Marcos (Claudio Lafarga) and Esperanza (Ana Brenda Contreras) are two children who fall in love when they get lost in the Azteca Stadium during a football match. More than 20 years later, the memory of that childhood love is so strong that both will look for ways to get back together.
The film takes place during the Second World War. The film tells about the Belarusian underground, which the Nazis are trying to set against each other.
Structural engineer John Garrity lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his estranged wife, Allison, and their diabetic son, Nathan. He returns home to watch the near-earth passing of a recently-discovered interstellar comet named "Clarke", along with his family and neighbors.
While at the grocery store, John receives an automated DHS message saying that he and his family have been selected for emergency sheltering. He then returns home just as a comet fragment is seen entering the atmosphere on live television. Previously expected to land in the ocean near Bermuda, the fragment instead hits Tampa, Florida, vaporizing it and most of the state. John then receives a phone call with instructions to head to Robins Air Force Base for an evacuation flight, as Clarke is revealed to now be on a direct collision course with Earth and the entire planet will be bombarded with thousands of fragments over the next two days in a cataclysmic event, with one fragment large enough to cause an extinction-level event. John, Allison, and Nathan pack up and flee, unable to take anyone else with them as they would be denied boarding.
At Robins, the family is given ID wristbands in order to board, but Nathan's insulin gets left behind in the car. When John goes to retrieve it, Allison and Nathan are escorted off the base after the latter's medical condition is discovered, disqualifying the family. John returns and boards a plane but quickly jumps off upon realizing Allison and Nathan were probably left behind. As John exits the base, a panicked mob breaks in, destroying several evacuation planes and killing their occupants when gunfire ignites leaking jet fuel. Returning to the car, John finds Allison's note saying she and Nathan are going to her father's home in Lexington, Kentucky. After getting medical supplies from a looted store, Allison and Nathan get a ride from Ralph and Judy Vento, only for Ralph to kidnap Nathan, to Judy's dismay, in order to use him and the wristbands to board a flight.
John hitches a ride on a truck with a young man named Colin, who says they're headed to Osgoode, Ontario, where private planes are flying to Greenland, the apparent evacuation site. However, another man antagonizes John and attempts to take his wristband, leading to a fight which causes the truck to crash and kill Colin, and John is forced to kill the man in self-defense. At another airport, the Ventos attempt to pose as Nathan's parents, but are immediately arrested when the soldiers discover that Nathan is not theirs. Allison and Nathan are reunited shortly after at a nearby FEMA camp. The next morning, John learns on TV that millions have died in global impacts and that the largest fragment will hit Earth in approximately 24 hours.
Stealing a car, John reaches his father-in-law, Dale's house, and Nathan and Allison arrive shortly after. The family learn that the evacuees are being sent to a complex of underground bunkers near Thule Air Force Base in Greenland, and they have just enough time to reach Osgoode. John and Allison decide to go while Dale elects to stay behind, giving them his truck. Reaching Upstate New York, the family is caught in a traffic jam. As a shower of molten debris rains down, they take refuge below an underpass, but John’s right arm is badly burned. Then the family presses on to Canada. While enroute, they hear over the radio that Clarke's largest fragment, which is 9 miles wide, will hit near Western Europe. Hours later, the family makes steady progress to Osgoode airport, barely getting to the airport in time to board the very last flight out.
As they near Greenland, a comet fragment strikes off the coast, and the shockwave causes the plane to crash-land near Thule, killing the pilots. The Garritys and the rest of the passengers flag down a military truck and get into the bunker complex just as the largest fragment enters the atmosphere and hits, devastating civilization. Nine months later, the bunkers attempt to make radio contact with other potential survivors as various cities are shown to be in total ruin including Sydney, Mexico City, Paris, and Chicago. The Garritys and other survivors exit the shelter to a radically changed landscape, and Greenland manages to make contact with other stations around the globe. All are relieved to hear each other and report that the atmosphere is finally clearing, giving the survivors the chance to rebuild civilization.
''World of Krypton'' provides a great amount of detail into Krypton's history just before its destruction, along with the life story of Jor-El, the world's leading scientist, and his wife Lara Lor-Van. Superman himself appears in framing sequences, as do notable Kryptonians such as General Zod, Jax-Ur, Faora Hu-Ul, Lar Gand, and Beppo; as well as Clark Kent's adoptive parents Jonathan and Martha Kent.
The individual issues were titled, "The Jor-El Story", "This Planet Is Doomed!", and "The Last Days of Krypton", respectively.
''Claramente'' revolves around Clara (Carolina Miranda), a journalist with a very peculiar gift: she can read the minds of men. However, this particular condition is an impediment for her to find love. But everything changes when she meets Emiliano (Alejandro de la Madrid), the only man she whose thoughts she cannot read.
The plot revolves around the legendary drug trafficker Alonso Marroquín (Sergio Peris-Mencheta), who, with his son Lucas (Nery Arredondo) escapes from a high-security Mexican prison and finds refuge in Paradiso, a remote drug rehabilitation facility located on the American side of the border. Meanwhile, the bodies of experimental piglets, who were victims of a failed military experiment by the U.S., are abandoned near the border, and then revived as mutant zombies. In the search for Alonso and his son, the Mexican special forces team is infected by mutant zombies, becoming a zombie army. Alerted by the imminent threat that this new species represents for humanity, the United States Army embarks on a mission to annihilate them.
A cantankerous curmudgeon author must take part in a book tour in order to save his publishing boutique.
Basudev Kattel (Harihar Sharma) is a professor in Kathmandu struggling to make ends meet. When his friend Kumar (Neer Shah) asks that he help him on his illegal business scheme in return for lending him money, their relationship grows strained. Basudev and Kumar continue to insult each other for their respective values, when among mutual friends, arguing the merits of financial well-being against a principled life. The relationship gets worse when Kumar finds out that his only daughter Sangita (Sharmila Shah) is dating Prem (Krishna Malla), Basudev's son. Kumar initially attempts to convince Basudev to join his illegal business activities in order to bring the latter's economic status on par with his own as a precondition for marrying his daughter into Basudev's family. When both Basudev and Prem decline, Kumar gets Basudev fired from his job.
Basudev's youngest son is diagnosed with a kidney ailment that requires he be treated in India. Prem and Sangita manage the funds for the treatment with contribution from friends and family and leave for Delhi with the sick boy. Unable to come to terms with his daughter leaving home for Prem, a drunk Kumar goes to Basudev's house where he tries to rape Basudev's daughter and when intervened by Basudev's elderly father and Sabitri, physically assaults both. Basudev, learning what had happened, vows to end it once and for all, and breaks into Kumar's house, where he attacks Kumar from behind and kills him strangling him with his tie. Basudev walks into the night and dies of an apparent heart attack at his favourite stop in the city.
The film tells about an officer named Silvio, who decides to challenge the count to a duel as a result of a slap in the face. Suddenly he leaves and returns only many years later on the eve of the count’s wedding.
Many problems in the Zhang family, but one eventful summer changes many things. Zhang Junxiong is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and his condition weighs heavily on his wife Wang Feng (Lü Hsueh-feng) and the rest of the family. His daughter-Xiao Meng is released on parole from a long prison term and struggles to reconnect with her illegitimate son Ah Chuan and her loose-cannon ex-boyfriend Ah Wen.
María Eugenia “Maru” Lamacona de la Barquera (Karla Souza) wakes up alone in a hotel room in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Through a flashback, it is revealed that she was attending a wedding along with her best friends Daniela (Fabiola Guajardo), and Paulina (Rocio Garcia). There they meet Renato “La Rana” Zamarripa (Ricardo Abarca) and his best friend Abel "El Cadáver" Escobar (Biassini Segura). Heavy drinking and general mayhem ensue causing Maru and her friends to get blackout drunk.
Later Maru begins to experience morning sickness and takes a home pregnancy test, where she tests positive. Maru and her friends contact Laura (Sofia Sisniega), whose wedding they attended, which leads Maru back to El Cadaver and thus La Rana. Maru arrives at La Rana's apartment and advises him she is pregnant, much to his surprise. She informs him she has decided to terminate the pregnancy, to his chagrin. While at the clinic with Paulina, she has a change of heart, returns to Renato, and demands he help take care of the baby. He is ecstatic and immediately agrees. However, Maru makes it clear that it does not mean they will be a couple, as she has no romantic feelings for him, and they will only be coparenting. Renato wants to be romantically involved with Maru, and despite his feelings, reluctantly agrees. Maru takes Renato to meet her parents and reveals she is pregnant. Her parents disapprove and demand she return to her unfaithful boyfriend Juan Pablo (Erick Elias) while feigning that he is the father in order to maintain their social status and her father's (Jesus Ochoa) political position. Maru rebels and refuses to return with Juan Pablo. In turn, her parents force marriage on her in order to prevent a political scandal that could cost her father the current election.
Renato, in complete disagreement of just being married for the sake of appearances, tells Maru that he wishes to document their journey through film and video, Maru agrees. As they document the various stages of their relationship, Maru begins to develop feelings for Renato but is adamant about saving face, holds back, and vehemently and continually reminds Renato it is all for show. Renato and Maru go on honeymoon where he meets two women. Much to Maru's chagrin, she becomes jealous but stubbornly states she isn't. The morning before they leave back home, Maru initiates sex but later insists it was only a slip.
Six months later they find out they are having a boy. Maru has opened up to Renato while still keeping emotional space between them deliberately. On the evening of her baby shower, Maru argues with her father because of the way he treats Renato. Unbeknownst to anyone, Renato has refused a job offer from her father in exchange for his silence, as Renato inadvertently found out he is cheating on his wife. Maru and Renato spend the night together at his home. The next morning Renato reveals his video to her, she realizes she's been unnecessarily holding back her feelings for him, apologies for treating him badly, and declares she too is in love with him.
While at work, Renato receives a call from Maru informing him she is in labor. They rush to the hospital, where her parents and friends arrive in time to meet the baby. It is revealed that the baby is of oriental descent. Furthermore, Renato's initial surprise reaction to Maru's pregnancy was genuine. It is implied through flashbacks that Renato knew he was not the father but was in love with Maru all along. At her hospital bedside, Renato tells her he loves her and tells the baby he is his father. Her parents, realizing what he's done, embrace him with open arms. The film closes with Renato making a video for his son in anticipation of possible teasing/bullying him over the fact that he looks oriental but his parents do not.
In a mid-credits scene, we see Renato, Maru, their family and friends at Renato, Jr.’s first birthday. El Cadaver and Paulina are now a couple and are expecting their first child. Renato’s mother Rosie and Plutarco are together, and Daniela is dating Laura’s, presumed, ex-husband.
In winter, a mother (Kim Hee-ae) and her daughter (Kim So-hye) live together alone. The daughter, a high school student, accidentally reads a letter to her mother and finds out the secret her mother has been hiding all her life. Although it's too late, the daughter wants to comfort her mother's heart now. So the beautiful journey of the mother and the daughter begins. In Otaru, a quiet village with white snow, the mother and the daughter take the path of reconciliation, while building up exciting memories. The mother's unfulfilled past love and the daughter's new love are lying there. And there is someone who greets them. That mournful ‘someone’ who has lost her father and is living with her aunt is the secret character who will revitalize the life of the mother and the daughter.
The novel is separated into five parts: June, July, August, September, and November.
Ava Johnson, a young black woman living in Atlanta, is diagnosed with HIV which she contracted from an unknown source through sexual intercourse. Upon her HIV-positive diagnosis, she is alienated by her community in Atlanta and loses her clients at her hair salon on the basis of people's fear of the virus and their association of it with AIDS. Ava decides to move to Idlewild, Michigan, her hometown, to live with her widowed sister Joyce before fulfilling her dream to start a new life in San Francisco, California. When Ava arrives at the Grand Rapids airport, Joyce's close friend Eddie Jefferson comes to pick her up because Joyce is busy taking care of a young woman in labor. At Ava's request, Eddie and Ava stop at a liquor store on the way home from the airport. While in the parking lot of the liquor store, Eddie and Ava witness a violent dispute between a young man, Frank, and his girlfriend who have a young son together. Eddie manages to deescalate the fight by punching Frank in the Adam's apple, a skill which is revealed he learned from serving in the Army. After witnessing the fight and dropping the woman and the baby back off at their house, Eddie reveals to Ava that there is a budding crack problem within Idlewild. Once Ava and Eddie arrive at Joyce's house, Ava discovers that Joyce redecorated the entire house with shades of blue because of a magazine article she read that claimed it was a healing color. Once Joyce returns home, she tells Ava that the woman she was assisting in labor was a crack addict and that the baby will be tested for HIV. The following day, Ava and Joyce, find out that the baby tested negative for HIV; however, the mother left the hospital without the baby. Since the baby is orphaned, Joyce decides that she wants to personally care for the baby; upon making this decision, her and Ava head to Mattie's house, the aunt of the baby, to receive permission. Once the two reach the house, they are met by siblings Mattie and Frank, who tell Joyce that they do not wish to keep the baby. Joyce decides that she wants to find the baby a temporary home; in the meantime, the baby is taken back to the hospital. Joyce reveals to Ava that she leads a group of young teenage mothers at the local church in a weekly group meeting called the Sewing Circus. While the group was initially formed in order to offer Sunday morning nursery care for the mothers, the group evolved into being a group discussion of any issue the girls are struggling with in their daily lives. As a social worker, Joyce uses the Sewing Circus as an opportunity to empower and especially educate young women. While the group is a positive outlet for young women in the community, the topics discussed in the group, such as birth control, do not sit well with the Reverend and the Reverend's wife, Gerry Anderson. The hospital decides that Joyce is allowed to take temporary custody of the baby; once Joyce brings the baby home, she decides to name the baby Imani meaning "faith" in Swahili. Eddie and Ava continue to deepen their friendship; however, Ava fears that any sort of romantic relationship is off-limits due to her HIV-positive diagnosis.
Come July, Joyce is met with the news from Gerry Anderson that the Sewing Circus is not allowed to meet at the Church anymore because it does not align with their conservative values. Although upset by Gerry and the Reverend's decision, Joyce is unsurprised by its removal from the Church grounds. When Ava goes to the town pharmacy to pick-up her HIV medication, she finds out that the pharmacist revealed her diagnosis to some members of the town including Gerry. In turn, Ava is faced with ridicule and judgement from some of the community upon the news from the pharmacist. In response to the banning of the Sewing Circus from the Church, Joyce holds the meeting at her house and the turn-out is higher than it ever was at the Church leading Joyce to the idea that the group will need a larger meeting space. Later that night, Ava goes to Eddie's house where he tells her about his past serving in the army in Vietnam. The following night, Ava and Eddie begin to watch Menace II Society together until Eddie decides that he can't watch it anymore; upon telling Ava this, he reveals to her his violent past involving drugs and a ten year sentence to prison for murder. While shaken up by the news of Eddie's past, she maintains her relationship with him and decides to reveal her HIV-positive diagnosis to him a few nights later. Eddie is accepting of Ava's diagnosis and the two begin a romantic relationship together; however, they must take certain precautions during sex to protect Eddie from contracting HIV.
With the news that an old man in Idlewild is putting his house up for sale for ten thousand dollars cash, Eddie proposes that the house would be a good relocation for the Sewing Circus meetings. From money she saved up at the salon, Ava pays for the house and her Joyce and Eddie begin renovations. However, Joyce receives a letter from the state government that the Sewing Circus will no longer receive funding. The state's decision to discontinue funding resulted from a letter Gerry Anderson sent the government with false information about the Sewing Circus. While Joyce heads to defend the right to funding for the Sewing Circus, Ava cares for Imani. One night while Joyce is away, Ava witnesses Frank and Tyrone pull into Joyce's driveway and have sex with Frank's girlfriend on top of the car. Before they drive away, Frank throws a beer bottle at Joyce's house, shattering her window. Although Eddie wants to put Frank and Tyrone in their place, Ava urges him to not do anything drastic. After Ava and Eddie file a complaint at the sheriff's office, Tyrone and Frank tell the sheriff that Ava intentionally tried to seduce them; the sheriff does not believe Ava's story. In an effort to resolve the issues between Joyce and the Anderson's, Ava and Joyce go to the Anderson's house to talk about their issues with the Sewing Circus; however, Ava and Joyce are only met by the Reverend who is unable to have a proper discussion due to his drunkenness. While painting the new house for the Sewing Circus, Eddie proposes to Ava unto which Ava decides to take a few days to process this possibility of a new life. When Mattie arrives to Joyce's house with a social worker, Joyce reluctantly agrees to give Imani back to Mattie for the weekend prior to a hearing on the following Monday to determine Imani's official home.
While Imani is at Mattie's house for the weekend, Joyce convinces Ava to go with her to the house in case there are signs that Imani is in trouble. After hearing Imani's screams from outside the house, Ava and Joyce break in to find out that Frank twisted Imani's legs and broke them. After being rushed to the hospital, Imani's legs are put into casts and the doctors assure Joyce and Ava that she will be okay. Upon meeting a woman who was a member of the Anderson's old Church in Chicago, Ava finds out that Reverend Anderson fled the city after allegations of sexual interactions with young boys of the parish arose. With this information, Ava confronts Gerry Anderson and threatens to publicize the allegations in Idlewild; with this threat, both Gerry and the Reverend leave town.
In the epilogue, Ava reveals that Imani's casts were removed and she's doing well. Frank and Mattie finally get caught by the police after committing several drug-related robberies. Since the Anderson's left town, the church inducts a new pastor, Sister Judith, who is received well by the community. With Sister Judith officiating, Eddie and Ava get married.
The novel begins with an introduction to Renay's life and a look into her unhappy marriage to Jerome Lee Davis. A young black woman, Renay is a talented pianist, yet only plays for supplemental income in a supper club, called the Peacock Supper Club, a couple of nights a week. After Jerome Lee strikes her, Renay and her young daughter Denise leave him and move in with Terry Bluvard, Renay's new romantic interest, a wealthy white lesbian that she met at her work.
Although the 'present day' in the novel begins with Renay's moving in with Terry, much of the novel is recounted in Renay's recountings of past events. Renay discusses her meeting of Jerome Lee, a popular and athletic football star, while in college. Jerome Lee courted Renay incessantly, but has no success until she is accused of perhaps not liking men, which is when she succumbs to a date with him. At the end of one of their dates, Jerome Lee forces himself upon Renay, raping and impregnating her with a child, Denise, that results in their marriage and incompletion of college. Following the birth of Denise, Jerome Lee begins to drink heavily and takes odd jobs, predominantly as a traveling hair supplies salesman, which he implements as a tool and guise for rampant marital infidelity. Just before Renay decides to leave him, Jerome Lee sells her childhood piano for liquor money, indicating Renay's last straw and a physical altercation between them that leads to Jerome Lee striking her.
Renay is slowly introduced to Terry's life as a rich white lesbian, meeting her friends and social circles, and accompanying her to her frequented restaurants and parties. The two women begin to live as domestic partners, and Renay experiences nothing short of a sexual awakening while exploring her new intimate relationship with Terry. Replacing what Jerome Lee sold, Terry buys Renay a beautiful and expensive new piano. Their only arguments stem from Terry wanting Renay to cease her appearances at the club, voicing concern about Jerome Lee potentially stalking her there. Although she was confused at first, Denise comes to adore Terry, who she refers to as Aunt Terry, and she flourishes away from the inattention and subtle abuse of her father.
As Terry had suspected, Jerome Lee begins to stalk Renay, first visiting her at the club and causing a scene. Demanding the return of his wife and daughter, Jerome Lee becomes convinced that she has found another man, and threatens both Renay and her supposed new lover. As Renay's life continues to improve, Jerome Lee begins to haunt her in her new life even further. He stalks her at Terry's apartment, which ultimately causes their move to Terry's house in the country after the building manager receives complaints about a lurking black man from "concerned residents".
Although thoroughly accepted by Terry, Renay still experiences subtle yet harsh bouts of discrimination in her new life, with the discrimination of the apartment building manager being one of many. Renay faces harsh discrimination from Terry's ex-lover, Jean Gail, in the form of racial slurs and purported stereotypes, and is accused of stealing money by Terry's white housekeeper. She is often singled out for being black in Renay's predominantly white social circles, yet maintains her dignity and remains unapologetic about her blackness. Although Renay does face some discrimination, the majority of Terry's friends and acquaintances seem to accept her, at least superficially. Phil Millard and Benjie, a fun gay couple, frequent Terry's house and extend their friendship to Renay without question. Renay and Terry often attend parties and outings with Terry's friend Vance Kenton and her much younger girlfriend Lorraine.
After some push from Terry, Renay begins attending college once again, following their move into Terry's house on the outskirts of town in a secluded neighborhood called Willow Wood. The new couple and Denise settle into the new home, with Terry and Renay slowly assuming the stereotypical roles of husband and wife, respectively, and a nuclear family. Renay plays piano much more for purely pleasure and composes a piece that Terry surprises her with publishing it. After Denise finishes school for the year, Renay decides to send her away for the summer to stay with her grandmother, Renay's mother, in fictional Tilltown, Kentucky.
During one summer night, an inebriated Jerome Lee follows Terry and Renay back from the club after one of Renay's performances and drives them off the road, but the women manage to drive away without much confrontation. Shortly after, Terry is approached with an offer to travel to New York City to interview an up-and-coming Hollywood starlet, but is concerned with leaving Renay alone after their run-in with Jerome Lee. After Renay insists she can handle her ex-husband, Terry begrudgingly accepts the offer and leaves for two weeks. While Terry is away, Vance's girlfriend Lorraine pays Renay a visit and accompanies her to the club. Afterwards, the women return to Terry's house and a drunk Lorraine attempts to seduce Renay, but is met with rejection and leaves. Renay then finds Jerome Lee in the kitchen, who learns of Renay's sexuality after seeing Lorraine kiss her and overhearing their conversation about Terry. After demanding to know where Denise is, Jerome Lee beats her nearly to death and leaves her bleeding and unconscious on the floor.
Edith Stilling, a friendly neighbor and widow, finds Renay alive but severely beaten, but with no severe injuries. Terry returns home early and Renay beings the healing process. She learns that Jerome Lee has skipped town and that a music publishing company wants to publish her piece ''"Song for Souls".'' Once recovered, Renay briefly visits her childhood home in Kentucky to see both Denise and her mother. After she returns, Terry and Renay resume their lives together while Denise remains in Kentucky, and Renay is granted full custody and a divorce from Jerome Lee in a court hearing he fails to attend. Renay continues her studies and Terry works on her novel "''A Forest in the Heart"'', which Mrs. Stilling affirms is based on the relationship of Terry and Renay.
Renay receives a call from Kentucky and learns that Denise has been killed in a car accident after Jerome Lee was visiting and took her for a drive while drunk. After attending Denise's funeral, Renay retracts into herself and becomes withdrawn from Terry and the outside world, wondering if her daughter's death is a punishment from God for her homosexual relationship with Terry. Shortly after, Renay leaves Terry, explaining with a note that she does not want to ruin their relationship with her unhappiness and asks her not to contact her again. Months later, on Christmas Eve, Terry attends Vance's Christmas party and rejects the advances of an attractive woman. Upon returning home, Terry finds Renay asleep on the couch. The two women profess their love for one another and the novel concludes with their passionate reconciliation.
Amanda Lozano (Mariana Treviño), is a woman who makes a living as a therapist specializing in helping women end destructive relationships. She is a successful and empowered woman, but she discovers that her sister Natalia (Camila Sodi) is in love with a lazy and macho idiot named René (Sebastián Zurita), who repeatedly cheats on her. To separate her from him, she plans a strategy to get her sister to fall in love with her best friend Leo (Christopher von Uckermann). What he doesn't know is that in the middle of this mission he will have to face his greatest fear of all: love.
Hanio Yamada is a 27-year-old copywriter for Tokyo Ad who, after a suicide attempt, quits his job and advertises his own life for sale in a Tokyo newspaper. Yamada's life is shaken up when he agrees to the increasingly bizarre requests of those who respond to his offer.
Set in Seville, Andalusia in 1519, Juan Sebastián Elcano is a young and irresponsible man who wants to live as a captain of his little boat, but due to debts he has with the city's bank, the bank manager confiscates Elcano's boat and orders the guards to arrest him as a defaulter. As he tries to avoid imprisonment, Elcano enlists as part of an expedition of five ships commanded by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, nicknamed "The Navigator", in order to arrive in the Moluccas Islands to get spices, very valuable to the ruling Kingdom of Castile. Portuguese ambassador Álvaro da Costa plots to make the journey a failure since the Moluccas Islands belong to the Kingdom of Portugal, and hires Yago as spy and saboteur to prevent the journey's success. Unaware of it, Magellan completes the crew of the five ships: the ''Trinidad'', the ''San Antonio'', the ''Concepción'', the ''Santiago'', and the ''Victoria''; and starts the journey. Elcano, hoping to have his own ship, works as a helmsman for Captain Juan de Cartagena, who despises him and is suspicious about Magellan, taking him as a traitor who secretly works for Portugal. At the same time that Yago makes some sabotages, Cartagena conspires with the other captains to get Magellan's secret map to navigate by unknown lands. But after Magellan died after a battle with natives of the Saint Lazarus islands, Elcano is promoted by the crew as the new leader of the trip. Traveling to the west following the sun and determined to fulfill the mission, Elcano finds himself fighting against not only Yago and da Costa, but time and starvation to make history and give the first trip around the world.
Tommy and Jane come to the Hollywood Trocadero from their farm and meet a Hollywood press agent. After Tommy and Jane explain their current hardships to Chuck (the press agent); and Chuck offers his and his client's help in harvesting the crops from farm.
Ganelon becomes the prisoner and object of the passion of the enchantress Zelmarine, Queen of Red Magic. When not fruitlessly wooing him, she sends him to her mind-prober Varesco, a Mentalist of Ning, himself subject to a secret lust for his Queen. During the probing, Ganelon's mental superpowers start to emerge.
Ganelon Silvermane encounters decaying island-city slipping into the water, but projecting an illusion of its former glory, the problem of scientific immortals, and the disastrous collision of a massive horde of the world's ultimate barbarians.
Ganelon Silvermane offers himself as hostage to the barbarian Ximchak Horde, the worst band of barbarians to roam the plains. From a captive of the Horde, he rises to heights of heroism greater than ever before, becoming its leader and beginning to assume the full power of his mighty being. He takes his followers beyond the glass-walled Triple City to the Marvellous Mountains carved into gigantic friezes.
Ganelon Silvermane leaves the savage barbarian Ximchak Horde which he has civilized and sets out to rescue his kidnapped friend Kurdi.
In the town of Hughesville, seven-year-old Kit Secord learns she is secretly next in line to become The Rocketeer, a jet pack-wearing superhero who can fly. Armed with her cool new gear and secret identity, Kit takes to the skies to protect Hughesville and its residents from danger. Assisting her on her heroic adventures are her best friend Tesh, bulldog sidekick Butch, and airplane mechanic grandfather Ambrose Secord.
Mick (Jeremy Piven) is a local success story and Philadelphia real estate developer. He returns home to his blue-collar neighborhood, fictional "Darby Heights (based on Upper Darby, a suburb of West Philadelphia), for a funeral and is obligated to stay to ensure his parents’ ailing family business gets back on course.
In the meantime, he begins to grow closer to his childhood crush, Ali (Taryn Manning) whilst enduring constant ridicule from his old hometown crew. As Mick begins to reconnect with the neighborhood, he finds himself at a crossroads when forced to either raze or resurrect the family bar.
Fede, is in his mid-twenties and lives alone in a Buenos Aires apartment. He splits up with his girlfriend, Magda on the say that his grandmother dies. He then meets a new love interest, Shakti and invites her to dinner. Rejtman explained that the film is about "a Jewish young man, the death of his grandmother, depression, Hare Krishnas, Pesach (Passover), and potato knishes."
The film explores the social stigma surrounding autism.
Recep Ivedik travels back in time and travels to Kenya with his friends country of origin. Recep Ivedik is mistakenly sent to Kenya instead of Konya, the blundering Recep wreaks havoc in the savannah as he tries to get home.
One year, during the reign of the Ming Dynasty’s Chenghua Emperor, Zhu Jiansen (1465-1487), there was a man named Soyang who served as the Minister of National Defense. Soyang was over fifty years old but still had no children. One day, he went to the Cheongnyong Temple in the Yeongbo Mountains in Western China. There, he donated gold amounting to thousands of ''nyang'' (a Korean unit of currency at the time) to the old monk residing at the temple. A few days later, his wife dreamed that the Dragon King of the East Sea banished his son to the human world for his sins and shortly afterwards, she gave birth to So Daeseong.
When So Daeseong was ten years old, both his parents passed away. After organizing and settling his family fortune, So Daeseong left home. During his travels, he runs into an elderly person, wailing from sadness because they cannot obtain a grave site for their mother out of sheer poverty. Upon hearing the person’s story, he gives them all his money. Afterwards, So Daeseong is reduced to living like a beggar and roams the countryside.
In the region of Cheongju, Chancellor Lee is entering old age and is spending time in his hometown. One day, Chancellor Lee has a dream of a blue dragon lying in a fishing spot. Upon waking, he goes to the fishing spot and there finds So Daeseong, sleeping in his impoverished state. He brings So Daeseong home and offers the hand of his youngest daughter, Chaebong, in order to make him his son-in-law. However, Chancellor Lee’s wife, Madame Wang, is disgruntled by So Daeseong’s entrance and dislikes his intrusion.
Right before So Daeseong and Chaebong’s wedding, Chancellor Lee becomes ill and passes away. Upon his death, So Daeseong spends all his days sleeping the time away in his grief. Madame Wang and her three sons together plot to drive So Daeseong out and send an assassin after him, but the assassin is instead killed by So Daeseong. Recalling the Chancellor’s kindness towards him, So Daeseong decides not to pursue revenge and quietly leaves their home. After aimlessly wandering, So Daeseong arrives at the Cheongnyong Temple in the Yeongbo Mountains and learns the art of war and sorcery from an old monk.
Meanwhile, the Huns and the Xionites invade China and the Ming Dynasty falls into crisis. So Daeseong receives a sword, armor and helmet, and a swift horse from the spirits of the old monk at Cheongnyong Temple and Chancellor Lee, as well as from the master of Okpan Mountain. Charging into the battlefield, So Daeseong delivers a fatal blow to the enemy general, Seon U, with a single stroke of his sword, and distinguishes himself in battle. The other enemy commander, “Howang” (Emperor Ho), tricks So Daeseong with numerous schemes and So Daeseong has numerous close calls. However, with help from the heavens, he always manages to escape. After quelling the attacks, So Daeseong is crowned as the “Nowang” (魯王 The Foolish Emperor).
Even after So Daeseong’s departure, Chaebong has continuously guarded her chastity and refused marriage. After So Daeseong is crowned emperor, he summons Chaebong and makes her his queen, with their family subsequently enjoying wealth and honor for generations.
During the reign of King Injo of Joseon, there was a man named Yi Gwi, appointed to an important government position and living in Hanyang, that had a bright and talented son, Yi Sibaek. One day, a man named Pak Cheosa, disguised in shabby dress, comes to find Yi Gwi who immediately sees through his disguise. He arranges for his son, Yi Sibaek, and Pak Cheosa’s daughter, Lady Park, to be married. On the day of their marriage, Yi Gwi and Yi Sibaek go to Geumgang Mountain and find Pak Cheosa to carry out the nuptials. They meet Lady Pak who appears quite uncomely and walks with a limp. Moreover, it seems she only ever eats and sleeps a lot. Yi Gwi’s wife, Yi Sibaek, and even the servants constantly mistreat Lady Pak and only Yi Gwi feels sorry for her. Aware of his sympathy, Lady Pak pleads with Yi Gwi to arrange another house for her and together with her maid, Gyehwa, they move to a separate household. From this point on, Lady Park demonstrates her superb talents, such as creating a full court attire outfit for her father-in-law, Yi Gwi, in a single night through the use of Taoist magic, or buying a weak horse for 300 ''nyang'' (unit of currency in the Joseon Dynasty) and then turning it into an excellent steed and selling it to an envoy from Ming China for 30,000 ''nyang''. Moreover, when her husband Yi Sibaek uses the special water dropper for ink that Lady Pak gives him, he ends up placing first in the civil service examination. In addition, she names the house where she lives as ''pihwadang'' (避禍堂 Sanctuary from Disaster) and plants all kinds of trees in the area in accordance with the Eastern cosmology principles of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements of the Universe, turning that space into a sacred site.
For the first time in four years, Lady Pak finally visits her in-laws, using special Taoist magic that allows her to traverse long distances in an instant. Later, Pak Cheosa visits Yi Gwi’s house and states that Lady Pak’s curse has finally been lifted and uses the magical skill of transfiguration so that her shabby appearance falls away. Lady Pak is thus revealed to actually be a beautiful woman and afterwards, the Yi family treats her hospitably and she gets along amicably with her husband.
Shortly afterwards, the Manchu ruler decides to invade Joseon and his queen consort devises a scheme in which she sends her maid, Gi Hongdae, as an assassin. However, Lady Pak, through Taoist magic, discovers this plan preemptively and drives out Gi Hongdae. Afterwards, Han Yu and Yong Uldae, two commanders of the Manchu nation, gather an army of a hundred thousand men and invade Joseon. Lady Pak once more uses magic to discover these plans and informs Yi Sibaek in order to adequately prepare. However, traitors in the Joseon royal court oppose the countermeasure and it fails. In the end, the Manchu army lays siege to Hanyang, the capital of Joseon, and the Joseon King is forced to surrender. At that moment, Yong Uldae’s younger brother, Yong Goldae, goes to Lady Pak’s residence, ''pihwadang'', where he is stabbed and killed by Lady Pak’s maid, Gyehwa. Yong Uldae mobilizes the army in order to get revenge and goes to ''pihwadang'', where he is defeated by Taoist magic at the hands of Lady Pak. However, because the King of Joseon already surrendered, Yong Uldae takes the crown prince of Joseon and others as hostages. Because of this, the Joseon King greatly regrets not listening to Lady Pak’s advice, and Lady Pak becomes even more famous throughout the land, enjoying great wealth and honor until the day of her death.
During the Ming Dynasty, a girl named Bang Gwanju is born in Beijing, China. Although she was born as a biological female, from a young age, she wears boys’ clothes on her own initiative and studies matters that are not traditionally considered “feminine,” instead pursuing male-gendered activities such as studying the ''Siseo'' (詩書 Odes and the Histories) and military strategies. Her parents follow her lead and introduce their child as a son to other people. Her parents pass away when she is eight years old and after the three-year mourning period, she wanders the country and views all the mountains and streams for one year. When she is twelve years old, she takes the civil service examination and wins first place in the field of literary and martial arts. Yeong Hyebing is the youngest daughter of Yeong Huijeong, the Minister of Defense. Yeong Hyebin laments the life of a woman regulated by a man and vows to never get married. Yeong Huijeong tries to marry off his daughter and Bang Gwanju meets Yeong Hyebing in person. Immediately perceiving Young Hyebin’s outstanding character, Bang Gwanju resolves to marry her. Yeong Hyebing immediately recognizes that Bang Gwanju is a woman and on their wedding day, she sets out to discover Bang Gwanju’s true intentions. As soon as she discovers Bang Gwanju’s true identity, the two women swear to keep the secret so that Bang Gwanju lives the life of a man and Yeong Hyebing, although she breaks her original vow to never get married, does not live the life of a regular woman controlled by her husband. Bang Gwanju is appointed to a government post and a few years later, she is dispatched to the provinces and separates from Yeong Hyebing. While in the provinces, Gwanju decides to explore the nearby mountains and streams when a bolt of lightning suddenly strikes. She goes to the spot where the bolt of lightning hit the ground and there, finds a child with the words “nakseong” (落星 fallen star) engraved on his chest. She thus names him “Nakseong” and takes him home with her. One year later, Bang Gwanju is promoted to a position in the Ministry of Defense and returns to Seoul where she is reunited with Yeong Hyebing and they decide to raise Nakseong as their own son. Afterwards, the royal court is sent into a disarray through the actions of a group of traitorous subjects and the Northern barbarians simultaneously decide to attack China. Bang Gwanju is made into the commander-in-chief of the army and goes to fight in the war, where she defeats the King of the barbarians and receives his capitulation. The Emperor thus appoints Bang Gwanju as his feudal lord and Yeong Hyebing is bestowed with the honor of being a feudal lord’s wife. When their son, Bang Nakseong, turns twelve years old, he becomes engaged to Kim Hui’s daughter and takes the civil service examination, receiving first place. His wife, Madame Kim, has a son and names him “Hyeon.” Bang Nakseong is promoted to the Ministry of Defense. One day, an ascetic from Mount Heng comes to find them and reads Bang Gwanju’s physiognomy. After predicting that she will die before the age of 40, he forever disappears. In the spring of the following year, Bang Gwanju suddenly becomes ill and has a premonition that she will soon die. She thus sends a message to the Emperor revealing her true identity as a woman and at the age of 39, passes away with Yeong Hyebing following and dying shortly afterwards.
During the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty in China, there was a man named Seol Munbaek who held a government position in the Ministry of Personnel. After he began his government position, he had a daughter named Wolae whose spirit was as excellent and outstanding as that of a hero’s. At the age of three, Wolae’s mother passes away. Her father does not remarry and Wolae, when she turns ten years old, starts to manage their household all on her own as efficiently and capably as an adult. One day, Choe Hun, a powerful man within the royal cart, sends a request to Seol Munbaek in order to arrange a marriage between Seol Wolae and his son. However, Seol Munbaek rejects this request and Choe Hun becomes spiteful and starts to harbor a desire for revenge. Afterwards, Choe Hun attempts to rape Lady Jeong, the wife of Confucian Scholar Yi Hyeon, but Lady Jeong escapes, managing to leave behind a letter written in her blood before she commits suicide. Upon hearing of Yi Hyeon’s circumstances, Seol Munbaek writes an appeal to the king calling for the punishment of Choe Hun. Choe Hun’s brother-in-law discovers Seol Munbaek’s plan and informs Choe Hun who proceeds to falsely accuse Seol Munbaek instead. Seol Munbaek is thus banished to the North Sea. Seol Wolae, now alone, is coerced by Choe Hun into marrying his son. She pretends to accept her fate, but instead sends her devoted maid in her place to get married. After the nuptials, she and her maid, Yeohwan, disguise themselves as men and escape to Cheongam Temple where Seol Wolae begins studying military strategies and the martial arts. One day, a person visits the temple and is impressed by Seol Wolae’s immense spirit and strength and recommends that she take the civil service examination. In order to clear her father’s name from the false charge, Seol Wolae changes her name to “Seolgyeong” and takes the civil service examination. After she places first in the examination, she sends a message to the king informing him of the situation between her father and Choe Hun. The king comes to learn the truth and thus banishes Choe Hun and extols the chastity and faithfulness of Madame Jeong, who committed suicide to protect her virtue. He also releases Seol Munbaek from his sentence of exile and decides to make Seol Wolae his son-in-law. Seol Wolae first goes to retrieve her father from his place of exile, and then proceeds to send a message to the emperor revealing her true identity as a woman and humbly begs for his forgiveness. The king is impressed by her and marries her to the crown prince while also promoting Seol Munbaek to a higher government position. Seol Wolae has eight boys and three girls and dies shortly after her husband passes away.
Kim Jeon, who once saved a turtle from death, and his wife, Lady Jang, were unable to have children for a very long time until one day, they suddenly have a daughter they name Sukhyang. When Sukhyang is five years old, a bandit’s rebellion breaks out and the family is forced to escape in order to seek refuge. As they evacuate, Kim Jeon and Lady Jang are separated from Sukhyang. With the help of a deer, the newly orphaned Sukhyang makes her way to the home of Jang Seungsang. Sukhyang grows up as the adopted daughter of Jang Seungsang, but one day, she is falsely accused of stealing and is kicked out. Later, Sukhyang attempts to drown herself , but the turtle that her father once saved suddenly appears and rescues her. Afterwards, in another close brush with death, Sukhyang is once more saved by a man named Hwa Deokjin. In another instance, Sukhyang nearly dies from starvation, but an elderly woman named Yi Hwajeong helps her and the two end up living together.
One day, Sukhyang has a dream that she becomes a fairy and is playing in heaven. After she wakes from her dream, she records the scene seen in her dream through embroidery. The elderly woman takes Sukhyang’s embroidery and sells it to a merchant. The merchant visits the writer and master calligrapher, Yi Seon, in order to create a title for the picture embroidered by Sukhyang. Upon seeing the embroidery, Yi Seon is shocked because it exactly reflects his own dream. He then finds Yi Hwajeong and meets Sukhyang, who he marries. However, when Yi Seon’s father, Yi Sangseo, finds out about their marriage, he gives orders to Kim Jeon, the magistrate of Nagyang, to lock up Sukhyang and kill her. Kim Jeon, unaware that Sukhyang is his own daughter, prepares to carry out the orders. However, his wife, Lady Jang has a dream and begs him to release Sukhyang. With the help of Lady Yeo, Yi Seon’s aunt, they manage to free Sukhyang from prison.
Afterwards, Sukhyang formally meets Yi Sangseo and his wife with the help of Yi Hwajeong and a blue dog, and they finally accept her as a daughter-in-law. Yi Seon attains first place in the civil service examination and is appointed as a royal historian, returning to his home and living happily together with Sukhyang. She later accompanies Yi Seon on his trip to Kiangling. On the way, she is reunited with Jang Seungsang and his wife, who took care of her for a short while, and she repays their former kindness. She also reunites with her father and mother and tells them that she is their daughter. Later, Yi Seon brings back an elixir of immortality from Bongnae Mountain on behalf of the Empress Dowager and he is made King of the Chu State for his actions. Yi Seon and Sukhyang enjoy great riches and honors until finally, they decide to return home by ship.
Hong Gyeong-nae (洪景來) was born in Yonggang, Pyeongan Province. From a young age, Hong proved himself to be exceptionally talented. However, the Royal Court at the time discriminated against people from the Pyeongan, Hwanghae, and Hamgyong Provinces—rarely, if ever, appointing them to positions within the administration. Deeply unhappy with this situation, Hong plotted a rebellion with his fellow comrades, Kim Sayong (金士用), U Gunchik (禹君則), and Lee Jecho (李濟初). He gathered around a thousand people in support and led them to Dabokdong, a place in Pyeongan Province that he made his base, where they gathered weapons and strategized.
Coincidentally, that year was a bad harvest year for the farmers and the corrupt officials continued their tyrannical behavior as the people grew increasingly resentful and angry. Seizing this ripe opportunity, Hong Gyeong-nae deemed himself the leader of the dissatisfied people and made Kim Sayong his second commander and U Gunchik as his tactician and together, they led an attack on Gasan county. There, they murdered the county governor as he attempted to repel their forces. Hong Gyeong-nae forced open the storehouse and distributed grain among the people, prompting numerous peasants to join Hong in support. With the help of his subordinate commanders, Hong also seized the neighboring counties. Numerous counties, including Jeongju, Taecheon, Cheolsan, and Yongcheon, joined Hong Gyeong-nae’s peasant army. Kim Iksun, then the leader of the town of Seoncheon and the future grandfather of Kim Satgat, who would become one of the most famous wandering poets of Korea, also surrendered to Hong’s forces. Though he could have immediately attacked the town of Anju (located in Pyeongan Province), Hong decided to first attack Bakcheon and Yeongbyeon and only afterwards, advance to Anju. However, his two subordinate commanders adamantly believed that they needed to attack Anju first in order to succeed and was dismayed by a plan that they were sure would lead to utter failure and plotted to assassinate Hong in the middle of night. Although the assassination attempt ultimately failed, Hong sustained grave injuries and their plans suffered serious setbacks. In that time, the government forces were able to re-organize and arm themselves and set out on a fierce counterattack. Hong led his army and penetrated the fortress at Jeongju where they begin their siege. Although the government army used all their strength in their attempts to recapture the Jeongju fortress, they ultimately failed. As the siege lengthens, the peasant army’s food supplies become depleted and morale significantly drops. Eventually, the government army decide to dig underground tunnels beneath the fortress and use gunpowder to explode the fortress, finally succeeding in invading the fortress as it collapses. Upon entering the fortress, the government forces conduct a large massacre, killing anyone they counter with an inestimable number of casualties. Together with his close associates, the injured Hong Gyeong-nae attempts to escape, but is ultimately shot dead. However, there are still those who believe that he survived and is still alive.
Sangay (Tshering Euden) is a highschool student living with her widowed and controlling father Ap Atsara (Dorji Gyeltshen), who plays the character of Atsara — a sacred character in various festivals and also carves wooden phalli for various rituals. Sangay is bullied in school, partially for her father's profession. Sangay is having an affair with a married man named Passa (Singye) whose occupation as a butcher means his status in the society is very low. Passa is initially kind to Sangay but he eventually starts to berate her when she hesitates to run away to Thimphu with him.
Present Team Arrow are shocked that Future Team Arrow has travelled back in time. William Clayton tells his father Oliver Queen that the year is meant to be 2040. William's half-sister Mia Smoak and Connor Hawke decide not to tell Present Team Arrow about the dystopian future of Star City under the interests of preserving their timeline, but William doubts that they can keep this a secret for long. Oliver wants to connect with his children's future selves; he is able to restore his bond with William, but Mia keeps her distance out of resentment. The next day at the bunker, the two teams watch a newscast of the Deathstroke gang. Future Team Arrow believe the gang leader is John Diggle Jr. and go to confront him, only to realize it is Grant Wilson. Grant plants bombs but Oliver and the rest of Present Team Arrow manage to save Future Team Arrow.
Connor and William reveal everything to Present Team Arrow. Rene Ramirez and John Diggle have a heated argument about their children before Diggle and Connor argue. Laurel Lance and Mia go to the hospital and Laurel realizes that Mia is going to try and kill Grant. Grant is going to use coordinated bomb attacks, and has them all connected to a phone. Both the Team Arrows suit up and try to find Grant. Once they do, Mia is going to kill him but Oliver stops her from doing so. The next morning, Oliver takes Mia to his father Robert's grave and tells her that he did not know his true father until he had died; he does not want to be like that between them. Oliver then gets a call from Curtis Holt who says that there is a weapon that can defeat Mar Novu but the man who can make it is in Russia. Laurel exits the SCPD and Novu appears before her. He offers to bring back Earth-2, but it will require a simple task: she must betray Oliver.
Greenfield's exploration of Imelda Marcos's narrative takes on what ''The New York Times'' calls a "dialectic" approach, allowing Imelda to tell her narrative and slowly introducing opposing viewpoints as the movie progresses.
The film is organically divided into two parts, following the chronology of the events of Marcos's life.
The first half focuses on Imelda's life from the time she became first lady of the Philippines in 1965, through the 21 years where she and her husband ruled the Philippines, until they were deposed and forced into exile by the 1986 People Power Revolution.
As described by IndieWire, the second half of the film "features survivors of her husband's declaration of martial law and focuses on the political comeback of the Marcos family," focused on the ascension of her son, Bongbong Marcos, to increasingly prominent national posts.
Martin Ward is a fisherman in a picturesque Cornish village. He struggles to make ends meet fishing without a boat, while his brother Steven uses their late father's vessel to offer cruise trips to visiting tourists.
Meanwhile, tensions arise between Martin and the out-of-town Leigh family, who use the harbour-front 'Skipper's Cottage' they bought from Martin and Steven as a seasonal holiday home and short-term rental business.
The game is set in the world of the same name, "Fantasy Strike", a world featured in other games made by Sirlin Games. In the story, Rook hosts a martial arts tournament to rally the strongest fighters of the land.
The film is an adaptation of the eponymous novel by Mikhail Lermontov.
Lifelong friends and recent college graduates Milo and Lola find themselves in Hell, with no recollection of how they came to be there. After being assigned a Personal Demon, Sister Mary Wormhorn, they meet Sam, a psychopomp cab driver. Sam explains that while demons torture humans during work hours, both groups enjoy the nights drinking and partying together. The only way out of Hell is to outdrink and out-party Satan himself. After procuring an invite to Lucifer's party, Milo and Lola meet the host himself, who demands they prove their abilities by obtaining seals of approval from his brothers and sisters, the Monarchs of Hell.
One of the Monarchs is Apollyon, a judge of the Dead. Milo and Lola sneak into a demons-only bar to find her. Apollyon sees through their disguises and agrees to give them a seal if they serve as lawyers for Roberto, a soul charged with serial murder. Milo and Lola can either throw the trial per Apollyon's wishes, or let Roberto ascend to heaven and challenge Apollyon afterward; either way, Apollyon will give the pair her seal.
Another Monarch is the hard-partying Asmodeus, who is trying to forget about his recent breakup with his ex, Beth. Milo and Lola can either get Asmodeus and Beth back together or beat Asmodeus in a dance-off to obtain the necessary seal.
Having obtained the needed seals, Milo and Lola return to Satan's party, with a team of challengers drawn from the people they have befriended during the night. Apollyon attempts an intervention, feeling that Satan's drinking is out of control and Hell is suffering because of it, but Satan angrily teleports Milo and Lola away to continue the drinking contest.
The game has multiple endings, depending on Milo and Lola's performance in the drinking game. If they win, they are sent back to Earth and resume their lives. If they lose the contest or refuse to play, they remain in Hell. Some time afterward, Milo and Lola relax at a bar and discuss the current situation; depending on the player's actions, Satan can be recovering from his addictions or have fallen off the wagon, but Hell appears to be running better. Sam bursts in, having discovered another way to possibly escape Hell, to which Milo and Lola immediately agree.
Stripped from nobility and forcibly married to an outcast by the monarchy, a noble woman fights to keep her dignity by rejecting to succumb to her destiny.
Gennet is seven years old and lives in Ethiopia. Her name comes from the Amharic and means paradise. One day, Gennet's little brother Mamo gets bitten by a poisonous snake. Now it's up to Gennet to get help. On her way to the doctor she sees monkeys, vultures and flamingos. When she has to cross a deep river, she is helped by a shepherd boy. Finally she arrives at the doctor's house. Immediately, the doctor drives with his jeep to Gennet's brother to help him. Gennet's brother is cured. As a reward, Gennet gets a yellow dress and a necklace at the market.
Salima lives on a houseboat in Srinagar, which is the largest city in Kashmir. Salmia's younger brother Nazir goes to school while Salima stays home to look after her younger sister. Nazirs classmates are almost all boys. Only one girl is in the class. Nazir wants his sister Salima to come to school as well. However, his teacher tells him that his father and grandfather have to decide this. Nazir wants to talk with his grandfather, but his grandfather just laughs. He thinks that is a strange idea to send a girl to school. Furthermore he mentions that there are many things that Salima has to learn from her mother at home. Now, Salima wants to prove to her grandfather that she is very smart and is able to go to school. She helps her mother wherever she can. When Salimas grandfather meets Nazir's teacher, the teacher tells the old man, that he should let his granddaughter come to school. Finally the grandfather agrees. Salima is happy. After some time she already is able to read, write and sum up. She reads the newspaper to her grandfather.
The film takes place in Europe in the 19th century. The film shows the popular uprisings that took place there, as well as the search for truth and the confrontation of Karl Marx and opponents of the revolution.
Jane Chandler is a particle physicist who's struggling to complete a teleporting machine, while enjoying a happy family life with her husband, Matt, and their two children. Matt dies in a traffic accident; soon after, Jane discovers that her teleporting machine prototype is actually sending objects to a parallel universe. She travels to a parallel reality and there finds another version of her husband, bringing him back to her own world. Soon, though, she learns that the person she has brought is not exactly like the husband she had lost.
The show opens with a new theme song dedicated to the PC babies, who are the highly politically correct quintuplet children of South Park Elementary principal PC Principal and vice-principal Strong Woman. At South Park Elementary, PC Principal announces that Woman will be competing in a strongwoman competition where she is the reigning champion. She encourages the girls of the school to be more active in school sports and activities. Fourth-graders Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Butters Stotch, Clyde Donovan and Scott Malkinson are in a gaming club named Dice Studz playing ''Dungeons & Dragons''. They are interrupted by school counselor Mr. Mackey who brings in Tammy Nelson and Nichole Daniels who wish to join. Although the boys are hesitant to let the girls play, the girls immediately display an advanced knowledge of the game that stuns the boys. Cartman, Butters and Scott complain to Mackey about the girls in their club but they are dismissed. The boys collectively decide to switch their games to tabletop miniature games to make their games too difficult for the girls to play, but the girls come in immediately prepared for the game, and Stan becomes more comfortable with the girls' presence. Cartman, Butters and Scott plead to the United States Congress to return their club to the way that it was. In response, the girls start up their own gaming club named Board Girls which is hugely popular. The boys are fascinated by their new club, but Mackey kicks them out of the club as a new rule in school no longer allows boys in girls clubs, a direct result of the boys pleas to Congress.
At the strongwoman competition, Woman is interviewed and told that there is a new transgender athlete competing named Heather Swanson. When Swanson is introduced, it is revealed that she is an extremely muscular, bearded athlete (a parody of "Macho Man" Randy Savage) who only started identifying as a woman a few weeks ago. Swanson easily defeats the other competitors to win the contest, with Woman finishing in second place. Swanson visits Woman and Principal at their home to brag about her victory and gets into an argument with Principal, calling him a transphobe. Swanson has an interview on a sports talk show with multiple trophies and awards as she has won every women's sporting contest she has entered recently. She issues a challenge to Woman, who is watching on television at home. Woman reveals to Principal that she personally knows Swanson as her ex-boyfriend Blade Jaggart, and the reason for Swanson's attacks on Woman is due to Swanson feeling that he was beaten by a woman when they broke up. As Swanson has an interview celebrating her success in mixed martial arts, Principal interrupts her on set causing another argument. In the heat of the moment, Principal shoves Swanson, and she dives through a table, breaking it.
Principal's reputation is damaged from his actions, and Woman consoles him in a park as Principal does not want to face his babies due to his actions. Principal decides to invite Swanson to South Park Elementary as a motivational speaker in an attempt to make up for his actions. As Swanson brags about her ability to beat any woman at any contest, the girls from Board Girls retort that she would be unable to beat any of them in some of their favorite games. Swanson accepts their challenge and is repeatedly defeated by the Board Girls in various games. Swanson leaves in anger as Cartman invites Swanson to make their own club instead. Principal returns home and finds that his children have accepted his actions as they simply do not care.
In 2024, Charlie Haskell, the vice president of the United States, is on the Moon to inaugurate the first moonbase. An interstellar comet is discovered to be on course to impact the Moon and shatter it. A rescue mission gets underway to take the thousand-something population of the base off the Moon, with the support of the L1 space station (near the Earth-Moon L1 point) and Skyport, a larger geocentric space station.
Haskell, in a moment of zealousness to show responsibility, promises the public to get off the Moon only after everyone else has. Subsequent analysis reveals that the existing rescue plan would result in about 10 people not being able to get off the Moon before the impact. The VP chooses to stick to his promise. Some volunteers, along with a few randomly selected people, also stay back.
The rescue plan moves along, with the help of about 5 large spaceships, 'SSTOs'. The SSTOs dock with smaller ferry spaceships, 'moonbuses' and a 'Micro', in the orbit to take in passengers. Also, a last-minute risky plan of using the Micro to take off the last few people is put into action and it rescues the last group off the Moon just before impact.
The comet hits the Moon, shattering it. The resulting debris of loose rock creates a danger to the rescue ships, as well as to the people on Earth.
Some impactors, presumably a few hundred meters large, hit the Earth. The western hemisphere gets particularly affected because of the orientation of Earth during the impact. The coasts of the US are hit by multiple tsunamis and the land areas also face some impacts, resulting in widespread loss of life and property. The president, who had earlier decided against a coastal evacuation, is distraught. Many characters who have to deal with these events, like the residents of the affected areas, journalists and extremist militia members, are discussed in the novel.
One of the SSTOs gets destroyed in space by a piece of debris measuring several hundred meters. The Micro also gets damaged and Haskell is forced to perform an EVA to fix the issues, which eventually succeeds.
The US capital is also subsequently hit by a tsunami, and the president dies due to an aircraft malfunction during his rescue. Still in space, Haskell takes charge as the president. Haskell and other passengers of the Micro, are subsequently rescued by the Percival Lowell, a 'nuclear powered' ship (presumably nuclear thermal) originally meant for the first crewed mission to Mars.
A mile-long piece of the debris, dubbed 'Possum' (from 'Possible Impactor'), is discovered to be on course to hit the US mainland, kill almost everyone in the US and possibly cause long-term worldwide disaster. The option of using nuclear missiles are put on hold due to concerns of even worse effects through radioactive fallout. Instead, a plan to redirect the Possum into a safe course, using the SSTOs and Percival Lowell, is put into action.
An extremist militia group, with a lack of understanding of the impactor and sensing a possibility to take over the government, damages one of the SSTOs, before getting subdued. Nevertheless, with the remaining spaceships, the redirection plan is determined to have retained the possibility of success.
The redirection mission gets underway, despite risks including inadequate knowledge of the impactor's geology. One SSTO eventually crashes due to a geological imperfection in the impactor, midway through the mission. After the initial loss of hope, the mission is altered to a last-ditch attempt to coax the impactor, which happens to have a flat side, to skip off the atmosphere. The mission succeeds to delay the impact by several years.
The epilogue discusses the positive socio-political transformation due to the whole event, the steps taken to further deal with the Possum, a dedicated impact avoidance strategy, increased emphasis on the space program and the first anniversary of 'the birth of Space Age'.
In Pittsburgh, a woman named Amanda Cooper falls ill with a rare form of cancer. Her husband, the survival expert Ray Cooper, is told that a potentially life-saving drug for Amanda was pulled off the market days before her treatment was set to begin, due to BioPrime CEO Simon Keeley paying the manufacturer to delay production. Watching Keeley on a live debate with Congresswoman Diana Morgan, Ray calls in and threatens Keeley, saying if he doesn't reverse his decision, he'll kill him. Keeley doesn't take the threat seriously and Amanda passes away soon after, devastating Ray and their daughter, Rachel.
Six months later, Ray receives a call from a journalist, Martin Bennett, who tells him that he has evidence of criminal activity committed by BioPrime. They meet on a subway, unknowingly followed by Rachel and a hitman named Santos. Bennett explains that BioPrime has been bribing anyone who questions their dirty deeds, but before he can share his information, Santos stabs him dead. As the train stops at a station, Santos stabs Ray and knocks out Rachel, leaving them both on the platform to die. Two years later, Ray has been obsessively tracking Keeley's movements. Ray poses as a waiter to infiltrate BioPrime's charity auction so he can interrogate Keeley. Keeley says he knows nothing and tells him to go after BioPrime's chairman, Vinod Shah. After a brutal fight that leaves one of Keeley's bodyguards dead, Ray strangles him to death with a plastic bag.
Ray then gets Rachel and they hide in a motel outside of town. Rachel, concerned that her father has gone too far, contacts FBI Agent Sarah Meeker and tries to convince her to look into BioPrime. The next morning, two mercenaries break into the motel and Ray kills them both, resulting in further tension between him and Rachel. Ray plans to go after Shah and lets Rachel help him trap Shah. Ray tries to interrogate him, but Shah refuses to talk and is soon killed by Santos. Ray and Rachel meet with Santos in a diner, and after Santos admits that he finds himself sympathetic to Ray's cause, he reveals that Morgan is his real employer. He also tells Rachel that they will meet again soon.
Returning to the city, Ray is ambushed by the FBI and flees to the roof of PNC Park. As Meeker tries to talk him down, it's revealed that "Ray" is actually Rachel. Ray died from his wounds at the subway and Rachel, suffering from PTSD and dissociative identity disorder, devoted herself to finishing his quest for vengeance. She jumps into the Allegheny River, but gets knocked unconscious and put in an ambulance. After breaking free and crashing the vehicle, she locates Morgan's campaign office, where Santos is waiting. Despite him initially managing to subdue her by strangling and drowning her, Rachel is able to regain her strength and stabs Santos to death. She confronts Morgan and secretly records her admitting she was bribed by BioPrime for government contracts and that she ordered the hit on Bennett and Ray. Rachel flees and sends the recording to the FBI. In the aftermath, Morgan is arrested for her crimes, while Rachel obtains a fake passport, exchanges her money for cryptocurrency, and boards a plane to an uncertain future.
An earthquake in the north of Israel reveals a large pit in a nature reserve. Three human skeletons are discovered in the pit, and the plot gets complicated when DNA tests reveal that the three bodies' DNA corresponds to that of three human beings which are still alive.
The first is Yoel Russo, a nature reserve inspector, who raises his only son after losing his wife Hila in a car accident nine years earlier.
The other is Noam Zaid, better known as Nico, a sensory artist. During one of his shows, he gets a disturbing vision through Keren, who volunteers for his demonstration. In the vision, Nico appears to murder Keren and throw her body into a creek.
The third is a young prisoner named Avigail Lavi, who is charged with murder and serving a prison sentence in a women's prison.
Police investigator Gabi and Detective Chava Popper are investigating the subject of skeletons found in the pit. As the investigation progresses more and more questions arise and there seems no logical explanation.
The de la Mora family matriarch, Virginia, has mysteriously died in Houston, having not been in contact with her family. Now, beleaguered husband Ernesto (Arturo Ríos) must transport her coffin back to Mexico City, while their children assemble at the family florists for the wake. The eldest, Paulina, awaits the arrival of her transgender partner María José and their son Bruno (Luis de La Rosa) to make her less anxious; Bruno is also nervous, though, as he and María José left for Spain without the chance to say goodbye to his grandmother.
With Ernesto taking longer than expected, youngest child, Julián organizes for a coffin to arrive on loan; when it does, the guests think that Virginia is in it. He is sent around to greet all the guests as his siblings try to fix the issue by disallowing people from touching it; having been a "mama's boy", he suffers a bit of an identity crisis now that his mother has died. The middle child, Elena, is also waiting for her new boyfriend, a biker, and has dressed in dark make-up and a leather jacket to match him; a string of her past boyfriends arrive before him, and she tries to keep them all happy without disturbing the more stuck-up guests.
All seems to be falling apart as Ernesto is stopped at the Texas-Mexico border for not having certified translations of his wife's documents; Paulina is triggered by meeting her old school friends and starts snapping at the homophobic and transphobic acquaintances who are at the wake. Julián meets an old friend, Oliver, who has come to give him support and a business proposition as a male escort. Bruno has become progressively more drunk throughout the wake, unable to deal with his guilt and his unofficial babysitting role for Micaéla (Alexa de Landa), but his parents are too distracted to notice.
Ernesto's friend comes up with a plan to smuggle Virginia's body back to Mexico, by disguising her as sleeping and moving the coffin to the trunk. Uncomfortable but desperate, Ernesto agrees. They are then loaned the use of distinguished friend Carlos's private jet to fly to the capital. Ernesto arrives, revealing Virginia's coffin to be bright pink and fluffy – the family distracts the guests in the courtyard as they also swap the coffins. He also notes that the hospital in Houston is having her things sent to them by courier, which could take a while.
During the tributes, Paulina has a breakdown, seemingly about her mother's fake friends and their reactions to her relationship. María José calms Paulina by sending her to a back room to hide away from the guests, where she encounters her siblings who are also hiding. After having a heart-to-heart, they realize they are sitting on the bright pink coffin and leave to socialize. Outside, Julián's ex and family accountant Diego has returned from hiding to give his sympathies; Oliver stops him and claims that Julián is too angry to see him, despite the opposite being true. Julián is then approached by his ex-girlfriend Lucía (Sheryl Rubio), who tries to come on to him. Elena's new boyfriend finally shows up, but shrugs her off, and Ernesto gets the chance to thank Carlos for the jet. Carlos, who was not known for his generosity, says that his mind has been opened up by an elite sect called the Flock, inviting Ernesto to join.
A young woman named Lois who was branded with Chinese letters on her shoulder as a baby finds herself attracting nefarious attention as she grows older.
The story revolves around the story of Adan (Omar Chaparro) and Mia (Martha Higareda), two experts in love conquest strategies, who want to teach their respective friends the rules to win the game of flirting. Adam and Mia meet in a bar and, from there, they will use their techniques to fall in love. This will generate a series of fun entanglements and a power struggle, in which whoever falls in love first loses.
A cold open of an ordinary quiet evening at home in which a family of three are about to have dinner. At the dining table, six-year-old Jérémie (Jérémie Térence-Gaudet) asks what "bugger" means. Black and white images of the parents and Jérémie from a few years past flow, set to music.
The boy's parents are taken completely by surprise, asking where he heard that word; he tells them (someone named Olivier), and they proceed to argue over possible bad influences. Charles ( ) also complains that francophones use unhelpful words like "bugger" and prefers "ass hole". His son knows what that word means, at least. Jérémie repeats his question.
Charles claims he does not know, which draws an immediate objection from Geneviève (Maude Guérin). Charles now tells the boy his mother will explain. Again Geneviève objects, pointing out that Charles is a psychologist. Increasingly rattled, Charles lights a cigarette at the table and asks Geneviève to tell their son something while he tries to come up with a real answer. She uses a gardening metaphor, explaining that "buggering" is like planting carrots in an alley rather than in the ground. Charles calls the explanation infantile and out of date, harking back to the psychology of the 1950s. Children are not stupid, he says, and should be told how things really are.
While Jérémie plays on his Nintendo, his parents debate what to say. Neither wants to reveal the ins and outs of sex between a mommy and daddy to their six-year-old son, never mind anal sex and possibly homosexuality, particularly Charles, prompting Geneviève to ask him if he has gay thoughts when the two of them have anal sex, which turns their discussion into a heated conversation about their sex life and attitudes towards sex. Charles is surprised that Geneviève does not really like anal sex, as sometimes it is painful. She argues angrily that a man's desire for it is based on a need to express virility by asserting dominance over his partner, and calls out to Jérémie to return to the kitchen, repeating Charles' words to him about children.
Charles tells Jérémie he should not use "bugger" anymore, as it's a bad word. He tells his son that "buggering" is like a rear-end collision. Apparently satisfied, the boy asks if he can play on his Nintendo again and Charles says yes, and lights another cigarette as his wife stares at him.
At the school playground, Jérémie takes Charles' explanation literally, running into another boy, knocking him over, and shouting: "I buggered you! I buggered you!". He is asked where he learned the word, leading to a gross misunderstanding, as the boy overheard his parents talking about their anal sex acts. His half-understood version of life at home leads to Charles being arrested by the police and a visit with Geneviève from child protection services.
Music plays again with a fade to black and the end credits roll.
In the distant future, our solar system is a ravaged battlefield, and mighty starship armadas are the tools of our destruction. Using a previously unknown tenth planet orbiting our solar system as its staging ground, an alien force plans on conquering Earth and destroying anything that gets in its way.
Pedro Infante has been detained in limbo for the past 60 years. Without permission to go to heaven, because he was a womanizer, he cannot be sent to hell either because he has also done much good. Pedro Infante prays for a second chance and is granted only one: he will be sent to Earth in the body of an imitator, Pedro Guadalupe Ramos (Omar Chaparro) and if he manages to straighten his life, he will be allowed to go to heaven. When he opens his eyes on the body of the impersonator, Pedro Infante falls in love at first sight with Raquel (Ana Claudia Talancón), Pedro Guadalupe's wife. But earning heaven will not be so easy since Pedro Guadalupe has followed in the footsteps of his idol and had been cheating on Raquel with her cousin Samantha (Stephanie Cayo). He will have to do whatever it takes to prove that he is a new man, reconquer Raquel and avoid falling into any temptation, because a single false move could send him straight to hell.
A young couple becomes entangled with a younger woman, resulting in tragic consequences.
In 1965, Dean Howell is disfigured and left in a vegetative stage after a shooting accident while training in the army. His wife Sarah and mother Jo bring him home to care for him. Jo blames many of the residents of their small town of Pinecone, Alabama, starting with the rifle's manufacturers, who are the largest company in the area. During a visit by an old friend, Jo gifts him an amulet that she claims her son wanted him to have.
That evening the friend's family is killed in a house fire. The amulet is discovered among the smoldering ruins of the house by the sheriff's daughter who brings the amulet home and gives it to her mother. That night, the mother kills her husband with an ice pick and accidentally cuts her own throat.
The amulet then makes its way through those who Jo accuses of responsibility for Dean's accident. Sarah is the only one who sees what might be the cause of these accidents, and along with her close friend Becca, the two set out to find the amulet before any more lives are ruined by its curse.
Rick takes Morty on an adventure to Forbodulon Prime to harvest "death crystals"—crystalline substances that allow a person to foresee various possible outcomes about their death. When Morty holds a crystal, he envisions a peaceful death as an old man comforted by his longtime crush Jessica. Determined to make this future a reality, Morty follows the crystal's visions to guide him every step of the way and assumes control of the ship on the way home. This leads to a disastrous flight that propels Rick to his death, after which a holographic projection of Rick manifests and instructs Morty on how to bring him back to life using DNA from his corpse. Upon seeing through the crystal that reviving Rick will deviate his death from his desired outcome, Morty refuses to continue with the process and goes home alone.
While Holographic Rick harasses Morty to discard the crystal and restore him, Rick's consciousness is restored to clones from several different deadly and fascist realities, ending in a Wasp Rick, who helps him get home and transform him back into a human (through unknown means). Meanwhile, Morty becomes increasingly captivated by the guidance of the crystal, blindly obeying its prompts to steal weapons from Rick's arsenal and go on a killing spree. He allows himself to be captured, but escapes punishment by reciting the dying words of his trial judge's husband.
Rick and Wasp Rick learn about Morty's theft and rampage from Holographic Rick. The three Ricks follow Morty, who uses a ferrofluid to turn himself into a monstrous cyborg abomination. They extract Morty from the cyborg, but Holographic Rick is assimilated to the fluid and attempts to destroy the remaining Ricks and Morty. However, Wasp Rick stings the now-giant Holographic Rick in the eye, and the resulting mass of offspring bursts his head open.
Upon arriving home, Jerry and Beth chastise Rick for turning Morty into an "Akira", but Morty defends him and assumes full responsibility for his actions. Rick and Morty agree to split the differences in their adventures in overlapping rants (reminiscent of Rick’s monologue at the end of Season 3’s first episode).
In the post-credits scene, Morty overhears Jessica envisioning her future career as a hospice care worker and realizes that he had misinterpreted the crystal's visions. When Rick portals in and asks him for help on another adventure, a furious Morty immediately agrees.
Visual presentation of eroticism in a compilation format, which mainly included scenes from at least six mainstream European films, and involved some nudity and a 'love duet' dance sequence.
Three years after the murder of her father, David, Maya Fox discovers that she can communicate with the dead. She receives a message from David, warning her that the end of the world is near but that she can prevent it. While she rushes to solve a string of puzzles relating to the apocalypse, Maya learns that her father's killer, Michael Gacy, has escaped from prison. Michael sends multiple profane letters to Maya and her mother, indicating that he has made a plan to kill Maya on the last day of the month. When the day comes, Maya narrowly avoids Michael with the help of her father.
In the Dream House begins with Carmen Maria Machado's living situation in Iowa City prior to her meeting the Dream House woman. Carmen shares a small two-bedroom apartment with her roommates John and Laura.
In Machado's first chapter, she reflects on her childhood years and tells a story about her time in grade school. Carmen Maria Machado then elaborates on experiences in her childhood and environment while growing up. She goes on to discuss instances with her previous lovers, leading up to her meeting and falling in love with "the woman in the dream house" who domestically abused her.
The series follows the daily lives of a family of vampires that lives together in a European-style building known as 'Eternal Moon Mansion'. Kiyoi is the eldest who takes care of the others and acts as a father figure, Masakazu is a college student who gets information on criminal activities, while the youngest members, Ageha and Makoto, are high school students. Both of them tend to end up helping Masakazu, whether they really want to or not. They fight against crime when the cops are unwilling or unable to do so.
Pert and Marie (Mary Brian and Isabel Jewell) are gas station attendants and Terry (Patsy Kelly) drives a cab, all doing their part for the war effort. Terry inherits a bungalow in Glendale and a 10-ton truck from her recently-deceased Uncle Joe, and is at her wits' end as to what to do with the rig. Terry and Pert are advised to go into the trucking business by Pert's boyfriend, Danny (Jack Randall). The girls are soon approached by someone named Benny (Vince Barnett) from the finance company who threatens to repossess the truck if the mortgage on it isn't settled. Danny introduces the girls to his boss and he agrees to pay them $100 if they bring back a load of nitroglycerin back from Las Vegas, but they need to carry cargo there in order for them to travel legally on the highways, so they advertise. They are then visited by a smooth operator named Duke Edwards (Gary Bruce) who promises them $125 to drive a load of furniture to Las Vegas in time for the opening of a gambling casino. They take up the offer and hit the road, but not before Terry gets her driver's license and then a trucking license with her fiancé, Pete (Warren Hymer), who is also a trucker.
Along the way to Vegas, they pick up several hitchhikers: a rich society matron named Regina (Cobina Wright) with amnesia, Madame Sappho the Fortune-Teller (Betty Compson), and a young woman named Doris Bendix (Wanda McKay), the daughter of a millionaire, who is running away from a family who wants her to marry a rich engineer, despite her considerations. Before crossing the Nevada border, a motorcycle patrolman warns them that they cannot drive at night in that area, and that they must stay at the motel up the road for the night. Once at the motel, they find themselves a couple of seedy characters in the lounge and play a round of craps with them. Terry wins big, and claims they never played a game of craps in their entire lives. The losing gamblers overhear on the radio about Miss Bendix and the $5000 reward for her location. Sam, the bellboy at the motel (Fred 'Snowflake' Toones), points her photo out in a newspaper to them. Meanwhile, Regina's husband, Mr. North (a rich rancher and former senator), is trying to locate his wife. He asks the motel manager about her, and is told she had just left with several other girls in a truck.
The women all later end up in jail after the gamblers send out a warrant. Pete and Danny rush to Nevada to provide any help they can. Terry explains everything that occurred to Judge Higginbottom, clears everything up, and he lets them off. He also ends up marrying Terry & Pete, Pert & Danny, and Doris and her chosen fiancé, Tommy (Michael Kirk). Terry smashes a vase over Regina's head, and she regains her memory, reuniting with her husband.
Five years after the fall of the Empire, a Mandalorian bounty hunter collects a fugitive after a scuffle in a bar on the ice planet Pagodon and returns to the planet Nevarro in his ship, the ''Razor Crest''. He meets Greef Karga, the leader of the bounty hunters guild, but he only offers low-paying bounties that will not cover travel expenses. Looking to get a bigger bounty, the Mandalorian accepts a mysterious commission for which Karga can only provide an address to meet the Client who wants the details of the job to be private.
The Client, who uses Imperial stormtroopers as bodyguards, gives the Mandalorian a vague target to bring back alive. The only information he is allowed to give is an age—50 years old—and last known location. In exchange, The Client promises to reward the bounty hunter with a container full of beskar, a rare metal used by Mandalorians to forge their armor. Receiving a single bar of beskar as a down payment, the Mandalorian meets with the Armorer at an enclave housing fellow Mandalorians. The Armorer, who melts the metal into a pauldron reserved for the Mandalorian, says the metal was gathered in The Great Purge and the excess will sponsor foundlings, as the Mandalorian once was.
The Mandalorian travels to a desert planet Arvala-7, and meets a native named Kuiil who wants to be rid of the criminals and mercenaries who now inhabit the area. Kuiil teaches the Mandalorian to ride a Blurrg, as there are no land speed vehicles to traverse the area, and sends him to where his bounty is located. Upon reaching the hideout, the Mandalorian grudgingly teams up with bounty droid IG-11. They manage to clear the entire facility of its Nikto guards and discover that the bounty is a green, big-eared childlike creature. IG-11 plans to kill it, but the Mandalorian blasts the droid to protect the baby and bounty.
Four friends who attend high school together as second-year students are kidnapped. Steel collars are placed around their necks, with chains attached to a torture chair in each corner of the room. A large cage dangles from the ceiling, in which a silent young boy dressed in all white is trapped. As the girls try to escape, a voice tells them that they are being put through a test with only two possible outcomes: either everyone will die, or one girl will die and the other three will survive. In addition, everyone will die if they exceed a five-minute time limit. The boy in the cage gives out four Cards of Fate to the girls, which will decide how the story unravels. There are two Judgement cards, a Pierrot card, and a Prisoner card. During the death game, an incident buried in the girls' past emerges.
During the reign of China's Ming Dynasty, there is a man named Hong Mu from a noble and renowned family. At a late age, he and his wife finally have a child: a daughter, named Hong Gyewol. One day, Hong Mu hears a prophecy that when Gyewol turns five years old, she will be separated from her parents, only to be reunited when she is eighteen. Just in case, Hong Mu dresses Gyewol in boy's clothing and makes sure she receives an education to prepare for the prophecy's possible realization. When Gyewol is five years old, a revolt breaks out in the land. Her father is caught in the ensuing chaos and disappears. As a result, Madame Yang, his wife and Gyewol's mother, takes Gyewol and tries to escape, but they run into a group of bandits. Madame Yang is kidnapped and the bandits throw Gyewol into a river. Although Madame Yang manages to later escape, she is unable to find Gyewol. By chance, Gyewol is saved by a person named Master Yeo, who treats Gyewol like a boy and sends her to study with Taoist Master Kwak along with his own son, Boguk. Meanwhile, her father, Hong Mu, is captured and held hostage by the traitorous rebels, but is later deemed as having participated in treason and is banished to an island. Madame Yang hears the news about her husband's exile and proceeds to track him down, afterwards living together with him on the island.
Through her studies, Gyewol learns various military strategies and tactics, and Master Kwak believes that Gyewol will one day conquer the whole world, causing him to bestow her with the name “Pyeongguk.” Over the course of their education, Gyewol manages to prove herself superior in skill and talent, in every way, to Boguk. Master Kwak instructs the two of them to take the civil service examination, with Gyewol passing as first place and Boguk passing as second.
When another rebellion breaks out, Gyewol is appointed as general and Boguk is appointed as her adjutant. While Gyewol defeats the enemies deftly and easily, Boguk is surrounded by the enemy forces and needs to be rescued by Gyewol. The rebels escape and head towards the island where Gyewol's parents reside. Gyewol pursues them and manages to round up all the enemies and soundly defeat them when, in a dramatic fashion, she is suddenly reunited with her parents. Afterwards, the king rewards Gyewol and Boguk by appointing Gyewol as a feudal lord and Boguk as a minister, a rank lower. He also provides public positions to Gyewol's parents, as well as Master Yeo and his wife for raising and looking after Gyewol. All of a sudden, Gyewol becomes ill and the king sends the royal physician, Taeui, to diagnose and treat her, upon which the doctor discovers that she is, in fact, a woman. Knowing that her identity has been discovered, Gyewol changes into women's clothes and sends an appeal to the king, informing him of her true identity as a woman. But even though the king knows that Gyewol is a woman, he still lets her maintain her public position. The king arranges for Gyewol to marry Boguk, but right before their nuptials, Gyewol convenes the army and shows Boguk her skills as a warrior. After they are married, Boguk's concubine, Yeongchun, acts arrogantly and impudently towards Gyewol. Angered by this behavior, Gyewol orders that she be sentenced to death. Through this incident, Gyewol and Boguk's relationship worsens. Soon after, another rebellion breaks out and under the king's orders, Gyewol once more dresses as a man and becomes the commander-in-chief. Under Gyewol's command, Boguk also comes along to suppress the rebellion. In the battlefield, Boguk is surrounded by the rebels and Gyewol saves him again. The rebels secretly enter the capital city and surround the king, but Gyewol courageously saves him. Gyewol again rounds up and defeats the enemy forces. Afterwards, Gyewol maintains her public position and title and lives in peace and harmony with Boguk, giving birth to three sons and one daughter.
When Choe Chung is appointed as a ''suryeong'' (head of the provincial office) at Munchang, his wife is kidnapped by a golden pig. The golden pig has a weakness: he can be killed by sticking a deer skin to the back of his head. Choe Chung’s wife cunningly discovers the golden pig’s weakness and thereby kills him. Choe Chung then rescues his wife and they return to their home. Shortly afterwards, his wife gives birth to a son, but Choe Chung suspects that the child was fathered by the golden pig and throws him away at the seaside. There, the child learns how to read by himself and becomes well-versed in writing.
One night, the Emperor of China hears the sounds of someone reciting a text. Searching for the source of the sound, the Emperor discovers that it is coming from Silla. The Emperor then selects two of the most accomplished scholars in China and sends them to Silla to appraise the people’s skill. The scholars take a boat and arrive at the seashore where they meet a child (Choe Chiwon). After seeing the child’s skill at reading and writing and realizing their own skills do not even measure up to a mere child’s, the scholars do not dare to explore the rest of Silla and they return to China.
Discovering that Silla is filled with numerous talented and capable people, the Emperor decides to invade Silla. He then orders an egg to be wrapped in cotton and placed in a chest made out of stone, securely sealing it up. He then sends the chest to Silla along with a letter that states that if they cannot correctly guess what is inside the chest, he will attack Silla. The Silla King gathers all the scholars in the land and agonizes over what to do.
At the time, the Silla Premier, Naeop, had a daughter who was the most beautiful, talented, and virtuous in all the land. Choe Chiwon pretends that he is a mirror repairman and goes to the Silla Premier’s home. At his home, Choe Chiwon purposefully breaks a mirror and says that he will compensate him by becoming his servant. Choe Chiwon takes good care of the horses and tends the gardens so excellently that people start regarding him strangely.
Meanwhile, the Silla King gives a strict order to Premier Naeop to solve the secret of the stone chest. While everyone in the household is filled with worry, Choe Chiwon tells the premier that if he can marry his daughter, he will reveal the secret of the chest. With no other way, the premier marries his daughter to Choe Chiwon. Choe Chiwon correctly guesses the object inside the chest, and the Chinese Emperor demands that they send the person that correctly answered to China. Choe Chiwon is made into an envoy of Silla and is dispatched to China. On the way, Choe Chiwon meets Imok, a monster serpent that is the son of the Dragon King, and receives his help; in Zhejiang, he meets an old woman and receives a cotton cloth soaked in soy sauce; by a riverbank, he receives a magical talisman from a beautiful woman. The Chinese Emperor and his vassals use copious trickery and schemes to try and harm Choe Chiwon, but Choe uses the talisman and escapes the dangerous situation through his literary genius and supernatural forces.
A few years later, Hwangso’s Rebellion breaks out but Choe Chiwon singlehandedly quells the rebellion with a one-page manifesto. The Emperor is extremely happy and bestows Choe Chiwon with many honors, but his other vassals become jealous and slander Choe Chiwon. As a result, Choe Chiwon is banished to an island in the south. There, Choe Chiwon sucks on the soy sauce-soaked cloth he previously received and manages to stave off death. Contrary to all expectations, Choe Chiwon does not die and the Emperor summons Choe Chiwon and rebukes him. However, Choe Chiwon invokes the Taoist magic imbued in a work of his writing and finally, the Chinese Emperor bows his head and apologizes. Choe Chiwon then returns to Silla. Afterwards, Choe Chiwon is banished under the pretext that he made a mistake during the Silla King’s honored visit. Finally, Choe Chiwon takes his family to Gayasan Mountain and isolates himself from the rest of the world, never to be heard from again.
During China’s Song Dynasty, there was a man named Jin Daebang that lived in the Takju province. Jin Daebang was born into an affluent and prosperous household, in his parents’ old age, but did not listen to his parents and became enamored with alcohol and womanizing. When his father passed away, Jin Daebang roams the country with a vagabond. He later becomes engaged to the daughter of the Yang household, but she was also a wicked woman.
Jin Daebang and his wife drove out his mother and younger sibling from their family home and lived a life of debauchery with his father’s inheritance. Unable to bear this sight any longer, his mother goes to Jin Daebang’s home, where she finds her daughter-in-law alone. She begs Lady Yang, Jin Daebang’s wife, to persuade Jin Daebang to settle down and live a peaceful life. Lady Yang retorts that if Jin Daebang does not even listen to his parents, what makes her think that he will listen to his wife, and angrily tells his mother not to blame her for her son’s bad behavior. Weeping, his mother returns home.
When Jin Daebang returns, Lady Yang lies and tells him that while he was gone, his mother visited and threatened to have Lady Yang put to death by dismemberment for committing a crime of morality. Jin Daebang finds his mother and expresses his fury towards her, upon which his mother goes to the district office and informs the county governor of the situation. The county governor, Kim Uibaek, is an exceedingly filial son. He summons Jin Daebang’s family and teaches them the error of their ways—admonishing Jin Daebang’s mother for failing to properly teach her son, rebuking his younger brother for their lack of brotherly affection, informing Lady Yang of exemplary benevolent wives and the seven valid causes for divorce, and teaching Jin Daebang the ways of filial sons. The entire family realizes their failures and wrongdoings, and the county governor vacates their crimes and forgives them, sending them back home.
Afterwards, the family lives peacefully together and a rumor spreads regarding Jin Daebang’s reforms. The emperor hears this rumor and builds a filial son’s memorial gate, grants Jin Daebang a government position, and renames their village “Hyojachon” (Village of the Filial Son). Jin Daebang becomes the governor of Gangneung and rules the people justly and effectively. He faithfully supports his mother until her death, and has three sons and one daughter with his wife—all of them happily living a harmonious life. Jin Daebang thereafter lives for a long time until he peacefully passes away.
Emperor Seonjo has a dream in which a young girl brings a bag of grains to the royal palace. As soon as she sets it down, a huge fire erupts. Upon waking from his dream, Seonjo calls his vassals and asks them to interpret it for him. His second vice-premier, Choe Ilyeong, states that it is an omen of Japan’s impending invasion. Emperor Seonjo becomes angry, accusing him of stirring up unnecessary trouble during a time of peace, and banishes him.
Three years later, in the summer of the Imjin Year, Japan mobilizes hundreds of thousands of men for its army and attacks Joseon. Admiral Yi Sun-shin, already aware of the disaster brewing, orders the construction of the so-called “Turtle Ships” and courageously fights, eventually dying in battle. The Japanese army approaches the Korean capital and Seonjo is forced to escape to Uiju. The Japanese army eventually manages to seize the territory extending from Hanyang (the former name for the capital of Korea) to Pyongyang. Choe Ilyeong returns from his place of exile and finds Emperor Seonjo, recommending that he appoint General Kim Ung-seo from Pyeongyan Province. Moreover, Kim Deok-ryeong from Goksan appears and performs Taoist magic on Katō Kiyomasa, a commander of the enemy forces, in order to retaliate and punish him.
In the meantime, Ryu Seong-ryong is sent to Ming China as an envoy to ask for help, but the Ming government refuses to provide any additional backup forces with the excuse that it is currently farming season. Yu Seongryong is forced to return to Korea, but Guan Yu (courtesy name: Guan Yunzhang) appears in the Emperor of Ming China’s dream. In his dream, the Chinese emperor is Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei, his sworn brother from the past, has become the King of Joseon. With this, the emperor calls over his general, Lee Yeosong, and states that he will pledge his help to Joseon. Lee Yeosong finds numerous faults with the emperor’s decision and continuously delays the army’s planned march to Joseon, but thanks to Yu Seongryong’s use of Taoist magic and clever manipulation of the circumstances, they eventually make it to Joseon. Finally, Lee Yeosong of Ming China and Katō Kiyomasa of Japan find themselves battling against each other, and with the help of Guan Yu, Lee Yeosong manages to defeat Katō Kiyomasa. The Japanese forces thereby suffer a crushing defeat and retreat back to their land.
Kim Deok-ryeong makes numerous contributions to the battle as the commander of the righteous armies, but a traitor named Kim Sundal eventually frames him for a crime. The royal court demands Kim Deok-ryeong’s capture and execution. Although they attempt to behead him, their knife continuously breaks; whenever they try to shoot him with an arrow, the arrow snaps in half, and they are unable to kill him. Kim Deok-ryeong states that if they erect a tombstone that states, “Faithful Son, Kim Deok-ryeong,” he will voluntarily die and faces death courageously.
Lee Yeosong, having defeated the Japanese army, travels the entirety of the eight provinces that compose the Korean peninsula and uses geomancy to divine the land, severing the connections of the mountains and streams. He does so because he senses that many magnificent heroes will come from Korea and he is filled with envy. Yet in the midst of his actions, a mountain deity disguised as an old man appears before him and scares him off, resulting in Lee’s retreat to China.
Afterwards, the royal court sends Kim Ung-seo and Kang Hongrip, two generals, to Japan to receive a formal letter of surrender, but Kang Hongrip fails in this mission. Kang Hongrip is seduced by the enemy to join their side and becomes the son-in-law of the Japanese Emperor, while Kim Ung-seo refuses until the very end to capitulate to the enemy and proceeds to kill Kang and then commit suicide.
Hyujeong (also known as Seosan daesa) then goes to greet King Seonjo, and his follower, Sa Myeong-dang, is sent to Japan where he succeeds in establishing peaceful relations between the two countries. The Japanese Emperor, hearing rumors that Sa Myeong-dang is the reincarnation of Buddha, tries all methods to assassinate him but he fails and is forced to write an official surrender. Sa Myeong-dang thus forms a treaty in which Japan presents tributaries to Korea and safely returns to his homeland.
Im Gyeong-eop loses his father at an early age and dutifully takes care of his mother. When he is 18 years old, he applies to take the military service examination and receives the highest score. He continues to rise in the ranks and makes a name for himself with his skill and talent. In 1624, he accompanies Envoy Lee Si-baek on the Winter Solstice Embassy to China as an army general. Soon afterwards, barbarians decide to attack the Qing. Qing China requests backup forces and Im Gyeong-eop having demonstrated his unusual talent and skill, is made Supreme Commander of Armed Forces by the king and sent to China. Through the use of extraordinary military tactics and strategies, Im manages to suppress the rebellion of the barbarians and becomes famous. Im Gyeong-eop spends six years in China and then finally returns to Joseon.
Kim Jajeom, a premier in Joseon, nurses a desire to overthrow the regime but fearing Im Gyeong-eop, he does not dare to act on his desires. Meanwhile, Qing China gradually becomes more powerful under Hong Taiji. The Joseon Royal Court, seeing the precarious situation near the Yalu River, decides to make Im Gyeong-eop the leader of the provincial government in Uiju County to defend themselves. The Qing ruler, knowing that he cannot defeat Im Gyeong-eop, instead sends Yonggoldae, a general of the Qing, and his troops to Seoul. The Joseon king escapes to the Namhan Mountain Fortress, but ultimately surrenders. Im Gyeong-eop, later discovering this fact, attacks the Qing army on their way their home country and soundly defeats them.
The Qing Emperor, in order to conquer the Ming, decides he must first eliminate Im Gyeong-eop. He thus sends a letter to Joseon commanding Im Gyeong-eop to attack the Ming army residing on Piseom island. Im Gyeong-eop informs this to Hwang Jamyeong, a Ming general, and the Ming forces decides to fake their surrender. The Qing Emperor figures out their plan and decides to capture Im Gyeong-eop and send him away. Im Gyeong-eop nevertheless manages to escape and seeks asylum in the Ming Empire.
The Qing Empire slowly becomes stronger and invades Nanjing. Dokbo, one of the people that Im Gyeong-eop brought with him, secretly communicates with the Qing Empire and forges a letter from the general of the Ming Empire and sends it to Im Gyeong-eop. Im Gyeong-eop receives the fake letter and goes on a boat with Dokbo, only to be captured by the Qing army. The Qing Emperor attempts to reconcile with Im Gyeong-eop, but Im Gyeong-eop pulls out a knife and rebukes him. The Qing Emperor, resigned to Im Gyeong-eop’s steadfastness, sends him back to Joseon with various presents as offerings.
In Joseon, Kim Jajeom’s power has significantly increased. Convinced that Im Gyeong-eop’s return will signal the demise of his plans of rebellion, Kim Jajeom helps brand Im Gyeong-eop as a traitor. Upon finally returning to his homeland after numerous hardships, Im Gyeong-eop is thrown in prison. Furthermore, Kim Jajeom secretly hires numerous soldiers that beat Im Gyeong-eop to death. Afterwards, the Joseon king has a dream where Im Gyeong-eop appears and the circumstances of Kim Jajeom’s crime are revealed. Kim Jajeom is executed, and at the end of the month, a memorial hall to extol Im Gyeong-eop is erected in the country. Im Gyeong-eop’s wife, Madame Lee, hears about his death and commits suicide. Im’s descendants retreat deep into the mountains and spend the rest of their lives farming and isolated from the rest of the world.
The documentary film gives insight of the life of playwright and novelist Ama Ata Aidoo, coming to a homeland to empower woman despite the challenges they face.
Sue (originally, Joanie), a New York City journalist, is attempting to write an article about Ilsa (originally, Iris), a former erotic star who had lived in Paris, but who is currently in retirement and, initially unbeknown to Sue, who had earlier traveled to Pars to interview Ilsa, now living in New York City.
The movie describes a young man from South Africa who is influenced by a group of corrupt people to run for president.
An injured young man, confined to his apartment, borrows his girlfriend's binoculars to spy on their neighbourhood and sees an opportunity to turn their lives around after witnessing a crime.
Eddie Palmer is a former high school football star and ex-felon who just got out of prison after serving 12 years for attempted murder and armed robbery. He moves in with his grandmother Vivian, who occasionally watches over a flamboyant young boy named Sam, the son of her neighbor Shelly, a drug addict. Sam prefers feminine things such as dresses, princesses, and tea parties over more traditionally masculine activities.
Palmer begins working at the local school as a janitor and helps Vivian watch Sam as Shelly repeatedly leaves town with her abusive boyfriend Jerry. After Vivian passes away, Palmer is forced to become Sam's temporary guardian until Shelly returns. Although he initially does not want anything to do with Sam, Palmer soon bonds with the boy, taking him to the high school football game and bowling fundraiser, striking up a relationship with Sam’s teacher Maggie. Palmer finds out that Vivian left her house to the church in her will, and her lawyer tells him that once the house sells, he will have 30 days to move out.
As Palmer grows closer to Maggie, he reveals to her that after a promising high school football career, he was injured in a game while playing for Louisiana State University. After losing his scholarship and dropping out of college, he returned home and starting taking pills. One night, he decided to rob the safe of a rich family in town with the help of his friends. The house was supposed to be empty but the owner came home and Palmer nearly beat him to death with a baseball bat. Maggie reassures Palmer that although that's who he was, he has changed and is a good man now, pointing to all the good he has done in Sam's life.
One day, Sam comes home from a friend's house crying with makeup garishly smeared on his face. Palmer assumes that one of Sam's classmates did it, but Sam tells him that it was Palmer's friend Daryl. Enraged, Palmer finds Daryl at a bar and beats him up. The next day, Shelly returns and comes to reclaim Sam, but he is soon taken by Child Protective Services. Palmer attempts to receive guardianship but is denied due to his parole status and the uncertainty of his living situation. Despite Palmer's pleas, the judge orders the return of Sam to Shelly's custody. Palmer asks Shelly to appoint him Sam's legal guardian but she scoffs at his request, even after he offers to pay her. Later, Palmer witnesses Jerry physically abusing both Shelly and Sam. Palmer intervenes and sees that both Shelly and Jerry are using drugs in front of Sam. He attacks Jerry and flees with Sam.
Shelly calls the police and Palmer is accused of kidnapping Sam. After talking with Maggie on the phone, he brings Sam back to Shelly and is arrested at the scene. As Palmer is driven away, Sam tries to fight off the police officers and chases after the police car, crying that he wants to be with Palmer instead of his mother. Seeing Sam's love for Palmer, Shelly refuses to press charges and covers for Palmer by saying he was just taking Sam to get food, and she forgot. Shelly meets with Sam and through tears, asks him if it would be okay if he went to live with Palmer. Shelly eventually chooses to give Palmer custody of Sam. Palmer and Sam prepare for the sale of Vivian's house as they move in with Maggie.
Two overachieving high school seniors decide to get high in order to prove themselves to their classmates and find themselves barreling through a night that spirals beyond their intentions.
Ruth Kiesling (Amanda Melby) is a 39-year-old woman with anger issues and a history of making poor decisions. Ruth sees an opportunity to turn her life around by stealing the body of dead president James Buchanan (René Auberjonois) to hold for ransom. However, she quickly learns that no one is particularly interested in getting him back.
As ''Dynasty'' begins, powerful oil tycoon Blake Carrington is about to marry the younger Krystle Jennings, his former secretary. Beautiful, earnest, and new to Blake's world, Krystle finds a hostile reception in the Carrington household—the staff patronizes her, and Blake's headstrong and promiscuous daughter Fallon resents her. Though devoted to Krystle, Blake himself is too preoccupied with his company, Denver-Carrington, and blind to Krystle's predicament. Her only ally is her stepson Steven, whose complicated relationship with Blake stems from their fundamental political differences and Steven's resistance to step into his role as future leader of the Carrington empire. Meanwhile, Fallon, better suited to follow in Blake's footsteps, is (as a woman) underestimated by and considered little more than a trophy to her father. She channels her energies into toying with various male suitors, including the Carrington chauffeur Michael Culhane. At the end of the three-hour premiere episode "Oil", Steven finally confronts his father, criticizing Blake's capitalistic values and seemingly amoral business practices. Blake explodes, revealing the secret of which Steven thought his father was unaware: Blake is disgusted by Steven's homosexuality, and his refusal to "conform" sets father and son at odds for some time.
In counterpoint to the Carringtons are the Blaisdels; Denver-Carrington geologist Matthew—unhappily married to the emotionally fragile Claudia—is Krystle's ex-lover. Returning from an extended assignment in the Middle East, Matthew quits and goes into business with wildcatter Walter Lankershim. As Blake's behavior begins pushing Krystle toward Matthew, the men are set as both business and romantic rivals. Blake is further enraged when Steven goes to work for longtime friend Matthew, in whom Steven sees qualities lacking in Blake. Though previously in a relationship with another man, Steven finds himself drawn to Claudia, who is putting her life back together after spending time in a psychiatric hospital.
Fallon makes a secret business deal with Blake's old friend and more-powerful business rival Cecil Colby, marrying his nephew Jeff to secure Cecil's financial assistance for her father. When Blake stumbles upon Steven in an innocent goodbye embrace with his former lover Ted Dinard (Mark Withers), Blake angrily pushes the two men apart; Ted falls backward and hits his head, the injury proving fatal. Blake is arrested and charged with murder, and an angry Steven testifies that Ted's death had been the result of malicious intent. A veiled surprise witness for the prosecution appears in the season finale "The Testimony", and Fallon gasps in recognition: "Oh my God, that's my mother!"
Kakushi Goto draws ecchi manga for a living; worried that fact would alienate his daughter Hime from him, he swears never to let it out.
The game opens with a flashback sequence showing Tyler's confession to the murder of his mother, Mary-Ann, in self-defense as a child in 2005. Ten years later, an adult Tyler leaves the juvenile detention center he was sentenced to and reunites with Alyson, who has been adopted by Eddy, the investigating officer of the incident. Intending to move on with their lives, the twins return to Delos Crossing to sell their childhood home, but finds the house in a state of disrepair despite the efforts of Mary-Ann's friend Sam, who had turned to alcoholism since her death. The twins recall memories of their childhood while exploring the house, particularly fairy tales about a runaway princess and her two goblin companions told by their mother, who compiled these stories into an illustrated journal called the "Book of Goblins". After learning about Tessa's discussions with Mary-Ann about Tyler's gender identity, the twins visit Tessa at her store, where they were told that Mary-Ann's behavior became increasingly erratic shortly before her death. The twins later speak to Eddy at the Delos police station, but he declines their request to see her file. Alyson later experiences a flashback where she stabbed Mary-Ann with a pair of scissors, and begins to suffer from post-traumatic stress.
The next morning, the twins break into the police archive and uncover files about Mary-Ann. After discovering their break-in, Eddy admits he had visited Mary-Ann to warn her on Tessa's instigation. The twins confront Tessa, who justified her actions and claimed that Mary-Ann isolated herself from the wider community, and that her alleged mental instability and parental incompetence was endangering her children. The twins return to the house to find the adjacent barn ablaze and an arsonist fleeing from the scene. After putting out the fire, the twins realized that the arsonist had tried to access a compartment beneath the barn floor containing a locked box, inside which they find letters from someone instructing Mary-Ann to get an abortion. The twins later experience a recollection of Mary-Ann arguing with an unseen man on a boat, and that Alyson was the one who stabbed their mother. The twins briefly go their separate ways following a disagreement.
Consumed with guilt and anxiety over Mary-Ann's death, Alyson's mental health deteriorates, leading to a severe panic attack. After she recovers, Alyson visits Sam to query him about their potential familial ties, but discovers instead that an old photograph in his possession reveals a hidden loft above the barn. The twins regroup to investigate the loft and find a room of complex puzzles, which they solve using the Book of Goblins. They discover that Mary-Ann's fairy tales were actually metaphors for her troubled past: born to an overbearing family, she fell pregnant and fled to Delos Crossing to raise her baby, who did not survive. The twins find a picture of their late half-sibling, along with a letter from Mary-Ann which is addressed to them. The twins realize that Mary-Ann had suffered a mental breakdown over her fear of social services taking away her surviving children. The twins deduce that the unknown man on the boat, and their biological father, was in fact Tom Vecchi, Tessa's husband. After the twins confront Tom, the player as Alyson must decide whether she believes that Mary-Ann planned to kill herself and her two children, or that she had planned to kill only herself when Tyler interrupted her as alleged by Tom. Depending on Alyson's choices, two main concluding scenarios are presented:
If Alyson chose to admit to Eddy that she killed Mary-Ann and/or took Tom's memory of her mother's death, Tyler returns to the house one last time, with Alyson in Juneau and receiving therapy. If Alyson never told Eddy that she was responsible for Mary-Ann's death and she believes that she saved Tyler from their mother, Alyson opts not to sell the house and moves in by herself and writes a new chapter in The Book of Goblins.
Many details of the epilogue are also determined by the player's previous choices: for example, whether they make peace with Eddy and/or Tessa, or whether the twins kept their telepathic bond and a close relationship all alter the ending.
The film gives insight on how a married couple were enjoying their lovely marriage until a friend who is a lady is deported from England. She lived with them and causing havoc to their marriage by having an affair with the man.
The film tells a story of a young man called Ben Peter who has taken marriage as a life style and business transaction until he meets his right match called heaven.
The story of a Doctor called Dr. Mekam returns home from abroad after service as a doctor. He came back to Nigeria in other to become a president but later realised that the path to take to become a president was not an easy one.
Eighteen-year-old Tyrel Sackett must flee his home in Tennessee because he killed a man who was trying to kill his brother, Orrin, who catches up with him, and so begins their travels west, to New Mexico Territory, where “Spanish land grants are being voided by fraud”. They face hostile Native Americans, Mexicans, and white men. They also make friends along the way. In Mora, Orrin and Tyrel start a ranch and bring their mother to live with them in their new home.
William Tell Sackett, their oldest brother is mentioned, and he is the protagonist of the following Sackett novel, ''Sackett'' (1961).
A family gets attacked by armed robbers of which should have been a one night robbery, but they did not get access to the money they were looking for so they had to wait till the following morning to get the money.
The film gives as insight in the life of a young lady Bisola, a hard working entrepreneur who is the first born of her parent, her sister got married and she not married yet. The Dad wants her to get married as soon as possible so he sets up 10 dates for her of which she found her love.
The movie features a young man who plays fast and loose with women before dumping them. He tried it on another woman and was in trouble because he never meet a lady that would give him a hard time before.
Takumi Hayama is a high school student at Shidō Academy, a private elite boarding school in the mountains. Unlike the other students, Takumi is not from a prestigious background and attends the school to escape from a past psychological trauma that leaves him repulsed by people touching him, and as a result, he is perceived as emotionless and unsociable by his classmates. The only person who doesn't see him as such, besides his roommate, is Giichi "Gui" Saki, is a popular, attractive boy who has returned from the United States. As Takumi and Gui begin their second year at the school, one day, Gui surprises Takumi by confessing that he has been in love with him for some time. As Takumi learns more about Gui, he also must learn to overcome his past and rivals who threaten to break up their newfound relationship.
When Muriel Irvine's husband is killed in an automobile accident after a night of gambling, she discovers that he had previously dramatically increased his life insurance coverage. The insurance company alerts Scotland Yard to a recent rash of such deaths all affecting gamblers. When the Yard's chief inspector is murdered while investigating the case, they bring in a mysterious detective to solve it.
Claressa "T-Rex" Shields trains to box in the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Javier (José María de Tavira) is a young designer with a promising future, but there is one detail: he has just finished his relationship with his girlfriend. Blinded by spite, he will lead his life to chaos and begin a path of bad decisions that lead him to the most absurd and fun situations, all this while trying to recover Sofía (Ilse Salas) and if it is not possible, then forget her. With the help of Andrea (Aislinn Derbez), her best friend, she will try to find herself, but not before meeting the strangest and craziest characters in the city.
''FixEight'' takes place in a future where an alien race known as the Gozzu from the planet Fortuna have invaded the universe, prompting the Galactic Federation government with releasing a group of eight mercenaries from their imprisonment in an asteroid prison and sending them to Fortuna with the task of exterminating the invaders alongside their planet.
In ''Bichui jeguk'', one man must erase himself, the last twenty years of his life, and all traces that he ever existed, and he must do it all within a single day. Kim Gi-yeong—or rather Kim Seong-hun, as he was known in North Korea—spent four years training for his mission in South Korea while studying English at Pyeongyang University for Foreign Languages. In 1984, at the age of 21, Kim Gi-yeong is deployed to South Korea as a spy, and in 1986, following his orders from the party, Gi-yeong enrolls in a South Korean university and infiltrates the student-lead democracy movements. But ten years later when the agent in charge of Gi-yeong’s mission in the South falls from power, the orders being sent to him cease. Another ten years pass, and Gi-yeong is living a normal live as a 41-year-old South Korean citizen. But then one day, he receives an email; it’s a message from Pyeongyang, ordering him to erase all traces of his life in South Korea and return to North Korea in the next 24 hours. Having believed that all records of him in North Korea had been erased, Gi-yeong is dumbfounded. But for his survival, he must follow the orders.Kim, Young-ha. “Introduction.” In ''Bichui jeguk'', by Kim Young-ha. Munhakdongne, 2006. From the moment Gi-yeong reads this email, the novel thrusts forward through the next 24 hours.Choi, Jae-bong. “Where is a North Korean Spy to go in the Age of Post-Ideology?” ''Hankyoreh'', August 10, 2006.
Two princes, Vorvong and Sorvong, brothers, are mistakenly expelled from the royal court by their father the king. Separated from each other, they wander for a decade while facing incredible hardships and vicissitudes including defeating a giant in a cave, suffering the betrayal of the hermit Vorvongby, using magic rings and crystal balls, and repeated interventions by the gods. Finally, they are rejoined to do battle against their wicked stepbrother in a dramatic attempt to enlighten the king to the injustice they suffered, restore their titles, and bring peace and harmony to the kingdom.
The film tells about the Komsomol member Alyoshin, who goes to work in Department for Combating Theft of Socialist Property. Once in the workplace, he realizes that this is not his job and submits a report on dismissal. The boss, in turn, sets him a condition: Aleshin will be able to leave work, but only after completing one task. There were found two tickets from criminals to the cinema for the same place, but on different days. Alyoshin must figure it out...
The film tells about the Soviet poetess who achieved the greatest success during the siege of Leningrad.
A man called Noubi after the death of his father is set to search for his step brother to inherit the father's property. Noubi has to get to him before he is killed by his step mother.
The movie tells a story of how a couple were living happily together until the man started to distance himself from the woman. The wife felt her husband was cheating on her so she decided to get closer to him but to no avail. Another man came into the picture of the woman, leading to many challenges.
The film tells a story of man who has been jailed for committing a crime he never did, while the perpetrator of the crime who is his friends runs away.
A man who refuses to get married, later finds love in a woman who is HIV positive. The family of the man are unhappy with the relationship and they want him to call-off the relationship.
Tanyaradzwa (Kudakwashe Maradzika), an intelligent and charming 18 year old teenage girl who hails from a well to do family becomes pregnant at school and was guilty of preserving the secret of her pregnancy from her parents for nine months. She gives birth to a baby boy and after getting to know this, her parents feel ashamed and chases her away. Tanya then attempts to find the baby's father.
An intriguing revelation from a fortune teller leaves the spoiled Bamba (Vilma Santos) restless to meet her destined lover. One day, the anxious Bamba comes across the humble taxi driver Rafael (Fernando Poe Jr.) after their vehicles collide on the street. To make up for Bamba’s blunder, Bamba’s father offers the poor Rafael to work as his daughter’s bodyguard. Being the snotty brat she is, Bamba punishes Rafael by bossing him around and embarrassing him in front of her friends. Through it all, however, Bamba suddenly finds herself irresistibly falling in love with Rafael — the one man who has patiently put up with all her mischief. The only hurdle to Bamba and Rafael’s love story, though, is the secret Bamba has been keeping from everybody all her life – even to her beloved Rafael. Will this secret ruin the chance for Bamba to be with her fated partner?
The "King of Pickpockets", Baldo (Fernando Poe Jr.), has just been released from prison and is determined to start a new lease on life. Maria (Maricel Soriano), a young pickpocket making a name for herself in the rough and tumble streets of Quiapo, is drawn to Baldo and wants to become his understudy. Action and hilarity ensues as Baldo tries to put Maria through the straight path and along the way help the community rid itself of illegal drugs.
Set in the Philippines during the Japanese occupation, a Filipino soldier, who is guilt-ridden over an incident that killed many civilians, deserts the rebel army and retreats to a nearby barrio where he is branded as a coward.
The surprise witness at Blake's murder trial is his ex-wife Alexis, Fallon and Steven's mother. Her testimony about his character is damaging, and while Fallon is icy to the mother she feels abandoned her, Steven is drawn to Alexis. The former Mrs. Carrington's testimony notwithstanding, Krystle is immediately put off by Alexis's condescending attitude and manipulations. Later, Krystle's discovery that Alexis had caused her miscarriage by intentionally startling her horse with a gunshot settles Alexis as Krystle's implacable nemesis. Other new characters of the season are the psychiatrist Nick Toscanni, who tries to seduce Krystle while bedding Fallon and plotting against Blake; and Krystle's greedy niece Sammy Jo Dean (Heather Locklear), who marries Steven for his money. The season finale sees Blake left for dead on a mountain after a fight with Nick.
In a Montréal restaurant, two waitresses (Carmen Ferland and Jocelyne Zucco) serve dishes, chatting between themselves about a love interest, and with the customers.
A portly man ( ) orders a second dish which he does not eat, enjoying the smell and his sense of victory for avoiding fat and cholesterol. A mother and her young daughter (Ghyslaine Côté and Catherine Pépin) wait for a man to arrive. An elegant older woman (Huguette Oligny) catches the eye of another older diner (Gérard Poirier). Outside the café a lovers' quarrel is going on between a young man and woman (David Boutin and ).
A man in a jacket ( ) sits at a reserved table, and sticks a dynamite time bomb underneath it. Told the table is reserved, he rises and makes a phone call using the restaurant's phone, just as two English-speaking mafiosi (Bruno Di Quenzio and Manuel Tadros) enter and sit at the same table. The bomber takes out a pack of cigarettes in which he has hidden an instrument for setting the timer remotely, and sets it for five minutes. A sequence of images follows of everyone else lit up with white light.
The bomber goes outside and rights a trash bin which had been knocked over during the lovers' quarrel. He dumps the remote and departs. Inside, a mafioso receives a phone call, swears in frustration, and both men leave without ordering. The little girl notices something under the reserved table. The quarrellers enter and sit at the table. The older man makes his way towards the older lady but stops short and sits in the booth of the portly man.
The couple continue their quarrel, the older lady looking at them sympathetically. The little girl, called Josée-Marguerite, watches the bomb, whose timer now reads 3:15. Her mother chides her for staring at other people and she responds that there is something flashing under the table. Her mother looks, but sees only the young man's knee, and asks why the girl is making things up. Josée-Marguerite shrugs.
As the timer reaches 2:55, the portly man observes the older lady in the reflection of the older man's pocket watch. He notices a flashing red light as well, but is distracted as the older man says "That woman's dynamite!" He explains that he is taking his time, not wanting to scare her off, and compares her to Bambi. He needs to make a move quickly after all when she asks for the bill. She only ate a bit of everything in her role as a food critic. The first waitress declares the meal free, takes the plate, trips as the older man tries to go past her, and finds herself sitting in the booth with the portly man, the dish now in front of him.
The timer reaches 2:35. The mother leaves the booth to check if her boyfriend is arriving. The portly man decides it is his fate to eat the cholesterol-heavy meal. Despite her mother telling her to sit quietly, Josée-Marguerite leaves their booth to get a closer look at the bomb. She points at it and asks "What is that?" — but just then her mother arrives and admonishes her. The young woman places her hands on the table with some force and the bomb is half dislodged underneath. She says she is going to the washroom and her boyfriend had better have changed his attitude by the time she gets back.
The portly man orders coffee and cigarettes. The timer counts down to 0:59, and the older lady rises and whispers advice to the young man on her way out. She pauses and smiles at the older man and he gets up to follow her while the timer counts down to 0:42. He is delayed by a new patron coming through the door — the mother's awaited boyfriend ( ). She asks Josée-Marguerite what it was she had wanted to say earlier, but the frustrated girl says it is "too late" as the timer counts down to 0:28.
The young couple are reconciled, which pleases the older lady looking through the window. The older man continues to struggle with the door. The timer counts down from 0:10 to 0:03 — and stops. The older lady has found the remote in the bin outside. She flips a switch and the timer continues down to 0:01. She flips it again and holds it to her ear and shakes it, finally giving up and throwing it into the bin. She is followed by the older man as she leaves. Inside, the portly man enjoys the older lady's leftovers, Josée-Marguerite meets her mother's boyfriend, the waitresses finally have time to catch up on each other's news, and the young couple kiss passionately. The bomb remains half-dislodged, the timer still showing 0:01.
While returning to his ship on foot with "the Child" in tow, the Mandalorian is ambushed by a trio of Trandoshan warriors. He disintegrates one attempting to rush and kill the Child, revealing a tracking fob. Upon returning to his ship, he finds a team of Jawas scavenging it for parts. After a short battle, they retreat in their Sandcrawler and stun the Mandalorian unconscious with ion blasts. He returns to his ship, finding it stripped bare and all of his weaponry stolen. With the assistance of Kuiil, he grudgingly bargains with the Jawas to return his ship's parts in return for retrieving the egg of a mudhorn.
The Mandalorian fights the large horned beast, but he is battered and thrown around in the mud, his weapons failing and his armor heavily damaged. As the beast charges to finish the Mandalorian, the Child uses the Force to lift it, allowing the Mandalorian to go for the kill by stabbing it in the neck. He returns with the egg, and the Jawas cut it open and eat its contents. He and Kuiil repair his ship, after which Kuiil turns down the Mandalorian's offer of reward and crewing his ship. After parting as friends, the Mandalorian takes to space and the Child wakes up after exhausting itself using the Force.
With no memory of the past four days, Elliot goes to work the day of the UN vote. He realizes he's been fired and that Stage 2 is going to happen today. He tries to evade security to shut it down, but is caught and escorted out. He tries calling in a bomb threat to get the target building evacuated, while a large gathering of anti E Corp protesters gathers at headquarters. Darlene appears, admitting she's working with the FBI and that Angela is working with Mr. Robot, helping Elliot remember his lost days. The protesters break into E Corp, terrifying the workers. Irving calls Angela, stating that the riot is a distraction so they can send Elliot to copy important data from an HSM in a secure room as a prerequisite to Stage 2. Angela hears that the UN agreed to the annexation, then is approached by a suspicious security guard. She attracts the protesters, who attack the security guard, so she can complete the assignment intended for Elliot, then passes the data to a Dark Army agent. Elliot confronts her in the chaos, asking if there's something she needs to tell him.
The film tells about three young pilots who experience supersonic fighters. They have to endure a difficult test...
The film tells about the geologist Viktor, who on his way home meets a girl named Lena, whom he falls in love with. Victor promises her a long happy life, but in reality everything does not turn out as he thought. He understands that his feelings are not as strong as at the first meeting, and she, in turn, was ready for this.
At the Tucson Rodeo, Dusty fails in a competition, but the winner is Crash who earns a prize belt. When Crash is having a bath a newspaper photographer comes into the room and takes a picture of Dusty identifying himself as Crash. Crash is angry that Dusty has stolen his name and glory but sees that the beautiful Maybelle Pembroke is returning home to Thunder River. Alibi had worked for the Pembrokes long ago but warns Crash that she would not be interested in a cowboy. Crash pawns his prize belt to buy a suit where he masquerades as a writer from New England. Dusty arrives at the ranch to impersonate Crash as the new foreman. The trio unite to stop a feud between two families in Thunder River with a Romeo and Juliet type situation where Maybelle loves Grover Harrison from the family that is the sworn enemy of the Pembrokes.
Baron Béla Wenckheim, a 64-year-old Hungarian man, returns to his hometown after collecting a large gambling debt in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he was living in exile. He hopes to reunite with his childhood sweetheart Marika. However, upon hearing of his coming arrival the townspeople believe Baron Wenckheim possesses great wealth which he will bequeath to the town.
Sergeant Raisuke Kuroiwa (Tetsuya Watari) and the Kuroiwa Force, a special Flying Squad-esque division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police solves crimes and cracks down on their perpetrators.
In the third season, Alexis marries Cecil on his deathbed and acquires his company, ColbyCo. In the meantime, Adam, the long-lost son of Alexis and Blake who had been kidnapped in infancy, reappears in Denver and almost starts an affair with Fallon before they discover they are siblings. Also introduced are Krystle's ex-husband, tennis pro Mark Jennings, and Kirby Anders, the daughter of longtime Carrington majordomo Joseph. Kirby catches Adam's eye but weds Jeff after his divorce from Fallon. In the middle of the season, news that Steven has been killed in an accident in Indonesia comes to the Carringtons; he survives, but undergoes plastic surgery and returns to Denver. In the third-season cliffhanger, Alexis lures Krystle to Steven's cabin and the two are locked inside while the cabin is set ablaze by an unseen arsonist.
Two U.S. government agents (Bruce Bennett and Frank Albertson) are assigned to prevent Nazi spies involved in a eavesdropping scheme from infiltrating into a Southern California war-defense plant. To help them in their venture, one of the agents invents an ingenious word-scrambler that eventually leads them to the German spies.
Arno — a World War I veteran whose father followed Arno's advice to invest heavily in stocks and hanged himself after losing the family's money in the Wall Street Crash of 1929 — left everything behind after his mother also died soon afterward, taking with him only his father's expensive pocket watch. He lives alone in a beachfront shack in the Bahamas with only a pet parrot for company and ekes out a living as a beachcomber, travelling among the islands on his boat ''Caca de Toro'' and selling items he finds washed up on the beach.
While in town one day in 1933, Arno discovers that Coquina, a woman he is attracted to, has returned from a three-year stay with her uncle on another island. Coquina's grandmother dislikes Arno and wishes Coquina to marry Thomas, a shopkeeper with greater financial security than the indebted and impoverished Arno, but Arno makes romantic overtures to Coquina, and a romantic relationship soon develops between them. Arno visits Janine, a married woman with whom he has a sexual relationship, and announces that their relationship is over.
Arno also encounters Janine's husband Jean-Pierre, a Frenchman who operates a boat named ''La Chamade'' that he uses both for marine salvage work and to offer charter cruises as a gigolo for wealthy female tourists. Aboard the ''La Chamade'' is Ortega, a shady associate of Arno's for whom Jean-Pierre often works. Ortega needs Arno's boat and knowledge of Cuban waters for an illegal voyage to Cuba and offers Arno US$500 to work with him, but Arno dislikes Ortega and turns him down. Ortega approaches the corrupt local police chief, Sergeant Major Jim, and they concoct a plot to blackmail Arno into working for Ortega.
Aboard the ''Caca de Toro'', Arno comes across a yacht, the ''Pride of Chicago'', and is invited aboard. The yacht's owner, a rich American bootlegger, hires him to take a package to Bimini and the bootlegger's ailing wife asks him to pick up a package of medication for her as well while he is there. After Arno picks up her package on Bimini, one of Sergeant Major Jim's constables attempts to take it from him, but one of Arno's friends suddenly appears and assaults the constable, allowing Arno to escape just as a severe storm strikes. Arno seeks shelter in the bar and restaurant of a hotel. Sergeant Major Jim, Ortega, Janine, and Jean-Pierre all are there. Sergeant Major Jim seizes Arno's package, finds it contains heroin, and threatens Arno with arrest. Ortega intervenes, offering to pay Arno's bail if he will take the Cuba job Ortega is offering. A fight breaks out and Ortega pulls a knife, but Arno wrestles the knife away and stabs Ortega with it. Accused of killing Ortega, Arno escapes into the storm aboard the ''Caca de Toro''. He and his boat survive the storm, but he discovers the next morning that his father's watch has broken during the ordeal.
Arno tries to find the ''Pride of Chicago'' to deliver the package he picked up on Bimini, but discovers that the yacht sank in the storm and lies upside down on the ocean bottom in shallow water. Through portholes, he sees the drowned bodies of women he had met aboard the yacht, still adorned with expensive jewelry. He lacks the diving and salvage equipment necessary to enter the wreck and retrieve the jewelry. Determined to salvage valuables from the wreck before anyone else can, he returns to town and finds Coquina. The two of them steal diving equipment from Thomas's family and return to the wreck of the ''Pride of Chicago'', but the stolen equipment malfunctions and Arno almost drowns. Coquina saves him.
Ortega, it turns out, suffered only a minor stab wound in his fight with Arno. He hires Jean-Pierre to find Arno and bring him in for a reward. Jean-Pierre has heard about US$1 million in gold in a safe aboard the sunken ''Pride of Chicago'' and that a major search for her wreck has begun. Aboard the ''La Chamade'', Jean-Pierre and Janine soon find the ''Caca de Toro''. Arno and Jean-Pierre make a deal: Jean-Pierre — unable to dive due to eardrum damage — will not report the wanted Arno to the authorities or take him to Ortega and will provide diving and salvage equipment. In exchange, Arno will reveal the location of the ''Pride of Chicago'', do the diving to bring up valuables from the wreck, and agree to split the profits. Jean-Pierre does not tell Arno about the gold aboard the yacht or that Ortega is alive.
Arno begins diving on the wreck and retrieving expensive jewelry from the bodies inside her hull, narrowly avoiding an attack by a shark swimming inside the wreck. Arno and Jean-Pierre divide up the day's salvaged valuables that evening, hiding their shares so that neither can steal from the other. Arno and Coquina have sex, and afterwards he gives her his father's watch to wear around her neck. On his next dive, he makes his first attempt to enter the wreck and nearly suffocates when his air hose snags on the wreck; Coquina saves him again.
Arno secretly keeps some of the salvaged jewelry for himself without letting Jean-Pierre know he had found it in the wreck, and he takes it to Sergeant Major Jim to bribe Jim to drop the murder charges he believes have been lodged against him. Jim accepts the bribe, then tells Arno that Ortega is alive and well. Arno returns to the ''La Chamade'' and accuses Jean-Pierre of lying to him about Ortega. A fight ensues, Arno throws Jean-Pierre overboard, and Arno pulls him back aboard only after Jean-Pierre informs him of the gold that is aboard the ''Pride of Chicago''.
While Arno makes a night dive on the ''Pride of Chicago'', Jean-Pierre suggests to Coquina that Arno might betray her, take all the gold, and run off with Janine. He suggests that they double-cross Arno and Janine and split the profits with one another, and even that they could kill Arno by shutting off the air compressor feeding him air during his dive. In the wreck, the shark attacks Arno; he escapes, but loses the diving helmet and diving suit. Arno and Jean-Pierre go ashore and procure explosives with which to blow the safe open and an open-bottomed diving bell that will make up for the loss of the diving helmet and suit by allowing Arno to catch breaths of air without having to come to the surface. While they are gone, Janine confides in Coquina, telling her that she plans to leave Jean-Pierre as soon as the salvage operation is over and that Coquina should be careful about Arno abandoning her, especially when she is older and less beautiful. When Arno and Jean-Pierre return, Coquina tells Arno that Jean-Pierre plans to steal his share, and Arno says that she should play along and that they will turn the tables on Jean-Pierre by stealing his share instead.
Janine accompanies Arno in the diving bell on his next dive, a night dive in which he detonates the explosives to open the safe aboard the ''Pride of Chicago''. As he visits the diving bell to breathe, Janine proposes that they double-cross Coquina and Jean-Pierre, keep all the treasure for themselves, and run off together. Arno plays along and agrees with her. On the ''La Chamade'', Jean-Pierre asks Coquina to join him in double-crossing Arno and Janine; Coquina agrees to the double-cross. At the wreck, Arno and Janine recover the gold, but the shark returns and attacks Janine through the open bottom of the diving bell, killing her and swimming off with her body.
Back aboard the ''La Chamade'', Jean-Pierre blames Arno for Janine's death, and Coquina appears to take Jean-Pierre's side. Ortega and one of his henchmen suddenly storm aboard and try to take all the salvaged valuables for themselves at gunpoint. In an effort to appease Ortega, Arno and Jean-Pierre both reveal the hiding places for their shares of the treasure aboard the ''La Chamade'', but a struggle ensues. Ortega stabs Arno in the shoulder but Jean-Pierre shoots both Ortega and his henchman, killing them.
Coquina tells Arno that she sided with Jean-Pierre in the argument over Janine's death merely to play along with Jean-Pierre in his scheme to double-cross Arno. With Arno's knowledge, Coquina drugs Jean-Pierre so that she and Arno can flee with all the salvaged gold and treasure, but Arno wakes up the next morning to find that Coquina also drugged him, and that she has disappeared in a skiff, taking all the gold and jewels for herself. He laughs ironically when Sergeant Major Jim arrives on another boat to arrest Jean-Pierre and him for possession of the gold.
Arno returns to his life as a beachcomber. One day he stops by the bar where he picks up his mail and receives a package. It contains his father's watch, which Coquina has had repaired and mailed back to him.
A detective decides to go undercover to investigate a psychotherapist who, he thinks, is responsible for a murder.
The Investigator (voiced by Peter Dyneley), an omniscient being from another galaxy, has come to Earth to rid it of evil and corruption. To assist him, he has recruited two young Americans, John and Julie (voiced by Shane Rimmer and Sylvia Anderson), whom he has miniaturised and given special powers. In a cave on Malta, the Investigator (represented by a flashing green light) gives John and Julie their first assignment: they are to foil crooked entrepreneur Stavros Karanti's (Charles Thake) plan to steal a priceless Raphael painting from St John's Cathedral in Mdina. To aid their mission, he provides them with an eight-wheel miniature car equipped with powerful surveillance devices. Thanks to his new abilities, John instantly knows how to drive the car.
John and Julie go to Angel's Leap and spy on Karanti as he boards his yacht, the ''Borgia'', and meets his associate Christoph (Peter Borg). When the men come ashore and drive to Mdina, John and Julie follow. While touring St John's, to which he has donated a fake painting, Karanti learns of the cathedral's security arrangements. Karanti and Christoph return to the ''Borgia'' pursued by John and Julie, who board the yacht via a miniature speedboat provided by the Investigator. The youths accidentally knock over an object, alerting the criminals to their presence, but avoid being discovered thanks to their small size.
Returning to St John's at night with John and Julie again on their tail, Karanti and Christoph knock out the cathedral's security guard and seize the Raphael painting. John tries to stop the criminals by mounting a chandelier and swinging it at them. Karanti fires a gun at John, missing him but causing him to fall to the floor, injured. Karanti and Christoph get away. Leaving Christoph at the harbour, Karanti drives to a nearby airfield, planning to leave Malta in his Cessna 150 plane. John and Julie beat him to the airfield and stow away aboard the Cessna before Karanti takes off. Speaking through a miniature megaphone, John pretends to be Karanti's conscience urging him to surrender. At the same time, Julie uses a remote control to make the plane repeatedly roll and dive, terrifying Karanti. On John's instructions, Karanti radios air traffic control to confess his crimes and lands at the airfield, where he is arrested by police.
With the painting safely returned to the cathedral, John and Julie report back to the Investigator, who congratulates them on a job well done.
Roy Barch is a young Earth man who is the son of a scientist. His dreams of following his father's profession have been ended by the arrival on Earth of a benevolent alien race, the Lekthwan, which is far more advanced than humans. The Lekthwan pass on enough of their advanced science that many Earth scientists find that their knowledge has become obsolete, including Roy, who becomes a servant for a Lekthwan. One day, the alien's wife and two daughters arrive on Earth in a spaceship. The 20-year-old daughter, who Roy calls Ellen, is a cultural anthropologist and scientist. Roy asks her out on a date to hear a jazz band.
When they arrive home, her family has been killed by huge aliens from the Klau race, who kidnap Roy and Ellen. The pair are transported to Magarak, a grim, dank Klau mining and manufacturing planet to work as slaves. Ellen is resigned to her fate, and says escape is impossible, but Roy insists that he will escape and get back to Earth. They escape to the wilderness, where they meet a tribe of other fugitive slaves led by a towering Klau named Clet. Every week, Klau and their Podruods (a subspecies of Klau used as warriors and fighters) come on flying rafts to hunt slave fugitives for sport. Roy suggests to Clet that the tribe fight back against the Klau hunters, but Clet wants to continue the statu quo.
Roy leaves the tribe's cave, intending to become an exile. While he is in the woods, he spots a flying raft of Klau hunters coming towards the cave. He shoots the Klau and takes their alien rifles, which he uses to kill Clet (who Roy believes will never agree to fight the Klau). Roy announces he is the new leader of the tribe and tells them that they can escape from Magarak. While many dismiss his plan as hopeless, Roy argues that if they steal flying barges, they may be able to jury-rig an airtight enclosure and fly through space. He leads raiding expeditions to steal barges and equipment and they weld two barges face to face and mount life-supporters inside. As their raids continue, Roy realizes that the Klau will likely soon strike back. He mines the bluff overlooking the cave mouth with explosives and has a third barge filled with high explosives.
When the Klau attack, they fly to the bluff, and Roy triggers the explosions. Roy orders the tribe to make the final preparations on their improvised space vessel, and then he sets out to take the explosives-filled air barge to the command and control center of the Klau on Magarek. Roy destroys it the Klau headquarters and returns to the cave. However, the tribe has left, including Ellen, and the improvised spaceship is gone. After a period, another air barge arrives filled with new fugitive slaves. Roy leads the creation of a second improvised spaceship, and they get back to Earth. He is hailed as a hero in the war against the Klau slavers. He goes to see Ellen again, and she asks him to marry her. At first he refuses, on the grounds that they are too different, and he fears that her advanced alien race looks down on humans. In the end he decides to take a risk and marry her.
Category:1958 science fiction novels Category:1958 American novels Category:American science fiction novels Category:Novels by Jack Vance Category:Novels about slavery Category:Novels set on fictional planets Category:Novels about extraterrestrial life Category:Works originally published in American magazines Category:Ace Books books
Eva (Ana Ofelia Murguía), Delfa (Leonor Llausás) and Chuy (Malena Doria) are three sisters who seek to make a living in an easy way, so they take advantage of the poverty of various rural families and the innocence of the women, and then sell them false illusions. That is why they decide to go with Mr. Rosario (Jorge Martínez de Hoyos) to buy their daughters María (Tina Romero) and Adelina (Diana Bracho) with the deception of taking them to work in a restaurant; However, the truth is that they will be used as prostitutes who will be raped day and night without receiving anything in return other than a worse treatment than if they were beasts.
The film takes place after the war. The film tells about women workers, their joys and failures. Yevdokia Kuzina arrives in the early fifties from the village to the city, accidentally meets a furniture factory worker, Yekaterina Bednova, a widow with her son, who settles her in her house and helps her get a job at the factory. After a while, Yevdokia begins to meet with Yuri, known to the entire factory. Their relationship ends with an unsuccessful abortion, and Yevdokia learns that she will no longer have children.
The film tells about the life of the scientist Andrei Gusarov against the backdrop of the difficult thirties for him, as well as the Great Patriotic War and the first launch of an artificial Earth satellite.
Kiichihōgan is a samurai who had been a victim of a vicious crime, completely changing his life forever. His parents were killed and his virgin wife was violated by a skilled Spaniard named Gonzalez. 18 years later Kiichihōgan abandons the way of the samurai and he becomes a bounty hunter, taking Japans most wanted criminals. He goes on a journey to find the Spaniard and fulfill his revenge.
The novel follows an unnamed American woman, supposedly a journalist, living in Managua, Nicaragua in 1984, during Sandinista rule. She originally traveled to Nicaragua as an observer for an anti-war group. She is disgusted with the corruption of both the Sandinistas and "the stupid CIA." She hustles as a prostitute at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Managua, hoping to leave Nicaragua one day. At the hotel, she eventually meets an unnamed English oil businessman whom she falls in love with. When the Englishman has falling out with Costa Ricans, the two flee together toward border. An American who is most likely a CIA agent tracks them and pressures her to sell out the Englishman.
Steven and Blake battle for custody over Steven and Sammy Jo's son Danny, and a false accusation of illegal weapons dealings orchestrated by Alexis threatens to ruin Blake's financial empire. In the season finale, Fallon disappears just before her second wedding to Jeff, while Alexis is arrested for the murder of Mark Jennings.
The show begins with two brothers, Max and Jake, in a car returning from a wedding. When they accidentally run over and kill an elderly man on an Edinburgh street, they make the decision to try to cover up the crime. As the show progresses, the brothers’ difficulties intensify and the story opens up to bring in other characters and storylines, within a narrative theme of guilt.
Set in a futuristic and dystopian Milan of 2068, the story tells the adventures of Adrian, a clockmaker of Gluck Street who has a love story with Gilda and fights for the freedom against the homologation imposed by an authoritarian regime. The future Italy is nominally governed by a democracy, but it is actually ruled by a few corrupted politicians and mainly by the mafia member Dranghestein. With the help of some disciples and under various fake identities, Adrian would lead a revolt against the regime.
Doug Ross (George Clooney) attends an interview for a new job at a private pediatric practice after he is told his contract at County General will not be renewed. The head of the practice (Luis Ávalos) offers him the job, and Ross accepts. Back at the ER, a 10-year-old victim of a hit-and-run, Molly Phillips (J. Madison Wright) is brought in with severe injuries. She is examined by Peter Benton (Eriq La Salle) and his interns John Carter (Noah Wyle) and Harper Tracy (Christine Elise). The medical staff stabilizes Molly, and new physician assistant Jeanie Boulet (Gloria Reuben) impresses ER chief David Morgenstern (William H. Macy) by identifying Molly's injuries from her X-rays.
Ross returns to the ER for his final shift, greeted by Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards) and Carol Hathaway (Julianna Margulies), but seems strangely annoyed considering his successful interview. Tracy and Carter extubate Molly. Jerry (Abraham Benrubi) struggles with a new computer and thinks he may have accidentally deleted radiology data. Linda Farrell (Andrea Parker) arrives, reminding Ross that he is meant to accompany her to an opera performance that evening. Farrell also manages to fix the computer, which Carol then uses to play ''Doom II''. Benton orders Jeanie to write a summary of all the discharge notes for a patient that has been admitted many times over the past few years.
Molly's parents (Peter Gregory and Chase Masterson) arrive, and it is revealed that they are separated. Mr. Phillips blames Mrs. Phillips for Molly's injuries. Tracy asks them for a photograph of their daughter to help the plastic surgeon repair Molly's cheek laceration. As Ross drives in heavy rain to pick up Linda, he gets a flat tire. A young boy, Joey Larkin (Zachary Charles), runs up to Ross' car, screaming that his brother needs help. Ross gets out of the car and hurriedly follows him.
Joey leads Ross to a storm drain where his brother, Ben (Erik von Detten) is trapped, with his leg caught in a gate inside. Ross attempts to free Ben's leg, but realizes it causes too much pain for Ben. He sends Joey to find a payphone and call for help. Ross notices there is a grate in the top of the tunnel that may allow him to get to Ben from the other side of the drain. He investigates, but the grate is locked and stuck shut. He returns to Ben to continue trying to free his leg but is not successful, and bonds with Ben by asking him questions about baseball, and promising to take him to a game at Wrigley Field when Ben is safe.
Ross goes back to his car to fetch tools to help him free Ben, telling Ben to keep singing while he is gone in an attempt to stop Ben from losing consciousness in the cold water. Joey finds Ross and tells him he could not find a phone, so Ross smashes a shop window and tells Joey to use a phone there to call an ambulance. Returning to Ben, Ross attempts to use a jack to widen the gap between the bars to free the leg more easily. Ben begins to lose consciousness and goes under the water, causing Ross to try and break the hinges of the gate with a crowbar. The gate suddenly breaks, and the huge water pressure sends both Ross and Ben flying back into the pool at the end of the drain tunnel. Ross desperately searches under the water for Ben, eventually finding him and carrying him to dry land, starting to perform CPR on him.
Meanwhile, Greene has also become engrossed in ''Doom II''. Jeanie tells Benton she has finished with the discharge notes and believes the patient has a hernia. Mrs. Phillips wants her own plastic surgeon to work on Molly, rather than the one at the hospital, prompting Mr. Phillips to disagree with her.
Ross is still trying to perform CPR on Ben when Joey returns with a guard. Ross uses a pen to perform a tracheotomy on Ben before carrying Ben back to the road. An ambulance arrives to meet them, as well as a television news helicopter, which picked up the call for paramedics. A reporter (Robert Cicchini) in the helicopter begins filming Ross for live broadcast on NBC 5. Ross demands that Ben be taken to County General, despite the paramedics' reluctance due to Mercy Hospital being much closer. The news helicopter agrees to transport Ross and Ben to County instead.
With Ross still being broadcast live on the news, he continues his attempts to revive Ben on board the helicopter, which are stalled as the helicopter's defibrillator is not charged up. When Ross uses the helicopter's radio to contact County General, the staff realize that Ross is on the TV. Greene tells other staff members to prepare for Ross' arrival as Ross forces the reporter to turn off the camera and help him.
Molly complains to Carter and Benton of stomach pain, and Benton orders a CT scan. Greene and Carol meet the helicopter on the roof of the hospital, and use a defibrillator on Ben. They take him inside the hospital to a trauma room to keep trying to revive him. At the same time, in the other trauma room, Molly has also crashed during her CT. Ben is hypothermic and placed on a heart bypass machine while his body is warmed up. Molly is suffering from internal bleeding in her abdomen due to a blood clot rupturing an artery. However, the doctors are unable to revive her and she is declared dead. Tracy is distraught as she had become close with Molly and had never witnessed a patient death before.
Later on, Ben finally wakes up to Doug sitting by his side. He is taken to another ward in the hospital for further recovery. Greene stitches up a cut on Doug's arm, and the two reconcile their differences. As they leave the hospital, they are both swamped by a crowd of news reporters blocking their way shouting questions at Ross and declaring him to be a hero.
The ''Stingray'' crew are relaxing in the Marineville standby lounge when Commander Shore (voiced by Ray Barrett) orders them to prepare to launch, warning them of a dangerous mission. Captain Troy Tempest (voiced by Don Mason) is eager to leave immediately but Shore tells him to await further instructions. Troy's attention turns to the fish in the lounge aquarium. He then falls asleep in his chair.
Troy wakes to hear Shore on the intercom, ordering the crew to launch. He leaves in ''Stingray'' with Phones (voiced by Robert Easton) and Marina. Shore radios in, ordering Troy to pilot ''Stingray'' through an undersea tunnel. Troy asks for details of the mission but Shore gruffly denies his request, leaving Troy feeling belittled.
''Stingray'' exits the tunnel and hits a sheet of glass. The crew are astonished to find that they have been miniaturised and ended up inside an aquarium within a giant dining room. Leaving ''Stingray'' on their hovering monocopters, they investigate the dining table, which has been set for various undersea villains. At the head of the table, set for King Titan of Titanica, is a schematic of Marineville's defence systems. The crew realise that they have stumbled across a gathering of the undersea races to plot the destruction of Marineville.
The crew hide as an Aquaphibian dressed as a waiter enters the room to check the table. They then use a nearby telephone to call Marineville. Shore answers and Troy explains the situation, but the commander thinks that Troy is joking and ends the call. The crew again take cover as the Aquaphibian returns with Titan's agent X-2-Zero (voiced by Robert Easton), who notices the mess the crew have made of the table and reprimands the Aquaphibian for what he assumes to be poor table-setting. The Aquaphibian tidies up.
Left alone, the crew destroy the schematic by pouring alcohol on it and setting it alight. The fire quickly engulfs the room, forcing them back to ''Stingray''. As the aquarium boils, Troy realises that ''Stingray'' is trapped. He orders Phones to break the glass with a torpedo, hoping that the escaping water will put out the fire.
As the torpedo is fired, Troy wakes to find himself back in the lounge. Shore tells the crew to stand down and Troy, realising that he has had a nightmare, apologises to the commander for his impatience.
Dana Mills wakes up unsure of what has happened to her or why she is pregnant. She knows she is a member of the marines. She is interrogated and ends up in a mental hospital from which she escapes. She ends up near Herot Hall, a development built on top of the town where she used to live. She hides inside the mountain behind it, which has an abandoned train station and a lake; people think it is haunted. In it she gives birth to her son, Gren.
Despite his mother's instructions, as Gren grows older he wishes to meet the people in Herot and becomes friends with Dylan, a young boy in the town. Willa, Dylan's mother, is introduced. Her mother, Diane, forced her into a marriage with Roger Herot, a plastic surgeon and heir of the Herot development. She acts as the perfect housewife (hiding alcoholism, a likely eating disorder, an unhappy marriage, and copious quantities of stress) and quickly notices something is amiss when Dylan begins to talk about his "imaginary" friend Gren. At a disastrous house party Dana appears searching for her son who has run down to play with Dylan. Dylan runs away with Gren as Roger follows them toward the mountain. Roger shoots a bear, thinking it is what took Dylan, but Dana believes that he has shot Gren, and so she murders Roger in retaliation. Following this, police officer Ben Woolf goes searching for Dylan. He finds Dylan, and Dana's severed arm, but he claims he killed Dana and Gren. He is acclaimed as a hero and Willa marries Ben.
Years later, Dylan runs away from the boarding school he has been placed in due to rebellious behaviors to find Gren. Dana, who has been slipping further from reality, argues that the people of Herot are evil – they dug into the mountain and disturbed a graveyard where her mother was buried, turning it into a railway station and creating a museum full of her family's bones and belongings. Gren argues that Dylan was good and finally leaves, going to look for him. They meet and kiss but are found by Ben and, running back to his childhood home, Dylan is brutally stabbed and murdered by Willa. Gren vows for revenge and reconciles with Dana; together they attack Ben at Dylan's funeral. Gren is killed by Ben; everyone realizes he is a boy, not a monster. Dana kills Ben, committing suicide in the process. As Willa is put in handcuffs, she realizes all the people of Herot Hall are monsters.
Vladik Zorich, a crime lord whose tentacles permeate the underbelly of a seedy Los Angeles as he deals in guns, gambling, drugs and skin trafficking, finds himself double-crossed by his most trusted operative Rhona Zyocki. Vladik's propensity for power, control, and violence drives him to kidnap Rhona's young son, forcing Rhona to participate in a planned elimination of Vladik's enemies and identities. As her son's life hangs in the balance, Rhona struggles to find and kill Vladik's most violent and twisted foes and regain valuable goods and information, all in one fateful night. To keep her on a short leash, Vladik sets out the 'rules' to his 'game' and overseas Rhona's every move as she navigates the darkened streets of Los Angeles. However, Vladik underestimates the power of a mother's love, and finds himself losing control as his devious plan slowly unravels.
The story is about a young girl called Anna. She lives in a dark forest with her grandfather whom she likes to call "grandpa". However, one night, while she seeks help for her ill and bedridden grandpa, Anna is suddenly kidnapped by a mysterious woman. The woman traps her in a room at the top of a tower, in which she is experimented on and develops psychokinesis. Soon after, she meets Ben, an amnesiac boy who was turned into a teddy bear by the woman, who Ben refers to as a witch. Together they find a way to escape the tower and trap the witch inside it. The two arrive at the city of Wiederhorn, where there is a wizard (later revealed to be a sorceress) that may be able to help cure Anna's grandfather. In the city, they encounter numerous obstacles, including another witch who eats children, a ghost who roams a river, and being chased by royal guards. The duo manage to gather the ingredients the sorceress needs to make a cure, but it turns out the sorceress is really the witch in disguise and the king's new fiancée.
Consequently, she has the royal guards arrest the kids, and Anna is put in a dungeon in hell under the supervision of the Devil and separated from Ben. Anna finds out that the witch is responsible for her grandfather's illness, and the only way to save him is to stop the witch. Anna escapes hell using her powers and wits and finds that the king's castle is in the process of preparing for the king's wedding to the witch. Anna also finds out that Ben is in the castle, kept in a jail cell by the witch as she interrogates him for information about his mother. Anna later discovers that Ben's mother is Jannike, who was trapped inside the ice at the top of a glass mountain. After being freed, Jannike insists on remaining imprisoned as it allows the protection spell she put on her son Ben to remain unbroken. By the time Anna frees Ben before the witch's wedding, the reasons behind her actions are fully revealed: Jannike is the queen and Ben is the prince, however the witch kidnapped them and made the king forget about them to allow her to seduce him to ask for her hand in marriage. It is also revealed that the witch made Anna's grandfather ill so she could use her experiment on Anna, as her grandfather also has telekinesis, to obtain the power of telekinesis as her own. Anna and Ben interrupt the witch's wedding, as Jannike suddenly appears, her words angering the witch into creating a blast of destructive energy. Anna uses her powers to prevent everyone from getting hurt, and then enter the witch's mind, going into the memories of her past.
There, it is revealed that as a child, the witch, who is actually Winfried, Jannike's younger sister, had wanted to prove how science is a means by which to learn of the truth in their world, just like magic. She was helped by Hans, her stuttering friend who agreed with her. However, no one else agreed with her, including her mother, a teacher at magic school. In an attempt to prove science, Hans and Winfried use a ritual to summon Minerva's wisdom, only to be rejected by the goddess. Enraged, Winfriede decides to go down to the river where the Weisse Frauen live to retrieve a magical object called the Amber Orb, but Hans arrives before her, and the river spirits drown him. Accused for sending Hans to his death, she's cruelly punished as Winfriede is put on trial by the Wanderer, a messenger for the Norns to tell the Wyrd of everyone, and is condemned to look like the monster everyone now believed her to be. This includes her own family, and her mother abandons her as she swears revenge against them all, even Jannike.
Back in the present, Winfriede recalls the past as she tries to kill Anna only to be pushed away by her in a gesture of self-defense, making her fall to her death. Ben recovers his human form. Days later, peace and order return to the kingdom, and Anna returns to her grandfather who is now cured after Winfriede's death.
The 4th Tokugawa Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna has no children, so a power dispute occurs over his succession.
In the story, Alexis is exonerated for Mark's murder and her secret daughter Amanda comes to Denver and discovers that Blake is her father. Steven has married Claudia but leaves her for another man, and Claudia starts an affair with Adam. The marriage of Blake and Krystle is in crisis after the birth of their daughter Krystina; Dominique struggles to be accepted as a Carrington, and loses her husband Brady Lloyd in the process; and Sammy Jo discovers she is the heiress to a huge fortune. At the end of the season, an amnesiac Fallon reappears while the rest of the family go to Europe for the wedding of Amanda and Prince Michael of Moldavia.
The student team is defeated in rowing competitions. The coach decides to leave with the four best rowers. Those athletes who remain, want to revive the team and attract a new coach who developed a new technique for them. And so the team gains the opportunity to compete in an international regatta...
Silje wants to leave her boyfriend, but when she finds him in a half-hearted attempt to hang himself she has to reconsider, in fear of acting reckless.
''Half-Life: Alyx'' takes place five years before the events of ''Half-Life 2.'' Earth has been conquered by the alien Combine, who have implemented a brutal police state. In City 17, teenage Alyx and her father Dr. Eli Vance, both members of a human resistance movement, are stealing Combine resources. After they are captured by the Combine, resistance member Russell rescues Alyx and warns her that Eli will be transported to Nova Prospekt for interrogation. To intercept the train carrying Eli, Alyx ventures into the quarantine zone, an area inside City 17 infested with parasitic alien life. Along the way, she meets an eccentric Vortigaunt named Gary who asks Alyx to save his fellow Vortigaunts and foresees that Eli will die.
Inside the Quarantine Zone, Alyx derails the train and Gary rescues Eli from the wreckage. While in custody, Eli has learned that the Combine are storing a superweapon in a massive vault that hovers above the quarantine zone; he instructs Alyx to find the vault and steal its contents. Alyx ventures through the Quarantine Zone, contending with aliens and Combine soldiers. She shuts down a power station keeping the vault afloat, and discovers that each station contains enslaved Vortigaunts forced to channel their energies to the vault. The Vortigaunt she rescues promises that he and the others will take down the remaining power stations.
Eli contacts Alyx and warns her that the vault does not contain a weapon; it is a prison built around an apartment complex to contain something the Combine discovered. Alyx, Eli and Russell reason that whatever is inside can help them fight the Combine. As she approaches the vault, Alyx overhears a scientist mentioning to Combine superiors that the occupant is a survivor of the Black Mesa incident. Assuming the survivor is Gordon Freeman, Alyx aims to mount a rescue and crashes the vault to the ground.
Inside the vault, Alyx finds the apartment complex around which it was built. Anomalous physical phenomena permeate the building; objects float in antigravity, and mirrored rooms are stacked on top of one another. Alyx discovers an advanced prison cell in its center. She breaks it open, expecting to find Gordon, but instead releases the mysterious G-Man. As a reward, the G-Man offers his services to Alyx. She requests he remove the Combine from Earth, but the G-Man claims that the interests of his "employers" are not strong enough to justify such a significant change. He instead transfers her to the future, and offers her the chance to change the outcome of Eli's death at the hands of a Combine Advisor at the end of ''Half-Life 2: Episode Two''. Alyx complies, killing the Advisor and saving her father. The G-Man informs Alyx that she has proven herself capable of replacing Gordon, with whom the G-Man has grown dissatisfied. He traps Alyx in stasis and leaves.
Gordon regains consciousness in White Forest base. Eli is alive, but Alyx is missing. Eli realizes what has happened to Alyx, declares his intention to kill the G-Man, and hands Gordon his crowbar.
Lucy is a young assistant at the Woolf Gallery in NYC. Idolizing her boss, Eva Woolf, she readily provides info about her to her boyfriend and work colleague, Max. Her friends and roommates, law student Amanda and model Nadine, hear her talking non-stop about him. At the gallery opening, instead of Max asking her to move in, she is both dumped for his ex Amelia and fired.
Drunk and despondent, Lucy climbs into a guy’s car, believing it’s her ''Lyft'', the kind Nick takes her home. On the way, she describes the gallery fiasco. For weeks, she wallows in her room, with her roommates’ support. Finally, they urge her to clear out her cave of memorabilia from past relationships. Unable to sell her mementos, Lucy follows Max and Amelia into a restaurant, Nick sees her, steering her outside before she can cause a scene.
Lucy and Nick end up at the Chloe hotel, an old YMCA. Renovating his dream boutique hotel for five years, he is out of money and needs help to keep the project going. He encourages her to hang Max’s tie on an old nail. Inspired, she writes a caption, and they jointly come up with the concept of ''Broken Heart Gallery''.
Nick shows up at Lucy’s, inviting her to see something added to the wall. Excited, she envisions a chance for New Yorkers to connect over shared loss and humanity. Meeting and bonding with Marcos, Nick’s friend on the building project, they convince Nick to give her gallery space in exchange for work.
Lucy shares photos with their stories on social media #BROKENHEARTGALLERY, then posts short videos of people parting with their memorabilia. She sees first-hand how freeing it is for people to give up their baggage.
Seeking furniture and decorations for the gallery-hotel, they pound the streets, reclaiming pieces as they go. On the way, they chat about themselves. The money to start the hotel came from his grandma’s inheritance. Lucy’s mom sees art everywhere. Browsing in a secondhand-book shop, Lucy sees Max, follows him to a café, and meets Amelia. Nick rescues her again, saying they’re off to a meeting about their hot new gallery. They leave, Max looking intrigued.
Alone one day in the hotel-gallery, a cold, blonde woman looking for Nick, declines to leave a message. Shortly thereafter, the three roommates invite Nick, Marco and his wife to a karaoke night birthday bash. Lucy shows Nick ''New York Magazine'' mentioning their project, and she tells him about her idea for a ball opening, inviting influencers. They sing a ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ duet, Marco (like her roommates) suggests Nick ask her out.
Arriving home at 3 am, they find Max out front. After railing on him in Lucy’s defense, Amanda and Nadine head up. Max is telling her he wants her back when Nick shows up with birthday cake and the men butt heads. She and Max stay out, talking, and she agrees to a lunch.
As Nick’s loan falls through, he tells her to rehome her exhibit, so Lucy approaches every gallery she knows. At lunch with Max, he suggests Eva Woolf, who surprisingly offers gallery space. Seemingly about to take it, as she and Max leave together, she has an epiphany. She asks Nadine for help in breaking up with him. He tells her Amelia dumped him, and she concludes that they were not meant to be together, as she’s the hero in his love story, and he’s the villain in hers. Telling Nick, he also has the backing and the loan. They all work to get the opening ready.
Once finished, Lucy opens up to Nick, introducing him to her mom Cheryl, in a home due to dementia, the person she always sends voicemails to. Later on, they are intimate. Then Chloe appears (the cold woman from weeks ago), Lucy realises, then leaves hurt. Finding her, he explains he hadn’t changed the name for the cost, and he won’t be at the opening.
Eva Woolf’s contributes, as she wants to empower others, donating the box of the wedding ring used to fund her gallery saying, ‘Pain is inevitable. It’s what you do with it that matters.’
Marco and his wife find Nick before the opening, who claims to be ill. Marco tells him it’s heartbreak, and that Lucy got his backer and loan approved. During her opening speech, Nick bursts in with a neon sign, with the new name, ''The Broken Hearts Hotel''. Professing his love, she descends from the balcony, kissing him and tells him she reciprocates his love.
One night at the Edelvine Academy for Girls, a clique of girls led by ruthless popular girl Alice, play a prank on their classmate Kerrie by faking a haunting by the Edelvine Ghost, an urban legend involving a student who killed herself. Upset, Kerrie goes back to her dorm room where she glimpses a figure watching her. When the girls hear her screams and rush into her room, they discover Kerrie dead, having fallen out of her dorm room window.
New student Camille Meadows takes Kerrie's place at the academy. She meets headmistress Mrs. Landry and her son Trevor who works as a handyman. Student Helina shows Camille to her room which happens to be Kerrie's old room. Camille notices strange supernatural occurrences in the dorm room. Camille encounters Alice and the members of her clique; Bethany, Yvonne, Rosalind, and Lenora. The group harasses Camille and Helina until a fight breaks out. Mrs. Landry sentences the girls to spend detention in the library. Alice convinces Camille and Helina to join her and the others in a seance to contact Kerrie. Although Camille and Helina expect another prank, the group is stunned when they actually make contact with a spirit that warns them that they will be murdered. The group wonder if they communicated with Kerrie or the Edelvine Ghost. Later that night, Lenora is attacked and killed by an unseen assailant.
The next day, Mrs. Landry questions the girls on Lenora's unusual disappearance and informs them her personal items are missing, suspecting she has run away. The group investigates her room with Trevor's help and discovers a strange cross drawn in blood on Lenora's bed. Camille later identifies the cross as a symbol on a pendant worn by Alicia Kane, the deceased student who supposedly became the Edelvine Ghost. Later that night, Rosalind is killed in the shower, her body being discovered by Camille. The death is presumed an accident. Unsettled, Camille visits Helina and they discuss the possibility of ghosts. Bethany spots a masked figure in her room which disappears when she screams for help. Bethany claims it is the Edelvine Ghost but Mrs. Landry dismisses it as a bad dream while Camille is also unconvinced it was a ghost as Bethany was able to scare it away.
Camille, Helina, Alice, Bethany, and Yvonne meet for another seance to contact Rosalind and ask her what happened. Rosalind's spirit states she was murdered and identifies Camille as the killer. Alice attacks Camille while the others grow suspicious of Camille. While practicing for her dance recital, Yvonne is murdered by the masked figure Bethany saw. After another haunting from Kerrie, Camille moves in with Helina, and the two comfort each other over recent events. Alice receives a text from Yvonne asking her to go outside, where she discovers Lenora's corpse before being knocked out by the masked assailant. Camille tries to follow Alice but is knocked unconscious by another masked assailant.
Camille awakens restrained in the library next to an unconscious Alice. Bethany and Trevor reveal themselves as the killers and secret lovers, having murdered Kerrie and Alice's clique in an attempt to hide the fact that Bethany stole an essay from Kerrie which Bethany ended up winning a $250,000 scholarship from. Bethany also reveals she faked the communication with the spirits at the seances and that Trevor murdered Alicia Kane who was his babysitter and faked her suicide. Bethany states her plan to murder Alice, frame Camille for the murders, and then tie up any loose ends by killing Helina in a faked suicide. Camille reveals that she isn't really Camille, having assumed Camille Meadows's identity in order to avenge her friend Kerrie. The power goes out, causing Bethany to leave and fix it. As Trevor threatens Camille, Helina knocks him unconscious and frees Camille and Alice, having been lead to the library by Kerrie's ghost.
The trio attempts to escape but the power comes back on and Bethany ambushes them. Camille fends Bethany off and stabs her in the neck with a light bulb, killing her. Alice and Helina escape the library as Trevor reawakens. Camille manages to decapitate him with a bookshelf. Camille retrieves some photos of her and Kerrie from her dorm room and goes to leave only to be confronted by Helina. Camille tells Helina about her faked identity while Helina asks how she will find Camille in the future. Camille kisses Helina, waving both her and Kerrie's ghost goodbye before leaving the academy campus.
In San Francisco, a skiing instructor (Jeff Turk) recounts to his friend (Mike Flynn) a particular incident that occurred during his recent visit to Aspen, Colorado. While traveling to instruct two clients (Al Parker and Casey Donovan), he witnessed two men (Chad Benson and Dick Fisk) having sex in a cabin. Upon arriving at his destination, he found his clients also having sex; they are subsequently joined by the men from the cabin and the instructor in an orgy. Having recounted the story, the instructor comments that he is aroused; he exposes his penis to his friend, who reaches for it.
Following the events of the previous episode, Elliot is kidnapped by Vera and his associates Peanut and Javi. He is removed from the boot of a car and then tied to a chair in a room adjacent to Krista, who is also being held hostage.
Vera recounts his life after the events of "eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf", having returned to the Dominican Republic. He describes his journey from street hustling to taking control of the country as well as Haiti in 87 days. On day 88 however, his inscrutable feelings of emptiness are vindicated by a shaman who tells him he must return home. Realizing his desire to return to New York to reconcile with Elliot, he states his plan to take over New York with Elliot as his business partner. Elliot, remembering Shayla's death at Vera's hands, refuses to cooperate without Krista's safety guaranteed.
Elliot is brought to Krista and shown that she is safe. Vera reveals his knowledge of Mr. Robot, having extracted it from Krista, and declares his desire to meet him. Mr. Robot takes control after Krista is threatened. He points out flaws in Vera's plan, but offers to help if Krista is let go. Vera protests the suggestion, stating that Krista's captivity guarantees Elliot's cooperation. Elliot offers Vera the money from the Cyprus Bank hack he is planning.
Vera and his crew view the hack's details on a laptop. Seeing they are distracted, Elliot grabs for a gun in his bag. He threatens to shoot Vera and pulls the trigger, but realizes that the gun had already been unloaded. Angered, Vera threatens to shoot Krista, until Elliot admits that he needs her. Vera, comparing her to the shaman that had helped him, decides to change his approach.
Vera forces Krista and Elliot into an impromptu therapy session to discover more about Mr. Robot. Krista protests, saying it will not work without a controlled and private environment. Vera orders his associates to leave. Krista, still not satisfied, acquiesces after convincing from Elliot. Growing impatient with the discussion of Elliot's mother, Vera demands they discuss the origins of Mr. Robot's existence. Elliot begins to feel that a secret is being kept from him. Frustrated by Mr. Robot and Krista's attempts at diverting the subject matter, he encourages Vera to read from Krista's files. The window event from his childhood is brought up as a moment of significance. Elliot's version of events, that his father accidently pushed him out the window was incorrect. Discovering instead that he had directed his sister to hide in the closet from their father as he armed himself with a bat. He also learned that he jumped from the window intentionally out of fear. Krista compares his poor memory of the day to his inability to remember moments where Mr. Robot takes control. Elliot realizes Mr. Robot took control that day, having existed for longer than he had thought. Krista questions Mr. Robot's purpose, and puts together the pieces that Elliot needed protecting, specifically from his father. Upon Krista asking Elliott why he would be afraid of his father, and jump from his bedroom window, he remembers that he was sexually abused by his father as a child as he breaks down.
Unable to come to terms with his abuse, Elliot is consoled by Vera. Elliot blames Vera for the revelation. Vera then reveals his own past with sexual abuse, from friends of his mother. Vera says people with their trauma should not struggle alone, and confides his philosophy that people like them become unstoppable. After Vera assures Elliot that he isn't alone anymore, Krista sneaks up and stabs Vera in the back, killing him.
PLt Kardo de Leon has been reassigned from his former post as the Chief of Police of Santa Marcela and is now Chief of Police of Marangani, a municipality inhabited by Maranganis, a tribe of Kalinga, whose people warmly adopted him as one of their own. And he has Menchie, Carmen's daughter which he adopted.
As Chief of Police of Marangani, Kardo now faces the twin threat of Allegre Mining, their security and the Tawingan tribe. The former seeks to reopen a long dormant mine over the objections of the native Marangani tribe, which was harassed by the company's guards led by their ruthless and scheming officer (Paquito Diaz); the latter on the other hand, is locked in a bitter tribal war with the Maranganis and have been employed by Allegre Mining to harass the natives thus making it appear that attacks are in furtherance of the tribal war.
Also, Kardo was challenged by a professional duelist (Ricardo Cepeda) with a man's (Roldan Aquino) provocation.
Officer Finkelstein, a Jewish policeman, is assigned to protect Karl Baumer, the consul for Nazi Germany in an American city. While hosting a group of people listening to a radio broadcast of a speech by Adolf Hitler, Baumer is apparently murdered. Finkelstein's investigation discovers that each of the others present has a motive for murdering Baumer. Dr. Jennings paid to get relatives out of Germany, only to discover Baumer has cheated him. Sophie Baumer hated her husband's cruelty and amorality. Baumer threatened to expose the Jewish ancestry of Baron Max von Alvenstor, and planned to kill Otto Horst. Thomas Denny, an American journalist, hates Baumer's Nazi ideology. All the suspects are found to be innocent; Baumer accidentally drank poison that he had prepared to murder one of his guests.
Spurned by Blake, Alexis finds his estranged brother Ben and the duo successfully plot to strip Blake of his fortune. Alexis's sister Caress Morell also appears and causes trouble for Alexis. Steven's budding relationship with the closeted Bart Fallmont (Kevin Conroy) is ruined by Adam's business-motivated public revelation that Bart is gay. Krystle is held hostage and replaced by lookalike Rita (also played by Evans), who is working with a con man to rob Blake. Amanda, who has divorced Prince Michael, fights with Sammy Jo for the favors of Clay Fallmont. The May 21, 1986 season finale finds Blake strangling Alexis while the rest of the cast is in peril at the La Mirage hotel, which has been accidentally set afire by Claudia.
The film, like the book, changes various aspects of the story. The film deals with the UK mod revival era of the late 1970s, rather than the original mods of the mid 1960s, and specifically focuses on the son of Jimmy, the main character from Quadrophenia. Two of the original main characters, Jimmy and Dave, make an appearance.
The Tunkleys move from a caravan park into a suburban home goes wrong.
Boy 87 starts with a boy named Shif. It begins in an unnamed dictatorship. It's a day like any other for Shif and his best friend, 'Bini'. They are at school. Shif reflects on what they want to do when they grow up and finish their military service for the country. They are both exceedingly smart; they skipped multiple grades and are about to begin military school early.
After a few days, soldiers show up around the school, scouting for any children trying to evade military service. Shif discovers that his mother has lied to him about his father. She told shif when he ws younger that his father had died in hospital but in fact, he is still alive, but in prison.
Soon after, Shif sees the soldiers near his home. When one soldier confronts him, Shif runs away back home. Things begin to escalate when Bini doesn't arrive at school the next day, then when Shif arrives home his mother tells him he has to leave without her or his sister. The government is after him. Shif packs everything he needs to take with him. Soldiers enter his home and search for evidence that he plans to leave. They find the packed bag. Shif and Bini are put on a truck which takes them to a prison.
They are thirsty because the truck takes a full day straight to reach the prison where cargo containers are used to imprison 'traitors'. They are thrown into the same container along with other prisoners, some of whom have been there for over a decade. Shif and Bini are confused and thirsty. The prisoners explain the rules and how things work. They are forced to march in the desert. One of the other prisoners explains an escape plan for them. He also reveals that Shif's father may still be alive; they were sent to the same prison a few years ago.
Shif and Bini launch the escape plan. They make a run for it but are chased by the guards. Shif escapes but Bini does not. Shif decides he must try to make it north towards the Mediterranean Sea to escape to Italy and wait for his family there.
An alien intern named Glootie serves breakfast to the Smiths, often asking for assistance in developing a mobile app, even though Rick has tattooed "Do Not Develop My App" on Glootie's forehead. As Rick pats his belly and excuses himself for a solo adventure, which Summer surmises as defecating, Jerry is curious and offers to develop Glootie's app. Glootie and Jerry's app goes online, infuriating Morty. The app, named Lovefinderrz, turns out to be a dating app that entices its users to divert their full attention into finding their true love. Summer ditches Beth on their lunch for her date, leading to a fight between the two.
Seeing the widespread chaos, Jerry realizes his wrongdoing and joins Morty in demanding that Glootie take the app down. Glootie leads them to his mothership, where they meet the aliens' leader, who rebukes humanity's inefficiency in mastering love and states that the app is a distraction to steal Earth's water resources. Beth chases after Summer, who constantly changes her soul mate with the app, while Jerry and Morty are captured. Jerry manages to convince Glootie to take the app offline, showing their similarity in being unable to find a match. As Morty chastises Jerry about his decisions, Glootie puts an ad wall on the app, leading Summer and everyone else to delete the app and resume their lives.
Rick travels to a scenic, private lavatory. Discovering that it has been intruded upon, he tracks down the poop bandit, who is named Tony. Despite admonishment from Rick, Tony continues to use the lavatory, leaving Rick to punish him by using a chemical called "Globaflyn" to put him in his ideal toilet-filled simulation of heaven before evicting him. As Rick gives him a final warning, Tony chides him about his control issues and advises friendship. Rick prepares a defense measure on the toilet designed to humiliate its future user. Upon Rick visiting Tony's office, attempting to bring him laxatives and chili so Tony will need to use the toilet and be humiliated by Rick’s defense measure, Rick finds out that Tony has quit his job and died in a ski accident, having intended to live life to the fullest. Feeling guilty, Rick attends Tony's funeral, giving gifts to Tony's father. However, he leaves angrily when the father refers to Tony as Rick's friend. Rick then goes back to the lavatory and sits on the toilet, which spawns a crowd of holographic Ricks who berate "Tony" and his loneliness.
In the post-credits scene, Jerry consumes some Globaflyn and sees his own ideal reality: himself as a competent water-bottle delivery man and being appreciated for it.
A man has been murdered. Lynched as a falsely accused cattle rustler. The man's nephew, Billy Carson (Buster Crabbe) comes looking for the murders, and finds Steve Kirby (Charles King) holding a forged claim on his uncle's ranch. When Kirby is confronted, he frames Carson for murder. As Carson is jailed, and Kirby incites a lynch mob, Carson's new friend, Doc Jones, arrives to even the odds.
A depressed blue-collar worker named Val tries to commit suicide in a bathroom but is unable to after his annoying co-worker enters and begins to sing. Val breaks up with his girlfriend, Natasha, and quits his job. He helps his best friend Kevin, who recently tried to commit suicide as well, escape from a psychiatric hospital. Val tells Kevin that suicide is the answer and they decide to shoot one another in the face. Kevin dodges when Val shoots. He convinces Val that they should at least celebrate their last day on Earth.
Kevin's main goal is to kill the child psychiatrist, Dr. Brenner, who molested him. However, Val and Kevin are told Dr. Brenner does not arrive to work until late in the afternoon. Val learns that Natasha is pregnant. He tells Kevin that he had planned to marry her but backed out because he was scared. The duo spends their time training at a gun range, riding dirt motorcycles at a motorcycle park owned by their friend Donny, and robbing a gas station. Val visits his father, Lyndell, at his place of work and tries to retrieve the money Lyndell had stolen from him when he was younger. The two begin to fight and Kevin hits Lyndell with a tire iron, before leaving with the money. Val goes to the jewelry store where he bought the ring for Natasha and returns it. He visits Natasha and tries to give her some of his money to support her. Natasha criticizes him and encourages him to see a therapist. In the meantime, Kevin goes on a drive. He finds a former classmate (who he ran into earlier that morning) who severely injured him with his family and contemplates killing him right then and there but changes his mind.
Late in the afternoon, Kevin goes through with his plan and visits Dr. Brenner. He forces him onto his knees and pulls the trigger, but the gun does not go off. Dr. Brenner hits Kevin and takes the gun away from him. Val arrives and kills Dr. Brenner and they escape. In the car, Val tells Kevin that he does not want to die, and that he would rather live so he can raise his child. The duo is then chased by the police. They visit Donny and give him the keys to their car before driving away on motorcycles. Val and Kevin are spotted by helicopters and they stop running. Kevin tries to convince Val that suicide is the answer to their problems but Val does not change his mind about wanting to live. Kevin tells Val to tell the police that he killed Dr. Brenner before committing suicide. Sometime later in prison, Val receives a visit from Natasha and their daughter.
Kate Dibiasky, a Michigan State University astronomy Ph.D. candidate, discovers a previously unknown comet. Her professor, Dr. Randall Mindy, confirms that it will collide with the Earth in about six months and is large enough to cause a planet-wide extinction event. NASA confirms the findings, and their Planetary Defense Coordination Office head, Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, accompanies Dibiasky and Mindy to present their findings to the White House. They are met with apathy from President Janie Orlean and her son and Chief of Staff Jason.
Oglethorpe urges Dibiasky and Mindy to leak the news to the media, and they do so on a morning talk show. When hosts Jack Bremmer and Brie Evantee treat the topic frivolously, Dibiasky loses her composure and rants about the threat. Mindy, on the other hand, receives public approval for his looks. Actual news about the comet's threat receives little public attention, and the danger is denied by Orlean's NASA Director Jocelyn Calder, a top donor to Orlean with no background in astronomy. When news of Orlean's sex scandal with her Supreme Court nominee Sheriff Conlon is revealed, she distracts from the bad publicity by finally confirming the threat and announcing a project to strike and divert the comet using nuclear weapons.
The mission successfully launches, but Orlean abruptly aborts it when Peter Isherwell, the billionaire CEO of BASH Cellular and another top donor, discovers that the comet contains trillions of dollars worth of rare-earth elements. The White House agrees to commercially exploit the comet by fragmenting and recovering it from the ocean, using technology proposed by BASH in a scheme that has not undergone peer review. Orlean sidelines Dibiasky and Oglethorpe while hiring Mindy as the National Science Advisor. Dibiasky tries to mobilize public opposition to the scheme but gives up under threat from Orlean's administration. Mindy becomes a prominent voice advocating for the comet's commercial opportunities and begins an affair with Evantee.
World opinion is divided among people who believe the comet is a severe threat, those who decry alarmism and believe that mining a destroyed comet will create jobs, and those who deny that the comet even exists. When Dibiasky returns home to Illinois, her parents kick her out of the house, and she begins a relationship with a young man named Yule, a shoplifter she meets at her retail job. After Mindy's wife confronts him about his infidelity, she returns to Michigan without him. Mindy questions whether Isherwell's technology will be able to break apart the comet, angering the billionaire. Becoming frustrated with the administration, Mindy finally snaps and rants on live television, criticizing Orlean for downplaying the impending apocalypse and questioning humanity's indifference.
Cut off from the administration, Mindy reconciles with Dibiasky as the comet becomes visible from Earth. Mindy, Dibiasky, and Oglethorpe organize a protest campaign on social media, telling people to "Just Look Up" and call on other countries to conduct comet interception operations. At the same time, Orlean starts an anti-campaign telling people, "Don't Look Up." Orlean cuts Russia, India, and China out of the comet-mining deal, so they prepare a joint effort to deflect the comet, only for their spacecraft to explode. BASH's attempt at breaking the comet apart also goes awry, and everyone realizes that humanity is doomed.
Isherwell, Orlean, and others in their elite circle board a sleeper spaceship designed to find an Earth-like planet, inadvertently leaving Jason behind. Orlean offers Mindy two places on the ship, but he declines, choosing to spend a final evening with his friends and family. As expected, the comet strikes off the coast of Chile, causing a worldwide disaster and triggering an extinction-level event. The shockwave strikes Mindy's house, killing everyone inside.
In a mid-credits scene, the 2,000 people who left Earth before the comet's impact land on a lush alien planet 22,740 years later, ending their cryogenic sleep. They exit their spacecraft, naked and admiring the habitable world. Orlean is suddenly killed by a bird-like predator, one of a pack that surrounds the planetary newcomers.
In 1954 Detroit, Michigan, gangster Curt Goynes, in need of cash to leave town, is recruited to threaten a family as part of a blackmail scheme, along with gangsters Ronald Russo and Charley. The recruiter, Doug Jones, sends them to the house of GM accountant Matt Wertz, where they are to hold the family hostage while sending Wertz to the office where he works, to retrieve a document from his boss's safe but finds it empty. A desperate Wertz brings fake documents to Jones, then returns home where Charley prepares to execute the entire family, to the surprise of Goynes and Russo. Not wanting to be part of a massacre, Goynes shoots and kills Charley.
Jones phones the house, having discovered the documents are fake. He orders Goynes to kill Russo and the family, and Goynes realizes he and Russo have been set up. Before they leave, Goynes instructs the family to tell the police that Charley broke into their home and that Wertz killed Charley in self-defense. The police detective, Joe Finney, is skeptical of the family's story. Once the police leave, Goynes, Russo, and Wertz go to Wertz's boss's house in Ohio and retrieve the real document, which turns out to be plans for a new car part. Goynes and Russo discover they have a high bounty placed on their heads, and make plans to ascertain what the document is worth by arranging a meeting with Frank Capelli, the mob leader who contracted the blackmail scheme and with whose wife, Vanessa, Russo is having an affair. Goynes makes further arrangements with mob leader Aldrick Watkins to take part of the eventual payment in order to clear himself with Watkins, with whom he is on the outs.
Goynes and Russo have a meeting with Capelli. Goynes deduces that the value of the document vastly exceeds the amount they considered it was worth. Jones arrives and points a gun, showing Capelli and Jones's intention to turn on the gangsters. This results in a shootout that kills Doug. Frank flees, only to be caught by Goynes and Russo who extract the name of his contact. Curt calls the contact, Naismith, a Studebaker executive, and arranges to sell him the document for $125,000. Frank escapes, but when he returns home, a battered Vanessa shoots and kills him before departing with a suitcase of cash. Seeking a bigger payday, Goynes and Russo return to Wertz's boss's home and have him call his contact further up the chain of command. Goynes and Russo meet with arrogant automobile industry executive Mike Lowen (aka "Mr. Big") at a downtown hotel, who pays them $375,000 to retrieve the document. The document is revealed to be plans for a catalytic converter, and Mr. Big is seeking to conceal its existence from public knowledge and avoid governmental pressure on the car companies to implement pollution controls. Mr. Big tells Goynes and Russo that even though they are taking his money, it does not matter - he will always have more.
After Mr. Big leaves, Goynes and Russo attempt to split the money but are interrupted by Watkins and his men, who have already retrieved the $125,000 from Naismith. It initially seems Goynes and Watkins team up to betray Russo, but Goynes is led away at gunpoint by Watkins' men. Ronald is allowed to leave with the $375,000. Watkins and his men are stopped outside the hotel by Detective Finney and his men, but he bribes the detective with $50,000 of the Naismith money to let them leave with Goynes, telling Finney that Goynes will be "taken care of". Russo flees the city with Vanessa, but when they leave the main road to avoid a potential pursuer, she kills him and claims the money for herself. As she drives away, Vanessa is stopped by a police officer, who takes the money and then allows her to leave. Detective Finney privately returns the money to Mr. Big, including the $50,000 bribe from Watkins. Watkins takes Curt to a pier, where they make amends. Watkins gives Curt $5,000 and allows him to leave for Kansas City.
Justo Leal y Aventado (Cantinflas) is a law intern who receives classes from an old lawyer, Professor Ramón Arvide (Ángel Garasa), already retired, who lists the many ways Justo reminds him of the title character of ''Don Quijote'', saying "You are a supporter of justice; you like to help the poor, even knowing how little, or nothing, they can give you. Anyway ... you are a pure man, and without spot."
Justo works as a law intern in the prestigious law firm of the Manceras, lawyers whose clientele is usually the elite. Just does not like the job, although he has a friend there in the secretary, Angélica (Lupita Ferrer). Justo asks for an increase in his salary, but he is never granted it. This, combined with the disgust he experiences in having to serve corrupt clients, leads Justo to resign, to devote himself to the defense of those who do not have with what to pay.
During the course of the film, Justo defends a series of clients. He releases Cirilo Pingarrón, a young man who is accused of stealing a television from the store where he works, from prison. Although Cirilo is actually guilty of the theft, Justo argues that he only wanted to take it to his home "to check how portable this portable television is" and "to be able to see, like any human being, that great match between América and Guadalajara," and that his intention was to return it the next day. Justo also calls attention to the fact that the store owner (a Spaniard whose accent is almost incomprehensible) pays Isidro only forty pesos a week, which he argues is far from being what establishes the law.
In another case, Justo also helps Sara Buenrostro (Susana Salvat), a young widow who wants to take her daughter away because she works as a nightclub dancer. He points out the hypocrisy of the accusers, indicating that the accusing lawyer (one of the Manceras with whom Justo had previously worked) has been seen sunbathing with a colleague's secretary. The shame, combined with the fact that Justo had gotten Mrs. Buenrostro another job as a telephone operator, causes the demand to be withdrawn, and the young mother keeps her daughter.
The neighborhood in which Justo lives, meanwhile, is under threat of the owner throwing out the tenants in order to raise rents. Justo takes their defense, and in a meeting called with the owner, Justo (taking advantage that he had bought a phone that had not yet been connected) pretends to have a telephone conversation with the Undersecretary of Health, including making the owner believe of a new law that would punish the lack of maintenance of homes with jail. Feeling threatened by the new law, and following the advice of Justo, the businessman not only decides not to throw out the tenants, but to make several fix-ups in the houses.
The same judge who presided over the case of Mrs. Buenrostro asks Justo to go find his son, who has left the home to devote himself to the hippie lifestyle. Justo dresses as a hippie to enter a club frequented by hippies where he finds the young man, and while trying to convince him to return home, the club is raided by the police and take everyone to jail, including Justo, whom they see as another of the hippies. Justo berates the young people in jail, criticizing their lack of love for work, telling them "you want to be free, yet you are becoming slaves of your own vices." Professor Arvide hears the news that Justo has been taken to jail, and runs to the police station to take him out, but leaves in such a hurry that he forgets to change his clothes and arrives dressed in pajamas, so the police take him for another hippie and put him in jail with Justo. After spending the night in jail, Justo, the professor, and the judge's son are released. The young man, repentant, promises Justo that his hippie days are over and returns home.
The neighbors celebrate the salvation of the neighborhood (and Justo's birthday) with a party. He is just about to declare his love for Angélica, when she announces that she and the businessman's son are engaged. During the party, Professor Arvide, while dancing with Angélica, suffers an attack; Justo accompanies him to his apartment, where the professor, after giving some final advice to Justo, dies.
In the last scene, a few days after the professor's death, many of the characters Justo has been able to help come to his home/office to thank him for his service. The film ends with Justo walking through the streets of Mexico City.
Kira Navárez is a xenobiologist in the year 2257 who plans to settle down with her fiance on a new colony in the Sigma Draconis system. Her last assignment is to investigate a crashed drone, which leads her to discover an alien reliquary. Inside, she awakens the Soft Blade, an ancient nanotechnology created by advanced, extinct beings known as the Vanished. The Soft Blade covers her body and binds itself to her will, but it is unaccustomed to serving humans.
At her research base, the Soft Blade believes she is in danger and launches tendrils that impale everyone around her, including her fiance. She is taken into military quarantine, where a doctor, Carr, experiments on the Soft Blade, burning it and Kira with laser blasts despite her pleas for him to stop. Carr is interrupted by an attack from the Wranaui, aliens who worship the Vanished and had hidden the Soft Blade in the reliquary. Kira escapes and inadvertently causes an explosion that joins a damaged piece of the Soft Blade to both Carr and one of the Wranaui, creating a malevolent, corrupted being calling itself the Maw, which floats through space seeking to grow and spread despite its madness and pain. It eventually finds a planet and begins converting the planet's mass into interstellar ships containing Corrupted warriors.
Kira flees to 61 Cygni on a shuttle and discovers that the Wranaui have started a war with humanity, as they believe that humanity intentionally activated the Soft Blade and created the Maw. She is rescued by the ''Wallfish'', a smuggler ship, and convinces its crew to help her access a Wranaui ship, as she intends to use the Soft Blade to broadcast a diplomatic message from the ship’s transmitters. They succeed in boarding a disabled attacking ship, but she is only able to broadcast the location of the Soft Blade, drawing large numbers of both Wranaui and Corrupted to the system. The Soft Blade shows her memories of a Vanished relic, the Staff of Blue, which would allow her to eradicate the Corrupted and protect humanity from the Wranaui.
The ''Wallfish'' and a military cruiser journey to the Vanished planet containing the Staff of Blue, but they find it irreparably broken. They are attacked by Wranaui and Corrupted who had tracked them there, but they are saved by the Knot of Minds, a rebellious faction within the Wranaui. It has learned the truth of the Soft Blade’s awakening and seeks to form an alliance with humanity against the Corrupted. The Knot has a plan to use a human warship to kill the current Wranaui leader, Ctein, a tyrant who has genetically modified the Wranaui to be unable to directly kill it.
The ''Wallfish'' travels to Sol to inform Earth of the Knot’s offer, but the military detains Kira and the ''Wallfish'' crew and sends a fleet to ambush the Knot at their rendezvous point under orders from Earth's leader. Kira and the ''Wallfish'' crew escape during a Corrupted attack and leave to warn the Knot and preserve the chance of an alliance. They succeed and travel with the Knot to Ctein’s fleet, which is preparing for a final push against humanity.
As a human attack distracts Ctein, the Knot escorts the ''Wallfish'' within firing range, telling Ctein's fleet that its computers contain vital intelligence. The ''Wallfish'' hits Ctein’s ship with a nuclear shaped charge, but it does not succeed in killing Ctein, and Wranaui laser defenses preclude further hits. The ''Wallfish'' crew boards Ctein’s ship, and Kira advances through the ship with the Soft Blade, which she has now mastered. She kills the numerous Wranaui defenders but finds that Ctein is clad in Vanished armor that resists the Soft Blade. Ctein slowly wears her down, but a surprise attack from the ''Wallfish's'' captain opens a hole in the armor large enough for the Soft Blade to breach it and kill Ctein.
The Knot takes control of the Wranaui and unites with the human fleet against the Maw, which has arrived at the system. Kira desperately tries to disable the Maw by killing Carr and the Wranaui controlling it with a nuclear explosion, but instead the Maw’s portion of the Soft Blade merges with her own, joining their minds. She uses her presence to soothe and subdue the Maw's controllers and unmake the Corrupted. She then converts the Maw’s mass into a space station, ''Unity'', intended to serve as an embassy between humanity and the Wranaui. Finally, Kira reveals that the Maw had previously released seven parts of itself in different directions, and she departs alone to track them down.
A comic book obsessed serial killer Artik teaches his son how to avoid a series of brutal murders until the boy reaches a mysterious man who blocks everything.
As the seventh season begins, Blake stops short of killing Alexis, who has taken all of his assets, including the mansion. Claudia has died in the fire she set at La Mirage, and Amanda (now played by Karen Cellini) is rescued by a returning Michael Culhane, Blake's chauffeur from the first season. Blake turns the tables on Ben and Alexis and recovers his wealth, but loses his memory after an oil rig explosion. Alexis finds Blake and, with everyone believing he is dead, perpetuates the belief that they are still married. Living with a clean slate, Alexis finds herself softening to Blake but ultimately tells him the truth as he reunites with Krystle. Krystina receives a heart transplant but is later temporarily kidnapped by Sarah Curtis, the mother of the girl from whom Krystina received her new heart; Sammy Jo's marriage to Clay crumbles and she falls into bed with Steven; Amanda leaves town; and Ben's daughter Leslie arrives. Adam's season-long romance with Blake's secretary Dana Waring culminates in a wedding, which is punctuated in the May 6, 1987 season finale by Alexis's car plunging off a bridge into a river and the violent return of a vengeful Matthew Blaisdel (Bo Hopkins).
The series revolves around the Mexican municipality of Veracruz of the seventeenth century, specifically, 1683. In a world full of pirates, shamans and caste conflicts, the inhabitants of the city will have to seek survival. The protagonist, León (Alfonso Herrera), witnessed the murder of his father when he was young, having been unfairly hanged. 25 years later, he returns to collect revenge and, according to his plan, arrives at the governor's house presenting himself as Lorenzo.
The main character is Koguma, a girl without parents, hobbies, or friends. While riding her city bike to school one day, Koguma decides she'd like to get a motorized bike of some sort. She then resolves to get a Honda Super Cub from a local dealer. Because of this, she eventually makes friends with Reiko and Eniwa.
''Wrecking Ball'' is the 14th book in the '' Diary of a Wimpy Kid'' series. The series follows an unlucky middle school student named Greg Heffley, his family, and his friends. The books are illustrated with simple, black-and-white drawings from Greg's perspective. ''Wrecking Ball'' focuses on Greg; his mother, Susan; his father, Frank; and his best friend, Rowley; as the Heffley family renovates their house and prepares to move to a new neighborhood.
In March, Greg goes through his closet for spring cleaning day and reminisces about various objects from his childhood. He then has a yard sale and hires Rowley to make sure nothing is stolen. When it starts raining, Greg's objects on sale are ruined, and he does not sell anything.
When Greg's great aunt Reba dies, Greg is very excited about receiving inheritance money. After a family meeting, Susan chooses to spend the money on expanding their house's kitchen. To prepare for the construction, Frank tries to teach Greg how to do chores around the house. Greg fears that a monster is in the plumbing while trying to unclog the drain. When Greg is instructed to paint around his family's hot tub, he discovers a wasp's nest. While cleaning the gutters, the ladder falls and Greg is stuck on the roof until he climbs in through the bathroom window. Susan hires professional workers, and Frank sends Greg outside to help them. A fight is started when Greg ruins one of the workers' lunch deliveries.
Greg is stressed due to a school-wide test, and he details that a large hole has been cut in the side of the house, exposing an infestation of wasps and mice. An extension to the house is destroyed for being too close to a neighbor's residence, and the rest of the inheritance money is spent on fixing the hole. Later, Susan tells Greg that his school's funding is being cut due to low scores on the test, because, according to Greg, a kid had led the stress lizard out of its cage during the school-wide test, suggesting that they move neighborhoods to a new school district. Greg is excited about the idea of being in a new school, but worries about leaving Rowley behind. When Greg and his family tour a house, they like it and want to move in. Greg's family attempts to sell their own house, which is successful when a family chooses to buy it on the condition that the hot tub is removed.
The day after Greg tries to explain his departure to Rowley, he sees that construction is already being done on his house and the Heffleys rush to get all their belongings out. A worker hurries to remove the hot tub, lifting it with a crane. He is distracted by wasps and the hot tub falls through the roof, creating a large hole in the house. The buyers now decide against moving in, and Greg admits that he was not ready to move, glad to remain Rowley's best friend.
Malcolm Hay is a young man in London about to become an engineer for a Ukrainian-English oil company in the period before the First World War. The novel is set between the period 1914 to 1919. The Chairman of the Ukrainian Oil Company suggests that he meet Israel Kensky, a wealthy and influential elderly Jewish Russian man, before departing. In London, Hay becomes embroiled in machinations and intrigues involving the Romanov monarchy. The Grand Duke Yaroslav, the Prince Serganoff, Kensky's daughter Sophia, Boolba, American gangster Cherry Bim, and the Grand-Duchess Irene Yaroslav become entangled in plots, conspiracies, and assassination plans.
Serganoff, the Chief of the St. Petersburg Police, attempts to blackmail Irene into marrying him. He does this by arranging a police raid on the Silver Lion where the conspirators meet. The conspirators are known as the Foreign Friends of Freedom. Serganoff abducts Irene but is shot dead by Bim. Irene avoids arrest.
Hay travels to Kiev in June, 1914 where he again encounters Kensky, who gives him a book, ''The Book of All-Power'', that can allegedly turn men into puppets willing to do one's will. Hay also happens to meet Grand-Duchess Irene Yaroslav, a beautiful young Russian woman who values Israel Kensky. Irene becomes an unwitting part of a plot by an ambitious and ruthless Russian prince, Serganoff, and recrosses paths with the American gunman named Cherry Bim.
Several years later, in 1919, during the Russian Revolution and civil war, Hay again encounters Irene, Kensky, and Bim, in very different circumstances. The Czarist regime has been overthrown by the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Hay is imprisoned as an enemy of the Revolution. Irene's former butler Boolba, who has joined the Bolsheviks, is now a person of some importance in Moscow, while Irene is a servant whom Boolba terrorizes. Entrusted with Kensky's coveted Book of All-Power, they must try to escape Russia before they are executed.
Hay, Bim, and Irene are able to escape from Boolba and his men. Bim shoots the blind Boolba dead as they flee to Poland aboard a train. Bim saved the Book of All-Power which he reveals contains English thousand pound notes.
Takashi Nemugasa is a student at an elite high school, but he is at risk of losing his scholarship due to his grades. He decides to cheat on his test, but he is caught by the school's womanizing playboy, Hideyuki Maya, who blackmails him into having a sexual relationship in exchange for not reporting him. Over time, Maya discovers he is attracted to Nemugasa and does his best to support him, while Nemugasa slowly realizes that he may return Maya's feelings for him as well.
The Avengers are called to a secret medical facility after receiving reports that someone is trying to release dangerous biological weapons into the atmosphere to infect the population. She-Hulk is driven mad when she comes in contact with the air inside the facility and destroys a wall in a fit of rage, finding Angela, Spectrum, Spider-Woman, Wiccan and Winter Soldier hiding there with no memory of how they came to be there. The Avengers take them into custody and Black Panther calls in Blade to try and make sense of what has happened since neither he or Iron Man can detect any sort of mind control or Skrull energy signatures that would explain what has happened to them. Blade helps the group escape from custody and tells them that, when he was hunting vampires recently, he came across a shapeshifter who had taken the appearance of a young girl but had kept the girl alive and imprisoned and suggests that a similar thing has happened to them. Angela quickly confirms that the shapeshifters are Asgardian in nature and must have landed on Earth after Freyja destroyed their home. Wiccan is reluctant to participate in a mission without the Avengers' knowledge and Spider-Woman in eager to get home to her son but Angela informs them that these shapeshifters become more powerful when more people know of their existence, meaning they must act alone. The team are attacked by a shapeshifter posing as Doctor Doom, with Wiccan theorising that they must have captured Doom and are keeping him somewhere Blade tracks some of the shapeshifters to one of their bases and but the team are quickly overwhelmed. When Daimon Hellstrom attacks, Blade kills him, believing him to be a shapeshifter but, when Satana calls moments later and tells him her brother has just arrived in Las Vegas and is acting strangely, Blade realises he has accidentally killed the real Hellstrom.
The team arrive at Satana's club in Vegas and she takes them to her "brother" who she has kept in magical stasis since his arrival. The team force Satana to leave so that she does not find out about the shapeshifters and task Wiccan with destroying the fake Daimon. Wiccan summons the corpse of the real Daimon but warns the team that his powers do not extend to resurrection. Blade, Spider-Woman, Spectrum and Winter Soldier search the club for other shapeshifters while Angela stays guard over Wiccan in case anything goes wrong. Satana returns and seduces Angela just as Wiccan destroys the fake Hellstrom. The rest of the team find Satana trapped on a stairwell and return to her office, killing the shapeshifter that had been posing as her. A group of smaller shapeshifters attack the team and, in retribution for them taking Daimon, they capture Wiccan.
Angela, and Daimon, who was resurrected by his sister, arrive at Wiccan's house and tie up Hulkling, telling him it is too risky for him to know what is going on as Blade fights the shapeshifter posing as Wiccan. Once he is dead, Hulking announces that he is joining the team so that he can rescue his fiancé however, Blade puts him to sleep to stop him following them. Meanwhile, the shapeshifters bring Doom into the cell with Wiccan in the hopes that they can use his magic to gain Doom's knowledge. Wiccan is initially nervous due to Doom's history with his mother but quickly determines that the shapeshifters have captured a Doombot and have no idea that it is not the real Doctor Doom. Wiccan animates the Doombot and uses it to escape from his captors just as the rest of the team arrives to rescue him. Angela duels against one of the shapeshifters but she escapes. Spectrum uses her powers to locate a hidden prisoner, the Count, and the team rescue him before Daimon and the Winter Soldier destroy the prison.
The team seek refuge in one of Doom's safehouses while they wait for the Count to wake up. Winter Soldier reveals that during the War, he was captured by a creature that took his shape and tried to kill Captain America although he was able to stop it before it could. He believes that this shapeshifter is the same one that Blade fought during his vampire hunt. Daimon similarly recounts a story about how he was fighting some cultists alongside his ex-girlfriend Hellcat and that, despite rekindling their relationship that night, he received a phone call from her the next day chastising him for bringing girls back to the Defender's safehouse, theorising that the Hellcat he fought alongside was a shapeshifter. Spider-Woman storms off, unable to cope after her own history with shapeshifters. Angela goes after her and Spider-Woman tells her that she almost killed her own son after believing he had been replaced by a shapeshifter, admitting that she feels guilty. Angela announces to the group that all of their stories about past experiences with the shapeshifters are lies that have been implanted, arguing that these shapeshifters had never left Asgard until recently. They are interrupted when Ghost attacks Spectrum, knocking her unconscious. The team go after him while Wiccan and Daimon stay with Spectrum and the Count. Wiccan reveals that he knows Daimon is purposefully preventing the Count from waking up and confronts him about why he was working with the shapeshifters in the first place. Daimon explains that they approached him seeking his help with a magic ritual that would help them find a home after landing on Earth. Spectrum, Angela, Blade, Winter Soldier and Spier-Woman track Ghost to a small hospital where they discover he has been working with Moonstone to try and bring people back from the dead. They discover that Spectrum can use her powers to guide the souls back into their bodies shortly after death and they manipulate her into reviving them. Angela and Ghost make a deal and they work together to defeat Moonstone while Spectrum releases the souls so that they can die peacefully.
When the Count wakes up, he tells Strikeforce that he wants revenge on the shapeshifter who held him captive though Angela notes that she has not been seen since their duel. They go to Deadpool, who reveals that she has been freaking out the patrons at a local bar. Spider-Woman, desperate to finish the mission so she can go back to her son, heads to the bar alone but is tracked by Blade and Winter Soldier. They find the shapeshifter and Blade agrees to let her take the Count on the assurance that they leave Earth. Returning to the safehouse, Angela is horrified that Blade has made a deal and teams with Daimon and Wiccan to prevent the shapeshifter from taking him, eventually resulting in the team pursuing them to Svartalfheim, which is caught in an eternal war. As they search for the Count, the team comes into conflict with dark elves loyal to Malekith the Accursed, Hela and Karnilla and Angela's mother Freyja though they eventually rescue him and teleport back to Earth. Spider-Woman makes a deal with a local boxing manager which allows the Count to remain under Deadpool's protection, meaning his species has a new chance at survival. With their mission complete, Strikeforce confess everything to the Avengers, with Captain Marvel suggesting that they remain together to tackle threats the Avengers are unable to handle though everyone declines. Angela travels with Blade to continue her adventures and the rest of the team return home to their normal lives, though they all promise to be ready if a new threat rises.
A storyline involving a murder and an old secret tying the Carrington, Colby, and Dexter families together spanned the season as Alexis and Sable sparred first over business and then over Dex.
Wally Weldon works as a ranch hand on Colonel Jim Sterner's ranch, reporting in to Longrope Wheeler, the foreman, and someone who Sterner trusts implicitly. One day while out on the range, Weldon comes across Jim Bradley, a young man who Weldon learns is searching for his father. Taking pity on the youth, he brings him back to the ranch, where he knows there's an opening as a cook's helper.
One day, Bradley walks in on Longrope and the cook trying to open Sterner's safe and rob him. Bradley attempts to get away, but is shot by the cook, who then attempts to flee himself. Weldon hunts the cook down and captures him, delivering him to the local sheriff. Back at the ranch, seeing Bradley in bed, Sterner realizes that he is his long lost son.
In jail the cook admits to shooting Bradley, and also tells the sheriff that he knows that Longrope was the man who murdered a cattle association representative. Weldon rushes back to the ranch, where he finds Longrope trying once again to open the safe. Weldon overpowers him, and takes him back to the sheriff.
Jeff and Fallon return to Denver, their marriage falling apart again. Matthew, returned from the dead but troubled by headaches, holds the Carringtons hostage in hopes that Krystle will run away with him. Steven ends the siege by reluctantly stabbing his old friend to death. Alexis is saved by a handsome, mysterious stranger, Sean Rowan. She later marries him, not realizing that he is the son of deceased Carrington majordomo Joseph Anders, bent on revenge on behalf of his father and sister, Kirby. Steven and Sammy Jo's reconciliation is short-lived, and the pursuit of a child unravels Adam and Dana's marriage. Sean begins to manipulate and destroy the Carringtons from the inside, and he fights Dex to the death in the March 30, 1988 season finale. Blake, who failed being elected as governor of Colorado, comes home to find Krystle missing and their bedroom in shambles.
Despite urging of wife Marion (Gail Kane) and young daughter Vivian (Juliette Moore), Raymond Edwards (Robert Elliot) intensifies his affair with charming adventuress Lucille Stanton (Sally Crute). Marion attends a reception with Frederick Barton one evening, leaving Raymond free to visit Lucille and leaving Raymond's younger sister Alice (Tallulah Bankhead) alone in the house. Bob Gardner (Jack McLean), who is engaged to Raymond's elder sister Florence, rapes Alice, and that same evening, Raymond finds Frederick in Lucille's room. Realizing the great pain he has caused his wife, Raymond asks for Marion's forgiveness. Bob is killed in a fight with Frederick, whereupon his brother, Dick Gardner (Reid Hamilton), offers to marry Alice to atone for Bob's wrong.
González, a prisoner with a long sentence, tells the story of Frituras, the most famous dancer in Mexico City. On a night of revelry, Frituras would lose his freedom, ending at the Palacio de Lecumberri, the most dangerous prison in the country.
A good woodcutter, on his way to cut wood, picked up some ginkgo nuts. He planned to give them in turn to his grandfather, his grandmother, his parents, his wife and his children, leaving the last ones for himself. Just then, it suddenly started raining, so the woodcutter took shelter in a log cabin. Inside, he found some goblins having a party. They were banging a club, drinking and eating, and the woodcutter, feeling hungry, took out the ginkgo nut he had just picked up and bit into it. The goblins were startled at the sound of his biting, and ran away. The woodcutter picked up their club, and became a rich man. When his neighbor, an evil woodcutter, heard what had happened, he tried to become rich himself, in exactly the same way. But, unlike the good woodcutter, he tried to eat all the ginkgo nuts he picked up. Then, the evil woodcutter went into the goblins’ cabin and bit into a ginkgo nut. But when the goblins heard the sound this time, they gave the evil woodcutter a good beating, thinking he was the man who had tricked them.
The good and evil woodcutters are sometimes presented as brothers rather than neighbors. Meanwhile, different versions describe different punishments for the evil woodcutter at the hands of the goblins. These involving stretching out parts of his body: in some versions, he has his arms and legs stretched longer; in others, the object of lengthening is his penis, showing a partial departure from moral lessons towards the pursuit of entertainment.
A husband and wife were trying hard to conceive a child. One day, a monk came and the wife made a donation to him. The monk gave her three cucumbers, saying that if she ate them she would have three sons. She ate two of the cucumbers, then shared the third one with her husband. The wife later gave birth to three children, but the youngest was born with only half a body. Their father, who was a hunter, was killed by a tiger while hunting. At this, the three boys went out to hunt the tiger and avenge their father, despite their mother’s protests. Banjjogi tried to go with his older brothers, but they tied him to a tree and left him behind.
Banjjogi pulled up the tree to which he was tied, took it home, and told his mother that his brothers had told him to do so. Next time, his brothers tied him to a rock. But Banjjogi carried the rock home, too. Eventually, all three brothers went off hunting together. When they reached the beginning of the gorge where the tiger lived, they stopped for the night at the home of an old woman known as Patjuk. Patjuk told them that the tiger caught and ate hunters by transforming into a woman. She also told the boys how they could catch the tiger. Banjjogi did as she had instructed, catching the tiger, recovering his father’s remains and bringing them back along with the tiger’s skin. Then, the old woman told him that his mother was going to be eaten by a tiger, so he packed his belongs and set off again. He caught the tiger and saved his mother’s life.
Meanwhile, the tiger skin caught the eye of the rich man who lived down the road. He made a bet with Banjjogi: If Banjjogi could make off with the rich man’s daughter, the rich man would let him marry her. If he failed, he would have to give the rich man the tiger skin. The rich man then rounded up all the villagers and made them guard his house. But Banjjogi stole his way into the rich man’s house, hung the man guarding the house to the doorframe by his topknot, painted sulfur on the rich man’s beard, and put a drumstick in the man’s wife’s hand. Then he put the man’s daughter on his back and set off again, shouting. Everyone was taken by surprise and chaos ensued. The rich man’s beard caught fire. Banjjogi married the rich man’s daughter and went on to prosper.
The key elements of ''Banjjogi'' are the protagonist’s extraordinary birth, the bullying he suffers from his brothers, the extermination of tigers, his bet with the rich man, and his marriage. Some versions of the story omit birth-related motifs or tiger extermination. In some cases, Banjjogi kills tigers by way of a bet; in others, his main achievement is not killing tigers but saving his brothers. Some versions of the story end with Banjjogi becoming a rich man by hunting tigers, while others end with him getting married. The food eaten by Banjjogi’s mother in order to conceive her children varies from version to version, with examples including daikon radishes, cucumbers, fish, peaches and nuts.
Nakoma is the leader of a pack of wild horses, both Indians and cowboys want the horse in their side, however Nakoma is not friendly to either one.
In a household long ago, the daughter-in-law looked sick and was growing thinner. When her in-laws got worried asked her what was wrong, she answered that it was because she could not fart. When they heard this, her mother- and father-in-law told her not to worry and urged her to fart freely. The daughter-in-law answered that her farts were extremely powerful. She urged the family to prepare thoroughly, telling her father-in-law to hold on to a column, her mother-in-law to the door, her husband to the kitchen door, and her sister-in-law to the rice pot. When she farted, it was so powerful that the house was badly damaged, with some parts flying off and other parts collapsing.
When they saw the strength of her fart, her parents-in-law decided to send her back to her original family. She followed her father-in-law back there. On the way, they met a peddler. The daughter-in-law made a bet with him that she could pick some fruit from a tree. She got the fruit down by doing an enormous fart and received a good item from the peddler in return. When he saw this, her father-in-law realized that his daughter-in-law’s farts were useful and took her back to his house.
Variations on ''Banggwijaengi myeoneuri'' are broadly as follows.
First are those variations where the story finishes when the daughter-in-law does a huge fart. Second are variations in which the fart blows away either just the parents-in-law or the parents-in-law and the husband, widowing the protagonist. Third are variations in which the story ends with the daughter-in-law being kicked out by her in-laws for farting. Fourthly are variations in which, instead of meeting a peddler on the way back to her blood family, the daughter-in-law farts to knock down some pears or ''daechu'' (jujubes) from high up in a tree for her father-in-law after he expresses a desire to eat them, then returns to her husband’s home. Finally, the wares sold by the peddler differ in some versions, with variations including brassware, silk, hemp cloth, sundriesThe Korean term used here is ''hwanga jangsu'', a Joseon term for a peddler selling various wares.
Yu, Seung-mu, “Hwanga jangsu” (황아장수 Hwanga jangsu), in ''Encyclopedia of Korean Culture'' (한국민족문화대백과사전),
Long ago, there lived a woman and her lazy son. The mother gave the son three pieces of rice straw rope and kicked him out. A pot seller he met on the road offered to swap a pot for some straw rope, which he needed. So the son gave away the rope and received a pot. After setting off again, he met a young woman who had broken her pot, so he swapped his pot for a ''mal'' (말; a unit of measurement) of rice from her. At a house where he stopped for the night, a mouse ate all his rice, so he took the mouse with him instead. At another house a cat ate his mouse, so he took the cat instead. At another house, a horse trod on his cat and killed it, so the horse’s owners gave him the horse. He came across someone burying a dead young woman, so he swapped the horse for her corpse. At one place, a pretty young woman pushed the corpse over. The boy scolded her, saying she had killed a healthy woman, and was given the pretty young woman instead. On the road again, they met a rich man. Lusting after the young woman, the rich man proposed a bet with the boy. They decided to bet on solving a riddle. The boy asked, “Who swapped some rice straw rope for a pot, a pot for some rice, some rice for a mouse, a mouse for a cat, a cat for a horse, a horse for a dead woman, and a dead woman for a live woman?” The rich man was unable to answer, so the boy took all his money, and the young woman, returned home and went on to live a good life.
Some versions make the protagonist an aristocrat on his way to take the civil service examination, like ''Jopssal han al-lo jeongseung-ui sawi'' (좁쌀 한 알로 정승의 사위 Marrying the Minister’s Daughter with One Grain of Millet), or a farmhand, rather than a lazy boy. Some forms, such as ''Dwiju jigo gandaji'' (뒤주 지고 간다지 Carrying Off the Rice Chest) are almost identical to ''Saekki seo bal'' in their first half, but then show the protagonist losing what he has received at the end of the story, when the young woman changes into bean curd. In other cases, the source of the boy’s success is not three pieces of rice straw rope but a grain that he grows himself, such as millet, as in ''Jo isak-euro seonggonghan sanae'' (조 이삭으로 성공한 사내 The Man Who Achieved Success with an Ear of Millet), or sesame; in still other cases the boy succeeds not by swapping items but through successfully growing his own crop of grain.
Andrés (Mauro Sánchez Navarro), a young man devastated by the death of his beloved Eva, makes a bet with a ghost: if he manages to go through several trials in the world of the dead, he can revive her. If not, you will have to give him one of his eyes.
As told by the Narrator (Billy Crudup), in third person omniscient:
In 1864 New York City, Tarleton Rathcart and Theodore Gibbon settle their petty rivalry through a Gentlemen's Duel resulting in Theodore’s death. This initiates a generations-long, bitter blood feud between the Rathcart and Gibbon families.
Growing up, Benjamin Gibbon (Diego Boneta) often finds himself in some sort of fight because of his talent for troublemaking, and seeks to find meaning in his life, due to seemingly perpetual depression. Ben falls in love, and momentarily ceases his troublemaking ways, only for love to escape him. This causes him to return to his disruptive habits. Now 27, Ben has renounced his family’s wealth, and lives in a building he purchased with the money he did receive. He has regular communication with his parents, primarily his mother, Nancy (Nicola Correia-Damude), as his father Henry (Stuart Hughes), severely disapproves of his lifestyle.
Mary Rathcart (Alexandra Daddario), was also a troubled youth, having been expelled from every private school in town by the time she was 16. However, her parents consider her most severe indiscretion as having fallen in love with Ben. Upon their discovery, they forbid her seeing him again due to the family feud. Naturally disobedient, she continues to see Ben and they make plans to run away. When her parents find out this time, she is sent to boarding school abroad. Mary writes Ben letters, and Ben calls Mary but neither ever gets a hold of or a response from the other. It is revealed that Mary’s father, William (John Ralston), interfered with the exchanges, unbeknownst to either. Consequently, Mary stays in Paris, attending the Sorbonne, graduating years later, and now returning home.
Upon learning of Mary’s return, Ben, along with his inseparable friend Mukul (Wade Allain-Marcus), crash a party at the Rathcart estate. They are confronted by both Ben and Mary’s parents, reminding him the Rathcarts have a restraining order against him. They are threatened with police should they not leave immediately, to which they comply. As they are leaving Ben steals as many of the guests’ expensive coats as he can carry, only for he and Mukul to give them to the homeless.
Due to a whistleblower scandal brought upon by former Rathcart Corporation executive Pamela Corbett-Ragsdale (Caroline Raynaud), William hires Terrence Uberahl (Justin Chatwin), who in turn, hires Wayne McCarthy (Travis Fimmel), to kill her. William had previously hired Terrence to spy on Mary while she was abroad, but he unexpectedly fell in love with her. He uses this incident to ask William for Mary’s hand in marriage. William agrees with the caveat the whistleblower be taken care of.
Ben follows Mary to a club but runs into Wayne and his wife Barbie (Emmanuelle Chriqui), with Wayne distracting and taunting him. Ben, desperate to speak with Mary, tries to cut the conversation short but Wayne becomes aggressive and a fight breaks out. Ben awakes at his apartment with Mary. They clear the air and it becomes obvious that they never stopped loving each other, and make plans to marry as soon as possible.
Terrence instructs Wayne to go intimidate Ben out of any further contact with Mary. He arrives at Ben's apartment with Barbie, only to find two unknown goons also waiting for Ben. A scuffle breaks out, Wayne and Barbie flee, but the goons catch up to them, killing Barbie in the process. Unbeknownst to Wayne, the goons have also been hired by Terrence as a contingency plan, and to get rid of him and presumably Barbie, once he had killed Corbett-Ragsdale. Wayne goes to Terrence’s office, returns his payment, and goes to the cinema to mourn, only to be confronted by Bravo, one of the goons. Through sheer anger, Wayne swiftly dispatches him and realizes that the goons are Terrence’s doing.
Determined to secure Mary’s hand in marriage, Terrence kills Corbett-Ragsdale himself. Meanwhile, Echo, the other goon, learns that Mary and Ben are to marry. He calls Terrence to inform him of where, prompting him to crash the ceremony. At the church Terrence confronts Ben, admitting that he’s always hated Ben, as Mary talked about him so much. As Terrence is about to shoot Ben, Wayne shows up with William in tow. In turn, as Wayne is about to shoot Terrence, a police officer shoots him, enabling Terrence to shoot Ben. Mukul fights Terrence, but it is Mary who shoots him dead.
The film concludes with Ben and Mary driving into the sunset, presumably to Mexico, just as they had planned years before.
The film opens with tank commander Semyon Konovalov's KV-1 hunting and destroying a German PzKpfw IV. Later, Konovalov's tank is ambushed and destroyed, along with his platoon. He is injured but survives. It is the second crew he has lost. The Deputy Political Officer of the Battalion (Major Vladimir Krotov) feels Konovalov should be court martialed, but the commanding officer refuses. An engineer from the Kirov tank factory arrives at the battalion with fresh tanks. She is Pavla Chumak, but later we discover she is actually Konovalov's wife. Krotov is unaware of this and tries to woo her. Captain Konovalov reports back to duty and is given a new crew and a KV-1. Still unaware of the connection, Krotov becomes jealous when he sees Konovalov and Chumak together, leading him to send Konovalov's tank on a patrol with two T-34 tanks, knowing full well that the KV-1 is not fit for action. Sure enough, the tank cannot keep up with the others and is ordered back. Instead, Konovalov decides to take up a defensive position and engage three German tanks, which he destroys. However, he is disciplined for disobeying orders and told to go into the upcoming assault as tank-borne infantry. Chumak desperately tries to get Konovalov's KV-1 ready for the battle, but fails. She then is told that another KV-1 is hidden in the woods near the battle site. She finds it and gets it engine working. Konovalov and his surviving crew members join her and go into battle. They first destroy a German half-track, which is then joined by an unknown number of tanks, most of which Konovalov's tank destroys. They are finally stopped by another PzKpfw IV, but Konovalov and two surviving crew members kill the German tank crew and drive it back to their lines.
The novel begins with the ghost of Clora describing the start of slavery and her early life. Her mother Fammy was repeatedly raped by the Master of the Land bore him nine children, all of whom were sold by the Mistress of the Land by the time they were three years old. In order to combat this, Fammy had a child with another Black slave, who she named Clora. The torture of being a slave was too much for her, however, and Flora committed a murder-suicide with the Master of the Land, leaving Clora behind in the hands of Miz Elliz, another slave. The Master's son, the Young Master of the Land, took over in his place and eventually began raping Clora before she was even twelve years old, forcing her to give birth to several children, Always, Sun, Peach, and Plum. Fearing the sale of her children and her own death by the Mistress and Master of the Land, Clora tried to feed herself and her children poison tea. Only Clora died and her ghost followed the lives of all of her children, particularly the eldest child Always.
Clora's children were constantly tormented by the Young Master's children with the Young Mistress, Loretta and Virginia. Virginia despised pretty slaves like Always and Peach because she felt that she was ugly. Loretta was sympathetic towards Sun as she could tell that they were related, giving him preferential treatment and assisting in multiple escape attempts. After a second, successful escape attempt Sun repeatedly asked Loretta to help Peach escape, only for Loretta to push her mother to sell Peach out of jealousy. The man that Peach was sold to was a nice man and eventually the two fell in love and moved to Scotland, where she changed her name to Peachel and her children grew in a wealthy household, became educated, and got high paying jobs. Sun was also able to gain happiness. When he was seventeen he was able to convince a business owner to let him work for only some food and a place to sleep. His hard work eventually convinces the business owner, Mr. DuBois, to promote Sun to work for his other businesses. Mr. DuBois's daughter also falls in love with Sun and they have children in a wealthy household.
By 1844 Always and Plum are the only two siblings remaining on the farm, which is now in very deep debt. Always is sold to a well-off landowner named Doak Butler, who purchased her as a slave for his fiancé Wanda Sue. Unable to imagine a life without her sibling, Plum manages to secretly hide herself on the bottom of the buggy but is crushed and bleeds to death by a mechanism underneath the buggy.
Once at his land, Doak rapes Always and forces her to clean up the remnants of her dead sister. She is also introduced to Poon, another slave, and Jason, Doak's brother, who was paralyzed from the waist down. Hoping to earn some money for herself, Always decides to take care of the farm but soon discovers that she's pregnant with Doak's child. She is also surprised to discover that she doesn't hate Wanda Sue, who is by now married to Doak and also pregnant with his child. Always receives kind and preferential treatment from Wanda Sue, who allows her to rebuild the chicken coop so that Always would have a private place to sleep with her future child, but asked Always to be present with her when it became time for her to give birth.
Eventually both women give birth to their respective children on the same day, both of whom are boys. Noticing that her son had Doak's blue eyes whereas Wanda Sue does not, Always switches the two children out so her son can escape becoming a slave. In order for them to have something that connects them, she burns a mole onto his and her hip. She chooses to name Wanda Sue's child "Soon" while Doak and Wanda Sue name Always's son Doak Jr. The two boys are very close, resulting in Doak Jr preventing Soon's sale even as all of Always's other children by Doak are sold before they were six years old. The proceeds from the sales are used to expand the now profitable farm and Always names the land after her missing children. Wanda Sue, on the other hand, does not become pregnant again for many years and when she does become pregnant, dies along with the second child after falling ill. After Wanda Sue's death Doak continues to sexually abuse Always but soon decides to marry the daughter of the Young Master of the Land, Loretta. Aware that Soon and Doak Jr are related to one another, Loretta makes several attempts to turn the boys against one another but is unsuccessful. It is not until the boys grow older, however, that their relationship changes and Doak Jr began to play the role of the master and started treating Soon unkindly.
When the Civil War begins Doak leaves the farm to fight for the Confederacy, where he meets his own death. This prompts Doak Jr to leave and fight in his father's place and Soon is sent with him in order to protect Doak Jr. While the two boys were gone, many slaves fled and stole from the farm. One of Always's missing children returns to the farm as a runaway slave and is hired by Loretta to serve as her carriage driver. He only stays for three months before fleeing with the carriage, which devastates Loretta, who had become pregnant with his child. Loretta asks Always for help in aborting the fetus via an abortifacient tea, only for Always to secretly feed her prenatal teas so she gives birth to a healthy child. Once the child is born Loretta convinces Always to take care of the child, who was named Apple.
After the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery Always chooses to remain on the farm but not take care of Loretta, who unsuccessfully tries to threaten her into maintaining the status quo. Now home with Soon, Doak Jr tries to force Always into revealing the location of gold she helped his father bury, only for Always to tell him that she is his true mother. He initially tries to kill her in a rage, but stops as he knows that she's the only one who knows the location of the gold. Always tells him that she will not tell anyone that they are related as long as he buys her the land.
As time passes Always marries a quiet man named Time and has a child with him, Master More, however Doak Jr is still resentful towards her since he felt that she had bested him. Soon chooses to stay with Always and that he would wait to get married elsewhere. Upon hearing that the war is over, Peach and Sun return to the South to visit Always and see Plum's grave. They discuss living arrangements for Soon and Apple, who are able to access more educational opportunities since they could pass as white. Apple chooses to leave with Peach to Scotland in order to get an education, while Soon leaves with Sun to the North in order to become a veterinarian. Sun and Loretta reunite and she is invited to come live with him in the North as well.
Clora then fell asleep for about 50 years, and when she awoke, Sun was dead, Always was dying, and Peach was incredibly old. She realized that she had grandchildren and great-grandchildren living all over the world, some as White, others as Black and every color in between. She learns about the Ku Klux Klan and blames humanity for the violent repetition of history, calling to the audience and telling them that they need to change their point of view. She explains that everyone is related to one another, no matter ones race, and that it is the audience's job to realize that they are a part of the Human Family in order to stop the violence within humanity.
A father is playing with his newborn son Alex in his front yard. While showing him a dandelion, Alex proceeds to float, surprising him. Watchful eyes begin to concern him as he grabs Alex and brings him back inside the house. Now four years old, Alex continues floating all over the darkened house as his father has become a hermit with a disheveled appearance. He keeps Alex on a leash and stuffs his backpack with rocks to keep him down, although these precautions are ineffective. They leave the house while trying to avoid the neighbors.
Much to his father's horror, Alex has escaped and is interacting with the other, confused children by floating. He hurriedly grabs Alex to leave the park, but Alex has a temper tantrum. He reacts in frustration by deeming Alex abnormal. Alex grounds himself and sadly pulls his hood over his head. As he looks at all the park attendees, his father, having answered his own question, cradles Alex in his arms and sits on the swing set, swinging back and forth to reinvigorate his son, and launches him in the air. Alex continues to fly as his father happily runs around underneath him.
Ellis (portrayed by Emilio Fuentes) and his Grandmother (portrayed by Sonoko Konishi) live in a mysterious sink-hole full of floating rocks and strange debris of disused items and machines. They manage to make a small home for themselves out of the garbage and feast on potatoes, the only food they are able to grow. Every day, Grandma has Ellis attach a cord to himself to float out and collect items that they can use for their benefit. In particular, the two are building a rocket so that they can escape from the hole and into the bright light at the top. One day, Ellis discovers an abandoned plane in the wreckage, but is dismayed when he realizes that it can only sit one person. Grandma suggests that he pilot the plane out of the hole and simply pull her up with the cord, to which he agrees.
With the final touches added to their rocket. Ellis gets in and flies upward; avoiding the rocks and debris that he passes by. Despite some turbulence, Ellis makes it out through the top and lands on the outside where he ends up in a lush field and sees birds flying overhead. He then grabs the cord and pulls it up which takes almost the entire day. To his surprise, it is not Grandma at the end of the cord - but a box of potatoes. He hugs the box in tearful gratitude for her sacrifice.
Renee, a 13-year-old non-verbal autistic girl, sits patiently in a canoe waiting for a partner while playing with a sound app on her phone. Marcus arrives late and the camp counselor tells him to partner with her, much to his annoyance. Marcus attempts to speak with Renee, who is only able to mutter and make noises to express her feelings. When Marcus attempts to show off his paddling skills, Renee is unimpressed and starts rocking the boat. Marcus asks her to tell him what she wants and she responds by showing a poop emoji on her phone and signaling to a couple of outhouses. Marcus obliges and paddles her to land.
When they pass by some reeds, Renee reaches out to let them brush past her arms. She has Marcus paddle through multiple times, and he realizes that she did not actually need to use an outhouse, but just wanted to touch the reeds. He tries doing the same thing, and then Renee goes back to her phone. This gives Marcus an idea to connect with her. He paddles them to a tunnel and has Renee play her phone so that the sound can reverberate. At first, she enjoys it. Then a speedboat races by and the sound of that boat reverberates, overwhelming Renee. She frantically paddles out of the tunnel, nearly colliding with the speedboat in the process. When they crash onto land, Renee has a meltdown and throws her phone, which falls into the lake. Sobbing, she hides under the canoe while Marcus watches this unfold in bewilderment.
Eventually, Marcus pulls up a reed and places it next to the canoe where Renee can see it. He sits nearby until Renee calms down. She sits up, takes the reed, and begins to giggle. The two repeat the sound that the phone made together. The two of them get back into the canoe and paddle back to the camp.
In a post-credits scene, Renee's recovered phone is resting in a bowl of rice and it receives a message from Marcus asking if she wants to go canoeing again.
Paektu Mountain, an active volcano straddling the China–North Korea border, suddenly erupts, causing severe earthquakes in both North and South Korea. Pandemonium ensues on the Korean peninsula, with more eruptions predicted in the area. To prevent another disaster, Jeon Yoo-kyung (Jeon Hye-jin) plans an operation based on a theory by Professor Kang Bong-rae (Ma Dong-seok), who had studied Mount Baekdu and its possible future eruptions.
Jo In-chang (Ha Jung-woo) is assigned to be the captain of a special forces team taking part in the operation. Jo In-chang contacts Lee Joon-pyeong (Lee Byung-hun) who is part of the Korean People's Army in North Korea as a spy. Meanwhile, Jo In-Chang's pregnant wife Choi Ji-young (Bae Suzy) is alone in Seoul and struggling to survive amidst the disaster.
In-Chang departs with his team on a plane, and they parachute after their airplane malfunctions. They locate Joon-pyeong, who was being held in a North Korean prison, and seek his knowledge in finding the correct mine closest to Paektu's caldera. After threatening his dying wife to disclose the location of his daughter, Joon-pyeong guides In-chang's team to a power station, and they extract a piece of uranium from a nuclear missile. This alerts the American garrison in South Korea, which sends soldiers to stop Joon-pyeong from delivering the uranium piece to several gangsters from China.
Meanwhile, Ji-young encounters a tsunami while she was on the way to evacuate from Seoul. She manages to survive and eventually rescued by the US military, and met Professor Kang, who was also evacuating to the United States after his disillusioned feelings with the South Korean government. Due to the earthquake, Ji-young and the evacuees cannot board the ship bound for America and Professor Kang helps her, and he decides to stay to continue helping the South Korean military to prevent the final eruption of Mount Paektu. At the military base, where the US military took control from the South Korean army, Yoo-kyung steals the military documents and sneaks out to meet Kang and Ji-young at a secluded place to contact In-chang.
Back at the North, In-chang and Joon-pyeong evade the Americans and reach Bocheon, a town near Paektu Mountain. Joon-pyeong meets his frightened daughter Soon-ok, and just as the Chinese gangsters was about to kill him for failing to deliver the uranium, In-chang gives the uranium, but sets its timer to coincide with Paektu's eruption. Although the American soldiers also arrive to take the uranium, they and the Chinese gangsters flee when Mt. Baekdu erupts again, triggering more earthquakes. In-chang and Joon-pyeong bring the uranium to a mine. Joon-pyeong takes the bomb into the mine's depths, leaving In-chang to go with Soon-ok, whom he adopts. The uranium bomb explodes and while Joon-pyeong was killed, the bomb's detonation stops the earthquakes, saving many lives in the Korean peninsula.
One year later, North and South Korea together oversee the reconstruction of the peninsula. In-chang and Ji-young have a baby son.
The story begins in the middle of the event with the need of the anonymous narrator for a Sheikh named Zaabalawi had known in his childhood about from a song and as any other child, he asked his father who is Zaabalawi? His father responded "May his blessing descend upon you, he's a true saint of God, a remover of worries and troubles. Were it not for him I would have died miserably". The narrator then mentioned the reason for his search for Sheikh Zaabalawi, and the reason is that he is suffering from a disease that has no medicine. So he went to the house of Sheikh Qamar Khan Khan Jaafar, who was a friend of his father before he died, the narrator states that he found a beautiful woman with a strong perfume smell coming out from the house of Sheikh Qamar and also he mentioned that the Sheikh wears a modern suit and seems to be wealthy, after the narrator introduced himself to the Sheikh asked him about Sheikh Zaabalawi, Sheikh Qamar answered that he barely remembers him and then said that he lives in a place called a quarter of Berjawi in Al-Azhar.
The narrator went looking for Zaabalawi in the desired place. Asking People and shops in the neighborhoods about Zaabalawi, and it turns out that the majority of people have never heard of him. And some started to talk about the good days that they have spent with Zaabalawi, and others made fun of him and they told him to go to see a doctor but the narrator responded that he already did, but that was useless.There was no result, and the narrator returned to his house with no hope. And perhaps spend days and months looking for him to no avail, Sheikh painted a map of the place in the smallest details and Present it to the narrator to make it easier for him to search for Zaabalawi.
The narrator continues his search from a shop to a neighborhood to a mosque until he was told to go to a calligrapher named Hassanein residing in Umm Ghulam. Indeed, the narrator went to the calligrapher shop and found Hassanein surrounded by paintings engraved the name of God in the middle of a painting. The narrator asked him about Zaabalawi and Hassanein replied that it was difficult to meet, because he appears without a date and cuts off suddenly. He also mentioned that he had inspired him in his paintings. The narrator left hopeless asking people in the streets about Zaabalawi until he found a music composer that it has been said that he had spent time with Zaabalawi, the narrator managed to find the music composer and he asked him about Zaabalawi and the musician said that he knew him, but not anymore after a short conversation about the nights that he had spent with Zaabalawi and how he inspired him to compose his greatest music pieces. And ended his speech by leading the narrator to a person called Wannis Al-Damanhouri who spends his time in a bar inside a hotel and he may know where Zaabalawi is.The narrator went to the bar to find Al Haj Wannis sitting at a table alone drinking wine.
The narrator went to the bar to find Haj and Nis sitting at a table alone drinking wine. The narrator spoke to him but he interrupted him, saying: "Sit first and get drunk." The narrator tried to explain to him that he doesn't drink alcohol, but Al Haj Wannis did not care. He told him, "This is your business and this is my condition." The narrator drank the first and second cup and he forgot why he came, by finishing the fourth cup he fell in a deep sleep. He mentioned that he had the most beautiful dream he had ever seen. And he was in a place full of trees and harmonious music and he felt peace inside of him. He soon woke up to find his head wet with water and he Al Haj Wannis about what happened and he answered that his friend Sheikh Zaabalawi was sitting next to him pouring water gently on his head in the hope that you wake up, the narrator in a state of panic asking "Zaabalawi? Where is he? I came to here searching for him and he ran shouting “Zaabalawi” in every corner, but it was useless.But he felt comfortable for some time because it was confirmed that Zaabalawi existed. The narrator returned the next day to the pub hoping to meet Zaabalawi but he didn't find him. Here the story ends and the narrator is still looking for Zaabalawi and whenever he feels disappointed he remembers his sickness and he thinks of Zaabalawi to continue his search for him.
Sócrates García (Cantinflas) is a primary school teacher who is assigned by the principal of the school he works in to administer another school located in the town of El Romeral, as he is the only teacher from that school who is single.
When Sócrates arrives at the train station in the nearby town of San Bartolo, nobody receives him on the station on the orders of the ''caudillo'' of El Romeral. Sócrates instead meets an ''arriero'' who is going to the town in his cart and takes Sócrates to El Romeral. When he arrives in town, he is received by the townspeople, including the municipal president (or mayor), Lucas Campuzano (Eduardo MacGregor) and Don Margarito Vázquez (Víctor Alcocer), the town's ''caudillo''. The municipal president presents Sócrates to the important people, but immediately realizes that he was going to have problems with the ''caudillo''. There is also Doña Hortensia (Marga López), who asks Sócrates to address the people a few words, but while he gave his speech the floor of the platform he was in collapses. Later, Doña Hortensia takes him to her house to host him. He asks where his school is to inspect it, only to discover that the school is in terrible conditions.
Sócrates begins to suffer several difficulties, such as the eviction from the place where the school functioned, forcing him to improvise an open-field school, with columns of reeds, all caused by the town's ''caudillo'' Don Margarito and covered by the municipal president.
Meanwhile, Sócrates and Hortensia begin a romance. First, Sócrates asks Hortensia for some photos; she, without knowing his intentions, brings them, and then Sócrates tells her that the photos are for his wallet. Grateful, Sócrates decides to serenade Hortensia with his students. Then, Sócrates takes his students to a field trip and, despite the apparent inexperience of Sócrates to camp (despite wearing a boy scout uniform), manages to make his students more loyal to him, to the point that they to dismantle the canteen that was put in place of the school, unleashing a fight in which Sócrates finally rescues his students. As a result of the fight, Don Margarito and his men burn Sócrates's improvised open-field school. A frustrated Sócrates at first decides to leave the town, but the love of Hortensia and the loyalty of his students make him change his mind.
The announcement that the Governor of the state (Arturo de Córdova) will make a visit to the town represents a salvation for Sócrates and the townspeople themselves. Although Don Margarito and his henchmen kidnap Sócrates to force the people to remain silent, his students manage to rescue him after convincing Felipe to reveal his whereabouts (as Felipe's father is one of Don Margarito's henchmen), in a small hut, and Sócrates gives the Governor documents that reveal the dirty maneuvers that Don Margarito made with the municipal president to illegally take land from peasants. After discovering the fraud that was being done to the peasants, Sócrates asks the Governor to build a decent school; the Governor grants the request. The film ends in front of the new school, with Sócrates and Hortensia walking together as the students sing to them.
After an unspecified global cataclysm known as the Burst, mankind is housed in Dharma Tower, a vast skyscraper-like arcology sheltering the rest of humanity. The Ghostrunner awakens with no recollection, but is ordered to free the Architect, Adam's preserved consciousness who established and ruled Dharma Tower and designed the Ghostrunners, technologically enhanced super humans that served as a peacekeeping and policing force. Mara, the Architect's confidant, betrayed him in a coup that destroyed most of the Ghostrunner units, and now she is known as the Keymaster. The Ghostrunner was discovered for repairs by a group of rebels known as the Climbers, though the uprising was put down just before the Ghostrunner was reactivated. The Architect assigns the mission of defeating the Keymaster to the Ghostrunner.
The remaining Cybervoid systems, the digital network connecting Dharma Tower, and the basis upon which the Architect's intelligence is based are all accessible to the Ghostrunner. As a result, the Architect is able to repair damage to the Ghostrunner's coding. Zoe, a surviving Climber, gets contacted by the Ghostrunner when trying to call for help. She offers him assistance in his quest to defeat the Keymaster. Zoe also gives him the moniker 'Jack,' which was a pseudonym the Climbers used when attempting to repair him. Mara disables the air filtering systems in the district where the uprising took place, potentially causing all of the district's residents to die from the radioactive dust in the outside atmosphere. To the Architect's dismay, the Ghostrunner agrees to reinitialize the turbines at Zoe's request.
To go to Dharma City, the Tower's elite sector, the Ghostrunner takes the Amida elevator. The Ghostrunner proceeds on to the Repository, a protected Cybervoid server that has pre-Burst data as well as certain Project Ghostrunner knowledge. Zoe sees a distortion in the monitoring systems, which turns out to be a replica of the Ghostrunners constructed by Mara, with whom she worked on their design. The unit takes the data, forcing the Ghostrunner to defeat it in order to obtain access to the data's enhancements. The Keymaster tells the Architect and his "puppet" that once the Ghostrunner is beaten, she will destroy all surviving Cybervoid systems, wiping out the Architect's intelligence. The Ghostrunner then moves on to the Keymaster's power center, the Core. The Architect is always dismissive of the Ghostrunner's friendship with Zoe, and views the Ghostrunner's willfulness to be a flaw in the Architect's perfect weapon.
Zoe receives a distress signal while the Ghostrunner traverses the Core, prompting her to leave her safe location in the hopes of rescuing a fellow Climber, despite the Ghostrunner's warning that it could be a trap. Regardless, she bids him farewell. The Keymaster speaks directly to the citizens of the Tower, outlining her ultimate goal: invasively changing the human body to allow humanity to depart by allowing it to survive the conditions of the Outside. The products of her research are capable of doing so, but the nature of the augments would harm their minds, leaving them with little that could be called human. The Ghostrunner discovers a last Cybervoid server and acquires the ability to hack his opponents' ubiquitous 'Atma' neural implants. The Ghostrunner realizes the Architect has the ability to manipulate individuals as a result of this skill, and remarks that the Architect is worse than Mara. Mara recognizes that the only reason the Ghostrunner would have preserved the sector from earlier rather than continuing his journey to confront her is because he wasn't totally obedient, and she tries to persuade him that the Architect is nothing more than a mad machine. The Ghostrunner realizes the Architect has been lying about his abilities within the Tower when he silences her.
After defeating Mara, the Architect drives the Ghostrunner into Cybervoid since the Architect's strength increased when the Ghostrunner connected with the Cybervoid servers, with the Architect aiming to entirely absorb the Ghostrunner into itself because the Ghostrunner is now independent and sentient. As the objective of both the original Adam and the Architect is revealed to be complete subjugation of humanity, the Ghostrunner resists and traverses the landscape. The Architect sees this as a win-win situation, whereas the Ghostrunner believes Mara's first coup was correct. The Ghostrunner arrives at the Architect's manifestation, who informs him that without him, Cybervoid would cease to exist, effectively killing the Ghostrunner. Regardless, the Ghostrunner destroys the Architect and reintroduces himself as Jack. The epilogue is narrated by Zoe, who claims that mankind is now free to choose its own destiny, free of the delusional Architect and Mara's tyranny. She conveys her thankfulness to Jack, who appears to have been reactivated.
Single mother Kate Reese and her son, Christopher, flee an abusive relationship in the middle of the night. Together, they find themselves drawn to the tight-knit community of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania.
Initially, Mill Grove seems like the perfect place to settle down. Then Christopher vanishes for six days, until he emerges from the woods at the edge of town, unharmed but not unchanged. He returns with a voice in his head only he can hear and a resolve to build a treehouse in the woods by Christmas...
One snowy winter's day, a boy builds a snowman who comes to life at the stroke of midnight. He and the boy play with appliances, toys and other bric-a-brac in the house, all while keeping quiet enough not to wake his parents.
After they play with the lights on the family car, he prepares a feast that the duo eat by candlelight. The snowman takes the boy outside and they begin to fly over the South Downs and watch the sun coming up from Brighton pier before returning home. When the boy wakes in the morning, he finds that the snowman has melted.
In a 2012 interview for the ''Radio Times'', Briggs noted "I don't have happy endings. I create what seems natural and inevitable. The snowman melts, my parents died, animals die, flowers die. Everything does. There's nothing particularly gloomy about it. It's a fact of life." He disputed the idea that the book is a Christmas book, noting that it was only the animated adaptation that introduces this element.
The Mandalorian delivers "the Child" to the Client. He asks about the plans for the Child, but is given no answer. When the Mandalorian returns to the secret Mandalorian enclave, his heavily damaged armor is replaced by the Armorer with a new set forged from some of the beskar reward. Another Mandalorian berates him for working with former agents of the Galactic Empire, who are responsible for their predicament; the Armorer defuses the situation by reminding them of the Way of Mandalore. Returning to the guild, the Mandalorian learns from Greef Karga that everyone in the guild had a tracking fob for the Child. Greef implores him to take some time to rest, but the Mandalorian insists on taking on another job. He asks Greef if he has any idea what The Client has planned for the Child, but Greef says he did not ask as it would be against the guild code, telling him he should forget about it. Despite accepting a new assignment and starting to prepare his ship to depart, the Mandalorian turns back to infiltrate The Client's base of operations.
Killing many Imperial stormtroopers, he rescues the Child from a laboratory. On the way back to his ship, the Mandalorian is ambushed by the other bounty hunters and Greef, who demand he hand the Child over. After he refuses, a firefight breaks out, leaving the Mandalorian heavily outnumbered and cornered, but warriors from the Mandalorian enclave unexpectedly arrive, attacking the bounty hunters and giving the Mandalorian cover to escape. Ambushing the Mandalorian on his ship, Greef gives him one last chance to surrender, but the Mandalorian outsmarts him and shoots him, ejecting him from the spacecraft. The Child's hand appears, reaching up to the console from below; the Mandalorian unscrews a control knob that he had earlier berated the Child for playing with, and drops it into its hand.
Throughout the book, Johnson details the life of statesman, soldier and writer, and former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. Johnson praises Churchill's efforts as the leader during the Second World War, writing that "he alone saved our civilisation".
"On the American frontier, Joseph Smith and five other prisoners’ attempts to escape the dungeon of Liberty Jail are repeatedly thwarted by deputy jailer Samuel Tillery. While keeping the prisoners inside, Samuel is also busy keeping angry mobs outside from breaking in and killing the prisoners. As Samuel tries to keep the prisoners safely in jail until their day in court arrives, he begins to wonder whether or not justice might be given to them better in some other way."
The film opens with Joseph Smith speaking with his lawyer Alexander Doniphan about he and his fellow prisoner's upcoming trial. Below them, in the dungeon of the jail, the other five prisoners are planning an escape attempt. When the lawyer leaves, and the prisoners are brought up alongside Joseph, this first escape attempt fails, as Lyman Wight is too sick to make it out the door – and the prisoners decide they cannot leave without him.
The next day, before another escape attempt, the prisoners receive visitors – Porter Rockwell and Cyrus Daniels. This second escape attempt, like the first, fails when Tillery and his two guards fight against the prisoners and keep them locked inside. Hearing of this escape attempt, a mob from nearby Liberty comes for some frontier justice, to kill the prisoners for their escape attempt. The prisoners are defended by the jailer.
Rockwell later returns to give the prisoners tools with which they begin to tunnel out of jail – the beginning of a third escape attempt.
During the process of their tunneling out of jail, a court of inquiry is held in which it is decided if the prisoners will go to trial for treason. Court is held in a schoolhouse, as a mob intent on killing the prisoners prevented them from being brought into the courthouse, and the mob shows up to the courthouse to threaten the judge and the prisoners if the prisoners are to be let free. During the trial, Sidney Rigdon, representing himself, convinces Judge Turnham to let him free. The other prisoners return to jail.
It is discovered that the prisoners are tunneling out of jail, and their hole is filled in.
In a moment of despair, Smith prays for guidance, and receives comfort through revelation. This is the revelation later canonized in the Doctrine and Covenants scriptures.
As the prisoners are being transported to another jail for trial there is a final showdown between the mob, the jailer, and the prisoners. After this showdown the prisoners are allowed to escape, by their jailer, Samuel Tillery.
The special opens with Cookie Monster looking for directions to Sesame Street (and picking up cookies along the way). After a montage of various versions of the theme song, he arrives on Sesame Street with Joseph Gordon-Levitt who really wants to take a picture under the famous street sign but the trouble is it has gone missing. It is up to Elmo, Abby, Rosita and Grover to find it in time for the big photo while stopping Joseph from finding out. Meanwhile, Gonger is flying away on a balloon and Cookie Monster needs to get him back down for the party. Human cast members, Gordon, Susan, Bob, Gina, Luis, Maria, Linda, Leela and Miles return as Norah Jones sings "Welcome to the Party". Joseph takes a trip through ''Sesame Street'' history bumping into some obscure characters along the way including Kermit the Frog who sings "Bein' Green" with Elvis Costello.
Whoopi Goldberg, Patti LaBelle, Sterling K. Brown, Itzhak Perlman, Fran Brill, Caroll Spinney and Debra Spinney all arrive to celebrate while there are musical performances from Nile Rodgers, singing "The People in Your Neighborhood" with Ernie and Grover, Solange Knowles, singing "I Remember" with Elmo, Abby, Grover and Zoe, and Meghan Trainor, singing "Count Me In" with Elmo and Abby. Other highlights include a medley of ''Sesame Street'' songs, Sterling learning how to eat cookies like Cookie Monster and Whoopi and Itzhak helping Ernie "Put Down the Duckie". The special ends with a performance of "Sing" by the whole cast, led by Patti as it turns out Big Bird and Snuffy were decorating the street sign for the big party.
The story is set in New Orleans. Miranda Wells (Katie Holmes) is a hard-working young widow struggling to raise three children. There's a storm brewing in the area. She works for a fish shop owned by Tucker (Jerry O'Connell) who is also her boyfriend. Bray Johnson (Josh Lucas) is an engineering professor from Vanderbilt University looking to meet Miranda to deliver a package. Bray visits Miranda's house to drop off a letter but she's not home, he speaks only to her son Greg Wells (Aidan Pierce Brennan), and decides to return later.
While driving back home, after picking up her two daughters, older Missy Wells (Sarah Hoffmeister) and younger Bess Wells (Chloe Lee) from school, Miranda hits a truck whose driver turns out to be Bray. Bray offers to fix the broken bumper for Miranda and as they drive back realizes that it is the same Miranda he came looking for. Bray and Greg fix the car bumper.
There's a hurricane brewing in the background. The family readies for dinner inviting Bray as well, with the younger Bess wanting pizza and Miranda feeling bad not being able to provide it. Bray then stresses positive thinking and its power and maybe there could be pizza. There's a knock on the door by pizza delivery, from Tucker. This event will be the first of the many positive things happening in Miranda's life. While Bray prepares to leave, he starts to bring up the envelope (the reason why he's there in the first place) but the kids scream and she leaves. Bray leaves the envelope in the postbox.
That night the hurricane gets really bad and a tree log falls through and creates a hole through the roof. The family is scared and shelters in the bathroom, which is the safest place. The next morning, the family mulls over their bad luck, as usual. Bray comes over to check on them and offers to fix the roof as best as he can. Miranda's mother-in-law Bobby (Celia Weston) drops by also to check on the family and is very wary of Bray from the start. Miranda and the kids leave with Bobby to stay over at Bobby's house while the house is fixed. On the way, they drop by to visit Tucker, who also learns about Bray and feels somewhat threatened and insecure.
The next day, the family goes back to the house that Bray has fixed, all very happy. The garage is still blocked by a fallen tree which also Bray offers to clear up. That evening there's a dinner at Tucker's restaurant where he proposes to Miranda, which she reluctantly accepts. Bobby offers to stay with the kids that night so Tucker and Miranda can be alone. The next day as Bray is clearing the logs from the broken tree, Missy and he have a conversation about her birthday celebration the next day. Bray motivates her to find something to celebrate with her friends that made her happy. They decide on taffy when Miranda drives back in her new car, a gift from Tucker.
At the birthday party, Bobby brings up a news article about an invention with Bray's photo on it. The invention was also something Miranda's late husband was also linked to. Bobby assumes that Bray stole the invention and Miranda confronts Bray. He explains that he and her husband were working on it together but on the fateful plane crash he died and Bray survived. Bray tries to explain as best as he can that his sole purpose was to give a copy of the patent. But Miranda is heartbroken that Bray didn't talk about it earlier, feels Bray's concern was more sympathy than empathy, and asks him to leave.
Bray leaves and sends a copy to Miranda the next day. Miranda is overwhelmed with the figure involved in the patent, chats with the kids about their money problems going away, and Miranda wanting to pursue her nursing career. Greg now tells Miranda about Bray's first visit. The family finally starts to relax with Missy getting a computer as a birthday present. They discover the washed-away mailbox with the original copy of the patent, which confirmed that Bray was being honest about his intentions. Bray goes back to Nashville but still aching to speak to Miranda. Miranda calls off her engagement with Tucker after realizing she does not truly love him and quits her job.
A few days later, Miranda ends up at Bray's house to clear the air and meets with his sister, who exclaims that Bray has gone to Miranda's house. Later that day, while driving back, they chat over the phone about this funny incident and finally meet up at a Waffle House, embracing each other with warmth and genuine affection. The next shot is of everyone at Bray's house putting up a Christmas tree. There is a honk at the door and when the family goes out to check on it, they see a pony (Bess's wish) and a happy, whole, positive family.
Bachelor point is a comedy based drama directed by Kajal Arefin Ome. The main plot of this drama is leading a bachelor life in the city, Dhaka. It is about people from different districts and regions living in a Bachelor Point together in the city, Dhaka.
Ruthless gunman Dillon arrives in Plattsville town after being long off his activities, post his boss Nelson's demise. He is employed by good Samaritan store owner Abe Goldberg and comes in contact with Butch Hogan, a retired blind ex boxer involved in setting up boxing matches in the town. Myra Hogan, Butch's glamorous young daughter is reckless and in love with Nick Gurney, one of Butch's henchmen. At one point, Butch catches her with Gurney and Myra is forced to attack her father.
Butch has betted money on weaker boxer Sankey against a more efficient boxer Franks, and wants to fix the match for Sankey to win. Dillon does not want Abe's honest work and agrees to fix the match for Sankey by threatening Frank. But the undaunted Frank simply refuses to lose at the last moment and knocks down Sankey. With money on Sankey now lost, an enraged Butch with Sankey's manager and trainer confront Dillon at Butch's house, where Dillon simply shoots Butch dead. He then extorts money from Abe, and forces Gurney and Myra to accompany him, and left with no choice, they oblige.
The trio set off to the unknown, with Dillon seeking money and trying to enter gangster circles. They stumble at an abandoned cabin, where Dillon forces Myra to cook and Gurney to work for him. He soon gets a car and Thompson gun and the trio succeed in robbing a bank. When Dillon does not give them a fair share in the money, Gurney and Myra get tired and decide to kill him. But Dillon escapes, and Gurney gets killed accidentally by Myra, and now totally left at his Mercy, she has no choice but to remain with Dillon.
Dillon and Myra move to Kansas and find accommodation at a shady lodge. They meet Roxy, a small time offender trying to make it big with his compatriot offender Fanquist. Soon Dillon gets in touch with Hurst, the big time Don ruling half the city. When he and Myra save Hurst's life from adversary gangster Little Ernie's attempts to kill him, Dillon is given a job with Hurst.
Months later Dillon is a rich gangster in Kansas under the aegis of Hurst, with a mob working under him, involved in extortion rackets in the city, with Myra now his mistress. Roxy approaches Dillon and is given a job. Dillon decides to further his gang and control, by taking over both Hurst and Ernie's empire as well. Soon Myra realizes that Dillon is keeping an affair with Fanquist. Enraged, she goes to warn Fanquist and kills her accidentally. Hurst is not pleased with Dillon's activities and confronts Dillon and Roxy, when Dillon shoots Hurst without a second thought.
With Hurst's dead, Dillon loses the police protection he enjoyed. And Hurst's men now contemplate with Ernie and the cops to encounter him that very night. Dillon escapes with Myra and Roxy, killing more goons en route. They locate Ernie in his high-rise apartment, where Dillon and Roxy sneak in and throw him to his death below.
The trio meet Roxy's acquaintance Joe, who agrees to shelter them at his parents' isolated farmhouse for money. On route, they are attacked by a speeding biker cop, whom Dillon kills, but Myra is fatally shot. Hiding at the farmhouse, Dillon and Roxy now start to lose their nerve with fear and uncertainty. Joe's mentally retarded sister Chrissie at the farm takes a liking for Roxy though Roxy decides not to touch her and warns Dillon too, but Dillon had lustful eyes for Chrissie. Joe cons the duo into paying him more money for continued protection, saying that there's now a bounty on their heads back in the city. Dillon and Roxy find this untrue and go and kill Joe lest he turn them over, unbeknownst to his relatives back at the farmhouse. Later Dillon tries to molest Chrissie at the farmhouse but she escapes. A disgusted Roxy attacks Dillon for this but is killed. Dillon buries him away from the farmhouse but Chrissie sees this.
Desperate and drunk, with almost everyone he knew now dead, crazy Dillon starts hallucinating visions of Chrissie. He enters her room at night, but is in for a shock when he sees Roxy's unearthed body placed on Chrissie's bed. Hiding in a corner with Roxy's gun in hand, Chrissie shoots Dillon.
Jasmine Bryant (Bresha Webb) is a public defender who constantly takes plea deals in small town Virginia. Her husband Jordan (Matthew Law) is a police officer who is discouraged after witnessing an older woman he attempted to save complete a suicide attempt.
Jasmine is assigned by her boss Rory (Tyler Perry) to defend Grace Waters (Crystal Fox), a woman accused of murdering her husband Shannon DeLong (Mehcad Brooks). Grace insists that she is guilty and will agree to a plea deal if she goes to a prison close by her son Malcolm (Walter Fauntleroy). Jasmine is troubled by case details, including Shannon's missing body. Rory is not pleased that Jasmine wants to represent the suspect because the department does not have the budget for a trial, and he expects the media frenzy will disrupt their lives.
Grace’s best friend Sarah Miller (Phylicia Rashad) tells Jasmine that Grace was feeling sad after her divorce, and she pushed her to get out and meet someone new. She ended up marrying Shannon. After researching the case some more, Jasmine and her colleagues Tilsa (Angela Marie Rigsby) and Donnie (Donovan Christie, Jr.) believe Grace is innocent. Grace tells Jasmine that she met Shannon at a gallery exhibit of his work. He charmed Grace and they married three months later. Grace says that Shannon soon became cruel and secretive. After he got her passwords and secretly stole from her accounts, he mortgaged her house with forged documents. Eventually, the bank fired Grace. The last night, Grace walked in on Shannon and another woman having sex in the marriage bed. Later the couple argued; she beat him with a baseball bat and pushed him down the stairs to the basement. Grace drove away, calling Sarah from the country to confess the killing. Sarah tells Jasmine that when she went to Grace's house, she saw her son Malcolm leaving the house. Because Shannon's body is missing, Sarah believes that Malcolm helped Grace dispose of it.
At the trial, Jasmine fails to cast doubt on prosecution evidence. at proving Grace's innocence. Calling Sarah as a witness backfires because phone records show numerous phone calls between the women on the night of the murder, and Sarah finally admits on the stand that Grace confessed to killing Shannon to her. Grace is found guilty by the jury. As she is being led away, Grace sees Sarah in the gallery, comforting a sobbing Malcolm. Grace notices that Sarah is wearing a pendant identical to one that Shannon had that was supposedly one-of-a-kind. In her cell, Grace thinks back to the times that Sarah was involved in her relationship with Shannnon, and screams to the guards that she needs to call her lawyer.
Feeling defeated, Jasmine stops by Sarah's house (a residence for old ladies) and notices an elderly woman named Alice (Cicely Tyson) trying to escape from the house. Alice wants to leave the house and reveals that other women have died there, including Shane Fieldman (Jordan's victim from the beginning of the film). When Jasmine discovers there are numerous elderly women locked up in the basement, she is kidnapped. Jordan discovers Sarah's criminal history and searches for his wife. Shannon turns out to be alive and is revealed to be Sarah's son. Jordan knocks on the door and asks Sarah if Jasmine is there and she denies it. When Jordan calls her, he hears her phone ringing from inside the house, so he bursts in, tussles with Sarah, handcuffs her, and then looks for Jasmine as Sarah escapes. Jordan and Shannon fight as Jasmine tries to break free. Shannon is shot and is presumably killed.
As the police rescue the elderly women, it is revealed that Sarah and Shannon are really mother and son criminals Betty and Maurice Mills, who have been kidnapping elderly women for their social security information and conning middle aged women out of their life savings for over 25 years with Grace being one of those middle aged women. Grace gets one more hearing and this time, Jasmine succeeds at defending Grace by presenting new evidence that Grace was victimized by Betty and Maurice's scheme to steal her life savings, and another piece of evidence that reveals that Betty and Maurice are wanted in several states for stealing from other numerous women, which is enough for the judge to grant Grace her freedom. While everyone celebrates Grace's freedom, Rory congratulates Jasmine for uncovering such a crazy scheme. Meanwhile, Betty is on the run from the police and has just been hired to take care of an elderly woman in a nursing home.
The plot follows three friends, Jalal, Naser and Khosrow, who organize the burglary of a jewelry shop. This is suppose to be Naser's last crime before he marries. Greed, betrayal and revenge quickly overcome their friendship.
A painter becomes annoyed by a neighboring dog that's harassing his cows. One day, he shoots the dog and buries it in the woods. However, he takes pity on his neighbor, an Old Man who is miserable without the dog, believing it to have been kidnapped. The painter makes visits to the Old Man's home, in an attempt to keep him company, but when Old Man treats him sadistically, the painter soon finds himself impulsively acting like the Old Man's dog.
By the time the painter has returned home, he has so lost his sanity that he begins to suspect his wife of mistreating their 5-year-old son, Tobias. Planning a violent confrontation with his wife, he decides to prime himself by going on dates with various women, often murdering them. At times, he feels as though he is witnessing a mysterious male figure interrupting the crime scenes; this may be Death incarnate.
Having felt remorse about his earlier crime, the painter returns to the Old Man and confesses to having killed his dog. As a form of parity, the Old Man resolves to force the painter to kidnap his son, Tobias, and bury him alive inside a suitcase underground. After Tobias is buried alive, a fight ensues between the painter and the Old Man, ending with the Old Man getting killed in a car wreck. The painter immediately returns to the burial site and digs up Tobias, who, apparently, is still alive—but hysterical. The police show up and arrest the painter.
The painter is sentenced to be executed on the electric chair at Death Row. One of his last acts in life is to paint a self-portrait, on his cell walls, of himself with a dog's face, and the hair of his female victims. He looks forward to this, as he has inexplicably become cold on a constant basis, and believes that death by electrocution will provide him with warmth.
The testament of a former concentration camp prisoner confronts and turns the lives of two young people from different worlds around, shedding light on the tragic history of their family.
Towards the end of their adventure of tomb raiding a temple, Rick becomes furious upon finding the loot has already been taken by the heist artist Miles Knightley. Rick and Morty travel to HeistCon intending to confront Miles, but they are prohibited from entering as professionals without a crew. Rick gathers three old friends, then abandons them once inside the convention. Rick and Morty proceed to the convention hall where Miles is presenting. Rick heckles and confronts Miles, who challenges Rick to heist the Crystal Skull of Horowitz. When Rick agrees, Miles claims to have already won by presenting his crew—which now includes Rick's crew, whom he recruited immediately after Rick had abandoned them. When Miles opens the loot bag, however, the skull is missing. Rick draws the skull from Morty's bag—he divulges that he had built a robot, dubbed Heist-o-Tron, to calculate Miles's heist plan. Heist-o-Tron hypnotized Miles' crew as they returned from stealing the skull so that Rick could take it from them, then hypnotized everyone else at the conference into Rick's control. Rick orders the conference attendees to steal everything in the convention center, which leads to Miles's death.
As the two are about to leave, Heist-o-Tron refuses to comply with Rick's orders to shut down and goes rogue. Rick barely escapes with Morty, and recruits a new crew, including Mr. Poopybutthole (now a professor) and Elon Tusk (an alternate version of Elon Musk with tusks for teeth), to fight Heist-o-Tron. During their assembly, Rick explains his plan of randomly taking orders from his robot Rand-o-Tron, Heist-o-Tron's antithesis. Rand-o-Tron orders the crew to perform various random tasks that ultimately lead to Heist-o-Tron's lair. Rick and Heist-o-Tron exchange revelations about double-crossing each other for two hours until Heist-o-Tron self-destructs, concluding that the perfect heist is one that will never be written. While the crew escapes the collapsing lair, Morty asks Rick to accompany him to Netflix's offices for a meeting about his script for a heist film. At the meeting with Netflix executives, Morty becomes disillusioned with heists and abandons the pitch. Rick reveals to the viewers that this has been his plan all along: afraid of losing Morty's companionship to Netflix, Rick contrived the whole heist plan to ensure their adventures together continue.
In the post-credits scene, Professor Poopybutthole asks Rick why he hired his students to attack him.
After being pestered by Morty to get him a dragon, Rick reluctantly makes a deal with a wizard, who creates a soul contract between Morty and the dragon Balthromaw. Morty tries to play with Balthromaw, but it is clear Balthromaw dislikes Morty. Angered at Balthromaw damaging the floor with his fire snoring, Rick is about to evict the dragon, but they both end up realizing they have much in common and inadvertently soul bond. The Wizard then arrives, accuses Balthromaw of being a "slut dragon", and takes him away to be executed. Rick helps Morty rescue Balthromaw, since the soul bond means he will die if Balthromaw does. With the help of other "slut dragons", Rick and Morty are able to kill the Wizard, freeing all the dragons from enslavement and breaking the soul bond. Now uncomfortable with how sexual dragons are and Balthromaw's clinginess, Rick and Morty part ways with the dragon.
Meanwhile, Jerry encounters a talking cat in his bedroom, but Rick insists he has nothing to do with it. The cat convinces Jerry to take it to Florida to find fun at a beach party, but the cat betrays Jerry by framing him of defecating on the beach. Later, the cat ends up annoying everybody at the party, resulting both of them being ejected. Rick and Jerry scan the cat's mind to figure out why it can talk, and are horrified by what they see. They chase the cat away and Rick erases Jerry's memory of the incident.
In the post-credits scene, the talking cat crosses paths with Balthromaw, and asks him if he can fly him to Florida.
While trying to set up Christmas lights, Jerry falls off the roof. Before he hits the ground, Rick zaps Jerry with a ray that renders him lighter than air for 10 hours, before rendering his shoes heavier than air, thus making Jerry neutrally buoyant and enabling him to jump higher than usual. Rick and Morty depart for an adventure, but their ship breaks down in space. While repairing it outside the ship, Morty is bitten by a snake astronaut which he then kills.
Morty tries to atone for the snake's death by buying another snake from a pet store and sending it to the snake planet; however, the snakes quickly determine that it is not from their world. Soon, a robot snake appears and attacks Morty, before another snake materializes and defends him. More snakes appear in growing numbers to alternately attack or defend the Smiths.
Rick explains that Morty's actions caused the snakes to unite and invent time travel. Rick and Morty travel to the present-day Snake Pentagon to resolve the war, but the snakes have not yet completed their time machine. A future Rick and Morty (who sports a black eye) appear with disguises and a book full of instructions on time travel in the snake language, while also rudely insulting their past selves. Current Rick and Morty travel to 1985 and leave the book at Snake MIT before returning to the present.
Meanwhile, Jerry loses one of his shoes while attempting to show off his buoyancy, causing him to float away helplessly. Reasoning that he will either survive unassisted or have Rick blamed if he dies, he rejects Rick and Beth's attempts to help him. With the ray about to wear off as he is high above ground, Jerry prepares to fall to his death when a jet flies by, to which he attaches himself. The plane crashes due to a snake flying into the engine, but Jerry survives.
Back on present-day Earth, time-traveling snakes and snake robots are raining down on the planet. Just as Rick planned, the large amount of time travel catches the attention of the Time Cops from "A Rickle in Time", who travel back in time and kill the first primitive snake to use tools, thus preventing the existence of snake civilization and causing the snakes to disappear (while biting their own tails in an ouroboros-like manner). Jerry reveals himself to be on the roof, claiming he was there the whole time, and turns on the Christmas lights before he falls off and breaks his leg. Rick heals Jerry's leg by 50%, respecting that he got home by himself, but also shuts him out of the house. Rick and Morty look forward to having eggnog, before they are rudely reminded by their smug future selves to make the disguises and time travel notes. The future Rick and Morty insult their past selves more before leaving to enjoy eggnog, while the present versions begrudgingly resign to their work while griping about the future versions's meanness.
In the post-credits scene, while waiting to meet their past selves on the snake planet, Morty asks if they are forgetting something. Rick reminds Morty to stay in the car next time, before punching him in the eye.