Sawyer Scott, a senior at Centre College, receives an offer for a job interview in Washington, DC. Embarrassed that she may not get the job, Sawyer skips Thanksgiving with her family to travel to the interview without telling anyone about her plans. After encountering holiday traffic on I-64, she takes an alternate route but finds it partly closed off. Traveling even deeper into the Appalachian forest, Sawyer eventually turns around but is spotted by brothers Hollister and Buck, who are burying a body.
Concerned she might have seen them, the brothers follow Sawyer and find her studying a paper map. Initially offering help, the brothers soon become hostile when Sawyer rejects their invitation to dinner. Buck and Sawyer are both wounded with his knife during the struggle. The brothers pursue her into the woods for a short distance but turn back as night falls. Disoriented and injured, Sawyer spends the night in a ravine.
After receiving an abandoned vehicle report, county Sheriff O'Doyle questions Hollister and Buck, known local troublemakers, but they deny involvement with Sawyer's disappearance. The brothers later return to Sawyer's vehicle and dispose of it over an embankment in the woods, resuming their search for her. Sawyer finds the wreckage of her car and discovers her cell phone, but the phone has a dying battery and no cellular reception. Suffering from hunger, dehydration, and blood loss, Sawyer loses consciousness near a dumping ground in the woods and is discovered by Lowell, a meth cook who is cousin to Hollister and Buck. Lowell treats Sawyer's wounded leg and offers her food and water, but he binds her with ropes after she throws lye in his face in an escape attempt. The brothers arrive to discuss Lowell's upcoming batch of meth but are suspicious when Lowell disallows them from entering. After the brothers leave, Lowell explains that he is not holding Sawyer hostage but is waiting for the brothers to deliver the batch of meth so he can borrow their pickup and take her to safety. Sawyer relaxes and bonds with Lowell over a discussion of the chemistry involved with cooking meth, helping him prepare the batch.
At the sheriff's office, O'Doyle orders deputy Katz to ignore the missing vehicle report but allows Katz to contact the registered owner to put his mind at ease. When Kentucky State Police commander Slattery arrives, Katz relays the information he has gathered about Sawyer's disappearance. Slattery expresses displeasure with O'Doyle's handling of the case and demands action, angering O'Doyle. O'Doyle returns to Hollister and Buck and demands they find Sawyer, revealing his involvement with their meth operation. After Katz overhears a phone call between O'Doyle and the brothers, he tries to take the sheriff into custody, but O'Doyle kills him and has the brothers dispose of his body. When Slattery returns, O'Doyle "discovers" planted evidence that implicates Katz in Sawyer's disappearance and covers up Katz's murder. While Slattery mobilizes the state police, taking over the investigation from O'Doyle, the sheriff leaves to help with the brothers' meth delivery, planning to upstage the drug cartel that has been moving into the region.
The brothers arrive at Lowell's to pick up the batch of meth and discover Sawyer with him. Lowell claims he has Sawyer "trained", instructing her to microwave a cup of coffee for him from a thermos earlier seen to contain anhydrous ammonia. The microwave explodes, killing Buck and badly injuring Lowell and Hollister, but Lowell shields Sawyer from the blast. Sawyer escapes while the trailer burns, and Lowell struggles to overpower Hollister. O'Doyle arrives and kills both cousins, then picks up Sawyer. Sawyer recognizes O'Doyle's voice and realizes his intentions are hostile, tipping him off. O'Doyle leads her to the titular Rust Creek and tries to drown her, but she stabs him with a weeding fork she slipped from Lowell's trailer earlier. Finally free of her pursuers, Sawyer limps with determination down the road as multiple state police cruisers converge behind her.
Jax is distraught in the wake of Abel's disappearance. Hale is moving into the office of the chief, a position that he states will soon be official. His brother, Jacob, apologizes for bringing Zobelle to Charming, and states that he never intended things to escalate as far as they did. Jacob also tells Hale that he is continuing with his campaign to be mayor of Charming, and asks for "the support of the chief." Hale agrees to support his brother. As the Sons go out to look for Cameron, he remains neutral. Jax attempts to break up with Tara because he believes he is ruining her life, but she remains loyal to him and refuses to leave. SAMCRO buries Half-Sack with over 50 full-patch members from California, Washington, Nevada, and Oregon as well as numerous former military colleagues in attendance. A three-piece kutte is draped over his casket during the service, implying that SAMCRO posthumously patched him in. At the wake, Clay tells Jax that he has to be strong to inspire his SAMCRO brothers. Hale keeps vigil over Half-Sack's funeral which is being attended by numerous Sons Of Anarchy members and associates. Jacob meets him there and reiterates his disgust for the gang and the apparent outpouring of support for them. Hale explains that people, including those in Charming, don't like to see SAMCRO vulnerable since it makes everyone uncomfortable. Later into the funeral, an unknown party, later revealed to be the Calaveras MC, commits a drive-by shooting, injuring and killing several attendees. Hale tries to stop them by getting in front of their van and firing at the driver, but is killed when the vehicle runs him over. Jacob and Unser both futilely rush towards his bloodied body as the van speeds off. When a woman's son is shot in the drive-by after the wake, Jax finally loses it and continually bashes the gunman's head into the pavement until his fellow Sons pull him away.
As described in a film magazine review, Lucille tires of her time as a young society woman and takes a position in the public schools. She requests aid in capturing a band of bootleggers. Policeman O'Malley is sent with orders to obey Lucille. O'Malley makes friends with Margie, a crippled child, whose father is in prison because O'Malley arrested him. O'Malley obtains a pardon for this man. Herbert Browne, the head of the bootleggers, is an admirer of Lucille. On the night of a masquerade ball held by Lucille, a raid is made on the band of bootleggers and Browne is found. He knocks O'Malley unconscious. When O'Malley reaches the ball, Browne is there. O'Malley arrests Browne while masking his face, but then releases him when he realizes he is Lucille's sweetheart. As O'Malley leaves the house, he is shot by Danny, whom he had received a pardon for. Danny divulges the name of Browne to the police captain. Realizing the magnamity of O'Malley, Lucille turns to him as the film ends.
At her wedding, rich socialite Uma is toasted by her guests, who compliment her new attitude. Later, she is pinned to a bed by her husband, Son, who happily remarks on how much more obedient she is.
Two months earlier, Uma awakens in a strange room and realizes that she is trapped on an island called Paradise. She runs away from her captors, but is caught and returned by a fellow patient, Amarna. It is explained to Uma that Paradise is essentially a sort of treatment center for rebellious young women; in Uma's case, she was admitted to the center for rejecting a marriage proposal her mother wants her to accept. Uma becomes friends with her roommates Chloe and Yu, as well as befriending Amarna, a well-known singer sent to Paradise after clashing with her management company.
As Uma adjusts to life on the island, her boyfriend from the mainland, Markus, sneaks onto the island posing as a gardener and promises that he can rescue her. A jealous Amarna tells Uma to be careful and reveals that she has her own secret plan to escape as her fans have smuggled her a rowboat she and Uma can use to leave. Before they can put their plan into action, Amarna is informed that she has graduated early. She tells Uma to rescue herself and Markus. Before she leaves, Amarna also reveals that the milk the women drink each day is drugged so they sleep through the night. Amarna parts from Uma with a kiss.
After a treatment during which Uma is forced to watch old news reports of her father's suicide, Uma reacts badly and is drugged and put into solitary confinement. She awakens two weeks later and meets with the Duchess, who runs the Paradise program. Learning that she will be sent home the next day, Uma decides to leave and convinces Chloe and Yu to run away with her in the night. Before they can escape, Yu is taken to an operating room for a final treatment. When Uma and Chloe try to rescue her, the doctors attack them, and the women are forced to kill them.
Uma, Chloe, and a badly injured Yu manage to escape. They stumble into a control room where they learn that their therapy has not been to rehabilitate them, but to replicate them. Uma learns that Markus never intended to rescue her, but was hired by Paradise to determine her behavior in sexual situations. As Uma and her friends run from the guards, they stumble into a room where they meet their "replicants"; poor and lower-class women who have undergone extensive plastic and cosmetic surgeries and been trained to mimic the voices and personalities of the patients so they can assume their identities. Yu dies and Chloe and Uma are forced to move on without her, but before they go, Uma leaves behind her memory locket of her father for her replacement and tells her that in order to fully embody Uma, she must hate Son, the man responsible for her father's death.
Uma and Chloe make their way into a garden where they see the lifeless bodies of former Paradise captives, including Amarna, ensnared in rose thorns. Uma sees the Duchess, who is revealed to be a vampiric rosebush, feeding on Chloe's body and is wrapped up in vines as the Duchess prepares to make her her next victim. However, Uma's replicant saves her by pretending to be the real Uma, distracting the Duchess enough so that Uma can fatally stab her with a scalpel. Uma and her replicant, Anna, manage to escape in the rowboat. Anna reveals she cannot return to her former life and so she and Uma develop a plan. Anna returns to Uma's wealthy family pretending to be Uma, and marries Son. On their wedding night, she remains downstairs while Uma herself seduces Son and stabs him before they can have sex. Anna is thus free from blame as she was downstairs among many witnesses when the murder occurred. Anna "discovers" Son's body and screams for help, now free to live her life as a wealthy widow. Uma, having secured her revenge, flees into the night to begin a new life.
Ellen Carpenter (Lee Grant) is a successful but emotionally repressed astronomer in Los Angeles who resides with her sister, Cissy (Carol Kane) in a dilapidating house in the Hollywood Hills; the sisters inherited the home from their late father, a successful anthropologist who worked extensively in Africa. Cissy is mentally imbalanced, childlike, and unable to carry on a functional life on her own, spending most of her time caring for her pet monkeys—which she refers to as "mafus"—which she keeps in a large cage in the living room. None of the animals last long in Cissy's possession, however, due to her violent outbursts, during which she kills them.
Cissy is angered when Ellen refuses to acquire another mafu for her, but continues her incestuous fixation on Ellen no less. Cissy threatens suicide if Ellen will not purchase her a king colobus monkey, to which Ellen acquiesces. When their godfather, Zom (Will Geer), a zoologist, is unable to provide a colobus, he instead brings an orangutan, which enthralls Cissy. Meanwhile, Ellen is romanced by David Eastman (James Olson), a coworker at the Griffith Observatory, but she is hesitant to allow him into her private life due to her and her sister's unusual circumstances. After Cissy learns of David, she spirals into a psychological breakdown, vying for sister's attention, and brutally beats her new orangutan to death with a chain.
Ellen subsequently takes a work trip to Arizona, leaving Cissy alone for several days. One day, David arrives at the house hoping to find Ellen, but is met by Cissy instead. She invites him inside, showing him the various African artifacts collected by her father. Cissy explains to David how their father built the mafu cage inside the home so he could continue his work at home while still being with his daughters. Cissy and David have drinks together and dance to tribal music in the house, eventually ending up in the mafu cage. Cissy chains David to shackles on the wall, which he assumes is a joke, but she proceeds to lock him inside.
Cissy proceeds to study David as an anthropological subject. Later that night, she paints her face red and dresses in tribal regalia to enact rituals studied by her father amongst African tribes; using an ornate wooden club, Cissy bludgeons David to death, and subsequently buries his corpse in the garden. Ellen returns home and notices a portrait Cissy made of a man that resembles David, which disturbs her. Her worries that Cissy might have harmed David are substantiated when she finds blood-soaked clothing in the laundry hamper. Realizing Cissy murdered David, Ellen locks herself in the bathroom while Cissy has a violent nervous breakdown.
Hours later, Ellen emerges from the bathroom only to be trapped by Cissy, who subsequently shackles Ellen in the mafu cage. A defeated Ellen refuses to eat, defying Cissy, and threatens that Cissy will be locked in an institution once authorities find Ellen's body. Cissy sketches an ornate mural on the walls of the mafu cage as Ellen grows progressively weak. Ellen eventually dies, leaving Cissy distraught. After placing Ellen in a burial garb, Cissy padlocks herself inside the mafu cage, and shackles herself to the wall.
Hassan (Roanu Hassan Manik) and Maariya (Arifa Ibrahim) are a cheerful and wealthy couple living their old-aged lives with their children, Nazim (Mohamed Faisal), Hanim (Yoosuf Shafeeu), Azim (Ravee Farooq), Ganim (Ali Azim) and Hanim's wife, Sheeza (Sheela Najeeb). Nazim, the accountable member of the family leads the family business and notices that its accountant, Jihad (Ali Shazleem) is involved in a financial scam. Hoping to eliminate the threat, Jihad assigns a group of thugs to murder Nazim but his younger brother, Hanim unintentionally gets involved in the assault and is ultimately killed by them, interrupting the peace of the family. Meanwhile, Azim is romantically attracted to married woman, Minha (Mariyam Azza) who is suffering a domestically abused marriage by her drunk husband, Mauroof (Ahmed Easa). After their third divorce, Mauroof manipulates Minha to consummate a marriage with Azim, only to remarry him after the divorce.
In an interrogation session with Jihad, Nazim realizes that he has been adopted by Hassan and Maariya. This leads him to search for his birth mother, Khadheeja (Mariyam Haleem), an underprivileged orphan, who had to handover baby Nazim to the family as he was a result of a brutal rape by an invader. During this visit, Nazim bumps into Shauna (Aminath Rishfa), a pretty young woman who was initially in a relationship with his cousin, Akmal (Ibrahim Jihad), a womanizer. The youngest of the family, Ghanim, initiates a romantic affair with Shaha (Irufana Ibrahim), the girlfriend of Munthasir (Abdullah Shafiu Ibrahim), one of the thugs involved in Hanim's murder.
Nazim encounters with his father, Fuad, and narrowly escapes from a death trap, which leads the latter to be self-poisoned in the process. As the newly-wed brides enter the family, Akmal becomes distressed welcoming Shauna as his sister-in-law. Meanwhile, he befriends with Shaha and together they conspire against the whole family, each with their personal vendetta. From threatening Shauna to plotting against Nazim and Sheeza, they succeed in breaking the family into pieces. However, soon Azim realizes the wrongdoing by them and put the puzzle pieces together to prove Akmal intends to eliminate Nazim from the family business and Shaha plans to save Munthasir from the death penalty.
Hoping to evade the trouble of Zoya (Nashidha Mohamed), a mentally unstable woman, Nazim reveals that she is his half-sister, only for her to find out later that she actually is a result of an extramarital affair by her mother (Aminath Rasheedha). Akmal blackmails Shauna with explicit photos and videos of their previous affair, into having intimacy with her. Mauroof seeks help of a black magic practitioner (Ali Farooq) to cast a spell on the relationship of Minha and Azim.
Nairi is a human girl living in the rich district of Shirin. When her tutor, a talking Raccoon, tells her that she has to leave the house and not return she flees and ends up in being smuggled out of the district. Later on, she investigates the lower districts of Shirin and the Tower that a friend, Rex, has been learning about. Soon, Nairi discovers a magical ancient world and that she has a bigger role than she anticipated.
Valentina lives in New York with her boyfriend who proposes to her. She has a good life going for her until her scandalous family in Mexico needs her to pretend to be engaged to her ex-boyfriend for awhile. She is denied a green card and heads to Mexico to talk to her father, a political figure, on getting rid of the fake engagement. She starts feeling bad and eventually gives in to her father's pleading. This leads to her posing with her ex as her heart struggles to tell her if she has made the right choice staying with her fiancé or falling again for her ex.
On 12 Shawwal 1420, a group of six colleagues go on a picnic to an uninhabited island rumored to be cursed where horrifying incidents occur for the 13th, 14th and 15th of each month. The island was restricted from visiting for the past ten years, but permitted for a special request from Fasee (Ibrahim Jihad). On arrival they are welcomed by Shathir, a notable historian, who came to the island to prepare a thesis for his PhD. After refreshing, the group dispersed around the island exploring and enjoying the view. The group includes four lovers; Neena (Khadheeja Ibrahim Didi) and Riyaz (Ahmed Shah), Fasee and Nasra (Nashidha Mohamed) and two exes; Nihan (Mohamed Manik) and Malakaa (Sheela Najeeb).
During the stay, they met with some unusual incidents which the group differs to believe; Malakaa presumably seeing a human skull while Neena and Riyaz felt a strange cooling breeze rushed over them after they had an intimate moment. After dinner, Riyaz and Neena planned to scare rest of the group by wearing a mask. The plan was going smooth till Neena fells upon the same skull Malakaa mentioned and she failed to remove the mask off her face. She was killed by the spirit and the group splits into two searching for her. Riyaz and Shathir finds Neena hanging on tree with the mask on. The duo ran for their lives when the spirit pulled Riyaz's leg and drowned him into the sea. Shathir was able to save himself since he was wearing an amulet on his waist. He recalls having the knowledge that the spirit has a connection with the moon; once a cloud shadows over the moon, her supernatural powers strengthen.
Shathir went back to his tent to fetch his research documents. Quarrel within the group arises when Nihan suspects Shathir is hiding several facts from them. Shathir informs them that the island was believed to be haunted and the island disappears during this period. The group leave together to search for the skull which Malakaa found. However, the team separates and Fasee and Nasra are ultimately killed. Nihan and Shathir engage in a fight and Nihan breaks Shathir’s amulet. Shathir snatches the amulet back from him and breaks Nihan's leg. Shathir discovers the skull and finds out the truth about the island; a man killed his wife when she found out about his extramarital affairs and buried her on the island. Shathir is then murdered while holding the skull. Malakaa and Nihan locate a wood pallet and they try to swim off but Nihan falls off the pallet and dies while Malakaa makes it off the shore. She later awakens with no prior memories, lying on the pallet in the middle of the sea.
The main character, Nikki Grewal, is a 22-year-old woman in London, who dropped out of law school and works at O’Reilly's pub, going against the expectations of her Punjabi Sikh family. Nikki is intrigued when her sister Mindi, a nurse who is making enough money to support herself, chooses to do an arranged marriage. - Print date: April 1, 2017. She chooses to become a creative writing teacher, for the Sikh Community Association, located in Southall. Her students, older women whose husbands had died, have difficulties with English. The women begin to tell stories about their sexual lives after they encounter a copy of ''Red Velvet: Pleasurable Stories for Women'' that Nikki brought.
On the Lower Rhine, the corpse of a woman is found whose red hair, pubic, and armpit hair have been removed. The investigators Nadja Simon and Matthias Köhler and prosecutor Grünberg, with whom Nadja has an affair, encounter five former boarding school students who know the victim from their school days and experimented with human scents back then, inspired by the novel ''Perfume''. In addition, the unresolved case of a missing boy comes into focus. When his body is found, he has the same mutilations as the red-haired victim. A prostitute is also found murdered, disfigured in the same way. Meanwhile, Nadja learns that she is pregnant by Grünberg. He is not ready to leave his wife, and he wants her to obtain an abortion. When his mistress refuses to end her pregnancy, however, he ends the relationship with her.
Jade, who is also the book's narrator, is a sixteen-year-old African American student attending a mostly white private school in Portland, Oregon on a scholarship. Jade is from a poor neighborhood and is different from the rest of her school. Heeding her mother's advice, Jade works to take advantage of every opportunity presented to her. Hoping to be afforded the opportunity to study abroad so she can utilize her fluent Spanish Skills, Jade is instead offered the chance to be paired with a mentor in the Women to Women program by her school's guidance counselor. Paired with Maxine, Jade initially has high hopes for this mentor-ship, hopes which are dashed when Maxine proves unreliable and Jade begins to wonder if it is she or Maxine who is getting more out of the program. Through her art, Jade begins to act on the realization that she needs to make her own opportunities.
The series follows a group of young girls who aspire to become hula dancers.
A gay successful piano bar owner Ebenezer "Ben" Scrooge (David Pevsner) despises Christmas and other people; he also mistreats and underpays his employees. One night, Scrooge encounters the ghost of Jacob Marley (Tim Kazurinsky)—who died ten years before the film—in chains, warning him that Scrooge would have the same fate in afterlife as Marley's and that the three Spirits will visit him.
After he goes to sleep, Scrooge encounters the Ghost of Christmas Past (Ronnie Kroell), who transports him to the 1970s. There, they see Ben's father (Michael Joseph Mitchell) kicking Young Ben (Drew Anderson) out of the house after seeing Ben make love to one of his male classmates. Four months later, Young Ben befriends a young disco club employee Jacob Marley (Nicholas Bailey) and is hired by the club owner Fezziwig, who treats him like a son. Young Ben develops a relationship with Bill (Christopher Allen), whom he met at Fezziwig's club. On Ben and Bill's first Christmas season together, Ben's close sister Franny (Allison Torem) dies after giving birth to her daughter Freda. Then Ben's father sends him a letter instructing him not to visit or honor the family, distressing Ben. For comfort, Ben and Bill declare their love for each other. Over the years, Ben, Jacob and Fezziwig become co-owners of the club and expand their business; however, Ben and Bill's relationship becomes strained when Ben increasingly focuses more on his career and money and neglects Bill. In the mid-1980s, Ben and Jacob trick Fezziwig into transferring his business to them and then kick Fezziwig out. Outraged about Fezziwig's fate and having enough, Bill ends the relationship with Ben, upsetting Ben. Eventually, Bill dies of AIDS in 1987, yet Ben refuses to visit him when Bill was dying or to mourn him.
After Ben finishes revisiting the past, the Ghost of Christmas Present (Megan Cavanaugh) transports him to his niece Freda's (Rusty Schwimmer) house, where she and her partner Mary (Amy Matheny) gather a Christmas Eve party, and then various places where other people celebrate the holidays, including a scene where Fezziwig solitarily celebrates Christmas in his apartment. Then they transport to the house of one of Scrooge's overworked and underpaid employees Bob Cratchit (David Moretti), whose health care proposal for employees Scrooge refused, where Bob lives with his male partner and their adopted children, including an ill child Tiny Tim (Liam Jones). After they transport back to Scrooge's home, feeling sympathy, Scrooge asks about Tiny Tim's fate. She replies, "We all will die. Nothing can be done without assistance."
Then the Ghost of Christmas Future (JoJo Baby) covered in a black robe transports him to a bleak future Christmas, where everyone is glad about his death, a gay center whose donation offer Scrooge refused earlier is financially struggling and close to shutting down, and his possessions are stolen and then sold to pawn shops. Then the spirit transports Scrooge to the Cratchit home, where the family mourn Tiny Tim's death, and then to the scene of Scrooge's death and his tombstone inscribed: "E. Scrooge".
Then Scrooge sobs and promises that he will change while he is transported back to his home on the present Christmas Day. Happy to return, Scrooge remembers putting away Bill's letter, written on the day of their breakup, and then reads it, saying that when Ben finds grace, Bill forgives him and declares his love for him. On the afternoon, Scrooge anonymously sends a large turkey to the Cratchit home for Christmas dinner, donates money to the gay center, spends a Christmas dinner with Freda and Mary, gives his employees bonuses, promotes Bob as a business partner, gives Bob a pay raise, and accepts Bob's health care proposal. Some time later, Scrooge honors his deceased lover Bill, takes care of Fezziwig with a motorized wheelchair, is a dedicated uncle to Freda and Mary's baby, becomes Tiny Tim's father figure, and starts another relationship, illustrating his kept promise to the Spirits. After the end credits roll, the chains loosen from Marley's ghost resulting from visiting and haunting Scrooge, i.e. helping others to help oneself, a loophole that he learned at the beginning of the film.
Katya has a mystical gift, she sees ghosts. When her twin sister disappears, the girl alone rushes in search. The police insist that the sister does not exist at all, that she is the fruit of Katya's sick imagination. However, during the search for her sister, Katya understands that a serial maniac is operating in town, and her sister is one of his victims. There is still hope to save her, but in a gloomy, mystery-filled city you cannot trust anyone, even yourself.
The film comprises treatises on forbidden love, Greek underworld goblins, medieval Hungarian cobblers and US hillbilly folklore.
The stories and filmmakers come from:
When two people are poisoned with hydrogen sulfide, the police call in the aid of the geochemistry professor Shusuke Aoe to solve the mystery of their deaths.
The film follows three men from Niger: Lam, a cowherd, Illo, a fisherman, and Damouré Zika, an educated dandy. After a brief introduction detailing their lives in Niger, they visit a fortune teller, who warns them that the journey will be difficult, but that things will be very good for them when they return. The fortune teller also recommends that the three protagonists split up when they arrive in Gold Coast, as well as suggesting that they would reunite later on.
The three men then set out on foot to travel to the Gold Coast, seeking work, money, and adventure. Along the way, they encounter a wide variety of peoples and places, and have a series of whimsical interactions with them, alternately scavenging food and begging from local villagers. Upon reaching the border between Niger and the Gold Coast, guards demand papers, which they do not have. They eventually cross the border by walking behind the guard's backs.
Upon arriving in the Gold Coast, the three men split up, working odd-jobs as merchants, manual laborers, foremen, and gold miners in Kumasi and Accra. Damouré also attends a rally by the Nkrumaist Convention People's Party, and becomes notorious for being a ''jaguar'', a slang term that is described as referring to a well-dressed, polite, and sharp young man. Eventually, the season ends, and the men return to their lives in Niger, bearing suitcases full of goods from the Gold Coast–they proceed to give away almost all of these possessions as gifts to other people living in their village. The film closes with narration from Rouch, comparing the journey of the film's characters to that of conquerors of a bygone era.
Shortly after arriving at The Queen Victoria pub, Ruby Allen (Louisa Lytton) and her friend Stacey Fowler (Lacey Turner) notice Stacey's husband Martin Fowler (James Bye) drinking with his friends Ross Swinden (Ossian Luke) and Matt Clarkson (Mitchell Hunt), who Ruby has accused of raping her. Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) reads the front page of the local newspaper, whose headline story states that two local men have been charged with rape. Mel Owen (Tamzin Outhwaite) tells Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean) that the police took CCTV footage from their club as part of the investigation. Stacey tells Ross and Matt to leave, and asks Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) not to serve them. Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) also refuses to serve them, having realised that they are the men from the newspaper, and receives offers of help to throw them out. Ross publicly defends himself, telling the locals that a woman accepted his drinks, kissed him, went back to his place, removed her clothes, and in the morning was hungover and went to the police.
Martin defends his friends, calling it a misunderstanding, which angers his daughter, Bex Fowler (Jasmine Armfield). After Matt and Ross leave, a debate starts between the locals, with several points of view being put across about sexual assault and consent, which causes arguments between Denise Fox (Diane Parish) and Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami), and Martin and Stacey. Ruby wants to leave, but Stacey urges her to stay. Linda notices Ruby is upset and realises that she is the victim. She comforts Ruby and reassures her that she has done the right thing. Glenn Neyland (Todd Von Joel) enters and Martin tries to get him to leave, as Ruby is also there. A drunken Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace) accuses Glenn of being a rapist too, but he says that he has done nothing wrong and the only person who did is the liar his friends had sex with. Ruby confronts Glenn for calling her a liar, outing herself as the victim. Everyone stares at Ruby, as she returns to her seat and tells Stacey that now everyone knows, no one will believe her.
Ring Hazzard was raised alone by his father in a secret valley, until one day he saves a girl from a wild horse stampede, his father is killed in the stampede and Ring and the girl head to the town of Gunsight to sell some mustangs Ring captured.
In her boldest performance yet, Zeng Meihuizi stars as a woman who lives on the sea with her three husbands. With an overactive libido, she heartily devotes herself to her work as a prostitute. As in the trilogy’s two previous films, Chan uses the world’s oldest profession to satirise the state of contemporary Hong Kong.
In 1902, aristocrat Orlando, Duke of Oxford, his wife Emily, and their young son Conrad visit a concentration camp in South Africa while working for the British Red Cross. Emily is mortally wounded during a Boer sniper attack on the camp. Before she dies, Emily makes Orlando promise never to let their son see war again.
Twelve years later, Orlando has formed a private spy network consisting of domestic servants employed by the world's most powerful dignitaries and has recruited his own servants, Shola and Polly, into it. The network's primary objective is to protect the United Kingdom and the British Empire from the approaching Great War. Conrad is eager to fight, but Orlando forbids him to join the British Army and persuades Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, not to let him do so.
At the behest of Kitchener, Conrad and Orlando ride with Orlando's friends, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, through Sarajevo. Conrad saves the Archduke from a bomb thrown by Gavrilo Princip, a Young Bosnia rebel intent on sparking a war. Princip later encounters the Archduke's entourage again by chance and fatally shoots him and his wife. Orlando learns that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was orchestrated by "The Flock": a group plotting to pit the German, Russian, and British empires against each other. The Flock has its headquarters on an isolated clifftop and is led by the mysterious "The Shepherd", whose ultimate goal is to achieve Scottish independence; among its operatives is Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin, trusted adviser to Tsar Nicholas of Russia.
On the Shepherd's orders, Rasputin poisons Nicholas's young son Alexei, only to cure him when Nicholas promises to stay out of the war. Conrad is notified of Rasputin's manipulation by his cousin, Prince Felix Yusupov. Knowing the Western Front will be left vulnerable if Russia leaves the war, Conrad delivers this information to Kitchener and his aide-de-camp Major Max Morton, who set sail for Russia. Their ship, , is torpedoed by a submarine and sunk. Word of Kitchener's death reaches Orlando, spurring him to travel to Russia with Shola, Polly, and Conrad to kill Rasputin. After a grueling fight, Orlando, Shola, Conrad, and Polly successfully kill Rasputin during a Christmas party hosted by Felix. After celebrating his 19th birthday, Conrad expresses his determination to join the army, much to Orlando's dismay.
At the Shepherd's orders, Erik Jan Hanussen, an adviser to Kaiser Wilhelm II, sends the Zimmermann Telegram, hoping to distract Britain and the United States. Although the message is intercepted by British intelligence and deciphered by Polly, American President Woodrow Wilson refuses to join the war, citing a lack of concrete proof. The Shepherd recruits Vladimir Lenin and orders his Bolsheviks to overthrow the Tsar and remove Russia from the war, sending an assassin to execute the Romanov family.
Now of age, Conrad is commissioned into the Grenadier Guards against his father's wishes. King George V persuades Orlando to let him have Conrad assigned to London. Determined to fight in the war, Conrad swaps places with a soldier named Archie Reid, giving him the nickname "Lancelot" to send his father a message. Disguised as Archie, a member of the Black Watch, Conrad volunteers for a mission into No-Man's Land to retrieve information from a British agent wounded there. He is mistaken for a German spy upon his return and fatally shot, devastating Orlando, but the information he recovered verifies the authenticity of the Zimmermann Telegram.
After Wilson again refuses to enter the war despite Conrad's proof, Orlando learns that Wilson is being blackmailed with footage of being seduced by the Shepherd's agent, Mata Hari, and resolves to recover the original negatives. Upon defeating Hari at the American embassy, Orlando has her cashmere wool scarf identified as being made from a rare breed only found in a specific mountainous region. Orlando, Shola, and Polly head there and fight their way inside. The Shepherd is revealed to be Morton, who had faked his death and killed Kitchener himself. Orlando fights and kills Morton with the help of Shola while Polly recovers the film; it is delivered to Wilson, who burns it and prepares to mobilise American troops.
A year after the war, Orlando purchases the Kingsman Tailor Shop as a front for his organisation. Orlando, Shola, Polly, King George, Archie, and the U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. form the original Kingsman, each assuming codenames from the King Arthur legend to honour Conrad. In a mid-credit scene, Hanussen, having taken on the Shepherd identity, introduces Lenin to the Romanovs' killer: a young Adolf Hitler.
Salazar takes Tara to Jacob Hale's office, where he takes Hale hostage as well. When he gives his list of demands, one of them is for Jax to come to Hale's office. Tara sees Salazar pull out a knife, and he tells her he plans to kill her while Jax watches and then kill Jax. As Jax enters the office, Salazar is about to kill Tara, but Jacob Hale stabs him instead. Jax wrestles the gun from Salazar, gives it to Tara, and tells her to kill anyone who is not a cop. When the whole ordeal is over with Jax and Tara go to the doctor for an ultrasound to make sure the baby was not harmed. The baby is healthy and Jax and Tara hear the heartbeat and see the baby on the ultrasound. Jax and Tara then go to Gemma's house where Gemma hugs her. Tara sees Abel and happily holds him and welcomes him back home. In the season finale, Tara has become more involved with the club. She drives Jimmy O back to the garage in the trunk after SAMCRO buys him from the Russians. Jax makes sure that she wears a bulletproof vest to ensure her safety in case something goes wrong. When Stahl tells the club about the deal Jax made with her, which was actually a trap by the club to kill Stahl and Jimmy, she runs and hugs him distraught and fearing that the club will kill him in prison. With the help of Unser, Chibs Telford kills Jimmy O'Phelan in retribution for stealing his wife and daughter many years ago, before Opie forces a terrified Stahl in the front seat of the cop car. During this confrontation Stahl breaks down crying and begs Opie for her life, to which Opie responds, "This is what she felt." He then shoots Stahl in the back of the head with a MAC-10, instantly killing her, to avenge the death of his wife Donna. After this, Chibs rigs the scene to look as if the real IRA murdered Stahl and Jimmy. Tara reads letters from John Teller to his mistress Maureen Ashby, implying that Gemma and Clay would be responsible for his death should it happen. The rest of SAMCRO, enroute to prison, celebrate their victory over Jimmy and Stahl.
Ziyan Ali (Hussain Sobah) and Aishath Haifa (Jamsheedha Ahmed) are prominent stage performers and childhood friends turned lovers. Haifa was offered a course of voice training from Australia for six months and she hesitantly accepts. Bored at home, Ziyan decides to distract himself by visiting an island on his friend Ahmed's (Ahmed Saeed) request. There he meets a deaf-mute girl Fazeela (Mariyam Nisha) and starts following her. They initiate a romantic relationship despised by her father. However, Ziyan marries Fazeela and breaks the news to his father but he decide to hid the truth from Haifa and family.
Haifa returns from Australia and publicly announces her engagement. Ziyan's father, Zubair begged him to get back to Haifa and abandon Fazeela. He involuntarily marries Haifa. Meanwhile, Haifa migrates to another island with her father. Haifa and Ziyan were inclined to take some days off work and enjoy a vacation at an island, the same island Fazeela moved to. She was assigned to greet them on arrival and was devastated to see Ziyan with another girl. The situation worsen when she was allotted as the cook in their house. The next day, Haifa and Ziyan leaves to Male' and Fazeela discovers about her pregnancy.
Five years later, Haifa return to the island after a stage show at a nearby island and she insisted to stay at Fazeela's house. There she meets Fazeela's daughter and discovers the guitar she had gifted to Ziyan but believed it to be of someone else's. When Haifa asked about the father of Fazeela's daughter, she brought torn pieces of a portrait which unveils to be the face of Ziyan. On returning Male' Haifa admits of her understanding about Ziyan's affair. Zubair owns up the blame and ask forgiveness from Haifa. Ziyan and Haifa meets his daughter at the hospital and visited Fazeela at her deathbed.
The story takes place on the continent of Ardra on the world of Lapis, the primary setting of ''Final Fantasy Brave Exvius'', and depicts a war among five rival nations that occurred in the distant past. As in the original title, the war is waged using the power of Visions, physical manifestations of powerful warriors from different eras and worlds summoned using Crystals.
The continent of Ardra is also referenced in ''Brave Exvius'' and was depicted on the game's original world map, but is currently inaccessible and obscured by clouds.
In 1975, in the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé (from French, literally, "boredom on apathetic"), Arthur Howitzer Jr., the editor of the magazine ''The French Dispatch'', dies suddenly of a heart attack. According to the wishes expressed in his will, publication of the magazine is immediately suspended following one final farewell issue, in which four articles are published, along with an obituary.
Herbsaint Sazerac delivers a cycling tour of Ennui-sur-Blasé, demonstrating several key areas such as the arcade, Le Sans Blague café and a pickpocket's alleyway. He compares the past and the present of each place, demonstrating how much and yet how little has changed in Ennui over time.
J.K.L. Berensen delivers a lecture at the art gallery of her former employer, Upshur "Maw" Clampette, in which she details the career of Moses Rosenthaler. Rosenthaler, a mentally disturbed artist serving a sentence in the Ennui prison for murder, paints an abstract nude portrait of Simone, a prison officer with whom he develops a relationship. Julien Cadazio, an art dealer also serving a sentence for tax evasion, is immediately taken by the painting and buys it despite Rosenthaler's protests. Upon his release, Cadazio convinces his family of art exhibitors to put it on display, and Rosenthaler soon becomes a sensation in the art world. Privately, Rosenthaler struggles with inspiration to the point of near-suicide, and devotes himself to a long-term project at Simone's challenging.
Three years later, Cadazio, his uncles, Clampette, Berensen, and a mob of artists inspired by Rosenthaler, all frustrated at the lack of further paintings, bribe their way into the prison to confront him, only to discover that his masterpiece is in fact a series of frescoes in the concrete prison hall. Angered that the paintings are irremovable from the prison, Cadazio gets into a physical altercation with Rosenthaler, but soon comes to appreciate the paintings for what they are, and later arranges for the entire wall to be airlifted out of the prison into a private museum in Kansas, owned by Clampette. For his actions in halting a prison riot that breaks out during the reveal of the paintings, Rosenthaler is released on probation. Simone also departs after earning a great sum of money for becoming the inspiration and motivation for Rosenthaler during his incarceration. Simone and Rosenthaler maintain correspondence following his release, but never see each other again.
Lucinda Krementz reports on a student protest breaking out in the streets of Ennui that soon boils over into the "Chessboard Revolution", so-called for the students using chess to communicate with the police. While the revolution initially is inspired by petty concerns over access to the girls' dormitory, the traumatic military conscription of one student, Mitch-Mitch, inspires greater uprising.
Despite her insistence on maintaining "journalistic neutrality", Krementz has a brief romance with Zeffirelli, a self-styled leader of the revolt, and secretly helps him write his manifesto and adds an appendix. Juliette, a fellow revolutionary, is unimpressed with his manifesto. After they briefly express their disagreement about its contents, Krementz discovers that Juliette is in fact infatuated with Zeffirelli and is jealous of her closeness with him. She then tells the two to "go make love", which they do.
A few weeks later, Zeffirelli dies attempting repairs on the tower of a revolutionary pirate radio station, and soon a photograph of his likeness becomes symbolic of the movement. Five years later, Krementz translates Mitch-Mitch's theatrical dramatization of his conscription, and Zeffirelli's death, for a National Playhouse production of his play (at the downstairs Knoblock Theatre).
During a television interview, Roebuck Wright recounts the story of his attending a private dinner with The Commissaire of the Ennui police force, prepared by legendary police officer/chef Lt. Nescaffier. Nescaffier is a famous specialist in a kind of haute cuisine specifically designed to be eaten by working police officers. The dinner is disrupted when the Commissaire's son Gigi is kidnapped and held for ransom by criminals, led by a failed musician labelled The Chauffeur.
The kidnappers represent the warring criminal syndicates of Ennui-sur-Blasé, and demand the release of an underworld accountant Albert, nicknamed "the Abacus", who possesses their shared financial records. The Abacus is being held in a solitary confinement cell at police headquarters. Wright recollects his own imprisonment in that same cell for his homosexuality, for which he was bailed out by Howitzer and offered a job at the ''Dispatch''.
Following a shoot-out at the kidnapper's hideout, Gigi manages to sneak out a message in Morse code to "send the cook". Lt. Nescaffier is sent into the kidnappers' hideout, ostensibly to provide both them and Gigi with food, but secretly the food is laced with poison. The criminals all succumb to the poison except Gigi and The Chauffeur as neither ate the poisoned radishes, and Nescaffier just barely survives (due to his strong stomach). The Chauffeur escapes with Gigi, and leads the police on a chase. Gigi manages to escape through the car's sunroof and reunites with his father. During his recovery, Nescaffier saves The Abacus from starving to death by preparing him an omelette, the prisoner having been totally forgotten in the commotion.
Back at the ''Dispatch'' office, Howitzer tells Wright to reinsert a deleted segment. In it, a recovering Nescaffier tells Wright that the taste of the poison was unlike anything he had ever eaten before, before they commiserate over the state of being foreigners in France, and outsiders to society as a whole. Howitzer and Wright disagree on whether this conversation is the heart of the piece.
In an epilogue, the ''French Dispatch'' staff mourn Howitzer's death, but set to work putting together a final issue to honor his memory.
During the closing credits, there is a dedication to the following writers and editors, many of whom were associated with ''The New Yorker'': Harold Ross, William Shawn, Rosamond Bernier, Mavis Gallant, James Baldwin, A. J. Liebling, S. N. Behrman, Lillian Ross, Janet Flanner, Lucy Sante, James Thurber, Joseph Mitchell, Wolcott Gibbs, St. Clair McKelway, Ved Mehta, Brendan Gill, E. B. White, and Katharine White, and additionally to Christophe, writer of the featured song "Aline". Accompanying the credits are covers of the ''French Dispatch'' which are reminiscent of ''The New Yorker'' covers.
Wandering through the forest, Ivan Timofeyevich finds a dilapidated hut on the edge of the swamp. There lives an old woman with her beautiful granddaughter Olesya. Many years prior, the local peasants, considering the woman a witch, burned down her house, killing her daughter. Olesya is fascinated by Ivan, who is in turn conquered by the power of the girl's feelings, by her openness and the purity of her soul. Eventually, he falls in love with Olesya. However, she foresees a quick separation.
Set in the near future, Sandra (Katrina Bowden), a former member of a pop group called Hipstars, discovers thanks to her friend and member of the Hipstars, Jessa, that her husband (record producer Carl), has a lover. While in the Monolith car given to her by Carl, with her two-year-old son David, Sandra heads in the direction of Carl's parents' house, but on discovering Carl's unfaithfulness, decides to divert the journey and head for Las Vegas. The artificial intelligence computer found in the Monolith car, "Lilith", advises Sandra to take an off-road route. On the way, Sandra drinks a bottle of gin to relax, but Lilith initiates the anti-theft system as Sandra accidentally drops the gin on the control panel and makes Lilith start to malfunction. The car accidentally hits a man on a wheelchair with rocket boosters attached to the wheels. Sandra screams in panic and checks for what happened. She gives her tearful son her smartphone to distract him with Mr. Beast. While Sandra is outside the car, David plays with the Monolith app which Carl had installed on the phone for Sandra. He accidentally seals the car completely and prevents Sandra from entering by activating the electric anti-theft door check, and drops the phone on the driver's seat. Sandra starts looking for different ways to open the car, trying to find help at an electric charging station nearby, but she cannot find anyone to help her for less than $10.000 and sleeps on the roof of the car for the night.
After a night filled with nightmares, Sandra begins to wander around the desert near the Monolith car. She finds an abandoned plane at a deserted airport, where she finds some TNT explosives, and finds an empty bottle. Then, thirsty, she finds a stream of water. Sadly the water is polluted with the waste of a nearby power plant. After a while, she returns to the Monolith, where her son David, stuck in his child safety seat, is struggling to breathe as he ate a bag full of avocados and starts to lose consciousness, while the temperature of the car rises rapidly as the air conditioning is malfunctioning. To try and get the car open, Sandra tries to use the TNT charges. As soon as she notices that David is in danger of losing consciousness, she drops the TNT charges before they explode inside a retirement home, killing everyone inside by accident. Next, the Monolith (and Sandra) are attacked by a hungry coyote. Sandra manages to drive him away and tries in vain to open the car for the umpteenth time. The coyote comes back and forcefully assaults her in an explicit scene. Sandra forces the coyote to do it 2 more times in revenge.
After another night of nightmares, Sandra notices that her son is unconscious, with some blood on his nose and ears. Sandra begins to lose hope when she notices that the coyote is back, ready for more. Using a shotgun found at the electrical station, she tries to tackle the coyote, which bites her ankle. Sandra understands that the coyote wants the wheelchair to drive to Las Vegas, but as soon as the coyote takes the wheelchair, the Monolith car starts to move, descending down the hill. Sandra, using the shotgun that was on her hand, stops the car.
Later, an idea comes to her. Sandra, before arriving in the desert, stopped at a gas station to buy condoms and saw on TV a cartoon (similar to Wiley E. Coyote) in which a wolf throws a safe from a precipice to recover a gin bottle. Inspired by this, she decides to push the car further away from the hill, using the shotgun to rip off the wheels and intimidating the coyote by disposing herself of her clothes, making him run away. Sandra thinks the car will open as the wheels won't have contact with the floor and it will think it's drowning, but instead it opens David's seat belt by an error and he fatally dies as the Monolith crashes through 250 metres of rocks and explodes. Sandra, devastated by this, starts crying. Suddenly the coyote with the wheelchair jumps and pushes her back, making her drop and fall the 250 metres on the roof of the burning Monolith. She tries to move but Lilith states that the nuclear battery that fuels the Monolith control system is damaged and will explode in one minute. As Sandra has both of her legs broken she can only cry before the nuclear battery explodes and kills her.
In a post-credits scene we can see Carl, inside his bed with Jessa, watching Sandra dying on the Monolith's roof with a drone that was dropped from the Monolith's back after Sandra drove on the off-road route. It's then revealed that David wasn't the one who manipulated the doors and control system but Carl himself, to kill both David and Sandra and start a new, fresh life with his lover Jessa and get the $10.000.000 live insurance fees from both Sandra and David's lives.
An eighteen year old former Kansas high school cheerleader moves to L.A. upon graduating, becomes a porn actress, and is drugged with cocaine before committing suicide at age twenty. Based on the dramatization of real-life accounts of the late Shauna Grant.
The first film ended with Fanindra Timilsina (Bipin Karki), Joyes (Rabindra Singh Baniya), and Munna (Rabindra Jha) being arrested for possessing a bag full of counterfeit money. In the sequel, they’ve been found innocent and released from custody after two years. But finding a job is difficult out in the real world. Munna is kicked out of his barber shop; Joyes cannot find the love of his life and somehow ends up in a job delivering oxygen tanks; and Fanindra needs to find a better life for his wife Sampada (Barsha Raut) and son Iman (Arbein Khadka). Fanindra tries different jobs, finally ending up as a taxi driver to a Brahmin sahu (Rajaram Paudel).
One day, Fanindra’s taxi is ransacked by goons while driving a rowdy customer, Dawa (Daya Hang Rai). The gangsters kidnap Dawa but a crateful of chicken that Dawa was carrying is left behind. These chicken turn out to be hiding gold biscuits.
Fanindra decides he wants to keep the gold, but the goons are obviously looking for it. So Fanindra and his friends must now protect the gold and themselves.
Who takes the gold? Are they able to make everything in their life same once again and solve all their economical problems? This all question's answers form the rest of the story. With the links from the previous movie, it catches the attention of the viewers and keep them glued to the screen till the very end.
A group of friends go on a picnic to an island. Within the group, Zoona (Niuma Mohamed) is instantly attracted to Jina (Reeko Moosa Manik). The first night, she woke up at midnight and enjoys walking on the beach herself. A ghost disguised as Jina accompanies the unsuspecting Zoona. When she returns home, Jina was already sleeping at the hut. The following night, they spend time together at beach, take photos together and share an intimate moment. Next morning, she was revealed by a friend that she was alone on the beach. Suspecting strange events, that night she took a friend with her and was startled when her friend doesn't see Jina.
Zoona returns to Malé and discovers herself pregnant with the ghost's child. She gives birth to a girl, Jenny, after an unusually easy labor. Jina demands to resettle Zoona and Jenny in his world with his family which Zoona condemned. However, she agreed to hand over Jenny once she is strong and fit. Fearing of losing her child, Zoona ties an amulet over her neck so Jina cannot touch Jenny which leads Jina to warn Zoona that he will return on Jenny's fifth birthday. After five years, Zoona who is now married to Ihusan (Ali Shameel) is distressed with Jina's warning. They go on family trip and Zoona is distraught on learning that they lands to the same island where she met Jina for the first time. While swimming, Jenny accidentally loses the amulet. That night, Jenny goes missing and Zoona finds her with Jina. The whole group searches for Jenny in the sea and forest while Jenny leaves with her father to return after few years.
Five years later, Zoona and Ihusan is now blessed with a boy, Saajid. The family decided to visit an island to spend holiday but due to the bad weather and rough sea, they are yet again forced to land on the same island which now is inhabited. On the island, they are being followed by Jenny while Jina fails to debauch Zoona. One night, during a social gathering Zoona lures a trap to burn Jina. Afterwards, Zoona convinced Ihusan to welcome Jenny into their family since she is an orphan. To avoid suspicion Jenny is strained from calling Zoona mother and she works as a maid in the house. To Zoona's disbelief, Jina shows up alive and reveals that ghosts cannot be incinerated.
Several disputes arises between Zoona and Jina regarding her unfair treatment towards. Saajid falls very sick and Zoona blames it on Jina. However, he shows up with medication which Zoona refused to take. One night, when Saajid was admitted at hospital, Jina disguised as Ihusan have sex with her. Zoona, aware of his betrayal too late, brings a spell-maker who ultimatum has one of the two options; Either Jenny and Jina separates or Zoona dies. Jina exposes Ihusan's true identity that he has a wife and two kids elsewhere to Zoona which she refused to believe. One last time, Jina offered Zoona to migrate to his world which she declines. Saajid dies and Ihusan attempted to make a spell on Jenny believing she is the root of all problems. Jina threatens Zoona that he will take Jenny with him and he once more will impregnate her, making her give birth to a ghost rather than a human after suffering a strenuous labor. Jina murders the spell-maker and come to take Jenny with him.
On their departure, Zoona creates a scene blaming Saajid's death on Jina. Ihusan joins them and was surprised to see Jina and Jenny. Jina reveals the true identity of Jenny, their secret affair and informs about Zoona's next child. As soon as they leave she has a swift pregnancy and delivers an undefined-shaped ghost. Ihusan and Zoona discuss about the fate of their relationship. He agrees to take her in his life only if she gets rid of her new-born child. A breakout happens and is revealed that Ihusan is being killed by her child. It later changes its form to its true shape freaking out Zoona.
Three people meet who have different aspirations of their own. They face a lot of challenges after they borrow lot of money of a gangster but they lose the money.
South Park fourth grader Butters Stotch looks forward to the town's bike parade, where he hopes to win first prize. He purchases accessories to decorate his bicycle, but his father, Stephen, who recently began working at the Amazon fulfillment center as a floor manager, worries that his family’s frequent purchases on that website are driving it deeper into debt. In addition, many local businesses have closed since the center opened, due to the public's preference for buying things online.
Stephen's co-worker, Josh Carter, is accidentally grabbed by a sorting robot and compressed into a small package, which Amazon blames on "human error." This outrages the facility's boxers, who go on strike, shutting down the fulfillment center, and delaying the fulfillment of the public's orders. Members of the public form a counter-protest urging the boxers to return to work so that they can receive their purchases. Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, appears at South Park City Hall, where he is depicted similarly to the lead Talosian from the original 1965 ''Star Trek'' pilot "The Cage". He complains about the strike to Mayor McDaniels, who had assured him that the town was the perfect location for the center. Angered that Amazon orders throughout Colorado are not being fulfilled, he threatens to close her Amazon Prime account if she does not help him get the strikers back to work. When the company closes the strikers' Prime accounts, this creates a conflict for Stephen, who is torn between providing for his family and supporting his coworkers. Bezos and McDaniels observe this and other developments in the situation through cameras in citizens' Amazon Echo smart speakers.
Butters' friends, Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski, are initially dismissive of his interest in the bike parade. They reevaluate their view of it, however, upon encountering Larry Zewiski, the haughty winner of a previous parade, and see how popular his victory made him. Desiring to win the prize as a group, they decide to enter four bikes into the parade under a single theme. When the strike impedes their ability to buy accessories for their bikes, however, they go to the local mall, but find it dilapidated and populated solely by zombie-like employees who cannot provide the diverse inventory that online merchants offer. Stan contacts Bezos, and says that the mall zombies will work as boxers at the fulfillment center if Bezos ships their bike parade-related purchases to them first. Bezos agrees to this, and when the strikers learn of this, Josh, still permanently stuck in a small box, decides to lead them to revolution.
Kuroto Nakano is a young salaryman with a very unhappy and stressful life, almost entirely occupied by his job at the company for which he works. One night, after yet another day spent overworking, the moment he opens the door of his home he finds a seemingly young girl with fox ears and a tail cooking dinner for him – her name is Senko, an 800-year-old fox demigod. Senko has been sent to Earth from the spirit world to relieve Kuroto from his unhappy life and help him find happiness again.
As is the custom in the Swiss Alps around midsummer, Antoine Pont and his uncle by marriage, Séraphin, have taken their cows up into the mountains in search of fresh pasture. It quickly becomes apparent that Antoine is bored and pining for Thérèse, his wife of two months. One night, a landslide crashes down on the summer village, apparently killing Antoine and Séraphin along with many other herdsmen.
When news of the disaster reaches the village from which Antoine and his uncle hail, its inhabitants are plunged into mourning. Thérèse learns of Antoine’s fate just as she discovers that she is pregnant. The thought that her child will be born an orphan fills her with despair. Her mother, Philomena, tries in vain to comfort her, while mourning the loss of her brother Séraphin.
Seven weeks and a day after the landslide, Antoine emerges from the rock that, by a stroke of luck, buried him without killing him. When he tries to return to his village, however, he is mistaken for a ghost. He manages to persuade Thérèse that he is flesh and blood, but when he learns that Séraphin perished in the disaster, he refuses to believe it. Convinced that his uncle is still alive and merely trapped beneath the boulders, as he was, Antoine decides to return to the site of the landslide to rescue Séraphin. When Thérèse discovers that her husband has left the village, she realises what he intends to do and goes after him, hoping to convince him to return to the world of the living. The novel ends with their confrontation in the unrecognisable landscape of the collapsed mountain, during which she wins him round.
Around a thousand years ago, Xu Wenwu discovers the mystical ten rings which grant immortality and godly powers. He establishes the Ten Rings organization, conquering kingdoms and toppling governments throughout history. In 1996, Wenwu searches for Ta Lo, a village said to harbor mythical beasts. He travels through a magical forest to the village entrance but is stopped by a guardian, Ying Li. The two fall in love, and when the Ta Lo villagers reject Wenwu, Li chooses to leave with him. They marry and have two children, Shang-Chi and Xialing. Wenwu abandons his organization and locks away the ten rings.
When Shang-Chi is seven years old, Li is murdered by Wenwu's enemies, the Iron Gang. Wenwu dons the ten rings once again, massacres the Iron Gang, and resumes leadership of his organization. He makes Shang-Chi undergo brutal training in martial arts but does not allow Xialing to train with the others, prompting her to secretly teach herself. When Shang-Chi is 14, Wenwu sends him to assassinate the Iron Gang's leader. After completing his mission, a traumatised Shang-Chi runs away to San Francisco and adopts the name "Shaun".
In the present day, Shang-Chi works as a parking valet with his best friend Katy, who does not know about his past. They are attacked on a bus by the Ten Rings, who steal a pendant that Li gave to Shang-Chi. Shang-Chi flies out to meet his sister, fearing that the Ten Rings will go after her matching pendant. He reveals his past to Katy, who insists on helping him. They find Xialing at a secret fight club in Macau, which she founded after escaping from Wenwu at sixteen. The Ten Rings attack the fight club, and Wenwu arrives to capture Shang-Chi, Katy, Xialing, and her pendant.
They are taken to the Ten Rings' compound, where Wenwu uses the pendants to reveal a mystical map leading to Ta Lo. Wenwu explains that he has heard Li calling and believes she has been held captive in Ta Lo behind a sealed gate. He plans to destroy the village unless they release her. When his children and Katy object, he imprisons them. The three meet former actor Trevor Slattery, whom the Ten Rings imprisoned for impersonating Wenwu, and his hundun companion Morris, who offers to guide them to Ta Lo.
The group escapes and goes to Ta Lo, which exists in a separate dimension with various Chinese mythological creatures. They meet Ying Nan, Li's sister, who explains the history of Ta Lo: thousands of years ago, the universe containing the village was attacked by the soul-consuming Dweller-in-Darkness and its soul eaters, but was saved by a Chinese dragon called the Great Protector who helped seal the Dark Gate to the Dweller's world. According to Nan, the Dweller-in-Darkness has been impersonating Li so that Wenwu will use the ten rings to open the Gate. Shang-Chi, Xialing, and Katy join the villagers in training and preparing for Wenwu's arrival, using outfits and weapons crafted from dragon scales.
Wenwu and the Ten Rings arrive and attack. Wenwu overpowers Shang-Chi, pushes him into the nearby lake, and attacks the Gate with the rings. The act allows some of the Dweller's soul eaters to escape, and the Ten Rings join forces with the villagers to fight them. The Great Protector revives Shang-Chi and bears him from the lake to battle the soul eaters. Wenwu and Shang-Chi fight once more, and Shang-Chi gains the upper hand but chooses to spare Wenwu. The Dweller-in-Darkness escapes the weakened Gate and attacks Shang-Chi. Wenwu saves Shang-Chi, bequeathing him the rings before the Dweller-in-Darkness kills him. Shang-Chi, the Great Protector, Xialing, and Katy slay the Dweller-in-Darkness. Afterward, Shang-Chi and Katy return to San Francisco, where the sorcerer Wong summons them to Kamar-Taj.
In a mid-credits scene, Wong introduces Shang-Chi and Katy to Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers while researching the rings' origin. They discover that the rings are acting as a beacon to something. In a post-credits scene, Xialing becomes the new leader of the Ten Rings, training women alongside men, despite having told Shang-Chi that she would disband the organization.
Joan and Tom Thompson have been married for many years; they keep their house in order and go about their routine lives. There is an ease to their relationship, and a deep love which manifests itself through tenderness and humour in equal measure. Tom owns a pet fish that Joan does not care for. They exercise by going on a long walk through town, turning back when they reach a newly planted sapling.
One evening while showering, Joan finds a mass on her breast. She and Tom head to the hospital, where she is diagnosed with breast cancer. Joan's doctor arranges for surgery to excise the mass and surrounding lymph nodes. On the day of Joan's surgery, Tom visits the grave of their daughter, Debbie, alone. He confesses to Debbie that he is scared of being left alone without his wife.
Joan's surgery goes well, and the doctors are able to remove all physical signs of cancer. They refer Joan to an oncologist to start chemotherapy. This leads to a disagreement between Joan and Tom about the nature of being "cancer-free." Tom sees that his fish has died and cries as he flushes it down the toilet. While waiting for her chemotherapy appointment, Joan sees Debbie's primary school teacher, Peter, waiting in the lobby. The two chat, and Peter reveals he has terminal cancer. Joan's name is called, and she undergoes her first treatment of chemotherapy. The next day, she vomits heavily.
Soon after, Joan's hair begins to fall out in clumps. Tom cuts her hair short and then shaves her head with a razor. Joan forgets which medication she is supposed to take on what day, leading to a vicious argument with Tom about how cancer is destroying their marriage. Donning a wig, Joan meets with Peter at a café where they discuss their mortality. Feeling hot and silly, Joan takes her wig off. Tom meets a man smoking on a bench outside the chemotherapy clinic. A terminal cancer patient himself, the man reassures Tom that the doctors can save Joan.
Joan and Tom decide to have a romantic evening at a hotel before Joan's mastectomy. After enjoying a fancy dinner, they have sex. Tom promises to still love Joan even if she does not have breasts. Joan undergoes the mastectomy and more sessions of chemotherapy. Tom waits outside by the bench, but does not see the smoking man again. As Peter visits Joan, Tom meets Steve, Peter's husband, in the hospital cafeteria. They discuss their shared experiences around love and loss.
Some time later, Joan has undergone surgery to reconstruct her breasts using abdominal muscle tissue. She and Tom attend Peter's funeral, where Steve delivers a eulogy. After successfully completing her cancer treatment, Joan and Tom go to the supermarket in preparation for Christmas. They go on their exercise walk once more and find that the sapling has grown.
A "successful but stingy" interior designer Ebenezer "Ben" Scrooge underpays his assistant Bob Cratchit, depriving him from health care benefits for himself and his HIV-positive partner Tim. One day, he turns down a charity worker's offer to fund Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Later at night, Scrooge encounters the ghost of his business partner and former lover Jacob "Jake" Marley (née Markowitz), who warns Scrooge about his greed and that the three spirits will visit him.
The ghost of Marilyn Monroe (as the Ghost of Christmas Past) takes Scrooge back to his 1950s childhood, where he had artistic aspirations as a child, praised by his mother. Ben's alcoholic father belittled him for it, and some of his classmates bullied him, contributing to Scrooge's internalized homophobia. Later, 21-year-old Ben worked for Fezziwig Fabrics (owned by Old Fezziwig), where Ben met another worker Jacob Markowitz. Both then became business partners and lovers. They eventually bought out Fezziwig's business. Their relationship, however, became strained. Scrooge wanted to remain closeted, and Jake shifted toward drugs and sex, leading Jake to suffer and then die from AIDS complications.
Afterwards, the Ghost of Christmas Present (in form of a drag queen) shows Scrooge the present-day scenes of Bob Cratchit and Tim and their friends celebrating Christmas, and then the Ghost of Christmas Future reveals Tim's and Scrooge's own death, prompting Scrooge to change his ways for the better.
Julie, a film student, intends to make a movie about a boy, his mother, and their life in the city of Sunderland. She lives in a Knightsbridge flat with another student and his girlfriend. She meets Anthony, a well-to-do man who works at the Foreign Office, who moves in with her after her flatmate moves out. He leaves a postcard with a picture of the girl in a painting called ''The Souvenir''. He later takes her to the gallery where the painting is hung. Julie says the girl looks sad, while Anthony says she looks determined.
Anthony has to travel to Paris but returns with some lingerie, which he asks Julie to put on. While they are in bed, she notices some needle marks on his arm but doesn't know what they are, and he continues to ask Julie for money regularly. Julie starts to pay for their restaurant bills and is forced to borrow money from her parents.
Julie and Anthony have dinner with two of Anthony's friends, who reveal to Julie during a moment alone that Anthony is a heroin addict. Julie is taken aback but does not mention it to Anthony.
Anthony explains over a meal at Harrods that he has had relationships with three other girls, including trips to Venice with at least one of them, who appears to have committed suicide while on the trip. He invites Julie to go to Venice with him.
One evening, she returns to find that her flat has been broken into, and her valuable jewellery is missing. Later, on their trip to Venice, Anthony admits to doing it but didn't tell her to keep her from feeling bad. Julie becomes upset, but Anthony manages to convince her he had a good reason for doing so even though he doesn't elaborate on it, insinuating it is related to work and not to his heroin habit. Julie starts noticing when Anthony is on heroin, and she attends a self-help group. She starts to confront him sometimes but doubts herself, and he manipulates and gaslights her. She begins to take on the responsibility of his addiction.
Julie returns home one evening to find a strange man in her apartment that Anthony must have let in. She also catches an illness from what she's being exposed to through Anthony. Finally, after finding out he was arrested, Julie asks Anthony to move out.
Julie begins to put herself back together after the breakup, to the happiness of her friends and professors. Anthony's mother continues to call Julie in an attempt to find him.
Anthony shows up again and appears clean long enough for Julie to invite him back in with her. He soon goes through withdrawal in front of her and eventually starts using heroin again. He goes missing and is later found dead, having overdosed in a public toilet at the Wallace Collection.
As described in a film magazine reviews, after an unwanted marriage between his son and a circus animal trainer, a grandfather disowns both parents agrees to take in Lorraine, his granddaughter from overseas. Lorraine is a seven-year-old child when she is shipwrecked while in route to the United States and is rescued by Bimi, a gorilla. Bimi takes her to a desert isle where there are a group of lions and an elephant. The animals teach her and protect her. Her grandfather has employed Don Mackey, a crystal gazer, to use his psychic powers to determine where the child is. Don locates her after she has become a grown woman on the island, and the grandfather and he go on an expedition to get her and her gorilla friend. They find her and they head back to San Francisco. During a storm Bimi becomes panic stricken, breaks from a cage where he has been confined and seizes Lorraine to make off with her. Don fears that the animal intends harm to her and shoots Bimi. Lorraine regrets the death of the beast. Don starts to leave from the place but is restrained by Lorraine, who loves him.
A young woman contemplates ending her approximately seven-week relationship with her boyfriend Jake while on a trip to meet his parents at their farm. During the drive, Jake attempts to recite a poem he read when he was younger, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality", and asks the young woman to recite an original poem of hers to pass time. After she recites a morbid poem about coming home, they arrive at the farmhouse owned by Jake's parents. Jake takes her to the barn, where he recounts a story about how the farm's pigs died after being eaten alive by maggots. Throughout the film, the main narrative is intercut with footage of an elderly janitor working at a high school, including scenes in which he sees students rehearsing ''Oklahoma!'' and watches a romantic comedy film.
Upon entering the farmhouse, the young woman notices scratches on the door leading to the basement. At dinner with Jake's parents, she (whose occupation and name change throughout) shows them photographs of her landscape paintings and explains how she met Jake at a trivia night in a bar, with narrative inconsistencies. Later, she notices a picture of Jake as a child, but becomes confused after initially recognizing the child as herself. She receives a call from a friend with a female name, and a mysterious male voice explains that there is "one question to answer". Over the course of the night, Jake's parents transform into their younger and older selves, though nobody on screen comments on this. When the young woman takes a nightgown down to the basement to wash, she discovers several janitor uniforms in the washing machine and finds posters for Ralph Albert Blakelock exhibitions that have images of paintings seemingly identical to her own. She also receives another call from the same mysterious voice.
On the drive home, Jake refers to several events that evening which the young woman does not remember and then claims she drank a lot of wine. Word association leads to an extended critical discussion of John Cassavetes' ''A Woman Under the Influence''. Even though snow is falling, the couple stops at Tulsey Town, a drive-through ice cream stand, whose employees are students at the janitor's school. When the young woman is leaving, an employee with a rash says they are scared for her.
Jake and the young woman cannot finish their sugary desserts, so he stops at his high school to throw the ice-cream cups away. After a heated argument in the parking lot about the lyrics of "Baby, It's Cold Outside", they share a kiss. Suddenly, Jake notices the janitor watching them from inside the school and decides to confront him, leaving the young woman alone in the car. Eventually, she decides to look for Jake inside the school. She meets the janitor and asks him where Jake is, but she cannot remember what Jake looks like. She tells the janitor that nothing happened between Jake and her on the night they met, instead claiming Jake made her uncomfortable by staring at her.
The young woman discovers Jake at the end of a hall. They watch as people dressed like themselves and the janitor engage in a ballet, which ends when the janitor's dancer kills Jake's dancer with a knife.
Having finished his shift, the janitor enters his car, but does not start the motor. He experiences hallucinations of Jake's parents arguing and animated Tulsey Town commercials. The janitor then takes off his clothes and walks back inside the school, led by the hallucination of a maggot-infested pig who tells him that "someone has to be the pig infested with maggots", that "everything is the same, when you look close enough", and that he should get dressed.
On an auditorium stage, an old Jake receives a Nobel Prize and sings a song from ''Oklahoma!'' to an audience of people from his life, all of them in theatrical old-age makeup, who give him a standing ovation when he is done.
In the final shot, the couple's car is not visible in the school parking lot, while the janitor's truck is covered in snow. Towards the end of the credits, scraping sounds and the engine of an approaching vehicle are heard.
''Wild Town'' is the story of "Bugs" McKenna, a hard luck tough guy who refuses to let people belittle him or treat him unfairly even if it means he suffers for it. Bugs is rousted from town to town in West Texas by the local law until he makes his way to a small town built around oil wells called Ragtown. The wealthiest man in Ragtown is Mike Hanlon, a wildcatter who discovered the oil and built a town around it including the only hotel where Hanlon lives. However, the man who really runs the town is the sheriff, Lou Ford.
Bugs provokes a confrontation with one of Ford's deputies and ends up in jail. Expecting a beating Bugs is treated decently and even offered a job working security in Hanlon's hotel. Hanlon is afraid that his young wife is trying to kill him and that Ford may be working for her. Bugs is unsure if he has been hired by Ford to protect or kill Hanlon.
His natural inclination is to be distrustful, so he suspects the worst of Ford. Bugs becomes involved in the murder of the hotel's auditor made to look like a suicide, the embezzlement of $5,000 from the hotel, as well as various illicit sexual encounters. At the same time Bugs begins to appreciate how well-suited he is to his job and how enjoyable it is to actually have a stable job. Bugs is even beginning to develop a love life with Ford's school teacher ex-fiance.
The question driving the plot is whether Hanlon's wife Joyce is really trying to have him killed and, if so, is Sheriff Ford trying to help her or catch her? The climax is the scene where Bugs finally takes a stand to protect Mr. Hanlon regardless of whether Ford wants him to or not. It is this decision that Ford was waiting for—to know if he could really trust Bugs. Once Bugs and Ford are revealed as working on the same side, the rest of the threads of the plot unwind, thanks to Ford's work and perceptive insights into people. He realizes that Joyce is actually a gold digger who came to Ragtown hoping to get money from Hanlon, but as she started to con him she actually fell in love with him. However, the real villain, who killed the hotel auditor and embezzled the money from the hotel, is revealed to be another con woman named Rosalie Vara, a light skinned black woman who came to Ragtown with Joyce and is now working as a maid at the hotel. She was not about to let Joyce enjoy all of Hanlon's money. She put on a very convincing veneer of a naive, sweet, and innocent young woman. In reality she hatched several different schemes to embezzle from the hotel and then cover it up by murder; first trying to make the murder look like a suicide, and then manipulating Bugs to take the fall. She reveals herself to Bugs just before she knocks him unconscious and stuffs him in a closet.
Bugs recovers consciousness in a hospital room with Mr. Hanlon who now realizes that Ford was out to protect him all along. Ford is there to explain the whole plot like a stereotypical hero in a detective novel. His key realization was that Rosalie Vara's description may not have resulted in any outstanding warrants because she was described as a negro. When Ford removed that from the description he was flooded with information about a con woman wanted for several crimes who otherwise matched Rosalie's description except for being black. She was pretending to be black to hide from the law. Unlike most of Thompson's novels the ending is happy and upbeat.
The protagonist and their friends mechanic Keith, close-quarters fighter Zeke, and their leader Hugo, serve out their contract to Port Pennywort hunting Aragami. The Port, however, treats AGEs as inhuman, sending them on hazardous missions. When an Ash Storm engulfs the Port, the management flees leaving the AGEs for dead, but they are rescued by Hilda Henriquez, owner of Port Chrysanthemum. Carrying precious Gleipnir cargo under the guard of Claire Victorious, a Gleipnir support-type AGE, Hilda agrees to take on the Pennywort AGEs as passengers but under Ash Navigation Law she will have to return them to the Port later. The group carries out work for Hilda clearing a safe route through the Ashlands for a cut of royalties, with Hugo planning to buy their freedom and establish their own Port. Along the way to Chrysanthemum, the group takes in Lulu, a formidable scout AGE from Port Baran who was marooned during a mission. In exchange she shares a prototype for an Acceleration Trigger, which Keith finishes. When an Ashborn's attack tears open the crawler's cargo bay, the precious cargo is revealed: a mysterious little girl whom the group names Phym, with the power to heal wounds and purge the corruption caused by Ashborn. The Aragami attacks only increase, suspected to be drawn to Phym's presence, but with her help and the protagonist's Resonance powers the group manages to kill an Ashborn, a feat previously unheard of. Arriving at Hilda's port, Hugo's group negotiates a contract with her.
Finally arriving at Gleipnir HQ, Doctor Inukai collects Phym, but an Ashborn attack allows the group to reclaim her. Defeating the monster, they convince the organization's leader, Governor General Abraham Gadolin, that Phym, revealed to be a highly-prized humanoid Aragami specimen, is safest in their hands as only they can kill the Ashborn who are constantly drawn to her. In exchange, they are requested to spearhead an operation to take back Fenrir HQ and Odin, a superweapon capable of eliminating the Ash threat. Investigating a mole in Gleipnir, Hilda and the group discover that Inukai is the traitor, planning to sell Phym to the Crimson Queen, led by Gadolin's son Werner, with the technology to trigger Ash Storms (at the cost of an AGE's life). Inukai is arrested and the reclamation is launched with the AGEs at its head. The Baran convoy's captain threatens Lulu to use the Crimson Queen (to whom they had sold the Ash Storm tech in the first place) to take Phym for themselves, but is also arrested and Baran drops out of the initiative to save face. Werner meets the group, offering them a place within Crimson Queen and allows them to proceed to HQ where they complete the operation. Gleipnir to retake HQ and Odin, while the group returns to Port Chrysanthemum.
A month later, Gadolin announces Odin's completion, but reveals that, in order to use it, AGEs will have to be consumed by the weapon. Thus, Gleipnir plans to round up all AGEs and force them into the machines. AGEs in all ports revolt, many joining Werner, and Port Baran openly sides with the Crimson Queen. Despite being blockaded, Hilda refuses to hand over the group, evacuating the Port on her crawler. Forced to traverse a forbidden mountain route to escape, the group defeats a deadly "AGE Eater" Aragami, saving Zeke's lost brother Neal. Arriving at Port Dusty Miller, they are sheltered by its owner Ein whom Hilda has contact Werner. He reveals that Phym, with her unique bias factor, could take the place of all the AGEs onboard Odin. Learning this herself, Phym leaves to voluntarily board the weapon. Meanwhile, Baran betrays the Crimson Queen, and Gleipner wipes out the group. Cornered, Werner and the last members summon an apocalyptic Ash Tempest, so Odin is hurriedly fielded to stop it. She narrowly manages to stop its first wave without dying, but the strain on her rushed Odin unit causes it to go berserk so the group defeats it. Reunited with the others, Phym triggers a massive Engage Resonance across the Ashlands, neutralizing the ash's corrosive properties and ending the tempest. With the conflict ended and Odin shut down, the group returns home together. In the final voiceover, Ein, actually Soma Schicksal from the previous games under an alias, ponders the possible future for the world and sets out to travel to the Far East.
Nariman Vakeel is a 79-year-old Parsi widower beset by Parkinson's disease and haunted by memories of the past. He lives with his two middle-aged step-children. When Nariman's illness is compounded by a broken ankle, he is forced to take up residence with his daughter Roxana and her husband Yezad, along with their two sons. This new responsibility for Yezad, who is already besieged by financial worries, proves too much and pushes him into a scheme of deception with devastating consequences.
Luca Molteni and Rocco Fontana are two creative directors of a company that produces plumbing fixtures, where the first is a single architect by choice, sexy, who lives in a town, while the other is an architect who lives in a country house, married to Claudia and with three children. When they discover the companies they work want to fusion, their German sadic director proposes to them, to win the only position of manager in the new society, a "''life exchange''": for a week they will have to exchange their homes and adopt the same daily habits of the other.
Back when she was in kindergarten, Ao Horie shared a short essay about herself, which she soon regrets, because of her father, Hanasaki Horie, who is an author of erotic novels. Ao aims to go to an elite university to finally get away from her father, but soon she meets Takumi Kijima in their first year in high school. Ao can't think of a way to avoid Takumi and constantly thinks of them being with each other as a couple. Ao believes her father has influenced her way of thinking.
''Immortal: Unchained'' takes place in an alternate universe with a backstory heavily inspired by Norse mythology. At the beginning of time, the Nine Realms and Nine Races were created by the Monolith, a stone artifact at the center of the universe with a bas relief of a tree on its face. The Prime and Azurian races went to war over control of the Monolith, with the Primes emerging victorious and taking their place as the rulers of the realms. The Prime's leader, King Naro, enlisted the aide of a Degonite warrior named Cathal to help fight the Azurians, to the objection of his sons Orin and Naylon. Due to their animosity towards him, the other Primes forbid Cathal from reproducing; instead, he tears out part of his heart and splits it into three pieces, which he uses to bring to life three children; Malog, Arlen, and Iska. Using the power of the Monolith, the three Oracles foretell a prophecy in which the three children of Cathal will bring about the downfall of the Primes.
In an attempt to avert the prophecy, the Primes imprison, exile, or kill Cathal's children, causing Cathal to swear revenge against the Primes, starting by slaying Naro's son Naylon, the most beloved of the Primes. Cathal is imprisoned for this crime. Malog is imprisoned in the depths of the Prime's capital city, growing into a powerful beast destined to kill King Naro. Arlen is exiled to the human forest world of Veridian, where he is tracked down and murdered by Orin in an attempt to avert the prophecy which states Arlen will kill Orin; however Arlen's vengeful spirit merges with the forest and corrupts it, trapping Orin when he attempts to escape. Iska escapes to the Abyss, where she uses cybernetics to create undead warriors, declaring herself the Queen of the Dead and raising an army of undead to get revenge against the Primes. After many generations, the Nine Realms begin to collapse, with the Prime civilization falling to ruin and Iska's undead army swarming across the universe, signalling the beginning of the End Times foretold by the prophecy.
Players take the role of an unnamed Prisoner who is released by Aras, the Prime caretaker of the Monolith, in an attempt to avert the End Times. The Prisoner has amnesia, which Aras believes is a side effect of their long imprisonment. Aras tasks the Prisoner with repairing the Monolith by restoring 3 Nexus Orbs from which the Monolith draws its power, located on the lifeless snow planet of Arden, the human forest world of Veridian, and the abandoned Prime homeworld of Apexion. The Prisoner restores all 3 Nexus Orbs, in the process fighting through numerous undead who are invading all the worlds. The Prisoner and Aras then use the Monolith's power to push back an attack on the Monolith chamber by the undead armies led by Iska herself.
Consulting the restored Monolith, Aras learns that the Nine Realms are collapsing because of an instability located within the Stream, an alternate dimension emanating from the Monolith which is the source of all creation. Aras tells the Prisoner to find and kill the three children of Cathal and collect their hearts, in order to use their combined power to open a rift into the Stream. The Prisoner does so; in the process, the Prisoner can encounter King Naro, Orin, and a human woman warrior named Bren, in the process helping Naro and Orin escape their destiny to die by Malog and Arlen's hands while helping Bren recover her lost memories after her escape from the Abyss.
When the Prisoner brings all three hearts to Aras, Aras opens the rift into the Stream then reveals that the Prisoner is actually Cathal himself, who Aras always despised, and gloats about how he made Cathal kill his own children. Aras then attacks the Prisoner in order to fulfill his role in the prophecy. The Prisoner kills Aras, then enters the Stream, eventually discovering that the source of the instability destroying the Nine Realms is the spirit of Naylon, who after being driven insane by centuries of torture at the hands of Iska, is attempting to create a new paradise universe using the power of the Stream, a process which will destroy the current universe.
After defeating Naylon, the Prisoner transforms into Cathal, who reveals that the Monolith and the Oracles can only predict the actions of beings from their universe, so he allowed his body to be possessed and controlled by a being from another universe (the player), in order to manipulate the prophecy to his own ends. He also reveals that the blade he killed Naylon with was coated with a poison meant to drive his soul insane and distract everyone by attempting to create a new universe and destroy the current one. With Naylon defeated, the new universe will be created and the current one destroyed, but with no one in control anymore. Cathal then directly addresses the player, stating that he doesn't really know exactly who or what they are, but that they are no longer needed. He then shuts off the player's video monitor.
The film is a historical drama that depicts the First Battle of Bull Run with the plot of the movie centering around a brother and sister, Grace and Harry Myers, who are spies for the United States. The film starts with the Southern and Northern Army fighting and the South gaining an upper hand against the North. This leads to the North's defeat and the army retreating from the battle. When Abraham Lincoln hears of this defeat, he calls for the best secret service agent, Grace Myers, to be sent at once to help her brother find information about the Confederate Army. When Grace gets to the border of United States and the Confederate States, she has to hide in a wagon that is crossing the border so that none of the Confederate soldiers know that she is there. Grace then meets up with Harry and rides with him to the town that they are planning on spying on, with their main goal to be infiltrating the house of the Colonel. The Colonel's job is to handle all dispatches from the Confederate Army. Grace then meets the Colonel's sweetheart, May, at a ball by helping fix May's dress, which Grace purposely ripped. This leads to Grace meeting the Colonel and she becomes an acquaintance of his. Later, Grace has her carriage purposely crash in front of the Colonel's house so that she can get inside the house. Colonel helps her fix her carriage and Grace gets inside his house. He tries to get rid of her before May comes home, but Grace distracts the Colonel long enough so that when May gets home the Colonel has to hide Grace in his office. While Grace is in his office, May tries to warn the Colonel about Grace saying that she was dangerous, but the Colonel doesn't believe her. Grace finds the letters from the South and switches them for fake letters, but she accidentally drops one of the real letters which causes the Colonel to notice. Harry, who was hiding outside the house, is noticed by a servant who tells the Colonel about him and the Colonel believes he is the one who took the letters, so the Colonel saddles up and chases after Harry. They meet each other on the battlefield for the second Battle of Bull Run where they fight. While they fight, Grace watches on and sees Harry and the Colonel fight until the Colonel kills Harry. However, the Colonel is killed by a stray bullet which causes Harry and the Colonel to die side by side. Grace escapes to the north and gives the letters to United States and she is celebrated as a hero for the mission. Grace, filled with guilt and sadness, returns home where one night she is awoken by the spirits of the Colonel and Harry who lead her to the battlefield where they died blaming Grace for their deaths. Grace then wakes up realizing it was a nightmare, and she decides to go downstairs. When she gets to the stairs she passes out and falls down the stairs and dies.
Jane 'Janie' Stanton (Gale Storm) on the verge of turning 18 finds that she can't afford the tuition to attend a "renowned singing and dancing school". In an effort to realize her dreams Stanton devises a plan to take advantage of an age related loophole. She discovers that the school will offer enrolment free of charge if a student is under the age of 15. Stanton goes about transforming herself into a much younger student in order to attend the school.
On a tranquil day Birdie and her younger sister Abbie are playing outside when a stranger named Cole Jensen arrives asking for work. Due to his rheumatism Father hasn't been able to take on as much of the farm work as he otherwise handle, so Cole is hired as a farmhand. The man frightens Birdie in ways that she can't specify, particularly after she and Birdie witness dead rats coming back to life in the barn. As the days progress Birdie grows more terrified as she sees more dead come to life, one of the worst being the corpse of a neighbor boy suspected to have run away, but rumored to have drowned in a nearby pond. Cole dispatches the undead boy and menacingly tells Birdie to keep quiet.
Eventually all of this proves to be too much for Birdie, especially as Cole continues to stare inappropriately at her and Abbie, and she manages to convince Father to fire the man. Cole leaves and Birdie thinks that things may be over, however a week later she and her sister return home from school to discover that their parents are gone. They find Cole in their shared bedroom. Birdie is outraged and horrified when Cole makes a sexual overture towards Abbie, causing her to attack him. Cole overpowers her and gloatingly tells the sisters that her parents are not in the home because he has poisoned their pregnant mother, making it necessary for Father to drive her to the hospital. He then throws Birdie out of the second floor window. She hears her sister screaming but is unable to get up due to her injuries. Unsure of how much time has passed, Birdie hears her parents returning home to find her bloody and injured on the ground.
Before Father can go inside to see if Birdie's safe, Cole appears at the doorway. He claims that she's sleeping and thanks the family for their hospitality, prompting Father to attack and beat Cole. In the ensuing fight Mother attacks Cole and is brutally hit in her abdomen, causing her to bleed profusely between her legs. Just as Cole is threatening to murder all of them, several undead girls appear. Birdie remembers that when they first met him, Cole would occasionally look over his shoulder and mentioned that he had kept wandering. She realizes that he kept wandering because he was trying to evade detection for raping and murdering female children, from both the law and from the victims themselves, as they continually followed him. They tear Cole to pieces and his body turns into dust. The girls then begin to walk away and are joined by Abbie, as Cole had murdered her, and the dead vanish.
Months later Mother gives birth, but rather than a healthy living child the boy is one of the undead. It isn't specified if the baby died when Cole struck Mother's stomach or from the claimed poisoning. Birdie is ordered to drown the baby in the pond. The story ends with an elderly Birdie stating that both of her parents died soon after and that she did not drown the baby, but instead has kept him in a box that she occasionally opens.
As described in a review in a film magazine, riding madly to his rescue, Matt (Jones) finds his buddy Steve (Scott) has been flogged and later murdered by Spofford (Foster), when Steve attempted to claim his share of the Red Eagle mine, but that Steve also got Spofford. Steve makes over his claim to Matt and has him promise to avenge him. Matt gets a job at the mine where the foreman is crooked and tries to plant stolen gold on him, but fails through the quick-wit of the cook. Piggy (Kirby), discharged for theft, lures Spofford's daughter Bertie (Hawley) into the mine and a fire occurs. Matt who has found she is not hard-hearted but merely following her father's methods, rescues her. Spangler (Hendricks) the foreman learns of Matt's claim and tries to discredit him, but Bertie refuses to believe him. A riot of the disgruntled men led by Spangler is quelled, but Spangler attacks Bertie. Matt rescues her and beats Spangler. Then, realizing he loves Bertie, he tears up his claim, but she has already read it. She tells him that she wants him to take her and the whole mine instead of half, as he had promised Steve.
Helena 'Lena' Grisky, a Russian princess from 1905, is training to be a ballerina at the Opéra de Paris and is the school's top student. Her boyfriend Henri is unaware that his family are time travellers, and he discovers a time-piece hidden by his father, which he gives to Lena as a gift, thinking it is just a piece of jewellery. Lena is transported and trapped in the year of 2018, leaving Henri battling to find a way to bring her back and to fight off the Time Collectors, who set out to capture Lena.
Meanwhile in 2018, Lena must continue to attend ballet school at the modern Opéra de Paris in order to keep her identity a secret and remain in Paris until she can return to 1905. However, despite wanting to return to 1905, Lena soon settles into her new time period and makes new friends in some of the school's other students - Jeff, Dash and Ines, who becomes her best friend and the first to discover her secret. However, she also finds a rival in the ruthless Thea, who sees Lena as a threat to her ambition to be the school's best dancer. To make things even more complicated, even though Lena has not forgotten Henri, she ends up falling for Max, who becomes her dance partner. She also finds a love for a new dance genre, hip-hop, when she joins Max's dance group called the BLOK. With all these conflictions, Lena is left with a dilemma: return to 1905 or stay in the future.
When Lena travels back to 1905, it is reported to the time travel bureau that someone has entered the wrong century. It is then revealed that Lena was actually born in the 21st-century, but was sent to the 20th-century as a newborn. Lena and Henri become separated in different time zones, and write letters to each other throughout the season. Thea discovers the Time Collectors, and begins a relationship with Frank, using his time travelling device.
Frank and Thea devise a plan to control Time Travel but things go awry when a rookie Bureau agent, Lex, decides to fix things without qualifications. She soon begins to interfere with Lena's life and causes problems. Whilst at the school, Lena joins Max in a risky dance that injures his knee. Max is ruled out for dancing leaving Lena and Jeff to fight for ownership of the BLOK. They decide to create one group and join the American competition series called, Dance Off. Later on, Lena is ready to return to her Time Period but then Travels to 1983 with, Jeff, Inez and Isaac by mistake. Lex struggles to comprehend what has happened but then gets deleted by Captain Nico Michaels, a high ranking teen in the Bureau. She is deleted for unauthorised interference with Time Travel. Frank and Thea get thrown into 1905 and combining the powers of the Time Pieces Clive and Pinky are lost.
The season starts with Lena and the gang's memories erased. For First Division, they have been chosen to join Mr Castillo's experimental workshop in the South of France for the first half of the year. Nico goes undercover as a student, taking Max's place as Lena's dance partner. A younger dancer named Romy shows up to the workshop, wanting to take part. Later, she finds photos of Lena from 1905 in her house and wants to investigate despite her skeptical friend Simon's dissuasion.
Lena has dreams and flashbacks of time travel and her 1905 life she can't make sense of. Whenever she or Ines remember, they forget again. They attempt to piece things together with notes, but Nico sabotages them. Frank sends Claudine to the future to figure out Nico's intentions with Lena. Henri arrives in the South and realises Lena's lost her memories. After a few tries, she manages to get them back after a kiss. Romy, who's now in on it, introduces Lena to her father, who reveals himself to be Lena's father.
Mr Castillo's group returns to Paris, but loses to Ms Carré's group. Lena suggests they put on their version of ''The Nutcracker'' anyway. However, she, Henri, and Frank are transported to a time traveller's ball in 1905. Nico also ends up there, meaning all of them must be Heirs. It's revealed his mother Quinn runs the Bureau, and that all this information was kept from him since he was raised to be an agent. They manage to get back in time to finish the show by making a deal with Quinn that the Chosen One will turn themself in when they turn 18. Romy has Lena's timepiece and keeps using it to manipulate things in her favour.
Sadie Love, a young widow, marries an Italian prince. When the prince's previous girlfriend, the Comtesse de Mirabole, tries to lure him back, Sadie realizes the prince still has romantic feelings for the comtesse. Sadie wants a divorce, but to avoid public embarrassment, she insists that they go on their honeymoon first. The comtesse wants to go along to prevent the newlyweds from consummating their marriage. Sadie agrees, but only if she can bring her own ex-boyfriend, Jim Wakeley. Jim is followed by his wife, Lilian, who brings her own romantic interest, Mumford Crewe. The six travel first to the home of Sadie's aunt, Mrs. Warrington, who disapproves of the group's romantic complications, then to the cruise ship the prince has booked for the honeymoon.
While Sherlock Holmes is away on holiday, Watson journeys to Darkwater Hall in the Cotswolds to protect a woman's husband from harm.
The play consists of two characters, Rick and Gloria. Rick, the former head of a private detention center for illegal immigrants in West Texas, has been arrested and convicted of serious but (for the audience) unspecified crimes, and is awaiting sentencing. Gloria, an African-American historian, is the first person to whom Rick has granted an interview. A cat and mouse game ensues as Gloria tries to get Rick to explain what really happened under his watch and who should bear responsibility. Robert Schenkkan wrote this play in "white hot fury". While the plot of Building The Wall concerns a fictional crime against humanity set against the backdrop of immigration policies on the southern border, the thematic concern is the slippery moral slope by which otherwise well-intentioned people gradually find themselves crossing legal and moral lines until tragedy ensues.
Lewis Eliot returns to his home town during the trial of two young women for murder. Eliot and his generation strive to understand the society of the 1960s.
Nelson Orion (Martin Landau) is an architect by profession and paranormal investigator by choice. He is engaged by heiress Vivia Mandore (Diane Baker) who mistakenly thought herself free from the domination of her recently deceased mother-in-law. However, the old woman is determined to continue her controlling ways... from beyond the grave.
The film is set in the Kona Coffee Belt of Hawaii during the 1920s. Japanese immigrant laborers and the white upperclass live in a rigidly classist society. Jo (played as a child by Cole Takiue), an orphan of mixed-race lineage, finds himself ostracized by both groups until Doc (Matt Dillon), a white doctor from the mainland, is hired as a physician for workers on the plantation owned by Mr. Danielson (Nick Boraine). Doc has Jo run medicine and translate for him on the island.
Ten years later, Jo (Ryan Potter) falls in love with the plantation owner's daughter, Grace (Olivia Ritchie). They interact a few times at the Danielson's home under the guise of treating her ankle injury. Mr. Danielson meets a new doctor, Dr. Reyes (Jim Caviezel), and invites him to tend to the white upperclass residents of the island, even as his company is going bankrupt. Throughout this time, Doc has been taking several secret trips to see a lawyer in Hilo about formally adopting Jo, even though it was illegal at that time to adopt a mixed-race child. Jo at first is impressed by the new doctor and his car, a Ford Model T, and asks him to take him on as an assistant. However, when they go to treat Mr. Danielson's accountant, who had poisoned himself as a suicide attempt, Jo realizes that the doctor is a charlatan. Dr. Reyes later expresses a romantic interest in Grace, and her father, seeing it as an opportunity to save his plantation and way of life, encourages the proposal.
Mr. Danielson sets out on a trip to Hilo to discuss his looming bankruptcy with the bank, intending to inform them that Grace is marrying into a wealthy family. Along the way, he accidentally falls into a ditch and hits his head. Doc and Jo are the first to reach him and, on inspection, Doc fears Mr. Danielson's head injury is severe. He tells Jo to find Dr. Reyes so that they can use his motorcar to transport him. At his home, Mr. Danielson and his mother (Juliet Mills) insist Dr. Reyes treat his injury and that Doc and Jo leave. Moments later, Grace comes crying out of the house announcing that her father is dead. Grace's grandmother and Dr. Reyes watch Grace and Jo embrace, and Grace's grandmother scolds Grace and pulls her away.
That night, Doc and Jo are walking back to their house. Along the way, Dr. Reyes purposefully chases them in his car and tries to run them over. Doc manages to push Jo out of the way, but gets hit himself and dies shortly afterward. Dr. Reyes threatens to kill Jo if he doesn't leave town. Later, Jo returns to his mother's house and is found by the Hilo lawyer who informs him that Doc's adoption was a success. Jo runs to the scheduled wedding between Dr. Reyes and Grace and asks for her hand in marriage. Grace's caretaker of several years, Miss Hanabusa (Rumi Oyama), approves the proposal and informs everyone that Mr. Danielson was bankrupt.
An infant is reared by nuns in a convent.
The story focuses on the relationship between Nanako Yukishiro, a girl who only communicates through senryū written on tanzaku, and Eiji Busujima, an ex-delinquent who attempts to write his own senryū. The story follows their different takes on everyday life through their senryu. Most chapters take the form of a collection of yonkomas with a few more traditional pages thrown in; these tell the chapter's story when read in order.
Four male friends are reunited after not being in contact with each other for several years. However, the meeting place is Purgatory, the afterlife state of limbo between heaven and hell. In Purgatory, these friends reflect on their pasts while they were living. They especially focus on their years in Catholic school and their coming of age.
When a bank robbery results in the death of the sheriff, Judge Beaumont (Roy Gordon) asks horse trainer Gene Autry (Gene Autry) to take the sheriff's place. Gene, who has helped Beaumont deal with his fractious son, Jack (Hugh O'Brian), agrees. Beaumont then reveals that he wants to rewrite his will to leave Jack out, prompting a fight between father and son. When the judge is murdered soon after, Gene is forced to arrest Jack, despite not believing that he is guilty.
Hacky friends Heiko and Tommy dream of escaping from communist Berlin that has become disgusting to them. Attempting to cross the border leads them to jail. In contrast to the sluggish and closed Heiko, the experienced and courageous Tommy is already familiar with the harsh orders of the model prisons of the GDR, where neo-Nazi groups are in charge. Caught in this hell, where only the snitches and mad beasts survive, Heiko escapes, enlisting the friendship of a local fascist leader, and Tommy decides to desperately escape.
They were destined to see each other only four years later, in Berlin, where Heiko, who became a staunch Nazi, commanded a team of skinheads who had left the underground after the fall of the Wall.
John Smith (Ruiz) is a 14-year-old Guatemalan boy raised in Lake St. Louis, Missouri by his adoptive parents, Brian (Lucas) and Joyce Smith (Metz). Though they are loving and supportive, John struggles with feelings of abandonment from his birth parents, and rebels against his parents and teachers.
In school, John's class is assigned to give a presentation about their family backgrounds. On his day to present, John admits he did not do the assignment. His basketball coach, who had promised him a starting position, warns John that if he gets a failing grade, he will be benched. John later gives a half-hearted presentation, saying that everyone already knows he is adopted and he does not know much about his true background.
Later, John and his friends Josh and Reiger go out onto a frozen lake, ignoring a neighbor's warning. The resident calls the police, and all three boys fall through the ice. Josh and Reiger manage to swim to the surface and are swiftly rescued by first responders. Two of the rescuers dive in, but are unable to find John. As they are about to give up, one of the rescuers, Tommy Shine (Colter), hears a voice telling him to ''go back''. Thinking it is his chief, he tries again, and manages to lift John to the surface.
With no pulse or breath, John is taken to the local hospital where an emergency team works frantically to save his life. After John still fails to register a pulse, the attending physician Dr. Sutterer gives Joyce a chance to say goodbye. A weeping Joyce cradles her son in her arms, pleading with the Holy Spirit to not let John die, at which point a faint pulse registers. Sutterer recommends transferring John to a better equipped hospital, citing Dr. Garrett (Haysbert) as an expert in cases like John's.
After John is transferred and placed in a medically-induced coma, Garrett warns his parents that he has little hope for John's recovery, and that if John were to pull through, he would likely live in a persistent vegetative state. Jason Noble (Grace), the family's new liberal pastor with whom Joyce has frequently clashed, visits the hospital and Joyce slowly warms to him. Like Joyce, he regards John's progress as divine intervention. John shows some signs of consciousness: he is able to hear Joyce and Noble and to respond with squeezes to the hand, and a tear trickles from his eye as a crowd gathers outside the hospital to sing and to pray for his recovery.
Joyce turns John's possible recovery into an obsession, harassing his health care professionals and alienating those around her, including her husband. In a heated moment, Joyce tells Brian that if not for her, John would be dead. After a brief and hurtful rebuttal, Brian storms off. Realizing she cannot control John's outcome, Joyce retreats to the roof of the hospital to pray, asking God for forgiveness and submitting to His will. It begins to snow, which she believes is an answer. She and Brian meet with Garrett, who tells them that the drugs they have been administering are becoming toxic to John's system and may be doing more harm than good. Joyce, who had been adamant about saving John's life at all costs, suggests stopping treatment and bringing him out of the coma, stating that she is ready for whatever fate brings. Garrett agrees.
John is revived and slowly regains consciousness, reliving his accident. He hears his mother's voice and opens his eyes, with full cognitive ability. A few days later he is discharged from the hospital, returning home and then back to school.
John's return though welcomed by many, is met with some resentment by others, who question why John's life was spared while their own loved ones died. This weighs on John's mind, he returns to the lake. There he sees Tommy Shine, and thanks him for saving his life. Tommy admits that he did not believe in God until after a series of protracted events since John's accident, and all he did was pull John from the water.
John reconciles his survival with a renewed sense of purpose in his life and rebuilds his relationships with those he had been alienating. An epilogue reveals that John is pursuing a career in ministry after graduating from high school.
In Aleppo, Syria, a team of US Navy SEALs, including Senior Chief Petty Officer John Kelly, rescue a CIA operative taken hostage by a suspected pro-Assad paramilitary group. The situation escalates as the SEALs discover that the captors are actually Russian military, which CIA officer Robert Ritter denies. Three months later, in apparent retaliation for their role in the mission, several members of the team are covertly killed by Russian FSB operatives. Kelly's pregnant wife Pam is murdered when the Russians break into their house. Kelly kills all but one of the attackers before being rushed to the hospital with near-fatal wounds.
Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Kelly's SEAL team leader and friend, Lt. Commander Karen Greer, meets with Ritter and Secretary of Defense Thomas Clay to discuss how the FSB discovered the SEALs' identities and review their response options. Leaked news of Russia's unprecedented attack on American soil has caused the already-strained relationship between the two nations to sour further, possibly causing a new cold war. The CIA refuses to conduct an investigation into the murders, motivating Greer to pass confidential information to Kelly.
Healed from his injuries, Kelly tracks down the Russian diplomat, who issued the passports to the FSB operatives, and forces him to give up the name of the surviving assassin before killing him. Incarcerated for murder, Kelly bargains his way out by revealing the escaped operative is Victor Rykov, an ex-Spetznaz officer who is hiding in Murmansk, Russia. Despite Greer's objections, Clay allows Kelly to participate in Rykov's capture on the condition that Kelly serves his sentence after the mission.
Kelly flies to Murmansk with Greer and a CIA black ops team, planning to HALO jump into Russia. Intercepted and attacked by a Russian fighter, their plane crashes into the Barents Sea. Kelly dives into the wreckage to recover essential equipment, including a zodiac boat. The team arrives in Murmansk and finds Ritter, whom Kelly suspects is to blame for the intelligence leaks. Ritter swears he is not responsible and leads the team to Rykov. Kelly goes off mission to confront Rykov, finding him wearing a suicide vest and learns that he is a deep cover CIA asset. Rykov detonates his vest, killing himself as the team becomes pinned down by sniper fire. As police arrive, the team realizes that the mission was a set-up to have American soldiers killed on Russian soil to start a war.
Kelly volunteers to cover the team's escape; since he is a convicted murderer, his death could be plausibly denied. Kelly buys the team time to reach safety but is badly injured. He then uses an explosion as cover to steal a police uniform and hijacks an ambulance to escape. Kelly and the surviving team members leave the country by boat. Ritter officially reports Kelly as dead, allowing Kelly to hunt for the traitor.
Back in D.C., Kelly confronts Clay and forces him into his car. After Kelly threatens Clay's family, he confesses to being behind the intelligence leaks and orchestrating the conflict between the U.S. and Russia, intending to start a war with Russia to boost the economy and unite the American people against a common enemy. Kelly drives the car over a bridge and lets it sink to the bottom of the Potomac River, drowning Clay. Kelly escapes with a recording of the confession, with the help of Greer, who was waiting in the river with diving gear. At Washington Union Station, Greer gives Kelly a new identity provided by Ritter, he leaves to begin his new life as "John Clark".
One year later, Clark meets with Ritter, newly promoted to Deputy Director, and proposes the creation of a multinational counter-terrorism team, codenamed “Rainbow”.
Urged on by her friend, Kaede Honjō begins playing the VRMMORPG ''NewWorld Online'' under the name Maple. Not wanting to get hurt, Maple opts to be a shield user with maxed-out defense stats, and continues putting every status point she earns in the game into increasing only her defense level. As a result, she is left with slow foot speed and no magic, but her high defense allows her to endure most hits without taking any damage. This, along with her basic-level creative thinking, allows for her to make unexpected accomplishments in the game, its quests and events. By doing this, she ends up earning all kinds of equally unexpected skills and becomes one of the strongest players in the game.
After the outbreak of the deadly Red Plague and global nuclear war, humans have largely become extinct, with the few surviving ones becoming mutants, having been affected by radiation. The Elder (voiced by Gergo Danka), the only person with the knowledge of the past, resides in the Ark, a fortified settlement that serves as the last bastion of civilization. With severe resource shortages, the base sends out special mutants called Stalkers who scavenge resources in the surrounding wasteland known as the Zone. However, the Zone is also populated by Ghouls, human survivors driven violent and insane from the aftermath of the bombings who worship the old world civilization as the Ancients.
Two Stalkers, Bormin (a humanoid boar voiced by actor Enzo Squillino Jnr) and Dux (a humanoid duck voiced by Jared Zeus), are tasked by the Elder to head north to search for another Stalker, Hammon. Hammon is a technical genius and is the only person capable of keeping the Ark's systems running, but he and his team disappeared during an expedition, and his absence puts the entire Ark at risk. Bormin and Dux set off to find Hammon, finding clues that he journeyed north to investigate a strange craft that crashed from the sky, believing it holds the key to finding the mythical promised land of Eden. As they travel north, they find and rescue Selma and Magnus, Hammon's fellow Stalkers. They also learn of the Nova Sect, a group of fanatically religious Ghouls who seek to restore Ancient weapons technology that can be used against the Ark. The Nova Sect was able to capture Hammon, and are attempting to force him to assist in their plans.
The Stalkers journey to the Nova Sect's headquarters, the Spear of Heaven. Along the way, they recruit Farrow, a Fox mutant determined to get revenge on the Nova Sect for destroying her settlement. They attack the Spear of Heaven and break into an Ancient underground bunker where they find Hammon. Hammon reveals to them that Eden does exist as a secret Ancient facility that holds information on the origins of mutants. However, the Nova Sect were able to read his mind and discover Eden's location, and are heading there to learn its secrets. Hammon directs the Stalkers to beat the Nova Sect to Eden to ensure its knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands. In order to reach Eden first, the Stalkers will have to travel through the Forbidden City, the ruins of an old Red Plague quarantine zone populated by hostile Ancient robots.
Disobeying the Elder's orders, the Stalkers journey through the Forbidden City, where they find the Nova Sect and their leader, Plutonia, attempting to break into Eden. The Stalkers are able to eliminate the Nova Sect and kill Plutonia, and Eden's gates mysteriously open for them. The Stalkers enter Eden and explore the facility, discovering that the Ancients were experimenting with creating mutants before the project was shut down. They are then shocked to find out that the Elder himself was one of the scientists in charge of the experiments, and they remember how he smuggled them to safety to prevent them from being destroyed. At that moment the radio activates and they hear a voice calling for "Command Center Sweden."
Plot of the expansion continues the story of the original game. When the Elder learns that the Stalkers have disobeyed him, he leaves the Ark. Some months later, the team tracks him down in the northeast where a mysterious plant growth had started to spread, also affecting the Ghouls. They confront him, but the Elder escapes to space with a rocket shuttle. After returning home, the Stalkers find the Ark under attack by intruding vines, with some inhabitants also behaving strangely. The community has put the bartender Pripp in charge while they were gone, but he is not competent enough to deal with the situation, so he asks the Stalkers for help. Together, they figure that a likely culprit is the mutant Goran who has the ability to control plants and has been banished from the Ark some time ago.
Stalkers venture further northeast where Goran is thought to have a base, a second Ark not known to the Elder. They are joined by a new mutant, Big Khan (a humanoid moose) who has been wandering the Zone alone, and has also noticed the new threat.
They find Goran in a deserted town and kill him during a fight. It turns out that Goran was also absorbed by plants and had his own will replaced. In that moment, a being called Old Jyko contacts them telepathically, and beckons them over. Old Jyko, whom they know as the oldest tree in the Zone, sends her minions after the Stalkers when they arrive. During the ensuing fight, they destroy her spore pods which kills Old Jyko. She collapses through a hole in the ground, revealing hallways with familiar logos of Mimir corporation which they saw in the original Eden. It is another secret base. The only functional computer reveals that their Elder was a project leader here too. Scientists wanted to design a tree for purifying the air using the same method of creating mutants in a last-ditch effort to save the humanity, but were forced to abandon the base when the war broke out. The tree survived, became self-aware, and decided to "purify" all the creatures in the Zone by transforming them to mindless drones under her control with spores.
When they return, the Stalkers are treated to a heroes' welcome, and Bormin is elected new leader of the Ark.
Beyond The Woods is a supernatural horror film set in a secluded holiday home on the eve of the opening of a mysterious fiery sinkhole that locals are calling "The Gates of Hell". Marissa and Jason invited their friends to Marissa's father's old house, which is now used as a holiday home. As the weekend progresses some of the friends start acting out of character. A few of them get very amorous. One of them disappears. One gets lost in the woods.
In 2035, after Hope County and the rest of the world has been left devastated by a nuclear war, the survivors that had taken shelter underground begin to emerge and rebuild society. The Hope County survivors found the settlement of Prosperity, but are soon attacked by the Highwaymen. Desperate for help, Carmina Rye (Reina Hardesty), the daughter of Nick (Steve Byers) and Kim Rye (Mayko Nguyen), appeals for help from Thomas Rush (Patrick Garrow), the leader of a group rebuilding communities across America. Rush and the Captain answer the call, but they are ambushed by the Highwaymen and confronted by Mickey (Cara Ricketts) and Lou (Leslie Miller), the twin sisters who lead them. The Twins attempt to forcibly recruit Rush, but he refuses and pushes the Captain into a nearby river.
Carmina pulls the Captain from the river and informs them that the Twins have left with Rush in their custody. Carmina and the Captain travel to Hope County to receive guidance from Kim, who encourages them to travel around Hope County, unite scattered survivors, and build up Prosperity to a level where they can fend off the Highwaymen. The Captain heads out to secure resources and specialists for Prosperity, and manages to rescue Rush. Angered at Prosperity's defiance, the Highwaymen retaliate and attack the settlement, causing serious damage and casualties. With Prosperity in no condition to survive another attack, Rush suggests forming an alliance with another survivor group, the New Eden group led by Joseph Seed (Greg Bryk). Kim is reluctant to trust Joseph, but Carmina is confident that he is a changed man.
With no other choice, the Captain heads out to negotiate with New Eden. They recover the Book, Joseph's personal bible, and turn it in to Ethan (Kyle Gatehouse), New Eden's current ruler and Joseph's son. Ethan reveals that Joseph had disappeared long ago and he is bitter over his abandonment. He then agrees to an alliance with Prosperity on the condition that the Captain bring back proof of Joseph's death. The Captain travels north following Joseph's trail and finds him living as a hermit in the wilderness. Joseph welcomes the Captain as a prophesied savior and reveals that in the aftermath of the nuclear war, he has done his best to atone for his past actions. Joseph offers the Captain an apple from a sacred tree, which triggers a powerful hallucination where the Captain is forced to battle a bestial personification of their own soul. Upon defeating the beast and waking up, the Captain returns to New Eden with Joseph with abilities called Eden's Gift. Against Ethan's wishes, Joseph designates the Captain as New Eden's shepherd, and commits his forces, among them being the Judge, the Deputy from the previous game who is hiding their identity out of shame and guilt over Hope County's destruction, to fight the Highwaymen.
Meanwhile, Rush is captured by the Highwaymen again, but as the Captain goes to save him, the Twins execute him. This triggers Eden's Gift, giving the Captain superhuman strength and allowing them to beat the Twins until getting knocked out by a shotgun blast. Believing the Captain to be dead, the Twins decide to investigate New Eden about the source of the Captain's strength. The Captain recovers Rush's body and buries him at Prosperity. To find out what the Twins are planning next, the Captain infiltrates a Highwaymen meeting, where they discover Ethan has decided to betray New Eden, promising to show the Twins the location of the sacred fruit in return for burning down New Eden. The Captain confronts the Twins at New Eden and defeats them, resulting in Lou's death and a repentant Mickey either being executed or spared. Meanwhile, Ethan ignores Joseph's warnings and eats one of the sacred apples, but it triggers an inhuman transformation in his body, forcing the Captain to kill him. Realizing his actions only bring death and destruction, Joseph burns down the sacred tree and pleads for the Captain to kill him, which the Captain may choose to do or not. If the Captain does, the burning tree begins to snap apart immediately. If not, Joseph is left wailing for release while the Captain leaves.
Returning to Prosperity, the Captain celebrates their victory with Carmina at Rush's grave, as Carmina states that despite the hardships and losses, there is hope for the future after all.
A 40 year old divorced school teacher decides to enter the Boston Marathon.
As described in a film magazine, Jean Hurst (Terry), a British army officer's wife in India, on the eve of the birth of her child, finds her husband dead, murdered on their doorstep. The child is born a cripple, and is a weakling and coward. Grown to manhood, because of his mother's hatred, David (Morrison) denounces the association of white people in the colony and marries Sarasvati (De La Motte), the goddess of a tribe that plans to overthrow their English rulers. Inheriting an estate and title in England, his mother hopes he will divorce his wife and marry the daughter of an army officer, but he remains steadfast. Learning of the sudden uprising of the native people, he risks his life to warn the British soldiers. When he returns to his bride, he finds that she has sacrificed her life for his.
The Mad Titan Thanos and his Black Order—Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian, and Supergiant—attempt to collect the six Infinity Stones in order to achieve galactic conquest. Originally guarded by Nebula and Ronan the Accuser, the Guardians of the Galaxy stumble upon their attempt to hide them from the group and end up accidentally alerting the Order to their presence. In desperation, Star-Lord uses the Space Stone to scatter the other stones on Earth, and to get him and his team to safety. As S.H.I.E.L.D. detects their presence, Nick Fury Jr. unites the Guardians and Earth's heroes to find them. Together they are able to retrieve the Time Stone from the Sinister Six led by Green Goblin during a breakout at the Raft; the Mind Stone from Ultron when he assaults the Avengers Tower; the Power Stone from the Hellfire Club and then again from the Brotherhood of Mutants, who briefly steal it during a Sentinel attack on Professor X's Institute for Gifted Youngsters; the Reality Stone from Dormammu in the Dark Dimension; and the Soul Stone from A.I.M., led by MODOK, during an attack on Wakanda. Along the way, they help the Defenders retrieve an ISO-8 crystal from the Kingpin and face the Hand at Shadowland; stop an attempted coup d'état by Maximus the Mad at the Inhuman city of Attilan; and form uneasy alliances with Venom, the Brotherhood, Loki, and Thanos' illegitimate son Thane.
When the Black Order find them in Wakanda, Thane gives himself and the Infinity Stones over to them to ensure the heroes' safety, but Proxima Midnight nonetheless teleports them to Asgard, where they face Hela and Surtur, as well as HYDRA, led by the Red Skull, defeating them with the aid of the Valkyrie, Odin, and Loki. Odin then transports the heroes to Knowhere where the Black Order and the Nova Corps are waging war. The heroes battle the Black Order and manage to retrieve most of the Stones, but as they prepare to clash one final time, they are stopped by Thane using the Time Stone. While Thane is distracted trying to choose a side, Thanos attacks him from behind and places the Infinity Stones in his Infinity Gauntlet, transporting everyone to his throne for a final battle. However, Thane, now completely corrupted by the power of the stones, takes the Gauntlet from him and uses the Infinity Stones' power to don the Infinity Armor, planning to kill his father to prove his superiority and the heroes if they stand in his way.
The group is transported into the Heart of Infinity, where the Infinity Stones were forged at the center of the universe, and the heroes aid Thanos in stopping the out-of-control Thane. Thanos reveals that the power of the Infinity Armor is too great for any mortal being, even Thanos himself, and pulls the gauntlet from Thane's hand, causing both to disappear and leaving the heroes and the Infinity Stones behind. Ebony Maw then attempts to take the Infinity Stones for himself but is arrested by Richard Rider and the Nova Corps, as Rider plans to have him and the rest of the Black Order imprisoned at the Kyln. The heroes affirm they will be ready should Thanos ever return and agree to separate the Infinity Stones, hiding them in distant corners of the universe for safekeeping.
In a post-credits scene, a pair of eyes are seen above the Heart of Infinity.
Sometime after Thanos and Thane's disappearances, Doctor Doom attacks Wakanda, seeking the Soul Stone in Black Panther's possession. All the heroes reunite to stop him, but Doom transports them to the Negative Zone so he can continue with his plans unhindered. The heroes are overwhelmed by the Negative Zone's native Insectoids, but are rescued by the Fantastic Four. The four join the heroes to find Annihilus, the ruler of the Negative Zone, and defeat him, obtaining his Cosmic Control Rod and using it to open an interdimensional bridge gate to escape.
The heroes emerge from the gate in Latveria, discovering that many of its people have been absorbed into the Soul Stone. They make their way to Castle Doom, where Doom reveals that he is using his people's souls to resurrect a Celestial. The heroes defeat the Celestial, but Doom uses the cosmic power from the Soul Stone to transform himself into God Emperor Doom. The heroes ultimately triumph over Doom, freeing the souls of the Latverian citizens and reviving them. Afterward, Mister Fantastic reveals that Doom's plans were meant to protect the universe from unknown entities awakened by Thanos and Thane's clash, and the heroes prepare to join forces once more against this new threat.
Zagreus, the son of Hades, seeks to escape his father's realm in the Underworld. He is aided by his adoptive mother Nyx, who gives him a special mirror that empowers him with various abilities via collected Darkness; the Gods of Olympus to whom he has reached out, who provide him with Boons that give him special powers, and his mentor Achilles, who provides him with the Infernal Arms and the Codex, weapons that possess powerful and hidden aspects of their past, present, and future wielders. Zagreus is also helped by Charon, who sells various supported items and also employs the skeleton dummy Skelly to help, the departed residents of the Underworld: Sisyphus, Eurydice and Patroclus, who give Zagreus gifts along the way up, and Thanatos, who goes against Hades to occasionally assist Zagreus. Hades hinders Zagreus' progress by unleashing the Underworld's various residents on him, including the Fury Megaera, Zagreus' ex-lover (and later on her sisters Alecto and Tisiphone) in Tartarus; a Lernaean Bone Hydra (nicknamed Lernie by Zagreus) in Asphodel; the legendary Theseus alongside his new partner Asterius in Elysium, and finally Hades himself on the surface.
It is eventually revealed that Zagreus wishes to escape the Underworld to find Persephone, his birth mother whom he never knew, having always been told he was the child of Nyx. Hades refuses to even allow her name to be spoken in his House and it is said that unimaginable punishment should befall anyone who disobeys his order. Nyx, on the other hand, decides to help Zagreus find the truth about his real mother for himself by putting him in contact with his relatives on Olympus. After finally defeating Hades for the first time, Zagreus finds Persephone in Greece, in a cottage protected by Nyx's power. After a tearful reunion, Zagreus discovers that since he is bound to the Underworld like his father, he cannot survive long on the surface. Despite this, he promises to keep escaping to spend time with Persephone and learn the truth of her absence.
Over the course of these visits, Persephone explains that she had a loving marriage to Hades (which the latter states was a result of Zeus having "given" her to Hades as a gift for taking charge of the Underworld, something which Hades thought was incredibly disrespectful and never forgave Zeus for) until Zagreus was stillborn due to the Fates having decreed that Hades would never sire an heir. Persephone ran away in grief with the help from Nyx but refused to return to her birthplace on Olympus which she disliked due to the constant bickering and posturing of the Gods. However, Zagreus was eventually brought back to life via Nyx's powers in an extremely lengthy process after she made a deal with her daughters, the Fates. Persephone refuses to return to the Underworld because she fears retribution from the Olympians towards Hades and the Underworld should they discover the truth about her disappearance, especially her mother Demeter, who has covered the mortal world in an endless winter in grief for her daughter. Zagreus eventually convinces her to return by reminding her of the bonds of family, and they finally sail down from Greece towards the House of Hades on the River Styx ferried by Charon. Persephone resumes her duties as Queen of the Underworld and Hades, now with a renewed respect for his son, allows Zagreus to continue his escape attempts under the guise of finding security vulnerabilities in the Underworld as the House's Security Specialist.
In an epilogue, Persephone comes up with the idea of reconciling with the Olympians by inviting them all to a feast in the House of Hades after Zagreus strengthened his relationship with them. There they claim that Hades and Persephone eloped and had Zagreus, but avoid telling them about Persephone's resentment of Olympus, and further add a false claim that due to her having eaten Underworld pomegranate seeds, she can only leave the Underworld a few months out of the year. The Olympians readily accept this explanation, though it is implied they know what really happened and simply wish to move on. Everyone now reconciled, Zagreus' new duties to escape his home continue.
The game is set in an alternate future that diverged in 1901, when U.S. President William McKinley is not assassinated by Leon Czolgosz at the Pan-American Exposition. As a result, Theodore Roosevelt never succeeded him, and the great business trusts of the era were never broken up, leading to a hyper-corporate, class-centric society dominated by the power of megacorporations, which, by the distant future, have begun to colonize space and terraform alien planets to varying results. Hundreds of Earth residents, lured by the promise of a fresh start, sign up for the chance to travel to this new frontier.
Among them is Halcyon, a small, six-planet star system. Traveling to Halcyon requires both the usage of advanced spacecraft with a faster-than-light "skip-drive," and a ten-year cryosleep for the colonists. In 2285, two colony ships were dispatched to colonize Halcyon — the ''Hope'' and the ''Groundbreaker''. While the ''Groundbreaker'' successfully arrived in Halcyon, colonizing the planets "Terra 1" (later renamed Monarch) and "Terra 2", the ''Hope'' and its cargo mysteriously disappeared in transit, slipping into myth among the citizens of Halcyon. The ''Groundbreaker'', meanwhile, goes into permanent orbit near Terra 2, with the original crew and their descendants converting the ship into an independent port and armored citadel.
In 2355, the ''Hope'' is discovered drifting on the outskirts of the Halcyon system by mad scientist Phineas Vernon Welles, who manages to safely revive one of the passengers (the "Stranger"). Welles informs the Stranger that the Halcyon colonies have fallen on hard times due to the incompetence and greed of the various mega-corporations (referred to collectively as "The Board") that govern every aspect of life in Halcyon. Due to the after-effects of prolonged cryosleep, the Stranger has substantially higher mental and physical abilities, including the ability to briefly slow time. Welles tasks the Stranger with securing the resources needed to revive the remaining ''Hope'' colonists, who he believes hold the key to Halcyon's salvation.
Welles jettisons the Stranger in an escape pod onto Terra 2, where a contact, smuggler Alex Hawthorne, is waiting. Unfortunately, the Stranger's pod lands on Hawthorne, killing him instantly (since Hawthorne didn't listen to Welles' instructions properly). The Stranger commandeers Hawthorne's ship, the ''Unreliable'', which is piloted by an artificial intelligence named ADA. Needing a new power converter to repair the aging ship, the Stranger ventures into Edgewater, a company town on the verge of collapse due to a group of unsatisfied workers (referred to as "dissenters") refusing to work until they get better treatment. The mayor of Edgewater, Reed Tobson, hires the Stranger to sabotage a nearby geothermal plant to cut off the dissenters' power; the player must then decide whether to go through with his request, side with the dissenters by cutting off power to Edgewater, or manipulate events so Reed is forced to leave Edgewater in exchange for the dissenters' return.
As the Stranger repairs their new ship and starts to explore Halcyon, they can recruit other helpful individuals to form a crew, starting with Edgewater's bashful town mechanic Parvati Holcomb. Other members include cynical pirate Dr. Ellie Fenhill, loyal-but-naive ship's hand Felix Millstone, overzealous vicar Maximillian DeSoto, alcoholic monster-hunter and mercenary Nyoka Ramnarim-Wentworth III, and a modified cleaning robot named SAM. The Stranger also learns that Welles is wanted by the Board for acts of alleged terrorism and illegal experimentation, and must make another choice: continue to help Welles or betray him to the Board and assist them with his capture.
After leaving Terra 2, the Stranger heads to Monarch, a colonized moon orbiting the gas giant Olympus, where an information broker holds the location of a batch of dimethyl sulfoxide, a chemical Welles needs to revive the remaining
With the Broker's intel, Welles directs the Stranger to Halcyon's wealthy capital Byzantium, where the Minister of Earth, Aloysius Clarke, has just signed on a shipment of dimethyl sulfoxide. Tracking down Clarke to his townhouse, the Stranger learns that Clarke has been placed under house arrest by Board Chairman Charles Rockwell, the true recipient of the chemicals. In Rockwell's private quarters, the Stranger discovers a video in which Rockwell announces the "Lifetime Employment Program"; the Board is conspiring to place the majority of the colonists in indefinite cryosleep, ostensibly in order to save humanity but in actuality to hoard the remaining food supplies for the wealthiest citizens. In order to store these frozen workers, the ''Hope'' colonists will be ejected into space, with the ''Hope'' turned into a vast cryogenic warehouse. The dimethyl sulfoxide is being used on human test subjects to attempt to recreate Welles' formula, in the hope that workers can be repeatedly pulled out of extended periods of suspended animation. The Stranger retrieves the chemicals, with or without killing the test subjects in the process.
Welles suggests using ADA and the ''Unreliable''
Wiring ADA through to the ''Hope''
Regardless of the outcome, the Stranger is informed that contact with Earth has been lost, and that a Board troopship en route to the home planet mysteriously disappeared in transit. The Stranger is offered leadership of the Halcyon colonies and allowed to shape humanity's future however they see fit. With Halcyon free of Earth's influence the colony is free to shape its own destiny, either under the Board's Life Employment Program or under the freedom brought by the loss of the Board's influence. The Stranger and their crew go their separate ways as their individual fates are explained, and the story of the ''Unreliable'' slips into legend.
Kate is an assassin and expert sniper who eliminates targets chosen by her trusted mentor and handler, Varrick. After she was left orphaned as a child, Varrick raised her as a father figure, giving her extensive training in weapons and combat and eventually inducting her into his private team of wetwork specialists.
Kate is in Osaka to kill an officer of a powerful yakuza syndicate, but Kate resists taking the shot because a child has unexpectedly accompanied him. She ultimately shoots the target at Varrick's insistence. While Kate's assignment is a success, this breach of her personal code to not kill in the presence of children leaves her in emotional turmoil. She tells Varrick that she will do one final mission, and then retire so she can start a new life.
Before the final mission, Kate meets a charismatic stranger, Stephen, at her hotel's bar. The pair share a bottle of wine and have sex in her room. Later, while preparing her sniper's nest, she starts getting symptoms of dizziness that cause her to miss the shot. Kate realizes that Stephen poisoned her, and after crashing a car, wakes up in a hospital to learn that she has acute radiation poisoning caused by Polonium-204 and only a day to live. She steals injectable stimulant drugs and a gun and sets out to exact revenge on whoever poisoned her.
Kate tracks down Stephen and his girlfriend, and learns that they were strong-armed into poisoning her by Sato, a yakuza affiliated with the Kijima crime family. Kate finds Sato at a luxury restaurant and kills him along with dozens of armed yakuza. Desperate for information about the reclusive, well-guarded boss Kijima, who she thinks might be behind the poisoning, she kidnaps Ani, Kijima's niece. Kate realizes that Ani is the girl who saw her father die during the Osaka mission.
While Kate initially only wants to use Ani as bait to lure Kijima out into the open, she decides to become her protector upon learning that Ani's family wants to kill her as part of an internal power struggle, led by Kijima's corrupt advisor, Renji. Kate uncovers more clues about the Osaka mission and realizes that her trust in Varrick may be misplaced after tracking down Kijima, who reveals that Renji made a deal with Varrick to incorporate his team into the syndicate in exchange for killing Kijima and all of his blood relatives.
Meanwhile, Ani learns of Kate's involvement in her father's death from Varrick, causing her to shoot Kate in the face when trying to reason with her, and leaves with Varrick. Kijima, aware that Kate is close to death, provides her with a small army of his men to assault Renji's headquarters.
After a fierce gunfight, most of Renji and Varrick's men are killed, and Kijima personally beheads Renji for his betrayal. Kate locates Varrick, who is holding Ani at gunpoint. The two have a fast draw and Varrick is fatally shot in the stomach. Ani then helps Kate walk outside to the roof, where Kate sheds a single tear as she succumbs to her poisoning.
As described in a review in a film magazine, the chief aim of the Orphan (Mix) is to "get" Tex Wilson (Bancroft), the man who killed his parents. In trailing Wilson's gang, the Orphan averts the holdup of the Deadwood Coach, and thus meets Helen Shields (May), who is in route from the East to visit her brother Jim Shields, the local sheriff. Mix is a friend of the sheriff, having once saved him from the Indians. The sheriff tells Helen the story of the Orphan, and it generates additional interest on her part. When the wedding is about to happen, Tex Wilson breaks into the church and makes known his criminal identity. Tex escapes, taking the young woman with him, and is hotly pursued by the Orphan. Going through the badlands the coach, which Tex's men had stolen, breaks down and Tex, abandoning Helen, takes off on foot. The Orphan catches him and throws him off a tall cliff. Then he makes an about face in his life and settles down to a life of domestication with Helen.
The plot follows Isabella, a successful business woman in the financial district of Stockholm, who returns to her small-town home to celebrate her father's birthday, only to find her teenage crush is marrying her childhood best friend. She also realises that her successful dealings in Stockholm will cause the closing of an important local industry.
Leonard and Penny elope in Las Vegas, live streaming the ceremony for friends at home. Leonard wrote a touching cosmology-based wedding vow while Penny recites "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Leonard's favorite movie, ''Toy Story''. Sheldon, confused and hurt by Amy's indecision about their relationship, insults her before all their friends while watching the wedding stream at Howard and Bernadette's house. Amy openly breaks up with him, upon which all leave except for Howard and Stuart, who actually see the wedding to the end. When Leonard and Penny kiss after he carries her over the threshold, Penny is still bothered that Leonard kissed Mandy two years ago and is outraged to hear they work together. They argue on their return home and both go to their respective apartments alone. Sheldon calls his mother to return his great-grandmother's ring which he had intended for Amy, but Mary tells him to wait. He also briefly considers dating Mandy to hurt Amy and is outraged to learn that Penny knew she was unhappy and did not defend him.
Danny is a middle school student who lives in the town of Norpole, Maine with his mother Elizabeth and his sister Jennifer. Sadly, Danny's father has died, and this will be the family's first Christmas without him. When Jennifer says that she doesn't believe in Santa Claus any more, Danny decides to prove that Santa is real. With help from his sister, and his friends Matt and Jake, Danny begins his investigation. The young people interview local residents who may have knowledge of Santa's existence, and look for evidence using high-tech gadgets that they assemble themselves.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth, who is a professional hairdresser, is befriended by Sammy, who is new in town. Sammy has recently been hired as the marketing director of the Norpole Toy Company. Sammy tells Elizabeth that Rick, the head of the company, is really Santa Claus. He enlists her help for a hair and fashion makeover for Rick. He also arranges a cross-marketing tie-in for Rick to appear in person at a popular Christmas season event in town – the Gingerbread Brawl, a professional wrestling promotion.
In 1883, Himura Kenshin, having married Kamiya Kaoru, became a father to Himura Kenji and, with his body deteriorating, still fights for those in need. Former criminals Inoue Aran and Hasegawa Ashitaro, the latter a former member of Shishio Makoto's faction, have become live-in students at the Kamiya Dojo in Tokyo. Kubota Asahi, a member of the Yaminobu, also starts living at the dojo. The Yaminobu accidentally left behind a recent photograph taken in Hokkaido of Kaoru's father, Kamiya Koshijirō, who was thought to have died in the Seinan War. After reacquiring his ''sakabatō'' or reversed-edge sword from Myōjin Yahiko, Kenshin, his family, and the new residents of Kamiya Dojo head to Hokkaido to find Koshijirō.
There they reunite with Sagara Sanosuke and team up with Saitō Hajime when they get involved in stopping the mysterious group named Kenkaku Heiki, who create havoc throughout Japan in order to gain battle experience to protect the country from foreign threats. Saitō recruits his former comrade Nagakura Shinpachi and former Juppongatana members Seta Sōjirō, Yūkyūzan Anji, Sawagejō Chō, Honjō Kamatari and Kariwa Henya to aid them.
Yuji Itadori is an unnaturally fit high school student living in Sendai. On his deathbed, his grandfather instills two powerful messages within Yuji: "always help others" and "die surrounded by people." Yuji's friends at the Occult Club attract Curses to their school when they unsealed a rotten finger talisman which Yuji swallowed to protect Megumi Fushiguro and their friends, becoming host to a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna. Due to Sukuna's evil nature, all sorcerers are required to exorcise him (and by extension, Yuji) immediately. But upon seeing Yuji retaining control over his body, Megumi's teacher Satoru Gojo brings him to the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School with a proposal to his superiors: postpone Yuji's death sentence and train under Gojo until he consumes all of Sukuna's fingers so the Curse can be completely destroyed. At the same time, a group of cursed spirits plot a multi-layered attack on the world of jujutsu sorcery, including the Cursed spirit Mahito and a sorcerer named Suguru Geto, who was "killed" by Gojo a year prior. At the exchange event between the Tokyo and Kyoto jujutsu schools, the Kyoto school's principal wants Yuji dead immediately, while others side with Gojo to keep Yuji alive. Gojo and Geto failed to protect a young girl from Toji Fushiguro, Megumi's father, an assassin from the Zenin clan. Geto decides the world must be cleansed of non-sorcerers so no more Cursed spirits can manifest.
The disfigured Kyoto Jujutsu Tech second-year student Kokichi Muta, who pilots Mechamaru, is revealed to be a mole. Geto and the cursed spirits lay a screen over Shibuya. Various sorcerers arrive at the scene to fight them. Gojo fights off cursed spirits and exorcises Hanami, but is sealed away by Geto in the Prison Realm. The event also confirms that Geto is dead, his corpse possessed by an evil ancient sorcerer named Kenjaku. Yuji and his allies face Kenjaku's forces with both sides suffering losses, with Gojo still trapped. As the incident ends, Kenjaku reveals that he has been jumping from body to body for thousands of years and implanted Binding Vows, which in turn awakens thousands of new sorcerers throughout Japan including Tsumiki. He then releases many Curses onto Japan, the first step into creating chaos and a world of Cursed spirits like the Heian period.
In the aftermath, Yuji and Megumi team up with second-year student Yuta Okkotsu and Yuki Tsukumo, a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and one of the most powerful sorcerers of all time along with half-human, half-Curse Choso and second-year student Maki Zenin to meet with Tengen. Tengen, an immortal, part-Curse part-human jujutsu sorcerer, reveals Kenjaku's plan to merge Tengen's consciousness with Japan's human population. The Culling Game, Kenjaku's all-out war between the sorcerers and Curse users of Japan, then begins.
In 2006, a spaceship crashes in Brightburn, Kansas. Tori and Kyle Breyer, who are unable to conceive a child, look inside to find an infant. The couple adopts the child and names him Brandon. They hide the spaceship in their barn to conceal the truth from him.
12 years later, in 2018, the ship begins transmitting an alien message, causing Brandon to sleepwalk to the barn. He tries to open the cellar, but Tori intervenes. Brandon begins to exhibit superhuman powers and becomes more aggressive.
One day during a trust exercise in PE, Brandon falls toward a girl in his class named Caitlyn Connor; she lets him drop to the ground and accuses him of being a pervert, having previously seen him in her room at night. Frustrated by her accusation, Brandon crushes her hand. That night, Brandon sleepwalks once again to the ship and breaks into the barn where it is hidden, cutting his hand on the ship. Tori follows and sees him levitating, chanting the ship's message: "Take the world." Tori reveals the truth of his origin, and Brandon goes on a rampage, killing Erika Connor, Caitlyn's mother, after Erika expressed displeasure towards him because he broke Caitlyn's hand. Police find a series of runes drawn on a window while investigating Erika's disappearance.
The next day, Brandon kills his uncle Noah by lifting and dropping his vehicle. The following morning, Tori and Kyle inform Brandon of Noah's death, but Brandon shows no emotion or empathy, angering them both. Kyle accuses Brandon of murder and grabs him, and Brandon retaliates by violently shoving him. Kyle finds Brandon's blood-stained shirt and shows it to Tori, but she refuses to believe it.
Kyle takes Brandon on a father-son hunting trip in the woods. Kyle attempts to shoot and kill Brandon with his hunting rifle, but the execution fails when the bullet bounces off the back of Brandon's head, causing Brandon to chase and kill him with heat vision. A sheriff arrives at the Breyers' and asks to see Brandon. Tori tells the sheriff that Kyle and Brandon are not home, so he shows Tori the symbol found at the scenes of Erika's and Noah's deaths. Tori finds Brandon's notebook with drawings of his murders and his message to "take the world" and begins to believe Kyle. She tries calling Kyle, but Brandon answers and implies he is now coming for her.
Brandon returns and begins destroying the house, easily killing all cops who come to the rescue. Remembering that the ship can injure Brandon, Tori runs to the barn and discovers Erika's eviscerated body. As Brandon pursues her, Tori tries to tell him about how much she loves him. She then tries to stab him with a piece of the ship, but Brandon sees it coming and avoids it. In retaliation, Brandon flies Tori miles into the sky above the clouds and drops her 35,000 feet to her death, just as he sees an airplane approaching. The next day, the airplane is revealed to have mysteriously crashed into the farmhouse (and the spaceship, Brandon's only known weakness, presumably destroyed), with the news reporting that everyone on board was killed and that Brandon was the only survivor.
During the credits, Brandon begins his worldwide attacks, which news reports cover. Brandon is also dubbed "Brightburn" by the media. A conspiracy theorist named Big T discusses the Brightburn incident and the existence of other super-powered beings, pleading with humanity to take action.
Maisha (Niuma Mohamed), head of local women's committee, was returning to home after the dance practice for a show to be hosted to celebrate their organization's first anniversary. On her way, she was followed by an unknown man wearing a black mask and holding a knife. She was mentally disturbed with the incidence while her caring elder sister, Maasha (Sheela Najeeb) and boyfriend Farish (Mohamed Manik), believed it to be her uncertainty. Farish discussed his plan to marry Maisha but she insisted on delaying it. Her brother-in-law Yanish (Yoosuf Shafeeu) returns from Sri Lanka and is shocked to hear about the masked man.
One night, Yanish follows Maisha into the woods and discovers her secret affair with Ahusan (Ahmed Nimal), a friend of Farish, and their wicked plan. On a rainy night, when Maisha was alone in the house, she encounters the same man and was brutally raped. Yanish and Farish recommended to share the occurrence with concerned authority though Maasha decides to conceal it fearing a scandal might tarnish family's reputation. A month later Maisha discovers that she is pregnant and Maasha suggested to abort the child considering their family's esteem. However, Maisha determined to keep the baby creating disputes and quarrels among the siblings.
Maisha gives birth to a baby boy. She decides to end her relationship with Farish despite his love and affection towards her. Maasha opined that the baby looks familiar to Farish implying him as the rapist. Suspicious of Ahsan, Farish follows him to a warehouse where he locates the costume and knife used to frighten Maisha. Maisha tore Ahsan's shirt and notifies that the rapist has a birth mark on his chest but Ahsan doesn't. Ahsan swiftly reveals the mark on Farish's chest much to Maisha's surprise. She informs the discovery to Yanish and Maasha. Once Maisha mentions the mark, Maasha tore off Yanish's shirt revealing a similar mark on his chest too. Maisha differs to believe it since Maasha stated that Yanish is infertile. However, he owns up the child and reveals Maasha's wicked plan.
Maasha underwent a sterilization procedure to prevent pregnancy. She assigns Ahsan to scare Maisha and murders her by drowning in the sea. Maasha plans to transfer all the properties into her name after Maisha's death and marries Ahsan afterwards. Yanish hid Ahsan's coat and used it the night he raped Maasha in order to confirm his fertility. Yanish schemed to blame the incidence on Ahsan, and puts the coat to Ahsan's warehouse where Farish finds it. He divorced Maisha and leaves. Maisha apologizes to Farish and they reunite.
Eva and Kat's humble, yet carefree, life in their London canal boat is turned upside down when Eva gives Kat an ultimatum: she wants a child. Kat resists, knowing that it will end the bohemian lifestyle she's always envisaged with Eva. When Kat's best friend from Barcelona, Roger, stops by to party with them, the three toy around with the idea of creating a baby together. Feeling backed into a corner, Kat consents. Surprisingly, the unusual do-it-yourself donor insemination is successful. As Eva enjoys her pregnancy and Roger fantasizes about his role in the new family, Kat begins to feel like a third wheel and starts to distance herself. When Eva has an unexpected miscarriage, everyone's true feelings are laid bare, leading Eva and Kat to break up while Roger prepares to go back to Barcelona. The three soon realize, however, that they can't survive without each other, and a new journey begins to build a family.
The gang prepares for Leonard and Penny's second wedding ceremony. Sheldon and Leonard fear that Mary slept with Alfred the previous night, though they swear nothing happened. They do, however, plan to visit each other, irritating Beverly. Penny's family arrives. Her mother worries that her son's recent jail stint will cause Leonard's family to think of them as white trash. The ceremony goes well, with Leonard and Penny declaring their love for each other, Beverly and Alfred grateful they at least made Leonard together during their relationship, and Sheldon declaring his love for the couple. Howard is contacted by Colonel Richard Williams of the Air Force Research Laboratory, who scares both him and Raj. Howard eventually agrees to meet him, but the colonel refuses to give the reason for his interest.
David (Shaul Shalhin) is a twelve years old boy living with his father (Arieh Elias). The father quit his job and god drunk after his wife left home and become penniless, unable to support his only child. The father alienated his son and hit him, David's only comfort is his loyal dog and his neighbour Tamar (Hannah Shalhin), a cripple girl he is hanging around with. Two culprits offers him a solution to his financial mishap: they ask him to join them to a burglary. The burglary happened to be a failure, his two partners arrested and the police try to catch David. David's father, see his son's misfortune, went to his aid.
Jake (Andy Samberg) and Holt (Andre Braugher) have been living in the witness protection program at Coral Palms, Florida for 6 months. While they want to continue working on finding Figgis, U.S. Marshal Karen Haas (Maya Rudolph) forbids them from doing so, as it would put their lives in danger. Haas also informs them that despite numerous operations, they haven't found Figgis.
Unknown to Haas, Jake is revealed to be working on the case in a storage unit. Holt finds him and scolds him for putting their lives at risk and tells him to get a job while he takes the file. However, Jake decides to work at the Fun Zone and is subsequently named Assistant Manager, much to Holt's disdain, who works there and was looking for the position. As his boss, Jake begins giving Holt ridiculous works to blackmail him into giving him the file. During one of their discussions, they are both hit by go-karts while a woman records them, planning to put it on Internet.
They ask the woman for the phone but she demands 15,000 dollars for the video. They attempt to trick her with fake money but she doesn't fall for it and leaves with the phone. After Holt scolds Jake for his behavior, Jake reveals he switched the phones and leaves disappointed. Holt is given the position of Assistant Manager at the Fun Zone but finds he has no interest in life in Florida. He meets with Jake, apologizing for what he said and gives him the files back. Despite retrieving the video, they decide to upload it so they can lure Figgis and catch him.
Holt tells Jake that Figgis contacted the Fun Zone, proving their video managed to catch his attention. They then set to buy weapons from a store. Despite not carrying a license, the owner sells it to them. However, their car is stopped by Sheriff Reynolds (Jim O'Heir), who finds the weapons and takes them to the station.
Meanwhile, at the 99th precinct, the squad is presented to their new Captain, Jason "C.J." Stentley (Ken Marino). However, he has a hands-off attitude and lets everyone do anything they want, to the point where Gina (Chelsea Peretti) gets her own assistant Emily (Esther Povitsky), Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) gets a treadmill, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) gets an isolated desk and Terry (Terry Crews) gets a yogurt fridge. This bothers Amy (Melissa Fumero), as everyone forgets Holt's message of work. They return their items and ask C.J. to toughen up and be more strict, which he agrees to do.
Back in Florida, Jake and Holt decide to tell the Sheriff their real identities and gives him a number to contact Haas and confirm everything. However, Figgis is revealed to have kidnapped Haas and both are arrested. With the help of their inmates, they stage a fight to get the Sheriff to enter. When this does not work, Jake kisses Holt in the lips, prompting him to enter and both Jake and Holt escape the cell. Now fugitives, they decide to call the precinct. When the squad explains to C.J. that they have to go to Florida, he refuses to let them do it, based on their previous talk.
While still being wanted by the police, Jake and Holt seek shelter in the storage unit. Holt's leg is accidentally impaled by a rod which he removes. Meanwhile, the squad decides to ignore C.J.'s order and go to Florida in a minivan.
After Holt makes a self-surgery on his leg, the squad arrives to the storage unit. They find a way to lure Figgis out and go to Fun Zone but Holt remains with Gina in the storage unit. In the Fun Zone, Jake contacts Figgis (Eric Roberts) who arrives shortly with his men; the men are quickly dispatched by the squad. Seeing that they need help, Holt and Gina both pilot a semi-trailer truck to the Fun Zone.
Jake intercepts Figgis until he is cornered by Sheriff Reynolds. Figgis shoots Reynolds and takes Jake with him at gunpoint. Amy arrives and shoots Jake in the leg (as instructed) and follows Figgis. Before Figgis can escape in his car, he is hit by the semi-trailer truck. Figgis is arrested and Jake is treated for his injury. The squad returns to the precinct where C.J. tells them that due to their actions, they will be relocated to the night shift.
Professional hitman Wilkes (Tom Bateman) has just finished murdering a never-to-be-named famous man in his lavish apartment. Sipping a glass of the dead man's wine and tasting his casu marzu, Wilkes receives a call from his employer and lets him know he finished the job. The only thing left is to remove the body. Wilkes wraps it up like a mummy and drags it through the hotel lobby and into the street. He is seen by several people, but they assume it is all part of his Halloween costume.
On the city streets, Wilkes bumps into three young people who are on their way to a party: Alan Morgan Adams ("of the Massachusetts Morgan Adamses") (David Hull), Dorothy (Aurora Perrineau) and Nick (Harvey Guillén). Thinking his costume is cool, they ask him to join them, and he accepts the offer only to get a ride away from the police, who are nearby investigating the vandalism of parked cars.
The party itself is an elaborate Halloween costume party held at mansion, and hosted by trust fund baby Jack Baker (Ray Santiago). Wilkes drags the wrapped corpse in, and it attracts the interest of partiers who believe it is a prop. The taciturn Wilkes has no use for the party. He also doesn't attempt to hide who he is, relying instead on everyone's acceptance that it's a Halloween act. He is chatted up by Maggie (Rebecca Rittenhouse), an employee of Jack who is dressed as Marie Antoinette. She agrees to give him a ride to leave the party.
However, their departure is slowed by the gang of partiers - Jack, Alan, Dorothy and Nick - who eventually discover that the corpse is real (and was still alive until Jack trampled it). Upon this revelation, Wilkes kills Nick with a thrown knife and vows to kill the others. But Jack tricks Maggie into opening a booby-trapped drawer, and the distraction allows Jack, Alan and Dorothy to escape with the corpse (Alan thinks there will be a reward). Jack locates a police officer (Max Adler) and brings him to the body in a parking garage.
Maggie is left behind with Wilkes and, curiously fascinated with the hitman, offers him help (though he will repeatedly tell her "there is no we"). They escape Jack's rigged room and pursue the trio with the body. This leads to Wilkes slitting the policeman's throat. The chase proceeds through the streets, with Maggie using her technology skills to track the trio and frame them for the cop's murder. Increasingly bickering with one another, Jack, Alan and Dorothy set out to destroy the body, first trying acid, then taking him to an incinerator at a funeral home.
The pursuit takes both groups through a cemetery, where Wilkes and Maggie kiss before he stabs her and leaves her for dead. On his own now, Wilkes catches up with the trio at the funeral home. He kills a security guard and then Jack, who has broken off from the others. Dorothy and Alan have the body in the incinerator room and are waiting for the oven to heat up. When Wilkes arrives, they try to shoot and strangle him, but fail. Wilkes kills Alan, then Dorothy accidentally shoots herself when a bullet intended for the hitman bizarrely rebounds off a flimsy metal tray and strikes her in the middle of her forehead.
Wilkes finally recovers the body and calls his employer to inform him that everything is in order. While on the phone, however, he is shot by Maggie, who has survived the stabbing. She uses police tape found nearby to wrap up Wilkes' body and drags it to a dumpster. On the way, she passes a group of people and tells them it is all part of her Halloween costume. "Amazeballs," one of them responds.
In a flashback sequence, the Tooms family - Henry, Rose and their teenage daughter Kimberly - are sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner, sharing their thoughts about what they have to be thankful for. Nearly a year later in the present, Rose Tooms has been murdered and her killer has not been found. Henry (Dermot Mulroney) spends much of his time renovating their house, which Kimberly (Diana Silvers) cannot leave due to a severe case of agoraphobia. Kimberly is taking medication, she spends her time on an online agoraphobia support group, and she meets regularly in her home with a therapist, Dr. Helen Saunders (Tembi Locke), who is becoming dissatisfied with the lack of progress.
For her 17th birthday present, Kimberly receives from her father a necklace with a charm on it. When watching a television news report about a recently abducted teen girl, Kimberly notices that the charm on the gifted necklace looks identical to the one the missing girl is wearing. She goes online to research case of other missing young females, and notices they look similar to her dead mother. Suspicious of her father, Kimberly searches his room and the attic, finding evidence that appears to incriminate him. She calls her aunt for help with the intent of leaving the home, but can't due to her agoraphobia.
Tensions mount in the house. Kimberly confronts her dad, accusing him of killing the missing females and her mom. At one point, she feels threatened by her father and calls 911. However, her father convinces her that she needs him, and when two LAPD officers arrive, Kimberly recants her accusation. The officers leave the home, but before they do, one of them gives Kimberly her card.
Kimberly goes online to research Propofol, a bottle of which she has found among her father's belongings. Discovering that it is an anesthetic and sedative, she becomes more convinced that her father is a killer. Meanwhile, Henry has located evidence of his daughter's snooping. Father and daughter become violent towards each other. Kimberly slashes Henry with a knife after he lunges at her. He chases and catches her, injects her with Propofol, and locks her in her room. She escapes her room, but not the house, and Henry catches her again after a chase in which they cause considerable damage to the house.
Dr. Saunders arrives for her next session, and Henry warns Kimberly that if she says anything, someone will get hurt. He also sits in on the therapy session. When Kimberly goes to the kitchen to make tea, she puts Propofol in her father's cup and a slips a note ("Need Help, call 911") under Dr. Saunders'. The doctor notices the note as she's leaving, upon which Henry pulls her back into the house and kills her with a box cutter.
Henry ties up Kimberly and confesses to his murders, but he blames Kimberly for the therapist's death. The Propofol kicks in, however, and he is temporarily knocked out. Kimberly is able to grab the box cutter and free herself. She calls the police officers, who instruct her to leave the home, but she cannot. Henry awakes and attacks Kimberly. Noticeably crazed, he pours gasoline throughout the home and sets it on fire. In the attic, Kimberly entices Henry into walking over a covered hole in the floor, and he tumbles below and is eventually consumed by the fire. Kimberly crawls out a window to escape the burning house and waits for the police to arrive.
Unemployed actor Wilson Clowes (Nyasha Hatendi), moves into a new apartment building to start a new life, befriending a fellow resident, an older woman named Red (Dale Dickey). He finds a vague audition announcement in a coffee shop and attends. After an unusual physical component, Wilson is offered the acting job by Finn (Jon Daly), the advertising director for a new Christmas toy called Pooka. A stuffed animal with large eyes, Pooka selectively repeats what it hears in either a "naughty" or "nice" voice, and Wilson's job will be to portray Pooka in a large, furry costume in both advertisements and live appearances. Wilson is informed that he will be the sole actor portraying Pooka. He accepts after realizing how much he will be paid.
Wilson's portrayal of Pooka coincides with the toy's skyrocketing popularity. However, the costume begins having strange side effects on the actor. When wearing the costume in "naughty" mode, Wilson is prone to violent outbursts and hallucinations and will have no recollection of them afterwards. Meanwhile, Finn manages to get Wilson the business card of Melanie (Latarsha Rose), a real estate agent to whom he has become attracted after seeing her first at a Christmas tree farm, then at one of his in-store events. Wilson attends an open house showing put on by Melanie, and the two hit it off and soon start dating. Wilson manages to get Melanie's son Ty (Jonny Berryman) a Pooka toy, much to the boy's pleasure. They go to the Christmas tree lot and pick one out together and later put it up in Melanie's house.
Wilson's hallucinations continue, and he has a vision of himself as naughty Pooka entering Red's apartment and killing her. However, when he visits her apartment, she appears unharmed, and as they talk, Wilson remembers that he made his life change to get away from some sort of pain that he thinks he caused. Wilson offers to have Pooka appear at Ty's birthday party, and he appears in costume. The lack of Ty's father-figure at the party causes one of the older kids to point this out to Ty, and comments that everyone knows why his father isn't there. This triggers Wilson into naughty Pooka, and we see the room turns red from Pooka's eyes. He then attacks the child in front of Ty, causing him to be frightened. Melanie still has no idea that Wilson is Pooka, who is upset that the guy in the Pooka costume would attack a child and later discusses it with Wilson. Wilson seems to not acknowledge that it was him in the costume, and takes Melanie's concern as blame and gets very angry. He then sees that the tree that they had gotten with Ty is gone, and accuses Melanie of not trusting him. Melanie does not know what tree he is talking about, it is implied there never was one. She demands that Wilson leave.
The Pooka toy suffers a widespread malfunction, causing all the toys to repeat only the distorted phrase in Pooka's naughty voice: "Look at all the pretty lights." Pooka's popularity plummets and Wilson is let go from his job. During an encounter in a bar, however, Finn tells Wilson that there never was a Pooka, and Wilson realizes the bar he's in is actually empty. As all this occurs, the costume appears to be inseparable from Wilson, who is seen visibly hyperventilating until he puts the Pooka head on. With the Pooka costume on, he goes to Melanie's house and leaves a box with a Pooka toy which is relaying an apology for his outburst. Melanie is disturbed and out the window sees Pooka watching from across the street. A pedestrian then gets into a fight with Wilson, and takes the Pooka head, exposing Wilson as Pooka to Melanie.
Wilson's hallucinations worsen. One night, he arrives at his apartment building to find that Red has fallen to her death. The onlookers and investigators imply it was an accidental death due to Red being drunk, but suspecting the sentient Pooka which Wilson has been hallucinating, he goes up to Red's apartment and finds Pooka coated in gasoline and with fire in its eyes. Afraid that Pooka will now go after Melanie and Ty, Wilson calls Melanie to warn that they are in danger, but Ty picks up and quickly dismisses Wilson by saying they have to go to the Christmas tree farm to get a new tree. Wilson goes to the farm and finds the sentient Pooka costume, which he attacks with an ax and seemingly kills. When he goes to Melanie's house, she no longer appears to be living there, and when he goes to the open house home where they first met, he sees the truth about his past. Wilson and Melanie were, in fact, husband and wife and lived in the open house. Wilson in the Pooka costume watched as past-Wilson, prone to violent outbursts, destroys the Christmas Tree and breaking it in half while Ty watches from the doorway. Past-Wilson pleads with Melanie and Ty to go to the tree lot and get a new tree with him, causing Pooka-Wilson to plead to past Melanie to not listen to his past self as he watches the final scene play out, but she cannot hear him.
In the closing scene, Pooka-Wilson witnesses his past self trying to make up for his violence by driving Melanie and Ty to a Christmas tree farm. During the drive, Melanie attempts to distract Ty from Wilson's frantic driving by remarking "look at all the pretty lights," but Wilson, looking in the rear-view mirror at Melanie and Ty, crashes head-on into another car. He is thrown from the vehicle, and Melanie and Ty are killed when it explodes. The driver of the other car was Red, who was killed in the crash. Pooka-Wilson and the sentient Pooka suit now seated in the empty bar, watch sadly as the version of Wilson who was driving the car is taken away by paramedics, one of which is Finn, and the distorted voice of Ty's Pooka toy repeats the phrase "look at all the pretty lights."
Alexis, a babysitter, and the child she cares for both watch a video featuring Danielle Williams, a popular social media influencer who receives her own streaming television show, "Very Very Vegetable". Later, Alexis returns to her house to prepare for a New Year's Eve party while admiring how seemingly "perfect" Danielle's life is. Her high-school friends Kayla and Chloe arrive and they all catch up, discussing their friendship with Danielle before she became famous and the possibility that she may not show up. Later on, she does, though tension mounts between her and Alexis.
While going about their night, Danielle unknowingly annoys the others by filming them for her Instagram and not knowing about their lives. As the girls are enjoying the party, however, a game of "Never Have I Ever" makes Alexis lose her temper at Danielle during Danielle's turn for saying she never bullied a girl named Kelsey until she committed suicide. Danielle attempts to move on, but Alexis waterboards her with champagne, counts down to midnight, then tells the other girls to tie Danielle up like they all agreed to.
With Danielle tied up, Alexis berates her for bullying each of them before revealing she intends to record Danielle confessing her role in Kelsey's suicide to ruin Danielle's career. Danielle agrees, but only says she should've done more to stop Kelsey's bullying without admitting to doing it herself. In response, Alexis smears the products from Danielle's make-up line, earlier given by Danielle as gifts, in Danielle's face and cuts off a section of her hair with broken glass to make her more "camera-ready." Kayla, overwhelmed, leaves the room to FaceTime her girlfriend, Frankie. Alexis follows Kayla, and Danielle attempts to convince Chloe to free her by offering Chloe her spot on the YouTube channel she will be leaving. Chloe starts to untie her just before the others get back. After Alexis and Kayla return, Danielle attacks Alexis, knocking her out.
Danielle and Chloe lock Alexis and Kayla inside a sauna, intending to wait until they die before calling the cops to make the deaths seem accidental. Danielle refuses to let them live, lest her dark past is revealed and her career ruined. Chloe seems unsure but Danielle ultimately convinces her. Alexis and Kayla discover a champagne bottle and, using it to smash the sauna's window, nearly escape but run into Danielle and Chloe. They hide in Alexis's closet before Alexis leaves to find her phone, leaving Kayla alone. Chloe finds Kayla, who tries to convince her to walk away and keep everything secret. Chloe claims Kayla doesn't want her to succeed and accidentally kills her. Meanwhile, Danielle corners Alexis and cuts her calf, but Alexis still gets away.
A shaken Chloe comes down to meet Danielle while Alexis tends to her wound. Frankie arrives looking for Kayla because she didn't answer her phone. Danielle and Chloe decide to frame Frankie, and after letting her in, Chloe kills her. Alexis runs upstairs and prepares to defend herself. When her ex-friends give chase, Alexis knocks Chloe down the stairs, killing her. Danielle then engages Alexis in another fight, only for Alexis to throw Danielle out of a window to her death in the pool.
Later on, an influencer who worked with Danielle discusses how Frankie killed Danielle after Danielle encouraged Kayla to end the relationship. Alexis stands next to her, and, after taking a moment to "grieve", she immediately becomes bubbly and films her own video, happy that she now has Danielle's life.
The film tells about the life of the famous sculptor and painter of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Buonarroti of Florence, in the early 16th century. Michelangelo is a pious and argumentative artist. Although widely considered a genius by his contemporaries, Michelangelo Buonarroti (Alberto Testone) is reduced to poverty and depleted by his struggle to finish the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. While painting the chapel he is also pressured to simultaneously complete the statues which are part of the tomb designed and intended for Pope Julius II.
When his commissioner and head of the Della Rovere nobility Pope Julius II dies, Michelangelo becomes obsessed with sourcing the finest marble to complete his tomb. The artist's loyalty is tested when Leo X, of the rival Medici family, ascends to the papacy and charges him with a lucrative new commission – the façade of the San Lorenzo basilica. Forced to lie to maintain favour with both families, Michelangelo is progressively tormented by suspicion and hallucinations, leading him to ruthlessly examine his own moral and artistic failings.
Employees working at South Park's new Amazon fulfillment center continue to strike. They are led by Josh Carter, a former "fulfiller" at the center who was compressed into a small Amazon box. However, the zombie-like former employees from the South Park Mall have agreed to work at the center as temporary employees. Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick are pleased to see that they are finally receiving the items they purchased from Amazon for the town's upcoming bike parade, where they hope to win first prize. Jeff Bezos, who is depicted as an alien Talosian from ''Star Trek'', observes these developments through cameras in the public's Amazon Echo devices. He has Josh kidnapped and tells a group of small children that Josh's box holds a bike parade gift, prompting them to rip it open. This causes his compressed organs to explode, killing him. Mayor McDaniels, who convinced Bezos to open the fulfillment center in South Park, witnesses this and is horrified.
Stuart McCormick is angered that his son Kenny is not boycotting Amazon in solidarity with the strikers. Kenny becomes disillusioned with the commercialism in which he has participated and tells his friends he will not join them in the bike parade, prompting their fear that they cannot win it without him. When the center's manager Stephen Stotch learns that Josh has been kidnapped, he continues to feel torn between supporting the workers and his family, especially his son, Butters, who is overjoyed to receive a new bike for the parade.
Tegridy Farms, the cannabis farm owned by Stan's father Randy Marsh, whose profitability has been damaged by the strike, suddenly sees an increase in business as the strikers come to him for marijuana to relieve their stress. When he is daunted by competition from other farms, Randy's friend Towelie suggests that they use the e-scooters that began appearing in the episode "The Scoots" so that Tegridy Farms can offer its own delivery to customers.
The boys scheme to force the parade's cancellation. However, when they shop for materials to make signs for their campaign, they discover that the fulfillment center has forced the closure of all of the town's local businesses, a development for which McDaniels is guilt-ridden. When Santa Claus arrives in town, the possibility of his solving the crisis with Christmas magic is raised, but when he learns that his fellow Christmas character Mr. Hankey was driven out of town for inappropriate tweets (in the episode "The Problem with a Poo"), he angrily leaves town as quickly as he arrived. The despondent boys commiserate over their inability to provoke outrage.
The boys go to City Hall to demand the bike parade's cancellation, but find Bezos sitting at McDaniels' desk. Bezos says that the parade increased local purchases at Amazon, and led all the townsfolk who wanted "fulfillment" to go to work at the fulfillment center. He orders his Amazon Echo to kill Kenny because he sees Kenny's activism as a threat. The entire town's citizenry shows up at City Hall, (all high from Randy's marijuana) where Randy tells Bezos that they now all have "Tegridy", and have all quit the fulfillment center. The bike parade goes on as planned, with Cartman pulling Kenny's coffin on his bike, as the town returns to normal.
During a calamity known as the Great World Blaze, fires from mass spontaneous human combustions killed half the world's population. Certain humans developed pyrokinetic abilities during and subsequent to the event, and become known as the Burnish.
Thirty years later, Galo Thymos is a member of the firefighting group Burning Rescue living in the city of Promepolis. The team responds to incidents involving Mad Burnish, a group of radical Burnish accused of being terrorists. As Galo succeeds in the mission of taking down the Mad Burnish, including their leader, Lio Fotia, they are sent to prison by Freeze Force, a police force owned by the city governor, Kray Foresight. However, Lio and the other Burnish prisoners break themselves free, and escape to a cave near a frozen lake, where Galo just happens to be nearby. He sees Lio failing to revive a mortally injured Burnish using a mouth-to-mouth flame transfer technique. Before they escape, Lio tells Galo that Kray is capturing Burnish for human experiments, shocking Galo as he worshipped Kray after the latter saved his life several years ago.
After Galo confronts Kray, he informs him that the Earth will soon be destroyed by an uncontrollable surge of magma from the earth's core. He reveals that the abilities of the Burnish can be used to create a warp drive, which he intends to use to flee Earth with a select portion of humanity. Galo objects to this plan, but Kray orders the soldiers to arrest Galo for treason.
Meanwhile, Freeze Force manage to track down and recapture all of the Burnish population but Lio, who is sent into a nearby volcano by his companions. Infuriated by the abuse done toward his people, Lio unleashes all his hatred, turning into a giant flame dragon and burning down the city, with the intention of confronting Kray. Galo escapes from prison, and with the help of Burning Rescue, intervenes in the conflict, restraining and cooling him down enough, as Galo's colleague, Aina Ardebit, sends them off to the frozen lake.
The flames melt the ice and reveal a laboratory run by a holographic projection of Deus Prometh, a scientist killed by Kray. Deus explains that the Burnish can communicate with the Promare, a race of inter-dimensional flame beings residing in Earth's core after a dimension rift opened shortly before the Great World Blaze. The Promare naturally desire to burn, an instinct inherited by the Burnish. The surging magma is a side effect of subjecting the Promare to pain, and Kray's experiments on the Burnish using incomplete, stolen technology are accelerating its growth. He proceeds to reveal the collective agony caused by the Promare-powered warp drive will cause the Earth's immediate destruction.
In a mecha of Deus' design, known as the Deus X Machina, Galo and Lio return to the city to confront Kray. After seemingly destroying the ship and warp drive during the battle, Kray reveals that he is a Burnish, and was also the one who indirectly started the fire he forcefully rescued Galo from, using it as the start of his political uprising, and only recommending Galo to join Burning Rescue in order to let him die. Kray seemingly kills Galo and takes Lio to use him to power the warp drive. However, Lio's flame had managed to save Galo, and using a drill designed by Prometh, Galo makes it to the core of the ship in time. Using Lio's flame, he defeats Kray, and while Lio is nearly killed due to the warp drive, Galo revives him using the mouth-to-mouth technique.
Having fused with the Earth's core, Lio convinces Galo to combine the drive with the mecha to protect life on Earth while allowing the Promare to envelop the surface, causing the Promare to burn completely and harmlessly, satisfying their natural urge and allowing the rift in the core to close. The Burnish become normal humans, and Galo and Lio resolve to rebuild the world together.
Teenager Mia and stepsister Sasha have just moved to a new school. Another student, Catherine, pushes Mia into the campus pool with Sasha as a bystander. Mia's father Grant learns about the incident and plans a boat ride for the sisters to see the great white sharks, hoping the two will bond. Grant gives Mia a tooth of a great white shark he found and recounts when Mia used to scuba dive with him.
On the day of the boat ride, Mia is shocked to see that Catherine and her friends are also there for the tour. Sasha's friends Alexa and Nicole arrive and tempt them both to go to a secret place with them. The girls get in Alexa's car and have a fun time together at the secret lagoon. Alexa reveals that the lagoon has an entrance to a submerged Mayan city where Grant and his two assistants—Carl and Alexa's boyfriend Ben—are working to prepare for a visit from a group of archaeologists the following week. After finding scuba gear, Nicole persuades the girls to dive through the city, eventually reaching an ancient sacrificial chamber. They encounter a cavefish, and Nicole accidentally knocks over a stone column, causing a chain reaction of collapses.
The girls become separated by the silt until Mia and Alexa find Ben, who is suddenly devoured by a great white shark and drops the guideline. The girls find each other and are chased by a shark into a tunnel, causing a cave-in to the lagoon's entrance. The girls decide to go back for the guideline but encounter a shark forcing the girls to swim deeper into the city until they reach an air pocket. Mia hears music in the water and leaves the girls behind in an attempt to get help. Elsewhere, Carl, who is listening to the music, is later attacked and killed by a shark. Mia eventually finds his body, and Grant saves her. The two reunite with the other girls, who came looking for her. They realize the shark is blind, having evolved within the caves, and they are able to distract the shark with sounds and make their escape. The group surfaces at a clearing where a pulley system ascender is set in place. However, two sharks come to the surface, and Nicole panics. She attempts to climb up the rope as Alexa is going up, inadvertently causing much of the rope and Alexa to fall back into the water. Nicole does climb up to reach an entrance, but instead she holds a loose rock, loses her grip, and also falls back, then she is ripped apart and devoured in a feeding frenzy by two sharks.
Grant explains that the only way out is to swim back down even deeper in order to find another exit, which will let them come out in the ocean, but is killed by a shark moments later. Mia, Sasha, and Alexa swim into the caves alone, eventually coming upon a strong current that catches Sasha and separates her from the others. Alexa makes it to the other entrance but is attacked by one of the sharks, and Mia is dragged into the current. Alexa escapes the shark by taking off her air tank but eventually drowns. Mia reunites with Sasha at the lower current, and they swim into a newly discovered cave. At the end of the cave, they find a crevice that leads to the surface, but a shark appears and attacks them. Climbing up the narrow crevice, both girls alternatively get caught in the tight space and must abandon their now empty air tanks to escape.
At the surface, they see a tour boat and start swimming towards it until they realize it is chumming the water to attract sharks. Mia and Sasha get the tourists' attention as they are attacked by the sharks. While Mia makes it onto the boat, Sasha is grabbed by a shark. Mia jumps back into the water and shoots the shark with a flare gun, freeing Sasha. Sasha reaches the boat, but Mia is dragged into the water by another shark. She escapes by stabbing the shark's eye with the tooth given to her by Grant. Mia swims to the boat and reunites with Sasha as a shocked Catherine watches the boat's staff tend to their wounds.
Leo lies in bed, oblivious to the phone ringing and the doorbell buzzing. His daughter, Molly, soon arrives and asks him why he did not answer the phone or the door. Leo mutters to himself as his caretaker, Xenia, begins to vacuum. Due to his dementia, he struggles to stay focused on getting ready for his medical appointments.
Leo and Molly eventually make it out of the apartment and into a taxi. Heading to the dentist, he fails to comply with the dentist's instructions and urinates himself. After changing his clothes, Molly gets her father into another taxi only for Leo to get confused and stumble out the passenger door, hitting his head. The taxi driver calls an ambulance and Leo is taken to the emergency room. Molly's mother, Rita, arrives and chastises her ex-husband for his behavior. Molly argues with Rita and Leo's attending doctor while Leo fixates on his dead dog, Néstor.
Once discharged, Molly takes Leo to Costco, where he disappears as she takes an important phone call from her boss. Later, she finds a sobbing Leo tightly clutching a dog he believes is Néstor. A woman then calls security, accusing Leo of trying to steal her dog, she later makes racially charged insults towards him as he is tackled to the ground by security. The guards let Leo go after Molly explains his medical condition.
Molly takes Leo to the optometrist, where he again fails to follow instructions. Outside, Molly receives a call from her boss stating that her project has been given to someone else. She tells her father that she cannot go on pretending anymore. Later that night, Leo walks out of his apartment and roams the streets barefoot as Molly frantically searches for him. He is eventually rescued by two taxi drivers.
Leo's wife, Dolores, pleads with him to get out of bed and get ready. In the kitchen, he finds her preparing a bag filled with arranged flowers before driving off in their truck. Leo chases after her. In the car, he bickers with Dolores over what road to take, leading him to exit the vehicle in a state of delirium. Dolores drives off, leaving Leo on the desert road. He hitchhikes his way into town on the back of a maize truck.
That night, Leo comes across a Day of the Dead celebration at the local cemetery. Dolores guides him to the grave of their deceased son, Néstor, where Leo breaks down and blames himself for his death. Dolores and Leo tearfully embrace, reflecting on their sadness and desire to have their son back.
Leo sits by the sea at a tavern run by his friend Mikael, and he meets and makes conversation with German tourist, Anni, who reminds him of his daughter back home. They discuss Leo's unfinished novel about a man who must choose between returning home, or continuing on his journey in exile. Throughout the day, a frenzied Leo seeks out her opinion on his work, much to the annoyance of Anni's friends. Asking Leo if he's truly comfortable with the idea that he gave up his family in order to write, which Leo cannot answer.
That night, Anni and her friends board a party cruise that Leo secretly follows with his rowboat into the open sea. The cruise leaves him behind and Leo tires himself out attempting to catch up. The next morning, a group of fishermen find Leo dead in his rowboat and search his body for identification.
Leo is delivered to Molly by the police, who takes him back to his apartment. He begins to recount the stories he believes are running parallel to his own life, including his marriage in Mexico as a young man and his unexpected death in Greece. Molly tells him he was once married to a woman named Dolores before he emigrated to the United States and that he had run off to Greece when Molly was born, but returned after realizing his mistake. Molly sits by his bed and promises to stay by his side; meanwhile, a parallel version of Molly packs her things and walks out of Leo's apartment.
Icaria is set in the year 2027. Science has made a breakthrough in genetics and transplantology, which promised immortality. However, participants recruited for this immortality experiment are required to participate in a death adventure TV game show.
"Sakura Motomachi, Tokyo in the 1960s. Shin, a boy who lived happily, despite being poor, loses his mother, his only family member, and falls into deep misfortune. Itsuki, a boy who saves Shin. He also lost his older sister. Those two boys are joined by Tae, a girl who can see Yo-kai, and together with Shin's guardian spirit Sū-san, and new Yo-kai such as Nekomata, they take on a mysterious incident in order to retrieve the souls of their precious family! And what is the shocking truth that awaits them...!? This is a story about the friendship formed between three children and Yo-kai―"
The film also tells the origin of how Lord Enma became the ruler of the Yo-kai.
Fabrizio is an attractive and sensual man, who bursts into the lives of three women, Camila and Martina, married women who are great friends, and Andrea, Martina’s daughter. His arrival from Mexico will disrupt, in a terrible and permanent way, the life of the homes in the prosperous Colombian coffee zone.
In 2016, geologist Kristian Eikjord is hailed a hero for his actions during the tsunami in Geiranger. Three years later, his wife Idun is divorcing him and he is separated from his children, Sondre and Julia. Kristian is living in seclusion high above the mostly-rebuilt Geiranger, while his family moves to Oslo. Idun has a job as a hotel worker at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel. Kristian feels responsible for the 250 fatalities of the tsunami and keeps a secret room in his house dedicated to the events and the fatalities, which causes strain with his family.
Kristian hears on the news of the death of a colleague, fellow geologist Konrad Lindblom, in a collapse in the Oslofjord Tunnel. Kristian travels to Oslo with some of Konrad's research to investigate the circumstances of Konrad's death, where he meets with Konrad's supervisor, Johannes Løberg. Johannes, whose organization maintains a seismic activity monitoring system, reassures Kristian that there is nothing to worry about, and that the seismic activity that Konrad was worried about was merely construction blasting being done across the city, but Kristian doubts his claims. Kristian visits Konrad's house, where he meets Konrad's daughter Marit, and discovers Konrad's research, including core samples and a map that has recorded more serious seismic activity than Johannes was claiming. He calls Johannes about this, but Johannes mostly ignores him.
Kristian visits Idun, meets with Sondre and his new girlfriend, and is invited to Julia's ballet recital. As Kristian and Idun discuss their separation, the power goes out for the second time that week. The next day, Kristian finds more concerning research in Konrad's house, and convinces Marit to take him to the Oslofjord Tunnel, where he discovers a core sample Konrad was attempting to recover shortly before his death. While traveling back to Oslo, Kristian accidentally snaps the core sample, and realizes that the earth underneath Oslo is unusually weak. Suddenly, a seismic rift destroys the Oslo Opera House where Julia is doing her recital; Idun safely gets Julia out of the building. When Johannes and his team arrive to inspect the damage, Kristian confronts him, but Johannes claims the collapse occurred due to the opera house's deteriorating support beams. That night, Kristian visits Idun and apologizes for missing the recital, breaks down, and explains he's always looking for the next disaster. They embrace as Kristian cries, and the couple spends the night together.
The next morning, when Idun leaves for work and Sondre goes to University of Oslo, Marit discovers a video on her father's computer, showing him Kristian. Kristian looks at the video, which shows that Konrad was using rats to investigate his theories, and that those rats had died due to exposure to toxic gas, and concludes that a major earthquake, up to 8.5 on the Richter scale, will arrive in Oslo, and that the collapse that killed Konrad may have been a omen. Kristian, Marit, and Julia rush to the Radisson Blu to evacuate Idun. On the way, Kristian calls Sondre to warn him, but Sondre, who is in class, ignores his calls. Kristian tries to call a hoax bomb threat to evacuate the university, but Sondre is convinced that they must leave the building after the evacuation alarm goes off.
Arriving at the hotel, Kristian finds Idun on the 34th floor, convinces her to go downstairs with him, and pulls a fire alarm to get everyone else to evacuate. Julia wanders into the building to find her father, with Marit in pursuit. Getting on an elevator with Idun, Kristian sees Julia on the other end of the room, but the elevator him and Idun are in begins to descend. Suddenly, the power goes out across the city. As Johannes evacuates his office, he notices a high amount of seismic activity on the monitoring system before the power is cut. Marit finds Julia on the balcony when the earthquake Kristian had warned about begins, destroying much of Oslo.
Marit grabs Julia and runs inside as the first shockwave from the quake hits, knocking Marit unconscious. The ceiling of Sondre's lecture hall collapses, killing his professor and several other students; Sondre, his girlfriend, and many others survive after hiding under their tables, and the university is evacuated. Kristian and Idun's elevator drops down the shaft, knocking both Kristian and Idun unconscious. Sometime later, Marit wakes, finding Julia tending to one of Idun's co-workers, and they rescue her from being trapped under debris. Next to the Radisson Blu, part of the Posthuset building collapses into the side of the Radisson Blu, leaving the top floors hanging precariously over the wreckage. Following an aftershock, the building begins to tilt; the hotel worker slides out of the building and is killed, but Marit manages to hold onto the mounted bar, and she saves Julia from sliding out of the building.
Meanwhile, after coming to, Kristian and a traumatized Idun make their way out of the stuck elevator and climb maintenance ladders to get to the top floor of the elevator shaft. Debris knocked loose by aftershocks fall down the shaft and mutilate Idun's leg, forcing Kristian to carry her. They arrive at an open elevator door near the 30th story and attempt to use a severed elevator cord to swing across to the opening. Kristian succeeds, but an injured and weakened Idun falls to her death after the power goes out and the brakes on the elevator above fail. A devastated Kristian heads to the place where he last saw Julia and finds her and Marit huddling behind the mounted bar. As they are attempting to leave, a final aftershock causes Julia to lose her grip, and she slides down the floor; Kristian jumps after her and pushes her out of the way, but knocks himself out in the process. When he comes to, he finds Julia on a cracking window. Kristian manages to grab her before the window breaks, and with Marit's help, he pulls her to safety, and they leave the hotel.
After the earthquake, Marit enters her father's office to find it mostly destroyed, except for a picture of her as a child with her father. A reunited Kristian, Julia, and Sondre arrive at their old home in Geiranger by ferry. Descriptions at the end explain that Norway has the most seismic activity north of the Alps, and that a major earthquake is expected to hit Norway in the coming future, but it is unknown when it will hit.
The story takes place during the reign of Russian Emperor Alexander II. The maid of honor of princely palace tells prince a fairy tale that occurs in the XIII century and tells about the mystical murder of prince in the forest. The participants in the story, witnesses of this crime, tell different versions of the incident, which are different from what actually happened.
''Gideon's Wrath'' sees Gideon wrestling with several major crimes, as well as debating whom to recommend to the Commissioner as his new Deputy Commander; Hobbs or Lemaitre?
Attacks are being mounted with explosives on places of worship throughout London. The Dean of St Ludd's approaches Gideon with his suspicions and a plan of action is formulated. As many police as can be spared are posted to guard the churches and synagogues; community volunteers are also placed on guard, much like the firewatchers during World War 2. The attacks stop temporarily, but then resume. Two perpetrators are arrested, but they will say nothing. Gideon eventually discovers that they belong to the ‘Simple Brethren’, a secretive group led and financed by lunatic millionaire Hector Marriott, who sees it as his mission to destroy what he considers idolatry.
The group's offices are raided and the members and their intended targets identified.
Whilst Gideon visits Paris to attend an Interpol meeting on gold smuggling, Marriott launches a final lone bombing of St Paul's Cathedral. He is apprehended, but escapes and commits suicide.
Gideon also oversees an investigation in which several young girls have been murdered. They are suspected of having been drugged after posing for pornographic photos. Toni Botelli, the main perpetrator, is eventually arrested after a tense stand-off at his premises. A drug smuggling operation is also uncovered.
A repair team is sent to discover the source behind a mysterious signal coming from a remote Arctic research station in Svalbard, Norway, documentation of which - including audio recordings, video recordings, unsent emails and written notes - are presented by the Documentarian, who narrates the series, in roughly chronological order to the listener.
Following the arrival of the team at the station, Outpost Fristed, and the suspiciously easy repair of the station's malfunctioning equipment, the team is trapped by a heavy blizzard that fails to subside. The team's situation begins to unravel, following the discovery of a service hatch in the storage bunker, which leads to an ancient village trapped underneath a glacier.
Following the discovery of the village, the team is subjected to a number of mysterious horrors. A strange chant, coupled with what sounds like a man screaming, is the only response to calls for assistance and rescue on the radio; upon a visit to the village, Karina falls from a ledge, and later wakes up, dissimilar to her previous self and adamant that she jumped from something "tall, black and skinny" that was reaching for her; the Outpost's generator is sabotaged, and deep, five-fingered scratches appear on the exterior of the bunker; a stone box, forming the floor of part of an anatomical theatre within the village, is brought back by Heath and discovered to contain a human heart and a full set of teeth. Statues within the village also begin to appear and disappear without warning or sign of movement upon later visits. Karina begins to see doppelgangers of the team members within the bunker. After discovering the sabotage of the generator, Karina begins chanting in German, and becomes more paranoid and frightened.
Following the abduction and death of Karina and the sabotage of the Outpost's food supplies and snow mobiles, the team is forced to come up with an escape plan, which ends in the abduction of Heath and the team being trapped in the ancient village. The team attempt to escape through the cave systems beneath it, resulting in the abduction of Casner; after the discovery of a small room covered with glowing glyphs, Rosa is also abducted. Jónas, having been hurt by one of the statues previously, is the sole survivor, and leaves a final written note to his family, as his injury transforms him into the same creature Karina attempted to escape from.
An archaeological team is assembled to examine a recently-discovered archaeological site in the Patagonian Andes, on the mountain of Cerro Torre. The team, consisting of two doctoral candidates from the University of Pittsburgh and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and their two professors, is joined by Dr. Zhou Liu, who has studied records of glyphs found in Heilongjiang province, China, similar to the petroglyphs recently discovered at the Patagonian site. The team is taken up the mountain by tour guide Lucas Criado, who is employed by Sina-Beni Retreats.
The team arrives at base camp following a helicopter ride. Following a day of work along the petrogylphs on the mountain's cliff face, Eva discovers an alcove, which is then identified as the entrance to a cave by the rest of the team. Switching focus, the team investigates the cave, discovering moving statues, an anatomical theatre with a floor made of small stone boxes, glyphs, and evidence of early human occupation.
While the rest of the team's excitement grows, Dr. Liu begins to worry, and Dr. Ureta becomes withdrawn from the rest of the group. Various members of the camp begin to see doppelgangers along the path, in the tent or in the cave. Following the discovery of stone statues and a double door within the cave, Dr. Liu demands that Lucas take the team down the mountain, but is denied. A swarm of insects that exits the doors when opened stings Eva. In her notes, Dr. Liu details that aspects of the site - the statues, the cave, the door - align exactly with those detailed in Chinese records, and that she fears the team is in danger.
As investigation of the archaeological site continues, heavy, dense fog surrounds the mountain, and the satellite phone needed to call for the helicopter in order for the team to leave goes missing. Lucas begins acting strangely around the site, scratching at the glyphs and chanting in Portuguese. Heavy snowfall surrounds the site, and the statues within the cave begin to go missing, before reappearing without notice. Overnight recordings from the cave show Dr. Ureta talking clearly to an unknown person, whom she appears to believe is conversing with her, but whose half of the conversation is completely inaudible and non-existent. The recording shows her descending the mountain path again, but the following morning, Dr. Ureta is nowhere to be found.
Lucas injures Simon's ankle severely by pushing him into an insect nest concealing broken bones, before running off out of the cave. In her notes, Eva details that she has spoken with Dr. Liu, and that she cannot stop thinking about what she said and the pictures, implied of the Chinese site, in her papers. Eva's injury from the insect bite continues to worsen, with snowfall around the site constant and temperatures rapidly dropping.
As the fog continues to surround the site, the situation declines, with the team forced to consider ways of getting off the mountain with an injured person and no chance of rescue; all attempts at radioing for help result in either static or unidentifiable chanting over the sound of a person screaming. Dr. Liu tells the team all that she knows about the site in China, and that they are unlikely to be able to leave; despite this, they continue to plan for their descent. As Eva descends the mountain one last time to gather supplies from base camp, a colossal tremor of snow and rockfall cuts her off from the rest of the team, and she is later found further down the mountain, severely injured and barely conscious.
A rescue group is assembled and sent to find the stranded Patagonian archaeological team. The Documentarian is reunited with her mysterious estranged mother.
Chaos erupts after the destruction of the Patagonia site, as the remaining team members – Graham Casner, Dragana Vuković and Dr Josefa Guerrero – attempt to return to Svalbard, and the Documentarian presses to learn the true nature of her family's connections to the events. No one knows much about the creatures, not where they come from, not why they live as they do. They demand human sacrifice, or they threaten death of the planet by natural disaster and climate destruction if not appeased. Several dozen families scattered all over the world had special powers to come together and fight the creatures to send them underground, but they were never really gone. The families fell out, divided, and scattered across the globe for all their own purposes. The Documentarian's mother, who takes her to a hideout deep in isolation in the Swedish mountains to their own site where their own creatures are found, says their family is to never break the cycle or threaten the ritual, and after the Documentarian's half-sister died, she is to be the heir to the legacy.
On the flight to Longyearbyen, Graham has a nightmare about his previous time in Svalbard, and admits to Josefa that he still sees his previous team members while awake; Josefa states that she also sees deceased members of the Patagonia team, though she cannot distinguish whether this happens in dreams or while she is awake. Josefa theorizes, based on her collected notes, that the sites across the world act as a net to hold something back or keep it contained, and that the destruction of one site has led to an escalation.
Upon arriving in Longyearbyen, the team discover that an intense and fast-approaching storm has grounded all flights to Svalbard, with many passengers stranded in the airport and on Svalbard itself. All communications to Svalbard have broken down, and the last time communications were possible was days ago, with the last known communication being a strange, interrupted radio transmission to CAZSO, the Canadian Arctic Zone Science Organization. The team's helicopter flight does not arrive, but the radio operator at CAZSO tells them that if Dragana is willing to pilot a flight, there may be a helicopter available, and that flight and landing are still possible.
The team are introduced to Dr Amelia Murray, an oceanographer hired by Sidja Grúp, who has a helicopter but no pilot, and needs to get to Svalbard to deliver medical supplies and collect samples. Josefa leads Dr Murray off to look at the shoreline, and Dr Murray admits that she can see the statues under the waves. Casner briefly needs to step away to a cliff near the shore, before he shortly returns to start the trip with the rest of the group. As the team fly by instrument readings into Svalbard, the weather in front of them clears, while the weather behind and above them worsens. Casner indicates that they need to get to the snowmobiles. Traversing the empty streets of Svalbard, the team discover fresh blood, a murdered man's corpse, and that one of the guardians has torn through every wooden building like paper.
The team take shelter in one of the buildings, and are attacked by a dozen survivors chanting the verse in different languages. They escape, and manage to make it to the medical supplies building, where they ascertain that other survivors have picked over the supplies; theorizing, they decide to head to the weather station, an elevated metal building and the most likely place of shelter. There they meet a number of survivors, but Dr Murray is injured by one of them when they react to being found and can no longer accompany Dragana, Josefa, and Casner. Murray is being watched by one of the creatures through the window, so she leaves with her bags and the shotgun to follow the lure. She meets one creature who used to be Jónas Þórirsson, being told to leave everything behind and follow him for more answers. Murray is never seen again, and none of her remains turn up later.
Over the course of the season, Casner is ultimately led to the Svalbard vault site under false pretenses by the Documentarian, at the instruction of her mother, to initiate her into the family's responsibilities. The Documentarian is devastated, but she reluctantly joins the operations. Josefa becomes more unhinged, eventually calling upon the creatures to help her understand, which leads to one snatching and killing her. Casner and Dragana rush down into the caves, but they're too late to save Josefa, and one of the creatures, in the form of Rosa De La Torre, says Casner needs to come with them. Dragana, horrified and furious, protests and starts firing their shotgun. The creature gouges Dragana's torso and throws her back, and Casner is dragged away into the depths ans sacrificed, ending the current cycle and closing the caverns.
Dragana, distraught, leaves the cave, and all the remaining survivors, lucid and insane are rescued and reunited with their loved ones. The storms and natural disasters dissipate, with the mental breakdowns of the people in the village being attributed to no more than "mass hysteria". The Documentarian moves from Britain to Sweden to be with her mother, where Dragana confronts her at her office and hits her for all the damage she's caused. The Documentarian apologizes best she can, then gives her a video from Casner, which Dragana accepts. Casner passes on a message to his daughter that he loves her and she should grow up however she wants, which brings Dragana to tears, as that was why he was on the cliffside. The Documentarian's mother and Hulda, the widow of Jónas, meet over desert, where the bone artifact in Murray's possession is shown to have cracked when it was passed to her to get her killed. Hulda blames the Documentarian's mother, but she smashes a glass and says she'll severely punish her for any harm Hulda causes her family. Mother and daughter reunite, and after sharing a meal in the daughter's new apartment, the Documentarian makes a video to her own future child, reciting all the same files she narrated throughout the podcast in hopes they can find a solution to stop the things buried beneath the world.
Marion Sutton, doctoral student at the University of Oxford, is assigned to begin research on a mysterious artifact gifted to the university by an anonymous donor.
In the early 1700s, a Jesuit cartographic team reaches the lands of China, and sets about plans to complete a map of Qing Dynasty China.
Dr Amelia Murray sits down with a representative of Sidja Grúp to review recordings and documents of the events that took place on board the shifting oceanic research vessel ''Iluka''.
The ''Iluka'', working in the Southern Ocean to collect deep-sea sediment cores and water samples using a vibrocorer, unexpectedly pulls up a large stone statue from the sea floor, tangled up in the equipment. The team work to remove the statue from the vibrocorer's legs, noting that it resembles a crab, or some kind of crustacean, and inform the captain they will have to remain stationary until the statue is untangled.
As they attempt to repair the vibrocorer, strange events begin to take place on board the ''Iluka'': a dead whale floats to the surface of the sea, and nothing comes to scavenge from it; the statue moves around the ship's deck, disappearing and reappearing, while the deck cameras malfunction; the statue is unaffected by use of a scratch kit, and is deemed unidentifiable in material composition.
Two of the crew, Dr Oscar Flores and Franco Reid, are cut by the statue after touching it, with Franco falling seriously ill in a short space of time. In personal recordings, Franco complains that he is unable to eat anything, feels like his skin is crawling, and cannot get warm. The next day, Franco, working in the laboratory, is found running boiling water over his skin and scratching it, resulting in his skin debriding and revealing dark, shiny flesh underneath. The team attempt to subdue him, and trick him into being locked in the kitchen's walk-in freezer; despite his temperature registering at and above, he continues to complain that he is cold. A curtailed medical report details that in the walk to the freezer, a number of Franco's teeth fell out; Dr Murray details that "everything that was Franco was falling away", and that the medical officer had no explanation for Franco's condition. In a recording of Franco taken from outside the freezer, the audible breaking of his bones can be heard as he moans in pain.
As Franco's condition continues to deteriorate, Dr Murray returns to the deck to discover that released deep-sea gasses are causing the sea to bubble, and that a number of petrels are falling out of the sky, dead. The crew talk to the captain, who decides to head back to port due to Franco's death.
Upon returning to the kitchen, the crew discover that Franco has escaped. Dr Flores, whose own injury from the statue is developing in the same way as Franco's condition did, tells Dr Murray that he has decided to go out on his own terms, and jumps overboard to avoid the same fate. The crew discover the captain is dead, and that the creature who used to be Franco was the likely culprit; the corpse of the ship's medical officer is also found.
Planning their escape, the crew pile into lifeboats, with the crane technician Alex staying behind to ensure everyone gets off the ship. Dr Murray hears Alex being killed by the creature, and is unable to convince the crew to turn around and go back for her. Follow-up documents note that the crew was rescued by a number of ships that were in the area at the time. The ''Iluka'' was recaptured, refueled and towed back to port, with blood on the ship identified as that of the known dead.
The representative of Sidja Grúp informs Dr Murray that he has no questions about her actions on board the ''Iluka'', and formally invites her to take the position of head geological oceanographer at Sidja Grúp. Dr Murray questions why none of the reviewed recordings and documents raised any concerns about her actions, and ascertains that none of the events that took place - the deaths, the statues, what happened to Franco - are new to Sidja's representative. Dr Murray turns down the position and moves to leave; however, Sidja Grúp's representative offers to provide her with information, means and staff familiar with events similar to those of the ''Iluka'', leading Dr Murray to take the job, at Sidja Grúp's more Northern offices.
Amid the terror of the 1648 Cossack Uprising, and following the destruction of his home, Avrum is rescued by a group of travelers, befriending a young girl, Rivka.
A new book being written by "adventurer" Pete Matthews, entitled Life and Death Among the Lupari Savages , is making thousands of dollars in advanced sales due to the publicity efforts of its publisher, Martin Osborne. Unknown to the publisher and the treatise's prospective readers, however, is the fact that Peter is writing his book from the barstool of a Havana casino, where he is getting his information about the headhunters of Lupari Island from Orrin Tracy, a worldly bartender. Wealthy anthropologist Sheila Winthrop learns of Peter's deception and tells Martin that she plans to expose the hoax if the book is published. Unaware that his book has been canceled, Peter takes a $10,000 loan from his socialite girl friend, Marcia Stafford, with an offer of marriage as his collateral. Later, Peter meets Sheila, and learns that she plans to go to Lupari Island and bring one of the natives back to New York City. With the help of Orrin, Peter then impersonates a Luparian headhunter named Pangi and becomes Sheila's anthropological subject. Returning to New York, Peter and Orrin make a deal with Martin to write a book about the "headhunter's" life with the Winthrop family. Matters are complicated, however, when Marcia nearly recognizes Peter at a nightclub. Peter is then forced to become a house guest of the Winthrops, and must change back and forth from "Pangi" to himself in order to continue his ruse. Sheila soon begins to fall in love with Peter, despite her engagement to stuffed-shirt Gerald Van Horn, and she confesses these feelings to "Pangi." In a fit of passion, Sheila kisses "Pangi," which brings great disgrace upon the Winthrop family. Peter, in turn, destroys the only copy of his expose of the Winthrops, having fallen in love with Sheila. Meanwhile, Gerald and Marcia combine forces and attempt to bribe Orrin into exposing "Pangi" as a fraud during Sheila's lecture before an anthropological society. Their plot fails, however, when Peter and Orrin bring a real Luparian headhunter to the lecture in "Pangi's" place. Afterward, Peter confesses all, then uses the bribery money to pay back Marcia. Now free of their previous romantic entanglements, Peter and Sheila are united, while Martin, Gerald and Caleb, the Winthrop's gardener, flee for their lives as the real headhunter sets his sites on their craniums.
Tristan is a 5th grader taking photos of the present-day Pasig River where he meets Mang Igme, a mysterious street sweeper who asks him to keep the park clean.
Mang Igme shares the old tale of Jeronima, a young woman living in the old Pasig River and was promised a marriage by her lover Antonio, upon his return from his studies. She waited for him for years and one day, learned that her old sweetheart becomes the town's parish priest.
In fear of tarnishing his reputation, Father Antonio casts Jeronima to the farther side of the river where she met a farmer named Ignacio. Jeronima became friends with Ignacio and they shared love and happiness together.
Pete's life has been full of letdowns and disappointments, his girlfriend has left him for another man and he works at a job that he despises. One night, while he is alone in his apartment, he is visited by a mysterious stranger who compels him on a dark and twisted journey that will change his life forever.
Nemo travels with a circus parade to Slumberland to meet King Morpheus. He is accompanied by Flip to fight through the now-dangerous enemy-infested Slumberland to find the king. At the heart of the kingdom, Flip tempts Nemo to open the sealed door, unleashing the Nightmare King, who kidnaps Morpheus along with his daughter Princess Camille.
Nemo and Flip battle through the lands of Nightmares to rescue the kidnapped monarches. They infiltrate the Nightmare King's castle, before fighting the evil king himself. After the Nightmare King is destroyed, peace is restored to Slumberland.
''Fate of the Sky Raiders'' is the conclusion of the saga that began in the adventures ''Legend of the Sky Raiders'' and ''Trail of the Sky Raiders'', in which players will finally get to meet the legendary Sky Raiders and learn what became of them.
America Chavez and a version of Stephen Strange are chased by a demon in the space between universes while searching for the ''Book of Vishanti''. That Strange is killed and Chavez accidentally creates a portal that transports herself and Strange's corpse to Earth-616, where that universe's version of Strange rescues Chavez from another demon with help from the Sorcerer Supreme, Wong. Chavez explains that the beings are hunting her because she has the power to travel through the multiverse.
Recognizing witchcraft runes, Strange consults Wanda Maximoff for help but realizes that she is responsible for the attacks. After acquiring the ''Darkhold'' and becoming the Scarlet Witch, Maximoff believes that controlling Chavez's powers will allow her to reunite with Billy and Tommy, the children she created during her time in Westview. When Strange refuses to surrender Chavez, Maximoff attacks Kamar-Taj, killing many sorcerers. Chavez accidentally transports herself and Strange to Earth-838 while Maximoff uses the ''Darkhold'' to "dreamwalk", taking control of her Earth-838 counterpart, who lives a suburban life with her own Billy and Tommy. A surviving sorceress sacrifices herself to destroy the ''Darkhold'' and break the dreamwalk. Enraged, Maximoff forces Wong to lead her to Mount Wundagore, the source of the ''Darkhold'' power, to reestablish the dreamwalk.
While searching for help, Strange and Chavez are apprehended by Earth-838's Sorcerer Supreme, Karl Mordo, and brought before the Illuminati, a group consisting of Mordo, Peggy Carter, Blackagar Boltagon, Maria Rambeau, Reed Richards, and Charles Xavier. They explain that through reckless use of their universe's ''Darkhold'' in an attempt to defeat Thanos, Earth-838's Strange triggered a universe-destroying "incursion". After defeating Thanos, the Illuminati executed their Strange to prevent him from causing more harm. Mordo believes that Earth-616's Strange is similarly dangerous, but Maximoff reestablishes her dreamwalk at Mount Wundagore and arrives in her Earth-838 counterpart's body before they can pass judgment. She kills all of the Illuminati except Mordo, whom Strange subdues before fleeing with Chavez. The two escape with help from the Earth-838 counterpart of Strange's ex-fiancé, Christine Palmer, a scientist working with the Illuminati.
Strange, Chavez, and Palmer enter the space between universes to find the ''Book of Vishanti'', which is the antithesis to the ''Darkhold'', but Maximoff appears and destroys it. She then takes over Chavez's mind, using her powers to send the others to an incursion-destroyed universe. Strange defeats the destroyed universe's Strange, who has been corrupted by his universe's ''Darkhold'', and uses it to dreamwalk into the body of his deceased counterpart on Earth-616. With Wong's help, Strange saves Chavez from Maximoff as she tries to take Chavez's powers, and encourages Chavez to use her abilities. She transports Maximoff to Earth-838, where she sees Billy and Tommy recoil from her in fear while crying for their real mother. Realizing the error of her ways, Maximoff relents and uses her powers to bring down Mount Wundagore, simultaneously destroying all copies of the ''Darkhold'' throughout the multiverse and apparently sacrificing herself in the process. Chavez returns Strange and Palmer to their respective universes.
Sometime later, Kamar-Taj is repaired and the surviving sorcerers, joined by Chavez, continue training. Strange develops a third eye as a result of using the ''Darkhold'' and dreamwalking into a corpse. In a mid-credits scene, Strange is approached by a sorceress who warns him that his actions have triggered an incursion that he must help fix. Strange follows her into the Dark Dimension.
Two years after the events of the original game, scientist Robin Ayou smuggles herself onto planet 4546B in a frozen biome named "Sector Zero" in order to investigate the circumstances of her sister Samantha's death, which Alterra claims was a result of "employee negligence". During the past year, Alterra had built a number of research bases on the planet but had recently withdrawn all of its personnel, giving Robin an opportunity to land on the planet.
Shortly after landing, Robin picks up a distress signal and goes to investigate it, discovering an alien sanctuary containing the digitized consciousness of a living precursor. The alien introduces itself as Al-An and forcibly downloads itself into Robin's brain just as the sanctuary's power runs out. Angry at Al-An for intruding into her mind, Robin agrees to help it construct a new body for it to transfer into. In order to carry this out, Robin combs the planet for alien installations and artifacts to find the necessary components and materials. Al-An also explains that it did not try to contact Alterra because it believed Alterra's motivations did not align with its own, and it did not want to risk them finding a way to its homeworld. During their search, Al-An admits that it was one of the lead scientists researching a cure for the Kharaa bacterium and it disobeyed orders by trying to hatch Sea Dragon eggs, leading to the initial outbreak of Kharaa on 4546B.
Meanwhile, Robin also continues her investigation into Samantha's death. She searches all of the abandoned Alterra research facilities, and finds out that Alterra discovered the corpse of a leviathan frozen in ice that was still infected by Kharaa. However, instead of destroying the Kharaa, Alterra decided to start researching the bacterium for useful applications. Fearing another outbreak and concerned Alterra will use Kharaa to develop bioweapons, Samantha decided to sabotage the project by using explosives to collapse the cave holding the leviathan, while her friend, Degasi survivor Marguerit Maida, destroyed the lab holding Alterra's Kharaa samples. However, Samantha was inadvertently caught in the blast and killed by falling rubble. Unable to determine the cause of the cave in, Alterra wrote off Samantha's death as a result of negligence. In order to prevent Alterra returning to the planet to restart their research, Robin recovers a cache of antibacterial agent Samantha had made earlier and uses it to neutralize the Kharaa infecting the frozen leviathan.
Eventually, Robin is able to recover all of the components necessary to build a new body and fabricates it. Al-An transfers itself to the new body and decides to return to the precursor homeworld in order to see for itself what had happened to the other Architects, as well as to atone for its past mistakes. Al-An activates an Architect phase gate and Robin travels with Al-An to the precursor homeworld, uncertain of what they will find there.
Betty, a determined young woman, wants to be a cowboy. She discovers if she disguises herself as man, she can work on a ranch. The other cowhands, however, discover her ruse and trick her into embarrassing situations.
Having already destroyed countless parallel universes, the antimatter wave makes its way to Earth-38. Brainiac 5 detects the wave approaching Argo City, prompting Kara Danvers to warn her mother Alura Zor-El, her cousin Clark Kent, and his wife Lois Lane. Clark and Lois send their son, Jonathan, off in an escape pod just before the wave hits. Harbinger brings Oliver, Mia, Barry, Kate Kane, Sara Lance, and Ray Palmer to Earth-38 and rescues the Kents from Argo. As Harbinger briefs the heroes on the situation, the Monitor raises a tower to impede the wave while the DEO and Lena Luthor evacuate Earth-38's inhabitants. Brainy finds Jonathan's pod on Earth-16, so he, Lois, and Sara leave to retrieve him while the others fight the Anti-Monitor's forces. Preparing to die, Oliver passes the Green Arrow mantle to Mia. When he learns that Barry is fated to die, however, he argues with the Monitor about their deal. The heroes fight a demonic army until the Monitor breaches them off-world. Refusing to leave, Oliver nullifies the Monitor and stays behind to protect the exodus. Lois' team returns to Earth-1 with Jonathan just as the Monitor brings a dying Oliver to say goodbye. Nash, now a "Pariah" for releasing the Anti-Monitor, announces that events have changed and all is lost.
Harbinger recruits Earth-74's Mick Rory so the heroes can use his ''Waverider'' as their headquarters. Following Oliver's death, the Monitor consults the Book of Destiny and learns about four of seven Paragons: Hope (Kara); Destiny (Sara); Truth (a Superman who has suffered "more than any mortal man"); and Courage (the "Bat of the Future"). Clark, Lois, and Iris locate the second Superman on Earth-96, where Lex uses the Book of Destiny to brainwash that Earth's Clark until Lois knocks Lex out. Kara and Kate travel to Earth-99, but fail to recruit its Batman after discovering he murdered his world's Superman while Sara, Barry, Mia, and John Constantine take Oliver to a Lazarus Pit on Earth-18 in an attempt to resurrect him, only to learn his soul is missing. On the ''Waverider'', the Monitor has Ray build a "Paragon Detector", which identifies Kate as the Paragon of Courage. Elsewhere, Harbinger is secretly contacted by the Anti-Monitor.
The Paragon detector identifies Barry as the Paragon of Love, J'onn J'onzz as the Paragon of Honor, and Ivy Town scientist Ryan Choi as the Paragon of Humanity; Iris, Ray, and Ralph Dibny leave to recruit Choi. After the Monitor restores Cisco Ramon's powers, he, Barry, and Caitlin Snow meet Pariah in the Anti-Monitor's chamber and find an anti-matter cannon powered by Earth-90's Flash. When Cisco frees Barry-90, the cannon goes critical, so Pariah recruits Jefferson from his recently destroyed Earth to contain its energy. Barry-1 volunteers to destroy it, but Barry-90 stops him, saying that the Monitor did not specify which Flash would die, and sacrifices himself in his place. Meanwhile, Constantine, Mia, and Diggle visit Lucifer on Earth-666 for help entering purgatory and retrieving Oliver's soul. Before they can leave, a Spectre named Jim Corrigan appears and beckons Oliver to come with him, forcing Constantine's team to return to the ''Waverider'' without him. Suddenly, the Anti-Monitor sends a brainwashed Harbinger to kill the Monitor so he can absorb his power and finish destroying the multiverse. Before he is killed, Pariah sends the Paragons to the Vanishing Point, where they witness Lex replace Superman-96 with himself using a Book of Destiny page.
On the planet Maltus 10,000 years earlier, Mar Novu attempts to see the birth of the universe, only to end up in the antimatter universe and reveal the multiverse's existence to the Anti-Monitor. Back in the present, following the multiverse's destruction, the Paragons struggle to survive at the Vanishing Point. Once Corrigan teaches him to how use the Spectre's power, Oliver goes to the Vanishing Point to rescue the Paragons and strengthen Barry. Barry drops off Kara, Choi, and Lex on Maltus, but temporarily loses everyone else in the Speed Force after an encounter with the Anti-Monitor. Kara and Choi convince Novu not to implement his plans before Barry takes them and the other Paragons to the dawn of time. There, they learn that the Anti-Monitor will always learn about the multiverse's existence because they only stopped one version of Novu. The Paragons battle the Anti-Monitor and his shadow demons until Oliver uses the Spectre's power to restore the multiverse while the Paragons provide help via Lex's page. Despite succeeding, Oliver dies once more, with Barry and Sara at his side.
In the recreated universe, the Paragons discover only they remember the crisis and that Earth-1, Earth-38, and Jefferson's Earth were merged into Earth-Prime. J'onn uses his psionic powers to restore their allies' memories while Sara tries to find Oliver. When the Paragons are attacked by demons, a restored Nash discovers that the Anti-Monitor is still alive and plans to resume destroying the multiverse. Nash, Ray, Barry, and Choi develop a bomb to shrink the Anti-Monitor and send him to the microverse. Barry, Kara, Sara, Kate, Clark, J'onn, and Jefferson hold a memorial service for Oliver and agree to protect their new world in his memory.
The central character of this book is Brigid Fitzgerald, a physician working with the fictional organization Kind Hands (similar to Doctors without Borders). Brigid is in south Sudan in very desperate and dangerous conditions. Brigid is shot and almost killed and while she is at death's door God talks to her. Throughout this novel God talks to Brigid a number of times. Her life is a tragic one. Things start to go well and Brigid marries and has a child. She suddenly loses her husband and child at once and goes back to Sudan, nearly losing her life again. She finally returns to her native Massachusetts and with a new husband founds a new religious movement.
In a high-rise office building on the evening before Valentine's Day, Guy (Matt Lauria) and Jennifer (Natalie Martinez) have been separately working late. Apparently the last people to leave, they enter the same elevator on different floors and make small talk. On the way down, the elevator abruptly stops due to the thunderstorm outside. With no cell phone signal, they worry they'll be stuck in the elevator together until Tuesday morning, as Monday is President's Day.
At first, the two hit it off. Guy shares his water and a bottle of wine (a gift from a client) while Jennifer shares some Hershey's Kisses she grabbed before leaving her office. Killing time, they sketch pictures of each other. Jennifer uses her cell phone to record videos of them relating past sexual escapades. Growing more intimate, they kiss and then have sex in the elevator.
Afterwards, Jennifer insists to Guy that their encounter was merely casual. Frustrated by what he sees as rejection, Guy admits that his story is a lie. His name isn't Guy and he's not an office worker. Instead, he works as one of the building's security guards and has essentially been stalking her. Furthermore, he stopped the elevator with his key when she wasn't looking. He then produces the elevator key and restarts the elevator.
Jennifer is furious; angrily telling him he'll rot in jail and "Guy" stops the elevator again. They get into a physical altercation, wherein the key is accidentally broken; truly trapping them inside.
"Guy" eventually breaks through the elevator's ceiling tiles and Jennifer persuades him into letting her climb out, promising she won't call the police. Once on top of the cabin, however, she flips him off before climbing up a ladder. "Guy" then pulls himself out to follow and, after a chase, pulls Jennifer down just as she's prying open the elevator doors on a higher floor before falling back into the elevator cabin. Jennifer is the first to recover and ties "Guy" up. Threatening to maim him with a cigar cutter, she records his video confession on her cell phone. This time, "Guy" reveals the truth: his name is John Deakins and he used to be a successful white collar worker until he crashed his car, killing a female passenger. After serving six months in jail, he couldn't get a promising job and he plotted the elevator incident to get a taste of his former life.
Very early Monday morning, another security guard, Eddie (Arnie Pantoja), arrives to take his girlfriend up to the high-rise's roof. He notices the elevator's stuck and works to free the pair. John, who has untied his hands and knocked Jennifer unconscious, lures Eddie halfway into the elevator before starting it and slicing the man in half. After cleaning up, John deletes files from the security desk computer and kills Eddie's girlfriend. He then carries an unconscious Jennifer to the parking garage, stuffs her into his car trunk, and drives away.
When John stops the car and opens its trunk, Jennifer appears to be dead. However, she suddenly attacks, knocking him down. She gets into his car and begins to drive away, before reversing and crashing into a dumpster in which John has dived into. Jennifer starts to walk away, puffing on a cigar when turns and tosses the lit cigar into the dumpster, and it bursts into flames, killing John.
Peter Rake (Jimmi Simpson) is a budding celebrity chef of considerable success. He has an 11-year-old daughter Riley (Kylie Rogers) from a failed marriage, plus some unspecified legal troubles. While he hasn't been able to bond with Riley, he has named his restaurant and cutlery line after her while stating that he "needs her."
The weekend of his ex-wife's remarriage, he drives to his family estate where he'll stay with a lone servant, the elderly Agnes (Nancy Linehan Charles). On the trip, he runs into an old high school classmate named Lonnie (Michael Weston), who operates a bait shop, and also meets with his estranged sister Gwen (Amanda Walsh) who is a district attorney working on an important case and whom Lonnie has a crush on. As the siblings catch up, it is mentioned that Peter wasn't invited to his father's funeral.
One evening, a woman from across the canyon, Kara (Julianna Guill), stops by to say the power went out in the middle of their bachelorette party and asks to borrow some candles. Peter obliges, though Kara seems at first reluctant to follow him into his house. While jogging near his old treehouse the next day, Peter runs into Kara with her friends, including the bride-to-be, Marie (Shaunette Renée Wilson). Peter offers to cook dinner for them.
Arriving for Peter's dinner are Kara, Marie, Elena (Stephanie Beatriz), Morgan (Sophia Del Pizzo), and Lilith (Mary McCormack). For much of the evening, Peter is charming, but he makes occasional cringe-worthy and sexist comments, especially after downing several glasses of wine. For example, he makes joking references to Agnes' age and to Elena's (Puerto Rican) and Morgan's (English) ancestry. Before retiring for bed, he makes a crack about "spooning" with the women. He also notices during the dinner that all of the women have the same Celtic symbol tattooed on their wrists, which they tell him is symbolic for sisterhood.
When Peter awakes later that night, strange things transpire. He is startled to see Morgan asleep next to him. Hearing old-timey music downstairs, he investigates and finds a peacock in his house. Several figures in odd costume invade the home, who are soon revealed to be Kara and her friends. Peter is partially paralyzed and chained to a bed by the women. They threaten him in various ways, including Morgan pointing a bow and arrow aimed at his crotch and the others dressing him up in women’s clothing and makeup. When a defiant Peter calls them "angry bitches," they reply "we're angry witches," and explain that they are punishing him for his past sins against women. These include his role in the suicide of Kara's sister Rebecca (Maggie Lawson) who Peter once dated before she died using heroin and Peter's cutlery, the sexual harassment of Lilith's daughter who nobody believed, and the firing of Elena's mother who was given unequal wages.
Peter escapes but is re-captured when he passes out after trying to call 911 and Lonnie. Lonnie comes over and is suspicious of Kara's claims that they are all just having a nice dinner. Agnes shows up and tells Lonnie to go home, which he reluctantly does as it is revealed that he is Agnes' son from an affair that Peter's dad had with her. Kara is surprised by this, but Agnes tells her to finish what she started. Peter is then released to be chased by the witches. He runs to the treehouse, the inside of which is decorated with photos and articles about his crimes. When his sister Gwen arrives in her car in an apparent rescue attempt, Peter discovers that she is actually working with the witches, though Gwen implies that she didn’t know they’d take it that far. However, Gwen reminds Peter that he once raped her best friend Rebecca in the treehouse, revealing the reason for a bloody chess table and mattress next to the articles he saw in there earlier. He tries to excuse his action by saying he was a drunk teenager at the time. Meanwhile, the witches arrive and Gwen’s car window explodes as the women surround the car, dragging out Gwen and Peter separately. Peter is tied up again with his hands apparently nailed down.
When Peter awakes the next morning, everything seems normal as he is in the clothes he originally slept in and his hands aren't injured. Initially believing yesterday's events were a nightmare, he receives a phone call from Kara warning him that he'll suffer if he ever hurts another woman again, followed by the burners suddenly erupting in flames.
Bedraggled, Peter leaves the estate after seeing that the painting of Rebecca has been replaced with a portrait of an elk he previously saw on the hill. He then goes to his ex-wife's house to see Riley. Kneeling before Riley, he tells her she is "precious" and asks him to never let him or any man take her for granted. He then apologizes to his ex-wife for his past behavior. Before Peter leaves, an Atlas Parcel Service delivery woman (Cass Bugge) he has never met greets him while delivering for the wedding and flashes the same Celtic tattoo that the bachelorette party women had while claiming that she is watching him. Peter considers heeding Kara's threat.
Meanwhile, Kara, Gwen, Marie, Elena, Morgan, and Lilith reconvene at the house as they celebrate their victory. It turns out, however, that the women are not witches. The witchcraft was ordinary practical trickery and, with the help of Agnes, they drugged Peter's food to cause partial paralysis and hallucinations as well as using explosive charges and fake stakes to put on his hands. Gwen was involved in the ploy as well, as she intended to teach her brother a lesson.
1989, Samarsk. A local cardiac surgeon Pavel Fedotov dies from a first marriage, Marina, during childbirth. Pavel's the current wife Victoria decided to get rid of Marina’s newborn daughter, who, in the event of Paul’s death, would become his full heir. Victoria asks her chauffeur Gennady to give the child to circus artist Raisa. Raisa takes the child and leaves with a circus.
Our days. A circus troupe comes to the provincial town on tour. Two twin brothers, Yaroslav and Svyatoslav, take care of the young beautiful gymnast Asya. Yaroslav falls in love with her at first sight, and the girl reciprocates. No wonder, the intelligent and romantic Yarik is the man of her dreams! But suddenly he is forced to go on business to England.
Eighteen years ago, Asya was born in this town. She is the granddaughter of their stepfather, the famous cardiologist Pavel Fedotov. Mother Asi died in childbirth, and Fedotov believed that the same fate befell the child. In fact, through the efforts of his second wife, Viktoria, the newborn girl was given to circus artist Raisa, who raised her.
As the nearly dead physician Dr. George Winson grows closer to death, his wife Ann fails to get help from Dr. Roger Vance or their pastor Fred Stevens and prays to any source that she thinks could help. This leads to the arrival of a strange woman, Lilyan Gregg, who starts caring for George. He miraculously recovers, but becomes cold, cruel, and estranged him from Ann. Gregg begins to manipulate George for her needs, including having him murder Stevens.
Meeting with Vance, he finds that George has no pulse and after an operation, he accidentally cuts George and finds he has no blood. Vance then confronts Winson but is later run down by Gregg. In critical condition, Vance calls George to his side as Gregg tells him to let Vance die. Later, Stevens approaches George to tell him to break the hold Gregg has on him. George confronts Gregg, which leads to her deciding to murder him and make it look like a suicide. Gregg shoots George as he continues to advance towards her, finally pushing her through a window to her death. George's entire experience turns out to be a dream, as he awakens to find Ann praying for his recovery.
Maksim Pokrovskiy is an experienced police officer from Moscow Police, who was sent to Northern Russia to investigate the murder of the local Oligarch's daughter.
At the Power Plant, it's Lenny’s birthday. The workers prepare a surprise party, chipping in $5 each, but Mr. Burns enters just before Lenny does, signs the card in giant text and does not chip in. When Burns ruins the surprise for Lenny, Homer gets so angry that he becomes obsessed with getting Burns to apologize.
The next day, he confronts Burns, who surprises him by apologizing and contributing to the birthday fund. When Smithers finds out, he informs Homer that the skin thickener medication Burns is using makes him uncontrollably decent. As a punishment for unknowingly taking advantage of Mr. Burns’ condition, Homer is demoted to supervisor of the Nuclear Power Plant interns.
When his fellow interns make fun of Homer, a man named Mike Wegman stands up and defends him, and asks Homer to be his mentor.
Homer takes Mike to his workstation, and Mike reveals that he's 35. When Homer asks him why he wants a job designed for a 20-year-old, he has admired Homer for years and wants to follow in the footsteps of his hero. Homer invites him to dinner to show his family what it's like to have someone respect him.
Mike brings his pregnant wife Maurine to the dinner. When Bart starts disrespecting Homer, an enraged Mike berates him until he cries. Marge proceeds to kick Mike out of the house. Later that night, Marge proposes that Homer help Mike grow up.
Homer pushes Mike into creating his own business: "Mike's slices", a new way of producing pizza. They ask Burns to be the investor. When Burns, who is no longer taking the medication, starts insulting Homer, Mike loses his temper and yells at him. Mr. Burns shoots Mike, but his gun is so old it has no effect.
Feeling guilty, Homer reveals to Mike that he is not the genius Mike thinks he is, and has in fact caused several accidents at the plant. Homer’s honesty inspires Mike, who buys a food truck with money loaned from Fat Tony. Homer is worried, but Mike assures him that he will make enough money to pay Fat Tony back by betting on a college basketball game - a bet he promptly loses.
Mike and Homer flee but Fat Tony finds them. Fat Tony is about to kill them when he tries the pizza, and likes it so much that he decides to invest in the business; Mike suggests using the truck to place bets and sell marijuana as well. In the end, Fat Tony congratulates Homer on being a great mentor.
The Simpson family goes to the San Castellaneta street festival, dedicated to the Italian culture, while Fat Tony meets with his uncle. Mayor Quimby introduces Jason Momoa who tells the story of Ignatius Castellaneta.
At the gathering of money for Jesus, the people at the festival were robbed. At the Police Station, Lenora Carter takes the case in hand, diminishing Chief Wiggum's job. As bait for the robber, Homer is taken, due to this big butt being the biggest in town, setting a wallet with a tracking device in his pocket.
After Homer is pickpocketed in the underground, the police follow the device to storage full of wallets when a door opens and Fat Tony and his uncle get framed being the culprit while Wiggum is depressed due to being put aside on the case.
At the Springfield Penitentiary (Sideshow Bob escapes from it but gets hit by a rake truck), Fat Tony prays to God to help him out of it while Wiggum on the other side prays to God to help him in his own situation, and Homer prays him to bring back plastic straws.
Louie brings in his lawyer, who constantly gets him out of guilty crimes, But upon hearing he's innocent, he leaves while Wiggum watches an interview with Tony saying he'll never commit the pickpocket crime, so he goes to his jail and says to Tony he'll get him out if he convinces him he's innocent.
Tony shows him what he does every day at the time of the crime, singing in his room alone. Tony agrees to put on a wire and goes to Luigi's to find out who framed him. Frankie the Squealer reveals to him it was Johnny Tightlips who betrayed him and become the Springfield Mafia boss. Homer enters the room by mistake when police intervene on the scene and is hit by a bullet in the butt. Wiggum sucks it out. At the Springfield General Hospital, Homer wakes up safe. At the station, Wiggum regains his confidence.
In the end, Fat Tony, Homer, and Wiggum share a toast on the successful operation at Giuseppe's.
The film tells of a German plot to start the First World War, with the Kaiser's mistress asking her servant to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the subsequent cover-up that ensues.
In a world inhabited by mythic creatures, magic was commonplace millennia ago, though difficult to master. After technological advances over the centuries, magic became obsolete and was largely discarded.
In the modern day, Ian Lightfoot is a teenaged elf struggling with self-confidence; his older brother, Barley, is an enthusiastic and impulsive role-playing gamer. On Ian's sixteenth birthday, the boys' mother, Laurel, gives her sons a gift from their father, Wilden, who died shortly before Ian was born: a magical staff, a rare Phoenix gem, and a letter describing a "visitation spell" that can resurrect Wilden for a single day. Ian succeeds in casting the spell but, interrupted by Barley, is unable to finish it. As a result, only the lower half of Wilden's body is reformed before the gem disintegrates. The brothers embark on a quest to acquire another gem and complete the spell before sunset, taking Barley's beloved van "Guinevere." Finding the boys gone, Laurel leaves to look for them.
Hoping to find a map to another gem, Ian and Barley visit the Manticore's Tavern–once a gathering-place for would-be adventurers, now a family restaurant managed by the Manticore ("Corey"). While arguing with Ian over the map, Corey realizes how unfulfilling her life has become and loses her temper, accidentally setting fire to the restaurant and the map. The brothers' only clue to the gem is a children's menu suggesting "Raven's Point," a nearby mountain. Laurel later arrives at the scene and befriends Corey, who warns Laurel that the gem is guarded by a curse that can only be defeated by an enchanted sword. After stealing the sword from a pawn shop, they set out in pursuit of Ian and Barley.
Traveling to the mountains, Barley proposes following what he calls the "Path of Peril", but Ian insists on taking the freeway. As they travel, Ian begins mastering magic spells that Barley remembers from his role-playing game. They narrowly escape a motorcycle gang of pixies at a gas station and have a tense encounter with the police, which the boys disguise themselves as their mother's boyfriend, Colt Bronco, during which Ian inadvertently reveals that he considers Barley to be a screw-up. To apologize, Ian agrees to follow the Path of Peril. Ian's self-confidence is boosted when he successfully uses a spell that allows him to walk across a bottomless pit, where, unbeknownst to him, he was walking without the rope that Barley tied him to over the second half of the pit. Bronco catches up to the boys and forces them to come home, Ian agrees, but as he starts the van, he drives away, leading to a wild police chase. When they are pursued by the police, Barley sacrifices Guinevere to cause a landslide, blocking their pursuers.
"Raven's Point" turns out to be a series of raven statues leading them into a cave. As they explore the cave, Barley confesses that he was too afraid to say goodbye to Wilden when he was dying. The brothers evade a series of traps, including a Gelatinous Cube that dissolves anything it touches. Emerging from the cave, they find themselves back in front of Ian's high school.
Ian lashes out at Barley for leading them on a wild goose chase and walks away with Wilden's legs to spend whatever time he has left with his father. Rereading his list of things he wished to do with Wilden, Ian realizes that Barley has been a father figure for him throughout his life and returns to make amends. Barley, refusing to give up, discovers the needed gem inside a fountain across the street from the school and retrieves it, unwittingly triggering the curse Corey spoke of: a stone dragon, built of pieces of the school building, bent on claiming the gem. Corey and Laurel arrive and distract the dragon long enough for Ian to finish casting the visitation spell, but they aren't able to defeat the dragon on their own. Ian runs off to fight it, allowing Barley to wish Wilden a final goodbye. He uses the magic skills he has learned to defeat the dragon by propelling Corey's sword into its heart. Trapped behind a pile of rubble, Ian sees Wilden's body briefly reappearing to talk to Barley. After Wilden dissipates, Barley tells Ian that their father is proud of him, and the brothers share a hug.
Some time later, as the world begins to rediscover the past's magical arts, the brothers set off on a new quest.
Set in modern day, on the Caribbean island of Barbados, the film "plays out in a carnival atmosphere as Puck - the butler - and the staff of a tropical home, turn into mischievous fairies and tamper with the wedding plans of three couples". While Theseus and Hippolyta are returning nationals, we also reconvene with some of our beloved characters, including Birdman and a Changeling boy, the mechanicals re-imagined as fishermen, the fairies carrying mobile phones, and a female Bottom as a Black Belly Sheep. Through an intertwining of Caribbean and Shakespearean folklore, culture history, and the surrounding landscape, the story unfolds in chaos and madness as mystery, magic and romance take over underneath the Caribbean moonlight.
Hermia is promised in marriage to Demetrius, but she is in love with Lysander, who is also secretly in love with her. Hermia must marry Demetrius or forfeit everything, so she and Lysander flee into the forest. Meanwhile, Helena pines for Lysander, but the more she pursues him (via mobile phone) the faster he flees.
Meanwhile a group of fishermen and women are preparing for a talent contest by creating a play, The Untold Story of King JaJa and The Young Becca, based on a local folk song about the relationship between King Jaja of Opobo and a young Barbadian girl.
Moving from the beach, to the dream-like and magical fairy kingdom in the forest, to the frenzy of the modern-day carnival, the story moves along as Oberon asks Puck to use a love potion on Queen Titania in order to make her fall in love with the first living creature she sees upon waking. Later the same tactic is used, accidentally, on Lysander, causing him to fall in love with Helena, resulting in a fight between Hermia and Helena.
In the end, after all the madness and chaos is sorted out, the film finishes with a triple wedding.
The team argues about the usage of the Centipede serum until May (Ming-Na Wen destroys the Odium vial. Deke (Jeff Ward) advises Daisy (Chloe Bennet) to help unite the team and settle their differences. Under coercion, Robin (Lexy Kolker) informs Talbot (Adrian Pasdar) of a gravitonium deposit in Chicago, to which he commandeers Qovas (Peter Mensah)'s ship. Daisy chooses Mack (Henry Simmons) to lead S.H.I.E.L.D. and he coordinates the team as they evacuate as many civilians as possible. Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) provides Coulson (Clark Gregg) with the Centipede serum, but he refuses to take it and discreetly hides it in Daisy's gauntlets while convincing her to face Talbot alone. Daisy attempts to appeal to Talbot's patriotism, but Talbot attacks and attempts to absorb her.
Discovering the serum, Daisy injects herself with it and uses her enhanced abilities to blast Talbot into space, thus changing the timeline. While rescuing Polly (Lola Glaudini) and Robin from Qovas' ship, Fitz (Iain de Caestecker) is mortally wounded by falling debris. May and Mack stay by his side as he dies. Simmons resolves to find the present version of Fitz, who is in stasis aboard Enoch (Joel Stoffer)'s ship. After bidding his fellow agents farewell, Coulson is accompanied by May as he leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. to spend his last days in Tahiti.
A snooping busybody considers himself a great investigator. When his niece acquires a new boyfriend he decides to check out his background. Unwittingly, however, he becomes mixed up in a real crime.
Two story arcs has been released for ''Magia Record'' video game. The first arc consists of two parallel storylines; the Main Story which revolves around Iroha and her dealings with the ''uwasa'' and the Magius, and the Another Story, a side story of the unfolding events in Kamihama City from the perspective of the main characters of the original ''Puella Magi Madoka Magica'' anime. The second arc covers events after the resolution of the conflict with the Magius where Iroha deals with the ''kimochi'', another phenomenon distinct from ''uwasa'' or the witches.
;Arc 1 A white creature named Kyubey has the power to grant girls any single wish. In exchange for that wish, however, they must become magical girls and fight against creatures known as Witches. A rumor soon begins to spread among magical girls that they can be saved from their duty by going to Kamihama City.
Iroha Tamaki, a girl who had originally forgotten the wish she made to become a magical girl encounters a smaller Kyubey one day and remembers that she made a wish to cure her younger sister Ui of her illness. Realising that all evidence of Ui's existence has disappeared, Iroha travels to Kamihama City in order to find answers, where she meets with Yachiyo Nanami, a veteran magical girl. Uncertain on how to proceed in finding her sister, Iroha decides to investigates rumors on a hunch that it might give clues to her sister's whereabouts. She learns that these rumors manifest into '' uwasa'', creatures which resemble witches and also have their own labyrinths. Iroha gradually manages to establish her own group of magical girls which consists of Yachiyo Nanami, Tsuruno Yui, Felicia Mitsuki, Sana Futaba, and herself. However Iroha and her group conflict with the Magius, a mysterious organization of magical girls which advocates for the "salvation" of magical girls and who are bent on protecting the ''uwasa''. The Magius is led by Alina Gray, Nemu Hiiragi, and Touka Satomi; the latter two of whom were Ui's close friends, but who now no longer have any memories of her.
With Iroha and her group managing to take down several ''uwasa'' across Kamihama City, the Magius takes drastic measures. Mifuyu, a senior member and former long-time friend of Yachiyo, orchestrates a plan to convince Iroha's group to join the Magius. She invites Iroha's group to a lecture where they are informed about the true nature of magical girls; that their soul gems are directly linked to their own lives, and that they are fated to become witches themselves. Mifuyu also informs them that Magius created the ''doppel'' system which essentially circumvents their cruel fate. However this system is only in place in Kamihama City, with the group planning to extend this to the whole world. Iroha disagrees with the group's extreme methods and refuses to join the Magius, but Felicia, Tsuruno, and Sana are brainwashed into joining. Yachiyo, who didn't attend the lecture, but who was long aware of the truth of magical girls, relents after finding out that Iroha's group was essentially dissolved by Mifuyu's actions. Iroha convinces Yachiyo to regain her resolve to help her win back their former comrades.
The Magius leaders decide to resort to more extreme methods, which involve brainwashing its own members, causing the defection of the disillusioned Mifuyu who covertly dispels Felcia and Sana's brainwashing. Tsuruno is fused to an ''uwasa''. The brainwashing of Tsuruno with an ''uwasa'' causes them to indiscriminately lure in and harvest energy from any Non-Magius person it can. Iroha's group manages to reverse Tsuruno's condition and meets up with Mitama Yakumo and makes a plan to gather all of the city's magical girls at her place for their safety.
Kamihama's magical girls go to the Magius' headquarters, which is inside an ''uwasa'''s labriynth to fight against the group head on. They learn that the Magius plans to lure Walpurgisnacht, an infamous colossal witch, to Kamihama City and have it fight against a creation of its own which the group names "Eve" in order to gather enough energy to expand the doppel system, potentially endangering the city's populace. Iroha learns that Eve and Ui are one and the same, and eventually manages to convince Nemu and Touka of Ui's existence. Alina proceeds to release Eve to Kamihama City as originally planned. Meanwhile, Kamihama's magical girls regroup at the city center to stop both Eve and Walpurgisnacht, but not before the two cause widespread destruction. Iroha successfully reverts Ui back to her normal form and the Walpurgisnacht is finished off by a combined attack by Yachiyo and Iroha.
;Arc 2 The magical girls of Kamihama City forms an alliance called the Kamihama Union. Meanwhile Iroha deals with the ''kimochi'', a new kind of creature distinct from ''uwasa'' and witches. The Promise Blood, another group of magical girls from outside the city come to Kamihama to exact their grievances. The remnants of the Magius also regroup as the Neo Magius.
Judge Gen authorizes Michael to travel to Earth, where he saves Eleanor's, Chidi's, Jason's, and Tahani's lives, creating a new timeline, but strictly forbids any more interference. Michael and Janet monitor the humans, who reform for six months but eventually revert to their previous lifestyles. Chidi explores his brain health with a neuroscientist, Simone, but gives up decisiveness after his coworker Henry is injured following Chidi's advice to lose weight. Michael returns to Earth to influence the humans to meet one another. He leads Eleanor to seek out Chidi, and primes Chidi to be willing to work with her; Chidi agrees to teach Eleanor about moral philosophy. Michael is concerned when Eleanor encourages Chidi to date Simone, but Janet reassures him that Chidi and Eleanor have connected meaningfully when they were not romantically involved. Shawn leads a Bad Place team that tries to hack into Gen's system; Michael's trips to Earth open a backdoor that Shawn's team exploits.
Chidi and Simone go on a date, and he kisses her after Eleanor protests his indecision. Chidi and Simone conceive a joint-study thesis to examine the effect of near-death experiences on brain function in ethical decision-making. Michael continues returning to Earth illicitly. Tahani finds enlightenment in a monastery, but returns to her fame-chasing ways after writing a bestselling book about the experience; Michael poses as a sleazy businessman who likens himself to Tahani, repulsing her, and she joins the study. Jason devotes himself to dance competitions and forbids his crew-mates from committing crimes, but returns to crime after the crew suffers continual failures; Michael tries to lure Jason to Australia to run a dance crew, only to find that Jason has already been soul-searching and wants to find a deeper meaning in life, and thus is easily convinced to participate in the study. Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason meet in Australia, but to Michael's dismay, the Bad Place sends Trevor to participate in the study.
Gulabsinh attends a festival in Delhi, where he saves the dancer Rama from the clutches of a wicked nobleman with his secret supernatural power. He advises Rama to marry Lalaji, a painter who loves Rama but is reluctant to marry a dancer. Rama loves Gulabsinh, who inspires awe in her. Lalaji is attracted to Gulabsinh for his supernatural powers. Gulabsinh directs him to Matsyendra, and marries Rama at the cost of his immortality to save her. Matsyendra laughs at Gulabsinh and advises him to return to the seclusion of spiritual practice; Gulabsinh does not return, however, and allows his supernatural powers to disappear.
The Great Spirit explains to Gulabsinh the unequal status of the love between him and Rama, whom Gulabsinh unsuccessfully tries to uplift with his spiritual power. When he decides to unite his and Rama's souls in a third (their child), the heavenly being admonishes him: "Did you become superhuman only to become human?" Gulabsinh replies, "Ah! Humanity is so sweet!"
Based on the true story of Morris Dees, a civil rights lawyer from Alabama, whose Southern Poverty Law Center battles neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.
The novel is set in 2018 and depicts the relationship between Nat (né Anatoly), a 47-year-old member of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), and a young man (Ed) with whom he plays badminton weekly. After their matches, Ed rants about Brexit and Trump, to which Nat quietly listens and tacitly agrees. Meanwhile, Nat is running an operation to monitor a Ukrainian oligarch living in London. Through this mission, one of Nat's agents reveals that Ed is giving British secrets to Russian intelligence. Nat's MI6 colleagues suspect Nat of abetting him and grill him. Through their questioning and Nat's continued investigation, Operation Jericho is revealed: a plan for the U.K. to use covert means to undermine the E.U. at the U.S.’s behest.
Moses Al Shabazz is the impoverished leader of a small religious commune, the Star of Six, in Miami. The commune has three other members: Moses's wife Venus, and followers X and Afrika. It worships deities including Allah, "Black Santa", and General Toussaint Louverture. Moses preaches a black uprising against the white oppressors, but opposes the use of firearms. He has been prescribed anti-psychotic medication, but does not take it, as it "makes him drowsy".
Agent Kendra Glack of the FBI comes across one of Moses's live-streamed sermons, and decides that he will make an ideal dupe on whom to pin revolutionary activities. When Moses is served an eviction notice by his landlord, Kendra sends Reza, a pedophilic shopkeeper now working undercover for the FBI, to claim that his relative, a sheikh affiliated with Al-Qaeda, would be willing to supply money and firearms to Moses. Reza sets up a meeting between Moses and the supposed sheikh (in fact another FBI informant, Nura), but Moses initially asks only for farm equipment and a horse. However, having appreciated how much money the guns represent, he subsequently agrees to accept 50 Kalashnikov rifles.
Venus is horrified at these dealings, and leaves the commune with their daughter, even though Moses has promised not to use the guns. Moses witnesses a lightning strike destroy a crane, which he interprets as a sign from God. On the day of the exchange, the FBI prepare to arrest him for the illegal gun deal, but he rides to the FBI headquarters on his horse and attempts to turn in the dealers for a reward. He meets with Kendra before leaving: she shows sympathy for his situation, but says she can't help him. When Moses returns to his commune, he finds his followers have been evicted. His landlord agrees to let him return in exchange for procuring uranium from the sheikh; and the FBI sees this as an opportunity to have him arrested for attempting to use a nuclear device.
Moses makes a deal to sell the uranium to a group of neo-Nazis for $100,000, but instead of procuring the real uranium has his followers fill the canisters with urine and beans. The neo-Nazis are actually undercover police officers, and in having Moses contact them, the FBI cross over into police territory, leading the Miami police to take over the case and attempt to arrest Moses, X, Afrika, and Moses's landlord at the uranium sale. Kendra is able to persuade the police to stand down and let Moses, X, and Afrika go, while arresting the landlord. Moses believes he is now off the hook; but as he drives his bus back into town to meet his wife and daughter at a donut shop, the police give chase.
The Miami police have called a nuclear emergency, forcing Kendra to do likewise in order to retain control of the situation. On their way to the donut shop, Kendra's superior Andy hints that it would all be easier if Moses were shot, prompting Kendra to rethink her position. At the shop, a policeman's gun goes off by mistake, sending everyone running for cover. Reza, who is also present, tries to give Moses a fake rocket launcher in order to give the FBI an excuse to arrest him, but Moses pretends to be an undercover cop and arrests Reza, who Afrika accidentally shoots in the head with a toy crossbow. Kendra enters the shop and asks Moses to stand down, but he attempts to fire the rocket launcher at her and her accompanying officers, allowing the FBI to arrest him and his followers. As he is being led away, Kendra promises Moses that his daughter will be cared for.
The end credits state that all FBI personnel involved in the case were promoted, while Moses and his followers were given 20 to 35 years in prison on plea bargains with no trial. Venus was given 15 years for aiding a terrorist organization.
Beginning in ancient Morocco, the film begins by describing the Berber Jews. Jewish life in Morocco is shown with scenes of a wedding and a bris. The head of a Berber village describes how the Jewish community was established in the village, and the narrative goes on to recount the details of the second wave of Jewish immigration from the Iberian Peninsula following the Spanish Inquisition. Various historians, government officials, and members of Jewish civic and cultural life in Morocco discuss the relationship between Berber Jews and the more recently arrived Sephardic Jews, and place these into the context of the larger history of Morocco. Included is a discussion of the impact of French culture and schools on the Moroccan Jews during Morocco's tenure as a French Protectorate.
The film goes on to recount the effects of the World War II political situation on the Moroccan Jews and the subsequent creation of the state of Israel, covering the different waves of immigration to Israel and the political and cultural situations of Moroccan Jewish arrivals, who reacted in various ways to their placement in Israeli frontier border settlements and the discrimination against them by European Jews who held much of the power. Also discussed is the wave of immigration to Canada, specifically Montreal, with a segment on the distinct cultural reactions of the Moroccan Jews to a new life in the Canadian state.
Yeon-sin (Shin Dong-mi) is devastated and storms out of the theatre when no one shows up at her play. She calls her boyfriend Woo-yeon (Kim Kang-hyun) and in a fit of anger breaks up with him. She then meets an unorthodox detective (Yoo Jun-sang) with a gift for interpreting dreams.
In June 2021, first year high schooler Hodaka Morishima escapes Kōzu-shima in order to get away from his troubled home life to Tokyo. When his ferry to the city is hit by a rainstorm, he is saved by Keisuke Suga, who gives Hodaka his business card. As Hodaka becomes broke and struggles to find work, he meets Hina Amano, an employee of a McDonald's restaurant. She takes pity on him and gives him food. Later on, Hodaka finds an abandoned Makarov PM handgun in a waste bin he fell onto. After arriving at Suga's business location, he meets him there and his niece, Natsumi. Suga hires him as his assistant at a small occult magazine publishing company, where they investigate urban legends related to the unusually rainy weather in Tokyo. From a psychic, they hear the legend of a "sunshine girl" who can control the weather.
Hodaka sees Hina being intimidated into working at a back-alley club. After a brief chase, he scares off the club owners by firing his gun into the air, thinking it was a toy. He and Hina escape; she takes him to Yoyogi Kaikan, an abandoned building with a shrine on the roof, where he throws the gun away. Hina astonishes Hodaka by demonstrating her ability to clear the sky by praying. Hodaka finds out that Hina lives alone with her brother Nagi, and they have no adult guardian. Seeing how they are in a financial trouble, Hodaka proposes to start a business with Hina with the ability of sunshine girl: a job to clear the weather for events such as weddings and parties. They create a website to accept orders and their business quickly becomes a success. However, when clearing the sky for the Jingu Fireworks Festival, Hina is shown on television and their site gets flooded with requests, so they decide to close their business.
A detective with the police search for Hodaka, as his family filed a missing person report. They find out that Hodaka was caught using the gun on a security camera. Officers arrive at the apartment where Hina lives with Nagi and interrogate her while Hodaka hides; Hina realizes that because they have no legal guardians, with their mother having died recently, social services are going to take them into custody and separate them. Right after the police leave, Suga visits Hodaka, having also been visited by the police. Suga fires Hodaka and gives him his severance pay, explaining that the police suspect him of kidnapping Hodaka. Hodaka, Hina and Nagi try to run away, but they are halted by the worsening weather. They take shelter in a hotel, and spend the night with instant food and doing karaoke. As midnight passes, Hina reveals that her body is slowly turning into water the more she uses her power. She explains that she is the cause of the abnormal weather and is intended to be a human sacrifice, and her disappearance will return the weather to normal. Hodaka promises to protect her, but the next morning, Hina has vanished into the sky and the rain has stopped.
In the morning, the police track Hodaka to the hotel room. Nagi is sent to the children's counseling center and Hodaka is taken to the police station. Having already fallen in love with Hina, Hodaka decides to bring her back to Earth and escapes from the police custody with the help of Natsumi and her Honda Super Cub. After her motorcycle is immobilized, Hodaka resumes on-foot to Yoyogi Kaikan building to reach the shrine. Inside, he encounters Suga, who attempts to stop him. The police surround Hodaka, but Suga, now inspired by Hodaka's desperation to see Hina, helps him escape. At the roof-top shrine, Hodaka jumps through the shrine gate and is transported into the sky, where he finds Hina and asks her to leave with him, insisting that Hina let go of her worries about the weather and start living for herself. As soon as they come back to the rooftop shrine, Hina, Hodaka, Natsumi, Nagi, and Suga are all arrested, and the heavy rains resume. Hodaka is sentenced to a three-year probation and sent back to his home in Kōzu-shima.
Three years later, the rain has been falling without end in Tokyo, submerging much of the city. In the spring of 2024, having finished his probation, Hodaka graduates from high school and returns to Tokyo to start college. He meets with Suga, who has expanded his business. After Suga encourages him to find Hina, Hodaka finds her praying on a street overlooking the drowned city. They reunite, with Hodaka promising her that they will be all right.
The film begins with Christine "Tin" Lazaro (Liza Soberano), a University of the Philippines Art Studies major and a part-time museum guide, touring high school students in The National Museum of the Philippines. During one of her tours, she meets Rafael "Raf" Toledo (Enrique Gil), a University of Santo Tomas - Biology student, and an avid fan of The Eraserheads. They first find themselves in a little clash debating the comparison of the museum's famous painting, and Raf's favorite song Spoliarium. First at odds, they soon begin dating and eventually enter into a romantic relationship. Raf dreams of becoming a doctor while Tin aspires to be a museum director. She also dreams to visit The MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art) and other museums in New York. But their relationship falls apart when Tin is accused of allowing her boss to steal from the company. She was saved by Gregory "Greg" Fausto (Luis Alandy), a coworker who likes her and believes that she is innocent. Owing to the extremely stressful situation, she breaks up with Raf when, much to her chagrin, Raf is not able to graduate again, and is still stuck at preparatory medicine school. Raf initially proposes to Tin, to avoid losing her, but Tin refuses the proposal, and break up with Raf.
Five years later, Tin is now in a relationship with Greg. She accompanies her boyfriend at the PICC for an awarding ceremony. There, she also sees Raf who is now a doctor, also receiving an award. Raf sees Tin and meets her at the hallway of the complex, asking her if they can see each other sometime. When the two meet again at the "their place", Tin finally tells him about what happened five years before. Their time is interrupted when Raf receives a call from the hospital, needing his immediate presence. Tin accompanies him, and sees Raf working diligently and passionately at the hospital. While there, Raf introduces Tin to Aly (Jasmine Curtis-Smith), a fellow doctor and his current girlfriend.
Tin is currently working for Greg's company, and is well-loved by her subordinates. She performs her job very diligently, but she does not feel respected and recognized by Greg. There's an opportunity at her place of work to travel to New York. Raf, cognizant of her dream to visit the museums there, convinces her to volunteer for the work trip. Greg gives her the opportunity, and she performs well. Finishing the objective of her trip on time, Tin pleads with Greg to let her stay a few more days to be able to visit the museums. Greg initially refuses, but she persists, earning his permission to stay a few days. Unbeknownst to Tin, Raf purchased a ticket flight to New York to join her and fulfill their dreams to visit The MET and other museums. Raf reveals that he broke up with Aly and wants to marry Tin. She sadly rejects his engagement, stating that she would hurt Greg and his daughter Aisha (Xia Vigor) if she marries him. This leads to an argument, and Tin walks away from Raf.
Upon returning to the Philippines, Tin realizes that she really isn't happy with her current life, and breaks up with Greg. She seeks Raf to tell him of her decision but he reveals that Aly is pregnant with Raf's child. After talking and getting advice from her former college professor, Alwyn (Nonie Buencamino), Tin rebuilds her life in the field she has always wanted to pursue. At first, her past mistake continues to hinder her job applications from being accepted, the art community being small. But she eventually lands a job in a local museum. She later visits Raf at the hospital, and finally apologizes to him for being a coward and selfish. Raf apologizes too, for his rash behavior the last time they saw each other. He also reveals that his relationship with Aly did not work out. Before the conversation could go any further, he gets called in again. Tin tells him the she still loves him.
Tin continues to work rebuilding her life. She goes back to the National Museum to attend an awarding of up and coming artists, which included Alex, a Filipina artist turned car dealer that she met when she was visiting museums in New York. In her speech, Alex thanked Tin for making her realize that there is life for her in the Philippines as an artist, and concluded that even art is often seen as a form of self-expression, it should always serve the people they belong to. Alex ended her speech by inviting Tin to the stage and be recognized, and the two shared a hug. As Tin leaves the museum after the ceremony, happy, she finds Raf waiting for her. The film ends with Tin and Raf and Raf's son, looking at Juan Luna's Spoliarium bringing their story full circle.
Producer Ace Robbins (Walter Catlett) induces a group of rich Texans to finance his new play, but they demand that it open by December 29 (the day Texas was admitted as a state). To generate free publicity, Robbins plants a fake story about star Barbara Lee (Frances Langford) having an affair. She is furious, and threatens to quit if he does it again.
Texan and songwriter Bob Allen (Robert Paige) shows up the week before the show is to open, and tries to get Robbins to use his songs in the play. Robbins refuses his offer. With ticket sales faltering, Allen comes up with a scheme: He'll impersonate a Texas cattle baron who is in love with Barbare Lee and pretend to buy up all the tickets for the show. This will dupe the public into thinking the show is a hit, and subsequently create demand for the show.
On opening night, Allen (in his cattle baron disguise) interrupts the musical and demands that the cast sing songs he himself has written. Robbins is furious, but Allen says he'll reveal the love-affair scheme if he's stopped. Barbara and the cast like the songs, and the show is rewritten. When Barbara learns that "the cattle baron" is a fake, she goes into hiding with the help of nightclub owner Louie Moran (Joe Sawyer). When Robbins presses Moran about Barbara's whereabout, Moran says she'd been kidnapped by a vicious criminal. Bob Allen, who by now has fallen in love with Barbara, raises $25,000 to free her. Moran pockets the money, and tells Robbins and Allen where their star is hiding out.
Moran has surrounded Barbara by a bunch of thugs to prevent Robbins and Allen from recapturing her, but Allen fights his way through to her. Allen confesses that he loves Barbara, and she returns his affections. Barbara arrives back at the theater just in time for the opening curtain. Allen's uncle, having discovered that Bob has punched out some criminals, decides to give Bob a $2 million inheritance now that he's proven he is a "real Texan". The show is a huge hit.
A scientist has reoccurring dreams in which he is pursued by a mysterious tribunal for something that he's not aware that he's done. He comes to realize that his dreams may have become his reality.
The play takes place in Rome during the 16th century, under the reign of Charles V, and centers on the misadventures of the protagonist Luzmán.
Shingo Ichinomiya was once a single company worker until the day he fell asleep and woke up in a magical fantasy world as a little boy named Wendelin von Benno Baumeister, the eighth son of the noble Baumeister family. Due to his family being poor, Wendelin is unlikely to inherit anything from his father as the family's lord, wealth and possessions will go to his eldest brother Kurt while the rest of his brothers leave the succession to find income by other means. He looks through his father's library and finds a magic testing orb that glows with rainbow colors when he activates it, proving he has an ability to use magic. Alfred, a former court wizard turned restless undead, senses his presence and decides to secretly teach Wendelin everything he knows about magic. Thanks to Alfred, Wendelin becomes a skilled swordsman and mage, leading him to become a famous adventurer known throughout the kingdom. Although his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation it only brought disaster.
Theodore Conroy (Kevin Bacon) is a retired banker married to a younger woman Susanna (Amanda Seyfried), an actress, and they have a daughter named Ella. One afternoon when Theo attempts to visit Susanna on set, he is denied entry. While waiting to be granted authorization, he hears Susanna doing a love-making scene and is visibly annoyed. Susanna later apologizes to Theo, attributing his obstruction to a misunderstanding, and she tells him she has "put him on the approved list". Theo informs Susanna that the set security guard recognized him; Susanna teases Theo, telling him that "they think you're dangerous."
Soon after, they book a vacation in Wales, but there is something strange about the house—time passed unusually fast and they both experience bad nightmares. They also discover that neither one of them made the booking, each thinking the other did it.
One night, Ella sees the shadow of a man on the wall. The next morning, while Theo writes in his meditation journal, she asks Susanna why people dislike Theo. Susanna reluctantly explains that Theo's first wife drowned in the bathtub and people suspected that he killed her, though he was acquitted at trial. While in town for supplies, the shopkeeper asks if he's met Stetler, who Theo presumes is the home owner. He mysteriously gives Theo a drafting triangle and tells him to measure the right angles, leaving Theo confused.
Theo wrestles with feelings of jealousy and mistrust toward Susanna. One evening while she is taking a bath, Theo checks the messages on her phone and laptop. Theo has a dream that night and sees someone has written in his journal: "You should leave. Go now." The following morning as he watches Susanna and Ella playing outside, he texts her. At the same time he sees Susanna look at her phone, he hears a text vibration on the kitchen counter and finds an identical phone with his messages on the screen. Realizing that she has a secret phone, he suspects she has been cheating on him. He confronts Susanna and she admits to an affair with another actor. Theo asks her to leave for the night and she goes into town to stay at an inn.
He returns to his journal to see that someone has now written “You should have left. Now it’s too late.” Upon discovering an anomaly in the angle between the wall and floor, they measure the kitchen and find that it is larger inside than outside. Ella and Theo get separated; the two of them appear to be experiencing separate visions in the dream world. Once reunited, Theo calls Susanna, wanting her to come back and take him and Ella away from the house, but her phone is turned off. He then calls the shopkeeper, inquiring whether he knows of any cab services in the area. The shopkeeper replies that there are none and speaks of the house cryptically, saying that the Devil collects souls from there.
Desperate to escape the house, Theo and Ella decide to go to town by foot, but see a shadowy figure observing them from inside as they walk away from it. After some time, they find they have circled back to the house. Seeing no other option, they stay there for the night, but Theo enters the dream world again and sees his and Susanna's past selves as they first arrived at the house. He then meets Stetler, who has taken Ella captive. He takes Theo's form to taunt him and says he will return Ella on the condition that Theo does "what he must." Ella is returned, relieving Theo.
The next day, Susanna returns to the house and Theo gives her Ella. He finally confesses to the true circumstances surrounding the death of his first wife: he didn't directly kill her, but didn't help when she was drowning; he simply watched her die because he had been miserable with her for so long. He accepts that he belongs in the house. Theo's spirit is then seen trapped inside the house, revealing he had been the figure watching himself and Ella leave the night before, having tried to warn his past self by writing the messages in his journal. The shopkeeper's voice says that some people don't leave the house, and that "the place finds them anyway."
Alexander Bezukdalnikov, as a result of an attempt to commit suicide, suddenly finds the phenomenal ability to instantly get an answer to any question. Modest and harmless, he becomes a good game for all — women, criminal authorities and even international intelligence services. Some try to use it, others destroy it. But the little man continues to live according to the laws of his own conscience.
Mycroft Holmes, secretary to Secretary of State for War Edward Cardwell, and his best friend Cyrus Douglas learn of disturbing reports from Douglas' birthplace Trinidad; stories of children gone missing, Douen, and Lougarou. Holmes' fiancée, Georgiana Sutton, was also raised in Trinidad and the stories terrify her enough to return home and seek answers. Holmes and Douglas follow her to the island and are confronted with dark mysteries.
The novel is set in a Japan that has been devastated by an unspecified man-made global catastrophe. Yoshiro, one of Tokyo's ‘aged-elderly’ at over 100 years old, lives alone with his great-grandson Mumei, who is in second grade. They live on the outskirts of the city, the city centre being too dangerous for habitation now that earth, air and water are so polluted. Over the last century, successive generations of children have been born increasingly feeble and prone to illness, so that while the aged-elderly continue to live with undiminished vitality, and seem never to die, children of Mumei's generation are intolerant to most foods, have malformed teeth due to lack of calcium, and have severely deformed bones. The distinction between male and female has started to break down, and most people change sex at least once in their lives. Most children die young.
The privatised Japanese government has shut Japan off from the rest of the world. The use of foreign-language terms has been restricted, and people carefully self-censor their activities in case they find that something they have been doing all their lives has without notice suddenly become illegal.
Yoshiro is a member of the underground Emissary Association, whose aim is to help selected young people stow away on foreign ships so that international scientists can research the state of Japanese children's health. Also members are Mumei's elementary school teacher and the carer of Suiren, a young girl of about Mumei's age who lives next door. Mumei finds himself fascinated with Suiren, but one day she and her carer simply disappear without leaving any forwarding address. Yoshiro says it may be due to ‘special circumstances’.
Mumei collapses at school with a dreadful pain in his head, and a taste of blood. When he comes round, he realises that he is now 15 years old and that he has apparently skipped forward several years, although faint memories eventually return of being chosen as an emissary. He is in a powered wheelchair, no longer able to walk. Coming towards him in another wheelchair is a girl that he recognises as Suiren. They propel their wheelchairs rapidly down to the beach, and are thrown out next to each other as their chairs reach the sand. Suiren asks if Mumei will go with her across the sea. As he tries to stand and answer her, darkness envelops him and he falls into the dark waters of the strait.
The Phantom goes to a plantation owned by Mrs. Harris to find out who is killing various workers.
A lecturer discussing "the awareness of the self as a solitary construct" shines a red dot from a laser pointer on to a screen showing ocean waves crashing onto a shore. He instructs his audience not to follow the dot. The key, he says, is to somehow allow the pointer to act as a guide into the footage of the waves while simultaneously following one's own thought processes, one's own path.
Elsewhere, people call into an office with bright red threads strung across it, reporting their whereabouts to a team of trackers. One such person, or persons, is "a crowd of people named Alan", described in a philosophical voiceover about getting taxis to random street corners whenever they are ordered to do so by the trackers. They also ponder a near-death experience, a forgotten password, and an ominous door located on the outer side of a high-rise.
An experimenter is seen in a room of his own devising, designed to be a model of an information processing unit, demonstrating that the mind inside need never understand any questions or commands, nor what is written in response, which is in Chinese, a language he cannot read but does learn to write, with a tool in the form of books of instruction, which permit him to give correct answers despite not understanding them either. After going through this experience, even after having left the room, he no longer believes he understands anything he hears or says.
A reclusive woman searches for the meaning behind a series of audiovisual documents that connect to alternate universes, including a tape of the Lecturer, who is later seen on the beach being bothered by a group of children whom he eventually turns into a new, albeit both frustrated and frustrating, audience—they bury him up to his head in the sand and train the laser pointer light on his head. In time, the woman finds so many items, they fill a room in her apartment and calls it the "archive", and herself its "archivist". One such document, in a voiceover by a child, tells the story of a celebrated inventor who secretly develops a red eye implant given to every person in his world; once activated, the eye shows only what ''he'' sees, so that when he is imprisoned for this, they share the view from his cell, effectively sharing his imprisonment.
The archive appears to resist the woman's attempts at cataloguing and organizing it. She receives a cell phone instead of the usual document. She makes a call and follows instructions until she encounters a pair of field agents, going from place to place in a taxi, reporting their whereabouts. They welcome her as one of their own. There is a car accident which kills Alan, who, even in death, continues to morph from one body to another. Alan holds a red ball in its hand, which the archivist takes and places in her archive, which she then locks up forever.
The final scene is from the viewpoint of a shelf in a room with a red ball on it. The room appears to begin to move in a rocking manner from side to side.
In 2015, attorney Takayuki Yagami investigates the Advanced Drug Development Center (ADDC) for the death of patient Koichi Waku, successfully clearing accused worker Shinpei Okubo of the murder charge. However, Okubo is arrested shortly thereafter for allegedly murdering his girlfriend. Guilt-ridden, Yagami resigns from his law firm.
Three years later, Yagami has become a private detective in Tokyo's Kamurocho district and accepts investigation requests with his partner, ex-Tojo clan member Masaharu Kaito. A serial killer has recently been murdering ''yakuza'' members in Kamurocho and removing their eyes. Yagami accepts a murder case concerning Matsugane clan captain Kyohei Hamura, who is suspected of killing a Kyorei clan member using the same methods. Yagami investigates, and proves Hamura's innocence, though he suspects that Hamura is working with the killer, whom Yagami dubs the Mole. Yagami investigates a brothel where one of the victims was last seen and encounters Hamura, who orders him to stop investigating the Mole.
Yagami returns to his office to find that the Mole has killed Masamichi Shintani, his former colleague and teacher. Yagami finds a recent call on Shintani's phone for Dr. Yoji Shono of the ADDC. He questions ADDC director Ryusuke Kido about Shintani's phone call, to no avail. After further investigation, Yagami meets construction mogul Shigeru Kajihira at a Kyorei clan hideout. Kajihira reveals a failed plan to seize land around the ADDC for redevelopment which was foiled when researchers claimed to have discovered AD-9, a potential cure for Alzheimer's disease. Kajihira asks Yagami to investigate the death of former ADDC vice-director Toru Hashiki.
Yagami is brought to the public prosecutor's office for interrogation, and is informed that Kazuya Ayabe, a crooked cop who was Yagami's informant, has been arrested on suspicion of being the Mole; Yagami, however, is unconvinced. He and Kaito find Hamura hiding out in an underground illegal gambling den and question him about his connection to the Mole and other possible suspects. Yagami concludes that Dr. Shono may be organizing the murders before Hamura is rescued by Matsugane clan members. He theorizes that the Mole's killings are actually human experiments to test the effectiveness of AD-9, and Waku, Hashiki and Shintani's deaths were failed experiments. Yagami also theorizes that Okubo did not kill his girlfriend; she was killed by Dr. Shono to cover up the experiments.
Kaito is taken hostage by Hamura, forcing Yagami to storm a Matsugane hideout. Yagami finds Hamura and Kaito, defeating and capturing Hamura with the help of Mitsugu Matsugane. Yagami and Matsugane transport Hamura to a Kyorei clan hideout and interrogate him, learning that Hamura worked as a human trafficker for the ADDC and helped frame Ayabe for Shintani's murder. The Mole appears and shoots at Hamura, but Matsugane shields him and is killed. Hamura reveals that the Mole is Mitsuru Kuroiwa, a detective in the Metropolitan Organized Crime division, and gives Yagami definitive evidence that the ADDC participated in Shintani's murder.
During Ayabe's trial, Japanese Vice-minister of Health Kaoru Ichinose covertly arranges a hit on Kuroiwa. Kuroiwa kills his assailants and storms the ADDC. Yagami finds Kuroiwa taking Shono hostage, intending to force him to finish developing AD-9. Yagami defeats Kuroiwa and the police surround them, killing Kuroiwa when he tries to kill Shono. Shono injects himself with a new version of AD-9 and dies from its side effects after his eyes turn blue. Dr. Kido confirms Shono's human experiments at Ayabe's trial, and the blue-eye sign was why Shono had their eyes removed. The court acquits Ayabe; chief prosecutor Kunihiko Morita and Ichinose are imprisoned for their involvement, Kajihira is placed under investigation. Okubo is freed after three years on death row, and Yagami and Kaito decide to resume being ordinary private detectives.
There are only four characters in the play. Lili, a private detective, is attracted to Renee, a straight paleontologist who is having trouble with her marriage. Lili's sister, Mary, has schizophrenia and as a result, she robs 7-Eleven stores. Mary lives with Lili briefly, until their mother, Eleanor, returns from Central America, and Lili starts an affair with Renee. While this is happening, Mary is arrested for robbery. There is a focus on how their mother's constant traveling has affected the lives of the two sisters.
In the RPG Mode, ''Granblue Fantasy Versus'' features a standalone storyline where players embark on a journey visiting the featured locales within the fighting game. The player takes control of Gran and company to fight other notable characters within the ''Granblue Fantasy'' universe visiting various islands and uncovering the mysterious force surrounding the violence and chaos that ensues through quests. Along with meeting the main cast of characters, the player is also introduced to their backstories and existing relationships with other characters.
''Starfighter'' is a game in which the player takes command of a starfighter in the Alpha Centauri system, and is challenged by starfighters, battleships, cruisers, and supercruisers.
Camille is an 18-year-old living on Long Island with her conservative single mother. After a skateboarding injury, her mother makes her promise not to skate anymore. Nevertheless, Camille is still infatuated with skateboarding and when she sees that Skate Kitchen, a collective of female skaters that she follows on Instagram, is holding a meeting in New York City, she decides to go.
Though Camille is shy, the other girls are instantly welcoming. They are more rebellious than Camille, smoking cannabis and already sexually active. Camille explains her time away to her mother by telling her that she is studying at the library. One day, however, she misses her train home and her mother confiscates her skateboard. Camille's new friends help her to build a new board and Janay, one of the girls from Skate Kitchen, offers to let Camille stay with her. A few days later the move becomes permanent when Camille's mother shows up at a skate park and violently confronts Camille.
Camille finds a job at a grocery store and begins spending all her time with the Skate Kitchen crew. She develops a crush on Devon, a skater from a different crew, only to learn that he and Janay had an on-and-off relationship together for years. When Janay rolls her ankle and is housebound for several weeks, Camille begins spending more time with Devon and his friends.
Janay eventually finds pictures of Camille taken by Devon and confronts Camille, assuming they are in a sexual relationship. Camille is cast out from the Skate Kitchen group and decides to stay with Devon in a run-down apartment filled with lewd and obnoxious male skaters. After Camille kisses Devon, he stops her and tells her that he thinks of her as a younger sister. A despondent Camille returns home to her mother, who welcomes her and suggests apologizing when she finds out that Camille has fallen out with her new friends. Camille sends them a message via Instagram apologizing for her role in their falling out.
The film's final scene shows Camille reunited with the other girls, skating through the streets of Manhattan.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Mad McCara (Morey), a sea captain, on the promise of marriage lures the widow Delaney (Madison) aboard his ship. A collision in the harbor gives him the chance to tell her that her son Jerry was drowned, though he sent him ashore. Years pass. McCara has tired of Mrs. Delaney, who has found shelter with the natives on the tropical isle of Taohing. Jerry (O'Brien), grown to manhood, conquers his adversary in a prize fight and, believing him dead, escapes by hiding on a ship bound for Taohing. He is discovered and Felicity (Dove), who is going to the tropics to paint pictures, becomes interested in him. To escape from being sent back home, he starts to swim ashore. Zelle (Cornwall), a young native woman, rescues him from a shark. McCara, now prosperous and using an assumed name, seeks to win Felicity, but she declares her love for Jerry. To save her from his disgrace, he pretends he does not love her. Felicity seeks shelter in McCara's home from the rain. To convince Jerry of Felicity's peril, his mother discloses her identity. Jerry arrives in time to save Felicity and avenge his mother. Returning home with his mother and Felicity to take his medicine, he learns that the man he thought he killed in the prize fight is still alive.
Rusty Reynolds and his partner Clem Barrett are heading to California, but then come upon a wagon train massacre and arrested by mistake. They are sentenced to hang, but on the night before the execution, they are released by the Judge that gave them their sentence since he knows they are innocent and that the real culprit is his son.
Hopper, an archaeology professor, is exploring a remote cave system on the trail of missing hippies from the 1970s. After discovering what appears to be a cowboy paused in place in a tunnel, he returns to town and dismisses his graduate students, Taylor and Jackie, stating that their research is done.
Several days later, as Hopper has not returned, Taylor and Jackie go looking for him, with their friend Cara, who brings her sister, Veeves, and her friend Furby. Following Hopper's trail to the campsite by a cave, they find an entrance with climbing ropes leading inside. They decide to follow it, but Furby chooses to stay behind as backup for the base camp. They lower themselves into the cave, hearing strange noises. When Furby does not answer their radio calls, Jackie tries to climb back out, but the rope frays, and she falls, injuring herself and Taylor. Calling for help, they receive a transmission from inside the cave and follow it.
At a different junction, they discover another opening to the cave and Furby, dead with a broken neck. Watching his video recordings, they notice several days elapsed from his perspective, while only about an hour had lapsed in the cave. He began researching the hippies' belongings, discovering they were Hopper's parents and that he is searching for his missing sister. His parents were following legends of the Fountain of Youth and speculated that this cave system was the root of the story. Furby found another cave opening. After several days, he went into the cave to retrieve keys for a vehicle but fell when his rope severed.
Taylor deduces the cave is inside a time distortion where events move more slowly. With few options, Cara free-climbs out of the cave to get a GPS signal. Outside, the terrain has become barren, and there is no signal. Returning to the cave, comparing video recordings, Cara has experienced 30 minutes on the surface while she had been gone only a few seconds from their viewpoint, confirming Taylor's theory. Reviewing Furby's footage again, they learn he survived the fall but was murdered by a caveman. Cara and Taylor deduce the time difference is much more drastic than they suspected and entire years are passing within seconds, meaning the few hours they have been in the cave is enough to span several hundred or thousand years outside.
Hearing more howling, Cara prepares to climb out again for help but is interrupted by a futuristic humanoid spaceman descending via a retractable ladder. A caveman suddenly attacks, but is subdued non-lethally. They flee just to find a whole tribe of cavemen inspecting the dead bodies of the cowboy and Hopper's parents. Discovered, Taylor fights the cavemen and is killed. The spaceman returns, protects the others from the cavemen, and then places Taylor into a healing pool of water. More cavemen attack, and the spaceman is fatally wounded, but uses his dying breaths to show them several media clips about their disappearance and indicating that humans have become space-faring.
Taylor finds Hopper injured in front of another time dilation, containing his long-missing sister and a legion of conquistadors in battle with the cavemen over control of a waterfall, the source of the time distortion, at the center of the cave system. Hopper explains the field is strongest here, making rescue of his sister impossible; he tells Taylor to go and save the others, as he is also dying. Preparing to leave the cave with the spaceman's ladder, the students are attacked by cavemen before they can get through; Cara is pulled through the portal by future beings before she can help her friends. From their perspective, she reappears through the portal, differently dressed and with rope-like mechanisms which pull her friends through.
A short time later, Furby awakens, along with Hopper and Hopper's family, all having been retrieved and resurrected with the healing waters. The others arrive, happily explaining they are in a space station and have a lot to talk about.
Germany 1943, a German tank is driving through the burning ruins of an unnamed city. The crew of the tank come across a hysterical woman, crying for her "baby" trapped in a partially demolished building. Ignoring an air raid warden, Porta, Tiny, Stege, Old Man and Sven rescue the woman's "baby" only for it to turn out to be her cat. More wildly improbable situations follow, including Little Legionnaire beating Tiny in a fight, before they are sent to the Russian Front. In their assault guns, Bertha I and Bertha II, they launch an attack on Soviet T-34s. Bertha I, commanded by Wilhelm "Old Man" Beier, successfully knocks out a T-34. Meanwhile, Bertha II manage to knock out another T-34 before being knocked out themselves, by a self-propelled gun hidden in a nearby wood. Bertha I is immobilized but still manages to knock out the Soviet SPG, they escape back to German lines on foot, losing only young Pvt. "Freckles" Fredericks.
Back at the German lines the platoon witness enemy propaganda before having a wild escapade at a field brothel, returning to their bunker only to find out they're being ordered on a suicide mission.
The special revolves around Diego Armando Romani aka El Potro, a young Argentine who tries to record a documentary about his life. But suddenly he is notified that he has been fired from his current job, so he decides to go to his native Argentina; where he believes he will be received as a King. Already in his Argentina, he arrives at his brother's wedding where he realizes that he is not well received by him, and his friends, and from there, unexpected situations begin to happen and his life in excess is not well seen by all. Since his arrival, he has been told that he should not drink, get high, or go near his brother's family.
The novel opens with a young Korean woman experiencing a strange problem, Kim Jiyoung is fully impersonating other women she knows, and does not seem self-aware of the fact. Her husband is concerned and she is taken in to get psychiatric help.
The narrative then backtracks, and tells us the story of the life of Kim Jiyoung including a short family history, her birth, growing up and an adult life. The book presents not only the ordinary but trying hardships the eponymous character had to go through from her early childhood, but also covers the experiences of other women that she knew. It shows the discrimination and social judgement the women faced, their thoughts and feelings on it, and how they responded.
Kim Jiyoung is the second daughter of a family with two daughters and one son, the youngest. A key theme is the strong preference for sons in her society, which touches and affects even those who personally do not strongly agree with the prejudice. Jiyoung’s mother felt under strong pressure to have a son from her in-laws, and so kept having children until she had a son. She also tacitly allows those around her to privilege her son at the expense of herself and her daughters, while disagreeing with this custom whenever she becomes more consciously aware of it. The mother-daughter relationship is explored in depth in this book, as is the relationships between mothers and fathers, and among siblings.
Jiyoung does well at school despite stress in her home over finances, harassment by a boy playing “pranks” on her and an incident of stalking she faces while going to and from cram-school. She dreams of becoming a journalist at first, but then her interests turn to marketing while in college and she follows that career path. While she struggles to get any employment at the end of college she becomes more and more aware of the difference in how male students exactly like herself, or less qualified, are being encouraged, supported and hired while she and her fellow female students are lucky to trade down for lesser roles and get jobs in their field at all. Just before graduation she does manage to find employment and takes to it, relatively happy with the outcome. Work becomes important to her and she finds a female mentor among the upper level professionals there who takes her under her wing and is doing her best to make the workplace better for women than it was when she first started.
After a series of relationships, Jiyoung marries. Much about her new husband and their life together is good. The one main issue is his extended family put a lot of pressure on them to have a child, a son specifically, and her husband does not defend her from their pushing. Following an argument, he apologizes fully and says he will stand up for her. But then he also gives his opinion that they will not stop pushing, and they both do intend to have a child someday, so why not now? Jiyoung feels stifled by this idea, and afraid they will not be able to support her career and the child without neglecting the child or leading to her quitting. Later she comes around to the idea of having a child and leaving her work, at least temporarily, but is unsettled by her husband’s attitude that what he promises to do for her is “helping out” rather than doing work he is equally responsible for, and does not represent an equivalent to her sacrifices.
But she does become pregnant, and so a major change comes in Jiyoung’s life. She leaves her work, experiences a difficult birth, but gives birth to a daughter. She commits to being a housewife for now.
Later she endures ridicule for being a “roach” and freeloader as a stay-at-home mom from young career men who witness her daring to enjoy a small break with her baby in the park, and is told off by her doctor for having it easier than women “in his day” and still complaining of stress. This occurs directly before she begins manifesting her symptoms of mental illness.
The narrative switches near the end of the novel to the point of view of a man, who describes himself as Kim Jiyoung’s psychiatrist and relates how Jiyoung’s reflections and that of her husband informed the preceding narrative of her life. He describes his views on her case, sounding very sympathetic and aware of her situation being abused for being a woman and the toll it has taken on her, combined with potential postpartum depression.
He then cites the influence of his wife in teaching him to be aware of all this. He digresses to tell the story of some incidents around their home, including the stress of his misbehaving son and his wife’s resentment at his lack of engagement as a parent. He admits she is right but does not say he intends to change. He then relays an incident where he finds his wife, a math prodigy turned stay-at-home mother, doing elementary math work books for fun. She says to him that it is all she can control anymore. He is confused and repulsed by this and insists it cannot be fun, and that she should not settle in life. The narrative ends with his attempted feminist reflections turning back to his own office, where a female employee is resigning because she is pregnant. Ironically, for a man who claims to understand Kim Jiyoung and care for her plight, he notes that he will have to be sure to hire an unmarried woman so he doesn’t face this same inconvenience again.
Shaina is a historian from 600 years in the future. She travels back in time with a group for the purposes of academic research - but an error occurs and she is separated from the group and deposited in 2015 in New York City - far from the time for which she was aiming and alone.
The only means she has of communicating her predicament to those who might help is her 'implement' - a small futuristic device, reminiscent of a smartphone. But this is only partially working.
She seeks to recruit help from various strangers but is repeatedly rebuffed. Human kindness and generosity are the norm where she's from and all her actions presuppose that this would be the case anywhere.
She continues to be rebuffed until she is mugged by Milton and, at the point of a gun, directed to an ATM. Here she discovers that her implement can decode the ATM and it dispenses money seemingly without limit. Milton attempts to run off but Shaina tackles him and asks him to help her. He thinks she's crazy but he grudgingly agrees to help her, thinking perhaps he can use her implement to withdraw even more money later.
Together, with Milton, his friend and his girlfriend, Shaina engages in a series of misadventures in an attempt to power up her implement and return home.
As a historian, Shaina learned about this period of time as 'The Great Despair', a horrible period in human history filled with pain, exploitation, greed, pollution and loneliness. Throughout the story, she continues acting with the expectation that people will be good, caring and helpful. In part, she is crushingly disappointed and it keeps causing problems. In part, her expectation and earnest and obvious will to do good causes the people around her to become more caring.
One storyline follows brother and sister James and Lily, pretend pirates on the ship.
One day, Claudio Verona, a young and successful businessman becomes trapped in his office elevator alone. He was on his way to attend an important business meeting with a client. He attempts to call his wife, Lorena on his mobile, and tries speaking through the lift communications to the building maintenance technicians. However, for a very long time, no one seems to come to his assistance. Slowly losing his patience, he pries open the door to the lift but the opening is too narrow and he is unable to get out.
Unknown to Claudio, a deadly and infectious virus has begun to spread in the city. The virus appears to transform regular people into extremely violent and dangerous zombies. Claudio wants to get out of this claustrophobic space, but as the events unfold, he witnesses the effects of the virus. Suddenly, the confined space of the elevator seemed like a safe haven for him. He can only watch helplessly as people that he knows either turn into zombies or get slaughtered by the other zombies roaming the building.
Soon, he finds himself an ally, and together they try to fight their way out of the building to safety.
Following an order from the United States federal government to deport all immigrants, California declares itself a sanctuary state, triggering a military intervention by the federal government plunging the state into chaos. The series follows Jamil, a smuggler, and Zora, a resistance leader, who escape together from a detention facility in Occupied Los Angeles.
As described in a film magazine review, Peter operates an elaborate haberdashery when his wife elopes with his clerk and bank account. Peter soon becomes bankrupt and is given work by the Earl of Denham, who flirts with Paula, Peter's former cashier. Paula has accompanied Peter to the Earl's estate to work. Peter shields Paula from the Earl's advances, so the Earl sets Peter up in business to get rid of him. However, Paula follows Peter, and drives away the two elopers when they return in an effort to gain Peter's favor.
As described in a film magazine, Dr. Alan Hamilton (Sills) takes an unusual interest in Faith (Windsor), a young woman who has been admitted to the hospital after fainting. Faith recovers and stays in a cottage near the doctor's home, but her identity remains a mystery. Dr. Hamilton proposes to her, but learns that she is already married, and the mystery of her husband arouses his curiosity. One of the doctor's other patients is Henry Garnett (Walthall), the proprietor of a cafe in town called "The Owl", which is a notorious dance hall and bar. Citizens of the town that are members of a Ku Klux Klan-like group attack Garnett's cafe, but the doctor dissuades them after telling them that Garnett has perhaps 30 days to live due to an ailment. Garnett then confesses that he has stolen the property of a close friend that was entrusted to him for the friend's daughter, Helen Ware (Day), and he wants to make restitution. Garnett finds Helen in his dance hall, but she turns from him, preferring the gay life. Garnett decides to close his place. Disappointed in love, Dr. Hamilton has started to drink excessively. Then he is called upon to save the child of his sister Maggie Thornton (Rich), who has fallen and cut himself severely with glass. The operation is successful. Faith seeks out her husband, who is Garnett, but he takes poison. This leaves Faith to seek happiness with the doctor.
As described in a film magazine, Mary Tilden (Woodthorpe) finds life as the wife of a railroad track foreman merely a treadmill of dirty dishes, and even her little baby brings no peace. One day, unable to stand it no longer, she boards an eastbound train that has stopped for water and runs away from it all. The same train had killed her husband on a nearby trestle. Twenty-five years later Mary, worn and tired by her fruitless struggle for the "pretty things" always just beyond her grasp, is still washing dishes. Chance brings her young neighbor David (Glass) to her door in the nick of time, and Mary finds her niche living in his home and doing the housework for him and his young wife Aline (Darmond). Aline, like Mary so long ago, is wild for the pretty things and loathes the round of housework. With her new freedom, Aline persuades her husband to let her return to work in a music shop. An attractive young publisher, Richard Henderson (Nowell), gives her a ride home one rainy night. When David goes to discuss selling the story he has been working on, he finds his wife's picture on the publisher's desk, and his jealousy is aroused. When his wife leaves for a weekend, he starts out with a pistol. Meanwhile, Mary, reading the story David has written, actually the story of his life, discovers that David is her son. She is disturbed reading of the violence of his hatred towards the mother who deserted him, so does not reveal what she knows. Mary goes to Henderson's apartment and pleads with him to send Arline home. David comes in and fires at Henderson, felling him. Mary tries to assume the blame for the shooting, and as the authorities learn more of the relationships and David tells his story, they believe that David is attempting to shield her from the crime. However, Henderson recovers from his wounds and decides not to prosecute, leading to a reunion among the husband, wife, and mother.
A girl who lives at the edge of a "no-go desert" describes the titular bike that she and her brothers made out of found materials.
In a bullfight, the bullfighter Rafael Torres (Jorge Mistral) gives a bull to the famous Mexican actress Camelia (María Félix). Unfortunately the show ends in tragedy, because Rafael is wounded by the bull. In full recovery, Rafael attends the theater where Camelia represents ''La Dame aux Camélias'' with the actor Armando (Carlos Navarro). In full function, Rafael purposely drops the crutches on which he leans to attract the attention of the woman, but she snubs him. Rafael finds out that Camelia is sick. The woman suffers terminal cancer. To see Camelia, Rafael manages to get Dr. Del Real (Miguel Ángel Ferriz) to entrust him with a morphine that the actress needs. Camelia also feels an attraction for Rafael. She invites him to a party where Rafael kisses her and hits her lover. Camelia follows Rafael to his car, where he declares his love. Camelia tells her about her life in front of the house where she was born and they both kiss. Already a lover of Camelia, Rafael feels jealous of the men around her and the life of a courtesan that she lives, so he decides to leave her and sends her a farewell letter. Camelia, visibly affected by her abandonment and her illness, begins to act badly in the theater and decides to look for Rafael, finding him in a train. She decides to accompany him to the villages where he fights. In the Ranch of Santín, they are seen by Armando and Nancy (Renée Dumas), a jealous friend of Camelia. Happy because Nancy has brought her morphine and the news of a cure for cancer, Camelia decides to return to her previous life and disappoints Rafael despite the plans they have for marriage. Enrique (Ramón Gay), Rafael's brother, recognizes Camelia as his former lover, for whom he fell in jail. Enrique gets drunk and convinces Camelia to leave Rafael while he offers her a serenade. Camelia continues with her purpose of getting away from Rafael and accepts Enrique's proposal, leaving only one letter. Time goes by. A seriously ill Camelia goes to Plaza Mexico to see the victorious Rafael, who gives him a bull with irony. Almost blind, Camelia invites Rafael to dinner; He kisses her and throws money in her face. Later, Camelia represents again ''La Dame aux Camélias''. In a cabaret where he is with Nancy, Rafael receives a message from Del Real and goes to the theater. At the end of the show, he takes the stage when he notices Camelia's fragile state of health. She dies in his arms.
On the night before the lunar eclipse, Ziyan (Ali Seezan) and Shuha (Niuma Mohamed) were staying on the beach when Shuha senses the presence of a third person and kept begging Ziyan to go back to their house. When Ziyan refuses to move, Shuha left him alone on the beach and he was soon accompanied by a woman in red dress, Azza (Sheereen Abdul Wahid), unsuspicious to Ziyan. Thinking it was Shuha, he requested Azza to meet him at the beach on the night of the lunar eclipse. Since his friend Shahid (Ahmed Asim) was too sick to go with him that night, Ziyan went to the beach alone and was soon joined by Azza. He flirts with her and gets a little intimate with her.
Shuha leaves to Male' for few days while Ziyan keeps frequently meeting with Azza. One night, Shahid follows Ziyan and witnessed him alone on the beach. When Ziyan went to pee, Shahid splashes mouthful of water and accidentally hits Azza who was standing nearby him, vanished to Shahid. In anger, Azza spits on him burning his face. Ziyan fails to introduce Azza to Shahid since he was unable to see and hear her. One day, Ziyan visits a friend of his sister Muna (Amira Ismail to fetch a book she requested. In the house, he observes a photograph of Azza whom he was informed to be dead many years ago while she was pushed off the roof in a dispute and revenge cycle between two families over the ownership of a house.
Shuha returns to the island but Ziyan kept avoiding Shuha since Azza has warned him to stay away from Shuha. Shahid was murdered by Azza when he tried to interfere in the matter. Azza approves Shuha and Ziyan's marriage on one condition; decorating his room in red colour since it will help in Ziyan's reminiscences of her. Shuha tries to seduce him several times, but he resists the temptation. Azza was outraged when a friend of Shuha, a businessman and a spell-maker, Hameed (Ahmed Nimal) enters the house. Suspicious of supernatural events, Shuha follows religious acts, reciting Quran and opening TV during prayer times which Ziyan disapproves.
One night, Shuha wakes up at midnight witnessing Ziyan talking to himself. Guided by Hameed, Shuha secretly places an amulet under his pillow, enraging Azza. Unable to bear the pain, she threw away the amulet. Azza forewarns Ziyan to break the TV, restrict Shuha talking to Hameed and burn the amulet if anyone of them wishes to survive. Instead, Ziyan agreed to tie another amulet on his hand breaking all the restraint. Azza avenged his rebellion by making Shuha pregnant and accusing the father to be Hameed. Furious, Ziyan breaks the amulet and he was killed by Azza while his unusual death was rumored to be due to extreme loss of blood. Traumatized of her husband's death, on the same night, Shuha is proposed by Hameed to marry him in exchange of protection from any evil spirit.
The same night, Azza kills Hameed leaving no one to protect Shuha but herself. She was soon revealed to be pregnant. With the help of her friend, a nurse, Liusha (Neena Saleem), it was revealed that the fetus would not grow into a human rather to an insect or any other species and she will slowly die of its poison insider her. Surprisingly, Shuha gives birth to an octopus and she perceives it as a premature baby. Another spell-maker Saud incinerates Azza. While Shuha went to see Bashiboalha Tournament, her father-in-law attempted to kill the octopus and fails when it hid in the toilet. Shuha returns home and once she opens the toilet lid, she was brutally killed by the octopus. Muna enters the room to pour a spellbound glass of water into the toilet and was astounded to see Shuha murdered in the bathroom. The octopus then attacks Muna and possesses her.
Explorers Steve Blake and Hoppy Owens are hired to lead an expedition into the deep jungle. Their first day of exploration uncovers a native tribe led by a tall white blonde woman who was raised by the tribe after her parents were mysteriously killed years earlier.
In Earth-1, Barry Allen closes all of the breaches leading to parallel universe Earth-2, except for the one in S.T.A.R. Labs. Using the last breach, he travels to Earth-2 with Cisco Ramon and Harry Wells to rescue Harry's daughter Jesse, who has been kidnapped by speedster Zoom. However, an energy surge destabilizes the breach, leaving the trio stuck on Earth-2. After seeing his doppelgänger, a non-metahuman forensic scientist, on the news, Barry abducts and renders him unconscious to impersonate him and obtain more information on Zoom. He meets this Earth's Iris West, who works as a police detective and is married to his doppelgänger.
Earth-2's versions of Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Raymond, known as Killer Frost and Deathstorm respectively, are working for Zoom and realize that some breachers have entered Earth-2. Barry and Iris meet Joe West's doppelgänger Joseph, a lounge singer. Frost and Deathstorm find and attack Barry at the lounge; Deathstorm fatally wounds Joseph during the attack. Barry fights Frost and Deathstorm outside; the two metahumans escape after Frost is injured.
Meanwhile, a metahuman named Adam Fells / Geomancer appears in Earth-1 Central City. Joe suggests that Jay Garrick use the serum Velocity-6 to fight Fells. Jay refuses and reveals to Caitlin that he invented Velocity-6 and previously took it to become faster but the side effects caused his loss of speed and are gradually killing him. Caitlin develops Velocity-7, which Jay uses to engage Fells until it wears off. Fells almost kills Jay until Joe shoots at him, and escapes.
Back on Earth-2, Iris, her partner Floyd Lawton and Cisco confront Frost and Deathstorm. Cisco, who has made a weapon to combat Frost, attempts to stop the pair, but is confronted by his own doppelgänger, known as Reverb, who is also working for Zoom and can manipulate sonic vibrations to create powerful shock waves. Cisco calls for Barry, who arrives and uses Cisco's weapon to wound Frost, but is stopped by Reverb and Deathstorm. They use their powers repeatedly on him, despite Frost's objections and Zoom wanting Barry unharmed. Zoom arrives, kills Reverb and Deathstorm for harming Barry, captures him and speeds away. Barry later awakens in a glass cell at Zoom's lair, where there are two other prisoners; Jesse and a man trapped in an iron mask.
Atile'i is a teenage boy and a member of the Wayo Wayo who inhabit a small island and have almost no contact with the outside world. Because resources are scarce, second sons are sent out in boats as teenagers to die. Atile'i goes out, but as his boat sinks, he is able to swim to an "island" which is actually a trash vortex. Atile'i survives on the island though he notices that animals who eat from it die, and he begins to think he is trapped in hell.
In the coast town of Haven, in Taiwan, a professor Alice Shih has become suicidal after her Danish husband and their son disappeared during a hike. Alice lives in a house built by her husband that was initially built near the sea, but because of erosion is now almost completely flooded. Initially planning to kill herself, Alice decides to live after a kitten washes up in her home.
A news report announces that a part of the trash vortex is about to break free and come in contact with the coast of Taiwan. As it hits the shore, it also is accompanied by a huge wave which permanently destroys Alice's sea house and the only other structure along the shore, the nearby cafe the Seventh Sisid. After Alice's kitten goes missing, she looks for it and discovers Atile'i, with a leg injury. Because he is afraid of strangers, she has her friend, Dahu, loan her his hunting cabin, and she lives there together with Atile'i as he heals.
Alice decides to go to the spot where she believes her husband's body was found after he died during the hike. In various sections Alice's husband Thomas's death is described as is his meeting with a man with compound eyes who tells Thomas he is dead and also informs him that his and Alice's son Toto died years ago and his presence was a product of Alice's writing and a delusion on her part. Alice then returns home and begins writing a book and a short story, both entitled "The Man With the Compound Eyes."
Almost a year later, Dahu is travelling with some friends when he hears a news report about a young woman being picked up off the Gulf of Mexico. This is Rasula, Atile'i's love, who was pregnant with his child. She falls into a coma and becomes brain dead, but her child is born via caesarean section and is healthy despite being born with sirenomelia.
Because of the trash vortex, the coast of Taiwan is permanently altered as is the weather. Atile'i leaves Alice to try to find Rasula and return to Wayo Wayo. Wayo Wayo is later completely destroyed and the population wiped out when a tsunami hits the island.
When King Herod the Great's tax collectors kill Aaron for being unable to pay, his friend Elijah the rabbi swears to protect Aaron's wife Rebekah and their children. Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for the census and while they are there Mary gives birth to Jesus in a stable. The Three Magi visit Herod in search of the child and Herod sends them to Bethlehem, where the prophecies foresee the birth taking place, and tells them to report the child's location back to him. The magi find Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in the stable but do not return to Herod, instead traveling further east.
In accordance with Jewish law, Joseph and Mary present their child and two doves to Simeon and Anna the Prophetess at the Temple in Jerusalem and then return to Nazareth. Herod calls for the rabbis to be brought to him but they do not tell him where the prophesied child is. In retaliation, Herod calls for the slaughter of all male children under two years of age. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt as the children are slaughtered, including Rebekah's newborn child. Tiberius is wounded and receives a scar on his cheek as he kills Rebekah's older son and father as well. Elijah is distraught and Rebekah vows to avenge their death and seek retribution from the Roman soldier Tiberius.
Years later, Joseph, Mary, Elijah and Rebekah have returned to Nazareth. Tiberius, the new publican, visits and is recognized by Rebekah. She urges Elijah to kill Tiberius but Elijah questions his desire for retribution when Joseph and his twelve-year-old son Jesus recommend forgiveness instead. When Tiberius recognizes and attacks Rebekah, she claws his face and he drops his sword. Elijah grabs the sword and throws it off a cliff and Tiberius falls to his death chasing it.
As Joseph is dying, he has a vision that his young son is chasing after him. He tells the vision of Jesus to leave Nazareth with Mary and then he has a vision of the crucifixion of his adult son. He is then visited by Mary before dying.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Dan Maitland (Lowe), an adventurous young wealthy chap, sees a mysterious woman leaving his apartment and finds her fingerprints on a blotter which he covers with a brass bowl. Visiting his lawyer who cautions him about the menace of a noted jewel thief, Dan again sees the young woman and follows her in his car. She meets with an accident and, in helping her, she steals his car. Dan walks to his estate and finds the girl robbing his safe. She mistakes him for the thief who is his double. Accepting the situation and trusting the girl he opens the safe and gives her the jewels. The real thief appears, and Dan captures him after a struggle but he gets away. Then follows a series of exciting situations in which Anisty poses as Maitland, confusing everybody and leading to a variety of complications which are finally straightened out when Maitland succeeds in capturing Anisty after a running fight in the elevators of an office building and declares his love for the girl who confesses she turned thief only to get papers from Maitland that would have in- criminated her father.
In a desperate attempt of having a girlfriend, Riyaz (Yoosuf Shafeeu) proposes to his crush, Raufa (Mariyam Nazima) who spurned his proposal. Few minutes later, he eavesdrops a conversation of Raufa with her friend Nisha (Sajuna Ahmed) unveiling Nisha's affection towards Riyaz while Raufa has been in love with Riyaz's younger brother Rilwan (Ibrahim Wisan) though Riyaz and his handicapped friend, Aswad (Ali Seezan) is after her. He instantly proposes Nisha and ask her to marry him. When Nisha was nine months pregnant, she slips off the staircase and dies though she gives birth to a baby boy.
Meanwhile Aswad's sister Ishaanee who was romantically linked up with Rilwan ends her relationship with him when he mocks her disabled brother. She soon finds comfort in the new recruit of her office, Rizwee (Dhaas). Rizwee and Ishan marries and things start falling apart when Rizwee starts coming home late and abuses his wife physically. As days pass by, their relationship grew stronger and they moved closer to each other.
Aswad's mother requests Raufa to marry her son Aswad. Out of generosity for the help she acquired from them, she reluctantly agrees to the wedding. However, he fails to fulfill her desires due to his physical incapability, dissatisfying Raufa. After a tedious honeymoon, Aswad believes that he is dejected by her love though he earns her sympathy. The society teases Raufa, accusing her that she married Aswad solely for money. Unable to bear the pain, she tries to commit suicide by taking non-prescribed medicines. He stays all night besides her taking care of her, which made Raufa realizes his love towards her. He suddenly falls ill and was surprisingly diagnosed with cancer.
Aswad refused to take any treatment since he believes there is no cure for the disease. Also, he requested the doctor to conceal the truth from his family. Raufa confesses her love for him and their relationship became more secure as time flies. Few months later, Aswad dies fighting for cancer while Raufa gives birth to a boy.
London couple Tess and Alfie Palmer cannot have their own children. They adopt two girls who are orphans from a Canadian, non-state-recognised placement agency. The mother of the children was murdered two years ago. Four-year-old Grace looks carefree, bright and fun-loving, whereas ten-year-old Heather is more depressed and serious. As time goes on, Heather proves stubborn and even violent. But adoptive mother Tess does not despair, as her training as a child psychologist leads her to believe that Heather appears to have a secret. Therapy talks with a colleague bring no progress, so she decides on a daring venture - a return to the scene of the crime in the hope of getting Heather to talk. She now considers it a possibility that Heather could have murdered her own mother.
Tess travels to Canada with Heather, and decides they should visit the empty house of Heather's mother, which proves very uncomfortable for Heather. Nevertheless, she begins to describe the scene with tears to Tess. During the subsequent short visit to the adoption agency, Heather recognises the culprit by means of a gesture. It is the owner of the agency, Alvin. Meanwhile, in an unattended moment, Tess rummages through a number of files. Astonishingly, each file consistently includes the note that the parent of the child being mediated is dead. Tess becomes suspicious. When the police sheriff arrives to interview him, Alvin shoots him dead. He also wants to eliminate Tess and Heather as witnesses. But Tess proves defensive, using the weapon used to kill the sheriff to injure Alvin and put him out of action, allowing her and Heather to escape.
In 2014, a high school student named Akira Natsume endures a phobia of electrical devices while also being very good at diagnosing them. He leads an average, unfulfilling life, and resolves to change himself for the better and get a girlfriend after being motivated by his older brother. Soon after, he suddenly dies in an accident. 16 years later, a young policewoman named Minami Uenozono and her android partner Alma retrieve and activate a highly advanced AI superweapon known as an "EX-ARM" and put it into full control of their ship as a last resort. The AI turns out to be Akira's brain, now in a digital form. The series revolves around the police force's attempts to suppress and defeat adversaries using EX-ARMs for their own purposes.
The book begins in February, 1945 and is told from the perspective of thirteen-year-old Alejandro Karangalan. Alejandro and his ten-year-old brother Rodrigo are on their way home from exchanging cigarettes for medicine when they are corralled by Japanese soldiers. The soldiers are searching for the Filipino who murdered their officer, and it appears that Alejandro's friend Nesto is the culprit. Alejandro is suspended by his thumbs along with other civilians and interrogated while soldiers take away Domingo Matapang behind the woods and shoot him. Alejandro is ultimately freed as the Japanese admire his unwillingness to reveal the murderer's identity. Upon returning home to the family cellar where a total of thirteen family friends coexist, he learns that his sister, Isabelle, has been missing since the morning. The morning after, Carlito, Roman, and Mang Pedro leave in search of food. Roman and Pedro return with little success, but Carlito is nowhere to be found.
The second part of the novel is told from Isabelle's point of view. Isabelle, Alejandro's older sister, is hiding behind a bush when she sees Domingo shot by the Japanese soldiers. Despite being injured, Domingo overtakes the soldiers and then sees Isabelle and asks for help. She ultimately agrees to assist him in returning to his guerilla camp headquarters, where she meets Domingo's mistress Nina and honorary son. After meeting with his troops, Domingo takes Isabelle back to the Karangalan cellar, but his wound becomes infected on the way home. Isabelle sprints away from Domingo when he cries out in pain to distract Japanese soldiers from the noise, but they order her to follow them. She is then taken to a hotel in Manila to serve as a comfort woman, where she runs into Feliciano, a family friend who is a Japanese sympathizer, or Makapili, who hides her in a separate room. Unfortunately, Isabelle is discovered and sexually assaulted by three soldiers. Feliciano returns and brings Isabelle back to cellar, where he is called a traitor and attacked by Domingo. After the dust settles, Aling Ana tells Isabelle a story to help her find peace within herself and prevent bitterness from engulfing her.
The third part of the story is told from Domingo's point of view. Domingo decides to not kill Feliciano as he needs him to circumvent Japanese guards in order to find his son. Throughout the journey for his son, who has been captured along three members of the cellar inhabitants, Domingo contemplates his failing marriage with Lorna, strained relationship with his son, and his bond with Nina. Upon prompting by Feliciano, Domingo discusses and thinks about his father, who is a wealthy senator and Japanese sympathizer that rejects Domingo because he is his illegitimate son. Domingo's view of love and family are skewed as there is a constant battle between blood family and the feeling of true family inside of him. Once the two locate the missing group members, Feliciano presents Domingo as his prisoner to the Japanese guards. Feliciano then kills the guards, and the group returns to the cellar. Soon after, Japanese soldiers find the cellar, burn it down, and order the inhabitants to begin marching towards Manila, which is currently being bombed by the Americans. Everyone is ushered into a warehouse with other Filipino prisoners, where Lorna begs Domingo to stay and not return to the guerilla fighters. Mang Pedro tells a story about his experience learning the importance of family and not wasting it. Ultimately, Domingo decides to leave and finds that Nina was at the warehouse planning his rescue. They return to the guerilla camp in the mountains, only to be attacked by the Japanese the day after their arrival. Nina is badly wounded in action, and Domingo is forced to shoot her to end her suffering.
The final part of the novel is told by Alejandro, who is still held captive in the warehouse along with several other Filipinos. The bombing in Manila intensifies and most of the Japanese soldiers are fighting outside. When the Japanese try to take Lorna's baby away from her, Lorna fights back and is stabbed several times. Soon after, the building begins burning down and everyone rushes to break through the locked doors until an American soldier opens it from the other side because Domingo told him civilians were inside. Everyone rushes out to find that the Americans have overcome the Japanese and taken back the Philippines. Domingo discovers that his wife, son, and infant were all killed in the chaos and collapses in sadness.
The surviving members of the warehouse are driven back to their homes on American jeeps. Everyone stays with Aling Ana, as her extravagant home was one of the few preserved in the war. The next day, everyone feasts and reunites with friends and family. Domingo, too haunted by the ghosts of his dead mistress, family, and guerilla fighters, announces his departure. The novel ends with Alejandro describing his gratitude for survival and pride for being a Filipino.
While Wayne sleeps in their parked car, Keaton and Robin don masks and sneak into a house to kidnap Gordie, who is asleep in his room. When Gordie puts up a fight, Robin knees him in the crotch and Keaton hits him with a dose of ether. The kidnappers throw the unconscious Gordie into the trunk of the car and drive off.
The next day and it is revealed that Gordie, Keaton, Robin, and Wayne are longtime best friends from college and have reunited for Gordie's bachelor party in Red River, Kentucky. They plan to visit all their favorite distilleries along the Bluegrass Bourbon Trail and find the one distillery they could never locate in college – Arcadia. When they discover their favorite distillery has been turned into a winery, Gordie wanders off to a small antique shop. There he learns the legend of the Bullitt Treasure, buried Prohibition money rumored to be hidden somewhere in Bullitt County. It is also revealed that Gordie is a recovering alcoholic, sober now for almost ten years.
Gordie convinces his friends they should ditch their plans and look for buried treasure, and the four friends set up camp deep in the woods of rural Kentucky. They spend several days digging and hanging out by the campfire, drinking and getting high and singing.
Their adventure is interrupted by an elderly couple, introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Hitchens, who invite the campers back to their nearby house for a home-cooked meal. Keaton discovers their name is actually Bullitt, and the husband accuses the friends of stealing his family's treasure. As the situation escalates, Gordie grabs a rifle off the wall and kills Mr. Bullitt, then locks Mrs. Bullitt in the chicken coop. As Gordie, Keaton, and Wayne clean the house, Robin shoots and buries Mrs. Bullitt.
Panicked and exhausted, the friends race to tear down their camp and remove all trace of their expedition, but Gordie wanders back to the house and begins drinking Mr. Bullitt's bourbon stash, lapsing into an unhinged version of himself. During the confrontation that follows, it is revealed that Keaton had, in fact, found the treasure and was keeping it from the other three. Gordie pulls the pistol on Keaton, but Robin pepper sprays him first, and in a panic, he fires off four shots. Keaton is hit in the femoral artery and crawls off into the woods. Gordie leaves the pistol and stalks off after Keaton, with Wayne in tow. Robin grabs the pistol and heads after Gordie. Keaton manages to stop Robin before she shoots Gordie, and she realizes Keaton desperately needs medical attention. She leaves the gun with Keaton and hurries off to find help. Gordie soon locates Keaton, takes the gun, leaves Keaton for dead, and begins hunting Robin.
Through a series of flashbacks from college, it is revealed that Wayne has actually been dead for ten years, having been hit by Gordie who was drunkenly driving Keaton and Robin home from a night of partying. The friends buried the corpse and swore each other to secrecy. Unable to cope, Gordie has been seeing Wayne ever since, the embodiment of his guilt.
As Robin tears through the forest, she falls down an embankment into a tangle of barbed wire and Gordie catches up to her. He attempts to shoot her, but there are no bullets in the gun. Gordie is shot in the back by Mrs. Bullitt, whose life Robin had spared the previous night. Robin is left to struggle out of the barbed wire on her own, and with her last bit of strength, she manages to find the Arcadia Distillery.
The film ends with a flashback to a month after Wayne was killed, the three friends sitting in a bar uncomfortably trying to live a normal life after what they've done. The last shot is Wayne appearing to Gordie for the first time.
In 1894, Corporal Wade Grayling, an officer of the North-West Mounted Police arrives in a remote and lawless settlement in the Yukon territory where the Commonwealth wants to build a fort. Upon his arrival, Grayling finds a hanged man, a death he correctly deduces to be connected to a small community of Cossacks - primarily Latvians and Russians - who have set up camp nearby. Olaf, their religious leader, says they killed the man for having stolen from them, the suspended body left as a warning to any other potential thieves. The Cossacks are unhappy about a fort being built on the land they have settled, which means moving. After an encounter with other visiting Cossacks, Grayling realizes why, and why they killed the man: the community's economy is based largely on the opium trade. Olaf maintains and harvests poppies. Grayling has personal reasons for putting a stop to it, as he was disgraced in the eyes of his superiors since he was found in a Chinese opium den the previous year. Grayling wages a one-man war against Olaf and the visitors. The matter is complicated by the need to protect the innocent, particularly Olaf's two daughters, the disfigured Amethyst, and young Cleora.
Several scenes are bridged by Robert Service poems read by Kestrel Martin, who portrays Cleora, Amethyst's young sister. The poems include "The Men That Don't Fit In", "Clancy of the Mounted Police," and "The Land of Beyond".
As described in a film magazine review, in Paris, Elise is maid to the great dancer, Lolette. Tom Kendrick comes to bid Lolette farewell, and is intrigued when he watches Elise’s dancing when she believes herself alone. He falls in love with her, and deserts Lolette for her at the ball given in his theatre by Brunel, getting Elise in bad with Lolette. He declares his love, promises to write every day of his trip back to the United States and his return, after he is discharged from the army. Dr. Lapierre, who attends Elise’s bed-ridden sister, Marthe, loves Elise, bribes the janitor to destroy Kendrick’s letters and tells Elise she has but a year to live. Seemingly neglected by Kendrick, and with no money to leave to care for Marthe, Elise promises to become Brunel’s mistress when he has made a great star out of her. Kendrick returns on the night Brunel claims his reward. Lapierre confesses his deception, Marthe recovers, and Elise refuses to fulfill her bargain. She convinces Kendrick of her innocence and they are reconciled.
After his adoptive father Neşet is killed, Hakan Demir, an Istanbul shopkeeper, discovers that he is connected to an ancient secret order whose duty is to protect the city. Hakan must embrace his family's legacy as The Protector, a hero with the duty to kill the Immortal and prevent the destruction of the city.
He is helped by Kemal and his daughter Zeynep, members of the secret order of the Loyal Ones, who are dedicated to assisting the Protector.
A modern description of the New York production describes the plot as focusing on the confusion caused when Chicago detective John Smith (played by Charles Reed) travels to New York to arrest a crook, also named John Smith. A bunch of other "John Smiths" get into the act as they travel around Manhattan.
Not atypical of farces of the period, the content of the show and musical numbers were subject to updating over time. On its 100th performance in New York, the show was advertised as being "rejuvenated" with new parts and music.
Ray Monroe is driving home with his wife Joanne and his daughter Peri after a Thanksgiving visit to Joanne's parents. Ray and Joanne argue about the state of their relationship. In the car, Peri's music device stops working due to dead batteries and Ray tells her that he will buy some for her at the next gas station. Soon, Peri says she needs to use a restroom and so they take a break at a gas station. The cashier tells Ray that they only take cash so Ray skips the batteries, but, in addition to a coke for Joanne and a coffee for himself, nevertheless buys two small bottles of liquor. After returning to the car, he lies to Joanne saying the store didn't have batteries. Peri cannot find her compact mirror so Joanne goes to check the restroom and Ray searches the back seat. While Ray is distracted, Peri starts to wander towards a deserted construction site because of a balloon stuck on a rebar. She is menaced by a stray dog and starts backing towards an exposed pit. Ray throws a rock to scare the dog but it causes Peri to fall into the hole. Ray, aiming to grab her, falls in as well and hits his head. He comes around in a daze and to a distressed Joanne who has climbed down and is checking Peri for injuries. After his head clears, he picks Peri up and decides to have her injured arm seen to at a hospital they passed a few miles back.
During the admissions process, the couple are asked if they would be willing for Peri to be placed on the organ donor register, which they decline. Peri is seen by a doctor who states that her arm is fractured and that he wants her to have a CAT scan in case she has a head injury. Joanne accompanies her to the scanning facility in the basement, while Ray falls asleep in the waiting area.
Ray awakens hours later and asks the hospital staff if he can see his wife and daughter, but is told they have no record of them. Most of the doctors have changed shift, and the only nurse still there says that Ray came alone and was treated for a head wound. Ray becomes distressed, is restrained by security and, after being given a sedative, is locked in a room. He escapes and waves down two police officers, who agree to investigate.
Further evidence is found that Ray's family never was at the hospital; and he is taken by the police, and a hospital psychiatrist, to the gas station. It is also found that Ray was a recovering alcoholic, whose first wife Abby died with their unborn child eight years ago. They find a large bloodstain in the pit and attempt to arrest Ray on suspicion of him murdering his wife and daughter. He takes an officer's gun and locks everyone in the gas station before returning to the hospital. He reaches the basement, after strangling a security guard to death, and finds that Peri is about to have her organs harvested. He drags her out of the operating theatre, along with a drugged Joanne, shooting a doctor as they leave. As they drive away, it is revealed that his family died in the pit; Peri from her fall and Joanne after Ray pushed her and her skull landed on a protruding piece of rebar. Their bodies have been in the trunk of the car the whole time, and the events of the hospital visit were the result of Ray's psyche trying to deny the reality of what had happened. In the back seat, a seriously ill patient who Ray extracted from surgery lies unconscious.
Antonio Solano is an extremely successful family father who comes from a humble family, so he strives to give his family everything he could not have in his youth. In his eagerness that his family does not lack anything, Antonio is generous to the point of spoiling his wife and children; as a result the three kids, Eduardo, Javier, and Viviana become good-for-nothing spoiled brats, doing nothing but spend the money in superficial things, while his wife Catalina only worries about staying beautiful with surgeries. To top, his own sister Leticia and her husband as well as Catalina's mother are on-and-off moochers of his wealth as well.
On the day of his birthday, Antonio realizes what he has caused when none of his loved ones remembers to congratulate him, and to top it off they only appear to ask for more and more. That's when Antonio finally snaps and decides to put a limit: from now on each of them will have to work to earn a living. His life falls apart with the arrival of Julieta, whom he almost hits with his car as she was running away from her wedding once she discovered the truth about her groom. Julieta becomes a person from whom he will not be able to separate.
In the story included with the game, the player takes the role as a First Under-secretary to the Ambassador for an organisation called Corps Diplomatique Terrestrienne (CDT). Sent by Mr. Magnan to the mysterious country Aldebaran III, the player's mission to prevent up uprising against Terran nationals in a limited time.
One day the player's character meets Dan Kuso, one of the Battle Brawlers, who teaches him the rules in a fight against Shuji. (In the DS version, you get a Pyrus Serpenoid to start off with. In all other versions, you get a Serpenoid, a Juggernoid, and a Saurus that match the attribute—Pyrus, Darkus, Haos, Aquos, Ventus, or Subterra—you chose at the start of the game.) After going to the local store and meeting Alice, who suggests the player should battle with other brawlers in the park to earn BP (Bakugan Points, the game's currency) a strange Bakugan called Leonidas gets teleported to the park, who is now the new best friend of the player. (Leonidas's attribute depends on what attribute you chose.) Leonidas is an unknown and aggressive Bakugan born from all the anger and hatred of all the Bakugan trapped in the Doom Dimension. In several fights, the player will meet a lot of people but at the same time a Darkus user, named Marduk, desires to rule over all Bakugan together with Vladitor, another Bakugan that suddenly appears.
Right after Naga got the Silent Core, the seals that held Vladitor captive in the Doom Dimension suddenly broke and he escaped from the Doom Dimension. At the end of a tournament when Dan makes the player an official Bakugan Battle Brawler, Marduk is revealed to have allied with Hal G, Masquerade, and Naga in order to defeat the Battle Brawlers and rule over the worlds and the Bakugan. The player must win the Ultimate Battle Tournament, defeating also Dan, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Shun, Masquerade, and a 1-on-1 showdown with Omega Leonidas and Battle Ax Vladitor. After the player wins, both Vladitor and Leonidas disappear, Leonidas and Vladitor say that their time is up after the brawl. Later, the player discovers that Vladitor gave Leonidas his remaining power, saying 'he deserved it' which allowed Leonidas to return to the human world, leaving Leonidas to assume that Vladitor "wasn't all bad". The game ends with the player throwing Leonidas in the air both of them shouting, "Bakugan brawl!".
The adventure, designed for beginning players, is set in the village of Hareth, and involves several mini-scenarios, including a roaming band of thieves, a forgotten shrine, a wizard's abandoned mansion, and an old keep. In terms of game system, the adventure is generic, and must be adapted to the rules of a role-playing system such as ''Dungeons & Dragons'' or ''RuneQuest''.
''Gamesmen of Kasar'' is a solo adventure in which a mysterious merchant from beyond Kasar has entered that city and purchased a building, and soon after, messengers arrive challenging all "to play the Game/Risk your life for wealth and fame".
''Gamesmen of Kasar'' is solo scenario #17, for any character with up to 110 adds, in which the Gamemasters of Kasar offer riches to a hero who can win through their game.
''Orb Quest'' is a microquest for either group or solitaire play, a sequel to ''Death Test 2''.
Despite her mother's consent, Shaina (Niuma Mohamed) marries to an old, wealthy businessman, Zahid (Ahmed Nimal since she was in need of money for her mother's medical treatments. Their marital satisfaction fades over time mostly due to the significant age gap between the partners. While Shaina continues believing in Zahid's affection, he enjoys finding comfort in other women's bed. To clear out their differences, Shaina and Zahid went to his island for few days and an intimacy was developed among them. Suddenly, Zahid had to leave since one of his construction workers fell from a high location and lands in a critical condition.
One night, when Shaina was alone at a coffee shop, she receives a phone call from a mysterious man saying he likes her. She quickly returns home while being followed by a man wearing a black mask and hearing him whistles. That night, Hussain, an elderly person who is in-charge of their accommodation and transportation, informs his rapid departure to his own island upon hearing his father's illness. Zahid had to stay back for two more days, since the construction worker dies due to the injury. Shaina is then introduced to a dancer, Ziyan (Ravee Farooq) who flaunts her with his generous deeds. Things did not go as planned when Shaina disapproves his teasing and flirting. On the night of Zahid's return, Ziyan attacks him, ties him up to a tree and reveals his intention to marry Shaina before murdering him.
Ziyan breaks into Shaina's house and surprised her with his presence while informing her about Zahid's death. Strung, she tries to call the island chief but Ziyan unfolds his master-plan of blaming Zahid's death on Shaina with different scenarios and manipulates her. Shaina lies to the island chief and informs about his disappearance only. Zahid's clothes stained with blood were discovered by the authorities and the news spread to the whole atoll. Shaina discovers that Zahid transferred all his property and assets to Shaina's name prior to his death. Ziyan blackmails her and extract money from her on several occasion. Shaina's ex-lover Fazeel (Latheef) visits her to the island but Ziyan forces her to get rid of him. Ziyan returns the cheque to Shaina and reveals his intention to start a romantic relationship with her. He convinced his love for her and Shaina accepted his proposal.
After a society without humor exiles their only comedian to the outskirts of the solar system, he becomes the only one who can save them from being destroyed by a Berserker.
Vladivostok in 1922. The underground workers escaped the arrested counterintelligence comrades. Among the organizers is the Komsomol member Vitaly Bonivur, for whose head a large reward is appointed.
Bonivur himself for surname Antonov, settles in the railway depot and agitates the workers to sabotage military supplies. In the workshops are almost ready cars of the Japanese armored train. Bonivour, with the help of repairmen, sets fire to the compound, placing explosives under the fuel tank.
After a successful action, the urban underground goes into the taiga to the partisans. Under the guise of the villagers, young people from the Toporkov detachment are making a daring raid on the neighboring village where the whites stand. In sight of a drunken guard, they kidnapped the officer along with the paramedic, and took them to the base.
The commander of the guerrillas receives an order to join up with other detachments, in order to consolidate the forces on the eve of the offensive of the People’s Revolutionary Army. A small group of defenders remained on the spot. Taking this opportunity, the Cossack hundred, at the denunciation of the escaped paramedic, moved to the location of the partisan detachment and, after an unequal battle, captured the village.
The local residents who helped the partisans and the delegates of the congress of the poor held at the same time were subjected to execution. White tied up Bonivur and a captive with a weapon in the hands of an elderly communist and took them along. The cavalry sent in pursuit did not manage to help out the comrades. After cruel torture, the prisoners were executed by the retreating Cossacks.
The impoverished poet Catullus decides to break up with his mistress, Lesbia, and marry Affra, an elderly widow, to get access to Affra's fortune. Unwilling to let the relationship end, Lesbia conspires with her servant Sibilla to win Catullus back. They pretend that Lesbia is heartbroken because her pet sparrow has died. Seeing her pretended grief reminds Catullus what a kind, gentle woman Lesbia is, and he decides to stay with her.
Roger Mathieson (James Naughton) is a 30-year-old stockbroker for whom everything has come easily. One day, he sees a TV report about a 26-year's old running champion and listens intently to remarks from that athlete's coach. Inspired, Mathieson begins jogging, soon discovering he's not in great shape—yet Mathieson persists, fascinated by the notion of trying something difficult for the first time in his life. He trains obsessively to be a winner. This creates friction with his wife, Linda (Lindsay Wagner), who does not understand why her husband prefers spending time alone to spending time with her. His new hobby also creates problems at work, distracted when he should be focused on a major deal, allowing an ambitious coworker to usurp his stature as the firm's golden boy. As if that were not enough, an attractive woman named Paula (Tedde Moore) hits on him one day while he is out jogging, then tries to seduce him, testing his fidelity to his long-suffering wife. It's almost too late for his marriage by the time he learns that he's been risking "the right things in the wrong place."
Shanali is a clever girl who lives in a picturesque village in Kurunegala. She lives with her parents, Suren and Nandani. Shanali passes the scholarship exam and eligible to attend a popular school in Kurunegala town. Shanali's mother, Nandani is elated on this while Shanali's father, Suren doesn't like to this much. Shanali is enrolled to grade 6-B class. Her classmate Kaveesha is also a talented child like her with a very similar appearance. After few months, Shanali gradually comes to the level of Kaveesha, who has so far excelled. Kaveesha, who is quite proud of these reasons, hates Shanali.
School security officer, Siridasa is a lovable and heartiest person who provides sweets to children. However, This makes some teachers to have wrong idea about him. On the last day of school term, all kids are out for a fun school holiday. Shanali and Nipuni are waiting for their bus at school gate. Nipuni suddenly goes to her classroom to take her water bottle. Shanali goes to toilet and Kaveesha notices that. To take her revenge, she hides that Shanali is inside when school guards lock down the door. Therefore Shanali traps inside the toilet.
Without any news about Shanali, Nandani and Surendra complain to the police. Siridasa is arrested as a suspect, but later proved innocent. When Shanali's missing news went through TV, Kaveesha tells her deeds to her mother, Gayatri, who is Science teacher at same school. Gayatri didn't take any action thinking about future incidents that can destroy Kaveesha's future. Meanwhile, Shanali has a terrible time within the toilet without food and water for several days. She tries to reveal her presence in school, but everything fails.
After 5 days, Kaveesha runs to the police and explains what happens on that day. Police immediately search Shanali in the school. Shanali is found and rushed to the hospital. Gayathri is arrested and her husband, Sirinatha comes to the police with his friend, Dr. Vijay. At hospital, Vijay explains what happened 12 years ago, where both Nandani and Gayathri were attended to the hospital for labor. However, Gayathri's child has been a miscarriage and Nandani delivered a twin birth. Vijay has transferred one child to Gayathri. Therefore it was revealed that both Shanali and Kaveesha are twin sisters.
Shanali gets conscious and Kaveesha apologizes for her rude behaviour. Gayatri is released and begs Nandani not to separate Kaveesha from her. Nandani explains her that she doesn't have intention like that and Kaveesha is always their daughter. Finally, both Shanali and Kaveesha become best friends.
In 1940 Alice Lamb, who is working on her typewriter, lives in a cottage by the seaside in Kent. She has lived in the village since before the start of WWII, during which time she tolerated the harassment by local children who thought she was a witch because she was a loner.
As part of the war effort, the brusque and reclusive writer is entrusted with the care of a young boy, Frank, who has been evacuated from London where it is unsafe. Alice had not volunteered to be a host and does not want to care for him as she fears it will interfere with her work researching mythology and folklore, but reluctantly agrees to let him stay believing that he has nowhere else to go and she will be able to be rid of him in a week.
As she begins to accept Frank's presence, she recalls her relationship with Vera, a fellow student at university who wanted to be a novelist and with whom she fell in love. Vera breaks Alice's heart when she decides to end their relationship not because it was considered taboo, but because she has a strong desire to be a mother and it would not be possible with Alice.
Alice and Frank start to bond after he takes an interest in her scholarly work and she explains Fata Morgana mirages to him. She tells him about The Summerland, the pagan idea of the afterlife that existed all around them. However, at the end of their week together she is still willing to let him be transferred to another home. Alice changes her mind and decides to keep Frank with her after learning that moving him to a new family will require his moving to another village and school.
The day before Frank's birthday Alice is informed that his father has been killed in battle and she must break the news to him. As she was devastated by the similar loss of her own father, Alice decides to delay telling Frank. While preparing a permanent room for him to stay in, she finds photographs of Frank and his parents in his scrapbook and is shocked to discover that his mother is Vera. At the same time, during an argument with a school friend, Frank finds out that his father had died. Hurt and angry because Alice had not told him, Frank runs away to be with his mother in London. Alice goes after him, and the two arrive in time to find his home destroyed and in flames after a bombing. Alice and Frank spend the night in an air raid shelter and head back to Kent the following morning.
While driving back to Kent, Frank yells at Alice to stop, jumps out and runs to the sea. Alice follows him onto the rocks, pleading with him that it isn't safe and to come back. Frank shouts at her that she knew about his father’s death and didn’t tell him. Distraught, Alice tells him that she wanted to but didn’t know how to and apologises. Frank says that he saw his father in Summerland. When he turns round, he slips and falls backwards into the water. He flails under the water until Alice swims out to where he is and manages to rescue him. After helping him get out, both of them gasp and cough up water profusely.
The next morning, Alice brings Frank breakfast which he initially refuses. Alice reveals how she lost her own father years earlier, that she struggled to come to terms with it. She then shows him the room she prepared for him, comforting him when he becomes upset looking through some family photos.
When they return home a few days later, they find Vera waiting for them. She had not been home at the time of the bomb attacks. Vera confesses to having engineered the selection of Alice as the host for Frank because she knew that if anything were to happen to her, Alice would take care of him.
Back in the present time, Alice is finalizing her manuscript and is interrupted by Vera. The two reunited and had since been living together. Alice and Vera are walking on the beach and are joined by an adult Frank who has come to visit his two mothers. Frank reads the dedication in Alice's manuscript, and it is dedicated to him.
Gong Jia Qiao (Zhu Houren), 66 years-old, becomes wheelchair-bound after a car accident. He currently sells lottery and tissue packets for a living. Over 30 years ago, his neighbour Guo Mei Li (Chen Liping) puts Ah Dai (Chen Liping) under his care but has never returned since. With an intelligence similar to that of a six or eight year-old child, Ah Dai can only follow simple instructions and is thus easily cheated. Her ex-lover Pian Lang (Romeo Tan) disappeared after she becomes pregnant with his child. One day, Ah Dai meets Xiao Gan Dang (Romeo Tan), a man that looks like Pian Lang. As it turns out, Pian Lang is Gan Dang's father. Xiao Gan Dang grew up along the streets and has seen all the good and bad sides of humans. He is best friends with Mei Da Han (Desmond Ng), who is also a gangster like him, and is thrown behind bars because of a fight. After completing his sentence, he meets a social worker Qing Qing (Sheila Sim) and the two becomes a bickering duo.
When Dave Marshak (Dean Cameron) learns his ex-girlfriend is getting married, he returns to ski school to stop it.
Following his wife's death, Eliot begins seeing Margaret. Her subsequent, and unsuccessful, marriage to another man leads to a difficult affair.
The story follows the eponymous Hermie as he witnesses an egg leap out of a trashcan and, peering inside said receptacle, falls into an alternate dimension.
Choi So-ra (Younha) wants to study film at the same university in Tokyo as her senior whom she has feelings for. When she gets there, she discovers that he has returned to Korea due to family circumstances. Feeling disappointed and alone, she struggles to adapt to life in Japan and is not motivated to pursue her filming. One day, she is in the toilet when the university janitor enters to repair a faulty lamp, causing her to scream in fear. She notices the same man again when he delivers a pizza to her house. In the campus, she finds that he always seems to be falling asleep while at work. Becoming curious about this middle-aged dishevelled-looking man called Shigeru Matsumoto (Somegoro Ichikawa), she decides to film him for a class project.
A young couple on vacation see a hunter murder another and end up becoming the hunted.