Fujita, a lighthouse keeper of the Maritime Safety Agency, prepares to transfer to another lighthouse as his father and a young protege drop in to see him off, identifying what will be a story told over the course of a decade from the perspectives of 3 generations of a family, and their evolving relationships with each other. The film follows the family through their trials and tribulations as Fujita transfers to different lighthouses during the course of his career, the children grow up and leave the family to go to school and start their own families, the father rejoins the family as his health fails and is unable to care for himself, and they learn the value of family and each day spent together.
the divine daughter of the titan Helios and naiad Perse. Deemed unattractive and powerless from birth, Circe's early life is lonely until she falls in love with the mortal fisherman Glaucos. Devastated by his mortality, Circe discovers a way to make him a god: she transforms him into his 'true form' using the sap of magical flowers, grown in soil that was once soaked with the blood of the titan Kronos. Arrogant in his divinity, however, Glaucos rejects Circe in favor of the nymph Scylla. Circe's jealousy causes her to use the flowers' magic again, accidentally transforming Scylla into a bloodthirsty six-headed monster. Remorseful, Circe confesses her deeds to Helios, who realizes all of his children with Perse are witches capable of extracting power from herbs and draughts. As punishment for admitting her witchcraft, Circe is banished by Zeus to eternal exile on the island of Aiaia. She uses the beginning of her exile to study and hone her witchcraft, tending gardens and experimenting with draughts.
Over the centuries she spends on Aiaia, Circe interacts with many mythic figures. She receives visits from the Olympian god Hermes, whom she takes as a lover. She is once escorted off the island by the mortal Daedalus, at the request of Circe's sister and the Queen of Crete, Pasiphaë. During the brief visit to Crete, Circe helps her sister birth the Minotaur and uses her witchcraft to help tame the monster. Many years later, the hero Jason and his wife the witch Medea (Circe's niece) arrive on Aiaia after having stolen the Golden Fleece from Circe's brother Aeëtes, murdering Medea's brother Absyrtus in the process. Circe cleanses them of the crime and warns Medea of Jason's waning interest, but is rebuffed.
Circe enters a period of loneliness after her confrontation with Medea, and is excited to host a group of forlorn sailors who arrive one night on Aiaia in search of food and rest. However, once the sailors realize that Circe lives alone on the island with no men to protect her, the ship captain rapes her. Circe then uses her witchcraft to transform the men into pigs.
Circe bestows the same fate upon hundreds more sailors who come to her island over the coming years. One particular ship arrives led by the hero Odysseus, who charms Circe into sparing his crew and hosting them on her island over the winter. Odysseus and his crew ultimately stay on Aiaia for one year, during which a romance grows between Circe and Odysseus. After Odysseus leaves to continue his journey back to Ithaca, Circe gives birth to a son, Telegonus.
Raising the infant Telegonus, Circe quickly realizes that something is amiss and learns that the goddess Athena threatens her son. Circe casts a spell to protect the island while Telegonus grows. When the teenage Telegonus begs to leave the island to meet his father, Circe acquires the tail of the stingray god Trygon and begrudgingly sends her son off, armed with the tail atop a spear. When Telegonus meets his father, however, Odysseus attacks him and is accidentally killed by the poisoned spear. Guilty, Telegonus returns home with Odysseus' wife Penelope and son Telemachus.
Having lost her hero Odysseus, Athena visits Aiaia to offer her patronage to Telemachus, who refuses her. Telegonus accepts in his stead, and embarks on his own heroic journey. Forlorn by the loss of her son, Circe bargains with Helios to negotiate an end to her exile. With Telemachus' help, Circe uses the poison spear to turn Scylla to stone and colects more of the flowers she once used on Glaucos. Finding love with Telemachus, Circe uses the flowers' magic on herself with the intention of becoming mortal and living out her days traveling with Telemachus.
David Eliot is a 12 year old boy who’s arrived home for the Christmas holidays. He’d just been expelled from Beton College (a parody of Eton College) and nervously tells his parents the bad new. Upon hearing the news, his father reacts rather badly, forcing David to take refuge in his room to avoid the commotion. The next morning, a letter is delivered to the Eliot household that offers David a place at a mysterious new school that’s bizarrely described having an emphasis on discipline in nearly the exact same way that David’s father was just telling his wife.
After David’s father makes all the necessary arrangements. David is then sent to this new boarding school called Groosham Grange immediately via a train that very same day, despite the fact that it is during the period when schools are closed for the Christmas holidays. On the train, he befriends a boy called Jeffrey and a girl named Jill Green, who are both in the same odd situation as him. Jeffrey was expelled for being caught smoking behind the cricket locker rooms (the misunderstanding being that he was set on fire, not that he was smoking cigarettes). The letter Jeffrey’s parents received describes Groosham Grange as the perfect college for their son, but this time around it is explains that the school is akin to a military training camp. Meanwhile, Jill had just ran away from her old boarding school, and her parents also received a letter praising the school's merits and describing it as a chic college for young girls.
As the three children are talking about their new boarding school, a vicar enters their compartment. After playing a number of religious songs (much to the three’s displeasure), has a heart attack when the three children tell him they are going to attend Groosham Grange, much to their astonishment. On the station platform, they meet Gregor, a hunchback with one eye who is the school’s porter. He drives them to a pier where they take a boat to the island. The ship's captain, Captain Bloodbath, ferries them to Skrull Island (a parody of Skull Island), which is where Groosham Grange is located.
On the island, David is received by Mr. Kilgraw and is told that he must write his name in a book where other names have already been written. Strangely, Mr. Kilgraw makes David injure his thumb while giving him a quill to write with, and David is forced to sign his name into the book with his own blood.
As the days go by, David starts noticing some very weird things about the school. The students are all too well behaved and the staff is made up of some rather odd teachers. Eventually, David and Jill begin to suspect that the students at the school aren’t even using their names, and that their teachers are a monster of some kind, be it a werewolf, a vampire, a mummy and a ghost. Every night, the students also get out of their beds and suddenly disappear from the school without a trace.
Katsuya Saeki is a 25-year-old unsuccessful salaryman working in a marketing subsidiary of a pharmaceutical company whose division is at risk of being laid off. Weak-willed and shy, one evening, he comes across Mr. R, who gives him a pair of glasses that he claims to change his life. When Katsuya wears the glasses, he becomes confident and domineering, but the more he wears them, the more brutal and sadistic he becomes. The endings that the player achieves depends on which character is selected as Katsuya's love interest, whether Katsuya keeps wearing the glasses, and other choices made throughout the game.
''Vertigo'' tells the story of Ed Miller, a writer whose life is changed by a car wreck. Although he is left mysteriously uninjured, he claims that his wife and daughter, both missing, were in the car with him. Traumatized and experiencing intense vertigo, he enters therapy in an effort to learn what happened.
Set in the year 2000, interplanetary outlaw Zorback ignores the Universal Treaty by traveling to Earth to wreak havoc. The Ultracops, led by Superintendent Nuñez, are the only ones who can stop him.
Mark Cobden is newly imprisoned, consumed by guilt for his crime, and way out of his depth in the volatile world of prison life. He meets Eric McNally, an excellent prison officer doing his best to protect those in his charge. However, when one of the most dangerous inmates identifies his weakness, Eric faces an impossible choice between his principles and his family.
The events of the comic take place after the destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry at the end of ''Dragon Age II'', but before the ending of ''Dragon Age: Asunder'' where a mage rebellion has erupted across Thedas.
Alistair Theirin, the ruling King of Ferelden, investigates the whereabouts of his father, Maric Theirin, who is presumed dead after he was said to be lost at sea years ago. Enlisting the aid of the dwarven merchant prince Varric Tethras and his associate, a pirate known as Isabela, his search for evidence leads him to Antiva, a land where merchant guilds and deadly assassins hold sway. After meeting an Antivan prince named Claudio Valisti, one of the leaders of the infamous guild of assassins known as the Antivan Crows, The trio break into a prison controlled by the Crows to investigate rumors that Maric is supposedly held as a prisoner there, where they learn from an adjacent prisoner that Maric was broken out long ago by a witch known as "The Beast of the Tellari swamps". Escaping the prison, Alistair reveals to his companions that it was Claudio who sent Alistair evidence the Crows had held Maric, spurring him into action.
The trio travel to the Teleri swamp region, where they encounter a large high dragon and the witch Yavana. Revealing herself to be a daughter of Flemeth, the Fereldan Witch of the Wilds, Yavana's claims that her mother saved Maric life long ago on the condition that he submits himself to her after he has restored his kingdom and his children had come of age. She hints that Maric's bloodline is special and is somehow connected to the fate of the world's dragons. The group is attacked by Antivan forces as soon as they depart Yavana's domain; Alistair is taken captive by Claudio, who reveals that he had manipulate the group as bait to find Yavana's sanctum, the "Silent Grove". Isabela and Varric retreat to confer with Yavana, then attacks the Antivan camp to mount a rescue. Isabela personally kills Claudio before Alistair can get an answer out of him about Maric's fate, though Yavana uses her magic to conjure Claudio's spirit and forces him to divulge the identity of his patron, a Tevinter magister named Aurelius Titus.
Yavana leads the group back to her sanctum, and bids Alistair to follow her down into a large cavern full of crystalline eggs. She explains to Alistair that this is a place where many dragons gather to hibernate and her purpose is to preserve dragonkind. As a result of her efforts in reawakening the dragons that did not sleep in their sleep, dragons have reemerged from near extinction to a sustainable population during the current century or "age". Yavana persuades Alistair to acquiesce to her request and awaken the last of the Great dragons, but Alistair responds by running her through with his sword and blames her and her kind for the recent tragedies that plague Ferelden. Unharmed by Yavana's dragons due to the nature of his bloodline, Alistair departs the sanctum with his companions and travels to the Tevinter Imperium to continue his quest.
In a dystopian near-future, a lone traveller named Virgil arrives at an outpost and pays local man Keith to transport him to an area known as The Compound. Travelling through an inhospitable desert, the two eventually discover an enormous gold nugget in a remote area. After failing to extract it with their basic tools and truck, Virgil agrees to stay with the gold whilst Keith leaves to try and find an excavator. Left alone in the desert with limited food, water, and radio contact, Virgil begins to deteriorate both physically and mentally as paranoia sets in. He makes himself a shelter from the sun using pieces from a crashed plane.
After several days awaiting Keith's return, Virgil encounters a lone woman scavenging nearby. After the woman becomes suspicious, Virgil kills her and buries her body. A day later, a sandstorm leaves Virgil wounded. He encounters another female scavenger who claims to be the earlier woman's sister. Virgil makes contact with Keith via radio, who informs Virgil he is close by. Critically injured, Virgil is attacked and killed by a pack of wild dogs. Keith is revealed to be watching nearby, waiting with the excavation equipment. As he moves in to extract the gold, Keith is shot in the chest with an arrow.
After spending six months unsuccessfully trying to find 17-year old Julie Vinding (Alvilda Lyneborg Lassen), who went missing on her way home from a party in a Copenhagen suburb, detective Jan Michelson (Kenneth M. Christensen) is taken-off the case by his superiors who believe the girl is dead. Michelson continues to work on the case in his spare time and discovers the disappearance of Natasha, another 17-year old blonde girl, ten years earlier. He quickly finds Natasha's body in a lake and is re-instated on the case. Michelson's boss MT (Peter Mygind) brings in criminal profiler Louise Bergstein (Natalie Madueño) to assist in the investigation. When a third blonde girl, hotel worker Emma Holst (Tessa Hoder), is kidnapped, the investigators discover that they may be hunting a serial killer.
After returning to Funen to see her mother's friend Alice Ejbye (Solbjørg Højfeldt), Bergstein is asked by Ejbye, who has terminal cancer, to investigate the unsolved murder of her son 18-year-old son Markus Ejbye (Vilmer Trier Brøgger) five years earlier. Bergstein soon finds similarities to unsolved murders of two other young men on the island, Kasper Larsen (Téo Lepetit) and Ricky Hansen (Peter Zandersen), that also occurred five years earlier. When a fifth young man, William Fjeldby (Oscar Dyekjær Giese), a friend of Markus Ejbye, is murdered in similar circumstances, she teams up with Karina Hørup (Helle Fagralid), the lead detective on the cases, to track down a serial killer who has resumed killing after a five-year hiatus.
Bernard tries to attract the attention of his preoccupied parents who reply "Not now, Bernard". Bernard goes into the garden and meets a monster which eats him. The monster goes into the house and tries to attract the parents' attention but gets the same reaction from them, completely oblivious to the monster replacing their son. The monster lives Bernard's life, but more badly behaved, for the rest of the day and, at bed time, tries to tell Bernard's mother he is a monster but she replies "Not now, Bernard".
Emma and her siblings, all orphans, were placed in a special orphanage, known as Grace Field House when they were very young. Although their freedom is limited and the rules are sometimes a bit strict, the children lead happy lives at Grace Field House orphanage, and the woman they call "Mom" takes care of them. and gives them all the love a mother could give her children. But one evening, after the departure of one of their siblings, Emma and Norman discover that the children of this orphanage are actually being raised as livestock for demons, with the consent of their "Mom". To survive, they will have to be resourceful and try to escape.
At John Constantine's manor, Astra Logue struggles with everyday chores and her neighbor, Robert Truss, and is ignored by Constantine. Astra finds Aleister Crowley, an occultist trapped in a painting who offers to teach her magic intending to find the Fountain of Imperium, a source of alien magic. During an argument with Constantine, Astra gives Crowley control of his body. When the Legends arrive at the manor, Astra transforms them into household objects, and when Astra tries to stop Crowley from usurping Truss's and the Legends' souls, he betrays her and transforms everyone into cartoon characters. Astra uses a spell created by her mother Natalie to remove all magic, which re-traps Crowley and restores everyone to their bodies, but also depowers everyone of their magic, including Constantine, prompting him and Astra to begin anew.
Meanwhile, Sara Lance meets Bishop, her kidnapper and creator of all Ava clones. After healing Sara, Bishop claims that human greed doomed Earth and intends to restart humanity using alien DNA, wanting Sara to teach them strength. Sara is betrayed by a deceitful Ava clone, inadvertently leading Bishop to her ship, who reveals that the pods collected its inhabitants' DNA. Sara kills Bishop, but she is knocked out only to meet him again back at his lair.
Young shop clerk Jiro is eager to climb the social ladder, an aim for which he uses and manipulates everyone around him. He talks diner waitress Harumi into moving into his flat and introduces her to bar madam Soko, who pays him for his mediation. While Harumi is reluctant to Jiro's advances, she eventually agrees to Soko's plan to have refinery owner Hondo act as her patron and pay an apartment for her. Jiro has affairs both with Soko and Masae, the widowed daughter-in-law of foundry owner Oka, whom he intends to marry for her money. When Hondo buys Oka out of his heavily indebted company, Masae is left without any assets, and Jiro dumps her. After Harumi dies in a car accident with another lover, Jiro returns to Soko, who bluntly tells him that she will keep him simply as her gigolo and pet, to which he starts laughing hysterically.
As graduation nears, Derek "Wheels" Wheeler (Neil Hope) is uncertain that he will pass the year as a result of the amount of time he has taken off due to his parents' death. Christine "Spike" Nelson (Amanda Stepto), due to the stress of her motherhood with Emma, becomes increasingly pessimistic about her future. During class, the fire alarm goes off, with the grade 9 students being told to leave in an "orderly" fashion. Meanwhile, Joey Jeremiah (Pat Mastroianni) wants to go to the dance with Caitlin Ryan (Stacie Mistysyn), but his mother will only allow it if his grades are above C. However, Joey does not tell this to Caitlin, and she becomes angry at him when he does get a C and he tells her he cannot go to the dance.
Wheels on the other hand is given his marks by Mr. Garcia (Roger Montogomery). Garcia acknowledges the loss of Wheels' parents, and it is revealed that he passed, although barely. Despite the classes he missed, as well as his behavioral record, Garcia felt it was in Wheels' best interest to stay with his peers, despite being normally recommended to repeat his year. Wheels jumps in excitement and leaves.
Meanwhile, Ms. Avery (Michelle Goodeve) visits Spike at her mother's salon to deliver her grades, which are poor. Avery recommends that Spike enroll in correspondence courses, but Spike, disillusioned and pessimistic, balks at the idea of having a future, and blames Emma for her situation. Avery tells Spike to count her blessings and appreciate the fact that she can have a baby.
Joey comes home depressed with his report card. However, even after seeing the C, his mother, proud of two A's that he had received in certain classes, allows him to go to the dance. At the dance, Joey and Caitlin reunite and reconcile, and Spike approaches Ms. Avery for her correspondence forms. Shane McKay (Bill Parrott), who had been absent due to a drug-induced brain injury, also attends the dance, now walking with the aid of a frame. Outside the gymnasium, Scooter Webster (Christopher Charlesworth) and Tessa Campanelli (Kirsten Bourne), two younger students, are running around the school playing tag, when they smell smoke near the boiler room. The two investigate the smoke and then open the door to the boiler room, accidentally causing a massive fire inside to spread. The fire spreads outside and towards several gas tanks. Back in the gymnasium, the fire alarm rings, and the students begin to leave, until they hear a loud explosion, to which they hurriedly evacuate the building watch in horror as the school burns to the ground.
Bruneian high-schooler Yasmine (Liyana Yus) has decidedly had enough of her school and strict father and seeks to finally perfect the art of Silat, a martial art native to Southeast Asia after meeting a boy in school who has given a demonstration of his own Silat knowledge out of a desire to impress him. Although initially excited about learning the skills required to be a master, she soon grows unmotivated after her school's Silat club is shown to be rather incompetent, being led by a teacher who clearly knows nothing about Silat and has very few students in the club. Luckily, she does meet a few of her classmates, Nadia and Ali, who also join the club with her to achieve their respective goals.
Because their teacher is incapable of actually guiding them in the art of Silat, the trio go on a hunt to find a cigku (Silat master) who is willing to train them. After a little while, they find themselves in a Silat gym whereupon Yasmine's main rival, Dewi (Mentari de Marelle), is officially introduced. Dewi mocks Yasmine and her friends for their so-called "desperation" on their quest to find a teacher, and when Yasmine argues back it is revealed that their current master is Dewi's father, explaining Dewi's poor attitude. A disheartened Yasmine returns home and receives a lecture from her father about the dangers of Silat, therefore Yasmine has to figure out a way to learn it behind his back. The next day, a friend of her father encourages him to look deeper into the topic of parenting and perhaps even be more open-minded about Yasmine's interests, but he dismisses him.
The movie then cuts to a scene where Yasmine spots Dewi training with the boy at the Silat promotion much to her displeasure, and thus she realizes the two's rivalry is for more than just martial arts.
On yet another quest to find a skillful pesilat, the group stumbles upon a master in the neighborhood who they see as capable to teach them. However, he is handicapped, and cannot provide a real example of the essential skills they need. But with rigorous training and methods, the group manage to boast a decent amount of Silat expertise. They deftly escape getting caught by Yasmine's father by pretending to be studying their school subjects, when in reality they're learning Silat techniques off of paper.
On the day of a Silat pep-rally, Yasmine's team as well as others from the district's schools show off what they've learned. When Yasmine spots her apparent friends from her other school making fun of Nadia's anxiety, she is upset and somewhat disgusted by their behavior. A worried Yasmine immediately chases after her.
214 years after the founding of the Romani Empire, the Empire is on the verge of defeat by the Gathering of Great Houses, and the House of Sayadi is in danger of being exterminated. The player, heir to the Imperial throne Grand Duke Mark Sayadi Salemsky, along with Fleet Admiral Sharif Rahmatovich Daud and General Pyotr Ignatyevich Shahin, is on an expeditionary mission to the rebellious Republic of Gerat in an attempt to cut off the Gathering's fleet and secure the rumored nuclear reactor believed to be located in the city of Khiva, one of only three to survive The Catastrophe.
Shortly before the campaign reaches Gerat, the Imperial flagship ''Sevastopol'' arrives unexpectedly, and brings grave news about the state of the war. According to Pyotr, the capital of the Empire, long under siege from the Gathering's fleet, has been hit with a devastating and unprecedented nuclear strike, and the current Emperor, Kerim Shah II, is assumed to be dead. After much deliberation, Pyotr convinces the fleet to continue the campaign to Khiva as a last-ditch effort in hopes of forcing the Gathering of Great Houses to accept a peace deal. With the Emperor assumed to be dead, the expeditionary force crowns the Grand Duke the new Emperor of the Romani Empire and Grand Tarkhan of the Fleet before setting off towards Gerat. Before the fleet's departure, the Grand Duke and his assistants decide to send the strategic cruiser ''Diana'' back to the Empire in hopes of establishing contact with any survivors.
As the Fleet begins to push deeper into Gerat, they make contact with a variety of Tarkhans, military leaders in hiding as a result of the Gathering War. Depending on player choices, the Fleet recruits some or all of these Tarkhans to assist with their campaign to Khiva, bolstering their strategic capabilities and economic reserves. Eventually, the Grand Duke encounters an aging doyen, a tribal leader, who wishes to show him a Qoda, a scrap of paper from a religious text that survived The Catastrophe. Although the Qodas are written in a forgotten language and deciphering them has proven almost impossible for those in possession of them, the Grand Duke is able to read it without effort. Depending on player choices, the Grand Duke can either claim that the House of Sayadi has preserved this forgotten language, or that it's simply a miracle. If the player chooses to claim it as a miracle, the Grand Duke will be treated like a prophet and will be given additional options that bolster this identity. The Grand Duke can eventually claim that the expedition of Khiva is a religious pilgrimage to secure the city as a "sacred Ark".
Sometime well into the campaign's progress towards Khiva, the Fleet is shocked upon waking up to find that the sun has not risen, and it continues to stay as dark as night. Admiral Daud at first dismisses the phenomenon as a solar eclipse, but Pyotr, who has been watching it for some time, claims that it must be a climatic catastrophe caused by the unbridled nuclear war in the Empire. A third theory, informed by the native beliefs of the Elaim, claims that the sun not rising signals the end of the world, and the crew of the Fleet are terrified by this development. The Grand Duke is forced to give a speech to the crew in an attempt to reassure them. If the Grand Duke has been established as a prophet, he can claim that the end of the world is nigh, but his expedition will save humanity. Regardless of the outcome, the expedition hurries to Khiva in hopes of the reactor's existence, hoping that its power will be enough to allow humanity to survive the endless night.
Sometime before reaching Khiva, the strategic cruiser ''Diana'' returns to the expeditionary force with news from the capital. Contrary to the earlier statements by Pyotr, the war in the Empire is at a standstill, the capital is intact, and the Emperor is alive. Daud accuses Pyotr of covering up the truth, claiming that he received a message from High Command before the arrival of the Sevastopol ordering the expeditionary force to go back to the capital. Pyotr admits to doing this, but says that the opportunity of taking Khiva was too great. Depending on player choices, Admiral Daud is either shot and killed by Pyotr, or Pyotr is arrested and Daud takes all Imperial forces back to the capital, leaving the Grand Duke with only the ''Sevastopol'' and any mercenaries hired throughout the game. If Daud is allowed to leave, he may later return, depending on how the player handles Pyotr's arrest.
Upon reaching the outskirts of Khiva, the Lord-Governor sends a message to the Grand Duke asking to meet with him alone upon the plains of Basra, located far from the city. Depending on player choices, the Grand Duke will either ignore the request outright, assuming it to be a trap, and fights the Governor's fleet over Khiva, or agrees and goes to meet with him. If the Grand Duke chooses to meet with the Lord-Governor of Khiva, he is given the option to duel him with his flagship ''Varyag'', consistent with Gerati traditions. However, if the Grand Duke has been declared a prophet, he will attempt to convince the Lord-Governor to join him. If successful, the Lord-Governor joins the expeditionary force with his flagship and leaves the fleet of Khiva to fend for themselves.
Upon securing Khiva, the expeditionary force lands in the city and is shocked to discover that the rumors are true; not only is the nuclear reactor real, but so is the supply of weapons-grade plutonium, and as a result, Khiva has become the biggest manufacturing center for advanced nuclear weapons in the world. Not ready to allow their enemy such power, the Gathering of Great Houses refuses to negotiate and instead performs a suicidal nuclear attack on the city in an attempt to destroy every trace of its existence. The expeditionary fleet, led by the Grand Duke, is able to fend off the attack and destroy the Gathering's remaining forces in the area, preventing the city from being destroyed. After the battle, the Grand Duke, Pyotr and the rest of the expeditionary command inspect the nuclear reactor located in the heart of Khiva. Upon stepping into the reactor control room, the Grand Duke sees a message inscribed on a white stone pillar in the center of the room, and describes it as, "...neat, and very clear." After the scene, the game ends.
Twilight and her friends go to the Crystal Empire, which is due to be inspected to host the Equestria Games, the biggest sporting event in all of Equestria. They leave all of their pets behind at home with Spike. Upon arrival, they meet Princess Cadance in a spa. While they enjoy the amenities of the spa, a messenger arrives to tell Princess Cadance that the inspector of the games, Ms. Harshwhinny, is due to arrive in fifteen minutes, much earlier than expected. This causes the ponies to panic, but Twilight manages to calm down the situation and tells Rarity to do the heardress of Cadance. The others go to the train station. Once a yellow pony steps out of the train, Twilight and her friends think that she is Ms. Harshwhinny and go to welcome her.
The friends show the inspector the castle, who seems to have claustrophobia and altocelarophobia. Therefore, she is eager to go outside the castle, but Twilight and her friends perform a cheer before going outside to properly welcome the inspector, who seems to be surprised that Cadance knows her. After leaving the castle, the friends take the inspector to the newly built stadium. The inspector is so happy to be outside, that she runs across the track and says that she is enjoying her vacation. After this, the friends realize that they got the wrong pony: Ms. Peachbottom.
Twilight and her friends leave Ms. Peachbottom behind and rush to the train station, but Ms. Harshwhinny has already arrived and is having a "hooficure" at the spa. She complains to Cadance that no one welcomed her into the empire, which leads to Rainbow Dash confessing that they welcomed the wrong pony. After hearing the story of Ms. Peachbottom, the inspector announces the Crystal Empire as the next host of the Equestria Games. The enthusiasm of the Crystal Ponies supercharge the Crystal Heart, which sends a beam of light into the sky.
As the friends board the train to go back to home, Applejack hears something growling. Spike, The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the six pets are shown hiding under the seats, depicting the climax of "Just for Sidekicks".
A car accident leads to Akari going blind, and in the same accident, she loses her parents. However, she continues life and learns to adapt. She accidentally meets Rui Shinozaki, a former kick boxer, who works in a car park. He is a talented kickboxer, who has a dark past associated with crime, and has chosen to remain distant from society because of it. He returns to the kickboxing world, and starts to train. Meanwhile, they start a relationship, but Rui soon learns that he was connected to the reason that Akari goes blind. He endeavours to make amends, through the kickboxing world, and reconnects with his dark past. Akari's sight has complications, and she needs surgery she cannot afford. Eventually he fights in a match to get the prize money to pay for the operation that will cure her blindness.
In this chapter, the role of food in human life is discussed, emphasizing that it is not limited to eating and drinking, and that what we see, hear, touch and smell is also human food. Therefore, we must pay attention to the fact that the types of food we consume contain compassion and kindness. Thích Nhất Hạnh wrote:
When we say something that nourishes us and uplifts the people around us, we are feeding love and compassion. When we speak and act in a way that causes tension and anger, we are nourishing violence and suffering.
In this chapter, the Buddhist master explains the importance of mindful communication we create with ourselves. According to Thích Nhất Hạnh in the world of modern technology, even if we are always online, texting and holding video conferences, a person feels lonely. When we realize that we are walking, sitting, or doing something mindfully, we begin to communicate with ourselves, and at the same time, we can create compassionate communication with other people by removing fear and anger from our souls.
We always have time for at least one in-breath and out-breath before we pick up the phone or before we press send on text or e-mail. If we do this, there is a much greater chance that we will be putting more compassionate communication out into the world.
In the third chapter, the author writes that we can establish compassionate communication with other people when we are aware of our own breathing. At this time, we can see that there is a Buddha inside all other people and we can listen to them with deep desire. According to the author, when people are able to listen to each other deeply, they suffer less and understand each other.
"The foundation of love is understanding, and that means first if all understanding suffering. Each of us is hungry for understanding. If you really want to love someone and make him or her happy, you have to understand that person is suffering".
In this chapter of the book, Thích Nhất Hạnh writes that feeling alone is just a perception and offers six mantras for compassionate communication, which is the key to loving speech and deep listening. They include "I am here for you", "I know you are there and I am happy", "I know you suffer, that is why I am here for you", "I suffer please help", "this is a happy moment" and "you are partly right".
In this part, the importance of breathing consciously and understanding the cause of anger in order to manage anger when difficulties arise is emphasized. According to him, suppressing anger can be dangerous. It will explode if it is ignored.
In order to live a life of awareness and less stress in the workplace, Thích Nhất Hạnh emphasizes in this chapter the importance of creating a place where one can breathe for a few minutes. He writes that the phone call is also a call for people to be aware of what they are doing and to focus on their breath: "When you walk mindfully, enjoying every step you take, this encourages others to do the same, even if they don't know that you are practicing mindfulness."
Advising the practice of awareness to create a conscious society, the author notes that in order to change the world, it is necessary to start with society. Systematic change is possible with collective energy: "See yourself in the community and the community in you. This is a process of transforming your way of seeing, and it will transform how, and how effectively, you communicate".
Thích Nhất Hạnh writes in Chapter 8 that our communication is what we give to the world and what we leave behind. We communicate when we speak, think and act. So communication is karma, and every communication bears our signature.
In the last chapter, the author speaks about mindful breathing, noting that when working with a computer, we should remind ourselves to take a break at certain hours and breathe in and out. While drinking tea, we should enjoy it and listen to the child inside us: "When we are embracing the wounded child inside us, we are embracing all the wounded children of the past generations".
The film is set in 1919. A young idealist named Osip ran into a Turkish swindler, Ibrahim Bender, who, like Osip, hunts for a royal relic. Osip learns from Ibrahim flattery, deception, blackmail and brute force, falls in love with a fatal beautiful foreigner and becomes the legendary Ostap Bender.
The film is set in Sverdlovsk in 1984. A group of young people live in a hostel, and suddenly one student commits suicide, which radically changed the lives of friends.
The series opens with Oh Ha Rin witnessing her best friend and first love, Ji Seo Jun lying in a pool of blood and dead in the photography club of their school on her 18th birthday.
10 years later, she works at the animal rescue department and gets a task to rescue an animal from her previous high school. While visiting, the traumatizing memories distracts her, yet she was able to get the job done. While getting off the job, she comes across an old photoshop and notices Seo Jun's camera in the display. Intrigued, she buys that and some old photographs from the mysterious shop owner who warns her to not get stuck in the past. Confused, she then heads Her birthday party that her friends had organized for her and leaves after one of the friends, Kim Ui Young mentioned the unexpected and mysterious suicide of Seo Jun. After going through all the photos, she decides to burn them and throws one of the nine photos into the lamp, only to wake up as a high school student in 2011. Seeing Seo Jun alive and on his bike, she thinks that it's a dream and runs toward her lost friend. She trips on the stairs but is able to catch up with him and hug him, which is caught by her now younger friends. Throughout the day, she acts weirdly and follows Seo Jun but when the time is up, she returns to reality.
That is when she realises that burning one photo from the bundle can transport you back to same date that is mentioned on the photo.
On her next travel, she finds herself watching Seo Jun's PE class where he hurts his left hand, and she recalls the police information where it was mentioned that he has cut his artery in the right hand, which would be impossible as Seo Jun was a left handed person. And when she sees him drinking soda, it strikes to her that Seo Jun didn't kill himself but was actually murdered. She tells him out loud but he brushes it off.
Ha Rin, with the help of Eun Song is able to get Sin U arrested and find out that he actually was a witness and the murderer is a female. It is then revealed that Hye Min is the real killer and with her aware of the secret of traveling back to the past, she steals all the pictures from Ha Rin's house and burn them to travel back and murders Sin U. When the video recorder is found, the group goes through the video and sees a girl wearing the same hairpin and jacket as their friend Do Su Jin and suspects her to be the murderer. However, she has an alibi which is revealed at the police station. Su Jin was suffering from constipation and went home by asking for a lift from a delivery person of a Chinese eatery but couldn't remember the name. The group hears it and decides to save her. With the investigation on, Seo Jun and Ha Rin finds another camera whose contents shock them to their cores. It is revealed that Ji Hye Min is the real killer and disguised herself as Su Jin to murder Kim Sin U. The girl had a troubled past and thus had developed psychopathic tendencies. She believed that Seo Jun was only a substitute and now that she has returned, he should be punished for living her life till now and be dead. While being taken away to the prison by the officers, Hye Min tries to run away but as fated, dies in a car accident.
In the end, Ha Rin and Seo Jun were able to live happily together.
Masashi Asada is the gifted but irresponsible youngest son in a family, and a photographer. His work initially revolves around taking staged photos of his family, depicting an ideal world where they do their dream jobs. Asada publishes his book, which has mediocre sales, and turns to his childhood crush for support. As his book starts to take off, he starts getting requests from average families for him to take photos of them. When the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake happens, he volunteers to take photos of the victims. As part of this, he does some soul searching and realises the value of family. The main character is based on the real-life photographer, [https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%85%E7%94%B0%E6%94%BF%E5%BF%97 Masashi Asada].
A family deals with the 70 year old father, who informs his wife and daughters that he has Alzheimer's disease. They react differently to as his illness progresses, but realize there are some things he will not forget.
The story looks at the drama of the family members' own individual challenges, as they come to deal with their own father's illness.
On the day of Twilight's coronation, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow successfully unlock the power of Grogar's Bewitching Bell, allowing them to use it to make themselves all-powerful. They then betray Grogar and drain him of his magic, revealing him to be Discord in disguise. Discord travels to Canterlot and reveals this to Twilight and her friends while explaining that his actions as Grogar were intended to prepare Twilight for her new role. Despite Discord's good intentions, Twilight, her friends, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are horrified and furious by his actions and poor planning, so Twilight rallies her friends and allies to prepare for the attack. The villains attack Equestria, with Cozy Glow invading Canterlot Castle and draining Celestia and Luna of their magic, Tirek defeating the Pillars, and Chrysalis ravaging the School of Friendship and capturing Starlight. They regroup at the castle, where they overpower Twilight and her friends and reveal that they have turned the pony races against each other. After her friends insist that she retreat, Twilight teleports away while the others are overwhelmed by the villains.
Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow imprison the ponies and celebrate their victory, but argue over what to do with the magic they have stolen. Discord enacts a plan to free Starlight so she can release the others. Starlight, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Discord and the Pillars fend off the villains while Twilight's friends escape. As they search for Twilight, they find her taking refuge in the Crystal Empire having lost hope and fallen to despair. Suddenly, the Windigos return as a result of the hostility between the pony races and brings forth freezing weather. Encouraged by her friends, Twilight regains her confidence and they return to Canterlot to confront the villains. The villains gain the upper hand until a giant army consisting of all of Equestria and the other kingdoms, united by Twilight's students, appears to assist in the battle. Twilight unites the magic of friendship within her friends, the Young Six and the Pillars to evaporate the Windigos and strip the villains of their power, after which Celestia, Luna and Discord turn them into stone as punishment for their crimes. Celestia expresses that she is proud of Twilight and that she is officially ready to rule Equestria. Twilight postpones her coronation so she and her friends can spend some quiet time after the battle.
In a distant future, Twilight is visited by Luster Dawn, her top student at the School of Magic, who does not understand the importance of friendship, so she tells her a story of how she was once worried about losing her friendships. Flashing back to her coronation day, Twilight prepares to move back to Canterlot with Spike, but worries about drifting apart from her friends. However, her friends seem welcoming of this change and focus more on the final preparations for the ceremony. Twilight expresses her frustration about her friends' contentedness to her moving away and they reveal that they do share her concerns and have been using the preparations to distract themselves. They let out their feelings and cry together, which makes Twilight feel better, knowing that her friends feel the same way. This results in them getting behind on their preparations and almost missing the train to Canterlot. Twilight makes it just in time for her coronation, but the ceremony encounters many problems. After the group share a laugh about the disastrous ceremony, Twilight decides to establish a Council of Friendship so she can maintain her relationships with her friends by convening once every moon, while Celestia and Luna retire to Silver Shoals. Back in the future, Twilight finishes her story and her friends arrive, revealing they have remained friends and are ruling Equestria together as the Council. Twilight explains to Luster that friendships can be hard to maintain, but life is even harder without them. Luster takes the lesson to heart and Twilight sends her to Ponyville, where she begins to make friends and have adventures of her own.
Throughout the course of the game the player is given the option of changing avatars in tandem with whatever was popular at the time. Their friends also show progression by choosing new icons, biographies, and away messages.
In the protagonist's senior year of high school in 2002, they use a chat client to talk with "emilyluv", "emerly", or Emily. They discuss high school and a fellow student, Brad, who keeps sending Emily messages. They also talk about a party that a classmate Travis is throwing that evening, which they may or may not go to, depending on player choices. Then they say goodbye as Emily logs off.
In their first year of college (2003), the player talks to Emily again, who has gotten together with Brad or Travis (depending on if the player chose to go to the party or not), though she hints that the relationship has become rocky. The character congratulates her, and shifts to other questions, such as their classes. They say goodbye, as Emily yet again logs off.
In their second year of college (2004), the player learns that Emily has broken up with Brad/Travis, explained by Emily as "growing apart", and the character is given the option of consoling her. At this point, Emily either asks why they didn't come to Travis's party in 2002 or why they didn't kiss her if they did attend, depending on the player choices. They both wonder what could have been, and Emily immediately asks if she can come to visit. Most of the time, they will agree for Emily to come, and the player will subsequently cancel their plans with Emma, a friend of the player. The player, alternatively can choose to not allow Emily to come. Emily signs off.
In their third year of college (2005), the player again talks to Emily, who wants to talk things over about her previous visit. If the character doesn't set boundaries and Emily visits, it turns out that Emily and the character ended up hooking up, and Emily feels like she was taken advantage of when she was vulnerable. If the character does set boundaries and they don't hook up, Emily asks if the character had feelings for her when she visited and why they didn't make a move. Alternatively, if you choose to not let Emily visit, she will ask you about your new friends. The conversation is awkward and distant, with Emily eventually leaving due to her discomfort, feeling too weird to continue.
In their final year of college (2006), Emily and the character have clearly grown apart. Emily comments how her life is better now; she started dating Brad/Travis again and is involved in other things. The player themselves have lost their friend Emma, in some cases because of Emily. As the conversation comes to an uncomfortable and cold finish, the character begins to revise sentences asking if the two will ever be the same – deleting earnest questions and asking about the weather or other mundane affairs instead. Despite the protagonist's obvious feelings for Emily, she obviously no longer cares, and as a result, they say goodbye. For the first time, the player character is the one who leaves the conversation, logging off.
Alternatively, if the player chooses not to talk things over in 2005, Emily will refuse to talk at all in 2006, stating she is too busy.
The film covers the history of the "LaLaurie Mansion" from recent events back to the origins of its sinister owner.
Jenny and her husband Sam have recently bought a large house. Each night at exactly 2:22 am she hears the sound of someone moving around the house, often via the baby monitor in her child's bedroom, and becomes convinced that the house is haunted. Sam insists that it isn't and offers alternative natural explanations for the noise. The couple hosts a dinner party for Lauren, an old friend of Sam's, and Ben, her new boyfriend. After discussing the strange noises, Jenny persuades the others to stay up until 2:22 to see what happens.
In 1868 at Edo Castle, Izou fights among the soldiers to protect the Shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa against the New Government Army. The battle is stopped by a single Elf Bright whose magical spell illuminates the area and leaves everyone within the periphery in awe.
A few years pass by and the setting changes to Kyoto, the old regime was replaced by the new one called the Meiji restoration. Izou now works as a guard at an undisclosed brothel. He's asked by his superior to lock up a rowdy elf girl who has someone interested in purchasing. Izou does so and is demanded by the elf girl to set her free, but he refuses and leaves the scene as the girl notices a light blue aura emanating from Izou's body. Heading to the High Courtesan Chihaya's room, Izou delivers her a couple of things, one of which is an English vocabulary book. Thankful for the book, Chihaya notices the scratches on Izou's hand and asks where he got it. Izou downplays it and informs her that a "tomboy" just gave him some trouble. Curious about the tomboy, the two of them visit her down in her cell and even though the elf girl gives them a nasty attitude. Chihaya becomes interested in the elf girl and requests that she become her personal attendant.
Later, back in Chihaya's room, Chihaya feeds her new attendant some food and learns her name is Sonya. Deducing that Sonya is of Russia origin, she reveals that her bird is too. Izou eavesdrops on their conversation for a bit and as he walks away from the room it starts to rain causing the wound over his right eye to become agitated. Meanwhile, two warriors appear in front of the brothel and kill Izou's superior, while Sonya is called over by Chihaya. The two talk and Chihaya reveals to Sonya her moniker Chihaya the Forgetful because she lost her memory ever since the start of the Meiji Restoration. She also reveals after taking out her precious hairpin from her hair that she's an Elf. Taking out a large map, Chihaya shows it to Sonya and tells her of a land populated by Elves somewhere north beyond the seas called Hakodate.
At that time, an army composed mainly of Orcs, Goblins and Dwarves raid the brothel and kill the patrons and servants there. Without wasting a moment, Izou fetches his old katana from the storage area and slaughters the invaders. Elsewhere the supposed leader of the invaders enters the place accompanied by his Orc companion named Raiden. The leader promises Raiden's freedom if he manages to sniff out the Elf they're after and begrudgingly, Raiden tacitly agrees and sniffs around the area. Elsewhere, Chihaya hides Sonya in her closet as the man interested in purchasing Sonya earlier barges into Chihaya's room, so they can escape together.
Meanwhile, Izou finishes off three of the invaders, while thinking of Chihaya, he catches sight of the leader and then is attacked by Raiden. The two skirmish until a barrage of flaming arrows rain down upon them. Chihaya, leaves the man in the dust to return to Sonya who passes out due to smoke inhalation from the burning fire around the brothel is then confronted by the invader leader and his cohorts.
Awakening from her unconscious state, Sonya sees a dark aura coming from the leader. Sonya then bites the leader's hand and is knocked to the side revealing that she's an elf in the process. The leader then orders one of his men to capture her, but Chihaya tries to stop them only to be also knocked aside and lose her precious hairpin. Upon touching it, she remembers her past and uses her hairpin to cast a spell that cuts off the leader's left hand. In a fit of rage, the leader stabs Chihaya in the heart and Sonya rushes to her aid. In Chihaya's last moments, she requests that Sonya return her hairpin to Hakodate and casts the same spell that illuminated the Edo Castle those few years ago. Shocked by the illustrious light, Raiden and Izou stop their fighting as Raiden's boss orders him to fetch the Elf girl. Following his leader's orders, Raiden finds Sonya grasping the dead body of Chihaya surrounded by a barrier of light. Astounded by the sight of what the light barrier cast around the two Elves, it dissipates once Sonya passes out and then Izou arrives and attacks Raiden from behind. Izou then picks up the unconscious Sonya and learns her name from Raiden who also saves them from a falling piece of debris. Following Raiden's suggestion, the two escape together with Sonya.
The following day, next to a forest, Raiden is bound to a tree, while Izou makes a makeshift grave for the deceased Chihaya. Izou details to Sonya that Chihaya will be sent to Heaven by doing this, but Sonya claims that she would have wanted to go to the land of Elves Hakodate. Sonya then shows the two Chihaya's hairpin and offers to hire Izou with it. Raiden also offers his services to Sonya noting his former employer captures Elf girls left and right and will continue to hunt her. To prove his resolve and that he won't betray them, Raiden breaks free from his restraints and uses a rock to break off his right fang as a symbol of his vow. Observing the light aura coming from Raiden, Sonya accepts his offer. A Daurian Redstart then flies by them and Raiden takes it as a symbol of good fortune and to add to it, he also knocks two rocks together give their fortune a good luck spark. Raiden then introduces himself and asks for Izou's name, but he refuses to give it, so Sonya answers for him.
At a manor in Yokohama, a military figure receives is informed by a messenger Goblin of the events that occurred back at the brothel. He orders that the Elf girl be captured at any cost. That afternoon at Fuchuu-Shuku, Tokaido, the group finds an inn that'll allow them to stay at and later that evening. Raiden and Izou have a heart to heart about a little bit of Raiden's past and how he seeks a life different from the typical Orcs in Japan. When Raiden asks why Izou was a bodyguard in the brothel, Izou claims that he simply failed to die in the past and is now on borrowed time.
The next day, the group travel onwards and after a brief fit of mistrust between Izou and Raiden, they're ambushed by the brothel invader leader and his cohorts. Amid the skirmish, Izou's right shoulder is sliced, making Izou recall how he lost his right eye by the betrayal of his former superior named Kōketsu. This causes Izou to go berserk and have him slay the ambushers as Sonya notices that his aura has now turned black. Shot and wounded from behind, Raiden was about to be impaled by a spear, but is saved by his former boss. The man approaches Raiden and asks if he's lost his mind, but Raiden begs him to be released. His former boss, allows it only under the condition that he hand Sonya over, and Raiden refuses and the battle continues until they flee the scene. Eventually, the group is chased to a cliff with a fast current river down below. After being shot at they all fall off the cliff and both Raiden and Izou fall into the water, while Sonya lands on a rock.
In a cave, Raiden and Izou are rescued by an old centaur named Tsukuyomi who lives in the cave. Awakening from their unconscious state, they realize that Sonya is missing and then Tsukuyomi appears before them and returns their weapons to them. He then introduces himself as Tsukuyomi. Raiden informs Izou of what he knows of Tsukuyomi, a hermit who is called a sage, although Tsukuyomi doesn't consider himself as such. Asked about Sonya, he claims he doesn't know where she is as they were the only ones he found by his place. Immediately, Izou acts rashly, but is stopped by Raiden, and Tsukuyomi then leads the two up a small set of stairs.
Meanwhile in the military figure's manor, its owner asks one of his guests if they've heard of the name Whole Creation, its relation is to the "Dark Lord". One of his guest answers no he has not. So the man gives his guest an explanation about the Dark Lord and his connection to Magic Wands and reveals that a wand ended the bloodless coup that occurred years ago.
Back in the cave, Tsukuyomi reads an excerpt about Wands from a book and it mentions Brights as those who can harness their power. It's also said that a majority of Brights are in fact Elves. Raiden then deduces that his former boss had him hunt Elves just to find Brights. Tsukuyomi then mentions the two factions who are after the wands, the Shield of Light and the Inferni. Of the Inferni, the military figure offers Ōkubo a deal to join the Inferni if he finds a Wand for him, however, Ōkubo's response is never given, but he mentions how hard to read the man was. The man then heads to the room Sonya was in and demands to know if the beam of light from the brothel was her or not.
Outside of his cave, Tsukuyomi directs Izou and Raiden east of Fuji to Yokohama where a gathering of Elves are located at. He also informs them that Sonya is still alive as the Stars foretold that she is.
Eventually, the two make it to Odawara, Tokaido, and help a young boy named Kotaro who fell and hurt himself. This leads some of the local residents to suspect the two are the kidnappers who are stealing elves from the village. The boy's mother vouches for them and informs them of the village's problem with its Elves going missing. One of which was found dead with its legs severed off.
The next day, the two make it to Yokohama. There, Izou sees someone he may know and recalls once again the memory of how he lost his eye. Noting Izou's uneasiness, they go their separate ways and Izou ends up at a temple where he finds a woman that resembles Chihaya. In reality, the woman is her twin sister.
Meanwhile, Raiden continues his search for an Elf, but instead finds a Goblin linen salesman that has Sonya's old clothing. The salesman details that he got them from an estate in Yamanoe. At the Temple, Izou and Chihaya's twin sister talk, and she reveals that Chihaya's hairpin is actually a wand. Raiden then arrives and informs them that he's found a clue of Sonya's location. Chihaya's twin sister then reveals that Sonya must be in the hands of the Inferni and that she's part of the Shield of Light.
As they head off to the location of the Inferni estate, Chihaya's twin sister elaborates on her and her sister's back story of trying to acquire the wand. Inside of the estate, the Inferni man tricks Sonya into drinking drugged tea, upon learning that Izou and Raiden are still alive. Hence, he takes Sonya in his carriage, which is soon stopped by Izou's group and Izou recognizes the Inferni man as his former master Kōketsu. Both Chihaya's twin sister and Raiden try to attack Kōketsu, but they're deftly deal with by Kōketsu who makes an escape after this as Izou is too shocked to make a move against his former master. Members of the Shield of Light arrive and reveal Chihaya's twin sister's name is Anna and one of them named Nakazo suggests they regroup at their base. The group takes a carriage to a SoL base located at the port of the city where the Inferni boat is thought to be at and it'll take Sonya to their homeland.
Riding on the SoL boat, Izou and Raiden manage to board the Inferni boat and deal with most of the Inferni. Soon, Tōmoku, Raiden's old master now with an octopus hand to replace his missing left, attacks Raiden. In retaliation, Izou slices off one of Tōmoku's tentacles and Raiden slices off his left arm. As Raiden deals with Tōmoku he gets his right leg blown off, as Izou heads into the boat in search of Sonya. With Izou gone, Raiden finishes off Tōmoku, but with the last of his strength, Tōmoku kills Raiden by shooting him directly in the face. Dealing with a Goblin and Orc Inferni, Izou finds Sonya only to be ambushed by his former master out on the deck. Kōketsu offers him to join him again, but Izou refuses and is sequentially killed by him. Distraught, Sonya approaches Izou's corpse and finds the wand on him, and uses it to heal and revive Izou. Anna and Nakazo board the Inferni ship and Anna comes to realize that Sonya is actually a Bright. Kōketsu in an awe-stricken stupor demands that Sonya hand over the wand. Sonya refuses. After mistaking Anna for her twin sister Chihaya, Sonya uses the wand to vaporize Kōketsu.
A few days later, Izo and Raiden now with a new leg see Sonya off as she goes with Anna the SoL. Revealing that he has the wand on his person, Izou tosses it into the ocean and claims that humans will take care of their own problems their own way. Raiden agrees as that's the same way Orcs do it.
Hoot Owl is hungry, and decides to disguise himself to catch some food. He tries a series of improvised costumes - a carrot (to catch a rabbit), and an ornamental birdbirth (to catch a pigeon). He believes, as do many young children, that costumes will make him unrecognisable. But his disguises are laughably ineffective and all fail - he is not, in fact, a master of disguise.
The comedy of the book comes from the self-important delusion of the hero, and the contrast between his puffed-up ego and his inept plans. It's been described as a parody of old fashioned suspense fiction.
Ultimately, Hoot Owl 'catches' a pizza, by disguising himself as a pizza waiter, and all is resolved.
After a tragedy, David moves his two teen daughters to a charming town and into a dream life. However, the family finds that some things follow you, no matter how hard you try to outrun them. Born out of a true story comes this crime caper wrapped inside a paranormal thriller with a violent end!
In ''Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony,'' Reimu Hakurei enters the Scarlet Devil Mansion to stop Remilia Scarlet, who has released red mist across Gensokyo.
Soon after being released from a Hong Kong prison, professional gambler Crab and his friend Sam are summoned by a tycoon named Dragon to his casino in Lake Tahoe to crack a baccarat scam being run by the half-Chinese and half-Japanese Taro and his father Gubon, head of a powerful Japanese syndicate. There, Crab and Sam also meet Catherine Ashley, a rich heiress who is on vacation. Catherine and Sam also develop a relationship.
After the three of them return to Hong Kong, Sam is being hunted down by Japanese gangsters who were sent by Kung to seek revenge. Fortunately, Sam is rescued by Crab. However, this leads to Crab severely injuring his left hand, which affects his gambling skills.
Catherine introduces her father to Sam, who is arranged to work in his future father in-law's company. There, Sam also ruins the plan by Taro and Gubon to scheme money from his father-in-law, and Kung therefore hires more killers to kill Sam, and this time, he becomes injured and hospitalised.
One day, Taro tells Crab that he wants to play against Sam. Crab instead offers to play against Taro himself for a bet of half a million dollars, but the police unexpectedly break in. Although they are not prosecuted because Taro's stake was thrown outside, it is revealed that most of Crab's stakes were counterfeit bills and Taro feels offended. Taro retaliates by kidnapping Catherine and challenges Crab to retrieve her. Crab leaves his girlfriend alone while he goes to confront Taro, during which time one of Taro's men comes and kills her.
Crab fights with Taro's henchmen but is then challenged to a game by Gubon. In order to rescue Catherine, Crab is forced to pick between two glasses of wine, one of which contains poison. Gubon is convinced that Crab has made the right choice and lets them leave, but Crab succumbs to the poison after he and Catherine escape.
Sam is determined to seek vengeance for his friend's death. Catherine lends him money to be able to gamble at a poker game run by Taro and Gubon. During the intermission of the final round of the poker game, Sam is shot by a hitman in the restroom. The injured Sam entrusts Catherine to take his place for the final bet. He tells her to bet their entire stake because Taro will not have a sufficient stake. Catherine bets all of her assets of $50 million, which Gubon cannot match, so she also requests the left arm and leg of Taro. Gubon agrees, but Catherine has to bet her hand as well to make the bet fair. In the end, Catherine wins with a straight flush. Taro does not want to cut off his arm and leg, so he shoots and kills his father and other audience members before being shot dead by both the Americans and Japanese.
Catherine then goes to see Sam at the hospital where she overhears a conversation between Sam and the hitman who shot him. It is revealed that the attack in the bathroom was staged by Sam himself in order to have Taro agree to bet his arm and leg and ultimately have the Kungs kill each other, achieving his ultimate goal of seeking vengeance for Crab. Sam also says he does not intend to let Catherine know about this secret and instead, he would conceal it forever. After hearing this, Catherine removes her engagement ring, leaves it on the floor outside Sam's room, and leaves.
The protagonist Jacob Streiker is fed up with the political situation in his country, taken over by mutant animals. Jacob's neighbours conform instead of questioning and resisting, thus rebelling on his own is Jacob's only hope of saving the country.
The game starts with the country's leader visiting Jacob's house and demolishing it, upon which he seeks to revolt.
During the early years of the Mexican Revolution, a group of Mexicans rebels living in Los Angeles begin collecting money to fund the Revolutionary Army who is fighting to overthrow the Porfirio Díaz's regime. Felipe Rivera, a young man who just crossed the Mexico–United States border wants to join the rebels. He is accepted in the group only under the condition that he proves his loyalty to the revolutionary cause.
Knowing that the rebels lack enough money to buy weapons to arm the revolutionaries, Rivera decides to fight against well-know boxer Danny Ward in order to secure some funds for the Revolutionary Army.
Goshu lives in a tiny house on the outskirts of town and serves as the cellist for his local orchestra, which is rehearsing the ''Pastoral Symphony'' by Ludwig van Beethoven. Goshu disappoints the orchestra with his lesser abilities and the conductor is almost ready to remove him altogether. During the next few nights, Goshu is pestered by visits from a variety of animals (including a cat, a bird, a raccoon dog, and a mouse), each with their own musical requests. However, unbeknownst to Goshu these prompts from the animals guide him in surpassing his mistakes and weaknesses as a cellist, readying him for the upcoming big concert.
Jacques Badinois is a wealthy lawyer with three women bent on marrying him: his mistress, a young widow, and his maid. He and his clerk's intended fiancée then fall in love. He gives all four women the same date and time for their wedding, and marries her.
An entity named Cursa has been spreading dark matter called Darkmess and seeking out the energy of the titular Sparks, creatures formed by the fusion of Lumas and Rabbids, and while doing so has plunged the galaxy into chaos. Mario and his friends must travel to different worlds to restore peace to the galaxy, save the Sparks, and defeat Cursa and her minions. They are joined by new allies, including Bowser, who wishes to reclaim his stolen army from Cursa.
"Ready, set, fry! It's time for the annual "Hot Wang Festival" in Memphis, Tennessee, and Cordell Crutchfield knows he has the wings that’ll make him king. Supported by his beau Dwayne and their culinary clique, The New Wing Order, Cordell is marinating and firing up his frying pan in a bid to reclaim the crispy crown."
The series follows the terrorist attacks through archival footage, eyewitnesses, survivors, with new footage never seen before.
Kentaro Hiyama is a 32-year-old elite salaryman who discovers that he is pregnant. Embarrassed by his unexpected problem, he is unsure whether he should keep the baby or not. He begins to take notice of the prejudice towards pregnant women and starts developing symptoms that lead to him calling his mother and asking how she felt about raising him on her own after his father died. After an encounter with a woman on a women-only passenger car, who quickly deduces his pregnancy and shows compassion by offering her to sit with them, he is further pushed to potentially keep the child. His coworker Yuichi Sato outs his pregnancy to a younger female employee who reveals her ignorant views on male pregnancy; believing he became pregnant from another man. Kentaro attempts to correct her and realizes that he must change people's perspective about male pregnancy while also deciding to keep the baby.
The rest of the manga deals with other characters close to Kentaro who are all going through similar situations of their own.
Mizuki Kawabata, the woman on the train, is also pregnant, but is in a relationship with an unfaithful boyfriend who claims that he is breaking up with his other girlfriend to be with her. However, it quickly becomes apparent that he wants her to get an abortion and marry his current girlfriend instead. When she learns that Kentaro is single and having his baby regardless, she dumps her boyfriend and announces to her coworkers her pregnancy. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, chapter 2
Tsubasa Utsumi is a teenager who had sex and became pregnant with his girlfriend Satome's baby. His parents forced him to get an abortion and while successful has caused a rift between him and his girlfriend. Tsubasa's friends still mock pregnant men until they encounter Kentaro who gives them a stern talking to. Tsubasa learns that Satome's parents want them to break up, but after learning that Kentaro is building a restaurant that caters to pregnant and nursing people, he is encouraged to make amends with Satome and they resume their relationship. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, chapter 3
30-year-old freelance journalist Aki Seto vehemently tells her friends that she does not want to settle and have kids. She ends up sleeping with Kentaro where they continue to see one another until they drift apart. Kentaro shows back up at her place to announce his pregnancy, which shocks her, though surprisingly she is baffled that he does not want anything from her. Aki learns that one of her friends became pregnant and is happy and she slowly begins to warm up to the idea of being a mother. Aki tells Kentaro that she can pretend to be married to him in case the paparazzi want to sensationalize his story. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, chapter 4
Noriko Miyaji's husband is pregnant with their second child. She is envious because she was pregnant with their son Takuya and wanted to have their next baby. She is also upset that he disregards the hard work she is doing and the job she is having while he sits around the house and openly voices her displeasure of pregnant men while also hiding her husband's condition from everyone. Noriko begins to idolize her boss and his wife who have a close relationship. One day, Mr. Miyaji finds Kentaro's new restaurant "Papa & Kids" and begins to enjoy eating there. Noriko is upset upon seeing him and argues with him when he returns home. While out with Takuya, Noriko meets with her boss and his wife and discovers that they are unable to have children of their own. Takuya lets slip that his father is pregnant and the boss' wife admits that she is jealous. Noriko realizes that her husband is scared of giving birth and they make up before going to Papa & Kids as a family. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, chapter 5
Kentaro eventually goes into labor, though oddly enough he is not shown in pain, and meets with Aki at the hospital. He successfully gives birth to a baby boy and names him Kotaro. Kentaro begins taking Kotaro to work where Aki dotes over him and he reunites with Mizuki who has also given birth and started a baby carriage business with a friend. Despite having had the baby, Kentaro still suspects that there is some prejudice and realizes that he has more to do. In the future, Kotaro is pregnant with his wife's baby and Kentaro and Aki visit where they happily congratulate them. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, chapter 6
In a bonus chapter, Aki has decided to write a book about male pregnancy and interviews the leads from the previous chapters. During this time, she had not come out publicly about being the mother of Kotaro. In the end, she realizes that Kentaro cannot raise him on his own and tells him that she will always be there for him. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy'' volume 1, bonus chapter
The series picks up three years after Kotaro's birth and focuses on Kentaro and Aki trying to raise Kotaro despite their conflicting work schedules. They begin to consider the possibility of living together and having another child. Meanwhile, pop sensation Seiya Aoyagi has become pregnant with fellow pop singer Asakawa Sakura's baby and decides to raise it, causing a rift between them. Kentaro's boss, Hiromi Shimomura becomes pregnant with his mistress' baby. He is in denial, but must come to terms with the growing evidence of his adultery. ''Kentaro Hiyama's First Pregnancy: Childcare Edition'' volumes 1-2
Abraham Bursztein, an 88-year-old Jewish tailor, who even has great-grandchildren, found out his daughters' intention to sell his apartment and send him to a nursing home. Later he decides to travel from Buenos Aires to Łódź in Poland, where he sets out to find his old friend Piotrek, who saved him from certain death at the end of World War II, and then helped him escape to Argentina. Abraham intends to keep his promise of returning one day and to also give him the last suit he ever made, to which the film title alludes.
What follows is a series of entanglements with road-movie elements that in its heart hides important themes. Despite his constant grumpiness and mistreatments, Abraham will always find someone willing to help him. In Spain, Maria (Angela Molina) will assist him after losing his money in a robbery, and to reconnect with his estranged daughter. In Germany, Ingrid (Julia Beerhold) will support him in making peace with the country and its people.
The magic of the story will even make a Polish nurse named Gosia (Olga Bołądź) who he barely knows; accompany him on the last leg of his journey to Łódz.
Yang Chun-Lung (Derek Chang) is an elite employee of a construction company. Just turned 30, he bought a house, his job was also favorable, and he became the youngest senior manager of the company. The prospect is so open, but behind that are days of intense work, social parties that make him tired and confused. Seeing the fathers and uncles in the company sacrifice their health, family, and friendship for the sake of work, he suddenly wondered if this was the life he wanted? And then a phone call broke the trajectory of Yang Chun-Lung's life. His grandfather Yang Chin-te (Lin I-hsiung) suddenly fell seriously ill, the situation was not very optimistic. Chun-lung quit his job, rushed back to his hometown, only in time to see his grandfather lying on a hospital bed, falling into a coma, unconscious.
After the doctor explained his illness, Chun-lung planned to close the grocery store. If Grandpa regains consciousness, he will bring him back to Taipei to live with him. Grandpa's longtime neighbors, though sorry for the grocery store and his hard work for many years, but they also understand Chun-lung's difficulty. In just one night, Chun-lung was immediately summoned to Taipei by the company to handle a difficult project. In the process, facing the questioning voice of the old homeowner Zhao, Chun-lung dreamily discovered: It turns out that although life in Taipei is so bustling, what he nostalates is his childhood in hometown....
Chairman Oh, the leader of a crime gang, plans to construct the biggest resort in Gangneung, with Kim Gil-seok as his loyal underling. Things turn violent when a new upcoming gangster Lee Min-seok sets his sight on the Gangneung resort, and uses all sorts of deceitful means to acquire it.
The story takes place one year after ''Light of the Jedi''. Elzar Mann, still haunted by visions of death and carnage, is assigned to the Jedi outpost Valo to oversee the Republic Fair, a demonstration of unity between various planets orchestrated by Chancellor Lina Soh.
Bell Zettifar, now apprenticed to Indeera Stokes, mourns his previous master, Loden Greatstorm, who he believes to be dead, and represses his force instincts so that he cannot find out the truth. Marchion Ro ventures to the Rystan Badlands and frees an ancient creature called the Great Leveler, who he believes will bring about the Jedi's doom. Jedi Knight Stellan Gios travels with Soh to Valo to hold a broadcast by Rhil Dairo. Ty Yorrick, a monster hunter and former Jedi Padawan, is assigned to journey to Valo with a client who is carrying a mysterious weapon.
Elzar believes he has prevented his visions from coming to fruition after the Fair seems to go well and has a one-night stand with the Valon in charge of the Fair, Samera Ra-oon in order to repress his feelings of rejection from Avar Kriss. The Jedi discover and arrest Ty and her buyer after seeing them test out machinery that can shut down electronics, including a lightsaber blade. After the Fair's main event, a Nihil fleet arrives on Valo using the Paths and bombards the planet, killing many spectators and some Jedi.
Soh falls into a coma after falling prey to an orbital explosion, while Stellan and the other Jedi stationed on Valo fight off the intruders. Ty and Elzar form a Force dyad which allows them to tame dragon-like beasts and hamper the Nihil's efforts from the sky, though Elzar is forced to touch on the dark side of the force at one critical point in the battle. Dairo records the events and broadcasts it live to the galaxy. After fleeing Valo when forces from outside respond to Dairo's beacon, Tempest Runners Lourna Dee and Pan Eyta organize a revolt against Ro, but Lourna double-crosses Eyta and leaves him for dead.
Bell is unable to save the ''Innovator'', a vessel that was the centerpiece of the Fair, but discovers that Loden is still alive. The Jedi deduce the location of the Nihil's main base on Grizal and arrive to ambush the marauders. Ro and the Nihil escape on the ''Gaze Electric'', while Lourna is captured by the Jedi. The Leveler is released and petrifies Loden. Stellan touches Loden's cheek and Loden turns to dust; Stellan remarks that this was the first time he ever felt fear since he was a child.
''HouseBroken'' follows an anthropomorphic therapy dog named Honey, who explores human dysfunctions and neurosis by applying her knowledge of psychiatry through leading a group of other anthropomorphic neighborhood animals in group therapy sessions.
Forty-year-old Jenna Jones makes a career change into the world of beauty journalism. She runs into problems when she realizes that her frenemy Darcy is her boss, and she soon starts a relationship with Darcy's son, Eric, the company's videographer.
Deborah Vance is an established comedienne in the twilight of her career with a residency at The Palmetto casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is financially successful and content with her regular Friday and Saturday night performances, as well as her frequent QVC sales appearances. She later panics when Marty, the Palmetto's owner, takes her to lunch to celebrate her 2,500th performance and informs her that he is moving her to midweek so that her premium dates can be given to new acts like Pentatonix. Later she finds out that her ex-husband has died via television news but she is unmoved by the news. The newscaster reads copy stating that Deborah burned down his house decades ago after he left her for her sister. When her workaholic COO Marcus asks if she'd like to take the night off, she declines.
Ava Daniels is a confident yet arrogant 25-year-old television writer working in Los Angeles. She's reeling from significant backlash after Tweeting a joke about a conservative congressman's gay son. She's been fired from her job and her manager, Jimmy, informs her that her only option is to go work for Deborah Vance, another client of his.
With no other choice, Ava flies to Vegas to meet Deborah, who does not want to work with a writer because she has always written her own material. After Deborah dresses Ava down for not having prepared for the meeting, they trade insults and Ava leaves. However, Deborah chases after her and begins to workshop the joke that upended Ava's career. They tweak the joke until they are both satisfied and Deborah tells Ava she's hired.
Deborah brings Ava with her to Seven Graces Surgical Center and Luxury Aftercare for her semi-regular eye lift so they can prepare material for her new stand-up show. While Deborah sleeps after the procedure, Ava anxiously tries to break into Deborah's phone to delete the voicemail she left last night while high on cocaine, in which she cursed Deborah out and quit her job. However, the phone requires Face ID to unlock, and Deborah's puffy, bandaged face isn't recognized by the iPhone. Taking Kiki's advice, Ava drives to the Vegas Madame Tussauds and finds Deborah's wax figure there. She uses it to unlock the phone and delete the voicemail.
While Marcus's mother and her friend throw a party at his house, he stays by himself at Deborah's home. He turns on the sprinklers and makes an anonymous tip about the usage to the city, prompting a visit by the usual water inspector, Wilson. The two have a sexual encounter.
Later, Deborah and Ava spend time together in Deborah's suite working on the new show, and take edibles together. They are enjoying each other's company and play a prank on the overly-chipper nurse, Perla, that ends badly. Ava confesses she's upset by the suicide of George, her recent one night-stand (from episode 5, "Falling"). Deborah comforts Ava and confesses that she never burned her husband's house down. She says that her husband made it up to hurt her reputation due to professional jealousy. Deborah goes on to share several outlandish events that took place after her show was cancelled. Ava insists she include these stories in her new show.
Ava suddenly experiences intense pelvic pain and is rushed to the hospital. After initially being invalidated by a male ER doctor, Deborah demands he take Ava's pain seriously. Ava has emergency surgery to address a ruptured ovarian cyst. Afterward, Deborah visits her in the hospital and agrees to put more honest material in her new show.
The morning after their one-night stand, Marty tells Deborah he is buying out her remaining contract and that her 2,500th show will be her last at the Palmetto. Motivated to attract a new venue and contract, Deborah and Ava begin working on new material for the final performance that will reflect previously untold events about her life.
Marcus expresses his trepidation about the new show material to Ava. Back at his house, his mother accidentally interrupts a date that he is on with Wilson. He and Wilson go out to dinner and Wilson invites Marcus on a bouldering trip. Overcome by the prospect, Marcus briefly leaves the restaurant, but ultimately returns to the date.
Ava's father calls to plan a trip to visit her in Las Vegas, although he is still recovering from his stroke. Later, Ava's mother calls to insist that her father is too unwell to travel. She asks Ava to come home for a week, but Ava says she cannot because of her job. Ava calls her father and says she is too busy for him to visit.
Deborah and Ava fly to a comedy club in Sacramento for Deborah to try out her new material. Deborah shares that she performed there frequently in her early career. Frenchie, a comedian she knew from back then, is at the club and they share memories of those days, including the sexual harassment and assault that women comedians faced at the hands of the club's owner, Ira. Ava expresses anger that Deborah did nothing to stop Ira after her rise to prominence. Deborah angrily insists that her success itself was a worthwhile contribution to women in comedy.
Deborah watches the host of the comedy night, Drew, harass one of the women comedians. Once onstage, she agrees to pay him $1.69 million to quit comedy for the rest of his life. Drew agrees to the terms that if he fails to comply, he will pay Deborah back double. After the show, Deborah's estranged sister, Kathy, approaches them in the parking lot. Deborah tries to run her over with her car. When Ava returns to Vegas, Kayla calls to inform her that she has set up a meeting for her with the co-creators of an in-development television series.
Pearl Nolan, single mother of a grown son, is a private detective who, together with her mum, runs Whitstable Pearl, a seafood restaurant in the coastal town of Whitstable. When a friend dies under suspicious circumstances, Pearl finds herself in conflict with gruff new-cop-in-town, detective Mike McGuire.
''Freshwater'' tells the semi-autobiographical story of the protagonist, Ada, who is an ogbanje. Emezi explores their Igbo heritage's spirituality and gender alongside those of Western construction and invites their audience to think critically about this spirit/body binary.
In 1991, Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia, is still ruled by the Barre government but threatened by a rebel movement. Meanwhile, both the North and South Korean embassies are lobbying to be admitted into the United Nations and looking towards the Somali government for support.
Kang Dae-jin, an intelligence officer recently assigned to the South Korean embassy, is tasked with passing gifts from the South Korean government to President Barre. He meets Han Sin-seong, the ambassador in Somalia, who is running late to the meeting with the president and thus immediately takes the gifts. While en route to the presidential palace, rebels intercept the ambassador and rob the gifts. They further spray his car with bullets, forcing him and his secretary, Gong Su-cheol, to run to the presidential palace. The two men miss the appointment by fifteen minutes and are thus denied an audience with the president. As Sin-seong attempts to explain their delay, he catches a glimpse of the North Korean ambassador, Rim Yong-su, being escorted into a meeting room. In his view, Somalia's support for North Korea will prevent South Korea from joining the UN. Sin-seong initially believes Yong-su to be the mastermind behind the robbery, but it is revealed that the North Korean embassy's intelligence officer, Tae Joon-ki, was the one who bribed the rebels to delay and rob Sin-seong. Knowing what happened, Yong-su tells Joon-ki that this was a shameless act that was unhelpful and possibly detrimental to the North Korean efforts.
The same night, Dae-jin reveals to Sin-Seong that he had bribed a Western journalist with a packet of cigarettes for photos depicting rebels wielding North Korean-made firearms, thus implying that North Korea is supplying weapons to both the Somali government and the rebels. When Sin-seong questions this, Dae-jin dismisses his concerns, stating that if the photos are published, the Somali government will condemn North Korea even if the latter is not ultimately responsible for the weapons.
Sin-seong meets with the Somali foreign minister at a hotel, and shows him the photos. To his surprise, the minister does not care and instead asks for bribes. Disgusted with the blatant corruption, Sin-seong leaves the meeting contemplating whether to pay the bribe. He notices North Korean diplomats moving gifts into the minister's car. Enraged, Sin-seong confronts Yong-su about the robbery earlier and the bribe. The latter counters that the South was no better for framing the North for supplying weapons to the rebels. Before the two come to blows, shots ring out outside the hotel - the war has reached Mogadishu.
As the city erupts into chaos, Sin-seong, Dae-jin, Yong-su, and Joon-ki are stuck in the hotel for hours on lockdown while government forces attempt to suppress the rioters. Meanwhile at the South Korean embassy, Sin-seong's wife, Myeung-hee, and the other diplomats, are startled by the ringing doorbell; apparently the ambassador's Somali driver, Sawma, has stumbled into the embassy, badly wounded. Su-cheol carries him inside, but upon laying him on a bed he notices Sawma's scarf bearing the markings of General Aidid's rebels. While the diplomats contemplate on what to do with him in fear that he was actually a rebel, the police suddenly arrive and try to barge their way into the compound. Sin-seong and Dae-jin arrive just in time to ward them off. Meanwhile, Sawma had slipped out of the embassy, and while running on the streets, the police catch up to him and bludgeon him to death.
The next day riots have broken out at every area of Mogadishu. General Aidid has also sent messages to all embassies to either work with them to topple the corrupt government or be deemed an enemy and be prepared to be slaughtered for assisting the Barre regime. Sin-seong, fearing for his family's lives, tries sending Myeung-hee back to South Korea, but is unable to do so as all banks and travel agencies have been shut, thus leaving everyone stranded in Mogadishu. As the Somali military finally retaliates with lethal force, both the North and South Korean diplomats realize that the situation has spiraled out of control and with both power and communication networks all being broken, they must leave the country as quickly as possible. Sin-seong and Dae-jin head to the airport but are sent back as they are unable to communicate to the home government in Seoul, and lack official documents of clearance. Likewise, the North Koreans fail to make it to the airport, and are sent back to their embassy.
In his desperation, Joon-ki sends for the rebel leader that he had previously employed to rob the South Koreans, for his assistance to get passes for the North Korean diplomats to get to the airport. However, the rebel leader betrays Joon-ki just as he set foot into the compound and the rebels started beating the men, robbing the entire place, and sexually harassing the women. Joon-ki, though beaten heavily, is spared as he once paid the rebels well for the job.
With supplies nearly gone, Yong-su orders an evacuation and to head to the Chinese embassy for shelter, only to find it abandoned and being looted by rebels. Shortly thereafter, they are discovered by a group of child soldiers, who point their rifles at them. The children in the North Korean posse pretend that they were shot and collapse on the ground; the adults follow suit. The child soldiers happily shoot in the air in victory, attracting the attention of more rebels. The North Koreans swiftly flee and stumble right outside the South Korean embassy. Seeing no other option, Yong-su decides to ask the South Koreans for help, despite Joon-ki protesting that doing so would risk being labeled as traitors in Pyongyang. He yells for sanctuary, within earshot of the South Koreans. Sin-seong still has reservations that the North Koreans might use this as a ploy to spy on them and contemplates on letting them enter. Just then, a group of rebels close towards the embassy, firing their guns wildly in the air, but are driven away by the security detail that Dae-jin had obtained from the police. With the North Koreans now in the line of danger, Sin-seong relents and opens the gate to let them in.
As dinner is served, the North Koreans dare not touch the food in fear that the South Koreans had laced it with poison. Sin-seong swaps his rice bowl with Yong-su’s and eats from it, proving that the food wasn’t poisoned. Relieved, both sides start eating and sharing food. Dae-jin, sensing an opportunity to use the dinner as a ploy for propaganda, covertly takes pictures and steals the North Koreans’s diplomatic passports to make defection certificates, but Joon-ki catches him, and a fistfight breaks out between the two. Yong-su and Sin-seong step in and tear them both apart, lamenting that political ideologies no longer matter, but sheer survival and working together to escape Mogadishu.
With both the Americans and Chinese already having fled Mogadishu, both ambassadors agree to seek help from their other allies that are still in the city; with Sin-seong heading to the Italian embassy while Yong-su heading to the Egyptian embassy. As planned, both parties head out in separate cars at the crack of dawn. They make their way across the war-torn city, narrowly escaping a group of rebels executing civilians.
Joon-ki and Yong-su reach the Egyptian embassy only to find it filled with refugees and no possible aid. Meanwhile at the Italian embassy, the Italian ambassador informs Sin-seong and Dae-jin that the South Koreans can join the Red Cross's evacuation flight to Mombasa, Kenya, but that the North Koreans cannot, as Italy and North Korea do not have diplomatic relations. Sin-seong lies that the North Koreans are defectors to the South but that they cannot prove this until their return. The Italian ambassaor accept this and allows the entire party to board the plane, requiring all to arrive by 4pm.
With this assurance, the Koreans make preparations to leave, including taping the cars with bags of dirt and books as makeshift armor, and making white flags out of their clothes. The convoy depart during Islamic prayer time, which allows them to pass through the city unscathed while the rebels are in prayer. Halfway through they are stopped by a Somali army roadblock. Dae-jin, driving the lead car, attempts to negotiate with the army commander for passage, but Su-cheol, driving the last car, sticks his white flag out of the window. The guards mistake the pole for a gun and start firing at the Koreans, forcing them to retreat. The convoy, already being pursued the Somali army, runs into a group of looting rebels, who lob Molotov cocktails at them and chase after them as well.
Eventually, the Koreans arrive right outside the Italian embassy. Realizing where they are, the Somali army ceases firing, and suddenly, the street turns into a tense Mexican standoff. Italian troops open the gates and secure the Koreans, while both the Somali army and the rebels retreat from the area. Joon-ki, whose car had separated from the convoy and was last to arrive, dies from the bullet wounds he had sustained; he is buried inside the Italian embassy. The next day, the Koreans board the plane as promised by the Italians and are flown to Mombasa.
As the plane lands, Sin-seong realizes that both parties have separate delegations waiting to intercept their respective groups. Despite working together for survival in Somalia, Yong-su and Sin-seong conclude that they cannot be seen together, as neither nation will believe their experiences but instead send them to their respective military tribunals for court martial. As passengers exit the plane, the diplomats bid each other farewell, before promptly splitting into their original groups to join their respective delegations. With one last look at each other, the ambassadors get on their respective buses and head in opposite directions.
Jack arrives in the kingdom of Cornelia, intent on destroying Chaos whose darkness has begun to plague the world, and is quickly joined by two other warriors, Ash and Jed, who have a similar mission. They petition the King of Cornelia to allow them to enter the Shrine of Chaos and destroy Chaos itself. While the King and his court are skeptical of Jack, Ash and Jed being the prophesied Warriors of Light due to the fact they are a party of three instead of four and possess only black crystals, the King allows them access to the Shrine of Chaos.
Jack and his party enter the Shrine of Chaos and seemingly defeat Chaos, only to reveal that the person they fought is a young girl named Neon, who similarly possesses a black crystal like them. She explains that she had also sought out to destroy Chaos ten years ago, but realized that Chaos is simply a myth created by humans to rationalize the existence of darkness. She had originally planned to absorb all the world's darkness to become the singular entity of Chaos that could be defeated by a band of heroes, but failed. Jack is skeptical of her story, and maintains that Chaos does exist and he will find it. Neon decides to accompany Jack's party as the fourth Warrior of Light. As they return to Cornelia, they muse about how all four of them have lost their memories, and Jack reasons it's to prevent them from making personal attachments that could interfere with their duty. The King then tasks the Warriors with restoring the Crystals of Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water to save the world.
To find the crystals, the Warriors meet with Astos, the King of the Dark Elves, who points them in the direction of the Wind Crystal. While searching for the Wind Crystal, the Warriors are transported to the Flying Fortress, a space station orbiting the planet. They defeat the Fiend of Chaos guarding the Wind Crystal, Tiamat, who reverts to another defeated hero named Sophia. The Wind Crystal is restored and Sophia decides to join the Warriors. As they journey to the Earth Crystal, the Warriors begin to recover fragments of their memories as they defeat monsters and absorb the darkness mist they expel into their crystals, and remember they all come from a faraway land beyond Cornelia. They subsequently find the Earth and Fire Crystals, defeating the respective Fiends Lich and Marilith. On the way to the Water Crystal, Neon admits to the Warriors that unlike them, she was born in Cornelia and now remembers that she was given her crystal by Astos. They then proceed to defeat the Fiend Kraken and restore the Water Crystal.
With the four Crystals restored, the Warriors return to Cornelia, only to find the darkness more prevalent than before. They are welcomed coldly and accused of being servants of Chaos just as monsters and darkness-infected pirates attack. After repelling the assault, the Warriors confront Astos looking for answers. Astos explains that he is an observer left behind by the Lufenians, a highly advanced civilization capable of interdimensional travel, tasked with reporting the balance of light and darkness in Cornelia. Astos then attacks the Warriors, and upon his defeat, they begin to recover more of their memories. It is revealed that Jack and his friends are in fact Strangers, Lufenian agents tasked with traveling to Cornelia to destroy the excess darkness Lufenia disposes of there. Jack and his friends have in fact been sent to Cornelia many times before, though their memories are temporarily erased on every deployment. However, if the Strangers fail to destroy the darkness, Lufenia simply resets the world. Disgusted by Lufenia's meddling in and manipulation of Cornelia, Jack and his friends secretly plotted with Astos to find a way to break Lufenia's hold over Cornelia. Astos reveals that Lufenia fears the darkness because if it combines with human emotion, it creates chaos, which is the one force they cannot control. He also reveals that upon his death, the darkness he has stockpiled in his body will be released and cover the entire world.
Jack and his friends rush back to Cornelia, but are unable to save Princess Sarah or any of the people. As Princess Sarah dies in his arms, Jack recovers more memories and remembers that he and Princess Sarah had fallen in love with each other. Seeing their chance, Ash, Jed, Neon, and Sophia attack Jack, forcing him to kill them in self defense and absorbing their collected darkness so he can become Chaos. He then forces open a portal back to Lufenia and absorbs Darkness Manifest, truly becoming Chaos. Fearful of chaos infection, Lufenia severs their connection with Cornelia, but warn Jack that Warriors of Light will rise to resist him. This gives Jack the epiphany that he can use his power to create conditions on Cornelia that will cause true Warriors of Light native to Cornelia to rise so they will no longer have to rely on Lufenia for protection. He then finds himself transported 2000 years in Cornelia's past by Ash, Jed, Neon, and Sophia, who have become his Four Fiends. As his friends lay the groundwork to create the Warriors of Light, Jack embraces his family name Garland and waits in his throne room as the Warriors of Light arrive to challenge him.
However, once the true Warriors of Light arrive to challenge Jack in battle, they are easily vanquished. Jack then meets with the dragon king Bahamut and, after completing a series of trials, arranges a deal that will empower the Warriors of Light in future cycles. Jack challenges the Warriors again in a future cycle and, though he bests them again, finds greater hope that their improving strength will one day be enough to defeat him.
A mining crew is leaving the Shookum Hills Coal Mine. A man named Schuttmann and his son Derek are talking about a coworker who is not being safe. Derek is attempting to persuade his father to give their coworker another chance when he is suddenly attacked by an unknown creature. Schuttmann attempts to save Derek, but the creature stabs him in the shoulder, paralyzing him. A bloodied Derek is taken away as he screams.
Years later, a team of scientists—Darren, Shawn, Terry, and Jaime—led by an adventurer named Arianne, are searching for Shookum Hills and its coal mine. The town hasn't been placed on maps since the 1970s, and its population has also seemingly vanished. It's believed that the disappearance is related to an underground coal fire that resulted in sinkholes opening up around the town. Darren, the team leader, believes that the fires were started by a rare mineral.
The group stops at a store and Arianne goes inside to buy supplies and ask for directions to Shookum Hills. The proprietor claims that he has never heard of Shookum Hills; when Arianne presses the issue, he tells her to go back the way she came. As the team leaves the store, the proprietor warns an unknown party that there is a problem. As the team leaves the store, another car begins following them. Arianne successfully eludes the pursuers, and the team finds a dirt road blockaded by an electrical fence. They break through the fence and discover the abandoned Shookum Hills Mine. Though delighted by their find, they are puzzled to discover a sinkhole covered by an improvised electrified fence. They break through the barrier and lower sensors into the hole to establish a picture of the tunnels beneath. Terry is suddenly dragged into the sinkhole. Arianne and Jaime descend into the sinkhole to try and find Terry, but cannot locate him. Darren and Shawn are confronted by an angry local named Dale, who demands to know why they opened the sinkhole cover. Frightened, they knock him unconscious. Once Arianne returns, she tells them that there are monstrous creatures in the tunnels. The group flees into the woods, losing Shawn in the process. Dale is also killed, after reporting that the sinkhole has been breached. Darren, Arianne, and Jaime are rescued by a group of locals led by Schuttman, who used to own the mines. He reveals that the mines are home to monsters that are the true reason the town disappeared. The surviving townsfolk have remained behind to keep the creatures contained.
Arianne volunteers to go back with two locals, Ellroy and Shelby, to show them the sinkhole they opened. Darren and Jaime choose to accompany her. The creatures ambush them, and Ellroy sacrifices himself to draw them off. The rest of the group escapes into the tunnels. Shelby also chooses to distract the creatures, telling Arianne and the two men to flee. Jaime attempts to kill some of the creatures with a grenade, only for one of them to attack him and knock the grenade out of his hand. He is killed when it detonates.
Exhausted and distraught, Darren tells Arianne that this expedition was not to map out the geographical area as he had led her to believe. He is being paid by a coal mining company that wants the rare mineral in the caves. He refuses to go on and Arianne leaves, promising to bring help back. She reaches the surface, but is surprised and captured by one of the creatures, which knocks her out with a paralytic venom. She awakens briefly to see that she is on a raft being steered by one of the creatures, along with Shelby's corpse. When they reach the creatures' lair, she is reunited with Darren and Shawn, both of whom have also been captured. Shawn notes that the creatures are a species which breeds and colonizes like ants or bees. He is then fed to the queen creature, which is a bloated, immobile hulk. The creatures attempt to feed Arianne to the queen, but she recovers from the venom and uses a grenade Darren gave her to kill the queen.
She and Darren escape and begin to climb up a rope at the entrance, but one of the creatures follows them and attacks Darren. Arianne gives him a knife to fight back, but the creature manages to poison him. He chooses to cut the rope instead, saving Arianne at the cost of his own life. The locals arrive, and one of them is about to cut the rope and doom Arianne, only for Schuttman to stop him and help her escape. The locals use a flamethrower and rifles to drive the creatures back into the tunnels. Afterwards Schuttmann is driving Arianne back to the outside of the fence. He tells her about the death of his son and asks her to help them keep the creatures from escaping. While she's unsure that they can overcome the monsters, she reluctantly agrees to help.
The adventure is set in the village of Wentworth, where the player characters find themselves involved in preventing a plot to depose the current baron and break with the King. In terms of game system, the adventure is generic, and can be adapted for any role-playing system such as ''Dungeons & Dragons'' or ''RuneQuest''.
''Streets of Gems'' is set in the port of Sontra, where the adventurers are attacked by a press gang before being drawn into several other plots including the discovery of the trafficking of human sacrifices. The adventure is divided into three mini-scenarios, and includes detailed descriptions of non-player characters. In terms of game system, the adventure is generic, and can be adapted for any role-playing system such as ''Dungeons & Dragons'' or ''RuneQuest''.
Las Malas is a fictional autobiographical work that goes back and forth in Camila’s life. She writes her life experiences from her childhood in La Falda as an outcast boy, the only child of a lower-middle-class marriage, until her life in the city of Córdoba which she shared with a new family under the maternal wings of Auntie Encarna. The novel is mainly set in 2002 and it is narrated by the author and protagonist. The stories are about the difficulties that she encountered during her entire life as a transgender woman, but they are also about the lives of the group of sex workers (mostly fellow trans women) that she meets at Sarmiento Park.
Young teacher Nobuko starts her new job in a girls' school in Tokyo, residing at the place of her aunt Okei, a geisha instructor. Not only is she admonished by the school principal that residing at a geisha house is irreconcilable with the school's reputation, which leads to her moving into the school's dormitory, but also the target of pranks and mockery by rebellious pupil Eiko. Nobuko learns that neither the principals nor the teachers take measures against Eiko, as her father is an important financier of the institute. After repeated misbehavings, Nobuko excerpts a collective punishment of the pupils, which leads to Eiko's social isolation and suicide attempt. While watching over her at her sickbed, Nobuko learns from Eiko that her behaviour was only a means of getting attention and affection. The schoolboard considers Nobuko's dismissal to appease Eiko's father, but is instead urged by him to keep Nobuko and treat his daughter like the other girls.
In post-World War II Germany, Hans is imprisoned for being gay and develops a relationship with his cellmate Viktor, a convicted murderer.
Adunni is a 14-year-old girl from poor home who lives in a small town near the city of Lagos. She wishes to get educated but she cannot due to lack of funds. When things start getting sour, her father Papa marries her off to Morufu as his third wife in order to use her bride price for the family upkeep against her wish. After a rape experience, she runs to Lagos where she is employed by Big Madam who abuses her several times and turned into a slave but Adunni is determined to face all this things when she makes up her mind that education is the only way to be free from her oppressions.
Germany at the time of the economic miracle. Hugo Starosta, expelled from eastern Germany annexed by Poland after the Second World War, is one of the few who didn't make it through the years of reconstruction. Almost twenty years after the end of the war, he and his extended family still live in a fortress-like castle that is run by the state as a reception and refugee camp and has increasingly become a social housing project. The accommodation — a one-room emergency quarters for eight people from three generations — is run-down, poor and filthy, Starosta herself is work-shy and blabbering, imperious and sometimes choleric. His children know nothing but this misery and threaten to neglect themselves. One of his offspring becomes a father at the age of 15, another, actually a factory worker, secretly works as a prostitute. Aggression, outbreaks of violence and unrestrained lifestyles are the order of the day.
While other camp residents strive to leave these degrading living conditions behind as quickly as possible, old Starosta has long since come to terms with these circumstances and even feels comfortable with it. He likes to mess with the authorities and eventually gets him and his clan allowed to stay while the other residents gradually evacuate the fortress. Starosta defends his miserable "paradise" with all consistency, he drives young intruders out of the little room — throwing things and giving out kicks. More and more, Hugo Starosta has become the patriarch of a family that has settled comfortably in the suspended precariat. Starosta proves to be a sullen bon vivant who only seems to take the initiative to escape from the prevailing conditions; for example, if he founds a kind of "transport company". However, his main day-to-day activity remains lounging around, making grand speeches and getting on the nerves of others.
The other starostas and their personal environment also seem to spring from a panopticon of bizarre types; there is, for example, the elderly grandmother who simply does not want to die and complains about the coffin that she has already chosen and which she considers inferior. One of the Starosta sons, the shy Albert, has huge ears that determine all his thoughts and actions. Starosta's sister's boyfriend lives out his image as a chavish woman-pleaser, while the salesman, a gentle, modest man, represents the absolute antithesis to him. The two oldest Starosta sons have fled the fortress. Their names are Adolf and Hermann and they shed light on Hugo Starosta's political views up until 1945. Neighbor Alwine, as she says, "experienced certain things while fleeing" and hasn't really been interested in sex since then. Starosta's wife was also raped by Red Army soldiers, according to Hugo, but, according to Starosta, "it didn't bother him that much".
The game begins with Wario and his friends at his company WarioWare Inc. when Wario finishes the game they have been developing. When he tries to start it however, the console does not turn on, much to Wario and his friends' confusion. Annoyed, Wario throws the console in the air and he, along with his friends, get sucked inside the game. When he wakes up, he discovers that his game is riddled with "Game Bugs", which cause corruption and glitches within the game's levels. Wario and his friends have to destroy these bugs by beating their respective levels.
Eventually, the group defeat the game's final bug and "The Supreme Developer", a god like figure with Wario's nose and mustache, appears to them and tells them that he brought Wario and his friends into the game to clear it of the game bugs. He then tells the group that they are free to go. When they return, Wario's friends ponder over what caused the game to become so bug-ridden. Wario then reveals to them that the bugs are a result of Wario's bad programming skills, much to their anger. At that moment however, Wario notices that three of WarioWare's members are still stuck in the game, and the group goes back into the game to find them.
Upon re-entering the game world, the Supreme Developer tells the group that their friends have been captured, although it was done by a mysterious figure and not the Game Bugs. They then progress through a series of skyscrapers that their friends are trapped within, all three of which have treasure inside of them, much to Wario's glee. When all three pieces of treasure have eventually been collected, the group finds a note that dares them to combine the treasure. With the help of Penny, a character currently in the real world testing a water blaster that she uses as a jet pack, they combine the treasures which turn into a watering can that they use to grow a giant beanstalk, although it disappears once it is used (which upsets Wario). They climb the beanstalk and defeat the final boss, who turns out to be Pyoro, the main character of a fictional game series within the game's universe, who entered Wario's game from his own game because he wanted to have fun. Wario, annoyed, greedy and wanting treasure, bugs Pyoro for more, and is distraught to find that he has none, which he complains about.
''Among the Dead'' takes place in three main time periods and locations: Burma in 1944/45, the Hangang Bridge in Seoul in 1950, and a hotel room in Seoul in 1975. In 1975, 30 year-old Ana Woods travels to Seoul to scatter her estranged father's ashes. Jesus, appearing as a bell boy, gives Ana a journal of her father's which causes her to relive her parents' story. In 1944, Ana's father, Luke, is fighting in the Burmese jungle when he meets Number Four, a Korean comfort woman. In 1950, Number Four waits on a bridge in Seoul contemplating suicide. As the play continues, it is revealed that Luke assaulted Number Four in 1944 after watching Number Four's sister be assaulted by Japanese soldiers.
The series follows Ronan Farrow as he conducts interviews with whistleblowers, victims, private investigators, and other sources for his book ''Catch and Kill'' in regard to the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse cases.
Niru, a Nigerian-American high-school senior living in a middle-class suburb of Washington, D.C., comes out as gay to his white straight friend Meredith after rejecting her sexual advances. In an attempt to help him, Meredith downloads dating apps such as Tinder and Grindr on Niru's phone and encourages him to set up a date with a man named Ryan. When Niru misplaces his phone, his father discovers it and sees text messages from Ryan, thus outing Niru to his parents. His father responds by beating up Niru and taking him to Nigeria for "spiritual revival", as he calls it. Niru resents his father for this punishment because he hates visiting Nigeria due to how uncomfortable he feels there because of the heat and lack of amenities.
In the second half of Speak No Evil, we continue to see the struggles of intersections that occur with Niru for being a gay, black man in America. Upon Niru's return to America, he and his family attempt to go back to normal, as though nothing happened. Niru's father takes his phone and gives him a Nokia phone that has no access to the internet and that can only be used to call. Niru is required to meet weekly with their church's pastor, Reverend Olumide. Niru goes to a party after his first track meet and gets drunk, getting into a fight with Meredith and eventually being taken care of by a stranger (later revealed to be Damien). He eventually begins to form a romantic relationship with Damien, and tries to find a balance between the various worlds and spaces that he exists in: his home and school lives, where he must hide his sexual identity, and the space in which he exists with Damien. Niru begins to distance himself from everyone, including Meredith. During a somewhat sexual encounter with Damien, Niru pushes him away and leaves, leaving their relationship in a tense place. Shortly after Niru makes up with his friend Meredith. Everything comes to a head after Niru's last track meet of the school year. Niru runs away from his father, and eventually ends up going to a club with Meredith, which ends up with him getting shot by the police and dying. The final third of the novel is then told from the perspective of Meredith, and illustrates her struggles, as well as the struggles of Niru's father, to grapple with and comes to terms with the aftermath of Niru's death.
Six months have passed since the Seven Deadly Sins disbanded after defeating the Demon King and Cath Palug, the previous battle won at the cost of their comrade Escanor. Having left Liones with Elizabeth to visit the places she lived at in her previous lives before their coronation, Meliodas encounters his younger brother Zeldris and his beloved Gelda as they were on a similar journey before returning to the Demon Realm. The brothers then encounter a fatally wounded demon who reveals the Demon World was taken over by a fairy and a giant, the culprits revealed to be the missing Second Fairy King Dahlia and the "Giant Master Craftsman" Dubs who overpowered the brothers before capturing Meliodas and Elizabeth.
Meanwhile, King and Diane have their wedding in the Fairy King's Forest with Ban and Gowther present while King Batra holds a ceremony in Liones to celebrate Elizabeth's return. But both events are attacked by an army of fairies and giants seeking to punish the Seven Deadly Sins and their allies for ruining the Holy War. The Sins manages to defeat the army by disarming them of the weapons Dubs crafted to maintain Dalhia's enchantment on them. Back in the Demon World, Zeldris manages to convince his kinsmen to help him free Meliodas and Elizabeth with the brothers managing to defeat Dahlia and Dubs. But the duo were revealed to be under another's enchantment.
Back in Liones, Mael arrives to warn everyone of an attack by the revived Goddess Race under direct orders from the Supreme Deity herself. Having observed the Sins' actions through Elizabeth's eyes, the Supreme Deity commends the Sins for defeating the Demon King yet intends to destroy them for ending the Holy War by any means. The Supreme Deity overpowers the group before Meliodas and Zeldris arrive with Elizabeth attempting to convince her mother to leave, only to be confused when the Supreme Deity explains the conflict between the Demon and Goddess Clans is needed to maintain balance in the world. Meliodas reveals that his time being possessed by Demon King allowed him to view his father's memories, revealing the two gods were created to battle one another with the Holy War merely a game to them. The Supreme Deity says that an inferior being cannot have an opinion on a god's will while intending to begin a new Holy War, only to be destroyed by Meliodas and Zeldris despite warning them that her death would issue an era of chaos. After Meliodas' wedding and coronation, with Hawk and Wild in attendance, he has a drink with Zeldris while allowed to freely visit the Demon World.
Meanwhile, having slaughtered a faction of Dalhia and Dubs's mind controlled minions while rebuilding his kingdom, Arthur is approached by Merlin who informs him of the Supreme Deity's demise and that the Age of Humans and Chaos can truly begin.
A couple named Neelakantan and Devayani live on a hill inside a forest. After living in self-induced isolation for six years, They are coming to the place named ''Swarga'' which literally means heaven. There they see an unusual environment with children and calves with deformed bodies, ponds with no fish and a sky with no birds, and realize that Swarga is no heaven at all. Devayani decides to bring home a child named Pareekshit, who has never walked in his 7 years of life, who has grey hair and sores all over his body due to pesticide poisoning. Through this child, which the couple later adopts, the horror of endosulfan poisoning unfolds before readers. The couple later joins the struggle against the pesticide.
Fuzuli begins the story with a prayer to God (Ilahi). He calls Leyli the truth (həqiqət) embodiment, which adorns with the radiance of her beauty, and Majnun is called wandering in the desert of ignorance. In the rubai, Fuzuli calls God the source of love (eşq), the strength of which is likened to chains (zəncir). The world (Dünya) is called the curtain (niqab) of God, which keeps 7 roses and 10 flower-gardens (gülüstan). Fuzuli mentions that even time itself (zəman) and our mind (əql) were created by Allah. He calls to follow the Prophet's Sharia and not get carried away neither with the wealth, wine nor the hashish. Further, Fuzuli praises the Prophet, who saw Jibreel (Cibril) in reality and ascended to heaven on Buraq (Büraq). Noting the hardships of life, he nevertheless recognizes that the wine and the intercession of the rulers can facilitate the existence of the poet. As an example, Fuzuli refers to Abu Nuwas, Navoi and Nizami. He addresses many lines to the cupbearer (saqi), whom to pour him wine.
After a long introduction, Fuzuli decides to tell the love story of Leyli and Majnun. He begins his narration with the birth of a boy named Qays in the family of an Arab sheikh from Najd. At school, the boy fell in love (məhəbbət) with the beautiful (gözəl) Leyli, who fascinated him with her eyes, eyebrows and hair, as well as with her red lips as the rose. Fuzuli's Qays also finds her attractive (şirin) and compares her to a cypress, her eyes and eyebrows to a daffodil flower, and her breath to the roses scent. Over time this feeling grew into a strong love (eşq), which overshadowed the mind and Qays became a prisoner (əsir) of his feelings. However, the girl's mother fears the dishonour and shame that this love can lead to. Therefore, Leyli is forced to leave the school and mourn her separation (cüdalıq) in loneliness. Qays dwells in grief (dərd), cursing his fate (fələk), a reason for those around him to begin calling him Majnun (possessed). After a short chance meeting with his beloved, Majnun says goodbye to his friends and retires into the desert. In his farewell verse, he contrasts the mind (əql) and love (eşq): "When I see the expanse of love, I go astray from my rational path."
Majnun's saddened father finds his son in the desert and convinces him to return home. He tries to call him for freedom (azad) from the slave passion reading a verse against love, calling it a soul's affliction (afəti-can). Seeing Majnun's resistance, his father decides to matchmaking to Leyli's father who refuses to marry his daughter to a madman. Majnun's father unsuccessfully seeks a cure for his son's madness. Finally, he is advised to perform the Hajj and receive healing at the black stone (qara daş). However, even this does not bring healing. Majnun finds some consolation in the mountains. Then, imbued with sympathy, he frees a gazelle (qəzal) and a dove (kəbutər) from nets. Meanwhile, an enviable groom, Ibn Salam, is wooing Leyli. Novfal (Növfəl) finds Majnun in the desert and recruits him into his detachment, promising to reunite him with Leyli. The detachment of the Rumian Turk Novfal attacks Leyli's tribe, but Majnun suffers from the death of his beloved's relatives and does not want victory at any cost. Novfal wins, but Leyli's father insists on her sacred bond of marriage with Ibn Salam. Majnun becomes an ascetic in the desert and begins to understand the frailty of the world around him. However, through his prayers, Ibn Salam passed away and Leyli became widower. Leyli, riding a camel, goes in search of Majnun, but he does not seek to renew the relationship with her, since he has reached the "perfect state" (vücudi-kamil). In desperation, Leyli gets ill and dies. Upon learning of her death, Majnun comes to her grave and also dies. Fuzuli says that their friend Zeyd sees in a dream their couple in love in paradise.
Sisoy Salas, a corrupt reporter for a local newspaper, is forced to start an investigation following the disappearance of his colleagues and pits him against his personal interests. Meanwhile, Roman Rubio, an inmate who is routinely released from prison to carry out assassinations, is sentenced to life in prison for a crime he did not commit and, not wanting to spend the rest of his life as a hitman, begins to plan ways to regain his freedom by any means necessary.
The film begins with a male narrator's depiction of a quiet, attractive, well-manicured suburban American neighborhood in the 1950s.
Ed, an elderly white gentleman, nails a "For Sale" sign post in the front yard of his single family home. Suddenly, a well-dressed African American man in a high quality late-model automobile drives up into Ed's driveway. After greeting Ed, the African American man is joined by his wife and daughter. They all enter Ed's home for a grand tour.
Nearby, two white female neighbors begin to gossip franticly, lamenting that Ed may sell the property to an African American family. One of the female neighbors rushes home to call her husband Dick. Soon after, neighbors begin incessant telephone calls to each other's households, fearful of African American incursion in their community.
After the American-American family departs Ed's home, Ed and his wife reminisce on life in their beloved home and neighborhood. When the telephone rings, Ed's wife answers it, put off by what appears to be racially hostile complaint from one of her neighbors.
The next day, Ed stand at a local bus stop with Tom, a neighbor and fellow lodge member. Before the bus arrives, Tom expresses racial animosity towards Ed for inviting an African American family to view Ed's home. Upset, Ed rushes over to the office of Ted, a local real estate broker. Ted, who appears to have a racial bias against African Americans, asks Ed to take down his "For Sale" sign and allow Ted to sell the house to the "right buyer".
Later that day, Ed shares his frustration with his wife, his daughter and son-in-law, Bob. Suddenly, a car aggressively pulls up in Ed's front yard and throws a can of black paint onto the "For Sale" sign. Some of the paint lands onto the dress of Ed's young granddaughter, Laurie. Ed's young grandson, Bobby, attempts to chase the car as it flees down the street.
The next day, Ed stands in a local school yard watching children play. He overhears two neighbors expressing racial animosity against African-American homeownership in their predominately white neighborhood.
Disgruntled, Ted visits a prominent local banker, Ralph. Ted complains to Ralph that Ed will set off a negative chain reaction of African-American homeownership that will lower housing values. Ralph, who considers himself a "practical man", cites studies demonstrating that land values tend to go up when African-American families integrate communities. Undeterred by Ralph's pronouncements, Ted demands that Ralph convince his bank modify its real estate loan policy to curb loans to African-Americans, all to reassure "homeowners of this community, and the merchants and the service companies."
Ed's wife visits her local church minister to discuss recent occurrences in light of her biased upbringing and impulse to do the right thing by the African-American family and their young daughter. Her minister shares his church's position against ignorance and hate.
Undeterred, Ted reconvenes a follow-up meeting at Ralph's bank. Ralph reads Ted his bank's policy: "This bank is in the business of making sound loans properly secured." Ted balks at Ralph's policy pronouncement, warning Ralph that their white neighbors will flee the community, turning it into a slum. Ralph rebuts Ted, reminding him that a man's ability to pay his debts should never have anything to do with the color of his skin or where he came from. Disgruntled, Ted alludes to Ralph that he will not allow bank policy to keep him from selling real estate to white people or helping his neighbors sell their homes and relocate.
In a final scene, various members of the community meet to debate how to protect land values and thwart undesirables from moving into their community. One of them mention that Ted is already meeting with various white residents to help them sell their homes. Ralph retorts, advising the attendees that homeownership should be focused on a person's worth and ability to afford that property, "not the color of the skin, their religion, or where his parents come from."
Claudia (Méndez) is in love with Felipe (Armendariz), by whom she becomes pregnant, and after Felipe's marriage proposal, Claudia agrees to go to the United States, where she gives birth to their child. However, he has not yet gotten a divorce from his estranged wife. After discovering the relationship, Felipe's wife sends thugs to rape Claudia and record the act on tape, to be able to accuse her of prostitution and send her to prison, but due to being undocumented she is deported instead and her son remains in the United States. Desperate, Claudia looks for a way to get the baby back.
Known as "the most unfortunate girl in Japan", ten-year-old Chie is tasked with helping her troublesome Yakuza father run a small tavern in Osaka. Chie sneaks out to visit her mother, who recently left her and her father. Chie schemes a way to reunite the two, but first she tries to figure out how to get her father a real job.
After losing 20 straight games and running dead last in the four-team Triple A-level Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (NOSHO), the Sudbury Bulldogs are faced with being completely shut down. Veteran player Shore ("Shoresy") in an attempt to save the team makes a bet with team general manager Nat that the team will never lose again if he's given a chance to take control. With the help of new coach Sanguinet, a roster of new players, and the dissolution of the team on the line, Shoresy sets out to prove that the Bulldogs can play as a team, get bums in seats, and make a name for themselves.
Set in 1957, the novel follows Jean Swinney, journalist for a local newspaper who investigates the claim of a woman who says her daughter was the result of a virgin birth.
Set in Quebec City in the 1970s, the series centres on the Delisles and the Paquettes, two married couples in suburban Sainte-Foy who deal with problems in their marriages by embarking on a crime spree while their children are away at summer camp.Scott Roxborough, [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/french-streamer-salto-picks-up-dark-quebec-comedy-happily-married-1297268/ "French Streamer Salto Picks Up Dark Quebec Comedy ‘Happily Married’"]. ''The Hollywood Reporter'', June 15, 2020.
The introductory story of the game follows Mikoto Misaka, Kuroko Shirai, Kazari Uiharu, and Ruiko Saten dining in a family restaurant when they heard the grade school students' discussion of an urban legend called "Hair Cutting Bug". Ruiko then explains that a woman with scissors cut the hair of people who fell asleep in a vacant lot. Mikoto becomes interested in the urban legend and starts to investigate it with her friends.
Magic (Surface): Toma Kamijo and Index plan for their shopping using the coupon from his Academy City SNS Rondo Net when he encountered Mikoto Misaka also using the same social networking site. They share their excitement with Venus Probe Contest while Academy City launches a rocket into space.
Magic (Hidden): Motoharu Tsuchimikado is summoned by Academy City Board Chairman Aleister Crowley for a "certain command" as the chaos around the city ensues, such as mysterious bombings and traffic control system errors. He then enlists the help of Kaori Kanzaki.
Science (Surface): Kuroko Shirai is busy with her Judgment work in preparation for the Daihaseisai. She chats with Mikoto when they heard the roar of the rocket soaring to space. She mentions the connection of the rocket to the Venus Probe Contest that would be held in Academy City SNS Rondo Net.
Science (Hidden): Ruiko Saten enthusiastically introduces Kazari Uiharu to the Academy City SNS Rondo Net. Kazari becomes excited to learn that she could use the coupon from the site to purchase sweets.
The story follows Toma Kamijo receiving a device for an experiment, which was equipped with a thought-controlled MUI (mind user interface). He becomes stuck in a conversation with Mikoto Misaka after the device automatically called her based on their mutual desire for communication.
Rosalie Leynes, a young woman from a rich family, is engaged to Mike, but on their wedding day, Rosalie dies and goes to heaven. She implores a woman who looks similar to the Virgin Mary to return her to Earth in order to settle some unfinished business, which the woman grants. Three years after her death, Rosalie returns to find Mike about to poison her sickly mother Donya Natalia in order to inherit her wealth and support his parents.
Rosanna Cabuyao is the poor daughter of the caretaker of the Villafuerte family's mausoleum. One day, the body of Ramil, the last remaining member of the Villafuertes, is brought to a cemetery. Rosanna had a crush on Ramil before his apparent death, and is compelled to open his coffin, only to find Ramil alive and well. Ramil reveals to her that he is a vampire, and was once the love of Rosanna in a past life during the Spanish colonial period, only to be cursed by Lucila. Eventually, Ramil convinces Rosanna's family to come live in his mansion.
Rosario Karakol is an unattractive but loyal maid at the house of Nyora Diday. While cleaning the attic, Rosario stumbles upon a magic mirror that has the power to make her beautiful. Upon the death of Nyora Diday, Rosario is named as her heiress, but both Donya Loleng and her daughter Trixia are unwilling to accept this fact and refuse to leave the house. Trixia also plans to keep Dio, Rosario's crush, away from her.
The story takes place years after the original movie, where Puto is a single father to his son Uno, who realizes he is half-duwende. Uno, like his father was constantly bullied by Nico and his other classmates in college. Confronted by challenges in life, Uno discovers that he has magical powers which can shake the lives of people around him. The duwende trio, who were rescued by Puto, take on human form as Mamitas to take care of Uno.
An elderly man who appears to be a recluse and hoarder is found murdered in his luxury Manhattan apartment. The FBI contacts Win when two items connected to the Lockwood family – an original Johannes Vermeer painting that was stolen 20 years ago and a suitcase bearing Win’s initials – are found in the apartment. The FBI’s interest becomes clear when the victim is revealed to be Ry Strauss, one-time member of the underground group known as the Jane Street Six, who were responsible for a fire bomb attack that killed seven people in the early 1970s.
Win runs his own concurrent investigation, as he "has three things the FBI doesn't; a personal connection to the case; an ungodly fortune; and his own unique brand of justice." He soon questions his cousin Patricia. Not long before her father, Aldrich Lockwood, was murdered, an 18-year old Patricia was abducted by two people and taken to a place she dubbed the Hut of Horrors, where she was repeatedly abused before escaping. Patricia reveals that the abductors ordered her to pack a suitcase, the very same suitcase found in Strauss’ apartment. Win’s investigation has him searching for the four remaining members of the Jane Street Six, with two known to be deceased, while he also digs into family secrets over his father’s objections.
Along the way, a vigilante act Win carried out against a basketball coach and abuser leads to repercussions, nearly costing Win his life.
In Jakarta, 17-year-old Ali watches his dying father, Hasan, die of heart attack. Ali's mother Mia left them for New York City (NYC) when he was five. Initially believing that Mia had died, Ali finds letters, postcards, and flight tickets for Ali to visit Mia in New York, which Hasan hid from him. Ali reveals his desire to search for his mother in NYC, and after heated negotiations, his helicopter aunt Suci gives him two weeks. He visits an apartment in Queens where his mother stayed previously and meets her friend Party, who works as a cleaner. She shares the same apartment with Biyah, a -turned-paparazzi; Ance, a single helicopter mom; and Chinta, a masseuse. Compensated with money, they pledge to help Ali's search for Mia. They also guide Ali through NYC, and Ali helps them in their jobs so that they can earn US$10,000 to open an Indonesian restaurant, Ratu Ratu Queens ( ). Ali develops a crush on Eva, Ance's daughter born in NYC.
Through a friend, Biyah learns that Mia resides in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Ali decides to visit her, who is shocked at his presence and slams the door. Ali also learns that Mia has a new husband, Alex, a son and daughter. The next day, Ali re-attempts to engage with her and reveals Hasan's death. Mia expresses her condolences and shares her phone number. Ali and Mia meet up in a cafe near Ali's apartment, and the two spend the day together but end awry as Ali asks his mom to include him in her new family; she says this could ruin her household, also revealing that Hasan ignorantly prohibited Ali from flying to New York with the ticket she purchased.
Ali invites Mia to a Thanksgiving dinner at her old apartment. Mia feels taunted passive-aggressively by Biyah, Ance, and Chinta on her actions when Ali shows up at her doorstep. Feeling guilty, she hands a US$20,000 check to Party, directed towards Ali, and informs Party to convince Ali to return to Indonesia. Assuming Party and her friends are only after his money, Ali expresses betrayal and leaves the apartment. Mia reveals that she indeed provided the check, reasoning that she cannot abandon her new family and wants Ali to return. She tearfully responds that the more she meets Ali, the more guilty she feels for leaving him. Ali reluctantly asks her to disown her. Mia tearfully confesses that she has been a terrible mother and tells Ali to hate her so he can leave.
Ali leaves, staying up through predawn, and meets up with Eva, who advices him to go back to the apartment. He complies, and shows Party, Biyah, Ance, and Chinta a video he edited using videos he recorded while living with them, expressing his apology and positivity. They reconcile, and Ali accepts them as his new family. In the end, Ali is accepted into a local university, and as Christmas nears, Mia confides on Ali in private to Alex. In a mid-credits scene, Ali's cousin flies to NYC to meet Ali upon Suci's demand.
A group of African American redcaps at a railroad station perform musical numbers to raise donations to support a sick colleague.
The game starts in the Delian Kingdom, where the ruler, King Varic, has started an ill-prepared war. He forcibly conscripts all the students in the Brookstead Military Academy, even if they are not yet ready to graduate. Four students, Irving, Garrick, Maren, and Alden, are among those recruited, and become embroiled in war, as well as a more shadowy conflict involving nefarious figures searching for ancient magical artifacts known as Eternal Aspects, which also have the gameplay purpose of adding unique modifiers to characters' stats.
After a teenage boy discovers a chupacabra living in his grandfather’s shed while visiting in Mexico, he and his cousins take an adventure to help the creature.
The film shows events in the family life of rural African-American families living on Palmour Street in Gainesville, Georgia. It illustrates basic concepts of mental health as they relate to family life and highlights some of the ways that parents influence the mental and emotional development of their children. Also addressed are the challenges for a household in which both parents work outside the home.
Shots include: a health clinic waiting room, people dancing on the front porch, pea-shelling, communal outdoor clothes-washing with washboards and tubs, and other scenes.
Before Loki and the Time Variance Authority (TVA) arrive in 2050 Alabama to apprehend her, the Variant, also known as Sylvie, projects an emulated memory into her captive TVA agent, Hunter C-20, to collect information about the location of the Time-Keepers, the TVA's supposed creators. Sylvie and Loki arrive at the TVA from Alabama. She attempts to visit the Time-Keepers while he tries to apprehend her. However, TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer appears and attacks them both. Loki uses a TemPad to teleport himself and Sylvie away.
They arrive at 2077 , a moon that is about to be crushed by a planet, but neither can escape due to the TemPad having run out of power. They agree to work together because Loki has magically hidden the TemPad while only Sylvie knows how to recharge it. The two surreptitiously travel on a train bound for the ark, an evacuation spaceship, intending to use it to recharge the TemPad. However, Loki gets drunk and draws attention to himself, leading to guards fighting him and Sylvie. She follows him when he is thrown off the train and both discover that the TemPad was broken as a result. The two change their plan, traveling on foot in hopes of commandeering the ark to escape.
During the journey, Sylvie tells Loki that the TVA employees are all variants. Loki realizes that the TVA employees do not know this, as he was previously told that they were creations of the Time-Keepers. Loki and Sylvie fight their way through guards while avoiding a meteor shower trying to board the ark, but it is destroyed by a meteor before they can board it, leaving them stranded.
''Wayward Son'' opens about a year and a half after Simon Snow's final showdown with the humdrum and shows that a lot has changed since he fell from grace as the "Chosen One".
The story is narrated by multiple characters, including Simon, Baz, Agatha and Penny. There are interludes from new characters as well, including Shepard.
''Wayward Son'' begins with Penelope wanting a change of scene. She suggests that they go to the United States for a holiday to visit Agatha, who now lives in California. Agatha tells them not to since she will be out of town at a NowNext retreat for members and guests. (It is unknown at this time, but NowNext is also known as NextBlood, a vampire cult.) It is also in an attempt to bring Simon out of his shell, as he has become obviously depressed. The group leaves for the United States after their final exams. Penny breaks up with her boyfriend as soon as they arrive in Chicago, which leaves her undecided and without a plan. The group looks to Penny for guidance, so everyone believes it is a bad idea to be in America now that she has no real will to continue on. Nonetheless, they continue on their way to California.
On their way through the Midwest and towards California, they stop at a renaissance faire in Nebraska. While there, they kill a handful of vampires reigning terror on innocent people. After killing these vampires very publicly, they escape. During their time in the faire, they broke several magick laws; Penny constantly is convinced that she will be severely punished by her mother, who is now the Headmistress at Watford School of Magicks. After a few hours of driving, Simon notices a car following them. They drive until their car breaks down; they find themselves in a Quiet Zone, or a place where there is no magic due to the lack of "Normals" (non-magical people) in the area. The car following them pulls over as well, and the man that gets out introduces himself as Shepard; Baz notices him because Shepard gave him an American spell that helped them defeat the vampires. Simon, Baz, and Penny do not take too kindly to Shepard until he saves them from American cryptids that rule over the quiet zones. They get away in Shepard's truck and find a motel. There is a recurring theme of Simon, Baz, and Penny trying to erase Shepard's memories and leaving him behind and Shepard catching up to save them from American cryptids. They eventually allow Shepard to join their group and they forge on together.
After a distressing voice message from Agatha, the group is more determined to find her. Because of Shepard's connections, they are able to find some answers from a water spirit in the Hoover Dam named Blue. To find out more about the NowNext, or NextBlood (a group of self-made vampires), she tells them to go towards The Katherine, a hotel in Las Vegas. They follow her directions and find that they have walked right into a vampire haven. Baz goes undercover to dig up more information and is quickly intercepted by a vampire named Lamb. The plan was to get as much information as possible, but it turns into a test to determine if Baz is one of the NowNext. He does not collect all the information he needs that night because of it, but they meet again and Lamb tells Baz everything he knows. While trying to obtain this information, Baz has to show his way of living as it is not typical for a normal vampire's and is nothing like NowNext. They go back to the Katherine, where the group joins Baz. After some harsh conversation, Lamb, whom the group learns is the vampire Governor of the US, leads them to the NextBlood so they can rescue Agatha.
By the time they reach the lab where they work, Shepard is asleep and Penny and Simon learn that they are in a Quiet Zone. Chaos ensues and Baz learns that Lamb has a duty to hand over mages to the NextBlood to keep the peace. Instead of peace, Simon, Baz, and Penny are ready to fight. They are able to defeat the NowNext vampires using magic, Baz killing the leader, due to the Burning Man festival. They escape and head back to San Diego. They spend a few days there and, in that time, Penny learns that a demon cursed Shepard while Simon tries to break up with Baz. The story ends with Penny alerting the group that there is an emergency back at home and they have to leave right away.
Through a four-part adventure, the player characters become aware that the lich Nilgeranthrib seeks to become ruler of Thaliba, and they must endeavor to destroy him. The four parts of the adventure take place in the city of Porta, near the city, on the road, and in the Tower of the Dead for the final confrontation with the lich.
MI6 is searching for a Soviet space shuttle containing a deadly virus that has disappeared in the area of the Sea of Japan.
Alison is an ambitious criminal barrister who has been practising for over 15 years. She drinks heavily and is having an extra-marital affair, although she repeatedly claims to end it at every encounter. One evening, instead of going home after just one drink as she had planned, she stays on after work in London with colleagues and has one drink after another, before returning to her chambers with her colleague, Patrick, who had been flirting with other women that evening. They have sex on her desk, after which he leaves and she is found the following morning by her husband Carl (a psychotherapist), and six-year-old daughter Matilda, who come seeking for her when she did not return home the previous evening.
At home, while recovering from a hangover, the initially seemingly perfect Carl cooks for friends, but Alison causes embarrassment in front of the guests and the following day Carl responds by showing her a video of her actions from that day. Carl keeps his promises to Matilda when Alison fails to wake up in time to go on an outing to a castle. Alison is surprised that she woke up so late, despite how much she drank. When Carl and Matilda return home, he turns his head to Alison's stew, a dish she spent the afternoon cooking. In several parts he questions her reliability and ability as a mother.
The following day, Alison discovers that Patrick will be instructing her in her first murder case; Madeline, a 44 year old wealthy woman who has been found by the cleaner one morning sitting next to her stabbed husband, Edwin, in the bedroom of their multi-million pound townhouse in Clapham, London. Both Alison and Patrick take a train to Beaconsfield to visit Madeline, who is staying with her sister, Francine. Madeline insists on pleading guilty, explaining that she had drunk around half a bottle of gin that night, and cannot recall what happened afterwards. Madeline's son James had visited his parents that weekend, but returned to boarding school the night before Edwin was found dead. On the return train journey after questioning Madeline, Patrick directs Alison to the carriage toilet for a sexual encounter and Alison, despite repeating to herself that her relationship with Patrick was over, obeyed him. She was sure that Carl was doing the school pick up, but he denied it, and Alison turns up late to collect Matilda.
The main body of the story revolves around Alison's unraveling of the true series of events of the murder, her relationship with Carl and Patrick, and the parallel life of what is soon revealed to be Madeline's life of abuse by her husband. The plot includes undisclosed messages to Alison, claiming to know about her affair, further videoing of Alison's activities, rape allegations of Patrick, and how Alison begins to understand herself by understanding Madeline. At one point, Alison visits the Apple store to enquire how her husband could have installed spying software on her phone. She soon realises that it was Carl who had been sending the undisclosed messages, had been drugging her, and he had been the psychologist encouraging rape allegations towards Patrick. By this time, Patrick had committed suicide and Carl had asked for a divorce.
''Feverhouse'' is a film in which the story is filtered through the preoccupations of its characters: a gloating thief, a dissident nurse and a blind archivist.
Mrs. Lane Jones is seen working around her Maryland farm she owns with her husband, John Jones. As she works, things seem to go poorly for her. As she irons the clothes, the electricity goes out. As she walks to the shed where the generator is located, she chases the chicken from the garden. Discovering that there is no gasoline for the generator, Lane drains the car, chases the chicken, puts the gasoline in the generator, starts it, chases the chicken again, discovers that the bread she was baking has burnt, so it's ham and eggs for dinner again!
Frustrated, Mrs. Jones gives up and demands that her John sells the farm and move into town. Her sister Hattie's husband has a job in the city that pays $2000 a year, five times what the Jones' earns on the farm. As a compromise, John suggests that Lane spend a few weeks in town with her sister Hattie to take a break from grueling farm work.
Lane arrives at her sister Hattie's home. Although Hattie and her husband makes more money, they live in a very small apartment. Lane realizes that the grass in town isn't nearly as greener as life on the farm. Lane finally returns home and accepts how great life is on the family farm versus city life.
The story is balanced between a narrative in present day New York City and flashbacks starting from Addie's childhood in France to her experiences traveling the world and witnessing major historical events. It begins in the early 1700s, following Addie as a young woman burdened by a forced marriage and praying to the gods for her freedom. She accidentally catches the attention of a god of the night, who she would later name Luc, who promises her the time she wants with the caveat being nobody will ever remember her after one encounter. Over time she subtly influences many people, making marks in history and inspiring the creation of songs and art about her. Luc visits her every year after they make their deal, asking for her soul, but she refuses every time. The pair develop a relationship over time that carries on for about two decades. It ends abruptly when Luc asks again for her to surrender her soul, as Addie believes their relationship was just a gambit.
In 2014, Addie meets a man named Henry Strauss who can somehow remember her and speak her name. The pair become romantically involved until the day that Addie realizes that Henry only has 35 days left to live per conditions of ''his'' deal with Luc. Due to heavy familial pressures placed on him, Henry felt bogged down in his life, and a failed proposal made him attempt suicide. Luc visited him and granted his wish: whenever someone would see him, they would see what they desire the most. This allowed Henry to remember Addie, fulfilling her wish that somebody would remember her. At the novel's end, Addie sacrifices herself to Luc, agreeing to be his so long as he wants her at his side. She does not surrender her soul as Luc no longer wants it, claiming to be in love with her. Luc agrees to this in exchange for Henry's freedom with Addie's condition that Henry remember her. Henry publishes the stories Addie told him of her past in a book called ''The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue'', which is an instant success. Addie has hope that she can manipulate Luc to let her go and finally have peace.
The movie is about an illegitimate child Rebecca (Sharon Cuneta) who swore revenge against her father Don Roman Estrella (Eddie Rodriguez) and her legitimate half-sisters Alice (Lani Mercado) and Monet (Eula Valdez). The film's title, "Bukas Luluhod ang mga tala", comes from her swearing revenge against the Estrella family.
Rebecca started performing and soon have a successful singing career. She planned on buying the Estrella home but relents and instead made peace with her father and her half-sister Monet. The film ends with Rebecca singing the chorus of “Pangarap na Bituin” while a montage of the movie plays.
Sayaka Ogino is a 35-year-old editor of a fashion magazine living with her husband of 10 years, Kazuma. Despite a seemingly perfect life, Sayaka wants children but learns that Kazuma does not, and she confides her troubles to her friend Rui Oikawa. To her surprise, Sayaka eventually learns that Kazuma is cheating on her with Rui, and that Rui is fixated on ruining her life. The more Sayaka learns of Rui's lies, the more unpleasant secrets she learns about the people close to her.
Davis begins the film with a tour of the U.S. Patent Office in Virginia, a facility that processes over four million patents yearly.
The film profiles the following scientists:
The daughter of a switchman, after having wished good morning to her lover, a locomotive engineer, and brought her father his lunch, overhears a group of outlaws planning to derail her lover's train. The outlaws capture her and tie her to a tree. She manages to escape with the help of her dog and successfully warns the locomotive engineer. Once the track has been cleared and the train has left, the train wreckers come back to knock her out and leave her on the tracks to be run over. The engineer positions himself on the incoming locomotive's cowcatcher and rescues her from certain death. The locomotive is then uncoupled from the train and the railroad personnel chases and overpower the desperados who had fled on a handcar.Charles Musser, ''The Emergence of Cinema – The American Screen to 1907'', University of California Press, 1994, p.393.
Nanding and Anton are janitors at an insurance firm. When Nanding is diagnosed with cancer and acute tuberculosis from an X-ray, he plans in desperation to end his life quickly by hiring an assassin to kill him. However, Nanding realizes that his X-ray plates have apparently been mixed up, and so he now has to contend with the hitman who is out to shoot him dead.
Half a year ago, high school student Yūya was introduced to Mirai, his younger sister. Yūya knows very little about Mirai other than the fact that she used to be a magical girl. He watches over Mirai in place of their busy single mother, and the more Yūya gets to know Mirai, the more his boring life seems to change. However, Mirai eventually reveals that as a result of losing her magical powers, people will soon lose their memories of her.
An African-American family in Georgia works to save money for a power saw. Includes depictions of timber harvest techniques and process.
The film highlights the impoverished conditions under which many African American families lived in the southern United States during the 1940s. Narrator emphasizes the role of the church in African American educational progress, and the importance of church attendance on Sundays. The film also highlights training of nursery school children in preparation towards a better start in life than their predecessors. It also highlights African American college students from HBCU on campus, in class, at a football game, a soda shop, dances, and at graduation. It expounds on the emergence of African Americans in the modern world, and their role in an educated society.
Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are trying to have a child, but neither are fully convinced on the best way to conceive. Jake decides to raise the stakes by doing the "Jake Way".
The first idea involves Jake leading Amy through clues and finding him to have sex. Despite that, Amy still fails to get pregnant. They decide to adopt the "Amy Way" where they schedule their next sex sessions and hope for the best. They try this for six months but Amy still does not become pregnant. With no other choice, they try the "Hitchcock Way" which involves making every worst possible decision. When this still fails, Amy decides that she is "done" with trying to have a baby. Later, they talk and decide that it's just something that will come someday, even if they can't control it. They have sex and while the result is still the same, they feel more comfortable now.
Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) asks Terry (Terry Crews) to put him on a different beat. Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) gets divorced but quickly falls in love with a woman, but then accidentally ruins the paper containing her phone number. Using a tooth that fell out of her mouth, he and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) set out to track her down. They eventually find the Russian woman, Anna (Anna Bogomazova). Anna gets pregnant and they marry with Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) officiating the ceremony. However, they find that Anna's baby is from another man and they divorce. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) must get rid of two guinea pigs as his son is allergic to them, and he hides them in a precinct room with the help of Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz). After the guinea pigs multiply and cause chaos, Terry decides to send them to a lab technician.
On March 30, 1924, the Nivens, an upper class family who lost both their children in World War I, still observe Mothering Sunday, a day in which servants are permitted the afternoon off to return home and spend the time with their mothers. While the Nivens plan to spend the day away with their neighbours, the Sheringhams, their maid, 22-year-old Jane Fairchild, thinks about spending the afternoon on the Nivens' estate reading a book loaned to her by the Nivens. Her plans change when she receives a phone call from her lover, Paul Sheringham, inviting her to the Sheringham estate, Upleigh.
Jane and Paul have been lovers since childhood, with Paul initially paying Jane for sex and the two eventually developing a close relationship. Paul is the only surviving son between the Sheringhams and the Nivens and is thusly treated as a son by both families accordingly. He is due to marry a woman in his social circle in a few weeks and Jane wonders whether this is to be their final encounter.
After they have sex Paul dresses to go meet his fiancée, Emma Hobday, and leaves Jane alone in the house, warning her of when his parents plan to return. Jane uses the time to wander through the house nude, examining how Paul lives. Finally leaving Paul's home she returns to the Nivens' estate, Beechwood, early planning to spend the rest of her afternoon reading. She is met by Mr. Niven who informs Jane that Paul has died in a car accident.
Jane goes on to eventually leave the Nivens to work in a bookshop in Oxford. She marries a famous philosopher and goes on to become an incredibly successful author.
Back on Mothering Sunday Mr. Niven informs Jane he has returned early to inform the maids of Upleigh that Paul has died. It is also implied that Mr. Niven is there to clean up after Paul as there is some thought he might have left behind a suicide note as his car accident was caused by his car driving directly into a tree on a route that was familiar to him. Mr. Niven asks Jane to accompany him to Upleigh where they find that Jane's counterpart, Ethel, has returned. She takes the news stoically and Jane is relieved that any signs that she was there have already been cleaned away by Ethel. On the way home Jane comforts a weeping Mr. Niven as he is devastated that all 5 of the sons of the Sheringhams and the Nivens are now deceased.
Later that night unable to sleep Jane finally continues to read her book which contains the short story ''Youth'' by Joseph Conrad. He becomes an influential writer to her, triggering the series of events that leads to her becoming a writer. Later Jane reflects on how even in her old age she keeps the secret of what happened on Mothering Sunday to herself.
The precinct is notified that Commissioner Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick) has died. Unlike the rest of the precinct, Holt (Andre Braugher) reacts happily to the news until he is sent a last video from Wuntch, who says she wants him to organize her memorial. She did this because high-ranking members of the police are going to attend and she set up Holt to speak honestly (meaning with furious anger) about her in front of them, which would thus damage his career.
Holt receives help from Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) and Amy (Melissa Fumero), with the latter experiencing emotional overdrive, side effects from taking hormones her doctor had prescribed. At the funeral, Holt meets Adam (Michael McDonald), who describes himself as Wuntch’s true nemesis, causing Holt to become jealous. The two initially get along but while Holt prepares to make his speech, Adam reveals himself as Wuntch's nephew and plays a video where Holt recites a speech talking crudely about Wuntch. However, Holt reveals that the memorial is not the real one, as he hired the members of local improv troupes to act as NYPD members because he knew Wuntch would have one last trick up her sleeve. At Wuntch's actual memorial, Holt realizes he will actually miss her and that their mutual loathing made them both better officers, and expresses sincere condolences on her passing.
Jake (Andy Samberg) says that he has four tickets for the world premiere of ''Kwazy Kupcakes: The Movie''. He offers the tickets to both Terry (Terry Crews) and Boyle’s (Joe Lo Truglio) children. Unsure on who to choose, Jake has them decide and they both decide to fight in boxing, which ends with both suffering dangerous injuries. This prompts Jake to officially decide: he will take all three children to the movie by himself and leave Terry and Boyle at home.
In the last scene, Amy reveals to Jake that the side effects she’s experiencing weren’t in her prescriptions so she contacted the doctor. It’s then revealed that Amy is in fact pregnant and she and Jake embrace in happiness.
While being a student, Najifa marries Mitul, without her parents’ consent. For this reason Najifa's father disowns her. However, Najifa's mother-in-law treats Najifa as her own daughter. Najifa also respects her. In the meantime, Najifa and Mitul's daughter Ariana is born. After getting married, Najifa couldn't complete her studies. When Ariana is only six months old, Mitul gets murdered in a business conflict. Najifa starts a job for the survival of herself, her daughter and her mother-in-law. Shayan, the son of the owner of the company where Najifa works, falls in love with Najifa. But Najifa does not reciprocate.
Jun Andō is a closeted gay high school student living in Tokyo, with the only people knowing about his sexuality being his boyfriend, Makoto, another closeted gay man who is married with children; Mr. Fahrenheit, his gay online friend and who shares his interest in Queen and is dating a man afflicted with HIV; and Kate, a lesbian and owner of Jun's favorite café. One day, Jun catches his classmate, Sae Miura, buying manga. Miura admits that she is secretly a and, having lost her circle of friends in middle school after they discovered her hobby, she makes him promise not to tell anyone. While Jun finds to be offensive, as he believes it does not realistically portray the struggles of gay people, he agrees anyway.
As Jun and Miura grow closer, Miura confesses she has fallen in love with him during Golden Week. In an effort to try to live up to the expectations of society, Jun begins dating her, and despite his interest in her, he cannot bring himself to have sex. While discussing relationships with Mr. Fahrenheit, he reveals to Jun that his boyfriend died from AIDS last May; after their parents had discovered their relationship and that he had contracted HIV from him, they forbade them from meeting each other and he was denied the opportunity to attend his boyfriend's funeral. He makes Jun promise to return his copy of ''Queen II'' to his boyfriend's grave when he finally succumbs to AIDS. Following the conversation, Mr. Fahrenheit stops going online.
Later, Jun and Miura go on a double date to an , where Makoto is also present on a family trip. Jun suddenly receives a scheduled e-mail from Mr. Fahrenheit, who tells him that he is committing suicide to be with his boyfriend. Distraught, Jun runs to Makoto, and Miura catches the two of them together, resulting in an argument. After reflecting, Jun decides to tell Miura the truth about his sexuality, but their classmate, Ono, overhears their conversation and mocks Jun, starting a fist fight. By the next school day, the entire class has found out about his sexuality. Overwhelmed, he attempts suicide by jumping from the school building.
Jun survives with a broken arm and is hospitalized for one month. After his mother learns about his sexuality, she vows to support him, and the two decide to move to Osaka. In addition, Miura and Jun's friend Ryōhei continue to visit him. Miura lends him her manga, and as she begins to understand Jun more, she asks him to attend the end-of-term school assembly, where she will be given an award for her painting. As promised, Jun briefly attends amidst the hostility from his classmates. During the event, Miura suddenly takes the microphone to announce her support for gay people, explaining how Jun helped her accept herself and her interest in . This causes the student body to cheer, and when the teachers attempt to silence her, Ono takes the microphone, also expressing his support for Jun. Jun gets up on the stage and kisses Miura.
Several days before Jun moves away, he visits Mr. Fahrenheit's house with Miura to pay respects and fulfill his promise, where he learns that Mr. Fahrenheit had lied about his age and was, in fact, a middle school student. At the end of the day, Miura breaks up with Jun to help the both of them move on. Realizing Makoto is unable to leave his family, Jun breaks up with him as well. On the final day, Jun goes to a gallery where Miura's painting is displayed, discovering that she had painted him and titled the painting "Falling in Love."
In the epilogue, Jun attends his new school in Osaka, with a positive outlook.
A Cypriot housewife reaches menopause and decides she will no longer tolerate her husband's abuse and disrespect. She enters a world of violent and disturbing fantasies.
Suzu Naito is a seventeen-year-old high school student who lives in the rural Kōchi Prefecture of Japan with a lost passion for singing and writing songs. As a child, Suzu witnessed her mother rescuing a child from a flooding river at the cost of her own life, causing Suzu to resent her mother for "abandoning" her for a stranger's child and becoming unable to sing. The event has led to her growing distant from her father, despite his attempts to reach out, though she remains close with a group of older choir teachers, who were her mother's friends. She is alienated from most of her classmates, with the exception of her childhood friend and self-appointed protector Shinobu Hisatake, on whom she has a crush; popular girl Ruka Watanabe; her sportsman classmate Shinjiro Chikami, nicknamed Kamishin; and her genius best friend Hiroka Betsuyaku.
On Hiro's suggestion, Suzu signs into the popular virtual metaverse known as "U" and creates a beautiful avatar with freckles she names "Bell", the English translation of her own name. Upon logging into U, Suzu finds herself capable of singing again. Bell's appearance is at first criticized due to her freckles, but after making several appearances while singing and with the assistance of Hiro, who has appointed herself as Bell's manager and producer, Bell soon becomes a big hit. Following her popularity, people start to refer to her as "Belle", which means "beautiful" in French.
During one of Belle's concerts, an infamously strong and near-unbeatable user simply called "The Dragon" (or "The Beast") makes a violent appearance and ruins the concert. This prompts a vigilante group led by the self-righteous Justin to begin hunting the Dragon, accusing him of disturbing the peace of U. Using a specialized program, Justin plans to unveil the Dragon's identity to the public. Suzu feels intrigued by the Dragon and begins to gather information about him. She discovers that he is popular amongst children, who consider him to be their hero, particularly a shy boy named Tomo who was in the news with his brother and father, following his mother's death. Belle searches U for the Dragon, while evading Justin. She is led to the Dragon's hidden castle by a mysterious angel avatar and finally meets the Dragon and his five guardian AIs. Despite their rocky start, Belle and the Dragon grow close. Meanwhile, in the real world, Ruka confides to Suzu that she has someone she likes. Since both Ruka and Shinobu are the most popular students at school, Suzu mistakenly believes that Shinobu is the one Ruka likes until Ruka later clarifies that the one she likes is Kamishin. With Suzu's help, Ruka and Kamishin are able to admit their feelings for each other.
Back in U, Justin captures and interrogates Belle, aware that she is close with the Dragon, and threatens to unveil her identity to the whole world if she refuses to cooperate. The Dragon's AIs rescue Belle at the last second. However, their intervention allows Justin and his group to locate the Dragon's castle and destroy it, though the Dragon escapes. Belle manages to find him and tries to help him, but he flees before she can do anything. Suzu and Hiro immediately work to find out the Dragon's real identity before Justin can and warn him. They find a live video feed of Tomo singing a song only Belle and the Dragon know, and realize that Tomo is the angel avatar, and that his older brother Kei is the Dragon. The feed reveals that Kei and Tomo are being abused by their father. Kei's anger and steadfastness in protecting Tomo is what gives The Dragon his unbeatable strength and rage in U. Suzu contacts Kei to help, but Kei does not believe that she is Belle. Shinobu, Ruka, Kamishin, and the choir teachers reveal their knowledge of Belle's true identity and urge Suzu to sing as herself in order to gain Kei's trust. Suzu unveils herself to the whole world in U and begins to sing, gaining support from everyone listening. Seeing this, Kei decides to trust her and tries to contact her again. Unfortunately, Kei's father sees the recorded video of his abuse posted online and immediately cuts off the internet connection before Kei can tell Suzu their address.
Using local news music from the TV and buildings visible from the windows in the recording of the room, Ruka and Kamishin deduce that Kei's hometown is Kawasaki, Kanagawa, near Tokyo. Since the authorities cannot intervene on abuse charges until 48 hours have passed, Suzu quickly rushes to the city alone to find Kei. Suzu locates Kei and Tomo and protects them from their father. Once the situation is settled, Suzu and Kei thank each other for giving one another courage. The next day, Suzu returns home; she and her father warmly greet each other at the station. Shinobu praises Suzu for her bravery and decides she no longer needs his protection, now feeling free to pursue the romantic relationship he has always wanted with her. Finally understanding her mother's selfless actions, Suzu comes to terms with her mother's death and is ready to sing with her friends.
Jake (Andy Samberg) discovers through a criminal that Doug Judy (Craig Robinson) is getting married and he didn't even invite him to the wedding. He confronts Judy about this and he explains that he didn't invite him because his criminal friends wouldn't be comfortable with a cop in the wedding. To compensate this, Judy invites him to his bachelor party in Miami but will have to pose as a criminal.
Jake meets Judy's friends, which includes Mark Cuban. In Miami, they run into trouble when they find that Judy's sister, Trudy (Nicole Byer), was released from jail and nearly blows Jake's cover although they buy her silence. However, Judy's gang reveals that they stole $10 million worth of diamonds from a Russian. With Jake's cover blown, Judy decides that the best option is to make a "reverse heist" and return the diamonds before the Russian finds out. Working with Judy's gang, Jake manages to return the original diamonds. However, Jake calls the Miami police and they arrest Judy's criminal friends for stealing the original diamonds. This disappoints Judy, who refuses to let Jake go back to New York on his private jet. Back in the precinct, Jake receives a wedding invitation from Judy, who tells him that his bride is a judge and didn't want his friends at the wedding so he orchestrated the bachelor party so Jake could arrest his friends. He then asks Jake to be his best man at the wedding, which he accepts.
Meanwhile, Holt (Andre Braugher) is back as the Captain but discovers that his business card in his desk was thrown away and tells Terry (Terry Crews) to find it, not knowing Terry was the one who threw it. They replace the card with a new one but Holt finds out because of a message in the back: the card was from a person he couldn't help and the card was a reminder of his failure. To compensate, Terry and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) get him the cards of people he actually helped to motivate him. Amy (Melissa Fumero), Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker), and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) explore their options for a third vending machine. They eventually find one but it quickly gets pulled after causing a major blackout in the precinct. Boyle then reveals to Hitchcock and Scully the advantage of not having a third machine: they can punch the machine to get free items.
The Great Buddha of Shugakuen in Ueno Village, Aichi Prefecture (currently Tokai City) opens its eyes and tours Nagoya City. Inuyama Castle Buddha was sleeping a wink on the side of the shrine Masumida after the pilgrimage, and Nagoya Public Hall to return to again Nagoya city, Nagoya City Council, Matsuzakaya, Kakuozan, Tsurumai Park, Auditorium Nagoya Tour of the like, Chiryu of Mikawa Yatsuhashi and Tsunefuku Face the Great Buddha of the temple. After journeying through Hell, the Great Buddha rides in the clouds and heads for Tokyo.
Jake (Andy Samberg) asks Holt (Andre Braugher) to be part of his special task force, citing his records but Holt remains unconvinced. Then, a glitter bomb explodes on Jake's desk, causing damage to the precinct and ruining the only evidence to a murder. Holt decides to put the precinct on lockdown until they find the culprit.
To help with the case, Holt calls SFPD Detective Frank Dillman (J. K. Simmons), whom he deems the best detective he's ever worked with. Dillman's strict and fast-learning methods prove to be difficult for Jake to show he can earn the position in the task force so he sets to investigate on his own. He accuses Terry (Terry Crews) after finding his suspenders with glitter but Dillman quickly shoots down the allegation as the glitter is not the same color as the one in the explosion. Dillman then questions Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) but she proves her innocence because she was watching a soap opera during the events.
Desperate, Jake accuses Holt of being part of the bombing but he reveals he had lunch with Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to offer him the task force position. Overhearing Jake and Boyle talk, Dillman then deduces that Jake planted the bomb in order to prove himself to Holt for the task force position. Despite Amy's (Melissa Fumero) defense, Holt suspends Jake. Jake then eventually returns with more evidence: Dillman was fired by the SFPD and now works at a hobby shop and hoped Holt would give him the position at the task force. Dillman confesses to all this but maintains that he didn't plant the bomb. Boyle then arrives and solves the mystery: the culprit was the Assistant District Attorney who wanted evidence destroyed to win the trial and had an officer in the precinct plant the bomb. The officer is arrested and Jake tells Boyle to accept the task force position, citing his performance in solving the case. And despite being innocent, Holt decides not to offer any job opportunity to Dillman, having lost respect for him.
Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy (Melissa Fumero) announce to the precinct that they're expecting a baby although the squad shows no surprise nor excitement as Amy basically revealed the pregnancy earlier by hiding herself on many suits or items. Jake then meets with his father Roger (Bradley Whitford) to invite him for his child's sex reveal and upon seeing that Roger's relationship with Jake's grandfather is complicated, Jake decides to patch things up between both of them.
Jake reunites Roger with his grandfather, Admiral Walter Peralta (Martin Mull). But things start awry when Roger calls him the worst father in the world, citing his constant absence in his childhood and blaming Roger for everything. They start bonding by remembering tragedies from other people in their lives. Things start to go well until they accidentally spill the party's cake, whose color reveals the sex of the baby. They attempt to clean it while blindfolded but just worsen the situation by just expanding the cake and finding out that the baby is a boy. They call Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to help make a new cake and finish cleaning. But at the reveal party, the cake's color turns out to be green and Roger and Walter yell at each other, which ends with Walter leaving and Roger cutting his thumb and taken to the hospital. Jake visits Roger at the hospital and Roger tells him he will be a great dad, showing to be more caring than either both him and Walter. Jake then shows Amy the real sex of the baby, although they know because Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) ate the cake.
Meanwhile, Amy and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) are notified by the DA to give priority to one of their cases as it involves the Mayor. But Amy already gave the case to Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully so they investigate in their place. They find a solid lead but the witness can't testify as Hitchcock and Scully didn't write the witness' name or contact. Amy and Rosa angrily confront Scully and Hitchcock for screwing up but are both stunned when Hitchcock tells them that the witness is an illegal immigrant who feared being deported and they refused to turn that information over to ICE. Without any evidence, the case falls apart and the DA angrily tells Amy and Rosa to be strict with Scully and Hitchcock. They decide to suspend them with a one-week suspension with pay, which they're more than fine with. Terry (Terry Crews) asks for Holt's (Andre Braugher) help in practicing the flute for a NYPD marching band audition, which he reluctantly accepts. But Holt's perfectionist method has Terry quit. At the audition, Holt asks the judges to consider Terry for teaching him more about perseverance and not perfectionism. Terry is hired even though he didn't even audition as he is the only one with a flute.
On Halloween 2019, Jake (Andy Samberg) prepares the new Halloween Heist. Again, the participants will be on teams and will be handcuffed to their partner to avoid betrayals. Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) is partnered with Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller), Amy (Melissa Fumero) is partnered with Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), and Jake is partnered with Holt (Andre Braugher). Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) is left out and Terry (Terry Crews) states he won't participate after his win on the previous heist. The winners will receive "The Infinitude Gobbler" and will need to get three "Gems" by midnight to get it, all three gems will be on Bill's (Winston Story) pocket.
Jake confesses to Holt that he rigged the election so he could be with Holt and that Rosa ends up with Scully. And Amy reveals to Boyle that she indirectly suggested the idea of teams to Jake, as she knows Jake and Holt are too stubborn to work with each other. Jake uses a smoke machine to cover the bullpen, which allows them to get the Gems from Bill. However, Jake trips over a chair and the gems fall from his hand. Holt then uses Cheddar to find the Gems but they discover that while he got the gems, Cheddar swallowed them in the process. Seeing that it will take time to get the Gems out, they decide to delay the Heist until the Gems are out and when the squad has a free day.
On Valentine's Day 2020, and the Gems are put back on Bill's pocket. A group of florists start arriving and in the chaos, the Gems are taken by Rosa and Scully, who places them in his mouth. But again, the Gems are swallowed and the group waits until Easter Day to continue with the Heist. Due to health concerns, Scully drops out and Rosa, instead of partnering with Hitchcock, teams up with a filing cabinet. Jake and Holt plan to use people in bunny suits to distract everyone while also wearing one but Amy anticipated this as she had her hired actor to fake being Jake's therapist, suggest the idea to Jake. Hence, she and Boyle also dress as bunnies. In the chaos, Rosa manages to get the Gems and jump off the rooftop to a trampoline. She reveals she gave ham to Cheddar throughout the year and had the Heist delayed to everything could work, receiving help from Terry, who felt left out after a while. The reason for the delays were that due to everyone debating on who was leading with 2 wins, Rosa switched the Gems in all three heists, effectively becoming the first person to win thrice. At Rosa's celebration, the squad starts debating the number of times each one has won.
A young reporter and his photographer colleague desperately try and get some pictures of a famous but reclusive circulatory specalist that their publisher has demanded. They then take on the challenge of infiltrating a famous sanatorium known to help cure marriage problems.
Holt (Andre Braugher) and Kevin (Marc Evan Jackson) inform Jake (Andy Samberg) that Cheddar has been kidnapped after a walk in the park. They then receive a list of demands from the kidnapper, which includes evidence to a 2004 case. They deduce the kidnapper is a person who was jailed and recently got released from jail and now wants revenge.
Finding that the kidnapper has connections to a shell company, they receive a call from the kidnapper Frank Kingston (Matthew Bellows), who demands that Kevin delivers evidence files to a location as he doesn't trust Holt. Not wanting to put Kevin in danger, Jake decides to pose as Kevin and takes lessons from Holt and Kevin to learn his mannerisms. At the meeting point, which coincides with the Shakespeare Festival, Jake takes fake files and meets Kingston, who quickly finds he has guns and a fake beard. Jake frees Cheddar but he is kidnapped. Using a GPS in his pants, Holt leads a raid into the warehouse where Jake is being held. Kingston flees with Jake on a car but Holt jumps onto the car roof and then fights Kingston until he knocks him out.
Meanwhile, Amy is interested in a brand new stroller for the baby in a contest where she has to maintain contact with the stroller for the longest time. While checking the stroller, she finds her ex-boyfriend Teddy (Kyle Bornheimer), who recently got married and wants the stroller for his baby. As Amy can't compete in the contest due to her pregnancy, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) decides to compete for her. With 20 hours into the game, Rosa loses after she can't stop listening to Teddy's stories and Teddy wins the stroller. To compensate for the loss, Rosa decides to buy her another stroller. Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) presents Terry (Terry Crews) with a family recipe called "Bone Broth", which cures Terry's physical pain. They decide to get in business with the help of Terry's investor friend. But Terry takes out a key ingredient in the broth and causes the jars to explode. His friend decides not to invest but they recoup the budget from their website by selling it to one of Terry's gym friends.
Amy (Melissa Fumero) prepares to take a 3-month maternity leave when the Brooklyn borough suffers a blackout, causing chaos in the streets. Holt (Andre Braugher) and Terry (Terry Crews) end up trapped in the elevator, which prevents them from initiating the blackout protocol so Amy has to do it in their place.
Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) have to patrol the streets and catch a criminal. During this, Amy's water breaks and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) calls Jake to inform him, although he and Boyle are stuck in traffic and also have to constantly defend civilians and take perps to the precinct. They decide to drop the car and go on a street trolley. They find that one of the criminals they are taking is responsible for the blackout, as a crew intends to rob all of the area's banks. They manage to catch the criminals and restore power to the borough.
Amy starts to go into labor in the break room as there is not enough time to reach the hospital. Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker) and Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) then let Amy use their bed that they used in another room to give birth. Jake and Boyle realize they won't reach the precinct in time with the trolley so Boyle reluctantly calls Lieutenant Peanut Butter, a horse, to help Jake reach the precinct. Jake arrives in time for the birth and with Rosa's and a firefighter's help, his child is born. At the hospital, the squad meets their son, McClane "Mac" Peralta-Santiago.
The Stranger can appear anywhere and speak to anyone. While his identity and motives are unknown, his information is undeniably accurate. Adam Price, living the American dream with a beautiful wife, two sons, and a well-paying job, encounters The Stranger, who tells him a devastating secret about his wife, Corinne. But that is only the beginning of Adam's problems. Corinne explains that there is more to her deception than appears on the surface, and wants to meet Adam alone to discuss it. However, she never shows up for the meeting and seems to have disappeared. More secrets are discovered to have been revealed or leveraged by The Stranger, threatening to not only ruin lives, but end them.
Rick and Morty are about to die crashing their spaceship, so Morty calls Jessica, confessing his true feelings for her. Not knowing of his imminent death, Jessica asks if she can come over to watch a movie. Now motivated to keep his date with Jessica, Morty frantically steers the spaceship into a palm tree and splashes down safely in the ocean. Rick, furious, reveals he has been in a longtime war with his nemesis, Mr. Nimbus. Nimbus appears, and demands to meet Rick for dinner at Rick's house to negotiate a treaty (which Rick agrees to, using it as a distraction while Summer dives into the Mariana Trench to steal the magic conch shell that gives Nimbus his power). In preparation, Rick has Morty throw bottles of wine into a void where time moves faster so as to age it. Jessica comes over and requests wine, so Morty enters the void to get it. The man inside, Hoovy, is helpful to him and carries a crate, but upon returning finds his wife long dead. His son blames him but Hoovy tells him that Morty did this. Throughout the years, Hoovy's son, grandson, and onward prepare for Morty's return so they can kill him. They take Jessica, so Morty goes after her. They trick and trap him, but Morty escapes with Jessica, with the help of Rick and Nimbus, who forgives his enemy, noting that they are nothing without the other. When they return, Jessica shares her new understanding of time and leaves. However, having reconciled with Rick, Nimbus is furious when Summer enters with the stolen conch shell, and gives Rick a savage beating before summoning the police to haul Rick off to jail.
In a post-credits scene, Beth and Jerry debate whether they should take Mr. Nimbus up on his offer of a threesome before doing so and being assured by Nimbus that Rick will understand why they did this.
Ruby is a student at an elite European boarding school. Her year at school begins to unravel when her parents ask her not to come home for Christmas so they can attempt to mend their failing marriage. Ruby finds herself stuck at school with only one other student for company- Steph Nagy. While Steph remains aloof, Ruby slowly becomes more interested in the other girl.
The film show scenes impoverished areas of Lowndes County, Alabama, namely, the "Big Swamp" area. The film then highlights the Calhoun Colored School and its mission to improve outcomes for African American children. The film also show numerous scenes of African American adults and children going about their daily life, including school principal, Dr. Jerome F Kidder. The film concludes with African American children marching and performing a flag ceremony.
Mrs. Battley runs a youth center for the local authority but has trouble controlling the boys, who have hired a stripper to appear at a fundraising event.
Abel and Marianne have discovered their son has smuggled valuable items to finance a mysterious project with other children to save the planet.
The novel's setting of Terra Magica is "the world as imagined by Dark Age European geographers and bestiary-writers," envisioned as one that "actually exists as a world parallel to our own. There magic works, hippogryphs and mantichores roam free, the earth is flat, paynims worship Termagant, and there is no Western Hemisphere."Price, Robert M. ''Lin Carter: A Look Behind His Imaginary Worlds''. Mercer Island, WA, Starmont House, 1991, page 86.
The warrior Sir Kesrick of Dragonrouge seeks the purloined pommel stone of the sword Dastagard, which entails finding a wizard who intends to kill him in order to forestall this fate. His journey ranges widely through Terra Magica, and on his quest he encounters various menaces and perils while accumulating a number of allies and companions.
Chapter notes at the end of the book reference the sources in earlier fantasy literature of various creatures and character and place names used by the author.
Vern Van Winkle, the owner of KPVM-LD in Pahrump, Nevada, takes on the challenge of expanding into the Las Vegas market for more exposure.
Charles is Taoiseach, and Sorcha is appointed to his cabinet. Honor attends a Gaeltacht summer college, making her first rugby-playing boyfriend, and Ross takes up Gaelic football, playing for An Ghaeltacht GAA in County Kerry.
In 2010, after the explosion in Ordos, Kara Stanton (Annie Parisse) is taken to the hospital. A mysterious man (John Nolan) visits her, fully aware of her CIA records and identity. The man constantly visits her and then offers her a chance of working with him and get revenge against the person responsible for everything and the person who sold the laptop.
Carter (Taraji P. Henson) regains consciousness following the crash but finds Donnelly (Brennan Brown) dead and Reese (Jim Caviezel) gone. Finch (Michael Emerson) calls her and upon freeing herself from the handcuffs, tells her to leave the scene. He is told by Carter that Kara Stanton (Annie Parisse) took Reese.
Reese wakes up in a bus with Kara and Agent Snow (Michael Kelly) with both Reese and Snow strapped to a bomb suit. Carter is called by Fusco (Kevin Chapman) to go to the car crash. She is questioned by Special Agent Brian Moss (Brian Hutchison) but she claims no involvement. Fusco reveals that he knows she was on the scene as he found her earring at the crash. They meet with Finch, who gives them access to all of Kara's records but question what her motives would be.
Reese and Snow go to a warehouse where they must retrieve a hard drive for Kara. When the seller demands more money, Kara tells Reese to kill the sellers. When he hesitates, Kara kills the sellers from a distance and Reese and Snow take the drive. She has them knock out ATF agents to assume their identities but Reese uses the opportunity to send Finch a decoded message revealing his location before discarding the phone. Reese and Snow then head to a building and gain access to a secret floor where they subdue the guards to enter. Finch discovers that the floor belongs to a shell corporation belonging to the Department of Defense and the building has a cybersecurity system while developing programs like Stuxnet and Flame. He deduces Kara is trying to get a cyber-weapon.
Reese and Snow take a lab technician named Kevin (Cameron Scoggins) to gain access to the facility's main laboratory and realize that they house servers with military malware used to destroy enemy servers. There is a super virus in the servers called "Cygmus" which could be used to deactivate all technology in the world, including the Machine. The servers can only be erased if there is a security breach so Reese sets out to delete all information. But Snow, not wanting to put his life on risk, fights Reese to continue with the mission. But Kara shows up, revealing she only wanted them to destroy the servers and only cared for the drive. She takes them to another laboratory where she installs the drive, activates the bomb suits and locks Reese, Snow and Kevin on the lab. They escape but Snow leaves first, intending to go to after Kara.
Reese goes to the rooftop to let the bomb go off and avoid civilian casualties, only to find Finch waiting for him, who helps him deactivate the bomb. Kara then receives a call from the mysterious man, who gives her the name of the person who sold the laptop and writes it on a note. She gets in her car, only to find Snow in the backseat and both die as the vest explodes. The FBI then deem Snow the "Man in the Suit", closing the case and clearing Reese's off suspicion. The final scene shows the car explosion and then the note, revealing Finch as the man who sold the laptop.
In 2001, Finch (Michael Emerson) is working on an algorithm when Ingram (Brett Cullen) interrupts him to show him the September 11 attacks, leaving them to question how to work to prevent more attacks. In 2009, Ingram laments giving away the Machine to the government, feeling they could be doing much more in saving lives. He is later shown watching over Anna Sanders, an "irrelevant" number of the Machine, taking a gun with him to try to protect her.
The Machine's new number is Logan Pierce (Jimmi Simpson), a MIT dropout and billionaire who created a social network called FriendCzar with his friend Justin Ogilvy (Charlie Semine). who serves as the company's Chief Engineer and Frontman.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) attends one of Pierce's charity events, posing as a hedge fund manager. He finds Pierce is having an affair with the wife of his competitor and then Pierce leaves the charity. They find that Pierce has an erratic and irresponsible behavior, earning him disdain in the company. Reese can't watch over Pierce due to his behavior and exposes himself to Pierce, revealing his life is in danger although Pierce does not seem bothered or alarmed. He invites him to his house, where Reese finds that the board of directors decided to remove Pierce as CEO of FriendCzar. Pierce suffers an allergy but Reese saves his life by putting an air horse through his throat.
Reese meets with Finch to discuss Pierce when Pierce shows up, identifying their roles. When Finch suggests relocating Pierce to a safe house, Pierce instead takes Reese and himself to Saint Petersburg, Russia. But when Reese finds that Pierce invited his lawyer Jeremy Campbell (Chandler Williams) and friends to party, he decides to leave as Pierce doesn't take this seriously. But Reese is notified by Finch that Pierce's number came up again. Pierce runs into Justin and his goons outside who are just about to throw him off a bridge when Reese appears and saves him. Justin is arrested, and it is revealed that Pierce has been in cahoots with Emily Morton (Brooke Bloom), who has developed a superior technology. By being removed from FriendCzar, Pierce's non-compete agreement is void, allowing him to assist Emily in a new venture which will crush FriendCzar. Pierce gives a watch to Reese as a present but Finch destroys it, revealing a GPS tracker.
The novel's setting of Terra Magica is "the world as imagined by Dark Age European geographers and bestiary-writers," envisioned as one that "actually exists as a world parallel to our own. There magic works, hippogryphs and mantichores roam free, the earth is flat, paynims worship Termagant, and there is no Western Hemisphere."Price, Robert M. ''Lin Carter: A Look Behind His Imaginary Worlds''. Mercer Island, WA, Starmont House, 1991, page 86.
Sir Kesrick, Knight of Dragonrouge, together with his staunch companion Mandricardo of Tartary and their lady loves, continues their perilous quest through Terra Magica, with adventures ranging from a princess to be rescued from a sea serpent, a giant of anthropophagous inclinations, and a kingdom under an enchanted curse.
Again, chapter notes at the end of the book reference the sources in earlier fantasy literature of various creatures and character and place names used by the author.
The new number is a woman named Mira (Mia Maestro), a hotel maid. Reese (Jim Caviezel) infiltrates the hotel working as a bellhop while Finch (Michael Emerson) works as a concierge. During the mission, Reese runs into Zoe Morgan (Paige Turco), who says is working on a job in the hotel.
Reese defends Mira from Tug Brantley (Stephen Schnetzer), a guest who was sexually harassing her, earning her trust. Finch discovers that Mira is a Kosovo War survivor who lost her family. Mira, who is hiding her true identity, is being followed by a hit squad. She refuses to cooperate with a reporter investigating a Serbian general's war crimes. When the reporter is murdered, she decides to give a DVD with evidence to the authorities. Fusco (Kevin Chapman) escorts Mira to the station, where one final hit man attempts to kill her; he is shot by Carter (Taraji P. Henson).
Meanwhile, Hersh (Boris McGiver) is released from jail and is told by his boss (Jay O. Sanders) to go after Reese, having identified him. Special Agent Moss (Brian Hutchison) finds Donnelly's recommendation for Carter joining the FBI and offers the spot, but she needs to pass a polygraph test. Carter fails the test and the offer is rescinded, because Cal Beecher (Sterling K. Brown), her friend and love interest, has a record of Internal Affairs investigations.
Hersh follows Reese to the hotel, intending to interrogate and kill him. Reese stabs Hersh, and gives him a choice: seek medical attention or attack Reese. Hersh chooses the hospital. Finch purchases the hotel and promotes Mira to manager. Back in Washington, D.C., the Special Counsel calls Hersh and tells him to arrive to the city immediately. He then calls Miss May, his secretary, to write a letter for him. Miss May is revealed to be Root (Amy Acker).
High-school student Sara Chidouin is walking home from school when she and her friend, Joe Tazuna, are kidnapped and sent to a mysterious facility. They are then trapped in the facility and forced to compete in a "Death Game" in which characters decide who dies by taking majority votes. With few other options, Sara and Joe must follow the commands of their kidnappers and cooperate with the 9 other characters present. Each chapter takes place on a different floor of the facility. In the first chapter, the game is explained in basic terms. Thinking it was simply a test, most people vote for themselves, with 3 voting for the oldest character in the group, Kazumi Mishima. He is executed and decapitated as a result of their votes.
After recovering from the shock of his death and finding one more participant, Gonbee Yamada, the characters are forced to participate in the Main Game. The Main Game is a card game functioning in a similar way to Mafia— the characters are each given roles which may give them advantages during the game. The party must choose, via majority vote, one person to die. The roles include one Keymaster, Sage, and Sacrifice. Everyone else is a Commoner. If the Keymaster is chosen, everyone will die. The Sage has knowledge on who the Keymaster is. The Sacrifice will die unless voted for, in which case everyone except the Sacrifice and one other person will die. The Commoner has no power. As such, it is rigged so that at least two of them will die. During the game, they find out that Gonbee's real name is Alice Yabusame, older brother to Reko Yabusame, and was previously in jail for murder. Joe is stuck with the Sacrifice card, which sealed his fate. The party chooses to vote for Kai Satou, the apprentice homemaker, after finding out he was in contact with the kidnappers, and revealed to be the Sage. They later find out via his laptop that he plotted to rebel against them.
The group of nine advance to the third floor of the facility, where many minigames await them, giving tokens that can be used to purchase rewards and extra content not visible otherwise. Sara begins to have hallucinations of Joe that make her feel responsible for his death. Three more antagonists are introduced. One of them explains that the organization responsible for the kidnappings produces lifelike dolls, some of which share appearances of the game's participants. They also have AIs of the main characters, which Sara can talk to. The final minigame involves Sara and two of the female participants, Nao Egokoro and Reko, trying to save Q-taro Burgerberg and Gin Ibushi. While solving the minigame's puzzle, the group realizes that earlier on, the musician Reko was replaced with an impostor created using a doll body and AI made by the kidnappers. In order to save the lives of both Gin and Q-taro, Sara must decide whether she will sacrifice the doll or let her live. This decision significantly affects the game's plot; if Sara chooses to kill the fake Reko, Reko's brother Alice is killed. If she chooses not to kill the fake Reko, the doll finds the real Reko and kills her, meeting her own demise in the process.
After a number of investigations and a concentrated effort to escape on behalf of the remaining participants in the death game, they are forced to play the Main Game once again. Art student Nao Egokoro received the Sacrifice card in this round, and her execution plays out at the end unless the player votes for her. However, voting for Nao results in an early ending.
With Keiji Shinogi being revealed the Keymaster, the only two safe options to vote for are job-hopper Sou Hiyori or middle-school student Kanna Kizuchi. Kanna asks the party to vote for her, arguing Sou's computer experience would be more helpful in escaping. Sou, in turn, begs the party to vote for him after revealing that he's been proven to have a 0.0% survival rate in various simulations of the Main Game. As the party enters deadlock, it falls on Sara to break the tie. If Sara votes for Sou, Sou admits he knew his death was destined to happen and attempts to flee. He is attacked by the facility's defense system, and dies slowly from his wounds. In his last moments, he boots up a Joe AI in a computer on the third floor, which Sara interacts with and cures her of her hallucinations of Joe. If Sara instead chooses to vote for Kanna, she humbly thanks Sara for choosing her, much to Sou's dismay, and asks the party not to give up on Sou, claiming he is a good person deep down. She is given a near-painless death as vines and flowers sprout from her body. Sou becomes enraged by this choice, and starts up a malicious version of the Joe AI, causing Sara's memories of Joe to become so traumatic that she represses them completely and forgets who Joe is.
Upon advancing to the next floor, Sara and the five remaining survivors play a new game hosted by a doll named Midori by default (though the player can rename him). Their objective is to find and kill Midori by tagging him. However, anyone who gets tagged by him will be executed. The survivors are also paired up with six dolls called the "Dummies": doll copies of participants who died in the facility before the main party could meet them. On the fourth and fifth floors, the party solve puzzles, fight monsters, and search for Midori. Sara helps the survivors recover lost memories of them meeting Midori in the past. The doll Mai Tsurugi stabs Q-taro in the back under the impression that she had to kill him in order to survive. Sarah's choice between Sou and Kanna in Chapter 2 has major ramifications during this chapter. If Kanna survived, Sara reaffirms her dedication to leave with everyone alive and totally dismisses doll Ranmaru Kageyama's consideration of leaving together by killing the entire party (as two people cannot reach majority vote, nullifying the Main Game). If Sou survived, Sara will very briefly entertain Ranmaru's idea, which gives him confidence to put it into motion. This will result in Ranmaru killing either Reko or Alice, depending on who survived in the previous chapter. Eventually, the party must take part in the, "banquet" in which Sara must find the coffin Midori is stored in and kill him in order to win. As Midori becomes more and more desperate to save himself, he accuses Keiji of cheating by using the late Professor Mishima's collar on a coffin to give the impression a human was inside. He offers Sara to forgive Keiji's cheating and subsequent execution if she picks her party member, Gin's coffin instead. Her victory is scripted and Midori perishes. Afterwards, it's revealed Keiji in fact did not cheat and Q-Taro, knowing his death was coming, had sneaked into the coffin and succumbed to his wounds before the banquet started. Some dummies can die during the banquet.
The story is under development as of January 2022, currently going up to Chapter 3, Part 1-B.
''Mouchaak'' presents a fateful night filled with accidental deaths, a lottery ticket worth 1.5 crores rupees, and a few strange characters. The lottery ticket is the only way Mou Boudi could live her life on her own terms.
The Machine produces 6 numbers after having been silent for three days: Roland Danvers, Nathan Kramer, George Leary, Henri Musset, Edwin Pylar, Jack Rollins. 5 of this have been reported missing while Rollins remains active as an antiques dealer.
After being silent for three days, when the Machine generates numbers of six missing people, Reese (Jim Caviezel), Finch (Michael Emerson), and Detective Carter (Taraji P. Henson) realize that they are hunting a serial killer who assumes the identity of his victims. Reese encounters FBI agent Alan Fahey (Luke Macfarlane) at Owen Island during his search for the same killer. Due to a severe storm, residents of the island take shelter in the police station. Finch arrives at the island and assists Fahey interrogate the people in the station.
Carter, having researched the six victims, goes to help Finch and Reese. Meanwhile, Finch and Reese discover that the killer is actually masquerading as Agent Fahey, whom he had killed before Reese arrived on the island. The killer captures Finch before Carter arrives and shoots the killer. Finch and Reese later ponder why the Machine was silent for three days, with Finch suspecting that the virus Kara uploaded to the Department of Defense has infected the Machine and slowed its abilities. He tells Reese that he believes this is the beginning of a coming storm.
Richard, a successful doctor attempts to reconcile his long-estranged sister Angela in the wake of the death of their mother. He invites her family to spend a week in the Herefordshire countryside near Hay-on-Wye in the Black Mountains. Richard has remarried Louisa and her wilful daughter Melissa; Angela has three children Max, Daisy and Benjy and her feckless husband Dominic. Over a week the two families mingle, falling out and making up with complex combinations in a holiday let in the eponymous Red House. The viewpoints of the eight family members are revealed as serious undercurrents appear from the past...
The first season of the podcast revolves around the story of rescuing the missing children of Ilmater's Hope. Accordingly, the team follows the trail deep into the Dead Pines where they unfortunately attract the attention of The Silent One, a sinister creature that has the ability to steal the face and voice of whoever it pleases. The Silent One kills and replaces members of the team and in such a way it is now controlled by the deceased player and thus getting one step closer to its terrible goal.
The second season starts in the tail of the First season's story, where the two teams start fighting against each other in order to attain revenge, after a failed attempt to save the world. In this season also, The Silent One stalks the team members in order to get its aim materialized.
A giant monster appears out of Mt. Myojin, which erupted for the first time in 250 years. The Japanese government, which retains no possible way to do it, saves the scientist Dr. Saigo and his daughter Miwa of the Institute of Super Physics and Chemistry, who were once ousted from the academic society on suspicion of forging the universal cell "Setap X". Ask. The universal cell Setap X has already been completed. Dr. Saigo injects Setup X into his executive assistant, Yoide Nitta. Nitta grows into a giant Nitta with a height of 40 meters and challenges a gigantic monster!
Yuta Tanuma, a former member of the Institute for Super Physics and Chemistry, was dismissed during the development of a powerful drug that enlarges living things, and is currently helping his parents' sushi restaurant. Meanwhile, a giant squid and a giant octopus suddenly appear in Tokyo. Hibiki, a government-organized seafood monster attack unit (SMAT) commander, invited Yuta to SMAT.
SMAT introduces a new weapon "vinegar cannon" to challenge the three major monsters. However, because the monster meat that was cut off by the attack was delicious, a "monster meat boom" occurred in the world.
After her lover Beatriz is executed for the possession of Unapproved Materials, Esther flees an arranged marriage and stows away in the wagon of a group of Librarians. The Librarians distribute Approved Materials to rural settlements, but Esther soon learns that her group of Librarians is a front for an anti-censorship resistance group. She learns that Bet and Leda, two of the Librarians, are a lesbian couple; Esther confronts her own internalized homophobia. The Librarians agree to transport three women to a sanctuary in Utah. They are attacked by a sheriff’s posse, and Esther learns that one of the women, Amity, is wanted for murder.
Esther falls in love with Cye, a non-binary Librarian who must pretend to be female in order to survive in the State. Esther and Cye deliver Amity safely. Bet and Leda retire; Esther and Cye take their place.
Maleki is one of the managers of a successful company run by Rizabadi. Rizabadi instructs him to negotiate a major oil deal with the Norwegians. After signing the contract, the Norwegians want to transfer the contract amount, which is several million dollars to the company's account.
After playing chess with Elias (Enrico Colantoni), Finch (Michael Emerson) receives a new number: Monica Jacobs (Tracie Thoms), a high-ranking employee of a technology company called Rylatech. Finch infiltrates Rylatech as a new IT manager, discovering that Jacobs steals files from the company.
Reese (Jim Caviezel), meanwhile, watches Michael Cole's parents on their home when he is held at gunpoint by Shaw (Sarah Shahi) and asked to leave the property. Finch discovers that Jacobs was investigating some mysterious activities in the company, which includes the files of a person with fake data. The company then starts accusing her of stealing information and tries to silence her. Reese then saves Jacobs from a sniper and discovers that some of the company's employees work for the Chinese government and they are framing her for this. Finch prepares to meet with them when Shaw unexpectedly arrives at the library, takes a list of Root's aliases and leaves.
Carter (Taraji P. Henson) asks Fusco (Kevin Chapman) to get any vital information on Cal Beecher (Sterling K. Brown), wanting to get the identity of his informant. Beecher meets with Quinn (Clarke Peters), his informant and asks for more information on where he got the tip on Szymanski's death. Quinn lies, affirming that one of Elias' henchmen got the information. Beecher then visits Elias on jail, who assures him that Szymanski was innocent. Quinn learns of the meeting and then orders that Beecher be killed.
To help reveal the secrets of the company, Finch, Reese and Jacobs work to hack the company's servers. However, they discover that half of the staff are spying on the country. CEO Martin Baxter (Larry Bryggman) arrives and admits having betrayed the country for the future of the company's interests. Before Baxter kills them, he receives a call from the mysterious man, John Greer (John Nolan), who tells him that it's time. With this, Baxter kills himself. Finch then receives a new number: Cal Beecher.
Beecher meets with an informant to arrest a dealer. The dealer escapes and Beecher follows him to the building, where he gets into a shootout with HR members. When Fusco and Carter reach the scene, they find both the dealer and Beecher dead. The next day, after meeting with Jacobs, Finch mentions to Reese that he saw some of Rylatech's codes were similar to Kara's virus. He also found out that part of the data was sent to China and the other went to an organization known as Decima Technologies, which may want the virus to infect the Machine. Unknowingly behind them, Greer is on the phone, and when he hangs up, he looks at his phone, which has a countdown ticking on it, and smiles.
The drama revoles around a reality program. The program owner, Themiya has chosen three judges including famous singer, Agasti. Agasti has an illegitimate daughter, Esha, but refuses to reveal it. On the other hand, Esha who was told by her mother that her father was met with an accident, finds out that Agasti is her actual father. After that, Esha decides to join with the reality program to revenge upon her father as the reason of she was orphaned by father 20 years before.
In the first selections Esha did not get a chance, therefore she scolds Agasthi in the stage, Themiya requests Esha to rejoin the programme as he realizes that Esha is the only way to get revenge upon Agasthi. In the next round Esha gets selected with the votes of Wajira and Agathi's fiancée Windy. Due to this clashes happen between Agasthi and Windy but she regrets it. Esha's mother loved Agathi for years and Thatupathi, a heartbroken musician loved Samadi for years among them Samadi chooses Agasthi. But after Agasthi goes to Bhathkande university to study music he quickly forgets Samadi.
Esha learns music from Tharupathi. There he meets Udul who builds up a crush with Esha. Also Ududl's half brother Vishal, a rising star contestant builds a crush with Esha as well. In the rising star Esha meets Rehana, a rap singer she helps Esha to solve the problems with Kavya a stubborn contestant in the same reality show.
In the next round Esha gets selected from the votes of all three judges Wajra, Windy and Subhani whom Themiya selected by playing a nasty plan. Agasthi gets angry with Windy and disappears for three days. In the next round Esha gets selected by the Wajira's golden buzzer opportunity. In the fourth rounds Esha decides to reveal her secret to the country on the stage.
A famous female lawyer (Frieda Inescort) at the peak of her career has to resign in order to defend her estranged daughter (Mayo Methot), with whom she lost any contact some 20 years ago, against a murder charge. A prosecuting attorney (Otto Kruger) has a secret crush on the judge.
A story of a producer's survival during the golden years of Turkish cinema known as Yeşilçam. Semih Ates is a young, handsome and ambitious film producer who is the owner of Ates Film. When he is betrayed by his business partner Vehbi, Semih is forced to leave everything behind and start a journey from scratch. He immediately opens a new company named Buyuk Ates Film and aims to make a successful film as soon as possible in order to survive in the Turkish film industry. At the same time, he tries to win back his unforgettable ex-wife, Yeşilçam's famous actress Mine Cansu. Hakan, who is both Semih's partner and Mine's brother, introduces Tülin to Semih, whom he saw by chance and believed to have starlight. Tülin, a young and talented girl, will slowly change the balance in Semih's life.
The novel's setting of Terra Magica is "the world as imagined by Dark Age European geographers and bestiary-writers," envisioned as one that "actually exists as a world parallel to our own. There magic works, hippogryphs and mantichores roam free, the earth is flat, paynims worship Termagant, and there is no Western Hemisphere."Price, Robert M. ''Lin Carter: A Look Behind His Imaginary Worlds''. Mercer Island, WA, Starmont House, 1991, page 86.
The story features two characters introduced in previous volumes, Mandricardo of Tartary, namesake of his purported ancestor from Carolingian legend, and his lady love, the Amazon Callipygia. The bickering duo resumes their quest through Terra Magica in adventures involving a magic carpet, a troll's ring, a salamandre and undina, the wicked enchanter Gorgonzola and his assistant Limburger, and such other worthies as Akhdar the Green, Ithuriel, and various princesses, nabobs and demons.
Again, chapter notes at the end of the book reference the sources in earlier fantasy literature of various creatures and character and place names used by the author.
The novel's setting of Terra Magica is "the world as imagined by Dark Age European geographers and bestiary-writers," envisioned as one that "actually exists as a world parallel to our own. There magic works, hippogryphs and mantichores roam free, the earth is flat, paynims worship Termagant, and there is no Western Hemisphere."Price, Robert M. ''Lin Carter: A Look Behind His Imaginary Worlds''. Mercer Island, WA, Starmont House, 1991, page 86.
Bickering lovers Callipygia the Amazon and Prince Mandricardo of Tartary (descendant of the famous one) continue their quest through Terra Magica, seeking their way home to their happily ever after amid the perils of the fabled lands they traverse. Finding themselves trapped on a flying island none have ever escaped, they are launched into new adventures into far-distant realms, involving magic, menace, a wishing ring and an ogre's wrath.
Again, chapter notes at the end of the book reference the sources in earlier fantasy literature of various creatures and character and place names used by the author.
In 2011, Fusco (Kevin Chapman) buries Detective Stills' corpse in the woods.
Flashing back to 2004, Fusco meets with Stills (James Hanlon) on a bar, saying that his wife is divorcing him and taking custody of his children. Stills then allows him to stay at his home. Later, Fusco is called by Stills to an apartment where an officer, Azarello, shot a dealer and they stage the scene to look like a legitimate shooting and prevent Azarello from suspicion. In 2005, Fusco once again helps Stills and Azarello to cover a drug deal gone wrong and earns part of their money.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) follows the new number: Dr. Richard Nelson (Dennis Boutsikaris), a highly decorated doctor. Nelson has a strained relationship with his daughter, Molly (Allison Scagliotti), who opposes his faculty's use of animals as experiments. Nelson's health starts deteriorating, with constant nosebleed, vomiting blood and loss of hair.
Finch (Michael Emerson) investigates Nelson's office and finds high levels of alpha particle radiation and realize that Nelson digested Polonium at a party which caused his poisoning. Nelson has less than 24 hours to determine the deadly toxin he was given and find the person behind the attack. Reese is forced to partner with Nelson to track down the killer after they both realize that the radiation has no antidote.
Meanwhile, After Cal Beecher's funeral, Fusco confronts Simmons (Robert John Burke), accusing him of being complicit in Beecher's murder. At the precinct, Fusco is interrogated by Detective Soriano (Ned Eisenberg), who suspends his badge and gun. Azarello has mentioned that Fusco has been covering for Stills and him for some time. Carter (Taraji P. Henson) starts getting suspicious of Fusco and when talking to Fusco, she feels unwilling to learn more about him as he brings up his past crimes. At the location of Stills' body, the officers fail to find the body and Fusco is released. It's revealed that Carter and Bear dug up the body and Elias had Azarello change his testimony in jail. Returning to the precinct, Fusco is handed a new file by Carter to investigate: Cal Beecher's murder.
Reese and Finch take Nelson to confront his boss, Vincent Cochran (Scott Jaeck). Cochran confesses to poison Nelson, intending to hide the company from insider trading investigations. However, Cochran realizes he has been poisoned by Reese. Nelson makes some last arranges before dying, thanking Reese for helping him in his last hours. This prompts Reese and Finch to question how the Machine gave them late numbers with no way to change the outcome. The episode ends as the Machine's primary systems malfunction and go offline.
''The Furies'' is a novel in which there is an invasion of giant killer wasps.
The film takes place in a unspecified near future in a small Japanese town, which the technology company Hoshima uses as test site for multiple AI controlled systems and robot. The story follows high school student Satomi Amano, who lives with her mother, the Hoshima employed AI specialist Mitsuko Amano. After a past incident, Satomi is isolated at school, shunned by her classmates, and estranged from her childhood friend Toma. Her mother is preparing a secret test of a newly developed AI system, which is supposed to be indistinguishable from humans. In this test, the AI is to spend a few days in Satomi's class in a realistic looking robotic body as exchange student Shion Ashimori. Shortly after having been introduced to the class, Shion surprises everyone by recognising Satomi, asking her whether she is happy, and breaking into song. In the following days, Shion is bent on making Satomi happy. She helps Satomi find friends, helps these friends with their problems, and goes on to fix Satomi's relationship to Toma, all with the power of song. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that someone mysteriously manipulates the recordings of the school's security system and Shion's telemetry results to hide Shion's unconventional behavior from Hoshima. When the company eventually gets wind of this, Shion is violently taken in and prepared for deletion. But Satomi and her friends decide to rescue her, and Shion's mysterious link to Satomi is revealed.
In 2010, Finch (Michael Emerson) visits Nathan Ingram (Brett Cullen), where he tells him his plans to propose to Grace (Carrie Preston). Finch worries that she wouldn't handle to know his real identity but Ingram assures him they have the best lawyers to get rid of the problem. Finch proposes to Grace a few days later and she accepts.
He follows Ingram, who has been ignoring his calls, to a library (which would eventually become his main headquarter). Ingram states that he has been acting alone in protecting the "irrelevant" numbers in the Machine although he had more losses than savings. Fearing that the government will pursue Ingram if they find out, Finch removes his admin access to the Machine. Finch leaves and the Machine is shut down, but not before revealing that Ingram is the next number.
The Machine has been unable to produce a single number in 10 days. Finally, it produces a new one: Ernest Thornhill, CEO of a data entry company who has been buying several payphone companies in New York. Reese and Finch infiltrate the company and find that the employees just submit useless numbers on papers, deducing the company is a front for criminal organizations.
In Washington, D.C., Special Counsel (Jay O. Sanders) receives information that the chip on Alicia Corwin's corpse belonged to Decima Technologies, a Shanghai-based private organization and suspects that Decima may attempt to destroy the Machine. He is then taken hostage by his secretary, Root (Amy Acker). She then calls Finch to question about the failure of the Machine's recent activities but he reaffirms his lack of knowledge.
Reese tries to reach Thornhill who is arriving to the city in a car but one of Decima's employees sends a drone to nuke the car. However, Reese finds no one in the car. After some investigation, Reese and Finch find that Thornhill does not exist, having been created by the Machine. Finch then receives a message from Root, telling him to meet but hides this from Reese. He meets with Root, who tells him that the Machine is resetting when the virus countdown ends and will make a payphone call at midnight, whoever answers will have admin access to the Machine and Decima wants that. He agrees to help her when she threatens Grace's life. Reese, on the other hand, meets with Shaw (Sarah Shahi) on Thornhill's "apartment", where she tells him she is going after Root, who also follows Thornhill. The police arrives at the apartment but Shaw flees and Reese is captured.
HR orders the death of Carter (Taraji P. Henson) but Finch is unable to get her number and realize she is in danger while also seeing that Decima has employees ready to answer the payphone. Shaw poses as Reese's lawyer and helps him escape, revealing that Finch called the police on Reese but Reese also put a GPS tracker on Finch's glasses. Root and Finch enter Thornhill Enterprises where Root finds that the numbers on the papers were data that the Machine was saving and leave the office. Carter and Terney (Al Sapienza) get a lead on Beecher's killers but before Terney can kill her, Carter kills the murderers. Terney then has the gun removed and the police arrests Carter for shooting the victim without motive.
Reese and Shaw reach Thornhill Enterprises to find Greer (John Nolan), who explains that the virus came from the laptop that Kara and Reese were sent to retrieve in China and that the person responsible for selling the laptop was Finch. Finch and Root reach the New York Public Library, where the phone call will take place. Reese and Shaw arrive too and subdue Decima's henchmen. The machine reboots and Root answers the phone but Finch splices the call to a payphone near Reese so he too can answer the phone. Reese answers and the Machine replies with "Can you hear me?"
Reese (Jim Caviezel) saves a diplomat's son from a group of kidnappers. Meanwhile, Shaw (Sarah Shahi) saves a con man from a mobster after the con man scammed his daughter and kills his hitmen. Despite helping them, Finch (Michael Emerson) starts worrying about the level of violence that Shaw employs in her missions.
The new number is Petty officer second class Jack Salazar (Rey Valentin), a sailor who only joined to avoid jail time and along with his crew, is leaving for the Fleet Week. Reese loses track of Salazar after a bar fight. He asks for help from Carter (Taraji P. Henson), who has been demoted to patrol officer. Carter takes him to an underground nightclub in a deli where sailors are present, including Salazar. Reese then sees as Salazar is attacked by FORECON Marines who try to kidnap him but Reese saves him and flees with him.
While tending to their wounds, the team realizes that Salazar's friend, Robert Johnson "R.J." Philips (Alano Miller), participated in smuggling with the FORECON Marines and smuggled diamonds in Cuban cigars. R.J. has been kidnapped by the smugglers and Reese and Salazar locate his hideout, finding R.J. tied to a chair with explosives ready to blow. The lead of the smugglers, Rip (Max Martini), appears on a phone and indicates to Salazar that he must meet with him and follow his instructions or R.J. will die.
Carter decides to help them and asks Elias (Enrico Colantoni), who is being protected in a basement after releasing him. Elias gets him the address of a Flatiron District pawnshop where the smugglers may be heading. Reese leaves to find Salazar and the smugglers while Fusco (Kevin Chapman) helps to defuse the bomb. Salazar gets to the pawn shop with the diamonds and gets himself into a conflict between the smugglers and the Russian pawnshop owners. It quickly descends into a shootout with Reese and Salazar fleeing and Shaw killing many of the Russians to save them. Unknown to everyone, Scarface (David Valcin), Elias' right hand, enters the pawn shop, gets the diamonds and money and leaves.
Fusco manages to difuse the bomb and free R.J. After the events, Carter returns home, where it is revealed that she has her own investigation on HR and Cal Beecher's murder. Reese talks with Salazar, who is about to return to his post, and both wonder about the pursuit of a happy life.
Throughout the episode, it's shown that Root (Amy Acker) has been held at a psychiatric hospital under the name "Robin". Root constantly lies to her therapist, Dr. Ronald Carmichael (Bruce Altman), and even steals his phone, which gives her solitary confinement. In the final scene, she has another session with Carmichael, where she reveals very personal details about him and his unethical activities in the hospital, revealing she still uses the Machine. She wants him to return her the phone because she was arguing with the Machine about the possibility of killing Carmichael.
Paulinka is a daughter of a petty nobleman ("village ''szlachtic''") Sciapan Krynicki. She falls in love with the local teacher Yakim Saroka. The father disapproves this planning her marriage with a wealthier ''szlachcic'' Bykovsky. Paulinka and Saroka are planning to run away, but Yakim is arrested for his revolutionary views, ratted out by Bykovsky.
Play directors often replace the finale with a more optimistic one: the pair does run away.
Visiting Beecher's grave, Carter (Taraji P. Henson) talks with Beecher's godfather, Alonzo Quinn (Clarke Peters), who states that Elias' henchmen may be responsible for his death but Carter expresses her doubts. This prompts Quinn to consider that Carter may be a threat for HR while Carter calls Fusco (Kevin Chapman) to investigate the police database for information on Beecher's murder.
The Machine produces a new number: Wayne Kruger (David Alan Basche), CEO of Lifetrace, which specializes in revealing members' privacy on their profile pages and selling it to various organizations. Reese (Jim Caviezel), Finch (Michael Emerson), and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) monitor Kruger's activities in the company, which is currently making a deal with another large retail company called Riverton. Reese and Shaw infiltrate one of Kruger's parties and see how someone uses a video to show Kruger's infidelity to his wife. They also discover that Kruger buries all type of negative publicity and legal issues that could impact the company.
Kruger starts seeing his life crumble as his assistant quits after finding an audio of Kruger making a sexist comment about her, Riverton pulls out of the deal after his recent controversies and finding he was a criminal, and the board of directors decide to suspend him. After an attempt of his life, Kruger leaves the building. His car is hacked and he crashes, so Reese rescues him and takes him to the library. Finch discovers that multiple of Lifetrace's victims have been receiving anonymous packages to get revenge on Kruger.
Carter begins her shift with her new partner, a rookie named Mike Laskey (Brian Wiles). Laskey proves to be very difficult to work with, mainly for his lack of preparation and constant disgust at the corpses. After a talk with Carter, Laskey gains more confidence on himself. At the precinct, Fusco enters to check on Beecher's database but he is denied access.
With Kruger's help, the team finds that a janitor in the company, Carl, is actually called Stu Sommers (Gary Basaraba), a man whose daughter was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend after he used Lifetrace to follow her. They find he has a background in engineering, which explains how he could hack the elevator, videos and car. When he receives an e-mail from Riverton that wants to reconsider the deal, Kruger knocks Finch out and escapes to a hotel, despite the fact that Sommers already read the e-mail and is heading there. Kruger holds Sommers at gunpoint and has him enter the meeting with Riverton's vice president, Peter Collier (Leslie Odom Jr.). When Collier reveals that the deal was not reconsidered, Kruger tries to kill Sommers but Sommers gets the gun. Reese arrives and convinces Sommers to drop the gun, as it won't do any good to his daughter's memory.
Just then, Collier pulls out a gun and shoots both Reese and Kruger. He reveals to Sommers that he sent him and others the packages and allows him to go. He then talks to Kruger, blaming him for everything that people lost with their privacy, shoots him in the head, killing him and escapes. Shaw arrives and help an injured Reese to stand up. They talk with Finch, who reports that Collier didn't return to Riverton and fears what could happen next with Collier.
The game takes place five months after the events of ''Trails of Cold Steel IV'' and the end of the Great Twilight. Crossbell's Special Support Section (SSS) led by Lloyd Bannings, oust the remaining imperial forces from Crossbell and reclaim independence. Later they're preparing the city for the reindependence ceremony, but once started, it's interrupted by Rufus Albarea, the former Governor General of Crossbell and the righthand man of the deceased Chancellor Osborne who's seemingly freed from prison. He easliy overpowers the SSS and forces them to retreat, he then reclaims Crossbell as his territory and reveals his intention of uniting the world under the branch of Crossbell Unified nation with him as the Supreme Leader.
At the same time in Erebonia, Rean Schwarzer and his students are having a vacation in Ymir, Rean's hometown where they are approached by Matteus Vander, who recruits them to find the missing Prince Olivert and his wife. Rean assembles the members of Class VII and together start looking for clues in the capital, where they cross paths with a group led by mysterious "C". They discover that C is Rufus, who denies his actions as the Supreme Leader and instructs the Class VII to look for the missing prince in Nord Highlands.
Meanwhile, Rufus and his team, consisting of Swin Abel and Nadia Rayne, defectors of a secret society known as Garden, as well as Lapis Rosenberg, a sentient doll are investigating Rufus's "doppelganger" in Crossbell and the source of his power, receiving help from Duvalie the Swift and Renne Bright, defectors of Ouroboros as well as Arios Maclaine, a famous bracer of Crossbell. They discover that Lapis is the personality of a singularity named Elysium, which possesses powerful calculation abilities and can bring them to life.
the SSS, Thors Class VII, Rufus's team and the Liberlian bracers join together to liberate Crossbell and succeed, but it is revealed that the Supreme Leader was another puppet as a weapon suddenly appears out of nowhere and threatens the world.
The heroes later assault the weapon and discover the true mastermind is an alternate version of Rean from another timeline calculated by Elysium in which Rean did not separate Ishmelga from himself and became "Ishmelga-Rean", the Awakener and pilot of the fully reforged Great One. The unlikely existence of Great One allows the spirits of Valimar, Ordine and El-Prado (Rufus's Divine Knight) to come to their aid and Rean manages to separate his other self from Ishmelga while Lapis deactivates Elysium, wiping the Great One out of existence in the process. With its dying breath, Ishmelga sets the weapon on destroying whatever humans hate, while the others escape, Rufus remains behind and announces to the world that he is responsible for the recent incident and thus driving humanity's hate to himself and the weapon, but Lapis, Swin, Nadia, Lloyd, the SSS dog Zeit and Rufus's cousin and step brother Jusis save him before the weapon destroys itself.
Rufus survives his injuries and is free to go since the world believes he is dead. With no threat of reannexation, the heroes watch as Crossbell goes with the reindependence ceremony and gains a permanent freedom.
The game contains multiple side-stories, some leading up to the main story, and others foreshadowing the events of Kuro no Kiseki.
''Alchemy Stars'' takes place in Astra, a world different from our own, inhabited by people known as Aurorians who are constantly fighting against evil beings called Eclipsites. Another group, known as the Caelestites, had special abilities that let them fly gigantic sentient airships known as Colossus and had psychic abilities to let them connect with each other. However, one day, a Caelestite named Schummer sold out her home to the Eclipsites in exchange for power, leading nearly all the Caelestites to be massacred.
Players take on the role of the Navigator (named by the player in-game), a survivor of the Caelestite race who has spent roughly 17 years hiding from the Eclipsites in a Colossus named Soroz. When an Aurorian named Vice and her two comrades stumble across the Colossus while fighting off Eclipsites, the Navigator uses his power to help Vice defeat the enemies, and soon finds himself thrust into the middle of a war against the Eclipsites involving several factions of Aurorians with different agendas.
At the Sword of Logos' ''Agastya Base'' space station, the guardian Asmodeus rebels and takes control of all the books containing the Kamen Riders and Super Sentai's stories, merging them into one story. Meanwhile, Touma Kamiyama, Mei Sudo, and Yuri are transported to the world of ''Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger'' while Zenkaiger members Kaito Goshikida, Gaon, Magine, and Vroon are transported to the world of ''Kamen Rider Saber''. Kamiyama's group encounter Juran while he is searching for his teammates, help him repel one of Tozitend's attacks, and meet a young boy called Shotaro. Regrouping at the Zenkaigers' headquarters, they make contact with Goshikida's group through Secchan and learn of what happened from Sophia.
Suddenly, Asmodeus uses his powers to send Goshikida and Rintaro Shindo to a world based on ''Journey to the West'' and Kamiyama, Juran, Sudo, and Shotaro to one based on ''Nansō Satomi Hakkenden''. With help from several Riders and Sentai warriors they meet along the way, both groups get to the end of their respective stories and reunite to confront Asmodeus. However, he convinces Shotaro that both the Riders and Sentai groups should not exist as they always suffer over the course of their stories. Shotaro destroys his drawings, causing the Riders and Sentai to disappear. While vanishing, Kamiyama discovers he and his friends were part of a story as well instead of the real world before waking up in a world where they live peaceful lives and the battles they faced never happened. Realizing that facing hardships is what makes heroes human and that Shotaro is actually a young, time-displaced Shotaro Ishinomori, the creator of the Riders and Sentai's stories, Kamiyama finds and convinces him to create heroes again. Together, they create a new story called ''Super Hero Senki''.
Concurrently, Asmodeus joins forces with the Riders and Sentai groups' enemies to take over the story worlds, only to be opposed by the Sword of Logos, Zenkaigers, Twokaizer, and their Rider and Sentai predecessors, who destroy the villains while Asmodeus is defeated by Kamen Riders Revi and Vice. Asmodeus absorbs his fallen allies' machinery to enlarge himself and transform into a dragon, but the Sentai warriors summon their mecha to join the Riders in destroying him. As the heroes return to their respective worlds, Kamen Rider 1 recognizes Shotaro as his creator. Though the latter realizes he is at a point in time where he is already dead, he rejoices knowing that his creations will continue inspiring others long after his death and promises to fulfill his dream of making hero stories before returning to his time. The ''Agastya Base'' s books are restored while Kamiyama, Sudo, and the Zenkaigers stop by the Colorful cafe to celebrate their victory and discuss Revi and Vice's story.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Shaw follow the new number: Ian Murphy (Warren Kole), a man who has been dating many women in a very short period of time. Checking his apartment, Reese discovers evidence of Murphy stalking women and more information leads the team to believe that Murphy is a serial killer.
Using an app that Murphy frequents, Shaw, Carter (Taraji P. Henson) and Zoe Morgan (Paige Turco) go to a nightclub to try to get close to Murphy with Reese and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) watching over them. Murphy arrives and invites Carter for dinner on his house the next day, which she reluctantly accepts, making her the new target of Murphy. Carter has dinner with Murphy on his house and the evening turns out to be calm, ending with a kiss. Outside, two hitmen approach Murphy and Carte and Shaw kill them to defend him.
Meanwhile, Hersh (Boris McGiver) begins looking for Root (Amy Acker) in many psychiatric hospitals. On her session with Dr. Carmichael (Bruce Altman), Root states that the Machine has a plan for her, which includes being held at that hospital. That night, Root uses the machine to steal prescriptions from the hospital. When talking to the hospital staff, Finch (Michael Emerson) finds that Root has been talking with someone else, unaware it is the Machine.
Fusco discovers that the hitmen that tried to kill Murphy were sent by Bruce Wellington (Ron Raines), a philatronphist whose daughter Dana was killed, Dana was also one of Murphy's ex-girlfriends. The team questions Murphy and he explains that while he admits to stalking the women, he only sees it as "research" and that he never hurt anyone, as their relationships aren't supposed to last long. He also explains that he dated Dana on college, she got pregnant but he was paid by Wellington's men to leave town, threatening to kill him if he returned and being told that Dana had an abortion. He never contacted the family and only recently attended Dana's funeral, where Wellington screamed at him. Finch later discovers that, contrary to what Wellington said, Dana didn't have an abortion as Wellington never liked Murphy and didn't want him anywhere close to him. His son, Alex, has been living with his aunt.
Reese, Shaw and Zoe confront Wellington about keeping the child and knock him out. Murphy, on the other hand, poses as Alex's driver, and takes him to a park to talk with him. Carter then helps Murphy get Alex's birth certificate, which will grant him custody of his son. At the hospital, Root uses the prescriptions to incapacitate everyone in the hospital through the vents system. Hersh arrives and starts a shootout but Root manages to shoot him in the shoulder, although the Machine tells her to not kill him. Root escapes just as Finch arrives to the hospital and watches in horror the scene.
Set in the near future and an alternate reality where humanity develops technology and forms society based on the substances found in human brains. These substances also grant humans extrasensory superpowers. The Other Suppression Force (OSF) recruits members with supernatural abilities to protect humanity from the Others, mindless mutants descending from the Extinction Belt.
After saving a veterinarian from hitmen, Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Finch (Michael Emerson) investigate their new number: Vanessa Watkins (Kathleen Rose Perkins), a prominent New York prosecutor married to Jeremy Watkins (Daniel Cosgrove), a Defense Attorney who went missing some time ago. The police, led by Detective Gary Cameron (Paul Ben-Victor), arrest Vanessa, having found evidence that she killed her husband.
Fusco (Kevin Chapman) is asked to check on Vanessa in her interrogation room but finds her lawyer unconscious, half-naked and Vanessa nowhere to be seen. Reese and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) then discover Vanessa meeting with a recently paroled criminal named Reginald Marshall (Treach), who gives her a kilogram of cocaine. When a group of police, including Carter (Taraji P. Henson), closes in to her, Vanessa flees in a truck while insisting that she did not kill Jeremy. While talking to Reese, Carter finds her partner, Laskey (Brian Wiles), walking in and spotting them.
Shaw infiltrates in Vanessa's friends group and finds that her best friend, Nicole (Annika Boras), had an affair with Jeremy. Finch investigates Jeremy's murder and learns that he owed a great deal of money to a gangster while it appears the DNA collected on the scene may be incriminating Vanessa. Reese takes Vanessa and brings her to a safe house where Reese, Finch and Carter will decide her fate on a trial, still unsure if she is guilty or innocent.
Vanessa explains that due to Jeremy's insurance, she would never receive money if he died and found evidence of bribery in the precinct to incriminate her in the crime scene. After a few moments, they declare that Vanessa is innocent but also discover that Jeremy, who turns out to be alive, has emptied his bank accounts. They then conclude that Jeremy framed her and Reese drops Vanessa at a bus station to flee as Jeremy may try to kill her. But the team discovers that Vanessa lied in the testimony, had a fake passport for herself and didn't leave the town, she intends to kill Jeremy. Somewhere else, Laskey meets with Raymond Terney (Al Sapienza), revealing he is part of HR.
In his yacht, Jeremy is held at gunpoint by Vanessa. Reese arrives but instead of saving Jeremy or talking Vanessa out of it, he just leaves his gun next to Jeremy and leaves the yacht before untying it from the port. Reese then has Finch call the authorities as gunshots are heard from the yacht, not revealing who survived or died.
In World War II during the summer of 1942, the Battle of Midway is won by the Japan. Two of the United States' handful of carriers in the Pacific were blundered into a Japanese submarine picket line and were sunk, while a third is destroyed the next day. The United States Navy now only has one carrier remaining in the Pacific against nine Japanese ones, while the ragtag remnants of U.S. battleships – an armada still reeling from the defeat at Pearl Harbor in the December of the previous year – are in even worse shape.
Japan now has control of nearly the entire Pacific Ocean. Soon afterwards, Japan invades Alaska while Hawaii gets put under blockade. The Panama Canal is soon clogged with traffic while towns and cities on the West Coast of America are subjected to bombing raids.
Despite these disasters, the U.S. begins to fight back against the Japanese. Limited counterattacks by the Americans are made and a grand plan is put forth to lure the Japanese into an ambush that could restore the balance in the Pacific and give the Americans forces a fair fighting chance.
Maury Terry, an investigative journalist, made it his life’s work to prove that Berkowitz, better known as “The Son of Sam,” was not alone on his killing spree. Berkowitz is now serving a 300-year prison sentence for the shooting of 13 people and killing six between July 1976 and July 1977. He was the only one who was ever charged for these crimes, but Terry insisted that Berkowitz was acting on behalf of a satanic cult known as “The Children,” which allegedly was connected to Charles Manson.
There were many guesses and theories for Terry’s suspicions, which he detailed in his 1987 book ''The Ultimate Evil''. The police sketches of the murderer based on eyewitness accounts did not resemble Berkowitz, and Berkowitz even alleged that he did not commit all of the Son of Sam murders himself and, as recently as 2020, that he was a member of a cult. Zeman recalls NYPD detectives saying off the record that they believed "Berkowitz did not act alone."
Zeman calls Terry “the last victim” of the murders because of the obsession with the case that consumed his life. He first met Terry during the making of his 2009 documentary ''Cropsey'', and they discussed the case and Terry's convictions at length before Terry’s death in 2015. The evidence that Terry left Zeman inspired the docuseries, as he explains in the first episode.
Charlie Leroy is a self-centered, career-driven lawyer who succeeds in getting her client, an accused rapist, acquitted on the grounds that his accuser was wearing thong underwear at the time, which Charlie argues indicates that the sex was consensual. Charlie does this cynically, as she herself is wearing thong underwear that day. After celebrating her court victory, Charlie is given a ride by a magical taxi driver, Hubert, who causes her to travel through time to different moments in French history, as well as events in Charlie's own life and the life of her parents, so that she learns about the previous struggles of women to gain equality, and also gains a better understanding of her own mother's life and struggles. Charlie is then brought back to the morning of the trial, so that she can handle the trial differently.
Events in which Charlie participates include: * The trial of Joan of Arc in 1431, where Charlie, who is suspected of being in league with the devil due to her red underwear, is subjected to trial by water * Her parents getting their first bank account (which will be controlled by her father) in 1964 * A brief encounter with a violent caveman in prehistoric times * A romantic evening of conversation with George Sand in 1850 * A political meeting with Olympe de Gouges and Nicolas de Condorcet relating to the Declaration of the Rights of Women, in 1793 * Seeing her father acting abusively to a young Charlie and her mother, on the first observation of International Women's Day in France, in 1982 * Accidentally running over Pierre Curie on a wagon, then convincing Aristide Briand (who is then Minister of Education) to appoint Pierre's widow Marie Curie to the professorship he held, in 1906 * Meeting (and seducing) Napoleon Bonaparte as he is drafting language defining the roles of husband and wife that is subsequently included in the Napoleonic Code of 1804, in 1803 * Meeting her grandparents at a polling place during the first French elections allowing women to vote in 1945 * Witnessing the trial of Marie-Claire Chevalier in 1972, along with Simone de Beauvoir
The second time through the present-day trial, Charlie surprises everyone by deciding to represent the rape victim instead of the accused, and the trial ends in a finding of guilt.
In 1993, paramedics arrive at a car crash where the driver died. One of the paramedics saves the driver's young daughter, a young Shaw. Shaw asks for her father but the paramedic states that he died. Shaw shows a lack of emotion over the news, just asking for a sandwich. This worries the paramedics, who question if there is something wrong with her.
Carter (Taraji P. Henson) watches meeting between HR members, including Terney (Al Sapienza), Simmons (Robert John Burke) and Yogorov (Morgan Spector). She then meets with Reese (Jim Caviezel), telling him she has enough evidence to take down part of HR although she wants the whole organization down.
Finch (Michael Emerson) receives a new number but surprisingly, it does not match with a social security number, but with a USCIS Green card number. The number belongs to a Russian woman named Genrika Zhirova (Danielle Kotch), with no recorded fingerprints or photos. When Shaw (Sarah Shahi) visits her address, she finds that Genrika is a young girl living with her drug-addicted third cousin. While following her, Reese and Shaw save Genrika from a kidnapping attempt and take her to her building.
While Reese inspects the area, Shaw stays with Genrika and they start bonding. After fleeing from the kidnappers again, they find themselves in a secret room where Shaw discovers Genrika records on tape all the illegal activities in the building, which may be why she is being targeted. The kidnappers throw chlorodifluoromethane in the room and take Genrika while Shaw is shot in the shoulder and knocked unconscious. Shaw is taken by a thug to be killed but she manages to free herself. Shaw ignores Finch's suggestion to go to a doctor and forces Genrika's cousin to reveal everything. He states that he traded her for drugs that were given by the Bratva because they wanted to find the incriminating tapes.
Carter continues following Terney and finds him delivering money to a driver. He intercepts the seller just as Reese is following the client, connecting their cases. They interrogate the client, who reveals that HR wants to associate with the Russians to start distributing bath salts. Genrika is brought before Simmons. Shaw heals herself after getting blood from Yegorov and threatens Simmons to let Genrika leave, promising to deliver the tapes to him.
Carter is confronted by her partner, Officer Mike Laskey (Brian Wiles) but she reveals she met with Terney and knows he is involved in HR. After she kills one of HR's members in a bar, she blackmails Laskey to work for her as the gun is registered in his name. Simmons is given a false lead and is brutally attacked by Reese before the police arrives. Shaw massacres the kidnappers and retrieves Genrika before blowing up the hospital. They have Genrika join a private school and Shaw apologizes to Finch for not following orders, although Finch is not mad. That night, Shaw wakes up to discover Root (Amy Acker) standing next to her, who tasers her.
The program had a uniform subject that was geared to specific life situations: the reporter Willi Weitzel tried to give young viewers insights into various topics and professions, for example police officer, train driver, fisherman, soldier, journalist, butcher, farmer, emergency doctor or mayor. To do this, he visited representatives of these professions, accompanied them for a working day, had their work explained to him and discussed it with them.
In this way, Weitzel not only provided information about professions, but also provided insights into the lives of the blind, hearing impaired or homeless people, Jews, Sinti and Roma, for example. In one of the episodes he was a guest at a boarding school.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) enters Shaw's loft but does not find her there, finding evidence of a taser. Meanwhile, Finch (Michael Emerson) has met the new number: Timothy Sloan (Kirk Acevedo), an estate investigator. Sloan specifically investigates belongings from people who have recently died without a will and finds their next-of-kin.
Finch follows Sloan to an apartment where he suspects he is stealing. However, Sloan reveals he is the foster brother of the owner, Jason Greenfield (Michael Esper), who died of a heroin overdose a few weeks ago. Jason was a hacker and lost contact until Sloan found out about his death. Sloan expresses doubt about Jason using drugs as he owned very expensive items in his house and despite his hacker status, he had no computer. Jason left behind a USB flash drive with a coded message that mentioned that he would be killed if he left a group.
Shaw (Sarah Shahi) wakes up in a car with Root (Amy Acker), who tells her that the Machine needs them to work together to help protect it. Shaw reluctantly agrees to help. The Machine gives them unexplained clues, like leaving an envelope on a park bench, delving in the sewers and entering a CIA safe house where Shaw knocks the agent out. Root then has Shaw act as a CIA operative with Root serving as a prisoner. Root is taken to a CIA black site.
Finch and Sloan visit one of Jason's storage unit to find it empty. But with the use of UV lights, they discover a coded message in the walls. However, they are being watched by a camera and they nearly die when the unit closes and starts filling it with gasoline. Reese saves them and they escape before the unit explodes. The team then discovers that one of the people involved is Peter Collier (Leslie Odom Jr.), a man they previously dealt with. Jason was part of Collier's group and became a highly respected hacker but when he tried to leave, Collier had him killed. The team must find a Running key cipher that Jason left and would be used to unravel the code.
Meanwhile, Laskey (Brian Wiles) collects money for HR from Mozorov, a Russian deli owner who pays them out of loyalty. However, he is reprimanded by Simmons (Robert John Burke) when they find that Mozorov skimmed money from them and had him killed, and force Laskey to bury the grave. The next day, a traumatized Laskey talks to Carter (Taraji P. Henson), revealing his real name as Mikhail Lesnichy and HR is infiltrating Russians into the police, including himself. He also states that HR is collecting all the money for something unspecified.
Reese and Sloan check Jason's apartment and find the book with the running key. However, Collier's team arrives and kidnaps Sloan. Finch deciphers the code: Jason is alive and turned himself in to the CIA and Collier's team will try to kill him. Coincidentally, Jason is placed on the cell next to Root. Both exchange a conversation, where Jason reveals that he helped Collier's group, Vigilance, with Wayne Kruger but the group decided to kill Kruger despite Jason's objections, which caused his concern for his role in the group. Root and Jason are taken to a transportation bus where Root untangles herself and starts freeing Jason.
Collier's group causes the transport bus to crash but Reese and Shaw fight Collier's group. Root and Jason escape, using the envelope (which contains an earbud and a gun) and descend in the sewers. Root gives Jason money and a fake ID to he can make it to Cartagena, Colombia. She is confronted by Collier's crew but they are killed by Shaw. When Root affirms that the mission is over, Shaw knocks her unconscious. Collier holds Sloan at gunpoint and meets with Reese. He then shoots Sloan in the femoral artery and escapes, forcing Reese to let Collier go while taking Sloan to the hospital.
When Sloan leaves the hospital, he receives a call from Jason, who thanks him for everything and promising to keep talking more constantly. Root is locked up in a section of the library with an ankle monitor and no access to the Machine. Root states that the Machine will be mad at Finch for doing this but Finch suggests that maybe this is where the Machine wants her to be.
The action takes place in a world where a large part of the population has fallen into comas due to the mysterious illness called "Randolph Syndrome" during the outbreak of World War III. The illness is revealed to come from deep under the South Pole in a place called "Asylum" which leads people to explore this new land to discover a cure for the disease or to find what treasure this new land holds.
The manga follows a boy who is immune to the condition and a trader living in Antarctica who journey into Asylum. The anime is set between the manga and video game storylines and follows the young recruit Shigure Daniel Kai who joins "Sleepers" in exploring Asylum which is inhabited by monsters called "Scarred" and human "Exiles", some of which have been affected by the Randolph Syndrome and are referred to as "Cultists". The video game is set during the time when 540 million people lie in comas from Randolph syndrome and involve the sole survivor of a massacre that took place at a medical facility.
Finch (Michael Emerson) has infiltrated as a patient for their newest number: Hayden Price (Aaron Staton), a hypnotherapist. He discovers that Price uses the therapy sessions to con his clients and gain access to their accounts. Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) follow Price to a meeting with a client when a police officer arrives to arrest Price but both Price and the officer shoot each other while the client escapes. This is part of another scam where Price and the officer took the client's money and split it, with Price even scamming the officer with a higher fee.
Carter (Taraji P. Henson) meets with Alonzo Quinn (Clarke Peters), unaware of his HR association. He offers to help in Beecher's murder but Carter declines, which causes Quinn to consider that Carter may be investigating on her own. Laskey (Brian Wiles) later meets with Simmons (Robert John Burke) and Terney (Al Sapienza) and is ordered to kill Sven "The Swede" Vanger (Carsten Norgaard), a HR member that laundered money and bids fake items at auctions. Vanger is actually one of Price's patients, connecting both cases. At an aution, Vanger bids $900,000 on a Honus Wagner baseball card, which he carelessly tosses into a cabinet. By accessing Vanger's accounts, Price became the new target of HR as he interfered with their money operations.
Price intends to leave town with his girlfriend Natalie (Jennifer Ferrin) and starts shredding evidence of his activities before his office is gunned by two HR hitmen, which are killed when Reese and Shaw arrive. Seeking answers, Carter asks Elias (Enrico Colantoni), who explains that HR used Vanger to launder money and deviate it in offshore accounts to avoid suspicion. In another auction, Vanger bids $4.4 million on a baseball signed by the 1927 New York Yankees and later sells it for $5 to a kid. Elias states that all items that Vanger bids are fake while HR keeps the laundered money.
Carter and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) confront Vanger in his office and find that Price got into his e-mail and made him bid on a different item, therefore the baseball was actually $4.4 million worth and he traded it away for $5. They then stage him to look like he was murdered and send a photo to Laskey, which he sends to Simmons. Price uses his own girlfriend to escape and meets with the kid, buying the baseball for $20. Quinn is angry at the auction incident and demands the baseball to be returned. Reese and Fusco intercept Price before he flees with his girlfriend but they discover that HR has kidnapped Natalie, demanding the baseball at the auction house.
Simmons then gives orders to Laskey to kill Natalie even when Price delivers the baseball. Price arrives with the baseball and is taken by Terney and other HR members to the auction house. However, the baseball is a fake one and Terney is about to kill Price before being knocked unconscious by Reese and Shaw. Carter and Shaw then help Natalie escape and give Laskey a punch to get an alibi. However, Natalie reveals to Price on the phone that she is a con artist and the kid worked with her, she has the real baseball. Reese and Shaw advise Price to continue hypnotherapy but on another city.
Finch has a talk with Root (Amy Acker), where she says she is concerned for him and the Machine. An injured Terney meets with Simmons, who angrily demands him to find Laskey and the baseball. Laskey shows Carter the pictures he has taken of Simmons' activities when Terney arrives. Terney kills Laskey but Carter fatally shoots Terney. She then asks him to tell her the identity of HR's boss. With his dying breath, Terney puts his bloodstained finger on a photo, pointing at Quinn.
In 2005, Carter (Taraji P. Henson) stars her career at the New York City Police Department when she runs into her ex-husband, Paul (Laz Alonso). Paul, an Army veteran, is suffering Post-traumatic stress disorder and has been told by Carter not to get close to their son Taylor until he seeks treatment. She later finds Paul on her house and both have a verbal fight before Paul loses the temper and destroys a lamp, forcing Carter to get him out of the house.
In 2008, Carter has been promoted to Detective and runs into Paul again. Paul has been taking treatment at Veterans Affairs and leaves Carter with his phone number in case she or Taylor need him.
The Machine has produced 38 numbers, all belonging to police officers that may be on HR's payroll. Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) investigate a truck robbery which may be connected to Peter Yogorov (Morgan Spector). Yogorov meets with Simmons (Robert John Burke), where he refuses to pay an additional fee for protection, severing ties with HR.
Two days earlier, Carter meets with Quinn (Clarke Peters), where she says she will stop pursuing Cal Beecher's investigation. Actually, the meeting is a chance for Carter to clone Quinn's phone, as she knows he is HR's boss. She intercepts a call from Quinn, who expresses doubt on her statement and asks for her to be watched. Carter meets with Reese and asks him not to be with her for a while as HR may use this to their advantage. Carter then sends Elias (Enrico Colantoni) to meet with Yogorov, offering a partnership to take down HR and leaves behind a document with crucial information. Carter is revealed to be behind the attack on the truck robbery, having been supplied guns by Shaw (Sarah Shahi), planning to incriminate HR in the robbery.
Yogorov calls Quinn, threatening to expose the whole organization if the truck is not returned. Carter then shoots at Quinn's office, planning to start a war between HR and the Russians. Reese and Finch (Michael Emerson) discover that Carter was the robber and also discover Quinn's role as the boss of HR. After her actions, Quinn starts having a lot of Yogorov's men arrested. Carter then shows up at Yegorov's house, and takes him to the station as it's the only safe place. She offers a deal to Yogorov where she will transfer his brother in jail to a safer place and a deal if he confesses to HR's criminal activities with the amount of evidence she collected, which he accepts.
Carter then tells Fusco of a safe deposit box that will contain all her evidence against HR and leaves. HR members prepare to execute the Russians when more police officers arrive and discover the cocaine in one of the cars, arresting both the HR members and the Russians. Carter then calls a judge to ask for an arrest warrant against Quinn. Unknown to her, the judge is on Quinn's payroll and notifies him of this immediately.
Before meeting the judge, Carter calls Paul, who has had Taylor with him during these events. She thanks him for everything and then talks briefly with Taylor. She arrives at the judge's home, only to find Quinn and HR members awaiting for her. She prepares to be executed but mentions that their conversation where Quinn confessed to Beecher's murdered was recorded. Reese enters and shoots at many of HR's men with Quinn getting shot in the shoulder. Reese, Carter and Quinn exit the house where Reese has a shootout with one of the HR members before they flee the area. Simmons then uses the cruiser's Dashcam to get a photo of the three and tells the officer to spread it to other officers.
With the police closing in, Simmons (Robert John Burke) kills Judge Monahan (Paul O'Brien) to prevent him from talking and has his crew look for Carter (Taraji P. Henson) and Quinn (Clarke Peters) and also gives order to kill Reese (Jim Caviezel).
Reese, Carter and Quinn are on the subway train, heading to the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building where Quinn can be prosecuted. Reese receives a call from Finch (Michael Emerson), who tells him Reese is the new number and that HR spread his image around the city and all criminals will go after him. After taking down criminals in the subway, they are not able to use another train and Quinn destroys Reese's phone, losing contact with Finch. Desperate, Finch talks to Root (Amy Acker), asking her for help in talking to the Machine to get Reese's whereabouts. She will only help if she is set free, which Finch refuses.
Reese, Carter and Quinn then go in an ambulance to pass the checkpoint. However, Simmons notes them and has the police shoot them but they manage to escape. Fusco (Kevin Chapman) helps them escape by shooting two of HR officers but is knocked out by Simmons. Fusco is then tortured with his fingers broken and Simmons finds the key that opens the safe deposit box that Carter mentioned had evidence against HR. Fusco gives him a fake location of the bank when Simmons threatens his son's life. As she won't reach them in time, Shaw (Sarah Shahi) sets to find Fusco.
Reese and Carter then seek refugee in a morgue and put Quinn on a sedative state, putting him in one of the compartments. Reese and Carter talk about their experience in combat and how something changed their lives. Reese mentions that he planned to kill himself in the subway until he met her and both kiss. HR arrives at the morgue thanks to a tip and causes a blackout. Cornered and with a limited amount of ammunition, Reese escapes through the vents to the hallway, intending to kill as many so Carter and Quinn escape. Despite Root's willingness to help, Finch still refuses to let her out of the cell.
Realizing that it was not the right bank, Simmons gives the torturers permission to kill Fusco and his son. The torturer lets Fusco have one final phone call with his kid as a hitman has been sent to kill him. Shaw arrives in time to kill the hitman and save his son, but in the process, she won't be able to save Fusco. Fusco uses his broken fingers to get rid of the handcuffs and strangles the torturer to death. In the morgue, Reese kills HR members while he distracts them and is shot in the shoulder as he escapes the morgue. Before a HR officer kills him, Reese reaches honest police officers, who arrest him for gun possession. Finch arrives and turns on the power, letting Carter take Quinn out of the building.
By early morning, Carter brings Quinn to the federal building where he is arrested. This causes a chain of events as HR members are arrested although Simmons is still at large. Carter is reinstated as Detective, she reveals her knowledge of the Machine to Finch and Fusco thanks Shaw for saving his son. She also releases Reese and both leave the precinct at night just as Finch arrives to pick them up. Finch hears a payphone ringing and Simmons emerges, fatally shooting Reese and Carter before Carter returns fire, wounding him and forcing Simmons to leave. A wounded Reese stays alongside Carter, promising to take care of her son before she dies. The episode ends with a grief-stricken Reese crying over Carter's body while Finch looks in horror.
In a traveling Lego spaceship run by anthropomorphic minifigures, astronaut Pee finds his crew mate El leaving Captain Paranoia’s office in disappointment. Ignoring Pee’s concerns, El walks by him aimlessly around the ship. He then finds a weird rectangular portal sitting inside the ship, flashing red, yellow, blue, and white. El walks through the portal and still remains onboard the ship, but finds the portal leading to a dark tunnel upon turning around. Eager to find what is on the other side of the portal, El enters, and the tunnel pulls him through.
El arrives at the other side of the portal, located in a maze. He is soon visited by red brick-built creatures that build El a car out of thin air. El climbs inside the car excitedly and drives through the maze, and the red creatures enter the portal to board the ship. As El drives his car around and meets other sentient brick-built creatures, he finds a menacing two-headed beast (each head having an excavator claw for a mouth) is following him. El tries to escape the beast, while nearly getting hit by a train in the process, and the car breaks down just as he finds the portal again. El leaves behind his car and runs for the portal, but he trips over one of the car’s loose tires and falls. The beast arrives to eat his car, and it charges after the tire, causing El to faint, and therefore sending the beast over him, through the portal, and into the ship, which, for a moment, appears to be used as an animation set.
El wakes back up and reenters the portal to inform Captain Paranoia about his experience. Paranoia disbelieves El and kicks him out of his office and into some live wires. Pee, however, is intrigued by El’s story and asks him to take him to the portal. El guides him there, but finds the portal is gone. The ship’s alarm goes off, waking up Paranoia from his nap and getting him to open his office door and find the red creatures El encountered earlier, phasing through the ship’s walls. Paranoia collects his blaster before searching for the creatures, but instead finds the portal right behind him. He enters and is transported to a blank location.
As Paranoia looks around, a plasticine shark fin follows him around, bringing him to shoot at it, causing it to fall on its side. The Plasticine turns into various things, such as a wall, a cannon, and a toilet tank, to playfully toy with Paranoia. As Paranoia is flushed through the floor by the Plasticine, she skates through the portal to board the ship. Paranoia finds the floor was just a sheet of paper, and looks for El and Pee, who are sitting in the ship, again presenting itself as an animation set.
Paranoia, who now believes El, finds his ship in ruins, but regroups with El and Pee and take them to the portal, with the Plasticine following them, where they are all transported to a desktop. There, El and Pee befriend the Plasticine, which Paranoia tries to shoot at again, but this time, El and Pee defend her, believing she is harmless. However, Paranoia finds they are being spied on by robots made of screws and bottles of correction fluid. Paranoia leads El, Pee, and the Plasticine across the desktop to get them to safety, but the robots ambush them. Paranoia sends the three off before firing his blaster at the robots, but the robots shoot back at him, and the Plasticine rescues Paranoia before he is shot. Now being pursued by both the robots and much larger items now depicted as other robots, they find an emergency exit that leads them to the bottom of the desk, where they find a shoe, which they use as a car to escape the robots.
As they flee, the two-headed beast that El escaped earlier scares off the robots, but resumes his chase with El. Outside of the house, El, Pee, Paranoia, and the Plasticine hide from the beast and continue driving outside and into a shack, which someone is using as an animation space. They drive up a ramp to get back up onto the table, but they end up ruining the Animator’s hard work (their ship). The beast, who tracked down the group by their scent, follows them inside and further tears down the animation set, while destroying itself in the process. The Animator, upset, takes El, Pee, and Captain Paranoia out of his shoe and return them to their positions, while the Plasticine’s fate is left undetermined. In a time-lapse where the Animator fixes the ship, El continues doing his job. For a brief moment, the red creatures reveal themselves to still be onboard the ship, and the camera zooms into the portal, turning to darkness.
Two youthful friends, Cocoy (Ian de Leon) and Nonoy (Monossi Mempin) stumble upon an abandoned house. The two enter the house and the door locks itself. A scared and reluctant Nonoy tried to escape while Cocoy explores the house. He is slowly attracted in a mysterious room. He enters and opens a chest containing a comic entitled ‘Komiks 1927.’ While trying to find his friend, Nonoy keeps injuring himself. The two find an open window and escape with Cocoy stealing the comics. At home, Cocoy is enjoying himself with the found comics, but he notices that the domesticated horses are acting bizarre. Cocoy’s younger sister, Anna is a nosy brat while his parents (Gina Pareno and Jaime Fabregas) are strict and neglectful parents. The comic tells a tale of a king named Visgoth from the kingdom of Anadrapura. He challenged his two greatest knights: Argoknox and Gorkrah, who are courting his daughter and the princess of Anadrapura. The two knights are equal until the final challenge, since Gorkrah wished for a powerful sword from the evil species of Malignoids in exchange of his soul. He defeats Argoknox and gets married with the princess. But Gorkrah found out that the sword is lustful of blood and chaos ensues in the kingdom. The old hermits assign a young man named Joth to find Argoknox, who is the only one who can bring back peace to the kingdom. Joth, after going through various obstacles, finds a phrase that brings Argoknax back to life. Argoknax and Gorkrah faces again but before Cocoy can finish the story, he is interrupted by his sister for supper. During the dinner, a mysterious noise is heard from the ceiling.
While Cocoy is sleeping, Gorkrah (Ruel Vernah) comes out of the comics and escapes from the house. The next day, Cocoy tells Nonoy about the comics and they found out that the following pages are unfinished however, the comics is confiscated by a teacher. Later, a couple in a park is attacked by Gorkrah. Cocoy is scolded by his father and received severe punishment for the comics. On a broadcast news, the couple’s incident is reported and Cocoy recognizes the same mark from the couple’s arm and the one from the comics. Gorkrah is later seen feeding on the horses at the house. In the middle of the night, Cocoy is disturbed by the Gorkrah. Cocoy’s father tries to confront but is thrown on the floor. The parents are now being attacked while Cocoy and Anna are now seeing it. Cocoy summons Argoknox by saying the same phrase that was written in the comics. Argoknox (Michael de Mesa) faces Gorkrah via sword fight which led outside of the house. The fight concludes and Argoknox wins. He reveals himself to be the writer and thanks Cocoy for keeping his world alive and then disappears. The next morning, Cocoy and his father goes back to the abandoned house and returns the comics in the chest.
In an archaeological excavation. An expensive ‘banga’ jar is illegally bought by a lawyer named Margarita (Liza Lorena). Unbeknownst to her, the jar is home by an evil spirit who was burnt alive and crucified. On the night of her sister Regina’s wake, her mother (Mary Walter), nephews; Toni (Lotlot de Leon) and Marlyn are in attendance. Toni is Regina’s daughter. Margarita’s mother asks her where Abe; her husband who also happens to be her sister’s survived husband, is and he might be fooling around. While some of the visitor’s kids are playing hide and seek, a boy hides inside the jar and gets consumed by the monster. The same night, Abe (Mario O’Hara) comes home to Margarita but declines him for being absent and flaky. Marital issues rise in the next days. When Pabling, a house crew witnesses the monster’s hand coming out, he alerts the whole household, but nobody believes him. He tried to break the jar later but gets consumed by the monster. Each consumption of the monster frees herself from the pins that has been hindering her. Marlyn moves in with Toni and Margarita while Margarita hires a private investigator and catches photos of Abe cheating, she orders the investigator to get to know the girl more. One night, Toni lets Marlyn’s suitor, Jericho (Romnick Sarmienta) inside the house to talk to Marlyn. But while hiding, Jericho gets snatched by the monster, Marlyn is also missing.
The family concluded that Jericho and Marlyn ran away together or ‘tanan.’ Margarita confronts Abe in his workplace. Duke (Ronnel Victor), Toni’s suitor is also consumed by monster when he visited Toni but he appears the next day and appears to be fine. Margarita, who disapproved of Duke sees him kneeling in front of the jar and disappears. The next morning, Margarita scolds at Toni for seeing Duke but she wakes away when she slaps Toni. During a conversation, Duke pulls Toni away from the jar and warns her. Margarita is suing Abe of Concubinage, as she gets more obsessed with Abe’s crime, she finds out that one of the maids is Abe’s mistress. She meets with the maid but during a confrontation the maid is snatched by the monster. Margarita witnesses it and escapes with her car. She wakes up the next day, hearing voices and scolded by a homeless man about her sin. Margarita decided to drop the case and makes amends with Abe, she even attempts to give him the jar. But as Abe inspects it, the monster snatches him. Toni gets home and sees her father’s shoe and blood on the jar. She confronts Margarita and together they witness the monster getting out of the jar. Duke appears briefly before disappearing again. Explosion happens around the house prompting the two to run around and hide. When the chaos stopped, the two tries to escape but the door is locked, the remaining maids gets consumed by the monster who is now haunting Margarita and Toni in the living room. The two hides again in a room, and after a smoke covers Margarita, she reveals that she was always jealous of Toni’s mother but before she can attack Toni, Duke appears to stop the monster, and asks to leave the two out of the fight. Margarita, now possessed by the monster brawls with Toni who is also possessed by Duke. When Toni gets the upper hand, the monster taunts her to kill her stepmother, but Toni is unwilling and gets defeated by her. The monster then tries to stab Toni, but a lightning strikes and defeats her. Toni wakes up to Duke revealing himself to be an angel and not the same Duke as before, he also reveals that everyone consumed by the monster are gone but reminds Toni to remain courteous and he will guide her.
The novel follows the titular demigod, who is also a god hunter, as he scours the streets of Okungbowa's native Lagos, Nigeria, in the aftermath of an event called The Falling where thousands of orishas have fallen to the city.
Geppetto carves Pinocchio from a large piece of wood. Pinocchio comes to life, causes havoc in the street and his creator Geppetto is arrested while Pinocchio escapes. At home he burns his feet, but is saved by Geppetto, who also gives him new feet.
Pinocchio plays with children and helps them steal fruit. The landowner catpures Pinocchio and ties him to a dog house. At night, Pinocchio barks to alert the landowner. Grateful for this deed, the landowner gives Pinocchio his freedom back. The thieves have been waiting nearby, captures Pinocchio and hangs him from a tree. The Turquoise Fairy (La Fata Turchina) saves him from the tree and gives him some money.
Pinocchio meets a Fox and a Cat, who take him to a city of anthropomorphic animals. In the forest they talk him into plant his money in the soil and water it. Later the Fox and the Cat return to retrieve the money themselves. When Pinocchio returns he discovers that the money is gone, and when he meets the two con artists, a brawl breaks out and Pinocchio is arrested and put in prison. He escapes through the window and by tying sheets into a rope.
He swims into the ocean and is swallowed by a large fish. In the creature's stomach he finds Geppetto. They escape with the help of Indians. At the camp, the Indians have hung Geppetto over a fire, but Pinocchio tells them to release him. Pinocchio tells Geppetto to leave. Later he runs away too, to a camp of Canadian soldiers. The soldiers shoot Pinocchio, riding on a cannonball, all the way home to Geppetto.
Pinocchio joins a puppet theater, but escapes from that too. When he returns home, Geppetto is angry. Pinocchio tries to be a good boy, but his friend Lucignolo talks him into coming along to the Land of Toys, where one never studies but always play. They are greeted by its waiving inhabitants. After 10 days, they grows donkey ears and eventually turn into donkeys. The Turquoise Fairy changes him back into a puppet.
Pinocchio returns home. Geppetto scolds him but forgives him again. When eating a meal, the Turquoise Fairy appears and the spirit of Pinocchio takes human form, and the now lifeless puppet falls to the ground.
In 1969, a young Finch (Chris Bert) helps his father (Tuck Milligan) fix his truck engine. Finch's father leaves for a moment and when he returns, he finds Finch removed part of the engine. When his father mentions he shouldn't remove everything, Finch states that someone should've built the engine to resist being taken apart.
In 1971, Finch's father has started to suffer from memory loss. Finch then works a homemade system that could help him remember things and even intends to build a machine with his father's memories. But his father tells him that not everything can be fixed and even if he built a machine with his memories, it still wouldn't be himself.
In 1979, a teenager Finch shows his friends a technique where he can make a phone call from Iowa to Paris. They are then interrupted by a police officer arriving in his cruiser with Finch's father in the backseat, who was walking disoriented in the streets. Finch's father does not want his son to stop his future by taking care of him but Finch states his intention to get all information needed from every single university to himself.
Having regained consciousness, Reese (Jim Caviezel) has left the team without giving any answers. Despite Finch's (Michael Emerson) insistence that he has not received any numbers from the Machine, he is actually ignoring its calls to avoid receiving the numbers.
After a talk with Root (Amy Acker), Finch decides to work on the next number: Arthur Claypool (Saul Rubinek), an IT consultant whom Finch seems to recognize. Claypool has been admitted into the hospital after being diagnosed with Glioblastoma, a brain tumor and his memory often fails to remember certain things. Shaw (Sarah Shahi) poses as a doctor in the hospital and discovers that Claypool has a Secret Service security detail. She later overhears a conversation of Claypool with his wife (Camryn Manheim), where he states he needs to fix something called "Samaritan". Shaw and Finch find that Claypool worked for the National Security Agency and "Samaritan" was one of its cancelled projects.
Shaw infiltrates one of Claypool's MRI scan and finds that he was injected with Sodium thiopental and he is actually being questioned. Shaw is detained by Agent Easton (Tom Degnan) and questioned why she is interested in Claypool. However, Easton is poisoned while eating and falls unconscious. Shaw and Finch then discover that the people questioning Claypool are from Vigilance. A team led by Peter Collier (Leslie Odom Jr.) soon arrives at the hospital and forces Shaw and Claypool's wife to try to get him out of his room. Claypool resists as his memory fails to recognize them, until Finch arrives and Claypool recognizes him as a friend from the MIT.
After evading Vigilance's hitmen, Finch and Shaw take Claypool and his wife to a safe house. Claypool explains he worked for the NSA on "Samaritan", a program that detects acts of terrorism through an extensive database and suggest countermeasures. Samaritan works autonomously and is able to upgrades and adapt by itself, basically becoming an Artificial intelligence. However, Claypool claims that Samaritan was destroyed in 2005 for fear of violating civil liberties.
Meanwhile, Reese has made it to Colorado and frequently attends a bar. One day, he finds Fusco (Kevin Chapman), who wants to talk with him. Reese confesses that the bar belongs to his late father, a Vietnam War veteran who died in a refinery accident a few months after returning. When Reese mentions that bad things happen regardless of their actions, Fusco takes him outside and the brutally fight until they are arrested by the local police.
At the safe house, Claypool remembers something crucial: his wife died years ago, which explains why he is unable to remember her. The woman identifies herself as Control, Shaw's former ISA employer. A group of hitmen, led by Hersh (Boris McGiver) enter the room and subdue the team. Control then demands Finch reveal the location of the Machine or Claypool reveals Samaritan's, threatening to kill either Finch or Claypool unless one of them talks. The episode ends as the Machine starts analyzing threats to its assets and itself, changing Samaritan's status from "Deactivated" to "Unknown".
In 1979, a teenager Finch (Chris Bert) moves his father into an assisted-care center as his memory continues worsening.
In 1980, Finch infiltrates into ARPANET to give more power to his computer. He later visits his father at the center, warning him not to worry when government officials come to tell him that Finch committed treason. However, his father's memory has worsened and can't even recognize his son. He leaves behind a bird book, a topic that he and his father talked about very often during their time together.
Control (Camryn Manheim) holds Finch (Michael Emerson), Shaw (Sarah Shahi) and Claypool (Saul Rubinek) at gunpoint, demanding to know the location of the Machine and Samaritan. Root (Amy Acker) arrives and kills many of the henchmen so they can escape but Root is shot by Hersh (Boris McGiver) and captured. The rest manages to flee the location.
Finch, Shaw and Claypool arrive at a bank to retrieve backup drives for Samaritan. Claypool confesses to faking his memory loss as it would avoid problems with Control. While Finch and Claypool check the safe deposit box, Shaw notices Collier (Leslie Odom Jr.) and Vigilance hitmen entering the bank. Unable to escape, Finch locks himself with Claypool and the bank manager in the vault. The police arrives at the bank with Hersh (Boris McGiver) coming with them. Somewhere else, Root is tortured by Control to give her instructions on how to operate the Machine.
Meanwhile, at Colorado, Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) are jailed after their fight outside the bar. While Fusco tries to prove him the importance of his actions, Reese expresses cynicism, noting that they just "delay the inevitable". They are released and Fusco leaves Colorado, failing to convince Reese.
In the vault, Finch and Claypool open the safe deposit box to find two Samaritan drives and a note left by Claypool on the day before the government shut down the program. However, Claypool notes that he fixed it and Samaritan is alive. As Collier's team prepares to blow up the vault's door, Finch tells Claypool to destroy the drives as Samaritan in the wrong hands could lead to disastrous results. Claypool is hesitant until Finch mentions he used his knowledge to create the Machine. With that, Claypool destroys the drives just as the door explodes.
Root is still being tortured and becomes deaf on her right ear. However, the torture allowed her to contact the Machine through a higher frequency and stole a knife from the table, allowing to release herself, subdue the guards and take Control hostage. She talks to her through the Machine, threatening her to stay away from her. In the bank, Shaw tries to escape with Finch and Claypool until Collier and his team intercept them. However, Reese and Fusco are revealed to work as part of Collier's team and kill Vigilance hitmen, forcing Collier to escape. Hersh and a raid team enter the bank and confront a Vigilance member before he commits suicide with a grenade, causing an explosion.
Finch receives a call from Root, who has left for an undisclosed location. She informs him that the bank manager died before they arrive at the bank and someone posed as her. She swapped the drives with replicas. Root then contacts Claypool, and with the use of the Machine, shows him footage of memories with his wife before her death. Finch receives a visit from Reese, who tells him he won't stay as he questions the true importance of the Machine and leaves. The imposter bank manager meets with her employer: John Greer (John Nolan) and gives him the drives. When she says no one else knows about it, Greer kills her and leaves, proclaiming that Samaritan is destined for something greater.
Sjur returns one summer day to his parents' home at Råvangen. He has just become a corporal in Oslo, and he brings with him his fiancée Dagmar, a beautiful and distinctively city girl. Dagmar will live at Råvangen this summer, while Sjur travels around the heath. Dagmar is met with great skepticism both by Sjur's family and by the villagers, and not least by Ingeborg, Sjur's old girlfriend. It does not take long before Dagmar flirts wildly with the men in the village and not even Sjur's father, Ola, escapes her influence. When Sjur comes home, the couple goes out to dance. Dagmar dances with many men, Sjur gets drunk, and Ingeborg takes care of him. A few days later, one of Dagmar's admirers, Jens, comes and offers her NOK 5,000 to end her engagement with Sjur and marry him instead. Dagmar needs the money and therefore agrees. However, the money has been stolen, and Dagmar is forced to pay it back. Sjur returns to Ingeborg and is happy that his relationship with Dagmar is over.
The story is interrupted by another taking place twenty-five years in the past, told over six "parts" and furthering Orla and Cohmac's character motivations.
As his master Jora Malli is sent to oversee the Starlight Beacon in the far frontier of the galaxy, Reath Silas is sent along with Jedi Masters Cohmac Vitus, Orla Jareni, and Jedi Knight Dez Rydan to help pave the way for the project's opening ceremony. Reath, bookish and unwilling to engage in the action that many Jedi desire, wishes to stay at Coruscant. They are transported by the Byne Guild vessel ''Vessel'', captained by Leox Gyasi, his co-pilot Affie Hollow, and Geode, who looks like a slab of rock. On the way there, their journey is interrupted by the Great Hyperspace Disaster, which forces them to take refuge in an abandoned Amaxine space station with other refugees. They discover that it has been kept operational by gardening droids, and that it is ripe with treasure, weapons, and other miscellaneous baubles. Reath stops gangs from looting the place and saves the life of a girl, Nan, who he bonds with. Orla discovers ancient idols and is struck by visions of the dark side. Affie finds out that the Byne Guild, led by her foster mother Scover, had some sort of involvement in the complex. While exploring the lower levels, Dez is seemingly decimated when he enters a control room consisting of helical parts. Reath and Nan discover escape pods throughout the first floor, and worries that Dez may have been ejected into space. The Jedi seal the idols in order to contain the mysterious dark entity. They return to Coruscant on the ''Vessel'' and contain the idols in a Sith shrine underneath the Jedi Temple.
Affie inquires after the Byne Guild's involvement in Amaxine, and discovers that their employees are actually indentured servants; many, including her birth parents, were sent to the space station as work, but died due to the dangerous upper levels. Reath struggles with Jora's death against the Nihil, and discovers that Nan and her partner are actually part of the Nihil. The Jedi realize that the idols actually were repressing the idols and by sealing them together they let loose the dark force; Cohmac and Orla are angered when the Jedi Council is unwilling to take the risk and return to Amaxine to solve the problem. Cohmac, Orla and Reath rejoin the ''Vessel'' and go back to Amaxine. On the lower levels, exploring the place of Dez's death he is transported in a pod to a planet taken over by the carnivorous plant-like beings Drengir, and sees that Dez is alive and being tortured. They escape, while Cohmac and Orla fight off Drengir on Amaxine, which is revealed to be a powerful structure that can transport pods to anywhere across the galaxy; the Nihil, seeing this as a means to further their plans of disorder across the Republic, board the structure and engage in the conflict. After a battle in which Reath vents the Drengir and Nihil into space, the ''Vessel'' and its inhabitants return to Coruscant once more. Reath and the Jedi are disciplined, but lauded for saving Dez. Orla leaves as a Wayseeker. Cohmac agrees to become Reath's new master. Reath decides that he is not an adventurer but will gladly step into the unknown if it means that his exploits can be properly archived in history. Affie exposes Scover and Byne Guild, and Leox lets her become the new captain of the ''Vessel''. Nan reports to Marchion Ro, who ensures her that the Jedi will be eliminated.
Orla and Cohmac, with their masters, are sent to rescue kidnapped dignitaries from the Directorate, a spinoff of the Hutts. Cohmac's master is killed, but he is unable to properly mourn for him due to the strict Jedi rules; this opens a darker part of himself, and he begins to confront whether the separation between the light side and dark side is really as clear-cut as it seems. They rescue the dignitaries, but one is killed; Orla believes that had she followed her instincts and acting how the Jedi forced her to act, then she could've saved both lives. The Hutts rise in power from this incident. It also motivates Orla and Cohmac into where they end up by the end of the present-day narrative.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) boards a plane to Rome after his original flight to Istanbul is delayed thanks to the Machine, planning to get away from his former life. On the plane, he finds himself annoyed with some of the passengers but bonds with the flight attendant, Holly (Sally Pressman).
After the plane takes off, Reese discovers a Federal Marshal unconscious in the bathroom with his gun missing. He also notices another Marshal next to a young man (Samm Levine) on the "4C" passenger seat. He contacts Finch (Michael Emerson), accusing him of putting him on a mission but Finch reaffirms he didn't do anything and he didn't even get a number from the Machine.
Reese notifies the other Marshal about the events when the Marshal falls unconscious after being drugged. A Colombian man tries to inject the young woman, Owen Matthews, but Reese knocks him out. Matthews states he was being escorted by the Marshals for being a programmer in a black market case involving online drug trafficking. Finch meets with Shaw (Sarah Shahi) and discusses his idea that Matthews may be a relevant number and some organizations, including NSA and ISA are investigating him. Matthews confirms meeting with "The Sphinx", the head of the Black Market Bazaar. This explains the situation: the Sphinx wants to kill him as he is the only person who can identify and his cartel allies will also want him dead to avoid association.
Reese prevents another assassination attempt on Matthews by Mossad agents, overcoming them with the help of Holly. Shaw later discovers from a former associate that ISA sent her replacement to the plane to kill Matthews. Reese subdues the assassin and has Holly put Matthews on the cargo hold. Reese eventually discovers that Matthews is not a programmer who works for the Sphinx, he is the Sphinx. The Mossad agent regains consciousness and attacks Reese again but he is defeated when Matthews knocks him out with a golf club. On New York, Shaw interrogates Hersh (Boris McGiver) after poisoning him, she finds that Matthews was made the Sphinx to cover their profits on the Black Market Bazaar and finance the ISA. They want Matthews dead as he plans to go public about his real identity.
Finch finds that the Colombian cartel had another man aboard. The man is revealed to be one of the flight attendants, knocks the Captain out and plans to crash the plane. Using the trolley, Reese enters the cabin and starts fighting the assassin while Finch attempts to land the plan through his computer. Despite some difficulty, Finch manages to safely land the plane while Reese knocks the assassin. Reese then gets Matthews out of the plane through baggage and gives him an address so he can hide until Finch contacts him. Reese then goes on a date with Holly before she leaves for work, telling him to call her. He then spots Finch in a café and both talk briefly. He tells Finch he wants a new suit as he will come back and work with him again.
Lazlo is an orphan by a war that struck his country, who was brought to a monastery by mysterious circumstances. He lives with a mundane existence with the monks, dreaming of finding adventure and uncovering lost cities. In his teenage years and early adulthood, he becomes an apprentice librarian. One day, he encounters a troupe of warriors led by Eril-Fane, the so-called Godslayer. Eril-Fane comes from the lost city of Weep, and is looking for people to help with an unknown problem. Lazlo manages to barter his way on the expedition along with the arrogant godson of Zosma's Queen, Thyon Nero. They encounter many oddities in their trip, and Eril-Fane tells the history of Weep: once a grand city, 200 years earlier it fell to so called gods. 15 years ago, Eril-Fane rose up against the gods and freed the city. Weep still struggles with aftereffects, the nature of which Eril-Fane refuses to reveal before they reach the city. When they do reach Weep, they find a giant floating Citadel shaped like an angel hovers over it. There are four large towers made of the same material as the citadel dropped around the edges of the city. Lazlo and the explorers meet the despondent citizens, who are frightened by the Citadel and the shadow it casts over the city. Lazlo learns more of the history of Weep. Years earlier, blue-skinned "gods" called Mesarthim came to the Seraphim worshiping city. Using their special abilities, magical gifts, they easily took over the city. The citadel was their home and is made of a strange blue metal known as mesarthium. Skathis, leader of the Mesarthim, seems to be the only one able to control the substance. They demanded young men and women be delivered to their citadel, and would return them days, months, or years later, wiped of memories from their time in the citadel. Eril-Fane is forced to spend years with Isagol, goddess of despair. He endures this until he finds his wife Azareen was taken as well. The humans managed to kill the Mesarthim and their spawn, but the Citadel never left.
In the Citadel, several godspawn, the children of the gods, have survived and live unbeknownst to the citizens of Weep. Minya, daughter of Skathis, saved 4 babies during the uprising. They have remained in the citadel for 15 years, supporting themselves using their gifts. Minya has the ability to tether herself to the dead and gains complete control over the ghosts she captures. Ruby can control fire. Sparrow can create growth, and decay. Feral can transport clouds and weather. Sarai, daughter of Isagol, struggles with her role. Under Minya's orders, she uses her power to infiltrate human dreams and torments them with nightmares of those they have lost. Sarai enters Lazlo's dream, but finds he can see her. They develop a quick romantic relationship as they share legends and fairy tales, manipulating their dreams to be blissful and wondrous. The other explorers attempt to find a way to take down the Citadel. One day, Nero discovers that Lazlo's spirit, an essence that flows alongside blood, has an effect on the strange metal. Nero manage to take a sliver from one of the spires on the ground. He confronts Lazlo, who notices that his skin develops gray streaks when in contact with the mesarthium. One of the other explorers, an explosions expert, tries to blow up the same spire. The spires have been keeping the Citadel upright, and it tilts downwards preparing to strike the city. The sudden shift causes the godspawn to tumble and Sarai is thrown off the edge. As the Citadel tumbles, Lazlo uses the mesarthium tower turning his skin blue, revealing he is a godspawn himself. Lazlo is able to correct the citadel and bring the sky back to the city. He crafts beasts to carry him to the Citadel, but Sarai has fallen, impaling herself and dying instantly. She sits above her body as a ghost. Lazlo flies up to meet those who are within the citadel. Minya confronts him and after a battle of wills, she captures Sarai's ghost before it is lost forever. Minya gloats, knowing that now she has full control over both Sarai and Lazlo.
Immediately after the events of the first book, Lazlo meets the other godspawn and discovers he is Minya's brother. Minya holds Sarai's ghost as an ultimatum for Lazlo to help them massacre the city of Weep in revenge for Eril-Fane killing their parents. The other godspawn tend to the Citadel, which is still tilted and ready to fall onto the city. At some unknown point in time, sisters Kora and Nova live in a fishing village where they depend on each other for everything including survival and ability to stay resolute while the village's elders treat them cruelly and arrange forced marriages. One day, a giant ship floats over their land, and they rejoice in gods arriving to take them away. They are both taken and examined but Kora is held by them, while Nova is dumped out. Skathis, the ship's captain, indentures Kora and uses the metal mesarthium to turn her blue and awaken her tremendous powers. A vengeful Nova is arranged into a forced marriage but escapes the village, moving painstakingly through the ice to find salvation. Over time, Skathis and the gods turn to domination and use mesarthim as a resource to hold them above everybody else. They indenture more children and travel between worlds through portals in the air. Nova follows the trail through worlds over hundreds of years to recover Kora. It is revealed that the gods, once they arrived over Weep in the Citadel, raped men and women to create more gods, leading to the godspawn. Kora was killed in the massacre by Eril-Fane, who is Sarai's biological father, but managed to send her bird spirit and safely transport Lazlo and other children away from the nursery.
Sarai looks into Minya's dream and sees the tremendous tragedy she faces everyday, after witnessing many babies be killed by Eril-Fane while Minya was only able to carry the youngest children away and hide. Sarai, Lazlo, and the godspawn, who have formed a relucatant alliance with Eril-Fane and Azareen, find that hiding space, which houses a portal between worlds. Nova and other godspawn she befriended arrive to confront them but when she finds out Kora is dead, she is pushed into a murderous rage. A dosed Minya wakes up and uses all of her power to send all the ghosts at them, which ends the battle. Nova tortures Eril-Fane and Azareen by killing them over and over again in a time-loop, bitter that Eril-Fane killed her sister. Sarai convinces Nova to stop, but the citizens of the Citadel are kicked out while Nova takes over. Lazlo is taken hostage by Nova and the Citadel vanishes into another world. Sarai and her companions use a flying contraption to follow them, where they rescue Lazlo. Nova kills herself by falling into an ocean full of beasts.
Afterwards, Minya begins to age normally because all the ghosts she was tethered to were let loose. Lazlo, the godspawn, and several of his explorer friends pilot the Citadel away into other worlds, hoping to find the other godspawns, that where sold by Skathis. Sarai hopes to find someone in one of the 100 worlds, who can make her a new body, because her soul is still tied to Minya (a tie-in to "Daughter of Smoke and Bone"). Eril-Fane and Azareen lead a new Weep and have a son, who they name Lazlo.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) returns to work just as a new number appears: Kelli Lin (Elaine Tan), a former silver medal-winning Olympic gymnast. He, Finch (Michael Emerson) and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) attend one of Kelli's exhibition parties when the event is interrupted by a thief who robs an artifact. Shaw follows the figure, realizing is Kelli and Kelli escapes.
Kelli then meets with her boss, Cyril (Gene Farber) to give him the product. Shaw investigates Kelli's house, learning that her next operation is to steal a Gutenberg Bible that is being shipped out that night. Shaw foils the plan but is confronted by Kelli, revealing that Cyril kidnapped her daughter and is forcing her to commit robberies. The team decides to help her get the Bible and confront Cyril in the process.
Finch contacts Interpol Agent Alain Bouchard (Henri Lubatti), who has been following Kelli and her crew for some time and directs him to Kelli's apartment. He confronts Kelli but due to lack of proper evidence, he can't arrest her. He contacts Farrow (Christopher Neal Jackson), a guard at the building where the Bible is held, to warn him to increase security and move the Bible. But this is part of Finch's plan to get to the Bible. Using a copy of Farrow's prints allows the team to get into the building. While Shaw and Kelli infiltrate, Reese allows himself to be arrested but Fusco (Kevin Chapman) takes him in to safely escort him out. Despite the guards discovering their plan, Shaw and Kelli successfully steal the Bible.
Kelli delivers the Bible to Cyril but Cyril still refuses to let her and her daughter go. Their conversation is heard by Bouchard, who was brought to Finch's car. Reese arrives at Kelli's daughter's location and manages to rescue her, an event which Cyril sees on his surveillance feed. Shaw stops Cyril from killing Kelli and both Kelli and Cyril are arrested by Bouchard. In an interrogation room at the NYPD, Bouchard places a key on a desk, allowing her to leave. Kelli and her daughter happily reunite. That night, the team decides to celebrates their victory with a toast, with Reese honoring Carter by pouring a glass for their "missing member".
Yoon Sae-bom encounters a trainee at the Special Operations Unit who is infected by mad person disease. In the struggle to subdue the trainee, she is scratched, leading her to meet Han Tae-seok at a research facility. The facility houses many of the "patients" who are kept under observation in order to understand and cure the disease. It is revealed that the symptoms of mad person disease are first accompanied by unabated thirst, followed by the pupil turning white, and then thirst for human blood. The disease is not airborne, but spreads through scratches and bites, with Yoon Sae-bom seemingly immune to the disease. Some of those who contracted the disease is ultimately able to return to their former selves temporarily. Yoon Sae-bom makes a deal with Han Tae-seok which leads her to secure an apartment in a newly constructed building, however in order to do so, she must be married. She asks her high school friend Jung Yi-hyun, a former star baseball player but now a police detective, and he agrees to be her fake husband. The building is luxurious and highly stratified, with the public rentals consisting of the lower five floors, and the upper floors for those who own their apartment. Class discrimination is evident where the upper floor resident Oh Yeon-ok struggles to be the apartment representative while keeping everyone in check. Yoon Sae-bom meets many interesting and strange residents, forming a close attachment to her neighbor's young daughter.
Through Jung Yi-hyun's detective work, he encounters a diseased person who he believes became this way due to a failed pneumonia drug called Next, which has been widely circulated in order to promote attentiveness and strength. This assumption is later confirmed when a resident member who consumed the drug, secretly sold to her in the building's gym, ultimately became infected with the mad person's disease and succumbed to the illness. This begins the outbreak in the building. In an effort to protect the residents in his building, Jung Yi-hyun and Yoon Sae-bom establishes quarantine rules, while securing the building from the outside with the help of his Captain, Kim Jung-guk. Jung Yi-hyun conflicts with building resident Oh Joo-hyung who seems to encourage destructive behavior in the building. The question of humanity and whether to view those infected with mad person disease as human beings forms a psychological battle for Sae-bom, Yi-hyun and Tae-seok.
Han Tae-seok initially tries to keep the mad person disease a secret, but with more cases progressing and people getting panicked, it is revealed to the public. With the increasing number of people getting infected, Han Tae-seok along with his military team are struggling to determine whether to preserve these people, or to kill them off. Han Tae-seok ordered the complete quarantine of the new building complex where Yoon Sae-bom and Jung Yi-hyun lives, offering them a chance to leave the building before it becomes completely sealed to anyone going in or out of the complex area, however they decline the offer. Yoon Sae-bom's blood contains antibodies that could hold the cure for the disease, which Han Tae-seok seeks to exploit. It is revealed that Han Tae-seok's pregnant wife was bitten by the president of the pharmaceutical company that supplied Next, and ultimately became infected with the disease. His search for the cure is in part motivated to find a cure for his wife and to save his unborn child.
Finch (Michael Emerson) infiltrates a 9-1-1 call center, where their new number, Sandra Nicholson (Melissa Sagemiller), a 9-1-1 operator, works. Sandra is well respected in the call center for helping junior operators when they struggle to help callers. Meanwhile, a harried Fusco (Kevin Chapman) is approached for help by rookie detective Jake Harrison (Gavin Stenhouse), who is investigating the murder of Tara Cooke. He reluctantly agrees to look at the case.
Sandra receives a 9-1-1 call from a boy named Aaron, who hides in his closet when two thugs break in, but they find and kidnap him. An unknown person calls Sandra and instructs her to follow his orders or Aaron will die. His instructions include Sandra calling off the police, turning off the power generator at the call center and deleting all 9-1-1 calls from the past two days. Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) check surveillance and find that the kidnappers are part of a Mexican cartel. Shaw intercepts a car that the caller's signal is triangulating from, but only discovers a phone with a relay. Finch deduces the caller is connecting multiple phones, making them impossible to trace in the time the team has.
As Sandra hesitates to delete the 9-1-1 calls on the server room, Finch enters and convinces her he's there to help. Sandra excuses herself while Finch begins investigating the 30,000 calls logged in the past two days. After deleting irrelevant calls, he then calls Fusco to help him narrow down the remainder. Fusco eventually realizes the caller is related to the Tara Cooke investigation, and both find that the caller is also the killer. When the caller discovers Finch is helping Sandra, he detonates a mini-bomb downtown as a warning. He gives Sandra 15 minutes to delete the calls or Aaron will be killed with a bomb vest.
Fusco and Harrison interrogate Tara's coworkers and eventually solve the mystery: she was murdered by her boss, and the family hired a cleaner to erase the 9-1-1 call she made in which she named her killer. When Fusco pressures the family to terminate the contract, the cleaner decides to kill both Aaron and Sandra to cover his tracks. A hitman appears in the call center and pursues Sandra and Finch while Reese and Shaw find Aaron's location and manage to deactivate the bomb. Finch and Sandra manage to overcome the hitman and knock him out. Finch later meets with Sandra and they watch Aaron playing baseball. He meets with Shaw and Reese when he is contacted by the caller, who states that Sandra and Aaron are no longer in danger but threatens Finch.
In 2010, Finch (Michael Emerson), wheelchair-bound, is operating the Machine with a field agent: Rick Dillinger (Neil Jackson), a Blackwater mercenary and known for being straight-forward on everything. They start working on their new number: Daniel Casey (Joe Mazzello), a programmer who disappeared a few months ago.
Dillinger meets with Lester Strickland (Casey Siemaszko), who used to know Casey, to get information. Dillinger brings up the subject of Casey, introducing himself as a colleague. He clones Lester's phone and finds that Casey is alive and is anticipating a package that will arrive the next day. He also discovers that a man and a woman already met with Lester to ask about Casey already. Dillinger finds the man and woman: John Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Kara Stanton (Annie Parisse). They are pursuing Casey for stealing state secrets and also notice Dillinger across the street, correctly deducing his mercenary background. Dillinger sees as Reese puts a bug on Casey's jacket.
Dillinger follows Casey to a café and sees SSCI Agent Ian Banks (Julian Ovenden) meeting with Casey. Casey realizes the man is an imposter and flees. Dillinger catches up to him but Reese and Kara arrive and take Casey on a car. However, they are attacked by hitmen. Reese and Kara hold them off but Dillinger and Casey escape. Dillinger presses Casey to reveal anything and he explains that the government contacted him to breach a computer system (the Machine), which worries Finch. Dillinger brings Casey to the Library for protection.
In Washington, D.C., Control (Camryn Manheim) meets with Special Counsel (Jay O. Sanders), remarking about the recent events on New York and their problem with Casey. Special Counsel suggests things would've been easier had they not killed Nathan Ingram but Control maintains they did the right thing. Back in New York, Reese and Kara torture one of the hitmen to get more information on his employer but the man escapes and jumps off the building to his death. Finch talks with Casey, who confesses that he has a laptop that may be enough to hack the system and creating an advanced code. When he couldn't crack it, the Government ordered his death but he escaped thanks to a car accident. Unaware to them, their conversation is heard by Dillinger, who planted a bug in the Library.
The imposter, Jeremy Lambert, meets with his employer, John Greer (John Nolan). He is ordered to track Casey. Finch arranges for the code to be sold in the "Darknet" and gives him a fake ID so he can avoid the CIA. Dillinger arrives and poisons Finch so he falls unconscious, he intends to sell the laptop to China and leave Casey on his own. Casey contacts Lester to give him another fake ID but Kara already got to Lester. Lambert and his team arrive at Lester's location but Kara kills everyone except for Lambert, who flees.
Reese intercepts Casey just as Finch awoke to limp himself and drive the car to find him. Despite his orders, Reese spares Casey, gives him instructions to flee the country and removes one of Casey's teeth to use as proof of his "death". Reese and Kara leave New York for Morocco for their new mission. Finch catches up to Dillinger in Central Park but he threatens him not to follow him. Dillinger meets with the Chinese but their meeting is intercepted by an assassin sent by Special Counsel, who fatally wounds Dillinger and causes the Chinese's car to crash. However, one of them escapes with the laptop. The assassin is revealed to be Shaw (Sarah Shahi), who kills a wounded Dillinger as Finch watches from afar, although he is not able to identify her. Finch ends up burying Dillinger in the park. Special Counsel finds that the laptop has been located in Ordos, China and orders the CIA to send Reese and Kara to retrieve it, setting off subsequent events in the series.
In February 2014, Casey is living in solitude in Canada when someone knocks at his door. He opens it to find Root (Amy Acker), who gives him instructions to go to Cartagena, Colombia and seek out Jason Greenfield before she explodes his cabin.
The show follows a group of friends who are African entertainers and A-listers as they go about their lives having fun, flirting and fighting in Johannesburg, South Africa.
They hail from five African countries. South African actress and media personality Khanyi Mbau is the central character of the group who is in a relationship with a Zimbabwean businessman. Separated couple Diamond Platnumz from Tanzania and his ex-girlfriend, South African-based Ugandan businesswoman Zari Hassan navigate their post-separation relationship, moving on and co-parenting.
Nigerian model Annie Macaulay-Idibia and her musician husband 2Baba deal with issues of previous infidelity and restoration. Nigerian fashion stylist Swanky Jerry is another central character who often appears as a peacemaker in the group.
South African rapper Nadia Nakai who is in a long-distance relationship, and single guy and broadcaster Andile Ncube also feature as potential love interests of other cast members.
Twice-divorced South African Naked DJ and his footballer girlfriend Kayleigh Schwark go through the challenges of dating life and their 12-year age gap.
Rahul (Rahul Rishika), confident and hopeful about his new life upon his return to the country; unexpectedly finds himself facing a battle with his fate and love. Torn between two women; Menakaa (Shanudrie Priyasad) and Parami (Nethmi Roshel). , he embarks on a journey tainted with broken promises and heartbreak in pursuit of answers.
A seven-year-old girl witnesses her older brother being bullied. Though he swears her to secrecy, she tells their father and soon finds herself the victim of bullying as well.
''Takt Op'' is set in the year 2047, a future world where music cannot be played freely because it attracts monsters called "D2s". These monsters were produced by a black meteorite containing Black Night Siderites which fell from the sky years ago. They hate the music produced by humans and are drawn to the music source and attempt to destroy it, as it is the only thing that can hurt and kill them. To combat the D2s, the Symphonica International Organization and the Musicarts combine their powers to defend the cities from D2s.
Ada, an Ossetian girl, plans an escape from her life in a small town of Mizur in North Ossetia, Russia.
A promising 19-year-old musician named Sonja learns that she’s contracted HIV. After she drops out of the music conservatory, Sonja is helped out by her practical sister Lora, who supports the family by working as a crane driver, and their hapless mom Anna. Sonja’s crisis brings together two generations of women: sisters and aunts who have experienced relentless misogyny, shaming, and homophobia in turn. The women also share the trauma of violence in their own family, which slowly resurfaces the more time they spend together, learning to speak out and to grieve.
The divergent point is when Johnny Carson was persuaded to host ''The Tonight Show'' episode with Paul McCartney and John Lennon after all, instead of Joe Garagiola in 1968, which in real life went poorly. Instead, the episode goes so well that an after-show drinking session that the musicians had a pleasant later conversation with Carson and Ed McMahon that convinces them of the need to show up for their commitments.
In that spirit, the Beatles manage to compromise about their manager situation with Lord Richard Beeching coming on board as an executive at Apple Corp, who mediates the talent managers Allen Klein for the most of the Beatles and The Eastmans for McCartney. With Beeching's influence, a "Grand Bargain" is reached with the Beatles able to pursue their individual careers as long as they produce a Beatles album each year. In addition, other matters work out well such as McCartney that his wife, Linda McCartney, sit in on recording sessions if Lennon's, Yoko Ono, has that privilege, and the wives reach an agreeable rapport with each other.
This arrangement works well enough with successful albums such as ''Everest'' (The original title for ''Abbey Road'') is a combination of studio recordings and live performances at the 1969 Woodstock Festival where they appeared. The internal tensions are still present and serious enough to the point of McCartney and Lennon having their mutually insulting songs "Too Many People" and "How Do You Sleep?, but Klein inspires the whole band to record a whole album together where they can all air their grievances in song one by one to each other in a well-received album called ''Saville Rowe'', which includes other songs like George Harrison's "Wah Wah", allowing for some emotional relief with the musical catharsis.
In addition, the band is kept together through other commitments such as starring in a well-received film adaptation of ''The Lord of the Rings'' directed by Stanley Kubrick, and a later caper film. Lennon is still involved in politics, attracting the enmity of both the Nixon Administration and a radical cell of the Weather Underground. Meanwhile, Yoko becomes frustrated at John's dissolute behavior and comes to encourage him to collaborate with the Beatles more closely to give his life a stabilizing focus. While Richard Nixon falls in the Watergate Scandal, that Weatherman cell kidnaps Lennon for ransom. The band is frantic to help Lennon, but their best assistance comes when George Harrison meets Steve Jobs while on a spiritual retreat in India. The computer expert devises a complex networking arrangement to correlate information as to Lennon's location, enabling his rescue. As a result, Lennon greatly increases his personal security, which prevents Mark David Chapman from murdering him in 1980.
After that, the Beatles agree to finally disband on good terms in 1975, with a farewell concert in Central Park However, Lennon eventually convinces the band to frequently reunite for concert tours, with a combination of their now predominately older audiences becoming more sedate without the constant Beatlemania shrieking, and better performance technology to make performing most of their song catalogue practical, with Eric Clapton joining the band at Harrison's insistence shortly before his death in 2001 from lung cancer. In addition, Jobs is appointed the head of Apple's moribund electronics division and he develops it into the massive electronics company, making the Beatles, along with being deeply impressed with his vision about technology, all billionaires along the way.
In the future, Mars and Earth form a military alliance called the Geans. Their state religion is led by the Mother. Women known as Sisters serve as priestesses and comfort women to soldiers; they are made mute so they cannot betray any soldier's secrets. Venus and Mercury have a government known as the Icarii, with advanced technology that they do not share with the Geans.
Lito sol Lucius is an Icarii warrior. His partner is Hiro val Akira. Hiro's father is a powerful and vindictive leader in the Icarii government. One year prior, the Icarii lost control of Ceres to the Geans. During the fighting, Lito and Hiro wounded Gean soldier Saito Ren. Ren was captured by the Icarii and later traded back to the Geans. After being assigned to kill the Mother, Hiro has gone dark. The Icarii tell Lito that they have defected.
Aboard the spacecraft ''Juno'', the ship's First Sister is ordered to spy on new captain Saito Ren. Ren secretly wants peace with the Icarii, which makes her a traitor to the Geans. First Sister falls in love with Ren and decides to betray the Mother. The Juno lands on Ceres for a religious festival.
Lito is assigned a new partner, Ofiera fon Bain. They are ordered to kill both the Mother and Hiro. Lito learns that the Icarii are experimenting on Asters, genetically modified humans who live in the asteroid belt. Ofiera's husband is an Aster currently imprisoned by the Icarii. Hiro and Ofiera have secretly been working with the Asters; Lito decides to join them. He and Ofiera infiltrate Ceres and continue the plan to kill the Mother. They meet First Sister and “Ren”. It is revealed that Ren has been replaced by Hiro; they were surgically modified by the Icarii to resemble Ren and were forced to infiltrate the Geans.
First Sister learns that all Sisters are controlled by neural implants, and that she is suffering hallucinations as a result of a technical failure. With her implant disabled, she regains her voice. She assassinates the Mother and ascends to become the First Sister of Ceres. She blames the assassination on Saito Ren. In the chaos, Hiro, Lito, and Ofiera escape. Hiro vows revenge on their father, while Lito and Ofiera embark on a journey to save her husband.
In a near-future in which an alien species known as the Vuvv has taken over Earth, an aspiring teenage artist and his girlfriend hatch a scheme to make money by broadcasting their dating life to the fascinated aliens in wake of the Vuvv's labor-saving technology. But the two teens slowly come to hate each other and can't break up without bankrupting their families.
In Champaign, Illinois, Root (Amy Acker) hijacks a prison bus and releases an inmate, Billy Parsons (Colin Donnell), per instruction from the Machine. She then gives him a fake ID so he infiltrates a government building posing as a United States Department of Defense and receives a note with an address. She then leaves Billy to be arrested by the police.
The Machine instructs Root to go to New York and locate a janitor at a bank, Cyrus Wells (Yul Vazquez). Surprisingly, Cyrus is willing to cooperate with her despite not knowing all the details. Root then finds Finch (Michael Emerson) on a park bench; he tells her Cyrus is their new number. Finch tells Root to step aside as she will put Cyrus on danger but Root refuses and warns Finch to focus on Samaritan as it will pose a threat to the Machine.
Root and Cyrus go to his apartment to pack his things when Vigilance hitmen, led by Collier (Leslie Odom Jr.), arrive. Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) hold off Vigilance but also discover that John Greer (John Nolan) and Decima Technologies also want Cyrus. Root and Cyrus escapes and Root has Cyrus arrested so he can be on a safe protection. She later uses a fake federal warrant to release him from Fusco (Kevin Chapman), who is forced to proceed with the release. Cyrus confesses to Root that he and his college friends founded a firm but a shooter killed his friends and he eventually became a janitor.
Greer locates Cyrus and Root in a park and interferes with signals so Root has no access to the Machine. Greer's men capture Cyrus while Reese unsuccessfully tries to stop them. Root then meets with Finch to show him the note she retrieved in Illinos; they deduce that Cyrus has access to a company named Maxwell Limited, which is controlled by the NSA and houses an advanced supercomputing chip that could activate Samaritan. Finch questions the relevancy of Cyrus compared to the chip and Root confesses that she is responsible for his college friends' deaths. She excuses her actions by stating that if Samaritan is activated, the whole team (including herself) will die.
Greer's men take Cyrus to Maxwell Limited where they gain access through Cyrus's Retinal scan. Greer then orders his men to kill Cyrus but Reese and Fusco shortly arrive to save him. After forcing a doctor to fix her right ear with a device, Root also arrives at Maxwell Limited. They save Cyrus but Decima fled with the chip. Cyrus thanks Root and leaves, although Root does not mention her involvement in his friends' deaths. Finch offers Root to work together in order to stop Samaritan but Root declines, leaving for Paraguay. The episode ends as the Machine keeps track of Samaritan's development and starts analyzing threats to the team.
''Krishna'' is a novel in which the story of Krishna is retold.
During the unmasking of a bank-robbing clown, Scooby-Doo hears a strange noise and is driven to dance and then run away. Meanwhile, Courage appears to be having the same problem, though Muriel and Eustace Bagge don't seem to notice. The gang rushes after Scooby only to find that they have ended up in Nowhere, where a group of hostile cicadas is surrounding Courage and Scooby. After killing the cicadas, they are called inside the Bagge household & properly meet Muriel & Eustace.
Both the Scooby gang and the Bagge family are invited to dinner with the Mayor of Nowhere, but on the way there, Scooby and Courage are attacked by a giant Cicada Queen, resulting in the destruction of Eustace's truck. Arriving at the Mayor's mansion, the Mayor offers to give them a tour of an attached museum detailing Nowhere's bizarre history of attracting weirdness to the town, however Shaggy, Scooby, and Courage look for something to eat & Eustace heads back to the Bagge residence to rid himself of the nuisance. An attack by the Cicada Queen and her brood knocks Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Muriel into a hidden cave, where they discover a strange machine randomly sending out cellphone calls; Shaggy, Scooby, and Courage destroy it while escaping the Cicada Queen.
Attempting to return to the Bagge residence to unravel the mystery, the group is once again attacked by the Cicada Queen, which kidnaps most of them, leaving only Scooby and Courage behind. Plugging Velma's personal tablet into Courage's computer, they discover that the cicada's unnatural size (and every other strange encounter Courage dealt with) was the result of a dark matter meteor buried under the spot where the Bagge house is. Courage and Scooby retrieve the meteor and rescue their friends, but their attempt to escape is thwarted by the Cicada Queen, who takes the meteor and holds Muriel hostage, forcing Courage to face his fears & confront it. After a long battle, the Cicada Queen is trapped under scraps from the Bagge windmill.
The General and his subordinate soon arrive to apprehend the Cicada Queen, which is revealed to be a mech piloted by two of Courage's most recurring enemies: villainous feline mastermind Katz and French con artist duck Le Quack. After discovering the meteor's existence, Katz and Le Quack took over Nowhere's political facilities and used the resources to dig up the meteor and use it to hypnotize and rob several well off locals, stashing it at the Bagge residence (Eustace discovered this earlier, but wrote it off as a windfall on his end); when they learned the Scooby gang was in the area, they used the meteor to brainwash the local cicada population to scare them off in an attempt to 'up their game'. The General attempts to secure the meteor to be used ostensibly as a weapon, but, at Courage's suggestion, it is turned into a disco ball so the group can celebrate. He closes the movie by saying "Well, goodnight folks. Bye!".
On the planet Mars, ten million years ago, the pirate prince Chandar, rightfully king of the island kingdom of Orm, is freed from imprisonment in the city of Shiangkor by the sinister Sarkond the Enchanter. While Sarkond ostensibly serves King Niamnon, the villain who slew Chandar's father and usurped his throne, the magician secretly has his own agenda. He plans to use Chandar's royal blood to power a talisman granting entry to Iophar, the legendary land of magic, where he hopes to gain the power to become tyrant over all Mars.
Together with Chandar's pirate companion Bram and Sarkon's assistant Mnadis the Witch, The ill-sorted pair succeed in entering Iophar. They are brought for judgment before Llys, queen and high priestess to its benevolent guardian god, and the god itself, the Flame of Iridar, a sentient vortex of living fire deriving from the sun. Sarkon's malevolence is revealed and he is slain, but then Mnadis reveals her true colors; as Llys serves the Flame, so too is she the servant of its evil counterpart, the Dark Flame.
A cosmic conflict between the two energy beings ensues, with the fate of the Solar System at stake. It culminates back in Shiangkor, where, with the aid of Chandar and his enchanted axe, the Flame triumphs. Restored to his throne, Chandar commences the consolidation of Mars's various kingdoms under his own rule.
At the orphanage in New York City it is 3 in the morning and one of the girls has a nightmare. Some of the girls are annoyed at being waked up. Annie tries to comfort the girl. Miss Hannigan comes in and tells the girls to take everything off their beds and scrub the floors, even though by this time it is 4 in the morning. They perform "It's the Hard-Knock Life" and Annie sneaks into the cart which the laundry man will take with him.
Annie discovers the dog Sandy and performs "Tomorrow". A cop asks Annie what she is doing out at night and about the dog. Annie claims it is hers and the cop tells her to put the dog on a better leash and give it a license. Then Annie encounters a Hooverville, where the homeless complain about former president Hoover and what has happened to their lives. A cop runs everyone off and Annie is returned to the orphanage.
Grace shows up at the orphanage and mentions the office in charge, leading Miss Hannigan to believe she is there to inspect the place. No, in fact, Grace is there to select an orphan to spend Christmas 1933 with Oliver Warbucks, a billionaire. Annie is there and when Miss Hannigan asks what qualities the orphan should have, Annie appears to meet all the requirements. So she gets to spend Christmas in this fabulous mansion of Fifth Avenue. When she arrives everything and everyone is so nice, and Annie and the cast perform "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here".
Warbucks arrives back at home after several weeks of touring his factories, many of which are closing, and he's not happy. President Roosevel
Miss Hannigan gets a visit from her brother Rooster with Lily, his latest girlfriend, and they perform "Easy Street".
Warbucks likes Annie so much that he wants to adopt her. When he gives Annie a locket to replace her old one, she gets very upset because her real parents will come back for her, according to the note left with her when she was abandoned. She has half a locket and they have the other half. When the two halves match, that's how Annie will know she has found her real parents. Warbucks agrees to search for Annie's parents, calling "J. Edgar" to put his best men on it. Warbucks and Annie go on the Bert Healy's NBC radio show and Warbucks offers a $50,000 reward if Annie's parents are found.
Hearing about the reward, Rooster and Lily put on disguises and succeed in fooling Miss Hannigan. They say they will claim to be Annie's long-lost parents from Canada, who were having a hard time when they gave her up, but now they are fine. They agree to split the reward money with Miss Hannigan, who was sent items after a fire that belong to Annie. This includes the locket that will prove who her parents are.
Warbucks and Annie visit President Roosevelt, who is meeting with his cabinet. They do not know what to do about the economy, but a woman on the radio is criticizing Roosevelt. Annie starts singing "Tomorrow" and the others join in. FDR can only speak the words. Then he announces Annie has inspired him to create government jobs so people won't have to take handouts--a "New Deal". Warbucks receives a telegram telling him to come right home.
Grace has screened numerous potential parents for Annie and all have lied. When Annie arrives home, she is given the sad news. Also, Eliot Ness has sent the news that the locket given to Annie was very common and it would be impossible to track down the people who bought it. Warbucks says if Annie's real parents cannot be found, he will adopt her, and the cast sings "I Don't Need Anything But You".
Then Mr. and Mrs. Mudge show up, with proof they are Annie's parents. This includes a birth certificate, and the most important thing, the locket. But there is little excitement. Everyone seems disappointed. Warbucks mentions the reward, and Mr. Mudge, actually Rooster, refuses the reward money at first. Then he realizes they can take the $50,000 and give Annie a nice life in the country in New Jersey. However, Mr. and Mrs. Mudge will have to come back tomorrow.
The next morning, Warbucks has news. J. Edgar Hoover has determined Annie's real parents are deceased. And there is more news: the real identities of Mr. and Mrs. Mudge have been found to be Rooster and Lily. So when they show up, cops are there to take them away, and so is FDR. Miss Hannigan also shows up, with all of Annie's friends, and tries to claim the reward, but she is told she is an accomplice and will have to be arrested as well. Annie pleads for Miss Hannigan to go free, and Warbucks agrees she will be given a job--just not taking care of orphans. Then the entire cast celebrates because Annie will be adopted by "Daddy Warbucks", as she calls him for the first time. with Rooster and lily Hannigan dancing at the end of the show.
The team receives the number of Maria Martinez (Nazneen Contractor), an engineer working for the international energy company HydralCorp. Meanwhile, Root (Amy Acker) starts following John Greer (John Nolan) but Greer is extremely careful of his moves and manages to avoid her.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) watch as Maria meets with a man, whose brother Omar Risha (Haaz Sleiman) has been arrested for terrorism, and gives her a package. Later, Shaw and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) see Maria put a GPS tracker on a limo belonging to French United Nations diplomat Rene Lapointe (Michel Gill). Maria follows Lapointe to a restaurant with the package, which consists of evidence of Omar's innocence but is brushed off and gets no evidence to support their theory. However, Maria meets Greek diplomat Christos Sevon (William Abadie), who gives her his card.
Reese and Finch (Michael Emerson) talk with Lapointe to get more information into Omar's arrest. After saving Maria from hitmen, the team takes her to the Library where she explains that Omar worked with her on Iraq as a translator to transport generators when terrorists ambushed them but Omar saved her life. The generators went missing and Omar learned about their disappearance, being targeted for it. Finch (Michael Emerson) visits Omar in jail and learns that the generators were shipped elsewhere and that HydralCorp's corrupt CEO Ken Davis (Casey Biggs) is responsible. Davis wants Omar deported back to Iraq, where he will be killed.
Maria and Shaw discover that Davis has created a false report of Omar's terrorist accusations, and that Lapointe has the papers approving Omar's asylum in the US in his office. Maria infiltrates his office with the help of Sevon but when Lapointe arrives, Sevon kills and prepares to kill Maria when Reese and Fusco arrive to overcome him. Sevon is arrested and Omar is granted asylum in the country. In the final scene, Root takes Bear with her to follow Greer and finds him meeting with Davis in Central Park. Davis had the generators delivered to Greer but as he leaves, Greer has his men kill him. She later follows him to a train station with the help of Bear and Greer talks to her, admiring her skills and offers her a position at Decima. She refuses and Decime hitmen hold her at gunpoint but Greer allows her to go.