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Under the Open Sky

Mikami, a middle-aged former yakuza who has spent most of his life in prison, is released after serving 13 years for murder. Hoping to find his long-lost mother, from whom he was separated as a child, he applies to a TV show and meets young TV director Tsunoda. Meanwhile, Mikami struggles to get a proper job and fit in society. His impulsive, adamant nature and ingrained beliefs cause friction in his relationship with Tsunoda and those who want to help him. (cited from Aoi Pro)

Travelling Actors (1940 film)

A kabuki theatre troupe from Tokyo, led by the "famous" Kikugoro, arrives at a rural village for a series of performances. Jin, the town's barber, who was talked into co-sponsoring the event, realises that the "star" is only an actor who uses the famous family name as a publicity stunt. While drunk and angrily searching for his business partner Wakasaya, Jin accidentally destroys the head of the horse costume of actors Hyoroku and Senpei. When Hyoroku rejects to perform in the sloppily repaired costume, Kikugoro decides to use a real horse for the play instead and makes Hyoroku the stable boy. Hyoroku, drunk and enraged about the degradation, puts on the horse costume with Senpei and chases the real horse away.

Reign of Love (TV series)

The story begins with the death of Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid caliph, and the coming to power of his son Amin. In the continuation of the war between Amin and his brother Mamun, the caliphate of Mamun and the bringing of Ali ibn Musa al-Reza to Merv is shown. It also describes the important events of this period, such as the rain prayer, the Eid al-Fitr prayer, and the debates between religions.

Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom

In the near future, quantum mechanics and computer technology have discovered a parallel reality to humanity, creating divergent timelines and allowing communication between them. The old dream of knowing your own fate and that of the whole world, if you had chosen a different path one day, came true. The ability to alternate timelines forced the society into a severe existential crisis.

Danger Stalks Near

Three young hoodlums intend to rob the home of the Satō family which lies isolated in the outskirts of Tokyo. The trio's plan is thwarted by people endlessly going in and out of the house: housewive Yuriko's sister Sakura tries to borrow money after she's heard that Yuriko and her husband Kaneshige have won in the newspaper lottery, the new lodger fights with his predecessor over the vacant room, and, after various other visitors, the mysterious Akama, who pretends to know Kaneshige from student days, shows up. Akama eventually turns out to be a wanted criminal who demands the Satō's savings, arguing that Tetsu, Kaneshige's mother and owner of the house, embezzled Akama's parents during the war. The police arrive in time to arrest Akama, and the three wannabe burglars give up their plan. During the end titles, Kohei, the most reluctant of the trio, can be spotted making a report at the police station.


Shortly after the war in rural Japan, Kyoko, daughter of successful writer Hirayama, rejects several marriage prospects before taking Ryokichi, a local resident who runs a small used book store, as her husband. A few years into the marriage, Kyoko has to start selling parts of the household, as the manuscripts of Ryokichi, who is ambitious to become a novelist, keep getting returned by publishers. Yagihara, a magazine editor and acquaintance of Hirayama, outspokenly tells Ryokichi that his work lacks originality and an elaborate style. Kyoko suggests that Ryokichi shows his manuscripts to her father, but he declines, arguing that it is Hirayama's overpowering presence which hinders him in his writing. Ryokichi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic due to his drinking, and the couple's financial and emotional situation worsens. Kyoko repeatedly leaves her home to stay at her father's place, but insists that a divorce is the final resort. When Kyoko again returns to Ryokichi, the mother asks Hirayama if they shouldn't split up. Hirayama replies, only when Kyoko comes home exhausted and can't go on anymore, the time to split up has come.

Okaeri Mone

Born in September 1995, Momone Nagaura lived with her parents, grandfather, and sister in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. After failing her college entrance exams, she went to live with her grandfather's acquaintance who is a forest guide in Tome City. Momone's life changed when she met a popular weather forecaster from Tokyo who taught her how weather forecasts can predict the future. She decides to study hard and be a weather forecaster.

Chloe (TV series)

A lonely twentysomething, Becky Green, becomes obsessed with the suicide of her estranged childhood friend Chloe and assumes a new identity as Sasha to engineer a "chance" meeting with Chloe's best friend, Livia, at an art event, followed by another run-in at a yoga class.

Sasha then infiltrates Chloe's group of close-knit friends. She also gains a job outside her genuine work experience through Livia's contacts as she attempts to discover why Chloe died. Through her new alter-ego, she leads a life that is far more exciting than her life as Becky.

A series of flashbacks reveals that Becky had two missed calls from Chloe minutes before her death. As Sasha, Becky eventually uncovers the truth of Chloe’s clandestine activities she has hidden from her husband and friends.

Becky starts an affair with Chloe's widowed husband, Elloit; whereas the rest of the group including Elliot's mother disapproves of their relationship. Elloit decides to run for election, Becky and Livia run his campaign along with Elliot's friend Nish.

Becky carries on the investigation questioning all the group one by one to find out Chloe was trying to escape from controlling Elliot, who was forcing her to take medication and completely controlled her finances. However on the night of the planned escape, Richard, who was supposed to help her, does not appear. Chloe goes to her parents house and her mom informed Elliot about her whereabouts. Elliot comes to pick her up, Chloe runs from him and is dead, presumably killed by Elliot.

Livia exposes Becky and the group abandons her. She meets Elliot one last time to record his angry video and posts on instagram from Chloe's account.

Livia and Becky meet one last time to reconcile and Becky gives Livia her new number and she leaves.

It's 2059, and the Rich Kids are Still Winning

In the future, scientists conduct an experiment to genetically modify the poor children to improve their intelligence, so they have a better chance to succeed in life. While the experiment proves to be successful and the children really have their IQs pumped up, they still fail to achieve social progress because the entire state system favors the rich only.

The Outlaws (2021 TV series)

The story follows seven strangers from different walks of life who are forced together to complete a Community Payback sentence, set in Bristol. However, their luck changes – not necessarily for the better – when they discover a bag full of money, unaware that its true owners are very dangerous.

Britney Spears: American Dream

The game opens with the player's character and Britney Spears in a flash-forward at Planet Hollywood, and they talk about how their career started. This flashes back to present-day in-game with them at Microbe Music where they are working, and their boss, Wallace, asks them to restock the CDs. Then, the player's character's best friend Sara Williams calls and alerts them of Britney's presence at Starbeans.

The player's character asks Wallace to leave early, which he agrees on, and the player's character visits Starbeans to see Britney ordering a Strawberry Whippaccino. They then ask the barista, Astrid to sing at the open mic. She agrees, and they perform for Britney. She tells the player's character that she loves their voice, and invites them to a party at String to meet some important people.

At String, she introduces the player's character to Anne Means, a powerful talent manager. Anne tells them to get a gig at The Venom Room, and then follow up with her, so they are off to the Venom Room. They see Della Jackson there looking for a replacement for Aston Kole, who was a no-show. The player's character convinces her to let them perform in Aston's place, and once they do, they gain their first fans.

However, when they go outside, they get into a heated argument with Aston, who then becomes their rival in the game. After these events, the player's character heads to Anne's office for an audition. She agrees to represent them and tells them to record a single at Sound Town, so they record their debut single immediately, and soon they are charting on the global charts - this is the beginning of their path to fame.


Youri, a 16-year-old boy living in Cité Gagarine, a housing project in Ivry-sur-Seine, protests the planned demolition of the community.

AV The Hunt

Ayşe is a married woman who has been conducting an affair behind her husband's back. When this infidelity is discovered, the men in her family react violently. Her lover ends up dead in the process and Ayşe must find a way to flee to Istanbul, where she will be safe. She is given no help from her family, as they have disowned her, and even the people around her seem ambivalent at best to her obvious plight.

Blindspotting (TV series)

Six months after the events in the film of the same name, Miles, Ashley's partner of 12 years and father of their son, is suddenly incarcerated, and the situation leaves her to navigate a chaotic and humorous existential crisis when she and her son Sean are forced to move in with Miles' mother and half-sister.

About My Father

When Sebastian tells his old-fashioned Italian immigrant father Salvo that he is going to propose to his American girlfriend, Salvo insists on crashing a weekend with her parents. Though the two cultures clash and it seems like the two families have nothing in common, by the end of one summer holiday weekend, they will be one big family.

Project Hail Mary

Narrative structure

The story is told using a combination of two narrative techniques. Events leading up to the launch of the ''Hail Mary'' are revealed through Ryland Grace's flashbacks. The story on board the spacecraft unfolds as a more standard linear narrative. The two perspectives are frequently intercut as Grace regains his memory.

Before launch

In the near future, a global dimming event is observed, coinciding with the formation of a bright line from the Sun to Venus. The exponential rate of dimming is calculated to result in a catastrophic ice age within 30 years. A space probe broadcasts to the public that the line appears to contain alien microbes. The world's governments cooperate, giving former ESA administrator Eva Stratt unilateral authority and legal immunity to solve the problem.

Stratt nominates Ryland Grace, a teacher and former molecular biologist, as the first person to study a sample of the organism recovered from Venus, as she views him as expendable. He discovers that the single-celled organism consumes all forms of electromagnetic radiation and uses radiant energy to move. Since the organism consumes energy from the Sun, Grace names it "Astrophage" (Greek for "star eater"). Grace subsequently discovers that Astrophage reproduces using carbon dioxide, commonly found on Venus. Other scientists discover that Astrophage employs mass–energy conversion via neutrinos, and can be mass-bred for use as rocket fuel.

Astronomy data reveals that Astrophage infects and dims nearby stars, but one star, Tau Ceti, has unexpectedly resisted Astrophage infection. An Astrophage-fueled starship, the ''Hail Mary'', is developed to travel to Tau Ceti to obtain knowledge of Astrophage resistance, and to return the findings to Earth with unmanned mini-ships. ''Hail Mary'' can only be fueled and supplied for a one-way trip, making it a suicide mission.

Since the crew of three astronauts will travel under a coma to avoid psychiatric issues, potential astronauts are restricted to people with coma-resistant genes, including Grace. Stratt tasks Grace to train the science experts for the mission, but the science experts are killed in an Astrophage-induced explosion shortly before launch. With no time to train a replacement, Stratt forces Grace to join the mission. Grace threatens sabotage, so an amnesia-inducing drug is administered to him before launch.

Meanwhile, Stratt orders the release of methane from Antarctica to reduce global cooling, but the threat of famine and wars over food on Earth remains for the 26 years that the ''Hail Mary'' mission is expected to take.

Aboard ''Hail Mary''

Ryland Grace emerges from his coma with no memory of his identity or situation. As the mission proceeds, Grace deduces his situation while his memory returns gradually. Grace finds that his crew members have died en route, and gives them a space burial.

''Hail Mary'' soon reaches Tau Ceti, and is approached by an alien starship, which Grace names "Blip-A". The other ship indicates that its home system in 40 Eridani is also plagued by Astrophage infection. ''Blip-A'' docks with ''Hail Mary,'' and its occupant meets Grace. Grace develops a system to communicate with the spider-like alien, whom Grace names "Rocky" due to its stone-like exoskeleton. Rocky, an engineer, has been in Tau Ceti for 40 years as the last survivor of his crew; the others died from space radiation, Grace deduces.

Grace and Rocky discover the Astrophage's home planet in orbit around Tau Ceti, which they name Adrian, after Rocky's Eridian mate. The planet's atmosphere is found to contain a natural predator of Astrophage. While collecting a sample from Adrian, a hull breach occurs and Rocky risks his life to save Grace. Rocky sustains severe injuries but eventually recovers. From the sample, the Astrophage predator is found to be a microbe which Grace names "Taumoeba". Grace and Rocky use selective breeding to produce nitrogen-resistant Taumoeba for their home systems.

The ''Blip-A'' has enough Astrophage fuel for both ships to return to their planets, so Rocky refuels the ''Hail Mary'', and they part ways. En route, Grace discovers that he has accidentally bred into the Taumoeba the ability to permeate and escape their containers. Although Grace fixes the problem on ''Hail Mary'', he realises that the ''Blip-A'' is made of the same material, and the Taumeoba has consumed the fuel and crippled the ship.

Due to limited food, Grace is forced to choose between personally returning to Earth and dooming the Eridians, or saving Rocky and the Eridians while starving on Erid. Grace chooses the latter, sending back his Taumoeba to Earth on a group of probes, while he locates the fuel-less ''Blip-A'' and reunites with Rocky. Rocky realises that Grace can eat Rocky's Taumoeba, solving Grace's food shortage.

They return to Erid, fixing the Eridians' Astrophage problem. Using the digital archive of human knowledge given to Grace by Stratt, the Eridians build a system to enable Grace to live on Erid, where he becomes a teacher of Eridian young. Some years later, Rocky tells Grace that the Astrophage infection around the Sun has abated, meaning Grace's mission was a success. Knowing that humanity has survived on Earth, Grace begins considering if he should return to Earth, with the ''Hail Mary'' still operational.

The Midnight Library (novel)

The book's protagonist is a young woman named Nora Seed who is unhappy with her choices in life. During the night, she tries to kill herself but ends up in a library managed by her school librarian, Mrs. Elm. The library is between life and death with millions of books filled with stories of her life had she made some decisions differently. In this library, she then tries to find the life in which she's the most content. For example, one possible life in which she tries to reunite with her boyfriend and finds herself married to him, but it isn't the way as she expected. She also sees herself as a glaciologist doing research in the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic – a very different life from the one she tries to escape, but not necessarily a better choice.

High Vermilion

Dutch Surrencey has a problem. An assay report tells him the mine he is leasing contains a pocket of rich silver ore that promises to make him rich. But the lease on the mine runs out in ten days and Dutch has barely enough time to extract the ore. Then the unscrupulous owner of the mine starts to sabotage his efforts. Larkin Moffatt, who conducted the assay, could help as he is also a skilled mining engineer. But he has a hidden past which comes to light when two new arrivals in town reveal his earlier misdeed. Will he run away, as he has before, or will he stay and help Dutch and his pretty daughter and lay the ghosts of his past to rest?

Vigdis (film)

Vigdis is the daughter of the teacher and fervent church singer Jens Bjørkeli. Vigdis is often at parties with other young people from the area, something her strict parents do not like. Their concern is not entirely unjustified because the residents of the area have started talking about their daughter in the town. Her parents try to get her to go to Christian meetings, but she always manages to evade this.

The parents suspect their maid Kari of helping Vigdis. Vigdis is in love with Dr. Victor Falck. However, she does not tell anyone about this because Falck is engaged to Gerda Storm. In the evening there is dancing, and Vigdis kisses Falck. A few days later there is a mission meeting, and Vigdis is there with her parents. A forest worker, Anton, stands outside drunk. However, Vigdis manages to follow him home. Nine months later, Vigdis gives birth to a son. Despite attempts at persuasion, Vigdis does not want to say who the child's father really was.

Young People (1937 Japanese film)

In a Christian girls' school in Japan's northern Hokuriku region, young teacher Mr. Mazaki is impressed by pupil Keiko's artistic talent and unorthodox behaviour. Keiko was raised alone by her mother, bar madam Hatsu, and does not know who her father is. Mazaki's colleague Ms. Hashimoto senses the mutual affection between Mazaki and Keiko and warns him not to get involved, while at the same time showing an interest in Mazaki herself. After a school excursion, Keiko makes up a story that she and Mazaki had an affair and that she is pregnant by him. The film closes with Ms. Hashimoto advising Keiko to rise above herself and defy her status as an illegitimate child treated unfairly by society.

The Nine Billion Names of God (film)

For centuries, the monks of Sera Mey monastery in Tibet have been trying to discover all nine billion names of God, by calculating each and every possible combination of the letters in their alphabet. They believe that discovering the names is actually the ultimate purpose of the Universe. The monks calculate the godly names manually; however, in 1957, they decide to employ a modern technology to perform the task quicker. The monks send a messenger to New York City to meet with computer scientist Dr. Wagner and to rent a powerful IBM-like computer. Two American engineers, Georges and Chuck, have also been invited to visit the monastery to install and program the mainframe, so the monks can complete their mission. Once all the names are discovered and listed, strange things start happening.

Becoming Elizabeth

The series follows the younger years of Queen Elizabeth I, an orphaned teenager who becomes embroiled in the politics of the English court on her journey to secure the crown.

Rules For a Film about Anabaptists

Part One – A brief commentary on the events in the city of Münster in the early 1500s regarding the formation of the Anabaptist congregation and its obliteration by the bishop is followed by readings from the introduction to "The History of The Anabaptists" by Hermann von Kerssenbroch. This is a written account which Kerssenbroich, an eye-witness to the disturbances in Münster, wrote in Latin, and which was translated into German anonymously in the 18th Century. The text describes the origin of the city of Münster, its buildings, markets, streets, as well as the distribution of the inhabitants, classes, professions and, finally, its constitution. At first, views of the streets and squares in their current form are shown, and then, we see the speaker sitting on a rooftop in Rome, in front of the Vatican Walls. The first part of the film closes with a camera movement from the rooftops of Münster to the Prinzipalmarkt, the center of the city. A fire can be seen while Kerssenbroich relates the portents which foretold the Westphalian turbulences and city destruction.

Part Two – The second part of the film takes place in the streets and squares of the city of Münster. Two young women affected by Berufsverbot (the employment restrictions) on civil servants are shown discussing their individual experiences. One of the women, Monika, explains her case in full, while the other, Magdalena, adds noteworthy details of her own. The case of Bruno Finke is then presented and, during his commentary, Ulrike, another victim, adds details from similar charges against her. Each of these four people is an accredited teacher and a member of the legalized Communist Party of the Federal Republic, the DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei). At the conclusion of this part of the film, the cathedral's astronomical clock is shown. This is the clock constructed in 1542 as a symbol of restoration after the bishop's defeat of the Anabaptists.

Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas

Tad travels to Las Vegas to see best friend Sara's latest discovery: a papyrus that proves the existence of King Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold by using the power of a magical necklace. However, Jack Rackham steals the papyrus and kidnaps Sara in order to force her to find the necklace for him, which means Tad has to attempt to find and save her.

The Exchange (2021 film)

Winter 1986, a small Canadian town called Hobart which is still suffering the effects of financial recession.

Tim, a student with pretensions of sophistication, enters a student exchange program in hopes the French student will share his love of the cultured things in life. Something he feels is sorely lacking in his provincial classmates. To his dismay the exchangee, Stéphane, is not what he expected. Outgoing, fashion conscious, with a healthy appetite for sex and little interest in "culture". Stéphane is initially able to quickly charm those around him like teaching assistant Diane. Even her domineering boyfriend Gary Rothbauer, school gym teacher and local part-time policeman, initially takes to Stéphane. Partly because he laughed at his joke but also due to his soccer skills.

Walking with Diane, Gary decides to take advantage of a closing down sale. Leaving Diane outside to hold the shopping, he bullies the owner into a better deal on already discounted shoes. The final straw for the bankrupt shop-keep, while seemingly going to fetch stock, instead goes to the top of his shop to jump off. Unaware, Diane is in his path. Passing on the other side of the street with Tim, Stéphane spots what is about to happen and rushes to sweep Diane off her feet out of danger. Diane is saved and the shop-keep is unharmed. Stéphane is hailed a hero, to the chagrin of Gary and further overshadowing Tim. Stéphane quickly becomes more popular, excelling at making friends and wooing the girls. During a ride home from school Tim is awkwardly in the front with Brenda Crowfoot (a classmate with a crush on him) while Stéphane energetically makes out in the back with classmate Mary. Stéphane even manages to give sage advice to Tim's father about sharing his mounting business woes with his wife. Tim's father in return tries to help the young exchange student bond with his son, leading Stéphane and Tim to an eventful night-time drive.

Not everything goes smoothly for Stéphane, The school bullies target him for racist abuse by pasting his photo onto a newspaper about terrorists. Persistent goading on the soccer field leads to Stéphane headbutting the offending player. Gary uses the red carding as pretext to denigrate the benched player leading to a heated outpouring against the town and its White Squirrel mascot from Stéphane. Seeing Gary's jealous and spiteful behavior for what it is Diane breaks up with him.

With his relations with the town souring, Stéphane's rocky friendship with Tim takes a nosedive. Earlier Stéphane had swapped Tim's presentation video for one the pair had drunkenly made wherein Tim proclaimed his appreciation for Brenda, with the intent she will see it and the two will finally get together. Instead the video ends up played for the whole class, humiliating Tim and driving a wedge between the friends. Stéphane moves out of Tim's home to stay with Brenda and her brothers, the Crowfoots. The Crowfoots are themselves on the outskirts of town "polite society" being First Nations and thus sympathetic to Stéphane's treatment by the other townspeople.

When the White Squirrel float is found destroyed Stéphane is blamed, Gary particularly insistent he's the culprit. At the White Squirrel parade Stéphane is arrested in front of the whole town. Tim, despite their differences, makes an impassioned plea in his defense with his father stepping forward with an alibi. The suspicion of guilt falls on Gary, who first protests his alibi of having sex with Diane at the time. However she is among the crowd and angrily refutes this claim, having previously broken up with him. Caught very publicly in a lie and crime, Gary makes a run for it but is quickly clotheslined by Brenda's brother and arrested. A now exonerated Stéphane and Tim patch up their relationship. Events prove cathartic for many as Tim's parents finally discuss their financial problems openly while Tim and Brenda kiss.

A reversal of the film's plot sees Tim has traveled to France as an exchange student to be among Stéphane's friends in Paris at the end.

Rogue Planet (Star Trek: Enterprise)

A planet appears on sensors, adrift and without a solar system, so Captain Archer has Sub-Commander T'Pol scan the planet. Lieutenant Reed detects a ship near the equator, and an away team finds the remains of a campsite two hundred meters from the alien shuttle. T'Pol and Reed return to the shuttle while Archer and Ensign Sato stay. As they walk through the jungle, they are surprised by two aliens. Both parties return to the camp, where they find Archer and Sato with another called Damrus. The Eska call the planet Dakala and they permit the away team to spend the night. Over dinner, Damrus explains that they have been visiting Dakala for nine generations to hunt the wildlife.

As the away team turns in for the night, Archer hears a woman's voice calling his name. He finds a blonde woman in a clearing, but she runs away. Later, no one reports seeing anything unusual. In the morning, T'Pol goes to investigate a geothermal shaft and Archer sees the woman again, looking distressed, but again she disappears. Meanwhile, Damrus and Burzaan detect their quarry, a wraith which attacks Burzaan. Archer has Burzaan sent back to ''Enterprise'' for treatment, and Doctor Phlox reports that he has found cellular residue in Burzaan's wound.

By the steam vents, Archer encounters the woman again. She says that her kind can assume the form of anything on the planet, and that her kind want the hunting to stop. Later, Damrus explains that the reason they visit Dakala is because the prey can sense their thoughts, making them challenging to hunt and kill. Back on board ''Enterprise'', Archer asks Phlox if he can find a way for the wraiths to mask their chemical signature, and soon, on Dakala, the hunting party begins having problems detecting them. Damrus wonders why, but Archer merely blames it on bad luck. The Eska depart and Archer encounters the woman one final time. As she moves off into the forest, she assumes her natural form: a large gastropod.

Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry (film)

Christie Malry is twenty-something male who lives in West London with his terminally ill mother and works in an office, a job he finds unfulfilling and so distracts himself from the boredom by having violent fantasies in which he threatens his manager with a shotgun. At the suggestion of his friend Bernie he takes a night class in accountancy, where he is introduced to the theories and teachings of Fra Luca Pacioli, an early pioneer in the field of accounting and the author of Summa de arithmetica, one of the first books on the practice of double-entry bookkeeping. Christie then resigns from his job and, shortly afterwards, Bernie is killed in a vehicle collision.

Interspersed with the main story are scenes set in Renaissance Milan in which Fra Luca Pacioli is seen teaching his theories on accountancy at the court of Ludovico Sforza. In addition, Leonardo da Vinci is employed there, and these scenes also follow his struggles as he challenges what he sees as interference into his artistic vision from the Catholic Church, against a backdrop of an imminent invasion by the French army.

As Christie continues his accountancy studies and learns that debits must be cancelled out with credits he begins to ponder whether the same principles should apply to his actual life, wondering who will credit him for his mother’s cancer. He then starts a job at Tapper’s chocolate factory, where he meets Headlam, an eccentric co-worker whom he becomes friends with, and shortly afterwards hits upon the idea of using double-entry bookkeeping as a method of recording perceived wrongs made against him by society then cancelling them out by committing what he deems to be equivalent acts of revenge. Following the motto ‘for every debit there must be a credit’, he keeps detailed notes of such transactions in a ledger he carries with him, explaining his new system to his mother moments before she dies.

Christie’s initial attempts at balancing out the supposed injustices against him start with him committing petty acts of vandalism, such as running a key along the paintwork of a car whose owner had sounded its horn at him or throwing a brick through the window of an off licence he believed had sold his mother bootleg alcohol, along with causing trouble for his employer by discarding letters of complaint sent to the company and, in addition to starting a new job, he enters into a relationship with Carol, a girl he meets at his local butcher’s shop.

However, from this point on Christie’s acts of revenge become increasingly serious before gravitating to full-on acts of terrorism: he phones the police claiming to have planted a bomb in Leicester Square then, when the Foreign Secretary dies of a heart attack he makes another phone call in which he claims he was responsible. Not knowing who the true perpetrator is, the British government blames Iraq for his activities and begins to escalate military action in retaliation. Christie now gravitates to actual violence, taking advice from sources such as The Anarchist Cookbook and blowing up a local tax office by placing a home-made bomb in a toy train and sending it through a tunnel adjacent to the building. He then kills over twenty thousand people by poisoning a reservoir in West London, another attack that is blamed on Iraq and leads to air strikes being launched against the country.

At this point Carol receives a visit from the police telling her that Christie is in hospital as the result of a bomb exploding on a bus he was travelling on, which is initially blamed on an Irish passenger. Christie is fatally wounded and dies in hospital with Carol by his side. However, when Carol returns to his flat she goes inside the spare room that he never let her enter and discovers it contains extensive details of his plan to bomb the Houses of Parliament, and it is revealed that he was in fact carrying a bomb with the intention of doing this when it went off prematurely, exploding as the bus crossed Westminster Bridge.

Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry (film)

The film largely follows the same storyline as the novel though there are a number of differences, with the biggest one being that the novel ends abruptly when Christie is diagnosed with late-stage terminal cancer and dies of related pneumonia, whereas in the film he is killed when a bomb he is taking to detonate at the Houses of Parliament goes off unexpectedly, exploding as he carries it on a bus across Westminster Bridge and killing him, with the bombing being attributed to the IRA. His bereaved girlfriend, however, does learn of his involvement at the end of the film.

The scenes in which Iraq is held responsible for Christie’s crimes and punished with retaliatory air strikes do not appear in the book, and are somewhat prophetic seeing as how the film was made in late 1999, over three years before the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. This was noted in a review by Studio International, which praised the film’s ‘prescience, subject matter and intelligence’ for pre-emptively addressing issues such as the attacks on Iraq, domestic terrorism and financial crises.

Eureka! (2022 TV series)

Set in the Stone Age within the location of Rocky Falls, the series follows the eponymous girl Eureka who enjoys going on adventures and building gadgets.

Hero Mode

Financially struggling indie video game business owner Kate asks her son Troy (Chris Carpenter) to develop a video game in time for an upcoming gaming convention in order to save the company. Troy is enthusiastic for the job. But the company's disgruntled coders are not, and in addition Rick, the CEO of a rival company looking to buy out the studio in order to gut it and fire everyone'

Kiss Me Deadly (2008 film)

The film begins in Germany while the Berlin Wall is still intact, with Marta and Jake on a secret spy mission that goes horribly wrong. A few days later, after the fall of the wall, they meet their boss Yale in a West Berlin cafe and are given a debriefing, effectively telling them the cold war is over, and their jobs are done. Now the movie fast forwards through the years with a montage of news stories showing the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and ends up at present day where the story picks up. Jake has retired and is now working as a fashion photographer, living with his young daughter and boyfriend Paulo, in Milan, Italy. He receives an unexpected call from Marta after seventeen years, asking him to pick her up at the train station in Milan. After arriving at the station, he discovers she has amnesia and is being followed by a pair of unsavory looking thugs. Since Marta is suffering from a memory loss and doesn't know why she is being followed by the thugs, or who they work for, Jake agrees to help her find out why.

Dick Fight Island

''Dick Fight Island'' is set in Pulau Yong'Unda, a fictional archipelago made up of eight islands, that was not discovered by the outside world until the end of the 20th century. The king of the archipelago is decided in a contest held every four years called "The Great Wyrm Tournament", with each of the eight clans that make up the people of the archipelago sending out their own champion. The champions face each other in a series of one-on-one fights, the winner being the person who can make the other orgasm first. Thus, the champions go into their fights with armor that "was designed for the manhood, growing larger and more elaborate by the year." However, in keeping with local custom, the men wear clothes displaying the buttocks, this being considered a proud statement of manliness. The story's central character is Harto, a member of the Jewel Tribe, who has been studying abroad for four years and has returned to take part in the tournament. Harto has learned a "secret trick" that he hopes will allow him to win the tournament. Meanwhile, Harto's boyfriend, Matthew, follows him to Pulau Yong'Unda, jealous of the fact that Harto is being touched by other men.

The second volume explores the events following "The Great Wyrm Tournament," and the relationships that blossom as a result of the tournament's events.

The Slaughterman's Daughter

It is 1894, and many Jews are emigrating from the Russian Empire to the United States, Germany, and Palestine; the story is set in motion by one husband and father who abandons his family.

The townsfolk of Motal, a Belarusian town in the Pale of Settlement, are shocked when Fanny Keismann - devoted wife, mother of five, and celebrated cheese-maker - leaves her home and vanishes into the night. Such behavior was fairly common for men but never before had a woman done so. Fanny's reputation indicated she might be capable of unconventional deeds. Thus do the events of the story unfold.

The Serpent Queen

The series follows Catherine de' Medici, who marries into the French court as an orphaned teenager expected to bring in a fortune in dowry and produce heirs, only to discover that her husband is in love with an older woman and that she cannot conceive children. She manages to keep her marriage going, and rule France for thirty years.

Psych 3: This Is Gus

Prior to Gus and Selene's wedding and the birth of their son, Shawn and Gus must track down Selene's estranged husband, while Gus is in 'groomzilla' mode. Lassiter works to determine the future of his police career.

One True King (novel)

The book opens with Anadil, Hester, and Dot searching for Sophie. They are unaware that Sophie is being controlled, and that whenever she tries to remember her past she suffers immense pain. The trio discover something is wrong when they see that Sophie is about to get married to "Rhian" (who is actually his brother Japeth).

Agatha and Tedros, meanwhile, have found King Arthur's ring that can keep the Storian alive, and they use Wish Fish to find Sophie. Sophie, being controlled, attempts to kill Agatha and Agatha realizes she must be under Japeth's control. Before the fight can truly become a large-scale war, Excalibur returns to the stone and King Arthur's voice informs everyone that there must be a contest to prove whether Tedros is king or Japeth is king; the winner will be king and the loser will be beheaded. Tedros also learns that Japeth and Rhian were not King Arthur's sons at all, but their true parents are still unknown.

Agatha, Tedros, Hort, and Nicola set off to help Tedros achieve the first test, and in doing so find a version of Merlin turned into a baby. Sophie, meanwhile, is on a hunt to find out more about her past despite the pain it gives her. She discovers the snake 'scims' that Japeth can create must be in her head, feeding on her memories, and uses her powers to painfully take them from her head and escapes. Hester, Anadil, and Dot, meanwhile, search for Dot's dad, who they believe may still be alive; Japeth catches up to Sophie as she in turn catches up to Tedros, Agatha, Hort, and Nicola. During a battle, it is discovered that Japeth is the son of Rafal, a villain in the previous story arc.

Eventually, after Tedros and Japeth complete more tests, the time comes for the winner to be selected. Japeth is selected, and Tedros is beheaded; however, Merlin revives Tedros and the results are shown to be a mistake, and Japeth is beheaded instead. Tedros and Agatha become King and Queen of Camelot, while Nicola and Hort break up and Sophie pursues a romantic relationship with him, and Anadil and Hester are hinted at being in a romantic relationship as well.


Three journalism students, Yasmine, Walid and Bilel, set off to investigate a cold case for a school film project. After visiting a mental hospital to interview Mongia, the mutilated survivor of an attack 20 years before, the trail leads them out to an isolated village. Before they fully understand what is happening, they find themselves beset by cannibal witches.

BMF (TV series)

''BMF'' is inspired by the true story of two brothers who rose from the decaying streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s and gave birth to one of the most influential crime families in this country. Demetrius "Big Meech" Flenory's charismatic leadership, Terry "Southwest T" Flenory's business acumen and the fraternal partnership's vision beyond the drug trade and into the world of hip hop would render the brothers iconic on a global level. Their unwavering belief in family loyalty would be the cornerstone of their partnership and the crux of their eventual estrangement. This is a story about love, betrayal, and thug-capitalism in the pursuit of the American dream.

The One (2011 film)

Daniel and Tommy met in college and played lacrosse together, and Tommy has been crushing on Daniel ever since. The film opens with Tommy, who has since come out, and Daniel unexpectedly meeting one another in a bar and reminiscing over their college years. They end up sleeping together after leaving the bar, and the next morning, Daniel announces he is engaged to Jen. Even though he has feelings for Tommy, he is determined to bury those urges and go ahead with the wedding. Later, when Tommy runs into Daniel and Jen at the gym, Daniel reluctantly introduces Tommy to Jen, and they hit it off. Tommy then schemes to get Daniel alone by inviting him to a reunion of college alumni, but when he arrives, Daniel discovers it was a ruse, and instead, it's a intimate country getaway with just the two of them. The pair are falling deeper in love, but Daniel also loves Jen, so he has to make a choice and decide who will be 'the one'.

Kommer du, Elsa?

Leif Rieber is a famous conductor. He has a promising young son who plays the violin, and his father features him as a soloist in one of his major concerts. The son has tuberculosis and dies during the concert. The father blames himself for the son's death and takes to drinking. Later he is affected by marital problems and illness.

Draft:Dust (upcoming film)

A young mother haunted by the past becomes convinced that a mysterious presence in dust storms is threatening her family and takes extraordinary measures to protect them.

Intiki Deepam Illalu

Being an adopted daughter of Jayaram and Damayanthi, Krishna gets mistreated by Damayanthi and their daughter Raashi. Innocent, soft-spoken and kind hearted Krishna had always yearned for love. Maheshwari chooses Krishna for her son Manohar and get them married while Manohar's cousin Harsha and Raashi get married. The story revolves around her struggles to win the heart of her husband Manohar, who does not love her with her strict mother in law Maheshwari turning mentor for her, admist which Raashi hatches various plans to defame Krishna and separate her from the family. Varshini, Mano's sister is set to marry Uday, the brother of Mano's former love interest Hema. Varshini acts as if she is pregnant with Uday's progeny to convince Maheshwari for getting her married to Uday. On the wedding day, Uday abducts Krishna when the latter discovers that he is acting as if he loves Varshini and is getting married to her to take revenge on Mano for getting married to Krishna despite being in a relationship with Hema.

Raashi saves Krishna and they expose Uday, who is banished. Therefore, Varshini is forced to marry Raashi's brother Surya. Though after some tribulations; Surya-Varshini and Krishna-Manohar fall in love. Varshini is protected from Uday's evil conspiracies and she accepts Krishna as her sister-in-law and mother-figure. Uday is revealed to be Krishna's cousin. Krishna's biological parents were murdered by Uday's father for her property when she was a toddler. After Raashi has a miscarriage, she puts the blame on Krishna. Due to conflicts, the house is divided into two with a line drawn separating it. Maheshwari, Krishna, Manohar and the latter's father live on one side of the house while Harsha, his parents Leelavathi and Jagadish and Raasi live on other side. Maheshwari moves out of the house with her family after discovering that Varshini was modelling in Uday's agency and was having an affair with him few days after her marriage. Leelavathi and Jagadish realize their mistake and tries to unite with Maheshwari and buys a house in their neighbourhood. Manohar gets drunk under Raasi's influence and forces himself upon Krishna, who gets pregnant due to it. She has an internal conflict with Manohar which is hidden from an excited Maheshwari. When Maheshwari discovers the truth, she leaves the house, meets with an accident and is presumed to be dead. However, she is alive and is unhappy, so she does not return home.

Manohar blames Krishna for Maheshwari's death and they decide to get divorced. Harsha gets romantically involved with a businesswoman Harika who joins their office and troubles Raasi. Krishna and Manohar are asked to stay with each other for six months together by court for reconsidering their divorce decision. Maheshwari starts living with a couple after saving one of their lives. The trio start a catering business and Varshini-Surya approach them as they have a curry point. Everyone discovers that Maheshwari is alive.

Finding Mr. Wright

Clark Townsend is single and gay, along with being a successful Hollywood talent manager. His client, and best friend Eddy Malone, is a popular TV actress who is a booze loving party girl. Her constant partying is making Clark and his cross dressing secretary Goldie, increasingly high strung. Eddy's publicist TJ is fed up with the constant drama as well. So TJ invites Pearce Wright, a life coach and counselor, who also happens to be gay, to a party to try and straighten Eddy out. After witnessing her antics at the party, Pearce suggests a weekend wilderness therapy retreat to bring her back down to earth. Pearce also has a ulterior motive for the retreat, because after meeting Clark at the party, he is attracted to Clark and wants to see if there is a possible relationship to be developed. The whole crew, and a few tag-alongs all decide to go, and when they arrive, Pearce begins the task of leading this unusual and diverse group of characters to a new outlook on life. In the end, Clark and Pearce finally get together and begin a relationship.

Hong Kil-dong (1986 film)

In Joseon-era Korea, Hong Kil-dong is born in Hanseong (modern Seoul) as the illegitimate son of a nobleman. His stepmother tries to have him killed by bandits, but he is rescued by monk who uses magic and martial arts. Hong goes on to train with the monk and defend the oppressed villagers, later fighting an invasion by Japanese ninjas.

Draft:Rebel (upcoming film)

After his father’s death, 13-year-old Nassim searches for an identity in Molenbeek, Morocco. While his mother Leila anxiously tries to keep him away from his older local gangster brother Karim, Nassim needs to decide what the rest of his life will look like.

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars

Born to Chinese parents who emigrated to Gloom, the unnamed trans girl protagonist has had a cluster of killer bees inside her since she was aged six and they swarmed into her body. Since eleventh grade, she has experienced sexual pleasure via Ghost Friend, an ungendered being which brings her to orgasm when she consents. On the day that a clan of dead mermaids wash up on the beach, the protagonist decides to flee to the City of Smoke and Lights, leaving her younger sister Charity behind. Throughout the book, she sends letters to Charity, who begins misbehaving in her absence. She also writes chapters of "song of the pocket knife" in her notebook, detailing her self-harm as it subsides and reoccurs depending on her life situation.

Following the bus journey to the City of Smoke and Lights, a man assaults the protagonist in public so she attacks him with kung fu. She meets Kimaya, who takes her to Street of Miracles: there, trans women—or, "femmes"—engage in sex work for survival. Kimaya helps her find a barebones apartment to rent and introduces her to Dr. Crocodile, who gives her medication to grow breasts in exchange for sexual activity. She meets Rapunzelle, Kimaya's girlfriend. Rapunzelle was addicted to the drug Lost after suffering abuse by her father. One night, while on Lost, she started to shapeshift; Kimaya held onto her and she became herself again.

After Soraya becomes the latest femme to be murdered, Valaria the Goddess of War calls upon the women to form the Lipstick Lacerators. Though Kimaya and others object, the protagonist joins the gang as they attack the men on the Street of Miracles, with the exception of those who are sex workers, homeless or treat femmes well. They are the subject of headlines, and Ivana's injury at the hands of men who fight back sparks argument between Valaria and her ex-lover Lucretia. The Lipstick Lacerators are invited to a university, where the protagonist gives her number to a trans boy in the library. One night, they flee after their latest target turns out to be an undercover cop. As one police officer is about to shoot Lucretia, the protagonist grabs his baton and hits him in the head, killing him. No femme dies at the hands of police, despite the injuries, but Valaria must leave the city as the police are searching for her. This leaves the protagonist as leader.

She has a sexual nightmare about the cop she killed and begins self-harming again. Alzena the Witch tells her that she can only stop hurting others when she stops hurting herself. Kimaya arranges a night for femmes at the Cabaret Rouge so that they can perform just for themselves, not for men. After overhearing an argument between Kimaya and her now-ex Rapunzelle about the Lipstick Lacerators and her, the protagonist asks Alzena how to catch a swarm of bees and is told, "with sweetness". She spends a day baking a cake and the bees swarm out of her body. The boy from the library—Josh—calls her and they arrange a date. Kimaya is excited as Josh is known for his writing and community work about trans issues. In a cemetery, Josh kisses the protagonist, but she begins crying and recoils. Ghost Friend comforts her and she leaves them behind as she chooses to have sex with Josh. Six weeks later, she has moved into Josh's lavish apartment, but suddenly realises it is not where she belongs. She smashes his television, runs away and entrusts her pocket knife to Charity.

A Tale of Magic...

In all four kingdoms, magic is outlawed; practitioners and those associated are usually punished with death. In the Southern Kingdom, a fairy named Madame Weatherberry requests King Champion's approval for a school of magic. She convinces him by saying magic is not bad but witchcraft is and that he could use magic to stop the "northern conflict". He eventually accepts, letting her recruit two children.

Women in the Southern Kingdom are stripped of all rights, including those related to reading. However, 14-year-old Brystal Evergreen loves to do so and takes many risks. Later, Brystal becomes a maid at the library, wanting to read books. After many close calls, Brystal finds a "Justice-only" section where she learns of those who defied the Justices and were killed as a result. She finds a book on magic, discovering she can perform it. However, she is caught by the librarian and is sent to the Bootstrap Correctional Facility. Later, Madame Weatherberry arrives and recruits Brystal to her school. Along the way, Xanthous Hayfield, who specializes in fire and accidentally killed his father, and Emeralda Stone, who specializes in gems and was raised by dwarves, are recruited.

At Madame Weatherberry's school, they meet Tangerina Turkin and Skylene Lavenders. They are later joined by Lucy Goose who has a "specialty for trouble" and whom Brystal makes friends with. During classes, Brystal struggles to unlock her magic properly, leading to Madame Weatherberry giving her a wand. After Brystal is nearly killed, Madame Weatherberry decides to begin teaching protection classes and reveals to Brystal she has been leaving the school to fight the Snow Queen who has been causing blizzards in the Northern Kingdom. If Madame Weatherberry perishes, she wants Brystal to succeed her. Madame Weatherberry leaves again and, finally, Brystal tells the others what Madame Weatherberry is doing, and they set off to help her.

After they fall off a cliff, the group lands in a giant flower garden where they meet a girl named Rosette who leads them to her aunt, a sorceress. She explains being a witch or a fairy is a choice, differing from what Madame Weatherberry taught them. Using the "tree of truth", they find this to be true since Madame Weatherberry is trying to seek acceptance for the magical community by categorizing fairies as good and witches as bad. Finally, they arrive in the Northern Kingdom where they help the soldiers regain their strength and fight witches who are helping the Snow Queen. Brystal climbs to the top of the mountain and finds the Snow Queen to be Madame Weatherberry herself, who explains she has been angry all her life because of discrimination. Using her anger, she transformed into the Snow Queen, causing a magical problem which only fairies could solve. Brystal tells Madame Weatherberry to escape to the northern mountains, creating northern lights and sending occasional blizzards. When the northern lights disappear, this is a sign of the Snow Queen's return.

The fairies request magic be legalized, rights be equalized, and all laws restricting creative freedom be removed in return for them fixing the Snow Queen's damage. At Madame Weatherberry's academy, many fairies arrive, seeking to develop their magical abilities.

Josep (film)

In February 1939, artist Josep Bartolí had to flee his native Spain, which fell under Franco's dictatorship after the Spanish Civil War. Like thousands of other Spanish refugees, he went to France, but ended up in a concentration camp. The under-fed refugees are victims of ill-treatment. However, the artist befriends a gendarme (French military policeman) who secretly gives him a pencil and paper. Josep Bartolí eventually goes to New York and Mexico where he meets the painter Frida Kahlo, with whom he falls in love.

Alice's Wonderland Bakery

The series revolves around Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original Alice Pleasance Liddell, who is a young baker working at the Wonderland Bakery. As she explores the kingdom on various culinary adventures, she is accompanied by Fergie the white rabbit, Hattie, and Rosa, the Princess of Hearts.

The teapot-shaped Wonderland Bakery has a kitchen where some of the equipment are animated, namely the oven and the mixer. The bakery also has a pantry which is vertical tunnel where the ingredients are on shelves on the sides, and anyone who enters will mostly float inside as if they are in space.

The desserts (and to lesser-extent foods) the characters make are mostly magical, resulting either troublesome or pleasant effects.

Everything Went Fine

The film centres on Bernheim (Marceau) as she is confronted with her father André (Dusollier)'s declining health, and his request for her help in committing medically assisted suicide.

Draft:Uprising (upcoming film)

After a vampirism outbreak, CIA agent Lauren Webb works against the clock to uncover the truth behind a growing uprising that threatens to wipe out humanity.

God's Not Dead: We the People

A group of parents led by a local pastor are home-schooling their children when a representative from social services makes an unannounced visit and determines the parents' teaching is not sufficient, in light of the requirements of the common core state standards. A local judge, played by Jeanine Pirro, gives them a week to prove that their education is adequate or the students will be forced to go to public school. The pastor and the parents head to Washington, D.C. to testify in front of a Congressional sub-committee on home-schooling. Much of the last half of the film consists mainly of long speeches by the parents, pastor, and members of Congress over the topic of home-schooling.

Bayala: A Magical Adventure

In the land of Bayala, elves and dragons live in harmony, the elves watching over dragon eggs until the Dragon's Feast, where they return the newly-hatched dragons to their parents, their bond strengthening the land's magic. One day, however, Ophira, the queen of the shadow elves, steals the dragon eggs and abducts Surah, princess of the sun elves. With the dragons gone, the land begins to wilt away while Ophira grows in strength. Years later, Surah manages to escape the shadow realm with the help of her friends Jaro and Nuray, Ophira's niece. However, growing up in the shadow realm results in her gaining the wings and magical abilities of a shadow elf.

Years later, on the coronation of Crown Princess Eyela of the sun elves, young elf Marween discovers what she believes to be a talking rock, only for the elves to realize it is a hatching dragon egg. Eyela plans a new Dragon's Feast; however, it is only possible with royalty from all the elven tribes, including the shadow elves. The elves decide that Surah and Jaro will go to the shadow realm to retrieve Nuray, while Surah's twin sister Sera and Marween will take the baby dragon, Nugur, to his parents at Dragon's Peak, while Eyela gathers the other elven royalty to prepare for the feast. As the group travels through the woods, Ophira, growing suspicious of their intentions, summons a storm spell to attack them, but Surah counteracts it with her own storm spell. They arrive at the home of Magus Bilara, who teaches Surah not to view her shadow elf abilities as being evil. Bilara supplies the group with a boat and sends them across the lake to the path to Dragon's Peak. However, Ophira, spying on the group with her ravens, discovers Nugur and sends another storm spell, causing the group to crash on the shore of the shadow realm.

With little options available, Surah resolves to send Marween to take Nugur to Dragon's Peak alone while the rest goes to retrieve Nuray. Using Surah's bird Kuack to distract the ravens, the group manages to escape and splits off. Ophira sends her shadow to contact the group, offering to trade Nuray for Nugur. As the group arrives at Shadow Rock, they are taken prisoner, but Ophira discovers they don't have the dragon and sends her ravens to Dragon's Peak to retrieve him. Meanwhile, Marween takes Nugur to Dragon's Peak and successfully reunites him with his parents. At Shadow Rock, the group defeats Ophira's guards while Surah battles Ophira. While initially overpowered, the magic of the reunited dragons strengthens her magic and allows her to defeat Ophira, turning her to stone. The dragon statues on Shadow Rock are destroyed, revealing the stolen dragon eggs hidden within them.

Nuray is crowned the new queen of the shadow elves and returns the dragon eggs to Solstice Rock, where the elven tribes have gathered for Dragon's Feast. Marween is announced the royal liaison to the dragons and is taken as Bilara's apprentice. The united elven tribes celebrate the return of the dragons and the restoration of magic to Bayala.

The Passenger (Boschwitz novel)

The book tells the story of Otto Silbermann, a respected German-Jewish business owner living in Berlin who has to leave his wife and flee his home in the immediate aftermath of the ''Kristallnacht'' pogrom of November 1938 as Nazi German soldiers pound on their door in the middle of the night. Silbermann escapes from his home through the back door and travels on several trains within Germany in an attempt to flee the country.

Silbermann's travels bring him to a number of individuals, some of whom are outcasts of the Nazi regime, while others embrace its ideology wholeheartedly. Initially refusing to accept the realities of Jewish persecution in the new Nazi Germany, Silbermann eventually comes to accept the realities of his new life as his attempts to flee are unsuccessful.

The Jewish Book Council wrote that "''The Passenger'' offers an intimate portrait of Jewish life in prewar Nazi Germany at the onset of dehumanization, before the yellow star was imposed."

No. 16 Martin Street

Cleo hopes to pursue a career in music. Attending the music conservatory has proved costly, and soon the expenses overwhelmed her. No longer able to afford her musical education, she drops out of school and returns home. Looking for a job, she reads a job advertisement for singers at the Follies Cabaret. She interviews for the job, and the show's manager hires her.

Jacques Fournier is one of the foremost criminologists"Criminologists
are the people working and researching all of the ins and outs of criminology. Criminologists often look for behavioral patterns of a possible criminal in hopes of finding a particular perpetrator. They also conduct research and investigations, developing theories, and composing results, and more often than not solve crimes." quoted from Criminology
in the country. One day while researching a case, his office door flies open, and a man named Browne rushes into the office. He tells Fournier he has discovered his wife's dead body in their home. He pleads with Fournier to investigate this murder. Fournier agrees, and he accompanies the man to his home.

They enter the house and find Browne's wife lying dead on the floor. Browne points out all of her valuable jewels are missing. Upon further investigation, Fournier determines a spiess gun was used to murder Mrs. Browne. He assures Browne he will investigate the matter and returns to his office. After checking his records, he learns Brown is a cocaine addict. He also determines Mr. Browne, and a woman named Audrey Devine share a mysterious link. Audrey is a singer at the Follies Cabaret. Fournier decides he will talk to Devine and see if she can shed any light on the murder.

Between acts, they expected the cabaret performers to share drinks with the paying customers. Fournier enters the Follies Cabaret and sits down. He notices a patron is harassing one of the young performers. He strides over and rescues the girl from the man's advances. She thanks him profusely and tells him her name is Cleo. Cleo pours out her heart to Fournier, including why she had to abandon her studies at the conservatory. Fournier tells her she can earn some extra cash by assisting him with an investigation. Cleo readily agrees. He asks her if she knows Audrey Devine. Cleo tells Fournier she has seen her in the dressing room and knows Audrey is hooked on cocaine. Fournier thinks there might be a link between Browne and Audrey because of their mutual cocaine addiction. He asks Cleo to imitate a dope addict and to ask Audrey where she gets her dope.

The bell sounds, and Cleo returns to the stage for her second show. After the show's conclusion, she finds Audrey sitting alone. Cleo pretends she is desperate to get some cocaine. She asks Audrey if she knows anywhere she can get some coke. Audrey says she knows someone and calls Max the piano player. When they visit Max, he gives Cleo a deck of coke. Cleo later informs Fournier that Max is Audrey's drug source. Fournier devises a plan to determine Max's supplier. After working out the details, he leaves a note for Cleo. The note instructs her to make advances toward Max and persuades him to escort her to his home. While they are heading towards Max's home, Fournier will impersonate a crook and try to rob them. During the mugging, Fournier will force Max to identify his drug supplier. She follows his instructions to the letter, but a fight breaks out during the fake robbery attempt. Max escapes but leaves his coat on the ground. Fournier scrutinizes the coat and finds cocaine decks and a note addressed to "16 Martin Street."

Audrey arrives at a home on 16 Martin Street. She walks inside and greets Max and Joe. Joe turns out to be another cocaine addict. Both men are preparing decks of cocaine. Then Audrey goes through a secret panel and delivers some cocaine decks to someone waiting outside. Once finished with her work, she gets ready to leave.

On the same morning, Cleo, in disguise, heads out to 16 Martin Street. Cleo reaches the address, just as Audrey is just leaving, but Audrey does not recognize the disguised Cleo. When Cleo enters the room, she finds the room deserted.

Fournier has left her a powerful fake narcotic and skeleton key. He has instructed her to replace the fake narcotic for the cocaine. Since no one is around, she starts swapping the narcotic for the real dope. Completing her mission, she looks around the room. She discovers the secret panel and is about to investigate further when Joe returns. Cleo tells Joe she found they had left the panel door open, and she was merely was peeking in. Cleo exits the house and goes home to preparations for her show that evening.

Night comes, and Fournier waits at the police station to see what Cleo has uncovered. While Fournier waits for Cleo, plainclothes men are watching 16 Martin Street. The plain cloth men observe Audrey and Max enter the house.
After finishing her last show, Cleo goes directly to the police station. She meets Fournier and tells him everything she has discovered. They decide to head to 16 Martin Street immediately. Once they arrive, they surround the house, and Cleo leads them to the front door. They break down the door and find Max and Joe high on cocaine. The police arrest the two, then Cleo shows them the secret panel. After breaking into the private room, they find Audrey and Browne locked in an embrace. After a brief struggle, the police take Browne into custody. Cleo helps Fournier search the rest of the premises.

Cleo finds some loose boards on the floor, and after prying the boards, finds the weapon used to kill Mrs. Browne. Lying alongside the weapon are the dead woman's missing jewels. Fournier confronts Browne with the gun and missing gems. Seeing his story falling apart, Brown confesses to the murder of his wife. As a reward for her outstanding work in the field, Cleo becomes Fournier's associate.

Good on Paper

Andrea Singer is a stand-up comedian and a struggling aspiring actress. At the airport on the way home from an audition, Andrea meets Dennis Kelley when he returns her missing boarding pass.

On the flight, Andrea finds herself sitting next to Dennis, who tells her that he’s a Yale graduate who works in hedge funds. They hit it off and begin hanging out together in Los Angeles. Dennis helps Andrea prepare for auditions and they become good friends. Dennis grows attached to Andrea and asks her for a relationship, but she rejects him. One night, Dennis gets Andrea to spend time with him under false pretenses. They get high and go out, hooking up at the end of the night. In the morning, Andrea agrees to be his girlfriend.

As Andrea and Dennis get closer, she and her friend Margot start to question if he is all that he claims. Andrea learns Dennis has lied about his house, his sick mother, his job, and his college education. In an attempt to get even, Margot gets Dennis drunk and he passes out. Margot and Andrea accidentally injure Dennis, and Andrea confronts him for his lying. Andrea later learns that Dennis has taken her to court for kidnapping him. After confronting him again, she is given a restraining order and more fodder for her stand-up routine.

Greenhollow Duology

Silver in the Wood

Tobias Finch has served as the Wild Man of Greenhollow Wood for centuries. He protects nearby villagers from magical creatures in the wood, along with his dryads and cat. He meets Henry Silver, a folklore scholar and the new landlord of Greenhollow Hall. When Tobias is shot by a villager as he fights off a creature, he recuperates at Greenhollow Hall. Finch and Silver forge a romantic connection. Silver is then captured by the Lord of Summer, Fabian Rafaela, a lich and former friend of Tobias. With Silver's mother Adela, Tobias confronts Fabian and kills him. During this conflict, he loses his powers, and Silver disappears. Months later, Tobias discovers Silver in the wood; Silver has gained Tobias's powers as the new Wild Man of the Wood.

Drowned Country

Two years after the events of the first story, Silver has become the new Wild Man of the Woods, and Tobias has ended their romantic relationship. Tobias now works for Mrs. Silver. One day, Henry receives a letter from his mother; she is investigating the disappearance of Maud Lindherst, who has been kidnapped by a vampire. Silver agrees to help.

Tobias and Silver search for Maud, finding that she has already killed the vampire in question. Maud is also a scholar of folklore; she is interested in finding Fairyland. Silver uses his powers to open a door to Fairyland, which is empty. Most of the fairies have died out in the preceding centuries; only a servant and the Fairy Queen remain. The Queen attempts to possess Maud, but she is defeated by Silver's magic. Silver, Tobias, and Maud return to their world. Maud begins to work for Mrs. Silver. The fairy servant becomes the new Lord of Greenhollow Wood, allowing Silver to become mortal once again and to rekindle his relationship with Tobias.

Draft:The Hunger (upcoming film)

The last of a race of vampires, who've lived for thousands of years by feeding off the blood of victims, give their lovers immortality by injecting them with vampire blood. However, they end up aging at a rapid rate, sending them toward an eternal undead state. When one of the vampires' lovers begins to show signs of aging, she seeks the help of a hematologist. The scientist works to discover she thinks she has found a breakthrough bestowing eternal youth, and upon the vampire's learning of this, she seduces the scientist.

Destination Marfa

Four friends on their way home from a Texas cookoff weekend stop at a gas station, where they encounter a fortune teller. They ultimately decide to make a last stop in Marfa, Texas, in the hopes of viewing the strange Marfa Lights.

Ride the Eagle

Leif, a 40ish, perpetually adolescent man working as a band percussionist, lives in his friend Gorka's shed in Los Angeles, and is devoted to his black labrador Nora.

One day, he is informed that his hippy mom Honey has died of cancer. He greets the news with an indifferent shrug: she abandoned him at 12 to join a cult and had not contacted him since. She had tried to reach out toward the end, but he had rebuffed her.

Honey has left him her wood cabin in Yosemite – under the condition of completing a to-do list, explained on a pre-recorded video. The point of the tasks is to make a numbed Leif feel something, a final last effort to mend fences with him. Leif goes to the cabin and discovers the cabin's cabinets are stashed with marijuana. At first, it seems that she is just messing with him—one request is to row across the lake and sneak into a house to drop off what turns out to be a kiss-off note. He almost gets caught after leaving it, forcing him to sneak away. Another charges him with catching a fish for his dinner using his bare hands. So, he spends most of a day in a nearby stream, trying to catch one.

Another request is to call "the one that got away" and apologize for his mistakes, leading him to reestablish contact with former girlfriend Audrey. They turn out to still have some chemistry over the phone, but she is hesitant to do anything about it as she is recovering from a recent breakup. They try to have phone sex, but Leif has no idea how to, so Audrey soon gives up. She agrees to visit him at the cabin.

The next day, Gorka calls Leif to give him bad news. Not only does the rock band of youngsters for which he plays bongos wants him out, but the shed where he was living at the back of his property has been deemed illegal, and has to be destroyed. Leif looks out to see someone has gutted two rabbits and smeared them over the windshield of his van. So, after he cleans it up, he sees the next task which is to play a song from the heart on the bongos. After doing so, Audrey calls back to say she is not coming.

Leif goes for a walk, leaving a reluctant Nora behind. On his return, she has disappeared. Frantic, he contacts the police and finally leaves a note in the cabin he had left the original note in, asking him not to hurt her. That night, the mysterious angry neighbor breaks into Leif/Honey's cabin and, similarly to calls he had made earlier, insults him in a jealous way.

The neighbor, Carl had believed Leif was her lover, not her son. Carl explains they had been on a break, so had no idea she had passed. He tells him she had felt terrible when Leif had refused to speak to her as an adult. Carl lists everything he will miss about Honey, finally offers Leif an olive branch and departs.

The last request is to hike to Green Lake. There, he is directed to find her ashes and read a note written by her. When he returns to the cabin, Nora is back, the huge stashes of pot are gone, and the last of her video tells him to reconsider and live his life.

Leif and Audrey text again, and he decides to take the eight-hour drive to see her.

The Four Profound Weaves

A nameless man returns to the desert settlement of his old friend Uiziya in the hopes that she can give him a name and identity. He has transitioned from female to male and is struggling with his place in his strictly gender-segregated tribe. Uiziya is a weaver awaiting the return of her aunt Benesret, who has promised to teach her the art of magical weaving and the Four Profound Weaves. The two journey into the desert to search for Benesret. Uiziya is injured by both an assassin and Benesret, and the nameless man takes her to his home city of Iyar. They attract the attention of The Collector, who kidnaps Uiziya so she can weave from Death for him. The two defeat The Collector. The nameless man claims a new name, Kaveh-nen-Kimri; he and Uiziya promise to explore the desert further together.


The architect Einar Wang (Carsten Winger) has been married to his adoring wife Else (Eva Bergh) for some years. The marriage has been happy, but one thing has cast a shadow over their life together: they have not had a child. Eventually, they decide to have a child. However, it turns out that it is not so simple. Shadows from Einar's past lie in wait. When he was quite young, he had an affair with a young girl, whom he sincerely loved. The girl became pregnant, and they agreed to have an abortion. Then she died because of the procedure. This has tormented Einar all these years, and at times he has felt like a murderer. He is eventually driven into a severe depression. Then one day the depression turns into mental illness, and he is admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Bakemonogatari (manga)

The story revolves around Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student, now a quasi-vampire after surviving a vampire attack, with the help of Meme Oshino, a specialist in the supernatural. Despite having some superhuman abilities, such as regeneration, Koyomi tries his best to live life as a normal student, but keeps encountering girls with supernatural problems.

As Koyomi walks up the stairs, he notices a woman falling from the top of the staircase. He catches her, but notices that the woman, Hitagi Senjougahara has no weight to her. As natural, Koyomi find it unusual and realized something is wrong. Determined to help her, he goes to Tsubasa Hanekawa to learn more about Hitagi. However, after attempting to confront her, she refuses his help and then proceeded to staple his mouth threatening him to not mess with her. Koyomi however not listening to her insists, and then runs after her to show that the wound she made in Koyomi’s mouth has fully healed. Convinced with this and realizing he has been involved with oddities, she accepts the help of Koyomi. Koyomi takes Hitagi to the same person that helped him, Oshino Meme. In the past, Hitagi Senjougahara’s mother was involved with a cult and brought a member of the cult to their house; whom the cult member attempted to sexually assault her as her mother did nothing to stop it, which she then hurt the man in self defense and as punishment, they took the mother away from the family. Oshino tells her that the curse is a crab, an oddity that cuts your weight. In Hitagi’s case, she had family affairs and had intentionally removes the guilt and burden of the issues, leading to being bitten by the crab oddity that stripped her of her weight. Oshino suggests they return back on midnight for the ritual After a while, Koyomi and Hitagi head to the cram school again. They see Oshino who has prepared the ritual and it starts immediately. The crab becomes visible and attacks Hitagi but she realizes to get rid of it, she must bear the weight of all the guilt of her family affairs. Gaining her normal weight back, she thanks Koyomi and befriends him.

Fisherman's Friends: One and All

The film is the follow up to the 2019 hit UK film ''Fisherman's Friends'' about the famous sea shanty singing group from Port Isaac, Cornwall. The sequel is based on the second part of the Fisherman's Friends true story about their struggles with fame, success, love, loss and navigating the bumpy road to the pyramid stage at Glastonbury Music Festival which they famously played in 2011.

The English (TV series)

An Englishwoman arrives into the West in 1890 looking for revenge on the man she sees as responsible for the death of her son, and meets an ex-cavalry scout and member of the Pawnee Nation by birth with whom she discovers a possible shared history.

Further than the Furthest Thing

Act 1

The play opens with Bill Laverello, the island's minister, swimming in the caldera lake of the volcano which dominates the island; he leaves the water as tremours rise from the volcano. The play then moves to Mill Laverello's house, where Francis Swain, the nephew of Mill and Bill, meets Mill, having, unusually, left the island for roughly a year. After an awkward conversation, during which they are joined by Bill, who is deeply disturbed by the tremours and believes himself to have witnessed supernatural activity, Francis reveals that he has invited Mr Hansen, a factory-owner who he introduces as his friend, to the island. It becomes apparent that Mr Hansen wishes to build a factory on the island, the economy of which had, up to that point, been based entirely on subsistence farming and fishing.

Bill is strongly against the idea of a factory on the island, but promises not to publicly oppose it in an island meeting which Francis has called, in exchange for which he asks Francis to swim in the lake where he had felt the tremours. Francis is shown meeting with Rebecca Rodgers, with whom he had been in love before he left, and discovers that she has become pregnant in his absence. Mill and Mr Hansen visit the location where Mr Hansen plans to build his factory, of which Mill has become strongly supportive. Bill and Francis join them, and Francis tells them that, after swimming in the lake, he no longer wishes the factory to be built; following his opposition, it was voted down in the island meeting. Mr Hansen leaves angrily, and Francis then informs Mill and Bill that he intends to leave on the ship with him, and return to Cape Town permanently. Mill tells Bill that she will leave with Francis if Bill cannot convince him to stay. Bill then visits Rebecca, who reveals that she had become pregnant after being raped by visiting sailors. Bill asks her to tell Francis that the baby is his, in order to convince him to stay. Rebecca agrees, on the condition that Bill will help her to kill the baby as soon as it is born.

The next scene moves forward several days, to the day of Francis and Rebecca's wedding, which has been organised off-stage. Before the wedding can take place, the volcano erupts and Rebecca goes into labour. Bill murders Rebecca's newborn baby before anyone else sees it. Mr Hansen and Mill arrive, and Mill and Bill insist on burying the baby despite Mr Hansen's objections - the island is being evacuated on the ship on which Mr Hansen had left several days prior.

Act 2

The second act takes place eleven months later in Southamptom, where the island's residents have been rehoused by the British government and given jobs in Mr Hansen's factory. Mill enters Mr Hansen's office, over the objections of Francis, who has become his secretary, and demanded that she first make an appointment. She asks when the islanders will be able to return to the island, and Mr Hansen informs her that the island had been rendered permanently uninhabitable by the eruption. Over the next few scenes, Bill, who has been employed in the factory's boiler room, becomes increasingly obsessed with discovering the source of the water in the factory's pipes and in his own garden. Mill, meanwhile, becomes the organiser of a plan devised by the islanders to send a few men to the island to take photographs, in hope that it would give them closure; both Mr Hansen and Francis discourage the plan. Francis has become distant from the other islanders and from Rebecca, who is now actively trying to win his love.

Mr Hansen visits Bill in the boiler room, and confesses that he has lied to the community about the island, which was not in fact rendered uninhabitable. It is implied that the Ministry of Defence paid him to keep the islanders in Southampton so that the island could be used as a testing site for nuclear weapons. He reminds Bill that he knows about Bill's murder of Rebecca's child, which will prevent Bill from telling the other islanders. Mill visits Mr Hansen, and tells him that the Second World War had prevented the usual supply ships coming to the island, causing the residents to starve. In order for the maximum number to survive, they had drawn lots, and those who lost were starved to death, and their food eaten by the others. She tells Mr Hansen that she intends to sell the story to a newspaper to raise money for the photographing expedition to the island. As they speak, Bill commits suicide by drowning himself in the boiler room.

During the next scene, Bill's funeral, it is revealed that Mr Hansen had admitted to the islanders that he had lied to them about the extent of the damage, and that they intended to return to the island. Mr Hansen apologises to Mill, and promises that he will ensure the supply ships come to the island annually in future. In the last scene, the islanders, including Rebecca, leave Southamptom, with the exception of Francis, who chooses to remain.

The French Revolution (novel)

The novel follows the lives of the Van Twinkles for thirty years and is loosely structured after the French Revolution. After a brief romance in San Francisco, Esmerelda Van Twinkle gives birth to fraternal twins Robespierre and Marat on Bastille Day. She raises the children with her autocratic mother. The twins would go on to rebel against their family and pursue a life in politics and beyond.

Sally Face

''Note: This summary is told linearly, in-game the main plot of the first four episodes are told as flashbacks recounted by an older Sal.''

'''Episode 1: Strange Neighbors'''

Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. The day before their arrival one of the other residents, Mrs. Sanderson, was murdered. Sal explores and meets the other tenants, including Larry Johnson, who reveals he witnessed the murder. Sal helps Larry find evidence that the murderer was one of the other tenants, Charley Mansfield. They present the evidence to the police and he is arrested.

'''Episode 2: The Wretched'''

Several months later Larry tells Sal that he feels he has been cursed by a demon in the building. Sal promises to help him and goes to Todd Morrison, a tenant their age who creates gadgets. Todd modifies Sal's "Gear Boy" to be able to detect supernatural spots and the three of them explore the building. On the top floor, which is under renovation, Sal enters a secret room, where he encounters the demon. Larry steps in to save Sal and eliminates the demon with a gadget made by Todd.

'''Episode 3: The Bologna Incident'''

More than a year later Sal and his friends decide to investigate the strange-tasting bologna at their school. After discovering that it is produced by the math teacher Mrs. Packerton, who lives in Addison Apartments, Sal and Larry decide to break into her apartment. Here they find that the bologna is being made of human meat. Their friend Ashley Campbell discovers a hidden trash chute but falls down it. Sal, Larry, and Todd find that the chute leads to an occult temple underneath the building, where they save Ashley.

'''Episode 4: The Trial'''

Five years later a now-adult Sal lives with Todd in a house down the road from Addison Apartments, where they have spent the last years investigating the cult. Ashley comes to visit and she and Sal meet at a lake. That night Sal receives strange messages from Larry, upon which he rushes to the apartments, only to find that he has committed suicide. Sal and Larry's ghost together work their way through the apartment building, where it is shown in the otherworld that all the residents are overgrown with a strange growth. When Sal reaches Terrence Addison, the owner of the building who never leaves his room, he finds that a fleshy green mass has possessed him since he was a child. Sal defeats the mass but an apparition of Terrence tells him he must kill all the infected tenants to end the infestation for good. Reluctantly, Sal obliges and murders all the residents. In the Lobby, he finds Todd, who has been possessed by the demon. Ashley had arrived at the apartment complex moments before, and upon opening the door she unveils a covered-in-blood Sal and calls the authorities. Sal is immediately arrested as they come.

Two years later Sal is put on trial and, despite Ashley's best efforts, sentenced to death. Ashley later finds proof of Sal's story in the form of a picture of Larry's ghost but arrives too late to save Sal, witnessing his death.

'''Episode 5: Memories and Dreams'''

After Sal's death, Ashley continues Todd's investigations of the cult. She places explosives in the main cult temple, however, she is unable to bring herself to detonate them. Believing Sal is destined to destroy the cult she begins a ritual to revive him, and sacrifices herself to become a physical host for his spirit, temporarily keeping her alive and giving her special abilities. They go to the temple, where Ashley, Sal's spirit, and the ghost of Larry defeat "The Endless", the core entity of the cult, saving Todd from the cult's possession. Larry's ghost vanishes, leaving the others to grieve him. Even after the group's best efforts to save the world from the cult, it is later revealed in the unlockable epilogue, that 33% of the planet's population had been consumed by darkness.

The Tourist (TV series)

When an Irish man wakes up with amnesia in an Australian hospital, he must use what few clues he has to discover his identity before his past catches up with him.

The Lost Symbol (TV series)

Years before the events of ''The Da Vinci Code'', a young Robert Langdon is hired by the CIA to solve a number of deadly puzzles when his mentor goes missing.

Giganto Maxia

The story is set 100 million years in the future after an event called the Great Destruction. Colossal bugs-like monsters roam the wastelands, used by the Empire of Olympus in their epic war against Alcyoneus and his nether-forces. The gladiator Delos, the mystic Prome, and the titan Gohra are tasked to end the bloodshed and heal the planet.

Cuts (novel)

In the summer of 1986 government funds are being cut, and services are reducing, including education, health, the arts. Obscure university teacher and post-modernist novelist Henry Babbacombe was losing his staff while northern, hapless 'Eldorado Television' approaches him to produce a blockbuster of a series to be called ''Serious Damage''. Henry is thrust into the media spotlight where he is forced to cut, edit and rewrite the series. Eventually the production is axed, much to his relief. Henry manages what it takes to be a success in Margaret Thatcher's Britain.

The Colored American Winning His Suit

An ex-slave prospers and eventually buys the Virginia estate of his former master. He sends his son Bob to Howard University, where he becomes a lawyer.

When Bob comes home, he meets his sister Bessie's classmate and friend Alma Eaton. They fall in love, but her parents have chosen another man for her, Jim Sample. Bowing to her parents' wishes, Alma breaks up with Bob. However, when Alma's father is charged with theft at the behest of business rival Mr. Hinderus, Bob comes to the rescue and is rewarded with Alma's hand in marriage.

Fearful Attack of the Flying Saucers

During the Cold War, flying saucers from the M87 Nebula attacked cities around the world. The rocket R1 produced as a secret weapon by Dr. Hoshina, an authority on space science, challenges the disk that destroys the city by rejecting the attack of the Self-Defense Forces together with the mysterious robot.

Azucena (film)

Lily (Alessandra) lives with her father Tomas (Ricky) and stepmother (Glydel). Her parents sell Lily's aging dog, whom she calls her best friend, to Teban (Dante) for dog meat and ''asocena''. Lily, however, convinces Teban to return her dog and then begins a friendship with him. This causes the ire of her friends and family. Teban becomes her surrogate father, who supports her for her needs.

Taray at Teroy

Estela "Taray" Caluglog is a stern and faultfinding provincial girl who travels to the city to prepare her papers to become a domestic helper in Singapore. Once a sunglasses-wearing boy named Teroy accidentally bumps Taray with his motorcycle, Taray angrily chases after him with her switchblade. As further hijinks ensue, the two get to know each other and eventually fall in love.

For His Mother's Sake

Johnson's character in the film flees to Mexico after taking the blame for a crime committed by his brother. It has been described as a "prodigal son" story. Johnson has been described as demonstrating, in this film, in ''As the World Rolls On'', and through his prizefighting, "to a generation of African-American male youth that athletics was one of the few ways out of the ghetto or off the sharecropper's farm."

Mattie Willes portrayed Johnson's mother in the sentimental melodrama about a man taking the blame for his brother's crime.


Milo is in her twenties and feels like her life is lacking in purpose after attending her friend Noor's baby shower. Her roommate George leaves to go on a date, and since she is feeling miserable, she leaves and goes to the local bar. She starts up a conversation with a patron at the bar, Roger, an older gay man. The two start talking about children, and Roger tells her that he's always wanted a family, but his attempts at adoption and surrogacy have failed. Milo and Roger stay in touch with one another and start to develop a friendship. She starts hanging out with Roger at the drag bar he owns, and they become drinking buddies. Milo senses Roger's despair at not having children, and she decides to become his surrogate. However, when their relationship starts to awkwardly move forward and Milo grows attached to Roger, he feels like Milo might want something more, so he distances himself from her. She's also managed to piss off her friend Noor, and her roommate George and his boyfriend. Milo must now contend with relationship boundaries, process the emotions she is having, and the pressure of the decision she made. In the end, Roger wants to parent the child alone, which takes Milo some time to come to terms with, but eventually she does.

Finna (novella)

Ava works at LitenVärld, a big box retail store, with her ex Jules. One day at work, a wormhole opens in the store. A customer's grandmother, Ursula Nouri, wanders inside. Ava and Jules are sent to fetch her using a tracking device called a FINNA. They travel through numerous parallel universes. In one, they find that Mrs. Nouri has been killed by parasitic plants; the FINNA directs them to a “suitable replacement”. They meet Captain Nouresh, an alternate-universe version of Mrs. Nouri. As they fight off dangerous drones, Ava escorts Nouresh back to her world; Jules stays behind. Ava quits her job and takes the FINNA in search of Jules.

The Left Right Game

Alice Sharman is a journalist who is investigating the story of a paranormal game which leads to an alternate reality. She joins up with a convoy of paranormal investigators led by Rob to investigate his claims.

Run, Little Chillun

The play contrasts pagan and Christian religious traditions among Blacks in the American South.

Plus-Sized Elf

The series follows human Tomoatsu Naoe, a massage therapist, who helps a chubby elf lose weight so she can be able to return to her home world. Because of this, many other overweight mystical beings come seeking his help.

Ung frue forsvunnet

The university instructor Berger (Adolf Bjerke) returns home from a mountain hike and discovers that his young wife, Eva (Astri Jacobsen), has disappeared. The maid has neither heard nor seen anything from the woman since the day the Berger left. What Berger does not know about his wife's past is that she was addicted to drugs and that her disappearance was due to a relapse. In desperation, she sought out her old friend, the decrepit pharmacist Møller (Espen Skjønberg) who previously led her into drug abuse. On the surface, the marriage seemed to be going well, but no one understood how much it tormented the young woman to feel mentally inferior to her husband.

The Surrogate (2020 film)

Jess agrees to be a surrogate mother for her best friend Josh and his husband Aaron. When a prenatal test reveals that the baby will likely be born with Down syndrome, complications arise between the three of them. Josh and Aaron are unsure if they are prepared to care for a special needs child, and the associated financial costs, so they suggest Jess have an abortion. Jess, on the other hand, has different plans, she researches what it will take to raise a special needs child by talking to knowledgeable mothers and looking into public assistance.

The Town within Reach

On a moving train, Hanoi-based journalist Vũ recalled the day he arrived in the border town of Lang Son to write a report about the Sino-Vietnamese War that took place shortly before. Most Vietnamese people were evacuated, although there were dead bodies hanging or lying after being shot. Vũ wandered around the ghost town, taking pictures and remembering the last time he came here to visit his girlfriend's family. He left Thanh after knowing that her father migrated to the South in 1954, an event that raised suspicion of political "impurity." Vũ wanted to advance in his career; therefore, he did not want a "stain" in his profile. Later, it turned out that her father left home not for political purposes but for a love affair. Vũ was ashamed of his cowardice and wanted to reconnect with Thanh. Walking around the town made his wish even stronger. He met several people in the town, and a young woman from the militia informed him about the place to which Thanh was evacuated. He also met a Japanese journalist and witnessed his death due to a bullet in the back. Vũ thought of his betrayal and went to find Thanh to make amends, only to see that she had moved on with another man.

Talking to the Dead (novel)

Nina, an uninhibited London-based photographer, is visiting her sister Isabel in Sussex. It is the hottest summer on record as Isabel struggles with her new-born baby Antony following a hysterectomy. Supporting Isabel is Susan, a neighbouring nanny and Isabel's gay friend Edward. Isabel also has a fling with Isabel's husband Richard.

In St Ives, Cornwall twenty-five years ago tragedy struck the sisters when their brother Colin died of sudden infant death syndrome, from which their mother never recovered. Isabel gradually descends into madness as Nina worries that that history may repeat itself...

Guest (2020 film)

Mary, a frightened young woman, wakes up in the bedroom of a stranger's house with injuries that have left her partially blind and deaf. The homeowner (The Woman), who bandaged her up after discovering her in the bathroom that morning, manages to slightly restore her hearing by inserting a hearing aid device into her ear and asks her what happened.

In a flashback sequence, Mary remembers the previous night where she was chased through the countryside by a tall, slender humanoid creature with no eyelids called The Guest. During the chase, Mary finds The Woman's house and breaks inside to escape from The Guest. Finding the house empty, Mary quickly arms herself with a knife from the kitchen and hides in the bathroom, only to discover that The Guest is waiting for her inside. Seemingly driven mad by The Guest's presence, Mary pours a bottle of bleach over her eyes to blind herself. Upon hearing The Guest's rattling breathing however, Mary grabs the knife and plunges it into her ears, causing herself to go partially deaf as she was at the start of the film.

Frightened at Mary's explanation of the previous night, The Woman quickly leaves the room and locks the door, trapping Mary inside. Mary then pulls back her bandages to see that The Guest sitting on the bed next to her. Mary reclines in the bed and braces herself for it to attack her. Instead, The Guest turns away from her and looks at the floor with a sad expression on its face, much to Mary's surprise and confusion. The film then abruptly ends.

Sacrifice (2020 film)

Americans Isaac and his pregnant wife Emma go to a Norwegian island to claim a house he has inherited. They meet a pagan cult who worship a sea deity, and events turn sinister.

SamSam (film)

SamSam lives a rich life with an array of friends, but the one thing he has yet to attain are actual superpowers. While he tries to figure it out, he must prepare to fight monsters and learn what it means to be a hero.

In the Shadow of the Banyan

In the novel, 7 year old Raami lives through the reign of the Khmer Rouge and the Cambodian Civil War. As royalty, her father is in danger for his life and the family spends the war dealing with starvation, brutal forced labor, death and survival.

The Holding (Fear the Walking Dead)

Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey), Althea (Maggie Grace), Luciana (Danay García), and Wes (Colby Hollman) pose as new recruits to infiltrate an underground settlement called "The Holding," where workers turn walkers into dirt to farm and grow food. They look at a wall where the message "THE END IS THE BEGINNING" is written.

After being greeted by a worker named Riley (Nick Stahl), they are questioned to provide information to the group's leader, Teddy (John Glover). Later, a group of people arrive, including Wes's brother Derek, whom Wes thought had long since died. Wes tries to get information from Derek, but Derek claims that Wes "isn't ready yet." While Derek is gone, Wes and Althea search Derek's room and find maps of the local settlements, including Tank Town and Lawton, as well as the whereabouts of Isabelle's group. Wes confronts Derek about why his group is attacking settlements; Derek explains that the only way the world can start over is by destroying everything and everyone on the surface.

The group tries to escape and take Derek with them, but they are caught by Riley, who leads them to an embalming room. He offers to spare their lives if they reveal Morgan's location. They all refuse, but Derek gets Riley's permission to try to show Wes "the truth." Derek leads Wes to a walker shown, and Wes realizes that Derek knew he was in Tank Town during the attack. A fight ensues. Wes overpowers Derek and slams him against the walker.

The walker bites Derek, killing him. Wes returns to his friends and holds Riley at gunpoint, they flee into a room full of embalmed walkers; Alicia opens several to release the embalming fluid and sets the complex on fire while the others escape back to the dam settlement. Morgan promises to rescue Alicia. Back at the Holding, Alicia kills a cultist who attempts to embalm her and meets Teddy, who is upset that she destroyed everything that he was working for, but admits that he has been looking for someone like her for a long time.

In Dreams (Fear the Walking Dead)

Sixteen years have passed in a supposed future, Grace wakes up to discover that she had died giving birth to her daughter Athena and that all of her friends have prospered. Traveling with Athena, Grace notices inconsistencies in the world and realizes that she is actually unconscious and dreams after an explosion caused by Riley and the Doomsday Cult seeking the mysterious key that Morgan had taken from Emile, Pursued by cultists, Grace makes her way through her dream world, bonding with her daughter and evading Riley's forces, convinced that she needs to awaken to give birth to Athena, but that she will not survive.

In the real world, Morgan takes refuge with Grace in a vet's office and stables, killing Riley's men and forcing Riley to flee. When her heart stops in the real world, Grace says goodbye to Morgan and Athena and walks into the light only to revive in the real world. Riley returns and demands the key at gunpoint and Grace has Morgan give it to her, convinced by her dream that her daughter will bring everyone together and it won't matter. Grace gives birth to Athena, but Grace and Morgan are devastated when Athena is stillborn due to the absorption of deadly radiation into her mother's body.

When the Tenth Month Comes

The story takes place in North Vietnam near the end of the Vietnam war. Duyên is an actress in a theatrical troupe whose husband is away fighting on the front in South Vietnam.  After going to the South for what should have been a visit to her husband, she learns that he had been dead for a year, killed in battle. With the help of Khang, a local schoolteacher and amateur poet, she tries to hide this devastating news from everyone, especially from her father in-law who is ill and has already lost his other son to war a few years ago. At Duyên’s request, Khang forges new letters from her husband which she can then show to her family. Her lie becomes something that she hopes to be true; that her husband is here again and that the letters are real.

Through this process, Khang falls in love with the beautiful widow. This provokes anger among the villagers and Khang is forced to move on, transferred to another school in a different village. It is only when the soldier’s death is officially announced  towards the end of the film that the villagers realise that they had misjudged the two protagonists.

The White Caps

Two members of a vigilante group known as 'The White Caps' post a warning sign on a man's home. When the man comes home, he tears down the sign and abuses his wife both verbally and physically. The wife flees from home with her child to find a place of refuge. When the vigilantes find out, they arm themselves with rifles and confront the abusive husband. After a chase he is tarred and feathered and expelled from the community.

Der grüne Kakadu

Paris 1789: Prospère, a former theatre director, runs a dive called "The Green Cockatoo". Many unsuccessful actors, Prospère's former employees, are regulars. But the tavern is also frequented by aristocrats. They hope to get the pleasant thrill of being among real street hustlers and other riffraff. So the actors play criminals. They brag to each other about their violent deeds. On 14 July, the day the French Revolution broke out, the real turmoil of the street now enters the scene. Reality and play intermingle, and for the noble spectators as well as for the actors it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish roles from real people and play from truth.

Cupcakes (film)

In Tel Aviv, a group of friends meet to watch the Universong song contest. The friends are unimpressed by the Israeli entry and start singing their own song. A mobile phone recording of the singing goes viral and the group are selected as the Israeli entry for the next Universong.

Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish travel across Scotland on a road-trip in search of their complex and rich heritage.

Duff's Happy Fun Bake Time

In his kitchen/laboratory called Bakersville, Duff Goldman explores the science of the foods that he makes with help from his puppet and robot friends.

The segment "Science Bites" has Duff in his puppet form explaining food science. There is also a globe-trotting segment that showcases the cultural origins of food.

Kwarantined Krab

A health inspector walks into the Krusty Krab, where he declares that there is a disease called the "Clam Flu" spreading around, causing most of the characters to run around and panic. The health inspector orders the restaurant to be put under quarantine, much to the dismay of Squidward and Pearl. The Krusty Krab is now locked down with SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Pearl, and Mrs. Puff stuck inside. Mr. Krabs suggests using a method he used to do in his navy times: locking the one who caught the disease in the freezer once they discover them. Some pepper is accidentally launched into the air, causing SpongeBob to sneeze, making everyone else assume he has caught the disease. Despite not actually being ill, SpongeBob willingly walks into the freezer after being asked to. Patrick notices SpongeBob having fun in the freezer and eating some ice cream, so he pretends that he has caught the Clam Flu too, causing him to be thrown into the freezer with SpongeBob.

Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Pearl, and Mrs. Puff are now all sitting at one of the tables in paranoia. After Squidward itches his arm, Pearl assumes that he has caught the disease; Mr. Krabs then throws him into the freezer. After returning to the table, Mr. Krabs notices that Mrs. Puff has yawned, making him think that she has caught the Clam Flu too; she is locked into the freezer by Mr. Krabs as well. After Pearl remembers that she has some money left over from last time she was in the mall, Mr. Krabs thinks her mind is poisoned from the disease – and locks her into the freezer with everyone else. Mrs. Puff states that Mr. Krabs himself is the one that has caught the disease; she and the rest of the characters then breaks out of the freezer. Everyone chases Mr. Krabs around the restaurant, but all end up incapacitated in doing so. When the health inspector returns, he says that he made a mistake, and that no one is actually sick, before assuming that everyone has caught a different disease, ordering the Krusty Krab in an even stronger lockdown. The restaurant is then transported onto the Chum Bucket, where Plankton begs everyone to stay away from him to avoid catching the disease, before realizing that he may have already caught it.

Diamond Ring (1998 film)

''Diamond Ring'' follows the story of conflict between the spirit of Mrs. Gladys and members of Chidi’s cult group, XG. In a bid to display his fitness for a life in the secret cult, Chidi, a freshman in the university and the only child of his parents; Chief and Mrs. Ijeoma Dike steals a diamond ring from Mrs. Gladys’ corpse. The spirit of Mrs. Gladys in turn haunts Chidi and his friends. The members of the cult begin to die successively. Chidi is struck by a peculiar sickness which could not be treated by orthodox medicine. The journey to find his healing culminates in the return of the diamond ring to Mrs. Gladys’ corpse.

The Milk Ogre

The story of the Milk Ogre curse is still accepted in some Burmese villages. The women living in that kind of village misbelieve that if a woman has a curse of milk ogre upon her, her baby will die by taking her breast milk. So, to avoid this tragedy, she denies to breastfeed her baby and rather sells the baby to someone else for adoption and then break the curse. The film was directed for the purpose of expressing this strange obsession.

Poems of Asolo

"Poems of Asolo" (Poemi Asolani) is also the title of a musical composition by Gian Francesco Malipiero, who was born in Venice but lived most of his life in Asolo, a small town in the Veneto region. The film offers a portrait of the composer and the town, he chose as his favorite place to live. Like a “musical with no singing” the film features instrumental music and a speaker. The broken voice of old Malipiero (actor: Heinz Kreuger) is an inner monologue which covers the most interesting stages of a life entirely lived by the motto: “I have constantly, inevitably, rejected and destroyed whatever was the outcome of my will instead of my intuition.”

It seems that the real protagonist of the film is Malipiero's music. Each shot and scene have its own precise number of bars or musical notes. The action and the camera movements have been done according to the rhythm of the musical compositions. Environmental noises are often at the origin of Malipiero's music. In the film, in fact, these noises have the same value as the music. The volume of the direct sound is always kept at the same level as the music.

Tamara (2016 Venezuelan film)

The film revolves around Teo, a successful lawyer and university professor, married and with two children, who decides to start a gender transition.

Canaan Land

Billy Gantry is an aging gigolo living in Beverly Hills in the house of his girlfriend, Connie. He makes money giving telephone psychic readings. Connie catches him bedding his clients and kicks him out, leaving Billy homeless. He leaves with just his guitar and the clothes on his back.

Billy heads to the California Institute of Abnormalarts, a North Hollywood nightclub and sideshow. Billy performs a song, singing and playing guitar with the house band. The lyrics describe a street preacher, a persona Billy's therapist says is a manic side of Billy's personality, triggered by stress and loss. As Billy sings, clowns from the freak show dance. Billy asks patrons of the nightclub to put him up for the night, but they refuse, knowing him to be a petty hustler. Finally, Billy spots Pary, a woman who he performed psychic readings for earlier, and she invites him back to her place. He talks her into lending him her red Jeep Cherokee and clothes from her late husband.

Billy, a former preacher, listens to the YouTube sermons of Sister Sara Sunday, a sincere evangelist with a small church. Billy charms his way into her life and ministry. Brother Billy and Sister Sara become tag-team preachers and romantic partners.

When Sara has to temporarily leave the church to care for her aging spiritual mother and mentor, ("Mother Grace"), Billy takes over. He builds the church with fake miracles, including a staged resurrection, and gold glitter he claims is from the golden streets of Heaven. He is aided by his friends Rocco (a seedy private eye), Laz (a Compton, California street kid), and Laz's father. Billy's broadcasts on radio and TV include cameos by Hollywood stars. Billy preaches at the Hollywood Bowl.

At the peak of his popularity, Billy is investigated by student reporters from a skepticism magazine. They collaborate with a group of Me Too movement women who reveal how Billy conned them in the past to get sex and money. Their videotaped testimonies are organized by Billy's Beverly Hills ex-girlfriend Connie and Psychic Insight (his former boss at the psychic network). The scandal devastates Sara. She throws Billy out of the church and breaks up with him.

After the breakup, Sara focuses on her ministry, preaching, singing at large Christian gatherings, and riding down Hollywood Boulevard as the queen of the Hollywood Christmas Parade.

Billy is homeless once again, and more depressed. He jaywalks in a tunnel with semi-trailer trucks and stretches out his hands in a death wish, imitating Christ on the cross. He visits a chapel and confesses he doesn't believe in God because a pastor abused him when he was a boy. Billy picks up a young prostitute named Angel who turns out to be his daughter whom he abandoned years ago. She asks him to give faith one last chance.

Billy asks for a Christmas miracle to restore his faith. He sincerely changes and wants to demonstrate his repentance by his actions. He gives money back to the poor he conned into giving him "love offerings," assisted by Laz. He returns Pary's red Jeep and gives her money to pay for driving her Jeep so long. He visits an orphanage and prays for a little girl in a wheelchair but makes sure all cellphone cameras are off. The girl experiences a miraculous recovery but Billy refuses to exploit it.

Billy dresses in white as a sign of purity and repentance and joins others from Sara's church at the Santa Monica beach. Sara recognizes Billy is changing and forgives him, but is unwilling to reunite with him romantically. She gives him her Bible and encourages him to stay on the right path. Sara tearfully watches him walk away at the Santa Monica Pier and prays for Billy.

All American: Homecoming

In this spin-off from ''All American'', Simone Hicks leaves behind her boyfriend Jordan in Los Angeles and attends Bringston University, a historically black college in Atlanta, Georgia where she decides to pursue her dreams of being a pro tennis player. Also attending the school is Damon Sims, a fellow freshman who is navigating the college scene to pursue his dream of playing baseball for the university after rejecting an MLB draft to continue to play baseball for Bringston under the guidance of his coach, Marcus Turner. Also included is Amara Patterson, Simone's aunt, who teaches journalism at Bringston

Naomi (TV series)

Naomi McDuffie is a comic book-loving teenager and the host of a Superman fan website. After a supernatural event occurs in Port Oswego, Oregon, Naomi sets out to determine its origins with help from her best friend, her supporting adoptive parents, and a tattoo shop owner with a secret origin.

Let Us In

A young couple is surrounded in the forest at night by teenagers in black hoodies and all-black eyes asking to be "let in". They break the boyfriend’s arm and chase the girlfriend around, finally breaking her leg and forcing her to agree to "let them in". They go missing.

12-year-old Emily lives with her busy, uninvolved parents and spirited grandmother. At school, it is revealed that Emily is a bullied outcast as they imply she killed someone. Scarlett, the queen bee, purposely doesn't invite Emily to her party. Emily catches the glare of "Mean Mr. Munch" on the way home.

Emily's only friend Christopher, a believer in extraterrestrials, invites her to his house to make contact with aliens. That night, Emily is alone at the house. A knock at the front door reveals five hooded, black-eyed assailants who ask for her to let them in. She calls 911 and hides in the bathroom, but the hooded men smash the skylight above the tub and chase her outside as the police arrive. The sheriff tells Emily’s dad, Mark, that the skylight was intact and there were no signs of intruders. He thinks that possibly some kids picking on her are to blame.

On the night of the party, Christopher's kind, older sister, Jessie, invites Emily to attend. She ends up playing truth-or-dare with Scarlett and her crew, where they end up insulting her for "killing someone", so she leaves. While outside, she catches the stare of Mr. Munch again. While on the toilet, Bianca encounters three hooded people with sunglasses on. When she freaks out after one caresses her, they knock her out by punching her.

Emily is in a therapy session trying to cope with an unexplained death. Not much is revealed except that she believes it was her fault as her therapist attempts to dissuade her otherwise. At school, Emily hears Bianca has gone missing. That night, Harold Lutz, a journalist with the ''Times'', comes knocking at the door to report on the missing people.

Emily experiences a flashback nightmare that reveals her making a “besties” pact with someone before jumping off the roof into a pool. Her friend jumps in and Emily is awakened after her friend hits the water with a ''crack'' At Christopher’s house, they attempt to make contact with aliens through their homemade communication device before it’s cut off abruptly. Emily tries to convince Christopher that they should cut their losses while Christopher pleads with her to have faith. As Emily opens the door to leave, they hear noises. Excited, Emily attempts to make contact and speak to the mystery extraterrestrials as they repeat the kids' names and the word ''Jungspar''. The power suddenly goes out and cuts off communication.

At work, Jessie is closing up for the night and encounters the hooded teenagers asking to be let in. She refuses and they somehow break into the store. As she tries to escape, they disappear and Jessie locks herself in a supply closet to call for help. The hooded assailants trick her by sounding like her boyfriend, Tobey, to open the door. Jessie fights back as much as she can until they corner her, break her leg, and force her to "let them in".

Christopher and his mom realize Jessie hasn’t come home from work yet, but his mom thinks she’s snuck off to be with her boyfriend. Using a tracker, Christopher, his mom, and Emily realize Jessie is still at work, so they head there to check on her. They break in through the back door and realize a struggle has taken place. As Emily searches the store by herself, cops arrive. The next day, Christopher and Emily visit Harold to gather more information, with Christopher’s sister being the seventh one that week. Harold has done some research and has come across only one other account of the “black-eyed kids” from 50 years ago, where there were over 25 disappearances with only one survivor: the elderly man, Frederick Munch. Emily and Christopher visit Mr. Munch’s house and struggle to get him to help through his intercom. When Emily mentions Christopher’s sister has been taken, he finally let’s them in to the old and creepy house. Mr. Munch claims he has been too scared to talk about the black-eyed kids for the last 50 years until the recent kidnappings started up again. He reveals they took his fiancée, but let him live, and took her through a portal that connects to outer space. Mr. Munch tells the kids that these alien-like humanoids refer to themselves as ''Jungspars''. Mr. Munch has been doing research over the years and has figured out the ''Jungspar'' come to earth every 20 years to abduct adolescent girls and boys during their harvesting time to bring them back to their planet and force the abducted into slavery. Mr. Munch has seen the horrors of their planet and reveals they are required to get permission to abduct someone, and will do whatever and however long it takes to force someone to say "yes". The pain endured while saying "no" to them is nothing compared to the pain endured when one says "yes", so no matter what happens, never say "yes". Christopher tries to make contact with the extraterrestrials through his homemade device, but suffers a couple setbacks when the power goes out. The aliens reveal themselves as ''Kluuk'' and ask Emily to beat the ''Jungspars'' by "shine the light".

Emily and Christopher go out into the forest at night and wait for the ''Jungspar'' to appear with no luck. They hear some noise and figures appear: Scarlett, Tobey (Scarlett’s brother and Jessie’s boyfriend), and others who have lost people to the ''Jungspar'', all ready and willing to help get everyone back. Emily lures the aliens to the forest again as they ask for everyone to let them in. The group shines flashlights to scare them off, but they come back and chase the kids through the dark forest. Emily and Christopher lure them towards a car trap where the lights get turned on and force the ''Jungspar'' on the ground in agony, but another ''Jungspar'' sneaks up on them and takes out the kids in the cars and turns off the lights. As a result, Christopher and Scarlett are taken, leaving Emily and Tobey as the lone survivors. Back at home, the police force Emily to stay home as she pleads with them to let her go and that they're running out of time to save the ones abducted. Christopher’s phone pings, but Emily is unable to leave her house due to police guarding her and preventing her from leaving. Her nana helps her escape by providing a distraction and Emily heads towards the location of Christopher’s phone. Harold spots her scootering down the street and follows her to help out. They hit the spot where Christopher’s phone pinged, but find nothing until a lone ''Jungspar'' jumps into a hole nearby.

Emily and Harold jump in to explore the cave and find the alien typing in a code in a tablet to trap the kidnapped kids in a blue-laser jail cell. Harold lures the ''Jungspar'' towards him before shining light to put him out. Emily finds all the missing kids from the entire week and tries to put the code in, which doesn’t work. So, Harold smashes the tablet and frees them. However, Christopher and some other kids are not with the group and Jessie reveals they’re going to send them somewhere else. Emily saves Christopher just as they’re about to shove him through a portal, but a ''Jungspar'' sneaks up behind her and takes her flashlight. Cornered, Emily uses the whistle from Mr. Munch, which creates a sound that incapacitates the aliens. Emily sees a vision of Rachel, the friend who died that everyone’s been calling her a murderer for, telling Emily her death was all an accident. Rachel asks Emily to take her hand, so they can play together again, but it turns out to be a ''Jungspar''. It asks Emily if she’ll let them in and threatens her, but she refuses and kicks it through the portal. As Emily finds herself cornered, the kids arrive with flashlights and throw the ''Jungspar'' through the portal. Christopher and Emily hug.

One week later, Emily's family and Christopher are packing their stuff to leave for Cape Canaveral as Jessie and Tobey come to see them off. Mr. Munch nods at them as they pass. While driving through the city, the kids are greeted with the townspeople cheering them on as “local heroes” as they leave for bringing all the missing kids back.

The scene goes to Mr. Munch in his bathroom as he pulls out his eyes, revealing them to be black underneath.

Queens (American TV series)

Brianna, Naomi, Jill and Valeria once appeared as the "Nasty Bitches" in the 1990s. Together, the four of them not only turned the world of hip-hop upside down but also achieved legendary status through their music. The four women are now in their forties, unworldly and largely estranged from one another. By reuniting the four, there is now a chance to return to old fame and prestige. But will the former megastars, also known as Professor Sex, Butter Pecan, Jill Da Thrill, and Xplicit Lyrics, manage to achieve this ambitious goal?

Between Earth and Sky (novel series)

Prior to the series

Three hundred years prior to the main story, the War of the Spear began after a spearwoman of Hokaia became the first dreamwalker. She led a conquering army across the continent of the Meridian, but was ultimately defeated. At the conclusion of the war, the Treaty of Hokaia established the Watchers, a quasi-religious institution in the city of Tova. The four great cities agreed to ban magic and the worship of all gods. In Tova, the Odohaa cult continued to worship the Crow God in secret. Decades before the story, the Watchers massacred many members of the Carrion Crow clan in an event that became known as the Knight of Knives.

Black Sun

Serapio of the Carrion Crow family is blinded and scarred in a religious ritual. He becomes the new incarnation of the Crow God. Years later, Captain Xiala is hired to transport him to the city of Tova by a man named Balam. Xiala's crew mutinies after learning that she has magical powers. Serapio summons an army of crows to kill the crew and save her.

In Tova, Naranpa serves as the Sun Priest, head of the Watchers. Yatliza, leader of the Carrion Crow, dies mysteriously. Her son Okoa returns home to Tova and attempts to prevent conflict with the Watchers. At her funeral, a riot breaks out, and Okoa is falsely accused of an attempted assassination on Naranpa. The Watchers prepare for war with the Odohaa cult. Naranpa is ousted from her position as Sun Priest; her bodyguard and former lover Iktan supports this ouster. Naranpa seeks help from her brother Denaochi and Zataya, a witch. Rogue priests kill Naranpa; Zataya resurrects her.

Xiala and Serapio arrive in Tova. During an eclipse, Serapio kills most of the Watchers at Sun Rock. He is surprised to discover that Naranpa, the true Sun priest, is not there. He is severely injured but is rescued by Okoa. Time seems to freeze and a black sun hangs over Tova as the new year begins.

Fevered Star

In Cuecola, Balam learns to practice dreamwalking, which has been forbidden since the Treaty of Hokaia. Now that the Watchers are dead and the Treaty is broken, a power vacuum opens in the continent of the Meridian. Balam calls a meeting in the city of Hokaia. He plans to place the Golden Eagle clan in charge of Tova. He also plans to kill Serapio, whose survival was not intended.

In Tova, Naranpa meets with Denaochi. He intends to set her up as a symbol of resistance against the Carrion Crow clan. Serapio and Okoa return to the Carrion Crow district and meet with Okoa’s sister Esa, the clan’s new matron. Serapio quarrels with the leaders of the Carrion Crow about their plans for the future of Tova. Xiala goes to the Crow district, where she meets Iktan; they escape the district together and join the Golden Eagle clan on their journey to the meeting in Hokaia. Xiala learns that Iktan orchestrated Yatliza’s death and that the Golden Eagle clan was behind the assassination attempt on Naranpa. Xiala confesses to Iktan that she has been exiled from Teek after killing her own mother. When Xiala reaches Hokaia, she learns that her mother is still alive. She is ordered to return to Teek, but she agrees to spy on her mother for Balam.

Naranpa calls a meeting of all the Sky Made clans, where she reestablishes the Coyote clan and accuses Golden Eagle of treachery. Conflict erupts and Denaochi is killed. Serapio and Naranpa fight to a draw at Sun Rock. Naranpa heals Serapio’s wound and leaves the city. Serapio forms his own army from the Odohaa cult, builds a magical palace, and declares his intent to rule over the entire city rather than just the Carrion Crow clan.

Hjem går vi ikke

The film begins with a short film about Le Corbusier's modern residential building ''Unité d'habitation'' in Marseille. Then the scene changes to a three-room apartment owned by an elderly woman played by Ella Hval. The apartment is inhabited by a three-generation family: five adults and one child. Early in the plot, the six-year-old main character Jan, played by Bjørn Olav Cook, escapes from home for a few summer weeks, together with his large St. Bernard, which the adults intend to have put down. The boy's parents are played by Eva Strøm Aastorp and Carsten Byhring. The young couple Toralv Maurstad and Kari Sundby also live in the apartment, but they want to move out. The last resident is a seamstress, played by Rønnaug Alten, who is the boy's aunt. Various cross-cuts show another couple, a car workshop owner played by Jack Fjeldstad and his girlfriend played by Ingerid Vardund. Other roles are played by Einar Vaage and Alf Malland. The young Arve Opsahl had a minor role in the film.

Suzunosuke Akado: The Birdman with Three Eyes

A three-eyed birdman appears in the town of Edo kidnapping children Suzunosuke Akado (Shoji Umewaka) must defeat the birdman before he turns the town into chaos.

Stomach In, Chest Out

Four girls leave their pampered lives due to some missteps (both intentional and unintentional) and enlist themselves into the military, where they are trained by two leering officers.

What Lies Below (film)

A 16 year-old high school girl, Liberty Wells, who goes by Libby, returns to her family lake house after summer camp. Her mother, Michelle Wells, is a romance novelist. Libby meets her mother's new boyfriend, John, an aquatic geneticist, who gives her a bracelet with symbols for the goddess of fertility. John explains that his work involves trying to help creatures adapt to changing environments. Later that night, Libby goes to the kitchen and she hears loud sexual moaning, and runs back to her bed. John stands in her doorway while Libby pretends to be asleep.

The next morning, Michelle and Libby dig up time-capsules in the yard, and have an argument about Libby thinking Michelle doesn't care about her grandparents until Michelle tells Libby she felt unwanted by her father. Libby is bitten by a centipede and John helps her. Michelle falls ill, and reveals that John asked her to marry him and she said yes. Libby learns that John is working with parasites. She starts to menstruate and when John sees the blood, he attempts to clean it up with his shirt, and touches her. While Libby showers, John sneaks into the bathroom to smell her through the curtain. Libby removes the bracelet he gave her to find a red mark on her wrist.

Libby asks her friend Marley to come to the house. That night, she sees John walking into the lake, which is emitting red lights. John suddenly appears, completely dry, and tells Libby that he suffers from sleep-walking. The next morning, Michelle starts vomiting and sends Libby into town to get medicine and a pregnancy test. Libby follows a man who looks like John with another woman. She returns to the house and tells Marley that John touched her inappropriately. Michelle says that she is pregnant. Libby is disappointed and Michelle thinks that she is making up lies about John touching her. Libby sees that John has a nictitating membrane and tries to pull Michelle away from John but Michelle slaps Libby. Libby reveals Michelle's age which is forty-two not thirty-five then John leaves. She then investigates the basement and notices symbols on her wrist where the bracelet used to be. She discovers Michelle in a tank attached to an IV, with the same symbols on her wrists and on the walls. Libby hides while John watches Michelle give birth to a dying creature.

Libby calls the police and discovers Marley's body in a water tank being devoured by parasites. John attacks Libby as she tries to escape with Michelle, and she wakes up tied up in a basement. Several men who look identical to John appear and start to peel the walls back to reveal many unconscious women in water tanks. John regurgitates a glowing substance and forces Libby to consume it. Libby awakes in a row of water tanks containing other women apparently in pupae. As water fills her tank, she initially bangs on the glass but then smiles when she realizes she can breathe underwater.

Suzunosuke Akado: The One-Legged Demon

Suzunosuke Akado (Shoji Umewaka) faces off against a gang of cutthroats, who are led by a peg-legged pirate.

Four Red Roses

In the early years of the twentieth century, during horse racing, a banker fails to conquer a model spotted by an already engaged boy and, in revenge, he makes the latter believe that he has conquered her and warns his girlfriend of her betrayal. The young man is challenged to a duel by her brother, but before the fight he manages to obtain evidence (which will later prove to be bogus) of the woman's betrayal. Several years later, the protagonists will meet again; when all things seem to be smoothed out, the banker's sudden jealousy sets off tragedy.

Ludwig B

The story begins in Vienna with the birth of Franz Kreuzstein, a young man who avows to hate anyone named "Ludwig" since the screech of a peacock of the same name caused the death of his mother. In 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven is born in Bonn, Germany. Young Beethoven is relentlessly pushed by his father to practice the piano in order to secure a rich aristocrat to serve as the family's benefactor. Six-year-old Beethoven receives renown while his father spirals into alcoholism. While in Bonn, young Ludwig and Franz Kreuzstein cross paths, resulting in Franz flying into a rage and striking Ludwig in the ear, causing the boy's deafness.

Undaunted, Ludwig strives to continue excelling in his musical studies, leading him to a short tutelage under an older Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart before returning home. Ludwig presses on in honing his talents regardless of the many setbacks around him, including his father's alcoholism, a fling with a beautiful aristocratic lady, and the French Revolutionary Wars. After securing a mentorship under famous composer Joseph Haydn, Ludwig strives on toward musical greatness.

Ghost Lab (film)

After witnessing a haunting in their hospital, two doctors become dangerously obsessed with obtaining scientific proof that ghosts exist.

Jean de Paris (Boieldieu)

'''Act 1''' : ''Square in front of the inn (against a wild mountain backdrop)'' The Princess of Navarre travels to Paris to marry the Dauphin. Deep in the Pyrenees, an inn is chosen to host the princess and her entourage. Everything is ready and waiting for the guest (chorus "Do not fail, do your duty"). Disguised under the name "Jean of Paris", the Dauphin travels to meet his bride at this very inn.

Oliviero, Jean's servant, arrives and demands room and board for his master (terzet "Welcome Mr Innkeeper"). Then the princess's chief seneschal appears and announces her imminent arrival (aria "Because we will now have to be obeyed here in the house"). But Jean de Paris, who has arrived together with the princess, insists on having certain privileges as the one who has arrived earlier (quartet: Jean de Paris, Chief Seneschal, Pedrigo, Lorezza "May a man dare such a thing?"). The princess arrives at the inn (aria "What pleasure does travel grant"). She is the only one who recognises her bridegroom in Jean and wants to counter his trickery with another. She therefore kindly accepts his invitation to a joint midday meal.

'''Act 2''' : ''Square in front of the inn (later in the day)'' After dinner, the two bridal parties sit together. Oliviero sings a romance ("The troubadour, proud of love's bonds") Jean de Paris joins in after the first verse, the Princess after the second. After this song, all those present gather and sing with the chorus ("When castanets sound"). Jean then reveals himself as dauphin and bridegroom and everyone joins in the final song "Glory to beauty").

In My Life (musical)

The story centers around two people: Jenny, who works at the ''Village Voice'' processing personal ads, and who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and J.T., a singer-songwriter with Tourette's syndrome who also shouts the word "lemon" whenever he's happy. Jenny hears J.T. on the radio; they meet, and quickly fall in love.

As they meet and connect, they are observed from Heaven by an angel, Winston, who decides that their story would make a great "reality opera". They are also overseen by J.T.'s mother, Liz, and his little sister Vera, who were both killed in a car crash by a drunk driver who is also in Heaven.

Since opera is often tragic, Winston decides to increase the drama by giving J.T. a brain tumor. However, J.T. goes into denial about his condition, being close to obtaining a record deal; his and Jenny's relationship is also tested by their fear of commitment.

Suzunosuke Akado: The Moonlight Monster

In his youth, Suzunosuke Akado (Shoji Umewaka) faces off against his best friend who has joined a gang of criminals.

The 8th Night

''"A man, who was once an exorcist, suffers until he faces a demon that is freed. The night exists between real and unreal, their struggle to stop the resurrection of the demon has begun!"''

About two and half millennium ago (2,500 years), a monster crossed the bridge from hell to the human realm to create human suffering. Buddha ripped both the Red and Black eyes from the monster and locked them inside different Śarīra caskets. Before the Red-eye surrendered to Buddha, it ran away for 7-days by hiding inside human bodies. On the 8th day, the Red Eye looked back. Knowing that it cannot escape Buddha, it surrendered itself to Buddha. The Eyes were buried in the cliffs of the Far East and desert of the Far West. Buddha instructed his disciples to make sure they would never meet.

In the present, Professor Kim Joon-Cheol (Choi Jin-ho) sets out in the desert to prove the existence of the Śarīra caskets. He finds a relic which is presumed to be one of the caskets. However, the scientific community declares his findings to be a fraud and is shunned by all. 14-years later, Prof. Kim, now a bitter individual, is determined to prove the truth of his discovery by reuniting the Black and Red eyes. He opens the casket and pours a vial of blood into it, along with his own. Before Prof. Kim was about to give up, the Red Eye emerges from the casket, presumably posessing Professor Kim.

In Gwangju, Bhante Ha-jung (Lee Eol), protector of the Black eye casket, realizes the Red eye has reawakened. He tells a young monk, Cheongseok (Nam Da-reum), the legend of the monster with two eyes. Later that night, Bhante Ha-jung tells Cheongseok that the Red Eye has awakened and will soon reunite with the Black Eye. They must slay at least the seventh pillar, the Virgin Shaman, to prevent the Red Eye from reuniting with the Black Eye. Cheongseok must find Bhante Seon-hwa (Lee Sung-min) and inform him of the situation. The following morning, Cheongseok finds Bhante Ha-jung dead, presumably dying in his sleep. Cheongseok finds the Śarīra casket beside the dead monk.

Meanwhile in Chilgok, the Red-eye takes over a hunter and goes into a motel, where a couple was seen checking in. The woman tells her boyfriend of a meditation group where she was given free health checkup and a blood test. The hunter presumably attacks a couple who checked into the secluded motel. Detectives Kim Ho-Tae and Dong-jin investigates the scene, and finds the hunter's body dried and decomposed in just a few hours. Cameras show that the woman was seen leaving the hotel. Later on, the very same woman was found in another location, her body found in a similar state as that of the hunter's. Due to the bizarre condition of the two victims, Dong-jin suggested the help of a virgin shaman that he knew. However, being a skeptic, Kim refuses the idea.

Cheongseok left Gwanju in search for Bhante Seon-hwa. Unfortunately, he lost his bag containing the casket and some money. He presumed that it was taken by a young girl (Kim Yoo-Jung), who disappeared into the crowd. Cheongseok finds Seon-hwa, who was now a construction worker using his real name, Park Jin-soo, and tells him (via writing, due to his vow of silence) of what happened in Gwanju. In his flashbacks, it is revealed by Ha-jung's spirit that Seon-hwa left the monastery as he didn't want to be Ha-jung's successor. Seon-hwa also neglected his duty of '''helping lost souls ascend''', and that their countless souls are clinging on his back. The following morning, Seon-hwa prepares to leave and search for the seventh pillar, with Cheongseok following him. Seon-hwa presumes that the seventh pillar is the Virgin Shaman that the monks of Gwanju are acquainted of. Seon-hwa treats Cheongseok, even buying him a new pair of shoes. Cheongseok thanks Seon-hwa, accidentally breaking his vow of silence.

Meanwhile, the Red Eye had already moved from a different woman, and a delivery man arrived. The delivery man answered to her call, as both of them were members of a 'meditation group'. The Red Eye then passes onto the delivery man, and later Detective Kim was called to see the body of a woman stuffed in a sewer. The woman also decomposed and drained like the first two victims. A motorcycle and delivery cargo was also found abandoned nearby. Before boarding the bus, Seon-hwa was visited again by Ha-jung's spirit. It is revealed that Cheongseok's mother accidentally ran over Seon-hwa and his wife and daughter. His wife and child died, compelling Seon-hwa to live a life as a monk in Gwanju. When Cheongseok's mother died, she wrote a letter to Seon-hwa asking him to adopt Cheongseok. Seon-hwa does so, but leaves him in Gwanju. He then left the monastery and his duties, never becoming an ordained monk. As they arrived, Seon-hwa tells Cheongseok to search for shaman services around the area, hoping to find the Virgin Shaman. Upon learning of the recent bizzare murder, Seon-hwa goes to the tunnel where the woman and delivery motorcycle was found. Detective Kim stops him, asking for Seonhwa's credentials and ran his ID for any criminal records. When Kim asks Seon-hwa to open his bag, which contained an axe, Seonhwa tried to run away. The two got into a scuffle, and Seonhwa was forced to leave his map.

Cheongseok finds the house of the Virgin Shaman, and a young woman lets her in. She was the same young woman who took his belongings, but Cheongseok grew fond of her. Cheongseok leaves, but as soon as he stepped outside, he sees a student staring at him. The student revealed the Red Eye, being the sixth pillar. Cheongseok runs away in fear, and meets with Seon-hwa to inform him of what happened. Seonhwa tells Cheongseok to go back home, and reveals that he has to kill the young woman who he believes to be the seventh pillar and the Virgin Shaman. They go on their separate ways, but Cheongseok went back to the Virgin Shaman and took the Virgin Shaman away. Meanwhile, Dong-jin informs Kim of Seon-hwa's past. They were also able to connect the victims together. They were all members of a meditation group that Prof. Kim had set up, and Dong-jin had actually went to see one of them who was still alive--a woman who was the same Virgin Shaman Cheongseok unknowingly went to. Dong-jin had a talisman with his own blood made, thanks to the Virgin Shaman he met earlier, and gives it to Kim. It turns out that Kim saved Dong-jin from committing suicide, and he was indebted to Kim. Kim had Dong-jin leave while he uses Seonhwa's map to see if he could track down Seonhwa.

Seonhwa finds the house of the Virgin Shaman, but the lady inside points to a note. When Seon-hwa confronts the lady, she strapped her face with talismans and Seonhwa prepared to strike her down. Detective Kim arrives in time to stop him, and the two squared off once more. Before Kim handcuffed Seonhwa, the possessed student arrived and threw him away, with the talisman he got from Dong-jin protecting him from further harm. The student realizes that the young woman had already left, and Seonhwa follows her, inscribing a talisman on his axe using his own blood. However, the student runs into Dong-jin, tricking the young detective to protect her from Seon-hwa. She possesses Dong-jin, and dries and decomposes. Dong-jin doesn't kill Seon-hwa, but tells him to head back to Gwanju, where he will die.

Meanwhile, Cheongseok took the young woman to Gwanju, and Seon-hwa and the possessed Dong-jin arriving later. Detective Kim went back to the Virgin Shaman's house, and it is revealed that the lady who nearly died was the actual Virgin Shaman, and that the young woman Cheongseok was with is actually a ghost that she found living with Professor Kim. The real Virgin Shaman reveals that her name was Ae-ran, who was an abused child that was saved by Professor Kim. Professor Kim had groomed her to be the sacrifice that will assist the monster from reuniting its two Eyes. Professor Kim also tricked the members of the meditation group into donating their blood, via the 'free blood tests', in order to use their blood to summon the Red Eye, and later becoming the seven stepping stones. Ae-ran latched onto the Virgin Shaman, and she used her to trick Dong-jin into giving his own blood, so he could be possessed later on. It was also this Virgin Shaman, possessed by Ae-ran, who took the casket Cheongseok was carrying days ago. Detective Kim leaves to Gwanju in search for Dong-jin.

Seon-hwa finds Cheongseok in an abandoned shack, and the young monk realizes that he was all alone from the start, with the casket being in his possession. Seon-hwa instructs Cheongseok of their plan to trap Dong-jin, let the Red Eye possess him instead, and Cheongseok delivering the killing blow. The plan goes well, and they managed to trap Dong-jin inside. However, Dong-jin revealed that Ae-ran, nor the Virgin Shaman, weren't the seventh pillar he needed. Ae-ran's purpose was to bewitch the seventh pillar, Cheongseok. Because Seon-hwa left the monastery and didn't become Ha-jung's successor, the title was transferred to Cheongseok. This meant that only Cheongseok has the ability to open the casket containing the Black Eye. Dong-jin orders the ghost of Ae-ran to find Cheongseok, who was hiding nearby. Still bewitched, Ae-ran was able to remove Cheongseok's robe, which had a talisman Seon-hwa made. Dong-jin orders Seon-hwa to shoot himself for being such a failure in life, but Seon-hwa shoots Dong-jin instead, though futile.

Cheongseok runs away from the possessed Dong-jin, and encounters Detective Kim. Detective Kim tries to stop Dong-jin but was again thrown violently to the side, once again protected by Dong-jin's talisman in his pocket. Seon-hwa manages to shoot Dong-jin's weak left leg. but Dong-jin crawls to Cheongseok in pursuit. Seon-hwa delivers a killing blow to Dong-jin's back, but he got shot by Detective Kim. Detective Kim goes over to Dong-jin, but his corpse dried and decomposed. The Red Eye has successfully possessed Cheongseok, and it throws Detective Kim onto a sharp branch, killing the Detective. As the Black Eye materializes, the Red Eye grabs the dying Seon-hwa. It transforms itself to a young version of Cheongseok, and torments Seon-hwa into strangling the young boy, seeing as his mother was the cause of his family's deaths. However, Seon-hwa persists, caressing the young boy's cheek. The Red Eye reverts back to the grownup Cheongseok, and was about to kill Seon-hwa with the axe. Seon-hwa traps Cheongseok's arm while chanting a spell. As he was caressing Cheongseok's face, he was actually writing another talisman using his own blood onto Cheongseok's face. This forced the Red Eye to possess Seon-hwa, and he asks Cheongseok to kill him. Cheongseok gathers the courage to do so, killing Seon-hwa and stopping the reunion of the Red Eye and Black Eye in the process.

Cheongseok is later seen in the border of India and Pakistan, and returns the casket back to where it was first unearthed. Ae-run appears before him, and Cheongseok offers up his hand. As Ae-run's spirit grabs Cheongseok's hand, the chains on her ankles were unchained, presumably freeing her.

Colonial Symphony

A box of documents dating back to the 18th century has been found in the archives of the Orquestra Ribeiro Bastos. At that time, Brazil was still a Portuguese colony. A young musicologist who was called to examine the documents (actor: Ivan Capua) travels to the town of São João del Rei, in the Brazilian province of Minas Gerais, where the orchestra is based. Today the Orquestra Ribeiro Bastos is the only remaining mulatto orchestra in Brazil. Its tradition dates back more than two hundred years. As in the past, the orchestra now is still mainly composed of mulatto musicians, most of them amateurs.

From the documents we learn that some members of an opera company travelled from Naples to Brazil to perform Giovanni Paisiello's "Nina, pazza per amore". They describe their journey and tell of their collaboration with a Brazilian composer named Antônio Francisco da Cunha (actor: Luiz António Rodrigues), a mulatto from São João del Rei. Due to his musical talent, as a boy (actor: Elder G. da Silva Santos), Antônio had been able to take advantage of a law of Minas Gerais, which permitted him to obtain the "carta do alforia", a letter that guaranteed him freedom from slavery. Admitted as a member of a brotherhood of former slaves, the young Antônio Francisco da Cunha had the opportunity to perfect his talent and become one of the most important composers of Baroque music in the State of Minas Gerais.

Documents also reveal that the composer cultivated a close friendship with the poet Claudio Manuel Rezende, a supporter of the underground independence movement "Inconfidencia Mineira", which also fought for the abolition of slavery. Antônio Francisco was accused of sympathizing with the movement because he gave his friend safety in his home. The poet was captured and hanged, while Antônio Francisco, thanks to his fame, was granted amnesty. However, the thought of being dependent on the Portuguese crown like a slave, despite having been freed, left him with no peace of mind. He retired and, recalling his humble origins, composed his famous Te Deum. Music became for him the only true path to freedom.

Draft:Kappa (2021 film)

The short film opens to a wide-shot of the sky with the red sun to symbolise Japan, and then a flock of Origami birds fly from left to right. The fisherman character appears and he makes his way to the fishing platform by the lake, but then a Kappa appears to block him from coming near the lake. The film fades to black and then text appears to inform the audience what should they do to get rid of a Kappa if they should encounter one in the wild with three options.

(note) The information cards in the short are presented in both English and Japanese for both audience to understand

(1) You must bow to the Kappa and it will bow in return. If it does bow to you, it will spill its life water from its bowl-like head.

(2) You must challenge the Kappa to a sumo match. If you lose you die but if the Kappa loses it will have to commit suicide.

(3) If you fart in the Kappa's face, it will drop dead to the floor from the stinky smell.

Once the Kappa dies from the fisherman's fart, he drags the Kappa off-screen and then sits on the platform to do some fishing. Unfortunately, the fisherman gets dragged into the lake by another Kappa and then drowns which leads to the end credits.


''Somos.'' is a portrait of the Mexican border town of Allende. It follows the stories of various townspeople on the days leading up to the massacre of March 2011.

Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell

The series follows Ghislaine Maxwell and her association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, leading to her arrest and upcoming trial, prior to her conviction.

Raid on Rajallapor

The player characters, a team of mercenaries, must first escort a Picasso painting to India, then steal a golden statue of Shiva. Pre-generated characters and maps are provided. The book also contains a solo adventure involving finding a microfilm hidden in a casino.

Disappearance on Aramat

An archaeologist and her team have disappeared while excavating ancient ruins on the uninhabited planet Aramat. The player characters are hired by the archaeologist's father to find out what's happened. When the team reaches Aramat, they discover ancient guardian robots and hostile corporate raiders.

The Starnaman Incident

In ''The Morrow Project'', teams of volunteers have been cryonically frozen in hidden bunkers called boltholes in order to survive an expected nuclear holocaust, with the intention that they rebuild civilization when they emerge. In ''The Starnaman Incident'', one of these boltholes was discovered before the nuclear war by an organized crime gang, who killed the sleeping Morrow Project volunteers and used the bunker to survive the war. The gang members emerged and used the bolthole's tools, armaments and devices to institute a reign of terror in the area for 15 years.

Another Morrow Project team awakes 150 years later in the town of Starnaman, and finds that the legend of the evil "People of Morrow" has set everyone against them. The team must regain the trust of the locals, and find their way past the automated defenses of a logistics support base, all while dealing with packs of mutant wolves. As reviewer Chris Baylis noted, the adventure features a high amount of combat.

Mission to Alcazzar

The player characters, who have military training, are hired to investigate a company war on the obscure planet Alcazzar, where millions are made in mining. After their investigation, the team must make contact with the indigenous people of Alcazzar. They then find themselves in a pitched battle using armored vehicles — reviewer Stephen Nutt calls it "a veritable Kursk."

Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness

Joseph is a handsome and intelligent youth, much more so than his shepherd brothers. Joseph loves his brothers but feels that he is better than them. Their father, Jacob, loves Joseph the most because he is the son of Rachel, Jacob's greatest love. After Rachel died, Jacob kept Joseph close to remind him of his lost love.

Joseph's brothers know that Jacob preferred Joseph over them and they hated the dreams Joseph would tell. The brothers conspire to the enslavement and eventual imprisonment of Joseph in a pit. In the pit, Joseph ponders why his brothers would do something so brutal to him. After going through many emotions, Joseph sees himself from his brothers’ point of view and understands their motivation. After becoming a wise and important leader in Egypt, the brothers and Joseph meet once again and Joseph forgives them for all they've done.

In an epilogue, Joseph's spends his last day thinking upon his life and identity, coming to the end of his life with no regrets.

Fall River (TV series)

The series follows the Fall River murders in Fall River, Massachusetts by a satanic cult. The leader of the cult, Carl Drew was sentenced to life in prison. Twenty years later, the lead investigator re-investigates the case after inconsistencies begin to haunt him.

The Man on the Other Side

In 1974, Sophie Zimmermann is a meek, bespectacled woman in her late-30s, working for the West German Federal Ministry of Defence in Bonn. For six months, she has been copying top secret government documents. Following a tense interrogation by a superior officer, she makes a run for the border. On the day of the escape, however, she is captured by a mysterious, unknown assailant.

Sophie wakes up in a dimly lit cellar, drugged and tied. While trying to break free of her restraints, she remembers her first meeting with Dieter Shaeffer, a smooth talking young salesman who captured her heart, and set her on the path of stealing top secret documents.

As she tries to find her way out of this makeshift prison, she discovers a young Englishman imprisoned in an inner room. Sophie is told that she has been captured by the Stasi, and that they are deep in East Germany. Her boyfriend, it seems, has betrayed her.

As Sophie and the Englishman plot to escape, they bond together in their shared suffering. She reveals to him, the government secrets that she had shared with Dieter, while he tells her of his unsuccessful, desperate solo attempt at smuggling his Russian girlfriend to the safety of the West.

It turns out that her captor is in fact, the Englishman, who is an MI6 agent. They are in fact, not in East Germany, but in a safe house somewhere in rural North Rhine-Westphalia, in West Germany.

Because of conditions in the federal constitution, BND intelligence agents are not allowed to torture and kill West German citizens. Instead, they have contracted the MI6 agent to find out exactly how much she knew, and what information she passed on to the Stasi, which includes information on the number of nuclear missiles placed in West Germany by the Americans.

Sophie escapes, and is chased throughout the darkened and abandoned hotel. She manages to lock the Englishman in another cell, and finds Dieter, tortured and near death. Sharing Dieter's last breaths, a grieving Sophie, walks out of the hotel and into a new life, leaving the Englishman locked up to a slow and lonely death.

Home Stretch

In a small village in Ireland in 1987, a car crash occurs which kills three of the six passengers while paralysing another. The novel then follows one of the survivors, Connor, from 1987 to 2019 as well as his wider family through various locations including London, Liverpool, and New York.

Nneka the Pretty Serpent

''Nneka the Pretty Serpent'' follows the story of a woman who desperately wants to conceive a child of her own. In order to conceive, she meets the river goddess (also referred to as Mami Wata) for help. She promises to dedicate the child to the river goddess for her help. The woman in turn conceives and delivers a female child named Nneka. Nneka possesses supernatural powers which she uses to perpetuate evil; her aim is to seduce prominent married men in order to take their money and souls. Her evil deeds result in the ruination of Tony and the extermination of Chima Ogbonna's household. . Nneka was possessed by the queen mother spirit to kill six people that took her powers in the drama (NNEKA THE PRETTY SERPENT). Each and everyone of them had a weakness, the first person weakness was that he was addicted to woman, the second person who is Fatima by name was addicted to perfume

Kevin Can F**k Himself

Set in Worcester, Massachusetts, the show explores the life of Allison McRoberts (played by Annie Murphy), a woman struggling to redefine her life amid an unhappy marriage to her husband Kevin, an insensitive, unambitious man-child. The show presents contrasting perspectives of her experience: as a stereotypical sitcom wife when Allison is with her husband Kevin, shown with a multiple-camera setup and canned laughter, and as a woman navigating a difficult personal path, filmed in the single-camera setup more common to television dramas.

Citadel (Mass Effect)

While most beings in the series initially believe that the Citadel is a Prothean space station that was abandoned for unknown reasons, ''Mass Effect'' reveals that the Citadel was in fact constructed by the Reapers, an ancient race of machine lifeforms that periodically cull the intelligent species of the galaxy. The mass relays are intended to guide species which have attained spaceflight technology to the Citadel, itself a tremendous relay that allows the full force of the Reapers to invade the galaxy. It was made to be habitable as a trap to encourage it to be used as the seat of galactic government, allowing it to be quickly wiped out by the Reapers. However, the Protheans also recognized the Citadel as a potential weakness of the Reapers, and created plans for a device, the Crucible, to co-opt it as a countermeasure against them. In ''Mass Effect 3'', the races of the Milky Way galaxy collaborate to construct and deploy the Crucible, using it to either destroy, gain control of, or merge with the Reapers, though the Citadel is heavily damaged, and possibly destroyed in the process.

Vanderpump Dogs

The series follows Lisa Vanderpump as she runs her dog foundation, The Vanderpump Dog Foundation, along with her staff, and those who come to the foundation to adopt a new pet.

Kvinnens plass

The journalist Tore Haugen returns to Norway from the United States. He falls in love with the journalist Tore Næss and soon discovers that he has a job with the same newspaper as her. Næss shows outstanding qualities and develops into a star reporter, whereas Haugen is mediocre. When they have children together, the question arises which of them will sacrifice their career to be at home with the child. Haugen soon finds himself comfortable in the role of a stay-at-home father.

14 (novel)

''14'' follows Nate Tucker, who lives in Los Angeles, is stuck doing data entry and doesn't know what he's doing with his life. Just as he needs to move out of his old place, Nate hears of an apartment building with extremely low rent at an after work get-together, and once Nate signs his lease for 565 dollars a month (including utilities) at the Kavach building, the mysteries of the old Los Angeles brownstone begin to unravel.

Nate discovers that his building manager Oskar Rommel is reluctant to tell him much about the building. He also discovers that there is a colony of bright green, seven-legged cockroaches that skitter around his apartment, his kitchen light is a black light no matter what kind of bulb he puts in, and the four massive padlocks that are on apartment 14. In addition to discovering the visible oddities of his building, Nate also encounters his neighbors Veek, Roger, Xela, Clive, Debbie and the newly moved-in Tim. Together, they slowly unveil the deeper hidden secrets of the Kavach building. Over the course of the novel, the group, with Nate at the lead, discover that the building is not hooked into the Los Angeles power grid and instead pulls its power from a series of Westinghouse generators that draw from a fault line almost a mile underneath Kavach. They also discover writing on all of the walls of various apartments that includes scientific formulas, population growth algorithms and a letter from one of the men who created Kavach, Aleksander Koturovich, which helps answer the mysterious questions about the nature of the building. Aleksander Koturovic along with Whipple Van Buren Phillips and Nikola Tesla helped finance and construct the Kavach building as a protective barrier around our reality, meant to guard against a species of multi-dimensional predators that appear in our world once the total population of the planet reached a critical point, consuming everything in their path before returning to their home dimension to await the next turn of the cycle.

Nate and the others also discover that beneath the paneling of Clive and Debbie's apartment is a series of knobs and switches that are meant to act as the controls for the building. As Nate and the others break into apartment 14 to discover the last of the mysteries of their building, they realize that a pocket of space is within the apartment which acts as a counterbalance for the power of the building. The apex of the story occurs when Andrew, another resident of Kavach who is also a member of the Family of the Red Death (a doomsday cult that worships Koturovic's alpha predators), deactivates the building, causing the barrier to fail and the creatures to emerge. Nate and the other residents of the Kavach building hurriedly work to change the switches and dials on the control panel in Clive and Debbie's apartment. Oskar gets captured by a flying creature, they fail to get him back and in the process of trying, Tim dies. Nate and the other residents of Kavach, save for Andrew, Oskar and Tim, fixes the control room and returns the creatures back to their dimension and the building itself back to Los Angeles. The novel ends with Nate succeeding Oskar as the new building manager of Kavach

Filhas de Eva

The series tells the story of three women who are trapped in standards that do not make them happy. Stella (Renata Sorrah) realizes during her 50th wedding anniversary that she did not enjoy life as she should have and repeated the fate of her generation, she gave up dreams for marriage and motherhood. Lívia (Giovanna Antonelli), Stella's daughter, has her career, but suffers from not being in control of the emotional life she idealized. Cléo (Vanessa Giácomo) with her low self-esteem, needs to guarantee a roof and survival before thinking about any personal achievement. Meanwhile, Dora (Debora Ozório), Stella's granddaughter and Lívia's daughter, struggles between family role models and the feminism of today's young women. Stella makes an unexpected decision that changes the lives of everyone around her.

A Song for the Dark Times

In a Prologue, Rebus moves down two flights of stairs to the ground-floor flat in the same Arden Street tenement, with a lot of help from Siobhan Clarke. His first morning in the new flat, he gets a call from his daughter Samantha saying her partner, Keith, is missing.

Rebus immediately makes the long drive to the (fictional) village of Naver near Tongue in the extreme north of Scotland. He finds Keith’s body. In trying to discover why he was murdered, he gets to know his granddaughter’s father for the first time; Keith had been obsessed with the history of a nearby World War II prison camp, some of whose survivors settled locally and are still alive. The local police see Samantha as the obvious suspect in Keith’s murder. While Rebus can’t help considering this possibility, he frantically researches other options. Samantha is devastated and blames it all on him.

In Edinburgh, Siobhan Clarke and Malcolm Fox are part of the Murder Inquiry Team looking into the mysterious killing of a Saudi student. This takes them into the world of wealthy international socialites and their financial projects. The dead man’s closest friend was a young Scottish aristocrat whose family trust owns most of the area around Tongue, so Rebus’s investigations overlap with Siobhan’s.

The gangster ‘Big Ger’ Cafferty is the fourth major point-of-view character. He now runs an exclusive club where he films the guests to obtain blackmail material, and he involves Fox in one of his blackmail projects. Though Fox plays along, Cafferty’s attempt to control him and his Police Scotland boss ultimately fails. At the end of the novel, a young thug with a gun is on his way to see Cafferty, without warning.

Target... Maganto

Lt. Col. Romeo Maganto is a dedicated police commander of the Western Police District. His repeated raids against a syndicate's operations eventually lead to a confrontation between him and the Sparrow Unit led by Archie.

Musk and Amber

The opera aficionado James Elliot had been a regular visitor to Grest Park, the English country house owned by his friend the music-loving Lord Scoble, Earl of Linchcombe. After Scoble's death, his title had passed to his young son Julian along with legal ownership of the estate, the latter being administered by the boy's much older half-sister Lady Frances Scoble.

Lady Frances invites Elliot once again to stay at Grest Park, and seeks his opinion on the management of the 12 year-old Julian, who seems disturbed. Julian has an exceptional singing voice and has had lessons from Mr Handel himself. Elliot advises that the musical training started by his father should continue, but Frances and her cousin Henry Scoble are reluctant to take the boy's gift seriously.

A year later, on a visit to Naples, Elliot comes across an appreciative crowd that has gathered to listen to a young singer he recognises immediately as Julian. He overhears Frances and Henry, whom he now realises are lovers, apparently plotting some scheme. That night Julian disappears, and nearly two weeks later a boy's body is dredged from the bay. After a brief period of mourning Frances and Henry marry, and soon a son is born. Henry becomes the new Earl of Linchcombe and is appointed government minister.

Julian, however, had not drowned but had been kidnapped to order, on payment of a fee. He had been taken to a hovel high in the hills where his captors, hoping to make even more money from their prisoner, had persuaded him to sing to them: "But he had sung his sweet song too well. They did not let him go out and two days later the barber came up the hill from Naples."

When Julian reads a report of Henry Scoble's new title, he smells "the musk and amber of revenge" and decides that he must dedicate himself to his singing. He enters a conservatory for young castratos, graduating at the age of eighteen under the stage name of Marelli. A hugely successful opera singer, Marelli's career flourishes and he becomes rich and famous.

Marelli's popularity arouses the jealosy of Maria Baretti, a soprano with whom he is performing in Venice. Her lover is a member of the Council of Ten, a body empowered to impose punishments within the Republic of Venice, and after a public concert Marelli is suddenly arrested and faces the prospect of twelve years imprisonment without trial. Managing to escape from the room is which he is temporarily being held, he makes for the home of James Elliot, now British Minister to the Republic. Afraid that his house is being watched, Elliot arranges to take a few days holiday, travelling publicly by barge in the style expected of a grand English gentleman. He is accompanied by a masked lady – in fact, by Marelli. Marelli escapes to England, and makes his name there. Elliot eventually retires to England also.

Julian appoints lawyers to investigate his kidnapping years earlier. They discover that Henry Scoble had tried to have Julian murdered, but that Frances had intervened. To her, a quick death would have been too easy for the boy, and she had arranged his kidnapping and sale in the expectation that he would fail as a soprano and that he would be forced to live as an outcast before dying in penury.

Elliot is invited to dine with Frances and Henry at Grest, an obligation he attempts to avoid. Coincidently, Julian is also headed to Grest that evening, intending to appear unannounced as Marelli. Julian sings, is recognised as the rightful Earl by the servants, and has his revenge by challenging Henry to a duel and running him through. He considers whether he should publish the evidence he holds, take back his house and title and let the law deal with Frances. But after spending an emotional day out with the keeper on the estate he decides to put Grest itself first. The house needs children whose descendents will grow up amongst its people and farms, loving them and caring for them. This he cannot provide. He returns to Europe and resumes his career as Marelli.

Sounds Like Love (film)

Maca, a clumsy 30 year-old who lives in Madrid, is stuck as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion influencer, wasting her talent and spending most of her time with men with whom she never manages to establish an emotional bond. Together with her two unique and loveable friends, Jimena and Adriana, Maca endeavours to make the most of life and happiness, despite her dead-end job, making almost everything possible. All seems to be going well until Maca's ex Leo returns to her life, flipping her almost perfect life upside down. Leo was the biggest mistake of Maca's life, the man who tore her heart apart and obliterated her self-esteem and her faith in men. Maca had forgotten all about him, but now she has to accept that he has suddenly come back into her life and she must face those emotions that she has repressed for so long, dealing with the unforgettable memory of what could have been and never was.

The Faceless Man (film)

After recovering from cancer for three years, Emily plans a weekend away with her friends to cope with the fear of getting sick again. What starts off as a fun time in a country holiday house turns into a nightmare getaway when Emily and her friends are under attack by rednecks, as well as a supernatural creature: a man without a face that haunts the very house the friends are staying at.

Lethal Panther 2

NBI agent Albert Moran is on the lookout for the group behind blackmailing him. With the help of his fellow agents and outside forces within Interpol, Moran goes through adversities that only motivated him to pursue justice.

Assassination of the Grand Duke Serge

The film is composed of three fixed camera wide shots:

  1. An underground vaulted room. group of men talking around a table. In the background, another group of men is mixing chemicals. A man shows a map. Another draws a paper from a box, reads it and points at one of the men wearing a fur coat who stands up and takes a oath. They all swear with him. He is given the bomb. Accompanied by another man, he leaves the room.

  2. A snow covered street in front of a palace. Several men walk by. A carriage enters right and stops. The two men seen in shot 1 run towards the carriage and one of them throws the bomb which explodes. Smoke fills the screen.

  3. When the smoke dissipates the set seen in shot 2 has been transformed with all windows of the buildings broken and broken pieces of the carriage on the ground, with more pieces falling down. A group of people run to the wreck and catch the man with the fur coat.

Bittomo × Heroine Kirameki Powers!

5th grade elementary school student, Kirari Momose, encounters a fairy who jumps out of a game console. The fairy, Himenyan, is actually the Princess of the Kirapawa Kingdom, a kingdom located in a popular sword and magic game "Kirapawa Morimori Adventure". The Princess, who was afraid of the enemy, ran away but was chased by those from the Makkura Empire. Becoming friends with Kirari, Kirari transforms into the "Heroine of the Sun, Kirapawa Sunny" where she fights the Makkura Empire. Joining with Yuzuki Shimori, Honoka Akashiro and Koyuki Aoba along the way, the four collect the Kirapawa Memories in order to win against the Witch of Darkness, Makkulala.

Touhou LostWord

In ''Touhou LostWord,'' the "Lost Word Incident" occurs, causing words to go missing, which threatens the stability of Gensokyo, and leads the characters to investigate by travelling across multiple different universes to find the lost words. The game is not canon to the official ''Touhou'' universe.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Shot

The book opens up with Greg reminiscing about old sports and how and why he had stopped playing them. He then explains about going to the gym with his father Frank but they get kicked out when Greg makes noise.

Later on, his school hosts a Field Day competition for a day off, but it is a disaster as teachers trade their students, students pay each other to fail, and eventually, when the janitors are put in charge of lunch, the school is forced to give everyone the day off. Greg's mom Susan urges him to give sports one more chance, and Greg reluctantly signs up for basketball. The tryouts are a mess, but Greg unexpectedly gets put on a team made by Mr. Patel, the father of the best athlete in the school, Preet (after Preet couldn't come to tryouts due to his uncle's funeral so Mr. Patel decided to make a new team with Preet and the other kids who got cut including Greg so Preet could still play).

After the season begins, Greg's team struggles through practice after practice, as their court is in very bad condition and is rented out by another club. Suddenly, Preet breaks his ankle during practice and is unable to play; thus, the team's chances of winning just one game are incredibly slim, losing to more and more other teams and finishes the season having won no games. Then, Susan tells Greg's coach about a "Second Chance Tournament" hosted at the local prison, but Coach Patel refuses to coach Greg's team again, making Susan the new coach.

The team struggles to quickly adapt to a completely different style of coaching. In the second tournament, Greg's team loses every game, but in the final game to decide the worst team in the state, the other team almost forfeits after one of their players is injured. Susan makes Greg switch teams in order to have a fair game. In the final game, Greg scores the winning basket, and his new team end up winning the game and are now the second-worst team in the state, proving that his old team is the worst team in the state.

Rosewater (novel)

In 2012, an alien named Wormwood appears in London, substantially altering the world's geopolitical landscape. In the 2050s, it creates an impenetrable dome in Rosewater, Nigeria. It exudes a fungus which interacts with human nervous systems, granting psychic powers to some human “sensitives”. The life of Kaaro, a sensitive, is presented throughout different decades.

As a teen, Kaaro uses his burgeoning psychic abilities for thievery. He is caught and almost executed. He escapes and begins using his telepathy on the black market before being recruited by the government. In the 2050s, he trains with S45, a secret branch of the Nigerian government. He is tasked with tracking down Oyin Da, an anarchist revolutionary. Kaaro and Da travel to the future site of Rosewater, where they speak with Wormwood. They are followed by S45 agents who shoot at Wormwood, but Kaaro senses the trap and saves him. Wormwood then creates the dome to separate himself from most humans; Da stays within the dome and Kaaro does not.

In 2066, Kaaro is still working for S45. Sensitives begin dying of an unknown illness. He begins seeing a mysterious woman named Molara in the xenosphere. He dates a woman named Aminat. Unbeknownst to Kaaro, she is an undercover S45 agent. Molara reveals that she is an alien. The creation of sensitives was an unintended consequence as the aliens gathered information about Earth. They no longer need more information, so they are killing the sensitives. She attempts to kill Kaaro, but he is rescued by Wormwood. Kaaro learns that the aliens are replacing human DNA with their own over the course of generations. He and Aminat continue their lives, unsure about how to combat the inevitable end of humanity.

Naomi Osaka (TV series)

The series follows Naomi Osaka over the course of two years.

Hans Nielsen Hauge (film)

The film opens in 1804, when Crown Prince Regent Frederick is ruling Denmark–Norway. The Royal Danish Chancellery has issued an arrest warrant for Hans Nielsen Hauge. The arrest warrant is sent to all the county governors in Norway, and Hauge is taken to Christiania in irons. The film follows the trial against Hauge. An impression of his past life and work is given in retrospect. The case against Hauge lasted many years because Copenhagen found no reason to hurry. This was a turning point in Norway, and Napoleon was building an empire in Europe. The case was not concluded until 1813.

Magdaleno Orbos: Sa Kuko ng Mga Lawin

Magdaleno Orbos, a wealthy contractor in the construction industry, is honest and fair in doing his job. Fellow businessman Mr. Alingcastre resents this fact, and begins to harass Magdaleno and send him threats of violence. Because Magdaleno is unfazed by his threats, Alingcastre sends assassins to kill his workers instead. Eventually, Magdaleno's wife is killed by the men of Alingcastre, leading to Magdaleno becoming a vigilante.

Uncle Peckerhead

The members of the band Duh (Judy, Max, and Mel) have all quit their jobs and are ready to embark on their first tour. The first roadblock on their journey is the fact that their van was repossessed. Desperate for a vehicle, the band placed flyers on every van in town asking to use it for their tour. One van is occupied by one Uncle Peckerhead (or "Peck" as he is known to his friends) who offers to drive the band and be their roadie. Unfortunately, it turns out that Peck turns into a man-eating monster for thirteen minutes every night at midnight.


Five ordinary people suddenly develop various superpower abilities after receiving organ transplants from a man with psychic superpower. They end up defending themselves from a different group of people who seek to steal their powers.

A Leg

A wife who battles to keep her husband’s body intact after he dies of a leg amputation.

The S-class Beautiful Girl Who Hates Me a lot is My Follower in the Game World

A slit romantic comedy that is pressed by a real and hated beautiful girl in class!

Masumi Kanbe, an elite high school student who works hard day and night to become the Cabinet Secretary. In order to save Mika Negoto, a beautiful girl who refuses to go to school, he logs into the "devil's VR online game" where she is - but she dislikes him by telling the "truth"! ID was also blocked, and he had no choice but to enter with another red card... "Lady Munchkin, that's a big deal! Too precious, I died three times!" The cousin's account that he used without permission belongs to the popular commentator that Negoto enthusiastically adores! Then it will be easier. Hide his true identity and direct him to a clean and righteous path instead of impure actions with Negoto!

Deathstroke (Champions)

The adventure is divided into three chapters. In the first, the superheroes are called in when a band of supervillains called Deathstroke rob a bank and take hostages. In the second chapter, investigation by the superheroes will reveal that Deathstroke used the bank robbery as a diversion in order to steal an experimental isotope, which they will use to build a superweapon. In the third chapter, the superheroes raid Deathstroke's headquarters.

Daemon Spawn of the Myathlon Cult

The adventure, designed for 6–8 characters of 1st–3rd level, is divided into three sections. The player characters start by going to Rakshar Monastery in search of a rare herb to heal a friend. They then must make a wilderness trip, and eventually enter the Myathlon Crypt of the Atoll Temple.

Worlds (novel)

''Worlds'' is a novel in which Marianne O'Hara takes educational trip from orbital New New York to old Earth, and an international terrorist conspiracy nearly kills everyone.

Worlds Apart (novel)

''Worlds Apart'' is a novel in which two thousand million survivors are prey to a virus that kills everyone over the age of twenty.

Protectorate (novel)

''Protectorate'' is a novel in which the decadent rich live in their gleaming towers, while the lower Dwellers teem in poverty far below, and their alien overlords control humanity absolutely.

The Other Black Girl

Nella Rogers is the only Black employee of a publishing house. When Hazel-May McCall, another Black woman, is hired by the company, Rogers initially believes the woman will be an ally.

The Empress of Salt and Fortune

Cleric Chih of the Singing Hills Monastery visits an abandoned palace, Thriving Fortune, after the death of the Empress. They are accompanied by a talking hoopoe named Almost Brilliant. They meet Rabbit, an elderly woman who was once the Empress’s servant. She tells Chih about Empress In-yo’s life as they catalogue the contents of the palace.

In-yo is a northern princess married to the Emperor of Pines and Steel for diplomatic purposes. The emperor has her sterilized and banished. In-yo secretly communicates with her kin in the north, hoping for revenge. She stages a pilgrimage, an excuse for leaving her exile in Thriving Fortune. Her caravan of pilgrims is infiltrated by northern warriors, allowing her to escape Empire custody. In-yo’s servant Sukai, Rabbit’s lover, is executed. Rabbit gives birth to Sukai’s daughter; In-yo presents the daughter as her own. She leads an army to the capital, the Emperor is killed, and In-yo takes the throne. She has recently passed away and has been succeeded by Rabbit's daughter. Rabbit disappears, and Chih leaves Thriving Fortune to attend the coronation of the new Empress.

Draft:Mush-Mush & the Mushables

The show takes place in a universe where anthropomorphic mushrooms roam the earth while coexisting with other types of life. A Mushler named Mush-Mush and his two best friends, Lilit and Chep, go on "a journey of self-discovery, told through exciting adventure, comedy… and mush mush more!" However, being "pocket-sized guardians of the forest" isn't as easy as it sounds for Mush-Mush, Lilit, and Chep. The trio often gets caught up in various predicaments, but are usually solved with the help of other Mushables or by themselves.

Punishing: Gray Raven

The story of game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by Corrupted cybernetic enemies caused by the Punishing Virus. The last remnants of mankind have escaped to the space station Babylonia. The player takes on the role as the Commandant of an elite squad of Constructs known as Gray Raven. The player will lead the squad to fight against the Corrupted and other opposing forces to retake the planet.


'''Gray Raven''' Lucia ( ) :Voiced by: 小N (Chinese), 尾狐殿 (Cantonese), Yui Ishikawa (Japanese) Liv ( ) :Voiced by: 多多poi (Chinese), 間踏梧桐 (Cantonese), Ai Kayano→Miku Itō (Japanese) Lee ( ) :Voiced by: 夏侯落楓 (Chinese), 犬畏 (Cantonese), Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Japanese) '''Engineering Force''' Karenina ( ) :Voiced by: 花铃 (Chinese), 东东 (Cantonese), Haruka Tomatsu (Japanese) '''Purifying Force''' Bianca ( ) :Voiced by: 云鹤追 (Chinese), 神明凌 (Cantonese), Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese) '''Strike Hawk''' Kamui ( ) :Voiced by: DK (Chinese), 夏侯落枫 (Cantonese), Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) Chrome ( ) :Voiced by: 大白 (Chinese), ken (Cantonese), Daisuke Hirakawa (Japanese) Wanshi ( ) :Voiced by: 孙鹏 (Chinese), 咩鹿君 (Cantonese), Akira Ishida (Japanese) '''Cerberus''' Vera ( ) :Voiced by: 江月 (Chinese), YUI (Cantonese), Inoue Marina (Japanese) No. 21 :Voiced by: 钱琛 (Chinese), P (Cantonese), Inori Minase (Japanese) '''Art Association''' Ayla ( ) :Voiced by: 巩大方 (Chinese), 傻莓酱 (Cantonese), Shizuka Ito (Japanese) Selena ( ) :Voiced by: 柳知蕭 (Chinese), 以媛 (Cantonese), Satomi Sato (Japanese) '''The Forsaken''' Watanabe ( ) :Voiced by: 森中人 (Chinese), 星罗 (Cantonese), Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese) '''Arctic Route Union''' Rosetta ( ) :Voiced by: 贺文潇 (Chinese), 师欣 (Cantonese), Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese) '''Akidilek Trading Union''' Sophia ( ) :Voiced by: 蔡娜 (Chinese), 萧萧 (Cantonese), Ami Koshimizu (Japanese) Chang Yu ( ) :Voiced by: Kinsen (Chinese), 包少爷 (Cantonese), Natsuki Hanae (Japanese) '''Kowloong''' Qu ( ) :Voiced by: 叶知秋 (Chinese), 零叁 (Cantonese), Sayaka Ohara (Japanese) '''Ascendents''' Luna ( ) :Voiced by: 四白 (Chinese), 周海鲜 (Cantonese), Rie Kugimiya (Japanese) Roland ( ) :Voiced by: 冷泉夜月 (Chinese), 碌斌 (Cantonese), Koji Yusa (Japanese) '''Unaffiliated''' Nanami ( ) :Voiced by: 赵爽 (Chinese), 岚风蜂蜜绿茶 (Cantonese), Minami Tanaka (Japanese)

Drawn to Life: Two Realms

The game begins with Mari praying to the Creator and reminiscing on the events of the past two games, when a hooded Raposa (Who is implied to be Wilfre) appears behind her. He gives her the Book of Imagination and tells her how different the human realm is from the Raposa realm. Mari thanks him for his help and goes to Creation Hall.

Inside Creation Hall, Mari prays to the Creator again and asks for a new Hero. After sending her a Hero, she asks how the Hero will fit in, in the human realm. The Creator tells Mari the humans will see the Hero as one of them.

Singoalla (opera)

The opera is set in Sweden during the fourteenth century. The plot centres on Singoalla, princess of a nomadic tribe and Erland, a young knight with whom she has a son. In acts 1 and 2 the tribe take him hostage in order to escape with items stolen from a monastery. The tribe give Erland a potion causing him to forget Singoalla and abandon her. Acts 3 and 4 resume the story after ten years have passed and Erland is now married to another woman but tormented by strange dreams in which child predicts the coming of the Black Death. At this point the child, his forgotten son, enters the plot and his service, leading to the death of the principal characters.

Rurouni Kenshin (TV series)

When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji era (1878), the former Ishin Shishi Himura Kenshin wanders around Japan until reaching Tokyo. There, he is attacked by a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who believes him to be the ''Hitokiri Battōsai'' but ends up forgetting about him upon the appearance of a man claiming to be the "Hitokiri Battōsai" - tarnishing the name of the swordsmanship school that she teaches. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake ''Battōsai'', revealing himself as the actual former manslayer who has become a pacifist. Kaoru invites Kenshin to stay at her dojo, claiming she is not interested in his past. Although Kenshin accepts the invitation, his fame causes him to accidentally attract other warriors who wish him dead. However, Kenshin also meets new friends including the young Myōjin Yahiko who wishes to reach his strength but ends up becoming Kaoru's student, the fighter-for-hire Sagara Sanosuke from the Sekihō Army who realizes the current Kenshin is different from the Ishin Shishi he detested for killing his leader Sagara Sōzō, and the doctor Takani Megumi who wishes to atone for her sins as a drug dealer, inspired by Kenshin's devotion to his past.

Dancing Queens (film)

Dylan Pettersson, a 23-year-old young woman from a small island in the Bohuslän archipelago, aspires to be a professional dancer. She’s talked into covering cleaning duties at the struggling gay drag club Queens for a week. Victor, the club’s star dancer and choreographer, discovers Dylan's talent, and she desperately wants to be a dancer on the show, but she's a girl — and it's a drag show.

Casablanca Beats

In Sidi Moumen, a group of talented teens aspire to put on a rap concert.

Compartment No. 6

Traveling by train from Moscow to Murmansk to study the Kanozero Petroglyphs, a Finnish student forms an unlikely friendship with a gruff Russian miner.

Drive My Car (film)

Actor and well-known theater director Yūsuke Kafuku is married to Oto, an attractive screenwriter. Oto conceives her stories during sex and narrates them to Yūsuke. After watching her husband in a performance of ''Waiting for Godot'', Oto introduces Yūsuke to her frequent collaborator, a conceited young actor Kōji Takatsuki. When Yūsuke returns home early one day, he finds his wife having sex with a young man he recognizes as Kōji. He leaves silently without being noticed and does not bring it up with her. After getting into a car accident, Yusuke goes to the hospital and discovers he has glaucoma in one eye and must take prescribed eyedrops to avoid eventual blindness. His wife commiserates with him. One day, as Yūsuke is leaving for work, Oto tells him she wants to talk to him later that evening. Yūsuke returns home late to find Oto dead from a brain hemorrhage. After her funeral, Yūsuke has a breakdown while performing in Chekhov's ''Uncle Vanya'' and is unable to continue the show.

Two years later, Yūsuke accepts a residency in Hiroshima, where he will direct a multilingual adaptation of ''Uncle Vanya''. The theater company requires that instead of driving himself that Yūsuke is to be chauffeured in his own car, a red 1987 Saab 900 Turbo. He objects at first, but relents after the reserved young female chauffeur, Misaki Watari, reveals herself to be a skilled driver. During their drives, Yūsuke and Misaki begin to bond. A day goes by and Yūsuke casts several people, including Kōji, whose career has recently been hurt by improper conduct, as Uncle Vanya despite his young age and concerns for his erratic behavior. Along with Yoon-su, Yūsuke finally makes up his mind. The contestants who pass the audition sign the contract and they begin rehearsing altogether.

One night, having finished with a rehearsal, Kōji asks Yūsuke for a drink in his hotel bar. It is revealed that Kōji joined the audition to play the script written by Oto and that he was jealous of Yūsuke for marrying Oto. Kōji later admits that he loved Oto but that it was unrequited love. As they're leaving, Kōji scolds someone who secretly takes a picture of him.

Another day goes by after rehearsal, Yūsuke offers Yoon-su a ride home. He returns the favor by inviting Yūsuke to dinner. Later, at Yoon-su's place, Yūsuke is surprised to find his wife turned out to be one of the contestants. On his way home after dinner, Misaki tells him about her abusive mother who taught her to drive in junior high school.

Later that night, Kōji asks Yūsuke for another drink at bar. Kōji is wondering why Yūsuke trusted him with the role and Yūsuke responds by criticizing Kōji's lack of self control. On the way out of the bar, Kōji slips away briefly to follow a man who had been taking photos of him without permission. During their drive home, Yūsuke reveals that he and Oto lost their daughter, who would have been Misaki's age, to pneumonia. The incident enabled Oto to tell a story only after having sex with Yūsuke and writing it as film scenario. He also knew of his wife's affairs but kept quiet because he believed that she still loved him in spite of those affairs. Kōji shares one of Oto's stories that Yūsuke had never heard in its entirety. Some days later, the police arrive at a rehearsal and arrest Kōji because the photographer he fought with has now died from the injuries sustained from their fight. The directors of the residency offer Yūsuke a choice: either step into the role of Vanya or cancel the play altogether. Yūsuke is given 2 days to think about it.

During that spare time, Yūsuke asks Misaki to take him to her childhood home in Hokkaido. During their car trip, Misaki reveals that she could have saved her mother in the mudslide, where she sustained an injury that left a prominent scar on her left cheek, but she chose not to. Yūsuke feels that he might have saved his wife had he come home to face the discussion she wanted to have. They arrive at the remains of Misaki's childhood home where her mother died and they sympathize with each other’s separately experienced grief in dealing with life's emotional setbacks. Yūsuke empathetically hugs her while they stand in the snow in front of the remains of Misaki's childhood home. They then return to Hiroshima, where Yūsuke assumes the role of Vanya and gives an impassioned performance before a live audience, which includes Misaki.

In the present day, Misaki finishes shopping for groceries in Korea and gets into the red Saab. A dog waits for her in the back seat. She takes off her surgical mask, revealing that her scar is now barely visible, and drives away.

Lingui, The Sacred Bonds

On the outskirts of N'Djamena in Chad, Amina lives alone with her only 15-year-old daughter Maria. Her already fragile world collapses the day she discovers that her daughter is pregnant. The teenager does not want this pregnancy. In a country where abortion is not only condemned by religion, but also by law, Amina finds herself facing a battle that seems lost in advance.

Unnatural Causes (1986 film)

Frank Coleman is a Vietnam War veteran dying from cancer caused by Agent Orange. Maude DeVictor is Coleman's counselor at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The two attempt to expose the government coverup of the dangerous side effects of Agent Orange, meeting many difficult challenges in the process.

Petrov's Flu

Petrov is an auto mechanic in post-Soviet Yekaterinburg. He is separated from his wife, a librarian, and together they have a son. Just before the start of the new year, his family gets sick with the flu. Then he meets a trickster named Igor who can mix the world of the living and the dead. The Petrov family begin to suffer surrealistic hallucinations and the line between reality and hallucination begins to disappear.

A Snowball in Hell

The story is set five years after the two previous novels in the group. Angelique de Xavia is now working for an anti-terrorist squad based in Paris. Then she is needed in London, where Simon Darcourt—who was supposed to have died in their confrontation at the end of "A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away"—is back on the scene, with a new specialization: broadcasting videos of the torture (and, sometimes, deaths) of celebrities he has kidnapped.

Meanwhile, Zal Innez, who is in danger from Scottish gangsters, American gangsters, and the law, finds a berth on a cruise ship and becomes a performing magician, drawing crowds.

Angelique is contacted by a person who has abducted her parents, and who will trade them only for Darcourt; meanwhile, of course, she is part of a team looking to arrest Darcourt. She tracks down Zal, believing he can out-think Darcourt, and her parents' abductors too. Zal immediately responds and they seem to be making progress, discovering that Darcourt has cancer. Zal finally sees through Darcourt's multiple misdirections, and the reader is gradually brought up to speed as the finale unfolds.

The Worst Person in the World (film)

Julie is a medical student in Oslo, then transferred to psychology and then photography, where she starts a relationship with Aksel Willman, a comic artist fifteen years older than her. Now dabbling in writing, she spends a weekend with Aksel at his parents' house. Aksel floats the idea of starting a family with Julie, but Julie is uncertain. While walking home from a publishing event for Aksel, Julie crashes a wedding reception and meets Eivind, a barista. Though both are in relationships, they spend the night together sharing jokes and intimacies, but without sexual relations. They exchange only their first names and part ways.

Julie writes a short story about feminism and oral sex. Aksel is impressed with it and encourages her to post it online, where it receives attention. She celebrates her 30th birthday at her divorced mother's home but her estranged father fails to attend, claiming he injured his back. Days later, Julie's half-sister inadvertently reveals that their father was watching her play at a football tournament on the day of her birthday. He makes excuses to decline Aksel's invitation to visit him and Julie in Oslo. While working at a bookstore, Julie encounters Eivind and his girlfriend Sunniva. At dinner with Aksel's brother and sister-in-law, Aksel complains about the sanitized cinematic adaptation of his politically incorrect comic series Bobcat, leaving Julie feeling bored and ignored. She dreams that she goes on a date with Eivind, where they fall in love. The next day, she breaks up with Aksel.

Eivind leaves climate-conscious Sunniva because of her restrictive lifestyle. Julie and Eivind move in together. He hosts a small party where one of his friends uncovers Eivind's stash of psychedelic mushrooms, which Julie consumes leading to hallucinations. The following night, she confides in Eivind that she can be herself around him, but he seems to ignore her claims. Aksel's brother happens upon Julie at work and discloses that Aksel has inoperable pancreatic cancer. Sometime later, Eivind finds the short story Julie had written. When he assumes it is based on her real-life experiences, Julie angrily denies it and patronizes him.

Julie learns she is pregnant and delays telling Eivind. She visits Aksel in the hospital where Aksel confides that he is afraid to die and still loves her. Julie admits that she is pregnant. Despite his assertions that she would be a good mother, she remains frightened. Returning home, Julie tells Eivind about her pregnancy, and they decide to separate while she determines whether she wants to keep the child. After spending time with Aksel, Julie later receives a voicemail from his brother reporting that Aksel is unlikely to survive the night. While showering, she has a miscarriage.

Some time later, Julie is working as an on-set photographer for a film shoot. She photographs an actress and then sees her outside with Eivind and a baby. She returns home to edit the day's photos.

Go, Go, Loser Ranger!

Thirteen years ago, the Villainous Army of evil attempted to invade Earth, faced by the super sentai squadron known as the Dragon Keepers, and their super weapons, the Divine Tools. The evil army, however, was defeated within a year, all of its executives wiped out, and the surviving (and almost immortal) foot soldiers have been forced ever since to reenact their defeat to the Keepers in front of a crowd of spectators every Sunday. Tired of the charade, and realizing that this amounts to little more than slavery, one of the foot soldiers rebels, and decides he will defeat the Dragon Keepers by infiltrating the organization.

Citadel (TV series)

Richard Madden said about the plot and his character:

"There are multiple characters and multiple storylines that all intertwine, and I personally play a character who is an amnesiac—eight years of his life, he’s basically become a new person.

There's a journey of discovering who he was before the accident happened, and he no longer remembers anything. It's a clash between the life that he's been living for eight years, and the life that he used to live. You get to delve into exploring the psyche of dealing with the consequences of things that you're not aware that you've done."

Priyanka Chopra speaking to WWD talked about Citadel and what we can expect from the show “Then I have the exact opposite of that — a spy show with the Russo brothers for Amazon Prime with Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci. It’s called Citadel and it’s really going to be amazing. It was a lot of work. I have a lot of scars to prove it.”

Production Began as early as 2021

El Amparo (film)

In El Amparo, in the Venezuelan border location with Colombia, two men survive an armed attack perpetrated in the Arauca River, where fourteen of their colleagues were killed. The army accuses them of being Colombian guerrillas, intimidates them and tries to take them away from their cell where they are guarded by a local policeman and the locals, who desperately try to prevent them from being taken away. The men say that they are simple fishermen, but the pressure for them to yield to the official version is overwhelming.

Necromunda: Hired Gun

The game starts with the titular Hired Gun partnering up with two other bounty hunters to find a bounty dubbed the Silver Talon seeking refuge with the Escher gang. The Hired Gun’s partners are killed and they themselves are ambushed by the silver talon before being rescued by Kal Jericho, who has the Hired Gun implanted with a cranial cybernetic. Karl Jericho then sets the player out on the silver talon’s trail before tasking him with protection of a Guilder whom the underworld of Necromunda has placed a bounty on. Failing at the Guilder’s protection the Hired Gun tracks down the Silver Talon before being crossed for the last time.

At Night All Blood Is Black

Alfa Ndiaye and his adopted brother Mademba Diop are Senegalese Tirailleurs fighting in World War I. One day, Alfa jokes about the Diop family’s totem, the peacock, stating that it is cowardly when compared to the Ndiaye family’s lion. Wanting to prove his bravery, Mademba charges into battle and is disemboweled. Mademba asks Alfa to kill him repeatedly, but Alfa is unable to do so. After Mademba’s death, Alfa captures German soldiers and disembowels them. When they beg for death, he kills them, granting them a mercy he was unable to give to Mademba. He then brings their severed hands and rifles back to camp.

At first, he is hailed as a hero for his bravery, but his fellow soldiers quickly realize that he is spiraling into madness and become afraid of him. After the seventh severed hand, the commander orders Alfa to take one month’s leave. While being treated in a psychiatric hospital by Dr. François, Alfa reminisces about his childhood and life in Senegal. He buries his collection of mummified hands, then rapes and kills Dr. François’s daughter.

The narrative abruptly shifts to recount a Senegalese story about a fickle princess and a sorcerer without scars. The narrative meditates on the meaning of stories within stories and the difficulty of translation. The narrator speaks in the voice of Mademba, believing he is now living in Alfa’s body.

Freske fraspark

An old village dispute between Alvdal and Tynset has flared up again in the winter of 1936. The reason is that Per Sætermyrmoen has won the Holmenkollen 50 km cross-country ski race, and both villages would like to claim him as one of their own and celebrate the skier upon his return home.

Rehana Maryam Noor

The screenplay of the film is based on Rehana Maryam Noor, a 37-year-old teacher of a private medical college, where Rehana is accustomed to living a difficult life as a mother, daughter, sister, and teacher. She witnessed an unexpected incident while leaving college one evening. Since then, she has spoken out on behalf of her medical college student against another fellow teacher in protest of the incident. And when she went to protest, she gradually became stubborn. Later, at the same time, the school authorities mistreated Rehana's 6-year-old daughter. In such a situation, Rehana continued to seek justice for her child and that student from outside the so-called rules of the school.

Trident Force

The Trident Force, an international counter-terrorism organization, is called in to the Middle East to quell and defeat the Palestinian Revolutionary Legion by any means necessary.

Piyoli Phukan

Piyoli Phukan was the son of Badan Borphukan. Badan is considered as a villain in Assam History. He brought ''Mansena'' (Burmese Army) to Assam to destroy his motherland. At first the British came to save Assamese people from the Burmese, but after the Treaty of Yandabo in 1826, they occupied Assam. There was massive protest against the British occupation of Assam. Badan Barphukan was a traitor though his son Piyli was a patriot. The film depicts vividly how Piyoli along with Gomdhar Konwar revolted against the British colonizers. He organized people to revolt against the British. Accordingly, he plotted for a massive armed attack on the British. But the British smelt the conspiracy and just before execution of the plan, Piyoli Phukan was arrested on the ground of hatching a plot against the British. Eventually Piyoli was sentenced to death and hanged July 26, 1830 after a trial.

Commitment Hasan

A farmer reflects on his past as he prepares to make his pilgrimage to Mecca.

Daughter of the Deep

Ana Dakkar, the novel's protagonist and narrator, who turns 15 during the novel, is a student at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a fictional five-year boarding high school for marine sciences, situated on a remote bluff on the southern California coast.

The book opens on a Friday morning just before the end of Ana's freshman year, when she goes for a swim near campus with her older brother Dev, a 17-year-old senior, who gives her their mother's pearl necklace as an early present for her fifteenth birthday. Ana and the 19 other ninth-graders at Harding-Pencroft then head to the docks at the nearby fictional city of San Alejandro for their end-of-year trials on board the school yacht the ''Varuna'' (named for Varuna, the Hindu god of the sea), which will determine their future at the school. The trials are supervised by Dr. Theodosius Hewett, their elderly Theoretical Marine Science teacher. However, shortly after leaving the campus, Ana and her classmates see torpedoes fired from a submarine at the base of the bluff on which their school sits, collapsing the buildings into the ocean. Dr. Hewitt, after launching drones to survey the wreckage, orders the freshmen back onto the bus, then onto the ''Varuna'' and out to sea, telling them that this is the work of a rival school, Land Institute, and that it is better for their own safety if the world believes them dead as well. He directs one of the boys, Gemini Twain, to act as Ana's bodyguard. Hewitt and the students then find themselves fighting off a commando raid at sea by Land Institute seniors who attempt to kidnap Ana; the abduction is foiled with the aid of a friendly bottlenose dolphin Ana named Socrates, who knocks her would-be abductor, Caleb South, out of the water. When interrogated, Caleb proudly admits that he and his classmates destroyed Harding-Pencroft and says that they were protecting the legacy of an outlaw and selfishly hoarding technology that could greatly benefit the world. Hewitt has him thrown overboard in his flotation vest and wet suit to join his classmates who have been set adrift in a pontoon with their hands bound.

Hewett explains to Ana and her classmates that Jules Verne's novels ''20,000 Leagues Under the Seas'' and ''The Mysterious Island'' are actually somewhat fictionalized accounts of real events based on interviews Verne conducted with real people involved in these events, and that Ana is descended from Captain Nemo (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkhand). Hewett tells them that Nemo was a genius who developed technology far ahead of his time and Harding-Pencroft Academy and Land Institute have been battling over this technology ever since then, and their rivalry has now erupted into actual warfare. In Nemo's submarine the ''Nautilus'', he waged a guerrilla war on the colonial powers of the late 19th century, seeking their destruction as vengeance for the murder of his wife and eldest son by the British following his participation in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 against British rule.

After Pierre Aronnax, Ned Land, and Aronnax's servant Conseil escaped Captain Nemo, they founded Land Institute in an attempt to save the world order from Nemo by acquiring or duplicating his inventions and technology. Cyrus Harding and Bonaventure Pencroft, whose encounter with Nemo was described in ''The Mysterious Island'', told their story to Verne in an attempt to change Nemo's image and protect his legacy, and founded Harding-Pencroft Academy in accordance with Nemo's last wish – that his inventions not be misused for greed and power by the world's governments and corporations or by Land Institute.

The freshman trials were intended to be the ninth-graders' introduction to Nemo's technology, but Hewett feels that under the circumstances he must now tell them everything. Ana's friend and classmate Ester Harding, an orphan who is Cyrus Harding's fourth great-granddaughter, had been given the information months before but was sworn to secrecy by the Harding-Pencroft Academy board of trustees, under penalty of disinheritance. Long before the development of modern genetic science, Captain Nemo had learned how to biometrically link his greatest inventions to his own genes so that they might only be operated by himself or his direct descendants, which means that only Ana, who is Captain Nemo's fourth great-granddaughter and (it is believed) last surviving direct descendant, may now operate them.

Unbeknownst to the students, Hewett is suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer, and he is found comatose in his cabin on the morning of their second day at sea. Ana takes command of the ''Varuna'' and uses one of Nemo's inventions to determine their destination, a remote, uncharted Pacific atoll named Lincoln Island, where Cyrus Harding, Bonaventure Pencroft, and their companions were marooned and where Captain Nemo died aboard the ''Nautilus''. Along the way, they learn from data extracted from the drones Hewett launched after the school's destruction that Dev had broadcast a warning over its public-address system to evacuate. In order to approach Lincoln Island, which is heavily defended and concealed from detection by a cloaking device, they must decipher a code transmitted to them by Lincoln Island staff and send back a similarly coded message.

Upon their arrival at Lincoln Island, they are greeted by the island's caretakers: a couple named Luca Barsanti (who is descended from the Italian inventor Eugenio Barsanti) and his wife Ophelia Artemesia, and Jupiter, an orangutan who has learned to cook by watching ''The Great British Bake Off'' (and quite well, the students discover). Dr. Hewett begins to receive treatment with Captain Nemo's medical technology. Luca and Ophelia introduce the students to the ''Nautilus'', which, save for some relatively minor internal water damage, is almost intact, after sitting dormant at the bottom of a nearby lagoon for approximately 150 years after Captain Nemo died in the command chair. Ana learns that the ''Nautilus'' is a specimen of artificial intelligence so advanced as to be sentient, and that Ana's parents, who died shortly before she entered eighth grade, discovered the ''Nautilus'' and were electrocuted in a rash attempt to board it. Ana successfully boards the ''Nautilus'' without incident by introducing herself and asking for permission to come aboard, speaking in her and Captain Nemo's ancestral language of Bundeli. She then awakens the ship's advanced functions by playing a pipe organ Captain Nemo had installed on the bridge.

Ana and her classmates' exploration of the ''Nautilus'' are suddenly interrupted, however, by the discovery that the Land Institute seniors who attacked their school have followed them to Lincoln Island in their submarine the ''Aronnax'', and a battle ensues. During the battle, Ana and the others discover to their horror that her brother Dev has turned traitor and is collaborating with Land Institute, and is commanding the ''Aronnax'', from which he had broadcast the warning to evacuate after Harding-Pencroft Academy's defenses had been hacked and brought down. Ana discovers that Dev has hidden a tracking device in the necklace he gave her and immediately destroys it, then uses the Nautilus's advanced propulsion systems to flee. Two hours later, they find themselves in the western Pacific approximately 400 miles east of Davao City, Philippines, near the Palau Trench west of Koror City, Palau. There, while making repairs on the ''Nautilus'', they meet a giant octopus the crew names Romeo; Ana befriends him with the help of a keytar and the Nautilus' artificial intelligence. They speed back to Lincoln Island, where a battle with the ''Aronnax'' immediately ensues. The battle ends with the ''Aronnax'' broken to pieces by the giant octopus and its crew plucked from the ocean and locked up in improvised jail cells, and a brawl between Ana and Dev which ends with her knocking him unconscious by shooting him with rubber bullets.

The novel ends with the Harding-Pencroft ninth-graders, Luca and Ophelia, and a recovering Dr. Hewett vowing to rebuild the school. Ana takes Dev, who was being groomed to take over the facility but has now forfeited practically everything, to see their parents' final resting place in the lagoon near the ''Nautilus''.

Let It Be Morning

While attending his brother's wedding, a Palestinian-born Israeli citizen finds himself unable to return home to Jerusalem when a road is blocked by Israeli soldiers.

Prayers for the Stolen

Three girls in San Miguel, Jalisco come of age in a rural village that is dominated by the drug trade and human trafficking.

Hex (musical)

Fairy (a fairy named Fairy) lives in a forest all alone, until a palace secretary, Smith, stumbles upon her whilst running from an ogre. He has apparently been searching for a fairy to bring back to the palace to cast a spell to put the newly born princess to sleep as she has been keeping the whole palace awake. Fairy asks if this is what the baby wants, she will be able to perform a bless of sleep on the child.

Sequin in a Blue Room

Sixteen year old Sequin is queer and comfortable with his sexuality and has a healthy relationship with his father. He prefers anonymous and unconditional sexual encounters over having a serious and meaningful relationship. Sequin meets his one-night-stands through a dating app, and quickly ghosts them after their sexual liaison, in order to remain emotionally detached. But that all changes when he has a sexual encounter with B, a much older married man, who becomes obsessed with him and wants to meet up with him again. Back in school, he is asked out on a traditional date by Tommy who has a crush on him, and Sequin accepts. When Sequin gets invited by D to a group sex party at 'The Blue Room', B spots him and begins chasing him, until he is suddenly rescued by Edward, who he then has sex with. Immediately afterwards, Edward leaves telling Sequin to find him "out there", but he doesn't know who he is or anything about him, so he decides to track him down. After returning home from the sex party, Tommy arrives for their date, but Sequin has forgotten about it and blows him off. The next day he hesitantly reconnects with B, and has sex with him again in order to steal his phone to look for clues about The Blue Room. But after his wife keeps on calling the phone now in Sequin's possession, B starts stalking Sequin and pursuing him in order to get his phone back. Later, Sequin finds some contacts in the phone which lead him to an encounter with Virginia, a drag queen, who he ends up getting high with. Sequin is so wasted that he doesn't go home, and his dad gets mad and messages him that he has been kicked out. Near the end, he gets tricked into returning to The Blue Room based on false information on how to find Edward, but when he arrives, he is ambushed by B who savagely beats him. Having nowhere to go, he returns to Virginia's place, where he nurses his wounds, and they end up discussing his obsession with finding Edward. Virginia reveals information that leads to Sequin finally finding Edward, but when he follows him home, he discovers that Edward is in a relationship already. In the end, he reconciles with his dad and goes home, and the final scene shows Sequin and Tommy in his room watching ''Twilight'' together.


The series describes adventures of the protagonist with the user name "Gameknight999", who finds himself teleported by one of his father's inventions into the world of the ''Minecraft'' video game. Gameknight discovers that the creatures in the game are alive and it isn't a game to them. Gameknight experiences real-life adventures and actual danger with life-or-death consequences while stuck in the ''Minecraft'' digital universe.

Most of the novels feature Herobrine as the main antagonist, who is an urban legend and creepypasta that originated as a hoax propagated by an anonymous post on the English-language imageboard website 4chan.

From 2014 to 2017, a total of six trilogies featuring Gameknight999 were published. * Minecraft series #1 – Gameknight999 ** ''Invasion of the Overworld'' ** ''Battle for the Nether'' (''Publishers Weekly'' bestseller) ** ''Confronting the Dragon'' * Minecraft Series #2 – Mystery of Herobrine ** ''Trouble in Zombie-Town'' ** ''The Jungle Temple Oracle'' ** ''Last Stand on the Ocean Shore'' * Minecraft Series #3 – Herobrine Reborn ** ''Saving Crafter'' ** ''Destruction of the Overworld'' ** ''Gameknight999 vs Herobrine'' * Minecraft Series #4 – Herobrine’s Revenge ** ''Phantom Virus'' ** ''Overworld in Flames'' ** ''System Overload'' * Minecraft Series #5 – Birth of Herobrine ** ''The Great Zombie Invasion'' ** ''Attack of the Shadow-Crafters'' ** ''Herobrine's War'' * Minecraft Series #6 – Mystery of Entity303 ** ''Terrors of the Forest'' ** ''Monsters in the Mist'' ** ''Mission to the Moon''

Children of the Atom (comics)

The Children of the Atom are teen vigilantes living in New York City dreaming of joining their heroes, the X-Men, on Krakoa. They stopped the depowered Hell's Belles during a robbery on one of their missions, earning praises from the X-Men while raising concerns from the Avengers as the teens are putting themselves in danger due to the Kamala's Law still in full effect.

During one of their attempts to use the gateway to enter Krakoa, they were captured by U-Men before being rescued by the X-Men. It is then revealed that the teens are non-mutants and are using alien technology to emulate their powers:

Dragon Age: Deception

The story opens with Olivia Pryde, a failed actress turned con artist, as she prepares her disguise as a Magister in Ventus, a city in the Tevinter Imperium. At a tavern, she targets Calix, a young man she believes to be the scion of the reclusive Magister Qintara, only to discover that he is also a con-artist like herself albeit with less experience. Following a confrontation, Olivia and Calix agree to cooperate in targeting a pair of siblings, Francesca and Florian Invidus, but their competitiveness undermines their ruse and forces them to flee from the Invidus' guards. The pair, along with Olivia's pet Mabari hound Autumn, run into Ser Aaron, a former lover and mark of Olivia who offers them protection from their pursuers by his friend, the Magister Dorian Pavus. In exchange, Aaron secures their cooperation to assist his squire Vaea to break into the Qintara estate and retrieve the red lyrium that was previously stolen from the city-state of Kirkwall during the events of ''Knight Errant'', as Ventus is on the verge of an invasion by the Qunari.

Here We Are (novel)

At the age of eight, Ronnie Deane was evacuated at the beginning of World War 2 from Bethnal Green to a large house called 'Evergrene' in rural Oxfordshire, where a childless Lawrences looked after him. Ronnie was taught magic tricks (or as he preferred 'illusions') by Eric Lawrence ('Lorenzo') and became an accomplished magician.

In 1959 Jack Robinson was the compere at a variety show on Brighton Pier where he advised up-and-coming magician Ronnie to advertise for an assistant. Ronnie and Evie became Pablo and Eve and moved up the bill, becoming the star of the show, and became engaged. Then Ronnie's mother died, while Evie remained in Brighton where Jack and Evie started an affair. On returning to Brighton, Ronnie and Evie broke off the engagement, but continued to draw in the crowds. By the end of the season Ronnie was now the 'Great Pablo', but the last performance was his greatest show.

Jack and Evie married, fifty years later Jack dies and Evie looks back over her life, specifically the final show on Brighton Pier where she questions about what really happened...

Hellfire Gala


The gala was first mentioned during a conversation between Emma Frost and Callisto when the former asked the latter to be the White Knight of the Hellfire Trading Company.

Emma Frost asks Magneto to procure and develop an island as a secondary base of operations for the Hellfire Trading Company.

Emma Frost invites the Inner Circle to the Island of Mykines and announces that they will be hosting mutantkind's first state dinner. Kitty Pryde sends the first invitation to the Homines Verendi.

Cyclops and Jean Grey co-lead a new X-Men team; an election is to be held and the unveiling of the team is to be announced at the Hellfire Gala.

Captain America meets with Cyclops at Westchester, questioning the expansion of Krakoa and mutant population.

Magneto discusses his plans for Arakko to Isca the Unbeaten and the Quiet Council, and recruits Omega-level mutants from Krakoa and Arakko for the mission.

Event timeline

The gala starts with an opening remark from Emma Frost and a telepathic concert performed by Rhapsody, Marvel Girl and the Five-in-One.''Marauders'' #21

During the gala, other things happen on the sidelines and elsewhere:


S.W.O.R.D. leader Abigail Brand meets with the galactic representatives to acknowledge Planet Arakko as the capital planet of the Sol System, with Storm as the Queen Regent, in exchange for a supply of mysterium.

The murder of Scarlet Witch during the gala is be the focus of ''Trial of Magneto''.

Rule of Wolves

Shu Han's ruler, Queen Makhi Kir-Taban, plots to kill her sister Ehri from taking the throne when a blot of darkness with a likeness to the Shadow Fold spreads past the Unsea and into Shu Han. Nina Zenik has successfully infiltrated the Ice Court under the alias Mila Jandersdat, serving as Hanne Brum's courtier. The pair decide that Hanne must enter herself into the Heartwood, a competition between women to decide who they will marry. She gains the favor of Fjerda's Prince Rasmus when she uses her Grisha healing power to lessen his chronic illness. Nina aids the Ravkan war effort by turning the Fjerdans to worship the Grisha saints, creating divide in the ranks of the drüskelle. She discovers that Jarl Brum has kept Nikolai Lantsov's birth father, Magnus Opjer, under prison and plans to use letters between him and the former Ravkan queen to get Nikolai deposed. Hanne and Rasmus grow closer but Rasmus is revealed to be a power-hungry tyrant who feels satisfaction at other people's misery. Nina also discovers that Rasmus's bodyguard, Joran, killed Matthias Helvar in Ketterdam. Torn between loyalties and morals, Nina almost blows her cover to Jarl but manages to keep herself together. Nina and Hanne develop a romantic relationship and plan to run away after converting the Fjerdans to realizing the Grisha are not abominations.

Nikolai struggles to hold the throne due to the accusations of his bastardry. He has developed a control over his demon but depends on doing another ''obisbaya'' to rid himself of the darkness inside of him, kill the Darkling, and prevent another Shadow Fold from being formed. he works closely with David Kostyk to develop nuclear warheads and together with Nina's messages from inside Fjerda they are able to triumph over Fjerda and reclaim their Grisha using antidotes to ''jurda parem''. Zoya Nazyalensky mourns her mentor Juris's death but feels incompetent to wield his dragon powers. The Darkling brokers a deal to let him meet with Alina Starkov and in return he will lead them to the thornwood that will allow the ''obisbaya'' to take place. He uses a branch of the wood to pierce both Alina and Mal, giving him control of the darkness again before he escapes under the guise of Yuri Vedenen to assemble supporters of the Starless Saint.

Makhi kills all of Ehri's bodyguards but Ehri manages to survive with the help of Grisha healers. Ehri, Tamar Kir-Bataar, and Mayu Kir-Kaat escape to Shu Han and convince the governing body to remove Makhi by exposing the ''khergud'' program, and Mayu reunites with her brother Reyem. Leyti Kir-Taban, Ehri and Makhi's grandmother, takes back the throne.

Os Kervo is bombed from above by Fjerda on the day David and Genya Safin were to be married. David is killed and Ravka becomes weaker without enough titanium to build the weapons to retaliate. Nikolai and Zoya travel to Ketterdam under the cover of Sturmhond and employ the aid of Kaz Brekker to steal a cache of titanium from a military base on Kerch. The pair become close but Zoya refuses to give in to her feelings after she had failed Juris and her aunt. When they return to Ravka, Nikolai meets an escaped Magnus and accepts that he is a bastard king without any Lantsov blood. He uses his influence as Sturmhond to lead the Fjerdan forces into a trap, opening a blockade and ambushing them with Grisha forces led by Zoya. Fjerda responds using a weapon called 'Songbird' that deafens their forces, but Nikolai's demon neutralizes the threat. The escaped ''khergud'' aid the battle effort and go into hiding until the war is finished. Nina is brought onto a Fjerdan base with the Brum family and Rasmus. She is betrayed by The Apparat, who has installed himself in the Fjerdan court. Zoya rescues Nina and escapes by accepting her love for Nikolai and becoming a dragon, but Hanne is left seemingly dead by the hands of Rasmus. Zoya's dragon form finishes off the Fjerdan fleet and she becomes worshipped as Sankta Zoya by the Fjerdans and Ravkans. Hanne is revealed to have tailored her body to look like Rasmus's and she and Nina become engaged while Jarl is exiled for his embarrassment as leader of the drüskelle while the Apparat is imprisoned. Nikolai, who has accepted the demon within him, relinquishes his crown and Zoya becomes the Dragon Queen, first of the Nazyalensky royal bloodline.

In the aftermath of the battle, Shu Han and Ravka make amends. The Darkling willingly imprisons himself in Sankt Feliks's thornwood, stopping the flow of the Fold and consigning himself to eternal torture. Zoya, Genya, and Alina plot to find a way to let him die in peace after his redemption by finding Feliks's heart. Zoya sends a message to Kaz and the Crows that they have a new mission from the Queen.