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Battalion (1927 film)

Lawyer František Uher discovers his wife is cheating on him. He leaves home and goes to a low-class pub 'Battalion' where he meets various characters from the bottom of the society. He becomes their defender.

New School (TV series)

The series talks about the adventures of a group of freshmen of the McGaffin International Middle School, an international middle school in which there is a legendary flush toilet. This is a broken flush toilet in which is kept the Wall of Celebrities, a wall on which are hung the photos of the 12 Legends of the school, that are the most popular students that during the course of the years were able to accomplish feats so memorable to become myths. To become part of the Wall of Celebrities, students need to accomplish feats and be voted by other students through an app called App of the Wall of Celebrities. Only who will receive one million of points will be able to be part of the Wall of Celebrities.

Fatima (2020 film)

A 10-year-old shepherd, Lúcia dos Santos, and her two young cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, report having received apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fátima, Portugal, circa 1917. Their revelations inspire believers but anger officials of both the Catholic Church and the secular government, who try to force them to recant their story. As word of their prophecy spreads, tens of thousands of religious pilgrims flock to the site to witness what became known as the Miracle of the Sun.

Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days

This story is presented in the form of a letter written to a young woman's uncle, Uncle Thomas, who is described as "strange," as he had no regular job, wife, or children. All the while he is fascinating, extraordinary, and trustworthy to the girl. The story is interspersed with the voice-over of Uncle Thomas as he reads tables of numbers, describes the importance of being meticulously clean, details the ordeal of his daily routine, instructs on how to draw a face, and talks about other aspects of his life story. While it is not stated, it appears Uncle Thomas suffers some sort of mental health disorder, possibly obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). His obsession with numbers, in particular, is evident in the stylistic animation, such as numbers falling out of his clothes when getting dressed or spewing out of his motorcycle's tailpipe.

It seems the young girl and her Uncle Thomas enjoy spending time together writing, drawing, and riding on a motorcycle out in the countryside.

We learn that Uncle Thomas once had a girlfriend, but it seems he broke off the relationship, possibly due to a tormenting spiral of obsession with numbers at the time. Simultaneous with this episode, the young girl tried to visit Uncle Thomas, but he refused to see her and said he was broken down that day. The girl came to realize that something had gone wrong with Uncle Thomas, suggesting some sort of mental breakdown. She interprets the psychological collapse as the result of Uncle Thomas carrying emotional burdens and unable to solve his family's problems by way of incessantly looking for meaning and answers in numbers.

In the end, it is apparent that a great distance has grown between Uncle Thomas and the young girl, though she was able to tell him she loved him one last time before he died.

JMM (Better Call Saul)

Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler get married in a civil ceremony; with spousal privilege, Jimmy can tell Kim about his cases without lying.

Lalo Salamanca is charged under an alias with Fred's murder. Nacho Varga calls Jimmy to represent Lalo at arraignment. Lalo is remanded and directs Jimmy to obtain his release on bail, promising that if successful, Jimmy will become wealthy as a "friend of the cartel." Jimmy tests his new relationship with Kim by telling her about Lalo, including his intent not to fight for Lalo's release. Kim tells Jimmy she is happy he told her.

Rich Schweikart and Kim apologize to Kevin Wachtell for the outcome of Everett Acker's case, and Kevin indicates he will let them know whether he decides to retain them. After leaving, Kim leads Rich back to Kevin's office and tells Kevin he consistently ignored their advice and that whether he retains them or obtains new lawyers, he should be more willing to listen. Kevin indicates his approval by telling them he will see them at their regular Thursday meeting.

Mike Ehrmantraut spends time with Kaylee Ehrmantraut and tells Stacey Ehrmantraut he is past the problem that caused his recent anger. Nacho tells Mike that Lalo wants Nacho to burn down one of Gus Fring's restaurants. In Houston, Gus and other Madrigal subsidiary owners report to CEO Peter Schuler. Gus later meets with Peter and Lydia Rodarte-Quayle to update them on the meth lab's construction and warns them that Lalo remains a threat. Peter panics and Gus calms him by reminding him of an experience they shared in Santiago. Gus and Nacho later protect Nacho's role as the mole inside the Salamanca organization by burning down the Los Pollos Hermanos in Los Lunas.

Gus wants Lalo released, so Mike provides Jimmy details about the investigation he did under an assumed name. Jimmy uses the information at the bail hearing to accuse police of witness tampering. The judge grants bail of cash.

Howard Hamlin approaches Jimmy at the courthouse about working at HHM and Jimmy says he is still considering it. Howard realizes Jimmy is toying with him, including damaging his car and disrupting his recent business lunch with Clifford Main, and rescinds the offer. Jimmy angrily blames Howard for Chuck McGill's death and loudly proclaims that as Saul Goodman, he is too big for the constraints of an HHM job.

The Guy for This

Nacho takes Jimmy to Lalo, who knows of Jimmy's reputation from his cousin Tuco. Lalo wants Jimmy to get Domingo released from jail. Jimmy quotes Lalo an exorbitant fee and is surprised when Lalo readily pays cash in advance.

Mike gets drunk at the bar he once visited with Werner. On his way home, a gang of thugs attempt to rob him but he breaks the leader's arm and calmly walks off.

Nacho's father Manuel reveals that someone has offered to buy his upholstery shop for more than its worth. Manuel accuses Nacho of arranging the deal, refuses to accept and says he will not flee. He tells Nacho that if Nacho is in trouble, then Nacho should decide for himself whether to flee or turn himself in to police.

Jimmy meets with Domingo in jail and explains Lalo's plan. When Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez arrive, Jimmy steps in as Domingo's lawyer Saul Goodman and arranges for Domingo to be released as an informant in exchange for providing the DEA with details of Gus's dead drops. Jimmy reports to Lalo, who is pleased, while Nacho warns Jimmy that once he begins working for drug dealers there is no turning back. Nacho reports Domingo's release to Gus and explains Lalo's plan for the dead drops. Gus decides to maintain the drops, because doing otherwise would reveal to Lalo that someone is providing inside information about the Salamancas.

Kim has a full day of ''pro bono'' cases, but Rich demands she take care of pressing Mesa Verde business. A Tucumcari homeowner, Everett Acker, is refusing to leave property leased from the bank so that the bank can construct a new call center. Acker refuses a compromise and Kim angrily tells him he has no choice. Paige is happy with Kim's tough approach, but Kim is troubled. On her way home, she turns around and returns to Tucumcari. She approaches Acker sympathetically, tries to convince him to move, and offers to help him herself. Acker rejects her offer and tells her she will say whatever is necessary to get what she wants. Kim vents her frustrations by throwing beer bottles from her balcony with Jimmy.

Namaste (Better Call Saul)

Jimmy and Kim head to work. Jimmy convinces Sticky and Ron, the two drug users who had one of his "50% off" business cards, into keeping him as their counsel when they seem ready to accept a free public defender. Jimmy has lunch with Howard, who admits that HHM wronged Jimmy in the past, but says the feud was between Jimmy and Chuck, not Jimmy and the firm. Howard offers Jimmy the chance to join HHM but Jimmy is once again unsettled by the reminder of his previous life.

Kim recommends to Kevin and Paige an alternate building site that will enable Mesa Verde to work around Everett Acker's refusal to vacate his home, but they insist on eviction. Kim looks on as Jimmy uses the Saul Goodman persona in a courtroom con that achieves a mistrial. She asks Jimmy as Saul to represent Acker against Mesa Verde, and Acker agrees. After buying three bowling balls at a pawn shop, Jimmy flings them over Howard's front gate, damaging his expensive car.

The Albuquerque Police and DEA stake out the last of Gus's dead drops. Diego collects the money, then leads the DEA on a wild chase, eluding them by escaping through a small tunnel after abandoning the cash. While Hank is disappointed they did not get information on the higher-ups, the DEA and police celebrate the seizure of nearly a million dollars in drug money and the arrests of the three men who made the drug drops. Diego regroups with Victor and they contact Gus to inform him their task is complete. Gus has been seething in anger at Los Pollos Hermanos over the loss of the dead drops, and venting his frustration on Lyle, the assistant manager, by making him repeatedly clean the fryers. After Gus hangs up, Lyle asks if the fryers are clean enough, and Gus replies that they are "acceptable".

Mike arrives at Stacey's home to watch Kaylee but finds Stacey hired another babysitter. She tells Mike she does not feel comfortable leaving Kaylee with him as the result of his previous outburst. As Mike is walking home later that night, he is set upon by the street thugs he previously encountered. They beat and stab him, and Mike wakes up in a pueblo at an unknown location.

Dedicado a Max

Mike wakes on a ranch just inside the Mexican border that is owned by Gus and includes a fountain dedicated to Max. He finds his stab wounds were treated by Dr. Barry Goodman, who cautions him to stay and heal in the care of Señora Cortazar, the housekeeper and cook, before attempting to return to Albuquerque. Mike calls Gus to learn his intent, but Gus hangs up. Days later, Gus arrives and asks for Mike's help. Mike refuses to become a "button man" and engage in killing simply to further Gus's war against the Salamancas, but Gus says he wants Mike with him because Mike understands Gus's need for revenge.

Howard phones Jimmy and inquires if he has considered Howard's offer to join HHM; Jimmy claims he is still thinking it over. Jimmy, as Saul, creates delays in Mesa Verde's eviction of Everett Acker, including changing Acker's street number and claiming the eviction notices are for the wrong address, creating fake Native American artifacts, planting low-level radioactive material, and passing off a spray-painted image of Jesus on Acker's home as a miracle. Kim tries to remove herself from the case by claiming a conflict of interest due to Jimmy's involvement, but Kevin insists she remain. As matters relating to Acker's eviction arrive at Schweikart & Cokely, Kim assigns them to the firm's associates, claiming they have expertise that she does not. Facing further delays, Rich encourages Kevin to follow Kim's plan to locate Mesa Verde’s call center at an alternate site, but Kevin adamantly demands Acker's eviction.

Kim resigns herself to Acker's eviction. Jimmy suggests they could find "dirt" on Kevin and blackmail him into compromising but also counsels against doing it. Kim decides to proceed against Kevin, and Jimmy reluctantly agrees. After Mike refuses the job, Jimmy hires Sobchak, who surveils Kevin and surreptitiously searches his house. Sobchak tells Jimmy and Kim that his search of Kevin's home revealed nothing damaging. Jimmy dismisses Sobchak from their meeting at his office in the nail salon after Sobchak's half-serious recommendations for what to do next include kidnapping and murder. Kim's knowing smile as she looks through Sobchak's photos indicates she has found something she can use against Kevin. The next day, Rich suggests to Kim that she temporarily disengage from all Mesa Verde business, correctly deducing that her heart is not in it, but she angrily refuses.

Wexler v. Goodman


In a flashback to Kim Wexler's teenage years, Kim's mother is late picking her up from school in Red Cloud, Nebraska, because she has been drinking. Kim walks away and refuses to ride home with her. Kim's mother angrily yells that Kim never listens to her.

Main Story

Jimmy McGill’s camera crew and local actors film at the nail salon. Kim arrives and tells Jimmy she does not want to pursue the attempt to blackmail Kevin Wachtell and offers a settlement to Everett Acker, with Kim personally making up the difference between what Kevin agrees to and a $75,000 payment. Jimmy says Acker already agreed to accept $45,000, so he concurs. After representing two prostitutes in court, Jimmy unnerves Howard Hamlin by paying them to disrupt his business lunch with Clifford Main.

Nacho Varga meets with Gus Fring, Victor, and Mike Ehrmantraut but pretends not to know Mike. He reports on Lalo Salamanca's plans to reveal the locations of Gus’s street dealers to police. Gus tells Victor to ensure that only low-level employees are arrested and if necessary, to hire new ones to sacrifice. Gus tells Nacho that from now on, he will report to Mike. After Gus leaves, Nacho warns Mike about Gus’s ruthlessness, but Mike reminds Nacho that he told Nacho of the risk he took by trying to kill Hector Salamanca. Mike discreetly feeds police information about Lalo's car and its connection to Fred Whalen's murder before using a tip from Nacho to have police converge on Lalo’s location and detain him.

Jimmy meets with Kim, Rich Schweikart, Kevin, and Paige Novick to complete Acker’s settlement and stuns everyone by demanding $4 million. When Kevin ridicules this demand, Jimmy shows them his video – rough cuts of commercials seeking plaintiffs for class-action lawsuits against Mesa Verde, which unfavorably depict Kevin’s father, Don Wachtell. Kim’s insight from Sobchak’s photos of Kevin’s house is that Mesa Verde’s logo is based on a photograph the bank did not obtain permission to use. Jimmy uses the threat of lawsuits and an injunction against displaying the logo to persuade Kevin to accept a settlement that includes cash for Acker and the photographer.

When Kim comes home, Jimmy is apprehensive but says Kim and he should celebrate. Kim vents her anger at Jimmy for going back on their deal and making her the "sucker" for his con. She says they either need to end their relationship or get married.

Bagman (Better Call Saul)

The Cousins arrive at a Mexican cartel site to pick up Lalo Salamanca's bail money. As they depart, an informant inside the building makes a telephone call to report their presence.

Lalo gives Jimmy McGill directions to a remote desert pickup site. Jimmy reluctantly agrees to pick up the money after Lalo promises him $100,000. Kim Wexler begs Jimmy not to go, saying he is an attorney, not a "bagman" for drug dealers, but he says he will do it because it will be easy and no one will suspect him of being the courier.

The next morning, the Cousins deliver two duffel bags of cash to Jimmy at the pickup site. Jimmy starts his return trip but several trucks cut him off. Numerous gunmen exit, take the money, and prepare to kill him. The gunmen are suddenly attacked by an unknown shooter. All but one are killed and their vehicles are disabled. The surviving gunman escapes in the only drivable truck.

The unseen shooter was Mike Ehrmantraut, who was tracking Jimmy for Gus Fring. He finds his truck was also disabled in the shootout, so he places a still-shaken Jimmy and the money in Jimmy's car and begins driving back to Albuquerque. Jimmy's car soon breaks down. With no cell phone coverage and no vehicle, they push the car over the edge of the road and walk cross-country with the money in order to avoid the surviving gunman. As they camp overnight, Jimmy tells Mike that Kim knows of his work for Lalo; Mike warns Jimmy that if she knows details about the Salamancas, Kim is now "in the game." Jimmy and Mike resume their trek the following morning.

When Jimmy fails to return, Kim pretends to be Lalo's attorney to visit him in prison. She tells him she is Jimmy's wife and asks for Jimmy's location so she can search. Lalo refuses and tells her Jimmy will be fine because he is a survivor.

A dehydrated and sunburned Jimmy reaches his limit and collapses, and Mike fails to motivate him to go on. Mike spots the surviving gunman, but rather than hide as Mike directs, Jimmy regains his motivation and runs into the road to attract the gunman's attention. When the gunman is close enough, Mike shoots and kills him. The gunman's vehicle flips and is destroyed. Jimmy and Mike resume walking, this time on the road.

Bad Choice Road

Jimmy McGill and Mike Ehrmantraut arrive at a truck stop where Tyrus Kitt and Victor pick them up. Jimmy posts Lalo Salamanca's bail and Lalo is released. As Mike and Jimmy agreed, Jimmy tells Lalo his car broke down and he walked alone cross-country so he would not risk losing the money. Lalo tells Jimmy he plans to avoid police and prosecutors by returning to Mexico.

Kim tends to Jimmy's sunburn and bruises and he tells her the same story he told Lalo. Kim realizes he is lying when she sees that Jimmy saved his bullet-pierced coffee mug.

Mike reports to Gus Fring, who realizes Juan Bolsa arranged the attack on Jimmy to protect Gus's business. Mike tells Gus that Nacho Varga wants to stop working as Gus's informant, but Gus refuses to release a valuable asset.

Jimmy ends a day of convalescence early to deal with a client. Kim tells him she knows he is lying about his desert trip and will be ready to listen when he decides to tell the truth. Kim quits Schweikart and Cokely, handing over the Mesa Verde account and keeping her ''pro bono'' clients. As she departs, she takes the bottle stopper she previously kept as a souvenir.

Jimmy tells Mike he is experiencing post-traumatic stress. Mike tells Jimmy it will pass with time. When Jimmy questions the events that brought them to the desert, Mike says they both made choices, good and bad, so they have to live with the consequences.

Lalo says goodbye to Hector Salamanca and has Nacho bring him to the pickup site where Jimmy received Lalo's bail money. Instead of waiting for the Cousins to arrive, Lalo searches for Jimmy's car. After finding it, he tells Nacho to drive back to Albuquerque.

Jimmy and Kim argue about Kim quitting S&C. Mike calls Jimmy to warn him of Lalo's imminent arrival, and tells him to leave his phone on but hidden so Mike can listen. As Lalo questions Jimmy, Mike keeps a sniper rifle trained on Lalo from a nearby roof. Lalo has Jimmy repeat the story of his desert walk, then reveals he found Jimmy's car, which is riddled with bullets. Kim tells Lalo that passersby probably shot at the car for fun and berates him for not trusting Jimmy. Lalo seems satisfied and departs. He tells Nacho to drive to Mexico, but not the original pickup site.

Something Unforgivable

Kim Wexler and Jimmy McGill watch Lalo Salamanca depart. Jimmy asks why Mike Ehrmantraut has been protecting him, but Mike hangs up. Jimmy tells Kim the truth about his desert trek with Mike. Kim and Jimmy check into a hotel so Lalo will not find them if he returns.

Mike tells Gus Fring that Lalo and Nacho Varga went to Lalo's Chihuahua home. Gus tells Mike he has sent assassins after Lalo and suggests Nacho can help them. Lalo and Nacho arrive at Lalo's house, an expansive hacienda inside a large, walled compound, and are warmly greeted by family and friends. Nacho receives a call telling him to open Lalo's back gate at 3 a.m.

Kim ignores Jimmy's request to remain at the hotel, meets with the public defender, and accepts twenty pending felony cases ''pro bono''. She tells Howard Hamlin she quit Schweikart & Cokely. Howard assumes Jimmy is behind Kim's decision and tells Kim about Jimmy's recent harassment campaign. Kim laughs at Howard, says she is insulted by the notion that she cannot decide for herself, and tells Howard he does not understand Jimmy. Howard angrily tells her that Chuck McGill knew Jimmy better than anyone else.

Lalo prepares Nacho for his first meeting with Don Eladio. At the meeting, Lalo explains that Nacho is associated with Tuco Salamanca and will manage the Salamanca drug business while Lalo is in Mexico. Eladio is impressed with Nacho's plans to expand the Salamanca territory and gives his blessing.

Jimmy goes to Mike's house and demands that Mike explain why he has been aiding him. Mike reveals that Lalo will be killed that night, and Jimmy informs Kim. Still angered by Howard's comments, Kim proposes a forced resolution of the Sandpiper case by sabotaging him, which would enable Jimmy to receive his seven-figure share of the settlement sooner. Jimmy counsels against it, but Kim makes use of a finger-pointing gesture similar to one Jimmy previously used to show that she is serious about undermining Howard.

Lalo is awake at 3 a.m, so Nacho sets a kitchen fire as a distraction that enables him to open the gate. Nacho flees as the assassins enter and kill most of Lalo's family and guards. Lalo kills all but one assassin and then tells him to call the middleman who arranged the attack and report that Lalo was killed. Lalo realizes Nacho is missing and angrily strides away from his house.

Arkansas (film)

'''Chapter One: Boredom is Beautiful'''

Drug dealer Kyle Ribb is "promoted" to move product wholesale in Arkansas, part of a loose criminal organization run by a man named Frog. Kyle and his new partner, Swin Horn, meet Bright, a park ranger working for Frog. He explains that Kyle and Swin are to work under him, living on the park grounds with cover identities as park employees while they traffic drugs across the southern U.S.

Swin begins dating Johnna, a nurse who brings him to a curio shop run by an eccentric owner. Kyle and Swin receive orders from a woman called “Her” to complete a deal in Castor, Louisiana, where they deliver product to a talkative Greek man. His grandson, Nick, follows them back to Arkansas. He assaults Bright in his home, and then tortures him for his stash of money, but both are killed in a struggle for Nick's gun. Believing they will be blamed if Frog's organization discovers what happened, Kyle and Swin bury the bodies. Kyle returns to Castor and kills the old Greek man.

'''Chapter Two: Frog'''

In 1985, Frog – revealed to be the curio shop owner – is a West Memphis pawnbroker. He is given a supply of drugs to move, but is kidnapped by a man hired by his buyer. Frog kills the man and escapes to Pine Bluff to work for another drug dealer named Almond. After an undetermined amount of time passes, Frog becomes dissatisfied with his share, and he calls the police on Almond in a set-up. The two amicably split after Almond is sent to prison, and Frog takes over his middleman on the condition that he kills Almond's hated ex brother-in-law and sets his sister up in a comfortable nursing home. The middleman later sells his wholesaler to Frog.

'''Chapter Three: The Bodies'''

In the present, Kyle and Swin discover Bright had $44,000 in cash and a suitcase full of human bones. Maintaining a cover story about Bright's disappearance, Kyle and Swin accept another order from Her in person. Johnna visits them at Bright's house when Barry, a man claiming to be the son of Bright's friend, arrives to inform Bright of his father's death. Kyle sends him away, but contradicts the lies they had told Johnna.

Swin takes Kyle to the curio shop to buy a gun. Unaware Frog is the proprietor, Swin offers to sell him the bones, but Frog declines to do business with them. Johnna reveals to Kyle that she is pregnant and is aware he and Swin are criminals. Kyle tells her everything, but assures her they have no plans to leave, and Johnna and Swin prepare for their child. Barry returns and menaces Swin and Johnna, but is killed by Kyle.

'''Chapter Four: The Twins'''

In 1988, Frog recruits twin brothers Tim and Thomas to his operation. Years later, now operating out of a donut shop, Frog and the twins are approached by a Knoxville dealer's middleman for as much product as they can gather. Handling the deal alone, Frog is double-crossed and beaten before the twins arrive and kill the middleman. Frog, learning from Almond's mistake, leaves his operation to the twins to run themselves, retiring with a percentage of their earnings to open his curio shop.

'''Chapter Five: One Way Trips'''

In the present, Kyle and Swin intimidate Her into giving them their next package of product. Frog, who sent Barry to investigate, is determined to eliminate them, and gives Her a final package for them to deliver in Hot Springs. At the Fordyce bathhouse, the pair are ambushed by the twins. While Thomas executes Swin, Tim tries to interrogate Kyle, who realizes Frog's identity. Kyle escapes after gouging out Tim's eyes, and gives Johnna the stash of money, telling her to find Swin's family in Gray, Kentucky.

Frog advises Thomas to forgo revenge, but Thomas empties his joint accounts with Frog and euthanizes his blinded brother, leaving to hunt down Kyle. Burying Tim and burning his curios, Frog calls a contact and prepares to rebuild his business in Oklahoma, but is confronted by an injured Kyle. Seeing Kyle's broken arm, Frog deduces that he encountered and killed Thomas. Kyle shoots Frog dead and takes his contact's information, resigned to the life of a drug dealer. The film ends as Johnna drives alone through the night.

I Am Soldier

Mickey Tomlinson (Tom Hughes) is a military chef who attempts the Special Air Service (SAS) selection. The SAS is the United Kingdom's and the world’s most renowned Special Forces Regiment. Mickey passes himself off as a weak chef to the other candidates, but it is fairly obvious he is hiding some type of military experience. During his attempt to join the SAS, he meets up with comrade, JJ (George Russo), who is attempting the test for the second time (only two attempts are allowed).

Along the way, the pair are grilled, pushed and encouraged through the intense test by an experienced SAS leader, Carter (Noel Clarke). They also encounter Dawn (Alex Reid), a female member of the elite operations unit. Throughout their test, they face physical and mental challenges. Only a handful of the candidates will make it to the final portion of the test, Escape and Evasion, which requires candidates to journey out into the snowy wilderness and evade their pursuers. If (When) they are caught, they will be tortured and questioned. Only a few will pass the Tactical Questioning test and be offered a spot within the SAS.

Highway (1982 film)

The film tells about the work of the railway, the throughput of which is lower than necessary, which led to a disaster.

Find and Neutralize

The film tells about a company of friends who go on vacation to small Siberian town Semirechensk. Suddenly there was a murder and theft of a large sum of money, and the characters decide to help the militia find the criminals.

We Weren't Married in Church

The film tells about the daughter of a clergyman who fictitiously marries a revolutionary. Over time, a real love arises between them, but suddenly he is sent to hard labor.

Direct Heiress

The film tells about an unusual girl who considers herself the direct heiress of Pushkin. For her, adult relationships are false and empty. And suddenly a friend of her father, along with his son, comes to visit them.

I Don't Want to Be an Adult

The film tells about the boy Pavlik, whom his parents make a lot to read and study well. Once Pavlik visits his grandmother, who lives in the village, gets permission for independent walks and decides to go to Moscow.

Fathers and Grandfathers

The film tells about the full energy of a pensioner who decides to prove to everyone that his life has just begun.

Premonition of Love

The film tells about a young inventor by the name of Sergey, who is in search of love and suddenly falls in love with a modest and charming Lena.

Through the Fire (1982 film)

The film tells about the boy Pavlik, who, together with his mother, ended up in the territory occupied by the Nazis. Mother was arrested. Pavlik was an orphan and went on foot to Leningrad.

The Shore (1983 film)

Russian writer Vadim Nikitin, who goes to Hamburg and recalls the final battles of the Great Patriotic War and a young German woman named Emma, with whom he was in love. And suddenly, forty years later, he met her again.

Beyond the Law (2019 film)

A young man named Chance Wilson falls into a life of corruption moving back into the intercity against the wishes of his father Frank Wilson (Johnny Messner). Frank Wilson initially hoped to keep his son safe and out of trouble by moving out into the country after the death of his wife. Believing life outside the big city is no life at all, Chance returns to the city where he becomes involved with gangsters led by Desmond Packard (Zack Ward). While in the city, Chance developed a widely-known reputation for gambling, oftentimes wagering more than he could afford to pay. One night after gambling at Packard's club, Chance's apartment is invaded by Packard and his men. Unable to produce the money he owes, Chance is brutally beaten and fatally shot by Packard.

Police Detective Ray Munce (DMX) is called to the murder scene. Afterwards, he locates Frank Wilson's residence via Frank's closest friend and neighbor Mr. Swilley (Bill Cobbs). The detective informs Frank of his son's murder and Frank embarks on a quest for justice for his son. He is visited in a diner by a colleague named Ashley Millet, formerly employed at the D.A. office who offers her support. Meanwhile news quickly reaches the local mob of Chance's murder. The boss Augustino "Finn" Adair (Seagal) is displeased to learn that Packard killed what is revealed as the "son of a cop". Making matters worse is that Frank Wilson is not simply a former cop living off-grid, but a man Boss Adair personally knows as being "one of the dirtiest cops" in the city, and a man whose life either has to be bought or ended.

As Wilson returns to life in the city, he meets Charlotte (Saxon Sharbino) who was Chance's girlfriend and an employee at one of the clubs Chance frequently visited. Despite her claim that Chance developed a bad reputation as a gambler with excessively high debt, Frank discovers Charlotte stole Chance's money that was owed to Packard. She confesses she wanted to leave the city with Chance but could not convince him. Frank blames her as the cause of his son's death and holds her accountable for the rest of her life. Frank also confronts Packard himself and vows justice for his son's death. It is later revealed that Munce is a dirty cop, working as an informant for Adair's mob. He reveals Frank's location in the country to Packard, who then sends out a hit squad. Frank dispatches most of the hit squad before being wounded. Munce visits the hospital Frank is recovering at and meets Frank's friends Swilley and Ashley.

Meanwhile, Boss Adair and Packard have a falling out after Adair condemns Packard's conduct and blames him for endangering their mob family for his wrongful murdering of Chance. Packard hatches a scheme to take over the mob family with his "father"'s second-in-command. The conspiracy is quickly discovered however and Adair kills his second-in-command as punishment. Meanwhile, Munce informs Packard of Frank's two closest friends and Packard sets out to silence Swilley. Munce attempts to have Frank killed during his release from the hospital by other dirty cops. The ambush fails and Frank soon after meets and fatally shoots Munce after he admits his corruption. Frank proceeds to go to Packard's headquarters where he confronts and kills him, but not before being wounded by one of Packard's men. Soon after, Boss Adair is waiting for Frank who he now knows he must kill to protect his mob operation and legacy. The two fight, but Adair easily overpowers the wounded Frank and shoots him. Police respond to a 9-1-1 call on Frank's phone as the dying Frank smiles with content at the knowledge Adair will be imprisoned for life.

The film's final moments follow Charlotte who apparently went into hiding at a hotel. She reads a breaking news bulletin on her smartphone reporting Boss Adair's arrest and questioning for the murders of Frank Wilson and Detective Munce. Fearing her involvement, Charlotte attempts to flee for her life but is intercepted by one of Adair's associates armed with a gun.

Agatha, Stop That Murdering!

A famous female crime novelist goes to stay in a country house, where a killer is on the loose.

Endgame (Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game)

''Endgame'', by Timothy O’Brien, George Strayton, and Eric S. Trautmann, is the fourth and last part of ''The Darkstryder Campaign''. The crew of the spaceship ''FarStar'' — which is featured in the first three chapters of the campaign — continues to seek the truth as this adventure brings the entire campaign to a conclusion, and reveals secrets of the Darkstryder homeworld.

Eye Witness

A young investment broker in Seattle is turned into a goblin by a genetic quirk, and he replaces the human employees of his company with ghouls. Troubleshooters (the players) are sent in to put things back to normal by terminating the ghouls.

Vitya Glushakov - A Friend of the Apaches

The film tells about the dreamer Vita, who writes a novel about the life of the Apaches and gets acquainted on the tram with the unemployed Arkady, whose life as a result made sense.

Valley of the Gods (film)

John Ecas (Josh Hartnett) arrives at the Valley of the Gods, in SE Utah near Monument Valley, where the spirits of Navajo deities dwell within enormous stones. He is a copywriter whose life collapsed when his wife (Jaime Ray Newman) left him. As a cure, his therapist (John Rhys-Davies) suggested him doing crazy things. Having done that, he decided to write The Great American Novel. The film visualizes what he writes.

Enter Wes Tauros (John Malkovich), the world's richest man, gone mute after a tragedy. He wants to mine the Valley of the Gods for uranium. The Navajos split between those who want the money and those upset at the desecration of holy ground. Ecas turns up at Tauros' estate in order to write his biography but, once there, he finds peculiar things.

There are intertwining threads centered on Tauros, Ecas, the Navajos, and The Old Gods. The storyline brims with admiration for the Navajos, and utter disdain for both the vulgar avarice of Tauros and the all-consuming consumerism of society at large.

Ladies' Tango

The film tells about a woman named Valentina, who after her son's wedding went to the village and met there with the worker Fedor, whom she fell in love with. But Fedor, as it turned out, was married and had a daughter.

Little Moon of Alban (Hallmark Hall of Fame)

The play is set in Dublin and vicinity between October 1919 and January 1922. Brigid Mary Mangan (played by Julie Harris) has already lost her brother and father to the Irish War of Independence. Her fiancé Dennis (played by George Peppard) also becomes involved in the rebellion and is killed by English soldiers as she watches. Brigid Mary then joins the Daughters of Charity and is assigned to a hospital. She meets a wounded English lieutenant, Kenneth Boyd (played by Christopher Plummer). Boyd is the English soldier who killed her fiancé. He was badly injured in a retaliatory attack by Irish rebels. Both Brigid Mary and Boyd have had their faith shaken. Brigid Mary nurses Boyd back to health, and he asks her to marry him. Having regained her faith, she decides instead to renew her vows.

Twice Born (1983 film)

The film takes place in the White Sea in 1942. The film tells about the rookie Andrei Bulygin, who becomes an assistant of machine gunner on the ship, which is engaged in the delivery of soldiers and weapons to the fleet. When they set off, the Germans stoke the ship and only Andrei saved his life. Will he be able to withstand the cold and the German pilot attacking him?


The first series shows the relationship of the Demidovs with Peter the Great. Akinfiy Demidov in a short time was able to establish the production of pig iron and cannons, thanks to which Russia won a number of significant victories. In the second series, Akinfius becomes the master in the Urals and was able to oppose the ruler Biron, distinguished by cruelty and cunning.

And Life, and Tears, and Love

The film takes place in the house of veterans, in which people are very bored living. Suddenly, a new head doctor comes into the house and tries not only to treat the elderly, but also to restore their love of life and other people.

From the Life of a Chief of the Criminal Police

The film tells about the difficult relationship between the head of the criminal investigation department and the thief, which change with the emergence of a critical situation.

A Canary Cage

The film tells about a guy and a girl who are experiencing a severe internal crisis. They are as if in a cage from which they can't get out.

Lethargy (film)

The film tells about a young scientist who has everything, but he feels miserable. Suddenly his mother dies, he meets his daughter, who is experiencing her first love and his soul is finally awakening.

Black and White Magic

The film tells about two guys who are all tired of their tricks. Everything changes when a new girl appears in the classroom and suggested not to take the guys on a campaign until they become more serious. And they began to look for something to do.

Believe It or Not (film)

The film is based on the story ''Divers'' by V. Shishkov, Russian legends, songs, tales and ditties, and tells about the slack Neznam, the village inventor Bobyl and the brave Soldier.

Tender Age (1983 film)

The film tells about the teenagers Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin who graduated from school and entered the artillery school. They only have three days left, for which they need to say goodbye to everyone, and Kir needs to find out about the fate of his girlfriend Olya. He meets her in the subway the day before departure, escorts her home, and in the morning leaves with Alyosha to the front.

Rupture (1983 film)

The film is based on the eponymous novel by Ivan Goncharov.

Plead Guilty

The film tells about the criminal investigator Sergey Voronin, who is literally in love with his work. He organized a club of young friends of the police, in which they play sports and communicate, but he is worried about the guys who fell under the influence of high school student Nikolai Boyko, who is engaged in robbery. His mother is too busy with journalism to change her son. Teachers can't do anything about it either. And suddenly Nikolai wounded a girl with a knife.

The Man Who Couldn't Say No (1938 film)

German version of the Italian film Ma Non E Una Cosa Seria, from a Pirandello story: a man inoculates himself against emotional entanglement by deliberately marrying a woman he has no interest in and with whom he will spend no time.

Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey

17-year-old Lisa McVey (Katie Douglas) lives with her sister Lorrie (Amanda Arcuri) neglectful grandmother Diane (Kim Horsman) and Diane's boyfriend Morris Elwood (Bruno Verdoni) in Tampa Bay, Florida. Morris regularly sexually assaults Lisa and her grandmother ignores it. One night on her way home from her job at a doughnut shop, Lisa is kidnapped by Bobby Joe Long (Rossif Sutherland). He rapes her in his car before taking her back to his studio apartment. Diane reports her missing, but casually assumes she has run away.

Bobby holds Lisa captive in his apartment, keeping her bound and blindfolded while he continually rapes her. When it is revealed that Bobby has been hurt by many women in the past, Lisa uses reverse psychology to gain his trust. Meanwhile, she leaves her fingerprints on surfaces in his bathroom and strands of her hair under his bed. She also memorizes as much as she can about Bobby and his apartment when she temporarily removes her blindfold when he is sleeping.

After 26 hours, Bobby tells Lisa he must get rid of her. He takes her to a secluded wooded area and holds a gun to her head. After hearing her plead for her life, Bobby lets her go and flees the scene in his car. Lisa memorizes her surroundings and then makes her way home. She bursts into her house telling her grandmother what happened to her, but she and Morris refuse to believe her. Diane finally calls the police and they come to get Lisa for questioning.

At the police station, a team of detectives are working on an extensive case involving nine women who have been found dead over the past few months. Sergeant Larry Pinkerton (David James Elliott), who specializes in Sex Crime, assigns himself to Lisa's case when other detectives find her story unconvincing, considering how much detailed information she is able to provide. Pinkerton believes Lisa and also believes her abductor is the serial killer they are looking for. Pinkerton sends Lisa's clothes for forensic testing; fibers on them match the fibers found on all bodies of the nine dead women.

Pinkerton and Lisa grow closer over time. She also confides in him about what is happening at home and Morris is later arrested for child abuse. Pinkerton removes Lisa from Diane's home and puts her in protective housing for young adults. Over the next few days, Lisa takes Pinkerton through her ordeal, starting in the parking lot where she was abducted and recalling the turns she remembers Bobby making on the drive to his apartment. Not long after, she discovers the tree where she was left and the police set up a two-mile radius search.

Pinkerton's deputy searches the area and spots a car similar to the one Lisa described Bobby driving. He manages to take a photograph of Bobby, allowing Lisa to positively ID him. Forensics later search his apartment and find all forensic evidence Lisa left behind. On November 16, 1984, Bobby is arrested outside a movie theater. Lisa is applauded for her bravery and ability to help with the case.

Pinkerton offers Lisa a place at his house but she politely declines, and goes to live with her Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim. She tells Pinkerton he hasn't seen the last of her and the two share an emotional goodbye before she drives away.

A postscript revealed that Lisa lived happily with Aunt Carol, Uncle Jim, and Lorrie for many years. Pinkerton remains friends with Lisa to this day. As it shows an adult Lisa near the same tree before she drives off, the post-script continues by stating that Lisa became a deputy sergeant in Sex Crimes, working to protect young people from situations similar to hers. Bobby Joe Long remains on death row. A later airing of this film added that he was eventually executed in prison via lethal injection in 2019.

London's Finest

A dirty cop pursues a vendetta against some small time London drug-dealers, who are hiding a shipment of heroin. Sirus and his friends have to sober up to stay alive, with the help of some gun-toting Yardies.

Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

Following two failed attempts at conquering Earth, Darkseid and his armies continue conquering other worlds. The Justice League devise a plan to defeat Darkseid by infiltrating Apokolips while leaving the Teen Titans on Earth to defend it. Unbeknownst to them, Darkseid spies on the League through Cyborg. The League are overwhelmed and defeated by Paradooms — genetic hybrid creatures made from Parademons and Doomsday—and a majority of the heroes from both the League and the Titans are killed, while those who survive are placed into Darkseid's slavery.

Two years later, Darkseid has placed devices known as "Reapers" which mine the planet's core. The surviving heroes blame Clark Kent / Superman for leading them into failure. Superman has been forcibly depowered after Darkseid tattooed his chest with liquid kryptonite. He and Raven, who has been struggling to maintain her father Trigon's imprisonment seek John Constantine for a location spell to track Damian Wayne. Although reluctant to help at first, considering himself a coward for fleeing during the initial attack on Darkseid and leaving his lover Zatanna to die, Constantine locates Damian at a League of Assassins outpost. Clark explains to Damian they need him to help free his father Batman from Darkseid's mind control. Damian reluctantly agrees to join the group.

The group travel to Stryker's Island in Metropolis and meet with Clark's wife Lois Lane who has recruited the Suicide Squad to their cause, now led by Harley Quinn. Clark and Lois reveal their plan to infiltrate LexCorp and use the boom tube located there to return to Apokolips and kill Darkseid. Meanwhile, as a distraction, the remaining heroes launch an attack on the Reapers but are slowly killed battling the Paradooms. At the building, they are confronted by Lex Luthor, who reveals he was a mole working with Lois to gain intel on Darkseid. The group splits into two with Clark, Raven, Constantine, and Etrigan the Demon going to Apokolips and Lois, Luthor, and the Squad remaining at the building to defend the boom tube. Batman informs Darkseid of Luthor's betrayal, prompting Batman to send Paradooms and the newly converted mechanical Furies after the heroes.

Upon arrival, Clark's group is attacked by the Furies, consisting of cybernetic versions of Wonder Woman, Mera, Hawkman, Starfire, and Martian Manhunter. Etrigan is killed by Wonder Woman, but Constantine manages to break her free using her Lasso of Truth. She decides to stay behind to fend off the other Furies as the group head on. They next rescue Flash from a treadmill powering Apokolips; Constantine learns that Flash had altered the timeline in the past. Shortly thereafter they are confronted by Cyborg, who has been integrated into the planet's network. Constantine frees Cyborg from Darkseid's control, which also frees the remaining Furies as they are about to overpower Wonder Woman. Darkseid orders Batman to kill Damian but he hesitates when he is reminded of his parents' death, which breaks him free of Darkseid's mind control. In a fit of rage, Darkseid tries to kill Batman but his attack is intercepted by Damian, who dies in Batman's arms. His death overwhelms Raven, her sudden emotional instability setting Trigon free. Constantine offers his body as a vessel for Trigon but he refuses and takes Clark's body instead, purging the kryptonite from his body, restoring his powers, and killing Constantine. Trigon attacks Darkseid. Constantine is briefly visited by Zatanna in the afterlife who reveals she used a spell to manipulate Constantine to flee back to Earth as part of a contingency plan prepared by Batman should the League fail. Simultaneously, Raven and Zatanna revive Damian and Constantine.

Back at LexCorp, Lois's team is surrounded by Paradooms, prompting them to initiate a self-destruct. Before the self-destruct, Lois transmits a goodbye message to Apokolips with Cyborg's assistance. Her death shocks Clark back to his senses and frees him from Trigon's possession. Constantine and Raven agree to combine their magic to give Trigon a physical body so he can continue fighting Darkseid. Cyborg reveals his plan to teleport the Paradooms back to Apokolips while dragging the planet into a boom tube with no exit. Cyborg teleports the heroes back to Earth and commences his plan. Relishing the battle, Trigon prevents Darkseid's escape as they are dragged into oblivion.

Despite their victory, Batman reveals one-third of Earth's magma has been drained by the Reapers, the planet's rotation being compromised, and that people will continue to die by the millions before the League can potentially find a solution. As a result, Constantine convinces Flash to run back in time and reset the timeline again despite knowing that the world will not be the same as before. Although hesitant at first, Flash eventually agrees. Damian and Raven share a kiss as they and the remaining heroes watch as the timeline resets as a bright light covers the entire world, leaving their ultimate fate unknown.

The End Is the Beginning

Virginia hires Emile, a bounty hunter, to find Morgan Jones' whereabouts and bring her his head. Morgan is in bad shape due to his gunshot wound, which is infected and gangrenous. However, his wound due to its odor, repels the walkers.

Morgan meets a man named Isaac on the road who offers his help, but Morgan refuses his help because he doesn't want Isaac involved. Emile and his dog arrive outside the store they are hiding in. Isaac comes out and Emile asks him about Morgan and his whereabouts but he denies everything. Realizing that he is nervous, Emile enters the store, but Morgan is gone. Emile then leaves with his dog.

Isaac takes Morgan to his shelter and tries to extract the bullet from his wound, but Morgan fights him off. Isaac asks Morgan to help him get to his wife, who is pregnant. Emile manages to find Morgan's whereabouts and prepares to kill Isaac, but Morgan shoots him in the arm and the two manage to flee in his truck. On the way, Isaac reveals to Morgan that he was a member of Virginia's group, but he and his wife left their group for a better life.

Isaac takes Morgan to the valley where his wife is and they kill all the walkers surrounding it. That night, Emile manages to find both of them again and Morgan surrenders to Emile, in exchange to spare Isaac. Emile is then attacked by Isaac, but he is soon overpowered by Emile, knocking Isaac down. Morgan manages to fight off Emile and knock him down, and Isaac reveals he was bitten by a walker. Emile gets up and has a fight with Morgan, which in the end, Morgan manages to defeat and beheads Emile. Morgan wakes the next day, and finds his bullet has been extracted, and that Isaac's wife Rachel has given birth to their daughter. Morgan learns that Isaac succumbed to his infection and died. Rachel tells Morgan they have named their daughter after him. Morgan says goodbye to Rachel. Later, Morgan leaves Emile's decapitated head in a box for Virginia to find, much to her surprise. Elsewhere, two men spray-paint "The End Is the Beginning" on a large submarine stranded off the Galveston coast while waiting for Emile to bring them a mysterious key that is now in Morgan's possession.


San Francisco-based scientist Alan Robertson discovers portals to parallel universes and worlds. At first, this is heralded as a great benefit, as it has created a post-scarcity society; any raw resources can be harvested by going through a portal and getting them from a planet in another universe. As well, the problems of overpopulation and the resultant shortage of living space is also solved, because every family can live in a different parallel universe’s Earth-like world.

Many other fields are revolutionized, because the portal device can also transport you to other time periods, like a time machine. As such, a historian can travel back hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years to observe the world. Despite the technology’s benefits, Alan worries that it may lead to “new vices” and decadent lifestyles.

One example of the problems that the portals can cause is the use of the technology by Alan’s adult son Bob. Bob gives access to the portal device to a small group of friends, who he calls "Rumfuddlers," to set up complex practical jokes that change historical figures. The Rumfuddlers turn Nazi leader Hitler into a kosher restaurant worker and they make Marx, Lenin and Stalin into servants to Czar Nicholas.

Alan Robertson’s adopted grandson, now an adult, is a construction worker named Gilbert Duray. Gilbert is a bulldozer operator for Robertson’s company. As so many Old Earth inhabitants are living in parallel worlds, entire Earth towns have been abandoned. Gilbert’s job is to bulldoze the empty houses and businesses and then take the waste to a parallel world for disposal. With this work, former towns are converting back to natural forests.

Gilbert works on Earth but lives with his wife Elizabeth and three daughters in a parallel Earth-like planet called “Home” that he accesses via the portal. He travels through the portal to work in his the Old Earth, then returns to the Home planet in the evening. At the end of his day bulldozing Earth towns, Gilbert finds that he cannot access the portal to Home. Gilbert thinks the portal might be shut to him because he refused to meet his Grandfather’s elite friends, the practical joke-playing “rumfuddlers”. If the portal is permanently closed, this would mean his wife would be stuck in Home forever, all alone.

Gilbert asks this Grandfather Alan for help getting the portal to Home opened up, but Alan says he is not able to control the activities of Bob’s “Rumfuddlers”. The Rumfuddlers’ jokes and meddling in parallel worlds is getting increasingly complex and problematic. Alan does not agree with these activities, but he cannot get Bob and his friends to stop. Gilbert suspects that his loss of access to his wife and the Home world may be due to a Rumfuddler intervention.

Eventually, the reader learns that there are multiple Gilberts and multiple Elizabeths in different parallel worlds, with the copies being fairly close to the originals but not quite the same. Gilbert learns that Elizabeth has cooperated with the Rumfuddlers in closing off Gilbert’s portal to her, for reasons that Gilbert does not understand. Elizabeth eventually seeks to spend time with a number of different Gilberts on different parallel worlds.

Noise (short story)

A space traveller’s lifeboat spaceship arrives at a strange alien planet. The beautiful world has a strange cycle of days and nights, in which a surreal sequence of multicolored suns seem to move through the sky, changing the color scheme of the planet every day. The orbit of the planet makes the suns appear to move in a zig-zag pattern and change their apparent position in an irregular pattern.

Eventually, the marooned voyager starts to suspect he might not be alone on the planet. He catches brief glimpses of what look like towns or hears a lovely music that does not have a physical source. By focusing on these vague visions, he is able to connect with what seems to be a parallel dimension. He finds that there is a parallel version of himself in the other dimension.

As well, he meets an attractive woman, and falls in love with her. When a rescue spaceship from Earth arrives to bring him back to Earth, he no longer wants to leave, because he prefers the dreamlike parallel world.

Category:Short stories by Jack Vance

Men of the Twelve Books

Two space explorers, Betty and Ralph Welstead, are flying to asteroids to prospect for minerals using a spaceship with a sophisticated drive-propulsion system. They discover an Earth-like planet colonized by humans who are the offspring of 60 galactic explorers from the first stage of intergalactic exploration over 250 years ago. The small number of colonists call their society "Haven". They live in “wide low cities, very different from the clanging hives of Earth”, all “under the greenery like carvings in alabaster or miraculous snowflakes.”

Betty and Ralph find the new planet seems like a utopia, with beautiful towns that are low in crime and corruption, but the inhabitants insist that the original Earth must be the true utopia, and they plead with the Welsteads to let them see the drive-propulsion system, which will help them design a spaceship so they can get back to Earth. The colonists could only save one set of books from the wreckage of the crash that marooned them: a ten-volume set called the “Encyclopedia of Human Achievement”. The books are filled with exaggerated purple prose and propaganda that makes Earth seem like a paradise. The people of Haven are driven to try to live up to the greatness of Earth, which pushes them to try to create new technologies and improve their society.

Ralph tries to convince the colonists that Earth is actually struggling with graft and government inefficiency, and that the commercial art and music typically is of mediocre quality. Ralph thinks that he and Betty should sneak off the planet before the curious Havenites can find out about the drive system, because he worries they will feel sad when they see the real Earth. Betty is more sympathetic to the colonists’ wish to get back to Earth, and she tells the Mayor of their town about Ralph's scheme. She also allows one of the colony leaders to hide as a stowaway on the Welsteads' spaceship.

Category: Short stories by Jack Vance Category:Fictional books

The Miracle Workers (Vance story)

In the story, much of the planet is ruled by Lord Faide. He is close to conquering the final feudal lord who opposes him, Lord Ballant, and is on the march to attack Lord Ballant's fortress with an army of knights, foot soldiers, and telepathic “Jinxmen”-sorcerers. However, his army faces a second challenge: the First Folk are growing forests in the path of the army, which blocks their passage.

The First Folk are angry at the historic slaughter of their ancestors and about their planet being taken over by the colonists, so they defend the forest. They are adept at using traps such as deadfalls, so if the army has to go through the First Folk's new forests, they will be vulnerable to attack from the First Folk. Lord Faide's advisors suggest that he detour around the forests, but this will give Lord Ballant time to bring in reinforcements.

A young apprentice of Lord Faide's head Jinxman has been experimenting with scientific approaches to defeating the First Folk. The apprentice has been studying the ancient scientific texts from their space-faring ancestors. After Lorde Faide wins the battle against Lord Ballant, he is for a time the overlord of the planet. However, the peace does not last long, as the First Folk launch a guerrilla war against the colonists using the First Folk's scientifically-bred army of arthropod creatures, which they are producing as bioweapons on an industrial scale.

Lord Faide first tries to fight the First Folk and their arthropods with his army's crossbows and swords, but these are not effective. He next brings in his team of Jinxmen-sorcerers, but their effectiveness relies on a mixture of telepathically getting into the mind of a human enemy, and on manipulating and tricking them. Given that the enemy in the guerrilla war are First Folk hominids and arthropods, the Jinxmen's voodoo and tricks do not work. Lord Faide has to turn to the young apprentice's study of science.

Bless Unleashed

After a dream sequence fighting the Archon of Fire, the Hero of Lumios wakes up inside their house on the neutral island of Telarion. Temperate and cultured, it teems with festivities and trade, and serves as a safe haven for refugees fleeing the cruelties of war. Guiding them is a lighthouse that stands unguarded and always lit. Each year, travellers gather from all over the world to attend a grand festival that commemorates the day that the first inhabitants built the lighthouse and watched a holy fire burst to life inside it. During this year's festivities, the island is attacked by a powerful mage named Gideon who summons hell spawn to aid in the invasion. After defeating a handful of these creatures, the Hero of Lumios narrowly escapes when their new ally, Don Diego, swoops in and grabs them with his griffin. This starts the long and treacherous journey to defeat Gideon and his minions, and prevent the Breaking from happening again.

Start Liquidation

The film takes place in the spring of 1945 in Western Belarus, where the brutal gang of Boleslav Kruk creates chaos. They kill, rob and set fire to collective farm lands. They plan to get to Moscow. Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Danilov is trying to deal with them.

Porque te quiero así

Susana Macedo (Florencia Peña) has lived in Spain for 3 years and decides to return to Montevideo just to sign the divorce papers with her ex-husband Washington Sosa (Jorge Esmoris). There she will meet Lito González (Jorge Echagüe), with whom she had a romantic history in the past and will try not to meet him, to quickly return to Europe. However, everything changes when Omar Macedo (Adhemar Rubbo), Susana's father and president of the ''Olympic Sports Club'', suffers a health problem and is forced to abandon the position. At the request of her father, Susana must participate in elections, in which Lito and Washington also participate. A dispute will begin between the three candidates, which will lead to debates, provocations, alliances and betrayals. Finally they will be forced to choose between love for the shirt or for the other.

Taur (video game)

The game is played in a world called Taurea, homeworld for the technically advanced Taurea-droids. These drones are threatened by the enemy faction Imperion, which is controlling a major part of the galaxy. The player is supposed to stop the invasion of the emperion and destroy the overlord of the robotic aggressors. The player is the commander of the "Prime Cannon" and has to complete missions featuring different types of enemies with specific tactics, some are for example wave-based and others are more offensive in their strategy and way of behaving.

Breach (2020 film)

Earth is suffering an extinction level event, and 300,000 survivors are selected to board a spaceship called the Ark which will take them to a new colony called New Earth. Noah (Cody Kearsley) stows away on the Ark impersonating a junior janitor while his girlfriend Hayley (Kassandra Clementi), who is pregnant with his child is put into stasis as a passenger.

A grizzled older janitor named Clay (Bruce Willis) attempts to mentor Noah. Blue (Johnny Messner) and Shady (Johann Urb), two experienced crew members, are infected by a parasitic force. Meanwhile, Noah spies on Clay and suspects the older man is constructing a bomb. Clay shows Noah that he is brewing moonshine.

That evening the workers have an impromptu party where they talk about the loved ones they left behind. Noah tells everyone he will be reassigned to be a butcher when they reach New Earth. Ortega (Angie Pack) leaves the party to hook up with Blue and finds him welding alone. Blue turns on Ortega, killing her.

Later Clay discovers that Noah's girlfriend is Admiral Adams' (Thomas Jane) daughter. Security officer Stanley (Timothy V. Murphy) discovers Shady's decomposed body and identifies Blue as the killer. Clay finds Ortega's body; Stanley gathers a security detail and they find Blue attempting to break into the admiral's quarters. Blue suddenly leaps and kills one of the security team by biting through the officer's throat. Stanley and Teek (Callan Mulvey) are forced to shoot Blue. Chambers (Rachel Nichols) performs an autopsy on Blue's body. Teek meanwhile searches the video feed and sees a recording of Shady's death and Blue's initial infection. Chambers reports that Blue is completely hollowed out and there is a parasite loose on the ship.

Chambers discovers that Noah is not a member of the crew but a stowaway and Stanley arrests him. Clay defends Noah successfully and he is released. While the survivors discuss next steps, the three dead crewmen reanimate and attack, killing Stanley. Chambers manages to injure the remaining infected for Teek, Clay, and Noah to escape. The newly infected Stanley starts to release the infected and unlocks the remaining crew's quarters who are quickly taken over and infected.

Clay guides the survivors to the arsenal. Chambers is unable to pinpoint a weakness in the infected so Clay suggests using a flame thrower. The flame thrower sets off the fire suppression unit which ruins visibility. Lincoln (Corey Large) reunites with the group just as Teek is suddenly grabbed by the infected and pulled into the mist. Clay runs off to rescue Teek. As Teek and Clay return, Lincoln suggests using the escape pods while Teek proposes the security bay.

Lincoln flees by himself in an escape pod, but is shown not to be alone and killed offscreen. The remaining survivors get to the security bay but Stanley nabs Clay as they try and lock themselves in. Noah shoots Stanley before he can infect Clay and they barricade the door.

With 84 days until the Ark reaches New Earth the survivors try to concoct a plan to fend off the infected and save the passengers. Clay guides Noah through ducts to the Admiral, who they hope will be able to rescue them. Noah reaches the Admiral and Teek confesses to Clay and Chambers that he is responsible for everything that has transpired, and is in reality a hardline revolutionary against the repopulation of New Earth.

The Admiral awakens his security team and proposes to use stronger weapons against the infected. As the infected break into the security room, Clay and Chambers fight them off while Teek is killed. The Admiral's security team are overwhelmed; Blue chases Noah, and collapses after being splashed with cleaning fluid. As Noah attempts to relay his finding, the Admiral sacrifices himself by setting off a grenade, blowing the infected apart. Just as Chambers and Clay think it's over, the remaining body parts start to reconnect.

A stronger mutant being is formed, and the other infected enter the reactor core. Noah explains the effect of the cleaning fluid, and the group head to Clay's moonshine stash to construct better weapons. As they plan their attack, the time to arrival starts to decrease as the infected overheating the reactor. Chambers realizes that the parasite was manipulating them all along to allow them to gain access to the reactor core while Noah realizes that the parasite's plan is to wipe out the last 50 million of the human race on New Earth while wiping out the passengers at the same time with the ship. The passengers begin to turn infected. Clay sends Noah to rescue Hayley and they make their way towards an escape pod just as the mutant being attacks. Chambers is killed in the alien's first attack, and Clay attempts to hold it off but he too is overwhelmed and seemingly killed.

Noah and Hayley make for the remaining escape pod, but Noah has to separate from Hayley to start the launch sequence. He confronts the monster and manages to weaken it with his weapon. Just as Noah attempts to leave, Clay messages him from the bridge. Clay sets the Ark to self-destruct as Noah escapes with Hayley.

Noah and Hayley reach New Earth, but as they emerge from the escape pod Noah spots another human who turns out to be infected, and in the distance a huge monster is attacked by a jet fighter. As the film ends Noah raises his gun and utters "Burn 'em all".

Playdate with Destiny

Maggie Simpson is taken to a playground by Marge. When another baby goes down the slide and almost crashes into her, she is saved by a boy named Hudson. Maggie becomes smitten with Hudson, and that's when the two play games together, which Maggie fantasizes as a whirlwind romance. At the end of the day, Maggie gives Hudson her blue bow to remember her by, and that night, she dreams about Hudson in her sleep.

The next day, Homer looks after Maggie instead of Marge, and decides he takes her to a different park with food trucks. Maggie sees Hudson waiting for her in the adjacent park, and desperately tries to get his attention, but fails when Homer pulls her away before she can. That night, Maggie drowns her sorrows in baby formula and becomes despondent over not being able to see Hudson.

The next day, Homer babysits Maggie again. Before he can take her to the same park as the day before, Maggie grabs hold of the car's steering wheel and steers it into the park where she met Hudson. She sees him boarding a train for children and runs across the park to catch up with him.

When Hudson sees Maggie trying to catch up with the train, he reaches out to her with her blue bow, but as she grabs her bow, Maggie fails to catch up before the train pulls away out of her reach. Maggie believes Hudson is gone forever, but is unaware that the train (running on a circular closed track) loops around to the station at which it started. Maggie and Hudson reunite on the train engine's cowcatcher, and exchange pacifiers (in lieu of sharing a kiss).

Hospital Show

Charlie Nielson is a medical school dropout come actress, who was on track to become a respected doctor, but plays one on television instead. Now she has had enough of working for the network and wants to become a real doctor.

Only (film)

In the film, a couple, Will and Eva (played by Odom and Pinto), are forced to hide after ash from a comet containing a virus kills most of the women in the world. The film has a non-chronological structure, with scenes from earlier in the outbreak interspersed with the main storyline. The plot involves Will attempting to keep Eva safe from the government and bounty hunters, since women have become extremely valuable. It has been compared to the comic series ''Y: The Last Man''.

The Killing Floor (1984 film)

Based on real individuals and actual events, the film focuses on two poor black sharecroppers who leave Mississippi for the Chicago stockyards to seek out employment opportunities vacated by soldiers who had departed for World War I. Frank Custer (played by Damien Leake) and Thomas Joshua (Ernest Rayford) eventually secure jobs working in the infamous meatpacking industry, where they are forced to confront racism, labor disputes, layoffs, and union organizing.

Custer, the film’s main protagonist, is eventually persuaded by his fellow workers to join the Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen of North America Union, pitting him against a variety of forces, including his non-union black co-workers, as well as the Polish, Irish, Lithuanian, and Germans also living and working in the area.

The film focuses on many individuals who were responsible for leading the charge to build strong, interracial labor unions in the 1930s.

Pig (2021 film)

Robin "Rob" Feld is a former Portland-based chef turned reclusive truffle-forager. Living in a cabin deep in the Oregon forests, he hunts for truffles with the help of his prized foraging pig. He sells the truffles to Amir, a young and inexperienced supplier of luxury ingredients to high-end restaurants. One night, Rob is assaulted by unidentified assailants as they steal his pig. He reaches out to Amir, who helps him locate a group of impoverished drug-addicts suspected by another local truffle-hunter of being the culprits. They claim to have given the pig to someone from downtown Portland.

Rob and Amir drive to Portland and infiltrate an underground fighting ring run by Edgar, an old acquaintance of Rob's, who provides another clue on the whereabouts of his pig. The following morning, Amir voices his admiration for Rob as a chef. Amir reveals that his parents had an unhappy marriage and says their happiest time was after a dinner at Rob's restaurant, before his mother eventually died by suicide. Following Edgar's lead, Rob asks Amir to secure reservations for themselves at Eurydice, a trendy ''haute cuisine'' restaurant. In the meantime, Rob visits the house where he used to live with his wife Lori, whose death compelled Rob to withdraw from society.

At Eurydice, Rob asks to meet with its head chef, Derek, a former prep cook at Rob's restaurant. Rob pointedly, yet empathetically criticizes Derek for opening a contemporary restaurant rather than the pub he always wanted to run. Overwhelmed by the memory of his dream and the reality of his current circumstances, Derek confesses that Amir's wealthy father, Darius, was behind the theft of his pig, having learned of its existence from Amir. Rob angrily ends his partnership with Amir before going to confront Darius at his home. Darius promises him $25,000 in exchange for the pig and threatens to kill it should Rob continue his pursuit. Amir visits his comatose mother in a care facility, revealing she is still alive. He goes to Darius' home to offer Rob a ride, who admits that he does not need his pig to hunt truffles (since he uses the trees), but wants her back because he loves her. He asks Amir to gather a list of items in order to retrieve his pig through different tactics.

As Rob retrieves a baguette from his former baker, Amir sources special ingredients, including a bottle of wine from Rob and Lori's personal collection, held at the mausoleum containing Lori's ashes. After sneaking back into Darius's house, Rob and Amir cook and serve dinner to Darius, the same dish and wine pairing that Rob prepared for Darius and his wife years earlier at his restaurant. An emotional Darius leaves the table. When Rob follows him, Darius confesses that the junkies he hired for the theft had mishandled the pig, resulting in her death. Rob is devastated. A remorseful Amir drives him back to a diner near his forest home. Despite Amir's carelessness, Rob decides to resume his partnership with him. Returning to his forest, Rob washes his bloody face in the lake before returning to his cabin to play a tape that Lori recorded of herself singing Bruce Springsteen’s "I'm on Fire" to him for his birthday.

Dynamite Ranch

Blaze Howell stops what he believes is a train robbery, but it is revealed to be a welcoming joke to visitors from the East. It is discovered that during the fake robbery, a real robbery has occurred that involved the death of a guard. Howell is later accused of breaking into a safe, and discovery of his glove at the scene makes things worse for him. Aided by Smithers, Howell sets a trap and captures the real culprit.

Recipe of Her Youth

The film tells about the famous three-hundred-year-old actress and the secret of her youth. The film is based on the Czech play ''The Makropulos Affair'' by Karel Čapek.

Semyon Dezhnev (film)

The film tells about the Russian traveler Semyon Dezhnev, who discovered new Siberian lands, sailed from the Stone Belt to the east of the Eurasian continent and discovered the strait between Asia and North America.

Shivaji Surathkal

The movie revolves around the murder of Roshan, son of State Home minister, in a resort in Ranagiri. Shivaji Surathkal (Ramesh Aravind), a police officer is assigned to investigate the murder mystery. Accompanied by Govind, a police constable, he uncovers the mysteries surrounding the murder and the area around. Parallelly, his past and his wife Janani's (Radhika Narayan) disappearance is revealed, which haunts him during this investigation. The plot further dwells into Shivaji's inner struggle to deal with the past and the present and solve the case.And a twist waits for the viewer in the end. The story is heavily inspired by Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (2017).

Speed (1983 film)

Unknown Grigory Yakovlev suddenly overtook top racers in racing car competitions and as a result was invited to the laboratory of the head of the design bureau.

Secret of the Blackbirds

The head of a wealthy family, Mr. George Fortescue, has been poisoned. Inspector Neal is investigating and learns that the deceased was an unpleasant person. His death was beneficial to all members of the family. It is not an easy matter, the rarest poison was used for poisoning. The violent death of the maid Gladys, and later the mistress of the house, Adele, completely confuses the investigation. But Miss Marple intervenes.

Torpedo Bombers

1944 year. The Second World War. The naval aviation regiment is based at a small airfield. For pilots, this is both front and rear. They complete combat missions and return to their families. But each flight may be the last.

Betty (TV series)

''Betty'' follows "a tight-knit group of girl skaters and follows their everyday lives as they navigate the male-dominated world of skateboarding. The title comes from the derogatory nickname sometimes thrown at them by men."

Survive the Night

Two criminals Jamie and Matthias are involved in the attempted robbery of a garage which goes wrong, Jamie on a spur of the moment attempted to rob the garage and the owner fought back. Jamie shoots a hostage and Matthias gets shot in the leg. They escape but Matthias needs medical attention. A disgraced physician (Chad Michael Murray) is taken hostage along with his family after the two criminals break in the house and demand he remove a bullet from one of the criminal's legs. However, the physician's father Frank (Bruce Willis) finds that his wife had been killed. Rich successfully removes the bullet, but Frank sees the opportunity and suddenly picks up the scalpel and cuts Jamie, Jamie then grabs a large kitchen knife and stabs Frank who escapes into the night. Rich threatens to cut Matthias artery with a scalpel, but Jamie shoots him in the shoulder. Matthias is completely incapacitated as Rich hasn't closed the wound, and has only stemmed the blood flow using surgical clamps. In the meantime, Frank has returned to the house to his dead wife, and looking through the window he sees his wounded son. They meet in the garage where Rich instructs Frank on dealing with his gunshot wound. Jamie and Matthias are considering their options. In the morning Jamie decides to go and find the family and kill them. Jan and Riley are together in an outbuilding. Frank and Rich decide to fight back, Rich stuns Jamie in the Garage, and Frank lures Jamie away from the house in the car. Jamie subsequently returns to the house to look for the others. Rich and Jan meet up, but Jamie attacks Rich from behind and knocks him out. When he wakes up he is back in the house, where Jamie forces Rich to complete the operation. Matthias dies during the operation. Meanwhile Frank returns to the house and sets Jan free. Jamie threatens to shoot Rich but Jan stops him, she shoots, misses and runs out of the house with Jamie chasing after her, Rich grabs a gun and follows him and fatally shoots him. The family all reunite on the front porch.

Superman Smashes the Klan

In 1946, the Lees, a Chinese-American family, move from Chinatown to the Metropolis suburbs in the wake of World War II after the father, Dr. Lee, starts a new job at the Metropolis Health Department. The family faces "overt and subtle racism as they settle into their new community" and the book focuses on the children, Tommy and Roberta (Roberta's true name is Lan-Shin but she uses the name Roberta "for the ease of the white people around her"). "While Tommy joins a local baseball team and uses self-deprecating remarks to make friends (referring to his family as 'wontons' to his white peers), Roberta struggles to fit in". The family is targeted by the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan—the Klan burns a cross on their lawn and attempts to firebomb their house. Dr. Lee "tries to distance his Chinese family from the black men who helped them in the aftermath of a Klan attack for fear of being grouped in with them".

Tommy and Roberta then find themselves increasingly threatened while new friends such as Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and Inspector Henderson try to help them and are then similarly targeted. Meanwhile, Superman's own efforts to assist the children are complicated by disturbing visions that prove to be linked to his own self-doubt and his confusion about his own self-identity.

Backwards (2012 film)

When a fiercely competitive rower fails to make the Olympic team for the second time, she reluctantly takes a coaching job at her former high school. However, adjusting to life off the race course is not easy, when someone else is living your dream. ''Backwards'' is a look at the personal sacrifices and complex choices facing competitive Olympic hopefuls.

Feud of the Range

Barton and Dirk create a range war between the Gray and Allen ranches in order to get the ranchers to sell out to them so they can sell the land to the railroad. Sheriff Waters sends for Tom Gray's son Bob to speak to his father about stopping the war. The Sheriff deputises Bob and his sidekick Happy.

The Fourth Year of War

The film takes place in 1944. The Soviet command is preparing an offensive. A group of scouts led by Nadezhda Moroz will go to the area of the forest, which is under the protection of the Germans.

I Shall Never Forget

Nurse Polina is trying to save the life of a soldier Fedor and for this she has to sacrifice her blood. They are sent to the hospital. Time passes and he calls Polina his wife and goes to the front, gets captured, participates in battles in France. Returning home, Fedor finds out that Polina now has a child and she left.

Applause, Applause...

The film tells about an entertaining artist who dreams of playing a dramatic role. And suddenly she gets such an opportunity.

Mr. Veliky Novgorod

The film takes place in August 1941, when Novgorod was preparing for defense. The city committee receives an order to leave the city. They go underground and organize a partisan movement there.


The sailors found a teddy bear and decided to call him Yegorka. He gives them trust and love, and in the end, the sailors let him go.

I Still Love, I Still Hope

The film tells about a man who all his life loved one woman. She was married, raised children and grandchildren, but despite this, all the while he remained her faithful friend. And suddenly, one fine New Year's evening, she knocks on his door.

And Then Came Bumbo...

The film tells about a sick girl, Alexandra, who asks her father to get her a living elephant in order to regain interest in life and cure her.

El Diablo Rides

Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.

Lev Tolstoy (film)

The film tells about the life and death of the great Russian writer Lev Tolstoy.

Leader (1984 film)

The film tells about a closed boy who came to study in a new class. He wants to decipher the mysterious letters of the disappeared Toltec tribe and is confronted with a misunderstanding of those around him.

Skydivers (film)

Girl Zina met with aerial filmmaker Sergei Aleikin, as a result of which she became interested in parachuting and decided to take part in international competitions, in which she became a contender for a gold medal. And suddenly a tragedy occurred: the helicopter in which Sergey was in fell into the gorge, and this forces Zina to leave the sport.

Lets the Charms Last Long

Anton Skvortsov, a strong and strong-willed person, led a large team all his life, but now he is a pensioner, he buried his wife a year and a half ago, and stayed with his daughter, her husband and adult granddaughter in a large apartment that belongs to him, and recently he also suffered a heart attack.

The attending physician recommended that his daughter send Anton Nikolaevich to the veterans' house. Unable to withstand these conversations, Anton Nikolaevich runs away from home and goes on a tour of Moscow. On a sightseeing bus, he meets Anna Konstantinovna, who has just retired. This meeting turns his whole life upside down.

A Rogue's Saga

The film tells about an unusual employee of the research institute San Sanych Lyubomudrov, an extraordinary person who knows better than others how to communicate with unnecessary people.

Success (1984 film)

The film tells about a cruel director who goes to a peripheral theater to stage ''The Seagull''. He is obsessed and very passionate and gains success. But the price of this success is too expensive.

Valentin and Valentina

The film tells about an eighteen-year-old guy and girl who understand that love is not only a bright and romantic feeling, but also a lot of spiritual work.

The Sunday Daddy

The film tells about a boy whose parents divorced. And now he can see his father only on Sundays, but he does everything he can to keep his parents together again.

To Marry a Captain

The film tells about an independent young woman who meets the captain and begins to understand how great it is to feel loved.

Bambi's Childhood

The film tells about a deer named Bambi, who, from birth, learns to understand the mysterious forest world. Life seems beautiful to him, until suddenly his mother dies.

Legal Marriage

The film tells about an actor who decides to help a sick girl go home to the capital and for this they enter into a fictitious marriage. And suddenly they begin to realize that they love each other.

Snake Catcher

The film tells about the former director of a large Moscow deli who ended up in a strict regime colony, and after leaving this began to fight criminals.

Trees Grow on the Stones Too

The film tells about the young man Kuksha, who is captured by the Vikings, but he did not give up and for the courage shown got name Einar Happy. Ahead of him is waiting for a lot of adventures, the Vikings promise him a prosperous life, but he wants to return home.

Sincerely Yours...

The film tells about a young employee of the observatory, who is looking for a new lens and dedicated his life to this. Only earthly love can stop him.

Shadow of China

A Chinese political refugee tries to make his way to the top as a businessman in Hong Kong, while his former radicalism is transformed into cynicism. His past comes back to haunt him.

Outlawed (comics)

Beginning: Incoming!

Brawn is visiting his Champions teammates at Champions Mobile Bunker as Ms. Marvel announces the movie night. While arguing over what movie to watch, they hear the news Senator Geoffrey Patrick from Indiana talking about Brawn, his rampage in New York, and remarks of how he is not the first young hero to endanger the public. Meanwhile, at the Brooklyn Bridge, a semi-truck is smashed through the bridge's wires. Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) arrive and save the truck. Later, Peter and Miles are hanging out where Miles remarks on Senator Patrick's recent crusade on young heroes. Peter confides about being a menace as it is similar to his past interactions with J. Jonah Jameson.

The Champions are monitoring a teen summit at Coles Academic High School to protect Ailana Kabua, who has been targeted by Roxxon. The school is attacked by Roxxon using an Asgardian dragon left from the War of the Realms. The Champions brawl against Roxxon while also evacuating the crowd. Power Man sends his chi-force at the dragon but Viv is accidentally hit and becomes unstable. The Champions are unable to keep the high school from being destroyed as they attack and manage to stop both the dragon and Viv, who disappears. Meanwhile, escorting Ailana to safety, Ms. Marvel saves her from falling debris by risking her life. Ironheart breaks down in the aftermath of the chaos. Due to the Coles Disaster, the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act is passed by Senator Patrick outlawing superheroes under the age of 21, despite Avengers defending the Champions' actions. Ms. Marvel is in a coma in a hospital and to honor her, the act is named "Kamala's Law", without knowing her secret identity as Ms. Marvel. C.R.A.D.L.E. (Child-Hero Reconnaissance And Disruption Law Enforcement) is created consisting of Dum Dum Dugan, Carolina Washington, Jake Oh, Justice, Speedball, and Timeslip. C.R.A.D.L.E. goes after superheroes like Moon Girl at her home and Ironheart at her Chicago lab and observe the first wave of protest while preparing to raid the West Coast Avengers' HQ. They commandeer the Champions Mobile Bunker while arresting Snowguard and Locust, and hang wanted posters of Ms. Marvel in Jersey City.

Main plot

After waking from a coma, Ms. Marvel makes an unexpected and emotional announcement that her team won't go down without a fight. Spider-Man escapes from getting arrested by the NYPD who is in the turf war with C.R.A.D.L.E. He reaches the abandoned warehouse where the Champions, Cloud 9, Energizer, Mass Master, Moon Girl, Squirrel Girl and Vulture's granddaughter Starling have gathered to plan their next move with video conferencing with Ms. Marvel who is still in the hospital. Ironheart is not present while Falcon has signed up with Sam Wilson to be mentored. They agree to go against the government for their rights but a dispute emerges between Nova and Starling when some heroes disagree with Ms. Marvel's leadership as she announced the war without consulting them and she should have stopped Viv from making rampage. Suddenly, C.R.A.D.L.E. led by Justice ambushes them. Justice tries to explain them the dangers of being young superheroes, but a brawl breaks between them. Ms. Marvel is forced to end the conference realizing there is a spy among them. Bombshell and Wasp are arrested while others are teleported to a safe place by Pinpoint including reluctant Nova. Unbeknownst to others, Viv is the spy who had sent encrypted message to C.R.A.D.L.E.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #1]

Bombshell, Locust, Snowguard, and Starling are being forced into Re-education Center for brainwashing by C.R.A.D.L.E. Snowguard and Bombshell managed to free themselves using their powers, but are again captured by time-traveling Timeslip. Protests erupt across Chicago where the Champions members Ms. Marvel, Nova, and Spider-Man are monitoring the crowd. They call Ironheart and receive no response. When C.R.A.D.L.E. and the police start arresting protesters, the Champions rescue them by fighting publicly. Later, they find Ironheart in her public identity at her house where they confronted each other. Ms. Marvel suspects her to be a spy. Riri is furious with Ms. Marvel for not being there and still held herself responsible for Viv's presumed death but transforms into Ironheart when they are attacked by C.R.A.D.L.E. Elsewhere, Viv is on run and prays for the Champions to stop fighting C.R.A.D.L.E. and be safe.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #2]

At a Re-education Center, Bombshell gives an interview feeling guilty for Coles Disaster which caused a skirmish between C.R.A.D.L.E. and her teammates as they didn't want to be brainwashed like her. Bombshell's interview becomes breaking news. Somewhere in Kansas, Viv helps an old woman who gives her a place to stay as she correctly guessed her as a runaway. Meanwhile, Ironheart, Ms. Marvel, Nova, and Spider-Man are still on run from C.R.A.D.L.E. who somehow always evade them. They tried to get the help of the Avengers and Brawn, but fail. They are saved by Dust, Pixie and Cyclops, who came to rescue them during the ambush with C.R.A.D.L.E. one night. Cyclops offers them asylum on Krakoa and suggests to the C.R.A.D.L.E. agents to stop unless they want war with the mutant nation.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #3][ ''Champions'' (2020) #4]

Pixie teleported the remaining Champions, Cyclops, and Dust at Ironheart's now abandoned lab instead of Krakoa, where Cyclops, Dust, and Pixie reveal that not only Viv Vision is alive, but also betray them to C.R.A.D.L.E. possibly out of guilt for the Kamala's Law happening. The two X-Men also explain to their former teammates why they lied to C.R.A.D.L.E. about the latter team's current whereabouts, due to Krakoa being a mutant-only zone, based on its rules. However, Cyclops provides the Champions a temporary safe haven outside America, at mutants’ pirate ship Marauder, provided by Captain Red Queen, Storm, Bishop, Pyro and Iceman. After getting honorary status Cyclops returns to Krakoa while Champions help the X-Men's Marauder crew to fight against Attuma’s army and rescue the civilians on an invaded ship. Meanwhile, Viv is watching her former teammates fighting crime outside America through satellite projection. The old woman reveals her past life to Viv, and knew her secret identity as a Champion all along, encouraging her to redeem her to repel the current unjust law she is in and return to her old team for forgiveness.

Viv contacts Brawn first and locates where C.R.A.D.L.E. held the captivated young heroes, including many Champions. Once the rescue mission is a success, the young heroes found out that Roxxon had orchestrated the event, having had been manipulating Senator Patrick behind his back and shifting the blame on the team. The Champions eventually reunite at Riri's home in Chicago, while seeking help from Riri's family to repel the unjust act. Before broadcasting the truth behind Roxxon's shady activities on the opposing young heroes to the public and Senator Patrick, Viv confesses her previous motives to her teammates were meant for their safety, instead of selling their freedoms to Roxxon. Senator Patrick, who now knows Roxxon's horrible activities, is surrounded by its agents to be killed from exposing themselves until the Champions and a group of protesters arrives to rescue him on time. As Roxxon backs down with no chance of winning, the Champions announce to the public that Senator Patrick finally end his partnership with Roxxon and demolish the “Re-education” Center along with C.R.A.D.L.E., now currently re-evaluating Kamala's Law under much more new legalize rules. Sometimes later, the scene ends with revealing Miles and Sam somehow went to internship at Roxxon.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #5]

Conclusion: Killer App

While the Champions are now free to return to their crime-fighting careers, Kamala's Law is still intact while still at a minimum level, and Roxxon attempt to launch an app called "Roxx-On" to cover their dubious activities, under the direction of Miriam Blakemoore. Meanwhile, a Champion member Snowguard leads a group of protestors on Roxxon. Much to Riri's dismay, Roxxon hires her worst rival, André Sims, and Ms. Marvel learns that Roxxon uses their app to secretly gather data to ensure Kamala's Law is fully amended, revealing that André is creating Roxxon's Sentinel-like robots, Champerones to capture under-aged lawbreakers. Eventually, the Champions decide to send Miles and Sam to go undercover as interns, before they have no choice to put Kamala in this mission. During a rally speech by both Snowguard, Bombshell, and Falcon to their fellow protestors, the Champions arrive on time to save them from being ambushed by undercover Roxxon and C.R.A.D.L.E., at the same time they discover that Roxxon hired Fizzle's group, the super-powered criminal group who Champions fought yesterday night.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #7]

During Kamala's first undercover mission with Miles and Sam, Viv infiltrates Roxxon's secret lab where Champerones are created and sends the data of Roxxon's next plots to Riri. Thankfully, Kamala pretends to have a word with Miriam in private for the upcoming Roxx-On festival to ensure Viv escapes undetected.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #8] During Roxx-On festival, the Champions secretly apprehend Fizzle group to ensure Kamala's public speech to expose Roxxon's true motive is a success. Finally, Kamala's Law has been successfully repelled and C.R.A.D.L.E. is disbanded for their attempt at brute force on Kamala earlier. While all of the younger superheroes celebrate their victory at the Champions' bunker, André secretly unleashes his Champerones unauthorized to hunt younger people who broke a now-repelled law. While the Champions evacuate all nearby young civilians from a rampaging Champerones, Miriam stops André from damaging the company's reputation further and arrests him. It is revealed after Miriam shut down the Champerones while André was wearing a helmet that controlled his drones, it left the right side of his head mutated into a half-cyborg and merge with his helmet's system that allows him to control them.[ ''Champions'' (2020) #9]

Taking Chances (1922 film)

A book salesman (Talmadge) talks his way into a position as secretary to a millionaire capitalist (Challenger) and eventually wins the hand of the mans daughter (Gray) by foiling a plot against her father's wealth and punishing one of the plotters (Dewey).

Revolution of the Daleks

It is revealed that in 2019, shortly after the destruction of the Reconnaissance Scout Dalek, the damaged casing from it was transported to a government facility but intercepted en route. Using the Dalek parts, businessman Jack Robertson funded a defence drone resembling a Dalek to suppress public riots and gave some to politician Jo Patterson to use in her constituency.

In the present day, 10 months have passed since Graham, Ryan and Yaz returned to Earth. Graham and Ryan meet Yaz at the TARDIS they returned in, which is disguised as a house in a neighbourhood, where she is investigating the whereabouts of the Doctor. Graham shows her a leaked video of the defence drone demonstration and they unsuccessfully confront Robertson about the drones.

Patterson, projected to be elected the Prime Minister, requests that Robertson increase the drone production so they can be implemented nationally. Scientist Leo Rugazzi discovers organic cells in the Dalek remnants and clones the cells into a living creature. Leo shows the new creature to Robertson, with the latter immediately ordering its destruction. Before he can incinerate the creature, it escapes and takes control of Leo's mind and body. Dalek-controlled Leo travels to Osaka, Japan, where Dalek clones are already being grown in a facility.

The Doctor has been imprisoned in a distant asteroid for a number of decades. She eventually encounters Jack Harkness, who learned of her arrest and committed a series of crimes in order to rescue her. He uses a temporal freezing gateway disinhibitor bubble to take them both to his vortex manipulator which he had previously hid in another cell, which transports them back to the Doctor's TARDIS. The Doctor rejoins her companions and learns about the new Dalek threat. Jack and Yaz investigate the facility in Japan while the Doctor, Graham, and Ryan confront Robertson. They all meet back up in Japan where the Dalek reveals its plan to take over Earth. Using ultraviolet light, the Dalek clones transport themselves into the defence drones which begin exterminating humans, as well as assassinating Patterson.

The Doctor sends out a Dalek reconnaissance signal, which reaches a death squad of Daleks. The death squad Daleks eliminate the reconnaissance Daleks because they do not consider them pure Dalek due to them having traces of human DNA. Impressed by their intelligence, Robertson decides to make an alliance with the Daleks and reveals that the Doctor actually summoned them. Jack, Graham, and Ryan infiltrate the Dalek ship to rig it with explosives. The Doctor tricks the Daleks into the other TARDIS where it is set to collapse on itself and be transported to the Void to be destroyed. Robertson weakly claims he was acting as a "decoy" by betraying the Doctor, before using his encounter with the Daleks to restore his public reputation.

After Jack leaves to catch up with Gwen Cooper, the Doctor prepares to resume travelling with her companions. However, Ryan announces his decision to stay on Earth and Graham elects to remain with his grandson. They sadly part ways with the Doctor, who gifts them with psychic paper. The Doctor and Yaz continue their adventures together, while Ryan and Graham decide to use their new psychic paper to investigate strange phenomena on Earth. Ryan and Graham first attempt to help Ryan ride a bicycle as they did before meeting the Doctor and see a vision of Grace O'Brien watching over them.

Cultural references

The Doctor refers to the imprisoned Ood and Sycorax as Bonnie and Clyde.

During her captivity, the Doctor quotes ''Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'' to herself as a bedtime story.

Robertson appears on ''Newsnight'' to explain his encounter with the Daleks at the end of the episode, with its host Emily Maitlis making an uncredited cameo as herself.

Catch! Teenieping

The series revolves around Romi, a pretty normal girl at first glance, who is actually the princess of a magic kingdom, the Emotion Kingdom. She came to Earth to catch all the Teeniepings: cute but very mischievous creatures that all have a unique power attached to an emotion or a concept they represent. They like to wreak havoc in all Harmony Town, and try everything to not be caught. To catch them, Romi has to transform into a magical princess with the help of some Teeniepings. However, she must be really careful to keep her identity secret, as the people of Harmony Village do not believe in magic.

Sensei Kunshu

Ayuha Samaru, a straightforward, hardworking high school student, falls in love with Yoshitaka Hiromitsu, who helps her out one day at a restaurant. The next day, she discovers that Mr. Hiromitsu is a new substitute teacher filling in for her homeroom teacher at school. Ayuha believes that she and Mr. Hiromitsu are destined to become lovers and decides to persistently pursue him romantically.

Iris and the Giant

''Iris and the Giant'' starts off with the main character getting dropped off at a swimming lesson. She finds herself struggling to jump into the pool and kids are laughing at her from below. This scene can be seen as a metaphor that describes the general plot-line of the game, a plot-line that explores the main character's struggles with depression and anxiety. Iris (the name of the main character) later finds herself on the river Styx, but the story does not follow the one explained in Greek mythology, that will say, that the river Styx is the connection between the living on earth and the underworld. Instead, Styx is shown as the land that distinguishes "the real from the imaginary". It's on this land that Iris fights her way to the top of the structure and every floor represents her inner demons.

Resident Evil (TV series)

The series' main plot is spread out over two points in time – 2022 and 2036, with a gap of some 14 years. The past plotline deals with the struggles of 14-year-old fraternal twins Billie and Jade, the children of Dr. Albert Wesker and conceived through suspicious circumstances. Their lives take a dramatic turn when Albert is awarded an executive position at the struggling Umbrella Corporation that once employed him, and they move to Umbrella's planned community, New Raccoon City ( ). While there the two girls stumble onto the dark secrets behind their origins and Umbrella's dark legacy, while their father coordinates a response to the outbreak of a retroviral bioweapon called T-virus.

In the present of 2036, the T-virus has reduced human civilization to 300 million refugees living in walled city-states and other settlements, surrounded by the six billion man-eating humans known as Zeroes who contracted the disease. The most powerful organization left on Earth is the Umbrella Corporation, backed by its military arsenal, who are conducting a global manhunt for Jade.

Stalker (The Walking Dead)

At Alexandria Gamma arrives to explain that their people are trapped in a cave surrounded by Alpha's horde. Gabriel seems to believe Gamma's story, but Rosita calls her a liar and knocks Gamma unconscious, and orders for her to be put in the basement cell. She later wakes up in the cell where she is confronted by Gabriel and Rosita about Dante's actions, but she claims she wasn't involved in that. When Gabriel insists she is hiding something and calls for a sincere confession, Gamma tearfully reveals she killed her sister for Alpha. Believing her, Gabriel accepts her help. In the meeting hall, Gamma shows them the location of the cave on a map and explains that most of Alpha's forces are situated around the cave, so the borders are defenseless.

In the woods, Daryl secretly observes Alpha and three of her followers leading a faction of the horde from another entrance to the cave. Following them to a river, Daryl attacks them; a brutal fight ensues between Alpha and Daryl, culminating with Alpha stabbing him in the leg with a knife. A horde of walkers is attracted by the commotion, forcing the two of them, both severely injured, to flee the scene separately. Alpha soon stumbles into an abandoned gas station where Daryl is hiding, with the knife still in his leg; she starts making noise to attract the nearby walkers. Daryl is able to defend himself against the oncoming walkers, but is forced to pull the knife out of his leg to kill the last walker; in doing so, begins to lose massive amounts of blood. Meanwhile, Alexandria is informed by their surveillance post, three kilometers from the community, about a hundred-walker horde incoming. Unable to receive a response, Gabriel assigns Rosita and Laura to secure the gates with a support group while he and others head out on a recon mission.

That night, Beta infiltrates Alexandria via underground tunnels, entering through a grave. He slaughters several survivors in their homes, turning them into walkers so the others will soon have to deal with the undead as a distraction. On the road, Gabriel and his scout team find that the soldiers from the surveillance post have been murdered, and realize the Whisperers forced them to give false information about the horde so they would leave Alexandria and weaken the inner defense. Beta soon finds Gamma in her cell where she explains to Beta that the community is not as Alpha had told them. Unfazed, Beta demands Gamma to go with him. Laura then appears and threatens Beta with an ax; she tells Gamma to get help. Gamma flees and hides inside the Grimes' house, alongside R.J. and Judith. Beta overpowers and kills Laura, then enters the Grimes' residence to find Gamma. Judith shoots him from behind a door, knocking him back but not injuring him due to his bulletproof vest. Judith and R.J. are able to escape past him, but he grabs Gamma by the leg, tripping and knocking her out. Rosita appears and clashes with Beta; she manages to hurt him, but he gains control of the fight and slams her on the ground. As Beta prepares to kill Rosita, Gamma picks up one of his knives, threatening to commit suicide. Knowing that Alpha wants her alive, Beta leaves Rosita, and he and Gamma depart together. Along the way, they are caught by Gabriel's group; Beta quickly flees. Gamma, lying on the ground, surrenders and tells Gabriel that she was not responsible for what happened in Alexandria; the scout team and Gamma return to Alexandria.

Back at the gas station, Lydia soon appears and approaches Alpha, who reveals she has been training Lydia to be her replacement when she is gone and asks Lydia to kill her. She refuses to kill her mother and instead leaves her to pass out from blood loss. Daryl wakes up to find that Lydia has nursed him back to health. Alpha, reunited with her own, vows to exact revenge on the communities with their horde while reiterating the Whisperers' anthem, officially declaring war.

Official Competition

An aged multimillionaire, Humberto Suárez, seeking to leave a legacy decides to finance a motion picture directed by eccentric Palme d'Or laureate Lola Cuevas. The screenplay is adapted from an award-winning novel about a man who is unable to forgive his brother for killing their parents in a drunk-driving accident. The two brothers are to be played by stage actor Iván Torres and celebrity actor Félix Rivero, whose differing methods cause them to clash during rehearsals.

Hime Gal Paradise

(voiced by Azumi Asakura) is a quiet girl who goes to the all-female Chō Shibuya High School. A stunningly boy named Tochiotome transfers into her class, and he transforms Himeko into a princess as well.

Rough Riding Rhythm

Jim and Scrubby visit Scrubby's sister and find her dead. They suspect that murderer is her husband Jake, but they are arrested instead.

Personal file of Judge Ivanova

The film tells about Judge Ivanova everything was wonderful until her husband met his daughter's music teacher and fell in love with her.

Over the Sky

At school, Mio Miyamasu and her classmate and childhood friend Arata Kishimo discuss the boundary between sky and space, with Arata suggesting it is called "over the sky". After her markup exam, Mio is approached by her best friend Madoka and learns that she also likes Arata, causing uneasiness since she has trouble admitting her feelings. Arata begins to see several white orbs while visiting a fortune-telling shop with Mio. The two argue afterward, with Mio leaving Arata behind after questioning their relationship. Later night, a heartbroken Mio decides to tell her true feelings for Arata but gets involved in a traffic accident.

The following day, Mio tries to approach Arata but seems unnoticed by him. As they ride home, Mio is transported to a different world called "World Border" and meets her favorite character Gimon. As Gimon guides Mio to a new world where she will forget everything, they are stopped by a kimono-wearing girl who introduces herself as Kiku-chan. Kiku-chan explains that she accidentally arrived in World Border due to an out-of-body experience, and needs to be returned to the human realm using a train ticket and the "desire" to return. Mio contacts Arata, who mysteriously answers it while in a hospital to visit Mio's unconscious body. Mio, Gimon, and Kiku-chan arrive at Forgotten Things Counter, but Mio has trouble telling the lost-and-found officer her memories with Arata so they visit the goddess, Mrs. Mori, for help. Following the mysterious call from Mio, Arata returns to the fortune-teller for help, but his soul suddenly leaves his body to arrive at the World Border.

Despite successfully obtaining a ticket from the lost-and-found officer, the World Border's guardian Mogari prevents Mio from returning to the human realm. With the help of Gimon, Kiku-chan, and Arata, Mio arrives back to the human realm but is unable to reunite with her body. Arata brings Mio's unconscious body to the cliff where he has a great memory with her and hopes for her soul to return. Mio, accepting her fate, firmly resolves to return to the human realm, finally remembering her "desire" to tell Arata her love for him. She successfully returns to the human realm and reunites with Arata.

I'm Standing on a Million Lives

Yuusuke Yotsuya, Iu Shindo, and Kusue Hakozaki were transported by a mysterious half-faced creature to do his play, asking them quests to complete the game within the duration. As bonus, they are almost set as immortals, respawning after they die, if at least one of them survives until the time limit expires.

The trio were joined by 3 people, Yuka Yukitate, Keita Torii and Glenda Carter. They are doing missions and after passing it, they return to real life, but after the next quest appears, they return to the world, with few years passed since.

The mysterious creature, answers any questions they ask every quest finished. And revealed that they were playing in countless alternate worlds and alternating sequences.

Hawaii Five-0 and Magnum P.I. crossover

Part 1: "Ihea 'oe i ka wa a ka ua e loku ana?"

McGarrett and the task force track down a suspect who might be connected to the stolen list of undercover CIA agents. When the suspect gets away, the task force run into Thomas Magnum and his partner, Higgins and discover that they are looking for the same suspect for a client they are looking after. McGarrett reluctantly begins working with Magnum and his team to try to find the stolen list. Meanwhile, Tani reaches out to Adam concerning about his wellbeing only for Adam to flee Hawaii. Also, after getting advice from Higgins, Tani asks Junior out on a date only to get kidnapped by thugs.

Part 2: "Desperate Measures"

When Hong, a man that Magnum and Higgins are monitoring for a client, gets shot and killed and his killer escapes, the team from Hawaii Five-0 gets involved. Magnum, Higgins, TC and Rick assist as the group recovers a secret list of CIA double-agents. Soon after, Junior Reigns is kidnapped as leverage for the criminals to get the list back, leading to Magnum's team helping Tani Rey and Quinn Liu in a search-and-rescue mission.

Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas

Following the best first date of her life, Jess is preoccupied with texting. She dies while texting, and wakes up as a ghost. She has to settle unfinished business. With the help of her best friend Kara (Kimiko Glenn), they embark on a hilarious, bittersweet and final adventure, so that Jess can ascend to the afterlife.

In the Cut

Frannie Avery is an English teacher living near Washington Square Park in lower Manhattan. She is studying street vernacular for an upcoming book she is working on. While meeting with one of her students, Cornelius, at a bar, she goes downstairs to use the bathroom, and stumbles upon a man receiving oral sex from a woman. She notes two minor details: A spade tattoo on the man's wrist, and the woman's painted fingernails, but most of the scene is obscured in shadow.

Several days later, Frannie is contacted by a police detective, Giovanni Malloy, about the murder of a woman who was last seen at the bar on the same day Frannie was there. Frannie infers that the victim must be the woman she saw in the basement. Frannie and Malloy are flirtatious from the outset, and, over drinks, he expresses his willingness to "do anything but hit her." While walking home alone after their date, Frannie is assaulted by a man on the street, but he flees before she can see him. After, she and Malloy have a passionate sexual encounter at her apartment, but Frannie is suspicious of him when she realizes he has a matching spade tattoo on his wrist. Frannie confides in her friend, Pauline, with whom she has a close relationship.

Frannie's romantic and sexual interest in the hard-edged Malloy further deepens, though she is not as welcoming toward his partner, Detective Rodriguez, a man she learns has abused his wife; this reminds her of the dysfunctional relationship her parents had, which was marked by abuse from her father. As she observes the two men together, she finds herself alternately repulsed by their crude behavior, but nonetheless becomes enamored of Malloy. After additional murders occur in Frannie's neighborhood — exclusively decapitations and dismemberments (which Malloy refers to as 'disarticulations') of young women — she grows fascinated by Malloy's investigation.

Later, when Frannie goes to visit Pauline at her apartment, she finds her dismembered corpse, which causes her to go into a stupor. Frannie becomes convinced that Malloy is in fact responsible for the murders. After one final sexual encounter with Malloy, Frannie flees her apartment, and is consoled by Rodriguez, who takes her for a drive. The two go to the Little Red Lighthouse beneath the George Washington Bridge, a place he says he enjoys fishing. There, Frannie realizes that Rodriguez too has a matching spade tattoo — she realizes he is actually the killer, there to claim her as his next victim. She attempts to fight him, but he overpowers her and slashes her with a scalpel. While Frannie lies injured on the ground, Rodriguez explains that he sometimes uses the flesh of his victims as chum when he goes fishing. As Frannie bleeds to death, she recalls an Indian poem she saw earlier on the subway.

Path of the Bold: An Anthology of Superhero Fiction

''Path of the Bold: An Anthology of Superhero Fiction'' is based on ''Silver Age Sentinels''.

Pink Skies Ahead

In 1998 Los Angeles, Winona lives with her parents, has dropped out of college and works for her father as his secretary. Her relationship with her father Richard and mother Pamela isn't great. Winona’s best friends are Addy and Stephanie. She also has a boyfriend, Frank.

Winona goes out with Addy, Cameron (Addy's boyfriend), Stephanie, and Frank. Frank leaves them to get food and doesn’t return. Upset, Winona considers being done with Frank. Later, they see a group of young men where Winona meets Ben.

One day Winona visits her pediatrician Dr. Cotton due to pain in her armpit which had lasted for a month. Dr. Cotton does an examination of her and determines she may have an anxiety disorder and suggests she visit a therapist. Winona visits therapist, Dr. Monroe. During the session, Dr. Monroe asks her about her relationship with her mother which causes Winona to break down into tears.

Winona begins dating Ben, and he invites her to his place where he lives with his roommate/ex-girlfriend Jen. They are hosting a party for Jen’s mom. Winona accidentally wishes Jen’s mom a happy birthday, which leads to everyone gasping and Ben having to explain to Winona that Jen’s mom had her cancer go into remission a year ago. Winona is humiliated and asks Ben to help sneak her out.

Winona starts to attend group therapy sessions with Dr. Monroe and other people. She doesn’t feel that she needs to be there and sees it as a waste of time.

Pamela and Richard plan to downsize. They ask Winona to move out and find her own place. She is annoyed but decides to start looking for her own place and a job. She applies to her favorite book store, as well as a clothing store. However, when she has to do an interview at the clothing store, Winona begins to suffer a panic attack. In a daze, she grabs lip gloss and applies it before collapsing. The interviewer calls Pamela to get Winona. Winona tells Stephanie about the panic attack, but she appears to have a callous attitude towards it.

At work, Winona realizes she forgot to give her dad a file. She goes to the parking garage and sees Richard leaving with another woman. Thinking he is having an affair, Winona attempts to drive after him, but she gets worried since she only has a learners permit, and she unsuccessfully tries to get a stranger to ride with her. Later, Winona has another attempt at following her dad, but she gets distracted from talking to herself and she rear ends the woman’s car. Richard steps out and isn’t mad, but more concerned when he sees that Winona suffered a minor head injury. She declines to get help from the hospital. Richard explains that the woman is a real estate agent showing him other houses.

Ben takes Winona out on a date. He later invites her to meet his mother Hayley, whom Ben says also has bouts of anxiety attacks. Winona ends up having an uncomfortable conversation with Hayley.

Winona has lunch with her parents, who are talking about the new house they found. Winona is excited to move there but Richard and Pamela make it clear that the place is only for the two of them. Winona gets angry at them and storms off. She later joins Ben and suggests that they move in together since he also wants to move away from Jen, but Ben says that he doesn’t think it will work out between them because he plans to be a doctor and thinks his life is moving in a different direction from Winona’s. She angrily tells him off before deciding to walk home.

When Winona gets home, she begins to suffer another panic attack. It becomes more intense and uncontrollable, and she can’t go into her room without vomiting. Pamela and Richard find Winona in their bedroom crying, where she starts to blame them for why she is like this since they never got her treatment when she needed it, as well as them selling the house and forcing her to move out. They take her to Dr. Cotton, who gives Winona a pill to treat her anxiety. Richard then admits that he once suffered a panic attack after Winona was born, but he and Pamela agree to help Winona get through this.

Winona starts to get her life back on track. She plans to go back to college and writes to her professor on returning back. She also maintains her friendship with Addy and Stephanie.

No Hard Feelings (film)

Parvis is the son of exiled Iranians and lives with his parents in Hildesheim. He enjoys freedoms that many young Germans can only dream of. His parents accept that he's gay, and he enjoys Grindr dates and late club nights. After being shoplifted, he has to do his 120 hours of community service as a translator in a housing project for refugees. There he is initially eyed strangely because he looks strange with his bleached hair and is not very skilful with some tasks. He also takes part in the talks in which decisions are to be made about their further stay, and translates intentionally incorrectly in order to prevent their deportation.

He meets the Iranian refugee Amon, who is waiting there with his sister Banafshe for their residence permits. Amon is asked by the other young men in the project not to have any contact with the oddball. Amon doesn't immediately understand that Parvis isn't a resident of the project, he's only there for his community service. Amon shares a room with his sister, who quickly notices that her brother likes Parvis and helps them get closer. After a night of partying together, the three go to his house together. Amon helps the completely drunk Parvis bathe, and a first kiss follows. Banafshe learns from her mother the background to her flight and what the new start in Germany was like for her back then. Later she tells her son that they set it all up in Germany just for him.

A project worker recommends a protective marriage to Banafshe because she is threatened with deportation and immediately offers to marry her. On the day that Parvis works on the project for the last time, Banafshe is warned that the police are on their way to arrange for her deportation. She wants to leave the project, but Parvis gets her and her brother out of town first.

Galloping Dynamite

Jim Dillon's brother Bob has been killed by Reed after finding gold, Reed fails to kill Jim as he investigates his brother's death, but Reed blames the murder on Jim and he is condemned to be hung.

Of Greed and Ants

The series began in Hong Kong during the 1970s, an era in which Hong Kong's economy experienced rapid growth. Thai Chinese Gordon Wing Muk-Tong changed his view on life and left for Hong Kong after his father suffered a tragic fate at the hands of gangsters in Thailand. After witnessing the power of the stock market, he plotted to become a stock manipulator so as to control the stock market. The lives of two young men would be affected by him as he slowly rises to power.

Tempting Fate (2019 film)

42-year-old Gabby (Alyssa Milano) has a seemingly perfect life: married with two teenage daughters, she lives in a typical Connecticut neighborhood and leads a typical life. She restores furniture as a hobby, while her husband Elliott (Steve Kazee) works as a doctor to provide for the family. Unbeknownst to many, her marriage is currently going through a rough patch: Gabby desperately wants to have a third kid, but Elliott is unwilling and underwent a vasectomy without consulting his wife. In order to reduce tensions inside the house, Elliott takes the kids on a weekend trip to Vermont while she stays at home. Her good friend Claire (Jessica Harmon) convinces Gabby to accompany her to a party, where soon Gabby meets 33-year-old Matt Shaw (Zane Holtz), a successful web developer. Even though Gabby upfront tells him about her marriage, they hit it off, and Matt invites her to join a business meeting the next day.

Coming from a humble background, Matt has used his power for projects such as building non-profit schools. He is currently building a school in the neighborhood and hires Gabby as a designer. Initially wary of getting close to Matt, Gabby soon develops a crush on him, and their correspondence grows more and more flirtatious. Meanwhile, Gabby gets more estranged from her husband, especially when he reveals that he is not willing to undergo a reverse vasectomy. As Elliot devotes more time to his work, Gabby spends more time with Matt. One night while having dinner together, Gabby asks him to respect her marriage and boundaries. Nevertheless, before long their relationship becomes physical.

Torn by guilt, Gabby immediately cuts off all contact with Matt, though soon she finds out she is pregnant. Claire recommends her to get an abortion, but she is unwilling to and instead tells Elliott the whole truth. Feeling betrayed by his wife's infidelity, he moves out of the house. Gabby tells her children the truth about her affair and pregnancy, which prompts the oldest daughter Olivia (Emilija Baranac) to move out too, though her youngest daughter is more supportive and decides to help her mom out. Before long, Elliott announces to Gabby that he wants a divorce and will sell their house. Seeing her life fall apart, Gabby tries to make amends, and puts all of her energy into her furniture restoration to earn enough money to buy the house from Elliott. Despite her attempts to save their marriage, Elliott cannot forgive her and starts to date Trish (Lucia Walters), an acquaintance of Gabby.

Shortly after, Gabby gives birth to a son, Henry. Olivia reconciles with her mother and moves back in to help her out with Henry. Gabby reconnects with Matt to give him an opportunity to meet his son. He is now happily dating another woman, Monroe (Rebecca Olson). Elliott, meanwhile, breaks off his relationship with Trish, and finally decides to give his marriage to Gabby another chance. In the end, all parties work out an agreement that Gabby and Elliott will raise Henry, while Matt meets with them once in a while.

The Man Who Corrupted Earth

''The Man Who Corrupted Earth'' is a novel about Gus Dampier, a rich eccentric who was swindled out of the directorship of his company.

The Steel, the Mist, and the Blazing Sun

''The Steel, the Mist, and the Blazing Sun'' is a novel that takes place in a 21st Century world in which both America and the Soviet Union have been destroyed by a World War.


''Lifekeeper'' is a novel in which the world is dominated by military dictatorships at war with one another.

Draft:Friday Black (film)

A department store salesman attempts to win a sales contest among employees, in order to give the prize jacket to his mother on Black Friday.

Swimmy (book)

A very large tuna eats all the red fish who are swimming around, leaving the little Swimmy all alone. Scared and on his own, the little black fish swims away into the large ocean. He sees many beautiful and strange creatures on his journey until he finally discovers another school of little red fish, just like his own family used to be. He excitedly asks them all to come out and play, but they refuse. They are afraid of the big fish and don't want to get eaten. Swimmy tells them that they must make a plan, because they can't spend their whole life hiding in the rocks. He devises a plan to have all the red fish swim in the shape of a large fish - and then Swimmy takes his place among them in the place the eye would be. After that they are able to swim in the sea without fear - scaring the larger fish away wherever they go.

The Light-Bearer

''The Light-Bearer'' is a novel in which Terrans maintain a ship in orbit around a planet, providing high-tech items to the natives.


''Ironbrand'' is a novel about three who each inherit a sword from their father.

October's Baby

''October's Baby'' is the second book in the Dread Empire series.

All Darkness Met

''All Darkness Met'' is the third book in the Dread Empire series.

Dog (2022 film)

Jackson Briggs, a U.S. Army Ranger suffering from PTSD, tries to apply for a rotation position in Pakistan, but is deemed unfit for service due to a brain injury. He is notified that his friend and former partner, Riley Rodriguez, was killed in a car accident the night before. In the morning, Briggs is called into Fort Lewis, Washington on a special assignment to escort Riley’s military dog, Lulu, a Belgian Malinois with a history of aggressive behavior, to attend his funeral in Nogales, Arizona, after which he is to bring her to White Sands where she will be euthanized. Initially hesitant, Briggs agrees when his commanding officer, Jones, promises to recommend him for the position.

On the road, when Briggs stops at a shooting range, Lulu breaks out of her cage and destroys the inside of his 1984 Ford Bronco. Frustrated, Briggs hides sedatives in a hot dog, causing Lulu to fall asleep after she eats it. In Portland, Oregon, Briggs tries to hit on women in a bar, but most are repelled by his brash personality. Outside, he meets two friends, Bella and Zoe, who invite him to their house for a threesome. While Briggs is inside, Lulu panics, alerting a neighbor. Believing her to be the victim of abuse, the neighbor frees her from the car, but is promptly attacked. Briggs runs outsides and pulls them apart, but Bella and Zoe are disturbed by the display and lock Briggs outside.

The next morning, while on the Pacific Coast Highway, Lulu climbs out of the back of the car, forcing Briggs to pull over and chase her through a nearby forest. They stumble across a marijuana farm in the woods, where Briggs is tranquilized by the farm's owner, Gus. He wakes up tied to a chair in the shed, but he is able to escape. He reunites with Lulu, who has injured her paw, and is being treated by Gus's wife, Tamara. Briggs and Gus reconcile by looking through Lulu's "I Love Me" book, which contains photos from her service during the War in Afghanistan. After Lulu is treated, Tamara gives Briggs a psychic reading before Briggs and Lulu continue on the road.

In San Francisco, Briggs cons a free hotel room by pretending to be a blind veteran, with Lulu as his seeing-eye dog. Briggs takes her to his room and gives her a bath. He tries to leave the room, but Lulu barks until Briggs relents and brings her with him. In the lobby, Lulu attacks a Middle Eastern man, Dr. Al-Farid, and Briggs is arrested for a hate crime. At the station, Briggs is put in a lineup, where he apologizes to Al-Fraid, who agrees not to press charges on the condition that Briggs seeks professional help for his behavior. While retrieving Lulu, the medic reveals that she has anxiety. In Los Angeles, Briggs tries to visit his estranged 3-year-old daughter, Sam, but his wife, Niki, doesn't allow him to. Briggs visits Noah, a former Army Ranger who adopted and rehabilitated Lulu's brother, Nuke. Noah teaches Briggs to bond with Lulu in terms she understands, allowing him to form a deeper connection with her.

After leaving Noah's, the car breaks down during a thunderstorm, forcing Briggs and Lulu to shelter in an abandoned barn. The next morning, Briggs and Lulu hitchhike to Nogales in time for the funeral, where Briggs stays with her to keep her calm during the traditional rifle salute. Afterwards, while Briggs gets his truck repaired, he calls Jones and tells him that Lulu's condition has improved, but Jones is unconcerned. Briggs drives into the desert and encourages Lulu to run away, but when she doesn't, they stay in a motel overnight. Briggs suffers from a seizure, but is calmed by Lulu. In the morning, Briggs drops Lulu off at White Sands, but changes his mind when he sees her panicking. He drives back to the gate and takes Lulu back, driving away with her. Months later, Briggs writes a letter addressed to her, revealing that he has adopted her.

A House Divided (TV series)

''A House Divided'' follows the direct descendant of Letty Sanders, an enslaved woman who after arriving in Los Angeles, California in 1821 and became the wealthiest Black woman in the newly formed city. Centering on the present-day members of the highly esteemed Sanders family, Cameron Sanders (Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs) has raised his three children: Stephanie (Paula Jai Parker), Cameron, Jr. (Brad James), and Torrance (Steph Santana), in opulent wealth. After the sudden passing of his wife amidst a brewing government investigation into the business dealings of the family-owned bank, a new woman, Carissa Walker (Demetria McKinney) emerges from the shadows determined to be the next Mrs. Cameran Sanders. As secrets are uncovered and scandals emerge, the Sanders family will be forced to band together for the sake of their survival or risk the ultimate demise of their long-standing legacy.

The Quarry (2020 film)

Preacher David Martin finds a man unconscious at the side of the road in West Texas. David is traveling to the small town of Bevel to be the new preacher. When they reach a quarry nearby, the man kills David and heads to Bevel.

Arriving at the house where David was to stay, the man claims to be David, and is given room and board from Celia, girlfriend of Chief Moore, of the three-man local sheriff's department.

Celia's cousins, adult Valentin and teenaged Poco, grow marijuana at the quarry. They steal the real preacher's belongings from the van, including bloody clothes. They later are arrested at the quarry, but the Chief finds David's body, and charge the cousins with murder.

The man is well liked by the local churchgoers, who think he is a good preacher because he does not judge them.

The Chief suspects that the man is guilty, but cannot prove anything. Valentin confesses to the murder, to save Poco. Valentin escapes the court, is shot by the Chief, but continues off into the darkness. The man happens to find him the next day, confesses that he did kill the real David Martin, and that he was on the run after killing his own wife and her lover. Valentin kills the man, before succumbing to his own wounds.

Celia and Poco leave town together.

The Panther (Old English poem)

The poem concerns a panther who exhibits a special behaviour (''sundorgecyn(e)d'' - a hapax legomenon compound noun from ''sundor-'' and ''gecynd'', frequently glossed as referring to the panther's unique nature (e.g. as 'a peculiar nature' in Bosworth-Toller)). The Panther feasts on his fodder, then seeks rest in a mountain glen for the length of three days, sleeping;

''Symle fylle fægen, þonne foddor þigeð,''
''æfter þam gereordum ræste seceð''
''dygle stowe under dunscrafum;''
''ðær se þeodwiga þreonihta fæc''
''swifeð on swefote, slæpe gebiesgad.''
[Always desiring repletion,
when it takes its meals—
after its feasting it seeks (35-36)
its rest in a secret place
within an earthen cave—
there the mighty fighter (36b-38a)
for three nights’ space
wends into slumber,
occupied by sleep. (38b-39)]
When on the third day the Panther awakens, it begins to sing, letting out a pleasant fragrance;
''þonne ellenrof up astondeð
þrymme gewelgad, on þone þriddan dæg
sneome of slæpe. Sweghleoþor cymeð,
woþa wysumast þurh þæs wildres muð.
æfter þære stefne stenc ut cymeð
of þam wongstede, wynsumra steam''
[Then the bravery-bold rises up again
bolstered in its majesty,
on the third day, (40-41)
swiftly from sleep.
Melodious sound emerges,
the most winsome of cries (42-43a)
through that wild beast’s mouth—
and after that voice
a scent comes forth (43b-44)
from that hollow,
a pleasant emanation]
The pleasant fragrance attracts many throngs of men (''beornþreat monig'') who flock to the source of the fragrance and song (''æfter þære stefne'' and ''on þone stenc'').

Master (2022 film)

Gail Bishop becomes the newly-appointed and first black master of Ancaster, an elite university in New England. The students at the school believe it is cursed by the ghost of Margaret Millett, who was accused of witchcraft and hanged nearby. Jasmine Moore moves in as a freshman, and is assigned to room 302 along with her white roommate Amelia. Their room was once occupied in 1965 by Louisa Weeks, Ancaster's first black undergraduate, who committed suicide by hanging in her dorm.

Jasmine initially makes friends with Amelia's rich white friends, although they ask her to clean up spilled drinks and don't pay her back for a pizza she orders. At a party, Amelia's crush kisses Jasmine and Amelia sees them. Amelia whispers to Jasmine that she hates her despite the roommates telling Gail everything is fine between them. Gail's new residence develops a maggot infestation.

Jasmine starts having nightmares and begins to believe that her English professor Liv Beckman is purposely giving her bad grades. She files a dispute, which impacts Liv's application for tenure. Jasmine is attacked by a presence in a black cloak that plants a noose on her door, burns a cross, and causes her to fall out of a window. Amelia eventually drops out. Jasmine tells Gail about the presence, which Gail believes is a racist student. Jasmine is found a few days later dead in her room, hanged.

Esther Bickert, Liv's mother and an Amish woman, informs Gail that Liv was actually born white and named Elizabeth. But after leaving the community Liv changed her name and began to present herself as Black. Esther implies it must have been a possession by the devil to make her do this. When confronted at a faculty party, Liv denies these claims and tells Gail that she was actually the daughter of a black man, leaving it to the audience to decide what is the truth. Liv eventually leaves, putting on a black cloak that resembles the figure that was terrorizing Jasmine earlier in the film.

Gail criticizes the all-white faculty staff after realizing that she was not truly the school's master, but rather the “maid” who was meant to clean up the school’s diversity problems. Gail notices that history has repeated itself, with no changes to Ancaster's diversity, and she resigns from her position.

Gondi (film)

A 60-year-old retired government official and widower, Mr. Azgar Ali, lives alone with his driver and working people in an elite area of Dhaka. His only son, Ali Mizan, lives in London with his family. After two years, Ali Mizan comes home to see his father. Azgar Ali is suffering from dementia and memory loss. His daily routine is gardening on the roof, watching stars at night, walking in the park in the morning and talking on Skype with his granddaughter Arha in London. Due to his poor memory, Azgar Ali makes many mistakes every day. One such mistake is to transfer rupees 5 lakh to Mrs Shamima's account by mistake. Mrs. Shamima, who is in her 50s and also lonely, is a dentist by profession and is the neighbor of Azgar Ali. Her only daughter lives in London with her husband Jason. Azgar Ali and Mrs. Shamima get acquainted after the accidental money transfer, and they become friends. Azgar Ali's doctor advises the two to go to Cox's Bazar. Azgar Ali's son and his daughter-in-law Millie and Mrs. Shamima's daughter learn about their outing. Within three days, the son, daughter-in-law, and daughter of Shamima arrive from London. The emotional battle of parents and children starts with Azgar Ali and Mrs. Shamima.

Trouble (2019 film)

Trouble is a pampered dog, living the good life in a mansion with his wealthy, elderly owner, Mrs. Sarah Vanderwhoozie, under the care of her loyal butler, James, and famed animal trainer Cesar Millan. One day, after his owner dies due to natural causes, he is left alone and unaware in her mansion. Claire and Norbert, Mrs. Vanderwhoozie's niece and nephew, arrive to claim their inheritance. While discarding of her belongings and planning to sell other items that are priceless, they accidentally and unknowingly get rid of Trouble, whom they show instant dislike and apathy towards. Nevertheless, in order to rightfully inherit their aunt's fortune, Claire and Norbert must first be willing and able to bond and take care of Trouble within three days, until they can sign the contract entrusted by their aunt's lawyer, Mr. Macbain, much to their reluctance. Realizing that Trouble is missing, they hire Thurman Sanchez, an expert animal tracker, to find him in time before the deadline.

Having made it out of the truck carrying away his owner's belongings, and after learning the truth about her death, Trouble accidentally messes up a group of red squirrels' nut storage in their tree. As payback, the squirrels steal his collar and run off, leaving Trouble lost, alone, and looking like a stray. In the city, Trouble meets a stray dog named Rousey while trying to get a meal from a meat truck, which results in a chase through a restaurant owned by famed chef Ludo Lefebvre; a wannabe-singer pizza delivery girl named Zoe Bell also loses one of her pizzas. After another encounter with the squirrels while spending the night with Rousey outdoors, Trouble enters a dog park where he meets domestic dogs Norm, Gizmo, Bella, and Tippy, who somewhat help him find a home by having him play in traffic, where he gets picked up by Zoe, and is taken to her apartment. Though only temporary until she can find where he belongs, and hoping to avoid her landlord finding out, Zoe and Trouble begin to bond. Zoe writes a song for a singing competition she plans to enter, and fashions a new collar for Trouble.

The next day, at the dog park, despite some rocky first impressions, Norm and the other dogs willingly help Trouble when they find out that the squirrels took his old collar while confronting him again. During the struggle, Thurman, having found Trouble at last, accidentally snatches the leader of the squirrels, with whom he offers to make a deal – a pile of nuts in exchange for their help in retrieving Trouble for him. After Zoe momentarily leaves Trouble at her apartment, the squirrels try to flush him out, causing a huge mess, which results in Zoe being evicted by her landlord upon returning. Trouble is sent to the dog pound, where he meets Rousey again and befriends three other strays: Snoop, Otis, and Caramel. Trouble learns from Rousey that, like him, she was once an indoor dog. However, one day, after saving her owners' child from a traffic collision, they mistook her heroic behavior for aggression and dumped her at the pound, which explains Rousey's distrust of humans.

On the day of the deadline, rather than enter the singing competition, Zoe decides to go to the pound and retrieve Trouble. However, Thurman has already beaten her to it. Zoe rides off, looking for Trouble all over the city. Realizing how much Zoe truly loves and cares about Trouble, Rousey decides to help the others escape and help Zoe find him. They use Trouble's discarded new collar to track him and with the help of the domestic dogs as well. Returning Trouble to Claire and Norbert at the mansion, Thurman secretly vows retaliation with the squirrels' help after the twins refuse to pay him as promised.

Having mislead Mr. Macbain that they bonded with Trouble, Claire and Norbert are about to claim their inheritance when Zoe suddenly arrives, revealing what really happened. Demanding his money, Thurman enters and further reveals the situation to Mr. Macbain. Having learned the truth, Mr. Macbain denies the twins' inheritance. Still wanting his money, Thurman summons the squirrels to hold Trouble for ransom, until Snoop, Otis, and Caramel enter, having followed Rousey; a battle ensues. While Trouble is held against a fan by the squirrel leader, Rousey arrives just in time to save his life. She demands Trouble's old collar back before the squirrels exit. Trouble is then granted permission by Mr. Macbain to decide whom he wants his owner to be. Trouble joyfully chooses Zoe, which allows her to inherit Trouble, the mansion, the assets, and his owner's fortune after signing the contract, much to the twins' disgust. They and Thurman leave. Rousey is also adopted by James, much to her joy.

Zoe uses the money to revitalize the dog park, renamed the Vanderwhoozie Dog Park, and dedicated to both Mrs. Vanderwhoozie and Trouble. She also begins living her dream as a singer, attracting the attention of famed singer-songwriter Jason Mraz. Snoop – having probably been adopted by Zoe, along with Otis and Caramel – proceeds to sing in dedication of Trouble, much to the dogs' joy.

Imperio de mentiras

Elisa Cantú (Angelique Boyer) never imagined that, upon returning to Mexico from New York, where she resides, she would encounter an unexpected tragedy that changes her life. The night Elisa would celebrate her birthday, fate leads her to meet Leonardo Velasco (Andrés Palacios), a policeman in love with Julia (Jessica Decote), a teacher, to whom he was to marry. At the end of the evening, Leonardo receives an emergency call, in which the discovery of two bodies is reported, one of them is that of his fiancée, who lies next to the body of Augusto Cantú (Enrique Singer), millionaire businessman and father of Elisa. Elisa and Leonardo will come together to search for the truth of what happened.

Aloha (Hawaii Five-0)

In a flashback Wo Fat, Victor Hesse, and Daiyu Mei, Wo Fat's wife, are shown planning of the attempted extraction of Anton Hesse, Victor's brother, that led to the murder of Steve McGarrett's father, John McGarrett, and the eventual events of the pilot episode. Steve and Lincoln are discussing the cipher he offered to get solved for him and it is revealed that Lincoln also knows Catherine Rollins. The two go to meet Marshall, the guy Lincoln got to solve the cipher, Danny calls Steve and says that someone is tailing him. The two go to assist Danny hearing gunshots while en route. When Steve and Lincoln find Danny's car they find Danny has been kidnapped. Steve receives a call from Daiyu Mei who tells him that she will trade the cipher from Doris McGarrett, Steve's mother, for Danny's life. Steve meets Daiyu Mei and gives her the cipher, in exchange he gets the address of Danny's location. Danny breaks free but gets shot on his way out. Five-0 finds Danny badly wounded and rushes him to the hospital. Lincoln and Quinn go to meet Marshall but all they find are bloody drag marks. The two track Marshall's car to a car graveyard where they find Marshall's car crushed with blood. Lincoln finds out the cipher were coordinates which Steve recognizes to be the supposed grave of Doris when she faked her death. Through security footage Five-0 finds that the grave was full of cash and Daiyu Mei's associates emptied it out. Facial recognition finds identity of one of the associates and they track their location. Steve gets Daiyu Mei at gun point where she reveals her motivation to be Wo Fat's death and is taken into custody. In another flashback scene, Victor Hesse enters John's house, holds him at gunpoint, and puts Wo Fat and John into contact with each other. When Danny is released from the hospital, he and Steve have a conversation revealing that Steve is leaving the island, which reiterates the fact that he needs peace. The two share their goodbyes. As Steve says bye to his dog, Eddie, the rest of Five-0 shows up to say goodbye. Before he leaves, Steve puts Lincoln in charge of the Five-0 task force. After boarding the plane, Catherine joins Steve and reveals she is the one who solved the cipher after Lincoln contacted her.


In the series fourth season premiere, Danny Williams' (portrayed by actor Scott Caan) car was blown up by the show's portrayal of the National Liberation Movement. The blown-up car was shown atop a stack of cars in the car graveyard. When arresting Daiyu Mei, Steve McGarrett (portrayed by actor Alex O'Loughlin) said "Book 'em Cole" contrary to the normal "Book 'em Danno" stated when McGarrett ordering that someone be booked into jail by his partner Danny Williams.

22 Chaser

Ben Dankert works as a Toronto tow truck driver picking up illegally parked cars. His family is in financial trouble with his wife using food banks and his son being bullied for being poor. Meanwhile, Ben's tow truck competitors make big money as "chasers", racing to accidents and exploiting the victims with tolls, and add-on services. His boss offers the prospect of a profitable Police contract but demands a large rental payment for the truck which Ben cannot afford. Then his friend persuades him to take a $5000 loan from a corrupt police officer with a sideline as a loan-shark. To pay back the loan Ben has to decide whether to abandon his moral code and become a "chaser", going head to head with unscrupulous rivals, some of whom are violent psychopaths.

Kimba the White Lion (TV series)

The series begins in Africa where a group of human hunters begin capturing many of the animals. Among these animals are a lion cub named Kimba (Leo in the Japanese version) and his mother Eliza. Kimba's father Caesar (Panja in the Japanese version), who is the king of the jungle, is killed trying to save Kimba. The ship that captured Kimba and his mother starts to sink and his mother provides Kimba a way to escape and he finds his way back to the jungle. Throughout his journey, Kimba returns to his home in the jungle and becomes a leader of the animals like his father and tries to bring peace between humans and animals. Some of the ways Kimba does this is by adapting human techniques into the animal kingdom such as farming.

A Boy and Sungreen

Bo-hee (Ahn Ji-ho) is a timid middle school student who struggles with the uncertainties of life. When he finds out that his mother has a boyfriend and that his supposedly-dead father is alive, he sets out to find him with his best friend Nok-yang (Kim Ju-a).

The Fighting Texan

The story follows rancher Glenn Oliver, who has been noticing a decrease in his horse population, while a nearby ranch is getting more and more horses.

The Tomten and the Fox

At Christmas Eve the hungry fox Mickel walks through the snowy forest looking for food. He encounters two mice, but his attempts to catch them fail. Later Mickel discovers a farm. Hungrily, he looks through the window into the living room where he sees all the Christmas candy. But isn't able to get into the room. Then he sees that the door of the chicken coop is open. Just when he wants to catch a chicken, he is dragged outside by the Nisse (Norwegian-Danish)/Tomte (Swedish), the elf of the farm. Outside, the Nisse tells him that he is taking care of the chickens and Mickel must not steal them. However, the Nisse also notices how hungry Mickel is. Shortly afterwards, a girl puts a plate with Christmas porridge for the Nisse onto the doorstep. The Nisse offers to share the food with the fox and to do this every winter night. Mickel accepts and eats the porridge. On his way back to the forest Mickel passes the two mice again. The mice are scared. However, Mickel gives them a pine cone that has rolled away and smiles at the mice. Then he continues his walk.

The People's Fighters: Teofilo Stevenson and the Legend of Cuban Boxing

With a population of just 11 million people, Cuba has produced the most Olympic boxing medalists of any country in the world, winning 73 Olympic medals including 38 gold medals in the past 50 years. The documentary examines Teófilo Stevenson's career as well as the phenomenon of boxing in Cuba overall.

Wildcat Trooper

RCMP Sergeant Farrell arrests a criminal known as the Raven and finds a letter of introduction to do mayhem for a criminal enterprise. Farrell uses the letter to impersonate the Raven where he is hired to steal furs from two feuding fur trappers. Farrell continually wears his uniform explaining that by impersonating a Mountie he will be trusted by everyone.


A high school student Sara loses her virginity to her boyfriend Skyler. The next day, she wakes up and finds herself pregnant. She goes to a clinic with her friend Hayley. There, she gives birth to an alien creature. The creature then attacks and kills everyone in the clinic. Sara and Hayley escape but finds that Sara is still pregnant with another creature. They go to Dave, who runs a farm and specializes in animal reproduction. He plans to give an uterotonic to Sara, but they are interrupted in the process and arrested by officer Oscar Ruiz, who had been searching for Sara and Hayley to enquire about events in the clinic. He takes them to the police station and calls Sara's mother. But the police station is attacked by the creature which Sara gave birth earlier and kills everyone in the station.

Sara gives birth to the second alien and the first alien controlling Sara's mother takes it. Sara and Hayley go to Skyler's house, where Sara realizes that Skyler is hypersexual for some reason and demands explanation from him. But Skyler runs away from the house. Sara and Hayley, with the help of Hayley's brother, hack Skyler's computer and find that Skyler has broken an ancient Mayan doll while on a trip to Mexico which released a gas that he inhaled. They realize that the creature is using human beings to procreate and has gone to Sara's friend Kiana's party. They go to the party and fight with the monsters and kill them and save Sara's mother.

In the post-credits scene, a bound Skyler is taken somewhere by a couple of government agents.

Love Is Love Is Love (film)

'''Two for Dinner'''

On a Saturday night, Joanne and Jack have a virtual dinner date as he is presently working on location in Montana as a producer. The couple have grown daughters and allude to having a long happy marriage.

Jack didn't call the previous night, and he claims he fell asleep watching a DVD. He asks Joanne to join him in Montana, but she fears he wouldn't have time for her like the last time.

Suddenly, Jack's connection cuts out. When he's back, another woman is next to him, presumably from the shoot. She says hello, then excuses herself. At one point, he acts jealous when another man pays a little attention to Joanne. They sign off, as Jack says he's exhausted.

The next day Joanne, after dealing with a worker at their house, spends most of the day traveling to surprise her husband in Montana. Arriving late to where he's staying, as he's letting her in, another woman is sneaking out the back.

'''Sailing Lesson'''

Diana and John have been married over 40 years. She has adjusted to retired life well, joining various activities like book club, a gardening group with her peers... while he is stir crazy.

Claiming that Diana's become boring, John threatens to get a girlfriend if she doesn't shape up. So, the couple tries to reignite their honeymoon-phase heat through a spontaneous sailing trip with a boat he's recently acquired.

Arriving at the marina, the boat looks neglected, so they first have to spruce it up, with the help of a young man there. They get a sail raised but there is no wind, so they use the outboard motor. Dropping anchor, they have lunch and talk. Discussing classes they did together, both realise the other had legitimate concerns with the cooking and carpentry classes.

When they cannot get the motor restarted, they flag down a speedboat, and discover they used up the gas in the tiny motor. As they get towed back, we see Diana and John have reconnected.

'''Late Lunch'''

Young Caroline recently lost her mother Clare, so gathers together a group of her mother's closest friends for an Irish-style wake/luncheon celebration of life in mourning and remembrance.

Caroline, looking stricken and a bit intimidated by the powerful, accomplished guest list, she feels both guilty and saddened about her and her mother’s last interactions. Clare died in fact in a traffic accident on the way to visit her daughter.

A superficial round of anecdotes, most of which are news to Caroline, and comments eventually evolves into deeper remembrances. There are revelations and confessions, stories of abortion and infidelity and secret pregnancy−Caroline−, and the unexpected mid-meal arrival of a package.

The women celebrate sisterhood in tap shoes, each chooses a scarf to remember Clare by, and one sings a song she wrote “Regrets are like rocks that sink to the bottom”

So Far from God

At the age of eighteen Sofia, who is oftentimes called Sofi, marries Domingo and has four daughters with him. Shortly after La Loca's birth, who is the youngest of the sisters, Sofia leaves Domingo after she notices that he gambles away the land she inherited from her father. Because of that Sofia has to raise her children on her own until he suddenly returns after twenty years of absence. In the course of the novel Sofia becomes the self-proclaimed mayor of Tome, the city in New Mexico where they all live. When she finds out that Domingo starts to gamble away her belongings again, she decides to get divorced from him. After La Loca's death she becomes the founder of M.O.M.A.S., an organization for the mothers of martyrs and saints.

The youngest daughter of Sofi La Loca is pronounced dead at the age of three, however she reawakens at her funeral claiming to have travelled to heaven, hell and purgatorial fire. From then on, she behaves differently by never leaving the house and being unable to stand the smell of other humans except for her mother. Furthermore, she gains healing powers after that incident. In her twenties she gets infected and dies of AIDS.

Fe leads a rather stereotypical life working in a bank until her fiancé suddenly leaves her. After that she starts screaming from nowhere and does not stop for a whole year. Once she mysteriously recovers from that she goes back to her job at the bank and eventually marries her cousin Casimiro. Because she desires to gain more money in order to be able to afford valuable household appliances, she later starts working at a company called Acme International. There she has to work with dangerous chemicals which cause her to suffer from cancer. That is why she later dies.

After Caridad's husband is unfaithful to her, she starts drinking and having casual sex with strangers. One night she gets attacked, raped and abandoned half dead in the streets. After the doctors claimed to not be able to do any more for her, she lies in Sofi's house while her sister Fe is screaming. The same night Fe's screaming stops, Caridad is miraculously healed from her wounds and after that she is gifted with visions and healing powers too. To train her healing powers she is taught by doña Felicia. Later she falls in love with a woman called Esmeralda, whom she meets on a trip with doña Felicia and with whom she jumps off a mesa in the end with their bodies never being found.

Sofi's oldest daughter Esperanza is a TV journalist, who is sent to Saudi-Arabia for work. There she goes missing and is pronounced dead by the military. After her death she frequently still visits her family in spirit form.

Front Theatre

A woman gives up her successful acting career to support her Doctor husband. Later she takes part in entertainment for German forces during the Second World War.

A ʻohe ia e loaʻa aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana

Steve McGarrett receives a visit from a person Doris, Steve's mother, hired to hand-deliver a letter after her death. Meanwhile, two bank robbers are escorting two hostages, Sylvia and her child back from a local diner to her home. A busboy from the diner returns a toy the child left behind, notices the two men, and engages them diffusing the situation by killing one of the men and chasing away the other. Before Sylvia can dial 911 the busboy disappears. Danny finds Steve at John's, Steve's fathers, grave. Steve reveals to Danny that the letter Doris left is only a cipher, confiding in Danny how much things have changed in the ten-years since his father died, that he doesn't plan on solving the cipher because he doesn't need another mystery in his life.

Five-0 begins looking for the two men along with the mysterious busboy who is found to be living under an assumed identity of a person who's been dead for three years. Adam searches the busboy's hotel room and finds DNA which matches to Lincoln Cole, a former marine who went AWOL. McGarrett and Junior go to see Lee Phillips, a former Commanding Officer of Cole's. They find Cole and take him into custody. The brother of the man Cole killed takes Sylvia and her child hostage again and orders Five-0 to give Cole up or he will kill Sylvia and her child. Military Police arrive to take Cole into their custody for going AWOL, with no other options McGarrett releases Cole into their custody. While in transport, Cole manages to break free. Cole exchanges himself for Sylvia and her child, the man's brother is about to shoot Cole but Five-0, who suspected Cole's next move, engages him and his men in a gun battle saving everyone.

McGarrett arranges for Cole's charges to be dropped. In McGarrett's office Cole notices the cipher and offers to reach out to his contacts to have it solved and McGarrett takes him up on the offer. Danny, concerned about McGarrett's mental health reaches out to him; McGarrett talks about needing a break in the near future. In McGarrett's house Danny finds a burglar going through McGarrett's stuff. Danny manages to fight off the burglar, McGarrett reveals that the burglar took the envelope that Doris's cipher was in but that he never put the cipher back in the envelope.

Five Passengers from Lisbon

Set in 1945 just after World War II, a group of Americans who had been stuck in Europe during the war are trying to get back to the U.S. They are traveling on board a Portuguese steamer ship, called ''Lerida'', headed from Lisbon to South America. West of the Azores islands, their ship sinks in a storm. Five passengers and three crewmen escape by taking a lifeboat, and are later rescued by a U.S. Army hospital ship, the ''Magnolia,'' which was headed back home with a load of wounded soldiers. One of the Lerida's survivors had been murdered while still in the ship's lifeboat, and once aboard the hospital ship, several other survivors meet a violent end as well. The plot takes advantage of the idea at that time of Portugal "being a haven for espionage with undertones of Nazi and Resistance alliances."B.V. Lawson. ''In Reference to Murder,'' "Forgotten Books Friday" April 16, 2010. In finding the source of the deaths, Nazi sympathizers and Gestapo colluders are revealed and punished.

Biographer Rick Cypert notes that four of Eberhart's novels published, between 1943 and 1946, involve a number of questionable characters who are discovered to be Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. These are the books Wolf in Man's Clothing, The Man Next Door, ''Wings of Fear'' and ''Five Passengers from Lisbon''.

Morning Star (The Walking Dead)

Eugene continues his conversations with Stephanie over the radio. He discovers that she also saw the falling satellite and determines she must be relatively nearby. Eugene offers to allow her to select a time and place for them to meet, and she says she will discuss it with the others.

At the Hilltop, Aaron arrives with Mary, explaining that she wishes to see her nephew, Adam, now under the care of Earl. Earl does not allow her to see Adam, remembering how her people abandoned him.

Ezekiel, having been told by Jerry and Kelly about the events at the mine, tracks down Carol at Daryl's former camp in the woods, and convinces her to return to the Hilltop. Daryl and Lydia also return shortly after, warning that Alpha and her horde are coming.

Before leaving with the horde, Negan attempts to persuade Alpha that it would be better to terrorize the Hilltop and make them bend the knee to her rather than slaughtering them. The residents of the Hilltop attempt to evacuate, but discover Alpha has blocked all roads leading out, with reanimated hanged Hilltop guards dangling from trees along the road. Daryl recognizes this as a Negan scare tactic, concluding that he is now working with Alpha. With no other option, they begin reinforcing the perimeter of the Hilltop.

Rosita comes in search of Eugene and discovers the unattended radio with Stephanie trying to reach Eugene. Rosita asks her who she is, and Stephanie immediately falls quiet. Eugene hurriedly rushes back in and attempts to smooth over the situation but is unable to elicit a response from Stephanie, and he sternly asks Rosita to leave as he continues to attempt to reestablish communication. Carol visits Ezekiel and takes notice of his growing tumor, and the two make love. Rosita later finds Eugene rigging up defenses and encourages him to not give up on Stephanie, challenging him to kiss her, knowing his long infatuation with her. He finds he is unable to, proving Rosita's point that he really is interested in Stephanie, and he resolves to keep trying to contact her. He does so singing for her, when he finishes singing, she returns to the radio and apologizes for breaking contact, and gives him coordinates to meet her in one week. Daryl and Ezekiel meet before the battle, reconciling their past disputes and promising each other that should one of them fall, the other would be in charge of leading the children out of harm's way.

The residents of the Hilltop gather with weapons and shields outside the walls of the community, and prepare to face the horde. The walker horde is slowed down by electrical traps and a makeshift barricade which allowed the survivors to kill walkers from a safe distance.

In the woods, Alpha and Negan prepare for the second half of their plan. Negan questions Alpha, as he expected she would bring the Hilltop survivors into her group, rather than kill them all. Alpha tells Negan that she does intend for the survivors to join with her... but as part of her horde. The Whisperers load up grenades of flammable liquid, and sling them at the barricade, the walls of the Hilltop, and the survivors themselves. They then follow up with flaming arrows, setting alight the barricade. The flames and the force of the horde are too great, and the survivors are forced to fall back. While attempting to reenter the Hilltop, the outer walls are set ablaze, trapping the survivors between the fire and the horde.


In the small, crazy village of Llan-ar-goll-en, Wales, things are known to go missing all the time. Luckily for its citizens in dire need, two detectives that are very different from each other; Prys ar Frys the human, and his animated dog sidekick, Ceri, are known for solving mysteries and finding lost things. Whenever there's trouble, a siren is sounded and Prys and Ceri are immediately on the case.

Start All Over Again (film)

The film tells about the bard Nikolai Kovalev, who, despite his popularity among young people, is not recognized by music officials. But everything changes from an unexpected meeting.

Trips on an Old Car

The film tells about a grandmother who is deprived of the opportunity to meet her only grandson, gets acquainted with the new father-in-law of a former daughter-in-law and falls in love with him.

Gunpowder (film)

In the center of the plot is a detachment that managed to deliver gunpowder from Kronstadt to Leningrad, despite an attack by artillery and aircraft.

Farewell of a Slav Woman

The film tells about a retired aviation colonel who goes to rest in Crimea and tries to find a place there for the night. He meets Anna Ivanovna, whom he wants to spend the night with. He looks at the photographs in her house and suddenly recognizes himself in one of them in his youth.

Primary Russia

The film takes place in Ancient Russia, when Ratibor united the Slavs into one army and rebuffed the nomads.

Man with an Accordion

Dmitry Gromtsev broke up with his girlfriend as a result of the war. He was wounded and because of this refused to perform in operetta. But the love of domestic music and the desire to do good turned out to be stronger than circumstances.

Attack (1986 film)

The film is about a graduate of a tank school who chooses Karakum, believing that it will be easier on the battlefield than at school.

Coasts in the Mist

The film takes place in 1921. Wrangel's army is defeated and takes refuge in Bulgaria. Belogvardeets Sergey Egoriev lives here with his son and daughter. Dmitry Shelopugin's family took Sergei's lost wife and his youngest daughter, and Dmitry himself goes to Bulgaria to agitate Russian soldiers.


The film tells about a girl who is faced with fraud and trying to confront him.

An Umbrella for Lovers

The film tells about a man and a woman who have long been in love with each other. But he has a family, because of which they cannot be together. And suddenly they meet with a familiar young couple...

Lermontov (film)

The film tells about the life and death of the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov.

My Favorite Clown

The film tells about a young clown who adopts an orphanage in spite of all circumstances.

Sitting on the Golden Porch

The film tells of two kings: Fedot and Amfibrakhy, who have been side by side for a long time. Suddenly Amfibrakhy disappeared, leaving the queen and daughter. It was too difficult for the Queen to rule the state alone and she decides to marry her daughter. Fedot had three sons, one of whom was able to conquer the heart of Alena and liberate Amfibrakhy.

To Award (Posthumously)

The film takes place in the winter of 1945. The film tells about the front-line intelligence officer Yuri Sosnin, who ended up in the hospital as a result of shell shock. The authorities believed that he was dead and decided to reward him posthumously. After discharge, he got a job as a driver, not remembering anything, and was involved in gang warfare.

The Last Road

The film tells about the last days of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The film tries to answer the questions: Who is to blame for the death of Pushkin and for what did he fight in a duel?

Neptune's Feast

The club’s leader in the village of “Small Heels”, in an annual report to regional authorities, reported the progress of a traditional event, the celebration of Neptune’s winter holiday.  This involved 150 "Polar Bear's", that is to say, fans of winter swimming. In fact the village did not contain even a single "Polar Bear".  It turns out that it was a few years before when five geologists plunged into an ice-hole. At once, the head of the amateur initiative enrolled himself into the Polar Bear’s club, stating a membership of 5 people.  In a few years he decided to increase this figure and wrote a one in front of five, which made it 15. And then, on a drunken binge, added a zero to the end. As a result, it turned out that in Small Heels, there lived 150 polar bears (half of the village) and each year they participated in the celebration of Neptune’s winter holiday, swimming in a hole at the local lake. And, considering that the celebration took place on New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1, when everyone was celebrating New Year’s, no one had ever verified the story. And then, something unexpected and unpleasant happened: a delegation of Swedish "Polar Bears" arrived in the regional center wishing to learn about the extraordinary success of the Russian village and they decided to attend the next celebration of Neptune’s winter holiday.

And thus, the heroes of the film find themselves in this ridiculous, funny and dramatic situation.

Old-fashioned Tricks

The retired hussar wants to marry his son to the daughter of the landowner. But it was not so simple.

Forgive Me (film)

A woman decides to avenge her husband by treason for treason, but as a result she became even worse.

Sentimental Journey to the Potato

The film tells about a young man who, after successfully entering the institute, goes to the village "to the potato" and there he meets new and interesting people and a girl whom he loves.

Jaguar (1986 film)

The hero is a cadet of a military school where future defenders of the Pinochet regime are trained. Having survived the collapse of the philosophy of cruelty, Jaguar (as the cadets called him for his firm and independent character) joins the ranks of fighters against the existing regime.

Leave a Light On (Grey's Anatomy)

The episode opens with archive footage of Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.)'s speech to the original interns in the pilot episode. It features Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh), Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl), Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and George O'Malley (T. R. Knight). Meredith Grey then provides her signature episodic voice-over, telling a "lame joke" about a patient saying, "Hey doc, it hurts when I go like this" to which the doctor responds, "Well don't go like this" and says that while lame, "it is nonetheless true that as human beings, we cannot help but want to follow our own instincts, guts and primal urges no matter how much it hurts". A sequence follows, showing Jo Karev (Camilla Luddington), Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) and Meredith Grey (Pompeo) receiving letters from Alex Karev (Chambers). As the three begin reading the letters, Alex (Chambers) provides voice-over of his written letters, declaring that he's not leaving, but has already left ― he is gone.

The episode then provides a retrospective of landmark storylines in the series integral to Alex's whole journey, from his arrogant, smart-mouth days in the early seasons to his maturation as a successful pediatrics surgeon, devoted friend and partner to Izzie and later Jo. It also shows flashbacks of his relationship with Izzie, her cancer battle and their wedding. It also shows flashbacks of the original five interns' friendship and Meredith's growing friendship with Alex throughout all sixteen seasons. Alex explains to Meredith that the form of a letter was not the way he wanted to say goodbye. He tells Meredith that she was always the one to set him straight, and it provides flashbacks to Alex having to face up to his problems, rather than run away. Alex then says he does not want to be set straight, or for Meredith to say the right thing, because the one right thing isn't in Seattle. Alex then reveals he is with Izzie (Katherine Heigl).

Following this revelation, flashbacks of Alex and Izzie's early relationship are shown. As this goes on, Alex reveals he contacted Izzie during Meredith's trial to maintain her medical license for a recommendation letter. He admits the trial gave him an excuse to finally contact Izzie, to know if she was alive and well. After brief exchange on the phone, Alex says he heard little voices in the background and asked if Izzie had kids and after a silence, she revealed that she did. And it turns out they are his children.

Alex reveals Izzie was single, wanted kids and because the cancer nuked her eggs, she could not have biological children but she had their embryos. Flashbacks from the fifth season show Alex and Izzie's scenes revolving around the embryos. Alex explains he was too freaked out to care what she did with them so he signed papers off so that she could do whatever she wanted with them, as a flashback to Alex's worries of her surviving cancer is shown. He says he is aware he should have told Jo and Meredith, but instead of telling them, he got through the trial and went to see his children. His children ― twins named Alexis and Eli ― are described as "hilarious and stubborn" like Izzie, Alexis having Izzie's eyes and Eli's smile being crooked like his, that the kids want to be doctors and they bake like Izzie, and that he lives on a farm in the middle of no-where in Kansas. He also reveals Izzie works as a surgical oncologist and has made so much progress. Alex again says she could come up and bring him back to Seattle, but he hopes she does not do that and that he is finally where he should be, and that he has never had that before. Alex says he hopes when she is ready and not mad that she can come up and meet his children.

Flashbacks also show Jo and Alex's relationship, as well as Jo's own journey briefly, as Jo reads her letter from him. Alex details how deeply sorry he is, but that he is in love with Izzie as well. Alex admits the letter is the worst thing he is done, and that Jo has earned so much better, but also mentions the children he has with her. Alex tells Jo he felt he and Izzie had unfinished business and that they spoke as if no time had passed, that they were frozen in time. Alex says he needs to give the children the life he and Jo never had. Alex reveals he went to a lawyer, signed divorce papers and left her his shares at Grey Sloan.

Webber, at an AA meeting, relates Alex's situation with Jo and Izzie to Ellis and Adele, and that he wishes he got to see Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary) grow up, so he cannot be mad at him no matter how hard he wants to be, although admits his bitterness that he could not say goodbye simply as a teacher. It finally shows another sequence of Izzie and Alex's relationship, this time through dialogue of Izzie's declarations of love and finally shows the resemblance of Izzie's children to her.

Bailey talks to Ben (Jason George) about Joey, and relates the situation to Alex's upbringing. They decide to keep caring for him. Meanwhile, Jo swallows her emotions and decides to continue to work casually after reading the letter as Link (Chris Carmack) calls her his hero. Jo responds, "Mine too". The episode ends with Meredith talking to her daughter, Zola (Aniela Gumbs) and preparing to tell her that Uncle Alex is gone, with a voice-over of Meredith to say there really is no good way to say goodbye.

Force of Nature (2020 film)

A hurricane is approaching Puerto Rico and an evacuation order is in effect. Thief, John the Baptist steals a painting. Police officers, Cardillo and Jess Peña go out to evacuate anyone who is still in their home.

Griffin buys all of the meat available at a market and gets into a fight with another customer who wants the meat. Cardillo and Peña respond. Before they take him to the evacuation shelter he insists he needs to feed his pet cat, and that an old man and a retired police officer are in his apartment complex refusing to evacuate.

Because the retired police officer needs evacuation, they agree to go to the apartment. The officer, Ray refuses to leave, even though his daughter, Troy, a doctor has a bed available for him at the hospital as she is worried that his dialysis machine won't work if the power goes out. Cardillo takes Troy to the old man's apartment, Paul Bergkamp who also refuses to leave. Peña stays with Ray. While trying to convince Bergkamp to evacuate, Cardillo witnesses the building superintendent get fatally shot by one of John's men. He, Troy, and Bergkamp go to Griffin's apartment. The thieves work on breaking into Bergkamp's hefty security while some of them go to clear the building, chasing the group up the stairs but lose them.

When Cardillo, Troy, and Bergkamp arrive at Griffin's apartment, Griffin refuses to let them in as he is about to feed his pet, locked in a separate room. Cardillo eventually convinces Griffin to let them in. The police radios are down from the storm. Griffin's pet, a tiger breaks out of the room and drags Griffin in. Griffin has Cardillo bring in the bucket of meat. Cardillo drags Griffin out and locks the tiger back into the room as Troy attends to his injured leg. Troy requests medical supplies. They go to a doctor's apartment who Bergkamp says is in the building. However, the stairwell is monitored by the thieves and the elevator doesn't work, so they climb the scaffolding.

Peña, unaware of the thieves' presence, walks into the hallway. One of the thieves finds her, demanding she lead him to Cardillo and Bergkamp. Ray shoots and kills the thief. The thieves break into Bergkamp's apartment and find a safe in his basement, which is flooding, and work on opening it. While Cardillo and Troy climb the scaffolding, Troy almost falls, drawing the attention of the thieves who begin shooting at them. They miss and Cardillo kills one of John's henchmen as they go into the nearest apartment.

Peña and Ray go after the thieves and go to an apartment that has weapons. Cardillo is confronted by a thief who demands Bergkamp. Cardillo and Troy fight back. Cardillo tackles the thief over the balcony, falling into the concourse. Troy fatally shoots the thief and accidentally shoots Cardillo in the leg. They get to the doctor's apartment and Troy stitches up his wound. The thieves open the safe and find it empty. They have to find Bergkamp.

Ray and Peña stock up on weapons. A thief interrupts them and makes them disarm. Peña is able to kill the thief, but Ray is shot in the side. John shoots and mortally wounds Ray and captures Peña. Cardillo and Troy get to Ray and she tries to save him, to no avail. Cardillo and Troy make it back to Griffin's apartment where Griffin is bleeding out.

John takes Peña to the weapons filled apartment and demands to know where Cardillo and Bergkamp are. John reveals the painting they are looking for is in the building. While in the eye of the storm, the radios begin to work and John tells Cardillo that he has Peña, not to call for backup and demands Bergkamp and the painting. Cardillo agrees to bring Bergkamp to them. They get to the apartment, tell John where the art is and John holds them at gunpoint as they lead the way. They go into another apartment, which has a room filled with paintings. John shoots and kills Bergkamp, gets the keys to the police van and steals Cardillo's uniform. Cardillo convinces John that the paintings are decoys and that the real paintings are in other apartments so they go to find them.

Troy and Griffin leave to get medical help, but are chased and shot at by a thief. They take shelter in a basement apartment that is almost flooded to the ceiling. Troy dives down into the water to find an exit and helps Griffin through it. John gets taken to Griffin's apartment where there is a painting worth $200 million. John demands to be let into the locked room and is killed by Griffin's tiger.

Tower (1987 film)

Near the suburban highway there is a water tower, behind the fence of which the mechanic and his family live. And suddenly they are visited by a Moscow family whose car broke down.

Once Lied

The film tells about an artist who in the past was a rebel and a subverter of the Soviet way of life, and now has everything that a modern person needs.

Team 33

The film tells about the lieutenant colonel, who should accompany the team of conscripts to the Far East.

His Brother's Keeper (1940 film)

A successful sharp shooting act is threatened when a gold-digging blues singer attempts to split them up.

First Encounter - Last Encounter

The film is about a law student, Pete, who is investigating the murder of one inventor and comes to the conclusion that the German Scholz is to blame for this, as well as that he is not engaged in his own business.

Black Forest (2018 film)

The film centres on three Canadian women travelling in the Jura department of France, who are accused of murder and are ordered by the judge to participate in a forensic reconstruction of the crime.

Walk with Us

As the battle between The Hilltop and The Whisperers rages, the sheer volume of walkers slowly begins overwhelming the survivors, compounded by The Whisperers setting much of the community ablaze. The survivors begin to retreat when The Whisperers destroy one of The Hilltop's walls. Judith kills a Whisperer she believed to be a walker, shaking her as this is the first human life she has taken; she and the other children are ushered away by Earl. Eugene recovers the radio he was using to contact Stephanie from Barrington House, while Yumiko is shocked to see Magna camouflaged amongst the horde.

The next morning, Alpha tells Negan that she will not consider the battle a victory until she has regained Lydia. Negan subsequently stumbles upon Lydia in the woods and captures her, tying her up in a cabin, while the other survivors migrate towards planned rendezvous points. When Mary, Alden, Kelly, and Adam are confronted by walkers, Mary lures them away only to be mortally wounded by Beta. However, Mary defiantly rips off part of Beta's mask before she dies; Beta then kills a Whisperer who recognizes him from before the apocalypse. Elsewhere, Magna tells Yumiko that she and Connie were separated while the herd was being moved out of the cavern, and the pair decide to end their relationship on mutual terms after Yumiko punches Carol for causing Magna and Connie's predicament.

Meanwhile, Earl hides the children in a cottage as he prepares to kill himself, having been bitten during the battle. However, his suicide attempt fails to destroy his brain, forcing Judith to put down his reanimated body afterwards. A group of survivors later arrive to retrieve the children after finding Ezekiel; Daryl comforts the despondent Judith.

In the woods, Negan reports to Alpha that he has found Lydia. He tries to talk her out of killing her own daughter, relating the story of how his late wife Lucille died from cancer. However, Alpha insists she believes this is the only thing she can do for her daughter for failing to become a Whisperer. As Lydia struggles free of her restraints, Negan leads Alpha to the cabin where she is seemingly held, but it is soon revealed Negan has led Alpha to a different cabin. A confused Alpha turns to Negan, who then slits Alpha's throat while her guard is down, killing her. Negan then delivers Alpha's severed, reanimated head to Carol, who is pleased.

Operation Sundarbans

The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world, located in the southern part of Bangladesh. People of different trades in the region depend on this vast forest life. The pirates has persecuted these people for more than 40 years. People are not protected from the pirates of the Sundarbans which not only includes variety of species but also Royal Bengal Tiger.

In such a situation, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Director General assigns the responsibility of the Sundarbans from the pirates to the RAB-7 commanding officer Ishtiaqe Ahmed. Ahmed launches an operation to make Sundarbans free of pirates with the help of commander of RAB Crime Prevention Unit (CPC)-1, Lieutenant Rishan (Ziaul Roshan and the commander of newly formed Sundarbans Squad, Major Sayem (Siam Ahmed). Simultaneously, researcher Tania Kabir (Nusraat Faria) arrives in Sundarbans to do research on the tigers in the forest.

After the end of pirates episode, the team realizes that these bandits in the Sundarbans are just chess pieces. A disguised evil force is moving the wheels from behind. The team continues their fight against the mysterious forces at play.

Draft:Mulligan (TV series)

''Mulligan'' digs into Earth post-alien attack and what remains if society was to start over. <!--

The Addams Family 2

At a science fair, Wednesday Addams is set to present her experiment, where she uses her pet squid Socrates' DNA on Uncle Fester to show how humans can be improved (with the side effect of gradually transmutating Fester). However, she is dismayed when she sees her family arrive. Nonetheless, her work gets noticed by scientist Cyrus Strange. Back at the Addams' home, Gomez worries that the children are drifting apart from him and Morticia, so he decides to take them on a family vacation. Before the family, Fester, Thing, and Lurch head on a road trip across the United States, Gomez and Morticia are approached by a lawyer named Mr. Mustela; who claims that Wednesday was switched at birth and may not actually be an Addams, but they ignore him. On the road, the Addams family is pursued by Mustela and his brutish henchman Pongo.

The family is initially set on going to Salem, Massachusetts, but Fester ends up making a detour to Niagara Falls. The family later stops in Sleepy Hollow, New York. Gomez and Morticia bring up Mustela and his claims about Wednesday, so Fester mentions a story when he visited Wednesday the day she was born and juggled babies in the delivery room. This only worsens Gomez and Morticia's fears that Wednesday may not be their biological child, which Wednesday overhears.

Gomez brings everyone to Miami to get in touch with Cousin Itt, in hopes he can help with their current dilemma. Itt joins them on the trip as they pass through San Antonio and leaves the family early at the Grand Canyon. Meanwhile, Wednesday traps Mustela on her own and learns he is working for Cyrus. He suggests to Wednesday that he is her true father and invites her to his home in Sausalito, California. Wednesday runs a DNA test using Gomez's hair, which seemingly proves that she most certainly is not his daughter. Wednesday leaves the family while they sleep, but Lurch catches up with her. The rest of the Addams learn where she is heading and follow suit.

At his home, Cyrus shows Wednesday a formula he developed to make human–animal hybrids, similar to Wednesday's experiment. When the rest of the Addams family shows up, Wednesday is convinced to stay with Cyrus. After Pugsley finds out that Cyrus' daughter Ophelia is a pig, Cyrus reveals he was using Wednesday, as her formula was better than his. He captures the family to test on them, but Wednesday refuses to do so. Cyrus tries to get Pongo to go after her, but it is revealed Lurch and Pongo knew each other before while in a mental asylum, and they decide to free the Addams. Cyrus comes in contact with his formula during the scuffle and turns into a hybrid monster. The now-completely insane doctor tries to kill the family, but is stopped by Fester, who has mutated into a octopus monster. After the two fight, Cyrus falls off a cliff. Fester is turned back to normal by Wednesday, using a necklace of her family's blood.

Wednesday reunites with her family and they return home along with Ophelia who falls in love with Pugsley. While Wednesday knew that Cyrus faked his DNA test results, Gomez reveals to Wednesday that his hair is a Toupée, answering why her test indicated she was unrelated to him and promises the family that next time, he will take them on a trip across the world.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares

The story starts with the main characters Jack and Alice escaping from a jail cell with the help of a group of supernaturally powerful girls called Blood Maidens. It turns out the entire city has been absorbed by a malignant being known as the Jail, and it has been releasing hostile monsters called Marchens. Realizing he has the power to assist the Blood Maidens, Jack joins their forces in order to escape the Jail.

High&Low The Movie 2 / End of Sky

Though being attacked, the SWORD gangs united and defeated the army of enemies led by former Mugen Leader Kohaku at the fight at the Container street. The SWORD area gets a temporary peace.

However, Kuryu Group does not give up its plan of building a casino in the SWORD area. To fight their mutual enemies, Cobra of Sannoh Rengokai (Hoodlum Squad) suggests the five SWORD gangs should ally. However, as their leader Smoky's illness takes a turn for the worse, Rude Boys members who attend the summit of SWORD leaders in place of Smoky refuse the plan, saying that it's more important for them to survive. White Rascals' leader Rocky refuses to ally too, maintaining that they only want to protect women. The plan of alliance therefore fails.

Rocky refuses the plan for his own reason. The vicious man he has a feud with, Doubt's leader Ranmaru Hayashi has got out of prison, Rocky does not want the other SWORD gangs to get involved in the feud between them. Ranmaru Hayashi came prepared, with his money and the fierce Prison Gang he calls from the prison, he almost destroys White Rascals and injures Rocky. Cobra offers Rocky his help, but Rocky insists that one should rely on his own when he can.

Meanwhile, another fight against the casino plan has begun. After the death of their older brother Takeru, Masaki and Hiroto Amamiya gives the USB with proof of politicians taking bribes from the Kuryu Group to Kohaku, who deeply regrets the mistakes he has made and wants to expose the evil of the Kuryu Group. Kuryu Group becomes aware of their plans of publicising information in the USB, and they send Genji Kuki, vice leader of Kurosakikai, to kill the Kohaku and his right arm man Tsukumo.

To end the feud between themselves and the alliance of Doubt and the Prison Gang, the White Rascals head to the fatal battle. When they are almost killed by their powerful enemy, Cobra, and other SWORD members, come to their rescue with the determination to protect the SWORD area as a whole from their enemies. At the same time, Kohaku,  Tsukumo and the Amamiya brothers have to fight the formidable killer Genji Kuki.

The biggest fight that will determine the future of the SWORD area begins. The SWORD gangs repulse the attacks of their enemies at walls, but their true enemy, the Kuryu Group, has not yet been defeated.

Secret Zoo

Stuck in a dead-end temp position at a renowned law firm, attorney-at-law Tae Soo (Ahn Jae-Hong) dreams of one day landing a permanent position there. One day, he is given a special job to revitalize a failing zoo. The problem is, there are no animals. Moreover, he has exactly 3 months to do so. With the zookeepers’ help, he comes up with a brilliant idea of having the zookeepers dress up as animals.

One by one, the zookeepers put on animal suits and masks and become polar bears, tigers, gorillas, and sloths. The new zoo opens and Tae Soo’s polar bear goes viral when a video of him drinking a can of coke hits the internet. Thanks to everyone’s help, the zoo with fake animals is a massive hit and Tae Soo can now go back to the law firm with a permanent job. But before he leaves the zoo, he finds out what his law firm was planning with the zoo.

Can Tae Soo come up with another brilliant idea to save not only himself but the zookeepers and the zoo?

The Man from Toronto (2022 film)

Teddy, a struggling fitness entrepreneur in Yorktown, Virginia, is fired from his job at a local gym. He decides not to tell his wife Lori, taking her to Onancock for her birthday. Leaving her at a spa, Teddy arrives at the wrong cabin, where a man named Coughlin is being held hostage. Mistaken for 'the Man from Toronto', a mysterious assassin with a talent for brutal interrogation, the clueless Teddy manages to intimidate Coughlin into giving up a code.

The cabin is raided by the FBI, who convince Teddy to pose as the Man from Toronto to help capture would-be Venezuelan dictator Colonel Marin. Much to Teddy’s jealousy, an agent is assigned to accompany Lori and her friend Anne on a day of luxury in Washington, DC, telling them the trip has been provided by Teddy’s job. As Toronto, Teddy meets Marin’s wife Daniela, who flies him to San Juan, Puerto Rico with orders to identify Green, Coughlin’s partner, and bring him to the Colonel in DC.

En route, Teddy is ambushed by the Man from Toronto, whose real name is Randy. Planning to complete the $2 million contract by maintaining the ruse that Teddy is Toronto, Randy informs his Handler, who sends another assassin, the Man from Miami. Randy and Teddy arrive at a tech conference where Marin’s men have captured Green’s research team. Randy guides Teddy through interrogating the hostages; inadvertently cutting one of the men, Teddy vomits all over him and another hostage, who admits he is Green, and Randy kills Marin’s guards.

Green explains that he and Coughlin worked for DARPA developing a weapon with a dual failsafe — Coughlin’s code and Green’s thumbprint — but realized they were working on behalf of Marin, who plans to use the weapon to assassinate the President of Venezuela during a visit to DC. Teddy leaves the room while Randy cuts off Green’s thumb, and they are attacked by the Man from Miami but manage to subdue him.

They return to DC to attend Lori’s birthday dinner, where Randy finds himself connecting with Anne. Miami steals the thumb, which he and the Handler deliver to Marin. Teddy and Randy crash the deal, and the FBI arrives; Randy flees with the $2 million, while Miami and the Handler escape. The FBI discover that the thumb actually belonged to Marin’s henchman, as Randy chose not to let Marin arm the weapon.

Teddy returns home to find Lori has gone to stay with her mother, having learned that he lost his job and lied to her. Racing to stop her, Teddy is nearly killed by Miami, but Randy intervenes. They fight off several other assassins summoned by the Handler, who arrives demanding the money. She pursues them into a warehouse, where Teddy unintentionally drops her into a vat of boiling oil, frying her alive.

Teddy is confronted by a final assassin, the Man from Tokyo, but Randy dispatches him with 'Debora', his beloved 1969 Dodge Charger. Taking the car, Teddy reconciles with Lori at the train station but parks on the tracks, and the car is destroyed by a train. A year later, Randy has followed through on his dream of opening his own restaurant, and is in a relationship with Anne. Teddy declares Randy his partner in his new online gym, presenting him with a small payment toward replacing Debora, but Randy later calls Teddy during a livestream workout to threaten him.

The Immortal (2019 film)

Following being near fatally shot by Gennaro Savastano on a boat in the Gulf of Naples, Ciro Di Marzio is rescued and given incognito medical care. He is then employed by crime boss Don Aniello Pastore who has links to the Russian mob in Latvia, run by Yuri Dobeshenko, who are at odds with indigenous Latvian gangs. Ciro moves to Latvia to become Pastore's negotiator with Dobeshenko, after which he is kidnapped by a Latvian gang which demands the Italians sell cocaine to them instead.

Ciro becomes reacquainted with his childhood mentor Bruno who, under the auspices of Pastore, processes imported clothing to resell as 'designer labels', and acts as a go-between with Ciro. Bruno provides accommodation for Ciro with his gang family, which includes Virgilio and his wife Vera.

Ciro ostensibly drives drugs to a meeting with the Latvians. However, the consignment contains Russians who kill most of the Latvians, the drugs being delivered by Bruno to Dobeshenko. Bruno's family questioned the safety of processing large quantities of cocaine, but saw they had no choice, especially after Ciro provided a large Russian payment while stating that Bruno's family would work for him, not Pastore. Virgilio brought news of a worsening situation in Naples, but the continued security of Gennaro Savastano. Ciro, when questioned, explained he asked Gennaro to shoot him.

A year later, while Bruno told Ciro he had decided to return to Naples, a further shipment of drugs is stolen under force by the Latvians, Bruno counselling no resistance during the raid at which four of his men were killed. Dobeshenko said the loss was Ciro's responsibility and that he should retrieve the drugs. To make his point, Dobeshenko shot Virgilio dead, and threatened to shoot all Bruno's family.

Ciro takes Bruno to negotiate with the Latvians, telling them he has switched sides. He returns and counsels caution to Bruno's gang's wives, and asks for Vera's help. Ciro again takes Bruno to meet the Latvians, they driving together in car convoy; the Latvian cars explode. Ciro tells Bruno that he knew it was he who helped set up the Latvian raid. Bruno expresses his resentment of Ciro for everything he became that he didn't. Ciro tells of his bitterness over Bruno causing the death of Stella, Bruno's girlfriend, but refuses to kill him, this being too easy. A Dobeshenko convoy arrived, with Vera as hostage. Vera was released, and Bruno walked into the woods. Dobeshenko says enemies should always be killed; Ciro shoots him, telling Dobeshenko's bodyguards there are now no bosses, with which they acquiesce.

Later, Ciro receives the head of Don Aniello Pastore, and a car arrives with Gennaro Savastano; he and Ciro walk toward each other.


Throughout the film are flashbacks to Ciro's early life in Naples. Ciro had been rescued as a baby from the 1980 Naples earthquake in which his family had been killed. As a child he was sent to an orphanage, falling under the influence of Bruno, a small time criminal who controlled a street gang of child thieves, and collaborated with Neapolitan gangster and smuggler 'Blackbird'. Bruno, dissatisfied with his rewards from Blackbird, became enthusiastic when given a role in smuggling cigarettes. Because of his precocious talent, and affection for him, Bruno invited Ciro to watch his girlfriend, Stella ('The Angel') sing at a club restaurant. Ciro became infatuated with her.

During a smuggling operation for Blackbird, Bruno's speedboats were chased by police, with Ciro and Bruno in one of the boats. Ciro sacrificed himself and saved the run by jumping into the water, the pursuers stopping to save him. Blackbird expressed his appreciation of Ciro, and his displeasure of Bruno who endangered his smuggling. On a later smuggling run Bruno unloaded contraband for his own use as an answer to Blackbird's slights. Realizing his mistake and a need to apologize he sent Ciro to invite Blackbird to a meeting, at which Blackbird was ambushed. Later, in retaliation for the ambush, Stella was gunned down in front of Ciro.

Returning to Secondigliano, Ciro was met by Attilio , who invited him to meet Don Pietro Savastano.

Relic (2020 film)

When Edna, the demented, elderly, and widowed matriarch of the family, goes missing, her daughter Kay and granddaughter Sam travel to their remote family home to find her. They discover the house locked from the inside, and a strange black mold-like substance on an upstairs wall. Much of the furniture has been adorned with Post-it notes of reminders for Edna.

That night, Sam is visited by their young neighbour Jamie, who states that he had not been to visit Edna for a while after his father had told him not to go back to the house. Sam and Kay grow increasingly disturbed by a loud creaking from inside the walls and the appearance of more black mold throughout the house. Kay experiences nightmares of a withered rotting corpse in an old shack in the woodlands.

The next morning, Kay finds Edna has returned, barefoot and muddied, and unaware of her own disappearance. Following a visit from a doctor, Edna is found to be mostly of sound mind and without injury with the exception of a large black bruise on her chest (resembling the mold). Kay tells Sam that she plans to move Edna into a retirement home, given her self-neglect. That night, Kay awakes to find Edna sleepwalking toward the front door, whispering, "It's nothing." After being brought back to bed, Edna is convinced there is something hiding in the room and urges Kay to check under the bed; Kay sees something breathing but is distracted before she can investigate further.

The next day, Sam and her grandmother share a tender moment until Edna suddenly grows cold and accuses Sam of stealing from her. She snatches the ring off of Sam's finger (not remembering that she had gifted Sam this ring). Following another violent event involving Edna, Sam visits Jamie's father Alex to ask why he stopped letting Jamie visit. Alex reveals that the last time Jamie visited, the pair played hide-and-seek, however, Edna mistakenly locked Jamie in his hiding space and left him there for hours, forgetting she had even seen him that day. Back at the house, Kay follows Edna into the garden, where she finds her tearing pages from the family photo album and frantically eating them. When Kay tries to intervene, Edna bites her and storms off, attempting to bury the album in the soil, claiming it will "be safer there". Fearing something may come to get her, Edna softens and agrees to let Kay take care of her.

Sam discovers a hidden passageway to another part of the house. She enters but becomes lost as the corridor begins to loop. Disoriented and afraid, she resorts to screaming and banging on the walls. Edna's condition seems to have worsened again; she now glares at Kay mistrustfully, refusing to eat and wetting herself. Kay notices her mother's urine is stained black. As Edna bathes, she scratches what was once her bruise but is now rotting black flesh. The bathwater overflows and reacts with an electric heater, causing the house's power to go out. Sam travels deeper into the corridors. The ceilings slope lower, forcing her to crawl. She eventually escapes by knocking holes through the molded walls.

Kay finds Edna, much to her horror, picking at her rotting face with a knife. Kay and Sam flee into the passageway (hearing Edna approaching). Edna, now disfigured and physically contorted, crawls toward them. She attempts to pin down Sam before being beaten down by Kay. Wheezing, the decaying Edna gestures toward a post-it note on the floor, labelled "I AM LOVED", and smiles. Kay realises that the walls of the house are no longer rotting and returns to her corpse-like mother to carry her to bed. She helps Edna peel away the last remnants of her hair and flesh to reveal her final form, a withered rotting corpse (like the one in her nightmare). Kay and Sam then lay on the bed with Edna until she peacefully falls asleep.

The film ends with Sam noticing a very small black bruise on the nape of Kay's neck, resembling that of Edna's initial bruise, suggesting that in time Kay will suffer a similar fate as her mother.

The Gardener (1987 film)

The film tells the story of a man who grew an apple orchard.

The Tale about the Painter in Love

The film tells about the young and cheerful painter Makar, who was invited to the king’s palace. There he met a beautiful princess, whom he immediately fell in love with, but he was expelled from the palace. Makar has to go through many trials before realizing that the one he saw in the palace is not a beautiful princess at all, but an ugly maid.

The Pathfinder (1987 film)

The film takes place during the English-French War of Dominance in North America. The film tells the story of a young girl Mabel Dungam, who goes to the English fort and meets officer Jasper and the pathfinder on the way.

The Christians (film)

The film is about a woman named Pelageya Karaulova who refuses to take the oath before the cross, explaining that she is not a Christian.

Aelita, Do Not Pester Men!

The film tells about an unusual and gullible woman who, in spite of everything, continues to believe that she will become happy.

Kings of Crime

The film tells about the confrontation between two leaders of criminal gangs from one coastal city.

Whose Are You, Old People?

The film tells about two lonely old people living in one village.

Golgo 13 (film)

Contracted by an organization to kill Max Boa, the head of a worldwide crime syndicate responsible for drugs, weapons, and human trafficking, Golgo 13 (real name: Duke Togo) is sent to the Middle East to track down his target and eliminate them.

Parce Domine (Westworld)

In Beihai, China, Dolores locates and coerces Gerald, a former shareholder in Delos, to sign over confidential files related to AI company Incite. In the end he dies when he tries to attack her as she leaves. She tells his wife that she is now free.

In Los Angeles, former soldier Caleb struggles with the trauma of losing his friend Francis in combat. Unable to secure better work than construction, he makes ends meet through petty crime jobs offered via the Rico app, which uses blockchain technology to allow individuals to accept short-term illegal work such as transporting illegal substances, robbing ATMs, kidnapping, and murder.

In San Francisco, the Charlotte host takes control of the Delos board in William's absence. They vote to resume the production of park hosts.

In southeast Asia, Bernard, working at a livestock farm under a new alias, hides from a global manhunt, having been framed for the Westworld massacre. Two co-workers recognize and attempt to capture him, but Bernard fights them off and later secures passage back to Westworld.

Dolores gets close to Liam Dempsey Jr., the son of Incite's co-founder, to learn more about the strategic planning AI called Rehoboam, which plays a large role in public policy around the world. Liam reveals he cannot access it as his deceased father never shared the codes with him. As Liam is about to tell Dolores the name of the only person with access, Martin, his head of security, arrives and knocks Dolores out, revealing she has been using a stolen identity. Martin and his men plan to kill her, using the Rico service to request a stolen car and lethal drugs. Caleb accepts the job and arrives. He is concerned for the unconscious woman but walks away when ordered.

Dolores wakes up and kills Martin's men, leading to a firefight in which she receives a gunshot wound. Martin flees but is caught by Dolores. Under duress, Martin divulges the name "Serac" as the person she seeks. A host-copy of Martin created by Dolores arrives and kills the real Martin. Caleb finds a sense of purpose and returns in time to help Dolores as she faints from blood loss.

In a post-credits scene, Maeve wakes up to find herself in a room with a tied-up soldier nearby. She looks out the window to see herself in the midst of World War II.

The Winter Line

In Warworld, Maeve is rescued by Hector and eludes Nazi guards. She soon realizes that Hector is just playing out a narrative like in Westworld and that he no longer remembers who she is. She kills herself, which sends her back to Operations. When she escapes and tries to lobotomize herself, Lee Sizemore stops her, revealing he survived being shot in Westworld. He explains he made sure to have Maeve brought to Warworld as it was the closest park to Westworld and the Forge, so she can reunite with her daughter in the Sublime.

Bernard arrives at Westworld and travels to the old lab where he had learned he was a host. He finds Ashley Stubbs there, who reveals he was programmed to help cover Bernard's escape and then kill himself to protect Bernard's secret, but when he attempted to shoot himself, he missed his explosive killswitch. After Bernard fixes him up, Stubbs takes him to the Mesa to find Maeve, as Bernard believes she is necessary to fight Dolores. However, they find Maeve's host in cold storage and missing its "pearl."

When Maeve wakes again in Warworld, she quickly abandons Hector to meet Lee and travel to the Forge. Once there, Lee is surprised when Maeve admits she has never been inside the Forge before and it was not her who activated the Door, coming to the conclusion it must have been Dolores. Lee's behaviour and questioning leads Maeve (as well as Lee) to realise he is not the real Lee Sizemore, who did indeed die in the park. She further discovers that her entire experiences so far have been part of a virtual reality simulation to gain information on accessing the data in the Forge. She returns to Operations with Lee and deduces that the system she is in has limited processing power. When she wakes up again in Warworld, her tricks overload the system, freezing everything and allowing her to find her location in the real world, among a bank of other hosts connected to a system. She programs a maintenance robot to steal her pearl, but guards are able to shoot down the robot upon its escape.

Stubbs takes Bernard to a medieval fantasy-themed park and its functioning Operations center so he can try to find Maeve. He finds Maeve is no longer in the park and must be outside. While Stubbs protects him from Delos guards, he uses the park systems to check his own code to ensure Dolores did not contaminate it when she made him a new body. They flee, with Bernard having become aware of Dolores researching past park guests including Liam Dempsey Jr.. Bernard programs Stubbs to continue as his bodyguard as they return to the mainland.

Maeve awakes in the real world home of Engerraund Serac, who reveals the system he built is helping to write humanity's future, until it recently stopped working correctly. He had thought that Maeve had caused the divergence, only to discover that the disruption was instead caused by Dolores. He seeks Maeve's help to kill Dolores. Maeve wants no part in his plan and tries to stab Serac, but he reveals a killswitch that enables him to freeze her in her tracks.