In AD 895, King Aurvandill returns to the island of Hrafnsey after his overseas conquests, reuniting with his wife, Queen Gudrún, and his heir, Prince Amleth. To prepare Amleth for his eventual ascension, the two participate in a spiritual ceremony overseen by Aurvandill's jester, Heimir. The next morning, Aurvandill's bastard brother Fjölnir murders the king, raids his hillfort and carries away Gudrún. Amleth flees by boat, swearing vengeance.
Years later, Amleth lives as a berserker with a band of Vikings. After an attack in Gardariki, Amleth encounters a Seeress in the temple of Svetovit; the Seeress predicts that Amleth will soon take revenge on Fjölnir, and that his path is intertwined with a Maiden-King. Amleth learns that Fjölnir was overthrown by Harald of Norway and lives in exile in Iceland. Posing as a slave, Amleth sneaks aboard a ship. He encounters a Slavic woman named Olga, who claims to be a sorceress. They are taken to Fjölnir's farm, where he learns his mother has married Fjölnir and bore him a son named Gunnar.
One night, Amleth encounters a magician who facilitates a spiritual dialogue between Amleth and the late Heimir, revealed to have been murdered by Fjölnir. He then tells Amleth about Draugr, a magical sword at the Gates of Hel. Amleth enters a mound and obtains the blade after fighting the undead Mound Dweller. He hides it upon return to the farm. The next day, Amleth is selected to compete in a game of knattleikr against another farm. The game turns violent and Gunnar is almost killed, but Amleth saves him. As a reward, Fjölnir's adult son, Thorir, grants him overseer duties and allows him to choose a woman.
During the evening celebrations, Amleth and Olga make love; they promise to overcome Fjölnir together. Amleth kills several of Fjölnir's men, and Olga mixes their food with fly agaric, a potent hallucinogen. The ensuing chaos and the suspicion that the Christian slaves are behind the killings allows Amleth to enter Fjölnir's house. He meets his mother, who reveals that she was originally taken into slavery and that Amleth's conception was the result of rape. She reveals that she wanted Aurvandill and Amleth dead; she tries but fails to seduce Amleth. Enraged, Amleth kills Thorir and steals his heart.
Gudrún reveals Amleth's true identity to Fjölnir, and calls for him to kill him. Fjölnir threatens to kill Olga, but Amleth offers to trade Olga's life for Thorir's heart. After a severe beating, Amleth is released from his restraints by a flock of ravens. Olga rescues Amleth and the two escape by boat. Amleth has a vision and discovers that Olga is pregnant with twins, one of whom will become the Maiden-King prophesied by the Seeress. Fearing that his children will never be safe, Amleth decides to kill his uncle and jumps overboard, despite Olga's pleas.
Back at the farm, Amleth frees the slaves and kills most of Fjölnir's men. While searching for Fjölnir, Amleth is attacked by his mother and drives Draugr through her heart. Gunnar attacks Amleth, stabbing him repeatedly in the back before Amleth kills him. Fjölnir, discovering his wife and son dead, tells Amleth to meet him at the Gates of Hel—the crater of the volcano Hekla—to resolve the conflict via holmgang. At the volcano, Amleth and Fjölnir engage in a fierce swordfight; Fjölnir is decapitated, and Amleth is fatally wounded. As Amleth lies dying, he has a future vision of Olga embracing their twin children, before a valkyrie appears to carry him through the gates of Valhöll (Valhalla).
An aristocrat is murdered so someone can pretend to be her husband.
Cathy, an actor, falls for David.
Angel Hernandez is a paramedic who lives with his girlfriend Vanesa (Vane) François. Angel has an unempathetic attitude towards his patients and steals from them, selling the more valuable items to a local fence. At home, he is possessive and controlling towards Vane. The couple are trying for a baby without success. Angel tells Vane it’s her fault and even suggest her inability to get pregnant is psychosomatic. He then takes a fertility test and discovers that he has a low sperm count, but does not tell Vane.
One day, while taking an injured patient to hospital, the ambulance (driven by his colleague Ricardo) is in an accident and Angel is left paralysed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. He blames Ricardo and is unable to forgive him. His disability puts a strain on his relationship with Vane, and he becomes increasingly more paranoid that she is cheating on him. He seems to enjoy berating, mocking, and gaslighting her. Vane works at a call centre at night, and Angel installs spyware on her phone to keep tabs on her.
Via the phone spyware, he overhears a conversation between Vane and her friend, who tells her that Angel is abusive and that Vane should leave him. When Vane returns home that day, Angel has cooked her favourite meal and is contrite about the way he has treated her. They try to have sex but do not succeed because Angel is unable to feel anything. While he is showering, Vane discovers from his laptop that he has been spying on her. Disgusted, she packs up and leaves for good.
Several months pass, but Angel is still obsessed with Vane. He stalks her and eventually sees her kissing Ricardo, with whom she has begun a relationship. Later, Angel observes the couple shopping for baby things and realises that she is pregnant with Ricardo’s baby. Angel meets Vane in the street and tells her that he has boxed up her remaining possessions and asks if she would like to come and pick them up. However, on their arrival at the apartment, Angel injects Vane, causing her to lose consciousness. When she awakes, she finds herself gagged and tied to a bed. Angel uses Vane’s phone to send Ricardo a message, telling him that she does not want to have their baby, and asking him not to contact her. Ricardo later approaches Angel to say he does not believe Vane sent the message and is worried because he can't find her.
Angel injects Vane with an epidural so that she temporarily loses the use of her legs. He presents her with a engagement ring (actually stolen from one of his former patients) and talks of their future together raising their (Vane’s) baby. Vane makes an escape attempt but he overcomes her. His elderly neighbour hears Vane scream and comes to investigate. When the old man threatens to call the police, Angel stabs him to death, and pays his friend the fence to dispose of the body. Angel also goes over to Ricardo's house and kills him.
A few days later, police arrive at Angel’s apartment and advise him that they are investigating Ricardo's death, and the disappearance of Vane (whom Ricardo had reported as a missing person). Angel manages to satisfy the police that he knows nothing about either.
Vane manages to escape while Angel is out of the apartment. Although with only partial use of her legs, she succeeds in dragging herself down the staircase of the building, but when the lift stops on the landing, Angel exits. They struggle, but Vane stabs him with a screwdriver and he falls several flights down the stairwell.
In the final scene, Angel is in hospital, now completely paralysed, unable to talk and breathing through a tube in his throat. Vane appears, fully recovered and visibly pregnant. She tells the helpless Angel that from now on she will be taking care of him. His fate is left unknown as Vane wheels him out of the hospital with a sinister smile on her face.
Australian former safecracker Red is released from prison after two years. Red reconnects with his wife Chloe, their daughter "Bea" Beatrice (who now only speaks in her mother's native French after learning it from her Mexican nanny Lolita) and his former colleague Le Roi, who has been holding $500,000 in untraceable bearer bonds for him from their last heist in his pawn shop's hidden basement; Red's parole officer DPO Ernesto Sanchez remains suspicious of him and Le Roi. In Le Roi's basement, Red attempts to crack his safe, an identical one to the one from the bank he had robbed but finds he is no longer able to do so due to a lack of practice.
Meanwhile, psychopathic contract killer Luc, recently taken off of the no-fly list, enters the country searching for Red, leaving the airport by killing a man and taking his car. While acquiring weaponry from an associate of his, Jean-Jacques, at his bar, having sex with Jean-Jacques girlfriend as "payment" for the weaponry, Jean-Jacques explains to his friends that Luc is in charge of "retirement" for "the Commission" and that they should be as terrified of him as he himself is, begging his cockiest friend not to insult Luc or try to kill him. After Luc returns without Jean-Jacques girlfriend and the cockiest friend inquires about her, Luc claims off-hand to have killed her after the act to prevent there being any small talk, which Jean-Jacques accepts, only for Jean-Jacques friend to insult him. Luc then shoots Jean-Jacques friend and asks the other whether he was aware that Jean-Jacques has been embezzling from the Commission. After the friend responds that Jean-Jacques has, Jean-Jacques goes for his shotgun to shoot Luc only for Luc to shoot him, inadvertently setting off Jean-Jacques gun and killing the other friend. As he makes his way through town, Luc shoots the owner of a lowrider and joyrides it around town, before killing two police officers after they attempt to stop him.
At the art gallery at which she is preparing to have an exhibition of her paintings that night, Chloe's boss Derrek Blarney attempts to proposition her, only for her to reveal that Red has been released from prison. Outraged at the rejection, Derrek threatens to take back the loan Chloe has been living off of since Red's incarceration if she does not sell any paintings that night. That night, Red and Le Roi attend Chloe's exhibition; Le Roi restrains Red from insulting the critics who are insulting his wife's character. Red questions Chloe about Ernesto Sanchez' presence at the exhibition, revealing that he is an avid art collector and is genuinely interested in the art. Elsewhere, Luc arrives at Red's house looking for him, killing Lolita as Bea flees, before discovering the location of the exhibition from a card left on Chloe's table. As Derrek attempts to again seduce Chloe, Bea arrives looking for her; Red spots Luc arriving and shouts a warning to her, allowing Chloe and Bea to flee as Luc shoots in Red's direction, mortally wounding Le Roi, who gives Red the key to his safe. Ernesto Sanchez then shoots at Luc, who in response ends up killing almost all of the critics present at the exhibition, before leaving to pursue Red.
After Luc climbs atop Red's car in an attempt to kill him, Red shoots Luc's gun at the ceiling of the car, knocking him off of it. After Chloe questions him on Luc's presence, Red reveals Luc is the brother of his partner in the bank heist who was shot by police, and that he would likely be looking for the bearer bonds Red had pretended were destroyed, which in fact he had had Le Roi smuggle out of the bank via tunnels leading to his basement. They decide to proceed to Le Roi's basement to retrieve the money. As Red enters the basement, Luc catches up with the car on-foot, holding Chloe hostage as Bea runs inside towards her father. After Red offers Luc the bonds and himself in exchange for his family's lives, Luc reveals that he was unaware of the bonds' existence and merely blames Red for living in his brother's place, considering them a nice surprise for after he kills him and his family. Red moves in front of her as Luc fires, unintentionally knocking her into the safe. Luc overlooks the short-breathed Red and locks the safe, informing him that he will hear her suffocating before he dies from the gunshot.
Luc then pursues Chloe as she flees into the tunnels connected to Le Roi's basement; Chloe manages to impale him in the back with a rake, before fleeing back to the basement and up into Le Roi's shop. Meanwhile, Red is revealed to have been alive, Luc's bullet having been blocked by Le Roi's key to the safe (which he had left in his breast pocket), which has been rendered unusable. As Red tells Bea through the safe to conserve her breaths, Luc returns and holds him at gunpoint. As he prepares to shoot him, Ernesto Sanchez arrives, having been retrieved by Chloe, and orders Luc to drop his weapon. After Luc instead tries to kill him, Ernesto Sanchez shoots him several times. Recognizing himself to be beaten, Luc sets off a pair of charged explosives that disintegrate himself and the bearer bonds.
As Red tries to open the safe, Ernesto Sanchez tries to arrest him for breaking his parole, only to allow him to try to crack the safe upon learning Bea is inside. Although nervous, Red manages to free Bea, and the family hug. Looking at the happy family, Ernesto Sanchez decides not to arrest Red, and remarks at his dissatisfaction at how the evening has unfolded, and that he likely will receive commendation for having stopped Luc.
Several days later, while Bea pays her respect to Lolita's ashes and Chloe remarks that their water is about to be shut off, Red offers to move the family back to Chloe's native France despite himself not speaking French once his parole is over. Suddenly, an excited Derrek arrives at the house to reveal that Chloe's paintings have sold out for hundreds of thousands due to them having been spattered with "the blood of her critics" during Luc's shootout at the art gallery, before giving her cut of the proceedings and asking when her next art show will be. As the family closes the door in Derrek's face, Bea speaks English for the first time to declare to the audience that it is "The End", before the family dances happily together at their newfound wealth.
In Africa, Mina Murray and Orlando bring Emma Night to the fire of youth, where she's made young again and immortal. Since Night has abandoned MI5 and stolen several items, including the Black Dossier, the three are now fugitives. They decide to seek refuge with Jack Nemo, great-grandson of the original Captain Nemo, on Lincoln Island.
Unknown to the women, Night is replaced as M by the elderly Jimmy Bond, who after torturing three of Night's old friends, who commit suicide, tracks them to the pool. After bathing in it, Bond destroys it with a nuclear bomb. He then does research on the League's history and learns, among other things, about the Blazing World, which he also nukes. The women and Jack learn of this from an AI the latter owns, and while Mina and Jack head for the Blazing World, Emma and Orlando head to London to kill Bond.
Meanwhile, Satin Astro, former member of superhero team the Seven Stars, arrives from the year 2996 to prevent a global catastrophe that results in a ruthless dictatorship ruling Earth from Mars. She tries to get her old team back together, but since most are either dead or retired, only the Martian telepath Marsman joins her. The two go to their team's old headquarters in London, also the League's former HQ, where they meet Emma and Orlando. Another telepath working with former member Captain Universe reveals to Marsman that member Vull the Invisible was Mina, while Universe and Electrogirl eventually decide to rejoin. Though the attempts to kill Bond fail, he's presumed dead when a massive explosion obliterates MI5.
Meanwhile, Mina and Jack arrive at the Blazing World, which they learn is slowly rebuilding with all its inhabitants restored thanks to Prospero, who manages to erase the nuclear blast from existence. After watching a play detailing the League's founding with disturbing implications, the two meet former English queen the half Faerie Glorianna, who commissioned the League's founding. The two reveal that everything the League has done over the centuries have been part of a plot by them to eventually unleash magical beings on the human world in revenge for driving them underground. Unable to stop them, the two flee in what Mina thinks is the Nautilus.
With the world being slowly overtaken by magical beings, the very catastrophe Satin tried to stop, the League and its allies choose to flee into space aboard the true Nautilus, a spaceship. Though they intend to survive off the lunar colonies, this plan's ruined when they find the moon, Venus, and Mars slowly being conquered by Amazon forces who Mina admits she previously provided a means of breeding with James Moriarty's corpse, possibly another part of Prospero's plan.
The Nautilus passes through the asteroid belt to colonize parts unknown. During Captain Universe and Electrogirl's wedding, Emma encounters a still alive Bond, who she incapacitates and kills. Everyone eventually settles elsewhere, Universe manages to create a new fire of youth, and a century later, Mina shares a dance with a cloned Edward Hyde.
As described in a film magazine, Richard Goodloe (Blue), son of a proud Southern widow (Gordon), has been released from prison where he served two years after being railroaded by another crook, and returns to his home in Kentucky. En route he meets his former sweetheart Virginia Sanders (Holmquist). His mother has entered their horse Dixie in the derby and the family fortune is at stake. In one of the fastest races ever run, Dixie wins. Mrs. Goodloe accepts the hand of Colonel Sanders (Currier), and, after "Con" Arnold (Carewe) is exposed as a criminal, Virginia declares her love for Richard.
In the small island town of Raven's End in the 1980s, mortician Montgomery Dark manages the Raven's End Mortuary. One day, a young woman named Sam comes to respond to the Help Wanted sign outside. When he agrees to give her an interview, he takes her on a tour of the facility, during which Sam shows curiosity about a small child-sized coffin which Montgomery has recently performed a funeral for. Montgomery agrees to tell Sam a series of stories about those that have died in Raven's End.
In the 1950s, a young woman named Emma goes to the restroom during a party to check on the wallets she's pickpocketed while attending. However, the bathroom medicine cabinet piques her curiosity, and she tries to open it but is unable to. When she pries it open, she finds a tentacled monster inside, and is killed by it. The monster drags Emma’s lifeless body into the cabinet and shuts it.
In the 1960s, frat boy Jake passes out condoms on campus, preaching the value of sexual liberation as an excuse to get girls to come to frat parties and sleep with the members of his fraternity. However, upon making a connection with a woman named Sandra at a party, he secretly removes his condom while having sex with her. The next morning, he finds himself with a rash and goes to the campus doctor, Dr. Harold Kubler, for help. Jake discovers to his horror that he has a creature growing inside his stomach. He attempts to meet with Sandra but is caught in a surprise celebration by his fraternity buddies for sleeping with 67 women. They let him go when his water breaks and covers the group with discolored ooze.
At Sandra's house, Jake is laid down on a table by Sandra's parents to help him birth his baby. Sandra is angered when Jake admits that he took his condom off, resulting in his anomalous pregnancy. She makes a phone call to another man, saying she is now free to go on a date with him, and callously leaves Jake with her parents. When Jake asks how they will get the baby out, Sandra's mother tells him that the only way the baby can come out is the same way it got in. As the baby is forcing its way out, Jake's penis explodes, ripping open his abdomen, killing him. Sandra's mother takes the monstrous baby upstairs and lays it in a crib in a room full of other monstrous children.
In the 1970s, Wendell Owens is depressed and devoted to taking care of his catatonic wife Carol. Forced to plan his life around her, he responds positively to his doctor, Dr. Kubler's, suggestion that he "accidentally" overdose Carol on painkillers. However, when he tries to give them to her, she grabs his arm, then chokes on the food the pills are hidden in, forcing him to help her throw them up. When she collapses afterward, she impales her head on a statue and dies.
Wendell calls Dr. Kubler for help, but is only told to get rid of the body. He dismembers the corpse amid hallucinations of it being alive again, then packs it into a trunk and takes it to his apartment building elevator. On his way down, the elevator gets stuck and Wendell's neighbor calls the police as he hallucinates blood leaking from the trunk. The elevator seems to start again and go infinitely down as Carol's body rises from the trunk in the form of a horrific ghoul and forces Wendell into a kiss. When the police arrive, they find Wendell on the floor of the elevator, repeating his wedding vows over and over with the corpse still in the box.
Sam complains that Montgomery's stories, however true they may be, are too predictable and follow a theme of people being punished for their sins. Montgomery leads Sam down to the mortuary subbasement and prepares to cremate the child-size coffin; Sam stops him and tells him she's not here for a job - she's here for the dead child. She tells him her own story.
One evening, Sam babysits for a child named Logan Kubler. She watches a horror movie as she cooks dinner but misses a news bulletin about an escaped patient from the local asylum. She then finds a strange man with a head wound in the house; not sure how he got in, Sam is uncertain about how to react until the phone rings and she hears an answering machine message about the escaped killer. This prompts her and the strange man to fight, the man charging upstairs to try to find Logan. After a series of encounters, the man tries to strangle Sam but she stops him by telling him he isn't a killer. She then throws the man down the stairs and drops a TV on his head, crushing it.
When Logan's parents - Dr. Kubler and his wife Debra - come home, they find the dead man and recognize him as the real Sam as the broken television reveals that the woman claiming to be Sam is in fact a child murderer called the Tooth Fairy Killer who cannibalizes children and takes their deciduous teeth as trinkets, and her real name is Charlotte Gibbons. They soon find Logan's remains charred in the oven and scream in horror.
As Charlotte finishes her story, she uses her buck knife to remove a tooth from Logan's remains, not having had the chance to do so when she killed him. She then stabs Montgomery in the stomach; however, Montgomery - who appears to bleed embalming fluid - simply laughs, telling her that the job is now hers. Charlotte attempts to escape the mortuary but finds herself unable to do so via a supernatural force that sends her back into the mortuary entrance. Montgomery corners her in the library and explains that he was never able to leave either, and her story is "only just beginning", as certain books fall from the shelves. The charred spirits of her child victims crawl out of the fallen library books and tear Charlotte apart.
Montgomery sews Charlotte's body back together and replaces her blood with embalming fluid. Finally he finds himself able to leave the mortuary for the first time after several decades. However, after a moment in sunlight, he explodes into dust. Her body reanimates inside the mortuary and a final scene shows that Charlotte has now become the new mortician, as she tells a boy named Bill, who was earlier seen delivering newspapers, that she is about to start “making dinner.”
Athena, a 50-year-old mother elephant, is matriarch of a herd of adult females and male and female juveniles, which includes mother Mala, older daughter Milli, and newborn Mimi. The elephants live in a bucolic area referred to as The Kingdom, with dotted waterholes. The waterholes are also home to bullfrogs, chameleons, dung beetles, killifish, and terrapins. In ''The Elephant Queen'', the animals are characters with personalities who live in symbiotic harmony. A drought forces the herd to leave their environment and travel far away to a savanna. But they must eat and drink plenty to endure 200 miles until the next waterhole. Matriarch Athena has the hard decision to wait for Mimi to get stronger for the long trip, or to voyage on towards her and her family’s safety.
Han Seo Yeon (Ji-Yeon) is a bright, healthy, and outgoing high school student who dreams of becoming a model, but she's worried about being rejected due to her height. She then applies to a fashion show, in which Jin-wook (Kang Dong-ho), who is one of the top male models in Korea, is part of the approval board.
When Han Seo Yeon and Jin-wook meet each other at the fashion model show's casting, Jin-wook harshly treats Seo Yeon because he thinks she's too short for a model, and he doesn't want to deceive her by allowing her to pass at the casting, only to be eliminated from the show at a later point for entertainment purposes, and she leaves the audition disappointed.
Then, to cheer her up, her childhood friend Na-rae (Kisum) takes her to a karaoke bar to lift up her spirits.
In a strange coincidence, Jin-wook, who got fired from the fashion show's approval board, is also in the bar celebrating his friend's birthday, then later an incident occurs where Jin-wook and Seo Yeon switch bodies after being electrocuted during a storm. They must find a way to switch their bodies back without getting caught by their friends.
YouTuber Logan Paul is videocalling his Australian girlfriend, Ariel, with whom he has an online relationship. The two attempt to have cybersex, but are interrupted from doing so, firstly by Logan's foreign exchange brother Juanpa Zurita, and secondly by Lele Pons who tries to capture Logan's face when he is masturbating. Logan's friends tell him of a convention consisting of social media influencers called "Hashtagacon", which is being held in Sydney, giving him a chance to finally meet Ariel. However, he has to get over his fear of flying, which was set off ten years ago when Juanpa told him to jump from a tree as part of a YouTube stunt.
Logan, Juanpa and Andrew Bachelor take a taxi to the airport, and Andrew tells Logan that prankster Vitaly Zdorovetskiy will be on the same flight, as he is being extradited back to Australia to be put on trial for an incident involving dingoes. Juanpa goes to immigration where the customs officer believes that he is an illegal immigrant, and deports him back to Mexico, although Juanpa convinces him to deport him to Australia as he is desperate to lose his virginity. Logan goes through customs smoothly, but his fear of flying gets the better of him and has to be forced to get on the plane by his friends. Logan takes his seat next to a woman named Jenna, who has similar femur scars as him, and she holds his hand as the plane is about to take off. The pilots announce over the intercom that all passengers should put their smartphones on airplane mode, which they refuse to do. The phone signals causes havoc within the plane's wiring, resulting in the pilots getting electrocuted to their death. One of the flight attendants, Clarice, looks through the peephole, walks in and then immediately walks out, thinking that the pilots are having oral sex.
Logan asks for Jenna's Instagram handle, but she tells him that she is not on social media, before realizing that he is part of the "Hashtagacon" group. Logan plays this down and says that he is actually on the flight to meet his girlfriend for the first time. Jenna asks Logan about his girlfriend and how he can love someone that he has not met. Logan tells her that Ariel is the only person that can make him snort while laughing. Jenna proves to Logan that she can do the same thing, and flings a chocolate mousse at a sleeping passenger across the aisle, making him snort as well. Jenna then goes to sleep, using Logan's shoulder as a makeshift pillow. Hours later, Clarice discovers that the co-pilots are actually dead, and gets the air marshal over to the cockpit to deal with the situation, leaving Vitaly on his own. Logan gets up from his seat and overhears the conversation in the cockpit. He opens the door and asks if everything is okay, but freaks out when he realizes that the pilots are dead. Suddenly Vitaly appears, killing the air marshal by breaking his neck, while Clarice and Logan both faint and collapse on the floor.
Logan wakes up in the cockpit and goes to find Juanpa to see if he can help him, but he is incapable of doing so. Realizing that his friends would also be the same way, Logan wakes Jenna up from her sleep and gets her to go to the cockpit with him. Jenna freaks out over the situation, while Logan decides to try and find the flight attendants, who are bound and gagged in the cargo by Vitaly. However, Logan chickens out and it is only when Jenna berates him that he decides to come back. He calls the air traffic controller in Sydney, and tells him that the pilots are dead and the flight attendants are missing. The air traffic controller named Benji, suggests using the auto-pilot stick which Logan had broken in a panic, but when Logan tells him that they cannot use that, Benji cannot help them anymore and goes on a lunch break. Meanwhile, Vitaly wants to know where the emergency oxygen supply is, and proceeds to feed a dog cat food, so Clarice tells him where it is. Vitaly opens the cargo door, and says that it was dog food the whole time; it was just in a tin used for cat food. He then throws Clarice out of the plane, before saying his catchphrase, "It's just a prank, bro!".
Vitaly opens the emergency door, and Andrew, who is more concerned with filming himself than being in his seat, is the second person to be thrown out of the plane. Nick Bateman makes an inspiring speech to the passengers and as he is a junior pilot, he will save the day or die trying. As soon as he walks through the curtain, he is stabbed in the front by Vitaly. As established in an earlier scene (for reasons which are unexplained), Logan has the ability to read the minds of gay people, and through the male flight attendant, Bruce, he prevents Jenna from using the oxygen mask, since Vitaly replaced it with chloroform. Logan and Vitaly fight each other in the plane, where it is revealed that the "Hashtagacon" convention is all just an elaborate prank, and Vitaly knocks him out with a fire extinguisher. When Logan comes to, Bruce tells him that Vitaly has the only parachute on board, who opens the cargo door to get rid of them. However, they are saved by Logan's pet parrot, Maverick. Bruce advises Logan to use the autopilot, to which Logan awkwardly laughs, as he had broken off the autopilot stick. Vitaly commandeers the plane, bringing it further into the sky, so he can make his escape. Jenna's hands are tied but she manages to hand Logan the autopilot stick, which he throws into Vitaly's chest, who laughs it off as a flesh wound. Vitaly's parachute is released and he is killed when he is flung backwards into the engine. Logan uses Jenna's smartphone to watch a YouTube instructional video on how to land a plane, although it too ends with the same advice Benji and Bruce had given him: use the autopilot. Benji then calls the cockpit, telling Logan that he is surprised they made it this far and that he should just land the plane on the white line, fly straight and hope that they do not explode on contact, all while insulting Logan, much to his frustration. Although they land successfully on the runway, the plane fails to stop, so Logan has to quickly watch the instruction video to slam on the brakes at the last minute. Then, the engine explodes just as Logan and Jenna are about to kiss. As everyone gets off the plane, Logan meets Benji, who he promptly headbutts. He also runs into Juanpa, who spent most of the flight getting drunk and trying to have sex with Brittany Furlan. Logan and Jenna say their goodbyes, and Logan realizes that he actually has feelings for her and not Ariel. Logan and Juanpa drive to Ariel's house, and he decides to put Juanpa in his place instead. Ariel figures out right away that Juanpa is not Logan, but decides to have sex with him anyway as he has an accent. As Juanpa is about to climax, they are caught in the act by Ariel's (adoptive) father, who chases Juanpa around the bedroom before he jumps out of the window and runs off naked. Logan arrives at the hotel room Jenna is staying in, but assumes she has made up with her "boyfriend", Richie. However, as Logan leaves the room, he immediately knows that Richie is gay and runs back in, kicks Richie out who is confused as to why Logan can hear his thoughts. Logan then makes out with Jenna and the two have sex.
In a mid-credits scene, Juanpa is seen running across another beach (with only a couple of leaves covering his genitals) and chases after a kangaroo. Logan arrives at the house of the boy whose instructional video he watched, and kicks down the door which knocks out the boy's sister. Finally, Andrew is shown to have survived the whole ordeal, washing up on another beach and then starts making out with a sex doll.
The main protagonist is Mauro Murillo (Alejandro Goic). After fighting the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, he became a celebrity journalist, a fact which some of his colleagues still do not forgive. At the peak of his career, he suffered a car accident that left him in a wheelchair. The rejection of his latest project by a television executive is causing him to reflect on his career. In addition to his career problems, Mauro also deals with his separation from Ángela (Aline Kuppenheim), a journalist who works at a newspaper; an abandoned teenage son, Daniel (Víctor Quezada), who begins to struggle with changes as a teenager; and a sexually dissatisfied girlfriend, Valeria Sánchez (Fernanda Urrejola), a younger woman who has a communications consulting company.
At fifty years old, the only possibility he sees of changing his situation is to invest the profits from his past ten years of stardom doing celebrity journalism, and to establish an online journalism site that fearlessly confronts the powerful of Chile. He clings to the possibility of working with Patricia Fuenzalida (Catalina Saavedra), a widely respected professional journalist who writes an independent blog, a platform she uses to unmask corrupt entrepreneurs. However, she rejects him again and again, disenchanted with his lack of professional ethics. In the midst of his desperate attempts to change her mind, she dies in a strange assault on a supermarket.
Mauro's instinct tells him that something else is hiding behind the supposed stray bullet (''bala loca'') that ended the journalist's life. Thus, he turns to Oscar (Mateo Iribarren), Patricia's husband, to help him discover what the journalist was investigating. Finally it is Víctor (Nicolás Durán), her son, who gives him the folders holding the murdered journalist's investigation. Thus, Eugenio 'Coco' Aldunate (Alfredo Castro), a powerful businessman who owns a health insurance company, becomes the main suspect. The magnate maintains political ties with Julián Torres Becker (Marcial Tagle), a liberal and progressive senator from the PPD who is a close friend of Murillo. Aldunate is also the main suspect of Nelson Iturra (Pablo Schwarz), a police investigator who takes the case of the reporter's death.
Mauro assembles a new team: Gabriela Vuskovic (Trinidad González), an experienced journalist and a demanding leader; Antonia Serrano (Ingrid Isensee), a journalist who worked at the newspaper with Murillo's ex-wife, but left her comfortable job to do more challenging journalism; Andrés Villanueva (Mario Horton), a journalist with technology skills, highly committed to justice and truth; and Alejandra Mujica (Manuela Oyarzún), a young professional with a reporter's nose, whose tenacity makes her a daring investigator. Mauro announces the premise on which their new '''' website is founded: Is it possible that in today's Chile a journalist is killed for investigating the powerful?
After her father died, a Hong Kong girl discovers she has two hitherto unknown sisters, one in Taiwan and one in China. To settle her father's debt, she must reunite with them to run the family's hot pot restaurant. While the androgynous Taiwan sister is plagued by her toxic relationship with her mother, the fashionista sister from China is trying to fend off her grandmother's pressure to get married. Meanwhile, she is striving to unshackle herself from her ex-boyfriend in order to start a new relationship.
Frank Walsh is a skilled big-game hunter specializing in rare and dangerous species. He has recently caught an extremely rare white jaguar in the rain forests of Brazil illegally by tranquilizing it while sitting on a wooden platform high above in a tree. His assistant refuses to help him move the animal because of local superstition. He now expects to sell it to a zoo for a fortune. Frank books a container ship to deliver the jaguar along with other animals to the U.S.
However, US Marshals also need the ship to transport a notorious political assassin and ex-special forces operative, Richard Loffler, who is being extradited in order to be brought to trial. Loffler cannot be transported by plane because he suffers from air pressure-related seizures. He is chained to a chair inside a cage. Navy Lieutenant Dr. Ellen Taylor is the doctor in charge of Loffler's medical needs. Walsh and Taylor butt heads as Taylor finds Walsh to be arrogant and dishonest and tells him so.
On the way to the U.S., Loffler escapes and releases dangerous animals including venomous snakes that Walsh has captured in order to attack his captors and cause mayhem. One group of crew members escape in a lifeboat, leaving Walsh, Taylor, and several others behind on the ship. Loffler kills many onboard and takes Taylor and a young crewman named Rafael hostage, but is eventually subdued by Walsh who uses his expert skills to capture him. He then turns his prized white jaguar loose, which attacks and kills Loffler, while Walsh rescues Taylor and Rafael from a venomous viper.
In search of revenge against the twelve jurors who sentenced his brother to death, Royce Tullis (Clint James) left a trail of bloody revenge against them.
The mad Professor Duck Brain has stolen Yosemite Sam's Golden Cartoon Awards and is holding them for ransom. Sam calls upon Daffy Duck to recover his awards and deal with the mad professor and his henchmen.
In 1952, 10-year-old Aretha Franklin lives with her father C.L., pastor of Detroit’s largest Baptist church, and her siblings Cecil, Erma, and Carolyn. Aretha’s father often has her sing for parties at their home, while her mother Barbara, separated from C.L., encourages her independence. The predatory actions of a family friend, combined with the sudden death of Barbara, traumatizes Aretha, who ceases to speak for weeks until her father demands that she sing at church.
Seven years later, Aretha is a teen mother of two boys, but refuses to name their father. Touring as a gospel singer with family friend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., she meets local producer Ted White, but C.L. warns him to stay away. C.L. surprises Aretha with a meeting with Columbia Records executive John Hammond. She accepts a contract to record jazz standards, including "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive."
Four albums later, Aretha lacks a signature hit. At a club, she attempts to honor family friend Dinah Washington by performing one of Dinah’s songs; outraged, Dinah advises Aretha to find songs that move her. Struggling with the controlling influence of her father, Aretha begins a relationship with Ted. She brings him home to meet her family, leading C.L. to nearly shoot him, but announces Ted as her manager.
Two years later, Ted and Aretha are married with a child. After nine albums with no real success, Aretha is dropped by Columbia. Ted secures a deal with veteran producer Jerry Wexler of Atlantic Records, who introduces her to a group of white musicians in Muscle Shoals in 1967. There, Aretha records "I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)", but a jealous Ted becomes violent with her.
Returning to Detroit with a black eye, Aretha reconnects with her family. Realizing her song has been released, becoming her first hit, Aretha takes a more hands-on role in her career. She makes her sisters her new backup singers and, despite their misgivings, reunites with Ted. Aretha and Carolyn are inspired to re-arrange Otis Redding's "Respect"; their version becomes a #1 single, launching Aretha to stardom by her 25th birthday.
At a Detroit concert, Dr. King honors Aretha for her support of the Civil Rights Movement, proclaiming February 16 "Aretha Franklin Day". She has another signature hit, "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman", but her career is complicated by Ted’s increasingly volatile behavior. Embarking on a European tour in 1968, Aretha is confronted with a ''Time'' magazine cover story about Ted’s abuse, and finally casts him out of her life.
Dating her tour manager Ken Cunningham, Aretha eventually has her fourth child. In the wake of Dr. King's assassination, Aretha's father drunkenly argues with her over the direction of the Movement, telling her that she no longer walks in the spirit. Aretha continues to release hits but overworks herself, coping with the pressure through alcohol, and rejects her family’s attempts to help her.
During another overseas performance, a drunken Aretha falls from the stage. On a downward spiral and estranged from Ken and her family, she is consoled by a vision of her late mother. Aretha finds the strength to quit drinking, leading Ken to reconcile with her, and returns to her gospel roots. She approaches Wexler with the idea to produce her own gospel album, and he agrees on the condition that the recording of the album be filmed for a documentary.
Beginning rehearsals, Aretha confides in family friend James Cleveland, now a respected gospel artist. The day of the album’s recording, her father arrives to reconcile with her. The service begins and, with her family in attendance, Aretha sings her arrangement of the hymn, ''Amazing Grace.'' An epilogue reveals Aretha Franklin’s legacy as a world-famous artist and the “Queen of Soul”.
''From Prussia With Love'' is a steampunk novel about the troubles of Castle Falkenstein, which is threatened by Prussia's development of steam-powered intercontinental ballistic missiles.
''Memory Seed'' is a novel about plants taking over the world, and is the story of a young girl's efforts to discover the ultimate truths about the world she lives in.
''Deviant Ways'' is a novel in which veteran detective Jack Paris investigates the brutal murders of young women.
''Such Pain'' is a ''Mage: The Ascension'' novel which concerns the efforts of Aaron Barry, international playboy (and secret member of the Cult Of Ecstasy), to deal with his father's death and his return to the house of his childhood.
''Vampire: Netherworld'' is a ''Vampire: The Masquerade'' novel about Zane, an ordinary human who finds himself caught up in events beyond his understanding, and only the whim of an ancient vampire, Sartak, saves him from death.
The series is set-up in three parts following six characters: Pin, Son, Noh, Phun, Wish and Two. They are all in university.
Pin and Wish are in the university's soccer team, and after practice they head to the locker rooms where Pin worries that he needs to lose weight showing his insecurities. They are met by Son, who is Pin's boyfriend, and they decide to head out for lunch. Pin insists on driving Son's car, saying that he is Son's husband and should therefore help Son do everything.
At the same time, Noh, who is now a music major, is in the university study hall tuning his guitar when a friend reminds him of an assignment. He runs out to complete it. On the way, Phun comes looking for him and Noh stops in surprise. Noh chooses to chat with Phun in the school courtyard and reveals that Phun has been too busy with schoolwork to meet him. Noh is convinced that Phun does not have time to care about anything else, as he is so busy. Phun assures him that he still cares for Noh, and misses him very much. Phun then asks Noh to eat a meal with him to make up for lost time. Noh agrees and they head out for lunch.
Pin is distracted by Wish on their drive to lunch, and he is looking at a map on Wish's phone while driving. Son urges Pin to be careful, and focus, but not fast enough as Pin almost hits Phun and Noh who are crossing the road on their way to lunch. Phun and Noh fall on the tarmac, breaking Noh's guitar in the process. Pin stops the car and comes out of the car to apologize but Noh loses his temper at the near-accident. A scuffle ensues between Noh and Wish. Son and Phun try to calm them down, and Son gets injured.
Pin insists on taking Son to the hospital, and promises Noh that they will take responsibility for the accident. Phun and Noh follow Son, Pin and Wish to the hospital. As Son is treated, Phun asks Noh what he will do about his broken guitar. Noh is sad about the guitar damage as he has an upcoming music competition. Phun assures Noh that he will find a way to make it work. Noh then remembers his assignment and gets up to leave, telling Phun they should go. Son insists on getting Noh's phone number so that he can pay for Noh's guitar.
Back at Son's dorm room, Pin is upset that he got Son hurt, but Son assures him that as long as Pin stays with him, he is fine. They kiss and makeup but then Son insists that Pin should go home as Son has an exam in the morning. When Pin leaves, Son messages Noh to apologize for the car accident and the broken guitar. He asks how he can repay the inconvenience caused.
Noh sends Son a link to a post on his Facebook account. He asks Son to share it and vote for him so that he can win, and he will be able to win money for his guitar. Son shares the post, but then Pin sees the post on Son's feed and starts to worry. The next day, Pin talks to Two about his concerns, and they both wonder what Wish and Son are hiding.
Later, Two finds Wish at Noh's music practice room and accuses Wish of having an affair with Noh. Meanwhile, Pin believes Son is hiding something from him.
Two tells Pin that he saw Wish at Noh's music practice room. Two is suspicious of Wish's presence at Noh's music practice room and is worried Noh might flirt with Wish. Pin reassures Two that he talked to Son, and discovered that Son is tutoring Noh for his English class. He is convinced that Son invited Wish to go to the practice room together for added security. Two is not convinced by this explanation and still believes that Noh is flirting with Wish.
Pin then tells Wish not to worry as Noh might be in a relationship with Phun, though none of them know for sure. Pin decides to find Phun and ask for the truth in order to clear the misunderstandings.
Pin goes to Phun's school and asks Phun if Noh is his boyfriend. When Phun says yes, Pin asks Phun if he knows why Noh and Son, Pin's boyfriend, are spending time together. Phun, who is always busy with his classes, decides to have a talk with Pin hoping to clear Pin's misunderstandings. Phun takes Pin to a cafe for coffee where he listens to Pin's concerns about his boyfriend, Son, and how Son has changed lately. After listening, Phun advises Pin to have trust in his boyfriend, otherwise the distance between them would only grow.
Meanwhile, Noh goes to Phun's school with a cup of coffee and a care package hoping to see Phun. Noh discovers Phun in the coffee shop talking to Pin. He checks his messages to find one from Phun asking Noh not to find him at his school as he was too busy. Upset, Noh leaves without talking to Phun.
Two goes to see Wish at his house after their fight over Noh. Wish is still upset and believes that Two does not care for him, which upsets Two. Wish asks Two to leave, but Two gets on his knees to beg for forgiveness. Two promises to do anything until Wish feels better. Wish tells him to stay kneeling until he feels happy.
Two keeps kneeling, and Wish comes to find him, telling him to get up and go home. Two insists that he will not leave until Wish forgives him. Wish does forgive him, and insists on Two bringing him breakfast the next morning to make up for his wrongdoings. Two shows up at Wish's house the next morning with breakfast, surprising Wish. Two then spends the day at Wish's house, doing chores while flirting with Two. Wish offers to help Two change a bulb, and when Wish shakes the chair Two is using, Two falls on the floor injuring his leg. Two and Wish end up at the hospital, bickering until the doctor, played by God Itthipat Thanit, decides to give them relationship advise.
After the doctor's appointment, Wish shows up at Noh's music practice room where he asks Noh and Son what he should do about his relationship with Two. Noh advises him to be true to himself, so that he does not regret his decisions later. Son also tells Wish to be brave and ask Two to be his boyfriend first, without waiting for Two to ask.
Pin finds Two in the school bathroom worrying about what to do next about his relationship with Wish. Pin suggests going to find Phun for relationship advice. Pin and Two share their struggles with Phun who tells them to be patient and give their boyfriends time and not to force anything. Saying if love exists, there will be hope. Pin takes a selfie with Phun and Two and posts it. Then they speculate on the mystery of what Son, Wish and Noh are doing together.
Two goes to Wish's house in the evening, and Wish asks if Two can pick him up every morning to go to school, or bring him home every afternoon. Two refuses, saying Wish is never serious with his feelings for Two. Nor does he take Two's feelings for Wish seriously.
Meanwhile, Noh has been teaching Son how to play guitar, and when Son leaves for the day, Noh checks his phone to find Pin's selfie post with Phun and Two at the cafe. Once again, it upsets him, and when Phun goes to look for him late in the evening, Noh confronts him about it. Phun explains that Pin and Two visited him at his school and he could not turn them away. Noh then asks why Phun always turns him away when Noh goes to look for him. Noh also wonders why Phun never seeks him out when he is not busy. Noh concludes that if it is too hard to find time for him, then they should end their relationship.
Pin surprises Son with a visit at his dorm room and finds Son's guitar on the floor. Son is not happy about the surprise visit, but then Pin discovers a note Son has written to Noh. Pin misunderstands Son's intentions and accuses him of lying and hiding secrets. Pin then decides they should break up.
Noh gets upset when Phun says he has no time. He points out that Phun seems to find time to have coffee with Pin and Two, even as he claims he is too busy to meet Noh. Angry with Phun, Noh reminds Phun that he also has a busy schedule, but when he gets a moment, he always goes to find Phun. However, when Phun's schedule lets up, he never tries to find Noh. Noh decides that if it is too hard for Phun to find time for him, then they should stop seeing each other.
Phun doesn't understand Noh's anger and calls the issue small. Noh insists that it is not a small issue. If they cannot find time during their fourth year of school, he wonders what will happen in the future when they both become even busier with their careers. Noh feels it is easier that they break up now, rather than later. Phun would also be able to find someone better in the future.
Upset, Phun says he does not want anyone else. He hugs Noh and reminds Noh that he promised not to talk about breaking up with him. Phun then tells Noh that he is willing to do everything to keep Noh by his side forever. All Noh has to do is ask, and he will do anything for their relationship. They make up on the street, and Noh smiles in relief.
Two tells Wish that if his feelings are like a joke to Wish then he does not want to date him. When Two gets up to leave, Wish tells him that he was going to ask if Two could be his boyfriend. Two is unbelieving at first, but then Wish insists he is serious, and Two agrees after some teasing, dubbing their relationship 'Two-Wish'.
Pin insists that he cannot trust Son because Son had lied to him about teaching Noh English and many other things. Pin starts to walk out after deciding they should break up if they cannot have trust in each other. Son breaks down and tells Pin the truth about his guitar lessons with Noh. Son tells Pin that he wanted to play a song for Pin on his birthday and asked for Noh's help. Son sings his song to Pin, he apologizes for lying and they make up.
The series ends with a round of happy smiles and tight hugs.
''Daemonic'' is a novel in which Jack Draegerman, business tycoon and producer of horror movies, offers money to a group of people to visit him in his recluse mansion.
''Child of the Night'' is a novel in which Carol Robins is an American divorcee seeking escape in Europe from a marriage that ended in betrayal and which could later threaten her life.
''Wolves on the Border'' is a ''BattleTech'' novel set in the 3020s, which revolves around Minobu Tetsuhara, a Mechwarrior and Samurai of the Draconis Combine, and the infamous mercenary unit Wolf's Dragoons.
Somewhere in the North Atlantic, late 1945. A life raft is adrift at sea, and in it, the survivors of a torpedoed and sunk hospital ship. With no food, water, or shelter, all seems lost until an abandoned German minesweeper drifts ominously towards them, giving them one last chance at survival,but they soon find out the ship is not as safe as they thought.
U.S. Marshal Bob Cullen has infiltrated a gang of diamond thieves. When a local rancher discovers their operation, the gang's leader, Bull Davidson, begins to harass the rancher's daughter, Virginia Marsden. Attempting to escape the unwanted attention from Davidson, Marsden runs off to a remote cabin, but the gang follows. Cullen creates a diversion by overturning a lantern, then flees the cabin on horseback with Marsden. The gang pursues, and when Cullen's horse is injured in a fall, Cullen and Marsden are forced to spend the night on the open plain. The following morning the gang catches up. They capture Cullen and Marsden, tying Cullen up and leaving him suspended from a tree. Eventually Cullen escapes and makes it back to the gang's camp, where he able to rescue the girl.
In the fall of 2012, Zach Sobiech performs an acoustic rendition of "Sexy and I Know It" to an amused crowd at his school's talent show. Zach has been struggling with osteosarcoma and has been receiving regular treatments for it. His best friend, Sammy Brown, conspires with him by helping him to write music ("Blueberries"). Zach manages to ask out fellow student Amy Adamle for a picnic, but before he is able to do so, he begins to have a coughing fit that concerns his mother, Laura, who rushes him to the hospital. He has a collapsed lung and emergency surgery is performed on him. While they fix his lung, they learn that the treatments are no longer effective and his cancer is now terminal, giving him six to ten months to live. Zach tells Sammy and Amy about his diagnosis while he is inspired by his teacher, Milton Weaver, about what he is to do with the rest of his life.
In the winter of 2012, Zach and his family go to Lourdes, France, in Laura's desperate attempt to summon some kind of miracle for Zach. Zach returns home to hang out with Sammy ("Coffee Cup") and learns that she has bought tickets to a Jason Mraz concert. Zach decides to use the opportunity to ask Amy to go to the prom with him, and she accepts ("I'm Yours"). After having convulsions, Zach goes to Sammy's house in the middle of the night demanding that they form a band. Both realize that they have romantic feelings for each other, but that they are incapable of having a full relationship. They continue to bond over songwriting ("Fix Me Up") and Sammy posts their music on YouTube which earns them some fame. Despite this, Zach is certain that he will fail to achieve anything beyond the video. He is later given encouragement by Mr. Weaver.
Zach's father, Rob, borrows a Nissan GT-R for him to drive and impress Amy with. While at her house, the two proceed to make out ("My Little Dancer"), but when Amy comments on his scars, Zach becomes despondent, tells her that he will never offer the things she wants from him, and leaves. Laura confronts Rob over the decision to get a car for Zach and he breaks down admitting that he did it to make his son happy as he is unable to do anything about his eventual death.
In the spring of 2013, Weaver reveals to Zach and Sammy that he showed their video to BMI who want to sign them. They head to New York City to sign their contracts, calling their band A Firm Handshake ("Ames"). On the flight back home, Zach suddenly has a moment of creative energy and writes the song "Clouds". He records the song shortly afterwards, which becomes a hit.
Zach finally makes the time to apologize to Amy about his behavior and the two of them get back together. Zach speaks privately to his mother about how to handle his remains and his funeral, suggesting bagpipes be played. Sammy and the Sobiechs learn that Zach might not make it to the prom. With Zach having been given the opportunity to play at the Metro Theatre, they decide to combine the concert with their prom, a graduation, and a fundraiser for osteosarcoma. The day arrives and despite Zach's worsening condition, he decides to perform. Sammy begins the show by performing "How to Go to Confession" before Zach heads out to perform "Clouds". Zach has trouble breathing, but he is moved when the entire audience sings the song for him.
Zach dies on May 20, 2013. Before dying, he has written a college essay about his views on life and death. Sammy, Amy and other friends come together for a group photo in remembrance of Zach, noticing that a cloud in the sky resembles a "Z". Photos of the real Zach and Sammy are shown during the end credits.
Two years after a satanic cult led by his former babysitter, Bee, tried to kill him, Cole is a junior in high school. He is unable to convince anyone, except for his best friend Melanie, of Bee's life-threatening plot; his parents and most others think he had a psychotic break. After he discovers that his parents have enrolled him in a psychiatric school, he escapes with Melanie alongside her new boyfriend, Jimmy, and their friends Boom-Boom and Diego to join a lake party.
At the party, Cole witnesses the arrival of new student Phoebe at the lake after finding a stuffed toy and directions to the lake. Later, Cole's friends play a party game on a boat when Melanie suddenly kills Boom-Boom with a boathook and saves her blood. Melanie, Jimmy and Diego are revealed as cult members. With Boom-Boom's blood as a sacrifice, they need Cole's blood as an offering of an "innocent" to make their wishes come true. Original cultists Sonya, Allison, Max, and John also appear, having been resurrected so they could partake in the ritual by sunrise. However, Phoebe suddenly appears, looking for gas for her jet ski, and provides Cole with some time to evade the cult members and escape with Phoebe on her jet ski.
Once on land, Cole explains everything to Phoebe, who believes him, while the cultists give chase. Sonya makes the first attempt to kill them, but they end up running her over with a car left by a stranger and decapitate her with a surfboard. The cult gets into an argument after finding Sonya's body, and split up into two groups, (Allison, Max and John and Melanie, Jimmy and Diego). Max and John leave while Allison takes a break. She finds them, but the two trap her between a narrow wedge of rocks and rip her head off. The two board a boat and drive off, but Max catches the raft attached to the back of the boat and is able to pull himself onto the boat. However, Phoebe sets him on fire with a can of silly string and a lighter, then shreds him with the boat's propeller. Diego and Jimmy supernaturally disintegrate when they attempt to back off from their pursuit of Cole.
Cole and Phoebe arrive at Phoebe's old family cabin, where they take refuge and hope to wait out the night. In the cabin bunker, Phoebe reveals to Cole that her parents died because she crashed into them in a fatal car accident. Cole comforts her, and the two have sex. Melanie calls Cole's father Archie, who has been searching for him alongside Melanie's father Juan, and fakes being drunk so that he can pick them up, hoping to lure Cole out. Cole and Phoebe come out of the bunker armed with crossbows and John accidentally kills himself when a chandelier crashes on him. Archie gives Cole a sleeping drug so he can take him to his car as Melanie kills Juan with a machete and captures Phoebe.
While stopping for gas, Cole regains consciousness, locks Archie out of the car, and drives back to the lake to save Phoebe. In a cove, Melanie holds Phoebe hostage before Cole shows up and volunteers to be sacrificed. Bee emerges from the water and is revealed to be Phoebe's babysitter who was responsible for the car accident that killed her parents. She made a deal with the devil to save Phoebe's life in exchange for her soul. Sonya, Allison, Max, and John are resurrected again, and the four alongside Melanie drink the blood of Cole mixed with Boom-Boom's blood. However, since Cole has had sex with Phoebe, the ritual backfires and the five melt and disintegrate. Bee, who did not drink the blood, reveals that she orchestrated everything so that Phoebe and Cole could unite and defeat the cult, having had a change of heart after Cole's love confession after her initial defeat. However, since Bee is still technically a demon, she drinks the blood and disintegrates to save the two. Archie shows up and, having witnessed Bee's death, now believes what Cole said was true. As the sun comes up, Cole and Phoebe embrace in a kiss, while Archie looks on proudly.
In this tale, John Lexman, a renowned mystery writer, is drawn into a murder plot by a wealthy benefactor, only to be betrayed and sent to prison. His friend, the Scotland Yard Commissioner T.X. Meredith, tries to prove he was duped into the murder, only to have him escape from prison. Events lead to another murder and a series of surprises.
In 2019, Mar Novu / the Monitor sends Oliver Queen to Earth-2 to retrieve a rare element, Dwarf Star particles, which are only native to that Earth. Oliver arrives on Lian Yu and is taken to Starling City. He is greeted by the doppelgängers of his mother Moira, Malcolm Merlyn and Malcolm's son Tommy. Oliver steals Moira's key card to infiltrate Queen-Merlyn Enterprises as the Green Arrow, only to find out the particles were already stolen by the Dark Archer. He is then attacked by The Hood, who on this Earth is the doppelgänger of Adrian Chase, only to be saved by Laurel Lance who takes Oliver to her bunker. Oliver assumes the Dark Archer is Malcolm, whom he confronts, only to be attacked again by the Dark Archer, who is revealed to be Tommy.
The following day, sergeant Dinah Drake interrogates Oliver and his family about the incident, but is interrupted by Malcolm's bodyguard, Rene Ramirez. John Diggle of Earth-1 arrives on Earth-2 to seek out Oliver, who tells him he will die in the coming crisis. That night, Tommy kidnaps Oliver, who realizes he is planning to use the particles to level the Glades as retribution for taking the life of his Thea Queen, Oliver's sister, who died of an overdose. Oliver manages to escape with the help of Diggle and returns to Laurel's bunker, where he teams up with her and Adrian.
Oliver convinces Tommy to not commence his plan, but Tommy initially ignores him. After fighting each other, Tommy is convinced and turns himself in. The team returns to the bunker, where Adrian deduces that Oliver is from a parallel universe. Before Oliver and Diggle return to Earth-1, Earth-2 comes under attack. Laurel escapes with Oliver and Diggle before Starling City and the rest of Earth-2 is mysteriously vaporized.
In 2040, Connor Hawke, Mia Smoak, William Clayton, and Zoe Ramirez encounter the Deathstroke Gang, led by Connor's adoptive brother John Diggle "J.J." Jr., who have grown more powerful since the destruction of the wall between Star City and the Glades.
In 2001, Lenny Cooke is one of the top ranked high school basketball players. He expects to be selected in the 2002 NBA draft, but goes unselected. After having played in a series of minor leagues, he quits basketball. He resides near Emporia, Virginia with his fiancée and his son.
Vlastimil Reiner returns to the Czech Republic from Oregon. He meets with his old friend Antonín and together they plan to murder old Communist prosecutor who evaded punishment for his crimes during Communist regime.
''After Atlas'' takes place on Earth forty years after the departure of the spaceship ''Atlas'' to find God. No word of the fate of the mission has been received. Carlos Moreno works for the Ministry of Justice in northern Europe and is investigating the death in Dartmoor, England of Alejandro Casales, leader of the Circle, a religious cult in Texas. Carlos knew Alejandro as a child when he had been a member of the Circle. His mother had abandoned Carlos and his father when he was a baby to join the Pathfinder on ''Atlas'', and Alejandro had taken them in. Carlos fled the cult as a teenager, and destitute, he became a corporate government indentured slave. He was trained as a murder investigator and contracted to the MoJ.
Carlos discovers that Alejandro was not murdered, but committed suicide. The Americans, who had been watching the investigation closely, hid the truth about the leader. Carlos is unhappy that the case is closed and is determined to find out why Alejandro killed himself. But Stefan Gabor, a wealthy businessman, buys Carlos's contract and instructs him to go to Texas, ostensibly to attend Alejandro's funeral, and locate and return Travis, Stefan's husband, to him. At the Circle, Carlos finds Travis and learns that he had left Stefan to join the cult where he would be out of reach. Stefan had coerced Travis into marrying him when he found out that Travis had hacked into Stefan's company's systems to expose corporate injustice. Stefan made him choose between being owned or killed. But Travis hacked his way to freedom and was allowed into the Circle when he agreed to share Stefan's secrets with them.
Carlos also learns that the Americans had approached Alejandro for help in building ''Atlas 2'' to follow ''Atlas''. They said the Circle's isolation would ensure the project's secrecy. Alejandro had been heavily involved in the planning and development of the original ''Atlas'' mission, but had been excluded from the final one thousand to travel with the ship. He was devastated and formed the Circle to take in all those working on the project who had been left behind. He agreed to help the Americans and modernised the cult. The Americans learnt from Travis that Stefan was also building a ship to follow the Pathfinder, and where his facilities are. Alejandro traveled to England to recruite disillusioned scientists, but discovered he was excluded from ''Atlas 2'' ten thousand. Devastated for being left behind a second time, he hanged himself in Dartmoor.
Carlos threatens to expose Alejandro's suicide, the project's secrecy and its wasteful use of world resources, unless they give him a spot on the ship. That would be a way for him to escape his servitude. The Americans yield and allow Carlos and Travis aboard. As ''Atlas 2'' leaves Earth orbit, Carlos and Travis observe a nuclear explosion in Spain where Stefan's facilities are and conclude that the Americans do not want him to follow the ship. Europe retaliates and a global nuclear war breaks out. They are shocked at what they see, and Carlos laments: "There is nothing to come from Earth after ''Atlas''."
In ''After Atlas'' the world is run by corporate-owned governments (gov-corps). Citizens have neural implants and microchips embedded in their heads which connect them to the internet, enabling communication and access to information (depending on their security clearance). Their interface to the outside world is via an onboard APA (Artificial Personal Assistant) they can interact with mentally. Carlos also has an embedded virtual reality forensics system that allows him to revisit crime scenes in his head. The APA constantly monitors its host's health and online activity, enabling gov-corps to track its citizens.
Members of the Circle, an anti-technology cult, are not chipped. Visitors who are chipped have to wear a high-tensile alloy bracelet that shuts down the wearer's APA, blocking their access to the cloud. Any attempt to deactivate or remove the bracelet triggers a one hundred and twenty decibel alarm.
Due to world food shortages, food is manufactured with 3D printers using proteins and chemicals. Real food is scarce and generally only accessible by the wealthy.
Fascinated by the stories of Niké, a witch who traveled around the world, Elaina aspires to take the same course. Her determination of studying books and magic leads to her becoming the youngest apprentice witch to pass the sorcery exam. However, when Elaina attempts to receive training in order to become a full-fledged witch, she is rejected due to her extraordinary talents until she finds Fran, the "Stardust Witch", who accepts her. After earning her title, the "Ashen Witch", Elaina begins her exploration around the world, visiting and facing all kinds of people and places.
Country singers Patsy Cline (Megan Hilty) and Loretta Lynn (Jessie Mueller) meet when the former was already a well known star. The film starts in 1957, showing the two singers in their separate lives each with their own families.
They meet in 1961 after Patsy was hospitalized due to a serious automobile accident. Already a star, Patsy helped Loretta, who was just starting in her career, giving advice on contracts and even gave her tips on costumes and makeup. They develop a friendship, until the fatal airplane crash in 1963.
Loretta is seen several years later in performance with the "ghost" of Patsy.
Ariela, a young artist in Mexico City from a Syrian Jewish family is pressured into finding an appropriate partner. She develops feelings for a non-Jewish man, Iván (Christian Vazquez). This presents her with a dilemma as she weighs up the relationship against the disapproval of her family and community.
At a Chicago Bears game, members of Firehouse 51, the Intelligence Unit, and Chicago Med are tailgating. Matthew Casey notices a guy collapse in the middle of the festivities, they head over to help and find the guy with a flesh-eating infection on his legs repeating the letters "BRT." The guy is taken to Chicago Med where they identify the infection as necrotizing fasciitis. Ambulance 61 gets dispatched to a house where they find two people dead inside from the same infection. Jay Halstead identifies the original victim as a student at a local university. Cruz reveals to Mouch and Brett that he plans on proposing to Chloe. Burgess responds to a call at a gas station where a woman and her child are both infected. They both shortly die later at Chicago Med. Boden begins dealing with the mayor's office when the house is assigned to parade duties. Firehouse 51 responds to a fire at Central Chicago University (CCU), where a large chemical fire has broken out. While in the basement rescuing trapped people Severide notices a panel on the wall with the same "BRT" initials. The discovery allows intelligence to begin putting together a connection between the infection and the university. After shift Chloe breaks up with Cruz. Intelligence discovers that the original victim was a lab assistant at CCU and had previously been threatening professors with an apocalyptic-type event happening in Chicago. Burgess and Upton go to Chicago Med to question him; however, when they arrive, they are told he died. The Office of Fire Investigation determines that the fire at CCU was deliberately set. Jay Halstead finds out that another lab assistant at CCU, Veronica Song, was supposed to be in the lab at the time of the fire but didn't show up. Upton arrives at Song's house to question her; however, upon entering Song collapses from infection. They are both brought to Chicago Med where Song is rushed into surgery.
The press begins questioning Goodwin about the infection. Upton gets examined for potential infection after finding Song's blood on her; Song flatlines in surgery and unable to be revived. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) arrives to begin tracking down the source of the infection. Ambulance 61 along with two other ambulance companies get dispatched to the same apartment complex where they find five infected patients. The CDC along with Chicago Med, Fire, and P.D., evacuate the apartment building in hopes to finding more leads. P.D. narrows down all sources of the infection to either CCU or the apartment building and identifies it's being spread via a bug sprayer. The CDC thoroughly inspects the apartment building and finds a bug sprayer being burned in the furnace. Voight and Upton begin interviewing tenants of the apartment building who all collectively describe a man who appeared to be an exterminator. CCU students reveal that they were working with the infection hoping to make a treatment for it although its progress was destroyed in the fire. One apartment tenant mentions a blue pickup truck with a grey circle which intelligence begins searching for. When the apartment tenants get impatient they all escape quarantine but most are later found. Upton's test comes back clear and she is released. Intelligence tracks down a blue pickup in the vicinity of the apartment building and the tag plate comes back to a car rental company. CCU students along with Will Halstead continue looking for a treatment and begin making progress. Burgess and Ruzek question the car rental employee and get security footage, the rentee is positively identified as an employee of the CCU lab. Meanwhile, Firehouse 51 is dispatched to a public disturbance call. Will Halstead walks in on a lab assistant, David Seldon, destroying microbiology samples, the two engage in a fight but Seldon ultimately wins by hitting Halstead in the head with medical equipment, knocking him unconscious, and runs away.
Voight and Jay Halstead arrive at Chicago Med looking for Seldon who had been identified as the truck rentee but he is nowhere to be found. At the public disturbance call, Firehouse 51 and P.D. have trouble maintaining order when civilians believe they know who caused the outbreak and want to take matters into their own hands. Chicago Med is put on lock down as they begin searching for Seldon. Jay walks by the security guard and tells him Voight is looking for him. Both Voight and the security guard walk down the hallway of Chicago Med feverishly. The security guard explains that a ”Code Silver” is the mandated code for a shooter in the hospital. Hospital security cameras reveal he already escaped so they begin broadening their search. Jay Halstead and Upton find a house they suspect Seldon to be in although all they find is his ex-wife. Intelligence questions the ex-wife who tells them Seldon isn't done yet. They also end up on a wild goose chase when they get many leads in different areas around the city from civilians trying to help and Seldon setting up false leads. The team finds his lab with many medical experimentation tools and a map with an area circled that includes a parade route. Firehouse 51 arrives to assist with the parade only to find the route to have no spectators due to widespread fear from the infection. Intelligence finds out that BRT had previously been funding Seldon experiments but when funding was unexpectedly cut he snapped and started planning to release the infection. Further investigation leads them to believe that Seldon is planning on releasing the infection at BRT headquarters where a board meeting is taking place. The CDC and Firehouse 51 are called to help evacuate the building. Meanwhile, the team at Med working on a treatment finds a proper antibiotic that attacks and reduces the infection. Atwater, Jay Halstead, and Upton begin evacuating the building. In the boardroom Halstead finds the entire board taken hostage by Seldon and begins trying to deescalate the situation. Upton, with a sniper rifle on the adjacent building, creates a distraction which allows Voight and the rest of the team to enter. Seldon refuses to surrender and is shot dead by Voight. After wrapping up the case everyone begins settling down back into their own lives.
Women of various communities are accused of being witches by their families and how they fight the struggle of their society and community in the witch camp.
''Atomic Heart'' takes place in the Soviet Union in an alternate 1955. Advances in robotics in the 1930s enabled the USSR to defeat Nazi Germany in 1941, though with a much more severe loss of life. This results in the automation of much of Soviet labor and the development of a proto-Internet called the "Collectiv 1.0" linking these robots, vastly increasing productivity and scientific advancement by the end of the 1940s.
Concurrently, scientist Dmitriy Sechenov develops the "neuro-polymer", a programmable module based on living tissue. A believer in a collective consciousness, Sechenov plans to launch the most advanced iteration of the "Collectiv" on his 55th birthday in 1955.
The main protagonist is a mentally unstable KGB special agent called P-3, who is sent by the government to investigate a manufacturing facility that has fallen silent, only to find out that the machines have gone rogue and bioengineering strange experiments.
In 2015 in Benton, New York, high school senior Patrick "Trick" Weaver is playing spin the bottle at a Halloween party using a knife with "TRICK" and "TREAT" carved into opposite sides of the handle when it lands on another boy. The other players tease Trick, telling him to kiss the other boy. Trick grabs the knife and stabs five teens to death before being stabbed with a fire poker. At the hospital, Det. Mike Denver wishes to remove the Halloween face paint hiding Trick's face but Trick flips the hospital bed and escapes, slaughtering people throughout the hospital using surgical equipment. Det. Mike Denver and Sheriff Lisa Jayne shoot Trick several times and he falls out of a window onto the road below but then disappears into the river. During police interviews, Troy states that he stabbed Trick with the poker but the students provide contradictory descriptions of Trick's appearance. No one has ever met Trick's parents, Trick's registered address turns out to be a dockyard, and the two-faced pumpkin mask that Trick was wearing at the party disappears from evidence.
In 2016, Trick uses the same knife to kill students and teachers at a high school Halloween dance in Riverton, New York. In 2017, more bodies are found at a Halloween party in Hudson Village, New York. On October 30, 2018, Det. Denver warns two agents in Shady Creek, New York that Trick could attack there because they are located along the same river where all of his attacks have occurred. While in a bar, Trick surprises them and kills the two agents.
On October 30, 2019, Trick leaves the message "DENVER" in blood at a murder site in Benton. The next day a masked Trick surprises the now unemployed Denver outside his car and is chased through the cemetery before disappearing. Trick fakes text messages from Denver to lure Deputy Green to the old crane barge, where he injures her with a booby trap then kills her by using a crane to swing a gravestone through the windshield where she is sitting. Sheriff Jayne notes that the gravestone belongs to Agent Christina Mendez, whom Trick killed the previous year. Trick begins killing people in Talbott's haunted maze. Cheryl, a survivor of the original killings in 2015, sees Trick wielding the carved knife. Trick stabs Nicki so Det. Denver sends her to the hospital and Cheryl accompanies her, where Cheryl finds that Trick has killed her hospitalized father. Troy confesses to Det. Denver that Cheryl was the one who stabbed Trick with the fire poker, so Det. Denver and Sheriff Jayne rush to the hospital and find Cheryl held captive by Trick. Trick stabs Det. Denver and Sheriff Jayne multiple times before Cheryl shoots him. When Trick seems unaffected, Det. Denver jumps with Trick out the window onto a car.
Multiple individuals wearing Trick's face paint arrive and Det. Denver realizes that a group of devotees have been carrying out the bidding of the real Patrick Weaver, who arrives in a wheelchair and joins the others in stabbing Det. Denver. Cheryl arrives and notices the scar on the stomach of a nearby man in a wheelchair, whom she pursues back into the hospital. She sees him discard a pumpkin mask into the garbage and begin deleting the hospital's video surveillance footage. Patrick lets her into the room, where they struggle before she uses her self-defense training to use the knife against him and stab him in the stomach. Patrick dies after wheezing out his final words "one of us". Deputy Slater tells Sheriff Jayne that Det. Denver was stabbed to death but Sheriff Jayne notices some face paint remaining on his cheek. Slater attacks her but Cheryl uses the carved knife to stab him. Sheriff Jayne takes the knife from her and stabs him again. The remaining devotees of Trick travel onward to recruit more followers while Cheryl, Sheriff Jayne, and Det. Denver continue to track and pursue them.
"Set in a gentrifying Washington, D.C., a rising Black painter tries to break into a competitive art world, while balancing a whirlwind romance he never expected."
The first version, written in early 1897, is basically a tale of idealized love, informed by Plato's thought and a highly valuable work of art. It is set in the Aran Islands, where the young hero's peculiar father has built a house and keeps the customary prayer hours until, after the Virgin Mary appears in a vision, he dedicates himself solely to visions. A visit by the beautiful young heroine fills the hero with romantic love that accompanies the mystical reverence he has bequeathed from his father, although the hero himself does not see any Marian apparition, in contrast to his father's ones.
The second version, whose name is The Lilies of the Lord, was written probably in the first half of 1897 and the summer and fall of 1898. It has eighty-five extant pages and is now missing only one page. Its location is a remote estate in the west of Ireland, but on the mainland rather than the Aran Islands. The father has a private chapel and, as in the earlier version, sees the Virgin Mary in visions. The visit of the young heroine is given expanded treatment. The son does not have any visions in either of the two earliest versions and there is no mention of ritual magic or occultism. Yeats probably did not do much work on the novel in 1899.
The untitled third version, to which Yeats referred in his letters as "Michael," the hero's name in all versions of the novel, has 285 extant holograph pages, treble the length of its predecessors. The setting for the 1900 version is still on a remote estate in the west of Ireland, but the father is now only a minor character who, after spending his youth in art schools and womanizing on the Continent, is an irreligious recluse. The son, instead of the father, sees a vision of the Virgin Mary. The opening one-third of this 1900 version is an expansion of the two earlier versions, with considerable new attention given to the young hero's vision. The remainder of the 1900 version takes the hero to London where he and an occultist, who is closely modeled on MacGregor Mathers, begin to plan a mystical order. News that the heroine has married someone else overwhelms the hero, and, at the suggestion of the occultist, he goes to Paris to copy occult manuscripts, hoping that the change of scene will comfort him. Soon afterwards he receives alarming reports that the occultist has usurped control of their mystical order and has altered the rituals so that they no longer reflect the hero's artistic ideals. The 1900 version breaks off after the hero visits a bizarre old occultist who sunbathes nude in a coffin and rants about a supposed plot by Jesuits to subvert the mystical order.
In the final version, The Speckled Bird is concerned with the artist’s quest for spiritual truth. The novel begins in the west of Ireland with Michael Hearne’s gradual discovery of the existence of a spiritual world through meditation, dream, trance, and vision, and his awakening to the spiritual significance of myth, art, folklore, nature, and woman. Later in London he attempts to found a mystical order which would unite religious, artistic, and natural emotions, or, to use the Platonic terms, truth, beauty, and love. He gathers a group of artists and mystics around him to help devise rituals which would evoke the supernatural, and the objects and instruments of which would embody artistic beauty. The novel concludes with the hero at a railway station in Paris, setting out for the East, now to Arabia, now to Persia, still driven by his dominant aim, and convinced that in the East he would surely find a doctrine that would “reconcile religion with the natural emotions and explain these emotions”.
In the years since the Sudden Departure, Reverend Matt Jamison spends much of his time defaming members of the Departed he finds to have committed sin, placing posters around Mapleton exposing the individuals' sordid pasts. While Matt views this as a noble effort to separate the innocent from the guilty, his actions court frequent controversy from the town's residents, and his church attendance has begun to dwindle. One of Matt's sermons is interrupted by a relative of one of the outed "sinners" who beats him.
Matt's shrinking congregation has hampered his ability to pay mortgage on the church. He learns from the bank than an undisclosed LLC has made an offer of $135,000 on the church, which the bank will accept unless Matt manages to produce the same amount by the next day. Matt requests the money from Nora, his sister, but she accepts only under the condition that he end his public-shaming campaign. Matt is reluctant to do so, and reveals to Nora that her husband (who disappeared along with their two children) was having an affair with the kids' preschool teacher. Nora is devastated and asks Matt to leave.
Matt returns home to tend to his comatose wife, Mary. He remembers that Kevin Garvey Sr., the former police chief, left him $20,000 buried in the Garveys' backyard. While going to collect it, Matt gets the idea to acquire the rest of the money by gambling it at a nearby Indian casino, which was frequented by a "sinful" departed relative of one of his congregation members. He bets the $20,000 at a roulette table and manages to win three rounds in a row, earning him $160,000. Matt collects the money in an envelope and returns to his car, but one of the onlookers from the game attempts to rob him of his earnings. Matt brutally beats the thief in a rage and takes back the envelope.
On his way back to town, Matt sees two members of the Guilty Remnant being pelted with stones by the passengers of a nearby car. He stops to help them, only to be knocked out by a rock himself. While unconscious, Matt experiences a series of surreal visions charting moments of his past: his cancer diagnosis, his parents burning alive in a house fire during his childhood, and the car crash he and Mary suffered on October 14, which paralyzed her. Matt additionally hallucinates himself having sex with Mary, who suddenly reappears as Laurie Garvey, before Matt finds himself and the bed set ablaze, causing him to wake up.
Matt rushes to the bank with the cash in hand, but is told that he is three days late and that the church has been sold. Matt realizes he was hospitalized after his injury and was unconscious throughout his recovery. He returns to the church to find that its buyers were the Guilty Remnant, who have begun painting the walls white and throwing away church items. Patti Levin, the GR's local leader, is seen removing the lettering from the church's sign, and makes prolonged eye contact with Matt.
In 1968, 19-year-old petty criminal William O'Neal is arrested in Chicago after attempting to steal a car while posing as a federal officer. He is approached by FBI Special Agent Roy Mitchell, who offers to have O'Neal's charges dropped if he works undercover for the bureau. O'Neal is assigned to infiltrate the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP) and its leader, Fred Hampton.
O'Neal begins to grow close to Hampton, who works to form alliances with rival gangs and militia bands while extending community outreach through the BPP's Free Breakfast for Children Program. Hampton's persuasive oratory skills eventually help to form the multiracial Rainbow Coalition along with the Young Lords and Young Patriots Organization. Hampton also falls in love with Deborah Johnson, a fellow BPP member. O'Neal begins to relay intel to Mitchell, who in return compensates him with money.
After Hampton is arrested and imprisoned for allegedly stealing $71 worth of ice cream bars, O'Neal begins to rise through the ranks and is promoted to security captain. When a shootout between the Chicago Police and the BPP occurs at the chapter office, O'Neal sneaks out as the police bomb the office. Outraged that he could have been killed himself, O'Neal attempts to quit being an informant but Mitchell refuses.
Three months later, Hampton is released from prison while appealing his charges and he reunites with Deborah, now pregnant with his child. BPP member Jimmy Palmer, who was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries after being shot by a police officer, dies unexpectedly while being transferred to another hospital. Assuming police have murdered Jimmy, fellow member Jake Winters engages in a shootout with police, killing several officers before being gunned down himself.
After Hampton's appeal is rejected, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover orders Hampton be "neutralized" before he returns to prison. Mitchell corners O'Neal into helping with the plan by warning him that the BPP will retaliate against him if they find out he's an informant, and O'Neal reluctantly agrees to help. O'Neal is later handed a vial of sedatives and ordered to drug Hampton's drink with it by another undercover FBI collaborator, who hands O'Neal his old fake FBI badge. The next evening, BPP members gather at Hampton's apartment before he must depart for prison. An allied gang leader offers Hampton money to flee the country, but he turns it down and instead orders a trust to be established with the money under Jake's name. As the evening progresses, O'Neal reluctantly drugs Hampton's drink and departs soon after. Hours later, officers and agents raid the apartment and assassinate Hampton after shooting or injuring the other Black Panthers, while Deborah is arrested. Later, O'Neal meets with Mitchell, who gives him money and a pair of keys to a gas station he now owns. O'Neal attempts to quit again but reluctantly accepts the money and keys and puts them in his pocket.
The film ends with archive footage of Hampton's speeches, his funeral procession, and an interview O'Neal gave in 1989. The title cards state that O'Neal continued to work as an informant within the BPP before dying by suicide. A lawsuit was filed against the FBI in 1970 and 12 years later was settled for $1.85 million. As of the film's release, Fred Hampton Jr. and his mother serve as chairman and board member of the Black Panther Party Cubs.
On the eve of Halloween, Riverdale families receive videotapes of their houses being watched for hours upon hours. As Halloween approaches, Cheryl and Toni re-bury Jason’s body, but Cheryl is worried that Jason’s ghost will now haunt Thistlehouse. After a seance in the Blossom chapel, Nana Rose reveals that Cheryl was supposed to have a second brother named Julian, but she absorbed him before birth. Meanwhile, at Stonewall Prep, Jughead’s classmates haze him and lock him inside a coffin in Mr. Chipping’s office for Halloween night. Elsewhere, Archie and Munroe throw a Halloween party for the kids of the community in order to keep Dodger away, but the party ends in Dodger shooting one of the kids who attended the party. Veronica wards off an escaped patient from Shady Grove, as he poses as another man and tries to murder her in the speakeasy. Betty and Jellybean, while home alone, receive phone calls by someone claiming to be the Black Hood. When Charles tracks the phone calls, Betty learns that they are coming from Polly. An ominous closing flash-forward shows F.P. and Betty at the coroner’s office identifying what appears to be Jughead's dead body.
In 1950s Cayuga, New Mexico, teenage disc jockey Everett helps prepare for a high school basketball game. He and his friend Fay test out her new tape recorder, and Everett walks her to her job as a switchboard operator before starting his own night shift at the WOTW radio station. Fay listens to Everett's show, which is interrupted by a mysterious audio signal. Fielding calls about a strange wind-like phenomenon from the sky, she hears the same signal over the phone line; her connections drop when she calls friends about the signal. Fay calls Everett, who asks his listeners for information about the signal, which he broadcasts on the air.
A man named Billy calls, and Everett broadcasts him live. Billy explains that he served in the military and was flown to a highly secretive location in the desert. Warned that telling anyone about the classified project would "endanger America", he and the other personnel built a large underground bunker to house an enormous unknown object. Flying away from the facility, he heard the same unexplained signal on the plane's radio. Billy developed a lung condition that he believes was caused by his time in the desert and learned of other instances of the military burying similar cargo in secret locations, where the same signal was heard. He explains that the sound appears to be a communication signal, sometimes transmitted higher than any man-made object could fly.
The call is briefly disconnected, but Billy calls back and reveals that he and the other personnel chosen for these projects were all black or Mexican, to ensure they were less likely to be believed by the public. A friend of his managed to record the signal and sent copies to Billy and others who worked on the projects; one tape was given to a member of the Air Force in Cayuga, now deceased. Fay realizes that his tapes were given to the local library and steals them. Billy is disconnected, and Everett and Fay find the recording of the signal and broadcast it, but the radio station's power is knocked out. They race to the switchboard office, where Fay receives numerous reports of "something in the sky", and they meet Gerald and Bertsie, who have been driving in pursuit of the same unidentified flying object. An elderly woman named Mabel calls and offers to provide more information about the signal.
Everett and Fay go to Mabel's home, where they find her reciting a message in an unknown language. With Everett recording their conversation, Mabel claims that the phenomena seen across town are spaceships, piloted by aliens who use their message to hypnotize and abduct humans. She believes the aliens will target isolated people while most of the town is at the basketball game and suspects the aliens are responsible for sowing conflict in humanity, from alcoholism to war. Mabel asks to be taken to the alien ship to reunite with her son, who was abducted years ago. Unconvinced, Everett leaves with Fay, who collects her baby sister Maddie. They are soon picked up by Gerald and Bertsie. Everett plays the recording of Mabel reciting the alien message, sending Gerald and Bertsie into a trance and nearly causing them to crash. After the eerie incident, Everett and Fay panic and flee with Maddie into the woods.
Making their way through the woods, they find trees and branches that have been charred, and spot a large opening overhead as though an object has crashed through. Everett cautiously acknowledges the aliens are real and may be lurking nearby, which sends him and Fay running until they come to a clearing. The two take a moment to catch their breath, but they see the truth when they lay eyes on a flying saucer hovering nearby. They watch in awe as the spacecraft rejoins a massive mothership in the sky, and the wind begins swirling around them. Elsewhere the crowd leaves the basketball game, but Everett, Fay, and Maddie are gone. Only their footprints and tape recorder remain.
The story is set between the events of ''Zombieland'' and ''Zombieland: Double Tap''.
As described in a film magazine review, Bill Hanley and Sam Hawkes still settle their disputes with guns. The arrival of Jack Hanley forces the issue, but Jack is averse to bloodshed. He becomes the laughing stock of the ranch, but turns on them finally and after rescuing his father, routs the enemy and wins the girl.
Marie is a young dancer from the Paris Opera. After the brutal death of her father on the day of her thirtieth birthday, she decides to stop her artistic practice and pursue an increasingly lonely existence. Marie’s mourning locks her in her memories, through mysterious writings left by her father, her own thoughts, and a house that seems to imprison her. Her love for Paul, a photographer who took the last portrait of her father a few minutes before his death, helps to gradually awaken in Marie a life force that helps her become another version of herself.
Norma tells Jenny that her water bill is due in 3 days. As Jenny goes through the bills, her mother Betty tells her to come in and see a "me-me". Jenny corrects her and tells her it's a meme, when she questions the storage bill she saw earlier. Betty tells Jenny that she has a storage unit there, and Jenny threatens to remove it because the water in the house is going to get shut down. But Betty says Jenny can't do anything without the key.
Jenny's daughter, Violet has a room is full of the family stuff as Wayne, Jenny's boyfriend, comes in and does the laundry, since the laundry was broken at his place. While he's waiting, he sees Violet drawing and asks her what the drawings symbolize. Wayne is shown as a tree stump. Thinking in his head, he sets off to be a better father figure to Violet. He sees a picture of a building of Violet's drawings, which Violet says is called Fort Indigo.
Jenny finds the key while going through some stuff and heads down to the storage unit, where she finds out that there are a lot of old toys called Hug N' Bugs that swept the nation 20 years ago. She then calls her mother, who says they can make tons of money selling these. At the Last Supper, Brenda warns Jenny to be mindful of reflections, as when she sold something on Craiglist, everyone saw her "cooter reflections". Jenny's figment of imagination Jesus Christ comes out of the painting and Jenny tells him that she's gonna make cash from selling the leftover toys to pay the water bill. Jesus tells her that's a fad, but when they're talking, EYay (a parody of Ebay) notifies Jenny that her toy sold for $150.
As Jenny keeps racking up EYay sales on the toys, the toys keep coming back because Betty keeps buying them back, setting them back to nowhere. At this point, their water gets shut off. They both go down to the water district to try to sell them a Hug N' Bug toy, when the employee says they will never sell for that price.
Wayne and his friend Leonard finish a building and show Violet it is Fort Indigo. Amazed, she goes inside to get her stuff, eager to move in. While she's gone, a building inspector tells Wayne the building has to come down at the end of the week because it violates many codes. He goes to the city hall to try to get a permit, but Mayor Webb denies it. Wayne tells Violet it has to come down and apologizes, but Violet tells Wayne that he didn't finish looking at all her visuals and that Fort Indigo explodes at the end of her story, revealing that the stump shows the girl (a caricacture of Violet) her way home. When Betty goes next door to try to trade a toy for 10 minutes of water, Wayne tells her to tell the neighbor not to smoke around the toys because they will explode, which gives Violet an idea.
Jenny and Betty insert the highly flammable toys that were worthless to destroy Fort Indigo, but Jenny sells a toy on EYay at that moment, a Colin Powell Hug N' Bug. Wayne rushes into the fire to save the toy and succeeds. Jenny asks Betty if she bought the toy, which she did not. The family gets their water back on and Jenny thanks whoever bought the toy. The collector, Colin Powell himself, is shown putting Betty's toy on his collectors shelf.
Queen Inhyeon is the daughter of Min Yu-jung and his wife Lady Song, who has a bizarre dream before giving birth to her. From early age, Queen Inhyeon is virtuous, intelligent, and excellent at needlework, and she gets more and more beautiful as she ages. When Queen Inkyeong, the first queen consort of King Sukjong, dies early, she is chosen as the next queen at the age of fourteen. After she becomes queen, she shows generosity and carries out many good deeds. King Sukjong remains childless until the age of thirty, so Queen Inhyeon begs him to get a concubine. When he does, she treats the new concubine, Lady Kim, with respect. However, Lady Kim soon dies and the King's beloved court lady named Jang gives birth to a son and gets elevated to the title of Hui-bin.
Jang Hui-bin wants Queen Inhyeon out of the royal palace, so she slanders her, claiming that the Queen is trying to harm Lady Jang and her son. As King Sukjong is deeply in love with her, he deposes of Queen according to Jang's plot. Numerous officials admonish him that it is unjust, but he does not listen and punishes them, instead. Queen Inhyeon moves out to a palace in Anguk-dong and lives there, considering herself a sinner.
King Sukjong elevates Jang Hui-bin to the queen consort, gives government posts to her family members, and appoints their son as the crown prince. For about three or four years Jang's family members abuse their power and the King gradually realizes what Jang has really done. At the same time, Jang senses that the King is changing, and tries to harm Queen Inhyeon by framing her for engaging in treason. However, the King takes this opportunity to eliminate disloyal officials, prove the Queen's innocence, and reinstall her as the queen consort.
Queen Inhyeon moves back to the royal palace and resumes her good deeds, while Jang Hui-bin holds grudges for losing the love of King Sukjong and invites shamans and psychics to put all kinds of curses on the Queen to kill her. As a result, the Queen dies at the age of thirty five, eight years after her reinstallation. The King grieves her death deeply. One day, Queen Inhyeon appears in the King's dream to tell him about Jang's misdeeds, so he goes to Jang's palace and finds all the pieces of evidence and witnesses to prove that Jang had cursed the Queen. Then he punishes those who are close to Jang and orders her poisoned as a death penalty.
Mary (Christie Burke), in her first pregnancy, gives birth to twins. However, only one of them survives. Mary then starts showing postpartum depression symptoms, and becomes convinced that an evil entity wants to take her surviving baby.
After Mary's husband leaves for a business trip, and after some events transpire, Mary starts to fear for her child's life.
Set in the ''Diablo'' series' world of Sanctuary, ''Diablo IV'' takes place following the aftermath of ''Diablo III: Reaper of Souls''. Cultists have summoned the main antagonist and daughter of Mephisto, Lilith. After the events of previous games, the forces of demons and angels have been depleted, allowing an opening for her to establish power in Sanctuary.
Prior to the game's events, Lilith and the angel Inarius created the realm of Sanctuary to provide refuge for those who wished to escape the eternal conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. This demon-angel relationship led to the birth of the Nephalem, a race that the protagonist falls under; neither Angel nor Demon, but more powerful than both. Those in Sanctuary believed that this power would bring attention to their shelter and, as a result, the inhabitants spoke of destroying them. Lilith, not wanting her children to be killed, destroyed any that opposed her, causing Inarius to banish her to the void.
In a split screen, a man dressed in a black suit and tie (Daniel Cockburn) speaks directly to the audience, while a black and white home movie is being projected next to him, on the left. He describes a dream in which he was asked to read a eulogy for his father. As he does so, the projectionist on the left hand side (Daniel Cockburn) is cutting the film with scissors.
Watching his father (Daniel Cockburn) in the home movie, he realizes that the gestures his father made are a kind of prison; he is forced to repeat them involuntarily. Then the man in black looks on with the horror of recognition, realizing that his father's body language "prefigured all the gestures into which I would later grow, thinking they were my own."
In a dream, the man returns to his father's bedside. "I had gone to visit him at the hospital, and he had been unconscious, but I thought he might like to hear the sound of my voice, so I spoke to him..." The man's father is on his deathbed. Moments before his father dies, the man speaks to him, but his father makes no sign of hearing. The man pulls out an IV tube and speaks into it as though it were a microphone. His words turn into sharp needles that enter his father through the tube, who dies presently. The man wonders if his words killed his father, or perhaps removing the tube.
At his father's funeral, the man says that his inheritance now depends on the tears shed by the audience.
The man changes places with the projectionist in the left hand side of the screen. The projectionist destroys the work.
The novel begins with Oscar's reasoning about the past. And the main events start at the end of September 1979 in Barcelona. The novel narrates two parallel stories.
The principal one is the history of Marina and Oscar. It is touching and emotional. The meeting of a mysterious girl called Marina completely changes the sentimental part of Oscar's life. One day she takes him to the cemetery of Sarriá where tells about the peculiar "lady in black" that comes here on the last Sunday of every month at ten o’clock in the morning. That Sunday was no exception. Eventually, they decide to follow the woman and find out more about her. This shadowing involves them into an entangled and dangerous adventure.
Then, the novel focuses on an enigmatic Mijail Kolvenik's life and his company. Mijail is a genius in creating of orthopaedic articles and medical prosthesis. He is motivated by an obsession to overcome the death and errors of human deformations. Tired of genetic degeneration that deforms and atrophies him, Kolvenik reconstructs his body before the illness entirely consumes him. "He’d turned into a hellish creature, stinking of the rotten flesh with which he had rebuilt himself..." Using the essence of ''Teufel,'' –the black butterfly that habits the sewage system –he develops a serum that sustains his life. After 30 years of his official death, Mijail Kolvenik comes back looking for the essence that maintains him alive. He has resurrected like the black butterfly from the sewages that "feeds on its young, and when it buries itself to die, it takes with it one of its larvae, which it devours when it comes back to life".
Marina Blau and Oscar Drai penetrate this history hidden between suburbs and narrow streets of the dark and gloomy city. The scenery is decorated with rains, coldness, and with autumn colours that light the city of Barcelona that does not exist any more. There is the old orthopaedic prothesis plant of Velo-Granell. It is a sinister place that will lead the protagonists to an adventure with grave consequences.
Another outstanding mystery to be revealed to Oscar is Marina's secret. A secret of the girl whose life impacts her behaviour and changes Oscar's life forever.
In 1943, the United Kingdom is deeply entrenched in World War II. Lieutenant Commander Ewen Montagu, a Jewish lawyer, remains in England while his wife, Iris, and children travel to safety in the United States. Montagu takes a hiatus from practising law when he is appointed to the Twenty Committee. His loyal secretary, Hester Leggett, comes with him.
Winston Churchill has promised the United States that the Allies will invade Sicily by July of that year in order to push northward into Europe. However, Sicily is considered an obvious target and may be defended by the Wehrmacht. Admiral Godfrey informs the Twenty Committee that Britain must trick Nazi Germany into believing the Allies will invade Greece. Charles Cholmondeley proposes an operation from the Trout Memo, which would entail a corpse carrying false secrets and washing ashore. Despite Godfrey's doubts, he gives Montagu and Cholmondeley permission to plan the operation with Lieutenant Commander Ian Fleming.
Operation Mincemeat sets up an office. As planning gets underway, Montagu and Cholmondeley obtain the body of a vagrant named Glyndwr Michael, who died by possible suicidal poisoning. The team gives him the false identity of Major William Martin, complete with a detailed backstory, ID photos, and an engagement. A widowed secretary in the office, Jean Leslie, offers a photo of herself to serve as the fake fiancée. Cholmondeley has a crush on Jean, but soon realises that Montagu and Jean have romantic feelings for one another. This causes Cholmondeley to grow jealous and occasionally lash out at Montagu.
Godfrey suspects Montagu's brother, Ivor, is a spy for Russia. He bribes Cholmondeley to spy on Montagu and, in return, Godfrey will locate and return the remains of Cholmondeley's brother, who was killed in action in Chittagong, Bengal. Cholmondeley reluctantly agrees.
Specialist MI5 driver St John "Jock" Horsfall transports Montagu, Cholmondeley, and the corpse to the R.N. Submarine Base in Holy Loch. The corpse is then loaded onto the submarine HMS ''Seraph''. On the morning of 30 April, the ''Seraph'' arrives in the Gulf of Cádiz and drops the corpse into the ocean. It is found by fishermen in Huelva, Spain. Operation Mincemeat attempts to get the fake documents to Madrid. However, the mission is hampered by bad luck, as the Spanish have resisted Nazi corruption better than expected. Captain David Ainsworth, the British naval attaché in Madrid, meets with Colonel Cerruti of the Spanish secret police in one last attempt to get the papers to the Nazis. When Martin's personal things are returned to London, a specialist at Q Branch figures out that the documents were tampered with. This gives Operation Mincemeat hope that Germany retrieved the false information.
Jean is ambushed and threatened by Teddy, a man claiming to be a spy for an anti-Hitler plot within Germany. She tells him that Major Martin was travelling under an alias but the classified information was genuine. After Teddy leaves, Jean informs Montagu and Cholmondeley. They come to believe that Colonel Alexis von Roenne, who controls intelligence in the Nazi High Command, sent Teddy to verify information so Von Roenne could undermine Hitler. However, they have no way of being completely sure. Montagu takes Jean to his home for protection, but she accepts a job in Special Operations and soon leaves London.
On 10 July, the invasion of Sicily commences. The news arrives that the Allied Forces suffered limited casualties, the enemy is retreating, and the beaches have been held. Afterwards, Cholmondeley admits he received his brother's remains in return for spying on Montagu. Feeling sympathetic and relieved that Operation Mincemeat was a success, Montagu offers to buy Cholmondeley a drink even though it's eight in the morning.
The epilogue explains that Montagu reunited with Iris after the war, Jean married a soldier, Hester continued as Director of the Admiralty Secretarial Unit, and Cholmondeley remained with MI5 until 1952, later married, and travelled widely. Major William Martin's identity was revealed to be Glyndwr Michael in 1997 when an epitaph, with his real name, was added to Martin's headstone in Spain.
Once, long ago, a fairy came down to earth from the sky and sat down to rest in the shade of a tree. She became intimate with the tree, and gave birth to a son. When he had grown up, the fairy returned to the sky. The boy would play with the tree and call it his father, so they named him Namu Doryeong. One day, the tree told the boy that if ever he were to fall down in heavy rain, the boy must climb onto him and ride him. Just as his father had said, a huge flood came and covered the world in water. Namu Doryeong quickly climbed onto his fallen father. While he was floating along, he met some ants, then a mosquito, pleading to be rescued. With his father’s permission, he saved them all. Finally, he came across a boy begging to be saved. Namu Doryeong wanted to save the boy, too, but his father refused. Nonetheless, Namu Doryeong disobeyed his father and rescued the boy.
The rain stopped and the group came to a house on the highest peak. There lived an old woman with her daughter and a slave girl. The old woman was looking for partners for her daughter and the slave girl. In an attempt to win the daughter for himself, the boy saved by Namu Doryeong claimed that Namu Doryeong could pick out grains of millet scattered on a bed of sand. When the old woman asked to see Namu Doryeong’s skill for herself, Namu Doryeong found himself in a tight spot. Just then, the ants came and gathered the scattered millet. The old woman put her daughter in the room on the east side of the house and the slave girl in the room on the west side, telling Namu Doryeong and the rescued boy to choose their wives by themselves. Just then, the mosquito came and told Namu Doryeong where the woman’s daughter was. Namu Doryeong married the daughter and the boy married the slave girl. Because the flood had wiped out everyone else on earth, they bore a new human race.
Alternative versions of this story hold that Namu Doryeong was the son of a childless widow or unmarried woman who had intercourse with the spirit of the tree and bore a son. In some versions, the story of Namu Doryeong’s birth is omitted altogether. This omission has served to rationalize the story, given that the birth of a person to a tree is hard to accept in terms of human experience. There are also variations in terms of the animals that help Namu Doryeong. In some versions, not just ants and mosquitos but bees, mayflies, snakes, swallows, roe deer and wild boar make appearances. In others, the boy rescued by Namu Doryeong does not feature at all. Sometimes, he is introduced as a man who comes to the old woman’s house once the flood has receded.
French Canadian woodsman Doreon (Santschi) is in love with Babette (Stonehouse), but she is in love with Blake (Hearn). After a fight, Doreon mistakenly believes that he has killed Blake. He later learns that Blake has survived but is wanted for murder. Doreon helps the Royal Canadian Mounted Police capture Blake, and Babette falls in love with Doreon.
In London, five-year-old Olivia witnesses her prostitute mother's murder by one of her johns, a sadomasochistic American soldier. The soldier disposes of her mother's body by throwing it into the River Thames off the London Bridge.
Fifteen years later, Olivia is unhappily married to her domineering husband, Richard, who refuses to allow her to work. She is haunted by memories of her mother's death, and frequently hears her mother's voice guiding her to make decisions. While Richard is away at work one night, Olivia dresses herself provocatively and begins to walk the street as a prostitute. She is approached by a client, and returns to his home with him. There, she ties him up and recreates the scenario in which her mother was murdered before beating the man to death with a vase.
Meanwhile, Michael Grant, an American engineer from Los Angeles, is visiting London to perform restoration on the London Bridge. He encounters Olivia walking beneath the bridge, and invites her to his hotel for drinks. The two share an emotional connection and have passionate sex. The next day, when Olivia returns home, Richard rapes her. Olivia and Michael continue to carry on a secret affair, but are discovered by Richard on the London Bridge. In a scuffle, Richard is thrown over the railing into the river below, and a terrified Olivia flees.
Four years later, Michael has returned to the United States and is residing in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, where the dismantled pieces of the London Bridge have been reassembled to span the Colorado River. An upscale housing development has opened there and the region has begun to attract visitors. The local tourism is overseen by Jenny, a tourism ambassador who bears a striking resemblance to Olivia, but has brunette hair rather than blonde, and speaks with an American accent. Convinced that Jenny is in fact Olivia, Michael aggressively pursues her. When he implies that they have met before, she coyly denies it, but the two begin a passionate affair no less.
Jenny asks Michael to meet her on the bridge one morning, where she finally reveals she is in fact Olivia. The two carry on a blissful romance, but Michael begins to notice Olivia making vague references to her mother being "angry" with her, and hears her talking to herself. One night, before Olivia returns home, Michael is murdered by an unseen assailant in the bathroom, who impales him through the throat with a toothbrush. Olivia returns home and gets into bed with who she believes to be Michael, only to find it is in fact Richard, who survived his fall from the bridge in London and has followed her to the United States. He beats her before implying Michael is dead.
Several days later, a group of children boating in the river find Michael's corpse. Richard, meanwhile, forces himself back into Olivia's life, moving into her home and controlling her. One night in bed, as Richard attempts to initiate sex, Olivia stabs him to death with a butcher knife. She conceals his body in a steamer trunk and dumps it into the Colorado River beneath the bridge. As she watches the trunk sink into the water, Olivia reminisces of her mother reading her fairytales at bedtime, and telling her how one day she will find a prince.
Eleonore is a lonely, free-spirited kleptomaniac woman who lives in New York City. She frequently steals others' possessions, mainly handbags and purses. While in a bar, she picks up a woman's bag and finds car keys. She bumps into her friend Josh and together they drive to Boston in the stolen car, even though Eleanore doesn't know how to drive. She drives back to New York and is arrested by NYPD after trying to steal another woman's handbag, but is let out the next morning. The film ends with her in a music and DVD store stealing a DVD and putting it into her CD player, revealing that she essentially learned nothing from her previous altercation and that she will continue to steal.
Heorot, the mead-hall of King Hroðgar of the Danes, is under nightly attack by the monster Grendel, killing the king's men as they sleep.
The Prince of the Geats, Beowulf, comes to defend Heorot and defeat the monster Grendel, which he accomplishes by wounding the monster through unarmed combat. Soon after, Grendel's Mother comes to avenge her son, but Beowulf slays her as well, this time by using a sword found among the hoard of treasure in the Mother's cavernous abode.
Beowulf returns to the Geats and becomes their king, ruling for 50 years up until a great dragon begins to terrorize his people. The now old Beowulf attempts to fight the new monster, which he accomplished but at the price of a fatal wound. As he lays dying, he declares Wiglaf as his heir. The old king is buried with a monument by the sea.
The Hiden Zero-One Driver can only be used by the company's president. Whose will was the one that led to the creation of this device and it falling in the hands of Aruto Hiden? Zero-One's birth story will be revealed!
Kamen Rider Zi-O, who fought as the greatest Demon King of Heisei Kamen Riders chose to reset the world and live a new life. Why does Sougo Tokiwa transform into a Kamen Rider again and meet Zero-One? Kamen Rider Zi-O's true ending chosen by Sougo will be revealed!
The world of Zero-One and the world of Zi-O. The two heroes live in different worlds, but what is waiting for them after crossing time and space into a single world? Union or conflict? This winter marks a new legend in the history of Kamen Rider.
An infamous, mythical blood beast strikes terror in a small coastal town. This vicious blood beast returns every time there is a cycle of the Harvest Moon to get sacrifices in exchange for protecting the residents of this secluded town.
In a magical place called the Motherland, fairy godmothers train so that they can help people's wishes come true. Among them is the youngest, and only fairy who is not elderly, Eleanor Fay Bloomingbottom who gleefully commits to the craft despite not being very good at it. The godmothers stick to a "formula" that many have grown bored with (i.e., true love, castle, etc.). Eleanor learns from another godmother that the school is to be shut down, as nobody makes wishes anymore, and that they will have to learn to be tooth fairies instead. Determined, Eleanor checks the assignment room and discovers a letter from a 10-year-old girl named Mackenzie Walsh and decides to help her. She is aided by the oldest student, Agnes, who warns her that if she is found out, the school will shut down and, worse, her powers will be stripped.
Eleanor ends up in the real world where a friendly trucker takes her to Boston, where to her shock and dismay, Mackenzie is revealed to be a miserable 40-year-old single mother who works at a failing television station that reports on puff pieces. She manages to convince her that she is a fairy godmother by displaying her magic and Mackenzie is forced to take her home to her two daughters, Mia and Jane, and her sister Paula, who helps with looking after the kids. Mackenzie has trouble raising her children as Jane has social anxiety when it comes to singing, which she needs to do for her high school. Eleanor is forced to sleep in the basement and comes to believe, based on a comment Mackenzie made, that her husband ran away.
Eleanor begins affecting the family's lives when she starts tagging along with Mackenzie to work and meets her coworkers Duff and Hugh Prince, the latter of whom has feelings for Mackenzie, much to Eleanor's delight. Eleanor accidentally creates a colorful explosion in the sky and later creates a citywide blackout. She becomes a viral sensation following a sledding accident, the latter of which gives the news station higher ratings. Eleanor learns from Mia that Mackenzie's husband died and realizes that it is connected to Jane's anxiety and helps her by having her sing "My Favorite Things" in public. Meanwhile, Mackenzie's newfound optimism convinces her to undergo a makeover and she begins hanging out with Hugh more; himself a divorced father with a son.
Agnes tells Eleanor that she will lose her powers, should she fail to have Mackenzie's true love found by midnight the next night. She convinces Mackenzie to attend a party being thrown by their unscrupulous boss Grant and attempts to use her powers to make her fall in love with Hugh. This fails and Mackenzie berates her for trying to impede on her life. Their argument is heard by everyone at the party with Grant believing that all the recent stories were planned. Mackenzie tells Eleanor to leave, though Paula finds her fairy godmother book and sets out to look for her. To Mackenzie's surprise, Grant wants Eleanor back to exploit her. When Mackenzie refuses, Grant fires her and Hugh quits after revealing that he was offered another job.
Mackenzie learns that Jane still has anxiety, as she needs to sing for the high school at the Christmas festival that night. They find Paula trying to help Eleanor create a pumpkin carriage. They tell her that they need her and she creates a watermelon carriage to take them to the show on time. Jane performs using her father's guitar to a stunned audience. Moira, the headmistress, arrives to take Eleanor away, calling her a failure. However, Eleanor informs her that she realizes that the formula is dated and that everyone has their own idea of true love. After encouragement from the Walshes and the audience, Moira concedes that Eleanor was a success and the two of them head back with the assignment completed.
In the epilogue, rendered in traditional animation, Eleanor has become a teacher in Motherland and is seen teaching new children godmothers the new way.
"Set in a working-class neighborhood in Stockholm, the story revolves around a young man named Bengt who falls into deep, private turmoil with the unexpected death of his mother. As he struggles to cope with her loss, his despair slowly transforms to rage when he discovers his father had a mistress. But as Bengt swears revenge on behalf of his mother's memory, he also finds himself drawn into a fevered and conflicted relationship with this woman - a turn that causes him to question his previous faith in morality, virtue, and fidelity." (from Stig Dagerman US website)
The story revolves around two good friends, Constanza Franco (Ilse Salas), a very sophisticated and successful lawyer, in addition to mother and wife; and to Remedios Rivera (Mariana Treviño), in the shoes of Mariana Treviño, also a loving mother and wife, but who, unlike her friend, is a free spirit who cannot keep her life in order. Both women decide to end 20 years of marriage with their respective husbands. Remedios's life is complicated when she decides to separate from her current husband and her first love reappears. Meanwhile, Constanza agrees with her husband to take a 100-day break. Once the 100 days are up, they will have to decide whether to keep the marriage or not.
The Starless Sea does not have a linear plot, but rather is a pastiche of a modern narrative, folk tales, mysterious biographical snippets, stories within stories within stories, and the made-up history of the fantastical world within which it takes place, all interlocking and intertwining, not necessarily in a linear way.
The modern narrative follows Zachary Ezra Rawlins, who is a graduate student at a New England university. One day he finds in the library a book called ''Sweet Sorrows'' with no author or publication information, and is amazed to discover that among its fairy tales and textual snippets, it also tells stories about him, and especially of an incident when he was a child, and came across a magical door. Afraid to discover magic isn't real, he demurred to go through it. Sweet Sorrows, however, describes the magical library on the other side of the door, and the Starless Sea upon which it sits.
Zachary sets out on a quest to find out more, and finds a literary masquerade ball in Manhattan, where he meets two other characters central to the book: Mirabel, who he later discovers is a denizen of the magical underground world upon the Starless Sea, and Dorian. Dorian steals Sweet Sorrows from Zachary, and blackmails him into breaking into the premises of a secret Guardian society to retrieve a book that he, Dorian, requires. This mission and the action that ensues end up with Mirabel saving Zachary and taking him though a doorway in a park. Here, Zachary first encounters the magical realm he read about earlier, and meets The Keeper, who is in charge of the sanctuary they all reside in while there, and Rhyme, an acolyte in charge of the library and its books.
Though Mirabel is clearly pushing Zachary forward to some objective, she is not forthcoming about what it is or how to get there. Zachary continues to be swept along on currents of stories and characters, along the way also managing to save Dorian from the clutches of Allegra, the leader of the Guardians. While Allegra claims she is actually protecting the library, Mirabel and the Keeper, who live within it, see her as an enemy, and indeed Allegra proves herself capable of any evil act imaginable in the pursuit of her – also murky – goals. Dorian and Zachary are quickly becoming a potential love match, but they find themselves torn apart by the weird and mysterious events of the underground world.
Each of them encounters figures from previous biographical tales as well as fables, and these encounters eventually bring the various and seemingly unconnected story strands to their fateful and fabulistic close.
Seven years prior to the start of the story, the ''Atargatis'' is lost at sea. The ship was sent to the Mariana Trench by Imagine Entertainment, which specializes in filming B movies about mythical creatures. Though the ship is recovered weeks later, there is no trace of the crew. Leaked footage from the ship appears to show mermaids slaughtering the crew. The public is highly skeptical of the video and it is largely believed that the footage was being created for a mockumentary. Though some believe the footage is proof of the existence of mermaids, the incident is largely forgotten by popular culture.
Theodore Blackwell is an Imagine representative who begins recruiting interested parties for a second voyage to the Mariana Trench aboard the ''Melusine''. His goal is to prove the existence of mermaids and to capture a live specimen, restoring the reputation of Imagine. He is accompanied by several hundred scientists and crew members, including his estranged wife Dr. Jillian Toth, Tory Stewart, Imagine reporter Olivia Sanderson, and the three Wilson sisters, all scientists.
At the Mariana Trench, Heather Wilson attempts to become the first human to reach the Challenger Deep in a submersible. She is killed by mermaids, proving their existence. Theodore captures a mermaid and keeps it in a tank. Over the course of several days, scouting parties of mermaids kill several crew members. Olivia and Tory begin a romantic relationship. The ship is then swarmed by mermaids, resulting in the deaths of most of the crew members. As the ship's safety systems fail, Dr. Toth works to unravel the mysteries of mermaid physiology and save the remaining crew. Hallie Wilson learns to communicate with the captive mermaid via sign language, which saves several crew members from being eaten. Tory realizes that all of the mermaids are actually male, and that the female is a ship-sized behemoth who is slowly moving toward the ship. She uses undersea lights to repel the female, and Olivia helps repair the ship's dysfunctional safety shutters. The surviving crew members are rescued days later.
The Public Safety Bureau assigns newly-appointed agents, Arata Shindo and Kei Mikhail Ignatov, to Unit One now led by Mika Shimotsuki. The Enforcers, consisting of Tenma Todoroki, Kazumichi Irie, Mao Kisaragi, and Sho Hinakawa, meet them and are surprised by how Arata is able to investigate people through his Mental Trace. During the story, Unit One investigates a case involving idol Karina Komiya who is voted as the new Governor of Tokyo. As they track criminals trying to kill her, Unit One meet the Suppressing Action Department of the Foreign Affairs Operations Department, a branch overseeing international crimes such as smuggling and terrorism. Led by Frederica Hanashiro, the Ministry give the protagonists information about criminals labeled as foxes from the secret criminal organization Bifrost.
During the investigation of a cult, Ignatov and Kisarage are kidnapped by its leader, who is the son of a Bifrost member. Ignatov's wife, Maiko Maya Stronskaya, is taken hostage too. As the leader aims to exploit Ignatov, he is instead murdered by Maiko. This causes Maiko to become a latent criminal and is kept hidden from her life. In the outcome, Bifrost is reduced to three members who have been ploting against each other too with Shindo's late father revealed to be one of them. Unit One joins forces with the Ministry to stop Bifrost and Shindo is chosen as Komiya's bodyguard, fearing her to be the next target. Ignatov meets Shizuka Homura from Bifrost who offers his wife's recovery at the cost of his aid. Meanwhile, former inspector Akane Tsunemori remains imprisoned for an unknown crime but claims that she chose Shindo as her successor to solve a crime as both of them are immune to the Sybil System's value. The series ends on a cliffhanger as Koichi Azusawa from Bifrost arranges a car accident to attack former Unit One member Yayoi Kunizuka. The series' plot continues in the film ''Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector''.
Three women – one medieval, two contemporary – struggle to become mothers. They have not set out to change the world or society, but their struggles with tradition, loyalty, adoption and control over their bodies make them unlikely heroines.
The novel begins with ''The Daily Globe'' receiving news that the Green Archer of Garre Castle, hanged in 1487, is back again haunting the castle. The castle’s owner, Abe Bellamy, who had resided in Chicago and a known criminal, seeks to prevent any investigations of the mysterious return.
Bellamy has never spent a night away from the castle since he purchased it. Valerie seeks to find the identity of her long lost mother.
The first victim of the Green Archer is killed by an arrow in his waistcoat. He had recently had a dispute with Bellamy. The corpse is discovered by Spike Holland, an American reporter who is working for ''The Daily Globe'': “Spike knelt down at the dead man’s side and sought for some sign of life.”
Spike turns over to the police a second green arrow that he finds at the scene of the crime.
James Lamotte Featherstone is a captain from Scotland Yard who investigates Bellamy. He becomes involved in the events after he is hired by a millionaire to keep an eye on his daughter.
The film is based on the eponymous opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
The film tells about four friends who grew up on clean ponds, not even suspecting that they would become participants in the war.
The film tells about a young and dreamy doctor who moves to city S., where he becomes extremely bored.
Based on Jorge Amado's book ''The Old Sailors or the Captain of the Long Course'', the film tells the story of Commander Vasco Moscoso of Aragon (Joaquim de Almeida) and his hectic arrival at the village of Periperi, located near a large municipality. port. After a long life of adventures on the seas, now mature, this picturesque stranger comes to rest. The captain becomes a storyteller and gains sympathy from most of the locals, but some people are beginning to suspect his character, especially the village's Chico Pacheco and until then the most admired citizen of the place.
The story of the film features a recently divorced mother and her two teenage children who, while adjusting to a new life in the suburban community of Aspen Ridge, receive mysterious letters instructing them to kill the people in their letters before they kill them. Paranoia and chaos ensue as the family attempts to rationally deal with the irrational situation.
In 1977, at the Cabrini-Green housing projects in Chicago, the police search for Sherman Fields, a homeless man with a hook for a hand known for giving candies to local children. He was suspected of putting a razor blade in a piece of candy that ended up in the hands of a white girl around Halloween. Later on, a young boy is approached by Fields while doing the laundry in an apartment building. Scared by his presence, the kid screams, causing the police to come down and beat Fields to death. Two weeks later, Sherman is posthumously declared innocent after more reports of razor blades in candy.
In 2019, visual artist Anthony McCoy lives in Chicago with his girlfriend, art gallery director Brianna Cartwright. Looking for a creative spark, Anthony goes to Cabrini–Green projects after hearing the urban legend of Helen Lyle by Brianna's brother, Troy. Troy claims Helen kidnapped a baby and went on a killing spree before immolating herself. Anthony meets laundromat owner William Burke, who introduces him to the story of the Candyman, and reveals he was the young boy who witnessed Sherman Fields being beaten to death by the policemen. Burke implies that if somebody says "Candyman" five times to a mirror, Sherman's spirit will appear and kill the summoner. Later that night, Anthony summons Candyman over Brianna's objections.
Inspired by what Burke has told him, Anthony makes an elaborate art piece based on the Candyman legend titled "Say My Name" to display at Brianna's and her co-worker Clive Privler's art exhibit. However, the piece is mostly ignored by the public and disparaged by art critic Finley Stephens, enraging Anthony who drunkenly storms off from the exhibit. Later that night, Clive and his girlfriend Jerrica are brutally murdered by the Candyman, who was summoned by the latter, all the while Anthony starts compulsively painting gruesome portraits of unknown people.
Anthony becomes more obsessed with the Candyman, much to Brianna's chagrin who is reminded of her own father, an obsessive artist who committed suicide when she was a child. After Anthony has two encounters with Sherman's ghost while investigating Helen Lyle's Candyman research, and learns that Finley was murdered after summoning the Candyman at Anthony's behest when he visited her, he confronts Burke and learns that the legend originated in the 1890s with Daniel Robitaille, an artist who was mutilated and lynched for having an interracial affair with his client's daughter, and since then, the legend has been renewed for generations with the souls of other murdered black men, becoming part of the Candyman "hive", and who are also the subjects of Anthony's paintings.
As the legend continues spreading, a group of teenage school girls at a local high school summon the Candyman in the bathroom and are subsequently killed. Anthony begins to undergo a physical transformation, stemming from a bee sting he received on his hand before meeting Burke, which starts spreading across his entire body. He goes to a hospital where he learns that his mother Anne-Marie lied about where he was born and when he confronts her, she reluctantly reveals that he was the baby rescued from the bonfire the night Helen died. She explains that Candyman had been responsible for the spree Helen was blamed for, and had planned to sacrifice him as well to perpetuate the legend. The community had vowed never to repeat the Candyman's legend after that night. Anthony leaves resigned to his fate after realizing he broke the vow and wanders through the Cabrini-Green row houses.
Worried about Anthony, Brianna goes to Burke's laundromat at Cabrini-Green, where she is kidnapped by him and takes her to an abandoned church where Anthony is in a fugue state. Burke reveals that he not only witnessed Sherman's death, but his spirit returned as the Candyman, who killed his older sister and her friend after being summoned. Burke wishes to resurrect the Candyman "hive" as a means of combatting the gentrification that had become rampant in Cabrini-Green since Candyman's defeat and disappearance at the end of the original film. To meet this end, Burke plans to have Anthony wrongfully gunned down at the hands of the police in such a way so that yet another vengeful spirit may join the "hive" and empower/revive the myth of Candyman. He then saws off Anthony's hand and replaces it with a hook to complete his transformation, before chasing Brianna into the rowhouses where she kills him with a pen. Anthony appears and collapses in her arms, as police arrive. They shoot Anthony dead.
As the police detain and attempt to intimidate Brianna into agreeing that Anthony provoked them, she summons Candyman through a rear-view mirror, who appears in Anthony's guise and massacres the police. Anthony is shown in a gated alley killing the last-surviving corrupt cop and approaches Brianna with a mass of bees swarming his upper torso. His face transforms into that of Daniel Robitaille, the Candyman "hive" having now been fully resurrected, and gives Brianna one simple instruction: to "Tell everyone" about what she had just witnessed.
The film's end credits include a shadow puppet animated montage of various members of the growing Candyman Hive; such as Daniel, Sherman, Anthony Crawford, James Byrd Jr., George Stinney and lastly Anthony himself.
Hana Shiraboshi, a high school student whose mother is the CEO of the White Star Talent Agency, is assigned to produce an idol group for the agency's 10th anniversary. Hana's nosebleed occurs whenever her she sees potential in others, and she uses it to scout five boys: Kiri Kurose, Rei Shinozuka, Junpei Akamatsu, Kazuhiko Midorikawa, and Yugo Aoyagi. Together, the five debut as the boy band Crash, with Hana as their manager. To reach their goal of becoming the top idol group, with the help of Hana, Crash gains experience through singing, acting, and dancing.
Two years later, Crash has become a successful group. Yui Sakura, Kazuhiko's childhood friend, becomes Hana's assistant in managing the group at White Star on his recommendation. As Yui helps Crash with their entertainment activities, she falls in love with Rei. Meanwhile, Kazuhiko reveals to Yui that he has been in love with her since childhood.
Players begin their journey in the fantasy world called Braided Shore. Players create characters with various aspects such as star sign, backstory, and personality traits. From the outset, players set off to explore the land of their own will or find people to travel with. Players are able to gather resources, craft items, learn special abilities, with some aspects of combat.
The story begins before Rose's ninth birthday, when her mother, Lane, bakes her a cake for the occasion. Rose knows that Lane is unhappy with her life, but Lane’s emotions show otherwise. From the looks of the way the cake was baked, Rose can tell that her mother feels oppressed. Once she realizes that she can taste emotions in the foods that she eats, she quickly comes to dislike it. Rose makes negative comments about the food she is consuming and Lane seems to think that she has done something wrong within her cooking. Rose’s father is oblivious to the fact that anything is going on per usual, and her brother thinks that his sister has gone insane.
Rose’s brother whose name is Joseph has a friend named George. George is the only person who seems to think that Rose is not alright. He is very warmhearted towards Rose and designs an experiment to see how strong her abilities are. The conclusion of the experiment is that Rose is able to detect the emotion in the food she eats in those who cannot comprehend the emotions they are feeling themselves. One day Rose eats a pie that Lane baked and Rose collapses to the floor. Lane takes Rose to the hospital and Rose demands that they get rid of her mouth. Once the shock from what happened is gone. Rose then realizes that if she is to speak about her ability she will come off as insane.
Years go by and Rose has been able to avoid her mother's cooking, but by the age of 12 she decided to join the family dinner. In the roast beef she is able to feel a culmination of things such as, guilt, romance, and lust because Lane is having an affair. A couple years go by and Rose finds out that Joseph has disappeared again. Rose decides to check on him and finds him in his bedroom. He is somehow metamorphosing himself into part of the chair that he was sitting on. When she steps back from the chair she finds that Joseph is gone.
Rose decides to stay home and take a job at an office. She finds a restaurant where the food tastes normal. The cook who makes the food is focused on the ingredients that are being used and how well the food tastes. Not long after, Rose gets a job as a dishwasher at the restaurant. One night, Rose sees that her father is looking at an old photo album. She sees that there is a piece of cloth tied over her grandfather's face in one of the pictures. She then proceeds to ask her father about it, and he says that his father wore it because he had the ability to smell other people's emotions so strongly that it was painful. When Rose opens up to her father about her own ability, he instantly believes her and tells her that he thinks that he himself has a similar skill. Yet they would need to go to a hospital to find out. Paul feels as though this skill set that he possesses would be unbearable and because of this Rose realizes that her brothers skill to transform might also be something that is unbearable as well.
Finally, Rose, decides to embrace the skill that she has been given to help people, and provide insight to the food in restaurants. She also helps those with discovering their own emotions.
Four teenagers are discussing urban legends of a serial killer known as the Blissfield Butcher. The Butcher breaks into the mansion they are in and promptly murders the group of teenagers before leaving with an ancient dagger known as La Dola.
The next day, bullied high school student Millie Kessler attends the Blissfield Valley High School homecoming football game, where she performs as the school mascot. As Millie waits for a ride home near the now-empty school, the Butcher attacks her. He stabs Millie in the shoulder with La Dola, causing an identical wound to instantly appear on his shoulder. Millie's older sister Char, a police officer, arrives and scares off the Butcher. The police collect La Dola as evidence and initiate a manhunt for the Butcher.
The following morning, the Butcher and Millie discover that they have switched bodies, and they both make their way to Blissfield Valley High School. At school, the Butcher, now posing as Millie, kills Millie's chief tormentor Ryler by locking her in a cryotherapy tank in the girl's locker room. He realizes his innocent appearance grants him immunity from suspicion and fatally slices woodshop teacher Mr. Bernardi, another one of Millie's tormentors, in half with a table saw. Millie, now in the Butcher's body, finds her best friends Nyla and Josh and proves her identity to them by performing the school mascot's dance routine and answering a series of personal questions. Nyla and Josh research La Dola and discover that Millie must stab the Butcher with the dagger by midnight or else the body switch will be permanent.
Later that afternoon, with the school's official homecoming cancelled, the Butcher suggests a new dance be held at an old mill that is actually his hiding place. The Butcher subsequently lures Millie's crush Booker into a monster mini golf course to kill him, but Millie, Nyla, and Josh arrive just in time to save him. Millie knocks both the Butcher and Booker unconscious, and she and her friends bring the two to Josh's house. After tying the Butcher to a chair, Millie and Nyla try to explain the situation to Booker, who remains unconvinced until Millie recites a love poem she anonymously wrote to him weeks earlier. Josh watches over the Butcher while Millie, Nyla, and Booker drive to the police station to obtain La Dola. Nyla tricks Char, the last officer in the station, into leaving so she can steal the dagger. Waiting outside in the car, Booker reveals that he has always liked Millie, and Millie divulges how she enjoys the newfound strength and confidence she feels while in the Butcher's body, and they kiss.
The Butcher eventually escapes Josh's house, and Char catches Nyla stealing La Dola. Still in the car, Millie sees the Butcher enter the police station and runs in after him, but Char tries to detain her, unaware of the situation. Millie overpowers Char and locks her in a jail cell while the Butcher escapes in a police car. At the Blissfield Valley High Homecoming dance out at the Butcher's mill, the Butcher kills three jocks who attempt to rape him, thinking he is Millie, as well as a fourth who attempted to assault Josh. As midnight approaches, Millie finds the Butcher and both Nyla and Josh hold him down while Booker staves off the police. Millie stabs the Butcher with La Dola and they switch back to their own bodies just in time, before the police shoot down the Butcher. Later, Millie and Booker reunite and they kiss again.
After faking his death in an ambulance, the Butcher follows Millie home and attacks her, mocking her physical weakness and anxiety. Millie, Char, and their mother struggle to overpower the Butcher, but Millie finally kills him by impaling him with a broken table leg.
While King Richard continues his campaign in the Holy Land, his most loyal subjects back in England are led by Robin Hood. Together, Richard's subjects unite to gallantly resist against Baron Elwin, the Sheriff of Nottingham who seeks to enhance his standing with Prince John.
0.001% of the human population are werecats, where they are able to shapeshift into cats. One of them, Shingo, is able to shapeshift into a black cat, which he keeps as a secret. During work one day, Shingo meets Keiichi Kagami, one of the most famous actors in Japan, who quickly takes an interest in him. As Kagami seduces Shingo, he not only reveals he is aware Shingo is a werecat, but he also admits that he is able to shapeshift into a leopard. Shingo initially rejects Kagami, but he gradually starts finding himself attracted to him.
As part of the new timeline that came into existence following the Crisis and Oliver Queen's sacrifice to reboot the universe, Moira Queen survives her attempted murder by Slade Wilson in 2014. In the present, Oliver has changed more aspects of the timeline, with John Diggle and Lyla Michaels' pre-Flashpoint daughter Sara being brought back and being J.J.'s sister, Tommy Merlyn, Emiko Queen, and Quentin Lance also being alive and Rory Regan's powers restored. The timeline change has also effectively stopped crime in Star City overnight, making it a safe place for everyone without the need for vigilantes.
Flashbacks to 2012 show Oliver and Diggle hunting down John Byrne, a human trafficker from Oliver's list. When they catch him, Oliver spares him after Diggle tells him to be a better person and not kill those on the list who do not actually deserve to die. In the present, Byrne kidnaps Oliver's son William, prompting the entirety of Team Arrow to look for him. Oliver's daughter Mia Queen, who came from 2040 with Sara Lance for Oliver's funeral, finds William and apprehends Byrne, inspired not to kill him due to her father's example.
During the search for William, Roy Harper proposes to Thea Queen, which she later accepts. Lyla and Diggle tell the team about their plans to move to Metropolis due to the former getting a promotion there while Rene Ramirez reveals his plans to become the next mayor of Star City after Quentin, who endorses him. Dinah Drake talks about her plans to move to Metropolis and fight crime there instead of becoming Chief of Police in Star City.
A public memorial for Oliver as the savior of the world and Star City is held where Quentin gives a speech about Oliver's sacrifice and how he saved the city. The Queen family and Team Arrow later hold a private funeral for Oliver, with Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Anatoly Knyazev, Talia al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul, Sara, Tommy, and Quentin also in attendance. At the funeral, Thea wonders why Oliver did not resurrect his father Robert along with everyone else and Moira guesses that it symbolizes how Robert's sacrifice made Oliver a better man. Felicity Smoak meets Mia while Diggle says his final vows for Oliver, telling the attendees that while life will continue without him, it will never be the same. Later, as Diggle departs for Metropolis, he witnesses a meteor crash and finds a box emitting a green light. In 2040, the Monitor takes Felicity to reunite with Oliver in the afterlife, where he has finally found peace.
In 1801, Thomas Howell and Thomas Griffith are stationed at Smalls Island Lighthouse to man the lighthouse 25 miles from land in the Irish Sea. After a storm strands the men, they begin developing cabin fever and slowly lose their minds.
Oliver Queen / Green Arrow wakes up in a room with Mar Novu / The Monitor, who tells him his involvement in Earth-2's events had resulted in its destruction before tasking him with bringing him a biophysicist named Robert Wong. Once Oliver and John Diggle escape alongside Earth-2 Laurel Lance, they realize they are in Hong Kong. Laurel, refusing to believe Earth-2 was destroyed, leaves to find an old colleague that might help her return home.
In a café, Oliver and Diggle are attacked by the Triad and rescued by Tatsu Yamashiro. She reveals she knows who the Monitor is and she knows how to find Wong. Oliver, Diggle, and Tatsu team up to get Wong, but are interrupted by China White, who lets Wong get away. Meanwhile, Lyla Michaels finds Laurel breaking into David Chin's apartment. She asks Chin to find a way back home, but Chin tells her that Earth-2 has been destroyed.
Meanwhile, Oliver breaks into a Triad facility and discovers that Wong has recreated the Alpha/Omega virus that killed Tatsu's son ten years ago. Oliver plans to exchange the virus for Wong, but the deal goes sideways when White brings Wong with an explosive vest controlled by a remote detonator. After Oliver and Diggle get Wong and the virus, Tatsu and White fight for the detonator. Tatsu gets stabbed, but Laurel blasts White off the roof. In the aftermath, after talking with a healing Tatsu, Oliver plans to get more answers about the Monitor at Nanda Parbat. Elsewhere, Lyla is revealed to have been working with the Monitor as she delivers Wong to him.
In 2040, William Clayton works on repairing a device obtained from the Deathstroke Gang while Mia Smoak, Connor Hawke, and Zoe Ramirez head to a black market where John "J.J." Diggle Jr., the leader of the Deathstroke Gang, plans to make a sale. When the Deathstroke Gang arrives, Connor and J.J. enter a parley, though the former's group is forced to let the latter leave when he reveals that he had his men raid the Arrowcave and hold William hostage.
Shun Hashimoto is a gay novelist living in Okinawa who meets Mio Chibana, an orphaned high school student living with his relatives after his mother's death. However, Mio's reaction towards Shun reaching out to him reminds him of the estrangement from his parents after they discovered his sexual orientation. As Shun and Mio grow closer, Mio confesses that he is moving to the city, but promises to keep in contact once there.
Three years later, Mio suddenly moves back and confesses he is in love with Shun, but Shun is overcome with guilt from depriving him of a "normal" life. Meanwhile, Shun's childhood friend and ex-fiancée, Sakurako, arrives at the island to persuade him to return to Hokkaido due to his father's poor health. Shun is adamant on staying with Mio, but Mio urges him to return to reconcile with his family. Realizing Mio is genuinely in love with him and sensing the truth in his words, Shun decides to return to Hokkaido and asks Mio to accompany him.
With Mio accompanying him, Shun visits his parents' house in Hokkaido and discovers Fumi, his younger brother adopted during his absence, and Sakurako had tricked him into reconciling with his father. Shun and Mio move in with the Hashimotos, with Shun's father and Fumi struggling to fully accept them as a couple. During Parents' Observation Day at Fumi's school, Shun unexpectedly runs into Wada, his classmate and first, albeit unrequited love. In the spring, Shun publishes his first novel and instantly gains media attention in spite of his anonymity due to being branded as a gay novelist. Five years later, Shun has taken a break from writing novels, while Fumi has become rebellious and resents him for rejecting Sakurako.
Salvador Medina (Cantinflas) is a country doctor who, finding many different technological advances in the medical field, and the need to adapt to said new technologies, moves to Mexico City to become an intern in the Medical Center of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
Salvador immediately clashes with his superior and Head of Training at IMSS, Dr. Miguel Villanueva (Miguel Ángel Álvarez), while growing closer to Nurse Laura (Marta Romero) who, unbeknownst to him at first, is Dr. Villanueva's sister. In his medical activity at the hospital, Salvador serves various patients by raising their self-esteem and he is jokingly preferred to Dr. Kildare. In the case of an old lady patient (Prudencia Grifell) who feels very lonely and abandoned from her only relative, a grandson; as well as a patient who is almost completely bandaged (Ramón Valdés), and another one who cannot even feed himself (Guillermo Bravo Sosa).
Salvador meets Beto (Pepito Velázquez), an eight-year-old patient who has a brain tumor, which has grown enough to disturb his visibility. Salvador is moved by Beto's case and provides special attention, even though the case is under the responsibility of another doctor friend of Salvador, Dr. Montero (Tony Carbajal) who is a pediatrician. Beto's parents are separated, and their personal differences affect Beto's mood.
Beto's father (Wolf Ruvinski) in particular is opposed to having his son operated, on the grounds that he does not want medical experiments to be done with the child's health, even when surgery is the only way to save him. However, when Beto's situation becomes critical (as demonstrated when he completely loses his sight), Salvador decides to perform surgery against the wishes of Beto's father, risking his medical career.
Ultimately, Salvador is successful and Beto is on the way to recovery and, in addition, a new hospital is inaugurated in Salvador's hometown, which will remain under his direction. Beto's parents reconcile and apologize to Salvador, who in turn receives the acceptance of Dr. Villanueva and his sister Laura, who officially becomes Salvador's girlfriend.
A trans woman mechanic lives between running her family's auto shop during the day and expressing her femininity at night, until an unforeseen event threatens the balance of her compartmentalized life.
A motherless Princess, often lonely but skilled in writing, reading, dancing, and cooking thanks to her maternal figure--her nurse (nanny) who recently passed away--has her hand in marriage promised to an ogre by her father, the king, who did not pay very much attention to her, against her consent; her father had brokered a deal, trafficking her in exchange for fifty wagons of silver. The princess is horrified and stalls the wedding by requesting of her father the seemingly impossible task of conjuring four bridal gifts--a dress "as golden as the sun," a dress "silvery as the moon," and a dress "as glittering as the stars." She also requests a coat made from a thousand types of fur. Unfortunately, her father is able to fulfill her wishes, meaning that she will have to marry the ogre.
Left with no choice, the princess flees with her newfound belongings as well as a golden ring, thimble, and miniature spinning wheel her mother had given her. Wearing her coat of a thousand furs, the princess trudges in the cover of night, through snow, deep into a forest which takes her to a foreign kingdom. The king there is out hunting with his men in the morning and happen upon the princess sleeping in the hollow of a tree where she had spent the night. They capture her and put her to work in the palace kitchen, under the watch of a cranky cook. Her quarters are a woodshed near the kitchen.
When the princess learns the king will have a ball, she begs the cook to let her catch a glimpse of guests arriving. He acquiesces and she rushes to her shed where she cleans up and dons the first of her spectacular dresses. She charms the king at the ball, then flees at the end of the night before he has a chance to inquire about her further; he did not recognize her as the "Furball" he has working in the kitchen. Back in the kitchen for the night, the princess is commanded to make soup for the king, so she prepares a soup superior to the cook's usual fare and then intentionally drops her mother's golden ring into the soup bowl. Charmed by the soup's new taste and surprised by the ring, the king questions the cook who defers to Furball, the procurer, but she does not confess to know about the ring.
Come another ball, the princess once again pulls the routine of asking the cook to sneak a peek at guests, then dons her next dress. The king is once again enamored. Then Furball prepares soup, drops her thimble in it, and the line of questioning takes place once again. A third round of this occurs, involving the spinning wheel, but this time is different, as the king had slipped the golden ring on the princess's finger while dancing. She either hadn't taken notice or forgot to remove the ring prior to being questioned about the spinning wheel, revealing her true identity to the king. He professes love to her and expresses empathy upon hearing her origin story. The two are then married and live happily ever after.
Nicolás (Leonardo Herrera) is a six-year-old boy suffering from leukemia and to recover he needs a bone marrow transplant. In such a situation, the adoptive parents of the child, Elena (Eva Cedeño) and Ernesto (Jorge Salinas) will take on the task of searching for the biological father. Thus, they arrive at the mechanical workshop where Pedro (José Ron) works to expose the situation, at which point the young man learns that he had a son from a relationship years ago.
The series revolves around Toño (Adrián Uribe), who accidentally discovers that he possibly has a twin brother named Ricardo (Uribe), a high-class man who works at a large company. After Ricardo suffers an accident, Toño replaces him and lives an idyllic of love next to Natalia (Claudia Martín), a woman who was engaged to Ricardo. After the accident, Ricardo suffers from amnesia and begins a relationship with his neighbor Fabiana (Estefanía Hinojosa), a nice, simple, and honest young woman who has been in love with Tono since they were kids. Little by little, Ricardo suspects that the life he is living isn't his, and will try to discover the truth.
Wandering artist (Santschi) encounters a young girl (Stonehouse) and her grandmother who are being victimized by the grandmother's son, who seeks to take control of her property. The artist intervenes, preserving the grandmother's property, independence, and ability to care for her granddaughter.
The film stars Joe Azzopardi as a lone sailor who finds an abandoned sailboat. Out of curiosity, he approaches the abandoned sailboat, ties his boat to the Sailboat and jumps aboard and checks out the Sail to learn that there is no one present. He comes outside to realise that his boat tied to the abandoned Sailboat is gone and nowhere in sight. He goes to the deck and when he is about to urinate, one of the sails hit him and he almost goes overboard before he catches the railing in time and jumps back to the Sailboat.
He then proceeds to the bathroom and urinates and the door automatically closes. To his horror he realises that the door does not open. He finds a small window and opens it to find a Cargo ship passing by. He panics and tries to open the door, but in vain. He spends the night which is hit by a storm and he passes out on the bathroom floor. The next morning he finds water has flooded the sail boat and the water level is raising by each passing minute. He finds a rope hanging outside the bathroom window and throws it in the water which eventually tangles with the turbine and slows down the sailboat. With water level raising, he submerges and looks at the door knob and pushes it hard to break the door.
He quickly escapes and goes to the deck to find a floating device which he ties to the broken door hoping to sail away in his makeshift boat. However, he notices that the Sailboat follows him and almost hits him before he jumps into the water. Now that the Sailboat is gone as well as his makeshift boat, he floats in the sea to find some dolphins swimming near him. To his horror he turns around to find that the Sailboat has come back. He goes into the Sailboat and goes to another bathroom where he finds a small door which leads him into a secret cabin filled with food supplies. He finds a small window and tries opening it, but the window doesn't budge. The small door which he entered suddenly shuts and he is trapped again. He peeps outside the window to see ancient ruins with no visible human around.
In the meanwhile, the small door through which he had entered now automatically opens and he goes outside and disembarks the sailboat and wanders around the ruins. He notices that the Sailboat follows him as he walks exploring the land. He walks around until he discovers his boat tied on the shore which he had lost earlier. The Sailboat sails away and the camera follows an abandoned Island where many other small boats are present and there a few people.
The camera further follows into a cave and through a small opening in the cave, it is seen that the Sailboat is heading out in the sea for its next victim.
''Aguila'' chronicles the passionate saga of the life and times of a Filipino family.
It is 1980. The influential and affluent Águila family celebrate the 88th birthday of their missing and long-presumed dead patriarch, Daniel Águila (Fernando Poe Jr.). It truly becomes a celebration of Daniel's life when his son, Mari (Christopher de Leon), receives news that Daniel is alive, living somewhere in the provinces. Mari, a business tycoon and former Senator, combs the countryside in search of his father. In the course of his search, the Águila family history is unravelled. Spanning a period of 80 years, it covers the 1896 Philippine Revolution, the American occupation, the Japanese era, Post-War reconstruction and the student militant activities of the late 1960s to early 1970s.
It all begins when Daniel's father, Artemio (Dave Brodett), an officer in the Revolutionary Army, dies by treachery. His mother, Isabel Teodoro (Amalia Fuentes), is raped by that same traitor, Simeon Garrido (Eddie Garcia), and later marries him for convenience. As a young soldier accompanying Simeon to Mindanao, Daniel again becomes witness to injustice: Simeon and some Americans ruthlessly take away Muslim tribal lands.
Daniel's life is one of complexity - of human emotions and relationships. His affair with a Muslim woman, Farida (Andrea Andolong), results in a love-child, Osman (Jay Ilagan). He marries a lawyer named Sally (Charo Santos), Mari's mother, who later falls ill and dies. He also discovers the incestuous liaison between Simeon and Lilian (Elizabeth Oropesa), his half-sister, who in turn unsuccessfully attempts to seduce him.
Daniel's experiences during World War II and with the American-controlled post-war government only increase his mounting disenchantment with life and society. Mari's amoral political ambitions and his grandson's, Raul (Ricky Sandico), activist stance drives him further into disillusionment. Finally, Daniel heeds his longing for peace and leaves.
Mari's journey ends when he finds Daniel in an Aeta village in Bohol, where Daniel has found serenity, far from the maddening machinations and injustices committed by a civilized society.
''State of Mind'' unfolds in Berlin in 2048 and revolves around Richard Nolan, a journalist waking up in a hospital after an explosion, finding out that his family is nowhere to be found. Nolan soon realizes that the world has changed and that technology is taking over. The game focuses on the impact that AI and technology have on humans, as well as coming to terms with in what manner super AI- can adapt to human behavior. The main character in the game, Richard Nolan, is voiced by Doug Cockle, most notable for being the voice actor of Geralt of Rivia in ''The Witcher'' video game series.
Four years after forfeiting a major fight, former UFC fighter Jackie "Pretty Bull" Justice lives with her boyfriend and manager, Desi, in inner-city Newark. Earning a living as a housecleaner, Jackie relies on alcohol to cope with the tedium of her daily life. Desi pushes Jackie to start fighting again, but she refuses, angrily blaming him for mismanaging her career.
Desi takes Jackie to an illegal underground match, hoping to sign a new fighter. Recognized, the "Werewolf" provokes her into fighting. When Jackie finally loses her temper, she pins the Werewolf down and headbutts her unconscious. Catching the eye of Immaculate, a local promoter of the all-female MMA league Invicta Fighting Championships, he recruits Jackie and sets her up with Bobbi "Buddhakan" Berroa and Pops, his best trainers, to get back into fighting shape.
Heading home, Jackie and Desi are pulled over by Jackie's estranged mother Angel who has brought Manny, Jackie's son who she has not seen since he was an infant. Manny has been placed into her custody after his father, Jackie's former boyfriend, was killed in a shooting. The trauma caused Manny to stop speaking entirely.
Manny moves in with his mother, and Jackie, under Buddhakan's guidance, slowly regains her old form. Immaculate convinces her to sign a management contract with him; infuriating Desi, but they eventually patch things up. Growing closer to Buddhakan, Jackie learns she is also a mother, but has not seen her child in over two years following the breakdown of her marriage.
Jackie enrolls Manny into school while learning to be a mother, even dumping all of her alcohol down the sink. However, Jackie's relationship with Desi deteriorates, until he finally snaps, smashing Manny's keyboard and hitting Jackie in the face when she tries to stop him. Jackie moves out with Manny, leaving him for good. Angel reluctantly allows them to move in with her until the fight.
Jackie is pitted against face Lucia "Lady Killer" Chavez, Invicta FC's flyweight champion, in an Atlantic City title bout. Immaculate claims the fight is to get Jackie back into the UFC, but he later angrily admits he recruited her as a can against Chavez.
Jackie suffers a panic attack, reliving the memory of her last fight. Manny tries to comfort her, but she screams at him to go away. He runs off, and a stranger brings him to Angel. Already on bad terms with her daughter (as Jackie accused her of letting her boyfriends and Jackie's uncle rape her as a child), Angel scornfully tells Jackie she is an unfit mother and that she will take over caring for Manny.
With no one else to turn to, Jackie starts living with Buddhakan, throwing herself into her training. Confessing her fears of returning to the ring, they kiss and become intimate. However, when Buddhaken asks her to consider becoming official, Jackie admits she is not ready and Buddhakan goes on a bender, ending up hospitalized the day before the fight.
With only Pops in her corner, Jackie enters the fight against Chavez distracted, so the champion dominates the first round. In the second and third rounds, her confidence builds as she wears down Chavez and wins over the audience. In the fifth and final round, Jackie matches Chavez blow-for-blow, ending in a split decision, where Chavez narrowly retains her championship. Despite this, she and the audience celebrate Jackie's successful comeback.
After reconciling with Buddhakan, Jackie goes back to Angel's, promising her son she is going to get them their own place. The women part on good terms. As they walk down the street, Jackie stops to help Manny tie his shoes and he speaks to her for the first time, accepting her as his mother.
In 2019, Richter's now-adult son Bobby returns to a decrepit Camp Redwood looking for answers, having been sent checks from an unknown benefactor since childhood. He is met by Montana and Trevor, who explain that Richter disappeared after being dragged into the lake and never returned. They reveal what happened in 1989: to prevent further deaths, Trevor blocks traffic to the Camp Redwood entrance. Margaret shoots him off camp property and leaves him to die, but Brooke appears and helps him onto the grounds so he can return as a ghost. Trevor's ghost then attacks Bruce and kicks him off the grounds to die. The dead counselors determine that the only way to stop Ramirez is to kill him over and over, which they do for thirty years. Back in 2019, Ramirez awakens once again and attacks Bobby; Montana ushers Bobby off the grounds and directs him to the asylum. There he meets Donna, now the director of the asylum, who further elaborates that in 1989, the ghosts brutally murdered Margaret, but not before Brooke seemingly died in a struggle with her. Donna and Bobby trace Bobby's money to a still-alive Brooke, who survived and escaped Camp Redwood with Ray's help. Bobby again returns to Camp Redwood where Margaret's ghost repeatedly attempts to kill him, but he is saved by Richter, Lavinia, and the counselors. Bobby shares a tearful farewell with his family and departs.
This movie is about two young men who have decided to sleep with many woman at their youth which comes with its twist and turn.
A successful young man employs a cook and cleaner to ease the pressure on his wife and the twist and turns that happens.
Hyakkaou Private Academy is a prestigious institution for the privileged, which was first established 122 years ago. The students there are ranked by their gambling winnings. The winners receive everything including fame and fortune. The winners also dominate the losers. One day, female transfer student Yumeko Jabami arrives at Hyakkaou Private Academy. Yumeko Jabami has a pretty appearance, but she is a gambling maniac who loves high stakes.
A man (Santschi) has lost his faith in God and seeks revenge for the loss of his wife and child. At one point, the villain has him jailed, but he escapes when a bolt of lightning strikes the jail. He is reunited with his daughter, who has since grown up.
Nuar and Nur were born as the twins. Nuar was a skilled cop was finding his sister Nur at the warehouse, who is the drug addict. Nuar was tired of Nur because she always leaves the rehab center to hide in the warehouse. After a heat argument, Nuar sends Nur back to the rehab center. The police dispatch calls Nuar about the smell of corpses, Nuar went to the abandoned house. Nuar goes inside the house and encounters a few sightings and weird sounds (sound of a dropping marble on a floor), but he thinks nothing of it. On the second level, he finds a girl, being chained and holding a corpse.
Later, he learns that the survivor, Balqis, is a part of twin sisters and the deceased is Qistina, and they are twin daughters of Megat Mahmud. Nuar becomes more interested in the case as nobody ever reported the twins were abducted and leads to the death of one of the twins, which is quite weird. When Nuar returns home, things started to feel weird - he hears and sees things. Up to a point that his hand was grabbed by a ghost and the marks turn blue.
Later that evening, Balqis was possessed and pukes out the blood along with note. The note discovers that Faizah's spirit attacks Khaleeda. Nuar, Lokman and police member rushes to Faizah's house. Nuar tries to save her, but was pushed by Faizah's spirit. Lokman recites his prayers to exorcises Faizah's spirit out of her body and she was arrested.
The next morning, Nuar interviews Faizah at police station. After Faizah got possessed, she attacks Nuar and runs away. Nuar tries to chase her but was died by the car of accident. Nuar meets Balqis and she explains that their parents was killed due to the road accident. Opah locks Balqis and Qistina at the abandoned house. Faizah went to the abandoned house along with some food, but however, she shocked that Qistina was killed along with skulls.
Nuar was suspected and arrested by ASP Mansor due to the murders of Opah and Megat Mahmud. He was send to the jail.
At the abandoned house, Nuar and Lokman were find Khaleeda has brought by Balqis. Lokman was attacked by spirit of Balqis. Nuar finally meets Nur along with Balqis's spirit, attacking Nuar. As Nuar shots Balqis, she fells down. But Nur's spirit, also attacking Nuar. The cabinet seems to be fall down to Balqis, allowing Nuar pulls Balqis's ring in front of her finger before rushes to save Nur. Finally, Luqman saves Khaleeda while Nur was cured but Nuar was injured.
Two months later, Nuar was recovered and brought back to the police force, while Nur's arm are broken due to injuries. Nuar and Nur enjoying sitting on the brench, along with Luqman. In the mid-credits scene, Khaleeda goes inside the bus, but somehow behind Balqis after came back.
Journalist Charlie Colquhoun spends his career in a rumble, with danger of a lawsuit by lawyer Harris Hill, Colquhoun's old schoolmate, while defending a client. Elise Gray, Coulquhoun's ex-wife, passes onto Charlie the job of finding a missing teenager, Tommy. In a fate of events, his life gets mangled with dodgy characters, in the underground world with murder, blackmail, child prostitution and rape.
The plot of ''Hamlet'' revolves around the Danish court of the recently deceased King Hamlet. Denmark fears that an invasion from Prince Fortinbras of Norway could be imminent. Prince Hamlet, son of the recently deceased king and nephew to King Claudius, meets his father's ghost. The ghost reveals that he was murdered by Claudius and makes Hamlet vow to avenge his death. Believing him to be Claudius, Halmet accidentally kills Polonius, enraging Polonius' son, Laertes. After an attempt to kill Hamlet fails, Claudius and Laertes plot to murder him in a duel by using a poisoned sword and poison in the prince's drink. Ophelia, Laertes' sister, drowns. Hamlet returns for Ophelia's funeral and gets into a fight with Laertes. Hamlet and Laertes duel, and through various means both of them die along with Claudius and Queen Gertrude. Fortinbras arrives as Hamlet's heir and takes the crown of Denmark.
''Elsinore'' begins with a vision of the deaths of everyone in Elsinore Castle, similar to the play's ending. Ophelia manipulates events to achieve a different outcome. If the player does nothing, the events unfold as in the play and everyone dies. After Ophelia's first death, a time loop begins where she wakes up at the moment of ''Hamlet'' where Prince Hamlet is behaving erratically in her room. Ophelia's actions directly affect the plot in sometimes unpredictable ways. If Ophelia continually talks to people in Elsinore castle about the supernatural dreams she has been having, the characters will send Ophelia off to an institution because they are convinced she has gone insane. In order to convince Hamlet to ally with Ophelia and to have him trust her with his plot, the player must search Queen Gertrude's chambers for evidence that she was not complicit with the murder of her late husband. By confronting King Claudius with evidence that he has murdered Queen Gertrude, Claudius arranges a private meeting with Ophelia and murders her.
The game enlarges Ophelia and Laertes' roles, and adds additional characters such as Othello, and Peter Quince from ''A Midsummer Night's Dream''. Quince replaces the acting troupe from ''Hamlet'', and is one of the few characters that is aware of Ophelia's time loop. Several characters have also been adapted for the game, making Rosencrantz and Guildenstern female and Ophelia and Laertes are biracial with experience of racial discrimination. A lady-in-waiting named Brit and a cook round out a more gender balanced cast.
A family returning home from a swim are caught in slow-moving traffic among a sea of identical black hearselike self-driving cars along a multilane highway leading to a tunnel. At times the tunnel must be closed, forcing all vehicles to shut down and giving people time to stand outside. Peter befriends a girl named Eva from a car in the next lane. As they approach the tunnel, it becomes apparent that it is used as a means of population reduction. While passing through it, they are concerned that they will be caught in it during the next closure. A car from another lane decides to change lanes within the tunnel, delaying the family's progress. They make it out of the tunnel just before its next closure. Peter looks around but cannot find Eva's car.
Marijuana farmer Randy Marsh, owner of Tegridy Farms, announces a Halloween special promotion to his family. However, his daughter, Shelly, has a "marijuana problem". She believes it smells bad and makes people "dumber than they already are." Randy tries to convince her of the positive benefits of marijuana, but the obstinate Shelly wishes it were illegal again. Randy takes Shelly to an exhibit of ancient Egyptian artifacts at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, having promised her a father-daughter outing during which they could bond, but when he attempts to draw attention to the fact that the ancient Egyptians used hemp rope, she is angered to realize that the trip was another attempt to bring her to his way of thinking about marijuana.
Meanwhile, fourth grader Butters Stotch tours the same exhibit as part of his efforts to complete the exhibit's accompanying sticker stamp book. When he comes to the mummy of Egyptian royal Took-Tan-ra, an elderly museum employee warns him that this mummy harbors an "ancient love curse", and urges him not to put Took-Tan-ra's stamp in his book. Butters ignores the warning, after which the undead mummy of Took-Tan-ra visits Butters in his bedroom one night. Initially horrified at the rampaging monster, Butters then sees that he merely wants to hug Butters and give him a FitBit device as a gift. The grateful Butters informs Took-Tan-ra that he already has one, and will give this new one to a friend, but Took-Tan-ra is enraged and storms out. After the mummy's rampage results in five deaths and property damage, the police visit Butters and relate that the mummy told them about the "argument" he had with Butters. Butters is astounded that the mummy spoke to the police, who admonish Butters for his "hurtful" conduct toward Took-Tan-ra. When Butters tells them that he may have been cursed by the mummy, but the police say that Took-Tan-ra told them the reverse. They also inform Butters that he must share in the damages caused by the mummy's rampage, and issue him a summons, advising him and the mummy to stay away from each other.
Following more attacks by the mummy, Butters meets with the school counselor, Mr. Mackey, but is incredulous to learn that undead being has also spoken to Mackey, who expresses a sympathetic view of the creature. Butters later meets with his classmates at a fast food restaurant, and tells them that he needs to end the curse, pointing to the endless texts and selfies that Took-Tan-ra sends him, but his classmates, like everyone else, speak as if the fault lies with Butters, and advise him to break things off with him, even as the mummy shows up there to continue his campaign of harassment.
Shelly cooks a witch's brew, and recites an accompanying incantation that will grant her revenge on her father. She dumps the brew onto the Halloween Special marijuana, horrifying Randy and his business partner, Towelie. This turns out to be an enhanced growth formula that increases Randy's yield. However, when he refuses to drive Shelly to a book fair on Halloween night, she destroys the packaged Halloween special, prompting Randy to ask the police to put her in jail for the night. She is placed in a cell with Butters, who has been imprisoned because he, not the mummy, "manipulates the mummy with his passive-aggressive selfishness".
At Randy's party, the revelers who smoke the Halloween Special mutate into monsters. Randy is then confronted by an undead Winnie the Pooh, whom Randy murdered in the episode "Band in China". Other monsters follow, including an unseen Harvey Weinstein, who rapes Randy during his emergency phone call to the police. The police race to Tegridy Farms with Butters, in the hopes that he can use his powers of manipulation to stop the mummy, who they believe is causing the attacks there. However, the horrors Randy experiences are revealed to be a hallucination caused by the mutated marijuana. Shelly ends these hallucinations by brewing an antidote that she throws at Randy. The ranking policeman there, Sergeant Harrison Yates, informs Butters that the mummy was not to blame for the emergency, prompting Butters to apologize to the mummy. The mummy resolves to leave for good, but before doing so, gives Butters a note written in hieroglyphics that translates as "I hope you can get the help you need. I can't fix you." Randy awakens three days later, and when his wife, Sharon says he was the only one who enjoyed the Halloween special, he says that he was pretty much the target audience anyway. He is also relieved that he did not really have anal sex with Harvey Weinstein, though he and the family are shocked to find a used condom that gives cause for them to question this.
The film tells the story of Rodney Alcala, a convicted serial killer believed to be responsible for over 130 murders. In 1971, he is caught after having raped and beaten 8-year-old Rosie Hoffman, but because her parents move her to Mexico, she does not testify at Alcala's trial, and he is charged only with assault. He is repeatedly charged with abusing girls, but his good behavior and kind manners gain him preferable treatment and light sentences. He is repeatedly declared reformed, enabling him to commit more murders. In 1978 he appeared on the television show ''The Dating Game'' in the midst of his killing spree.
Alcala is ultimately identified by a park ranger who saw him walking with a murder victim named Tammy Jensen days before her body was discovered at the same location. This eyewitness account provides police with the evidence they need to finally arrest Alcala. In his Seattle storage locker they find the earrings Tammy Jensen was wearing when she disappeared, and he is sentenced to death. This conviction is overturned in 1984 due to the prosecution's reference to Alcala's previous crimes causing bias in the jury, but he is retried and sentenced to death again in 1986. A change in the law allows his DNA to be collected in 2002, connecting him to further murders. In 2010, Alcala represents himself at trial, calling on himself for testimony and answering his own questions. Rosie Hoffman returns 42 years after her attack to finally testify against her attacker, and her testimony as well as the testimony of Tammy Jensen's mother Carol help sentence Alcala to death for five counts of abduction, murder, and special circumstances. In 2012 he pleaded guilty to two more murders in New York. In 2016 he was charged with the 1977 murder of a woman in Wyoming.
The series follows the actors of On Call Casting, a fictional agency designed to help busy production companies meet their mandated diversity quotas. Dispatcher Betty sends out whoever is on call, with the actors often finding themselves cast in the roles they least expect.
The plot of the film revolves around a young woman from the ghetto who is called Isila (Toyin Abraham). She encounters a ghost called Mike (Sambasa Nzeribe), who is in need of her assistance to communicate with the people he left behind. At the ghost's request, she becomes tangled and puzzled in solving a murder mystery and her life takes an interesting turn. Only she knows and understands what would happen in the future.
The story dated back to 1930s prior to Soulbury constitutional reforms. In a rural hilly village called Akiriyankumbura in Wellassa, a beautiful girl, Sedera Menike (played by Udari) is protected by her two brothers Dingira and Dungura. However, she secretly fall in love with a rebel from Monarawila lineage, Monara (played by Akila). Meanwhile, a young and energetic Sokari dancer and a folk singer called Baalaya (played by Sajitha) starts to flirt around Sedera Menike and cousin sister Dalumalee (played by Senali). The film revolves about the relationships among Sedera Menike, Monara and Baalaya.
Sixty-year-old self-educated working class Kempton Bunton (Jim Broadbent) appears in Court Number 1 at the Old Bailey, pleading not guilty to charges of stealing Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington and its frame from the National Gallery in London. Six months earlier, in spring 1961, he sends a script to the BBC from his native Newcastle upon Tyne. Soon afterwards he is jailed at Durham for thirteen days for watching TV without a licence. Although he can afford one, he refuses to do so as part of his campaign against pensioners having to pay for it, part of his wider strong beliefs about supporting the common man.
Kempton's son Jackie meets him on his release and on their way home they visit the grave of Marion, Jackie's sister, who had been killed in a bicycle accident aged only 18. Kempton's wife Dorothy (Helen Mirren) works as a housekeeper and babysitter for a local councillor and his wife (Anna Maxwell Martin), Jackie aims to become a shipbuilder and move away and his elder brother Kenny lives in Leeds, working in construction but also involved in low-level crime. Kempton himself is sacked from his job as a taxi driver due to being over-talkative to passengers and giving a free ride to an impoverished disabled World War One veteran. He gets Dorothy to allow him a two-day trip to London to drum up press and parliamentary attention for his campaign and BBC interest in his scripts, on the condition that if he does not get that attention he will give up writing and campaigning and get a job. An unseen man with a north-east English accent steals the painting and after Kempton's return to Newcastle he and Jackie make a false back to a wardrobe to hide it.
Kempton sends a series of ransom notes to the government, saying that he will return the painting on the condition that the elderly be exempted from paying for a TV licence. Kenny and his separated lover Pammy come to visit his parents and she spots the painting in the wardrobe, revealing this to Kempton in private in hopes of getting half the £5,000 reward offered. Panicked, Kempton abandons a suggested Daily Mirror plan to raise money for his campaign via an exhibition of the painting and instead walks into the National Gallery to return it and confess to the theft. Though the case seems hopeless, his barrister Hutchinson (Matthew Goode) defends him on the grounds that he had no intent to deprive the Gallery of it permanently, but instead simply 'borrowed' it to further his campaign, an impression Kempton bolsters by voluble testimony under cross-examination by Hutchinson at the end of the trial.
Back in Newcastle during the early stages of the trial, Jackie reveals to his mother that it had in fact been him who stole it for his father to use in his campaign, with his father covering up for him and taking the blame. The jury acquits Kempton of all charges except the theft of the £80 picture frame, which Jackie had removed from the painting at his London lodgings and then lost. After his three-month sentence, Kempton and Dorothy forgive each other over how they had mishandled their grief at Marion's death. Their reconciliation is evident when they are sitting together in a cinema watching the James Bond film Dr. No and chuckle when they see the scene which shows Sean Connery spotting the "stolen" Goya painting of the Duke of Wellington.
Four years later Jackie admits his guilt to the police, but they and the Director of Public Prosecutions fear that a new trial could lead to Kempton being called as a witness and again becoming an embarrassing cause célèbre. They therefore agree that if Jackie does not go public they will not prosecute. Text at the end of the film states that the frame was never recovered and that no plays by Bunton were ever produced, but that forty years later TV licences were made free to people over age 75.
Peng (Sunny Suwanmethanont), an emergency center resident, and Tantawan (Davika Hoorne) have been in love for 15 years, mainly because they own a magical power between them which make Peng able to go to Tantawan when she calls him. One day, they got into a traffic accident and Tantawan is seriously injured. When she woke up, she lost her memory of the accident. Unbeknownst to her, the truth about the accident is hidden by Peng and all people around her.
A young and heart-warming intern, Chalarm (Wongravee Nateetorn) appeared in her life and reminded her of the same feeling she once had for Peng. While her magical power with Peng has been weakening, Chalarm has started to have the magical power leading to her confusion - who is the one for her. During this time, Peng also met a new girl named Bamee (Kanyawee Songmuang), who has a crush on Peng and came to the hospital as an ambulance driver to get closer to him.
Love (Chanyapuk Numprasop) has always been a fan of the popular guy Vier (Paris Intarakomalyasut) of the famous all boys high school Great Men Academy, but she has never had the chance to meet him. One day, she sees the mystical unicorn rumored to fulfill wishes and wished for her love for Vier to get a chance.
Unfortunately, the unicorn interpreted her wishes in a different way and Love wakes up to find herself in a male's body. She is able to switch between genders under the condition that she must return as a girl before midnight each night. Love attends Great Men Academy as a guy, and works through the complications of winning Vier's heart and meeting new people while trying to keep her identity a secret.
Vivian is 16, lives with her mother, Lisa, and attends Rockport High School. One day she joins her best friend Claudia at a class taught by Mr. Davies. Vivian notices a classmate, Seth, who has gotten more attractive over the summer. Earlier he used to be called Seth "The Shrimp". Mr. Davies introduces a new student, Lucy, then begins a discussion of ''The Great Gatsby'', a novel about a mysterious millionaire. Lucy criticizes it as another tale of a rich white guy expressing sorrow over not having the woman he wants. The star jock Mitchell interrupts Lucy's opinion and defends the Jay Gatsby character.
Later, Vivian sees Mitchell taking the soda Lucy was trying to buy and spitting in it. Lucy reports Mitchell to Principal Shelly, who doesn't want to penalize Mitchell and tries to avoid getting involved.
At home, Vivian goes through Lisa's stuff and finds her old feminist zines and gets inspired. Next day at school, the students discover a list of young women made by a group of jocks being sent to everyone's phone. Many girls are embarrassed by the list, in which the jocks express many sexist and perverse opinions, which makes the girls self-conscious. When Mitchell calls Lucy a foul word, Vivian becomes inspired by her feminist mother and starts "Moxie", a zine aimed at calling out the unfair treatment of girls at the school, and empowering them to raise their concerns.
Vivian befriends Lucy, as well as a group of other girls who have been put down, but her best friend Claudia is reluctant to get behind the movement and it causes a rift between them. Vivian also begins a relationship with Seth, who knows she started "Moxie" and supports her.
After Mitchell wins an athletic award over the girls' favorite candidate, Kiera, Vivian walks home feeling depressed, drinking a bottle of champagne along the way. She comes home to find Lisa with her boyfriend, John, and is annoyed that her mother kept this relationship a secret from her. Vivian then throws up.
Later, the "Moxie" girls respond to Mitchell winning the award by putting crude stickers all over the school. Principal Shelly, who was called out by "Moxie" for not supporting the girls, attempts to shut down the group. Claudia, who eventually joined the group, takes the fall for the stickers.
Vivian then hits a low point when Claudia criticizes her for not coming forward (she knew Vivian started "Moxie"), while also having a rough patch with Seth. She also faces challenges with her mother after she yells at Lisa and John during dinner.
Vivian finds a note from an anonymous girl who claimed to have been raped the previous year. Vivian gets "Moxie" supporters to stage a walkout in support of the girl. The majority of students walk out, and Vivian reveals that she started "Moxie".
Head cheerleader Emma comes forward as the girl who wrote the note, stating that Mitchell, her ex-boyfriend, was her rapist. She stands up and reveals to everyone that Mitchell raped her the previous year when they were dating, and called her "Most Bangable", which left her mortified. All the students are horrified and lend their support. Principal Shelly overhears and plans to punish Mitchell at last.
Vivian reconciles with her mom, Claudia, and Seth, and "Moxie" gains more followers. Lisa expresses pride in her daughter and the girls throw a party in celebration of "Moxie".
An American Muslim woman and her multiracial neighbors find themselves living in a building haunted by strange creatures that seemingly feed on xenophobia.
Dwight is a present-day teenager who falls into an ancient, underground chamber. He lands on Gretta, a Gothic princess who has been magically sleeping for a thousand years. Dwight inadvertently kisses Gretta, breaking the magic spell.
This action also awakens her court magician, Baldric, as well as scores of medieval villains and makes Dwight her de facto champion until her hordes of enemies are defeated.
Dwight must deal with new role as protector while helping Gretta assimilate into high school life.
Dare (Timini Egbuson) is a wealthy, entitled and unemployed engineering graduate whose father was killed in a vehicular accident. He drinks, spends time with his jobless friends, and is unthankful for his mother's financial support. On his way to a job interview, he enters a lift with Abigail (Toyin Abraham), a poor and pregnant domestic worker. Following a power failure, the lift stops and Abigail goes into labour. He helped her during labour and this experience made him change his lifestyle.
In 1977, a group of police detectives with limited resources, but a lot of ingenuity and courage, is picked to form a special drug-fighting brigade in Torremolinos on the Costa del Sol. The series is based on the true story of the Grupo Especial de Estupefacientes Costa del Sol, one of Spain's first anti-narcotics squads.
''Human Acts'' deals with the May 1980 Gwangju uprising and the death of the young boy Kang Dong-ho. The novel is composed of seven chapters including the final epilogue, with each chapter tracing the passage of time from the incident in the 1980s to the present day. At the same time, the narrative expands to describe the impact that this incident had on other people.
The first chapter follows Kang Dong-ho and his circumstances at the time of the May uprising, while introducing the people in his life. The characters that are introduced in this initial chapter later appear as the narrator or central protagonist in the following chapters. The second chapter follows the story of Dong-ho’s friend Jeong-dae, who died in the May uprising. The protagonist in the third chapter is Eun-sook, who worked with Dong-ho to collect the dead bodies after the Gwangju uprising. Eun-sook is living in the mid-1980s and works at a publishing agency. The fourth chapter traces the arc of Kim Jin-su, who was jailed for his involvement in the Gwangju uprising. He had spent time with Dong-ho and Jin-su and was the only boy who survived. Unable to bear his guilt, however, Jin-su takes his own life nearly ten years after the May 18 uprising. The narrator of the fifth chapter is Seon-ju, who suffered terrible sexual torture during the uprising and is working as an activist in the present day. The sixth chapter is a current-day soliloquy by Dong-ho’s mother, while in the epilogue, the author herself appears as the narrator. In this manner, Kang Dong-ho’s death and the confessions and testimonies of the people who remember him compose the framework of the novel.
The story of ghetto boy and girl trying to raise money for the girl to visit her father in prison. It was shot on videotape in November 1972.SET FIRST PLAY FOR NEW 'ABC THEATRE' Variety; Los Angeles Vol. 268, Iss. 11, (Oct 25, 1972): 33.
Raveena (Chanu Dissanayake), a news reporter working on an article on the incidents at a flyover. She also has a crush on the crime reporter Adithya (Thumindu Dodantenna), whose help she seeks for research material on accidents on the flyover. She finds that each day some motorists move the concrete blocks that partition the road just to take a quick U-turn and avoid the traffic. They don't move them back and the blocks are left to lie randomly on the road leading to many accidents. A beggar sitting on the flyover notes down the vehicle numbers of bikers who violate the rule to take the U-turn. Then he gives the list to Raveena. She obtains the details of the culprits using her contact in the traffic department, with the intention of confronting them for their "short-cut" and writing an article for the paper. Her attempt to meet the first person on the list goes in vain. Later the same day, the police take her into custody and accuse her of killing the same person she wanted to meet. She is shocked and tells her side of the story. Though the senior police officer rejects it, sub-inspector Ranga (Hemal Ranasinghe), finds it believable and does some investigation. It is revealed that all the persons Raveena has on her list have committed suicide. They also noticed that they have committed suicide the same day they took the wrong "u-turn". Raveena and Ranga find another number has been noted by the beggar which is to be delivered to Raveena the next day. The duo trace the address and try to rescue the man, a lawyer (Rana Madhav) , who has taken the u-turn on the same day. As nothing seems suspicious, both leave only to encounter the very death of the lawyer whom they came to rescue.
An Italian criminal organisation, The Red Hand, threaten to release a deadly plague on Britain if their financial demands are not met.
The film starts with text setting the background of the height of the Cold War, with Soviet troops stationed in Cuba after the revolution, and President Kennedy being informed in 1962 that the USSR are likely to be preparing for war, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The first scene is one of a Grand Master chess match. One of the players (the American) walks out to the table where the other (the Russian) is already sat. The American looks dazed and has a blood stain on his hand. We cut back to 7 days before where the American chess player, an unkempt middle aged man, is talking to a taxi driver who addresses him as the ‘professor’ and drops him off at his apartment. As the chess player walks in, a car pulls up outside the apartment. The film cuts to a scene in a bar where the chess player is in a card game with three others and switches off a TV news item about the upcoming chess match between Soviet champion Alexander Gavrylov and the American Konigsberg. The chess player wins the card game, takes the money and then receives his cut from the barman-this seems to a source of income for the chess player. An attractive girl in the bar (Agent Stone) approaches the chess player who she recognises as Joshua Mansky, a brilliant mathematician, a former champion chess player. She offers a proposal, only for Mansky to walk out of the bar before hearing it; he is followed out of the bar by another man (Agent White) who bundles him into the back of that car that was waiting outside his apartment. His agent kidnappers take him on board a plane, drugged and he wakes up in a safe room in the US Embassy where their conversations are secure, and meets Agent Novak who leads the operation. Mansky is a genius, who defeated Konigsberg 20 years before but with an unpredictable temperament. He has some part to play in the winning of the Cold War. He is told he will have to compete in a chess tournament against Alexander Gavrylov in the Polish capital Warsaw as Konigsberg has died. Per tournament rules, Mansky is the only eligible substitute for the prior American contender Konigsberg as Mansky was the last person to beat him; Konigsberg was found dead by Soviet poisoning. Mansky agrees to play. However his drinking problem becomes apparent when he is found unconscious in his hotel room. Amphetamine drugs help to regain his consciousness before he has to go on to the chess match stage to make his first official appearance as the replacement American player. He is unable to make the first ceremonial move on the chess board after his opponent as he sees 8900 moves at one time. Mansky is housed in the hotel venue of the chess match Palace of Culture and Science and meets the hotel director (Alfred Slega) who also seems to like alcohol. The hotel director is told by a Soviet general major (General Krutov, Russian counter-intelligence) to 'look after' Mansky, implying he will keep the American chess player drunk. The film cuts to 4 days before the opening scene. Mansky recalls he got drunk with the hotel director in the morning and does not recall the day at all including the first chess game. Agent Stone reveals that he won the game in 32 moves only. Mansky's eccentric behaviour and alcoholism is revealed to be partly due to his sheer brilliance, with alcohol slowing his brain function enough to operate more normally. The Russian general major meets Gavrylov, and encourages him to keep playing on despite losing the first match. He tells Alfred to deny the American delegation alcohol. However, Mansky continues to access alcohol, smuggling it from functions he attends as part of the Chess social evenings. In the second game, a hypnotist in the audience blocks Mansky's thoughts and he concedes the game. Agent White pursues the hypnotist out of the chest game theatre, but is stopped by members of the Soviet group, who threaten his family who they know a lot about, including his wife being pregnant. Among the tournament attendees is a Soviet officer who is working with the Americans, Agent White tells Agent Stone they call him Gift. He is not sure how to identify him.
Alfred Slega befriends Mansky, and comes to him via a secret back door into his room wardrobe that allows passage into the toilets in the lobby, where he hides some alcohol for Mansky to secretly use as needed. He shares his personal experience of Soviet influence over communist Poland with Mansky, and views the Warsaw Pact as merely a continuation of the Nazi occupation. Together, they sneak in and out of the hotel through the Warsaw sewers, and Mansky learns the topography of the city through the Hotel Director as if it were a chess board. Alfred possesses a red book that allows immunity from questioning from Soviet troops. They go to a bar where they meet many of the Director’s friends, who support Mansky in the chess more than Gavrylov, and who are sympathetic to American values. The next day Agent White visits Mansky’s room, which is now shown to be bugged by the Soviets. He tells Mansky that someone may approach him in Soviet uniform that he can trust, who has a scar at the back of his right hand. Before Agent White can say anymore, he dies in Mansky’s arms, poisoned. Mansky calls Agent Stone, who asks Mansky why Agent White came into his room. Mansky says the room is bugged, but Agent Stone tells him the room is clean. Mansky becomes distraught, so Stone takes him to the US embassy on medical grounds, where they try to brief him on the latest in Cuba. The third game is considered a draw due to his feigned illness. The agents tell Mansky about John Gift, a code name for a high ranking Soviet officer who is a spy, who only Agent White was working with. He was going to deliver the blueprints for the warheads in Cuba, but the Soviets stung the Americans in Moscow with the assistance of a spy within the Americans; given Gift was coming to Warsaw for the tournament, the chess game is in fact a game within a game, Gift searching for an opportunity to provide critical information to the Americans regarding Soviet capabilities and intentions in Cuba. Gift knows he can trust Mansky, as clearly he cannot be a spy. Agent Stone tells Mansky he needs to get the microfilm of the blueprints from Gift, hidden within a champagne cork. To do this, Mansky has to make the next game a draw, so the Soviet delegation comes to the after-match social event. General Krutov explains to one of his staff that Americans call a democracy one in which they discriminate against women and Black peoples, and perpetuate social inequality between the rich and the worker, and force poorer nations to give away their riches to the USA, waging war against those who do not follow the American model by nationalising their industries. Mansky's relates to Agent Stone on their return to the hotel his prior assistance to Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project, which birthed the profoundly destructive power of nuclear weapons into human hands, for which he remains regretful. During the fourth game, Mansky looks to the audience often during the game, his thinking obviously not on the game, speculating who might be John Gift. In a break period, he goes to the lobby toilets to drink some of the hidden alcohol whereupon General Krutov’s staff member enters his cubicle and hands him a cork. Agent Stone then enters the cubicle, and tells Mansky to keep the cork despite Mansky offering it to her. Then both her and the other Soviet are attacked and killed in the toilet by a man in Soviet uniform. Mansky returns to the game, which is back to the opening scene of the film. His brain, suddenly transformed by the alcohol, switches on and he proposes a draw to the judges. His opponent turns this down disdainfully, as Mansky is clearly in a bad position from the earlier passage of play. Mansky then makes a number of quick moves in the game interspersed by countermoves by an increasingly frustrated Gavrylov and when he proposes a draw again to the judges, Gavrylov agrees and he applauds Mansky, squaring the series 2-2. When Mansky asks to go back to the US embassy he is told the American delegation have to stay in the hotel quarantined, Mansky goes back to his room, and the usual social event after the match carries on without him, the rest of the Soviet delegation being present along with Gavrylov. Alfred smuggles some alcohol out of the event and brings it to Mansky’s room via the secret entrance in his wardrobe. Mansky asks him for help; Alfred switches on the radio loud, clearly knowing the room is bugged. Alfred says he cannot help Mansky leave the hotel, but gives him the red book, and says to not allow the Soviets to trace it back to him in case Mansky gets caught. Mansky goes into the lobby toilets by the secret passageways, and escapes into the city to head to the US embassy. The world is now 24 hours from a confrontation between the USA and the USSR. At the US embassy, in the safe room, he recounts the events to Agent Novak – and says that Gift killed Stone, who was going to kill Mansky. Gift gave him another cork, and soaked the one Mansky had gotten earlier in Stone’s blood, to help him identify the bad one. He then told Mansky to remember the word Rakirovka. It still is not clear to Novak whether Stone is the spy or not, and he has four hours to give President Kennedy a decision on whether to place a blockade around Cuba or not. Mansky is not sure who to trust, as Agent White did not tell Novak about the scar on Gift’s hand either. Novak tells Mansky that the cork soaked in Stone’s blood says the nuclear weapons are ready; the one given by Gift suggests the Soviets are bluffing. President Kennedy wants to communicate with Mansky by secure telegram, who wonders whether Gift is not on the American’s side at all. Using a riddle, Mansky passes a message to the President, and Kennedy announces a blockade of ships to Cuba containing offensive material. Mansky tells Novak to thank Gift. General Krutov and the Soviets find the dead bodies in the lobby toilet, and he discovers Mansky’s secret alcohol, realising that the Hotel Director Alfred must have befriended Mansky. Novak tells Mansky that Rakirovka means castling, meaning imminent danger. Krutov realises with Kennedy’s announcement that the Soviets have lost this battle, and orders a search for the spy in their midst, and for the Hotel Director to be summoned to him, who he tortures, as he knows he Alfred put Mansky in the room with the secret passage, and is sympathetic to America. At the fifth and deciding game, Mansky sees Gift outside in the lobby. A man in Soviet uniform is then seen to exit the hotel via the secret passages Mansky has been using all this time, whilst Gavrylov awaits for Mansky to appear at the chess table. At the exit of the secret passages into the alley leading into the streets of Warsaw, Krutov and his team are waiting. The man in the Soviet uniform they apprehend coming out of the secret passage is actually Mansky, whilst Gift uses the red book which Alfred gave to Mansky to leave the hotel which is under quarantine by Krutov to try to find the spy. Gift is wearing Mansky’s clothes. Novak rushes into the alley and stops Krutov from killing Mansky as he is protected by diplomatic immunity. Mansky cannot appear in the final game, which is forfeit, and Gavrylov wins the tournament. Novak flies Mansky back to the USA. The press at the airport accuse Mansky of having humiliated the USA despite him having avoided nuclear war without their knowing. Novak says to Mansky that he is a citizen hero and will be looked after, and hands him a hip flask. Novak exits the car and Gift enters the car to join Mansky, who gives Alfred’s red book to him, saying he was killed. Gift says he saw the Soviet order of attack. Mansky tells Gift that Novak wants to take care of them, but gives Gifts the hip flask, and leaves the car, not wanting Novak’s protection. Talks commence between the United States and the Soviet Union, which ultimately result in mutual deescalation steps such as the withdrawal of nuclear-tipped missiles from some territories. The final montage goes on to mention later nuclear arms control agreements such as the INF of 1987, and later US assistance with nuclear disarmament in former communist countries in the Eastern Bloc after the Revolutions of 1989. However, the epilogue notes: "In February 2019, the United States suspended compliance with the INF treaty. The same day, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia also suspended the INF treaty and will develop new intermediate-range missiles." "Our moral imperative is to work with all powers for that day when the children of the world will grow up without the fear of nuclear war." - Ronald Reagan
In the aftermath of a battle with the forces of Apokolips, Batman discovers that Cyborg has been kidnapped. On Apokolips, Cyborg is being tortured by DeSaad, who reveals that one-half of the Anti-Life Equation exists within his cybernetic body and that Darkseid intends to merge it with the half already in his possession. Darkseid summons the Black Racer, who is immediately restrained and has his essence extracted to keep Cyborg alive during the procedure. In merging the Anti-Life Equation together it becomes corrupted, manifesting itself as a techno-organic virus which infects Darkseid, causing him to go into a psychotic rampage, kill the Black Racer and leap into the core of Apokolips. DeSaad attempts to stop the virus spread by sending Cyborg back to Earth, but Darkseid unleashes the full-power of his Omega Beams, obliterating the planet.
Arriving in Metropolis, Cyborg's systems come back online, allowing the virus to jump onto the internet. Hundreds of millions of people are infected instantly as the virus transmits visually from the screens of corrupted devices, transforming infected people within seconds into a feral zombie-esque state that attacks any uninfected in sight. Meanwhile, Superman is talking to Mister Miracle and Big Barda when he begins hearing the anarchy erupting across the planet. Quickly realizing how the infection is spreading, Superman flies to his apartment where his wife Lois Lane, his son Jonathan Samuel Kent (Superboy) and Damian Wayne (Robin) are watching television. Just before Lois is about to look at her phone, Superman destroys the devices with his heat vision, instructing everyone not to look at any screens. In his Batcave, Batman is observing the chaos consuming Gotham through backup analog systems. The Batcomputer informs him that 600 million people have been infected, and that it would only take the virus a few days to corrupt every device connected to the internet. Upon discovering Wayne Manor is still connected to the internet, Batman activates an emergency EMP. He searches for Alfred Pennyworth, Nightwing and Tim Drake, discovering Alfred cornered by the latter two, who are infected. Batman holds the two off in an effort to buy Alfred time to escape, but Batman is bitten and infected.
Elsewhere, Aquaman is overwhelmed by a swarm of infected and both the Joker and Green Lantern are infected from viewing corrupted screens. Green Lantern attacks Green Arrow and Black Canary. Black Canary is forced to kill Jordan whilst defending Green Arrow, unintentionally becoming Jordan's successor in the Green Lantern Corps. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy convinces Harley Quinn to break up with Joker. As Harley gives him the news, the infected Joker begins chasing her. Harley kills the Joker with a shotgun, but is attacked by the infected Birds of Prey. Back in Metropolis, Superman takes Lois, Superboy, and Robin to the roof of the Daily Planet and realizes that everyone inside is infected. At that moment, Superman hears Black Canary's cry and goes to retrieve the newly baptized Green Lantern and Green Arrow. Upon returning, Robin tells everyone that he finally got in contact with Batman. Batman explains to the group that the infected are not zombies, because they are not consumed by hunger. Referring to them as the "Anti-Living", Batman states that they are "stealing" life and spreading death and that it is being caused by the Anti-Life Equation and he too has been infected. In order to save the world, he tells Superman that he must destroy every human carrier as well as the Internet. Before being transformed, Batman tells Robin he is sorry and that Alfred has something for him. Batman succumbs to the infection and attacks Alfred, Alfred apologizes to Bruce before shooting him.
Alfred boards the Batplane heading towards Metropolis. Superman secures the Daily Planet by removing all the infected from the building and blocking the exits. He proceeds to head for Smallville, along the way helping Black Lightning take down an infected Clayface and instructs him and his family to rendezvous at the Daily Planet. Upon arrival at his family ranch, he greets his adopted mother Martha Kent who informs him his adopted father Jon Kent is infected. Superman seals him in the basement of the barn before taking his adopted mother to safety. Meanwhile, Mera is training Garth when they both notice the water above Atlantis darkening with the blood of Atlantean guards Aquaman has infected or killed. Garth inhales some of the blood and becomes infected, joining the infected led by Aquaman before being pushed back by Mera. Mera barely manages to escape as Atlantis falls to the Anti-Living.
In a Project Cadmus lab under Washington, D.C., Amanda Waller and Captain Atom await the return of Atom, who has entered an Anti-Living corpse to find a cure, but Atom fails to appear. Amanda Waller instructs Captain Atom that he has new orders to use his powers to destroy the infected from the worst affected areas of the city. Captain Atom begins destroying infected, but realizes something is wrong and doubles over in pain. The Atom has become infected and secretly invaded Captain Atom’s body and is now attacking and infecting the blood cells of his heart. Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Green Canary finish setting up a broadcast warning over the radio, where Lois Lane relays to any survivors listening to gather in Metropolis to repulse the infected. Mera arrives in Themyscira where Hippolyta and Wonder Woman welcome her. Wonder Woman, after hearing Lois's broadcast, decides to go to Metropolis. Superman and Green Lantern go to Keystone City where they locate the Flash and Kid Flash.
In Gotham City, Harley Quinn is saved by Poison Ivy, who kills the infected Birds of Prey. In Metropolis, an infected Giganta attacks the Daily Planet. Alfred arrives to distract Giganta while Superman knocks her down with a high-speed punch. Wonder Woman attempts to kill Giganta but Superman holds her back, saying that the infected could still be cured. However, Cyborg arrives and kills Giganta, informing them that the Anti-Living are not alive anymore. Alfred gives Robin a Batsuit, and informs him that Bruce is dead. Cyborg informs everyone they must leave, elaborating further that the Anti-Living are extensions of the Anti-Life Equation that can sense life and want to destroy it. At that moment, an injured Hawkgirl falls from the sky, and explains that Captain Atom is about to explode in Washington, D.C. Superman and Wonder Woman attempt to fly him into the upper atmosphere to safely explode, but he detonates in an explosion that instantly vaporizes Washington, D.C, expanding outward and obliterating several major cities. The Daily Planet survivors look on in horror as the blast consumes them all.
Superman and Wonder Woman both survive the explosion. It is revealed that Green Lantern also saved the group at the Daily Planet in a green energy shield bubble. Lex Luthor saddened by the destruction of Metropolis, arrives and offers to join forces with Superman. Over the next few weeks the heroes disable the internet to stop the Equation's spread. Wonder Woman convinces her mother to allow survivors on Themyscira. In one week, Gotham has become a jungle and Batman (Damian Wayne), Green Arrow, and Green Lantern appear outside of the wall of vines. An infected Killer Croc charges towards the trio, but he is killed by the vines, which surround the heroes. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy then emerge from the thicket. The heroes state that they are hoping to set up a sanctuary for survivors in the Gotham jungle and Ivy reluctantly agrees, but with strict rules in place. Luthor and Cyborg work together to build two space arks, in case they ever need to leave Earth. As the days pass, the heroes in the Fortress of Solitude begin to hear a ringing in their ears before Luthor is suddenly bisected. The Flash runs in and is slashed in the back by an infected Martian Manhunter. The heroes fight him until Firestorm kills him with a fire blast. The survivors realize that Barry is infected and loose in the world, infecting and killing thousands. Kid Flash volunteers to stop him, but Superman declares he will go in his place. Superman rams into the Flash head on, obliterating him. Unfortunately, he finds two of Barry's fingers lodged in his abdomen. He returns to the Fortress and tells Wally to send his family into the Speed Force. Superman gives a tearful and emotional farewell to his family and flies into space to deprive himself of oxygen, but before he can die, his transformation begins.
An infected Superman begins his attack in New York. Cyborg declares they must evacuate the planet, but Lois says Superman will destroy the arks and must be stopped first. Damian reveals that he possesses a shard of kryptonite, which he gives to Cyborg. Wonder Woman states that it will not be enough and they must use lethal force against Superman. She tells Green Lantern and Cyborg to come with her, while ordering everyone else to go to the Gotham Jungle and Themyscira to prepare for departure. In Superman's forge, Wonder Women imbues the kryptonite with her magic-infused Sword of Athena, forging a weapon that combines Superman's two principal weaknesses. The trio then head out to confront Superman. With the evacuation from the Gotham Jungle completed, Poison Ivy declares she cannot abandon the Green and Harley decides to stay with her. In Themyscira, the survivors are attacked by the infected Aquaman and Kraken. Green Arrow quickly dispatches Aquaman by shooting an arrow through his eye. An army of infected Atlanteans lay siege to the island, and the whole Amazonian army lead a counterattack. The Amazons hold the line as the last refugees board the ark. Antiope is infected during the fight, and Queen Hippolyta elects to stay behind along with the remaining Amazons to cover the ark's escape, giving Wonder Girl her tiara. In the ruins of New York City, the heroes begin their attack against Superman. Both Green Lantern and Cyborg weaken Superman enough to allow Wonder Woman to get close, cut off Superman's right arm and stab him in the chest. The attack fails to stop Superman, and he delivers a lethal punch through Wonder Woman's abdomen. Spotting the fleeing arks, Superman abandons the fight. A dying Wonder Woman tells Green Lantern and Cyborg that Superman must be stopped and hands Lantern the kryptonite sword. Cyborg elects to stay behind with Wonder Woman until she turns.
On one of the arks, Superboy asks Batman to take care of his mother before departing at full-speed towards his father, colliding with him in order to buy the arks time to escape. The impact knocks Superboy out and breaks his arm, just as Green Lantern arrives on the scene. Before Superman can attack either of them, the entire Green Lantern Corps appear. Having become aware of the pandemic on Earth, Ganthet explains the Guardians decided to quarantine the planet. Realizing that the Green Lantern Corps are too powerful to take on alone, the infected Superman retreats into the Sun and begins absorbing it. Ganthet states the Corps does not have the power to reach into the Sun's core to stop Superman directly. He realizes that in time, Superman will completely absorb the Sun and the Sol System will gradually grow cold, dooming all life remaining in the system. He also states that the virus will likely go dormant after such an event occurs. Ganthet and the Green Lantern Corps escort the survivors to a new world to settle on.
On Earth, a now infected Wonder Woman is interrogated by Cyborg with the Lasso of Truth to find out if there is a cure. The Equation responds through Wonder Woman that the cure lies within Cyborg, revealing the virus is sentient and controls its victims as a hive mind. It explains to Cyborg that being both man and machine, he is the solution to the crisis as it too is a binary construct. Horrified at the revelation that the pandemic was entirely curable and all of deaths and sacrifices were ultimately unnecessary, Cyborg carelessly lets go of the Lasso of Truth to try and message the fleeing arks. Before he can act on it however, a now freed infected Wonder Woman takes the opportunity to attack him, tearing his head off and tossing him into a ravine. As the arks arrive at their new home, the survivors gaze upon their new homeworld, Earth 2.
Mister Miracle and Big Barda survey the destruction of Apokolips before Boom Tubing back to Earth. Meanwhile, Mister Terrific examines an infected Captain Boomerang and realises he needs to trace the origin of the virus. He journeys to Mister Miracle’s apartment to seek their aid in visiting Apokolips, only to be informed of its annihilation. Seeking another solution Terrific, Miracle and Big Barda track down Blue Beetle and Booster Gold for transportation to England. In Liverpool, John Constantine escapes from a mob of infected only to find his long time companion Chas has turned. Using his magic, he makes Chas combust before escaping the mob and crashing. He is woken by Mister Terrific and his group who seek Constantine's help in finding a magical solution to the infection. Constantine says there is no cure and refuses to help the heroes, teleporting himself away.
With technological and magical options expired, Mister Terrific theorises that the only hope for humanity is for Booster Gold to use his time machine. Journeying to Malibu they are attacked by an infected Fire and Ice. Mister Miracle and Big Barda battle the duo to give the other heroes time to find the time machine, but they soon succumb to the mobs of infected. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle locate the time machine, but they are stopped from using it by Waverider. In the Oblivion Bar, John Constantine laments the current situation to Detective Chimp before deciding it is time to be a hero. He teleports to Booster Gold’s time machine where he headbutts Waverider. Before the heroes can use the machine, an infected Big Barda breaks in and tears Mister Terrific in half. While the heroes try and get Booster Gold to the time machine, Booster feels strange and Waverider comments that everything is as it should be. Booster Gold blinks out of existence leaving Big Barda to attack Blue Beetle. Constantine argues with Waverider for choosing this to be the timeline to save. Annoyed by his meddling, Constantine binds himself to Waverider stopping him from re-entering the time stream and leading to his death by the now infected Blue Beetle. As Constantine readies for his own death, Dr. Fate and Zatanna arrive and rescue him.
Deathstroke encounters infected neo-nazis, but becomes one of the infected after attempting to use his phone. A day later his healing factor purges the equation and returns him to normal. Meanwhile, Deathstroke's daughter Rose Wilson is trapped in her apartment. Deathstroke tells her to go on the roof but is attacked by an infected Man-Bat and crashes into the apartment. Rose stabs her father, but Deathstroke yells in pain making Rose realize Deathstroke is not infected. Shortly after, Mirror Master contacts them to protect Vandal Savage, in exchange he will bring them to Savage's hideout on a remote island. The duo agree and find they are not the only ones helping Savage as Deadshot, Bane, Lady Shiva, Cheetah, Captain Cold, Solomon Grundy, and Creeper are also there.
Jason Todd goes to the Batcave and discovers the bodies of Nightwing, Batman, and Tim Drake. He buries them and takes Batman's dog, Ace, with him in the Batmobile. Using a tracking computer, Jason discovers only two members of the Bat family are still alive in Gotham. At the Gotham City Police Department, Cassandra Cain, Harvey Bullock, and Commissioner James Gordon are fighting off infected when Harvey is slashed. He begs Gordon to kill him, but Cassandra intervenes and breaks his neck. Jason arrives in the Batmobile and dispatches the infected. He takes Gordan and Cassandra with him. As they leave Gotham, Jason informs Gordon of the civilian identities of the Bat family and tells them of their deaths, including his daughter, Barbara Gordon. He takes Gordon to Barbara's corpse. Jason then takes the trio to Bludhaven where they arrive at an orphanage with only children left.
The orphans tell them that an unknown hero locked all the infected in a cafeteria and provided the children ample food before disappearing. Three weeks later, Jason tells Gordon that they must neutralize the infected in the cafeteria, but Gordon replies he will not willingly kill infected children. Cassandra calls the two over the radio, where they overhear Lois Lane's final evacuation message. Jason and Cassandra believe they could make it to the evacuation in Gotham City, but Gordon argues that they couldn't safely get all the children there. The trio decide not to tell the children that their heroes left them. Meanwhile, Mirror Master tells Shiva that he's found Cassandra, and Shiva arrives in Bludhaven in an attempt to convince her daughter to join her but the two argue and begin to fight. Jason tries to intervene and is knocked out by Shiva. Gordon and some of the children arrive to diffuse the fight, and Cassandra declares that this is her family now and offers Shiva to stay with them. Shiva refuses and leaves with Mirror Master to their hideout. Upon her return, Savage berates Shiva for using Mirror Master. Deathstroke states that Savage needs to avoid upsetting the other villains in order for the group to survive. Savage apologizes and asks Deathstroke to accompany him. Inside, Creeper is being vivisected by Solomon Grundy and Savage orders Grundy to knock Deathstroke out. Deathstroke wakes up, finding Savage ready to vivisect both Deathstroke and Creeper's organs to discover how they manage to overcome the infection and create a vaccine. Rose arrives and stabs Savage. As she saves both Slade and Creeper she suddenly tells everyone to run, as an infected Wonder Woman comes crashing in. Wonder Woman rips Savage in half and is charged at by Grundy, who she punches through the wall. All the villains in the hideout open fire on Wonder Woman as Mirror Master opens a portal back to the orphanage for the villains to escape. Captain Cold stays behind to hold off Wonder Woman, Mirror Master goes back to get Captain Cold but is bitten by him. Slade realizes that both Mirror Master and Captain Cold are infected since they do not return in time. The heroes and villains decide to make the orphanage their last stand.
Deathstroke explains that the Anti-Living can likely sense living creatures to explain how Wonder Woman found their hideout. Jason concurs with this theory as a horde of Anti-living have been accumulating outside the orphanages walls. Deathstroke proposes that everyone in the orphanage must be prepared to face off the Anti-Living. Gordon opposes this plan but eventually acquiesces to the training of the children, as long as the villains do not abuse their hospitality or commit any crimes. Rose points out the infected sealed in the cafeteria, and the villains agree that they must be eliminated. Gordon refuses at first, but ultimately allows them to kill the infected inside, including an infected Billy Batson. For three months, Batgirl and the remaining villains teach the kids various fighting skills. The villains slowly start to bond with the kids, Deadshot teaches a boy named Zaid how to shoot with a slingshot, Solomon Grundy plays with the children, and Cheetah grows attached to a girl named Matilda. Deathstroke and Jason argue over the harshness of his training before imploring Jason and Rose to take advantage of finding happiness together. One night, while patrolling the orphanage, Bane gets slashed by an infected Mirror Master, while Deadshot sacrifices himself to save Zaid from being taken by him. Gordon realizes they must avoid mirrors at all cost before finding an injured Cassandra. She informs him that Bane ran right through her to the outside, where the group spots the infected Bane opening a hole in the walls surrounding the orphanage, allowing the horde of infected to enter.
Bane and the infected charge at the group as Gordon orders everyone inside. Before Bane can pursue, Solomon Grundy arrives and rips off Bane's head and throws it at the infected. Creeper saves Solomon Grundy from a swarm of infected as the remaining group retreat deeper into the orphanage. Gordon suggest they go to Ivy's garden in Gotham City and the group boards two armored school buses led by the Batmobile. On the bus, Mirror Master attacks Slade before taking two of the children through the windows, but Cheetah kills Mirror Master before he can take Matilda. The survivors regroup and continue towards Gotham as Ivy's garden comes into view, but also discover a massive horde of Anti-Living outside of it. Before they can proceed an infected Wonder Woman slams into the Batmobile while a horde of infected swarm the group. Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, and Creeper disembark to fight off the infected Wonder Woman and buy the group some time. Cassandra leads the children from Deathstroke's now broken bus to Lady Shiva's bus, but Cassandra is pulled off before she can board. Lady Shiva instructs a girl named Letitia to keep on driving, while she goes and helps Cassandra back onboard, but before she can board the bus, Shiva is slashed by an infected. Lady Shiva tells Cassandra that she was the only person she admired, before committing suicide.
The infected Wonder Woman kills Cheetah, Creeper, and Solomon Grundy. Deathstroke tells Jason to take care of Rose, and Rose hugs Deathstroke before Slade stays behind to make a final stand. He faces off waves of Anti-Living, before being killed by Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman then pursues and grabs the bus, lifting it into the air and hurling it at the ground. Before it hits the ground, someone yells "Shazam!" and Mary Marvel arrives preventing the bus from crashing. Mary reveals that she was the mystery hero who locked the infected away in the cafeteria, and easily takes down the infected Wonder Woman. She takes the remaining survivors into the sanctuary where they are greeted by Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Doctor Fate, John Constantine, and Zatanna. Doctor Fate explains they are truly safe as the Anti-Living cannot breach the walls of the garden as it has been enchanted with magic. The remaining characters finally relax, but not before erecting a statue of the fallen villains, as a memorial for their sacrifice.
An anthology series featuring stories of various heroes. Jimmy Olsen saves some of his co-workers in the initial outbreak of the virus and documents the heroes' actions throughout the DCeased event. A time-jump foreshadows the coming of an Anti-Life Army. In Kahndaq, Black Adam stops the initial spread of the virus by killing any infected citizens. Martian Manhunter recruits Superman and Wonder Woman to ask Black Adam to open Khandaq's borders but he refuses. Adam tours Kahndaq but is attacked by an infected boy. As he tries to shout "Shazam!", the boy claws at his face, and he transforms back into a turned Black Adam. In Keystone City, Wally West, Max Mercury, Impulse and Jesse Quick evacuate the uninfected residents to an alternate Earth. While they succeed, Max becomes infected. Before he can turn, Wally runs with him so he can join the Speed Force.
Set five years after the original mini-series, Dead Planet follows the New Justice League as they return to an Earth now overrun with the anti-living in search of Cyborg, who managed to activate a distress beacon in his head (secretly installed by Batman) to transmit a message in Morse code. As a group of heroes (Jonathan Kent as the new Superman, Damian Wayne as the new Batman) return to Earth to respond to the signal, they are attacked by Wonder Woman, who infects Green Arrow before Jonathan can talk with Cyborg and confirms that there is a cure for the infection but not before getting stabbed by a vengeful Black Canary who kills Wonder Woman.
While guarding Chicago, Roy Harper is killed by Beatriz da Costa when the group of civilians are saved by Shadowpact (Zatanna, Blue Devil, Ragman, Ravager, and Red Hood) led by Zatanna. Wonder Girl takes Jonathan to where Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy's sanctuary are to heal him where they meet Mary Marvel, Doctor Fate and Jason Todd. Cyborg tells everyone there's a cure while Swamp Thing takes Shadowpact to save a garden that has access to the Green when they realize it is a zombified Plastic Man who apparently kills Zatanna.
Blue Devil saves Zatanna but at the cost of his life, and Swamp Thing protects the group long enough for Zatanna to kill Plastic Man, but Shadowpact is attacked by Penguin, Maxwell Lord, Professor Ivo, and Jason Blood. Jason Blood tells John Constantine that Trigon is coming for Earth since the Anti-Life is preventing people from dying. Swamp Thing is angered that the villains are torturing Floronic Man which harms the Green, and Shadowpact escapes, with Penguin planning to use an army of Amazos to take over the earth. Damian Wayne warmly embraces Commissioner James Gordon and Jonathan wakes up with Krypto by his side, and Cyborg tells everyone that the cure is inside him, he just forgot how to access it. John Constantine goes to Mister Miracle (who is alcoholic ever since Big Barda was infected and Booster Gold died) for help to get a Motherbox.
John Constantine and Mister Miracle with the rest of the group to track down the Mobius Chair used by Metron and offer him Madam Xanadu's Crystal ball which allows people to see the future. Jonathan enlists Black Canary's help who went away to take care of zombified Green Arrow and Mary Marvel promises Dr. Fate will take care of Green Arrow. Wonder Girl, Jonathan, Mary Marvel, Cyborg, and Mr. Miracle meet the New Gods to rest and later convince Metron to let them sit in the Chair by telling him that if the Anti-Life wins then there will be no new knowledge. Cyborg learns to recode his blood and he will have the cure, and everyone leaves just as Darkseid comes back and attacks the New Gods.
John Constantine and Swamp Thing learn that Trigon will arrive in three days so John Contantine enlists the help of Red Hood, Damian, Cassandra Cain and Swamp Thing to go to the hidden city of Nanda Parbat to get the Spear of Destiny from Deadman and John Constantine wounds Rama Kushna and takes down Deadman before going to the Rock of Eternity where a zombified Captain Marvel Jr. kills Red Hood, and Cassandra Cain acquires the powers of Shazam by taking the staff from Shazam to kill Captain Marvel Jr. Damian punches John Constantine, and Spectre appears in front of John Constantine but leaves after John Constantine tells him to look in his mind.
Swamp Thing links Damian, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Wallace West, Detective Chimp, Mary Marvel, and Cyborg to the Green to create the cure. Mister Miracle convinces Black Canary to let Big Barda be the test subject since she can handle it, and soon the cure works. Zatanna and the Phantom Stranger confront John Constantine on his actions but just then Mr. Miracle, Barba, Black Canary and Jonathan arrive. John Constantine tells everyone that the villains are acquiring an Amazo army to kill all of the Anti-Life people, so Wallace West uses his super speed to read all the libraries in order to be an expert in manufacturing the cure, but Trigon appears.
John Constantine gets Doctor Fate's helmet, the Spear of Destiny, and the staff of Shazam to become more powerful and absorbs the souls of Penguin, Maxwell Lord, and Professor Ivo. Superman and Flash race around the world to cure people, and Superman weakens Trigon long enough for John Constantine to take control of Trigon and stab himself with the Spear of Destiny, killing Trigon once and for all. John Constantine's spirit says goodbye to Zatanna, accepting that his actions have also destroyed his own soul as this saves him from the suffering awaiting him if he died naturally, and the rest of the superheroes cure everyone, with Black Canary reuniting with Green Arrow.
Malorie escapes from a psychiatric hospital. She doesn't remember why she ended up in that place. Malorie arrives in Fortuna Lake, where she meets Jared, a mysterious neighbor. Together with him, she will try to recover some of the clarity she has lost in recent weeks, to escape those who are stalking her, to understand the dark hallucinations that torment her and to discover the relationship they have with Susan's disappearance.
The owner of a struggling department store is found dead, shortly before a controversial takeover. Barbara, his goddaughter and secretary, is suspected by the police of murder.
Eliane, or "Elle", a beautiful young woman settles into a mountain village with her Austrian mother (whom the local people mistake for a German and call 'Eva Braun') and disabled father Gabriel. Soon she becomes talk of the town because of her aloof but at the same time, sexually provocative behavior. She has an affair with Florimond Montecciari, nicknamed Ping-Pong, a car mechanic and volunteer fireman. Soon Eliane insinuates herself into the Montecciari household, and starts inquiring about Ping-Pong's late father, and the old piano that the family keeps in the barn. It turns out that Eliane is out to avenge the long-ago rape of her own mother by three men who had arrived at her isolated house in a van which contained an old piano which they were delivering. Eliane is the child of that rape, and doesn't know her real father.
Since the father of the Montecciaris is already dead, she decides to take revenge on the two suspects who are still alive: Leballech and his brother-in-law Touret. She poses as a young teacher and rents an apartment from Touret to be closer to her targets. At the same time she marries Ping-Pong. Soon after the wedding, she disappears and is later found in Marseille. She has regressed into childhood, and has to be institutionalized in a clinic. Seeing his wife's mental state, Ping-Pong believes that Eliane is the victim of Leballech and Touret who prostituted her, according to the rumors she spread before she had lost her mind. He tracks down and shoots both men before realizing his mistake. He discovers that Eliane was wrong: her adoptive father Gabriel had long ago shot the real culprits. Ping-Pong is arrested and recounts the whole story to his attorney.
A wizard of the evil Brotherhood of the Bolt, Morlach the Malicious, plans to break into the Barrow of Shaltor Plain in order to find something that will either allow him to become a powerful lich, or to rise to power in the locality.
Several scenarios are detailed that a game-master can develop into a series of adventures. Plots include including an expedition to a tomb and an attempt to enter a guarded castle undetected.
The book also includes new traps, monsters and detailed histories and descriptions of non-player characters.
The scenarios are not keyed to any particular role-playing game system, so the game-master must choose a game system and adapt the material to it.
The Druids of Yamath, defeated in the previous volume, plot with the Sarks of Shembis and Tsargol to destroy their mutual enemy Thongor of Valkarth and restore their dominion. They resolve to have his beloved, Sumia of Patanga, abducted by assassin Zandar Zan, using her to lure Thongor into a trap.
The scheme goes awry; Sumia falls into the sea from Zandar's airboat, and is rescued by exiled Rmoahal tribesman Shangoth, while Zandar himself, fleeing from the pursuing Thongor, crashes into a mountain. Fearing both dead, Thongor exits his own airboat to search for them, only to have Zandar, who has survived, steal it.
The stranded Thongor happens on Shangoth's father, the Rmoahal chieftain, being tortured by the shaman who exiled them, and rescues him. Meanwhile, Sumia and Shangoth are taken captive by Adamancus, one of the Nine Magicians of Zaar who are the secret power behind the Yamath Druids.
Thongor overtakes Zandar Zan, who falls to his doom from the airboat. In the recovered boat, Thongor arrives at Adamancus's lair in time to save Sumia and Shangoth from being sacrified to a devil the magician has summoned.
With the Rmoahals' aid he goes on to defeat the combined forces of Shembis and Tsargol, which then become part of his empire.
The eight survivors of the Nine Magicians of Zaar, whose colleague Adamancus was killed in the previous volume, cloak their Rmoahal henchmen in invisibility, enabling them to capture their nemesis Thongor. The Rmoahal take him to their castle to turn him over to their masters. He escapes into its catacombs where he destroys an ancient worm god, but is retaken by the Zaarians. Mardanax of Zaar then flies him on a pterodactyl to the city of magicians.
Thongor's ally, the exiled Rmoahal prince Shangoth, infiltrates the city to rescue him. The two manage to turn the tables on the magicians, reflecting their own spells against them. Only Mardanax escapes the slaughter.
The book includes a frontispiece map by the author of part of Lemuria.
The film is based on a true story about a war of love for a mother and a devoted mother who lost a child in the tsunami.
Seeking vengeance on his enemy, evil magician Mardanax of Zaar, infiltrates Patanga, capital city of Thongor's growing Lemurian empire. He succeeds in striking Thongor down and drugging his wife Queen Sumia into pliability. Under Mardanax's sway she agrees to wed the nobleman the Zaarian has marked out to be his puppet ruler.
The young officer Charn Thovis, fearing for the safety of Thongor and Sumia's young son Thar, spirits the prince away, but a giant flying lizard forces their airboat down and the two fall into the hands of Barim Redbeard's pirates from the rogue city-state of Tarakus. Concealing their identities, the two at first are able to join the crew, but Thar is soon found out and taken hostage by the pirate king Kashtar.
Meanwhile, Thongor's spirit-form passes through a gloomy netherworld, receiving messages regarding his destiny, culminating in a personal encounter with Father Gorm, chief of the Nineteen Gods, who tells him how he has been marked for greatness and must return to the world of the living to complete his work. He is granted visions of a future extending from his own impending conquest of the whole continent through several cataclysms in which the civilization of Lemuria is succeeded by that of Atlantis, and ultimately, "at the end of time," early Egypt. The culmination of his historical vision is thus the beginning of our own recorded history. The author implies that Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age and its premier hero Conan the Barbarian fits into this grand panorama.
In Tarakus, Charn and Thar's shipmates help them escape and return to Patanga to prevent Sumia's forced wedding. Their airboat crashes the ceremony, and the machinations of Mardanax are exposed as Thongor leaps from his coffin and dispatches him.
The book includes a frontispiece map by the author of "Patanga, City of the Flame" and a semifictional appendix on "The Source of the Lemurian Mythos" in which he claims to have derived the overall storyline of the Thongor books from a translation of the rare Indian scriptures known as the ''Upa-Puranas'' in combination with some of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophic notions of prehistorical races. The ''Upa-Puranas'' do not in fact exist.
Kashtar, ruler of the pirate city-state of Tarakus, joins forces with a wizard who has dabbled in the forbidden secrets of lost Nianga, among them, a ray that causes madness--"the Gray Death," as it is known to its victims. With it, Kashtar hopes to conquer all Lemuria, and incidentally escape having his realm absorbed into the growing empire of Patanga, ruled by the upstart barbarian conqueror Thongor.
After Kashtar takes the best ship in Patanga's fleet and captures Thongor's old friend Karm Karvus, Thongor determines to free him and gain intelligence by sneaking into Tarakus. Posing as a crewman of Barim Redbeard, the pirate captain who helped his son escape Kashtar in the previous volume, he suits deed to word, only to be separated from his allies before he can reach his goal. He has to continue on to his goal on his own.
As Thongor approaches the city, he meets Karm Karvus, who has escaped on his own along with an imprisoned princess, and learns the pirate invasion fleet has set out for Patanga. Fortunately, they are able to link up again with Barim's ship and infiltrate the fleet as originally intended. Taking the ship bearing the death ray, they turn it on the enemy's own vessels. Once Tarakus is defeated in battle, it is annexed to Thongor's empire.
The book includes a frontispiece map by the author of part of Lemuria and concludes with an "Author's Note."
Kei Kunieda, a popular TV host, is known for his professional behavior, but his behavior is the opposite in private. One day, Ushio Tsuzuki, a stop-motion animator, discovers his off-camera personality when they run into each other at the grocery store, where a bicycle accident causes Ushio to injure his wrist. Kei is forced to help Ushio while he recovers, and in an attempt to prevent him from discovering his secret, he gives his name as "Owari." Ushio, however, comes to love him for who he truly is, and Kei struggles with his own feelings as well as hiding the truth from him.
Philip Clark (Casey Affleck) is a psychiatrist who lives a peaceful life with his wife Grace (Michelle Monaghan) and daughter Lucy, while grieving the death of his son, Evan, after a car accident three years prior. Among Philip's clients is Daphne Flagg (Emily Alyn Lind), a young depressive woman recovering from an abusive relationship, which she was able to leave with the support of Philip's therapy. Daphne is writing a book about her mental illness.
One afternoon, Philip receives a call from Daphne, who tells him that her best friend Joan has been killed in a hit-and-run accident. Later, Daphne is found dead outside her home, which the police believe to be suicide. Philip comforts her estranged British brother, James (Sam Claflin), who arrives at the scene extremely distraught. The next evening, James drops by Philip's house to drop off a book that Daphne had borrowed; sympathetic, Grace invites him to stay for dinner. Philip learns that James has written several books and is interested in buying one called ''Shadow Cast'', which will take two weeks to arrive.
Dr. Vanessa Fanning (Veronica Ferres) confronts Philip for his unconventional methods used to help Daphne, which included confiding things in her he had not shared with his family. Grace meets up with James to discuss selling his sister's house. She tells him that despite Philip's profession, he has been unable to address the pain of losing Evan and their marriage is distant as a result. Philip soon notices an inappropriate connection between them and asks James to stay away from his family. Grace secretly goes to see James again and, despite her attempts to break off their relationship, they have sex.
James files a formal complaint to the Washington Board of Psychiatry against Philip, and he is suspended from his practice until it is fully investigated. James also befriends Lucy, who has a history of discipline and drug problems stemming from her grief over losing her brother, and they soon form a romantic connection. Lucy expresses a desire to run away, and he persuades her to pack her bags so they can do so together, but then later ignores her phone calls, leaving her heartbroken as a result.
When Grace's car breaks down, James appears and offers her a ride home. He purposely misses a turn and begins driving erratically before knocking Grace unconscious as she attempts to alert Philip. Philip chases them down and saves Grace. Back at home, they tell Lucy that James is a dangerous man but she does not believe them, brainwashed by the idea that they are in a relationship. Philip receives a call from Dr. Toth who tells him that James admitted himself to a psychiatry facility due to auditory hallucinations. Philip visits James who admits that he read Daphne's book about her therapy with Philip, as well as Philip's family background. As he is escorted back into his cell, James maniacally tells Philip that he "still smells" Grace.
Philip finally receives "Shadow Cast" and sees the real James Flagg on the back cover, revealing the James they have all met is an American man called Eric Dalton, Daphne's abusive ex-boyfriend. Philip discovers that Eric is psychotic; he killed Joan to make Daphne distraught in hopes that she would go back to him, and when she didn't, he murdered Daphne. Philip realises Eric has been taunting his family because he helped Daphne end her relationship with him. Philip calls Dr. Toth to order him to lock Eric down, but he has already escaped after killing security.
Realising that Eric is going after Lucy, Philip and Grace race back to their house. Eric attacks Lucy and, after a violent struggle, Grace kills him with the blade of Evan's old ice-skating boot. The three embrace as the police sirens approach.
The narrator "I" in “The Rainy Spell” recalls the events that took place in his family during the Korean War in 1950. Back then his maternal uncle joins the military while his paternal uncle becomes a North Korean partisan. “I”, an elementary school student, unknowingly informs the whereabouts of his paternal uncle, which makes him hated by the narrator’s paternal grandmother. However, as his maternal grandmother sides with him, the relationship between his maternal and paternal grandmother gets worse.
With the start of ''jangma'', the maternal grandmother receives the death notice of her son. The following day, the maternal grandmother curses toward the mountain where partisans reportedly hide and the paternal grandmother gets angry with her. The fortune teller predicts the return of the partisan uncle and tells the day when he will return. The paternal grandmother prepares to greet him. On the day when the partisan uncle is expected to come, a big snake appears instead of him and the paternal grandmother screams and loses consciousness. When other families are in confusion, the other grandmother treats the snake like the paternal uncle and has a ceremony by plucking a few of the paternal grandmother’s hairs and burning them to lead the snake away. As the snake leaves the house, the confusion ends. The narrator’s paternal grandmother, after regaining consciousness, expressed thanks to the maternal grandmother, which leads to the reconciliation of the two. Just before her death, the paternal grandmother forgives “I”.
In 1978, Patrizia Reggiani is working as an office manager within her father's small trucking firm. At a party, Patrizia meets Maurizio Gucci, a law student and heir to a 50% interest in the Gucci fashion house through his father Rodolfo. Patrizia aggressively pursues the awkward Maurizio, charming him into love. Rodolfo warns Maurizio that Patrizia is only after wealth and tells Maurizio that he will disinherit him if he marries Patrizia; Maurizio chooses Patrizia over his connection to Gucci, leaving the family. Patrizia and Maurizio marry, and Maurizio takes a job at the Reggiani trucking company. When Patrizia becomes pregnant, she sees her child as an avenue for familial reconciliation. She lets it slip to Maurizio's uncle Aldo that she is pregnant; Aldo is delighted by the news and takes the couple under his wing. Aldo introduces Patrizia to his eccentric son Paolo, who aspires to be a designer within Gucci despite his lack of talent. Thanks to Aldo, Maurizio and a terminally ill Rodolfo reconcile shortly before the latter's death. Rodolfo writes Maurizio back into his will, but fails to sign a document transferring the Gucci shares to him before he dies. Patrizia forges Rodolfo's signature, giving Maurizio a 50% interest in Gucci.
Patrizia starts to devise a plot to obtain a controlling interest in Gucci by acquiring some of Aldo and Paolo's shares (the two hold the other 50% interest). She clashes with Aldo over the firm's clandestine sale of cheap "fake" Gucci products on the black market, and begins to consult Giuseppina "Pina", a psychic, for guidance. She manipulates Maurizio, who has little real interest in Gucci, into taking a more active role within the company. Paolo acquires proof that Aldo has been evading taxes in the United States; he gives the proof to Patrizia in exchange for her promise that he will be allowed to design his own line. Aldo is arrested by the IRS and sentenced to a year and a day in prison. Patrizia lies to the Italian police and tells them that Paolo is not authorized to use the Gucci trademark; the police stop his fashion show by force. Patrizia and Maurizio ask Paolo to sell them his shares, but he rebuffs them and cuts ties between them.
Italian police search Maurizio's house and attempt to arrest Maurizio for forging Rodolfo's signature. Maurizio's family flee to Switzerland, where Maurizio meets his old friend Paola Franchi. After an argument between Maurizio and Patrizia, Maurizio decides that he is tired of his wife's influence on himself and the company. He orders his wife and daughter to return to Italy and begins an affair with Paola, which Pina seemingly senses. When Maurizio's business plans harm the company, he seeks assistance from equity company Investcorp, through which he hatches a scheme to acquire shares of the company from a now-impoverished Paolo. Aldo returns from prison and immediately realizes what Paolo has done. When Investcorp offers to buy Aldo out, he refuses until Maurizio reveals himself as the deal's instigator. Dejected, Aldo sells the shares and cuts contact with Maurizio.
Patrizia attempts a reconciliation with Maurizio, but he flatly ignores her. Later, he asks Patrizia for a divorce through his long-time assistant Domenico De Sole, which Patrizia refuses. Maurizio recruits up-and-coming designer Tom Ford to revitalize the company's image through a new line. Ford's products are successful, but Maurizio has so thoroughly mismanaged the company that, by 1995, Investcorp's leaders feel compelled to buy him out, replacing him with Ford and De Sole. Patrizia eventually grows so furious with Maurizio that she asks Pina to help her kill him. Pina puts Patrizia in contact with two hitmen. A few days later, the hitmen shoot Maurizio to death in broad daylight outside his office.
Closing intertitles describe the fate of the remaining characters: Aldo died of prostate cancer in 1990 and Paolo died in poverty shortly following the sale of their shares to Maurizio. Patrizia, Pina, and the hitmen are sentenced to long prison terms following their arrest for murder. Gucci is fully acquired by Investcorp and successfully managed into the present; no Gucci family members remain at the company. In the final scene, Patrizia takes her husband's last name while announcing herself in court, indicating that she still considers herself to be a Gucci even if the law does not.
Following a stint with the yakuza, a fisherman's son named Jiro returns home to his fishing village to find the boats and equipment destroyed by Gen Ashida, son of the boss of the Ashida clan, and his men as punishment for the Yamagata family working together with other fishing families. Jiro's mother does not want a yakuza staying in their village and his childhood friend Reiko explains that his father was killed. His brother Toshio confides that their father Jiro had forgiven Jiro for abandoning the village, whereupon Jiro decides to seek vengeance. Jiro fights his way into Ashida headquarters to confront the boss Ashida himself but Gen catches him whips him as punishment. Jiro's wounds are treated by his neighbors Some and Oritsu while Jiro keeps his true plans for revenge secret from his mother, claiming that he got into a drunken brawl.
Reiko's father Aida, now boss of the fishermen, is told by men from the Ashida clan that they are lowering their payments for fish, even though the village is not allowed to sell to anyone else. Jiro's youngest brother Shinkichi and another young fisherman named Toshi offer to help Jiro kill Ashida. One night the fishermen waste their money on a gambling operation run by Gen's bodyguard Kumai Go but Jiro joins and wins their money back for them. The next day Kumai attempts to win his money back from Jiro but Jiro continues to beat him and uses his winnings to buy information from Kumai about the strength of the Ashida clan, learning that their only weapon is the rifle owned by Gen. During a festival, Shinkichi and Toshi steal fireworks and use them to attack Ashida but Shinkichi is shot by Gen and washes up on the shore to die in Jiro's arms.
Ashida dumps the village's caught fish back into the water in order to inflate prices and refuses to let them go out fishing again, claiming that they would not catch enough to pay for the boats' fuel. Aida is beaten when he resists and Ashida wonders if they should kill Jiro to scare others away from joining forces with the Yamagata family. Gen suggests using Kumai to do it, since he doesn't mind if Kumai gets killed. Instead of sneaking up on Jiro, Kumai presents himself and challenges Jiro to a fair fight. Out of anger, Gen shoots Kumai's dog Koro to death, then shoots Kumai in the arm, preventing their duel from occurring. Jiro returns to the village and finds that Ashida's men have set it on fire but manages to rescue his mother from their burning home that she has run into in order to recover the memorials to her husband and son.
Finally at their breaking point, the various families of fishermen join forces with Jiro to battle the Ashida clan. Jiro instructs them to scatter the hoodlums and take the Ashida fishing boats out to sea to catch fish to sell in their own expanded shops. Kumai tells Jiro that one of Kumai's family members was also killed and that he is switching sides, revealing a large fishing clan tattoo on his back. Ashida's men pursue Jiro's crew of five men to the beach while the other fishermen take the boats out to sea. Jiro's men surprise Ashida's men with Molotov cocktails, then overpower them with swords and pikes. Sensing defeat, Ashida pleads with Gen not to pursue them but Gen rushes in with his rifle. Kumai stops Gen from shooting Jiro and then Gen fatally shoots Kumai before realizing that he has also been fatally stabbed by Kumai. Kumai tells Jiro that he has avenged his dog Koro, then dies. Jiro prepares to kill Ashida but is unable to do it when he sees the distraught father weeping with his dead son in his arms.
The families of fishermen work together using their new boats to catch a multitude of fish and expand their shops, this time selling the fish for their own profit. Jiro leaves them in order to turn himself in to the police for the murders and take sole responsibility for everything that has occurred.
After Sylvanas Windrunner murdered High Overlord Saurfang using otherworldly powers (at the end of ''Battle for Azeroth''), she traveled to Icecrown Citadel and destroyed the Lich King's Helm of Domination, which tears a rift in the sky above Icecrown, leading to the Shadowlands, the realm of the dead. Dark angelic figures kidnap King Anduin Wrynn, former Warchief Thrall, tauren chieftain Baine Bloodhoof and Lady Jaina Proudmoore and hold them in Torghast, the maze-like Tower of the Damned within the Maw. The Cult of the Damned, previously aligned with the Scourge, are now in the service of the "Banished One", and conduct attacks in Icecrown and elsewhere. Aided by Azeroth's champions, Tyrande Whisperwind - empowered by the moon goddess Elune as the "Night Warrior", after the burning of the World Tree Teldrassil - confronts Sylvanas' consort, Nathanos Blightcaller, outside his former homestead in the Eastern Plaguelands of Lordaeron. After he refuses to tell her where Sylvanas is, Tyrande kills him.
The Knights of the Ebon Blade (the order of Death Knights who had broken from the Scourge in ''Wrath of the Lich King'') travel to Stormwind and Orgrimmar to rally the heroes of Azeroth. At the Frozen Throne atop Icecrown Citadel, they open a portal to travel into the Shadowlands using the fragments of the Helm of Domination and arrive in the Maw, a place of eternal damnation. The heroes make their way through the armies of Zovaal the Jailer, the "Banished One" who rules the Maw; it is revealed that Sylvanas has made a pact with the Jailer. Upon finding a waystone placed by the enigmatic "First Ones", the champions escape the Maw and wind up in Oribos, the Eternal City at the center of the Shadowlands. There, they learn that the Arbiter, who judges the souls of the dead, has gone dormant, condemning all incoming souls to the Maw. Because of this, the realms of the Shadowlands are suffering from a drought of Anima, the essence of souls. In order to discover the cause of the disruption, the attendants send the champions to the four realms of the Shadowlands: the Elysium-like Bastion, home of the angelic Kyrian; the plagued crags of Maldraxxus, home of the undead Necrolords; the forests and fields of Ardenweald, home of the enchanted Night Fae, and the castles and villages of Revendreth, home to the vampiric Venthyr.
In Bastion, the heroes discover that the spirit of Uther the Lightbringer, the first Paladin, has joined with a group of renegade Kyrian known as the Forsworn, who seek to overthrow Kyrestia the Firstborne, the Archon of Bastion. Unbeknownst to Uther, they are in the service of the Jailer. An attack by Necrolord forces leads the heroes to Maldraxxus, which is in the throes of civil war; they are joined by Draka, Thrall's mother and member of the House of the Chosen, in collecting the regalia of the Primus, the missing ruler of Maldraxxus. Ardenweald, which has suffered considerably from the drought, is afflicted by a curse connected to the Drust (who had been responsible for the witch cults in Kul Tiras during ''Battle for Azeroth''); the heroes discover the contained spirit of Ysera, the Aspect of the green dragonflight (who had been killed in ''Legion''). Ardenweald's ruler, the Winter Queen, is reluctant to deal with Ysera due to lingering enmity with Elune, but ultimately awakens Ysera as a spirit bound to Ardenweald. In Revendreth, the heroes discover that its ruler, Sire Denathrius, is in league with the Jailer, and has stockpiled a massive cache of Anima to feed into the Maw. Though unable to stop him from empowering the Jailer, the heroes besiege Denathrius' stronghold of Castle Nathria and defeat the Sire.
All the while, Baine, Thrall, and Jaina are recovered from Torghast thanks to the insight of former Lich King Bolvar Fordragon, but Anduin is kept hidden in secret.
Growing short on time and patience upon losing Denathrius as a pawn, Sylvanas and the Jailer force Anduin to become an agent of the Maw. The Jailer's next target is shown to be sigils held by the rulers of each realm; he begins by sending Anduin to attack the Archon and claim her sigil. At the same time, he targets the hidden realm of Korthia, where it was believed the Primus hid his sigil, and chains the landscape to Torghast. During an invasion of Ardenweald, the Jailer uses Anduin again to claim the sigil of the Winter Queen. During the ordeal, Tyrande appears and attacks Sylvanas, and tells her that she killed Nathanos. The powers of the Night Warrior fade away, allowing Sylvanas to escape, but sowing doubt in the Banshee Queen's mind about trusting the Jailer, who had not told her of Nathanos' death.
The heroes discover that the Primus has been imprisoned in Torghast under the guise of the "Runecarver", forced to craft armaments for the Jailer's Mawsworn army, as well as the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne, the regalia of the Lich King. After the heroes free him, the Primus reveals that Zovaal was the original Arbiter before the rulers of the Shadowlands banished him to the Maw for attempting to dominate all of creation, and that the dormant Arbiter now in Oribos had been created to replace him. The Primus had carved the runes of Domination into Zovaal's body when he was banished, admitting to hubris because he never believed that Zovaal would be able to turn the magic to his will. While making their preparations, the combined Covenant forces discover that they have been infiltrated by the Nathrezim, formerly thought to be demons serving the Burning Legion, but actually servants of Denathrius. It is revealed that the Nathrezim have been behind nearly every major antagonist in ''Warcraft'' lore, including the Legion and the Scourge, as part of the Jailer's plan; they are also responsible for the Anima drought, having disabled the Arbiter with the corrupted spirit of the fallen Titan Argus (killed in ''Legion'').
In addition to dealing with the Mawsworn, the heroes are also sent to aid Uther, who has repented for his part in the Forsworn rebellion and seeks to understand the fracturing of his soul by Frostmourne. After the heroes discover the fragment taken by Frostmourne in Torghast, they return to Bastion, where Uther relives his memories, ending with his death at the hands of Arthas Menethil. His choice to keep his memories as a lesson inspire the Kyrian, who believed that purging all past memories was part of their duty, to change their methods. The heroes also seek the spirits of other Night Warriors to help save Tyrande, who is being torn apart by the Night Warrior's power. During the ritual to remove the Night Warrior's power, the Winter Queen is forced to intervene, and Tyrande is briefly possessed by the spirit of Elune herself. Elune explains the spirits of the Night Elves killed in the burning of Teldrassil were to be sent to Ardenweald, but because the Arbiter was dormant, they went to the Maw instead. This reconciles the Winter Queen to her sister, and Tyrande is restored to normal.
With the retrieval of the four covenant sigils, Revendreth's being handed over earlier by Denathrius and the Malraxxi sigil taken from the Primus in Torghast, the Jailer prepares to attack Oribos to claim the dormant Arbiter's sigil. Azeroth's champions band together with Jaina, Thrall, and Bolvar to stop the invasion by breaching the Jailer's personal fortress, the Sanctum of Domination. The incursion ends for naught as the Jailer successfully acquires the Arbiter's sigil, transforming himself into an armored behemoth. The Jailer reveals his goal of forging his own reality where all serve him, going against Sylvanas's previous desire of breaking the unfair cycle of death. Recalling Arthas' previous demand for her to serve (in ''Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos''), Sylvanas cuts ties with the Jailer, denouncing any idea of servitude. For her aid in his cause, the Jailer "rewards" Sylvanas with the fragment of her soul that was taken by Frostmourne, which causes her to pass out at the mercy of Azeroth's leaders, as the Jailer and Anduin escape.
In order to pursue the Jailer, the Primus creates new sigils to open the gateway to the mystical realm of Zereth Mortis, where the First Ones created the Shadowlands. The Jailer's plan is to enter the Sepulcher of the First Ones and reshape all of creation into one under his control. To counter his plans, champions work with a group called the Enlightened, pilgrims seeking to learn the First Ones' ways, and the Automa, created by the First Ones to protect Zereth Mortis. However, the Jailer is able to make his way into the Sepulcher. With the aid of Uther, Sylvanas' soul is restored, and she offers her aid to help defeat the Jailer; though rightfully hesitant, Bolvar and the other Azerothian leaders agree after Uther's reassurance. With her help, champions discover a waystone that opens a doorway into the Sepulcher, where the Jailer has begun his redesign of the universe.
Azeroth's champions battle their way through the Sepulcher. Eventually, Anduin is sent to annihilate the invaders, but is able to free himself from the Jailer's Domination after recalling the spirits of his father Varian and Varok Saurfang. Free of the Jailer's influence, Anduin and Sylvanas encounter and release the spirit of Arthas Menethil, as all that remained of him was a simple flickering wisp from within Anduin's broken Domination armor since it was Zovaal who was responsible for his corruption through Frostmourne. With all their allies regrouped, the might of Azeroth battles the Jailer, who has ignited the Forge of Souls beneath Icecrown Citadel to enact his plan. After a long battle, the Jailer is finally defeated. As he dies, he recalls memories of his initial betrayal of the Eternal Ones, his flawed duty as the original Arbiter, and concludes by stating his plan to unify the cosmos was meant as a preventative measure against something later to come.
With Zovaal defeated, Pelagos, an aspiring Kyrian who aided Uther in his journey, volunteers to become the new Arbiter and fill the vacancy left by its demise as he ascends into an Eternal One, being branded by the others as the most compassionate of all. Sylvanas is confronted over her actions during the War of the Thorns and the Jailer's rise to power, though Pelagos gives the final verdict to her long-time nemesis, Tyrande. Tyrande decides that Sylvanas' words of contrition, although genuine, are not enough to pay for what she did. She punishes her by sending her to the Maw, to retrieve lost souls that perished during the conflicts she had orchestrated.
As everything across the realms return to normal, some leaders of Azeroth are met with conflicting decisions about their future. Within the Maw, Anduin visits with Sylvanas as she continues to search for souls, where he reveals his uncertainty about being a leader after the actions he was forced to commit while under the Jailer's influence. In Ardenweald, the Winter Queen thanks Tyrande for helping her and Elune resolve their differences, and rewards her by gifting her the seed of a world tree imbued with the souls of Night Elves who fell in Teldrassil. In the ruins of Lordaeron, Calia Menthil confesses to Lilian Voss her wariness about being accepted anywhere due to being the last member of the Menethil line, but Voss reassures her that she is home and is needed as a Forsaken.
Alejandro (Vicentico), a cab driver, and his girlfriend Cecilia are in the midst of breaking up when they become adopted by a social group led by a bossy husband and wife team, Sergio (Fabián Arenillas) and Susana (Susana Pampín). Alejandro briefly abandons his cab driving career to join an investment in plastic gloves along with Sergio and Sergio's brother, Luis, a porn star who has been working in Canada.
In November 2001, Mohamedou Ould Slahi is in Mauritania, two months after the September 11 attacks. A Mauritanian policeman tells Mohamedou that Americans want to have a talk with him. Mohamedou agrees to go with them.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, in February 2005, lawyer Nancy Hollander is told by French lawyer Emmanuel that a lawyer from Mauritania approached his firm in Paris on behalf of Mohamedou’s family. They haven’t seen Mohamedou since he was arrested three years ago and only just found out in a newspaper that he is being held by the US at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba and is accused of being one of the organizers of 9/11. Emmanuel asks Nancy to look into it because she has a security clearance from a previous case and can ask questions he can’t. Nancy agrees to check.
At a Naval Law Conference in New Orleans, Marine Prosecutor Stuart Couch is told by Colonel Bill Seidel about the Mohamedou case which Seidel wants him to prosecute. Seidel says that Mohamedou fought with Al-Qaeda in the 90s and then recruited for them in Germany, and says it was Mohamedou who recruited the terrorist who flew Stu’s friend’s plane into the tower.
Nancy and Teri (her fellow lawyer) fly down to Guantánamo to meet Mohamedou. Mohamedou agrees to hire them as his lawyers. Meanwhile, Stu tells his team to go through all the intel reports they have to corroborate the story against Mohamedou.
Nancy finds out something through Mohamedou’s letter which she received from him while Stu looks at the MFR (Memorandum for the Record), showing exactly what happened. The letter and reports talk about enhanced torture and treatment including sexual assault upon Mohamedou by the Guantanamo guards as ordered by General Mandel. General Mandel also threatened the arrest and rape of his mother. Thus, to save his mother, Mohamedou gave false confession about being a terrorist.
In December 2009, at trial Mohamedou testified over video link to the court. In March 2010, Mohamedou got a letter informing him that his case was successful, and the judge has ordered him to be released. Text is shown telling us that it would be another 7 years before he actually was released, because the government appealed. His mother died in 2013 so he never saw her again. He was finally released in 2016, having spent 14 years in prison without ever being charged.
Finally, footage of the real Mohamedou arriving back in Mauritania is shown. Texts are shown, telling us Mohamedou lives in Mauritania and got married in 2018 to an American lawyer. They have a baby son, Ahmed, but haven’t been able to live together as a family and are hoping a country will grant them protection and citizenship. Nancy and Teri are still lawyers working against injustice, and we see footage of Mohamedou giving them necklaces with their names in Arabic.
The novel takes place partially in Tokyo but is primarily set in the forests of Shikoku and Kogito Choko's family home located in his hometown village in Shikoku. As a child in World War II, Kogito watched his father drown in a river during World War II. He returns to Shikoku in search of a red leather case which he believes contains documents that will answer the mysteries behind his father's life and death. He plans to use these documents to form the base of his new novel, which will be his final work.
As a child, director Dvorit Shargal read Anna Rivkin-Brick's books ''Elle Kari'' and ''Noriko-San: girl of Japan''. Through these books she learned about the lives of other girls in other distant countries. She identified with the protagonists, wanted to have skis like Elle Kari from the book of the same name, or wear a kimono like Noriko-san. When she opens her former favorite books, Shargal finds a letter written by her to Noriko-san. This was, however, sent back to her with the note: address unknown. Then she decides to start looking for the protagonists from the books. Noriko-san is of particular importance to her.
The search for Noriko-san, however, is more difficult than expected, after all, Shargal only has a first name. Therefore, she tries to find Ella Kari first, a girl from the indigenous Sámi people and the protagonist of the book with the same name. Shargal actually finds an Elle Kari through an internet search. It turns out that this Elle Kari is the daughter of the writer Elly Jannes. She is named after the protagonist of Anna Riwkin-Brick and Elly Janne's book. After interviewing her, Shargal finally meets Elle Kari from the book. Elle Kari tells about her life, shows more photos of Anna Riwkin-Brick and a documentary about her daughter from the 1970s. In addition, Shargal reports how the indigenous Sámi people developed after the 1950s.
To find out more about Anna Riwkin-Brick, Shargal searches the archive of the Swedish National Library in Stockholm. There she learns that Anna Riwkin wrote books along with the Israeli author Leah Goldberg. In Israel she meets the protagonists Anat, Shaul, Daniel and Miriam from the books ''Eli lives in Israel'' and ''Miriam Lives in a Kibbutz'' of the ''Children's Everywhere'' series.
Later, she continues to search for her favorite protagonist Noriko-san. She learns that the book was written by Astrid Lindgren. Although she does not find any information about Noriko in the Astrid Lindgren Archive in Stockholm, she comes across a letter from the protagonist of the book ''Dirk lives in Holland'', who is not called Dirk, but Jackie. She meets Jackie. He tells her about the work with Anna Riwkin and Astrid Lindgren. In addition, Jackie takes Shargal to the places where the photos were taken. He tells her about his first bicycle, which he had received from Astrid Lindgren for his birthday and reads a letter that Astrid Lindgren had written to him. In it, Astrid Lindgren recalls her visit to Holland, where she created the book together with Anna Riwkin.
When Shargal publicly searches for Noriko-san, she finds Eva, another protagonist from Noriko-san. Together they are lookig Noriko-san. They fly to Japan and visit the places where the photos were taken. They also ask locals about Noriko-san and eventually make adds in newspapers. Through a newspaper article they finally find Noriko-san and meet her.
The movie gives insight of an American teacher who comes to Ghana to teach and later finds out that one of his female student who is 14 years is to engage in a trokosi system of practice. The reason is for her to marry a fetish priest for the atonement of the sins of her father.
A young Masai women has a future determined for her by relatives to marry the son of the chief. However, she plans to improve herself through education. She runs from the village to seek a better life in the capital, Nairobi, where she faces several challenges.
Elle Kari is almost four years old and lives in Lapland. There she lives in a house in winter and in summer in a hut made of logs and peat. Elle Kari loves Tjappo, her father's dog. One day Tjappo disappears. Elle Kari is very sad. But then her mother tells Elle Kari that Tjappo and her father will spend the summer in the mountains. There her father makes sure that the wolves do not tear the little reindeer kids apart. When autumn comes, Tjappo returns with the reindeers. Elle Kari is happy. When Elle Kari falls asleep in the evening, Tjappo guards her and thinks that he wants to go back to the mountains, but only if Elle Kari comes along.
The film gives us insight on how people of a society would still want to remain worshiping idols or lesser gods than being converted in to Christians.
Matti lives on a farm in Finland. He has one friend named Merja. Merja has a nice grandfather, who Matti also likes to visit. In addition, Merja owns a dog named Kari, which Matti loves. Matti would also like to have his own animal, but he does not get it.
One day when Merja falls into the sea and threatens to drown, Matti is able to save her. The two promise each other not to tell anybody about this.
Some time later, Matti's father comes to the farm with a small calf, which he gives to Matti. From then on, Matti takes care of the calf every day and visits it constantly.
However, one day, Merja's grandfather buys the calf from Matti's father. He wants to slaughter the calf for his birthday dinner. Matti is heartbroken, but Merja's grandfather does not make compromises, and when Matti's father wants to buy the calf, he refuses.
Merja sees how desperate and sad Matti is and decides to talk to her grandfather. She asks how much she is worth to him. Her grandfather says she is worth all the money in the world. Then she says that her grandfather should give the calf to Matti, because Matti had saved her and she would no longer exist without Matti. This is the moment when the grandfather realizes how important the calf is to Matti and gives it to him. After this everyone celebrates grandfather's birthday.
Publishers of the novel offered the following overview of the book's plot: "Charles Whitaker is a Welshman who forsakes his native country for the deserts of Arabia. Adapting quickly to this hostile terrain, he soon becomes more Bedouin than British. Whitaker's illegtimate son, David, sets out to find his father. He in turn is followed by a Welsh solicitor who hopes to reunite the two men. The story moves at two levels: One involves a desperate struggle for desert oil; the second, hardly less intense, for father and son to find each other. Both struggles are resolved at Saraifa, the doomed oasis of the title."
Noy lives with her parents in Thailand, in a small village near Bangkok. Noy would like to go to the big city. But her parents believe that she is still too small for it. Noy is more than pleased when her father actually wants to take her to Bangkok one day. Together, they go there by raft. Since Noy's father has to do some shopping, he tells Noy to wait for him on the raft. But Noy thinks the city is too exciting to wait there and leaves the raft. When Noy gets hungry, she wants to return to her father's raft. But she does not find the way back. After a long time she comes to a temple. She prays that she finds her father again, but at the same time she is so exhausted that she falls asleep on the spot. When she wakes up and leaves the temple, she sees her father standing there. He had already been worried about her. He takes Noy home. Along the way, Noy explains that Bangkok is good in two ways, it's good to get there, but just as good to leave again.
Kuroki, a reporter for the trade paper ''Tekko Shinpo'', is investigating the arms manufacturer Mihara Industries on suspicion of the illegal trafficking of weapons from Japan to countries in Southeast Asia. He notices some foreign visitors leaving the company and discovers that they are purportedly visiting in order to attend an exhibit sponsored by Toyo Arts Society, which is led by Takayama Hiroshi. Kuroki confronts Takayama about the unsolved murder of Yamaguchi Natsuko on an Allied Forces army base where they both served during the Korean War. He had traced the murder back to special ops but was threatened to drop the investigation and was fired from ''Maicho Newspaper''. Takayama admits that Natsuko worked for the Japanese-Russian League and was killed and made out to be a prostitute for refusing to gather information for the allies but continues to warn Kuroki to drop the story. Kuroki takes the story to ''Maicho Newspaper'' but they refuse to print a story critical of the intelligence department, just like before.
Kuroki bumps into his old friend Hiromi, who is now married to Sam, an African-American soldier who was injured in the Korean War. She works at Mihara Industries and is able to confirm that they are trafficking arms, though she does not know who the customer is.
Takayama is involved in an affair with Marin, the wife of Sudan, the leader to whom he is selling arms to aid him in crushing revolutionaries in his country. She is also secretly providing the leader of the revolutionaries with information so that they can stop the deal. Hiromi is abducted and a fake Dear John letter is sent to Sam. Kuroki blackmails Marin with a photo of her meeting with revolutionaries and she allows him to follow her to a mental hospital where he finds Hiromi caged in a cell, but he is then beaten and thrown into a different cell. Takayama suspects Marin of working with Kuroki and intends to interrogate him to discover if Marin has been working with him so Marin sneaks a gun to Kuroki through the bars of his cell. Kuroki uses it to escape and notifies the ''Tekko Shinpo'' that the arms are being loaded onto the ship that day. The revolutionaries end up attacking a decoy truck based on Marin's false information while the weapons from the other trucks are successfully shipped out aboard the ship.
Kuroki has Hiromi released from the mental hospital but she is seriously traumatized from the experience and Sam shouts at the staff in despair. Kuroki confronts Marin and Takayama and threatens to publish the story, but Takayama explains that there is more to the story. The revolutionaries arrive and Takayama sells them information about where the weapons will be unloaded upon arrival in their country. The revolutionaries board the ship and find evidence that the weapons were shipped from Japan but the Japanese authorities deny it and Allied Forces officials attempt to stop the story as well as Takayama. Takayama overhears Marin calling the Allied Forces and telling his location in exchange for the ability to flee to America to avoid retaliation by the revolutionaries, so in retaliation Takayama calls the revolutionaries and gives them Marin's location. Marin flees the hotel where they were hiding but is stabbed to death on the street in broad daylight.
Takayama calls Kuroki and tells him to meet him one last time at Landfill 4 for the full story about the arms deal, but is shot and run over by Allied Forces members before Kuroki can reach him. The newspapers run cover stories suggesting yakuza wars as the cause. Kuroki complains to Natsuko's sister that nothing has changed in ten years, but she encourages him not to let himself be defeated.
When Cindy (Cassandra Sánchez Navarro), the richest girl in San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, tells her boyfriend "El Gran Partidazo" that she doesn't want to marry him, she runs away to Mexico City, where she finds new friendships and unexpected paths. And that's where she learns that her possibilities in life are much more than she imagines.
At Nanda Parbat, Oliver Queen fights a hooded figure, who is revealed to be his sister Thea. Oliver tells Thea he is going to die and that he is here to investigate Mar Novu. Oliver leads them to Talia al Ghul, who says there could be records of Novu in her father's records. Once they arrive at the catacombs, Talia finds an artifact that could lead them to the records before Athena shows up and they are forced to flee. They figure out that the records are at the top of the mountain. Talia betrays them and starts to climb the mountain herself, with Oliver and Thea tagging close behind. While Oliver incapacitates Athena and her group, Thea and Talia fight for the journal, with Thea winning. Oliver figures out that the impending crisis is being caused by Novu before saying goodbye to his sister and asking if Talia wishes to join a team known as the "League of Heroes."
Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, John Diggle and Lyla Michaels track down criminal Farzad Qadir, the son of Ghloem Qadir, who is holding Ben Turner's wife Sandra Hawke and son Connor hostage in Kasnia. There, the two locate Sandra and Connor and free them, killing Farzad in the process.
In 2040, William Clayton tries to hack the Deathstroke gang with Mia Smoak covering him. When he gets the info, they go and fight. John Diggle "J.J." Jr., the leader of the Deathstroke gang, kills Zoe Ramirez, prompting Connor to beat him down in a rage. Before Connor can kill J.J., he, Mia and William are mysteriously teleported to 2019 when they meet Oliver, Diggle, Dinah Drake and Rene Ramirez in the Team Arrow's bunker.
At age 22, Csilla is abducted from a pub in Hungary, and sold to a prostitution ring in Israel. After escaping from her kidnappers, she learns the Hebrew language and volunteers in a humanitarian shelter, and is celebrating 10 years of sobriety. However, when Israel's Ministry of Interior does not believe that she was trafficked and will not give her a certificate of residency, she hires a private investigator and returns to her kidnappers to obtain proof. She searches for anyone who witnessed her trauma, determined not to allow her existence to be erased once again. However, she is unsure what the effect of returning to the hell from which she escaped will be.
Worko (Zvika Hizikias), is a 27 year old failed musician with sexist attitudes from Israel's marginalized Ethiopian community, who lives in Tel Aviv and gets in trouble with loan sharks. He escapes to Beit Shemesh, where he grew up, there he finds work in a community center while presenting as a woman named Titi, whose job is to facilitate women's empowerment workshops for Ethiopian women. He faces several challenges in this work: For one, he falls in love with his co-worker, Alsech (Elsa Almo), and must deal with the Ashkenazi director of the center (Lirit Balaban) who pretends to be a committed advocate for the Ethiopian community, but in reality looks down on the people she is supposed to serve, and is condescending towards them. Worko is very successful in this work, and becomes a leader to the women, and an object of hope. From the moment he became woman, Worko experiences all the double and triple oppressions of being a woman, of color, from a derided immigrant community. Meanwhile, the loan sharks hire a local to track Worko down, putting his mother (Tehilla Yashayauh-Adgeh) and other family members at risk.
Dirk lives in Holland in a city directly by the sea. His father is a fisherman and sometimes Dirk joins him while he goes fishing.
Dirk would like to have a bike, but his parents can not afford it. The other children have bikes and drive together to the place where the sailing yacht of the Queen will pass by. Sadly, Dirk watches them.
His friend Elleke can distract him for a while and they play with a rabbit in the garden. Then they try to reach the place, where the sailing yacht will pass by, by foot. However, they are too late and the boat is already gone. When Dirk tells his father about this, his father says that he wants to buy a bike for Dirk, but he has to save money for a long time.
However, Dirk's grandparents have a surprise for Dirk. From their savings they buy a bike for him. Overjoyed, Dirk presents this to his friend Elleke.
Bjorn lives in Dalarna. Dalarna is a part of Sweden, but Bjorn believes that Dalarna is all of Sweden. However, through his many cousins he learns that Sweden is much bigger than he thinks. Bjorn's grandmother gets a lot of mail from her grandchildren, which she reads to Bjorn.
Maria and Anders live in Skåne. They write their grandmother from school and describe Mary's difficulties to sit still. After school, the siblings ride home with their bike. Then they ride a horse.
Sigrid lives in a fishing village on the west coast by the sea. She writes to her grandmother about her school trip to Gothenburg. On this she saw a ship, which was larger than a house. In her own village, however, the boats are small and are often used for fishing and sailing. She also writes that she always goes to school by boat because the school is on an island. On the way back she is able do the homework on the boat.
Johan and Eva live in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Johan tells his grandmother that the cat Pio, who she gave to Eva, is fine. He tells her that his sister Eva showed the city to Pio. However, Johan believes that Pio is not interested in city life, because he is a land cat. Johan thinks that Pio would prefer to go back to the countryside. Otherwise, Pio is fine.
Gunnar lives in a mountain village in Norrland. There are mountains, forests, lakes and in winter there is a lot of snow. He writes that he loves to go skiing in winter.
Bjorn's cousins visit the grandmother in spring. The children play together. When his cousins leave, Bjorn is sad. But his grandmother comforts him. His cousins will come back in 360 days for a visit.
Randi lives in Lofoten. Her father is a fisherman. At home, Randi plays a lot with her neighbor and friend Helga. One day, however, Randi prefers to play with Reidar. When Helga runs after her and asks if she can play with Randi, Randi throws a snowball right into Helga's face. Then she runs away with Reidar. Helga does not give up and follows the friends. However the children continue throwing snowballs at Helga. Helga runs home crying. In the evening Randi feels bad because she was so mean to Helga and Helga was so sad. When she wants to play with Helga the next morning, Randi is afraid that Helga does not want to see her again. But Helga wants to play with Randi and tells Randi that she really likes her, even though Randi had been mean to her the day before.
Marko lives in Macedonia, at that time Yugoslavia. He has a little white pig, which runs away on market day. His mother explains to Marko and his brother Petor that they should look for the pig. Finally, they find it and play with it for a while. Then it is Petor turn to take care of the pig. However, the pig runs away again. Petor is not able to find it again. While searching for the pig, the boys are distracted by a wedding and other events, such as finding a secret cave. When Petor and Marko finally arrive home after a long day, the pig is already there. It has gone back there on its own.
Lilibet lives with her father and mother in a caravan. This belongs to a circus, in which Lilibet's parents work. Lilibet loves animals. Every day she feeds the two elephants, Babette and Lona, with apples.
Every day Lilibet plays with her boyfriend Leo. They feel sorry for the tigers and the monkeys, who should not sit in cages but belong in the jungle. Leo would like to release the animals, but unfortunately, he has no say in the circus.
Lilibet wants to become a circus rider. But Leo keeps telling her that she can not do that. Although Lilibet practices riding horses every day, she is confused by Leo's statements.
The clown Teddy Ballon believes in Lilibet. He gives Lilibet a magic rope and explains that Lilibet can become a circus rider when she puts the magic rope around the tail of a horse and says hocus pocus Fidibus. Lilibet does that. However, she can not convince Leo that she will be a good horse rider. Lilibet is sad and is comforted by her father. He thinks that she will become a great circus rider. This convinces Lilibet. In the end she is standing on the back of a horse.
Eva's mother is reading a book about Japan to Eva. Then Eva explains to her mother that she will travel to Japan. Eva says that there is a five-year-old girl who wants to play with her. She calls the girl Noriko-san. Noriko is already looking forward to Eva's visit and puts on her kimono. A festival for boys is being celebrated outside. Noriko is sad that she can not join in, so her mother promises her, that they can arrange a party with girls for Eva. For that the mother allows Noriko to play with the valuable, old dolls. A while later, Noriko's cousins arrive. Just when they are wondering why Eva is not coming, one of them hears a plane. Eva gets out of the plane and is welcomed by Noriko. Noriko and Eva exchange their clothes and play together for many days. Finally, Eva has to fly back home to her mother. She says goodbye to Noriko and even speaks Japanese. When asked by her mother why she speaks Japanese, Eva answers that when she's in Japan, she can also speak the language.
Born in Belleville (Paris neighbourhood), Sebastian Bouchard, known as "Baaba", became a police officer. He is determined to stay in Belleville, to the despair of his girlfriend wishing to live elsewhere. Baaba is struggling to get away from his slightly invasive mother.
One night in a restaurant, Roland, his childhood friend, is murdered before his eyes. Roland was a liaison officer at the Consulate General of France in Miami and was visiting Paris for an investigation into drug trafficking. Baaba then decides to go to Florida, taking with him his mother. In Miami, he is flanked by a jaded and irascible local cop, Ricardo Garcia. The two men will then be forced to work together despite everything that separates them.
Two teenagers, Charlie and Pierce, discover that their "kooky neighbour" Old Man Helsing's house at the end of their street is secretly a portal to supernatural worlds. Helsing thinks he might be getting too old for all his adventures, so he allows them to become his apprentices. A mischievous ghost girl, Que, joins them on their adventures as they complete Helsing's freaky, bizarre, and sometimes terrifying chores.
''Dulce familia'' is a comedy about five women of different generations and their respective fears, eating disorders, diets and sugar addiction. Tamy (Fernanda Castillo) will undergo all unimaginable tortures to lose 10 kilos in two months and be able to use the wedding dress her mother used. In this impossible mission, Tamy will be accompanied by her sisters Bárbara (Regina Blandón) and Ale (Paz Bascuñán) and her bitter mother Verónica (Florinda Meza) who make up this family.
Amina and her family have left the city running away from her estranged lover, Josh, but he manages to track them down.
Two young men who travelled around Mauritius of which they meet two interesting ladies who had them entertained.
A woman whose husband has died and has become a widow. As a result of this challenge, members of the family treat her badly, so she decided to be at the widow's cot as result of threats from family relatives. In Nigeria, cultural practice dictates that a man's family can collect all of the deceased property when he dies, leaving his widow destitute. The widows in this film form a powerful group to prevent this practice, but they however become corrupt. The movie is about women's rights, murder and marriage.
''Sadie Sparks'' is set in the fictional American town of Harmony, and revolves around the adventures of Sadie, a teenage girl who discovers she has magical abilities and becomes a magician-in-training. She receives the guidance of a grumpy, magical, talking bunny, Gilbert, who was sent to the human world from the Magical Realm to train Sadie and keep her powers under control, but with this new responsibility, Sadie must also balance high school life.
Throughout the series, it is established and hinted that there is a weak, unstable and dangerous connection between the human world and the Magical Realm, with rifts frequently growing between both worlds that can be closed with an incredibly sticky magic glue substance. These rifts usually cause magical beings and artifacts to fall into Harmony. By the end of the series, the largest rift yet grows between both worlds, and Sadie, with her newfound strengthened magical abilities, manages to close it while risking her life, encouraged by her friends' immense support. The Wardens of Wizardry are still left fearing that this will be the first of larger rifts to come.
Five years after the sack of Rome by the Visigoths under Alaric, Rutilius Claudius Namatianus travels from Rome toward his native Tolosa in Gaul, with the intention to inspect what damages the invaders might have caused. Rutilius is a pagan nobleman with the high-ranking title of ''praefectus urbi''. Because the land route is ruined and unsafe, he has to travel by boat. He also has a secret mission: to try to convince the Emperor, who is installed in Ravenna, to restore the dominion of Rome.
Cristina (Maite Perroni) is about to marry Javier (Gustavo Egelhaaf). One night, her friend (Verónica Jaspeado) takes her to celebrate her bachelorette party, where she has an unexpected encounter with her former lover in life. Within weeks, Cristina learns that she is pregnant, and does not know if the father is from her future husband Javier, or Felipe (Matías Novoa). Surprises increase when, in the fourth month of pregnancy, the doctor tells Cristina the results of the paternity test.
Diane and Kabir who are a married couple lose their 10-year-old son Roti to heart disease. Diane who was the mother was in a lot of grief, she later saw a boy who she believes was her son, she became happy again but she was told that Juwon is not Roti's reincarnation, so she has to let go.
A prince from a royal family decides to marry a lady from a wealthy home but their parents do not agree to their relationship due to tribal differences, as a result of this they got married secretly. This leads to things falling apart in their lives.
The movie is a short documentary that gives insight about how children in Nigeria are abducted and made to be terrorists. It tries to explain the point that no child is born a terrorist.
A young man who graduated from the university is battling with self-identity and how he tries to surpass it and make a difference in his community and society.
A prostitute who is tired of the kind of work she does doing everything in her power to stop and also looking unto a man to save her from her predicament.
The story of a young lady travelling to a village where ejaculation by women was very important to men and the culture connotations that is attached to it.
The film portrays the struggle of a Mozambican woman in a local mine, determined to make a difference despite all odds.
Women taken charge of their destiny by empowering themselves through education enabling them to make a difference in the society.
The movie gives insight of a young lady who had accident leaving her to be handicapped, she later found love with a person living with AIDS of which made her happy.
Summer is a teenage girl with divorced parents in her last year of high school. Her mother, Jade, a meteorologist, has been secretly attending a mosque and reading the Quran. Finally feeling at peace with her decision to convert she begins to open up about her new faith to Summer, but quickly begins pressuring her to join the Islamic faith as well.
Summer initially thinks her mother's conversion is a joke, spurred on by a crush on the imam. Her father also dismisses it as a fad of her mother's but suggests Summer play along. Summer begins going to the mosque while still living the way she wants in her downtime by drinking, going to parties, and leaving her hair uncovered.
While dancing with her friends Summer posts a picture of herself to Instagram in a bra wearing a hijab with the hashtag halal hottie.
Jade begins to consider changing her name to an Arabic one to better fit her faith and wears her hijab on air. Summer also begins to take the faith more seriously and becomes intrigued by the Muslim idea of jinn. She also befriends Tahir, one of her classmates who attends the same mosque as she does and who shows her what a devote Muslim life could look like. As she concentrates on her faith her halal hottie post goes viral and she is later targeted by the Imam who publicly scolds her for her actions. Summer begins to feel torn as she enjoys certain aspects of the Muslim faith but also the freedom of the secular life she lived before her conversion.
Summer confesses to Tahir that she has a crush on him and despite her flirtatious attitude she has never been intimate with anyone. She and Tahir have sex. They are later caught kissing by Tahir's mother who bans her from their house. Summer runs away from her mother and goes to stay with her father. Tahir's mother contacts Jade about Summer's relationship with Tahir and though she does not discuss her suspicions that Tahir and Summer are having sex, Jade realizes it anyway.
Jade visits Summer at her father's apartment and tells her that as long as she is practicing safe sex and the relationship is consensual she supports her. Jade also decides to loosen her restrictions and to practice her faith in a way more suited to her and her daughter's needs.
Summer learns that she has been accepted to school for dance and, with the support of her parents and the reluctant approval of Tahir's mother, continues her relationship with him.
After a traumatic experience Edee Holzer (Wright) is in the midst of therapy, revealing to the therapist that she doesn't like to be around people because she doesn't think it's right that they share in her pain. Wanting to escape, she leaves the city she lives in and moves to Wyoming where she purchases a small remote cabin and resolves to live in solitude without any modern conveniences connecting her to the outside world, including telephones or cars.
Initially, she struggles with basic provisions including chopping firewood and fishing. When a black bear enters her cabin, eats her food and destroys much of the rest of her supplies while she hides in her outhouse, she reaches her breaking point. Without a fire for heat or food to eat, she tries to hunt but cannot bring herself to shoot a deer she has in her sights. Overwhelmed, she attempts to take her life by shooting herself with the hunting rifle, stopping short when she remembers her sister Emma (Dickens) pleading not to hurt herself.
During a violent snowstorm, the metal roof of her cabin becomes somewhat dislodged by the wind, making loud noises. She leaves the cabin to attempt repairs and is injured. A local hunter, Miguel (Bichir) and his friend and nurse Alawa (Pledge) rescue her and help her recover from her injuries and malnourishment. While Alawa departs, Miguel remains to look after Edee by preparing her food, replenishing her supply of firewood, and restocking the rest of her cabin.
Edee thanks Miguel for his kindness in helping her, but explains that she came to her cabin to be alone and wants to keep it that way. Miguel understands and offers to help equip her with better survival skills so that she can have the life of solitude that she wants. He shows her how to trap in the winter and hunt in the fall so she can provide herself with food. Over time they develop a friendship as Miguel continues to join her to hunt, harvest crops, and explore her land. Miguel shares that his wife and daughter died in a car accident eight years prior, while Edee simply reveals that she used to have a family. Later while cooking dinner, Miguel remarks that if she doesn't want to talk about her past she ought to consider what she wants her future to be like. She suspects that he searched her history on the internet, though he's not even aware of her last name and explains that's impossible.
Later Miguel asks her to watch his dog while he goes away for a while, ostensibly for work. While he's gone Edee retrieves a collection of old photos revealing she was married with a son, and the father and son she saw fishing earlier on had been an apparition of her family. Months pass and Miguel hasn't returned, so Edee packs her belongings and ventures off of her land for the first time since her arrival to find him. She makes her way into town on foot and eventually finds Alawa working at the local hospital. Alawa takes her to see Miguel, who is bedridden and dying from throat cancer. On his deathbed, he confesses that he was driving the night his wife and daughter were killed and it was because he was intoxicated that the accident happened. Edee responds that her husband Adam and son Drew were killed by a gunman in a concert hall. She thanks him for helping her heal and the life he gave back to her.
Departing with his phone that he gifted to her, she calls her sister Emma for the first time since arriving in Wyoming.
Johnny is a radio journalist traveling the country with his producing partners, interviewing children about their lives and their thoughts on the future. While in Detroit he calls his sister Viv; they had not spoken for the past year since their mother's death from dementia. Viv asks Johnny if he can come to Los Angeles and watch her nine-year-old son Jesse, as she has to travel to Oakland to care for her estranged husband Paul struggling with mental illness. Johnny agrees, and he and Jesse quickly forge a bond.
Viv experiences difficulties dealing with Paul and has to stay longer than expected in Oakland, while Johnny is pressured by his partners to return to work. Johnny convinces Viv to let him take Jesse with him back to New York City. Jesse increasingly gets on Johnny's nerves, and Johnny eventually snaps at Jesse, scaring him; he later apologizes at Viv's urging. He shows Jesse how to operate his audio equipment and lets him come along to more interviews with children. Jesse continues to ask Johnny questions about his personal life and his relationship with Viv. It is revealed that Johnny and Viv fought over their mother's deathbed with differing opinions on how to care for her, and that Johnny was once in a long-term relationship with a woman, called Louisa, whom he still loves.
Jesse gets homesick and yearns to see his mother, while Johnny is increasingly pressured to return to the road and resume work. Johnny buys him a plane ticket back to LA, but en route Jesse requests to stop and use the bathroom, locking himself inside and refusing to leave until Johnny relents and lets him stay. Johnny takes Jesse to New Orleans as the crew continues to interview children. Jesse begins to ask questions about his father and what is wrong with him, and expresses fear that he will grow up to have the same problems himself. Johnny reassures Jesse that this will not happen, as Viv has taught him how to deal with his emotions in a healthier way.
Viv later calls and says that Paul has accepted treatment and is doing much better, and the doctors are letting him come home. Johnny shares the good news with Jesse, who suddenly runs away through a park in fear. Johnny catches up and tells him it is okay to say he is not happy; they scream together in frustration until Jesse begins laughing. Viv flies to New Orleans to pick up Jesse and take him back to Los Angeles; Johnny promises to stay in touch with both of them. Johnny later sends Jesse a voice recording recounting everything that happened on their trip, as Jesse had requested so that he does not forget the experience.
Princess Carolyn's nanny quits her job after complaining about the schedule. From then on, the episode uses visual copies of Princess Carolyn to represent her multiple maternal responsibilities. At work, her assistant Stuart reminds her about a photoshoot for ''Manatee Fair'' magazine's "Hollywoo Women Who Do It All" issue. Due to her duties with the baby, Princess Caroline tells Amanda Hannity she cannot go to the shoot, but soon changes her mind when Hannity tells the story of Karen Kitada, the creator of a successful television series whose career started to collapse after having a baby.
After Todd is fired from What Time Is It Right Now, Princess Carolyn asks him to babysit while she is at the photoshoot. Princess Carolyn dozes off as Todd speaks and misses what he says, only hearing "Sure, I'd be happy to," leading Princess Carolyn to drop the baby with him. At the photoshoot, the other guests discuss organizing an event in support of women like themselves. Though exhausted, Princess Carolyn reluctantly agrees to participate, and eventually winds up with all of the responsibilities of organizing.
Overtired and overwhelmed by demands from the event, her career, and motherhood, Princess Carolyn is mistaken as drunk, and is checked into BoJack's rehab facility. She falls asleep on a porch and wakes up two days later. Upon arriving at the now-finished event, she converses with Vanessa Gekko about her struggles and doubts as a mother. Gekko reassures her that her baby is just another job.
Ahead of the women's event, Princess Carolyn, on her way out of the clinic, calls Todd asking about the baby. Todd actually said he was busy, but since Princess Carolyn did not hear, she forced him into caring for the child. At a meeting he had scheduled, Todd mentioned "Untitled Princess Carolyn Project" (the baby's temporary name) and rumors spread among television producers about a potential Princess Carolyn project. Princess Carolyn takes advantage of the situation—during a meeting with Pinky, she sells Pinky on the ''Birthday Dad'' script as a television show, with Kitada as showrunner. Princess Carolyn settles on the name 'Ruthie' for the baby.
Hairareb (David Ndjavera), a wealthy farmer fighting hard to stay afloat in the terrible drought, then marries a young attractive beautiful lady Ininis (Claudine de Groot) with hidden motives. When he marries her, he struggles to talk to her independently. The relationship between them slowly starts to break up due to their personality differences.
The plot revolves around Ian, a 16-year-old rebel teenager, who for his graduation video faces a ''botarga'' (mascot) and is forced to work to amend his mistake. Everything will get tangled up when Ian learns that his dad is not his real father. The two have a very close relationship, they are even similar, so this news causes both to be disappointed. Ian embarks on a journey with the objective of finding André, his biological father, who lived his glory days in the 80s as a telenovela actor, but is currently an alcoholic who works as a ''botarga''. What started as a nightmare becomes a lucrative business of clandestine fights and extravagant people who spend the day dressed up as pets.
A young lady escaped from her home in Tunisia and illegally migrated to France. She finds joy and struggles in her journey.
As marijuana farmer Randy Marsh and his partner Towelie are broadcasting a podcast about Tegridy Farms, police interrupt the broadcast and take away Randy, taking him to the South Park City Council. Mayor McDaniels and the council tell Randy that the Tweaks have brought video footage proving that Randy was responsible for blowing up local marijuana farms in the episode "Mexican Joker". This footage, along with other examples of Randy's behavior over the course of the episodes of the past few weeks, leave McDaniels no choice but to have Randy arrested and put in jail. When Randy's wife Sharon breaks the news to their children Stan and Shelly, they are all giddy as they realize that this may be the opportunity they have wanted to leave the farm and return to normal lives in South Park.
Meanwhile, a group of children play football in the park. During the game, fourth-grader Eric Cartman throws a pass to Jason White, but when Jason runs into the street to catch the pass, he is run over by a police car and killed. Father Maxi leads the funeral service for Jason at the church and he brings up Jason's father Robert White (who was introduced in the episode "Splatty Tomato"). Robert expresses his frustration at the lack of people who have arrived to mourn for Jason and his ongoing belief that no one cares about the Whites. At the White House, President Herbert Garrison receives a call from Randy in jail as Randy asks Garrison for help. Randy visits the jail's infirmary and complains that he is starting to feel remorse for his actions as he no longer has access to his marijuana. While there, he attempts to use a technique of blame reversal taught to him by Garrison, but it is rejected since he is not the President.
Gerald and Sheila Broflovski bring a lasagna to a party being held at Tegridy Farms as the Marsh family celebrates. When the Whites arrive, Robert is angry that no one brought food or properly mourned for Jason, and he is upset about the impending demise of Tegridy Farms as he was a loyal customer. When the Whites leave, Cartman runs after them and suggests to them that they consider adopting a child that has been abandoned at one of the ICE detention centers, where Cartman had previously seen children in need. The Whites look at several children who are displayed similarly to animals in an animal shelter, and decide to adopt a "pure-bred Mexican". The White family names the boy Alejandro, and share with him their feelings about how everyone else will not care about the Whites and that he will experience this for himself. As they watch television, President Garrison and his attorney Rudy Giuliani speak out against the charges made against Randy Marsh and call on people to make their voices louder. Robert promises to take action for his family, while at the same time disciplining Alejandro for attempting to make a cellphone call to Mexico after 7 pm, their designated cutoff time for phone usage. When Alejandro refuses to join the Whites in a protest in support of Randy, the Whites decide to get Alejandro his own child to adopt from an ICE detention center. Their continued discipline of Alejandro along with responding to all of his Spanish statements with "Bien, gracias, ¿y tú?" (translating to "Good, thanks, and you?") makes Alejandro grow increasingly angry. In a therapy session in jail, Randy shares that his moral values are lower due to him comparing his values to that of the President, and that as long as his values were better than the President's, he should be okay. Randy is later visited in jail by Giuliani who gives Randy a marijuana cigarette.
Randy's arraignment begins and most of the citizens of South Park arrive in support of Randy being convicted, chanting "lock him up". The Whites are the only ones who are protesting in support of Randy. As Randy begins to use a defense given to him by Garrison and Giuliani, who are also present at the arraignment, he gives up on their defense strategy. He states that the marijuana given to him by Giuliani was poor quality, and it reminded him of why he got into marijuana farming in the first place. As Randy extols the virtues of his marijuana farming, a series of explosions occur outside. Alejandro, who now has his face covered in white sunscreen put on him by Robert, is on a rampage of destruction in the town, and the police believe he is now the Mexican Joker. They attempt to shoot Alejandro but he escapes. Randy is exonerated of all charges and solely thanks the Whites for their support. At Tegridy Farms, snow begins to fall as Randy tells his family that this year's marijuana farming season has now ended due to the colder weather. He turns to a camera which has been filming all of this and thanks the viewers for their support of Tegridy Farms as he announces the harvest's last crop of the season for sale, which he has named Season Finale.
Based on a true story, Jenn and her friends decide to stop at a bar to have a few beers before dinner. They then run into Sol and his friends over a short discussion of UFC and embarrassing pickup lines to get a girl. After a few conversations over beer, Sol and Jenn start a seamless relationship. They then decide to live together so Sol can pursue his passion of being a chef after Sol expresses how working where he is currently isn't what he wants to do. After analyzing bills that are piling, up he decides to stay at work.
The couple host friendsgiving and Sol starts to feel weird but ignores it. He whispers to Jen over a thank you toast to the friends and family that he put in his two weeks notice. Later in the season, he decides to propose to Jen with their family and friends singing their favorite song "Don’t Look Back in Anger" by Oasis. Sol starts working at Jenn's cousin's successful restaurant.
One night, Sol wakes up in pain, screaming to Jen that something is wrong. They find out that Sol has a tumor and he reassures Jen that everything will be okay once the doctors get rid of it. Sol suggests to Jen if the news is bad, they should get a dog. After getting the lab work back from the doctor he tells them that everything is fine labs are good. They decide to continue planning the wedding and Sol returns back to the restaurant with his dish on the menu. One day, Sol texts Jen telling her to come home. He greets her with a dog name Otis, and after a month or two, his cancer has progressed and he needs to start clinical trial for his recovery. They discuss postponing the wedding but their friends suggest throwing them a quick wedding in three weeks with the help of strangers and friends while Sol does his treatment. In the midst of planning the wedding, Sol's friend Kyle misses everything because his illness reminds him of losing his dad which he hasn't dealt with. Sol talks to Jenn about having all the side effects of the trial such as him not being able to taste food and that she should just move on with her life. She tells him that she is here with him and he isn't alone. Jenn and Sol get married in front of all their friends and family. After the wedding, Kyle shows up to the reception.
Jenn and Sol get Sol's x-rays and the doctor tells Jen that the cancer has spread in his whole liver and other areas. That she should ask Sol anything she wants because it is time. Jenn and Sol prepare for him to pass soon by writing his eulogy.
Jenn walks to Dave and Kyle's new restaurant/bar, called Now or Never, which was Sol's favorite line. Jenn talks about Sol and his inspiration he had on everyone. Amanda and Megan tell Jen that it's time for her to open up Sol's gift for their honeymoon which they had been keeping a secret for this moment, after his death. On a flash drive, there is a video of Sol thanking Jenn for loving him during the time they spent together. Jenn says she will live for today for the rest of her life because of Sol.
Mokihana lives in Hawaii where she has many friends. Originally the children's families came to Hawaii from different countries and cultures, but they all speak English. The friends meet each other almost every day and have many adventures. They are organising a secret birthday party for Anela, who turns ten. Mokihana and her friends are preparing flower wreaths for the party and Mokihana draws a picture of Anela's favourite dog Iki. Anela is surprised because she thought that everyone had forgotten her birthday. Together the friends celebrate her birthday, eat mangos, pineapple, banana, papayas, ice cream, cakes and drink orange juice. In addition, Anela gets chicks in a basket as a birthday present. She is overjoyed!
In 1992, Jonathan Larson performs his rock monologue ''Tick, Tick... Boom!'' at New York Theatre Workshop, accompanied by friends Roger and Karessa. He describes an incessant ticking noise he hears in his head and begins to tell his story. An unseen narrator explains the film is the true story of Larson, "except for the parts Jonathan made up."
In early 1990, Jonathan juggles work at the Moondance Diner in SoHo with preparing for a workshop of his musical and passion project ''Superbia''. He feels pressure to be successful before he turns 30: with his birthday just over a week away, he sees the workshop as his last chance. He has a party at home with friends, including his former roommate Michael, his girlfriend Susan, and fellow waiters Freddy and Carolyn. Susan tells Jonathan about a teaching job at Jacob's Pillow and asks him to come. Michael, who previously left theater for a lucrative advertising career, sees Susan's offer as an opportunity for Jonathan to consider a serious future, and invites Jonathan to join an advertising focus group at his company. Jonathan's producer Ira asks him to write a new song for ''Superbia'' because the story needs it. This troubles him, as his idol Stephen Sondheim told him the same at a composing workshop some years ago, but he can't come up with anything and he only has a week.
Jonathan finds himself unable to concentrate on preparing for the workshop as he thinks about Michael and Susan's offers. His anxieties are only compounded when he learns from Carolyn that Freddy, who is HIV-positive, has been hospitalized. Susan, frustrated by Jonathan's indecisiveness and obsession with his career, breaks up with him.
To get money to hire a full band for the workshop, Jonathan attends the advertising focus group. However, he deliberately sabotages it, angering Michael, who feels Jonathan is wasting the privilege to have a life with the person he loves on a financially unstable theater career, something Michael cannot do as a gay man in the AIDS crisis. After receiving an encouraging call from his agent Rosa, Jonathan tries to write the new song the night before the workshop but his power gets cut off. He heads to a swimming pool to vent his frustrations over the workshop and his personal life, before finally coming up with the new song. At the workshop are friends, family, and industry professionals, including Sondheim. Jonathan receives praise but no offers to produce ''Superbia''.
Discouraged, Jonathan begs Michael for a corporate job, but Michael, having changed his mind after seeing the workshop, urges Jonathan to continue in musical theater, revealing he is HIV-positive. Realizing that his career obsession has cost him Susan and harmed his friendship with Michael, Jonathan wanders through New York before finding himself at the Delacorte Theater. He finds a piano and reflects on his friendship with Michael and the sacrifices he must make for his career. He and Michael reconcile. On the morning of Jonathan's 30th birthday, Sondheim calls, congratulating him and wanting to talk more about ''Superbia'', lifting his spirits. Holding his birthday party at the Moondance Diner, he is relieved to hear Freddy is to be discharged from the hospital. Susan gifts him blank sheet music paper to help in his career and they part on amicable terms. She narrates that his next project was ''Tick, Tick... Boom!'', before he returned to working on a previous project, which became ''Rent''. She reveals he died of a sudden aortic aneurysm the night before ''Rent'' began previews Off-Broadway. He never experienced the success he desired, but his work lives on. In 1992, Jonathan performs the final song from ''Tick, Tick... Boom!'' as he optimistically looks to the future.
A recently married couple in their late twenties lie in bed, famished; they have little in their refrigerator: a six-pack of beer and some cookies. After drinking and eating all of it, the man recounts to his wife a time he and his friend "robbed" a bakery ten years ago. The two intended to take all the bread they could from a bakery by force. The man who ran the bakery offers a counterproposal before the two men can act: since he is a Richard Wagner fanatic, if they listen to ''Tannhäuser'' and ''The Flying Dutchman'' with him in the bakery, he will give them all the bread they can carry. They agree, and the bread is enough to feed the two men for a few days. After hearing of that story, the woman suggests that they do the same thing, despite it being 2:30 A.M.
They drive around Tokyo looking for a bakery but all of them are closed; they "compromise" to "rob" a McDonald's instead. With ski-masks and a Remington automatic shotgun, they enter the restaurant and demand thirty Big Macs. The three employees working there fulfill the peculiar request. The couple then leave the restaurant and drive until they find an empty parking lot; they then eat four to six Big Macs each until they are full. The man feels calm after this experience.
The film takes place in 1900-1917. The film tells about a woman who begins to understand that her children will become her faithful followers, so she becomes stronger.
A story of three women who are refugees try to survive despite the challenges that each individual faces in their journey of life.
A young couple, Pippa and Thomas, move into their first apartment together in Montreal. They soon realize that their windows look directly into the apartment across the street, where a man with a professional studio is taking photographs of a woman. Pippa and Thomas watch as the couple have sex. Thomas continues to watch at first, but stops at Pippa's insistence. They jokingly give their neighbors pseudo names, Margot and Brent.
Pippa, who works as a trainee optometrist at L'Optique, receives a bird feeder from her boss as a housewarming gift. Pippa buys a pair of binoculars so she and Thomas can watch the couple. They often see "Brent" having sex with several models while "Margot" is out.
Pippa expresses interest in knowing what the neighbors are saying, eventually learning that Thomas knows a way to listen in on another room using a laser pointer; the process requires a reflective surface to send the laser beam back to them. When "Brent" and "Margot" throw a Halloween costume party in their apartment, Pippa and Thomas sneak in by posing as guests. Pippa plants a mirror in the apartment, later allowing her and Thomas to listen in on their conversations. They are unsettled to hear "Margot" confront "Brent" about his adultery; "Brent" assaults "Margot" and convinces her that her suspicions are unfounded.
The next day, "Margot", whose real name is Julia, visits L'Optique where she receives an eye exam from Pippa and orders a new set of stylish glasses recommended by her. Julia invites Pippa to hang out. Pippa wants to warn Julia about "Brent's" adultery, but Thomas insists that she stop spying on the neighbors. Later, Pippa and Julia meet at a spa; Julia reveals that her husband is named Sebastian, or Seb, and is a well-known photographer.
Pippa observes Seb having a threesome and throwing a condom away afterwards. She later discovers how to access Julia and Seb's wireless printer, which she uses to anonymously expose Seb's infidelities to Julia, mentioning the condom as proof. Thomas angrily confronts Pippa about being so invested in Julia and Seb's lives. The next morning, Pippa apologizes to Thomas and promises to stop watching the neighbors. However, they then see Seb discover Julia's body in the bathroom, after she seemingly slit her own throat. Thomas blames Pippa for Julia's death, breaks up with her, and leaves.
Although heartbroken, Pippa continues to watch Seb and one evening decides to follow him to a nearby pub. Seb sits by Pippa and they talk. He asks her to let him photograph her at his apartment, which she accepts. Seb convinces Pippa to pose nude for him, and they eventually have sex. Upon returning home, Thomas consumes a drink Pippa left in the refrigerator and pours it into her bird feeder. He notices Pippa having sex with Seb across the street. The next morning, a horrified Pippa finds Thomas dead in their apartment, having apparently hanged himself.
Pippa and her friend Ari go to Seb's exhibition, which turns out to be a collaboration with Julia, who is alive. Pippa and Thomas are revealed to be the subjects of the exhibition. Seb and Julia divulge that they own the apartment rented by Pippa and Thomas (whose lease included a clause stating that they consented to be photographed), and they knew they were being watched. Distressed, Pippa storms off. She decides to move out of the apartment, and notices dead birds on a grate just below her bird feeder.
Following an interview promoting their exhibition, Seb and Julia return home to find a congratulatory bottle of wine by their door. As they drink the wine, Pippa sends a message to their printer saying she knows they killed Thomas. After leading Seb and Julia into L'Optique, Pippa deduces that while she was having sex with Seb, Julia poisoned Thomas's drink and staged his suicide. Pippa also reveals that she spiked their wine, causing Julia and Seb to faint. Pippa places the two under a LASIK machine, using it to burn their corneas.
A new couple have moved into Pippa and Thomas's former apartment. They observe Seb and Julia in their apartment, both of whom are now blind. Pippa watches Seb and Julia from the rooftop, before leaving her binoculars behind.
On the eve of her wedding, Eden, overcome with anxiety at the prospect of married life, drinks a full bottle of scotch in order to numb the suppressed feelings she has been struggling to remain unconscious of. These uncertain feelings had previously been indicated by the need Eden felt in the days leading up to the wedding to record daily supportive messages for herself, affirming that she is doing the right thing in getting married.
The morning after drinking the scotch Eden awakes in the desert, raped, covered in cuts and bruises and having no recollection of the night before. Seeking help, Eden finds it difficult to communicate as her jaw is broken. She encounters some strangers and is mistaken for a homeless person and a meth addict. Following a seizure caused by a head injury, she is taken to the hospital by a reluctant sheriff.
In the meantime Christopher, Eden's fiancee, tries to contact her despite having been told by Eden to not contact her while she is preparing on the morning of the wedding. He becomes frantic.
At the hospital Eden undergoes an operation to repair her broken jaw; however, when it is discovered that there is a problem with medical insurance, she is offered no further help and is dropped off in Skid Row still dressed in a revealing hospital gown. She wanders around until she is helped by a kind biker named Sam who takes her to a local shelter, run by a religious pastor. Eventually walking off again, Eden finds a scooter and wanders the streets, making various dangerous encounters, until she decides it's time to return home.
Having picked up her wedding dress from the store Eden goes to her apartment, still unsure about marriage. In trying to convince herself that she loves him enough to marry him, she begins to masturbate while fantasizing about Christopher, which ultimately she finds upsetting. Christopher, still distraught from not being able to contact Eden, finally receives a reply from her. The wedding is to go ahead on the beach as planned. But when Eden arrives at the beach, she looks as Christopher and the guests from a distance and decides not to go through with wedding and again wanders off.
Eden, still in her wedding dress, goes to a tattoo parlor. She is shown having the right side of her face tattooed with an image of a cross which reads "RIP Christopher".
Aaron and Agnes are in an unhappy marriage. A thief breaks into their home, leading the couple to reveal their secrets.
The novel is a "story within a story". The "frame story" starts with the author (Ijon Tichy) complaining that he has to cut his memoir in clay tablets, the way Babylonians did. This unfortunate situation resulted from the world ignoring the warning of professor Dońda (whose sidekick was Ijon Tichy), who established that information has a kind of "critical mass", and when it is exceeded, similar to uranium, a destructive chain reaction may happen. Tichy then proceeds to tell the story of the professor.
The plot of ‘Dońda’ is set after an informational holocaust, a result of the transformation of information into mass by Dońda, which caused the disappearance of the contents of all computerised data banks. Although it caused enormous destruction in the much better computerised First World, it brought enormous relief to the Third World, which no longer had to be in hot pursuit of a vanishing target. Not only did modern arms became unusable, but the global monetary system with the US dollar as the major world currency also collapsed, thus forcing humanity back to the paradise which it had lost when it became civilised.
Wojciech Orliński writes that professor Affidavid Dońda is one of the most sympathetic geniuses of Lem. His whole life, literally from his very conception including his first and last names, was a chain of errors and coincidences, which had eventually led to his discovery and the ignored prediction of the catastrophe.Wojciech Orliński, ''Co to są sepulki? Wszystko o Lemie'' [''What are Sepulki? Everything about Lem''], 2007, , p. 62 His hilarious exploits in the fictional African country of Gurundiwaju is an acute satirical allegory of Polish People's Republic of 1970s.