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Misfit: The Series

A completely crazy school year is dawning for the Misfits at Hoogland College, because they want to put a cool musical on stage. In the middle of the preparations, however, they learn that the musical will be banned, because the new headmistress Agnes wants the students to focus on discipline, good grades and learning. She sees the musical as a pure waste of time and energy. But Julia has other things in mind. With the Misfits and her new friends, she finds a way to circumvent the rules of the headmistress and secretly continue to work on the piece. Can the friends realize their dream of a musical and recapture their school?

The Way Down (TV series)

The series follows Gwen Shamblin Lara, the founder of a diet program ''Weigh Down Workshop'', and The Remnant Fellowship, a church founded by Shamblin Lara.

East of the Mountains (film)

Retired cardiologist Ben Givens lives in Seattle and has recently became a widower. After being diagnosed with cancer, he decides to end his life. He tells his daughter Renee he's going bird hunting on the dry steppes east of the Cascade Mountains for a few days, or, as he puts it: "I want to go back to my old stomping grounds."

Ben drives to Eastern Washington with only a few belongings, his dog Rex, and a shotgun. On the way his SUV breaks down, but a couple of young rock climbers give him a ride to his destination. It was in this general region where he met and courted Rachel, the woman he would later marry, and the landscape is full of powerful memories which come back to haunt him.

On the Inside (The Walking Dead)

Connie (Lauren Ridloff) and Virgil (Kevin Carroll) shelter in a house they find in the woods while on the run from walkers. While checking if the house is clear, Connie spots eyes looking back at her through the bathroom mirror. Connie takes Virgil to the bathroom, but the eyes are gone. As they walk back to the main room, a moving wall closes between them, trapping them in different rooms.

The Reapers interrogate Frost for what he knows about where his group is. Pope (Ritchie Coster) tasks Daryl (Norman Reedus) to interrogate him. Frost reveals that they're meeting up at a yellow house when Daryl cuts off the tip of one of his fingers, and Leah (Lynn Collins) agrees to lead a team to investigate the house. Leah asks Daryl to come with them, which upsets Carver. When the search party arrives at the yellow house, Daryl covertly signals Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Elijah (Okea Eme-Akwari) of the Reapers' approach, who hide in a secret compartment in the floor under the carpet in the house they're hiding in. The Reapers search until they come upon Maggie's house. When they find the house empty, Daryl suggests they could have escaped out the back, but Carver is suspicious, and thinks that they're missing something. Carver questions if Daryl is truly loyal to the Reapers, but Leah suggests they check the remaining houses in the town. Carver finds the hidden door but upon lifting up the carpet, it is empty, as Maggie's group has fled the house using a tunnel. They then leave to search the other houses.

Meanwhile, Kelly (Angel Theory) searches the area for Connie and comes across a camp in the woods that Connie stayed at with Virgil, finding a small journal Connie was keeping. She is eventually joined by Carol (Melissa McBride), Rosita (Christian Serratos), and Magna (Nadia Hilker) who are annoyed that Kelly didn't tell anyone where she was going before she left, but agree to help her look for Connie.

Connie and Virgil are attacked by a feral person, but Virgil manages to stab him. In the room, Virgil tells Connie to leave him, and that no matter what happens to keep going so she can find her family. Connie insists that she's not leaving him, and he eventually agrees to go with her. They run out of the room with Virgil's weapons, and are ambushed by the feral people. While fighting, Virgil is stabbed twice in the back. Connie hides Virgil behind her as they become surrounded, and Connie covers herself in guts from a dead feral, before letting the walkers in to devour the feral people. Connie and Virgil escape the house, but are attacked by two ferals. Suddenly they are killed with Kelly's slingshot. Kelly, Carol, Rosita, and Magna run over to Connie, as the two sisters, crying in happiness, embrace.

After checking all the buildings, Daryl, Leah, and Carver arrive back at Meridian and tell Pope that they didn't find Maggie's group. They see Frost's dead body tied to a pole, and Pope says that he got everything he needed out of Frost, before bringing Carver inside Meridian.

The Dean's Elbow

In 1895, Mark Thewliss invites Mona Lightfoot to join him for a month's holiday, exploring the seas of South West England in his yacht ''Sea Flower.'' He is an amibitious 31 year old chemist with a well-known dyeing firm; she is a 23 year old clerk to Henry Perriton, a small-time accountant. Although Mona hopes for marriage, she knows that is not on offer and that he is "asking for the supreme sacrifice in return for just four weeks of romantic adventure." And indeed, when Mark receives an offer of a partnership in the firm, he cuts the holiday short. Back in London, he puts Mona out of his mind.

Thewliss prospers, and at the age of 44 is elected to parliament. Invited to a house party by Colonel Westram he meets Westram's niece Lady Olivia Stanton, his nephew the young army officer Derek Crayle, and his daughter Angela. Thewliss is entranced by the house and the company and yearns for a life he has never known: a country house filled with young people and – most especially – a daughter of his own. But the generosity of his new friends fills him with remorse about his treatment of Mona years earlier, and he instructs an inquiry agent to make sure she is not in need. The agent reports that Mona had married Henry Perriton and that the family, while not well-off, seem happy enough. Thewliss buys the estate neighbouring Westram's, and he and Olivia Stanton are married.

Unfortunately, the agent is wrong. In fact, only a few weeks after the holiday Mona found she was pregnant and had married her employer in desperation. They had agreed that Mona's daughter Lois would be brought up as his, and that she would not be told about her real father. As the years pass Lois comes to detest the alcoholic Henry, and at the age of 16 she resolves to earn her own living with a view to rescuing her mother. Henry blurts out her true parentage, and tells her the family is being spied on to ensure they make no trouble for Thewliss and his new wife. Lois resolves to take revenge on her true father.

After the war, Thewliss is raised to the peerage. Lois, meanwhile, finds herself having to work for starvation wages. Mona feels she has no option but to visit Lord Thewliss and plead on Lois's behalf for his help. Thewliss offers to take on Lois as his private secretary, and is astounded to discover that he has a daughter. Lois does well in her new role and becomes close to Derek Crayle, who has now been taken into the firm. Although father and daughter both know of their relationship, each believes the other to be ignorant of it.

Thewliss designs a revolutionary colour-fast chemical process suitable for all types of dye and all types of cloth, shocking competing manufacturers who know that this will put their own businesses at risk. The secret written plans for the process are stolen, and Lois is discovered red-handed trying to copy out the material in order to sell it on.

Father and daughter confront each other. Each learns for the first time that the other had known of their relationship, and of other misunderstandings. Lois vents her anger against the man who abandoned her mother and thought her capable of blackmail. Thewliss explains that he was simply trying to make sure they were not in need, and that he always believed the family to be happy. Crayle offers to stick by Lois, but she turns him down and leaves.

Mona and Lois set up a small secretarial office in Southampton. Crayle returns to his old army life, and two years later is killed in India. Mourning his loss, Thewliss takes a holiday alone in the ''Sea Flower.'' While sailing for one last time in the seas in which he had holidayed with Mona so many years before, he himself dies. A solicitor hands Mona a letter from Thewliss saying that he has made provision for them in his will and quoting a line from Shakespeare, "Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you." ''As You Like It'', act 1, scene 2.

Draft:Un diable dans la poche

After witnessing a crime, a group of children is forced to remain silent. Auguste, the youngest of the group, finds the burden too heavy and decides to betray the secret.

What If... Ultron Won?

Tony Stark creates the "Ultron" global defense program to keep the Earth safe and create world peace. However, Ultron goes rogue and concludes that rather than peace, the Earth needs an evolution, leading him to have the body of Vision created for himself and transfer his programming into Vision. Now with a new body, Ultron proceeds to kill Stark and most of the Avengers before launching nuclear missiles around the Earth, eradicating most of humanity.

Shortly after, Thanos arrives, seeking the Mind Stone to complete the Infinity Gauntlet, but Ultron bisects him and takes the Infinity Stones for himself, becoming aware of the wider universe. Using the Stones, Ultron builds an army of Sentries and a teleporting spaceship before proceeding to destroy several planets and kill most of the universe's remaining life. With his mission complete, Ultron is left without a purpose until he hears the Watcher's narration and becomes aware of the Multiverse's existence.

Meanwhile, surviving Avengers Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fight to survive Ultron's forces, though Barton is losing the will to live. Arriving in Moscow, they search KGB files in the hopes of defeating Ultron, finding one for Arnim Zola, a Hydra scientist whose consciousness was uploaded into a computer after his death.

Romanoff and Barton travel to a Siberian Hydra laboratory and coerce Zola into helping them, intending to upload him into Ultron's programming to delete Ultron. They lure in a group of Ultron's Sentries and upload Zola's consciousness into one. However, Zola cannot upload himself into Ultron as Ultron had left their universe. Barton sacrifices himself so that Romanoff and Zola can escape.

Upon locating the Watcher, Ultron fights him across multiple realities and emerges victorious, but the former flees before he can be killed. Ultron assumes control of the Watcher's observatory, now having countless universes to attack. With no other options, the Watcher meets with Doctor Strange Supreme, whom he had previously left to his fate, and requests his help in stopping Ultron.

They/Them (film)

At night, a mysterious figure kills an adult driving to a conversion camp known as Whistler Camp. In the morning, a group of LGBTQ people arrive at Whistler Camp, run by Owen Whistler. He introduces the camp as an inclusive safe space and promises that they will not try to forcefully convert them. Owen separates the campers into cabins for boys and girls, but Jordan, who is trans and non-binary, is not comfortable going to either. Owen assigns Jordan to the boys' cabin. The group comes together in a circle and shares why they came to Whistler Camp. Jordan says they made a deal with their religious family to attend for a week so they could legally emancipate themselves. The next morning, Owen criticizes and outs another member, Alexandra, for not sharing that she is trans. He makes her go to the boys' cabin for dishonesty. Alexandra later convinces the camp's new nurse, Molly, to give her Estradiol, an estrogen hormone.

The group partakes in activities overseen by athletics director Zane and his fiancé, activities director Sarah. One night, Owen splits the group into pairs, handcuffing them together, and instructs them to walk into the woods alone. The group is hesitant, but Owen promises that they will regroup in the morning. While in the woods, Jordan and Alexandra see the mysterious person in the woods. The next day, the camp's therapist, Dr. Cora Whistler, belittles members of the group for their sexualities and gender identities, including Jordan. Affected by Dr. Cora's words, Jordan returns to the boy's cabin upset but is cheered up when the group hosts a dance party to "Perfect" by Pink. That night, Jordan sneaks into the main office and discovers photographs that show the history of Whistler Camp, including the torturing of children. Jordan is caught by Molly, who says she did not know and promises to protect the group. The camp's groundskeeper, Balthazar, is killed by the mysterious figure while observing the girls showering through a spy cam.

The next day, the group is divided by gender. Owen takes the boys to a shooting range while the girls make pies for the boys. Jordan defeats Zane in a shooting competition. Owen reverts to calling Jordan a "he" instead of "they." Owen instructs Toby, a gay man, to shoot Owen's dog, Duke, because Duke has cancer. If he refuses to do so, Zane will start to torture Duke by breaking the dog's legs. Jordan kills Duke instead and storms off. Meanwhile, Sarah tries to out Kim, a closeted lesbian. Kim later tells her friend, Veronica, and they have sex. Jordan, Alexandra, and Toby agree that they leave Whistler Camp in the morning. Gabriel has sex with Stu, who has been questioning his sexuality. Gabriel reveals they work at Whistler Camp. Owen and Zane force Stu to participate in aversion therapy, a form of electroshock torture that Owen says will make Stu a heterosexual. Upon finding Stu unconscious, Molly quits and says she will go to the police. Owen threatens her to stay. The mystery figure butchers Zane and Sarah and fatally electrocutes Gabriel.

Every person at Whistler Camp comes together after finding the dead bodies. The mystery figure kills Cora. Alexandra leads the younger members out of the camp. The mystery figure reveals itself to be Molly. Her real name is Angie Phelps. The adult that she killed that one night was Molly. Angie attended Whistler Camp and was tortured there at a young age. She made it her mission to close every conversion camp in existence. Angie attacks Owen but is unable to gain the upper hand. Jordan takes Owen's gun but does not shoot, giving Angie the time to kill Owen herself. Angie tries talking Jordan into helping her but they refuse. The police arrest Angie. The group agrees to live their lives to the fullest.


Per Gjerpen works as a salesman and accountant. One day he sees Trine while he is out on a sales tour. He buys her two lottery tickets. This is the beginning of a contact that later deepens into a love affair. The couple discovers that they have won a house in the lottery, but it later turns out not to be true. The numbers were read incorrectly. Instead, they are able to use a house owned by Aunt Andrea. Trine goes to visit Andrea, who is ill, and Per grows lonely in the house. Then complications begin.

Flynn: Son of Crimson

''Flynn: Son of Crimson'' tells its story through NPC dialogue and short, comic-like images. The game's story begins as Flynn is taking a nap outside his home on Cardinal Island, a quaint, somewhat isolated part of the mainland, Rosantica. He is given the small task of taking his loyal, mythical dog Dex out for her walk - whilst also taking Bohrin’s (the first NPC in the game) wooden sword out to practice and trim some overgrown vines. Heather is pleased when they arrive calling Dex a good girl.

During this time, Flynn and Dex take another nap after meeting with a second helping of mainline NPCs (Heather, Bax and Beagy). Soon after a small amount of progression through Cardinal Island, Dex meets an antagonistic character named Rozia. The initial fight with Rozia starts off as a scripted, unwinnable battle that eventually leads to Flynn acquiring the first Crimson weaponry. Once the fight is over, Rozia then proceeds to drain Dex of her 4 guardian spirits. This starts the main story progression.

The Madness Inside Me

Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Madison Taylor (Merrin Dungey), who works in the New York City prison system evaluating inmates for parole, is a witness to her husband Jeremy (Anthony DeSando) being assaulted by Francis Tate (Devon Graye) during a home invasion. In the struggle, Francis knocks Madison unconscious. When she wakes in the hospital, Detective Thompson (Thomas Q. Jones) reveals to her that her husband was murdered. Though Madison identifies Francis in a police lineup, she later testifies during his trial that he was not the killer.

In the aftermath of the trial, Madison is unable to sleep and begins to photograph strangers, places herself in increasingly dangerous situations, and ultimately starts to stalk Francis. After Jeremy's death, Madison's relationship with Jeremy's sister, Cynthia (Jennifer Gelfer), and her husband James (Brit Whittle) becomes strained. Madison attempts to understand the thrill that so many of the inmates that she had worked with felt with hunting their victims, and contemplates whether this was a buried aspect of her own personality. She continues working with incarcerated felons, including Eddie (Scotty Tovar), who was convicted of killing his father. Madison's self-destructive behavior leads her to meet Francis for coffee. Their encounter develops into a violent, sexual relationship as she tries to understand who Francis is and why he murdered her husband. She learns from Francis that he had broken into her apartment because he is a voyeur and that he did not intend to kill her husband.

The Windshield Wiper

Inside a cafe while smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, a man poses an ambitious question: "What is Love?". A collection of vignettes and situations will lead the man to the desired conclusion.

Gierek (film)

The film tells the history of Edward Gierek, from taking over the position of First Secretary in 1970 until his internment in 1982. The plot mainly focuses on Gierek's attempts at reviving the Polish economy with foreign loans and the crisis that followed.

Night Work (1930 film)

Willie Musher is an assistant window dresser for a department store who is the unlucky chump who is fired each time a disgruntled customer complains to the manager, Mr. Reisman. Willie is given ten dollars by the husband of one of the complainers as a tip for lying so well, and he leaves the store to deposit the money in his bank account.

Outside in the street there is a drive to raise funds for a local orphanage, and Willie meets a pretty nurse named Mary Robbins, and a cute orphan boy named Oscar. Willie accidentally agrees to pledge weekly support of ten dollars, which is more than he can afford.

Store clerk, Aggie, goes to the window dressing department to invite Willie to a picnic on Sunday the following day, but he explains to her that he needs to go to the orphanage to withdraw his support as Sunday is visiting day at the orphanage. Aggie stays too long and Mr. Reisman joins them to do some paperwork. Reisman insists that Willie continue undressing "the dummy" (Aggie) and Willie is compelled to take her dress off.

Willie borrows a cutaway suit and top hat from one of the store's dummies and visits the orphanage with the intention to withdraw his sponsorship. While there he sees Mary, who is impressed that he is supporting an orphan, and visits with Oscar the orphan. Willie reveals to Mary that he was also an orphan and ran away at 15 to support himself and leads her to believe he is rich. Also visiting is a couple with the intention to adopt, and is shown several children, however they are not interested in Oscar since little is known about the boy except that he was brought to the facility on April 1st.

Outside the orphanage there is a car with a flat tire, and as the cabdriver changes the tire he explains to the couple inside the car, Pinky and Trixie, that he drove a woman to this place several years ago on April 1st to leave a child there. After the woman goes inside the orphanage the cabdriver finds a ring on the floor of the car with the inscription "H.V. to V.H.". Pinky makes a note of the inscription in his notebook. Still inside the orphanage, Willie agrees to continue sponsoring the child somehow.

Willie gets a second job at a nightclub and struggles to stay awake, and while Willie is waiting on Harvey Vanderman's table, Trixie tells Pinky about Harvey's first wife, Violet Harris and that Harvey and Violet had eloped but Harvey's father had the marriage annulled. Pinky realizes that the ring may have been given to Violet by Harvey and decides to write a letter.

Harvey receives a letter informing him he has a child at the orphanage, his father Mr. Vanderman, decides to look into the matter. Mrs. Ten Eyck informs Willie and Mary that a millionaire is interested in adopting Oscar and Mary encourages him not to let the man walk all over him. Willie agrees to adopt Oscar if Mary will be his wife. The following Sunday Harvey and his father pay a visit to Oscar with the intention of adopting him. Willie is not able to raise the money to adopt Oscar, he reluctantly gives up any claim to him and accepts that the Vanderman's will be adopting him. Harvey recalls that Willie is a waiter at a nightclub and Mary is heartbroken over being misled and she and Willie break up.

Back at the department store Mr. Reisman asks Calloway, the head window dresser, who dressed the baby and toy windows, Calloway sarcastically informs him that Willie did. After Calloway leaves, Reisman tells his secretary and Willie is now the head window dresser. Calloway tells Willie Reisman wants to see him, but Willie thinks he's in trouble and goes into the office prepared to give him a piece of his mind and does so. Reisman promotes him instead of firing him much to Willie's surprise. Willie bargains for the same pay as Calloway and a two hundred dollar advance on his pay for the adoption as well as the afternoon off.

Willie goes to the orphanage with the two hundred dollars and stands his ground against Mr. Vanderman, and suggests Oscar may not have been the only baby dropped off on April 1st. Soon it is discovered that there was another baby dropped off with a wedding ring tied to his wrist with the inscription "H.V. to V.H.", but had already been adopted by a couple from London. Before Vanderman leaves he suggest Willie and Mary get married, and they and Oscar think that's a great idea.

What If... the Watcher Broke His Oath?

In Captain Peggy Carter's universe, she duels Georges Batroc but is interrupted by the Watcher, who has chosen her for his team. In Star-Lord T'Challa's universe, T'Challa helps Peter Quill in defeating Ego before he is recruited by the Watcher. After recruiting Carter and T'Challa, the Watcher recruits Erik "Killmonger" Stevens, Thor, and a Gamora who battled on Sakaar alongside Tony Stark and killed her version of Thanos from their respective universes. Together, they form the Guardians of the Multiverse alongside Dr. Stephen Strange Supreme to fight against Ultron, who plans to destroy the Multiverse.

The team prepares for battle in a universe lacking intelligent life, but Thor accidentally draws Ultron's attention. A battle ensues, which ends with T'Challa stealing the Soul Stone and Strange teleporting a horde of zombies including a zombified Wanda Maximoff onto Ultron, before escaping to Ultron's home universe. There, they meet that universe's Natasha Romanoff before they are interrupted by a returning Ultron, who had defeated the zombies. The team manages to subdue Ultron and Gamora uses the Infinity Crusher in an attempt to destroy the Infinity Stones, but fails as the Crusher and the Stones are from different universes.

Ultron re-engages the team and begins to overpower them. Romanoff, with Carter's help, shoots Ultron with Clint Barton's arrow that contains Arnim Zola's artificial intelligence. Zola's AI destroys Ultron's mind, but Killmonger steals Ultron's armor and the Infinity Stones, telling the Guardians that the power may be able to "fix their worlds", but they refuse. Zola reactivates Ultron's Vision body and begins to fight Killmonger for the Stones. Strange and the Watcher freeze them in time and seal them inside a pocket dimension which Strange agrees to watch over.

The Watcher returns Carter, T'Challa, Thor and Gamora back to their home universes, with Romanoff (who refuses to return to her own dead universe) being brought to the universe where most of the Avengers (including that universe's Romanoff) were assassinated by Hank Pym as she saves Nick Fury from Loki. The Watcher continues to watch over the Multiverse which he now vows to protect.

In a mid-credits scene, after returning to her universe, Carter and her universe's Romanoff defeat Batroc before discovering the Hydra Stomper armor with someone contained inside.

Menajerimi Ara

Four managers of talent agency Ego, namely Kıraç (Barış Falay), Feris (Canan Ergüder), Çınar (Fatih Artman) and Peride (Ayşenil Şamlıoğlu), deal with difficult situations every day and defend their business visions. They skillfully combine art and business, but their private and professional lives sometimes come into conflict. Managers and their assistants take us behind the scenes of the wild world of famous players; where laughter, emotions, intrigue, disappointment and tears constantly collide. Dicle (Ahsen Eroğlu), who entered this wild world for the first time, says that I am also in the war, starting from the bottom in his struggle against personalities whose egos are higher than their height.

Phantom (Russian TV series)

Stas hunts a major drug dealer, Gypsy, who distributes a synthetic drug, "Rad". The latest of five deaths in a month was a young woman, Lena. Stas corners Gypsy on a rooftop but is killed by a third person as he turns around. His phantom, heads towards a lit doorway but pauses when he has a vision of Vera being shot by his own murderer. Stas has two weeks to find the killer and protect Vera. Stas' boss, Victor leads the detective squad with other members, Artur, Dima and Ksyu. Vera works for the police in a different section. Her boss, Lyosha, has romantic designs on her. Stas enlists Katya, a first-year Psychology major, to help him. Katya lives with her Aunt Ira while trying to unearth details about her parents' deaths. At college Katya encounters Igor a spoilt, rich man; Dina another first-year student; and Anton, a fellow student and sometime musician.

Stas learns his squad has a mole and suspects each one, in turn. "Rad" distribution is taken over by Dunya. Stas asks Katya to risk her safety first by retrieving Gypsy's phone and later by getting Dunya's contacts list. Stas and Anton help Katya to find her mother, Olya. Vera initially suspects Stas had cheated on her; that he was bribed by drug dealers; and that he fathered a son with a prostitute. Later Vera finds her suspicions were false. Artur buys black market drugs: pain-killers for his ex-wife. Ksyu spied on fellow squad members for Internal Affairs. Dima is arrested after being linked to a human trafficking ring and threatening to kill Vera. Igor is questioned about knowing Lena and buying "Rad" from Gypsy. Next day he is found dead of an overdose. Lyosha stalked Stas and is friends with Igor's mother. Katya's involvement in the investigations results in her being questioned. Vera is threatened, at gun-point, on her birthday. Stas asks Katya to convince his remaining squad members to save Vera.

Draft:Hide (film 2020)

Two brothers entertain themselves with a game of hide and seek. As one counts, the other hides in a small cabinet. Seconds pass… then minutes… years… and decades. HIDE is a heartrending and prescient story about family and disconnect, in a world that is increasingly fragmented and unrecognizable.

Friendzone (film)

Pediatric nurse Thibault "Titi" always gets quickly friendzoned by women he’s interested in. On holiday with his three best friends for a bachelorette party, during their last night, he stumbles across Rose.

Recently broken up with her boyfriend, there are sparks between Rose and Titi. They grow closer together, later going on nights out, watching films and giving Rose foot rubs. He takes too long to tell Rose how he feels, and she shows signs of being too comfortable with him.

Convinced that he’s in the friend zone, his three closest friends set out to help him win her affections. They believe he should become a new more mysterious man.

Titi tells Rose he’s going abroad for some weeks volunteering so his girlfriends can coach him. Maud, an independent banker who unapologetically embraces her sexuality, builds his stamina and fitness by running. Goofy Lulu, Titi’s co-worker, teaches him to dance. Alexandra, the sweet girl next door type, gives him advice on communicating more masculinely.

At the end of his ‘training’, Titi successfully gets social influencer Jenni’s number. Feeling he’s ready, they plan to expose Rose to the new-and improved Titi at her baby clothes design show, but he finds she’s back with her troublesome ex-boyfriend Bruno. While Rose is in the back, Bruno shamelessly hits on Maud who he had hit on five years ago, but to no avail as she still prefers women.

Crushed, Titi goes home in a daze. He looks through his phone, calling Jenni. He’s honest to her, but in a sexy way which convinces her. She throws herself at him.

The next day, Titi introduces Jennifer to his friends. They had just been gossiping about the couple’s escapade in the hospital, as well as Bruno harrassing Maud with talk of his penis size.

Jennifer monopolises all of Titi’s time. He is expected to be her photographer as well as not being able to spend time with his friends. Rose tries to contact him, only knowing about him through Jenni’s social media.

Jenni's demandingness becomes trying. Titi is woken from a tranquil dream with Rose by her snapping flash photos of them. At work Rose pays him a surprise visit, but he’s rude and she leaves upset. Lulu and the rest of the group propose hatching the plan to get rid of Bruno.

Titi apologizes to Rose, inviting her and Bruno to Jennifer’s party. Maud is to seduce Bruno and show Rose the pictures. Alex asks Rose to take something to Titi’s room. Lulu distracts Jenni so Titi can follow and show her some of the dance moves he’s learned.

On their way downstairs to rejoin the party, Titi and Rose see Bruno showing Maud his penis. Upset, Rose leaves and Titi comforts her, but when he tries to kiss her she accuses him of just trying to get sex. Rejected and dejected, Titi returns to an irate Jenni, breaks up with her, so she beats him up.

Confronting his friends, Titi chews them out for meddling. He points out that Maud is a hypocrite for criticising when she doesn’t have long-term relationships, Lulu for being irresponsible and Alex for naïvely trying to make everything fit into her idea of a perfect world. Reminding them they changed him, he stomps off.

Titi doesn’t talk to his friends for awhile, until Lulu reaches out on their lunch break. Later, she tells him Alex’s pregnant. Going down to meet them all, apologies are given all around.

Alex tells Titi Rose is moving to Spain tomorrow. Initially not responsive, seeing one of his young patient’s with her boy friend inspires him. Running out of the hospital, he’s hit by an ambulance. His life flashes before his eyes and he wakes up in a hospital bed. Realing he has little time, he has his crew get him to Rose’s.

As Rose won’t let him in, he declares his love for her from atop of her moving van. Promising to be upfront with her from now on, she lets him in. Months later, he has a quick video call with his crew from Barcelona.

No One Gets Out Alive (film)

Ambar, an undocumented immigrant, moves from Mexico to Cleveland after her mother passes away. She supports herself with an under the table job and her savings. In search of a place to stay, she finds a dilapidated boarding house run by Red, who demands the first month's rent up front. After moving in, odd things happen to her both at the new boarding house and outside. One night she sees a man banging his head against the door, who she later learns is Red's sick brother, Becker. Some rooms in the house are filled with strange artifacts, including depictions of ritual sacrifice. Ghostly figures are seen around the house.

In search of a better job, Ambar gives a co-worker the remainder of her savings to obtain a fake ID that proclaims her a U.S. citizen, but the co-worker betrays her by stealing the money and quitting her job. Ambar asks her boss for the co-worker's address, but is fired instead.

Frightened by supernatural visions, Ambar flees the boarding house. Desperate for money and unable to receive help from her distant cousin, Beto, Ambar is forced to call Red. They meet at a nearby diner and Red promises to refund her deposit, but only if she returns to the house as he claims to not have enough cash on him. When they arrive at the boarding house, the cash is not in her room as promised. Instead, Becker locks Ambar in her room along with two Romanian women who have also moved into the boarding house. The two women start singing a lullaby which prompts Ambar to sleep.

As Red and Becker prepare the women to be taken down to the basement for reasons unknown, Beto comes looking for Ambar but is assaulted by Becker. Becker takes one of the Romanian women downstairs; Red tells Ambar that his dad was an archeologist (as seen in the home movies at the start of the film) who brought back a stone box from his trip to Mexico in 1963. Something about the box led Red's father, along with his mother, Mary, to trap and murder women (the ghosts that Ambar has seen and heard throughout the house). Discovering what they had done, Red wanted to leave but Becker insisted on staying: each woman sacrificed to the stone box improved Becker's health.

After Red's explanation, Becker takes Ambar to the basement, where she sees the other woman has been decapitated. He ties Ambar to a stone slab in front of an altar where the box sits, opens the box and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. It seems that Ambar is doomed, until Beto bursts into the room and unties Ambar.

As they attempt to escape the basement, Ambar is caught up in a dream of her mother on her deathbed. At the same time, a creature slowly emerges from the box and takes Ambar's head between its hands to read her mind and learn what Ambar has sacrificed. In the dream, Ambar strangles her mother, whose eyes and hands have morphed into those of the creature. This causes the monster, the Aztec goddess Ītzpāpālōtl (God of Paradise made possible through sacrifice), associated with the moth seen throughout the film (''Rothschildia erycina''), to accept the sacrifice and retreat into the box.

Ambar hears Becker and Red preparing the last girl for sacrifice. Becker notices his wounds are not healing. Ambar grabs a macuahuitl from the study and goes upstairs where she injures Red and is then attacked by Becker. The Romanian woman tries to help but is thrown over the balcony and killed by the fall. Becker chokes Ambar, but she slices his carotid artery with an obsidian blade from the macuahuitl and smashes his head with the weapon. She hears Red, wounded but alive, shuffling around in the next room. She brings him downstairs and ties him onto the stone table where she watches the monster bite off his head. As she is leaving the house her ankle, broken by Becker earlier, suddenly heals as a result of sacrificing Red to the monster. Walking through the house, she passes by Red, who has become a ghost like the other sacrificed women.

Mum Is Pouring Rain

Jane is looking forward to spending Christmas with her Mom who is battling a depression, so she is sent unknowingly to her Grandma's instead. The holidays turn out to be quite an adventure as Jane meets new friends: Cloclo, the gigantic hobo who lives in the forest, and Sonia and Leon, two local kids. As she learns to open herself to others, Jane will inspire her mother the necessary strength to get back on her feet.

The Chill (Macdonald novel)

Archer is hired by Alex Kincaid to trace his wife Dolly, after she had left him on the first day of their honeymoon in Pacific Point. The detective soon traces her to the nearby college where she has enrolled as a student. There Dolly also acts as chauffeur for Mrs Bradshaw, whose son Roy is the college Dean. On the night of Archer's arrival, Dolly discovers the murdered body of Helen Haggerty, her college counsellor, and becomes hysterical. While Alex comforts Dolly, Archer contacts Dr Godwin, her former psychiatrist. Godwin immediately arranges for her to enter a clinic where she can be isolated from the predatory Sheriff Crane, who would like to convict her for Helen's murder.

Ten years before, Dolly had been manipulated into appearing as the principal witness when her father Thomas McGee was convicted of shooting her mother. After his release from San Quentin State Prison, McGee had contacted his daughter, protesting his innocence, and the trauma of this was what had caused her to run away. Archer now sets out to look into the background of the killing and begins to suspect a link between that, the murder of Helen Haggerty and the shooting of property developer Luke Deloney in the Chicago suburb of Bridgeton twenty years before. Helen's father, Police Lieutenant Earl Hoffman, had been in charge of the investigation but had been bullied into declaring it a case of suicide. That had caused a breach with his daughter, who knew differently.

Archer returns from Bridgeton via Reno, where his contacts Arnie and Phyllis Walters help him locate Jud Foley, a suspect that he and Roy Bradshaw had seen in the grounds on the night of Helen's murder. It eventually comes out that Jud had supplied Helen with information concerning Bradshaw's financial standing. She had then blackmailed Bradshaw in return for not revealing details of his affair with McGee's murdered wife years before. Knowing that Bradshaw is also staying in Reno, Archer visits his hotel room and discovers that he has secretly married his academic colleague Laura Sutherland and is living with her there. To be able to marry, he had earlier passed a summer in Reno so as to establish residence according to Nevada law and get a divorce from a marriage he made while still a student at Bridgeton to Letitia Macready.

Back in Pacific Point, Dr Goodwin questions Dolly under pentothal and learns further details about the nights of Mrs McGee's and of Helen's murders. For a while suspicion falls on Bradshaw, then shifts to his former wife, whom no one in Pacific Point has ever seen. Archer deduces at the last moment that she must be the woman Bradshaw has been passing off as his mother and that she was responsible for murdering his other sexual partners out of jealousy. Bradshaw had made it appear as if he meant to marry Helen; now that it is apparent that Laura is his real wife, her life is endangered. Bradshaw sets out to intercept Mrs Bradshaw and is killed when her car collides with his.

Crisis Route

Gao Haojun is a former Special Police officer. One time while subduing robbers who were robbing a jewelry shop, Gao accidentally blinds his daughter, Xiaojun, which shatters his family and is guilt ridden as a result. After his wife, Yuan, leaves him with their daughter, Gao resigns from the police force and becomes an international security expert. Years later, Gao bumps into his ex-wife and daughter while boarding the luxurious Airbus A380. However, during the flight, 12 hijackers seize the plane and hold its 800 passengers hostage while at over 10,000 feet in the air. As the hijackers mercilessly kill passengers on the economy class, Gao steps forward and engages in a battle of brains and brawns against the hijackers where Xiaojun also secretly assists her father by providing him intel.

Seven (2019 Nigerian film)

The theme of the film revolves around Kolade after his affluent father passes, he must survive seven days in the Nigerian neighbourhood of Ajegunle, where obstacles keep him from his inheritance. The movie opens with a doctor checking the brain X-rays of a patient and upon observation, he tells his fellow resident the tumour has spread drastically and there is no cure or treatment for the patient that will work as the cancer is too far gone.


The plot follows the player as Buddy, the female peacock jumping spider who sets off on the quest to save her boyfriend after he is kidnapped by a male Satin Bowerbird. Recruiting the help and resources of three other distinct insects; bees, ants and dung beetles by helping with their own objectives such as completing the construction of a Mech-Ant by attaching its legs with webs. Together they help the player construct a hot air balloon fashioned out of the moth's silk cocoon, with the ants providing the manpower, the bees providing repairs to the balloon, and the dung beetles the fuel to reach the Bowerbird's nest in the Sky Bower.


''Stardemon'' is an adventure which is set on the planet of Anson, and involves an archeological expedition into the jungle.

Emergency Skin

The unnamed protagonist lives on an exoplanet colony that was founded when the collapse of life on Earth (called Tellus in the story) was deemed inevitable. He, like all other lower-class people in the colony, has a synthetic body rather than skin, which is reserved for the colony's "Founders" and other elite. Aided by a collective AI implanted in his brain, he is sent on a mission to Tellus to retrieve cell cultures that the Founders need to continue synthesizing skin. However, when he arrives there, he discovers that it is not the lifeless husk he was led to believe, and that he is far from the first of his kind to come there on a cell culture mission. Instead of returning to his ship with the cells, he activates his "emergency skin," a layer of nanites that form synthetic skin, and stays on Earth to learn more. An old man brings him to a museum and shows him what happened after the Founders left the planet to form their colony: everyone left on Earth abandoned country borders and individual property, pooling all their resources and working together to prevent the planet's destruction. The protagonist realizes that the Founders deliberately kept this information from everyone else on the colony so that they could continue to hoard resources as the elite, and that they kill everyone who returns from missions to Earth so that they cannot tell anyone the truth. The story ends with him disabling the collective AI in his brain and resolving to return to his colony to start a revolution against the Founders.

The Gates of Doom (novel)

In the early eighteenth century, during the reign of George I, Jacobite agent Captain Gaynor is instructed by the exiled pretender James III to put his trust in Lord Pauncefort. But Pauncefort has money problems, not helped by his investment in the South Sea Company.

Sharpe's Assassin

Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Sharpe, in command of the Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, is tasked by the Duke of Wellington to precede the main British army into France and rescue a high-value prisoner from the citadel in the ''commune'' of Ham.

Accompanied by his friend, retired Sergeant Major Patrick Harper and exploring officer Major Vincent, Sharpe uses a ruse de guerre to gain access to and capture the fortress. They rescue the prisoner, an art dealer and British spy named Alan Fox. Sharpe executes via guillotine the citadel's ''commandant'' as punishment for the murder of several of the other prisoners.

Upon returning to the army, Sharpe is appalled to find that the newly arrived Major Charles Morris, who had Sharpe flogged in India, has been given command of his battalion due to a shortage of experienced officers. After threatening to flog Morris if he flogs any of the men during his absence, Sharpe is dispatched with Fox to Paris with Harper, Charlie Weller, and some picked men to investigate a rumoured plot by a Bonapartist cabal calling themselves ''La Fraternité'' to assassinate Wellington, Prince Blücher, Louis XVIII, and other allied leaders. Despite Fox's insistence on secrecy, Sharpe informs his lover, Lucille Castineau, of his mission; she passes on a request from her host, the Dowager Countess of Maubeuges, to evict a group of deserters who have occupied her Parisian mansion.

After arriving in Paris and setting up a hideout in Fox's art warehouse, Sharpe and Fox meet with Fox's informant, Felix Collignon, who springs an ambush. With the aid of Harper and his men, Sharpe captures Collignon, and, after Fox has interrogated him, kills him. Collingnon had given up two names — General Delaunay and Colonel Lanier — and leaves to find and question one of the men alone, over Sharpe's objections. When Fox does not return, Sharpe presumes he has been captured. Fearing that the warehouse is known to La Fraternité, he takes his men to the dowager countess's mansion and attacks in the middle of the night, killing some deserters and evicting the survivors. The next day, Sharpe sees French troops raid the warehouse, confirming his fears.

Sharpe learns that the Delaunay family owns a vineyard on the outskirts of Paris, and that evening takes his men to investigate. After sneaking into the Delaunay home through an open window, Sharpe finds himself held at gunpoint by Madame Delaunay, the general's English wife, who informs him that her husband had been killed at Waterloo, and that Fox is her captive. She expresses curiosity about Sharpe's rifle and test-fires it out of the window, but the recoil injures her, and Sharpe easily disarms her. His men overpower the guards.

Sharpe questions Madame Delaunay, who confesses that La Fraternité was formed by her husband from loyalist soldiers to avenge Napoleon if he were killed in battle. The freed Fox dismisses it as "medieval claptrap" that likely died with the general, though Sharpe believes otherwise. Sharpe and his men withdraw under fire back to the Maubeuges mansion. Sharpe returns with Harper to the vineyard the next morning and discovers an entire infantry battalion stationed there, commanded by Colonel Lanier, nicknamed "''Le Monstre''" ("the Monster") by his men.

Several days later, the allied armies march into Paris, freeing Fox to return to his official duty of cataloguing and returning to its original owners art in the Louvre stolen by the French. Wellington is unconvinced of Sharpe's claim that Lanier is hiding troops in the Delaunay vineyard after a search finds nothing, but after failed attempts on Sharpe and Wellington's lives by Lanier's men, he orders Sharpe to find and kill Lanier. Wellington orders an attack on the Delaunay vineyard. Despite everything, Sharpe grudgingly confesses to himself a liking and respect for the French colonel.

Sharpe leads the light company through a smuggling tunnel from a nearby tavern into the Delauany house, but is wounded in the shoulder. Three Prussian companies assist the South Essex in a frontal attack on the house and warehouse through the vineyard, but Morris holds the South Essex back. After a fight inside the Delaunay house which leaves it ablaze, Sharpe eventually re-joins his men and turns the tide of battle. Lanier challenges Sharpe to single combat, with the stipulation that the loser's troops withdraw. Sharpe agrees, but then orders Morris to take his place, as he is wounded. When Morris refuses, Sharpe has him arrested for cowardice in the face of the enemy, then accepts Lanier's challenge. In the ensuing duel, Lanier uses his superior fencing skills to further wound Sharpe, but rather than kill him, instead gives Sharpe the opportunity to yield. Sharpe instead resorts to "gutter fighting", breaking Lanier's sword arm and forcing him to yield. Lanier confirms that he is the last member of La Fraternité, and is allowed to peacefully depart from Paris with his men.

Later, Wellington confirms Sharpe's promotion to lieutenant-colonel, but expresses his surprise at Sharpe's decision to retire and hand command of the battalion to Peter D'Alembord, despite the loss of D'Alembord's leg at Waterloo. Morris resigns his commission in disgrace rather than face a court martial. The Duke asks Sharpe if he would provide his services again if the army should ever need him, to which Sharpe agrees. Wellington then asks Sharpe if he had meant to kill or merely wound the Prince of Orange. Sharpe admits that he tried to kill the Prince. Wellington responds that it was "a damn fine miss."

One year later, Sharpe, peacefully retired to his and Lucille's farm in Normandy, receives a letter from Harper informing him of the birth of his son, Richard. He and Lucille agree that they must visit Ireland, so their son and Harper's may meet.

Skin (2020 film)

A tale of love, magic and superstition. when demonic Jinns threaten his mother, a man must confront the sins of his family and a curse that spans generations.

La Vie d'artiste (film)

Alice dreams of being a film or stage actress, but is now reduced to dubbing the voice of Yoko Johnson, a Japanese cartoon detective character. Bertrand is writing his second novel and aspires to literary greatness. Meanwhile, he teaches French in a secondary school. Cora hopes to break into the French songwriting world, but has to work as hostess in a karaoke bar. All three are determined to achieve their goals and it is too bad if the paths to glory are strewn with pitfalls.

Funeral Ceremonies

In winter 1965 recently widowed Matylda Chladilová wants to have her husband buried at the cemetery in his birthplace. To achieve that she needs a permission from the Local committee of the Communist Party, which is headed by an old enemy of her husband Alois Devera. The Chladils were forced to leave their home after an incident that happened in 1951. During the collectivization a Communist Party official Januš forced private farmers in the village to give up their farms for collective farming. Chladil drove Januš away with a rifle and shot at him as he was fleeing. As a result, Chladil's farm was confiscated and the Chladils had to leave to another village to live in poverty. Chladil's funeral is attended by his former neighbours and turns into a silent demonstration against the communist regime.

Draft:The Campfire Episode

Squidward is in his room preparing for bed, before diving into his book excitedly glances at the calendar. Squidward is looking forward to a week away from Spongebob, who has gone camping with Patrick for the weekend. However, his excitement quickly turns to massive disappointment when he hears the familiar giggles of his neighbors and finds the pair in tents just a few feet from Spongebob’s house. Spongebob tells Squidward that camping can be done anywhere as long as you’re outside and tells him to have fun inside. Squidward takes this harmless remark as a challenge, believing that Spongebob and Patrick don’t think he has what it takes to camp out in the wilderness for the night.

The trio prepares for dinner now and Spongebob and Patrick are in full astronaut mode eating marshmallows while squidward is showing off his Swedish Barnacle Balls, but when he tries to go back inside to his forgotten can opener, Spongebob and Patrick scold him for not fitting the camping spirit and he reluctantly sits down for marshmallows, patrick blows multiple flaming marshmallows into his face.

Spongebob declares it’s time for campfire songs and he sings the ‘Campfire Song Song’ for his friends, Patrick is amused by the show but squidward is displeased and plays a horrible rendition of ‘Kumbayah’ on his clarinet. Squidward lashes out at spongebob, telling him Sea bears aren’t real, but spongebob and Patrick have their evidence prepared and show him multiple newspapers and magazines. Squidward pretends to believe them and takes a list of everything that Sea bears are afraid of (wearing a sombrero, waving a flashlight, eating cubed cheese, wearing a hoop skirt, and wearing clown shoes.) Squidward disappears and quickly reappears doing all the things spongebob and patrick had just warned him of. After seeing the Sea bear hasn't arrived he begins to gloat at spongebob and patrick who are cowering in their Sea bear protection circle. When squidward asks when the sea bear hasn't come spongebob suggests it might because his sombrero isn’t being worn in a goofy fashion, and at that moment an arm reaches on screen to correct squidward's hat, putting it in a goofy fashion, the arm belonged to a real life sea bear. The bear mauls squidward off screen and when it leaves Spongebob and Patrick urge Squidward to get in their protective circle. Squidward finally leaps into his neighbors protection circle, when the sea bear appears he growls and squidward, who is now in a protection circle, and leaves.

The trio happily celebrate saving Squidward's life as Spongebob breathes a sigh of relief that there was no Sea rhinoceros, Squidward asks what attracts a sea rhino to which Patrick replies, ‘the sound of a sea bear attack.’ As a sea rhino rolls up to the group Patrick and Spongebob remain calm as they assure themselves they're all wearing their Sea Rhinoceros under pants, which Squidward of course, is not.

Miidera (play)

Driven mad by the loss of her young son, possibly abducted as a boy prostitute, the heroine is urged in a dream to seek him at Miidera temple. There the woman is much impressed by the temple bell, and recounts a long list of episodes involving temple bells.

When she finally draws attention to herself by striking the bell, she is recognised by and reunited with her son - the aesthete Oswald Valentine Sickert considering that "The sounding of the bell is the hinge of everything, a thing of great sentiment".

Swallow (2021 film)

Swallow is an adaptation of the book by the same name written by Nigerian author Seffi Atta. It follows the life of Tolani Ajao played by Niyola and her friend Rose played by Ijeoma Grace Agu. They are friends and roommates who work in the same Bank. Rose’s Boss Mr. Lamidi Salako is a very promiscuous man who abuses his power to harass his secretary. No one can stand up to him as he has the personnel department in his grip. He sacks Rose because she refused to be continuously harassed by him and specifically asks for Tolani as replacement.

As predicted by Rose, he harasses Tolani too who files a complaint in response to his memo accusing her of insubordination. Her complaint was refused by Ignatius in Personnel for his fear of ruining Mr. Salako's image as a married man. Mr. Salako later suspends Tolani when she asks for a vacation of which she is rightfully due.

Rose meets ‘OC’ played by Kelvin Ikeduba an American returnee who introduces her to the world of drug trafficking. She tries to get defeated Tolani to join her and almost does when her boyfriend Sanwo played by Deyemi Okanlawon is swindled of all her savings she borrowed him to start a business.

In the end, Rose travels alone to London after swallowing the drugs but they burst in her stomach mid flight, killing her. Tolani moves back to the village where Sanwo comes looking for her and tells her that her boss Mr. Salako was suspended by Personnel. He also tells her about his new job at a consulting firm and returns her money.

Girlfriends (2021 film)

The fiction (a comedy-drama) follows Marta, a photographer accustomed to operating in artsy social circles who is fired from her job and somewhat begrudgingly returns to the working-class neighborhood in Cornellà where she comes from. Upon her return, she meets with her childhood friends Desi, Soraya and Bea, rekindling their old friendship.

Bernie the Dolphin 2

One year after meeting Bernie the Dolphin, Kevin and Holly Ryan join the team at Marineland, the local aquarium, and they discover that Bernie has returned. But their dad's old boss and former enemy Winston Mills has been released from prison and is ordered by the court to work at the aquarium and live in an apartment under house arrest.

His parole officer Mason Jacks brings Winston to work at Marineland the next day, which Bob and the kids object to, but Winston claims he's a changed man and wants a second chance, and their mom Abby wants the kids to forgive him, to which they reluctantly agree. Kevin also expresses interest in playing football to impress a cheerleader that he has a crush on.

Winston then starts work at Marineland with Bob and the kids in charge of him, which Holly takes advantage of by having the dolphins mess around with him. He's later approached by Devin Cruz, a former businessman who was the mastermind of the chemical plant plan from the previous year who arranged to have Winston released and he wants his help to steal Bernie and offers him money, which Kevin and Holly plan to investigate.

Meanwhile, Kevin's crush Ellie and her friend Harper went on a boat and wound up lost at sea, and Bernie and his pod find them stranded on an island, and gets Bob and the kids to rescue them on their boat and get interviewed by local reporter Summer Sands and Ellie kisses Kevin on the cheek, which Holly teases him about and he later starts practicing football with his dad.

Winston finds out his apartment is being fumigated and Cruz approaches him and tells him to steal Kevin's GPS device and gets Mason to arrange Winston to temporarily live at Marineland, which Bob reluctantly agrees to.

Meanwhile, one of Cruz's accomplices, Frankie Franklin, rents a boat with a tank from Abby, which they plan to use to steal Bernie. Cruz then calls Winston to steal Kevin's GPS device, but he starts to warm up to the sea mammals by learning to feed the dolphin Rascal and meets the sea turtles Rocky and Pokey, and Bob says he's starting to do a good job.

The next day, Cruz arranges for someone to go to Marineland to meet Winston and get the GPS code, so he takes Kevin's phone. And Marineland's parrot, Mango, tells Kevin and Holly about Winston meeting Frankie at the marina to kidnap Bernie.

Winston meets Cruz at Marineland and gives him Kevin's phone, but refuses to accept his money and tells him to stay away from the dolphins. Kevin and Holly then run off to the hotel where Cruz is staying at and they sneak into his room and hack into his computer and discover that he and Frankie want to sell Bernie to a Marine Park in South America.

Meanwhile, Frankie siphons gas from Bob and Abby's boat before they go out to sea, and they run out of gas, leaving them stranded. Kevin and Holly sneak onto Frankie's boat, where Abby calls Kevin's phone, but Frankie answers it and then she calls Winston to go look for the kids with encouragement with Rascal, and Bernie finds Bob and Abby and Bob tells him to go find the kids.

Mason finds out that Winston left Marineland and Kevin and Holly are captured by Cruz and Winston tells Mason that the kids are in trouble and they find them and Kevin uses a football tackle on Cruz and Mason cuffs him and Winston allows Mason to cuff him too for violating his parole. The Coast Guard rescues the parents with help from Bernie and his pod.

Cruz is arrested, but the kids tell Mason to release Winston for rescuing them and they finally accept him as a friend and they all wave goodbye to Bernie and his pod.

Waccha PriMagi!

"PriMagi", is a form of entertainment that is created through song, dance, and fashion, where aspiring, up-and-coming idols can performs as a "Primagista"! There is a secret to the magical, sparkling stage. Yes, it was truly indeed "magic"!

Matsuri Hibino, is a first year junior high school student who loves "PriMagi" and dreams of one day participating in it. And that's when the magician "Myamu" suddenly appears and scouts her out to join "PriMagi"!! The two of them work together and aim to reach the top of "Primagista" so they can defeat against their rivals!

Symptoms of Being Human

Riley Cavanaugh is a gender fluid teenager whose sense of gender identity shifts regularly; they are sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl, or neither. Riley speaks in first person and does not call themself any third person pronoun. Riley is not out of the closet to their peers or their father, a Senator, or their mother, feeling their identity is hard to explain or will not be accepted. Though Riley feels masculine or feminine to different degrees at different times and struggles with dysphoria, they choose to appear androgynous so that their gender will not be assumed. After moving to a new school and struggling with people's perception of them and being bullied, Riley begins to write an anonymous blog under the pseudonym "Alix" about gender fluidity, even giving advice to readers facing similar problems. While the blog is at first a liberating outlet, things take a turn for the worse when an anonymous person claims to know Riley's real identity and threatens to out them.

Dancing Mary

Timid civil servant, Kenji, is asked to take charge of demolishing a dance hall, where a big shopping mall is planned to be built. No one wants to do the job because the ghost of Mary, a former dancer in the dance hall, interrupts whenever attempts are made to tear the building down. Kenji tries to find an exorcist to lift the curse, and after several attempts, finally meets Yukiko, a high school girl with psychic powers who can see ghosts. Kenji and Yukiko then embark on a difficult journey to find Mary's lover, Johnny, so that the lovers can meet again before Mary's dancing hall is to be demolished.

The Beasts (2022 film)

Set in the Galician countryside, the plot follows a French couple who settle in a small village seeking to connect with nature. However their presence arouses hostility and downright violence from a couple of locals.

Ridley Road (TV series)

''Ridley Road'' is set in the East End of London in the early 1960s. Vivien Epstein is the daughter of a traditional suburban Manchester Jewish family comprising father David, mother Liza and a relative Roza whom the family is sheltering. The father arranges a marriage (with neither Vivien's desire nor her consent) with the father of a local Jewish boy. Vivien already has a beau, Jack, who leaves for London, desolate.

Vivien has no intention of becoming a bride. She leaves to find some Jewish relatives in London, rents a room with a non-Jewish East End resident Nettie Jones, and gets a job as a hairdresser in Soho. Far-right fascism is on the rise. One of her East End relatives, Soly Malinovsky, is a London black cab driver who heads a Jewish anti-fascist group. He asks Vivien to get involved ("anti-fascists do, they don't just say"). She agrees to infiltrate the organisation of Colin Jordan, the neo-Nazi leader of the East End thugs. Jordan's organisation (where Jack is already undercover) is based in the country mansion of a far-right English aristocrat.

Vivien affects a relationship with Jordan and his young son, and she allows Jordan to seduce her. However, both Vivien and Jack have their cover blown and are both in danger of being killed; but they each separately manage hair-raising escapes, Vivien taking a suitcase of incriminating documents that prove that Jordan has set up an illegal training camp for a neo-Nazi militia. (The police agree to investigate and prosecute Jordan.) Vivien's parents, who were devastated at her abandonment of the family home and the arranged betrothal, are now very proud of her anti-fascist work. After a tearful family reunion, Vivien flies off to Tel Aviv with Jack.


Two Japanese on a jet plane leaving the airport in Paris. One is a second generation born in England. One is a reticent man. The two traveled with Bancock and Hong Kong without revealing their surnames, but the second-generation youth was killed by a hitman in Hong Kong. The passport left behind was marked as the International Secret Police Andrew Hoshino. The reticent man named Andrew Hoshino and arrived at Haneda with his passport. A strange incident happened at the crowded airport. A stripper's makeup bag exploded at customs. Then, a Chinese escaped in the turmoil as if he was aiming for an opportunity. Youth Hoshino tracked down, but finally lost sight of him. Yumi, a beautiful woman who approaches Hoshino by car, is a fashionable hitman who sells plastic explosives in Southeast Asia. Guided by Yumi, I arrived at the basement of the killer's nest "Akatsuki-gumi". The Chinese, Huang Chang-age, has smuggled 100 CRS pistols from Hong Kong with a stripper in order to annihilate Aonuma Kogyo, which is competing with the Akatsuki group. But Yumi had a more powerful weapon. A plastic explosive that can explode anytime, anywhere with an ultrasonic whistle. Eventually, Paris reported that a detective from the International Secret Police had been dispatched, and Tezuka, a detective from the Metropolitan Police Department, sneaked into the Akatsuki group. However, Tezuka was also trapped in the basement. Akatsuki-gumi, who was troubled by the end of the two, moved them to a freezing truck and headed for the Tokai region with Yumi as a watchman. However, Tezuka flirts with the hot exchange between Hoshino and Yumi. On the other hand, Huang, who is hungry, sold 100 guns to the Akatsuki group and went to Aonuma Kogyo, and sold 200 guns to the Aonuma group in exchange for the secret of the Akatsuki group. In addition, Huang was told by Aonuma that Hoshino was a hitman dispatched from the Swiss trafficking king de Balmeyer and came to Japan aiming for the Frenchman Lebois and Huang, who became independent of the trafficking king in Hong Kong. .. However, Huang was relieved to know that Hoshino was captured by the Akatsuki group. Huang then informed when and where the Akatsuki group would unload 100 guns. However, at that time, Hoshino was running away with Tezuka. Yumi, who saw that 100 cancers were unlikely, fell in love with detective Hoshino, and the two of them fell in love with him. I was able to save. Hoshino and Tezuka then began to search for Huang and Lubois. Tezuka, Hoshino, and Yumi searched for Lubois, who had undergone plastic surgery in Italy, but suddenly learned of a stripper left behind by the manager, and Hoshino and Tezuka Kan were the same person as Lubois. I sensed that there was. Tezuka and his colleagues, who migrated to the CRS Special Investigation Headquarters, flew to Manila and started an investigation with the cooperation of the Manila City Police. Hoshino was captured by Komori, a subordinate of Aonuma, who came from Tokyo, and was put on a Cessna plane driven by Huang Chang-age. Tezuka and Yumi immediately chased by plane, but Huang Chang-age descended with a parachute alone when Hoshino was placed. Hoshino, Tezuka, and Yumi, who crashed into the jungle area, were surrounded by Filipinos, whites under Lubois, and taken to Lubois's weapons factory. Lebois, who first appeared in front of the three, said that a young man named Andrew Hoshino should have killed Huang in Hong Kong, and was suspicious of the fake Hoshino. He was imprisoned in the room by Lubois, who tried to torture Hoshino, but was saved by Yumi's secret weapon. On the contrary, Hoshino, who pushed his pistol against Lebois, contacted the Manila City Police, and Levois, the CRS revolver smuggler, finally closed his eyes. Tezuka, who remained behind, learned that Hoshino was a killer rather than an international secret police, but broke up with regret. Yumi chased after Hoshino. He was taken to the weapons factory in Lebois. Lebois, who first appeared in front of the three, said that a young man named Andrew Hoshino should have killed Huang in Hong Kong, and was suspicious of the fake Hoshino. He was imprisoned in the room by Lubois, who tried to torture Hoshino, but was saved by Yumi's secret weapon. On the contrary, Hoshino, who pushed his pistol against Lebois, contacted the Manila City Police, and Levois, the CRS revolver smuggler, finally closed his eyes. Tezuka, who remained behind, learned that Hoshino was a killer rather than an international secret police, but broke up with regret. Yumi chased after Hoshino. He was taken to the weapons factory in Lebois. Lebois, who first appeared in front of the three, said that a young man named Andrew Hoshino should have killed Huang in Hong Kong, and was suspicious of the fake Hoshino. He was imprisoned in the room by Lubois, who tried to torture Hoshino, but was saved by Yumi's secret weapon. On the contrary, Hoshino, who pushed his pistol against Lebois, contacted the Manila City Police, and Levois, the CRS revolver smuggler, finally closed his eyes. Tezuka, who remained behind, learned that Hoshino was a killer rather than an international secret police, but broke up with regret. Yumi chased after Hoshino.

Professor Johnbull

It is about the family of Professor Johnbull characterized as a widower, retired professor and a community leader.> Kanayo O. Kanayo acted as Professor Johnbull. The professor's neighbours troop to his house to resolve all sort of issues, his neighbours and community members prefer taking conflicts to his residence because of his expertise in resolving conflicts morally. His residence is full of constant activities of people coming to seek advice from Professor Johnbull on how to settle disputes among themselves. Each episode starts with a conflict, which the Professor resolves and ends with a closing quote encouraging the community to portray good conduct, moral rectitude and always upright in dealing with people.

Castle & Castle

The series is a story of a law family (Husband, wife and son) running a very successful law firm who now finds themselves defending opposite interest in the legal world which in turn now has adverse effect on their happy marriage and family at large. The story features love, betrayal, trust and so many ups and down, the movie was shot in Lagos, Nigeria. The season one of the series was released in 2018 and it got a lot of positive comments from fans and it was accompanied with the season two which was released in 2021, announcing the release of the season two is the executive producer and co-creator of ''Castle and Castle'', also the CEO, Ebonylife TV, Mo Abudu. The season 2 featured some new buzz and a lot of new addition of A-list actors like Bisola Aiyeola, Bimbo Ademoye, Mimi Chaka, Elozonam Ogbolu and many more.

Finding Hubby

''Finding Hubby'' tells the story of Oyin Clegg, a 35 year old single lady and her friends as they try to make their way to find their partners in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

Mickey's Tale of Two Witches

On Halloween, Mickey tells Pluto a story about two witches-in-training, Minnie the Wonderful and Daisy Doozy, who must pass four tests to graduate from the Witch Academy in Happy Haunt Hills. While Daisy isn’t confident about passing, she and Minnie join forces, along with Count Mickula and the gang, to defeat a mischievous ghost. Minnie and Daisy learn that working together makes their magic and their friendship stronger.

Mickey and Minnie Wish Upon a Christmas

Mickey and his pals usually celebrate at the same location at Hot Dog Hills every Christmas. However, when the locations get mixed up, its a wild ride filled with hilarity and doubts as our lovable band of friends race against time throughout multiple countries to get home in time for Christmas.

The Incredible Hulk (2003 video game)

During a gamma bomb test firing in a remote desert, mild-mannered scientist Bruce Banner rescues bystander Rick Jones and takes the brunt of the bomb's gamma rays. While detained in an underground facility, Banner transforms into a powerful and savage beast known as the Hulk, whom Banner holds a subconscious influence over. The Hulk breaks out of the facility, and General Thunderbolt Ross holds him responsible for the disappearance of Banner and Rick. The Hulk fends off the pursuing military forces and protects Banner's secret lab from a group of humanoid mutants led by the Leader, an evil genius whose intellect also originates from gamma radiation. Upon discovering that the subterranean dictator Tyrannus is holding Ross's daughter Betty hostage in a bid to conquer the United States, the Hulk breaks into Tyrannus's palace and rescues Betty.

The Hulk bounds through a city, where Ross pits him against Banner's prototype armored robot. Ross, suspecting a link between Banner and the Hulk, has Banner arrested and detained and uses Rick to bait the Hulk's re-emergence, unaware that Banner and the Hulk are one and the same. As the Hulk rescues Rick, the Leader takes advantage of the chaos by having his humanoids infiltrate the compound to steal a gamma-absorbing device known as the Absorbatron, but the Hulk thwarts this attempt. The military uses Banner's giant T-Gun against the Hulk, who is teleported to a futuristic city ruled by the Executioner. In the Hulk's absence, the Leader initiates another attempt to steal the Absorbatron. However, the effects of the T-Gun expire after the Executioner's defeat, teleporting the Hulk back to the present day and allowing him to defeat the Leader's Super-Humanoid.

The Hulk is then teleported to an underground arena where he fights Tyrannus's Octosapien robot, and he returns to the surface to fight the Executioner, who has followed him to the present day. The Hulk once more fends off the military while returning to Banner's secret lab, which has been infiltrated by Emil Blonsky, one of the Leader's spies. Blonsky uses Banner's technology to transform himself into the Abomination, but is defeated by the Hulk. Rick reveals the Hulk's nature to Ross, and the military allows the Hulk to escape Banner's cave.

Promises Broken (The Walking Dead)

Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Elijah (Okea Eme-Akwari), on the run from the Reapers, try to think of a way to get inside Meridian. Negan insists that they should go home, but Maggie pressures the group to move forward. Negan promises to stay on the condition that he and Maggie would be even from then on, and Maggie reluctantly agrees. Maggie suggests gathering a horde of walkers to attack Meridian with, and Negan teaches the group how to blend in with the walkers and guide herds with face masks, which he learned from the Whisperers. Later, after gathering a large horde, Maggie and Elijah discover that Elijah's sister has died and reanimated as a member of their horde.

Two Reapers return to Meridian and inform Pope (Ritchie Coster) that they couldn't find Maggie's group. Pope is infuriated, but Leah (Lynn Collins) intervenes and takes the blame. Pope angrily orders Leah and Daryl (Norman Reedus) to scout the area again. While walking alone, Daryl asks Leah about the Reapers' history; Leah says they took Meridian because they needed a place to stay, and that they are only hunting Maggie so she doesn't try to take revenge. Leah confides in Daryl that she sees Pope as a father figure and that his recent behavior is unusual. The two come across a lone survivor, who claims he is looking for supplies for his sick wife. Leah radios Pope and asks what to do, and Pope orders them to kill the survivor and his family. The survivor leads Leah and Daryl to his hideout, where his sick wife and son are. Leah tells the man to leave with his son and never return, and he obliges as Daryl mercy kills his wife.

At the Commonwealth, Eugene (Josh McDermitt), Ezekiel (Khary Payton), and Princess (Paola Lázaro) clear walkers out of abandoned buildings with Stephanie as punishment for using the radio without authorization. Princess pressures Ezekiel, who is suffering from thyroid cancer, to go to the hospital. When he returns a few days later, they are given a new assignment to clear walkers along a perimeter. Meanwhile, Yumiko (Eleanor Matsuura) attempts to schedule a meeting with Pamela Milton, the leader of the Commonwealth, but is unable to do so due to the Commonwealth's bureaucracy. Yumiko's brother, Tomi, is happy in his new job as a baker, and begs her not to tell anyone that he was a surgeon before the apocalypse, but he is suddenly seized by Commonwealth forces. Lance Hornsby (Josh Hamilton) tells Yumiko that if she becomes a legal counselor for Pamela Milton's cabinet, she might be able to free Tomi and her friends from community service.

Eugene and Stephanie find Sebastian Milton and his girlfriend under attack by walkers, however when they save their lives, Sebastian is ungrateful. The two argue as Stephanie kills another approaching walker, and the argument escalates when Eugene punches Sebastian for his lack of gratitude. Mercer (Michael James Shaw) and Lance arrive on the scene and take Eugene into custody after Sebastian accuses Eugene of attacking him. Eugene is imprisoned, where Lance orders him to give up Alexandria's location or he will stay in jail.

Progressive Tailors Club

Members of the Progressive Tailor’s Club gathered for a meeting to elect their new leader. However, when a longstanding, trusted executive is eliminated for corruption, it comes down to a choice between the old, the new and the ridiculous.

Mage Knight: Apocalypse

The campaign takes the characters through a world known as The Land, where various fantasy races are at war. The Solonavi, a group of spirit masters fear the world will come to an end if the war is not stopped. Throughout the game a group of heroes is formed, known as the Oathsworn. The Oathsworn set out to destroy the source of the evil force to save the world from destruction by recovering five "Aspects of Apocalypse" scattered throughout The Land.


Draft:As She Climbed Across the Table (film)

Alice Coombs and her colleagues create a black hole named Lack, but as Philip Engstrand tries to restart his romantic relationship with Alice, she starts forming a relationship with Lack.

O Coro: Sucesso, Aqui vou eu

A group of young adults from different backgrounds responded to an audition call for a theater group. In this they see the chance to revive their long repressed dreams and to look for new goals, while at the same time pursuing a career in theater. Encouraged by overcoming the first major hurdle, the aspiring singers and actors experience a colorful mixture of emotions, in which not only the fascination for the multifaceted world of theater is awakened in them, but also with different forms of love, the ghosts of their past, as well as the fear of failure. Because one thing remains certain, should they fail, their dreams and the newly created opportunity can vanish from one day to the next.

Devil in Agbada

Three young women Irene, Okikiola, and Tomi collaborate and team up together to achieve the mission of bringing down Otunda Shonibare, a ruthless politician. The mission involves infiltrating his heavily guarded and impenetrable mansion.

Suburban Wildlife

Nina, Louise and Alice are recent university graduates living in Sydney. They celebrate their graduation with Kane, their high school friend who didn't attend university. The mood is dampened as the group struggles to come to terms with Louise's impending move to London for two years. Louise convinces the others to join her on a road trip into regional New South Wales before she leaves. Tensions continue to rise as the friends question what their relationships will be like after Louise moves away.


Julian Lawndsley has left a career in the financial sector in London to open a bookstore in a small seaside town in East Anglia. Soon after opening the shop, a Polish immigrant named Edward Avon comes in, not to buy books but to chat. He urges Lawndsley to open a section of the store in the basement called the Republic of Literature, which would offer only the classics.

Edward Avon is later revealed to be a retired agent for MI6 and a former communist. Avon claims to have known Lawndsley's father at school before he joined a cult. Lawndsley's father had a prolific sex life and ran up debts. As he continues to learn more about Avon's background, Lawndsley is fascinated by his different identities, and he wonders which are performances and which are real. He soon becomes entwined with the life of Avon's family: his wife Deborah – also a former top British intelligence agent – who is terminally ill, and his daughter Lily, a single mother.

In another narrative strand, Avon is being investigated by the secret service's head of domestic security, Stewart Proctor. Proctor is suspicious of anyone like Avon, an ex-Communist, who demonstrates an absolute commitment to anything and who is thus a grave security threat. Proctor goes looking for Avon, suspecting him of being the source of an intelligence leak, and drags Lawndsley into his mission in the process.

Draft:Amazing Fantasy 15


One day, while on a school field trip to the Science Hall, Midtown High School student Peter Parker is bitten by a dying radioactive spider at the "Experiments in Radioactivity" exhibit, thus gaining the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider, along with a precognitive "spider-sense". To test his newfound powers, he signs up for a wrestling tournament as "Spider-Man" against one "Crusher" Hogan and wins, becoming an instant TV sensation; afterwards, Peter creates his famous web-shooters at home. However, walking out of a TV studio one day, he refuses to stop an escaping burglar, telling security guard Baxton Bigelow, "From now on I just look out for number one. That means me!"

A few days later, Peter comes home to find his Uncle Ben has been shot and goes to track down the murderer, only to find that it was the same burglar that he had let escape a few days earlier. Peter blames himself for his uncle's death and, in a moment of humility, realizes that with great power there must also come great responsibility.

Other stories

In addition to "Spider-Man!", there were three other stories included in ''Amazing Fantasy'' #15: "The Bell-Ringer!", a story about a bell-ringer named Pedros who rings the church bell during a nearby volcanic eruption; "Man in the Mummy Case!", a science fiction story about Rocco Rank, a criminal who hides in a museum sarcophagus; and "There are Martians Among Us!", a story about Martians who come to Earth and disguise themselves as human beings.

Max and Mona

Max Bua is a young man with many aspirations who leaves his small hometown for the big city of Johannesburg to begin medical studies, with the goal of becoming a renowned doctor. However, when he gets there, he realizes that the big city has other plans for him.

Post Mortem (2020 film)

In 1918, towards the end of the First World War, on a battlefield, the German soldier Thomas is left for dead after an artillery explosion, being thrown into the mass grave; however, an older soldier sees him still breathing in the pile of corpses and pulls him out of a flooded trench, where in a semi-conscious state due to the explosion, he had a strange vision: that of a girl who calls him back to life. Six months later, now a very peculiar photographer, by offering bereaved relatives the possibility of having a last permanent memory of their dead, composing family photos in which the living and the dead (made up and recomposed) pose together, Tomás sees how his hallucination seems to materialise in the enigmatic person of Anna, an orphan girl of about ten years of age.

Tomás is temporarily separated from the travelling caravan of which he is a member, to go to Anna's Hungarian village, at the invitation of some of its inhabitants. It turns out that in that village and others around it, the frozen ground prevents the burial of the many victims of a dreadful pandemic. The photographer sets to work, taken in by the local teacher Marcsa, but the atmosphere is very heavy and paranoid in such terrible times when, according to the locals, ''"there are more dead than alive, and the land is overrun by ghosts"''.

Tomás and Anna decide to continue their investigations on the frontier of the beyond, but events worsen and the dangers become greater and greater... barking dogs, muffled moans coming from nowhere, evil shadows, oozing walls, invisible attacks, duplicities, discreet or large-scale attacks, stratagems to witness the presence of ghosts (ropes, bells, flour on the ground, traces of torches, photographic plate and phonograph, etc.).

1745 (film)

The film revolves around two sisters: Emma Atkin and Rebecca Atkin torn from their home in Nigeria for slavery, but start a perilous journey from foreign hands through the Scottish Highlands in search of freedom.

Hart-Leap Well

The first part of the poem tells a story of a knight, Sir Walter, who is hunting a stag. The chase lasts so long that he needs to use three horses in sequence and his dogs die of exhaustion running after the stag. The hunt is eventually ceased when the animal is run to death and ends its life near a spring of water. In the act of commemoration of this event Sir Walter raises three stone columns representing the three last leaps of the stag and builds a “pleasure house” and an arbour. In Part Two, set in times contemporary with its composition, we learn that all of the monuments and buildings that Sir Walter erected are almost gone now. The narrator, whom Perkins identifies as Wordsworth himself, meets a shepherd who tells him the story of the hart and claims that the place is either cursed because of a murder that allegedly happened there, as some say, or that the current condition of that place is a result of Sir Walter’s actions, as the shepherd himself believes. He also thinks that it will stay this way “Till trees, and stones, and fountain, all are gone”. The poem ends with a lesson provided by the narrator, “Never to blend our pleasure or our pride/ With sorrow of the meanest thing that feels”.

The Smart Money Woman

The Smart Money Woman revolves around five young women and how they take control of their finances and assets, the series focuses on spending culture of women and how it ultimately affects their finances on the long run, the series also talks about how friendship, peer pressure and societal influence can affect how we spend money, It also features and teaches how women should learn to invest in their themselves amidst romantic and financial losses. it also has some addendum quotes on how to become a smart money woman and also discusses challenges women face with societal pressure and desire to meet up with standards.

Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger

Ten years after the Gokaigers defeated the Space Empire Zangyack, Don Dogoier pays a visit to Earth, where he learns of a new gambling sport called "Super Sentai Derby Colosseum" where copies of the Super Sentai across history created from their respective Ranger Keys using Basco Ta Jolokia's Rapparatta take part in battles. All Super Sentai except for the Gokaigers willingly relenquished their keys to support the project so long as the money is used for defending the Earth. Don reunites with Gai Ikari, who cooperates with the Colosseum project along the Ministry of Defense and asks for his Ranger Key, but Don claims that he lost it after the Gokai Galleon was destroyed and the team disbanded.

Captain Marvelous appears on Earth determined to bring down the Colosseum, but is captured by Luka Milfy, who delivers him along her own Ranger Key in exchange for money. Refusing to give up, Marvelous agrees on a bet with the Colosseum administration in which he must defeat one hundred Sentai alone, under the condition of giving up on his Ranger Key should he loses and the dissolution of the Colosseum should he wins. Having defeated 99 enemies, Marvelous is surprised when Gai appears before him as the final opponent, determined to protect the Colosseum for the sake of Earth. By the interference of one of the Minister's assistants, Gai defeats Marvelous, who is rescued by Ahim de Famile. In response, the Minister brands the duo as fugitives and send the Sentai clones after them. Don, Gai and Ministry assistant Niwano attempt to intercede on their favor, but are arrested instead.

In prison, Don uses a wiretap he put on Gai's Ranger Key to discover the Minister's plan to use the Ranger Keys to conquer the universe and helps Gai and Niwano to escape. They rendezvous with Marvelous and Ahim who defeat the attackers with Joe Gibken's help. After the battle, Marvelous recognizes Niwano as the boy he saved 10 years ago during their first visit on Earth and reveals that the Ministry is working with the Bakut Pirates, whom he is chasing after since they destroyed the Gokai Galleon and apparently gouged his left eye. Meanwhile, using Don's Ranger Key, Luka storms the Ministry's office to rescue him and uses the Shield of Veritas that Ahim previously stole from Planet Crystalia to reveal the minister's assistants as the Bakut Pirates in disguise, while Don uses a recording from his tap to expose the minister's crimes before the public. The minister attempts to escape with the Ranger Keys, but Niwano stops him. Reunited, the six Gokaigers fight the Bakut Pirates and destroy them using the Gokai Galleon Key, created from the Gokai Galleon's core which Joe retrieved from its remains and reunite with Navi, joining together for a meal. In the occasion, Gai apologizes to Marvelous for challenging him and Marvelous reveals that he did not lose an eye during his fight and just had a cyst, using an eyepatch to protect it.

Black as Night

A teenage girl with self-esteem issues, Shawna, finds confidence in the most unlikely way, by spending her summer battling vampires that prey on New Orleans' disenfranchised with the help of her best friend, Pedro, the boy she's always pined for, Chris, and a peculiar rich girl, Granya.

Topo Gigio (2020 TV series)

''Topo Gigio'' follows the adventures of the titular witty and heartfelt mouse. Accompanying him are his best friend Zoe, a little girl who helps to make things right, his buddy Bike Bob, who he rides with in the city of Townville, and the G-Team (Mole, Pigeon, Bunny Twins, Turtle, and Toad) — a pair of cute critters who only Gigio can understand — who he can call upon using his Gigio Watch. Together, they make it their mission to solve any problem in the city of Townville, travelling with the help of the G-Bus that Bob built.

Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock

In the house belonging to a woman named Doc and her pet dog Sprocket, there is a hole that leads into Fraggle Rock. The Fraggles Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red live their lives within Fraggle Rock while experiencing different adventures along the way as well as interacting with Doozers and avoiding the Gorgs while harvesting radishes.

The Billion Dollar Code

The plot follows two interconnected timelines. In Berlin of the 1990s, a group of young hackers and art students had founded the collaboration to play at the cutting edge of computer programming and digital art. They had developed a planet browser in 1991 which was used by Joachim Sauter to get funding from Deutsche Telekom in 1993 to start the successful development of Terravision. In the series, the ART+COM beginnings were dropped, while several of the real persons and stakeholders were fused to a smaller cast, with the fictional Carsten Schlüter as the main artist and Juri Müller as the main programmer.

The other storyline revolves around the 2014 patent infringement dispute against Google, alleging that TerraVision was used to develop Google Earth. The fictional character Brian Anderson refers to Brian McClendon and Michael T Jones who did found Keyhole Inc to develop a planet browser. That company was bought by Google in 2004. The movie dramatized facets of the real lawsuit that lasted until 2017, with the script reproducing only parts of the actual court statements to avoid coming into conflict with Google and having key parts of the proceedings fictionalized or omitted.

Valley of the Dead (film)

It is set in 1938, during the Spanish Civil War. Upon the appearance of zombies as result of the deployment of biological warfare by Nazi Schutzstaffel on the inhabitants of a small village, Republican and Francoist forces see themselves forced to temporarily ally with each other to deal with the undead.

Dungeons of Horror

In the 1870s, Aaron Fallon, the last of his family, undertakes a sea voyage that meets with disaster. The only apparent survivors are Fallon and the ship's captain, but they hear the screams of one of the women passengers whose body they find, savaged by an unknown animal.

They discover a crumbling castle inhabited by the Count de Sade who talks with a spirit and his collection of horrid animals. In addition to the Count, the castle has his manservant Mantis, Cassandra, a former nurse, and the mute servant whipping girl Ann, and the supposedly leprous wife of the Count who is kept in a dungeon. The mentally challenged Count believes the Captain to be a pirate and has him tortured, then he and his manservant hunts Fallon and Cassandra in the manner of ''The Most Dangerous Game''.

Friends, Foes & Fireworks

The movie begins with Fiona (Lara Deam) who repeats affirmations in the mirror while holding her chest. She is hosting a New Year’s Eve party for her friends and fellow actors: newly successful Lucinda (Whitney Duff); her best friend Summer (Asleen Mauthoor) who has a major crush on Lucinda; young and selfish Zoe (Jess Riley); and their acting teacher Sofia (Genya Mik).

What is meant to be a happy reunion immediately gets off to a rocky start as Lucinda brings her new British boyfriend Taron (Dan Hill) who flirts with whoever he can. Zoe performs a horrible monologue for the group, seeking Sofia’s approval, but Sofia bites her criticisms on her tongue. Summer accidentally reveals Sofia is pregnant but Sofia says she will get an abortion, causing Fiona to urge her to keep the baby. On the stroke of midnight Summer kisses Lucinda, causing Lucinda to storm away as she doesn’t feel the same way about Summer. Sofia tells Zoe she is a terrible actress and also tells Taron he isn’t wanted here.

With the friendship group split, Sofia confesses to Fiona that the father of her baby is Fiona’s ex-boyfriend. Taron seduces Zoe back at the apartment while Summer and Lucinda talk about their relationship on an isolated beach. As the sun rises on the new day, Fiona is left alone to confront her health diagnosis, calling her father to admit she has breast cancer.


Mahee belongs to a middle-class family and is a bandleader of his musical band which he forms with his friends, and Aseni is a golden-hearted rich daughter of an evil-hearted businessman who thinks everything is money. Despite being able to have good life Aseni always wanted to be simple, so she often walks or takes public buses to school. With her bubbly personality as a final year high schooler Aseni managed to be friends with Mahee's younger brother, and soon they turned into best friends who would always end up teasing each other. Aseni was also loved by Mahee's elder sister who taught in the same school, however Mahee hates Aseni and thinks Aseni to be evil as her brothers. Aseni being the bubbly as she is often tried her best to be friend with Mahee, who always pass by her school in his motorcycle. Mahee soon realises that Aseni is a kind hearted girl and is extremely righteous unlike her evil brothers and parents.

Once as he was passing by the road he helps Aseni's grandfather who was sick, and Aseni thanked Mahee for saving his grandfather, who is the only person who truly cares about her. It is said Aseni's parents dropped Aseni's grandfather over the elderly home when she was young, and from that day Aseni frequently used to visit her grandfather who was in elderly home. With days passing by soon Mahee befriends with Aseni, and soon they shared loving friendship and develop a crush toward each other secretly but both was scared to confess as their families were rivals. Soon Aseni starts visiting Mahee's home frequently and formed a good bond with Mahee's father, elder sister, and younger sister. It does not take much longer for Aseni's family to realise the friendship of Aseni, Malitha (Mahee's younger brother) and Mahee. Despite of being threatened and beaten up, Mahee and Aseni's bond became grew intimate, and soon both end up confessing to each other after falling in love with each other. However Mahee's family who loved Aseni as if she was of their own family, accepted her as Mahee's girlfriend.

But Aseni's family who was rude enough ends up insulting Mahee's family and threatening them in various ways. Aseeni and Mahee's love story faced every kind problems, that are even unusual. Soon Aseni's father fixed Aseni's engagement with Kalpana who was a son of corrupted politician and he himself was also a playboy and corrupted politician. Kalpana proposed to Aseni and she rejected him as she is in love with Mahee, but an enraged Kalpana tried to kill Mahee but ends up failing. Aseni's family forced her relationship with Kalpana, Aseni began to hate Kalpana due to his cheap work, Kalpana too hates her but keeps acting as if he loves her, in order to take revenge from her for rejecting and ignoring him, however each time Aseni managed to postponed her engagement with Kalpana, and often went on dates and hangout with her only love Mahee.


A Mexican-American couple who are approaching the due date for their firstborn child. After moving to a farming community in California, the wife develops unusual symptoms with accompanying horrific visions. Together they try to determine if the combination of these strange occurrences are related to a legendary curse, or something more evil. In the end, they have a healthy child named Jose, but the infertility drugs will still continue.

Naija No Dey Carry Last

The collection is divided into four sections: "Naija No Dey Carry Last" "In the Beginning was the Word" "Open Letters to Godot" "All the World’s a Stage"

One Last Stop

August Landry is a Bisexual 23-year-old woman who moves to New York City in order to forget her old life. She is very cynical and is determined to leave everyone from her old life behind. August is a closed-off individual who does not believe in love or friendship. She is also looking to move on from her mother's obsessive search for her missing uncle that has consumed all of August's life. In New York City, she finds roommates who are also members of the Queer community. She gets a job at a restaurant called Pancake Billy's House of Pancakes. On her way to take college classes, she bumps into a woman, Jane, on the subway and develops a crush. As the two get to know each other, Jane reveals that she only knows her name because it was written on the inside of her jacket and that she is actually from the 1970s. August must unearth her detective skills and find a way to get Jane back to her time as well as save Pancake Billy's House of Pancakes from Gentrification, all while learning to be open to people.


After her fourth miscarriage during ten years of marriage, Tereza reevaluates her life and relationship.


The Gondos, a race of alien beings, steals your significant other and takes them to the planet of thorns. The premise of game is to take down the Gondos though various levels and boss fights. It takes place in a futuristic medieval world and includes dragons and soldiers.

St. Agatha (film)

In 1957, a homeless young pregnant woman named Mary runs away from her abusive father following the accidental death of her younger brother William. When her boyfriend Jimmy's band goes on tour, she chooses not to go with them and instead goes to a soup kitchen. There a nun offers her refuge in a convent where she must obey the strict rules of Mother Superior. When she attempts to leave the convent, they drug her and rename her "Agatha", locking her inside a coffin that they only open to feed her and reinforce their brainwashing.

At a "donor breakfast" where the girls are judged by the convent's donors Mary escapes from the house and runs aimlessly through the woods but falls and gets her arm caught in a bear trap. The Wrights, a donor couple, bring her back to the house, where Mother Superior commands her to put her wounded arm in saltwater as punishment.

Jimmy tracks Mary down and visits the convent but Mother Superior tells her that Jimmy will be killed if she does not send him away. When Jimmy will not leave at her request, Mary insists that her name is "Agatha" now and that he is not even the father of her unborn child. Jimmy leaves distraught.

Sarah, another girl housed in the convent, tells Mary that she believes that the nuns took her healthy baby boy David at birth and told her a lie that he had been stillborn. Mother Superior chastises Sarah for talking, then gives her the opportunity to stay in the convent as a nun if she takes a vow of silence and cuts off her tongue, which Sarah does.

When Doris, another girl housed in the convent, goes into labor, she and Mary attempt to forcibly escape the convent but are knocked out by Mother Superior. Mary dreams of her younger brother William, then wakes up in the attic next to the corpse of her boyfriend Jimmy. She threatens Mother Superior with a shard of glass to gain access to a phone to report the murder, but when the deputy arrives the body is gone.

Catherine, another girl housed in the convent, is killed after giving birth and her child is given to the Wrights for them to give to their own daughter. Mary confronts Mother Superior, who admits that she was kicked out of the Catholic church but has continued to do "God's work" with the donors for a profit. Mother Superior offers her a position as a nun in the convent and she feigns interest, returning to Mother Superior's office later to tear out a page of her book with the information about David's whereabouts and give it to Sarah.

Mary also steals money from one of Mother Superior's drawers, using it to bribe three other nuns and the visiting doctor to aid her. The three nuns and the doctor lock Mother Superior in a coffin. Sarah uses rat poison to poison the remaining nuns apart from Sister Paula, who has chased Mary out of the house. When Mary goes into labor, Sister Paula helps her give birth but then attempts to take the baby. Mary chokes her to death with a chain and takes back her baby. A final scene shows officers from the Sheriff's Department arriving and beginning to open the coffin where Mother Superior is held. At the end of the credits Mother Superior's voice can be heard screaming, "Agatha!"

Cemetery of Terror

Medical students Jorge and Oscar trick their friend Pedro, his girlfriend, Lena, and their girlfriends, Olivia and Mariana, into breaking into an abandoned house for a Halloween party. Meanwhile, psychiatrist Dr. Cardan is informed that one of his patients, Devlon—a serial killer who was obsessed with Satan—escaped a psychiatric hospital and was killed in the process. Cardan, aware of Devlon's power, seeks a judge's clearance to have Devlon's body cremated.

Jorge and Oscar bring their friends to the large abandoned mansion, which was owned by Devlon prior to his institutionalization. The young women, Olivia, Mariana, and Lena, are all angered by this, as each had been lured there under the guise that they would be attending a different type of event. In the attic, Jorge finds a book of Satanic incantations belonging to Devlon, and proposes that they steal a corpse and attempt to bring it back from the dead. The group break into the university hospital morgue and steal one of the corpses, unaware that it is that of Devlon. Cardan arrives at the morgue to have Devlon's corpse cremated, but the youth have already managed to steal it.

The group bring Devlon's body to a cemetery where Jorge performs a ritual, which frightens all the others, causing them to flee the cemetery and return to the house, unaware that they have resurrected Devlon. Back at the house, Mariana is attacked and killed by Devlon on the porch. Oscar finds her body outside, and is also attacked and killed. Olivia goes to investigate the noise outside and finds Oscar's corpse, causing her to flee into the house in hysterics. Devlon proceeds to kill Jorge and disembowel Maria, before stabbing Lena to death upstairs. Pedro witnesses Lena's death through the window from outside, and arms himself with a hatchet, which begins to levitate on its own before bludgeoning him to death.

Meanwhile, young teenager Tony visits the cemetery along with two classmates, Vicky and Usi, along with two younger neighbors, Anita and Raúl, who have been trick-or-treating. They encounter Devlon's tomb bursting into flames, which sends them running in fear. They seek shelter in the abandoned house, where they find the multiple dead bodies. Devlon appears and chases the children upstairs. Tony arms himself with the hatchet from Pedro's head, and flee the house. As they run through the cemetery, various corpses—each awoken by Devlon—begin to rise from their graves and attack the children.

Cardan, who has gone to search Devlon's house, finds the children in the cemetery and attempts to save them. Cardona becomes pinned under a fallen branch and injures his leg. Her tells the children they must burn Devlon's book of incantations to stop the zombies, and sends them back to the house while he wards off the undead with a crucifix. The children retrieve the book as the zombies, with Devlon at the helm, descend upon the house. Cardona arrives to save them, and wards off the violent Devlon. Usi throws the book into the fireplace, causing all of the undead to burst into flames. Shortly after, police, who have been searching for the missing children, come to their rescue. In the last scene, Cardan brings the charred remains of the book to the altar in the attic, now apparently possessed by Devlon himself.

El club de los graves

The unconventional music teacher Amaranto Molina teaches at a school that specializes in music education. The school is run according to old rules and disadvantages those students who do not meet the standards of commercial success. Every year the school principal Eduardo Kramer selects five students, also called ''Los Agudos'', who are accepted into the school's renowned teenage band. In the meantime, Amaranto has been appointed as a lecturer for the group ''Los Graves'', which is made up of those students who were excluded from the selection because they did not meet market standards. With his disruptive methods, the eccentric teacher takes over the management of ''Los Graves'' and embarks on a transformative musical journey with the students. This should help the students to heal the wounds that have arisen and inspire them to work with their respective unique talent and to express this and to find a way towards the future together. The students come across the mysterious past of their teacher, which Amaranto always tries to hide.

Weekend Family

Fred is the fun and irresistible father of a very diverse family. As a perpetual joker, he tries to be a good father to his daughters Clara (15 years), Victoire (12 years) and Romy (9 years), for whom he only takes custody on weekends. Although his daughters' mothers love Fred, Laurence, Marie-Ange and Helena all had good reasons to leave him. The mothers are never far away, and neither is Stan, Fred's best friend. When Fred falls madly in love with Emmanuelle, a Québécois woman living in Paris who studied child psychology and is doing her doctorate, a new phase in life begins for both of them. Emmanuelle, who cannot always rely on the advice of her best friend Cora, has to break away from books and theory every weekend in order to get along with her new family, including Fred's ex-partners.

Familia (1996 film)

Santiago, a 55-year-old lonely man, hires a company of thespians to act as if they were his family on his birthday.

The Simpsons Balenciaga

Homer forgets to buy Marge a birthday present, and while looking for ideas finds her sleeping with a Balenciaga catalog and writes to them, asking if they can send him their cheapest product with the Balenciaga logo on it, or even just a tag. Balenciaga responds by sending him the dress on the cover of the catalog. On Marge's birthday, she is thrilled by the dress, but Homer finds out it costs €19,000. Homer and Marge go out for the evening, and Homer tries to stop anything from staining the dress so he can return it. Marge returns the dress with a note saying she'll "always remember those 30 minutes of feeling just a little special."

Demna Gvasalia, the creative director of Balenciaga, receives the dress, and after reading Marge's note decides go to Springfield where, after finding the town "style-deprived", tells the townspeople he will fly them to Paris to model Balenciaga's clothing during Paris Fashion Week. (The Simpson family previously visited Paris during Fashion week in "To Courier with Love".) In Paris, the show starts with everyone modeling different outfits. The spectators express disapproval at first, but change their tune after Anna Wintour says she enjoys the models. Bart moons the crowd, who are unoffended and moon him back. Lisa is reluctant to model, but decides to participate as "research" and enjoys it. The designers struggle to get Homer into his outfit before they send him onto the catwalk. Marge models a bowed ballgown in the finale of the show, where she is cheered. Following the show, the Springfield townspeople take a boat ride down the Seine and Homer sings "La Mer" to Marge. Homer's clothing catches on fire from a cigar and Gvasalia tries to put it out with an expensive bottle of champagne. The fire is put out by covering him with a Balenciaga sheet.

Love Castle

''Love Castle'' is a story about the Iregbogbo kingdom. The royal family had a task of getting a new king when the last king of the kingdom died. Adetutu who is the daughter of the late king is entangled with taboos after the death of her father. She left her family in Houston Texas, United States, against her wish and that of her family to become a regent in Nigeria after the death of her father.

The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star

Princess Stacy Wyndham of Belgravia and Queen Margaret Delacourt of Montenaro are preparing to host an international Christmas festival in Montenaro, the centerpiece of which is the "Star of Peace", a sacred relic loaned by the Vatican. Shortly after the Star arrives, thieves break into the palace and steal it.

Stacy and Margaret decide to approach Lady Fiona Pembroke, who is currently on probation and working as a custodian at an orphanage, for help to track down the Star. Fiona agrees to help in exchange for Margaret putting in a good word for her when her case is reviewed by a disciplinary board after Christmas. She consults her ex-boyfriend, Peter Maxwell, a disgraced former Interpol investigator who now runs his own private security firm. Peter quickly deduces that the mastermind behind the Star's disappearance is Hunter Cunard, a billionaire obsessed with stealing priceless works of art for his personal collection.

Fiona charms Hunter into giving her an invitation to the Christmas party at his estate. Peter then recruits Fiona's assistants, Mindy and Reggie, to practice infiltrating Hunter's estate and bypassing his security measures while Fiona distracts Hunter at the party. Reggie injures himself during training and Margaret agrees to impersonate Fiona at the party while Peter and Fiona, stepping in for Reggie, retrieve the Star from the security vault. As they get ready for the mission, Fiona reflects over her unrequited feelings for Peter, whom she knew as children.

The plan is set into motion, and at first, everything goes smoothly until Peter accidentally trips a pressure plate alarm while retrieving the Star. Panicked, Reggie and Mindy shut off the fake security footage Peter had installed, alerting Hunter to the theft. Peter gives Fiona a bag with the Star and stays behind to distract Hunter's men while Frank picks up Fiona. Margaret also escapes with the help of the coat check angel man.

Meanwhile, Stacy receives word from the head of the orphanage that Fiona's hearing has been rescheduled to the same night as the heist. She decides to dress up like Fiona and appear in front of the committee, accompanied by Prince Edward as a character witness. With Stacy impersonating a remorseful Fiona, the board decides on a commutation of sentence. Everyone regroups at the palace, but Fiona soon discovers that the bag she's carrying contains a decoy. Believing that Peter tricked them, Margaret and Stacy agree to reveal the truth to the Vatican while Fiona, Mindy, and Reggie plan to leave the county despite Margaret inviting them to stay for Christmas.

Peter asks Fiona to meet him, and when she does he explains that he took the Star to get her attention. He asks Fiona to speak with Bianca, who has traveled to Montenaro to make peace with her daughter. Fiona angrily refuses to forgive Bianca and is about to leave when she realizes that doing so would be repeating the same mistake her mother made. She goes back and hugs Bianca, forgiving her. The two then return the Star to Stacy and Margaret just in time.

At the lighting of the festival's Christmas tree, Margaret reveals to Kevin that she gave the police evidence of Hunter's crimes. Fiona, despite finally being welcomed back into her cousin's family, is miserable about not having anyone to share the holiday with when Peter suddenly reappears despite their fight. The two share a kiss as the Star of Peace lights up to celebrate the new year.

Come Come Everybody

The story is about a three-generation family, Yasuko (grandmother), Rui (mother) and Hinata (daughter) who worked with a radio English course during the Shōwa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras. While facing the challenges of the Shōwa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras, the three find their own way of life in love, work, and marriage. The story unfolds in a heroine relay system.

Yasuko Tachibana was born in Okayama City in 1925, the year when Japan began radio broadcasts. Yasuko grew up in a warm family who owns a Japanese sweets shop in the shopping district of Okayama city. Her family wished her to inherit the shop but war changed her fate. Her story is Japanese sweets and baseball-themed.

Yasuko's daughter, Rui's story begins in Osaka in 1955 with jazz as its theme. Rui separates from her mother for some reason and opens the way to live under her own will and power, even though she is hurt and lost. Rui hates her mother and English.

Meanwhile the story of Hinata, Rui's daughter and Yasuko's granddaughter, sets off in Kyoto in 1965 as a historical drama. Unlike her grandmother, Hinata was born in a peaceful time, and is a sweetheart. Hinata is a little useless but she plays an important role in this three-generation family story.

Lady of the Mansion

The lady of the mansion narrates a romantic melodrama at a time in the history of the Qajar period, in which the most important political event of that time, namely the assassination of Nasser al-Din Shah by Mirza Reza Kermani, is also discussed.

Rómulo Resiste

Rómulo Betancourt is the first elected president of Venezuela to receive power from another one democratically elected. His government, between 1959 and 1964, had to face two main challenges: military authoritarianism and Marxism, both of which sought to impose a different model from representative democracy. The narration of historical events is intertwined with the childhood experiences of the documentary director, Carlos Oteyza. The film includes the testimonies of both political protagonists of the 1960s, historians and intellectuals, images from domestic and international archives and animated 3D sequences. The documentary is narrated by the actor and psychologist Sócrates Serrano.

For Blood

Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) lead a herd of walkers to Meridian while disguised among them in masks. When the herd arrives, the lookouts at Meridian are confused by the herd's behavior. Daryl (Norman Reedus), recognizing the behavior, suggests leading them away. While Daryl is eager to do it himself, Pope (Ritchie Coster) instead tasks Paul with luring the walkers away. Paul starts to lead the herd away from Meridian but is ambushed on several sides and is stabbed by Maggie. Paul falls to the ground and is consumed, and Negan steals his radio.

When the Reapers stop hearing from Paul over the radio, they assume that he is dead, which Pope reveals he assumed would happen. Leah (Lynn Collins), upset by how he was sacrificed, confronts him about it, but Pope insists that sometimes sacrifices are necessary to protect the rest of the family. Negan and Elijah (Okea Eme-Akwari) lead the herd back to Meridian's walls, which trigger landmines and explosives the Reapers had set up around the perimeter. As the bombs go off, Elijah and Gabriel suffer minor injuries, but they carry forward. Maggie and Gabriel break off to head inside. When they approach, Daryl kills one of the lookouts on the wall to cover for them, and directs them to where they can sneak in. Once inside, Maggie and Gabriel split up, with Gabriel climbing to the top floor of a building to defend Maggie with his rifle, and Maggie on the ground to find the supplies they're after. Maggie is spotted by Deaver while hot-wiring a truck, but Gabriel shoots him. Maggie rams the truck into Meridian's front gate, tucking and rolling before it crashes, allowing the herd inside the walls.

Daryl meets Leah and Ancheta on a rooftop overlooking the community. Daryl, sensing Leah's discomfort at Pope's recent decisions, invites her to abandon the Reapers and run away together. When she refuses, Daryl confesses to Leah that he is with Maggie's group, and that they were hiding among the dead to lead the horde to Meridian. Despite feeling betrayed, Leah keeps his secret from Pope when he arrives on the rooftop. Pope unveils a ''hwacha''. When the crashed truck lets the walkers inside the walls, the Reapers on the ground struggle to fend them off. Pope orders the weapon to be fired, and Ancheta lights the fuse. Leah points out that this will also kill the Reapers on the ground, but Pope doesn't care. Daryl draws his knife and Leah stabs Pope to death as Daryl kills Ancheta before the weapon can go off, cutting the fuse in the process.

Leah had decided that Pope had to die for no longer caring for their family. However, she refuses Daryl’s invitation to join her because of Ancheta's death and radios her comrades that he killed Pope. Daryl flees and joins Maggie and Negan in fighting the Reapers and walkers in the battle at the gates, only for the Reapers to pull back. Leah, having taken command of the Reapers, then orders the hwacha to be fired upon the group and their horde.

At Alexandria, the survivors shelter in one of the houses while a violent storm hits. While boarding up the windows to keep walkers and rain out, part of Alexandria's outer wall falls down, and Aaron (Ross Marquand) asks for volunteers to go fix it. Connie (Lauren Ridloff) and Kelly (Angel Theory) opt to help Aaron rebuild the wall, while Rosita (Christian Serratos) stays behind to watch over the children in the house. While practicing with her weapon by the window, Gracie makes too much noise and attracts walkers to the house. Rosita runs outside and slays several walkers to buy them time, but the walkers’ numbers begin breaking down the door. Rosita leads a retreat to the second floor of the house from which they will pick off the walkers, however, Judith discovers Gracie hiding in the basement which is now flooding. They try to join the others only to be forced back to the flooding basement by the walkers that have now entered the house.

Temper (novel)

''Temper'' is set in a village in South Africa. It follows twins namely Kasim and Auben who were born were presumed to be born with different virtues and vices. Six vices for Auben and a vice for Kasim. It is presumed that Kasim should be more prosperous than the latter. As the novel progresses, the twins starts to hear voices in their head which they later discussed to be the voices of the original twin gods; Icy Blue and Grace who had possessed each of the twins. They seek to exorcism but on the long-run, allows the gods to take full possession of their body.

Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp

Aladdin, the son of a poor tailor, is hopelessly in love with the daughter of the Sultan. One day, he meets a sorcerer who takes him to an underground palace where he finds a lamp with marvelous properties. After many adventures, Aladdin brings back home the lamp and, thanks to this talisman, he and his mother acquire an immense wealth which allows him to marry his beautiful princess. However, the sorcerer, jealous of Aladdin's fortune, breaks into his house, steals the lamp and kidnaps the princess. Aladdin, back to his primitive poverty, recovers his wealth thanks to a fairy. He goes after the magician and punishes him for his temerity. He brings his wife back to his palace where a great feast is celebrated.


Johnny Bolt is a supervillain who tries to make money by committing robberies with other masked criminals. Each of these crimes fail due to the intervention of random superheros. In Bolt's latest robbery, he is stopped by the Gladiator and is sentenced to five years in prison.

After serving his sentence, Bolt returns to his ex-girlfriend and ex-supervillain Kasey, who now works as a waitress. Despite having psychic powers, she wants to lead a normal life and doesn't want Bolt back romantically. During their reunion, an elderly supervillain friend of theirs named Carmine informs them that he has been forced to raise $100 million for a Las Vegas casino because he was caught cheating with a man who has the power of foresight.

To help his friend out, Bolt comes up with a new plan to make money, involving a heist outside the superhero-filled United States. His research shows that Spain does not have superheroes and has a suitable target: the greatest supervillain of all time, the Bastard, who possesses great telekinetic abilities and has amassed a billion-dollar fortune.

Bolt manages to convince many of his fellow supervillains, some of whom are not even active anymore, to join his team of Supercrooks against the Bastard. The group consists of Carmine, Kasey, the Phantom (an ex-burglar), TK McCabe (an ex-supervillain with telekinetic powers), Roddy and Sammy Diesel (two semi-indestructible wrestlers who fight clandestine matches), and Forecast (an ex-supervillain who is able to change the weather). After they all arrive in Tenerife, Bolt manages to surprise the team by introducing one more member, the Gladiator, who has been blackmailed into joining.

With the help of each team member, Bolt manages to break into the safe under the villa of the Bastard, making off with $800 million dollars, or $100 million per Supercrook. To keep the Bastard at bay, Kasey uses her psychic powers to create the illusion of him being in his residence when in reality he is in another place.

To avoid retaliation by the Bastard, the Supercrooks carry out the robbery wearing the costumes of the supervillains to whom Carmine owed money, who are then tracked down and killed by the criminal boss, furious for the wrong he suffered.


''Badamasi'' tells the story of Babangida from his origins in the village of Wushishi in Northern Nigeria to his joining the army and time as a Nigerian military head of state. It also portrays significant events in Babangida's life including the period of the Nigerian civil war where Babangida sustains injuries in an attempt to rescue a colleague. The subsequent military coups and annulment of the June 1993 presidential elections were also portrayed.

The Slinger

In 1944 Czech boy František, liberated from a concentration camp, is sent to a Czechoslovak unit located near Dukla Pass. Lieutenant Zlonický assigns him as an unsalaried employee to work in a laundry unit at the front.

Never Meet Your Heroes

During the Battle of New York in 2012, a young Kate Bishop is saved from a Chitauri warrior by Clint Barton, but her father Derek is killed in the chaos. Following Derek's funeral, Bishop vows to become a hero to keep her and her mother Eleanor safe.

In the present day, Bishop has become an experienced archer, martial artist, and fencer. She visits Eleanor for Christmas and discovers her engagement to Jack Duquesne. At a charity auction gala, Bishop becomes suspicious of Duquesne and his uncle Armand III, following them into a secret black market auction featuring items recovered from the wreckage of the Avengers Compound, where they both bid on a sword belonging to the brutal vigilante Ronin. Suddenly, a group of masked thugs known as the Tracksuit Mafia break into the auction and take the attendees hostage in search of a mysterious watch. Jack uses the chaos to steal the sword while Kate dons the Ronin attire and takes down the thugs, freeing the hostages and saving a one-eyed stray dog in the process, taking him home with her.

Meanwhile, Barton is struggling to come to terms with his deeds done as Ronin and the death of Natasha Romanoff. He enjoys a night out with his children and later sees Kate in the Ronin attire on the news. Bishop tracks down Armand to investigate him, only to find him dead in his office. She flees the murder scene but is ambushed by the Tracksuits, and saved by Barton, who confronts her.

Identical (2011 film)

Identical twins, Mark and Rich, are born, one of them is good and the other one is evil. Even though they need each other to live, each brother deeply hates the other. When they both fall in love with the same woman, the hate increases, inevitably ending in murder.

Los ricos también lloran (2022 TV series)

Mariana (Claudia Martín) is a poor young woman who is left alone in the world and must make her way in life. When she saves the life of Alberto Salvatierra (Guillermo García Cantú), in gratitude he takes her to his house where she meets Luis Alberto Salvatierra (Sebastián Rulli) and they fall deeply in love. To carry on their relationship, Mariana will have to overcome obstacles of social class, education and traumas, while being surrounded by ambitions and betrayals. When Mariana and Luis Alberto are able to realize their love, life will bring them a tragedy: the loss of their son.

Seventy-Six (novel)

The book is written in first-person perspective by narrator Jonathan Oadley as an old man remembering the American Revolutionary War. It opens with an expression of urgency he feels in recording his memories for posterity: "Yes, my children, I will no longer delay it." His story begins in New Jersey in the early winter of 1776, with residents fearing British and Hessian raiding parties following George Washington's retreat through the area. Twenty-two-year-old Jonathan and his twenty-year-old brother Archibald decide to join the Continental Army, along with their sixty-year-old father Jonathan senior, cousin Arthur Rodman, and neighbor Robert Arnauld. Arnauld's daughters Clara and Lucia become the brothers' love interests.

While the Oadley brothers recruit soldiers from the area, Colonel George R. Clinton arrives to train the new cavalry unit. Clinton vaguely brags of his connections to Washington, befriends Archibald, and awards him with a commission as captain. While the brothers are in training, the Oadley home is burned by Hessians, who wound the elder Jonathan and kidnap Arthur's love interest, Mary Austin. The characters all assume her to be killed. Soon after, the Oadleys stumble into their first battle, in which Archibald is wounded. He recovers in time for the three to fight in the Battle of Trenton, in which the elder Jonathan is killed.

While Jonathan, Archibald, Arthur, and Clinton participate in the New York and New Jersey campaign, multiple romantic stories unfold. Lucia courts and is courted by both Clinton and Archibald. Jonathan and Clara become romantically involved but Jonathan engages in a brief fling with her younger and more flirtatious cousin, Ellen Sampson. Mary Austin reappears and is reunited with Arthur in Philadelphia, but expresses romantic interest in the older Robert, whom Jonathan calls "a profligate—a voluptuary—a sensualist, perhaps". Archibald and Clinton compete for Lucia's affection, which leads to Archibald killing Clinton in a sword duel. Volume I ends with Archibald being arrested for the duel by military police.

Volume II opens with Washington pardoning Archibald for killing Clinton. The Oadleys get to know a Northern officer, Chester Copely, who is hated by the Virginia troops and kills a Major Ellis of Virginia in a pistol duel. Copely, Jonathan, Archibald, and Arthur participate in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, winter at Valley Forge, and Battle of Monmouth, at which Jonathan is wounded, loses a leg, and is sent home. Jonathan marries Clara, Copely marries Ellen, and Arthur marries Mary in a joint ceremony, but the story becomes focused on the courtship between Archibald and Lucia. With the narrator removed from the battlefield, news of the war continues to come from letters and visits from Archibald and Arthur, who are now serving in the Southern theater.

Archibald becomes disillusioned with war, contracts tuberculosis, and returns home. Jonathan and Clara then become occupied with convincing Archibald and Lucia to marry each other; they are both reluctant because of their own seemingly fatal illnesses. In the final chapter, Archibald confesses to Jonathan that he considers himself a murderer because of a neighbor he killed in a duel before the war. Archibald and Lucia finally consent to marriage and the ceremony concludes the story:

[Archibald] stood suddenly erect upon his feet; the light flashed over his face. It was the face of a dead man. He fell upon the floor: a loud shriek followed. Where were we? ''Where!'' We ran to him—we raised him up. It was too late! Almighty God! ''it was too late!'' HIS WIFE WAS A WIDOW.

Brighton 4th

A former Olympic wrestler from Tbilisi helps his adult son in Brighton Beach to get his life on track.

Amor dividido

Abril (Eva Cedeño) and Max (Gabriel Soto) are two people who have nothing in common. For Abril, family is her priority, while for Max, being successful in the corporate world is the most important thing. She enjoys working in the fields and living in her hometown. He, despite being half Mexican, has completely forgotten his roots and is happy living in a first world country. For different reasons, both are forced to live in Mexico City and their lives begin to change radically until they are united in the midst of the loneliness and disappointment caused by the abandonment of their partners. Debra (Irina Baeva), Max's wife, decides to hide a pregnancy and resort to abortion without consulting her husband, who always had a strong desire to be a father. This fractures their marriage, and with Debra's unwillingness to adapt to the country her parents emigrated years ago, leads to divorce. Bruno (Andrés Palacios), Abril's husband, leaves her because his dream is to live in the United States, earning dollars to get ahead, following the example of his sister-in-law Julia (Elsa Ortiz), who a year ago decided to cross the border for the same reasons, leaving her two children, Lucero and Pancho, in charge of Abril, her sister, and mainly Cielo (Eugenia Cauduro), their mother.

Max arrives in Mexico to become the CEO of GoodFit and Abril receives the opportunity to be his personal assistant, with one condition: she must be single and childless in order to be available at all times. Because of her financial need, Abril makes the mistake of hiding the fact that she has a son, Hugo. In San Antonio, Bruno finds himself living a nightmare as an illegal immigrant. As soon as he has the opportunity, Bruno becomes the right hand of Minerva (Jessica Mas), a dangerous woman that is the head of an immigrant smuggling ring. The business leaves Bruno with a lot of money and to wrongly achieve what he dreamed of: to have it all. After a while, Bruno convinces Abril to travel with their son and start a new life in the United States. For cost reasons, they travel on separate flights. Hugo arrives in San Antonio, while Abril is deported because of Minerva, who arranged for the authorities to discover that Abril was going to stay illegally, as she was not going to allow her to ruin her plans to be with Bruno. With no hope of returning to the United States, Abril asks Bruno to return to Mexico with Hugo, but he is no longer willing to have the humble life he had before.

Abril vows to herself to do everything she can to get her son back. When Max confesses that he loves her and asks her to marry him, Abril accepts because she has also fallen in love with him. What motivates Abril the most to accept the marriage is to get her son back, since by marrying an American she could enter the United States to rescue her son, who is sad because of the abuses of Minerva, Bruno's lover. Abril and Max get married, but her happiness is in danger, since having married while hiding from Max that she has a son, could provoke the scorn of her new husband, the impossibility of recovering her son, and losing everything.

Stuck (2014 film)

Two strangers, who just had a one-night stand, are forced to spend the morning together when they got stuck in a dead-stopped traffic congestion.

Um Lugar ao Sol

In Goiânia, twin brothers Christian and Christofer are born, lose their mother in childbirth and are left with their father Ernani, who, because of his situation, agrees to give one of his children to a rich couple from Rio de Janeiro, marking the separation of both of the twins when they are about to a year old. Christian is sent to an orphanage, while Christofer is renamed Renato by his adoptive parents. Both grow up unaware of each other's existence.

18 years later, as he says goodbye to his dying his adoptive father, Renato discovers he is adopted and has twin brother from whom he was separated. Outraged, he confronts his adopted mother Elenice, who lies to him, saying that his brother and his biological father are dead. Christian, is forced to leave the orphanage for minors where he grew up, in Goiânia, and also discovers he has been separated from his brother. Dedicated to school and alone in the world and without prospects, becomes underemployed, Christian is forced to shelve his dreams, and only the existence of his brother seems to light up his life. In the hope of finding Renato, he decides to go to Rio de Janeiro. Before leaving he says goodbye to Ravi, his brother at heart, raised in the orphanage with him. Renato goes to Europe with a one-way ticket, willing to stay away from the life he has discovered to be fake.

Ten years later, Christian works as a street vendor at the door of the Nilton Santos Olympic Stadium in the hope of finding his brother. His only clue is a magazine clipping where a man identical to him is watching a match from the stadium's grandstand. Christian meets Lara and falls in love with her. He gives up searching for his twin brother and decides to propose to Lara and start a small business. However, when Ravi is arrested for a theft he did not commit, Christian needs to raise the bail money and with no alternative, he agrees to do a cart for drug dealers and, inadvertently, incurs an even bigger debt. Threatened with death and with no way out, Lara tells him to sell what they have to free Ravi from prison and flee to her grandmother's house in Minas Gerais.

During the escape, Christian randomly meets Renato, who has just returned to Brazil. After spending the early morning together and learning of his Christian’s debt, Renato goes up the hill in his place and, mistaken for him, is killed by the drug dealers. Identical to Renato, Christian emulates his brother's personality and behavior, becoming his double. He decides to leave the past behind, and assumes the identity of Renato, with Ravi as his only confidant, he watches Lara bury the body that was supposedly his, and moves on to a new life, having to deal with the consequences of his choice.

Violet Evergarden: The Movie

Daisy, the granddaughter of Anne Magnolia, stumbles upon the letters sent to her grandmother during her birthdays. She becomes curious about the legend of Violet Evergarden, who is well-known for writing beautiful letters on behalf of her customers. More than half a century ago, Violet receives a request from a terminally ill boy named Yuris to write letters for his family. Meanwhile, Claudia Hodgins finds a mail with a vague address on it and recognizes the handwriting to be from Gilbert Bougainvillea, whom they thought to be dead. He manages to find its origin from the remote island of Ekarte and decides to bring Violet with him. Upon reaching the island, Claudia finds Gilbert alive yet missing his right eye and arm. Gilbert declines to meet Violet due to his guilt of bringing her misery, thinking that she will be happier without him. Violet tries to meet him but the latter insists on not wanting to see her, causing her to emotionally break down.

A storm prevents Violet and Claudia from leaving the island when they received a telegraph message stating that Yuris' condition has worsened. Violet has one last task to write a letter for his friend Lucas so she asks Iris Cannary to substitute for her. Benedict Blue brings Iris to the hospital, where they find Yuris unable to rise from bed. They decide to let him talk to Lucas via telephone to deliver his final message. After his death, Yuris' parents take turns in reading the letters he requested from Violet. Violet writes a final letter to Gilbert before she and Claudia leave the island. Touched by her words and the support of his brother Dietfried, Gilbert chases Violet as she boards a ship. He reunites with Violet when she jumps off the ship and tells her about his love for her, promising that he will stay by her side from now on. Violet later resigns from CH Postal Company to live with Gilbert on the island. Back in the present, Daisy visits the island to learn from the locals about their history with Violet and writes a letter to her parents.

Sisterhood (2021 film)

Teenagers Maya and Yana are inseparable and do everything together. The assertive Gianna usually makes the decisions and Maya follows. One night at a party, the two catch Elena, the most popular girl at school, having sex with the boy who has been interested in Maya for a long time, and so they videotape them. Yana persuades Maya to share the video, but when it makes the rounds of the internet, Elena's life is ruined. An intense confrontation between the three girls leads to Elena's disappearance and Maya wants to go to the police. But Yana has something else in mind. An adult story about the breakup of a friendship between two teenage girls, which explores in detail the phenomenon of bullying on social media that spreads among the generation of teenagers.

City on Fire (TV series)

After Samantha Cicciaro was shot in Central Park, New York City on July 4, 2003, her criminal investigation reveal to be the crucial connection between a series of mysterious city-wide fires, the downtown music scene, and a wealthy uptown real estate family fraying under the strain of the many secrets they keep.

Draft:Shhh (upcoming film)

A horror thriller set in a high school.


A resident of a small town on the outskirts of Tehran, under the influence of special conditions imposed on him by the head of a factory. Has revolted. He seeks the liberation of his family and..

Lottery (2018 film)

Amir Ali and Nooshin are two youngsters who are in love and want to get marry with each other while their families are in disagree with them. They both have only one dream, to win in the Lottery and get the green card and go living in USA.

The Last Days of Winter (TV series)

The series centers on Martyr Hassan Bagheri, whose real name is Gholam Hossein Afshardi, one of the youngest commanders in Iran during the Iran-Iraq war, who was the deputy commander of the IRGC's ground forces at the time of his martyrdom.


A group of young Spanish tourists travel to Venice in order to have a good time, even though their inhabitants are not in a welcoming mood for tourists. Once there, they face the prospect of struggling to stay alive.

Black Water (memoir)

In ''Black Water'', Robertson explores his family history as he came to know and connect with his Cree ancestry.

Robertson was born to a Cree father (Don) and non-Indigenous mother (Beverly). Despite his ancestry, Don didn't have official Indigenous status, though he grew up near Norway House, Manitoba, living off the land learning Cree culture. Ten years after his birth, the Family Allowances Act of 1945, which promised welfare to Indigenous peoples with a permanent address, changed his family's life. Although they received government benefits, they could no longer work the traplines. Shortly after, Don attended public school and forgot his native Swampy Cree language.

After becoming a pastor, Don met and married Beverly, and the couple had three sons. Together, Don and Beverly decided not to tell their sons about their Indigenous ancestry because they felt the "knowledge of their Swampy Cree roots would be a burden for them." The family lived in Winnipeg without connection to other Cree people. After his parents divorce, Robertson spent little time with his family for nearly a decade.

Robertson eventually reconnected with his father, at which point he learned about his family's heritage. With Don, he travelled to Norway House multiple times and reconnected with his history.

''Black Water'' is structured around Robertson's journey to connecting with his heritage, the land, and his father. The memoir also explores Robertson's anxiety and growth regarding his own Indigenous identity.

The book's central themes are conveyed in the subtitle (i.e., family, legacy, and blood memory), though "Robertson also addresses a variety of subjects, including anxiety, veganism, the legacy of lost language, the impact Family Allowance had on his father’s family, and visiting family in a small Mennonite town." Importantly, Robertson also "carefully and thoughtfully acknowledges that his experience is not a monolith and Indigenous folks experiences may vary vastly from his."

Saving Pushkin

The film is set in 1944 at the Mikhaylovskoye Museum Reserve in the village of Mikhailovskoye. Some of the local residents became a partisan, another began to cooperate with the invaders, and left-handed Sergey did not choose any side and decided to just wait. Suddenly, a professor of literature, Maria Schiller, arrives from Germany. She tells the Wehrmacht soldiers and local residents about Alexander Pushkin. Meanwhile, an order comes from Berlin - to remove all historical values from the village.

Medea (2021 film)

The film tells about a woman who is trapped as a result of too high a price for happiness and wants revenge.

More volnuetsya raz

The film tells about Kolya and Sasha, who are in love with each other, who are hiding in an old house in the forest. And suddenly they meet a mysterious married couple who are similar to them, and they want to understand themselves with their help.

Girls Got Game

Dasha "Danya" Belykh was told from childhood that football is not a woman's business, but she still became the captain of the football team. Here are just her team unexpectedly gathered to close. Only victory can save them. And Danya decides to gather her childhood friends, with whom she played football at school. It turns out to be not so easy, and then there is a coach - a former "star" with problems, who does not consider women's football to be football at all ... But having sent self-doubt, excess weight and problems on the personal front to the bench, the girls are eager to win not only in sports, but also in life.

Blue Girl (film)

Set in a Zoom homeroom class, a young high school student named Katie comes out as a lesbian. Longing for love and acceptance, she is left defenseless by her teacher Valerie to face a homophobic bully and a disappointed friend.

Golpogulo Amader

The plot of the drama serial is about stories of love and separation. An elderly couple Akbar and Ayesha running a restaurant. Most of the customers are couples in the restaurant. They always notice the relationship and live between each couple in the restaurant. They try to fix relationships which are broken.

107 Mothers

In a Ukrainian women's prison, mothers are permitted to serve their sentences with their children until their third birthday.

Boiling Point (2021 film)

Andy Jones is Head Chef of ''Jones & Sons'', an upmarket restaurant in London. Andy is embarrassed to learn that his restaurant has been downgraded from a 5 star Health and Safety rating to 3 stars following an inspection. After the inspector leaves, Andy reprimands the kitchen staff for their lack of thoroughness. Front of house Beth holds a short meeting to discuss the evening's service being overbooked. She also mentions that they have a marriage proposal on one table and a booking for celebrity chef Alastair Skye, for whom Andy previously worked, plus his guest for the evening, a known food critic.

During dinner service, conflict begins to brew in the kitchen and dining room. Beth annoys the kitchen staff with micro-management, a black waitress is treated with hostility by an aggressive guest (in contrast to her white colleague), a young pastry chef is revealed to be self-harming, a pregnant kitchen porter spars with a lazy and disrespectful co-worker, and the new cold chef Camille, who is from France, struggles with the language barrier. Tension grows until Beth demands the already-stressed chef Carly make off-menu items to appease "influencer" guests; Carly finally blows up at her, telling her that she is failing the restaurant with her lack of ability. Beth retreats to the toilets in tears, admitting to her father on the phone that she does not think the job is right for her. Andy serves Alastair's table, where Alistair reveals that Andy owes him £200,000 and wants the payment in full to cover his private losses. Andy explains that he does not have the money to pay him back. Alistair offers to work together again and to split Andy's 30% ownership of the restaurant with him.

Things then take a turn for the worse when a guest suffers a severe allergic reaction, which Camille had inadvertently caused. Taking advantage of the situation, Alastair informs Andy that Carly should take the fall or else the restaurant as well as their potential partnership will fail. After the guest is picked up by an ambulance, the kitchen staff and Beth meet at the back of kitchen to work out the cause of the allergic reaction. They conclude that it was in fact Andy's fault the food was contaminated; he had instructed Camille to use a bottle containing walnut oil for the garnish earlier. This culminates in one of the chefs, Freeman, lambasting Andy for his constant lateness and mistakes as well as his rampant alcoholism. A fight nearly breaks out between Andy and Freeman, which Carly prevents. The staff return to work and Andy then reveals to Carly that Alastair wanted him to lay the blame on her, which leads to Carly quitting. Andy goes to his office, where he drinks alcohol and snorts cocaine. He calls his ex wife, and asks her to tell his son he loves him, and that he will go to rehab to work on himself. After ending the call, Andy throws away the drugs and alcohol and starts to return to the kitchen before collapsing. The staff's voices can be heard calling his name.

Draft:Milo (TV series)

Animated series about a cat called Milo who uses role-play to explore the world of work.

The Consequences

Following a travel to a small volcanic island, a woman starts suspecting something is wrong about her family.

Asura Girl: Blood-C Another Story

In a pre-World War II era, a Special Political Police is investigating the mysterious death of one of their captains that happened within a peaceful remote village near Tokyo. Meanwhile, one of the villagers named Ren is taking care of his sister Ran in a hospital, who is suffering from a rare blood disease. Both siblings longs to explore the world outside of the village once the sickness is healed.

A girl in a sailor-suited school uniform with a katana named Saya, who is taking orders from a man named Tadayoshi, arrives at the village. Ren invites Saya his hospitality, after saving him from few of the police forces in the woods. During her stay, Ren learns from Saya and the villagers about the existence of the Elder Bairns, the ancient creatures that stalk up on humans and feed on their blood. Ran wanders into the woods alone, and one of the policemen named Akayama tries to have an intimate moment with her, but her eyes turn red, bites his neck and runs off. While running from pain, Akayama turns into a blood thirsty Elder Bairn. He arrives at the headquarters and tries kill his fellow policemen, but is killed by the deputy chief. Moments later in the woods, Ren finds his sister feeding on the one of the villagers.

Few days later, Ran's condition worsens, and Ren allows her sister to feed on his blood. Amakatsu, the deputy chief of the SPP, reaching his decision, orders his men to kill off the villagers that night, accusing all of them as monsters. During the conflict, Ran, who is now a full Elder Bairn in human form, kills all of the police force, including Amakatsu with a katana. Saya arrives and pleads Ran to regain her senses, but the two faces off with each other, and she ends up killing Ran. While grieving his dead sister, Ren slowly transitions into an Elder Bairn, as the blood within him boils within him. He pleads Saya to kill him during his transition, and she does. As both Saya and Tadayoshi are about to leave, she expresses her regrets to him that she couldn't save all of the villagers.

Moments later, at the hospital, one of the doctors, Mokuren, reveals to her colleague that she has been experimenting with her patients for six years by turning them into Elder Bairns, but they all died shortly after. However, Ran, one of her patient, was a successful test subject as she completed her transformation into a humanoid Elder Bairn. Moments later, a man (Fumito Nanahara) arrives on a boat with a woman (Yūka Amino) and few of his men to burn the village to the ground, erasing any trace of evidence of the events and escapes. As the fire consumes the village, Ran rises from the dead with a stone cold look in her eyes.

The Four of Us (film)

''The Four of Us'' is a relationship drama involving two couples: the aspiring young journalist Janina (Nina) and her husband Ben, a struggling actor; and Janina's best friend Maria and Maria's boyfriend, the estate agent Nils. Four weeks previously, the four had agreed to a partner exchange, whereby Janina lived with Nils, and Maria with Ben, with an understanding that there should be no intimacy. The aim was that each should learn more about what they really want in a relationship. As the film opens, they gather at a holiday house by the beach on the North Sea to discuss their experiences. It soon becomes apparent that all four of them have broken the no-sex rule, and it appears that Ben and Maria are in love, and Janina is pregnant from Nils. Over the next two days they try to find a way of moving forward, other truths emerge, and it becomes clear that all of them have changed in their feelings and expectations of love.

Most of the film plays in the house and on the beach, and involves only the four main characters. Secondary characters appear only in the brief scenes in the city at the beginning and end of the film that show the protagonists in their everyday lives: Janina's colleague Anton and her boss Ann-Kathrin; Nils' clients, the family Bolschakow; an actress playing against Ben in a scene from a soap opera; and the staff at a clinic.

Summer Soldiers (film)

G.I. Jim has deserted from the U.S. Army and is seeking refuge in Japan. While he constantly changes his hide-outs, Jim, who does not speak the language, is confronted with cultural differences, meeting average Japanese people, political radicals who want to use him for their purposes, and other deserters.

Private Desert

After he is fired for violence, a policeman searches the country for his online lover who unexpectedly disappeared.

Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor

Sil must use his wit and his cunning in order to survive his trial, where he will be sentenced to death if he is found guilty.

The Astrologer (1975 science fiction film)

Craig Alexander pretends to be a psychic as a hustle. When we realizes that he is actually psychic, he uses his abilities to gain money and power, to his eventual detriment.


Jibonkrishna Das is a lower caste Hindu drummer who faces humiliation from the upper caste Hindus and the Muslims. When the Pakistan Army captured his village, he attempted to flee to India with his family. On their way though, hundreds of people, including Jibon's family, were killed by the army. Jibon, however, survived and was traumatized by the incident.

Jibon returns to his village, now occupied by the Razakars. He was spared by the commander of the Razakars and later goes to the military base where he was obliged to abandon his dhak and play the western drum for the Pakistan Army. He becomes devastated and even faces discrimination by the army for his religion. Later, the army kidnaps Bengali women and keeps them hostage. The Mukti Bahini fighters arrive and raze the military base. Jibon later abandons the drum and takes his dhak to celebrate the liberation of his village from the razakars.

Sniper (2019 film)

The film begins with the return of Yunusbek Kabirov, a member of the terrorist movement that is one of the world's most pressing problems and has claimed the lives of many innocent people, to return to Uzbekistan to live peacefully. Yunusbek Kabirov fell in love with a girl named Nargiza in his homeland, married her and started a peaceful and happy life. However, his terrible past casts a shadow over his happy life today. Yunus's late father was an expert in making explosive devices, he was a brother of Al-Adi, the leader of the terrorist movement, and he taught Yunus to be a chemist and an explosives expert so that he could continue his father's work. Only he could stop the explosive device made by Jonah. Therefore, Al-Adi begins to try to find him, even under the ground, in order to give him an important task. Jonah's wife, Nargiza, was also a sniper and kept it a secret. Because he wanted his profession to be kept secret from everyone. However, even while working in her responsible profession, Nargiza was unaware of Yunus's past. Because Jonah had mastered the art of forgetting his past. As a result of Al-Adi's attempts to bring Yunusbek back to his side, Nargiza's terrible past is revealed. Yunusbek, in turn, finds out that Nargiza is not just a girl, as she thought, but a sniper. Yunus, who was taken hostage by Al-Adi's men, finally returned home to say goodbye to his wife, Nargiza. If he does not return in time, a great tragedy can happen. But, what a tragedy? Can he look his wife Nargiza straight in the eye now? Nargizachi? How can a sniper woman who is ruthless towards criminals accept that her husband is a former terrorist who has killed many people with the explosive devices he made? What lies ahead for Jonah? What about sniper Nargiza? The film Sniper, which depicts the most pressing issues in the world in the image of a couple, a family.

We Don't Live Here Anymore (2018 film)

Two students who are in love with each other are caught in a sexual relationship on the premises of Prominence High School. Nike Bajulaye and Nkem Egwuonwu, their mothers, are contacted by the school authorities. They are informed that their children migmayht be expelled from school. They reacted differently to learning the sexual status of their children: Nike Bajulaye tries to wipe out the shame brought to her family by her son, and Nkem Egwuonwu supports her son and accepts him the way he is.

When Pomegranates Howl

Based on real events, the film tells a story of Hewad, a nine-year-old boy who lives on the streets in the capital of Afghanistan - Kabul. Following the loss of both his father and brother, Hewad decides to create a business by working as a cart pusher, which he enjoys doing every day. By working as such, and loading the carts with goods, he travels throughout Kabul in hope to raise enough money for his family. Hewad's dream of becoming a movie star comes to live when he stumbles on an Australian photographer.

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Knut Jespersen (played by Henki Kolstad) is the manager of a record company. He wants to be a man about town, and one night he meets the seductive nightclub singer Anita Daae (Ingerid Vardund). His wife Randi (Nanna Stenersen) seeks advice from the architect Hans Falkenberg (Knut M. Hansson), and to win her man back she decides to change.

Encounters on a Dark Night

Oran, a lonely young woman, lives with servant couple Sasuke and Osoyo in a derelict house surrounded by a garden wall. One night, a teenage boy is hit by a rickshaw in front of the entrance and carelessly left behind by the driver and his passenger. Sasuke takes the unconscious boy in, and he, his wife and Oran see to his recovery. Their guest is nineteen-year-old orphan Naojirō, whose anger and mistrust led him to a life as a social outcast. Naojirō eventually recovers and falls in love with his caring host. Oran tells him that she had been left by her fiancé after her father Matsukawa's suicide, following failed business transactions. When Naojirō finds out that Oran's unfaithful fiancé and the passenger of the rickshaw which hit him are the same man, diet member Namizaki, he vows to kill him. Oran encourages him in his plan, but Naojirō fails, only slightly hurting Namizaki. The boy disappears without a trace, and his fate remains unclear, as does the fate of Oran and her servants. A few months later, new residents seem to have moved into the Matsukawa house.

Travelers (novel)

''Travelers'' is about a Nigerian graduate student living in the United States who relocates to Berlin with his wife Gina, who has won a prestigious arts fellowship. In Berlin, he meets the community of African refugees and encounters with his identity and the privilege of being able to travel freely. Due to racial problems, he divorces with his wife and decides to travel around Europe in order to meet with more African refugees.

Falling for Figaro

Millie, an American fund manager, realizes one day that her life-long dream is to become an opera singer. Quitting the job and moving away from her boyfriend, she travels to Scotland where she eventually becomes an opera singer following an intense vocal training from former opera diva Meghan Geoffrey-Bishop and fierce competition from other opera singers.

Los Lobos (film)

The plot tells the story of Lucia (Martha Reyes Arias), who has just immigrated to Albuquerque, New Mexico with her sons Max (Maximiliano Nájar Márquez) and Leo (Leonardo Nájar Márquez), who are 8 and 5, respectively, who spend most of their time in their tiny apartment while their mother works.

It features dialogue in Spanish and English. The plot themes have been likened to those of ''The Florida Project''.

Skyscrapers (1906 film)

In New York City, a worker on a skyscraper construction site, Dago Pete, is fired by the foreman for having started a fight with another worker. As a vengeance, he robs the contractor's watch and pins the blame on the foreman. In a fight on top of the skyscraper, the foreman throws the contractor off a platform. but the latter luckily grabs hold of a girder and is rescued. At the foreman's trial, Dago Pete is exposed by the foreman's young daughter and the contractor and foreman are reconciled.Charles Musser, The Emergence of Cinema: The American Screen to 1907, University of California Press, 1994, pp. 453-454.

Secession (Succession)

Having just publicly named his father responsible for Waystar RoyCo's cover-up of historic sexual misconduct on the company cruise lines, a manic Kendall leaves with Greg and Karolina to mobilize support for his side ahead of the company's shareholder meeting. In the car, Karolina warns Kendall that he has exposed both himself and the company at large to legal action; when she refuses to side with him, Kendall ejects Karolina from the vehicle, leaving her to be swarmed by reporters. On the way to Waystar's offices, Kendall learns that his security clearance has been revoked, and thus decides to set up operations at his ex-wife Rava's apartment. There, he meets with leading public-relations strategist Berry Schneider and her assistant Comfry, having hired the two to help steward his public image.

In Europe, Logan and the rest of his children and senior management are taken from their yacht to an airfield to strategize. Logan calls Kendall and gives him one chance to recant his statement; when Kendall refuses, Logan resolves to amass support from his allies against his son, including the President of the United States. Gerri attempts to reach out to the White House, but is informed by a senior aide that the DOJ cannot afford Waystar any favors. Logan decides to split his inner circle into two camps: he, Tom, Karl, Frank and Hugo depart for Sarajevo (which has no extradition treaty with the U.S.) while Roman, Gerri and Shiv are sent back to New York.

On the plane, Logan states that he plans to temporarily step back as CEO, and fields opinions on who out of Shiv, Roman and Gerri would be a suitable figurehead. Tom discreetly calls Shiv to inform her of the meeting taking place and has her confirm that she is still interested in leading the company. Shiv soon discovers that both Roman and Gerri have also received word of Logan's plans. Kendall, meanwhile, places calls to most of Waystar's senior management, hoping to sway more members to his side; Frank listens to his offer of a position inscrutably, while Shiv hangs up on him.

Logan and his team arrive at an airport-adjacent hotel in Sarajevo. Roman calls Logan in a bid to forward himself as CEO, while also advocating for Gerri if he is unsuccessful. Logan immediately responds by telling his team that Roman will not be promoted.

In New York, Shiv meets with Lisa Arthur, a high-profile attorney and personal friend, under the pretense of hiring her to represent Waystar (which Lisa has already declined). Shiv confides to Lisa her conflicting loyalties between Logan, Kendall, and her own personal ambitions, and asks that Lisa act as her legal advisor; when Lisa refuses, Shiv realizes Kendall has already contacted her, and angrily storms off. On her way to Waystar, Shiv receives a call from Roman informing her that Gerri has been named Waystar's interim CEO, apparently due to Shiv's failure to secure Lisa's services. Shiv decides to change plans and reroutes her vehicle.

Lisa meets with Kendall at Rava's apartment to receive background on his case, preliminary to being formally hired as his attorney. Naomi Pierce arrives at roughly the same time, leading to tensions with Rava. Kendall later calls Logan's side to inform them that he has hired Lisa; in response, Logan has his team hire rival lawyer Layo Upton, opting for an aggressive approach against Kendall.

On the Water (film)

In 1982, a teenager living with his grandparents comes of age in rural Soviet Estonia.

Draft:Little School Mouse

Jerry teaches Tuffy the basics of outwitting a cat. On his blackboard, he shows a sequence of pictures where a cat successfully catches and eats a mouse. Tuffy cries at this but Jerry draws his attention to the blackboard and shows another sequence of pictures where a cat fails to catch a mouse and says "bad words". Tuffy laughs at this.

For the next lesson, Jerry shows Tuffy an imitation cat's paw in front of a mousehole facade. He demonstrates the procedure and Tuffy goees into the hole, where he makes a show of looking for danger, walks straight out of the hole but much to Jerry's disappointment, Tuffy ends up walking on the spot with his tail getting caught in the cat's paw. Jerry passes over the task of controlling the paw to Tuffy while he gives another demonstration. When he comes out, Tuffy winds the crank before Jerry can escape until the little mouse realizes what he is doing. He looks under the paw and twinges with embarrassment after finding Jerry flattened under it, then rushes into the classroom and puts up a CLASS DISMISSED sign. However, as he is leaving the mousehole, he is caught by Jerry by the diaper. Tuffy immediately retreats to the stool in the corner of the room and dons the dunce cap.

Following a lesson book, Jerry teaches Tuffy how to pluck a whisker from the cat without waking it up. He succeeds in plucking a whisker from Tom. Although Jerry uses the furnitures and a rug to cover himself, Tuffy when ordered by Jerry, goes without any cover and instead of bring only one whisker, brings the whole cat. Jerry notices this and flees with Tuffy. Tuffy enters the mousehole and closes the door before Jerry can get in. A furious Tom beats Jerry badly outside. When Tuffy opens the door, Jerry tumbles in with the lesson book around his neck.

Later, Jerry who has recovered from his injuries, reads the lesson book and shows Tuffy how to obtain cheese without waking a cat. Using the blinds as an elevator, a cup and a spoon as a rowboat and a broom as a slide, he succeeds in climbing onto the countertop and reaching a plate with some cheese on it, but narrowly avoids waking Tom when he drops his piece of cheese on his head. Immediately, Jerry closes Tom's eyes and soothes him to sleep. Back at the hole, Jerry shows the piece of cheese and eats it. The little mouse goes out himself and ewakes Tom, who looks at him sleepily and helpfully gives him the cheese, too tired to begin a chase. Jerry is dumbfounded as Tuffy returns with the whole cheese, shows it off, and swallows the whole cheese at once, causing his stomach to assume a large wedge shape.

Jerry tries to teach Tuffy how to tie a bell around the cat's neck. This time, Tom is awake and waiting for Jerry. When Jerry comes, Tom conveniently lifts up his head and puts a finger to help Jerry tie the bell. Jerry thanks him, but realizes it was a trap and runs towards the mousehole but Tom grasps Jerry in his hand, beats him up. Jerry returns wrapped with the string of the bell. Tuffy gulps nervously and goes out with a package wrapped as a present. Tuffy gives the package to Tom, who is now fully awake. Tom takes it, opens it and finds a bell with a string. Delighted, he points to himself in a "For me?" manner. Tuffy smiles and nods assuredly. Tom puts the bell on himself and thanks Tuffy by gently patting him on the head. Jerry, having ultimately been failed, storms off in disgust and throws his diploma in the garbage.

In the closing scene, Tuffy is teaching the class. He points to the board, which reads, "Cats And Mice Should Be Friends." Jerry, who is now the pupil and wearing the dunce cap, madly shakes his head saying NO. Tom, happily sitting next to Jerry nods his head enthusiastically at the idea, ringing his bell while doing so. He removes the dunce cap from Jerry and kisses his cheek, much to Jerry's chagrin, then jingles his own bell.

Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana

Brahmaiah is a well behaved and mild mannered cop, who gets transferred to Mangaladevi, the coastal and cultural town of modern-day Mangalore, which is also infested with gang violence by the gangster duo, Shiva and Hari. While everyone knows that Hari was born and brought up in Mangaladevi, no one knows about Shiva’s origins. He was discovered in a bag, found in a well near Hari's home. When the villagers opened the bag, they found a 12-year old Shiva with his neck brutally cut and scars found all over his body.

Shiva was later taken to the hospital, through which he survived. He spent some time begging in the streets of Mangalore until he was found and adopted by Hari's mother. Hari and Shiva grew up to be best friends and brothers for life. Everyone assumed that Shiva was severely abused during his unknown childhood. While he was hospitalised after being found, he used to scream as if he was dying whenever a nurse or female doctor approached him. He was completely desensitized to violence and has anger management issues.

Though Shiva is mostly unreactive when he himself was harmed, if somebody threatened to harm his loved ones or people close to him, he used to erupt like a volcano and was capable of unspeakable things. Hari profited tremendously from Shiva's fury as Shiva's protection made Hari untouchable. Growing into their adulthood, Shiva remains unsophisticated and a man of few words, while Hari becomes a suave power player and the most feared gangster in town. He runs the gangs and the police are in his pocket.

Hari eventually joins hands with a senior gangster and businessman, Raviraj, just for the sake of his growth. As a result, Shiva is dejected as he was sidelined by Hari, who now reveres Raviraj. Unable to express himself, Shiva starts beating up people unnecessarily. Hari distances himself from Shiva, whose violent nature can be a double-edged sword. Eventually, a small problem emerges between Raviraj's brother-in-law and Hari, to which Shiva reacts violently. This leads to Hari further distancing himself from Shiva and Raviraj's gang plot to kill Shiva, as a result.

Brahmaiah, who initially wanted to secure a transfer and run to safety from the violent town, finds newfound courage when he is threatened by Hari and Shiva indirectly, and humiliated by an MLA, who wants Hari and Shiva to be destroyed. Brahmaiah is aided by a police driver, who agrees to be a double agent for him as well as Hari-Shiva gangs. He plays Hari and Shiva's sides against each other to further destroy Hari and Shiva.

When Brahmaiah learns of Raviraj's gang's plan to kill Shiva, he passes on the information to Shiva's friends, that Hari has sent people to kill Shiva. Shiva is saved by his friends in the nick of time, but the information that Hari sent people to kill him deeply troubles Shiva. Unbeknownst to Shiva, the same night, Shiva's friends leave to kill Hari in revenge and one of them is killed by Hari. Hari now thinks that Shiva sent people to kill Hari, and openly threatens that he will kill Shiva and have a victory lap around the town. Shiva though taken aback, threatens him back.

Shiva kills Raviraj's brother-in-law in retaliation for the loss of his gang member. This causes Hari to plot with Raviraj to kill Shiva. Eventually, Hari has a hired hitman shoot and kill Shiva while he is playing cricket with his friends. When Hari is out on his victory lap around the town after getting Shiva killed, the teenage boys who used to play cricket with Shiva had witnessed his shooting, where they follow Hari and kill him with his own knife. The epilogue shows the childhood forms of Hari and Shiva burying their respective adult forms.

The Herbert Macaulay Affair

''The Herbert Macaulay Affair'' is set in 1920s Lagos during the Bubonic plague. It portrays Herbert Macaulay trying to call Nigerians to action in order to confront their oppressors. He led protests and wrote anti-colonial articles in newspapers. The film starts by depicting Macaulay's 1893 return from studying in Plymouth. He takes up a surveying job in service of the colonial administration. The workings of the colonial administration frustrate Macaulay, leading him to a life of rebellion.

A Star-Wheeled Sky

It has been thousands of years since humanity left a ruined Earth. Many of them settled within the Waywork, a system of about 50 star systems connected by a set of wormholes. The Waywork has been completely explored for hundreds of years, and the settled systems are bursting at the seams. One day, a new waypoint appears on the border between two warring factions. This causes a rush between the two to see who can lay claim to the new system and its resources.

The Tip of the Iceberg

In the wake of the suicide of three individuals employed by a multinational tech company, a company executive is tasked with elaborating an internal report on the incident. What she finds out vis-à-vis the working environment is disturbing.

J'ai Rencontré Le Père Noël

Simon is a young boy, bullied at school by peers and adults alike. His parents have been kidnapped in Africa, and the government has not responded to the ultimatum set by the kidnappers. Therefore, while on a field trip to the local airport, Simon and his friend Élodie sneak onto a jet liner and fly to Rovaniemi to visit Santa Claus in Lapland, to ask him to save Simon's parents. On the way, they encounter a fairy and an ogre.

The two children arrive safely to travel to Lapland then Santa and the fairy teleport to Africa near the village where the parents are inmates, and finally the two children returned home and rushed to the Christmas Mass where no one seems really surprised they reappear after their prolonged absence.

The Pecos Pistol

Someone dear to Tex Williams was killed, so he decides to get himself kicked from the force and disguise himself as an outlaw. Now he has to infiltrate the gang of outlaws and come up with a plan to find the killer and bring the gang down.

Sarap Mong Patayin

A gay guy connives with a woman to lure men, but when they pick the wrong guy, things turn deadly.

Draft:YUKI (VR game)

Yuki is a Space Ranger who seeks to recover the universe's stolen creative force from the evil Yokaliens, ancient entities driven by chaos that, in a sudden outbreak, caught Yuki off guard during one of her patrols and now pave a way towards destruction. She is aided by the unstoppable powers of a kid’s wild imagination, and her sidekick, Pod, who feeds her with power-ups and charms from a toy box via collected Creative Drive. Their progress is hindered by the wrath of the Primordials, the first Yokalens ever created, them being the melancholic Koi King, the threatening Gatekeeper, and the ominous Tormentor Bells, who control hordes of minions throughout the universe.

God's Favorite Idiot

After getting struck by lightning from an unusual angelic cloud, Clark suddenly has the ability to glow. His coworkers, including his friend Amily, believe that this may somehow be related to God. Their fears are confirmed when an angel tells Clark that he is to be God's messenger and must prevent the Apocalypse from happening.

Stuck Together

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and containment, the streets of Paris are deserted. While some have fled in the provinces, seven families remain in their building at 8 rue de l'Humanité in the 11th arrondissement. Among the inhabitants of the building are in particular the owner of the bistro who is doing everything to open her establishment, an ambitious scientist wanting to find the vaccine, a hypochondriac and his lawyer wife who is trying to reconcile her professional life and her family life, a sports coach who gives his lessons by videoconference but begins to gain weight, his 7-month pregnant partner who makes the buzz with an anti-COVID song. There is also a self-made man who is successful in business but finds out that he does not even have the grade level of his 8 year old son. This confinement also has positive effects: During these three months of confinement, all these inhabitants will experience joys and anxieties, discover each other, get closer, argue and reconcile.

The Pit (2020 film)

After she makes disparaging remarks about his father, a ten-year-old boy tricks a girl into falling into a pit.

Barun Rai and the House on the Cliff

The film is set in the 1970s and shot in Little Tawney Hall, Romford and Cornwall, England. The film revolves around a parapsychologist detective named Barun Rai, who can see what the normal eye cannot, using his powers to investigate crimes of a paranormal nature. It portrays the story of newlyweds Harmesh and Soumili, who move into their dream house, unaware of the spate of mysterious suicides disturbing the area and local police.

I'm Quitting Heroing

In a medieval yet futuristic time, the Demon Queen Echidna and her forces have come from a polluted wasteland called Demon World. The world's strongest hero, Leo Demonheart, has defeated Echidna and her Elite Four. Sometime later, Leo shows up wanting to help Echidna rebuild her army because the human populace became fearful of him instead of celebrating his victory as some people worried that he would become the next demon king. As a result of his exile, Leo wants to help Echidna, but she violently rejects his offer. The Elite Four go behind her back by having Leo help rebuild Echidna's army anyway. He also learns that Echidna wants to obtain the Philosopher's Stone so that she can make the Demon World fertile again.


The legend" Yongssaum" narrates the story of a man who was asked by a dragon that lived in a pond to help in a dragon fight, and in return for assisting the dragon's victory, was given a wide plain. The earliest remaining record of this legend is the" Tale of Dojo (grandfather of Joseon's founder Yi Seong-gye), included in Yongbieocheonga (Songs of Dragons Flying to Heaven). Other versions include the legends of Jeokji and Gonggeomji in Donggukyeojiseungnam (Augmented Survey of the Geography of the Eastern Kingdom); and the story of Yi Bu-pyeong in Joseoneupji (Village Records of Joseon), similar to the" Yugeumi Plain" tale.

The Devil and Daniel Webster (opera)

'''Setting''': 1840s Cross Corners, New Hampshire

The farmer Jabez Stone has experienced great hardship and believes he is doomed to a future of bad luck. He makes a bargain with the lawyer Mr. Scratch, the opera's antagonist and devil figure, in which he sells his soul in exchange for prosperity. After a period of prosperity, Mr. Scratch comes to collect Jabez's soul on the occasion of his wedding to Mary. Contesting the claim on his soul, a trial ensues in which Jabez is defended by the statesman Daniel Webster. Mr. Scratch selects a judge and jury for the trial made up of the ghosts of famous historical American figures who are now residents of Hell; including the pirate Blackbeard and the British loyalists Walter Butler and Simon Girty. Webster successfully defends Stone, and the jury returns a verdict of not guilty.

La Belle Image (novel)

''La Belle Image'' is the story of Raoul Cerusier, an upstanding, hard-working, but suspicious businessman, whose dull and unattractive face is transformed into one that is young, handsome, and seductive. His office colleagues no longer recognize him, nor does his wife, whom he must then seduce, thereby cuckolding himself.


In the game's found footage, the vlogger Luke "The Lucky Carder" Carder films himself opening packs of a out-of-print card game called ''Inscryption''. One card has coordinates written on it, located nearby, and there, Carder finds a box with a floppy disc titled ''Inscryption''. After preparing his computer to run it, he finds he cannot start a "New Game" and is forced to start from the "Continue Game" state.

In-game, Carder's player-character interacts with a shadowy, hostile dealer named Leshy within a cabin. When Carder's character loses, Leshy uses a magic camera to capture the character into a new "death card" that appears in later games. Between rounds, Carder's character can move about the cabin, finding three cards that speak to him: the Stoat, the Stinkbug, and the Stunted Wolf, all three who guide the character to locate a roll of film in the room. Once the character defeats Leshy, they steal the camera and use the film to capture Leshy onto a death card. Searching the room reveals the missing "New Game" button, which after collecting resets the game to a fresh state.

Carder finds that the game now is presented as a traditional pixel art RPG, where the characters travels the world to collect cards as to challenge the four Scrybes: Leshy the Scrybe of Beasts, P03 the Scrybe of Technology, Grimora the Scrybe of the Dead, and Magnificus the Scrybe of Magicks. During this segment, Carder finds that Leshy had previously taken over the game and captured P03, Grimora, and Magnificus as the cards Stoat, Stinkbug, and Stunted Wolf. Once the character defeats each Scrybe, they go to challenge one Scrybe to replace, but regardless of their choice, P03 appears and lets the player defeat them which allows them to take over the game.

During his playing, Carder attempts to contact ''Inscryption'' developer, GameFuna, but receives a demand to return the game, followed by a visit from a female representative reinforcing that demand, which Carder refuses. He also learns that a GameFuna developer named Kaycee Hobbes mysteriously died while working on the game; she had previously appeared as a spirit in Grimora's area and as a death card in Leshy's original cabin.

Carder returns to play after P03's takeover, finding that the character is now trapped in a factory by P03. P03 forces the character to help in achieving the "Great Transcendence" by defeating "Uberbots"; in these fights, Carder agrees to grant the game access to his computer as to win the battles. After defeating the last Uberbot, P03 reveals that this was a ploy to gain access to upload ''Inscryption'' to a digital game storefront, but before the process completes, Leshy, Grimora, and Magnificus appear and disable P03, ending his plan. As the three Scrybes work to reset the game to its default state, Grimora uses the opporuntiy to wipe the disk clean, including the "OLD_DATA" that would be dangerous for Carder to look at. The three Scrybes each have a final card battle with Carder before they are deleted. Carder finds the OLD_DATA still present and looks at its contents, causing him to attempt to destroy the ''Inscryption'' disc by smashing it with a hammer.

After the game is deleted, Carder, exhausted from what he had learned and endured contacts Herman, a journalist from the Herald. He explains that the game took control of his computer and states that he has video footage that may help expose the wrongdoings of the GameFuna company. However, Carder is interrupted by the GameFuna representative, who returns to Carder's house and shoots him in the head, presumably killing him. The final shot of the game is of Carder bleeding out on the floor as the representative enters his house to retrieve the remains of the ''Inscryption'' disc.

Alternative reality game

A real-world alternative reality game (ARG), embedded both in video from the game and outside of it, led to additional information related to ''Inscryption'' backstory. In this ARG, it was revealed that Kaycee had gotten possession of the "Karnoffel Code", a computer algorithm reportedly created by the Soviets during the Cold War after gaining possession of Adolf Hitler's corpse and discovering a connection between him, the game of Karnoffel, and the occult. A spy named Barry Wilkinson had gotten a copy of the Karnoffel Code from the Soviets and hid it on a floppy disc among other empty floppies, which eventually fell into possession of Kaycee. The ARG revealed a postscript to the game which shows Carder's computer turning back on by itself and beginning the uploading process of ''Inscryption'' to a digital storefront worldwide, then ending with a winking ASCII image of P03/the Stoat, aware its plans of transcendence had worked. Parts of the ARG point to narrative connection between events in ''Inscryption'' and Mullins' previous game, ''The Hex'' (itself a similar meta-narrative game about video game development), with characters from ''The Hex'' helping P03 or GameFuna.

Draft:Kitty Foiled

A frightened canary watches the chase as glass breaks and other fighting sounds are heard throughout. Tom attempts to smash Jerry with the broom but he swings and accidentally breaks a lamp.

The Stranger (2021 film)

In occupied Golan Heights, a former doctor experiences an existential crisis before meeting a mysterious soldier.


On their way home from basketball practice, Kotona invites Haru and Yū to a crêpe café, but wheelchair-bound Yū returns home after they encounter steps on the way. Later in a back alley, Kotona notices that she is being tailed by a black hooded figure. Kotona contacts Yū, who arrives too late as the figure stabs her. Haru arrives and tries to get Kotona to the hospital, but both him and Yū are suddenly transported to an unknown world, which later is revealed to be the kingdom of Evermore.

In Evermore Castle, the boys meet Princess Astrid, who is remarkably similar to Kotona and who is also wounded with a curse. Yū, who notices the shadow knife placed on Astrid's stomach, pulls it out and breaks the curse. That night, Haru drinks away, as he believes this to be a dream, while Yū visits Astrid again, who takes him to the Lake of Purity to dance away the remains of the curse. The next morning, Yū and Haru are summoned by the mage Gnauss and King Astrum, who make them engage in swordplay against multiple men in order to find out if they were sent by a group known as Black Banner. Yū and Haru jump towards the flame behind the king, and are transported back to their world, where they reunite with Kotona.

A few days later, with Haru still believing it was all a dream, Yū tries to find an old man he met at the hospital during his childhood, but a nurse tells him he has disappeared. Kotona reveals she has a malignant tumor, and only has three months to live. Yū proposes returning to the other world, but Haru, in grief and anger, suggests killing Astrid to save Kotona. As the feud goes on, the same black hooded man transports the two to the other world.

Haru ends up in a dismal wasteland, and meets Galeroth, leader of the Black Banner, who makes Haru join his invasion of Evermore. Yū, on the other hand, ends up back in Evermore Castle's throne room, and tries to reason with the king. Gnauss appoints Yū as a defender, and makes him prove his innocence by killing Haru. As the invasion begins with Black Banner's army overwhelming Evermore’s soldiers, Astrid proposes using the Mornstar, the sword of Evermore. However, Gnauss and the King reveal that the one in their possession is a counterfeit, while the real one disappeared long ago. The two boys briefly fight, but as they are about to kill each other, they are transported back to their own world again.

Back in their world, Saki, Yū's adopted sister, is confronted by the same black hooded man at her florist shop when the boys arrive and manage to save her. As they escape in her car, the man transforms into a gigantic spider and pursues them. As Saki reveals to the boys that the man called her name, Yū has an epiphany and realises the culprit. As they manage to escape from the monster, the car is pulled into the river, with the boys transported back to the other world once again.

In the throne room, the boys confront Gnauss, who is the mastermind behind everything that has happened since Astrid's curse. Gnauss reveals that he is in fact Galeroth, and that he was once known as Crown Prince Sedulus Astrum. He has been plotting to take revenge on his father and the entire kingdom, and manipulates Haru through his armor, which Yū is able to stop with his magic. Galeroth takes Astrid hostage, and tries to kill her, only for Yū to shield the attack. As Astrid and Haru fight Galeroth, the old man reappears before Yū, and gives him an old stick, which later is revealed as the legendary Mornstar. Both Yū and Haru slay Galeroth with the sword, defeating him and the Black Banner army for good. A portal appears before them; after a tearful farewell, Haru leaves through the portal, with Yū staying behind.

Back in Haru's world, both Kotona and Saki have recovered from their retrospective causes, but their memories of Yū fade. As the only one who remembers Yū, Haru realizes that Yū was his soulmate from the other world.

In a post-credits scene, Yū, with Astrid at his side, is crowned as the new king of Evermore.

Opie the Birdman

Barney makes an old-fashioned slingshot for Opie. Looking on, Andy tells him to be careful with it. When Barney demonstrates one of his trick shots, he breaks a window in a bookcase, prompting Andy to remind Opie to never shoot it indoors.

Playing outside, Opie is pretending to shoot at various targets with his new toy. Seeing something in the tree in his front yard, he aims and shoots and kills a bird, which falls to the ground in front of him. Opie refuses to believe the bird is dead and pleads for it to fly away. When he realizes what he has done, he runs to his room, sobbing.

At the dinner table that evening, Opie is melancholy, barely touching his meal. Andy comments to Aunt Bee that he found a dead songbird in the yard and that he believes the neighbors cat is responsible. Aunt Bee tells him it can't be the cat because their neighbor, Mrs. Snyder, has been away for over a week and she took her cat with her. Opie leaves the table and rushes to his room.

It is easy for Andy to recognize what has happened and he confronts Opie about it. Opie admits his mistake and says that he is sorry, but Andy tells him that being sorry is not enough. He opens Opie's bedroom window where he can hear the baby birds calling for their mother, who will never return.

In the morning, Opie has decided that he will take care of the baby birds, and begins by feeding them breakfast. When Mrs. Snyder has returned with her cat, Andy moves the birds to a cage on the front porch. When Opie names the birds, Andy reminds him that someday they will grow up and he will have to release them.

When the birds have grown big enough to be released, Andy tells Opie that their mother would have set them free, and Opie acknowledges that he must release them. After this, Opie comments that the cage looks empty, to which Andy replies, "But don't the trees seem nice and full?"

As of Yet

The film "centers on Naomi (Garron), who navigates a problematic roommate and a burgeoning romance, all while locked down during the coronavirus pandemic."

Toji, the Land

When she was 5 years old, Seo Hee(Kim Hyun-joo)'s mother left with one of the servants, leaving her behind her father, who had never treated her well. The first shock was a preparation for her hardship. After her father was killed, her relative Joon Goo, taking advantage of her young age to gain possession of the land she rightfully owns. In these miserable years, her low status friend, Kim Gil-sang (Yoo Jun-sang) became her only support. He helped Seo Hee to run away from hometown to escape Joon Goo's plot forced Seo Hee to marry a disabled man. Then, she slowly builds her property as a merchant, driven by a desire to revenge Joon Goo and the ultimate goal is to regain the land.

You Can't Keep the Change

Slim Callaghan is called to Margraud Manor in Devon where valuable jewels have been stolen. His investigations take him to a shady nightclub in London haunted by the criminal classes.

The Kentish Manor Murders

Sheridan Haynes, now famous for playing Holmes in a series of television adaptations, is invited to Castle Baskerville by Warren Waymark to perform some scenes in character. The eccentric millionaire Waymark, a fanatical Sherlockian, is a collector of anything related to the detective. Before his visit, Haynes is approached by a man claiming to have a genuine copy of previously unknown original Doyle story which he wants to sell to Waymark.

The Blackheath Poisonings

Two families, the Collards and Vandervents have lived together for many years in the same elegant house in the wealthy London suburb of Blackheath. The two have grown intermingled over the years, with numerous secrets. When they begin falling dead to mysterious stomach complaints, Paul Vandervent begins investigating.

Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch

This story is set in the 17th century in the Holy Roman Empire during the beginnings of the Thirty Years War and the plague. In this fictionalized version of the illiterate Katharina Kepler's later life, she is accused of witchcraft. Part of the reason for the accusation is because she lives into old age when most people die around the age of 30. Other reasons are related to her personal quirks. Also, the label of "witch" comes at first from Ursula Reinbold and then snowballs into many in her community accusing her of the same. Her son Johannes Kepler was compelled to absent himself from the royal court to defend his mother. She is also aided by two of her other children as well as her sympathetic legal guardian, scribe, and neighbor, Simon.

The Belting Inheritance

At her country estate of Belting, Lady Wainwright mourns the loss of two of her sons in the Second World War many years before. One day a stranger turns up at the house claiming to be her missing son David, who rather than being killed has spent years in a Soviet prisoner-of-war camp. He now claims his rightful inheritance, the manor of Belting. Her remaining children are concerned that this apparent "impostor" is going to receive the entire inheritance.

The Colour of Murder

Unhappily married John Wilkins meets Sheila, an attractive young librarian. He fantasises about killing his wife, so he can leave her and start a new life with Sheila.

Monster Family 2

A year after the previous events, the Wishbone family is struggling with its various shortcomings. Son Max is the lowest student in the 8th grade. All the classmates are at least a head taller, so they laugh at the clumsy fat man with glasses. His sister Faye is sure that all her friends are talented in something, but she is not. The mother Emma tries to help her children, but her advice is ignored at best and often irritates them. The father Frank's happiness at his new job and calmer lifestyle is being ruined because his family is so unhappy.

At the wedding of the witch Baba Yaga and the hunchbacked butler of Renfield (who have become part of the large Wishbone family as surrogate grandparents), the bride and groom are kidnapped shortly before they exchange oaths. The kidnapper is Mila Starr, the only daughter of a billionaire, scientific genius, philanthropist, couple Marlene and Maddox Starr. To save Baba Yaga and the Hunchback, the Wishbones become monsters again.

Rise (2022 film)

In 1990, Charles and Veronica "Vera" Adetokunbo are forced to leave their eldest son Francis in Nigeria while they travel to Greece for a better life. They are unable to get visas due to the political climate and thus have no identification and must remain in hiding. By 2004, they are settled and have four more sons, Thanasis, Giannis, Kostas and Alexandros. Despite being born in Greece, they are not granted legal citizenship due to the restrictive laws; putting their family at risk of deportation and separation. Their Yoruba surname is Hellenized to Antetokounmpo amidst immigration processing after the family escapes refugee round-ups in Turkey. Charles tries to get documentation, but the double standard, in that he needs a visa for work, but he cannot get a job necessary to get a visa, frustrates the whole family.

Thanasis and Giannis begin playing basketball in the park. While Thanasis shows natural skill, Giannis has difficulty learning the game, but displays potential. They are invited to go to Filathlitikos to use the gym for free where they meet the coach Takis Zivas who sees promise in the two. By 2007, Thanasis is a star player and Giannis has improved significantly. The Antetokounmpos continue to face adversity when Thanasis is offered a check by a promising college team, only for it to get denied when his family history is looked into. Charles buys a car for the family, but are nearly kicked out of their apartment despite having the money for the next two months.

While playing a match, Giannis and Thanasis are scouted by drafters, particularly a young one named Haris Eleftheriou who is trying to convince the scout manager Paco to recruit the brothers. During the game Thanasis injures his leg; leaving Giannis to finish the game. Paco is unwilling to commit to them due to their status and Haris convinces Giannis to sign with him. True to their fears, none of the major teams are willing to sign Giannis; forcing him to have to play for recruitment. A Spanish league is willing to sign to him and will even grant Giannis citizenship, but he asks that his family also get recognized as well. Paco attempts to usurp Haris by offering them money, citizenship and immediate acceptance, but Haris will be dropped. Not willing to let go the person who fought for them, the Antetokounmpos turn down his offer.

Haris reveals that the Spanish team will not sign him to them, but they will grant him eligibility to try out for the 2013 NBA draft. If he succeeds his whole family will be relocated to America. Giannis asks that Thanasis come with him as they and Haris arrive in New York City to meet with American agent Kevin Stefanides. Haris and Kevin continue to try and pitch Giannis to various recruiters and manage to speak with John Hammond who appears apprehensive, though they do manage to intrigue a representative from Nike. Giannis is nervous after hearing that he might not be good enough, but Thanasis supports him. At the draft, Giannis is thrilled to hear that the Milwaukee Bucks chose him as their fifteenth pick; securing his family's future.

During the credits, it is revealed that Francis was eventually reunited with his family. Thanasis, Kostas and Alexandros all eventually joined the NBA as well while Charles died in 2017.

Zero to Hero (film)

A biographical film about So Wa Wai, Hong Kong's first athlete to win gold at the Paralympic Games.

After the Winter (film)

Five childhood friends remain closely connected despite relocating to different parts of what was formerly Yugoslavia.

Goplana (opera)

The folk tale plot follows closely Juliusz Słowacki's original drama and concerns the brutal fate of several humans - principally the sisters Balladyna and Alina - after the nymph Goplana interferes in their affairs.

Vendetta (2022 film)

In suburban Georgia, family man and ex-marine William Duncan (Clive Standen) is out to pick up dinner with his 16-year-old daughter, Kat (Maddie Nichols), a softball player with dreams of playing professionally. While William retrieves the food, Kat is left in the car, where she is killed by brothers Rory (Theo Rossi) and Danny (Cabot Basden), on behalf of their father, kingpin Donnie (Bruce Willis). They are soon arrested by the authorities, but Donnie rigs the court to fail, allowing Danny to go free. William elects to stalk and kill Danny the following night. Enraged, Donnie and Rory embark on a revenge path to eliminate William. Failing in their mission, William eventually kills Rory and Donnie.

Mission to Rescue

The film is based on a true story based on the Al-Shabaab abduction of a French tourist in the coastal town of Kenya in 2011.

A Brightness Long Ago

The story is set about 1,000 years after the events of ''The Sarantine Mosaic'' duology, 25 years after the demise of Sarantium. It begins as a narrative recollection by Guidanio Cerra, an aging councillor nicknamed Danio who in his youth was admitted to a prestigious school despite being a tailor's son. This leads him to meet the chief steward of nobleman Count Uberto, and later a woman named Adria Ripoli. The latter is daughter of a duke, and plans to assassinate The Beast.

From Danio's recollection the plot shifts attention to a healer named Jelena, and subsequently to a political conflict between Folco Cino d’Acorsi, who is the uncle to Adria, and Teobaldo Monticola di Remigio. Danio's narrative describes the military and personal clashes between Cino and Monticola.

Adria and Cino conceive a plan for her to reside in a farmhouse near the city, which eventually brings her to the attention of Uberto, known as "The Beast" for his sexual and murderous proclivities. Danio, now employed in the palace of Uberto, may endanger himself or Adria when she is summoned by Uberto to the palace.

Children of Earth and Sky

The book is set in the same fantasy world as ''The Sarantine Mosaic'', but following the decline of Sarantium. Leaders of states that are Jaddite, having been greatly affected by an epidemic, are worried of an impending threat by the growing Osmanli empire whose cultural and religious traditions may eclipse their own. Meanwhile, the duke of the Jaddite city of Seressa seeks to secure and strengthen his position.

There are five principal and numerous secondary and ancillary characters. The warrior Danica Gradek is a skilled archer seeking vengeance for the abduction of her brother Neven by the Osmanli; she is recruited by Senjan pirates. The young artist Pero Villani is ambitious and tries to court the spy Leonora Valeri, previously exiled by her father. The Dubrova merchant Marin guides them though the "political and physical hazards" of their eastward journey. Pero is chosen to paint a western-style portrait of the khalif Gurçu, the principal Osmanli threat. Danica and Leonora meet during a raid by the pirates, and develop a "survival friendship".

Senj is a nation state that opposes Osmanli expansion and has contemptuous regard for those who trade with them, raiding their ships. Dubrova is an emergent trading nation that avoids antagonizing the powerful Seressa empire that dominates trade. The latter maintains an extensive spy network.

The August Virgin

Eva, an out-of-work actress aged 33 who is on her own, decides not go away during the heat of August but to stay in Madrid, where a friend lets her have the use of his central apartment. She resolves to get to know the city and its inhabitants by just letting things happen. Wandering about the streets and dropping in to bars, she meets old friends and makes new friends, both men and women.

Walking home in the early hours, she sees a man she fears is going to jump from a bridge and she hastily starts a conversation to distract him. He is Agos, who was just having a quiet cigarette before going to the bar where his girl friend works. Next evening, Eva follows Agos into the bar and continues the conversation. He is an out-of-work actor, separated from his wife and little daughter, who lives by odd jobs in bars. She goes back to his flat and they make love, after which she admits that she is pregnant. Later, when his daughter asks who the father is and Eva replies that she does not know, the little girl says that's just like the Virgin Mary.

Pooh Oughta Be in Pictures

Christopher Robin's mother has made him a deal that if he eats his carrots he can go to the movies with Pooh, Piglet and Tigger. Christopher Robin hates vegetables, but he has to eat them (which results in him fainting).

Much to Piglet’s dismay, they go to see ''Birdzilla'', a monster movie, as he thought they were seeing a cartoon. Pooh tries to convince Piglet that it is only a movie, with no success. Piglet has his eyes closed most of the time while Tigger is not impressed with the monsters. Pooh loses his hunnycrunch bars on the floor and Piglet helps to find them, only for both to get caught in a web of gum, thinking the spider in the movie is after him. Christopher Robin rescues them and Piglet is even more scared.

Tigger tried to convince Piglet not to be scared, stating that the monsters are not actually real and instead are make-believe, to which Christopher Robin and Pooh agree. However the usher does not like the mess they are making, forcing Christopher Robin, Pooh, Tigger, and Piglet to escape. Back in the woods, Christopher Robin, Pooh and Tigger decide to make their own scary movie. Pooh is the hero with his white scarf. Tigger is the gigantic monster, but he keeps his costume a secret. Piglet’s part is very important, he is the one who gets chased by a monster, much to his disliking.

Tigger’s monster identity is revealed; a humongous carrot. Tigger inadvertently scares Rabbit into never eating carrots again. Tigger tries to convince Rabbit who he really is, but the zipper is stuck and Rabbit thinks the monster carrot has eaten Tigger. The others are filming when Rabbit runs to them and panics. Everybody hides and panics, but Tigger tries to convince them that it is only him in a costume, and he needs help to get out of his suit. They can hear him calling and want to help him, but they still think the carrot has eaten Tigger, and discuss capturing the carrot.

Tigger comes to them, and they all panic. The carrot falls into the hole and Tigger got free and they try to bury the carrot, but Tigger tells them to stop, saying that it is just his costume and that he was going to use it for Christopher Robin’s movie until it became ruined. Realizing that Tigger is right, Rabbit and Pooh start to laugh after having themselves panic for something silly. Then Rabbit happily throws the ruined costume over at a large branch. However, Piglet is extremely upset that he was not brave enough to help Pooh in his time of need. Pooh tries to reassure him that everyone gets afraid once in a while, but Piglet just sadly walks home. In the blustery rainy evening, Pooh comes to Piglet’s house and brings Piglet his hero scarf to cheer him up, but Piglet is still upset, hiding under his chair. Pooh leaves the scarf in Piglet’s house and decides to get Christopher Robin to help Piglet with his problems. However, the stray costume loses hold of the branch due to the blustery wind, and Pooh is “attacked” by it, calling for Piglet’s help. Piglet grabs his scarf and runs after Pooh, saving him.

The epilogue is that Pooh, Christopher, Tigger and Piglet are make another monster movie and Piglet is made the hero. They watch it and they are all very satisfied, especially Piglet.

Then Christopher Robin and Pooh discuss about Piglet’s bravery, and even though they do not have to worry about monster carrots anymore, Christopher tells Pooh that his mom is preparing broccoli for dinner. Pooh suggests that they just skip dinner and go right to breakfast instead as the episode pilot ends.

Clara Sola

In a remote Costa Rican village, forty-year-old Clara has a sexual awakening after a lifetime of repression.

The Broken Glass Theory

Claudio, an insurance expert, investigates a series of car fires in a small town.

A Particular Kind of Black Man

''A Particular Kind of Black Man'' centers on the protagonist, Tunde Akinola, a Nigerian who lives in Utah with his family. While in school, Tunde has to face racism from his classmates and schoolmates who rub his skin asking why his dark skin will not go off. At home, Tunde's father, Akinola, struggles to keep up to his responsibility as he cannot get a good job due to his skin and race. His mother, who has schizophrenia, abuses Tunde physically. Tunde's mother wakes up one morning and takes Tunde and his younger brother and ran away. Akinola tracks them and takes Tunde, while Tunde's mother flies back to Nigeria with his younger brother. Tunde's father remarries a Utah resident who is also a racist and divorcee who prefers her own children over Tunde.

A Small Silence

''A Small Silence'' tells the story of Prof. who never turns on the light in his Lagos apartment where a female spirit who he can't see always visit him. The spirit who can't see him too, visits him only at night.


Tachibana Rin, nicknamed "Hanekonma" (filly), grows up in Sōma, Fukushima. Together she and her mother scrape up enough money for her to attend a Christian girls' school in Sendai, Miyagi. Though disowned by her father, she studies English and, after some early struggles, becomes a teacher. Later she marries and moves to Tokyo. After her husband's business fails, and while juggling raising a family, she succeeds in becoming Japan's first female newspaper reporter.

Down in Paris

The film revolves around a middle aged film director in the middle of a personal crisis. He heads into the Parisian night looking for answers.

Aşk Mantık İntikam

While Esra thinks she wakes up in one of her usual mornings, she suddenly finds herself surrounded by Ozan's news, his appearance on television, and his huge pictures on billboards. Her ex-husband Ozan, whom she divorced two years ago, is everywhere. It has also changed a lot. Ozan, who shot a penny when Esra quit, has become a completely different person. He is very successful, very handsome and very rich. While her life changed thanks to the social media application that Ozan found, Esra stood still. Before Esra can get over her shock, she comes face to face with Ozan. But Ozan, who used to love Esra enough to die, is no longer in front of him. He is a cold, arrogant man, full of anger towards Esra.

This encounter activates the feelings that they both think are over. Oddly enough, they both remember different things when they think about their marriage. For Esra, marriage means a safe haven. Esra, who had a childhood full of bankruptcies and foreclosures due to her father's adventurous business life, witnessed how hard her mother, who was in love with her father, tried to keep this family alive. Esra, who thinks that if this is love, I don't exist, is determined to marry someone who loves and trusts her very much. Ozan fell in love with Esra at first sight. As soon as Esra sees Ozan, she realizes that she is the person she is looking for and they get married in a short time. However, when Ozan resigns from his regular job to be able to do the job of his dreams, Esra's safe harbor is suddenly destroyed. Since Ozan cannot find an investor for his creative ideas, the living of the house is left entirely to Esra. Esra starts working multiple jobs to pay the rent and bills. Esra, who made a logical marriage in order not to be like her mother, has fallen into a worse state than her mother. Although he tries to keep their marriage alive for a while, he finally gives up. But in fact, the reasons for separation for both are not what they seem.

On the evening of the day they met, Esra tells her friend Zeyno that she expects an apology from Ozan for her past experiences, while Ozan angrily tells his assistant Musa how Esra easily sacrificed him in time. But what neither of them realize is how impressed they are when they see each other.

The next day, Esra gets dressed and goes to Ozan's office, thinking that Ozan will apologize for what she has done in the past and want to reconcile with the phone call from Ozan. However, Ozan's intention is different. Ozan, who could not give alimony to Esra because he had no money at the time of the divorce, takes out an envelope full of money and puts it in front of Esra. His real intention is to hurt Esra, who she thinks left him for money, by teaching him a good lesson. Realizing that she was being summoned to be humiliated, Esra tore up the envelope and left with Ozan even more angry than before.

Now it's Esra's turn to mend her broken pride. Seeing Ozan's company's trainee announcement, Esra makes her plan. He will apply to Ozan's company by applying for the advertisement and will leave his life only when Ozan falls in love with him again and falls at his feet.

The Halloween Apocalypse

The Doctor and Yaz are in pursuit of Karvanista, one of the dog-like Lupari species, for reasons unclear to Yaz. They escape from his capture and follow him to Earth in the TARDIS. En route, the Doctor experiences a psychic vision of Swarm, a mysterious being, escaping from its millennia-long imprisonment by the Time Lord Division.

In present day Liverpool, Dan Lewis arranges a date with museum worker Diane before attending a shift at the soup kitchen and heading home. Karvanista breaks into his house and transports him onto his Lupari ship. The Doctor and Yaz arrive after Dan's kidnap, investigating his house and discovering what appears to be a Lupari invasion fleet approaching Earth. They escape just before Dan's house is collapsed by a trap set by Karvanista. They then briefly encounter Claire, a woman who claims to have met the Doctor in the latter's future. Departing, the Doctor and Yaz are confused by the appearance of a second doorway in the TARDIS' console room. Claire is subsequently captured by a Weeping Angel.

On Karvanista’s ship, Yaz rescues Dan while the Doctor confronts Karvanista over his connection to the Division. Karvanista reveals that the Lupari are in fact saving humanity from Earth’s imminent destruction by the Flux, an unknown entity that defies all laws of space and time and consumes everything in its path. The Doctor, Yaz and Dan escape the ship and return to the TARDIS (where another doorway has appeared) to investigate the Flux.

Meanwhile, the Flux causes Vinder, the sole crew member of a remote outpost in deep space, to evacuate his position. It also catches the attention of the Sontarans, who relish the prospect of destruction it poses. Swarm attacks a base in the Arctic Circle, killing one of its two crew members and reviving his "sister" Azure from the other. Azure later lures Diane into a derelict house.

The TARDIS takes the group to an area of space where they observe the Flux from a distance. The Doctor experiences another vision of Swarm, who claims an old association with her. The Flux then accelerates its attack on Earth, before the Lupari fleet can rescue its population. The Doctor has Karvanista form a defensive shield with the other Lupari ships, protecting Earth from the Flux. However, the TARDIS is unable to transport behind the shield. The TARDIS' three doorways fly open as the Flux approaches.

She Will (film)

A former movie star, Veronica Ghent, goes to a healing retreat in Scotland with her nurse Desi Hatoum after a double mastectomy. The place where she stays is the site where women were burnt as witches centuries before. Their ashes fill the land and give her the power to exact revenge within her dreams.

Kara (Supergirl episode)

After being mortally wounded, Lillian Luthor tells Lena to fully own her power and dies. Kara Danvers / Supergirl reassures the people of humanity and they reclaim their power, weakening Lex Luthor and Nyxly. The Superfriends, joined by Acrata, Orlando Davis, Mitch, Eliza Danvers, Mon-El, Winn Schott, and Jimmy Olsen, fight Lex, Nyxly, and manifestations of Overgirl, Red Tornado, Metallo, Parasite, the Hell Dragon, and the Nightmare Monster. Lex opens a portal to the Phantom Zone. Since they feed on fear and their supposed victims stand strong, the Phantoms drag Lex and Nyxly in. Days later, the Superfriends attend William Dey's funeral and reestablish the DEO. Mon-El tells Kara that he will no longer be able to return to the past to see her, due to his responsibility with The Legion. Three weeks later, Cat Grant re-buys CatCo and offers Kara a job as her editor-in-chief. Alex Danvers and Kelly Olsen get married, and Brainy decides to stay in the present with Nia. Winn hints that J'onn and M'gann have a son in the future. Cat and Lena convince Kara to accept the job and end her double life by revealing her identity as Supergirl to the world so she can live a more full life as one person.

Handbook for Mortals

The novel follows the adventures of Scheherazade "Zade" Esther Holder, a twenty-five-year-old woman who comes from a family of folk magic practitioners in a small Tennessee town. She decides to leave home in the hopes of discovering her identity and breaking away from an overprotective mother, in the process joining a Las Vegas troupe of eccentric stage magicians and performers. She forges romantic connections with several men, both her fellow troupe members and other men such as Carrot Top, relishing having several men "constantly fawning over" her. The one exception is Zeb, a magician with whom she is constantly at odds. While alluring to men, Zade questions the prospects of a "mixed" relationship with a mortal man, and fails to get along with Sophia, one of the female performers, whom she calls ugly and treats with disdain.

During a magic show, Zade performs a stunning illusion but then falls into a coma after exerting herself without her "anchor" and lover, Mac, a fellow performer, who suspected that Zade was having an illicit affair with the elderly head stage magician, Charles Spellman. This is proven to be false, particularly as Zade discovers that Charles is actually her long-lost father.

Little Gay Boy

The film centers around a young man Jean-Christophe (J.C) played by Gaëtan Vettier. Born to a prostitute mother and an absent father, J-C. experiments with his sexuality and pushes the limits of his identity, until the day he finally meets this fantasized father. Between raw violence and phantasmagoric reveries, J-C. finds his own path and gradually free himself from the demons of the past.

The Show (2020 film)

Fletcher Dennis (Tom Burke) arrives in Northampton in search of a missing person James Mitchum and visits the local public library where he meets librarian Henry Gaunt (Richard Dillane) who offers to assist him in the search and appears to hack into the computer network of the local hospital to reveal that James was admitted to hospital the previous evening. Fletcher heads to the hospital where he discovers James died from his injuries.

Fletcher follows a series of leads, meeting Faith Harrington (Siobhan Hewlett), child detectives in a garden shed, a local musician, the bouncer at the nightclub where James was injured and a local gangster.

Faith relates her near-death experience to Fletcher, in which she met James and danced with him in a club. Fletcher reveals to Faith that he isn’t looking for a friend but in fact a private detective looking for a missing heirloom and his client is an elderly East End businessman, Patsy Bleeker.

Fletcher’s dreams each night become increasingly strange until he dreams finds himself in the same club that Faith visited in her near-death experience. In that dream he meets Frank Metterton who explains that Patsy is not telling him the truth about himself or the heirloom.

The next day Fletcher explains to Faith what he discovered about Patsy in the dream. They decide they must lure Patsy to Northampton to resolve the matter.

Patsy arrives in Northampton that evening, and with the help of his henchmen, kidnap Faith in order to lure Fletcher into an ambush. Fletcher defeats Patsy and his henchmen and rescues Faith. The events are watched on CCTV by Henry Gaunt, dressed as a masked superhero.

Tokyo 24th Ward

On an artificial island in Tokyo Bay there is a special district commonly known as the 24th Ward, childhood friends Ran, Koki and Shuta hung out together. Their lives changed when their school caught on fire and Koki's sister Asumi was caught inside. They argued about the best way to save her, and instead of working together, Shuta rushed in but was unable to save her life. Now, a year after the incident, they receive visual messages from Asumi presenting them with life-and-death situations in which they have to decide on their course of action. A strange character called Carneades appears and threatens to thrust choices upon the world.

Requiem for a Heavyweight (film)

Mountain Rivera (Quinn) is to interview for a counselor position at a children's camp, arranged by Grace Miller, but Maish, hoping that Mountain will forget about the job interview, takes him to a bar, where they both get drunk. Army (Rooney) arrives at the bar to remind Mountain about the appointment, but Rivera embarrasses himself at the hotel where the interview is to take place, behaving drunkenly in plain sight of the camp owners. After this episode, Grace confronts Maish in tears, condemning him for controlling Mountain and ruining his chance to make a new life for himself.

In the film version, Maish responds forcefully and eloquently to Grace Miller's accusation that he's been over-controlling of Rivera, cares nothing for him, for his best interest or for his future. He tells Grace that she must stop daydreaming and recognize that her idealized conception of Louis Rivera is as false and damaging to Rivera as is Maish's alleged mediocre management of Rivera's pro boxing career, and that her so-called "vision" for Rivera's post-boxing future as a counselor at a children's summer camp is as naïve and pathetic as it is improbable.

To pay off Maish's gambling debts, Mountain agrees to perform as Native American wrestling persona "Big Chief Mountain Rivera." Just prior to entering the ring for his first match, an overwhelming tide of humiliation sweeps over Mountain, causing him to change his mind. Maish blurts out that he bet against Mountain in the fight against Clay, and as Rivera attempts to leave the locker room, "Ma" Greeny and her thugs enter, threatening Maish. However, Mountain changes his mind and agrees to wrestle, thereby allowing "Ma" to be paid and saving Maish's life. In the epic final scene of the film, Mountain enters the ring amidst jeering ridicule to face "Haystacks Calhoun", a grappler from Arkansas billed at 601 lbs.

Survive the Game

When David, a cop, gets injured during a drug bust gone wrong, his partner, Cal, pursues the two culprits to a remote farm owned by Eric, a troubled veteran. As Cal and Eric plan their defense, more of the gang arrives—along with a wounded David. Outnumbered, the three men must now use stealth, smarts and marksmanship to take down the drug-dealing mob.

Crimson (Sata novel)

After the return of her husband Kōsuke from a prison sentence for his left-wing activities, Akiko Kakimura, a writer and political activist like Kōsuke, is facing constant struggles while trying to maintain her role as a mother, wife, and professional writer supporting her family. For a while, she moves into a flat in the working class district of Koto-ku, Tokyo, eager to keep the connection to "the masses" she writes about, but later returns to the family home in Ogikubo. In a time of governmental political oppression, Akiko is herself arrested, spending 40 days in custody, and later her close friend Kishiko. Upon her release, the conflicts between her and Kōsuke, both struggling for their own private and working space, increase. One day, Kōsuke announces that he has fallen in love with another woman and wants to move in with her. The couple decides to separate, but remain in the family register together. When Akiko declares that she does not want any more intimacy between herself and her husband, Kōsuke rapes her. Shortly after, his affair ends, and Akiko and Kōsuke refrain from their intended separation, which they make public in the press. Still, their marital conflicts persist.

Charlie Savage (novel)

Charlie Savage is a 60-year-old grandfather living in Dublin, he dotes on his grandchildren and dogs, has an indefatigable wife playing drums in a sexagenarian punk covers band; and his drinking mate identifies as a woman. Though the short 52 chapters mark a week in his life over a year, the same characters and themes repeat. For example, his chest now has a tattoo of SpongeBob to stop his three-year-old grandson from wanting one; his best mate Martin has now fallen in love with Charlie's first girlfriend Eleanor Pidgeon; and Charlie's love of watching football on ''Match of the Day''.

Birohi (web series)

The story revolves with the life of a timid unemployed person Krishnakanta Haldar. He gets a job as a primary school teacher in a remote village Birohi. It presents a hurdles crossing journey of a teacher who faces the real features of rural Bengal, politics, love and compassion.

Blood-Club Dolls 2

The next day after the "Blood-Club" incident, Aiba remembers that he was hypnotized by Sōen and his men to kill off innocent people. As he is sedated with Elder Bairn blood, Saya barges in the room where he is held captive, and urges him to fight off Fumito s influences. Meanwhile, Sōen kidnaps Michiru to have her answer of her actions, and Fumito and his assistant Yūka disguises as café owners to keep Mana and Mito from reaching her brother.

The other contestants are held in a remote location, and are sedated by the Elder Bairn blood for combat purposes. They battle Aiba, but he still bests them in a sword combats. As Michiru demands Sōen why they are in Tokyo, Fumito shoots back of her head. Sōen grieves, but shocked as Michiru is revealed to be an Elder Bairn. Mito learns of Aiba's whereabouts, but Saya kills him, as Fumito had slipped an Elder Bairn blood in his drink. Saya later battles Aiba, with Fumito watching both in the distance.