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Lear on the Shore

Chokitsu is an 84-year-old actor past his prime, who now finds himself unhappy in a luxury retirement village where he was placed by his daughter and son-in-law after the pair took his money. In an attempt to leave, while in his pajamas, he grabs his possessions and makes for the beach. He intends to regain his lost fame and seek a new audience for his talents. Plagued by dementia, he can barely remember past experiences, at times mixing up the characters he has played with his present life, and has trouble recognizing his family members. Chokitsu eventually encounters his estranged younger daughter Nobuko, but due to dementia he doesn't recognize her. She scolds him as she is his only daughter who cares for him.

Asintado (season 2)

The second season begins with the aftermath of Gael's (Paulo Avelino) death and the impact of it on Ana (Julia Montes). Despite his son's death, Salvador Del Mundo (Nonie Buencamino) continues his political ambition, he runs for governor in the province of San Ildefonso. The relationship between Ana and her in-laws becomes more adversarial, especially after she inherits Gael's fortune. Fearing their ruthlessness, Ana decides to hide the truth about her pregnancy from Salvador and Miranda (Lorna Tolentino). Upon learning of Gael's demise, Miranda's sister, Natasha (Desiree del Valle) and her son, Gavin (Charles Kieron) return to the country.

Ana begins to suspect that Miranda and Salvador are behind Gael's death. Hoping to put a stop to Salvador's crimes, Hillary (Agot Isidro), Salvador's wife, decides to run for Mayor. Hillary wins as mayor and Salvador wins the gubernatorial seat. Meanwhile, Miranda and Hillary's conflicts escalate since both Salvador and Hillary find themselves working together. While Hillary refuses to have anything to do with him, Salvador secretly plans to win her back and instructs his lawyer to drop his petition for annulment. Already unable to forgive herself for her role in the botched assassination attempt on kill Ana and Samantha, her relationship with Salvador suffers as she blames Salvador for their son's murder. Her discovery of his plan to win back Hillary further destroys her trust and loyalty for the man she loved and protected all her life.

Miranda's world is further complicated with the arrival of her sister, Natasha, who is on the run from loan sharks in Las Vegas. Natasha hopes to receive the protection and gain the good graces of her powerful sister and brother-in-law. She is unable to tell Miranda the truth, but Salvador finds out and uses the information to coerce Natasha to spy on Miranda, since he started having suspicions of Miranda's loyalty. Not fully understanding the depth of Salvador's malevolence, Natasha undermines Miranda's plans to free herself from Salvador, convincing herself that Ana has poisoned Miranda's mind.

Meanwhile, Miranda suspects that Ana is pregnant and decides to kidnap Ana to find out the truth. Grieving over her son, she feels hopeful for a relationship with her grandchild. As Miranda's captive, both Miranda and Ana find common ground in their love for Gael and their unborn child. As time passes, Miranda regrets her previous participation with Salvador and vows to help Ana bring him down.

When Salvador discovers Miranda's involvement in Ana's abduction, including her plans to bring him down, he kills Miranda by ramming her with his SUV, driving at high speed. He gets rid of the evidence that Miranda handed to Ana, and hires his men to cover his tracks and claim false witness on the circumstances of her death. Salvador manages to convince Natasha that he had no hand in her sister's murder.

But Miranda had carefully planned all her moves, anticipating Salvador's reaction to her treachery. She leaves her cellphone at Hillary's house, containing her confession video, admitting to her crimes and Salvador's full participation and mastermind of all the murders, illegal firearms dealing and criminal activities. She also leaves instructions with her lawyer to execute if she was killed. The lawyer is instructed to contact Ana. Armed with Miranda's full confession and the documents left with her lawyer as evidence, Ana and Miranda's lawyer, together with Hillary and the police go to Salvador's house to arrest him. The video confession is released to the media and drives the public against Salvador.

True to form, Salvador escapes prison before his trial but quickly loses all his political allies who previously protected him. He coerces his sister-in-law Natasha to hide him, who, at the same time, is desperate to pay her debt to the Las Vegas loan shark who is threatening to kill her son. Fortunately, Ana's camp suspect Natasha and follow her. They entrap Natasha and Salvador, feeding them false information that Ana has gone into premature labor. The information flushes Salvador from his hiding place, and the authorities catch him again but this time, Salvador's only option to escape a prison sentence is to plead insanity. He exhibits his mental instability at his trial. His antics do not convince the court appointed psychiatrist. In addition, Yvonne finds the auto repair shop that fixed the blood smeared car light. The automotive repair shop's CCTV camera records Salvador leaving the white SUV with the bloody bumper and lights. The trial completes and the Judge rules down a guilty verdict and life imprisonment.

While Salvador is in prison, he is mistreated by his fellow inmates, but this does not keep him from planning a jail outbreak. He bides his time until Ana delivers her son and then uses his prison allies to escape and kidnap his grandson and coerces Natasha to hide his grandchild as he prepares to exit the country. He takes Samantha as hostage to further strengthen his bargaining advantage against Ana and Hillary.

While Ana and the authorities conduct a manhunt for Salvador, Samantha and Ana's baby, Salvador successfully gets Hillary in a swap hostage situation. Hillary unwillingly joins Salvador in exchange for Samantha's life.

But time is running out for Salvador. While Natasha hurries to bring Ana's child to Salvador at the docks, Gavin catches and confronts her. Although Gavin is not able to convince her to do the right thing, he reports his mother to the authorities. By this time, Natasha's conscience bothers her so she directs Ana to the docks where Salvador boards with his captives. In a final and bloody fight, Ana shoots him as he falls to his death. Natasha is apprehended by the authorities.

The last scene is Samantha's and Xander's wedding where everyone appears to be enjoying a peaceful life at last.

Ana had said earlier that she would open a small business of mobile clinic services with the funds she inherited from Gael. She will set up a trust fund for her son from Miranda's inheritance. Hillary succeeded in retrieving the millions of cash and assets stolen from her by Salvador and Miranda. She is funding Samantha's new jewelry business. The sisters, Hillary, Tantan, Yvonne, and Xander are whole again.

Son (1955 film)

Senior pupil Andrei Goryaev is facing criminal liability for criminal misconduct. A compassionate witness regrets a young man, and he is released. Having quarreled with his father, Goriaev leaves the house and wanders around the capital until he accidentally finds himself in a new district of Moscow: at the construction site in Cheryomushki.

The Question (Steven Universe)

Steven (Zach Callison) and Amethyst (Michaela Dietz), searching for Ruby (Charlyne Yi), find her eating pizza and reading comic books with Steven's father, Greg (Tom Scharpling). Ruby tells Steven that her current separation from Sapphire is the first time she's really been on her own, free to choose her own path. Steven is distressed that this means Ruby and Sapphire may never fuse back into Garnet, but Greg reminds him that Ruby must make her own decisions about her relationships.

Inspired by a western comic book, Ruby decides to become a lonesome cowboy, "one with the wilderness... not needing nothing from nobody". Amethyst shapeshifts into a horse to help her play the part. Accompanied by Amethyst, Steven, and Greg, Ruby spends the day exploring the open plain, relishing the opportunity to make her own decisions, regardless of how dangerous they are. She sings the song "Ruby Rider", a country song celebrating life on her own.

That night, Steven apologizes to Ruby for pressuring her to return to Sapphire. But Ruby confesses that, as much as she is enjoying the cowboy adventure, she deeply misses Sapphire and is frustrated by her loneliness. Steven convinces Ruby that making her own choices doesn't mean that she and Sapphire need to be separate, but Ruby decides that this time they need to find a way to be together by their own choice, and not for Rose Quartz's sake. Steven, getting an idea, shows Ruby the last page from the western comic, to which she reacts enthusiastically.

When Steven, Amethyst and Ruby return to Steven's house the following morning, Steven sends Sapphire (Erica Luttrell) out to meet Ruby waiting for her on the beach. Sapphire runs down and apologizes to her for doubting their relationship. But Ruby tells her, "Someone else told us we were the answer, but I don't believe that anymore.... At least not until I hear it from you." Kneeling before her, Ruby asks Sapphire to marry her, explaining, "This time, being Garnet will be our decision." Sapphire happily accepts and the two embrace and dance on the beach. The last shot of the episode is the last page of the western comic, depicting the cowboy protagonist marrying his lover.

In Family We Trust

The Jiraanan family is a wealthy ethnic Chinese business family, whose extended family spans three generations. Grandfather (''A-gong'') and Grandmother (''A-ma'') have four children. Prasoet, the eldest son, heads the family business, Jirananta Hotel, and manages its main Bangkok location, while Phatson, the only daughter, manages its Pattaya branch. Met, the second son, is a single stay-at-home parent, while the youngest son Konkan lives a playboy lifestyle. Among them (and a deceased fifth sibling), they have nine third-generation children.

The family members seem to get along well as they celebrate A-gong's birthday, but when he dies of old age shortly after, and his will is revealed to exclude Phatson from inheritance of the hotel, she gets into an argument with Prasoet regarding its management. Prasoet is then found dead from a gunshot in his bedroom, and Phatson becomes a prime suspect. Prasoet's wife Chris also becomes suspected when it is revealed that Prasoet had been seeing a mistress for twenty years. The grandchildren, especially Prasoet and Chris's son Pete and Phatson's eldest son Yi, become involved as each family tries to prove their innocence and uncover the mystery of the case.

The Suburbanators

Bob and Al are passing time by driving around and looking for marijuana. In another part of town, two other young men, Eric and Carl, are also trying to buy drugs. A group of three musicians are at a Middle Eastern restaurant. They go to the suburbs to find a relative after they accidentally get their instruments locked up in an apartment. Carl starts a fight with a novelist and Eric almost gets arrested for drugs in a police raid and then Eric starts a fight with the musicians. Carl and Bob steal some drugs.

The Last Rebel (1971 film)

Set in 1865 in southwest Missouri, at the close of the Civil War the film follows the adventures of two Confederate men and a black man who they rescue from a lynching.

The Intruder (2019 film)

Scott (Michael Ealy) and Annie Howard (Meagan Good) purchase a Napa Valley house called "Foxglove" from its previous owner, Charlie Peck (Dennis Quaid). Charlie explains his wife Ellen passed away from cancer two years earlier and he will soon be moving to Florida to live with his daughter Cassidy. Scott is instantly irritated by Charlie who appears overly friendly with Annie and keeps dropping by unannounced.

Scott and Annie invite their friend Mike and his wife over to spend the night. When Mike goes outside for a cigarette, he senses he is being watched. The following morning, he notices a cigarette burn on the seat of his luxury car that wasn't there previously. Charlie continues to show up without an invitation; he explains he is not moving to Florida just yet, and is staying at the Royal Hotel in town. Tensions rise between Scott and Annie due to Scott's coldness toward Charlie, and it is also revealed that, before getting married, he had cheated on her with a colleague.

When a neighbour tells Scott that Charlie's wife killed herself with one of Charlie's shotguns, Scott asks Mike to investigate him. Meanwhile, Charlie has developed an obsession with Annie and begins visiting her at home when Scott is not there. One morning, while Scott is out jogging, a truck runs into him from behind, which turns out to be driven by Charlie. Mike uncovers that Charlie had gone into debt and was facing legal trouble and therefore was forced to sell the house to Scott and Annie. While Scott is in the hospital, Charlie shows up at the house, and he and Annie have dinner. Mike goes to check on her and is confronted by Charlie, who declares he has a chance to get back all he lost and must get rid of Scott. Charlie then kills Mike with an axe.

The next morning, Scott contacts Cassidy, who has since changed her name, but she hangs up when Scott mentions her father. Scott also discovers Charlie has never stayed at the Royal. Charlie appears in the house and passionately declares his feelings for Annie. She claims she is feeling ill and calmly asks Charlie to leave, which he does. Annie then goes upstairs and finds a hidden door behind the linen closet, leading to Charlie's underground cellar, where he has been living the whole time since selling the house. Meanwhile, Scott is driving home and receives a call back from Cassidy who explains Charlie is a pathological liar who murdered her mother after she threatened a divorce.

Back at the house, Charlie discovers that Annie has found his cellar. He knocks her unconscious, carries her upstairs and begins assaulting her. When Scott returns home, Charlie ambushes him and throws him over the hallway balcony. Charlie begins strangling Annie, but Scott reappears. The two men struggle and Annie stabs Charlie in the back. Charlie staggers away to the cellar, where he retrieves a shotgun.

Scott and Annie hide behind the bedroom door as Charlie searches the house for them. When Charlie enters the room, Scott strikes him in the head with a baseball bat and seizes the rifle. Lying on the floor bleeding, Charlie taunts Scott by saying Scott would never dare shoot him. As they stand over Charlie, Annie calls 911 and informs the dispatcher that her husband has just shot an intruder. Horrified, Charlie screams, "You don't deserve Foxglove!" Scott replies, "Go to hell," and shoots Charlie, finally killing him.

The Lady Fights Back

The plot follows Power company worker Owen Merrill as goes into Muskalala River to make surveys for a dam site, when the head of Muskalala Salmon Club Heather McHale finds out about his intentions, she decides to stop him from building the dam.

Key West (film)

Two friends operate a charter boat business in Key West.

The Shadow Near the Pier

In a seaside city, a saboteur with a plan of a floating dock, ready for towing to a remote port, is detained. Major Lyudov of State Security has to untangle the ball of connections between the detainee and a group of saboteurs operating in the city and ensure the timely dispatch of the dock.

A Son of Man

A circumspect American teenager from Minneapolis joins his mysterious father in Ecuador, where they embark on a treasure hunt for Incan gold.

Courtney's War

In the middle years of World War Two, Saffron Courtney, now a fully trained Special Operations Executive agent, is tasked with travelling to occupied Belgium and Holland to investigate a suspected major intelligence leak. With the help of Shasa Courtney and Blaine Malcomess, Saffron is given the identity of a fictional Afrikaner fascist sympathizer, allowing her to infiltrate the ranks of the Flemish National Union. She discovers that the Nazis have taken possession of all the S.O.E. radios within the Low Countries, allowing them to be forewarned of any intelligence work being carried out by S.O.E., while also learning of the Final Solution. She is then forced to go on the run from the Nazis and their collaborators after killing an SS officer attempting to rape her. With the help of the Belgian resistance and the R.A.F., she escapes back to Britain with her information.

Meanwhile, Saffron's lover, Luftwaffe pilot and German war hero Gerhard von Meerbach, participates in the Battle of Stalingrad and the subsequent doomed Nazi war effort. While drinking in a bar following the conflict and mourning the loss of one of his friends, he gets accosted by a drunken German soldier who accuses him of cowardice, prompting Gerhard to openly denounce Hitler in a furious outburst. Colonel Henning von Tresckow learns of Gerhard's words, and invites him to participate in the 20 July plot. After it fails, Gerhard's correspondence with von Tresckow is discovered by Gerhard's brother Konrad, a high-ranking member of the SS, who has him arrested for treason and arranges for him to stand trial at the People's Court. Not wanting to have such a widely regarded figure convicted of a capital crime, and having no decisive evidence against Gerhard, the Luftwaffe and SS agree to a deal in which Gerhard will be let off on minor charges if he swears an oath of loyalty to Hitler. Gerhard refuses to do so during his trial, and is imprisoned in Sachensausen concentration camp.

In 1945, Saffron is assigned to track down allied prisoners of war being held by the Nazis before they can be taken into the care of the Russians, in anticipation of the approaching Cold War, and discovers firsthand the horrors of the Holocaust. The prisoners, Gerhard among them, are moved to Dachau concentration camp, and then taken by members of the S.S. towards a Nazi alpine fortress, to be used as bargaining chips in negotiations with the Allies. A Wehrmacht unit takes possession of the prisoners and brings them to a luxury hotel to recover. Gerhard contracts typhus during this time and nearly dies, but Saffron - who had at this point given up on seeing Gerhard again - finds him and nurses him back to health.

Love and Goodbye and Hawaii

Rinko and Isamo are separated, living together in the same apartment. In finalising their separation, Rinko is still not quite ready to give up on the relationship, and perhaps Isamo is showing signs as well. Until Isamo's workmate starts to show signs of interest in him. The story is centred around the pair's attendance to a wedding in Hawaii, which brings matters to a head.

Life-Size 2

Grace, the young CEO of Marathon Toys, is in the middle of a quarter-life crisis as she struggles with her job. With the help of her young neighbor, Grace's old Eve doll magically awakens to help get Grace back on track.

Colours of Wind

After his partner Yuri leaves him, Ryo spends a lot of time depressed, not knowing where he has gone. One day he decides to go to a bar. There he is offered a briefcase and told that he had given it to the barkeep himself 100 days ago, saying that he would return in 100 days but not remember the briefcase and that the barkeep was to return it to him anyway. In it are mementos and photos of their time together, along with the diary Yuri kept then. Ryo next gets a call from Yuri's mother who tells him that Yuri has committed suicide.

Ryo returns to the bar. It specializes in magic and also runs magic classes. Ryo ends up taking classes and finds himself quite good at it. Then while there the bar owner tells him that he, the bartender, has a doppelgänger who teaches the classes. Ryo learns that he has his own doppelgänger named Ryu, who is coincidentally a skilled magician, in Hokkaido. He learns this when he learns that Ryu was killed in a magic stunt that went wrong, but had never been found. Yuri had talked about Hokkaido to Ryo before her death and when he learns of the doppelgänger, he decides to go there.

In Hokkaido, Ryu finds Yuri's doppelgänger who goes by the name of Aya. She thinks he is Ryu who has somehow escaped the stunt. Ryo pretends to be Ryu in order to keep the girl who is so much like Yuri by his side.

When Ryo sleeps with her, he notices that she has the same tattoo as Yuri did. He leaves the next morning without saying goodbye to Yuri, but he leaves the contents of the briefcase behind to remind Aya/Yuri of what they had together in Tokyo. He finds Yuri's mother and tells her that Yuri is alive in Hokkaido. The woman confesses that she is in fact Yuri's aunt and not her mother...and that Yuri never died. Yuri is from Hokkaido. She was so troubled by Ryo's death that her aunt brought her to Tokyo where she created a new identity for herself, calling herself Yuri. She fell for Ryo's doppelgänger, but slowly began to feel guilty, thinking that perhaps Ryo had survived. She assumed her Aya identity and returned to Hokkaido. Ryo spends the next year practicing and honing his magic skills

Ryo is then informed that Yuri is in fact suffering from multiple personality disorder and has been institutionalized. Her emotional health was too fragile to stand the shock of finding out that who she wanted to believe was Ryu was actually Ryo. Ryo breaks her out by performing a magic trick at her hospital and they spend a long time together and have an in-depth exchange about identity. Aya can't claim her identity because doing so would mean admitting that Ryo is dead, so she wavers between Aya and Yuri, but Yuri needs to stop existing because she's just a fiction. Eventually Aya/Yuri allows herself to be taken back to the hospital. In order to make up for hurting Yuri/Aya, Ryo decides to immerse himself into Ryu. He prepares to recreate Ryu's final trick in which he disappeared. His body is put into a cage and dropped into the ocean. He manages to escape, but in the meantime, finds Ryu's body in the water. He later finds an audio tape made by Ryu explaining that, by slipping into another dimension, Ryu became aware of Ryo, and knew that 2 doppelgängers can't survive together. He could see Ryu's future with Yuri/Aya, but not his. He was willing to sacrifice himself if Ryo would come and love what he had loved, including Aya/Yuri.

Fantastica (2018 film)

The proprietor of a struggling carnival named Perya Wurtzbach Kleia Blythe was tasked by a princess Sxia Blythe to find three princesses of the knight's land Fantastica. The princesses was warped to Earth separately, where the main cast must track them down to help save Fantastica, but eventually lives regular lives there. But an evil spreads on the knight's land, and his rival Hannah Velax was on their throats. The mission's cover was to revive the carnival/fair to lure the princesses. Also something about portals being opened with 10,000 claughters (clapping and laughter)

The Belle of the Season

James Alden is the son of a rich scion, the owner of a great newspaper. When he and his father quarrel over the plight of the poor, he leaves home and goes to live and work in a settlement house. There he meets Stedman and Johnson, the first a labor leader, the latter a simple thug.

Geraldine "Jerry" Keen, known in the papers as the "Billion Dollar Baby", is a rich twenty-year-old heiress, who has just inherited her father's fortune. However, the control of the empire is in the hands of Clifton Brophy, the executor of the father's estate, until she reaches her 21st birthday. She asks Brophy to take her on a tour of her father's holdings, and is appalled by the working conditions in his mills and the living conditions in his tenements and settlement houses. When she pleads with Brophy to do something to improve the conditions, he simply refuses.

Unbeknownst to Brophy, "Jerry" disguises herself in the clothes of one of the poor, and heads back to the settlement house, where she begins to work in the evenings. While there, she meets Alden, and the two begin a romance after he comes to her rescue when she is accosted by Johnson. Eventually, Alden proposes to "Jerry", still not knowing her true identity, and the two become engaged. The day before her 21st birthday, Brophy, suspicious of her evening excursions, follows her to the settlement house. Stedmn recognizes him, after which Johnson tries to rile the occupants of the house to attack Brophy. Alden intervenes, saving Brophy, but in the skirmish he is hit in the head by a brick and taken to the hospital.

The following day "Jerry" comes of age and meets with Stedman, agreeing to his demands for improvement. When she goes to the hospital to see Alden, and tell him the good news. However, while there, Alden sees the morning paper, which shows a picture of "Jerry", and he finally understands who she is. Furious, he storms out of the hospital, grabbing a taxi. "Jerry" follows close behind, and eventually catches him, where they reconcile and move forward with their marriage.

The Great Mystical Circus (film)

The story of five generations of the same circus family, from the grand opening of the Great Mystical Circus in 1910 to the present day. Celavi, the master of ceremonies that never ages, shows the adventures and loves of the Knieps, from heyday to decadence.

The Golden Gift

As described in a film magazine, Nita Gordon (Lake), a dancer in a Mexican cafe near the border, is befriended by an Italian man who expresses interest in her. She has been deserted by her husband and leaves her baby at a mission where it is adopted by a wealthy family. Five years later in New York City, after attaining success, she meets wealthy patron of the opera James Llewelyn (Bowers) and falls in love with him. He learns that Nita is the mother of the child he had adopted through a photograph that she gives him that contains some writing. Nita admits the truth and is happily reunited with her child.

Roughshod (1922 film)

As described in a film magazine, Betty Lawson (Ferguson), just in Arizona from New York City, takes pity on Les Artwell (Rollens), suspected of horse stealing, and upbraids 'Steel' Brannon (Jones), foreman of the Triangle L ranch, for dragging the fugitive from his saddle. Later, however, she learns that Artwell is a member of a gang of cattle thieves that is led by 'Satan' Latimer (Flynn). A raid is made on the cattle stock of the Triangle L and Steel is badly wounded in the clash between the ranch men and the outlaws. Betty assists Steel to Les's cabin but there is detained by Satan Latimer, who takes her to a cave in the mountains. Steel follows them to a canyon and, after a terrific fight, whips Latimer and saves Betty.

Pawn Ticket 210

As described in a film magazine, On the day that Mrs. Levi (Manners) leaves her husband Harris (Warren), another woman comes into his pawn shop and tries to purchase a handgun. While she is in there, a policeman brings in a baby girl whom he says the woman left in the street. Harris gives the woman, Ruth Sternhold (Hunt), a pawn ticket for the child and promises to care for her. Years later, when the child has become the young woman Meg (Mason), Harris discovers that she is falling in love with Chick Saxe (Agnew), one of the young fellows of the neighborhood who has a rather shady reputation. Harris wants to give Meg every opportunity, so he arranges for a friend, supposedly a wealthy bachelor, to let her live at his home. Meg goes to her new surroundings and one day by chance meets her old sweetheart Chick, who swears that he has reformed. Ruth appears at the pawn shop with her ticket and wants to reclaim her child. Harris takes her to the house Meg is staying at and discovers that not only is his friend the husband of Ruth, but he is also the man who robbed Harris of his wife. Meg is able to bring about a reconciliation between the man who raised her and her real father.

Silo 15

In the 1990s, two men are trapped in a nuclear missile silo with war looming.

Breathe: A Ghost Story

Twelve-year-old Jack, a boy with severe asthma that has almost killed him on multiple occasions, has recently lost his father. To help the two of them recover, Jack's mother decides to move them to a 200-year-old farmhouse with much history for Jack to explore. Meanwhile, Jack begins to realize he is developing the ability to communicate with ghosts.

On his first day in the house, Jack senses the presence of others who have inhabited the house since their deaths. He meets four young ghost children – Ann, Oliver, Gwyneth, and Charlie. Jack soon learns that the Ghost Mother, a fifth spirit in the house, has imprisoned the children and feeds off their energy to sustain her own.

Through alternating narratives, the reader learns of the Ghost Mother's past, and the tragedies she faced 150 years earlier involving her young daughter Isabella.

Meanwhile, the Ghost Mother begins to grow fixated on Jack, wishing to have him as her own son. In her desperation, she takes possession of his real mother's body. When Jack doesn't respond the way she'd hoped, the Ghost Mother seeks revenge. A chain of events builds the suspense until Jack's near-death face-off with Ghost Mother, while he races against the clock to save the spirit children trapped in the house.

A Crazy Day

The manager wants the creche to open on time and he is ready to do everything possible for this. But the trouble is: the bureaucrat does not want to put the resolution necessary for this on the last working day. To achieve his goal, the manager will pretend to be another person.

Superbia (film)

According to the official synopsis, in the short "the native people of the land of Superbia, where men and women form separate societies, face the changes sparked by the first equal couple in their history".

Let Me Fall

Stella and Magnea, two teenage girls meet at a party. They begin spending time together, experimenting with tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Magnea eventually drops out of school and distances herself from her former friends. The story follows the two girls as they grow up, experience addiction, drug trafficking, prostitution, and stints in prison.

One Last Deal

Olavi runs a small now failing art dealership and just want to makes one last deal before closing up (despite another younger dealer saying that the last elderly dealer who closed his business died six months after retiring). His teenage grandson, Otto, whom Olavi recognises only after some while, arrives at the gallery and demands Olavi fill out paperwork for work experience but Olavi says there is no work for him now. Later, Olavi's daughter and Otto's mother Lea, who is also estranged to Olavi, arrives begging him to take on Otto as no one else will take Otto due to his record of poor behaviour including theft. Having recently seen a small unsigned portrait of someone who may be a Russian monk or a peasant which he wishes to research prior to an upcoming auction, the library refusing to send books to him for that research, and being unable to close the shop lest he lose a needed sale, Olavi reluctantly takes on Otto.

Otto, although largely uninterested in the job, does manage to make a sale for greater than the ticket price and runs to the library where he brags about his sale and decides he will pocket the difference since the purchase was for more than Olavi was asking. Olavi has Otto join in the research and, when Otto starts off unenthusiastically, demands that Otto do better. Olavi attempts to inculcate in Ottto a love of art and seems to make a small break through with ''Iltaa kohti (Towards the Evening)'' by Hugo Simberg, a portrait of a two people, and elderly man at the end of his life and a young boy at the beginning.

Olavi finds the entry "Kristus 33 x 41 cm, olja på duk" (Christ 33 x 41, oil on canvas) in a small booklet about an art exhibition with the dimensions matching the painting but no photograph so it is suggestive but not proof. Olavi roles his eyes when Otto suggests googling it but Otto decides to do this anyway, finding address of the woman who lent the painting to the exhibition. He travels there alone, discovers it is a care facility, that the woman has died, and pretends he is a distant relative. The nurse allows him in and says to take what he wants, the rest will be dumped and Otto searches.

Olavi, having tried to secure funds but failing, still ends up purchasing the painting for 12 000 € plus fees and taxes and immediately after shows to his friend and fellow art dealer Patu a photo of the painting with the artist's name, that of a famous Russian artist, meaning the painting has a high value. Otto and Olavi bond as Olavi describes the thrill Otto had when allowing the nurse to convince herself that Otto should be allowed in, comparing that to good salesmanship. Lea goes to Olavi's gallery and the pair reminisce over her experiences in the gallery as a child.

Olavi attempts to raise the money to pay. Having been invited to dinner with his daughter dinner sours when he asks her for money. However, without her knowledge Olavi asks Otto and receives several thousand euro. He also takes out a loan on top of his business mortgage. Just after the money is paid over, the auctioneer is handed missing paper work confirming the painting as a work by Ilya Repin meaning it is very valuable to art collectors. Lea learns of the loan from her son and demands Olavi pay it back immediately.

Olavi lines up a customer who is very interested but who goes to the auction house and talks to the auctioneer. When the buyer does not turn up, Olavi takes the painting to him, and the buyer refuses. In debt, Olavi has to sell his business and he moves his paintings to his apartment.

Bringing round some mail, Patu tells Olavi that the auction house had all the provenance paperwork but messed up. Enraged at learning this, Olavi goes and makes a scene at the auction house. The auctioneer says he only revealed the sale price—but the suspiciously low price for a Russian Master's painting threw suspicion on its authenticitiy. The auctioneer offers to cancel the purchase but Olavi refuses.

Olavi reads his mail, including a work placement rating card that Otto has filled out as "6 our of 5". As he reads, his phone rings and an art historian from Stockholm Museum gives her opinion that the painting is unsigned not because it is a forgery but because, as a portrait of the Christ, it is an icon and icons being made to glorify the divine do not bear the painter's name.

A short time later while travelling past his old gallery, he sees it refurbished. While tidying his apartment, he dies.

Following the funeral, the auctioneer is engaged to assess Olavi's collection. He says nothing is valuable, not even the unsigned Christ painting which he insists he will buy back for the price Olavi paid despite secretly knowing its value. Lea is willing to sell it but Otto strongly objects. Patu arrives and says she cannot as it has been left to Otto in Olavi's will.

In voice over, Olavi is heard reading a letter to his daughter, wishing her well, apologising for not being around more, and telling Otto he is rated "excellent plus" as she travels home with the painting to give to her son.

The Other Story (film)

The story follows the wedding planning of two Baalei Teshuva, and the bride's family's plans to sabotage the wedding. The film mainly focuses on the bride's complicated relationship with her father, as well as the divorced parents' relationship with each other.

The Country Flapper

Jolanda, a young flapper, goes to great lengths to secure her relationship with Nathaniel Huggins, the son of the town's pharmacist. However, Ezra Huggins, the father, doesn't approve of the relationship. To her luck, Jolanda happens to overhear a conversation in which she finds out that Ezra is illegally producing alcohol in his barn. Jolanda uses this to blackmail him, gaining his consent for her to be with his son. To get rid of Jolanda's power, Ezra burns his barn to destroy the evidence that Jolanda has against him. Jolanda gets caught in the fire and is rescued by Lemuell Philpotts, the bashful boy who has loved her the whole time. She ultimately loses Nathaniel to her enemy, Marguerite; however, she ends up with Nathaniel, who truly cares for her.

Shooting for Socrates

During the 1986 FIFA World Cup the Northern Ireland national football team play against Brazil national football team in one of the most memorable games in Irish footballing history. The film follows the lives of passionate football supporter Arthur and his son Tommy from East Belfast. The lead up to a momentous day in the life of a young boy (his 10th birthday) mirrors the buildup to the big day for the football team as they play the greatest match of their lives.

The Eighth Commissioner

Based on the novel of same name by Renato Baretić, a disgraced politician is sent to a remote Croatian island to coordinate its first valid election. He hopes to succeed where the previous seven commissioners failed.

In Every Woman's Life

As described in a review in a film magazine, Count Coti (McDermott), wealthy French sportsman whose horse is defeated by one owned by his guest Charles Carlton (Holmes), an American, arranges for a return match. Both are in love with Sara Langford (Valli), Carlton arranges to elope with Sara but due to an accident they just make the ship and Sara expects to be married in America. Coti learns Carlton is married, catches the steamer and to save Sara’s name marries her. On board the boat is Julian Greer (Hughes) whom she really loves, and whose grouchy father has broken off the match. Julian in seeking to embrace Sara falls into the sea. Coti dives to his rescue and is hit on the neck by the lifeboat and paralyzed. Arriving in America, Julian and Sara take care of him and tell him his horse won the race, but Carlton comes to collect the winnings, and in full view of Coti tries to attack Sara. Julian comes to her rescue and in the fight Carlton is killed. Sara is arrested but Julian tries to take the blame. Coti, who can neither move or speak, manages by a supreme effort of will to demonstrate that he was able to grasp a pistol in the bed and fire the shot that killed Carlton. This exertion kills him and leaves Sara free to marry Julian.

Jungle Moon

As the episode begins, Stevonnie (AJ Michalka) has just won a battle to defend the starship commanded by Steven's friend Lars (Matthew Moy), disabling the enemy's ship; but Stevonnie's spacecraft is damaged. Out of control, it crash-lands on the alien moon below and explodes.

Stevonnie is unharmed, protected by Steven's magic bubble, and begins to explore their surroundings. In the sky above hangs the planet that the moon orbits; its surface is riddled with huge cavities, as if the planet's mass has been eaten away. They find their spacecraft's radio, but it is too damaged to contact Lars. As they begin to panic, they are attacked by an insect-like alien creature; they fight it off and resolve to survive until Lars can find them. They forage for food and encounter strange plant and animal life. They camp in a cave, cook their food over a campfire, and shave with the blade of their sword.

As they contemplate killing a small bird-like creature for food, the creature's parent attacks them. They escape it by fleeing into an ancient, abandoned tower. That night, they make their camp in the tower and go to sleep.

Stevonnie dreams of being in Connie's home, where Connie's mother (Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) towers over them, scolding someone on the telephone. As Stevonnie attempts to get her attention, it gradually becomes clear that Connie's mother is reenacting the role of Yellow Diamond in an ancient conversation, directing the Gem colonization of a planet. Stevonnie begins playing the role of Pink Diamond, petulantly interfering with Yellow's work and demanding an army and a planet to colonize of her own. When Pink insists, "I'm just as important as you!", Yellow retorts, "Then why don't you act like it, Pink?" Pink storms off and breaks a window in frustration; her reflection in the glass is the viewer's (and Stevonnie's) first look at Pink Diamond's face.

Stevonnie awakens and, exploring the tower further, realizes that it was the site of the conversation in their dream and, like the similar tower on Earth's moon, the headquarters of Gem colonization of the broken planet above. They find the window that Pink Diamond punched, still broken. Stevonnie is able to activate the tower's computer, remembering the activation code from having seen it in the dream, and uses it to contact Lars. Just as the large bird-like creature tries to break into the tower, Lars arrives in his starship and frightens the creature off. As Stevonnie prepares to return to Lars so he can send them home, they contemplate the broken window.

The Marriage (2017 film)

In the lead-up to Bekim and Anita's wedding, Bekim's friend and former gay lover, Nol, returns from abroad.

The Fire When It Comes

A young couple rents an apartment that is haunted by the ghost of an actress.

Reckless Youth (1922 film)

As described in a film magazine, Alice Schuyler (Hammerstein), a selfish flapper expelled from a convent school, goes to live with her crusty old aunt near New York City. Because of the restrictions placed on her, she runs away from home and finds shelter in the nearby home of John Carmen, a wealthy young bachelor. The only way out of the social difficulty that occurs to John is for them to get married. This they do and they live in his town house. Soon they begin to drift apart, she becoming infatuated with Harrison Thomby, a man about town, and a break finally comes when they meet at a cabaret. John goes to his county home and, in a mix up of taxi cabs, takes a chorus girl home with him. Alice arrives on the scene and refuses to listen to his explanations. She accepts an invitation from her friend and, while accompanying him to a dance, their taxi is wrecked and she is badly hurt. While unconscious, she dreams of being trapped on Harrison's yacht, and wakes to find herself in her husband's arms.

Knives Out

The family of Harlan Thrombey, a wealthy mystery novelist, attends his 85th birthday party at his Massachusetts mansion. The next morning, Harlan's housekeeper, Fran, finds him dead with his throat slit. The police believe Harlan's death to be suicide, but private detective Benoit Blanc is anonymously paid to investigate. Blanc learns Harlan's relationships with his various family members were strained: On the day of his death, Harlan threatened to expose his son-in-law Richard for cheating on his daughter Linda, cut off his daughter-in-law Joni's allowance for stealing from him, fired his son Walt from his publishing company, and had an altercation with his grandson Ransom.

Unknown to Blanc, Harlan's nurse, Marta Cabrera, accidentally mixed up his medications, making her think she overdosed him with morphine, and was unable to find the antidote, apparently leaving Harlan only minutes to live. Wanting to save Marta's family from scrutiny (her mother being an undocumented immigrant), Harlan gave her instructions to create a false alibi and then slit his own throat. Harlan's elderly mother saw Marta carrying out his instructions but mistook her for Ransom. Marta cannot lie without vomiting, so she gives true but incomplete answers when questioned. She agrees to assist in Blanc's investigation, and she conceals evidence of her actions as they search the property. When Harlan's will is read, to everyone's shock, Marta is the sole beneficiary. Ransom helps her escape the family's wrath, but he manipulates her into confessing to him; he offers his help in exchange for a share of the inheritance. The other Thrombeys try to persuade Marta to renounce the inheritance; Walt threatens to expose her mother's immigration status.

Marta receives a blackmail note with a partial photocopy of Harlan's toxicology report. She and Ransom drive to the medical examiner's office, but it has burned down. Marta receives an email proposing a rendezvous with the blackmailer. Blanc and the police spot them, and after a brief car chase, Ransom is arrested; Blanc explains that Harlan's mother saw Ransom climbing down from Harlan's room the night he died. At the rendezvous, Marta finds Fran, drugged. She performs CPR and calls an ambulance. She confesses to Blanc, though Ransom has already informed on her, and she decides to tell the family that she caused Harlan's death, which would invalidate the will under the slayer rule.

Back at the mansion, Marta finds a copy of the full toxicology report in Fran's cannabis stash. She gives it to Blanc without reading it herself. Reading it, Blanc sees it showed little morphine in Harlan's system, and interrupts Marta before she can confess. Blanc reveals his deductions to the detectives, Marta and Ransom: After Ransom learned Harlan was leaving everything to Marta, he swapped the contents of Harlan's medication vials and stole the antidote so that Marta would kill Harlan and thus become ineligible to claim the inheritance. But Marta actually gave Harlan the correct medication, subconsciously recognizing it by its viscosity, and she only thought she had poisoned him after reading the label. When the death was reported as a suicide, Ransom anonymously hired Blanc to expose Marta. Fran saw Ransom tampering with the crime scene and sent him the blackmail note. After he realized Marta was not responsible for Harlan's death, but Marta still thought she was, he forwarded the note to Marta and burned down the medical examiner's office to destroy evidence of her innocence. He overdosed Fran with morphine, intending for Marta to get caught with Fran's corpse.

Marta tricks Ransom into confessing by lying that Fran has survived and will implicate him; then she vomits on him, revealing the lie. Enraged, he attacks her with a knife from Harlan's collection, which turns out to be a retractable stage knife. With Ransom's murder confession recorded and having witnessed his attempted murder of Marta, the police arrest him. Linda finds a note from Harlan about her husband's adultery. Blanc tells Marta he suspected early on that she played a part in Harlan's death, noting a small spot of blood on her shoe. As Ransom is taken into custody, Marta watches from the balcony of her mansion with the rest of the family gathered below.

Pick of the Litter (film)

The film follows a litter of 5 puppies at Guide Dogs for the Blind on the quest to become guide dogs. The dogs are born on GDB's campus to one of their breeder dogs and at two months old they are placed with volunteer puppy raisers to continue basic training. The puppy raisers have the dogs between 14–16 months, although puppies can be "career changed" at any point. Throughout this period of time, GDB's community representatives conduct frequent visits to check in on the puppies' progress.

Patriot: Placed with puppy raiser Nick (his 1st GDB dog). Patriot was not behaving well accompanying Nick to high school, so GDB transferred Patriot to puppy raiser Adam (an Iraq veteran). Adam and Patriot form a special bond, as Patriot helps Adam with his PTSD. Patriot is transferred to more experienced puppy raiser Maureen to help him make progress faster. Upon returning to GDB's campus, Patriot trains with Melanie and passes his preliminary guide work test 1. During the next phase of training Patriot struggles a lot, especially controlling how he responds to other dogs, so he is career changed. GDB contacts Adam again to gift him Patriot, for him to serve as his unofficial PTSD dog.

Phil: Placed with puppy raiser Patti (her 1st GDB dog). Phil is transferred to more experienced puppy raiser Kristin (her 10th GDB dog) to help him make progress faster. Upon returning to GDB's campus, Phil trains with Adam (no relation to Adam the puppy raiser) but doesn't pass his preliminary guide work test 1. Some weeks later, Phil is retested and passes. Weeks later, Phil takes his final 5 tests, passing all of them. Phil graduates the program and he is matched with Ronald who was waiting for his 1st guide dog. Phil and Ronald bonded well, they go to school together every day and enjoy going on hikes.

Poppet: Placed with puppy raiser Cathy (her 8th GDB dog). Upon returning to GDB's campus, Poppet trains with Adam (no relation to Adam the puppy raiser) and passes her preliminary guide work test 1. Weeks later, Poppet takes her final 5 tests, but fails two of them. When retested, Poppet passes all final tests. Poppet graduates the program and she is matched with Janet who was waiting for her 4th guide dog. Poppet and Janet love each other, they go to work every day and Janet says Poppet is the best guide dog she has ever had.

Potomac: Placed with puppy raiser Linda (her 2nd GDB dog). At 12 months old Potomac is career changed, as he was struggling with basic training skills, such as ignoring distractions on the floor as he walks guiding a person. Potomac went on to become a pet dog with a family in Oregon.

Primrose: Placed with puppy raiser Rebecca (her 7th GDB dog). Having done excellent in the training program, GDB decides to make Primrose a breeder. The film ends with Primrose giving birth to a litter of 5 puppies, who will now all begin training on the quest to become guide dogs.

The Divine Fury

The film tells the story of Yong-hoo (Park Seo-joon) , a martial arts champion who gains divine powers to fight against a powerful evil force. After a tragic childhood, which involved the deaths of his parents, Yong-hoo has harbored deep resentment towards the Almighty. He uses this anger to become a successful MMA fighter. After a bout in the United States, he develops a stigmata, which forces him to seek the help of a Father Ahn (Ahn Sung-ki). The priest, who is an exorcist, sees potential in Yong-hoo after his wound defeated a demon. The two partner to battle demonic activity in Korea.

Ray & Liz

The film retells Billingham's troubled childhood growing up in a Black Country council flat during the Thatcher era. It focuses "on his parents Ray and Liz, their relationship, and its impact on Richard and his younger brother Jason."

The Realm (film)

The fiction follows Manuel, a regional politician who is framed in a corruption plot alongside his friend Paco.

Return of Wolverine

Our story begins with Wolverine in agony, kneeling in a pool of blood as his claws glow red hot. He is surrounded by dead soldiers as well as a living caged smilodon in the background. He gives water to Bernard Delacroix, a wounded scientist for Soteira brought into their service to work on their de-extinction project. He is shocked to see Wolverine alive and begs to be released from the will of Soteira by having Wolverine kill him with his claws. Suddenly, a grenade rolls into the laboratory killing Bernard and freeing the Smilodon who attacks Wolverine, triggering a brief memory of Kitty Pryde. The smilodon is then gored by a woolly mammoth that was also released in the explosion as Wolverine sees a variety of past memories of himself advising him to go after Soteira before they harm everyone else. Hearing machine gun fire that has killed the woolly mammoth at the cost of its attackers at the outside entrance, Wolverine rides a motorcycle down to a work camp on the shore that is soon engulfed in flames as evacuations orders are announced over the PA system. He witnesses a sniper shooting a fleeing scientist. Upon returning fire on the sniper, the masked soldier is revealed to be White Sky's Omega Red clone who shoots out the front tire of Wolverine's motorcycle. Thrown from the wreck and hitting his head on a rock, he eventually loses consciousness and dreams about Soteira's leader Persephone who guides him through a prison block of incarcerated past memories of himself, enemies, and comrades. She denies his allegations of being evil and claims to have brought him back to life as she kisses him. Wolverine is wakened by a worker from the camp's canteen named Ana who recognizes him as a famous superhero and pleads for his help to rescue her son Perren who has been ordered into custody by one of the soldiers. While realizing that his healing factor has reactivated, there is one wound on his right side that hasn't healed. Ana states that the location he's in is Soteira's research facility where they have collected scientists from all over to help with their work. As Ana staples his wound, Wolverine voices a theory that Ana's son might be used as an incubator of sorts, as she tells him that he was injected with something from their labs before it was destroyed. As Wolverine still has fragmented memories even unable to recognize his own name, Ana recalls a story she heard about him where a man in machine gun armor attacked a hospital as Wolverine selflessly fought to stop him, without regard to his own safety. As Wolverine remembers his name upon unlocking this memory, he hears Ana's claim that Persephone is "the devil" and Soteira's architect. Now suited in one of Soteira's black uniforms, Wolverine decides that it's time to meet Persephone.

Somewhere on the ocean, Wolverine and Ana are on a speedboat pursuing a boat filled with Soteira operatives. He asks Ana what she means about Persephone having a city to which she says that they are testing something there. Wolverine states that Perren may be confined below, as they don't see him on the deck of the boat. Omega Red and another operative are ordered overboard and jump into the water to ambush them. Ana comments that a famous singer once came to the Soteira facility where Wolverine met her while other scientists remained with their equipment. Most of the scientists left in big trucks while the support staff remained to wait for the Killteam. As their speedboat is boarded by Omega Red and the other operative, Ana fires a harpoon gun through Omega Red's head, hurling him off the boat. Wolverine takes on an opponent who has the same claws as Daken until the fight causes rips in his outfit enough to expose his tattoos. As they fight, Wolverine has a vision of a tattooed Daken in a cell and sees a scarred Wolverine ordering to be let out, smashing his head against the bars of his cell door. As his ranting "out" becomes more intense, Wolverine's claws begin to glow red hot and he uses them to ignite the fuel from the outboard motor's fuel line and immolate Daken, throwing him off the boat. Wolverine in his rage nearly slashes Ana, who pleads for him to stop. He has a vision of holding the key to the scarred Wolverine's cell, but regains his composure and refuses to unlock the door. Grinning sadistically, the scarred Wolverine assures him "Soon bub, soon." Exhausted, Wolverine apologizes to Ana and she tells him that the stories she's heard of him did not mention red hot claws. Wolverine tells her that when his claws got hot, he loses control to them and they seem to consume all of his stamina. With an engine lost in the fight, Soteira's boat has sped out of range, but Wolverine still has their scent. Ana thanks Logan for his selflessness with a kiss before they soon arrive at Soteira's island-city. Meanwhile at the Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach, Jean Grey is using Cerebro and she tells Kitty Pride that she just found Logan.

At the X-Mansion, Kitty informs Storm that Jean Grey used Cerebro to find Wolverine. Kitty Pryde suggests that they take extreme caution over recent events that had Soteira using Wolverine for as they should take the X-Men members that he knows well. Meanwhile at Soteira's island-city, Wolverine recalls Ana's statement that Soteira is running an experiment here. Kitty Pryde, Storm, Jean Grey, Iceman, and Nightcrawler arrive to look for Wolverine when they are attacked by the local police officers and some civilians. Jean states that she can't get anything from the people as she claims that they are hollow. Wolverine picks up the scent of the conflict. Elsewhere on the island-city, a Soteira operative called Zagreus informs Persephone of the fight in the park and asks if they should take action. Persephone states that this could be good for them to observe as she recalls how Wolverine's claws were glowing when he defeated Daken on the boat. As Zagreus states that the X-Men violated Persephone's warnings, he asks how many X-Gene carriers should be killed at the hands of a killteam. She states that Kitty Pryde will be distracted worrying about the pre-mutants as Soteira will focus on their larger plan. In the meantime, she is looking forward to a fight between Wolverine vs. the X-Men. Wolverine finds an injured civilian who claims that the X-Men must be associated with Soteira. Wolverine has a vision of his X-Force persona telling him that he can help out due to his knowledge of their powers and weaknesses. Wolverine then recalls that under duress, Nightcrawler resorts to predictable patterns. Anticipating his next reappearance, Wolverine retracts his claws and punches Nightcrawler in the face. Attempting to attack Jean, he is suddenly encased in ice by Iceman who pleads with Logan to calm down and listen to reason. Facing defeat, Wolverine's Patch alias tells him in a vision that the scarred Wolverine is his berserker mode and warns him that he is unpredictable and dangerously unrestrained. As Wolverine does not want to die again, he unlocks the cell to his berserker mode. Once free, the scarred Wolverine then promptly stabs Logan in the gut. His red hot claws are used to break free of Iceman, cutting him in half at the waist.

Following his battle with the X-Men, Wolverine wakes up strapped in a hospital bed to learn from Ana that Kitty called a retreat due to Iceman's injuries and Soteira's threat to release the berserker Wolverine upon the city's population. She releases his bonds and tells him that during the intense fighting, his claws were glowing white hot and that even after the X-Men, who are in fact his friends, fled from the battle, he still slaughtered about a third of the city's populace until he collapsed from exhaustion. Zagreus enters from the shadows and fires a restraining device through Wolverine's chest that pins him to the wall while Persephone explains her entire world view, her disappointment with human society, and reveals that Ana and Perron are in fact mind-controlled undead entities under her will as is everyone in the island-city, which she is using as a testbed for her ultimate goal. She states that she is a mutant with the ability to resurrect the dead while imbuing them with her own personality and can create mindless zombies as well as drones that are fully articulate enough to even fool the senses of Wolverine, depending upon her level of concentration. Ana collapses when Persephone releases her control and has Zagreus escort Wolverine to a launch pad where she invites him to her lair so that he may decide for himself to kill her or allow her to carry out her plans for world domination.

Arriving at Persephone's space station, Wolverine is met by her holographic projection. She gives him a guided tour of the facility, once again inviting him to join her in her plans to replace all dead end jobs with zombies. In a flashback, she is shown raising Wolverine out of his grave and taking control of his psyche. She claims however that at some point, his reactivated healing-factor nullified her mind control, thus setting the events seen in the de-extinction labs in motion. He refuses to participate in her schemes and she responds by flooding the room with gas, causing his skin to blister painfully. He uses his claws to break the glass observation window, ejecting him into the vacuum of space. He climbs the outer hull and reenters by cutting open an airlock. Back inside, he introduces himself to staff member Phil, who explains Persephone's entire plan to use orbiting satellites to attack the earth with her zombie rays. Wolverine then runs amok throughout the station, cutting down all of Persephone's guards that stand in his way. He has visions of several memories of himself, each offering tactical advice for the fight at hand, including the berserker who orders him to release him from his cell lest he die in his losing battle with Zagreus. Bloodied and nearly defeated, Wolverine reaches up to unlock all of the cell doors at once, leaving only the berserker still incarcerated. With the bulk of his memories returned to him, he then easily slays Zagreus. Reaching the power core of the station, Persephone pleads with Wolverine to cease his destruction, threatening to haunt him forever. Unimpressed with the notion of yet one more ghost in his life, Wolverine uses his claws to destroy the nuclear reactor with Persephone being apparently killed in the process. He then rides the burning remains of the space station as it enters the earth's atmosphere, crashing in the pacific ocean. He emerges from the water horribly burned and is rescued by a fishing trawler. Sometime later in New York City, Wolverine arrives at the X-Mansion to resume his role with the X-Men.

All American Boys

The book follows two characters, Rashad Butler and Quinn, as they navigate racism. The novel switches between the perspective of a black boy, Rashad, written by Jason Reynolds, and a white boy, Quinn, written by Brendan Kiely. Rashad is a 16-year-old who is assaulted by a white police officer in a convenience store when he is misinterpreted as a thief. Quinn is a witness to the incident.

The Girl and the Crocodile

A young naturalist Mitya gives animals to a girl named Katya, who loves them very much, but does not know how to take care of them.

The King's Avatar (2017 web series)

The King's Avatar follows the story of Ye Xiu, a professional esports player living in Hangzhou, China. Widely considered the best player of the video game ''Glory'', Ye Xiu was captain of the esports team, "Excellent Era", holding the account of the 'Battle God', 'One Autumn Leaf' before being forced to resign from the team, giving up one of the strongest accounts in the game and leave the competitive scene due to his unwillingness to take part in any marketing to profit the team. Ye Xiu ends up finding work as a night-shift manager at Happy Internet Cafe, where he meets Chen Guo, the owner of the cafe whom happens to be a huge fan of his alias 'Ye Qiu', his former team and character 'One Autumn Leaf'. While awaiting his return to the competitive scene, Ye Xiu continues playing the game, building a character from scratch and pursuing the championship and glory.

Mule Train (film)

Prospectors have discovered a natural cement mine that yields material of astonishing durability. But greedy contractor Sam Brady (Robert Livingston) enjoys a monopoly on the transportation of crushed rock, which is being used to build a local dam. U.S. Marshal Gene Autry (Gene Autry), however, discovers that Brady has used this method before, and his dams always burst shortly after construction, flooding entire towns. Despite Brady's power, Autry campaigns to have the new dam made of cement.

Superlópez (2018 film)

In the planet Chitón the scientist Jan has created the "ultimative weapon" to fight against the evil dictator Skorba: a baby with superpowers. He sends him in a spaceship to Earth, but Ágata, Skorba's daughter, follows him in another spaceship to capture him. However, the baby's spaceship impacts with the Hispasat satellite, so he lands on Spain, whereas Ágata lands in United States. The baby is adopted by the López family, who teach him to hide his powers, to not make other people jealous of him.

Years later, López is his 30s and has a normal life only using his powers when nobody is watching. In his office his boss and friend Jaime hires Luisa. Jaime is romantically interested in Luisa, but she is more interested in López and they both go on a date. After the date, a subway loses control and López manages to stop it. Footage of this rescue is seen by Ágata, who is now the owner of the biggest tech company in the world.

Ágata creates an ultrasound machine with a message that can only be heard by López, asking him to meet her. He complies and is informed of his true origin. He goes to his parents’ house to confront them and they show him the spaceship. López accidentally activates a holographic message of his biological father, explaining his original planet conflict. His (Earth) parents convince him to try to learn how to use his powers and, after many trials and errors he finally discovers how to fly.

Ágata kidnaps Jaime and Luisa. López manages to rescue them and they go to the house of the parents of López. There Ágata attacks them with a giant mecha robot. López's father distracts Ágata by firing a shotgun at her before being sucked into the mech's vacuum, while López attempts to put on his suit despite the hot weather. With the help of his parents and friends, he finally embraces his abilities to become Superlópez and takes on the robot. Ágata sucks him in, only to push him out and cause him to land within Camp Nou during a match between F.C. Barcelona and Villareal CF. Juan rips out the goal net but misaims and tosses it at his Earth mother. Ágata captures her, before stamping López into the ground. Before she tries to kill him via buzzsaw, Jamie distracts her, while Luisa drives the López's truck. Regaining consciousness over Luisa's cries, López uses his ice breath on the windshield and pushes it into the pool as the mech trips over the Lópezes's truck. López's adoptive parents and Jamie come out of the pool safe, followed by Ágata. López's adoptive mother reminds him that his home planet is still waiting for his help, before he tells her to not worry as he has a plan.

Days later, Skorba's spaceship returns to Chitón with Ágata, carrying the man from the park who everyone believed as "Juan", and appoints him as the planet's new leader. Back on Earth, Juan now becomes a proper superhero, much to the disdain of the press and general public. Luisa and López start dating, while the latter points towards the man who called him Superlópez before he teleports away, leaving behind a pacifier.

Beautiful Days (film)

The film follows the life of a North Korean defector who gives birth to a son at a young age and abandons her husband and child for a better life abroad. The hidden past is revealed after fourteen years when the grown-up son visits her.

According to Hoyle (film)

As described in a film magazine, 'Boxcar' Simmons (D. Butler) is tramping the railroad ties to nowhere when from a car window blows a set of rules telling how to be a success for life. The idea rather appeals to Simmons so he sets out to live by them, changing his hobo garb for better clothes for, as the rules state, "God helps those who help themselves." Simmons is mistaken for a millionaire mining man. Dude Miller (F. Butler) and Jim Riggs (Todd) set out to sell him a rock-studded farm. Simmons discovers that Doris Mead (Ferguson) and her brother Jim (Ford) were previously swindled by the two slickers. He "salts" the ranch and the slickers pay out a large sum to buy his option, thinking it to be a rich silver ore deposit. Simmons turns this money over to Doris and her brother. The slickers, finding that they have been tricked, crack the hotel safe and steal Simmons' wallet and its rules for success. Once safely away they open the wallet and find and read the last rule: "Once you get a good start -- keep going!"


After the exorcism, the player's character joins Unavowed's New York branch and learns that supernatural threats have increased within the last year. The team visits the places where supernatural occurrences have been reported. When researching on Staten Island, the team encounters Vicki Santina who was suspended after questioning supernatural occurrences within the NYPD's 120th precinct. On a mission in the Bronx, they meet Logan who, together with his spirit guide KayKay, tries to calm three poltergeists. Once both problems are solved, Logan and Vicki join Unavowed. When reexamining the first site the team investigated with Logan and Vicki, the team encounters Galene, a dryad Kalash banished 400 years earlier, with whom the protagonist had made a pact and learns the demon's name, Melkhiresa. Galene captures one of the team members and challenges Kalash to fight her in a battle to the death. The player's character is forced to kill Kalash to defeat Galene.

With the demon's name, Eli is able to determine that they had returned to the place of the first possession: the Under The Bricks theater (actor background), Sammy's Bar (barkeeper background) or the Eternox Nightclub (cop background). There the team finds a closed portal and notes previously written by the protagonist indicating three more sites to investigate on Wall Street, in Manhattan Chinatown and near Prospect Park in Brooklyn. On Wall Street, the team discovers that the protagonist conspired with fae folk to kidnap Eli's great-grandson and manage to rescue him. In Prospect Park, they encounter Calliope, a muse who lost her talents to a local artist who used them to "inspire" an artist to set himself aflame and a baker to use his own blood in his products.

Shortly afterwards, the player's character is possessed again but they manage to alert the team by reaching out to KayKay. The game flashes back to the opening scene, which now plays out differently: The protagonist had actually forced Melkhiresa to meld with them and used the demon's knowledge for their agenda while Melkhiresa was unable to act or escape. When Eli exorcised the "wicked spirit" from the protagonist, this led to the protagonist's soul being removed from the body while Melkhiresa, the demon, was left in control of their body. The team catches up with the player's character and exorcises the protagonist again. Thanks to Logan, the team learns the truth but the protagonist's soul escapes. The team with Melkhiresa (again in control of the protagonist's body) sets out to investigate the last site in Chinatown. They find out that a ba jiao gui (banana ghost from Chinese folklore) haunts the neighborhood and deal with it.

With all six sites investigated, they return to the place Melkhiresa first joined with the protagonist and use a portal to travel to a pocket dimension to hunt down the protagonist's soul. Various obstacles have to be scaled on the way and, depending on the choices in previous missions, Melkhiresa summons creatures previously encountered to help the team. The player's character confronts the soul of the protagonist on top of the Empire State Building who pleads with them to willingly merge into one being again to create a new world based on their beliefs. The player can react in four different ways to this proposal:

Melkhiresa threatens to kill the protagonist's body they are in, forcing the protagonist's soul to release them. By releasing Melkhiresa, the pocket dimension collapses and the protagonist, now powerless, is arrested for their crimes.

Melkhiresa takes their own life by falling down the building, killing the protagonist in the process and the protagonist's body is later found in the real world at the bottom of the Empire State Building.

If Melkhiresa decides to merge with the protagonist willingly, the Unavowed will be left asleep in the pocket dimension while the protagonist does what they plan with Melkhiresa's help.

Trying to fight the protagonist will lead to them forcefully merging with Melkhiresa and then killing the Unavowed team before setting out in the real world to create more havoc.

When choosing the first or second option, an ending sequence will play, with the other members of Unavowed narrating what happened next based on the player's choices in the game. Choosing the third or fourth option will only show the credits. Depending on whether the Unavowed or the protagonist emerge victorious after the final confrontation, the opening screen of the game changes, showing either the team or the protagonist.

Wasp Network (film)

In Havana in the early 1990s, pilot René González leaves his wife Olga and daughter Irma in Cuba to start a new life in the United States. He secretly flies to Miami on a stolen plane (Antonov An-2). González soon joins a group of Cuban exiles and Castro opponents, Brothers to the Rescue, who operate from Florida and act against the Cuban government through military operations and also aim to disintegrate the Cuban tourism industry. They even fly over Cuban airspace to deliver flyers. A Cuban secret organization named la ''Red Avispa,'' or the "Wasp Network," is directed by Gerardo Hernández, also known as Manuel Viramontez.

The Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and Brothers to the Rescue not only launch propaganda brochures about Havana, and lead ''balseros'' from Cuba to the Florida shores, but also smuggle drugs and weapons. They also conduct terrorist activities in Cuba organised by Luis Posada Carriles. In 1996, two Cessna Skymaster from Brothers to the Rescue are shot down by Cuban MiGs over the Caribbean Sea, killing four aviators.

Juan Pablo Roque is another Cuban pilot who defects by swimming to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and asking for political asylum. He arrives in Miami, and works as an FBI informant in addition to piloting for the Brothers. He buys expensive clothes, a Rolex, and settles down and marries Ana Margarita Martínez. After few years flies back to Havana making it very clear that he was a mole who had infiltrated anti-Castro associations.

After months and many bureaucratic procedures, Olga and her daughter are allowed to leave Cuba and rejoin René in Miami. But before their travel, Viramontez informs Olga that her husband is not a ''gusano'' (Spanish for worm) or a traitor to the Castro regime but indeed is a hero and a Cuban intelligence agent who infiltrated the CANF, which she must keep secret for the security of all of them and the Wasp Network.

In El Salvador in 1997, Raúl Cruz León is recruited by anti-Castroists to place C-4 bombs in Havana hotels. An Italian tourist dies and the same day he is caught by the Cuban police. After being caught the organization abandons him to his fate.

Finally, René González, Manuel Viramontez and the entire Wasp Network are captured by the FBI, all face charges of conspiracy to commit espionage, conspiracy to commit murder, acting as an agent of a foreign government, and other illegal activities in the United States and face long prison terms if found guilty in the Federal Court of judge Joan A. Lenard. In an interview Fidel Castro defends the actions of the agents and their program.

Despite the fact that the FBI offers to reduce his sentence in exchange for information, René refuses to cooperate.


Señora Acero (season 5)

Pregnant during eight months, the time comes when Vicenta Acero (Carolina Miranda) decides to bury her husband Daniel Philips (Luis Ernesto Franco), who died after six months have been in a coma. During the funeral of her husband, Vicenta communicates anonymously with Alberto Fuentes (David Chocarro) FBI agent to inform him that the murderer of her husband is at the funeral, after following the track of the call, arrives at the funeral in where is Vicenta and he realizes that it was a false alarm and begins to argue with Vicenta. During the discussion, Vicenta begins to give indications of giving birth and there is only time for her to give birth. Alberto of the nothing receives the son of Vicenta and between them a very strong bond is born that unites them immediately.

On the other hand, El Teca (William Miller), who supposedly died at the hands of Salvador Acero (Michel Duval) 5 years ago. El Teca returns after spending 6 years in prison in the United States just to get revenge on the Acero Family, who ended up with his entire family and his cartel. His only goal is to kill Vicenta's son. Vicenta and Salvador both dedicated to the breeding of horses and Josefina and El Gallo dedicated to politics, have been completely isolated from all the problems for 6 years and away from any danger, but suddenly they will be forced to flee when they find out about the repair of El Teca. Who will use unimaginable methods to destroy them all. Meanwhile, La Tuti (Ana Lucía Domínguez) has managed to keep her son out of Mexico thanks to the profits she has obtained in her business of exotic dancers, but she will be forced to be always protected by guaruras, to avoid that El Teca extorts her and wants to take away her son Álvaro.

Despite all her efforts to keep her family together and safe, Vicenta will make a difficult decision; Get away from your family and your new love together with your child. Away from her family, Vicenta together with her son will face many dangers, but not everything is bad for her, on the way away from her family and the whole world she meets Lucas Iglesias (Guillermo Zulueta), a hippie who gives her an inn on the beach where he works. In this new refuge, she meets La Mecha (María Rojo), who suddenly becomes a new mother for Vicenta; and Nancy (Patricia Manterola) who becomes her best friend. In this new world in which everyone just wants to defend their children, Vicenta and La Tuti join forces to end El Teca, and thus be able to give their children a better future and to sleep in peace.

The Deuce of Spades

As described in a film magazine, Amos (Ray), a Boston youth who yearns to "go west and grow up with the country," sells his restaurant and with the proceeds goes to Little Butte, Montana, a town of tumbledown shacks and little business. While getting something to eat in the only restaurant in town, Amos is robbed of his money and given a bill of sale for the restaurant. He converts the place into a clean up-to-date cafe and retains Sally (Prevost) the bright and efficient waitress. He feels sorry for her and tries his hand at matchmaking by coaxing in succession the local bartender, saloon bouncer, and others to visit the cafe, but Sally will have nothing to do with them. The restaurant prospers and Amos plans a trip back to Boston. At a junction he is fleeced of $800 in a card game and returns to Little Butte very much depressed. The townspeople, hearing of him being robbed by a card shark, decorate his restaurant with cards. Amos turns into a wild man and buys a couple of guns and shoots up the town. The gamblers who robbed him come into town and drop into the restaurant. Amos gives them sandwiches made of bread and a deuce of spades which he makes them eat. He recovers his $800 and chases the gamblers out of town. He then realizes that Sally is the woman for him.

Sibel (film)

25 years old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a remote village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. She is mute and communicates by using the ancient whistled language of their region.

Despised by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf sneaking in the neighboring forest, sparking off fears and fantasies among the villagers. There she crosses path with an injured and vulnerable fugitive, who is the first one to see her differently.

Stupid Young Heart

Pregnant teen Kiira and her boyfriend Lenni struggle to make ends meet. Further complications arise when Lenni joins a group of neo-Nazis.

The Book of Intimate Grammar

The story takes place in the neighborhood of Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem in the 1960s. It explores Aron's internal struggles as well as his convoluted relationships. Aron is introduced as a dreamer and a leader to his friends in make-believe games. However, as time goes on, his parents and his friends begin to shame him for his lack of physical and mental maturity. His parents are ashamed of his physical shortcomings and his school friends grew tired of his childish imagination.

Aron's relationship with his parents only becomes more strained as he approaches his Bar-Mitzva (a Jewish coming of age ritual for boys). His mother, in an attempt to convince herself that Aron has grown more than he really has, makes Aron wear thick socks to create an illusion that his feet have grown. Initially, Aron glorifies his physical condition and scorns adults for losing their individuality, but he shortly becomes depressed due to his inability to live up to his mother's expectations. In Aron's point of view, the world of adults is disloyal, full of troubles and dull. He refuses to grow up, maintains his integrity and avoids acting like an adult in order to escape puberty.

The Man from Hell's River

As described in a film magazine, taking place in the woods of the Canadian northwest, Corporal Pierre de Barre (Cummings) loves Mabella (Novak), the foster daughter of Lopente (Klein), and she loves him. Gaspard, The Wolf (Beery), holding over Lopente knowledge of a killing for which he would be arrested, demands Mabella. Lopente forces the young woman to marry Gaspard, telling her that he would be arrested and hung otherwise. She does not tell Corporal Pierre why this happened, and he cannot fathom her reasons. Gaspard returns to seeing the women of doubtful virtue which formerly held his attentions. This irritates Pierre but he cannot do anything. The Priest tells Pierre of Mabella's story, and that she is not really Lopente's daughter. Mabella arouses Gaspard's jealousy and he sets out to kill Pierre. Sergeant McKenna (Whitson) and his deputy leave the post deserted, and Gaspard arrives and knocks Pierre down. Gaspard then flees with his wife. Pierre follows, and he and Gaspard have a fight out on the snow covered mountain. Pierre's wolf dog (Rin Tin Tin) breaks his bounds and jumps, landing on Gaspard and knocking him over the cliff. Pierre and Mabella are now free to marry.

The Last Full Measure (2019 film)

''The Last Full Measure'' centers on the true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force Pararescueman who personally saved over 60 men during the Vietnam War. During a rescue mission on April 11, 1966, Pits, as he was called, chose to leave the relative safety of his rescue helicopter to aid wounded soldiers under heavy fire, when others on his team declined to go. After saving many, he was ordered to leave on the last helicopter out of what became one of the war's bloodiest battles. He chose to stay, sacrificing his own life to save and defend soldiers of the U.S. Army's 1st Infantry Division.

32 years later, Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman, on a career fast track, is reluctantly tasked with investigating a posthumous Medal of Honor request for Pitsenbarger by his parents and Tom Tulley, Pitsenbarger's partner on the fateful mission. Huffman seeks out the testimony of Army veterans who witnessed or were saved by Pitsenbarger's extraordinary valor, including Takoda, Burr and Mott, who carry their own demons from their experiences.

As Huffman learns more about Pitsenbarger's selfless courage, he uncovers a decades-long, high-level conspiracy: as of Pitsenbarger's death in combat in 1966, the Air Force had never put forth the names of enlisted personnel to receive the Medal of Honor. This prompts him to put his own career on the line, potentially creating controversy around the company's former commanding officer who ordered the highly dangerous mission, and who is now a US senator seeking reelection.

When a Senate effort to award the medal fails on the floor of Congress due to unrelated political infighting, Huffman goes public with the story, and ultimately the Medal of Honor is awarded to Pitsenbarger by presidential decree. Before the award ceremony, Mott finds the courage to deliver Pitsenbarger's last letter to the airman's former love. Pitsenbarger's father, who is dying of cancer, and mother are in attendance as their son's duty, courage and sacrifice is recounted. The Air Force Secretary presents the medal to the parents, then recognizes everyone in attendance, all of whose lives were influenced by Pitsenbarger's actions, saying, "This is the power of what one person can do." The epilogue points out that , of the 3,489 Medal of Honor recipients among millions of US military personnel, only three have been enlisted Air Force.

Blue Lightning (1995 video game)

General Drako was a notable man who worked for the United Nations by using the organization's military personnel to keep peace around the world. However, Drako slowly gained control and power of the military organizations, corrupting them on his favor to the point that members from the Blue Lightning squadron joined Drako's corrupted ranks in exchange for power and wealth, stretching his organized crime network across the globe by the time his betrayal was unveiled. Leaders from the U.N. were surprised from this and actions had to be taken before it was too late, with remaining loyal forces of the organization eager for a chance to stop Drako and his forces. As a result, the organization turns its head to the Blue Lightning squadron and they assign a rookie pilot of the force in order to put an end to Drako and his criminal group. After taking on multiple assignments, the pilot is sent to the Arctic where most of Drako's army resides, but Drako himself escapes after the destruction of his base. When the pilot arrives to the squadron's base after completion of the mission, the remaining forces of Drako approaches to the base for a surprise assault with attack aircraft and as a result, the pilot is sent once more to complete the task in order to pinpoint his secret base. Once his location is revealed, the pilot is sent to the secret base where Drako and his forces are escaping. After managing to get close with Drako and his aircraft, the pilot defeats him, saving the world in the process and later honored for his merits.

Bart's Not Dead

Lisa is playing the saxophone at a school assembly when Bart is dared by Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney to pull the fire alarm, but he declines, not wanting to ruin Lisa's performance. The following day, Marge is proud of him, but Homer and Grampa tell him to take a dare like a man. At Echo Canyon, Nelson, Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney dare him to jump off the dam. He accepts, but ends up landing face first on concrete.

At Springfield General Hospital, Bart wakes up and in order to not disappoint Marge, lies that he saw Heaven. Despite Lisa's warnings, Bart keeps lying about what Heaven is like and becomes popular. Christian movie producers come to the house wishing to make a movie about his experience and Bart forces Homer and Ned Flanders to work together on the movie, including holding hands. To cast the movie, they interview Emily Deschanel to play Marge, and Gal Gadot for the role of Lisa.

The movie starts filming, but Bart's guilt mounts and he starts having nightmares. He ends up in Heaven in a nightmare, where Grandpa Bouvier scolds him and Jesus Christ beats him up. The movie, ''Bart's Not Dead'', finally premieres, including a group song, "One More Chance".

At home, Bart confesses about lying, to which Homer feigns surprise. Just as Marge is absorbing the news, Lisa announces the movie is a hit, having made over $100 million at the box office. Marge insists they have to confess, and at a press conference Homer and Ned give the profits to charity and all is forgiven. At night, Lisa consoles Bart by joining him on the house roof. Some shingles come loose and they both fall to the ground, but land in a pile of leaves swept by Homer, which they attribute as the true miracle.

Several years later, Bart arrives in Heaven and meets Homer, who encourages him to meet with Jesus before he flees to Hindu Heaven to ask Krishna to send him back to Earth. Homer is offered the choice of being reincarnated as a turtle or a pharmaceutical CEO and promptly chooses the turtle.

My Way or the Highway to Heaven

In heaven, in apparent homage to the show's traditional opening segment’s couch gags, God and St. Peter sit on the couch discussing possibly relaxing their admissions requirements to address the perceived lack of people there after a recent building project. They look on as Ned Flanders leads a Sunday school class: “Who will get into heaven”. In a montage, to the soundtrack of Ted Moock's cover of “Cheek to Cheek” with its lyric “I'm in heaven”, the children are seen imagining how they die and ascend, with Bart Simpson’s vision including his deathbed conversion repentance. Ned tells them the only way to heaven is to “never stray from the path of righteousness” and, after goading from Nelson Muntz, recalls his non-religious, bebop upbringing as Neddy to beatnik parents, and his subsequent trail of “depraved” jobs until he started doing door-to-door sales.

As a salesman of Vertebreaker Trampolines, Ned is initially discouraged, but then the 1971 televised moonwalks of Apollo 14 astronauts “bouncing” on the moon increases sales. He revels in his success, including a promotional billboard stating “Ned Flanders, Your Key To Getting High”, until another salesman tells him that the trampolines are death traps, where a static charge is built up with each bounce, then released en masse on the 500th bounce, killing the child. Ned vows to save a then-young Homer Simpson, who the ''Springfield Shopper'' reports intends to surpass the “500-bounce barrier” and enter into the ''Duff Book of World Records'' (a reference to ''Guinness World Records''). Ned rushes to intervene, pushes Homer out of the way, and is electrocuted, appearing in heaven before a hippie-stylized, Che Guevara poster-donning Jesus who offers him the chance to live again if he becomes a Christian. He wakes up “reborn” in his hospital bed with “a sign of [God's] mercy”, a permanent scar which is hidden by his mustache.

Back in heaven on the couch, St. Peter suggests God consider another potential pool of candidates: atheists, who do not believe in God but might still be righteous. Back in the Sunday school class, Marge Simpson tells a story of her atheist grandmother, Genevieve Bouvier, who she claimed lived in Nazi-occupied France in 1944 during World War II; however, the caption reveals her grandmother was actually living in Nazi-aligned Vichy, France in 1944. She co-managed Cafe Meaux with the cafe's namesake, her husband Meaux, a Nazi-collaborator. While Meaux bootlicks a Nazi commandant and his entourage of officers, Genevieve goes down to the expansive cellar to prepare dinner for the officers. There she discovers some U.S. paratroopers (the younger versions of Abe Simpson's father and the fathers of Sideshow Mel Lenny Leonard, Carl Carlson and Barney Gumble, whom she disguises as dining staff. During the meal, one of the U.S. soldiers mistakenly reveals the plan for Normandy landings. To stop the Nazis from warning others, the U.S. soldiers sing “La Marseillaise”, which prompts the cafe patrons to stand and join in blocking the Nazis' exit. When the Nazi general attempts to kidnap Genevieve, she kills him, and Meuax and the paratroopers help her in the killing of the Nazis. After the massacre the paratroopers escape and Genevieve and Meuax reconcile, thus proving Marge's point that atheists can also do great things. Back in heaven God agrees to opening heaven to atheists.

In heaven still, God and St. Peter are visited by Buddha who encourages them to open heaven to other faiths. In the Sunday school class, Lisa Simpson tells the class that besides redemption, and good works, there is the Way of enlightenment. She shares a story she calls “The Princess not affiliated with Disney, unless we are now owned by Disney”. In Lumbini, Shakya Republic of Nepal during the 6th century BC, a spoiled princess Siddmartha (a feminized version of Siddhārtha Gautama, founder of Buddhism) remained dissatisfied despite being denied nothing. She sought a middle path between opulence and decadence, and ventured out of the palace disguised as a poor boy. In search of scholars she goes to ''Kathmandu U.'' but frustratingly finds the university a party school; being void of ideas, she opts instead to sit under the Bodhi Tree until she was enlightened. Back in heaven, God agrees that “all the good souls are welcome”.

Heaven is instantly crowded again including a shocked Mr. Burns, who was let in as Waylon Smithers' guest as a plus-one invitee. Burns demands to get in later under his own merit, and Smithers goes after him. Back on Earth, Flanders tells his sons Rod and Todd that thunder is angels bowling; St. Peter then accidentally drops a tenpin on their house, which they consider a blessing.

Daddicus Finch

When Lisa's part is cut from the school play, Homer takes her clothes shopping to cheer her up. He expresses disgust at the sexualized branding on show, leading Lisa to view him as Atticus Finch from the book ''To Kill a Mockingbird'', her required reading. Homer responds to Lisa's appreciation and the two spend time together including watching the ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' movie.

Bart feels neglected and sees the school therapist who advises him to act out for attention. He switches everyone's car keys at a bat mitzvah, unintentionally causing Hans Moleman to be run over. The townspeople form a mob and descend on the Simpson house to shoot Bart in punishment. Homer speaks to the crowd, calming their anger to Lisa's amazement.

The next day, Marge finds out that Lisa got in a fight with Bart at school because he insulted Homer. Marge suggests that Homer tell Lisa not to venerate him so highly as it is damaging the family. Lisa decides that it would be best after Homer convinces her that he will always be her father. Eventually, Lisa moves on and Homer gets sad, but Maggie uses hand gestures to tell Homer that despite their flaws, they will always love each other.

The episode ends with a future Bart still undecided on what to do. When Lisa questions him on this, he finally decides to kick Homer's butt as Homer's head is now on a robotic body. A collage of images showing Lisa bonding with Homer, Marge bonding with Bart, and Nelson bullying Milhouse is then shown.

'Tis the 30th Season

After Thanksgiving dinner, Bart and Lisa give Marge and Homer their Christmas lists, asking for only one present: a smart TV that costs $2,400. Seeing a commercial for a Black Friday sale at the Sprawl-Mart, Marge and Homer plan a strategy to take advantage of it. Marge waits in line overnight at the store, giving Gil Gunderson some of her winter clothing so he can keep warm. Homer wakes up at 2:30 in the morning to take her place as planned, but gets his scarf caught in the front door and knocks himself unconscious.

When the Sprawl-Mart opens at 6:00, Marge hurries to get a smart TV, but stops to help Gil get a present for his granddaughter. By the time she finishes, the shelves have been picked clean. In addition, Gil immediately sells the present to Reverend Lovejoy at a greatly inflated price. As Marge becomes increasingly stressed over the approach of Christmas, Homer and the children secretly book a vacation at a theme park and resort in Florida. They drug Marge's tea to put her to sleep. By the time she wakes up, the entire family is in the car and driving through Tennessee on the way to Florida.

Upon reaching the resort, they find themselves booked into a cramped hotel room with an extremely low ceiling. Homer urges Bart and Lisa to act as if they are enjoying themselves for Marge's sake, but the theme park turns out to be full of bizarre, frightening rides and obscure cartoon characters. Bart and Lisa complain to the manager, Jeanie, saying that the site looks nothing like the pictures on its web page. When she ignores them, Bart vows revenge. The Simpsons finally admit to each other that they are not enjoying the trip and decide to leave quickly so they can make it home by Christmas. Bart scares Jeanie by removing the heads from the animatronic figures in the Hall of Vice Presidents and putting them in her bed.

The car runs out of gas just outside Springfield, leaving the Simpsons to walk the rest of the way in the snow. Upon reaching town, they find Moe hosting a dinner for the old and needy at his tavern. They join the dinner, along with Grampa, having gained a new appreciation of the importance of being with family and friends for the holidays.

Jeanie refunds the Simpsons' money and adds $2,400 in exchange for their promise never to visit the resort again. They buy the smart TV and begin watching ''Yule Log'' in HD, ignoring the actual log burning in the fireplace nearby.

I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can

Bart phones Homer at night while at a sleepover because he has had enough of Milhouse's antics, but Homer refuses to go over. Another call comes in and Marge gets the news that her aunt Eunice is dying and that she must fly to visit her. Before leaving, Marge makes Homer promise to not watch the new season of ''Odder Stuff'' (a parody of ''Stranger Things'') on Netflix without her. Marge, Patty and Selma go to Eunice's house and Patty and Selma start deciding what they want to inherit, but Eunice finds out and attacks them with a lamp.

While Homer looks after Maggie, Bart and Lisa start watching ''Odder Stuff.'' Not wanting to break his promise, Homer quickly turns the TV off but at work the next day is horrified to find his colleagues watching the show, leading to him resorting to watch other shows on Netflix to resist the temptation. A vision of Ted Sarandos convinces Homer to finally watch ''Odder Stuff'', but as he reaches the end of the season, Marge returns home and gets angry at him for breaking his promise.

Homer has a nightmare, finding himself trapped in vines in the underworld. He asks for Reverend Lovejoy's help but, because Homer spoiled the ending of ''The Crown'', Lovejoy tells him to him to go to Hell. Another vision of Sarandos offers Homer advice, telling him that Marge loves watching dance shows. Following this advice, Homer goes to the 'Some of That Jazz' dance studio to start learning to dance. His instructor Julia has trouble teaching him, so she calls in Sweet Sal, a much tougher instructor. As a cover story, Homer tells Marge each night that he is going to Moe's Tavern. One night, Marge doubts Homer's story, and tells him to sleep on the couch. Homer invites Marge out, saying he will make it all clear at The Snow Ballroom, and they reconcile by dancing together.

Meanwhile, Krusty hosts an essay-writing contest called ''Hello Krusty's: Krusty's Toy Trample!'', with the prize being a five-minute dash in his toy store, after which the winner gets to the toys they looted. Bart, Milhouse and Ralph Wiggum are announced as the finalists at the ''Toy Trample''. The contest is close between Bart and Milhouse, but in the end Ralph wins by grabbing both of their carts. Ralph gives Lisa a toy pony, as a thank you for writing his essay for the ''Toy Trample''.

The Devil All the Time (film)

During World War II, while serving in the Solomon Islands, U.S. Marine Willard Russell finds Gunnery Sergeant Miller Jones skinned and crucified by Japanese soldiers. Willard ends Jones's agony by shooting him behind the ear. After the war, on his way home to Coal Creek, West Virginia, Willard passes through Meade, Ohio, where he meets Charlotte, a waitress at a diner, and a photographer named Carl Henderson. Willard and Charlotte marry and move to Knockemstiff, Ohio, where they have a son, whom they name Arvin.

In 1950, Helen Hatton marries Roy Laferty. Roy is a bizarre, albeit charismatic, evangelical preacher who pours venomous spiders over his head while giving sermons to demonstrate his faith in God. Helen and Roy have a daughter named Lenora.

In 1957, Charlotte is diagnosed with cancer. Willard believes he can influence God with fervent prayer to remove cancer from his wife's body. He prays to God and sacrifices Arvin's dog, kneeling before a rustic cross he had erected in the woods behind his house. Charlotte dies despite his efforts, and Willard commits suicide by slitting his throat. Arvin, now orphaned, goes to live with his grandmother Emma, where he meets Lenora, who becomes his adopted "stepsister".

During a sermon, Roy is bitten by a spider on his face and has a severe allergic reaction that affects his grip on reality. He comes to believe that he has the ability to resurrect the dead. Roy takes Helen out in the woods and stabs her in the neck with a screwdriver before trying and failing to resurrect her. A distraught Roy hitchhikes and is picked up by Carl Henderson and his wife Sandy. Carl and Sandy are revealed to be serial killers who pick up male hitchhikers and encourage them to have sex with Sandy while Carl takes photographs before murdering them. Roy refuses to have sex with Sandy but Carl shoots and kills him anyway.

In 1965, Arvin is given his father's Luger pistol as a birthday present. He is fiercely protective of Lenora who is bullied by some local greasers, prompting Arvin to attack and beat them all mercilessly. Lenora grows close to the new, narcissistic Reverend Preston Teagardin. Preston seduces Lenora and she becomes pregnant. When she informs Preston, he denies her. Not wanting to bring shame to her family, Lenora plans to take her own life by hanging herself. At the last second, she decides not to go through with suicide, but as she attempts to undo the noose, she slips off her support and dies. After the autopsy, Arvin is told that she was pregnant and suspects that Preston was the father. He follows Preston and sees him seduce another underage girl.

At church, Arvin confronts Preston about Lenora and shoots and kills him with the Luger before fleeing. Arvin hitchhikes and is picked up by Carl and Sandy. Arvin notices that Carl is carrying a gun. As Carl begins the pair's ritual, Arvin shoots and kills both Carl and Sandy in self-defense. In the car's glove compartment, he finds a collection consisting of several rolls of film. Sandy's brother, corrupt Sheriff Lee Bodecker, learns about her murder. To protect himself and his coming reelection, he goes to Carl and Sandy's apartment where he finds and burns Carl's photo collection.

Arvin travels to Meade to visit his childhood home. Lee learns that Arvin murdered Preston, tracks him to Meade, and, armed with a shotgun, confronts Arvin in the woods at Willard's rustic cross. A shootout ensues and Arvin shoots Lee in the stomach with the Luger. Before Lee dies, Arvin shows Lee the picture of Sandy with Roy's dead body. He leaves the photo and rolls of film so evidence of Carl and Sandy's serial killing spree can be revealed.

Arvin hitchhikes and is picked up by a hippie. As he rides in the passenger seat, the exhausted Arvin struggles to stay awake. He daydreams and contemplates his future as possibly a husband or serving in the Vietnam War.

Ava (2020 film)

Ava Faulkner (Jessica Chastain) is a recovering addict and former soldier turned assassin. In France, she kidnaps her new target, an English businessman. Before she kills him, she questions him on why someone wants him dead. Unbeknownst to her, another woman electronically eavesdrops on the conversation. Afterwards, Ava flies to Boston where she visits with her estranged sister Judy and her mother Bobbi who is hospitalized for angina pain. Ava has not seen them in eight years.

Ava's handler and former Army superior, Duke, sends her to Saudi Arabia to kill a German general. Ava lures the general into a trap and injects him with a poison to make it appear he died of a heart attack. She is interrupted by the general's security guards. A gunfight ensues, leaving all the men dead.

Ava escapes and travels to Barneville-Carteret where Duke apologizes for the botched operation, insisting that the bad intel was a simple mistake. He gives her time off to decompress and she returns to Boston and meets Michael, her former fiancé who is now in a relationship with her sister Judy.

In British Columbia, Duke meets with his superior, Simon. Simon's daughter Camille is the woman who had earlier eavesdropped on Ava's hit. Simon believes Ava is a liability and that her questioning of targets demonstrates insufficient commitment to their operation. After Duke leaves, Simon reaffirms the hit on Ava. She kills her attacker and then confronts Duke who insists that it was a random drug addict attack. That night, Ava goes to dinner with Judy and Michael but their conversation does not go well. The next morning, Judy meets Ava and tells her Michael is missing. Realizing he has started gambling again, Ava rescues him from a gambling den run by a woman, Toni, to whom Michael is indebted.

Duke revisits Simon and reveals he knew Ava was set up. A fight ensues between the two men, resulting in Simon killing Duke. He sends a video of Duke's death to Ava. A heartbroken Ava goes to Judy's house, where she invites Michael to run away with her but he declines, revealing that Judy is pregnant. Ava heads to Toni's den where she kills some of her men before giving Toni a bag of money to pay off Michael's debt. Ava starts to strangle Toni, and is about to break her neck, but then changes her mind, letting her live while warning her to stay away from Michael.

Back at her hotel, Ava is attacked by Simon. They fight, with both sustaining serious injuries. Exhausted, Simon flees when the fire alarm goes off, warning Ava that he will kill her if he sees her again. Ava pursues Simon, cornering and killing him under the Zakim Bridge. Ava goes to her sister's house, warning Judy to leave the country and giving her the number to a Swiss bank account filled with Ava's earnings. Before she leaves, Michael gives her a letter from Duke, who says that he is happy with how his life turned out. As she walks down the street, Ava is stalked by Simon's daughter, Camille.


The film is about Roman and his wife Šarlota. Roman is a professional biker obsessed with winning. He tries to get in shape after an injury. His wife Šarlota tries to get pregnant but Roman's obsession leads to deterioration of their relationship.


The protagonist, a bard, meets a messenger of the goddess Eya in a dream. The messenger tells them that the world is ending, and that the Bard is not "The Hero" of prophecy. However, they may be able to save the world by learning the "Earthsong". Each of the world's seven "Overseers" knows a piece of the Earthsong, and so the Bard is tasked with learning the songs corresponding to the Overseers. Each Overseer's song allows the Bard to travel to their domain in the spirit world and ask for their piece of the Earthsong.

The Bard travels around the world with a witch named Miriam, and they make friends in each location they visit as they search for the Overseers' songs. However, the third Overseer they meet is abruptly killed by a stranger before the Bard can learn the piece of the Earthsong. Eya's messenger reveals that the stranger, Audrey Redheart, is the prophesied Hero, chosen to bring about the end of the world by killing the Overseers. The Bard is able to learn the piece of the Earthsong from the dead Overseer, having gained the ability to speak to ghosts from the first Overseer.

The Bard and Miriam continue travelling in hopes that the completed Earthsong may still be able to save the world. Miriam, who was initially cynical and distrusting of the Bard, gradually grows to value their friendship. They meet Audrey several more times as she continues her quest to kill the Overseers. The Bard tries to convince Audrey to give up on her quest, saying that the title of "Hero" is not what makes her special. Audrey rejects this and kills the last Overseer before the Bard can learn the Earthsong.

The world fades to greyscale as it begins to die. The Bard sings, and all the people they met on their journey respond in harmony around the world. Color returns to the world, and its destruction is stopped. The messenger of Eya tells the Bard that their song was not the Earthsong, but something new that harmonized with Eya's song.

Yes, We Fuck!

The documentary explores the sexuality of people with functional diversity. Through six stories, different topics are addressed, including the experience of one's sexuality, life as a couple, postpornography, prostitution or sexual assistance among others.

The use of explicit sexual images aims to break with the hegemonic vision that keeps disabled people in a state of permanent infantilization, showing that not only they have desiring bodies which may also be desirable, but that these bodies can create new political imaginaries that redefine concepts such as masculinity, eroticism or even democracy.

God Bless the Broken Road

The film tells the story of a young mother named Amber Hill who loses her husband in Afghanistan and struggles to raise their young daughter Bree in his absence. She meets a race car driver named Cody Jackson who helps to restore her faith.

After the death of her husband in Afghanistan, his surviving spouse loses her faith and puts his last unopened letter in her Bible. Amber Hill continues to send her daughter Bree to church. The mother and daughter struggle as Amber is a waitress at a Kentucky diner called "Rosie's". Amber rejects help from her mother-in-law Patti and many others. The bills pile up and she receives a foreclosure notice on her home. Her daughter gets a mustard seed in Sunday school and plants it and even names it Matt.

Cody Jackson, a race car driver, takes interest in Amber and helps her daughter build a go-cart. The Pastor, the choir ladies, and disabled Mike all try to encourage her to come back to church. The seed of faith remains in her heart. Amber wants to raise her daughter on her own. Patti the mother-in-law sees Amber's wedding rings are missing. While babysitting, she finds a stack of bills. Amber assures Patti things are under control.

Amber starts to date Cody and her daughter really likes him. Her mother never likes to talk about her dead dad. Bree feels all alone while her Mom copes with her own grief and low paying job. They go to one of Cody's races and he is in an accident. Cody's accident is too much for Amber and she forbids Bree to see him. Bree runs away and when found says she wants to live with her grandmother. Amber prays for an answer.

Wheelchair-bound Mike Nelson tells Amber about how her husband saved his life. His last words were: "You are loved more than you will ever know." Mike gives her a cross that Darren had made from IED scraps. Amber, Bree and Patti go to Darren's grave and read his last letter together. Bree wins the go kart race. Cody wins a race at Berlin Speedway. Amber returns to church and is singing ''Bless the Broken Road''. A new mustard seed labeled "Faith" is seen growing in the window.

Donner Pass: The Road to Survival

A grim incident from American pioneer history is recreated as a determined group of settlers, facing almost insurmountable odds, struggles to reach California in 1846.

Remember Your Name

On the day of Germany's attack on the USSR Zina Vorobyova, a resident of Belorussia, is born the son of Gene. After a while they get to Auschwitz, where after quarantine they are resettled in different barracks, but Zina, as far as possible, always visits Gene and feeds him. Toward the end of the war, because of the Soviet offensive, Zina falls into the Marsh of Death, and when she leaves she is horrified to see that the barrack in which her son is located is boarded up - the children are clearly going to kill. Then, after the war, during the return, Zina finds out from her husband's friend who happened to meet on unexpected occasions that he died on the very first day of the war, and from shock he loses sight. She struggles to recover, settles in Leningrad, where she then starts working in a quality laboratory at a TV production plant, but does not give up trying to find Gena, because she is sure that he is alive. She constantly sends inquiries to Poland to the Auschwitz museum, when she learns that this organization actively helps in search of the missing children of the former prisoners of the camp. Once she sees on TV newsreels about Auschwitz, shot by Soviet soldiers after liberation, and finds out in the crowd of liberated children to Gena.

In parallel, it is shown that Gena is really alive. After the war, he and other unclaimed children find themselves in an improvised shelter, where the former prisoner of Auschwitz, the Polish Halina Truschinska, is interested in him. Gena by that time no longer speaks Russian, but only in Polish and German, and thinks he is French (his name is Gene, he is rewriting to the Polish Genak). After some time Galina adopts the Gen, and now his name is Eugeniusz Trushchinsky. Years pass, and the grown Eugeniusz becomes a sea captain. One day he and his girlfriend come to the Auschwitz museum for an excursion and experience a shock when, while watching the same newsreel that Zina saw, she sees herself in the frame. The director of the museum invites him to his room and, upon learning his number, informs him about Zina's request. Despite internal contradictions, Eugeniusz comes to Leningrad and reunites with his own mother, but after a while leaves, because in Poland he now has his own life.

School Diary

The story revolves around five grade XII students in a school in Kerala named Archa, Indu, Rima, Diya and Yamuna. Aarcha got covered in the news as her poem "Aksharamaalayil Amma" was going to be included in the Kerala state syllabus. They also try to make a difference by growing farm vegetables for the poor. They also come up with an idea of a "School diary" for students of their school. There happens different situations where in the friendship of five girls along with four boys are tested such that they will have to uphold their true friendship.

Could It Be... Satan?

At this point, the action flashes back several years to reveal Michael Langdon's past and the story behind Outpost 3.

Students at the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men study magic with their instructor, Behold Chablis. Baldwin Pennypacker, John Henry Moore, and Ariel Augustus, the Grand Chancellor, await Chablis with a video featuring a young warlock named Michael Langdon. Langdon is brought to the school and the instructors evaluate his power level.

Ariel explains that they wish Langdon to challenge Supreme Witch Cordelia for Supremacy. Cordelia is summoned from Miss Robicheaux's Academy in New Orleans and travels to Hawthorne. While the women scoff at the idea of a male Supreme, Ariel insists that Cordelia administer the Seven Wonders to test Langdon. Cordelia refuses, saying that it would surely condemn the boy to death. The conversation turns toward a past failure of Cordelia's, when she abandoned coven member Queenie after her disappearance in Los Angeles. Cordelia responds that she found Queenie's ghost in the Hotel Cortez, but was unable to rescue her, as she could not penetrate the demonic portal surrounding the hotel. Langdon travels to Los Angeles and successfully emerges from the hotel with Queenie. He then travels to Hell to rescue Madison. As Cordelia and the trio make plans to leave the Hawthorne School and return to New Orleans, Langdon greets them with Queenie and Madison. Upon seeing the returned witches, Cordelia faints.

Boy Wonder (American Horror Story)

After passing out, Cordelia Goode experiences a vision of a burnt and desolate world. Upon awakening, she agrees to administer the Seven Wonders for Michael Langdon so that he may rise to Supreme.

Returning to New Orleans, Myrtle Snow chides Cordelia for allowing a man to take the position of Supreme, claiming that men make terrible leaders. Cordelia confesses to Myrtle that her powers are beginning to fade, the sign that her reign as Supreme is coming to an end. Cordelia welcomes new student Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt and her father, John Getz.

At the Hawthorne School, Ariel, Behold, John Henry and Baldwin cast a protection spell for Langdon in preparation for the Seven Wonders. Langdon shows Moore a glimpse of his true form. Miriam Mead kills Moore before he can warn anyone. Langdon successfully passes six of the Seven Wonders. For the seventh, Langdon must descend into Hell and return with fellow witch Misty Day. Langdon passes the seventh challenge and Cordelia proclaims Langdon the next Supreme.

Misty tells Cordelia that the evil within Hell appeared to speak to Langdon, which Cordelia assumes was negotiation for Misty's release. Misty describes Langdon as wearing "the perfume of death." Cordelia realizes that she now has proof of Langdon's capacity for evil and rejoices that she now has all of her original sisters returned so that they may fight against Langdon in the upcoming apocalypse. Cordelia pulls Madison aside and instructs her to gather information about Langdon. Behold, eavesdropping on the conversation, says that he will be joining Madison as he now has concerns of his own about Langdon. Cordelia asks Madison to travel to the place "where it all began": the Murder House.

Black Orchid (comics)

Carl Thorne is released from prison and goes to see billionaire criminal mastermind Lex Luthor, with whom he previously had interactions. Luthor dismisses Thorne, distrusting him due to his troublesome past. Thorne retreats to a bar, where he gripes about Luthor and blames his failures on his ex-wife Susan Linden. Meanwhile, Linden—the superhero Black Orchid—is killed while spying on Luthor's organized crime syndicate; afterward, Luthor's employee Mr. Sterling discovers she is a plant hybrid.

Elsewhere, an amnesiac young girl, Flora, awakens in a greenhouse. She wanders into a nearby house, where she meets Philip Sylvian, who recognizes her as Black Orchid. Sylvian explains that he and Linden were once romantically involved, but separated at the wishes of Linden's abusive father. Linden married Thorne, while Sylvian, Jason Woodrue, Pamela Isley, and Alec Holland worked together on advanced botanical biochemistry that led to Flora's creation; she is genetically Linden's sister. Only Sylvian remains his old self: Woodrue was incarcerated in Arkham Asylum; Isley became Poison Ivy; and Holland was allegedly murdered.

Flora falls asleep afterwards, and experiences Linden's memories in her dreams. Sylvian visits Linden's room, only to be attacked by Thorne. Thorne beats Sylvian and accuses him of stealing Linden from him. Thorne proceeds to the greenhouse, where he discovers statues of Linden. Thorne begins to destroy the statues before another girl—who insists on being called Suzy and also shares Linden's memories—appears. Thorne calls Luthor, who reluctantly comes to the scene. Luthor discovers that Sylvian died of his wounds and orders his men to throw Thorne in the nearby river. Flora saves Thorne before departing with Suzy; Luthor orders his staff to search for more like the girls.

Flora and Suzy travel to Gotham City, the location of Arkham, to converse with Woodrue. The girls are told that Woodrue left the asylum and denied access. Suzy goes to Slaughter Swamp, where she is kidnapped and sold to Luthor. Flora meets Batman, who deduces that she is related to Linden and gets her into Arkham. The Mad Hatter brings Flora to Isley, who is being held there. Isley explains her involvement with the other scientists but refuses to tell Flora who she is. Frustrated, Flora leaves, fails to save Suzy, and retreats to a graveyard.

Batman tells Flora that Holland is still alive and lives in the Louisiana swamplands. Black travels to Louisiana, where she meets Holland, who is now Swamp Thing. Holland explains to her that she is a reincarnation of Linden: Thorne murdered Linden, and Sylvian used her DNA and an orchid to recreate her as Black Orchid. When Linden was killed, another Black Orchid, in this case Flora, awoke.

Using their connections to the Green, Holland shows Flora where Suzy is located, and Flora saves her by knocking down a tree to stop the truck she is held in. The two escape to the Amazon rainforest. However, Luthor tracks them and sends Sterling and a team to find them. While searching, Sterling's men are ambushed by Thorne as they approach the girls. Flora attempts to stop the fighting, but Sterling shoots Thorne in the chest. Thorne's death angers Flora, who sends Sterling off with a warning: if Luthor tries to interfere with her again, she will retaliate. Sterling and his men part ways, and Flora and Suzy fly back home.

Skipped Parts (2010 film)

School friends Maksim, Kiril, Dasha and Leya face the changes that come with adulthood. As they begin to experience love and sex, mistakes and disappointments, betrayal and self-sacrifice, they learn to build relationships and discover something new and not always pleasant in themselves.

Who If Not Us

Dreaming to get rich, teenagers Snakes and Tolya plunder the city's department store and as a result one find themselves in a colony, another in a lycee, which differs little from a colony. Having learned truly what solitude is, Snake accidentally gets acquainted with Gennady, an old man just like him, alone and difficult, dismissed from the police.

Through Darkest Europe

In this alternate world, the dominating Muslim cultures of North Africa and the Middle East are "liberal, tolerant, and above all rich" while Europe is a hot spot of Christian fundamentalism, with assassinations, hijackings, and bombings committed by extremist groups including the Aquinists. Senior Investigator Khalid al-Zarzisi is sent to Rome with his partner Investigator Dawud ibn Musa with the mission of protecting the Grand Duke (monarch of all Italy), the impoverished Pope, and preventing European instability from affecting the First World.

The alternate history's point of departure, as detailed in the first chapter, occurred between the 11th and 13th centuries due to different developments in Christian theology and Islamic theology. Thomas Aquinas, who in the real world sought to reconcile religion and reason, taught that Christianity and reason were incompatible, and that religious faith should override reason. Conversely, Al-Ghazali, who in the real world argued that Islamic faith was superior to philosophy and science, thought that the two were compatible.

The developed First World has advanced science, including Turkish moon landings. Classical Arabic is used as a world language spoken by the educated and used in standard signs. Muslim culture, language, and style spread around the world with the spread of modernity.

South of Panama (1941 film)

Jan Martin, sister of government chemist Paul Martin, realizes she is being followed by enemy agents after her brother. She ignores him at the Panama airport and embraces a stranger, Mike Lawrence, instead. Enemy agents Lake and Wilton are convinced that Mike is her brother and attempt to trap the pair. They get away but Jan disappears. Disguised with a black wig and new makeup, Jan becomes Dolores and gets a job singing at a cafe. Spotting Jan without her disguise, Mike follows her down an alley where they are trapped by Raynor, another espionage agent. They get away and Jan also gets away from Mike. Later, both Mike and Jan are captured and the agents realize that Mike is not the brother they are after. Paul is brought to the hideout, but Mike gets the drop on them.

Volunteers (1958 film)

The film takes place during the 1930s to 1950s. Three inseparable male friends – Kaitanov, Ufimtsev, and Akishin – voluntarily became the first builders of the Moscow Metro. The film also tells the story of the friendship between three women: Olya, Masha, and Tanya. The main themes of the movie include the labor front, Spanish volunteer brigades, World War II, and post-war labor in peacetime. The film shows a variety of emotions: joy and sorrow, victory and loss, love and happiness.

Step Forward (film)

Five novels, united by the history of the nascent love of two elderly people, meeting every day on the way to work. Meeting every day in public transport, they do not suspect that they are neighbors around the house, and they are constantly giving each other a lot of trouble.

Mr. Chump

Small-town layabout Bill "Scats" Small is a whiz at figuring out the stock market, but he has no money to actually invest in it. He prefers not to do any actual work and is happier just playing his trumpet, annoying the family he rooms with. Eventually, he gets a job with a touring band, but when next he returns home, he finds himself in a hotbed of romantic and larcenous intrigue and has to use all his wiles to clean up both messes.

A Weary Road

The stationmaster Kruglikov fired at his boss, who wanted him to go along with him as a matchmaker to the supervisor's friend, Raissa, and as a result he was sent to a settlement in Siberia. And suddenly a political exile arrives at the station, which turns out to be the same Raissa.

Love Does Not Love

Aleksey is a young ambitious man preparing for his wedding with Alyona, She is a sweet and kind girl who loves him. In addition, Alyona is the daughter of his boss. Before making an offer, Aleksey asks for the chef’s blessing. He agrees, and also insistently hints that Alyona always wanted to hear “Marry me“ in Paris, on the Eiffel Tower. Aleksey is not against Paris, but he is terribly afraid of heights. However, he buys a ring and tickets to France.

However, on the eve of the trip, the boss sends him to work in Saint Petersburg. In the Northern capital on the street he is harassed by a blonde who asks "to donate to the musicians". But she refuses, then the girl begins to read poetry to him.

Soon we see that this girl is actually an authoritative and famous Moscow journalist Irina, who writes on the topic of fashion, openly despises her work in a cool magazine, and secretly writes reverent poems that she has the courage to send only to her friend in her beloved Paris. Ira is beautiful, independent, bitchy and lonely.

The meeting with Ira drops Aleksey's suspicion that he is not strong and loves his kind and charming Alyona. But he still flies to Paris, where Alyona, who arrived a day earlier, is already waiting for him. On the plane, Aleksey meets Irina, who also goes to Paris to cover Fashion Week. He is surprised. Passengers get drunk and stuck in the toilet room, where they went with the intention of smoking. They are detained by the police, but then released. At the airport, Alyona sees Irina with Aleksey, but she is not jealous, she sincerely admires Irina's articles.

Despite doubts, Aleksey makes an offer to Alyona at the Eiffel Tower. She says yes. Returning to Moscow, the groom is tormented by feelings of sympathy for Irina and calls her. Irina says that she is in Saint Petersburg. Aleksey, telling Alyona that he was going on a business trip, rushing to St. Petersburg. In the Northern capital, Irina and Lesha understand that they cannot be together because of the groom's obligations to Alyona. But as a result of ridiculous coincidence, they cannot part (they lose their luggage, then the keys to the hotel room, etc.).

Aleksey lies to Alyona that his grandmother is ill. The situation is complicated by the arrival of Alyona's father in St. Petersburg, who not only stays in the same hotel as his son-in-law, but also falls in love with Irina. Worried about the groom's grandmother, Alyona is also in St. Petersburg.

In the end, Ira refuses Aleksey, because she does not want to spoil the life and psyche of such a good and young girl as Alyona ("so that she does not get burned"). She decides to quit her unloved job and fly to Paris to write poetry.

Sensitive and kind Alyona, passionate about preparations for the wedding, can not help noticing the change of mood of the groom. "You don't love me?"- she asks him just the day before the wedding. Hearing in response to the silence, Alyona understands and noble lets go of Aleksey. He gets on a plane to Paris, where the Ira is sitting. He says he won't marry. They happily walk the streets and kiss.

Alyona also takes Irina's place in a cool magazine, because for her it is just her dream job.

Meraugis de Portlesguez

Henri Michelant, in French, gives a brief summary of the plot in his 1869 edition (pages xvii to xx).The Michelant edition, which is no longer in copyright, is freely available on [ Google Books]. Gaston Paris gives a much more detailed explanation, in prose, in ''Histoire littéraire de France'', volume 30, pages 223-234 (also in French).

Two knights, Meraugis and Gorvain, travel to a tournament where they meet the beautiful Lidoine, heiress to the kingdom of Cavalon now that her father has died. The two knights tell each other that they are in love with her, which immediately leads to a scuffle. Lidoine intervenes and insists that the matter must be settled by a court, not a battle.

In Cardeuil, the judgment is in favor of Meraugis, who says he loves her not just for her looks but for her nobleness and valor. Gorvain, outraged, challenges Meraugis to a duel, but when the queen intervenes he agrees to leave.

Meanwhile, Lidoine asks Meraugis to leave for a year and do heroic deeds, and after a year, she will judge if he is worthy of her love or not; he agrees. Shortly after, a dwarf appears during the king's dinner and challenges them to locate Gawain, who is missing. Meraugis agrees after seeking Lidoine's consent, who not only consents, but asks to come with them.

Meraugis locates Gawain in the 'city without a name', trapped on an island, held captive by a woman who controls the only boat. In order to escape, Meraugis feigns defeat to Gawain, and, under cover of darkness, goes into the castle on the island, locks the woman in her room and steals some of her clothes. He impersonates her to get the boatmen to come and pick up him and Gawain in order to escape the island. Lidoine witnesses this, and, believing Meraugis is dead, flees and goes to Belchis for protection. However, he betrays her and instead holds her captive. She gets a message via a woman named Avice to Gorvain who comes to free her.

Meanwhile, Meraugis is discovered barely alive and taken to Belchis's castle where he is well looked after. When he is healed, he notices Lidoine is there. He dresses in all white armor and challenges Gawain to a duel. When Meraugis reveals to Gawain his true identity, Gawain surrenders and is taken prisoner by Meraugis. Belchis is extremely impressed and he and his knights pledge loyalty to Meraugis. At this point, with Belchis's knights loyal to him, he reveals who he is, and frees Gawain and Lidoine.

However, Lidoine has promised her kingdom to Gorvain for coming to her aid, so Meraugis challenges him to one final duel. Meraugis wins, but since he and Gorvain were formerly friends, he exiles him instead of killing him. In the Berlin manuscript (but not the Vatican or Vienna manuscripts), Meraugis gives Avice to Gorvain, and both couples live happily ever after.G. Paris, 1888, [ page 234].

Heartbreak Hotel (The Simpsons)

The Simpson family is watching a reality TV show called "The Amazing Place", a parody of the survival shows ''Survivor'' and ''The Amazing Race''. Marge reveals her expert knowledge of the show’s contestant challenges comes from her lifetime of watching the past 47 seasons. Bart and Lisa heavily encourage Homer and Marge to audition, Marge breaks down and, in the attic, shows them samples from every season’s past tryouts for the show, which were all rejected. The kids decide to edit past efforts into a new submission without telling Marge and Homer. Bart feeds marshmallows to Santa's Little Helper while Lisa edits a video of Marge and Homer's rejection letter openings, which they also recorded, and shows it to the producers at an in-person audition. The producers are attracted to the idea of rewarding an ultimate fan of the show and the show’s host Tad Tuckerbag delivers the good news to him at their home.

At the first challenge, while still at “The Amazing Place”s tarmac starting line, the contestants play “Suitcase Stowaway” to find an item in their own luggage that doesn’t belong. Marge and Homer immediately lose and are “shelliminated”. Heartbroken, they then find out they cannot leave for six weeks and are to be sequestered at the airport hotel.

While Marge is miserable and homesick, Homer is happy on all the freebies they are given including room service, food, booze, and movies. Homer tries to cheer Marge with a musical number “Airport Hotel”, sung to the 1956 Elvis Presley song “Heartbreak Hotel”. Back at home, Bart has convinced a number of school friends to help dig a hole in the yard for a pool, Patty and Selma are babysitting but they approve of the plan.

At the hotel, the parents find the post production room and a furious Marge discovers that Homer caused their loss by eating the “stowaway” item, a bar of chocolate. In a black and white vignette, in homage to Edward Albee‘s 1962 play 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf', where a bitter and frustrated middle age couple entertains a younger couple, Marge and Homer invite another eliminated married couple over. Marge proceeds to make Homer jealous by flirting with Nick, the husband, in front of his wife Honey.

The next day, Tad Tuckerbag shocks the eliminated contestants by telling them that 2 of them can re-enter the game to compete in the final $1 million challenge--but only if they do the “Dead Weight Drop” where they dump their partner and choose any of the other contestants to replace them. Everyone else declines, but Marge declares she will cut Homer loose and join forces with Nick (Nick's wife Honey, understandably, does not return the favor and join up with Homer, leaving him saddened). The final “Mango Tango” challenge involves picking mangoes, creating mangorita cocktails with them, and crossing a log-covered trench while playing a penny whistle to calm down a pack of ravenous mango-loving monkeys. Marge thinks she and Nick have won, but to her horror Tad tells her she failed to salt the mangorita rims and therefore didn't finish the challenge, leaving her to watch as same-sex couple Barry and Shawn arrive with properly-prepared cocktails and win the $1 million. At home, Marge bemoans her "noob" error and apologizes to Homer for how she treated him. He simply says that it's nice for once that he is being told sorry by her, and adds that millions of people saw her mistake compared to the much smaller audiences which greet his screwups.

A Beautiful Now

A beautiful dancer balances on the razor's edge between reality and fantasy as she asks her friends to help her figure out the passions and relationship that have shaped who they are and who they will become.

I'm Back (film)

In 2017 Rome, Benito Mussolini (Massimo Popolizio) falls from the sky in front of the Alchemical Door. As he wanders, disoriented and believing it still to be 1945, through the city, he interprets modern situations and things from a Fascist perspective.

Meanwhile, filmmaker Andrea Canaletti (Frank Matano) is fired by the television station MyTV, for which he was filming a movie in front of the Alchemical Door, and despondently decides to watch the movie he had been filming for MyTV when he sees Mussolini in the background. He decides to search for him in the hope of getting his job back; after some time, he is able to find him.

Canaletti and others believe Mussolini to be just a comedy actor, and he and Mussolini agree to travel together across Italy, Canaletti wishing to make a documentary that may lead him to success, while Mussolini wants to assay the Italians' mood in the hope of one day returning to power.

While they are traveling, Mussolini begins to question and interact with Italians while he is filmed by Canaletti, but then there is an argument between them when Mussolini shoots a dog with a concealed pistol due to it being "English". Despite this, Canaletti decides to continue the documentary with him.

The duo gather a lot of interest and acclaim in a short time, and finally, due to Mussolini's continuing growth in popularity and his ideas becoming accepted by more people, the ambitious Katia Bellini (Stefania Rocca), the new chairman of MyTV, decides to create a new television show dedicated to the dictator.

The show becomes a boon to both Mussolini – who continues to gather popularity and even catches the attention of foreign media - and to Canaletti, who is soon rehired and promoted. Only a few people openly criticize Mussolini's fanatical populist rhethoric and the media circus created by it, as MyTV employees caution in vain against celebrating the character that much for the sake of their show business.

Soon, things begin to go wrong for the two: a MyTV executive discovers the unedited footage of Mussolini shooting the dog during his travels with Canaletti and, out for revenge against Bellini for subverting his authority, airs it during a television debate of Mussolini with Enrico Mentana. This ruins the careers of Mussolini, Canaletti and Bellini.

Without dwellings or employment, Canaletti and Mussolini move, for the time being, to the house of Canaletti's girlfriend Francesca (Eleonora Belcamino), whom Canaletti was aided in seducing by Mussolini. There, Francesca's grandmother (Ariella Reggio), who survived the Raid of the Ghetto of Rome, has an argument with Mussolini; disgusted by Mussolini's ideas, Canaletti decides to distance himself from him.

Outside alone at night, Mussolini gets violently beaten up by a group of masked men. At first, it appears to have been a group of animal rights activists acting in retaliation for the shooting of the dog, but the incident is then revealed to have been orchestrated by Bellini, to shift popularity from MyTV's rival TV station. Mussolini falls in love with her because she reminds him of his mistress, Claretta Petacci.

In the meantime, Canaletti rewatches the recordings he made before he met Mussolini, and in them notices the supposed comedian falling from the sky. Upon returning to that location, he links the occurrence to the legend of a door between the worlds of the living and of the dead, and concludes that the "comedian" is none other than the real Mussolini.

Taking advantage of the beating incident, Bellini manages to organize another show with Mussolini and regains wealth and success. Canaletti, however, steals a pistol from a policeman and bursts into the television studio while Mussolini's show is being filmed. He unsuccessfully tries to convince people that the man they think to be an actor is actually the real ''Duce''. He continues to threaten Mussolini but, even though he has the opportunity to kill him, decides in the end to not shoot him because he doesn't want to lower himself to his level. Canaletti is then arrested.

Completely rehabilitated by Italians, Mussolini is pardoned by the dog's owner on live television. As the film ends, it appears he is on the way to successfully using his charisma, his popularity and the media to retake political power in Italy.

Asphyxia (film)

Masoud takes his wife who has neurotic tensions to the asylum to take care of her.

Los Bastardos

Book One

Los Bastardos is based on the Cardinal Bastards series of Precious Hearts Romances Presents. The story follows the lives of five brothers struggling with one another for their rightful place in their father's heart. The root of their conflict stems from betrayals and secrets surrounding the individuals surrounding Don Roman Cardinal.

Don Roman is the ''illegitimate'' son of Don Ismael Cardinal, a wealthy sugar cane plantation owner of the fictitious region of Victorino in the rural outskirts of Manila, Philippines. He reunites with his father as an adult, eventually inherits his father's ''hacienda'' and starts a life with his small family when tragedy strikes and he loses his wife Soledad and son, Roman Jr.

Despite the tragedy, Don Roman pursues their dreams to expand and diversify the Hacienda and build a ''liquor'' distillery using ingredients from his sugar cane produce.

Throughout his unhappy and lonely life, Don Roman builds a successful empire and sires five sons from four different women. All his sons inherit his handsome physique, tenacity, superior physical strength and astuteness that serves them well in their respective fields, but two sons do not benefit from his inherent kindness because of the family environment they grow up in.

Roman Jr, later known as Isagani, is Don Roman's ''legitimate'' firstborn son with his wife Soledad, his true love. Don Roman and the town folks fear his young family perished in the mudslide. In fact, Soledad slips him into a passing produce truck. She pins her wedding ring on his shirt praying it would lead him to his father someday, but fails to get on the truck as it picks up speed to escape the oncoming mudslide. The child is raised by the farmers who discover the infant in their truck. Isagani Esperanza inherits his father's good qualities of kindness, compassion and bravery, as well as his father's physical strength, entrepreneurship and unique taste buds, essential for developing fine brandy. He formulates an arrack he calls Coco Brandy, when he was a student in Manila. Isagani buys a small coconut farm to set up his own distillery. He has the opportunity to realize his dreams when he is sought after by two major distilleries to partner with: the Cardinals and Silverios. Isagani chooses to partner up with the Cardinals because he admires Roman's kindness and fairness. A bond forms between Roman and Isagani though neither are aware of their kinship.

Joaquin is Alba Santillan's son. Alba is a spoiled heiress obsessed with Roman but fails to win his affection. She gets rid of Soledad and her infant by pushing them off the cliff. While grieving for Soledad, she seduces him one night and then tells him she is pregnant with his second son, Joaquin. In truth, she is already pregnant by her parents' gardener, Enrico. Roman loves the infant like his firstborn, and brings Alba and their son to live in his estate where he is raised as Roman's natural son. He never marries Alba but allows her to live as the mistress of the mansion for the sake of their son. Among the five brothers, Joaquin is the only son who grows up under his care. Joaquin has a strong and loving relationship with his father and inherits his father's fairness and kindness. Joaquin does not have the malevolent and selfish traits of his mother. He grows up to lead the management team of Cardinal Distillery, loved by all. Alba tries her best to poison Joaquin's mind against Isagani, but Joaquin's innate goodness prevails and he decides not to listen to his mother. He leaves for America to sort out his feelings, but tragedy struck when Joaquin died in a plane crash on ill fated flight of LAKAN AIRLINES LAK271 or Flight 271 on his return. Alba's liaisons with the gardener is revealed at his memorial services. Despite the revelation Roman mourns Joaquin's passing and sends Alba away.

Matteo is Maddie Asuncion Silverio's son. Maddie is the emotionally abused socialite wife of Menandro Silverio and sole heiress of the Asuncion fortune. Drawn to the lonely Don Roman, their affair produces a son, Matteo, but she ends their relationship and raises the child as a Silverio, business rivals of the Cardinals; Aware of his wife's and Roman's betrayal, Menandro uses Matteo as his secret pawn for revenge against them. He raises the child to fear him, devoid of character and moral values, encourage his greed and teaches him to despise the Cardinals. Matteo yearns for his father's approval but never gets it as his father is abusive to his children and wife. Matteo grows up in a household filled with cruelty, hatred and fear.

Connor is Pilar's son, Roman's childhood friend who became a prostitute. Roman tries to save her from this life, and in their loneliness, they have a relationship. When Alba learns that Pilar is pregnant with Connor, Alba confronts her, and successfully taunts Pilar into leaving Roman for a wealthy client in Japan. Disillusioned with her life, she takes her pain out on Connor and abuses him. She tries to sell him to a stranger for sex but is rescued by Fausto, a con artist, who raises Connor along the same path. The trauma of his mother's rejection changes Connor, his longing for a family is replaced with hatred towards his father who he believes abandoned him.

And finally there is Lucas, Sita's son. Sita is an orphan raised in the Santillan household. She grows up as Alba's personal maid and witnesses Alba's duplicitous actions to ensnare Roman. In love with Roman herself, they have a brief affair and produce Lucas. When Alba discovers their relationship, she threatens to take Joaquin away. As a concession, Roman agrees not to acknowledge Lucas as his natural son but is firm that Lucas and his mother live in the estate where Lucas is raised as companion to his son Joaquin. As a result, Lucas grows up in the Cardinal household, treated like family but never knowing the man he serves is his own father. Roman loves Lucas and treats him with respect. He also teaches Joaquin to treat Lucas like a younger brother. Lucas inherits his father's leadership skills, and his mother's patience and gentle nature. He later learns about his paternity, and though conflicted at first, steps into his role as a Cardinal with strength and grace and serves his father well.

Ultimately, the five brothers’ lives collide as they learn who their true father is.

Connor is the first son to discover his father's identity. Renowned in the criminal underworld as the best con artist, he makes it his personal mission to bring his father down, believing his mother's lies that Don Roman abandoned them. He ingratiates himself with Isagani and Lucas to get close to Don Roman. Isagani and Lucas expose his dubious activities prompting Connor to admit his true identity, but surprisingly, he gains the protection of Roman Cardinal, who is more than happy to reconcile with his son. Connor bides his time to win his father's trust. His ulterior motive is to gain access to all of the Cardinals’ bank accounts, which he intends to transfer to his secret account. But his agenda changes after several attempts fail. He softens towards his father as he learns to trust and believe his father's unconditional love and acceptance of Connor, who always wanted a family to belong to.

Matteo, motivated at first to please his father Menandro, learns the truth that Roman is his real father. His keen astuteness allows him to swiftly figure out Menandro's real agenda. Furious over Menandro's treachery, he promptly strips him of his power and takes over the Silverio machinery, when he becomes the sole beneficiary of his mother's wealth. His hatred for Menandro equals his hatred for Don Roman, who he blames is the root of his miserable life. He plans to destroy him and take over the Cardinal empire.

Soon after Roman learns about his three sons, he discovers his lost first born son Roman Jr is Isagani Esperanza. The news is welcomed by Lucas but not by Matteo and Connor who realize Isagani is the legitimate son and another barrier to their evil plans.

Although they come from different worlds, the discovery that they are siblings affects each of the sons who carry the baggage of their fatherless youths.

Unlike Isagani and Lucas who embrace their kinship, Connor and Matteo blame their miserable lives on their father.

But as Roman attempts to reunite his sons, the greedy and vengeful individuals in his life make sure he fails: Menandro Silverio is determined to use Matteo to destroy him; and Roman's two former lovers - Alba and Pilar are equally set on seizing the Cardinal wealth.

Book Two

While Don Roman tries to get his four sons to reconcile, a wealthy young man in Los Angeles is preparing for a trip to the Philippines. Lorenzo Cuevas wants to destroy Roman Cardinal too. He is Don Roman's second son with Soledad.

Flashback to a few years ago, his adoptive father reveals to him on his deathbed the truth that his real father is Don Roman Cardinal, the powerful ’’Hacendero’’ (landlord) of the Cardinal Plantation and Cardinal Distillery. Don Pablo Cuevas tells Lorenzo of coming across Soledad a few days after typhoons and mudslides devastate the southern region of the Philippines, wandering the countryside, distraught, disheveled, with no memory of who she is or where she comes from. A few weeks pregnant, she suffers bruises and serious injuries sustained from a violent assault. He cares for her and search for her family but initially, no information surfaces.

Suffering from memory loss as a result of her traumatic escape, unaware of the full facts about Alba's attempts on her life, Don Pablo Cuevas assumes she is running away from an abusive relationship. Upon investigating further, he traces her former husband to the powerful hacendero (or Hacienda owner, plantation owner) Don Roman Cardinal, who by now is living with a new family (Alba and a their infant son). Believing she is in danger and seeking to protect her, he takes the pregnant Soledad away from the Philippines and they move to California to start a new life. He renames her Consuelo and gives her and Lorenzo his surname. Consuelo recovers from her physical injuries, but her memory of her life with Don Roman and her first born son remains buried. Lorenzo believes Don Pablo Cuevas' story about Don Roman's abusive treatment towards his mother and seeks to avenge her.

He conducts an investigation of the Cardinals and learns about his four other brothers. He arrives in the Philippines and arranges to meet his father and his brothers under the pretext of a business partnership with his own multinational hotel and resort corporation. He ingratiates himself with them through his previous business deals with Joaquin while the latter was in America.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Soledad decides to return to the Philippines to join her son. As she arrives in Victorino, the scenic drive down the countryside gives her a sense that it was a part of her past. Unknown to all including herself, Consuelo Cuevas is the true matriarch of the Cardinals. Soledad Cardinal returns to Victorino.

Inside the Silverios' crumbling empire, Matteo decides to use his sister Dulce to get Lorenzo to partner with them. Lorenzo, on the other hand, uses Dulce to undermine Isagani, to make it easier for him to destroy his siblings and ultimately Roman.

As Consuelo gets acquainted with Victorino and San Jovita, she is inexplicably surprised by its familiarity and happy with the peacefulness and beauty of its surroundings. She tells Lorenzo that she sees herself retiring there. She meets new friends and discovers a Nipa hut which she finds vaguely familiar. The caretaker tells her it is uninhabited but maintained by Don Roman Cardinal, a name that doesn't mean anything to her yet.

In the meantime, Connor begins to self destruct. Drowning in his anger towards his father and jealous of his brothers' better stations in life, he drives himself into a downward spiral. In a drunken stupor, he attempts to rape Isay who is on her way home, but his partner Lupita intercepts him, renders him unconscious, and forcibly removes him from the site. Isagani finds her on the roadside and as he tries to get help, Matteo drives by and side swipes him off the ravine. This is how Consuelo Cuevas, on her way home from a day of sightseeing, finds him. Alarmed at his condition, she instructs her driver to pick him up and brings him to the Cuevas resort to be treated.

News of the unconscious man rescued by Consuelo reach the Esperanzas who rush to the Ashton Resort, overjoyed to see Isagani. Consuelo remembers Irma from the ''Carinderia'' (Filipino term for a roadside cafeteria) where she enjoyed a delicious ''Ginata-án'' a visit stirring a pleasant yet still unknown memories.

Alba is busy planning to get rid of Soledad again. She kills Enrico whose extortion attempts were distracting her, and joins forces with Menandro and Pilar, who share the same goal to destroy the Cardinals and steal their wealth.

Meanwhile, Consuelo's and the Cardinals’ worlds become smaller as their orbits grow closer. She is equally puzzled over her overwhelming emotions when Isagani shows her a photograph of Don Roman.

Certain that Consuelo would come face to face with Don Roman soon, Lorenzo steps up his plans for revenge. He rejects the business merger with the Cardinals and join forces with the Silverios.

Meanwhile, Consuelo seeks the help of specialists in Manila, certain her dreams are related to her past.

Alba's mental illness declines further, plagued by nightmares of Enrico and other heinous crimes she committed. Isagani witnesses her hallucinating a conversation with Joaquin, as she confesses of Enrico's murder.

Meanwhile, Roman is trying to piece things together, determined to get answers as to why Lorenzo is bent on keeping Consuelo away from the Cardinalsas. When he catches up to the woman interested in Soledad's ''Bahay Kubo'', he is shocked when he recognizes Soledad! He tries to catch up with her at the Resort, where he is first denied entry. His imposing personality intimidates the security and staff as he goes in unchallenged. Searching every room in the resort, he finds her photograph with Lorenzo, and recognizes Soledad, his long lost wife. As Lorenzo and Isagani follow after him, Lorenzo reveals the truth that he is Soledad's second son, and that his adoptive father told him that his real father is Don Roman Cardinal, the abusive husband of Soledad Cardinal, who thought he killed her and then quickly took another woman and son to live with him

While Don Roman tells him the real truth, he receives a call from Alba who has Soledad as hostage. Alba wants Roman to find her so she can kill him. Soledad tries to escape from Alba when she recognizes Alba as the woman who tried to kill her and her infant son decades back. She knocks down Alba with a large dead branch and renders her unconscious.

Meanwhile, Roman and his two sons reach Alba's home and find Soledad. She immediately recognizes Don Roman and they are reunited. Alba awakens from her unconsciousness but loses her balance, falls off the cliff and is impaled on a dead tree trunk.

Reunited at last, Soledad and Lorenzo move into the mansion, and the brothers make an effort to adapt to the new family dynamics. Soledad accepts Roman's illegitimate sons and plans to get them together as a family. But their first family dinner is a disaster when Lorenzo and Matteo comes to blows after Lorenzo terminates their business partnership.

Meanwhile, Gigi who is still reeling from Matteo's rejection, joins forces with Menandro to bring down the Cardinals and ultimately take revenge on Matteo. Gigi runs the illegal gambling den and leads the hardcore criminals and the underworld.

Soon after the family dinner, Lorenzo hosts an Ashton Resorts' grand opening with members of the business and social community attending, everyone except Matteo. Unfazed, Matteo hires an assassin to bomb the resort to create chaos and mayhem. His instructions were to plant the bomb outside the building, ensuring no one gets hurt.

Menandro takes this opportunity to derail Matteo. He overrides Matteo's instructions and pays the bomber-assassin to shed blood, maim the victims and then point the blame on Matteo.

That evening, Matteo arrives at the resort, gleefully anticipating to witness the commotion caused by the bomb. He catches the bomber on his way out and realizes the bomber planted the weapon inside. Matteo rushes in and tries to warn people away but it is too late for many guests, especially Sita.

While everyone enjoys the festivities, Sita notices a man leaving hastily and as she tries to get closer to him, notices a glowing contraption he left in a flower bush. At the same time she sees Matteo from the upstairs window waving her away and realizes the presence of a bomb near her. Though she tries to run away to warn everyone, it detonates, hitting her with shrapnel and knocks her down.

Sita dies soon after she is rushed to the hospital, but not before she is able to speak to Roman and Soledad, entrusting Lucas to them. She also gets to say goodbye to Lucas, who is devastated. Her death changes Lucas.

Although the police are gathering evidences surrounding the bombing, Lorenzo and Connor suspect Matteo is involved so they investigate on their own. Lucas also suspects Matteo since he saw him at the resort. To avenge his mother's death, Lucas joins the criminal underworld of Gigi where he learns how to fight. Lucas successfully captures Matteo, tortures him in an abandoned mine and plants a bomb and detonating device to kill him. As his siblings find him, Matteo accidentally trips the detonator and a large explosion seals the cave entrance. He escapes and leaves his siblings trapped inside. They are rescued by Connor.

Fully recovered, it's business as usual for Lorenzo who takes over the Silverio Distillery angering Menandro and kicks him out.

Lucas, meanwhile, tormented over his mother's death, succumbs to Gigi and her dark criminal world. Lucas turns his back against his family.

Elsewhere, Matteo is in danger as the Silverio mansion is set on fire by Menandro and Pilar. Don Roman orders Lorenzo and Connor to rescue Matteo.

Don Roman and Soledad, decide to take Matteo into their home. He pretends to get into their good graces but continues his sinister plans to destroy the Cardinals.

Meanwhile, Isagani asks Connor to help him infiltrate Gigi's gambling den where Lucas is. Isagani enters the gambling den and confronts Lucas, but gets a brutal beating by Lucas before escaping the premises. Don Roman decides to call the authorities with Matteo's assistance and Gigi is captured.

While attempting to rescue Lucas, Don Roman is shot, damaging his liver. It turns out Lucas is the only match for Roman's liver transplant.

Gigi is shot and killed by a mysterious assassin in the presence of Lupita and Fausto. Lucas, Fausto and Lupita flee the scene. Menandro and Pilar discuss the shooting but are unaware who did it. The mysterious shooter turns out to be Catalina Silverio's henchmen. Catalina is Menandro's lost sister, also seeking revenge against Don Roman.

Matteo attempts to kill Soledad but is foiled by his siblings. Matteo escapes to hide in an old Silverio vacation home to regroup and recuperate from his injuries.

In the midst of all the conflict, Isagani proposes to Isay who accepts.

Lucas vows to change and rejoin the family and also donates part of his liver to save Roman.

Book Three

A new enemy emerges: Doña Catalina Silverio Pacheco. Her father was one of the bandits who ambushed Roman and Soledad early on, was sent to prison for it and later killed in a prison brawl. Her father's death leaves her and older brother Menando Silverio orphans. Menandro sells her to Eduardo Pacheco, a wealthy criminal boss, who marries and abuses Catalina. She loses her child, but poisons him and inherits all his wealth upon his demise. She blames Soledad and Roman Cardinal for her misery.

When Menandro fails to destroy the Cardinals, Catalina takes over, arriving with her army of female assassins.

Although Lorenzo and Lucas want Matteo to pay for his crimes, Don Roman wants to give him a chance to return into their fold. Hence, the brothers continue to search for Matteo with mixed feelings.

Meanwhile, we learn that Dulce is the infant taken from Catalina by her husband and given to Menandro to kill. Unable to kill his infant niece, Menandro legally adopts her as a Silverio.

Catalina locates and ingratiates herself to Dulce, gains her trust, and uses her as a pawn in her revenge plan. She easily manipulates Dulce to turn against the Cardinals. Jealous of Isay and Isagani's happiness and upcoming engagement, Catalina pushes Dulce to separate the young lovers. Dulce urges Matteo to gate crash Isagani and Isay's 'Pamanhikan', an engagement dinner when the bridegroom's parents ask for her hand.

At the Engagement dinner, Matteo arrives and announces that Connor was Isay's rape assailant. Furious that Isay was placed in peril, Nante believes that Isagani covered it up to protect his brother. Nante calls off the engagement, instructing Isay to cut ties with the Cardinals, and files attempted rape charges against Connor and obstruction of justice against Isagani. The relationship between Isay's father and the Cardinals and Esperanzas quickly deteriorates. The wedding plans are canceled.

Don Roman banishes Matteo. As a result, the brothers gather all their evidence and file multiple charges against Matteo who is arrested and incarcerated.

While the Fiscal office finds Nante's charges against the Cardinal brothers without merit, Nante plans to take Isay to Catbalogan. Meanwhile, Catalina befriends Soledad and Roman and manipulates Dulce, now estranged from the Cardinals. Her toxic influence quickly transforms Dulce from a good doctor into an enemy of the Cardinals.

Unaware of Dulce's duplicity, Isay turns to her trusted friend, who urges her to choose her father. To Dulce's frustration, Isagani refuses to give up on their love, convincing Isay to elope, have a church wedding and then face Nante's ire together. Isay confides in Dulce, who wastes no time warning Nante, foiling their marriage plans once again.

Back in jail, Matteo enacts a fake attempt on his life following a plan hatched by Catalina and Dulce, to get him confined into a mental institution where Catalina is a major benefactress and can control the environment.

Elsewhere at the resort, Diane gets wasted after being stood up on her blind date. Three men try to take advantage of her inebriation, but Lorenzo rescues her from their aggressive advances and has security kick them off the premises. As he tries to knock some sense into Diane, they become intimate and end up sleeping together. This affects their working relationship soon after as both are confused and awkward with each other. Lorenzo tries to admit his real feelings but is confused about it.

Meantime, Nante has a change of heart when an attempt is made on Isay's life by Catalina's assassin. He witnesses the Cardinals risk their own lives to rescue his daughter. Nante gives his blessings for their wedding.

Meanwhile, Don Roman is shocked to see Matteo's deteriorating mental state and tries to have him transferred. Unknown to everyone, Matteo is being slowly drugged with powerful psychotic drugs by medical staff under Catalina's orders.

By this time, Catalina's unusual interest in Soledad and Roman arouse their sons' suspicions. The Cardinals uncover the connection between Menandro and Catalina, and confirm she is the shadowy Señora referred to by criminals. Lucas also overhears Menandro boasting that the bomb exploding inside the resort that killed his mother, was his idea - "Matteo simply wanted to scare, but I wanted to maim and kill." Isagani also discovers that Catalina has been visiting Matteo in the mental facility on several occasions. When Don Roman tries to have him transferred, Dulce refuses and instead demands the Cardinals to stay away from Matteo, threatening a restraining order.

Dulce's transformation from a kind, and compassionate doctor into a jealous and unreasonably scorned woman, is complete. She tries to poison Isay and almost kills Isagani. Distraught, she calls Catalina who reveals that she is her mother. From this point, Dulce blindly obeys her mother.

Earlier at Catalina's island, Señora advises Lupita and Fausto that they cannot leave until they complete their next assignment. Lupita wants out but Catalina holds Fausto hostage. Catalina recognizes Lupita's superior skills and intends to gain her loyalties so she can serve as her eyes and ears in Menandro's gambling world. Lupita plays along.

Meanwhile, the Cardinal brothers obtain evidence of Catalina's shadowy world and her using Matteo's mental illness to harm the Cardinals. Connor also discovers Lupita in Menandro's illegal gambling den. She helps him escape and tries to convince her to escape with him but she won't abandon Fausto. The Cardinals hatch a plan to capture Catalina and Menandro, and rescue Lupita and Fausto.

Knowing her cover is blown after an acrimonious heart to heart between Soledad and Catalina turns ugly, lines are drawn. Catalina arranges for Matteo to leave the facility and calls Dulce, Matteo and Menandro to her secret base in Santa Jovita where she reads them the riot act on the final destruction the Cardinals. She is unaware that Soledad has her sons following Menandro, Dulce and Matteo, and the four brothers witness the meeting.

Dulce tries one last time to win Isagani back and fails. As planned, the Cardinals follow her as she unsuspectingly leads them to the Silverios' new gambling den. Carolina comforts the distraught and near-hysterical Dulce. Isay is saddened over Dulce's deception. The Cardinals have the gambling den raided and closed, effectively shutting off Catalina's main source of cash liquidity. The Silverios go into hiding.

While a nationwide search is conducted by the police, the Cardinal wedding ceremony goes without incident, although the brothers intercept a sniper assassin hired by Menandro to massacre the bride and groom and as many guests as possible. The couple learn about the attempt after they return from their honeymoon. Connor was alerted by Lupita who is determined to protect Connor and the Cardinals.

The Cardinals continue to pursue the Silverios, gathering as much evidence to bring them to court. They learn that Matteo is released from the mental institution but they do not know where he is hiding. Fact is, he is brought to Catalina's secure island fortress, where she incarcerates Menandro for his failure to stop the Cardinal wedding. Matteo is Catalina's chief weapon to use against Roman, who is not giving up on his wayward son. Dulce, on the other hand, has a revenge plan of her own. Furious over her mother's failure to stop the wedding, she secretly leaves the island on several trips to follow Isagani to his new home with Isay.

Isagani built Isay a beautiful matrimonial bungalow and the newlyweds are enjoying their first weeks as man and wife. Unknown to them, Dulce watches and plans her next move, even entering their home while Isay tends to her household chores.

In the meantime, Lorenzo realizes he is in love with Dianne but her familiarity with Connor makes him jealous. Things come to a head when he comes across Connor and Dianne in an embrace. Though it was a brotherly hug, Lorenzo's jealousy erupts into a fight with Connor. Furious, Dianne confronts him where he finally admits he is in love with her. Diane refuses to believe Lorenzo's sincere feelings for her.


Another tragedy hits the Cardinals when Catalina ambush and assassinate Bert and Irma Esperanza.

The ambush occurs on route to Irma's surprise birthday party. Lorenzo, following as escort behind the van, is overpowered by Catalina's men. During the altercation, Catalina arrives and shoots the couple in cold blood. Isagani's parents die in each other's arms, and that is how Isagani finds them.

The deaths of his adoptive parents affect Isagani who embarks on a murderous rampage for justice. The Cardinals once again cast their safety net and fight to get Isagani back into their fold.

The Cardinals learn that Menandro and Pilar are working with Catalina. To trap Catalina, Isagani pretends to forsake Isay and his family in a ploy to penetrate Catalina's hideout. The plan works and Pilar recruits him for Catalina.

Catalina tests Isagani's loyalty, ordering him to kill Isay, and then instructs Dulce to accompany him to make sure she is dead. Isagani poisons his wife and she succumbs to the toxin, but Connor brings the antidote in time to revive her. The plan works as Catalina brings Isagani into her force as her assassin.

Their plan unravels when Matteo discovers Isagani with Isay and his brothers. He finds Menandro hiding in Isagani's hideout, traps and kills Menandro in the burning house, and returns to tell Catalina.

Meanwhile, out to settle her score against Catalina, Nina discovers that Lupita is working against Catalina, captures her and brings her back to the Island to claim back her position as Catalina's right hand. Both Lupita and Fausto are tortured. They are saved by the arrival of the Cardinal brothers and the authorities. Catalina escapes with Nina and Mateo but blows up the island. Connor saves Lupita by switching the bomb jacket. The boat explodes and Connor is missing, feared dead.

While the Cardinals and the authorities search the surrounding areas for Connor, Lupita and Fausto are rushed to the hospital. Dulce is among Catalina's army captured during the raid. With plans to escape, she shoots herself so they bring her to the hospital instead of prison.

Meanwhile, her army diminishing into a handful, Catalina hides in her childhood home. Matteo is her only weapon remaining as she fuels his anger with a psychotic drug.

As the Cardinals escalate their raids on Catalina's criminal network, Catalina's key henchmen are captured, including the mayor who provides her safe passage, her lawyer and Nina. They cooperate with authorities to catch Catalina.

Meanwhile, Dulce escapes from the hospital but is captured by Pilar. Matteo obtains crucial information on the Cardinals' vulnerability: the Cardinal women. Catalina orders her remaining army to kidnap the Cardinal women, offering the last of her gold bars as reward.

The Cardinals learn the source of Catalina's hatred towards them: she blames Roman & Soledad for the death of her father, a bandit they had fought off and sent to jail long ago. The Cardinal successfully rescue their girlfriends, but are blindsided by the home invasion of the Cardinal Estate by Matteo, Dulce and Catalina. Roman & Soledad are taken hostage. As the Cardinal brothers rush to their parents, their girlfriends rescue Connor.

The brothers are captured and reunited with Roman and Soledad who are strapped with a bomb. An argument ensues between Catalina and the Cardinals, Matteo is surprised that his brothers and his father continue to fight for his right as a family member. Roman suffers a heart episode which requires his medication, asking Matteo to retrieve it, which he does. This enrages Dulce, and as the siblings get into a violent argument, the Cardinal brothers, free their parents and hide inside the large mansion.

Catalina breaks up the fight between Dulce and Matteo. She recaptures the Cardinal brothers, and orders Matteo to kill them. He refuses, further infuriating Catalina who decides to take matters into her hands and detonates the bombs her henchmen planted throughout the mansion. Fortunately, Connor and the Cardinal women successfully detonate the bombs a few minutes earlier. Horrified that her mother is bent on killing them all, Dulce tries to escape, but is overpowered by Lupita and the Cardinal women.

Matteo, battling the demons exacerbated by the drugs Catalina feeds him with, begins to doubt his hatred towards the Cardinals. As he hesitates finishing off his brothers, Roman comes forward to embrace his wayward son. Mad out of her mind, Catalina fires at Roman but Matteo takes the bullet and pushes Catalina off the stair rails.

Despondent, Matteo goes to the mansion's balcony and attempts suicide as he recalls how he has lost everything, including his mother. Roman and his brothers plead with him to not kill himself. Each ask him to forgive them for their misjudgments and lack of compassion, and the sins they committed against him. Remembering Sita's words to him about forgiveness, as she tended to him on the road, Matteo forgives his brothers.

He is sent to a mental institution for rehabilitation. Dulce is sentenced to life imprisonment, and Catalina survives the fall and committed to the psych ward in a mental institution. She lives the rest of her life in a straight jacket, losing her mind completely over imagined rats surrounding her bed.

With the Silverios finally defeated, the Cardinals finally live in peace, marrying their loved ones and have children. At Lucas' and Coralyn's wedding, Isagani learns that Isay is pregnant again, while Lorenzo and Dianne have three children. The last scene shows the entire family eating lunch al fresco celebrating another milestone: Matteo is finally released from the mental hospital fully rehabilitated. He begins rebuilding his relationship with his brothers, their wives, his father and Soledad.

Everything That Makes You

Fiona Doyle is a teenager who is extremely self-conscious about her severe facial scarring, caused by oil burns from a popcorn machine. She has a crush on Trent, one of her classmates, but realizes that he will never be attracted to her because of her scars. To her surprise her friend David asks her out and Fiona begins dating him though she is not particularly attracted to him. Instead she is focused on song-writing, guitar playing, and trying to get into Northwestern University for creative writing. Before she leaves for university her doctors suggest a skin graft from a cadaver that might help her cosmetically. After her mother and brother pressure her, Fiona decides to go for the surgery.

Fi Doyle is a version of Fiona that never sustained facial injuries. She is close friends with Trent, but rejects his romantic advances. Obsessed with lacrosse, her life is changed when she severely injures her ankle putting her chance of attending Northwestern University on a sports scholarship in jeopardy. While on rest she meets a home schooled boy called Marcus King and the two begin dating. Fi decides not to apply to Northwestern so she won't have to be apart from Marcus but is shocked when she discovers that, despite claiming to have severe allergies, he actually has a weakened heart and is dying.

Fiona's surgery is a success and she attends Northwestern University for creative writing. While there she meets Jackson King who is also from Memphis and the two begin a flirty friendship despite the fact that Fiona is still dating David long distance. Despite knowing that Fiona has a boyfriend Jackson asks Fiona on a date. During the course of their discussion they eventually come to realize that the skin from the skin graft that Fiona received was from Jackson's deceased twin brother, Marcus. The realization causes the two of them to abort their friendship.

In Fi's timeline she delays going to Northwestern for lacrosse in order to be by Marcus' side. He dies and she finds herself going to a local university that she hates with a terrible lacrosse team made up of amateurs. Upset that her brother is becoming so distant she finds herself becoming closer to Jackson, who shares her grief, and reconnecting with Trent. After Trent urges Fi to visit him at university she realizes that he is still attracted to her and begins to consider dating for the first time since Marcus died. To her surprise Jackson gives her his blessing.

As a condition of her scholarship Fiona attends music classes and is forced to finally perform one of her songs for the class. When the performance goes terribly she throws out her writing notebooks. They are retrieved by Jackson and the two share an intimate moment which is witnessed by Fiona's boyfriend David. David and Fiona break up. During summer break Fiona forces herself to confront her fear of performing in public by performing at the local coffee shop's open mic night. Jackson witnesses the performance, and after Fiona tells him that the lyrics in the song were about him, not David, the two share a kiss.

After her grades tank due to her disinterest at school Fi is kicked off the lacrosse team. She works hard to up her grades before the end of the semester and succeeds. Emboldened by her achievement Fi writes to the recruiter at Northwestern to explain her situation. While the recruiter does not offer Fi a spot on the team, she does extend a spot at the summer training camp to Fi which might lead to a recruitment from the school. Fi decides to take the opportunity. Before she leaves Trent comes to visit her and confesses that he has always loved her. The two share a kiss.

Dirty God

A young woman, Jade (Vicky Knight), returns home from the hospital after undergoing treatment for severe burns. She is upset to see that her toddler daughter, Rae, is afraid of her due to her severe facial scarring. Jade is supported by her mother and her friends but feels awkward returning to her regular clubbing activities. Disappointed to learn that her healing is as good as it will ever be Jade contacts a surgeon in Morocco to try to undergo facial reconstruction surgery. As her mother will not loan her the money for the surgery she enlists in a dead-end job at a call centre where she befriends Flavia, another single mother. She reveals to Flavia that she was burned by Rae's father who poured acid on her when they broke up.

Jade undergoes a series of setbacks when she learns her mother has been allowing Rae to interact with her paternal grandmother. Jade's mother temporarily kicks Jade out of the house and a video of Jade masturbating is leaked at work. Desperate for the facial reconstruction surgery she steals the necessary money from her mother and leaves for Morocco with her best friend Shami, only to be disappointed when Shami brings along her boyfriend, Naz, with whom Jade had previously had a flirtation. While there Naz and Jade nearly have sex but are stopped by the arrival of Shami. Jade learns that the plastic surgery she paid for is a scam. Later Naz confesses he has real feelings for her but Jade rebuffs him out of respect for Shami. Returning home Jade wins an employee of the month award at work and reconciles with her mother.

For the Power of the Soviets

The film takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The lawyer Bachey dreamed of going on a trip, but he had to go to the front. He was afraid that he would not soon see his father again, but met him in the Odessa catacombs, where partisans lived, led by a friend of Bachey. Bachey enters his squad...

Munafik 2

Two years after the events of the first movie, the life of Ustaz Adam (Syamsul Yusof) was restored after being interrupted by the death of his wife and son. He becomes a preacher and continues his responsibility to help the people affected by black magic and jins. The previous tests have taught him to offer tawadhu to the Divine. But what's strange is, Adam has been constantly haunted by his past nightmares involving Maria's death. Adam is also often visited by a mysterious woman who questions him about God's Faith and destiny. Meanwhile, the village across live a Sakinah (Maya Karin) and her daughter, Aina.

Sakinah was forced to take care of her father, Imam Malik who has a mysterious illness. Sakinah's poor life was put to the test when she and her daughter have been disturbed several times by the devil. Sakinah believed what she faced comes from Abu Jar (Nasir Bilal Khan), a hypocrite and head of heresy in the same village. Abu Jar has a lot of followers and feared among the villagers. Sakinah or anyone who still holds Islam is the enemy of Abu Jar.

Abu Jar uses black magic and jin to destroy anyone who does not follow his teachings. This forces Sakinah to search for Ustaz Adam. The arrival of Ustaz Adam from the village across drive Abu Jar mad. Adam was not only surprised by what happened to the Sakinah family but also with the deviant teachings of Abu Jar who deflected the faith of the Muslims in the village.

My Only One (TV series)

The drama begins with Kim Do-ran living with her foster parents. Her mother had passed away shortly after her birth and her father was jailed 28 years ago. Do-ran's foster father and her father were friends since childhood. After learning that his childhood friend had asked his landlady to put his daughter, Do-ran in an orphanage, he brought Do-ran home. Do-ran's foster father hid the truth about her father from her and his own family. He treated Do-ran very well and ensured she had a good education. Because of this, Do-ran was treated unfairly by her envious foster sister, Mi-ran, and her foster mother who never regarded her as her own daughter.

Despite such treatment, Do-ran did all she could to earn money and give them to the foster mother. During one of her part-time jobs, she had an incident with Dae-ryuk, the scion of the Wang family. Mi-ran desired to study abroad and become a tv announcer. Do-ran's foster mom and Mi-ran were angry that the foster father wanted to send Do-ran instead. Before he could do so, he met an accident and died. All the assets he had were inherited by the family, the foster mother and the foster sister. Do-ran was then kicked out. Alone, she rented a simple apartment and sought employment.

At this time, a general amnesty was issued and Do-ran's father was released from prison. He found a job as a chauffeur with the Wang family. His childhood friend had faithfully sent him pictures of Do-ran's development through the years so he knew what she looked like and how she was doing. However, the letters and pictures suddenly stopped, weeks before his release. In the days that followed, he tried to find Do-ran and came to learn of his childhood friend's accident and death.

Do-ran landed a job as a secretary in Bom and Food Company owned by the Wang family after helping the Wang matriarch, Geum-byung who mistook her for her younger sister during her bout of dementia. Her foster mother who made some bad judgements in investment and was in trouble with loan sharks later sought shelter with her. On learning of the loanshark problem, Do-ran's father secretly helped them by asking for an advance on his chauffeur salary. Taking Do-ran’s advice, her foster sister and foster mother later sought employment and were able to support themselves.

Do-ran's relationship with Dae-Ryuk who's the director of the company developed further. Eventually, they married but relations with Da-ya who married the younger Wang brother and Dae-ryuk's mother were strained. The truth that Do-ran's father was a convict and was responsible for Da-ya's father's death came to light one day. The couple was forced to divorce. However, Do-ran's father was later cleared of the murder and he was able to resume a normal life; running a bakery and getting married. Do-ran also severed relations with the Wang family and lived with her father and her foster family. Dae-ryuk still loved Do-ran and wanted to remarry her. The drama finally ended when they promised to remarry each other and walk towards the end

The Abysmal Brute (film)

A boxer raised in the mountains by his father comes to San Francisco and enjoys great success, but his lack of social skills means he struggles to romance the socialite with whom he has fallen in love.

Breaking Into Society

As described in a film magazine review, the O'Toole's of Tin Can Alley inherit a great fortune. Determined to achieve a position in society, they settle Pasadena and entertain there in a lavish scale. However, their manners and disposition to rush matters get them into various scrapes. The final touch comes when a boxer and his bride from Chatham Square, an old pal of Tim O'Toole from the Alley days, without waiting for an invitation, pays the family a visit. A lurid time results, as stories of former fights are related and profusely illustrated, and all table rules are ruthlessly smashed. Finally, the horrified guests make a hasty getaway.

Working Woman (film)

Orna (Ben-Shlush) is a married mother of three. Her husband, Ofer (Cohen) recently opened a restaurant, and is struggling financially. She decides to pursue a new career in real estate development, working as a coordinator and project manager for Benny (Noy), a successful developer who is building a luxury condominium complex on the shore of the city of Rishon Lezion. As Orna discovers her talents and abilities in her challenging chosen field, and feels she is growing and succeeding as a person, she simultaneously needs to deal with her husband's jealousy and Benny's growing obsession with her, and accompanying abuse of power.

No Postage Necessary

Brilliant computer hacker Sam Collins is on probation and barred from the internet; his parole officer is Harry. He steals from mailboxes and works at a local dessert shop with hacking cohort Stanley, now going by David and claiming to have undergone a spiritual awakening. When Sam steals a letter written by Josie to her dead Marine husband, he begins stalking her, stealing her letters, and finding the courage to introduce himself. FBI agent Ames accuses Sam of stealing Bitcoins, which were actually stolen by David, and are now lost. Sam and Josie begin to date tentatively.

When Sam hears about the job interview Harry arranges for him, he performs a social media attack to prove to his prospective employers he can tighten up their cybersecurity without having to use the Internet, which his probation terms prohibit him from doing. When Harry finds out, he scolds Sam. Ames increases pressure on Sam to relinquish the missing bitcoins, and goes on a hunt for Sam when he later finds out that his own personal bitcoin wallet has been emptied. Sam attempts to come clean to Josie. When Ames finds out that Sam has been stealing mail, he arrests Sam for the crime, interrupting his apology to Josie. Ames' departure is interrupted by the arrival of Harry and local police reinforcements, where Ames is arrested for money laundering.

Jack, Josie's father, consoles Josie, including the revelation that her letters to her late husband---all addressed to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier---were always returned, because the Tomb receives no mail, and he kept them in a special box after taking out a post office box for them to be returned. Meanwhile, Harry recommends early parole release for Sam. David, now going by his real name Stanley, hacks into the Department of Justice in order to email Harry and take the blame for Sam's mail theft. Sam visits Josie at work, but she feels violated by how Sam has hacked into her life, but tells him of her plans to move to Nashville to enroll her daughter Daisy into a special needs school. A month later, Josie receives an acceptance letter for Daisy to the school with an anonymous scholarship for Daisy's tuition and fees. Josie, Jack, and Daisy move to Nashville.

Sam interviews to enlist in the Army, offering his special computer intelligence skills, deciding to chase his dreams and while helping others. After he's accepted, he writes a letter to Josie, who smiles when receiving it, convinced that Sam is now becoming the man he wanted to be.

The Grim Comedian

As described in a film magazine, an automobile passenger tells an old man a tale, while speeding across the country, of the actress Marie Lamonte (Hunt) who gives up luxury, a beautiful car, and a cozy apartment furnished by Harvey "Million Dollar" Martin (Holt). She does all this so that her daughter Dorothy (Hope), who was reared in a convent, might not be contaminated by the presence of the roue. However, Harvey meets the young woman and a genuine affection springs up for her. On the day that they are to elope, Marie goes to Harvey's apartment, finds her daughter waiting in an adjoining room, and in desperation shoots Harvey, wounding him in the hand. "I did not think that you would do it," he says. "You've won." He forthright tells Dorothy that he did not intend to marry her. "The grim comedian" known as life has turned the tables on the millionaire when happiness was within his grasp.

Brass Commandments

As described in a film magazine, Flash Lanning (Farnum) returns West as the request of the sheriff to put an end to the cattle rustling. In the small hotel he finds a big bully attempting to kiss Gloria Hallowell (Hawley), the young woman at the desk, and he immediately goes to her assistance. She does not recognize him but tells him of her love for Lanning, although she has never met him. Flash does not tell her that he is that man, and when she finds out later, she changes her feelings in the matter. Flash is attacked by Campan (Santschi), the leader of the local gang, but he overpowers him and tells the man to leave town. Ellen Bosworth (Adams), returning to her ranch, overhears that supposed friend Clearwater (Gordon) is one of the rustlers. She tells Flash of this, and he forces Clearwater to warn him of when the next raid will be conducted. However, Campan captures the two young women and takes them into the desert. Flash learns of this and sets out in pursuit. A sandstorm overtakes Campan and his party and they are about to perish when Flash arrives. He rescues the two young women and leaves Campan to his fate. He tells Gloria of his love for her and she of her love for him.

Nur (TV series)

The story begins with Datuk Haji Mohsen holding a feast to celebrate the return of his son Adam from Jordan [Middle East] where he had gone to further his studies. Adam is now a qualified Usuluddin (an Islamic scholarship) graduate. Upon returning to his homeland, Adam being the eldest son of Celebrity Ustaz Datuk Haji Mohsen, with his new status as an Ustaz coupled with his good looks starts to gain popularity. His older sister Aishah is aware of his potential to become as famous as their father who is thinking of retiring. For that, Aishah starts to groom her brother to eventually take over their father's place. Various television program dealings and endorsements are arranged by Aishah which promise lucrative returns. Adam is promoted as the famous young ''ustaz'' (Islamic scholar) who would inherit his father's popularity one day. But everything changes after he meets a mysterious woman outside the mosque, Nur.

Treehouse of Horror XXX

Opening sequence

In a parody of ''The Omen'', Homer and Marge bring Maggie home after trading her due to originally having a boy, and she shows satanic powers and torments the family and the other people of Springfield. Ned Flanders vows to get rid of the evil, sacrificing her inside the First Church of Springfield, but Homer and Marge stop him. Ned however shows them the Mark of the Beast on her head, Mickey Mouse's logo, in reference to the Disney acquisition of Fox, and then reveals 666, parodying that this is the 666th episode. Maggie then kills all three of them, and the title for the episode appears, up top of the number of the beast 666 reads "episode" and below "or 667 if Fox changes the schedule".

Danger Things

The plot is a parody of ''Stranger Things'' season 1, featuring Milhouse as Will, Bart as Mike, Nelson as Dustin and Lisa as Eleven.

The story takes place in the 1980s, where after a night of playing the Atari 2600 game ''E.T. the Extra Terrestrial'', Milhouse gets kidnapped by a Demogorgon. A concerned Kirk starts going crazy by destroying the wall and creating a Christmas light alphabet communication device (like what Joyce Byers used to communicate with Will in ''Stranger Things'') to look for his son. The device actually works when Milhouse in the Over Under (parody of the Upside Down) uses it to send an SOS signal to his parents. Milhouse then calls the Simpson house with Lisa picking up. Lisa goes to Starcourt Mall to find Bart and Nelson at the arcade. She tells them that Milhouse is still alive and in another dimension; Bart does not realize until Milhouse appears on the game he is playing. They decide to get help from Professor Frink to travel to the Over Under using a sensory deprivation device. As the device requires someone of high intelligence, a freshly-shaved bald Lisa volunteers and finds Milhouse in the other dimension. Whilst escaping, they find an alternate version of Springfield full of Demogorgons (with Comic Book Guy and Moe Szyslak). Lisa and Milhouse are surrounded by Demogorgons so Lisa uses her hidden psychic powers to get rid of the creatures. They are finally saved by Homer, who is working for Mr. Burns's secret government program to find monsters; however he informs them that they are permanently trapped in the new dimension. Lisa is horrified until a Demogorgon informs her that there is affordable housing and excellent schools as well as local shops and restaurants. With this new information, the Simpsons decide to live in the Over Under. Homer is glad that Ned is not there until a Demogorgon version of Ned appears, causing Homer to burn him.

Heaven Swipes Right

In a parody of ''Heaven Can Wait'', at the Springfield Atoms Stadium, Homer, Moe, Lenny and Carl are watching the Springfield Atoms vs. Shelbyville Shelbyvillians match, and when the crowd starts shouting choke, a hotdog ends up choking Homer to death. Arriving in Heaven, he meets St. Greeter, who welcomes him with the pun on his name, but Homer does not forgive the pun so he gets damned to Hell. Homer finds out God sold Heaven to Google, before discovering he died before his time, but cannot be sent back to Earth in his body due to the decay. Homer is given the option to live the life of a man who was going to die that day, so Homer chooses a football player's body. He goes to Marge and she loves the new body, but he ruins it in one night by overeating. Bart and Marge convince him to try Superintendent Chalmers as the next body. At school, Homer makes Principal Skinner give Bart all As and twist his nipple until it is deep purple, and then goes to his house just to see he makes very little money, so Homer changes his body again, but Marge has had enough. Homer has to settle in for one body and stop changing, so he chooses the one of the man that loves her as much as he does, Moe, however Moe finds himself in Maggie's body and informs her he is thirsty.

When Hairy Met Slimy

In a parody of ''The Shape of Water'', at the Power Plant, Selma enters a maximum security door to sneak a smoke. She finds herself in a laboratory, where she meets Kang and they fall in love. After offering to provide the secret to clean, natural energy, Mr. Burns wants to dissect him, so they flee to a distant galaxy, with Homer's much-obliged help. Selma and Homer sneak Kang out in a waste container full of rats, but Burns finds them. Kang bites off Smithers' head and knocks out Burns, with Barney driving the trio out in his car. Burns and the military follow, but his driver is shot as they flee to Mt. Springfield. Thinking they are safe, Kodos arrives with a ship but a shooting takes place and Selma is hit in the stomach. Kang then pulls out the Infinity Gauntlet to eliminate all military people, and when Burns survives, he hits him with a tin can. Kang then heals Selma and tells her he is pregnant. Patty arrives, protesting they are too different, being of different zodiac signs, but Kang points out he is from Sagittarius. Patty begs her not to go but falls in love with Kodos. They fly to space, and find themselves on the honeymoon planet, in the cool season, where it is 4,000 °F. The episode's title is a parody of the movie When Harry Met Sally.

The episode ends with a collage of clips from previous Treehouse of Horror episodes.

Our Body

The film follows a young woman, Ja-young, who struggles to find her purpose in life. One day, Ja-young encounters a determined runner and develops a fascination with modeling her life after the runner.

Samurai Shodown (2019 video game)

''Samurai Shodown'' takes place in the time period between the ''Samurai Shodown V'' and ''Samurai Shodown'', and has been cited as a reboot of the series.

The game takes place in 1787, during the Tenmei Era of Japanese history. The entire country is beset by a terrible and looming evil. Fire, ruin and famine ran rampant throughout Japan. Meanwhile, as these events unfold, a sinister cloud envelops the air with a foreboding sense of dread. Shizuka Gozen, the deceased spirit of a young woman who is possessed and trapped in Yomi, (labeled Eternity in the game itself) threatens to destroy Japan. Warriors from all across Japan and beyond the ocean, driven by their own needs and desires, converge to investigate these evil forces and vanquish them.

A Vigilante

Sadie is a woman attending a support group for abused women following her abandonment of her husband. She works as a vigilante, helping women and children escape abusive homes and family members. She struggles with money, asking for whatever the people she helps can give and attempting to redeem a life insurance policy on her still-missing husband. She lives out of an undisclosed motel room, the wall of which is posted with a map that has been marked off in a search pattern.

After Sadie works out and disguises herself with latex makeup, contacts and a wig, she is invited to the home of Andrea (Betsy Aidem) and Michael Shaund (C.J. Wilson) claiming that she needs to conduct a health insurance assessment. Sadie overpowers Michael with her martial arts training, forces him to transfer the deed to his home and most of his money to Sadie, and tells him to leave and never go near her or her children ever again. Sadie tells Andrea to pass on her details to anyone she feels needs them.

Sadie then rescues a young boy and his infant brother from their drug-addled mother, who had been keeping the infant locked away. She tells the boy that police and social services will arrive soon. He asks her to take care of them, but she says she cannot as they would not be safe with her; she does leave him her number in case anyone else ever hurts them. Returning to her car she cries, obviously guilty that she could not do more to help them.

In group therapy, Sadie confesses her past: Her husband, a dangerous and sociopathic criminal, tried to force her and their young son, Cody, to move out of their home and live off the grid together with him. When she tried to escape with her son, he chased them both with a knife and killed their son in a fit of rage.

In a flashback we see Sadie return to her old home after the tragedy, finding a book on the Israeli martial art Krav Maga which takes her interest. She finds some of her son's belongings there, including a sketch he drew with his initial the letter "C" prominently displayed. She also spots a poster for Lake Placid that had been left behind. She finally decides to leave a note for her group therapy leader, telling her that she is available to help other women in trouble.

Returning to her room, she notices something odd about her map and sees looks like a bloody fingerprint, before suddenly being struck from behind and knocked unconsciousness.

Sadie wakes up bound, her husband (Morgan Spector) taunting her and welcoming her back home in his rural cabin. He tears up the sketch her son made and leaves her restrained to go hunt for food. She tries to stab him, but he knocks the blade aside and breaks her wrist. She escapes, and after a lengthy chase, the two of them finally confront each other. Sadie tells her husband that he didn't kill their son because she made him do it; he killed their son because he couldn't stand to have someone see him for the monster he really was. Sadie manages to overpower her husband and choke him to death. After dumping his body on a nearby road, Sadie flees the scene.

Sadie visits to her attorney, who tells her that since the police found her husband's body and don't seem willing to look further into the case considering the lack of evidence and his criminal record, the life insurance claim will be processed. Sadie then leaves to find another woman who had contacted her for help.

The Wedding Guest (2018 film)

Jay, a young British man, packs a stash of passports and arrives in Pakistan, travelling to Younganabad. Despite only speaking English, he carries out a careful plan by switching rental cars and buying equipment, including duct tape and two handguns. Scouting out a home where a wedding party are staying, he sneaks inside that night and kidnaps the bride, Samira, at gunpoint. An armed guard tries to intervene, forcing Jay to shoot him dead. He flees with Samira in the trunk of his car, disposing of the incriminating gun.

Jay offers Samira a choice: to return to her family and her arranged marriage, or continue on to Lahore and rejoin her boyfriend Deepesh, who hired Jay to rescue her for £15,000. Unwilling to be married, Samira chooses the latter. They drive to Amritsar, where Deepesh fails to meet them as planned. Jay purchases phones and SIM cards and manages to reach Deepesh, who says that he will instead be in India the following day.

Crossing the border into Delhi with fake passports, Jay meets with Deepesh and demands his payment. Media attention on the kidnapping and the guard's death have changed Deepesh's mind, and he offers Jay a further £20,000 to abandon Samira back in Pakistan. Jay tells Samira, playing her a recording of the conversation. She insists on seeing Deepesh, and reveals their plan to live off of diamonds he has stolen from his family's business.

Meeting briefly in Jaipur, Deepesh gives Jay half of the money, promising to have the rest the next day. In the morning, he collects Jay and Samira to take them to a hotel, and refuses to stop the car when Samira asks to speak in private. Jay pulls his second pistol, forcing Deepesh to pull over on a deserted stretch of road and give him the remaining money. Arguing with Samira, Deepesh hits her, and Jay drags him out of the car at gunpoint. He warns Jay not to trust Samira, but Jay demands the diamonds, and beats Deepesh to death after he attacks Jay with a rock.

Unsure whether to trust each other, Jay and Samira agree to reach safety together, split the diamonds, and go their separate ways. She finds the diamonds hidden in Deepesh's shoe, and Jay burns the body. They check in to the hotel using Deepesh's passport, posing as tourists travelling to Nepal, and Samira sews the diamonds into the hem of her dress. Jay's contacts lead him to a fence who provides them with fake identities and puts them in touch with a buyer for the jewels. However, the jeweller refuses to handle the sale after appraising even one of the stones at over $100,000.

In Goa, Jay and Samira rent a house on the beach, and give in to their mutual attraction. Having grown close while on the run, Samira asks Jay for his real name; he replies “Aasif”, but she says she knows this is not true. In the night, she slips away with her fake documents and most of the money, and he awakens in the morning to find her gone. She calls to apologize, saying that while he can go home, she never can. Jay tells her to call if she ever needs anything, and Samira hangs up, riding a bus toward her new life while Jay sits alone.

Intimate Strangers (2018 film)

Lifelong friends and married couple Seok-ho and Ye-jin, invite their close friends over for a housewarming dinner. They end up playing a game where they must share all new incoming messages and calls of their cell phones. Initially starting off lightly, the game gets more and more uncomfortable as hidden truths start to surface, making them start to feel more like strangers.

Iron Soldier 2

After the defeat of Iron Fist Corporation, the Resistance formed a democratic government called United Republic. However, problems begin to arise when the PENTA corporation, a longtime rival of Iron Fist, are occupying areas from their former enemy and starts attacking the newly formed republic. As a result, a pilot from the defense force of the republic is assigned to take control of an Iron Soldier unit in order to defend republican territories against terrorist attacks from PENTA.

Cliffs of Freedom

The film is a story of an ill-fated romance between a young and beautiful Greek village girl and a conflicted Turkish officer during the dawn of the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire in 1821. Twenty-year-old Anna Christina (Tania Raymonde) is smitten by Colonel Tariq (Jan Uddin), a rising star in the Turkish army who has growing doubts about his countrymen's brutal methods of governance, and who had once spared her life on a cliff-top when she was a child. However, their budding romance brings tragedy to her family and her village.

Swearing revenge against the Turks, Christina joins the Greek rebellion and inadvertently becomes a local symbol of the Greek resistance movement, inspiring her countrymen and attracting the ire of the Turks, who place a bounty on her head. Having believed that she could leave her feelings behind, Christina must face off against the man who still loves her and wants to keep her safe, but who has now been tasked with her capture. Their encounters and skirmishes inevitably lead to a tragic confrontation during a pivotal battle between the Greeks and Turks that will change the course of history.

Today is Friday

Three Roman soldiers described as "a little cock-eyed" drink red wine in a "drinking place" in the aftermath of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. They are in the company of only a Hebrew bartender named George. The first soldier orders more wine from George. The third soldier leans on a barrel in pain, complaining of a gut ache which has rendered him unable to continue drinking. George mixes a drink to fix the third soldier's gut ache. The third soldier drinks the cup and exclaims, "Jesus Christ." The three soldiers then converse about the crucifixion of Jesus they had witnessed earlier that day. The first soldier insists that "he was good in there today," while the soldiers remark on which aspects of the crucifixions they enjoy or dislike. The third soldier continues to feel unwell.

The first soldier asks the others if they "saw his girl," which is implied to be Mary Magdalene. The second soldier replies that he "knew her before he did," further implying he used her services as a prostitute before she became a follower of Jesus. The soldiers continue to talk about the crucifixion, where the first soldier admits that he stabbed Jesus with a spear while he was on the cross, insisting it was "the least I could do for him."

The three soldiers get up to leave. The second soldier tells George to add the price of the wine to his tab, refusing to pay George an advance sum reasoning that payday is on Wednesdays. Outside on the street, the second soldier refers to George with an anti-semitic term to which the third soldier continues to complain about his painful stomach.

Ode to the Goose

Yoon-young has been secretly in love with Song-hyun, the wife of a friend. When Yoon-young finds out that Song-hyun is divorced, he decides to take her on a trip to Gunsan. There, they found accommodation at an inn where the owner lives with his autistic daughter who does not leave her room.


Mahal (Kelly Lou Dennis) is a part of an elite squad team of skilled hunters responsible for keeping the world safe from vampires and other creatures of the night. Her mission to rid the world of this undead threat becomes compromised when her fate intertwines with an Aswang (a vampire of Philippine folklore).

Over Drive Girl 1/6

Haruto Bouida, a hard-core otaku who has no interest in women in the three-dimension world (reality). One day, he purchases a bishoujo figure of Nona, the heroine of his favorite anime. But Nona, who should be just a figure, suddenly starts moving! A comedic married-like life between a human and a machine (?) begins!

After School Dice Club

Miki Takekasa is a shy high school girl who prefers to keep to herself. One day after school, she encounters a new transfer student named Aya Takayashiki, who convinces her to go on an adventure together. Sometime later, they spot the class representative, Midori Ono, heading into the entertainment district. When they follow her, they learn she works at a game shop. This discovery causes Miki, Aya, and Midori to realize that they share a passion for board games. As such, they spend time playing different games together.

Thunder Road (2018 film)

At his mother's funeral, police officer Jim Arnaud gives an awkward speech about her, and how she would sing the Bruce Springsteen song "Thunder Road" to him. Jim attempts to dance to the song, but his CD player malfunctions and he stumbles away in tears.

Aside from his mother's death, Jim is going through a rough divorce with his unfaithful wife Rosalind, as they are in a toxic custody battle for their young daughter Crystal, though Jim is willing to pursue joint custody. Jim ignores orders from his captain to take time off work and causes a public disturbance when he tackles a homeless man who assaulted him. The captain angrily sends him home where he spends his time off repairing a dance academy his mother used to run in an attempt to make money for him and his siblings and to preserve his mother's legacy. A few days later, Jim goes back to work, helping to catch a thief. One night, he drives a girl home after he finds her in a parking lot with two teenage boys.

Jim attempts to bond with Crystal, redecorating her room and learning a game she learned at school after struggling with it and becoming frustrated. Jim takes Crystal to school, but becomes upset when he discovers makeup applied to her face, telling her she does not need it to be one of the "pretty girls". After dropping her off, Jim notices Crystal hold hands with a boy, and sees the girl he drove home. Jim receives divorce papers while at work, with Rosalind seeking full custody of Crystal and planning to move away so that Jim will not be able to see her. Jim's friend at work, Nate, refers him to his former divorce lawyer, Donna. Jim confronts Crystal about the boy as he drops her off at Rosalind's house.

Jim and Nate go to stop an armed confrontation at a restaurant, and Jim becomes distraught after the man commits suicide. Later, Jim goes to see Crystal's teacher, Dustin Zahn. Zahn tells Jim that Crystal is disruptive and frequently uses expletives towards her classmates. Jim becomes extremely upset, and Zahn is forced to calm him down. During Jim's custody hearing, the judge accuses Jim of reckless behavior after a video of him dancing at the funeral is recovered and given to court. Despite Nate previously telling him he destroyed the person's phone, Jim loses the case.

Angered, Jim drives to the police station and confronts Nate. Nate theorizes that the video was recovered from the cloud, but the two fight in the parking lot, during which Jim pulls his gun from out of his holster without realizing it. Having witnessed this, the chief fires Jim and demands he give up his gun, badge, and uniform. While Jim strips, he goes on a volatile tirade about his co-workers. Without any useful clothing, a depressed Jim walks home in his underwear.

Nate visits Jim and finds him smoking in Crystal's old bedroom. The two of them drink and play baseball in Jim's yard, and Jim passes out in the yard after Nate leaves. The next morning, Jim packs his things and goes to his sister's house. The two talk about their families, and their mother, with Jim's sister revealing that, while working on a production of ''Swan Lake'', their mother had suffered a severe knee injury that had led her to quit her dance academy years before, unable to admit that she was suffering immense pain from a surgery until she had ultimately destroyed her body.

Jim leaves and speaks to his mother at her gravestone. On his way home, he is pulled over by a police officer and escorted to Rosalind's house, where he finds that she has died from a drug overdose and Chris has gone missing, Crystal being the one who had to call the police. Speaking to Rosalind’s corpse, Jim tells her he has never hated her more than he has in this moment. He gently kisses her hand, stands up, and slaps her corpse in the face. Jim then comforts his daughter in the ambulance and tears up as he recalls Thunder Road once more as he asks her if she wants to move away and live with him.

Some time later, Jim and Crystal go to a performance of ''Swan Lake'', and Crystal is awe-struck by the show; Jim cries tears of joy as he notices her receptiveness.

Audrey the Trainwreck

The film is the story of two people caught in the routines of work and circles of friends. The days begin with an alarm and ends with the fading sound of a television. Ron Hogan, a 28 year old ATM parts purchaser, and Stacy Ryan, a 27 year old, oddly charming courier, meet through a match making Internet service and go through the routine of falling for one another.

Demon Lord, Retry!

As Akira Ono prepares to shut down the servers of his creation, the MMORPG ''Infinity Game'', he suddenly finds himself in the body of his character, Demon Lord Hakuto Kunai, after an unexplained event. The new world he wakes up in appears to be set within ''Infinity Game'', but with some differences. He encounters and summons various companions who join him on his travels, and his reputation as "Demon Lord" spreads throughout the land, making him a target. Eventually, Ono/Kunai finds himself having to deal with the sociological problems of the Kingdom of Holy Light and the Satanist cult that opposes it, as he continues to pursue his mission of finding out why and how he was summoned.

Honeymoon (1956 film)

Lyuda Odintsova, a graduate of the medical institute, called for engineer Aleksei Rybalchenko to stay in Leningrad after distribution. But unexpectedly, Aleksei agreed to work in Siberia, and poor Lyudochka had to follow her husband to a Siberian construction site and begin her working career as a doctor in a tiny medical center of a working village.

Gas, Oil and Water

As described in a film magazine, Henry Jones (Hoffman) runs a hotel near the Mexico–United States border that is popular with tourists. His daughter Susie (Pierce) is attracted to George Oliver Watson (Ray), a young man who has just opened a new gas station across the road. However, George is actually a U.S. Secret Service agent sent to the border to catch a band of smugglers who have been operating in that section. George watches two hotel guests who are acting suspiciously. His observations reveal several others around the place who appear to be in league with the two. Working slowly, he gathers sufficient evidence and data about the band that he imparts to other agents assigned to assist him. These agents trace the smugglers to their hiding place and in a raid the agents round them up. Hobart Rush (Grey), the ringleader, makes an attempt to escape and carries Susie off in an automobile. George jumps into another car and pursues them after leaving instructions to have the road ahead blocked. As the two cars come alongside each other, Susie jumps from Hobart's car to the one driven by George just as an explosion throws boulders across the roadway, sending Hobart's automobile rolling down the embankment.

A Blind Legend

A Blind Legend is set in a medieval fantasy setting. The player assumes the role of a blind knight named Edward Blake whose wife has been captured in the square market by unknown captors. Accompanied by his daughter Louise, who guides him along the way, the protagonist has to traverse the kingdom of High Castle, facing various enemies and traps in order to reach the captors, make war with them and free his wife.

Perdida (2018 film)

Fourteen years ago, during a study trip, a teenage girl, Cornelia Villalba (Amaia Salamanca) ran away with her companions to go dancing and got lost in the middle of the Patagonian forests, and she is never heard from again. At present, Manuela Pelari (Luisana Lopilato) her best friend, decides to use her police tools to undertake a new search. Driven by disrespect and a compelling need to end years of silence and broken ties, she is faced with a power that threatens to turn her into one more piece of a cog that could cost her her life. A commissioner who acts as a father, a ruthless murderer and a Spanish woman as beautiful as it is dangerous, a girl raised outside the law and a colleague who tries to indoctrinate a Pipa mistress of disobedience, are the characters that surround a search that does not give respite.

Sorry We Missed You

Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. With no education or professional training, he is given an opportunity when he is hired to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver under the supervision of the tough Maloney. In order to afford a van for the job, Ricky convinces his wife Abbie to sell the family car, even though she uses it in her work as a home care nurse. The stress of the new job proves to be too great for Ricky. He is always under pressure to make his deliveries in time and is fined if he is late or makes mistakes. Abbie also finds her work much more demanding without a car and frequently feels upset by the lack of time she is allowed to spend with her patients due to her demanding schedule.

The stress of both Ricky and Abbie is greatly increased by their son Seb, who both skips school and often gets into trouble with graffiti. After an argument, Seb tags over the family portraits during the night. The next morning Ricky can't find the keys to his van and blames Seb. Seb denies any wrongdoing and in the ensuing argument, Ricky hits Seb. His daughter Liza Jane later tearfully admits that she hid the keys as she blames Ricky's new job for the family's problems.

Back at work, Ricky is robbed and brutally assaulted while making his deliveries. While Ricky is in the waiting room at hospital, Maloney phones him and explains that he is facing fines of over £1,000 as his barcode scanner was destroyed during the robbery. After the assault, Seb finally warms up and re-joins the family. The film ends as Ricky drives off to work, still greatly injured and in tears as his family beg him to not leave.

Rare Beasts (film)

An anti rom-com about Mandy, a career-driven nihilistic single mother with a deeply disturbed son, who falls in love with a borderline-incel, patriarchal man with rage issues named Pete.

Joys of the Youth

In order to get a credit for physical education, which they skipped, the company of students of the technical school persuaded classmate (Zudina) to fall in love with the physical education teacher (Lyubshin) and persuade him.

The girl begins to hunt for an unapproachable bachelor teacher. Unexpectedly for all, he falls in love with a student. Moreover, the girl understands that she herself is not indifferent to the teacher. History, conceived as a rally, becomes a drama for its participants.

Dawn Over the Drava

The Liberation of the Chamber of Communists and the Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 8–9 September 1944, Commander Boyan Vassilev received the Major General and the Assistant Chief of Command (Analogue Societies) in the Bulgarian Army. Him is ahead of the mistrust of the officership of the corps and the participation in the self-proclaimed for the Bulgarians of fights. Secondly, the warriors of the Draco in the Balatontone Operations.

Hantu Kak Limah

Husin (Awie), after looking for sustenance in Singapore, returned to the village. He later worked with his best friends Khuda (TJ Isa), Wani (Sharwani NS) and Yeh Sekupang (Rab Khalid) in a charcoal factory. Meanwhile, Kak Limah had just married Husin's friend, Khuda, and claimed to be madly in love.

However, Kak Limah was found dead in the garden. At the same time, Husin and his colleagues Wani and Khuda go into the forest but didn't know the news of Kak Limah's death and his brother, Khuda.

Meanwhile, Yeh Sekupang (Head of Information Bureau at Kampung Pisang) is managing Kak Limah's body and assigned Nayan (Ropie Cecupak) to take care of the remains. Nayan is confused with the death of Kak Limah. Meanwhile, Khuda came home to meet Kak Limah along with Husin and Wani. Ustaz Solihin then appeares, who helped them confront Kak Limah's ghosts. However, Solihin's efforts failed. The five of them learn that Kak Limah's spirit had disturbed Kampung Pisang. The next day, the body of Kak Limah is buried.

Even after the funeral Yeh Sekupang is still disturbed by Kak Limah's spiritual transformation. Ustaz Solihin then wants to abolish the spirit that is still lingering in Kampung Pisang. They try five times to recapture Kak Limah's spirit, led by Ustaz Solihin. After several hours, Kak Limah's spirit was captured, but Ustaz Solihin was once again beaten by the spirit.

As a result of this commotion, the head of a herd of the elves with his entourage descended into human nature to explain what happened. The spirit was sworn into the original appearance of Nor Aini. Nor Aini is the sister of Eton who falls in love with Khuda. They were married but Khuda had breached the condition by bringing Nor Aini down to human nature without the knowledge of her father. Life in human nature is not as fancy as she lives in the elves.

Nor Aini became insane which makes Khuda hide her in the garden. Khuda cheated on his wife and married Kak Limah. This made Nor Aini so angry and revengeful which caused Kak Limah to die. The elf father warned Husin that he was not even able to marry Eton for such a thing to happen. The entourage finally brought back Nor Aini back to the base. The next day, Nor Aini, together with her three other friends, had broken her father's command and came down to human nature once again to disturb Husin, Wani, Khuda, and Yeh.

Behind the Footlights

The film tells about an elderly actor and his beautiful and gifted daughter, who dreams of becoming an actress and playing in the theater.

The Magnificent Kotobuki

In a desolate land, people trade goods with each other to survive. Goods are transported via huge zeppelins which hire squadrons of fighter pilots for defense against air pirates and carry their single-engine fighter planes on board. One of these is the Kotobuki Squadron, a team of six young women: Kylie, Emma, Kate, Reona, Zara and Chika.

Forsaken (2018 film)

In the near-distant future, a space expedition consisting of four astronauts is sent to Mars by Roscosmos. Three of the crewmembers return to Earth, leaving their captain, Alexander Chapaev, alone on Mars. He starts counting his days on the planet, aided only by a still working radio communication with Earth, as well as a robotic drone to keep him company. On Earth, all efforts to bring Alexander back home turn into quarrels between the government and the space agency, until a private investor proposes his help. However, it soon turns out to be a hoax, since the company sending Alexander subsistence for survival decides to turn his broadcast into a reality show, and is not interested in getting the astronaut back to Earth at all. Bereft of his family, Chapaev starts having mind-boggling hallucinations and meets an entity who is revealed to be a sentient Mars lifeform. The film ends with Chapaev not knowing what is real and unreal anymore, while it is hinted that the whole mission was staged only to raise TV ratings among viewers.

The Warsaw Anagrams

The Warsaw Anagrams is narrated by an elderly psychiatrist – Erik Cohen – who has recently died and who has remained in this world as a spirit or ibbur. In kabbalistic tradition, an ibbur remains in our world because he or she still has an important duty – a mitzvah – to fulfill. So Erik recounts the story of his last year in the Warsaw ghetto to the one visionary man who can see him and hear him in the hopes of discovering what he still must accomplish. The story he tells involves the murder of his beloved grand-nephew Adam, whose body was desecrated and left in the barbed wire surrounding the ghetto. Shortly after that horrific discovery, a young girl's body is left in similar circumstances, and, Erik – along with his best friend Izzy – are forced to become amateur sleuths. The evidence they uncover begins to point to a Jewish traitor luring children to their death.

Luigi's Mansion 3

Luigi, his pet ghost dog Polterpup, his brother Mario, Princess Peach and a trio of Toads have been invited to The Last Resort, a luxurious art deco high-rise hotel nestled in a mountainside area, and decide to visit it for a vacation. After arriving and settling in, Luigi wakes up during the night to find the hotel deserted, transformed into a haunted building and the others missing. He discovers that the hotel's ghostly owner, Hellen Gravely, had lured the group to the hotel as part of a trap by King Boo, whom she had freed from Professor E. Gadd's custody after his recapture in the previous game. King Boo announces his plans to exact revenge on Luigi and his friends by imprisoning them in portraits, but Luigi either narrowly escapes to the hotel's lower floors through a laundry chute or gets imprisoned in a portrait by King Boo along with the rest of his friends. With the help of Polterpup, who also avoided capture, Luigi, should he also avoid capture, explores the basement and comes across an old red car in the underground garage carrying a new Poltergust vacuum model. Using it, Luigi follows Polterpup to the lobby and finds that E. Gadd was also captured.

Searching the lobby, Luigi comes across the professor's Dark-Light Device in a safe and uses it to free him. Setting up a portable lab in the garage, E. Gadd explains how he was also tricked into visiting the hotel and captured by Hellen, who had stolen his latest ghost collection from him to staff the building. Believing that Luigi's friends are likely trapped on the upper floors, E. Gadd recommends that Luigi finds the elevator buttons for the upper floors that had been taken from the main elevator after he secures two from a ghost he had defeated earlier. While exploring the floors, each featuring a different theme to them, Luigi is aided further by E. Gadd with two new gadgets: the Virtual Boo, a communication device based on the Virtual Boy, and Gooigi, an ectoplasmic doppelgänger of Luigi. Left with no choice, Luigi begins his search for the missing elevator buttons in order to visit each of the hotel's many floors.

As Luigi makes his search, he comes across and defeats a variety of different ghosts while reclaiming the elevator buttons and rescuing the Toads from their portraits, much to Hellen's anger and frustration. After rescuing the Toads, he reaches the top floor where he confronts Hellen, who he manages to defeat before rescuing Mario. Luigi then follows him to the hotel's roof where they find Peach's portrait. Upon freeing her, the group is confronted by King Boo, having lost faith in Hellen and the ghosts earlier and prepares to imprison them, E. Gadd, and the Toads in a single giant portrait. After being inadvertently saved by Polterpup at the last second, Luigi finds himself forced to defeat King Boo once again, while aided by Gooigi. During the battle, King Boo enlarges the portrait's frame in an attempt to pull in the whole hotel with Luigi still on the roof. Luigi defeats King Boo and manages to recover the portrait moments before the hotel collapses into a ruined mess. After freeing his friends from the portrait, the ghosts Luigi had captured escape from their imprisonment and attempt to attack, but they become social when the jewel from King Boo's crown vanishes, implying that they were all brainwashed. E. Gadd, seeing the ghosts upset over their home's accidental destruction, elects for the group to build a new hotel, while the recaptured King Boo is returned to his custody along with Hellen. Depending on how much money Luigi collected throughout his adventure, the new hotel (built in E. Gadd's version) will be different in size. After the grand reopening, Luigi and his friends depart for home.

The Christmas Chronicles

In Lowell, Massachusetts, near Christmas 2018, widowed mother Claire Pierce (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) struggles to hold her family together after the death of her firefighter husband Doug (Oliver Hudson), who had perished in a fire after running into it to save several citizens. Her son Teddy (Judah Lewis) has lost his Christmas spirit and engages in malicious activities such as stealing cars. His younger sister Kate (Darby Camp) nevertheless is trying to keep the Christmas spirit alive while keeping a strong belief in Santa Claus. Kate catches Teddy stealing a car from a parking lot and films it, threatening to show the tape to Claire, but changes her mind and tells Claire that Teddy had broken a picture frame instead.

On Christmas Eve, Claire is called away to fill in for a coworker, leaving Teddy to look after Kate. While watching old family Christmas videos, Kate notices a strange arm appear out of the fireplace. Kate believes this is Santa and convinces Teddy to help her by promising to destroy the tape of Teddy committing the felony. The two set up a makeshift tripwire and a hidden camera. Kate is later woken up and sees Santa in the living room. However, he escapes to the roof and the two children follow. Kate decides to hide in his sleigh to get a closer look, and Teddy reluctantly follows her. Santa rides off with the kids in tow. When Kate decides to make her presence known, Santa and the reindeer are startled and he loses control of the sleigh. After teleporting to Chicago, Illinois, the sleigh breaks down, causing the reindeer to scatter and Santa's hat and a bag of presents to be lost.

Santa (Kurt Russell) introduces himself to the kids and tells them that he has to get back to delivering presents as soon as possible or else the Christmas spirit will be gone. Without his hat, Santa cannot move quickly or through tight spaces like he normally does. The kids are forced to help him after he threatens to put them on the naughty list permanently. They stop at a bar where Santa tries to seek help from the patrons. When they get no assistance, they steal a car, which Teddy convinces them to take after reminding Santa that the car was already stolen by the bartender and they can turn it into the police when they're done. They locate the reindeer, but encounter a police car driven by police officers Dave Poveda (Martin Roach) and Mikey Jameson (Lamorne Morris), who are looking for the stolen car. Kate goes after the reindeer by herself while Teddy and Santa lure the police away. Santa is arrested, while Kate and Teddy escape with the reindeer. The kids find Santa's bag, and Kate goes inside to find help. She is teleported to the North Pole where she encounters Santa's elves, who agree to help her.

Meanwhile, Teddy is attacked by a group of thugs who take him and the bag to their hideout, where he is saved by Kate and the elves, who then set out to repair Santa's sleigh. At the police precinct, Santa tries to explain his situation to Officer Poveda. When Santa reveals the officer's wish this year is to reconcile with his ex-wife Lisa, who also shares that wish, Poveda is taken aback, but still refuses to believe him. Poveda has Santa locked in the holding cell, though he becomes suspicious when he sees a larger number of arrests than usual on Christmas Eve. Seeing that Christmas spirit has gotten too low, Santa gathers all the inmates to perform "Santa Claus Is Back in Town", which works among all the officers except Poveda. Poveda is finally convinced when he receives a call from Lisa, who invites him out for coffee in the morning, and agrees to let Santa go. One of the elves arrives through the air vent to give Santa a spare hat. Santa goes outside to find his sleigh repaired.

Santa sees that he only has an hour until morning to complete delivering presents, so the kids agree to help him. With Kate tossing him presents and Teddy driving the sleigh, Santa is able to deliver all of the presents, saving Christmas. Afterwards, he drops the kids off back at their home before their mother returns. Santa gives Teddy his hat as a memento, showing that he did not really need it. When he leaves, he gives Kate a "Ho, Ho, Ho", a saying he previously stated was an urban myth about him.

When Claire returns, they go inside to find that the living room has been decorated like their father used to do it. When the kids open their gifts from Santa on Christmas morning, Kate gets the skateboard she asked for, while Teddy gets a magic ornament. When Teddy hangs it on the tree, he sees his dad magically appear in his reflection, and they both express pride in each other.

Back in the North Pole, Santa reunites with Mrs. Claus (Goldie Hawn) who has come home.

The Crimean Bridge. Made with Love!

The Crimean Bridge is being built in Kerch, a city in eastern Crimea, during the summer. Two men at the construction site are pursuing an archeology student named Varya: Viktor, a PR man from Moscow who arrives in a white convertible with an American television crew, and Dima, a young and ambitious builder. Meanwhile, Bernard is trying to accomplish his dream of marrying an American and going to Hollywood.

Incident from Don Quixote

In one of his dreams, Don Quixote is fighting monsters. Having vanquished them, he goes to put on his armor, only to be met with a succession of strange events: first the armor appears occupied by a creature with stretching limbs, then a lovely young woman appears and sprouts butterfly wings. As Quixote approaches her, the wings become giant tentacles and attack him. Just as Quixote is fighting back and reaching for his lance, he wakes up to find himself pummeling his servant Sancho Panza.

Flying Romeos

Barbers Cohen (George Sidney) and Cohan (Charles Murray) both love Minnie (Fritzi Ridgeway), their young manicurist, who has a fondness for aviators. Duly, the pair of hapless middle-aged lovers sign up for flying lessons and accidentally find themselves performing some wild stunts in an aircraft.

The owner of the "Spirit of Goldberg" (Lester Bernard) is impressed with the skills of these two tyros. He persuades the duo to make a long ocean flight. The flight leads to more aerial mayhem, especially when the "real" pilot (Duke Martin) turns out to be a lunatic. On their triumphant return, Cohen and Cohan sadly find their manicurist had married a pilot.

Pavel Korchagin (film)

The film tells about the Red Army soldier Pavel Korchagin and his comrades fighting for a just cause.

The Undertaker and His Pals

A motorcycle-riding undertaker and his two biker pals create business for the funeral parlor by selecting a victim at random from the telephone book and gruesomely murdering them. The undertaker then overcharges the victim's families for the cheap, shoddy funerals he provides. One of the two bikers is a medical student who chops up the victim's bodies to further his studies. A private detective who has lost two secretaries to the gang pursues them, but is killed by a bomb left by the undertaker. Finally, the police step in and save two other women from falling victim to the gang.

At the end of the film, all of the actors playing the supposedly dead characters "come alive" again, one by one.

The President and His Granddaughter

On a blizzard New Year's Eve, a fatal event took place. In the hospital delivered a young woman, who began premature birth as a result of a car accident. The happening was complicated by the fact that the father-in-law of the mother was a well-known general who, threatening weapons to doctors, demanded the birth of a healthy grandson. To death a terrified doctor, in front of which the fierce general waved his name pistol, finds the only way out.

One of the two twin girls, born with a single mother, a future artist, is declared the general's granddaughter. December 31, 2000 on the Kremlin tree meet the daughter of the artist and granddaughter of the new president of the Russian Federation! The princess and the beggar, of course, change places.

The Last Day (1972 film)

On his last working day, the outgoing district plenipotentiary, junior police lieutenant Semyon Mitrofanovich Kovalyov, as usual, bypasses the site and solves the accumulated problems. Among the usual cases, parsing and talking with drunkards, he finds time for the neighbor girl Alla, who fell under the influence of the leader of the thieves' gang. Seeing her in the company of a young man, similar in description to a certain Valera, suspected of theft, he tries to detain him, but he is killed by a lethal blow.

Rx (film)

Three American friends travel across the border to a secret outdoor party in Mexico. While there, they visit Jonny's drug dealer Pepe, an American who has set up a drug dealing business in Mexico. While they are waiting, a local mechanic named Carlos offers to fix a bump on their car but they decline the offer. Andrew uses $2,000 he stole from his fast food job to buy a large amount of pills. He explains that he needs money to solve his financial problems at home and Jonny offers to help him swallow the bags of pills out of sympathy.

While at the border crossing, Jonny experiences extreme pain from the bags rupturing in his stomach so Andrew quickly turns the car around and drives to a hospital but is too afraid to go inside. When Jonny dies in the car, Andrew and Melissa hide his body in the front storage compartment of the car.

They drive back to Pepe's to ask for something to flush out the pills in Andrew's stomach. Pepe gives Andrew muscle relaxers and gives Melissa a tranquilizer to relax, then forces them to wear costumes for his party. During the party, Andrew breaks into Pepe's stash room and steals all of his money, nearly $20,000. While attempting to leave, he is caught by Pepe's guard Raul, who demands to look in the front storage compartment of the car. He finds Jonny's body and accidentally shoots it, then he tells Andrew and Melissa to lie down and prepares to shoot them. Raul looks away to shout to Pepe and Andrew knocks him over with a shovel, then Andrew and Melissa escape to the car and drive away.

They hide Jonny's body in a blanket off a dirt road in the hills then drive to a hotel for the night. During the night, Andrew leaves and wakes up Carlos (as well as his mother) to help him fix the broken window on the car to avoid suspicion at the border. Melissa notices him leaving and she leaves with the car herself. Carlos informs Pepe and Raul, who show up and beat Andrew, demanding the money. He says that it is in the car but they are unable to find the car there and assume that Melissa has intentionally left with the money. When they find her at the border control, Andrew hits the gas pedal to cause a collision and get the attention of the police. The police arrest Pepe for holding a weapon and Andrew stops at Melissa's car to say goodbye then gives the stolen money to a young girl selling flowers. He is stopped by the police and told to get on the ground but when he lifts his shirt to expose his handgun he is shot and killed. Melissa continues across the border to the United States.

The Dig (2018 film)

A father (Lorcan Cranitch as Sean McKenna) becomes obsessed with finding the body of his murdered daughter Naimh. The murderer Ronan Callahan (Moe Dunford) is released from jail after serving a 15-year sentence. At first he wants Sean off his land, but decides to help dig for Naimh's missing body in the bog. He pours the old alcohol in his house down the drain but eventually drinks shots in a pub, hoping to remember the act of murder and where he buried the girl. He develops a relationship with the victim's sister Roberta (Emily Taaffe), and it is revealed that his father had abused his mother, who died when he was 14. Ronan and Sean vow to not stop digging. Ronan eventually remembers a detail that proves he is not the murderer.

The Photograph (novel)

In ''The Photograph'', character Glyn Peters finds a photograph of his deceased wife, Kath, suggesting that she had an affair with her brother-in-law. Glyn decides to unearth more details about his wife and the affair by interviewing those who knew her in life. The narrative is structured around Glyn, Kath's sister Elaine, and Elaine's husband, Nick. The novel contains "a multitude of Kaths," as Kath's friends and family had unique perceptions of her that sometimes shifted over time.

Early Joys
  1. A small Volga town. Kirill Izvekov, a technical school student, is only looking for his place in life, and a revolutionary struggle is unfolding around.

List of Total Eclipse episodes

At Millwood high, Cassie and her band together to confront mean girls, boy drama, and their high school woes. But when reality becomes too much, they can always escape to their fantasy worlds.

Hyouka: Forbidden Secrets

Hotarou Oreki (Kento Yamazaki) is a freshman at Kamiyama high school. He's lazy and his motto is, "If I don’t have to do it, I won’t. If I have to do it, I’ll make it quick". He does not want to participate in any club activities at his school but he joins the Classic Literature club when his older sister tells him she had been a member and it is about to die off because of disinterest in it. She asks him to join and he is unable to refuse things she asks of him. There, he meets Eru Chitanda (Alice Hirose), an innocent girl with great curiosity from one of the most prominent families in that town. Two of Hotarou's friends, Satoshi Fukube (Amane Okayama) and Mayaka Ibara (Fujiko Kojima), also become members of the club. They solve various mysteries in their school including the most important one. Eru's uncle, Jun Sekiya (Kanata Hongo), had been a member of the club and a Hyouka anthology which was published 33 years ago relates to his disappearance 10 years earlier. Eru asks Hotarou to find out what her uncle said to her when she was a child that made her cry. The four of them begin trying to reveal what really happened to Eru's uncle, which ends up being related to the Hyouka anthology and their school festival.

Eternity (2018 film)

An elderly couple, Willka (Vicente Catacora) and Phaxsi (Rosa Nina) preserve their religion and traditions. After the emigration of their only son, they are left abandoned. Despite this, they never lose hope and wait for him to return, some day.

Greed (2019 film)

The film takes a non-linear approach to the life of Sir Richard "Greedy" McCreadie, a billionaire fashion mogul. After a recent damaging appearance at a government inquiry into financial and ethical abuse within the fashion industry, McCreadie has decided to publish his memoirs and has hired Nick, a socially awkward journalist, to ghostwrite it for him. Nick's research into McCreadie's background leads to flashbacks charting his rise from relatively humble (though still affluent and privileged) circumstances as an outcast and rebellious student at an unnamed British public school, to his rise in the 1970s and 1980s as a powerful high-street fashion merchant, to the government hearing. It becomes clear that, despite McCreadie's self-image as a hard-nosed and savvy businessman with multiple celebrity friends, much of his wealth is in fact based on ruthless exploitation and financial corruption, including a reliance on sweatshops in Southeast Asia for his fashion lines, tax avoidance, asset stripping and similar ethically questionable financial dealings.

The present of the film focusses on the build-up to McCreadie's 60th birthday party, a ''Gladiator''-themed celebration on the island of Mykonos, which are intended to allow McCreadie to relax after the hearings. However, even there matters are not progressing smoothly; the centrepiece of the celebrations, a Roman arena where a mock-gladiatorial fight against a lion will be staged, is poorly-constructed because lax local builders rely mainly on undocumented immigrant labour, and the lion itself is quite passive, much to McCreadie's annoyance. Furthermore, many of McCreadie's celebrity guests are distancing themselves from him due to the damage to his reputation, and a crowd of Syrian refugees have constructed a makeshift camp on the public beach adjoining his property and refuse to leave. Tensions also exist among his family, including his ex-wife Samantha, who acts as the public CEO of his family and for whom he continues to have lingering attraction despite having subsequently married Naomi, a much younger trophy wife; his daughter Lily, who is starring with her boyfriend Fabian in a reality-TV show being filmed alongside the celebrations; and his neglected son Finn, who holds an Oedipal obsession with replacing his father.

As he writes the memoir, Nick struggles with his job of whitewashing McCreadie's public image in light of both his unethical business practices and, on a personal level, his uncouth and bullying personality. He forms a friendship with Amanda, one of McCreadie's personal assistants, who is also struggling with the ethical dilemmas of working for McCreadie. After breaking down when McCreadie reveals that he wants his employees to wear Roman slave outfits to his party, Amanda reveals to Nick that her mother was an employee in one of McCreadie's sweatshops in Sri Lanka, but was fired by the manager when she was no longer physically able to work to McCreadie's requirements. She was subsequently killed after being forced to work in another sweatshop which eventually caught fire due to a lack of safety precautions.

On the night of the party, McCreadie cons the Syrian refugees into working for him with a three-card monte trick after his local employees down tools. During the lavish celebrations, some of the refugee children steal silverware and are confronted by McCreadie's employees, but Amanda manages to persuade their father to return the stolen items. Simultaneously, Finn steals some cocaine from Naomi and doses the lion's food with it. After Samantha rejects his advances, McCreadie drunkenly wanders into the arena and encounters the lion in its cage. Amanda, crossing paths with him, on impulse releases the lion, which mauls McCreadie to death in a drugged frenzy. Nick witnesses these events in horror, but helps Amanda escape without being discovered.

Following McCreadie's death, he becomes subject to numerous flattering eulogies, and Nick's project becomes a hagiographic biography. Finn takes over his father's role in the business, and it is implied that he will be just as ruthless if not worse. Nick and Amanda meet and agree to keep Amanda's role in McCreadie's death secret; Amanda tells Nick that she views her action as justified and not so different from the indirect role McCreadie played in her mother's death. Amanda goes to work at her new job: sewing at a Leicester sweatshop. The film ends with facts about exploitation and inequality within the fashion industry being shown over the credits.

The Forbidden Fruit

Shayegan mysteriously disappears as his company is going bankrupt. His daughter Hasti tries to find him and befriends Jalal, Shayegan's creditor. They work with Farzad, the accountant of the company. Hasti gets help from Haj Younis, Jalal's devoutly religious father who works as a merchant. After Hasti learns that her father is alive and in hiding, she finds him and reprimands him for his failures. However, Shayegan is later killed and Farzad is arrested. Haj, who has fallen in love with Hasti, learns that Jalal was actually the killer, and he murdered Shayegan in hopes of getting the company.

We Summon the Darkness

In Indiana, July 1988, Alexis Butler and her two friends Val and Bev are driving to a heavy metal show, when a milkshake is thrown from a blue van onto their windshield. Once they arrive at the concert, they find the same blue van, and Val throws a small firecracker into it, causing the three boys inside to climb out. Ivan owns the van and his buddies Kovacs and Mark, who is said to be leaving for Los Angeles soon, are interested in the girls. After the show, Alexis invites the boys to her father's empty mansion. Bev and Mark seem to like each other, yet Bev seems to almost avoid him. As they play a game of Never Have I Ever, the girls drug the boys' drinks and reveal they are going to murder them and make it look like a Satanic cult killing.

The Daughters of the Dawn, the church the girls are a part of, has murdered eighteen other people in the same way in order to create fear and send more people to their religion. Alexis is shown to be the most insane and stabs Ivan after he criticizes her religious belief in Christ, and he bleeds to death. Mark and Kovacs briefly escape, hiding in a pantry. Susan, Alexis's soon-to-be ex-stepmother, comes home to retrieve a passport and reveals she has called the police because she saw the strange blue van and the house lights on. Susan then discovers Ivan's body and Alexis stabs her to death.

A police officer arrives and becomes suspicious, so Alexis runs from him and back into the house where he chases her. The officer finds the injured Kovacs and Mark who pleads for help, but Val sneaks up on him, takes his gun, and shoots him, killing him. As Alexis and Val fight over the gun, Bev appears, threatening her friends with an electric outboard trolling motor. Val and Alexis tell Bev they are doing the Lord's work, but Bev declares she will let Mark and Kovacs go.

Bev tries to help Mark and Kovacs, the latter who is bleeding out and will not last much longer unless he makes it to a hospital. Alexis has the car keys, so Mark goes after her; he obtains the keys, but Alexis attacks him and they fight. Val attacks Bev and tries to kill her, but Bev lights Val on fire (her hair being full of hairspray). Meanwhile, Kovacs sees car lights and struggles outside to find John Henry Butler, Alexis's father and the pastor of the Daughters of the Dawn. John Henry shoots Kovacs, who makes it back into the house where Bev finds him. Just before Kovacs dies, he tells Bev to save Mark.

While strangling Alexis, Mark is shot by John Henry, who then berates his daughter, Alexis, for doing a terrible job murdering and covering it up. He tells her that they have to make some sacrifices to get out of the predicament she has caused and attempts to strangle her to death when Bev comes up and knocks him out. A crazed Alexis grapples with Bev but trips on Mark’s outstretched arm and falls out the window. Mark is still alive, and he drives away with Bev, only to find Alexis standing in the road. Off-camera, Bev runs Alexis over.

John Henry Butler is still alive and makes himself into a victim, claiming that his daughter, Alexis, was led astray and joined a Satanic cult. Bev and Mark leave town together.

Different Fortunes

The film tells about young residents of Leningrad, finishing school. Sonia loves Stepu, who is in love with Tanya, and Tanya likes Fedor. Stepa goes to Siberia to study at the evening institute and work in parallel at the local plant. Sonia goes for Stepa and joins the team of the plant where he works. Tanya and Fedor got married and entered the institute, and Fedor, in addition, got a job as a chauffeur in order to bring money to the family. But this was not enough for Tanya, and for the sake of money she began a relationship with a self-sufficient composer.

In the Deep Woods

Joanna Warren is a children's book author whose life unravels when a childhood friend is brutally murdered by the vicious Deep Woods Killer, a serial murderer preying upon successful career women. As Joanna is drawn deeper in a tangled web of violence and deceit, she becomes an unwitting pawn in a deadly game between the elusive killer and Paul Miller, an eerie private investigator with his own motives for solving the case.

A Man of Stone

As described in a film magazine, after returning to London, Captain Deering (Tearle) of the British army finds that, during his absence from England, his fiancée Lady Fortescue (Mansfield) has jilted him for Lord Reggie (Brown). Stung with mortification, he accepts service in the Arabian desert and is attracted to a pretty young Arabian woman Laila (Howe), who nurses him through a fever when he becomes ill. Lady Fortescue has a change of heart and arrives as the desert camp while Captain Deering is absent. She tells Laila that she is Deering's wife. Laila leaves the camp and is attacked by a marauding band. Captain Deering and his troops rescue Laila, and there is a promise of continued happiness between them.

Bigfoot Wars

After the mayor of Boggy Creek is murdered by an unknown assailant, local news reporter Kendall Sharp for KRKR-8 News delivers a special report on a series of disappearances and unsolved murders. After first suggesting that Sasquatch may be responsible for the murders, Sharp suggests that local criminal Eddie Justertin, a member of a "self-styled, Dixieland mafioso family," may be the one to blame.

The following day, six young adults (Steve, Heather, Amanda, Danny, Jo, and Collyn) trespass into a closed section of a state park, where they plan to camp for the weekend. After playing volleyball and drinking some beer, the teens separate. Moments later, they are attacked by Bigfoot. Some (but not all) of the campers are killed on screen. The next day, Sheriff Jim Taylor and Deputy Walton arrive to investigate the murders. While there, an unidentified police official arrives on the crime scene and informs the sheriff that one of the victims (Steve McTee) is the son of a local oil tycoon, who is putting pressure on the department to solve the murder. The sheriff believes the teens have been attacked by a bear, but his deputy believes in Bigfoot. Through a phone call, the sheriff learns that only five bodies were found, and that one of the campers, a female, is missing.

On the other side of town, ex-deputy Mark Kline (who was fired for being an alcoholic) discovers a missing and disheveled woman named Dakota running through the woods. While rescuing her, Kline spots a Bigfoot in the woods before driving off and delivering Dakota to the local hospital. At the hospital, Sheriff Taylor interviews his drunk ex-deputy, who swears he saw a Bigfoot. In a separate interview, the local doctor (Dr. Leonard Evans) tells the sheriff that the wounds do not look like they came from a bear, but that is what he will put on the death certificate. The sheriff visits Dakota's home in an attempt to tell the girl's father Zeke that she has been located, but is met with hostility by the girl's family.

That evening, the sheriff's daughter Savannah goes to the local drive-in with her boyfriend Billy. While the two are making out in Billy's car, Bigfoot enters the drive-in and crushes Billy's head by stomping on it before dragging Savannah off into the woods.

The next day, news reporter Sharp along with her camera man (Aaron) head into the woods in search of Bigfoot. They find him, and the monster chases them through the woods. Back at the sheriff's office, sheriff Taylor, Deputy Walton, and Dakota's father Zeke form a posse to enter the woods and find the sheriff's daughter.

While fleeing from Bigfoot, reporter Sharp and cameraman Aaron stumble upon the hideout of Eddie Justertin. Eddie fires a warning shot followed by a second shot from point blank range that misses the two. The two flee the shed but cameraman Aaron is quickly killed after stepping on a landmine. Reporter Sharp fires several shots at Bigfoot with Aaron's handgun and fails to kill the beast, but then the sheriff and his posse arrive and Deputy Walton shoots Bigfoot several times with a tactical shotgun, killing it. The deputy then turns around and is impaled by a spear thrown by someone/something off screen.

Zeke performs a Bigfoot call and a second Bigfoot emerges from the woods, which Zeke promptly shoots in the head. During a long speech, Zeke explains to the sheriff and the reporter that all female Bigfoot have gone extinct, and Bigfoot must now survive by kidnapping human females and impregnating them. Back at the hospital, Dr. Evans discovers that Dakota is indeed pregnant. Later, Dakota gives birth, and asks to see her baby.

Back in the woods, the sheriff's posse discover Bigfoot's lair, where the creatures rape their human victims. There they discover the sheriff's daughter Savannah alive, and free her. While the sheriff frees his daughter, Zeke finds a Bigfoot, attacks it with a sledgehammer, cuts its head off, and carries it around. The two girls escape from the lair and are seen running through the woods, but when Zeke uses explosives to try and close up the cave, he accidentally separates the two parties.

Zeke and Sheriff Taylor emerge from another exit and enter a clearing. There, many Bigfoot (six or more) emerge from the woods and surround the two men. The men are able to shoot a couple of Bigfoot, but there are too many. Zeke produces a rocket launcher and shoots more, but more than half a dozen remain. Armed with only a machete and a sledgehammer, the two men hold their ground until more than a dozen Bigfoot pounce on them, ripping the two men to shreds.

The Seventh Day (1922 film)

As described in a film magazine, John Alden Jr. (Barthelmess) returns to the small fishing village where he had grownup with his two old uncles, a spinster aunt, and his sister Betty (Cornwall). The old men tell him that they are going "into dry dock" and that he is to take command of the fishing boat the next time it leaves. That same day a yacht with a gay party of irresponsible young people aboard limps into the village harbor with bad pumps. John is at once attracted by the pretty Patricia Vane (Huff) while his sister is not averse to the admiration of Reggie Van Zandt (Stewart). Patricia wickedly entices the young rustic, but finds that she is playing with fire as her heart goes out to John while she is engaged to Reggie. Sunday, the seventh day, finds the merry crowd aboard the yacht playing "put and take" while John, Betty, their elderly relatives, and the "hired girl" are getting ready for church. Patricia and one of the crowd from the yacht go ashore to get some supplies and she is enticed to go to church, which is a novel experience for her. John takes her back in a row boat. Later, he calls on her in a motorboat and tells her that he loves her. It is then that he learns that she is engaged to Reggie. Disillusioned and hurt, he is told by Donald Peabody (Young) that Reggie has taken Betty aboard the yacht. John goes for his sister, knocking down Reggie when he objects. Reggie and Patricia decide to end their engagement, and Reggie manfully telling Betty of his love for her. At the end of the film Patricia is going to John.

Down and Dangerous

Always one step ahead of the Feds, Paul Boxer is the most inventive and principled smuggler in the trade, and has never needed to carry a gun. When violent mid-level traffickers coerce him into designing a foolproof plan to bring several kilos of cocaine across the México border, he maneuvers to rid himself of their hold over him once and for all. But when a sharp-witted woman from his past enlists his help to escape this rival outfit, Paul must confront the man that is hunting him down, and choose between his livelihood as a smuggler and his integrity as a man.

The Dancers (1925 film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, Tony (O'Brien) and Una (Bellamy) are childhood sweethearts in England and vow to marry when they grow up. Tony leaves to make his fortune in South America and finally becomes the owner of a saloon and dance hall in Argentina. Tango dancer Maxine (Rubens), who works in the dance hall, falls in love with him, and he is attracted to her, but the memory of his childhood sweetheart is always before him and he remains true to her. Una grows up as a devotee of jazz and wild parties and forgets about Tony. Her life is one continual round of dancing and drinking. One night she is taunting Evan (Wood), an easy-going sweetheart, and are then are giving away in a moment of passion brought on by the madness of dancing and Champaign. When Tony's uncle, he inherits his wealth and title, so he returns to London to claim Una. Una's aunt persuades her to keep her secrets, and Una prepares for the wedding. When Tony tells her of how he has remained true to her, she becomes near-hysterical as she realizes what her folly has led to. While the wedding crowd waiting at the church, she realizes she cannot go through with it. Una confesses her transgression to Tony and he forgives her, but she has taken poison and dies. Tony finally wanders back to his old place in Argentina and finds solace in marrying Maxine.

Gerald Cranston's Lady

As described in a review in a film magazine, wealthy Englishman Gerald Cranston (Kirkwood) makes a bargain with Lady Hermione (Rubens) to marry her. Love is not to enter into the affair as he is marrying for social prestige and she to secure financial independence for herself and young son. Gordon Ibbotsleigh (McGrail), who loves Hermione, goes on a venture to Africa which unknown to him Gerald finances. Before going, Gordon taunts Hermione with being a purchased woman and endeavors to make love to her. Hermione respects Gerald and is jealous of the way her little son loves him. So she goes to the country. Angela (De La Motte), her cousin who loves Gerald, makes love to him and uses all her powers to win him, even following him to Paris in an airplane. Hermione returns, realizing she has begun to love Gerald, but this is turned to disgust when she learns of his trip to Paris. She taunts him with it. Just then, a discontented mob from Gerald’s factories attacks him and he is badly beaten. Angela comes to Hermione and tells her that Gerald is true to her. When he is brought in the house helpless, Hermione, who has repulsed all of Gerald’s previous advances, tells him she loves him. She offers the entire fortune he has settled on her and the child in order to save him from threatened financial ruin.

Baby Brokers

Debbie Freeman (Shepherd) is an LA psychotherapist who wants to adopt a baby. An expectant couple, Leanne (Siemaszko) and Frankie Dees (O'Brien), who at first appear willing to let her privately adopt their child in exchange for financially supporting them for six months during Leanne's pregnancy, disappear when Freeman discovers they are in negotiations with another couple. The Dees, who gave up numerous children in the past while scamming multiple couples with each pregnancy, also run out on the latest prospective parents, leaving behind an incriminating notebook with names and phone numbers. Taking her story public, Freeman is instrumental in the Dees' arrest and Leanne's later conviction in federal court for multiple counts of mail and wire fraud. Freeman's going public with her anguish in losing a child she expected to adopt results in a woman reaching out to her to arrange a private adoption.

Lionheart (2018 film)

''Lionheart'' tells the story of Adaeze Obiagu (portrayed by Nnaji), who wants to substitute for her father, Chief Ernest Obiagu (Pete Edochie), when he can no longer run his company due to health issues. Her father, however, asks his brother Godswill (Nkem Owoh) to take his place, and Godswill and Adaeze have to work together to save the company from debt as well as a threatened takeover by businessman Igwe Pascal (Kanayo O. Kanayo).

Soldiers (film)

The film takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The film tells about lieutenant Kerzhentsev, his connected Valega and intelligence officer Sedykh, who are heading for Stalingrad.

Life of the Party (2017 film)

A heartwarming story of three friends who try to break the world record for the worlds longest house party.

The Beloved Brute

As described in a review in a film magazine, some unaccountable force causes Charles Hinges (McLaglen) to return to his father (McLean), who upbraids him for riotous living and brutality and tells him a man with a soul, his brother David (Russell), whom he has not seen since childhood, will prove his master. Charles, brooding, returns to a dance hall where China Jones (Holmes), a half-breed, is keeping a dancer named Jacinta (De La Motte) virtually a prisoner. She enlists Charles’ aid by playing up his strength and in a fierce fight with China’s aids he rescues her. The two and an old fortune-teller start out as a traveling troupe. In a small town, Charles is finally vanquished by his brother David in a wrestling match, and, believing he has lost Jacinta’s love, sends her away. David persuades her to go with him. China is killed, and, seeing a chance to get rid of David who is a reformer, the saloon-keeper prepares to lynch him as the murderer. Charles appears and tries to take the blame, so they decide to lynch them both. Jacinta rides and gets the sheriff’s posse after forcing the fortune-teller to confess, which saves the brothers. She rushes to David and he knows then that she loves him. David finally discloses his identity to Charles.

Mat Moto

AL (Pekin Ibrahim) is the owner of a film editing company. He travels to four states in Peninsular Malaysia to fulfill a promise to his best friend whereby he must collect four special helmets, all of which are highly coveted by motorcycle enthusiasts across the country. He is accompanied by Sikha (Falisha Crossley), a practical student at AL's office. AL gives her a camera recorder to document their long journey.

On the road, Sikha asked AL's reason for driving such a long way to retrieve the helmets. He explains that he has undertaken the task because of friendship, but he does not elaborate. Upon arrival at Kuala Terengganu, AL meets Farouk (Kamarool Hj Yusof) and buys a helmet estimated to cost RM 200 thousand. They travel to Kota Bharu, however upon arrival, AL's motorcycle is damaged. He meets with Pit (Faizal Hussein) and buys another helmet. Afterwards, Sikha urges AL to tell her why his friend did not come with them.

AL drives the car to Georgetown, Penang and meets Mus (Syamsul Yusof). Sikha is interrupted by a set of motto mats before being saved by Mus and AL. AL then buys another helmet from Mus, bringing the number of helmets to three. AL's action saves Sikha and causes her to feel loved by him. After AL explains that he sees Sikha only as an assistant, Sikha is disappointed. AL goes on a trip to Malacca to get the final helmet. There, they meet Acai (Shaheizy Sam).

AL reminisces his old memories with Spark (Zul Huzaimy), who wished to have 4 helmets – white Magnum Super, orange LTD, yellow J-Force Jack and Arai Okada. While on his way to send documents, Spark was involved in an accident after a motorcyclist lost control of his motorbike after colliding with a Suzuki Swift car (it was turned to be drove by Sikha). Spark was then mercilessly beaten by the crowd for allegedly being a mat rempits. AL came to help Spark but he can't do so as he was stopped by one of the crowd. Spark was taken to the hospital, AL was informed by the doctor that Spark's condition was critical. Hours later, Spark dies.

After successfully collecting 4 rare helmets, fulfilling his promises to Spark; AL and Sikha decided to return to Kuala Lumpur. While on the way, Sikha made a confession to him that she was the cause of his friend’s death. Sikha, who was busy using a mobile phone while driving, didn't notice that he had violated the traffic light which caused a motorcyclist to almost hit her. She saw Spark fall from his motorcycle. Sikha observes AL and Spark from afar. After telling the real thing to AL, Sikha was left by him.

Soon after, AL received a lot of thanks from the public without realizing what he had done.
While arriving at a shoe store at a night market, a shoe store owner wanted to take a picture with AL even though AL insist that he is not a celebrity. AL realized that his video became viral on YouTube after the shoe store owner advise him. AL then went back to his office and watched the video clip ''Kami Mat Moto Bukan Mat Rempit'' uploaded by Sikha. AL has chased Macha (Cat Farish) who stole his Bell bag. He blames Macha because of bikers like him, people misunderstand Mat Moto, he then take back his bag stolen by Macha. AL then gives money to Macha and asks him to find a proper job. In the video she uploaded, Sikha apologized to AL.

AL was advised by his close friend, Bangcik to be patient in facing trials. Meanwhile, AL tried to call Sikha but she did not answer the call. While on the way, AL was approached by Shahrul (Rosyam Nor) and racing each other. The film ends with AL, who is now studying religion, poses with some helmets that he has collected, insist that each of them has their own story.

The Hunted Woman

As described in a film magazine review, a young woman goes North to find out whether her husband is dead or alive and also to effect the release of her innocent brother from jail. She meets a youth who has staked out a gold claim and has a romance with him. She does not surrender her love until her husband is found and killed, meeting death in a fight with the youth's partner.

Sylvia (musical)

Starting with a flash-forward to Sylvia's expulsion from the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in 1913, the work returns to Sylvia and Christabel's childhood, their memories of their father Richard's death, the early days of the WSPU, Christabel's relationship with Annie Kenney, the death of Sylvia's brother Frank and particularly Sylvia's close but on-off relationship with Keir Hardie. A sub-plot centres on the political and home life of Winston Churchill, pulled in different directions on the women's suffrage issue by his mother Jennie and his wife Clementine.

The stakes are raised by misogynist threats and police brutality, leading Emmeline, Christabel and Flora Drummond towards a more militant stance. The pacifist Sylvia takes issue with this but still takes part in the ensuing window-breaking, imprisonment and hunger strikes. She also disagrees with their strategic delay in seeking the vote for working-class women and their reactions to Hugh Franklin's attack on Churchill and Emily Davison's death, which Sylvia sees as merely capitalising on them for press attention and public support. Ultimately Sylvia is unable to give the unquestioning loyalty required by Christabel and Emmeline and is expelled from the WSPU, freeing her up to form the East London Federation of Suffragettes in tandem with George Lansbury and lead a delegation of working-class East End women to Parliament.

Sylvia comes close to achieving her goals with the third of the Conciliation Bills - the Prime Minister makes this conditional on an end to militant action, but Sylvia is unable to convince her mother and sister to call such a truce. Keir Hardie resigns his parliamentary seat in protest at the outbreak of World War One and rapidly descends into ill-health, with his wife reluctantly arranging a final meeting between him and Sylvia. Emmeline suspends suffragette activity for the duration of the war and women over 30 are granted the vote in 1918. In the final scene, Sylvia brings the child she has had with her partner Silvio Corio to attempt one final reconciliation with her mother, only to find Emmeline assisting in Christabel's campaign to win a seat - as a Conservative candidate.

Howard Lovecraft and the Undersea Kingdom

After the events of the ''Frozen Kingdom'', Howard Lovecraft is now home.

A terrible curse is placed upon his loved ones and he must travel to the Undersea Kingdom in order to free his mother who has been captured by an old foe. On his quest he gains help from Dr. Armitage, his father Winfield, and his best friend Spot.

The Legend of Hallowaiian

Terror arises on the Big Island of Hawaii. Three young friends try to restore peace to their home, after accidentally releasing a mythical monster on Halloween. They must use their wits and courage, and will learn the importance of family, friends and culture.

Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey

Jeronicus Jangle—an inventor, toymaker, and owner of ''Jangles and Things''—receives the final component to his latest invention that he believes will change his and his family's lives forever. This component helps create Don Juan Diego, a sentient matador doll. Jeronicus leaves to celebrate, leaving Diego and the store under the care of his apprentice Gustafson. Diego is distraught to learn that he will be mass-produced, thus robbing him of his uniqueness. He manages to convince Gustafson, an aspiring inventor himself, to get back at Jeronicus by taking Diego and his book of inventions.

Without proof of Gustafson's actions to show to the police, Jangles and Things falls into financial hardship while Gustafson starts his own factory. After the death of his wife Joanne, Jeronicus grows distant from his daughter, Jessica, who moves away.

30 years later, Jangles and Things is a failing pawnbroker shop and Jeronicus has completely lost his creative spark. He is visited by postwoman Ms. Johnston who is sympathetic to his plight and smitten with him as she tries to lift his spirits. Jeronicus is visited by banker Mr. Delacroix who tells him to pay his debts or produce a new invention to show to the bank by Christmas or lose his shop.

Meanwhile, it is revealed that Jessica now has a daughter named Journey who shares Jeronicus’ passion for inventing. A letter arrives for Jessica from Jeronicus, and Jessica sends Journey to stay with him until Christmas. Upon arriving, Jeronicus seems uninterested in her, though agrees to let her stay. Gustafson, now a famous toy tycoon, has exhausted all inventions from Jeronicus’ book. At a party, Gustafson unveils a toy that he has since been trying to perfect called the Twirly Whirly, though it malfunctions and attacks one of the guests. Diego convinces Gustafson to steal another invention of Jeronicus’.

Jeronicus is busy working on his next toy, The Buddy 3000, which Journey discovers was conceived and designed by Jessica, and she resolves to get it to work. That night, she is caught in Jeronicus’ workshop by his assistant, Edison. Together, they find Buddy's body in Jeronicus’ workshop, and after putting in the mechanism that Jeronicus was working on, Buddy comes to life. Jeronicus hears the commotion and enters, causing Buddy to shut down. After sending Journey to bed, he laments about his estrangement from his daughter, the loss of his wife, and the memories he used to share with them.

Journey and Edison discover that Buddy has been stolen by Gustafson. They manage to infiltrate Gustafson's factory, where he conducts a failed unveiling of Buddy. Gustafson orders Buddy destroyed, though Journey and Edison are able to retrieve it before it can happen. After realizing Journey and Edison have gone missing, Jeronicus goes to the factory. With help from Jeronicus and Buddy, Journey and Edison are able to escape the factory, though Buddy is severely damaged as a result. Ms. Johnston arrives to help them escape Gustafson and his guards.

Journey reveals to Jeronicus that she wrote to Jessica on his behalf, wanting to get to know him. Wanting to do right by Journey and Jessica, who arrives in town to retrieve Journey, he gets to work on fixing Buddy. Jessica confronts Jeronicus over his neglect for her, though he unveils hundreds of unsent letters to her that he couldn't bring himself to send. After making amends, Jessica helps Jeronicus fix Buddy overnight.

Jeronicus and his family are confronted by Gustafson, Diego, and the police, and accused of stealing Buddy from him, though Journey disproves this. Jeronicus removes the life-giving component from Diego for reprogramming. As Gustafson is arrested, Jeronicus gives Gustafson the missing component for his Twirly he wanted to give him years back, which he would've been given if he was patient. Mr. Delacroix arrives in the store and sees Buddy, and promises to give Jeronicus funding for any invention he desires to make.

The story is shown to be told by an older Journey to her grandchildren and she unveils a still functional Buddy to them. She flies them to the Jangle-owned factory where Gustafson's factory once stood. At the end credits, a book montage of Jangles and Things going back into business, Gustafson finally perfecting his Twirly Whirly in his cell, Diego's doll being mass-produced, and the opening of Jangle's factory.

Percy (1925 film)

As described in a film magazine review, Percy Rogeen, a mother’s boy, becomes his dad’s campaign manager and is taught to drink and smoke. In a fight he is thrown into a box car and eventually lands in the desert. He is saved from a gang by Holy Joe. Together they go to a gambling house and save the girl’s property from a gang plotting to get hold of it through holding back the water.

The Steam Engines of Oz

A hundred years after the events that occurred in ''The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'' and after the defeat of the Wicked Witch, there is a modernized Emerald City that is ruled by the once-revered hero the Tin Man. The land of Oz is at risk as the city expands its territory further and further. The last hope comes from a young mechanic who works underneath the city whose name is Victoria Wright.

A Dangerous Affair (1995 film)

Sharon Blake is a successful career woman who meets real-estate agent Robert Kenzer while attending a party and they soon begin a passionate affair. But when she ends the affair, Sharon finds herself being stalked and harassed by her obsessed ex-lover who becomes violent and delusional.

The Third Hand (film)

The story begins with a bed in an apartment on which lies a corpse. The owner of the apartment sells the furniture to a furniture company, after which the bed is then sold to Ah Keung (Lam Pei-huang) and Ah Ping (Luk Kim-min) who discover there is a roll of money hidden inside, and this results in each thinking up ways of keeping the money.

However, later the wife of Ah Keung's boss (Lin Yang Yang) makes love to Ah Keung on the bed at the very time that another man Chiang Pui (To Lung) is attempting to gain entry into the house by way of a water pipe. After watching through the window at the antics on the bed, which he finds most entertaining, a hand emerges from beneath the bed, and Chiang Pui becomes so afraid that he falls from the water-pipe.

The Secret of Two Oceans

Simultaneously, the Soviet ship "Arctic" and the French ship "Victoire" suddenly die in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, respectively. The crew of the Soviet submarine "Pioneer" is going to understand what led to these terrible events.

Streets on Lock (Atlanta)

In the aftermath of the shooting incident, Earn (Donald Glover) and Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) are awaiting bail at the police station and are making fun of many of the people detained. Alfred is bailed out of his disorderly conduct charge by Darius (Lakeith Stanfield), but Earn is unable to get bailed as his name is not even in the system database.

With Van (Zazie Beetz) not answering his phone calls, Earn is unable to leave and is forced to stay in a waiting room, where the guards are extremely strict about his behavior. He talks with a man who was arrested and charged with public intoxication despite only drinking two beer cans after meeting with a friend after a 11-year absence, with the friend actually being just one row in front of him. Earn also sees a mentally ill man, who has been in the station for weeks, drinking water from the toilet, with the guards not caring for getting him help. When the man spits on a guard, he is beaten and restrained by the guards.

Alfred starts experiencing his fame rising, with more people recognizing him. He receives special treatment, such as getting rare wings and is constantly asked for photos. Nevertheless, Alfred is not ecstatic about this, especially when he sees a kid with a toy gun imitating the events of the shooting. He is later visited by a man wearing a Batman mask, who then flees when he sees him. Back at the station, Earn sees a man who is talking with his ex-girlfriend while Earn is seated between them. The man is suddenly mocked by the people, who accuse him of being gay, as his ex-girlfriend is transgender. Earn is eventually bailed out by Van, who picks him up with Lottie in the back-seat, with Earn remarking she won't remember this.

Go for Broke (Atlanta)

At a fast food restaurant, Earn (Donald Glover) wants to order a kids' meal to save money. However, the cashier refuses to sell him the meal, indicating that he must have a kid with him and order it. Frustrated with the terms, Earn just asks for a cup, intending to fill it with water. He actually fills it with Fanta, realizing that a janitor is watching him.

As they prepare for bed, Van (Zazie Beetz) chastises Earn for his failure in helping with Lottie. Earn attempts to make up by taking her to dinner the next day, which she accepts. The next day, Earn finds that he only has $96 on his bank account, which is reduced to just $62 due to other expenses. He takes a friend's offer to take Van to a restaurant that will benefit him financially. Meanwhile, Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) and Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) prepare to make a drug deal with a gang named "Migos" (a fictional version of the band) with Darius handcuffing himself to the briefcase with the product. They arrive at their RV, where they are horrified to see that they have a man kidnapped.

At the restaurant, Earn finds that due to a change in the restaurant's leadership, the restaurant is now focused on seafood. The waitress starts upselling Van while Earn sees that he won't be able to pay the now-increasing prices. When the check arrives, Earn is disappointed to see the figure exceeds his salary. Back at the RV, the gang decides to let the man go but Quavo fires at him with a rifle, killing him. As Migos talk with Alfred and Darius, Earn calls Alfred to ask for $20 in his account to pay the dinner, nearly exposing their plan in front of Migos. Alfred and Darius complete the deal and leave with the briefcase. At Van's house, she and Earn discuss their situations and struggles. Later, Earn tries to report his debit card stolen as he drinks champagne, which leaves him disgusted.

The Streisand Effect (Atlanta)

Earn (Donald Glover) and Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) talk outside a club, when they are approached by a social media personality named Zan (Freddie Kuguru). Zan annoys them with his personality and tries to make them buy some of his merch, which they refuse. He furthers infuriates Alfred by trying to brush off Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) until Alfred tells him he is with them. After taking photos of them and giving his phone number to Earn, Zan leaves.

The next day, Alfred finds that Zan is trash-talking him on social media and starts replying back, ignoring Earn and Darius. Alfred is further infuriated when Zan starts trolling him with many videos and memes. Earn and Darius then go to a pawn shop, where Earn wants to trade his phone for money. However, Darius convinces Earn to trade his phone for a katana, indicating he could get him even more money in the long term. Despite hesitating and needing the money, Earn trades his phone for the katana. They then go to a warehouse, where Darius trades the katana for a Cane Corso, intending to make money of it.

Having discovered Zan's job thanks to a bartender, Alfred confronts him but accepts to join him in the car as he delivers a pizza with a kid in the backseat. Zan explains that he views Alfred as exploiting his culture for profit and he is exploiting him back on it for business. He also reveals that the kid is not his son, he is actually his partner on Vine, with Alfred expressing surprise at his foul-mouthed nature. They arrive at the destination, where Alfred sees that Zan sends the kid to deliver the pizza. The man attending the kid takes the pizza, robs him and then shuts the door. Alfred is taken aback and is even more disgusted to see Zan recording the kid while he knocks at the door. Alfred then exits the car and leaves the scene.

In the outskirts, Earn and Darius deliver the dog to a man, intending to make puppies with another dog, with Earn getting $2,000 for it. However, Earn is shocked to find that he won't get the money for a few months. Earn is frustrated, as he, Van and Lottie needed the money immediately. To compensate, Darius hands over his phone to Earn, telling him to trade it. Earn accepts it and Darius remarks "we are friends now" as he enters the car.

Nobody Beats the Biebs

Earn (Donald Glover) and Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) attend a youth charity event, where Alfred is set to play basketball along with other celebrities. Alfred approaches reporter Valencia Joyner (Paloma Guzman) for an interview, but she is not interested in him, deeming him part of "Gangster things", which seems to upset him.

Suddenly, Justin Bieber arrives, and his presence annoys Alfred. He is more disgusted when Bieber only acknowledges him for the shooting incident and even gets an interview with Joyner, with Bieber making crude comments. He also sees Bieber urinating in a hallway just as the game is about to start, with the other celebrities not caring. As Earn leaves to find a seat, he is approached by a woman named Janice (Jane Adams), who mistakes him for a person named Alonzo. While he initially tries to explain the situation, he ends up going with her to an agents meeting in the stadium.

Meanwhile, Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) goes to a shooting range to try a gun. However, people are astounded to find that he used the silhouette of a dog as his shooting target. Two men tell Darius to drop the dog silhouette, but Darius remarks that they are angry for targeting dogs while they use human targets. Two Muslims defend Darius and call out the white men for expressing their racism with their targets, although Darius wants to avoid trouble when the situation grows hostile. The store owner then forces Darius at gunpoint to leave the range, not even getting his dog target.

At the agents meeting, Earn gets many contacts for Alfred and enjoys the free service. Janice approaches him, talking about her previous encounter with "Alonzo". She then calls him out, as she believes Alonzo forced her out of the company and took her clients, intending to take revenge. As she leaves, Earn confesses that he is not Alonzo. Ignoring that, Janice says she will make sure that he "dies homeless". At the basketball game, Alfred and Bieber trade insults in the court. Later, Alfred hits Bieber during the game and both end up fighting. At a press conference, Bieber apologizes for his "cool" behavior and proceeds to sing a song from his upcoming album. Alfred is dismayed at the public gleefully staring at Bieber and approaches Joyner again for an interview. Joyner states that Alfred should "play his part" as the public wants him to be "the asshole" instead of Bieber due to his rapper status. Earn joins Alfred and they leave the conference.

Value (Atlanta)

Van (Zazie Beetz) has dinner at a luxury restaurant with a friend, Jayde (Aubin Wise). Jayde is a WAG, dating a NBA player and going on vacations in Europe. The conversation then turns to talk about Earn (Donald Glover), with Jayde expressing her discomfort with Van still being with him, telling her she must know her "value".

Jayde then invites her friend Kevin and one of his friends, C.J., to join them. Van is taken aback by their nature and leaves. At the parking garage, Jayde apologizes to Van for her attitude and offers to smoke marijuana, which she accepts. At the rooftop of the garage, they continue smoking and reconcile for what happened. The next morning, Van wakes up in her house, but is horrified to remember that she has to take a drug test that day. She asks Jayde for help, but she is unable to find anything useful. As Earn arrives to play with Lottie, Van tries to find ways to pass the test.

Desperate, Van contacts Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) for help. While Alfred tells her he won't get anyone to buy urine, she could alter it with a simple method. Van removes the urine from Lottie's diapers, placing it on a condom and ties it to her leg. At her school job, she goes to the restroom to take the test. However, while untying the condom, it accidentally breaks and spills it out. She is later called by the school principal for not taking the test and she admits to smoking marijuana. The principal says that she understands her situation and that the tests weren't really important for her, but due to Van's confession, she will be fired within one week. She returns to one of her classes, dejected and is frustrated to see one of her black students in whiteface.

Juneteenth (Atlanta)

After a one-night stand, Earn (Donald Glover) is picked up by Van (Zazie Beetz) so they can attend a Juneteenth-themed party, hosted by her upper class friend, Monique (Cassandra Freeman). At the party, they meet Monique's white husband, Craig (Rick Holmes), whose personality seems to annoy Earn.

As Earn explores the mansion, he seems curious upon discovering Craig's study room, which is filled with African-American memorabilia. Craig takes pride on his knowledge of African-American culture, making Earn feel uncomfortable. He tells Van his frustrations, and she states that she wants to establish good relations with the upper class, telling him they must pretend to be more sophisticated. So they start pretending to be married in order to impress the guests. After one of the party guests asks Earn about him, he says Van does everything and is better than him. The situation prompts Van to go to the restroom, where she has a nervous breakdown.

Van later talks with Monique, who is aware of Craig's behavior and fascination with the culture. Earn listens to Craig give a poem based on Jim Crow and leaves the room, where he is approached by two valets who recognize him as Alfred's manager. Craig immediately recognizes him because of this and despite Van's insistence, their cover is blown to Monique. Monique orders the valets off, irritated with the help, and seems upset at Earn's job and even insults Alfred when Craig brings up the shooting incident. Earn then calls out Monique and Craig and both Earn and Van leave the mansion. As they drive, Van has Earn pull the car over and they start having sex.

The Jacket (Atlanta)

Earn (Donald Glover) wakes up in a house after a party, where the owner wants him gone. Earn suddenly realizes that he lost his blue bomber jacket and the owner claims not to know anything. He decides to follow back on the events of the previous day to find the jacket, as it carries important items.

He goes to a strip club, where he checks with a stripper about his actions the previous night, where she says she was with a woman but apparently is not a stripper. He leaves the club, and checks some Snapchat stories, where he, Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) and Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) were drinking at a bar and then left for the strip club on an Uber, with a woman accompanying them. Through the stories, he sees that he no longer wore the jacket at the strip club. He meets with Alfred and Darius on the couch, where he contacts the Uber driver. The driver confirms he has the jacket but wants $50 to give it back.

Alfred and Darius drive Earn to the driver's house. However, while they wait in their car, Alfred feels something weird is going on. As they try to leave, their car is intercepted by police cars, who were surveilling the area. The police state that the driver is a notorious drug and weapon dealer. Suddenly, they see the driver try to escape on foot, while wearing Earn's jacket. The police shoot the driver in the back, killing him and damaging the jacket. Earn asks the officers to check the pockets but the police find nothing on them, and ask him to leave the scene.

After the events, Alfred pays Earn his fee and invites him to his house, but he instead goes to meet with Van (Zazie Beetz) and Lottie. He is then visited by his co-worker Swiff (Harold House Moore), who hands him keys, the important items in his jacket that he asked him to guard at the club. As Earn prepares to leave, he gives the money to Van, who offers him to stay to sleep but he declines. Earn leaves and arrives at a storage facility, where he uses the key to unlock a unit. The unit is revealed to be a makeshift place where he is sleeping. He stares at $200 that he kept for himself as he turns off the lights, preparing to sleep.

Sportin' Waves

At night, Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) meets with his drug dealer on the dealer's car, having recently ended his house arrest. However, the dealer suddenly pulls out a weapon and robs Alfred, also taking away his car keys so he doesn't follow him. As Alfred leaves walking, the dealer tries to apologize but Alfred brushes him off.

The next day, Alfred and Earn (Donald Glover) meet with the executives of a music start-up company. The company functions differently than they expected, as they prefer to use digital media instead of disk drives. Alfred feels unsatisfied with the company and lazily performs his duties. Earn notes that nearly the whole white staff of the company is staring at them. He and Earn then meet one of the company's clients, a rapper named Clark County (RJ Walker). During a live performance at the company's offices, Alfred gives up when the crowd feels indifferent to his performance and he and Earn leave the offices.

Back at Alfred's house, Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) gives Earn his share of the dog breeding operation, earning $4,000. Tracy (Khris Davis) overhears this and offers to double the money on a gift card. Earn accompanies Tracy to the mall for the gift card, but they first stop at a shoe store as Tracy has a job interview. At the store, Tracy admires some shoes and then confides in Earn that the store has a "no chase" policy, intending to run away with the shoes without paying. As a clerk sees him, Tracy takes the shoes and calmly walks away from the store without anyone following him.

Needing a new dealer, Alfred meets with Darius's dealer, although the fact that he posts pictures of him on Instagram prompts him to brush him off. They meet another dealer, who sells him marijuana for a reasonable price and quality. However, the dealer sends Alfred a video of his girlfriend performing an Acoustic cover of "Paper Boi", which annoys him. When the dealer puts Alfred on a group chat with his girlfriend, Alfred drops his phone in the street.

Back in the mall, Earn uses the gift card to pay for some shoes. However, Tracy texts him, warning that he has a limited time to buy stuff with the card as it was fraudulently used. After buying a few things, Earn is dismayed to see that Tracy abandoned him in the mall for his job interview, forcing him to take the bus back to Alfred's house. At the house, they watch a commercial by Clark County, with Alfred hating it but Earn actually liking it. At his job interview, Tracy is told that while they are impressed with him, they have no position for him at the company. Tracy then furiously leaves, accusing the interviewer and the company of racism.

Money Bag Shawty

The episode begins with a woman (Blair Busbee) posting Instagram stories, where she tells her audience her frustration with a new song by "Paper Boi" after listening to her young daughter singing it. She recites the song's controversial lyrics, which ends with a statement supporting Colin Kaepernick, prompting her to express her frustration.

At a bar, Earn (Donald Glover), Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) and Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) are celebrating that Alfred's newest single has gone gold, crediting the woman's video for boosting popularity. With their new money, Earn decides to take Van (Zazie Beetz) on a date. Meanwhile, Alfred and Darius meet with Clark County (RJ Walker) to check one of his record sessions, with Alfred set to provide guest verses. During the session, Alfred notes that Clark raps about enjoying drinking and smoking, despite the fact that he earlier rejected that. When the record program crashes while he sings, Clark "calmly" threatens the audio engineer.

Earn and Van go to the movie theater. However, when Earn tries to pay with cash, the cashier can't take the $100 bill. When Earn tries to use his debit card, the cashier states she will have to make a copy of it and his ID every time she swipes the card, frustrating him. They leave, but Earn notices a white man getting his tickets with no problem and handing over a $100 bill. He decides to confront him, until the man reveals he has a gun, prompting them to leave. Back at the record session, the program once again crashes, and Clark decides to go out for a walk. His crew then tell Alfred and Darius to leave, which they do, indicating that they will brutally attack the engineer.

Earn and Van then head to a night club after paying for their entrance. However, Earn is questioned by security guards, who claim that the $100 bill that he gave to the guard is a counterfeit bill. The owner claims it's fake and Earn decides to leave, although he is forced to pay for his entry again as he was already in the club. As they head outside, a security guard says that they know the bill is real but that the owner was "tripping". He decides to call Alfred, inviting him to a strip club. He, in turn, takes Darius and Tracy (Khris Davis) to meet with Earn and they are astounded to see him and Van rented a limo to go to the strip club.

At the strip club, Earn changes his $100 bill into $1 bills, although is forced to give a minimum $200 as well as losing 20% of the money. He is then pressured by the club's announcer to tip a dancer, which he reluctantly does. Despite paying for the table, Earn has to pay $200 just to get drinks and even has to pay a stripper just for dancing a few seconds in front of Van. He also gives bills to Van so she can pay a dancer out of pity as she has garnered little traction. Alfred then discusses the bill situation with Earn, telling him he needs to "act better" than others if he wants good treatment. Earn and Van decide to leave the strip club, where they see a crowd seeing Michael Vick racing other people for cash bets. Earn decides to compete with Vick to prove himself, with Earn clearly seen as ahead of Vick when the race starts. The scene then cuts to the limo, with a dejected Earn and Van, Earn having lost the race.

Helen (Atlanta)

Earn (Donald Glover) performs cunnilingus on Van (Zazie Beetz) before leaving Lottie with a sitter. They leave for Helen for a Fastnacht celebration due to Van's connection to Germany. While talking in the car, they halt when a pig appears on the road.

At Helen, Earn feels uncomfortable that he is the only black person at the festivity and is even mistaken for a white man in blackface, so he asks to wear a white mask. Earn is even more confused when he plays a game named "Hootz Kutz" and he inadvertedly makes a move that impresses the crowd. Earn also finds himself jealous when Van talks with a bartender in fluent German. After expressing concern to Van, they decide to play ping-pong for the best of three games: if Van wins, Earn will stay and will not complain for the rest of the night; if Earn wins, they will leave the festivity. Van wins the game but Earn calls her out for rubbing the victory on him and they get into a discussion.

Van talks with her Afro-German friend, Christina (Jessica Tillman), about her discussion with Earn. At one point, she expresses frustration when Christina refers to her as "Lottie's mom" and when she claims that Van "chose black". When Van loses her phone, the whole party sets out to find it. She talks in German with the bartender, explaining her situation with Earn and how it seems to be worsening. While going to the bathroom, she is surprised by the Schnappviecher, punching him and knocking him down. She eventually finds her phone in a dumpster, just as Earn sent a message so they could talk.

Van meets with Earn at the empty room. She says she wants more commitment in their "relationship" while Earn feels fine with their current status. Van feels tired of waiting and Earn does not want her to keep wasting her time. Van then decides to use a best-of-5 game of ping-pong to settle things: if Van wins, Earn will only see her for Lottie or money; if Earn wins, she can be proven wrong and agree to his terms. When Earn asks what will this prove, she explains "it's gonna prove that I'm tired." They start playing, with both winning one round. The next morning, they drive back to her house. Earn states he will pick up Lottie later and she shuts the door, implying that she won the game.

Barbershop (Atlanta)

Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) is waiting at a barbershop seat, needing a haircut for an incoming photoshoot session for a magazine. His regular barber, Bibby (Robert Powell III), arrives. Bibby constantly talks on his earpiece, making Alfred believe he talks to him. Bibby also procrastinates cutting his hair, like going to the bathroom and showing Alfred a video of an "invisible car" hitting people on a club's parking lot.

Bibby is then called by his girlfriend and sets out to go to her house, offering Alfred to accompany him by promising to cut his hair there. As he has no other barber, Alfred reluctantly goes with him. At his girlfriend's house, Bibby excuses his late arrival on Alfred, claiming that he needed a ride when his car broke down. His girlfriend falls for it, but Alfred is dismayed when Bibby cuts his son's hair first as he claims his schedule was ahead of Alfred's. They leave, just as the house's energy power is cut off, as Bibby didn't pay the bill and then takes money from his girlfriend as payment for the haircut.

Driving back, Bibby offers to take Alfred for some food at Zaxby's for lunch and he agrees. Instead, he takes Alfred to a house on reparations, where he gives Alfred the leftovers of a Zaxby's meal he left there. An angry Alfred demands that he takes him to the barbershop, and he promises, but not before asking Alfred to help carry lumber to his truck. As they are finishing, a car pulls up and a woman screams at Bibby, accusing him of stealing the lumber from her property. Bibby claims that he loaned the lumber through her husband and as he didn't pay, he is taking it back, also stating that her husband didn't give them contracts for the job, frustrating her as he calls her husband and the police.

As they return to the barbershop, Bibby notices his son Lamar hanging out with his friends. When they notice him, they flee and Bibby gives chase on his truck. He catches up with them, reprimanding Lamar for skipping school and not putting the posters he assigned him to do. He calls Alfred to lecture his kid but Alfred is not in the mood. When Lamar notices Alfred and insults his hair, Alfred angrily steps out and confronts Lamar, telling him about his father's reckless behavior. Lamar is not taken aback, he actually wants Alfred to listen to one of his mixtapes, frustrating him. Bibby then takes Lamar to go with him and Alfred. Bibby discusses with Lamar in the truck and despite being told by Alfred to focus on the road, he accidentally rear-ends a car. Bibby asks Alfred to claim that he drove the wheel due to his criminal record, but Alfred refuses as he is still on probation and is carrying marijuana in his pockets. When the driver, an Asian woman, steps out of her car in pain, Bibby decides to drive away in a hit and run.

They finally arrive at the barbershop, where Bibby is called for another meeting. Alfred silently threatens him and he proceeds to cut his hair. Alfred refuses to pay and only does so when Bibby starts claiming that they had "a good day", leaving angrily. After some time passes, Alfred returns to the barbershop, with Bibby waiting for him. Instead, Alfred goes with his new barber, who is just a few feet away from Bibby. As he prepares, Alfred is speechless when he is asked as to what haircut he wants, as he only said "the usual" to Bibby. He then stares at Bibby tending to another person across him.

Champagne Papi (Atlanta)

On New Year's Eve, Van (Zazie Beetz) meets with her friends Candice (Adriyan Rae), Tami (Danielle Deadwyler) and Nadine (Gail Bean), with all four planning to go to a party at a mansion hosted by Drake, who will be present. Van wants to improve her Instagram page by meeting Drake, as she feels that it only involves Lottie and Earn (Donald Glover).

They are picked up in a party bus, which leaves them in front of Drake's mansion. One of the attendees is revealed to have a fake invitation and is restrained by the security guards while the rest of the girls are allowed inside. Van and her friends meet Candice's boyfriend, DJ, who claims that Drake is moving around the house. DJ gives Van, Tami and Nadine marijuana-infused gummies to consume, although Nadine reacts badly as it is her first drug use. Van leaves Nadine in a room to recover and meets a man named Brandon, who claims that his cousin is Drake's nutritionist and takes her to Drake's studio to charge her phone. After Brandon leaves, Van sneaks into one of Drake's rooms (which contains a Mexican flag), where she puts on one of his jackets.

Nadine has left the room and is now conversing next to a pool with Darius (Lakeith Stanfield), who is explaining an argument related to the Bostrom simulation argument, claiming that everything is a simulation and nothing is real. As Van continues wandering through Drake's rooms, she receives a message from Candice, who is leaving the party with DJ to go to another party hosted by T-Pain. Meanwhile, Tami gets into an argument with a white woman who is dating a black celebrity attending the party (whom Tami likes). The man suddenly appears as his girlfriend is leaving, saying "sorry" to Tami before he leaves too.

Looking for her friends, Van eventually reaches a room where a Spanish-speaking man (Carlos Guerrero) states that Drake isn't in the mansion and that he is actually Drake's grandfather. He then points to a calendar, which reveals that Drake is doing a European Tour. She leaves the room and is dismayed to discover guests paying $20 to take pictures with cardboard cutouts of Drake to pretend that he was with them. Van eventually finds Nadine with Darius, who states that he got access to the party as he knows Drake's chef. Nadine shares Darius' simulation theory, with Van saying that Drake doesn't exist. Tami then arrives to tell them that the party is ending and they must leave. The next morning, as Van, Darius, Nadine and Tami walk home, Van suddenly concludes that "Drake is Mexican."

Woods (Atlanta)

Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) is half-asleep at his couch, where he imagines hearing his mother berating him for his room before she disappears. He later wakes up when Earn (Donald Glover) calls him to get him to sign a few forms. Then, Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) arrives to prepare pasta. Alfred then decides to leave with his friend, Sierra (Angela Wildflower), who picks him up in her car.

While shopping, Alfred tells Sierra that while Earn is his manager, he hasn't given him much benefits or "free" stuff. They then go to a nail salon, where Sierra expresses her concerns about her Instagram content, something Alfred is not fond of as he considers it "fake". She suggests they could have a fake relationship to boost their popularity, something that Alfred refuses. When Sierra takes a photo of both of them, Alfred tells her to delete it, and Sierra calls him out for saying his popularity does not make him "real". An angry Alfred leaves the salon and decides to walk home.

As he walks, he runs into three young men, all who claim to be fans of his work. Suddenly, they decide to mug him when they find that he is alone. Alfred fights back but is hurt in the process, losing his watch and necklace and two of them flee. The one remaining starts shooting with a gun, prompting Alfred to escape through the woods. The man's foot steps stop but Alfred feels lost in the woods. As he tries to wander through the woods, he finds himself taunted by an apparently mentally unstable man named Wiley (Reggie Green), who does not seem to help him in anything.

As the night falls, Alfred remains lost and is now nicknamed "deer guts" by Wiley after he stumbles on a dead deer. Tired, Alfred decides to sit near a log, where Wiley compares him to Alfred's mother, calling him out on insulting people and telling him to start thinking how to escape. Wiley then pulls of a knife, telling Alfred to stand up and find a way out of the woods or he will rob him. He then gives him to the count of 30 to run away or he will kill him, prompting him to flee. Suddenly, Alfred finds himself out of the woods and in front of a BP gas station, where he breaks down. He then enters the convenience store to tend his wounds. There, he is approached by a timid fan and Alfred offers him to take selfies, despite his distaste of them. He willingly takes pictures, telling the fan "be safe out here" before leaving.

North of the Border (Atlanta)

Earn (Donald Glover), Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) and Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) are preparing to leave for Statesboro, where Alfred is set to perform at a college campus. Tracy (Khris Davis) suddenly shows up at the apartment and convinces them to let him accompany them, despite his probation. While preparing, Earn reveals they are not staying at a hotel, but with a fan of Alfred named Violet (Jerusha Cavazos), which seems to frustrate Alfred.

Once they arrive at Statesboro, they reach Violet's dorm, who is surprised by Tracy’s unexpected presence but accommodates him. Violet invites Alfred to her bedroom where he will sleep with her, stating in detail that she has a crush on him. At the concert event, they run into Clark County (RJ Walker) and his manager Lucas (Matthew Barnes). Suddenly, Violet dumps beer on Alfred for talking with a girl, prompting an angry Tracy to confront her and push her down the stairs. Earn manages to catch her in time. Violet then slaps Earn and tells a group of students that they tried to touch her. The students corner Earn, Alfred and Darius. Tracy suddenly punches one of the students and the four flee, eventually managing to evade them.

They reach a frat house (mostly consisting of white boys) where they grant them marijuana and invite them to enter. The frat house is in the middle of a hazing ceremony, with many boys being stripped of their clothes. The frat house also has many guns and is proudly displaying a Confederate flag. Darius and Tracy leave to explore more about the frat house while Earn and Alfred stay in the main room. Alfred then tells Earn that he is responsible for all the bad decisions throughout the trip and that he has been talking with Lucas about possibly managing him, telling Earn that while he respects him as family, he is not a good manager.

The next morning, they leave the frat house to get their stuff from Violet's dorm. They find their car damaged and their belongings left around the grass or stolen. Earn finds that his laptop is missing and tries to enter Violet's dorm room, even going as far as to activate a fire alarm. As more students are watching them, they are forced to retreat and escape. While driving back, Tracy mocks Earn's actions and reveals that he stole a flintlock from the frat house, pretending to shoot Earn. Frustrated, Earn tells Alfred to pull the car over to fight with Tracy. Alfred does so, and despite Earn's determination, Tracy effortlessly beats Earn while Alfred and Darius stare. Alfred, Darius and Tracy get inside the car, while Earn takes a few moments to compose himself before entering. They continue driving, in silence.

FUBU (Atlanta)

In the late 1990s, a young Earn (Alkoya Brunson) is accompanying his mother (Myra Lucretia Taylor) to shop at Marshalls. While wandering, he takes an interest on a yellow FUBU shirt and asks his mother to buy it for him, which she accepts to do. He then happily wears the shirt to school the next day.

While going on the bus, Earn and his friend witness a boy punching another boy when he inadvertedly is thrown a yogurt at his face. At school, Earn is complimented for his shirt until a classmate named Devin Meyers (Myles Truitt) shows up with a similar FUBU shirt. The classmates then start deducing that one of them is wearing a counterfeit shirt. A substitute teacher appears, and one of the classmate openly mocks his weight and refuses to follow his orders.

Alfred (Abraham Clinkscales) sells a student his own stolen calculator and is taken to the principal's office, where he tries to play it off as racism and is just warned to not do it again. While working on a science project with his school crush, Earn removes a thread hanging from his shirt, with Devin watching him. Earn is later mocked by two students who claim his shirt is fake, dubbing it "FEBE". He later learns that a student that was absent earlier that day, Johnny, will soon arrive to confirm who has the fake shirt. He then sees as the two students mock Devin too for his shirt, while also being told that whoever has the fake shirt will be roasted by the entire school.

Desperate, Earn asks Alfred for help, telling him about the thread on his shirt. Alfred tells him that he will take care of it. When the school day ends, Earn tries to hurriedly leave but is intercepted by the classmates and Johnny, who comes to the conclusion that Earn's shirt is fake as it says "made in Bangladesh" instead of "made in China". As they start mocking him, Alfred arrives and tells them that Earn's shirt is the correct one, as Johnny is biased because he is Chinese (when he is actually Filipino) and the classmates start mocking Devin, who leaves humilliated. As he leaves, Earn gets the phone number from his crush but also sees more students harassing Devin.

The next day, Earn and his class are informed that Devin committed suicide, and that Devin has been struggling since his parents were divorcing, with the school staff apparently unaware of the recent harassment against him. When Earn arrives home, he is questioned by his mother and aunt about Devin, but none are actually accusing him of being involved. His mother also mentions that she bought him another FUBU shirt. Earn sits with Alfred on the couch, guilt-ridden about the events although Alfred does not seem to be affected.

Crabs in a Barrel

Earn (Donald Glover) takes Lottie to a meeting with Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) and an entertainment lawyer. Despite the lawyer claiming to represent multiple singers, Alfred later confides to Earn that he wants a Jewish lawyer, as he feels that he is being robbed by the lawyer. Alfred also has to prepare for a European tour, which will be headlined by Clark County (RJ Walker).

Earn also helps Alfred and Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) with packing their things for both a move and getting ready for the tour. During this, Alfred informs Earn that he found his golden gun and tells him to get rid of it, and Earn decides to put it in his backpack. He then goes with Van (Zazie Beetz) for a parents-teacher meeting at Lottie's school. Her teacher informs them that Lottie is a gifted student and that they should place her in a private school to accommodate her interests. Outside, they discuss the options, with Van telling Earn to be more present for their daughter.

While checking on the men helping with moving Alfred's stuff, Earn decides to accompany Darius to a passport agency as Darius' passport is expired. At the office (which is part of a Jewish part of the city), Earn talks with the man attending them, who claims to have a cousin who is a good (presumably Jewish) lawyer. When Earn asks if he knows a "black lawyer" as good as his lawyer, the man claims that there is but that the black community does not have as many connections like his uncle did for his cousin. Earn then gets a message from Van, who tells him that she is considering moving with her mother and Lottie. Earn then asks Darius if Alfred will truly fire him as manager. Darius states that he improved as manager and even if Alfred fires him, he will always care for Earn as family. He says he wants to give Earn a "chance to see the world" by taking him to Europe.

Earn, Alfred and Darius spend a moment at the couch before leaving for the airport. At the airport, they rendezvous with Clark and Lucas (Matthew Barnes) as they prepare for the flight. As they pass their bags through security, Earn discovers that he is still carrying the golden gun. He smoothly slips it into Clark's bag. Moments later, Earn passes safely through security, and he joins Alfred and Darius as the security machines beep and a TSA agent calls out, demanding to know "whose bag is this?". Before the flight takes off, Alfred tells Earn that he saw him place the gun in Clark's bag. Alfred is not angry, he actually praises him for his actions, saying that they care for each other while other people just care for themselves. Suddenly, Clark appears on the plane without his manager Luke, claiming that TSA found a gun in Luke's bag. Earn tells Alfred that he placed the gun in Clark's bag (not Luke's) and Alfred sighs. Meanwhile, Tracy (Khris Davis) arrives at Alfred's house and starts knocking repeatedly, unaware that Alfred and the others have already left.

Zacharia Pothen Jeevichirippundu

Babu Antony is the protagonist of this film. The story starts in Zacharia Pothen's guest house in a hill station where he and his wife Maria along with their servant Chami live happily. The guest house is very special for both of them as it is their favourite place to spend their time. Zacharia is a retired army man. After many years, his army friend comes to enquire about Zacharia's death. At this time the only person inhabiting the guest house is Chami and it is revealed that both Zacharia, his wife and a stranger were found murdered one night in the house.

Later, Zacharia's friend finds out with the help of a video tape that Maria was cheating on Zacharia and the stranger found dead was her boyfriend. Zacharia had died by drinking the poison Maria gave him and both Maria and her boyfriend had died by drinking the poison Zacharia had given them.

Last Christmas (film)

Katarina "Kate" Andrich, a young aspiring singer, bounces around between her friends’ places, and works a dead-end job as an elf at a year-round Christmas shop in Central London, whose strict but good-hearted Chinese owner calls herself "Santa". While at work, she notices a man outside staring upward and talking to him, learning that his name is Tom Webster.

After an unsuccessful singing audition, Kate sees Tom again and they go for a walk, where he charms her with his unusual observations of London. Upon getting evicted by her oldest friend, Kate is forced to return home to her parents, both Yugoslavian immigrants. Her mother Petra suffers from depression, and her father Ivan, a former lawyer, works as a minicab driver as he cannot afford to retrain to practice law in the United Kingdom. Kate feels suffocated by her mother, who dotes on her while neglecting Kate's older sister, Marta, a successful lawyer who is closeted to their parents.

Kate begins spending more time with Tom, who makes deliveries on a bike and volunteers at a homeless shelter, which she initially mocks. Looking for Tom, who often disappears for days at a time and says he keeps his phone in a cupboard, she begins helping at the shelter in the hope of running into him, but finds that the staff has never met him.

While celebrating Marta's promotion, Kate spitefully outs Marta to their parents. Storming out, she then runs into Tom, who takes her back to his apartment. Kate reveals that, a year earlier, she was seriously ill and had to have a heart transplant. Kate says she feels half-dead and questions whether she has the talent to make it as a performer. After opening up to Tom, Kate tries to initiate sex, but he declines.

After spending the night with Tom, Kate begins taking small steps to improve her life; taking care of her body, setting up Santa with a Danish man who loves Christmas as much as she does, apologising to Marta and her girlfriend, and singing Christmas songs to busk for money for the shelter. After a few days she runs into Tom again, who says he has something important to tell her, but she preemptively asserts he is fearful of commitment, and walks away.

Kate continues to try to do good in her daily life. Finally, wanting to make amends with Tom, she returns to his apartment only to meet an estate agent who is holding viewings, who explains that the place has been vacant during the probate process. After some initial confusion about who owns the flat, he reveals that the previous owner was killed in a bicycle accident last Christmas, and Kate realises that Tom was the organ donor whose heart she received. Going to a small garden, which was Tom's favourite place, Kate encounters him again where he says his heart will always belong to her. The bench on which they sat during their first trip to the garden is revealed to be a memorial bench for Tom.

On Christmas Eve, Kate organises a show utilising the talents of the people at the shelter and invites all of her friends and family, including the newly coupled Santa and her Danish admirer, and the estate agent she met at Tom’s apartment. Kate delicately performs a solo of the Wham! song, "Last Christmas", intertwined with flashbacks of her time with Tom, and revelry ensues when the curtain rises and she is joined by the band of shelter performers. The next day, Kate and her family celebrate Christmas together, joined by Marta's girlfriend Alba for the first time.

The Christmas celebration transitions to summer, where a visibly healthier Kate is seen writing in her journal on Tom’s memorial bench in the garden to which he introduced her. Smiling and visibly happy, Kate looks up, as Tom always advised.

Hurricane (2018 film)

The pilots of No. 303 Squadron RAF, are a group of Polish fliers who have escaped from Europe, following the Nazi invasions of Poland and France, to join the Royal Air Force. Czech Josef František, refusing to become a bomber pilot, invites himself into the newly formed unit. Canadian RAF pilot John Kent, who became affectionately known as "Kentowski", has his work cut out for him when he is handed the angry and often maligned squadron to command. Piloting Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft, 303 Squadron works through language barriers, cultural differences and their grief on the loss of loved ones to become highly effective in the Battle of Britain. At the conclusion, the Polish pilots are told that they will be repatriated to communist Poland.

The Best Policy

When the alien Dal kidnap scientist Edwin Magruder from the colony planet New Hawaii, they intend to interrogate him so that they may use the information he provides to conquer humanity. However, when Magruder realizes that the Dal "lie detector" instead detects objective truth, he uses obfuscation to convince his captors that humans possess supernatural abilities and are vastly more powerful than them.

Ladies in Black (film)

Lisa is hired as a new assistant at Goode's department store in Sydney during the 1959 Christmas season. She makes friends with Fay, who is initially wary of immigrants, Patty, who seeks more attention from her husband, and Magda, an immigrant from Slovenia who introduces her to her other European friends. Patty buys a pink nightdress to get her the attention from her husband she seeks, but he believes he has upset her with his attention and disappears for the season. Magda invites Lisa and Fay to a New Year's Eve party at Magda's house and introduces Fay to Rudi, a Hungarian immigrant who is looking for a wife. Lisa is introduced to Michael, the son of Hungarian immigrants to Australia. A dress Lisa wants to buy is marked down from 150 guineas to 75 guineas during the next summer sale, then later to 50 guineas.

Patty's husband returns and they reconcile when she explains she wants his attention, and Patty soon becomes pregnant. Lisa gets honours on her school leaving exam and applies for a scholarship at Sydney University after getting the approval of her father. Rudi buys a new apartment and proposes to Fay in it. Lisa is upset the dress she likes is no longer on display, but Magda has only hidden it away now so it has been reduced to 35 guineas, which Lisa can now afford. She buys the dress and wears it to a party celebrating her test scores. Magda says she has picked out a location for a store where she will sell high-end fashion. Magda asks Lisa what she will do after finishing her studies at Sydney University and Lisa says she wants to be an actress, or a poet, or a novelist, or maybe all three.

When Megan Went Away

The story centers around Shannon, a preteen girl whose mother's partner, Megan, has recently separated from Shannon's mother. Shannon wanders throughout her house, noticing items Megan has taken with her, as well as items that remain, reminding her of her mother's former partner. Shannon continues to reminisce about how life was like with Megan around. Illustrations within the book signal that both Shannon and her mother are distraught about the situation. After Megan's departure, life will be very different for Shannon, and she thinks about how she will navigate the change. Shannon pulls out a puzzle but remembers that her mother does not enjoy puzzles. Shannon makes a dinner of sandwiches and milk for herself and her mother, and she grows angry when her mother fails to eat the meal. This built-up anger and sadness cause Shannon to throw a tantrum in the living room, which her mother notices. Her mother leaves the kitchen to comfort Shannon. In the darkness, the two cuddle beneath a blanket, reflecting on good and bad times they shared with Megan, and crying together. Later, exhausted, Shannon and her mother make their way to the kitchen where her mother fries them both hamburgers. The story ends with Shannon's mother telling her to grab a puzzle for the two of them to complete together.

Memoir of War

As Allied armies approach Paris in the summer of 1944, the occupying Germans arrest Robert, a writer and resister. His distraught wife Marguerite, also a writer and in the same resistance network, is approached by a French collaborator working for the Gestapo, who says he may be able to give information on her husband's fate. In return, he explicitly wants information on the influential resister Morland and implicitly would like an affair. After consulting Dionys, the head of the network who is also Marguerite's lover, she agrees to play along with the collaborator. They meet frequently, and he plies her with scarce food and wine, but she yields him no information or sex. He does however confirm that Robert has been deported to a concentration camp in Germany.

Once Paris is liberated and the Gestapo gone, the emphasis of the resisters switches to the fate of their captured members and support of their families. As Allied armies start liberating the concentration camps in the spring of 1945, information begins to trickle back on who is still alive and who is dead. Marguerite goes through agonies of waiting, torn between hope and despair, until it is confirmed that Robert is in Dachau and close to death. Dionys and Morland obtain a vehicle and papers to bring him back to Paris. When he is fit to work and travel, Marguerite takes him for a holiday in Italy but then divorces him.

Jinni (film)

The film starts with the scene Javid (Ali Seezan) and his father quarreling about his wedding proposal to a girl named Nasiha (Amira Ismail), who is the daughter of Javid's father's friend. His mother (Aminath Rasheedha) convinced him to marry Nasiha, though she is aware of the fact that Seezan has been chased by a spirit and it won't allow him to marry anyone. Afterwards, his mother handed over a piece of paper to him. The film is presented in a nonlinear narrative, jumping between the present and past. In the flashbacks it reveal the past incidents which have occurred in Javid's life.

In order to pursue secondary education, Javid travelled to a nearby island where he meets Thahumeena (Mariyam Afeefa) and a romantic relationship arises between them. Thahumeena spent most of her time at Javid’s house and did all the household chores. The storyline revolved around Javid, Thahumeena and a ghost shaping as Thahumeena. While the ghost urged Javid every night, to go to the beach, Thahumeena expressed her fear for the same. However, Javid and the ghost goes to the beach every night. Suspicious of difference personality of Thahumeena between the days and nights, it was later revealed to Javid, he has been dating a ghost which Thahumeena is not aware of.