Ah Lung is a young man with amazing martial arts skills, who is often dealing with the local bullies, because he "only fights for truth and justice" - like his late father did. After his mother witnesses him in a fight with two brothers who were bothering him with their group, she decides that it's best they move away to be with Ah's brother, Man Ho. But unknown to Ah Lung, Man Ho is a servant of a triad leader called Tiger.
Upon docking in Yukmon, Scarly, one of Tiger's goons who is bald, takes notice of Ah Lung kicking one of his men off the pier when he refuses to pay up. When Ah Lung asks around for the whereabouts of his brother, the inn keeper is quick to brush him off, knowing Man Ho is bad news.
Local fishermen also grow suspicious of Ah Lung's presence when they see him talking to a friend, and so two of them (Monkey and Kong Hoi) follow him into the woods. Ah Lung beats them up for attacking and accusing him of being sent by someone. Scarly sees this from hiding nearby, then returns to his boss, and explains to him that he thinks "revolutionists" (whom Tiger has beef with) may have sent him to the land, to serve as a spy, and that the mystery guy has formidable fighting talent. The fishermen were also wary of Ah Lung, for the opposite reason, believing him to be an informant as well, but for the North Ocean army.
Tiger and Scarly confront Ah Lung on a beach, and begin to attack him. Afterwards, once Tiger concludes he is outperformed, Tiger states he wants to make friends with Ah Lung (obviously to keep a watch on him), but Tiger is ignored. Following this encounter, Tiger sends Man Ho to attack him in his sleep at night, but Man Ho and Ah Lung stop fighting upon hearing their mother speak, realising they're in fact long lost siblings. Man Ho explains that he is wealthy now, because he is working for Tiger.
Man Ho has Ah Lung and their mother meet with Tiger for to see about Ah Lung gaining employment as a trainer, but Ah Lung, aware of Tiger's deviousness, refuses to work for such a man. The fishermen are still suspicious of Ah Lung and won't give him a job when he greets them, as they saw him leaving Tiger's house earlier, believing he may be a recruit. But when Scarly, Man Ho and their goons attack them, Ah Lung sorts them out, and then the villagers realise they made a mistake, and befriend him. Ah Lung gives Monkey his fighting sticks after he is impressed by Ah Lung's use of them. Ah Lung then goes on a fishing trip with Monkey, Kong Hoi, Ah Fook and Kong's sister, Su Yuk.
Tiger then sends his female servant, the recently widowed and attractive Wildflower, to seduce Ah Lung. Although this trick also fails, because Ah Lung is too smart to fall for such a ruse. Wildflower however, warns Ah Lung that Tiger will use other tactics to get what he wants.
Knowing Ah Lung will continue to be a hindrance, Tiger has two friends visit him, Fung Hung and Lao Byu, who are also tough martial artists. Lao Byu has a revolver, and a lot of bullets. They bring a Japanese warrior along with them, claiming they won't stay for long, and then head to Japan. These thugs go bullying random people in a gambling joint and cheat using dice with lead, and later on, even kill an innocent woman in front of her husband, Ah Fook, after following him home. However, they make the mistake of targeting a local that Ah Lung befriended.
Although Ah Fook (who lost his wife) is shot to death during an encounter with Tiger's associates, Ah Lung gets away with the others after enduring a gunshot wound. And realising that Ah Lung is proven too much of a problem for the villains, they kidnap his mother while his brother is out of bounds, taken money to leave on Tiger's boat.
Ah Lung shows up to attempt to rescue his mother, fallen into a trap. But as they try to flee the scene together, his mother also suffers a gunshot wound. Right before she dies, she tells Ah Lung to tell his brother that Tiger was responsible for her death. Wildflower is also assaulted for switching sides and then stealing medicine to help treat Ah Lung's mother, and also for tampering with the bullets inside Lao Byu's gun, just after having sex with him. Although just as Wildflower is about to be shot, Ah Lung appears and fights the villains, but Scarly is accidentally shot to death by Tiger when trying to get at Ah Lung. The Japanese villain is also killed by Ah Lung, after being stabbed with a sword, and several goons are also eradicated.
Ah Lung escapes by jumping onto a rooftop, and he recalls that he was told by his pals that the revolutionists are coming, so they need not worry, as they will be dealing with Tiger in due course.
Running off to inform the others, Ah Lung finds his brother and more thugs not far from Tiger's getaway boat, but they still don't see eye to eye and have a knife fight before Ah Lung can explain what has occurred. Once the fight ends, which results in some goons being killed, Ah Lung lets Man Ho know that their mother was recently murdered by Tiger, vowing to seek revenge. Ah Lung walks away from his brother, disowning him for following Tiger, and Man Ho begins sobbing, finally realising that he was on the wrong side all along. But Tiger and his men soon show up, and when Man Ho berates his boss over his mother's murder, the villains impose their physical will on him. When Ah Lung returns several minutes later to see that his brother is being beaten up by Tiger and his followers, he leaps into action, and helps him in combating their arch rivals. Lao Byu is also strangled by Ah Lung, with a whip.
Unfortunately, Man Ho is killed after suffering stab wounds from the thug who shot his mother. This only enrages Ah Lung even more. Ah Lung chases after Tiger and finishes off several more henchmen, before battling Tiger's last major heavy, Fung Hung.
Monkey and Kong Hoi run down the beach to assist Ah Lung in fighting Tiger, but are outmatched by him, with Monkey being severely injured and Kong Hoi beaten to death. Tiger makes it to the boat, while Ah Lung is fighting Fung Hung. Once Ah Lung finishes off Fung Hung, he sees that Monkey is laying on the sand nearby, barely alive. Monkey returns the weapons Ah Lung gave to him, and tells him not to let Tiger escape, before passing away.
Ah Lung pole vaults onto Tiger's boat, and deals with all of Tiger's remaining guards with his nunchucks, before facing Tiger one-on-one.
After an exhausting and bloody battle, which sees Tiger trying to kill Ah Lung with the boat's anchor, and then ascending and descending the mast in an attempt to stall his defeat, Ah Lung finally kicks Tiger off the ship, to an uncertain fate. Although hereby finally avenging the deaths of his family members, as well as his friends.
''Luster'' follows Edie, a Black woman in her twenties who lives in New York City and works as an editorial assistant. She meets Eric, a white man in his forties who is in an open marriage. Eric and his wife have a 12-year-old adoptive daughter, Akila, who is also Black. Edie begins a sexual relationship with Eric and moves to New Jersey to live with his family after she gets fired.
The Irish Film & Television Network describes it as a story in which the central character Phil is "under pressure from his parents who have decided how his life should proceed, [he] refuses to sit his Leaving Cert. and runs off to London to follow his own ambitions."
According to the ''Irish Examiner'', "the basic script would be familiar to frustrated youngsters anywhere in the world, all of them eager to clear out for the bright lights; the difference here is that the frustrated teenager in this case is a talented hurler."
Chris Kringle lives with his wife Ruth and runs his Christmas present shop on a farm near the town of North Peak, Alaska. With his income on the decline because too many children are becoming too vicious, the United States government, who maintains an interest share in Chris' business, sends Captain Jacobs to propose a two-month contract for producing components for a new jet fighter for the US military. The liaison agents override Chris' misgivings by virtually threatening to withhold the government's subsidies, but Ruth manages to restore his spirits.
On Christmas Eve, spoiled rich boy Billy Wenan receives a lump of coal from Chris for his selfishness, and swearing revenge, he hires his personal hitman Jonathan Miller to kill Chris. After some futile first attempts, Miller coerces a Postal Service supervisor to tell him Chris' address from the letters he receives every year from children around the world. Making his way to North Peak, he trails Chris to the farm, infiltrates the compound and kills all the US Army guards. He is discovered by one of the elf workers; the alarm is raised, and Jacobs manages to evacuate the workers at the cost of his own life, just before Miller blows up the shop.
Chris faces off against Miller and gains the upper hand, but Miller first wounds Chris with a leg-mounted spring blade and then shoots him in the eye, apparently killing him. Ruth intervenes and shoots Miller dead, and because he is essentially immortal, Chris recovers from his injuries. Backtracking Miller's assignment, he and Ruth pay a visit to Billy, warning him that from now on Chris will come for him (and any other kids) if they ever turn against their fellow human beings again. Afterwards, Chris, Ruth and the elf crew start rebuilding their workshop with renewed confidence.
An offbeat observation of the refugee experience. On a fictional remote Scottish island, a group of new arrivals await the results of their asylum claims. Among them is Omar, a young Syrian musician burdened by the weight of his grandfather's oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.
A young Dragaeran, Eremit, is sent by his parents to investigate a plot against the family for control of their lucrative mines. He is kidnapped and imprisoned on a volcanic island for more than 600 years, where he dreams of taking his revenge.
A policeman named Daniel Moreno (Revilla) tries to singlehandedly defeat a syndicate involved in arms trafficking and drug smuggling as revenge for the murder of his sister and girlfriend.
The series revolves around Easton West, an internationally renowned, yet volatile celebrity chef who has a spectacular fall from grace and returns to his hometown in the Adelaide Hills. He endeavours to rebuild his career and restore his reputation, with the help of his talented, young, pastry-chef niece Diana.
Jean-Gab and Manu, two simple-minded friends, find a giant fly stuck in the trunk of a car and set themselves up to train it to earn money with it.
Harry Dresden, now torn between his White Council wizard duties, his obligatory Winter Knight duties, and being a father to his daughter, is contacted by the Winter Queen Mab to serve as emissary for Winter at upcoming peace negotiations between the Fomor and the various other signatories of the Accords. Even as he does, he discovers that forces in the mortal world are moving against him and Karrin Murphy, the White Council may be meeting to expel him, something in collusion with Outsiders is trying to kill him, and his grandfather, Ebenezar McCoy, wants to take his daughter away from him to someplace safe until she can grow into her magic.
His brother, Thomas Raith, attacks the King of the Svartalfar at the cusp of the negotiations, fails, and is imprisoned. Lara Raith uses favors from Mab to force Harry into springing him, and they do so right during the middle of the peace talks for the Fomor to join the Accords.
Arriving just as Harry and Lara are escaping, the King of the Fomor declares open war on the surface and humanity, and introduces the last Titan, in possession of the Eye of Balor, who effortlessly humiliates Mab and intimidates almost all other present parties. He declares that in a few hours, the Fomor will rise from Lake Michigan and sack Chicago. The Accordites realize this would almost certainly mean a genocidal war against the supernatural, and would likely result in their extinction... possibly while the Fomor are safe in their underwater cities.
Harry flees to Demonreach with Thomas, who is dying from his Hunger. He has to outwit his grandfather McCoy, and finally reveals that Thomas is his brother, much to the older wizard's utter disgust and rage. Harry escapes and traps Thomas in a Warden crystal, imprisoning him in Demonreach, to prevent his death.
Lara attacks Harry in a rage, thinking he has effectively trapped Thomas as a future pawn. Harry easily overpowers her with the aid of the island's spirit, and the two agree to an uneasy truce to face the greater threat, not having the resources to save Thomas on hand anyway.
Julius Lampe is a wealthy baker who has just received a letter from a Prince, who would like to buy Lampe's pasta products, to take on an expedition to Africa. Lampe's friend Finke is tired of how pretentious Lampe is, and decides to teach him a lesson on April Fools' Day. Finke pretends to be the Prince's assistant and tells Lampe on the phone that the Prince plans to personally inspect the bakery. Lampe excitedly makes elaborate preparations for the Prince's visit.
Lampe eventually learns that the impending visit was a prank, but he has already told the whole city that the Prince is coming to his bakery and Lampe is afraid of embarrassment if he admits that he was wrong. Finke regrets the trouble he has caused and arranges for a friend of his, Müller, to play the role of the Prince for a carefully staged fake visit to the bakery.
Meanwhile, unknown to Lampe, the actual Prince decides to visit the bakery that same day. Lampe mistakes the actual Prince for the imposter and treats him terribly, while he treats the imposter like a Prince. The real Prince falls in love with Lampe's secretary Friedel, while Lampe tries to convince the imposter to woo his daughter Mirna.
The point of divergence occurs in 1913 when Alfred von Schlieffen, who in real life died in 1913, survives to personally oversee the successful implementation of his famous plan for two-front war against France and Russia. Germany wins World War I in 1914 after only a few months, and fully occupies both France and Belgium while the United Kingdom and Russia back out of the war completely. Two years later in 1916, an earlier communist revolution erupts in Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm II (fearing the consequences within his country's own borders if the Russian Empire collapsed) helps his cousin and former enemy Tsar Nicholas II to crush it quickly.
The main action of the story itself is set in May of 1929, as sergeant Adolf Hitler of the Feldgendarmerie is sent to Lille in pursuit of communist agitator Jacques Doriot. The story is a series of letters from "Uncle Alf" to his niece/lover, Geli Raubal. In these letters, he expresses his frustration with the complacency of the local German officials; his disgust with the "degraded" French; his utter devotion to the German Empire, and; his unrestrained (and incestrial) passion for his beloved Geli.
Binti comes back home exploring her abilities as a harmonizer and must find a way to stop a war waged by the Khoush from destroying Okwu and his race of Meduse.
Several years after the events of the first film, a Candlewood local, Mason, stops by Gretel's pie shop & bakery shortly after close one night, but is killed by a hooded figure. Elsewhere, Hansel has spent several years becoming a witch hunter and has just killed an elusive witch Bunny, when he learns of his old friend Mason's disappearance. He decides to return home to Gretel, who he hasn't talked to for a year. He arrives at Gretel's and she tells him her suspicions that Mason was murdered in the bakery. That night, four witches, Circe, Kikimora, Morai, and their high priestess Cthonia, convene in the woods nearby Candlewood. They take control of a local homeless woman to be their servant in their plot to avenge their sister Lilith's death and take back her shop.
The following day, Hansel and Gretel visit Mason's brother Jason and his roommate Willy and Hansel explains his theory that a new witch has taken over Lilith's bakery. Jacob and Willy insist on helping the search for Mason, but when the group leaves the house, the witch's homeless woman begins shooting at them. Gretel is kidnapped while the other three take cover. Hansel shoots and kills the homeless woman and discovers a witch's mark on her forehead confirming his theory, when they all realize Gretel is gone. Meanwhile, Gretel is tied up in the bakery and confronted by the witches. She confesses to killing Lilith and implies she ate part of her, gaining her powers. Cthonia makes a deal with Gretel: in exchange for Hansel's head, they'll let her keep Lilith's bakery; if she doesn't kill Hansel, they will kill her instead.
Gretel kidnaps Willy and the following day, Hansel gets hostage pictures of Gretel and Willy texted to him, which he shows to Jacob. Jacob conveniently took some photography classes and recognizes graffiti in the pictures as being from an abandoned warehouse. Once there, they find Gretel and the unconscious Willy tied up, when Kikimora fills the room with a blinding fog. Gretel allows Hansel to decapitate Kikimora and while he and Jason help Willy, she feeds on Kikimora's corpse, gaining her powers. Hansel is convinced there are more witches but they are able to escape, while Circe watches them. Hansel drops off the others and then goes to the bakery. Circe confronts Gretel at her house about Kikimora's death. Gretel offers to take her to Hansel so Circe can kill him herself. At the bakery, Circe hypnotizes Hansel to kill himself with his own knife. Before he can, Gretel summons Kikimora's blinding fog which breaks Hansel's hypnosis, allowing him to stab Circe in the face. As she dies, Gretel, obscured by the fog, drinks her blood and gains her powers. Hansel goes to check on Willy and Gretel goes to hypnotize Jason into sleeping with her and then killing himself, but it doesn't work because Jason is gay. Instead, Gretel kills him with brute force.
Hansel and Willy find a package at her door with Jason's eyes inside then led on a macabre scavenger hunt with Jason's body parts. Gretel brings the rest of Jason's body to Morai telling her it's Hansel and then hides nearby. The notes eventually lead Hansel and Willy to Morai's location. Hansel kills Morai and leaves with Willy; Gretel drinks Morai's blood. Cthonia calls Gretel from her grandma's phone, luring her back home. She threatens to kill her grandma but Gretel tears off her grandma's head instead which Hansel and Willy witness. Cthonia concedes her high priestess ring to Gretel who assumes power over the coven. She and Cthonia take Willy and Hansel to the local pet cemetery where Gretel reveals she's buried Lilith. Now holding enough power, Gretel begins a resurrection incantation, bringing Lilith back to life. Gretel then rips Cthonia's throat out so Lilith can regenerate when suddenly Willy reveals herself to actually be a powerful witch-crone who disintegrates Lilith. Hansel cuts Willy's throat, killing her, and confronts Gretel. They fight each other with neither sibling initially willing to kill the other. Hansel eventually shoots Gretel in the shoulder as police cars pull up. She admits defeat and they walk off together.
Ramon is 50 year old boxer who is happy with career and family. He works out at a gym daily. One day, Debora, a 25 year old aspiring boxer to be, joins at the gym. He fantasizes about her that night. The next morning, Debora comes into the shower where he is, and they have sex. They begin a relationship and have aggressive sex whenever they can. Ramon's life drastically changes due to this and he has to fix everything.
While on his way to the gold fields Mordecai ended up for the past year hanging around a somewhat lawless settlement as Deputy to an over the hill Sheriff who when he isn't reminiscing about past glories pursues carnal pleasure by wooing a local wealthy widow thus far to no avail.
The deputy handles any gunfighters who enter town, mostly with shooting skill but sometimes instead with guile. His best friend Doc is the world's worst dentist, often having to evade irate patients after pulling the wrong tooth. Trilby his semi-girlfriend harbors matrimonial designs and is the only child of a prosperous feed and grain store owner who openly disdains his daughter's choice of suitor. Mordecai confides to Doc his lukewarm attitude toward Trilby, partly because he sees her as a bit crazy.
The main threat to law and order are the motley Bixby clan who blatantly rustle cattle from local herds then take it south to Mexico to sell. In a final showdown Mordecai faces off with the Bixbys aided (reluctantly) by the Sheriff and Doc along with a gunfighter he disarmed earlier that considers the lawman compared to the Bixbys the lesser of two evils. After a chaotic shootout in the old corral with minimal injuries the Bixbys surrender and go to jail.
Both the Sheriff and deputy are jilted as the widow marries Trilby's father while Trilby weds the former gunfighter. As a rainstorm strikes holes in the ceiling of the office allows cascades of water to soak them.
Sally is sent out by her mother with a bag of laundry to deliver to a customer. En route a chauffeur-driven car enters the gateway of a large house and she looks in. They spot her and as it happens they need a maid for a day and ask her to help.
They are having a small garden party. The guests arrive one by one and are invited in by Sally and shown to the garden, which backs onto open countryside. The guests try to educate Sally in their specialties, including dancing, singing, posing for a drawing, and smoking a pipe. Sally fails comically at all of them and goes home exhausted by the experience.
An elderly, tattered drunkard stumbles down a street in front of a fireworks shop. He makes a chaotic pass at a passerby, who rebuffs him, and he collapses into a drunken stupor. A group of young troublemakers pass by, see the drunkard, and hatch a plan. Breaking through the doors of the fireworks shop, they surround the drunkard with pyrotechnic devices and let them start going off. The drunkard wakes up, bewildered by the fireworks, and begins running about before disappearing in a burst of smoke. The young troublemakers laugh at their prank.
In a scientific laboratory, aided by an assistant in a worker's apron, a magician in Renaissance garb makes two chairs, a carpet, and a woman in peasant dress appear. The magician spreads two sheets of glass across the chairs, and puts an almost flat box on top of the glass. He escorts the lady into the box, which she vanishes into, despite it being far too shallow to hold her.
The magician, removing the glass setup, sits with his assistant, and shows that the lady is still inside the box. He then jumps into the box, the assistant follows, and the box rolls away of its own accord.
In an opulent room, a crowd of people are playing at a gambling table. Suddenly a servant rushes in to warn them that the police are about to raid their gambling den. In a few moments, in a flurry of moving panels, the gamblers disguise the whole room as a millinery, with the women posing as hat makers and the men hiding just outside. The raiding police come in, are astonished to find no gambling den, and apologize profusely for disturbing the "milliners".
As soon as the police leave, the room is changed back into a gambling den and the games resume. All is going well when the servant rushes in to announce a much bigger raid. This time there is no time to transform the room, so the gamblers simply rush out, leaving one of them to turn out the light in the chandelier. He drops on the floor to hide, and a crowd of policemen and soldiers hurry into the darkened room, most of them tripping over the gambler before he can rush out.
The policemen and soldiers, tumbling over each other on the floor, untangle themselves when their leader lights the chandelier. After stern instructions from their leader, the whole force rushes to the gambling table and begins their own chaotic game. Hidden behind the room's trick panels, the scheming gamblers watch the policemen enjoy themselves.
Beautiful but penniless orphan Roxanne goes to the theater with the foppish Duke De Guiche, who is in love with her and determined to marry her. Roxanne states her desire to marry for love and while taking her seat, she and newly recruited soldier Christian de Neuvillette see each other and are instantly infatuated with one another. As the play begins, Roxanne's childhood friend, the dwarven Cyrano de Bergerac, objects to the lead actor and chases him off the stage with rhyming insults, then duels a man who calls him a freak for his condition.
Roxanne meets privately with Cyrano, who she fails to realize is desperately in love with her. She tells him she has fallen in love with Christian at first sight and asks him to arrange a meeting. Though heartbroken, Cyrano meets Christian and discovers he is inarticulate and incapable of expressing his feelings. Not wanting to disappoint Roxanne, he writes countless letters expressing his own deep feelings of love for her, which Christian delivers as his own writing.
When Christian and Roxanne finally meet in person, he is unable to match the power of Cyrano's words, which caused her to fall in love with Christian, and he inadvertently insults her. Roxanne declares she needs more than simple platitudes and storms off. Later, Cyrano helps Christian make amends by hiding in the shadows and whispering what to say to Roxanne. She forgives him as a letter from De Guiche arrives with a priest, declaring that he is coming to either marry her or have his way with her. Roxanne and Christian hastily marry and De Guiche, infuriated, arranges for Christian and Cyrano's unit to be sent to the front.
While at war, Cyrano sends Roxanne a letter from Christian every day and risks his own life to keep Christian alive for Roxanne. De Guiche eventually sends their unit on a suicide mission, and Cyrano reveals he has already written a final letter to Roxanne. Christian sees the letter is stained with tears and realizes Cyrano loves Roxanne, and that the man Roxanne really loves is Cyrano. He asks Cyrano to tell Roxanne everything. He then runs out to meet the enemy's guns and is killed.
Three years later, Cyrano is impoverished and in ill health from war wounds that never fully healed. Roxanne remains his close friend. Sensing he is about to die, Cyrano meets with Roxanne and asks for Christian's final letter. He recites it from memory, revealing that all of Christian's letters were from him, and Roxanne declares her love for Cyrano before he dies peacefully.
''Ping and Friends'' follows two best friends; Ping, a bird, and Pong, a dog, a duo who love music. With their friends Mr. Prickles, Matilda and Trix06, they always find a reason to create a new song in Melody Meadows. For Ping and Pong, the answer to everything is music.
Amélie Pochet, a high-class cocotte, maintains a Paris apartment in which members of her family also live: her father, a former policeman, and her younger brother Adonis, whom she employs as an attendant. Étienne, Amélie's lover, is obliged to go and do his twenty-eight days compulsory military service at Rouen. Before leaving he asks his old friend Marcel Courbois, in whom he has full confidence, to entertain and watch over his girlfriend. "Look after Amélie", he bids his friend. This suits Marcel, who means to pass Amélie off as his fiancée to fool his godfather Van Putzeboom, who holds a huge sum in trust for him, to be handed over when he marries. A visitor to Paris, the Prince of Palestria, has seen Amélie at the theatre and has lascivious designs on her. He sends his aide-de-camp, General Koschnadieff, to arrange a rendezvous.
In his bachelor flat, Marcel Courbois, wakes up after a night on the tiles. He is surprised to find at the foot of his bed a foreign body, and when he lifts the blanket, he observes with amazement that the body is that of Amélie. They were both so drunk the previous night, after a tour of the bars and cabarets of Montmartre, that they are not sure if they have actually betrayed Étienne, but they acknowledge that appearances are against them. They are surprised by the arrival of the Countess of Premilly, who is Marcel's lover, and once Amélie's employer before the latter exchanged the role of lady's maid for that of a cocotte. Amélie hides under the bed while Marcel and the countess are talking, but soon tired of the cramped position, she escapes by wrapping herself in the bedspread and crawling to Marcel's dressing room. Having tied a string to the bedspread and wound it round one leg of the bed she is able to pull the string so that the bedspread moves across the floor back toward the bed. The countess, believing the furniture haunted, runs away in panic. Étienne arrives, his military service cancelled because of an outbreak of mumps at the army base. He is horrified and angry to discover Amélie in Marcel's bedroom and privately vows revenge.
Van Putzeboom has insisted on staying to witness the wedding of Marcel and his supposed fiancée, and Étienne takes the opportunity for vengeance on Amélie and Marcel. He tells them that to fool Van Putzeboom into handing over the trust money, Amélie and Marcel should go through a bogus marriage ceremony to be conducted by an actor friend. The ceremony takes place at the town hall, after which Étienne reveals that the "fake" mayor was in fact the genuine one, and that Amélie and Marcel are now married. Amélie and Marcel convince Étienne that they have not deceived him, and after further comings and goings, involving the prince and the police, Amélie and Étienne are found together in circumstances sufficiently compromising for Marcel to obtain a divorce, leaving Amélie and Étienne free to marry. Marcel leaves them together, bidding Étienne, "Look after Amélie".
The Bakers are a blended family that began with Paul Baker and his wife Kate who together had daughters Ella and Harley and their adopted son Haresh after their friends died in a car accident. Kate eventually divorced Paul, but they remained friends with Kate acting as an occasional, though slightly inattentive, babysitter. Zoey married football player Dominic "Dom" Clayton and had daughter Deja and son DJ. Due to Dom's celebrity life, Zoey divorced him and took custody of the kids. Paul met Zoey after she visited his small restaurant and suggested that he make the entire menu breakfast themed all day. The two eventually got married, expanded the restaurant, renamed it Baker's Breakfast and had two sets of twins: Luca and Luna, and Bronx and Bailey.
Dom continues to be active in Deja and DJ's lives which slightly intimidates Paul as he was rarely there to begin with. While Deja prepares for her basketball scholarship, DJ feels that he connects with Paul more than Dom and would rather speak with him. Paul gets a meeting with a large company to expand his restaurant. He succeeds and has his famous sauce sold on shelves. He decides to use the money to move the family and their pet dogs Bark Obama and Joe Bitin' from Los Angeles to Calabasas, in a bigger house in a gated community.
Upon arrival, Zoey begins to feel the effects of racial profiling, especially after meeting her neighbor Anne. Paul suddenly gets a call informing him that his sister Rachel has checked into rehab, forcing him to take in his nephew Seth, who has had a habit of being a thief. Seth bonds with Haresh when he discovers that he is being picked on at the new school because of his ethnicity and teaches him to defend himself while making monster spray for his younger cousins. Deja begins seeing a boy named Chris and sneaks out of the house to see him.
Paul finds himself having to travel to look for new places to expand his restaurant. The investors Melanie and Michele also insist on altering some of his business ideals to cut costs. He starts to miss out on being with his family which upsets Zoey as this was the reason she divorced Dom. On DJ's birthday, Paul rushes to get home. During the party, things start to get out of hand as DJ changes his look to impress a girl, Haresh and Seth are suspended from school for a week after starting a fight with the kids who bullied Haresh, and Anne profiles Zoey's family for a series of recent break-ins. Upon Paul arriving, Deja reveals that she quit the basketball team and that the entire family has been unhappy since arriving in Calabasas. Feeling that Zoey can no longer handle their kids, Dom announces that he wants full custody of Deja and DJ.
Harley and Ella accuse Seth of the break-ins after Haresh pointed out that he saw him stealing from the restaurant cash register, though he returned it and he angrily leaves. Upon realizing their mistake, the Bakers, Kate, and Dom all go out and find Seth. They apologize and admit that he is part of the family and he rejoins them.
Back at home, Paul and Dom discuss their different upbringings; while Paul will never know what it is like to be at a disadvantage, Dom has to understand that being away from his kids has made him distant and that he needs to be more attentive. Realizing how much his family means to him, Paul breaks his deal with the company so that he can run the restaurant himself. The Bakers move back to Los Angeles and buy a new house while the children returned to their old schools. While having dinner, or rather breakfast, at the newly named Baker's Dozen Breakfast, Paul reveals the design of the sauce bottle has changed to reflect the family, Seth included.
A postscript states that Dom, Paul, and Zoey were able to invest their sauce and went National. Kate invented bird yoga which only birds liked. Seth moved back in with his mom after she got out of rehab, but still spends lots of time with his cousins. Deja and Chris soon started their freshman years at USC. Ella became the social manager for Harley's punk band and a video of her band playing at her school talent show broke the internet. Luna and Luca won the tennis national under 12 division becoming like Venus and Serena. DJ, Talia, and Dom went to Comic-Con and bonded while Dom realized he liked Thor.
Rosario Velázquez (Libertad Lamarque) is a singer who has an affair with Roberto Casahonda (Julián Soler), a married man, with whom she has a daughter. After accidentally leaving her daughter behind on a train, Rosario believes the girl dead when the train crashes, making Rosario lose her sanity and leading to her being committed to a psychiatric institution. Upon leaving the institution, Rosario is reunited with the now-widowed Roberto, who reveals the truth to her: Their daughter is alive, and Roberto raised her alongside the two daughters of his marriage. Rosario tries to discover which of the three is his daughter by becoming close to them; although Rosario manages to befriend two of them easily, Martha (Martha Roth) is reluctant towards her. Rosario becomes especially determined to gain Martha’s respect after seeing history repeat itself when she discovers that Martha is about to have an affair with a married man, Manuel Lezcano (Ramón Gay). Rosario intervenes and pretends to be Manuel’s mistress when Roberto comes looking for his daughter at Manuel’s office. Roberto leaves heartbroken. Later Martha breaks up the relationship with Manuel and thanks Rosario for taking the blame. The three girls go boating out at sea and their boat capsizes resulting in Martha’s death. Roberto confesses that Martha had explained everything having to do with Manuel and Rosario. Roberto further confesses to Rosario that Martha was not actually her daughter.
The television series was set in the university environment to tell a story of the relationships, studying and other daily experiences of university students.
A young girl must choose her lover after the death of her sister.
In 1819, two men, Baron Philippe de Sucy and Marquis d'Albon get lost while out hunting near L'Isle-Adam. They come across an old manor house and stop to look at it. They see a young woman, who calls out "Adieu" to them and runs away. De Sucy faints, and d'Albon helps him to get away in a carriage which happens to be passing by. They are told that the young woman is Comtesse Stephanie de Vandieres and that she is insane. Afterwards, d'Albon revisits the old house and meets its owner, who tells him about Stephanie, who is his niece.
In 1812, the Comtesse, and her much older husband were in Russia taking part in Napoleon's invasion. The Comte was a general, and Philippe was also in the army with them. On November 28th, 1812, Philippe had escorted them to the eastern bank of the Beresina river, where they stopped for the night along with much of the rest of Napoleon's retreating army. A temporary bridge had been built to allow the army to cross.
Philippe briefly goes away to feed his hungry horse. When he comes back he finds that the Comte and Comtesse are sitting at a campfire with a number of hungry and cold French soldiers. They have made the fire from some of the contents of the carriage. When the soldiers see Philippe, one of them shoots his horse, and the horse is cooked and everyone shares the meat. The next morning, the Russian army is seen gathering on the hills overlooking the Beresina. The French army is in a panic to cross the river, but the bridge is set alight by the French soldiers on the other side to stop the Russian advance. Philippe and a grenadier then attack some Russian soldiers in order to steal their horses. They hitch the horses to the Comte's carriage, and get the Comte and Comtesse on board, and hurry towards the river. By the time they get there, the bridge has been totally destroyed.
Philippe then suggests making a raft from some of the bridge debris. When it is finished, a lot of soldiers rush on board, and there is only room for the Comte, the Comtesse and the grenadier. Stephanie calls out "Adieu" to Philippe as the raft leaves. So the raft crosses over without Philippe who is captured by the Russians, and remains a prisoner of war in Siberia for a number of years. The Comte fell off the raft and died in the crossing. The Comtesse and the grenadier were separated in the confusion afterwards. She spent two years in an asylum in Germany before escaping and eventually making her way back to France, where she was eventually recognised and found by her uncle.
The story then returns to 1819. Stephanie is now insane, and when she speaks only says the word "Adieu". Her only friend is a young peasant woman, Genevieve who is also insane. Philippe who is in love with her, visits frequently, but finds that she does not remember him. He decides to try to cure her. He returns to his own estate near Saint-Germain, and remodels it to resemble the landscape near the Beresina river. He also hires many local peasants to dress up to resemble the French soldiers of 1812. In January 1820, when it is snowy, he invites Stephanie and her uncle to his estate. He hopes that the resemblance to the scene at the Beresina in 1812 will revive her memory. It is successful, and she does recognise Philippe, and they embrace. But she then dies. Some time later, Philippe commits suicide.
A secret meeting at sea takes place between Song Shikai, director of China's Ministry of State Security (MSS), and Shinzo Mori, director of the Yamato Foundation, an influential Japanese ultranationalist organization. Mori shows Song a plan called Operation ''Kagemusha'', a US scheme to impose regime change on China through a false flag attack on a Japanese submarine at the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. However, Mori also shows Song an altered version of the plan that involves Dokdo instead, another island chain disputed between South Korea and Japan. Song is given a choice to choose one.
South Korea is invited by the U.S. to join the tripartite ''Senkaku'' naval exercises but President Han Kyeong-Jae declines the invitation. In a briefing, Han learns about a Coast Guard captain who had been lured into a honey trap and admitted that he was asked to attack a Japanese ship sailing around Dokdo. The U.S. State Department postpones a peace summit with North Korea over South Korea's refusal to participate in the exercise. Han reluctantly agrees, and learns about Yamato Foundation's funding by the Chinese government. Meanwhile in Japan, Shinzo Mori lays down a plot where Japan will pretend to engage in a war with China as per America's wishes, but instead will use this opportunity to regain lost territories in Korea.
Han proceeds to fly to Wonsan, where he meets North Korean supreme leader Jo Seon-sa and US president Smoot. Peace discussions falter over technicalities involving North Korea's nuclear program, even as Jo is willing to give them up in exchange for diplomatic relations. The Supreme Guard Command chief, Park Jin-woo, launches a coup to prevent the handover and holds the three leaders hostage in the ''Paektu'', North Korea's first ballistic missile submarine. The US vice-president assumes command and attacks North Korea with a conventional ICBM. Onboard ''Paektu'', Smoot is drugged and admits the truth of Operation ''Kagemusha''. The information is passed on to the Chinese president, who demands an explanation from the US. Although denying it as a North Korean ploy, the US is forced to stand down and suspend further military action after Smoot is coerced to give the order.
Onboard ''Paektu'', Park reveals further details of Operation ''Kagemusha''; Japan had asked him to torpedo one of Japan's own patrol ships near Dokdo and fire a SLBM at South Korea to trigger a war for Japan to seize the islands. Park however, plans to fire the SLBM at Japan instead, effectively causing a massive regional conflict that will force China to enter this war on the side of its North Korean allies. Jang Ki-sok, the former head of submarine command launches a mutiny that leaves many dead. Jang escorts the three leaders to a rescue sphere which allows space for only two. Han decides to stay, and helps the other two leaders escape.
President Smoot is rescued, and orders his cabinet and military not to involve the US in either of the Japanese plots, effectively leaving the Japanese to confront both Koreas and China on their own in a potential conflict. Fearing international consequences, the Japanese government sends the JMSDF into the waters around Dokdo to hunt for the ''Paektu'' submarine to cover up Japan's ties to Park and the North Korean coup leaders. Jang and Park reaches an uneasy truce, which begins to unravel as Park prioritises attacking Japan even as the submarine comes under attack by the JMSDF. In the ensuing conflict, President Han is shot non-fatally and Park killed.
As a JMSDF submarine fires a final torpedo to destroy ''Paektu'', Han leaves a final message for his country. However, the torpedo is countered by a torpedo fired by a group of South Korean Navy submarines that forces the remaining JMSDF vessels to retreat. The ''Paektu'' surfaces off Dokdo, and both Han and Jang look upon a sunrise. Following the failure of Operation ''Kagemusha'', Shinzo Mori is killed on orders of the Japanese prime minister, and Smoot and Jo sign a peace treaty, officially ending the Korean Conflict.
Oola Maguire is throwing a St. Theresa's Day Party for her clients and friends, along with her right "hand" Essie Farrell. She has a party every year on that day to celebrate surviving the time she was shot by a gunman. Her rules for the party are no guns and no alcohol. Oola also does not invite any women.
Before the guests arrive she is introduced to Horrie, a friend of her associate Charlie Gibson; Horrie has just got out of prison after serving a five-year sentence. Other guests include Whitey Maguire, who has just got out of prison after two years, and his girlfriend Wilma Cartwright, a former prostitute; Oona wants to reconcile Whitey with his father Paddy.
Oola's 16-year-old convent educated daughter Thelma visits the party accompanied by two nuns, Sister Mary Luke and Sister Mary Mark. Oola is considering becoming a nun.
The guests arrive and are unhappy about giving up their guns but do it for Oonas's sake. The men propose a "treasure hunt" which will enable them to drink.
Whitey and Paddy confront each other - Paddy was unhappy about Whitey dating Wilma. Paddy defends Wilma, saying she waited for him for two years. It turns out Wilma and Whitey were secretly married shortly before the party.
Oola finds Thelma in the arms of conman Horrie.
Thelma returns to the convent. It is ambiguous as to what her future relationship with her mother will be.
A woman, known only as Elle ("She"), has a nightmare in which she encounters a man chained to a tree above a blazing pyre into which he tries to pull her by the hair, an elegant gentleman in evening dress who pursues her into an opium den full of dazed women, a bishop who instructs her to return to her home, and a ragged beggar who attempts to embrace her before stabbing himself. Upon waking she realises that they each had the features of Z, a detective and master of disguise whose memoirs she has been reading in bed. Her wealthy husband, whom she married after he had saved her from drowning, is concerned about her mental state and her diminishing affection for him. He wants to take her away from the temptations of Paris, back to his home country in South America, but his plan is impeded by her resistance and by a burglary in which some important documents have been stolen. The husband hires a detective agency to recover the documents and to find the means of restoring his wife's affection; the detective assigned to his case is Z.
Z quickly works out that the burglary was faked by Elle in order to obstruct her husband from taking her away from her beloved Paris. While pretending to continue his search for the documents, Z extends his acquaintance with Elle and realises that they are falling in love with each other. In order to fulfil his contract with the husband, Z goes to a nightclub with Elle and stages a contest of endurance dancing for women, in which the winner seemingly dances herself to death. Elle is so distraught by this that she rushes home and begs her husband to take her away from the odious city.
The husband arranges their immediate departure on a transatlantic liner. Z hands over the missing documents and stoically makes his farewell to the couple. At the port of Le Havre, the husband tells his wife that he has forgotten to give Z his promised fee and he asks her to travel quickly to Paris to deliver it in person. As Elle and Z are re-united, a letter from the husband tells them that he has understood his wife's change of affection and he gives them his blessing, as he departs alone.
In April 2016, Robert Sternvall (Richard Sammel), a German journalist, learns about the resumption of military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh and leaves Berlin to cover them. The articles on Operation "Koltso" ("Ring") during the first war in Karabakh brought him great fame years ago. This time his car is bombed and he is taken to a hospital in Yerevan. While the local journalist Michael Movsisyan is suspended from works for endangering Robert's life, Robert is invited to a charity opera concert in Yerevan with the participation of a young opera singer Sophia Marti and French tenor Jean Milosh who is courting her.
After the concert, Robert, fascinated by Sophia, suggests arranging a photo shooting and writing an article about her. Soon Robert and Sophia's relationship becomes warmer and takes a romantic turn thus triggering Jeans' fierce jealousy. Sophia suggests Robert visit her favorite childhood place – a gorge known as the "Gate to Heaven", which she used to visit with her late father, photographer Edgar Martirosyan. Edgar had been taken prisoner and killed during the war in 1992. Nevertheless, Robert fails to turn up at the agreed time; instead, he takes a flight to Germany. Meanwhile, during his private investigation, Michael discovers the dark side of Robert's life.
Robert is getting ready for his grand exhibition in Berlin. Sophia comes to the opening ceremony and urges Robert to tell the true reasons of his visit to Talish. It is revealed that the photos, presenting the horrors of the Operation "Koltso" in Talish, were taken by Edgar Martirosyan. Furthermore, Edgar and Robert had met in Talish. On the day of Talish's fall, when defending his own house with a gun, Edgar passed all the photos to Robert for him to take them to the Artsakh press. Instead, Robert appropriated them and published them under his name, while Edgar was captured. Years later, when the military operations restart in Talish, Robert decided not only to cover the developments, but also to find Edgar's relatives and extend his apologies to them. However, after meeting Sophia and learning about her origins, he feels unable to confess at the last moment.
Sophia leaves. Shortly afterwards Robert publishes his book ''Confession at the Gate to Heaven'', where he reveals the truth about these events and republishes the photos under Edgar's name. Michael visits Sophia at her parental house in Talish and gives her the book.
In 1995, Reycho and his fellow members of the Go-Getters Club, a group of students on a field trip, survive the explosion near Tokyo. They wake up in an underwater amusement park called World's End Land. There, a magical robot named Pielope forces them to play a "Game of Fate", a life-or-death game of tasks. After Reycho saves his friends, Pielope attempts to start another game, but Pai renounces it on behalf of the mastermind hidden among them, before being hit by a debris. After escaping the underwater amusement park with a submarine, the class arrives at Kagoshima and Pai manages to restore her memory. They investigate all prefectures occupied by enemies, and plan to return to Tokyo. However, the group debates over traveling routes to Fukuoka or Ōita. The story diverges depending on separatist groups. Each members of the club awaken their mysterious powers. One of them learns it is 1996 and the other recruited Yuki, a powerless girl. They reunite in Shikoku, where they meet the Master of a cult dedicated to a powerful artificial intelligence called MAIK, while being pursued by the damaged Pielope. After the incident of Kyoto and Osaka, the group meets the people at the cave, and learn the existence of an Otherworlder opposing MAIK and X-TYPES. They conclude the truth Vanilla is the mastermind trying to undo MAIK's brainwashing experiment, because the facility stored Vanilla's body with suspended animation, with her ghost accompanying her friends. They ride on a train from Nara, but Pielope disables it, unlocking two ending scenarios. Though being separated and captured by robots, they reunite themselves at the Nagoya factory, when MAIK uses the Master.
The gang escapes from the facility and the erupting Mount Fuji destroys the helicopter near the ruined Tokyo. The reunited group head to Gifu and find a magical mushroom for them to see ghosts. The ships damage Reycho, revealing his cyborg body controlled by Pochi. The others leave the two behind, having a second thought. Pochi reveals himself as a robot and is captured by the drones. However, the children hijack one of the ships and save Pochi. MAIK explains to the group that Nyoro's father created it in 1991, predicting humanity had brought chaos. MAIK used nanomachines to turn humans into emotionless and subservient "sheep", while all humans hid themselves underground. However, the children in their club are immune to nanomachines with latent abilities, with Reycho and Pochi as observers. This revealed the brainwashing was a surgical process to remove limitations while viewing various scenarios and illusions. MAIK plans to become humanity's "shepherds" or using nanomachines to kill anyone. The group identifies Pielope as one of MAIK's sub-personalities at the ship. It tells them that Vanilla has awakened the ability to separate her soul from her body, and she is near the supercomputer at the park's HEAVEN facility. After the player collects clues from all timelines, Pochi reveals to be an X-TYPE communicating with the Otherworlder. After saving Vanilla, they plan to destroy MAIK's core. The Master reveals that Yuki will be erased upon its demise. Reycho, rebuilt by after MAIK as a defense mechanism, attacks his friends, but the song causes him to be self-aware and disable the core barrier. Yuki reveals to be MAIK's other sub-personality, directly being connected to the core. To overwrite MAIK's main personality and save Yuki, Pochi and Vanilla hack into the system, while the former directly uploads into the mainframe to stop MAIK. The group uses an administrator account to override the commands and Pochi destroys MAIK with a code intact. They reunite with Reycho and restore humanity.
Emma is unhappily married to her cold, controlling husband Mark, who works as a criminal attorney. After ending her affair with Tom, a partner at her husband's firm, Emma goes out with Mark to celebrate their anniversary. Mark surprises Emma with a necklace made of steel, then drives her to a secluded lake house that they used to visit early in their relationship. He later apologizes for his past behavior and they make love.
The next morning, Emma wakes up and finds herself handcuffed to Mark, who abruptly shoots himself in the head. Forced to drag Mark's corpse everywhere, Emma soon discovers that he destroyed her phone and removed every sharp item in the house. She eventually finds the SUV keys in the trash and reaches the garage. When she starts the vehicle, the radio plays a taunting message from Mark, revealing he knew of her affair. The SUV then dies as all of the gas had been siphoned out.
Hours later, Tom arrives at the lake house. He explains he was summoned there by messages from Emma's phone and that Mark was facing disbarment for illegal activities. They both realize Mark sent the messages just as a truck is seen approaching in the distance. Tom tells Emma to hide as a man named Jimmy emerges from the truck. He tells Tom he's there to fix the plumbing and refuses to leave when Tom tries persuading him. Jimmy's brother, Bobby, then gets out of the truck and stabs Tom to death. It's revealed Bobby was a stalker who once attacked Emma and just got out of prison after serving 10 years.
Emma manages to evade the men and makes it to the boat shed. She uses an anchor to cut herself free from Mark's corpse and hides just as the men enter the shed. Emma overhears them revealing Mark hired them to kill her and that they must find the diamonds they were promised. Bobby suspects the diamonds are in the bedroom safe, which requires Mark's fingerprints and a code that Emma would know.
As the men search the house, Emma finds a fuel can and tries refueling the SUV, but Bobby slashed the tires. Emma then makes her way to the attic and lures the men there. She knocks Bobby out with a club and locks Jimmy in a nearby room. She attempts to escape in Tom's car, but Bobby intervenes. Emma manages to dial 911 on Tom's phone prior to being knocked unconscious. She later wakes up in the bedroom, once again cuffed to Mark's body.
Bobby tells Emma the safe's code is the date Mark proposed to her. When she refuses to cooperate, Bobby threatens to torture her. Jimmy objects and points Mark's gun at Bobby. Emma agrees to reveal the code if she is set free first. Emma is uncuffed and she tells them the code. Bobby opens the safe, only to find a hacksaw inscribed with a clue that implies the diamonds are in Emma's necklace, which has no latch and is impossible to remove. Bobby realizes the necklace can only be retrieved by decapitating Emma. Jimmy tries wrestling the saw away from Bobby, but is accidentally impaled on a coat hook, killing him. Enraged, Bobby attacks Emma, stabbing her in the leg. She manages to fight him off and cuff Bobby to Mark's body.
Emma makes it to the SUV again as Bobby pursues, dragging Mark with him. She hits Bobby with the car but then crashes into the boat shed. Emma exits the car and fights Bobby on the frozen lake. She stabs Bobby in the shoulder just as the ice gives way. Mark's corpse falls into the lake, dragging Bobby with him. Bobby manages to grab Emma and pull her in as well. As they sink, Emma grabs the knife out of Bobby's shoulder and stabs him in the eye. Mark's body drags Bobby down to his death as Emma swims up to the surface. Lying atop the ice, Emma removes her wedding ring and lets it roll into the lake as sirens are heard approaching in the background.
When her husband dies, a woman (Libertad Lamarque) inherits his fortune, but enters a deep emotional crisis that makes her act like a child. Her lawyer (Pedro Armendáriz) will be in charge of protecting her interests against those of her late husband's selfish and fortune-seeking relatives while helping her recover from her condition, since he is secretly in love with her.
Three years after her previous adventure, Reisalin "Ryza" Stout works as both an alchemist and a teacher in Kurken Island until she is invited by her friend Tao Mongarten who is studying with another friend, Bos Brunnen in the capital city of Ashra-am Baird to help with his research on some nearby ruins. In the occasion, she is tasked by Bos' father, Moritz Brunnen, to discover more about a mysterious stone in his possession. Taking the stone with her, she travels to the capital and reunites with Tao and Bos. Ryza and Tao begin their investigation, accompanied by Tao's pupil, Patricia Abelheim, but soon after, Ryza discovers that the stone is actually an egg, from which a mysterious creature hatches, whom she gives the name "Fi".
As Ryza and co. continue their research on the ruins and their connection with Fi, they reunite with their friends Klaudia Valentz and Lent Marslink, with treasure hunter Clifford Diswell and a member of the Oren race called Serri Galus also joining the party. They also meet their former teachers Empel Vollmer and Lila Decyrus, who make their own research in separate from the others. In the occasion, Empel reveals that Fi is a creature from the Underworld who needs to absorb large quantities of mana to survive, and must be sent back to their original habitat or will not survive for long. To prevent this, Ryza and her friends keep uncovering the mysteries of the ruins with Fi absorbing the energy from the large mana crystals inside them for nourishment.
Meanwhile, Empel and Lila learn that the mana crystals act as a seal that protects the region but fail to warn Ryza before Fi absorbs the energy from the last of the crystals, lifting the seal and unlocking a hidden temple. Inside the temple, Ryza's party discover a large gate to the Underworld from which a stronger breed of Philuscha emerges. The party confronts and repeals the Philuscha after defeating their leader, the Legendary Monarch. Ryza then bids farewell to Fi, who passes through the gate before Empel seals it. With all matters solved, Ryza bids farewell to her friends and returns home, certain that she will eventually meet them again.
Best friends Greg Heffley and Rowley Jefferson are about to enter middle school. Greg gets advice from his older brother Rodrick on how to "survive", putting emphasis on avoiding the Cheese Touch, which supposedly makes one incredibly unpopular. Figuring that Rowley's childish tendencies will cause them to be bullied, Greg tries to urge Rowley to grow up, almost telling him about the cheese, but decides against it, not wanting to scare him too much. Before long, the first day of school arrives, and Greg tries to help Rowley adjust, though both end up shunned by the majority of the students, mostly due to Rowley's somewhat childish antics, which includes the use of the word "play" over "hang out." Nevertheless, they manage to avoid scraping the bottom of the school hierarchy.
On Halloween night, Greg and Rowley are forced to take the former's younger brother Manny with them. While at first annoyed, Greg realizes that Manny's adorable pirate costume allows them to acquire a large amount of candy. Eventually, Manny and Rowley become tired, but Greg insists that they continue on and take a shortcut through Snake Road, despite his mother Susan forbidding it. They encounter a trio of teenage boys who begin to mock and chase them with water balloons down the road. The younger boys manage to evade them by tricking them into driving their truck into a ditch and make it home right on time, only to be soaked by Greg's father Frank, who mistook them for teenagers. Manny then outs the Snake Road incident to Susan, who puts Greg on a weeklong video game ban as punishment.
Later on, while playing "rumble trike", Greg accidentally breaks Rowley's arm. Susan discovers this, but chooses not to punish Greg any further. Instead, she encourages him do the right thing and be a good friend to Rowley. Greg instead tries to take advantage of Rowley's broken arm, only to get shunned further by the other students, who dote on Rowley and demonize Greg for breaking it in the first place. Greg attempts to take a different approach and become a cartoonist for the school paper; Rowley takes an interest in a scrapped idea of his, in which the punchline of every strip is "Zoo-Wee Mama!", but Greg insists on a new one he drew, urging Rowley to make his own comic instead of working together. Greg's entry gets him accepted as the new cartoonist, but the librarian butchers his comic, making his classmates mock him. After Greg resigns from his position, Rowley's comic, which features the stolen phrase, gets accepted, causing the boys to argue and break their friendship.
Rowley befriends a boy named Chirag Gupta and starts seeing him more often. In an attempt to get back at him, Greg decides to hang out with Fregley, an incredibly strange and unpopular boy. Greg has a sleepover at his house, but is immediately put off by his odd eccentricities. The next day, Greg and Rowley confront each other and are urged to fight by the other kids, only for the trio of teenagers to return to get revenge on the boys. The teenagers force Rowley to eat a piece of the cheese and are about to force Greg to do the same, but are saved by Mr. Underwood, the school's gym coach.
The other kids return to see what has transpired. To protect Rowley, Greg claims that he was the one who ate the cheese, causing everyone else to run from him in terror. Greg and Rowley resume their friendship as the former quickly realizes that having the Cheese Touch is a blessing as it forces everyone to give him and Rowley space, as well as a personal lunch table to themselves.
Sam and Tusker, romantic partners for 20 years and amateur astronomers, undertake a road trip in a campervan across England to the Lake District, to visit some of their favorite spots and for a reunion with friends and family. Tusker has been diagnosed with early onset dementia, with his progressing illness putting a strain on their relationship. He is in the middle of writing a book, but is struggling with it, refusing to show it to Sam. Sam is a pianist/composer preparing for what he says will be his final piano concert.
The pair arrive at Sam’s sister’s house, where the rest of their family and friends later gather for a party in their honor. During subsequent conversation with one of their friends, Sam finds out Tusker has been having difficulties writing. Sam heads into their camper van and discovers in his journal that Tusker’s writing has been declining steadily over time. He also discovers that Tusker has a vial of Pentobarbital and has made a farewell audio tape, explaining that he intends to take his own life. Sam says nothing.
The pair head to a leased cottage in the countryside. Sam confronts Tusker about his discovery and plays the tape to him, revealing Tusker’s plans to die by suicide before his dementia becomes too severe. Sam strongly and pleadingly argues with him against this idea, to no avail. They make up the next day and have an intimate night together. The next morning, as Sam plays the piano, he lets Tusker know that he accepts his decision and wants to be at his side when it happens.
In the final scene, Sam appears on stage, playing the beautiful piano piece that Tusker loved so well.
Mechanical engineer Alec Bailey, struggling after his parents' and twin brother Charlie's deaths, sleeps around, gambles, has a failing television repair business called The Healer, and is drowning in debt. Suddenly, Alec's estranged uncle, Raymond Heacock, offers to pay his £88,000 debt in exchange for him moving to Nova Scotia, Canada, for a whole year. Although not thrilled, Russian debt collectors chase him into a church where the priest suggests this might be a second chance, so he accepts the offer.
Two days later, he moves to his Uncle Raymond's house near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. His first day in town, Alec meets Cecilia, who knows his uncle, and helps Alec place an ad in the local newspaper for work. His first days in town don't go well: meeting Father Malloy, he tells him he's Buddhist to avoid going to church; Officer Tom gives him a citation, making it clear he dislikes his uncle; and the newspaper ad, headed "The Healer", says he can fix anything. Suddenly, because of the ad, people start showing up at his house asking for miracles. Alec is frustrated at the confusion and at not getting any electrical business.
Needing money, Alec starts working with Cecilia, a veterinarian. Strangely, one by one, each of the people who came to him to be healed were actually getting cured, although he refused to see them and told them he was an engineer, not a doctor. The strangest incident came when Father Malloy had a heart attack and died in front of Alec, but minutes later came back to life. Officer Tom misunderstands the situation, arresting Alec for Father Malloy's murder, until Malloy calls to confirm he is in fact alive. Malloy then tells Alec he believes he has a God-given gift to heal people.
Alec is fed up with people thinking he can heal them and returns to his uncle's to pack. While doing so, he finds a key for the basement with a note. There, he finds pictures of his ancestors and an empty frame with his name. His uncle's note explains their family has a secret gift to heal that skips every other generation. Told he must accept the gift before midnight or he'll lose it forever, Alec feels overwhelmed. He is asked to explain his decision to the entire town and they are understanding, simply thanking him for the help he did give.
Although he didn't accept the gift, his uncle will pay his debt if Alec remains the whole year, so he stays. A few days later, a family from Fredericton, New Brunswick, arrives, begging him to heal their daughter Abigail of cancer. Alec explains he can't help, but agrees to spend the weekend with her, after she insists, for her parents' sake. Alec and Cecilia quickly bond with her. He also makes up with Officer Tom, who reveals that Abigail is his niece. After that weekend, Alec is particularly moved, as his twin Charlie had died of cancer. Going back to his uncle, he tells him he regrets not accepting the gift, then goes to church, angrily asking God for the gift back to save Abigail.
Some time later, Abigail tells Alec and Cecilia the cancer is in remission. Hearing the good news they kiss. As Alec has got the gift back, his uncle returns to England after they make up. The last scene is a shot of the basement, showing the framed and labeled 'Alec Bailey' portrait.
During the closing credits, scenes filmed at various of the global community of camps operated by the SeriousFun Children's Network are shown, with a dedication to founder Paul Newman.
The film is composed of seven scenes introduced by intertitles:
''1. Open sesame!''
While gathering wood in the forest, Ali Baba, accompanied by his donkey, surprises a gang of thieves carrying their loot. He hides and overhears the magic spell that gives access to the cave where they pile up their treasures.
''2. The thieves' treasure''
Once the thieves are gone, he enters the lair, takes a few bags of gold coins and runs back home.
''3. Rich at last!''
Ali Baba comes back to his house where his wife is expecting him. She is overjoyed when she sees the gold. Cassim, Ali's brother, arrives at that moment and Ali Baba tells him how he got the gold. Cassim dashes off to the cave.
''4. Cassim is discovered and executed''
In the cave Cassim is awed by the accumulated treasures but he suddenly hears the 40 thieves coming back. He hides behind a treasure chest while the thieves are celebrating their latest plunder with dancing girls but he is soon discovered. He pleads for his life, revealing that Ali Baba had given him the magic spell but the chief cuts off his head.
''5. Brigands discovered by the maid''
Forty jars of oil are delivered in the courtyard of Ali Baba's new mansion. Ali Baba thanks the oil merchant and invites him to dinner. A maid enters and sees that thieves are hidden in the jars. She takes a jar of boiling oil and pours it into the forty jars.
''6. The fake oil merchant''
In the dining room of Ali Baba's mansion, Ali Baba enters and sits down with his wife and the oil merchant (in fact the chief of the thieves). Dancing girls entertain the guests. Suddenly the maid enters and stabs the fake oil merchant in the heart.
''7. Triumph of Ali Baba - Apotheosis''
Ali Baba and his wife pose with pretty girls in front of a lavishly decorated backdrop.
Alejandra (Libertad Lamarque) is married to doctor Pedro (Miguel Torruco) and they have a daughter, Eva (Maricruz Olivier). When Eva is a young woman, she travels with her mother to the capital to meet Pedro, where they discover that he has set up a luxury hospital alongside a partner, Lidia (Silvia Pinal). Alejandra realizes that Lidia has stolen her husband's love and is doing the same with her daughter, whom she tries to convince to kill her own mother.
Deep in the Alps, the Nazi German propaganda master Joseph Goebbels leads a battalion of zealots called Germanica to hold out against the frantic final Allies push to end World War II in Europe.
With British Prime Minister Winston Churchill losing the 1945 election, Charles De Gaulle consolidating his rule over a newly-liberated France and Joseph Stalin asserting Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe, only the United States, led by its untried new president, Harry S. Truman, remains to face the toughest Nazi warriors, who hunker down for a bitter fight to the last man.
Eduardo and his wife are a well to do couple staying in a summer seaside house in Yucatan. They are spending part of the summer months there with their two unruly children: Mauricio and Sandro who are nine and eight years old. The household is completed with the superstitious indigenous cook and a local young fisherman who serves as the children underwater swimming instructor.
As the couple leaves for six weeks to take a cruise from Miami, the mother hires Mrs. Forbes, a German governess, to take care of the children while the parents are away. Mrs. Forbes arrives by boat after a long trip and she is immediately instructed by the mother to impose "law and order" in the house and to treat the undisciplined and rude children severely in an attempt to improve their ways.
Once in charge, Mrs. Forbes treats the children with formality, displaying an authoritarian and repressive temperament. She subjects the children to iron discipline, fueling a deaf resentment in them. Mauricio, the oldest brother, is more pliable, but Bruno, the youngest takes more time to follow Mrs. Forbes commands. Spying on her at night, the brothers discover that she walks around the house drinking alcohol, eating sweets, and reading loud strange passages in German.
From her arrival, Mrs. Forbes is smitten with Aquiles, the hunky young scuba instructor who spends a great deal of time around the house playing with the children and at sea with them while wearing very little. Eating up by a burning desire for Aquiles, Mrs. Forbes sets her eyes on seducing him. She tells him the mythological story of the impossible love between his namesake, the Greek warrior Achilles, and Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, who loved each other in spite of being enemies. Although well put together, Mrs. Forbes is at least 15 years his senior, and Achilles is repelled by her advances. Only after much insistence, Aquiles accepts her invitation to go to town for drinks one night. There, she opens up to him. She strips her soul and exposes her true self. She hates order and restraint and rather would like to be free, drink, live a love. She actually does not believe in what she has been imposing on the children. Aquiles remains indifferent. It is Achilles who hides a secret. He is always reluctant to anyone, even the children who are close to him, to go near his seaside rustic cabin. The following night, Mrs. Forbes plunges into the ocean and arrives swimming to Aquiles's house. She enters secretly only to find Aquiles naked in the company of a male lover. Before leaving undiscovered, Mrs. Forbes sets the house on fire with the two men inside.
By the next morning over breakfast, Mrs. Forbes receives a letter that shakes her, but its content remains unrevealed. Afterward, when she gives the orders of the day to the children they have had enough of her and disobey. Reaching her breaking point, Mrs. Forbes also gives in to them. They can do whatever they want. All along since Miss Forbes forced the two boys to eat moray, the same fish that they were terrified of when it was nailed to the door of the house, the children have planned to kill her poisoning her tequila. The idea came from Sandro, the more resolute of the two boys. Mauricio warns him that they could end up on the electric chair, but Sandro is determined. First, there is not electric chair in Mexico and secondly, he would make sure nobody would find out. The brothers poison the tequila and the next morning, waking up late and not seeing Mrs. Forbers around, they believe that their plan has been a success. The children cheerfully celebrate their regained freedom going scuba diving on their own. At their return, the beach house is in turmoil. Mrs. Forbers has been killed, stabbed many times. Mauricio and Sandro manage to avoid the police who guard the crime scene and enter the governess's bedroom. They see her lying dead surrounded by blood with multiple stabs and cuts instead of the poisoned tequila the boys planned her to drink. In death, Mrs. Forbes face has an expression of unsettling serenity. She seems to be happy at last.
The story centers on a gang of con artists who are paid to boost people's reputations with rumors, exaggerated claims, and other stunts. King Sejo's adviser Han Myeong-hoe orders them to use their skills to improve public opinion of the king.
Elements of the story are based on King Sejo of Joseon, who launched a coup that allowed him to seize the throne from his young nephew. He killed a number of people to secure the throne, including his nephew Danjong of Joseon, who was poisoned following a plot to remove Sejo from power.
After the death of her mother, high school student Mari ends up in an orphanage. Three days later, the girl returns home, but her drunken father makes it clear almost from the door that she doesn't belong here.
The night spent at the train station ends for Mari with an acquaintance with an aggressive group of teenagers, led by Robi, and being driven to the police. In the morning, the fugitive leaves the cell: the orphanage teacher came for her.
The orphanage has its own internal hierarchy. The dashing guy Robi is considered the informal leader. The guys obey him and readily obey. The polite, intelligent Tauri, who, unlike the other pupils, has a respectable and very busy father, takes custody of the newcomer. Among the girls, the harsh, nervous Katrin, who ended up in an orphanage after her mother was imprisoned, dominates.
Set primarily in 1920s Paris, ''The Last Nude'' is told through two perspectives: a young Italian-American named Rafaela Fano, and the Art Deco painter Tamara de Lempicka.
Rafaela, a 17-year-old runaway, by chance meets the wealthy aspiring painter de Lempicka and agrees to model for her. Rafaela becomes both de Lempicka's muse and lover, inspiring the painter's most esteemed work ''La Bella Rafaela''. As Rafaela's attraction and relations to Tamara grow, she learns the high price of ambition and reality. All but the last 60 pages of the novel are told from Rafaela's point of view, and work as a fictionalised biography of de Lempicka.
The last chapters, told from de Lempicka's perspective, are set in Mexico in 1980. The artist once again takes up her brush and works on her last painting, a copy of the portrait of her long-ago muse.
Avery described why she changed character viewpoints in the latter part of the novel:
"I wrote the entire novel from Rafaela's point of view, and then I was completely taken by surprise by this voice in my head that was louder, stranger, more demanding, more ruthless than Rafaela's voice — it was Tamara's voice. And I had to try writing in it, and it just came out like a roar. Like an aria. And I was excited and scared, and I just let her speak, and ... having done so, realized that something Rafaela took 120 pages to say, Tamara could say in two lines. And that meant that I wound up cutting the book by a full quarter."
''When You Finish Saving the World'' tells the story of three individuals working to understand each other and themselves: Nathan, a father learning to connect with his newborn son; Rachel, a young college student seeking to find her place in a relationship and in life, before marriage to Nathan; and Ziggy, their son, a teenager hoping to figure out where he came from, and where he’s headed. The shifts between time frames in these characters’ lives span more than a decade and depicts the complexities of growing up, having children, and fitting in.
An ace in the world of marketing, Du Ai Sha has spent her entire career fighting her way to the top. Setting her eyes on the goals ahead, she is known for her fierce tenacity and unwavering determination. Never allowing herself to be sidetracked by anything that might come her way, Ai Sha uses whatever means necessary to get the job done.
Working alongside Ai Sha is Yi Feiyang, another marketing whiz who always has an answer to every problem and has an uncanny ability to gain the advantage, no matter the situation. Completely different in their approaches to work and life, Ai Sha and Feiyang have developed a fierce workplace rivalry, as they each strive to be the best in the business.
But when trouble stirs, Ai Sha and Feiyang are forced to work together, using their combined talents to overcome the obstacles ahead. Realizing they make a pretty good team, the two opponents begin to see each other in a whole new light.
During the Great Depression, Vestal Abner, his wife Oza and their young son Charlie reluctantly move from their impoverished farm in Eastern Kentucky to Ohio, where Vestal has found a job. As Charlie grows up and eventually marries his childhood friend, Ruthie, he yearns to return to his boyhood home in the mountains, never losing his passion for the traditional mountain music of his ancestors.
The series follows an assortment of animated shorts based on children's programming, with live-action segments featuring Kyle.
The story revolves around Raji, an orphaned circus performer. Her only family is her younger brother, Golu, a story teller. On the day of Raksha Bandhan, demons attack the carnival where the siblings work. As the demon army lays waste to the land, three of them abduct Golu. This forces Raji to go on a journey to get her brother back. Meanwhile, watching her are the deities, Goddess Durga and Lord Vishnu. Durga supports her young devotee while Vishnu has some doubts about her. Raji races through the Ruins, and upon reaching a temple of Durga, gets a divine ''trishula'' (trident) from her, which she uses to battle and kill the demons and save their captives while also unlocking traditional stories and her childhood memories.
The mastermind behind Golu's abduction and the demon invasion is revealed to be the demon lord Mahabalasura ( ). He was once one of the Mystics, knowledgeable people with great spiritual power, but was outcasted for his arrogance. So, he did penance to please Lord Brahma, who granted him the boon of immortality and a powerful ''trishula''. Using these gifts, he reunited his new people, the demons, and started spreading chaos and destruction on Earth. When Bhoomi Devi (Mother Earth) urged him to stop this, he killed her. This angered Lord Shiva, who imprisoned him. After years of captivity, Mahabalasura has returned.
Raji follows the demons who took Golu and many other children to the Fortress of Jaidhar. She is also gifted a divine bow by Lord Vishnu, who starts finding her capable. Upon reaching the fort, the demon Chieftain sends Golu to Mahabalasura via a magic portal before Raji can save him. As Raji kills the Chieftain, Golu reaches Mahabalsura's realm where the demon lord puts him under his control.
Raji is then sent to Hiranya Nagari ( ), a heavenly and technologically advanced city of Lord Vishnu, which has been taken over by Rangda, a powerful demon queen, who has put the city's guards under her spell and poisoned its waters. Raji races through the city, killing Rangda's minions and repairing the damage she did. She is also gifted a divine sword and shield by the two deities watching her, while being haunted by horrifying visions of Golu. Raji finally vanquishes Rangda and then is taken on Mayura, a giant beautiful white peacock by a Mystic, to his land to stop Mahabalasura.
As she reaches the Land of the Mystics, Raji finds that many of them have been either killed or turned to stone by Mahabalasura. After fighting through the demon hordes and calming the Naga, the giant serpent demigod and guardian of the land, she finally confronts Mahabalasura. He forces the Mystic chief to give him an ancient scroll and escapes after attacking Raji and being wounded by her. Raji, near death, is revived by the Mystics and reunites with her brother. However, it is revealed that Mahabalasura wants to get revenge on the Gods for imprisoning him. His plan is to open the gates of heaven, allowing him to invade the realm of the Gods and destroy them. The scroll he took from the Mystic chief contained the incantation to open the gates. Raji has been chosen as the warrior who will destroy him and restore the cosmic balance. So, she continues her journey, leaving Golu with the Mystics.
Raji reaches the Thar Desert, where Mahabalasura has gone to set his plans in motion. She also receives the Sudarshan Chakra, Lord Vishnu's most powerful weapon. Racing through the desert and killing demons, Raji finally faces Mahabalasura using the Chakra. Almost defeated, he tricks Raji by distracting her with several clones of himself. While Raji fights the clones, the demon lord is joined by Golu who, still under his control, recites the chant and opens the gate. (It can be implied that the reason why Golu was abducted was because the chant required a person of pure heart to work, as the two deities once stated.) Now, with his plans successful, Mahabalasura proceeds to assault the Gods' realm, leaving Golu to be once again reunited with Raji, as the fate of both the Gods and humanity is left ambiguous.
The film begins in the summer of 1942, during World War II in the German occupation of France, a small village in the Pyrenees. A Jewish father named Benjamin walks his daughter, Anya, to the safety of a train fleeing France. One day, a young shepherd named Jo discovers several Jewish children hidden on a farm run by a widow, Horcada, and her son-in-law, the aforementioned Benjamin. Benjamin has lost track of Anya, but hopes to one day find her. During this time, helped by his mother-in-law, he helps the young Jews whom they protect to flee to Spain through the mountains. But this time, their mission is disrupted by the Germans who skirt the border, making it impossible to escape. Listening only to his courage, Jo decides to keep their secret and do everything to help them escape to Spain.
Supported by his grandfather, several inhabitants of the village and his father, a former prisoner of the Germans, Jo allies with Benjamin and the widow Horcada to allow the children to escape across the border. Although many children manage to escape to Spain one child becomes very sick and Benjamin takes her to the village where they are taken by the Germans. It transpires that one friendly German officer (who lost his own daughter in a Berlin bombing) was aware of the children hiding but kept quiet about it, later telling Jo “at least we achieved something”.
One year after the war ends Anya eventually reaches the village and is welcomed by her grandmother and Jo.
High in the clouds, Jupiter encounters Mercury and summons up pedestals for all the Muses. He attempts to make the Muses themselves appear using his thunderbolts, but finds the bolts do not work. He sends them off to Hephaestus for repairs, and after some trial and error, manages to summon all nine Muses.
The Muses all begin performing their various arts; Jupiter is initially pleased, but the cacophony soon overwhelms him, and he finally sends the Muses back to their pedestals. Mercury and Hephaestus return, making still more noise, and Jupiter banishes the whole company with his thunderbolts. However, this time the power backfires on him, and Jupiter makes a hasty retreat as the thunderbolts spin out of control.
The scene is the Duchotels' flat in Paris. Duchotel is frequently absent on the pretext of shooting on the country estate of his friend Cassagne. He is, in fact, carrying on an extramarital affair in Paris with Cassagne's wife. Duchotel's wife, Léontine, has an admirer, Dr Moricet, but she refuses to give way to him as long as her husband is faithful to her. Duchotel's young nephew Gontran enters, succeeds in extracting 500 francs from his uncle, and leaves. Duchotel departs, with his guns and luggage, and Moricet hints to Léontine that there may be an ulterior motive for her husband's regular absences.
Cassagne arrives. He is separated from his wife, and has come to Paris to consult Duchotel about obtaining a divorce. He knows that her most ardent adorer is an individual called Zizi, and has taken steps for catching them together ''in flagrante'' at the Paris apartment in which they meet. It emerges that Cassagne has not seen Duchotel for six months, and that the latter has never shot over the Cassagne estate. Léontine sees that her husband is deceiving her, and on the spur of the moment she tells Moricet that she will be his the same evening.
The scene is an apartment block at 40 rue d'Athènes. As the venue for his rendezvous with Léontine, Moricet has rented furnished rooms previously occupied by a glamorous cocotte, Urbaine des Voitures, who has just been expelled by the concierge, Madame Latour du Nord. The latter is indulgent to extramarital escapades in her rooms, but cannot abide mercenary love. The concierge is unaware that Urbaine has given a key to the apartment to her admirer Gontran. Off the same corridor is another flat, occupied by Madame Cassagne, whose "uncle Zizi" – Duchotel – comes to see her once a month. He has already arrived there when Moricet conducts Léontine through the opposite door. Their conversation is interrupted by the concierge, who hints that a husband "going shooting" is really setting a trap for his unfaithful wife. This frightens Léontine, and her thoughts of revenge vanish, and the putative lovers quarrel so seriously that they decide to spend the night apart, Léontine on a sofa in the next room, while Moricet occupies the bed.
The concierge returns: the woman in the opposite room has had an attack of nerves and perhaps Dr Moricet could treat her. He refuses, and Duchotel himself comes to beg him to help, and is astonished to see his friend. Léontine appears, and on seeing her husband hides her face with a blanket; Duchotel does not recognise her, and takes himself off without suspecting anything. Léontine retires to the other room and Moricet goes to bed again.
The door opens gently, and Gontran makes his way to the bed, where he supposes his darling Urbaine is sleeping. He kisses and hugs Moricet, who, after returning this embrace with a box on the ear, jumps out of bed calling for help. Gontran hides in the wardrobe, while Moricet – in his drawers – and Léontine, who has come to his rescue, search for the intruder, but in vain. Then Moricet goes to bed again and Léontine returns to her sofa, but they are again disturbed by Duchotel, who, trapped in Mme Cassagne's apartment by the arrival of the police commissary, has escaped from it – also in his drawers – via the balcony and into Moricet's room. Hastily donning a pair of trousers placed on a chair, he rushes to the door and downstairs, while the pursuing policemen, on discovering Moricet trouserless, arrest and haul him off.
The action returns to the Duchotel residence, the following morning. Leontine is exasperated with Moricet for failing to keep his trousers, for in one pocket was her letter to him asking him to avenge her. Now her husband is in possession of both trousers and letter. Duchotel arrives from his supposed shooting trip, and when Leontine tells him that Cassagne denies all knowledge of such shooting on his estate, Duchotel insists that Cassagne had sunstroke which badly affects his memory. Cassagne himself enters, confusing matters still further. He is delighted to have caught his wife with her lover and asks Duchotel if he knows this man Moricet. Duchotel says no, at which point Moricet enters. Duchotel tries to pass him off as his shirt-maker. Gontran's arrival throws everyone into confusion, for he has seen them all at 40 rue d'Athènes. They each bribe him to silence. Duchatel finds the love-letter in his trouser pocket but takes it to be an old letter from Leontine written at the time of their engagement, and he asks her to forgive him in memory of that happy time. She refuses, until Gontran quietly suggests she should forgive her husband in memory of the lady he saw at 40 rue d'Athènes the night before. She takes the point and complies, Duchotel promises never to go hunting again, and Moricet gets his trousers back. ::Source: ''The Era''.
A former Scribbs spelling bee champion must reconcile with her estranged brother when he returns home to help care for their sick mother.
Tyler Laird and his girlfriend Natalie embark on a camping trip that Tyler uses as the perfect setting for a marriage proposal. The newly engaged couple share a romantic night together and fall asleep, before being awoken by a slow, deliberate knock coming from within the woods. The knock persists, luring Tyler outside. While he is searching, Natalie is attacked in the tent and dragged into the forest by an unseen creature.
12 months later: Tyler is released from Cowlitz County Psych Ward where his mom picks him up and takes him home. She gives him all the police evidence recovered from the scene, including Tyler’s camera. While reviewing pictures taken on their excursion, he spots a huge shape in the background of one of the photos. With his mother’s blessing, he sets out to the forest to find answers about what took his fiancée.
He returns to the area armed with a hunting rifle and camping gear. He searches new ground and discovers signs claiming ownership by Xylon Incorporated along the perimeter saying not to enter, and also finds a massive footprint in the mud. After he stops at a creek to refill his water bottle, Tyler finds his gear is no longer where he left it. He rushes back to his truck armed only with his rifle and revolver and spends the night inside. In the early morning, his truck is attacked and a huge creature shoves a felled tree through his windows. The creature leaves when Tyler fires two shots from his revolver. Another hunter, Eli, comes to the scene attracted by the noise. He offers Tyler a spot at his camp nearby which Tyler accepts.
Eli recognizes Tyler from the news coverage of his fiancé’s disappearance. Tyler asks Eli about Xylon Inc., but Eli says he’s never seen any company employee on the land before. He takes Tyler to a spot in the woods where centuries before, the Chinook marked their own border along the trees with special bone symbols, indicating an area not to venture into. He tells Tyler of the Chinook legends about creatures in the area “not friendly to man” and reveals he is looking for what he calls “the Big Man”. Back at camp, they find a tree has been uprooted and the trunk shoved into Eli’s fire pit.
After hearing a roar in the distance, the pair ventures past the Chinook symbols. Tyler runs in the direction of the sound and falls into a small marsh-like clearing of smashed trees and decomposing carcasses. When Eli helps him up, a boulder is thrown from the trees and breaks Eli’s leg. Tyler fires off several shots and drags Eli to safety as it starts to snow. Leaving Eli with his revolver, he returns to the feeding ground to retrieve his backpack. He finds Natalie’s engagement ring in the dirt while collecting his gear, when the Beast appears. He runs from the area and back to Eli. Using his gear, he splints Eli’s leg and together they escape the Beast’s area, emerging on the other side near a river. They make camp, surrounded by four fire pits for protection, and take watch while trying to fish with a makeshift rod.
Several days pass, and Eli suggests Tyler leave him and save himself, but Tyler refuses. Eli sneaks off on his own when Tyler is asleep, using the rifle for support. When Tyler wakes, he follows the path Eli’s made in the snow, coming upon the broken rifle and the Beast feeding on Eli’s corpse. The Beast sees him and claws Tyler’s shoulder before he is able shoot it with his revolver, causing it to run off. He returns to camp and stitches himself up, before arming himself with his revolver and several makeshift weapons and making his way back to Eli’s camp.
Tyler sets a trap at the camp and uses Eli’s truck’s horn to lure the Beast to the campground, then engages it in a fight. He finally shoots a propane tank and throws a lit flare into the fuel causing the tank to explode while the Beast is incapacitated next to it; the Beast runs into the forest, engulfed in flames. Later, a man driving along a mountain highway sees an exhausted Tyler emerge from the trees and collapse on the road. Tyler wakes up in a hospital where a nurse is administering to him. A wheelchair bound man introduces himself as Jackson Wells and tells Tyler that he believes his Bigfoot claims because he too, has “seen monsters”. He is not convinced Tyler killed the beast, despite the extensive injuries he inflicted, and then tells Tyler he is part of a team and that he’s recruiting, then the film ends.
Sam Purdy receives a call from the Grand Jury of Lincoln County. He is wanted to give testimony in a case involving the theft of his sheep, but before he learns this, he makes a confession regarding the murder of his half-brother, Will, the night before. Purdy goes on to tell the jury of the myriad ways his brother has wronged him over the last several years, motivated out of a mutual affection for a woman named Mary. Via flashback, Sam tells the room of how Will had him sent to jail for a year for a bank robbery he did not commit. While in jail, Sam studied law and starts life afresh when released. Sam runs for County Prosecutor and all is going well with him until Will turns up, threatens blackmail, and exposes his past and forces him to again leave town. Sam gets another start and is successful as a sheep farmer in a rural town when Will again appears and blackmails him. A fight takes place and Sam supposes that he has killed his brother in the scuffle. But as he finishes his testimony before the Grand Jury, much to the surprise of the members, in comes the sheriff conveying the prisoner in the sheep-stealing case is Will.
On a large canvas-and-wood billboard, a man glues a poster showing two stars of ''L'Amour à crédit'', a show at the Parisiana music hall. It is surrounded by posters showing other figures, advertising various products: Poirot meat extract, Tripaulin paint, Nouveau Dépôt porcelain, Poudre de Fées face powder, Quinquina au Cacao liqueur, Trouillottine lamps, and Mignon corsets. The man leaves, and two gendarmes pass by.
As soon as the coast is clear, the people shown in the posters begin coming to life. The two Parisiana stars leave their poster entirely and walk around, busily talking to the residents of the other posters. A fracas breaks out when one of the stars begins flirting with the corset model, and the porcelain vendor drops his wares onto the ground. The figures turn back into flat images as the gendarmes pass by again.
As a well-dressed gentleman crosses in front of the posters, they come alive again and begin throwing all their wares at him. The two gendarmes and two officers rush onto the scene, and all four are soon covered with face powder, powdered paint, and other products. The whole billboard comes toppling down with a crash, revealing the poster residents in real life behind a fence. As the police set the billboard to rights and look through the torn posters, they see all the poster residents dance happily off.
Trans boy Joe's troubled but well-intentioned father Troy takes off with him into the Montana wilderness, pursued by police, after his wife Sally, from whom he has recently separated, refuses to let Joe live as his authentic self.
Méliès's American catalogue reports the following action, covering the part of the film now presumed lost: A painter is working on a full-length portrait of a woman in exoticized dress, with help from a bottle of whiskey. Suddenly he realizes that, whenever he puts the bottle down, his servant is also stealing a taste. The painter goes to hide the whiskey bottle, and the servant seizes the opportunity to drink the whole contents of two other bottles. The painter returns just as the servant's stomachaches make him realize that these two bottles contained not whiskey, but paint. The angry painter thrashes the servant, finally hitting him with a saber. The servant falls unconscious. The painter, thinking he has accidentally murdered his servant, hurriedly stuffs the body in a nearby trunk and drinks himself asleep. When the painter is sleeping in his drunken stupor, the servant sneaks out of the trunk, just as the woman comes to life and steps out of her painting. She plays a series of pranks on the servant, culminating in pouring a bucket of white liquid over his head.
The surviving fragment of the film shows the woman returning to her frame and becoming a painting again. The painter wakes up and is astonished to see the servant swatting the painting with the broom. The painter gives the servant a second thrashing. The fragment concludes with action not mentioned in the catalogue: the painter finally decapitates his servant, stuffing the head and body in the same trunk he had used before. The servant's body, holding its head, climbs out of the box and wanders away. The painter, terrified at the sight, jumps straight into his painting and disappears.
Four friends have gotten themselves lost on a road trip and find themselves at the house of a hidden cult that worships a being named Manos, who are led by a man known only as the master and his loyal servant, Torgo.
Frodo grows restless in his comfortable home, Bag End, in the Shire, and starts to hear rumours of a dark power growing in the East. His gardener, Sam Gamgee, who likes tales of Elves, discuss the rumours in the Green Dragon Inn with Ted Sandyman, the miller's son. Ted thinks the tales are irrelevant nonsense.''The Fellowship of the Ring'', book 1, ch. 2, "The Shadow of the Past".
The Wizard Gandalf makes one of his rare visits to the Shire, 17 years after Bilbo's farewell birthday party. He tells Frodo about the danger he is in through the Ring that his cousin Bilbo has given him.
Gandalf tells Frodo of the Ring's history: The dark lord Sauron made the Ring in Mount Doom and used it to wage war on Middle-earth until Isildur cut the Ring from Sauron's hand, destroying the dark lord's physical form. Isildur refused to destroy the Ring, however, and it eventually led him to his death in the River Anduin. The Ring was lost for 2000 years, until the Stoorish Hobbit Sméagol found it; the Ring turned him into the creature Gollum, who later lost his "Precious" to Bilbo in the riddle game portrayed in ''The Hobbit''. Gollum went in search of Bilbo and the Ring a few years later, and was eventually captured by Sauron, who tortured him into revealing that "Baggins" from "the Shire" had the Ring. Gandalf says that Frodo must destroy the Ring by throwing it into the fires of Mount Doom. Frodo decides he must leave the Shire, and agrees with Gandalf that he will travel to Rivendell, home to Elrond, a leader of the Elves. Gandalf hears something, and catches Sam eavesdropping under the window. He tells Sam he will have to go with Frodo.
Following the sudden death of one of them during childhood, the four Macaluso sisters experience trauma and grief in their entire lives.
About 800 years ago, monstrous demons attacked and threatened mankind's existence; while at risk of being extinct, all the humans began praying to their respective gods, hoping for someone or something to save every one from the brink of destruction. With their prayers answered, a race of deities called the "Idaten" were created, by using their utmost endurance and powerful god-like abilities: the Idaten manage to defeat the demons, saving humanity and bringing peace to the entire world. Now in the present time, the newer generation of the Idaten only know little about the demons since they've all lived peaceful lives. Training under Rin, the only remaining original Idaten from 800 years ago, the new Idaten find ways to survive in a time where they have seemingly outlived their usefulness. Suddenly, when the tyrannical Zoble Empire resurrects a demon, the misfit warriors are called to the battlefield against their natural enemy once more.
An ordinary first-year student at the private academy Seirei Private High School named Mao Otoha is in a place of Meisa Hinata, who suddenly disappeared, taking the avatar of ''Aikatsu Planet!''
In the adored virtual world of "Aikatsu Planet!", real life idols can become an avatar. Mao, who assume the role as Hana, uses "Swing Card" with her chosen "Dressia" to put on a dress, and begins the world of intense Battle Stages with her rivals. Along with her best friend Shiori Motoya, model Ruli Tamaki, as well as senior Kyōko Umekōji, they aim to be top idols together.
Two elderly gentlemen dream about recreating explorations and adventures.
High school student Zoe Hull struggles with the death of her mother, Jennifer, and her relationship with her father, Todd, is strained. On the way to school, Zoe witnesses classmate Chris Jelick planting a strange device in a field, but writes it off as a prank. At school, Zoe's best friend Lewis attempts to ask her to prom, but it backfires and Zoe leaves for the bathroom when a drink is spilled on her.
Around town several incendiary devices are set off, distracting first responders. A van crashes into the school cafeteria carrying four school shooters. The leader, Tristan Voy, orders his accomplices Chris Jelick, Anna Jelick and Kip Quade to begin killing students. Lewis, who has access to the school's Facebook page, is tasked with live streaming by Tristan. Zoe crawls through the bathroom ceiling and escapes the school. She begins warning students and helping them escape.
Tristan calls the front office to alert them of the shooting. Because school protocol requires that the shooting be confirmed, the school's principal and security guard are sent to the cafeteria to investigate. The principal attempts to talk Tristan down, blaming himself for Tristan's rage. Tristan admits that the entire shooting was a ploy for attention and he only seeks to gain infamy. Tristan kills the principal but allows the unarmed security guard to escape, commenting on how unprepared the guard was for an actual shooting. With the situation finally confirmed, the front office calls a lockdown.
Sheriff Tarsy attempts to coordinate a response to the shooting, but it proves difficult. An explosion in the front office kills the first police officer to respond. Anna is sent to survey the damage, but she encounters Zoe, and is killed in the resulting fight. A police officer arrives at Tristan's home to find that he has murdered his mother. The media picks up the livestream, much to Tristan's delight, and he begins removing students from their classrooms where they are sheltered in place.
Kip encounters Zoe and chases after her, but he is quickly subdued. Handcuffed, Kip admits his motivation for the shooting was retaliation for a bullying incident that occurred in middle school. Zoe points out that Kip has murdered several innocent students who had nothing to do with the incident. Zoe contacts the Sheriff and tells him that he needs to direct the media's cameras away from the school so that she can safely evacuate students. Sheriff Tarsy calls Tristan live on-air to provide cover, but Tristan soon realizes the ruse. Tristan demands Zoe reveal herself to him, threatening to kill hostages every five minutes if she does not.
Zoe returns to Kip, who expresses remorse for what he has done. As partial atonement for his crimes, Zoe has Kip ambush Tristan, and in the ensuing chaos that leaves Kip dead and Lewis injured, Zoe escapes with Lewis. Zoe settles Lewis and reveals that she reciprocates his feelings for her, but that she has a hard time expressing them. Lewis warns her that the van in the cafeteria is filled with explosives. Chris is sent to kill Zoe, but he is instead killed by Todd, who has taken a sniping position outside the school, right before Chris can execute her. Zoe hijacks the livestream, telling Tristan that she is the one people will remember, not him.
Tristan rigs the van to explode and escapes with a single hostage and an explosive. Zoe jams the van in reverse so it explodes in the vacant parking lot. Zoe pursues Tristan, but is mistakenly arrested by SWAT. Outside of the school, Zoe meets Sheriff Tarsy, who thanks her for her actions and tells her that Tristan died in an explosion. Zoe meets with her father, affirming their love and repairing their relationship. Afterwards, she sees Tristan fleeing into the woods, having faked his own death. Zoe retrieves her father's hunting rifle and shoots Tristan as he retrieves a cache of money and a passport. Standing over him, Zoe lets Tristan bleed to death, telling him that it is what he deserves for what he has done.
During the lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic, the movie director Luca Guadagnino, with the help of a small crew, comes down to Sicily from Milan armed only with a smartphone and a tablet, to knock on the doors of his childhood friends and understand with them how they lived this exceptional moment that united the whole world.
Bessie and Josephine "Jo" Cavallo are sisters who live with their grandfather in New Jersey. Both sisters work at American Radium, where they paint watch dials.
One day, Bessie meets Walt, a young communist and photographer, who comes to take pictures of the young women at work in the factory. Bessie and Walt fall for each other, each involving the other more and more into each other's lives. Walt brings Bessie into his world of subversive political thought and counter-culture, at one point directing her to Ms. Wiley, who leads the Consumer's League of New Jersey.
Jo eventually falls ill, and Bessie seeks out help. When Mr. Roeder, the foreman, sends along the company doctor, Dr. Flint, the latter finds no problem with Jo. After the sisters ask for him to run more tests, he returns with a diagnosis of syphilis, which was the same diagnosis given to the eldest Cavallo sister, Mary, before she died two years prior.
The Cavallo sisters refuse to accept this diagnosis, especially as Jo is a virgin. They seek help from Wiley, who is willing to go against American Radium, but she warns them that the process won't be easy. Bessie tries to warn the other girls at the factory of the dangers and urges them to get tested for radium poisoning, but most are reluctant to quit or get tested. Once Mary's body is exhumed and tested, her bones are found to be radioactive, strengthening the case against American Radium. Eventually two more girls join the Cavallo sisters, but American Radium responds to this momentum by trying to coerce the Cavallo sisters into silence, and then intimidating them by following them around when they walk alone.
Eventually, Mr. Henry Berry agrees to represent the case of the dial painters. The trial proceeds and seems to be going well, but Bessie knows she needs stronger support for her side, so she seeks out Mr. Leech, the branch supervisor, who also had a secret relationship with Mary before her death. Bessie eventually finds Leech in the hospital, suffering of radium poisoning. After much convincing, Leech agrees to testify on behalf of the dial painters, because of the love he held for Mary. Yet, when he is called to the stand, he lies, saying he never had a relationship with Mary, and that he had never warned her of the dangers of radium. When Bessie asks him why he changed his testimony, he says that his sister died of cancer, and while he wasn't able to help or cure her, at least American Radium would provide for her children and grandchildren, so he had to help it survive.
After the state trial judge grants American Radium a long extension on the negotiations, a federal judge who had taken an interest in the case negotiates a deal on behalf of the victims (by now dubbed the "Radium Girls"). The girls are granted $10,000, each, and the factory in New Jersey will be shut down. The girls, with the exception of Bessie, are delighted. Bessie is reluctant to accept this deal, because she wants the impacts of the case to be further reaching - but, as Wiley says, "It is never over." All the girls end up signing the settlement.
The epilogue states that radium was used to paint luminous clocks until the 1970s, that the judge who had negotiated the settlement was a stockholder in American Radium, that the Radium Girls case impacted labor law in the United States, and that if you place a Geiger counter over the grave of a Radium Girl, it will click for more than a thousand years.
''The Warrior Who Carried Life'' is a novel in which Cara learns witchcraft to get revenge on the Galu.
''Damiano'' is a novel in which the lute-playing alchemist Damiano goes on a quest to bring peace to his war-torn home town.
''A Box of Nothing'' is a novel in which a youngster acquires a box of the original nothingness that existed before the beginning of the universe.
''The Seventh Gate'' is a novel in which the 'Seven Citadels' tetralogy is concluded.
''The Terra Data'' is a novel in which Dumarest seeks knowledge.
The successful young Swiss banker Roger Caviezel has been smuggling the black money of his German customers across the border for some time. When he is stopped in his vehicle at a border control, he flees into Lake Constance with his wallet - as the police are chasing him. This lake, however, is populated by mystical beings. The banker bets with a witch that he can find his true love in a maximum of three attempts. When his flirtations with a shepherdess, a blonde seductress and a waitress fail and he realises that he cannot free himself from the clutches of the pushy witch, he visits his canton Graubünden. Home. There he falls in love with a Turkish employee on his grandmother's farm, which also does not last long. After he was able to parachute to safety from the witch, he is enchanted by another companion, the mermaid in Lara Croft outfit. She becomes his mistress Patricia, with whom Roger finds his new happiness as a lido operator on Lake Geneva.
''The Fungus'' is a novel in which a fungus causes people's body parts to become spongy and fall off.
David Brower is a middle-aged bachelor in 1990 who is looking for a romantic partner while also caring for his irritable dementia-ridden mother Lucille. His father, Frank, an accomplished jazz musician, committed suicide ten years prior. He has been utilizing Video Rendezvous, a video dating service, for six months to no avail. After going to one of their locations to record an updated tape, David stumbles across another tape in their bargain bin titled "Rent-A-Pal," which he purchases after it intrigues him. Watching the tape, he finds that Rent-A-Pal features its host, Andy, who talks to the viewer and leaves in pauses to allow the viewer to simulate a conversation, though is quickly disillusioned and shuts it off.
The next morning, David is contacted by Video Rendezvous, who says that a woman, Lisa, wanted to match with him after watching his latest tape. When he goes to retrieve her tape, the receptionist informs him that she has already found another match, and when he watches her tape, he learns that she likes jazz and is a professional caregiver, depressing him further. He decides to continue watching Rent-A-Pal, where David confides in Andy that Lucille, like Andy's mother, was physically abusive. David also talks about his failures to find a partner, and when Andy shares a story about a girl who lied to avoid going to a dance with him in high school, he convinces David to make him his friend.
David continuously watches the tape, virtually talking, drinking, and playing cards with Andy. During one viewing, Andy presses David for an embarrassing story, in which David talks about how bullies in middle school left sexually explicit and threatening notes in David's name in the locker of a girl he liked which resulted in his suspension, the ordeal giving David trust issues. Andy begins to share an embarrassing story of his own from his college days, which begins to get increasingly more detailed and sexually charged as he goes on, prompting David to begin masturbating to it. Lucille catches David in the act, but mistakes him for her late husband. As she gets more belligerent, David, in his anger, tells her that her husband is dead. After this causes her to break down, he recants and says that Frank is still alive and well to calm her down.
One day, David receives another call from Video Rendezvous, who informs him that Lisa's previous match didn't work out and that she's once again interested in him. The two go on a date at a roller rink/arcade, where the two talk and connect about their experience in caregiving. The date goes successfully, and Lisa gives David her number and sets up another date for the following evening. David tells Andy about it, but Andy is strangely angered by this, accusing David of casting him aside and forgetting about a previously planned time to play cards, causing David to cancel his date the following morning, using his mom as an excuse.
David spends the evening interacting with Andy, and when he goes upstairs for a drink, he discovers that Lucille has wandered out of the home. Frantic and unable to find her, David considers calling 911, but calls Lisa for help, and with her assistance, he locates her and returns her home. David takes the opportunity to show her his room and share his father's music with her. They begin to get intimate on the couch, during which David sits on the remote and turns Rent-A-Pal on. As Andy seems to judgingly watch David make out with Lisa, David prematurely ejaculates when Lisa touches his leg and Andy laughs hysterically, alerting Lisa. When Lisa questions David about the tape, he gets angry and defensive, prompting her to leave.
The next morning, as David cleans the house, he finds a picture in his mother's room featuring him and a man who looks like Andy. He then finds his Rent-A-Pal tape missing, only to discover Lucille cutting the tape's film in the kitchen, mistaking it for Scotch tape. Furious, David strikes Lucille across the face with the tape, knocking her to the ground, before going to Video Rendezvous and aggressively acquiring another Rent-A-Pal tape. After re-watching it, he takes Lucille, still on the kitchen floor, to the top of the basement stairwell. After she addresses him as David, he coldly whispers to her that she's the reason that Frank killed himself before pushing her down, grievously injuring her. Soon, all the TVs in the house begin to play Rent-A-Pal as Andy expresses his excitement to be David's friend.
Lisa arrives at David's house, wanting to make amends for the previous night and bring over dinner, but she discovers Lucille's body. David confronts her, speaking like Andy as he attempts to keep her from calling the police before trying to murder her. Lisa manages to free herself and stabs David in the chest with a pair of scissors before fleeing and shouting for help. David drags himself into the basement and fast-forwards the Rent-A-Pal tape to the end in which Andy forlornly says goodbye to the viewer before he bleeds out.
In a saloon, a drunkard is in such a bad state that the police are called in to carry him away and bring him home. His arriving there wakes up his sleeping wife and daughter; when they remonstrate him for his drunkenness, he reacts violently and pushes them both out of a window. By miraculous good luck, both survive the attack; the daughter falls into a peddler's basket, and the wife gets caught on the side of the building as she falls.
The drunkard, believing himself to have murdered his family, is shocked into sobriety and attempts to hang himself. However, the rope breaks just as a police officer comes in, leading the wife and daughter. The ex-drunkard pledges never to touch another drop of alcohol, and the whole family is happy.
Carpenter Bruno built dream home on father-in-law's property, daughter Lydia dies. Apparently without will access. Bruno's evicted, moving into his dad's shed, Maria (Parker Posey) purchases home, wants remodeling, contractor Bruno grudgingly changes decor. Dating.Uninterested Bruno dates Marie, romance follows. Whilst removing kitchen's drawer finding a false bottom and finds wife's will. During party, lawyer's and sheriff interrupts and evicts Marie. Bruno returns, Marie packs and leaves.
Teenage Badass tells the story of the rise of a fictional indie rock band named Stylo and the Murder Dogs. Set in 2006, we follow Brad (Mcabe Gregg), a teenage drummer who dreams of making it big in a rock band. Brad and his single-mother Rae (Julie Ann Emery) struggle to get by as Brad refuses to give up. On a fluke, Brad joins a new band fronted by singer/songwriter Kirk Stylo. They land a shot to play on a local news show. With the town buzzing from their performance, Brad's dreams inch closer when they're asked to record with Jordan (Kevin Corrigan), a legendary local producer. Just as everything seems to be falling into place, a series of chaotic events threaten everything.
In the distant future, Gary and his cat Kiki are piloting a spaceship to a distress call in an alien planet. While flying towards the planet, Kiki steps on the ship's keyboard causing the ship to crash land. Both survive, but Gary is trapped with the wrecked ship, while Kiki is outside of it. Gary then sends Kiki out to find a mech suit, explore the planet, and find a way to get off of it. Throughout the world Kiki can discover voice logs which speak of a mad scientist obsessed with keeping his sickly dog Barkley alive. Additionally, as Kiki clears out the planet's systems to gain access to the lab, they repeatedly encounter a talking rat, who is eventually revealed to be the mad scientist, transferred into a different body. He confesses to using a false security alert to lure Gary's ship to his planet, in order to steal Gary's body. He transfers his consciousness into Gary's body, and plans to save Barkley by transferring his consciousness into Kiki's body. The scientist successfully destroys Kiki's mech suit, but she uses the passcode (MEOW) to free Barkley from his hydroglobular tube. The scientist appeals to Barkley, but he attacks the scientist and incapacitates him before leading Kiki to a spaceship. They escape the planet, leaving the scientist behind. It's implied in the post-game that Gary escaped with them in the scientist's former rat body.
About a month and a half after the start of the Normandy landings, an American bomber drops its ordnance on a random target, which just happens to contain Adolf Hitler, who is killed. With Hitler dead, ''Reichsführer-SS'' Heinrich Himmler assumes control of Nazi Germany. For the Allies, there is confusion on whether attempts should be made to negotiate with the new government, or Germany should be forced into an unconditional surrender.
Young businessman Kamoda, who owns a small factory making rubber products, decides to cheat on his taxes in order to save money to take his wife on a luxury cruise. After a surprise audit, his business goes under, and soon afterwards his wife walks out on him after winning a luxury cruise ticket in a lottery. After overhearing a conversation between two businessmen, he takes on an order to produce a large number of novelty rubber masks in the likeness of controversial US presidential candidate, Beverly Duncan. When Beverly wins in a landslide following a political scandal, however, the public loses interest, and Kamoda finds himself unable to sell any of the masks, leaving him with substantial debts.
On the verge of suicide, Kamoda and his daughter Kasumi are led by a crow and a mysterious symbol to a building called the "France Research Institute", where they meet the flamboyant Director, a Francophile who claims he can change Kamoda's fate with a daring painting heist at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Director explains that he has always been fascinated by the work of artist Johannes Vermeer, in particular his painting "The Lacemaker", of which he has made a perfect forgery of. He explains his plan to stage a theft of the real painting (which will in reality only be moved to a hidden location deep within the Louvre to be rediscovered at a later time) in order to pass the forgery off as the real thing and sell it on the black market for an extortionate sum. He also gives Kamoda a small stone with the aforementioned mysterious symbol carved into it, explaining that he took it from an ancient Egyptian statue years ago and wishes to return it to clear his conscience.
Despite Kasumi's reluctance, the two agree to the plan and head to Paris to meet up with a firefighter named Michel and his grandmother, both of whom know the Director through a mutual friend named Kyoko, who raised Michel as a child. While at first distrusting the two due to them not knowing Kyoko, he agrees to help them after Kasumi tells him of their plight.
In Japan, Mizoguchi, an aging detective on the verge of retirement, investigates the Director, believing him to be linked to a number of art smuggling cases over the last 20 years. Having followed Kamoda and Kasumi to the France Research Institute, he notifies Parisian authorities to keep a lookout for them. Meanwhile, a pair of journalists, after seeing a picture of Kamoda's wife spilling wine on a businessman on the luxury cruise, stumble onto a major corruption scandal involving Beverly Duncan, but fear for their lives too much to break the news.
Soon, the plan goes underway, with Kasumi and Michel staging a mock fire drill as a distraction while Kamoda hides the painting. Kasumi is given a vuvuzela, which she will blow as the signal for the mock drill to begin. Michel, believing the plan to be too risky, has his colleagues lock Kasumi in a back room while he attempts to find Kamoda and talk him out of it. When he finds out that the police are searching for the two, however, he changes his mind and triggers the mock fire drill himself, imitating the sound of the vuvuzela. The patrons of the Louvre all open bags that have been provided to them by Kasumi and Michel, each containing one of Kamoda's Beverly Duncan masks, and all don them. Following Michel's example, they all begin booing in unison.
With the crowd creating a distraction, Kasumi finds Kamoda, who has lost his nerve and finds himself unable to take the painting. The two of them escape without hiding the painting, although the Director's stone is successfully returned to the Egyptian statue. The Japanese reporters observe footage of the mock drill, and believing it to be an anti-Duncan protest, break news of the scandal to the press. This triggers an international wave of further anti-Duncan protest, and Kamoda's family is saved from financial ruin after his masks become highly sought-after.
Six months later, Kasumi returns to France to meet Michel. Michel tells her a story of Kyoko's relationship with the Director, revealing that the stone was never actually part of the Egyptian statue to begin with, but was placed there at Kyoko's request as a symbol of their relationship.
After retiring, Mizoguchi discovers that the ringleader of the art smuggling cases he was looking for has been arrested by another department, and learns to his shock that it was not the Director. Stunned, he runs to the French Research Institute, only to discover the sign gone, the building abandoned, and the Director nowhere to be found. Defeated, he gives out a cry of "Sheeh!" - the Director's signature catchphrase.
The series gives insight of a Jamestown fisherman named Nii Lampado and his family. Nii Lampado very passionate about education so he sent his two children, Sebe and Akweley, to have a brighter future but Sebe, who is the male child, dropped out, while Akweley, his daughter, kept her focus and made it to one of the tertiary institution in Ghana.
Eric Brady, a new hotel employee stumbling upon an open secret. One of the rooms is haunted. Eric decides it's both his and the hotel's best interest to help remove the ghost. However, when he meets the ghost, everything changed.
Pallavi lives in New Orleans and has a close but contentious, relationship with her mother Usha, who has moved back to Delhi because of her husband's work. Usha is worried that Pallavi, almost thirty, is still unmarried. Usha, who is heavily interested in vedic astrology, tries to set her daughter up on arranged dates.
To placate her mother, Pallavi agrees to meet a blind date she set up. The date never shows but Pallavi meets another man, Sandeep, and the two of them begin dating. Sandeep seems like the perfect man: handsome, wealthy, and Indian. When discussing their romantic pasts, Sandeep tells her that a former girlfriend tried to commit suicide when they broke up. When Pallavi rejects Sandeep's attempt to give her earrings, she sees his hands clench in anger, but dismisses it.
She tells Usha about her new boyfriend. But far from being overjoyed, Usha is concerned. An astrologer tells her that Pallavi and Sandeep have unprecedented compatibility. However, a private investigator Usha hires reports that Sandeep has a string of former girlfriends who are reluctant to talk about him.
Sandeep invites Pallavi to move in with him. She refuses so he offers to pay for the rent on a new apartment for her so she can quit her job and focus on her aspirations to be a writer. Pallavi moves into the new apartment, but when she tells Usha, her mother believes Sandeep has too much control over her. When Pallavi says Sandeep is doing this for her own good, Usha remembers that her abusive ex-boyfriend used to say this all the time to her and becomes convinced that Sandeep, who was born nine months after Pallavi, is the reincarnation of her old boyfriend, who had died the night Pallavi was born after violently confronting Usha. She tries to convince Pallavi to leave Sandeep, but Pallavi, and everyone else, thinks she is crazy.
When Pallavi gets engaged to Sandeep, Usha has a breakdown. At the urging of her husband, she agrees to give Sandeep a chance. She confides in her daughter about her past: before she got married she had dated a man who was controlling and abusive. After she broke up with him and married someone else, he would stalk her. One night, when she was nine months pregnant, he attacked her on a bridge. In the struggle, she pushed him into the river and went into labor that night, giving birth to Pallavi. She was never connected to the ex-boyfriend's death.
Sandeep calls Usha and admits that her suspicions are correct: he is the reincarnation of her former boyfriend. He demands that she travel to America to meet him in person. When she arrives, Sandeep tells her that he wants what he has always wanted: her. He warns her that if she tries to stop the marriage, he will kill Pallavi. When the three have dinner together, Pallavi becomes suspicious that her fussy mother has suddenly become so supportive. Usha reveals that she has the same set of earrings Sandeep gave to Pallavi, a gift from her ex. Sandeep becomes enraged and attacks Usha. The two women fight him off and injure him.
At the hospital, realizing her mother was right, Pallavi worries about the future, and what might happen with her potential daughters. Usha comforts her as down the hall, Sandeep dies. The final shot shows a newborn baby, indicating that he has been reincarnated once again.
Following the events of "Brand New Day", Agents Daisy Johnson, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, and Daniel Sousa find S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mobile headquarters, ''Zephyr One'', empty as a series of tractor beams pull them into the Chronicom ship. Chronicom leader Sibyl, Nathaniel Malick, and Inhuman Kora imprison Deke Shaw and Jemma Simmons after injecting her with a serum to dissolve her memory implant to locate her husband Leo Fitz. As Simmons' memory is affected, Shaw attempts to help her remember. Johnson infiltrates the ship to save them while Mack and Sousa defend ''Zephyr One'' from Chronicoms and work on their escape plan. Aware of their presence, Sibyl orders Malick not to interfere with Johnson and Simmons' reunion as it will increase their chances of finding Fitz. As Sibyl predicted, Johnson reunites with Shaw and Simmons and jogs the latter's memory, but Kora interrupts the process when she confronts Johnson, who refuses to fight her. Conflicted, Kora lets Johnson escape and confides in Malick, who stuns her. Shaw, Simmons, and Johnson return to ''Zephyr One'' and successfully escape the Chronicom ship.
At S.H.I.E.L.D.'s remaining base, the Lighthouse, Phil Coulson works to decipher a sudden surge of signals while Melinda May and Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez initiate lockdown protocols as John Garrett teleports in and begins setting up explosives around the base. Together, they trap Garrett with a power inhibiting device and contact Malick, hoping to stop the explosives from going off, but Malick detonates them anyway. Garrett is injured in the blast, but Coulson believes he may be an asset to them and saves him. Recovering from Malick's betrayal, Garrett decides to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson identifies the signal as the location of an 0-8-4, and with Garrett's help, he, May, and Yo-Yo teleport to the speakeasy in New York, where Garrett is killed on arrival. There, they meet several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who have also heard the signal and all brought a package containing an 0-8-4, per the late Enoch's instructions. Johnson, Mack, Simmons, Shaw, and Sousa arrive and the team reunite. Despite losing her memory, Simmons subconsciously constructs a portal device with the 0-8-4s and uses her wedding ring to activate it, bringing Fitz to their location, who soon realizes that Simmons's memory has been affected.
Reunited, Fitz explains that Kora is the key to stopping the Chronicoms and that the team was operating in an alternate timeline. Using the time drive and the portal device, Fitz says they can return to their time and bring the Chronicoms with them. After making preparations, May navigates ''Zephyr One'' and the Chronicom ships through the Quantum Realm back to their timeline while Fitz works with Simmons to restore her memory. Choosing to stay behind, Shaw becomes the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the alternate timeline.
Amidst the events of "New Life", Fitz and Simmons escaped with Enoch onto Agent Piper and Inhuman Flint's quinjet and have the latter recreate a piece of the time monolith before fleeing to the Theta Serpentis system with a Time Stream Enoch stole from the Chronicoms for Fitz to study. During that time, they worked on building the time machine, Coulson's LMD, and Simmons' implant, while also living their lives together and raising a daughter, Alya. Once the time machine is complete, Enoch, Fitz, and Simmons return to the moment they left Piper and Flint, asking them to guard a pod with Fitz and Alya inside while Simmons leaves with Enoch to rescue the others, leading into the events of "The New Deal". Upon their return, a disguised Fitz, Simmons, Yo-Yo, and Sousa help past Simmons recover the team before retaking the Lighthouse from the Chronicoms.
Meanwhile, Coulson, May, Johnson, and Mack infiltrate the Chronicom ship to save Kora. While Johnson confronts Malick, Coulson tricks Sibyl into sending her Chronicom army to the Lighthouse. After May overpowers Sibyl, she combines her abilities with Kora's to magnify a beacon of empathy into the Chronicom army, stopping the assault. Coulson, May, Mack, and Kora escape as Johnson stays behind to destroy the Chronicom ship, killing Sibyl and Malick. The team rescue Johnson from space and Kora revives her as Fitz and Simmons return to the temple and retrieve Alya.
One year later, the team virtually gather at the speakeasy to reminisce about their time together. Mack continues to lead S.H.I.E.L.D., with Yo-Yo as one of his top agents, May is a professor at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Coulson Academy with Flint as one of her students, Fitz and Simmons have retired to raise Alya, Johnson explores the cosmos with Sousa and Kora on ''Zephyr Three'', and Coulson travels the world in an upgraded version of his 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, Lola.
''The Man in the Tree'' is a novel in which a giant can twist probability worlds, duplicating anything by borrowing another world's copy.
''The Time of the Dark'' is a novel in which an eldritch creature seeks to destroy civilization.
''Spellbinder'' is a novel in which the teenage hero uses actual magic to perform conjuring tricks.
''The Song of Middle Earth'' is a book which contends that Tolkien's work is more original than critics say, and that Tolkien was creating a Mythology for England.
Harold Eastwood, an accountant, and unimaginative, meets Alex Goodrich, a well-known novelist, on a train, and agrees to take on his tax affairs. When Alec comes to visit, he is immediately smitten by Irma, an Austrian barmaid in a local pub, and Isabel Eastwood, Harold's wife, is immediately smitten by him. She believes it is her duty to procure Irma for Alec. Harold finds the idea initially rather shocking, but Isabel manages to persuade him that it will benefit both parties, providing a better life for Irma and improving Alec's novels, which have been criticised for being too full of unpleasant, bitter women.
So Harold agrees to ask Irma to dinner, and soon he starts an affair with her. Isabel, meanwhile, has a relationship with Alec, and spends increasing amounts of time with him in London. Initially the marriage rather benefits fron this. Harold becomes a great deal more cheerful, even playful, and Isabel is grateful for this. But when Isabel gets hold of the manuscript of Alec's latest novel, things take a dramatic and alarming turn.
Kalle Wirsch, king of the earth manikins, rules over the 5 peoples: Wirschs (blond), Wolds (blue eyed), Gilchs (two little plaits), Trumps (green and black haired) and Murks (red plaits). Zoppo Trump, chief of the Trumps, wants to challenge Kalle Wirsch for a duel for the kingdom. According to earth manikin laws the royal dignity appertains to the winner. The fight shall be fought at full moon at the earth manikins stronghold Wiwogitrumu castle.
Zoppo Trump wants to gain royal dignity without fight. So he tries to thwart Kalle Wirsch to reach the fighting ground by several traps. The plans for the traps are made by Rat, whom Zoppo promised a ministerial portfolio. The plans are conducted by awkward Trumps Querro and Quarro and the Spider. The conspirators sing the song: :Wir legen eine Falle / das wird das Beste sein (We place a trap / that will be the best) :denn dieser kleine Kalle / fällt ganz bestimmt hinein (because this little Kalle / surely falls into it) :und ist er drin dann lassen wir ihn niemals wieder raus (and when he is in, we never let him out) :der Kalle hockt in der Falle / wie eine arme Maus. (the Kalle crouches in the trap / like a poor mouse.)
The conspirators of Zoppo kidnap Kalle to the earth's surface where he is baked into a garden gnome. Thanks to human children Jenny and Max, he is freed of his carceral. With the aid of the root Raxel, the kids are shrunk to follow Kalle into the inner of the earth. During the journey to the earth manikin's stronghold, Kalle and the children escape further traps and obstacles. Kalle even has to vanquish Murrumesch the Dragon before he can reach the stronghold in the belly of a fireworm. To Zoppo's dismay the fight happens. The fight consists of three challenges. Despite an injured hand, Kalle wins 2:1.
During an attack on the USS Flagg, Cobra has managed to take over the world by creating a device called the Blackout Sphere, which knocked out all electrical equipment across the globe and claimed Cobra's victory known as "C-Day". Now the Joes are being hunted down by Cobra and must figure out where their leader Duke is being held, find the other teammates, and take back the world from Cobra's clutches.
In 2002, the Japanese men's gymnastics team is not doing well. Jotaro Aragaki is a professional gymnast and former Olympian. However, despite being good in the past, he was never able to get a gold medal. As he suffered a shoulder injury and is an older athlete at 29 years old, his coach, Noriyuki Amakusa, suggests he retires. While considering retirement, Jotaro takes his daughter Rei to Edo Wonderland. While there, they encounter a foreigner dressed up as a ninja, who after following them home, introduces himself as Leo. Later, while announcing his retirement at a press conference, Jotaro changes his mind half way through and decides to continue to pursue a career in gymnastics.
Reid, who goes by the username "Fe@rLeSS_" is a teen video gamer who is an expert at the superhero action-adventure video game ''Planet Master''. While battling in the second to last level, the game's protagonist, Captain Darius Lightspeed, reveals he has three children, Kira, Xander, and Titus, all of whom he brought to the battle with him. In-game, Reid decides to drop them off at a daycare before he plays the final level of the game, where Lightspeed attaches an "interplanetary communicator" to one of the babies so the daycare workers can call Lightspeed in case of emergency. While in daycare, the game's antagonist and Lightspeed's nemesis, Dr. Arcannis steals the babies and imprisons them on his spaceship in order to attempt to steal their superpowers so he can conquer Earth.
While in captivity, the babies accidentally use their powers to escape, and end up mistakenly walking into an escape pod and launching it towards Earth in the real world. The United States Armed Forces, headed by General Jayne Blazerhatch, detects the aircraft which entered American airspace. The escape pod ends up crashing in front of Reid's home. Meanwhile, Melanie, Reid's school partner, arrives at his house to complete a science project together. Melanie and Reid are both shocked to discover the babies who have entered the home, and after a debate on what to do, Reid convinces her the babies came from the game, and they decide to take care of them. Meanwhile, Arcannis has tracked the babies' whereabouts to Reid's home, and the military brainstorms ideas on what to do.
The following morning, Reid discovers the interplanetary communicator, and gets a call from Lightspeed, who explains that those are his babies and that he will track their location to retrieve them, also explaining that Arcannis is after them; one of the babies however throws down the communicator, breaking it and making Lightspeed unable to finish the location tracking. Melanie suggests to Reid that they have to get away from their home in order to stay safe, and the two do so. Arcannis arrives at the home after they left, vowing to find them. The military later captures Reid, Melanie and the babies, believing the babies to be dangerous aliens. Arcannis proceeds to arrive, and after defeating the military, steals the babies and transports them to his ship.
Reid steals a motorcycle from the military in order to follow Dr. Arcannis' tracks, and Melanie fixes the interplanetary communicator by wiring it to a military handheld transceiver, and they manage to successfully contact Lightspeed, allowing Lightspeed to track their location, also informing him that Dr. Arcannis has stolen the babies. Reid and Melanie then successfully stowaway on Arcannis' ship. The ship lands at a major city, where the military awaits, and Melanie and Reid escape from the ship with an escape pod taking the babies with them, landing near the ship in the same city; Arcannis transforms into a larger and more powerful form of himself, and unleashes his robot airforce which the military is unsuccessful at stopping. As he approaches Melanie and Reid, the babies learn to control their superpowers and fight back, destroying the robot army and defeating Arcannis by destroying an electric device on his neck which gave him the power to become larger. Lightspeed arrives after the battle finishes, and is relieved to find that the babies have learned to use their superpowers, also hailing Reid and Melanie as heroes. Lightspeed and his children then return to the video game world.
''Submergence'' tells the story of an Australian-French professor of biomathematics at Imperial College, Danielle Flinders, and a British MI6 spy, James More. They meet and fall in love at a hotel on a wild stretch of the Atlantic coast of France. The novel alternates between the hotel and Danielle's scientific expedition to the sea floor and James's captivity in Somalia. "Running separately and together, their stories become dramatic explorations of conditions far larger than their individual destinies—a meditation on our species and our planet at a time heavily shadowed by the prospect of extinction," said Philip Gourevitch in ''The New Yorker''. Ledgard has said he wanted to show that "there is another world in our world - the 99% of the living space in our planet that is in the sea."
The story revolves around Kolhapur's affluent Shirke Patil family consisting of patriarch Yashwant Shirke-Patil (Dada), his wife Nandini (Mai), sons Malhar and Uday & their respective wives Shalini and Devki. Money minded by nature and influenced by their wives, Malhar and Uday constantly try to swindle their parents' money to satisfy their own selfish interests. Also, a part of the household is maid, Gauri, who was taken in by the family after her father sacrificed himself while saving Dadasaheb's life. Though treated as a daughter by Mai and Dadasaheb, she is constantly berated and ill-treated by other members of the family, except Malhar who sympathises with her.
The plot takes off when the Shirke-Patil's youngest son, Jaydeep, returns from London along with his girlfriend, Jyotika, whom he intends to marry. Having stayed away from the influence of his conniving brothers and sisters-in-law, he strives to keep the family united as well as providing Gauri with the kindness she deserves. A string of trying situations eventually lead to Jaydeep marrying Gauri in order to protect her honour. Maisaheb is not at all happy with their marriage in beginning and always says Gauri that she is incompatible to her son, Jaydeep as he is highly educated and Gauri is not. A string of situations leads Maisaheb to conform that Gauri is the best suitable wife for Jaydeep. Later Gauri tries to confess his childhood love to Jaydeep but Jaydeep denies her love and says that they both are just best friends and married couples for others.
Saki Yoshida ( ), a first-year high school student with no social life decides to change after graduating from middle school by getting a makeover. On her first day of high school, she makes two friends and spends time with them after school. After parting ways, she goes to a convenience store, when she encounters a man who compliments her appearance and invites her to a karaoke box. In the karaoke box, he gives Saki alcohol and drugs and rapes her, lying to her that he is only doing it because he loves her. After raping her, he puts his cell phone number in her phone. On her way home after regaining consciousness, she receives a message from the man revealing his name to be Hayato. The two start dating, where she quickly gets addicted to having sex while on drugs.
Back at school while chatting with her peers, when she lets slip that she is not as well off as she appears, a school acquaintance recommends compensated dating, also known as sugaring or sugar dating. Saki accepts, and at the weekend she takes an appointment with an older man named Kumagai. After having dinner with Kumagai, she is driven to a hotel where she is paid cash for sex with him. Ridden with guilt, she comes home late and breaks down, with her mother reassuring her that she will always be on her daughter's side.
At school, Saki is approached by some male students who show her a photo of her with Kumagai. They then blackmail her for sexual favors. Saki's father is laid off, and afterward drinks heavily and then rapes his daughter in her room. Her mother finds out about the rape from the perspective of the father, who has spun the story to imply that Saki seduced him. Betraying her earlier promise, Saki's mother does not allow her to explain herself and beats her. In response, Saki runs away from home.
Having lost her home, Saki drops out of high school and pursues a life with Hayato, who has accumulated eight million yen in debt at a local heroin bar. She vows to help pay back the debt to the bar owner, Mr. Obata, who threatens to kill Hayato if he does not repay. She does not have the money to pay upfront, and bar patrons seize the opportunity to pay her for sex work so that she may make up the difference. She is then pierced and tattooed by Hayato.
Saki, who now has the appearance of a gyaru, becomes pregnant after various sexual encounters. Hayato convinces her to abort the baby, and she soon finds herself returning to Kumagai, who, unimpressed with her body modifications, forces her to do increasingly degrading things to make the money she needs.
Mr. Obata sexually assaults Saki with other workers at the bar and injects heroin into her to make her more compliant. She quickly develops an addiction, and begins to forget about paying off Hayato's debt in favour of buying drugs. When Saki is robbed and Hayato only finds drugs in her wallet, he becomes enraged, abandoning her and leaving her homeless.
Found by other homeless people in a public park, she is raped while under the influence. The following day, Saki realizes she is pregnant again and decides to carry the baby to term, vowing to quit drugs and change for the better in the process. She continues her prostitution for money, at the expense of her baby's well-being. Now in constant pain, she resumes her heroin use.
Saki builds up some savings to help with the cost of her unborn child, which she stores in a duffel bag in a public coin locker. She runs into her former classmates, who assume that the money is stolen, not believing that Saki could have earned so much money on her own. They rape her with various objects and beat her stomach, intending to kill the baby. She stumbles into a public bathroom, bleeding profusely, and looks at herself in the mirror. Horrified at the person she's become, she shatters the mirror, and presumably commits suicide by ingesting her entire remaining volume of heroin. The story ends with a glimpse at what Saki's future life may have looked like had she been able to carry the baby to term, followed by a shot of Saki's glasses laying on the bathroom floor among drops of blood.
After being defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863, Confederate General Robert E. Lee does not retreat across the Potomac River and his eventual surrender at Appomattox. He instead turns the tables on Union General George Meade with a vicious counterattack that sets the Union Army on its heels.
Ammon Lymphater became interested in the emerging science of cybernetics and information theory, and started studying the works of an animal brain, the ant's brain in particular. He took note that the inherited knowledge is an evolutionary advantage somehow not exploited in full by the evolution. Eventually he came to a conclusion that only by pure biological restrictions that adaptive abilities of insects were stopped in their tracks by the evolution. He went on further wondering whether the ants have an ability to ''apriori'' knowledge, i.e., knowledge neither inherited nor learned. He decided to consult a famous myrmecologist, who told him about a rare ant species ''Acanthis Rubra Willinsoniana'' with an exceptionally high adaptability... Eventually Lymphater devised and constructed "It" capable of instant precognition of everything within "Its" rapidly expanding range of perception. From "It" Lymphater learns that the humanity is not the "crown of evolution", but rather evolution's tool to create "It", because the evolution could not create "It" directly (confirming Lymphater's reasoning about ants). Realizing that the Superentity "It" renders the human civilization redundant and obsolete, Lymphater destroys "It". "It" already knew Lymphater's intentions, but was not worried, knowing that sooner or later someone else will create "It" again and again. "It" was only the first variant of Lymphater's formula and the second variant is possible. Lyphater wonders whether the second one would be capable to create the third stage of the evolution which would amount to an artificial God...[http://buchwurm.org/lem-stanislaw-lymphatersche-formel-die-11240/ Stanislaw Lem – Die lymphatersche Formel], an annotation to a 1973 German audiobook for the story
Gaby (Peretti) is a charismatic caterer who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. On her 39th birthday she arrives home and catches her boyfriend of three months moving out. He admits that he only intended their relationship to be a fling and was never truly attracted to Gaby. Gaby is depressed but her married best friend Amanda reassures her that she still has time to marry and have children.
Encouraged by Amanda, Gaby awkwardly begins to search for a new man to enter a relationship with. After making a connection with one of her Tinder dates Gaby is crushed when he leaves immediately after they have sex.
After her disastrous date Gaby takes a break from dating and begins to consider what she wants with her life and begins living in the moment instead of putting decisions on hold to accommodate any future partners. After her father offers to give her the money he would have spent on her wedding in a lump sum Gaby decides to open a restaurant. After talking to her neighbour, a professor who never married or had children, Gaby begins to make peace with being alone and pursues her relationships with her family and friends.
While out on a hike Gaby finds a stranger, Will, who was lost in the woods. After rescuing him the two form an immediate bond and kiss; Gaby is disappointed to discover he lives on the opposite coast in B.C. Though Will wants to pursue a relationship with Gaby she turns him down deciding that she is happy with her life as it currently is.
On her 40th birthday Gaby opens her restaurant named after her dog.
The movie adapts elements of the first third of ''The Tale of Genji'', depicting the life of Hikaru Genji in the Imperial Court of the Heian period.
''Black Lotus'' takes place in Los Angeles in 2032, 10 years into the aftermath of the ''Black Out 2022'', but before ''2036: Nexus Dawn'', and centers on a female replicant protagonist. It also includes "familiar" characters from the ''Blade Runner'' universe.
In 2002, a young American couple, Naomi and Matthew travel to the arctic mountains of Norway. After pulling over during a snowstorm, they wake up trapped in their SUV, buried underneath layers of snow and Ice. It is revealed that Naomi is eight months pregnant. They struggle to survive as the temperature drops to dangerous levels and they encounter unforeseen obstacles in their battle to stay alive. With few resources, a dwindling food supply, and nothing but time, tension, blame, and personal secrets bubble to the surface. Matthew and Naomi realize they must work together to survive in a crippling battle against the elements, hypothermia, disturbing hallucinations, and plunging temperatures.
After suffering a panic attack, Naomi goes into labor. Matt helps his wife with the delivery of their baby girl. Naomi suggests they name her Olivia (Liv for short) to which Matt agrees. Matt continues to suffer from hypothermia and frostbite while he is trying to dig through the window.
Naomi struggles to calm her newborn daughter and Matt offers his coat to help keep the baby warm. The next morning, Naomi awakens to find Matt has died from hypothermia. Days later, Naomi awakens with drops of water on her face. After checking the window, she discovers that the ice is finally soft enough to break through. She grabs her belongings, wraps up the baby, and manages to escape from the vehicle.
After hours of wandering in the wilderness, Naomi finally finds a remote hotel on the outskirts of civilization.
Before the credits roll, it is revealed that Naomi and Olivia were taken to a local hospital and treated for dehydration, hypothermia, frostbite and severe malnourishment. Experts believe they survived due to the "igloo effect", shielding them from the elements, and trapping in any heat they produced.
Tsuneo Suzukawa is a 22-year-old university student studying marine biology. He works part-time at a diving shop, where he bonds with coworkers Mai and Hayato. On his way home after a lecture, he saves a paraplegic young woman named Kumiko Yamamura, who insists on being called "Josee". After being invited over for dinner as a token of gratitude, Tsuneo receives a job offer to become a caretaker for Josee from her grandmother, Chizu.
At first, Josee is hostile toward Tsuneo, calling him an intruder. She ordered him to do unreasonable things such as kneeling for a long time. Deflated by the job, Tsuneo decides to quit the caretaker job. Nevertheless, just before he makes the resignation, he finds that Josee has gone missing. When Tsuneo finally finds Josee, he figures out that she wants to see the sea. Therefore, he takes her to the sea, and they enjoy a wonderful time together.
After this incident, Josee and Tsuneo travel to more places together. On a trip to a library, Josee tries to read books to children, which bored them. However, her drawing is appealing to them. She then slowly comes to the realization that she wants to become an illustrator.
Unfortunately, Josee's grandmother dies not long after this. Being left with little money to live on, Josee gives up on her dream and become an office worker. Meanwhile, Tsuneo received a scholarship from a university in Mexico, and will leave in a few months. Notwithstanding his bright future, he is still very worried of Josee's situation. Worried about Tsuneo, Mai, who is Tsuneo's co-worker in a diving shop, tells Josee to set Tsuneo free.
Josee then calls Tsuneo to visit the sea together to farewell. Nonetheless, Josee is trapped in the middle of a road. To save her, Tsuneo rushes to her, ending up being knocked down by a car.
Tsuneo is then found to suffer from a bone fracture in his feet, and is told that he may not walk again like he did before, let alone diving. Devastated by the news, Tsuneo gives up on his rehabilitation and his dream of seeing clarion angelfish in Mexico. Mai then finds Josee, telling her about Tsuneo's situation and ask her to prove her feelings of Tsuneo.
Josee then creates an illustration book indirectly featuring Tsuneo's and her story, ending with the character that representing Tsuneo successfully achieving his dream. She then asks Hayato, another co-worker in the diving shop, to bring Tsuneo to the library where Josee read the book to the children. Touched by the story, Tsuneo regained his spirit and dream, and actively rehabilitate.
On the day Tsuneo is discharged from the hospital, Josee has gone missing. Worried, Tsuneo visits many places and eventually starts running despite his injury. After a long search, he finds that Josee decides to face the tiger in the zoo and the road, which intimidates her before, by herself and succeeds. As they meet, Tsuneo and Josee confesses their love to each other, and kiss each other.
Tsuneo then goes to Mexico to study. When Tsuneo is having a spring break, Josee meets Tsuneo again under a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree.
A young snooker player is helped by a local gangster and a veteran Chinese pool champion to break free from a world of crime and reach the glittering lights of Beijing to play in a prestigious Chinese snooker tournament that could save his life. It has been described as "Rocky with a snooker cue".
In ''The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages'', the Ten Men have escaped prison and are loose in the city of Stonestown. While the families of Sticky, Reynie, and Constance prepare to leave by ship for their own safety, the three sneak back ashore to await the villains' next move.
In 1959, just moments before Typhoon Vera makes landfall at the Port of Nagoya, 12-year-old Asa Asada frantically seeks help from a local obstetrician to help deliver her mother's twelfth child. When she witnesses Kasuga attempting a burglary during the storm, Asa is mistaken as a member of the doctor's family and is taken hostage. When Kasuga realizes his mistake, he regrets his actions, blaming his hard luck after returning from World War II as bomber pilot. He protects Asa from the storm's damage, and the pair work together to distribute food to flood victims by flying a stolen airplane.
As they search the area for Asa's home, they see a large monster's footprint in the debris. Kasuga and Asa locate two of her siblings stranded on a rooftop with the obstetrician, who is holding a newborn child. Asa saves them from the monster, but discovers that Kasuga is wounded. He guides Asa as she flies the plane back to land, and Asa confesses her wish to keep the airplane. Asa attempts to blackmail the plane's owner, who is secretly using the aircraft to smuggle drugs, and he signs over the plane to her before going into police custody.
Five years later, Asa is 17 years old and operating an aircraft company with Kasuga. Kasuga is visited by Colonel Shissoji, a former military commander, who shows him a recent photo of the same monster they encountered years earlier. Attempting to research the monster on her own, Asa meets young scholar Keiichi Nakaido at the National Museum of Nature and Science, who has photo evidence of the monster among the disorganized research left by his mentor, Shinnosuke Yodogawa. Colonel Shissoji gives Asa and Kasuga a secret mission to protect the opening ceremonies of the 1964 Olympic Games by converting their aircraft into a makeshift fighter plane. Meanwhile, Asa is pressured by her school friend Yoneko to accompany her to Tokyo for a singing audition, keeping it secret from their close friend Miyako. Restaurant owner Kinuyo, now acting as the remaining Asada children's adoptive mother, defends them against local bullies when the youngest child, Koshichi, claims to remember seeing the monster even though he was less than a day old during the typhoon.
Meanwhile, the monster emerges in Sagami Bay, one day before the start of the Olympics. Colonel Shissoji collects Asa from school to bring her to the airfield in preparation to face the monster. Kasuga is unreachable after chasing a newspaper photographer away from the airfield, which results in an accident. Asa decides to fly the mission herself, but Nakaido insists on accompanying her so he can study the monster up close. Yoneko skips school to meet a talent agent but is secretly followed by Miyako.
When Asa and Nakaido confront the monster, they evade its attacks and launch the aircraft's makeshift rockets, but the monster is unharmed. Asa decides to drop bags of fuel on it, lighting the gasoline on fire with her signal flare. The monster is wounded and chases after Asa, who leads it back out into the ocean away from coast. When Asa's plane goes too far out to sea, Kasuga appears in a second aircraft to guide her back to land. Yoneko's audition puts her in an uncomfortable situation, but Nakaido's uncle Eisaku arrives at Asa's request to chaperone her. The agent and Eisaku team together to change Yoneko's image to resemble to Marilyn Monroe, but she rejects their efforts and returns home. Miyako is rescued from street thugs by Ginko and Susie, two female wrestlers.
Ware portrays a young socialite, Elizabeth Crane, who realizes her fiancé, Paul Beale, has a greater love for another woman, Flavia, and steps aside so he may marry. Later they are isolated on a deserted island and rekindle their love.
The novel begins with several cryptic pages in which questions are asked of three entities: a woman named Ore, a man named Eliot, and the Silver House at 29 Barton Road. Each answers the question, "Where is Miranda Silver?" Ore answers that Miranda is in the ground below the Silver House, her throat blocked by a chunk of apple. Eliot answers that Miranda has been missing for six months. The Silver House answers that Miranda is at home, "homesick, home ''sick''."
Twins Miranda and Eliot Silver and their parents, Lily Silver and Luc Dufresne, run a bed-and-breakfast in Lily's childhood home, 29 Barton Road in Dover. When the twins are sixteen and a half, Lily Silver is killed while on assignment as a photojournalist in Haiti. Miranda, who has a pre-existing pica eating disorder, descends into depression and ultimately suffers a mental break that results in a five-month clinic stay.
The Silver House shows malevolent, xenophobic tendencies connected to the maternal line of the Silver women (Lily, Lily's mother Jennifer, and Jennifer's mother Anna). It attacks guests, and the Kurdish housekeeper, her husband, and their two daughters move out after the house traps their eldest daughter in the elevator.
Meanwhile Miranda continues to lose weight due to her eating disorder and begins to show characteristics (appearances, behaviours, idiolects) of the deceased women from her maternal line, to the extent that her own twin mistakes her for their mother. When her father asks Miranda her birth year, Miranda can't remember. The Silver House reveals that Anna Good (Miranda's great-grandmother) was the one to bring it to life with a curse after her husband died in Africa in WWII, fighting the Germans.
Luc hires a new housekeeper, a Yoruba woman named Sade who practices Juju witchcraft and makes protective objects after arriving, presumably to protect herself from the House's hostility. While the other members of the household are out, the house attacks Sade by possessing a mannequin.
The House states that Jennifer Silver (Lily's mother) didn't run away as the family believed; because Jennifer was planning to abandon Lily, the House trapped her inside its walls where she lived out the rest of her life. The House adds, "Believe it, don't believe it, as you will" and proposes that instead Anna caught Jennifer running away and strangled her to death.
Miranda heads to Cambridge alone, where she begins a romantic relationship with a girl named Ore, who is of Nigerian descent. The narration moves to Ore's perspective and explores her experience in Cambridge's white-dominated society. Ore often references the Caribbean folk story of the soucouyant, who is an old woman that abandons her skin at night to feed on the souls of others. In the story, the soucouyant is defeated when a girl rubs its abandoned skin with salt and pepper, preventing the soucouyant from re-entering.
Ore sees a photo of long-haired Miranda pre-breakdown but can't believe it's her, because Miranda has now almost completely taken on the appearances of Lily, Jennifer, and Anna. Shortly before the Christmas break, Miranda tries to jump out of Ore's fourth-floor window, saying that the Silver House is calling her, but Ore manages to pull her back.
When Miranda returns home, now so weak she has difficulty walking and seeing, she invites Ore to stay with her. Ore accepts, though she's been warned about Dover's reputation for xenophobia. The Silver House and its ghosts are enraged that Miranda has fallen in love with a black woman, and turn their violent tendencies against her and Ore.
When Ore arrives, the house attacks her repeatedly. Sade tells her that the house is a monster and gives her salt and chilli peppers for protection. After the house attacks Ore again in the night, she decides to leave.
As she tries to leave, Ore has a series of hallucinatory encounters with the House: She encounters a little girl in the elevator, holding something bloody and covered in flies. She rubs her hands in salt and tears at this girl's face, revealing Miranda, who attacks her. Ore manages to hold her by the throat until the elevator stops at a new floor, filled with silent white figures, which Ore blinds with salt. She splits Miranda's skin open "like a bad nut" and it falls off, revealing the long-haired girl from the photo—Miranda before her breakdown. This Miranda desperately tries to climb back into the skin, while Ore manages to escape the house (with help from Sade) and goes home.
After Ore leaves, Miranda steels herself to fight the Silver House and its ghosts, deciding that she can't be "herself plus all her mothers." On her return, someone has heaped all-season apples in the kitchen. Miranda swallows two watch batteries (the ingestion of which can cause death). Eliot has made her a pie from the all-season apples (which the Silver House produces), but Miranda refuses to eat it, thinking he is trying to poison her. She runs downstairs barefoot, which is the last anyone sees of her.
The novel ends where it began. Miranda has been missing for six months, since the apple pie incident. The bed-and-breakfast has been closed, but Eliot sometimes notices that furniture has been moved. Miranda's old shoes continually fill with a thick red liquid that smells like roses. Eliot thinks he hears Miranda's footsteps in the attic of the Silver House.
Angel, a young stage performer in a song and dance act, falls in love with a rich older businessman. This upsets the businessman’s grown-up children.
In an ornate outdoor scene, a painter comes upon a decorated sculptural niche with a small fountain. Admiring the view, he sets up his easel and goes off to collect his art students. A moment later, a merry prankster comes upon the scene, and begins doing magical tricks, turning a barrel into a pedestal, a ball into a miniature sun, the sun into a woman's head, and a handkerchief and jacket into her dress. Soon, in front of the niche, he has completed a statue of a woman in classical garb.
The painter and his students return, and are pleasantly surprised to find the statue there. As the painter bustles around the woman, she comes to life and steals the hat from his head. Then she transforms into an enormous fountain, into which the laughing prankster douses the painter.
A magician enters in front of an elaborate stage backdrop in forced perspective, and starts doing tricks with a magically expanding handkerchief. Out of it comes a servant in livery, who helps the magician set up draperies and a pedestal. From the pedestal comes a large flame, which, fanned, becomes a woman. As the servant is admiring the woman, she disappears. The magician returns, chases the servant off, but then himself disappears as he sits down. His chair begins rolling away of its own accord before the magician's triumphant reappearance. He makes the servant vanish in a puff of smoke, and dances away merrily.
In a courtly setting, a king condemns an old sorcerer to be chained to a post and tortured. The sorcerer, begging for mercy, attempts to entertain the court with magic, conjuring up a classical ''tableau vivant'' and making a chair spin of its own accord. However, the king is steadfast. Just as he is about to chain up the sorcerer, however, his attendants transform into assistants of the sorcerer, and chain the king up instead. The sorcerer and the whole court link arms, and they all dance away happily.
John and Brooke are now on their own: hungry, dirty, and hunting down the "Withered" (demons in human form) using Brooke's memories from when she was possessed. They rely on stashes of supplies and money that Agent Potash, one of John's FBI team members, had stored before his death. Wanted by the FBI, the pair have been hitchhiking to different cities and towns for a year. They find a commune where the demon Yashodh is the leader, and John kills him quickly with a gun. They then move on to their next destination – the small town of Dillon, Oklahoma – and when they arrive, a new personality manifests itself through Brooke: Marci, John's former girlfriend who was killed by the demon Nobody. This proves to be extremely difficult for him; he is able to talk to the dead girl he loves, but she is trapped in Brooke's body and often gets replaced by the other personalities. Meanwhile, John struggles with the temptation to kill anyone who gets in their way.
They move on to Dallas, where John notices they are being followed by a black SUV, which they assume is the FBI. A news report then reveals that a gruesome murder just occurred in Dillon, the town John and Brooke just left. They go back and make friends with a teenage boy named Corey (who they suspect is the demon Attina) and two sisters: Brielle and Jessica. The next day, both Jessica and Corey are found dead. John suspects that Attina is reading his mind. Then, Brooke has a suicidal episode, and the police seize her and John; they are sent to a hospital, where FBI Agent Mills shows up. He takes them back to Dillon to try to stop Attina, and when they arrive, they find two more people dead. One was the pedophile police officer who was found with Jessica the night of her murder, and Brielle is presented as the primary suspect; John had even heard her vow to kill the predator if he ever did anything to her sister.
John is frustrated with his inability to figure out Attina, and postulates that he's driving the people in the town crazy enough to kill each other. He immediately tries to get Brooke to safety, but the demon – in the form of a giant monster – captures her. Desperate, John follows his idea that Brielle is Attina. He goes to her house, holding her family at gunpoint to get information, but finds Brielle's body in her room, killed the exact way another Dillon citizen proposed. Finally, he realizes that his theory was backwards: Attina isn't forcing the townspeople to murder, the townspeople's dark desires are driving Attina to action – and John himself started it all with his murderous thoughts. He finds the demon in a farmhouse outside of the town, mirroring Brooke's inclination to kill herself, and helps Attina start the fire that serves as its suicide. Once it is all over, John takes Brooke back to their hometown of Clayton to be with her parents and get the care she needs. She protests and wants to stay with him, asserting that she loves him. John loves both her and Marci, tells her so, and leaves the town still unable to forgive himself for getting both girls involved in his supernatural war in the first place.
Lisa and Bart go to the power plant with Homer for "Take Your Child to Work Day", but Mr. Burns decides to change it into "Put Your Child to Work Day". All of the children are forced to work, but Lisa escapes and confronts Mr. Burns about the abuse of child labor laws. Mr. Burns decides to hide in the employee restroom. While in the restroom, Mr. Burns sees unflattering graffiti on the walls, and soon realizes that his employees don't like him very much, because of his pompous ways.
Smithers decides to help a distraught Mr. Burns go undercover as a man named Fred Kranepool. During his undercover operation, Mr. Burns plans to "infiltrate and kill" disloyal employees, but ends up befriending Homer, Lenny, and Carl. Smithers becomes jealous of all the time Mr. Burns is spending with the employees and eventually tells Homer that Fred is actually a disguised Mr. Burns. His scheme exposed, Mr. Burns reverts to his old, tyrannical self.
Many years ago, all of the superheroes of the Extraordinary Association of Government Law Enforcers (EAGLES) suddenly went missing except for one, who appeared in the middle of London and went berserk. He has been raving mad since then, and held in an asylum. Now the next generation of superheroes (the players) are called upon to step up when they learn that a team of supervillains plans to kidnap the insane EAGLE as he is transferred to another asylum.
''The Book of Being'' is a novel in which the heroine Yaleen dies, goes mad, and then rewrites reality.
The show follows a queer female softball team trying to make it to the championships of their competitive beer league in Toronto, Canada. The mockumentary focuses on an overly invested coach named Joanne, played by Kirsten Rasmussen, and her attempts to take her underdog team The Brovaries all the way to championships. Co-creator J Stevens says they got the idea for the show after playing many team sports, and witnessing the amount of drama that comes from the players.
On the encouragement of his friend, a lodging-house janitor, a man goes to try his luck sparring a professional wrestler at a fair sideshow. He watches some of them at work, including a exaggeratedly sturdy woman wrestler who completely flattens her opponent. Finally he is pitted against an extremely tall wrestler, and manages to come out victorious.
''Night Voices: Strange Stories'' is a collection of six horror tales.
''1984: Spring / A Choice of Futures'' is a book consisting of 31 non-fiction pieces.
A Polish boy, Staś, and an English girl named Nel, are caught up in the outbreak of the Mahdist War in Sudan. They end up travelling through the desert accompanied by two black people, Kali (the son of a tribal chief ) and a girl named Mea, whom Staś has freed from Arab rebels. They encounter a number of wonders and perils. During these adventures, Kali is "brave, creative and honourable" and later he becomes "a fair and successful leader of his people."
As described in a film magazine, William Randall (Barrows), a political boss, allows evil to flourish in his city district while he enjoys great profits. The arrival of the Reverend Noel Delaney (Wilbur) and his fight against the underworld frightens the political leader. When he finds his daughter Betty (Booker) has been lured into one of the dives, he goes to her rescue and is killed. His death awakens the people and shortly Delaney's efforts are successful.
A drunk woman drives home with an unknown man. They go up to her apartment and have sex, before he puts her in a headlock and squeezes her neck. As she begins to lose consciousness, he tells her people call him "The Shrike".
Upon arriving at his apartment in the following days, reporter Jack McEvoy, now writing for the consumer watchdog news service FairWarning out of Los Angeles, is stopped by two L.A.P.D. detectives. They inform him that a woman he had a one-night stand with several months ago, Tina Portrero, was found dead in her shower, and that she had suffered atlanto-occipital-dislocation in what they believe was staged to look like an accident. The detectives leave after interrogating Jack and taking a DNA sample.
Reflecting on his history with Tina, Jack decides to investigate further. He leaves a post in a forum for coroners asking for any examples of recent AOD deaths. He looks into the few examples he finds and discovers that all of them submitted samples of their DNA to an ancestry website called GT23. Unsure of where to look next, Jack reconnects with former FBI agent Rachel Walling. She suggests the possibility of sex addiction being a common trait in the victims and joins Jack on the investigation.
Jack finds out that GT23 has a history of selling DNA samples to a company called Orange Nano and prepares an interview a board member of the company, William Orton, a former professor who was accused of raping one of his students until the DNA left on her body came up with no match. Before he can leave, he is arrested outside of his apartment by the detectives for obstruction.
A lab technician named Marshall Hammond works in a laboratory. He receives a text and finds Jack's name in the police system. Concerned, he and his partner Roger Vogel watch Jack in court until he is freed and returns to his investigation. Jack takes a fellow writer at FairWarning, Emily Atwater, onto the case. She finds Marshall Hammond's side DNA analysis business and informs Jack that he exclusively buys female DNA from Orange Nano. In the morning, a masked man breaks into Hammond's home and steals multiple profiles of women with the DRD4 gene. When Hammond returns home, the intruder introduces himself as The Shrike. He questions him on his operation, and then twists his neck until it breaks, similar to how a shrike executes its prey, before staging it as a suicide.
Jack goes straight to Hammond's house with Rachel to find him hanging. Before calling the police, they print copies of the women's profiles and conceal it in Jack's car. With their editor Myron Levin, Jack and Emily deduce that Hammond was running an illicit website where he sold the information of women with the DRD4 gene to incels who intended to take advantage of them, and that a user on the sight, The Shrike, was instead murdering them. They begin the search for Hammond's partner and share some of their findings with the FBI.
The Shrike murders a man after falsely identifying him as Vogel, breaking his neck and throwing him off a parking garage. After receiving Vogel's identity from the FBI, Emily, Rachel, and Jack go to meet him at work. Vogel admits that he knows how to find The Shrike, but is abruptly ran over in the road and killed by The Shrike himself, who escapes before the FBI can interfere. He later destroys all evidence and escapes Los Angeles.
Months later, the case has been made public and the staff of FairWarning have published novels and hosted podcasts on the case. When Jack meets Rachel in a bar, she points out that a man in the corner has been staring at her all night. They report this to the FBI and send them a picture. They concoct a plan to bait the man out and trap him. They block the man in his car and shoot him after he pulls out a gun. He is only suspected of being a supporter of The Shrike looking to kill Rachel.
After another few months, as Jack is leaving a podcast recording, he nearly gets into a car accident and feels movement in the back of his car. Realizing that The Shrike is in his car, he texts Rachel to warn her. They set up a plan for him to drive off a highway and into a trap so that they can capture The Shrike, though, on his way there, he is caught in a traffic jam. When The Shrike reveals himself, he steps on the gas and veers down the shoulder and around the traffic. The Shrike wraps his arm around Jack's neck, triggering him to swerve the car to the side and flip it. As it tumbles several times, The Shrike is thrown from the window and is crushed under the car. As bystanders rush to the crash, an injured Jack observes the scene. He later learns that The Shrike was never able to be identified.
After Jack recovers, he visits Rachel at her place of work and proposes that she joins him on investigating crimes themselves, as he is disappointed with a lack of justice and can no longer simply report on them. She accepts.
Philip Ashley’s cousin and guardian Ambrose has mysteriously died in Italy. Philip distrusts the diagnosis of a brain tumor due to letters from Ambrose describing suspicions that Rachel and her attorney Rainalidi are trying to poison him. Ambrose had not made a new will upon his marriage to Rachel, leaving Philip the heir to the large estate. When Rachel arrives in Cornwall, Philip becomes enamored with her despite his misgivings. He makes preparations to transfer the estate to Rachel and, encouraged by her behavior, assumes they will be married. Rachel rejects this, claiming he has misunderstood, and Philip falls ill. Rachel nurses him back to health and when recovered, Philip suspects that she poisoned him. He searches her room looking for evidence. Finding none, he realizes he has misjudged Rachel and also realizes he has failed to warn her of a dangerous bridge in the garden. He finds her broken body under the collapsed bridge.
Upon launching the game, The Game itself, in a voiceover, tries to discourage and actively stop the User from playing, although never explicitly saying why. Once the User works around the barriers set up by Game, upon launching unleashes a dimensional rift and a software anomaly who calls itself "Mr Glitch", who declares his intention on doing something to the world – in a running joke, his plan is never actually heard due to some external circumstances, such as advertisements and codes.
Game and the User are then transported through various games: First, into a classic point and click whose visual and gameplay style resembles ''Day of the Tentacle''
The portal leads back to the title screen of the original game, but GiGi is nowhere to be found – distraught and heartbroken, Game encourages the User to quit the game; when the User refuses, infuriated, he pretends to delete the save file. When the User causes a memory leak, Game and the User go through another portal, leading to a cellphone belonging to the original developer of the game, The Creator (Cammisotto himself). They find GiGi inside, who explains that when The Creator ran out of development money, he decided to shelve Game and repurposed GiGi for a GPS-based mobile game, akin to '' Ingress''; the removal of GiGi, in turn, caused the creation of Mr Glitch. After making contact with The Creator, GiGi discovers that Mr Glitch has gone out to the world and is causing disruptions in technology across the globe. In an attempt to fix Game, The Creator decides to merge him with GiGi again; with the User's help, they hold off Mr Glitch just long enough that The Creator succeeds, and GiGi and Game become a functional game again.
GiGi suggests to Game to let the User finally play, but Game insists that as Mr Glitch is still a threat, and offers the User a choice between playing the game or deleting it. If the User chooses to play the game, the game boots up, crashes immediately and Mr Glitch reappears. If the User chooses to delete the game, Game dramatically acts out being deleted so that the User leaves him alone with GiGi. However, after he receives an urgent message about a "spy," Game soon realizes that the User is still watching them, although unable to interact.
A conflict arises between two local olive oil ranches. Nicole Cabella is determined to prove the opponent Jake Brandini her family's recipe is award-worthy. But what if these two fall in love?.
''Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War'' is set during the Cold War in the early 1980s. The campaign follows Green Beret turned CIA SAD/SOG officer Russell Adler (Bruce Thomas) and his mission to stop an international espionage threat named Perseus (William Salyers) in 1981. The story is inspired by actual events and the campaign features locations such as East Berlin, Vietnam, Turkey, and the Soviet KGB headquarters. Adler is supported by returning ''Black Ops'' characters Alex Mason (Chris Payne Gilbert), Frank Woods (Damon Victor Allen) and Jason Hudson (Piotr Michael), alongside fellow MACV-SOG operative Lawrence Sims (Reggie Watkins), Mossad fixer Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay (Damon Dayoub), and MI6 intelligence officer Helen Park (Lily Cowles), with additional support from KGB Head of Security and undercover agent Dimitri Belikov (Mark Ivanir). Players take on the role of "Bell", a mysterious operative who assists Adler and his team in finding Perseus for the majority of the campaign; Mason and Belikov are also playable in certain segments. Perseus' inner circle consists of: Iranian terrorists Arash Kadivar (Navid Negahban) and Qasim Javadi (Farshad Farahat), Russian mafia boss Anton Volkov (Rafael Petardi), rogue KGB Agent Major Vadim Rudnik and ex-CIA officer Robert Aldrich. The campaign also features a brief appearance by Imran Zakhaev (Dan Donohue), father of ''Call of Duty: Modern Warfare'' antagonist Victor Zakhaev, and Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Andrew Divoff), a former nemesis of Mason and Woods whom they last encountered in Vietnam.
The multiplayer mode's seasonal story takes place from late 1983 to 1984, and follows Adler on a new mission to investigate the resurgence of Perseus and his agents, led by Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin (Chris Parson), who seeks vengeance on Adler for personal reasons. Stitch's followers and fellow Perseus operatives include: Laotian warlord Kapano "Naga" Vang (Greg Chun), ex-NIS operative Freya "Wraith" Helvig, ex-MI6 agent Roman "Knight" Gray (Mark Sheppard), mercenary Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza (Gabe Kunda), ex-yakuza Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka (Erika Ishii), and ex-Spanish Army demolitions expert Benito "Fuze" Ortega. Several NATO allies appear throughout the seasons assisting Adler and the CIA in fighting Stitch's forces, including: DGSE operative Zeyna Ossou (Mara Junot), SRT Marine Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones (Jeff Schine), Delta Force sniper Terrell Wolf (Zeke Alton), guerrilla fighter Karla Rivas (Krizia Bajos), Unit 777 officer Jabari Salah, and CIA SAD operative Colton "Stryker" Greenfield (Christian Rummel). Captain Carver Butcher (Ron Bottitta), founder of Task Force Vanguard and a protagonist of the ''Call of Duty: Vanguard'' multiplayer seasonal story, makes an appearance in the final ''Cold War'' multiplayer season.
The Dark Aether story in Zombies mode takes place from late 1983 to 1985, and continues several narrative elements from its predecessor, the Aether story. The central protagonists of the story are Requiem, a classified CIA task force dedicated to studying and eradicating the global rising undead threat. Players take on the role of a four-person Strike Team, taking orders from CIA officer Grigori Weaver (Gene Farber), who coordinates Requiem's various operations. Other Requiem members include: Major Mackenzie Carver (Keston John), Head of Containment and Security Division; Doctor Elizabeth Grey (Amy Pemberton), Head of Unnatural Sciences; Doctor Oskar Strauss (Thure Riefenstein), Head of Energy Research; Raptor One (Derek Phillips), a pilot who is tasked with extracting the strike team from outbreak zones upon completion of their missions; and the enigmatic Director, later revealed to be Edward "Eddie" Richtofen. Opposing Requiem is Omega Group, a Soviet Union-backed organization lead by Colonel Kravchenko, who is largely responsible for the new undead outbreak threat. Through the course of the story, Requiem agents come into contact with Kravchenko and other Omega operatives, including: Doctor William Peck (Zeke Alton), an American scientist who betrayed the United States government to defect to Omega; Doctor Aleksandra Valentina (Sadie Alexandru), Lead Scientist in Psychotronics Research, whose secret identity is Angelika Vogel, daughter of Nazi scientist Ulrich Vogel (Michael Gough); Doctor Hugo Jager, Research Lead of Necro-Analytics department; and Gorev (Zeke Alton), Kravchenko's right-hand man. Assisting Requiem in their battle against Omega Group and the undead are Samantha Maxis (Julie Nathanson), a former BND operative and acquaintance of Weaver with a mysterious past; and Sergei Ravenov (Andrew Morgado), an Omega Group soldier who lost faith in the organization's mission and acts as Maxis' mole. Both Requiem and Omega also regularly establish contact with Kazimir Zykov (Andrew Morgado), a Soviet engineer who is trapped in the Dark Aether dimension and wishes to escape with either group's help.
In January 1981, CIA SAD/SOG operatives Russell Adler, Alex Mason, and Frank Woods are sent to target Qasim Javadi and Arash Kadivar for their roles in the Iran hostage crisis. With intelligence gained from interrogating Qasim, the team tracks Arash to Turkey. Arash boasts that Perseus was the one responsible for organizing the hostage crisis before being executed. US President Ronald Reagan authorizes a black operation team to neutralize Perseus after being briefed of his threat by Jason Hudson and Adler.
Adler’s team consists of CIA operative Lawrence Sims, American born Mossad operative Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay, and MI6 intelligence officer Helen Park, with Mason and Woods providing tactical support. The final member of the team is an agent known only by the codename "Bell", who served with Adler and Sims in MACV-SOG during the Vietnam War. The team starts by asking Bell to recall Operation Fracture Jaw in 1968, where Adler believes he, Bell, and Sims first encountered Perseus. Afterwards, the team proceeds to East Berlin to apprehend/kill Anton Volkov, a Russian mafia boss with ties to Perseus.
Following an infiltration into a secret Spetsnaz training facility by Bell and Woods, the team discovers that Perseus had infiltrated Operation Greenlight, a top secret American program that secretly planted neutron bombs in every major European city to deny their use to the Soviets in the event of an invasion. Mason and Woods are deployed to Mount Yamantau in the Ural Mountains, where they infiltrate Nikita Dragovich's destroyed base in hopes of retrieving his list of sleeper agents. However, the team finds out that Perseus has wiped the data from the Yamantau base's mainframe, leaving their only option to infiltrate KGB Headquarters to retrieve the list. Enlisting the help of one of their KGB double agent allies, Dimitri Belikov, they manage to get Adler and Bell inside the Lubyanka Building. The team learns that an Operation Greenlight scientist is one of the sleeper agents and has fled to Cuba. Hoping to catch Perseus there, the team launches a raid. They learn that Perseus has managed to steal the detonation codes for every Operation Greenlight bomb, meaning he can devastate Europe and lay the blame on the United States. The team comes under heavy fire and Lazar and Park are injured in the process, leaving Bell only enough time to save one of them.
After rescuing Bell, Adler continues to press them by provoking their memories of Vietnam once more. At this point, Bell's true identity is revealed as an agent of Perseus, having been shot by Arash in Turkey out of jealousy. Bell was found by Adler and was brainwashed using Project MKUltra into believing they were his comrade. With Bell's memory returned, Adler interrogates them on the location of Perseus' headquarters. Bell can then either choose to remain loyal to Perseus and lie to Adler, or choose to betray Perseus and reveal his location.
In the non-canonical endings where Bell chooses to stay loyal to Perseus, they lie by telling Adler to head to the Duga radar array, where the team will be too far away to stop Perseus from activating the nukes. If Bell has established contact with the Soviet Army beforehand, they will trick the team into a trap and kill them with the help of Perseus and the Soviet Union Army before they activate the nukes. If Bell refuses to kill the team, Bell is executed by Adler but the nukes will still go off. Europe is devastated by the explosions and public opinion of the United States plummets. The CIA is forced to erase the existence of Adler and his team in an effort to cover up the United States' involvement in Operation Greenlight. Perseus boasts that his agents in Europe will take advantage of the chaos to infiltrate every European government and turn them towards the Soviet Union, while his agents in the United States will continue to undermine the country.
In the canonical ending where Bell decides to betray Perseus and help the CIA, they along with the team assault Perseus' headquarters in the Solovetsky Islands and destroy the transmitters needed to send the detonation signal. With the failure of Operation Greenlight, Perseus goes into hiding, though Adler swears to continue pursuing him and dismantle his spy network. Later, Adler takes Bell out for a private conversation, assuring them that their choice to turn against Perseus was of their own free will and that they are a hero. Adler then admits that Bell must be eliminated as a loose end and both draw their guns, with the scene fading to black as gunshots are heard.
Two years after Operation Greenlight's failure, a Perseus cell infiltrates the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and successfully hijacks a nuclear ICBM during military exercise Able Archer 83. Operators from NATO and Warsaw Pact countries are deployed to various hot zones, where Perseus activities are sighted. On January 20, 1984, a Perseus cell, led by Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin, raids a CIA safe house in West Berlin in order to gain intel on Adler. Stitch, who was in charge of Nova-6 production on Rebirth Island, vowed vengeance on Adler, who captured and tortured him during the CIA’s assault on the island in 1968. Stitch leaves behind a message to taunt Adler that leads him to a mall in New Jersey. At the mall, Adler’s team runs into an ambush by Stitch, who has also set up a cache of Nova-6. The team attempts to escape, but Adler is ultimately captured and taken away by Stitch and his men.
Three months later, Woods leads a squad to Laos where Adler was last sighted, only to learn that he has been transported to Verdansk. Hudson authorizes a search and rescue operation to retrieve Adler. On June 2, 1984, two Perseus operatives, Freya "Wraith" Helvig and Roman "Knight" Gray, infiltrate the Yamantau secret military base and retrieve data related to Dragovich's numbers program, which Stitch plans to use in order to create more sleeper agents across the nation. They then detonate the base, intending to shift the blame toward the U.S. and spark another war. Eight days later, Woods manages to locate Adler in Verdansk and rescue him.
Some times later, Stitch orders Perseus operative Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza to assault Jumpseat Satellite Ground Station in South Africa. The station's surviving specialist is forced to obey Stitch's order as he de-orbits two CIA satellites, which end up crashing in Verdansk and Algeria, respectively. Following his recovery, Adler immediately leads a squad to investigate the satellite crash in Algeria. As they approach the crash site, Adler recklessly charges in and eliminates Perseus agents, while secretly recovering a data recorder from the satellite debris. A month later, Woods leads a response team, accompanied by Colton "Stryker" Greenfield, to the ECHELON Listening Station in Teufelsburg, where they attempt to apprehend Perseus operative Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka. Kitsune, who has just finished uploading the numbers protocol, activates the sequence, turning the response team against Woods and Stryker, who narrowly escape death. Afterwards, Hudson meets with Woods in private and reveals an inconsistency in Adler's statement about the data recorder from the Algeria satellite crash site, as well as his recent unmonitored activities in Verdansk. Recognizing that Adler may have been compromised due to the numbers program, Hudson orders Woods to contact Mason for help.
On August 2, 1984, Stitch and Perseus operative Benito "Fuze" Ortega attempt to defuse several explosive charges planted all across Verdansk by Adler. Meanwhile, Adler is put through extensive torture by Mason and Hudson in order to break his programming. Mason succeeds in deprogramming Adler, while Stitch's team fails to stop most of the charges from detonating. Woods, Adler, Mason and Hudson are deployed at a heavily-destroyed Verdansk to confront Stitch for the final time. They eventually find Stitch in the woods, where Adler learns that he had taken over the mantle of Perseus, while the previous one passed away from cancer in 1983. Having finished his work, Stitch willingly surrenders his life, while taunting Adler of his actions. A gunshot is heard as the scene cuts to black.
A few days after, Adler, Mason, Woods and Hudson investigate an underground Nazi bunker in the ruins of Verdansk, where they meet Captain Carver Butcher, a retired Special Operations Executive agent and founder of Task Force Vanguard. Butcher begins telling Adler and the others of his mission in leading various special operations task forces to hunt down remnants of the Nazi empire in the Pacific.
Following the collapse of the Aether multiverse , a young Samantha Maxis and Edward "Eddie" Richtofen traveled to a new singular universe, initially free from the influence of the old world. However, at some point, elements from the Dark Aether dimension begin to leak into the new world. In 1983, CIA Special Officer Grigori Weaver is contacted by Maxis, now an independent operative, who provides him with secret KGB intelligence. Weaver learns from Maxis that during World War II, the Nazis attempted an experiment in a secret bunker in Morasko, Poland where they managed to reanimate dead soldiers into zombies. Afterwards, the bunker was discovered and sealed by the Soviet Union, only to be recently uncovered by Omega Group, a KGB-Spetsnaz joint research team working in favor of the Soviet Union. A classified task force codenamed Requiem is assembled to combat arising global undead threats as well as conduct research into the anomalies for technological advancement.
On November 1983, Requiem deploys a strike team to the bunker in Morasko, dubbed Projekt Endstation, where they discover a rift that acts as a gateway to the Dark Aether dimension, responsible for other global dimensional breaches. Upon further investigation, the strike team uncovers a device in the facility called Der Wechsler, which can restore a zombie's brain functionality. The strike team uses it on one of the roaming zombies in the facility, who was a former Omega Group member named Orlov. In turn, he agrees to help the team close the dimensional rift. Orlov successfully seals the rift, destroying Endstation and sacrificing himself in the process, while allowing the strike team to escape.
Following Endstation's destruction, Maxis investigates further into Omega Group's activities, and travels to Outpost 25, located in A Sầu Valley, Vietnam, but is captured by Omega forces and thrown into the Dark Aether dimension. On June 1984, the Requiem strike team arrives at Outpost 25, and makes contact with Captain Sergei Ravenov, Maxis' mole within Omega. Ravenov guides the strike team through the undead-infested facility, while also dealing with Doctor William Peck, an American scientist who defected to Omega. After learning from Peck of Maxis' current situation, the strike team attempts to open a portal and stabilize it long enough for Maxis to escape the dimension. They eventually succeed and exfiltrate with Maxis, while Ravenov elects to remain undercover as Omega continues their operations in the Ural Mountains. Following Requiem's success, Omega's leaders, Colonel Lev Kravchenko and Doctor Aleksandra Valentina, travel to Outpost 25 to confront Peck about his failure.
In an effort to catch up to Omega Group's progress, Requiem launches Operation Threshold, a large-scale mission across the Ural Mountains where the largest outbreak zones have been identified. Over the next several months, Requiem operators are deployed in multiple Ural regions in order to eliminate undead targets, capture specimen and commence further research on the mysterious Aetherium element. Meanwhile, Maxis is quarantined under isolation due to her time spent inside the Dark Aether dimension. On November 1984, Maxis secretly contacts the Requiem strike team during their mission, requesting them to meet with Ravenov. At the missile silo in Ruka, Ravenov reveals that Peck has been using Aetherium crystals to supercharge nuclear warheads, which would allow Omega Group to create new outbreak zones wherever they choose. Not wishing to let either side possess the warheads, Maxis instructs Ravenov and the strike team to work together and direct the warheads toward the Pacific Ocean where they can be safely dumped. After clearing out a massive zombie horde guarding the silo, the strike team succeeds in deploying the warheads and manages to exfil.
Afterwards, Ravenov contacts Weaver via Maxis' secret radio channel, and requests Requiem's help in extracting several Omega scientists who wish to defect from the group. Though angry at Ravenov and Maxis' secrecy, Weaver agrees to help him carry out the operation. Some times later, the strike team receives intel from Ravenov that he has lost contact with the scientists. The team is sent to the State Sanatorium U-23 to investigate a crash site and help extract the scientists; however, they were all murdered by Doctor Hugo Jager, an Omega scientist who was secretly a mole planted by Kravchenko to root out the defectors. The strike team attempts to exfil, but is captured by Kravchenko and Omega forces.
Amidst the operations at the Ural Mountains, both Requiem and Omega come into contact with Kazimir Zykov, a Soviet engineer who was originally sent to the Endstation bunker in 1945 to shut it down, and has been trapped inside the Dark Aether since then. Zykov, who wishes to escape the dimension, has attempted to reach out to the real world, giving both Requiem and Omega warnings of a mysterious entity commanding the undead forces from within. Meanwhile, Valentina continues to further her own agenda: to open a gateway to the Dark Aether in hopes of freeing her father, who seemingly has been communicating with her from the other side since her childhood. Omega Group eventually deduces Valentina's real identity as the daughter of Ulrich Vogel, a Nazi scientist who previously lead Projekt Endstation.
Two months after the strike team's capture, an outbreak occurs in East Berlin, where Valentina was last sighted. Having learned of her true allegiance, Kravchenko decides to deploy the Requiem strike team at the Berlin site to stop her, while overseeing their mission. Upon arriving in Berlin, Kravchenko and the strike team learn that Valentina has been mutated with Dark Aether energy by the Forsaken, the entity mentioned by Zykov, who was also masquerading as Vogel to trick Valentina into doing his bidding. The strike team reaches an abandoned CIA safehouse and reactivates Klaus, a combat robot customized with an artificial intelligence module created by the Director of Requiem. With Omega Group's instructions, the team constructs a miniature Aetherium warhead using components left onsite by the CIA. Valentina attempts to stop them, but is ultimately defeated, and her energy is used to refine the Aetherium for the warhead. As the Forsaken taunts Requiem of his imminent arrival, Klaus carries the warhead through the portal to complete the mission. Kravchenko attempts to betray the strike team at the last minute, but Maxis, using her Dark Aether power, manages to open a portal, allowing the team to return home safely. Meanwhile, the Director monitors Maxis, and sends a group memo to an unknown recipient, noting her growing power as a concern toward Project Janus.
As Operation Threshold expands into the North Atlantic Sea and Algeria, the Director continues to pressure Maxis in isolation, coercing her into using her powers. Meanwhile, Omega Group authorizes a new operation to free Zykov from the Dark Aether, intending to use this opportunity to take down the Forsaken with their own warheads. Requiem, after receiving intel on Omega's new operation from Ravenov, also intends to free Zykov by their own means. On June 4, 1985, the Requiem strike team is deployed to an Omega test site in Ukraine, where Kravchenko and Peck are conducting the final steps to open a Dark Aether gateway. They succeed in freeing Zykov, only to learn that he was the Forsaken all along. As Kravchenko and Peck attempt to escape the facility, Maxis and the strike team make their final stand against the Forsaken. Eventually, Maxis sacrifices herself by plunging into a Dark Aether portal, weakening the Forsaken enough for him to be captured by Omega's containment chamber. With the Forsaken defeated, all global outbreak zones are collapsed, and the undead threat is contained. The Director - revealed to be Richtofen - orders Requiem to be shut down, and its department leads apprehended alongside the strike team, while the Forsaken's chamber is delivered to an unknown location. Five years later, Peck travels to Japan and charters a boat to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, claiming that he is looking for "some old friends".
''The Arabian Nightmare'' is a novel in which the setting is Cairo in 1486, under the rule of the Mamluk Sultanate. The protagonist is Balian of Norwich, an Englishman going to a pilgrimage to the view the relics of Saint Catherine in the Sinai Desert, while also working as a spy for the French court. After Balian arrives in Cairo, he falls asleep and begins to have a series of disturbing dreams.
''The Walls of Air'' is a novel in which the story continues from ''The Time of the Dark''.
''Kiteworld'' is a novel in which men fly in kites at the borders of their land to defend against demons of legend.
''Mercenary'' is a novel in which Hope Hubris survives the training course of the Jovian Navy before he sets out with a task force to eliminate space piracy.
''Dramocles: An Intergalactic Soap Opera'' is a novel in which King Dramocles of Glorn tries to fulfill his unknown Destiny using notes that he had forgotten that he sent to himself.
Freelance mercenary Court Gentry is tasked with assassinating former Serbian general Ratko Babic at his compound in Bosnia and Herzegovina. While infiltrating his house, Gentry discovers that it is also a way station for young girls waiting to be transported east and sold into sex slavery. After killing Babic, Gentry manages to escape with one of the girls named Liliana while taking heavy fire from the general's men, leaving the other girls behind.
Liliana informs Gentry about Captain Niko Vukovic, a police chief stationed in the nearby city of Mostar who is Babic's associate. After sending the girl home safely, Gentry goes to Mostar and surveils the police officer, later apprehending Hungarian mobsters sent to kill him. While there, he encounters Talyssa Corbu, a Romanian financial analyst working for Europol. She had embarked on a personal mission to find her sister Roxana, who is missing and presumed dead or sold into sex slavery. They agree to work together to save the trafficked girls as well as Roxana.
Gentry snatches Vukovic and tortures him for information. The police officer reveals that the next way station or "pipeline" for the trafficked girls is in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and that he works for a global enterprise called the Consortium, which deals in money laundering and sex trafficking. Gentry and Corbu then proceed to Croatia, where he uses her as bait to attract Consortium men by asking around about the organization. Eventually, Albanian mobsters working for the Consortium kidnap Corbu. Gentry then chases them through the streets of Dubrovnik, eventually saving the analyst and killing her captors. While captive, Corbu overhears of a Consortium hideout near the Croatian coast. They venture there, where Gentry finds a yacht where the young girls are being transported and decides to follow it.
The Director of the Consortium, Hollywood-based businessman Kenneth Cage, sends security contractor Jaco Verdoorn and his men to Croatia in an effort to dispatch Gentry and Corbu. The former South African special forces member is also tasked with shepherding the yacht full of trafficked young girls to an auction in Venice, Italy. Meanwhile, Gentry infiltrates the yacht and finds Roxana, who now goes by the name of Maja and is selected as one of the VIPs to be personally delivered to Cage. However, she refuses to be rescued, vowing to help her sister identify the Consortium's top players. Gentry reluctantly leaves her, narrowly escaping the yacht while under pursuit from Verdoorn and his men.
Court then tries to enlist the CIA's help for resources. However, his boss Matthew Hanley declines, claiming to have no knowledge about the Consortium and sternly telling him that he is needed stateside. Gentry then asks for help from an Italian crime family he had previously worked with in infiltrating the Venice auction, while he instructs Corbu to travel to the Netherlands and coerce a blackhat hacker into accessing the Consortium's financial records.
Unknown to Gentry, Hanley sends a Ground Branch paramilitary team led by his former black ops team leader Zack Hightower into Venice to apprehend the mercenary. They soon get into a gunfight with Verdoorn and his men and are forced to move out. Gentry witnesses this and demands to know how Hanley knew his whereabouts. His boss replies that Cage is an important Agency asset and must not be harmed, but reluctantly allows Court to rescue Roxana and the girls as long as he does not kill the Consortium head. Gentry then joins Hightower and the Ground Branch team as they return to the United States.
Corbu travels to the United States as well, where she tracks down a ranch outside Los Angeles where Roxana and the girls are being kept. At Hightower's recommendation, Gentry enlists the services of a group of veterans led by former Delta Force officer Shep Duvall, who used to raid brothels and rescue trafficked girls in the Philippines until they got caught, imprisoned, and later extradited to the United States. Together they storm the ranch, dispatching most of the security and rescuing the girls. However, Duvall is killed in the firefight, and Verdoorn manages to escape with Cage and Roxana. They later regroup to the Consortium head's mansion in the city.
The next day, Roxana manages to inform her sister about her whereabouts. Court and Duvall's surviving teammates then stage an assault on the mansion. Gentry eventually kills Verdoorn after a brutal fight and catches up to Cage, who lets Roxana go. Court decides not to kill him and castrates him instead. Roxana and Corbu then reunite, as Gentry is picked up by Hightower and summoned for a new mission.
Twenty years have passed since the action in ''Wayfarers'', and August has settled in his home village of Polden. August's identity is built on a grand delusion and he lives a good and simple life as a sailor who has just returned from America. August is a man who wants to make changes, improve, and renew everything.
In this understated film, Alicia, played by Cecilia Roth, the mother of Daniel, played by Benjamín Amadeo, is blinded by her unconditional love for her 35-year-old son, and unable to even consider the possibility that he could be guilty of assault, rape, stalking, and violence against women. The film begins with Alicia hosting her socialite friends in their Buenos Aires, Argentina apartment in one of the capital city's most luxurious neighborhoods, where she lives with her 70-year-old retired engineer husband, Ignacio, played by Miguel Ángel Solá, her live-in maid Gladys, played by Yanina Ávila, and Gladys's 3-year old son, Santiago (Santi), who calls Alicia Auntie. Gladys has a humble background. Her mother died when she was about three or four years old and she lived with her father, who neglected and abused her in a remote forested area. She became an unpaid servant to her father's second wife and her step-siblings until her teen years, when she escaped to Buenos Aires with the help of a neighbor, where she was hired by Alicia.
Both Alicia and her husband are portrayed as dignified and courteous, while Gladys is portrayed as "simple" and slow. These assumptions are unsettled as the story unfolds involving two court cases and prison sentences. Daniel stands trial and is imprisoned for the attempted murder of his ex-wife, Marcela, played by Sofía Gala Castiglione. Gladys is accused and convicted of murder for suffocating her newborn baby in her living quarters in Alicia and Ignacio's home. For most of the film, Gladys is portrayed as a passive, emotionless prisoner, who remains silent in her own defense, which makes it impossible for her lawyer, Vieytes, to help her. She receives a particularly harsh punishment of 17 years of imprisonment. Alicia is present in both courtrooms. At the conclusion of Gladys's trial, to Vieytes' surprise, Gladys makes a statement in which she apologizes to Alicia for the mistreatment she has been subjected to in court and thanks Alicia for taking such good care of Santi. She asks the court to grant Alicia custody of Santi.
In Daniel's court case, evidence against him mounts, and it appears that he will be found guilty. Alicia's wealthier friends abandon her. The administration at Santi's expensive preschool tells her that she should enroll him in a school with more diversity where he would better fit in. In her confusion and in desperation to help her son, who she believes to be innocent, Alicia decides to hire an expensive criminal defense lawyer. Ignacio warns Alicia that the lawyer she wants to hire is unscrupulous. He is known for using expensive bribes and other means outside the courts to win his cases. When she tells Ignacio that she wants to downsize to a less expensive apartment and to cut spending in order to hire this lawyer, Ignacio tells her that he is leaving her.
Santi misses his mother, Gladys. Alicia takes him to the prison where Gladys is held. It is her first visit with Gladys since she was imprisoned. Alicia had strongly criticized Gladys for her actions when she testified against her in court. She also lied under oath when she denied warning Gladys that if she got pregnant a second time there would be consequences. Vieytes suggested that Gladys' motivation for killing her own newborn was partly out of fear of losing both her secure job and her housing. During the prison visit, Gladys tells Alicia that Daniel had come to their home during a period in which he had been estranged from his parents. He had asked to come in and Gladys had let him. He then stole money from his parents and raped Gladys, leaving her pregnant. Daniel threatened to hurt Gladys and Santi if she told Alicia or anyone what he had done. The baby she killed was Alicia's grandson, and Gladys wanted Alicia to accept custody of Santi.
As part of her inner journey, which leads to accepting that her son is the perpetrator, not a victim in the crimes against his ex-wife, his young child, and Gladys, Alicia begins to understand more about the complexity of violence against women from the psychologist and activist played by Paola Barrientos. As Alicia comes to understand the full implication of what Gladys had told her, she becomes an ally for both of Daniel's victims, Marcela and Gladys. She provides Marcela, and by extension, Gladys, with the crucial evidence Marcela needs to win her case against Daniel—evidence that Alicia had acquired as part of the $400,000 fee to the lawyer who had succeeded in getting Daniel released from prison by suppressing evidence.
In one of the final scenes, Alicia, the psychologist and Vieytes are entering the courtroom where Gladys is appealing her sentence. The film ends with Alicia attending a family gathering with Santi, Marcela, and Alicia's grandson, with Marcela's family and friends, in a much humbler but happier home than that in which the film begins.
Maaish (Ali Azim) and Dhaain (Abdullah Shafiu Ibrahim) are two cunning and manipulative friends who con others for their own benefits. When they are forcefully evicted by their tenant for evading rent for fifteen months, the two compete for residency at Jamsheed's (Ahmed Saeed) place. Once their traits were exposed, they later manipulate Jamsheed, the die-hard fan of local film actress, Nashidha (Nashidha Mohamed), posing as friends of her. The duo were initially attracted to the short-tempered woman, Haifa (Mariyam Shifa), the girlfriend of an aspiring politician, Naushad (Ahmed Easa). As Naushad and Haifa's relationship ends citing their difference of opinions, Maaish and Dhaain challenge to win the love of Naushad's young sister, Zara (Washiya Mohamed), mostly due to her prosperity and wealth. Meanwhile, Zara's abusive boyfriend, Javid (Mohamed Faisal) is revealed to be a mole working for Naushad's rival, Arushad (Ali Usham) who is competing for the same seat at People's Majlis.
''The game's plot can be open-ended as it has multiple branching paths, so this plot description is for the most common outcome from a typical playthrough.''
On March 11, 1996, the moon was rocked by a large explosion that caused visible cracks to appear on its surface. It is later revealed to be caused by a mining operation set up by the megacorporation Sidereal Plexus. Over the next several months, the moon split into two, and its orbit began to decay towards Earth. The change in tidal forces as the moon moved towards Earth caused multiple catastrophic natural disasters that destroyed civilization. By the time the game begins, there are only a handful of survivors scattered across the planet, surviving through various means.
David, a lone survivor, has prophetic nightmares that seem to warn him of oncoming threats for the next day. After another ominous nightmare, David sees an omen on the horizon and traverses a vast desert before arriving at an abandoned farm home. Given the home's decent condition and availability of resources nearby, he decides to use it as a shelter.
On the second day, David has another prophetic dream warning of an inclement climate disaster and is awakened by a helicopter crashing into the roof. The pilot, Cate, informs David that she has a plan to escape the apocalypse for good, which involves taking a rocket up to a space station, all of which were owned by Sidereal Plexus. Suspicious of her knowledge but left with no better alternative, he agrees to help her. During their exploration of the local area for resources, they recruit Barry, a grieving widower, and Cody, an orphaned 10-year old, into their group.
At the start of the third day, Cate informs David that they need to search an abandoned Sidereal Plexus office in an abandoned city in order to uncover information about the location of the shuttle launchpad. The group reaches the building, but an accident from the decaying infrastructure causes Barry (or Cody, depending on the player's choice) to fall and perish. David uncovers the needed intel, and the group tries to move on to survive the night.
On the fourth day, the group makes it to the launchpad and spends the day gathering resources to make the rocket launch successful. Cate explains that their goal is a space station on the moon, but withholds additional information; eventually, the group launches into orbit. On the moon base, Cate explains Sidereal Plexus's sleeping pod technology, which allows its users to transfer their memories and consciousness across parallel universes into another body on another Earth; even if their bodies perish here, they would effectively live on elsewhere. However, the pods are currently not operating at optimal capacity, meaning their escape to a safe world won't be guaranteed. With both the moon and space station now breaking apart, the group decides to use the sleeper pods anyway.
David then wakes where he did at the start of the game, a broken moon back in the sky, commenting on the strangeness of his dreams. He ends up living out the same four days over again, but this time with a strong sense of deja vu. At the end of the second day, David is visited in his dream by either Barry's late wife (if Barry died previously) or Cody's tiger plush (if Cody died previously). Both warn him of the oncoming threat to Barry/Cody. Armed with this knowledge, David is able to keep everyone alive by the end of the third day. Their survival helps David access additional Sidereal resources that can boost the sleeping pod's performances.
After reaching the moon station again, David briefly discusses with Cate his dreams and what has changed because of them. The group then uses the sleeping pods again. This time, everyone is sent to a world where Sidereal Plexus cancelled their moon mining operations, thus averting the apocalypse. While David casually opens up a newspaper on the street, Cate is at a café trying to track him down. Elsewhere, Barry and his now-alive wife prepare to adopt Cody. As the game ends, the four look up to the intact full moon, reminiscing on the disaster they had miraculously escaped.
Chelsea Whitmore (Lacey Chabert) is a Los Angeles-based event planner who, after missing out yet again on an anticipated Vice President promotion, decides to quit her job and move to Vail, Colorado. Here, she recently inherited the chalet of her late uncle Grady, who until his death was a well-respected pastry chef famous for his apple strudel recipe. Chelsea was once very close with him, but lost contact after her career took off. She decides to stay in town temporarily while finding her next career step.
Chelsea soon finds out that the chalet needs urgent repair and hires the local contractor Owen Becker (Tyler Hynes) to help her. While he is busy remodeling the house, she gradually falls in love with the beauty of the small town; a historic alpine village that is celebrated by visitors for its Bavarian heritage. She becomes friends with Karl Becker (Grew Lawson), Owen’s father and the owner of a Bavarian restaurant. Back in the day, the restaurant was frequently visited due to Grady’s apple strudel on the menu. After his death, Karl no longer can offer customers the signature dish, and now struggles to compete against new restaurant chains run by non-locals and celebrity chefs.
While repairing the house, Chelsea grows closer to Owen, and learns that he once had a promising architecture career ahead of him, but ultimately decided to stay in the small town to help his father’s business. He takes her exploring in the many scenic spots of town, and teaches her the importance of small-town values. One day, she finds the recipe of her uncle’s apple strudel and is successful in recreating the signature dish. Now that the apple strudel can be offered in the restaurant again, she decided to create buzz by organizing the so-called Strudelfest.
Karl and Owen are impressed by her event planning skills, and the organization runs smoothly. However, one day her former colleague Vienna North (Marla Renae) suddenly shows up on her doorstep to, on behalf of her boss Trish Simmons (Constance Marie), offer her the Vice President position. Even though by now she is well-integrated within Vail with her next event planning gig in town already lined up, she accepts the offer, reasoning that this offer is what she worked towards for years. Back in Los Angeles, however, she soon realizes how much she misses both Vail and Owen and ultimately returns to Vail, where she finally becomes romantically involved with Owen.
Following the events of ''Wizards'', master wizard Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan and former Arcane Order member Nari lure their pursuers Belloc and Skrael onto a moving subway train where they launch a surprise attack with former Trollhunter Jim Lake Jr. and his girlfriend Claire Nunez. Jim is wounded during the fight while his best friend Toby Domzaski accidentally snaps the train’s brakes, causing the train to be unable to stop, and complicating things for Prince Krel Taron, Steve Palchuck and Stuart as they are tasked to use 'trifurcate radiation' to negate the wizards' magic. It ultimately ends in the Arcane Order capturing Nari, unaware that Douxie swapped minds with her prior to her capture, the group being detained by the police before they escape.
Jim recovers in a newly rebuilt Camelot while learning his mother Barbara is engaged to his former teacher and principal, the changeling Strickler. The group are then joined by Queen Aja Tarron and matured Eli Pepperjack, Steven unknowingly making himself pregnant when he kissed Aja for the seventh time. Blinky Galadrigal relays what he learned to reveal the Order's plan to awakening the Titans and have them converge at Arcadia Oaks, the center of the universe, to unite and recreate the world by destroying the current one. At that time, Order discovers Douxie’s spell and reverts the two back to their normal bodies, but not before Nari alerts Jim, "Trollhunter make the ninth configuration, Krohnisfere will make right". The heroes enter the Round Table and discover that the Arcane Order is already preparing a ritual to break the Genesis Seals. The heroes fail to prevent the ritual from carried out with each member of the order piloting their respective titan.
The heroes split up: Claire, Blinky, Douxie’s familiar Archie, and Archie’s father Charlemagne head to the Hong Kong Trollmarket to acquire the Krohnisfere from the TrollDragon Zong-Shi; Krel leads Stuart, Steve, and Eli to retrieve Excalibur, while the rest split into two teams in an attempt to stop the titans of Skreal and a brainwashed Nari. But it ended with Strickler and his fellow changeling Nomura are killed in battle while Claire’s team manages to acquire the Krohnisfere, but are forced to leave Archie and his father behind when Belloc's titian destroys the bridge while defeating Varvatos Vex in a gigantic robotic suit of the fictional Gun Robot. The heroes reunite and Douxie restores Nari’s freewill. When asked of the Krohnisfere, Nari tells Jim that "Time unfolds differently, like a flower. Only the Trollhunter will know" before using her Titan to battle and kill Skrael in his Titan, killing herself as well. As Belloc's titan continues it advance, Blinky realizes the Titans are meant to join with a Heartstone and that the union of Trollmarket's Heartstone and Bellroc's Titan will cause the world to be reborn in fire. The group arrive ahead of Belloc while Jim realizes that the ninth configuration is meant to represent him and his friends, enabling Jim to finally pull Excalibur out of the stone. The heroes come face to face with Bellroc, who proves to be too powerful for them to handle. As Jim is left alone to face Bellroc, he comes to accept that the amulet never made him a hero and he already was one. Jim’s newly improved amulet (created with Akiridion technology, from the original blueprints from which Merlin had used when he first built the amulet and the hilt stone from Excalibur) begins to respond to Jim and flies towards him, giving him a magic/Akiridion armor which can empower Excalibur with greater power. Toby, after remembering the anti-magic radiation generator from their first encounter with the Arcane Order, uses it on Bellroc, giving Jim the opportunity to strike Bellroc with Excalibur. Jim finds a fatally hurt Toby, who has been crushed by debris and thanks his friends in his final moments with remaining eight heroes left to mourn him.
Remembering Nari's words and realizing that the Krohnisfere is meant for him to travel back in time and prevent any tragic events that happened to him and his dearest of friends, Jim decides to use to return to when he first became the Trollhunter. He gives an emotional farewell and travels back to the morning where he found the mystical amulet, making his first change to the timeline by having Toby find Merlin's amulet under the canals.
In the second season, Diego and Isabel have assumed new identities under the federal witness protection program and start a new life in Nebraska. While Diego struggles to adjust to his new identity, for Isabel the change has given her self-assurance to help her family. However, an extreme situation in their lives forces their return to Mexico, and once again, they will be forced to face their enemies.
In the stories, the omniscient ''Professor Moustache'' (German name: ''Professor Schnauzbart'') finds answers to curious questions from the world of science.
Before a backdrop of a rugged landscape, a magician conjures up various outfits from an empty glass box, and, with the aid of an assistant transforms them into a couple in 18th-century dress. Summoning two flunkeys carrying a sedan chair, the magician performs an illusion in which the couple, under cover of a shawl and the chair itself, switch places. Leading on his assistant, he sets up what appears to be a three-person variation of the same trick. However, all three of the assistants suddenly transform into the magician and the flunkeys. The magician makes the original three assistants appear and disappear, along with the sedan chair itself, before the whole company dance on once more for a curtain call.
The film is about a virtual reality game developer who thinks he has control over everything in this world until he meets a young and beautiful activist.
The film tells about a man who finds himself on a beach in Thailand and does not remember anything. He only knows Russian, but despite this he manages to organize an adventurous business. Nevertheless, despite the success, he did not understand why he flew here.
Etiben and Jina were the residents of Mopungchuket village during the 12th century. Jina was a poor, unrefined boy unlike Etiben who was intelligent, beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Etiben's beauty was known throughout the region and many rich and good looking men wanted to marry her. But Etiben was carried away by the love and charm of Jina and they became inseparable. As time went by, Jina and Etiben's love affair came to be known to every villager. Etiben's parents were greatly opposed to their relationship, and asked him for dowry if he wanted Etiben as his wife. Before Jina could arrange the money for dowry, another rich and handsome man named Tenyür came with the dowry and Etiben was married off to him. But Etiben's marriage did not stop her and Jina from meeting secretly in the fields. One day, when Jina and Etiben were together in the field, Tenyür caught them red handed and beat Etiben black and blue until she fell unconscious. She felt sick and her condition worsened and finally she died. Jina became so dismal and inconsolable that he also fell sick and never recovered, leading to his death.
Etiben and Jina's love got united only after their death.
Marguerite and Angèle are two young married women. The former is a mildly cynical Parisienne, and the latter a more innocent country girl. Angèle is indignant when her friend suggests that all husbands are untrustworthy, and she agrees to Marguerite's suggestion of putting the matter to a practical test. Each will attempt to woo the other's husband at a masked ball at the Opéra. With the aid of Hortense, Marguerite's maid, they concoct notes from supposed anonymous admirers to Georges and Paul, their spouses, inviting them to a rendezvous that evening. Both husbands fall for the ploy and invent plausible excuses for absenting themselves from home that night. Each meets his friend's wife, who is disguised under the folds of a "pink domino". (The ''Oxford English Dictionary'' defines a domino as "A kind of loose cloak, apparently of Venetian origin, chiefly worn at masquerades, with a small mask covering the upper part of the face").
Paul with Marguerite on his arm, and Georges conducting Angèle, both adjourn after midnight to private dining rooms in a fashionable restaurant. The potential for confusion is enhanced by the presence in another private room of Hortense, the maid, also wearing a pink domino. She is escorted by Henri, a young lawyer, the nephew of Marguerite's formidable aunt, Madame Beaubuisson. When the three couples have supped, and the champagne has flowed freely, a series of ''"quiproquos"'' – mistaken identities – follows, in which there is a continual, rapid interchange of partners. Hortense flirts with each of the men in turn, and eventually all three couples leave.
Next morning Paul finds that Georges's wife had been at the ball, wearing a ''domino rose''; Georges learns the same as regards Angèle. There is no doubt in the mind of either that he has terribly injured his friend, and both are conscience-stricken. A bracelet has been found in the restaurant, which fell from the arm of the mysterious "pink domino", and, in the midst of noisy and fruitless explanations between the whole party, it is brought in. This relieves Paul and Georges from their self recriminations, but it leads to a discovery that almost equally confounds them, for it turns out to belong to Madame Beaubuisson, a ''grande dame'' who for thirty years has been seen as a model of rectitude. In the end this mystery, as well as all the other incidents of the evening, is explained when it becomes known that the young lawyer had borrowed some of his aunt's jewellery with which to adorn Hortense. The latter's domino is produced; Paul sees in it a hole that had been burned by his cigar; Georges sees a corner that he had accidentally torn, and both are consequently enlightened as to whose conquest they have effected. Each keeps his knowledge to himself. Marguerite is pleased at the success of her plan and Angèle has had her lesson in Parisian philosophy; Marguerite has no great confidence that the men's reformation will last, but both wives are satisfied to forgive the antics of their penitent husbands. :Source: ''The Era''."The Drama in Paris", ''The Era'', 23 April 1876, p. 4
Sopfünuo was a beautiful girl of Rüsoma village. She was wedded to a man of another village. As a wife, she reserve unswerving loyalty to her husband. She dressed him up with all beautiful clothings. Some women could not help concealing their envy of his marriage success. They instigated him to divorce his wife. Finally Sopfünuo was compelled to part with him. One night she carried her child and left her husband's house and left for her ancestral home holding a burning pine-torch. On the way across the difficult terrain, she was hit to death by a spike of an evil spirit. She left her child behind her. And after sometime the child was pierced to death by a ribbone of his mother decomposing corpse as she fell on it. They both got metamorphosed into stones of human shape.
Having heard of the incident, their relatives went in search of them and found the stones. They tried to pull the mother-stone alone but failed because of a fierce storm bound which signified the necessity to include the child-stone. When they were pulled together, the wind was completely calm. Sopfünuo and her child were brought to Rüsoma where they exist in the minds of the people as great legends.
Junior high schooler, Sam Wheeler, wants to do nothing more than keep his head down, get through the day, and hang out with his friend Adam. All of that changes in the aftermath of a fight with Jason Kingsley as their classmates continuously share a recording of the fight online and send Sam derisive digital messages. As a consequence, Adam, too, begins to pull away. While Sam is still trying to suppress the rage, he discovers he has a latent super-ability. Backed into a corner and possessing the power to do something about it, the fate of Sam’s future hangs in the balance of his choice.
With smoke from a brazier, a magician makes a woman appear in midair and slowly float to the ground. Two assistants bring in an arrangement of pedestals, onto which they lead the woman. The magician blows soap bubbles through a straw, and they appear as women's faces, floating up to join the woman posing on the set of pedestals. Next they themselves change into real butterfly-winged women, before the whole tableau disappears.
Having his assistants bring on a wide plinth, the magician summons up the three women again, joining them on the plinth before they fade away. Finally, the magician curls up into a ball, becomes a giant soap bubble, and floats slowly upward. The magician returns to join his surprised assistants in a curtain call.
A magician transforms a marble statue into a living woman, who acts as his assistant. She puts a pack of playing cards in a glass box; four cards (the king of spades, the queen of hearts, the queen of clubs, and the king of diamonds) jump out of the pack into the magician's hands. When the magician puts the four cards on a platform, the kings and queens depicted on them come to life as tiny people, and dance a minuet. Then the kings and queens return to their places on the cards. The magician takes up the cards and makes them disappear, and he and his assistant take a bow.
In front of a shop, three mattress makers are busy sewing a mattress. When they go into a cheap wine bar for a break, a drunken tramp ambles onto the scene, and decides to take a nap inside the mattress. The workers come back and finish sewing up the mattress, not noticing the tramp sleeping inside it. Suddenly the tramp wakes up and tries to struggle out. Workers and passersby alike are startled to see what appears to be a living mattress tumbling and stumbling in the street.
The tramp, still completely inside the mattress, makes his way into the nearby wine bar. In the ensuing confusion, all the customers and bar staff run out, and a policeman rushes in to arrest the living mattress. When he stumbles into the policeman, the tramp finally manages to tear his way out of the mattress. Bar, mattress, and furniture alike all end up on top of the policeman. In a final medium shot, preceded by a trilingual intertitle ("À Votre Santé, Good Health, Prosit!!!"), the tramp pours himself a drink and toasts the audience.
''The Lost Shrine of Kasar-Khan'' is a role-playing scenario and gamemaster's aid written for any role-playing game system — conversion rules for ''Dungeons & Dragons'', ''Advanced Dungeons & Dragons'', and ''RuneQuest'' are included. The setting is an ancient dwarven shrine that is guarded by a demon. The players must overcome the demon, other creatures, and a war party that is also exploring the dungeon.
''Damiano's Lute'' is a novel in which former mage Damiano tries to survive as he wanders through plague-ridden Renaissance Italy.
''Viriconium Nights'' is a collection of seven stories set in and around the metropolis of Viriconium.
''Circumpolar!'' is a novel in which an alternative history is depicted with alternate geography, involving a Great Air Race with von Richthofens vs Charles Lindbergh and Howard Hughes.
Muhamma who is called a madman in the island, confesses his love for Pinky who shows no interest towards him. Pinky's friend, Reena returns to the island and is caught by Muhamma's attention. He buys her several gifts but she refuses to disclose her name even. Muhamma makes several efforts to accomplish his love but Reena mockingly declines, who at the time is planning her marriage with Fareed. Few days later, Reena realizes that Muhamma's feelings are true and accepts him as her love-interest.
Muhamma rushes to airport to meet his love of life, Reena one last time but instead is smitten with the beauty of another young woman, Suzy, who was waiting at the departure terminal. Muhamma follows Suzy to her island and searches every house for her. There he runs into Pinky and changes his plan from pursuing Suzy's love to marrying Pinky. However, next morning he meets Suzy, and determines to win her heart through extreme measures. Rumors spread that Muhamma had multiple divorces and is a father of many children, which creates misunderstanding between Suzy and Muhamma. Further complication arises, when Pinky and Suzy discover that Muhamma is simultaneously dating both of them. Muhamma successfully convinced the duo of his equal affection and he marries both Pinky and Suzy. Soon after the marriage, it was revealed that Muhamma actually married a spirit (Fauziyya Hassan) in disguise of Pinky.
The newly wedded couple, Muhamma and Suzy start experiencing paranormal activities. An expert suggests the couple to relocate to another island for a week where he encounters with Ninni, a young woman more attractive to Muhamma than Suzy. Few day later, Suzy discovers about Muhamma's affair and comes to a mutual understanding between the trio; after marriage, Muhamma shall spend first six months with Ninni and the rest of the year with Suzy. Muhamma's second wife, Faudy, a ghost, forewarns him that she will create disputes between his wives and everyone will abandon him. However, few hours later, he again falls for another woman, Sharumeela. As instructed by Faudy, Suzy ditches him and he ultimately gets bored of rest of his affairs.
After Suzy's unexplained disappearance, Muhamma avoids all the women begging for his love including Ninni and Sharumeela. He hears the news of Suzy's marriage with another man and makes an emotional appearance in the ceremony. Concerned about his "non-affection towards women" condition, Muhamma consults a doctor who gives a medicine as a cure. Soon after, Muhamma builds fondness towards women of every age, minor to elder. A stunning item-girl, Burnerz, the daughter of Faudy becomes the latest addition to Muhamma's list of romance. Faudy inquires from Muhamma about the murder of her husband and he explains it as an accidental death. Muhamma is mentally unstable and roam around the island calling out for his first love, Reena.
Muhamma wears an amulet which repels women. One day, Muhamma meets Zamra in a forest and she proposes to him which Muhamma politely declines. Due to Zamra's consistent begging, Muhamma agrees to marry her despite his "zero-interest". After the marriage, the couple refrains from intimacy because Muhamma can not develop any emotional attachment. Meanwhile, Pinky returns to the same island on a mission to ruin Muhamma's wedding and win his heart back. Pinky removes his amulet and lures Muhamma into a trap where he shows more affection towards Pinky. Zamra successfully ties the amulet back on Muhamma's hand though the girls continue their fight to win Muhamma.
Muhamma, an introvert and emotionally immature adult who is "allergic" to women is forced into a relationship with Nashaath by his mother. Nashaath tries to seduce him into sex but Muhamma forcefully evades from her. Concerned of his phobia, Muhamma's mother consult him to an expert, Thakurufaanu whose medication turns him into a romeo. However, things do not go as planned when Muhamma becomes overly affectionate towards Nashaath after marriage. The black magic made by Thakurufaanu loses its power when the couple leaves abroad for honeymoon. Nashaath realizes that devoted version of Muhamma is not real but a curse and leaves him, while Muhamma celebrates being single.
A magician, aided by his assistant and two women dressed as pages, constructs a large tambourine from two hoops and a piece of cloth. The magician paints a face on the head of the tambourine, and magically extracts wine bottles and clothing, including old-fashioned dresses, from the face. Multiplying the pages into four, the magician throws the dresses upon them, and they perform a brief dance.
Next the magician takes the frame of the tambourine (now without its head), and, suspending it from wires, makes one of the women rise up from it. He then disappears into the frame himself, to the astonishment of his servant, before returning for a final trick: separating the frame back into two hoops, he turns them into the wheels of a bicycle, and rides cheerfully away.
An unnamed character, only referred as "Candidate Twelve," arrives for work at the Black Mesa Research Facility. The facility has flickering of lights and failing electrical equipment, with tremors shaking it as scientists begin to worry about the experiment. After entering a tram, the "resonance cascade" forces Candidate Twelve to fight for survival as the G-Man observes.
Aaron Soto is a 16-year-old living in the Bronx with his mother and brother. His father died by suicide in the house three months ago. Aaron's ensuing depression caused him to attempt suicide as well, leaving him with a scar on his wrist in the shape of a smile. He maintains his happiness with his girlfriend Genevieve and his other friends in his project, promising himself to not make the same mistake again.
Aaron meets Thomas, a kid from a different project, and becomes friends with him due to his idealist and carefree personality. When Genevieve leaves for three weeks on an artist's retreat, their friendship deepens. Aaron suspects that Thomas is gay, and realizes that he had developed feelings for him as well. Aaron breaks up with Genevieve, and his old friends attack Thomas out of jealousy of Aaron's new friendship. Later that night he admits his feelings for Thomas, but he rejects him, telling him he's straight.
Distraught over losing his best friend, girlfriend, and old friends, Aaron turns to the Leteo Institute — an organization that uses neurosurgery to erase traumatic memories in their patients — to solve his problems. He figures that if he forgets that he is gay by erasing all his memories of Thomas, he'll have his old relationships back and be happy again. Before he does so, Thomas comes back and apologizes for reacting so harshly, though he states that he is straight and a romantic relationship between them isn't possible. Aaron's old friends overhear their conversation and physically assault Aaron for being gay.
A blow to his head from the attack causes his memories to be "unwound"; It is revealed that Aaron had already went to the Leteo Institute before. He remembers memories that had been repressed: he secretly dated a classmate Collin while he was in a relationship with Genevieve. When he came out to his father, he kicked Aaron out of the house and slit his wrists in the bathtub. Aaron sought to confirm his relationship with Collin, but Collin drew back, due to his girlfriend getting pregnant. Devastated, Aaron decided to erase his memories of Collin so that he could be fully happy with his relationship with Genevieve.
Aaron recovers from the attack and the reappearance of the memories. He considers taking another Leteo procedure to forget the painful memories, but Thomas convinces him not to. Unfortunately, Aaron learns that he is developing anterograde amnesia as a side effect of the procedure. Before he fully loses his ability to create new memories, he sets out to gain closure in his relationships. He forgives Collin, Genevieve, and Thomas. Thomas pushes Aaron to focus on being "more happy than not" despite the hardships in his life. As Aaron waits for a cure to his amnesia, he promises to always try to find the happiness in the memories he remembers.
''Oxygen'' is based on the story of young Maya (Mahiya Mahi) and her 60-year-old father' struggle to find a definite healthcare during Corona pandemic. Maya and father belongs to an urban middle-class family. Father is sick and bedridden. Maya takes care of her father, at the same time she is annoyed by her father's haughty behavior. One morning while taking the medicine, father fainted. Maya has faced an ambulance crisis to take her unconscious father for admitting at any hospital. Maya has to rush to various hospitals of city in an ambulance carrying her father. In the meanwhile the fraudster runway with her money, the ambulance's wheel ruined. Maya is seen running to and fro, devoutly praying in hope of divine help, fighting with strangers to provide her father the medical care that he deserves and ought to receive, while time frightfully ticks away during the Corona lock down period. Eventually her father died in the ambulance bed due to lack of oxygen.
Bethenny Frankel searches for the second-in-command to her business empire Skinnygirl and other brands.
The show explores the world through the eyes of a seven-year-old Ellen DeGeneres.
The player character, designated Shipbreaker #9346-52 (addressed variously by others simply as "52", "Rookie", or "Cutter"), is assigned to the Lynx Corporation salvage yard at Morrigan Station in orbit around Earth, to work off the $1.2 billion debt accumulated from signing up for the program. They are introduced to the other workers on their crew: Lou Steiner, Kaito Kovetchin, DeeDee Curazon, and the foreman, Joseph Weaver, who is the main point of interaction. As the player progresses through their contracts, Weaver takes a liking to the new shipbreaker, and eventually offers them his old ship, named ''Beulah'' for his mother, to fix up for themselves, using parts retrieved from salvaged ships. At the same time, Lou introduces them to the private E-mail server of an illegal unionization movement made up of disaffected Lynx employees pushing for better working conditions, in particular protesting against the "EverWork" program that allows Lynx to reconstitute shipbreakers to continue working when they are killed on the job.
Wishing to see greater profits from their salvage division, Lynx sends administrators to oversee the shipbreaker crews. The administrator sent to Weaver's crew, Hal Rhodes, pushes them forward without any regard for proper training or safety, and regularly berates the crew for not reaching their quotas. The naive Kaito becomes a particular target for Rhodes' ire, causing Lou to stand up to Rhodes in his defense. Lou continues to agitate for unionization, while Weaver attempts to reason with Rhodes. Matters reach a head when Kaito reveals the union movement's secret E-mail server to Rhodes, who discovers a message from Lou condemning his methods. Rhodes immediately fires her and removes privileges from the remaining shipbreakers, including taking Weaver's ship from the player character. Rhodes' petty cruelty ultimately leads Weaver and his crew to agree with Lou's standpoint and push for industrial action, deliberately sabotaging the work in order to damage Lynx's profits.
When Kaito threatens to deposit an overloading ship's reactor into a furnace, Rhodes deletes Kaito's EverWork profile, meaning he will not be reconstituted if he is killed, and threatens to go after the crew's families for their debts. The reactor explodes and destroys Kaito's salvage yard, much to the horror of both the crew and Rhodes, believing Kaito was killed in the blast; however, he is revealed to have survived, having lost contact due to a malfunction in his suit helmet's microphone. Since all communications during salvage shifts are recorded per Lynx policy, Weaver leaks Rhodes' tirades during the incident to the media, resulting in protests and a massive drop in Lynx's corporate stock. The Stellar Commission condemns Lynx's EverWork program as a human rights violation, and Lynx is forced to reimburse their workers for most of their debts and agree to recognize the workers' union. Rhodes is demoted back to his old job in salvage processing, Weaver retires and returns to Earth, Lou is rehired, and DeeDee becomes the temporary foreman.
If the player has finished salvaging parts for the ship and is out of debt, they can choose to legally terminate their Lynx contract and leave Morrigan Station in the ''Beulah'', setting out for Jupiter.
An elderly traveler arrives at an inn. After making a pass at the hotel maid, he sits down and attempts to read by candlelight. To his astonishment, the candle refuses to cooperate, moving around the table and then growing to incredible height. Finally it moves so close that the newspaper catches fire.
From the fire comes an apparition of a woman, with whom the traveler is fascinated. As he kneels to court her, she changes into a grotesque, shrouded ghost, who dances in a blurry haze and walks right through the enraged traveler. The traveler tries to attack the ghost, but only manages to shatter his dinner tray, to the amusement of the hotel staff.
Klili Gordon is a half-white and half-black plantation owner who is attracted to Adam Maynard, a nearby plantation owner who is white. Adam is a close friend of Klili, but he fears of their relationship going further due to Gordon's mixed-race heritage per the one-drop rule. Adam chooses Eve, a white woman, over Gordon which causes her to become enraged and turn to voodoo. After a death charm known as a ''wanga'' fails to kill Eve, Klili raises 13 black men from the dead to put Eve into a trance so that Klili can murder her. LeStrange, the overseer of Adam's plantation, is adept at voodoo and places a curse on Klili by hanging the dead body of a black woman that is dressed as Klili. After Klili fails getting with Adam and LeStrange fails to murder Klili with voodoo, LeStrange murders Klili by choking her.
On Election Day, Marge calls Homer and tells him to get to Springfield Elementary to vote. At the school, Homer quickly decides everyone he wants to vote for, except for who he wants to be President. Lisa enters the booth and tries to get Homer to remember everything bad about the previous four years, but Homer remembers nothing. After reading fifty things that Donald Trump did as president, Homer finally decides who to vote for. However, it turns out Homer just dreamed of voting. On inauguration day, Springfield is in chaos. Then, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse fly in the sky holding flags, one with the episode's title.
In a parody of ''Toy Story'', before donating his toys to charity, Bart decides to torture them, not realizing that they have feelings. Later, Marge gives him a Radioactive Man toy which Bart puts in a microwave, causing it to melt. The rest of the toys decide to seek revenge against Bart, so they kill him and turn his corpse into a toy, greatly distressing his family. The toys then proceed to play with Bart's disemboweled corpse, completing their revenge.
In a parody of ''Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'', Marge calls Homer to tell him to bring home the Halloween candy, but he ate it all. Homer searches the Nuclear Power Plant for candy and finds what he thinks is a vending machine. When he tries to put a quarter in it, it explodes. After waking up, Homer realizes that versions of him from the Multiverse have appeared. The Homers become friends and spend time together around Springfield. Lisa realizes that the explosion opened a hole in the space-time continuum and tells Homer to recreate the explosion to fix it.
They head to the Nuclear Power Plant to do so, but Mr. Burns stops them. Versions of Burns and Smithers from other dimensions fight the Homers and win. When Burns learns from a Noir version of Smithers that the Burns of his world is his assistant, he gives in and sends the alternate Homers, Burns and Smithers back to their own dimensions. As a side-effect, Homer begins shifting into the forms of his counterparts.
In a parody of ''Russian Doll'', at her ninth birthday party, Lisa keeps dying and restarting the day. She then learns that Nelson is experiencing the same thing, and that they both have to be alive at the same time in order to live. They try to end the loop by seeking help from Comic Book Guy, but none of his ideas work. So they realize the only way to end it is to kill Gil Gunderson, which they manage to do. Lisa returns home to properly celebrate her birthday. At home, everything is back to normal except that Ralph's head is backwards.
A young man and woman, wandering a lushly forested landscape, come across a ruined temple. An old man at the entrance warns the couple not to enter the temple, but they disregard him in their curiosity. Inside, they are surrounded and trapped by temple priests, and they watch in horror as an imp-like spirit fills the temple with fire. The couple are blinded, and stumble back out of the temple, where the old man restores their sight.
The player takes the role of Stella, accompanied by her pet cat Daffodil, who takes over from the mythological Charon as the new Spiritfarer, a ferrymaster who must sail the sea to find spirits and grant their last wishes and finally take them to the Everdoor, a gateway to the afterlife. In order to assist with her journey, Charon gifts both Stella and Daffodil with the magical Everlight.
After Charon passes through the Everdoor, Stella procures a ship of her own and begins travelling the world, picking up spirits and helping them fulfill their last wishes while befriending them along the way. As she picks up more spirits and collects resources, Stella expands the ship and its capabilities further. However, eventually, Stella must begin sending the spirits to the Everdoor, with each of them giving an emotional send off as they thank Stella for everything she has done for them, leaving her a spirit flower to remember them by. As Stella sends off more and more spirits, she soon begins occasionally encountering Hades, in the form of a giant owl. Hades shows Stella images of what are apparently her past life as a palliative care nurse, taking care of terminally ill patients before falling terminally ill herself. Hades then questions Stella's motivations, wondering whether her desire to help spirits is truly altruistic or simply a selfish means to ease her own insecurities.
Eventually, Stella sends off the last spirit through the Everdoor and she has one final confrontation with Hades. Hades reveals that Stella's real body is on the verge of death in the real world, and it is now her time to pass through the Everdoor. With her purpose fulfilled, Stella sails back to the Everdoor with Daffodil one last time. She passes through the Everdoor with Daffodil and they both become a constellation in the sky.
The game's main character is Mirai, a deep-sea researcher who leads a research team to investigate ocean life, such as whales. The game combines educational and narrative aspects.
Lucas (Samuel González) travels to the town of Niebla, in Southern Chile, to visit his sister Carolina (Marcela Salinas) before departing to Montreal, where he has received a scholarship for postgraduate studies. In Niebla, Lucas befriends and falls in love with Antonio (Antonio Altamirano), a fisherman and part-time actor for historical reenactments of the capture of Valdivia's fortresses.
The game stars a resident of Beat City who loves music named Synchronizer. He meets a purple alien whale named Groovy Whale who gives him the ability to control music and implants a giant speaker in his head. His hometown is being taken over by an evil music-hating organization called the Cacophony, led by failed opera singer Dame Isolde Minor. With the help of Groovy Whale and his love interest, a girl he meets later named Beatrice, he must bring life, color, and happiniess back to the city and start a "rhythm revolution," while also helping Groovy Whale get back to his home planet.
August, who had to flee from Polden at the end of ''August'' (the second book in the trilogy), reappears fifteen years later in Segelfoss. He is now in his sixties, and he works for the town's largest merchant and eventually also consul, Gordon Tidemand, the son of Theodor at Bua (known from the books ''Children of the Age'' and ''Segelfoss Town''). August is only referred to by the people of the town as ''Altmulig'' 'the Handyman', and his former desire to create development, change, and greatness seems to be gone. August is now a helper and indispensable handyman, who has apparently found his place under the consul's friendly hand. He grapples with religious musings and a hopeless infatuation with a young girl from a poor farmhouse. One day, Pauline, his wandering comrade Edevart's sister from Polden, comes to Segelfoss with a large sum of money, and August's uncontrollable urge to act is reawakened.
In ancient Thebes, the king visits an astrologer to discover his future. The astrologer vehemently refuses, even when threatened with execution, but finally arranges to satisfy the king's demand without delivering the prophecy himself. He assembles sculpted pieces into a statue of a priestess, and the statue comes to life.
The prophetess of Thebes has the king look through a magic telescope, which reveals to him that he will be assassinated while on his throne. The king flies into a rage and tries to stab the prophetess, but she disappears into thin air. The astrologer too proves impervious to damage; blades and assailants simply bounce off him. Finally the king is told that he can lift the curse by paying the astrologer a heavy bag of gold. He does and leaves. The astrologer, the prophetess, and their assistant gather together and laugh over the bag of gold.
Minjae is a teacher who feels responsible for dropout students, especially from his past where he fails to protect his students. Soon, he meets four students who are left out from school and their homes. *
A large group of tourists, complete with guidebooks, pith helmets, and a tour guide, arrive at a rocky landscape dominated by a ruined temple. One of the tourists, tired from the sightseeing, lies down on a rock and goes to sleep. A drunken footman, carrying the sightseers' luggage, lags behind the group. As they move on, he sits down and starts drinking extensively from a bottle found among the luggage.
As the footman collapses in a drunken stupor, a figure in Ancient Grecian or Roman robes appears and demands the frightened footman's attention. The robed figure summons up various visions: women in classical drapery, posing in tableaux; an ancient festival with dancing Bacchantes; Dionysus himself, riding a donkey; a fountain of fire; and a final tableau of women, one of whom lies down near the footman.
The footman is showering her with kisses when his hallucination comes to a sudden end, and he realizes he is embracing the tired tourist. Incensed, she fights him off, and a group of the other tourists drag the drunken footman away.
A train arrives, and the sound of numerous people running can be heard. The crowd comes to a standstill and it can be seen that they are Polish concentration camp prisoners. The crowd stands in front of an SS officer who gives them the orders "Up" ( ) and "Down" ( ). First, the crowd obeys these commands. Suddenly, however, one man stops as the rest kneel down. When the man repeatedly refuses to obey the order "down", the SS officer shoots him. Then all the prisoners stand up together. The SS officer gives the order to fire and all prisoners are shot. At the end a man stops and the SS officer walks over to him. The prisoner begins to alternate between standing up and going down. Finally, the SS officer shoots him anyway.
A magician dressed as a Renaissance-era lord makes a cone out of a sheet of paper, summons six live rabbits from it, and puts them in a large empty trunk. From the trunk he then takes two women. The trunk briefly fades away to reveal a third woman, then returns to its place. The magician himself then pops out of the trunk.
Next he leads the two original women back into the trunk, stands it on its end, and opens it to reveal two male footmen. The magician and footmen stand on the trunk and become the two women, while the three men pop out of the trunk underneath them. All four of the magician's assistants pile into the trunk, which the magician attempts to carry. The trunk seems to flatten the magician, but he emerges from inside it unharmed, and all return for a curtain call.
Two vagrants break through a window into an opulently furnished house. They hide in a closet just as the owner of the house, a bearded gentleman, enters. The owner, astonished by the mess the vagrants have made, berates his housemaid. A glazier comes in to fix the window.
As the glazier works, the vagrants escape into the bathroom. Hearing a noise, they jump into the empty bathtub and hide under the tub's wooden cover. The noise is the owner, coming in to take a bath; he lights a match to the hot water heater, and gets a jet of hot water pouring into the tub. The vagrants, taken by surprise, start to jump involuntarily, and the owner realizes they are there. He tries to contain them by sitting on the cover, but they wrangle free, and the owner lands in the bathwater.
The owner jumps out of the bathtub and runs in pursuit of the escaping vagrants, who again escape to the closet. The owner crashes into the glazier with a shatter of glass, fires off a rifle that hits his housemaid, and finally ends up in the closet, which topples over.
The film is set in Milan, where Susy and Angela meet in a club bathroom. There, they take possession of a ring forgotten by a lady. After going to movie, they meet Vito, a taxi-driver who promises to help them selling the ring. The search for a buyer begins at a fence's house and continues until a party at the house of Destino, a travesti, where a jeweler buys the ring at a fraudulent price that the trio are forced to pay. But, after going out and loading a "''life boy''" (ragazzo di vita) in the car, they realize that the money is gone.
Despite this setback, the evening continues and, after a meeting with Marta and Davide, a rich vicious couple who involve them in erotic games, the two girls fight, to the disappointment of Susy who seems not to accept the greatest success of Angela with men. At this moment the three separate: Angela spends a disappointing night with Piero, a young boy met in the villa of the vicious couple, while Susy goes to the station to leave Milan. In the morning the two girls meet again and after confessing that Angela took the money that seemed to have disappeared and Susy managed to steal the ring from the jeweler, they become friends.
The film revolves around three main Characters Sheleena, Prathap and Suraj. Sheleena is a beautiful lass whose main interest is Dancing and engaged to a young Crime Investigation Officer Suraj. A serial killer is in town and chain of murders occurs of ballerinas and CID is in the quest of searching the culprit. Prathap is a person with a mysterious lifestyle and one day Sheleena is being kidnapped and kept under lock and key by him but kept as pet along with his other animal lovers. Gradually a romance been developed among two and the end of the story turns into an unexpected end.
King of Ravka Nikolai Lantsov attempts to rebuild his country after the Ravkan Civil War and get it in order to fend off threats from neighboring nations Shu Han and Fjerda while dealing with the demons the Darkling infested him with. Zoya Nazyalensky, his friend, a powerful Squaller, and general of Ravka's Second Army, is desperate to help him.
They also run into the Cult of the Starless Saint, who worship and claim loyalty to the Darkling. Yuri, the leader of this cult, travels with Zoya and Nikolai while they are searching for a way to control the monster inside of Nikolai. They are trapped in a remnant of the Shadow Fold that holds some of Ravka's Saints, including Sankta Elisaveta, Sankt Juris, and Sankt Grigori. Sankta Elisaveta helps Nikolai prepare for a dangerous ritual to rid himself of the monster, while Sankt Juris works with Zoya to hone her Grisha powers. Elisaveta ends up betraying Zoya and Nikolai with Yuri's help. Juris is murdered by Elisaveta and is joined with Zoya as an amplifier. By the end of the ritual, the Darkling's spirit has entered Yuri's body.
Meanwhile, Nina Zenik is disguised as a woman named Mila Jandersdat as she, Leoni, and Adrik help Grisha flee Fjerda, where Grisha are oppressed and even hunted. Shortly after burying her lover, Matthias, Nina meets Hanne, a Grisha living in secret in Fjerda. Hanne is revealed to be the daughter of Jarl Brum and Ylva, a Hedjut woman. Together, Nina and her allies manage to rescue young Grisha women and children who are being drugged with ''parem'' and forced to conceive children born already addicted to the drug.
In the second half of the novel, Isaak, a member of Ravka's royal guard, is introduced. He is recruited by the Grisha at the palace to impersonate Nikolai, who has gone missing while on a mission to rid himself of the monster. Isaak struggles to hold his facade as the King of Ravka while attempting to find Nikolai a politically advantageous bride, finding interest in Princess Ehri of Shu Han. However, Princess Ehri is revealed to actually be a member of the Shu Han secret guard and fatally stabs Isaak and then herself, planning to frame Fjerda for the murders. The real Princess Ehri was disguised as a member of the secret guard. Despite witnessing this, Nikolai chooses the real Princess Ehri to be his bride.
In the beginning of the story, we see a group of people from an impoverished region discussing to leave the barren area they live, but they are unable to reach a consensus nor do they trust each other enough to elect a leader among themselves.
In the end, they decide upon a silent stranger who came to the village the day before. The old man agrees to lead them but remains entirely impassive, and they come to believe that he is so silent because he is pensive and extremely wise, and everybody finds in his silence and demeanour some proof of his excellent wisdom.
Two hundred families set off the next day, and immediately encounter difficulties. The leader leads them directly into the fence, and then stops dead in his track and starts hitting it with his cane, without saying a word. Despite the children pointing out the door in the fence nearby, men follow the leader blindly, and break the fence down so that they could continue the journey on the leader's path. Similar obstacles follow, but they push on. Days pass, some children and old people die on the road, and all are exhausted and wounded but still hopeful that this difficult road will lead them into a better land.
One day they reach a large ravine, and the leader walks straight on and falls in. Some people run away, but the majority follows the leader into the abyss. Survivors keep following the leader, who survives the fall intact, but the party slowly diminishes until just three other men remain alive after falling into a second ravine. Only then do they confront the leader, who is again unharmed, and find out that he had been born blind. The story ends in ominous cawing of the ravens above.
A boy named Jacob who suffers from [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23696338/ clinical zoanthropy], believing he is a wolf, is committed to a mental asylum following an attack on his brother. There he meets and befriends the other patients, who also believe themselves to be animals, including Rufus, who believes he’s a German Shepherd. He forms a close bond with Cecile, an enigmatic patient nicknamed "Wildcat", and together they roam the hallways at night. After witnessing the brutal methods of treatment performed by the head of the asylum, Dr. Mann, the Zookeeper, Jacob becomes frustrated and attacks an orderly, resulting in him being caged and gagged. Cecile sneaks into the room where he is caged one night and makes love to him, but they are caught by Dr Angeli and Jacob is punished with a cattle prod, causing the other patients to lash out at the Zookeeper. Disgusted by Zookeeper and Angeli, Cecile frees Jacob from his cage, allowing him to escape into the forest where he can live in freedom as a wolf.
This book is based on four lectures given by Ali Smith at Oxford University, the Weidenfeld lectures on European comparative literature. The four headings are: "On Time", "On Form", "On Edge", and "On Offer and On Reflection".
It has two fictional characters. One is a woman mourning her dead lover and the other is her dead lover who still seems to be present. She speaks to the mourning woman in Greek, steals belongings, and causes a nuisance. The dead woman was working on some lectures when she died, and the living one works with trees.
The English author and critic Julie Myerson wrote in the Guardian that "if this book has a central subject, it's the relationship between thought and art". Smith explores different artists throughout the book including the surrealists, William Shakespeare, and Jackie Kay.
In 1970s Bandung, Dilan is born to head teacher Punja Kusuma and soldier Ichal Kusuma. When he is a child, he wishes to marry someone. The Kusumas are a victim of domestic abuse, driving Dilan to be part of a motorbike gang in his school. He sees Milea one day, and start falling in love with her, leaving his girlfriend Susi. After a set of challenges, he officially becomes Milea's boyfriend.
Days later, Dilan is beaten up by an unknown gang at a warung. He plots revenge but is caught by Milea. He fails to take Milea's lecture seriously when he sees Milea with a man, who he later finds out is her cousin, Yugo. The attack, however, is foiled by the cops. One day, Milea and Dilan break up as Milea is tired of Dilan seemingly insistful on staying with his gang even after one of his close friends Akew is presumably killed by them. However, it is later revealed that the death was not caused by a gang attack.
Dilan hears that Milea is in a relationship with a guy named Gunar; envious, he tells his friend Piyan to fake that he already has a new girlfriend. Dilan reflects on what he once said, "If anyone hurts you, they must be gone", concluding, "If I hurt her, I must be gone too." He later moves to Yogyakarta for college. After graduating in August 1994, his father dies of cancer. He briefly sees Milea at the funeral. He then moves to Jakarta, starting adulthood.
In September 1997, Dilan meets Milea and her husband Herdi at the building the three work in. Former teacher Ms. Rini dies, and the school organizes a reunion. Later, the two call and talked about high school moments; Milea clarifies that she was never dating Gunar. After expressing farewell, Dilan rides his motorbike on the road both drove at after they started dating, reflecting on his failed wish to marry her.
A group of scientists are sent to investigate a mysterious source producing unknown paranormal activity, which leads them to a concert stage located in London with an arcade cabinet on it. One of the scientists called Murphy, touches the cabinet, causing him to break the fabric of his reality and is transported into another one where he finds himself in the crowd of a live Muse concert. After being pulled back to his reality, he is then bitten by a mysterious phantom, causing him to become infected with an unknown pathogen and mutate into a monster. A mysterious woman then appears and reveals that she is an NPC from the "mainframe". The NPC explains that due to a tear in their reality, a deadly virus has been released and a new entity, known as the "Truth Slayer", is being created.
The media reports on the virus and large sections of London are quarantined off to curb the infection rate, with multiple NPCs coming to fight off the infected people. The NPC then take control of the news broadcasts and puts words in their mouths, stating that the virus is a hoax and that "there is nothing to fear". The Truth Slayer then breaks out of his containment and a hero, known as "The One" (Matthew Bellamy), enters the same reality to stop him from gaining control of more. The One gains access to the mainframe, gaining the power of a glove, and confronts the Truth Slayer. After a climactic battle, The One prevails and defeats the Truth Slayer. The NPC closes the film by stating that while The One may have saved this reality, there are more.
Gunner Boone (Lonnie Chavis) is 11 and has recently moved to Pine Mills, Oregon, a small, rural town. He spends his time working on a graphic novel about a detective investigating his own death, riding his bike, and visiting a nearby bookstore to borrow detective stories and books on cancer, as his mom Mary (Rosario Dawson) has leukemia. As they just moved to town, he has no friends yet. Gunner's escapism comes from deep within. Gunner’s father Amos (Oyelowo) is a Marine, rarely at home. When he is around, he cannot connect well with Gunner, and accidentally destroys a painting that Gunner made of Detective Knox while attempting to get Gunner to play football with him.
Gunner comes across a local legend about the ghostly being The Water Man. Local kids pay blue-haired Jo (Amiah Miller), a grifter who claims she has seen him, indicating a scar on her neck from him as proof. Gunner, a fan of mysteries, tracks down an undertaker (Alfred Molina) who thinks The Water Man may have the secret to immortality. Gunner then pays Jo to take him to the ridge where she saw The Water Man. Carrying food and supplies for the journey, they venture into the forest.
Their quest has a fairytale feel (the bookstore Gunner visits is called Once Upon a Time). Like Hansel and Gretel, he and Jo are neglected by their fathers, and explore on their own, creating a world together. The woods are full of curious things: strange sounds far off, wild horse stampedes, shiny, dark rocks hung along the way (like bread crumbs) through the forest, a river of beetles, and at one moment it seems to snow, although it's July. The children have no idea there is a raging forest fire on the other side of the ridge, and they are moving towards it. On their journey, they disagree, solve problems, and bond.
Gunner's sketch and comic books "come to life" as he wishes himself into a magical world where a watery immortal being may save his mother. They help us see through Gunner's eyes.
In the end credits we see the finished version of Gunner's graphic novel.
''Vapors Don't Shoot Back'' is a set of three linked miniscenarios where the Orange-Clearance player characters unwittingly become involved in a deadly (and illegal) annual competition between several High Programmers for the coveted Big Ashtray of the Hilton.
The story follows Anne, a girl who while coming home from school one day met Adam, who suffers from SCID. Due to his illness, Adam has no functional immune system, and must be shielded from the world in plastic oxygen tent lest he becomes deathly ill. Anne visits Adam frequently, and eventually the two grew to have a liking of each other.
The two form a romantic relationship together, however Adam worries that he is cheating Anne out of a more enjoyable relationship since he could not leave his oxygen tent to go out with Anne. He expresses this concern to Anne, who misunderstands and assumes Adam had lost interest in her, breaking up with him.
Anne forms a relationship with Tony to rebound from her breakup with Adam, but eventually realizes she misses Adam and goes to his house to apologize. However, when Anne arrives at Adam's house, his mother informs her that Adam is at the hospital undergoing a bone marrow transplant. The surgery is meant to transfer healthy bone marrow and stem cells to Adam so that he can build his immune system and go outside, though the operation does come at the risk of death. After the operation, Adam is able to live outside his sterilized bubble and embrace Anne and his family. Two weeks after Christmas, however, Adam dies.
Louise and Michael are siblings who are brought back to the family farm in Texas when their father's illness, which keeps him bedridden and uncommunicative, cared for by his wife and a nurse, worsens. Their mother seems disturbed and expresses a desire for the children to leave. At night, she hangs herself in the barn after cutting off her own fingers in the kitchen.
As time goes on, Louise and Michael start to understand what happened to their mother. The nurse confides in them that she heard her whispering to the father, but it seemed as if she was speaking not to him, but some other presence. Michael finds their mother's diary, which describes her fears of an unnamed presence trying to take the soul of her husband. The presence makes itself known to the siblings in increasingly terrifying and deadly ways, ultimately pushing Michael to suicide after seeing his wife and daughters killed by the entity. Louise, traumatized by repeated interactions with the demonic presence, including the suicide of the nurse, remains with her father at the farm. As he dies, he is possessed by the presence, which in turn attacks Louise shortly after.
Mila is a little girl who loses her family during the war. Thanks to a young woman who comes to her rescue, Mila survives a devastating bombardment. Her only possessions are a worn-out hat and a tattered carousel ticket. Mila and the woman manage to get through the war-torn night. Confronted with their losses and drawn together through their ordeal, they find salvation in each other and leave to build a new life together.
Best friends Maya and Dini work as tollbooth collectors in Jakarta. On a night shift, Maya is attacked by a man wielding a golok, claiming to be from a village called Harjosari and calling Maya "Rahayu". Following the inscription on an old photo from her aunt showing a young Maya, identified as Rahayu, with a couple in front of a large house, Maya and Dini travel to the remote Harjosari village to look for the house in hopes of selling it for money.
In Harjosari, the pair encounter cold, suspicious villagers. They witness funerals for children taking place daily and observe that many headstones in the cemetery belong to newborns. Dini is lured away by villagers, who slit her throat and flay her, mistaking her for Rahayu, whose parents Donowongso and Shinta owned the house. While looking for Dini in the evening, Maya spies village chief and dalang Saptadi drowning a skinless newborn infant. She finds out from sympathetic villager Ratih that 20 years ago, Donowongso, a rich dalang, was rumoured to have made a pact with the devil and murdered three girls to heal his daughter Rahayu, who was born without skin. Since then, all babies in the village have been born skinless.
The ghost of one of the murdered little girls reveals to Maya that the actual way to end the curse is to bury the slain girls' skin, which had been made into wayang kulit puppets by Donowongso, together with their bones. The ghost also reveals that Rahayu was born skinless because Saptadi's dukun mother Misni had cursed her for having been conceived from an adulterous affair between Saptadi and Shinta, who was desperate after her effort with Donowongso had been unsuccessful. Donowongso, who himself was a dukun, sacrificed three girls to cure Rahayu's skin and, in doing so, cursed the entire village. Saptadi, who had been jinxed by Misni to forget about his affair, posed as Donowongso, killed Shinta and an entire group of wayang musicians during a performance, then killed Donowongso after framing him for the massacre. Misni convinced Saptadi and the villagers that the curse can only be undone by flaying Rahayu and making puppets out of her skin. Rahayu was then evacuated by her 'aunt', who in fact was one of Donowongso's servants, and renamed to conceal her identity.
Maya and Ratih bury the puppets made from the three girls' skin in their grave and their spirits are pacified. Misni arrives with the villagers and reveals that Saptadi and Donowongso are actually half-brothers, as Donowongso's father had an affair with her. Maya begs for her life to Saptadi and tells him everything, and when Misni moves to flay Maya, the distraught and ashamed Saptadi grabs her hand and uses it to slit his throat instead. Horrified, Misni slits her own throat to join her son. As a healthy baby is finally born in the village after 20 years, Maya escapes.
One year later, a villager suffers a violent miscarriage as it is shown that Misni's ghost has extracted the foetus and devoured it.
A Dominican friar is wrapped in a tangled plot because he is mistaken for his estranged twin brother, who is a womanizer.
The film is presented as an anthology of short horror films, built into a frame narrative which acts as its own horror film. The frame narrative focuses on Chad Buckley, a horror aficionado who runs a struggling video store. He takes on a new hire, much to the chagrin of an obnoxious regular customer named Sam who has been trying to persuade Chad to hire him for years. The shorts are films that are either described to other characters or viewed as one of the video rentals offered at the store.
The film opens with the short "Cold Open", after which Mike (one of the people featured in the short) is shown describing the short as a horror movie pitch to Chad, who picked him up as a hitchhiker. After dropping off Mike Chad opens his video store, Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, and rejects Sam's latest attempt at employment. Another person, Hawn, applies for the same position and is instantly hired. Sam arrives at the checkout counter with a videotape he wants to rent and describes the opening of the movie, which begin the next segment, "One Time In The Woods". As the day progresses Chad trains Hawn and a series of events prompts the launch of the other shorts, which make up a large portion of the film.
Chad is ultimately betrayed by Hawn, who was actually part of a scientific group running experiments on a serial killer known as the "Devil's Lake Impaler" under the video store. Imprisoned with several others, Chad identifies the others as horror character stereotypes, the jock, the stoner, the slut, the token black guy and the final girl, Chad realizes he's the know-it-all-horror-guy and they're all in an actual horror movie. When the Impaler inevitably overcomes his captors, Chad chooses to flee with the person he identifies as the final girl and the stoner. While escaping Chad learns that cars cannot start if the killer is within 14 meters of the car and that the Impaler became a serial killer after a group of frat boys killed his friend Jimmy. The remaining group members reunite, at which point Chad realizes that he had misidentified the slut and final girl. Their escape is halted when they discover that security protocol prevents the elevator from allowing them to reach the exit, however they are assisted by the sudden appearance of Joe Bob Briggs, who dies in the process. Chad is then killed by the Impaler, who follows the true final girl and the stoner to the surface.
The stoner tricks the Impaler into believing him to be Jimmy and the final girl manages to incapacitate him, however the stoner dies after trying to move the body away so that they can start the getaway car. The final girl flees to a field, where she wakens from a nightmare to discover that the Impaler is in the car with her. She dodges his assault and runs out of the car, where Mike from the Cold Open intercepts her and tosses a cigarette causing the car to explode and presumably kill the Impaler.
Mike Myers is a stock, horror movie background character tasked with facilitating the horrible circumstances other unsuspecting horror characters find themselves in. He fiddles with a loose road sign arrow indicating the location of an insane asylum. The arrow spins in the wrong direction, causing a group of unsuspecting young people on their way to a camp, to instead drive to the insane asylum.
Mike vents about his job to his friend Wendy, and in a series of flashbacks, we see Mike at work... planting satanic relics in an attic, fooling a house buying couple into buying a haunted house, and setting up a cursed doll. Mike expresses a desire to be an actual character and not just a cold open.
Mike cuts the power to a house where two women are babysitting on Halloween. Instead of leaving like he's supposed to, he sticks around. The women realize he's the one who cut the power so come up with a plan and invite him in. Hannah attacks Mike with his wire cutters, but slips and falls on some candy Mike dropped, impaling herself in the neck. Tess sneaks up behind Mike as he tries removing the cutters from Hannah's neck, and he accidentally stabs Tess with them. Mike puts on a white mask to keep from being sprayed in the face with blood from Tess' wound, then picks up her bloody knife. Wendy shows up as a cop and shoots Mike in the shoulder, believing he is a masked killer.
Trip, Mark, Dawn and Brenda are camping in the woods. Mark steps in some mysterious green goo that he thinks is bug guts. A crazed man shows up warning them to leave and that he is going to kill them. The man falls, starts convulsing and expelling green and orange goo. Dawn and Brenda beat him with sticks, and the man instructs them to use silver as his skin begins to rip from his body, spraying blood all over Dawn and Brenda. Trip puts silver handcuffs on the man as he deforms into a pile of goo, blood and guts, the silver having paused the transformation. Trip puts on a mask, and the goo-man identifies him as the "Back Woods Slasher". Mark tries throwing an axe at him but misses and instead hits a passing biker in the genitals. Trip bear hugs Mark, causing his guts to spill out, killing him. Dawn and Brenda run into the woods. Brenda accidentally impales herself in the mouth on a tree branch. Trip throws a large rock at her head, exploding it. Dawn runs further into the woods. A man approaches her and asks where the goo-man is. Trip pulls the man's legs off and beats him with them. Trip chases Dawn back to the camp site and slips in some green goo, falling and impaling his face on the back of the axe stuck in the biker's genitals. Goo-man bites Dawn and she transforms into a pile of green goo too.
A Husband sits alone at a bar, chatting with the Bartender, who creeps the husband out. The Husband goes to the bathroom and notices a flyer advertising an organization called M.I.S.T.E.R., which stands for Men In Serious Turmoil Establishing Rights. As The Husband ponders the flyer, we flashback to an argument between him and his wife where she complains about his lack of effort with the family and wants him to be a man.
The Husband goes to a M.I.S.T.E.R. meeting where the group's leader is giving a pep talk to the men in attendance. In a montage, we cut back and forth between the members complaining about their neutered lives. After the meeting the leader talks with the Husband, encouraging him to join the group and invites him to a get-together happening that night.
The Husband goes home and is about to put something in a duffel bag, but we don't see what. He arrives at the get-together that takes place on a football field. The leader snaps his fingers and the lights to the stadium go out. The group transforms into werewolves. The Husband kills each werewolf one by one using different weapons.
The Husband comes home to a party his wife has put on. He shows her some werewolf fur he's skinned from one of the wolves. Everyone dons black robes and commence a ceremony with a pentagram in the middle of the floor.
Ray browses the isle of a convenience store. She's being stalked by an unseen person who breathes heavily. She notices a lollipop in the shape of a human skull that says "Not For Sale". She steals the lollipop and leaves the store with Ali. The Store Clerk eyes them suspiciously. Ray and Ali get in the car with their friend Jamie, who drives. The stalker from the store watches them from inside another car. The stalker follows them as they drive to a hotel.
The stalker watches them through the window of the room as they start drinking and listening to music. Ray reveals the lollipop she stole. Ali and Ray lick the lollipop. From the stalker's POV we see Jamie look toward the window and close the curtains. Ali feels strange and goes to lay down, putting a towel over her face. After a while, Jamie checks on her and startles her awake, the towel falling to the floor. Ray and Jamie are stunned, as Ali's face has transformed into the same skull like form as the lollipop. Ray's face also transforms into the skull shape. Thinking she can fix the problem, Jamie calls the convenience store, asking for help. The Store Clerk emits an evil, monstrous laugh. Jamie reaches for the lollipop skull and puts it over her face as the stalker reaches for the door handle. Jamie licks the lollipop. She pulls the stalker into the room and they kill him. They dance and have a pillow fight.
Daisy and Greg are in bed kissing. Someone watches them from the ajar closet. Suddenly the window is smashed and a Masked Killer climbs through the window. Before the killer can stab Daisy, a group of her friends spring from the closet and subdue the killer with stun batons. We dissolve to the garage, where the killer wakes up, tied to a table, surrounded by Daisy and her friends. Daisy expresses her anger at the killer for killing her friends and boyfriends every year. Someone hands her a knife and she stabs the killer in the chest. The killer wakes up and she stabs him over and over again. Greg tries to demonstrate that the killer is dead, but the killer stabs him in the back of the head with the knife. Next they attach jumper cables to the killer's body and shock him with a car battery. Seth checks his vitals with a stethoscope, but a bolt of electricity from the killer's heart travels up the stethoscope and explodes Seth's head. Next they stuff firecrackers down the killer's mouth. The firecrackers go off, cutting the killer in half. Chloe picks up the killer's lower half, and his legs come to life, wrapping themselves around her, choking her. Will tosses the killer's intestines over the ceiling beam and pulls, causing the legs to lift Chloe into the air, killing her. Will professes his love to Daisy, but the killer watches, taunting them. Daisy grabs a shotgun and tells Will to unmask the killer. Will takes off the killer's mask, revealing an attractive man. Daisy hesitates in shooting him. The killer grabs Will by the throat, choking him. Daisy can't bring herself to shoot him, and Will dies. Daisy finally pulls the trigger, blowing a hole in the killer's head. She calls and rents a wood chipper. She shoves the killer's body into the wood chipper as he reveals that he's her brother. She tries to stop but it's too late. She watches a 4th of July fireworks display. The killer's reformed hand comes out of the pool of blood.
An unseen person drives wearing black leather gloves. A man is tied with rope and locked in the trunk of the car. The car parks and two mysterious men in all black drag the tied man to a grave site. The tied man wakes up and pleads that he has so much to do. One of the mysterious men removes a glove, revealing a mysterious symbol glowing with light. He burns the symbol into the tied man's forehead and kicks him into the grave. They bury him alive.
Later, smoke emerges from the grave and travels across the ground. Franchesca sits alone in her car, parked in a nearby empty field. She is on the phone with a friend, warning her not to spoil a TV show they're discussing. She hasn't caught up and the finale is tonight. The smoke approaches and engulfs the car. Franchesca gets out to investigate. She gets back in her car and the phone signal breaks up. Franchesca is startled by the marked man who is standing in front of her car. The man vaporizes into smoke and her windows break. She breathes in the smoke and the windows reform and fix themselves. Franchesca says she has so much to do, the same line the marked man spoke before being buried. She looks in the rearview mirror and we see the marked man.
The marked man comes home and sits down to watch TV. It is the finale of the show Franchesca didn't want spoiled. Franchesca calls out to him and he goes to the mirror, revealing her standing next to him, claiming he has her body. They get into a physical confrontation, and fight over the remote. She hits him so hard he vaporizes and she has her body back. All beaten up, she goes to her car and checks her phone. A text from a friend spoils the end of the show. She drives off and the two mysterious men from earlier follow her.
The film is based on a true story, the robbery of the Banco Río branch in the Buenos Aires town of Acassuso on January 13, 2006, which was attacked by a gang of six robbers armed with toy weapons. They took 23 hostages and took $15 million from 147 safes.
D'Maurice (Mauricio Garcés) is a fashion designer who pretends to be effeminate in order to fit into the world of ''haute couture'', and taking advantage of that appearance, D'Maurice, a womanizer, seduces all his female clients while making fun of all their husbands, who confidently believe they leave their wives in good hands, such as Rebeca (Claudia Islas), the young and beautiful wife of the rich Don Álvaro, (Carlos López Moctezuma), a parody of the typical ''nouveau riche'' in the high society of Mexico. Suspecting the deception, his competitors, Perugino, Antoine and Mao (Enrique Rocha, Hugo Goodman and Carlos Nieto respectively), determined to unmask him, hire a detective (who is also effeminate) and a beautiful woman (Patricia Aspíllaga) to obtain evidence to ruin D'Maurice. Meanwhile, Magda (Irma Lozano), a beautiful waitress, falls in love with the gallantry of D'Maurice, while worrying about his sudden swings from extreme manliness to effeminacy. D'Maurice in turn confronts Luigi, a dangerous mobster, by getting involved with his mistress, Doris (Zulma Faiad), a renowned Argentine vedette with no talent other than a voluptuous beauty.
The story follows two real life figures: Rami Elhanan, an Israeli graphic designer, and Bassam Aramin, a Palestinian scholar and previous political prisoner. Consisting of 1001 short sections, the two central figures bond over the untimely deaths of their respective daughters.