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Draft:Dracul (film)

21-year old Bram Stoker meets with an ungodly evil that he traps in an ancient tower all the while scribbling the events that led him there.


''The game is presented as short gameplay segments with stories that connect vaguely to each other that frequently and abruptly shift. The narrative is shown out of order in-game. The following is a summarization of the order as the story segments appear.''

In a hallway-like building, an unnamed Smuggler is interrogated about possessing undeclared videotapes by a security guard. The guard goes into a room to watch some of the tapes. The room becomes enveloped in a blinding white light. The game abruptly shifts to a diner. An unnamed female Assassin is instructed to retrieve videotapes for her employer. Outside, a corpse can be seen being eaten by birds. She is told to smuggle them across a "border" once she retrieves them. Now alone in the diner, the Assassin, armed with a revolver, kicks open a door in the back of the diner, revealing a man standing next to a mysterious symbol. The game abruptly cuts to an apartment complex. A person (ostensibly the Smuggler), en route to their apartment, is told by a neighbor that she witnessed a group of men breaking into the Smuggler's apartment. Inside the Smuggler's apartment is a lamp, numerous boxes filled with what appears to be liquified flesh, a bare mattress, and a box, adorned with the same symbol from the diner, filled with videotapes. The Smuggler's neighbor abruptly appears, requesting a "juicy" videotape. It is left up to the player as to whether the Smuggler gives her a tape or not. If the neighbor is given a tape, she is seen watching it in her room, only for her face to split open.

The game abruptly cuts to a person (again, ostensibly, the Smuggler) driving a car down a deserted city highway. In the passenger seat, a revolver and the videotape box frequently change places on the seat. The game abruptly cuts to a gas station mini-mart. The Smuggler makes small talk with the mini-mart cashier while their car gets gas. Outside, a monstrous, dark figure stands over the car. The game abruptly cuts to an unnamed female Birdwatcher, armed with a camera, walking through a forest, taking pictures of crows. The Birdwatcher stumbles upon a clearing, witnessing a massive dome-like structure in the distance, as well as a windmill that bears a strong resemblance to the windmill in the diner symbol. In a completely missable area, the Birdwatcher discovers an underground room with multiple television screens, which play a fragmented recording of a man from the enigmatic "Power Company". The man addresses an unknown group of people (ostensibly his coworkers) and the "sacrifices" they make for the sake of a "better future". After discovering a cliffside trail, the game cuts to the Smuggler, in the car again. The Smuggler leaves the city and enters a countryside-like area. The game then cuts back to the Birdwatcher, who wanders through an area filled with mangled and ruined metallic structures and shipping crates. The shipping crates are marked with the symbol from the diner. There are active security cameras that appear to be watching the birdwatcher. Eventually, the Birdwatcher stumbles upon a radio tower, beneath which is a black, monstrous creature that warps and distorts the Birdwatcher's camera feed. The monster then teleports behind the Birdwatcher and attacks her.

The game then cuts to the Smuggler, in the car once more, as they drive through the countryside. Numerous destroyed and mangled objects can be seen in the background. The game then cuts to the gas station. The Smuggler, apparently there a second time, again makes conversation with the mini-mart cashier while their car fills up with gas. The dark creature can again be seen beside the car. The game then cuts back to the Assassin as they break into the diner's back room. She kills the man, who was watching some of the tapes she was hired to retrieve. She watches one herself. The television screen she views it on displays nothing but static, but the Assassin is moved back in time to the moment she kills the man every time she views a tape. The game then abruptly cuts back to the scene that was playing out at the start of the game. The security guard walks out of the room, but a flickering television is in the place of his head and he appears to be nearly bisected. His body then unravels and vanishes into thin air, leaving only the television, which displays the message "BE SEEING YOU, FRIENDO." The game then abruptly cuts to the Assassin, armed with her revolver, walking through the forest where the Birdwatcher was. The Assassin stumbles upon the Birdwatcher's skinless, headless, warped, still-moving body, wrapped around a pole, with the camera the Birdwatcher had at the foot of the pole. The Assassin takes the camera. The game ends with the Assassin reporting the Birdwatcher's body to emergency services via telephone, hanging up when the operator asks for the Assassin's name.

10 Attitudes

A gay West Hollywood caterer Josh Stevens (Jason Stuart) in his 30s ends his ten-year relationship with his partner who is cheating on him with another man. Josh's friend Brendon (Christopher Cowan) bets newly single Josh that Josh can either find his suitable mate within ten dates or, if neither of ten dates suits Josh well, return to his hometown Cleveland, Ohio.

Josh assumes his first suitor Jimmy (Michael Lee Haring) to have been using drugs Calamia does not name characters whom he describes respectively as an "unemployed cokehead" and a "self-important bore". when Jimmy quickly returns from a restroom. His second suitor Bryce (Scott Kennedy) gives Josh a magazine filled with Bryce's writings on celebrities' faces, including Bryce's circles on heterosexual male celebrities whom Bryce admires. The third suitor Billy (David Faustino) wants Josh involved in a threesome proposed by Billy's girlfriend, which Josh rejects. The fourth suitor whom Josh briefly dates at a Los Angeles Pride parade is a US Marine soldier and a circuit boy. Josh comes into an apartment of his fifth suitor who apparently wants a one-night stand.Most of the scenes with Josh's fifth suitor did not make the final cut. See #Production.

The sixth suitor goes to gay bathhouses, which Josh does not want to experience at. The seventh suitor Steven (Hilliard Guess) angrily scolds a bartender for putting a lemon on Steven's drink instead of lime that he requested and throws a lemon on the bartender, prompting Josh to end the date. The eighth suitor "does nothing but talk about himself". The ninth suitor Leo (Joey Vieira), a hustler whom Josh met at group therapy sessions, reveals his dark past to and, after their first date, then has sex with Josh against Josh's wishes to date more, making Josh feel regretful and feel like one of Leo's escorts.

The tenth and final suitor Nick (Scott Larson) at first seems to be Josh's perfect match after their several dates. However, then Nick has not shown up to the latest date with Josh, who is unaware of Nick's active marriage with his wife and affair with a drag queen. Depressed, Josh becomes intoxicated for the whole night.

The following week, after his failed ten dates, Josh decides to return to Cleveland for a while. At a train station, he encounters his former schoolmate Jack Langford (Fritz Greve), also Josh's bully back in high school, who is also heading to Cleveland and then reveals himself as gay by telling Josh that Jack ended his own relationship with his boyfriend. As both are heading to the train to Cleveland, Jack admits his guilt to the pain he caused on Josh and asks him how to make up the bad times.

The Hateful Eight-Year-Olds

Lisa is invited to the birthday party of Addy Lancer, a girl Lisa bonded with over a mutual love of books and horses. Bart makes fun of Lisa's love of horses, and because of this she symbolically severs their sibling relationship. Addy turns out to be quite wealthy, with horses of her own. Her friends, however, are cruel and cliquish, and quickly begin to bully Lisa, but Addy refuses to join in. Addy excuses herself to the bathroom to talk to Lisa, and tearfully admits that she invited her so that the girls would have someone besides her to make fun of, like they have been doing for years. Lisa gives her a hug and says that if Addy's friends bully her all the time, then they were not her friends to begin with.

Unable to contact her parents who are on a sunset cruise, Lisa calls Bart for help. Bart arrives, but insists that Lisa get revenge on the girls by mutilating their hair as they sleep. Caught in the act, Addy comes to Lisa's rescue by taking the blame, allowing her and Bart to escape. She symbolically severs her friendships with the girls, saying that she can be just as cruel as they are, which they respect.

Meanwhile, Homer takes Marge on a booze cruise. After getting in a fight with the band's singer who he thinks is hitting on Marge, Homer nearly ruins the trip. He reminds the crowd that leaving the house is hardly a pleasure for middle-aged people, and the passengers are inclined to agree.


When freshman high school student Daisuke Shiba confesses to his delinquent upperclassman Yūji Akiyama in front of all of Akiyama's friends, getting beat up and ridiculed would maybe be understandable. But the events that follow are nowhere near what any of them would expect, as Shiba ends up starting a relationship with Akiyama.

The Doorman (1950 film)

The ''portero'' or doorman of a humble neighborhood (Cantinflas) also writes letters to his neighbors for extra money. He falls in love with his beautiful neighbor, Rosita (Pinal), who cannot walk, while a young military man is also in love with the girl. The doorman wants his neighbor to be happy, so he writes letters to her, but signing as her military admirer. Meanwhile, the doorman has a plan for her to walk again, by earning money at the horse races to pay for her operation.

Just Another Love Story (web series)

The plot features a love triangle between two women, Amara and Maya, respectively (Priyanka Karki, Shristi Shrestha) and a straight man, Aashu (Samyek Man Singh).

Donald Duck and the Mummy's Ring

Donald Duck reads an article in the newspaper about two Ancient Egyptian mummies being sent back to Egypt from the local museum, by request of the Bey of El Dagga. Donald and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, set off for the museum to see the mummies before they're taken away. On the way to the museum, Donald is handed a mysterious ring by a disheveled man, who claims that it's brought him bad luck. Donald and the boys notice that the ring has the mark of three serpents, of the same design as the mummies that they're going to see. A robber demands that Donald hand over the ring, but the boys save their uncle from the robber's clutches. Huey discovers that the ring is stuck on his finger.

At the museum, the four peek inside one of the mummy cases, and notice that a ring is missing from the display. The Bey of El Dagga's menacing emissaries startle them, and a museum guard tells the ducks that the Bey is demanding the mummies be sent back to Egypt under threat of war. Huey goes back to the mummy room to get his cap, but he doesn't return. Certain that the emissaries have kidnapped Huey, the other ducks manage to get jobs as deck hands on the ship carrying the mummies back to Egypt.

On board the ship, Donald, Dewey, and Louie are attacked by one of the mummies, who steals some sausages. Donald peeks through a window and sees both mummies sitting up in their cases, eating. After causing a disturbance, the ducks are put in the brig, where they reason that Huey and the kidnapper must be disguised as the mummies. By the time the ducks are let out of the brig, the emissaries have loaded the mummies on their river barge to ferry them up the river. The ducks follow in an abandoned boat which they hitch to a steamship, getting to the Bey's palace in time to see the mummies delivered.

Donald, Dewey, and Louie interrupt the Bey's ceremonies, telling him that the mummies are alive, and one of them has the ring with three serpents. Huey and the kidnapper are unwrapped -- the kidnapper turns out to be the robber they saw on the street -- and the Bey, grateful to get the ring back, gives the ducks a new boat along with a box full of gold and jewels.

Guns for Hire (film)

Gunfighter Wayne helps Thornton, who has been erroneously accused of killing a card shark. While doing so, Wayne encounters a gang led by his foster father (Carlyle), who is working with a cattle rancher and the sheriff to take control of the sheep ranch owned by Thornton and his father.

Sister (2018 film)

A man thinks back to his childhood memories of growing up with an annoying little sister in China in the 1990s. What would his life have been like if things had gone differently?

Between Men

Widowed blacksmith John Wellington defends the elderly Sir George Thorne from three thugs by beating up the trio. In revenge, one of the thugs shoots Wellington's only child. Thinking his son dead, Wellington pursues and shoots down the three thugs then escapes Virginia as a fugitive wanted for murder.

Unknown to Wellington, his son survives the bullet wound. Raised as his own son by Sir George, Sir George wishes to leave his entire estate to John Wellington Junior, however young Johnny wishes to locate and return Sir George's surviving granddaughter who is somewhere in New Mexico.

Wild Mountain Thyme (film)

Set in the countryside of County Westmeath, Ireland, two introverted misfits in their late 30s have lived in adjacent farms their whole lives. Rosemary Muldoon (Emily Blunt) is in love with Anthony Reilly (Jamie Dornan), but he fails to show interest.

In a flashback to their childhood, Anthony smells a flower and gets some pollen on his nose. A girl named Fiona laughs at Anthony, so Rosemary pushes her in anger. Anthony, in turn, pushes Rosemary down. Seeing that she is upset, Rosemary's father plays the score to the ballet Swan Lake and tells her she's the white swan.

In the present, Tony Reilly (Christopher Walken) claims his son, Anthony, isn't sane and takes after an uncle who died by suicide. Anthony hears a voice in the fields that tells him "Go," though he does not reveal to where. Tony plans to disinherit Anthony. He fears his misanthropic son won't marry and have children, leading to the end of the Reilly legacy. Tony considers selling the farm to his American nephew Adam (Jon Hamm), who works in banking in New York City. Determined to inherit the farm, Anthony plans to propose to Rosemary. Unfortunately, he loses his late mother's ring outdoors and cannot find it. He uses a metal detector to search for the ring in his free time.

At Tony's 75th birthday party, Adam arrives in a rented Rolls-Royce and flirts with Rosemary. She likes that Adam is direct and extroverted. He asks her to visit him in New York.

Rosemary's mother falls ill and dies. Tony decides to not sell to Adam, as it would ruin any chance of Anthony and Rosemary getting together. Not long after, Tony is on his death bed. He apologizes to Anthony for not having faith and almost selling the farm. They reconcile and say they love each other. Tony dies that night.

Rosemary and Anthony now live alone. She tries to get closer to him, but he pushes her away and suggests she leave Ireland altogether. Rosemary flies to New York to visit Adam. They attend a performance of Swan Lake and have dinner. Adam suggests Rosemary's longing for Anthony is making her miserable. She resists giving up hope.

After returning home, Rosemary finds Anthony on her property with his metal detector. She gruffly invites him to her house, where they fight about his difficulty accepting love. Anthony confesses a secret that ruined past relationships: he believes he's a honeybee and she is a flower. Rosemary reveals that she found Anthony's ring, and he finally proposes. He tells her the voice in the fields has been instructing him to go to her all along.

In the local pub, the two happily sing "Wild Mountain Thyme", while everyone (including their deceased parents) sings along.

Reformatory (film)

The inmates at a juvenile detention institution plan a mass breakout, despite the attempts of a new superintendent to bring in a more liberal regime.

An Orchestra of Minorities

''An Orchestra of Minorities'' is set in Umuahia, Nigeria and partly in Northern Cyprus. It follows Chinonso, a hardly surviving poultry farmer who stops a woman from taking her own life. The night changes all their lives, especially Ndali, the woman who does not carry out the intended action after much consternation and persuasion by Chinonso. They invariably fall in love after a long and frustrating courting period from the day they met. The protagonist, Chinonso ends up selling all his belongings to pursue higher education abroad to impress Ndali's parents.

He meets abject suffering in Northern Cyprus after being scammed and misled about his position at university and his return home is further delayed by imprisonment, hence his dream of marrying Ndali is further admonished to the sidelines.

Ducks, Newburyport

The novel's main character is an unnamed middle-aged woman who lives in Newcomerstown, Ohio. She is married, has four children, and was an adjunct college professor of history at the fictitious Peolia College. She narrates the novel from a first-person perspective and largely in present tense. She has been treated for at least two major health problems, including a heart defect as a child and cancer (possibly rectal) as an adult. She quit her college teaching job to recover from the cancer treatment. The narrator spends most of her time caring for her children and making pies and other baked goods, which she sells to local restaurants and shops to shore up her family's finances. She complains of constant exhaustion and is given to bouts of weeping.

The narrator's stream-of-consciousness takes the form of an internal dialog in which she ponders a variety of topics, ideas, recollections, and individual words in an almost-continuous list that spans the entire novel. These include the following: what she happens to be doing at the present moment; baking and cooking; descriptions of her present-day family situation; recollections about her past; musings about individuals, family members, celebrities, and acquaintances; observations about classic American films (often "The Sound of Music"); observations about her favorite books (often those of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Lucy Maud Montgomery); expressions of anxiety about national and global problems (often widespread pollution and climate change); and admissions of her own personal problems and shortcomings. She also simply free associates in long strings of similar-sounding words, names, and acronyms. She mentions so many abbreviations and acronyms, a glossary of them is provided in the print edition of the novel.

The narrator explains that this unremitting inner dialog keeps her mind occupied so that she does not dwell on unpleasant realities (such as the doomed environment and the death of her mother), but this tactic evidently does not always succeed.

The narrator repeatedly professes deep affection for her mother, whom she refers to as "Mommy." In one recollection, the narrator reveals that when her mother was a child, she (Mommy) was saved by a sister from drowning in a lake in Newburyport, Massachusetts, after she went chasing after ducks. The word combinations "ducks, Newburyport" and "Newburyport, ducks" appear several times in the narrator's free-association. The narrator dwells on her mother's cancer and death at a relatively young age, which the narrator claims "broke" her. She considers the way that her life since her mother's death has been marked by grief and ennui, although she also celebrates the things that bring her joy in life, such as her second husband (Leo) and her children.

In the course of the narrator's stream-of-consciousness various narrative incidents are revealed. In one, the narrator is delivering pies in the middle of winter when her car gets a flat tire. Having forgotten her cell phone, she waits in her car in the cold for help for an extended period before a tow-truck driver named Jesus saves her. In another incident of stranding, the narrator takes her children to the local shopping mall, where they are prevented from leaving by a severe rainstorm and flash flooding.

The narrator often frets about global problems and how these might negatively affect her and her family. These problems include the following: climate change; the mistreatment of industrial livestock (especially chickens); viral pandemics; mass shootings and other forms of violence; economic uncertainty; and the U.S. presidency of Donald Trump. A frequently mentioned problem is the widespread pollution of the world's streams, lakes, and oceans by plastic, industrial chemicals, and pharmacological substances.

The continuous stream-of-consciousness is interrupted only by short episodes of a story involving a mountain lioness. These interludes are revealed by a separate, omniscient narrator. They are inserted into the single-sentence narrative at intervals. Unlike the rest of the novel, the lioness episodes exhibit a more customary narrative structure, with discrete sentences, paragraphs, and a focused, cohesive story. In this sub-plot, the lioness (probably an eastern cougar) mates and then gives birth to a litter cubs in the wilderness of Appalachia. Later, while the lioness is away from her den, the cubs are found and taken by humans. The lioness then roams West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio in search of them. The novel includes a map of the lioness's circuitous quest, which describes a colossal spiral, terminating at Alligator Mound in Granville, Ohio. After each lioness episode, the single-sentence stream-of-consciousness narrative resumes.

Mali (film)

Frenki, a drug dealer recently released from prison, battles for custody of his son.

Those Who Remained

A 16-year-old girl and a middle-aged doctor connect in Budapest after World War II, each mourning their families lost in concentration camps.

Doxology (novel)

In the 1980s three artists meet in New York City. Pam, a coder, has escaped her confining and abusive family. Joe, an undiagnosed high-functioning Williams syndrome case. Daniel, a part time proofreader dreams of becoming a music distributor. Pam learns she is pregnant by Daniel and despite being ambivalent towards motherhood she decides to keep the baby and ends up marrying Daniel. Daniel manages to produce one single for Joe. Against all odds they manage to leverage the single into a successful record contract and Joe goes on to become a rock star, though he continues to babysit Pam and Daniel's daughter Flora.

On September 11, 2001 the three friends separately witness the terrorist attack on the twin towers. Daniel returns home and manages to escape the city to Washington D.C. with Pam and Flora where they settle in with her parents. Joe and his girlfriend Gwen decide to shoot heroin which results in an overdose and death for Joe. Gwen flees the city and eventually calls Daniel to tell him that Joe is dead and though Daniel holds her responsible for Joe's death she is never charged.

As a result of the terrorist attacks Pam allows Flora to grow up in Washington, D.C. and be raised by her parents even as Daniel and Pam return to work.

Draft:Queen & Country (film)

Tara Chace joins British intelligence and becomse a "Minder," a special kind of assassin who takes on the most dangerous of assignments. But as her colleagues begin to die and her superiors betray her, Tara finds herself all alone in Saudi Arabia attempting to take down an entire terrorist cell.

Home Sweet Home Alone

Jeff and Pam McKenzie are trying to sell their house, but have not told their children, Abby and Chris. Jeff lost his job and Pam's salary is not enough to keep their home. To make matters worse, Jeff's obnoxious and successful brother Hunter, his wife, Mei, and their son Ollie have decided to stay with them for Christmas.

During an open house, Max Mercer and his mother Carol stop by to use the restroom. Max has a brief exchange with Jeff, during which the latter reveals a box of old dolls, including a malformed one with an upside down face. Carol explains to Jeff that dolls with unusual deformities are rare and worth a lot of money. As Max and Carol return home, the whole family is preparing to leave for Tokyo, Japan for the holidays, with Carol leaving earlier than the rest. Max, annoyed with the fuss, settles in the garage-parked car and falls asleep.

Concerned about losing their home, Jeff goes to get the doll only to find it is missing. Believing that Max stole it, he locates the Mercer household the next day only to find the whole family hastily leaving. During the commotion, he overhears the security code and sees where the house key is hidden. Telling Pam about it, they agree to get the doll back at night.

Meanwhile, Max discovers the whole family has left and initially has fun, though he quickly grows bored and misses them. Meanwhile, Jeff and Pam arrive at the Mercer's and get inside. Overhearing them talk about getting an "ugly little boy", Max assumes they are talking about kidnapping and selling him. He attempts to scare them away by calling the police. Officer Buzz McCallister arrives, but Pam diverts him. Max fears if Officer McCallister realizes he is home alone, his parents may get arrested.

Carol discovers Max was left behind and buys a ticket to head back. The McKenzies go to church the next day and run into their realtor. He tells them there is a buyer, but they must decide by the end of the year, which puts extensive pressure on them. Max arrives and unknowingly converses with Jeff and Pam's son Chris who sympathetically gives him his water gun. The couple spot Max talking with someone and assume she is his grandmother. They resolve to break into the house once again while their family is still at church.

Sneaking around the back of the house, Jeff and Pam end up in the neighbor's backyard instead. Max overhears them once again, with Jeff agreeing to arrive dressed as Santa in an effort to fool him. Max responds by boobie-trapping the house while Jeff and Pam wait for their family to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. The couple fall into Max's traps, during which they discover that Max did not steal the doll, but instead a can of soda. They clear up the misunderstanding, but learn Max is home alone and agree to let him stay with them until his mother returns.

As they explain the whole situation to their family, it turns out that Ollie stole the doll and managed to safely retrieve it, thus ensuring that the McKenzies can stay. Carol arrives to pick up Max. Having moved into their house only two months ago, Carol finds friends in the McKenzies and thanks them for taking care of Max.

One year later, the Mercers and McKenzies have Christmas dinner together. Jeff has gotten a new job and willingly gives Max the soda he craved the year prior.

Draft:Sunset Boulevard (upcoming film)

Norma Desmond, a faded and deluded silent-screen star ensnares Joe Gillis, a down-on-his-luck screenwriter into her fantasy of making a comeback.

Extinct (film)

Siblings Op and Ed are flummels, fluffy rabbit-like creatures with holes in their center who are native to the Galapagos islands. The pair are ostracized by their community, due to Op's proneness to disaster. Just before Charles Darwin discovers their island during one of his voyages, Op and Ed find and fall into a large flower that teleports them to modern-day Shanghai, where they meet and befriend a poodle named Clarance. The siblings learn their species is now extinct after Darwin found the island destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

Clarance brings them to the Time Terminal, a pavilion where Clarance's owner, Dr. Chung, kept and studied the flowers and their seeds, which have time-traveling properties. Op accidentally knocks some seeds out, causing the Terminal to malfunction and sending Clarance to 1915 Antarctica, along with the seed that leads the flummels home. In Antarctica, Clarance is captured by Ernest Shackleton's expedition team. With the help of the Extinctables — a team of extinct animals composed of Dottie, a dodo; Burnie, a Tasmanian tiger; Alma, a ''Macrauchenia''; and Hoss, a ''Triceratops'', who were bought by Dr. Chung to the Terminal — Op and Ed travel through each seed in order to find the one that can bring them home and rescue Clarance.

Following a falling out with Ed, Op returns to the flummels' time, where she attempts to warn the rest of the flummels about the volcano. Clarance imprisons her, telling her that flummels ruined his life and that he is actually behind their extinction. Clarance had been adopted by Dr. Chung, but after Dr. Chung was charmed by the adorable flummels, Clarance went Maverick, pushing Dr. Chung into one of the flowers and destroying the seed that would send him back. He then caused the flummels' extinction by planting a drone bomb. Following Ed's arrival after seeing the video Op made, they make several attempts to escape and stop the bomb, eventually deploying a seed to move the entire island into the present day. Clarance survives, but Dr. Chung arrives and sends him back to 1915 Antarctica, thanking the flummels and the Extinctables.

Some time later, Op and Ed are finally accepted by their community, while Dottie surprises Ed by laying an egg shaped like a flummel. The egg hatches, but the creature inside the egg is unknown.

Ring (Alexis novel)

In 2019, Gwenhwyfar "Gwen" Lloyd, a transplant from Sarnia to Toronto meets two men at a party, the handsome and charismatic, Olivier, and his friend, Tancred Palmieri, whom she initially dislikes. Gwen begins to casually date Olivier which leads to further encounters with Tancred. Over the course of their encounters Gwen begins to fall in love with Tancred, who maintains his distance from her as he believes she and Olivier are more seriously involved then they are.

During a visit to her hometown, Gwen's mother intuits that Gwen is in love and presents her with a box containing several volumes and a ring. Gwen's mother informs Gwen that the ring is passed down matrilineally and allows the wearer to make three wishes that change her beloved before they marry. After the wishes are completed the ring bearer must return the ring to the box and make a sacrifice. If not the ring will choose to take something from the wearer.

Unsure if she believes in the ring's power or not Gwen wishes that her future husband will recite the unreadable inscription inside the ring whenever he hears the name Polyphemus. Attending a dinner with Tancred, he hears the word Polyphemus and immediately recites the inscription causing Gwen to finally believe in the ring. She and Tancred later confess that they love each other and Tancred reveals that from the moment he saw Gwen he believed she would be his future wife.

In order to fulfil the element of sacrifice Gwen shuts the door of a car trunk on her finger and at the hospital asks for it to be amputated rather than reset. This does nothing to impede her courtship with Tancred.

As Gwen becomes more committed to her time with Tancred she realizes her time with the ring is coming to an end. Not finding much to change about Tancred and not wishing to create devastating consequences in her own life as an unintended result she makes her final two wishes.

Gwen asks Tancred if he wants to marry her and he confesses he feels ambivalent about the institution of marriage. Gwen places the ring back in the box and continues happily on with her relationship with Tancred.

Prince & Knight

Once upon a time, a prince is in line to take his kingdom's throne, so his parents — the king and queen — decide he must first find a bride to help him rule. The three travel to nearby kingdoms to meet a variety of potential princess suitors, but the prince does not find what he is looking for in the princesses the trio meet.

While away, the prince receives news that a dragon is attacking his kingdom. The prince rushes back to battle the monster when a knight arrives to assist. Working together, the knight uses his shield to blind the dragon which allows the prince to successfully trap the beast. However, in doing so, the prince loses his balance and falls. The knight rushes on horseback and catches the prince in his arms.

The two thank the other for saving their lives and fall in love. Their marriage is fully supported by the community, who cheer along at the couple's wedding, and the prince's parents.

Pressure Bolt

A newcomer, one of many men in drab suits walking in single file through a wasteland, enters a huge and grim factory building and is interviewed by a "headhunter" who only appears to be a man, but is actually a "talking face". The newcomer agrees to take the job. He makes his way to a room where other men sit in cubicles processing forms which appear on desks through a slot. The newcomer imitates what they do, slotting the finished forms back through a second slot.

On the other side of the room, a frightened man has fallen behind in his paperwork. Punishment for this "quitter" is swift and deadly. The newcomer returns to his desk and redoubles his efforts, lest he, too, meet the same fate. His struggles with the system appear to be in vain.

The Moneychanger

In the 1970s, ambitious Humberto Brause agrees to a dubious money laundering scheme.

Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Stop the Rock!

In the game, a large meteoroid called "Impending Dumé" threatens to make a catastrophic collision with the Earth. A team of scientists develop a laser satellite-controlling computer system called MAAX (Meteoroid and Asteroid Exploder) to destroy the meteoroid; however, MAAX develops a personality of its own and refuses to save the planet unless Earth's scientists can solve seven science riddles. Nye Labs decides to take on MAAX's challenge, and the player, depicted as the newest member of the Nye Labs team, is asked to solve these riddles using Nye Labs' equipment before Impending Dumé hits (represented through an in-game timer). The game featured a fully explorable Nye Labs, as well as video cut scenes featuring Nye and other Nye Labs scientists. However, the characters and cast members from the TV series, sans Nye and a few others, do not appear in this game, instead being replaced by game-exclusive Nye Labs team members and new actors.

Un pas fragile

Camille is a frog who dreams of becoming a ballet dancer.

Stardust Wink

Anna Koshiro is childhood friends with Sou Nagase and Hinata Tokura, the most popular boys in school, and because of this, everyone assumes that she will date either of them eventually. Anna, however, wants to keep their relationship platonic, but the friendship between the three changes when Sou admits he's always been in love with her, while she comes to terms that she's in love with Hinata.

Draft:American Son (upcoming film)

A man joins a mobster’s multiracial crime syndicate in a prison and earns a place for his crew alongside the Italian and Russian mafias.

The Bridge Is Built

The film tells about the Moscow correspondent who goes to Saratov, where the construction of a highway bridge across the Volga is in progress.

The Cook (1965 film)

A beautiful cook girl comes to one Kuban collective farm and she immediately attracted the attention of many men who began to look after her. But only one of them she reciprocated.

Nights of Farewell

The film tells about the young dancer Marius Petipa, who is invited to St. Petersburg, which will completely change his life.

Axiom's End

In an alternate version of the United States in 2007, famous whistleblower Nils Ortega leverages his large online following to repeatedly attack the Bush administration, alleging a series of government cover-ups. The nature of Nils's work forced him to flee the country, abandoning his family. Nils's daughter, Cora Sabino, is a young college dropout living with her mother and her two younger siblings in Southern California, where her paternal aunt Luciana, a former federal agent, also resides. Cora's family find themselves under constant supervision by agents of the U.S. government, including a high-ranking CIA official named Sol Kaplan.

Following a meteor strike not far from where they live, Cora's family is abducted by government agents while Cora flees from a monstrous alien creature that broke into their house at night. The alien eventually catches Cora, implanting a tracking and communication device into her, using her as a human puppet to launch an infiltration of the Googleplex for unknown reasons. This infiltration fails when a mysterious pulse of energy knocks out the alien controlling Cora. It is revealed that the alien came to Earth to figure out how another member of his species died while being held in captivity by the government. Cora and the alien strike a wary alliance, as Cora wants to reunite with her abducted family members while the alien needs a human interpreter. Cora names the alien Ampersand, after the government's leaked codename for the meteor. Cora contacts Luciana in an attempt to convey Ampersand to his fellow aliens, called "amygdalines," who are being held in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Ampersand bonds with Cora as she attempts to create translations between the amygdaline language, called "Pequod-phonemic," and English. Ampersand reveals to Cora that the majority of amygdaline "Oligarchs" voted to commit planetary genocide against an alien race, against the wishes of Ampersand and a sole few other Oligarchs. It was determined that the dissenting Oligarchs, including Ampersand, were genetically defective, causing their flight to Earth with "the Genome," a mysterious package of genetic information. Ampersand notes that, within a few centuries, the amygdaline race will likely attempt genocide against humanity as well.

Nils and his followers continue to attack the government, embroiling George W. Bush in a scandal around an alleged attempt to cover up first contact with an alien species. Amidst a public outcry, Bush resigns, and Dick Cheney is sworn in as president. Cora and Ampersand argue over cultural differences between humans and amygdalines, and Cora storms off. Meanwhile, a hostile amygdaline, Obelus, arrives at Cheyenne Mountain and attacks the facility. Cora escapes with the Genome, but Ampersand and the other amygdalines are lost. In transit, the Genome hatches from its egg, revealing itself to be a fragile, newborn amygdaline. After surviving a car crash and severe injuries, Cora leaves the Genome with Luciana and attempts to track down Ampersand. Upon meeting with Cora, Ampersand heals her wounds, makes amends, then urges her to leave him for her own safety. She begins to do so, but doubles back when she realizes that Obelus has found Ampersand and is attempting to negotiate. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Cora discovers that Ampersand and Obelus are pair-bonded. Obelus abducts Cora and the other amygdalines as insurance in exchange for Ampersand bringing Obelus the Genome. Amidst an altercation between Cora and Obelus's guards, she is badly injured. Upon waking up, she realizes that Ampersand has arrived with the Genome, but is refusing to turn it over. Ampersand telepathically instructs Cora to run while he detonates an energy pulse which knocks all the amygdalines unconscious. In an outburst of anger, Cora attempts to kill the dazed Obelus with a garden shovel. Obelus overpowers and severely wounds both Cora and the Genome before they are transported away by Ampersand. While healing Cora, Ampersand tells her that he is bonded too closely with Obelus to allow Cora to kill him. The Genome dies, and Obelus appears, having quickly tracked down Ampersand and Cora. Suspicious that Obelus is genetically defective, and prompted by a tip from Cora, Obelus's guards attack and kill Obelus. Ampersand escapes carrying the still-wounded Cora. The guards deliberate and, having killed their superior, quickly evacuate the planet. Cora sees Ampersand standing over Obelus's body before she falls unconscious.

Cora awakes in a hospital, attended to by her mother and siblings, who have been released from government custody after Nils publicizes their abduction. Luciana mentions that Cora was dropped off at the hospital by an unknown entity. That night, Ampersand appears in Cora's hospital room and, at her request, curls up next to her. Ampersand reveals that, in a moment of desperation, he pair-bonded with Cora in order to track her when she was under Obelus's arrest. Strongly affected by the revelation that they have pair-bonded, Cora asks Ampersand not to leave her. Though he agrees, he notes that, given their disparate constitutions, they will never truly know each other.

I Am Woman (film)

The film opens with Reddy, aged 24, arriving in New York in 1966 with her three-year-old daughter, a suitcase and just . Within five years she had become one of the biggest superstars of her time, with eight number one US singles, her own hour-long TV show and an icon of the 1970s feminist movement, which adopted her power anthem. The film follows her troubled relationships with Roxon, author of the influential ''Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia'', and husband/manager Wald, who also managed such artists as Sylvester Stallone, Donna Summer, Deep Purple and Tiny Tim.

Dissolve (2019 film)

In Almaty, a sheltered and chaste woman named Din sees her life intertwined with the experiences of a prostitute who looks like her.

Soltero con hijas

Nicolás (Gabriel Soto) is a single and carefree man whose life changes when he has to take care of his three orphaned nieces. He receives help from his neighbor Victoria (Vanessa Guzmán), and unexpectedly, falls in love with her. His biggest obstacle will be Victoria's father (Carlos Mata), who will try to break their relationship.

The Bones of Lazarus

''The Bones of Lazarus'' is a fast-paced, supernatural thriller and mystery that traces intersecting lives on a war-torn, resource rich, Caribbean island. The plot revolves around the premise that Lazarus of Bethany, upon his resurrection by the hand of Christ, becomes an immortal creature of Judgment, seeking the hearts and souls of the wicked throughout time.

The Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue

''The Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue'' follows the relationship between two young adults, half-blind construction worker Shinji and nurse-cum-bartender Mika.

Poisonous Roses

Two siblings living in the impoverished tannery district of Cairo with their mother have a strained, peculiar relationship.

Wet Season (film)

Ling (Yeo Yann Yann), a Malaysian Chinese teacher in her late 30s, and her husband Andrew (Christopher Lee) are struggling to conceive through In vitro fertilisation. Ling also has to take care of her bedridden father-in-law (Yang Shi Bin), who has suffered a stroke and is unable to speak, whilst Andrew is often absent from home. Ling sees a gynaecologist at a clinic to be informed that she has two mature follicles. Outside, she finds Kok Wei Lun (Koh Jia Ler), a student who is infatuated with her, on crutches because of his injuries sustained from his wushu trainings. Ling offers to send Wei Lun home, and learns that his parents are overseas on business and he lives alone.

Ling holds a remedial class for selected students, but they left when Ling temporarily goes out of school to meet her durian-selling brother. Ling returns to class with a bag of durians offered by her brother to find that only Wei Lun has remained, an act ridiculed by his classmates. Ling and Wei Lun share the durians in the classroom, and their relationship deepens. Wei Lun starts to frequently consult Ling for remedial classes, and eventually goes to her house, encountering Ling's father-in-law while carelessly wandering around her house. Wei Lun invites Ling, who brings along her father-in-law, to support him at a national wushu competition. At the competition, Wei Lun wins first place and a gold medal. The trio celebrate by visiting Ling's brother's durian shop, and their ties deepen, forming a family.

Eventually, Ling's father-in-law dies in his sleep. At his wake, Ling's cousins-in-law decide that they should sell their dead father's property, and she discovers that Andrew is cheating on her with another woman with a son, who have come to pay respects to him. Ling, lonely and without support, sends Wei Lun to his home. Ling goes up to Wei Lun's house to take care of his bleeding nose in his bedroom, where he coerces her into having sex. Ling gives into Wei Lun's sexual advances, and Wei Lun begins to initiate more inappropriate physical contact with her. Ling becomes reticent with Wei Lun, who begins stalking her frequently and harasses her on public transport after she crashes her car as a result of his rash actions. The affair is ultimately uncovered by the school principal after Wei Lun was caught in a fight with two schoolmates, who tried to expose covertly taken photos of Ling on his phone. The principal, expecting a promotion in the Ministry of Education, advises Ling to take a break from work to avoid complicating his promotion.

Ling, sending Wei Lun home in her car one last time, informs him that they cannot continue the affair. A heartbroken Wei Lun leaves the car, causing Ling to chase him into the open field in the rain. Wei Lun tearfully hugs Ling, who tells him to get used to rejection. Ling and Andrew divorce. Andrew's lawyer highlighted an additional clause stipulating Andrew will not be held to paternal responsibilities in the event Ling becomes pregnant through his frozen sperm. Ling declares that she will not use them and wishes Andrew well with his newfound partner. They part ways.

Having discovered she is pregnant through a spontaneous pregnancy test, Ling experiences a gamut of mixed emotions in her apartment, now stripped of its furniture, soon to be sold away. She returns to her hometown in Taiping, Malaysia, and helps her mother hang the laundry. She stands outside, gazing at the sun that never came while she was in Singapore.

Sideshow (1950 film)

A treasury agent (McGuire) goes undercover at a carnival to catch jewel smugglers. He gains the help of a ticket seller (Tracey Roberts) and a performer (Eddie Quillan) to catch the culprits.

Love Without Question

An old and wealth recluse named Silas Blackburn (Mario Majeroni) lives in his mansion and is cared for by his long-time butler as well as his ward, Katherine (Olive Tell). During a stormy night, Katherine finds Silas extremely agitated and nervous. The old man accuses Katharine of colluding with his wastrel grandson, Robert (James W. Morrison), to steal his money. Katharine denies his allegations and declares any romance between her and Robert long dead, but Silas threatens to remove her from his will.

Katherine retreats to her room but is unable to sleep. She eventually goes back to find Silas and sees him about to retire in an abandoned room. Katharine begs Silas not to spend the night in the room because it had not been used since three generations of Blackburns died sleeping there. Silas shrugs off her concern saying that he is too afraid to sleep anywhere else. Katharine leaves Silas and returns to her room. Later that night, a restless Katherine returns with the butler and finds Silas dead with a pin-like wound at the base of his skull. The two conclude the old man was murdered.

All while this is happening, Robert is drinking heavily at an actress's apartment. Carlos Paredes (Ivo Dawson), a family friend, urges him to sober up and go to his grandfather's home where he has an appointment. Unable to convince Robert to leave, Carlos departs alone while the young man remains with Maria (Peggy Parr), the actress. Robert wakes up the next morning in a derelict farmhouse near his uncle's mansion.

While Robert pulls himself together, a detective and coroner, Dr. Groome (Charles McKay) arrive at the mansion to investigate Silas's murder. The detective sharply interrogates Katherine and identifies Robert as the prime suspect. Just then, a disheveled Robert appears at the door and is questioned about his activities during the previous night. Robert explains that he was with Maria all night, but Carlos refused to support his alibi. All the people present begin to wonder if Robert had something to do with his grandfather's death. Even Robert, who cannot remember how he ended up in the farmhouse, questions his own innocence.

The detective continues his investigation and cannot understand how the murder was committed in the abandoned room with Silas securely locked inside. He decides to sleep in the room. Just before he retires to the room, he boasts that he will have enough evidence to arrest the killer in the morning. The detective is found dead in the room the following morning.

A few days later, after Silas is buried, a new detective is brought in to investigate what has grown into a double homicide. Meanwhile, Katherine learns that Carlos has been secretly communicating with Maria. She also learns that the two are planning a clandestine meeting, so she decides to spy on them. Robert spots Katherine skulking through the woods and begins wondering if she killed Silas. He keeps his suspicions to himself and announces to everyone that he has decided to spend the night in the abandoned room to uncover the truth behind the murders.

Instead of sleeping in the abandoned room, Robert conceals himself near a window and keeps watch over the bed. Late in the night, he sees a hand reaching through the wall at the head of the bed. Rushing forward, he seizes the arm and discovers it belongs to Katharine, who had entered the room through a secret door. Robert accuses her of the murders, but she protests and scolds him for believing she would have anything to do with such a crime.

The next night, Silas is found sitting in his favorite chair in front of the fireplace. He refuses to explain where he has been and scoffs at the suggestion that he was ever dead at all. Confusion ensues and the coroner suggests they excavated Silas's grave. When this is done, the casket is found to be empty. Suddenly, Maria arrives at the Blackburn mansion. At the sight of the actress, Silas draws a pistol from his jacket and shoots himself.

More confusion ensues, but the butler begins to tell a story that made sense of what just occurred. The butler explains that Silas had a twin brother in South America. At some point, Silas had stolen a vast sum of money from his twin and fled. The butler confessed that the twin had come to the house the night of Silas's death, and threatened to expose the old man as a thief and fraud. He recounted that the brothers finally agreed that the twin should stay overnight in the abandoned room to settle his feud with Silas the following morning. While Silas was at the door plotting his next move, Katherine had arrived and interrupted his scheming. He had intended to kill his twin and hide the body, but he was forced to let the body be mistaken for his own after he told Katherine that he was spending the night in the abandoned room.

The butler continues by explaining that Maria, the actress, was actually the twin's daughter, and that she had known that either her uncle or father was murdered. The reason she had been communicating with Carlos (who was also her secret lover) was that she wanted to find out if her was father was dead. Silas, the butler concludes, had killed himself because he feared Maria would expose him.

The mystery now revealed, Robert promises to mend his way and rekindles his romance with Katharine.

As Aventuras de Poliana

Poliana is a very positive 11-year-old girl and daughter of the multi-talented artist couple formed by director and actor Lorenzo and actress Alice. Together they formed the Vagalume Troupe, a traveling theatre show. Although the family is united and happy, they face constant financial troubles. In order to not be discouraged and to face problems in a lighter way, Lorenzo and Alice teach Poliana a game to always play in difficult times: the glad game, which consists in being able to see the bright side of everything, especially in the most unpleasant situations. The troupe chooses a forgotten and peaceful county of the Ceará backlands for their next performance. Poliana meets João, a humble boy from the local village, who is passing by and is enchanted by the music of the performance. João has a strong personality and lives in a shack in the middle of the northeastern backwoods under the care of his rude father Tião and submissive mother, Josefa. At a young age, João is forced to drop out of school and help his father with farm work and house chores. However, João develops an interest in music and his talent catches Josefa's eye. Poliana needs to go to São Paulo to live with her mother's relatives, the D'Avila family, since her mother has passed away and her father has fallen ill. Lorenzo tells his daughter to never give up on her dreams and stresses the importance that she never stops playing the glad game. João gets tired of his father's repression and decides to leave home. He promises his mother that he will return to give her a better life. Josefa is stunned, but realizes that out of that reality her son may be able to achieve his dreams and develop his talents. João then follows on the back of a truck his own adventure to São Paulo.

Poliana and João arrive at the same time, but separately, to São Paulo. The two are already faced with many adventures that will change the reality and dreams they had before facing their journey. Poliana realizes that not everyone is kind as her parents, and that the glad game is increasingly necessary and difficult to play. While João will have to deal with the danger coming from the streets to fight for his dreams and fulfill the promise made to Josefa. In the midst of this adventure, Poliana and João bump into each other and fate seems to reunite them once more and they begin their friendship again. Poliana lives with her aunt Luisa D'Avila, Alice's sister, but is greeted with coldness and displeasure. Luisa makes it clear that she does not like Poliana's presence in her mansion. Poliana is forced to obey numerous rules and set times. Luisa lies about the rest of the family and says that her brother lives in China and so the two have no contact. Nanci and Antonio, servants of the mansion, are the ones that bring some relief to the Poliana's loneliness.

Walking around the neighborhood, Poliana stumbles upon a serious and very reserved man with his dog, Mr. Pendleton, resident of Mansion 242, one of the largest in the area. Mr. Pendleton is the target of investigations by the boys of the MaGaBeLo Club. Unbeknownst to her aunt, Poliana also goes to the neighborhood bakery, “Ora Pães, Pães”, a cozy place run by Durval. What Poliana has no idea is that Durval is her uncle, the brother that Luisa says is in China. Durval has two daughters Raquel and Lorena, unknown cousins of Poliana. Throughout the series, Poliana faces numerous challenges at school, in friendships and in her own family. She feels obligated to find a home for João, reunite her aunt and uncle again, and unravel the mystery of Luisa's old love so that she can reconnect again and no longer be alone. Even in the midst of difficulties and adapting to a new reality, Poliana always tries to see the bright side of life and spread the good message of the glad game wherever she goes.

Incoming! (comics)

Arriving on a crime scene, where the murder victim appears to be strangled in his apartment, the Masked Raider asks Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios for help to investigate, but Matt calls Jessica Jones instead who deduces the victim's apartment has a photo with the phrase "2Faced" written, along with a large code of numbers and a familiar star brand. Jessica calls for Carol Danvers, who delivers this information to T'Challa, who leads her to Adam Brashear. Adam deduces that "2Faced" is hiding a hexadecimal number, so Dwayne Taylor calls Richard Rider, with no avail. Therefore, the Agents of Atlas search for Amadeus Cho, who becomes the target from the public eye after talking with Bruce Banner, who has declared war against corporations like Roxxon. Johnny Blaze still hunts Mephisto in Las Vegas before finding Wong. Eddie Brock gets worried for his son Dylan who has visions of Knull. Peter Parker and Miles Morales discuss about Senator Geoffrey Patrick forbidding teenage superheroes. Teddy Altman accepts a mysterious offer at the cost of leaving Billy Kaplan. On the nation of Krakoa, Nathaniel Essex takes interest in Franklin Richards. Meanwhile, Mister Fantastic receives Adam to investigate the murder in the apartment. When a plane carrying Kiren Khanna goes haywire by its A.I. program, he and his pilot are saved by Iron Man (Arno Stark). When Adam asks him about the mysterious code, Stark deduces it is a cipher hiding a three-word message, but Adam leaves before Stark could tell him. Reed asks Jane Foster to perform an autopsy on the victim's corpse. Reed later recognizes the victim as Bel-Dann, a former Kree warrior. He also deduces the message in numbers means "beneath the trees". Reed reunites Jessica, Carol and Adam, who initially suspect the killer was Raksor, Bel-Dann's Skrull partner and former enemy. However, after learning of Bel-Dann's death, Raksor reveals to the others that the mysterious message was sent directly to him and whoever killed him wants to start another war. Raksor and Bel-Dann only wanted to leave the Earth and return to their home planets once their new asset was activated. Before Raksor could tell them more about the case, his body mutates into a tree, killing him. At the end, Teddy accepts the offer of becoming the new ruler of the Kree–Skrull Alliance, adopting the mantle of "Dorrek VIII" and beginning the preparations of invading the Earth for "the final war".

Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim

Ali believes his late girlfriend's soul has been reincarnated in a goat named Nada. Ali, his goat and his friend Ibrahim embark on a journey of friendship and self-discovery across Egypt to reverse the curse.

Schmidt Happens

Sorcha has just given birth to Fionn's child, and Fionn comes to live with Ross and family. The triplets become notorious as troublemakers around Dublin. Ross's mother Fionnuala seeks revenge after Ross nearly let her choke to death in the previous book. Charles works with shadowy Russian interests in order to become Taoiseach. Meanwhile, Ross gets an unexpected call from Joe Schmidt, who is interested in his famous Rugby Tactics Book.

The Magic Flute Part Two

Scenes 1-2

At the beginning one hears about a not fully succeeded plan of revenge by a report of Monostatos to the Queen of the Night: As Pamina and Tamino were expecting a childbirth, the Queen of the Night sent out Monostatos to kidnap the child immediately after delivery. But Monostatos had only managed to put the child inside a magical coffin as he felt an interruption by a strong magical power. Afraid of this power and Sarastro's approaching Monostatos decided to flee, but previously he still took a moment to seal the coffin by the Queen's magic. Thus, the son of Pamina and Tamino should be sealed for all eternity or die, if the parents would see their son. The second part of the curse is now announced by a Greeklike chorus, that apparently determines the destiny.

Scenes 3-4

Then the scene shifts to the realm of the sun, where a group of ladies, according to the directions of Sarastro's wise men, keeps the coffin in motion to preserve the child from death.

Scene 5

Papagena and Papageno live in a natural region, which appears like a cockaigne. But neither a golden waterfall nor the magic flute (Tamino's gift to their wedding) and glockenspiel, that grant roasted birds flying directly into the mouth, can distract them from their sadness over not having children. From the hidden a Greeklike chorus advises them to be active and go working on the one hand, on the other hand they should also enjoy calm. Papagena and Papageno follow the advice.

Scenes 6-7

In the temple of Sarastro's priesthood the priests have gathered to welcome a brother, who was on pilgrimage for one year. According to the rules of the priesthood now they have to choose a new pilgrim from among the priests by lot. The lot falls to Sarastro.  

Scene 8

According to an omen Pamina wants to dedicate the coffin to the sun. Her entourage sets the coffin on an altar. After a prayer the earth starts shaking. The altar sinks together with the coffin into the earth. Pamina desperately stays behind.

Scenes 9-11

Papagena and Papageno find big and beautiful eggs in their home. Sarastro appears and helps with magical power whereby three children hatch out of the eggs. Then Sarastro informs them about the misery of Pamina and Tamino. After the disappearing of the coffin Pamina visited Tamino. In the moment they saw each other they fall into a periodic sleep from which they only awoke for a short time just to yield to despair. In this way they are cursed up to now. Sarastro calls Papageno and his family to visit the royal court. The jolly family and in particular the magic flute should help against the misery. Sarastro stays lonely behind and then climbs a mountain.

Scenes 12-13

Papageno and his family arrive at the royal court, where a group of courtiers welcomes them. Papageno spreads a good mood, but also jokes about the values of court society.

Scenes 14-15

Papageno visits the cursed couple and eases their misery by playing the magic flute. Priests appear, who herald the location of coffin and call the parents up to rescue their son.

Scenes 16-19

The coffin is in an underground vault surrounded by two guardians each of them has a spear and a lion on a chain. In this darkness, only lighted up by the coffin, the guardians have a mysterious dialogue about the mystery of life and the human straying between light and darkness, between mania and mania.

Pamina and Tamino enter the vault and shortly afterwards the Queen of the Night appears to call the guardians up to defend the coffin. The guardians start threatening gestures, but the parents and especially Pamina invoke the mother love. In this way the guardians are appeased and the Queen of the Night is forced to flee. Now Pamina and Tamino step closer to the coffin and the child hears the voices of its parents. Finally the coffin opens and the child rises up as a brightly illuminated genius, who also illuminates the heads of all others.

Daughters (NCIS)

Former FBI agent Tobias Fornell (Joe Spano) pleads with Gibbs to do whatever is necessary to take down drug dealers after his daughter Emily is hospitalized from an opiate overdose; Gibbs is haunted by the personal aspects of the case and his history with vigilante justice, and, much like he has had with Mike Franks in the past, he struggles with visions of Diane Sterling, the dead ex-wife of both Gibbs and Fornell. After catching those responsible and coming to a resolution with Diane's ghost, Gibbs sees Ziva David appearing at his house to warn him he is in danger.

Nell of the Circus

''Nell of the Circus'' centers around a forbidden marriage between a wealthy heiress with a circus performer, and their daughter, Nell.

Breach (cancelled video game)

The story of ''Breach'' involves a group of "modern-day mages" who attempt to prevent a magical apocalypse when monsters of legend emerge from portals known as "breaches".

Inland (Obreht novel)

The novel follows two parallel narratives in the American frontier.

Living in the lawless, drought-ridden lands of the Arizona Territory in 1893, 37-year-old frontierswoman Nora Lark waits inside her home for the return of the men in her life. Nora's husband, Emmett, left in search of water for the household and their two elder sons left following an explosive argument. Nora lives with her youngest son, who is convinced that a mysterious beast is stalking the land surrounding their home. She also lives with Emmett's wheelchair-bound mother, Missus Harriet, as well as Emmett's cousin, Josie, a clairvoyant who hosts séances to communicate with the dead. Nora, affected by her loneliness and isolation, speaks to her long-dead daughter, Evelyn, who died of heat stroke in Arizona as a baby.

Lurie Mattie, an immigrant Muslim from a Balkan piece of the Ottoman Empire, is a former outlaw and a man haunted by ghosts. He is able to see lost souls who want something from him, and he acquires their "wants". Lurie finds reprieve from the soul's longing in an unexpected relationship with Burke, a dromedary camel from the United States Camel Corps. However, Lurie is being pursued by a marshal on a charge of manslaughter and he takes cover in the Camel Corps. They are led by the camel driver Hi Jolly (aka Hadji Ali), a Turk of Syrian-Greek descent and a convert to Islam. Lurie travels with Burke in the Camel Corps on a westward trek from Texas.

Amanda (Chilean TV series)

Margarita Gálvez is a young woman who has suffered a drastic moment in her life, she was raped by four brothers, sons of the powerful Santa Cruz family. 14 years later Margarita returns with a new identity, Amanda Solís, to seek justice against these four brothers. Amanda works in the Santa Cruz hacienda as Catalina Minardi's nurse and quickly starts to earn the appreciation and trust of the family, without anyone suspecting her true intentions.

A Gilded Fool

Chauncey Short, a friendly but unworldly young man, inherits a large fortune. He is romantically interested in Margaret Ruthven. The business run by Margaret's father, Matthew, is failing due to the manipulations of Bannister Strange. Strange tries to prevent Chauncey from helping the Ruthven firm by convincing him that Margaret is no longer interested in him. Suspicious, Chauncey asks for help from detective Jacob Howell, who disguises himself as a preacher to investigate Strange. Upon learning that Strange is lying, Chauncey decides to do the opposite of everything Strange recommends. By defying Strange's misleading advice, Chuancey builds an even bigger fortune and is able to save the Ruthvens from bankruptcy.

The Women in Black

The novel tells the story of a group of department store employees in 1959 Sydney. It is set primarily during the Christmas rush period when young school leaver, Lisa, joins the women.

Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise

The frame story of ''Deadly Premonition 2'' takes place in Francis Zach Morgan's apartment in Boston, Massachusetts, in 2019, a decade after the events of ''Deadly Premonition''. There, FBI Special Agent Aaliyah Davis (Mela Lee) and her partner Simon Jones (Christopher Corey Smith) interrogate a sickly Zach (Jeff Kramer) over his involvement in a murder case of sixteen-year-old Lise Clarkson, the granddaughter of the influential Clarkson family, in Le Carré. Zach narrates how he and his alternate personality York, created from his childhood trauma, came to Le Carré to investigate the connections between the murder and an addictive street drug, Saint Rouge.

During his investigation in Le Carré, York is periodically aided by riddles from the supernatural entity Houngan and Patricia "Patti" Woods (Cassandra Lee Morris), the young daughter of the town's sheriff Melvin Woods (Ogie Banks). Returning to the scene of Lise's murder, York discovers that she had been dismembered by her mother Galena (Kate Higgins) in the presence of Professor R (Billy Kametz), whom York suspects to be involved in the production of Saint Rouge. York then enters the Otherworld, where he battles a monstrous version of Galena, who claims to have done it in pursuit of creating a new world. Returning to reality, he arrests Galena and takes her to the town's jail.

The next day, he finds that Galena has been murdered and tracks down Professor R, revealed to be a trans woman named Lena Dauman. She had been born the heir to the Clarkson family and later became an apostle for the goddess of fertility after meeting the supernatural entity Forrest Kaysen (Joe Hernandez), using Saint Rouge to transform the bodies and mature the souls of selected human offerings to the goddess. York enters the Otherworld again to examine a scene of violence between Lena and her father, P.J. Clarkson (David Lodge). P.J laments his family's fading prestige and reveals that he knew that Lena had had an incestuous affair with her elder sister, Candy, that resulted in a child, Patti. York then battles a monstrous form of Lena and returns to reality as the bomb Lena planted detonates, killing her and her father. After Melvin and then Patti go missing, York eventually tracks them down to a boathouse. Corrupted by Saint Rouge, Melvin confesses his love for Lena and plans to finish Lena's plan by sacrificing Patti. Melvin, however, changes his mind, and dies along with Candy in an ensuing fire, as Patti escapes with York.

Back in the present, Zach enlists Simon Jones's help to track down Avery Smith (Armen Taylor), a developmentally disabled man infatuated with Lise. York returns to Le Carré, to the place where Lise's corpse was found, and confronts Avery in the Otherworld. Zach defeats Avery, but when he attempts to free Patti, he sees a vision of Patti admonishing him for not letting her die back at the boathouse as well as his inability to save Emily, his love interest in ''Deadly Premonition''. Overwhelmed by his guilt over Emily's death, Zach gives into his anguish and is transformed into a monster by Kaysen. Aaliyah confronts Zach and fatally shoots him. When Aaliyah, influenced by Kaysen, tries to shoot Patti, York intervenes to save her and breaks Kaysen's supernatural hold over Aaliyah. Patti, distraught over Zach's impending death, makes a deal with York to prolong Zach's life. In the post-credits scene, Patti video calls Zach, as Zach and York communicate via text.

El Señor de los Cielos (season 7)

In season seven, to avoid falling into the hands of the American Justice, Amado Leal "El Águila Azul", now Amado Casillas (Matías Novoa), has turned himself in to Bernardo Castillo (José Sedek), Secretary of Security of Mexico. The DEA commissioner, Joe Navarro (Guy Ecker), has made every attempt to achieve his extradition. What he does not know is that Baltazar Ojeda (Eduardo Santamarina), a CIA Agent, has the plan to eliminate Amado before, since he is the only one who can prove that within the organization in which both worked together, there is a scheme of corruption and murky management that endangers its existence within it and its freedom. He has already been transferred to a jail on the outskirts of the State of Mexico and is about to be taken to the airport, under strict security measures when the Casillas cartel tries to rescue him and Baltazar Ojeda himself tries to kill him. In the midst of this tension and in parallel, under the supervision of Doña Alba (Lisa Owen) and a specialized doctor, they try a risky procedure to revive Aurelio (Rafael Amaya).

Bronco: The Series

Four musicians who start from nothing, try to earn a place in a heartless industry overcoming discrimination and poverty to reach the top. There they discover that on the road to success they lost the most valuable: the reins of their lives and the love of their families. The group will have to go down from the top to try to recover it.

Bomber's Moon (Playhouse 90)

An American bomber wing is stationed in England during World War II. The commanding officer, Col. Culver, is emotionless. He accuses a young flier of cowardice.

Celtic Empire

NUMA Director Dirk Pitt, as well as NUMA itself, becomes involved in finding who is behind a plot to murder a team of scientists in El Salvador, rob a team of archaeologists along the Nile and who is behind a deadly collision in the waterways along the city of Detroit. Before the mystery can be solved, Pitt's two children become targets of killers. Pitt's detective work on the mystery leads him to Scotland; where he, with the help of NUMA, must stop a deadly plot that could radically change the world.

Isla Paraíso

Carolina is a housewife who is involved in a millionaire scam due to the irresponsible handling of her husband. Persecuted by the police, she flees with her son Andy and her Dominican employee Madelyn, seeking refuge in the convent where her twin sister Celeste lives. However, Celeste cannot help her, since she is leaving for a sacrificed mission in a remote town in southern Chile: Isla Paraíso. The town is located at the end of the world and is only inhabited by men. This condition leads Father Gabriel to make an announcement that has everyone shaken up: a bus full of women will soon arrive, who will come to work, granting them facilities to establish themselves. Thus, the priest thinks, they will return life back into the town that is destined to disappear.

While Father Gabriel is determined to see the town full of women, on the other side is his great critic: Óscar León, a powerful landowner who gives work to most of the men of Isla Paraíso. Óscar has personal reasons for not wanting woman in town. But once they arrive in the area, there is no turning back. Woman arriving to the town include a nun, a Caribbean employee, and a young woman left at the altar. What no one suspects is that Celeste is an impostor, because in reality she is Carolina, the woman persecuted by police, who has managed to escape by taking refuge in Isla Paraíso and posing as her sister. Óscar will become her new enemy because without a doubt, he would be willing to hand her over to the police if he discovered her true identity. Although without realizing it, Óscar also discovers that Carolina is the first woman he has trusted again after many years.

Proxima (film)

Sarah is a French woman who has spent her life since infancy training to be an astronaut. She learns that she is a late addition to the Proxima crew, an International Space Station mission which will be the final precursor before a mission to Mars.

While Sarah is thrilled to be going she struggles with leaving Stella, her young daughter for whom she is the primary caregiver after separating from her spouse, Thomas. Despite her worries, she leaves Stella with Thomas and prepares for her mission.

In addition to being a late comer to the mission Sarah is also the only woman on the Mars crew. She is met with open hostility by the American captain, Mike, who lets her know that he prefers the male substitute training to be her replacement. However Sarah gradually wins his respect as he watches her determination while training.

During training Stella is allowed to visit Sarah once. Sarah insists that special allowances be made to accommodate her daughter and allow them more time together. While the meeting initially goes well it ends badly as Stella becomes anxious and bored and runs away, once again causing friction between Sarah and Mike, who berates Sarah for her actions. The following day Stella leaves while Sarah is still sleeping.

Increasingly struggling with the emotional toll of leaving, Sarah is surprised when Mike attempts to cheer her up, telling her that it is impossible to be a perfect mother or astronaut and they are only human. Later, at the last meeting before Sarah and the other astronauts go into a two week quarantine before leaving for space Sarah is devastated when Stella and Thomas miss their flight and her last opportunity to see her daughter in person before leaving earth.

Sarah and Stella are able to see each other a final time, but this time it is through a pane of glass as Sarah is in quarantine. Stella reminds her mother that she promised they would be able to see the rocket she was leaving on together but Sarah broke her promise. A devastated Sarah sneaks out of quarantine and awakens Stella and takes her to see the rocket early in the morning.

That evening the rocket launches with Sarah onboard with a picture of Stella by her side. On Earth a teary eyed Thomas and a smiling Stella watch the rocket launch.

The Ostrich Politic

This short film, delivered with a poetic narration, follows ostriches carrying on their daily activities burying their heads, believing It's an instinctive behavior. However, one day a research by phylogeneticist Dr. Kays proves otherwise.

Smells Like Green Spirit

Futoshi Mishima, a student at a high school in the countryside, is bullied by his classmates. The reason is that he is seemingly gay. In reality, Mishima does like guys so he does not resist their bullying, and instead, finds solace in secretly cross-dressing. One day on the rooftop of the school, Mishima finds the lipstick he had lost before in the hands of Makoto Kirino, one of the bullies. Kirino was about to put on the lipstick that Mishima used on his own lips. This is the story of these two young boys looking for a place they can really be themselves.

One Nation, One King

The film is a historical fresco dealing with the French Revolution, especially the first years of the period (1789-1793), and notably focusing on the role and the perception of the contemporaries of King Louis XVI in the tumult which engulfed France at the end of the Ancien Régime. The film looks at a number of historic figures of the time, such as Robespierre, Marat, Desmoulins and Danton, in the Estates General, the National Constituent Assembly, and finally the National Convention.

The Ghost and Molly McGee

Young optimist Molly McGee lives to make the world a better place, fix what has gone wrong, and spread joy. Meanwhile, cantankerous ghost Scratch lives to make the world a worse place, break what has gone right, and spread misery. When a curse from Scratch backfires, he finds himself forever bound to Molly. Despite that, Scratch and Molly form an unlikely friendship that guides each of them through the ups and downs of their respective worlds.

Hors Piste

The two best rescue workers of the region are ready for their new mission. Despite their professionalism and their determination, it will not go as planned.

Soulsmith (film)

Ed Smith is a once-successful playwright now struggling. Then, his father dies, and he goes home to County Mayo.

The Serpent Warriors

A zoologist is called to a construction site that has snakes that was once was the ancient site of a snake-worshiping cult.

Vencer el miedo

''Vencer el miedo'' revolves around the stories of four women of different ages, whose lives will revolve around social and family issues such as teenage pregnancy, sexual harassment and gender violence.

Semiosis (novel)

To escape war and ecological disasters on Earth in the 2060's, a group of colonists attempt to forge a new life on a distant earth-like planet they name Pax (Latin for "peace"). They find the world is rich in flora and fauna, and appears to be ideally suited for establishing a new colony. But they soon notice that some of the plant life is sentient, and are manipulating them to further their own ends.

The colonists find an abandoned alien city made of glass and relocate their colony there. But they discover that the city is controlled by an intelligent bamboo-like plant they later call Stevland. It attempts to domesticate them in order to flourish and expand, and the humans realize that to survive, they need to share the city with it. Over time, the colonists learn to converse with Stevland using signs, and an uneasy, but mutually beneficial alliance is formed.

During one of the colonist's expeditions further inland, they meet the city's creators, the Glassmakers. The arthropod-like Glassmakers were themselves colonists and coexisted with Stevland, but they abandoned their home and became nomadic. Disease and illness decimated them and their social structures collapsed. The encounter with the Glassmakers is not friendly and leads to an attack on the city. With Stevland's assistance, the Glassmakers are repulsed, and the humans, a few Glassmakers willing to coexist with them, and Stevland, form an alliance of peaceful coexistence.

The Son (2019 Bosnia and Herzegovina film)

Adopted 18-year-old Arman's struggles with his identity affect his younger stepbrother Dado, which leads Dado into drug addiction.

Morgue (film)

The story is about private security guard Diego Martínez, who, while working the nightshift in the Regional Hospital of Encarnación, gets locked inside the morgue and experiences a series of haunting paranormal events.

According to the director and screenwriter, Hugo Cardozo, the film is based on real events.

I Miss You (film)

After his son dies by suicide, a father arrives in New York to confront his son's boyfriend.

History of Love

A 17-year-old girl mourning her mother's death is drawn into an altered reality to make sense of her emotions.

Beneath the Dark Crystal

Kensho arrives at the Crystal Castle where he once was an acolyte and has been asked to become Thra's leader. However, he feels that before accepting the position, he must face the mistakes of the past. Meanwhile, the realm of Mithra that is below Thra is being reconstructed by the newly crowned Ember Queen Thurma, whose rule is challenged when evidence is discovered that another Fireling has a competing claim to the throne.

Luring Shadows (1920 film)

J.H. Wareing, a New York City financier, is found murdered in his library after the robbery of several securities and a necklace. Suspicion points to the butler, Jason, to whom Wareing had shown the necklace the night before. Wareing's daughter, Florence, is also a suspect and therefore denied her father's estate.

Over the course of the investigation, Wareing's daughter Florence works with a little girl named Mary (Aida Horton) who lives with a professional burglar named Bill, another suspect. Dr. Barton, the family's physician, arranges a séance to identify the murderer. When Barton sees the ghost of Wareing, he betrays his own guild and is arrested. The Wareing estate is returned to Florence, who marries Stanley Carter, an attorney at her father's bank.

Una abuela virgen

Everything happens after a night when the trumpeter Alirio Guaramato (Iván Tamayo), among the ravages of a fierce drunkenness, tries to vent his sorrows by playing his instrument and manages, by accident, to issue the exact note reserved for the cherubs that with the celestial trumpets must resurrect to the dead on Judgment Day. Nature shudders at such an event out of time and place. In the nearby cemetery the seals of a tombstone are broken in the family pantheon of Los García and Antonieta (Daniela Alvarado) is resurrected, who had died at the age of eighty but strangely reappears resurrected in a body of 20 years. Stunned yet, Antonieta decides to look for an address that remains in the inscription of her tombstone and thus arrives at the apartment where lives her granddaughter Mónica (Marlene de Andrade), a single woman of 28 year old. Meanwhile—from above— and sent by the Creator himself, the sullen angel named Jazzaboalnitanken–Jazz for friends–has descended with the mission of restoring at all costs the Universal Order that has been broken.

Widower with Five Daughters

A father has brought up his five daughters alone since the death of his wife, while also administering a castle which is now owned by an American. He sometimes receives the help of a local woman, leading to the mixed reactions of his daughters as they consider her as a prospective new mother.

Ága (film)

After his wife Sedna passes away, Nanook sets out to find their daughter Ága who ran away long ago.


The episode picks up immediately where the previous one left off, as serial killer Richard Ramirez corners Brooke, Chet, Rita, and Ray in the nurse's cabin. Ray abandons the group, only to be attacked and is rescued by Chet, while Brooke and Rita manage to escape to the parking lot; however, Rita knocks Brooke unconscious by drugging her and Rita is revealed to be a fraud. She is really Donna Chambers, a young psychologist obsessed with studying serial killers, such as Richter and Ramirez.

In a flashback, Donna was able to persuade Dr. Hopple to let her study Richter, and is revealed to have assisted him in his escape from Red Meadows. Donna then abducted the real Rita, a nurse employed by Margaret, stealing her identity in order to observe Richter's potential murder spree at the camp. In the present, Montana, Xavier, and Trevor are attacked by a group of unseen assailants, revealed to be devotees of Richter. The real Richter proceeds to murder the devotees, while the counselors escape. Richter spares one of the devotees, nicknamed Wide Load, when he is able to sympathize with him.

Ramirez pursues Ray and Chet through the forest, causing them to fall into a pit filled with spikes, leaving Chet seriously injured. A guilty Ray confesses to playing a role in the death of a fraternity pledge when he believes Chet is dead, having joined the others at Camp Redwood to escape conviction; Chet is revealed to have survived the fall, having heard Ray's confession. Montana, Xavier, and Trevor take refuge in a nearby shed, only to discover the real Rita. They free her and she attempts to escape, but is promptly murdered by Richter.

Ray manages to climb out of the pit and abandons Chet to his own devices, before running into Montana, Xavier, and Trevor. Trevor gives Ray the keys to his motorcycle, sending him and Montana to call for help at a nearby phone booth. Xavier and Trevor discover Chet in the pit and pull him out, before accidentally killing Wide Load. Ramirez appears and ambushes Ray and Montana, and Ray abandons Montana. Ray is subsequently decapitated by Richter in his attempt to escape.

Montana momentarily struggles with Ramirez, only for the pair to share a kiss. Montana wonders aloud to Ramirez why he has not killed "her" yet, leaving the episode on a cliffhanger.

Mr. Jingles (American Horror Story)

Dr. Karen Hopple drives to Camp Redwood to meet with Margaret and explain Benjamin Richter's escape. Margaret does not seem surprised to hear about it, and insists the camp will re-open on schedule. Hopple suffers a blown tire on her return, and a tow truck intercepts her. Initially unaware that Richter is driving, she asks for a tire repair. He drags her out of her vehicle and stabs her in the neck before taking her ear as a souvenir.

Brooke, still shaken from her phone call, hears on the news about a murder at a Red Meadows gas station. Believing it is the attendant they met before, Brooke freaks out, while the other counselors think she is overreacting. Margaret enters and reminds the counselors to go to sleep early, and not to fraternize between genders after dark. She makes a point of reminding the boys to clean away impure thoughts. Montana consoles Brooke, but says that she can not assume that everyone is out to get her. She describes an early experience when she was sent to fat camp and that she should not imagine the worst.

Brooke later confesses that the previous summer, she was going to get married. Her groom Joey Cavanaugh of what she interpreted his jealousy as a sign of how much he loved her. At the altar he exclaimed that he saw his best friend, Sam, enter Brooke's home the night before and did not leave until the morning. They both insist nothing sexual happened, but Joey grabs a gun, killing Sam and Brooke's father, and then himself. Brooke insists that Sam was being kind and that they were simply friends, and is upset that no one ever believes her. Montana says that she believes her, and leans in to kiss Brooke. Brooke recoils and says that she needs air, walking away.

Trevor describes to the boys his experience with Montana, as they walk towards the showers. Xavier leaves to get his towel and is grabbed and pulled into the back of a car, where his cousin and former agent Blake confronts him. Blake, who found him via his forwarding address, had previously coaxed Xavier into acting in gay porn in exchange for getting him off the streets and off drugs. Blake is now using the porn video to blackmail him into acting in more pornos. Xavier insisting that he’s not gay, offers to find a replacement and leads him to Trevor in the shower, who is talking with Ray and Chet. Xavier leaves while Blake observes via a peephole, only to be impaled through the head by Richter.

Brooke sits on the pier and finds a dead body floating towards her feet, and turns screaming to find Richard Ramirez. She strikes him with an oar and runs. He is intercepted by the hiker, whom he disembowels. Later, the hiker returns alive, only to be killed again. Ramirez takes his name tag, which shows he was a counselor in 1970. Looking back up, the hiker has vanished.

Brooke runs to the payphone but finds it cut. Montana finds her and questions what is going on, but Ray's screams interrupt them. They run to the men's showers, where the men have found Blake. Xavier is distraught, but denies knowing who Blake is. Trevor discovers that Blake's ear has been cut off and they are under siege by Richter.

Margaret walks into her cabin to find Ramirez waiting for her and wanting an explanation for why Jonas (the hiker) will not stay dead. She puts on some music and treats his wounds. He explains that he has killed men before, but never the same person twice. Margaret credits God with the hiker's resurrection, and says he has been dead for many years. To explain, she asks him to tell her the worst thing that had ever happened to him. He describes a difficult childhood of abuse and physical trauma. His cousin treated his seizures and showed him pictures of women he had killed in Vietnam, and his wife objected, only to be murdered in response. Ramirez says that he likes Margaret, and she explains that he should not feel guilty for his actions if they are in service of God's (or Satan's) work. She tasks Richard with defending the camp and protecting the campers.

Xavier tries to get the van started and the counselors attempt an escape, but they collide with Hopple's car before they can get away, distracted by a bloodied Rita in their path. She tells them that Richter is back and stabbed her, but she fortunately escaped. Both Rita and Trevor have vehicles that can take them individually, but neither has keys. They leave in two groups to retrieve them.

Margaret identifies the amnesiac hiker as her old counselor Jonas, and she says he might be dead. He does not understand, but the last thing he remembers is running from blood. He says he left (the younger) her to die, and was hit by Richter in the truck when he ran; Jingles killed him thereafter. They determine that he is a ghost and would have stayed trapped if the counselors had not brought him back to camp.

Rita, Chet, Brooke, and Ray approach the infirmary, and together they look for her keys in the desk to no avail; Richter observes them from outside. Trevor finds his keys, but he and Montana are stalled when Xavier tearfully reveals everything was his fault for bringing Blake and coming to Redwood. Both doors are pounded from the outside, someone wanting in.

Si yo fuera rico

The life of three Chileans will change after winning a coveted game of chance: Miguel, a lonely thief who will keep the winning lottery ticket he found in Pascuala's car, who never knew that the ticket had the winning numbers and, as her discreet benefactor, will make love flourish between them. Nelson, who lives in a small place and is immature and emotional, has been dreaming of winning a grand prize and quickly decides to buy the football team he has supported since he was a child, "Renca Juniors", to turn them into the Real Madrid of South America. Matilde and Tomás Varela are orphans who have lived a life marked by tragedy. Matilde buys a lucky ticket, but discovers that she cannot claim it because she is a minor. When Dante, a charming prince who has come to save her, appears, she does not imagine that he is actually the nephew of a scammer who organized the meeting.

El General Naranjo

This is the story of Óscar Naranjo (Christian Meier) and Colombia in recent decades, told from the point of view of those who did their best to maintain order and law against Pablo Escobar, paramilitarism, drug cartels and the FARC.

Tazza: One Eyed Jack

A young poker player at the top of his game loses everything after he plays for one big jackpot. To save himself from a loan shark settling his debts, he joins a poker team led by the legendary poker player "One-Eyed Jack". While successfully working their plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a dangerous life or death situation.

The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos

''The Bad guys'' begins with Park Woong-cheol, who is serving time in prison for 28 years after he took the blame for his best friend. He is a highly esteemed fighter, Ko Yoo-sung is a former policeman but the fighter soon puts him in his place. During an inmate transportation, which Yoo-sung and con artist Kwak No-soon are also part of, several policemen are killed and a former gangster's boss is freed, who wanted to testify against the real leader behind his organization. Oh Goo-tak, the former boss of an unusual special force unit, is rehired to capture the gangster's boss and the rest of the fugitives.

For that, Oh hires Woong-Cheol, Yoo-Sung to capture them, because the unit is allowed to bend the law. They are promised a reduction of their prison sentence if they manage to capture them. The team soon manage to capture the No-soon. No-soon becomes a part of the team as she has useful information which helps the team to close in the escaped prisoners. However, Woong-cheol has a score to settle with gangster's boss. And it turns out that the men who freed gangster's boss are more powerful than the special unit but the gang manages to capture them, along with their leader and hand them over to the police. As promised by Oh, the team are released from prison and leave to start a new life.

This Flat Earth

''This Flat Earth'' is a contemporary play about Julie and Zander, two twelve year olds who try to make sense of the world when the unthinkable - a school shooting - occurs at their middle school.

Cheer Up, Mr. Lee

Cheol-Soo (Cha Seung-Won) is physically fit and handsome, but is mentally slow. He finds out that he has a daughter, Saet-Byeol (Um Chae-Young), that he never knew existed.

Below the Border

When villains plan to steal the Garcia jewels, the Rough Riders stop the thieves with Buck impersonating an outlaw, Tim a cattle buyer and Sandy as the janitor of the town's saloon.

Ámbar (TV series)

Matilde is an apprehensive single mother who loves her daughter Ámbar above all else. With little time at her disposal, Matilde finds the dilemma of not being able to take and bring Ámbar from school. Therefore, she will have to trust the local school driver, Dany, a fun, simple, caring guy who cares for children with love and sometimes acts like a child. What begins as an appreciation on the part of Ámbar towards Dany will become admiration. She will see him as the ideal father she never had. Meanwhile, Matilde discovers that her new boss is Cristóbal Moller, the man who left her more than eight years ago without knowing she was pregnant. Although Cristóbal seeks to seduce her again, Matilde will be in search of something else. Dany has not only captivated Ámbar, Matilde also feels something nice for him.

10 Minutes Gone

Expert bank robber Frank Sullivan (Michael Chiklis) never had a job go wrong – until his brother is killed during a heist. Knocked unconscious, Frank wakes up in a dirty alley without memory of how the robbery went awry or who shot his brother. To Frank's boss, violent crime lord Rex (Bruce Willis), none of that matters...he just wants the loot that Frank doesn't have. Short on time and information, Frank must figure out which member of their crew betrayed them, avoid Rex's contract killer closing in on him and locate a mysterious briefcase to save his own skin and avenge his brother's death.

Tranquilo papá

Domingo Aldunate is a successful old-fashioned businessman. He lives in a time of ostentation, therefore, Domingo has wanted to give everything to his children: cell phones, cars, trips, etc., thus satisfying all their needs. Domingo feels guilty, like many parents, for not being present at home due to his work. Domingo does not know how to say no, especially to his wife Pepa who always wants to look young and, therefore, has many plastic surgeries. This is how his family has become of lazy and selfish. From one moment to another, Domingo decides to turn his life around to re-educate them. That is when he begins to say no, which causes a shake in the family.

Draft:A Girl Named Jo

In the town of Attaway in the year 1963, Jo Chambers and Cathy Fitzroy unwravel a dark chapter in the town’s history. Present day shows that this is all being read by Cathy’s granddaughter, Monica Allen.

Yo soy Lorenzo

Ernesto (Francisco Reyes) is a powerful man who wants his only daughter, Laura (Vivianne Dietz), to get married. Laura is a young woman in her twenties who wishes to emigrate from the village and live freely away from there. What she does not know is that her father agreed with a friend from Santiago so that his son, Lorenzo (Jorge Arecheta), arrives at Vista Hermosa and conquers her. However, when Lorenzo travels with his driver Carlos (Mario Horton) to Vista Hermosa to seal the commitment, he confesses that he is gay and so they both decide to switch identities and this is how Carlos begins to be Lorenzo.

Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle

The story follows Princess Syalis, a young princess who was kidnapped by the Demon King, and her quest to sleep well while imprisoned. Despite the Demon King's best attempts, the princess turns her kidnapping into a vacation; having grown tired with the stress of a royal life, she is indifferent to the situation.

The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (novel)

Dany Longo, a very charming and shortsighted secretary in an advertising agency, is asked by her boss, Michel Caravaille, to stay overnight at his house to type up a document for him to take on a business trip to Geneva. Caravaille is married to Anita, Dany's former colleague and roommate. In the morning, Caravaille requests Dany accompany him and Anita to the airport to drive their large American car back home. Afterward, left alone with the luxurious car, Dany impulsively decides to drive to the Riviera because she has never seen the sea. On the way south, a woman who owns a roadside café stops her, and says Dany forgot her coat there the night before. Dany insists that she has never been there before and leaves. Later at a service station Dany is assaulted in the bathroom and someone injures her left hand. She is bemused as various strangers keep claiming to know her and insisting that her hand was already bandaged when they first saw her.

Heading further south she meets Philippe, and they spend the night together. The following day Philippe, who is a smalltime con man, steals Dany's car. She later finds the car abandoned in Marseille, and discovers a man's body and a gun in the trunk. She is able to locate Philippe and convince him to help her. They search the dead man's pockets and find out that his name is Maurice Kaub. Philippe also discovers there a telegram addressed to Kaub and signed by Dany. After that, Philippe hits her and leaves.

Dany enlists help from a friendly trucker named Jean Le Gueven whom she previously met on the road. He seems to be the only person who believes in her innocence. Dany asks him to pick up the coat she supposedly left in that roadside café earlier. In the meantime, Dany visits Kaub's villa in Avignon and oddly finds both some of her clothes and also nude pictures of herself. Afterward, she meets with Le Gueven who has brought back the coat. She finds a pay envelope in the pocket. Since she already has an identical pay envelope in her bag, Dany is now convinced of her innocence.

She returns to Kaub's villa, and finds her boss Caravaille waiting for her. She points a gun at him and warns him that she has already sent both pay envelopes to the police. Caravaille confesses that Kaub was one of Anita's lovers, whom she murdered at his home. To frame Dany, he and Anita planted evidence including the coat, and set up various incidents on the road from Avignon to Paris to establish her guilt. It was Caravaille who attacked her in the bathroom and injured her hand. Then Caravaille says he is going to turn himself in and take the blame for Kaub's murder.

Kony: Order from Above

Amidst the insurgency of the Lord's Resistance Army, two young lovers are separated.

The Chambermaid (film)

Eve (Gabriela Cartol) is a reserved young woman working as a maid in an upscale hotel in Mexico City. Her boss tells her that because of her good work she might soon be eligible for a promotion cleaning one of the more exclusive floors.

One of her male co-workers asks her to look on a guest who requested a woman specifically. The guest turns out to be an overwhelmed mother who asks Eve to watch her baby while she showers. Eve begins helping the woman once a day, reluctantly growing closer to both the guest and her baby. The guest is from Argentina and at one point suggests Eve to move back with her, however returning one day Eve discovers that the woman has abruptly left.

Eve takes GED classes offered by the hotel. Initially shy she befriends one of her classmates, Minotoy, who encourages her to open up and have fun. Eve begins to depend on Minotoy to help her. Eve's teacher gives her a copy of ''Jonathan Livingston Seagull'' and she begins reading for pleasure for the first time.

A window cleaner keeps making advances towards Eve but she repeatedly ignores him. After opening up to others she decides to seduce him one day. While she is inside cleaning a room and he is outside cleaning a window she strips down and masturbates in front of him.

Things begin to go wrong for Eve. The GED class is shut down. The window cleaner ignores her. She finally receives news that a red dress left behind by a guest is finally hers, but when she goes to collect it she learns that Minotoy has received the promotion she longed for.

Eve goes to the 42nd floor, the site of Minotoy's promotion and examines the private suite.

Spell (film)

While flying to his father's funeral in rural Appalachia Kentucky, an intense storm causes Marquis to lose control of the plane carrying himself and his family. He soon awakens wounded, alone and trapped in Ms. Eloise's attic. Eloise claims she can nurse him back to health with a hoodoo figure she's made from his blood and skin. Unable to call for help, Marquis desperately tries to break free from her dark magic and save his family from a sinister ritual before the rise of the blood moon.

Rocks (film)

Rocks is a teenage girl who lives in London with her younger brother, Emmanuel, and their single mother. She has a tight-knit group of friends. A troublesome new girl, Roché, arrives at Rocks’ school and takes a liking to her, much to the chagrin of Rocks’ friends.

One day, Rocks’ mother leaves, leaving behind only a letter promising that she will return and an envelope containing an insufficient amount of money. Rocks is reluctant to tell anybody about her situation, only notifying her closest friend, Sumaya.

On the way home from school, Rocks notices a social worker outside of her home and asks that Sumaya’s family let her and Emmanuel stay for the night. At Sumaya’s house, Rocks and Sumaya have an argument after Sumaya suggests that Rocks tell an adult about her situation; Rocks expresses her resentment at Sumaya for having a nice house and a big family, and angrily ensures Sumaya that she doesn’t need her.

Rocks becomes distant from her friends and begins to spend more time with Roshé. While skipping school with Roshé one day, Rocks learns that Roshé has been making money by committing fraud via recording the credit card information of the clients at her step-mom’s salon. While Roshé is not looking, Rocks steals from her and uses the money to pay for a hotel room for the night, lying to the owner that she is Emmanuel’s mother.

Roshé eventually realizes that Rocks stole her money and makes a post online wherein she dubs Rocks a thief whose mother left her, thus notifying the student body of Rocks’ situation. Rocks and Emmanuel are kicked out by the staff at the hotel after they realize that she is a minor. Having nowhere else to go, Rocks decides to stay the night at her friend Agnes’ house.

The next morning Rocks wakes to find Emmanuel being taken away by social workers; Agnes had told her mother about the situation, and she subsequently notified authorities. Rocks reluctantly agrees to be taken by them, along with Emmanuel.

Rocks is placed in a foster home in London, while Emmanuel is placed in a home in Hastings. Rocks reconciles with her friends, who all come up with the money needed to take a train ride to Hastings so that Rocks can see Emmanuel for his birthday. However, once there, Rocks sees how happy Emmanuel is, and doesn’t have the heart to call out to him. The film ends with the girls playing on the beach.

Here on Earth (TV series)

The series is about the crimes and secrets of one of the most influential families in Mexico, how a humble young man jumps through social barriers to ascend the economic and political ladder, and the awareness of a young heir who fights for clarifying the murder of his father, in a Mexico very similar to the current one, but far from being the same.

Recep İvedik 5

A driver from Recep İvedik's neighborhood named İsmet dies. When İvedik goes to pay his condolences, he decides to take on İsmet's last duty as a driver. He takes the team of national athletes to Skopje, North Macedonia. However, when the athletes become ill, he has to compete for their country.taher seifi

The Nan Movie

Foul-mouthed and cantankerous London woman Joanie "Nan" Taylor's (Catherine Tate) grandson, Jamie (Mathew Horne), takes her to see the dying sister with whom she had a falling out when they were young women. Nan would rather just have a good time, however, and the road trip features many comedic detours alternated with flashbacks to the sisters in their youth.

Battle at Big Rock

Set one year after the events of ''Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom'', a blended family from Oakland, California goes on a camping trip at the fictional Big Rock National Park in Northern California, approximately from where dinosaurs from ''Fallen Kingdom'' were let loose. The film chronicles the first major confrontation between humans and the dinosaurs.

The family is enjoying their camping when they are suddenly greeted by a ''Nasutoceratops'' and her baby. To their terror, an adult ''Allosaurus'' attacks the ''Nasutoceratops'' baby and the mother tries to protect her baby. A battle ensues between the two dinosaurs and the family decide to hide inside their RV. Eventually, a third ''Nasutoceratops'' appears from the woods, driving back the ''Allosaurus''. The ''Nasutoceratops'' escape and the baby of the family starts crying. Hearing the cry, the ''Allosaurus'' starts wrecking the RV apart in order to feed on the family hiding inside. After the RV is completely destroyed, the parents and the son begin to fear for the worst. To their relief, the daughter shoots the ''Allosaurus'' in its head and eye with a crossbow, which causes the dinosaur to flee. They embrace, though are in complete shock over what just happened.

During the credits, found footage clips of dinosaurs and other creatures are shown including a pack of ''Compsognathus'' harmlessly chasing after a scared little girl, a ''Stegosaurus'' causing a car to swerve and drive off a cliff, fishermen in a boat peacefully passing by a ''Parasaurolophus'' on the banks of a river, the ''Mosasaurus'' eating a great white shark after it eats a seal, and a ''Pteranodon'' swooping at a dove that had just been released at a wedding.


After June accidentally served her boss's breast milk to a client, she assembles a group of her estranged friends on WeChat to find a replacement bottle before her boss leaves.

The Awakening of the Ants

A young wife and mother's imagination helps her escape societal and domestic oppression.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Special Delivery

It begins with a simple premise - signing up for the Fazbear Funtime Service so that "you'll never be alone again". But as the story begins to unfold, players will realize that they may have signed up for more than they bargained for. Malfunctioning animatronics are delivered to their doorsteps for a series of frightening encounters. The inbox provides many tips for dealing with this, as well as some emails, not meant to be sent to the player.

One series of emails tells the story of a man named Luis trying to inform a woman, Ness, about red-flag reports triggered by her harmful and offensive search words. The emails suggest that she is under the control of William Afton, one of Fazbear Entertainment's co-founders and secretly a child serial killer, who was presumed to have died in a fire several years ago. Ness is heavily implied to be Vanny from ''Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted'', as "Ness" is short for Vanessa (which is presumably Vanny's real name), and Vanny was also possessed by Afton after encountering a digital form of him while play-testing one of Fazbear's products. Another series of emails tells the story of the employees at Fazbear Entertainment scanning the circuit boards of old animatronics for "The Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience".

Road to the Lemon Grove

The film stars Charly Chiarelli in a dual role as Antonio Contatini, an elderly man who has died but is stuck in limbo as his earthly mission is not yet completed, and Calogero Contatini, Antonio's son who is part of the family feud that is preventing Antonio's admission to heaven. Calogero is undertaking a road trip to scatter Antonio's ashes at the family-owned lemon grove in Racalmuto; however, his brother Vincenzo (Burt Young) wants to sell the grove to the developers of an amusement park, and dispatches Guido (Nick Mancuso) to try to stop Calogero. The film's cast also includes Loreena McKennitt as the voice of God.

Countdown (2019 film)

At a party, teenager Courtney is convinced by her friends to download Countdown, an app that seemingly predicts how long a user has left to live. Courtney is startled to see it says she only has 3 hours left to live. After avoiding getting into a car with her drunk boyfriend Evan, Courtney receives a notification stating she has broken the "user agreement". Returning home, she is attacked by an unseen entity and killed as her timer reaches zero. At the same time, Evan crashes his car and a tree branch impales the seat where Courtney would have been sitting.

Quinn Harris, a nurse who works at the hospital where Evan is admitted, dismisses his claims of a supernatural app, but subsequently downloads it only for it to claim that she has only two days left to live. Evan skips his surgery and is informed he has violated the user agreement. He tries escaping the hospital, but is confronted by an apparition of Courtney before being killed by the entity.

When Quinn finds out that Evan has died, she checks his phone, which indicates no time left in the app. Concerned that she will die in the next day, Quinn declines to go out with her family. The app informs her that she has violated the user agreement. Shortly afterward, her boss Dr. Sullivan sexually harasses her and thwarts her attempt to report his offense to her supervisor. When Quinn researches the app, she finds that similar deaths have supposedly occurred involving other users, but the public generally considers them to be fake. She attempts to buy a new phone, but finds that Countdown has downloaded itself onto it.

After being attacked by a demonic figure, Quinn meets a young man named Matt, whose Countdown states he will die in 18 hours. They learn that the user agreement is broken if the user tries changing their fate: Quinn's trip with her family and Matt taking a train ride, which they both canceled, should have resulted in their deaths. At work, Quinn learns Sullivan has tricked the staff into thinking she sexually harassed him, resulting in her suspension. She and Matt consult a priest named Father John, who informs them that the app is linked to a demon named Ozhin who was originally summoned by a Roma woman who told a prince when he would die. Cell phone salesman Derek hacks into the app code and identifies that Jordan was meant to die shortly before Quinn, then adds several decades to Quinn, Jordan's, and Matt's lives. However, while Matt and Quinn spend the night together, the entity takes the form of Matt and attacks Quinn. Their countdowns, including Jordan's, reset to their original lifespans.

Jordan receives a notification of her countdown changing to the original lifespan and is then terrorized by a demonic form of her and Quinn's deceased mother. Quinn and Matt collect her and return to Father John, who theorizes the curse can be broken if someone dies before their countdown ends or lives for beyond the countdown. They prepare a warding circle in an attempt to delay Ozhin. The demon arrives and lures them outside, killing Matt and wounding Jordan. Quinn rushes Jordan to the hospital; once there, she realizes she can kill Sullivan before his allotted time and end the curse. She attempts to attack him, but he is saved by Ozhin, who simultaneously prepares to kill Jordan. Quinn overdoses on drugs, sacrificing herself before her timer ends and proving the app wrong. Jordan revives her with Naloxone and their countdown timers stop. Some time later, while visiting her and Jordan's mother's grave, Quinn receives word of Sullivan's arrest after more nurses have come forward, but discovers that an app called Countdown 2.0 has downloaded itself onto her phone.

James vs. His Future Self

James is a theoretical physicist who is obsessed with his research. His only friends are his sister Meridith and another scientist called Courtney. On his way to meet his sister he is captured by his uber driver who claims to be his future self and warns him against pursuing his research. James is skeptical of his claims and only becomes more convinced by the potential success of his work, and learns that his research supervisor Dr. Rowley will soon have access to a particle accelerator that he needs to prove his theories. Future James "Jimmy" tries to warn James that his obsession will ruin his life, and tries to convince James to live more in the moment and warns him of the things he will regret not doing, and even teaches him to meditate.

Meredith is trying to get James to deal with the death of their parents fifteen years ago and thinks it is time to finally spread their ashes. Courtney is planning to leave to work at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland. Encouraged by Jimmy, James tries to change, but is still determined to pursue his research. Jimmy explains that the time travel only allows him to go back in time and that he must then patiently live out the time in isolation to return to his present. Jimmy says that if James had really changed he wouldn't still be there. James admits to his feelings for Courtney and asks her out on a date, but when she gives him inspiration for his research he is distracted and ruins the moment. He is unable to reconcile with Courtney and she gets ready to leave for Switzerland.

James becomes more determined to pursue his research and Dr. Rowley is about to announce her commitment to their new research project. Increasingly desperate Jimmy shoots her through the hand with a spear gun and hunts her through the lab. Instead of attending the big announcement James has gone to the lake to meditate. James finally realizes he needs to change, which causes Jimmy to fade to dust just before killing Dr. Rowley.

James sits in a café with a puppy on his lap. Courtney joins him and eats a croissant and says "I can't believe you're here". The other patrons in the café are revealed to be all different versions of James, Courtney, and the dog, from different stages in time.

How to Survive Being Single

Sebastián, a Mexican actor, has a seemingly perfect life that will be twisted when his girlfriend had been for more than a decade, deceives him. His compress is broken and it seems that his life reaches a point of no return, sinking rapidly. Sebastián will return to the world of dating as a new single and, discover that his faculties to flirt are not the best. The rest of your single friends will help you discover that there are other single people who find it hard to find love. The Mexican series explores the advantages and disadvantages of being single in a culture in which man prevails.

Blue Story

In London, a boy named Timmy starts secondary school in Peckham, Southwark despite living in Deptford, Lewisham. His mother wanted him to go to this school because of its good curriculum and so Timmy cannot be with his old friend Kiron, a trouble maker. On his first day, he befriends a boy named Marco and later on, two others named Dwayne and Hakeem.

Five years later, the boys are invited by classmate Karina to a party. Timmy, now 15, is reluctant to go but after he finds out that his longtime crush Leah is going, he reconsiders. Meanwhile in Deptford, the Ghetto Boys are attacked by the Peckham Boys on the former’s own grounds forcing them to flee. That night, Marco attempts to watch ''The Intent'' with his older brother Switcher who is the Peckham Boys leader but Switcher is called out to help fight the Ghetto Boys who have come for revenge. Later, the Peckham Boys are chased by the Ghetto Boys and the Ghetto second-in-command Galis is shot by Switcher in the back and is left to die when Ghetto leader Madder leaves due to the nearby police.

At the party, Timmy has a slow dance with Leah but is interrupted after Marco gets into a fight with another boy causing Karina’s father to shoo everyone out. A few hours later, after Marco gets home, the police raid the apartment and arrest Switcher. The next day, Switcher is released after not having enough evidence against him and Timmy invites Leah to his house for the weekend to watch the final season of ''Game of Thrones'' while Marco goes to a prostitute’s house. Timmy has sex with Leah and the two start a relationship. Meanwhile, Marco runs into Kiron, who is now a Ghetto Boy nicknamed Killy, and has his arm broken by him. On Monday, Marco accuses Timmy of being an associate with Killy and ends their friendship after insulting Leah, who pushes him and is then slapped by Marco, who is then punched by Timmy.

Three months later, Marco, Dwayne and Hakeem keep away from Timmy and Leah who are now celebrating their 3-month anniversary. Marco has now become a Peckham Boy alongside Switcher. That night, Timmy is attacked by a gang and Leah is killed by being pushed to the ground and hitting her head too hard when she tries to save him. Timmy then hits one of them who picks up a brick and hits Timmy on the head with it. He accidentally lets his hold slip and is revealed to be Marco. After that, Marco is arrested for Leah’s murder.

Three years later, Timmy, now 18, is now a Ghetto Boy and replaces Galis as the second-in-command and is Madder’s younger sidekick Younger Madder. After Marco is released, he reveals he didn’t mean to kill Leah and he regrets it deeply. A few days later, Killy gets the drop on Marco, who is now nicknamed Bricker after hitting Timmy with a brick, the Ghetto Boys attack Marco and the Peckham Boys outside a nightclub. Madder is knocked out by Switcher who is stabbed by Timmy, who attempts to kill Marco but the gun jams, leaving him to escape. Switcher is now disabled and has to be in a wheelchair. Marco now vows to kill off Timmy.

A week later, after many gunfights, Switcher is visited by his cousin Tyrone from Tottenham. He explains that every gang has a weak member and they just have to wait until the Ghetto Boys’ is revealed. Meanwhile, a Ghetto Boy nicknamed Tiny Madder who is a close friend of Timmy is encouraged by him to make music for ''Link Up TV''. Madder plans an attack on Peckham but is stopped by Timmy saying it’s the wrong time of day. Madder argues with Timmy and insults Leah. The two then storm off.

That night, Timmy and Madder reconcile and Killy gets the drop on Marco again. When they get there though, Madder finds his gun box empty. Killy is revealed to have betrayed Timmy and is joined by Tyrone. Killy explains that he was jealous that Timmy became Madder’s younger sidekick when he felt like he should’ve been. Timmy, who is trapped in the van, is approached by Marco who starts pouring petrol on the van. Madder knocks Tyrone out and wrestles with Killy before shooting him in the head. Marco sets the van alight and flees. Despite Madder’s best attempts, Timmy accepts his fate and goes to join Leah in the afterlife before dying by being asphyxiated by the fire. Madder finally gets the door open and pulls Timmy’s body out. The police arrive and arrest Madder.

Later, as the film concludes, Madder becomes a youth worker and Switcher commits suicide from a drug overdose after both Marco and Tyrone are arrested (his real name apparently revealed to be Jordan), and Timmy is buried with honours.

In a credit scene, Tiny Madder’s music has become famous around the UK and vows to get revenge for Timmy by killing all the Peckham Boys.

Human Lost

In the year 2036, breakthroughs in medical technology have led to a system of nanomachines internally implanted in all humans that can reverse illness, injury and even death. But if a person severs their nanomachines from the system, they mutate into monstrous creatures known as "Lost". Oba, Horiki and Hiiragi are now "applicants" with special powers over the Lost.

The Road to Love (TV series)

The Briceño are a nuclear family of truck drivers. Armando and Lucía are the aged parents, and Cecilia, Rigoberto (known as "Toronja"), Breiner and Darío are their adult children. Fabián, known as "Peluche", is an adoptive son. Armando wins a truck race with Cecilia as his co-pilot. In doing so Cecilia reveals that her brothers taught her to drive trucks, which Armando disapproves of. She runs away with the truck, unaware that the prize had been stored in it. Tulio gave pursuit, as the Briceño had a monetary debt and he intended to confiscate their truck. Tulio gets the truck and, unknown to the family, gets the prize money as well. The initial plots are about the attempts by the Briceño to get their truck back.

Cecilia discovered that she was pregnant. Armando banished her from the family home for getting pregnant out of wedlock. She leaves with Peluche to inform Samuel of his impending fatherhood, only to find that he was getting married. Samuel, however, finds out about this, causing conflicts with his wife and Cecilia. Rigoberto falls in love with Amalfi, the wife of rival trucker Octavio, and both start singing as a duet in secrecy. Breiner, an internet celebrity, tries to conceal his real life circumstance from a rich girl that likes him. Darío engages in several open relations, with Pilar falling in love with him anyway and getting jealous of the others. She gets pregnant and then hates him because he was with someone else when she had a miscarriage. Armando gets his hand damaged by age-related injuries, but ignores the doctor's orders to avoid driving.

Moonbeam Alley

The narrator is a young German landed in a French port. He misses the train to Germany, as the ship docks at a late hour. Thus, he has to spend a night in a city that is a stranger to him. Walking in the streets of the small city at night, he hears a woman singing Weber's ''Der Freischütz''. Hearing his mother tongue in a French city attracts the young man and he follows the voice to find its source. Eventually, he finds what he is looking for: the voice is from a small bar-like brothel. When he attempts to get in, he suddenly sees a strange man peeking inside. As soon as the man sees him, he runs away. The narrator walks in and sits at one of the tables. It is midnight and he is the only guest at the bar. A fleshy, exhausted prostitute comes to him and orders alcohol with her German accent. The young man is uncomfortable with the bar's sultry atmosphere and the lackadaisical, tired prostitute – he decides to leave. But suddenly, the prostitute comes to life and bursts into laughter by looking at the door – the man who ran away is there again. The prostitute humiliates the man and tries to make him jealous by snuggling the narrator. The narrator feels sorry for the man and can't stand the prostitute's ruthlessness and therefore decides to leave. Walking in the labyrinthine alleys in the moonlight and trying to find his hotel, he suddenly hears a man offering help – it is the man at the bar. While walking together to the narrator's hotel, the strange man begins speaking swiftly. He says that the prostitute is his wife and due to his selfishness, she has left him and that he spent all of his wealth by running after her. The man asks the narrator to talk to his wife to make her return to him. The narrator is stumped and does not respond to any of his requests. The strange man continues talking and says that he can not stand seeing her with other men and that he will not leave her there ''alive'' – he talks about the knife he bought that day. The next day, the narrator tries to find the bar but the alleys look quite unfamiliar to him in the daylight. But when he goes by moonlight from his hotel to the night train, he suddenly notices the alley where the bar in. The man is, again, in front of the bar. When the man sees the narrator, he beckons to him. This makes the narrator worry and since he is about to miss the night train, he leaves the bar and the alley mercurially. At the last moment, the narrator hesitates as the man, with something silvery in his hands, determinedly enters the bar.

Chainsaw Man

Part 1 – Public Safety Arc

Denji is a young man trapped in poverty, working off his deceased father's debt to the ''yakuza'' by working as a Devil Hunter, aided by Pochita, his canine companion and Chainsaw Devil. Denji is betrayed by the Yakuza, who kill him for a contract with the Zombie Devil. Pochita makes a contract with Denji, merging with him as a human-devil Hybrid, under the condition that Denji shows his dreams to Pochita. Denji massacres the yakuza, and is approached by a team of governmental Devil Hunters, the Public Safety Division, led by Makima, who persuades him to join their ranks. Agreeing, Denji is partnered with Power, the Blood Fiend, and Aki Hayakawa, a self-destructive Devil Hunter. Makima promises Denji any favor, provided he kill the Gun Devil, perpetrator of the greatest massacre in human history.

Denji's group encounters another hybrid, the Katana Man, a vengeful yakuza seemingly allied with the Gun Devil, who kills a great portion of the Division. Denji and Power are trained by Kishibe, a master Devil-hunter who distrusts Makima; Aki makes a deal with the Future Devil, who foresees a "horrible death" for him. The Division launches a counter-attack against the Katana Man, capturing him.

Some time later, Denji begins a romance with a woman named Reze, who is actually the Bomb Woman, a Hybrid spy for the Soviet Union, sent to capture him. Though returning his affection, she attacks the city, with the Division barely saving Denji. After recovering, Denji fights her, and accepts a proposal to leave Japan together; before they can reunite, Makima secretly captures her. Denji's fight with the Bomb Woman reveals his existence to the world.

Foreign assassin groups target Denji: Chinese hunter Quanxi; a mysterious enemy of Makima called "Santa Claus"; three American brothers; and a Russian woman teaching a pupil, Tolka. Denji is outfitted with a security detail. Though the brothers are repelled, and Quanxi initially stalls, Santa Claus uses their Doll Devil powers for a large horde attack. After a follow-up by Quanxi, Tolka's master reveals herself as the true "Santa Claus", and has all parties transported to Hell, where they are attacked by the Darkness Devil. Santa Claus makes a contract with the Darkness Devil that empowers her.

Makima retrieves the group from Hell. Quanxi helps Denji defeat Santa Claus; Makima dispatches her afterwards. After Denji recovers, Makima reveals the Gun Devil is actually a geopolitical asset, with many factions controlling pieces of it. As Aki begs Makima for Denji's safety, the president of the United States orders the Gun Devil to attack Japan and kill Makima. Revealed to be the Control Devil, Makima confronts the Gun Devil and wins. Aki dies in the attack, and the Gun Devil takes his body as a Fiend. Denji is attacked by the Gun Fiend, and, helped by civilians, kills it; Aki's death devastates him. While seemingly consoling him, Makima kills Power, revealing herself responsible for Denji's losses, having plotted to void his contract with Pochita by crushing his dreams of a normal life.

Kishibe attacks her, and she calls for "Chainsaw Man" to save her. Controlling Denji's body, Pochita assumes his true form and runs. Makima explains her goals: to use Pochita's power to eliminate concepts from reality to create a world without suffering; to this end, she was empowered by the government with immortality. Fighting the Chainsaw Man using the brainwashed Hybrids, which include Katana Man, Reze, and Quanxi, she wins, as Denji's heroic deeds have weakened Pochita. Power reforms from a remnant of her blood, escapes with Chainsaw Man, and, mortally wounded, restores Denji's will to live, having him promise to find her when she is reborn in Hell.

Invigorated by public support for him, Denji confronts Makima and defeats her; to bypass her immortality, he eats her body. Kishibe reveals the Control Devil resurfaced in the form of a little girl, now named Nayuta. He asks Denji to look after her, and Pochita supports this mission in Denji's dreams. Later, Denji enrolls in high school and continues fighting devils under the public eye.

Part 2 – School Arc

The arc starts off with Asa Mikata, a introvert at her local high-school. One day, her homeroom teacher introduces her class to Bucky, a chicken-devil and has the class host him for 3 months, with the class having the choice to kill him or spare him at the end of the 3 months. Once the 3 months passes, the class decides to spare Bucky, having grown attached to him. Bucky encourages Asa to come out of her shell, but is tragically killed when Asa accidentally trips while carrying him.

Later, her teacher and one of her classmates, come to visit her in order to comfort her. Her classmate reveals she made a deal with the Justice Devil, as she jealous of her teacher's attraction for Asa. She kills Asa, but a devil revealed to be the War Devil comes and takes over her body, killing the classmate. Now, Asa, with the War Devil "Yoru" sharing her body, sets out to kill Chainsaw Man, who is revealed to go to her high-school, on the condition that Yoru leaves her body once she kills him.

Kick-Ass (comics)

Book One

The first volume of ''The Dave Lizewski Years'', originally titled ''Kick-Ass'', is set over the course of two years. Dave Lizewski, an otherwise ordinary New York City high school student, comic book fan, and the child of James Lizewski, a loving single father, and his deceased via brain hemorrhage mother, ponders the absence of costumed vigilantes in the real world while "some Armenian guy" in a superhero outfit leaps from the rooftop of a skyscraper, fails to take flight, and plunges to his death on a car on the street below in front of a crowd of onlookers. Months earlier, Dave buys a wetsuit from the website eBay, which he wears under his normal clothing, begins exercising, and practices things like walking on roofs, satisfying his ambitions to become a real-life superhero for a time. He eventually seeks to actually fight crime, with his first attempt leading him to receive a severe beating and stabbing by thugs, followed by his wandering into the street and being hit by a car. He retains his secret identity by stripping off and hiding his costume before paramedics arrive.

Telling his father he was mugged, he undergoes intense physical rehabilitation, including four operations. He is released months later, and as soon as he is off crutches dons the suit once more and goes on patrol. When he saves a man from a beating, an onlooker records the incident and uploads it to YouTube, turning Dave into an overnight sensation dubbed with the name "Kick-Ass". Local mob boss John Genovese is annoyed by Kick-Ass' appearance, as his business has been disrupted by other vigilantes.

In school, the mugging excuse used to cover up his injuries for a second time spawns rumors Dave is a homosexual prostitute. Believing them, his longtime crush, Katie Deauxma, adopts him as a "gay best friend". Dave goes along with this in an effort to spend time with her. The continued patrolling takes its toll on Dave, and his father, worried about him, gives him a can of police-issue pepper-spray for protection.

As Kick-Ass, Dave sets up a Myspace account, so people can contact him for help. The first such request he investigates is a man called Eddie Lomas who has been harassing his ex-girlfriend, which leads Kick-Ass to an apartment of violent lowlifes who try to kill him. He is rescued by a costumed, blade-wielding young girl named Hit-Girl, real name Mindy McCready, who brutally kills all the attackers and then leaves to join a grown man, named Big Daddy McCready, also wearing a superhero costume. The two disregard Dave, who later learns that Kick-Ass has inadvertently inspired a subculture of people dressed in makeshift, original superhero costumes. Later, one such hero, the Red Mist, appears. He partners with Kick-Ass on street patrol and the two happen upon a burning building. When a woman begs them to save her "baby", Kick-Ass drags a very reluctant Red Mist into the building, only to discover that the "baby" is actually a kitten. Although the two are nearly killed while saving the kitten, they gain great public popularity after the rescue.

Hit-Girl later insists to her father that they form a "super-team" with Kick-Ass and Red Mist, and Big Daddy reluctantly complies. Big Daddy is revealed to the reader to be "a good cop in a bad city", whose wife was killed because he would not accept bribes from criminals. He escaped with his baby daughter and plotted revenge, training his daughter to become a lethal crimefighter. At the behest of Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, Kick-Ass accompanies Red Mist to meet the duo at an abandoned warehouse to strategize the takedown of John Genovese. There they find Big Daddy and Hit-Girl captured, and Red Mist reveals himself as Genovese's son, who had orchestrated this ambush. Hit-Girl is apparently killed after being shot multiple times and falling through a window. Tortured, Big Daddy reveals he is not an ex-cop at all but an accountant frustrated with his marriage, who took his daughter and left his empty life to create a new one, financing himself through selling comic books. He chose Genovese as a target because he and Hit-Girl "needed a villain". The gang kills Big Daddy and tortures Kick-Ass. Hit-Girl, who is alive due to body armor, saves Kick-Ass. Hit-Girl and Kick-Ass attack Genovese's headquarters. Hit-Girl kills most of the henchmen, while Kick-Ass beats Red Mist unconscious. Genovese and his remaining thugs manage to capture Hit-Girl, but Kick-Ass comes to the rescue armed with a gun and shoots Genovese's penis. Hit-Girl finishes off Genovese with a meat cleaver and guns down the remaining henchmen.

Dave's life does not improve although he helps Mindy return to a normal, calm life with her mother (who, contrary to what Big Daddy had said, is very much alive) and stepfather. Dave reveals to Katie Deauxma that he is not gay, and confesses his love for her, but she is outraged at his lying and has her new boyfriend Carl punch Dave before sending him a picture of herself performing oral sex on Carl. When he comes home, he walks in on his father having sex with Eddie Lomas' ex-girlfriend Lucille. Despite all of this, he remains optimistic, as he is no longer a loser but a cultural phenomenon.

The main story ends with a would-be superhero (who tried to fly at the start of the story) taking an elevator to the top floor of a building. The epilogue shows Red Mist at a computer in a different costume. He sends a vengeful e-mail to Kick-Ass that has the 1989 ''Batman'' film Joker quote: "Wait until they get a load of me."

Book Two

Book Two of ''The Dave Lizewski Years'', originally titled ''Hit-Girl'', was published after Book Three.

Set several months after Book One, Book Two follows Mindy McCready as she adjusts to home life. As mobsters beat and kill costumed vigilante Silver Beatle for information about the now-retired Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl, Mindy McCready's stepfather, Marcus Williams watches a news broadcast concerning the murder, prompting a response from a spokesman for the real-life superhero movement. Upstairs, Mindy considers the differences between her life being trained as a superhero by her father and her life now. At the bus stop, she is mocked by classmate Debbie Foreman for her clothing but muses to herself that she will get to be Hit-Girl again that night. At school, Mindy discusses her plans to suit up alongside Dave, citing that as John Genovese's brother Ralphie has seized control of the Genovese crime family, which he runs entirely from his jail cell, there is a need for them to return.

Mindy later visits her father's grave and laments that even with all of her superhero training, being able to kill without a care, she doesn't know how to handle Debbie's bullying. In his cell at Rikers Island, Ralphie Genovese instructs his crew to find Kick-Ass and to locate his nephew, Chris. When Kick-Ass arrives at the safe house, Hit-Girl gives him a tour of the facility, explaining that the equipment was purchased with the money she and her father "Big Daddy" had liberated from various pimps and pushers over the years. Hit-Girl then agrees to train Kick-Ass as she was trained in exchange for him teaching her "how to be normal". Dave agrees and is officially sworn in as Hit-Girl's sidekick/trainer.

At Red Mist's old boathouse, Chris visits his concerned mother in costume, informing her that he has come to pick up his comics and that he has become the first of the supervillains. He swears that he will avenge his father's death before taking over the family business as his father's heir, and explains that he plans to commit the first super-crime.

At night, Mindy and Dave "go fishing" for criminals in order to hone their street-fighting skills: using themselves as bait, they quickly attract four muggers, and Mindy times Dave while he incapacitates them. Later, they practice swinging between buildings and crashing through windows at an abandoned warehouse, while also working on opening lines for Dave to use while breaking into criminals' hideouts.

During the day, Dave instructs Mindy on what clothes to buy and what television shows and movies to watch, and Mindy realizes that blending in with other teenagers is just another "undercover operation", resolving to learn how to be a Mean Girl or a Queen Bee. At home, Mindy overhears her mother and Marcus discussing attempts by the mob to infiltrate the police department, but Marcus denies that anything at work has changed; privately, he admits that he knows about Mindy's superhero alter-ego, and orders her to retire for her mother's sake. Mindy promises, but Marcus and her mother promptly pass out, having been drugged with a dose of Rophynol that Mindy slipped into their cocoa. In an alley, Kick-Ass meets up with Hit-Girl, and the two set out in her car toward a restaurant where they interrupt a meeting of Russian and Italian mobsters. Kick-Ass crashes through the window and pummels several gangsters, breaking his hand before Hit-Girl opens fire from beneath a table with an M16 rifle, killing a dozen mobsters. The two then flee the restaurant, heading to the hospital.

At a convenience store, Red Mist and his two henchmen prepare to commit the first super-crime. Inside, Red Mist confirms that the surveillance cameras are operating, and points an XM-25 machine gun at the store owner, shooting and killing him. However, as his henchmen abandon him, Red Mist promptly crashes into a pair of costumed heroes and is beaten up by the owner's sons before being arrested. Later, at JFK International Airport, corrupt police officer Vic Gigante informs Chris that he would have ended up at Riker's Island alongside his uncle if his arresting officers hadn't been on Ralphie Genovese's payroll. Vic gives Chris a ticket out of the country and a billfold filled with credit cards and a passport, and Chris vows to travel the world learning martial arts in order to return to New York and avenge his father's death.

At her home, Mindy prepares for school, spending almost two hours on her hair, makeup and clothes before leaving for the bus stop. When she arrives, however, Debbie mocks her efforts. At school, Mindy learns that Dave will not be able to help her attack a Colombian drug mill that night because of his broken hand that requires two months of recovery. Fed up with Debbie's bullying, Mindy knocks her out with a taser in the bathroom and dangles her off of the roof of a recycling Center. As the latter begs for her life Mindy drops her safely into a passing recycling truck, warning that she will not wait for the truck again if Debbie picks on anyone else, and instructing Debbie to bring her friends to Mindy's house that weekend for a sleepover, to which Debbie fearfully agrees.

At their home, Mindy's mother accuses Marcus of lying to her, showing him an envelope that was delivered to the house containing three bullets labeled "Mommy Bear", "Daddy Bear", and "Baby Bear". At the 5th Precinct building, Marcus confronts Gigante, telling his supervisor to inform Genovese not to threaten his family; Marcus then storms out of the office as Gigante suggests that he not "do anything stupid". That night, while Marcus works a double shift, Mindy drugs her mother and sneaks out as Hit-Girl, heading to an abandoned warehouse to single-handedly attack a Colombian heroin cartel run by Leopoldo Urena. She discovers a few young girls inside bagging the drugs, and opts to infiltrate the warehouse rather than torch the entire building.

At a warehouse, Mindy tumbles into a room of waiting gunmen, and reveals a digital grenade that she has set on a thirty-second timer; the men attempt to flee, but Hit-Girl shoots them out at the knees. Outside, Marcus coordinates a S.W.A.T. team to infiltrate the warehouse, but the door bursts open and the girls rush out of the building shortly before it explodes. A surviving dealer tells the police that a "little girl in the costume" murdered everyone, and Marcus realizes that Mindy attacked the cartel. He rushes back to his house in a squad car while Mindy narrowly manages to get home before Marcus, who finds her in bed. The next morning, Mindy discusses her near-miss with Dave, and explains her plans to cripple the Genovese criminal empire within the next month by executing eleven more hits and killing each goon in a different manner.

At Ryker's Island, Ralphie Genovese watches a news broadcast concerning the warehouse explosion while taking a call from Gigante who, along with Genovese's men, has captured and interrogated another hero. Gigante admits that the hero knows nothing, and Genovese decides that Marcus may be behind all of their other problems and needs to be made an example of. From a martial arts facility in Asia, Chris Genovese taunts Kick-Ass in an Internet forum, explaining that he's at learning how to fight. Later, Chris is sent to the top of the mountain by his sensei to retrieve the "blue lotus"; after Chris sets out, his sensei admits to another instructor that they're scamming him.

At the Williams residence, a team of Genovese's men prepare an assault on Marcus. Inside, Mindy watches as Marcus installs new locks on all the doors and windows, disconnects her computer, and stores away all of her comic books. In the kitchen, Marcus comforts his wife as she mentions the three bullets until four armed men barge into the house. One of the men pistol whips Marcus, then holds Mindy at gunpoint and orders Marcus to beg for the girl's life before realizing that both Marcus and his wife have fallen asleep. Mindy admits to having drugged them before brutally killing the men.

Standing amidst the carnage, Mindy sees a vision of her father, who suggests that she take the opportunity to unleash a massive wave of strategic hits against Ralphie Genovese's operations. Mindy agrees and proceeds to assassinate eight crime bosses in one night before sneaking into Riker's Island on the laundry truck, incapacitate the guards with knock-out gas, stab Ralphie Genovese's bodyguard, and handcuff Genovese himself to his bunk. Informing him that she has murdered his entire chain-of-command, she shows him the "Baby Bear" bullet before shooting him in the head and killing the rest of the prisoners before leaving.

Back at home, the police and fire department arrive and Marcus takes responsibility for the four dead men in his kitchen. Mindy realizes how fragile her mother has become, and sincerely promises Marcus that it's over and resolves to retire and focus on schoolwork, even as brand new heroes began appearing and Red Mist's "super-crime" video going viral.

Meanwhile, at his school, Chris believes that he is ready to fight, but is quickly overpowered and pummeled by his instructors. Chris accuses the sensei of ripping him off, and storms out of the school, claiming that he'll just hire bodyguards to kill Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl for him. One month later, Mindy finds Kick-Ass in an alley after he gets beaten by a shoplifter. She admits that though she wishes she could suit up again, she gave Marcus her word that she wouldn't and tells Kick-Ass that she will still train him, however, beginning at nine o'clock the next morning.

At a nightclub in Eastern Europe, Chris learns from his henchmen that his following on Twitter has grown incredibly and that they have hired a Russian fighter to work as his bodyguard. Suddenly, Chris remembers Kick-Ass's secret identity.

Book Three

By the beginning of Book Three of ''The Dave Lizewski Years'', originally titled ''Kick-Ass 2'', Kick-Ass is training and fighting crime in New York City. Hit-Girl meanwhile is in a state of forced retirement, having been reunited with her biological mother. Her new step-father Marcus Williams, a former ally of her father Big Daddy, seeks to reintegrate Hit-Girl back into society as a normal girl. Though she continues to train Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl reluctantly obeys her step-father's wish for her to have a normal life.

Kick-Ass eventually joins 'Justice Forever', a superhero team of which his friends Marty and later Todd are members. Led by the repentant born-again Christian "Colonel Stars", the group launches a campaign against the local crime families of the city. Behind the scenes, the Red Mist (now using the code name "The Motherfucker") has begun recruiting his own group of villains using social media and his father's wealth. Together, the group (known as "The Toxic Mega-Cunts") brutally murder Colonel Stars by cutting off his head, inserting his dog's head on his body, and then launching a full-on assault upon the suburban neighborhood where Katie Deauxma (Kick-Ass's unrequited crush) lives. Nearly a hundred innocent children, police officers, and Katie's father are sadistically killed by The Motherfucker and his henchmen, who then rape and beat Katie, putting her in the hospital.

The massacre leads the police (led by Detective Vic Gigante, who secretly works for The Motherfucker as a mob informant) to scapegoat the super-heroes for the deaths. All known heroes are rounded up and put into police custody, including the members of Justice Forever. Kick-Ass avoids arrest due to his father, who discovers his son's super-hero alter-ego, much to his horror. Despite his disapproval, Kick-Ass's father turns himself in to the authorities to save his son from arrest. Shortly after, he is attacked by mob henchmen of the Motherfucker, who kill him as part of the villain's campaign to torment his rival. The Motherfucker then attacks the funeral, detonating a bomb in Kick-Ass's father's coffin and has gunmen open fire upon the crowd of mourners, including Hit-Girl and her family. In response, Hit-Girl springs into action to kill the henchmen who kidnap Kick-Ass in the confusion.

Now out of retirement and desiring revenge, Hit-Girl joins Kick-Ass as they raid The Motherfucker's lair and finds out that the villain plans a second massacre in Times Square. Blowing up every single comic shop in New York (along with Kick-Ass's apartment), the Motherfucker seeks to create a distraction to ensure the police will not be around to keep the Motherfucker and his group from slaughtering every living soul in Times Square. Using social media, Kick-Ass alerts all of the heroes still free to meet with him in Times Square to fight the Motherfucker's minions. Meanwhile, Hit-Girl alerts her step-father of the plot to distract the police with the bombings, so they can help the heroes fight them.

In Times Square, the Motherfucker starts his killing spree, only to be stopped by the army of heroes backing Kick-Ass. While Hit-Girl kills and decapitates Motherfucker's bodyguard "Mother Russia", the police arrive. Unable to tell the heroes from members of the Motherfucker's group, they proceed to arrest all the remaining masked combatants, allowing Motherfucker to escape. Kick-Ass chases after him and after a rooftop fight, Motherfucker falls to the ground mortally wounded. Reluctantly, Kick-Ass summons help but gets accused of attempting to kill his rival. Hit-Girl spirits him away and the rescuers only see the young heroine, who is promptly blamed for the crime.

Once Kick-Ass is safe, Hit-Girl steals a police car in order to escape, but Gigante stands in the vehicle's path under the belief that Hit-Girl will never kill a cop. His hunch pays off and Hit-Girl swerves, crashing the vehicle and is arrested. When Marcus tries to come to her aid, he is also arrested by Gigante, when he is baited into revealing that he knew his step-daughter was the infamous Hit-Girl. Hit-Girl is then subsequently led away in handcuffs, though the crowd of survivors cheers her on for her role in stopping the Motherfucker and his group.

Book Four

During the six months after the events of Book Three, Mindy McCready remains in jail while Dave Lizewski graduates high school and continues his battle against organized crime. However, Justice Forever refuses to help him free Mindy from prison and Lieutenant Stripes is killed by Chris Genovese's mother Angela while trying to avenge his brother, Colonel Stars. Corrupt police officer Vic Gigante, having been promoted to captain after arresting Mindy, contacts the Motherfucker's uncle, Don Rocco "Ice-Man" Genovese. They ultimately arrange for an unnamed mob enforcer to take credit for the neighborhood-wide massacre and gang rape of Kick-Ass's crush Katie Deauxma, clearing Chris' name and allowing Rocco to take over the mob's operations in the city.

After a fight with a gang, Dave meets a woman named Valerie and starts dating her. However, he rarely appears to his hero meetings due to having frequent sex with Valerie at her place. At a party being held to celebrate Chris' release, Kick-Ass arranges to get the members of Justice Forever to help him raid the party and send a warning to the mob. The plan fails when Kick-Ass' friends flee in the face of mob retaliation. Elsewhere, Mindy confides to her psychiatrist that she has circumvented the prison's security so as to allow her to wander around and kill problematic inmates at night. Furthermore, she talks about how her father created his false backstory in order to manipulate her into continuing her career as Hit-Girl. Mindy also meets her mother, who is proud of her actions as Hit-Girl.

Gigante and three disguised cops rob Rocco, intending to make a fortune and leave New York. In response, Rocco orders the killing of everyone found in a mask, resulting in the deaths of four Justice Forever members and the kidnapping of Dave's roommate Todd. In jail, Mindy is drugged by a group of corrupt guards working for Rocco, who plans to have Chris execute Mindy in front of all the other East Coast mob leaders. However, Chris, having a pang of guilt over how his actions have affected his mother, decides to spare Mindy and fight the guards. Chris is mortally wounded and dies, but not before helping Mindy escape. Kick-Ass rescues Mindy from a cop working for Rocco, brutally killing him.

Mindy goes to Rocco's meeting in a speedboat, intending to kill all the gang leaders assembled at a boathouse; Dave goes to save Todd in Big Daddy's monster truck. Dave is briefly overpowered by the thugs holding Todd but ends up electrocuting them all. Meanwhile, an anonymous tipster alerts Gigante that he and Mindy will be at Rocco's meeting. Mindy arrives and slaughters the assembled bosses, but is confronted by Gigante and his corrupt cops. Mindy reveals to the cops that she was the anonymous tipster, before triggering explosives that take out all the corrupt cops except Gigante. She then maims Gigante by destroying his pelvis, then forces him to turn state's evidence.

Sometime later, Dave has abandoned his superhero identity, instead deciding to join the police and remaining with Valerie. Marcus is then cleared of all charges thanks to Gigante's testimony, and has rooted out the remaining corrupt elements from the force. Angela and Mindy's mother have become close friends. Mindy remains an active vigilante, killing criminals across the world, though she never contacts Dave again. She does give flowers to her mother once every year, similar to the flowers her father gave to her. The comic ends with a callback to the first scene of the first comic, where Skybird, an applicant for Justice Forever that was chased away by the Juicer, jumps off a building, using his costume to actually fly away.

In a "post-credits scene", Mindy shows up at the house of a bullied kid holding Kick-Ass's uniform, announcing that she is now going to train him to be a superhero.

Book Five

In this new series a new person named Patience Lee who takes up the mantle of Kick-Ass and uses it pay off her family debts fighting criminals and eventually coming into conflict with Hit-Girl.

Fire Punch

''Fire Punch'' takes place on an Earth that has become frozen over and barren, purportedly at the hands of a being known as the Ice Witch. The witch is among a few who possess special abilities known as "blessings". The protagonist Agni is a boy who has the blessing of regeneration, along with his sister Luna. They help the few elders in the village subsist on the meat of Agni's severed arms. One day, their village is visited by a blessed named Doma who offers to take Agni to his city of Behemdorg. Doma, disgusted at their practice of cannibalism, immolates the inhabitants with his inextinguishable flames. Luna, whose regeneration is slower, also succumbs, but not before imploring Agni to "live".

Constantly on fire, Agni's body breaks down and regenerates, leaving him in anguish. Over eight years, he is able to control his body again, vowing to get revenge on Doma. Agni comes across a convoy of slaves to Behemdorg and kills the soldiers. A boy named Sun, who thinks Agni is a god, follows him. Later, more soldiers find Agni, and one of them, Judah, a blessed resembling Luna, beheads him. They take him to Behemdorg, and Sun is tied up and made to generate electricity for the city. A repentant Doma asks Agni for forgiveness, but does not allow Agni to kill him.

Judah decides to try to kill the seemingly immortal Agni by throwing his severed head into the ocean, taking a train there. Also on the train is Togata, a regenerative blessed and twisted cinephile who has taken an interest in Agni, aiming to make him the subject of a film as director. Togata kills all the Behemdorg soldiers on the train, saving a girl named Neneto from being raped and making her camerawoman. Agni agrees to let Togata film his revenge on Doma in exchange for training.

At Behemdorg, Agni decides to free the slaves. While fighting Behemdorg's blessed, Agni's flames burn the city down, killing the residents. Agni defeats the blessed and the slaves are transported by an ally. Judah, no longer needing to maintain a facade of divine revelation, sets herself on fire using Agni's flames, but is stopped when the Ice Witch beheads her.

Black Rock (novel)

''Black Rock'' features a haunted house near Tintagel on the north coast of Cornwall.

Shadowdance (novel)

''Shadowdance'' is a novel in which a crippled orphan named Innowen is given the ability to walk between sundown and sunrise, and he must dance nightly to perpetuate his nocturnal mobility.

Wrong Turn (2021 film)

Scott Shaw travels to a small town in rural Virginia to search for his daughter, who has been missing after visiting the area with her friends. He gets little help from the locals.

Flashback to six weeks earlier: Jen Shaw, her boyfriend Darius, and couples Adam and Milla, and Gary and Luis, arrive in town to hike the Appalachian Trail. They encounter hostility from locals in the bar, especially from Nate. Jen also meets a strange woman called Edith; with her is a young mute girl, Ruthie.

The friends set off on their hike and despite being warned not to, go off the trail to find an old fort. A huge tree trunk comes crashing down the hill and Gary is crushed to death. Bruised and disoriented, the group gets lost and set up camp for the night. The following day, Milla is missing, as well as their cellphones. They find a plaque dated 1859 commemorating the creation of a group of settlers in the mountains called the "Foundation", who believed the end of the United States was near.

While looking for Milla, Adam is caught in a trap and dragged into a pit. Jen, Darius and Luis come across a barn full of backpacks and clothing, then see Adam trussed to a pole, carried between two men clad in strange costumes and wearing animal skull masks. The friends rush to confront the men, who talk in a language they can't understand. Adam breaks free and manically beats one of them to death while the other escapes. Milla appears and reveals that she went for a bathroom break and hid when she saw the two men. The friends encounter other traps and are surrounded by more masked men. Milla falls into a pit and is impaled on stakes. She is killed with an arrow by a member of the Foundation. Jen, Adam, Darius and Luis are all captured.

The friends are taken to a primitive settlement deep in the forest, the headquarters of the Foundation, and put before a "court". Edith is one of their captors. Morgan, the brother of the man Adam killed, testifies how Adam murdered his brother, Samuel. The group is charged with murder. The leader, Venable, sentences Adam to death. The others are sentenced to "darkness". Adam breaks free and holds Ruthie hostage, demanding the release of his friends. Ruthie uses a concealed blade to stab Adam in the leg; he is then executed in front of his friends by Venable, who beats him to death using the log he used to kill Samuel.

Luis tries to flee and Venable blinds him with a hot poker. Jen begs Venable for mercy. Venable agrees, and she and Darius are initiated into the community. Jen reluctantly becomes Venable's sexual partner.

Scott pays a local tracker to take him through the forest. After the tracker and his son are killed by a trap, Scott finds the settlement but is captured. Jen, now married to Venable, shoots her father with an arrow. Venable sentences Scott to "darkness" for trespassing and imprisons him. That night, Jen releases her father, revealing she only shot him so as not to raise suspicion. She tries to get Darius to run away with her and Scott but he refuses to leave. Ruthie helps them escape before Venable and the other cultists pursue them. They discover an underground chamber full of blinded and shambling prisoners, including Luis. Jen kills him out of mercy, and she and Scott flee, killing several cultists, including Edith. They encounter Nate and other armed townsmen who offer to help. The cultists attack them, wounding Jen, but Scott and Jen escape.

Several months later, Jen and her father have returned to their normal lives. Jen visits her stepmother, but finds her in the process of welcoming Venable and Ruthie to the neighborhood. Jen confronts Venable, who notices that she is pregnant with his child. He asks Jen to return with him to the Foundation. Jen agrees on the condition that Venable never again interfere with her family. She, Venable, and Ruthie leave, driving away in a recreational vehicle (RV). As the end credits roll, Jen causes the RV to crash into a parked car. Jen stabs Venable to death and kills the other cultist, the RV driver as well. She then takes Ruthie's hand as they walk back towards her family home.

Power of Legacy

Mr. Batte, the patriarch of a wealthy family with a hotel business chain in Kampala has to resign but there are so many contenders to replace him. Meanwhile, the family must preserve its empire and bond as each member is caught in a web of murder, betrayal, search for love and social prejudice. They have to protect the family's Legacy.

Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros

André Luiz (Renato Prieto) joins a group of messenger spirits led by Aniceto (Edson Celulari), who sets out for Earth to follow the unfolding of a mission that is in danger of failing: the creation of a spiritual work that connects the two worlds. In the process, they also face their own dramas. Together, they dedicate themselves to taking care of three protégés whose stories are intertwined: Otávio (Felipe de Carolis), a young medium who did not fulfill the plan in his mission; Isidoro (Mouhamed Harfouch), leader of a spiritist house; and Fernando (Rafael Sieg), entrepreneur responsible for financing the project.

Word of the Righteous

The film chronicles the valor and sacrifice of teenagers from Ukrainian cities and villages who, despite the life-threatening conditions, saved their Jewish friends, classmates and neighbors from the Holocaust during World War II. In commemoration of their unexampled heroism, they were awarded the honorary title "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center based in Jerusalem, Israel.

The film consists of documentary interviews with the Righteous Among the Nations and the Righteous of Ukraine. Their accounts are illustrated by courtesy photos, coupled with the photos and videos provided by The Pshenychnyi Central State Film, Photo and Sound Archives of Ukraine.

The first three episodes of the documentary series premiered in 2017 and were dedicated to Olena Malova-Zavadska, Anna Morozova, and Vasyl Nazarenko. In 2018-2019, more episodes were released to tell the stories of Sophia Boyko, Nina Bohorad and Nina Gudkova. In 2020, a new film about the Glagolev family was released.

These people are the living eyewitnesses to the terrible times of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine. Despite being elderly and ailing, they agreed to make their revelations on camera solely for the purpose of preserving the national memory of both Ukrainians and Jews. The Ukrainian-born interviewees who are officially recognized by the State of Israel as the Righteous Among the Nations share their stories in ''Word of the Righteous'' in an effort to promote international peace and understanding.

Many of the Righteous Among the Nations who have featured in the film come from Lviv Oblast, in particular: * Ivan Vovkotrub (city of Zolochiv) * Stefania Petrushko (city of Lviv) * Katerina Kleban (city of Rava-Ruska). Other heroes risked their lives to rescue Jews in Kyiv's Babi Yar and elsewhere in Ukraine, such as Anna Bebekh and Sofia Yarova. The filmmakers also interviewed many other Ukrainians who saved Jews during the Holocaust.

1982 (2019 film)

Set against the beginning of the 1982 Lebanon War, the film stars Nadine Labaki as Yesmine, a schoolteacher in Beirut, and Mohamad Dalli as Wissam, a young boy in her class who is trying to find the courage to tell his classmate Joanna (Gia Madi) that he has a crush on her.

New York City Inferno

In June 1977, Paul departs Paris for a week-long vacation to New York City, a trip taken in part to reflect on his strained relationship with his lover Jérôme. He writes to Jérôme daily, and in his last letter, states that he has decided to leave Jérôme and stay in New York permanently. In December, Jérôme travels to New York to search for Paul, and to determine why he has left Paris.

In New York, a cab driver with whom Jérôme subsequently has sex in a meat locker suggests that he visit Warehouse, a popular new BDSM gay bar in Greenwich Village. Over the course of his week-long visit, Jérôme visits the locations mentioned by Paul in his letters, including the Meatpacking District, the Christopher Street Pier, a sex shop, and a tattoo parlor. At each location he cruises for sex and is introduced to the city's thriving gay scene; he meets a French woman getting her first tattoo, an activist with the National Gay Task Force campaigning against Anita Bryant, and multiple paramours.

Jérôme visits an oracle mentioned by Paul at a market in Spanish Harlem, who performs a ritual with Jérôme's semen. The oracle divines that Paul left Paris because he wished to be dominated, and that he will only return if Jérôme becomes the master to Paul's new lover. He instructs Jérôme to visit Warehouse that Friday; Jérôme visits in leather garments, where he witnesses Paul collared and leashed to his new lover at the center of an orgy. Jérôme and Paul make extended eye contact, and the film abruptly cuts to Jérôme and Paul departing New York together as Paul's lover looks on.

The Platform (film)

Goreng wakes in a concrete cell marked with the number 48. His cellmate, Trimagasi, explains that they are in a "Vertical Self-Management Center" aka "The Pit", a tower-style facility in which food is delivered via a platform that travels from the top-down, halting for a fixed period on each floor. People on lower levels can eat only what those above leave and are killed if they keep the food. People are randomly reassigned to a new level each month. Each resident is allowed to bring one item in, Goreng choosing a copy of ''Don Quixote'', and Trimagasi a self-sharpening knife. Trimagasi reveals that when assigned to level 132, he and his former cellmate cannibalized a resident who had fallen down the shaft. One day, a bloodied woman named Miharu rides down on the platform. Trimagasi explains that she descends the pit every month searching for her child.

It is revealed that Goreng volunteered to spend six months in the facility in exchange for a diploma, while Trimagasi is serving a year-long sentence for manslaughter. Over the first month, they become friends, but on the day of the room shuffle, Goreng wakes up tied to his bed. They have been reassigned to level 171, where the platform is expected to be empty of food when it arrives. Trimagasi explains that he plans to cut strips of Goreng's flesh to sustain them both. On the eighth day, Trimagasi begins to do so but is attacked by Miharu as she comes down the platform. She frees Goreng and he kills Trimagasi. Miharu nurses Goreng and feeds him Trimagasi's flesh, but leaves soon after. On the night before the shuffle, Goreng is haunted by hallucinations of Trimagasi, who explains that they are now one and the same.

In the third month, Goreng awakes on level 33 with a woman, Imoguiri, and her dog. Goreng recognizes her as the Administration official who had interviewed him before sending him down. She says that she was unaware of the horrible conditions and volunteered to enter when diagnosed with terminal cancer. Imoguiri rations her food and attempts to convince the men on level 34 to do so but is rebuffed. Two weeks pass and Goreng's threat to defecate on the food convinces them. The two argue over their methods of persuasion. One day, Miharu arrives injured, and Goreng and Imoguiri nurse her back to health. Goreng mentions Miharu's search for her child to Imoguiri, but Imoguiri says that children under 16 are not allowed into the facility. She also claims there are 200 levels in total. Goreng awakens the following month on level 202 to find that Imoguiri has hanged herself. Goreng eats her flesh to survive while plagued with hallucinations of his former cellmates.

In the fifth month, Goreng is assigned to level 6. His new cellmate, Baharat, attempts unsuccessfully to escape. Estimating that there are 250 levels, Goreng convinces Baharat to ride the platform down with him and ration the food. One of the prisoners below convinces them to send a symbolic message to the Administration by leaving a single dish untouched (a panna cotta). As they descend further, they hand out portions to the prisoners, attacking those who refuse to cooperate. On the way, they encounter Miharu being attacked and try to save her, but she is killed and they are left severely injured. Goreng and Baharat continue to descend, eventually reaching level 333 where the platform stops. Goreng notices a child - Miharu's daughter - hiding under the bed. He gets off the platform with Baharat, only to have the platform continue downward, leaving them behind. Despite Baharat's reluctance, they feed the girl the untouched panna cotta.

Goreng passes out and dreams of Baharat telling him that "the girl is the message." The next day, Goreng finds Baharat dead, having bled out from his injuries. Goreng takes the child with him when the platform arrives. They descend to the bottom of the pit, where he once again hallucinates Trimagasi, who tells him that "the message requires no bearer." Goreng gets off the platform and walks away with Trimagasi, both turning to watch as the girl ascends on top of the platform.

Flora & Ulysses (film)

Set in the 21st century in a suburban town in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Flora Belle Buckman is a cynical 10-year-old girl who likes to get lost in the world of superheroes from the comics she reads. Her father George is a failed comic book author who has since taken a job at an office supply store called Binders Keepers overseen by his boss Chad while her mother Phyllis is a romance novelist who had won an award in the past, but has since hit writer's block. Their hardships have caused them to separate.

Flora's next door neighbor Tootie experiences trouble with her Ulysses brand vacuum that begins running amok in her yard. A regular squirrel is sucked into it just as the machine dies. Flora resuscitates the squirrel and takes to naming him after the vacuum. The next day, Ulysses uses Phyllis' vintage typewriter to type "Squirtel. I am. Ulysses. Born anew". Flora quickly discovers that Ulysses is not only sentient, but seems to possess superpowers as well. She regales her findings to Tootie's visiting nephew William Spiver who suffers from "hysterical blindness" due to stress.

When George arrives to see Flora, he and Phyllis discover Ulysses and he agrees to drop him off while he takes Flora out for the day. They stop by the diner Do-Nut World first, but Rita the waitress discovers Ulysses who begins to make a mess in the diner. George sees firsthand that Ulysses has superhuman flight and strength. Father and daughter grab him and flee back to his apartment which is monitored by a feisty cat named Mr. Klaus. The owner of the apartment is also named Mr. Klaus. They see his neighbor Dr. Meescham who tells them that Ulysses is fine and also witnesses his intelligence.

Meanwhile, the diner brings in Miller, an animal control expert who has a vendetta against squirrels due to having been demoted from his park warden duty following a rabid squirrel attack. A hysterical Rita believes that Ulysses had rabies and Miller becomes more determined to catch him.

When Flora and William visit Stanlee at his comic book store, they learn on the news that Ulysses is a fugitive and race to see George, who has decided to quit his job which also led to the regional manager to fire Chad. They hide at George's apartment, but Miller deduces their location. He gets attacked by Mr. Klaus, allowing the heroes to escape, but Miller gives chase. They evade him and make it back home.

Phyllis reveals that she is stressed out about an interview tomorrow for a newspaper and George agrees to be there beside her for support, hinting to Flora that he does not want to divorce her. In return, Phyllis reluctantly allows Ulysses to stay in their house. The interview goes poorly when the journalist sees Ulysses' writings and believes that Phyllis is in a dead end.

The next day, Miller sees the printed article and discovers George's family. Phyllis takes Ulysses to the woods to get rid of him, but realizes that she cannot go through with it after Ulysses gives her encouragement.

Flora and William head to the woods to rescue Ulysses and hide at an abandoned water park to escape a rainstorm. William reveals that he was sent away because he pushed his stepfather's car into a lake. He loved his biological father for his intellect and misses him. George meets up with Phyllis and Ulysses and find Flora and William where Phyllis apologizes. However, Miller arrives with a team and they capture Ulysses informing the family that they will euthanize him as they still believe he has rabies.

The Buckmans and William team up with Dr. Meescham and sneak into the animal sanctuary. While there, William overcomes his stress and regains his sight. They release all the animals, including a very angry Mr. Klaus, to distract Miller and his team and free Ulysses who once again displays his powers to rescue George. They decide to release Ulysses back into the wild. Miller arrives, but is frightened away by the abundance of squirrels. The Buckmans work together to create a comic book called ''Ulysses'', based on their adventure.

In a mid-credits scene, Miller is on a date with Rita where he shyly admits that he is frightened of some things. It is revealed that Mr. Klaus belongs to Rita who is calm and kind to her and not happy to see Miller after their last encounter.

The Mover

Žanis Lipke, a Latvian dock worker, saves 60 Jews during the German occupation of Latvia during World War II by sheltering them in a bunker under his house and transporting them to safety with the help of his family and friends.

Running Against the Wind

One brother dreams of becoming an Olympic runner while the other aspires to be a photographer. They go separate ways, but their paths cross again as adults.

Abdi (Ashenafi Nigusu) and Solomon (Mikias Wolde) are childhood friends who grow up in rural Ethiopia. Their paths diverge dramatically when Solomon runs away to the big city with dreams of becoming a photographer, only to end up on the streets, scraping for food and mixing with bad company. Ten years later, Abdi, who idolises the Olympic runner Haile Gebrselassie, also moves to the capital, where he continues training and even wins a national championship. After an emotional reunion, Abdi tries to pull Solomon out of his precarious situation, but fate has other plans.

The film explores the complexities of brotherhood, be it the bond between Solomon and his fellow outcasts, or the camaraderie among Abdi's athletic team. Though perhaps not always assured in their performances, Nigusu and Wolde capture their characters' first hug after years apart in a beautifully bittersweet moment. Shyly smiling at each other, the two young men suddenly and movingly revert to their childhood selves.

La cosa buffa

A young elementary school teacher falls in love with a Venetian woman who is the daughter of a wealthy industrialist.

Zana (film)

Haunted by her long suppressed past and pressured by family to seek treatment from mystical healers for her infertility, a Kosovar woman struggles to reconcile the expectations of motherhood with a legacy of wartime brutality.

The Monroe Doctrine (1896 film)

John Bull arrives at a shoreline that represents Venezuela and starts attacking it with guns, overwhelming the country. :27 Uncle Sam arrives from the back of the image and grabs Bull by the neck. Defeating and making an example of him, Sam forces Bull to his knees and has him remove his hat for Venezuela. :viii Sam has stood up for the principles of the Monroe Doctrine.:27

Absolute Carnage

Issue 1

Chapter 1: The Bleeding King

While walking to Times Square, Eddie Brock explains to his son Dylan about how the Symbiotes were created by Knull as well as the Church of the New Darkness having resurrected Cletus Kasady. Upon arrival, Eddie notices that there are wanted posters for Venom for the deaths of Lee Price and several inmates at Ryker's Island. When they flee into the subway upon being trailed by a man in a trenchcoat, they encounter Cletus Kasady who shoves them onto the subway tracks. They are saved by the man in the trenchcoat who is actually the Venom symbiote in disguise. The Venom symbiote re-bonds to Eddie where it states to him that it has fully recovered from the dark magic that it absorbed. A pair of police officers arrive and hold Venom at gunpoint. When the train explodes, Venom shields Dylan as Dark Carnage appears. The Dark Carnage stands at 13 ft., is colored black and red with a white spiral on its head, a gaping maw, a skeletal appearance, and a white dragon emblem on its chest. Venom tells the police officers to get Dylan as far away from here as possible while he confronts Dark Carnage where he notices that Cletus' body is bonded to the Grendel symbiote. As Dark Carnage tries to rip the Venom symbiote off of Eddie, he claims that Knull is coming to destroy everything. Eddie uses the electrical rails of the subway to disable Dark Carnage as it briefly separates to reveal Cletus' corpse. While recuperating at an apartment, Eddie and Dylan are visited by Robbie Robertson. He notices Eddie's condition and calls Peter Parker.''Absolute Carnage'' #1. Marvel Comics.

Chapter 2: The God Son

Sometime later at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Spider-Man meets with Eddie and Dylan where he hears about Cletus being bonded to the Carnage symbiote, the approach of Knull as well as Eddie's encounters with Roland Treece and the Dinosaur People. Their discussion is interrupted by a news report about some bodies Angelo Fortunato, Carl Mach, Leslie Gesneria, and Thaddeus Ross where Eddie suspects that Anne Weying might be among the bodies in the pit. After thwarting a robbery, Spider-Man states to Eddie that he would ask Mister Fantastic for a solution that involves extracting the codices without killing people, but the timeline is unfeasible causing Eddie to take Spider-Man to meet with Maker. At the house of "Rex Strickland", Spider-Man and Venom meet Maker who is working on the S.C.I.T.H.E. (short for Symbiote Codex Isolation and Thermo-Heated Extraction) that was commissioned by Project Oversight. Normie Osborn was brought to Maker as he and Dylan get acquainted. When Spider-Man would not let the S.C.I.T.H.E. be tested on Dylan, Maker states that he wants to test it on Norman Osborn.

Chapter 3: The Long Red Dark

Spider-Man and Venom head to Ravencroft where Venom recalls when Norman Osborn bonded with the Carnage symbiote. Arriving at the maximum security cell block, Eddie confronts Norman Osborn. Meanwhile, John Jameson meets with Spider-Man as he states that Venom is his ally. When they meet up with Venom near Norman Osborn's cell, Spider-Man and Venom notice John Jameson in pain as it is revealed that Dark Carnage has bonded to him. As John Jameson fully turns into Dark Carnage, he informs Spider-Man that Knull is coming. Elsewhere in Ravencroft, Cletus is walking through the halls as he exposes his ribs to unleash the maggots in order for them to have the inmates be bonded to the Grendel symbiote. The inmates are transformed by the symbiotes into creatures that resemble Doppelganger. As Spider-Man and Venom fight the symbiote-controlled inmates, Venom had wished that Sentry was here to rip Carnage again. Spider-Man is then told by Venom that the Grendel symbiote has a weakness to electricity. Norman Osborn is freed from his cell as he attacks Spider-Man and Venom. Using an offshoot of the Grendel symbiote, Dark Carnage bonds it with Norman Osborn to recreate his Carnage form.

Issue 2

Dark Carnage has recreated Norman Osborn's Carnage appearance as he gloats that Knull will bring darkness and death to the universe. As Venom forms a wrecking ball to make a hole in the wall, Spider-Man wants to save Norman Osborn. Venom grabs Spider-Man as he carries him up the tower, creates dragon-like wings, and flies him away from Ravencroft. Dark Carnage tells Norman's Carnage form that there is nowhere that Spider-Man and Venom could escape to. After landing on a rooftop, Venom asks Spider-Man if they should go strolling up to Captain America and Wolverine, Spider-Man states that he would've handled them. After defeating Riot, Agony, Phage, and Lasher, Maker contacts Eddie and tells him that Dylan is fine. Maker informs Eddie about the grave that the Church of the New Darkness has made with the dead bodies. In addition, he also states that Anne Weying's body was never exhumed as he advises Venom to kill Dark Carnage before the situation gets worse. In his hideout beneath Grand Street, Dark Carnage is told by Norman's Carnage form that the murder pays in spades. Dark Carnage states to Norman's Carnage form that he is Cletus Kasady and not him. The hive is right now being amassed with Knull's powers. In SoHo, Manhattan, Miles Morales and Scorpion are fighting the Carnage Doppelgangers seeking to claim that Venom and Mania codex inside Scorpion. Venom catches up to them and advises Scorpion that they would set aside their grudge and save Miles. Venom throws him into the fray right into Norman's Carnage form. When he forms a blade to put into Scorpion's back, Miles uses his venom blast attack to fry part of the Carnage symbiote off of Norman's face enough for him to drop Scorpion. Venom has a horrified reaction when Miles is infected with a Grendel symbiote.

Issue 3

Miles has been transformed into a six-armed Carnage Doppelganger. Lamenting that he wasn't able to rescue Miles, Venom fights him as Scorpion calls for help. Eddie and the Venom symbiote have a disagreement when it comes to the Venom symbiote wanting to have Norman Osborn killed after Venom mentioned Normie enough to briefly bring Norman to his senses. As the Grendel symbiote heals Norman, Venom brings Scorpion to the house of "Rex Strickland" since Scorpion would be in danger if he was sent back to prison. Venom finds that Spider-Man has called in Captain America, Thing, Wolverine, and Bruce Banner. As Captain America is handed Scorpion whose spine was broken in the attack, Venom is told that Maker fled when they showed up. As Venom gets fully acquainted with Bruce Banner, Dylan comes in where he has befriended a Sleeper symbiote that has bonded to a cat. Hours later, a storm rages as Bruce monitors the S.C.I.T.H.E. As Eddie is placed in a pod part of the S.C.I.T.H.E., the real Eddie Brock comes in and states his knowledge of Spider-Man being Peter Parker. It is then discovered that Eddie is actually Dark Carnage in disguise. When Spider-Man asks Bruce of Dark Carnage would break out, Bruce doubts it. Dark Carnage cracks through Captain America's pod as the Carnage Doppelgangers break into the building. The Venom symbiote leaves Eddie and engulfs Bruce Banner. As Dark Carnage stabs Bruce during the bonding process, he is transformed into a venomized version of Hulk whose punch nearly separates the Grendel symbiote from Cletus Kasady. It was also noted that the Venom symbiote couldn't cover all of Hulk as he introduces himself to Dark Carnage.

Issue 4

While the Venomized Hulk fights Dark Carnage, Eddie Brock leads Spider-Man, Dylan Brock, and Normie Osborn to the door while assuring to Dylan that Sleeper can handle himself. Eddie asks Spider-Man to watch over Dylan while he gets the weapons that the Jury used on the Symbiotes. Eddie even equips himself with a Guardsman gauntlet and Captain America's shield. Eddie is then ambushed by the Carnage-possessed Miles Morales. Dark Carnage senses the power of the One Below All in Hulk where he plans to open it and paint it black like Knull's living abyss. When Dark Carnage tries to get the Venomized Hulk to side with him, Hulk punches Dark Carnage who sends tendrils into his head in order to mess with his mind. Using the cannon in the Guardsman gauntlet and charging Captain America's shield with it, Eddie Brock electrocutes the Symbiote on Miles enough to free him from its control. Afterward, Miles tells Eddie that he needs to get to the Venom Symbiote before Dark Carnage absorbs it and free Knull. Hulk regresses back to Bruce Banner and passes out just as Eddie and Miles arrive. Dark Carnage rips the Venom Symbiote off of Bruce as he assimilates it where he starts to grow horns, sharp spikes on his back, and black pauldrons and arm wraps similar to the ones on Knull. Captain America assures Eddie that he did all he can while punching a Carnage doppelganger. As Captain America takes back his shield, Thing and Wolverine arrive as the three of them charge towards Dark Carnage. Miles tells Eddie that the Carnage doppelgangers are attacking the S.C.I.T.H.E. and that Maker lied about destroying the Symbiote Codices. As Dark Carnage wipes the floor with Captain America, Thing, and Wolverine while Spider-Man fights the Carnage Norman Osborn, Eddie fights his way past the Carnage Doppelgangers to get to the S.C.I.T.H.E. Dark Carnage then turns his back spikes into wings as he plans to release Knull. Punching his hand into the S.C.I.T.H.E.'s container, Eddie becomes engulfed with the Symbiote Codices of Venom, Carnage, Riot, Agony, Lasher, Phage, Sleeper, Dreadface, Mania, Tyrannosaurus, and other unnamed Symbiotes which connects with the Venom Codex in his spine. While originally overwhelmed by the voices of the past Symbiote hosts, Eddie feels them melting together as the gestalt Symbiote transforms Eddie into a stronger, more focused version of Venom with powers of all the previous owners of the codices, not at one hundred percent though. Sprouting wings, Venom goes after Absolute Carnage and declares himself as the avenging fury of New York.

Issue 5

The issue begins with a flashback of Eddie Brock first meeting Cletus Kasady in prison. In the present, while Eddie fights Dark Carnage, Cloak, Dagger, Iron Fist, Firestar, Morbius, Deathlok, Captain Marvel, Deadpool, and Scream arrive to help in the battle. Meanwhile, Spider-Man collapses during the fight with Norman, leading Dylan to somehow detonate him. Dark Carnage attacks Dylan, holding him hostage and reminding Eddie of his choice: to let his son die and let Dark Carnage awaken Knull or to kill Dark Carnage and take all of his codices, awakening Knull himself. Choosing to save his son, Eddie creates a Necrosword out of his combined symbiotes to kill Carnage, freeing Knull in the process, who sets off for Earth. As Spider-Man leaves to check on the others, Eddie is confronted by Dylan about them being father and son.

A Day Off

One winter Sunday, a penniless young man named Huh Wook (Shin Seong-il) sets off to meet his beloved Ji-yeon (Ji Yun-seong). Unable to start a family, Ji-yeon, who is pregnant, needs an abortion. Huh Wook meets his friends to get money but ends up stealing from a friend when all his friends refuse to lend him and runs away. While Ji-yeon is in hospital, Huh Wook wastes time at a bar with another woman and spends the night together. When he wakes up and remembers Ji-yeon who is lying in hospital, he runs back to the hospital only to discover she has died during the surgery. He goes to tell her father but is turned away at the doorstep. His friend whose money he has stolen catches him and beats him up. With blood streaming down his face, he runs down the dark streets and reminisces the happy times he had with Ji-yeon.

Neverending Past

Three stories examine relationships of fathers and sons. They span three eras: near the end of World War II, during the fall of the Berlin Wall, and in the early 1990s after the breakup of Yugoslavia.

Memories of My Body


''Memories of My Body'' main character's name, Wahyu Arjuno, is derived from the name Arjuna, the strong, divine protagonist of the epic poetry ''Māhabhārata''. Wahyu, nicknamed Juno, lives in a village in Banyumas Regency, where a person's body is regarded as the archive of their life, carrying education, emotion, and trauma as they go on with their life. The regional ''lengger'' dance, which involves men cross-dressing, is derived from "leng", meaning "hole" (a reference to the vagina), and "ger", meaning "comb" (a reference to the penis); thus, the word highlights the masculinity and femininity within humans.


In the 1980s, young Juno's father leaves him inexplicably. Out of admiration, he begins learning ''lengger'' from a dance teacher, also beginning his sexual exploration at this point. He witnesses the teacher implementing vigilantism upon student Jok for having sex with his wife. Upon his father's request, Juno's aunt Atmo takes him. She learns that he can detect chickens' fertility by inserting his finger into the genitals, much to her vexation. He is punished by a teacher for spreading odor, and is asked to write an apology with a chalk in his mouth, to which he writes "MOM."Indonesian: ''IBU''. A dance teacher rescues and teaches him ''lengger''. Noticing that Juno wants to touch her cleavage, missing his mother, she allows him, and the villagers take her to police, citing pedophilia. Overwhelmed, Atmo gives Juno to his uncle.

As a young adult, Juno works for his clothing store, able to measure a person's body with his senses. One day, a boxer orders a traditional wedding costume. He requests that Juno demonstrate how to wear it. When the man accidentally bleeds his chest with a safety pin, he sucks it, and Juno realizes he is gay. As the eldest of a plethora of siblings, the man never gets to spend time with himself or cuddle with his mother, exacerbated by poverty. In a fit of closeness, they kiss. The man loses a boxing match, thus not being able to garner money for his wedding and the boss of a controlling enemy, whose fixer separates him and Juno. The next day, Juno's uncle reveals that his father left due to trauma upon a river nearby his house, where his family was slaughtered out of accusation that he was involved in the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66. Juno's uncle then dies, and Juno moves to Jati village to be costume designer of a ''lengger'' group.

Anticipating the election, a regent candidate is advised by shaman Pesisiran to methodically find a mate that will spiritually allow him to win. Juno is the one, but he riskily rejects the instruction. A ''warok'' blocks his plan to reconcile with the regent (who is furious that the reog group cancelled further political dances) by choosing Juno as his ''gemblak'' (male lover), noticing a close connection; Juno accepts. After seeing a dance where the ''warok'' bleeds a man with a sickle, Juno has a meltdown; his ''warok'' comforts him. The regent's wife hires fixers to kick Juno and the ''lengger'' group out of the village, worrying that a scandalous photo of the regent and Juno holding hands may cause the majority, homophobic villagers to not vote for him. A woman in her house confronts the wife for abuse of power, saying that she will be lonely. The group absconds before the fixers arrive. Juno hitchhikes and smiles, now out of the closet.

Memories of My Body

The United States vs. Billie Holiday

In 1957, Billie Holiday meets with a radio journalist, Reginald Lord Devine, for an interview. He asks her what it is like to be a "colored woman" and about the trouble she keeps getting into because of her hit song ''Strange Fruit''. Billie says it is about human rights, something the government often forgets.

The film flashes back to 1947, where Billie's husband Monroe and her manager Joe Glaser try to get Billie to cut ''Strange Fruit'' from her set list, saying people high up in the government do not want to hear her sing it. Lester Young, Billie's sax player, supports her in playing it.

FBI agent Harry J. Anslinger tells other agents that Billie is a threat, her song promotes the wrong ideas, and she has not stopped singing it. Unable to arrest her for singing, they decide to go after her on drug charges. After Billie's next show, Agent Jimmy Fletcher, disguised as a soldier, witnesses her doing drugs. The FBI arrest Billie and her lover Joe Guy for drug use and possession. The judge sentences Billie to a year in jail. It is later revealed that Anslinger paid off Guy.

Anslinger tells Jimmy that they need to make sure Billie never sings again. Jimmy questions why Billie is such a problem. Anslinger tells Fletcher to go to the prison to get back in with Billie. Instead, he tells her to not trust anyone and warns her the FBI will continue to try to set her up.

After Billie is released from prison, she does a Carnegie Hall show where an audience member asks her to sing ''Strange Fruit'' and she sadly declines. Billie meets John Levy, who tells her that he will pay off the right people to make sure she can keep singing in his clubs. They begin a relationship. Levy proposes to her, then slips drugs into her pocket just in time for the FBI to enter. In court, Fletcher admits that Billie was possibly framed, and she is freed. Anslinger sends Fletcher to follow Billie on her tour.

In 1949, Jimmy comes to see Billie after a successful tour stop and tells her the agency wants her to think he was fired. Suspicious, the whole crew has Jimmy do heroin to show he can be trusted. Over the course of the tour, Jimmy and Billie fall in love. One day, after the bus breaks down, Billie breaks up with Jimmy, telling him he needs to find a nice girl, and that is not her. Jimmy returns to work, where he finds he has been replaced.

Billie marries Louis McKay, later returning to Jimmy. Later, Billie tells Jimmy she has liver failure. In the hospital, Anslinger tells Billie and McKay that if she cooperates, she will never see them again. Billie tells him that his grandkids will be singing ''Strange Fruit'' one day.

Pinny's House

The series follows the adventures of Pinny, a small wooden doll that lives in a dollhouse on a shelf. A model ship sits next to the house which contains Pinny's sailor friend Victor. The 'adventures' come in the form of the home's two children, Jo and Tom, who often take the toys down to play with them.

Sometimes (This Is Us)

The beginning of the episode shows how the original necklace was created and eventually found its way to Hien. Jack and his brother Nicky Pearson are deployed in Vietnam, where Nicky's well-being is deteriorating and his behavior is causing problems. Jack asks to be in the same squad as Nicky so that he could look after him, though the act of having family members in the same unit is typically prohibited. In the present, Kevin and Zoe have embarked on an excursion to Vietnam, believing they can find answers about the mysterious local woman in a photograph with Jack, and the necklace that he kept from that era.

In the 1970s, Rebecca and Jack decide to take a road trip from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles for Rebecca to visit a record label, hoping to acquire a contract out of it. Jack is more nebulous about his plans, simply saying he is meeting "some folks" in Reseda. Throughout their trip, staying in motels along the way, they become sexually intimate yet Jack is unwilling to talk about the nightmares he has been experiencing.

It echoes what Kevin is experiencing with Zoe in Vietnam, who frequently changes the subject when asked about her background and family life. While eating lunch–a bat dish–Zoe spots a tourist whom Kevin notices has the same necklace Kevin is trying to find more information about. It turns out the necklace has become a mass-produced souvenir. Later, Kevin expresses to Zoe that he is falling in love with her, and she discloses to him that the reason she has been so guarded about her life is that her father molested her as a child.

In Vietnam, Jack entrusts a local man named Bao to take him back to his base, whom he surmises is member of Viet Cong who produces land mines–Bao says, "sometimes."

In California, Jack is shown to have gone to Reseda to meet the Wattersons, who are the parents of a soldier who died under his watch, having stepped unwittingly on a land mine. Rebecca's audition is ultimately unsuccessful, with the record executives describing her as only "Pittsburgh good." When he picks her up, Jack asks "Bec" to if she can sing her song and while she's singing he weeps.

Raging Loop

On a trip from Tokyo, Haruaki Fusaishi crashes his bike into the remote mountain village of Yasumizu, where he befriends college student Chiemi Serizawa. Before he can leave, Yasumizu is enshrouded by mist, and everyone in town must begin the Feast of the Yomi-Purge, an event in which several villagers become "wolves" and must kill one person each night. During the day, the villagers share information and vote to hang someone to eliminate the wolves. According to legend, the wolves are ''yomibito'' risen from the dead, and must be purged.

As the Feast continues, Haruaki discovers his ability to loop back in time after death, returning to the day he entered the village and repeating his actions. Unable to escape the loop, Haruaki relies on his memories, in the hopes of learning the truth about the Feast's origin, Yasumizu's secrets, and the truth behind the looping.

In one route, Haruaki bonds with Chiemi and learns her fear of God and the supernatural corruption plaguing Yasumizu. The wolves win the Feast and reveal that the mountain god Shin'nai told them the humans are the true ''yomibito'' who need to be saved. Haruaki and Chiemi attempt to run away, but they are unable to escape and Chiemi rots away into the mist.

In another route, Haruaki gains the role of the "snake," allowing him to learn whether someone is a wolf or human each night. His deductions lead the humans to victory over the wolves. During the Feast, he grows close to Rikako Uematsu, a mysterious priestess with the power to heal others by taking in their corruption. Haruaki plans to start a new life with her after the Feast ends, but the remaining villagers are suddenly massacred and Haruaki loops back once again.

In the third route, Haruaki becomes a wolf and learns the inner workings of the Feast. He gets to know his fellow wolf Haru Makishima, a girl who lost her parents in a previous Feast eight years prior. Haru is possessed by a god named Mujina, who is aware of Haruaki's looping ability. By questioning her, Haruaki learns more about Yasumizu's gods. Haruaki ultimately wins the Feast, and a monstrous being appears in the sky. Haruaki is greeted by a sheep who explains to him that he is within someone else's dream, and the dreamer is resetting time to awaken the being. The sheep tells him it has been allowing Haruaki to keep his memories, and sends him back in time to prevent the country's destruction.

Haruaki reconvenes with Chiemi and realizes that she also remembers each time loop. Together, they make numerous attempts to escape the mists and change the events of the Feast, but they remain trapped. Haruaki returns to a number of key points in previous Feasts to speak with other villagers, and begins to understand the truth: the Feast is a man-made game devised by the Miguruma clan, a powerful family in the neighboring village of Fujiyoshi. The Migurumas would ostracize certain people and send them to live in Yasumizu, and fabricated their legends and culture to keep the villagers dedicated to purging ''yomibito''.

Haruaki visits the sheep once more, and asks to be sent back as far as possible. Armed with his knowledge, he returns to Yasumizu and poses as a god, asking the villagers to stop the Feast, and restoring their faith in Mujina. He confronts Rikako, the dreamer responsible for looping time. She reveals that she wanted all the villagers to die in the Feast to revive the Tsuchigumo of Dreams, the being that appeared after Haruaki won the Feast as a wolf. With her plans thwarted, Rikako discovers she can no longer reset time with her death. Lastly, Haruaki confronts the Migurumas and puts an end to their control over Yasumizu.

Haruaki leaves Yasumizu and returns to his normal life, considering the events in Yasumizu to be a dream. However, he is later visited by Chiemi, who asks him to take her out on the bike ride he promised her when they first met. Haruaki agrees, and they set out on their trip.

KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Legend of Crimson

Following a recently failed quest, Kazuma Satō, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness are visited by Yunyun. Yunyun explains about the letter from her father telling her to have a son with Kazuma to make their child avenge the people of Crimson Demon Village, her and Megumin's hometown, when they get destroyed. They discover that bearing a child with Kazuma is fabricated by her classmate, but Megumin decides to check her village's condition so Kazuma's party asks Wiz to teleport them.

After defeating a group of female orcs and an army of goblins with Yunyun and Crimson Magic Clan members' help, Kazuma's party arrives at the Crimson Demon Village and visits Yunyun's father, who admits exaggerating the aftermath of the attack on the village by one of the Demon King's generals named Sylvia. Afterward, Kazuma's party visits Megumin's house and meets her family, who becomes interested in Kazuma for his fortune. Later night, Megumin's mother Yuiyui sets up Kazuma to sleep with her daughter, but Megumin escapes the room. The following day, Megumin tours Kazuma and Aqua around the village by visiting her school and the storage building that holds the Mage Killer, a weapon capable of destroying the world. They later find Darkness fighting Sylvia and her army, but Sylvia retreats after learning the defeat of Verdia, Vanir, and Hans from Kazuma. Later night, Sylvia manages to take Kazuma hostage and brings him to the storage building to steal the Mage Killer, but Kazuma traps her inside and reunites with his party. She then fuses with the Mage Killer and begins destroying the Crimson Demon Village. Kazuma's party finds a rifle as a counter-weapon and uses it to kill Sylvia.

A dying Sylvia encounters Verdia and Hans in the afterlife and fuses with them to be revived as a giant monster. Wiz and Vanir arrive at the village for a business trip but end up joining the fight. Wiz collects the Crimson Magic Clan members' magic and transfers it to Megumin and Yunyun, while Kazuma deals with Sylvia to buy them time. Megumin and Yunyun destroy Sylvia with their combined powerful attack, with Kazuma getting perished as well. Afterward, Kazuma is revived and returns to Axel with his party. While on a picnic, Megumin asks Kazuma to put her experience points into another skill to be a useful mage without relying on her main magic. She casts her final Explosion skill as a farewell but finds it much stronger than usual, realizing that Kazuma disregarded her request and put the points on it instead. As they meet up with others, a heart-shaped smoke from the explosion forms in the sky.

Pimp (2018 film)

An urban gritty drama set on the streets of the Bronx. Wednesday, a female pimp, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she is left looking after her prostitute mom, and her girlfriend Nikki. In need of more money to survive, Nikki turns tricks changing their luck. Rising up in the game, Wednesday continues to hustle hard for a dream of a better life for her girls and a ticket out of the ghetto. But when Wednesday pulls a stripper named Destiny, she comes face to face with a male Pimp who runs a more dangerous game. In a ferocious battle for survival of the fittest, Wednesday fights for love and risks all to protect Nikki.

Safety (2020 film)

Set in South Carolina in the 2000s, Ray McElrathbey is a freshman at Clemson University, having been accepted on a football scholarship for their team, the Tigers. He is quickly thrust into campus life as he tries to balance his school work and football career. He begins to receive numerous phone calls from his younger brother Fahmarr, but tries to ignore him to study. He quickly takes an interest in sports journalist student Kaycee Stone while also butting heads with football captain Keller. One day, Ray learns that Fahmarr is not at home with their mom, Tonya, and races back home over the weekend to find that their mother has relapsed and Fahmarr has been staying with a former acquaintance, presumed to be a dealer. Ray takes Fahmarr to child services and, faced with the prospect of losing Fahmarr to the system, decides to take him in, albeit temporarily so that Tonya can recover in a month.

Ray hides Fahmarr in his dorm with his roommate Daniel Morelli discovering him. He promises to keep him a secret while also helping him out. Ray soon becomes close with Kaycee though she begins to suspect that he is hiding something from her. Fahmarr also gets enrolled in a new school, though the different environment becomes slightly alienating for him. Eventually, studying, practice and caring for Fahmarr begin to take its toll on Ray and Daniel brings in the rest of the freshman squad to help with keeping Fahmarr out of trouble. Unfortunately, team captain Keller discovers Fahmarr and forces Ray to come clean about it. Coach Bowden and Simmons reprimand him and Ray tells Fahmarr that he must leave as Tonya's program is almost over.

Tonya informs the boys that she will be staying in the program much longer, meaning that Fahmarr must go into the system. Ray becomes depressed and tells Kaycee about why he has been acting so strange. After some encouragement, Ray speaks with Simmons about Fahmarr and he helps him go out and retrieve him. They must live off campus while Ray holds side jobs to keep themselves afloat. Fahmarr goes back to school and begins crushing on a girl named Shannon. Ray's relationship with Keller and Kaycee improve and becomes a better player. Fahmarr sits-in in one of their classes and helps the team with one of their games. Kaycee, impressed with the changes, offers to print Ray's story in the paper, despite him not wanting to come off as a charity case. Soon, everyone in the community begins offering help to the McElrathbeys as their relationships improve.

Shortly before the Bowden Bowl, Ray is informed that the NCAA is investigating his situation as they believe that he is receiving irregular benefits. Despite the support of Bowden and Simmons, they are informed that it seems impossible that they will be waived. Ray begins to prevent any more charity to himself or Fahmarr and shuts himself off from everyone. He soon discovers that Fahmarr has run away and everyone goes searching for him; eventually finding him at a diner. Ray promises that he will continue to look after him no matter what and he reluctantly forces Tonya to hand full custody of Fahmarr over to him. Ray and Fahmarr head to the hearing at the NCAA, along with his coaches, his team, Kaycee and the community. After giving a heartfelt speech, the board ultimately decide to allow Ray and Fahmarr all the necessary benefits needed. Fahmarr is seen with the rest of the Tigers and is given his own jersey as he joins his brother on the field to prepare for the big game.

During the credits, it is revealed that Ray successfully graduated as he and Fahmarr reunited with their completely sober mother. Real footage is played of their appearance on ''Oprah'' as well as Ray playing football.

Isa Pa with Feelings

An architect student, Mara, takes a break from studying by dancing at her balcony where her next door neighbor happens to see her. She turns around mid-dancing to find him smiling and she retreats back inside feeling embarrassed. After her exams, she visits her family in the countryside where a billboard of her face congratulating her passing of the exam is in front of the house for all see. She enters the house to argue about it but when her dad justifies it as a sure-thing because she is making his dreams come true, she leaves him be. As more family show up, she turns her attention to Hailey, her deaf niece. She tells both her and her mom that she has signed up for sign language class to communicate with Hailey much to the family's delight.

When Mara enters the architecture firm where she's been interning, her co-interns ignore her greetings and turn away. She finds out that she failed her board exams. She shows up to sign language class and her teacher turns out to be her next door neighbor, Gali. They formally introduce themselves and proceed to learn basic sigh language phrases. When she flatly signs the phrase "I'm sorry", Gali presses her do the sign again "with feelings" because facial expressions are key to communicating in sign language.

They become friends and slowly fall in love. Eventually, they realize how their deaf and hearing worlds could drive each other apart.

Bitter Melon (film)

The film follows Declan as he returns to his hometown of San Francisco for Christmas only to realize that his second oldest brother, Troy, has been ruling the house with fear, physically abusing his wife, Shelly, and emotionally abusing his mother Prisa and daughter Mina. When eldest brother Moe arrives to complete the Christmas reunion, the festivities begin as the extended family shows up and the big Filipino Christmas can begin. But when cousin Tiva offers domestic violence support to the withdrawn Shelly, abusive Troy finds out and assaults Shelly for Declan and Moe to find when they get home. The next day, Declan and Moe are disturbed to discover that everyone in the house (Prisa, Shelly, Mina and Troy) all act as if nothing happened, even as Shelly nurses a bruised face. This leads Declan to propose a radical idea to the family: to kill Troy.

Cuck (film)

Ronnie, a loner who lives with his possessive mother, is deemed unfit for military service due to his history of mental instability and petty crime. Retreating into the world of extremist internet groups, he creates a vlog channel, from which he decries what he describes as the downfall of "real America". Meanwhile, prompted by sexual frustration, he agrees to play the role of cuckold in a couple's homemade amateur pornography. He buys an unregistered handgun and begins to spend time at firing ranges. He meets his online idol, a charismatic leader of the alt-right. However, when his identity as a "cuck" emerges, his macho persona is destroyed. Facing online shaming, Ronnie takes solace in his gun, which he regards as the only symbol of masculinity he has left.

Golpe de Sorte (season 3)

Persecution in Alvorinha! When the truth is finally revealed and police sirens are heard, Miriam (Dânia Neto) takes advantage of everyone's distraction and sets off. Bruno (Ângelo Rodrigues) warns the agents that the villain has fled by car but is it still time to stop Silvia?

Heaven's head doesn't stop with so much important information all at once. The euro-millionaire must warn the police that Miriam has taken her 10 million euros while concealing that agents tell her that Caio (Jorge Corrula) is innocent. When Heaven confronts Madre Rosário (Ana Bustorff) about the truth, she admits to the Euro-millionaire that Caio is indeed her son but that she intends to take him to Lisbon. However, Maria do Céu Garcia's (Maria João Abreu) idea is quite different...

Different is what happens in the house of Nobrega. Suddenly, it is Carlos who is the most. With Claudio (Duarte Gomes) injured, Teresa (Oceana Basilio) is taking care of Horace's son and expels the Director of the Health Center from his own home. Did this submission story finally come to an end?

With the end of the scammers, the Garcia remember all the blows of Silvia and Caio, dumbfounded. As they connect all the dots and realize the wickedness of the villains' actions, the whole family begins to hate Caio and Silvia... except Heaven, who seems to want to forgive her son...

Padre Aníbal (Diogo Amaral) seems to want to find an explanation for certain behaviors of Cíntia (Inês Monteiro) and seeks with Kelly (Adriane Garcia) the revelation of some secrets of Amália's (Rosa do Canto) cousin but the Brazilian is not. shows much available to unravel confessions. Will the priest ever know the whole story of the suffering Cintia?

Suffered is Caio with Madre Rosário. When she looks for him in the pension room, Heaven's son does not accept that throughout these years Rosario has not told him what he knew about his origin. Lost, Caio expels Madre Rosário and turns to drink...

Alice (Diana Chaves) can take it no longer and turns to Teresa, telling her everything she has been thinking over the last months: that Carlos is sick and has to be treated but also has to be stopped for his unacceptable behavior. The still wife of the Health Center Director agrees but asks them to give her some breathing room...

Heaven is also looking to breathe when she meets her friend "more than blood" Amália and tells her everything that happened and the discovery that Gaius is his son. After this very intimate conversation, the Euro-millionaire tells her son that she is willing to forgive him if he forgives her. But even more surprising is when Maria do Céu makes an announcement to the Garcia family that will leave everyone with their mouths open...

The Forever Purge

In 2048, eight years after Charlene Roan's presidential election, the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) have regained control of the U.S. government and have re-instituted the annual Purge with its original rules. Racial supremacy and nativism have surged nationwide following their re-election, and many outside the ruling party are concerned that the upcoming Purge will inflict more damage on the country than the NFFA realizes. Married migrant couple Juan and Adela illegally cross the border into Texas to escape from a Mexican drug cartel and build a new life, with Juan working as a farmhand on the Tucker family ranch while Adela begins working near Austin.

Ten months later, on the eve of the next annual Purge, Juan and Adela join a migrant community behind a walled sanctuary with armed security to protect them. As the Purge begins, Adela witnesses a nationalist Purger group, who declare themselves to be a "Purge Purification Force" (PPF) that intend to kill those people that they consider non-American. The group passes by without hostility, and the migrant community survives the Purge with no incidents. Come morning, Juan and Adela return to their jobs, but both notice that many of their co-workers did not report to work. Shortly after, Adela is attacked by two Purgers but she is rescued by her boss Darius before both are arrested by police for killing their attackers.

Meanwhile, Juan and fellow migrant co-worker T.T. discover that the Tucker family has been taken hostage by their farmhands, who reveal themselves as Purgers intending to take the ranch for themselves. Ranch owner Caleb Tucker sacrifices himself and distracts the Purgers long enough for Juan and T.T. to rescue his son Dylan, Dylan's pregnant wife Cassie, and his sister Harper, who offer them a ride to search for Adela. Nationwide news struggles to understand why civilians continue to celebrate the Purge after its ending. The group rescue Adela and Darius after the police van carrying them is ambushed by more Purgers. Darius stays behind to search for his family while the others escape from a burning Austin. At a gas station, they hear news reports about chaos, murder, and destruction in all fifty American states, with local emergency services overwhelmed, in an event described as the "Forever Purge". To protect non-Purger civilians, Canada and Mexico have opened their borders for the next six hours, following which the borders will close and entry would be denied. The group decide to escape across the Mexican border through El Paso.

By the time the group arrives in a chaotic El Paso, the NFFA has condemned the Forever Purge after their politicians and representatives are targeted, and invokes martial law across the United States in an effort to contain the violence. Fighting through El Paso, Adela and Cassie are split from the group by military forces while Juan, T.T., Dylan, and Harper are captured by the PPF, with their leader (referred to as "Alpha") offering Dylan and Harper a chance to live if they kill T.T. and Juan. When they refuse, the Purgers murder T.T. before the military intervenes, allowing the group to escape. However, the military is forced to withdraw when their base is destroyed by more Purgers. In response, the Canadian and Mexican governments announce the early closure of their borders, leaving those who tried to cross them vulnerable to the Purgers.

Downtown, Adela protects Cassie from other Purgers, revealing that she and Juan had once been members of a self-defense group who trained them to fight against Mexican drug cartels before they arrived to the United States. The survivors all reunite at a hidden safe-house run by a nearby Native American tribe. Their leader offers to transport everyone across the border as refugees. With the PPF in pursuit, Juan, Adela, and Dylan remain behind with other survivors to make time for the other refugees to escape. Both groups engage in a gunfight until their ammo runs out and draw them in for a close fight with hand weapons. In the ensuing battle, the Purgers are killed and Alpha takes Adela hostage. However, Juan and Dylan work together to subdue and kill Alpha, saving Adela. The trio rejoin the others in a refugee camp on the other side of the Mexican border where Dylan finds Harper and Cassie. The latter reveals that she had given birth during their time apart. After thanking each other for their help in surviving, Dylan introduces Juan and Adela to his infant daughter.

With the entire country in flames, the NFFA is blamed and disbanded for the prolonged violence. News reports indicate that more than two million American people had crossed the Canadian and Mexican borders as refugees while others had rallied to fight back against the Purgers.

The Unholy (2021 film)

The film opens with the execution of a woman, later identified as Mary Elnor, accused of witchcraft in 1845 in Banfield, Massachusetts. The woman is hanged from a tree and ultimately set on fire. Before she dies, however, her ash were kept in a kern doll, thus indicating the spirit is now bound to the body of a doll.

Many years later, disgraced journalist Gerry Fenn works a job reporting on all things strange and unusual. His latest assignment takes him to Boston, where the purported strange activity is revealed to be a teenage prank. As he is preparing to leave, he discovers the doll and purposely crushes it, accidentally freeing Mary's spirit. Gerry later gets into an accident as he is driving away after seeing a young girl, Alice Pagett, run across the road. He follows her to the tree from the prologue, the site where he found the doll, and hears her speak before collapsing. When he takes her to a nearby church, he learns that Alice is deaf and could not have spoken. Gerry decides to stay in town to investigate what he thinks could be a real story rather than a hoax or prank.

The following day Alice stuns the community by speaking, proclaiming that she has been cured by the Virgin Mary. This launches a media furore that is further propelled by other seemingly miraculous healings. During the healings, a statue of the Virgin Mary near the chancel of the church cries tears of blood. The Catholic Church sends Monsignor Delgarde to investigate the claims, assisted by Bishop Gyles. Gerry befriends Alice, learning that while she has been speaking to an entity named Mary, the girl has only assumed that Mary was the Virgin Mary. Beginning to suspect that something sinister is occurring due to visions of "Mary" as a horrific entity, Gerry finds a partner in Father William Hagan, Alice's maternal uncle, who was healed by Alice, but also suspects the healings' true nature. Fr. Hagan discovers a book detailing Mary Elnor, a witch who performed miracles for Satan, but before he has the chance to warn anybody he is attacked by Mary and his body is found hanging in the church. Bishop Gyles convinces Gerry to keep the apparent suicide of Hagan quiet as it will tarnish the divine occurrences. His death is declared an accident.

Gerry befriends Natalie Gates, the town's physician, and reveals that he was found fabricating stories which is why he now reports hoax stories, hoping this event will relaunch his career. The pair eventually comes across the information Fr. Hagan discovered, revealing Mary sold her soul to Satan in order to gain power. Satan would allow her and her descendants (one of whom is revealed to be Alice) to perform "miracles" prompting people to pledge themselves to her, and in turn, Satan. Mary tries to kill Gerry, but Msgr. Delgarde drives her away with prayer and his crucifix. Gerry and Delgarde are shocked to learn that Bishop Gyles was aware of the history in Banfield involving Elnor, but thought that it was not connected to the miracles that were recently occurring. He warns Gerry that any attempt to share his views on the situation will fall on deaf ears due to Gerry’s tarnished reputation.

Alice, who they believe is unaware of Mary's true nature, wishes to hold a church service by the tree and broadcast it to the masses. Msgr. Delgarde warns that those pledging themselves to Mary Elnor would make her stronger and condemn their soul to Hell. Msgr. Delgarde, along with Gerry and Natalie, tries to perform a ritual in the church to stop this, but Mary appears and crushes him with a burning cross.

Once the service begins, Alice urges everyone to pledge themselves to Mary Elnor three times. Gerry manages to stop the crowd from fully pledging by claiming that the miracles were just more of his hoaxes, that they were all a result of the placebo effect. Natalie communicates with Alice using sign language, urging her to stop the service. Mary speaks to Alice, entreating her to continue it or never speak again. Realizing Mary's true nature, Alice confirms that the miracles were not of God. The tree suddenly bursts into flames, causing all the attendants to flee in panic as an angry Mary emerges from it. She incinerates Bishop Gyles before trying to kill Gerry, but Alice sacrifices herself to save his life. This in turn causes Mary to disappear, as Alice was her link to the living world. Struck by her sacrifice, Gerry begs God to save Alice's life. She comes back to life, but is once again deaf. All the people whom Alice cured soon return to their prior state and the film concludes with a warning from Biblical verse Matthew 7:15.

Love, Weddings & Other Disasters

A perfectionist's boyfriend breaks up with her during a parachute jump and she goes viral as "the wedding trasher" for crashing her parachute into a TV news anchor during his wedding. She is later unexpectedly hired by the wife of a man who is running for mayor to be a wedding planner and create a fun party atmosphere for the reception. Her fiancé, the mayoral candidate, wants more formal planning for the ceremony itself, going so far as to hire the equally perfectionist and demanding wedding planner Lawrence Phillips. The two wedding planners butt heads while Captain Ritchie, a local tour guide, searches for his "Cinderella" whom he never saw again after meeting her on a tour.

True Killers

Through flashbacks, it is revealed that Montana and Ramirez became lovers after meeting at Montana's aerobics class. At that time, she enlisted Ramirez to murder Brooke as revenge for the death of Montana's brother at Brooke's wedding. In the present, Xavier seeks out Bertie, the camp cook, for assistance, but Richter discovers them. Richter locks Xavier in the oven and turns it on, though a fatally wounded Bertie saves him. Now severely burnt, Xavier mercifully kills Bertie per her wishes. Brooke, meanwhile, falls into a trap set by Donna. Ramirez tracks Brooke down after being tipped off by Montana, but Richter appears. Ramirez and Richter fight, with Brooke escaping during the chaos and Ramirez apparently being killed. Richter visits Margaret, who reveals she was the actual killer in 1970 following bullying at the hands of the other camp counselors. Richter, blamed for the killings, was subsequently subjected to terrible treatments during his time in the asylum. Margaret shoots Richter. Trevor arrives after hearing the gunshots, and Margaret kills him, intending to blame his death on Richter, who has escaped. Xavier, after encountering a wounded and apparently merciful Richter, is found by Brooke. They meet up with Chet, Montana, and Margaret, who lies that Richter killed Trevor. Elsewhere, Donna witnesses Ramirez being revived by a supernatural power.

The Boss Baby: Family Business

Tim Templeton is now fully grown and lives with his wife Carol and their two daughters, 7-year-old Tabitha and infant Tina. Tim's younger brother Ted is now a successful CEO and is never around. Tabitha is exhibiting more grown-up behavior, and one night while Tim wonders about the person his daughter is becoming, he hears something from Tina's room. He discovers that Tina is from Baby Corp, just as Ted once was, and that she has been assigned to get Ted there for a special mission. Tim refuses to call Ted, saying that he will never come, and encourages Tina to go back to sleep. However, Tina leaves a fake voicemail for Ted, luring him to the Templetons’ house.

The next morning, Ted arrives and Tim explains to him that Tina is a Baby Corp dispatch. Tina introduces the brothers to a new formula that will allow them to turn back into children for 48 hours in order to infiltrate Tabitha's school and figure out what Dr. Erwin Armstrong, founder and principal of the school, is planning behind parents' backs.

At the school, Tim, now as his 7-year-old self, follows Tabitha to her class while baby Ted is placed with other babies. Ted rallies the babies to help him get out of the playroom so that he can go to Armstrong's office to investigate. Tim tries to get sent to the principal's office by disrupting class, but is instead put in "The Box" for timeout. Ted discovers that Armstrong is actually a baby himself, having run away from home after realizing that he was smarter than his parents and now makes money by creating popular phone apps. His ultimate plan is to get rid of every parent on B-Day, so that they cannot tell their children what to do anymore.

On the night of the holiday pageant, where Tabitha is supposed to sing a solo, the brothers and Tina plan to expose Armstrong. However, they learn that B-Day is set to happen that night through Armstrong's new app, QT-Snap, which will hypnotize the parents into mindless zombies. Both Tim and Ted are caught by Armstrong's ninja babies and are put in The Box, which slowly starts to fill with water. Tabitha sings her solo, but when she sees that Tim has not showed up, she runs off the stage crying. She is consoled by Tina, who reveals her identity and her mission. Tabitha agrees to help her younger sister by getting to the server and shutting down QT-Snap before it can go worldwide. Ted is able to call Precious, Tabitha's pet pony, into the school, as she breaks them out of The Box.

Tim and Ted reach the server first, but they are stopped by Armstrong, who calls the zombie parents for backup. While the brothers hold them back as the formula starts to wear off, Tina and Tabitha get up to the server. Tabitha is able to hack in and pull up the shutdown screen, but is interrupted by Armstrong. The sisters then set off a candy lava volcano using Mentos and soda, destroying the servers and turning all parents back to normal. Tina then reveals that bringing Tim and Ted back together was her true mission. The whole Templeton family gathers to celebrate Christmas, while Armstrong returns to his own family.

Red Dawn (American Horror Story)


Donna, staking out his apartment complex, sees her father and a woman enter the building. Donna breaks inside and is shocked to find the woman tied up and disembowelled. Donna tries to help the woman but her father enters the bedroom, carrying a knife. He claims that he’s always had darkness inside him. Donna promises that she can help him, but he commits suicide by stabbing himself in the neck.


Richard Ramirez explains to a bewildered Donna that Satan resurrected him. Her father’s ghost appears and encourages Donna to embrace the darkness inside her.

Xavier lights a stick on fire and threatens to burn the camp to the ground. Margaret knocks him out and the group retreats to a cabin. Margaret suggests that they take a boat to reach campers at the other side of the lake and Montana proposes that Chet accompany her. Alone with Brooke, Montana prepares to kill her, but Brooke leaves when she sees Ray through a window. In the middle of the lake, Margaret strikes Chet with an oar, ties an anchor to his ankle, slices his ear off, and pushes him into the water.

Brooke and Ray run to the mess hall. Brooke tells Ray about her past and the two end up having sex. Donna admits to Montana and Xavier that she released Mr. Jingles. Xavier attacks Donna and chases her out of the cabin. Brooke confides to Ray that he took her virginity. She then finds Ray’s head in the refrigerator and runs back to Montana. Montana strikes her in the head and explains that she is avenging her brother’s death.

Richter finds Margaret in the archery arena and grabs her by the throat. Xavier appears and shoots several arrows into Richter's chest. Xavier tends to Margaret and she suddenly attacks and kills him. Ramirez appears to a dying Richter and asks if he accepts Satan as his master. Richter accepts.

Brooke and Montana brawl until dawn when the campers pull up in a school bus and witness Brooke stabbing Montana to death. The police are called and Brooke is wrongfully arrested for the murders of the past night. Ramirez and Richter steal a cop car and the two speed away to Los Angeles. After Montana kills a policeman, she, Ray, and the hitchhiker reminisce about their ghosts being trapped on the camp property.

Burnt Shadows

In four sections, ''Burnt Shadows'' follows the intersecting histories of two families, beginning in the final days of World War II in Japan, following to India on the brink of partition in 1947, to Pakistan in the early 1980s, and then to New York in the aftermath of 9/11 and Afghanistan in the wake of the ensuing US bombing campaign.

In the prologue, an unidentified prisoner finds himself naked in a cell in Guantanamo, wondering: "How did it come to this?" The main story then begins in Nagasaki in 1945, with Hiroko Tanaka, a 21-year-old teacher-turned-munitions worker who is in love with the German Konrad Weiss. Their idyllic romance ends in tragedy, with a fatal flash that leaves Konrad a "burnt shadow" on the ground, and indelibly sears the birds on Hiroko's kimono into the skin of her back. In search of new beginnings, Hiroko travels to Delhi. She stays with Konrad's half-sister, Ilse, now known as Elizabeth, and her husband, James Burton. She begins to learn Urdu with Burton's clerk, Sajjad Ashraf, with whom a relationship blossoms, to the Burtons' disapproval.

With the partition of India, Hiroko's world turns upside down once again, and she finds a new life in newly-created Pakistan. In Karachi, Hiroko and Sajjad's son Raza is born. He meets a CIA operative, who is none other than Harry Burton, Ilse and James' son. Ilse has meanwhile reclaimed her Identity, divorced James, and moved to New York. Raza finds himself, naively, swept up into the jihadist movement in Afghanistan. When she loses Sajjad as well, Hiroko moves to New York to be near Ilse. Though the women have not seen each other in decades, they find themselves deeply bound to each other.

Harry has meanwhile extracted Raza from his unsought extremist associations, and instead, offers him a career in the private security/intelligence sector. The parallel convergence of the families in New York and Afghanistan is the foundation from which both tragedy and support arise. Above ground zero, as she once stood over her destroyed home city, Hiroko becomes attached to Harry's daughter Kim, and meets an Afghani taxi driver who becomes a key player in the dramatic events that follow.

Verdict (2019 film)

A wife seeks justice after she and her daughter are victims of domestic abuse.

Little Misfortune

Set in 1993, 8-year-old Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez lives a sad, lonely life with her abusive parents in the outskirts of the fictional town of Openfields, Sweden. The narrator announces that today is the day that Misfortune will die but is surprised when Misfortune says that she can hear him. The voice invites Misfortune to play a game where she will make choices, and that "there is no right or wrong, only consequences". When she beats the game, she will be rewarded with the prize of eternal happiness. Misfortune accepts, and the voice tells her that her first mission is to leave the house. Following his commands, Misfortune is guided through the streets of Openfields, encountering an anthropomorphic fox, whom she calls Benjamin, several times whom the narrator warns her against, and who flees when Misfortune gets too close. Pursuing Benjamin, Misfortune discovers a book that explains the narrator as an other-dimensional being named "Morgo". Benjamin is evidently a "protector" who strives to protect children from Morgo but is forbidden to interact with them directly. Escaping Morgo, Misfortune finds herself in her backyard, seeing her own corpse having been run over by a car. Benjamin leads her through a portal to the Fourth Reality where she encounters death, who tells her that they had been expecting her. If Misfortune sprinkles glitter on 16 selected objects in the midst of the game, another ending will play where her mother receives Misfortune's happiness, takes off her mask and smiles.

Kraina Grzybów TV

''Poradnik uśmiechu'' is a show without a concrete plot. The story is based on the theme of mushrooms, and the undefined, eponymous land in which the main character—a teenage girl named Agatka—is located. She is the host of an imaginary educational show ''Poradnik uśmiechu'' on the fictional channel Kraina Grzybów TV. Her friend is an animated squirrel named Małgosia, with an alter ego named Teufel (German for Devil).

The program is interrupted by interludes with statements from Agatka's mother, who is anonymous to the viewer. She explains her daughter's story and her inability to contact her, the result of a fact from the past that is incomprehensible to the viewer. Other episodic characters are girls—Karolina, Justynka and Hatshepsut from Bytom—and an adult man nicknamed "Dżinsowy Człowiek" (Jeans Man). The viewer learns about the plot through five full-fledged episodes, and short videos posted on the channel.

Violet (2021 film)

Violet (Olivia Munn) works as the head of production for a film company and is incredibly successful. However due to a perpetual voice in her head (Justin Theroux) she finds herself deeply insecure.

The Voice (inexplicably a man’s voice; this is puzzling to viewers) consistently guides Violet's career and personal decisions and discourages her from confiding in her friends. When Violet runs into Martin Woods, her ex-boyfriend of seven years ago, The Voice tells her that Martin finds her stupid and encourages her to insult him to level the playing field.

Later on, at work, Violet's boss, Tom Gaines, compliments her on her work and recalls a project she had worked on earlier, ''Fox Run'', an experimental film based on a book of poetry. When Violet opens up about what she loves about the project he initially seems receptive, but later uses the information to denigrate her, revealing he will never back the film.

Violet later confides to her childhood friend Red she is afraid of doing things wrong as it leaves her feeling unsafe and he encourages her to make mistakes.

Violet begins defying The Voice. She reaches out to Martin to apologize for being rude to him and he forgives her and also apologizes for his role in their breakup. She decides to ignore the calls from the powerful film executive she had been seeing and begins a relationship with Red.

When Tom Gaines humiliates Violet at work by revealing that she was sleeping with the executive, Violet pushes back telling him she is responsible for the success of his company. When he fires her, she immediately reaches out to financiers she knows who are looking to expand into production, and is able to become their President of Production. The new company is enthusiastic about ''Fox Run'' and Violet works to make it her next film.

Just as things seem to be going well for Violet, she learns that her estranged mother has died. While she initially books a flight to go to the funeral, Violet realizes that there is no reason to go back, as the majority of her family is cruel and abusive towards her.

Violet's brother calls her to confront her for missing the funeral, and she finally cuts him off. The Voice tells Violet she will be alone forever and then die. Violet realizes the voice is lying; she is finally free.

Saint Maud

A nurse named Katie fails to save the life of a patient in her care, despite attempting CPR.

Some time later, Katie, now referring to herself as Maud, has become a devout Roman Catholic and is working as a private palliative care nurse in an English seaside town. She is assigned to care for Amanda, a dancer and choreographer from the U.S. who is terminally ill with stage four lymphoma. Amanda is embittered by her fate and confesses to Maud that she fears the oblivion of death. Maud comes to believe that God has tasked her with saving the atheist Amanda's soul. Maud reveals to Amanda that she sometimes feels God's presence and she and Amanda appear to be overcome with ecstasy as they pray together.

Maud becomes suspicious of Amanda's companion Carol, who visits regularly and whom Amanda pays for sex. She implores Carol to stop visiting as she believes Amanda's soul is in jeopardy due to distractions of the flesh. Carol is incensed by this, accusing Maud of homophobia, but Maud rebukes this stating that she would not care whether Carol were a man or a woman. Carol attends Amanda's birthday party anyway and in front of Maud, Amanda informs the partygoers that Maud tried to drive Carol away. She mocks the young nurse for trying to save her soul, and suggests that she is a homophobic prude, jealous of Carol and Amanda's affair. Maud strikes Amanda and is dismissed from her job.

Believing that God has rejected her, Maud visits a pub to find companionship but is rejected by most of the people she meets. She goes home with a man and during sex, suffers flashbacks of the death of her patient and her attempts at CPR, which causes her to stop. The man rapes her and then, as she is leaving, taunts her by revealing he remembers her hooking up with a friend of his during her hedonistic past.

While out walking, she encounters Amanda's new nurse and storms off when she realizes that her replacement enjoys a good relationship with Amanda. In her decrepit apartment, Maud begs for a sign from God who appears to tell her to be ready for an act that will demonstrate her faith. Maud interprets a vortex in the clouds as a sign from God.

That night, Maud, dressed in a makeshift robe and wearing rosary beads, enters Amanda's house after the care nurse leaves. She finds Amanda in bed, weakened. Amanda asks forgiveness for mocking her faith and Maud joyously reminds her of the time they experienced God's presence. Amanda reveals that she feigned the experience and that God is not real. Maud recoils in horror as a now-demonic Amanda hurls her across the room and mocks her for needing to prove her faith. In a delirious frenzy, Maud stabs Amanda to death.

In the morning, Maud wanders onto a beach and douses herself with acetone before horrified onlookers. She utters her last words in Welsh — "Glory to God" — as she self-immolates. In her last moments, angel wings appear upon her and the onlookers kneel in awe as Maud looks up to the sky glowing with grace. The scene then reverts to reality briefly, revealing a burning Maud screaming in agony.

Hotel Transylvania: Transformania

During the celebration of the 125th anniversary of Hotel Transylvania, Mavis overhears Dracula's plans to retire and leave the hotel to her and Johnny. She tells Johnny who excitedly tells Dracula his plans to renovate the hotel. Worried about Johnny ruining the hotel, Dracula lies to him saying that there is a "monster real-estate law" which only lets monsters own the hotel, disappointing Johnny.

Van Helsing decides to help Johnny using a ray that turns humans into monsters and vice-versa; after testing it on his guinea pig Gigi, he uses it on Johnny who turns into a dragon-like monster. Learning about monster Johnny, Dracula tries to turn him back to normal, but accidentally turns himself into a human and breaks the ray's crystal. Van Helsing tells Dracula and Johnny that they can still turn themselves back to normal by getting a new crystal which lies in the Cave of Reflexion in South America, so Dracula and Johnny set off to do so.

Dracula's friends Frank, Wayne, Griffin and Murray end up becoming humans as well, as a result of drinking from a fountain that was contaminated by the ray. Mavis and Ericka confront Van Helsing after learning about Dracula and Johnny's whereabouts in the news, but he warns them about the effects of the ray, as humans who become monsters continue to mutate and become more hostile as time goes on. With this in mind, the rest of the gang head to South America to find Dracula and Johnny.

While traveling through the South American jungle, Dracula and Johnny begin to bond, and Dracula eventually begins to confess that he lied about the monster real-estate law, but the rest of the group find them. Things turn sour when Dracula admits his deception regarding passing over the hotel to Mavis and Johnny. This prompts an upset Johnny to believe Dracula does not consider him family and to mutate further before running away.

Mavis goes to find Johnny while Dracula and the rest of the gang go to the Cave of Reflexion. Mavis finds Johnny, but the transformation has turned him very volatile. She leads him to the Cave of Reflexion where they finally find the crystal. When Mavis tries to turn Johnny back to normal, nothing happens due to him being too frenzied. In desperation, Dracula lets himself get captured by Johnny and goes on a remorseful tangent about how wrong he was about Johnny and how he now sees the best in him, finally acknowledging him as family. This brings Johnny back to his senses, and he is returned to human form.

With Dracula and his friends turned back to normal, they return home only to find the hotel has been destroyed by Gigi. After turning Gigi back to normal, Dracula bemoans his loss. He soon decides to let Mavis and Johnny rebuild the hotel to their liking.

One year later, Mavis and Johnny show Dracula the re-built Hotel Transylvania which he comes to enjoy.

Blake; or the Huts of America

Part 1

The story begins on the Franks Plantation in Natchez, Mississippi. Maggie, the illegitimate daughter of Colonel Stephen Franks and wife to Henry Blake, is sold off—a decision determined by both her relationship with Mistress Franks and rejection of Colonel Franks sexual overtures. Henry, a slave to Colonel Franks and husband to Maggie, is galvanized into action when informed of this tragic incident. Despite the religious pleas from Maggie's parents, Henry embarks on a subversive mission through the antebellum south.

Through exposition, it is revealed that Henry was not born into slavery but free in the West Indies to well-off tobacco planters. Blake's fortune takes a drastic turn when he conflates a slave vessel with that of a battleship and is consequently kidnapped to America and sold to Colonel Franks. Henry meets Maggie on the Franks Plantation; they soon marry and start a family.

On his revolutionary quest through plantations in the antebellum south, Henry interviews the enslaved persons he meets, documenting their experiences and circumstances; and procuring information about interviewees’ participation in major U.S events such as the American Revolutionary War as well as organized anti-slavery, insurrectional stratagems. Successfully avoiding the ploys of slave catchers, Blake is able to spread his vision of radical revolt amongst the enslaved individuals he meets, eventually guiding a group of escapees to Canada.

Part 2

Set in Cuba, Part two of ''Blake; or The Huts of America'' chronicles Henry's successful retrieval of his wife Maggie as well as his encountering an estranged cousin, Placido (after the Cuban poet Gabriel de la Concepción Valdés), and his joining a slave vessel headed to continental Africa with the hopes of leading an uprising on its return to Cuba, which is not successful. Instead, those Africans brought back to Cuba support Blake and Placido's establishment of the Oppressed Men and Women of Cuba: a secret society designed to eliminate Spanish colonial powers off the island.

The serial novel is cut short shortly thereafter this point due to a lack of existent copies of the ''Weekly Anglo-African Magazine'' for May 1862, which is believed to have concluded the novel. In a 2017 corrected edition of the novel editor and historian Jerome McGann wrote an ending for the novel based on the 1843 events in La Escalera. In this ending, many of those involved in the fictional uprising are captured and killed, while a few others are speculated to return to continental Africa.

News of the World (novel)

The book opens in 1870 on the wild border between Texas and Indian Territory, where a 10-year-old girl has been released after four years of captivity. Kiowa raiders had killed her family and taken her hostage, eventually raising her as one of their own with the Kiowa name ''Cicada''. The girl is entrusted to freedman Britt Johnson, who then hands her over to his acquaintance, 71-year-old Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, a veteran of the War of 1812 and the Mexican-American War. Kidd agrees to take the girl to Castroville, Texas, where her aunt and uncle live. Captain Kidd makes his living as a news reader, traveling between towns and charging a dime per person to read aloud from newspapers. His profession pays little, and Kidd is also struggling with family problems: his daughters are still living in war-torn Georgia, and he has yet to reclaim land in Texas that once belonged to his late wife, the daughter of Spanish landowners.

Captain Kidd purchases an old traveling wagon and sets off with the girl. At first, he finds himself at a loss as to how to deal with the girl's semi-wild state. She considers herself to be Kiowa, and views her ordeal as a second kidnapping, refusing to cooperate with the Captain and even nearly getting herself killed when she runs away and provokes a band of wandering Native Americans. She speaks no English, and one of Capt. Kidd's early triumphs in their relationship is merely learning her original name: Johanna. As they journey south, the Captain continues to read the news when they reach new towns, earning enough to sustain their forward progress. He is careful to avoid local stories, particularly about the rivalry between the political factions headed by Edmund J. Davis and Andrew Jackson Hamilton because he knows it will provoke arguments in his audience. Likewise, he is also careful on the road, taking great pains not to call attention to himself or Johanna.

In Dallas, Captain Kidd is approached after his reading by a man named Almay, who had been following Kidd and Johanna for some time. Almay is accompanied by two Caddo men, and he offers to buy Johanna. Correctly guessing that Almay intends to sell Johanna as a prostitute, Capt. Kidd sets up a meeting for the next morning, and then flees during the night with Johanna. Almay and his Caddo henchmen eventually catch up with the Captain and Johanna, and ambush them on the road. The Captain, with Johanna's help, is able to wound the Caddo men, and kill Almay, by loading his shotgun with shells packed with dimes from his last reading.

Continuing on, Captain Kidd encounters a band of pro-Hamilton militants manning a checkpoint near a ferry crossing. One of them, a young man named John Calley, extorts money from the Captain to let him pass, only to return it later when his reading is canceled following a fistfight between Davis and Hamilton men. The Captain and Johanna leave that night, only to run into more trouble in the next town when a gang of drunken hoods, the Horrell brothers, threaten Captain Kidd and insist that he praise them at his next reading. Kidd leaves town without doing a reading, and he and Johanna are forced to hide when Kiowa warriors stumble across their hiding place. To Kidd's relief, Johanna chooses not to alert them, and the warriors depart.

After putting together a reading in Fredericksburg to raise enough money for them to finish the trip, the Captain delivers Johanna to her relatives. At a party to celebrate her return, a local man warns him not to leave Johanna, claiming that her aunt and uncle are abusive and greedy. Captain Kidd returns to his home in San Antonio, but eventually decides to return and check on Johanna. After realizing that her relatives are treating her like a slave, he takes her with him and formally adopts her into his family. His daughters eventually move to San Antonio, and reclaim their right to their ancestral land and mansion. The Captain settles into retirement as a printer and writer while Johanna grows into a mature young woman, albeit never completely shedding her Kiowa ways. John Calley visits, and upon earning enough money as a cattleman, asks for and receives Johanna's hand in marriage, with the Captain giving her his prized gold watch as a reminder of the bond forged between them.

Terminator: Resistance

Main Story

On August 29, 1997, the military computer artificial intelligence defense network Skynet became self-aware and initiated a nuclear holocaust called Judgment Day. In the decades that followed, Skynet became locked in a war to exterminate the surviving remnants of humanity. Meanwhile, pockets of human survivors organized themselves into a resistance military organization dedicated to the destruction of Skynet, led by John Connor.

In 2028, Jacob Rivers becomes the sole survivor of his Resistance unit that was deployed in Pasadena after a Terminator infiltrator's attack. While evading Skynet patrols, Jacob makes an alliance with a group of human civilian survivors composed of Jennifer and her surrogate brother Patrick, an elderly man named Ryan, scavenger Colin, and hospital nurse Erin. While gathering supplies for the survivors, Jacob meets up with a Tech-Com unit led by Commander Jessica Baron, and learns that she was forced to abandon his unit during the attack on Pasadena in order to minimize further resistance casualties. Recruited into Baron's unit, Jacob is tasked with carrying out reconnaissance missions in order to cripple Skynet. While carrying out his mission, Jacob is pursued by the Terminator infiltrator unit, and receives unexpected aid from an unidentified stranger. Convinced of the threat of the infiltrator unit, Baron provides shelter to the human civilians in Jacob's care. After suffering a sabotage in the Resistance defense systems, Rivers finally disables the infiltrator unit pursuing him.

With the Infiltrator units now a known threat, John tasks Jacob with seeking out scientist Dr. Edwin Mack in order to enlist his aid for combatting Skynet. Upon meeting Mack, Jacob learns that Mack has developed the means to hack into Skynet's network and reprogram their forces into fighting for the Resistance; Skynet has been learning at a geometric rate; and Skynet has been creating Time Displacement Equipment in order to wipe out the Resistance. Mack provides Jacob the means to seek out the location of Skynet's central core, and requests Rivers to capture a Terminator's CPU in order to help reprogram Terminators for the Resistance. While carrying out his task, Jacob meets up with the Stranger, and is warned of an impending attack by Skynet. At this point, the fate of Jacob's allies become determinant on how much trust he has built up with them and whether or not he convinces them to leave the Resistance shelter; while also having to choose between warning Mack or assassinating him on Baron's orders due to an incident that left her lover killed by a Terminator.

Jacob leads an ill-fated raid on the Griffith Observatory where the Skynet Core was believed to be located. However, Jacob becomes the sole survivor once again, with the Stranger dying to protect him. To make matters worse, Skynet assaults the main Resistance Shelter, annihilating Baron's unit in the process. Left with no other choice, and knowing the true location of the Skynet Core, Jacob brings his findings to John. While meeting with John, Jacob learns that the Stranger was his future self from an alternate timeline, and had helped play a key role in assaulting Skynet with John. Jacob and John lead a main assault force on Skynet's Time Displacement Equipment, while another Resistance unit destroys the Core. Despite the Resistance being victorious, Skynet succeeds in sending three Terminators before their defeat. The first one to kill Sarah Connor; The second one to kill John as a child; and the third Terminator tasked to kill Jacob at the beginning of the game. The game ends when Jacob makes the decision to either travel back in time to protect his younger self, or stay in the present and have another Resistance soldier take his place as the protector instead.

An epilogue shows an animated slideshow detailing the fates of Jacob and his allies, and the outcomes of the choices he made during the game.

Infiltrator Mode

A lone Terminator in an unknown region of Los Angeles is dispatched by Skynet to locate and terminate Tech-Com officer Daniel Ramirez in a covert Tech-Com Bunker. To locate it, the T-800 kills multiple humans, ranging from local scavengers to garrisoned Tech-Com soldiers while also obtaining weapons from hidden caches by the aforementioned foes. Some of these weapons are iconic weapons used by the terminator models of the films, including a Minigun, an Uzi 9 mm and a Longslide laser-sighted pistol. After completing its objective of eliminating Ramirez, the T-800 accesses and sends Skynet the data related to John Connor, being the name of his mother, Sarah Connor.

Some Beasts

right A family landed enthusiastically on an uninhabited island in the southern coast of Chile, dreaming on building a tourist hotel in that beautiful place. But when the man who crossed them from the continent disappears, the family was imprisoned on the island. With cold, without water and without certainties, the spirit and the good coexistence begin to fade, revealing the beasts that the family hides.

The Delegation

In October 1990, a European delegation arrives in Tirana to determine Albania's readiness for entry into the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. To boost their chances, Albania's struggling communist government plans the release of a political prisoner when things go awry.

Scarlet (TV series)

This asadora follows the life and career of Kimiko Kawahara (played as an adult by Erika Toda) pioneering the way for women in the male-dominated field of ceramics in Japan after World War II. The story centres around Shiga Prefecture and the pottery town of Shigaraki.

In 1947, 9-year-old Kimiko (played as a child by Yukawa Kawashima) came to Shigaraki from Osaka with her father Joji (played by Kazuki Kitamura), mother Matsu (played by Tomita Tomoko), and two sisters. Joji was fleeing from debt collectors due to a business failure as a result of the war. As they settle into life in rural Shiga, Kimiko, who is very curious, is inspired by the pottery work in Shigaraki. However, initially Kimiko goes to school, takes care of her sisters and helps her mother with the housework. Joji found work in the transport industry, but the Kawahara family was still poor. Because of this, Joji brings a young man named Soichiro Kusama (played by Ryuta Sato) to board in the household. Kimiko finds inspiration from Kusama, who in turn praises her drawing work.

Eventually, the debt collectors trace Joji to Shigaraki...

As an adult, Kimiko marries another ceramicist and has one son (that later died of leukemia) but continues to pursue her dreams of working in ceramics and seeks to create her own unique style.

Azali (film)

A young girl, Amina, lives with her mother, grandmother, and uncle in a small village in northern Ghana. She lives a comfortable but boring life from which her mother wishes to free her. Her grandmother wishes for Amina to marry an older man from their village. Amina's mother protests and unknowingly sells Amina to strangers in the hopes of her finding a better life in the city. On her journey Amina meets young man who was also sold as a boy and, in some way, becomes her only friend. The two run away with a small band of kids who were also sold off. As the two embark on various errands through Accra they try to earn their keep.

The young man, Seidu, becomes popular as he is a quick and hard worker. Amina is clumsy and cannot keep up with the work given to her. She quickly finds herself living in a compound of a woman who demands rent daily. Here Amina learns that in order to stay she must always have money, however her job as a head-porter is not lucrative enough. She decides to join her neighbor, the landlord's favorite, as a prostitute in order to stay. For a while this goes well, but she grows sadder as the work goes on. Eventually she tries to reunite with Seidu. He turns her away because he cannot afford to be an outsider in his newly found living/working arrangements as a porter. Amina returns to the taxing compound and grows complacent as time passes. During this time Amina's Uncle, Akatok, goes to search for Amina in Accra after her mother finds out the news her daughter is “missing”.

For months Akatok searches but to no avail. He decides he will give up after just three months of searching, but is put back on track by an old friend with great advice. Amina, now more accustomed to her job, sleeps with a man who refuses to pay her the promised wage. She, in turn, breaks a glass over his head and steals the money from his wallet. Amina runs to find Seidu to tell him she wishes to go back home. Instead she find Seidu's boss who calls her in to wait on Seidu together. Seidu's boss attacks Amina while they are alone and rapes her. Seidu comes back to the terrible scene and apologizes for interrupting his boss. As he backs away he is visibly distraught by what he's just witnessed.

Seidu, later on, beats his boss for what he's done leaving him bleeding in the street. Amina returns to the demanding landlord and her neighbor who tries to care for her after the attack. Soon after Amina and the landlord learn of Amina's pregnancy for which the landlord berates her. Amina cannot have a baby in the compound, so she goes to live on the streets of Accra while just a few weeks pregnant. Eight months pass and Amina has become a head-porter again, this time more graceful and heavier; she is in her last trimester of pregnancy. Akatok and his friend continue their search nearby. While working Amina encounters a mob of people who are trying to beat a man to death. They call this man an animal and pour gasoline over him. Once she comes closer Amina realizes that the bloodied and beaten man is Seidu. In disgust and horror she turns away as the match is being lit. She also notices Seidu's boss in the crowd watching over everything as dark smoke begins to rise behind him. At this moment Akatok and his long-time friend spot Amina in the crowd and go to her. Akatok is overjoyed but it is short-lived as he notices Seidu's boss. He points out the man to Amina as her father, Razak; Amina immediately faints on hearing the news.

Finally, back in her hometown Amina, and Akatok, find her mother and grandmother in their compound. They rejoice for her return but again Amina falters, clutching her stomach. She gives birth in her family's compound under the star-filled sky. In the final scenes we hear the baby crying and the grandmother chanting over the baby. We hear a man, presumably Akatok, speak in his native tongue. The words on screen as he speaks read: This child will never be accepted by tradition so in our hearts we buried a secret only heaven knows.

Middle School Moguls

Mogul Academy is an entrepreneurial school where its students work to make their businesses come true. Students Valeria, Winnie, Yuna, and Celeste work to establish their businesses and make them come true.

A Girl Like That (novel)

The book begins with a car crash and the death of the two main characters, Zarin and Porus, two fictional teenagers from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Their ghosts watch from the wreckage, and see the reactions of their families and friends. The rest of the novel reveals the events that occurred before the car crash.


Kadir Adalı is the Chief Commissioner of the Organized Crime Branch of the Istanbul Police Department. The moment he loses his wife and daughter in a terrorist act, his happy family life is destroyed. Feeling very sorry for what had happened and suffering from this loss, he decided to end his life. Without realizing it, he causes a catastrophe that changes the lives of four people. Four cars, four people, four lives, four destinies collide. In one of the cars is his childhood friend Zeynep, with whom he grew up in an orphanage and is even about to get married, but he refuses to do so because of his strong desire to work in the police because his father was a police officer who at the time Duty was killed. Instead, Kadir marries another friend from the orphanage, Aslı. Zeynep marries Galip Tunç and starts working as a bank manager and gives birth to a daughter named Aylin, but Galip owes a mob that kidnaps her daughter Aylin after Galip escapes from Turkey and asks Zeynep to pay her husband's debts. Slowly And for this reason, she robs the bank where she works. After her arrest, she asks Kadir for help to save her daughter. In another car is Zeynep's lawyer, Cemre Gür, the daughter of Veli's lawyer, Selim, who is engaged to Demir. One of them, Kerem, a powerful friend in the fourth car, stabbed him. The Kerem partner, Yakup, uses this recording to blacken Demir and Belma.

The Revival (film)

Eli, a preacher in Hot Springs, Arkansas who inherited his father's Baptist church after his death, has watched the once thriving congregation and church's funds dwindle down to nearly nothing. Emmanuel Baptist, the competing church in Hot Springs, boasts high congregation numbers and the minister, “Brother Aaron”, even has his sermons broadcast on the local radio. After Eli's sermon one service, he notices a drifter, Daniel, in attendance for the church's free pot-luck afterwards. Eli introduces himself and his pregnant wife June to Daniel. Daniel is initially standoffish and abruptly leaves when Eli does not offer him a place to stay after he asks.

Eli's friend Trevor invites him to go hunting. He tells Eli that the congregation have been talking about replacing him with a different pastor. Trevor has invited the Southern Baptist Board of Churches to what he calls the Revival, a church service they will sell tickets to with food, singing, dancing, and plenty of evangelical preaching from Eli and Eli reluctantly accepts. Later, Eli finds Daniel waiting outside the church because he is hungry and invites him in. In Eli's office, Daniel opens up to him when Eli offers his own lunch to him. Daniel notices a Marcel Proust collection on a bookshelf and the two men connect over the author. When Daniel's finished eating, Eli brings Daniel to his father's cabin in the woods—a place Eli's father kept secret as a way to deal with Eli's alcoholic mother's erratic behavior (before she also died) away from the eyes of the city and his parish. Eli cleans and re-bandages a wound on Daniel's hand when he embraces Eli and the two almost kiss before Eli leaves.

The next day, another parishioner, Jimmy, visits Eli at his office because he is feeling sexually attracted to his cousin, Missy. Eli does little to help Jimmy, but listens to him. Meanwhile, Daniel buys ingredients to make meth. Trevor invites Eli over for a meal to discuss the Revival. He reveals that Brother Aaron has been doctoring his attendance records and the Southern Baptist Board will be removing him from his position at Emmanuel Baptist. In the meantime, the church's congregation will need somewhere to go and Trevor convinces Eli to try to bring them to the Revival. Over their meal, it is also revealed that Trevor is a recovering alcoholic, nearly a year sober. That night, Eli brings Daniel more food and they eventually have a sexual encounter, Eli accidentally spending the night. Upon returning home, June is upset but Eli appeases her when he washes her feet, although she is aware of his happy attitude. At his office, Eli is again visited by Jimmy about his feelings for his cousin, which Eli advises him against. June hosts a luncheon prayer circle with the women in the congregation and at the cabin, Daniel cooks meth. That night, Eli's visit to the cabin again lasts late into the night and he and Daniel have sex, but Eli returns home.

Trevor books Eli a radio interview to promote the Revival and he makes an impassioned statement. That night, June confronts him with an exposing picture of Daniel and Eli together and they fight. The next day, Daniel throws away the meth he cooked after Eli implored him to stop, Jimmy watches Missy at her job, and Trevor struggles with his sobriety, while parenting his daughter, who he recently gained custody over. At the cabin that night, Eli tries ending things with Daniel, who confesses his feelings for Eli, but Eli leaves. In his next sermon, Eli begins to utilize more flamboyant, evangelical preaching methods and is finally able to excite his congregation until Daniel shows up and confesses his homosexuality in front of them. Eli takes the opportunity to “heal” Daniel with a blessing in front of the parishioners and Daniel plays along. After the sermon, Eli drives Daniel to the cabin, insisting he pack up and leave but Daniel refuses. Eli returns home where he learns the “healing” has caused the Revival to sell out. June reveals that she took the photo of Eli. He tells June that Daniel will not leave so she tells Eli she is going to “clean up his mess”.

Eli drinks heavily and wanders the town drunk, eventually ending up at the church. June goes to the cabin and first threatens Daniel with an allegory, but he still refuses to leave. She exits the cabin as Trevor enters. He beats Daniel unconscious and hogties him. He has Jimmy watch Daniel, telling him they will put him on the next bus out of the city, and leaves. Eli decides to leave the church and go to the cabin, heavily intoxicated. He hits a deer but eventually arrives at the cabin finding the brutalized, barely conscious Daniel and tells Jimmy to leave. Eli lights some newspaper on fire and uses it to burn the cabin down with Daniel inside. As church choir music swells, he watches the cabin burn from his car, Trevor drinks from a whisky bottle and sobs at home, looking over his daughter, and Jimmy finally has sex with Missy. Later, Eli sits on the church stage as an enthusiastic Baptist choir performs for a completely full congregation. When they finish, Eli walks to the pulpit to begin his Revival sermon.

Where's My Roy Cohn?

The film looks into American lawyer Roy Cohn whose career ranged from real estate developer Donald Trump, to senator Joseph McCarthy.

McQueen (2018 film)

The film looks into life and career of British fashion designer Alexander McQueen.

Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High AKA Volume 2

Lauren (Catherine Corcoran) and her blogger girlfriend Chrissy (Asta Paredes) must save Tromaville's Nuke 'Em High from the ongoing effects of the nuclear-sludge filled tacos from Tromorganic Foodstuffs, while also trying to keep their illicit love affair from being unmasked.

The Prince (2019 film)

Within a prison in Santiago of the 70's, Jaime, a young prisoner who has been convicted for the violent and inexplicable crime of his best friend, has a definitive encounter with "''the Stallion''", an older man who inspires respect and holds the power behind bars. Searching for protection, Jaime develops with the man a relationship of affection and tenderness, discovers love and the need to be recognized, and later, becoming "''The Prince''", finally rethinks his sexual identity, and the reason for the crime that took him to prison.

Fortunio (novel)

The novel opens with a dinner party, which has been referred to as an "orgy" by some critics. The reader is introduced to George, the host, as well as the women Musidora, Arabella, Phoebe, and Cynthia. The mysterious Fortunio was invited, but is nowhere to be seen, and gossip abounds. Musidora's interest is piqued, and she makes a bet with George that she will get Fortunio to fall in love with her within six weeks. Fortunio finally arrives, and ignores her the entire night. Musidora steals his purse and takes it home in despair. Musidora's servants, Jacinthe and Jack, as well as her white cat, are introduced as she struggles to get the purse open. She loses faith in the bet and falls in love with Fortunio in short order, but upon opening the purse finds a letter she cannot read and a strange needle. She decides to hunt down someone who can read the letter, and goes with Arabella to the houses of renowned professors of language. They are unsuccessful, and eventually track down an Indian man on the street who translates it as part of a poem.

Upon her return home, she receives a letter from Fortunio informing her that she may keep the purse, and warning her that the needle is poisoned. She is angered that her theft has not produced an emotional reaction, and loses the will to live. A visit from George prompts her to go looking for Fortunio in the city, but to no avail. She returns, loses the will to live again, and plans to commit suicide by needle shortly before noon. She tests the poison on her white cat, and finds that it is a graceful death. A few minutes before noon, she receives another letter from Fortunio, summoning her to his home. She happily goes. Jack and Jacinthe find the cat shortly after, and worry about the consequences for letting it die.

Musidora and Fortunio have a date, complete with a tiger, and Fortunio decides that he has fallen in love with her. They stay together for a while. During a night that they are spending at Musidora's house, Musidora wakes up to smoke and fire, and Fortunio takes her out of the house. He admits to setting the fire, and to extreme jealousy that made him hate anything that he had not given her himself. Anything that predated their relationship needed to go. He buys a new house for her, and she accepts his jealousy and feelings. Eventually, Fortunio begins to leave her alone for periods of time without telling her where he went. His true home in Paris is introduced: Eldorado, which he hollowed out of a block of townhouses and filled with an Indian hothouse environment and servant girls. His favorite, Soudja-Sara, is a young Indonesian girl whom he has trained as a courtesan to care about him above all else. None of the servants who live within Eldorado have any idea that they are in Paris, or indeed what Paris even is. When Fortunio leaves, they expect that he is off hunting tigers.

Fortunio has decided that his jealousy for Musidora is too consuming, and that they would both be better off without the relationship. He writes her a letter in the guise of someone else, informing her that he has died. She will receive an annual income ever after. Musidora immediately goes to the old pouch and pricks herself with the poisoned needle, committing suicide. Fortunio returns to India, and writes a letter explaining his distaste with Paris and its culture and customs, which are so strange to him.

Tsubasa to Hotaru

Tsubasa Sonokawa is a high school student who falls in love with an upperclassmen after he helped her when she fainted from anemia at the train station. After getting rejected, Tsubasa decides to help Yuri with managing the boys' basketball team and becomes acquainted with Aki Hidaka, Yūma Toba, and Yoshinari Karasuma. As Tsubasa gets closer to Aki, she discovers that he was the one who saved her when she fainted, and she begins to fall in love with him.

Six of One (novel)

''Six of One'' is set in Runnymede, a Maryland town that straddles the Mason-Dixon Line. The narrative moves back and forth in time, following a colorful cast of characters. Thirty-five-year-old Nickel (Nicole), a bisexual woman, is the first-person narrator. Her adoptive mother, Juts (Julia Ellen), and aunt Wheeze (Louise) Hunsenmeir have been quibbling and making up since they were small girls in 1908, the earliest part of the story. In 1980, the contemporary part of the novel, the sisters are in their 70s and still at it. Most of the characters are female, each with her own over-the-top propensities: Celeste Chalfonte murders the local weapons tycoon for principle, and shares her lover Ramelle with her brother. Cora, Celeste's servant and friend, illiterate, simple and hardworking, is the mother of the bickering Hunsenmeir sisters. Fannie Jump Creighton turns her aristocratic home into a speakeasy during prohibition, to survive the great depression. Events both minor and historic are treated with light humor, with only the occasional more serious tone.

Bingo (novel)

'''''Bingo''''' takes place in the small town of Runnymede, Maryland, which is located on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. The events take place about seven years after the end of ''Six of One''.

Nickel Smith is now the editor of the local Runnymede newspaper, ''The Clarion'', which is under threat due to corporate takeover. Her mother, Juts, and her aunt Wheezie, the infamous Hunsenmeir sisters, try to keep an eye on Nickel, who has embarked on an affair that would shock the town. The sisters, who are prone to decades-long fights, find themselves newly at odds when a new eligible gentleman, Ed Tutweiler Walters, arrives in town. Nickel, on the other hand, feels she must take care of her aunts, but also has her hands full with her own troubles.

All Relative

After being rebuffed by Grace who says she's just started dating someone, Harry is seduced by older woman Maren who says she just wants sex. While he is still in bed with Maren, Maren gives him advice on how to text Grace and Grace agrees to go on a date with him. After this date, when Maren and Harry are about to have sex, Grace contacts Harry again asking for support after she broke up with her boyfriend. Harry leaves hurting Maren.

A month later Grace invites Harry to meet her parents and there Harry and Maren meet again as she is Grace's mother. After various histrionics in which Maren threatens to tell her husband about her infidelity, Harry gives advice to Phil (Maren's husband/Grace's father) helping Phil reconnect with Grace after he had an extra-marital affair. After this reconciliation, Harry also tells Maren that he plans to tell Grace he had sex with Maren. To prevent this Maren secretly sends an email to Grace from Harry's phone breaking up with her.

A week later at a party which Phil invites Harry to, Grace is very happy to see Harry. Harry confesses his love for her to Grace, and then he admits to Grace that he had sex with Maren. Phil is more amused than upset that his wife had an affair with her daughter's boyfriend. In a heart to heart talk, Maren confesses to Grace that she sent the email and tells Grace to do what makes her happy. When Harry turns up at her doorstep, Grace lets him and they have sex for the first time.

During the credits the four main characters are seen celebrating together at the parents' house.

Luck (2022 film)

Sam Greenfield is a clumsy 18-year-old orphaned young woman whose life is constantly plagued by misfortune and has just recently begun to live independently, much to the dismay of her younger friend Hazel, who is due to be adopted soon. One night, after sharing a panini with a black cat, she finds a penny she hopes to give to Hazel for her collection of other lucky items to help her get adopted. The next day, Sam notices that the penny has made her luck significantly improve. However, she soon loses the penny by inadvertently flushing it down a toilet.

As Sam bemoans her error, she encounters the cat again and tells him what happened, which causes the cat to unexpectedly berate her for losing the penny. Shocked, Sam follows the cat through a portal to the Land of Luck, where creatures like leprechauns create good luck for the people on Earth. The cat, named Bob, tells Sam he needs the penny for traveling purposes and that he will be banished if word got out that he lost it. Bob and Sam make a deal to get another penny from the Penny depot for Hazel before returning it to Bob. Bob uses a button from Sam to pass off as a penny while she sneaks into the Land of Luck using clothes belonging to Bob's personal leprechaun, Gerry. Throughout the journey, Sam comes to learn how the good luck is managed by a dragon, and that bad luck is managed underneath the Land of Luck.

Following a disaster at the Penny depot which causes Gerry to learn about Sam's identity, Gerry uses a drone to retrieve the missing penny on Earth. But the drone gets lost in the In-Between, a space between the Good and Bad Luck lands. Sam and Bob go to the In-Between, which is inhabited by a unicorn named Jeff. Jeff manages a machine called the Bad Luck Apparat that keeps bad luck specks from sticking which feeds the Randomizer, another machine that sends both good and bad luck into Earth. Jeff tells the pair he found the penny and has sent it back to the depot. Nonetheless, Sam decides to visit the dragon in hopes to get another penny. The Dragon, named Babe, shares a moment with Sam by telling her how better things would be for everyone if there was good luck all around before giving her a new penny. However, she has to sacrifice the penny to spare Bob from banishment after they learn Bob lost his penny.

Still wanting to help Hazel, Sam and Bob decide to temporarily shut down the Bad Luck Apparat to prevent bad luck from going to the Randomizer and thus, give Hazel the luck she needs to get adopted. However, the bad luck specks start to clog Jeff's machine, leaking into the Land of Luck and destroying the good luck and bad luck stones within the Randomizer, which itself brings bad luck to the Land of Luck and to Earth. Seeing Hazel did not get adopted because of this, Sam sulks in remorse. Bob tells Sam that without luck or not, Hazel is the luckiest girl for having Sam at her side. Sam discovers things can be fixed because she found some good luck in Bad Luck land while on her way to the In-Between.

She and Bob go to a bar; where the bartender, a root monster named Rootie, gives them a jar of good luck they have been using. They take it to Babe to forge new good and bad luck stones. However, while Babe creates a bad luck stone, she creates two good luck stones, wanting to create a world with only good luck. Before she could place them, Sam tells Babe people need bad luck as much as good luck. Realizing her mistake, she allows Sam to place the bad luck stone, and both lands and luck are restored to normal, where Sam sees Hazel finally getting adopted. Bob is offered to keep his job at the Land of Luck, but decides he wants to live with Sam.

One year later back home, Hazel's family spends time with Sam and Bob as Sam has finally accepted her bad luck.


To avoid marriage, Anjali gets into a fake relationship with her collegemate Balu.

Black Madonna (novel)

''Black Madonna'' is a ''Shadowrun'' novel in which the authors return to their familiar characters - Sutherland, Serrin and Geraint - in their third novel.

Ember from the Sun

''Ember from the Sun'' is a novel in which Yute Nahadeh finds the frozen body of a Neanderthal woman in an ice cave. After discovering a fetus, he implants it in a 20th-century surrogate mother who gives birth to Ember, a genuine Neanderthal.

No Blood Spilled

''No Blood Spilled'' is the second part of the adventures of vampire Sebastian Newcastle, in which he is pursued from England to colonial India by his bitter enemy Reginald Callender, who will not rest until the vampire is destroyed.

The March of Fools

Philosophy university students, Byeong-tae and Yeong-cheol, make friends with French Literature female students, Yeong-ja and Sun-ja, from a nearby university. They often hang out, sharing their troubles and drinking together. They talk about their dreams for the future but the future is bleak.

The VelociPastor

Catholic priest Doug Jones witnesses his parents die in a car fire. He travels to China on a spiritual journey and comes across ninjas searching for an artifact said to turn people into the Dragon Warrior. After becoming infected by the artifact, Doug begins having nightmares and goes out into the forest late at night as he transforms into a dinosaur. He saves Carol, a prostitute, from a thug.

Waking up in Carol's bed naked, with no memory of the night before, Doug initially believes they had sex, but after Carol tells him what happened he realizes the truth. Unpersuaded by her suggestion to use his new power to fight crime and get rid of people they believe are beyond spiritual salvation, he returns to the church for confessions; speaking to Frankie Mermaid, Carol's pimp, he learns Mermaid is the one responsible for killing Doug's parents.

Enraged, Doug proceeds to kill Mermaid and, now convinced about her plan to fight crime, returns to Carol needing her assistance. Father Stewart, learning of Doug's new power, encourages Doug to lose it and stop killing. He takes him to see Altair, an exorcist, hoping to remove Doug's power. In a flashback, we learn Father Stewart saw a war buddy shot while off guard and that his love interest was killed in an accident. Back in the present, the exorcism fails and Doug transforms, taking one of Father Stewart's eyes.

Returning to Carol, Doug is confronted by ninjas. Father Stewart wakes up in a camp of drug-dealing Christian ninjas, led by Wei Chan who plans to sell highly addictive cocaine to people and then cut off supplies. Wei Chan hopes this will lead the addicts to turn to the church where he will eventually take over and use them as his army. Father Stewart rejects this idea and is killed. Doug and Carol are confronted by ninjas and plan to stop Wei Chan.

Doug is stopped by Sam the White Ninja, who he later realizes is his brother. Doug catches Sam off guard and uses telekinesis to take Sam's sword and kill him. Doug and Carol fight off more ninjas and are badly wounded. Doug, fighting off the remaining ninjas, is shot by Wei Chan with an arrow containing anti-venom to stop his transformation. Doug's hands are immune to the anti-venom and he proceeds to kill Wei Chan using his velociraptor powers, among other techniques. Doug carries Carol to the hospital where she recovers.

Doug, no longer a priest with a bounty on his head, plans on traveling the world with Carol and continuing their original idea of killing off criminals.

Inhuman Kiss

The film starts with four children Jerd, Sai, Noi and Ting. They go to the forest to play hide and seek. Noi and Sai decide to hide inside the house that supposedly contains the spirit of a Krasue that protects the forest. Sai encounters a krasue inside the box she decides to hide in. The scene is fast forwarded to the time when the four friends are in their teens. Sai and Jerd are in Thailand while Noi is in Bangkok pursuing his medical training. It is the time of World War II and all the nurses in Thailand have gone to Bangkok to care for the wounded which is why Sai goes to the local hospital to nurse the wounded. Jerd has a crush on her which is obvious to everyone except her.

She meets Noi at the forest and reunites with him. A new love is rekindled between them. It is revealed that Noi and the tribe in his hometown have come to Sai's village to hunt down a krasue. The tribe leader tells everyone about how a female krasue can turn a female human into a krasue too while a male krasue (krahang) experiences severe pain in the initial stages of being a krahang where there is a high chance that a krasue can devour his guts.

She starts to see blood stains on her bed everyday which only gets bigger and darker with days. One day she screeches in pain and sees her head detached from her body, flying in the air. She has turned into a krasue. She goes outside her house to catch prey and eat. After getting enough meat she returns to her human form. Noi who witnesses this helps Sai get meat which makes them get closer. As a result of this Sai starts to ignore Jerd.

It is later revealed that Jerd knew she was a krasue all along and had only joined the krasue hunting tribe to misdirect them. When the tribe leader (who is also a krahang) hears about Jerd's disloyalty he turns Jerd into a grotesque krahang. When Sai visits Jerd he begs her not to leave him as she had planned to run away with Noi to Bangkok that evening.

Sai's father takes her to a mass movie theater in the village borders to show everyone that the rumors about her turning into a krasue at night are false. The monk whose guidance Noi has been following all this while reveals that in the ancient time a krasue, wife of a krahang fell in love with a human who made her pregnant. The krahang who was furious killed both the Krasue and the human to avenge his broken heart. Thus, it is fate that every krahang shall fall in love with a krasue and kill her in the end by ripping her heart apart. This hints at the possibly that Jerd might kill Sai. The villagers are shocked to see Sai turn into a krasue and start chasing her with guns. Meanwhile an angry Jerd comes at Sai to kill her. Noi convinces Jerd not to kill her as she was his friend before anything else. Jerd decided not to kill her but the angry tribe leader kills him and move to kill Sai too when he is killed by the monk.

It is revealed that the krasue who had turned Sai into a krasue was actually the wife of the monk who had helped Noi all these days. He had helped Noi because he was guilty of locking his wife in a box in the forest to prevent her death and didn't want the same thing to happen to Sai. Sai and Noi run to the river from which they can reach Bangkok. But it's too late as her body has completely been destroyed by the villagers. Noi still has hopes of saving her as she still has her head. The happiness doesn't last long as Sai is shot dead in her head by Jerd's parents.

Yasak Elma

Yildiz and Zeynep are sisters living together and their financial situation is not good. Each of them has different dreams and aspirations. Yildiz strives to be very rich and be a woman of the high-class. She adores the upper class and dreams of being a part of it. Zeynep is a modest girl and happy with her financial situation and social status. She does not care about money and property, but justice and love, and she is happy in her life.

The story begins when Yildiz (Eda Ece) meets Ender (Sevval Sam), a very noblewoman from the upper class, while Yildiz works as a hostess in a restaurant, the noble Ender offers her a job as the head maid at the mansion. Yildiz is very excited and agrees while Zeynep is unhappy with the idea and even opposes it.

After a few days, Yildiz arrives at Ender's house and marvels at her wealth. She sees how Ender hosts her wealthy friends in her home, her dresses, bags, and jewelry, and even her husband, Halit Argon, and she marvels at his kind treatment of Ender.

Ender certainly plays a sweet and elegant woman, but she hides many secrets. She accepts Halit's humiliations and contempt because she knows that if her husband does not want her anymore, they will divorce and she will lose the comfortable life she is used to and her social status on which she labored for many years and she worries that the Halit will turn their common son against her.

Soon, Yildiz begins to like the Halit. Ender realizes that Yildiz is dreaming of a luxurious lifestyle so she decides to offer Yildiz a deal to flirt with her husband and be his mistress so that she will have the proof that Halit is cheating on her with another woman and get half of his luxuries. Yildiz does what Ender tells her out of admiration for her but soon she gets tired of it and she tells Halit everything about what happened.

After a while, Halit cheats on Ender with the help of children and they get divorced.  He takes all of her resources from Ender and sends her to live with her brother in the slum she came from, but Ender has not yet said the last word, and she vows revenge on Halit and Yildiz.

After Ender's defeat, Yildiz manages to persuade and seduce Halit to marry her and wins the life of wealth she so desperately wanted.

Later in the series, the past sediment of Yildiz and Ender returns to their lives, the lost son of Ender she has been searching for, for years.

At the end of the second season, Shahika Ekinci (sister of father of lost son of Ender) joins.

Yildiz's divorcee arrives unexpectedly and plans together with Ender, and Yildiz's father, who did not know he was alive, arrives to demand money from her.

Spy × Family

In order to maintain the state of peace between the rival nations of Westalis and Ostania, a Westalian agent code-named "Twilight" is tasked with spying on Donovan Desmond, leader of the National Unity Party within Ostania. However, due to Desmond being notoriously reclusive, the only way Twilight can get close to him is to enroll a child in the same private school as Desmond's sons and pose as a fellow parent.

To accomplish this and present the image of a happy family, he creates the alias of Loid Forger, adopts a young orphan girl named Anya, and marries a woman named Yor Briar. However, unbeknownst to him Anya can read minds and Yor is in fact a professional assassin. Neither Loid nor Yor are aware of each other's true identities, or that Anya knows their true professions. The family later takes in a dog with precognitive abilities whom they name Bond. Despite these unknown factors and Twilight's occasional lapses of common sense due to years of being a spy, he must learn to play the role of the perfect father and husband in order to carry out his mission.

Mexican Joker

Randy Marsh leads a tourist group around his Tegridy Farms marijuana farm, showing how it has grown and expanded. As Eric Cartman complains to Stan Marsh about the changes in the farm, Randy notes that his orders have decreased. When he visits Stephen Stotch to personally deliver some marijuana, he discovers that Stephen and others in South Park have started to grow their own marijuana, and Randy promises to take action. Randy forces Stan to plead to the South Park city council to ban private marijuana farms, but the council rejects the suggestion, and Randy is angered to the point where he completely denounces all of South Park. Later, Randy is visited by representatives from MedMen and they agree to work together. Randy's partner Towelie is upset that Randy has decided to sell out to corporations and leaves in disgust.

Cartman witnesses a group of ICE agents arresting Stephen's Hispanic worker and separating him from his family, and he is intrigued by the idea that ICE has the ability to separate families seemingly at will via an anonymous tip. Cartman makes a threatening call to Kyle Broflovski just as ICE agents raid the Broflovski home and split the family while Cartman happily watches. When Kyle arrives at an ICE detention center and the staff discover that he is Jewish, they realize that they must get Kyle out as soon as possible or risk being viewed as racist. As the ICE agents apologize to Kyle, he asks about the status of the other children in the camp and warns them that the stress and anxiety on the children could lead to the possibility of one of them becoming a Mexican Joker. The agents begin to overreact to this and wonder which child in their camp is the Mexican Joker. Later, a new bus of children arrives at the camp, with Cartman among them. Cartman realizes that the detention center may remind Kyle of Nazi concentration camps and claims to feel sorry for his actions, as Kyle devises a plan to have everyone escape.

A series of explosions throughout South Park destroys all of the private marijuana fields, an act for which the police immediately suspect Mexican Joker. Kyle has all of the detention center children fashion their aluminum foil blankets into yarmulkes to make them appear Jewish, in an attempt to get the agents to release them all, but the lead ICE agent believes he is experiencing a flashback to the origin of Mexican Joker, shoots and kills the other ICE agents before letting the children go (Believing that this will stop Mexican Joker from ever existing) and leaves. Randy celebrates the restored sales of Tegridy Farms products.

The Last Hangover

The participants of The Last Supper had a night of drunkenness and Jesus Christ disappeared. The apostles then need to find him and unravel what happened the night before.

Idle Days on the Yann

At the River Yann, the nameless protagonist embarks on the ship ''Bird of the River'' to travel to ''Bar-Wul-Yann'': the Gate of Yann. He says he is from Ireland, and the sailors mock him because no such place exists in the land of dreams. When everybody on board pray to their gods, the protagonist chooses the obscure and abandoned god Sheol Nugganoth. The ship makes stops at the cities Mandaroon, where the citizens sleep to prevent the gods from dying and dreaming to end, and Astahahn, where citizens use ancient rituals to prevent Time from slaying the gods. In Perdóndaris, a merchant buys the captain's cargo of ''toomarund'' carpets and smokable ''tollub''. The protagonist is impressed by Perdóndaris, but discovers a huge ivory gate made of one solid piece, and returns to the ship terrified. A couple of days later, they stop at Nen, the last city on the river. Nen is crowded with Wanderers, a strange singing and dancing tribe that descends from the mountains once every seven years. The ship finally reaches the Gate of Yann: two narrow, mountain-high, smooth and pink marble cliffs that the river flows between into the sea. Departing, the protagonist knows he will not meet the captain again, because his fancy is growing weaker.

Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

Janina Duszejko is an ageing woman who lives in a rural Polish village, located near the Czech border in the Silesia region, in between Lewin and Kłodzko. Janina spends most of her time studying astrology and translating the poetry of William Blake into Polish with her friend Dizzy. She had two dogs as pets but they both went missing. One day, her neighbour Big Foot, a frequent hunter, is found dead in his home by Janina's friend Oddball. From Janina and Oddball's inspection of the scene, it seems Big Foot choked on a bone while eating. Janina also finds a shocking photograph in Big Foot's house, the contents of which are revealed in the penultimate chapter. Janina disliked Big Foot because she disagrees with hunting animals. She begins to believe that animals could have killed Big Foot out of vengeance. She writes to the local police, who ignore her theory. The police commandant–called the Commandant by Janina–is also a hunter and is later found dead beside his car by Dizzy. The Commandant's death emboldens Janina's beliefs, but her friends Dizzy and Oddball are sceptical of her. Janina is questioned by police as a witness to the crime scene. One officer accuses Janina of seemingly valuing the life of animals more than that of humans. Janina tells them that she values both equally.

The village's wealthy fur farmer and brothel owner, Innerd, goes missing. Residents are convinced he ran away with his lover. An entomologist named Borys–spelled "Boros" by Janina–comes to the village. He is researching endangered beetles and hopes to convince the Polish government to protect them from extinction. Janina likes Boros and allows him to move in with her. The two eventually become romantically involved. Innerd is later found dead in the forest, with an animal snare around his leg. Weeks later, the President, leader of a local social club and also a hunter, is found dead, covered in beetles.

A new Catholic chapel is opened in the village and Father Rustle, a local Catholic priest and avid hunter, is its leader. In one of his sermons, Father Rustle praises hunters, calling them "ambassadors and partners of the Lord God in the work of creation." Janina interrupts the sermon, yelling at Rustle and the rest of the villagers. She asks, "Have you fallen asleep? How can you listen to such nonsense without batting an eyelid? Have you lost your minds? Or your hearts? Have you still got hearts?" Days later, the presbytery burns down and Father Rustle is found dead.

Dizzy and Oddball confront Janina, telling her they know she did it and the circumstances of the President's death gave her away. Janina shows her friends the photograph she found at Big Foot's house, which shows Big Foot, the Commandant, Innerd, the President, and Father Rustle standing near recently killed animals, including her two dogs. Big Foot, she explains, really did choke on a deer bone, but this event, and her discovery of the photograph, inspired her to kill the next four men.

The next day, police arrive at Janina's house and search it, but she evades capture. Janina flees on foot to the Czech Republic and is then taken by Boros to live in hiding, on the edge of the Białowieża Forest, where she can again be close to nature.

Heroic Losers

In August 2001, in the small town of Villa Alsina, Fermín Perlassi, his wife Lidia and his friend Antonio Fontana come up with a plan to reopen "La Metodica", an agricultural cooperative which went bankrupt over ten years ago. To do so, they learn the minimal investment to cover the initial costs reaches 300,000 pesos and bring the idea to the town's residents: mechanic Rolo Belaúnde, self-employed fix-it brothers Gómez, unemployed riparian Medina and Carmén Lorgio, the town's shipping company's owner, who all agree and chip in. They manage to reach 158,653 pesos, which Fermín deposits in the bank vault in Villagrán.

A few days later, Alvarado, the bank manager, summons Fermín to the bank and manipulatively convinces him to deposit the money in his own account, claiming the central bank will probably not approve his loan request without a warranty on the debt. Fermín complies and travels back to Alsina, but the financial crisis reaches its peak the next day as the President announces the implement of the ''corralitos'', which practically freezes every U.S. dollar-denominated accounts in Argentina and prohibits any weekly withdrawals over 250 pesos. Soon after, they learn Alvarado knew about the incoming government measures beforehand and personally approved a loan request by a lawyer named Fortunato Manzi, who converted the credit to U.S. dollars and withdrew all deposited dollar bills only a few minutes after Fermín left the bank. Fermín and Lidia travel to Villagrán to confront Alvarado, to no avail; in the way back, their car is run off the road by a truck, which results in Lidia's death and a severely injured Fermín.

One year later, Belaúnde and Fontana learn Manzi has contracted a construction worker to dig a 10 square feet hole in the middle of a nearby rural area and become convinced it serves as an underground burial vault to store the dollars. Fermín, his son Rodrigo, Fontana, Medina, the Gómez brothers, Carmen and her son, Hernán, reunite and decide to devise a plan to crack the vault and retrieve their "stolen" money. They soon learn Manzi has installed an impenetrable alarm device around the vault, which makes it impossible to break in; however, after rewatching a scene from ''How to Steal a Million'', Fermín comes up with the idea to set off the alarm multiple times in order to force Manzi to disconnect it from its battery, which coupled with a power supply cut, would allow the crew to enter the vault. Meanwhile, Rodrigo poses as a gardener assigned to work at Manzi's office lawn to keep track of him.

Fermín and Fontana track the power cables and succeed in installing a junction box, repeatedly cutting and restoring the area's power supply and causing the alarm to set off multiple times a day. Manzi eventually disconnects the battery, but Florencia, his secretary, realizes Rodrigo is not a gardener, which prompts him to confess her their plans. Fermín calls off the heist in fear she will tell Manzi about it, but Rodrigo reassures him otherwise and they carry on with the plan.

That night, the crew splits into two groups: Belaúnde and Medina are tasked with destroying the power generator that supplies the area while Fermin, Rodrigo and Hernán will break into the safe when the lights go off; however, Medina miscontrols the toy car carrying the dynamite and creates an explosion that destroys all generators, causing a massive blackout. Manzi, who is in a party affected by the power outage, suspects something is wrong and heads to the vault. Meanwhile, Fermín and the others successfully break into the vault and find millions of dollars in cash, proceeding to retrieve the money. Manzi arrives soon after, but his car gets stuck in a mud barricade set by Fontana. The crew flees with the money as Manzi curses and threatens them by a distance. Later, they separate the money in two cars: one driven by Rodrigo and other by Hernán, and return to Alsina.

The next day, Fermin is consoling Cármen: Hernán ran away with nearly 2 million dollars in his car and haven't made contact since. In spite of that, they use the money to reopen La Metodica, which guarantees a better life for everyone in Alsina.

In a mid-credits scene, Manzi arrives at Fontana's auto shop with a flat tire. Fontana unzips his pants, rubs his mate's bombilla against his crotch, places it in the gourd and offers it to Manzi, who drinks it as his tire is swapped.

Malignant (2021 film)

In 1993, Dr. Florence Weaver and her colleagues Victor Fields and John Gregory treat a violent, disturbed patient named Gabriel at Simion Research Hospital. Gabriel is able to control electricity and broadcast his thoughts via speakers. He kills several staff members. Dr. Weaver determines that he is a lost cause and the "''cancer''" must be removed.

27 years later, Madison Lake-Mitchell, a pregnant woman living in Seattle, returns home to her abusive husband, Derek. During an argument about her multiple previous miscarriages, Derek smashes Madison's head against a wall; she bleeds at the point of impact. She locks herself in the bedroom and falls asleep. Madison has a dream of a man entering their house and killing Derek, then wakes up to find Derek's dead body. The killer attacks Madison, rendering her unconscious.

Madison wakes up in a hospital and is informed by her sister, Sydney, that her unborn baby did not survive the attack. After being interviewed by police detective Kekoa Shaw and his partner Regina Moss, Madison returns home. Madison reveals to Sydney that she was adopted at 8 years old and has no memories of her prior life. The killer kidnaps a woman running a Seattle Underground tour. Madison continues to bleed at the back of her head and has a vision in which she is unable to move while the killer murders Dr. Weaver.

During their investigation, Shaw and Moss discover a photo of Madison as a child in Weaver's house and learn that Weaver specialized in child reconstructive surgery. Madison and Sydney approach the police after Madison has a vision of the killer murdering Dr. Fields. The killer calls Madison and reveals himself to be named Gabriel. She and Sydney visit their mother. They learn that Gabriel was an imaginary friend Madison spoke with during her childhood, but may also be someone she knew before her adoption. Shaw finds a link between the doctors and Madison, which leads him to discover the murder of Dr. Gregory.

The detectives enlist a psychiatric hypnotherapist to unlock Madison's memories. Madison recalls that her birth name is Emily May and that Gabriel almost led her to kill Sydney in the womb. After Sydney was born, Madison forgot about Gabriel. The kidnapped woman escapes and falls from the attic into Madison's home, revealing that Gabriel was secretly living there. The woman is Serena May, Madison's birth mother. The police arrest Madison.

Sydney visits the now-abandoned Simion hospital where Emily was treated and finds that Gabriel is Emily's twin brother who did not properly separate from her in the womb and became a large teratoma; he is now a parasitic twin, sharing a brain and spinal cord with Emily. During Emily's childhood, Gabriel appeared as a half-formed child facing out of Emily's back. Weaver operated on Emily and was able to remove Gabriel's body except for the brain. He was made dormant but woke up when Derek hit her head against the wall. Gabriel's face now emerges from the back of Madison's skull and operates her body backwards when he takes control, explaining his unnatural movements and the upside-down handprints at his crime scenes.

Gabriel, provoked by fellow inmates in the lockup, takes control of Madison's body, slaughters them and almost the entire precinct with superhuman strength and agility, and goes to the hospital where Serena is recovering from her captivity. Sydney and Shaw intercept but are attacked by Gabriel. Sydney informs Madison that Gabriel caused her miscarriages because he was feeding on her fetuses to gain strength. Gabriel attempts to kill Sydney for replacing him in Madison's life. Madison wakes up and takes back control of her body, able to use his abilities because they share a brain. In a black mindscape, she locks an enraged Gabriel behind bars and says she will be ready after he promises to escape one day.

Back in the hospital and in full control of her body, Madison lifts a hospital bed pinning Sydney. Madison affirms that even though they are not related by blood, she will always love her as a sister. Serena looks on happily, while the electric humming that accompanied Gabriel's attacks can be heard faintly.

The Black Vampyre: A Legend of St. Domingo

The novel opens with Mr. Anthony Gibbons recalling his family history. He begins his recollection with his ancestors leaving Guinea on a French ship and arriving in St. Domingo, where they are sold into slavery. They all die shortly after being sold, with the exception of one small boy who is sold to Mr. Personne. Mr. Personne kills the boy and throws the body into the ocean, but the body washes ashore and rises in the moonlight. Mr. Personne tries to kill the boy again, deciding to burn the boy in a pyre. Instead, the boy tosses Mr. Personne into the fire, resulting in Mr. Personne becoming badly scarred.

Mr. Personne regains consciousness in his own bed, and he is wrapped in bandages. He calls out for his wife, Euphemia, and his infant son. She informs him that there was nothing left of their son but his skin, hair, and nails. After hearing of his son's death, Mr. Personne also dies.

Euphemia marries two more times. Her second and third marriages were to Mr. Marquand and Mr. Dubois respectively. While mourning the death of Dubois, she is approached by a colored Moorish Prince character, who is led in hand by Zembo, a European boy. Euphemia is enamored by the Prince, and she quickly marries him despite the chaplain's resistance.

Following their wedding, at midnight, the Prince takes Euphemia to her family graveyard. The Prince and Zembo dig up her son's grave. The Prince uses the blood from her son's heart to fill a golden goblet, which he then forces Euphemia to drink from. The Prince tells Euphemia that she is not allowed to tell anyone what happened in the graveyard. Euphemia faints, and she wakes up in her first husband's grave, only to find out that she has become a vampire.

Then, the Prince raises all three of her past husbands from the dead. Mr. Marquand and Mr. Dubois duel, which ends with Zembo and the Prince driving a stake into the two men. The Prince assures Euphemia that her second and third husbands cannot be resurrected again. Then the Prince forgives Mr. Personne for attempting to kill him when he was a boy, revealing that he was the survivor of the drowning and burning from the French slave ship. As a sign of good will, the Prince presents Zembo as Mr. Personne's dead son and explains that Zembo's education has been taken care of.

With instructions from the Prince to journey to Europe, the group stops at a cave where there is a vampyre ball taking place. Inside the cave, there are countless armed slaves listening to the Vampyre monarchs. The monarchs believe that the immortals existed before the mortals and that all the various immortals should rally and take up arms in the name of emancipation. It is also revealed that the only way to kill a vampyre is by using a stake or giving them a cure. However, before any action can be taken, the group is attacked by soldiers, and everyone is killed, except for Mr. Personne and Euphemia.

Both Mr. Personne and Euphemia take the cure and become human again. As a side effect, Mr. Personne ends up sixteen years younger than his wife. Zembo emerges alive, revealing that he was the one who gave the soldiers information on where to find them and how to kill the vampyres. As a reward, he is renamed Barabbas and baptized. Euphemia is revealed to be pregnant with the Prince's son, a mulatto.

In the present day, Mr. Anthony Gibbons is revealed to be the lineal descendant of the Prince's son. Gibbons is also revealed to have bowel troubles, which he fears could be his cravings as a vampyre.

Loose Lips (novel)

Brown returns to an earlier time in the annals of Runnymede and the Hunsenmeir sisters. The year is 1941, the bickering sisters, Wheezie and Juts, are approaching middle age, and dealing with life issues of marriage, motherhood, family relationships and aging. Juts is desperate to have a child, but her husband, Chessy, may be infertile. Among the personal issues faced by the sisters and those surrounding them: Chessy's affair, the return of their long-lost father, Juts' relationship with Josephine, her unforgiving mother-in-law, and the adoption of Nicole by Juts and Chessy.

In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, the residents of Runnymede face new challenges: civil defense, racism against the only Japanese resident of Runnymede, and other events, both comic and dramatic, such as mistaking migrating Canada geese for German bombers, and how the sisters open the Curl n' Twirl salon to pay off a debt due to damage caused by one of their fiercest fights.

The narrative spans a decade in the life of the sisters and the zany inhabitants of Runnymede, ending in 1950, with Wheezie and Juts feeling older and wiser, and just as dedicated as ever to their fractious relationship.