The film takes place on the last night of the Russian Empire. The film intertwines the fate of the family of the capitalist Leontief and the worker Zakharkin, whose children are involved in organizing the worker's uprising.
Six researchers visit the Arctic. When they unpack the cargo, they find another man - Petr Moliboga, with whom they will survive the winter.
Cute coach Gregory falls in love with his athlete Irina and this is mutual. Grigory dreams of fame, and Irina in turn wants to give him a son.
Rex is the Queen's favourite corgi and lives a life of luxury with three other corgi companions in Buckingham Palace. On a visit made by President Donald Trump with his wife Melania Trump and their own dog Mitzi, the Queen suggests that perhaps one of her own corgis might prove to be a suitable mate for Mitzi, who chooses Rex, who is not pleased at all at the prospect of becoming mates with Mitzi. After Rex evades her multiple times, Mitzi eventually chases him into the dining hall where he accidentally bites the president, deeply angering the Queen.
Rex, feeling ashamed of embarrassing the Queen, is consoled by Charlie, another of the Queen's corgis who is secretly jealous of Rex's position. Luring him outside the palace with the false promise that the Pope in the Vatican is looking for dogs, Charlie disposes Rex's collar and leads him to a stream with the intention of drowning him.
Rex is then saved by a man who takes him to a dog shelter. There, Rex's mannerisms at first alienate him from the other dogs, but after some time he soon makes friends and also falls in love with Wanda, a fellow inmate. Initially wary of Rex, she soon also develops feelings for him. This raises the ire of Tyson, a former fighting dog, who also has feelings for Wanda and runs the kennel. Rex eventually convinces the other dogs to join forces against Tyson and together they manage to defeat him.
Alongside his new friends and Wanda, Rex returns to the palace; however, the guards do not recognise him and throw him out of the palace as Charlie has managed to convince the Queen that Rex was killed by foxes. Still, with the help of his friends, Rex sneaks inside the palace where everybody tries to prevent Charlie from becoming top dog. However, Charlie manages to trap Rex and Wanda inside a fire. With help from Rex, Wanda manages to escape the fire and rallies her friends in time to save Rex from the burning rubble.
The Queen, alerted by the ruckus, is overjoyed when she finds Rex alive and well and is about to return the honour of being the Top Dog to him. However, Rex refuses as he values his love for Wanda more than his position of Top Dog. Thus, he leaves the position to Charlie, who, as a result of becoming Top Dog, is forced to marry Mitzi and move to America while Rex continues to live at the palace with his new friends.
Teen Natasha Kingsley lives in New York City with her parents Samuel and Patricia, and her brother Peter, all of whom are illegally in the country. Natasha and her family are set to be deported back to Jamaica. The day before her family must leave, Natasha goes to the immigration office and makes a tearful plea for her parents’ case. Lester Barnes, the Immigration Case Worker, gives Natasha the contact info for Jeremy Martinez, who can do pro bono work for her case. Natasha contacts Mr. Martinez’s office and, after pleading, is told she can meet with him for 15 minutes during his lunch break.
Daniel Bae is preparing for an interview for Yale. While getting ready, he writes “Deus ex Machina” into his notebook. He comes from a Korean family, and his parents Dae Hyun and Min Soo encourage him to pursue a career as a doctor. His brother, Charles, is dismissive and rude to him.
Daniel and his friend Omar get on the subway into the same subway car as Natasha, and the train stalls. The conductor reassures the passengers over the speakers that everything is fine and begins telling a story about a friend who missed a train and, had he been on time that day, would have died in the 9/11 attacks since he worked at the World Trade Center. The conductor tells the passengers to “open your heart to destiny.” When Daniel and Omar get off at Grand Central Station, Daniel notices Natasha staring at the ceiling of Grand Central’s main lobby. He also notices her jacket, which reads “Deus ex machina,” a phrase he had been thinking about that morning. Daniel decides to go after her.
Daniel sees a car crash into a cyclist and narrowly saves Natasha from being hit. She is shaken, so they go somewhere to sit and talk. Natasha asks Daniel about his notebook, which he says is filled with poetry. Natasha dismisses the love poems and says she doesn’t believe in love. Daniel proposes he can make her fall in love with him in a day. Daniel gets a call saying his interview has been moved to the next day. Daniel tells Natasha about a love experiment in which couples ask each other a series of intimate questions and stare into each other’s eyes in silence for four minutes. They agree to answer several questions from the study.
Daniel escorts Natasha to Jeremy’s office, which they realize is in the same building where Daniel is set to have his interview. Natasha is told by Jeremy’s assistant that he got hit by a car while biking (the same car that almost hit Natasha) and is in the hospital, so their meeting is pushed to 4:30. Natasha continues to hang out with Daniel.
The two stop at a black haircare shop owned by Daniel’s parents, Daniel is embarrassed by his brother Charles, who belittles Daniel and Natasha, and Daniel’s father, who offers Natasha relaxers for her hair to make it “less big.” They go to a planetarium and a Korean karaoke bar, where Daniel sings “Crimson and Clover” to Natasha. Natasha imagines a life with her and Daniel together and they share their first kiss. Natasha remembers her appointment with Jeremy and rushes out of the karaoke bar upset. When Daniel chases after her, she reveals her family’s deportation. She goes to her meeting with Jeremy Martinez, who offers to set up a new trial for her parents’ case for the next day.
Daniel goes back to his parents’ shop, where he gets into a fight with Charles. After Daniel leaves, Natasha enters the shop and asks Charles for Daniel’s number. After seeing that she really likes Daniel, Charles gives her Daniel’s number. Natasha and Daniel reunite and take the cable car to Roosevelt Island, where they spend the night outside together.
The next morning, Daniel interviews for Dartmouth with Jeremy Martinez in his office. When Natasha barges in to ask about the verdict on her case, they realize that Daniel’s interviewer is Natasha’s lawyer. Jeremy tells Natasha that her case was rejected, and she and her family are still required to leave the country that day. When Natasha angrily leaves Jeremy’s office, Daniel cuts the interview short to go after her. He walks her home and meets her family before they head to the airport.
At the airport, Daniel and Natasha complete the last part of the experiment and maintain direct eye contact for four minutes without speaking. While they are staring, Natasha is shown returning to Jamaica and going to school, while Daniel attends Hunter College instead and works in a restaurant. The four minutes end and Natasha tells Daniel she loves him. He tearfully says his experiment worked.
Five years later, Natasha has returned to New York on her way to San Francisco for grad school. She meets Jeremy in the same coffee shop that she went to with Daniel. She catches up with him and learns that Jeremy married the doctor who treated him for his bicycle crash on the day they met. Natasha asks him about Daniel, but Jeremy says he hasn’t seen him since the interview. After Jeremy leaves, Natasha prepares to leave and hears Daniel’s voice in the coffee shop, preparing to read a poem. She turns around to see Daniel. Daniel asks to spend time with Natasha, who tells him she has only an hour. They kiss.
The story begins with Amor (Jodi Sta. Maria), a nursing student whose dream was to become a chef. She was a scholar of Buena Mines, a mining company owned by the Buenavista family, in the town of Punta Verde. To aid her family with expenses, she cooks and sells food to generate income. She frequently sells her food at the Buena Mines corporate offices, where Eduardo (Ian Veneracion), the eldest Buenavista son, works.
Amor confronts Eduardo regarding the mining of her hometown that kills workers and is afraid that more people, including her father, would be casualties. Amor and Eduardo then develop a friendship that turns into romance, much to his younger brother, Diego's (Bernard Palanca), despair. Meanwhile, Doña Benita Buenavista (Pilar Pilapil) refuses to accept Amor and Eduardo's relationship. She forces Eduardo to marry Claudia Salameda (Angelica Panganiban), the illegitimate child of the incumbent governor of Punta Verde for business purposes.
Claudia has lived with her physically impaired mother and was joyous of having to marry Eduardo for a better life, even though she is in love with Simon (Alex Medina). She promises Simon that she will continue seeing him once she is married. Eduardo refuses to marry Claudia, and Diego puts himself forward to marry Claudia instead for the family. Claudia becomes upset and consummates her love with Simon — Eduardo consummates with Amor.
After publicly announcing the engagement of Eduardo and Claudia without knowledge and consent, Amor becomes heartbroken. Diego rushes to her side. He visits her constantly to explain that his brother was not at fault. One day, he picks her up from school and insists that he just wants to comfort her. He becomes drunk, admits that he has always been in love with her and rapes her. Meanwhile, Claudia has followed the two and witnessed the entire scene, not stopping Diego.
Diego is put to prison and is influenced by his mother not to tell Eduardo the truth. Desperate not to be jailed, Diego insists Amor was lying and he did not rape her. Amor goes to Eduardo against her father, Pepe's (Boboy Garovillo), and best friend, Betty Mae's (Erika Padilla), wishes. She asks him if he believes her. Eduardo, hurt by his previous relationship, could not make up his mind. However, during his engagement party, he realized that he could not leave Amor and rushes to her house to beg her to forgive him only to find out that he was too late. The de Jesus family no longer lived there, unknown to him that his mother, Doña Benita, evicted Amor and her family from the town.
Amor learns she is pregnant. She lives a quiet life with her family and daughter named Maria Amor. She leaves Maria Amor to her stepmother, Chayong (Sharmaine Suarez), Pepe, stepbrother Lester (Jess Mendoza), and younger sister Neneth (Kimberly Fulgar), and goes to Hong Kong as a caregiver to fulfill her dream of giving her family a stable life.
The Buenavistas' mining company, now managed by Claudia Buenavista, has been mining in Talimpao, the town where Amor's family now resides. Claudia refuses to listen to the warnings of dangers of the mine and forces the miners to work — causing a landslide to occur. The landslide kills Amor's entire family — except her daughter, Maria Amor, who has been saved by a lowly policeman, Francisco Macaspac (Ronnie Lazaro). She is named "Yna" by the policeman, after noticing the broken necklace she wore — "Yna", originally "Ynamorata", a gift of promise from Eduardo to Amor.
Maria Amor was misidentified by Betty Mae when she saw the dead bodies of Amor's stepmother and her neighbor, Irma's (Rubi Rubi), daughter. She tells Amor that her entire family has died. Amor returns to the Philippines and also to the now-ruined Talimpao, swearing that one day she will avenge all that has happened to her family.
Twenty years later, Maria Amor — now Yna Macaspac (Kathryn Bernardo), is as kindhearted and hard working as her biological mother, Amor. The Macaspac family that adopted her is poor but good mannered.
Eduardo, who is now the governor of Punta Verde, and Claudia have two children: Angelo (Daniel Padilla) and Lia (Andrea Brillantes). Fate brings Yna to Angelo.
Just like her mother, Amor, Yna's passion is cooking. She works a chef in Angelo's restaurant, Casa Corazon. Angelo's restaurant gives Yna scholarship to properly study. Soon Angelo and Yna fall in love — and despite Claudia's attempts to ruin and sabotage Yna — fights for their love together.
Meanwhile, Amor returns to the Philippines from the United States as Amor Powers, a widow of a wealthy but abusive American businessman named James Powers (uncredited). Amor has returned to avenge the death of her family by destroying the Buenavistas, which unwittingly will hurt her own daughter, Yna, in the process. An all-out war begins between Amor Powers and Claudia Buenavista.
In a small German village near the Rhine river, a nearby boarding school is plagued by a series of grisly murders of its female students every full moon. Locals in the area blame the killings on a legendary water spirit known as The Lorelei, which is said to reside in a grotto beneath the Rhine river, and transform from a beautiful woman into a reptilian monster that hungers for human blood every full moon. As the murders continue, an experienced hunter named Sigurd is hired by boarding school teacher Elke Ackerman to guard the school. Sigurd sets a 9 o clock curfew on all the boarding school's residents, during which all the windows and doors are to be locked and no one is to leave the school grounds during that time.
One night while patrolling the school grounds, Sigurd encounters a mysterious cloaked woman who runs off after noticing him. Later that night, while bathing in a nearby lake, Sigurd once again encounters the mysterious woman but is unable to catch her. In his search for the woman, he encounters Professor Von Lander who has been studying the creature for some time. Taking him back to his lab, Lander reveals to Sigurd that the Lorelei can transform into a monster by the light of the full moon. Lander also reveals that he made an irradiated dagger that is capable of reverting the Lorelei back to its human form. Meanwhile a small hunting party is slaughtered by the creature. It's revealed that the mysterious woman stalking Sigurd is the Lorelei, however Sigurd has fallen under Lorelei's spell and refuses to believe that she's responsible for the murders. While under Lorelei's influence, Sigurd accidentally reveals Von Lander's involvement.
Lorelei, along with her human servant Alberic, murder Von Lander and destroy his research in an effort to prevent anyone from stopping her. Sigurd, who has now come to believe that Lorelei is somehow responsible for the killings, later discovers an underwater cave while diving, which leads to a hidden temple inhabited by Lorelei, Alberic, and a hoard of feral women. Sigurd is soon discovered and captured. While Sigurd is restrained, a vengeance-driven Lorelei heads to the boarding school to murder Elke, after discovering Sigurd's feelings for her. One of the feral women manages to help Sigurd, freeing him and perishing along with the temple's inhabitants as the dynamite Sigurd had previously set goes off.
Arriving at the boarding house with the irradiated dagger, Sigurd manages to slay the murderous Lorelei before she is able to make Elke her next victim.
The musical opens on Broadway, where ''Eleanor!: The Eleanor Roosevelt Story'' is celebrating its opening night with its lead cast members Dee Dee Allen and Barry Glickman ("Changing Lives"). The musical is bashed by ''The New York Times'' because Dee Dee and Barry do not understand their characters since they are self-absorbed narcissists, resulting in the show closing on opening night. To improve their image, the actors decide to take up "a cause" to appear selfless. They team up with two other actors—Trent Oliver, a Juilliard School graduate down on his luck but who has just been cast in the non-Equity tour of ''Godspell'', and Angie Dickinson, a life-long chorus girl who just quit her job of 20 years in the musical ''Chicago'' after the producers never let her go on for the role of Roxie Hart- to find a cause that will make it look like they care. After searching on Twitter, they find Emma, a teenager from Indiana whose prom was cancelled by the Parent-Teacher Association because she wanted to bring her girlfriend. Seeing the opportunity, and some personal connection, the actors decide to go to Indiana to help ("Changing Lives (Reprise)").
Back in Indiana, Emma faces severe bullying, but she reminds herself to breathe and that not everyone is this cruel ("Just Breathe"). Mr. Hawkins, the school principal and Emma's ally, informs her that he has spoken to the state attorney and that he believes they have a chance to reinstate the prom. The school holds a meeting with the PTA to discuss reinstating the prom. As Emma and Mr. Hawkins begin to make progress, Dee Dee, Barry, Angie, and Trent barge in with protest signs to support Emma. Dee Dee reminds everyone what a good person she is for doing this while claiming that this isn't about her, humiliating Emma ("It's Not About Me"). After the meeting, it is revealed that the girl Emma wants to take to prom is Alyssa, a popular but closeted student and the daughter of Mrs. Greene, the head of the PTA. The two argue as Alyssa blames Emma for all the publicity around the prom but Emma reassures her that she didn't want this either and that she just wants to be with her ("Dance with You"). The actors attempt to hold a rally to inspire action for Emma but can only book the halftime show at a monster truck rally. They perform alongside the non-Equity tour cast of Godspell ("The Acceptance Song"). The performance is unsuccessful.
It is later learned that the state attorney ruled that the school must hold a prom. Emma thanks the actors, and Mr. Hawkins and Dee Dee go to Applebee's to celebrate. With the prom back on, students begin to "prompose" to each other. Emma officially asks Alyssa to this new prom and she agrees, promising to come out to be with her ("You Happened"). At Applebee's, Mr. Hawkins, a huge fan of Dee Dee's, tells her how much she inspires him ("We Look to You"). Barry helps Emma get ready for prom and reveals he didn't have the opportunity to go to prom either. Meanwhile, across town, other teens prepare for the prom as well ("Tonight Belongs to You"). As Emma waits outside the gym, she asks Barry to walk her in because she is nervous. As they enter, they realize that the gym is empty. Mr. Hawkins, who is inside desperately trying to resolve the issue, reveals that the PTA put on another prom across town and this one just for Emma, as required by the state attorney. Dee Dee panics that this fake prom will be bad press for her, which angers Mr. Hawkins as he learns about Dee Dee's true intentions. Emma calls Alyssa who tells her she knew nothing about the other prom. Emma asks her to come and be with her but she refuses to come out. Devastated, Emma runs out of the gym, asking all the actors to just go home.
Following the fake prom, the media frenzy around the whole event increases. The actors encourage Emma to step up and become the face of the story, but she is too scared. Angie encourages her by teaching her about zazz, sharing with her a story about Bob Fosse and the original production of ''Chicago'' ("Zazz"). Dee Dee returns to talk to Mr. Hawkins, who berates her for being so self-centered. She performs his favorite song to make it up to him and vows to begin thinking of others ("The Lady's Improving"). Trent decides that he may be able to change the minds of the youth of the town due to his small-town upbringing. He confronts a number of the students about how they and their families break the word of the Bible every day and how hypocritical they are being. He encourages them to follow "love thy neighbor" above all ("Love Thy Neighbor").
Alyssa meets with Emma to apologize, telling her about all the pressure her mother puts on her to be perfect and how she blames Alyssa for her father leaving. Emma is unable to accept her apology and they break up ("Alyssa Greene"). The actors book Emma a TV appearance, but she turns it down and tells them that she has her own plan to control the narrative and change minds. Convinced her plan will work and that they will be able to have a prom for everyone, Emma asks Barry to be her date so that he is finally able to fulfill his dream. Barry, overjoyed, agrees as he recounts his experience missing his own prom ("Barry Is Going to Prom"). Emma uploads a video of her singing with her guitar about her struggles and longing for acceptance, but how despite that she is proud of who she is and won't hide anymore. She inspires other members of the LGBTQ+ community in the area and across the country to comment on their support for her and how it has helped them ("Unruly Heart"). The video goes viral, inspiring the actors to plan an inclusive prom for Emma and all the LGBTQ+ kids across the state. The actors want Emma to finally have a prom but the school doesn't have the money for it.
The actors all donate, including Dee Dee, who turns over her American Express Black card. The PTA is furious over the possibility of a new prom but the students voice their support for an inclusive prom, thanks to Trent's efforts to change their minds. The students suggest Trent stay in Indiana and become their drama teacher. Alyssa comes out to her mother in front of the school, confessing her love for Emma. Mrs. Greene is reluctant to accept Alyssa as she is, but Barry steps in, saying if she doesn't accept Alyssa, she is going to lose her. She is devastated but begins to become more open and agrees to listen to her daughter. The PTA backs down, and quickly makes plans for a new prom, while Dee Dee and Barry question what "success" is. The school puts on this more inclusive prom and LGBTQ+ couples from the area attend, along with the straight couples of James Madison High School. Emma and Alyssa finally get their dance and share a kiss ("It's Time to Dance").
The film tells about a young sportsman Gregory, who falls in love with the wife of an outstanding scientist - Julian Nikolayevich Stepanov. After completion, the film was suppressed until the 1970s because it did not conform to the Soviet doctrine of Socialist Realism.
Minato Shindo (Kento Yamazaki) is autistic with savant syndrome. He has an amazing memory and keen spatial skills, but he finds it difficult to communicate with others. Minato aspires to become a doctor because his older brother died when they were young. He later meets doctor Akira Shiga (Akira Emoto) and amazes him with his ability to remember all the human organs at a young age. Doctor Akira decides to support Minato and with his recommendation, Minato eventually enters the world of pediatric surgery as a resident.
A story based on the concept of promoting women, generally portrayed as the weaker gender in society who tends to fight against all odds to achieve success irrespective of any obstacles and hurdles along the way.
Tomari Hinowa is a normal high school boy, until one day he's told that he has to become the wife of a mysterious creature called Kanenogi. This is the start of their newly married life.
The second season begins with the Buenavista family's lives after the disposition of the Buenavista family two years prior. Angelo (Daniel Padilla) now works as a baker in the humble bakery owned by Lolo Greggy (Tirso Cruz III) — the man who saved Angelo during an accident. Meanwhile, Lia (Andrea Brillantes) fails to accept the events which causes her to become rude and snobbish.
After two years in jail, Eduardo (Ian Veneracion) is finally released and decides to rekindle his love with Amor (Jodi Sta. Maria), much to the detriment of Lia. Amor decides to let Eduardo court her which results in him proposing to her. Yna (Kathryn Bernardo) returns from California and now owns her own restaurant and reunites with Angelo — this time Yna as the boss and Angelo as the employee. Several circumstances almost reunite the two but are constantly postponed. Meanwhile, Belen (Amy Austria-Ventura) continues to blame Yna — for the death of Caloy (Joem Bascon).
Lia tries to fit in with the popular girls in her school but is constantly humiliated and rejected. David (Diego Loyzaga) is revealed to have cancer and is longing for Yna's presence — but Yna is longing for Angelo. Amor decides to connive with Yna and starts an agreement with her. David and Yna become a couple, leaving Angelo heartbroken. Angelo becomes drunk and goes to Joy (Sue Ramirez). Meanwhile, Joy admits her feelings to Angelo that she loves him but is rejected. Amor becomes desperate as David illness becomes worst and tries to find comfort in Eduardo.
Meanwhile in Sta. Ines, Claudia (Angelica Panganiban) is revealed to be alive and living under an alias — Greta. Simon (Alex Medina), Claudia's lover, saved her from the car accident which involved her, Caloy, and also Diego (Bernard Palanca). Unfortunately, Claudia is suffering from amnesia. Meanwhile, Irma (Rubi Rubi), Amor's neighbor from Punta Verde, becomes one of Claudia's patients in the shelter in Sta. Ines and informs the latter that Maria Amor survived the accident and that Irma's daughter was crushed by rock together with Chayong (Sharmaine Suarez), Amor's stepmother.
After hearing this, Claudia regains her memories and plans to return to her family and plans to get revenge — on Amor and Yna. On the wedding of Amor and Eduardo, Claudia appears and makes everyone believe that she has amnesia. She starts a connivance with Mark (Dominic Roque) — Amor's ex-employee who wants revenge on her. Claudia then finds out that Maria Amor is Yna. She then kills David who later found out that Maria Amor is Yna and made it look like a suicide. Meanwhile, Amor blames Yna for David's apparent suicide.
Yna and Angelo elope and plan to get married. After seeing Yna's baby photos — Amor realizes that Yna is Maria Amor and stops the wedding between her and Angelo. Yna and Amor reunite and form a mother-daughter relationship. Angelo moves on from Yna and starts investigating Claudia's past — with Simon. Angelo and Simon then confront each other — Claudia then reveals that Simon is Angelo's biological father. Because of this revelation, Angelo continues his relationship with Yna.
Amor then discovers the missing camera footage from the hospital on the day of David's death. Amor sees Claudia in the footage. The security guard then points out Claudia and Mark as the culprits. Meanwhile, Amor and Belen then confront Claudia blaming her for the respective children's deaths — David and Caloy especially Eduardo who decide to revenge on his wife for his brother Diego death. The police then arrest Claudia. Mark then helps Claudia escape from the jail and plans their final attempt to kill Amor and Yna. Mark kidnaps Yna and Amor and brings them to his hideout. Claudia then plans to cement Amor and Yna. Meanwhile, Simon informs Angelo on how he helped Claudia from the car accident and that she is planning to kill Amor and Yna. Angelo rushes to find Amor and Yna and rescues them from Claudia.
Angelo convinces Claudia to surrender and she does. Mark then shoots Angelo causing Claudia to shoot him. Mark then attempts to kill Angelo but Claudia shields him which causes her to get shot. Angelo and Claudia then get rushed to the hospital.
Yna and Angelo then make a promise to be with each other until the end. He then survives and recovers from Mark's gunshot.
After getting shot by Mark, Claudia is now blind. In court, Claudia admits all of her crimes and including the murders of Diego, Caloy, David, and also Mark and spoken about her past for what she been through with her mother and told them the reason why she wanted to revenge and steal her father's fortune is for not helping her mother sickness. Claudia begs forgiveness for everyone she wronged and renews herself and accepts her life imprisonment sentence. Amor also then apologizes to Claudia for involving her in her revenge.
Lia visits Claudia together with Amboy (JK Labajo) who is now her boyfriend. Despite being blind, Claudia is happy that Lia visited her. Belen, Isko (Ronnie Lazaro), and Red (Angelou Alayon) are happy now that justice for Caloy has been served. Amor and Eduardo celebrate as a married couple and Eduardo gives Amor a necklace engraved "Ynamorata" — they are joined with Yna and Angelo who share a moment. The series concludes with Yna and Angelo — and also Amor and Eduardo embracing and eating lunch.
An orphan named Oliver Twist, Jr. meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. From there, he joins a group of thieves who are trained to steal for their master.
The film begins with a male cat walking down the street singing and playing a musicbox. He then descends onto a neighborhood. He plays there until Farmer Al Falfa, a recurring character in the Aesop series, looks out of his window, and describes the music as "rotten". He then gets out of his house, and asks the cat to leave. He compiles, by running off the screen. The farmer, then chases a pair of chickens, who were there when the cat first descended onto the neighborhood. They then fly up onto a branch of a tree. Once up there, one chicken lays an egg and flings it at the farmer. The farmer, for retaliation, acquires a saw, and climbs up the tree, nearly falling off it whilst climbing. Once at the same level as the chickens, he brings out his saw and begins to cut. As soon as they realise that the farmer is cutting off an individual branch, which would make the farmer fall off the tree. The chickens retreat to the trunk of the tree. However, the tree branch comically stays standing, whilst the rest of the tree collapses. The farmer then descends from the branch to the ground. However, the branch hits him and the animals, who were watching the ordeal, starts to laugh at him. The farmer then returns home. Once he is back home and sitting on the stair leading to his front door, the postal service arrives with a package which is delivered via a horse drawn carriage. That package is a machine, an iron man. Once the farmer opens up the package. The robot starts to dance, with the farmer following along. During the dance, the robot kicks the farmer. So, in retaliation, the farmer kicks the robot back. This causes the robot to malfunction, by gradually increasing in size, until it is bigger than the Earth. The robot then explodes. The farmer then laughs at the animals. Until, the debris comically falls from space and reassembles the robot. Both the farmer and the animals run from the robot in the closing shot of the cartoon.
The film ends with a moral, which is portrayed with a duck and a sleeping Milton Mouse, the only time he is featured in this cartoon. The duck states that, "An oyster is a fish dressed up like a nut". The duck's statement wakes up the sleeping mouse. The duck then tugs at the mouse's fishing pole, mistaking Milton that he has caught a fish. Milton proceeds to pull at the pole, which results in him falling off the duck and into the water. The film ends with the duck laughing.
Audrun is an elderly woman who lives in a small shack she has inherited in a small town in Cévennes where she has always lived. Her older brother terrorized her when they were children and as an adult lives a lonely life in their childhood home, which he has partially ruined through hoarding. When he asks Audrun to come help him clean out the house she discovers that he has plans to sell it for roughly half a million euros.
Anthony Verey is an elderly antiques dealer who is quickly becoming insolvent. Realizing his life is stagnating he calls his sister, Veronica, who is living in Cévennes with her lover, Kitty, while they collaborate on a book. To Kitty's distress, Veronica offers to let Anthony stay with them indefinitely until he feels better. Anthony forms the idea of buying a home near Veronica and permanently resettling.
Aramon, Audrun's brother, continues to make her life hell, telling her that the small shack she built near their childhood home is an eyesore and if any of it crosses onto his property line he will tear it down. Because the shack was hastily built Audrun is unsure of its legality. She begins to contemplate murdering her brother.
Anthony visits Aramon's house, the Mas Lunel, which he falls in love with but refuses to buy after seeing Audrun's shack. He goes to visit another property and never returns. Veronica launches an extensive search for him and as she does her relationship with Kitty, who hated Anthony, falls apart.
In the meantime Aramon has been getting increasingly ill, experiencing blackouts which he had much earlier in his life as a teenager when he and his father began raping Audrun after Bernadette, Audrun and Aramon's mother died. Audrun suggests to Aramon that Anthony was there the day he disappeared but as Aramon was experiencing a prolonged blackout he cannot remember if this is true or not. Audrun continues to feed Aramon's paranoia and, after he finds Anthony's car in his garage, he withdraws the house for sale and bars all visitors. When a family friend asks if her daughter can bring some schoolchildren on their property for a picnic Aramon refuses, but Audrun permits them to lunch on her side of the property. One of the children then discovers Anthony's body in a pool of water.
When the police come to investigate Audrun deliberately lets slip that she saw Anthony and Aramon together a second time. In actuality, after an unsatisfactory viewing of another country home, Anthony had decided to buy Mas Lunel and Audrun, wanting to block the sale, persuaded him to accompany her to the river where she murdered him, planted the body in a small pool, and then hid his car in Aramon's garage. Aramon is arrested but Audrun's victory is short lived. After a dry summer season forest fires break out in the region and one of them destroys the Mas Lunel. Audrun decides to raze Mas Lunel and let nature take over the land.
In prison Aramon is treated for ulcers, makes a few friends, and finally approaches something close to happiness for the first time in years. One day Audrun decides to visit him, bringing him a branch of white cherry blossom which they both remember as a positive memory from when they were children. Aramon finally apologizes to Audrun for his abuse.
Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell) opens her eyes and finds herself in a waiting room. She is greeted by Michael (Ted Danson), who informs her she has died on Earth after a line of shopping carts caused her to fall into open traffic. Congratulating her, Michael tells Eleanor she was one of the best people on Earth, and that as a result, she has entered "The Good Place", a Heaven-like utopia.
Soon after, Michael gives Eleanor a tour of the Good Place before screening an informational video for her and other newcomers. In the video, Michael explains that their actions on Earth gave them positive or negative points which were tallied up after they died; the people with the highest scores entered the Good Place. Michael also explains that every person has a soulmate, before telling Eleanor she earned her spot in the Good Place as a lawyer defending people on death row.
After presenting Eleanor with a house designed specifically for her preferences, Michael introduces her to her soulmate, Chidi Anagonye (William Jackson Harper), a Senegalese ethics professor. When Michael leaves, Eleanor reveals to Chidi that everything Michael said about her life is wrong and she is not the person he says she is. Eleanor explains how she made a living by knowingly selling a worthless dietary supplement to the sick and elderly as an uncaring person, not recalling any good action she has ever done. Michael then introduces Eleanor and Chidi to their neighbors, Tahani Al-Jamil (Jameela Jamil), a wealthy English philanthropist, and her soulmate Jianyu Li (Manny Jacinto), a Buddhist monk who has decided to keep his vow of silence.
While attending a party hosted by Tahani and Jianyu at their mansion, Chidi begins to question whether or not to help Eleanor after she becomes drunk and insults Tahani. The next morning, Eleanor wakes up to discover that many things that represent her crass comments about her life and her insults to Tahani at the party are wreaking havoc on the Good Place. Chidi tells her that remaining in the Good Place is cause for the incident and her actions are affecting it. Eleanor then asks Chidi to help her become a better person just as Michael knocks on the door to inform them of an emergency meeting.
Abe Guevara is caught in a shootout at a residential home that results in the death of District Attorney Joshua Gregory. He is chased on foot and attempts to escape with his brother Mateo, but Abe is hit by a car, and is subsequently sent to a local hospital. A pair of homicide detectives, Regina Lewis and Eric Masterson, are assigned to the case.
Paul Booker, an everyman ER nurse, is assigned to oversee Abe's recovery at the hospital. Mateo, determined to break Abe out in order to pay off a debt with Big D, an influential gangster, kidnaps Paul's pregnant wife Taryn and coerces Paul into working for him. Paul breaks out Abe on his stretcher, and they evade detectives Lewis and Masterson just shortly after they arrive. Abe reveals that he is in possession of a flash drive, that can expose several corrupt police officers; while making the deal to distribute the flash drive to Gregory, they were ambushed, and Abe was wrongfully incriminated for his death. Abe arranges to meet Mateo at a bus station, but realizing that it is a sting operation, they incite a shootout and flee, engaging in a car chase. After fighting off more cops at a car wash, they escape on foot.
Seeking a new car, they consult a local gangster, Cheetah. Lewis and Masterson arrive, and hold them all at gunpoint. Masterson realizes that Lewis is one of the corrupt cops on the drive, leading her to kill both Masterson and Cheetah. Paul kills her accomplice Jones while she is distracted with incoming reinforcements. Abe rendezvouses with Mateo, but he is ambushed for the drive as well by one of Lewis' men, who abduct Taryn. Abe and Paul arrive at the rendezvous, only to find Mateo mortally wounded. He succumbs to his injuries, and dies. Lewis threatens the two, revealing that she is holding Taryn hostage.
Having taken into his possession security footage that incriminates Lewis of her corrupt actions, Abe finalizes a deal with Big D and pays off his debt. Big D stages a distraction outside the police precinct, both to accommodate to Paul and Abe, but to also capture footage for a movie he is developing. Disguised as a first responder and a police officer, Paul and Abe incapacitate Lewis, and save Taryn, who goes into labour and gives birth to their baby boy. In the aftermath, Lewis is killed by police reinforcements after Abe exposes her corruption.
One year later, Paul and Taryn celebrate their baby boy's first birthday, who they name Matty in Mateo's honor. Abe smiles upon seeing a picture of Matty's first birthday cake, and drives into the sunset, tailed by a black SUV.
As described in a film magazine, the law firm of Brodney and Company sends Hollingsworth Chase, an American, to the Island of Japat in the South Seas to represent the natives in a strange lawsuit. The Island of Japat, which has jewel mines of great value, is to go the grandchildren of its owners, provided that they marry within six months of the filing of the will. If the grandchildren fail to comply with the terms of the will, the Island will revert to the natives that live there. The natives, under the leadership of Rasula, make desperate attempts to bring about the deaths of the heirs. Chase joins forces against them. The infuriated natives make a mass attack on the mine operators and heirs, resulting in a terrific struggle. Just when it becomes impossible for the small group of men to hold out any longer, a United States destroyer comes to their aid. Rasula is killed, and the natives agree to a compromise under which the heirs agree to pay the government a fair royalty for the output of the mines. Princess Genevra, a European princess who had been visiting the Island of Japat for a rest, confesses to Chase that her love for him is greater than her love for any power, and that she intends to sacrifice her throne for him.
Edward J. Billop is waiting to receive an inheritance, however he is a hypochondriac and believes he is going to die before receiving his inheritance.
The series begins with cutting frames from Gogol's films. Start and Gogol. Viy: the Arrival of the Dark rider and killing the first victim of the Horseman, the conversation Yakov Petrovich Guro Gogol about the Rider, first acquaintance Guro Gogol, arrival in Dikan'ka and familiarity Yakov Petrovich and Guro with Binh, familiarity with Gogol Danishevsky, swinging on the swings at the Oak tree with Lisa, the first murder in Dikanka, the battle of Guro in a burning house with the Rider, opening the chest, Yakov Petrovich, ad special provisions in Dikanka, Vasilina meeting with the witch Uliana, output mavok from the pond, the battle with the Wii, the murder of women Rider, the fall of Gogol (lethargy).
Soon after Gogol’s death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on Gogol’s body, while Vakula’s daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol’s demise.
Gogol’s body is buried at Dikanka’s graveyard, with Binh, Vakula, Bomgart, and Lisa presiding. Gogol awakens in the afterlife, where he meets his father and a noseless and bandaged man. The man tells Gogol "Live, Dark One.", resurrecting him. Gogol manages to get out of the coffin while the appalled crowd looks on. Gogol is soon arrested by Binh, who presumes him as the Dark Horseman, and locked up at the police headquarters. Yakim is also willingly locked up. He reveals to Gogol that the man who resurrected him was a man with ties to his family’s past; At the time of Gogol’s birth, his father was acquainted with the man. When Gogol’s mother gave birth to him, he was stillborn. However the man managed to resurrect the child, and the story was kept secret from Gogol. Meanwhile, Alexey meets Oksana (whom he is able to see) and offers her to keep Gogol away from Dikanka in exchange for bringing her back to life.
Villagers suddenly attack the headquarters, subduing Binh, Yakim and Binh’s assistant. They attempt to burn Gogol at the stake, but Vasilina uses her abilities to create rain, saving Gogol. The villagers then try to hang Gogol, when their leader is suddenly shot in the leg. The shooter reveals himself to be Yakov Petrovich Guro, who survived the Dark Horseman’s attack as seen in the first chapter. He tells the mob to disperse, threatening them with execution and exile to Siberia, which they do. Guro reveals to Gogol that he has been manipulating the events after his presumed death in his attempt to find the real Dark Horseman. Gogol reveals that he suspects Alexei as the Horseman. As a result, Gogol, Guro, and Binh decide to search Alexei’s estate. At first, they are unable to find anything, but Gogol uses his visions to find the handle which opens a passage behind the fireplace. They go through the passage, discovering a cave. Inside they find Oksana with water gushing out of her mouth, a sign that she is being resurrected. Alexei suddenly appears, and Binh shoots him dead in the chest, surprising everyone as the Dark Horseman could not be taken down easily. Oksana suddenly comes to life, only to be killed seconds later by the Horseman, who absorbs her blood, creating a vortex. When the vortex recedes, the trio are appalled to see Lisa, revealing her to be the Dark Horseman.
The events of the present time and 163 years ago are shown in parallel.
163 years before the principal events of the film, the Cossack ataman is sent to repulse the Polish invaders led by sorcerer Kazimierz. Only one Cossack comes back from the whole army, saying that the Poles have broken them, the ataman was killed, and they will soon attack. The daughters of the ataman, Liza and Maria, turn to the sorceress-hermit, and she says that the Polish sorcerer can be defeated by wearing a tongued hoop: then Kazimir will lose his power and become mortal, but the price for his murder will be terrible. Nevertheless, Lisa and Maria, having crept into Casimir's tent, seize him and take him away to be surrendered. Along the way Kazimir says that his curse ends only when he loves someone, and asks Maria to let him go: if she answers him in return, he will be able to renounce witchcraft and become a man. Lisa decides to finish off the sorcerer on the spot, and enters with Maria in battle, until she falls, stumbling into the abyss. In anger, Liza beheads the Kazimir. However, his still living head tells her that she is now under the same curse and that every thirty years she needs to sacrifice twelve girls and one resurrected, not knowing death, until she falls in love herself. Maria is met in the next world by a fiery voice, telling her to go back: if she kills her sister, she can live, and until then she will wander in the guise of an old woman.
In the present day, Guro fetters Lisa with the same conjured hoop, and during the interrogation confesses that he is not going to bring her to court: on the orders of the secret society, he must deliver the immortal Horseman to St. Petersburg so that he shares the secret of eternal life with the Russian Empire. In case of refusal, he threatens to kill Gogol. After listening to the conversation, Nikolai and Binh rush to stop Yakov Petrovich, and Binh, in order not to let him carry out his plans, shoots at Lisa. Hearing from her that Gogol himself was to be the thirteenth victim, but for his love Lisa spared him and instead killed Oksana - also resurrected - Gogol removes the bewitched hoop, and Liza again becomes an immortal Horseman.
Hardly having coped with Guro, Liza, Gogol and Binh see on the threshold old woman Kristina from the village, which suddenly turns to Maria. She kills Binh and mortally wounds Gogol, and forces Liza to give her immortality to Nicholas, before decapitating her, like her sister did to Casimir. Vasilina, who sensed Gogol being in trouble, manages to save Gogol and Guro by distracting Maria long enough for Gogol to put the hoop around Maria's neck, making her mortal. Impressed, Guro offers membership in a secret society, since his mission was crowned with success, because the immortal is captured. After receiving a refusal, he returns to St. Petersburg. Gogol, along with Bogmart, Valkula and Binh's assistant, bury Binh at Dikanka's graveyard, promising to keep the events that happened here a secret, before departing. Gogol returns home, and inspired by Liza's praise of his work, begins to write a new novel based on his adventures.
In St. Petersburg, Gogol presents his work, titled "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and receives a standing ovation. He then encounters a witch trying to kill him, but is saved by Pushkin and Lermontov. Having introduced themselves as members of a brotherhood which is at odds with Guro's society, they invite Gogol to join their ranks, and he agrees.
It is said that, following a wish granted by a Genie, the '''Sultan of Akabha''' had quintuplets, five magnificent daughters who answered to the lovely names of '''Muscade''', '''Melissa''', '''Hellebore''', '''Spiruline''' and '''Guarana'''.
According to the laws of the '''Emirate of Akabha''', a daughter of Sultan must take a husband before the day of her twentieth birthday. If she hasn't, she will be declared as '''Al Jotani''' ('''Arabic''' word for ''street girl''), and will be taken from the palace and stripped of all her royal rights. On the death of the '''Sultan''', power will pass to the eldest son, or if there is no eldest son, to the fiancé of the eldest daughter, failing that to '''Grand Vizir'''.
The story begins when the five princesses have disappeared and it is eve of their twentieth birthdays! The player controls '''Ali''', a bold and agile young man bestowed with magical powers and different weapons, who must save the princesses in record time! But he must also capture their hearts...
'''Arabian Nights''' is divided into '''seven episodes'''; each one has an introduction and a conclusion. The first episode contains a tutorial which shows how to control Ali and aims of the game.
Ali Davis is a successful sports agent in Atlanta who feels boxed out by her male colleagues. When she is passed over for a promotion at Summit Worldwide Management, her boss Nick explains that she does not connect well with men. Determined to succeed in a man's world, Ali announces that she will sign up-and-coming basketball star Jamal Barry.
After getting drinks with her father, Ali flirts with the bartender, Will. They have sex at his home, where Ali encounters his young son, Ben. At a photo shoot, Ali stands up for her client but angers Joe "Dollah" Barry, Jamal's father and manager. At her friend Mari's bachelorette party, Ali is introduced to Sister, a psychic. To help Ali "connect with men", Sister gives her "fey lougawou" (Kalanchoe pinnata) tea to drink. While dancing with her friends at a club, Ali is knocked unconscious.
Waking up, she hears the thoughts of her doctor. Ali and her assistant Brandon realize that she has gained the ability to hear men's thoughts. They track down Sister, who convinces Ali that her power is an asset. Using her newfound ability, Ali learns about a poker game attended by her fellow agents and Joe. She shows up uninvited but impresses Joe, and is invited to join Summit's meeting with Jamal. Ali saves her coworker Kevin's pitch to Jamal and Joe; Kevin later confronts Ali, and reveals that he had voted to make her partner.
Discerning that Joe does not trust a woman without a family, Ali passes off Will and Ben, who have come to return her misplaced driver's license, as her husband and son. She invites them all to an NBA game, where – unbeknownst to Will or Ben – she uses her "family" to further impress Joe. On a double date with Will, Mari, and Mari's fiancé James, Ali hears James' thoughts, and also hears that Will only has thoughts for her. They have sex, with Ali using Will's thoughts to fully satisfy him.
The Summit office is shocked to discover that agent Ethan has quit and signed Jamal himself, withdrawing him from the NBA draft to play in China instead. Nick berates Ali, stating that the only reason he will not fire her is because she is a black woman. He reveals her family charade to Will, who tells Ali to stay away from him and Ben. At Mari's wedding, Ali hears James' thoughts and, angrily dismissing Brandon's attempt to intervene, she drunkenly announces that James slept with Mari's cousin. She also reveals that her friend Ciarra's husband is cheating on her, and a brawl breaks out. Ali is again knocked unconscious.
Ali wakes up at the hospital, realizing she can no longer read minds. With her father's advice, Ali reconciles with Brandon and her friends. She finds Jamal, who explains that he does not want to go to China, and Ali tells him to follow his heart. Jamal decides to stay, and becomes the first NBA draft pick. Ali is promoted to partner, but quits to start her own agency with Kevin, as well as Brandon, finally making him an agent. Ali asks Will for another chance, and he agrees. The three of them go for a walk as Ali reveals more plans for her agency.
An aggressive Edinburgh businessman, Marcus, takes his boarding-school friend, Vaughn, whose fiancée is newly pregnant, on a weekend hunting in the Scottish Highlands. Vaughn has never hunted before. They spend the evening at a village pub, where they meet Logan, a community leader who bemoans the village's weak economy; and two young women, Kara and Iona. After dancing and drinking, Marcus leaves with Kara, despite being warned to stay away. Vaughn and Iona nearly kiss but Vaughn mentions his pregnant fiancée, so they have another drink instead.
Early next morning, Marcus rouses a hungover Vaughn for their hunt. On the way, Vaughn deduces Marcus has used cocaine and chastises him. Vaughn realises he has forgotten ammunition for his rifle, so Marcus lets him borrow one of his guns, despite this violating the strict firearm laws. On the hunt, the pair happen upon a deer in a clearing, and Vaughn aims at a doe’s head; but it suddenly turns, causing Vaughn to shoot and kill a boy, unseen behind the deer. The boy's father arrives and, in a fit of grief, picks up Vaughn's gun and points it at him; but Marcus shoots the man. Vaughn wants to tell the police about the incident but Marcus convinces him they will be arrested as murderers. Marcus hides the bodies and they drive off, hoping to claim that they were hunting in another area. However, Marcus is told by a petrol station owner that Logan said no other hunters are around and convinces a traumatised Vaughn they can only protect themselves by returning after nightfall and burying the bodies.
They return to the village and are invited to dinner by Logan and his cousin Al; Logan asks if Marcus can help him find investors who might revitalise the community. At night, they bury the bodies. Marcus recovers the bullets, using a knife to dig Vaughn's bullet out of the boy's skull, over Vaughn's objections. They return just before dawn but are spotted by the B&B owner's young son. The next day, their departure is thwarted when Brian, another of Logan's brothers, slashes their tires and attacks Marcus for sleeping with Kara and giving her cocaine. At the garage, the mechanic tells Marcus the repairs will take a day. They return to the pub to hire a taxi, but find the driver drunk. On Logan's orders, Brian offers an aggressive and insincere apology, while complaining that the locals are beholden to "city twats" because they might bring in money. While Marcus is in the toilet, Vaughn speaks to Al and Iona and realizes the deceased were Logan's nephew and brother-in-law. Al's suspicions are raised when Marcus, upon returning, asks about "them" despite having only heard that Logan's nephew was missing.
Logan asks them to help with the search, which they accept for fear of arousing suspicion. A dog leads the party to the bodies. While the group digs them up, Marcus and Vaughn attempt to flee, but their fuel tank is ruptured by a bullet from Brian. Fleeing on foot, Vaughn stumbles and is injured by the dog, which Marcus stabs to death. As the group closes in, Marcus leaves Vaughn. Brian savagely beats Vaughn before being pulled off by Logan; the rest pursue Marcus.
Logan and Brian take Vaughn to a farm, where he confesses. Brian wants to kill them but Logan, realizing their deaths would be punished, insists on involving the police instead. Brian objects, claiming there is insufficient evidence and Vaughn will change his story to protect himself. As Brian moves to kill Vaughn, they hear the group has caught Marcus. Vaughn is locked in a guarded barn.
The next morning, Logan gives Vaughn an ultimatum: he must kill Marcus, or Brian will kill them both. Vaughn refuses, even after being reminded of his fiancée and unborn child, and breaks down in tears. Eventually, at gunpoint, he kills Marcus. The locals hide Marcus's jeep and, before Vaughn's fiancée arrives, Logan instructs him to tell the police that Marcus drove north.
Months later, an unnerved Vaughn wakes up to his crying child. He cradles him, but has a haunted look.
A couple must protect their 2-year-old daughter's life from a monster called Bogiwan.
In ''Dragon's Eye'', the player takes the role of a spell-using adventurer hired by a wizard to find the legendary Dragon's Eye.
In Los Angeles, David Cuevas lives with his wife Alexis and their two children. As Alexis’ family prepares for her niece's quinceañera, David arrives at his auto electronics store, where he employs his cousin Lupe. Joined by his partner Creeper, David receives a payment from Victor, a newly promoted gangster; David and Creeper are “tax collectors”, enforcers who collect a cut of the profits from 43 local gangs for their boss Wizard, who runs his far-reaching criminal enterprise from prison. David and Creeper visit David's uncle Louis, confirming Victor's payment, and collect other gangs’ payments throughout the city.
Learning that a member of his crew has abducted a member of the Bloods for sleeping with his girlfriend, David rescues the Blood, leaving his kidnapper to be beaten for nearly inciting a gang war. David and Creeper return the man on peaceful terms to the Bloods’ leader, Bone, and Alexis summons David to intimidate another family out of buying the dress her niece wants. Alexis discovers Victor's payment is $20,000 short, and David and Creeper track him down. At gunpoint, he admits to skimming the money to pay for his daughter's leukemia treatment; David, a devoted family man himself, lets Victor keep the money.
David and Creeper visit an associate named Venom for a $200,000 payment, but are met by Conejo, a rival gang leader who declares that Venom now works for him, forcing them to leave empty-handed. David informs Louis, who explains that Conejo was a rival of Wizard who retreated to Mexico, earning a reputation for ruthlessness. Creeper is eager to eliminate Conejo, but Louis requires a vote from fellow gang leaders. Alexis reassures David of her love for him and their life together, and David struggles at his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class.
During the quinceañera at the Cuevas’ house, Louis leaves to meet with Conejo. David's sister Delia asks if he has spoken to their father, which David denies, and he and Alexis share a dance. Conejo's underling Gata arrives and orders David and Creeper to join the meeting, where Conejo presents them with Louis' severed head and hands. He invites them to join his organization for the power and recognition Wizard has denied them, but David and Creeper leave in silence. Planning retaliation, David's men urge him to leave town. After Conejo performs a ritualistic human sacrifice at his hideout, Gata and Conejo's heavily armed men attack David's shop with a pipe bomb, killing David's men and capturing Creeper.
David escapes and rushes his family to safety, but is forced to watch by video call as Gata smashes Creeper's legs with a hammer before Conejo stomps him to death. Leaving Alexis at a hotel to send their children with her sister Favi, David digs up a stash of over $1.6 million from Lupe's yard. Returning to the hotel, David finds Alexis dead. Stricken with grief, he discovers Favi does not have his children; Conejo, having abducted them and killed Alexis, calls David and gives him two hours to meet with a ransom. David goes to Bone, who gathers volunteers to rescue his children.
Raiding a drug house, they interrogate one of Conejo's men, dragging his face along the ground from a moving car, and kill him after finding an address on his phone. They arrive to find David's children safe, with no one there but Conejo's grandmother. When David spares her life, saying that family is sacred, she voluntarily gives up Conejo's location. At Conejo's hideout, David strangles a guard, while Bone is nearly captured but kills two members of Conejo's crew. Bursting into Conejo's room, David kills Gata, but Conejo gains the upper hand as they brawl in the bathroom. Drawing on his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu lessons and memories of Alexis, David overpowers Conejo and kills him with a broken sink.
As Bone drives him to have his wounds treated, David asks him to pull over and calls Wizard, who is revealed to be his father. Refusing to follow in his footsteps, David hangs up; touching his rosary, Wizard asks for forgiveness.
Shortly after the release of their film ''Duck Soup'' in mid-1934, the Marx Brothers eventually visit Nacogdoches, Texas and all four of them get caught in a lightning storm that transports them back in time to December 15, 1826 and arrive in the same town just as when the Fredonian Rebellion is breaking out.
Having just completed their film ''Duck Soup'', about a fictional Republic of Freedonia, the brothers actually know about the Fredonian Rebellion in some detail, particularly Julius "Groucho" Marx, who serves as the story's point of view. When they encounter Adolphus Sterne, the man who supplied the Rebellion, the Marx Brothers, despairing of ever returning to their own time, reveal their identity to Sterne, and agree to help the rebellion. This decision proves to have dire consequences for history resulting in the creation of a slave-holding "Confederal government" with a flag consisting of a white St. Andrew's Cross and 15 red stars well into the 20th century.
The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline Earth. Due to a worldwide nuclear war, the earth's surface became devoid of vegetation, the seas evaporated and civilization was thrown into chaos, turning everyday life into a battle for supplies of uncontaminated food and water, where the strong survive by preying on the weak. Yet, in a corner of that world, there is a place called “The City of Miracles,” a city named “Eden”. Eden receives energy and water from a giant dome-shaped relic of the old world named “Sphere City". Citizens of Eden live a comfortable life that others in this era cannot even imagine.
Kenshiro, successor of the martial art Hokuto Shinken, was defeated by Shin, who proceeded to kidnap his fiancée, Yuria. Kenshiro thus travels through the wastelands to find his beloved. He eventually hears rumors that a woman called Yuria could be found in the city of Eden so he makes his way to Eden to find Yuria.
Kenshiro, fourth brother and successor of Hokuto Shinken, ascends the tower of his rival, Shin, to find Yuria. At the top, he challenges him to duel, which ends in Shin's defeat. A dying Shin laments that Yuria is dead. Rumors surface that Yuria is alive in a city called Eden, a settlement maintained by a structure called Sphere City generating water and electricity. Finding the city locked off to outsiders, Kenshiro allows himself to be captured as a criminal. Kenshiro learns that he can earn his freedom through a tournament. After defeating the final contender, Devil Rebirth, Kenshiro is given citizenship by the ruler, Xsana. Kenshiro later faces the Army of Ruin, led by Kyo-Oh. Jagre, Eden's watch captain, is afflicted with an ailment. Kenshiro journeys to the legendary prison, Cassandra, to find Toki, second brother of Hokuto Shinken, who can potentially heal him. After defeating the guards and killing warden Uighur, Kenshiro frees Toki, who cures Jagre. Toki refuses to leave Cassandra, as Raoh, first successor to Hokuto Shinken, would launch a full-scale assault, but agrees to train Kenshiro. Meanwhile, Kenshiro comes to befriend Jagre, as well as Lyra, who manages Eden's nightclub.
Kenshiro is summoned to the arena by Rei, who accuses him of killing his parents and kidnapping his sister. Kenshiro defeats him in battle, and Rei's sister Airi is revealed to him. After Kenshiro cures Airi's blindness, Rei asks Kensiro for help in tracking down the culprit. Xsana reveals that Yuria is housed within Sphere City, in a room called the Chamber of Miracles. Her father, Nadai, entered the chamber at some point with his wife, who died inside. Thinking Nadai killed her mother, Xsana stabbed him in rage. Kenshiro and Jagre reach a village where they encounter zombified villagers, revealed to be the result of Meito Kieiken, which was used by Kyo-Oh on Jagre. At the summit, Kenshiro meets a man who challenges him to a duel, revealing himself to be Nadai upon defeat. The two then notice that Eden is under siege by the Holy Imperial Army, led by Thouzer. Fighting his way through, Kenshiro finds that Hokuto Shinken is ineffective against Thouzer, but defeats him after deducing that his immunity was due to situs inversus. With Eden's gate destroyed, Xsana decides to open up the city's walls. Rei deduces that his sister's kidnapper is in Eden, managing to track him down with Kenshiro. The kidnapper is revealed to be Jagi, the third brother of Hokuto Shinken. Kenshiro challenges Jagi to a duel at the arena, and gains the upper hand thanks to Nadai, allowing Rei to execute Jagi. Rei thanks Kenshiro and bids him farewell. Meanwhile, Targa is sent back to the Army of Ruin.
Sphere City is activated, and Xsana reveals it is a military facility housing the last nuclear missiles, their launch tied to Yuria's awakening in the Chamber of Miracles. Raoh appears, revealing that he and Nadai were working to preserve the secret of Sphere City. Nadai used the Chamber of Miracles to heal his wife, who refused, and they were trying to keep Yuria alive to use her to power beyond Hokuto Shinken. With Nadai presumed dead, Raoh decides kill Yuria. Kenshiro reveals that Nadai is alive, and challenges Raoh to a duel that ends in a draw. Raoh, respecting Kenshiro's dedication to Yuria, decides to put their fight on hold. Concluding that Kyo-Oh and Nadai are the same, Kenshiro infiltrates the Army of Ruin's camp, attempting to convince him to help. Kyo-Oh reveals he's Targa in disguise, buying time for Nadai to enter Sphere City and kill Yuria. Kenshiro runs back to Eden and finds Nadai, but are ambushed by Targa, Jagre and Lyra. The three have collaborated to exact revenge on Nadai for killing Jagre's father and driving other two's insane. Jagre is unable to bring himself to harm Xsana Tagra shoots Jagre and Lyra, revealing his intentions to use Sphere City's missiles, wiping out Earth's population to become a god, and use Yuria to conceive a child who would carry his legacy. After killing Tagra, Kenshiro closes Sphere City's dome and opens the Chamber of Miracles to free Yuria, but Nadai pushes them into the Chamber of Miracles, sacrificing himself. Xsana and a surviving Jagre continue to help with ruling and protecting Eden, while Kenshiro and Yuria decide to forge their own path.
The scene "sketch[es] out Carl's early married life with childhood sweetheart Ellie". In general definitions, the 'sequence' excludes the earlier parts of the film's prologue in which Carl watches a filmreel about Charles F Muntz and has a dialogue sequence with Ellie. The sequence is "only minutes in length and almost completely silent".
The sequence begins with a flash of a camera at their wedding, followed by their first kiss, and then shows how they fix up the house where they met so that it matches Ellie's childhood drawing. They spend their time doing three hobbies: cloud watching, working at the zoo, and reading together. On one cloud watching session, Carl points out a cloud that looks like a baby. Inspired, they decide to conceive a child and prepare a nursery, but as the music slows, the two learn at the doctor's office that Ellie suffered a miscarriage and they are unable to have children, leaving them devastated. At their house, Carl brings Ellie her childhood scrapbook, which consoles her. They begin to keep a spare change jar to save up for Ellie's dream trip to Paradise Falls. However, several events, including a flat tire, broken leg, and house damage, cause them to repeatedly break open the jar early.
A montage of Ellie tying Carl's ties follows, showing them getting ready for each day of work at the zoo. It is followed by them slow dancing at home, now in their old age, the spare change jar having been shelved and forgotten. As they fix up their house, where they will spend their retirement, Carl looks upon Ellie's art, representing her dream trip, and realizes he has yet to fulfill his promise, which almost stops the music entirely. He gets an idea and goes to a travel agency to buy tickets for Paradise Falls and take Ellie cloud watching, bringing the tickets with him on a picnic to surprise her. However, Ellie struggles to reach Carl and collapses as her husband runs to her side.
As instruments drop out of the harmony, Carl brings a dying Ellie a balloon to the hospital as she once brought him one. Ellie pushes her scrapbook to him, and he kisses her on the head. Time passes by to show her funeral in the church where they married. Carl is still holding the balloon. As he climbs up the steps, they become the steps to his home. He sadly disappears through the door and pulls the balloon in after him. The screen fades to black as the music ends.
This story began a long time ago. Having lost her husband, who was imprisoned for stealing coal and was killed during the escape, Polina, the mother of six children, was left without any support.
To make ends meet, Polina founded a family folk music ensemble. Soon, however, she realizes that her children were worthy of a better fate, and she makes a desperate decision to escape the Soviet Union by hijacking the commercial airliner the family was traveling aboard.
Fifteen years later, Polina is released from prison to learn that fate has scattered her children all over the country: one is illegally fighting in a bar, another is chopping coal in the Donbas. Her oldest, Leonid, is still in a psychiatric hospital, having pretended to be mentally ill for 15 years to avoid prosecution for the hijacking.
In the final scenes, Polian again gathers her sons to free their elder brother from the hospital.
Collective farmers of the agricultural artel "White Sands" offer the witch Ulyana to take part in the divination over the cows. With the help of her, they hope to win the passing banner.
The film shows the events that occurred in Odessa in 1905 after the suppression of the rebellion on the battleship Potemkin in front of the two boys.
In love with each other, the tractor driver Pavlo and the collective farmer Marina work together to harvest the harvest at the local collective farm. But Pavlo has a rival - bookkeeper Kovynko, also in love with Marina.
The Japanese squadron arrives at the raid of Vladivostok. The Japanese command landed troops in the Far East to allegedly protect their citizens.
The episode opens with paramedics loading Ezra into an ambulance. Noel is being questioned by the police. Noel claims that he heard the gunshot and ran to the rooftop and found Ezra shot. Emily, Spencer and Hanna hold Aria back since they can do nothing to help Ezra and if Aria gets too close, she'll be spending the night at the police station answering questions. Afraid of being seen on the street, Alison watches from the balcony above, where she notices someone in a black hoodie lying on top of the ambulance as it drives away. At the hospital, Ezra is taken into surgery, while someone in a hooded figure watches on.
Back on the streets, the girls have brought a burner phone and pepper spray. Emily is afraid that "A" will try to hurt Alison if they execute the plan they have come up with to keep 'A' away from Ezra. But Alison wants to go ahead with their plain since Ezra saved their lives and he is the only one who knows who ‘A’ is. Aria tells Emily that everything will finally over when Ezra pulls through and tells them who "A" is, but Emily is skeptical. Hanna calls the police with the burner phone, telling them that Ezra’a shooting wasn’t a random thing and he needs protection. With the first step of their plan executed, the girls split up with Aria and Alison heading one way and Spencer, Hanna and Emily heading in another. Hanna hands A's gun over to Aria as they leave. Emily is worried about Alison but Spencer and Hanna try to convince her that Alison has been hiding from ‘A’ in plain sight for the past 2 years and can take care of herself.
At the Hastings house, Veronica is on the phone with Ashley. She asks Ashley to call if she hears from Hanna and assures her that they’ll do the same. Melissa is shocked that Spencer knew all this time that Alison is alive. Veronica wants to believe that Spencer only found about Alison, a month ago as claimed by the photo CeCe showed Holbrook since it was around that time that Spencer's erratic behavior started. Melissa blames Alison for all the things that have gone wrong in Spencer's life but Veronica wants to reserve judgment since they have no idea what Alison's been through. Melissa thinks that Alison is a “time bomb” but it's everything around her that explodes and everyone around her ends up getting hurt. Melissa can't believe Alison would let her friends and family think that she was dead. Melissa wants to tell Veronica something, but before she can, the police arrive at their front door. Exiting the subway, Aria is confused about how Ezra found them. Alison tells Aria she thinks Ezra was following 'A', and 'A' was following the Liars. Alison tells her that the only reason Ezra was looking for Alison was to win back Aria, but Aria doesn’t want to talk about him since he may not even be alive.
Holbrook tells the Hastings that CeCe escaped custody. Holbrook thinks that since CeCe knows Alison is alive and the girls' location, Spencer could be in danger. He asks the family if there's anything else he should know. Melissa almost opens her mouth to say something but is stopped by Peter. He says there is nothing else that they have to say. Mona is at The Brew watching a news report saying that authorities are searching for the girls including Alison who was thought to be dead. Suddenly someone arrives and she says to them that Alison being alive changes everything.
Someone dressed in black and wearing a doctor's coat tries to make their way to Ezra's operation theatre but cops show up there and the person turns around and leaves. Spencer, Emily and Hanna arrive at the hospital and spot the same hooded person. They head to the waiting room and sit down, pretending to read magazines. Aria and Alison also enter the hospital and rush to a nurse's station, asking about Ezra. The person in the black hoodie is watching Spencer, Emily and Hanna in the waiting room. Suddenly, over the PA system, Alison is asked to report to the emergency room. The hooded person sends a group text reading: "It's happening. Follow the leader." Aria tells Alison to leave. The hooded figure goes into an elevator to pursue Alison and Emily, Spencer and Hanna follow. They watch on as the elevator closes with the hooded person in it and take the stairs. Alison leaves via the emergency exit. The hooded person follows Alison through the streets of New York to a playground where Alison hides herself, when suddenly from behind the hooded figure appears saying, “Want to play?” Spencer, Emily and Hanna show up, thinking that they’ve outsmarted ‘A’ and Alison pepper sprays the person. But suddenly dozens of other hooded people wearing masks arrive and start circling the four girls. The arrival of a passing police car chases them off. Meanwhile, Aria is alone at the hospital, waiting for Ezra's surgery to get completed. Aria overhears the doctor call Ezra's mother and tells her that the bullet has been removed and that he survived surgery.
Back in Rosewood, Mona is on the phone with someone, telling them to stay on top of this and that they are mobilizing. She gets off the phone and tells someone that the girls are not in Philadelphia, but in New York. The person turns out to be Lucas. Lucas says that there were supposed to be more people here and Mona assures him they’re coming. At the Hastings residence, Melissa says to her father that she needs to tell Holbrook the truth, thinking that if Spencer knew the truth she would have a reason to come back home. Peter tells her that Veronica must never know what Melissa told Peter. Holbrook gets a call from the NYPD, telling him about Ezra's shooting. Holbrook jumps online and starts looking at Ezra's records.
Aria is on the phone and updates the girls on Ezra. Aria says that since his mother's in Sydney and she's the only one there for him. The girls offer to come to the hospital but Aria thinks that the five of them together would look weird. Emily thinks Alison is the target now if ‘A’ can't get to Ezra. They need a place to stay safe for the night as Ezra won't wake up for hours and so Alison takes the girls to the Fitzgerald Theater. In a flashback, Alison recalls the first time she visited the theater with Ezra. Ezra claimed that a friend of the family worked at the theater and so they got to come there after hours. Alison talks about it must feel to stand there on the stage and be loved by so many people. She thinks that she can be an actress, to which Ezra replies that she already is since she narrates all her made-up stories which such conviction that it almost seems like she herself believes them. Just then, a janitor calls him Mr. Fitzgerald which is when Alison realized Ezra is rich. According to Alison, the theater doesn't open until noon the next day and so they should be safe there. They go to the concession stand to eat something since Spencer is hungry. Hanna, Spencer and Emily start talking about a TV show they are obsessed about, making Alison feel left out. Alison excuses herself to call a few friends and tell them she's okay since they’ve risked a lot to help her. Hanna follows Alison to try and listen to her call. Shana arrives at the hospital waiting room. She tells Aria that Alison sent her there to make sure Aria was okay, but Aria doesn't like it and thinks she doesn’t need someone to watch her. Shana is determined to stay.
Later that night as Alison is asleep, Spencer thinks that Alison's already shutting them out again, but Emily says that if they were the ones who helped her, they’d want Alison to call them. Spencer thinks that they are the ones who risked a lot to help Alison. The girls then talk about the potential of having a life without "A". Hanna says that she wouldn’t mind taking up a sport, like field hockey. Spencer says that all she cared about was winning before and now all she wants is to be happy. Back at the hospital, Aria has fallen asleep. Shana picks up Aria's jacket, drapes it over her and walks away. Later, as the four girls are asleep, somebody enters the theater. A gloved hand is placed over Alison's mouth. It turns out to be CeCe. Ali is surprised that CeCe found her. CeCe tells Alison that they don’t just look alike, they think alike as well. Alison thinks that CeCe took a big risk coming to New York. CeCe says that she didn’t have a choice since she needs Alison's help. Meanwhile, at the Rosewood police station, Holbrook is researching Ezra and finds out that Ezra is actually a Fitzgerald. Alison and CeCe are at a diner, meeting up with Noel. Noel hands over to CeCe Alison's fake passport and ticket along with some money. Alison is upset because this might be the last time she sees CeCe. CeCe assures her that they’ll find each other again and they hug. CeCe thanks her and leaves. Aria wakes up and is told Ezra is in recovery. She finds Shana standing at his bedside. Ezra starts to wake, but his vitals plummet when he sees Shana. As doctors rush in to stabilize him, Shana sneaks out.
Alison returns to the theater and finds Emily awake. Alison tells her that there are some things she doesn't need to know about but Emily isn't satisfied. Alison leads Emily away from the other girls. Mona addresses a group of people that includes Paige. The group has one thing in common: Alison mistreated them. Paige tells Mona that she's not scared of Alison anymore and that they are not what Alison used to call them. Mona retorts that Alison isn’t even back yet and she found a way to break up Paige and Emily. Paige tries to leave but Mona warns her that she can't protect Paige if she's not a part of this. As Paige opens the door, Melissa walks in, seemingly in charge of the operation, prompting Paige to stay.
Away from the other girls, Alison tells Emily that Ezra was paying CeCe for information. CeCe was never redcoat and in fact dressed as red coat, in Ravenswood, to distract ‘A’ so that Alison could turn off the saw and save Emily's life. Alison says that she can’t share this with the other girls since CeCe killed a cop (Wilden) for her and if CeCe is caught boarding the plane, Alison will be an accessory as its Alison's face on the passport. Now that Emily knows about it, she's an accessory too. Suddenly, Hanna and Spencer walk in, saying that they can’t hear Aria on the phone. Alison says that Aria should call the houseline. Holbrook finds the Fitzgerald Theater website online. He calls the number for the theater and Alison answers, thinking its Aria. She hangs up when Holbrook recognizes her voice. Holbrook calls the NYPD and advises them to send an officer to the Fitzgerald Theater. Aria tries to call the girls but they're now too scared to answer the phone. Seeing the cop in Ezra's room leave, Aria returns to Ezra's side and takes his hand. He whispers something into her ear and she rushes out of his hospital room.
Spencer and Hanna suggest that since Ezra is unable to tell them who ‘A’ is, Alison should use the passport and ticket that Noel gave her and leave. Alison admits that she gave them away to somebody who needed it more than her. Hanna and Spencer are furious that Alison is keeping secrets again and think no one needs to get out of the country more than Alison. The girls realize they need to leave and rush to the stage to gather their stuff. Suddenly the lights go off. When the lights come back on, Shana arrives holding a gun. Shana admits that she was the one who set fire to the lodge and locked them in, but Alison arrived late, foiling her plan. Shana says she found out who Alison really was when she was sent to Rosewood, by Alison, to ask questions. Shana was shocked by what she found out about Alison from the people she had hurt and that even Jessica was afraid of Alison. The girls tell her that she's sick, like Mona, but they can get her help. Shana says this is not a game to her and she's there for justice for what Alison had done to Jenna, whom she is in love with. Alison tries to convince her that Jenna is using her, but Shana tells her that that's what Alison does. She tells them that Jenna doesn’t even know Shana's here. Aria sneaks up behind Shana and ends up knocking her down into the orchestra pit. Blood pools from her head- Shana's dead. The girls try to assure Aria that she did what she had to do. They all believe it's finally over. Spencer calls the police to report an accident. Meanwhile, CeCe boards the plane to Paris using Alison's passport and ticket with the name Vivian Darkbloom. In the last scene of the episode, three police officers arrive at the Theater and discover Shana's body.
During a fight, Batman and the Joker fall off the Gotham Gate Bridge. The Joker seemingly dies, while Batman is knocked unconscious and awakens in an ambulance. Batman fights the emergency medical technicians and runs off, only to collapse in a street. Constantine rescues Batman and brings him to a hotel room. There, Batman learns of the situation from the news. He fears he may have murdered the Joker and Constantine offers to form an alliance. Batman returns to the bridge to investigate, where a homeless man claims to have seen the devil kill the Joker. The man disappears before Batman can question him.
Flashbacks reveal that when Bruce was a child, his mother, Martha, discovered that his father, Thomas, had an affair with another woman. While Bruce played outside, Thomas and Martha got in a fight, resulting in Thomas driving away. Bruce fired a cap gun at Martha's face and she made Bruce promise to never point a gun at anyone. Batman's memories of these events become plagued by the Enchantress, who implies that he had a hand in the Joker's death and offers to make a deal to rid him of fear. In the present, Batman goes to the Batcave and hallucinates that his suit is attacking him. While Batman observes Gotham street activity, Deadman appears and warns him of dark forces that plan to oppose him.
Batman and Constantine meet at a church, where a statue of Jesus has been desecrated with a painting of the Joker's smile. Batman begins to doubt that the Joker really died, while Constantine encourages him to seek out Etrigan for information. Batman finds Etrigan at the Cavern and fights through the crowd to confront him. Etrigan, angry for being interrupted during a performance, orders the crowd to point firearms at Batman. Suddenly, an explosion destroys the building and the Bat-Signal, desecrated with the Joker's smile, lights up the sky. Etrigan saves Batman, but tells Constantine that he only did so in order for Batman to experience more suffering.
It is revealed that the bombing was orchestrated by Harley Quinn, who is unable to cope with the Joker's death. Batman confronts Harley, who beats him with a baseball bat, injects him with a drug that paralyzes him and attempts to rape him. However, Batman manages to gain the upper hand and, possessed by the Enchantress, strangles her against the Bat-Signal. Later, Batman awakens trapped inside a coffin underground, but is rescued by the Swamp Thing. Constantine arrives and talks to the Swamp Thing before the Enchantress appears and Batman defeats her.
Constantine takes Batman to meet Zatanna at a club for magic-based patrons and she uses a spell to send them into a vision of the night when Bruce's parents were murdered by Joe Chill, where it appears that the young Bruce was also shot in the alley. He seemingly sold his soul to the Enchantress to become the Batman. The Enchantress attempts to seal her deal with Bruce, but Constantine shoots and kills the witch with Chill's pistol. Constantine explains that the dead Bruce represents Batman's past, of which he implores Batman to let go. Batman and Constantine part ways as Batman goes to the morgue, where the homeless man, an incarnation of the heavenly judgment figure known as the Spectre, reveals the truth of the incident on the bridge; Batman was fatally stabbed by the Joker and consciously allowed the Joker to fall to his death, fearing what would become of Gotham if he was not there to stop the Joker. Batman, realising he has been dead this whole time, exchanges places with the body in the morgue and dissipates. A living Joker then emerges from the river underneath the bridge, while Constantine implies that this is the start of a new chapter.
The Imperial Russian Army officer Leonid Petroff and the pro-revolutionary schoolteacher Sonia Vronsky fall in love. She is exiled to Siberia with her brother Kyrill, but Petroff is posted there and they continue their romance. After the October Revolution Vronsky and Petroff escape the country while being pursued by the Bolshevik leader Egor Kaplan.
The film centers on Hannah (Juno Temple), a shy songwriter, who discovers that her friend, respected record producer Theo Ross (Simon Pegg), has lapsed on his medication for schizophrenia. Hannah rallies a group of friends to help commit Theo to a psychiatric hospital, chasing him as he outruns his colorful delusions through the glamour and grit of Los Angeles.
A widow exacts revenge on her wheelchair-using father-in-law for an affair they had in her youth.
Minamoto no Yorimitsu and his four generals, including Watanabe no Tsuna, and defeat the demon of Ōe-yama. Later, one night at a banquet, Yasumasa tells of a servant of the Ōe-yama demon, Kidōji that is menacing passers by at the Rashōmon. Tsuna, expressing doubt, visits the Rashōmon to verify the rumour, and cuts off Kidōji's right arm with a ''tachi'' called ''Hizamaru'' (膝丸), but as he is returning with his prize the demon steals his arm back. Later, Yorimitsu falls ill. Hearing that his master's sickness will be cured if the demon who lives in the forest of Uda, Yamato Province, Tsuna heads out. He encounters an ''ushi-oni'' in the form of a beautiful woman, cuts off its hand with a ''tachi'' called ''Higekiri'' (鬚切), and carries it home.
On the advice of a fortune-teller, Yorimitsu places the hand in a red chest (朱の唐櫃 ''shu no karabitsu''), placing the chest in a northwest-facing storehouse. He encloses it in a ''shimenawa'' and for seven days reads aloud the Humane King Sutra before it. On the sixth day, the ''ushi-oni'' appears before Yorimitsu in the form of the latter's mother, in order to steal back its hand, but Yorimitsu cuts it down with ''Higekiri''.
The swords ''Hizamaru'' and ''Higekiri'' are dubbed, respectively, ''Onimaru'' and ''Onigiri'' and become prized family heirlooms of the Minamoto clan.
Superior Octopus establishes himself as a local hero of San Francisco. He has invented a machine using technology of the Inheritors that makes clones of himself, allowing his consciousness to jump to one of those in case of death. Spider-UK, Spider-Woman of Earth-982, Spider-Gwen of Earth-65, Doctor Octopus (Octavia Octo) of Earth-1104, Spider-Ham, Spider-Punk of Earth-138, and Spider-Man Noir gather at the lab to warn him of the risk. Morlun, Verna and Jennix emerge from one of the machines and kill Spider-Man Noir and Spider-UK. Morlun departs to target Peter Parker.
As the Inheritors continue to emerge, the spiders suggest that Octavius trigger the base's self-destruct, with Spider-Gwen apparently sacrificing herself to trap the Inheritors in the base as the others retreat. With the Inheritors now restricted to the bodies they have at the moment, Octavius and Spider-Punk suggest killing the Inheritors while Miles, Spider-Woman and Spider-Ham vow to adhere to their old philosophies. Octavius returns to the Superior Spider-Man costume, and both groups start to recruit allies from alternate dimensions. Verna takes a detour in her mission where she absorbs the Master Weaver's lifeforce. Spider-Gwen finds herself on Earth-3109.
Arriving on Earth-51778, Superior Spider-Man and Spider-Man of Earth-1048 warn Takuya Yamashiro of the Inheritors. On Earth-50101, Miles Morales and Pavitr Prabhakar talk about Superior Spider-Man's group plan to kill the Inheritors as they stop some robbers. Afterwards, they meet up with Spider-Man and Spinneret from Earth-18119, Spider-Ham, Silk, SP//dr, and Spider-Pete and Spider-Ben of Earth-91918 as there are talks to get Earth-616 Peter Parker. Back on Earth-51778, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man of Earth-1048, Spiders-Man of Earth-11580, Takuya Yamashiro, Spider-Man of Earth-138, Octavia Otto, Web-Slinger of Earth-31913, and Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 talk about how to destroy the Inheritors while Kaine's group (consisting of himself, Ashley Barton, Jessica Drew, Astro-Spider, and Spider-Kid) pursues Verna before she can find the crystal containing Solus' soul. Octavia has found that Ben Reilly has followed them as he is familiar with New U Technology's cloning technology. Superior Spider-Man gets a transmission from Miles' group stating that they are heading to New U Technologies. At New U Technologies, Solus' body is restored as Daemos, Brix, Bora, and Jennix await Verna's return with the crystal. As Jennix tries to speed up the construction of the body banks, Spider-Ham reports back to the rest of his group. Before Miles can detonate the support beams, they are attacked by Brix, Bora, and Daemos. As Bora works to drain the life force from Miles, SP//dr is advised by Miles to activate the detonators in her suit. SP//dr reluctantly does so until Superior Spider-Man's group arrives where a retreat is issued after Superior Spider-Man gets analysis on Solus' body bank. During the retreat, Superior Spider-Man learns that Jennix is having a hard time with New U Technologies' cloning technology. Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 has a talk with Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 about his vision on the Web of Life and Destiny as they have a secret strategy to keep the Inheritors on Earth-616.
Spider-Woman makes it back to Earth-616 with the crystal containing Solus' lifeforce. Unfortunately, she arrives at New U Technologies where she is grabbed by Jennix. After being hit by Spider-Woman's venom blasts, Jennix instructs Daemos to share his food with Brix and Bora. As Daemos starts to feed off of Spider-Woman, she states that she got her powers from a radiation blast which makes her unpalatable to the Inheritors. Jennix instructs Daemos to place Spider-Woman in stasis so that Jennix can study her later. Jennix then uses the crystal in the cloning machine enabling Solus to live again. Solus plans to reward his children with a feast like never before. Meanwhile, on Earth-13, Miles Morales informs Spider-Man of Earth-1048 that this world is where the Spider-Army first fought Solus and killed the Enigma Force-powered Spider-Man. Superior Spider-Man explains to Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 that they are on Earth-13 to analyze the Enigma Force. Spider-Man of Earth-18199 advises Spider-Man of Earth-1048 to not let his Mary Jane get away as Spider-Man of Earth-1048 compares Miles with his world's version of Miles. Spider-Punk of Earth-138 informs the rest of Superior Spider-Man's group that Solus lives again. Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 takes Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 to Loomworld which Norman saw in his vision. They find Karn dead and the Web of Life and Destiny unguarded. Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 has his spiders eat Karn's corpse as Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 plans to have no Web of Life and Destiny to keep inter-dimensional travel from happening. Aboard Leopardon, Superior Spider-Man's group are analyzing possible recruits like a Spider-Cop and a Tyrannosaurus. Before any new recruits can be obtained, the spider-watches malfunction because of what is happening on Loomworld. As Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 sends his spiders to different Earths, Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 blows up the Web of Life and Destiny. Back on Leopardon, Superior Spider-Man figures out that someone has trapped them on Earth-616 with the Inheritors. As Pavitr and Octavia work on a way to fix it, Superior Spider-Man takes Ben Reilly to the Transamerica Pyramid where they find that Jennix has cobbled together more cloning vats. Superior Spider-Man knocks out Ben Reilly and hands him over to the Inheritors as part of a deal that includes Solus sparing Earth-616. Solus agrees to show Earth-616 mercy with no promises towards anyone who displeases the Inheritors. As Superior Spider-Man leaves, the Inheritors close in on an unconscious Ben Reilly. Miles Morales is able to use the Enigma Energy fragments to send out a message as an angered Enigma Force arrives.
The Enigma Force states that it is a tool to be used for humans who are worthy. When it asks if they have all made unforgivable mistakes, those on Miles' team face their regrets while Miles states that the Inheritors killed a version of Captain Universe from Earth-13. As Solus dismisses Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man of Earth-1048 is revealed to have secretly followed Superior Spider-Man and thinks that he has betrayed him. Ben Reilly awakens as Daemos advises Jennix to eat him. As Jennix starts to feed off of Ben Reilly's lifeforce, he gets the knowledge of Ben's sacrifice to save Spider-Man from Green Goblin, Miles Warren recreating him, and how New U Technologies' cloning banks work. The memories start to affect Jennix. As Spider-Man of Earth-1048 learns that this was part of Ben Reilly and Superior Spider-Man's plans, they are attacked by the Inheritors. As Daemos goes on the attack, Solus tells him to stand aside as he hasn't fed on a Spider yet. Just then, Solus is shot in the back by Miles Morales who was transformed into Captain Universe by the Enigma Force as Spider-Punk mentions that Jennix has been driven crazy and Verna is missing. The Captain Universe-powered Miles goes on the attack vowing not to make the same mistake as the Spider-Man of Earth-13. Leopardon shows up at New U Technologies and Takuya Yamashiro has it transform until Daemos attacks. Superior Spider-Man and Octavia Otto find Spider-Woman and free her where she mentions that Verna died on Earth-3145. As Superior Spider-Man and Octavia Otto work on reviving Ben Reilly, the other spider-powered groups fight the Inheritors. Just then, Spiderling of Earth-18119 arrives with Anya Corazon and Spider-Woman of Earth-982 as Spiderling states that she is a Pattern-Maker. The three Spider-Women use the Web of Life and Destiny fragments to get strong enough to take down Brix and Bora while Spider-Woman of Earth-982 fights Daemos. Spider-Gwen in her "Ghost Spider" alias show up with more spider-powered characters including the main 616 Spider-Man who defeated Morlun. 616 Spider-Man catches up to Superior Spider-Man and Octavia Otto who have managed to revive Ben Reilly to "factory settings." After some persuasion, Spider-Man allows Superior Spider-Man to come up with his plan as the Captain Universe-powered Miles uses Leopardon's Sword Vigor attack on Solus, Brix, Bora, and Daemos. Later, Superior Spider-Man reveals to the others that he revived the Inheritors as babies as Spider-Man arranged for the same thing to be done to Morlun so the Inheritors can grow up without abusive parentage and not become supervillains. Spider-Ma'am takes in the baby Inheritors as foster children. As every spider-powered character returns to their world, Spider-Woman of Earth-982 mentions that there was no Other this time, but Annie tells her there is. On Earth-982, Peter Parker's hand rises from the grave. Spider-Man and Miles tell Superior Octopus that he should call them if a threat arises for him no matter from whence they came. The final scene shows Norman Osborn of Earth-44145 in an unknown location holding a DNA container.
This story follows Lily Cruz (Maja Salvador), a beautiful and smart heiress who wants justice for her parents’ deaths by seeking revenge against the evil Ardiente family, a powerful political dynasty in the fictional province that bears their name.
Lily’s mother, Camia (Sunshine Cruz) is a school teacher and her father Dante (Christian Vasquez) is a public attorney. The Cruz family moves to the thriving and wealthy province of Poblacion Ardiente, where Dante gets an associate position in the Public Attorney’s office. Lily easily finds friends including Diego Torillo (Joseph Marco), the youngest son of the Ardiente family, one of the students who Camia tutors. The Ardiente family is the most powerful political dynasty in the province under the jurisdiction of Governor Julio Ardiente (Tirso Cruz III) and his daughter Emilia (Aiko Melendez), Mayor of the province. Emilia is married to businessman and known serial womanizer, Raul Torillo (Wendell Ramos). They have two sons, Arnaldo (RK Bagatsing) and Diego.
Complications follow when Raul is attracted to Camia. With the entitlement of the powerful, Raul assaults Camia prompting Dante to file rape charges against him. Unfortunately, the Ardientes do not take threats lightly. Lily's world crumbles when Dante suspiciously dies from a heart attack and she witnesses her mother’s rape. Though targeted to be killed herself, the assassins feel compassion for the 9 year old and frees her instead. Lily fends for herself in another city until a wealthy woman, Prianka Aguas (Priscilla Meirelles) rescues her from life in the streets. Prianka legally adopts Lily and raises her to become tough, providing her with the resources to seek justice for her parents. Prianka later died from ovarian cancer and Lily inherits her fortune and returns to Poblacion Ardiente as Ivy Aguas.
With a billion dollar conglomerate behind her, Ivy is a magnet for the Ardientes who are preparing their campaign for the gubernatorial and congressional reelections. Ivy is reacquainted with Diego, who turns out to be the bastard son of Raul. Nonetheless, they fall in love and Diego renounces his family.
The movie follows the life of Negrense ''sakada''s ( ), or seasonal sugarcane farmers, and the ''asendero''s ( ) who own the plantations. Unrest ensues after a ''sakada'' is shot to death by one of the plantation's security guards. As the story unfolds, the movie reveals the exploitative feudal agricultural system of the time.
In the first year of Chōtoku (995), Emperor Ichijō is told in a dream to commission the forging of a sword by Sanjō no Kokaji Munechika (三条小鍛冶宗近). Munechika, with the assistance of the god Inari, forges the valuable blade '' ''.
That winter, a malevolent female raccoon dog manifests as a ''yuki-onna'' and starts spiriting people away. Several warriors, including the retainers of Tada Mitsunaka, are commissioned to eliminate the beast, and manage to injure it but fail to capture it.
The following spring, Taira no Kanenobu encounters a beautiful woman on and takes her home with him. Kanenobu's former lover realizes the woman's true nature and attempts to warn him, but is strangled to death. A fortune-teller tells Kanenobu that this was the work of the ''yuki-onna'', and Kanenobu uses the sword ''Kogitsune-maru'', with which he is entrusted by the emperor, to slay the creature.
A normal girl is transported to another world, known as the Dream World. Here, dreams are the energy of all beings living within it. The protagonist is revealed to be the long-lost Princess of Traumere and therefore the princess of the Dream World, and she must defend the world from creatures known as Dream Eaters, who steal people's dreams. Using a special ring, she must rescue the various princes of the world, trapped in eternal slumber within their own rings, and team up with them to save the Dream World.
Ivy (Maja Salvador) painstakingly executes her intricate plan to bring down the Ardientes: First, Ivy seduces their weakest link, Arnaldo (RK Bagatsing). He becomes obsessed with her while she drives him crazy until he finally commits suicide in front of Lily at the resort where the newly married Torillos are honeymooning. Second, she ingratiates herself with Emilia (Aiko Melendez) and then exposes her for plunder, stripping her of her position. After several retaliatory attempts by Emilia against Ivy fails, Emilia is committed to a psychiatric facility; Third, she unseats Julio Ardiente (Tirso Cruz III) from his reelected Governor seat and weakens his powerhold in the province and then robs him of the only person he loves, his grandson Arnoldo. Ivy steadily chips away at what once was the Ardiente’s impregnable wall to rule with impunity.
The point of divergence occurs when the United States never purchases Alaska from Russia. As a result, Alaska remains under Russian control until the Russian Civil War. As a consequence of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War and the U.S. fighting the Red Army in Siberia, Vladimir Lenin is forced to cede Alaska to the U.S.
The story is set in June 1929. Joseph Stalin initiates a take-over of the city of Siknazuak (real-life Nome, Alaska with a variant of its Iñupiat name). The story depicts the liberation of Siknazuak by the United States Marine Corps.
The film begins with Waffles and Don sleeping on a hammock which is strung by a camel. Waffles and Don sleep on the hammock until the camel kicks them out. Don looks around and finds a source of water. Once arriving at that source, a fight breaks out between the three of them due to the camel trying to drink the water. The fight kills the camel, who is punched several times in the face by Waffles. However, a bird drinks the water instead when they are not looking.
A sphinx then arrives from the distance and accuses them of killing the camel. Waffles denies this, and instead blames Don. Waffles then hallucinates and they both end up in a pyramid. After they both inspect the room, Don finds a coin-slot in one of the tombs and inserts a coin. This opens the tomb and reveals a skeleton. The skeleton then gets out of the tomb and starts to dance. This makes the art on the walls start to dance.
After the dance, the skeleton then retreats to the tomb. However, the skeleton leaves his leg outside. And when he retrieves to get it, Don hits him over the head with it. When Don tries to see what the tomb is like, Waffles, in a state of panic, pushes him in to the tomb. However, Waffles is dragged into the tomb, and a fight breaks out between the three of them. As a result of the fight, Waffles and Don are both thrown from the tomb and into another part of the pyramid.
After inspection, the little dog, despite being told not to by Waffles, pulls some hairs from a mummy, which makes a sound similar to a fire alarm. This makes a skeleton and two cats gather round a wheelbarrow and turns it into a makeshift firetruck. Both Waffles and Don follow the wheelbarrow, until the skeleton flings them off it and they fall into another room. After inspection, Don leans on an unknown item, which produce a piano-like sound. Thus, Don begins to play a song on it. A skeleton then expands it into an upright piano and begins to play a duet with the little dog.
After the duet, both dogs leave through an opening in the wall. They then comically take an elevator to a top of an Egyptian style elevator shaft. After reaching the top, they comically walk off the ledge and falls back down to the bottom. They then start running through the landscape. However, they turn back after seeing a giant sphinx face in the sky. The film ends with both Waffles and Don running from the giant face.
When Ivy reveals her real identity as Lily Cruz after she cripples the Ardiente's powerful influence, a new enemy surfaces. The enemy is Julio's first wife and Emilia's mother, Helena Montoya. Also known in the criminal world as Red Dragon, Helena controls the country’s largest crime syndicate operations. Notwithstanding the sinister résumé, Helena is no match to Ivy's cunning and superior skills, and after several conflicts, Lily brings Red Dragon's operations to a halt too.
Lucas Ray and his friend Olivia, two residents of Denver, Colorado, find a puppy in a construction site along with many kittens and a mother cat. He names the dog Bella and takes her home to live with him and his mother, Terri. Over the years, Lucas plays with and takes care of Bella. However, Lucas also continues to feed the cats at the old house, putting himself in the crosshairs of Günter Beckenbauer, who intends to demolish the house. He calls the city about the cats who live there, which delays the demolition.
Vengeful, Günter notifies animal control that Bella is a pitbull (despite not looking like one), because, in Denver, Pitbulls are illegal, due to being a dangerous breed. That evening, an overzealous animal control officer named Chuck comes by to warn Lucas that if he finds Bella on the street, he will impound her. The next day, when Bella gets out to chase a squirrel, Lucas catches up to her and prepares to take her home, but Chuck confiscates Bella and takes her into the local animal shelter. Lucas picks Bella up, pays a fine, and is allowed to take her home, but he is warned that if Bella is captured again, she will be euthanized. To avoid this, Lucas sends Bella to live with Olivia's aunt and uncle in Farmington, New Mexico, until he and his mother can find another home outside of Denver's urban limit.
However, Bella misses Lucas and leaves Farmington and begins a 400-mile journey home, which will take more than two years to complete. During Bella's journey, she befriends a orphaned cougar cub, whom she names "Big Kitten." Bella and Big Kitten encounter many ordeals together, including being hunted by a pack of coyotes, but a group of men help Bella and frighten the coyotes away. The three men give Bella food at their campsite and upon learning who her owner is, try to call Lucas, only to be scared away by the sudden arrival of Big Kitten. During the winter, Bella helps rescue a man buried in an avalanche. Eventually, she reaches a small town, where she is taken in by a homeless veteran named Axel until he soon dies. Back in the wilderness, Bella is attacked by coyotes again, but Big Kitten, now fully grown, returns and intervenes, successfully fighting off the coyotes. At each place Bella goes, she learns that each of her new friends has their own home, and how she must keep moving to get back to her family. After encountering further challenges, Bella finally makes it back to Denver, and she bids Big Kitten farewell before they part ways.
She reaches the city's VA hospital, where she joyfully reunites with Lucas, Terri, and Olivia. Lucas prepares to take Bella to the vet to treat an injury Bella received due to being struck by a car, but when Lucas, Terri, and Lucas's friends bring Bella outside, Chuck arrives with several police officers, including police captain Mica. Chuck claims that he needs to confiscate Bella again, with the threat to have Lucas and anyone who interferes arrested otherwise. Captain Mica states that he enforces the law, which states that Bella must be impounded, but Lucas and Terri stand up for Bella and explain that there is no reason to confiscate Bella as the VA hospital is federal property, and thus it is not technically part of Denver. Captain Mica allows Lucas to keep Bella as he has no jurisdiction. Chuck threatens to pull Lucas over if he sees Bella leave the premises, but Captain Mica pulls Chuck from public field duty for his over-zealousness and the number of complaints against him, then orders the police officers not to pull anybody over just to impound a dog.
Lucas and Olivia are happy to see Bella and manage to move into a house in Golden, where they allow Pitbulls. Meanwhile, Big Kitten is revealed to be a mother herself as she and her daughter watch over the city of Denver.
Fifteen years have passed since a massive solar flare destroyed the ozone layer, turning the planet Earth into a largely uninhabitable wasteland ravaged by extreme weather events while being scorched by the sun's ultraviolet rays, increasing temperatures to . One of the few survivors, robotics engineer Finch Weinberg, lives alone with his dog Goodyear and a helper-robot Dewey in an underground St. Louis laboratory once owned by the company he worked for before the cataclysm. Finch only ventures outside to search for supplies wearing a protective suit.
Dying of an undisclosed ailment (although Finch is seen reading a book on radiation poisoning), Finch is working on creating a more advanced humanoid robot companion to take care of his dog once he is gone. Finch feeds it volumes of encyclopedic knowledge, including a manual for training and caring for dogs. However, Goodyear initially doesn't trust the robot (which eventually chooses the name ''Jeff'').
Finch discovers that a massive storm is approaching St. Louis that will certainly destroy the area and kill him. Finch, Jeff, Dewey, and Goodyear set out in a heavily modified motorhome towards San Francisco. Because of the hasty departure, Jeff could download only 72% of his encyclopedic data, and his mental capacity requires training. Despite his condition worsening, Finch tries to teach Jeff some valuable lessons about life and how to protect Goodyear. Jeff's inquisitive behavior both amuses and frustrates Finch, but the robot slowly shows more initiative.
By the time they reach Denver, Finch becomes bedridden and Jeff decides to loot an abandoned hospital with Dewey. Dewey unwittingly gets crushed by a beartrap and Finch retrieves Jeff to escape the city, realizing that the area is a trap set up by other humans. Later in the evening, the motorhome is pursued by an unknown car (which evidently followed them from the hospital). Finch makes a panicked error in judgment and crashes their vehicle through an underpass with too little clearance, but Jeff is strong enough to squeeze it out of sight. Finch begins to give up hope that he will survive the journey and tells a story (in a flashback) about how he rescued Goodyear.
Approaching their destination, the UV radiation has dropped low enough for Finch to be able to step out into the sunshine without a protective suit. Ecstatic, Finch spends an afternoon outside with Jeff, teaching him how to play fetch with Goodyear before quietly dying. After cremating Finch in a funeral pyre, Jeff and Goodyear make their way to San Francisco. Although they find the city habitable but deserted, they find possible evidence of surviving humans at the Golden Gate Bridge and set out to find them.
In 2004, triad member Jizo (Louis Koo) was caught dealing drugs in his night club. His boss, Yu Nam (Kent Cheng) punishes Jizo by ordering his compatriot Yu Shun-tin (Andy Lau) to cut off his fingers and expel him from the organisation. Yu, who witnessed his father being consumed by drug addiction during childhood and abhors drugs as deadly foes, eventually decides to resign from the Triad and live a straight life.
It is now 2019 and Yu has become a billionaire tycoon and philanthropist known as the "Finance Whiz", after meeting lawyer Michelle (Karena Lam), who becomes Yu's wife and business partner. Meanwhile, Jizo is now one of the biggest drug lords in the Hong Kong underworld. Yu discovers that he actually has a long-lost son with his recently deceased ex-girlfriend, May (Chrissie Chau). He travels to the Philippines to find his son, only to witness him commit suicide due to the effects from a drug overdose. After returning, Yu vows to destroy the drug trade in Hong Kong. Using his wealth and former triad connections, he orders several hits and coordinates a chain of dog-eat-dog events which shocks the whole drug trade, putting the players on high alert. Police chief inspector Lam Ching-fung (Michael Miu) and his team conduct drug raids involving Yu's men, and Afghani gangs. Lam discovers Yu is extracting revenge on the whole drug trade over the death of his son. Jizo, discovering that this act is being orchestrated by Yu, confronts his former brother, and publicly reveals to Inspector Lam that Yu has a history with the Triad.
Yu then offers a bounty of HK$100 million to kill the number one drug dealer in Hong Kong, which causes a stir in the criminal underworld and society at large. Because his bounty was not directed at a specific person, the police are unable to prosecute Yu. Fearing reprisal, Jizo voluntarily turns himself in to the police, and Inspector Lam is now responsible for protecting Jizo from the bounty instead of arresting him. Jizo also orders a hit on Yu, but the killer accidentally kills Michelle instead.
Enraged by the death of his wife, Yu launches an all-out attack on Jizo, eventually cornering him in a subway tunnel. Inspector Lam then arrives and they have a three-way shootout. Both Yu and Jizo are killed while Inspector Lam survives. Lam honours Yu's legacy by using the bounty to open a centre for children whose parents were drug addicts.
The film is based on the novel ''R.V.S.'' by Arkady Gaidar. The film takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. All the men of Olkhovka village went to war. A young man Zhigan visits his grandfather and meets the son of a soldier of the Red Army - Sashko, who becomes his friend. Sashko receives information that the bandits want to kill the red commissar who must visit the village. Guys want to warn him.
Young Rio Cutler (Jake Schur) kills his alcoholic and abusive father one night in an unsuccessful attempt to save his mother from being beaten to death. Grant Cutler, Rio's uncle, (Chris Pratt) hears the gunshot and enters the house. Furious over his brother's murder, Grant attacks Rio, receiving a stab wound in the process. Both Rio and his sister Sara (Leila George) escape when Sara steals a horse before they take shelter in an abandoned shack; intending to meet their mother's friend in Santa Fe.
When they wake, they are greeted by Billy the Kid (Dane DeHaan) and his gang. Rio shows a picture of his mother to Billy, who reveals that he too killed his father in defence of his mother. When one of the gang goes outside to check on the horses, he is shot by Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke) and the posse who have the gang trapped in the shack. A gunfight ensues, and Garrett's posse takes the gang prisoner. Sara warns Rio not to go outside, fearing he will be hanged if he reveals he killed their father. Seeing this as a chance to get safely to Santa Fe, Rio runs outside anyway. Garrett begins to question Rio and Sara; they tell him that their mother died and while travelling to Santa Fe, they were separated from their father. Garrett seems suspicious, but takes them along.
The posse stops at a Mexican ranch where Billy sees his lover and promises to return. While Billy antagonises Garrett during dinner, Rio slips him some butter to escape from his wrist shackles and Billy threatens to kill a deputy, if not set free. Garrett produces a gun and threatens to shoot gang member Dave Rudabaugh, who Billy is still shackled to at the ankle. With no escape possible, the situation is defused. Later, Garrett tells Rio about the first man he killed and asks him if he has anything he wants to tell him, but Rio says no.
When they reach Santa Fe, Sheriff Romero (Vincent D'Onofrio) insists on taking Billy into custody along with Dave. Sensing hostility, Garrett commandeers a stagecoach, and amidst an armed standoff, he leaves with Billy for Lincoln County, where Billy can stand trial. Rio and Sara slip away during the trouble and find their mother's friend in a dance hall, but Grant and his gang ambush them. He tells them their mother was a whore, and for killing his brother he's taking Sara as his whore. He turns Rio out on the street and takes Sara. Rio sees Dave about to be hanged and Dave informs Rio that Billy is also about to be hanged in Lincoln and gives him a letter from Billy, which claims he knows where Sara was taken. Rio steals a horse, gets a gun, rides to Lincoln and goes to the jail to visit Billy, but deputy Bob Olinger (Adam Baldwin) turns him away. To get into the jail, Rio half-heartedly robs a bank and is shot by another deputy. In jail, Billy plots to escape and offers to bring Rio. Garrett once again asks Rio if he has anything to tell him, again he says no, and Garrett leaves town.
Billy puts his plan in motion. He escapes by attacking his guard during a trip to the outhouse; when the guard runs, Billy shoots him. He gets the keys to his shackles and frees Rio. They steal a horse and head to the Mexican ranch; Billy promises to help find Sara, but once at the ranch, Billy finds his lover is pregnant and ignores Rio's plea for help. Garrett catches up with Billy at the ranch and kills him. Realising Billy could not have helped him, Rio tells Garrett the truth about his father and his sister. They go to the whorehouse in Puerto de Luna and Rio looks for Sara while Garrett encounters Grant. Grant tells Garrett about a time he saw his brother engaging in incest; when he told his father, he was beaten harshly and told to keep his mouth shut. Rio emerges with Sara and Grant takes Rio hostage during a skirmish that includes gunfire and Sara shooting one of the men that raped her from her uncle's gang.
Garrett chases Grant outside, where Grant threatens to kill Rio if he isn't let go. Garrett tells Grant that witnesses will attest to how he ran off from Pat Garrett like a coward. Grant says that's not true, but Garrett says it doesn't matter what's true, it matters the story they tell when you're gone. Garrett challenges Grant to a fair gunfight, which he accepts, and tosses Rio aside. Sara emerges from the saloon suddenly, distracting Garrett. Grant makes his move, but Rio shoots him in the head. Before Garrett leaves town, he tells the siblings they have good in them and plenty of life to put to good use. As Sara and Rio ride off, Rio encourages Sara to remember what she once said to him, that it ain't wrong being afraid, you have to keep trying and keep moving until you find some goodness in life.
The chief of one mine in a small town in the Donbas Chub is playing along with the Trotskyites and bandits. A certain Semyon Primak arrives at the mine and begins to confront Chub. Slaughterer Matvey Bobylyov, in spite of their disassembly, begins to mine coal with a completely new method.
The National Socialists send a German underground worker to a concentration camp. With the help of his friends, he decides to flee from there.
Jason is a wannabe DJ in Dublin who is addicted to drugs. He later meets his brother Daniel, an educated homeless heroin addict. The two brothers reconnect during a weekend. Jason continually runs into his double, who has his phone. He attempts to connect with this seemingly secondary self, but is consistently thwarted in his efforts. At the end of the play, time doubles back on itself, and Jason seems to be reliving the day again.
The landlord Helen Popova, who is going through the death of her husband, visits the owner of the neighboring estate, Grigory Smirnov, who insistently demands the repayment of Elena's husband's debt in order to improve her unfavorable financial situation, and, having been refused, calls her to a duel.
The film opens with an unspecified year but is probably around WWII, as the rifle he carries appears to be a German KAR98, which was introduced in 1935 as the standard German infantry rifle. It is possible he could have obtained it during the Spanish Civil War, ca. 1936 to 1939, but it would have been a German frontline weapon at that time. The local townspeople do not appear to have all the modern comforts of the era with exception of electricity. The main character Martinon is a huntsman who lives a life of solitude completely without modern day comforts high on a mountain top in an abandoned town, which appears to have been ravaged by war. Martinon's life is that of "hard-living". The terrain near Martinon's home is rocky with steep hills, which are surrounded by a dense forest filled with wildlife. Martinon's daily routine consists of maintaining the land in front of his house, tending to his goats and hunting for wolves so that he can trade their skins. All this is done through the harsh bitter cold mountain weather. Martinon's physical appearance, tall and muscular with shaggy hair and a bushy beard, intimidates those he encounters. Occasionally, Martinon makes the two day journey down the mountain to the local town to sell the wolf skins he harvested.
During a visit to the local town, inside a bar Martinon is attempting to sell some newly caught wolf skins to the mayor, who haggles with him over the price and authenticity of the skins. Afterwards, Martinon discusses the exchange with the bar owner Severino. Severino suggests to Martinon that he should consider marriage and starting a family to pass on his property as his legacy. Martinon considers the suggestion but points out that the conditions of his life in the mountains are no place for children or a wife. On his way out of town Martinon has sex with a local woman, Pascuala, and considers her to be a suitable wife. Martinon makes a deal with Pascuala's father, Ubaldo.
Martinon leaves town with Pascuala as his wife. Pascuala adapts to her new home life with ease, but begins showing signs of an unknown illness through consistent coughing. Pascuala also tells Martinon that she is pregnant. Martinon shows no verbal or facial expressions on how he feels about the pregnancy, but begins to create a baby crib. Pascuala's illness worsens, resulting with a difficult pregnancy. Bedridden Pasculua dies while giving birth to a stillborn baby boy, while Martinon is tending to the goats.
Visibly saddened and frustrated because of the deaths of his wife and son, Martinon breaks the baby crib he created. While attempting to bury their bodies, Martinon burst into a fit of anger and begins knocking down the headstones on the older surrounding graves of the graveyard. Martinon brings the bodies of his wife and the baby boy to Ubaldo, and accuses him of knowing that Pasculua was sick and pregnant with someone else's child upon joining him. Ubaldo concedes to the accusations, stating that he was afraid that Pascuala's reputation would be ruined. He'd hoped that once Pascuala had her baby, people would believe that Martinon was the father, since they were living together. Martinon berates Ubaldo for not being a good father and demands his money back. Ulbaldo begs Martinon for time to collect the money. Martinon gives him until the next spring to pay.
When Martinon goes back to Ubaldo to collect his money, rifle in hand, Ubaldo instead of money offers his youngest daughter, Adela, to Martinon. He says Adela will join him, provided that he marry her. Martinon accepts Adela and the next day they are married. After the wedding, Ubaldo apologizes to Adela for the impromptu marriage. He pleads with Adela not to run away, but instead to attempt to adapt to the situation, because should she run away, Martinon would look for her and also come after Ubaldo. Here father then gives Adela a red cloth, later revealed to contain herbs, telling her to use it should her situation become unbearable.
Adela leaves with Martinon on the journey back to the top of the mountain. The walk is strenuous for Adela, causing Martinon to stop repeatedly to give her water. Adela does not adapt to her new life, which features brutal sex forced upon her and a complete lack of human connection with Martinon, who regards her as a piece of property. One day Martinon informs Adela that he will be gone for trading for four days. Martinon warns Adela to be careful of the wild life in the forest, should she venture outside the abandoned town. While alone for four days, Adela inspects the ruined buildings of the abandoned town and the nearby cemetery, where she notices two open graves. Upon Martinon's return, Adela asks for whom they were intended. Martinon replies that "they're not graves, just holes". This response upsets Adela and she begins to walk away when Martinon tells her that Pascuala's death was her father's fault because Ubaldo traded Pascuala knowing she was sick and pregnant. Martinon also tells Adela that Ubaldo did the same trade with her. Adela calls Martinon a liar and walks away.
Later Martinon observes Adela staring tearfully out into the distance. While looking at herself in the mirror Adela realizes she is pregnant. Though Martinon shows no verbal or facial reaction, he prepares a baby crib and makes breakfast for Adela in the mornings. Martinon also begins to reduce any strenuous activities for Adela. One day while cleaning a wolf skin, Adela becomes frustrated, and resolves to poison Martinon's food with the herbs her father gave her. Martinon unknowingly eats the poisoned foods and soon becomes sick, vomiting daily. Adela appears pleased with herself and decides to run away while Martinon is out hunting. While running down the mountain Adela steps on one of the traps set by Martinon, preventing her from properly running and walking.
When Martinon returns home to find Adela gone he immediately searches the ruined buildings of the town. The next morning he follows Adela's tracks and discovers her passed out under some fallen trees. Martinon takes Adela home to nurse her back to health. While wrapping the unconscious Adela's frost bitten feet Martinon observes Adela having a miscarriage. Adela becomes strong enough to walk around the house. Adela sorrowfully tells Martinon that she lost the baby. Martinon is quiet, as he is already aware. Martinon tells Adela that once she fully recovers, she can return to her family. When Adela asks why, Martinon only replies that the days are shorter so she'll have to leave early. Adela shows a mix of happiness and remorsefulness while standing outside alone, and she eventually leaves.
Martinon is left alone in his home. He soon discovers Adela's hidden canister of poisonous herbs. Martinon stands outside silently crying to himself while staring out into the distance. The film ends with Martinon in bed looking up at the ceiling alone in his house while the darkness settles around him, with his rifle by his side. As the scene pulls away, the door to Martinon's house has been left wide open to a cold snowy evening
Iris Deerborne is a teenager living in a rural Oklahoma town in 1960. The shy and mousey Iris is emotionally abused by her mother Francie, who wishes her daughter were more glamorous. At school she is bullied by many of the other kids, especially Clarissa Dell, the popular but insecure "queen bee" of the school. Iris shares a mutual attraction with Jeff Owings, a fellow student who works for her father, but is too shy to act on her feelings. Iris frequently sneaks out at night to swim in a local pond, wishing that she could "disappear".
One day, while walking to school, Iris is accosted by several boys. They are chased off by Maggie Richmond, a new girl at school who throws rocks at them until they leave. At school the other girls are intrigued by the conventionally pretty Maggie who piques their interest by telling them her father is a glamorous photographer for Life magazine who has photographed movie stars and dignitaries. That night, Iris finds Maggie swimming in her pond. Maggie admits that her father is not a glamour photographer, but instead works for an agricultural trade publication. When Maggie returns home, her stern father beats her for being out late. The family has moved to this small town to escape trouble which Maggie's behavior had caused in the past.
Iris and Maggie become fast friends and Maggie has them skip school so they can get makeovers, including new hairdos from the local stylist Hazel Atkins. Iris' new looks and more confident attitude begin to gain her more acceptance from the girls in her school, most of whom are obsessed with finding dates to the upcoming school dance. At the dance, Iris finally gets the nerve to dance with Jeff Owings, surprising the rest of the girls. Later, Maggie's family is thrilled to find out that she has been asked to the prom by popular football player Craig Butler. Maggie's mother takes her out dress shopping for the occasion. Maggie then visits Hazel Atkins for a new hairdo. Maggie learns that the picture which everyone believes to be the spinster Hazel's dead husband is really of her brother. After sharing a tender moment, Hazel sensually touches Maggie's cheek. Maggie flees and finds Craig Butler, having sex with him that night by the pond. Afterwards, the distraught Maggie goes to Iris' house and drunkenly kisses her friend before apologizing.
The next day, Iris learns that Craig has given Maggie a promise ring. Maggie invites the other girls and their dates to the pond for a skinny dipping session, angering Iris who considered the pond their special place. Iris and Maggie have a big fight, where Iris accuses Maggie of lying to everyone else and not being herself. Maggie, in turn, derides Iris as "stinky drawers" a nickname the other kids had used to bully her. Maggie, ashamed of what she's done and the people she's with, flees to Hazel's house where the two of them kiss. Late that night, one of the girls comes by Hazel's to pick up a jar of hair product meant for her mother. Through the window she sees Hazel and Maggie having sex. She hurries home and tells her parents. The news quickly passes throughout the town. A group of men force Hazel to leave town. Maggie's father beats her again, then breaks down in tears over his idealized image of his daughter. Maggie apologizes to her parents, tells them that they won't have to worry about her anymore and flees into the night.
The next morning, Iris learns about what happened. She finds Maggie's father and the police by the pond, a place locally renowned for a woman having committed suicide there. A distraught Mr Richmond tells Iris to tell Maggie to come home and that he doesn't care about her being bad anymore. Iris stands up for her friend, saying that Maggie was never bad. The police are unable to find Maggie, either alive or dead. When a group of boys harass Iris on the road again, she throws stones at them to chase them off, just like Maggie did. When she hears her mother gossiping with a friend, Iris insists that Maggie isn't dead, and that she has fled far beyond the reach of the narrow minded townsfolk. She then informs them that she is going on her first date with a boy. Iris and Jeff Owings kiss by the pond and then go swimming.
In 2020, at a (fictional) public inquiry, a frustrated Dominic Cummings attempts to explain that they have no understanding of the way in which technology is reshaping politics and therefore society in the United Kingdom.
In 2015, Cummings rejects an offer by UKIP MP Douglas Carswell and political strategist Matthew Elliott to lead the Vote Leave campaign due to his contempt for "Westminster politics", but accepts when Carswell promises Cummings full control. Cummings decides to use social media and the internet as the marketing rather the traditional campaign of posters and phone-calls/leaflets delivered by local MPs. Cummings rejects an approach by Nigel Farage and Arron Banks of Leave.EU to merge their campaigns, as his data shows Farage is an obstacle to winning an overall majority. Cummings' database-driven approach causes friction with Vote Leave MPs and donors, such as John Mills. Mills, who chairs the Vote Leave campaign, tries to have Cummings fired to merge with Leave.EU, only to be fired himself.
Cummings and his Remain counterpart, Craig Oliver, lay out their strategies and opinion of each other. Both identify the third of UK voters who are still undecided as the key. Oliver identifies "Jobs and the Economy" as their key message, while Cummings believes that the "Loss of Control" and the possible accession of Turkey to the EU is a more common fear concern. Cummings invokes Sun Tzu's ''The Art of War'' philosophy as to focus on their own message, which he defines as to "Take Back Control", thus positioning Vote Leave as the historical status quo, and Remain as the "change" option. Cummings meets and hires Canadian Zack Massingham, co-founder of AggregateIQ, who offers to build a database using social media tools of voters who are not on the UK electoral register but are inclined to vote to leave. Meanwhile, Arron Banks meets Robert Mercer, who discusses the potential of social media database tools.
Cummings, using the AggregateIQ database, brings MP Douglas Carswell to Jaywick, a part of his constituency he did not know existed, where a couple articulate the destitution of their position. Oliver, using the traditional focus-groups, realizes that his campaign has failed to understand the concerns of all UK voters, and his staff become demoralized and angry.
In the final stages, high-profile senior Tory MPs Michael Gove and Boris Johnson join the Vote Leave campaign emphasizing the need to "Take Back Control", while Penny Mordaunt raises concerns on BBC over the accession of Turkey. Gove and Johnson have some reticence over specific Vote Leave claims (e.g. £350 million for NHS, and 70 million potential Turkish emigrants) but overcome them. Oliver conducts an emergency Tory-Labour Remain conference call with prime minister David Cameron and Peter Mandelson, but each side blames each other for the Remain campaign's decline. Following the murder of MP Jo Cox, Cummings and Oliver share a drink and discuss events, with Cummings comparing his campaign as having started a train that cannot be stopped, and Oliver replying: "Be careful what you wish for. You won't be able to control it either".
On referendum polling day on 23 June 2016, Britain narrowly votes to leave the EU. After a victory speech, Cummings quietly leaves the Vote Leave campaign office. In the present, Cummings outlines his disappointment at how the political system reacted post the Vote Leave victory, eventually walking out in disgust.
In World War I, a young Hercule Poirot devises a strategy to advance his Belgian infantry company, but a booby trap mutilates his face. His fiancée, nurse Katherine, does not recoil, but says he will grow a mustache to hide his scars.
In 1937 at a London club, Poirot watches as blues singer Salome Otterbourne performs. He notices Jacqueline "Jackie" de Bellefort is there with her fiancé Simon Doyle. Jackie's childhood friend, heiress Linnet Ridgeway, soon arrives. After meeting Simon, Linnet agrees to hire him as her land agent.
Six weeks later, in Egypt, Poirot encounters his friend Bouc and Bouc's mother, Euphemia, an artist. Bouc invites Poirot to join them at the hotel to celebrate the wedding of a surprising couple – Linnet and Simon. Others join their honeymoon trip: Linnet's maid, Louise Bourget; Salome and her niece/manager, Rosalie, Linnet's schoolfriend; Linnet's godmother, Marie Van Schuyler with her nurse, Mrs. Bowers; Linnet's financial manager and cousin, Andrew Katchadourian; and Dr. Linusé Windlesham. Linnet asks Poirot for protection from the obsessive Jackie, who has stalked the couple to Egypt; Poirot cannot dissuade Jackie, who shows him she carries a gun.
To escape Jackie, the group boards the cruise ship S.S. ''Karnak.'' Linnet tells Poirot she distrusts her guests. During an excursion to Abu Simbel, Bouc reveals he is dating Rosalie, despite his mother's disapproval; Poirot finds himself attracted to Salome. After a boulder falls off a column and nearly crushes Linnet and Simon, the guests return to the ''Karnak'' to discover Jackie has boarded. Poirot, affected by champagne, confides to Jackie that he renounced romance after Katherine died in a mortar explosion. Linnet goes to bed and Simon confronts Jackie, who shoots him in the leg. When she attempts to shoot herself, Rosalie and Bouc intervene. They take Jackie to Mrs. Bowers, while Windlesham arrives to treat Simon. The following morning, Louise discovers Linnet has been fatally shot in the head and her valuable necklace stolen.
Poirot, assisted by Simon and Bouc, interrogates the guests, each of whom bears a grudge against Linnet or would benefit from her death: * Louise's engagement was ended by Linnet, who distrusted Louise's fiancé. * Windlesham was engaged to Linnet until she left him for Simon. * Andrew was embezzling from Linnet. * Bowers' formerly wealthy family was ruined by Linnet's father during the Great Depression. * Van Schuyler is a beneficiary of Linnet's will. She and Bowers are lovers. * Salome was the target of Linnet's racist remarks, years ago. * Euphemia finds Linnet's necklace. Poirot suspects she resented Linnet for introducing Bouc to Rosalie. Jackie was monitored by Bowers all night. Her gun is dredged from the Nile, wrapped in Van Schuyler's missing scarf and a bloody handkerchief.
Poirot reveals that Euphemia hired him to investigate Rosalie, who, he concludes, is more than worthy of her son's affection. Rosalie, angry at being investigated, storms off and discovers Louise's body, her throat slit. Louise is found with money, so Poirot suspects that she witnessed Linnet's murder and blackmailed the killer. He sees a possible witness' outline in the blood spatter. Interrogating Bouc with Simon, Poirot deduces that Bouc found Linnet dead and stole her necklace to gain financial freedom from his mother, but panicked and put it in Euphemia's belongings. Bouc witnessed Louise's murder, but before revealing the killer, he is shot dead; Poirot chases the killer, but only finds the abandoned gun.
Locking the surviving guests in the boat's saloon, Poirot reveals that Simon killed Linnet, with Jackie as his accomplice and the mastermind. They are still lovers and arranged Simon's romance with Linnet to inherit her wealth. Simon drugged Poirot's champagne and Jackie pretended to shoot Simon with a blank. Simon faked his injury with paint stolen from Euphemia. While Jackie distracted Bouc and Rosalie, Simon killed Linnet and, returning to the saloon, shot his own leg, muffled by Van Schuyler's scarf. Jackie killed Louise with Windlesham's scalpel, and Bouc with Andrew's gun. Faced with Poirot's irrefutable proof, Jackie embraces Simon and shoots him through the back, killing them both with one shot. As the passengers disembark, Poirot is unable to voice his feelings to Salome.
Six months later, Poirot visits her club to watch her rehearse, sitting alone in the dark and unrecognized by the club owner due to his clean-shaven face.
Taking advantage of Helena's temporary weakness, the predatory Julio kills her to take over her vast operations under the Asian syndicate's protection. However, he quickly learns that it is not as easy without the triad’s secret password, which Helena leaves with Emilia.
In the aftermath of Arnaldo's suicide, Lily and Diego try to pick up the pieces of their lives, but Julio and Emilia are enemies not yet ready to give up. In the mental asylum Emilia is haunted by the evil ghosts of Helena and Arnaldo exhorting her to avenge their deaths by killing Lily and Diego. Consumed with grief, Julio tries to stir up public outrage towards the Torillos but other than the loyalists. Meanwhile, Emilia rises from her insanity and obtains the support of the Asian syndicate with the password her mother gave her.
Meanwhile, a group of citizens claiming to be families of victims of the Ardientes locate the biggest and most solid evidence that can finally bring the Ardientes to answer for their crimes. The group approach the Torillos with information about a mass grave the Ardientes began using in the mid-50s when the family first seized power. Unlike the past witnesses who were killed, the mass graves have no living witnesses to silence but hundreds of human remains to explain for.
The group, along with Jepoy (Vin Abrenica) and Ana (Yen Santos) find the graves and thousands of skeletal remains. Jepoy and Ana contact local media about the mass grave and stirs up the neighbors to do the same. The media frenzy covering the atrocities committed by the Ardientes emboldens whistleblowers and other victims to speak up, including former accomplices and political supporters like Natalie (Roxanne Barcelo), ex-bodyguards, former assassins, Judge Lustre. At this moment the neighbors and even the defecting Ardiente loyalists staging up a strike on the city.
At the Ardiente's, Lily is captured by Julio and dragged to the town square to be executed. Julio and Emilia parade Lily through a gauntlet of loyalists hurling insults and abuses at her. Diego saves her and the execution attempt goes into a halt just before the loyalist mob attempts to execute her.
Videos of the mass grave is repeatedly shown on national television and goes viral in social media. Public outrage against the brutality of the Ardientes reach beyond the Ardiente's kingdom and the family loses the support of powerful officials who backed them and allowed them to rule with impunity. A People Power revolution topples the powerful family. With solid evidences and witnesses no longer afraid to speak out, the people of Ardiente file cases of multiple murders, frustrated homicides, Estafa, plunder charges that would send them to prison for a long time, but Julio and Emilia escape capture. Julio vows revenge.
While authorities search for them, the city celebrates a new era under the governorship of Diego Torillo. Their joy does not last long when Julio assassinates Diego with a sniper rifle, and escape once again to a Triad safe house. Diego does not survive and the entire province mourn his death. Julio and Emilia learn that the Triad is handing Red Dragon’s operations to Emilia. This does not mean anything to Julio who kills Stefano (Epi Quizon), the Triad’s representative. Emilia finally realizes her father’s direct hand in the murders of her aunt and mother, and that he never respected her as an equal.
With intel gathered by Arthur, Lily works with the NBI authorities led by Agent Salonga (Michael Flores) and successfully raid the safe house where the Ardientes and the Triad are gathered. As Lily tries to stop Julio from escaping, Emilia comes face to face with her father, shooting him several times until he dies.
Diego's campaign promises: Peace, Hope and Love finally comes to Bagong Ardiente. Emilia's gunshot wounds severs her spine, paralyzes her and she serves her time in prison. Marlon becomes Mayor of Bagong Ardiente and Lily takes over Diego's post as Governor, moving on to Senator and finally as the leading candidate at the polls for President of the Philippines. Camia and Damian (Christian Vasquez) wed after his release from prison. Lily visits Emilia in prison extending an Olive branch and forgives her.
Later, in a laboratory at an unspecified place, Julio is shown to be half-alive, having survived his gunshot injury and being connected to an intravenous solution. A gang led by Helena's adopted daughter Venus (Karylle), enters and tortures Julio to death in their actions of playing God.
In 1977, Ben and Catherine, two respected scientists leave their jobs to conduct an experiment into human identity. They aim to raise three children contrarily to their genetic predispositions, to prove the ultimate power of nurture over nature.
The parents get funding from Gertz to be able to carry out their experiment. The children are homeschooled to maximize control of the study. Samsonov, hired by Gertz, is a former Olympic athlete and trained psychologist, who helps to care for the kids and regularly keeps a log to report back to him.
Luke is their birth child, and raised to be artistic. He is encouraged to respond artistically to situations and emotions. Maya, adopted from people with a low level of studies, is raised to have a very high academic level. She's given a special diet for intellectual growth. Maurice comes from angry, aggressive people, and is raised to be a pacifist. He meditates daily.
Every six months, Gertz comes to visit and test. At the 12 year mark, he comes with a warning to get much better results soon or he'll pull the plug.
After a psychologist friend of takes the kids on a day trip, deeming them normal, the kids start planning an escape by car. Then Gertz returns to pressure more, causing Ben to use an extreme method to teach Maya, which snowballs into a huge argument with Catherine, in turn the kids try to run off in the car. They cause a huge pile up on the highway, prompting social services to take them.
Gertz threatens them, insisting that they either pay him over a million for breach of contract or sign a release for him to write about the experiment. Once the book is released, the kids are shocked and humiliated, and their parents try to break them out of the school. When they are unsuccessful, they go to Gertz's and Ben hits him in the face with a shovel. Ben is jailed but released a short time later, thanks to Mrs. Tridek, and not long after they are invited to a video montage by Luke, showing all is forgiven.
In the closing, we find out Luke has become a film director, Maya has chosen to explore the world and become an activist for the Animal Liberation Front and Maurice is a lawyer for the Women's Wrestling Federation. Their parents are not together but amicable, enjoying their seven grandchildren.
The film begins on a slave-ship which comically expands and shrinks like an accordion. On the boat, a set of four animals (one with a guitar) sings "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny". Once they arrive, Uncle Tom starts to play a recorder outside his cabin. This makes ''Popsy'' (as her uncle calls her) descend onto the cabin. Upon arrival, Uncle Tom asks where her friend, Little Eva, is. Just then, she descends onto the cabin. Uncle Tom plays a song, which both Popsy and Little Eva dance to.
However, the slave-keeper hears this and takes both Uncle Tom and Popsy as slaves, leaving Little Eva in tears. They are both taken to a slave-auction, where they must perform. The first one to perform is Uncle Tom, who falls over at the end of his performance, due to his lack of strength and malnutrition. In response, the keepers blow raspberries at him after the performance.
The second to perform is Popsy, who comically treats the audition block as a xylophone. She is viewed more favourable than Uncle Tom, but the slave-keepers chant "We want either!". When they are chanting that, a mother and her baby do spot the slave-keepers and comically runs to the mountains.
However, one of the slave-keeper spots them and sends blood hounds in order to catch them. The slave-keeper also tries to catch them via paddleboat. They are both unsuccessful, due to Uncle Tom breaking off his chain on his ball and chain and using it to make the slave-keeper's paddleboat fall off a waterfall. After that, the four animals then sing "Dixie". Until, a chicken appears and crows. They stop singing, and the film ends with the four animals pursuing the chicken.
Krystal Stubbs is a minimum-wage-earning water park employee in Greater Orlando who schemes her way up the ranks of Founders American Merchandise, a cultish, flag-waving, multi-billion-dollar multi-level marketing/pyramid scheme that drove her family to ruin.
Nick Cromwell (Olin) is an MIT-trained freelance computer systems analyst who works at a Seattle nuclear power plant. With the Y2K computer bug shutting down computer systems around the globe after midnight on January 1, 2000, Cromwell first is in Washington, D.C., arranging for an arriving airplane to land without the benefit of runway lights. Then, after word leaks a Swedish nuclear power plant has had a meltdown just a few hours earlier after that country ushered in the year 2000, Cromwell must hop a supersonic jet back home to Seattle, where Cromwell's family lives, to prevent a meltdown at the same kind of power plant. That requires the evacuation of a 10-mile radius of the plant, including Cromwell's wife, Alix (Vernon), who is a doctor delivering a millennium baby. Further complicating matters for the Cromwells is the fact that although Alix has told their two children to stay home, 16-year-old daughter, Kelly (Jane McGregor), sneaks out to party. This requires Alix to roam the city looking for her.
Other disasters around the country include power failures crippling the entire Eastern seaboard, computers unlocking all doors in a Texas prison and Jay Leno of ''The Tonight Show With Jay Leno'' continuing to broadcast.
Ângela Cristina (Ingrid Guimarães), mother of teenager Maria de Lourdes (Larissa Manoela), has to deal with the difficulties and delights of guiding her daughter during one of the most complicated stages of life.
The film tells about the adventures of the young designer Alyosha, who made a living model of the future capital of the Soviet Union, his relationship with his beloved girlfriend Zoya and the relations between the painter Fedya and the sowdrops of Olya.
Accompanied by his grandmother, Alyosha travels to Moscow to display his model at a prestigious show.
Catherine (Linda Gray) is a wealthy and lonely woman who has been handicapped ever since getting involved in a car accident, which she herself caused on the day of signing her divorce papers four years prior due to driving under the influence. During the accident she broke her back and suffered third degree burns. One day while driving on the highway, she meets Mickey Kenton (John Schneider), who claims to run investments for his father. She immediately falls for his charms and they start dating straight away. One day, he borrows $30,000 from her for a 'promising stock offer' in medial equipment, then vanishes following the money transaction. Catherine grows convinced that he is kidnapped and contacts private investigator Bert Quinn (Brock Peters), but he quickly finds out that Mickey is a con man. Quinn tracks Mickey down and threatens to unmask him.
Meanwhile, Mickey meets Alex (Heather Locklear), an overworked but very ambitious stock broker on the verge of breaking in a major corporate client. Her father (Dick O'Neill) disapproves of her car purchases which she claims will help her land the breakthrough she desperately wants. She is immediately infatuated with Mickey, who now claims to be in international trade. Aspiring to get into international trade herself, Alex repeatedly meets up with Mickey in hopes of starting a joint venture. When one day she lands a deal with the corporate client, she uses the $15,000 acquired from the deal to invest in a business deal with Mickey. A day later, he tells her the stakes have been raised and that he needs an additional $25,000 dollars, which in reality he intends to use to buy a car. Even though she does not have the money, she draws him the cheque, hopeful that she will land another deal within the company. However, immediately after signing the cheque she finds out that the major client has pulled back. However, Mickey is unwilling to return her the money and threatens to harm her if she goes to the police. She nevertheless contacts the police, who reveal that Mickey is a con man with several aliases.
By that time, Mickey has already moved on to his new victim, Annie (Tracy Nelson), a young woman running a charity for a church who needs to raise $5,000 dollars for a children's clinic on a short term. Mickey lures her into a private investment deal, claiming that she can get $6,000 dollars out of a $1,000 dollar investment. While staying at her place, he is once again approached by Quinn and realizes that the private investigator will not leave him alone. Therefore, he decides to return to Catherine and convinces her that he had to leave town for a while for his mother's funeral. She forgives him and allows him to move in with her. Meanwhile, the police and Quinn build a strong case against Mickey and track down the car that he bought with Alex's money. Alex immediately heads out to the car dealer to retrieve the car and finds Catherine, who was told by Mickey that the car was bought in her name. Alex tells Catherine that Mickey is a con man, but she refuses to believe her. A short while later, Mickey is arrested and the media reveal all of his cons. Alex and Annie are the only two victims stepping forward, and Alex even sells all of her belongings to finance the case against him.
Despite the media attention and the warnings of her teenage daughter Emily (Dedee Pfeiffer), Catherine bails him out of jail and elopes with him. When the trial against Mickey starts, however, she slowly starts to believe the accusations against him and eventually teams up with Alex and Annie. At that moment, Mickey claims to have left to Arizona for work, but the bail requires him to call in once a day. In Arizona, he is already working on a new victim when the three women lure him into town with a fake story. When he arrives, he is arrested and sent off to jail. In the closing credits, it is revealed that Mickey was given a suspended sentence, contingent upon restitution to his victims. However, no restitution was ever made.
With the case of Joan Ferguson presumably closed, a significantly pregnant Vera and her co-conspirators in the Freak's demise, Will and Jake, are off the hook... at least for now. Meanwhile, Wentworth's eclectic mix of misfits are fracturing as the powers of love, deception and revenge threaten to break them apart for good. The onset of dementia finds Liz clutching at any semblance of hope, while Boomer has to deal with her feelings after the break-up of her family.
Sarah O’Neill and her son Christopher ("Chris") move to the Irish countryside to start a new life in a rented house next to an old forest, after leaving Chris's father. Sarah worries about Chris's lack of interest in making new friends, but doesn't push the matter. While driving, Sarah almost hits an old woman named Noreen Brady standing in the middle of the road, causing the car's sideview mirror to break and fall off. When she exits the car to retrieve the mirror, Sarah notices Noreen whispering to herself before she turns to stare at Chris in silence.
After returning home, Chris becomes frightened by a spider and Sarah catches it in a jar. Outside, Chris asks her why they came here without his father, and says that his father would have killed the spider instead of releasing it. An upset Sarah releases the spider from the jar and Chris stomps on it before running away from her and into the forest. Sarah follows Chris, but is unable to catch him. She starts to get worried and eventually comes upon a large sinkhole in the middle of the forest. Believing that her son might be hurt, she turns around in a panic and discovers Chris standing behind her. Chris hasn’t seen the sinkhole yet and asks what’s behind her.
At a dinner party with friends that evening, Sarah discovers that one of her friends was in the same class with Noreen's son James when the pair were children. Her friend says that Noreen once burst into the classroom screaming before being restrained and taken to the principal's office before the police arrived. Her friend claims, James was consequently taken out of school and murdered by Noreen after she ran him over with her car.
Later that night, Sarah awakens to sounds downstairs. She finds Chris missing from his bedroom. She discovers that the door is open, and flees into the forest, believing Chris has run away. She searches in the dark for some time but cannot find Chris. After returning home, she calls the police, only to discover Chris standing in the doorway of his bedroom. Sarah visits a doctor the next day and is prescribed sedatives.
While driving Chris home from school, Sarah comes across Noreen, who is standing in the middle of the road again. Sarah exits the car and asks her to move, before meeting Noreen's kind husband Des. The two talk, while Noreen approaches the car. She notices Chris and becomes enraged, screaming that he is not Sarah's son while hitting the window with her head. Des pulls her away, and Sarah drives home in shock.
Sarah visits the Bradys’ house the day after, and discovers Noreen has been mysteriously murdered in a gruesome way, having her head buried in the dirt. Sarah attends Noreen's funeral, and notices that all the mirrors in Noreen’s house are covered with black cloths. Des explains to Sarah that Noreen believed their son James was an imposter; she could apparently tell by looking at James’s reflection in a mirror, and the habit soon became an obsession. Sarah asks what happened to James, and Des reveals that it was him, not his wife, who didn't see James dart into the road and hit him with his car.
Sarah and Chris's relationship begins to fracture; Chris suddenly develops a fondness for spaghetti bolognese and parmesan cheese, a dish he previously hated, and when Sarah confronts him about finding his toy soldier in the forest during a run, he grows enraged and pushes the dinner table towards her in an uncharacteristic display of strength. Chris suddenly becomes friends with his schoolmates, and plans to join the talent show. Sarah hears strange noises whilst bathing one night and later observes Chris catching and eating spiders in his bedroom. The next day, she visits the doctor who tells her that everything is normal. Despite this, she is convinced Chris isn't himself.
Sarah and Chris sit down for breakfast after she finishes the task of wallpapering the house. While Chris is eating, Sarah tells him that she loves him, and Chris begins to touch her face. When his fingers touch the scar on her forehead, he suddenly digs them into her skin. Sarah wakes up, and realises it was a nightmare. She watches Chris perform in the school talent show. During his verse, Chris zones in on Sarah and begins to speak his lines in an emotionless voice. Sarah then flees from the hall, and later from Chris when he is walked back to her by a teacher.
Sarah hides a camera in her son's room in an effort to monitor Chris' nighttime behavior, and after watching the footage she becomes more convinced than ever that he is not her real son. She takes the camera over to Des’s house to show him the evidence. However, after Des watches the video, he becomes enraged and throws the camera at the floor. Confronting him, Sarah asks Des to tell her if he truly doesn't believe her, to which Des replies that he can't.
Eventually, Sarah ascertains that Chris is a shapeshifter. While the creature watches television, she says they're going to play one of their favourite games - in which Sarah counts to three, and then they both pull faces. But after she counts, the creature just stares at her blankly. Sarah then tells him that he is not her son while being backed into the kitchen by the creature. The creature snaps, and begins to throw her across the kitchen repeatedly.
An injured Sarah later wakes in the garden, where the creature is shown digging a hole, before he drags her over and begins to bury her headfirst, in the same manner as Noreen. He then falls asleep (having been drugged by Sarah, with the medication she got from the doctor) and Sarah frees herself. She drags the creature to the house's basement and finds the broken car mirror. Placing it to the side of the creature’s face, he is revealed to be a shapeshifter. He begins to revive and after a minor scuffle, Sarah locks him in the basement and flees to the forest's sinkhole.
Sarah goes to the bottom of the sinkhole, crawls in underground tunnels in the earth, and eventually finds a child that looks like Chris still alive, buried deep in the ground among dozens of formless and faceless creatures. As the two escape, she is followed by a grotesque formless shapeshifter. As they reach the end of the tunnel, Sarah sees the creature’s hand on her wrist and frantically hits it with her torch. The hand suddenly turns to human flesh, and Sarah shines the light down the tunnel to see that the monster has taken her form. Sarah and Chris return to the house, and Sarah enters to retrieve the car keys before setting the house on fire with the changeling that was Chris still inside. She and the real Chris drive away to start a new life back in the city; Sarah begins to attend university, and Chris happily settles into their new house.
One day, while Chris is playing on his bike outside, Sarah takes some pictures of him through the window. Viewing the pictures, she sees that Chris's face is very blurry compared to the rest of the image. The final shot shows that Sarah has covered the walls of the living room in mirrors.
Takato Saijō, an actor since childhood, has been recognized as the "sexiest man of the year" in the entertainment industry for five consecutive years. However, his first-place position has been usurped by Junta Azumaya, a young newcomer actor. While Takato sees Junta as a rival, on the other hand, Junta admires Takato greatly and is in love with him.
Boston police Officer Spenser is jailed after pleading guilty to assaulting Captain John Boylan, who he suspected to be involved in the murder of Gloria Weisnewski, a family friend who protested gentrification. While incarcerated, Spenser studies to become a truck driver in Arizona and is warned to leave Boston. On release, Spenser takes up residence with his friend Henry Cimoli and his roommate, Hawk.
When Boylan is murdered, Detective Driscoll and his partner, Macklin, question Spenser. Driscoll, Spenser's former partner, accepts Spenser's alibi and urges him to leave the city. Spenser becomes suspicious when an honest cop, Detective Terrence Graham, reportedly kills himself and is identified as Boylan's killer.
Spenser questions Graham's wife, Letitia, and goes to a police bar where she said Graham met with Scotty Traylor, Terrence's partner. Traylor confirms Terrence suspected Boylan of being corrupt. Spenser acquires CCTV footage from a nearby store showing Terrence getting into a yellow Corvette, while two others got into his SUV and followed him. At the murder scene in a local school bus yard, Spenser discovers a toothpick similar to ones Driscoll uses. Driscoll advises dropping the case and denies having been to the crime scene.
Spenser chases the yellow Corvette on foot and is attacked by a dog. Hawk catches the license plate number of the car and traces it to Charles "Tracksuit Charlie" Bentwood, a mercenary hired to intimidate Gloria. Spenser, Henry, and Hawk surveil Bentwood and observe him making a hand off to Macklin. They discover an FBI team led by Agent Burton is also surveilling. Spenser extorts information from an inmate named Squeeb about Wonderland Greyhound Park, learning that it is the site of a future casino that Driscoll and drug gangs wish to invest in.
Driscoll and Macklin send men, part of the crime organization; the Trinitarios, to kill Spenser at a restaurant, but Hawk rescues him. Henry, Hawk, and Spenser hide out at the house of Spenser's hot-tempered ex, Cissy. When Letitia's apartment is ransacked, she calls Spenser for help and gives him a recording mailed by Terrence on the day he died. It confirms Boylan is dirty and implicates Bentwood, Macklin, and Driscoll. The three had Boylan murdered for giving the information about their business to Terrence, who was then killed shortly after, and both their deaths have been staged to make it appear to be a murder-suicide. Spenser confronts Driscoll, who refuses to turn himself in. Upon handing the recording over to the FBI, Agent Burton deems it insufficient evidence. Spenser tracks down Bentwood and interrogates him, learning of a drug shipment headed to Wonderland. Spenser and Hawk hijack the drugs, but a thug escapes to warn Driscoll. Spenser's reporter contact declares the drugs to be insufficient evidence. Driscoll calls Spenser, revealing that he has kidnapped Henry. Driscoll demands a meeting at Wonderland, threatening to kill Henry if he does not bring the drugs.
Spenser, Hawk, and Cissy go to Wonderland, where Driscoll and others are gathered on the track. Cissy arrives first to move Henry out of the way, before Spenser and Hawk arrive in a truck and plow through the gang members' vehicles. Driscoll flees into the race track's clubhouse, and Spenser pursues him. After a brawl, Spenser performs a citizen's arrest after realizing how their fight resembles the day he beat up Boylan. They pile the drugs and other evidence on the infield and leave Driscoll, Bentwood, and Macklin restrained nearby. Spenser and Hawk are declared heroes, the casino project is shut down, Boylan and Bentwood are charged in Weisnewski's murder, and Driscoll is convicted and sent to prison.
Spenser, Hawk, Cissy and Henry celebrate by going to a local diner. A TV news report shows Boston Fire Department Chief Marty Foley being arrested over charges of arson. Spenser, who has known Foley since high school, goes into deep thought as Cissy and Henry attempt to draw Spenser out of another case.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Al Qaeda in the Balkans leader Tarik Brkić, who is of Chechen descent, is tasked by his mysterious benefactor Red Wing to orchestrate false flag attacks on Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs in order to disrupt the Unity Referendum, an upcoming national gathering which aims to promote equality among the three rival ethnic groups. At the same time and without Red Wing's knowledge, Brkić also plans to provoke the Russians, who happen to be staging a military exercise nearby, into military action in the Balkans by arranging a terrorist attack, which would then incite the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to intervene, resulting in a new world war. He obtains eighty thermobaric warheads as well as the accompanying missile guidance system, stolen from a Russian armory in Syria and smuggled into the country, for this purpose.
Meanwhile, Jack Ryan Jr. goes on an accounting job as a financial analyst for Hendley Associates in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on behalf of a Slovenian company which is looking to register to NASDAQ. Before the trip, he agrees to do a favor for his mother, Dr. Cathy Ryan, in which he will track down Aida Curić, her mother’s former patient, in the nearby city of Sarajevo in Bosnia. Aida, a Bosnian Muslim who escaped from her country during the Bosnian War, had her eyes cured by his mother twenty-five years ago.
After finishing his accounting job a week later, Ryan explores the city, especially Triglav National Park, where he narrowly survives a murder attempt by a tourist known as Elena Iliescu. Unbeknownst to him, Iliescu is an assassin sent by a secret crime network called the Iron Syndicate, whose leader, Vladimir Vasilev, wanted Ryan, as well as ex-senator Weston Rhodes, eliminated as revenge for the death of his colleague Tervel Zvezdev (depicted at length in ''Point of Contact''). Rhodes was later killed in his prison cell.
Ryan informs his boss Gerry Hendley about the incident, who later learns about Iliescu’s connection to the Iron Syndicate from further investigation by Hendley Associates/The Campus head of IT Gavin Biery. He then sends The Campus to Europe in order to try to interrogate Iliescu; however, they find out that Elena was dead from a heart attack, silenced by the Iron Syndicate.
After being questioned by the Slovenian police about the incident, Ryan proceeds to Sarajevo to track down Aida. Initially failing in his efforts, he prepares for his flight back to the U.S. when Aida herself shows up in his rented apartment. Instantly smitten by her beauty, Ryan postpones his flight for a few more days and spends time with her, exploring most of Bosnia through a popular tour service that she owns; he even volunteers in a refugee agency that she also holds. They get into a fling for a few days. On the last night of his stay in Bosnia, Ryan and Aida encounter what Aida says are corrupt Serbian police officers (in fact they are Russian undercover agents searching for the stolen warheads). They manage to incapacitate them, which leads Ryan to believe something is amiss.
The next day, Ryan survives another murder attempt from an Iron Syndicate assassin in his rented apartment. He finally relents to Hendley’s persistent pleas and is about to fly home to the U.S. when he witnesses a plane being shot down by a surface-to-air missile, killing everyone aboard. Worried about Aida, he goes to her home, where he was abducted by the woman herself. Aida explains that she is part of her uncle Brkić's conspiracy plot and that she had ordered the attack on the civilian jet in order to kill Ryan, who had become a loose end. She then reveals the impending missile strike, which is on a Serbian Orthodox Church event in Sarajevo's Olympic soccer stadium, as she leaves Ryan under her cousin, who is also involved in the scheme, to prepare for the attack. Eventually, Ryan immobilizes him and escapes.
Ryan then tells his boss of the diabolical plot; his father, U.S. President Jack Ryan, his intelligence advisers, the military commanders based in Europe, and the Russian President are also informed. He tracks down Aida all the way to a dark tunnel, where he shoots her dead. He then proceeds to a nearby warehouse, where the forty thermobaric missiles are readied for launch. After informing Hendley of his location and engaging in a fistfight with Brkić's men, Ryan narrowly escapes just before the building is destroyed by a Tomahawk missile ordered by his father. The rest of the rockets are then retrieved by Russian and Bosnian intelligence operatives inside the stadium.
It was revealed that Red Wing is the Turkish ambassador to Bosnia. Ryan extracts a confession out of him, which was then uploaded to social media, humiliating him; he is later assassinated in an RPG attack. In the meantime, although Brkić escaped to Stockholm, Sweden, he was later killed in a mugging. Meanwhile, Vasilev was killed by The Campus in Paris, France, where he is recuperating from prostate cancer. Moreover, it was also revealed that the real Aida Curić was killed during the war in Bosnia after her eye surgery, and that the rest of her family was murdered by Bosnian mafia local head and Interpol fugitive Samir Kvržić, who wanted to change identities; the Aida that Ryan knew was actually Sabina, his daughter. The Curić family's tour service was kept, but this time it was also used as a conduit to smuggle drugs, guns, and fugitives into the Balkans; when Samir died, his daughter took his place as the owner.
The film begins with the animals travelling to college, whilst all singing a song. Once they are all in the classroom, the professor announces, in a nonsense accent, the roll-call. The animals, through a song, explain that they are all present. He is not amused, and angrily asks the students to sit down. After that, a student is caught sleeping by another pupil, who plays a song on his guitar to wake him up. Then, several students duplicate the song on other instruments, whilst others dance to it. This continues until the sports coach comically sucks them up in a giant vacuum cleaner to transport them to the viewer podium to watch a sports game. At the beginning of the game, the band plays a song (with audio recycled from ''Circus Capers).'' After the playing, the game begins, which is a group of mice versus a hippo. At the start of the game, the first set of mice get comically flattened by the ball, due to the hippo comically treating the ball like a rolling pin. However, some of the mice manage to get on to his back to prevent him from scoring. This does not help, as the hippo scores anyway by comically flinging himself over the bar. After the game, the medics comically pick up the injured mice with a spatula, due to them being flattened. In the second game, the mice bring out substitutes for the injured. When the second game starts, a group of mice form a pyramid and ram into the hippo. This makes one of the players go over him. When the hippo realises and tries to grab him. The mouse comically goes under the court to escape the hippo and run to the goalpost while the other mice pin the hippo down. The mouse scores the point, and wins the game. This makes the audience enter the court en masse to attack the hippo. The film ends with the entire college walking down the street and celebrating, with the hippo strung up from the goal.
Julie Lawson (Melissa Gilbert) is a professional researcher living with her daughter Megan (Ashleigh Aston Moore) in Seattle and has recently separated from her husband Sam (Eric McCormack) because he had an affair with his secretary. One day she blacks out while driving and crashes her car. In the hospital, the doctor (Mel Ryane) says she suffered an inflammation of the arteries to the brain, and a fatal blockage will soon happen unless she undergoes surgery immediately. Then the nurse warns her that if strokes run in the family, it would be too risky too operate. Julie contacts her father (William Shatner) to request this information, and he admits that she was adopted and he has no way to know if strokes run in her family. Shocked, Julie learns that her parents were not able to conceive or eligible to adopt, so she adopted Julie from the black market through a lawyer.
Determined to find her roots, Julie tracks down this lawyer. He has since died, but his son Bill Curtis (John Shaw) still runs his practice and provides Julie with some important documents that show that shortly after payments by Julie's adoptive parents, Curtis' father paid funds to a woman called Frances Thompson living in Cloverton, British Columbia. Assuming that this woman is her mother, she heads to Cloverton, where she learns that Frances was a 75-year-old former schoolteacher who recently died with her husband in a car accident. She further learns that their daughter Beth (Patty Duke) runs her own beauty parlor in the area. Realizing that Beth is her mother, she contacts her and quickly reveals her true identity. Beth initially denies the possibility of being her mother, but later reveals that she was raped after a school dance and gave birth to a baby while studying in Seattle. The possible rapists are the guys at the dance, including Matthew Saunders (Dax Belanger) who got addicted to drugs and later disappeared; Jake Gibson (Chris William Martin), who married her best friend Sue (Michelle Beaudoin) and later died; and Tim Webster (Michael Gabriel) and Del Smith (Peter Stebbings), both of whom are still traceable.
Julie first traces down Del (Gordon Clapp), now a car salesman, telling him that she is a journalist writing an article on their homecoming then and now. Del attempts to force himself on her during a test drive, which scares her. She next contacts Tim (Chuck Shamata), whose name is quickly cleared as he reveals that he is infertile. After she leaves Tim's place, Del approaches her on the street, suspecting that she is in attempting to blackmail him for an affair. As he harasses her, he mentions that his father died from a stroke. Julie is convinced that Del is the perpetrator and panics, considering that she cannot have surgery if he indeed turns out to be her biological father. Meanwhile, Beth relives the rape in her memories and recalls the lack of support that her mother (Christina Jastrzembska) gave her. She remembers that she collected a button from the rapist which she kept secretly. She finds the button and notice that it belongs to a green jacket. Through a photo made at the homecoming dance, they learn that the rapist is Jake. Sue (Martha Gibson) is shocked to learn that her husband raped Beth and tells Julie that strokes did not run in his family. Afterwards, Julie returns to Seattle and successfully undergoes surgery. She reconnects with her adoptive father, gives Sam a second chance, and her mother arrives as she is recovering.
''The Artist's Wife'' centers on Claire (Lena Olin), the wife of famed artist Richard Smythson (Bruce Dern) and once a promising painter herself, who now lives in the shadow of her husband's illustrious career. While preparing work for a new exhibition, Richard is diagnosed with dementia. As Richard's memories and moods become lost and erratic, Claire attempts to shield his illness from the art community while trying to reconnect him with his estranged daughter (Juliet Rylance) and grandson (Ravi Cabot-Conyers). Claire, who has taken up painting once again, must decide whether to stand with her husband in the shadows or step into the spotlight herself.
Julia Evans, an American actress travels to Mexico with her young daughter. Drug dealer Sidney Carter spots the pair and decides to kidnap the young child. Carter enlists the services of his addict customer, Rick Pierce. The child's nanny, Gerta, at first agrees to go along with the plot, but has second thoughts when the time comes. Gerta attempts to fight off Pierce, but the young daughter is snatched by another woman. Carter approaches Evans with his ransom demands. The police are called by Roger, Evans' manager, and her ex-husband Lee. Officer Lieutenant Garcia tracks down the child after the ransom is paid, and confronts Carter. After a chase Carter is cornered near a hotel window, and falls to his death during the struggle, and the daughter is saved. Mother, father, and daughter are then reunited.
The film takes place during the October Revolution, when the army is approaching the army of General Krasnov. Ivan Shadrin, a peasant who became a soldier, goes to Petrograd in order to convey a letter to Vladimir Lenin with questions that concern his comrades.
Ivanushka the fool meets a robber in the forest. After having a fight with him, Ivanushka brings the bag with stolen goods back to its original owner, a merchant named Marco the Rich. There he meets his daughter Nastya. They fell in love, but Marco the Rich does not want Ivanushka to marry his daughter, and decides to send a woman named Varvara to poison him.
Nastya gives Ivanushka a letter, in which she warns him of the danger. Varvara fails to poison the protagonist, and tells Ivanushka the truth. She suggests him to leave in secret, but returns and tells Marco the Rich that Ivanushka allegedly died. Hearing this, Nastya faints into a coma. Doctors say that only a miracle can save her. Ivanushka decides to go to Baba-Yaga to seek advice, and she tells him to go to a wizard named Lukomor. Ivanushka embarks on a journey from thereon.
Matilde, a 12-year-old girl, spends her vacations at her grandfather's house in the seaside city of Paper Port. After finding a magic coconut she wakes up every day with a mysterious new power, which she has to deal with in each episode, together with her friends Carlos, Ferni, and Boldo.
A thirteen-year-old boy named Tommy Sanderson goes missing after spending time with his friends, Josh Griffin and Luis Fernandez, at Borderland State Park in Massachusetts. His mom Elizabeth, younger sister Kate, and grandmother are thrown into disarray as strange events begin occurring; a mysterious apparition appears in his mother's room and discarded pages from his journal that may provide potential clues as to his whereabouts begin to surface.
The investigation, led by Allison Murtaugh, slowly reveals some of the strange events leading up to the disappearance. At the center of it all is a man named Rooney Flannery, who moonlights as a man named Arthur. Arthur claims to be a "seer" and ends up giving all three boys a harrowing backstory of satanic activity at Split Rock. This backstory may or may not connect to Tommy's disappearance.
Romanian hacker Alexandru Dalca obtains an old copy of the e-QIP database, which contains personal information on millions of U.S. military and intelligence personnel. The Chinese originally hire him to use the stolen information in order to locate U.S. spies in their country. However, Dalca uses this treasure trove of information to make a profit by building targeting packages on specific individuals. This attracts the attention of Saudi technocrat Sami bin Rashid, who wanted to provoke the United States into a quagmire in the Middle East fighting ISIS, which would then recoup the loss of profit in Saudi oil.
After making contact with Dalca through the dark web, Bin Rashid meets with ISIS operative Abu Musa al Matari and formulates a plan to attack U.S. military and intelligence personnel, using the targeting packages compiled by Dalca himself, in order to further his plan. Al Matari then recruits cleanskins and assigns them into cells to carry out the attacks. The video recordings of the assaults are then uploaded to the Islamic State's propaganda site, promoting the terror organization, garnering new followers, and inspiring a series of copycat attacks.
The intelligence community quickly becomes concerned about the wave of attacks on U.S. intelligence and military personnel, and scramble to find the source. President Jack Ryan is then pressured by the media and elements in his own government to deploy troops into the Middle East to battle the Islamic State, but persistently refuses to do so by gathering intelligence, knowing that Islamic State is provoking him.
Meanwhile The Campus, currently understaffed, recruits two new members: previously director of transportation Adara Sherman and ex-Delta Force operator Bartosz “Midas” Jankowski. They also investigate the attacks, and later deduce that the e-QIP database may have been compromised. Jack Ryan Jr. looks into a particular, seemingly unrelated attack on Scott Hagen, who is the commander of the guided missile destroyer USS ''James Greer'', from the brother of a Russian submarine crew killed by Hagen in a recent battle in the Baltic Sea (depicted in ''Commander in Chief''). After looking into the assailant's social media, he finds out that Dalca provided information on Hagen prior to the attack. With this information on hand, The Campus heads to Romania.
In the meantime, the Chinese get suspicious about Dalca not following their orders. The hacker assumes the same thing, and when the Chinese come looking for him in his place of work, he escapes, intending to leave Romania. The Campus, who are surveilling the Romanian nearby, joins in the chase and get involved in a shootout with the Chinese, killing them, but Dalca is nowhere to be found. The Campus later finds out about Dalca's plans to leave the country, and abduct him at an airport. He decides to cooperate in stopping al Matari; Ryan Jr presents himself as a target, staying in an isolated cabin in a Maryland forest. Simultaneously, Olivia "Sally" Ryan accepts an engagement proposal from her Turkish boyfriend Dr. Davi Kartal. Al Matari takes the bait and is easily captured, while the rest of his henchmen are killed in the ensuing firefight, with Davi injuring the ringleader.
The headquarters of the Islamic State's propaganda wing was later destroyed in an airstrike. The U.S. betrays Dalca to Chinese security agents, but his fate is left unknown. Meanwhile, Bin Rashid was killed by The Campus in a plane headed for Australia.
Lynn Matthews (Melissa Gilbert) is a Manhattan-based successful clothing designer who has recurring nightmares of a woman (Kat Green) falling down an elevator shaft. She decides to visit Dr. James Portman (Jay Robinson) and undergoes hypnotherapy, during which she learns that the woman falling is Lynn herself in her previous life, pushed down the shaft by a man in San Francisco in 1963. The nightmares cause her to start slacking at work, and her boss Denise (Babz Chula) forces her to take a six week vacation to recover. She decides to take the time off to travel to San Francisco and find out who the lady in her dreams is. She locates the building quickly and the same night learns in her dream that the woman is named Mary Ann.
The next day, Lynn visits the archives and finds out that there was one woman named Mary Ann who died in 1963. The lady in question was 20 years old at the time, single, and committed suicide. Lynn is confused about her marital status and cause of death, because in her dreams she vividly remembers the girl wearing a wedding ring and being pushed by a man. She decides to visit the police, where Inspector Jeff Alberts (Scott Plank) insists on taking her case. He pulls up old files and notices that the case was handled by his colleague Daniel Corso (Christopher Stone). They decide to speak with him about the case, but Corso believes there is no reason to re-open it. Lynn then locates Mary Ann's marriage records, which show that she was married to Mark Gage (Ted Shackelford), a prominent real estate developer. She quickly informs Alberts about her discovery, but he grows suspicious of her insistence on finding out the truth, considering that she told them that she was merely doing research for her mother's homecoming class reunion. Corso alerts Gage on Lynn's snooping, and he is clearly concerned.
By accident, Lynn bumps into Gage and realizes that she met him days earlier in New York, when her cab accidentally ran into him. He follows her and retrieves her files that she signed at his office, and then compares her handwriting to a letter written to him by Mary Ann. Struck by her similar looks to Mary Ann, he invites her over for dinner, then catches her going through his stuff in his house. He asks her about her true motives for contacting him, but Lynn quickly leaves.
Throughout the process of gathering evidence, Lynn is repeatedly harassed by an unknown person. When someone slashes her tires, she thinks Gage is behind it and tells Alberts about her suspicions. He digs up further information about the case and discovers that Mary Ann was pregnant at the time of her death. When confronting Corso with their gathered information, he admits having withhold information because it would have crushed her religious parents, then allows them to re-open the case. Afterwards, he immediately contacts Gage, telling him they have to kill Lynn like they killed Mary Ann. Corso leads Lynn to the same elevator shaft he pushed Mary Ann into, and is about to lead her to the same fate when suddenly Gage appears and threatens to kill him. Gage reveals that he indeed was married to Mary Ann, which caused a scandal with his wealthy family. His family then hired Corso to pay Mary Ann enough money to leave Gage, but she refused and threatened to go to the police, at which point he killed her. Gage then kept quiet in order to protect his father. A shootout ensues, during which Gage is shot. Lynn fights Corso off and he eventually falls to his death in the elevator shaft.
After listening to a morning conversation between Sophie and Simon, Sophie is buying a couch from Alex for her own apartment in working class Echo Park in Central Los Angeles. Alex, a musician, is returning to England after failing to break into films. Alex invites Sophie to join him, Mateo and his boy, Elias to play soccer in the park. After Sophie and Alex end up having sex and become friends.
Alex plays the role as rebound guy and Sophie admits she is still in love with her lifetime boyfriend but feels trapped. Sophie's rich Mom finds her and tells her to go back to Simon because she never dreamed of having Black grandchildren. Controlling rich Simon keeps telling Sophie to get over this "whatever vacation" and come back to him.
Alex's house sale falls through and Sophie agrees to buy it. Alex has fallen for Sophie but she does not ask him to stay. In fact she tells him she is returning to Simon. His friend Mateo also agrees to reconcile with his wife Martha. Alex cannot understand why couples reconcile into failed relationships. Sophie and Simon have a great fun day at a fair but at day's end Sophie knows she does not love him and the relationship really is over.
Alex completes packing to move and drives off to the airport. He leaves her favorite album in the empty house. Sophie attends Elias' art show from the photographs he made with the camera she purchased him. Alex keeps driving to the airport but will he turn around? He does not.
Robin reports to Governor Cape that his deception to make the Governor's son think his father dead has succeeded, and the young man took the news solemnly. The Governor is preparing to test whether his son is worthy of his inheritance. They prepare to go see Young Cape, who is toiling in a print shop and trying to get rid of the Printer's Devil. The Devil pays him and leaves, and a Poet enters, looking for work. Cape shuts him out, bemoaning the poverty of poets, and his friend Sprightly arrives. Sprightly has invited Mr. Cadwallader, the brother of Cape's love, Arabella, to come meet him later. Mr. Vamp, the bookseller for whom Cape works, arrives, and Cape pretends that Sprightly is a sermon-writer. Vamp requests some pamphlets of Sprightly's be published. Arabella, along with Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader arrive, and Cape pretends to be absorbed in writing, to impress them. Cadwallader asks Sprightly to invite him to the next dinner he has with an important person. Arabella warns Cape that her brother will have a hard time overlooking his poverty and obscure birth, and advises him to charm his wife, as a more certain way of gaining his favours. Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader consult Cape on which school they should send their son to, Mr. Cadwallader saying that school is a very useful place to make acquaintances that might be useful in later life. Cape sides with Mrs. Cadwallader, and the couple invites him to dinner later that day. They leave, and the Governor (in disguise) arrives with Robin, who tries to hire Cape to write a letter praising the Governor—Cape refuses, saying that he can't since he isn't acquainted with the gentleman well enough. Sprightly has devised a plan to get Cadwallader out of the way for the evening, and when he returns he invites Cadwallader to dine with him and Robin, who he pretends to be “Prince Potowowski of the Tartarians”, with the Governor as his Interpreter.
Mrs. Cadwallader is beating Cape at cards, and he suggests a game of Questions. Things escalate when the first question is “do you love me?”, and Mrs. Cadwallader misinterprets his playing along with her as Cape genuinely flirting. Arabella interrupts, and Mrs. Cadwallader goes to hide and observe the two. Arabella is affronted to have discovered Cape seemingly courting her sister-in-law when he said he loved her, which he reassures her of, which causes Mrs. Cadwallader to reveal herself. Mr. Cadwallader, along with Sprightly and the supposed foreigners, arrive, and Mrs. Cadwallader denounces Cape's impropriety to her husband. At length, she tells him the story, and Cadwallader becomes furious with Cape for making love to Arabella. He scoffs at the notion that he would ever consent to mix the pedigreed blood of the Cadwalladers with the lowness of Cape's poet origins. Then, the Governor speaks up, claiming Cape as his son, rebuking Cadwallader, and saying how proud he is to find Cape worthy of his inheritance.
While it's unclear if the game is canon to the franchise, players have come up with theories as to how the game might fit into the series' timeline. As such, the following is speculation.
Taking place after the previous installment, the player assumes the role of series antagonist William Afton, who was killed in a fire at the end of the sixth game and is now trapped in a purgatory-like state, tortured by various animatronics as consequences of his actions. Some of the speaking antagonists mention an unknown entity, referred to as "the one you should not have killed", who is thought to stay with Afton to torture him. The entity is widely regarded to be the spirit living inside Golden Freddy because, after unlocking every intermission cutscene, a cutscene of Golden Freddy, twitching and surrounded by darkness, is shown. Golden Freddy is also the only character that will kill the player upon attempting to use the death coin on him (only if he is set to "1" and is the sole active animatronic). A rare screen also shows an obscured face of a small, grinning child thought to be the "vengeful spirit", whose voice is rarely heard through a few of the characters. During the night, if Old Man Consequences is set to "1" and all other characters are inactive, then, after catching a fish, a scene from ''FNaF World'' will be shown. The player takes control of a bear sprite (possibly Golden Freddy) and speaks with Old Man Consequences, who tells them to leave the "demon" (Afton) to his own demons and rest their own soul. The only way of returning to the main menu from here is to close the game or drown in the lake, which will cause the game to crash.
Despite the game's apparent non-canonicity, the anthology novel series ''Fazbear Frights'' contains several references to it. This mainly comes from a story called "The Man in Room 1280" featured in the fifth book, ''Bunny Call'', which tells of a burned man who is kept alive by a shadow child despite the fact that he should be dead and suffers nightmares. In the following book, ''Blackbird'', the epilogue confirms that this man is actually William Afton; implying that Afton did not end up in purgatory as players have speculated, but was kept alive and tortured with nightmares by the vengeful spirit inside Golden Freddy. Although Cawthon did not confirm whether the ''Fazbear Frights'' series is canon or not, he said that it's supposed to reveal mysteries from the previous games.
The following is a summary of the plot of ''A Trip to Calais''.
Dick Drugget and Jenny Minnikin are eloping in France (parody of Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Elizabeth Linley). They must find a priest to marry them, and ask Tromfort, the French innkeeper, where one might be found. We learn that Jenny's father is a London pin-maker , and that he intends to choose her husband, while Dick is his assistant. Jenny once ran off with her dancing-master. Tromfort recommends a doctor to marry them, but he is absent. A boat arrives from Dover, and Dick departs to see if it is Jenny's father. Tromfort flirts with Jenny. The family has arrived; to prevent the lovers’ separation, Tromfort will place Jenny in a Catholic convent, while Dick will wait in Boulogne or Dunkirk. Jenny departs with La Jeunesse, Tromfort's wife. Jenny's father's preferred suitor, Kit Codling, arrives with Jenny's parents and Jenny's aunt Mrs Clack, a social-climbing mantua-maker. The family comments on French gentility. Two neighbours from London, Mr. Gingham and Luke Lapelle, enter, and they discuss their experiences in France. In order to be fashionable, Luke travels with his wife, but calls her his mistress.
The Minnikins and Mrs. Clack are astounded by Jenny's sudden ambition to become a nun. Codling tries to speak with her, but is rebuffed by the nuns. Father O’Donnovan, an Irish capuchin in the town, seems sympathetic initially, but refuses to remove Jenny from the convent until the Minnikins bribe him. O’Donnovan tells stories to the gullible Minnikins of Englishmen who have evaded the law and have come to France. The most infamous is the Lady Kitty Crocodile, who has come to France after her husband's death. O’Donnovan leaves. Jenny and the Abbess debate the former's taking the veil: Jenny wishes to return to the world, but the Abbess urges her to accept Christ as her spouse. Upon realizing that Jenny will bring no fortune to the convent, however, the Abbess quickly abandons her argument. Mr. and Mrs. Minnikin (and Codling, hidden) come to the Abbey's gate to speak with Jenny. The Abbess counsels Jenny to pretend that she is waiting for divine revelation before she can make a decision about whether to stay in the convent. The Abbess tells Jenny's parents that Jenny has chosen to marry St. Francis. Believing St. Francis is a real suitor, and furious at Jenny's treachery, Mr. and Mrs. Minnikin depart, calling the Abbess a bawd. The Minnikins depart to visit Lady Crocodile. Miss Lydell and Miss Hetty are in deep debate at Kitty Crocodile's. Lady Crocodile enters, and dismisses Hetty in a fit of rage. She accuses Miss Lydell, a maid in waiting, of flirting with many foreign acquaintances. Colonel Crosby enters, and finds Miss Lydell in tears. Hetty announces the Minnikin's and Mrs. Clack's arrival.
Hetty and Colonel Crosby talk; Crosby is in love with Miss Lydell. Mrs. Clack, formerly Lady Crocodile's mantua-maker, arrives to find this august lady in deepest mourning. They discuss Sir John, Lady Crocodile's deceased husband, and she faints when Mrs. Clack suggests taking another husband. When Lady Crocodile has been revived, Mrs. Clack asks for her help in removing Jenny from the convent; Lady Crocodile claims her hands are tied because of her personal friendship with the Pope. After they exit the room, Colonel Crosby emerges from a hiding place, calling Lady Crocodile an “Ephesian Matron”, and expressing his intentions to pursue Miss Lydell to her friend Hetty. Jenny arrives at her parents’ apartment, surrounded by guards. Lady Crocodile arrives, but Minnikin's account of the story is consistently interrupted by Luke Lapelle. Lady Crocodile speaks to Jenny alone; the latter confesses that the convent is just part of the plot to avoid marriage to Codling. Lady Kitty recommends marrying both Dick Drugget and Kit Codling. Jenny is excited by the prospect. Colonel Crosby and Miss Lydell appear and announce their intentions to return to England. Hetty has the last word: Jenny and Lady Crocodile are well matched, and Miss Lydell need feel no regret on leaving Jenny entrapped by the “galling yoke of a capricious and whimsical tyrant!”
Lint, a doctor, arrives to see Sir Jacob; it is the day of the Garrat elections, and Lint is prepared to deal with the injuries to result from the carnival. They debate quack medicine. The argument escalates, and Sir Jacob turns Lint out of the house. Major Sturgeon arrives. The Major describes a battle, and discusses the merits of various companies with Sir Jacob. However, he had hoped to visit with Sir Jacob's two married daughters. The Major is to act as magistrate for the election of the new mayor; he and Sir Jacob expect many oaths from the townspeople today. Roger, a servant, enters, and announces that the people outside are suggesting a candidate for the position of mayor. Sturgeon leaves, to Sir Jacob's comment that “the fish is got out of his element.” He returns with Mrs. Sneak, one of Sir Jacob's daughters, and her husband, who promptly leaves again. Mrs. Sneak expresses her displeasure with Sneak, calling him “Meek! a Mushroom! a Milk-Sop!” Sir Jacob leaves, and Mrs. Sneak and the Major flirt. Sneak returns just as the Major begins to kiss Mrs. Sneak's hand. She leaves; Sneak and the Major discuss her merits. Bruin and his wife (Mrs. Sneak's sister) enter. The Major quickly leaves to “attend to the lady [Mrs. Sneak] instantly”, with Sneak's encouragement. Mrs. Bruin is thoroughly dominated by her husband; she exits at his orders, and Sneak expresses his envy at Bruin's control, as Mrs. Sneak allows him only two shillings a week for his own pocket-money. Bruin agrees to help Sneak beat Mrs. Sneak, but she calls for him, causing Sneak loses his will; he comments “what a sad life do I lead”.
The mob gathers under the window. Sir Jacob suggests that the common people in the mob have the potential to be great orators: “you will meet with materials to make a Sylla, a Cicero, a Solon, or a Caesar”. All exit. The mob enters, with Heel-Tap at their head. Heel-Tap presides over the election, as various candidates’ proposals are read aloud. Sneak goes after the Major and Mrs. Sneak, who have disappeared again. One candidate, Matthew Mug, presents his arguments for how to improve the town, but Heel-Tap refuses a bribe and denounces him. Sir Jacob's family returns; he chastises Bruin for his harsh treatment of his wife. Sneak rushes in, having discovered that the Major and Mrs. Sneak are in the locked summer-house. Heel-Tap enters, and announces that Sneak has been elected mayor. Mrs. Sneak enters, and Sneak stands up to her, announcing that he will begin to live his life as he chooses: “if some folks go into gardens with Majors, mayhap other people will go into garrets with maids.” She abuses Sneak, but he and Bruin have the upper hand. The Major enters. Bruin makes Mrs. Sneak cry and fights with the Major; Sneak capitulates to his wife's sobs. Mrs Sneak demands that another person be elected mayor. Sir Jacob suggests that Heel-Tap act as the “Locum tenens” (deputy).
Returning soldier Dixon Harper meets cute with promising radio singer Susan Parker. Susan is mistaken for a heiress to a southern plantation by blustery colonel Farnsworth and she ignores wise cracking friend Diane to see the ruse through.
The channel 7 series follows four women as they search for love. The women have all been married previously. Three are now divorced and one is widowed.
With the support of dating expert, Matthew Hussey, the women are put in various dating situations and are critiqued. As the women are forced to face some hard truths about themselves and their dating techniques, Hussey plays the role of advisor and coaches them towards more profound and less shallow relationships. In many instances, Hussey uses psychology to underpin many of the concepts he brings across to the women.
The women's names are Sheridan Buchanan-Sorensen, Sunnie Khakh, Emma Wynne and Nikki Mitropoulos.
Wells Fargo sends agent Alamo Bowie in order to stop "One-Shot" Brady and his gang, after following a couple clues, Alamo gets into a showdown with Brady.
The film is set in 1927 on Fire Island. IRA veteran Harry Regan (Stephen Joyce) arrives to the US and wants to arrange a shipment of contraband whiskey to support the struggle for independence. He is being chased by a brutal Coast Guard Lt. Commander Ashley (William Devane) and confronts local crime syndicate member Maxie (David Groh).
Lia is a strong and good-hearted young woman who has never stopped believing in love despite the mishaps in her life. After losing her mother as a child and going through various mistreatment in the hands of her stepmother Laila, she falls in love with Jacó, but he only has eyes for her cunning sister, Raquel, a girl who likes to seduce the boys and covets riches, though she decides to accept his advances to make Lia suffer. Jacó made a deal with the young women's father, Labão, to work seven years in exchange for Raquel's hand, but on the wedding day, Lia is covered with a veil and is given in marriage by her father. After discovering the exchange the next day, Jacó questions Labão, who states that the family tradition is that the eldest daughter marry first, but that he could also marry Raquel in return for another seven years of work, which the boy accepts, obsessed with her sensuality.
Married to the same man, the sisters vie for the attention of Jacó, who attends to Raquel's luxurious desires, while humiliating Lia, and having to deal with Jacó's involvement with the two servants of the house, Zilpa and Bila. In spite of all contempt, Lia gives Jacó seven children: Rubem, Simeão, Levi, Judá, Issacar, Zebulom, and Diná, the only daughter in the house and the only child to receive affection from her father, which causes envy of the other brothers. Meanwhile Raquel manages to have only José, whom his father has as the only one worthy of true love, which causes rebellion in the children of Lia. Determined not to let her family collapse and prove her true love, Lia can gradually show Jacó that kindness can heal scars and that she is the right woman for him.
Between the events of ''Toy Story 2'' and ''Toy Story 3'', Woody and Bo Peep rescue Andy's remote control car, RC, from being washed away in a storm. Moments later, Bo Peep and her lamp are donated to a new owner. A distraught Woody tries to rescue her, but Bo refuses, having already accepted her fate as it is a part of a toy’s life. Woody is tempted to go with her, but once he realizes that Andy still needs him, he decides to stay, and shares a heartfelt goodbye with Bo.
Nine years later, after a college-bound Andy has donated his toys to Bonnie, Woody struggles to adapt as the toys in Bonnie's room already have a leader: Dolly. Bonnie also shows little interest in playing with him. Woody still remains convinced Bonnie must need him, and sneaks into her backpack the day of her kindergarten orientation. When another child steals Bonnie's art supplies, Woody gathers objects from the trash and leaves them on Bonnie's table. Bonnie creates a doll from a spork and some other odds and ends, naming him Forky. Forky comes to life, but suffers an existential crisis, seeing himself as a disposable utensil, not a toy. As Forky quickly becomes Bonnie's new favorite toy, Woody repeatedly has to stop him from throwing himself away.
When Bonnie's family goes on a road trip, Forky jumps out the window of the moving RV. Woody does the same, despite Buzz Lightyear's protests. As they walk to the RV park, Woody finally convinces Forky that his place is with Bonnie. As they pass an antique store's window, Woody recognizes Bo Peep's lamp, and detours inside to find her. They encounter a talking doll named Gabby Gabby and her ventriloquist dummy friends, who immediately try to take Woody's voice box to replace Gabby's broken one. Woody escapes the store, though Forky does not. At a playground, Woody reunites with Bo Peep and her sheep, who have deliberately become "Lost Toys", free from any one owner and able to do as they please. They agree to help Woody rescue Forky.
Buzz, trying to find Woody, gets lost in a carnival and becomes a prize at a game, but escapes with plush toys Bunny and Ducky. They meet up with Woody and Bo, who leads them to a secret toy party inside a pinball machine, where they find Canadian stunt bike toy Duke Caboom. With the help of Giggles McDimples and Duke Caboom, they twice attempt to rescue Forky (who is actually enjoying himself and is in no danger) but fail both times. After McDimples is nearly killed by the store owner's cat, the toys argue about whether or not to go back. Woody, still desperate to be of some use to Bonnie, insults Bo by saying loyalty is not something a "Lost Toy" can understand. He is left alone to attempt to rescue Forky, but when he confronts Gabby, she explains to him she has wanted a child's love for more than 60 years. Woody sympathizes, and gives her his voice box.
As Woody and Forky leave, they see Gabby callously rejected by Harmony, the store owner's granddaughter. Woody leaves Forky to go on alone, and convinces Gabby to come back to Bonnie's house with him. Bo, Duke, and several other toys return, and help the pair escape to the fairgrounds. Jessie, after Forky informs her of the situation, rallies Bonnie's toys to take over the controls of the RV and drive it back to the fair. As Woody's group approaches the RV, Gabby notices a lost and crying little girl and stops to comfort her. The little girl is found by her parents, and keeps Gabby as her toy.
Woody and Bo Peep decide they must leave each other again. However, after realizing how Woody is unable to do so, Buzz convinces Woody that Bonnie is okay without him, and that he is free to stay with Bo. Woody gives his badge to Jessie and becomes a "Lost Toy" along with Bo, her sheep, McDimples, Caboom, and Bunny & Ducky. His longtime friends share an emotional goodbye with him and leave with Bonnie. The "Lost Toys" then dedicate themselves to traveling with the carnival and helping prize toys find new owners.
A small mining village in the Donbass lives a working life. Three months ago, a new party organizer, Khadarov, came to the mine. With his arrival life revived both in the village and at the mine. Work is underway to re-equip the mine. The Party organizer supports the initiative of the young engineer Petukhov, who, with the support of experienced miners, is developing a new method of coal mining. But not everyone believes in the success of the new method. More than others, the chairman of the mine committee Usynin expresses his doubts, a man who is afraid of any responsibility and always tries to stay on the sidelines. He is still trying to stop innovation at the mine, fearing responsibility for possible failures. In any case, the adopted son assures others that the method developed by Petukhov is doomed to failure. Unable to withstand the humiliation and insults, Petukhov is going to leave the mine. But mine veterans Kuzma Kozodoev and Viktor Bugorkov believe in the success of the new method and persuade Petukhov to stay at the mine and continue the work begun. Khadarov supports them in this. When the chief engineer Ivanov fell ill, Khadarov insisted that Petukhov be entrusted with the duties. The confidence of the management made the young engineer with renewed vigor finish the work on the introduction of a new method of coal mining.
Alyosha Peshkov goes to work with his uncle, a draftsman, then a dishwasher, after which he goes to learn icon painting. He is kind and honest in nature; he cannot accept the surrounding injustice and he is without housing.
An imaginary teacher and his students analyse the society, the culture, the art, the literature, the politics and the philosophy by the paradox, the adage, the erudition, the introspection, the rhetoric and the spoonerism.
Dr. Michaels and fellow counselor Evangeline counsel six patients at a rural mental health center.
The film begins with a set of two owls standing on a tree, one of them hooting. Then, a tower clock strikes 3am, with a chicken acting as the cuckoo. Bimbo is then seen leaving a bar. He then notices the owl's hoot and hides in front of the door. Bimbo then, with his legs shaking, tries to jog home whilst whistling the title song. However the owl hoots again and his jog turns into a run. The owl hoots for a third time and Bimbo's run turns into a fast gallop. Bimbo's shadow then comically morphs into a ghost. When Bimbo notices this, he comically hides under his hat, and begins to run in circles. Whilst under his hat, Bimbo attacks and tries to outrun the ghost. Until Bimbo comically hits the ghost on the head and it turns back into a shadow. However, the shadow is sticky, so Bimbo's feet, hands and nose are stuck. During an attempt to free himself. His nose comically falls off. The shadow, then turns back into a ghost and throws Bimbo's nose at Bimbo's face. His nose then becomes the bouncing ball, which is used during the song.
What follows is an unnamed poem which is read just before the song starts. The poem's subject is about skeletons and how to scare them. The poem runs thus:
And skeleton rowel and roam,
When gruesome hosts of spooks and ghosts;
Drop out of the ground and moan,
When the goblins out to get your skin;
And make it into a shroud,
The only way to scare 'em is to sing loud-and-loud!
A way to scare most anything is to sing out loud!
The song, which is "I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark" starts to plays. The song is set to crude drawings which are according to the lyrics and are at the bottom of the screen. After some time, Bimbo reappears, with numerous dogs, and some beaters. He hits the dogs over the head with the beaters, mimicking a xylophone. After that, Bimbo then acts as the bouncing ball, and jumps on the lyrics. His doings at this section are according to the lyrics. His journey through the lyrics ends at his house. Bimbo tries multiple times to enter his property, but however multiple things like the stairs and the door comically move around, so that he cannot enter. The fight ends with the house comically dragging Bimbo inside. Bimbo then starts to yell outside his window. However, Bimbo and his house then comically morphs into a hot dog. The cartoon ends with the hot dog barking.
The game has a darker setting compared to its predecessors, changing its world to be post-apocalyptic. From their home base in The City, Dillon and a band of mercenaries help defend smaller towns and other locations from the Grock invasion.
Gardner bets his friend Fred $20,000 that he can beat him in a boat race to Tahiti using an all-female crew. Gardner collects a crew including a murderess and a cocktail waitress.
The film begins with Bimbo in his car. He then stops at a line of three girls, and in an attempt to charm them, tips his hat to them. This does not work on two of them, who both reject him. However, when the third one accepts and turns around, Bimbo comically realises that the third "girl" is a male lion. So, the car comically digs a hole in the road in order to escape him. Bimbo tips his hat to him as he leaves. The police officer notices this and start to pursue Bimbo. Whilst the police officer is doing that, Bimbo is attempting to charm another girl, by whistling at her and putting his arm around her. This ends in the flowers on the girl's hat comically turning into a fist and then striking Bimbo in the head. Bimbo then tries to kiss the girl, whilst calling her "his sweetheart". This ends with the girl's shoes turning into roller skates and she skates away from Bimbo. When he is trying to catch her, the police officer spots him, and tries to get him. Bimbo tries to walk away, but ends up in a police march. The band play "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" whilst going to the station. Bimbo then ends up in court. The judge asks him to explain his presence. Bimbo, then brings out his banjo, and starts to play "St. Louis Blues". The entire court starts to dance to the song, with the Liberty painting on the wall comically dancing as well. He then starts to sing. His testimony is recording as squatting, due to its presences in the song that he is singing. He then gets on the judge's desk and continues to scat and then he comically uses the judge's beard as a banjo, which angers the judge. He then bounces on his banjo and tips his hat to the entire court. The film ends with Bimbo comically leaving the court house riding his banjo like a unicycle.
The captain and doctor on a cruise liner have to deal with various crises, including a hidden bomb, a suicide attempt and a billionaire.
In 1868, Jo March, a teacher in New York City, goes to Mr. Dashwood, an editor who agrees to publish a story she has written. Her youngest sister, Amy, who is in Paris with their Aunt March, attends a party with their childhood friend and neighbor, Laurie. Amy becomes angry at Laurie's drunken behavior, prompting him to mock her for spending time with wealthy businessman Fred Vaughn. In New York, Jo becomes hurt when Friedrich Bhaer, a professor interested in her, gives critical feedback on her writing, angering her. After learning from a letter that her younger sister Beth's illness has worsened, Jo returns home to Concord, Massachusetts.
Seven years earlier while at a party with her elder sister, Meg, Jo meets Laurie. On Christmas morning, the girls' mother, "Marmee", persuades them to give their breakfast to their poor neighbor Mrs. Hummel and her starving children. After returning home, they find a table full of food given to them by their neighbor and Laurie's grandfather, Mr. Laurence. Marmee then reads a letter from their father fighting in the American Civil War. Jo regularly reads to Aunt March, hoping Aunt March would invite her to Europe.
When Meg, Jo, Laurie, and John—Laurie's tutor and Meg's future husband—go to the theater, a jealous Amy burns Jo's writings. The next morning, Amy, wanting an upset Jo to forgive her, chases her and Laurie onto a lake where they are skating. They save Amy when she falls through the ice. Mr. Laurence notices Beth's quietness and invites her to play his late daughter's piano in his house. Meg sits down with John in the present after buying an expensive fabric they can't afford and expresses her unhappiness about being poor. Laurie visits Amy to apologize for his behavior, urging her not to marry Fred but instead marry him. Though in love with Laurie, Amy refuses, upset at always being second to Jo. Despite this, she also turns down Fred's proposal.
Mr. Laurence gifts his piano to Beth in the past and discovers she has contracted scarlet fever from the Hummels. To avoid the illness, Amy is sent to stay with Aunt March, who advises her to provide for her family by marrying well. John urges Meg to turn the fabric into a dress in the present to make her happy, but she reveals she had sold it and reassures him of her happiness as his wife. Beth recovers in time for Christmas in the past, and their father returns home as well. After worsening in the present, Beth dies. On Meg's wedding day in the past, Jo tries to convince her to run away, but Meg expresses her elation to marry John. Aunt March announces her European trip, taking Amy instead of Jo. After the wedding, Laurie proposes to Jo, who refuses, explaining she does not see herself married.
Marmee reveals Amy is returning from Europe with an ill Aunt March in the present. Jo wonders whether she was too quick to turn Laurie down and writes him a letter. Preparing to leave, Amy tells Laurie she turned down Fred's proposal; they kiss and later marry on the journey home. Jo and Laurie agree to remain friends, after which she discards the letter she wrote to him. Jo begins to write a novel based on her and her sisters' lives and sends the first chapters to an unimpressed Mr. Dashwood. Bhaer surprises Jo by turning up at the March house on his way to California.
In New York, Mr. Dashwood agrees to publish Jo's novel after his daughters demand to know how it ends, but he refuses to accept the protagonist remaining unmarried at the end. To appease him, Jo ends her novel with the protagonist, herself, stopping Bhaer from leaving for California. She successfully negotiates copyright and royalties with Mr. Dashwood. Following Aunt March's passing, Jo inherits her house and opens it as a school, where Meg, Amy, and Bhaer all teach. Jo observes the printing of her novel, titled ''Little Women''.
Ollie Hale is on probation after being caught illegally crossing the border between North Dakota and Canada. She is determined to reinvent her life and with eight days left on probation she has applied to find work in Spokane. Numerous opportunities to go back to her old way of life, including selling prescription medicine illegally and doing more work at the border, keep presenting themselves though Ollie scrapes by doing odd jobs for the construction workers who work nearby.
Ollie's sister Deb, who has become semi-estranged since their mother's illness and death, discovers she is pregnant and turns to Ollie for help. Deb is already a single mother to her son Johnny and is living in an illegally parked trailer. Ollie offers to sign over the title of their mother's house to Deb, however the house is due to be foreclosed on. Ollie manages to negotiate down the down payment to prevent the foreclosure but the amount of money needed seems insurmountable to the sisters. Ollie is nevertheless determined to ensure that Deb is alright before she leaves.
Reluctantly Ollie returns to the woods to retrieve a bag of 500 pills she hid there before crossing, intending to sell them in a week to prevent foreclosure on the house.
At her job interview for the Spokane job, Ollie is attacked by Bill, a local drug dealer angry she is infringing on his territory. He offers her a choice between giving him a 30 percent cut of her sales or crossing the border for him again. She decides to cut him in, rather than take on the riskier work of crossing the border.
After learning that going through with her pregnancy will cost her upwards of $8000, Deb decides to have an abortion. Realising that the only legal clinic is hundreds of miles away, she obtains the name of a local illegal abortion provider. The night Deb is scheduled to go for her abortion, the trailer she lives in is towed away along with the rest of the pills and all of the money for the foreclosure which Ollie had been keeping there to hide from her probation officer. On discovering that the trailer wasn't even registered in Deb's name, Ollie breaks into the pound where she finds the trailer has already been raided and all the money and drugs are gone.
After learning that Deb wants to have an abortion, Ollie decides to agree to Bill's drug run to Canada in exchange for enough money to secure the house, and determines to take Deb across with her so she'll be able to have a safe and clean abortion.
Though Deb has difficulty obtaining a fake Manitoba ID card she is able to steal one. The crossing is successful and Ollie picks up the drugs while Deb is able to have an abortion. While waiting for Deb to come out of the clinic Ollie learns that the Spokane job is hers. The sisters spend the night in Canada and Ollie tells Deb she is leaving and that Deb will be fine without her. The next morning they cross back into the U.S.
Gong Woo-jin (Yang Se-jong) is a 30-year-old single man who works as a set designer. Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years ago, he does not want to have a relationship with others. When Woo Seo-ri (Shin Hye-sun) was 17, she fell into a coma. Thirteen years later, she wakes up from her coma, but she is now 30-years-old. Gong Woo-jin and Woo Seo-ri get involved with each other and fall in love.
Gong Woo-jin caused an accident when he was 17 years old, or so he believes. Due to the crush he had on a girl of his age, he caused her to stay on the bus she was travelling for one stop longer than required. As a result, she was still on the bus when it crashed, and later Gong Woo-jin finds out that this girl (No Soo-mi) died in the accident. He feels very guilty and goes away to study in Germany, and carries this guilt with him into adulthood. As a result, he becomes a very strange adult. His habits include getting out a tape to make measurements for his set design miniatures at any given moment. He often gets into trouble for this habit, and he's also cold and rude to others. He even leaves Korea for long periods of time to go on trips without a word to anyone.
Woo Seo-ri wakes up in hospital confused to find that she has aged 13 years overnight. She last remembers being 17 years old, wearing her friend No Soo-mi's jacket since she forgot to pick up her own. She was in a coma, and woke up after 13 years to find herself much older and very weak. Sadly, she has no visitors, and the staff can't even find out where her relatives (her Aunt and Uncle; her parents died when she was young) are. Seo-ri finds this out after overhearing the nurse who keeps fobbing her off with excuses talking about how they say this to patients whose relatives don't come by anymore.
She decides to take matters into her own hands and search for her Aunt and Uncle. She goes to the last place she remembers them - their home - but the city is hugely changed from how she remembers. By a twist of fate, her Aunt and Uncle no longer live there: they sold the house to Woo-jin's father, who is now letting his adult son stay there while he's back in Korea. Woo-jin is also looking after his nephew, Yoo Chan (Ahn Hyo-seop), an energetic and friendly guy who instantly wants to take care of Seo-ri, despite Woo-jin's misgivings. Neither of them recognize one another at first, but Woo-jin agrees to let her stay for just one night so that she can begin the search for her relatives.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, a doctor is dismayed to hear that Seo-ri has gone missing and begins to search for her. The next day, he asks about her at her old home - but a misunderstanding doesn't let them meet.
The plot follows Seo-ri's search for her relatives; the budding romances between Seo-ri and Woo-jin, but also Yoo Chan and the doctor, who both develop ill-fated feelings for her; Woo-jin's transformation from a surly and closed-off set designer to someone who dares to love again; Yoo Chan's rowing championships; and their strange housekeeper Jennifer (Ye Ji-won), who ends up being tied up in the accident thanks to her past as well.
Jarhead Earl is a former US Marine living with a wife and two kids in a trailer park. Known as a tough guy, he seeks to leave his surroundings in favor of a fresh start for his family, and the only way he sees an out is by winning the Donnybrook, a massive bare-knuckle fight. Earl robs a local gun shop for the money to enter the contest and returns home, encountering Chainsaw Angus (Frank Grillo), a psychotic meth dealer to whom Earl's wife owes money. After a brief struggle, Angus leaves, driven by his sister/accomplice Delia (Margaret Qualley). Earl takes his family and flees the trailer park for the Donnybrook.
Angus and Delia return to their cookhouse and see it up in flames. After killing their cooker who escaped the fire, they pay a visit to their partner, Eldon (Pat Healy) seeking money to restart their operation. When he refuses, Angus orders Delia to kill him. She does, but has sex with Eldon first; while doing so, Eldon tells Delia that she should kill Angus instead. Delia kills Eldon, but continues to be abused and belittled by Angus. Eventually, Delia is driven to contemplate suicide, but relents, instead going to Angus and shooting him. Overhearing Earl's plans to enter the Donnybrook earlier, she takes a stash of meth and sets out for the Donnybrook as well. However, Angus is not dead, and after killing an innocent for his car, he vows to find his sister and his meth.
Meanwhile, Whalen, a local cop with a drinking problem, is investigating the gun shop robbery as well as the fire at the cookhouse. Running into his ex-girlfriend, she tells him about Angus. Whalen makes taking down Angus his personal mission, finally confronting him in a parking lot. The two men shoot at each other with shotguns. Angus fatally wounds Whalen and leaves him for dead.
Angus tracks down Earl's son and kills him. He arrives at the site of the Donnybrook, sneaks up on Delia, and drags her into the woods where he strangles her to death. The Donnybrook begins in a chain link cage as a no holds barred melee. After a few minutes of fighting, Earl and Angus are the last fighters standing. They are given a break before they face off against each other. Angus uses the break to tell Earl that he killed his son. Back in the cage, Earl eventually manages to overpower Angus, shouting "You killed my boy!" as he breaks Angus' neck.
The film follows the members of a family who at the opening are kicked out of their stepfather's tribal reservation in California after he dies. They return to Grand Avenue in the South Park neighborhood in Santa Rosa, California, where many of their extended relatives and tribal members live. Once they have a house for rent, Mollie, the mother of the family struggles with finding and keeping a job and alcoholism. Daughters Justine and Alice try to keep the family together and take care of the youngest, their brother Sheldon. However, Justine begins to seek out company with local gang members, some of whom then turn on her for acting out sexually with their friends. Alice is the lone dependable member of the family and gravitates to her elder relatives for advice and support.
Nellie is an old cousin who begins to teach Alice about traditional basket weaving and healing, giving her a boost of confidence. Nellie is also an advocate for the tribe's only land holding, a cemetery in danger of being developed. Her nephew Steven is married to Reyna and they live a nice suburban life with his son Raymond, who upon meeting her in school, is attracted to Justine. Steven slowly begins to realize that Mollie may have kept a secret from him when they dated as teenagers and after she moved away, as Raymond begins to bring Justine around.
Meanwhile, Justine also befriends and becomes close to her cousin Jeanne, who is struggling with cancer and taken care of by her loving mother Anna. After being confronted by her kids, Mollie begins to work on her sobriety and eventually meets and begins a positive relationship with a fellow recovering alcoholic named Sherman. Nellie and Steven are able to gain support from tribal members to save the cemetery. Although, Jeanne warns Justine about running around, she eventually meets a bad fate but the family has worked to build up their support and the community as a whole is able to deal with the grief and accept the beauty of living in Grand Avenue.
A woman has spent her life tormented by the death of her mother, who was on a cruise ship torpedoed during World War II. When her father hires an investigator to look into the circumstances of her mother's death, it triggers a new rash of emotional turmoil for the woman.
The film tells about the adventures of Buratino and his friends. With the help of a golden key, they get to the magic book and fly to the country where all the children go to school and the old people live well.
The film tells about the pilot of the civil air fleet Aleksey Tomilin, who suddenly decides from now on to avoid extreme situations and fly only in a straight line, but everything changes drastically when a saboteur sits next to him.
The misadventures of a salesman and a sexologist featuring two plot outlines introduced to a studio audience, who then votes to determine which should be developed.
Former spy turned private eye John Smith (Robert Horton) is wrongly arrested for the murder of his ex-wife's new husband. Smith then finds himself acquitted for the crime by his former intelligence boss (Sebastian Cabot), but in return for a notebook from his time as a spy. This book lists the names of Western agents operating covertly in Red China, and as Smith discovers, others are also chasing the book.
Living a life of sadness and debts, 33-year-old Do Kang-soo (Choi Tae-joon) works as a loan shark in Shinseong Capital for his and his father's sustenance. His mother Lee In-sook (Nam Gi-ae) has long been away from home since when Kang-soo was still a baby due to her husband Do Jung-man's (Woo Hyun) cruelty and drunkenness. Jung-man, now guilty of ruining his family, works for a junk shop despite his old age and declining health. Kang-soo has been trying to look for her mother but was conned by people claiming they can help him in his search. He had also been thinking so much on how to make his and his father's lives better, even contemplating on stealing money from his boss Hwang Tae-bok (Park Ho-san).
Meanwhile, Kang-soo comes across a flyer by Bliss Laboratory with the words ''Do you ... want to be happy?'' (Hangul: 당신...행복해지고 싶나요?; RR: ). He visits the laboratory and meets neuroscientist and researcher Dr. Woo Jae-hee (Bae Hae-sun). Dr. Woo presents her team's invention: a glucose-coated amino acid medicinal capsule combined with a protein from the cerebral artery that is injected to the brain to “maximize the feeling of happiness” and make a human subject believe that all of his/her desires “have come true” within a “perfect world.” Dr. Woo takes a tomography of Kang-soo's brain and tells him that he is 96% suitable for the experiment, i.e. he can undergo the test without any problems. When Dr. Woo hands him the contract, Kang-soo decides to declines the offer for his father's sake.
One night at Shinseong Capital, Kang-soo caught his love interest, Tae-bok's 28-year-old girlfriend Ji Sun-young (Jeon Soo-jin), attempting to open Tae-bok's safe. Sun-young, who actually dreams to become a musical actress, does not enjoy her life with Tae-bok. Although he had also been thinking about it, Kang-soo believes stealing the money will not change anything and will even make Tae-bok very furious. Kang-soo drives away with a drunk Sun-young and crashes into an oncoming truck. Kang-soo's father learns of the accident and rushes to the hospital, mourning at the doors of the operating room.
Kang-soo wakes up in the hospital, and realizes that Sun-young has been discharged. Tae-bok gets suspicious of Kang-soo and asks him why Sun-young ended up with him on the night of the accident. Kang-soo decides to return to Bliss Laboratory, but Dr. Woo tells him that, not like before, he has to pay a ₩300,000,000 participation fee due to a rapid increase of participants. The next day, Kang-soo attempts to unlock Tae-bok's safe but he gets caught by Tae-bok. Kang-soo is about to get beaten up by Tae-bok's henchmen when the police arrive to raid the business. As Tae-bok and his men are arrested, Kang-soo sees his co-worker Hong Ki-chul (Kim Kyung-nam) come out of hiding. Suspecting the police stakeout was part of Ki-chul's plan to steal the money, Kang-soo takes all the money in the safe and escapes. He was about to pay his participation fee but upon arriving at Bliss Laboratory's address, the building is already gone. Later, Jung-man reveals to Kang-soo his regrets and that he already had the address where In-sook could recently be living. The father and son reconciles.
Kang-soo receives a call from Ki-chul, telling him that Tae-bok will soon be released due to lack of evidence and requests for them to meet. When he arrives at their supposed meeting place, Kang-soo realizes that Ki-chul had fooled him. He rushes back to his house but finds the money gone; Ki-chul was nowhere to be found. After days of looking for Ki-chul, he watches the news on TV and founds out that Tae-bok has escaped from prison. He is captured by Tae-bok and his henchmen, but as he was about to be buried alive he tells that Ki-chul had stolen the money, just as Ki-chul arrives. Ki-chul hands the bag of money to Tae-bok, but Kang-soo snatches it and runs away, chased by Tae-bok and his men. The police arrive and runs after Tae-bok, but as Kang-soo whispers his wish for Tae-bok to die, a vehicle suddenly drives into the street and runs into Tae-bok, instantly killing him.
Kang-soo becomes very happy and contented over his newfound wealth, and he becomes Sun-young's fiancé. But it is revealed that the “real” Kang-soo is lying in a sleep-like state in a room in Bliss Laboratory with tubes injecting a blue fluid—the “happiness” capsule dissolved in liquid—into his head. Dr. Woo is observing Kang-soo through a window separating Kang-soo and the control room. The scenes starting from Kang-soo waking up in the hospital and onwards were all part of the simulated reality induced by Dr. Woo's capsule. Kang-soo's father is seen in front of Bliss Laboratory's building holding a bracelet with a string of five digits inscribed on it. He sees a seemingly dead body covered in a blanket being brought from the building into a Bliss Laboratory truck. He follows a truck and arrives in an unknown building, where he saw the body being brought into a room. He peeks through the door's window and sees that the dead body, now enclosed in large flames, wore a bracelet like the one he is holding to. With horror, he realizes that he is witnessing one of Bliss Laboratory's dead subjects being burned in a crematorium.
The scene goes back to the night of Kang-soo and Sun-young's vehicular accident. Due to severe brain injury, Kang-soo may not live a normal life anymore if he happens to survive. Dr. Woo arrives at the hospital and talks to the grief-stricken Do Jung-man on Kang-soo's chance to be happy. At Bliss Laboratory, Dr. Woo convinces Jung-man to let Kang-soo undergo the experiment, in return for a reward money to be granted to him. With Dr. Woo's assurance and Tae-bok's warning, Jung-man concedes with the testing.
Outside Bliss Laboratory, Jung-man sees a presumably dead body being carried out of the building into a truck. He picks up a bracelet that had fallen from the body. The bracelet have a string of five digits inscribed on it. Meanwhile, Dr. Woo and her team lays Kang-soo on a bed, with small tubes connecting his head to a fluid-filled cylinder. Upon Dr. Woo's signal, the test starts: a “happiness” capsule is dissolved in the cylinder, and the resulting fluid is injected into Kang-woo. The simulated reality (which was revealed in Episodes 1 to 2) starts in Kang-soo's consciousness. Jung-man returns with the bracelet to Bliss Laboratory and sees another body carried into a truck. He follows the truck, and ends up in a crematorium. He realizes that Bliss Laboratory's subjects can actually die from the experiment.
Back to the capsule-induced alternate reality, Kang-soo becomes the CEO of his own company and he is ready to be married to Sun-young. At home, Sun-young asks Kang-soo's father if they have any photos of Kang-soo when he was still young. Keeping his painful past a secret, Kang-soo tells her that his father is too busy to take family pictures, but to his surprise, his father took out a photo album filled with many pictures showing him and his father. Kang-soo also manages to find his mother, who is owning a business by the sea. His mother recognizes him and apologizes for leaving him behind when he was still young.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Jung-man pleads Dr. Woo to let Kang-soo go. He reveals his discovery of the dead subjects, showing her the fallen bracelet. Dr. Woo insists to Jung-man that there is only a 0.1% chance that Kang-soo will perish in the experiment, and if he did die, he would die as a happy person. To Jung-man's shock, he learns from Dr. Woo about Kang-soo visiting the laboratory after reading the message from one of their flyers and declining the offer for Jung-man's sake. Dr. Woo reveals to him that only by the subject's own willpower can the subject force himself out of the simulation. If one is not able to exit, his or her physical activities will eventually stop. And considering the happiness one can experience in the simulation, it may already be too hard for one to exit from the simulation. Devastated, Jung-man asks Dr. Woo to let him see Kang-soo for the last time.
In the simulated reality, Kang-soo's parents are finally reunited. Kang-soo receives a mysterious call telling him to “get out” immediately. He dismisses the call and spends happy times with his parents and Sun-young, taking photos at the seashore. Back at his company, he chases a suspicious hooded man but he loses him, and he suddenly experiences a spell of dizziness. Later, he notices that the scar on his right elbow, which he got when he was still young from one of his father's tantrums, was already gone. Kang-soo starts to feel suspicious. In the real world, the diluted capsule is actually getting used up. Dr. Woo orders to increase the dosage for the test to continue.
In response to the increased dosage, Kang-soo wakes up and finds himself in a new high-rise corporate building. Kang-soo asks Sun-young about the building, and he learns that he had signed a contract and had taken over a larger company as its new CEO. Kang-soo's fears and suspicious grow when, upon asking Sun-young about her dream, she tells him she dreams of owning a building (instead of being an actress). To test her, Kang-soo breaks up with Sun-young and asks her a few seconds later if they could start over again. He expects Sun-young to reject him, but to his surprise, Sun-young easily agreed for them to start over.
Disappointed, Kang-soo gets drunk and falls down. Though he is very dizzy, he saw the hooded man approach him and telling the same warning, to “get out.” He wakes up and finds himself back at home in his bedroom with his mother. Upon asking her if she is okay reuniting with his father, she tells him that she had forgiven his father and that, no matter what, Kang-soo will be the most precious to her. His suspicions dominating, Kang-soo then recalls how her mother quickly recognized him, considering that they have never met each other for the past 30 years. Kang-soo becomes dizzy again, with the image of the hooded man and his warning coming back to his mind.
To rid Kang-soo of his suspicions and make him think of going back to the simulation, Dr. Woo temporarily inhibits the flow of the medicine to his brain. This, she believes, will let him experience reality and let him see “what a nightmare his real life has been.” In consequence, Kang-soo's mother escapes from home, his father becomes a fourth-stage liver cancer patient, Tae-bok is suddenly resurrected and tries to catch him with his henchmen, and Sun-young changes sides and goes back to Tae-bok. Kang-soo hides in hotel room and mourns over his loss; now, he wishes not to go back to his miserable past. In the real world, Dr. Woo then returns his dosage of the medicine, and the simulation shifts back to normal.
Kang-soo meets the hooded man again, who tells him that there is not much time left and he will not last long the simulated reality. The hooded man pleads Kang-soo to “get out” of the fake reality. Kang-soo unmasks the hooded man, who turns out to be the manifestation of his real father. In the real world, it was at this moment when his father visits him in his room and sobs beside him while holding his hand. He asks for forgiveness, tells him that he loves him, and pleads for him to wake up and look at reality. Back in the simulation, the hooded man disappears and Kang-soo gets dizzy again. He realizes that he is not happy at the fake reality that he is in and he wants to see his real father again. With resolve, he decides to exit from the simulation. Dr. Woo rushes to the control room to increase his dosage, but the Kang-soo in the simulation begins plunging himself into the sea. After three counts, he drowns himself into the water, and the Kang-soo in the real world finally wakes up from the simulation.
Kang-soo, still injured from the accident, limps his way out of Bliss Laboratory. On the way, he sees other subjects still immersed in the simulation, including Sun-young. Before he opens the exit, Dr. Woo confronts him, but he dismisses her, simply telling her that his father likes to eat jokbal. Kang-soo arrives at home and finds his father staring longingly at his mother's photographs. Realizing that Kang-soo is already home, the father and son look at each other with tears of joy.
In the closing scene of the series, a photo studio is shown with a photograph of Kang-soo and his father, encased in a frame, put up on display.
Man in hiding Jack Washington is contacted by another man named Lewis Gannet, who promises money and independence in exchange for a job. Sensing more than he is told, Jack investigates, with the trail leading to an old girl friend, her family, and danger.
The film begins at Betty Boop's house, as she throws a house party. She is seen in a room serving a drink to the other animals. Due to the drink, an argument breaks out between two animals, whom ultimately agree at the end to toss a coin. However, when one of the animals flips a coin, it comically ends up sideways. So one of the animals flips again, but flips it so high that a bird comically catches it and takes it. After that, Betty then asks for anyone that can sing and dance. A rabbit then comes forward and says that he can play the piano. So, Betty asks Hanson to bring in the piano. However Hanson is a small bug, so comically has to tug at it to get it in the room, whilst a big hippo comically only carries a stool. Betty then hands the rabbit some sheet music, but the rabbit says that he only plays "by ear". However, when he starts to play, he comically uses his ears to play the piano. Betty then requests for a singer whilst she plays. All of the animals decline her request. Until a picture of Rudy Vallee from a book of sheet music comes to life and says he will sing. Betty then asks Vallee is the songs will be old or new, Vallee then says that he'll sing songs that they will all know; and he'll sing them with the bouncing ball. His first song that he sings is "Deep Night", with footage of beaches and rainforests accompanying the song . The second song that he sings is "A Little Kiss Every Morning", with footage of a painting firstly showcasing multiple species of birds kissing, then transitioning to babies and their mothers, then to young couples, and then to elderly couples. The final song that Vallee sings is "Stein Song", a college song, with accompanying footage showcasing a noisy game of American football. After the three songs, the party concludes, and all the guests depart from Betty's house. Betty then wishes Vallee good night. Vallee, who is in a picture frame, begins to sing "Good Night Sweetheart". After that performance, Betty then laughs and wishes him a good night. The film ends with Vallee singing "Keep a Little Song Handy".
Penguins suddenly appear in the town with no explanation. Aoyama finds that the penguin species is known to follow a singular path known as the "Penguin Highway," which leads to the woods. After the bully Suzuki ties Aoyama up to a vending machine, the Lady frees Aoyama and transforms a soda can into a penguin.
At school Aoyama finds Uchida and his other classmate Hamamoto with a penguin named Penta on the rooftop. They bring Penta on the train, where it falls ill upon leaving the station. Penta stumbles out of the cage and transforms into a soda can. Aoyama then goes to a cafe to play chess with the Lady, where she mentions her trouble sleeping after reading about the Jabberwock. The power goes out, and then she accidentally transforms the pieces into bats. Aoyama later deduces that the Lady can turn thrown objects into penguins in the light and bats in the dark.
The next day, Hamamoto leads Aoyama and Uchida deep into the forest, where a floating sphere of water sits, which she calls the "sea". The next few days, Aoyama, Uchida and Hamamoto, spend playing around the sea and investigating it. Uchida throws in a toy spaceship into the sphere, and it sucks up the toy. One day, Suzuki comes to bully Uchida and Aoyama, happening upon the sphere, and Hamamoto warns him not to tell anyone about the sphere.
The next day, the reporters note a new unidentified creature has been discovered. Aoyama and Uchida spot the creature eating a penguin. The Lady asks Aoyama to go to the coast with her, and they depart by train. As they leave the station, the Lady falls ill. Her sweat falls onto the ground, liquifying the concrete into the creature — a Jaberwock. He does not see the Lady after that for a while.
After school, Hamamoto and Uchida go to find the forest blocked off. Entering despite the warnings, they find Hamamoto's father conducting research, with Suzuki revealing the sphere's location. A huge storm brews as the sphere grows in size. The next day, it is revealed that the sphere has expanded to a dangerous extent, leading to the disappearance of Hamamoto's father. The school holds a lockdown, and Aoyama escapes to meet up with the Lady.
Aoyama solves the mystery. The sea is the energy source for both the penguins and the Lady, but the penguins try to destroy it. The sea displaces space and distorts time. Aoyama believes the sea is a hole, a place where the world is torn. The penguins are trying to destroy it in an attempt to repair the world. However, making too many penguins causes the Lady to fall ill. In response, she produces the creature, known as the Jaberwock. These attack the penguins, which makes the sphere larger and result in her improved health.
Aoyama and the Lady walk toward the forest, generating a mob of penguins. The blast their way into the sphere and land into the apocalyptic future. Aoyama and the Lady rescue Hamamoto's father and the other researchers. The penguins fly up and pop the sphere, causing water to rush out into the real world.
Aoyama and the Lady return to the cafe to talk, while the mob of penguins slowly disappear. When the last penguin disappears, she hugs Aoyama and leaves the cafe. Outside of the window, she disappears. He resolves not to cry, believing he will see her again and will tell her that he loved her. One day, Aoyama spots a cat playing outside of the cafe in the spot the Lady disappeared from. He approaches the spot and finds the toy spaceship that the sphere swallowed.
Beautiful wife Marion Corbett (Anne Gwynne) heads for Las Vegas hoping to make her husband Richard (David Bruce) jealous. But problems arise when another man catches her fancy, and she gets involved.
In January 1930, the farm Gremyachy Log arrives collectivization former sailor, communist-twenty-five-thousander, a former worker of the Leningrad plant, Semyon Davydov. In the farm he meets and gets acquainted with Makar Nagulnov, the head of the local party cell, and the chairman of village council, Andrei Razmyotnov. The members of party convened a meeting of Gremyachins activists and the poor. The present farmers registered in the collective farm and recorded those who should be dekulakization. The prosperous farmers did not aspire to the collective farm. At the end of February, an entry into the collective farm stopped, an enemy force acted in the farm. Dissatisfied secretly gathered to discuss how to discourage collectivization.
''Master of the Amulets'' is an adventure for ''Melee''/''Wizard'' set in Dirringar's Valley.
In her teens, Emily Dickinson befriends Susan Gilbert during a recitation of the Amherst's Shakespeare Society, and during a scene in which they play lovers, a romance blossoms. On a stroll afterward, they kiss. Emily's family leaves for a month long trip, and Susan stays with Emily for the duration. They continue to spend time together, concealing the romantic aspect of their relationship from others.
Susan gets a teaching job out west, and they write countless love letters to each other's while she is away. When she returns, Emily is surprised to learn that Susan has been betrothed to Emily's brother Austin, which Susan had kept secret from her. Susan apologizes to Emily and explains that it's all part of a greater scheme: Susan cannot financially support herself without getting married, and by marrying Austin they can build a house right next door to Emily and no one will suspect their romance.
Twenty years later, Emily and Susan live next door to each other, and Susan's children deliver their countless notes back and forth between the two houses. Emily shows Susan the poems she has written, some of which are written on scraps of paper and in the margins of recipes, and many of which mention Susan by name. Emily also likes to garden and bake bread for the neighborhood children.
During a period when Susan is too busy to speak to Emily, a recently widowed Kate Scott Turner travels to stay with Susan. But Kate turns out to be more interested in Emily, and ends up staying at her place instead. Kate leaves suddenly, and Emily tells Susan she wishes she'd had a chance to say goodbye and give Kate the pair of garters she sewed for her. Susan is jealous because Emily never made garters for her.
Emily receives the company of Judge Otis Phillips Lords, an old man who confuses the Brontë sisters (describing the book “Wuthering Jane”), falls asleep mid conversation, and calls Emily "plain". While on his way out he stumbles, and as the same moment Emily reaches out to help him, Susan walks in, catching them mid-embrace.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson also visits Emily after she writes about publishing her poems. During their meeting he corrects her on what the meaning of poetry is, describes how women's writing is different than men's writing, and even copy-edits one of her poems right in front of her. He tells her the poems are not ready for publication.
Mabel Todd first comes to Emily's house on an invitation to play the piano for Emily, but is surprised when the maid tells her that she will play alone in the drawing room, and that Emily will remain upstairs to listen to the music while she writes. Mabel meets Austin after moving to Amherst, and they began an affair. They have little shame about it, and frequently appear in public together. They often go to Emily's house to have sex, which Emily avoids by staying in her room. Mabel suggests to Austin that they publish their love letters, but Austin finds that idea too scandalous and tells her to seek for a creative outlet elsewhere.
Emily suddenly becomes ill and passes away. Her sister Lavinia asks Susan to wash the body for burial. After her death, Mabel discovers a chest full of Emily's poems and letters, but she realizes that many of the best ones are addressed to Susan. She enlists the help of Austin to erase all the instances of "Susan" and replace them with men's names instead.
Years later after Emily's work has become successful, Mabel gives a talk to a large group of society women. She tells them that because Emily was such an eccentric recluse, she only saw her face once: in the casket of her funeral. She explains that her poems must have been directed to Judge Otis, and that she added titles to all the poems so that audiences would know exactly what they were about. Emily's niece also gives a lecture about how her aunt and mother were secret lovers, but only three people attend.
The film ends with titles explaining that recent technology has revealed Mabel's erasures and shown that the love letters were indeed written to Susan.
''Sea of Mystery'' is a solo adventure in which the player character has encounters on the high seas, including pirates, slave galleys, and storms.
Set in 1978, the plot centers on Los Angeles private investigator Carson Phillips. He is hired to conduct an investigation in his Texas hometown where mental facility patient Barbara Poole has been incommunicado for some time, which has her L.A.-based niece worried about her well-being.
Upon reaching the sanatorium, he notices that the staff all look nervous when he asks for her. Dr. Miles, the head doctor, is evasive and strings him along for several days. Carson never gets to see Mrs Poole.
He meets up with his ex, Jayne, and their daughter, Becky. Becky is married to the star quarterback, Happy. One night during a game, Happy suddenly dies and the police strongly suspect Becky. Jayne asks Carson for help.
Becky was being abused by Happy, but since he was the star quarterback, the police would not arrest him. Dr. Miles was killing off patients who were not financially supported by their families, Barbara Poole included, and collecting their social security money. Carson uncovers the truth and Dr. Miles is shot dead by a patient.
Carson and Jayne reconcile and he finds a bottle of cancer pills. This same substance was found in Happy's blood. He accuses her of "doing anything to protect her daughter" and realizes that she was the one who poisoned Happy. Becky comes out and asks her if she did it. At first Jayne denies everything, but then admits that she thought that Happy would kill Becky and since she herself did not have long to live, no one would be left to protect her daughter. Becky forgives her.
The movie ends with Carson stating that he was going to go home, then realizes he is home, implying he stays with his ex and daughter instead of going back to Los Angeles.
Mickey Mouse needs to find and destroy the four evil witches who have stolen Merlin's wand. To do so he must reach the top of each tower of the enchanted castle. After that, Mickey can defeat the evil Ogre King to free Disneyland from an evil spell.
A couple named Andrew and Eric and their adopted daughter, Wen, are taking a vacation in a secluded cabin in New Hampshire. Their dwelling is invaded by four strangers named Redmond, Leonard, Sabrina, and Adriane who take the family captive and tell them that, to prevent the upcoming apocalypse, one of them must be killed by the others.
The story starts in 1945, with Tetsu Ezure (played by Sayuri Yoshinaga and her sons living in Sakharin. The Russian army invades, and Tetsu flees with her sons, while her husband (played by Abe Hiroshi) stays behind to fight. The family manage to flee to Hokkaido, and eventually settle in Abashiri. The plot then skips forward to 1971, and one of the sons, Shujiro (Masato Sakai) is now an executive at a US Multi National Hot Dog sales company. While visiting Sapporo, he encounters his mother, from whom he had previously become estranged. His mother, now down on her luck, seeks his help. while he and his wife are reluctant to assist. The plot looks at the past of the family.
Upon realising something is wrong with her, partially related to her post traumatic stress disorder, she leaves to go back to her original house in Abashii, however, it has been demolished. Shujiro, reaching out to his mother, accompanies her through the plains of Hokkaido, where they encounter stories of the past.
Don Cossack Stepan Razin vowed to take revenge on the boyars for his tortured friends. Having headed the risen peasants, he becomes the leader of the whole army. From all over the Russian land flock to him humiliated and offended.
When a jaded former hitman encounters a savage pimp and a desperate woman under his control, he embarks on a quest to save a young girl from the clutches of the brutal gangsters who trade human beings as currency.
In the 1930s, the demobilized tank driver Klim Yarko returns to his ''kolkhoz'' on the Ukrainian steppe, where Mariana Bazhan works as the master of speed plowing. This results in her having a lot of admirers, which she does not appreciate. To dissuade her suitors, Mariana asks Nazar Duma to pretend to be her fiancé.
A story about a young teacher who came to work in his native village, where he managed to win universal recognition and gain personal happiness. His students are not only children, but adults. Who created the world? How to become happy? Teacher Stepan Ivanovich is ready to answer all questions.
The film tells about the teacher of the Greek language Belikov, who works in a rural gymnasium. He is afraid of everything, prefers to store things in a shell and himself as if he lives in him, which strains the gymnasium and the people who live in the village. Suddenly the village visits Varvara, in which Belikov falls in love.
Pete Clark (Edmund Lowe), advertising and publicity manager for the Henly soap manufacturing company, puts up $100,000 of the company's money for a promotional contest, but endangers his job, in the process.
Believing that no one would be so foolhardy as to compete for a prize involving a nonstop flight from the Pacific Coast to Hawaii, when Charles Lindbergh makes headlines crossing the Atlantic, Pete realizes the flight across the Pacific is possible. After taking a "crash" cours eon aviation, Pete decides to enter the race himself so as to collect the prize money and save himself from disgrace.
After a series of amazing stunts, Pete does reach Hawaii and thereby wins the admiration of Violet (Lois Moran), the boss's daughter. He also saves his job.
The film begins with a game of American football between Maine and Rutgers. Both sides begin to approach each other whilst they are both cheered on by their respective fans. Rutgers kick the ball first, which lands on a Maine player's head, whilst he is trying to catch it. Once the Maine player realises, he attempts to run across the field. Whilst he is doing this, the other team's players stop him by flinging themselves at the player. However when the other team plays, the Maine player is comically found morphed in the ball. So, once the ball is on the ground, the Maine player (who was still in the ball) kicks the ball over and into the goal, scoring a goal for the Maine's. The ball then transitions into the bouncing ball used in the sing-along sequence.
An unnamed man then talks about The Stein Song, and about the song's rhythm. After the explanation, the narrator then introduces Rudy Vallee.
Rudy Vallee then greets the audience and then invites the audience to sing-along to the "Stein Song" and to also follow the bouncing ball. Then, the song commences, sung by Rudy Vallee. In the second half of the film, multiple animals with flags of their universities begin to sing-along with Vallee, doing a verse each. After that, a Maine supporter begins to jump on the lyrics and begin to act like the bouncing ball. The lyrics lead him to a canoe with other mice. He commands the canoe until one of the rowers picks up a boot with his paddle and breaks the boat. The mouse then start to chant in the water. This makes the fish comically joining in their chanting. They both do this until the mice jump out of the water and the fish eat them. The film ends with the fish clapping.
David drops out of medical school and learns what life isn't really like. He meets beautiful women, helps make a film and takes care of twenty-one cows.
Following the events of ''Warriors Orochi 3'', the heroes of the Three Kingdoms and Sengoku period return to their time, having forgotten all their exploits in the dimensional world. However, Zeus, the king of Olympus, decides to bring them back for an unclear purpose. His son, Perseus, weary of Zeus' constant meddling of mortal affairs, decides to steal his eight Ouroboros bracelets, made from the hair of Medusa and containing a godly power, and contact the mortals, only to end up causing them to be scattered across the world.
Subsequently, the heroes are divided into four factions, each with a bracelet wielder. Perseus leads the first one, which includes Naotora Ii, Guan Yinping, and Yukimura Sanada, each controlling the power of Aphrodite, Freya, and Tyr, respectively. The second is led by the Mystic Nuwa and includes Nobunaga Oda, who controls the power of Izanagi. The third is led by Zeus' children, Ares and Athena, and includes Zhao Yun, Mitsunari Ishida, and Cao Pi, each controlling the power of Apollo, Hermes, and Poseidon, respectively. The final faction includes Da Ji and Lu Bu, who wields the power of Thor. The first two factions link up, as Nobunaga and Nuwa had only wanted to test the mantle of their adversary. Yukimura forms a bond with Perseus, while Ares is revealed to have earned the loyalty of Cao Pi and Hideyoshi Toyotomi, whom he mistakenly thinks is a bracelet wielder, by promising them worldly power, but they realize that he has no intention of keeping it.
Perseus eventually unmasks himself as Loki, a servant of Odin, the king of Asgard, who secretly leads Da Ji's faction. He deliberately scattered the bracelets so the heroes could channel their godly power, therefore stabilizing the world enough for Odin to enact his plan: summoning the God of Destruction, the world's will taking the form of Orochi, so he can grow Yggdrasil and create a weapon powerful enough to destroy the universe and start it with a clean slate. Odin offers Ares, frustrated by Zeus' inaction, a chance to depose his father. When the heroes finally defeat Zeus, who admits that he only wanted to spar with them, Ares snaps and kills him, absorbing his power and declaring himself the new king of Olympus.
A distraught Athena joins the heroes to prevent Odin from completing his plan. After a series of battles, Odin becomes impatient of Ares' failure to contain the coalition and steals Zeus' power from him. To atone for his actions, Ares chooses to sacrifice a part of his life force to resurrect his father. Meanwhile, the God of Destruction's arrival unexpectedly resurrects the real Orochi, who assists the heroes to kill him before being killed himself. However, the heroes are too late to stop Odin from growing Yggdrasil. At the last minute, Loki turns on Odin and causes Yggdrasil to weaken, having had a change of heart and wanting to avenge his fallen friends, who were killed by Odin during Ragnarok. An enraged Odin kills Loki, only to perish at the hands of the heroes.
The victory is short-lived, however, as the toll of Orochi's and the God of Destruction's deaths have split apart the balance of the world. The Olympians and the Mystics band together to send the heroes back to their time. The heroes once again lose the memories of their exploits, though they retain a sense that there are beings watching them from above.
The new story in ''Ultimate'' follows an alternate timeline which diverges from the original game's story shortly before the confrontation between the God of Destruction and Orochi. There are two new chapters: Chapter 6 and the Final Chapter, each having its own ending.
In Chapter 6, Loki abandons Odin's cause earlier and reunites with Yukimura. They meet Gaia, the Earth's personification, who appears as a disembodied voice. It is revealed that Loki and Gaia were working together with the real Perseus to deceive Odin, but Loki had to kill Perseus to gain Odin's trust. Alongside the two, the heroes are joined by Hades, ruler of the underworld. Hades explains that he was the person responsible for saving Odin's soul after Ragnarok. Recalling the Earth's memories, Gaia learns that Odin's soul is tied to Yggdrasil, so they have to return it back to the tree if they want to stop Odin for good. During the fight against the God of Destruction, Zeus and Hades channel his power to Gaia, giving her a new body. Throughout the campaign, Loki admits that Perseus' soul was shattered when he killed him, giving Gaia an idea to gather them all so they may be able to resurrect him. Eventually, Hades regains Odin's soul and returns it back to the tree, enabling the heroes to kill Odin before the gods send the heroes back to their world.
Meanwhile, the Final Chapter is unlocked by gathering all fragments of Perseus' soul scattered in previous battles. The chapter begins right before the final battle with Odin in Chapter 6. A resurrected Perseus tells the heroes that Hades is the mastermind behind Odin's plan to create Yggdrasil: Hades had sent Odin to work towards Yggdrasil so he could snatch it and empower himself, giving him the means to depose Zeus as king of Olympus. Gaia and Kaguya work together to send the heroes back in time and save Odin from Hades. Through the former, they learn that to stop Hades, they will have to release Odin's soul from Yggdrasil. The heroes travel to the underworld to retrieve the Bident, a weapon capable of severing a soul from the tree. During the final confrontation, Hades taunts Odin that he has foreseen the latter's death, which will happen only if he regains his soul. Despite this, Odin retakes his soul anyway, enabling the others to defeat Hades and forcing him back to the underworld. While the others leave Yggdrasil as it begins collapsing, Odin chooses to remain behind, promising Loki that he will survive somehow. The battle with Hades done, Loki, the Olympians, and the Mystics bid the heroes farewell before returning them back to their world.
Wayo Panitchayasawad (Yo) is a freshman at the same university where his long time love, Phana Kongthanin (Pha), is a second-year student. Pha is extremely popular and the Campus Moon of last year but does not seem to like the attention. When Yo gets the opportunity to become the Moon of his faculty, he realizes he gets to see Pha more. Although, their relationship starts quite rough since Pha seems to pick on Yo.
The book is about Galunker, a misunderstood pitbull who seeks a home after a lifetime of dog fighting .
''Alves & Co.'' concerns Godfredo Alves. He had a successful import-export business in Lisbon in the last decades of the 19th century, in partnership with his friend Machado. Godofredo admires Machado's success with women and makes no complaint when he absents himself from the office to further these relationships. One day he arrives at the office to find Machado absent again. Thinking of Machado's successful romances, he then remembers that it is his own wedding anniversary and, after buying a present for his wife, Ludovina, returns home early, only to find Machado in an embrace with her on the yellow sofa of his house.
Machado runs away. With the help of a financial incentive, Godofredo persuades his father-in-law to take back his wife. He also feels the need to regain his honour through challenging Machado to a duel. The story is really about his half-hearted efforts to achieve this; the contrast between the feeling that he must stand up for his honour and that of not wanting to get hurt or killed, despite his suggestion to Machado of a suicide pact. Eventually his friends, originally approached to be seconds, arrange a compromise that avoids a duel. In time he gets back together with his wife and, once again, becomes friends with Machado.
All of the teenagers in Haley's hometown dress in their grandparents' best clothing on what is said to be the most important day of their lives. With nervous excitement, they make a scattered pilgrimage across town, drawn to an unknown fate. Haley walks at a more reluctant pace, skeptical of the timeworn tradition and the bizarre coming-of-age ritual that awaits them at their destination. When they finally arrive at Monty's, a local delicatessen, the clusters of local teens join together in a surreal ceremony of food, dance, and romantic angst that will determine the course of their lives forever. Many of the teens are granted instantaneous escape from the clutches of suburbia while an unchosen few are left to dwell interminably in their vacant hometown.
A truck driver dreams of returning to motorcycle racing.
The game is set on Christmas Eve in 1920. Father Abraham has to solve several mysteries at once, starting with the disappearance of altar boy David. It is implied that Father Abraham has killed several children and he has to find evidence in order to save himself from wrongful persecution. In dream-like sequences, Abraham finds more clues in a world from David and finally uncovers what really happened. Father Abraham has to piece these clues together in order to prove his innocence — if he is innocent.
''King of Boys'' tells the story of Alhaja Eniola Salami (played by Sola Sobowale), a businesswoman and philanthropist with a promising political future. She is drawn into a struggle for power which in turn threatens everything around her as a result of her growing political ambitions. To come out of this on top, she is caught up in a game of trust, not knowing whom really to look up to, and this leads to her ruthlessness.
Aleksandra Sokolova, the wife of a peasant and a former farm laborer who becomes a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, overcoming collectivization problems and difficulties in her personal life.
When Zim suddenly reappears after a long absence, a disabled Dib Membrane, who had been awaiting his return, confronts him. Zim reveals that his disappearance was part of a plan to make Dib too physically unfit to oppose him, allowing Zim to begin the second phase of his plan. Zim contacts the Almighty Tallest to explain the phase to them, but realizes during the call he has forgotten about what it entails.
Dib trains to regain his physical fitness with help from his sister, Gaz. When he recovers, Professor Membrane gives Dib a prototype device called the Membracelet, meant to harness the positive energy of world's children. However, he expresses his disappointment in Dib's belief of aliens and Dib goes to face Zim without his father's backing. Dib finds Zim in a state of depression, unable to come up with a plan and having learned that the Tallest have no interest in him, as the Irken Armada's flight plan (which consists of going only in a straight line) does not come into contact with Earth. Defeated, Zim surrenders to Dib, who decides to present Zim to the world during Membrane's keynote address.
Dib brings Zim to his father's keynote address and allows him to modify the Membracelet so he can expose Zim to the world. However, the moment Zim hijacks the livestream, Membrane disappears and Zim takes control of the stage in disguise. Dib awakens the next day to find that he and Gaz are imprisoned in their own home by Clembrane, a failed clone of their father created by Zim. Zim, having taken over Membrane's company, sells Membracelets modified with alien technology. After ordering every child on Earth to hold hands while wearing the bracelets, Zim uses Minimoose to teleport Earth directly in the path of the Irken Armada to force the Tallest to visit him. Meanwhile, the Tallest, irritated by Zim's reappearance, callously plan to destroy him along with the Earth once they reach it.
The Earth's sudden teleportation suddenly opens a "Florpus", a rift in space-time capable of swallowing the planet and merging it with alternate realities. Zim ignores the danger and goes on his way to prepare for the arrival of the Tallest. Dib and Gaz are able to escape using a spaceship formerly belonging to Tak. They travel to Moo-Ping 10, an intergalactic prison where Professor Membrane is being held. They free him and head back to Earth. Dib expresses his desire for his father to be proud of him, and Membrane tells Dib that he is already proud of him, despite his belief in the supernatural.
Dib lands on Earth and fights Zim for control of Minimoose to stop the Florpus. Membrane, revealed to have robotic prosthetics, comes to Dib's aid shortly after. The Membranes are able to recover Minimoose after turning Clembrane on Zim and Professor Membrane works to reverse its effects. Just as Earth is about to enter the Florpus, the Irken Armada finally arrives to destroy the planet. Earth briefly experiences a clashing of realities before Membrane at last figures out how to reset Minimoose and teleport the planet back to its original location and the Massive flies straight into the Florpus.
Back on Earth, the Membrane family is reunited. Zim appears at their window and taunts them, claiming the real goal of the second phase was stealing a ceramic figurine from Dib's living room. Zim contacts the Tallest to report his success, only to see them suffering in an alternate reality. Zim interprets their anguished screams as them being pleased with his work, before he is crushed by a falling dog whom his robot assistant, GIR, had earlier launched into space, that GIR then launches again.
Fauna Hodel, a young girl given up by her birth mother, sets out to uncover the secrets of her past and ends up following a sinister trail that swirls closer to a gynecologist involved in the legendary Black Dahlia slaying.
The film opens with Oswald comically rowing on a whale pulling a boat. This boat has a captain inside, who Oswald is a servant to. The captain, whilst on the ship, begins to feel hungry. So, the captain whistles a note to Oswald. Oswald is originally sleeping, but is woken up by the music note comically dragging him back to the ship by his nose.
The captain then explains to Oswald that he is hungry, so Oswald agrees to go get him food. Oswald then attempts to bring the captain some soup. However, a duck flies onto the plate and eats the soup. However, the soup makes the duck obese, which means that the duck cannot fly away. The duck tries though, but nevertheless falls off the plate and onto the floor. Once Oswald realises that the duck ate the soup, he comically squeezes it back into the bowl from the duck. After that, the duck bits on Oswald's tail. This makes the bowl fly into the air and back down onto Oswald's head. The duck laughs and then flies off.
After that, Oswald hears some music coming from the island. Using a bridge made of musical notes, he descends onto the island. This is where he discovers the mermaid. However the captain discovers their presence on the island and attempts to pursue both of them. He manages to capture the mermaid, whom he locks in a room on the boat. Whilst not captured, Oswald manages to get onto the boat, by comically making a water path-way to get onto the boat. After that, a thunderstorm occurs, where the boat is flung around and in one instance, comically spanked by the waves. The storm destroys the boat, as the waves throws the boat away. Oswald and the mermaid find land on a pole, where they passionately kiss. The captain spots them and tries to grab them. However, the waves drag him down and he drowns.
''Simba Safari'' is a hunting adventure, a grand interstellar safari in search of the most dangerous game trophies in the Diamond-Prince subsector of Judges Guild's Ley Sector.
''Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars'' is adventure set on the planet Vahjdi in the Far Frontiers sector, on a tidal-locked planet with a small habitable stretch of desert land, and the adventure centers on the attempts of a small group of hired mercenaries to lead the planet's low-tech native tribes in a rebellion against the higher-tech invaders from a nearby world.
Successful turner-multiplayer of one car factory Vasily, having received a new home, tries to persuade his girlfriend to move to him. It would seem all right, but on the first day of their life together they quarrel, as a result of which Varya returns to her home. Soon she has a baby. Her family does everything possible to reconcile the couple.
The third part of the trilogy of the life and fate of M. Gorky, based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by the writer. Alyosha Peshkov comes to Kazan to study. The university turns out to be an impossible dream for him, and so he begins to look for a job, and has to live without a shelter. Young Peshkov's thoughts about life are no less difficult than life itself. In a moment of despair, he decides to commit suicide.
The film tells about the taxi driver Petya Govorkov, who rehearses Lensky's role in the local opera house. His talents are highly appreciated by the elderly singer and conductor Makedonsky, but because Petya leaves to study at the conservatoire, he quarrels with his girlfriend. On his opening night she hears him singing on the radio, and they are reconciled.
On one New Year the old hunter tells two middle-school students the story of how Stalin presented his tobacco pipe to one hunter for help with his escape from exile. According to legend, the hunter died during the Civil War, and the pipe remained with his friend. The guys are interested in this story and they decide to find this pipe.
The film shows the love of Georgian society to the poet Akaki Tsereteli, as well as the nature and traditions of Georgia.
The director captured episodes of the journey. They shot about 1500 meters of film. After editing, 1200 m remained. About 400 m have reached our time. The author managed to reflect the people's love for the poet, to show the way of life in Georgia, Georgian traditions and nature.
The plot of the movie is unknown, despite the fact that this film is only partially lost: just a few frames have survived.
Graham Marshall, the protagonist, is a rising executive at a London-based oil conglomerate, and has always played by the rules. But Graham is passed over for promotion, losing out to a younger colleague called Robert Benham. On his way home that night, he lashes out at an aged tramp who harasses him, killing him, and dumps the body in the Thames. When it becomes clear that he has got away with this murder, Graham begins to feel a new power and murders his wife by booby-trapping an electric switch. Next, he sets a boating booby-trap for Robert, and fakes a suicide to dispose of a possible witness. Eventually he gets arrested for a murder he did not actually commit, as a consequence of a revenge-plot of his mother-in-law.
An aphrodisiac peddler, Cheng Yong, is in financial trouble. His store has not been making profits for a long time and his father urgently needs a large sum of money for brain surgery.
One day a man wearing thick layers of surgical masks comes to his shop. He asks Cheng to bring a cheap drug from India in return for a large sum of money. Due to patent protection, the Swiss drug imatinib is very expensive and cannot be afforded by most leukemia patients in China. However, an inexpensive generic version of it is available in India.
Desperate for money, Cheng agrees to risk smuggling the drug into China. As more chronic myelogenous leukemia patients start to buy drugs from him, Cheng becomes rich. His motivation starts to change after he witnesses devastated patients whose families had been pushed into poverty by costly cancer treatments walk away with hope for the future.
At the same time, Chinese police notice the availability of the contraband Geliening and vow to crack down on the unlicensed generic drug, as the originator company Nuo Wa (reflecting Novartis in real life) sued the Indian government for infringing its patent.
''Cleo'' is the story of a 17-year-old girl who survives a serious road accident. Her parents did not have that chance. After this fatal night, she gets lost in Brussels and takes refuge with Leos, a mysterious man older than her. Cleo's father was a renowned pianist, and the girl has been playing since a very young age. If Cleo likes to listen to contemporary music, it is the piano (and especially the work of Rachmaninov) that is at the heart of her reconstruction process.
Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally ...
In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris Region.
10 years later, while everything is going well for Sami, who brilliantly finishes his studies in political science, nothing is going well for his cousin Charles de Chazelle. Since the defeat of his idol Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential elections, he has fallen into a deep depression when his family loses all their fortune and has to leave Neuilly. Rejected by all, the Chazelle find refuge at Sami in Nanterre. From then on, for Sami and the inhabitants of his city, life will never be a long calm river again.
Chloe, a young medium that the great business leaders, politicians and the jet set snapped up, shelters in her since childhood the spirit of Albert Einstein. Overworked, the information does not "pass" anymore. So Albert decides to move ... For better or for worse, he settles in Zac, a depressive Cartesian, beekeeper routed and waiter. Become inseparable and complementary, because one has the "genius" and the other his instructions, Zac and Chloe, these two beings who oppose everything, will live in 48 hours the most hallucinating "households for three" ...
Lucius Marnant is a retiree who feels that his life is three quarters behind him. Returning from a funeral, Lucius meets Lahire a young man who offers him to improve his daily life by participating in clandestine fights between old men. Very quickly Lucius takes a liking to this new life, to money and forgetting oneself and death.
In February 1976 in Djibouti, a school bus was taken hostage at the Somali border. The GIGN is sent on the spot, where after 30 hours of tension a rescue operation is organized.
Alexandre, François and Emmanuel were sexually abused as children by the predatory priest, Father Bernard Preynat. As adults, when they discover that their former tormentor has been reassigned and has apparently been shielded all along by the Catholic Church, the men, still scarred and facing near-insurmountable challenges to their faith, begin a movement to bring the guilty to account.
Raghdan Aziz, a young British-Indian Muslim man, has moved out of his strict parents' home in Bradford, England to live with his aunt and uncle in Sligo, Ireland. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend Maeve and his two best friends Derek and Omar. Then his father Amir arrives, with a plan to turn a local abattoir into a halal butcher's shop.
In the 1990s, Velya hopes to leave Belarus and become a DJ in the United States. Her plans change following an error on her visa application.
In Depression-era America, a man (Will Parker) on parole for murder answers a newspaper advertisement for a husband. It has been placed by a widow known in the nearby town of Whitney, as 'crazy Elly'. She has two children and another is on the way; they are all by her first spouse, who died in an accident.
Will is employed at Elly's farm as a hired hand, and in the months leading up to the birth of Elly's baby they fall in love. They marry, and are very happy until Will is set up for the murder of a local waitress by his former overseer. His imprisonment and a trial follow.
With the support of his loving wife and the local librarian, Will fights for his freedom and a second chance at happiness.
The opening of the start of the movie reveals a couple having breakfast, then going on a road trip or outing, when suddenly Amos (Kirk Douglas), who was driving, and his wife are involved in a major accident that claims the life of his wife and severely injures Amos. He wakes up in a hospital, to realize that his wife died as a result of the accident and his home has been sold.
Amos is sent to the Sunset Nursing Home. There he meets an old baseball friend and gets in a relationship with a female resident. The head nurse, Daisy Daws (Elizabeth Montgomery), is notorious for running the facility with strict rules that are enforced by Roland, an orderly (male CNA). Daisy also has an affair with the local Sheriff so none of the residents dares to complain about her. Even when a County Commissioner, Burt, pays a surprise visit he is only told good things about the facility and Daisy.
One night, Daisy administers an overdose of a barbiturates to Amos' roommate, while Amos pretends to be sleeping, he watches it happen and can't do anything about it. Later, after the remains are picked up by morticians, Amos questions Daisy of why she did that and she threatens to do the same to him unless he puts his life insurance policy in her name.
Amos grandson pays him a visit in the nursing home and offers to let Amos come with him and live in his home but Amos does not want to abandon his friends in the nursing home.
Amos then sneaks into Daisy's bedroom to steal a syringe, needle, and the barbiturates which were used to euthanize her residents. He picks a fight with Roland so that he suffers bruises and other skin injuries, injects himself with the barbiturates and is found dead the next morning. Just before he administered his own lethal injection, he had written a letter to the state that Daisy forced him to put his life insurance on her name, that he fears she will kill him and that if he dies an autopsy should be performed and that the benefits from his life insurance policy should be shared between his grandson and Hester, his girlfriend at the nursing home.
Faced with the letter that Amos wrote and the results of the autopsy (which reveals "enough barbiturates to kill seven people"), the Sheriff arrests Daisy (despite her screams and threats to expose the Sheriff's infidelity).
The film tells about a woman who morally "degenerates" with the help of love.
The film is based on the words of a song performed by Iza Kremer in Odessa.
Leaving her dying father's bedside, singer Maisie (Kimbra) rushes to perform at an indie music gig in town. But as she sings the opening song, it is hard for her to ignore the heartfelt story she has just been told – the story of how her dad met and fell in love with her mother, and how it all devastatingly fell apart.
As the night goes on, the love story of her father, Eric (George Mason), and her mother, Rose (Rose McIver), is shown through Maisie's eyes. From the time they meet in Hamilton in 1966, to their separation in the 1980s, we follow the bittersweet nuances of a couple's life, expressed with contemporary re-imaginings of well-known New Zealand songs of artists such as Crowded House, Bic Runga and Dave Dobbyn.
While looking for new members in a small Hungarian village, the Prímás of a music ensemble comes across the young Gitta Farkas, who confidently performs her song with a beautiful voice. She is accepted and soon becomes a celebrated revue star. In the period that followed, she traveled the world with the ensemble.
During a train ride to a guest performance in Berlin, Prímás Gitta tries to get closer. However, she rejects him and leaves the train in Berlin before the destination station. After boarding a double-decker bus, she strikes up a conversation with her neighbor Peter, a young composer, to whom she suggests that he shouldn't compose so serious things. When she has to get off - without a ticket and without money - Peter also gets out and takes her home. Peter sneaks with Gitta past the party his wealthy father is giving to the upper floor and rehearses the song that Gitta is humming to him on his grand piano.
While Peter is then taken over by the guests, Gitta drapes a large silk scarf around her body and mingles with the guests, where the master of the house greets her delightedly. When her “dress” comes loose at the back and his father confronts Peter about Gitta, he leaves the house angrily with Gitta, but lets his father know beforehand that he now wants to make his own way through life. At the door, he meets his friend Fred, who wants to borrow money from him. Fred takes Peter and Gitta to his shack under the roof. The men do not suspect that the young woman is already an extremely successful singer.
In order to pay the bill for a taxi, Gitta sends the driver to the hotel where the musical ensemble is staying, to her dance partner János, who is supposed to pay the bill. Meanwhile, Peter asks his publisher for an advance payment for the newly composed song. However, he declined, pointing out that the printing of his irrelevant compositions had been paid for by his father. In the meantime, the Prímás has pulled out all the stops to find his star and even offered a large reward, but Gitta has disappeared. He can't count on his second role, Ilona, because she's so excited that she can't make a sound. Shortly before the upcoming premiere, Gitta returns to the Prímás because she wants to help her Peter.
The Prímás is so relieved his star has returned that he allows Gitta to sing Peter's song. When Peter sees his Gitta as the big star of the revue at the premiere, who performs his song with great success, he believes that she has played a joke on him. Despite all the misunderstandings, the young couple finally finds their way back together.
The story begins at a college-preparatory school in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city in the Midwestern United States. From there, 513 people—including 437 students, 52 teachers, and 24 staff—disappear on the date October 16, 2013. They reappear on a forest-covered moon in an uncharted part of the universe.
The story follows seven students in particular: Isaac Andrews, Karen Jacobs, Calder McCready, Sanami Ota, Maria Ramirez, Adrian Roth, and Benjamin Stone.
In 1977, Éric Gaubert murders Olivier, the child of Nicole Parmentier. Twenty-five years later, this broken-hearted mother makes an appointment with the murderer of her son, who has just been released from prison. What is the purpose of this meeting? A simple revenge or the desire to understand what pushed this man to commit the irreparable?
The body of a woman, Christine Clay (née Christina Gotobed) is discovered at the edge of the surf on a beach in Kent. She is initially thought to be the victim of a drowning accident, but the presence of a button tangled in her hair leads Inspector Grant to conclude she has been murdered. Suspicion quickly falls on her house guest, Robert Tisdall, who admits to having stolen Clay's car and then regretted it and returned. Tisdall had been Clay's guest for 4 days at the time of the murder, in a cottage that she had rented in secret to have an anonymous holiday. He inherited a fortune but has squandered it, and was rescued from a life of poverty when Clay randomly encountered him in London and offered him hospitality out of kindness. She did not tell him her name, instructing him to call her "Chris". Clay's identity is revealed when Jason Harmer, her songwriter, arrives at the cottage having tracked down its location from a clue in a letter he received from her. Once her identity becomes public Lydia Keats, an astrologist, receives considerable attention for having correctly predicted that Clay would drown.
The day before the murder, Clay wrote to her lawyer instructing him to add a codicil to her will bequeathing a small portion of her estate — a ranch in California and several thousand pounds — to Tisdall. The bulk of her estate is left to "maintain the beauty of the English countryside". Tisdall claims not to have known about the bequest to him. Although it goes against his intuition, Grant is convinced of Tisdall's guilt by the motive provided by the bequest. Another suspicious circumstance is that Tisdall's coat, which had buttons similar to the one found in Clay's hair, has been stolen. Furthermore, none of Clay's friends knows of the cottage, except for her husband and the owner of the cottage, another film star.
Grant decides to arrest Tisdall, but he escapes. Later, Tisdall is discovered by Erica Burgoyne, the 16-year-old daughter of the local Chief Constable. Erica believes Tisdall's story about his coat, and sets out to find it. She discovers that a tramp was in the neighborhood on the day the coat was stolen, and tracks him through the fact that he mends china. The coat she recovers has no missing buttons, leading Grant to conclude that Tisdall is innocent. However, Tisdall cannot be found and anxiety mounts regarding his safety.
Grant is left back at square one. He next investigates Clay's brother Herbert Gotobed, who turns out to be a con man with a history of posing as a religious prophet, and Clay's husband, Lord Edward Champneis. Champneis arouses suspicion by failing to account for his whereabouts on the night before the murder, but Grant is reluctant to confront him. Grant tracks Gotobed to a monastery in Canterbury, close to Clay's cottage, where he is on the point of being given control of a large amount of money as Prior to the brotherhood's Mexican mission. Eventually Gotobed is arrested, though not for his sister's murder, and extradited to the US. Champneis's suspicious behavior turns out to be due to an effort to help a political exile to obtain sanctuary in the UK. Tisdall re-surfaces, having hidden in an attic for several days; he is feverish and on the point of pneumonia but recovers.
At a loss for the next step, Grant decides to get a haircut. While waiting, he happens across an article in an old magazine that points out how celebrated Lydia Keats will be if her prediction of death by drowning for a film star—not identified in the article—comes true, and hints that the star should not go swimming with Keats for fear she might be tempted to make her prediction a reality. He telephones the cottage's owner and discovers that he mentioned Clay's tenancy of the cottage to Keats, forgetting that it was supposed to be a secret. Keats has a motorboat that could have given her easy access to the beach where Clay was killed. Grant investigates and finds a coat in the motorboat that is missing a button on one sleeve. He confronts Keats. She raves about her infallibility and the glorious destiny predicted for her by the stars, and is taken away by the police surgeon. The final scene of the book is a dinner party attended by Grant, Tisdall and the Burgoynes, at which Grant is happy to see that Erica has not become inappropriately attracted to Tisdall.
The film begins with Betty Boop walking to the train station, with her cat, parrot and her suitcase. After descending onto the station, she asks a railroad worker about the distance between her current location and to 'Rudy Valley'. He informs her that the train will be arriving soon at the station. Whilst waiting for the train, the parrot bits Betty in the buttocks whilst she is turned away. She blames the railroad worker and strikes him in the face. After that, Betty is caught on a hook by an oncoming train. The train takes her to 'Rudy Valley', where she had intended on going. Once the train stops, Betty then hears some singing, and states on how that is Vallee. The film then transitions to a man with a mustache singing and smoking a cigar. The man then breaks the 4th wall, by asking the audience if they would be interested in hearing a song about his old girlfriend, whose name was Kitty. The bouncing ball then appears, which the man tips his hat to. The ball comically tips him back. The man then asks for the audience to get ready for the song, as it is about to start. Then the song commences, with the man singing it. During the song, the man gives examples about Kitty's unintelligence; such as Kitty thinking that Mussolini (then fascist leader of Italy) was an exercise, another example was she thinking that No man's land (a section of battlefield unoccupied during a war) was an old maid's room, and also thinking that Rudy Valley, was a place between two hills. Then, the man takes off his fake mustache, and it is discovered that the man is Rudy Vallee. Vallee then tips his hat to the audience. In the next section of the film, Kitty, who is still portrayed by Betty Boop, perform actions according to the lyrics, such as weighing herself during the lyric about her weight, and drinking in excessive amounts during the lyric about her gaining weight. She also comically gets the order of food utensils wrong, by putting a block of ice into the oven and putting coal in the fridge. In the final section of the film, Kitty attempts to mount on a horse, but she fails, as her weight tires the horse. Kitty agrees to comically be the horse and carry the actual horse, for which the actual horse agrees. However, she carrying the horse makes the horse obese. So, the horse carries Kitty from then on. Their journey leads them to the sea, where Kitty is thrown into by the horse. After that, Kitty then tries to swim back up multiple times, but the waves drag her back every time. However, Kitty comically finds a plug and pulls it out, which comically drains the entire ocean. The film ends with a parade featuring Kitty and several sea animals.
'''Major Techat Wasutraphaisan''' (Pakorn Chatborirak) is undercover agent of Thai military special forces units. He was spying on '''General Dr. Thun Ou''' (Shahkrit Yamnam) who's suspected of being part of the Illegal drug trafficking of Saenpura state that produced drugs which were smuggled into Thailand. His mission involved undercovering as a business man and getting close to Thun Ou's wife, '''Madam Maytu A''' (Sonia Couling) that made '''Awassaya''' (Sirin Preedeeyanon), Techat's "to-be-fiancee" misunderstood. Techat tried to avoid Awassaya that can cause the whole mission to fail, but she didn't leave him alone.
A sudden explosion which killed a wealthy Hong Kong businessmen has drawn the wrestle between drug traffickers and those against drugs. The heir of the drug trafficking syndicate does not hesitate to create social chaos, with his sole reason for believing "a world without drugs", which is actually more terrible and more chaotic than imagined.
Director Juno Mak had mentioned that, "A land free of drugs depicts utopia, or so they say - Yet only those who have been there would know the eternal flames that burn in that place called Hell. It was with his creation of medicine that men began deluding himself about the illusive power to ordain life and death. Be it naivety or arrogance, we glory in awe, eyes closed; deaf to the quiet humming of destruction that lingers on the edge of desire. As it goes, blood weeps more eagerly than tears in a merciless world."
A film crew travels back in time to film the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. They arrive after the gunfight, however, and can only interview those involved. They interview Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Kate, Ike Clanton, Colonel Roderick Hafford, and Johnny Behan, each of whom has a different take on the events.
In the year 2008, high school student Sakura Minamoto is abruptly killed by a truck on the morning she plans to submit an idol application. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six "legendary" girls from various eras of Japan's history, are brought back as zombies by a man named Kotaro Tatsumi, who seeks to revitalize Saga Prefecture by putting together an all-zombie idol group that would become known as Franchouchou.
When Officer Martin Dunne was ambushed and shot at, he shoots back in self defense and kills Willie Loomis, who the father of Frankie Loomis. Now, Dunne and his wife decide to raise Frankie, who does not know that his foster father killed his real father.
After the tragic death of their parents, twin brothers Tae-joo (Jo Han-sun) and Tae-sung (Sung Hoon) left in the orphanage were separated. Twenty years later, they meet again. However, they are on opposite sides of the law. Older brother Tae-joo is a cop while Tae-sung holds high rank in a crime organization. In a twist of fate, both brothers love the same woman, Chan-mi (Yoon So-yi).
In the apartment of a professor, a locksmith is placed with his daughter, after which the apartment is visited by various factory workers and the professor decides to start lecturing in the working club. The younger son falls in love with the worker's daughter and they decide to get married. The elder son of the professor is not satisfied with the new tenants of the apartment and he is arrested.
The film tells about a millionaire Gornostaev and ballerina Ilona, who cannot agree on the opinion what is more important - beauty and youth or money. Gornostaev gives a promise to Ilona for two years to prove that wealth is more important.
The film tells about a young man Abram Hersh, who takes a job at the plant, becomes an activist and grows up in the commissioner of the Soviet Army.
The film tells about the adventures of a young scout Grishka and his friend - the daughter of a forester, who helps partisans in the fight against the occupiers.
In 2005, Alex lives in a village with his mother and his aggressive, unloving father Björn. His mother leaves the family, and Alex's closest friend Anna moves to Stockholm. Alex decides to leave his father and moves to a relative.
Ten years later, Alex lives in Stockholm and is now a famous pianist. During Midsummer, there are multiple explosions in Stockholm. Alex splits with his manager and decides to go back to his home village to buy the church piano he and Anna used to play on when they were younger. There, Alex meets Anna again who has moved back to the village. The attacks on Sweden worsen to include people recklessly driving and crashing cars in the rainy summer. The electricity and mobile networks are hit and become unavailable.
At the same time in Alex's home village, his father Björn fights off armed men from entering a restricted area with access to the electricity network. Civilians come there to seek safety in the bombshelter, including Alex and Anna. They have contact with the military via radio and go to meet them in the village church. Helicopters shoot at them, but Björn takes down a helicopter from his airplane, saving Alex and Anna, however Björn's airplane crashes.
The film ends with a scene in the village church, which has been destroyed and is on fire. Alex stands in the rain facing Anna in the shelter of the church, apparently having lost his recent memory due to the chemical weapons in the rain. Anna is taken away by the military. The very last clip of the film features Putin – suggesting that Russia was behind the attacks.
Benjamin, a rising young filmmaker struggling to replicate his early success, previews his newest film: a romantic drama about his character's doomed relationship with his boyfriend and inability to love. Despite his producer Tessa's reassurances to the contrary, Benjamin is deeply anxious about the film, contending with fear of judgment and cripplingly low self-esteem.
At a reporter friend's invitation, Benjamin and his best friend Stephen attend a party where Benjamin meets and promptly becomes captivated by a French singer onstage, Noah. Benjamin later joins Noah and his bandmates for dinner and the two begin a burgeoning romance, spending the night and the following day together.
As Benjamin's film premiere approaches, he panics and insists that his producer reinsert a controversial set of scenes into the film, of a Buddhist monk discussing the idea of self. While the rest of the film is well-received, these extended scenes are panned by the audience and critics alike. After the screening, Noah breaks up with Benjamin, saying he is not ready for a relationship.
A heartbroken Benjamin meets up with his reporter friend Billie and her sometimes-boyfriend Harry—the same actor who played Benjamin's boyfriend in his film. The two argue frequently and have cheated on each other multiple times. Harry expresses interest in writing a film with Benjamin, but when Benjamin agrees, Harry propositions him instead. The two sleep together, but Harry later clarifies that it was a one-time experiment.
Still missing Noah, Benjamin seeks him out and asks if they might continue seeing each other, without formally labeling it a relationship. Noah agrees, much to Benjamin's delight. Over time, the two grow closer. At one point, when Benjamin seems anxious, Noah silently stares into Benjamin's eyes to calm him down, before formally asking Benjamin to be his boyfriend. Benjamin accepts.
Benjamin is having dinner with Noah's parents when his ex-boyfriend, Paul, enters the restaurant. When Benjamin calls him over, Paul publicly confronts him about his recent film, which was partly inspired by their relationship. Later, Paul argues that Benjamin is repeating old patterns and remains incapable of love. Tensions remain high after the dinner, with Benjamin embarrassed and anxious that he will wind up hurting Noah as he did Paul. Despite Noah's attempts to reassure him, Benjamin winds up pushing him away.
Upset, Benjamin later consumes magic mushrooms and becomes deeply inebriated. Now thoroughly alone, Benjamin repeatedly tries to call his friend Stephen. The next day, with his calls still going to voicemail, Benjamin gets worried and goes to Stephen's house, breaking his window. Upon seeing Stephen, caught up in relief and lingering heartbreak, Benjamin bursts into tears and realizes that he needs to see Noah.
Benjamin runs to Noah's gig and is moved to tears by Noah's heartbreaking performance, with lyrics that seem to be about him. After the show, he tells Noah that he's made a mistake, confessing that what is scarier than being incapable of love is the fact that he in fact loves Noah. Noah challenges Benjamin by asking him to return with him to Paris. Although Benjamin initially panics at the thought, he calms himself by looking into Noah's eyes and accepts the offer.
In a world where the battle between Hero and Demon Lord repeated itself time and time again, an enormous space-time spell misfired and hit a certain Japanese high school class on Earth, killing everyone in it. However, guided by what seemed to be a miracle, the students were all reincarnated into that other world. While a handful was fortunate enough to become royalty, nobles, and other kinds of influential people, one girl was not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider monster of the weakest kind in a dungeon filled with vicious beasts, she is forced to experience extreme hardship. Even so, armed with nothing but her human knowledge and overwhelming positivity, she continues to press on and survive against creatures much stronger than herself.
Bill is a farm hand who is drugged and shanghaied into the Space Troopers. Bill initially works as a fuse tender but when his ship is struck by enemy fire Bill finds himself the only remaining soldier capable of firing on the enemy Chingers. He destroys an enemy fleet with a lucky shot and is proclaimed a hero. He becomes lost in a labyrinth of bureaucracy, eventually recruiting his own younger brother into military service to the chagrin of his mother.
Kathryn Vale (Lena Olin), a once popular film star, is aiming for a come-back, after having to pause her career after her husband was murdered. Her daughter Zoe Hughes (Rosamund Pike) is trying to follow in her mother's footsteps and attempting to start her own film career. While rumors of Vale's involvement in the unsolved murder are persistent, the rivalry between mother and daughter grows.
Thirteen years ago, Chihiro Kamina moved in with his best friend after a disastrous accident. Present day, he is just a normal college student in Tokyo. However, on January 29, a mysterious ringing sound knocks out people across the city including him, resulting in the emergence of a mysterious red mist. Comatose victims began to awaken only a week after the incident, with Chihiro waking up almost five months after. The incident, now known as the Great Collapse, caused giant plants to appear from out of nowhere, trapping those in the red mist. When Chihiro is given a seemingly fatal wound, his life turns into total chaos and he must now fight against those with powers similar to those he has just awakened, and must find a way to protect himself and achieve his destiny.
An agricultural professor and her scientifically-raised mule get caught up in a film shoot in the Ozarks farming community. The mule is featured in the film and the professor and producer fall for each other to the chagrin of the film's lead.
In the land of Haranai (はらなひ国), King Kentatsuha (けんたつは大王) longs for a son and prays to Kannon and is granted a son, Prince Meuon (めうをん太子). Three years later, the queen dies, and when a new queen. The king and prince journey to Ise Shrine in Japan by way of Magadha. The king, whose true form (本地 ''honji'') is Dainichi Nyorai, resides in the , and the prince, whose true form is Eleven-Faced Kannon, resides in the . The prince's birth mother is Taga-daimyōjin, and Chiichi-shōnin is Kokūzō of (朝熊岳虚空蔵 ''Asamagatake Kokūzō'').
The main story of the work is followed by an elaboration on the oral traditions and origins of ceremonies related to the tale.
To satisfy all the wishes of a demanding wife, Brian Kent steals a large sum from the bank where he works. Overwhelmed with remorse, the man then attempts suicide on a boat that is adrift in a tumultuous river. The small boat, however, ends up entangled in the branches of the willows along the shore and Brian meets Judy, a girl who lives nearby and who introduces him to her aunt Sue. The latter, a kind teacher, has a positive influence on Brian who, trying to leave the past behind, becomes another man and even begins to write a book. But when he falls in love with Betty Jo, he arouses jealousy in Judy, who tells her father about her less than exemplary past. The man informs the bank of Brian's whereabouts, but Aunt Sue manages to persuade the bank president - an old student of his - not to pursue him. His wife, who came to find him, drowns in the river and Brian is now free to start a happy life with Betty Jo.
Jacinto is well-educated and rich, and mixes with the cream of Parisian society. He lives in an apartment on the Champs-Élysées in Paris in which he has installed the latest technology, much of which has a tendency to go wrong. He has 30,000 books and knows of all the latest ideas on the secrets of happiness, but is not happy. When Zé Fernandes, a long-time friend and the narrator of the story, visits him after an absence of seven years, Jacinto is starting to find Parisian society boring. His formula for a good life has “contorted itself into a debilitating kind of retail therapy”.
Jacinto finally decides to visit his country estate in Portugal after a landslide occurs that destroys the 16th-century chapel where the remains of his ancestors were housed. However, he cannot travel there without first boxing up many of his Parisian possessions and sending them to the estate. But fate intervenes amusingly during the journey and Zé and Jacinto arrive there with no possessions. Jacinto enjoys rural living and becomes involved in the management of his estates. He is appalled by the rural poverty, including that experienced by his tenants, and tries to do something about it by improving housing and handing out money. He eventually marries Zé's cousin and becomes a father. Half-hearted suggestions that they should visit Paris are conveniently forgotten and Jacinto becomes “well and truly settled”.
In the reign of the Engi Emperor (延喜帝), there was a minister by the name of Sugawara who was of low birth but had tremendous favour and influence with the emperor. There was at this time also a minister named Tokihira whose skill and influence were less than the Sugawara Minister's. Jealous of the Sugawara Minister, Tokihira set a fire inside the palace grounds, and cast the blame on his rival. The emperor commanded Tokihira to arrest the Sugawara Minister, and Tokihira obliged, capturing and tying up his rival.
The Sugawara Minister climbed Mount Hiei and bid a tearful farewell to his teacher fell from the sky proclaiming ''Namu taisei itoku tenman dai-jizai tenjin'' (南無大聖威徳天満大自在天神), and he passed away.
Kan Shōjō appeared to Hōshōbō on Mount Hiei and told him not to interfere with his revenge. The apparition ate a pomegranate before blowing down the door and bursting into flames.
From this point on, Kan Shōjō was worshipped as .