lived in Appalachia before being scared off by the Scorched; and then by investigating research done by the local Brotherhood of Steel into the Scorchbeast as they had tried to stop it spreading from its main lair. The player hacks into a government network and draw the attention of the Enclave, the remnants of the United States government. The Enclave are led by MODUS, a centralized artificial intelligence system located in a secure nuclear fallout bunker beneath the Whitespring Resort. MODUS asks the player character to help connect them to a series of isolated computer networks across Appalachia through the Sugar Grove SIGINT base and reestablish contact with the Kovac-Muldoon orbital platform, and in return offers to connect to the radar system to detect Scorched across the region.
Once MODUS is connected, they are able to identify the Scorchbeast nest at a location called Fissure Site Prime, close to where the Brotherhood of Steel had made their ultimate attempt to stop the Scorchbeast threat themselves and failed. The player character is directed to one of the three nuclear silos and they launch a missile at the nest. Venturing into the irradiated area, they uncover a laboratory at the center of the nest that was also found by the Brotherhood of Steel, implying that the Scorchbeasts were man-made. The explosion awakens a Scorchbeast Queen, and the player is forced to fight her. With the Queen defeated, the Scorchbeasts' hive mind is broken, and the threat to the wasteland beyond Appalachia is halted. The player character rejoins the other residents of Vault 76 in rebuilding the Wasteland.
In 2103, one year after Vault 76 opened, people have begun returning to Appalachia. They have been drawn to the region by rumors of safety, and of treasure hidden in the mountains. The Vault 76 Overseer grows concerned for their welfare as the Scorched and Scorchbeasts remain a problem in Appalachia. She has the surviving residents of Vault 76 befriend the new arrivals, all while trying to find the source of the rumors.
Two major factions emerge among the new arrivals: the Settlers, led by Paige; and the returning Raiders, led by Meg. After the player reunites with the Overseer, they then assist the Overseer in mass-producing a vaccine at the defunct Nuka-Cola plant, which is then distributed to the population in the form of Nuka-Cola soft drinks, albeit after having to convince the faction leaders of the severity of the threat. With the Settlers and Raiders protected, the Overseer and Vault 76 resident then turn their attention to the rumors of treasure. According to the Overseer, Vault-Tec University housed a secret area where top executives would meet to discuss Top Secret corporate information. She and the resident travel to Vault-Tec University in Morgantown to learn more. They discover that Vault 79 holds the entirety of the United States' gold reserve, transferred there from Fort Knox for safe-keeping in the event of nuclear war, and is well-protected by a series of security defenses. The resident must choose between an alliance with the Settlers or the Raiders when venturing into Vault 79 to acquire the gold. After a series of quests related to "assembling a crew", the time comes to raid the vault, wherein it is discovered that remnants of the Secret Service garrison is trapped. After deliberation with the agent in charge, the resident and their crew can agree to save the remaining agents in exchange for 1000 gold bars worth of bullion, inaccessible to the agents, and stuck in the processing room. After acquiring the bars, and lifting the accidental lockdown, the resident can divide the gold however they see fit, either keeping every bar, keeping half and giving the other half to the faction they raided with, or keeping half and giving both factions a quarter. This bullion is to be used to re-establish a gold backed currency all across America, though depending on the player's choices and greed, it could spell immense recession and strife across the region, pitting the Settlers and Raiders against each other in a battle for total conquest, and returning Appalachia to the turmoil it just broke free from.
Several months after people began returning to Appalachia, Elder Maxson has sent the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force from New California to Appalachia to not only find out what happened to Paladin Taggerdy's Brotherhood, but reestablish the Brotherhood of Steel's presence in the region as well. However, despite losing most of the initial group to Raider attacks on the way across the devastated United States, Paladin Rahmani, Scribe Valdez, and Knight Shin make it to Appalachia, and using the fortified ATLAS Observatory as their new base of operations, renaming it Fort Atlas, they begin to rebuild the Brotherhood's presence in the region, all while dealing with gaining the alliance and friendship of the Settlers of Foundation, and the hostility of the Raiders at the Crater, with being supported by the residents of Vault 76 with securing munitions and other resources to help protect everyone in the region from the continued threat of the Scorched and Scorchbeasts.
By the year 2104, things have been going well in the Appalachian Wasteland thanks to the residents of Vault 76 and their continued support of both the Settlers in Foundation, and the Raiders in Crater, but the Brotherhood of Steel First Expeditionary Force that arrived some time ago is still splintered because of hostilities between Paladin Rahmani and Knight Shin over their primary objective, not helped by the continued attacks by Super Mutants and other threats that were released by the Enclave before they were wiped out in the years before Vault 76 opened. The residents have to make a tough choice with deciding what the primary objective for Rahmani's Brotherhood will be from this point onward: Support and protect the people of the Appalachian Wasteland, or continue the Brotherhood's duty of securing all manner of weapons from the pre-War world to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands. Without contact with Maxson and Lost Hills anymore, the Brotherhood's future may depend on the residents of Vault 76.
Roseanne Barr plays a widowed mother/real estate agent who moves to an upstate California town so obsessed with football that she organizes a "mothers-versus-sons" football game.
Opening on a mother reading The Stolen Child by William Butler Yeats to her three children, said mother recounts a story of three siblings; eldest David (Reece Yates), middle child Alice (Keira Chansa) and youngest Peter (Jordan Anthony Nash) who live with their model maker father Jack Littleton and their mother Rose. The children dwell in a house by a forest on the outskirts of London where the children let their imaginations run wild. Alice acts mature for her age in contrast to Peter who behaves like a feral child pretending to be various sorts of tribesmen such as a Native American or even the legendary Greek God Pan regarding the local woods as his domain. Rose's sister Eleanor is requesting to sponsor David's education on the grounds of his intelligence (during one of their trips they discover an eagle feather and a downed boat, with the siblings wondering if they could get it sea worthy). Tragedy strikes one day when David, while pretending to play fight pirates during a storm, falls into the river where he is struck by lightning and either electrocuted or drowned. The family copes in different ways; with Jack returning to his bad gambling habits and Rose intending to make a green felt hat that would've been David's birthday present (further problems arise when Jack's latest model boat is rejected for another version). Eleanor meanwhile shifts focusing her attention on Alice hoping to make her niece a proper lady in order to make her more accepted in the current class society due to her mixed race parentage. In order to make payments Peter and Alice make a trip to London to sell a family heirloom silver pocket watch, during which they shelter a group of street urchins who've pickpocketed an intimidating criminal. Both siblings meet an eccentric shop keeper, Hatter who leads them to a money lender and lower crime boss Captain James or CJ who unknown to both of them are their grandfather and uncle. Peter later runs into the very same street kids (he met earlier) who reveal they're known as the Lost Boys and that they've been to a place known only to children called Never Neverland and offer to take him there. Jack later visits his brother to call off his debt collectors, with a jealous James crippling his brother (as a show of loyalty to his crime pay masters) leading to Jack losing his hand. Peter responds by seeking out these Lost Boys to help rob James of the fortune of gold coins he spied on earlier that James is safe guarding for the various criminal organizations of London's underworld. When James catches his nephew in the act Peter cuts his uncle's hand off in a sword duel before fleeing, with his uncle and cohorts hot on his heels, Peter is forced to run away from home taking his late brother's newly finished hat with the eagle feather in it while dressed in his brother's hand me down green clothes (whilst Captain James and company give chase after him). Alice last spies Peter on the now fixed boat sailing away crewed by said Lost Boys who are taking her brother to Never Neverland (with the ship apparently being pulled into the air by the wind itself thanks to a fairy that Alice came across disguised as a little brass bell). Although Peter briefly returns to stop by while his family sleeps to deposit some of the stolen coins (that he irregular does over the years to support his loved ones). The mother finishes telling her story which has now been established as being of her own childhood thereby revealing she is Alice now an adult to her children who are revealed to be Wendy Darling (Ava Fillery) and her brothers; John and Michael (Jonathan Garcia and Carter Thomas). Coming back from going out for the evening with her husband George Darling, she suddenly hears a familiar crowing that both her brothers' used to do and heads upstairs to find the children's bedroom windows thrown wide open and a notable eagle feather on the floor beneath said window. As she looks out of their window at the night sky hoping it was her brother who came to taken his niece and nephews off to this supposed Never Neverland, and will likely look after them while they're there.
Three years after the previous movie, teenager Sarah Quinn lives with her mother, Kathy, and younger brother, Sonny, in Wardenclyffe, New York. Sarah is attempting to get into Columbia University by writing an essay about fear. Kathy agrees to watch Sonny's friend Sam Carter while his father goes out of town. Sonny and Sam are attempting to start a garbage clean-up business, and are called after school to clean up an abandoned house. Inside, they find a locked manuscript and curious, decide to open it, causing Slappy the Dummy to appear. They had unknowingly brought Slappy to life by speaking magic words found in his pocket. The manuscript is later stolen by a bully named Tommy Madigan.
At home, Sonny is working on his science project, a miniature version of Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower. Slappy then reveals that he is alive to Sonny and Sam, and gets their trust by using his magic to do the boy's chores and homework. Meanwhile, Sarah goes to a party to meet her boyfriend Tyler Mitchell (Bryce Cass), but sees him kissing another girl. Slappy later overhears Sarah talking about Tyler and sabotages Sonny's science project. The following day on Halloween, Slappy uses his powers to attack Tyler, and Sonny accidentally damages the school science lab with his sabotaged project. Sarah questions Sonny and Sam about Slappy. The group realizes that Slappy is at fault for everything.
The kids capture Slappy and try to dispose of him in a lake, but he escapes. That night, they find an article online about the events that happened in Madison, Delaware and try to contact R. L. Stine after realizing the book they found was an unpublished ''Goosebumps'' manuscript called ''Haunted Halloween''. Stine, now living in a cabin in the woods, hears their message and departs for Wardenclyffe.
Slappy goes to a local drug store and uses his magic to bring ''Goosebumps'' character costumes and Halloween decorations to life. He also uses the haunted mask to transform an employee named Walter into a hunchbacked ogre. Slappy travels to the Wardenclyffe tower, and uses it to amplify his magic. Meanwhile, Sarah, Sonny and Sam retrieve the book from Tommy's house while all the town's Halloween decorations come to life. The trio discover that the book can trap the monsters inside. However, the book is stolen and Kathy is kidnapped by the monsters. The kids’ neighbor, Mr. Chu, a ''Goosebumps'' fan, helps them craft monster disguises to safely navigate the town.
The kids head for the Wardenclyffe Tower while Stine arrives in town. At the tower, the kids encounter Slappy and Walter and discover that Slappy has turned Kathy into a living dummy. Sonny and Sam overload the reactor while Sarah fights Slappy. She defeats Slappy by kicking him into the electrified coil atop the tower, which blasts him into the sky. Sarah opens the book and combines it with the reactor's energy to drag all the other monsters back into the ''Haunted Halloween'' manuscript, while also returning Kathy and Walter to normal. Stine arrives, congratulates the kids for defeating the monsters, and gives Sarah advice for writing her essay.
Sometime later, Kathy and Walter start dating. Sonny wins the science fair and Sarah gets an email saying she got into Columbia University.
Back in Stine's cabin, Slappy appears. He reveals that he has survived and has written a book of his own where Stine is the main character. He then opens his manuscript, sucking Stine inside.
A group of Mexican gangsters led by Johnny Sun, try to survive in their turf, after being ratted out by his little brother.
After meeting at an abandoned garage in D.C., Philip and Elizabeth agree to take Paige to the USSR but leave Henry at boarding school. Elizabeth is heartbroken but agrees with Philip. FBI agents are ordered to stake out the suspect garages; en route, Stan calls Philip at work and at home, but he is not there. Stan leaves his assigned stakeout and goes to watch Paige's apartment, without telling his partner what he is doing. Dennis presses Father Andrei for information about the illegals; Andrei finally admits having seen them once without disguises.
Arkady tells Igor that Oleg has been arrested by the FBI and charged with espionage, and since he was in America on a student visa, he will not be eligible for a prisoner exchange. Igor says he will go directly to Gorbechev, but Arkady warns him that Gorbechev is at risk and everyone supporting him may be in danger. Grief-stricken, Igor tells his daughter-in-law, who is in tears while trying to calm her and Oleg's baby.
Philip and Elizabeth pick up Paige, who doesn't want to leave Henry alone. They are watched covertly by Stan, who confronts them in a parking garage. After questioning, Stan draws his pistol to arrest them. Philip finally admits their work as Soviet agents, saying "We had a job to do". Stan then questions whether Paige dating Matthew was part of their plot. Interrupting Elizabeth's denial, Paige admits she learned of this at age 16, but only dated Matthew because she liked him. She also says that Henry still doesn't know what her parents do. Stan mentions the murders, including of Gennadi and Sofia; Philip and Elizabeth deny being involved, saying that killing isn't what they do. Stan angrily calls Philip a liar and says that Philip was his best friend and that Philip has made his life a joke. Philip counters that Stan was the only friend he ever had and confesses the sad duality of his life and that he retired to become a "shitty failing travel agent".
They tell Stan about the KGB plan to alter Elizabeth's reports to justify a coup against Gorbachev. Stan asks if Philip knows Oleg, adding that the FBI had intercepted the dead drop. Philip and Elizabeth urge that this information be sent to the USSR. Philip acknowledges that Stan has no reason to trust him, but says that they are getting in their car and leaving. Paige and Philip ask Stan to look after Henry, and Philip tells Stan of his suspicions about Renee. Stan allows them to leave. The Jennings family get out their disguises and Canadian passports. They stop to bury the evidence of their American lives, including the false passport that Henry will never use. They call Henry at school; Paige is too emotional to speak with him.
The FBI agents are recalled. Dennis shows Stan the sketches based on Andrei's descriptions, which confirm that the illegals are Philip and Elizabeth. Stan pretends to be surprised and vows to Dennis that he will kill Philip. Dennis apologizes for doubting Stan's earlier suspicions. As the FBI searches the Jennings' home, Renee comforts Stan. Philip, Elizabeth, and Paige get a final American meal from McDonald's. They then sit separately on a train to Montreal, and get through the border security at Rouses Point, New York. However, Philip and Elizabeth are shocked as the train leaves the US when they see Paige standing on the platform alone. Paige returns to Claudia's abandoned safehouse and pours herself a vodka. Elizabeth dreams about her children and of Gregory while on the plane to Europe. Stan travels to New Hampshire to tell Henry about his parents. Philip and Elizabeth enter the USSR by car and meet Arkady to drive to Moscow, then reminisce about their life choices.
In the present, Strand and Charlotte discover Bernard is a host. Charlotte interrogates Bernard about Dolores' attack on the Mesa.
In flashbacks, Bernard explores the virtual space within the Cradle, where he encounters Ford. Ford reveals that the control unit Bernard retrieved from the bunker contained a copy of Ford's persona and memories. As Ford and Bernard talk, Bernard realizes the purpose of the Delos parks has been to create copies of the guests' minds. Delos successfully attained fidelity but had been unable to put these into hosts as the hosts degenerate quickly, as happened to James Delos. Furthermore, Bernard learns that he was tested the same way by Dolores, who knew Arnold best, before Ford accepted him as an "original work" and released him into the world. Lastly, Ford tells Bernard that he will not be able to survive unless he loses his free will. He forces Bernard out of the Cradle and Elsie reports that the disruption of the system has cleared. Bernard is instructed by a vision of Ford to follow his orders; in taking Bernard's free will, Ford has imprinted himself on Bernard's control unit.
Meanwhile, Angela makes her way to the Cradle and destroys it, killing herself in the process. The Horde fight Coughlin's mercenaries as Dolores and Teddy search for Peter. They find him with Charlotte, who orders technicians to copy the data within Peter. She is forced to reveal to Ashley that the data includes an encryption key for "the Project" as Dolores captures them. She remarks that the Cradle's destruction sets the hosts free. Charlotte and Stubbs flee when Coughlin and his team arrive. Teddy fights them and beats Coughlin to death. Peter recovers his memories long enough to tell Dolores that he knows he is dying and says goodbye. Dolores removes his control unit.
In the park, Akecheta and the Ghost Nation warriors chase Maeve and her daughter to a homestead, while a raiding party shepherds William and his gang there. William finds Maeve and mistakes her for another trick by Ford; she injures him, then turns his men against him. Lawrence stops her until Maeve awakens him to his past memories. He critically wounds William but is prevented from killing him by the arrival of Delos forces called by Lee. They kill Lawrence and wound Maeve, whom Lee instructs them to save. Maeve is powerless to stop Akecheta from capturing her daughter.
Ford leads Bernard to the control center where he witnesses the remains of the Delos forces being wiped out by the Horde. Bernard turns off all of the security systems, allowing Dolores full control. Dolores finds Maeve at the exit and tells her that the humans are using her daughter to control her. Maeve refuses her offer of a mercy killing and warns her that her manipulation of Teddy makes her no better than the humans.
Returning to the present, Charlotte, Strand and Stubbs find Bernard having difficulty separating his real memories from those implanted. He is able to tell that Peter's control unit is in the Valley Beyond.
The background of the series premiere is set two hundred years in the future. Humans have fully colonized the solar system, split up in three factions: Earth is controlled by the United Nations, Mars is an independent military power, and both depend on the resources of the colonized Asteroid belt, occupied by Belters, who work and live on the colonies set on the asteroids. For decades, tension has been rising between Earth, Mars, and the Belt, which increases the imminent possibility of a system-wide civil war, which will be one of the major plot points in the series.
Trapped in a small room on a space ship, a frightened young woman wearing a space suit hears ominous sounds and cries out for help, but no one answers. She then successfully breaks out of the room on her own, and searches for anyone on the ship. Then, she makes her way to the engineering bay, which is drenched and glowing with unknown blue material, and notices what looks like a human being sucked inside the vortex. She screams.
Ceres, an asteroid in the Belt, has been transformed into the most vital port in the Belt, whose occupants work and live there under harsh circumstances, such as physical deterioration from the gravity and their residence in space, rationing of air and water, and constant mistreatment by Earthers and Martians. Belters have grown contemptuous and have organized activist groups, such as the ''Outer Planets Alliance (OPA)'', in order to raise awareness and recognition for the Belters. Joe Miller is a Belter who works as a corrupt detective for Earth-based ''Star Helix Security'', the Earther police force on Ceres, and is often scolded by his own people, who call him a ''"welwala"'' (''Belter'' for 'traitor to our people').
Having been assigned a new partner, Dimitri Havelock from Earth, Miller is given a new assignment: to find a missing girl, Julie Mao, a champion pilot and activist who is the daughter of wealthy businessman Jules-Pierre Mao. Miller is ordered to find Julie and bring her back to her family living on Luna. Miller takes a brief detour from his investigation; he tries unsuccessfully to flirt with his ex-lover and former partner, Octavia Muss, who shows signs of discomfort and concern for Miller's well-being. Miller later has a change of heart and decides to end his collaboration with Vargas, the sleazy owner of a sweatshop, whose child workers often develop sickness due to poor air filtration. Miller roughs up Vargas a bit, throwing him into an airlock and removing some of the air, in order to get his point across. He then continues his investigation of Julie afterwards.
On Earth, politician Chrisjen Avasarala, the U.N. Deputy Undersecretary, is spending time with her husband Arjun and grandson in her Westchester home, when she is contacted by officials and is taken to a U.N. black site, where U.N. officials are interrogating and torturing Heikki Sabong, a Belter member of the OPA accused of carrying contraband stealth technology. However, Sabong refuses to speak and Chrisjen orders to have his interrogation and torture prolonged.
Meanwhile, the ''Canterbury'', a space freighter en route to Ceres Station escorting a shipment of ice, receives a distress signal which most of its crew disregard, considering that any time wasted on anything other than their jobs would result in a late arrival and the loss of their on-time work bonuses. Jim Holden, the executive officer of the Canterbury, doesn't like the majority decision and secretly logs the message with HQ, which means the ship is now obliged to investigate the signal. The ''Canterbury'' approaches a damaged ship, known as the ''Scopuli.'' Holden is ordered to investigate and takes the ''Canterbury's'' shuttle, the ''Knight'', along with some members of the crew: chief engineer Naomi Nagata, mechanic Amos Burton, pilot Alex Kamal, and med-tech officer Shed Garvey. Before the others arrive, Jim admits to Naomi that he was the one who secretly logged the distress call with HQ; she advises him to keep that to himself.
They head to the abandoned ''Scopuli'' and search for the source of the distress signal. The crew find a distress transmitter, but no signs of life. Captain McDowell informs the crew that an unidentified ship has entered their vicinity, forcing the crew to evacuate the ''Scopuli'' via the ''Knight''. The unidentified ship then fires torpedoes that sail past the ''Knight'' and head straight for the ''Canterbury''. Holden's lover, Ade Nygaard, gives one last transmission: "There's something you should know …" before the ''Canterbury'' is destroyed - killing everyone on board. Distraught and shaken, Holden and his crew flee.
Sasha Tran and Marcus Kim are childhood friends who grow up next door to each other in San Francisco. As Sasha's Vietnamese-immigrant/refugee parents regularly leave her home alone while they tend to their store, Marcus's parents often have her over for dinner, and Marcus's Korean-American mother Judy teaches her to cook. Eventually Sasha and Marcus form a close friendship that carries on into their teenage years, but this is broken after his mother dies in an accident. Grieving, the two have sex but a wedge is driven between the two when they argue shortly afterwards and they fall out of touch.
Sixteen years later, Sasha is a celebrity chef and engaged to Brandon Choi, a successful restaurateur. Marcus is still in San Francisco living with his widowed father and performs in a talented but largely unsuccessful band that only plays in his neighborhood. He also has a girlfriend Jenny, an Asian American woman with dreadlocks. Sasha breaks up with Brandon after he delays their wedding yet again. Briefly moving back to the Bay Area to oversee the opening of a new restaurant, she has a chance encounter with Marcus when he and his father are hired to install air conditioning at her temporary home.
After initial friction, they reconnect and become friends again, and Marcus admits to his father he still has feelings for Sasha. But before he can tell her, Sasha announces she has met someone new, and they wind up on a disastrous double date with Marcus' girlfriend and Sasha's new love interest: movie star Keanu Reeves. The long evening ultimately dissolves into chaos as Sasha confesses her longtime childhood crush on Marcus, a brawl breaks out between Marcus and Keanu, and Jenny ends up staying with Keanu for the night. Afterwards Marcus and Sasha have sex.
Sasha and Marcus then begin seeing each other, with Marcus reacquainting Sasha with the home and San Francisco Asian community she had distanced herself from, still harboring resentment of her absentee parents. He takes her to an old favorite Cantonese restaurant from their childhood, which Sasha remembers as terrible but discovers is delicious, marred only by her painful memories. As she reconnects to the city and the two fall in love, Marcus is taken aback to learn that, as planned, Sasha still intends to move on to New York for her next project, once the San Francisco restaurant has launched. When Sasha asks Marcus to join her, he refuses and she leaves San Francisco alone.
Taken to task by both his father and his bandmates, Marcus realizes that his mother's death has made him scared to move on in life. He then moves out of his childhood home and takes steps to make his band more successful. He calls Sasha regularly with updates but, not receiving any reply, does not pursue her further until he discovers Sasha is secretly supporting his musical ambitions. This emboldens Marcus to surprise Sasha on the red carpet at an awards show in Manhattan, asking for her to take him back and pledging to be wherever she is. She accepts. Reunited, Sasha takes Marcus to the New York restaurant she has been developing: it is named for and features Judy's recipes.
A heart transplant recipient adopts the personality of her donor.
A lawyer takes on the case of a man accused of murdering his wealthy wife.
Berta, a Honduran refugee, is about to be raped by the Los Angeles street gang that kidnapped her. Her brother Oscar and half-brother Emilio assault the house where she is being kept and free her, but Oscar is shot before they can escape. Emilio, who believes Oscar to be dead, forces Berta to leave with him, then delays the police as she flees. She hides under the front porch of a nearby house owned by John Henry, a large, quiet man. John takes her in over the objections of his father, BJ, who reluctantly helps translate her story. Although BJ mocks his sentimentality, John offers to help her.
Eventually, Emilio arrives at John's house, looking for Berta. Emilio, an American, explains that he was on the way to drop off his half-siblings at a shelter when Berta was kidnapped. Disgusted that Emilio was planning to ditch his family, BJ becomes closer to Berta. Berta insists that they return to the gangsters' house to look for Oscar, but Emilio insists that Oscar is dead. After Emilio describes a tattoo, John realizes that the gangsters are part of a crew run by his cousin Hell. Back in the 1990s, John quit the gang after realizing Hell's ambition would never allow the cycle of violence to end. John contacts Hell, who gives Emilio and Berta 24 hours to leave the city.
Hell betrays them and sends assassins to kill everyone in the house, though they are instructed to leave John alive long enough that he can watch Hell execute Berta. BJ and Emilio both die protecting Berta, but ride-or-die chick Savage botches Hell's plan when she shoots John to stop him from assaulting Hell. Enraged, Hell leaves John for dead and orders Savage to be killed. John reasons that Hell, who never leaves anyone alive at the scene of a crime, wants him to suffer further. John accidentally shot and maimed Hell when they were teenagers, and John now refuses to use pistols.
After recovering, John grabs a sledgehammer and leaves to rescue Berta, whom he believes Hell still plans to kill in front of him. John's grandmother initially refuses to give him Hell's address but finally acknowledges that Hell is beyond redemption. John kills several gangsters with his sledgehammer, interrupting Savage's execution and leaving Hell short on muscle. Hell grants Savage a reprieve and orders her to kill John. Although conflicted, she confronts John, who cripples her but leaves her alive.
The final confrontation between John and Hell draws a crowd. Taking advantage of this, Hell brings out Berta and Oscar, whose public executions he believes will demonstrate his dominance. Although the rest of the neighborhood is scared, a boy named Deydey defies Hell and assists John. Before Hell can order the boy killed, Savage kills Hell's remaining bodyguard. John kills Hell, then collapses, as Berta thanks him for rescuing her and Oscar.
Sheepdog Treve and his owner are given a job in a sheep-ranch owned by an eccentric with a huge fear of dogs, owners of surrounding ranches accuse Treve of being a sheep killer.
''Odyssey'' story begins in 480 BC, where King Leonidas leads the Spartan army against a Persian charge during the Battle of Thermopylae. The skirmish is won, but Leonidas is informed by a captured enemy that the Persian army has learned of the mountain path and will surround the Spartans by morning. Nevertheless, Leonidas resolves to hold off the Persian advance. In 2018, Layla Hassan recovers Leonidas' spear and extracts from it the DNA of his grandchildren, Alexios and Kassandra, to be used for her Animus to find the location of the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. Whichever sibling is selected by the player (and therefore, by Layla) is designated as the Eagle Bearer.
On the island of Kephallonia, The Eagle Bearer is recruited by a mysterious merchant named Elpenor to assassinate the "Wolf of Sparta" in the ''polis'' of Megaris, and departs Kephallonia after befriending a naval captain named Barnabas and assuming command of his ship, the ''Adrestia''. During their time in Megaris, the Eagle Bearer learns that the "Wolf of Sparta" is in fact the sobriquet of Nikolaos; that Nikolaos is not in fact their biological father and has another adopted son, Stentor; and that their mother Myrinne left Nikolaos and Sparta shortly after the incident at Mount Taygetos. The Eagle Bearer travels to Phokis to confront Elpenor, who reveals himself to be a member of the Cult of Kosmos and is aware of their lineage as the grandchild of King Leonidas. Disguised with Elpenor's mask and robes after killing him, the Eagle Bearer infiltrates a secret Cult meeting in Delphi where they discover that their younger sibling had survived the fall from Mount Taygetos, but is corrupted and twisted as part of a plot orchestrated by the Cult of Kosmos to become their champion known as Deimos. Accompanied by Barnabas and Herodotos, the Eagle Bearer embarks on an extended journey across the Greek world and eventually reunites with Myrinne, who had assumed the alias of Phoenix as the oligarch of the ''polis'' of Naxos. Myrinne persuades her eldest child to convince the Spartan regime to reinstate their citizenship and ancestral estate, and continue undermining the Cult's activities in the Greek world together.
The Eagle Bearer later encounters and fights Deimos at the Battle of Pylos, but is captured and taken to Athens, where Kleon enjoys popularity as a leader of the city-state following the death of Perikles years prior. Once there, Deimos is revealed to have been a cult member all along. The Eagle Bearer successfully escapes captivity and thwarts Kleon with the help of their Athenian allies. The Eagle Bearer later joins Brasidas' Spartan forces in confronting Kleon's Athenian army at the Battle of Amphipolis, where the leaders of both armies die in battle, thus heralding the end of the first half of the Peloponnesian War. Depending on key decisions made by the player at predetermined points of the game's narrative, the Eagle Bearer either redeems or kills Deimos at the game's ending, and their actions also have a direct bearing on the fates of their extended family members and determines whether they will have a successful family reunion for the main plotline's epilogue.
Prior to the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War, the Eagle Bearer destroys the Cult's pyramid-shaped artifact and discovers that their original leader is Aspasia, whom they can kill or spare. At some point during their lifetime, the Eagle Bearer also meets their biological father Pythagoras, who is revealed to be a descendant of the Isu like Myrinne and Leonidas, and inherits the Staff of Hermes from Pythagoras to safeguard Atlantis' secrets, gaining biological immortality in the process.
In the present, Layla encounters the Eagle Bearer, who warns her that the world needs balance between the Assassin and Templar Order ideals; either side prevailing over the other will result in the world's doom. Layla also learns that she is the prophesied one who will bring balance between the concepts of chaos and order. The Eagle Bearer gives Layla the staff before dying.
Following the capture of a super-powered individual dubbed "The Rookie", Commissioner Gordon oversees their transfer to Stryker's Island in Metropolis. As the Rookie possesses a previously-unseen ability to absorb energy to gain new super-powers, Gordon offers the incarcerated Lex Luthor a reduced prison sentence in exchange for monitoring them and assessing their potential threat. Before he can agree to the deal, Luthor's bodyguard Mercy Graves arrives to break him and the Rookie out of prison, and the trio escape alongside several other imprisoned villains, though they are pursued by the Justice League. Meanwhile, the Joker and Harley Quinn steal several items from Wayne Tech, with Batman giving chase. The combined group of villains are defeated by the sudden arrival of the "Justice Syndicate", a superhero team from a parallel universe, with only a few escaping. Before departing, Harley witnesses the Syndicate forcibly warp the Justice League away.
The Syndicate claim that the Justice League are on an off-world mission and that they are their replacements, with the group's leader Ultraman posing as reporter Kent Clarkson to feed further false information to the public. Suspicious of the Syndicate, Luthor begins uniting a massive force of villains to expose the truth and defeat the Syndicate so that they might take over. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen also begin their own independent investigation. During their research, the villains discover the Justice Syndicate is actually the "Crime Syndicate", who are the Justice League's villainous counterparts from Earth-3, and that they are searching for something on Earth, using their superhero personas to gain easy access to classified information and locations. Once a large enough group has been assembled, the united Legion of Doom launch an attack on the Crime Syndicate on top of LexCorp, but Luthor betrays everyone, planning to use the Syndicate's technology to be rid of them all in order to rule the Earth alone. Furious at Luthor's betrayal, the Rookie tries to stop him by blasting the machine with energy, causing it to malfunction; inadvertently bringing Apokolips near Earth and teleporting everyone present to random locations.
As the Syndicate tries to maintain order on Earth, the Joker, Harley and the Rookie find themselves on Apokolips and encounter Darkseid, the Syndicate's secret master who ordered them to search Earth for the last piece of the Anti-Life Equation. As Darkseid discovers them, the villains are rescued by the Justice League, who have just escaped their imprisonment on Apokolips. Escaping Darkseid's forces, the group learn the Syndicate has fooled the people of Earth into believing the Justice League have become evil, prompting the League to form an uneasy alliance with the Legion of Doom to defeat them.
After gathering more forces, the alliance tricks Johnny Quick into revealing the Syndicate's plans on camera. Lois broadcasts the footage worldwide, turning the public against the Syndicate. Upon defeating and sending the Syndicate back to Earth-3, the alliance focus on finding the last piece of the Equation. Batman soon discovers it to have been inside a Mother Box that Harley stole from Wayne Tech, until the Rookie inadvertently absorbed it while sending the Crime Syndicate back to Earth-3. Learning that Darkseid is sending his forces to Earth to track it down, the alliance attempts to protect the Rookie, but they are captured and taken to Apokolips, forcing the League and the Legion to mount a rescue mission. Though the Rookie is rescued, Darkseid absorbs the last piece of the Equation. However, it proves ineffective as it was altered by the physiology of the Rookie, who is now revealed to hail from Earth-3. The Rookie then uses the Anti-Life Equation to defeat Darkseid and alter his and his forces' psyches, making them kind. Though Luthor attempts to abandon them again and take over Earth, the alliance manages to restore Apokolips to its original location and return home. The Rookie is then given the chance to join the Justice League as a superhero, or to continue working for the Legion of Doom as a supervillain; the choice made is left up to the player.
If the player chooses to join the Justice League, Luthor will express disappointment at the Rookie for betraying him even though the Joker reminds Luthor that he tried to send the Rookie to the other side of the universe twice. Livewire then uses her ability to blind the Justice League and the Rookie so the villains can make their escape. The Rookie then joins the Justice League to chase down the villains.
If the player decides to join The Legion of Doom, the Joker suggests that the Rookie become their new leader as Luthor can no longer be trusted. The Rookie then teleports the villains away with Batman stating that he hates it when he's right. The Legion is then teleported to safety so they can resume their criminal activities.
In a post-credits scene, the angry Anti-Monitor arrives on Apokolips to find all its occupants still under the effect of the Rookie's powers, and proceeds to attack Darkseid, having been disgusted by his kindness.
In Kampala, a Congolese boda boda rider's life is changed for the worst when he meets a vengeful Ugandan girl seeking justice for her murdered mother and a European expatriate.
''Care Bears: Unlock the Magic'' follows the adventures of good friends Good Luck, Funshine, Cheer, Grumpy, and Share Bear, as they embark from their life in Care-A-Lot on a new adventure through the Silver Lining, a strange world neighbored by the Whiffles, who are a group of innocently happy creatures that plant seeds to keep the magical land of Care-A-Lot and the neighboring Silver Lining growing. The Care Bears spread caring and sharing throughout the land as they learn to rely on their friendship, courage, and use a bit of their belly badge power.
However, the ego-driven nemesis of the Care Bears, Bluster and his Bad Crowd, try to stop them from succeeding at their mission, as his goal is to turn the Silver Lining into Blusterland. The Care Bears also retrieve help through the Caring Tower from their friends Bedtime, Tenderheart, and Wish Bear. Dibble the Whiffle accompanies the Care Bears along the way.
The Care Bears are sent on the road for the first time in this series, as they explore wonderful and never-before-seen areas that surround Care-A-Lot called the Silver Lining. Due to this, they meet new creatures and employ their powers and wits.
The conscientious objector Lukas (Fabian Hinrichs) is a "meals-on-wheels" delivery man and leads a rather sad and lonely life. One day, however, he encounters a strange girl on a bus, Isabella (Lavinia Wilson), who slips him a "Help me!" note. Lukas ends up falling in love with Isabella.
But what he initially considers to be a romantic relationship between her and an older man quickly turns out to be the cause of the message in the tram. He finds out that Isabella's stepfather sexually abused her, even though she tries to forget this. The more pacifist Lukas is experiencing a period of rethinking that ends in the decision to get a gun to protect or save Isabella from her stepfather.
Previously, however, he gets already in the sights of a police investigator, who only wants to clear up the case of a stolen boat, but always visits Lukas, because he sees in him a danger. Through the new acquaintance of an old woman who supplies him, Lukas manages to get a precision rifle, and he begins to practice dealing with it and to mentally prepare himself for the killing, which he actually rejects as a conscientious objector. However he has inhibitions and recoils from the last step back - he is gun-shy.
Isabella's stepfather conducts seminars on anxiety, which Lukas also visits. Thus, he is also present when he dies on the reading stage of a heart attack. Since then Lukas sees and hears nothing more about Isabella. In a mailbox, he leaves her the message that he intended to kill her stepfather, but even on these messages, the distance remains.
Lukas overcomes his fear of shooting as the target has changed.
Earth has come under attack by the Zai, a mysterious "armed group" using unusually highly advanced weapon systems far superior to any Terran military technology. A young Chinese-Japanese teenager named Kei Narutani and his Chinese friend Minghua, both living in Shanghai, are force-evacuated to Japan when the city is attacked by the Zai. During their escape by sea, several Zai fighters begin sinking the evacuation fleet when Kei suddenly witnesses the Zai being repelled by a strange airplane. When the plane subsequently crashes, Kei rushes to aid the pilot, but is surprised to find a pretty girl at the controls.
After arriving in Japan, Kei begins investigating the origins of the strange plane, and before long he is captured by Japanese secret service agents. He learns from them that it was a Swedish fighter retrofitted with special technology developed by the JASDF. In order to combat the Zai, their technology - HiMAT (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology) and EPCM (Electronic Perceptory Countermeasures) - was reverse-engineered and applied to existing fighter models, which are codenamed "Daughters"; but in order to function properly, this tech requires an autonomous interface unit called "Anima", android shaped human-like girls who are made from salvaged Zai parts. The girl Kei encountered, by the name of Gripen (after the plane she flies), is such an "Anima" unit who formed an emotional attachment to him when he came to her aid. When her supervising developer notices that effect, he invites Kei into the Anima project and act as Gripen's partner in order to boost her flight performance and prevent her from being scrapped.
The space shuttle ''Knight'' is badly damaged by debris from the exploded ''Canterbury''. Jim Holden (Steven Strait), the shuttle's commander, orders pilot Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) to pursue the unidentified ship responsible, but engineer Naomi Nagata (Dominique Tipper) shuts down the engine to preserve fuel and to prevent Holden from doing anything rash. Along with medic Shed Garvey (Paulo Costanzo) and mechanic Amos Burton (Wes Chatham), they are stranded with four hours of oxygen and insufficient fuel to reach the nearest space station.
Because the ''Knight'' s airlock has been breached by debris, the crew must wear space suits and vent the ship's remaining atmosphere in order to investigate the outer antenna. Holden and Burton build an improvised antenna to send a distress call, which is answered by Martian Navy flagship ''MCRN Donnager''. Nagata identifies Martian naval technology in the distress transponder from the ''Scopuli'' (the ship that the ''Canterbury'' was lured to). As insurance against their captors killing them, Holden sends a message that reveals what they know, but does not know if it transmitted. The ''Knight'' is pulled into the ''Donnager'', where the five are apprehended by Martian soldiers at gunpoint.
Detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane) sneaks into the apartment of pilot and activist Julie Mao (Florence Faivre) to investigate her disappearance. Recent transmissions reveal a strained relationship with her wealthy father, who threatened to sell her racing ship. Miller and his partner Dimitri Havelock (Jay Hernandez) are sent to catch local Belter gangsters and recover stolen water. Although Miller catches them, he lets them go after coming to admire their survivalist defiance, but tells them to stay away from the water. He then resumes his search for Julie, and learns from Ceres Station's dock master that she had boarded the ''Scopuli''.
Deputy Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) is reprimanded by UN Undersecretary Sadavir Errinwright (Shawn Doyle) for using banned torture techniques on OPA member Heikki Sabong (Joe Delfin). Avasarala believes that contraband stealth tech Sabong smuggled could cause a rift in the delicate balance between Earth and Mars. She sends Sabong to Luna for further interrogation, but is told he committed suicide while en route.
Nineteen year old Maya lives at home with her mother and step-father. She is a very unhappy artist who wants to go to art school in Florence, Italy. Simon is a drug addict doctor who has fantasy sex with Jasmine who dresses up as a little girl. Simon has a dinner with his father each year on his dead mother's birthday. She died 11 years ago.
Maya and Jasmine meet on-line and have a same-sex relationship. Maya moves in with Jasmine. Jasmine continues her heterosexual affair with Dr. Simon. The doctor has set up a child's bedroom in his garage and pays Jasmine $5,000 a month. Maya is almost hit by a driver who is Simon. It turns out that Simon is Maya's father that she has not seen in six years. Maya's mother has lied to her about her father not wanting contact with her and has been spending the child support. Simon and Maya rekindle a relationship.
One day Simon sees his daughter and Jasmine in a sexual embrace. He realizes that his lover is in an affair with his daughter. He ends his relationship with Jasmine and Jasmine in turn breaks up with Maya. When Simon offers to pay Maya to go to school in Italy, she figures out Jasmine was her father's lover. The triangle love affair is exposed.
Maya goes to art school in Florence and is successful in selling her art clothing. One day she sees a woman in Florence wearing her clothing line and the film ends with them being friends.
A fit police officer becomes overweight after being posted to evidence room and also as a consequence of emotional issues. He is sent to Japan on a mission with a promise of transfer. He fails his mission because of the unsupportive police force. He is forced to be a crimebuster in Japan using his martial arts prowess and with the aid of his Japanese translator.
Set in and around a real Irish circus, Blake (10), Michael (8), Isabella (5) and their parents Mikey and Tara Gerbola are the hosts. The ten part series follows the adventures of these three lively children as they travel all around Ireland putting up their tent.
Each episode features a circus performer and their big top performance. We meet the different circus artistes – who come from all over the world – and observe the children try out new skills. Among the acts and activities featured are: clowning, acrobatics, wire walking, roller skating, magic, juggling, slapstick, flying, gymnastics and finale.
Each episode culminates with an entertaining aspect of the children’ s life on the road. They are in a different county every day.
This 15 part family adventure is set on the beautiful barge ‘Tig Beatha’ as it drifts along the Grand Canal. Sisters Muireann (9) and Caoimhe (7) are the hosts along with their parents Mick and Trish. The family live in a floating home and make many stops on the way. Their journey takes them three weeks.
As well as having fun onboard the family visit special places and try out new activities: going through a lock, feeding swans, stencilling the name on the barge, visiting a fen, helping to clean up the canal, going out in a dinghy, looking for bats at night, getting pulled along by dray horses, meeting a lock keeper, cutting turf on the bog, aqua cycling, pony riding, going on a nature walk, catching butterflies and going fishing. Niall Murphy (March 23, 2018) “#ArTeilifis: New children’s series All Aboard to air on RTEjr”[]
Many high-ranking members of the Al Thani family who were still allies of the deposed emir organized a counter-coup to overthrow Emir Hamad. Qatar has claimed that the coup had foreign backing, mainly by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain. A 1997 ''New York Times'' article stated that some unnamed western diplomats believed that the coup could have only been planned with knowledge and acquiescence from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
In 2018 and after the 2017 Qatar diplomatic crisis, Al Jazeera reported apparent new details in a documentary regarding the operation accusing Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of plotting to overthrow Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. According to the documentary, the crux of the operation would see armed men place Emir Hamad under house arrest at his residence off of Al Rayyan Road. This was originally planned to occur at 5 AM on February 16, but was changed to February 14 to reduce the chance of being discovered. According to Qatari intelligence, this change was at the behest of Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, which was then chief of the Emirati armed forces. Furthermore, Qatari intelligence documents claimed that, after having assuming full command of Qatar's military facilities, the plotters would send for assistance to militias in Saudi Arabia. However, the coup was ultimately discovered and foiled before it could be carried out.
According to Al Jazeera, a former French army commander Paul Barril was contracted and supplied with weapons by the UAE to carry out the coup operation in Qatar. UAE minister of foreign affairs Anwar Gargash responded to the documentary and stated that Paul Barril was in fact a security agent of the Qatari Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani who visited Abu Dhabi and had no relationship with the UAE and the documentary was a falsification attempt to inculpate the UAE in the coup.
After Tsubaki's disappearance, snow begins to fall even though it's in the middle of summer. Mahiru suspects that the falling snow is related to vampires. He confides to Misono, proposing they hold a meeting together with the rest of their Eves and Servamps friends. Misono declines as his father has forbid him to get out for the time being, but promises that he'll sneak out. During his attempt to sneak out through the back gate, Misono slightly remembers his past memories, prompting Lily to immediately manipulate Misono's memories, making Misono not even remembering his phone call with Mahiru nor ever trying to sneak out.
The next day, Mahiru, Kuro, and the others are gathering at Tetsu's hot spring inn. They are visited by Mikuni and Jeje, who reveals that the weather phenomenon is caused by the influence of Jinns, beings that comes out from a Servamp's body in a form of fine dust when their contract item is broken. In this case, the Jinns came out from Lawless' body when Tsubaki broke his contract item. Mikuni directs Mahiru and the others to his house, the Alicein Mansion, as something strange is happening there.
Upon entering the house, they are welcomed by Misono and Mikuni's father, Mikado Alicein. When inquired about Mikuni, everyone in the house deny of ever knowing Mikuni, acting like he doesn't exist. Since Mahiru refuses to leave until they meet Misono, Mikado and the servants threatens them to leave by force. Mikado explains that he won't let Misono fight, believing that Misono doesn't have the resolve and power to do so. He then locks Mahiru and is friends inside a warehouse.
At night, Misono is lured into the dining room by a puppet that looks like Lily. Misono learns that Lily has manipulated his memories, causing Misono to become enraged and unable to trust his Servamp. The puppeteer, Tsubaki's subclass, Otogiri, turns out to be the one who lured Misono and attacks Lily. While the Alicein servants fights her, Lily tries to explain himself to Misono. A distrustful Misono refuses to listen, severing the bond between him and Lily. This allows Otogiri to destroy Lily's contract item, causing a mass amount of Jinn to come out from Lily's body. At the same time, Mahiru and the others manage to get out from the warehouse.
Lily goes berserk and devours Misono into his body, followed by Mahiru, Kuro, Lawless, and Licht, while Tetsu and Hugh holds Lily's body to prevent him from destroying the mansion. Inside Lily's inner world, they are attacked by the manifestation of Mikuni and Jeje conjured by Lily to prevent them from discovering his secret. In other part of the inner world, Misono sees Lily's memories and discovers that Misono, is in fact, an illegitimate child born from his father's affair with a tutor working for Alicein house years ago. When Misono was still a baby, Mikuni's mother killed his mother out of jealousy. She tried her best to raise and love Misono as her own son since he is innocent, but 7 years before the story she eventually succumbs to her lingering jealousy and tried to kill him. To protect Misono, Mikuni killed his own mother and left the Alicein house. The incident severely traumatised Misono, leading Lily to erase the memory of the murder and Mikado covered it as a case of burglary.
Misono is disheartened by the revelation, believing his birth brought misfortune to his family. However, he then reads letters sent by his birth mother to his father that tells how she was happy having Misono in her life. This creates an opening for Mahiru and Kuro to defeat the manifestation of Mikuni and Jeje, returning them to the real world. Meanwhile, Misono confronts Lily in the core of his mind, assuring him that he won't reject him even after knowing the truth. Lily and Misono's bond is stabilized and they both returns to normal.
The next day, Misono tells his father that he'll fight together with his friends. Realising his son has matured, Mikado gives Misono his permission and requests if he meet Mikuni, to tell him to come home.
Jimmie Fails is a young man living in Bayview-Hunters Point, San Francisco. He spends his time wandering around town with his best friend Mont Allen, with whom he lives, along with Mont's grandfather. Jimmie waits for the bus with Mont every day, during which they see various states of change in the city and protesters trying to stop it. The two then skateboard to a Victorian house in the city's Fillmore District in which Jimmie grew up. Jimmie says it was built by his grandfather in 1946, opting to build on an empty lot rather than buy one of the houses made available due to the wartime internment of Japanese Americans. The home is currently occupied by an older white couple, and Jimmie often laments to Mont about how the couple doesn't take care of the house, while doing his best to maintain it himself. One day, Jimmie and Mont visit the house only to find the woman crying on her husband's shoulder and movers taking the couple's things. They learn from a mover that the woman's mother died and that she and her sister are now fighting over the house.
Jimmie and Mont visit a realtor to inquire about the home. The realtor is not aware of the current situation, but is very familiar with the house. He tells them it "sounds like an estate thing" in which case the home might stay empty for years while the sisters fight over it. They use this opportunity to visit the now-vacant house, finally free to explore the house in its entirety. Deciding to take up residence in the house, the pair visits Jimmie's aunt Wanda, who gives them the furniture that she and the family had when living there. Jimmie and Mont ride back to the home with the help of Wanda's husband, Ricky. They unpack the items, displaying them throughout the house.
One night, Mont invites Kofi, a childhood friend of Jimmie's and his, to the house, and the three enjoy a night of relaxation. However, the next day, Kofi says hurtful things to Jimmie about his father in order to appear dominant after being called "effeminate" by his friends. Jimmie and Mont later learn from Kofi's friends that Kofi has been killed by a man with whom he had a scuffle. Upon returning to the house, the pair finds that their possessions have been thrown out and left on the sidewalk. They also discover a sign posted by Clayton Newsom, the realtor they'd visited earlier. Feeling betrayed, Jimmie retaliates by placing all of the furniture back inside. He also visits another realtor in an unsuccessful attempt to purchase the home. Mont, however, goes back to Newsom, who reveals that the house wasn't built by Jimmie's grandfather; Newsom has the deed proving that it was actually built in the 1850s.
Mont writes a play about the aftermath of Kofi's death, and Jimmie advertises that it will be performed in the "witch hat" of the house. On the day of the performance, Jimmie's estranged father shows. During the performance, Mont shows various social media posts about Kofi's death, all of which prove, he proclaims, that these people never really knew Kofi. He asks various people in the crowd to recount their opinions of Kofi, including Jimmie, who says that even though the last things Kofi said to him were quite mean, his experience with Kofi in a group home was friendly, saying that "people aren't one thing". Mont then confronts Jimmie with the truth that Jimmie's grandfather did not build the house. This angers Jimmie, who storms out, followed by the rest of the play's audience.
Jimmie reunites with Mont at the dock, admitting that he'd known all along that his grandfather hadn't built the house. He watches TV with Mont and Grandpa Allen before going to bed. Mont wakes up and finds Jimmie gone, with a note saying he "didn't know how to say goodbye" and thanking Mont for being his best friend. Mont is left alone, and while he continues various activities that the two always shared, they no longer bring him the same joy when done alone. He stands alone on the dock, staring into the distance. Jimmie is far away, rowing in the water outside the Golden Gate Bridge.
Hank Pavlik (James Brolin) is the head of a ranch in Montana while his daughter Kelly (Cindy Busby) is an assistant professor at Montana State University who is a hopeless romantic. One day, a solicitor named Mr. Grimsby (Howard Crossley) arrives to deliver Hank the news that involves them having to go to Merania. When they arrive, they learn that Hank is the heir to the crown of Merania after a relative of theirs named King Viktor had died. As Kelly persuades her father to take the title, she meets the royal stable boy named Alex (Andrew Cooper). Hank helps to improve Merania when the neighboring kingdom of Angosia led by King Nikolas (Lachlan Nieboer) plans to claim ownership of Merania if Hank is not into remaining its king as it was mentioned that Merania and Angosia used to be one country centuries ago.
The comedy follows the activities of four grandmothers whose lives seem normal and unremarkable. After they accidentally kill a sleazy insurance agent, a con man whom the insurance agent owed money to, comes looking for his money. Things go from bad to worse when the four grandmas go to work covering up the crime and trying to outwit the con man.
''Hectic Knife'' is a meta-homage-parody of super-hero genre films, in the vein of ''Airplane!'' and ''Not Another Teen Movie''. The film is a deconstruction of the generic character-types and origin-story tropes of big-budget Hollywood movies featuring dark and brooding anti-hero/vigilantes, such as ''Batman'' and ''The Punisher''. In an interview with Film Threat, DeLiso listed some of the influences, which included ''Assault on Precinct 13'' and ''Scanners'', ''Kill Bill'', Marvel and DC comic book movies, ''Clerks'', ''Indiana Jones'' and ''Star Wars''.
When Rolf Rauchensteiner, patriarch of a rich Viennese dynasty, discovers that he will die soon unless he receives a new liver, he decides that his inheritance will go to whoever finds him a new liver. This creates havoc in the dysfunctional family, as everyone scrambles to find a liver and the head doctor who could help him refuses to do so. There are also other issues, since his wife Liane is having affairs with both her stepson Zeno and the family doctor, his Jewish sister decides to sue for restitution and his daughter Jana is infatuated with his son Jakob. Over the course of the eight episodes, other storylines develop such as Jakob's girlfriend Kerstin being arrested for murder, Zeno gambling his wealth away and Rolf's assistant Brunner losing the trust of his wife Barbara.
The series is set in the backdrop of the film industry and involves two movie stars, two ex-lovers, and one gangster. How one incident sets up a chain of events in motion and interconnects the lives of all these characters, interspersed with murder is the intriguing crux of the narrative.
Fashionable metropolitan party-goer, "seller of happiness" Plato, earns money by finding the most beautiful girls in Russia on all sorts of castings and offers them to rich people who are willing to pay a large sum of money for a girl. Due to his attractive appearance and outstanding intellectual abilities, Plato always achieves his goal, until one day he meets Lyuba, a saleswoman in a fashion store. A romance develops between them but one of the most important clients of Plato, oligarch Abdul, asks him to arrange a meeting with Lyuba. Plato offers Lyuba a deal – both in order to make money and to satisfy Abdul, and she accepts. Lyuba's meeting with Abdul takes place where she sets her condition - the murder of one person, namely, Plato. Abdul agrees to satisfy this whim of the girl, but later Lyuba disowns this idea. Lyuba marries Abdul, becomes one of his wives and moves to his house in London.
Plato continues to do his job, wheeling the city in search of promising girls, but can not forget Lyuba. And one day he decides to find Abdul and goes to visit him, where he finds Lyuba, who is perfectly happy and does have any romantic feelings for him.
The movie revolves around a typical Pakistani family living in Toronto, Canada. The story revolves around the main lead Shayan khan who plays the role of Shahid in the film. Shahid's girlfriend Ayesha accidentally marries the older brother Mikaal Zulfiqar on paper while she is married via Muslim Nikkah Rituals with the younger brother. The second lead Nayab Khan who plays the role of Zoya is Mikaal Zulfiqar's real girlfriend in the movie. Mikaal Zulfiqar and debutante Shayan Khan are playing the roles of brothers while Ali Kazmi is playing a villain who is also in love with Anzhelika Tahir (Aisha).
The protagonist is a successful businessman and an ingenious womanizer who is well-versed in women's psychology. To earn a promotion, he comes into contact with a dangerous businessman with a criminal past, but during negotiations, not keeping his temper, easily seduces his girlfriend, and coming out of her place in the morning, comes across the driver's chauffeur. He faces grave danger if he fails to secure an alibi in the form of a bride.
As described in a film magazine, on a hot summer day Friend Husband (Lane) invests in a camping outfit to be hitched to his trusty automobile and prepares to get his wife Tootsie (Vaughn) and go away for a little vacation. When he arrives home, he discovers that her mother (Thatcher) has collected her brood and come to pay a visit. They all immediately pile into the car and start off for a nice cool place in the country, leaving the husband to walk behind them. The camping outfit has every convenience and is worked by push buttons. While Tootsie, her mother, and the rest of the family are enjoying the outing, Friend Husband is left with all of the work. The mischievous younger brother of the wife insists on playing with the buttons and beds, chairs, and tables that work off hinges swing wildly through the air. Later, a band of robbers attack them, but Friend Husband finally captures them all and receives an award. Through this he gains the respect of his Mother-in-law and the renewed assurances of his wife's affection.
Innoktentiy is a loser who lives in a rented apartment with a drug addict, Kondratiev. Kesha works for his uncle, the magician-charlatan. His uncle fires him, and the landlady wants to get rid of them, there is no money except the last twenty rubles. However, Kesha falls in love with the young and daring journalist Alisa. But he is just an information source for her and nothing more. When wandering aimlessly along the lanes of night Moscow, Kesha gets a gift - to pass through walls, from the vagabond, who begs for his last twenty rubles. Now he can take food without opening a refrigerator, get into the apartments of the most unexpected people, he instantly grows rich. But wealth can not give him Alisa. Kesha goes to the most inconceivable tricks, but all his adventures prove that no supernatural abilities in love can help.
In despair, he climbs onto the Ostankino tower and breaks off with her in front of Alice. She falls unconscious and gets to the hospital, and Kesha gets off with a slight fright. In the hospital, Kesha learns that his little friend Sasha, whom he often visited, is very sick. An operation for $150,000 is required. He brings money for the treatment of the girl, and then Alisa realizes that she loves him.
In the early 1960s, a naive teenager from Kansas moves to Los Angeles, where he falls in love with a former prostitute.
In Dublin, college students Frances (the narrator) and her best friend and ex-girlfriend Bobbi are noticed by Melissa, an essayist and photographer in her late thirties, when they are performing spoken-word poetry. Melissa invites them home, where they meet her husband, Nick, an actor. Their four lives become increasingly entangled as Frances begins an affair with Nick, and Bobbi and Melissa grow closer.
In 2005, Korean War veteran and famous horticulturalist Earl Stone misses his daughter Iris's wedding so he can receive a lifetime award celebrating his professional accomplishments. Enraged that her father once again chose his career over her, Iris stops speaking to him and his wife Mary files for divorce.
Twelve years later, Earl visits his granddaughter Ginny to attend her wedding rehearsal, not telling his family that the only reason he's there is because his flower farming business has gone bankrupt, and his home has just been foreclosed on by the bank. While there, he is spotted by a member of a drug cartel who had been tipped off by one of Earl's former employees as to his financial problems. Earl accepts the gangster's offer and becomes a "mule", transporting cocaine through Illinois for the cartel.
Facing little suspicion due to his age, race, spotless criminal history, and strict adherence to driving laws, Earl is soon entrusted with huge amounts of drugs, the delivery of which earns him thousands of dollars. Over time, Earl gets more involved with the cartel and becomes one of their best mules. With the money he buys a new truck, buys back his home, and even pays for badly needed renovations on behalf of the local VFW post (which had been damaged in a fire). Earl even pays for Ginny's wedding and tuition so she can attend college.
Meanwhile, Special Agent Colin Bates moves to the Chicago DEA office and is assigned Agent Trevino as his partner. They are tasked with narrowing in on the cartel's deliveries to Chicago. Bates and Trevino find an informant from within the cartel and start looking for their most profitable driver, ''Tata'' (grandfather). The head of the cartel, Laton, is overjoyed with Earl's success and invites him to a party. Earl mistakenly believes that the cartel considers him their friend. Things take a turn for the worse when Laton is assassinated and replaced by another gangster, Gustavo. Gustavo is more bloodthirsty and controlling than Laton and demands Earl be kept under tighter control.
In the middle of a $12 million cocaine shipment, Earl winds up in a diner with Bates. Neither man recognizes the other, and the elderly Earl gives Bates advice to try and mend fences with his wife and not make the mistakes Earl has made. Earl then leaves to conclude the delivery of the shipment but then gets a call from Ginny, who informs him that Mary is gravely ill. Earl initially tells Ginny there's nothing he can do until she rebukes him for his perceived lack of care. Earl relents and disobeys Gustavo, making peace with Mary and staying with her in her final moments. Mary dies peacefully days later. After attending the funeral and finally reconciling with Iris and the rest of his family, Earl resumes the delivery as both the DEA and the cartel close in on him.
The cartel's enforcers catch him and upon discovering that he disobeyed them to care for his wife, they call Gustavo to request leniency. Gustavo agrees to this demand and allows Earl to continue. Earl proceeds to the drop point but the DEA agents finally catch up and arrest him; Bates has a pleasant aside with Earl before sending him away. In court, Earl's lawyer starts to give an impassioned plea, asking for mercy for Earl due to his age and military service. However, a clearly guilt-ridden Earl interrupts her to plead guilty to all charges and is promptly sent to federal prison. His family lend him their support and promise to visit him. In prison, he returns to horticulture.
Lloyd Douglas turns up to a town in Florida and gets work as a diver. He works for Captain Briacos.
The movie is set in the near future where "time jaunting" (time travel) is possible for the very rich. Time shifts that result from these time jumps are commonplace, and whole industries have risen up to help people store their memories.
At the beginning of the movie Nick Mikkelsen, an architect, is married to Janine, a photographer. They seem happy, but after being struck by the third time shift in a year, Nick starts to feel something's off. He suspects they previously had a dog, whereas now they have a cat. He blames the shifting on Janine's ex-husband Tommy (also a college friend of Nick's) who he thinks is changing the past to get Janine back. Janine is no longer in love with Tommy but she is getting annoyed with Nick's obsession with him. Nick goes to see Tommy to "catch up" but also to find out if he's been messing with the past. Tommy doesn't reveal if he is, but says he wishes things had gone differently in his marriage. Nick starts to store his memories in one of the memory companies in preparation for future time shifts. Nick's sister Zoe tells Nick that her partner Sabila died in a rock climbing accident.
Nick tells Janine he's gone to see Tommy but then he discovers she also went to see him. After being mad at each other for a few days, Nick asks Janine to go away with him, to just keep traveling until there are no places left. She agrees, but as they are leaving, a huge time shift flows over them. Nick suddenly finds himself driving in a car, alone. He immediately tries to call Janine, who isn't in his contact list, and he can't find her by her maiden name either. A few minutes later, Janine calls Nick, and tells him they were married and had a cat, but can't remember where they lived. She says she's been with Tommy for nine years. So Tommy was successful in changing the past. Nick lets his car take him to his home, and he is now married to Alex. Alex can sense that Nick is different, but over time he seems to "remember" their life together, and we see him saying the same sweet things to Alex that he'd said to Janine. Zoe tells Nick that her partner Sabila is alive again, but later admits that she actually had died, but she paid all her money to time jaunt and change the past so Sabila wouldn't go rock climbing that day.
Nick decides to time jaunt to a time 13 years prior in an effort to make things right. In the past, he tells Tommy that he's breaking up with Alex, and persuades him to go after her. He leaves a note for himself in the past, saying Alex has fallen in love with Tommy, and not to worry but he'll find the person he's meant to be with, and he'll know her just by looking at her.
Nick comes back to the present to find he lives alone, and apparently he's been very withdrawn. Zoe calls Tommy, who calls Nick and convinces him to attend a party. Everyone there says they're happy at how everything has turned out for all of them, and that they've missed Nick. As Nick goes to leave, he sees Janine, there as a photographer for the party. Their eyes meet, and something inside of both of them knows: there is something between them. Nick turns to leave again, but he stops himself. The movie ends.
Teenagers Stella Grant and Will Newman have cystic fibrosis (CF), a progressive genetic disorder that damages organs and makes patients vulnerable to infections. Because of their compromised immune systems, patients with CF should not get closer to each other than six feet. Stella, who copes with her illness by trying to maintain control of her daily regimen, takes her medication religiously and follows doctors' orders precisely. Will, a cynical rebel whose prognosis is grim, is much more lackadaisical, an attitude that frustrates the meticulous Stella. Will has contracted B. Cepacia, and is part of a new drug trial, but the infection makes him ineligible for a lung transplant. Stella has been on the transplant list for a long time. When she discovers that Will is not doing his treatments, she tries to help him. In return, Will only asks her for permission to draw a picture of her. Will begins to watch Stella's social media videos. Over time, they begin doing their treatments together. Will and Stella fall in love, but can't get closer than six feet of each other.
Stella's G-tube becomes infected, and she has to undergo surgery to get it replaced. Will deduces that Stella's sister Abby, who unfailingly cared for Stella, died from a botched daredevil stunt one year ago. Because Abby is dead, Stella must face the operation alone, while wracked with survivor's guilt. After learning of Abby's death, Will shows up to care for Stella, and he sings her the song Abby always sang to her before surgery.
As Will leaves Stella's surgical prep room, he is caught by nurse Barb. Barb tells him a story about two people with CF who died after they fell in love and broke the six-feet rule, contaminating each other. Will realizes he loves Stella too much to endanger her, so he tells her he can't see her anymore. Stella becomes upset and angry, but eventually plans to meet Will. She decides to take back one foot that CF has stolen from her, and carries a pool cue that measures exactly five feet so she can keep precisely that far away from Will.
On Will's birthday, Stella's best friend Poe, another CF patient, dies. As an act of rebellion against CF, the two decide to leave the hospital to visit the lights that Stella could see from her hospital room, as Stella has long dreamed of doing.
While away from the hospital, Stella receives a text that her lung transplant is en route, which she ignores. She falls through the ice of a frozen pond as she and Will leave to go back to the hospital. She struggles but is near death when Will reaches into the water and pulls her out. Even though saliva contact is very dangerous for two people with CF, he gives her CPR to save her life. Stella survives, and Will and Stella are brought back to the hospital. Will fears that CPR he gave her may have infected her with ''B. cepacia'', but Stella's lung transplant goes smoothly, and miraculously, she has not contracted ''B. cepacia''.
Meanwhile, Will finds out that the drug trial he has been on has not been working for him. While Stella is still under anesthesia following the transplant, her parents, Will's mother, and the nurses and doctors help Will set up the lights outside of Stella's room. After realizing he would likely infect her, Will decides to say a final goodbye to Stella and confesses his love for her. Before he leaves, he gives her his sketchbook of drawings he had done of her and her friends during their stay in the hospital.
In the center of the film is the manager Petya Starikov, who works at a giant chocolate factory "Marz". When a car is stolen from him, he simultaneously turns for help in the search to bandits, to the traffic police, and to the district police station. Everyone fleeces money from Pyotr for searching for the car, but in fact, no one does anything. And at work, Pyotr gets a promotion: the foreign owner of the factory suddenly makes him the head of an advertising project. Until the end of the month, Pyotr should create a new concept for advertising chocolate bars. Pyotr accidentally finds his car himself, but in a completely broken state. The police accused Pyotr of stealing his car and in order to remove this accusation from him, Pyotr agrees to give away the bandits whom he asked for help in finding the car. The fuss around the car does not let Pyotr seriously concentrate on his work and by the end, exhausted by the problems, he tells the owner of the company that the dream of an ideal commercial is unrealizable.
Legends tell of a mighty thunder dragon called Naezith who once roamed the lands. It was said that after his death, remnants of the dragon's body that still held immense power were slowly dispersed far and wide across the world by natural events. Although dead, Naezith's soul didn't want to share the power he still considered his own; and so his soul remained seeking a way to purge the remnants of his magic. A millennium passed and an adventurer named Kayra heard rumors of one of these fabled remnants lying within a cave. Kayra found the cave and began to descend, using a rope and hook to detect the full extent of the cave's depths, but the hook was old and breaks. Kayra fell into what seemed like an endless pit. He awoke, terrified, and found two glowing claws that had magically bonded to his hands. Crazed with terror, he swung his arms wildly to try and shake the claws free, but the spell would not break. Instead, the claw shot forth, planting itself firmly into the stone wall. From the point it was embedded, a glowing beam had linked the dispatched claws back to his shaking hands, reminding Kayra of his once sturdy hook. And with a sudden flash, Naezith's soul appeared to Kayra and began to spin a tale of his predicament. Naezith told Kayra that he needed a corporeal body to achieve his ancient plans. Lured by the promise of endless treasure, Kayra accepted the Dragon soul's offer to assume control of his body, to use his powers, and to begin his plot to purge the ''Remnants of Naezith.''
American detective Steve Marshall goes to Sao Paulo, Brazil, in search of fugitive murderess Louise Dunning. Marshall contacts Louise and she explains that she murdered her husband in self-defense. Meanwhile, Marshall stumbles upon a counterfeiting ring and becomes a suspect. He unwittingly helps the police set a trap to catch the gang and, after a double-cross, the criminals are captured. Louise decides to remain in Brazil.
The film tells about the sister of mercy, who, together with her fiancé, goes to war.
Three teens living in LA, all victims of extreme childhoods, wreak a hedonistic riot across the city over the course of 48 hours, unbound by societal norms. They take us on a rip-roaring ride of drugs and murder across Los Angeles.
Mandy, a 16-year old girl, receives text messages from her friends about a video that has gone viral. In the video, she is obviously unconscious. Her pants have been pulled down and she is surrounded by a group of chuckling boys. She remembers none of this. As she seeks to find out what happened, she is ostracized.
Vietnam war hero (Christopher George), accused of murdering his brother, recruits his socialite girlfriend (Tippi Hedren) to hunt for the real killer.
''Kitty Is Not a Cat'' follows the story of a little girl called Kitty who has a big imagination who feels like she can be anything she wants, even a cat. Kitty arrives at a house full of partying felines, who suddenly find their lives turned upside down. They attempt to teach Kitty how to be a human when she actually prefers to live her life as a cat.
In ''Christodora'', Tim Murphy tells the story of diverse characters living in an iconic building in Manhattan's East Village, the Christodora.
Milly and Jared, with their adopted son Mateo, live unexpected experiences with their neighbor Hector, a former AIDS activist and a current addict.
There are radical changes that occur in their personal lives and community: first, the 2000s hipsters rising after the 1980s junkies and protestors, then the emergence of the wealthy residents of the 2020s.
This time travelling novel illustrates the difficult human experiences behind AIDS and puts the destructive power of hard drugs under the spotlight.
Mr. Gregory (Edmund Lowe) is a famous but reclusive magician. Through secret study over several years, he has developed certain occult powers. Under the right circumstances, he can influence the thoughts of others. He also can put his body into a kind of suspended animation to give the appearance that he is dead.
Amateur magician John Randall (Don Douglas) is a great admirer of Mr. Gregory and makes an effort to meet and befriend him. Mr. Gregory, however, quickly becomes obsessed with Randall's beautiful wife, Ellen (Jean Rogers). He concocts an elaborate scheme to fake his own murder, frame Randall for the crime and win Ellen for himself. At first his plot seems to work perfectly, but he arouses the suspicions of some people he had expected to fool.
In a trip to the coast of Southern Brazil, the friends Martin and Tomaz are united in the task that Martin has; seek documents requested by the father, which are with relatives who reside on the coast. Enclosed during the weekend in a small town in the winter, the two young men seek to reconnect their old friendship and end up making new discoveries.
After experiencing a personal tragedy with his girlfriend relating to abortion, Dr. Bernard Nathanson (Nick Loeb) becomes a strong abortion advocate to make sure no woman has to go through what she went through. Together with journalist Larry Lader (Jamie Kennedy), they fight to legalize abortion across the country. Fighting against the anti-abortion lobby headed by Dr. Mildred Jefferson (Stacey Dash), the decision ends up in the U.S. Supreme Court leading to a verdict on abortion.
Molly, a movie actress, and Abby are best friends who have planned to spend a quiet Thanksgiving together. Molly is mom to a five-month old baby boy and is going through a divorce, while Abby, who came out as lesbian when she was 29 years old, has spent the past year getting over being dumped by her first girlfriend.
What was supposed to be a low-key holiday with just the two of them becomes a large dinner party after Molly invites her fling boyfriend, Jeff, to stay for dinner, as well as her and Abby's mutual friend Lauren with her husband and children. Meanwhile, Lauren invites a few single lesbians to the party to help Abby find a new love interest and start dating again.
Molly's estranged mother, Helen, also arrives unannounced from Sweden to stay with her, mend mother-daughter fences, and acquaint herself with her grandchild. Unbeknownst to Molly, Helen has invited Gunnar, a former boyfriend of Molly who stayed in touch with Helen through Facebook.
Other surprise friends and guests also arrive, including Claire, a recently-certified shaman who identifies as a "shawoman", Rick and his new wife Brianne who cannot speak audibly due to Botox injections, and Gus, a gay man whose brother has been missing for seven years.
Oscar is an aspirational young actor living with his friend and fellow-thespian Charlie. Their twenty-something friendship dynamic is put under strain when Charlie lands a part in a Shakespeare play while Oscar endures a succession of less-than-glamorous role offers and a part-time job as a door-to-door paid fundraiser. Oscar's family life is depicted as unstable and competitive while his love life puts his friendship under more strain as a potential girlfriend chooses the consistently fortunate Charlie over him. Rejecting the support and romantic advances from his friend Sophie casts Oscar in a dim light although his efforts to assist a local shop keeper clean up his store after an attack by vandals acts as a meaningful act of redemption. Oscar and Charlie decide to move out of the shared flat although and in doing so may save their friendship. It is left open ended as to whether Oscar will continue acting having been typecast as the 'chubby funny' sort which he is initially resentful of although the film ends with a job offer.
An elderly wanderer, a sexy young girl running away from home and a folk singer looking for stardom hitch-hike their way cross-country, trying to get to California.
The series follows Makoto Kikuchi, the daughter of a grocery shop owner who has no experience in voice acting or acting. Her life changes when she is scouted to be a voice actress, which leads her to live in a dorm with four other newcomers: Ryōko Ochiai, a former child actress, Ren Inaba, a fan of the ''PreCure'' franchise, Asami Kuriyama, who Makoto later considers to be her rival, and Konatsu Morimoto, who originally hails from Kansai. The series depicts their journey of becoming voice actors, showing their voice acting lessons and other events in their lives.