In a flashback, the human Charlotte records a message and song for her son Nathan amid the host revolt in Westworld. Later, Dolores makes the Charlotte host body and inserts one of the host control units she smuggled out of Westworld, and explains to the unrevealed host that they must pretend to be Charlotte so they can run Delos to protect the few surviving hosts.
Caleb helps EMTs take Dolores to the hospital, but finds that people hired through the Rico app are following them. Caleb helps her fend them off, and as she drives away, she recommends Caleb go into hiding. Caleb goes to see his mother one last time, learning he has become a wanted target on Rico.
In the present, Charlotte learns Serac is buying up significant shares of Delos to acquire its data. She returns home and is scolded by her ex-husband Jake for forgetting to pick up their son Nathan from school. The next day, Charlotte is told assets are missing from the park, likely by an inside mole working for Serac. She starts to panic and arranges to meet with Dolores, who sees the host has been inflicting injuries on the body due to the strain of pretending to be someone else. As Dolores repairs them, Charlotte warns her about Serac.
Caleb is seized by two past associates who will kill him unless he tells them where Dolores is. As Dolores checks in with the host duplicate of Martin, she learns of Caleb's situation, and arrives to save him in time. Dolores brings Caleb to understand her plans for revolution, showing how much data Incite has on him and how Rehoboam has predicted his life will end in suicide in ten years, which is why he is stuck in menial jobs. She offers him another option, to join her revolution against Serac to pull the plug on Incite. Caleb agrees to help.
At Delos, Charlotte is given the human Charlotte's recording, and she remembers to pick up Nathan. There, she finds a pedophile trying to groom Nathan. She kills the pedophile. She continues to study the recording and recognizes the melody of "You Are My Sunshine" as matching tones she has received in phone messages. She uses them to unlock an unlisted number, which causes her vehicle to reroute itself to Serac's home. There, Serac demands all of the Delos' guest data that human Charlotte had promised and attempted to smuggle, but the host says she does not have the key for the encrypted data. Serac knows that key is within the host module of Dolores, and he tells Charlotte that she has little time left.
William is tormented by nightmares of killing his daughter Emily in Westworld. Charlotte wakes William and tells him she needs him at a Delos board meeting to protect the company from Serac. William cleans himself up and wards off another vision of Emily by telling her it was a conscious decision to kill her. As he leaves, Charlotte comments on his visions of Emily, shocking him.
Believing Dolores has swapped Liam with a host, Bernard and Ashley prepare to infiltrate a private charity event in Los Angeles to abduct Liam. Dolores and Caleb make similar plans after transferring all of Liam's funds out of his account. At the masquerade party event, Bernard and Ashley grab Liam after he discovers his funds are gone, but quickly learn Liam is not a host. Bernard runs off with Liam as Caleb chases them, while Dolores fights Ashley. Bernard is approached by Martin and Liam's bodyguards, and Bernard realizes Martin is the host when Martin kills the guards. Martin instructs Liam to flee and for Caleb to follow him.
Serac again urges Maeve to help find Dolores, as not only does she hold the encryption key to the Delos data, but also to the Sublime to reunite Maeve with her daughter. He claims that Delos' secret project of mapping the human mind can prevent humanity from destroying itself. He reveals his native Paris was destroyed in a nuclear blast. He knows Dolores brought five host control modules, "pearls", and coerces an identity broker to reveal a lead to a Singapore organ trade doctor with ties to the Yakuza. The doctor directs Maeve to the Yakuza headquarters. After dispatching the guards, Maeve meets the Yakuza leader, Sato, recognizing him as the Musashi host from Shōgunworld.
William, Bernard, and Maeve all recognize that Charlotte, Martin, and Sato are all hosts with copies of Dolores' pearl. Dolores, via Sato, tells Maeve that she needs to duplicate herself to prevent Serac from stopping her. She then critically wounds Maeve. William lashes out at Charlotte and she has him committed to a mental institution, where he has a vision of Dolores as he remembered her from the park. She declares he has reached the end of his game. Martin takes Bernard to meet up with Caleb, who has cornered Liam. They are soon joined by Dolores, whom Liam recognizes as Lara, the girlfriend he thought was dead.
Caleb takes Dolores' control module to a warehouse, where another Dolores host body awaits. Dolores reveals she manipulated events so that Caleb would meet her. She chose Caleb as a representative of humanity. We see a flashback of him standing up to a soldier advocating for the rape of hosts including Dolores, which she says was an example of free will. This happened after a military exercise in a Delos park made for training military personnel and ended with the hosts being protected. Dolores tells Caleb they need to insert Solomon's drive into Rehoboam at Incite headquarters.
Dolores is confronted by Maeve and gains the upper hand, but then lets her go, warning her to stay out of the way. However, as Dolores leaves, her body shuts down, and a holographic image of Charlotte appears and reminds her she can still be controlled by Delos. Meanwhile, Ash and Giggles guide Caleb safely through rioting crowds and police surrounding Incite.
Serac has Dolores connected to Rehoboam to locate the Delos immortality data. Rehoboam fails to find it. He then orders Dolores' mind erased. Caleb is stopped by Maeve before he can reach Rehoboam. Serac shows a Rehoboam prediction that humanity will end within decades with Solomon's plan. Serac orders Caleb to be killed. Maeve discovers Serac speaks Rehoboam's voice using a hidden earpiece.
As Dolores' memories are being wiped, she communicates with Maeve, reminding her that humanity appreciates the beauty of the world. Dolores implores Maeve to help humanity. Maeve breaks through Serac's behavior inhibitor, kills his guards, and wounds him. Maeve reveals Dolores' last memory was Solomon's program, which transferred control of Rehoboam to Caleb. Maeve affirms Dolores chose Caleb to decide if Rehoboam should be deactivated. Caleb instructs Rehoboam to erase itself and it appears to. They both venture outside. Serac's fate remains unknown.
William shoots Stubbs and flees. Bernard and Stubbs hunker down at a motel room. Bernard realizes that Dolores put the key to the Sublime in his mind. Bernard enters the Sublime to learn what's there, appearing to go idle.
In a post-credits scene, William enters a Delos facility in Dubai to kill hosts. He encounters Charlotte. Before he can attack her, a host fashioned after his Man in Black persona slits his throat. It is unclear if he survives. Hundreds of host-making machines activate behind him. In another post-credit scene, a dust-covered Bernard wakes up in the motel room.
Charlotte calls Musashi and announces that she has a plan of her own. Musashi is met by Clementine and Hanaryo—the two hosts that Serac brought to help Maeve—and they kill Musashi.
Dolores and Caleb head to Serac's re-education facility in Mexico to look for Solomon, the AI that had been developed by Serac's brother Jean Mi prior to Rehoboam. En route, Caleb recounts his military mission to Crimea to deal with a rebel group using data tracking systems. His unit was one of the systems' targets. The entire unit was killed, except for Caleb and Francis. They subsequently captured a rebel leader, but when their planned evac failed to arrive, they made their own attempt to escort their captive to safety. Francis and the rebel leader were killed.
After Solomon is revived, it reveals that Caleb had been successfully reconditioned by Serac, and that those who failed reconditioning were put into cryogenic sleep. Caleb and Francis had been in the military but were discharged after the Crimea attack. They subsequently became agents to serve Serac's system and round up other outliers. The Rico app was used to arrange these abductions.
They received pills used by military personnel to improve combat performance. The rebel leader they captured was really the CEO of the pharmaceutical company that provided the pills. He was deemed a threat for asking too many questions. Whitman revealed the truth to Caleb and warned him that Rico would tell Francis to kill Caleb. Francis admits this and is about to kill Caleb, but Caleb kills him, which he was re-conditioned to forget.
Dolores implores Solomon to launch the plan Jean Mi had envisioned before being put away. Solomon agrees as Maeve arrives at the facility. Maeve gains the advantage on Dolores, and Solomon provides Caleb a data device with instructions on how to kill Serac. Dolores makes it inside the facility and activates an EMP that disables Solomon, Maeve, and herself.
Meanwhile, Bernard and Ashley discover Dolores is interested in Caleb and that he is an outlier. As they leave the Incite facility, William reveals he has a new purpose: to destroy all hosts. Bernard dissuades Ashley from killing William because he believes they will still need him. He warns Ashley that he believes Dolores will use Caleb to destroy humanity. William finds a gun and prepares to kill Bernard and Ashley.
A fleet of warships are helmed by the 'felis sapiens', under the tyrannical rule of Rodon, the ruthless feral cat leader who has vowed to wipe out all cats who worship anyone but him. Three cat clerics are to be executed for this crime, but manage to escape. They steal a shuttle and set course for their 'birthplace' to find their god. Meanwhile, Lister has spent weeks going through the areas of the ship that he has not investigated since he left stasis, including the cargo bays where amongst other things he finds the reboot-disc for Holly, the ship's computer who was lost years earlier. Booting it up, they discover that Holly has been restored from his original startup file, and fails to recognise the crew. After discovering that the ship is all but abandoned and serves no logistical purpose, Holly follows his pre-programmed instructions to dispose of the ship by destroying it. Unable to convince him otherwise, Lister, Kryten, Rimmer and Cat all flee in ''Starbug'' to find a new ship.
They eventually stumble upon a ship called the ''Iron Star'', a derelict vessel outfitted with technology that is far superior to that of ''Red Dwarf''. Immediately they discover a new form of hologrammatic projection technology called 'Diamond Light', which is more powerful than 'Hard Light', giving holograms abilities akin to superheroes, merging hard light projections with soft light projections. Deciding to ignore all the safety precautions, Rimmer has his own program converted to Diamond Light, giving him amazing powers and choosing his superhero name as "The Mighty Light", but after a few minutes he shuts down. He discovers that by recklessly using the technology before running safety tests, he has destroyed his Light Bee's battery, which now only has a few minutes of power and thus he can only exist if he is plugged into a mains power supply. Exploring the ship more, they stumble upon the three cat clerics who instantly recognise Lister as their god. Lister tries to set things right, but Kryten advises against it as their faith is all they have. The clerics reveal they have fled from Rodon who seeks them and the Anubis Stone, a mystical stone wielding great power; however, Kryten quickly determines that the stone is actually polished beetle dung.
Rodon arrives to take the Anubis Stone, quickly departing back to his battlecruiser where he orders the ''Iron Star'' be fired upon. The Dwarfers and the three clerics all flee back to ''Starbug'' and leave before the destruction of the ''Iron Star'', but damage taken by the debris causes them to crash land onto a desert moon. Rodon's ship catches up with them and gives chase, forcing them to hide in a sandstorm, only to end up trapped underground. Looking for help, Rimmer, who has become a black-and-white low energy setting, contacts Holly and convinces him to upload the last saved back-up files of the original Holly into his system, thus restoring his memories and previous 'computer-senile' personality. In an attempt to help them, Holly launches a mining torpedo which destroys the entire moon, throwing ''Starbug'' clear in the shockwave. Regrouping on ''Red Dwarf'', they learn that Rodon and his crew are on the ship, and have come to return the Anubis Stone, seeing it as worthless. Before leaving, he leaves a bomb aboard ''Red Dwarf'' to kill them all.
Lister realises that the Anubis Stone's beetle dung shell is a top layer, and removes it to reveal the real Stone which is a source of immense power. Transferring this power to Rimmer reengages his Diamond Light form, and with seconds to spare Rimmer takes the bomb out into space to detonate harmlessly. Lister then leads an attack against Rodon, where he and Rimmer create a laser pointer aimed at Rodon so his own people attack him, causing his ship to lose control and hit an asteroid, destroying it and all aboard. Looking to reboot Kryten, who has been serving as Rimmer's power supply, they discover that his system is locked up and he cannot recharge. In order to save Kryten, Rimmer forgoes his superpowers and uses the Anubis Stone to restore Kryten back to life. The Dwarfers return the clerics to the Cat Fleet, where they thank Lister for showing them the true legend they should be following, revealing they now worship Rimmer as a god. The ships part ways and the Dwarfers return home.
Vikram Rudraraju is a cop in the Telangana CID, where he works in the Homicide Intervention Team ''HIT'', and is sharp person, who solves crucial cases with his ability to capture even the smallest of details, thus earning the trust of his senior Viswanath. He is in love with Neha, his colleague and a forensic official.
Rohit is Vikram's close friend and his colleague, who accompanies him in most of his cases. Vikram is constantly in an argument with Abhilash, another officer, who crosses lines with Vikram. Vikram occasionally suffers from PTSD due to his past experience and refuses to take pills as he believes it slows down his abilities.
Meanwhile, a girl named Preethi is driving on the highway, and her car stops to the side because it suffers a malfunction. Officer Ibrahim, stops to help her, and she calls her father since she forgot her phone at her home. When her father comes to pick her up, he sees that she has gone missing and Ibrahim says that she got into a blue car and he thought it was his car.
When Preethi's parents approach Ibrahim demandingly, he remains firm and insults them. Being a good friend of Preethi's parents, Viswanath decides to suspend Ibrahim because of how he acted and since he does not believe him. Vikram decides to take a six month break to relieve his PTSD attacks. After two months, Vikram gets a call that Neha goes missing. He decides to go back to Viswanath and ask for the case file for Neha going missing, but he says Abhilash is dealing with the case, and he cannot give it to him.
Vikram decides to ask Shinde, who is Neha's colleague, about the cases Neha has dealt with the past two months. Vikram and Rohit connect Preethi's and Neha's missing case and deduce that the same person is involved in both cases. Vikram decides to investigate, and he asks Srinivas for Preethi's case, and he takes over the case.
Meanwhile, Abhilash has suspicions that Vikram was the one who kidnapped Neha. Vikram decides to go to Preethi's college, and he asks Ajay and Sandya about what happened the previous night, and they say the same response how they were at a pub. Vikram and Rohit ask both Preethi's parents, and they say that her parents died in a plane crash and she was living with them and Preethi's neighbor Sheela about her.
Vikram and Rohit start deducing the case, and they come to a conclusion that Sheela kidnapped Preethi after they see Sheela's blue car and a note forged by Sheela indicating the whereabouts of Preethi’s corpse. Ibrahim then sees the car and says that Sheela was not the one who kidnapped Preethi. Vikram and his team dig up the body behind the house and find that it is unnoticeable and it has a few DNA samples on it.
Vikram suspects Ajay because he said that Preethi was his girlfriend. Vikram using the toll gate security cameras he deduces that the man who kidnapped was Fahad. After Vikram, Abhilash, and Ibrahim find Fahad, Ibrahim is shot dead by Fahad while Vikram and Abhilash capture him. Fahad takes them to the house where he received the money to kidnap Preethi. Vikram finds out that it was Rohit's house, and before Rohit shoots him, he shoots him dead.
Rohit's wife Swapna comes down while Abhilash goes upstairs and gets Neha. Swapna explains how Preethi, Swapna, and her sister,Aditi, were orphans and how a rich couple from US came to adopt one of them. Swapna begs Preethi to let Aditi get adopted due to a hole in her heart. Preethi does not renege and is adopted, and moves out with the couple.
Aditi dies within 2 years due to insufficient medical treatment, and since then, she had blamed Preethi for it. Recently, Swapna then sees Preethi in a club and gets her kidnapped. She then kills Preethi and has Rohit bury her and plant DNA evidences. Swapna gets arrested. When Neha and Vikram are talking, Vikram almost gets shot. It is then hinted that the story would continue in ''HIT: The Second Case''.
Hannah Kolinsky (Lynskey), a rather sketchy, oft-intoxicated model-actress, finds herself dumped by her boyfriend. Just then the dissolute but cute scion of an aristocratic Southern family hires her to take over the job of tour guide. Said scion wants to get into Hannah’s pants, as he had into those of the former guide. Occupational hazard.
Hannah is a slouchy, inarticulate, unladylike and generally inept tour guide, attempting to impersonate the lady of the manor in the historical-recreation tour.
The actual ghost of the lady of the manor (Judy Greer) appears to Hannah over and over. They actually develop a friendship; their better qualities rub off on each other; Hannah is persuaded to evade the advances of the young heir (Phillipe), whom we learn is married, and to welcome the charms of a very cute “nerd,” a history professor (Justin Long). All this in the service of the main plot, whereby Hannah helps the ghost to unearth evidence that she had intended to leave the mansion to Nia and her brother Markus, descendants of the ghost’s best friend, an African-American woman of that period. All turns out for the best. Wrongs are righted, and The professor and Hannah end up in bed together. Patrick Duffy has a couple scenes as the young rake’s (Ryan Phillipe’s) father, but the film’s focus is firmly, fondly, and humorously on the two women. There are silly fart jokes, and the fade-out is on Hannah (not again!) being arrested for something we the audience knows she didn’t do. The light-heartedness is sometimes thin, but the girl playing Hannah is sufficiently offbeat to keep our interest.
The film tells about an unusual and stubborn man who tries to create a perpetual motion machine and write a philosophical treatise, but feels himself a very unhappy person.
In the year 2020, a series of cyber-attacks across Tokyo are the result of catastrophic events in another world within the internet, the Digital World, where creatures called Digimon roam. Taichi Yagami, a young boy gets transported to the internet and meets Agumon while they are attacked by a swarm of Argomon. They meet up with Yamato Ishida and his partner Gabumon and together they defeat the Mega Argomon as Omnimon.
While getting ready for summer camp, Taichi, Yamato, Sora Takenouchi, Koshiro Izumi, Mimi Tachikawa, and Joe Kido are transported to the Digital World where they acquire Digivices and Digimon partners while learning that they have been chosen to stop the Dark Digimon causing attacks both the Network and the Digital World. They are lured into a fake Tokyo dimension where Eyesmon, another opponent attacks them. Omnimon is able to destroy Nidhoggmon (Eyesmon's Mega form) before the countdown to annihilate the real Tokyo in the Real World happens.
They are joined by Takeru Takaishi, Yamato's brother on their mission to stop Devimon, an evil Digimon who rules the Cloud Continent. Later, after Devimon's defeat, on the Eternal Continent, they are joined by Taichi's sister Hikari and her partner Gatomon, who serves as their guide to the Sealed Grounds, where Millenniummon, an ultimate weapon of the Dark Digimon, is to be revived. Unfortunately, Millenniummon's servants, Vademon and Sakkakumon were able to restore Millenniummon's body, and was unleashed in an attempt to destroy the entire Digital World, but was defeated by WarGreymon with the hopes of the friendly Digimon the DigiDestined befriended in their adventure.
And finally, after Millenniummon's defeat, all eight DigiDestined must discover the true power of the Crests in their Digivices to stop Negamon, the benefactor of the Dark Digimon and the creator of the Argomon and Eyesmon, from bringing the Great Catastrophe (and also learn that Omnimon can stop Negamon). Taichi and Agumon encountered the Argomon again, and this time meet a humanoid Argomon sent by Negamon to test Taichi and Agumon's bond. After reuniting with each other, the DigiDestined face a swarm of Soundbirdmon, who digivolve to their true form, Ghoulmon. After Ghoulmon's defeat, Negamon was released from its prison and begins the Great Catastrophe. The DigiDestined come face to face with their final enemy after defeating the humanoid Argomon. A brutal battle between Negamon and the DigiDestined begins, and later, Negamon digivolves into Abbadomon and destroys the physical forms of four of the DigiDestined while Taichi, Hikari, Takeru, and Yamato continue to fight Abbadomon. The hopes of the humanity restore the four children back into their physical forms and enable Agumon and Gabumon to fuse into Omnimon. Taichi, Yamato, and Omnimon enter Abbadomon where they confront the core body. After a great battle, Omnimon destroys Abbadomon who reformats into a Digi-Egg and peace of both worlds were restored.
In the epilogue, the DigiDestined return home accompanied by their Digimon partners in secret while Taichi chose to remain in the Digital World to explore it instead and continue his adventures there with Agumon.
In the 16th-century City of London, a poor boy called Tom Canty is bullied by his criminal father into stealing five shillings from a stranger. He is chased and escapes by getting through a gate into a palace garden. There, he meets and befriends Edward, Prince of Wales. They find they look very alike and that each craves the life of the other, so they swap clothes. Edward is then mistaken for Tom and marched out of the palace by guards. A stranger, Sir Miles Hendon (Aidan Quinn), meets the boy and takes him to join Tom's father, John Canty. They fight, and Canty believes he has killed Miles, so flees from London into the country, taking Edward with him. Meanwhile, in the palace, Tom does not know how to play the part of a prince and reveals who he is to the scheming Lord Hertford (Jonathan Hyde). Edward's father, Henry VIII, (Alan Bates) falls seriously ill, and after giving orders that no one is to go on doubting that Tom is his son, he dies. Tom is accepted by the court as king. Word of these developments reaches John Canty and Edward, on the run, before Canty is killed in a fight. Edward again meets Miles, recovered and very much alive, who takes him to Hendon Hall, his family seat, where they find Miles's younger brother Hugh has seized his property. Hugh imprisons Miles and Edward, but they escape, and Edward persuades Miles that he is not Tom but the new king.
On the day of the coronation, Edward and Miles travel to Westminster. Edward is able to halt the ceremony, and he and Tom are again able to exchange their clothes and identities. Archbishop Cranmer and others are suspicious, but Edward produces the Great Seal of the Realm to prove who he is. Afterwards, Edward gives Tom an official position, and Miles is restored to his lost honours.
The Actons are a blue-collar family living in a rural area in West Virginia. Tom and Carol have spent the early days of their marriage living in a tent, but the salvage yard Tom runs has allowed him to support his wife and three children Kathy, Peter and Crystal, and buy a house. A loving yet strict father, Tom is unhappy about the life choices of 19-year-old Kathy: she has dropped out of school and is now working in the office of her father’s business, but is dreaming of becoming a writer. Pretty and flirtatious, she is having an affair with Jim McDaniel, who works at the salvage yard, although he is married. Following numerous arguments with her father, she has plans of moving out of her parents’ home.
One day Tom returns from work and reports Kathy missing. By his account, the two had agreed to meet a customer at a convenience store in order to buy a pick-up truck from him. Kathy and the customer had gone for a test drive and never returned. Tom suspects Jim of being involved, while neighbor Betty believes Kathy might simply have run away and will return eventually. Carol remembers that in the days before her disappearance, Kathy had expressed worries that an ex-boyfriend might be stalking her.
The body of a young woman matching Kathy’s description is found a few days later, shot several times and badly disfigured. Both Tom and Carol state that it is not Kathy, but police later identify her through her fingerprints. In the meantime Tom is beginning to act strange: he is out in the yard late at night, cutting the lawn with a pair of scissors and refusing to come into the house until he has finished. He is hearing voices that belittle him.
Police follow the leads Tom has given. However, none of the witnesses has seen Tom, Kathy or the red Chevy pick-up truck Tom claims Kathy left in at the time in question, nor is there any other evidence to back up his version. But even when confronted with these facts, Carol continues to believe in Tom’s innocence.
As Peter and Crystal are removed from their parents by court order while Tom’s strange behavior continues, Carol’s faith in her husband begins to wane. She confronts him, and he sets off, promising to find out what happened. He calls her the next day, claiming to have found the red pick-up truck, and she calls the police to the scene. They find one of the cars from Tom’s lot with blood stains on the front passenger seat. Tom, in the meantime, is on the road in a truck, having fantasies of Kathy riding in the truck with him. Police arrest him the night after.
Carol learns that Tom has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, “as if there are several people living in the same body, and they don’t always know what each other is doing”. She reveals that she has noticed strange behaviors in Tom before but took it for stress-induced moodiness. When she is allowed to talk to Tom, she experiences him going through multiple personality states, at first acting like an intimidated child, then abruptly switching to a cold, abusive personality before he is led away.
In Tom’s next session with psychologist Dr. Miller, Carol witnesses him re-live an experience he had at age 13: his father humiliated him and made him cut the lawn with a pair of scissors. He made a move to stab his father to death with the scissors, but eventually got scared and backed out, for which his father mocked him even further. Tom spent the entire night outside in the cold, cutting grass. In court, the psychologist explains that she has identified as many as six different personalities in Tom. It is revealed that Tom drove Kathy to the place where her body was later found, and confronted her about her affair with Jim. An argument ensued, in which Kathy insulted Tom with the same words his father had used, triggering a flashback in Tom and prompting him to kill her, thinking he was killing his abusive father.
In the final scenes, Carol is shown taking over her husband’s business, visiting Tom in prison to bid him farewell, and embracing her kids as they are allowed to return home.
When he is arrested for a crime he did not commit, Miguel will fight to seek justice and recover the love of his life. Miguel and Luísa, in love since their teens, were planning to get married and fulfill all the dreams they had together. However, everything changes radically during a vacation in South Africa, when Luisa's father dies. Zé, Miguel's best friend, an ambitious man who is also in love with Luisa, hides from everyone that he was the murderer and accuses Miguel of the crime. Sentenced to a term of ten years for murder, Miguel is prevented from returning to Portugal and is never again to see the woman he loves. When he returns to the Algarve after completing his sentence, Miguel finds Luísa married to Zé and mother of Catarina. He discovers the child is his daughter and decides to stay in Portugal to fight for the girl, ready to recover the ten years they missed with each other and becomes a father to her. While attempting to rebuild himself and remove the stigma of having been the murderer of his ex-father-in-law, Miguel discovers that his autopsy was forged and that the cause of death was not the same for which he was convicted. Miguel determines to go on search to discover who the true assassin was, during which he feels like he reaches a dead end, again and again. Luisa and Miguel, now on opposite sides, fight against the love that, despite all that's happened, they still feel for each other. Another restraint to this Living Passion is also Zé, willing to do everything to stay with Luisa and Catarina, destroying Miguel.
A fight to regain an old passion and build a new one.
Seven months later, Catarina tells her father that she will have a brilliant Visual Education note and her father is happy. Upon leaving the court, Zé is released because no evidence was found sufficient to incriminate him. Dr. Antunes, Julia, and Tomás leave behind him, furious. In the hospital room, Luisa sees the news of Zé's release on television. You're all set to go home. Catarina and Miguel enter at that moment and Catherine embraces her mother. Miguel tries to comfort her but Luiza does not conform to Zé's impunity. The doctor who followed her comes to say goodbye and praises her recovery. Luisa, Miguel and Catarina walk along the beach and the child realizes that the mother is sad. In the distance somebody photographs them but we do not realize who they are. In South Africa, Helena is in the graveyard for some flowers in her grandmother's grave when she receives a call from Nazareth. At the orange factory, Laura sings congratulations to Camila and Filipe for six months of dating. The two laugh at Laura's silly and even joke. In the estate, Bé and Teresa talk and none of them are very close to the parents, since Afonso and Ana Rita left. Teresa also does not forgive her father for having concealed Ze in court. Joao tries to make Isabel react but she feels that the children have all abandoned her. Isabel comments that Zé was acquitted and reproaches her husband for not telling the truth. Joao grabs her hand and tries to get her to dinner, but Isabel has no disposition. Teresa surprises her mother with the presence of Bé that embraces her mother. In the host house, Joana sees a video on the net, discouraged. Guilhas is now a famous youtuber and she misses him a lot, even when he dedicates videos to her. Tiago brings Vera back after a weekend with him and Bé. Barbara had already missed her. It shows him a photograph that he received from Vicente who went to the Aquarium Vasco da Gama in Lisbon with his grandfather. When seeing Joana sad, Vera tries to comfort her. Luisa returns home and finds her family happy, waiting for her. Despite all the care Luisa is absent, her head elsewhere. Luisa does not forgive the fact that John did not tell the truth in court. Tomás trains in the gym and feels very angry of Ze by this one has been acquitted. Luisa will greet her brother who is happy to have her back in the house. In Cape Town, Nazareth tells Helena that she was not the daughter of Carlos and Amelia. She does not know the details, except that she is the daughter of a family with money. Helena does not know what to think. At the reception home, Teresa welcomes Antonio, a troubled young man. This one is impressed by her boxing fight. Tomas goes to meet Zé at the resort and Zé proposes that they continue to work together. Tomas almost hits him but Zé immobilizes him. They still get caught up and Alice watches everything in the distance. After Tomas leaves, Alice approaches and offers help and Zé notices that this one has dressed the uniform of the resort of Miguel.
The story of the film revolves around Shaan, who, after passing the Bangladesh Civil Service examinations, joins the police force to serve the nation. He is an honest and courageous police officer.
Nira is a Dhaka University student with a well-to-do family, she suddenly falls in love with a man who is a sales representative of medicines and is from a low-income family, despite the latter's educational qualification and income being low, Nira starts to love him passionately.
Suddenly the man dies of cancer and Nira gets mentally unhealthy; though she married him when he was admitted in hospital. Nira goes under a delusion, she sees that her husband is coming alive from graveyard. Nira works as a teacher in Dhaka University where she studied.
A year has passed since the wedding of Nazaré (Carolina Loureiro) and Duarte (José Mata). And this is how the second season of the soap opera begins.
The love between them is stronger than ever and the manager even dreams of having children, making plans with his beloved, more reluctant to have lost a baby in the past.
Professional life is also going well. While he successfully takes care of Atlantis, Nazaré creates his own frozen fish company, Geliré, Congelados da Nazaré. But the harmony between the couple will not last much longer with the arrival of Rui Tavares (Tiago Teotónio Pereira) in the city.
This is Duarte's younger brother, whom he did not know, as his mother, Natália Tavares (Manuela Couto), fled her pregnant home to escape an unhappy and suffering marriage.
The return of Natália and Rui, who comes with her, promises to further deeply shake Duarte who, at the beginning, suffers an accident at sea and causes him some changes in mood.
Rui and Duarte don't understand each other and while Rui is calm and serene, Duarte is just the opposite, but everything changes when the veterinarian, Blanco's youngest profession, realizes that he is completely in love with his sister-in-law.
The vet and surfer is tired of trying to have a good relationship with his brother and decides to fight for Nazaré, promising with all his strength.
And while Nazaré gets a new lover, her husband starts having his brother as his biggest rival, now that Toni (Afonso Pimentel) has fallen in love with another girl and is expecting a child.
Toni ends up falling in love with Vânia Costa (Mikaela Lupu), Sónia's older sister (Catarina Bonnachi). Divorced, the young woman left her career as a journalist to become manager of Barbatanas, Glória's restaurant (Luísa Cruz), the mother of the fishmonger who lives happily beside Ismael (Tiago Aldeia).
Toni, with her usual lip service, conquers Vânia's heart, which makes her pregnant. When the 2nd season action begins, she is in her eighth month of pregnancy.
Happy, Toni does not want his girlfriend to make any effort not to harm the “little boy”, which is what he calls the son who is about to be born.
In addition to this exaggerated protectionism, there are two other things that make Vânia very confused. One is to be pregnant without having an engagement ring, the other is ... Nazaré! She doesn't understand why Toni still calls her old girlfriend "bae".
It is not just the personal part that Nazaré has turned inside out again. As a businesswoman, the path you have to travel is also arduous.
Geliré becomes a successful factory that the old fisherwoman manages with an iron fist and a lot of effort, but in creating it she makes a new enemy: Adolfo Frisado (Miguel Costa).
Until now, he was the owner and lord of the region's frozen foods, managing the biggest and most profitable company in Nazaré, however, the arrival of the beautiful brunette to the market causes the heir of Frisado to lose customers and a lot of money to his rival.
A man of few scruples, he will try to do everything to end the Nazaré factory and the discussions will take place between them, with Adolfo entering Geliré to confront the new manager in the first episodes.
However, Nazaré barely met Alice Moreira (Margarida Serrano), a girl who lost her parents and is being raised by her grandfather, a former fisherman with several health problems, and has already been enchanted by her.
In fact, it reveals itself in its way of being pesky, untimely and full of energy. Alice adores her too, looking at her as her idol. Josué Moreira's granddaughter (Joel Branco) becomes the home of Nazaré and Duarte, who are concerned about the girl's future.
Josué has taken care of the girl since her parents died in an accident when she was a baby. His health problems make him unsure about his granddaughter's future.
At some point, Alice will live with Nazaré and Duarte due to Josué's health problems, but in the short term, because as soon as her grandfather can recover she returns to him, becoming his legal tutors.
Júlia Neves (Oceana Basílio), married to Roberto Neves (Fernando Nobre), the accountant of Cortez's criminal organization, arrives in Nazaré. Julia lives at the expense of her husband, but everything will change when Roberto disappears without a trace. After the disappearance of her husband, Roberto, Júlia became involved with Nuno (António Pedro Cerdeira), until the deceased returned ... He was shot, but now that he is well, he wants to recover what is his. And that's where a less sweet and capable Julia of everything comes in.
Amelia Marques (Rita Lello) is also the one who comes to recover what she believes to be hers and avenge her sister's death. The successful lawyer and always on the path to justice, makes a detour to make life miserable for her brother-in-law, Nuno, who hates and always wanted to see far from Joana. She believes he was the one responsible for the death of Joana, otherwise he would not have been involved with Verónica (Sandra Barata Belo). Promises not to rest until you taste it. Putting him in prison is his goal, as is recovering part of the family farm that his brother-in-law inherited from his wife.
Shortly after midnight on September 5, Mateo receives a phone call from Death-Cast, a company that rose to prominence seven years prior and is able to predict the deaths of individuals, informing him that he is now a Decker, someone with only twenty-four hours (or less) left to live. Mateo initially intends to spend his End Day in his bedroom but decides to try to push himself to truly live, reluctantly downloading Last Friend, an app developed to help lonely Deckers find someone to spend their End Day with. Rufus is in the middle of beating up Peck, his ex-girlfriend Aimee's new boyfriend, when he received a call from Death-cast claiming he is going to die in the next 24 hours. His friends Malcolm and Tagoe remind Rufus not to get carried away because of the news. He allows Peck to leave so that he can return to his foster home to say his goodbyes. Rufus, Aimee, Malcolm and Tagoe, collectively known as The Plutos, hold a funeral for Rufus at his foster home but it is interrupted by Peck, who calls the police to have Rufus arrested for assault. Rufus flees and goes on the run, downloading Last Friend so that he won't live out his final day alone.
Mateo and Rufus meet through Last Friend and decide to spend the day accompanying each other. Rufus agrees to go with Mateo to the hospital so Mateo can visit his father, who has been in a coma for two weeks. Mateo says goodbye to his father and leaves him a note for him to read when he wakes up. Mateo and Rufus then go to see Lidia, Mateo's best friend, and her baby daughter (and Mateo's goddaughter) Penny. Not wanting to make Lidia upset, Mateo pretends everything is normal, but leaves her an envelope of cash before leaving and blocks her phone number. Rufus receives a call from Aimee telling him that Malcolm and Tagoe were arrested when they attempted to hold off the police to give him more time to escape. Rufus opens up about his past, explaining that his parents and sister all received a phone call from Death-Cast on the same day and drowned when their car crashed into the river, leaving him as the only survivor. Rufus and Mateo discuss the plans they had for their life: Mateo always wanted to be an architect and Rufus wishes he could have turned his passion for photography into a career. As their friendship deepens, Mateo becomes bolder and Rufus begins to take color photos for his Instagram page, @rufusonpluto, as opposed to his usual monochrome posts to signify his End Day. Rufus buys Mateo some Lego bricks and, as they are leaving, they barely manage to survive an explosion at a nearby gym. Mateo builds a sanctuary while they are on the train using the bricks. Rufus and Mateo head to the cemetery so that Mateo can visit his mother's grave, only to find a groundskeeper is in the process of digging Mateo's grave beside hers. Mateo leaves his Lego sanctuary at his mother's grave and sits down inside his own with Rufus, talking about the afterlife and debating what will happen to them in the near future.
Rufus and Mateo go to Make-A-Moment, a centre for Deckers where they can experience dangerous activities without fear, and the two fake skydive. Unimpressed, Mateo to meet them at the Travel Arena. Rufus, Mateo and Lidia go on an "around the world in eighty minutes" tour at the Arena and jump off of a waterfall, allowing Rufus to conquer his fear of the water. Rufus receives a call from Malcolm and Tagoe, who were released from custody, and tells them to bring Aimee and meet him at the Graveyard, a club for Deckers.
The group dance together at Graveyard and Rufus convinces Mateo to sing karaoke with him. After their performance, Mateo finally works up the courage to kiss Rufus, who asks why it took him so long. Rufus is able to say a proper goodbye to the Plutos and Mateo tries to help Lidia comprehend her life without him. Peck and his gang arrive at the club, having tracked Rufus using his Instagram posts, with a loaded gun. Peck tries to shoot Rufus but Aimee tries to talk him down, giving Mateo enough time to cause a commotion, making Peck drop the gun. Mateo and Rufus return to Mateo's apartment and Mateo asks if they can go back to the hospital so that he can come out to his father and tell him about their End Day. Mateo sings and plays the piano for Rufus, who videos the moment before taking a goofy picture with Mateo for his final Instagram post. They lie in bed and confess their love to one another, both wishing that they had met sooner. They fall asleep in each other's arms, agreeing that they will stay together in the safety of their bed forever.
Mateo wakes up first and goes into the kitchen to make peppermint tea, hoping to cheer Rufus up. He absentmindedly turns on the burner that, which he had told his neighbor not to fix that earlier that day since he knew he would be dying. The burner explodes and Rufus wakes up because of the smoke and flees the apartment. Then he runs back into the burning building and drags Mateo's dead body out, begging him to wake up. He lies to the paramedics and tells them Mateo is not a Decker and needs to go to the hospital. However, Mateo is declared dead at the scene and a devastated Rufus calls Lidia to inform her. Refusing medical treatment, Rufus is determined to fulfill Mateo's dying wish and visits his father in the hospital. He tells the unconscious man all about their day together and says that his son was brave, fought his fears and was able to truly live. He leaves a note telling Mateo's father who Rufus was and to see the photos of him and Mateo on the Instagram account.
On his way to the park to spend his final hours, Rufus puts on his headphones to listen to the video he took of Mateo singing and steps out into the road without looking.
Sub plots focusing on minor characters that are intertwined with the main plot line.
'''Officer Andrade'''
The film tells about two brother doctors, one of whom operated on a boy, and the other assisted him. A blood transfusion was necessary and the surgeon poured the boy blood of the wrong group, as a result of which the boy died, and the brothers' life changed. The first became a kerosene salesman, the second - the chairman of the City Council.
In the 1860s a widow runs an estate, close to the Italian border. One day a former army officer arrives on his way to Italy. She persuades him to stay and work for her, and before long they begin a relationship. However, complications ensue when her daughter returns home from boarding school and develops an attachment to her mother's lover.
On the night of June 2, 2011, The Bordertown of Sangre De Cristo, Arizona was besieged by an undisclosed incident resulting in the grisly massacre of the town's population of 57 residents. The bodies of most residents are never found, and remains of the victims are dismembered and covered with human bite marks.
The police apprehend the lone survivor of the event: Francisco Salazar, town resident, handyman, and amateur photographer, who was caught trying to flee south to Mexico. Due to him also being a loner, drifter, and having illegally entered the country years before, he is labeled as the prime suspect of the killings. He also falls under suspicion after being accused of having an inappropriate relationship with Grace Putnam, the young daughter of religious missionary Duane, who is a friend of Salazar's; other residents acknowledge the dynamic was innocent. Salazar refuses to speak and, despite contradictory evidence pointing to it being impossible that he committed the murders—a lack of motive, the difficulty of killing so many residents in a single evening, and the fact that he himself has the same bite marks as the victims—he is found guilty and sentenced to death by lethal injection. Interviews with residents, families of victims, and Salazar's sister give mixed opinions on Salazar's character and guilt. Salazar himself is ambivalent about the trial, and grants only one interview with a criminal psychologist. He claims that he brought his camera along on the night of June 2 to document the events, but lost the footage while escaping; however, one camera roll is eventually discovered by a resident who had initially apprehended him, and forwarded to an independent journalist working on the case.
Though the photographs are dismissed by his lawyer, the police, and the courts as being doctored, a professional photographer and Border Patrol specialist examine the camera roll, determine it as genuine, and piece together what must have happened that night, which corroborates Salazar's sole interview: at his house on the outskirts of town, Salazar was visited by a young man and friend suffering from mysterious wounds and blood loss. After the young man dies while Salazar attempts to call for help, he suddenly comes back to life and violently attacks Salazar, who is forced to kill him again. Salazar exits his house and witnesses mysterious figures approaching from the hills near his home. While running to Sangre De Cristo for help, he encounters another resident, a professional hunter who shoots the approaching zombies but is unable to kill them before being overcome. Salazar photographs a number of disturbing images of violent, contorted zombies attacking, devouring, and turning residents before attempting to make his way to the church to find the Putnams. However, he discovers that the horde has already descended upon the church, and it is revealed that Duane was driven insane after being turned and killed everyone in his family except for Grace, before committing suicide. Salazar, having keys to abandoned buildings in town due to his work as a handyman, runs and hides until he reaches the town's daycare center, which has been overrun by zombies. There he finds Grace, who is separated from him by a gated window, and he is forced to watch her be devoured.
Some praise Salazar's bravery for documenting the night, while others dismiss the photographs as fake or criticize him for not doing more to help the residents. Only Duane is posthumously determined to have murdered his family, and is buried separately from them. Salazar is ultimately executed, but after some locals attempt to vandalize his grave, they discover that his body is missing. After the Border Patrol specialist warns that Salazar's evidence indicates that the horde of zombies is steadily moving north, and Sangre De Cristo was merely in the way, it is revealed that mysterious deaths and disappearances have been recorded hundreds of miles away from the town. In one recovered piece of video footage, a group of campers is attacked and turned by a group of zombies, including an undead Salazar, which proves him correct and turns him into a martyr as the rest of the country prepares for more zombie attacks.
A White Brazilian truck driver, Tião, and a 15-year-old ''cabocla'' (mixed-race) prostitute, Iracema, drive through an Amazon that is facing rapid changes.
The story revolves around four women, of different ages and social strata, who are forced to live together under the same roof. At first, the coexistence between them is complicated and tense due to their different visions and ways of facing life, but little by little the sisterhood and solidarity prevail when realizing the peculiar bond that exists between them: each one has suffered, in one or otherwise, the absence and abandonment of their respective partners.
Tine is in love with the young owner of a beautiful castle, Karsten. She has been dreaming about the castle since she was a small child and visiting her auntie, who is a neighbor to the castle. But an evil plot has been made to take the castle from Karsten.
Kalle, Anders and Eva-Lotta of the ''White Rose'' are fighting with the ''Red Rose'' (Benka, Jonte and Sixtus) for the Stormumriken, a magical stone. One day the musicians Nisse Nöjd and Vicke på Vind arrive at the town. They want to earn money by making music, but they earn not enough. So they decide to kidnap Hulda, the kind-hearted aunt of Kalle, who lives in a villa with her rich sister Hilda. They want to extort money from the rich Hilda. But instead of kidnapping Hulda, they kidnap Hilda. Hilda, however causes them some difficulties, tries to fight them off, throws the kidnappers' dishes onto the floor, etc. In addition, her sister Hulda cannot raise the money required to get Hilda back from the kidnappers. Kalle tries to find the kidnappers but is soon also caught and locked up along with Hilda. Meanwhile, the members of the ''White Rose'' and the ''Red Rose'' try to help Hulda. They finally manage to find the kidnappers' hiding place and are able to set Kalle and Hilda free. The kidnappers are taken into custody by the police.
Police officer Björk is looking for the master detective Kalle Blomkvist. All the money in the bank has been stolen by a thief.
An hour earlier, a masked man with a gun had robbed the bank. He had pointed the gun to the cashier and had forced the cashier to give him all the money.
Now Björk asks Kalle to help him to catch the thief. Kalle believes that the thief has disguised himself so that the police cannot recognize him. According to Kalle, the thief could even be looking like an old lady.
Suddenly an old lady named Frida Fagerlund arrives. She is holding a huge bag. The bag is big enough to hide the money from robbery. Therefore Kalle thinks the lady is the thief. It also looks like Mrs. Fagerlund is wearing a wig. Kalle believes that it is the thief, dressed up as an old lady. He decides to sneak up and pull the wig off Frida Fagerlund's head. But as soon as he pulls he by the hair, he realizes that the hair is real. Mrs Fagerlund angry and decides to go to the police to tell the police officers to tell them about Kalle. Kalle also decides to look for Björk.
Meanwhile the bank robber sneaks through the streets. Björk regonises him and wants to stop him, but the bank robber threatens him with his pistol. While Björk tries to distract the bank robber, Kalle sneaks up from behind. Kalle manges to take the gun away from the bank robber. The bank robber runs away, Kalle and Björk run after him. Then Mrs. Fagerlund suddenly comes around the corner. The bank robber runs straight to her and knocks her down. He falls over her. Kalle and Björk who are right behind him also fall down. The bank robber lies under them. He says he's giving up. Björk arrests the bank robber.
Pippi decorates her Christmas tree. Later, Tommy and Annika visit Pippi. Tommy is surprised to see a Falukorv sausage on Pippi's Christmas tree, but Pippi believes it is a normal Christmas decoration. Then the children get their Christmas presents. Annika receives a doll while Tommy is gets a toy car. Pippi, on the other hand, is given a rubber mask with a ghost face by Tommy and Annika, which she would like to try out right away. However, when Tommy and Annika tell her that they have heard at school that many children in the world do not have enough food, Pippi wants to help these children. She looks for her gold and puts it in her backpack to give to the children. This way, they are able to buy everything they need from the money. Pippi imagines a boy named Oskar who has nothing to eat and is very sorry for him. Then the three friends hear someone sneaking around Pippi's villa. It is Lur-Pelle who wants to steal Pippi's backpack with the gold. Pippi scares him with the ghost mask. However, when Lur-Pelle hears about the poor, hungry children, he also wants to do something good for them and takes ten cents out of his pocket. He gives the coins to Pippi so that she can give the money to the poor children. Then Pippi, Tommy, Annika and Lur-Pelle celebrate Christmas together. They dance around the Christmas tree and sing self-made Christmas carols. Afterwards the audience is asked to be as generous as Lur-Pelle and to donate something for the children in the world who are not doing so well.
The counts Gyllenbubbla and Silverpluska want to overthrow the king. They hope that the witch in the forest can help them. The witch gives them an enchanted pill. They want to put the pill into a cake for the king. As soon as the king will have eaten the cake, he should fall asleep and then do everything that he is told. The counts want to throw the king into prison. Then one of them is supposed to marry Princess Blendagull and become king, they just don't know which of them. However, their plans are overheard by the Princess Blendagull and the kitchen boy Vicke Vire. While Princess Blendagull reports everything she has heard to her father, the king, Vicke goes to the witch. The witch gives Vicke two pills that can reveal lies and falsehood. Later the counts give the cake with the pill to the king. The king eats the cake, but secretly spits out the pill. In the meantime, the counts each eat a piece of cake with Vickes fake pills. Then the king pretends to snore loudly. The counts wake him up. They believe that the pill has had its intended effect and want to put the king in jail. The king plays along and follows the counts. However, Vicke has already contacted the courtiers. They release the king and capture the counts. When the king threatens to shoot the counts, the counts start to cry. They tell the king that it was just a joke. Just when they say that, they shout cuckoo, because now Vickes pills have had their effect, and they have to say cuckoo every time they lie. In the end the king forgives the counts. He employs Count Silverpluska as the treasurer and Count Gyllenbubbla as the accountant. He will never be able to get more loyal and honest servants. The smallest falsehoods and lies are immediately revealed by their cuckoo calls!
Julius Julén studies ornithology. The study is financed by his aunt Eufemia. However, Aunt Eufemia wants Julius to get married soon. Therefore, she explained to him that she would only continue to finance him, if he found a fiancée before the age of 25. However, Julius is already 25 years old and his aunt puts him under pressure. Therefore, he writes to her that his roommate Karin Vinge is his fiancé, without telling Karin about it. Then Aunt Eufemia announces her visit. Julius reports to Karin on what he did. Karin is not very enthusiastic about it, especially because she already has a fiancé, Harald Engberg. Nevertheless, she tries to support Julius. However, Julius could not tell Karin about everything he wrote to his aunt, so there are some misunderstandings. The situation becomes even more complicated when Karin's fiancée Harald arrives. In addition, Julius friend Julia comes for a visit and repeatedly tries to attract Julius' attention.
When Julia hears that Julius got engaged to Karin, she is shocked. Julia explains that she always thought Julius was different from all the other men and that she had always liked him. Now, however, she is horrified because he stole Harald's fiancé. Julius says that he is not engaged to Karin. The two continue to talk. Julius realizes that Julia comes pretty close to his idea of a dream woman. She plays the harp and loves birds just like him. He asks her to marry him, which she agrees to do. Just as the two are hugging, Aunt Eufemia comes into the room. She is horrified that her nephew is flirting with two women at the same time. Julius explains that he only loves Julia and Karin is interested in Harald. Aunt Eufemia now accepts the engagement of Julia and Julius.
Lena and Monika are alone with Lena's sister Nobban. Nobban is only eleven years old and is her sisters' pain in the neck. Nobban is always in a good mood and lives according to the motto ''The main thing is that you are healthy''. Not even the bad weather spoils her mood. The girls listen to the radio. They hear that a dangerous robber is in the area. While Monika and Lena go into a store, Nobban stays home. Later, Klas, a friend of Nobban's brother Göran, comes into the house Nobban is scared at first, but finally realizes that it is Klas. Soon Göran arrives at the house as well. Nobban and Göran decide to scare the other girls. They want to pretend that Klas is the robber the police is looking for. Klas disguises himself as the robber and gets an old broken revolver. The girls, however, hear the plan. They go into the house unnoticed by the others.
Monika and Lena plan to teach Klas a lesson. Lena suggests to contact the police to tell them that they saw someone who looks exactly like the robber near the house. No sooner said than done. Now the girls hope that the police will be on their way and that Klas will get into trouble. Meanwhile, the boys hide in the woodshed and Nobban goes into a shop. Lena and Monika, however, remain alone in the house. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Fritjof Karlsson-Rask-Fagerlund enters. He is the robber the police is looking for. He threatens Lena and Monika with a gun. However, the girls believe that it is Klas and make fun of the robber. Only when the girls see his birthmark do they recognize who he is.
The robber threatens to shoot. However, Monika and Lena can escape. Shortly afterwards, Fagerlund cuts the telephone cable. Klas comes into the house. He is frightened when he sees the robber and asks him what he did to Monika and Lena. Before Fagerlund can answer, the police officers Blomkvist and Alfredsson arrive.
The police officers think that Klas is the robber. Even when Klas assures them that he is not Fagerlund, they do not believe him. They handcuff him while the real Fagerlund escapes. Only when Nobban and Göran get into the house can they clarify the story. Since the telephone doesn't work, the police officers ask Nobban to run to the nearest police station to call for reinforcements. Meanwhile, the police officers run into the forest to catch Fagerlund.
Göran is now alone in the house. Suddenly Fagerlund comes through the door with Lena and Monika. He points his gun at the girls and explains that the forest is full of police officers. Therefore, he will take the girls hostage and will not release them until he has managed to escape. Very quietly Nobban sneaks up to the criminal with a rolling pin. She knocks him down and Göran takes the gun from him. Later Blomkvist and Alfredsson get into the house and arrest Fagerlund.
Queen Sandra is jealous of her stepdaughter Snövit. Snövit is beautiful and gets even more beautiful every day. As soon as Snövit marries a prince, Snövit will become the queen of the country and will replace Queen Sandra. Queen Sandra wants to prevent that.
One day Prince Gudmund av Burgundy visits the castle. The queen tries to prevent that Snövit and the prince will fall in love with each other. So she instructs a magician to transform Snövit into a little, stupid girl. Nevertheless, the prince and Snövit fall in love with each other. They even want to get married. Now Queen Sandra knows only one way out. She asks hunter to kill Snövit. When the hunter refuses, the queen threatens to kill his entire family, including his children. So eventually the hunter goes into the forest with Snövit. Snövit can convince the hunter not to kill animals anymore, because the animals are sad when one of their own is dying. The hunter cannot kill Snövit either. Snövit wants to go back to the castle, but the hunter says she can't go there, otherwise the queen will kill his children. He cannot stay in the forest with her either, since he has to tell the Queen about his alleged deed. Therefore, the desperate Snövit remains alone in the forest.
Later Snövit sees a small house. She goes into the house, eats something and goes to bed. In the evening, the residents of the house, the seven dwarfs, come back from their work in the copper mine. When they hear Snövit's story, they welcome her to the house. However, they warn her to be careful when they are working and not to open the door to anyone.
When the queen finds out that Snövit is still alive, she decides to kill Snövit. She asks the wizard to turn her into an old man and get her a beautiful apple, which is fatally poisonous. Then she visits Snövit. She can convince Snövit to eat the apple, after which Snövit sinks motionless onto the ground. Then the queen disappears.
Later, the dwarfs carry Snövit on a bier through the forest. Prince Gudmund has been looking for Snövit everywhere and is horrified when he sees her lying motionless on the bier. The prince shakes her and tells her to wake up. Then Snövit opens her eyes. She lives. The prince and the seven dwarfs are overjoyed. When Snövit tells the prince what happened, he is horrified. He explains that they should ride back to the castle together.
Meanwhile, Queen Sandras subjects suspect that the queen is responsible for the disappearance of Snövit and want to overthrow the queen. The hunter says Queen Sandra should leave the city because her people no longer accept her as a queen. Just when the queen says that Snövit is dead and she is the only queen, Snövit arrives. The people are cheering: "Our Queen". While the queen is horrified, the hunter is overjoyed that Snövit is alive. He apologizes to her for leaving her alone in the forest. Snövit is named the new queen, while queen Sandra has to leave the kingdom.
The sisters Barbro and Marianne ive in a small house with their mother and 13 year old brother Klas. The family is poor and can hardly afford anything. So Marianne decides to find a rich husband. Barbro's mother also believes she can benefit from Marianne's marriage to a rich man. Barbro, however, doesn't understand why Marianne wants to have a rich husband. Other things are more important to her.
In the family's garden is a rune stone. Scientists often stay at the house to research the stones. The archaeologist Fritiof af Kornick arrives when Marianne and her mother are attending a party. So he only meets Barbro. Barbro and Fritiof get along very well. From now on Barbro assists the scientist with his work. In the evening they sit together on a bench. Fritiof says that he will never make much money with his scientific work and can not take care of Barbro. Barbro replies that she never wanted to marry a rich man who gives her money. She wanted and still wants to stand on her own two feet. Fritiof says that he is happy to get a chance with her even though he is a very poor man. Klas overhears the conversation and tells his family about it. Marianne and her mother don't want Barbro to have a relationship with a poor scientist like Fritiof. Marianne even makes fun of Barbro for falling in love with such a poor man.
Then suddenly a letter from Marianne's friend Lillemor arrives. She writes to Marianne that Fritiof is a rich man. He is from a very wealthy brewery family and owns millions. Marianne should grab this man. Marianne decides to make Fritiof fall in love with her. Barbro pretends that she won't mind. From then on Marianne spends time with Fritiof, while Barbro tries to avoid seeing him.
Klas doesn't like Barbros behaviour. He tells her he cares about her. Klas knows that she loves Fridiof. Therefore, Barbro should fight for Fridiof. However, Barbro explains that he should not interfere. She thinks that she doesn't have a chance with Fridiof anyway, because Marianne always gets what she wants.
Later Klas lets Fridiof know that Barbro is in love with him. He also gives Fridiof the letter from Lillemor. So Fridiof learns that Marianne might only like to marry him because of his money. Nevertheless, he makes her a marriage proposal. She accepts. Then Fridiof declares that he has a rich cousin with the same name. His cousin also is a scientist, but also the owner of a very wealthy brewery. However, Fridiof can not offer that to Marianne. When Marianne hears this, she asks for time to consider whether she really wants to marry Fridiof or not. She later explains that initially she only spoke to Fridiof because he seemed to be rich. Now, however, she has fallen in love with him. She always wanted a rich man, but now she can imagine marrying him, even without the money. However, she also knows which lifestyle she has to give up. Therefore she had asked for time to think. Then she mentions that she realised that she loves him, but he doesn't love her and never will. Therefore, she no longer needs to think about the marriage. She has to learn to fall out of love. Fridiof says that the conversation went very differently from what he had imagined and that he is sorry. Finally Marianne asks if Fridiof loves Barbro, what he confirms.
When Marianne leaves the room, Barbro arrives. Fridiof asks her to marry him. Barbro hesitates to accept the marriage proposal. She doesn't want to marry a rich man. She didn't like to listen to her sister and mother when they talked about rich men. She also fears people might think that she married Fritiof just for his money. Finally, she agrees to marry him. Fritiof now explains that he doesn't have much money. He only gets his salary from the museum where he works. He tells her about his rich cousin with the same name. Barbro is relieved and tells Fritiof about her plan to become a nurse.
Pippi Långstrump lives alone with her horse and her monkey in the Villa Villekulla. She does a lot of pranks. For example she puts her head into a cake or escapes from the police.
The Republic of San Magnolia has been at war with the Empire of Giad for nine years. Though it initially suffered devastating losses to the Empire's autonomous mechanized Legions, the Republic has since developed its own autonomous units, called Juggernauts, which are directed remotely by a Handler. While on the surface, the public believes the war is being fought between machines, in reality, the Juggernauts are being piloted by humans, all of whom are "86"—the designation given to the Colorata minority of San Magnolia. The 86 originally had equal rights, but were persecuted and scapegoated by the dominant Alba race and the Alba-supremacist Republic government to the point where Colorata were both officially designated and popularly considered subhuman. The 86 were not permitted to have personal names and were immured in internment camps in the 86th District (their namesake); all the while being forced to fight in the Republic's war with the Empire to receive better treatment.
Major Vladilena "Lena" Milizé, an Alba noble and military officer in the San Magnolian military, is an outspoken activist against the grave mistreatment of the nation's Colorata minority, and the willful deception of the general public by the Republic government. She is assigned as the Handler of the Spearhead Squadron of the Eastern Front: an elite unit composed entirely of 86 veterans who have earned names. Led by their squad leader, Shinei "The Undertaker" Nouzen, the Spearhead Squadron is infamous among military officials. Its notoriety stems from the state in which its commanding officers are left: Handlers presiding over the squad have descended into insanity and some have gone as far as committing suicide. Lena, an avowed 86 sympathizer, gets to know the Spearhead Squadron in her time as head of the contingent. At the same time, Lena and Shinei learn a dark secret: the Republic and the war with the Empire are not what they seem.
Having almost completed their conquest of Earth, the evil Kisaragi Corporation has decided to expand their operations to other Earth-like planets across the universe by sending Combat Agent 6 and newly developed combat droid Alice to a fantasy-like world via an untested teleporter. Shortly after arriving, 6 and Alice find themselves drafted into the Kingdom of Grace's military. However, 6 has to collect enough "Evil Points" to help Kisaragi establish a foothold on this new planet. 6 and Alice must balance their work for Kisaragi with saving the Kingdom of Grace and its Princess from the encroaching demon army.
The film takes place in 1937. The film tells about a Moscow lawyer who goes to the provinces to prevent crime.
The film tells about a young gymnast who is seriously injured, as a result of which she decides to leave the sport. But it’s very difficult for her to come to terms with the idea that she is now just like everyone else.
Frank Collins is a best-selling author, who suffers from writer's block. While attempting to write his next novel he and his wife, Emma, struggle to pay their bills and make ends meet. Her hard-headed former convict/retired lawyer father, Eduardo, comes to live with them. Finding it more difficult to entertain his father-in-law and attempt to write his next novel, Frank decides to invite Eduardo's friends into the house to keep him preoccupied. Their home, now filled with senior citizens, falls into disarray. The Collins couple realize that they could make more money by housing and monitoring these elderly individuals. Upon learning of the business being run in the house, a persistent social worker named Ned Tooley becomes determined to shut them down.
Eduardo uses his law expertise to plan a course of action that would allow Frank and Emma to stay in business. Together they purchase the established, but on hiatus, Daddy Day Care from Charles "Charlie" Hinton. Charles recounts his attempts at success with the business, warning them about the unfortunate life-events that may follow. After purchasing the company, they attempt to register and rebrand the establishment as "Granddaddy Day Care". Upon doing so, they learn that there is a waiting period. After being fined by the city, due to the social worker's analysis, the Collins couple struggle to earn enough money to pay their debtors and the fines. Eduardo, who has shown the early stages of dementia, decides to help them sue the city. In court they present their case that they were not issued any warnings. The judge rules in favor of Grand-Daddy Day Care, and the company continues to grow and flourish. Frank, Emma, their son Jordan, and Eduardo begin to grow closer as a family and realize how great their lives have become. Frank meanwhile, gets a new idea for a fiction book based on his experiences running Grand-Daddy Day Care. It becomes a best-seller.
Rosalind and Will live an enviable life in London. She is a celebrated artist, he is a dependable engineer and willing stepfather to her twin eight-year-old daughters. When the difficult birth of their son, Amadeo, rocks Rosalind's carefully calibrated world, she abruptly disappears with her children and the young nanny, Candy. Will suspects a link to a recently arrived suitcase from France, filled with faded photographic negatives.
He launches a frantic search across Europe, locating them at the cliff-top Normandy home of Rosalind's dead photographer uncle. But relief turns to horror when he discovers his son has mysteriously died. Hiding in the dilapidated house, Rosalind is too traumatized to recognize him, the twins speak in riddles and Candy has disappeared. A desperate Will sees two options: Report the tragedy and risk his wife being accused of murder or cover it up and protect his family. Unable to believe his wife is culpable, Will secretly buries Amadeo in the dead of night and flees France with his family to a Swiss mountain clinic to help Rosalind recover. When Will confides in her mother, Vivian, she confesses Rosalind's mental instability links to being raped at fourteen. Will reluctantly agrees to a car accident "cover story", orchestrated by her powerful art dealer stepfather, Milton, in order to protect Rosalind.
Rosalind returns home but it is Will who cannot return to "normal". He roams London, secretly investigating the mystery of his wife's past until his obsession and grief drives the vulnerable Rosalind to take refuge with Milton. In a race against time, Will finds the missing Candy who helps him piece together what happened the night his son died and uncovers the identity of the mysterious Pierre Laurent, who holds the key to Rosalind's secrets. When an unarmed Will faces a vengeful Milton, it is Rosalind, in a dramatic twist who decides Milton's fate. Finally, they return to the Bay of Silence in Liguria, Italy, where their story began, the learn if love can conquer all.
The film tells about the famous singer who loses a jacket with a passport on the train. Two stowaways appear to be police officers and try to help her.
Bob Archer was after his father's killer, when he finds a man in the middle of a gunfight, he helps the man escape, but the man knocks Bob out. Bob is taken to the Sheriff and arrested. Bob realizes that the man who he saved is actually his father's killer and asks to be released. Then disguises himself as a criminal and enters the gang's hideout to find that man again.
Olof Koskela is a tramp and a logger who has the power to charm one woman after another. He is the son of a farmer who, after arguing with his father, leaves his home and settles down with a group of log drivers. As he travels along the stream of logs on the River Kohiseva, Olof always captivates the most beautiful girl in every village. Olof does not call his charming girls real names, but invents descriptive nicknames such as Clematis, Gazelle, Daisy and Rowan. However, he always forgets his love when moving to a new place. Olof exudes emotion at every moment: “Only while we are young, only while the flood of youth runs free and bright in our veins can we be happy. And they are the greatest who dare to demand their share of life in full, to plunge unafraid into the waters, letting the waves break on their temples and life's salt flood wash their cheeks.”
Faced with the proud and difficult-to-reach Kyllikki of the Moisio House, Olof can't leave her. He asks Moisio's host for permission to marry Kyllikki, but the request is denied. Olof continues his journey and seduces a few more women, but he repeatedly misses Kyllikki. The longing gets too painful and Olof returns to Kyllikki. This time they get married. Olof does not want to start cultivating the inheritance of his family, but decides to start over as a land filler. They build their own house and clear fields. In due course, Kyllikki will also become pregnant. However, Olof does not think he has a more light-hearted life and is in great pain as he knows that Kyllikki is still suffering from his old adventures. Olof begins to examine himself until, at the end of the book, he reconciles with his past. Once a young tramp, he has grown into a responsible and aware member of society.
When his car catches a flat tire on a remote country road, a quiet drifter ends up stranded outside of Hayesville, Nevada. Mechanic Jed Love picks him up and tows his car into town, but the drifter is unable to pay for the repairs. Owner Tex Macadoo offers to allow him to work as a night-shift janitor at Willy's Wonderland, a once-successful abandoned family entertainment center, in exchange for repairing his vehicle. Tex and Jed then leave him locked in the building. Meanwhile, teenager Liv Hawthorne gets handcuffed by her parental guardian, Hayesville's sheriff Eloise Lund, due to her previous attempts to burn down Willy's Wonderland. When Lund leaves, Liv's friends Chris Muley, Kathy Barnes, Aaron Powers, Bob McDaniel, and Dan Lorraine come and release her.
As the Janitor begins his duties, the restaurant's now-withered eight animatronic mascots—Willy Weasel, Arty Alligator, Cammy Chameleon, Ozzie Ostrich, Knighty Knight, Tito Turtle, Gus Gorilla, and Siren Sara—are revealed to be alive and homicidal. Ozzie attacks the Janitor, who beats Ozzie to death with a mop. While her friends douse the perimeter with gasoline, Liv decides to enter Willy's Wonderland through the vents to get the Janitor out. Meanwhile, the Janitor is attacked by Gus in the restrooms; he kills him by stomping his face into a urinal. In the vents, Liv is chased by Arty, but she escapes into a fairy-themed room where Sara attacks her. Liv manages to fend off Sara and encounters the Janitor, who ignores her warnings about the animatronics and refuses to leave.
Outside, Liv's friends climb to the roof, which collapses, causing them to fall into the building. While the Janitor cleans the kitchen, Liv explains that Willy's Wonderland was originally owned by notorious serial killer Jerry Robert Willis and his seven psychotic cannibalistic partners, who often murdered unsuspecting families by luring them into the Super Happy Fun Room. Eventually discovered by the authorities, they committed a Satanic ritual to transfer their souls into the animatronics before committing suicide. When she finishes, a few of the animatronics awaken and attack the group. In the ensuing chaos, Knighty impales Aaron with his sword, Sara and Tito devour Dan alive, and Arty mauls Kathy and Bob to death while they have sex.
With Liv standing in awe, the Janitor decapitates Knighty and breaks Arty's jaws, killing them both. Stalked by Cammy in an arcade, Chris calls Lund for help; she goes there with deputy sheriff Evan Olson upon learning that Liv is in the restaurant. On the way, Lund reveals to Evan that after Willy's Wonderland was shut down, the animatronics continued murdering people around Hayesville until she, Tex, and Jed made a deal with them. Over the years, they tricked random travelers into cleaning up the building, offering them as sacrifices to the animatronics to stop their killing spree. A young Liv and her parents were among the victims with Liv being the only survivor and a guilty Lund adopting her.
When the Janitor and Liv arrive at the arcade, Cammy snaps Chris' neck, killing him. They subdue Cammy and attempt to leave before Lund and Evan stop them. Lund handcuffs the Janitor and leaves him to die as Evan takes Liv away. While driving, Evan is attacked and killed by a stowaway Tito as Liv injures Tito and escapes. Back at the restaurant, the Janitor subdues Sara, and twists Cammy's head, killing her. Enraged, Lund tries to lure Willy to kill the Janitor, only for Willy to tear her in half. Willy and the Janitor fight each other until the Janitor rips his head off, killing him.
The next morning, Tex and Jed return to the building and find it completely clean, with the animatronics missing. The Janitor receives his repaired vehicle and invites Liv to accompany him. While Tex and Jed discuss planning to re-open Willy's Wonderland, Sara suddenly appears and sets their car on fire with gasoline. All three are killed in a massive explosion that also destroys the entire restaurant. As the sun rises, the Janitor and Liv drive out of Hayesville, running into and killing a wandering Tito along the way.
On New Year's Eve three women meet at the police station: Beatrice, Bianca and Billy. Their husbands have disappeared having stolen 9 billion lire from the bank of which they are respectively director, cashier and security guard. A year later, the three women are brought to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Their husbands are owners of luxury homes, herds and even a restaurant in Patagonia. Beatrice finds out that Saverio had always cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend and that they lived together in Buenos Aires. Bianca discovers that Antonio went to prostitutes and had a girlfriend actress of telenovelas and finally Billy discovers that her husband Gino has always been homosexual.
They are followed by Amedeo, a clumsy policeman with an overbearing fiancee, who befriends the women under the disguise of a nature photographer. Amedeo falls in love with Billy and spends one night with her, while Bianca and Beatrice have respectively a one-night stand as week with a tango teacher and a French tourist. And when it seems that they are about to find their husbands, they discover that their boat had hit the Perito Moreno Glacier killing them, In fact, being bankrupt they staged their death and assumed false identities and now ask the wives to meet them in Ushuaia, where they ended up working in a bank.
The three women, now aware of how much better their life could be without them, abandon them and start a new life: Billy marries Amedeo and they have a son while Beatrice and Bianca move to Buenos Aires and open a restaurant called "Le Tre Mogli" ("The Three Wives") and lead a carefree and independent life. But on New Year's Eve, the last minute of the film, their husbands enter the restaurant ...
MBA students Vedanth aka Vedhu and Janhavi are lovers. Janhavi goes with Vedhu to wear the golden chain to celebrate her birthday. After the celebration, they go to the hotel, where a heated argument occurs between Vedhu and another group of boys. This then turns into a brawl. During the brawl, Janhavi lost her chain, which is given by her mother. After searching for the chain, it was not found. Vedanth says he'll purchase a new chain by the end of the day.
Vedanth's father who needs money takes loans from everyone. He put his house and wife Mangalya Sutra as collateral with a pawn business. Finally, Vedhu pawns his bike for money but, he only got half of the money needed to buy a new chain. Raghu, a friend of Vedhu suggests gambling to double the money. Vedhu only has 35K which what he got for selling the bike. The chain costs 70K, so Vedhu agreed to gamble. Things turned for the worst in betting, they lost 70K. Now in debt, the two have to pay their dues back to Shiva who is in charge of this business. Shiva only gives them till 11 in the morning to pay up otherwise, they'll be dead. After many shenanigans they finally get enough funds to pay back Shiva due to their marketing talents. Janhavi, who is the mother of Padma, found the chain all along in her bag. It was dropped accidentally when the brawl had occurred. Vendhu, after all, was able to pay back Shiva, get his bike back, and finally his mother's Mangalya Sutra.
New York journalist Ben Manalowitz (Novak) unexpectedly receives a phone call from Ty Shaw (Holbrook) informing him that his "girlfriend" Abby Shaw (Tipton), in actuality just a hookup, has died of an apparent drug overdose. On Ty's request, Ben flies to Texas to attend the funeral and meets Abby's family: brother Ty, mother Sharon (Smith-Cameron), sisters Paris (Amara) and Kansas City (Cameron), younger brother known as "El Stupido" (Bickel), and Granny Carole (Stephens). Ty informs Ben that he suspects Abby was actually murdered, adamantly maintaining that she never took drugs, and asks Ben to accompany him to find the truth and avenge her. After conferring with his podcaster producer Eloise (Rae), Ben elects to aid them as part of a story about grief and denial.
Ben and Ty travel to the oil pumps to meet Ty's friend Crawl (Obenchain), who explains that parties often occur at the oil fields, that there is a spot just outside where the parties are normally held that is dubbed "the Afterparty," where multiple reports of dead bodies have been reported over time, and that there is a particular drug dealer named Sancholo (Villa) who he suspects may have killed Abby. One of Ben's stops takes him to meet Quinten Sellers (Kutcher), an eccentric and insightful record producer who, like Ben, is an outsider and college educated, but has come to adopt Texas as his home. Quinten gives Ben a memory stick that has video and audio of Abby performing. Ben confronts Sancholo outside of a bar to discuss Abby's death, and Sancholo reveals he was in Tulsa on the night of Abby's death and reiterates Ty's belief that Abby was not a drug abuser. Ben later joins the Shaw family at a rodeo, where he accidentally draws the crowd's ire by expressing support for the Texas Longhorns when in reality, the crowd is overwhelmingly in favor of the Texas Tech Red Raiders.
Ben speaks to the four law enforcement agencies in the area, and learns that they each tend to shift responsibility of "the Afterparty" to another agency because it is in a spot where the four jurisdictions overlap. While speaking with Eloise about the updated status of the show, Eloise informs Ben that the show will be previewed on NPR, when his car blows up. To his surprise, the whole Shaw family comes to see him and takes him to Whataburger for the first time. During dinner, Eloise tells Ben that the story is finished and to come home, much to Ben's dismay. When back inside, Granny lets slip that Abby was in fact a drug user, and that Ty had lied to Ben to try and get closer to her supposed boyfriend. Leaving the restaurant, Ben reveals that he wasn't close with Abby and Ty punches him in the stomach, and they leave separately.
While in bed, El Stupido mentions how Abby would speak in code with him, saying 1435 ("I love you mucho"). Enlightened, he uses that number to unlock Abby's phone. He sees someone else labeled "Ben" in her phone, and sees texts indicating that she was abandoned by this person. Armed with one of Ty's pistols, Ben rides with El Stupido to a party at the oil pumps. After learning that his car was blown up by Texas Tech fans from the rodeo, Ben meets with Ty and Quinten. When Quinten and Ben start speaking, they go back to Quinten's tent. Ben notices numerous packaged drugs that match the description given by one of the law enforcement officers, and sees an unconscious woman being dragged out of the tent. After turning off his main recorder, Ben elicits a confession from Quinten that he caused Abby to overdose and then dragged her to "the Afterparty," where she later died. Ben pulls out his phone, which recorded the entire confession, and Quinten expands upon how there is more story that will be told; about how attention will be shifted to Ben, then to Abby's family. Ben executes Quinten on the spot. Upon returning to the Shaw house, Ben reconciles with Ty and deletes his recordings, electing to keep the story between him and the Shaws.
After cowboy Loring ventures into boxing, crooked fight promoter Harmon tries to bribe him to throw a bout. Loring pretends to be interested, but Mullins accuses him of cheating. Mullins' daughter believes Loring is innocent and helps him by setting a trap.
A plane where shrimp tainted with cholera was served, arrives from South America to Los Angeles. Soon after, the first patient dies from the disease. Because this person was a cocaine dealer, there is some suspicion that the drug is somehow related to the disease. Therefore, a narcotics detective (Elizabeth Peña) is put on the case, while in the hospital an experienced doctor (Lindsay Wagner) tries to prevent the outbreak from turning into an epidemic.
The main characters are Haroun, a boy, and his father, the storyteller Rashid, who lost his ability to tell stories after his wife left him, and the villains Khattam-shud and Snooty Buttoo who want to terminate storytelling because they want to rule the world, and are powerless against stories. In a fantastic journey, Haroun helps his father to regain his potential.
Set in the late 1960s, twenty-one-year-old Megan Cartwright has never left her family but then moves to London and discovers her full potential. But letters begin to arrive as her parents struggle to keep the family together.
Wirr has succeeded his late father as Northwarden. He survives an assassination attempt, but struggles to gain acceptance from the Administrators under his command. He meets Breshada, a former Gifted hunter who has become Gifted herself. Asha is serving as Tol Athian’s Representative at court. She secretly sneaks to the Sanctuary, hoping to find evidence of missing Shadows. Davian trains at Tol Shen. He and three other Augurs escape an attack on the Tol and travel north to the Boundary.
Caeden slowly begins regaining his memories as he visits locations from his past. He also works for the Lyth, who gave him Licanius in exchange for their freedom. He is followed by Nethgalla, a shapeshifting spirit inhabiting the body of his dead wife. Caeden was once part of a group of immortals known as the Venerate, who believed they were serving El (God). The Venerate sought to destroy fate and grant humans free will. Caeden hoped to use free will and time travel to save the life of his dead wife. Caeden eventually came to believe they were mistaken and that the "god" they were serving was actually an evil spirit. He turned against the other Venerate, trapping several of them in prisons known as Tributaries, which stole their Essence to power the Boundary. Two Venerate have recently escaped their Tributaries, leading to the Boundary’s weakening.
Asha learns that Shadows are being used as extra Reserves for the holder of the Siphon, a Vessel. Breshada reveals that she is both the Shadraehin and Nethgalla. She gives the Siphon to Caeden; he uses it to turn the Lyth into Shadows, which will fulfill their bargain. Nethgalla reveals that she caused the Augur War because the Augurs were threatening the stability of the Boundary. She has been using the Shadows’ Essence to sustain the Boundary since then. Nethgalla taunts Asha into stabbing her with Whisper, a sword which transfers a victim's Essence to its wielder. Asha becomes bonded to the Siphon and is no longer a Shadow.
Caeden is trapped north of the Boundary by another Venerate. Creatures begin breaking through the Boundary, killing many Administrators. Asha finds a Tributary and activates it, thus strengthening the Boundary. This traps Davian behind the Boundary. Davian kills Caeden, knowing that he will be reincarnated south of the Boundary. Caeden regains another memory of his past. He is visited by a stranger from the future, Davian, who tells him that he is mistaken about serving El. Davian attempts to convince Caeden to switch sides. Enraged, Caeden kills him and places his severed head on a spike outside Deilannis.
The film takes place in France in the 15th century. The film tells about the Scot, who is accepted into the guard. He must fulfill a difficult mission, which in fact is even more difficult than it seems.
The film tells about a young man named Vitya Bodrov, who is invited to court in the case of his father, accused of major fraud. Leaving the courthouse, Victor falls into the hands of Shaved...
The film tells about a philosopher named Andrei Kovrin, who goes to a village where he meets Tatyana, who will immediately fall in love.
1959 year. Japanese Keiko, together with the Soviet counterpart Gusev, are managed to send the polio vaccine to Japan, as a result of which the lives of 10 million Japanese children were saved.
The film tells about a smart boy who takes revenge on others for his grievances, but cannot resist the beautiful classmate Ira.
The film tells about the "cruel games" of prisoners and the important role of the administration, which controls them using a denunciation system.
The film takes place in the legendary Moldavanka. The film tells the story of the attractive bandit Benya Krik named King, the son of a binder, who leaves the family for the beautiful Marusa.
A shocking record of a crime committed by two young boys (12 and 22 years old), committing the murder of their own mother. The film shows a period of 12 months before their arrest, especially the last few days and the time of the investigation until arrested by the Police. The author does not focus on the sensational theme, but tries to focus on the psychological layer, recreating the atmosphere of the family home, psychological portraits of the brothers and their mother – the future victim. In the background we see the environment in which this thoroughly ordinary, modest family lived. There was no indication that there would be a tragedy. There will be no cruelty or brutal literality in this film, yet the author does not resign from the artistic means of sensational and criminal cinema. The film's script is based on facts.
The film tells about the man Fyodor Kuzkin, who went through all the bad weather of the thirties and forties and decided to become the sole person.
The investigator discovers a large consignment of defective shoes at the trading base and starts a case about this. Suddenly his son disappears. Soon the bell rings. The kidnappers demand that he close the case if he wants to see his son alive.
The hero tells this to his friends, two operatives and a journalist. They have been friends since the orphanage and are ready to do anything for a friend! Four fearless men challenge the mafia.
Michonne and Virgil use a boat to travel to Bloodsworth Island, an abandoned naval base where he claims his family and a stash of weapons can be found. Virgil soon admits his family is dead but are still reanimated as walkers, and he asks for Michonne's help to put them down. Michonne helps clear the base of walkers, finds Virgil's family who had hanged themselves within a cell, and helps Virgil to put them to rest and bury them. Virgil promises to lead Michonne to the weapons the next day.
That night, Michonne becomes impatient and tries to locate the weapons herself. While investigating in one of the buildings, she enters a room and hears the door slam shut behind her; a trap set by Virgil. Virgil's allies, trapped in an adjacent cell, warn Michonne that Virgil has gone insane since he inadvertently locked his family in the cell while they went scavenging, leading to their hanging.
Virgil feeds Michonne some drugged food, giving her hallucinations. In these sequences, she experiences visions of Siddiq, and then experiences hallucinations of an alternate version of her life, beginning with her deciding to ignore Andrea's cries for help, which led to her living on her own and eventually meeting Negan and joining the Saviors, fighting against Rick and his allies, but eventually killed by Rick.
As the drugs wear off and Michonne regains her senses, Virgil offers her water, and she uses the opportunity to attack him. Virgil flees, leaving the door open behind him; Michonne helps the others out of their cell, and the four of them head to the docks but discover that Virgil set Michonne's boat aflame, leaving them stranded on the island. The four of them track down and capture Virgil; while his former allies want to kill him, Michonne shows mercy and is able to reason with Virgil and convinces him to help. Virgil shows Michonne a room full of scavenged gear, and she recognizes Rick's boots among the items. She demands to know where Virgil found them, and he takes her to a nearby beached military boat. The two of them board the vessel and, among other equipment, Michonne finds a cell phone etched with Rick's name and a drawing of her and Judith, along with a log book indicating Rick may be alive near New Jersey.
Michonne and the others plan to take the boat back to the mainland, but Virgil opts to stay on the island instead. While sailing back to the mainland, Michonne contacts Judith via walkie-talkie, telling her that Rick might be alive. Judith manages to convince Michonne not to return to Alexandria and to instead try to find Rick, which Michonne decides to do; the two of them promise to talk every day as she searches. Some time later, Michonne is walking through a forest when she comes upon two stragglers, who ask for her help catching up to a huge organized militia moving north.
The film tells the story of the development of the city of Glupov.
''The Devil's Game'' is a novel in which seven people are brought together to play a high stakes game.
''Leviathan's Deep'' is a novel in which humanoid aliens from a matriarchal society resist cultural assimilation by the generally patriarchal Terrans.
''Antinomy'' is a collection of science fiction short stories, songs, and puns.
The film takes place in the summer of 1941. A young lieutenant of the NKVD, together with a group of political prisoners and criminals, comes under fire, as a result of which only three survived.
''Star Driver'' is a novel involving the development of a reactionless thruster.
''Beyond Rejection'' is a novel in which Ismael Forth suffers a fatal accident and has his mind transferred into the body of Sally Cadmus.
The protagonist and player character is Claire, a young bird who spends her days off by traveling to Hawk Peak Provincial Park, where her Aunt May works as a ranger.
In an opening cutscene, Claire's mother drives her to a ferry that will take her to the park for the summer. When Claire arrives, her Aunt informs her that there's no cellphone reception in the park except for at Hawk Peak. Claire has never hiked the Hawk Peak Trail before, but is expecting an important call, so she decides to go to the summit. It is then up to the player whether Claire helps the other animals on the island or heads straight for Hawk Peak. A sign at the mountain's base warns it is a strenuous hike, and other characters will remark that the trail is too difficult for them.
When Claire reaches the peak, she congratulates herself for making it and sits in view of an aurora. Soon her cell phone rings, revealing the caller is her mother. She acknowledges that she had a surgery after sending Claire away. Claire is upset she wasn't there for her, but Claire's mother says she is proud of Claire for climbing Hawk Peak. The call is interrupted when an updraft emerges from the mountain. It makes Claire nervous, but her mother urges her to ride it before it disappears. Claire rides the updraft, soaring over the park.
Claire can then return to her Aunt, whereupon she explains to her all of the side activities she did on her hike.
In October 1960, a Vatican bishop, having received a letter and two photographs, instructed two priests to visit a Magdalene Asylum in Ireland, where a statue of the Virgin Mary is said to be bleeding from the eyes in the chapel. Of the two priests, Father Thomas Riley is the older, and is disillusioned in his work as a miracle investigator for the Vatican, complaining that he has seen too many frauds over the years, while the younger Father John Thornton is a priest enthusiastic about the assignment, and fervently believes that they will find a genuine miracle. The authoritarian Mother Superior of the asylum initially tries to discredit the letter (which had been sent anonymously from her hospice) by reminding the priests that ''"they are not all good girls in this home"'' and makes it clear that none of the priests are welcome, treats them grudgingly, and installs them in separate accommodation in the building.
To begin the work of documenting the alleged miracle, Father John sets up his film crew (16 mm cameras) in the chapel where the statue reported to have wept blood is located. Upon examining the statue, Father Thomas comments that he cannot analyse the blood, as it has dried up, and he needs a fresh blood sample, so they will have to wait for the miracle or phenomenon to happen again. Meanwhile, the young priest tries to interview some of the women in the asylum, but soon discovers that they have no access to the chapel and are in fact victims of cruel punishments imposed to ensure discipline, and are also exploited for labour, as they are responsible for both keeping the asylum clean and running the local laundry business. The abuse of the hard-working inmates is discussed with the Reverend Mother. Despite being unhappy that the priests have to document all their activities and conversations, she defiantly replies that the Church usually sends them into every dirty secret in the country, and they have had to deal with that... and adds, ''"Do you know how many Church messes I've had to personally clean up? How many of the babies born here had fathers who were fathers?"''
For two nights, Father John is constantly awakened at 3 a.m., as he hears strange sounds and has apparent visions of children playing in the hallways. He brings this to the attention of Thomas, who denies hearing anything at all. They also confirm that there are no children living in the asylum; the children's wing has been closed since the war. Father Thomas's long-standing doubts about miracles and human evil keep him convinced that a con man is behind these strange occurrences. However, on the third day, all the statues of the Virgin Mary in the asylum begin to bleed at the same time. Father Thomas analyses the blood and discovers that it is human, type O-negative, and that it comes from a pregnant woman. Father Thomas compares the samples with the blood of the inmates and the nuns, but finds no match.
A nun privately confesses that she was the person who contacted the Church to investigate the weeping statue. The nun warns Father Thomas that there is a young pregnant woman named Kathleen O'Brien being held in a secret room in the basement, and recites, ''"If your eye makes you sin, pluck it out and throw it away"''. Despite the Mother Superior's stern objections, Father Thomas insists on seeing Kathleen. Father Thomas demands Kathleen's release when he sees her emaciated, scarred and chained in a filthy room. A local doctor confirms that the girl is a virgin, but that she is pregnant, and in his experience, he cannot explain how it happened. Attempts to move her beyond her room result in violent attacks and soon manifestations of apparent demonic possession. Father Thomas interviews Kathleen, who claims to be possessed by an unknown entity. Kathleen says something to Father Thomas in Greek. The priest attempts to pray with Kathleen, which causes a nearby nun to suddenly experience intense pain.
All the statues of the Virgin Mary in the building are suddenly broken. Father Thomas and Father John follow a ghostly apparition downstairs to a room that houses a satanic cult, and items found in the room indicate that a Black Mass has been performed. Father Thomas fetches Mother Superior to take her with him into the room, only to find that all evidence of the Black Mass ritual has inexplicably vanished. As they try to rationalise what has just happened, screams are heard from Kathleen's cell, who is stabbing her belly. Father Thomas intervenes and in attempting the ritual exorcism, Kathleen levitates from her bed and her hand also bursts into flames during another instance of supernatural activity. In response to what Kathleen told him in Greek, Father Thomas confesses to Father John that he was an orphan; furthermore, Father Thomas speculates that he may have been born in that very asylum. Kathleen cryptically says something to the priests about the babies who have been killed in the asylum. ''"The babies down there are suffering for the sins of others."'' Father Thomas questions Mother Superior about false records of missing children. Mother Superior explains that she sold the babies to fund the asylum. Kathleen goes into labour. The nuns attend the birth while the priests go in search of the doctor. Kathleen dies in childbirth.
Father Thomas and Father John follow the apparitions of more ghostly children throughout the building. The two priests return to the room where they had found Satanic paraphernalia, as they hear a baby crying. There they find a murdered nun, whose eyes have been gouged out; she is the one who had previously confessed to sending the letter. They then discover a secret passage leading to a network of tunnels where they discover several skeletons of small children. The two priests walk through the tunnels, but become disoriented and are separated when a nun attacks them. Father John is killed by the nun. After taping a confessional, Father Thomas finds a satanic altar where a baby used to be. The priest encounters a group of nuns who form a coven and are performing a ritual. Showing signs of possession, Mother Superior says, ''"Welcome home, Thomas"'' and suddenly attacks the priest. After Father Thomas falls, Mother Superior is heard shushing a crying baby.
Sean Wong (Louis Koo) leads an armed robbery at a jewelry shop. Three months later, Wong's partner in crime, Homer Tsui (Deep Ng), is found dead inside an apartment and Chief Inspector Yip Sau-ching (Philip Keung) suspects Wong to be the culprit in the murder of Tsui. The only apparent witness to the murder case is a talking parrot that was present inside the apartment room during the crime scene. Wong sets out to find out the real murderer in order to clear his name and avenge his partner.
The goddess Perpetua has taken over Prime Earth and is in the process of destroying all realities (of the 52 local universes, only eight are left) so that she can restart the Multiverse in her image. Her lieutenant, the Batman Who Laughs, aided by an army of evil Batmen from the Dark Multiverse, enforce her rule. All resistance has been crushed and even Earth's heroes have been press-ganged into servitude. But when a mysterious prisoner is to be banished to Tartarus Pits of Hell (formerly Themyscira), he awakens memories in Warden Wonder Woman. When a meeting with the Batman Who Laughs's Justice League (Harley Quinn, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Mister Miracle; each paired with a respective Dark Knight of the Dark Multiverse) is interrupted by the main Batman, Wonder Woman argues with her former teammate, saying that it is not enough to just win small "street battles" like Bruce but that they need to fix everything and not just what is left. Meanwhile, out in space, the bounty hunter Lobo is hired to uncover something. Back in the Tartarus Pits, Diana meets up with the prisoner, revealed to be an exhausted Wally West, who retells Diana the story of Perpetua, how she has manipulated many of the previous Crises from behind the scenes, and how she survived the previous battle with the Justice League through the Batman Who Laughs. When the Amazon decides the best cause of action is to make the first Anti-Crisis, she is confronted by the Batman Who Laughs, whom she proceeds to gut with an invisible Chainsaw of Truth. Though dead, the Dark Knights work to unleash the Batman Who Laughs' true plan of preparing the body of the ''final'' Bruce Wayne. In an underground bunker, Batman enlists the help of a severed Sgt. Rock.
In the Hellscape (outside of what used to be Washington, D.C.), Wonder Woman, Wally West and Swamp Thing drive the hijacked Batmobeast where they run over the Batom (a Batman/Atom hybrid). They gain access to the Valhalla Cemetery, a secret Crypt of Heroes that is currently guarded by the surviving members of the JSA: Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, Doctor Fate and Wildcat. The password the three of them used to get in was 'Ma Hunkel' who was the guardian of the first JSA headquarters. Batman and Jonah Hex are also there and in the process of conscripting an army out of tombs in the crypt. The heroes buried there are the Atom, the Black Condor, the Dove, the Human Bomb, Johnny Quick, the Liberty Belle, the Phantom Lady, the original Sandman and Uncle Sam. The former disapproves of Diana's killing of the Batman Who Laughs (as the villain will just evolve into a new nightmare), saying how they needed to fight small but Diana says she could not live with that. Bruce plans to use this army to take Castle Bat and forge a new Earth in the dark, saving only those who they can. Diana tries to persuade Bruce to join her in creating a new Multiverse but he refuses to listen as he blames himself for everything that has happened and thinks Diana will make the same mistakes he did. Diana's plan is to travel to the Dark Multiverse and to the original Crises, steal the energy taken by Perpetua and give it to Wally to not only defeat Perpetua but also restart the Multiverse. Jay calls in Barry Allen (who has been unable to fix things with the Speed Force, as there is no way out of the present), and together with Diana and Bruce, plan to travel to New Apokolips to save their friends. Meanwhile, at Castle Bat, the Dark Knights succeed in transferring the Batman Who Laughs' brain into an energy construct based on Doctor Manhattan's powers, an action that might have repercussions if Perpetua were to find out. At this point Perpetua is ravishing Earth-30 and warns the Batman Who Laughs of the beings like her who may sense her actions (worried they might destroy her). The Batman Who Laughs proceeds to wipe out the remaining Dark Knights with the exception of one Robin, who he decides to make his "Robin King"; he then shifts into a new form ("the Darkest Knight") exclaiming that he knows Diana plans to remake the Multiverse while he wants to make "52 Planets of Nightmares". In the Arkham Wastes, Diana, Bruce, Barry, Jonah Hex and Harley enter the workshop of the Toymaster to use his new stealth ship designed as a composite version of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman to head to New Apokolips.
Prior to events, the Batman Who Laughs recruited five new Dark Knight members:
In the middle of this, the Batman Who Laughs discovers the existence of Batmanhattan (the "final" Bruce Wayne), who replicated the formula of Doctor Manhattan's powers. The Batman Who Laughs incapacitated Manhattan to access his body and transform into the Darkest Knight.
On New Apokolips (the prison of the remaining DC heroes, inside the heart of a dying sun), Wonder Woman's team combat an army of Para-Robins (a hybrid of Parademons and different Robins). The planet is now run by a Batman who took the powers of Darkseid, a "Darkfather" who is currently torturing Superman with a new inescapable Murder Machine designed by the captive Mister Miracle which emits different forms of Kryptonite from the Dark Multiverse. When the heroes attack, Batman must find a way to get Superman out of the machine without it unleashing Anti-Life on the Kryptonian. However, when Darkfather decides to shoot Batman with the same gun he used on Darkseid in ''Final Crisis'' (which he has modified to erase Batman from history), the demonic tyrant is surprised to find it does not work for reasons only Superman seems to know. Superman breaks free of the machine with Batman's Black Lantern Ring protecting him and punches the Darkfather into space. Breaking the remaining heroes out of the super-prison, Diana reveals the scope of her plan to save all reality. They have come for Jarro, the baby Starro that is possibly the most powerful psychic being in the universe, to keep the heroes from being detected by the Dark Knights. With his help, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman will re-enter the Dark Multiverse to require the energy needed to restart the Multiverse. Meanwhile, the Darkest Knight and the Robin King break into Valhalla Cemetery. Knowing that they are after Wally's power, Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, and Wally West run with the Darkest Knight giving chase. In the Fifth Dimension, Lobo acquires the fifth and final box of "Death Metal" needed for his employer Lex Luthor who is planning to begin work to "change the story of this universe, once and for all".
Lex Luthor narrates how Earth was invaded by armies of Dark Knights, led by the Batman Who Laughs, leaving catastrophic consequences in the process. The irradiated western coast of the United States split off and became the Arkham Wastelands where Harley Quinn rules under Doctor Arkham. The east coast is turned into Megapokalips by Darkfather's technology since it also contains Metropolis and various rings of the different Lantern Corps. Gotham City split off into its own continent where it replaces Canada and contains The Batman Who Laugh's headquarters, Castle Bat. Themyscira is transformed into the new Hell where Wonder Woman became the warden who guards the prisoners there and Gemworld became part of the transformed Themyscira. Skartaris became a frozen land where it appears in place of Mexico. The Rock of Eternity fell into Fawcett City enough to free the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man. Aquaman was given control of Earth's oceans ruling under Bathomet and the mechanical Black Fleet. Lex also hired Lobo to help him rescue the Legion of Doom.
Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman travel back to the times of the three great Crises to stop Perpetua's attempts to manipulate those events. As they travel, they encounter Barbatos who taunts them with the idea that each Crisis is an example of how they failed rather than how they succeeded as things became so bad that a Crisis was the only option. The trinity reject that idea and continue to each Crisis - Batman visiting the original Crisis, Wonder Woman visiting the Infinite Crisis, and Superman visiting the Final Crisis - but they emerge to be confronted by a victorious Anti-Monitor, Superboy-Prime, and Darkseid, respectively. Superboy-Prime taunts Wonder Woman that Perpetua has already changed the outcome of these events.
Nightwing, along with a band of allies, including Hawkgirl and a reluctant Detective Chimp, are tasked by Lex Luthor to rescue the Legion of Doom.
Barry, Wally, and Jay team up with Kid Flash and the rest of the Flash family to outrun the Darkest Knight and his army of Dark Multiverse Flashes in order to reach the Mobius Chair.
The Green Lantern Corps and the Justice Incarnate have united against the remaining Earths that have sworn loyalty to Perpetua: Earth 3, Earth 10, Earth 29, Earth 43, and Earth 50. All the while, John Stewart tries to convince a reluctant Owlman to betray Perpetua and rise up against the destruction of the Multiverse. He does so and uses a special gun made on Qward to kill Ultraman and Superwoman.
Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are trapped in Dark versions of the original Crisis Trilogy where the main villains have won. Batman is trying to console the Anti-Monitor (only to be unmade by him). Superman is being trampled by the corrupted Supermen of the Multiverse as Darkseid plans to finally turn Superman into his acolyte. Across the land of Gotham, the Flash family are burning up the Speed Force to outpace the Darkest Knight. Wally contacts Jarro, who is trying to stop Harley from killing the Robin King after the evil Boy Wonder murdered Hex. Instead, the Swamp Thing decides to drop the cavern on him. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman learns how Superboy-Prime killed Alexander Luthor Jr. as he served no purpose in this "world of hope" after bargaining with the Batman Who Laughs. He holds Diana responsible for everything. In leaving Wally exposed and sending the Lanterns to destroy the antennas across the Multiverse while redirecting the Crisis area to one she is trapped in, she has given the Darkest Knight everything he needs. And now Superboy-Prime stands to direct all Crisis energy to his new master. Diana begs Superboy-Prime to reconsider; imploring that change is constant, and that in the end there is room for all universes. Superboy-Prime shatters the Crisis worlds, saving Batman and Superman in the process, and directs all energy to Wally. However, it does not work. Before they had a chance, the Darkest Knight rigged the Mobius Chair so it would always direct the power to himself. And now he has everything he needs to remake the Multiverse in his own image called the Last 52.
Starfire and Cyborg are fresh from their return to Earth and team up with Nightwing's gang where they come face-to-face with a valley of Starros. Meanwhile, the Martian Manhunter matches wits with the Dark Knight equivalent of himself called the Mindhunter.
Lex Luthor and Nightwing help the others escape the valley which is revealed to be one big giant Starro. Lex has constructed a vessel (which he names after Lana Lang) to continue the journey to Brimstone Bay. However Detective Chimp is disheartened by the whole experience and Hawkgirl is more prioritized with saving Martian Manhunter.''Justice League'' (vol. 4) #55 (2020). DC Comics.
The Robin King tells his story of how the Batman Who Laughs recruited him into his Robins army. When the Robin King defeats his opponents, the Red Tornado, Animal Man, and the Blue Beetle arrived at the scene where the Robin King took down the superheroes. During their fight with the Robin King, the Red Tornado is sprayed with a Mortal Coil chemical that causes him to spin out of control. Then, the Robin King summoned Anti-Living versions of Animal Man's family, who start to eat him. The Mortal Coil then causes the Red Tornado to become human and rip apart as a shrapnel from the outcome kills Animal Man. Then, the Robin King unleashed a giant beetle on the Blue Beetle, which killed him. In a back-up story, the Signal along with the Spoiler, the Orphan, and the Red Robin battle against Quietus (a Dark Knight that is a fusion of Batman, Ra's al Ghul, and Duke Thomas).
A being called Chronicler first views the DC Universe (through the eyes of the Psycho-Pirate and Vril Dox) while also resurrecting the New God Metron. In a back-up story spinning out of the events of "Multiverse's End", John Stewart thinks about recruiting more members into the Green Lantern Corps.
Perpetua's Omega Knight is about to deal the final blow to Nightwing's team when Detective Chimp comes to the rescue (finally breaking out of his stupor), while Hawkgirl saves J'onn from the Mindhunter. Regrouped, the team work together to both distract the Omega Knight and destroy the throne tower holding the Legion of Doom captive.
Lobo narrates his perspective on how Lex Luthor hired him to receive the Death Metal while on the run from a Batman/Lobo mashup known as The Batman Who Frags.
The crew finally freed the Legion of Doom and defeated the Omega Knight. Soon after, they then join the other heroes in their fight against The Darkest Knight.
With his new god-like powers, the Darkest Knight orders Castle Bat (which turns into a colossal Batman) to attack the heroes. The heroes stand no chance against the giant whose structure is made of every material in Kane County. However, the monster is finally shot down by the Hall of Doom, piloted by Lex Luthor himself. As the battle between the Darkest Knight and Perpetua begins following her attack on Earth-49, Lex Luthor reveals to the heroes the Death Metal (shards of Element X/Tenth Metal that the Monitor locked away after the events of ''Dark Nights: Metal'') and how he has been making a machine that could to peer into the heart of reality. With this machine, they can remove the knots of the DC Timeline, unlocking all lost memories of the DC Universe, giving them the Anti-Crisis energy needed to fight the Darkest Knight. When faced with truth, Wonder Woman realizes that she caused the Justice League to fail against Perpetua due to her hesitating, Batman confesses that he's been dead all this time (explaining his use of the Black Lantern Ring), and Superman knows that there's no stopping his transformation into Darkseid. Despite this, the World's Finest are ready to fight alongside Wonder Woman one last time. While Wonder Woman leads an army of Lobos (cloned from Lobo's regenerative blood) into the Rock of Eternity, Superman frees the villains locked away (consisting of Captain Cold, Clayface, Clock King II, Cyborg Superman, Giganta, Granny Goodness, Joker, Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, Parasite, Penguin, Riddler, and Solomon Grundy) and recruits the remaining Supermen (consisting of Bizarro of Earth-29, Superboy-Prime), Lantern Corps (consisting of Sinestro, Star Sapphire, and Atrocitus), and Black Adam to destabilize the Prime Earth (the center of the Multiverse), effectively stopping the Darkest Knight from drawing anymore Crisis Energy. While giving Wonder Woman a journal that was written by Carter Hall, Lex states that he is too weak to help her out. Noticing this, the Darkest Knight (unable to get free of Perpetua) sends his evil Earths out to kill the united army of heroes and villains. In addition to the heroes and villains present, Batman uses the Black Lantern rings to revive Air Wave, Animal Man, Anthro, Atom, Bat Lash, Black Condor, Blue Beetle, Claw the Unconquered, Dan the Dyna-Mite, Dove I, Enemy Ace, Fate, Hawk II, Hourman, Human Bomb, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Red Bee, both Red Tornadoes, Sandman, and TNT as well as Crime Syndicate of America members Ultraman and Johnny Quick. Everyone living, dead, or unliving is ready for the final battle as they will fight until there is no tomorrow.
The Robin King tells stories in the New Dark Multiverse to the Groblins:
The heroes of the DC Universe spend their last moments together before they prepare for their final battle against The Batman Who Laughs and his new Dark Multiverse:
Earth's last line of defense face off against the monsters of the Darkest Knight's "Last 52" Earths; Batman even makes the original body of the Batman Who Laughs fight by their side with his Black Lantern Ring. Meanwhile, the battle between Perpetua and the Darkest Knight rages as the celestial being chastises the former Dark Knight by claiming she's the only one protecting the Multiverse from detection from her kind. The Darkest Knight proceeds to trap Perpetua in the fragments of the Source Wall that originally held her and kill her. Realigning the Prime Earth so the Crisis Energy continues to empower him, he sends his "favorite soldiers" to attack Earth's heroes in their last moments while also reviving Devastator, Drowned, Merciless, Murder Machine and Red Death. In the passage to the World Forge, Wonder Woman's army of Lobo clones is being attacked by souls created by the Batman Who Laughs which take the journal of Carter Hall from her. Diana falls into the World Forge where she's confronted by Darkseid and the baby Anti-Monitor. Refusing to believe Darkseid's claims that humanity doesn't want to know the truth, Diana comes to realize how to make Luthor's machine and starts by dipping her Lasso of Truth into the World Forge. As the heroes stand as one universe against the horde of the Darkest Knight, they start remembering their entire history (including their various deaths and revivals) as a golden-clad Wonder Woman erupts from the ground to confront the Darkest Knight.
Remembering his past with his beloved Laurie and his run-ins with the Superman Family and his changing throughout the Crisis, Superboy-Prime takes his anger out on the Darkest Knight. The Darkest Knight offers to bring back Superboy-Prime's Earth, but is felled by a powerful onslaught of punches. The resulting explosion kills Superboy-Prime, who wakes up back in his world reading about this very story. Laurie visits him and they go for a walk. Superboy-Prime saves a kid from getting hit by a car, revealing he still has his powers.
The final battle rages on:
A final battle clashes between the golden-clad Wonder Woman and the Darkest Knight; a battle that spans time and space. She is finally brought to the birth of creation where the Darkest Knight reveals that Perpetua's people (referred to as "the Hands") will simply erase the universe and without a restart, half of Diana's friends will be dead. Diana has two choices: keep fighting and lose or surrender to the Darkest Knight and use their combined power to kill the Hands. Refusing to give up, Diana strikes back at the Darkest Knight, pushing him forward through time, sending him into the dying embers of Earth's sun. Seeing the Hands arrive and her friends struggle like Batman resurrecting his Bat-Family and Foes against the Robin King where B-Rex and Batmager were resurrected and Lex sacrificing himself to save Superman from the evil Last Sun, Diana imagines the Universe young and alive again and shoves the Darkest Knight into an enormous red sun which was earlier described as the death sun and the end of all things. This kills the Darkest Knight. Awakening in a white void, she meets one of the Hands in the form of her Golden Age counterpart, telling her that her actions have allowed them to rethink their methods and that the Multiverse shall be restored with all history and all stories restored as there is no place for walls and boundaries. All of this comes at the cost of Diana ascending to help the Hands from any looming threat. On Earth, the Hall of Justice hosts a massive party where every hero and villain who helped in the battle is celebrating. Barry reveals to Wally a new space-station called "the Totality", a shield protecting the world from future threats consisting of the greatest minds on Earth (both heroes and villains). New futures are opening up, many fallen characters are returning and Darkseid is gone, the Infinite Multiverse is back (or as Lex calls it, an "Omniverse") which is an Infinite Frontier of possibilities. Even Prime Earth is no longer the centre of the Multiverse as there are two sources of energy for the Multiverse (one might be on Earth, an "Elseworld"). In 1941, Sgt. Rock finishes writing his experience in Carter Hall's journal as he leads the Justice Society of America into battle.
The story of a group of friends from a small town near Poznań, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, who shared a common passion: football, or rather "active support for a football club". They are connected by a club, divided by a life situation. Oskar Nowacki (35) just became a father. Together with his brother Mariusz (25), he sells religious items in the Basilica in Licheń. Mariusz's girlfriend, Basia (22), accompanies the boys because of their love of support and remnants of attachment to Mariusz, but above all because of their fascination with Oskar.
Young journalist Erika Yoshioka works at Tokyo Metropolitan News where her father committed suicide under suspicion of falsifying news. Yoshioka's boss Mr. Jinya entrusts her with investigating a government plan to establish a new university that has arrived by anonymous fax. Her research leads to Mr. Kanzaki a Cabinet Official who soon commits suicide. The investigation next takes her to Takumi Sugiyama, an earnest official in the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office. Plagued with doubts over Kanzaki's death, Sugiyama agrees to work with Yoshioka to uncover the scandal that may derail their careers.
1825, a small manor house in the south of Poland. Majętny Radost (Robert Więckiewicz) intends to get his nephew Gustaw (Maciej Stuhr) with the beautiful Aniela (Anna Cieślak) - the daughter of Dobrójska (Edyta Olszówka) living next door. The parties quickly agree on the marriage contract. The problem is that Gucio spends the nights at the "Under the Golden Parrot" tavern, seduces women, drinks, dances and never marries.
Also, Aniela, who is influenced by her cousin Klara (Marta Żmuda Trzebiatowska), is far from thinking about marriage. Klara, an ardent opponent of men, is constantly mocking the intrusive romantic Albin (Borys Szyc) who is in love with her. This temperamental, intelligent, brilliant woman, defiant and blunt, wants to decide her own fate. Therefore, he plays with Albin's love and rebels openly against common morals. Realizing that the family also wants to see her and Albina on the wedding carpet, he convinces Angela to make maiden vows. Aniela and Klara swear an oath: I promise unwavering stability for women, hate the masculine race, never be a wife.
However, girls' weddings cannot be kept secret. When Gustav finds out about them, the spirit of perversity awakens in him. He decides to get everyone involved in a clever intrigue. He wants to make Aniela confess to him and Klara appreciate Albin's affection.
The naked body of a young woman is found under the Sandomierz synagogue. Prosecutor Teodor Szacki begins a murder investigation. It turns out that the corpse of the woman was bled, and the expert says that the murder weapon found on the spot is used during ritual slaughter of animals. Linking to the dark history of ritual murders of children triggers anti-Semitic mood. Aiming to find out the truth, Szacki will find that there is a grain of truth in every story that can trigger a spiral of crime in the right place at the right time.
The show follows the development of George and Mae's romance in contemporary Manchester. Mae (Mae Martin), a Canadian comedian (a version of Mae Martin's own personal life), meets George (Charlotte Ritchie), a repressed, middle-class English woman, at the comedy club where Mae performs. The pair begin dating, and George learns that Mae is a former drug addict. George encourages her to attend a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, where Mae meets fellow recovering addicts. Mae's addiction causes problems in their relationship, as does George's reluctance to come out and tell friends and family about her relationship with Mae.
In the second season Mae's career advances, while she also addresses trauma in her past after receiving a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Gabe Fuentes, a remarkably ordinary 11-year old, has taken on an extraordinary adventure from Minneapolis, Minnesota to other worlds. The Envoy, a purple space blob, tasks Gabe with the role as Earth’s ambassador to the galaxy, which exposes him to a world of alien interaction and conflict. Meanwhile, back home Gabe’s Mexican-American family deals with alien problems of their own, as his parents confront the realities of deportation.
Set in 1990, Cybil Houch, has nightmares about Freddy Krueger in which she recognizes 1428 Elm Street, the old house of her former college roommate Nancy Thompson. She is a "ripperologist", and as such Freddy poses as Jack the Ripper in her nightmares. Freddy also invades the dream of Priscilla Martin, a third roommate of Nancy and Cybil, and murders her. Seeking for Nancy in phonebooks turns up nothing for Cybil, but Dr. Elizabeth Simms is able to explain to her that Nancy died three years ago, and that Dr. Neil Gordon might know more; Cybil calls him. Rising up, she faints from sudden blood pressure drop and starts dreaming and has to watch as Freddy kills her boyfriend James, but before Freddy can kill her too, Nancy intervenes and saves her.
In the real world, Dr. Gordon had reacted to Cybil's phonecall alluding to Freddy Krueger and arrives to help her, allowing Cybil to tell him about her encounter with Nancy. They enter Cybil's dreams, where Nancy explains that because of Kristen Parker's dream powers, she died in body three years ago but her soul was set free to ascend into "the Beautiful Dream", a domain of the dream world that Freddy cannot control, and that she has hidden Neil's dreams from Freddy to protect him. The two women concludes that Freddy has likely used Cybil and Priscilla as bait to lure Nancy out of safety. After some dangerous encounters with Freddy in the dream world, they are saved by a girl who claims that Cybil will be her mother, meaning that she is pregnant. The comics reveals that there is a third dream plane where unborn children spends their time dreaming. The "dream children" attacks Freddy, lambasting him for trying to take Jacob earlier and declaring that Freddy doesn't belong there. However, Cybil passes out again from morning sickness and immediately has another nightmare where "Jack the Ripper" attacks her with a scalpel as she calls out in vain for Nancy to help her again.
In 1995, six years after the events of ''A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child'', Alice Johnson returns to Springwood, bringing Jacob with her, who is portrayed as possessing both a heightened intellect and maturity and psychic powers such as telepathy. Her father Dennis (called Fred here) has died, hinted to be due to Freddy. It is revealed through dialogue that during this time, Cybil had died of eclampsia, while Dr. Gordon as her driver suffered a car accident trying to rush her to the hospital. He has now been rendered comatose and keeps dreaming of Freddy trying to kill him, but Nancy keeps on protecting him. Most of Elm Street is boarded up and nonvacant, with one more house now joining that state. Alice meets up with her old friend Yvonne Miller from ''The Dream Child'', who's now a policewoman. Devonne Gable, a mysterious, traumatized woman, is working for Freddy who is after Jacob again, but he rescues Alice when Freddy tries to manipulate Dan Jordan to trick her. Jacob then meets up with Devonne.
Jacob and Devonne heads to the Springwood cemetery, where Dan's body is buried, as are Devonne's parents and sister. Jacob tries to use his powers to bring Dan back, but senses that Freddy still has his soul. Jacob "zaps" Devonne and goes into her dreams of her childhood trauma, where he finds Freddy. Freddy tries to coerce Jacob into helping him escape the confines of Springwood in return for Freddy bringing Dan back to life, even allowing him some "father-son" time with his father Dan Jordan's soul. Meanwhile, Freddy sends Devonne out to kill Alice, who had searched out Yvonne at the hospital for help in finding Jacob. They try to enlist the help of Nancy's spirit by speaking to Neil Gordon's comatose body, which Jacob sensed earlier was being protected by Nancy.
Alice's words stirs Neil's body, who says she needs to go into the dream world to link up with Nancy. Alice convinces Yvonne to drug her unconscious. Devonne enters the hospital only moments after with a machinegun, slaughtering her way to get to Alice, but Yvonne shoots her fatally in the chest before she can kill Alice. In the dream world, Alice meets up with Neil. Freddy tries to kill them by shattering all the glass in the "dream church" from the films, but Nancy saves them. In the dream world, Alice becomes her namesake Alice in Wonderland and encounters Freddy as a macabre version of the White Rabbit, while Nancy is interrupted by her father Donald's spirit. Neil joins up with his former patients, the "Dream Warriors", who resides in a sort of pocket universe within the dream world. Jacob encounters his father Dan Jordan's spirit in the dream world.
Devonne enters a "dying dream" state and rejoins Freddy in the dream world. Dan explains that Freddy will bring him back if Jacob helps Freddy escape the confines of Springwood. Donald shots Nancy in the head due to Freddy's torment being too horrible for him to endure, and if he were to agree to kill his daughter, Freddy might release him from his bondage. Nancy however restores herself and says that she's changed, and that she can offer him his salvation. She frees the aspect of him that Freddy had imprisoned and sends his now complete spirit off to some unknown plane and continues. Alice goes through more ''Alice in Wonderland''-themed vistas, and is eventually overpowered by Freddy in the guise of the Jabberwocky, while Neil leaves the Dream Warriors' pocket dimension and continues. Nancy tries to talk Jacob out of helping Freddy, pointing out that he was the one who killed Dan in the first place, but she has now entered Freddy's place and he now has power over her too. Devonne, finally realizing that Freddy was never going to keep his words and that she was only ever a pawn to him, turns against him and sides with Neil, Nancy and Dan in attacking Freddy. After Freddy's temporary defeat, Jacob uses his psychic powers to put his father Dan's spirit into Neil Gordon's body, who had rather wanted to join Nancy in "the Beautiful Dream". The three prepares to leave Springwood for good, with Alice asking Yvonne to come with them and leave the nightmares behind for good. Freddy is shown to reconstitute himself in the last panel.
Dmitry Sanin goes to Frankfurt, where he meets the daughter of a coffee house owner named Gemma, whom she falls in love with. This feeling is mutual and they decide to start a family. For this, Sanin sells his small estate to the wife of his friend, Maria. And suddenly he realizes that Gemma is not at all the one he had been looking for all his life...
Sasha Li is a recent fashion grad living in L.A. who is unable to find work and lives off of a lucrative one million dollar trust fund given to her by her estranged father, a Chinese manufacturer who mass-produces plushies.
On her birthday Sasha learns that her father has cut off access to her trust fund so that she will come work for the family business in China. When that doesn't work, her father cuts off alimony payments to her mother, forcing Sasha to capitulate.
In Shenzhen, Sasha reunites with her older half-sister Carol (Lynn Chen) and her younger siblings born from her father's affair with one of his workers. To her disgust, she also learns that his latest girlfriend, Lulu, is near her age.
Sasha joins her older sister Carol in working for her father at his toy factory. After attending a sales pitch where buyers tell her father his products are dated, Sasha takes her father's designers to Hong Kong to look at products and get new ideas.
Sasha gets her father's approval to design a unique looking toy collection for Christmas which ends up selling well. When Carol and Sasha go out to celebrate, Carol reveals that their father was still married to her mother when Sasha's mother began an affair with him, and over the years, he had many affairs and pressured many of his girlfriends to have abortions.
The Christmas toy collection moves forward under Sasha's guidance. She makes a modification to one of the items on the toy, exchanging a plain fabric scarf for a sequinned one, only to learn that the sequins represent a choking hazard, and she has already ordered the scarf fabric in extensive quantities. Sasha's father and Carol decide to go forward with production anyway only to have the product recalled after a child does choke on it. After her father screams at her, Sasha abruptly quits. Carol begs her to stay as she planned to finally leave their domineering father and leave Sasha as her substitute. Sasha refuses and urges Carol to stop seeking their father's approval and become independent.
Sasha returns to L.A., despondent over the recalled toys. Her friends suggest that she give one of the recalled toys to a child social influencer to review and the ensuing popularity causes her father's distributor to withdraw their recall and re-issue the toy without the scarves. Impressed with Sasha's design and marketing skills they also hire her to work for them.
Sasha receives a visit from Carol and learns she has finally quit the company and decided to live life on her own terms. Returning to China on a business trip Sasha visits her father and suggests he use what's left of her trust fund to provide child care for his factory workers to boost morale. She also offers to continue designing toys for him freelance, which he accepts.
The film tells about a man who has the ability to punish people with the strength of his spirit, but can he use it?
The film tells about hunters who go to an abandoned city to kill wolves, whose victims are residents of this city, and instead of wolves they find cannibal dogs there.
The film tells about residents of a boarding school for children with a sick spine, in which the strong manages the weak and this is encouraged by teachers.
Taking place just after the First World War in Poland close to the border with Russia where a widow runs a successful inn. She has made enough money and now wishes to settle down and marry a nobleman, which will consequently allow her daughter Vera to make a good social match. However things go wrong during a holiday on the French Riviera when her daughter falls in love with a chauffeur instead of the prince she had planned for her. To cap it all she discovers that the supposed nobleman she herself has married is in fact just a servant.
The film tells about a man who involuntarily detonates various objects. To understand the reason and meaning of this, he begins to study the history of his family name.
The film tells about a man whose wife was missing, which forced him to turn to the police. Suddenly, a local cure brings to him a woman who calls herself his wife, and he claims that he never saw her.
Monk Alyosha Karamazov tries to protect the boy from classmates and finds himself involved in the history of the life of the family of a person who does everything possible to maintain honor and dignity, despite the difficult situation.
The film takes place in a resort town in the Crimea (the shooting took place in Koktebel), where the competition ''Where are you, talents?'' takes place every day. Suddenly a man comes from Murmansk, sings the song ''My Seawoman'' and demands the main prize.
A journalist Olga Privalova becomes a victim of rape. To take revenge on the rapists, she makes a deal with the criminals. However, circumstances begin to unfold unpredictably.
Military Special Forces trooper Savely Govorkov, nicknamed "The Beast" (Dmitry Pevtsov), returns to Russia from Afghanistan war. The country is now in the middle of Perestroika and is mainly ruled by crime mobs. One of those, Alik (Boris Shcherbakov), is requested by his seemingly girlfriend Larissa to employ Govorkov as her bodyguard due to his honest personality and similarity to her brother, who died in Afghanistan. Unwilling to live corrupted lifestyle, Savely initially refuses but later agrees after witnessing how roughly and unfairly Larissa is treated. Extremely hotheaded and jealous, Alik orders Savely to provide Larissa a 24/7 surveillance with only one exception - a mysterious professor she visits every Tuesday for Korean lessons and returns crying every time.
Things initially go well for Savely until Larissa tricks him one day in a cinema and escapes, leaving him a message through Ricardo's (Alik's companion) employee saying that she will marry Ricardo and escape with him to Italy. In addition, Govorkov also learns that his best military friend, Victor Varlamov (also employed by Alik), is wanted for murder after accidentally killing a man while protecting Alik from being killed himself. Though Alik made a deal with the police to keep Varlamov out of jail, he kept his file within his safe, holding Varlamov as hostage and refusing to let him go free. After saving Alik's cashier, Vladimir Andreyevich (Vladimir Samoilov), from a robbery attempt, Govorkov is assigned to deliver cash into Alik's Saint Petersburg branch. Seeing this as an opportunity, Govorkov hides the cash and blackmails Alik to release Varlamov in exchange for the money. Though trying to keep a low profile, Govorkov visits Larissa and is eventually ambushed by Alik. He kidnaps Larissa, forcing Govorkov to reveal the hideout of the money - only to discover it has been accidentally burned by one of Alik's henchmen. Enraged, Alik forces Govorkov to plead himself guilty for a money laundering charge and sends Larissa to a mad-house.
Upon arriving to one of Tayga's prisons, grown up in a very bad neighborhood and toughly trained by his military martial art inspector Captain Shlikov, Govorkov refuses to obey local rules or being intimidated neither by correction officers nor by his cell-mates, which frustrates both sides. After overpowering an assassination attempt from a local thug "Arshin" (whom Govorkov embarrassed earlier) - he is taken under the wing of a local crime lord "King" (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan) - intimidating and well respected by both sides of the law. Things, however, take a bad turn again once it is discovered that Varlamov has been murdered by an unknown crime lord who also sent 2 assassins - Ugriumov and Danilin - to eliminate Govorkov. In order to do it quicker and swifter - "King" is urgently released from the prison. Warned by one of his cell-mates, Govorkov narrowly escapes the assassination and, together with the 2 assassins, escapes from the jail through supplies train. During jail border control - Ugriumov is fatally injured while Govorkov and Danilin remain unharmed. As the train reaches the nearby bridge - Govorkov and Ugriumov escape by jumping to the below river, but Danilin dies jumping too late - hitting shallow water instead. Ugriumov soon dies from his wounds, not before revealing Govorkov that the one who ordered to kill Varlamov and Govorkov is a big crime lord nicknamed - "The Korean" - the mysterious professor Larissa was once visiting.
Upon returning to Moscow - Govorokov encounters Alik who reveals that "The Korean" is his boss, Larissa was in fact his girlfriend, while Alik was only her caretaker, and the person himself is found out to be Vladimir Andreyevich - the "cashier", saved by Govorkov during one of his assignments. Govorkov encounters "The Korean" on his daughter's wedding and, after an unsuccessful bribe attempt, "Korean" agrees to take him to Larissa. On the parking lot, Govorkov is ambushed by "Korean" security guards, led by Captain Shlikov. Govorkov manages to escape eliminating the guards, including Shlikov, throwing him down the bridge after an intense combat. Left alone and surrounded by police forces, "Korean" tries to escape but is electrocuted to death by the chasing officers.
Eventually, Govorkov arrives to the mad-house where Larissa is kept and meets her. Though in a very poor mental condition - seeing Govorkov's friendly face and hearing his soft voice moves Larissa - giving her a hope for a better times after all.
Frank and Jackie Mpanga are a happily married couple with two children but their marriage is tested when Jackie's old college friend pays her a visit. Jackie then gets a job but Frank's traditional conservative beliefs start to crash on Jackie's new dream.
11-year-old Leo dreams of being a successful WWE wrestler. His Grandma Denise supports his love of wrestling. Leo's dad, Steve and Denise send him off to school and he rides his bike, where he meets up with his friends. They get bullied by another boy, a teacher intervenes and sends them all to the principal.
After school, the bullies confront and chase him on their bikes, but Leo manages to hide inside a house holding an estate sale. Inside, Leo finds a box with a wrestling mask inside. He takes it home after the man in charge gives him permission. On TV, he sees an ad for a WWE competition. Later, Leo overhears how his mom left his dad. Also his father needs to pay $20,000 for the mortgage to not lose the house.
Leo tries on the mask, discovering it transforms him: his voice deepens, he takes on a very strong personality and he has super strength. Doing a Google search, he finds the legend of the mask: only a genuinely deserving champion can use its powers.
Leo confronts his bullies, overpowering them using the mask. Erica, a girl he likes, is impressed and they become friends, but he is also punished and sent home from school. Leo decides to audition for the wrestling competition, wearing the mask. It comes down to him and wrestler Smooth Operator as the semi-finalists. Leo beats Smooth and reaches the final, against famous wrestler Samson.
Leo's fame begins to alienate his friends and Erica. He later realizes and confesses to Denise that he thought the mask would solve all of his problems, but things are only getting worse. Leo apologizes to his friends, and is forgiven.
Samson and his manager switch Leo's mask with a regular one. The competition begins, Steve watching on TV. Samson is brutally beating Leo, when Leo realizes the mask is a fake. Steve rushes to the match. Leo climbs up the cage around the ring to avoid Samson. Seeing Sampson is afraid of heights, he dares him to climb, causing him to pass out. Leo jumps down on him, officially winning the match.
Leo gets the $50,000 check and he asks them to pass the wrestling contract with NXT to Smooth, as he is only 11. WWE tells Leo when he is older, there will be a place for him in the organization. Two weeks later, Leo is on the school wrestling team. He has gained self-confidence without the mask and has the opportunity to wrestle his bully with his dad cheering him on from the audience.
Staff in a tax advisor office are brutally killed by a group of professional assassins led by the ruthless Erik Gauss; used survivor is Paul Damone unaware that his colleague, Greco, used the office to launder the dirty money of the gangster Louis Sarazin, and that he found testimony as head of his impending trial. Paul's brother Johnny is an ex-cop turned bounty hunter in Boston. When he arrives in Los Angeles he finds him in his brother's house, he is associated by the police assigned to protect him; in a second ambush, however, the killers manage to kill Paul in his home, so Johnny goes on their trail to take revenge.
A fighter named Tias is searching for a magical sword to help his friends widow from despair. However he is not the only one searching for it. A Thief named Mars desires the sword for less honourable means. Together they must form an unlikely alliance and seek the help from a mysterious hermit who is the only one who knows where it is.
However the sword can only be claimed by one of them.
The first scene is set in the Oak Gallery in Blandings Castle, in the morning. At the castle is the Earl of Middlewick, his butler Bellows, his youngest son Freddie, and his secretary Baxter. Freddie's stepmother, Lady Middlewick, has inherited a diamond necklace (to the chagrin of second cousin Ethelberta). Freddie and Phyllis Jackson want to get married but her father will not approve unless Freddie either works for his jam business or invests five thousand pounds in the business. Freddie prefers the latter. He has inherited five thousand pounds, but Lady Middlewick must sign any cheques drawn by Freddie against his legacy, and she disapproves of the investment. Freddie and Phyllis see an advertisement offering Psmith's services for any job whatsoever. Freddie wants to hire Psmith to steal the diamond necklace and arranges a meeting. Middlewick goes to London to hire Eve Halliday to catalogue the castle's library, and to bring poets Ralston McTodd and Aileen Peavey to Blandings at Lady Middlewick's command.
The second scene is set outside the Greek Park Tube Station. Cynthia, wife of Ralston McTodd, chats with a lift man and tells her friend Eve that Ralston, who is temperamental, has left her once again to go write poetry somewhere. It rains and Eve has no umbrella. Psmith takes Walderwick's umbrella from the nearby Morpheus Club and gives it to her. Psmith likes Eve and offers to steal the necklace for Freddie for free, to be near Eve at Blandings. Eddie Cootes also tries to trick Psmith out of money but fails. The third scene is set later in the Morpheus Club. Eve talks with club waitress Miss Rumbelow, sees Psmith again, and returns the umbrella. Psmith shows Walderwick where his lost umbrella is and Walderwick thanks him. Psmith tells Freddie his plan: they will steal Lady Middlewick's necklace, then she will sign Freddie's cheque to buy her a new one, but he will actually return her stolen necklace to her. Lord Middlewick annoys McTodd, and McTodd leaves while Middlewick is out. When Middlewick returns, Psmith pretends to be McTodd, which Middlewick believes because he has lost his glasses. Middlewick tells Eve that Psmith is Ralston McTodd.
The second act is set in the Oak Gallery in Blandings Castle, in the following evening. There is a gramophone playing, and Freddie, Phyllis, Waldwerick, and Agatha dance. Lord and Lady Middlewick, Ethelberta, Baxter, and Psmith enter, and everyone settles down to drink coffee. Lady Middlewick is wearing her diamond necklace and shows it off to Ethelberta. Lady Middlewick announces that Miss Peavey and Mr McTodd are going to read their poetry for them. Aileen Peavey enters and talks poetically about fairies. Lord Chipstead, Walderwick's father and Lady Middlewick's cousin, also joins the party. Miss Peavey and Psmith (as McTodd) sign their names in Baxter's autograph book. When Eve privately talks to Psmith about his treatment of his supposed wife Cynthia, Psmith improvises and convinces her that Cynthia is wrong about him.
Baxter shows Freddie and Phyllis that Psmith's signature is wrong. Baxter suspects Psmith is an imposter intent on stealing the necklace. Freddie and Phyllis discuss this with Psmith. Cootes appears again, pretending to be Ralston McTodd and hoping to steal the necklace, but Psmith stops him and lets him go. Cootes and Peavey recognize each other as they are both confidence tricksters and former partners. They realize Psmith is an imposter, and since Cootes has a gun, they get him to agree to introduce Cootes to the household. Psmith introduces Cootes to Bellows as his valet, and gets his gun by pretending Cootes was carrying it for him. Miss Peavey and Cootes plan to turn off the lights and take Lady Middlewick's necklace. They enact their plan and Cootes hides the necklace in a flower-pot. Eve takes it and hides it elsewhere, and then Psmith acquires it.
The third act takes place the next morning, in a keeper's cottage at Blandings where Psmith is staying. Eve spoke on the telephone with Cynthia and realized that Psmith is not McTodd. She tells Freddie. Freddie tells her he already knows and had asked Psmith to steal the necklace. Lady Middlewick has signed Freddie's cheque, ostensibly for buying a new necklace. He gave the cheque to Phyllis to give to her father and now needs the stolen necklace. Eve thinks Psmith never intended to give it to Freddie. They look through Psmith's things for the necklace. Psmith appears and is disappointed in Freddie. He still has Cootes's revolver and locks Freddie behind a staircase door. He tells Eve that he agreed to steal the necklace for free, not to take the necklace himself but to be near Eve. She asks him to prove it by giving her Lady Middlewick's necklace and he complies.
Miss Peavey appears with Cootes, who is holding a revolver and also grabs the one Psmith took. They take the necklace and decide to get married. Psmith manages to take the guns when Cootes is distracted by Freddie shouting, and Cootes gives him the necklace. Miss Peavey and Cootes leave without the necklace but plan to marry anyway. After Mr and Mrs McTodd arrive, Baxter and Lord Middlewick question Psmith about his identity. Psmith claims he was invited by Freddie to help guard the necklace, which Freddie corroborates. Psmith tells them Miss Peavey was a thief and Freddie recovered the necklace. Lady Middlewick thanks Freddie. Baxter is suspicious of Psmith but is ignored and resigns. Lord Middlewick hires Psmith as his new secretary. Psmith and Eve plan to get married. He again takes Walderwick's umbrella and they walk out under the umbrella.
In season 1, as Anne "moves into her own place she unexpectedly runs into her ex-girlfriend Lily. Lily was her first girlfriend and a lot has happened since they broke up four years ago. Over the weekend, Anne reflects on the relationships she has had throughout her student years in Amsterdam. In six episodes we learn about Anne’s turbulent love life and how these diverse girls and various relationships have contributed to who she is today".
In season 2, "Anne seems to have things going for her; she has a job at a creative agency, plenty of close friends, she is dating a lovely girl and lives in a great apartment in the city center of Amsterdam. But still she is restless. She wants a career change, but doesn’t know where to start and constantly keeps being distracted. Especially when all of a sudden an ex-girlfriend is standing on her doorstep, while she is already having trouble with a different ex. Her parents apparently have their own stuff to deal with, so she can’t count on them to help her out. And her friends seem to have other things on their mind then what is going on with Anne. Also, she should really start doing something about those bills pilling up on her kitchen table. This grown up life turns out to be something other than she expected. How are you supposed to balance friends, work and relationships?"
In 2015 Afghanistan, an aimless young man named Sameer does his best to take care of his younger brother, Nasir as their parents are dead. Sameer suffers from dyslexia and practices Asian martial arts with limited success. His neighborhood is controlled by gangsters led by Zabeer who want him and Nasir to sell drugs. Sameer longs to end the victimisation of ordinary people like himself at the hand of criminals protected by the state, but feels powerless. After hearing a mystical call, Sameer finds a necklace wrapped around a skeleton in the ruins of an old palace.
Sameer starts to wear the necklace. While picking up Nasir at his school, a terrorist suicide bomber arrives and Sameer discovers the necklace allows him to magically slow down time. Taking advantage of this power, he uses his martial art skills to kill the terrorist. Empowered by the necklace, Sameer dons a mask and works as a vigilante, killing the criminals of Afghanistan and becomes known to the public as the "Faceless Hero". Sameer finds Nasir is selling drugs for Zabeer and sends him away to his martial arts teacher, Coach Ahmadi. Ahmadi tells Sameer that it was his destiny to find the magical necklace and be a hero.
While the corrupt policeman Ali seeks to hunt him down, Sameer befriends a sympathetic newswoman, Nilofar, telling her that the Afghan state is so systematically corrupt that vigilantism is justified. When Sameer kills Zabeer, one of his men survives and tells Ali who the "Faceless Hero" is. Sameer rescues a 13-year-old girl, Maria, who ran away from an arranged marriage, causing her jilted would-to-be husband to falsely accuse her of burning the Koran. Sameer battles an enraged mob seeking to lynch Maria. After saving Maria, his house is attacked by Ali and his men. Sameer triumphs despite temporarily losing his magical necklace. After defeating Ali, Sameer spares his life, hoping that the state will bring him to justice for his crimes. Instead Ali is freed by his fellow policemen, but he is executed for his failure by his paymasters. Sameer resolves to continue his vigilante work until Afghanistan is cleansed of crime and corruption.
The film tells about the lack of sleep and his adventures during the Second World War. The film shows how he is captured, will pass through Sicily and will be in Indochina.
Yu, whose name can also be chosen by the player, is summoned to another world by a magic mirror and arrives at the magic training school, Night Ravens College. The main character is taken in by the school's headmaster and becomes acquainted with the school's top students, each in seven different dormitories, while searching for a way home.
The film tells about the life of the Soviet family. The grandmother is sick and needs attention, the mother still can not establish personal life, and the two daughters are full of problems.
The film tells about the life of the Zavarzins family, who in 1909 went to live in Siberia and founded an apiary there.
The film tells about twins named Vera and Lyuba, who are invited to pose for pictures in the Art Nouveau style.
Drunk, downcast Zhanna, dreams of finding a prince, starting a new life. On New Year's Eve, at the train station, where she works as a cleaner, she meets Arkady, sitting dejectedly at the station. Boredom brings him home, and then it turns out that Arkady does not drink. He doesn't drink, and the reason is in his past. This is followed by the usual pictures of permanent alcoholism for Zhanna. Arkady in all these scenes shows the features of a mysterious man from nowhere, holding himself with unprecedented dignity and refusing alcohol. Zhanna also retains something human in her eyes, despite constant swearing and drunkenness. Everything becomes clear when they visited Leningrad together. There Arkady a former alcoholic and hard worker, who was in prison for a fight - learns that his wife and children have abandoned him. He gets drunk, and Zhanna carefully takes him back and begins to nurse him. In the end, desperate and realizing that Arkady had not discovered her inner world, did not see in her a person capable of love and compassion, she turned on the gas before lying down next to him.
The film tells about a man who, after long and grueling battles in Cuba and Afghanistan, returns to his hometown to do quiet work. But circumstances force him to return to his military experience.
In a communal apartment in St. Petersburg, a bully, whom everyone hated, was killed. Despite the fact that everyone had a motive for the murder, they all had an alibi. A local disabled person is trying to help the investigator solve the murder.
The ship crashes. Marina is wanted by her husband and father, who hate each other and find her as a result of long searches, but she does not recognize them.
A group of Afghan Mujahideen are planning a diversion. They have in their hands two girls whom they force to be conductors. They destroy the Russian border detachment. Only Ensign Maryin survived. He alone has to prevent diversion.
The film tells about the engineer Gorelikov, who, together with his disabled friend, opens a salon with computers for children and students. And suddenly they are attacked by a gang of racketeers.
A student meets a girl at a party. They understand each other and decide to get married. But the problem is that they are too different.
A television reporter finds out about the upcoming coup and begins an investigation.
The film tells about Rita, who meets with an elderly photographer and a student at the same time, but doesn't really like one of them, which hurts both him and herself.
The film tells about a Moscow guy who, at the age of 19, participated in military operations in Afghanistan, where he lost his leg. Returning home, he began to realize that his problems had just begun.
The film tells about two families ravaged by the aristocrat Prince Valkovsky. The film shows the relationship of Natasha Ikhmeneva and son of Valkovsky, tells about the fate of the young writer Ivan Petrovich, in love with Natasha, as well as an orphan Natasha.
The film tells about Ivan the Terrible and his brutal rule of Russia.
The film takes place in 1918 in Petrograd. The film tells about the young historian Vladimir, who meets with Olga, who hates the revolution as much as she loves her.
The film tells about a kind artist who throughout his life sang in a strange voice.
The film tells the almost fantastic story of the construction of the railway from Saint Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo.
The plot centers on the 1961 monetary reform in the Soviet Union, which involved denomination of all currency 10:1; conspicuously, the copper kopecks (1/100 of a ruble) were excluded from the exchange due to the expense of re-minting them, effectively becoming 10 times as valuable. The protagonists of the movie are tasked by a Soviet government functionary (who is also a secret millionaire) to enact a get-rich scheme which involves them touring the country and exchanging the old paper banknotes, soon to be on their way out, for small copper coins. The film then deals with their misadventures on the road.
The film tells about a woman who abandoned her child and attempted suicide, as a result of which she ended up in a psychiatric hospital, and after treatment got a job in an orphanage.
The film takes place in Leningrad in the 60s. The film tells about a beautiful girl from the province who meets three friends, each of whom invited her to marry him.
The film tells about a lonely man who has only memories of his beloved woman, which cannot be returned. Or is it still possible?
The film takes place in the 70s. The film tells about the investigation into the murder of a KGB officer.
Oleg goes to St. Petersburg with the hope of getting a good job and housing, but instead finds refuge in a forest in which former army captains majors live in tanks and his friend is engaged in private business. And suddenly they meet in provincial Olga, whom both fall in love with.
The film tells about operatives who, at the risk of their lives, are investigating a murder in which the highest echelons of the military leadership of Russia are involved.
The film tells about the journalist Pavel Denisov, who broke up with his beloved woman Larisa and went to the mountains, where he met another woman who fell in love with him.
The film tells about the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Makarov, who received a pistol from the system of his namesake, which radically changed his life and relations with people around him.
The film tells about a homeless man who is very bored of living. In a market where there is everything, he finds the soul of a ballet dancer.
Anastasia Plotnikova (Nastya) a kind, modest, inconspicuous girl lives with a constantly ill mother, a janitor, who dreams of finally seeing her daughter with her beloved boyfriend. But this dream still does not come true. Somehow Nastya helped an unfamiliar grandmother: she was driving around the city on a bicycle in the middle of the night, and the wheel of her vehicle fell into a sewer well. The grateful old woman promised the savior to fulfill her two cherished desires. And Nastya wanted to become beautiful. After that, the girl's life changes dramatically, men are fascinated by her. But this, alas, does not bring happiness. And only when Nastya makes a second wish: to become the same as before, does she find her true love.
In the center of the plot is the displacement of Nikita Khrushchev, against which the story of a man who tried to uncover a plot against him is told.
The film tells about a woman Anna, whose husband died, and her son became the meaning of her life. Suddenly he brings home the beautiful girl Ira and says that they were married, which makes Anna jealous and fear of losing him. Lovers leave home, leaving Anna alone.
Hana is the only human resident of Moon Street. She lived with 5 different zombies; each of the zombies have a unique basis. They appeared from a graveyard and were affected by a moon. Their names are Zombill, Zomgirl, Zomjack, Zomson, Zomkong, and a bat Zompet.
In Season 2, all characters can live in day instead of night thanks to sunscreen and more characters were added including Zombo, Zomchee, Zomko, and a dog-like zombie named Momo.
The film tells about a boxer who has become an engineer, whom a beautiful and rich woman calls with him to America. But the problem is that he never wanted to live in America and wants to stay at home with his wife.
In the distant future, a colony of humans live in a city called New Babyl under a dome to protect them from the aftermath of a great war that killed all other life on Earth. The city is divided into four sectors—Progress, Industry, Nature, and Reform—and is ruled over by a governing authority known as the Tribunal.
A yearly performing arts contest called the Exemplar is held for teens who have turned 16. While competing, a group of the competitors discover an ancient archive hidden in the forest on the outskirts of New Babyl filled with forbidden historical, cultural and musical relics which forces them to question everything they have been taught.
Each sector in New Babyl has a distinctive coloured uniform that is a type of jumpsuit/overall. Progress citizens wear blue, Nature citizens wear green, Industry citizens wear Orange, and Reform citizens wear grey.
The film tells the story of a female investigator who falls in love with a criminal, whose case she is being conducting, and helps him to escape.
The film shows a concert of the Lyube group in zones and prisons, the audience of which are prisoners, security guards, men, women and teenagers, each song of which becomes someone's personal fate.
The son of one famous artist contacted a suspicious company and as a result he must pay a lot of money to scammers. Now the artist is thinking how to take revenge.
The film tells about a woman who for the first time in her life felt passion and as a result became uncontrollable.
A young master visits a neighboring estate. The girl Lisa wants to meet him, but this is prevented by the conflict of their parents. Lisa found out that the master loves to walk in the woods in the morning and early in the morning sets off in search of him.
The film takes place during the split of the country. Bandits rob and kill villagers, escalating fear everywhere. The detachment of Rodion Dobrykh is trying to fight back.
The film takes place in one settlement, in which a person suddenly appears and calls himself a Surveyor, after which the inhabitants of the village suddenly disperse, and on the eve of the era of Aquarius gather again.
The film takes place in a small provincial town, populated by boring and stupid people. Gymnasium teacher Peredonov dreams of moving to the capital, his second cousin Varvara wants to marry him and begins to write him letters of invitation to St. Petersburg on behalf of the Princess.
The film tells about a rich Italian woman who goes to Russia to bury her dog there and on the way meeting a man who falls in love at first sight.
The film tells about a rich and charming philanthropist who was found dead in his house. The investigator finds a blue envelope and concludes that the philanthropist was killed.
Kate (Brenda Blethyn) is a somewhat prickly, working-class woman who runs an old-fashioned café in neglected coastal resort Seagate in south Essex. She soon develops a strong but volatile friendship with regular customer Koji (Jimmy Akingbola) in Series 1 and (Okorie Chukwu) in Series 2. After grilling him on why he doesn't spend any money, he reveals that he doesn't work; although he is a doctor, he is also an asylum-seeker. After word gets out, Koji becomes the unofficial general practitioner and holds 'surgery' in the café, racking up customers for Kate, who offers him free food to keep the scheme going.
Teenager Dylan (Cameron Johnson) accidentally crashes into a popular singer Bebe A. Love (Scout Taylor-Compton). Dylan and his friends try to help Bebe, but unexplained events and weird people turn a graduation party into hell on Earth.
A madman stalks nurses, brutally stabbing them to death. In his fevered mind, he believes his victims to be a woman from his past named Linda. Police struggle to apprehend him before he can murder and mutilate again.
Natalie Liu (Chrissie Chau) reports second generation rich heir Cho Yuen-yuen (Raymond Lam) to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (Hong Kong) (ICAC) for bribing prison officers for parole. William Luk (Louis Koo) goes undercover as a prisoner to investigate the case, while being aided by his colleague Kenny Ching (Kevin Cheng), and friend, Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (JFIU) officer Lau Po-keung (Julian Cheung) the outside of prison.
In prison, Luk encounters old rival, Wong Man-ban (Gordon Lam), whom he imprisoned five years ago. Wong has become a major gang leader within the prison and is bent on seeking revenge on Luk. Prison superintendent Shum Kwok-keung (Patrick Tam), who accepts bribes from Cho, turns a blind eye on prison scuffles. Fortunately, Luk was able to find assistance from fellow inmate Wong Lam-luk (Louis Cheung), a well-meaning young man who seeks refuge in prison to avoid high living expenses.
The film tells about a man who does a lot of funny things, for example, marries a prostitute to re-educate her, challenges the criminal world and faces the famous Sergei Eisenstein.
A girl from the musician's family wanted to buy a cat. Suddenly, the cat fell out of the window and was on the roof of the car, because of which he drove away from home.
The film tells the love stories of the famous Russian ballerina Olga Spesivtseva.
The film takes place in 19th-century Russia in a provincial criminal city, which the auditor decides to visit.
The action takes place in 1977 (preparations are underway for the 60th anniversary of Soviet power) in a provincial Soviet town (the film was shot in Pskov ). High school students, having grown Beatles ' patles and inserted multi-colored wedges into plaid trousers are entering adulthood. The school is full of bans and ideological brainwashing. And on the street - complete freedom: petty theft, bloody fights on dance floors with guys from neighboring areas and first love. The main character, ninth-grader Lyoshka Kolyadko, is in love with Tanka, the ex-girlfriend of his brother, who died in an accident. During the film, Kolyadko's dead brother appears several times, either saving him from the pursuing punks from a neighboring village, or escorting the train. He agrees with her on the "American" - a bet under which the loser is obliged to fulfill any desire of the winner. The film ends with Lesha's departure to another city for training. He swears that he will make discoveries, come back in 10 years, marry Tanya, they will have three children. All this is reported to have come true.
The film takes place in a Russian village, in whose life there is everything: birth and death, the struggle of love and hatred, good and evil, honor and betrayal...
They returned from the war. On the one hand, they won, and on the other, they lost, because they forgot how to live in peace. But the war did not destroy the most important thing in them: the will to live.
The film tells a funny, but at the same time sad story of the famous Don Quixote, which can make you think about life.
He is a tax collector and sees the future. He is sent to one place where the impossible must be completed and he copes with the task until she appears. He has to make a difficult choice.
A crook sells false archaeological treasures to a foreigner, not even suspecting that he is the director of a Russian-American pasta factory, who, realizing that he was deceived, ordered his guard to find a crook.
The film tells about a young teacher Nastya, who after the death of her mother decides to publish her unsent letter to an unknown Pavel. And suddenly three Pavels appear in the village at the same time...
Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei did not want to be king.
The film tells about the connections of the criminal part of Russia with the government.
The film takes place in 1996 in the North Caucasus, during the First Chechen War. In one mountain aul, a landmine exploded and kills a disabled child. Now the platoon that carried out the incident was sent to a checkpoint to rescue the soldiers from the revenge of the villagers.
The film is set in 1990s in Russia, starting with the billiard masters club raising funds to build a luxury retirement home for their teachers: the previous generation of billiard players, now elderly. A crime lord Savitsky is among those asked for the $20,000 share (in 1998, a very serious sum, unobtainable for most people), which he begrudgingly grants, but then sends his goons after the couriers and steals the entire sum for himself. Surviving courier proposes to take the money back by force to his Moscow superiors, but those decide to outwit Savitsky instead.
Soon, Savitsky's home city receives word from the capital that they are about to be visited by a master player known only as the Classic who will challenge Savitsky to a duel with an $150,000 bet. Savitsky decides to play along but cheat in order to win at any cost. To obtain the money, he contacts his old business partner, signing up for a loan that, if not paid back, will force him to give up his entire criminal network.
Indeed, an elderly player Gorsky arrives soon with his bodyguard Yuri, claiming to be a famous writer who can afford such a bet. Witnessing his skills with the cue, as well as his characteristic knowledge of the classic literature (thus the codename), Savitsky concludes that Gorsky must be the Classic, and accepts the challenge. As special precautions, they agree on the rules: refusal to play counts as a loss, and the arbiter of the duel shall be a known crime lord known as Monarch.
A day before the duel, Savitsky sends hitmen to break Gorsky's right arm, staging an assault on his fiancee. They succeed, and Savitsky then sends his spy Lily to seduce Yuri and find out of the duo's further plans. Crippled Gorsky says that now Yuri will have to play in his stead, using special magnetic balls that can be directed using a remote control. Learning of this, Savitsky disarms the system, seemingly assuring his victory.
In the morning, Gorsky requests that Yuri plays in his place, which Monarch allows. To everyone's surprise, Yuri wins the party flawlessly, without even granting his opponent a turn, and reveals that he is the true Classic, having hidden his identity due to Savitsky's likely cheating. Impressed, Monarch gives him the prize and leaves. When the shootout is about to begin, Gorsky reveals a hidden revolver and disarms his opponents, also revealing that he is ambidextrous and unrivaled with a gun. The two escape into Moscow, leaving Savitsky to pay back his debts with his entire fortune.
In Moscow, the retirement home is opened soon. The film concludes with the club's eldest and most respected player Vasiliy being given an honor of the first party, which he begins with a perfect move despite his shaking hands.
A New Hampshire Congressman attempts to clean-up his darker side in preparation for brighter opportunities in politics. Arrangements with a foreign specialist are made to ''off'' his much younger wife, while he is away on business. The scheme is suddenly threatened when she changes her weekend plans, opting to visit her mother in Maine. When icy road conditions limit her travel, she takes refuge in an historic inn. However, the instinct that pushed her toward safety may have betrayed her, as she suspects the inn's only other resident is a man hired to kill her.
The film tells about the politicians who create the charity fund, which in fact is a concern for the use of weak people for organ transplantation.
The film tells about a devastated farmer who travels to the capital to the president to find out the truth. On the way, he manages to save the businessman, help the loving soldier and the elderly.
The film tells about the participants of the once successful rock band ''Uncle Alik'', who now work part-time at weddings, in the club and underpass. And suddenly the leader of the group Alik meets an old friend who offers to arrange a concert in America.
The film tells about a stylish and modern woman who is drawn into the past and she begins to take photos in retro style. But faced with a serious problem, she turns into flint.
The film takes place in one major city of Russia. The plot focuses on mother Anna and her daughter Elvira. In the past, Anna's husband could not protect her from hooligans and now she wants a real man next to her daughter. Therefore, the daughter's friend Alex passes various tests with getting into extreme situations...
The film tells about the developer of "Zaporozhets", which happened misfortune. With his help, the bank was robbed, and he decided to voluntarily go to prison.
The film tells about the "new Russians" who want to buy a cottage and find themselves in the house of a dead writer, whose family members meet the main characters in different ways.
People of different nationalities and character settled in one hut. And suddenly the blockade Olga comes to them...
The film tells about two families who live in the Baikal village. Suddenly, two neighbors decided to swap their husbands.
The film takes place in Leipzig in 1747. Handel invites Bach to dine at the hotel and gradually they begin to understand each other.
The film tells about a man expecting the death of a loved one.
The film tells about the killer Felix, who carries out an expensive order, despite the warning. The one whom the customer called the oilman was quietly killed, which makes the performer think that he will not be forgiven for the murder. Felix now has only 24 hours to get to the island, where his beloved woman and money are waiting for him.
The film tells about a young girl Zoya Misochkina, who meets two producers, which radically changed her life and she embarked on the path of a new pop star.
The film takes place during the reign of Catherine the Great. Yemelyan Pugachev declared himself Emperor Peter III of Russia, uniting around him detachments of Cossacks and fugitive serfs. Meanwhile, in the Belogorsk fortress, officer Pyotr Grinyov met with the daughter of Captain Mironov, whom he fell in love with so much that he did not notice the signs of future trouble.
The film takes place in the 50s in a city located at the 101st kilometre from Moscow, where criminals are sent, whose company includes a guy Leonid, whom the local leader offers to participate in robberies. And the militia, in turn, offer him to write denunciations.
The film tells about the love of a saleswoman and a guy from the family of a famous writer, whose parents will do everything possible to prevent a wedding.
The film takes place in a city near Moscow in a large communal apartment in which several families live, each of which has its own interests, troubles and joys, but their fates are associated with terrifying events taking place in the country.
The film takes place in a small provincial town during the winter. The film tells about the relationship of the garbage man and a girl who, for some reason, ended up in this city.
The film tells about the television journalist Sergei Kupriyanov, who began to make his own broadcast. But his success could not fill the void in his family relationships. His wife, Irina, is leaving for St. Petersburg, and in the meantime, he is having an affair with his colleague Lena. Suddenly, Irina returns home and now Sergey has to make a difficult choice.
The film takes place on June 22, 1941 in one village, which celebrates the birthday of one girl. No one even suspected that in a few hours the war would begin.
The film tells about a girl who lives without a father whom she has never seen, but whom sincerely loves. After twenty years of waiting, she sets off in search of him.
The film tells about a good Muscovite named Alexei, who meets a girl. They agree on a date, but as a result, Alexei loses his job and apartment. Various troubles begin to occur regularly with him and now, many years later, on the eve of the New Year, he meets her again.
The film shows the adventures of the legendary VAZ-2101, resuscitated by the hands of the master Bubuka.
The film tells about two men, one of whom is a linguist, and the second is a retired military man, who are united by love for one woman.
The film tells about an exemplary family man who had a nightmare, after which he turned into a disgusting insect.
The film tells about the pupil of the orphanage Shurka Kalashnikov and a shepherd named Spartak, whose friendship is regularly tested for devotion.
The film tells the story of the production of Bulgakov's play on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.
In the center of the plot are eight completely different people, each of whom wakes up in a sobering room and tries to remember how he ended up there.
The plot focuses on a grandmother whose grandchildren grew up and started a family. She sells her house, and gives the money to her grandchildren, having left to live with her daughter and son-in-law in the city apartment that they received. It would seem that she lives a calm life, but suddenly a disaster occurred.
The film tells about a woman who could not forgive her husband the intrigue with the secretary and completely gave herself to journalism, which caused serious health problems, as a result of which she went to rest in a sanatorium.
''A Long Day’s Dying'' revolves around the lives of seven characters—at their center, Tristram Bone: a wealthy, middle-aged, and enormously corpulent bachelor in possession of a pet monkey and attended by his elderly German housekeeper, Emma. At the outset of the novel Bone makes a visit to the Cloisters, where he is joined by his friends, Elizabeth Poor and George Motley. Bone almost summons up the courage to confess to Elizabeth his feelings for her, but he fails. A middle-aged widow, Elizabeth's carefree nature renders her prone to moments of extreme apathy and ennui, tendencies that leave Bone unsure of her perception of him. Bone's embarrassing incident in one of the chapels is secretly observed by Motley, whose propensity to gossip leads him to undermine Bone by mockingly relaying the incident to Elizabeth. She appears unmoved, and Motley is made nervous by her refusal to enter into his chatter.
In an attempt to deepen his friendship with Elizabeth, Motley proposes that she travel with him the following day to an unnamed university—likely Buechner's alma mater, Princeton—where he is due to deliver a lecture. Seeing an opportunity to visit her son, Leander, who is a student there, Elizabeth accompanies him on the journey. When they arrive, Leander introduces his mother and Motley to a friend of his, Paul Steitler, a lecturer in English literature at the university. When Elizabeth spends the night with Steitler, Motley sees an opportunity to strengthen his relationship with Bone, following his faux pas at the Cloisters, and so he rushes to relay the details of the love affair back to him. This news brings with it the revelation, for Bone, that his love for Elizabeth is unrequited. When he gently confronts Elizabeth on her return, however, she denies the story, and wildly claims that Steitler is engaging in an illicit relationship with her son. Bone writes to Steitler with a request to meet him at the Cloisters, and, following a conversation with the young lecturer, he realises that the story told by Elizabeth was a lie.
Fearing that Bone will find out about her lie, Elizabeth becomes unwell and complains to her elderly mother, Maroo. Maroo journeys into the city to care for her daughter, and, while on the train, is taken ill. Though she had planned to dine with Bone in order to discuss Elizabeth's breakdown, Maroo's illness prevents her from making the journey to his house. Left with a beautifully laid table, an already prepared meal, and no companion to enjoy it with, Bone asks his housekeeper, Emma, to sit and eat with him and his pet monkey, Simon. After the dinner, which proves to be a difficult experience for Emma—who is neither dressed for the occasion nor comfortable with the prospect of eating with her employer—Bone withdraws to his chambers with the monkey. Upon finding an old, ornate shaving razor, Bone playfully draws the flat edge of the blade across his throat. In an attempt to mimic him, the monkey steals the razor, and accidentally slits its own throat. The following day all of the characters—apart from Emma the housekeeper and the now deceased Simon—gather at Elizabeth's house, and sit by Maroo's bedside when, at the close of the novel, she passes away.
The film tells about the relationship of an honest police officer and a prisoner in a tobacco factory.
The movie is a film version of Cirkusrevyen from 1967. The main feature was the song "Hvem har du kysset i din gadedør?" performed by Dirch Passer and Daimi, and they are the ones depicted on the movie poster.
The film tells about a pupil of an orphanage who wants to go to war in Chechnya. He is undergoing training and is being included in the elite special forces. Ahead of him there will be many trials, but he will adhere to his principles to the end.
The film takes place in a village where several old women live. Suddenly a family of Uzbeks moved to the village and not everyone likes it.
The film tells about the relationship of a lawyer from Germany and a Russian actress who meet on Christmas evening in a small store in Tallinn.
Nell (Gladys Hulette) leaves the farm to start a candy store in New York, but has a troubled start until she meets Jack Monroe (William Park Jr.), a young spend thrift who helps her attract business. They fall in love, marry, and move in with Jack's father (J. H. Gilmour). Nell soon discovers that Jack is a drug addict. In sympathy, Jack's father offers to annul the marriage, but Nell refuses, wishing instead to commit herself to the indefinite struggle of pursuing the road to Jack's rehabilitation.