In the wake of his service for the emperors, the formerly disgraced Prelate of Ulis and Witness for the Dead Thara Celehar resumes his duties in the city of Amalo, far from Court. Through his ability to communicate with the recently dead he resolves inheritance disputes, identifies nameless murder victims, and is sometimes able to bring justice to the latter by identifying their killers.
Currently, while trying to find a woman who has vanished, possibly killed by her husband, he is presented with a new case, discovering the identity of a recent drowning victim. The body turns out to be that of a popular but unsavory opera singer whose selfishess, thievery, penchant for blackmail and exploitation of her patrons has left scores of possible suspects. The missing woman, meanwhile, is found to be but the latest of several victims of an elusive serial killer who has been marrying and murdering heiresses for their fortunes.
Progress on these cases is stalled when Thara is tasked with resolving the matter of a forged will, and earns the enmity of the politically influential forger. For his own safety, the city's prince sends him out of town to deal with a ghoul manifestation in a remote village. Afterwards a trial by ordeal in the form of a night vigil in a haunted ruin clears Thara's political difficulties. In the course of these events he also reconciles an estranged grandfather and granddaughter and is called on to help investigate an airship explosion.
Finally the serial wife-slayer is found and arrested, while the issue of the will fortuitously leads to identification of the opera singer's killer. Thara himself, as a result of his interactions with the living necessitated by his witnessing for the dead, is able to resolve some issues from his past that have left him guilt-ridden and socially isolated.
Fatimah and Duma come from two completely different worlds. Near the Colombian Caribbean coast, the two young people fall in love while dancing Champeta together in the streets of Barrio de la Bahía. Not far away also lives Elías, an enigmatic elderly man who knows about the mysterious power emanating from the rhythm of the local champetas. Chosen by this ancient power of the earth, Fatimah and Duma receive supernatural powers which they awaken when their feet touch the ground to the rhythm of the champeta. This power was given to the two to save the earth from a powerful and ruthless corporation that not only harms the environment, but also threatens the lives of all beings. Together with their friends and allies, Fatimah and Duma develop their skills and fight together for the preservation of Barrio de la Bahía and the whole of the earth.
Baby Town is a city where babies have adventures before storks come to take them to the world of adults.
The fiction tracks the up and downs on the relationship between Pedro and Sara.
In the 1980s, hippie Bob (Marcos Winter) leaves his life in Rio de Janeiro to marry Catherine (Maitê Proença), an American he met during a trip to California. They establish the alternative community, Arco da Aliança, in the interior of Goiás and adopt the names of Hanuman and Kalinda. They have a daughter, Cristal (Sandy), who’s godfather is workaholic Tony (Guilherme Fontes), Bob's former co-worker. Years later, Cristal is something of a leader in Arco da Aliança, but has to deal with the unexpected death of her parents in a mysterious fire. As a minor, she must move in to her godfather’s house in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the difficulties of adjusting to the city, Cristal finds herself in love with her godfather, who struggles with his feelings for his goddaughter as immoral.
Dr. Ganesh Shasthry is a renowned scientist who has been conducting research around the innovative uses of science, however he chooses to keep his research and innovations a secret to avoid falling into the wrong hands and being misused for destructive purposes. Parallelly, R&AW agents Puneet Sahani and Madhavan Shasthry (a.k.a. Maddy) attack a lonely house in the middle of a forest and capture the terrorists hiding inside it. Deputy Secretary Arundati Nayar receives an intel from the British MI6 about a certain Rohit who is flying into India who could prove to be dangerous. Impressed with Puneet's work, she assigns the case to Puneet. Rohit arrives in Bengaluru. Dr. Ganesh Shasthry is experimenting his new invention - DNA Transformation. Rohit arrives, witnesses the experiment and takes away the invention by threatening Dr. Ganesh Shasthry. Meanwhile, Puneet and Maddy are awarded for their recent work in capturing the terrorists. Dr. Ganesh Shasthry arrives at the party and requests his son Maddy to come with him urgently. Arundati Nayar suggests Maddy to take Puneet with him. The trio arrive at Dr. Ganesh's lab where he reveals what Rohit did. Dr. Ganesh Shasthry is about to reveal something else about Rohit when he is suddenly hit by a bullet. He struggles for breath as he utters just one word, "Stabiliti" before he dies in Maddy's arms. Next day, news is announced that ten people have been murdered in Bengaluru at 12 midnight under mysterious circumstances. In another news, many bank accounts are reported to have been hacked and money stolen. Havoc wreaks across India with many people suffering and panicking for having lost all their money; and that the murders and the hacking of the banks' servers are linked. Maddy, though on emergency leave for a week, is curious to know more about these incidents and takes help of his colleague Deepa to get access to the CCTV footage of the murder spots. He is shocked to see that all the CCTV footage at seven different murder spots reveal Maddy walking into the victim's home exactly at 12 midnight. Maddy is panicked and immediately jumps into action to find out more and later learns about the research projects which his late father had been working on and also learns that the banks' servers were hacked using a computer located at the same lonely house in the forest where they had captured the terrorists. He contacts Puneet and the duo immediately reach the forest in search of clues. Unfortunately, they get themselves locked in the house with a bomb ticking. They manage to escape unhurt within seconds before the bombs explode, bringing down the entire house. Puneet and Maddy are bewildered. However, Maddy seems to realize something and is suddenly excited. He takes Puneet back to Bengaluru to reveal his late father's inventions. How the duo tackle Rohit forms the rest of the story.
After encountering Kate Bishop in an alley, Clint Barton is taken to her apartment before they are shortly attacked by the Tracksuit Mafia, who set fire to the place. The pair are forced to evacuate, leaving the Ronin suit behind. After relocating to Bishop's vacationing aunt's apartment, Barton sends his children back home, but promises to return by Christmas Day.
Barton escorts Bishop to her workplace and then recovers the Ronin suit at a LARPing event from a firefighter named Grills. Later, Bishop fails to convince Eleanor Bishop of Jack Duquesne's involvement in his uncle Armand Duquesne's death. After challenging Duquesne to a fencing duel, she tries to contact Barton, but learns that Barton knowingly allowed himself to be captured by the Tracksuit Mafia. She tracks down Barton's location but ends up being captured herself. The gang informs their leader, Maya Lopez, of Barton and Bishop's captivity.
The loneliest Leader deals with the last 6 months of Hasan Mojtaba's life, which ends with his martyrdom. Fakhimzadeh begins his story from the place where, at the same time as the martyrdom of Ali, another Kharijite, he intends to kill Muawiya, but fails to do so. The events after assassination of Ali, the story of Hasan-Muawiya treaty, as well as the conditions of the Islamic community and the Shia after his assassination are among the issues raised in this series.
Bodmaish Polapain is a comedy based drama directed by Mabrur Rashid Bannah. The main plot of this drama is leading a Student life.
The series puts focus on Zora (Sarah Hassan), who is the titular character, her family including the husband, Fella (Robert Agengo) and son, Simba. Difficulties both in their marriage, and in bringing up their son, are further complicated with the arrival of Madiba. Notwithstanding the scolding of her mother, the support of her best friend Nana gives Zora the power to overcome her problems, while the storyline navigates a dramatic set of events.
The film follows Giovanni, a working-class orphan living in Rome, who realizes that his criminal lifestyle is wrong and becomes a devout fascist.
Shimul (Manoj Kumar Pramanik) is now a middle-aged man, has traveled to a remote town of Bangladesh for his official work as well as he paid a visit to his old friend Shanu (Samia Othoi), who left behind her luxurious life in a big city and had moved in that small township after having eloped with her now-husband, Tajul (Ashok Bepari). Tajul is an extremely idealistic person who believes in morality above all as a teacher and doesn’t care that he has to live in extreme poverty to maintain that. Apparently, Shimul finds out that both of them have been working hard to run the family in a conscientious way. To keep each other's idealistic life intact, both of them are doing secret side jobs to run their family.
Naoko Tsuji is a PE teacher at Sakuragaoka Girls' High School. She has concluded that the way Japan teaches sex education is substandard, and thus decides to teach elements of the topic outside of the normal school curriculum. Tsuji thus begins teaching her pupils about masturbation, safe sex, pornography, feminism, consent, LGBT matters and other related issues, even going as far as handing out condoms, dental dams and menstrual cups to her students. Her teaching methods result in fights with the school nurse Nakazawa and the male vice-principal. Most of Tsuji's classes focus on three pupils: Moriya, a closeted lesbian who later comes out in the first volume, revealing to be in love with Aikawa, a pupil in another class; Matsuda, an otaku who loves yaoi manga; and Kashiwa, part of the school's biology club who is interested in animal sexual behaviour. As the series progresses, Tsuji reveals that she is bisexual and confesses her love for Nakazawa.
The story [ Moves]back and forward in time, between 2020 and 1998, showing Makoto's life, generally in reverse, focusing on his career and his past relationships.
The story starts with Makoto falling into some rubbish on the deserted night time streets of Tokyo, with a friend on the street. His friend tells him that the 1% of the world are only happy because they are ignorant. This starts Makoto thinking about his life.
It then jumps to Makoto at a farewell event for a long running show, hosted by Mitsuo Oguro (Lasalle Ishii) that is now finally finishing after years. He discusses with some people at the event what they are now doing with their lives. He meets one of the performers and he tells her he was a graphics person for the show. They stay over together at his hotel room.
The story then reverts to an earlier time when he is with Megumi Ishida. He is now divorced from her, and breaks up with her, but amongst her taking her possessions, he sees a postcard of a sunset from an ex girlfriend. He keeps it.
Makoto then reminiscences about various things in his life. He remembers meeting Su, at his regular hang out, run by crossdressing pub owner Nanase. He takes Su back to her house but realises she is a prostitute.
He then reminisces about various partners, and he reflects over his life and his career. The story shows his career, moving backwards the company he worked for now bigger, was originally smaller and in smaller offices. He has spent a lot of his life working long hours, and has had numerous failed relationships.
Mid point through the plot, Makato gets a Facebook friend request from Kaori, the ex girlfriend that sent the postcard. He looks at her profile on Facebook, and finds that she is now married with children. Despite the fact that she never wanted to do the "ordinary" when they were going out, its revealed that its exactly what she did. She had said not to live your life in an ordinary way, but she had also said that life is about who you are with.
Makoto had been living his life following his interpretation of things she had said, while she had gone off and got married and had children, and was herself now happy.
The plot eventually reflects on his first girlfriend. She is an alternative girl, who loved music and dressed alternatively. The plot shows their early relationship. He was working at a cake shop at the time, and the manager, Toshihiko Nanase gives him a personal advertisement from a newspaper. He answers the advertisement and has a letter correspondence with the girl, who calls herself Inu-cara. He meets up with her, starting to develop a relationship, she reveals her name to be Kaori. They spend their first night in a cheap love hotel, which becomes a regular event in an astrology themed room.
At the time it shows him leave the bakery before he goes to work in the graphics company. The bakery manager, Nanase gives him flowers as a farewell present, but doesn't let him know he loves him. The plot shows more of his relationship with Kaori. She is a free spirit, and hates doing the ordinary. However, he is working long hours for a company. She encourages him to write a novel, but he never has time. She eventually leaves him.
Finally, Makoto, now back in the present is leaving a pub when he meets Nanase, who is being roughly thrown out of another pub. Nanase is down on his luck, his pub having been now closed (possibly due to Covid restrictions). The movie comes back to the start of the movie where they are both lying in the rubbish. Nanase, gets him a taxi, telling him to leave. Makoto eventually gets out of the taxi and looks around the old parts of the town where he spent time with Kaori. The love hotel is now closed, and he looks at the various locations, eventually going to the location where they first met. He reflects on his relationship, and her, and how through his life, he couldn't become an adult.
The series follows Zero, an anxious and socially awkward cartoonist from Rome who reflects on his path in life and a would-be love as he travels to the city of Biella with his friends Sarah and Secco and his armadillo-for-a-conscience. In the initial episodes, Zero imitates the voices of his friends since he himself acts as the narrator and plays all the main roles. Initially Sarah and Zero meet in a seemingly casual way, and as they progress, Zero begins to remember different episodes of his life and his personal relationships with his close friends, especially Alice, on who he had a crush when he was younger. However, they ultimately never began a romantic relationship with each other, instead maintaining a true friendship. Zero and Sarah reunite with Secco to decide how they will travel to Biella. Once they arrive at their destination, they are greeted by a couple of elders who host them in their home. The trio make it clear that they are not entirely comfortable with the situation, but agreed to come to Biella partly out of a need to save money, and partly as a courtesy to the elderly couple, who are revealed to be Alice's parents. At the end of the fifth episode, Secco finally reveals that Alice has died and they are attending her funeral.
The final episode is the only one in which each character speaks with their real voice, since the events are now happening in real time. Zero realizes that Alice also had a crush on him, but their relationship never moved beyond friendship. Alice's parents, Sarah and Zero reflect on what could have motivated a lively and optimistic person like Alice to commit suicide for no clear reason and invite the public to pay more attention to the people around them.
Firefly is a thirteen-year-old girl looking for a new home after police take her unstable and violent mother away. She is discovered living in the park across from her mother's home and is forced by social services to live with her Aunt Gayle, owner of the Corseted Lady Costume Shop. While Firefly adjusts to having a roof over her head, she develops post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sets out on a quest to discover her true identity.
The Twelve follows the story of Kate, who is on trial for the alleged murder of her niece and how the twelve jurors bring their personal lives and prejudices to the courtroom.
Dan (Tom Hughes) is working in a Bristol call centre when he is kicked out of his home by his angry mother (Pippa Haywood) after he let his father (Paul Kaye) in, who subsequently stole her winning lottery ticket. He is told by his icy boss Alice (Montserrat Lombard) that he should step into team leader shoes and part of that is picking someone to fire or be fired himself. He is then told that his father has been in a hit and run (suspected to be his mother) and visits him in hospital.
He moves into the office with his cat, John. The morning after, his coworker Ade (Antonia Thomas) deduces that he is sleeping in the office and lends him money to find somewhere to stay, which he instead uses to buy a replacement iPod. He asks around for someone to stay with including the coworker he has a crush on, Teri (Ophelia Lovibond), all of whom prove unsuitable or unable to put him up, so he remains sleeping at the office.
Alice increases the pressure on Dan to pick someone to fire and says it should be Teri. His mother confronts him to find the location of his father (and lottery ticket); coworker Ian (Jack Ashton) confronts him about the money Ade lent him and he is accosted in the office one night by Alice who comes onto him and the two have sex.
Alice calls a team meeting where she abruptly fires Teri for being late to work after Dan had failed to fire her before. At another work social, Teri reveals that she made up her boyfriend Jake. Dan then reveals his living situation to Teri who helps him retrieve John the cat from the ceiling (now unfortunately dead). While Teri is in the ceiling Alice arrives at the office for Dan resulting in a confrontation.
The call centre company then folds and at the final karaoke social Alice knocks Teri out with a bottle, Dan rushes her to hospital where he sees his father leaving with his mother, having gotten back together for the lottery money. Teri recovers and Dan invites her to live with him in the now-empty office as she has been kicked out of her houseshare in the meantime.
In the London district of Harlesden, Anita is a single mother dreaming of becoming a reggae singer, but living in a run-down council estate with little financial support, and conflict with her children's father, Byron, dents her dreams. Despite no funds for a studio demo, she has talent and ambition, and with her equally ambitious two friends, the trio pin their hopes on an upcoming singing contest to make it big.
A Naija Christmas tells the story of an ageing mother who is distraught because her sons have refused to get married and give her grandchildren. She challenges them by offering the first son to marry her Ikoyi house as his inheritance.
Ajike is recording in the studio when Ugo walks in with a date. She hides and observes while Ugo teases his date. Some other women rush in and wreak havoc in the studio because Ugo cheated on them. Outside, he sees that his car has also been destroyed. Mama hosts a meeting with the ladies of undiluted destiny but she is mocked for not being a grandmother. Meanwhile, Obi proposes to Vera admist pomp and paegentry. Vera walks off. Mama sees the live stream of Obi's proposal, she faints and is rushed to the hospital. Mama berates her sons for not getting married. She informs them that the first amongst them to marry was going to inherit her house. Tony Torpedo, a loan shark visits Ugo to reclaim his funds. In a bid to find a partner, Ugo reaches out to his old flames to no avail. Obi approaches Vera at work. She urges him to make her happy by creating a great pitch in order to win her back. Mama takes her sons to church to search for a "good" girl. Ugo meets Ajike, a chorister and offers her a free studio session. In order to earn Ajike's affection, Ugo volunteers as a church drummer. The ladies of destiny host the Christmas gala in Mushin but mama Agatha is unable to attend because she was called into hospital. Obi pitches an idea to the cable company around the ghetto gala which they like. In turn, Vera proposes a date night. Chike and Ajike try to explain to the Mushin locals the idea of the grotto. Ajike records a demo in Ugo's studio and invited him to an all night event. Ugo goes home to see that some more of his furniture has been taken. Meanwhile, Chike is seen in bed with one of Mama's women of destiny, Sammy. Turns out the all night event Ugo was invited to was a church vigil. Ajike comforts Ugo after he is beaten by Javelin. He asks her on a date. Vera asks Obi to marry her at their office party. This visibly upsets Kaneng and she lies that she's back with her boyfriend. Kaneng and Obi make out. Ugo and Ajike finally go on an actual date. Obi tells Vera he cannot marry her because he wants Kaneng. She gives him a dirty slap. It turns out that Tony Torpedo is Kanengs ex-boyfriend. He pays Obi a visit and warns him to leave Kaneng alone. Chike goes to Sammy's house and is shocked to find her husband there. He leaves disappointed. Ajike gets drunk and leads a worship session in the night club. She wakes up in Ugo's flat. Ugo proposes a relationship with Ajike and she tells him that their relationship has to be sanctioned by the church. The church interviews him and warned against intimacy before marriage. Obi propositions Kaneng but he his met by Javelin and taken to Torpedo who demands payment for the emotional damage to the tune of the amount owed by Ugo. Ugo is visited by his brothers who express surprise at his missing furniture. Ugo challenges Ajike about her relationship with Tony Torpedo and this visibly upsets her. She says she knew Tony from childhood in Mushin and only went to meet with him to plead on Ugo's behalf. Tony returns Ugo's furniture. Kaneng and Obi make up. It is re revealed that Obi paid Tony off. Obi takes Kaneng to the family Christmas party and mama approved of her. Ugo is surprised by Ajike at the party and they make up.
A Scrooge-like Christmas-abhoring man, Raúl, is tasked to audit a Turrón-making factory in a remote Christmas-loving village, where he also faces the prospect of sharing a roof with Paula, the local teacher, hellbent on staging the largest living nativity scene ever.
Psychopathic villain "Payback" finds himself incarcerated in the world's most secure prison - a facility designed to house super-villains and overseen by the corrupt Warden Devlin.
The film takes place in a settlement near forest, where the camera of a secret space research center breaks down for mysterious reasons. Leon (Zoltán Tóth), an employee, notices through the monitor that the camera is not working because there is no signal. His boss, Henriett (Mónika Gáti), instructs Leon to check the camera and see why it got corrupted.
When Leon reaches the camera, he notices that it's broken. As he thought about how this happened, a space creature appears out of nowhere and starts chasing him. As Leon runs away, a woman (Mária Vámos) suddenly takes him behind a bush to hide there. She explains that it's a space creature called Killer, who is trying to destroy the Earth with a special and explosive microchip. Soon it turns out that the woman is called Kata and she is a member of Area 51. Leon decides to help Kata kill the space creature, before it's too late. They set off and soon find the chip in the grass. They pick it up quickly and run away. The space creature notices that the microchip is gone, so it starts following Leon and Kata.
As it starts to rain outside, they arrive at Kata's home, where they try to deactivate the explosive chip with a grater. Suddenly the space creature pops out of the nowhere, takes it and disappears. Kata and Leon set off quickly to find the chip again before the creature successfully destroys humanity with it.
After Leon is left alone outside in the storm, he leans on the fence while waiting for Kata. Suddenly the space creature appears behind him again out of the nowhere. The creature attacks Leon, who passes out.
Kata is back soon and she wakes up Leon and tells him her new plan: If they can kill the creature, the chip will also be destroyed in the its pocket. Leon agrees to the plan, so they continue on their way.
Kata and Leon soon reach an unknown garden, where they hide behind a fence. The creature soon pops up so they get cornered at a tree and can't escape. The creature almost kills them, but Leon's boss Henriett pops out of the blue and shoots the creature. Henriett explains that this garden is her property and the creature did not die in the shot, but the microchip was successfully destroyed. Kata decides to bring the creature into Area 51. Then the creature gets up, then plenty of UFOs attack the Earth, and everything fades away.
Anglomard and Silvette Dieu are working class parents raising 13 children in their household in Quebec, Canada. Aline Dieu, named after a song from Christophe, becomes the 14th and youngest child to be born.
The Dieu family share the same love for music which is passed on to a young, but timid Aline growing up. Realizing that she wants to become a professional singer, Silvette decides to make Aline’s dream come true by composing her first song with the help of her eldest son. The demo was then sent to Guy-Klaude Kamar, a record manager who managed one of the family’s favorite singers, and were asked to see him in his office. Guy-Klaude is amazed by Aline’s singing voice and is determined to make her one of the biggest artist in the world.
Aline enjoys her first success as a young artist, but is forced to take a long break by her manager in order for her image and music to mature as she’s becoming a young adult. After winning an (unnamed) European song contest in Dublin, Aline expresses her feelings to Guy-Klaude and the two pursue a private romantic relationship. Their relationship is met with anger by Silvette due the their age gap and Guy-Klaude’s previous relationship status, but comes to terms with it despite that she had threatened to fire him if he pursues.
Aline performs "Pour que tu m'aimes encore" and was asked by the talk show host about who the song was about, but decided not to say anything. Guy-Klaude proposes to Aline while on tour and they later marry. While the newlyweds try for a baby through IVF, Aline injures her voice while performing "All by Myself" and is forced to not sing or speak for about three months. Aline receives a demo of "My Heart Will Go On" and, although not originally amused, decides to record the song after being convinced by her husband. She then meets Fred, a French makeup artist and designer, and chooses to work with him after a successful performance at a movie awards show. After a series of failed IVF treatments, Aline gives birth to her first son, Junior, and then twin boys years later. Aline deals with the ups and downs of international superstardom and the tabloids while being a wife and a mother of three boys.
Guy-Klaude becomes ill with a terminal illness and dies. Aline decides to take a walk through Las Vegas while unrecognized in order to cope with her grief. Fred and others begin to worry about her whereabouts as she is due to perform at a Las Vegas hotel that same night. Aline makes it and performs "Ordinaire".
In the small town of Pang Noi, in 1996, upper-secondary schoolboy Pob meets Dew, who is new to town. They become friends, and gradually get closer. The next summer holidays, while in Chiang Mai for tutorial lessons, they get into an argument but soon realise their passion for each other, kissing in a phone booth. However, when a friend notices their relationship, Pob abruptly leaves. He continues to ignore Dew as the next school year begins, and when Dew confronts him, they get into a fight, Pob saying that he doesn't want to be like Dew and become a social leper, prompting Dew to hit him. Their parents are brought in, and they both face tensions at home, Pob being verbally abused by his Chinese father and Dew's mother unable to say that she still loves him.
As word gets out, Dew is bullied at school, but Pob calls him to their secret meeting place, and they make up as Pob offers to take Dew's place at therapy camp sessions for students with sexually deviant behaviour, which Dew is now forced to attend. That evening, Dew talks to Pob about running away together. Incidentally, Pob's father finds out about the camp, and hits and disowns him, prompting Pob to leave. He sends Dew a pager message asking him to meet and catch the last train out of town that night, but Dew's mother finds out and confronts Dew, pleading for him not to leave. He tearfully tells Pob over the phone that he can't go, and Pob angrily leaves alone, telling him to forget everything they ever had.
Twenty-two years later, Pob returns to Pang Noi with his wife Orn, starting a new job as a teacher at his old school. He is assigned by Ms Ratchanee, his supervisor and former teacher, to take care of Liu, a problem student. As he tries to reach out to her, he notices some of her speech and mannerisms that remind him of Dew. They bond further as he takes her with a group of students for a quiz competition in Chiang Mai, and Liu seems to recall some past memories as well. When she confronts Pob for secretly handing in an assignment she missed, he replies that he wants to make amends to someone who might represent a friend he once knew, to which Liu asks him to stop, as she wants to be like everyone else.
It is revealed that a year after running away, Pob returned home to find out that Dew had been hit by a car and died the night he left. They had also carved their names on a cabin door at Pha Daeng, their secret meeting place in the hills, which Liu recognizes when she visits the place with friends. Meanwhile, Pob grows distant from Orn as he mulls over the past. Sometime later, while attempting to enforce discipline, Pob gets into a fistfight with Liu's boyfriend Top, and Top is expelled after Liu sides with Pob, telling the truth that Top started the fight. Confused of her own feelings, she later asks Pob to explain the carved names. He visits her at the flat where she lives alone, and finds her room plastered with Dew's interests, including the Magic Eye 3D illusions he used to show Pob. They confirm their suspicions that Liu is Dew reincarnated, and embrace, but are cut short by Top, who was recording them. As the video goes out, Orn leaves Pob, and he loses his job, though Ms Ratchanee expresses her understanding and, recognizing he was talking to Dew, tells him not to let past wounds keep him from growing up.
Pob returns to Pha Daeng, speaking to his memory of Dew that he will try to grow past his feelings of guilt. Meanwhile, Dew's memories come flooding back to Liu, and she rushes to meet Pob at the station, and they reunite, both now fully recognizing her as Dew. After some extended time traveling and spending time together, they go bungee jumping. Pob asks for confirmation that this isn't the end, to which Liu replies that there will be a new path, before they detach their cables and jump hand in hand.
Jon, an overweight factory worker, and his timid but strong-willed wife, Mary, live together as employees in a structured housing bloc in "Patch Town", a workers' village situated outside a toy factory known as Patch Enterprises. No employee has children, nor do they remember anything about their own childhoods. One night, as Jon prepares a baby doll for shipment (a process that actually involves removing the sentient, living dolls from magical cabbages grown on the factory grounds), he witnesses his co-worker being beaten by guards after getting caught stealing one of the cabbages. Jon notices Yuri, the shady factory owner, watching from nearby. He hurries home to meet Mary, revealing that he himself got away with successfully stealing one of the cabbages, in which came an infant baby that he and Mary have lovingly named "Daisy". They both watch from across the street as another married couple, who also stole a cabbage baby, have Yuri and his dwarf henchman Kenny dispose of the baby in a garbage dumpster, after which the couple is dragged away and imprisoned.
Jon plans to flee Patch Town with Mary and Daisy, and meets with Darryl, a black-market smuggler, who reveals a file containing information on Jon's "mother", Bethany, the young child who purchased him from a shopping mall in the 1980s. Jon realizes that he, Mary and all the other employees of Patch Town are living human-sized adults of their former doll selves. Darryl explains that Yuri's father, an elderly immigrant, discovered the magical cabbages outside an outhouse one night many years earlier, and brought the cabbage dolls to life using an invention he made. Yuri, then a young boy, felt rejected by his father. When his father suddenly died from an apparent heart attack, he gave the land and the magical cabbages to his son, hoping that Yuri would take care of the cabbage dolls. Instead, Yuri marketed them as toys. Hoping to meet the now adult Bethany, Jon takes Mary and Daisy to the outskirts of Patch Town and the three are smuggled out by Sly, a Hindi former employee of Patch Town who had been an unpopular doll model. Sly gives Jon candy for the first time, and drives them in his hippie van (disguised as a food delivery truck) to Toronto, giving them a cheap, creepy but safe apartment and promising to bring them some comfortable furnishings to make it seem more like a home.
Meanwhile, Yuri interrogates Darryl and a female prostitute from the local bar, and uses electroshock therapy to wipe their memories afterwards. He discovers the file on Bethany, and decides to have Kenny track the woman down. Kenny is beaten up by Bethany's preteen daughter, Avery, who is currently taking karate lessons, but Kenny manages to kidnap Avery anyway, leaving Bethany behind. Although Yuri is annoyed that Bethany was not captured, he decides to use Avery's likeness as a model for a more modern digital-age line of interactive dolls to keep Patch Enterprise up-to-date. Back in Toronto, Jon is hired on as a Santa Claus at a local shopping mall in order to earn his own money, while Sly joins in as a Christmas elf. Jon sees Bethany on a television screen at the mall, pleading for Avery's kidnappers to return her home. A gay couple shows Jon directions to Bethany's home, where he's promptly arrested by two R.C.M.P. officers who believe he is Avery's kidnapper after he claims to be Bethany's old childhood doll. Sly, who came along, is arrested, as well. Desperate for answers, Bethany decides to get the two out of jail in return for help in finding her daughter. Mary is angry with Jon, and Sly refuses to help, but eventually, they decide to join in for the sake of liberating the other employees of Patch Town, as well as Daisy.
Bethany is taken by Kenny and one of Yuri's other henchmen, and brought back to Patch Enterprises where she is told about the plan for Avery. Bethany is horrified upon learning that the doll-making process will kill Avery, but she feigns romantic attraction to Yuri in order to distract him so that Jon and Mary can infiltrate the factory. They find Darryl, his girlfriend, their married neighbours and the other employees all working, and gather them together in rebellion. Yuri realizes what has happened and prepares to fight back with the help of Kenny, but he breaks down crying when Jon confronts him, admitting that he only wanted a family of his own. Jon points out to Yuri that he already had a family in all of his employees, and the employees decide to use the electroshock therapy machine on Yuri himself to clear his memories and make him more docile. Bethany thanks Jon, and returns home with Avery after accepting a drive back to Toronto from Sly. Jon stays in Patch Town to start a new, free life with Mary and Daisy. Yuri is last seen singing a commercial jingle from Patch Enterprises in a slurred voice, while Kenny starts a romance with a surly career counsellor and gets a job after moving to Toronto himself.
Nineteen-year-old Anne escapes from prison to join a recently released friend. While jumping the prison wall, she injures her foot and fractures her talus bone. Julien, a mobster, takes her in, looks after her, and makes her discover passionate love. Anne falls very much in love but Julien neglects her. When the latter is arrested, Anne engages in prostitution and theft, putting money aside to live a happy day with him.
Maria (Susanne Jensen) lives secluded in the mountains with her mentally handicapped adult son Johannes (Franz Rogowski). Her husband died. Their everyday life is determined by religious rituals and familiarity. Johannes' best friend is the eagle Arthur. When the area is to be converted into a ski resort, the devil awakens. Maria tries to protect her son. Faith, trust, powerlessness and childishness become an explosive mixture. Is an exorcism the solution? Where is the devil?
Yuya Niyodo is an idol who debuted as one to earn easy money. When his manager about to fire him for being unmotivated, he met the popular idol who died roughly one year ago, Asahi Mogami. Asahi, who still lingering around the living world, loves being idol so much. The two make an agreement where Asahi would possesses Yuya during his idol activities. The story of human who doesn't want to be an idol and ghost who's dying to become an idol again begins.
A young ambitious girl is dreaming of a better life. When opportunity arises, she dives in without hesitation, becoming an exclusive high-end escort in the Middle East. Soon at the invitation of Arab sheiks, she begins to recruit Polish girls, celebrities, actresses and models. However, this inaccessible, luxurious world will soon show its dark side. Based on true stories, ''Girls to Buy'' exposes the hypocrisy of the Polish show business and uncovers the truth behind the "Dubai scandal".
María and Verónica, two Spanish immigrants of different generations, meet in a hospital in Belgium where they form a friendship after an unexpected event, this leads María to embark on a journey of self discovery through the Spain she left many decades ago.
The plot concerns a murder in 2002, during the summer, of 18-year old Kim Hae-on, a student in high school whose body is found in Seoul. ''Publishers Weekly'' states that Hae-on is "preternaturally beautiful but strange". The case gains the name "The High School Beauty Murder". Police interview Han Manu and Shin Jeongjun, the former someone who works to deliver goods and the latter affluent, but cannot prove either had killed the victim. The public loses interest in the case after an initial media storm.
An interrogation makes up a large portion of chapter 1.
The perspective switches between Kim Da-on, the younger sister of the victim; Sanghui, who attended school with Hae-on; and Yun Taerim, another classmate. Da-on, about 15 years old, had assisted Hae-on when she was alive.
Arianna Rebolini of ''Vulture'' stated that the plot primarily focuses more on "the motivations of those consuming the" narrative of the murder rather than the perpetrator and the victim.
Oyinkan Braithwite of ''The New York Times'' wrote that the characters "exist more as vehicles through which the story is told than as flesh-and-blood individuals."
Kim Dae-on focuses on the case for a long period of time. Within the novel she is described as "short and dumpy". She is the narrator of the majority of the work. In portions of the work she undergoes counseling and has dialogs with the counselors. Da-on had felt inferior to her sister, and after her sister's death, in order to gain a more similar appearance, she undergoes sessions of plastic surgery. Taerim starts a relationship with and marries Shin Jeongjun. *Sanghui pheripherally knew Hae-on. Rebolini states that Sanghui has the closest "objective reporting" and "acts as a stand-in for the rapt audience."
When Applejack saves Spike from a timberwolf attack in the Everfree Forest, he insists on helping her around the farm in order to repay a life debt that is customary to dragons in their "Dragon Code". His efforts only make trouble for her and the other ponies, and they set up a fake timberwolf attack for Spike so that he can save Applejack from, thus making him feel satisfied with his debt. Their ruse draws a pack of real timberwolves, which Applejack easily crushes, but the pieces form into a single giant beast and she gets caught in a rockslide. Spike causes the timberwolf to fall apart by throwing a rock down its throat, and frees Applejack. Afterwards, Applejack convinces Spike to give up his debt.
During the holiday season, Poppy explains to Branch that she is planning a gift exchange, with baskets filled with invitations; each one has the name of another Troll in Troll Kingdom. The Troll has to buy a secret gift for that Troll, and will meet in Pop Village in three days time to exchange gifts. Poppy and Branch deliver the baskets all around the kingdom before finishing in Pop Village. When they are done, they pick out the last cards and pull out each other's names, with Poppy excited to have pulled Branch's name and Branch horrified he pulled Poppy's. Nervously, both part ways.
At Pop Village, Tiny Diamond rushes to grab and invitation and with help from Legsly grabs one. He pulls his father's name "Guy Diamond". Tiny does a rap, but finds it hard to rhyme "Diamond" and ends up with "Mimond". Legsly suggests he has lost his "Flow". In a swamp, Tiny meets a Rhyme-a-saurus, and tries to explain him his situation with his rap for his father, but the creature proves no help as he wants Tiny to rhyme "climate". Tiny shows the current rhyme to the creature and rhymes with "climate", but he can't work with the concept. Tiny then went on to meet Wind Breeze, who comments that his father is quite worried about him. She sprinkles some dust on him and he has a strange hallucination. When he wakes up, she comments his back should be completely healed, but Tiny comments he didn't seek her out for that. She sends him to the top of a mountain to seek out the monks at the Cloud Temple. When he arrvied, Tiny starts to meditate with the Clouds, but their vow of silence means they are not talking to him and if they break it, they disappear for no reason. At the bottom of a cup of tea, he sees the words "You already have the gift". He tosses it away and the words "Look through the clutter" appear. The leaves form a face that asks him "what makes him special?". As he answers "he is just my-", a Cloud rings a gong as he goes to say "daddy". He realizes he just has to rhyme "daddy" and has his rap sorted.
In Pop Village, while Trolls are already gathering and busy. Poppy explains to Barb and Val Thundershock that her gift she's making is for Branch though Barb comments that getting her boyfriend must be a lot of pressure. Poppy ensures the pair she has it covered while Branch is in his bunker with Prince D and Cooper, panicking on what to get Poppy due to her being "the ultimate gift giver". Branch is worried about going too small and disappointing her or too big it would freak her out, with both being the end of their relationship, which confuses Prince D and Cooper with his maths for a gift, but comes out saying he will make her a gift that saves time. He invents the first Troll hair-do'er, but now has to go and get her head measurements without her knowing.
Meanwhile, Delta Dawn and Holly Darlin' are commenting on Poppy's gift to Branch. Branch sneaks behind Poppy and the two Country Trolls ask him what he is up to as Poppy talks. Branch sees a gift and asks if that is Poppy's gift, Holly interferes and says it's hers but Poppy did it up so pretty. Poppy steps in and says it is hers, then quickly whispers to the two Country Trolls to hide his actual gift while she distracts him. They say they have to go take care of their cats, which confuses him to ask when he got those. After they leave, they then reappear behind him and Poppy with a ladder and quickly cover up the name on the box. Branch says he came just to borrow wrapping paper and Poppy stuffs a handful to him and tries to rush him away. He gets out a camera and quickly snaps photos with a tape measure besides her head, before she can react. However, the last photograph snapped Holly and Delta rushing to cover up his name and he realizes that Poppy got his name.
Panicking that his gift will not be enough, he goes over the top and builds his machine, adding more and more functions constantly. After he finishes, he tests out the machines and it explodes, sending him into space then back down to the village. When Tiny finds him on the ground, Branch believes he failed and tells him what happened. Tiny passes on the wisdom he just learnt and tells Branch to look through the clutter. At his bunker, Branch is cleaning up the mess he made. While he does, he finds the photograph of him and Poppy. Delta Dawn comments that Poppy knows how to get gifts that make people feel special and Poppy hopes it will.
During the evening, the gift swap begins. As Poppy asks Branch who he got, everyone gathers around to see who the pair got. They agree to mention it at the same time. They laugh when they realize they got each others' names. Branch explains he made something for her that blew him up into a tree. He presents her with a scrapbook "Poppy and Branch's Great Adventure", which details all the events up until that day. Poppy comments that he scrapbooked it for her. She finds the gift wonderful, as it is only something he could give her; everyone is now eager to see what Poppy got Branch.
When he opens the box, it turns out to be empty. Poppy confesses she could not think of anything and says she drew a blank because Branch is the coolest Troll in the world who is sweet, kind, cute and overly prepared for anything. Poppy and Branch hug as they realize they just need each other together, and they and all the other Trolls start singing “Together Now” As the song ends, the Clouds appear and snow on the Trolls. Branch and Poppy go off in the balloon - no multitasking, with Poppy kissing Branch on the cheek.
In June, 1816, the French frigate Alliance runs aground off the coast of Senegal. Without enough boats for everyone, a raft is built to tow 147 men to shore. But panic and confusion seize the convoy and cut the tow rope, abandoning the raft to its fate. Hunger, madness and a fierce fight break out on that drifting raft. Savigny, a ruthless medical officer, and Thomas, a rebellious private sailor, face each other with a different attitude to survive. A horror that lasted for days and days. A scene where the greatest of cruelties and the sweetest of pieties were shown.
Irish baronet Felix O'Day travels to New York City to search for his wife, Barbara, who left him with a man named Dalton more than a year prior. Dalton was also responsible for O'Day losing his fortune. O'Day asks a local priest for help in finding Barbara so that O'Day can help her. Barbara is discovered by Martha, who used to be her nurse, and Martha's brother Stephen after they tried to assist O'Day in finding Barbara. However, the two of them did not know where to find O'Day upon locating Barbara. Barbara now lives in Martha's apartment for protection from Dalton who is abusive. Martha tells Barbara that O'Day is looking for her, leading Barbara to refuse help from him until she changes her mind after learning that O'Day lost his fortune. Barbara believes that she is largely to blame for O'Day descending into poverty. During his search for Barbara, O'Day meets the expressman's wife Kitty Cleary after becoming employed, later befriending her. O'Day is able to reconcile with what happened with the help of his newfound neighbors and later meets Barbara again. The two of them reconcile with each other and O'Day accepts her back into his life.
The movie begins with Yuta Okkotsu being bullied, only for the bullies to be brutally injured by Rika, an overprotective cursed spirit that clings to him. The Jujutsu Society wishes to have the boy executed, as the curse he is host to is a dangerous special-grade spirit. Powerful sorcerer and teacher Satoru Gojo convinces them to let Yuta join Tokyo Jujutsu Technical High instead. Yuta explains to Gojo that Rika was his childhood friend whom he would promised to marry when they grew up. He had willingly turned himself in, wanting to die, so Rika would not hurt anyone else. Gojo convinces him to choose life and join Jujutsu High to learn to break the curse. Yuta meets fellow students Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki, and Panda, all with distinct abilities of their own.
During his first mission with Maki, Yuta is able to purposely summon Rika to save them from a cursed spirit. Afterward, he confides in Gojo that he thinks he may have been the one to curse Rika rather than Rika cursing him because of his love for her. It is revealed that Rika died in a street accident in front of little Yuta, after which she became a curse. Three months pass in his training and Yuta grows close with Maki, Inumaki and Panda. One day, on a mission with Inumaki, the boys are unexpectedly attacked by a high-level curse. Gojo realizes that the man behind the attack was Suguru Geto, a previous student of the school, banished after killing over a hundred innocent people.
Geto declares war on the sorcerers: he will release a thousand curses on the city to kill non-sorcerer humans as he believes them to be useless. Geto's real reason for the war, however, is to distract Gojo so he can kill Yuta and absorb Rika. Gojo realizes Geto's true goal and transports Inumaki and Panda back to the school to protect Yuta, who is with Maki, not taking part in the battle as newbies. Geto quickly beats Maki, Inumaki and Panda. Pushed to his last resort and wanting to protect his friends, Yuta promises himself as a sacrifice to Rika if she helps him defeat Geto with her full power. Rika fatally wounds Geto as the war is won by the sorcerers. Gojo comes across a dying Geto and it is revealed that the two had been best friends before Geto's ideology drove them apart. Gojo thanks Geto for intentionally sparing the students then says last words to Geto that are unrevealed to the audience before ending his life.
Rika transforms back into her human form. Gojo explains to a surprised Yuta that his theory was correct: he was the one who cursed her, unable to accept her death and forcing her to remain by his side. After he promised his soul to her though, he broke the pact, setting her free. Yuta is actually a descendant of one of the strongest sorcerers in history, explaining his powerful abilities. Gojo is a descendant of the same sorcerer, making the two distant relatives. Rika bids Yuta a warm goodbye and he continues on as a sorcerer-in-training with his friends, still wearing her engagement ring.
In a post-credits scene, Geto's former ally Miguel eats lunch with Yuta in Miguel's native country Kenya. Gojo comes to join them.
Lucas Davenport is the star character from the series of novels that Sandford wrote, called the ''Prey Series''. Sandford also wrote a series of novels using a character named Virgil Flowers. In the novel ''Ocean Prey'' both characters Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers are brought together to investigate the murder of three members of the Coast Guard in Florida.
The drug smugglers who killed the Coast Guard officials hide their drugs at the bottom of the ocean and set their own boat on fire to hide any evidence. When the FBI does not make the case a priority, Flowers goes undercover to infiltrate a criminal operation. Virgil Flowers teams up with a female partner named Rae. After joining the gang of drug smugglers, Flowers goes diving in 100 feet of water to try to recover the drugs for the criminals.
Inside a railroad car, a black maid sits next to a white woman. Behind both women sits a white man reading a newspaper. The woman drops her handkerchief. The man hands it back to her and starts to flirt with her. The train enters the tunnel and the film fades to black. As the train emerges from the tunnel, the two women have switched places and the man is kissing the black maid. The man looks around to see if anyone else saw and sits back down in embarrassment as the two women share a laugh over their prank.
Pandarathuruth is a village on a scenic river delta, fairly secluded from the mainland. The only store that facilitates goods for the modest residents of the village is that of Sura’s. However, Barber Mani’s long held refusal to purchase from Sura’s store has a story behind it which the Pandarathuruth residents are all aware of. It is from Varghesettan across the river that Mani meets his household's needs. However, when the pandemic enforces a lockdown in the state and the delta village is announced a containment zone, Mani is pushed into a crisis so grave. His deep-rooted persistence not to buy from Sura faces the stiffest test of his life. He is tangled between his resolute ego towards a friend turned foe and the severely accumulating needs for his wife and only daughter. Mani’s struggle to make peace with his augmented self-esteem to survive the testing times makes this story a profound case of human conflicts during the pandemic.
In 1953, Elsie Kettle lives with her elderly grandmother in a small flat. Her mother is rarely around as she often goes on business travel for months at a time. She and her nan have a very good relationship and Elsie enjoys her company more than her mother's.
One day, her nan falls ill with a cold, suffering unusually bad symptoms. A few days later at work, she collapses and has a coughing fit, bringing up blood. Elsie's mother returns to take care of her and Nan is taken to a sanatorium to recover from pulmonary tuberculosis. Now without her nan, Elsie lives with her mother. One day, Elsie decides to bunk off school and, while running away from the school, is stopped by her family doctor. He asks her to come to the doctors office and be tested for tuberculosis and says her absence from her appointment would result in him contacting the authorities. Elsie and her mother go to the doctor's office where the doctor diagnoses her with bovine tuberculosis.
Elsie is taken to a children's ward in Miltree Hospital where she struggles to adapt to the harsh policies.
Sensei gets woken up by a General Student Council member but gets interrupted by four students who came to report issues happening at their respective schools. The six leave for the Schale building to transfer access from the Sanctum Tower back to the Student Council. Once they arrive, Sensei receives a tablet and, after an AI authenticates them, permission from the tower was restored to the General Student Council and Schale.
Peter, a social media strategist living in Los Angeles, is tired of his entire family asking him about his single status each year when he visits them for the holidays. He is excited to bring his new boyfriend Tim to New Hampshire to meet them, until he finds out that Tim is married when Tim's wife hires Peter's best friend and roommate Nick as a freelance handyman. Devastated, Peter convinces Nick to travel to New Hampshire with him and pretend that they are dating. Before they can announce their fake relationship, Peter's mother Carole tells him that she has arranged a blind date between Peter and her spinning instructor James. Peter reluctantly agrees with encouragement from Carole and Nick.
The rest of Peter's family arrive: his father Harold, his sisters Lisa and Ashleigh and their respective families, and his aunt Sandy, who directs the annual children's Christmas pageant. Harold privately tells Nick that he has always thought that he and Peter would be perfect for each other, and that Peter seems happiest when he is with Nick. Meanwhile, Peter goes on several dates with James, including buying a Christmas tree and a day of skiing. They enjoy themselves, though Peter repeatedly brings up Nick in conversation and he begins to feel torn between spending his limited time with James versus his family. He tells Nick that he is considering moving back to New Hampshire, to Nick's dismay.
Peter's boss calls him to tell him that they are abandoning their latest advertising campaign and instructs Peter to develop a new campaign, featuring "real people" instead of models, within the next day. Harold, who is trying to get Peter and Nick to spend more time together, suggests photographing Nick; though Nick is initially reluctant, the photoshoot is a success. Lisa's daughters, Sofia and Daniela, are also rooting for Peter and Nick to get together. They force Nick to admit to himself that he is in love with Peter, and they later pretend to fall asleep in Peter's bed so that he has to share Nick's bed. The next day, Sofia and Daniela talk to Peter who tells them that he has feelings for Nick but is afraid to risk their friendship. Aunt Sandy's Christmas pageant is a success thanks to the help of Peter and Nick.
Afterwards, Nick confesses his feelings to Peter, who is still fearful that a relationship could put their friendship in jeopardy. He tells Nick that he has decided to move back home. As Peter heads to the bar with James to celebrate the pageant's success, Nick packs his bags and prepares to return to Los Angeles, but takes on one more handyman job of re-painting a shop whose owner is retiring. James tells Peter that they are not a match for each other and that Peter belongs with Nick. Peter rushes home to find Nick gone. He sees Nick's rental car at the shop, and Nick tells him that he has paid the first six months of the shop's rent as a Christmas present to Peter, who has always wanted to open a plant store. Peter finally tells Nick that he is in love with him, and they share a kiss. On Christmas Day, they announce that they are dating and plan to move to New Hampshire together, to the delight of Peter's entire family.
Park Yohan, a nine-year-old boy living in Pyongyang, his mother and younger sister are forcibly relocated to a notoriously cruel political prison camp in North Korea. His parents are Zainichi Koreans in the 1960s. His innocence is gradually eroded by the harsh brutality of the camp, while the rest of his family tries to maintain their decency and compassion for their fellow humans. Years later, after being devastated by the sudden and tragic loss of a loved one, he begins to reassess the meaning of his life - even as he struggles to survive in the worst imaginable living conditions.
As the townspeople of Iron Lake bring food and blankets to his burned cabin, Dexter (Michael C. Hall) remarks that he cannot teach Harrison (Jack Alcott) the "Code of Harry" in a place filled with such good people. Angela (Julia Jones) arrives after issuing an all-points bulletin on Molly Park (Jamie Chung). She tells Dexter that his house was a target of arson and asks if he has any enemies. Harrison steps in to cover for him, suggesting that Zach and many of his friends fought with him and may have been involved in the fire. Afterwards, Dexter suggests to Harrison that they should move to Los Angeles for a fresh start, and while Harrison likes the idea, he does not want to leave Iron Lake just as he is starting to fit in.
While checking the burned cabin, Angela finds something that catches her attention. That night, she returns home and sends Harrison and Audrey (Johnny Sequoyah) away. After that, she and Logan (Alano Miller) arrest Dexter for the murder of Matt Caldwell. At the station, Angela has him on record state his name as Dexter Morgan and reveals the titanium screws along with the note that Kurt left at her house. She also reveals that she found a similar screw at his cabin, whose serial numbers coincide with Matt and theorizes that Dexter killed him after the incident with the deer. Dexter offers a different theory: Kurt killed Matt, lied about his status, burned down all evidence linking him to his cabin and tried to frame Dexter for that, in an attempt to discredit Angela after she found Iris' corpse. This statement upsets Angela, although Logan considers it plausible.
Harrison visits Dexter at the station, and Dexter instructs his son to go to a hotel, promising that this crisis will end soon. Angela decides to call Angel Batista (David Zayas) to question him about the Bay Harbor Butcher. Batista states that while he believed at the time that James Doakes was the Butcher, his deceased ex-wife and Captain María LaGuerta believed that Dexter was the Butcher. Angela then sends him a photo of her with Dexter; shocked that Dexter is still alive, he sets out for Iron Lake with LaGuerta's investigation files. Angela once again confronts Dexter, showing a pattern between the needle marks on Miles O'Flynn, Jasper Hodge and some of the Butcher's retrieved bodies, reaffirming her belief that he is the Bay Harbor Butcher. She states he will be arraigned for Matt's murder and when Batista arrives, he will be extradited to Miami and be charged as the Bay Harbor Butcher, possibly getting the death penalty. Dexter asks her to turn the camera off and tells her to go to Kurt's cabin for proof that she was right about Kurt being a serial killer. Angela decides to go and puts Dexter back in his jail cell.
At his cell, Dexter is tormented by Debra (Jennifer Carpenter), mocking him for thinking he could get away with everything. Dexter then asks Logan for water and puts him in a headlock, demanding to be let out. However, Logan takes out his gun and tries to shoot Dexter, prompting Dexter to break Logan's neck, killing him. He takes his keys and escapes the station. He contacts Harrison, telling him to meet him at the place where the deer incident took place. Meanwhile, Angela discovers Kurt's hideout and is horrified at finding the bodies, including Molly's. She tries to contact the station, to no avail. She then contacts Teddy (David Magidoff), ordering him to contact all possible authorities. Upon discovering that Logan hasn't responded in an hour, she hurries back to the station, where she cries over Logan's corpse.
By early morning, Dexter meets up with Harrison, who notes the blood on his face. As Dexter called him from Logan's phone, Harrison deduces that Dexter killed him. Horrified and outraged, Harrison aims the hunting rifle Dexter gave him for Christmas at his father, saying that Dexter's "code" is a lie, and that he kills simply because he enjoys it. Harrison says that, if not for him, Debra and Rita would still be alive, and that he would have grown up to be normal and happy. Harrison tells Dexter to "Open your eyes and look at what you've done!" Dexter reflects on the innocent people in his life who have died because of him, and realizes that Harrison is right: he destroys everyone he gets close to, and can never be the good person and father he wants to be. He then tells Harrison that they will both be better off with him dead, and tells him to shoot him. After a moment's hesitation, Harrison shoots Dexter in the chest, and a mortally wounded Dexter tells his son he "did good". As he lays dying, Dexter holds Debra's hand before succumbing to his wounds.
Angela arrives at the scene. Instead of arresting Harrison, Angela gives him money and instructs him to leave town and never come back. She then alters the crime scene to make it look as though she killed Dexter in self-defense, and calls in an "officer-involved shooting". In his truck, Harrison finds the letter that Dexter wrote to Hannah 10 years before, instructing her that unless Harrison shows dark tendencies, "let me die so my son can live". The series ends with Harrison leaving Iron Lake, finally free of his father's demons.
In the cave, Angela (Julia Jones) tells Dexter (Michael C. Hall) to inspect Iris' corpse, due to his knowledge as a forensic scientist in his previous life in Miami. Dexter deduces that Iris was shot in the back somewhere else and then was buried alive. He removes one of Iris' teeth, finding that she bit her attacker. He hands over the tooth to Angela in order to find a possible DNA match. Angela tells Dexter that she suspects Kurt (Clancy Brown) because he wanted to stop the search for Matt to prevent the police finding Iris' body in the cave.
Dexter's relationship with Harrison (Jack Alcott) continues deteriorating, as Harrison is looking to be more involved with Kurt. Debra (Jennifer Carpenter) suggests that Dexter just kill Kurt, but Dexter intends to let Angela build a case against him, so Harrison will finally see Kurt for who he is. He decides to help Angela by informing her of his encounter with Kurt and Molly (Jamie Chung) at the cabin and they drive there to inspect. However, Kurt has already removed all of the room's furniture, although Angela still has faith she will catch up with him. Nevertheless, Dexter considers that he will have to kill him if the police fails to find anything.
Dexter visits Kurt's diner, where he has a talk with him about their previous encounters. Suddenly, Angela and Logan (Alano Miller) arrive and arrest Kurt for Iris' murder, taking him to the station. Angela questions him, showing that they inspected his phone records and he never talked with Matt in the days after his reported disappearance. She also reveals they compared Iris' attacker's DNA with Kurt's, which proved to be a match. Meanwhile, Harrison helps one of Kurt's truckers with cargo. The trucker then gives Harrison a small envelope, telling him to hand it to Dexter. He gives it to him, which contains a titanium screw.
That night, Dexter makes a distraction so that all officers leave the station and confronts Kurt to tell him to stay away from him and Harrison. Kurt teases Dexter by saying that it wasn't snowing when Dexter picked him up from the tavern, it was ashes and tells him "titanium doesn't melt". After leaving, Dexter remembers that Matt had a titanium screw in his leg, concluding that he knows he killed Matt. The next day, Kurt decides to make a police statement, explaining that his abusive father used to brutally attack girls. He states that his father picked up Iris and that's the only thing he knows. But flashbacks reveal that it was a young Kurt who picked her up in his truck and that Iris was running away. Kurt decided to not bring her to his father and tried to go back but Iris resisted, biting his hand and exiting the truck. This prompted Kurt to shoot her in the back, killing her.
Due to the testimony and only a 67% DNA match, the charges against Kurt are dropped and he is released. Angela then talks with Molly at the bar, explaining that while she found closure with Iris, she doesn't feel better. Their conversation soon turns to Dexter, realizing that he couldn't have heard Molly's earlier meeting with Kurt and likely recorded it with his phone. After inspecting Kurt's office and overhearing a conversation confirming his release, Dexter concludes he must kill him. He stops Harrison from hurting some high schoolers with a straight razor and has a talk with him. Harrison states that he had nightmares but now realizes they were actually memories: he remembers the day Arthur Mitchell killed his mother. He recalls Arthur (John Lithgow) comforting him after killing Rita, telling him "daddy will be home soon". Thinking that Dexter left because he thought he would grow up with these tendencies, Harrison hitches a ride to an unknown destination. Dexter decides to follow, intending to tell him everything. However, he is suddenly attacked from behind by the trucker who gave Harrison the envelope.
Harrison (Jack Alcott) starts doing chores around the cabin after having his talk with Kurt (Clancy Brown). He also asks Dexter (Michael C. Hall) to sign a job application for Kurt's diner. Dexter refuses, concerned about Kurt's connection with his son, angering Harrison. Harrison then tells him he didn't go to therapy, but actually met with Kurt.
While driving, Dexter is pulled over by Angela (Julia Jones), who shows him his obituary as Dexter Morgan. She forces him to drive to the station to explain everything. Dexter claims that Rita's and Debra's (Jennifer Carpenter) deaths impacted him and he couldn't live with that life in Miami, prompting him to attempt to kill himself by driving towards a hurricane. He claims surviving was a sign to start again, abandoning his old life and starting a new one. Angela calls him out on abandoning Harrison and failing to amend everything; she is also angry for finding that their relationship was built on a lie and breaks up with him. After Dexter leaves, Molly (Jamie Chung) enters her office, intending to question Kurt about his lies to find the truth. Angela warns her to stay away from him.
Dexter starts investigating who could've been the source of his past life. He finds Molly's podcast and listens to a session where she claims that the Bay Harbor Butcher (Dexter) wasn't James Doakes as some crimes were committed while he was on military service, deducing the killer remains at large. Dexter and Harrison attend therapy, where Harrison expresses frustration at his abandonment. Dexter is less cooperative in the therapy, giving vague hints about his life and even claiming his marriage to Rita "fell apart". The last part prompts Harrison to reveal that he knows his mother was killed and tells the therapist he feels abandoned at their very own session.
Seeking to know more about Angela's next move, Dexter meets with Logan (Alano Miller), claiming he wants advice on how to save his relationship. Logan admits he dated Molly, but has since broke up. He also states that Angela and Molly are working on something. This worries Dexter, who thinks they will go after him, unaware that they are actually investigating Kurt. At the same time, Harrison visits Audrey (Johnny Sequoyah) at her house. They both express frustration at their lives, which culminates in a kiss and having sex. The next morning, Angela finds them together in bed and angrily takes Harrison to Dexter.
Wanting to find out more about their investigation, Dexter plants his phone as a bug at the bar and records a meeting between Kurt and Molly. Kurt states he lied to the police to protect Matt from authorities and is willing to take her to interview him. Dexter follows them to the bunker and prevents Kurt from getting Molly inside it. He enters and finds that the door can't be opened from within and finds the camera in the room. Dexter drives Molly back to town, angering Kurt as he foiled his plan.
Angela and Teddy (David Magidoff) inspect a cave with a possible lead. They find a man-made hole and Angela enters. She finds many rocks and after moving them, finds a corpse. The corpse is that of Iris, her childhood friend who went missing. Dexter attends Harrison's wrestling match, noting Kurt is in attendance as a coach's aide. Harrison beats his opponent but even after winning, he breaks the opponent's arm. A stunned Dexter then gets into the arena to confront Kurt about motivating Harrison's actions. He attempts to talk with Harrison, wondering if Kurt told him to hurt the opponent. Dexter then receives a call from Angela, who got out of the cave. She says she doesn't need Jim, she needs Dexter Morgan.
Dexter (Michael C. Hall) talks with Debra (Jennifer Carpenter), questioning why Kurt (Clancy Brown) lied about Matt's state. Debra theorizes that Kurt wants the case closed so he can find the killer himself. Angela (Julia Jones) interrogates Kurt, who claims Matt is alive in New York.
At school, Harrison (Jack Alcott) listens to an episode of Molly Park's (Jamie Chung) podcast, "Merry Fucking Kill", where she talks about Arthur Mitchell/Trinity Killer. Harrison becomes unsettled when she talks about his mother, Rita, and how he killed her while he was left there in the blood. Dexter is later called to the school due to an emergency: Harrison has been stabbed and Ethan (Christian Dell'Edera) was the perpetrator. Harrison tells the police that Ethan approached him to help him in a future school shooting to kill Ethan's bullies. When Harrison tried to get him some help, Ethan stabbed him in the stomach, forcing Harrison to almost fatally cut Ethan's leg. Dexter then talks with Debra, saying that the wounds don't match up with his story.
Dexter returns to the crime scene, where he proves his theory by imagining Debra stabbing him and then stabbing himself. The blood coincides with the stabs, but Dexter now deduces Harrison attacked Ethan first and then stabbed himself to know what it feels like, noting that it matches the "Code of Harry". Kurt later visits Dexter and Harrison at their house, where he gives Harrison a drone for his actions. While talking to him, Dexter lets it slip that he knows about Matt's boat incident. Dexter is also told by Angela that they won't file charges against Harrison, even though Ethan claims he never attacked him. Angela also decides to collaborate with Molly, who used her podcast to get information on many of the missing people that the town failed to find.
Kurt is later approached by a girl named Chloe (Skyler Wright) at his diner, who asks for money. Kurt already lent her money and won't give her more, although he offers her a job at the diner, which she refuses. He later helps her by giving her shelter at the bunker where Lily stayed, revealing that he is the person behind her kidnapping and murder. At school, the police give a talk to the students that were on Ethan's "kill list", where the students applaud Harrison for his actions. Harrison uses the opportunity to call out Ethan's bullies, saying they drove him to become the person he is. During this, Dexter inspects Harrison's room, eventually discovering a straight razor hidden in a flashlight. A stunned Debra then mentions that Trinity also used a straight razor to murder his victims. A distraught Dexter comes to the belief that his son now has his own "Dark Passenger".
Dexter (Michael C. Hall) is still stunned at finding the straight razor, telling Debra (Jennifer Carpenter) that he needs to help Harrison (Jack Alcott) in this difficult time. Meanwhile, Kurt (Clancy Brown) leads Chloe (Skyler Wright) to the bunker, telling her she can stay for as long as she wants.
When Dexter questions Harrison about the razor, he claims he uses it for defense. Angry at his father's lack of trust on him, Harrison storms off. Outside, Zach (Oscar Wahlberg) and his friends invite Harrison to a party, which he accepts. The partygoers were all part of Ethan's "kill list" and Harrison is the guest of honor. Harrison consumes ecstasy and oxycodone laced with fentanyl, and makes a minor slice on a girl's foot. He then shares with Audrey (Johnny Sequoyah) about his father, saying that he is lying about his name before passing out. Audrey is forced to call authorities and Sergeant Logan (Alano Miller) helps him regain consciousness and he is taken to the hospital. Logan informs Dexter about the incident and that the drugs were sourced from a dealer named Miles (Dakota Lustick). After Harrison is released, Dexter tells him he will go to therapy and he will limit his time out of the house.
Angela (Julia Jones) is informed that Matt has been staying at a luxury hotel in New York City after tracking his credit cards. She decides to go to New York to talk to him, as well as to attend a Missing Persons conference. She also allows Molly (Jamie Chung) to accompany her, as she needs material for her podcast. At the New York hotel, they are informed that Matt checked out of the hotel the day before their arrival. As they await security footage, they attend the conference, which is headlined by Angel Batista (David Zayas), who is now Captain of Homicide of the Miami Metro Police Department. She talks with Angel after the conference, where he briefly talks about the Bay Harbor Butcher and Trinity Killer, mentioning Debra's name but stating she died, along with her brother, Dexter, although he does not say his name. He also mentions that her brother had a son named Harrison.
Dexter retrieves medicines and equipment from a local veterinarian, planning to kill Miles. He arrives at the bar he frequents, acting as an interested customer. Outside, Dexter injects Miles but before he can fully inject him with ketamine, Logan arrives. Dexter then starts brutally attacking Miles until Logan restrains him. Miles is arrested but Dexter is also brought to the station for paperwork. Dexter witnesses Logan intimidate Miles with threats to charge him with homicide, and he confesses that he works for a man named Jasper Hodge (Kellan Rhude), who makes the pills. Dexter overhears the conversation and infiltrates Jasper's house to sedate him before the police will arrive in a few days with a warrant.
At the bunker, Chloe immediately sees the camera turning on and realizes her state. However, she provokes Kurt by undressing herself in front of the camera and refusing to go outside when he orders her. This forces Kurt to go into her room, where she uses a shard of glass to slice his face through his ski mask. He takes her outside, telling her to run but she refuses. When she approaches him, he kills her by shooting her in the eye, upsetting him. Meanwhile, Dexter prepares to kill Jasper in his home, having arranged his table, when he notices that Logan is outside. Dexter then removes all of his equipment and forces Jasper to snort pure fentanyl powder, which he had been using to manufacture adulterated fake Roxicodone, or "Blues". When authorities enter the house, Dexter and his equipment are gone and Jasper in found dead from an overdose in his chair.
Kurt picks up Harrison, who was planning on leaving town, and takes him to the diner. After some talk, he gives him a job at the diner. Harrison returns to the cabin, lying to Dexter about attending therapy. Angela and Molly are shown security footage of Matt checking out of the hotel, confirming that the person is not Matt and that Kurt lied to them. When she returns home, she talks with Audrey, who recalls Harrison's statement that his father wasn't Jim Lindsay. This prompts Angela to investigate based on her talk with Angel, finding something that shocks her. She then prints out its content, which is revealed to be an obituary for Dexter.
Mayor Wilson Fisk discovers physical evidence proving that he once knew Daredevil's true identity, noticing gaps in his own memory after the fact. Outraged, Mayor Fisk confronts Daredevil, who taunts him. Consequentially, Mayor Fisk outlaws vigilantism in the city. Tony Stark criticizes this decision while Storm advises Fisk to stay away from mutant affairs.
To enforce his new law, Mayor Fisk sets up Thunderbolts units run by Commissioner Kyle, whose members include various villains. Moon Knight, Reed Richards, and Sue Storm are apprehended by members of the Thunderbolts and sent to the Myrmidon, an underwater prison. Captain America and Miles Morales are rescued by Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Elektra in her Daredevil attire, then escape to the sewers. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and their daughter Danielle hear about the arrests, while being confronted by Shocker, a member of the Thunderbolts. After defeating him, Luke speaks out against Mayor Fisk while being filmed by onlookers. Mayor Fisk appoints Byron "Butch" Pharris as New York's new Kingpin as Butch speaks to his partner Mike Murdock. After packing their necessities, the Jones-Cage family are picked up by Tony Stark as he is planning to run for mayor. Doctor Octopus contacts Mayor Fisk about the inventions that he found in Reed Richards' lab. Mayor Fisk receives a trapped Purple Man as Mayor Fisk starts to talk to him where he mentions that Purple Man's children want him dead. After opening Purple Man's containment, Mayor Fisk strangles him to submission. It is also shown that Mayor Fisk is planning to run for President of the United States.
Danny Rand is arrested and sent to the Myrmidon, where Reed and Sue get in a fight. Elektra approaches Mayor Fisk in his home, and they briefly talk before she flees. At the decommissioned Avengers Mansion, the remaining heroes meet up while the Purple Children observe them. Tony plans to run for mayor opposite Fisk, but the other heroes agree that Luke would be the better candidate. At City Hall, Fisk and Doctor Octopus discuss their plans to sway the populace of New York into reelecting Fisk by amplifying the Purple Man's powers using a machine developed by Doc Ock. Sometime later, he makes use of Reed Richards' inter-dimensional gate by summoning alternate Octopus versions of Hulk, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine. Doctor Octopus then considers his plans "Superior". Meanwhile, Taskmaster provokes Spider-Man by holding The Daily Bugle hostage. As the two fight, Taskmaster places a power dampener on Spider-Man and throws him out the window, leaving Thunderbolt agents closing in on a severely injured Ben.
Spider-Man is then brought to the police station, where he is rescued by the Thing and Human Torch. Luke Cage hold a rally to announce his mayoral campaign in the presence of Jessica Jones and Foggy Nelson. At the Myrmidon, Susan Storm is talking with Kristen McDuffie who mentions that the Myrmidon is adding an assault charge to her and Reed Richards. She states to Kristen that they have to put a stop to this before there is another Superhuman Registration Act. A guard tells Kristen that her time is up as she secretly slips a device to Susan. In Doctor Octopus' lab, Purple Man quotes to Mayor Wilson Fisk about his plans to use his powers to brainwash the voters to re-elect him. As Purple Man notes to Mayor Fisk that this is about Daredevil, both of them come to the conclusion that the Purple Children made everyone forget Daredevil's true identity. Doctor Octopus is contacted by Mayor Fisk about the Purple Children as Doctor Octopus states that he is occupied at Reed Richards' laboratory, but can work on modifying Purple Man's confinement when they have been found. After the call, Doctor Octopus tells Hulk of Earth-8816, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 that they will see some action soon. At the decommissioned Avengers Mansion, Captain America notes that Captain Marvel and Thor are off-world as Miles Morales states that they can't break the legal system and Daredevil talks about Luke Cage's campaign. As Jessica figures out that Mayor Fisk is using Purple Man, Daredevil states that they have to take action immediately. As the Thunderbolts agents hunt for the Purple Children, they take shelter with an old lady. Later that night, the superheroes arrive at City Hall where they are attacked by Doctor Octopus' Superior Four as Mayor Fisk watches from the window. Captain America discovers that Iron Man is actually Chameleon in disguise who Doctor Octopus was going to use to take part in the mayoral election on his behalf. As Doctor Octopus summons his Octo-Bots, Foggy Nelson is attacked in his office by Mayor Fisk's men.
Two weeks later, Doctor Octopus has released thousands of his Octobots in order to enforce Mayor Wilson Fisk's zero-tolerance policy, effectively wiping out all crime in the city. He and Wolverine of Earth-9712 visit Mayor Fisk as Doctor Octopus informs him that Butch Pharris has been arrested for his criminal activities. Daredevil visits Foggy in the hospital, encountering his brother Mike Murdock (who was posing as Matt) who informs him that Butch has been arrested and that he wants to help take down Mayor Fisk. He also encounters Kirsten McDuffie who asks how Foggy is doing. Mayor Fisk instructs U.S. Agent, Agony, Electro II, Rhino, Taskmaster, and Whiplash into bringing the children to him as Mary arrives wanting to help Mayor Fisk. Meanwhile, Susan Storm uses the device to remove her collar, meeting with Reed Richards and breaking out of the Myrmidon with Moon Knight, Danny Rand, and Tony Stark. Fisk uses his status to have Butch released and they argue with Butch subsequently spitting in Fisk's face and leaving. The Champions members Ms. Marvel, Miles Morales, Nova, Ironheart, and Viv Vision battle Rhino. They are apprehended by the Octobots, but Rhino gives them all Thunderbolt badges, warding away the Octobots. He explains that he is not here to fight. He states that Mayor Fisk wants the Thunderbolts to track down a group of children and that he wanted to tell a hero of this. Miles returns to the Avengers' hideout, informing them that Mayor Fisk may be after the Purple Children. This angers Jessica Jones as the remaining Avengers conclude that Mayor Fisk intends to use the Purple Children to control the entire city. After another talk with Mary, Mayor Fisk inadvertently discovers that his cane has the ability to restore people's memories. Upon going to the roof, he uses it on himself enabling him to remember Daredevil's true identity.
Now that he remembers who Daredevil is, Mayor Wilson Fisk is informed by James Wesley that the Thunderbolts found the Purple Children in a residential building and asks if should give the go ahead. Mayor Fisk tells him, "Do it. Casualties be damned". U.S. Agent leads Thunderbolts members Agony, Electro II, and Whiplash into raiding the building. While one Purple Child immobilizes U.S. Agent with his abilities, Electro II shocks them. As U.S. Agent reports that he is bringing them in, Jessica Jones and the Thunderbolts are attacked by the Champions until the Thunderbolts' latest member Abomination shows up stating that Mayor Fisk has some information that he needs. This forces Jessica and the Champions to retreat. As Mike talks with Butch, Mayor Fisk is informed by Doctor Octopus that he has locked up the Purple Children in a similar container as Purple Man. As the Purple Children have been drained of their energy which is used to super-charge Purple Man, Mayor Fisk uses his mind-control cane to have Hulk of Earth-8816 escort Doctor Octopus out of the building and releases Purple Man to kill every superhero. Luke Cage is informed by Jessica on what happened. The Purple Child Joseph informs everyone that Mayor Fisk must be killed to be stopped. Kristen McDuffie contacts Daredevil informing him of an uprising in the Myrmidon. After Hulk of Earth-8816 comes to his senses, the rest of the Superior Four show up with the Thunderbolts as they are confronted by the superheroes alongside Purple Man and a group of brainwashed civilians. As Mike Murdock arrives at Butch's apartment, he is ambushed by Mayor Fisk who mistakenly identifies him as Matt. Mayor Fisk angrily starts to beat him to death when Kristen suddenly arrives.
As the battle between the heroes, the Thunderbolts, the Superior Four, and the mind-controlled civilians rages on, Daredevil gets a call from Kristen about what Mayor Wilson Fisk did to "Matt" as he tells her to inform the district attorney's office what had happened. As Daredevil heads off to confront Mayor Fisk and Captain America tries to get through to a mind-controlled U.S. Agent, Luke Cage states to the rest of the heroes that they got to defeat Purple Man. Mayor Fisk evacuates Typhoid Mary to his car as they are attacked by Elektra in her Daredevil attire. After removing Elektra's sai, Mayor Fisk is also confronted by Daredevil where Mayor Fisk suspects that he returned from the dead. Back at the battle, Doctor Octopus orders Hulk of Earth-8816 to break free when he is knocked down by Iron Man. The rest of the Fantastic Four and Moon Knight show up to help turn the tide of the battle while one of the Purple Children goes to look for Purple Man. Mayor Fisk and Typhoid Mary fight Daredevil and Elektra. Daredevil manages to get ahold of Mayor Fisk's cane and mind-controls Mayor Fisk into remembering the lives he took before breaking the cane on Mayor Fisk's head. Luke Cage saves the Purple Child from his father who tries to mind-control Luke Cage to no avail. With spectators present, Daredevil can't bring himself to avenge Mike Murdock's death. Invisible Woman uses the Inhibiting Collars found in the Thunderbolts Van where she uses one on Electro II while the others use them on the Thunderbolts members. Jessica Jones confronts Luke Cage and the Purple Child near an unconscious Purple Man as the rest of the Purple Children show up without their purple skin. Luke was also informed by Jessica that Mayor Fisk has been arrested. In a Thunderbolts van, Mayor Fisk finds that one of the Thunderbotls agents is actually Butch Pharris in disguise as he takes him to the Stromwyns who plan Mayor Fisk's campaign for President. Butch states that he can operate with immunity in New York with an increase in crime rate on the areas that can be bought. Fisk presents to take the deal to serve the Stromwyns only to badly wound them and kill their robots as he instructs Butch to whisper through the streets that he "killed Wilson Fisk" and Matt Murdock is dead. After Fisk takes his leave, Butch figures out that it's actually Mike who is dead. One week later, Daredevil speaks to Elektra about the claim that Matt Murdock is dead and plans to leave the people convinced. Meanwhile, Fisk and Typhoid Mary meet with James Wesley who has outfitted a boat for their trip as they sail off to find their happiness.
After her visit to Mayor Wilson Fisk, Elektra in her Daredevil attire meets up with Matt Murdock where he learns about her visit. After making out with Matt while recalling her training with Stick, meeting Aka of the Hand, and training with the Hand where she finished off one Hand ninja with one of her sais, Elektra has coffee with Robert 'Goldy' Goldman as she sees Aka in the streets. Upon making it to the forest, Elektra in her Daredevil attire encounters Aka as jumps off a cliff. Back on the road, Elektra swerves off the road due to a deer appearing on the road. After recovering, Elektra finds a dart in one of the tires, puts on her mask, and goes hunting for what appears to be Aka only to avoid a trap. She finds the culprit responsible in the form of Kraven the Hunter who is looking for a challenge.
Kraven the Hunter mentions that he is looking for a challenge and wants to take on Elektra who holds the title of "World's Deadliest Assassin". As Elektra states to Kraven the Hunter that he is being used, Kraven the Hunter states that he knows that she took her file from Mayor Wilson Fisk and it will benefit them both. Kraven the Hunter mentions how Mayor Fisk told him about how Elektra betrayed Daredevil once and was associated with the Hand. After Kraven the Hunter intercepts one of Elektra's attacks, the police arrive responding to the car accident. Kraven the Hunter flees to obtain something golden to keep up his insurance policy while Elektra subdues the police and makes off in their police car. After a flashback with Aka, Elektra finds that Kraven the Hunter got to Goldy as she is attacked by the Thunderbolts unit. After fighting them off, Elektra catches up to Kraven the Hunter and Goldy as Aka is shown watching from the rooftops. When the Thunderbolts agents catches up, Kraven the Hunter quotes to Elektra that Mayor Fisk also gave him the law.
Elektra engages Kraven the Hunter in battle as Goldy and the Thunderbolts agents stand back. When Kraven the Hunter manages to punch Elektra, Goldy throws a snowball at him as the Thunderbolts agents restrain him. Elektra manages to kick Kraven the Hunter before entering a school. He pursues Elektra and is defeated by her as Aka appears noting that Elektra is still trying to recruit Matt Murdock. Aka then disappears as Elektra notices that the Thunderbolts agents are clearing the school. Borrowing a jacket from a student, Elektra meets up with Goldy who states that Matt Murdock was killed in his apartment. She vows to make Mayor Fisk pay for this as Goldy notes that it's always part of the plan.
Doctor Octopus has formed the Superior Four with his Multiverse counterparts in the form of Hulk of Earth-8816 (whose real identity is Otto Banner), Ghost Rider of Earth-1666 (whose real identity is Otto Blaze), and Wolverine of Earth-9712 (whose real identity is Otto Howlett). He mentions that he has gone through an evolution after his tenure as Superior Spider-Man and that he plans to span the Multiverse and establish a Council of Ocks from every version of Doctor Octopus he can find. The other three Ottos claim that the result can cause a paradox as Doctor Octopus claims that they are a fixed variant like the ones for Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange. Doctor Octopus takes his Superior Four to Earth-5069 where they encounter Iron Scab who demands that they leave his universe. The Superior Four do away with Iron Scab. Doctor Octopus' tentacles failing to work causes the Superior Four to flee Earth-5069. Back on Earth-616, Otto Blaze claims to Doctor Octopus that magic was responsible with Doctor Octopus forgetting his deal with Mephisto. As Doctor Octopus continues his research in order to find a better solution, Otto Banner, Otto Blaze, and Otto Howlett talk about how their fates will intertwine with the other Ottos. Doctor Octopus and Otto Banner state that they should get some insight on their Multiverse counterparts. Doctor Octopus then states that out of the 3,409 variants of himself, there is one out of all realities that knows how to defeat the Superior Four. Arriving on Earth-2902, the Superior Four arrive in its forested city area and cause a disturbance to draw out Doctor Octopus' variant in this reality. They encounter a variant of Otto in recolored Spider-Man-like attire named TJ. He operates as Spider-Ock and is familiar with Earth-616 and the history of each of his variants. They beat him badly as Spider-Ock states that they had tormented pasts while his father died. Doctor Octopus uses a synthetic blood-parasite from Earth-5069 on Spider-Ock to claim his knowledge enough to disintegrate him. Doctor Octopus tells the rest of the Superior Four that they got a several thousand to go. On Earth-7214, Doctor Octopus leads the Superior Four in attacking its Atlantis where they encounter Supreme Octopus.
There are views of different versions of Otto Octavius who were died. One died of an accident that Norman Osborn covered up. One was beheaded by a laser from President MODOK. One was addicted to gamma radiation where his brain failed at puberty. One got lost in the forest and was found eaten by a wolf. This was viewed by Supreme Octopus who is tasked with keeping his counterparts in line. At the Baxter Building, Doctor Octopus gazes into the different parts of the Multiverse when he is contacted by Supreme Octopus to cease and desist. Hulk of Earth-8816 interrupts Doctor Octopus as he, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 argue with him about the paradox that Doctor Octopus caused. The portal suddenly sucks the Superior Four to Earth-7212 where some type of mass-extinction event occurred due to sulfur being in the air. A tsunami then occurs as the Superior Four are caught in it. Ghost Rider of Earth-1666 claims that the Multiverse is seeking atonement for the Superior Four's meddling. Doctor Octopus is then teleported to the Savage Land on Earth-8969 where he is ensnared by Supreme Octopus who considers himself superior to Doctor Octopus where he mentioned that he liquefied Shuma-Gorath, made Dormammu grovel, and burned Knull to ashes. The rest of the Superior Four are brought to Earth-8969 where neither of them want to follow Supreme Octopus. Despite what the Superior do, they are unable to beat Supreme Octopus. Hulk of Earth-8816, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 turn against Doctor Octopus and help Supreme Octopus to rip off Doctor Octopus' tentacles. Doctor Octopus is then locked up with a skeleton and carnivorous plants in Supreme Octopus' mobile base called the Supreme Sanctorum.
There is a brief history of the creation of a Man-Thing with tentacles that end with the heads of carnivorous plants. In his cell on Earth-8969, Doctor Octopus is confronted by a tentacled Man-Thing who frees Doctor Octopus. He figures out that this Man-Thing is a variation of himself. Meanwhile, Supreme Octopus shares some of his history with Hulk of Earth-8816, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 claiming that an army of Ocks is both a success and a failure. He reveals that his real name is Otto Werner von Strange and that he is the last and remaining variant of a long and tireless war. Having maintained a Multiversal balance, Supreme Octopus is in need of an heir or some heirs as he has stopped a Doctor Octopus while having obtained an army of Ocks. Meanwhile, Doctor Octopus tries to get his Man-Thing counterpart to help him as the Man-Thing bonds to him and serves as his guide through the Sanctum Supreme. Supreme Octopus explains that every Doctor Octopus variant has tried to ruin what he has built. Supreme Octopus has Hulk of Earth-8816, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 see the Multiverse as it is like how a version of Doctor Octopus from Earth-7214 is an Atlantean whose kingdom Supreme Octopus sunk to keep his bio-weapon from being complete as well as their flaws. As Supreme Octopus uses his magic to restrain Hulk of Earth-8816, Ghost Rider of Earth-1666, and Wolverine of Earth-9712 so that their worlds can be reset, Doctor Octopus and Man-Thing arrive as Supreme Octopus states that he done the impossible while claiming that he can remake him into the Superior Spider-Man. He stated that he was the one who whispered in Doctor Octopus' ears on how to summon Mephisto and that he can grant him his Superior Spider-Man life back. As Doctor Octopus restrains Supreme Octopus, he explains that his Man-Thing counterpart traveled the Multiverse and freed him from his cell. Supreme Octopus summons his armor. Hulk of Earth-8816 breaks free as he is advised by Ghost Rider of Earth-1666 and Wolverine of Earth-9712 to force Supreme Octopus to send them home. They break free and help Doctor Octopus into knocking out Octopus Supreme. The Man-Thing variant then detaches from Doctor Octopus as it is introduced by Doctor Octopus as the source of his paradox. Using Supreme Octopus' body, the Man-Thing variant opens a portal back to Earth-616. Back in the Baxter Building, Doctor Octopus heads off to build himself a new set of tentacles while Hulk of Earth-8816 beings to work on rebuilding the portal. Using a translation device, the Man-Thing variant wants its agreement honored. When the rest of the Superior Four ask what agreement it is talking about, Doctor Octopus states that it wants to euthanized naturally so that it would sever the paradoxes. After building another set of arms, Doctor Octopus enters the rebuilt portal to euthanize the Man-Thing variant alone. Once that was done and having noted to himself that Supreme Octopus would one day seek revenge on him, Doctor Octopus returns to Earth-616 and makes a counter-offer with the Superior Four by stating that they can rid New York City of crime better than the police and the superheroes where he gives Hulk of Earth-8816 a special pill to devolve his Hulk form, travel to Hell with Ghost Rider of Earth-1666 and retrieve his soul while finding out what happened to Doctor Octopus' mind, and arrange for Wolverine of Earth-9712 to be a citizen on Krakoa. The Superior Four are seen attacking a smuggling operation involving Savage Land biotech. On Earth-2902, it was discovered that Doctor Octopus actually released the Man-Thing variant in Fresh Frond City as it starts to evolve into a form similar to Spider-Ock as the civilians mistake him for Spider-Ock in a new look.
After her longtime friend and former fellow private investigator Lindsay McCabe is hurt, Spider-Woman fights the Thunderbolts agents and Thunderbolts members Coachwhip and Puff Adder. Despite having a broken arm, Spider-Woman fights them off to get Lindsay to safety. Later, a Thunderbolts agent visits Lindsay McCabe's hospital room in order to get the details on who attacked her. This turns out to be Jessica Drew in disguise as she tells the doctors to take care of her. Spider-Woman then interrogates the captive Thunderbolts agent whose outfit she borrowed. He claims that Lindsay was like that when they found her as Spider-Woman prepares to use her broken arm to attack. At Gracie Mansion, Mayor Wilson Fisk is given a status update before Spider-Woman arrives. Both of them engage each other in a fight. He states that someone else has been dealing with her. In a flashback to Ravencroft, Mayor Fisk visits a cell to find out about Spider-Man. As the Thunderbolts agents arrive, Spider-Woman figures out who Mayor Fisk is talking about as Spider-Woman claims that she's supposed to be dead. Mayor Fisk states that Norman Osborn kept his "trophy" where Mayor Fisk provided a storage place. Spider-Woman then flees the area. The captive Thunderbolts unit member then breaks free from the ropes and is revealed to be a thought-to-be-dead Veranke. In the form of Spider-Woman, Veranke visits Linda Carter wanting to see her "child" Gerry.
Gerry figures out that the Jessica Drew at the door isn't her real mother as Linda Carter also asks about the cast that she is supposed to be wearing. Spider-Woman catches up to Veranke as a Thunderbolts unit truck escapes with Gerry. Spider-Woman instructs Linda to help Lindsay. As Veranke still has the same powers as Spider-Woman, she has become out of practice due to how long she was locked up by Norman Osborn after using her death as a cover-up. When Spider-Woman catches up to the Thunderbolts unit truck, Iron Man shows up to help only for Spider-Woman to see that it is Veranke in disguise. After Gerry escaped, Spider-Woman encounters the real Carol Danvers and Spider-Man with Gerry identifying the imposter Danverse. Spider-Woman uses a point blank venom blast in Veranke's face as she advises Carol to lock her up somewhere on the garbage scow. At the hospital, Jessica apologizes to Lindsay about what happened. Somewhere across the street, a sniper named Mr. O'Nay informs Octavia Vermis that he has Spider-Woman in his sight. Vermis instructs Mr. O'Nay not to attack Jessica after having found out about her fight with Veranke. She wants to give Spider-Woman a break before she can attack with her group called the Anti-Arachnine that also consists of Aeturnum, Rose Roché, and the Los Espadas Gemelas De Toledo.
At a MET Gala, the Humanity Liberation Front attacks in retaliation for what is happening with the world. Just then, Thunderbolts members Agony, Electro II, Rhino, Taskmaster, and Whiplash arrive where they defeat the Humanity Liberation Front. Later at the police department, the Thunderbolts members get impatient waiting for their next assignment. They get into a fight with each other until Mayor Wilson Fisk arrives to break it up. He sends them to find the person responsible for the attack on the gala where the suspect is hiding somewhere in Gowanus. The Thunderbolts raid a warehouse where some of its members are hiding and badly defeat them as the culprit claims that the law has gone soft back when J. Jonah Jameson was the Mayor of New York City. Afterwards, the Thunderbolts are in Mayor Fisk's office as U.S. Agent shows up stating that he reporting for duty.
Mayor Wilson Fisk sends the Thunderbolts out of his office as U.S. Agent informs him that he wants to be part of the Thunderbolts to keep its members in line while claiming "I don't walk the line. I don't cross the line. I am the line". When the Thunderbolts attack jewelry store robbers in animal masks, some of them are killed or badly beaten up until U.S. Agent arrives stating that he is now in charge of them as he beats up Electro II, Rhino, Taskmaster, and Whiplash to serve as his only warning to them. Then he confronts Agony who is suspicious of him. While in the alley, U.S. Agent is revealed to be secretly working with the FBI to find anything incriminating on Mayor Fisk. At Mayor Fisk's rally, U.S. Agent and the Thunderbolts deal with a mind-controlled crowd. As Agony advises Mayor Fisk to leave before the crowd attacks him, Mayor Fisk notices that the crowd has changed. The culprit is one of the Purple Children as Electro II gets mind-controlled. As a lot of people are shocked, Rhino subdues Electro II as anyone not mind-controlled films the incident.
U.S. Agent advises the Thunderbolts to get Electro II away from the area before she goes nuclear. Mayor Wilson Fisk is loaded into his limo as he advises U.S. Agent to keep the Thunderbolts in line and clean up the mess. U.S. Agent and Agony encounter the culprit called Conviction who claimed that Mayor Fisk kept her trapped in Ravencroft trying to reproduce the Purple Children's power. After a brief scuffle where Conviction got away, U.S. Agent and Agony meet up with Mayor Fisk and the rest of the Thunderbolts to mention about their encounter with Conviction. Mayor Fisk then assigns them to find the Purple Children as James Wesley gives them trackers. As Rhino doesn't want to hunt children, Mayor Fisk brings in Abomination as his replacement and mind-controls U.S. Agent to oversee the assignment as the Thunderbolts hunt down the Purple Children. When they are found, they are confronted by Jessica Jones and the Champions.
In the past, Kingpin has killed some men in the shower as he instructs James Wesley to send Elektra as the person he wants dead is out for Emma Frost. At a nightclub, Emma Frost mind-controls her way to Mr. Loufex to speak about their mutual friend Kingpin. In the present at Seneca Park, U.S. Agent and the Thunderbolts agents are outside the New York hideout of the X-Men as Rogue contacts all points about who's at their door as U.S. Agent demands the X-Men's surrender. As Emma Frost goes to the United Nations building, U.S. Agent is met with resistance from Polaris. Mayor Fisk is informed of the situation with the X-Men and their diplomatic immunity. Cyclops in his Captain Krakoa attire, Jean Grey, Rogue, Synch, and Wolverine prepare to head to give up the Seneca Gardens and face the music. Captain Krakoa, Jean Grey, and Rogue state to U.S. Agent that they aren't going to fight them in front of the cameras. Just then, Thunderbolts members Agony, Electro II, Rhino, and Taskmaster arrive as backup for U.S. Agent where Electro II shocks Polaris when U.S. Agent asks which way his shield went. As Rogue asks Rhino what Gambit would think of him working for Mayor Fisk, Jean Grey stops Polaris from retaliating against Electro II as Taskmaster offends Wolverine by calling her a pretender. Jean Grey then speaks to U.S. Agent who wants to report the X-Men's "illegal structure" to the Parks Department. Just then, Emma Frost shows up with an order from the U.N. to not violate a structure from Krakoa. Wesley informs Mayor Fisk on what U.S. Agent informed him as he tells Wesley to send a message to the Thunderbolts to leave the X-Men to him. U.S. Agent withdraws the Thunderbolts from Seneca Park. Mayor Fisk has Wesley summon the chief of detectives about a murder of a young woman where they can implicate a "rich and powerful woman of privilege".
A news bulletin states that Emma Frost has been connected with a cold case murder. At the law offices of Harris, Oppenheim & Gallagher, Emma Frost is told by her lawyers that the case against her isn't great as Emma states that she has never committed child abuse. Emma Frost then takes the time to recap on using an illusion of Invisible Woman, having a drink with Tony Stark, sending a telepathic message to She-Hulk that her client is guilty, and a visit to Nick Fury. She plans to settle the case. Years ago at the Hellfire Club, Emma Frost is visited by Elektra who needs help with a witness to one of Elektra's missions. She takes Emma Frost to the witnesses apartment. In the next apartment over, some criminals are attacked by a black-suited Spider-Man. Emma Frost evacuates the witness Isabelle as Elektra and Spider-Man fight the criminals. After reading Spider-Man's mind, Emma Frost advises him to help Elektra. Loading Isabelle into her limousine, Kingpin's men take some pictures as the newspaper states "Frost's Cold Case? Missing Girl Last Seen Alive With White Queen". In London, Emma Frost brainwashes some police officer into going for a swim in the river. She gets ambushed by Union Jack who plans to have her extradited back to New York City while asking if she did kill an orphan.
As Union Jack hands Emma Frost over the police, she turns the tide against them by throwing the power-dampener collar on a police officer and having two dogs attack Union Jack. She proceeds to break free and make the police officers spar with each other. After Emma Frost releases the dogs and makes her way underground, Union Jack tells the police officers that he knows where she is heading. Emma Frost arrives at the London Hellfire Club where she meets up with Isabelle. After learning from Emma Frost on why she can't mind-wipe Mayor Wilson Fisk, Isabelle mentioned that Elektra trained her in some combat skills before disappearing. Union Jack then raids the building with a SWAT Team as Isabelle starts fighting Union Jack. Isabelle then stabs a SWAT officer in the leg as she meets up with Emma Frost in the basement. Moments later, Emma Frost and Isabelle arrive on Krakoa. After a spa day, Emma Frost meets up with Ben Urich where the Daily Bugle prints out an article stating "Mayor smears Frost". Mayor Fisk states to the press that Isabelle is alive and well. At the offices of Harris, Oppenheim & Gallagher, Emma is informed that she still has arrest warrants in country's that don't recoginize the Krakoa amnesty deal until further notice. She instructs them to have the finance team slowly and quietly buying stock in the insurance company. Then Emma mind-controls Typhoid Mary when she confronts Mayor Fisk where she claims that his life will come crashing down one day. She then takes her leave stating that Typhoid Mary will awaken with no memory of this encounter.
Mayor Wilson Fisk is informed by James Wesley that Gracie Mansion is secured and Typhoid Mary is away. He has been having sleepless nights since the new law has passed. Winter Soldier infiltrates Gracie Mansion to steal some files when he is confronted by Mayor Fisk. As Mayor Fisk goes on the attack, Winter Soldier works to dodge his attacks while holding his file. As Gracie Mansion is partially-collapsed, James Wesley returns with the NYPD and finds Mayor Fisk near the rubble stating that he had a wonderful dream. After burning some files, a wounded Winter Soldier makes his way to an alley with his own file. Now that he has a purpose, Winter Soldier vows that whoever wrote this file won't survive the year and states that he'll "sleep when they're dead".
In light of Moon Knight getting arrested by the Thunderbolts, Dr. Badr meets with the Moonlight Mission where he substitutes as "Doctor Moon". He and Mr. Flint find that several people were slain by crossbows which leads them to suspect that Stained Glass Scarlet is responsible. While it was claimed that Stained Glass Scarlet was dead and that someone might've inherited her legacy. Reaching the church in the South Bronx where Stained Glass Scarlet was supposedly killed, Doctor Moon encounters Stained Glass Scarlet who claims that she is reborn as she goes on the attack. After a brief fight, Doctor Moon manages to get away. Back at the Midnight Mission, Dr. Badr informs Reese about these recent events. At Ravencroft, it is discovered that a patient is not in their cell as a guard tells his co-worker that the inmate is an ex-Hydra assassin/terrorist with a four digit count and nearly turned Taipei into glass before his' defeat. Knowing the description of the inmate, the guard initiates a red alert that states that Rutherford Winner is on the loose.
At the police department, Marcus Momplaiser of Beyond Corporation has been informed by Commissioner Kyle that Spider-Man has been sprung from their custody by Human Torch and Thing. After being sprung out by Human Torch and Thing, Ben Reilly as Spider-Man is ambushed by a Thunderbolts agent who places a power dampener collar on him in order to easily transport him to the Myrmidon. After breaking out of the transport, Ben contacts Janine Goodbe while Marcus Momplaiser has been ambushed by Richard Fisk in his Rose alias. Rose is confronted by two Thunderbolts agents who state that Spider-Man got away. After driving away the Thunderbolts agents, Rose goes to Plan B and prepares to torture his Marcus. Maxine Danger comes in where he tells Ben Reilly that the weapon he recovered from the Thunderbolts agents was stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. technology. After being told about Rose, Ben is approached by Misty Knight and Colleen Wing who state that Rose has been selling the stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. technology on the streets and that Marcus Momplaiser has been abducted. Rose has been unable to get any useful information out of Marcus and will still have a use for him. Becoming Spider-Man, Ben Reilly finds the Thunderbolts agents arresting someone dressed as Spider-Man. Spider-Man defeats the Thunderbolts agents and finds out that Marcus was dressed as Spider-Man as he advises Spider-Man to get away. Just then, Rose appears with the same S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon and attacks Spider-Man where he reveals that he spiked Marcus' Spider-Man costume with electrodes which he uses to shock them. Before Rose can finish of Spider-Man, Marcus uses one of the Thunderbolts agents electric sticks which helps him to knock out Rose. Back at Beyond Tower, a recuperating Ben is visited by Marcus who advises him to take the time to recuperate. The Thunderbolts agents bring to the NYPD someone in a Spider-Man outfit. He is unmasked by Commissioner Kyle to be a gagged Rose with the words "Here's Johnny" on the tape that's over his mouth.
At the Myrmidon, 8-Ball is in his cell mentioning on how he has fought Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Sleepwalker, and Spider-Man and also recalls how he died and was revived by Hood. This information he reveals to his cellmate. In the cafeteria, 8-Ball is unable to get a seat with the Wrecking Crew, the Enforcers, and the Death-Throws. When sitting at a table alone, he is confronted by one inmates. He causes 8-Ball some trouble before being fended off by 8-Ball's cellmate who gives a statement that causes the inmate to run. 8-Ball figures out that his cellmate is Moon Knight who is not sitting with his fellow incarcerated superheroes. Moon Knight is informed by 8-Ball that Man Mountain Marko is the "king of the cage". Moon Knight then attacks the inmates that he had engraved the moon icon on and advises them to remind him later what names they went by. Later on, Moon Knight is grabbed by a Thunderbolts agent who drags him to the showers. He is thrown in and confronted by the inmates. When the Thunderbolts agent opens the door, Moon Knight comes out having defeated the inmates and that he wants a shot at the title. His first bout is against Boomslang who he defeats. Bout #3 shows his victory against Mr. Fish. Bout #5 has him victorious against Killer Shrike and Cactus. Bout #6 is against Massacre where Moon Knight is victorious. Then it comes to the title match in Bout #7 against Man Mountain Marko. When Man Mountain Marko asks if Moon Knight is ready to die, Moon Knight stated that Raoul Bushman did that first. Man Mountain Marko gives Moon Knight a hard time as Moon Knight recalls his Mr. Knight alias meeting Man Mountain Marko's ex-wife Judith Cort and how their daughter has started taking after her father powers and all. After that flashback while not wanting Man Mountain Marko to go after his daughter, Moon Knight beats Man Mountain Marko into surrender as he advises him not to go after his ex-wife or his daughter if he gets out as he won't see them again. Moon Knight proceeds to induce blindness on Man Mountain Marko as the Thunderbolts agents come in. After an altercation, Moon Knight is placed in solitary confinement in chains as 8-Ball mops up outside his cell. Moon Knight states that the incarcerated superheroes will go after Mayor Wilson Fisk when they get out.
Mister Fantastic has been tracking the travels of Kingpin and Typhoid Mary with their latest stop being in Latveria which he mentions to Daredevil. As Daredevil states that they got to find him and make him pay for what he's done, Mister Fantastic states that he will pick up the search tomorrow as he has to prepare for "Matt Murdock's funeral". Thing, Foggy Nelson, J. Jonah Jameson, Mayor Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daniel Cage were in attendance. After the funeral, Jameson talks to Nelson who he has recorded the funeral for his podcast. Jessica Jones meets Ben Hochberg who states that he will be working with Mayor Cage. Their discussion is interrupted when Mayor Cage gets angered at Butch Pharris showing up to pay his respects. While Danny Rand keeps them from getting into a fight, Butch mentioned that his father killed him. Butch tells Foggy that the man in the casket is actually Mike and that he was pretending to be Matt as a favor. After Butch leaves, Mayor and Danny confront Daredevil and Elektra on the roof as Daredevil wants the world to think that Matt Murdock is dead and that Mike never had many friends growing up. He and Elektra are going to head out and destroy the Hand. Their discussion is interrupted by some bank robber as they head out and defeat them. The Thunderbolts agents arrive as Mayor Cage is surprised that they are still operating after what Kingpin made them do. A Thunderbolts agent informs Mayor Cage that they don't work for him as vigilantism is still illegal in New York City. At a building, Jessica Jones and Danielle are at a building where Jessica removes a power dampener collar from a Purple Child named Joe. She brings him to her house as Luke finishes a call with his legal expert Harris about a repeal of the vigilantism ban as they would have to convince the councilors. At the cemetery, Kristin has a final moment with "Matt" as he places the stone that was found on him at the time of his death in the casket. What Kristin doesn't know is that the stone in question is a Norn Stone. Mayor Cage later meets with Spectrum as they tie up the loose end with Kingpin's Thunderbolts as they take down Crossbones and the Thunderbolts agents with him. Upon defeating them, Mayor Cage and Spectrum are approached by the press and a public relations specialist named Helen Astrantia who has been tasked with re-framing the Thunderbolts brand in a positive way with Spectrum leading them. As Spectrum doesn't want the job and flew off, Helen suggests Hawkeye since Black Knight, Falcon, Mockingbird, and Wasp don't want the job either. The next morning, Mayor Cage has his first press conference where there are some Fisk supporters present as the police work to keep the crowd in line. Mayor Cage does some workouts while recalling his history and taking down Taskmaster and Whiplash. After his workout, Mayor Cage begins his press conference where he states that he will work to restore order in New York City.
Bart is browsing scenes on TV, when he stumbles upon Muttflix, piquing Santa's Little Helper's interest. This causes Santa's Little Helper to invite his mother, She Biscuit, over since it is Mother's Day. Bart and Lisa gift Marge mugs they made from school, gifting her the same gift they gave her previously, while Maggie gives her a baby's kiss, while teasing them for their lame gifts. They also notice that Homer is sad over hearing it is Mother's Day. After gifting Marge a framed picture of the kids, he continues crying remembering his late mother, Mona.
Lisa suggests Homer try online therapy. Annette the therapist brings him back thirty years ago to the day that Grampa got notes from Mona that she was wanted by the FBI and was leaving them. To avoid having to explain it, Grampa told then 9-year old Homer she was dead. At 16, Homer received a post card from Utah from Mona, which was secretly being monitored by the FBI. Homer confronted his father about the truth, and he and Grampa then traveled to Utah to track Mona down while being followed by the FBI. They spotted Mona at a gas station, but as she ran out to meet them, she was spotted by the FBI, who pursued the three into a canyon. When Grampa got stuck in a small gap, Homer had to choose between his mother and his father and went back towards Grampa. Mona managed to escape in the van of a hippie and left for San Francisco.
Back in the present, Grampa and Homer tell the therapist that they never found Mona again. After finishing the therapy session, Homer reveals to the family that Mona secretly visited him and Grampa in the hospital when Bart was born, checking on her new born grandson by posing as a doctor. Having achieved some closure from Mona's death, Homer takes the family out to eat.
During the credits, Homer is sleeping with a bottle of maple syrup and dreams of dancing in a circle with his family and ancestors in an homage to ''8½''.
Horse artist Charles Todd arrives on a visit to his cousin Donald just as the police are investigating the murder of Donald's wife in the course of a burglary, during which all the artworks in his home were stolen as well as a valuable stock of wine. Charles stays to look after Donald, who is traumatised into inaction and besides is being treated as a suspect by the police.
At a race meeting later he runs into the rich and flamboyant widow Maisie Matthews who asks Charles to come and paint the ruin of her mansion, which was recently burned to the ground. When he goes to inspect the site, he disturbs a man called Greene who claims he is inspecting the site for the insurance company. Charles' suspicions are raised when he learns that Greene was a sham and that Maisie had recently bought a horse painting by Alfred Munnings during a visit to Australia. By coincidence Donald had also bought a Munnings in an Australian gallery while on a wine-buying trip for his business. Charles begins to wonder whether the paintings were forgeries which a gang steals back or, in Maisie's case, attempts to destroy (when they cannot find it) by burning down her house.
With expense money provided by Maisie, Charles’ goes to stay in Sydney with a former art school friend, Jik Cassavetes, and his recent wife Sarah. The shop where Maisie bought her painting was only on a short lease and is now closed. However, there is a Melbourne branch of the company so Charles, Jik and Sarah go to the city for the annual races and to follow up leads. There they encounter other members of what looks increasingly like a highly organised criminal enterprise. They therefore burgle the shop and come away with evidence that the gang are engaged in an international operation.
Knowing by now that the gang is ruthless and violent, and that they have been tipped off whom to seek, Charles and his friends catch a flight to Alice Springs, where the art firm has another branch. There Charles encounters the expert forger Harley Renbo, but before he can do much more he is seized by two thugs and thrown from a second floor balcony. Surviving this, he flies with his friends to New Zealand in order to warn another collector whose name appears in the stolen files to be vigilant. He has also contacted the English police and asked them to follow up the leads with which he has provided them. Barely escaping yet another attempt on his life, Charles flies back to Australia with his friends, while the gang and their leader are arrested. Back in England, he ties up loose ends.
On the first week of December, Lucy begins Christmas preparations for the arrival of her grandmother, whom she loves dearly. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to finish his New Year's resolutions, which in typical fashion, he fails to do any of. Lucy compacts them to two specific ones: build a snowman (which he immediately fails at) and do something "remotely" creative. Elsewhere, Snoopy celebrates the arrival of his siblings. Spike, only having a childhood photo of him and the others, tries to take a new current photo, but is constantly stymied by bad luck.
On Christmas Eve, Lucy is distraught to learn that her grandmother is not coming this year (her reason is unknown) and solemnly worries that she is unloved. In an effort to feel better, she decides to throw a New Year's Eve party at an old abandoned theater, which she manages to rent with the numerous nickels Charlie Brown has paid her over the years. She invites everyone and has Charlie Brown be in charge of decorations with the other kids also helping out. Snoopy's family gets invited to play at the party; however, when Spike's camera is accidentally destroyed, Spike decides to leave, saddening the dogs.
The party does not go the way Lucy wants, as everyone finds her rules boring and uninteresting. Soon everyone becomes miserable as Lucy tries to get Linus to save the party, but he instead snaps back at Lucy for trying to make it about herself instead of her friends. As everyone leaves, Charlie Brown accidentally knocks down the decorations, essentially failing his second resolution. Snoopy and his siblings find Spike at the bus stop afterwards and apologize for what happened before. As Lucy misses the New Year hour, Charlie Brown meets with Linus and learns why Lucy was upset to begin with, empathizing with her.
Linus finds Lucy in her bedroom and reminds her that he loves her no matter what. Charlie Brown arrives to give words of encouragement and reveals that he brought everyone from the party after explaining the situation. Everyone pretends to restart the countdown as Lucy finally has a party that satisfies everyone, Franklin takes a good photo of Snoopy and his siblings together and Lucy helps Charlie Brown with another New Year's resolution by immediately crossing it off: Being a good friend.
is an unusually strong boy and an avid manga fan who dreams to be a "manga hero". Repeating the special training that appears in manga that he has read since early age, Maruo became able to break rocks at the age of seven. One day, he meets , an ''oni'' ''ayashimon''—a kind of ''yōkai'' able to shapeshift into humans—chased by an ''ayashimon'' ''yakuza'' gang. After Maruo easily defeats the gang, Urara, impressed by his strength and by the fact that he is a simple human and not an ''ayashimon'', recruits him as the first member of her ''yakuza'' group. Maruo, hesitant at first, accepts her offer, realizing that he can experience life as a manga protagonist following the path of a ''yakuza''.
Military robots acquire the ability to think and kill everything in sight.
In 2002, early in the War in Afghanistan, Madina meets Jumanah, joins her "Brides of Allah". They prepare female suicide bombers or "bullets": harmless until loaded and aimed at targets. Madina's husband Aslan was killed by Russians; their daughter, Alba was taken by UN nurses. From 2005 to 2015 Madina travels across Europe, orchestrating numerous terrorist activities using "bullets". In 2016 Madina fakes her death in Paris, two years later in Belgium she becomes "Zamira". However she is forced to be a drug mule by "the Arabian", to get into Finland. In Helsinki both Mari and Timo are watching drugs exchanged by Almaz and Jari. Mari chases Jari but he escapes after killing Jaana. Mari is arrested by Timo as a suspect but he's forced to release her by Juha.
Mari becomes an undercover social worker at Almaz' refugee center. Almaz collects drugs from mules and passes them to Jari. Madina arrives at the center but falls ill when one of her internal packages leaks. Mari saves Madina's life and takes her to hospital. Juri is hunting Madina and follows her trail to Belgium, killing "the Arabian" and his dealers. Karla orders Mari to work with Timo on Jari's drug network. Juri arrives in Helsinki and successively kills Almaz and Jari. Madina is threatened by Juri but she's rescued by Timo and Mari. Timo organises a safe house for Madina, however Juri finds her, blackmails her into cooperation by threatening Alba. Mari starts dating Kim. Madina gets a job as a hotel cleaner. She starts recruiting Roza and Zara. Mari tells Madina she's found Alba and tries to convince her to meet.
Madina is initially scared off by Juri's threats. Roza and Zara start working with Madina at the hotel. Mari sends Alba to Madina, they speak. Juri's henchmen snatch Madina off streets but she escapes. Sayid collects Alba from her home. Madina and Mari arrive. Juri threatens Alba's life and orders Madina to kill Mari. Mari is shot by Madina. Mari injured, diffuses a bomb left by Juri. Juri's van with Madina, Alba and Sayid stopped by hotel security. They carry chemical explosives. Leonid and Juri kill security. Russian president has arrived at hotel. Sayid places chemicals on a trolley, which is taken upstairs by Zara. Alba wears fake bomb vest, Leonid wants her shot but Mari shows its a false detonator. Explosion rips through third floor. Mari rushes upstairs to roof. Sayid's dying, Madina and Juri strugle over his gun. Alba arrives on roof. Juri killed by Mari, Madina dies of wounds. "Interior Minister" decides to lay blame on Madina and not mention connection of Russian agents.
Ealom is a Rohingya refugee whose story starts with his 2013 escape from the genocide in Myanmar. He travels by boat to Jakarta, Indonesia but nearly drowns during the journey and is rescued by a fisherman. From Indonesia, he starts a journey to Australia, planning to seek asylum upon arrival. During his boat journey, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes the policy change that Australia would not accept refugees arriving by boat. Upon arrival in Australia he is arrested by Australian authorities and put in detention, initially in Christmas Island detention centre. Ealom is assigned a number and which is put on a permanent wristband. After six months, at the age of 21, he is moved to Manus Island detention centre. The conditions in the detention center were prison-like, toilets are overflowing with raw sewage, the food is rotten, Ealom is housed in an unbearably hot shipping container. Ealom is subjected to psychological torture.
In May 2017, after three and a half years of detention, a failed suicide attempt, a hunger strike, and serious injuries from an attack, Ealom orchestrates his escape. Posing as an interpreter he escapes the detention center with some aid from detention center staff. One outside, he purchases and boards a flight to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
In Papua New Guinea he learns Tok Pisin, pretends to be a Solomon Islander and obtains a Solomon Island passport. He flied to Solomon Islands and then, benefiting from the travel rules between Commonwealth countries, buys a flight to Toronto, Canada.
The book contains criticism of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Australian government's refugee policies and addresses common myths about refugees and migrants.
After his third divorce, a novelist and star lecturer is tortured with self-loathing when he notices himself liking a pupil — a girl in a red coat. The girl turns out to be a major fan of his work and who just so happens to live down the street from him.
Nadya came from Moscow on vacation to Belgrade. At the bar, she met the charming Serb Nesha, who knows a little Russian, and began an affair. Nesha's lifestyle is very far from Nadya's planned life in Moscow. He dresses funny, earns money by juggling on the streets in front of cars standing at traffic lights, he does not have a permanent home or even a mobile phone. This unusual relaxed life captivates the heroine. Nadya learns to live in a new way and makes an impulsive decision to stay in Belgrade. But the heady feeling of happiness and freedom dissipates, and this idea no longer seems so tempting to her.
The child psychologist Ivar visits Tilla's mother, Maria, one day at the Botanical Garden in Oslo. Ivar had Tilla under observation a few months earlier, but Maria did not return with her daughter. The child psychologist manages to persuade Maria to come with Tilla to the children's psychiatric clinic so that they can start treating her. At the clinic, they meet the chief physician Mimi Backer. Tilla has not spoken in a year and a half. In the observation room at the clinic, the first small glimmer of light falls on the mystery. There, the girl builds up her secret world through toys she chooses to express herself.
In 2007, a 7-year-old Maya Lopez wants to attend an impaired school. Years later, after the Blip, Lopez witnesses her father, William, killed by the vigilante Ronin. In 2024, Lopez interrogates Clint Barton and Kate Bishop about Ronin's return Despite Barton's attempt to persuade her that Ronin was killed by Black Widow, Lopez is dissatisfied as she died. Lopez attacks Bishop, believing her to be Ronin. In the process, Barton's hearing aid is smashed.
Barton releases Bishop from Lopez's grip, who overpowers Kazi. The two steal a car, eventually escaping the Tracksuit Mafia by jumping onto a movie train. The duo head back to the apartment and Barton receives a call from his son Nathaniel. Bishop helps them communicate due to Barton losing his hearing aid. They visit an audiologist in Chinatown to get the hearing aid fixed. Afterwards, Bishop tries to convince Barton that he is a role model.
They sneak into Bishop's mother Eleanor's penthouse, due to Bishop's suspicions of Jack Duquesne. After investigating on Eleanor's laptop, Bishop is locked out while Duquesne threatens Barton with Ronin's sword.
Masud Rana, who was visiting Sri Lanka, suddenly got into trouble. While fleeing with helper Rita and her husband Kumar, they met with a road accident. He lost his memory in the accident. Rita, a newly widowed woman, conspired with Rana to illegally occupy her husband's property.
The Great War is over. As a result, most of the population perished. The survivors live in an impeccable, authoritarian One State. Each has its own serial number and uniform. For the D-503 engineer, who builds a super-powerful spacecraft, such a life is ideal. And suddenly he meets a woman, I-330, who radically changed his ideas about himself and awakened uncontrollable feelings.
The series follows Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater on a cross-country road trip across the United States as they journey eastward to attend a wedding for Mater’s sister. It is set in a world filled with anthropomorphic talking cars and other vehicles. The episodes will depict characters in different scenarios, for example, them being chased by dinosaur-like cars. It will be set in new locations with new characters, including their new friend Ivy, a monster truck who travels with them, and featuring returns of the already established characters from the franchise.
Former MPD superintendent Tsutomu Muranaka, set to marry his fiancée Christine Richard, receives a death threat. With police protection ensured, the police attempt to practice fighting against any threats that would happen during the wedding. Meanwhile, while chasing a serial bomber that has escaped custody, Rei Furuya is knocked unconscious and a bomb is attached to his neck. The next day, while visiting the MPD headquarters, Kogoro, Ran, Conan, and the Detective Boys come across a man holding a tablet that explodes, with Kogoro being injured while trying to protect Haibara. Conan later meets with Rei, and learns that the explosion is possibly related to an attempted bombing incident that Rei and his teammates - Morofushi, Matsuda, and Date - had prevented years ago.
Afterwards, Ran, Conan, and the Detective Boys are invited to Shibuya for location scouting for the wedding, set to take place during the Halloween festival. Christine receives a message that tells her to retrieve something, but she and Muranaka are set to have a meeting soon, so she lets the Detective Boys take the gift for her. However, when they reach the area, they find the same bomb that Rei had defused 3 years earlier and narrowly escape just as it explodes. Meanwhile, Detective Chiba is kidnapped by an unknown perpetrator, who demands to meet Detective Matsuda, not knowing that Matsuda has died 3 years ago. Detective Takagi disguises himself as Matsuda and meets with the perpetrator, who reveals herself as Elenica Lavrentyeva, the leader of Nado Unichtozit, a civilian group focusing on capturing the bomber Plamya, responsible for the bomb on Rei's neck. Elenica reveals that the hostage found during the bombing incident years ago was her brother, who had escaped with the help of Matsuda and stole a tablet from Plamya, only to be killed in front of the MPD headquarters.
The police infiltrate the area and the Nado Unichtozit members escape. Later, Christine, who considers cancelling the wedding, receives a message that forces her to hold it instead. Christine and Muranaka have the ceremony in private. Conan, noticing a pattern of the enclosed Shibuya roads for the festival that matches the paper Elenica's brother was holding during the time of his death, deduces that Muranaka might be Plamya. Conan works with Nado Unichtozit to infiltrate the wedding, only for Christine to be revealed as Plamya instead - she had led the Detective Boys to the bomb-filled building, brought the Nado Unichtozit members to Japan, and rigged the entire Shibuya festival area with the two liquids used in the bombs which, upon interaction, would create a huge explosion. Christine attempts to escape on a helicopter, but Rei, who has managed to defuse the bomb on his neck, intercepts her and blows up the helicopter, fighting her as it crashes onto the ground below.
Muranaka knocks Christine unconscious, while Conan convinces Elenica to not murder Christine. Conan, the Detective Boys, and all the members of Nado Unichtozit work together to use a huge inflatable ball to block both liquids from interacting, thus preventing the explosion that would destroy Shibuya. Christine is arrested, the liquids are cleaned from the streets, and Muranaka promises Elenica that Christine will get the justice she deserves.
Struggling vampire romance novelist Olivia Romo is spending her Christmas holidays alone at her deceased mother's cabin in Lake Tahoe. One night, an injured bat slams against her window. Olivia takes the wounded animal inside her garage to nurse it back to health. The next morning, Olivia is surprised to discover that the bat has transformed into a handsome vampire named Luke.
Olivia stocks up on pig's blood from the local butcher to feed her new house guest and soon the weakened vampire is up on his feet and talking. The unlikely companions get to know each other and start to form a tenuous friendship, but Olivia grows suspicious of Luke's intentions as his past begins to catch up with him.
Vampire hunter Julius King visits Olivia posing as a private investigator and tells her he's looking for a trio of dangerous criminals, one of them being Luke. Olivia covers for Luke, but King sees right through her lies. He attempts to seize Luke by force, only to be killed in the process.
Luke attempts to mend his shaky relationship with Olivia by giving her feedback on her book. Just as he's gotten back into her good graces, his vampire friends Jackie and Brock arrive on the scene, implying that he's strayed too far from his ruthless vampire roots and must kill Olivia.
Jackie and Brock invade Olivia's home on Christmas Eve and Olivia barely escapes with her life in King's abandoned SUV. While the vampires go on a late night killing spree, Olivia learns the horrible truth about Luke's past from King's records. Olivia calls one of King's associates, Simon, who advises her not to attempt to deal with the dangerous vampires herself. Nevertheless, on Christmas morning, Olivia returns to her cabin and fights the vampires, killing Brock and Jackie by impaling them through the heart. Olivia then shoots Luke with a crossbow, seemingly killing him as well.
Ten months later, Olivia is a successful author of vampire fiction. Following a book signing in Los Angeles, Olivia returns to her cabin where she has imprisoned the barely living Luke in her garage, forcing him to be her muse in exchange for blood.
Barry Allen's skills have greatly improved after defeating Godspeed six months prior. He stops a train collision in record time and apprehends The Royal Flush Gang during a cryptocurrency heist. Meanwhile, Iris West-Allen now heads the larger and stronger ''Central City Citizen Media''. She interviews Kristen Kramer, who recently disbanded the meta-task force. Iris also promotes Allegra Garcia, who initially struggles to control her new staff, but is eventually able to shift their focuses to the voice of the people. Meanwhile, Ray Palmer arrives in Central City for a tech convention. Chester P. Runk surprises him with a group of tech startups, but Ray turns them down, much to Chester's embarrassment. Despero, a psychic alien, attacks the tech convention and attempts to kill Barry in order to prevent the end of the world which Barry will allegedly cause in 2031. Ray suits up as The Atom and sends him away. Afterwards, Cecile Horton confirms that Despero was telling the truth. Ray decides to create an organization in Chester's father's name that will help new startups and leaves, advising Barry to show Despero the type of person he is. Barry gives his identity to Despero and he gives Barry seven days to prove his innocence.
Despero informs Barry that he will lose himself to madness. The next day, Barry investigates an insane security guard, but Kramer forces him to turn in his badge due to a federal investigation suggesting that he was a CCPD mole for Joseph Carver. Later, S.T.A.R. Labs is raided and shut down after a radiation spike, so Barry has Gideon erase everything (including herself) while Chester and Allegra move their tech. Meanwhile, Alex Danvers helps Team Flash research Despero's home planet of Kalanor and his power source, the Flame of Py'tar. Allegra learns that Frost asked Chester to build a weapon to harm Despero despite his pacifism. Later, Barry goes after psychic meta-criminal Xotar, but she causes him to go insane and attack Team Flash, though he is able to place the power-dampening cuffs on her during a jewelry heist. Barry suggests they celebrate with Joe West, but Team Flash informs him that he died six months prior. News footage shows Barry attacking residents of Central City after Xotar had been depowered, but Barry does not remember this or Joe's death. Despero arrives to kill Barry, but Team Flash allows him to escape to the Hall of Justice, where he meets with Jefferson Pierce and asks him for help.
Barry urges Jefferson to take away his powers permanently. Jefferson begins to, but stops upon learning of Despero's warning, angering Barry. He lashes out and the two fight, but Jefferson eventually convinces him to stand down. Meanwhile, Iris suspects that Barry was framed and that something was off with Joe's death. She and Allegra find that the train that struck Joe was unusually early. She meets with Deon Owens, and he discovers that someone tapped into the Negative Still Force to change the timeline and kill Joe. Concurrently, Cecile coerces Rosalind Dillon into helping her find Barry. In order to improve Chester's process, Dillon tells Cecile to suppress her grief, but Caitlin Snow convinces her to instead embrace her love. Despero turns on the particle accelerator, absorbs its power, and attacks Cecile's group. He learns Barry's location and travels to the Hall of Justice. Jefferson holds him off while Deon and Iris arrive, and Deon helps Barry travel to 2031. Barry witnesses a future Iris celebrating her marriage to Eobard Thawne alongside Team Flash, Alex, Ryan Choi, and Ryan Wilder, who angrily ask Barry why he's there.
Barry prepares to suit up only to find that he is wearing the Reverse Flash Uniform, as Eobard suits up as The Flash. He reveals that he caused this "Reverse Flashpoint" after killing Barry as a child, and orchestrating the events in the present that discredited him. Thawne proclaims that Barry only has 24 hours before the change is permanent and Barry is erased from existence. Barry goes to enlist the aid of Damien Dhark who is alive in this timeline, but eventually finds out that the former is not a villain. Barry convinces him that he must help when he reveals that his daughter Nora is still alive. Wilder concerned for Iris safety gives her a weapon capable of stopping a speedster, as Danvers helps Chester and Allegra to admit feelings for one another, and influence Choi into trying love again. Meanwhile Barry finds that in order to change the timeline back, he must run around the planet so fast that it causes extinction level events, which causes Armageddon. He goes to say goodbye to Iris before the attempt only for Eobard to arrive in an attempt to stop him. Iris former personality bleeds through and she uses the weapon on Eobard in order to help Barry to escape. Dhark fights with Danvers, Frost, Chillblaine, Choi as The Atom and Wilder. Before Eobard can catch up to him, Barry succeeds in resetting the timeline, restoring all changes. Eobard returns to 2021 into the Time Vault in his proper yellow suit.
Barry is reunited with Joe West who is alive again, Damien Dhark has also returned from Reverse Flashpoint due to a timestone he is in posession of. Thawne attacks CCPD and is stopped by the combined efforts of The Flash and Mia Queen the Green Arrow, who arrived there in search of her brother William. Thawne reveals that he is now the one who is being erased by time, and asks Barry for help. Despero returns and urges Barry to let Thawne Die, and that he could still cause Armageddon. Barry and Iris contemplate letting Thawne pass away until Joe reprimands them and reminds them of the heroes they are. In response, Despero gains mental control over Mia Queen and the team holds her off while Barry races to stop Despero, whom he finds was the real despot on Kalanor, from destroying the city while armed with a device in his now gold boots that depower Despero's flame. In order to ensure Thawne is not erased Barry removes Thawnes power and has him remanded into A.R.G.U.S. Custody. Later during a celebration, Dhark through the timestone says a farwell to his daughter Nora, and Iris refers Mia to Felicity Smoak to help her with a new lead on William. At CCPD a Photograph displays a 2014 photograph where Eddie Thawne is standing with Nora and Bart Allen.
On a rainy afternoon, Quincy Reynard arrives at what appears to be a decrepit mansion for a party. The massive estate is owned by Dr. Yu and Dr. Haynes, who run the illustrious Yu-Haynes Foundation in an underground lab hidden deep beneath the mansion. Quincy gets acquainted with the other party guests, including Lynri, a mysterious young woman with the ability to seemingly be in two places at once. As Quincy navigates the party, he finds that the sink in the bathroom can apparently rewind time for him. Eventually, Quincy accidentally stumbles upon the corpses of a recently murdered Dr. Yu and Dr. Haynes. Accused of being the murderer for his strange behavior, Quincy runs away to rewind time in the bathroom, but is eventually informed by Lynri that the murders are not real, the world he inhabits is nothing but a simulation, and that Lynri had created him.
Overwhelmed with an existential crisis, Quincy is sent out by Lynri to view another simulation to properly explain the situation, which turns out to be Lynri's memories. As a young child, Lynri was prone to sudden blackouts and was eventually diagnosed with a rare condition that could become malignant with little warning. Isolated from her peers by the knowledge of her condition, Lynri devoted herself to studying neuroscience, specifically researching a method on how to encode human memories into computers. In college, Lynri meets Quincy for the first time. The Quincy observing the memories is shocked, as he has no recollection of any of the events he's seeing, but continues to watch the story unfold. As time passes, Lynri and Quincy grow close. Despite knowing what Lynri's condition would mean for both of them, Quincy and Lynri fall in love and start dating. On graduation day, Lynri is approached by representatives from the Yu-Haynes Foundation over a research paper she had published. Offered an illustrious and lucrative job, Lynri and Quincy move in together. Lynri immediately begins to work with the Foundation on developing technology that would interface with directly with human memories, while Quincy takes on domestic life roles.
Over time, Lynri's job begins demanding more and more of her time, causing friction between her and Quincy. The Foundation offers Lynri to live within the mansion's residential complex to remove the commute, as some other employees do, but she is uncertain. However, on the day where Lynri is to present the Foundation's progress to a group of investors, she arrives late, and finds that the demonstration had already proceeded but ended up killing one of her colleagues. While the Foundation and the investors heatedly debate about the use of memory-interfacing technology that just kills its users, Lynri, knowing that she was supposed to be the one handling the demonstration that day, immediately quits her job and returns home. Overwhelmed with the realization that she could have died right then, independent of her health, Lynri decides to travels the world with Quincy, finally fulfilling a long time goal of theirs. Upon returning home, Lynri learns that she is pregnant. Though Lynri is concerned about how her hereditary condition could affect her and the pregnancy, she and Quincy ultimately decide to go through with it. However, Lynri's condition suddenly becomes acute late into her pregnancy. She is forced to either give birth prematurely to have a time-sensitive life-saving operation, or postpone the operation to allow her child a healthy birth and possibly render the operation ineffective. Lynri chooses the former.
Tobias Reynard is born to Lynri and Quincy prematurely. Consistently wheelchair-bound and on oxygen support, Tobias is raised with all the love his family could give him, but ultimately dies of health complications as a young child. Heartbroken and guilt-ridden, Lynri and Quincy start drifting apart. Eventually, Lynri leaves Quincy without a word to return to work and live at the Yu-Haynes Foundation. She devotes all of her time to developing the memory interfacing technology, and eventually decides to run another simulation test. She samples her own memories to create an early version of Quincy that would serve as a test character, thus explaining the Quincy the player is controlling.
Finished with observing Lynri's life story, Quincy returns to the mansion where present-day Lynri explains that the murders he had observed earlier were flaws in the simulation she was trying to correct. Quincy agrees to help her out and Lynri briefly exits the simulation. When Lynri returns and Quincy finishes doing all the tasks Lynri had set for him, they are both confronted by Faye from Finding Paradise. Lynri realizes that she, too, is not real, and that even her world is the result of multiple simulations of her memory simulating more tests from the memory interfacing machine. Faye tells them that there are too many levels in the current simulation and that she'll have to delete their world soon. However, before doing so, Faye tells the duo that this simulation was allowed to run because it was very close to the real story of Lynri. Faye explains that in reality, Lynri chose to delay her operation to have a healthy baby. This baby was Neil Watts from the previous games, as Quincy decided that their newborn should inherit Lynri's family name instead of his. Lynri would only live for a few more years, so towards the end of her life, she returned to the Yu-Haynes Foundation to use their memory-interfacing machine to preserve her memory for a grown-up Neil. Neil, later diagnosed with the same condition as his mother, would eventually find his way into Sigmund Corp., which had licensed the imperfect memory interface machine to grant wishes to the dying, so that Neil could continue working on a version of the machine that would unlock his mother's memories. Neil was eventually successful, and that machine is the one currently running the simulation the current Lynri and Quincy are in.
At this point, Faye deletes the world they're inhabiting, but offers Quincy and Lynri an opportunity to live a perfect timeline. After some convincing, Lynri agrees to go with Quincy. The two then proceed to live a life where Lynri's condition is permanently gone and she gets to have a happy marriage with Quincy, watching Neil grow up all the way, get married, and have a child of his own. In their old age, when their time is almost over, Lynri and Quincy express their gratitude towards Faye. Faye assures them that their son is still watching over them and briefly celebrates their good life. The simulation then permanently ends.
In the post-credit scene, the real Dr. Neil Watts talks to his AI assistant Faye about what constitutes to a perfect world, and whether or not the simulation just now was perfect by any standard. He is eventually interrupted by his Sigmund colleagues at his door, inviting him for a casual hangout. Neil heads out with them.
The gang welcomes a man named Gary (Brian Huskey), whom they assume will help them get a PPP loan. But Gary is actually there to collect three different loans, asking to explain what they have done with the money. The gang then explains how 2020 forced them to adapt to a new environment.
The first loan, "Punch Incorporated", was taken out by Mac (Rob McElhenney) and Dennis (Glenn Howerton). They used the loan to get riot gear to sell for the 2020 elections, but they used the opportunity to drive interest to their music careers and instead of prompting people to vote for real candidates, the poll is actually just to decide whether Donovan McNabb or Rocky Balboa is the better athlete because of a discussion they previously had. Their actions resulted in vote delays, although they claim this helped their music careers as business on the bar was dropping.
The second loan was taken out by Frank (Danny DeVito), named "Frank's Imports and Exports". Frank claims to had sludges imported and hair dye exported for himself. Tired of the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, Frank constantly ignores proper safety protocols, like incorrectly wearing masks. He uses ingredients to create hair dye, like Chinese motor oil. He opens a business in an adult film store, helping men of a certain age with hair dyeing. Eventually, one of his clients turns out to be Rudy Giuliani. But Giulani's hair dye runs down his face during a press conference after the election, and Frank decides to end the business when he realizes his hair dye is no longer reliable.
The third loan is for a clothing line named "Garments and Varmints", issued by Charlie (Charlie Day) and Dee (Kaitlin Olson). They decided to open a mask business during the COVID-19 pandemic although Charlie is only making costume masks. They combine their ideas and help QAnon with some raccoon-pelt costumes. They sell the costumes to Jake Angeli, who wears it during the 2021 Capitol attack.
The gang once again tries to get a loan but Gary states that he will not help them, calling them out for their careless approach to their businesses, which all went bankrupt. The gang then states that had "the other guy" won the election, their businesses would have prospered. Gary assumes they mean Donald Trump but they are actually referring to Kanye West's election campaign. A shocked Gary then leaves, refusing to believe they participated in all these major events. The final montage shows that the gang was present in many events, including the 2021 Capitol attack.
The Gang's ''Lethal Weapon 5'' and ''Lethal Weapon 6'' films are removed from the local library, being deemed "insensitive" for their use of blackface. Frank is outraged at the decision but the rest of the Gang state it's time to move on from these and there's only something they can do to do the right thing: make ''Lethal Weapon 7''.
The Gang intends to make a film that can be enjoyable for the modern ethical standards. For the first take, Dee plays Martin Riggs and Frank gets a local pimp named Pepper Jack (previously seen in "Mac Is a Serial Killer") to play Roger Murtaugh. Dee's poor acting, Frank demanding to have sex with a prostitute on screen, and Pepper Jack's attitude (as well as Dennis becoming terrified after remembering his last confrontation with Pepper Jack) prompt constant changes to the production. Mac can't bring himself to give notes to Pepper Jack after Dennis tells him why he is scared of Pepper Jack, and lets Pepper Jack continue acting as himself. Mac also hires Artemis to be his assistant director.
In the second take, Dee has been dropped and Charlie now plays Riggs. The production still stalls due to Dee eventually finding she was replaced and Pepper Jack acting intensely in his role, which contrasts Murtaugh's intended personality. For the next take, they get "Don Cheadle", who posed as Donovan McNabb in "The Gang Gets Invincible" and as Tiger Woods in "Frank's Pretty Woman", to play Murtaugh and Pepper Jack is given Riggs' role. While the Gang is satisfied with their performances, they question Dee playing a villain named Karen White, thinking it will look bad to portray entitled white women as villains. They decide to make the villain a tidal wave. In the next take, the Gang is stunned at the poor quality of the film.
While the Gang considers other options, Dennis reveals that dating many younger women and rejecting their ideologies prompted them to dump him. He then found out that by agreeing to their ideology, he could use it for his advantage. They decide to do the "Woke thing" and hand over creative control to the imposter. On the screening of the film, which is now titled "White Saviors", a documentary that exposes their racism and ignorance. The Gang is angry at losing ''Lethal Weapon 7'' and Mac proclaims that they must do something now: make ''Lethal Weapon 8'' and he wants to play Murtaugh again.
A 16-year-old boy named Kevin must work with his sister Gretel when she and her pet hamster are given superpowers by aliens and become a superhero duo dedicated to protecting their city.
FBI Agent Peter Sutherland is thrown into a vast conspiracy about a Russian mole at the highest levels of the US government. To save the nation, Peter plunges into a desperate hunt for the traitor, as well as work with the terrorized CEO Rose Larkin and protect her from the people she called her aunt and uncle.
Euripides' version of the myth was set in a mortal landscape, with Phaethon nominally the son of the Oceanid nymph Clymene by her lawful husband and putative father of her children Merops, king of Aethiopia, but in truth her product of an illicit affair with Helios.Gantz, pp [ 31–32] The play opens with Clymene describing the sunlit country, her marriage to Merops, and her liaison with Helios that produced Phaethon. The conflict presented in the play is the marriage of Phaethon and the boy's reluctance; the bride's identity is one of the most difficult problems of this plot; suggestions include one of the Heliades, his sisters (a suggestion supported by Henri Weil and one that James Diggle deemed unprovable, though convinced of that being the case), or even Aphrodite. Explaining on how Aphrodite could be considered Phaethon's bride, Wilamowitz suggested that Euripides combined the stories of two Phaethons, that of the son of Helios who drove his father's car and died, and that of Phaethon the son of Helios' sister Eos whom Aphrodite abducted to be a watchman of her shrines, and whom late antiquity writers described as a lover of the goddess. Another explanation is that Aphrodite had planned Phaethon's death from the beginning, as a revenge against his father who revealed her extramarital affair with Ares to her husband Hephaestus.
Perhaps to get her son overcome his reluctance, Clymene revealed to Phaethon his true, divine parentage, and urged him to go travel and find his father to confirm so himself, mentiong that the god had promised to grant one favour back when he slept with her; convinced of the truth of his mother's words, Phaethon agrees to travel and find his biological father. What follows is the ''parodos'', where the chorus, made up of the palace's slave girls, describe the dawn and express their enthusiam over Phaethon's upcoming marriage. Then, in the first ''episode'', few lines survive of an argument between Merops and Phaethon.
Nothing survives from the first ''stasimon''. Next someone, perhaps a paedagogus bringing a message to Clymene, arrived on scene and explained how Phaethon drove his father's chariot while said father rode on a horse named Sirius next to him, trying to guide his son and shouting advice and instructions on how to drive the car at him; due to the play's fragmentary nature, it is not clear whether Zeus had a role in Phaethon's demise. If the messenger did witness the flight himself, it is possible there was also a passage where he described Helios taking control over the bolting horses in the same manner as Lucretius described.Diggle, p. [ 42–43]
Subsequently, the still smoking body of Phaethon is brought on scene, which points to Zeus having indeed struck him with a thunderbolt. Clymene orders the slave girls to hide the body from Merops and laments Helios' role in his demise, noting that he is rightfully called "Apollo" (here understood to mean "destroyer") by the mortals who know the gods' true names. The remainder of the plot seems to have revolved around Merops finding the charred corpse and the real parentage of Phaethon. Near the end, Merops, who has now discovered the truth about Phaethon's fatherhood, seems to try to retaliate against Clymene by killing herCollard and Cropp, p. [ 202] as the chorus advises Clymene to plead with her father, the river god Oceanus to save her from perishing;Diggle, p. [ 44] it is unclear whether Clymene survives thanks to an ex machina intervention by a god, as well as that god's exact identity, whether it is Oceanus indeed trying to save his daughter, Helios or even Athena. Diggle suggests that Clymene and Merops were reconciled in the end.
Of unknown position in the play is a fragment in which Clymene expresses hatred over the handy horned bow, and youths' pastime exercises, as they remind her of her slain son. At another points she cries that her "best beloved, but now he lies [a]nd putrefies in some dark vale".
In 1841, Sophie Duval receives a letter from her daughter, Zoe, telling of a man she has met who shares her mother's maiden name. Sophie arranges to meet the man, George, having established that he is the son of her eldest brother Robert. After meeting him and finding confirming who he is, Sophie tells the story of her family and how Robert's son grew up in England not knowing of his family in France.
The Bussons were a successful family of glassblowers who produced high quality pieces for the aristocracy. The eldest son, Robert shows a lot of talent as a glassblower but is desperate to be part of higher society. This leads him into financial trouble and needs to be rescued by his father.
The second son of the family, Pierre, has no interest in glass and is sent away by the family to Martinique to work with a rich planter. Later, after his return and the death of his father, he becomes a notary to help the repressed.
Sophie marries one of Robert's friends, François helps with the running of the refinery. She keeps in contact with Robert, though cannot understand his obsession with high society.
Michel takes up the family trade but never does as well as his father and brother before him.
Edmé, hoping for an easy life, marries a rich, older man who is tax collector.
As the Revolution takes place, Robert's allegiances lead him abroad to safety in England. Abandoning his son, Jaques, with his family in France, Robert leaves with his second wife. He hopes to ingratiate himself with members of the exiled aristocracy but without success.
Michel and François lead groups of militia and gradually find themselves in positions of authority, using fear of attacks by Royalists to leverage power. Edmé's separates from her husband who later flees to avoid being caught by the revolutionaries.
With France a more settled country, Robert returns, abandoning his family and leaving them to believe he has died on the voyage across the Channel. He is reconciled with his brothers but his son he abandoned, Jaques, wants nothing to do with him.
Michel succumbs to a lung disease. Pierre drowns trying to rescue a dog. Robert and Edmé die too, leaving Sophie as the last remaining sibling. She spends her last days writing letters to Robert's son, George, to tell him of the family history.
Young mother of two Jessica Nash is in the midst of fixing up the closet of her house so that she can sell it and move. However, she accidentally gets stuck. She tries to get her young daughter Lainey to help her get out, but Lainey is unable to bring her the key. Jessica's ex-boyfriend Rob shows up with his friend Sammy, and Rob gets her out. However, Jessica is furious with Rob for bringing Sammy, a pedophile, to her house. Sammy manipulates Rob into getting him to put Jessica back into the closet before they leave. However, Sammy later breaks in.
Jessica manages to trick Sammy into reaching under the closet door, where she nails his hand to the ground with a screwdriver that Lainey brought her earlier, trapping Sammy next to her. She yells for Lainey to stay upstairs with the baby, but Lainey comes downstairs. Sammy grabs Lainey and threatens to assault her if Jessica doesn't free him, but Jessica sets his hand on fire. This makes Sammy let Lainey go without hurting her. Although Jessica is forced to put out the fire so she doesn't suffocate herself, Sammy's hand is severely burned and mutilated, and it appears as though Sammy is dead.
Jessica removes the screwdriver so she can escape by crawling through the ceiling onto the second story. She brings Lainey and her baby to the car, but it starts to rain heavily, so Jessica lets her kids go back inside while she gets the door open. However, Sammy is still alive and he grabs the kids. Jessica runs back inside, but Sammy has a knife to her baby's throat.
Rob arrives with a gun and shoots Sammy in the head, and he and Jessica try to reconcile. However, Jessica realizes that Rob will always put his drugs before her and their children, so she slips him three grams of crystal meth. Rob overdoses, but before he dies he tries to force Jessica to do drugs, and she pushes him out a window to his death.
Some time later, Jessica and her kids are shown in the house, now cleaned up, making and selling her own jelly brand and mostly happy.
The original storyline of ''Final Fantasy III'' is retained with some of the changes being that the main characters are more fleshed out and are given unique appearances (designed by Akihiko Yoshida), backstories, personalities and names:
who symbolizes courage, an adventurous orphan boy raised in the village of Ur; who symbolizes kindness, Luneth's childhood best friend and a timid yet intelligent young man; who symbolizes affection, a girl raised in the village of Kazus who tires of her father's blacksmith training and often runs away from home, and who symbolizes determination, a loyal soldier serving the King of Sasune, with a (mutual) soft spot for the princess Sara.
The film depicts the tenure of Venezuelan President Cipriano Castro, and the title is based on his quote: "The insolent plant of the foreigner has desecrated the sacred soil of the fatherland", his response to the Venezuelan crisis of 1902–1903, when European nations blockaded Venezuelan shores after Castro refused to pay foreign debts and damages.
After meeting in 1989 at a gig, two cabaret performers, comedian Barbara and activist-performer Alan, fall in love. Fueled by their passion and life experiences of mistreatment by an ableist society, they help found DAN, the Disabled People's Direct Action Network and lead protests for disabled people's rights which eventually lead to the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995. As the movement grows and the pair have a child of their own, the pressure begins to wear on their relationship
In Utica, New York, a garbage truck driver nicknamed “Clean”, who works everyday transporting garbage in urban residential areas filled with criminals. After finishing his job, he collects some scraps that might still be usable, then repairs and sells them to a thrift shop owned by one of his acquaintances. Since divorcing his wife, Clean has lived alone in a workshop while his daughter has long since died. He is always haunted and tortured by the memories of what happened to his beloved daughter and the crimes he had committed in the past. He prepared a meal the next morning for his neighbor, a teenage girl named Dianda, who is an orphan living with her grandmother.
Meanwhile, a man named Michael is waiting for his son, Mikey, outside the prison gates. As Michael was about to go and meet his son, Mikey is instead picked up by his friends and drives away with them. Annoyed with Mikey’s behavior, he decided to let it slide. While picking up trash in the evening near a seafood restaurant owned by Michael, Clean notices Michael and his armed goons are in the middle of a drug trafficking deal which they smuggle through the fish’s body from China. However, Clean continued to do his job as usual. Michael seemed annoyed that the Chinese are giving them five less cocaine pouches than the 200 degrees upon.
The next morning, Clean sees Dianda walking down the street and was told that her school bus no longer operates in her area due to service cuts. As a result, he then offered Dianda to drive her to school. After sending her to school, Clean dropped off a bike at Dianda’s house that belonged to his daughter. However, Dianda’s grandmother, Ethel, came out and asked why Clean was so concerned about her. Clean replied he did it to save himself from the guilt that always tormented him. Following this, Ethel tells him that he’s a nice guy. But Clean responded back that he’s not.
Meanwhile during the drug deal at Michael’s restaurant, Michael beats one of his Chinese partners to death for not following the agreement. Mikey, who saw his father’s actions was silent in horror by his father’s cruelty. That evening, Clean notices the blood and the glasses of Michael’s partner that he brutally murder while emptying the container. As he empties the container, Michael suddenly appeared behind him and apologizes to him for the stench. He tries to offer some money for Clean, but Clean refuses and continues doing his job.
The next day, Clean’s car breaks down in the middle of the road. While inspecting where the damage came from, a group of thugs chasing a man into the alley next to Clean. When Clean decided to step up and help the man, suddenly one of the thugs appeared behind him and knocks him out with a baseball bat. Clean wakes up in a hospital and was told a doctor to take prescribed medication, but Clean refuses and chose to go straight home.
The next day while on paid leave, Clean drives by and sees Dianda hanging with some thugs. He tells her that it’s getting late and go home. Dianda coldly replied he’s not her father to order her around. The thugs get confrontational and ordered Clean to leave. However, Dianda finally complied with Clean’s request to avoid an argument. While driving back, Clean notices Dianda’s in front of the thug’s house. When Clean arrived at the front door, he notices Dianda being force-fed with drugs and alcohol and being harassed by the thugs. Without thinking, Clean immediately beat the thugs with a plumbing wrench indiscriminately. After beating them all, Clean just realized that he had beaten Michael’s son brutally. He then takes Dianda outside to Ethel and left home.
The next morning, Michael stands over to Mikey at home. He was told that Mikey needs surgery or he might never speak again, but Michael refuses so Mikey can learn a lesson from his disobedience. Michael watches a recording that captured Clean’s identity. He orders Frank, a corrupt police officer, to kill Dianda and her grandmother first and bring Clean alive.
Meanwhile, Clean attempts to leave the city with Dianda and Ethel, but notices that he’s being followed. While being pulled over, he realizes that the police officer has been bribed by Michael and speeds off in a chase. His car starts breaking down but manages to outrun the police. They then stop by a diner, where Dianda escorts her grandmother to use the restroom while Clean looks around the parking a lot to steal another vehicle. While looking around, some of Michael’s henchmen notices his car and enters the diner to kill Dianda and Ethel. However, Clean manages to kill them one-by-one before they manage to get to them.
Because Dianda and Ethel witnessed how Clean brutally murdered Michael’s goons, it is finally revealed that Clean was a former professional assassin. But after his daughter died, Clean decided to quit and secluded himself in the city.
After stopping at a motel for the night, Ethel blames Clean for putting them in danger and for not being able to return home. Clean vows to make things right and returns to the neighborhood. He returned to his residence to collect the money that he had to buy weapons from his friend’s thrift shop and prepares for his fight with Michael. Meanwhile at Michael’s residence, Frank gets a phone call from one of his fellow officers that Clean is a former professional assassin referred to as “The Grim Reaper” who disappeared years ago. Michael gets a phone call from Clean, who warns him that he knows his address and that he is coming for him. Knowing that the Grim Reaper will come after him, Michael prepares all his men to deal with Clean.
Unaware that Clean is already outside, Clean crashes the garbage truck into Michael’s home and engages in a shootout with Michael’s men effortlessly. When Clean was about to look for Michael’s whereabouts, he gets surprised by Michael and was beaten by him. But Clean manages to reach his wrench and the turn fight around. Before Clean was about to kill Michael, Mikey comes out of his room with a gun. Michael seemed happy and thinks his son will kill Clean, but Mikey instead shoots his father. He then attempts to kill Clean but run out of ammo.
Some time after the fight, it is finally shown that Dianda’s neighborhood has now been freed from the disturbances of criminal activities as more kids have come out to play in the street. While pedaling down the street, Dianda notices a garbage truck approaching and smiles.
The story begins with Dobrzyk fighting a spider in the forest. Eventually, Dobrzyk overcomes the spider, who begs for mercy and says that it is an endangered species. Dobrzyk leaves the spider be and continues the hunt, finding a large cuckoo egg, however, he is begged by some smaller birds into not eating the egg. He returns to Shrews’ Valley, unaware that he is being followed by a mink, and meets Śmiłka, who points out that he did not catch anything, as usual, and shares a snack, an earthworm, with him. She calls him out on being a softy, but he denies that. He pulls up his shirt to show that there is not a gram of fat on him, also revealing a strange, crown-shaped marking. Unknown to the shrews, the marking is seen by the mink. Meanwhile, the shrews retreat to their burrows. The mink walks away, monologuing about how he will dispose of the shrew with the “king's mark” and that then, minks can take over. Then, the scene cuts to Korina stuck in a plastic bottle, calling for help. The call is heard by two shrew guards on duty some distance away, but they dismiss it. Suddenly, they encounter a bottle cap, and then, a cloaked shadow covers the ground. Meanwhile, the scene cuts to Dobrzyk sleeping in his burrow when he is woken by Korina, who is trying to tell him something. Dobrzyk is confused by this and wakes up before he can learn anything.
Dobrzyk is woken by Śmiłka, and they head to the local school for their final exams. Along the way, they encounter the birds from earlier, who are having trouble with the cuckoo chick, that has since hatched. Dobrzyk confronts the cuckoo chick and advises it to go live with larger birds, like a local crow couple, who can provide it with more food. The chick takes off, and Dobrzyk and Śmiłka arrive at the school, that is, a clearing under a tree. They meet Sorek, the only teacher at the school, who quizzes them on shrew-appropriate behavior. During the test, the guards from earlier barge into the school, saying that they saw a “Black Enemy”. Everyone except Dobrzyk knows what is happening and Sorek wakes up his friend Fiodor, the ancient turtle, and asks him for help. Dobrzyk suddenly remembers the evil’s name, calling it a “hume” (a warped version of the word “human”, in the Polish version “ludź” as in “ludzie”, humans). Fiodor then recounts the prophecy about the Black Enemy and the Shrew of Destiny, that the Black Enemy will destroy the forest. However, there is also a positive part of the story. When the Enemy comes, a shrew of destiny will appear to battle them. Dobrzyk, hungry and bored, chases a butterfly to the riverbank, however, the butterfly slaps him with its wings, and he gives up the chase. He then notices an upturned fish and decides it will do fine too. However, he is then attacked by a water shrew, who intends to steal the fish. Then, Dobrzyk notices that all the fish in the river are upturned. Concluding that the river is poisoned, Dobrzyk stops the water shrew from eating the fish. The water shrew apologizes and introduces himself as Labhallan, a “Bloody warrior and ladies’ man” before he suddenly escapes into the nearby grass.
Śmiłka approaches the riverbank, and Dobrzyk tells her about the water shrew. She then notices what happened to the river. They return to the school and inform Sorek and Fiodor of the problem. Fiodor closes his eyes, thinking how to recognize the Shrew of Destiny, not knowing that a grasshopper has landed on his head. Dobrzyk follows the insect up to Fiodor’s head, and it escapes. Dobrzyk loses his balance, and tips onto the turtle’s face just as Fiodor opens his eyes, and the turtle recognizes Dobrzyk as the Shrew of Destiny. Everyone is surprised by this, and Dobrzyk faints. Again, he encounters Korina in his dream, this time in the bottle where she is trapped. She tells him to find and free her, and that she is where the Black Enemy is. Dobrzyk wakes up, and Fiodor gives him some tips for the quest. Sorek tells the guards to take Dobrzyk to where they saw the enemy. Dobrzyk and the guards reach a polluted area where the Black Enemy is. Suddenly, the Enemy appears, revealed to be a local man who has been throwing his trash into the forest. Dobrzyk escapes from the human down a hole and finds himself in Korina’s bottle prison. Upon meeting her, Dobrzyk is fully convinced that she is real, and he attempts to bite through the bottle. When that fails, he resorts to calling for help. Śmiłka then appears and rescues them. After an introduction, they learn that the guardian of the forest is the only one who can stop the human and that they need the nail in the tree stump. They acquire it, and rainfall starts. During a crossing of a slippery tree trunk over a river, Dobrzyk falls into the water and is saved by Labhallan. Labhallan tells the group that he met the guardian of the forest once, and he will take them to where that happened.
The rain stops, and they continue the march before they come to a path between two trees guarded by Kosmacz, the hedgehog. Kosmacz challenges Dobrzyk to a duel, and if the shrew could win, the group would get free passage. The battle begins, but the Endangered Spider from before jumps on him. Dobrzyk tells the hedgehog, who is afraid of spiders, to lie down so that he can get the spider off. Since the criteria for victory was to get the opponent to the ground, The group gains passage. Kosmacz decides to join the group after realizing that he is not unbeatable. They come upon the Owl Meadow, where owls grab unsuspecting prey. They choose to avoid it using a Badger burrow. They find their way using echolocation but are blocked from exiting by a badger. Dobrzyk manages to answer the badger’s riddle, and they are let through. Dobrzyk is then captured by an owl but manages to escape its grip by shrinking himself. In his absence, Sorek joins the group, having followed them. Dobrzyk falls into a hole in a tree, that is filled with bats, and hitches a ride on one of them. However, the Bat drops him. Unconscious, he encounters Śmiłka in the dream. Upon awakening, Śmiłka and the rest of the group encounter the mink. Kosmacz holds the mink off while the rest of the group can escape. Dobrzyk then appears, and the mink attacks him but is suddenly scared off by the guardian of the forest, a European bison. Dobrzyk climbs the bison with the nail from the tree stump and asks him for help. The bison refuses and throws Dobrzyk off, but he is caught by the small bird and lowered safely to the ground.
Without the bison’s help, the group goes off to fight a desperate final battle against the human, and Dobrzyk leaves the nail in the ground. Korina reveals that she also has a king's mark, and that the mink had been sent to destroy all of the royalty in Shrews’ Valley. The group reenters the polluted area, where the human is bringing new trash. He notices the group, and the battle begins. The Human prepares to stomp the group when he is stopped by the European bison, who forces him to pick up the trash.
In the end, Kosmacz leaves to find another path between trees, Korina and Labhallan leave on a honeymoon, and Dobrzyk becomes the king of the shrews. However, the mink is still plotting to establish Shrews’ Valley as mink territory.
Dobrzyk is fighting a caterpillar and loses to it. Śmiłka then gives him another insect and says that he can always count on her.
The human’s wife points out to him that he has brought all the trash back. Then, a forest ranger comes to visit them and informs them about recycling and trash cans.
Sorek and Fiodor are searching for the Sleeping Doormouse to wake her up. They find the stump where she is sleeping, only to be scared off by slugs.
A collection of shrew themed movie posters humorously referencing classic movies: “Shrew Saga Episode I” (Star Wars Episode I), “The Planet of Minks” (The Planet of Apes), “Dancing with the Shrews” (Dancing With the Wolves), “Raiders of the Lost Dormouse” (Raiders of the Lost Ark), “To Kill a Beetle” (To Kill a Mockingbird), “The Silence of The Shrews” (The Silence of The Lambs), “Shrew Park” (Jurassic Park), “The Game of Tails” (The Game of Thrones).
On Laconia, Winston Duarte seems to waken from the semi-catatonic state caused by a time-warping event. He projects himself into Trejo's mind, who is in the Sol system reconquering it for the Laconian Empire. Duarte thanks Trejo for holding the Empire together, and tells him they were thinking too small in their empire-building vision. Duarte vanishes, and Trejo orders the ship to return to the Laconia system.
When Trejo returns to Laconia, Duarte had already left the state building and disappeared. Trejo dispatches Colonel Aliana Tanaka to find him, giving her the highest possible level of clearance. She tracks Duarte to the cave Amos Burton lived in. Tanaka goes further into the cave network and determines that Duarte likely left in an alien ship. She decides the best way to find him is to use Teresa as a lure, so she sets out to find her. Her investigation turns up a relative of Duarte who runs a girls' boarding school on one of the colony worlds and decides to investigate it as a likely location for Teresa to be sent.
Elvi is investigating the Adro Diamond with a full science team, Xan, and Cara. They use the catalyst to trigger interactions between Cara and the Jupiter-sized diamond to dive into the library. Some of Cara's experiences during the dives bleed over into Amos.
The ''Rocinante'' and its crew (Jim, Naomi, Alex, Amos, and Teresa, who has become an apprentice to Amos) are avoiding Laconian ships as Naomi continues to run the underground. They transit the ring space to take Teresa to New Egypt and the boarding school. They see a Laconian ship, and decide to land on New Egypt with the planet between them.
Jim and Amos accompany Teresa to the school and are met by Tanaka and a team of Laconian marines. After a fire-fight, Jim, Amos, and Teresa escape to the ''Rocinante'' and launch into orbit. After a battle with a Laconian frigate, they transit the ring space to the Freehold system, home of Draper Station and a safe place to resupply. Unfortunately, a Laconian ship is in the system trying to coax the underground to surrender the ''Gathering Storm'' by threatening the Freehold populace. It is suspicious of the ''Rocinante'', and alerts Tanaka.
The ''Rocinante'' covertly makes its way to Draper Station for resupply. Colonel Tanaka arrives in the system and transmits a message from Trejo to Naomi. It is an offer of armistice and alliance between the Laconian Empire and the underground; Naomi's protocols and oversight for gate travel, withdrawal of Laconian forces, and Teresa to be returned to them.
The crew agree that Trejo's requests are unreasonable. However, Jillian Houston takes things into her own hands; she locks the ''Rocinante'' crew into their quarters, accepts the Laconian offer, and invites an envoy to collect the girl. Tanaka comes with no real intention to honor the deal. Shortly after the meeting begins, Tanaka kills Jillian's guards and begins searching the station for Teresa.
Jillian releases the ''Rocinante'' crew who then launch and run for the ring gate. The ''Gathering Storm'', with Jillian in command, is destroyed covering the ''Rocinante'' s escape. Amos convinces the crew to go to the Adro system to meet Elvi and join the effort to learn the secrets of the big-green-diamond. The ''Rocinante'' makes the ring space transit into the Adro system just before Tanaka, on the ''Derecho'', enters the ring space and loses the trail.
The search of the ring space for the trail of the ''Rocinante'' leads Tanaka and the crew of the ''Derecho'' incorrectly to the Bara Gaon system. During the search a large ship transits into the ring space from the Sol system, and apparently begins the process of being annihilated ("to go dutchman"). However, partway through the process, it goes back to normal and survives. Those inside the ring space and aboard that ship simultaneously have a strange experience - they share others' memories. As this happens, the rings begin brightly glowing, inside and out.
The mysterious entities who killed the ring builder civilization (the "dark gods", the "ring entities") have been attempting to kill humans by various means. Most of these attempts don't have too much effect on humans, other than occasionally causing short-term unconsciousness. However, one event in the San Esteban system resulted in all but the most basic life in the entire system being killed.
After the ''Rocinante'' reaches Elvi and Fayez on the ''Falcon'' in the Adro system, they decide to do a dual dive into the library involving both Cara and Amos. During the dive Winston Duarte appears and tells them that all humanity must join him in creating a hive mind. He's already taken the first steps and can prevent the ring entities from attacking or making ships go dutchman. Following the dual dive, Amos tells Elvi the dives with Cara need to stop (for ethical reasons), and she agrees.
On Bara Gaon 5, Tanaka realizes they followed the wrong ship. Tanaka is troubled with the experience of other people's memories. After losing control during a routine interaction with a physician, she decides to have a psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist provides Tanaka medication intended to reduce the "shared-memories" experience. The medication helps, but the problem is spreading to those who weren't in the ring space at the time, so she brings extra medication for herself and others. She receives word that Laconian scientists believe they've found the egg ship Duarte took; it's on the surface of the Ring Station.
Elvi and the ''Rocinante'' crew also learn that Duarte is most likely on the Ring Station, and make preparations to go there. Naomi sends Trejo a message accepting his offer, and also provides the data relating to the dual dive experiment. She then sends all the data in Trejo's original message to everyone in the underground, and has the underground send as many ships as possible to the Ring Space. Trejo orders Tanaka to get Duarte back or take control.
After arriving in the slow zone it is decided that Tanaka will go into the ring station with Teresa to look for Duarte. They perform a dive with Amos; it does not go well, and when he returns says that Duarte is unhappy with their efforts to stop him.
Jim injects himself with protomolecule, reconnecting him to Miller and the ring station. Jim joins Tanaka and Teresa to go to the ring station, gain access, and begin the search for Duarte.
As more ships arrive in the Ring Space some of the incoming ships break contact; as Duarte continues building his hive-mind he has gained control over their crews and is bringing them to stop those who oppose him.
The team inside the ring station find Duarte tied into the station where he is creating his hive-mind and holding back the "dark gods". After Teresa unsuccessfully tries to free Duarte, Tanaka proceeds to kill him, simultaneously ending the hive-mind and freeing the dark gods to continue their attack on humanity. Tanaka is killed in the struggle with Duarte. Jim connects himself to the station and holds the dark gods back as Teresa escapes and the ships, including the ''Rocinante'' and ''Falcon'', all exit the slow zone.
After the slow zone is completely empty, Holden destroys the ring station, saving humanity as it was the way the dark gods accessed the human universe. The ring gates all collapse and begin falling towards their local stars - the 1,300 colony systems are on their own.
In an epilogue, 1,000 years later a team from the 30 surviving colony worlds journeys to Earth. On Earth they are greeted by Amos Burton.
The story has two main threads, firstly set in fictional Pitt College in the University of Oxford in 1990 and secondly set in Manhattan 14 years later. The main protagonists are students Chad - a shy American exchange student and the charismatic Jolyon, who becomes friends at University and gather in friends Emilia, Dee, Mark and Jack. The six become embroiled in a game of dares and consequences, with the enigmatic Tallest, Middle and Shortest, members of the Game Soc, who police the game and enforce its rules - 10,000 pounds is the cash prize. One by one the players lose resulting in one of their deaths. The remaining two members, Chad and Jolyon meet up again 14 years later in New York to decide on the winner...
Taking place over a single day in Mogadishu, ''A Naked Needle'' is the story of Koschin, a university professor and passionate revolutionary who is awaiting the arrival of Nancy, a woman he had met in London who had agreed to marry him. His faith in the 1969 revolution is strong but is not matched by his superiors at the university. Rather than compromise, he resigns and begins to wonder how Nancy will fit into Somali society. These thoughts are explored through Koschin's friends, who have already married foreign wives.
The novel describes various parts of Mogadishu as Koschin wanders the city, something that Farah considered a success: ''‘…the real Mogadiscio today fades in comparison to the written-about Mogadiscio and so if somebody wants to reconstruct Mogadiscio today one may read A Naked Needle and see what street was called what, and what it looked like.’''
Helen Hewitt inherits a sprawling Pennsylvania estate from her wealthy, eccentric aunt Catherine Boyle, who commits suicide by ingesting strychnine, an act which she records on video. After paying their respects, and a subsequent incident where Catherine's ashes escape from her urn and blow onto the grounds of the estate, Helen and her ex-tennis pro husband, Bob, move from Los Angeles to the estate. Upon arriving, they find it inhabited by various friends of Catherine's who reside in the numerous buildings on the property. Among them are a live-in maid, Lisa; an ex-military man; a blind concert pianist, David Hume; a mysterious doctor Anderson; Gertrude Stein; the brutish Jack Ritchy; Whitmore, a writer; and the Reverend Faherty.
Catherine allegedly left $8 million in cash hidden on the property, but kept its location a secret. Bob searches for the money, and in the basement, finds piles of rotten food infested with rats. Bob learns from Helen that her Aunt Catherine was regarded as mentally ill by her family, and that she was at one time institutionalized.
The houseguests hold a small recital concert featuring guest performers, unbeknownst to Bob and Helen. At the concert's end, they savagely murder the unsuspecting musicians, revealing themselves to be part of a death cult. Meanwhile, Helen is plagued by bizarre apparitions of her aunt Helen, and finds that her belongings are continually moved around. Helen becomes convinced her aunt's houseguests are attempting to drive them away, and eventually comes to believe them to be ghosts. Bob confronts the six houseguests, who remain dedicated to Catherine and assure him they have no interest in the money, though they claim to know where it is hidden.
The group of houseguests gather in the parlor and each light a candle. As the flames each inexplicably extinguish, the Reverend asserts that it is Catherine communicating with them. Meanwhile, Bob summons Louis, an attorney, to the house, but he is stopped on the road by David, who stabs him to death. Helen is confronted by the houseguests in the swimming pool of the home. When Bob tries to come to her rescue, Lisa and Gertrude stab him to death before sedating Helen.
Helen awakens and the cultists inform her that they are only following Catherine's instructions. Dr. Anderson reveals that he was a doctor at the hospital in which Catherine was institutionalized, and that the other houseguests were all patients as well, each who committed suicide. The cultists chase Helen through the property, again incapacitating her. When she awakens again, she wanders through the house, which now appears empty. Downstairs, she finds Bob sitting before the fireplace, and passes out from fright. It is revealed that Bob has made a deal with the houseguests, who promise him the $8 million if they can coerce Helen to commit suicide.
As the cultists attempt to force Helen to slash her wrists, Bob, riddled with guilt, sabotages the gathering. A fight breaks out, during which Helen slashes Gertrude's throat, killing her, before she and Bob flee. A short time later, while on the plane back to Los Angeles, Helen notices Lisa and Louis seated next to her. As she observes the seats around her, she finds herself again surrounded by the cultists, and to top it all of Catherine also appears to be among the passengers.
After decades of neglect, Castle Heights Hospital, this symbol of the city's segregated past has been packed with dynamite and it's ready to be demolished. No one knows that a gang leader, now in prison, hid the 3 million dollars in cash he stole from his rivals inside the abandoned building. Now, three desperate parties want the money - a blue collared ex-fighter (Adkins) who finds it while working as part of the demolition crew, a prison guard (Lundgren) willing to do anything to pay for his daughter's cancer treatment and a ruthless gang who claim to be the rightful owners. The demolition charges are set, everyone clears out and the Castle is set to fall in 90 minutes. The clock is ticking. Who will find the cash and: will they get out alive?
Mary Hussain (Joanna Scanlan) and her husband Ahmed (Nasser Memarzia) return home one night only for Ahmed to unexpectedly die. After looking through Ahmed's wallet sometime after his funeral, she notices a picture of a woman named Genevieve (Nathalie Richard) whom she has never heard of before. Probing further, she looks at Ahmed's phone and sees multiple text messages he sent to the same woman, with the two of them suggestively discussing meeting up with each other.
Suspicious, Mary takes a ferry across the English Channel to Calais to find Genevieve. After meeting her, Genevieve mistakes Mary for a cleaning lady and invites her inside for work. Genevieve lives with her son Solomon (Talid Ariss), who she appears to be on uneasy terms with, and both of them plan to move away in a few days. They're both unaware that Ahmed has died. Mary hides her true identity and poses as a cleaner so she can learn more information. While at her house, she notices multiple articles of Ahmed's clothing. After walking in on a home movie tape with Genevieve, Ahmed, and Solomon, Mary realizes Genevieve and Solomon were Ahmed's secret family for many years.
One day, Mary sneaks into Genevieve's house to search for more information when Solomon suddenly arrives and sneaks another boy into his room. Mary looks into their room and sees them passionately kissing each other. While leaving, Solomon hears her and catches up to her outside. Mary tells Solomon she was in their house to get her bag and that she won't tell Genevieve what Solomon did. The next day, Mary explains to Solomon that she and Ahmed used to keep their relationship a secret as well when they were younger. At first, they sent letters back and forth, but when Ahmed moved to Pakistan, he sent cassette tapes to Mary.
Later, Mary witnesses an argument between Genevieve and Solomon. Solomon accuses his mother of cheating on Ahmed with several other men and refuses to move away with her as he wants to live with Ahmed instead. When Mary confronts Genevieve about their argument, Genevieve says she was aware that Ahmed had another wife throughout the time she knew him, but continued to see Ahmed anyway. She also learns that Ahmed lied about her as he said Mary was Pakistani and that they never had a child (Ahmed and Mary had a son many years ago who died at four months old). Later, Mary poses as Ahmed and texts Solomon from his phone, where Solomon asks if he can move in with him.
As Genevieve prepares to move away, Mary makes some food for Solomon. When Genevieve walks in, she and Solomon get into another heated argument, culminating with Mary slapping Solomon and Genevieve scolding Mary for hitting him. Later, Mary admits to Genevieve that she's Ahmed's wife and she came to their house to get information. Furious, Genevieve demands to know where Ahmed is. After Solomon walks in the room, Mary says that Ahmed died. Solomon tries to call Ahmed, only for his phone to ring in Mary's handbag, confirming that Mary posed as Ahmed. Genevieve then throws Mary out of her house.
Later, Genevieve, Solomon, and Mary happen to visit Ahmed's grave at the same time (and, in turn, Ahmed's and Mary's son's grave, who's buried next to his father). The three of them then return to Genevieve’s house. Genevieve tells Mary that she was always jealous that Ahmed wouldn't ever leave Mary for her, but was fine with sharing as she believed she had the better half of Ahmed. Shortly after Genevieve leaves the room, Mary hears one of the cassette tapes that Ahmed made for her and walks downstairs to see Genevieve and Solomon listening to it. Solomon initially gives the tape to Mary, but she allows him to keep it instead. The two tearfully embrace. In the final scene, the three of them visit the White Cliffs of Dover and look out at the English Channel.
The film is about a young boy that lives alone in a modern housing complex. He has a small room with a telephone that rings more or less constantly. When he picks up the phone, he only hears a busy signal. Eventually, he flees the apartment block in panic. The boy lets himself be led by different people that appear completely unexpectedly. He gets involved in a search team looking for a young girl. When the search crew is completely exhausted after a few days, the boy finds the girl. The film has a surreal feel.
The series takes place in a small Russian town where a deadly virus appears. Most of the inhabitants die, only a few people remain alive, who are affected by sleeping sickness: people cannot wake up on their own, and after two hours of sleep they fall into a coma.
The first timeline takes place in 1012, and centers on two sisters and brother (Ket, Ixul and Ajul) who are the last scions of a declining Mayan kingdom. As Ixul and Ajul prepare for their ascension to the throne, they are unknowingly the target of an uprising set to end their dynasty. In the more present-day timeline of 2012, a young woman named Leah decides to leave her hometown of Anoong, Minnesota, to explore her Belizean roots. In a cave deep in the jungle she discovers a connection to Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, and to the events of long ago. In the future, in 3012, humanity has been greatly reduced due to a climatic apocalypse brought on by human abuse of the environment. The survivors establish a utopian, genderless, nomadic society with a religion, Laviaja, based on worship of Leah and the two brothers she encountered in her search in Belize. The narrative follows Niloux deCayo, who is determined to challenge some of the fundamental precepts of her society, at the risk of being labeled a heretic and excommunication.
The sacred cave, Actun Tunichil Muknal, is the axis upon which all the timelines converge, and where each of the protagonists ultimately discovers the truths they sought.
It is a story about a house which is haunted by the soul of small girl named Naani, her soul is in the house to protect it from outsiders. A wealthy couple purchases that haunted house only to discover a series of extra ordinary happenings. The struggles goes on.
Shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve, Nick turns up at a storage facility in Manchester owned and operated by Sarah, on whom he has a crush. Meanwhile, the Doctor attempts to reset the TARDIS to remove the damage and anomalies caused by the Flux. Intending to spend time at a beach, she, alongside Yaz and Dan, exits in the storage facility instead. Unbeknownst to the Doctor, the TARDIS' reset also triggers a time loop.
Nick encounters an Executioner Dalek which kills him and later the Doctor, Yaz, Dan and Sarah. Time resets with Sarah and Nick both trying to save the other but failing and dying to the Dalek again. The Doctor realises that each reset shortens the time loop by a minute, speculating that it will collapse at midnight. The Daleks reveal that they have detected the TARDIS' energy signature and came to execute the Doctor for her actions in "The Vanquishers". Both the group and the Daleks attempt to learn from the previous loops in order to anticipate their enemy's next moves. During the loops, Nick confesses returning each year to see Sarah while Dan points out to the Doctor that Yaz has feelings for her.
Using materials, including illegal fireworks, stored in the facility by another employee, the group decides to create a trap that will bring down the facility when fired upon. To prevent the Daleks from anticipating the move, they behave completely differently in the second-to-last loop, however, before dying again. At the last minute to midnight, they place the materials as well as Sarah's mobile phone while escaping through the basement as the Daleks are searching in the wrong place. Triggered by hearing Sarah's mother calling her phone, the Daleks shoot the trap and ignite the fireworks, exploding the facility and burying them underneath.
The TARDIS finishes restructuring, and the Doctor and her companions leave to find the lost treasure of Flor de la Mar while Sarah and Nick decide to travel the world together.
The book consists of a series of essays following Johnson journey growing up as a queer Black man in Plainfield, New Jersey, and Virginia. In addition to describing Johnson's own experience, it directly addresses Black queer boys who may not have someone in their life with similar experiences.
The book discusses consent, agency, and sexual abuse, alongside various other topics. It also describes two sexual encounters and statutory rape.
The series follows the parallel storylines of two former classmates, Susumu Okada and Shoichi Morita, as they diverge into wildly different lives and characters. While the hopeless Okada finds himself in a stereotypical a love story relationship and making ends meet working at a cleaning company; Shoichi drifts further into darkness, traumatized by his childhood, and becomes a serial killer. Susumu Okada (25 years old, virgin) who works for a cleaning company, feels vague anxiety due to his mundane life. At one point, Okada becomes friends with Yuji Ando (31 years old, virgin), a senior who works in the same company. Ando confides to Okada that he is in love with Yuka Abe, a coffee shop clerk near her workplace. Okada, is taken by Ando to a cafe, and happens to meet his high school classmate Shoichi Morita again. Soon Okada and Ando are consulted by Yuka, who informs them that she has been stalked by Morita. For a while however, Yuka does not feel Morita's presence around her. During that time Okada gets along with Yuka, and Ando, who is indignant at it, overcomes his broken hearts and gets in a relationship with Ryoko Oda, a gym instructor. However, Morita's obsession with Yuka has not disappeared. Morita is revealed to be a psychopath, who feels sadistic pleasure when murdering people.
As a teenager, he kidnapped and strangled his high school bully, Kawashima. This event changed Morita forever, who then began to have strong sexual fantasies in which he strangled women to death, and, in order to relive the sexual pleasure he felt that moment, he is targeting Yuka. He gradually approaches her, committing several murders along the way. At one point, Okada learns that Morita is aiming for their lives. Yuka and him quit their jobs and move to escape the threat of the serial killer. Meanwhile, the police become desperate trying to stop Morita, who has become increasingly erratic. Morita oscillates between carrying out Yuka's strangulation plan and killing himself. After failing to murder Yuka and having lit his house on fire in a fit of madness, Morita is on the run from the police. Exhausted, he begins to wander in solitude and falls asleep on a park bench. He has a dream, in which he sees himself as a disabled person, with his brain being visible.
He notices that the right side of his brain and his amygdala are missing, Morita goes to an dreamlike hospital in order to treat his illness. Asking an imaginary surgeon to fix his brain, he confesses that he wishes to be a "normal" person over anything else in this world, but to his horror, the doctor answers that he cannot do anything about it. Suddenly, a vivid memory plays in his eyes: As a young teenager, on his way home from junior highschool, Morita realized that he was not a "normal" person, and that he was different from the people around him. Morita, who understood he was mentally ill, was in such despair, that he crouched on the floor and cried in silence for hours, wishing to die and to be forgotten. Suddenly, a policeman calls him out while he was sleeping in the park. Sorrowful tears were flowing from Morita's eyes as he got up.
*Source: Shoizawa is working as a chef at a small restaurant but it is a cover for who he really is. He is an assassin who takes charge of killing people with money. One day, he is asked to murder Owada, the boss of the yakuza clan, for 20 million yen.
In the near future, the world is overcome by bubbles that break the laws of reality. An explosion at Tokyo Tower concentrates all the bubbles in Tokyo, but makes the city uninhabitable. Various young folk defy the restrictions, and live there anyway, using parkour tournaments as a means to barter and trade supplies. In one parkour team, the Blue Blazes, 18 year old Hibiki, is an exceptional parkour talent, but he avoids others due to a hearing ultrasensitivity. Tokyo Tower continues to be an impossible location to get to because of gravity anomalies.
One day, Hibiki attempts to climb the tower because he hears a woman's song, and believes he sees a boy there. He almost makes it, but ends up falling into the ocean, where his final exhale combines with some of the bubbles to make a young girl. She is clearly new to being a human, but learns quickly from others. Hibiki names her "Uta" ("Song") because she knows the song he hears in his head. Uta and Hibiki train parkour together, beating a team called the Morticians / Undertakers, however, in one final catch, when Uta touches Hibiki, her arm fades away into bubbles. Bubble activity starts up again, so the Tokyo residents need to flee. Uta goes to Tokyo Tower to stop it. Hibiki goes to save her.
In the final scene they save each other, but Uta fades into bubbles as in the original fairy tale from Hans Christian Andersen: "The Little Mermaid." In her final breath, she tells Hibiki that he made it worth it for her to be human. With the bubbles gone, the citizens of Tokyo return and start to rebuild. The parkour teams continue their lives too. Whether real or imagined, in the end credits Hibiki is still continuing to do parkour and there is a bubble following him which could imply it is Uta.
As the deskmate of Ai Mie, Kaede Komura always has his attention fixed on her. Attracted by her cute charms, all he wishes for is that she would look at him with those beautiful eyes beneath her glasses. But just a few days after making her acquaintance, Kaede notices something different about Ai: her eyes are squinting and her glasses are missing. Nonetheless, he still finds her adorable.
Unexpectedly, Ai has a tendency to forget her glasses. Having terrible vision, she has difficulty going through her day at school. Thankfully, Kaede is more than willing to help her. As Ai starts relying on him, Kaede's feelings for her grow even more. Likewise, despite her short-sightedness, Kaede slowly becomes the person Ai always hopes to see.
The prologue features a prehistoric segment that takes place 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous. It introduces several new creatures to the ''Jurassic Park'' film series, and depicts them in their natural habitats: ''Dreadnoughtus'' trudging through and around a lake, ''Quetzalcoatlus'' and ''Pteranodon'' scavenging on corpses and diving into an entrenched river, ''Ankylosaurus'' drinking from a watering hole, ''Oviraptor'' stealing eggs in a cave, ''Nasutoceratops'' wading across a river, and ''Moros intrepidus'' and ''Giganotosaurus'' in a symbiotic relationship.
The prehistoric segment ends in a showdown between the ''Giganotosaurus'' and a partly feathered ''Tyrannosaurus rex''. A nearby ''Iguanodon'' flees the area while the two carnivores battle, with the ''Giganotosaurus'' killing the ''T. rex''. A mosquito sucks the blood of the ''T. rex'', setting up the franchise's premise, in which ancient DNA is recovered from amber-preserved mosquitoes to engineer dinosaurs.
The prologue skips to northern California during the present day, in which the original ''Jurassic Park'' ''T. rex'' is pursued by rangers in a helicopter belonging to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service after her escape at the end of ''Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom'' (2018). Fleeing in panic, she enters a drive-in theater while evading the helicopter in confusion. A ranger attempts to tranquilize the ''T. rex'', but she escapes into nearby woods.
Will is a recovering drug addict whose friend Chris died of a overdose after visiting him. Will, while struggling to keep his life together, begins to have an affair with Chris' mom, Claire.
After his last misdeed, rebellious 11 years old Stephan is sent by his busy flight attendant mother to a boarding school, Schreckenstein Castle, directed by her friend Gerhard "Rex" Maier. The castle is no ordinary school, as it is owned by an eccentric aristocrat who descends from a legendary 1780s inventor, count Eduard Alfons von Schreckenstein, who committed suicide after the Montgolfier brothers unveiled their hot air balloon before he could show his own flying machines.
The aloof Stephan struggles to fit in with the rowdy local boys, especially his roommates, a gang known as the Knights, formed by Ottokar, Dampfwalze, Mücke and Strehlau. However, he gets eventually accepted into their group, which gathers in the castle's secret torture chamber, and is subjected to a test in order to prove he is worthy, namely aiding them to pull a practical joke on a rival board school, Rosenfels. The latter, located at the other side of the castle's lake, is a prim and proper female-exclusive school, just as Schreckenstein is a male-exclusive school that favors creativity. The prank is successful, with the boys thrashing Rosenfels' computer room by releasing hens inside, but when Rosenfels's strict headmaster Mrs. Horn comes to complain, Stephan cannot help but confess, which drags the entire gang into punishment.
Their main enemies in Rosenfels are led by Bea, Alina and Mücke's sister Inga, who decide to have revenge on the boys. The girls pretend to make peace with them in order to steal their key of Schreckenstein, albeit unexpectedly having fun all together during the truce, and later infiltrate the school to thrash the boys' clothes. Humiliated by the twist, and being secretly motivated by Rex, the boys pull another prank on Rosenfels, this time sneaking in a drone, piloted by Stephan due to his experience with them, which activates the castle's fire alarm system. The damage caused by the water hydrants, however, reveals that Rosenfels' beams are rotten, which drives Rex and Mrs. Horn to move the girls to Schreckenstein while the building is repaired. Coexistence between both groups becomes difficult due to their different philosophies.
Curious about the castle's secret chamber, but refused to be taken there by the boys, Bea and her gang kidnap Strehlau to blackmail the Knights into allowing them in. At the same time, Stephan learns his mother has changed jobs to have more time for him and will take him from the castle, which crushes him, as he feels he has finally found his place there. He has a much needed break when Strehlau's mediation helps the boys and girls become all friends, after which the two groups throw a secret sleepover party in the girls' bedroom to celebrate the upcoming school festival. However, when Rex and Mrs. Horn accidentally bust the party, she comes to believe her schoolgirls are engaging in inappropriate sexuality and forbids them to involve themselves in the event.
When the festival comes, the kids resort to trap Mrs. Horn in a room so she cannot stop the girls from attending and having fun. The woman accidentally releases the festival's hot air balloon with her in the basket, forcing her to jump into the lake to escape. Angry by the scandal, she has the kids judged and forces Rex to resign from his job the school's headmaster, after which Stephan's mother and stepfather also barge to take him away. However, right after Stephen has said gdbye to them, all the boys and girls in both schools come out with their own luggages, claiming they will leave too if Stephan does. This eventually moves Mrs. Horn to retract her actions and his parents to let him stay, and Stephan and his friends celebrate.
Nemuri Kyōshirō is a mixed-blood swordsman. One day, Kyōshirō is attacked by Ninja on his way to a riverside tea-house. A few days later, Kyōshirō has a visit from Chisa, who serves the Kaga Maeda clan. She asks Kyōshirō to protect her from a Chinese man named Chen Sun. Kyōshirō accept her request. However Kyōshirō later hears a surprising fact from Chen Sun.
After Kate Bishop is locked out of her mother Eleanor's laptop and Jack Duquesne threatens Clint Barton with the vigilante Ronin's sword, Barton defuses the situation by Eleanor and Duquesne recognizing him as an Avenger. Eleanor requests Barton to keep Bishop out of the Tracksuit Mafia investigation and later contacts an unknown person to inform them about the situation. With the help of his wife Laura, Barton secretly recovers his sword and discovers that Duquesne is the CEO of Sloan Limited, a shell corporation that launders money for the Tracksuit Mafia, while Bishop deduces that Barton was Ronin.
Barton locates second-in-command Kazi Kazimierzcak and asks him to talk Lopez out of her vendetta against Ronin while Bishop enlists a group of LARPers in retrieving Barton's trick arrows. Afterwards, Laura informs Barton that the watch the Tracksuit Mafia stole is sending out tracking signals from an apartment building. Barton and Bishop go to retrieve it, but find it in Lopez's apartment, where she also keeps notes on Barton and his family. Lopez attacks Bishop while Barton is ambushed by a masked assassin.
A fight ensues between the four combatants, with Bishop injuring Lopez, which forces her to retreat, while Barton's unmasking of his assassin is revealed to be Yelena Belova, who escapes. Barton decides that he cannot keep putting Bishop in danger and breaks off their partnership.
Jody Fargo is a 16-year-old girl staying overnight at her friend Evelyn's house when a gang of psychopaths break in and slaughter everyone except for Jody and Evelyn's little brother, Andrew Clark, who make a narrow escape. Now Simon Quirt, a gang member, is charged with tracking down and eliminating them as witnesses.
During the Yemen War, United Arab Emirates Armed Forces soldiers based in Mocha are deployed on a mission. In the middle of a routine patrol, Emirati soldiers Ali Al-mismari, Bilal Al Saadi, and Al Hindasi are trapped in a valley by rebel combatants. In response, another squad of Emirati soldiers conducts a mission to rescue their compatriots.
Stan Marsh flashes back to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when he, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick and Eric Cartman were sent home from school before they could blackmail fellow student Heather Wiliams into attending a Denver Nuggets game; and the events leading to him burning down Tegridy Farms and inadvertently killing his sister Shelley, leading to their mother Sharon's suicide.
Presently, South Park remains under quarantine due to the new COVID-19 variant. On the run and guarding his last sprout of marijuana, Randy Marsh is cornered by Shady Acres nurses when Token Black defeats them and takes Randy to Kenny's laboratory. At the lab, Stan and Kyle, alongside Wendy Testaburger, Tweek Tweak, Craig Tucker, Jimmy Valmer, and Clyde Donovan, cannot get past Kenny's firewall without a voice command from either him or his institutionalized associate, Victor Chouce. Wendy realizes that the experiment will need aluminum foil, all supplies of which are in grounded cargo ships. Stan and Kyle head out to retrieve Chouce while Tweek and Craig search for foil.
Stan and Kyle find that "Chouce" is actually "Chaos" at the South Park Mental Asylum. They enter Chaos' cell to discover that he is actually Butters Stotch, who gradually became insane after his parents abandoned him. In his isolation, Chaos began dealing in NFTs, upon mention of which asylum personnel subdue Chaos and remove Kyle and Stan from his cell. Chaos uses a paper on Kenny's research given to him by Kyle to convince a guard to release him. Meanwhile, Randy cultivates his marijuana as the others explain Kenny's plan to time travel and prevent the pandemic. Randy is convinced that his marijuana is the solution to their problem. Their plans are further complicated by Clyde's refusal to be vaccinated.
At the South Park Church, Father Scott Malkinson is approached by Cartman and his family. Cartman forms the Foundation Against Time Travel while hiding his family in the attic, intent on preventing Kyle from implementing Kenny's plan. Tweek and Craig arrive at the church and inadvertently inform Cartman of their purpose, resulting in their capture. Cartman convinces Clyde to join his cause; he later finds Chaos selling NFTs to senior citizens and uses him to hinder the group at the laboratory. Upon Stan and Kyle's return, Wendy, Token, Jimmy, and Randy have been brainwashed into investing in NFTs, while Cartman and his group have stolen the equipment. At the church, Cartman reveals his plan to have Kyle killed in the past, while Kyle and Stan undo Chaos' brainwashing. Wendy admits that Kenny's plan was not to prevent the pandemic but to salvage the boys' friendship and improve the future; Token states that "Tegridy Weed" was only in Kenny's notes as a reminder to take some marijuana with him. A depressed Randy forgives Stan for his actions and gives him his last seed of marijuana.
Cartman prepares for Clyde to travel back in time when Stan and Kyle arrive and use their Amazon Alexas to neutralize Chaos. Cartman and Kyle begin fighting until Yentl, Cartman's wife, convinces him to allow Kyle and Stan to implement their plan. Cartman’s infant son activates the machine, sending Clyde back in time. Arriving to retrieve his father's gun, Clyde convinces his past self not to be vaccinated. Adult Clyde approaches the boys with the intent to kill young Kyle when Stan, Kyle, and Cartman arrive, having traveled through time to intervene. Before Clyde can fire, Cartman shoots him dead.
Realizing that they cannot prevent the pandemic, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman instead decide to change their reaction to it. They approach Heather Williams and blackmail her to get their younger selves courtside tickets to the Nuggets game, where the boys forgive each other. Stan sends Randy the marijuana strain from the future, which Randy cultivates for mass distribution. Under the strain's influence, everyone forgives each other for their behavior during the pandemic, changing the future. Almost everyone's lives have changed for the better in the revised future, with Sharon, Shelley, and Kenny alive in the new future, while Cartman has become a homeless alcoholic on the street.
Misora Haebaru is an 18-year-old karate expert from Okinawa who decides to move to Tokyo in order to realize her dream of becoming a famous singer. When she arrives there, however, she discovers that her handlers have tricked her into joining the adult entertainment industry. As such, Misora is forced to participate in a martial arts tournament where she has to fight 100 opponents. If she loses, she must have sex with them.
The Guiraldes family and their plantation ''La Mercederia'' are the focal point of this film. The husband, who is cruel and also owns the plantation, abuses his wife, mistreats his sick son, and is ruthless towards the black slaves that work underneath him. His only concerns lie around profit, as he has no regard for loving his family or anyone else around him. As the movie starts, the husband's cruelty is on full display, as once he finds a young slave boy playing with his son, he whips the young boy so bad that he hangs himself the same night.
Once the young slave commits suicide, the husband's son Rodrigo is sent away from his father to Buenos Aires. Rodrigo grows up away from his parents, returning 15 years later with his wife to ask his father for money. Meanwhile, the wife of the plantation, who is indeed the true owner of the plantation, demonstrates her cruelty towards the slaves as well. After a slave steals her religious icon, the wife has the slave burned at the stake. Despite Rodrigo's return, he is still unable to get along well with his father, who has always seen Rordigo as a weak man. Rodrigo and his wife, after conflict with their father, desire to return to Buenos Aires, but are ultimately forced to remain at the plantation because Rodrigo's pregnant wife falls and suffers an injury.
Rodrigo, his wife, and the plantation owner's wife all end up dying at the hands of black magic practiced by the slaves. The plantation's slaves, filled with emotion from their own getting killed earlier in the film, execute black magic to get back at the evil wife and husband of the plantation. Surprisingly enough, the husband of the plantation is the only one of the family who survives, but he is met with a shocking fate as well. Upon birthing an infant son to continue his legacy, he is astonished to find that the baby is indeed black, and the movie ends once he has this revelation about his son.
*Source: Shinji Taki is a former detective but now he is a vagabond with a guitar. In the port town he visits, Taki saves a yakuza of the Akitsu clan at a bar fight and he is hired as a bouncer of the Akitsu clan. Akitsu orders Taki to evict the inhabitants for the development of the town.
A 29-year-old mother of one, Mina, takes over as breadwinner in the home when her husband Bomboka is maimed after a domestic wrangle.
Liara Roux, an autistic resident of New York City's Upper East Side, recalls her childhood of conservative Christian surroundings and an abusive father, in juxtaposition with her latent desire to be involved with prostitution. As an adult, Roux is sexually abused in a lesbian relationship with her partner, and finds solace in the practice of sex work, even when her sexual experiences with clients are flawed. Roux raises questions about sex and sexuality as commodities, bodily autonomy, sexual consent, and the worth of the individual in a collective western society. She also tells of her medical conditions in life, including excruciating migraines, and her poor experience when seeking proper healthcare. The book continues with various personal accounts of Roux's experiences with clients, as she seeks independence from her partner after a bad marriage.
Three first-person narratives of three African women who are told from birth that they must be patient in order to properly fulfill the role of wife that is reserved to them. They are Ramla, a talented, beautiful and educated teenager who dreams of becoming a pharmacist and marrying the man she loves; her half-sister Hindou, married to her failed, alcoholic and violent cousin; and Safira, the first wife of the 50-year-old man to whom Ramla is destined. Ramla suffers not only the betrayal of her family, especially her father, who breaks his commitment and follows the diktat of his own brother who orders him to give his daughter to the rich businessman, but also of the female entourage, her aunt but also her mother who struggles to protect her. Hurt to the core of her being by the arrival of a second wife after twenty years of monogamous and happy life, Safira swears to make this rival leave. She slyly fights against it and eventually gets what she wants, regretting her actions but happy with the start and ready to face any new rival. Hindou ends up going crazy, unable to face the violence of her husband whom she tried to escape once but in vain. Each of these women, in her own way, rebels against the master word to which their existence is summed up: patience.
Charlie (Charlie Day) informs the Gang that a roller rink in South Philadelphia is closing, saddening them as they had good memories of the rink. The Gang then remember the last time they visited the rink, in 1998.
In 1998, Charlie works at the rink as the second in command of the establishment, and Mac (Rob McElhenney) takes care of the roller skates while he sells marijuana. They are joined by Sweet Dee (Kaitlin Olson) and Dennis (Glenn Howerton), who are shown to be caring and educated. Dee is set to leave for Hollywood the next day while Dennis is working for Frank (Danny DeVito), although he has no idea what his business is. He decides to visit Frank at a hotel to see him "doing business". Frank fails to understand this and allows him to witness him having sex with a prostitute, shocking Dennis. As Dennis is complaining, Frank decides to fire him.
Charlie overhears his boss Smokey (Frank Collison) talking on the phone about considering selling his joint. He decides to accept Mac's offer in joining his drug dealing business, for which Mac carries a gun. However, the buyers refuse to pay him and leave with their drugs and Charlie finds that Mac's gun is actually just a gun handle. They are joined by Dennis at lunch, and the three consider investing on their own business by buying the rink. They then witness Dee and her group perform at the rink, when Dee accidentally falls due to Charlie loosening her skates, banging her head. Due to her concussion, Dee suddenly goes on an angry tirade at them, refusing to join them in their business.
Charlie, Mac and Dennis then talk to Smokey about buying the rink. However, Smokey doesn't own the place (he only works for the free parking) and he actually owns a nearby bar. They visit the bar, which turns out to be Paddy's. Noting its sad state, they claim they will change it for the better and become successful, buying it with Charlie's savings. The scene returns to present day, with the Gang noting that nothing changed at all, and that Dee is still suffering from her concussion (the reason for her inverted rude personality).
Dee (Kaitlin Olson) complains of feeling too hot and storms out of the bar. The Gang questions her behavior, with Frank (Danny DeVito) deducing she may starting menopause. Unwilling to tolerate Dee's new behavior, they decide to replace her and joke that even a monkey could do her job.
Dee's behavior is actually revealed to be method acting in preparation for a TV series audition, but her audition is rejected by the casting directors. Back at the bar, Charlie (Charlie Day) expresses desire to go on vacation but Mac (Rob McElhenney) and Dennis (Glenn Howerton) reject his idea of going to Pittsburgh. Frank suddenly shows up with a monkey, planning to use it as Dee's replacement. They object until the monkey - which was trained to appear in movies - prepares a good beer for Dennis.
Dee decides to earn money by teaching an acting class where she gives poor advice to aspiring actors. She enjoys wielding emotional power, but when the director of the TV series calls to offer her a role, she abandons her class. At Paddy's, the guys continue debating where to go on vacation while drinking beers served by the monkey. They wake up the next day hungover and covered in scratches with the bar trashed and all the money gone. They also all have a gross and sour feeling in their mouths, and conclude that the monkey had sex with them while they were unconscious. Frank reveals that the monkey comes from a lineage of abused Hollywood stunt animals beginning with his grandfather who was owned by Roscoe Arbuckle, and explains that the trauma causes these monkeys to run away and become alcoholic scam artists.
Dennis remembers that the boys came up with the perfect vacation destination while they were drunk. They see a chalkboard with the words "monkey beer island of green and fight". Deducing that the monkey poured whiskey in their drinks, they replace "monkey" with "whiskey". Dee returns, announcing that she booked the role and will leave tomorrow for Ireland. The guys realize they picked Ireland ("whiskey beer island of green and fight") for their vacation too.
Dee (Kaitlin Olson) wakes up in a bar with the Gang, who reveal that they took her money and divided it into equal parts in order to buy tickets to Dublin and they also drugged her so she could sleep during the flight. A shocked Dee refuses to accept it until she walks outside to discover that she is really on Dame Street in Ireland. She is then hit by a car.
The Gang drops Dee at the set of her production but she finds that she received a hematoma due to the car injury. Frank (Danny DeVito) then takes Dee and Dennis (Glenn Howerton) to an office which claims to be the headquarters for his company, Frank's Fluids LLC, which is actually a tax shelter. Frank reveals that the company served as the beverage supplier of Jeffrey Epstein, with Frank even visiting Epstein's Island although he claims he only went for snorkeling. He asks for their help with destroying implicating documents, which they forcefully accept as Frank put their names on it.
Charlie (Charlie Day) and Mac (Rob McElhenney) start debating on their Irish heritage, with both questioning who is more Irish. Charlie reveals that he can read Irish-Gaelic text, having learned through a pen pal named Shelley Kelly. Mac then calls his mom, who reveals that he is not Irish (his father's actual name is Luther Vandross) but Dutch through his paternal sides. Meanwhile, Dennis tries to flirt with a redhead, but is disappointed when he believes the woman is using a wig as it doesn't smell like hair and leaves after she tries to take his temperature.
Dee eventually gets recast in the role, which is revealed to be now played by The Waitress (Mary Elizabeth Ellis). Dee begs the assistant for another role, and he gives her the role of an abused housewife. As she leaves, she is hit by a car driven by Dennis, who was arguing with the Gang. As Dennis refused to get vaccinated and is constantly coughing, the Gang deduces he has been infected with COVID. The Gang then decides to put Dee in the trunk of the car and leave the set.
Dee (Kaitlin Olson) wakes up in an Irish pub named "Patty's Pub" with the Gang, realizing that she will be late for her role. She then goes outside and is angry to find that she is in the Irish countryside.
Charlie (Charlie Day) wants to find out more about Shelley Kelly, discovering that he is deemed the town's "Cheesemonger". He and Frank (Danny DeVito) visit Shelley (Colm Meaney), who is much older than Charlie imagined and shares many of his traits. Shelley recognizes Charlie as his pen pal, and states he is not his brother, he is actually his father. It's revealed that Charlie's illiteracy was in part due to writing letters in Irish to his father.
Dee and Dennis (Glenn Howerton) visit an estate agency in order to find a valuable castle. Dennis's constant coughing prevents him from dealing with the realtor and Dee is the one who talks. When they visit a potential castle, which is in ruins and is the place to multiple atrocities committed through the years. Dee is horrified but Dennis is happy with buying the property. That night, Dee hears Dennis talking to "the castle" and is then attacked by Dennis with an ax. Meanwhile, Mac (Rob McElhenney) decides to join the priesthood as he is still questioning his true identity. He attempts to avoid the handsome priests as he feels this will distract him.
Charlie, Frank and Shelley go to a pub to celebrate their discovery, although the bar patrons all state they slept with Charlie's mother. They stay at Shelley's house, where he offers a bedroom for Charlie and a cot for Frank. Frank's shock humor does not seem to cause fun to Charlie anymore, who goes to his bedroom. The episode ends with a dejected Frank sitting alone in the cot.
Mac (Rob McElhenney), Dennis (Glenn Howerton), Dee (Kaitlin Olson) and Frank (Danny DeVito) meet for a day of hiking with Charlie (Charlie Day) and Shelley. However, Charlie reveals the purpose of the journey: Shelley has died and he wants to carry his corpse to the top of the mountain and then drop it in the sea as part of the family's tradition.
The Gang decides to help Charlie with his request. During the journey, Frank reveals that Dr. O'Shaunessy showed up at the castle for his date with Dee, only for Dennis to pour hot oil on him. Dee's frustration prompts Charlie to reveal that her appearance killed his father, as a lot of his familiars died after witnessing a banshee so Dee storms off. Later, Dennis lets go for a moment in carrying the corpse and they realize he wasn't carrying the corpse, as it somehow felt lighter after he let it go. They manage to get the corpse when it is near the top of the hill but Mac accidentally kicks it, causing the corpse to slide down all the way to the bottom of the hill.
During a talk, Charlie, Frank, and Dennis reveal that they paid Mac's mom to say he was Dutch because they expected him to annoy them during the journey. The lie, coupled with the guys mocking his tattoos, cause Mac to furiously leave the group. After traveling more, Charlie reveals that his father died after finding fluid on his lungs when he took him to the hospital after Dee scared him, making them realize that Shelley died from COVID-19. As it is revealed that Dennis and Frank are both unvaccinated, they conclude that they passed it on to Shelley, resulting in his death. Dennis decides to leave too and Charlie makes amends with Frank. However, when he drinks from Frank's canteen, he actually drinks urine and he decides to leave Frank and go to the top all by himself.
Dee, Mac, Dennis, and Frank meet at a pub where they complain about Ireland by speaking very loudly. The Waitress (Mary Elizabeth Ellis), still affected by the bog, is revealed to be there too and chastises them for speaking too loudly. They defend their volume, with Frank affirming that as Americans, they stand behind each other for anything. Meanwhile, Charlie is struggling to carry the corpse just as it starts to rain. He gives up, lamenting how his father was absent in his life and chastising him. Just then, the Gang arrives on a Ford pick-up. They help him throw the corpse from the top of the hill, although the corpse hits the rocks instead of the sea, with Mac noting that kids will eventually find the body, like in the movie ''Stand by Me''. Instead of feeling bad, Charlie just calls Shelley a "deadbeat" and the Gang leaves for America.
Set in Scotland, Pennsylvania, in 1975, the musical follows Mac and Pat McBeth (representing Lord Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, respectively, of the original play), a married couple working at a burger restaurant owned by Duncan (King Duncan).
While on vacation in Israel, Maria, a German biologist, meets the bar owner Shira and falls head over heels in love with her. Shortly after the end of the vacation, Maria has decided to stay in Israel and move in with Shira, when a misunderstanding happens and Shira believes she is being given a wedding proposal. Various complications arise, not only about the initial mistaken engagement but also the fact that some members of Shira's family (especially her grandmother Berta) are opposed to her marrying a German.
After hearing about the engagement, Maria's parents soon appear in Israel, and two different family worlds collide in Jerusalem.
The action takes place in Karabakh in 1848. The French botanist, member of the Royal Academy, Jourdan comes here to study the local plant species. He is visiting the ruler of the Tekle-Muganly nomad camp, Hatamkhan-agi. His nephew, the young Shahbaz, is attracted by Jourdans stories about Paris and is going to go there together with Jourdan to study sciences. However his fiancée, Sharafnis, and the aunt, Shahrabanu-khanum, do not want this. To hinder the trip, they resort to the help of the famous dervish Mastali, who came from Iran. For a hundred ducats, which Mastali got from the naive and superstitious women, he begins to destroy the capital of France. Mastali casts terrible spells, summons spirits and devils and gives them the order to destroy Paris with one blow, just as he destroys its image. Dervish rushes to the planks spread on the floor, depicting a sinful city, and with one strong blow shatters them to smithereens. Suddenly there was a strong knock at the door and Monsieur Jourdan, who entered in excitement, announced that Paris was destroyed and that he must immediately return to France. The women were frightened by the quick execution of Mastali's magical actions. Even the dervish himself, in fear of what he had done, hides behind a curtain so that no one would find him. And to the question of Hatamkhan who came running: "Who ruined Paris?" Jourdan replies: "Devils!... Satan!... Villains!" Women have no doubts that Paris was destroyed by the dervish Mastali. In fact, there was a revolution in Paris, and the king fled. Frightened by this, Jourdan must immediately leave Karabakh. He leaves, but Shahbaz remains. Women triumph.
The Joker Competition, has a moderator and presenter or host. In each season, the 8 artists have 6 hours to laugh at each other in a house equipped with all the facilities, with different programs, and remove them from the game, without laughing themselves.
The general space of the room where the participants are present and where the competition is held, has a design similar to the home space and has a living room and a kitchen. There is also an accessory and makeup room next to the participants' room. Participants go to this room whenever they want during the game and bring a tool from there or make a change in their appearance so that they can make others laugh with it.
The program has a host who also acts as the referee of the match. He has a separate room with a space similar to a monitoring room, where he sits during the race and monitors the participants. Whenever the host sees one of the participants laughing from their room monitors, he stops the game with the red button in front of him. He then goes to the playroom and fines the offending participant by showing a slow laughter scene. After that, he returns to his room and announces the continuation of the match with the green button.
On a summer night, the young man Florio finds himself participating in festivities near the gate to Lucca. He becomes acquainted with the famous musician Fortunato, a beautiful maiden he later learns is named Bianca, and the eloquent cavalier Donati. Donati greets Florio as an old friend and knows many details about his youth, but Florio cannot recall having met Donati before.
Florio stays at an inn in Lucca but is unable to sleep and goes for a nightly walk. He finds a marble statue of Venus which seems oddly familiar, reminding him of his youth but also alarming him. Revisiting the statue the next morning, he ends up at an extravagant garden surrounding a palace where he spots a beautiful, singing lady whose features are strikingly similar to those of the statue. He encounters Donati who says the lady is a wealthy relative of his and offers to introduce Florio to her in the near future.
The following morning, Donati invites Florio to go hunting, but the latter refuses because it is Sunday and he wants to go to church. Fortunato invites him to a party in the evening. There, Florio encounters a masked woman in a Greek robe, or possibly two women he conflates. When the woman invites him to visit her home some day and shows her face, Florio recognises her as the lady from the garden. Late at night, Fortunato introduces Florio to the host of the party, who is Bianca's uncle Pietro, as well as Bianca herself, but she is disappointed by Florio's coldness and distraction.
Several days later, Donati brings Florio to the lady's palace. After receiving them in the garden, the lady brings Florio into a chamber, lays down and begins to undress. Florio then hears what sounds like Fortunato singing a pious song outside the palace. When Florio utters a short prayer, a thunderstorm begins to approach, the lady becomes pale and statues begin to come alive, prompting Florio to quickly leave the palace. When he goes back to Donati's villa to ask what happened, he only finds a lowly hut and a gardener who does not know who Donati is.
Florio rides from Lucca and is joined by three riders who turn out to be Fortunato, Pietro and Bianca. They see a dilapidated ruin in the distance and Florio recognises it as the lady's palace. Pietro and Fortunato explain it is a former temple of Venus and say there are legends about people who have been tempted by spirits there.
Kyosuke Yakumo, a young reporter looking for a scoop, is preparing the wedding to his beloved Yuriko while continuing his chase to talented photographer Yudai Kiharazaka. Kiharazaka is the prime suspect of a still riddle-laden incident involving the death of a beautiful blind woman in a fire, and Yakumo manages to interview him so that he can writes a book about the case. The closer Yakumo gets to the truth, the deeper he plunges into Kiharazaka's devilry. Meanwhile, his fiancée Yuriko is falling slowly to a trap...
The residents of a rural farming town have to put aside their differences to rescue Cody, a local teen, who is trapped in a 50-foot grain silo.
The film is based on the political and cultural events of King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe and his reign.
''Tales of the Loremasters'' is an adventure in which the setting is a strong of remote island one thousand miles west of Emer.
In 1982, Parents Brenda Kniffen (Virginia Madsen) and her husband Scott Kniffen (Jeffrey Nordling) are arrested due to false accusations of satanic ritual abuse, child molestation and other acts of illegal activity. Two years later, they are both sentenced to 240 years in prison without parole following a systematic trial. Brenda and Scott have two young boys, Brandon and Brian Kniffen, who are played by various actors as they age from little boys to grown adult men in the foster care system. A private detective, Denver Dunn (Graham Beckel), tries to have the Kniffen parents exonerated. Ms. Landry, a surly prison guard, (Deirdre O'Connell) initially shows disgust towards Brenda, but begins to have doubts about Brenda's guilt as American society begins to be more critical of 1980's "Satanic Panic" type cases.
Scott and Brenda Kniffen were released from prison in 1996, after serving the first 12 years of their sentences, as it's revealed they were falsely accused. Having missed their children, and missed seeing them grow up, the family's reunion is bittersweet. The film also illustrates corruption within the legal system, noting that the Kniffen boys were coached by social workers and prosecutor Andrew Gines (John Billingsley) to claim that abuse had occurred.
Helene Chadwick plays a like-named coed at Pinkham University who runs a shop selling sexy gowns. The dean (James Finlayson) believes that Helene's shop is behind the recent breakdown of campus discipline and wants her expelled. Meanwhile, Ted Healy—portraying Napoleon Fizz, PU’s "11-year freshman"—has been developing a rejuvenating plaster. He and Helene conspire to test it on the dean. It works, transforming Finlayson into the campus Romeo. Helene and Napoleon promptly usher him into a compromising situation at a girls' sorority house, and he's emerging from the plaster's effects just as the university's president (Burr McIntosh) shows up.
Fukaya Shinzaemon is a samurai of Hatamoto, he borrows a large amount of money from Dr. Yasukawa Sōjun. When Yasukawa demands repayment of the debt, Fukaya kills Yasukawa. From the day on, strange things happens to the Fukaya family one after another by Yasukawa's curse.
Irene is a teenage girl living in a youth detention center who has just got pregnant. She is offered to live with Javier and Adela (a couple desperate to have a child) in a remote house in the mountains in exchange for the baby.
In a harbour, large mechanical cranes lift boxes full of weapons while behaving like aggressive beasts. Flying reptiles circle in the sky and steal from a lone fisherman's catch, which consists solely of fishbones. A cabin boy at a ship plays flute and his music attracts a mermaid to the surface, but the cranes aggressively sink their hooks and claws into the water and she tries to escape. One of the cranes captures her, lifts her high into the air and drops her to the quayside. The fisherman rushes to a phonebooth and calls for emergency service, prompting policemen and government officials to examine the already dead mermaid. They destroy the fisherman's fishing permit and arrest him. Two vans arrive: an ambulance and one with "zoo" written on it, and their respective personnel begin to fight over the mermaid's body. A man representing the law cuts her body in half, allowing the ambulance to leave with her human upper body and the zoo workers with her fishtail. The boy goes to the white outline initially drawn around the mermaid's dead body and draws his own image next to it, holding her hand. The contour of a ship forms in the starry sky, picks up the drawn figures and flies away with them as the boy plays his flute.
Springtime at Kimberly Magic Academy brings a new batch of first-year students. Among this year's batch is a one Oliver Horn, a boy with a mission burning in his chest. His objective is to exact vengeance on the members of Kimberly's faculty that brutally murdered his mother, however, when he meets a samurai girl from the distant nation of Yamatsu, Oliver is trapped between his mission and his curiosity with the samurai girl, Nanao Hibiya. Alongside her, Oliver meets several other students that he becomes fast friends with, however, will these friendships prove detrimental to Oliver's vendetta? More importantly, as introduced to him and the rest of the first-years during the entrance ceremony, Kimberly Academy has never once seen a school year without a single student death. Can Oliver and his friends survive these seven years of hell?
In 1984 in the pursuit of a work opportunity, the Briseño, an atheist family, moves from the United States to Durango, Mexico, to their new home, a manor believed haunted; after the mysterious death of the previous owners. Karem, the youngest daughter, hears mutters from the basement, but she only finds a toy. The next day Karem is bullied by her classmates because of her status as the new girl in school and her atheist philosophy. Isolated in her room without telling her parents of her experience, Karem contact through her diary with an invisible entity who presents himself as Naro. He wants to befriend her, exposing his knowledge of her bullies and offering his help. He grants her psych abilities from that day Karem can use a form of telekinesis.
As a side effect of her new powers, Karem's personality transitions from being shy and self-restrained to explosive and aggressive, which causes her teacher Clarissa to ground her when she yells at her in class. That day the Briseño are visited by Father Miguel, a priest who learns something odd about them after talking with Karem and recalls the incident with the previous family who lived there. His investigation of the manor leads him to unravel Naro's existence, a dreadful demon who granted abilities to the youngest son of another family and caused the death of everyone when he was confronted by the rest of the family. Miguel reports to his superior in order of helping the family as soon as possible due to Abraham, the family patriarch refusing to believe his warnings even though his wife Mariana and the rest of his children try to convince him something is not right about their home.
After Fabiola, one of Karem's bullies gets sick and regurgitates blood with paper, the rest of her classmates Elizabeth and Adriana confront Karem accusing her of Fabiola's status. Karem in response attacks and kills them with help of her powers and she also injures Clarissa when she enters the classroom trying to help the girls. The murders suspend the classes, Karem then persuades her eldest sister Laura of taking her with Clarissa to the hospital to "visit her". However, as Clarissa is still in intensive care Karem and Laura visit Fabiola instead. Once both girls are left alone, a weak Fabiola tries to apologize to Karem but she refuses to listen and finishes her off posing her death as an unexpected medical complication.
That night Laura is possessed by Karem, who manipulates her actions to make her kill Clarissa when she smothers her with a pillow at the hospital. Due to Laura being free of the possession as soon as Clarissa dies, Laura is arrested for the murder of the teacher. Hearing his sister was arrested, Karem reproaches Naro for the consequences of her actions and tries to cut ties with him, but he refuses and takes over her and his brother Eduardo's bodies. On his way to the manor, both Abraham and Mariana are approached by Miguel who offers their help with Karem. Inside the manor, they witness supernatural phenomena like poltergeists, and Naro himself manifests as a boy carbonized. Mariana reaches out to Karem in her room where the girl fully controlled by Naro kill her mother. Eventually, a Cardinal with other priests arrives at the manor for helping the family. A possessed Eduardo attacks them with demonic powers while the cardinal tries to exorcism Naro out of his body which causes the boy's death when the demon tears off his arms in front of an impotent Abraham. Naro then takes control over both Mariana and Abraham to force them to attack the priest and Miguel which causes the death of the last two as the cardinal exorcism out Naro from Mariana's corpse. With just the cardinal left alive in the manor, Karem attacks him as he performs an exorcism for saving her and stabs her in the stomach during the ritual. The church covers the incident with the Briseño, takes Karem into custody, and locks away Karem's diary inside a vault. Sometime later, Laura is contacted in her cell by Naro as she smiles reading his message.
In a mid-credits scene Karem is taken by a nun to a room where she is lobotomized, presumably to prevent her from being used by Naro and her psych abilities again.
Source: Yōji Kitami is a young man who stands at the crossroads of his life. One day, Yōji meets his childhood friend Katsuyuki Shinoda by chance and Yōji gets on a whaling boat at the recommendation of Katsuyuki.
The main character of the film is the prime minister, who is hated by the people as he is a corrupt politician. One day, a stone thrown by a man who hates Prime Minister Keisuke Kuroda hits Kuroda's head, causing memory loss and waking up in a hospital. He watches TV and is surprised to find out that he is the prime minister hated by people.
Sara is tormented by local girls in the village where she spends her summer holidays. However her bullies are kidnapped by a stranger. Sara faces a dilemma about what to do about it.
Writing for GQ, Gabriella Paiella described the plot as follows:
Their parents then enter the kitchen and greet the brother as the jingle "The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup" plays.
The show is a parody of Saturday-morning cartoons from the 1980s and early 1990s, framed by an eponymous show called ''SMASH!'' for short. It is hosted by twin brothers Skip and Treybor (parodies of Chip and Pepper), both played by Kyle Mooney. They introduce various cartoon shows and have brief conversations between shows. The cartoons include:
''Randy'', a show about a dinosaur that befriends a group of teenagers. Randy falls into depression and alcoholism following a breakup with his firefighter girlfriend, before heading to music college. ''Randy'' is a spoof of ''Denver, the Last Dinosaur.''
''The Create-A-Crittles'', a show about four magical creatures secretly living in the backyard shed of a Yuppie expatriate graphic designer and his wife. Crittle Glitter, a euphemism for cocaine, is prominently featured throughout the show. ''Create-A-Crittles'' parodies such shows as ''Care Bears'', ''Alvin and the Chipmunks'' and ''Popples''.[ Kyle Mooney's Saturday Morning All Star Hits! grows weirdly compelling the further you get into it - PRIMETIMER]
''Pro Bros'', a show created by Ethan Rush who's known as the less prominent brother of controversial movie star/singer Johnny Rash, parodying ''ProStars'' and other series where pro athletes play themselves (albeit the pilot premiering in prime time as opposed to Saturday morning). The show's antagonist "Ronnie $elfish" and his drug habit are an obvious allegory for Ethan's brother Johnny.
''Strongimals'', a show loosely parodying ''Thundercats'', ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'' and other action cartoons of the era. The show is later retitled as ''Skip and the Strongimals,'' radically shifting its focus to Skip and his "uh... subs?" catchphrase as a result of Skip's rise to greater fame (which in itself is a reference to show ''The Real Ghostbusters'' and its eventual focus on the popular character ''Slimer'').
''Lil' Bruce'', an animated comedy about comedian Bruce Chandling's "crazy childhood" similar to Howie Mandel's ''Bobby's World.'' The series ends up a failed pilot due to live-action Bruce's excessive narration and a too-heavy plotline about Bruce's father leaving him and his mother when he was young.
''All Cartoon Stars Say Don't Say Shut Up'', a public service announcement in the format of ''Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue'' warning against the consequences of saying "shut up" to one's elders. Guest stars include "President of the Country" Barbara Barone (loosely based on Hillary Clinton and Tipper Gore, particularly their advocacy campaigns for media censorship) and famous pop singer Nuance (based on Paula Abdul).
*''Slingers'', a toy-based show parodying the animated pilot ''The Legend of the Hawaiian Slammers''.
* Others include brief clips from ''The Meeps'' (satirizing ''The Smurfs''), ''Crittle Littles'' (satirizing ''Muppet Babies'' and ''Kingdom Chums''), the character Puppy the Dog (satirizing classic cartoons), ''Dr. Von Duck'' (satirizing ''Ducktales''), ''Egyptian Jazz Cats'' (satirizing music-band cartoons), ''Lottie'' (a live-action teen sitcom satirizing ''Blossom'') and ''Intimate Compromise: Casino Nights Seductions'' an R-rated live-action film parodying such films as ''Basic Instinct'', ''True Lies'' and ''L.A. Confidential'' and its animated counterpart ''Intimate Compromise: Casino Nights Seductions: The Animated Series ''(which satirizes the process of turning R-rated movies into cartoons such as ''Robocop'', ''Rambo: The Force of Freedom'', ''Toxic Crusaders'', ''Police Academy'' and ''Conan the Adventurer'') as seen with numerous clips from home movies, news shows and commercials promoting Nextronico's Mega Mitten (spoofing Nintendo's infamous Power Glove), Rude Cubes (Madballs), Sonic Yum gum (spoofing Bubble Yum and "For You, Not Them" Bubble Tape ads), diet sodas, sneakers and submarine sandwiches.
Sometime after S1:E6, Treybor quits ''SMASH!'' because he feels overshadowed by his twin brother Skip. In the season finale, Treybor confronts Skip during a live broadcast to vent his frustrations, before their mother also shows up and urges them to reconcile while introducing them to their long-lost triplet brother, Corbee (Nathan Fielder). Skip also leaves ''SMASH!'', after which all three triplets become VJs on ''Monday Early Afternoon Rock Song Hits'' (''MEARSH''), which shows skludge rock (grunge rock) music videos geared towards older teenagers and young adults.
Starting in S1:E4, breaking news interruptions chronicle the disappearance of ''Lottie'' co-stars Lottie Wolfe and Sean Benjamin and the subsequent police investigation; Wolfe's boyfriend and fellow teen sensation Johnny Rash is initially arrested and tried for their presumed deaths (in a nationally televised trial a la O.J. Simpson), during which Benjamin's body is found, but a jury acquits Rash due to matching left-and-right shoeprints being found at the scene, contradicting Rash's fashion statement of always wearing mismatched shoes (reminiscent of the backwards clothes worn by Kris Kross). Though it proved futile in court, evidence against Rash was found by a 9-year-old ''SMASH!'' superfan named Katherine Logan (implied to be the one who's switching tapes of ''SMASH!'' off-screen), who spotted a blooper in the ''Skip and the Strongimals Movie'' in which an unidentified figure (thought to be Johnny Rash himself) threw an athletic shoe matching the crime scene into the D'ahai Sea.
Running gags include the names of animation studios GIK (a play on DIC Entertainment) and Herb Whibley (Walt Disney), numerous appearances of sub sandwiches and catchphrases like "zuzzy zazz" and "uh... subs?".
Ana is a doctor. Against the opinion of her husband, Antonio, also a doctor, she starts working at a centre of venereal diseases. There, she meets eccentric people from the lower strata of the society.
Brett Blackmore's pushy parents are excitedly celebrating his acceptance into 7 out of 8 Ivy League schools (including bragging to their friends, the school, the local paper) with Harvard being the only one he is wait-listed for. When his friends (Nico, Karan Brar; Clint, Marcus Scribner; Les, Tristan Lake Leabu and Stacy Amanda Grace Benitez) take him to break into the school to play a benign prank; they accidentally blow up one of the buildings. He is the only one identified from this and, as a result, loses his acceptance.
After sharing a brief kiss with Kayla (interrupted by the brash Ted) he records a video ranting about being forced down a path he didn't choose, including a 'fuck-it list' of things he wishes he had done if he wasn't scared it would affect his future. He posts it to his friendship group but it is actually a public post (or someone reshared it, that isn't revealed) and it goes viral on a small scale (1000+ views overnight). His parents scheme to get him accepted by Harvard, including making advances to their friend (Barry, Peter Facinelli) who is also a board member of Harvard.
Kayla appreciates Brett's list and says that she needs his help to start checking ones of the one she's made as a result. This involves smashing the expensive Mustang of the alcoholic and abusive boyfriend of her mother which she said she never had the guts to do before Brett's post. The boyfriend spots them and they drive off and spend a cute day together—including discussion of their mutual lists and Brett's public performance of Wild Thing on Venice Beach. Kayla is signed to Ted's dad's modelling agency where she will be working in Europe over the summer to afford school, but has to entertain the annoying Ted as a result.
Kayla reveals she has nowhere to go after the car and Brett refuses to help her in service of getting 'back on track', she storms off but does later post good luck to him. His list continues to gain traction online in the meantime, which affects his meeting with the principal and results in his inability to graduate high school. His parents berate him and he drives off in his dad's car to the Rocks to meet his friends—they spread the word and a large number of other teenagers turn up to burn their school books together, Kayla doesn't attend, his friend Clint comes out to him. The fire builds attention for the list and he is called by a PR representative (King Bach) to help him monetise it. The list grows again, he has 263,018 followers, local homeless man (Dee, Callan Mulvey) reveals he is also following the list and the police turn up to reveal he could be considered as inciting crime.
The dean of Harvard calls Barry to say that she wants to offer him a place as an iconoclast and disruptor. Meanwhile, Kayla finally agrees to see Brett and they make up. He has to write an essay to gain entry to Harvard but Brett seems uninspired by it—he drops in on his friends graduation to learn that Kayla leaves that night as charges were filed about the car. Upon learning from Les that Dee was previously a valedictorian, he turns his Harvard essay into a new rant about the education system and success, rejecting them. His mother opens up to him, apologising for pushing him, saying that they are on board with his decisions. Brett hits 3 million followers and Harvard says they loved his essay, offering him a place. Kayla is told that in order to work in the industry she will need to attend to rich clients, Brett arrives in Spain to persuade her to travel with him instead (after rejecting Harvard again) which she is happy to do—both subscribing to the 'fuck-it' attitude. Brett tells Kayla that he was offered a visiting proffesorship.
Benji lives in Brixton and he spends his days keeping his best friend Archie out of trouble. Benji falls in love with Leah, a young YouTuber from a wealthy family who is obsessed with street culture. When Leah is tasked with creating a film project, she chooses Benji as her protagonist. But, as she searches for edgy footage, the line between art and exploitation start to blur.
High school dropout Liza Drake lands a job with a failing pharmaceutical start-up in a yellowing strip mall in Central Florida, where she soon finds herself at the center of a criminal conspiracy with deadly consequences.
It is primarily set in 1950s Havana. Andrés is a young and idealistic man working for a boat skipper, Simón, involved in human trafficking. He becomes infatuated with Marie, one of the underage girls recruited by Simón who are educated in Madame's house for the purpose of marrying old and wealthy men.
A group of mismatched school kids band together to face a fearsome new machine intelligence.
Years since the events of Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants, Cox the ladybug now lives a happy life with his family in the valley in south-eastern France and are harvesting assorted fruits to sustain them through the winter. Junior, one of Cox's kids, parts from the group & tries to haul an apple he found to their home tree, but it's stolen by Toofete the fly and his gang. Cox then leads them on an open chase that ends up with the flies trapped on a spider's frozen web, which falls down and crashes, killing both spider and flies. Cox and Junior then return home and hibernate for the winter with the others. Later that night, in a small village, Cox's old friend Mandible and his patrol of black ants raid a grocery store to obtain a box of sugar for the winter, but are attacked by an army of red ants led by Butor, who seeks revenge against Cox and Mandible. Overwhelmed after a chase into a shipping factory in the grocery store, Mandible sends a distress call to Cox, who stops hibernating, receives the message and sets off, unknowingly followed by his son, who wakes up after his father leaves.
When Cox arrives, a brief battle commences. In the battle, the red ants fall off a lamp after Cox pulls it when the try to corner Mandible, and end up trapped in boxes of chestnuts bound for different locations around the globe, along with Junior, who is hit by the lamp and lands into a box that's destined for Guadalupe Island in the Caribbean. Cox leaves Mandible & hitches a ride on the truck and then on an airplane at the airport going to Guadalupe that both contain the box Junior is stuck in. After a long voyage, they arrive on Guadalupe on a cargo plane and are loaded onto a pickup truck to a bar, where Cox is separated from Junior after the truck hits a speed bump. While Junior is set free and gets lost in the jungle, Cox regains consciousness on the beach and contacts Mandible with the help of a troop of Caribbean ants loading a heavy coconut by spreading the message all the way to France, before setting off to track down Junior. After receiving the message and learning of Cox and Junior's location, Mandible goes to the sewage pipe, where he reaches out to Cox's other friend, the tiny black spider. After some convincing by Mandible, he decides to help and they both modify a model ship by replacing the sails with balloons, and adding electric motors at the back, and set off for Guadalupe, but while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, they get lost in a storm where its lightning strike and electricute the ship, popping all the balloons and shutting down the motors, causing them to fall into the sea and end up in the belly of a shark, which causes them to go off course as the shark moves around the ocean.
Meanwhile, Junior explores his new environment, where he comes across all sorts of new animals and plants when an open chase from a hungry praying mantis ends up in him falling into a cave and ending up stuck in a jumping spider's web, along with a fly, a black swallowtail caterpillar, and a black ladybug named Coco whom he develops a crush on. Cox arrives and saves them all by dropping a rock on the spider, but as the spider dangles midair, the web unravels causing everyone stuck on the web to fall to the bottom of the cave. Cox and Coco then nearly escape from the spider with the others while carrying a knocked-out Junior, and reach the safety of the beach. As the fly and the caterpillar leave for home, Coco takes Cox to her colony's home in a palm tree near the beach where they settle down, and the black ladybugs do a special ritual to help Junior regain consciousness while Cox keeps trying to reach out to his friends with the Caribbean ants, but get no response, due to them not knowing what had recently happened to Mandible and the tiny black spider. Two days later, Junior eventually regains consciousness and he and Cox reunite. They both decide to stay until their friends arrive and during then, Junior begins to bond with Coco as his girlfriend.
One day, a group of construction workers arrive at the black ladybug's home and chop it down with a chainsaw, planning to build a resort on their estate ground. Thinking of a plan to save them, Cox remembers seeing one of the black swallowtail caterpillars after he regained consciousness on the beach and their defense by creating a viciously strong smell that gives people green pimples and causing them to panic and wash down the smell, which is why the people on the island had considered them a dangerous nuisance. Cox then leaves Junior and Coco to find the caterpillar's home in a Banyan tree at the center of the jungle, but they follow him anyway and save him from the praying mantis and his gang, but are eventually cornered near a cliff. Just before they're about to be almost eaten, the ladybugs are suddenly saved by Mandible and the tiny black spider, who escaped from the shark's belly by blasting loud music from the spider's iPod and speakers that they bought, forcing it to spit them out, then restarted the motors and uses replacement balloons to get back into the air and on course. Cox, Junior, & Coco make a quick escape from the Mantis and head for the caterpillar's banyan tree. Once there, the caterpillar that Cox saved from the jumping spider's cave guides him to their gigantic, very old, and wise leader, who learns of the construction site that's threatening the black ladybugs by using his antennae to look into Cox's memories and he decides to help him. He then arrives with the entire army and eventually manage to ward them away to a new construction site, resulting in the place declared as a caterpillar infested area by scientists.
With the Caribbean ladybug's home saved, the gang then bid farewell to their new friends and leave for home while Mandible trades the coconut with the Caribbean ants to put in his food storage, but Junior decides to stay behind as he doesn't want to leave Coco. He then says goodbye to his father as he leaves for the island and reunites with Coco while Cox & his friends arrive home and they all return to their homes to resume hibernation.
In a mid-credits scene, the chestnut box Butor and his patrol were stuck in is shown to have landed in a restaurant in Beijing, China, and as they are set free, Butor begins to plot their escape from the city and their second revenge against Cox and Mandible.
Delaney Wells, a former forest ranger from Idaho, interviews at The Every, a software company headquartered on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. Her goal is to destroy the company from within, although she does not have a solid plan. As part of her interview she enlists her friend and housemate Wes Makazian to create a prototype for an application that can determine whether a person you are talking to is telling the truth.
Delaney is hired, and the company sets about productizing the idea she presented during her interview. This also results in Wes Makazian being hired as a developer at The Every. As part of her initial time at the company, Delaney is rotated among different teams. During each of these rotations she proposes ideas, brainstormed by Wes and her, that are meant to be so invasive and offensive to the public that they would damage the reputation of The Every once they are released. However, to her surprise and dismay, each idea is well-received by the public. Wes's stature at The Every continues to grow, and he tells Delany that he is no longer interested in working against the company. During this time, she is receiving increasingly distressed letters from her college professor, Meena Agarwal, an anti-monopolist who is strongly opposed to The Every and is upset that Delaney is working there.
One of the employees Delaney meets is Gabriel Chu, who eventually subjects her to a private interrogation to determine why she is at The Every. He is using the truth-detector application that grew out of Delaney's interview prototype. Delany realizes that she has been unable to hide her true intent from Gabriel. However, he later tells her that he is part of an organized resistance within The Every, with goals similar to Delaney's.
Delaney eventually is invited to meet with Mae Holland, the CEO of The Every (and the protagonist of ''The Circle''). After the meeting, Mae proposes that they go hiking alone in Idaho. Delaney takes a detour to Oregon to visit Professor Agarwal and is shocked to learn that she has accepted a job at The Every. Delaney and Mae meet for a hike to a cliff with a view of a waterfall. On the way up, Delaney proposes her most radical idea yet, which involves rolling all of the metrics that The Every is currently privately gathering about people into a single, public score that evaluates a person's total value. At the top of the falls, it is revealed that Mae is aware of Delaney's plans, in coordination with Gabriel Chu, and that the resistance is fake. Mae, who has intentionally turned off all tracking of the hike, and has been wearing weighted men's boots on the hike to throw off any investigation, pushes Delaney off of the cliff.
The book ends with Mae preparing to present her idea for a radical new application to an audience at The Every.
*Source: Tetsu Kazama, a senior member of the Nishio clan (Yakuza clan) kills Yoshie, the head of the hostile yakuza clan. When Tetsu is released from prison, he learns that Nishio clan has dissolved and Nishio clan's old territory is now controlled by the Hirata clan.
''Deception at Dasa'' is a supplement in which the opponent is a demigod and the player characters will need a powerful artifact to defeat him.
Facing eviction from her home in a rough Sevillian neighborhood, Carmen decides to scam an agency into renting a room to Ariel Brooklyn (an Afro-American foreign student from a well-off family) in exchange of €700. Meanwhile, Carmen's daughter, Ana, is desperate to leave the neighborhood.
The film is set in the Costa del Sol, featuring real-estate corruption as a backdrop. The plot follows Tano, the henchman of Manuel, a real-estate businessman who has got too old. The ways of Ángel, Manuel's son and heir-apparent, complicate things.
The book is broken into 26 chapters, which follow the alphabet from A to Z, with each chapter consisting of a short essay. The stories are mostly set in Toronto or Addis Ababa and each offer unusual perspectives of working in hospital emergency departments.
The film details the lives of six people who live on Third Avenue in New York City. The individuals are a car thief, a Bowery homeless man, a mother on welfare, a male prostitute, a factory employee, and a barber.
''All or Nothing: Juventus'' features a turbulent season for the club. Despite winning two trophies, the 2020–21 Coppa Italia and the 2020 Supercoppa Italiana, newly appointed coach Andrea Pirlo failed to lead the club to the tenth Serie A title in a row and was knocked out in the round of 16 of the Champions League by Porto.
In 2018, Yelena Belova and Black Widow agent Sonya subdue a woman named Annie in her house who has been helping deprogramming Black Widows after being freed from General Dreykov in 2016. Belova soon becomes a victim of the Blip and re-emerges in 2023, hoping to talk with Natasha Romanoff, but eventually learns her death. In 2024, Kate Bishop informs her mother Eleanor, about her fiancée Jack Duquesne's shell corporation Sloan Limited, which leads into his arrest.
Bishop finds Belova waiting for her in her apartment, where she learns that Belova was sent to New York City to kill Clint Barton. After recovering in Grills' apartment, Barton goes to a memorial of the Avengers, apologizing to Romanoff. He puts on the Ronin suit and challenges Maya Lopez to a fight, trying to convince her to stop her vendetta against him and pursuing his family. He is rescued by Bishop while Lopez suspects Kazi Kazimierzcak knows more information about the Bishop Christmas Party event.
The next day, Belova informs Bishop that she was hired by Eleanor to kill Barton and that Eleanor is working with Lopez's "uncle", whom Barton identifies as Wilson Fisk / Kingpin.
Unpopular Dood (Estevan Muñoz) navigates finding the one in Schmucksville, USA. However, Dood struggles to become emotionally available as he encounters a psychedelic creature that forces him to perceive himself and the world differently.
High school student Terry McGinnis is sent by his employer Powers to steal the Beyond suit—a "special" Batsuit created by Bruce years earlier when he was still Batman, but which he never got to wear because it was considered too dangerous—from a historic site where the ruins of Wayne Manor and the Batcave are located. However, Terry is discovered by the site guards and, to avoid getting caught, he dons the Beyond suit, allowing him to beat down the guards and flee the scene. At Stonegate, Bruce prevents Jason from being killed by a cult-like gang dedicated to the now-deceased Valley called the Sons of Azrael in the midst of a riot, which is forcibly stopped with the arrival of the GTO. While escorting him back to his cell, GTO officer Duke Thomas shows Bruce footage of Terry wearing the Beyond suit he stole, and Bruce deduces that Powers is the one behind the robbery. Meanwhile, after a fierce argument with her daughter Jackie, reformed criminal and retired vigilante Harley Quinn discovers that she has run away from home and finds in Jackie's room classified documents regarding Harley's murder of the psychotic criminal Joker. Back at Stonegate, Bruce reconciles with Jason before breaking out of prison to put an end to Powers' plans. Upon arriving in Neo-Gotham, Bruce comes across a seemingly resurrected Joker.
A month earlier, Dick and the GTO witness how Terry beats up the criminal known as Mr. Fixx for allegedly murdering Warren McGinnis, Terry's father and Powers' former employee and best friend. Dick then intervenes on Terry's behalf and, rather than taking him into custody, introduces him to Powers, who reveals to Terry that Fixx was actually hired to kill Warren. Learning of this fact, Terry agrees to work for Powers in exchange for his help in locating and exacting revenge on those responsible for Warren's death. In the present, the Joker in front of Bruce informs him that he is actually a consciousness-based AI of the real Joker's sane alter ego Jack Napier—Harley's late husband and father to Jackie and her twin brother Bryce. The AI, calling himself "Jack" and appearing to Bruce as a hologram only he can see, explains to him that he is being projected from a microchip inside Bruce's head that was previously inserted by the original Napier following Bruce's first apprehension by the GTO. At the GTO headquarters, Duke quits his job upon refusing to obey Dick's order to arrest Jason for letting Bruce escape. While wandering around Neo-Gotham, Bruce is confronted by Dick, who he manages to defeat and immobilize with Jack's help. Realizing he lacks resources, Bruce sneaks into an old safe house of his to equip himself, but is approached by Harley, who has been given the house by him as a dwelling for her and her children. Much to Jack's confusion, Harley confesses to being married to Bruce.
Powers sends Terry to infiltrate several facilities around Neo-Gotham to steal various pieces of technology that Powers believes will help fix the malfunctioning Beyond suit, which he plans to use in a secret project he is working on. Powers later tells Terry that Bruce is the one who hired Fixx to kill Warren. At Harley's house, she explains that Powers was going to force her to testify against Bruce in the trial twelve years earlier, and that she married Bruce only because marital privileges would prevent that from happening. Duke tries to rejoin the GCPD, but is turned down by Barbara, who instead gives him a Robin suit and requests that, as a vigilante, he assist Bruce in taking down Powers. Wearing a modified Batsuit, Bruce reveals to Jack that in the past, Powers deduced his secret identity as Batman, but rather than publicly disclosing it, Powers proposed that as long as Bruce continued to fund him, not only would he not reveal Bruce's identity, he would also develop equipment for him to use in his crusade; albeit reluctantly, Bruce accepted Powers' proposal. Attempting to infiltrate the GCPD, Bruce encounters Terry, who—dressed as Batman—overpowers Bruce and tries to question him about his alleged role in Warren's death, but Duke appears as Robin to aid Bruce in fighting Terry, with the ensuing conflict between the three of them causing Bruce to fall off the roof where the fight was taking place and land on top of a car.
Emanuel (Jesús Castro) is an escort who lives a luxuries life. After surviving a childhood of violence and poverty, Emanuel forms a bond with Minou (Adriana Barraza), a businesswoman who takes him under her wing and helps him become a sought-after escort. But his destiny changes when Ana (Fabiola Campomanes), one of his frequent clients, offers him a complex job: to seduce her daughter Julia (Victoria White) in order to strengthen her self-esteem. With Julia's arrival, Emanuel unexpectedly becomes romantically involved, leading him to question his life choices. Consumed by jealousy for the growing love that she herself encouraged, Ana threatens to tell her daughter the truth about Emanuel in order to put an end to their romance. Blinded by his passion for Julia, Emanuel fails to see the dangers that will affect his uncertain future with her and his life as a gigolo.
To replace an aging battleship, a new super battleship (the future ''Yamato'') is proposed to the Navy. Admirals Yamamoto and Nagano believe that battleships are becoming obsolete, and advocate building a new aircraft carrier instead, but they are opposed by the Navy's old guard.
Yamamoto and Nagano enlist Tadashi Kai, an eccentric, headstrong, and pacifist mathematics prodigy on the autism spectrum with an obsession for measuring things. Kai is at first unwilling to help Yamamoto and Nagano, but becomes convinced that a super battleship will be seen by other nations as an aggressive threat, leading Japan and the world toward war, and agrees to work for them.
Much of the film revolves around Kai's efforts to prove that the cost of the ''Yamato'' will be much higher than its designers claim. This he finally does, using mathematical formulas that, in a dramatic scene, are shown to be very accurate when applied to the cost of earlier ships. Kai thus demonstrates that the battleship will cost about double the estimate. But battleship champion Shigetarō Shimada, when caught in his lie, appeals to patriotism: he had deliberately underestimated the cost of the battleship so that it would be approved, as he believed it to be vitally necessary for the Navy. Shimada's scheme was to underpay the shipyard for the cost of the battleship, making up the difference by overpaying for some cruisers. Despite the exposed fraud, the proposal to the build the ''Yamato'' is approved.
On the 7 April 1945 during a two hour attack, after being hit by more than 16 bombs & torpedoes, the Yamato was sunk by American carrier-based aircraft with the loss of most of her 3,233 crew.
The show is revolves around five main characters: "Ketihami", "Pichchi", "Gunadari", "Tilakaratne" and "Senehalatha" who live in the Ratnapura area, Sabaragamuwa Province. Ketihami is an ideal villager who lives a meager life in harmony with nature. "Pichchi" is the ideal village woman, who is the wife of Ketihami. Pichchihami who was raped by a man in the palace before entangled with Ketihami. Their first born: Gunadari, is a genuine character who faces life with great courage even as a disabled woman. She loves her father dearly. She lost her eyesight when she was a child due to a leopard bite. When she becomes a teenager, she starts to plow the fields at night. The story flows through their lives to battle with changes occur in the country.
Every Sunday, Juan (Roberto Álamo), a prison official, observes in silence the visit of Berta (Emma Suárez), the mother of Sergio (Miguel Bernardeau), one of the prisoners. The day he finally manages to approach her, he surprises himself pretending to be another father and inventing a daughter in prison: Josefina. The need to fill the void in which Juan and Berta live leads them to continue meeting beyond the reality that surrounds them.
The plot tracks five personal stories connected to a therapy group managed by Abel that helps people with a condition of obesity.
Mr. Patoff, a bow-tie-wearing consultant comes to the rescue of CompWare after a prominent merger falls through and seemingly starts running the company.
Leah Isaac (played by Lois Weber) is disowned by her father Rabbi Isaac (played by Phillips Smalley) after she marries Rupert Julian, a gentile coworker. Sam Isaac, the rabbi's son, is also kicked out of the house after returning home intoxicated; he subsequently vows that he will not return until the rabbi celebrates Christmas.
Rupert Julian loses his legs in a trolley accident, forcing him and Leah to sell artificial flowers while living in poverty. The couple live in a tenement directly above Rabbi Isaac's home, but the rabbi is unaware of their presence. After years pass, the rabbi befriends Rupert and Leah's daughter Eleanor, not knowing that he is her grandfather. After Eleanor, whose parents do not have the money to buy a Christmas tree, asks him why she does not have a tree while other children do, the rabbi sells a religious text in order to purchase a Christmas tree to please Eleanor, leading him to reunite with Leah and realize that he is Eleanor's grandfather. Sam Isaac returns as well with Christmas gifts for the family.
The story presents the life of 14-year-old Lakki, who dreams himself away from an insecure existence. Life consists of his party-crazy mother, his self-absorbed father, his violent high school teacher, and the pedophile Buddha-Man. Lakki often thinks of the time when his parents lived together and life was good. But even this joy was not untainted. He also remembers his insane grandfather, from whom he inherited his sweater. When Lakki is alone, he imagines that wings have begun to grow on his back so he can fly away from this painful world. He starts experimenting with drugs with the LSD seller Tim, and one day he starts hallucinating that wings are growing on his back, and he has to decide if he wants to escape or stay where he is. When Lakki comes home to his mother one day, he discovers that she has locked herself in her room and tried to commit suicide. Lakki starts chopping his way through the door with an ax. He eventually faints from exhaustion. The next day, he decides to burn his grandfather's sweater, which causes his wings to fall off. He then goes to the hospital and forgives his mother for what she has done.
Young forensics investigator Paula Costa suffers a nervous breakdown after a personal tragedy and is admitted to a mysterious psychiatric clinic. She is pushed to the limits of her sanity as she investigates the real reason and conspiracy behind her admission to the clinic.
After discovering that he has a terminal disease, a single father takes his reluctant teenage daughter on a cross country road trip to find her estranged mother, as he tries to teach her everything she might need to know for the rest of her life along the way.
Using the eternal triangle as the main theme, the film shows how six different countries might deal with the moment a husband returns home unexpectedly to find his wife with a lover, with the same three actors playing all the roles. The film also parodies the well known styles of the prominent directors and stars of each country at the time the film was made.
As this theme was first explored by the silent cinema, it begins with desert sheiks, tents, Persian brocades and an Arab husband’s revenge, however the English are less hot- blooded with rain stopping the cricket, and a compromise over a whisky. The Japanese resort to harakiri unable to stomach American intervention, and the Italian stilted subtitles misinterpret the lover’s hot-bloodied feelings with “I admire your bust” and the husband’s anger with “I should never have married a Neapolitan lady of the town!”.
The Swedes are silent in their snow-bound house, as the ticking handless clock fails to tell the time in the pervading gloom, as they carry on with their infidelities even after poison and wild strawberries are consumed, whereas the French New Wave and excessive hand- held cameras follow a lover’s search for a cigarette, and where ‘ça va?’ seems to cover most emotions until a surprise ending.
Rintarou Tsuda is a high school student with the capacity to predict the lifespan of living things. However, he has struggled with his abilities since he was a child, and he can only gradually observe the people around him without being able to assist them. He discovers one day that Umi Kanzaki, his childhood buddy and the one who has feelings for him, has less than 100 days to live.
During the concept stage, Umi Kanzaki was supposed to die after 100 days, and the entire tale would be about "how to live in 100 days", but due to the gloom, the story was adjusted to be more comical romantic while keeping the original core theme.
The plot concerns the development by members of Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front of the plan to kill Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in Cajón del Maipo in 1986 (the so-called 'Operación Siglo XX').
A dramedy blurring the limits between a fiction film and a documentary, the film exposes racist prejudices in the Catalan society. It tracks the day-to-day life of three plumbers/electricians (performed by semi-professional actors) in the outskirts of Barcelona. It features dialogue in Spanish, Catalan and Amazigh.
The Planchadell y Calabuig, a family of turrón-makers from Xixona (province of Alicante), travel to Madrid to sell their product. Once there, they are approached by an image consultant.
The plot is set in early-1980s Spain. It follows Adolfo and Lola, a couple who, in the wake of an abortion, decides to adopt two creepy orphan twin siblings strictly educated under ultra-Catholic dogmas in a convent.
The narrator, a con artist, previously worked as a prostitute behind an associated fortune telling establishment called 'Spiritual Palms', where she gave handjobs. She shifted her focus to fake fortune-telling, psychic reading, and aura reading.
She meets wealthy housewife Susan Burke, who believes that the Victorian house she has recently moved in to, Carterhook Manor, is inhabited by a malevolent spirit. Susan has a strained relationship with her disturbed 15-year-old stepson, Miles, while her husband is usually away for business. During her fake cleansing sessions of Carterhook Manor, the narrator feels threatened by Miles. As Susan and the narrator experience more strange events and Miles grows more aggressive, the narrator begins to believe the house is really haunted. She admits to Susan that she cannot provide psychic guidance and the family should get real help.
However, Miles then reveals to the narrator that Susan's husband is a man whom the narrator often serviced at Spiritual Palms. As revenge, Susan has lured the narrator with fake stories and is planning to kill the narrator and Miles, then frame the narrator as the aggressor. Miles asks the narrator to help him flee in her car.
Later, in the car, Miles reveals that he lied: Susan had no idea of her husband's infidelity. Instead, Miles has framed the narrator as a thief and a kidnapper. He threatens to turn her in to the police if she doesn't comply with his orders. He needs her to help him travel the country as he wishes by posing as his adult guardian. Trapped in the arrangement and suspecting that Miles is a violent sociopath, the narrator begins a cross-country road trip with Miles to a convention for fans of the supernatural.
The Western-like fiction is set in Andalusia in 1946. A kid chased by men on behalf of the local overseer finds a sepherd offering him protection.
The film tells the tale of people who dreamed of independence. In 1971, Bangladesh was a prison. A troupe of the Pakistani army arrives to renovate an airbase built during World War II in a small sub-divisional town. In the presence of the army, the relations of the three friends become change. Few of them work in support of the liberation struggle while other work in support of the accomplices of the occupying Pakistani army. Overcoming the endless story of action and reaction, the 'Call of the Red Rooster' brings the message of a new sunrise for the persecuted and oppressed people longing for freedom.
On a devastated Earth, salvaged Shongairi technology sets humanity up to recover and advance beyond the tragedy of alien invasion, soon to be united under the banner of the newly formed Planetary Union. As the leap in technology and scientific knowledge sets humanity up for a bright interstellar future, Dave Dvorak starts looking among the stars for allies in the coming confrontation with the Galactic Hegemony.
At the same time, Vlad Dracuela and Stephen Buchevsky lead the captured and now vampire-crewed Shongairi fleet on its journey to enemy space.
When a stubborn old man (Philip Baker Hall) and a fretful teenaged girl (Kerris Dorsey) are forced to share a hospital room, an unexpected friendship forms over their hatred of fake cheerfulness and bad hospital food. The film is a comedy-drama.
In 1941 at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. German troops on the outskirts of Moscow. Twenty-year-old young student cameramen Lev Alperin and Ivan Maisky refuse to leave for evacuation and seek to be sent to the front in order to be in the center of the grand battle for Moscow with cameras.
Lev Alperin and Ivan Maisky compete for the title of the best cameraman of the course and for the love of the beautiful Yuna from the acting department. When the evacuation begins, the three of them refuse to leave and go to the front: Yuna will perform in a concert team, and Ivan and Lev become military cameramen. Their rivalry continues here, but the trials and horrors of the war, the courage and exploits of the Soviet soldiers, which they witness, change their views on creativity and life. Only thanks to this they manage to shoot shots that will go down in history ...
In parallel with this, the viewer will see the peaceful life of Los Angeles, where the 15th Oscar ceremony of the year began with a sensation - the main Hollywood film award received a documentary from the Soviet Union.
Inspired by real events: filmed in record time, the documentary ''Moscow Strikes Back'', directed by Ilya Kopalin and Leonid Varlamov, won the first ever Oscar for Best Documentary in 1943. This is the first Oscar received by domestic filmmakers.
The plot follows Víctor, a criminal who teams up with an Eastern European criminal gang planning to pull a bank heist, hired to break the vault.
A couple of years after the end of the Pacific War, two men arrive on a small island off Nagasaki coast. One of the men was sent to conduct real estate negotiations, the other, Hatsuma Wajima, is the uncle of local village teacher Teruhide, who came to see if Teruhide's fiancée Rie is an acceptable marriage prospect for the family. Unbeknownst to Hatsuma, Rie was one of four orphan girls, all survivors of the bombing of Nagasaki, who arrived shortly after the war in the "House of Hands", an orphanage operated by the Catholic church. (The name refers to the pottery work the orphans were given to do.) Two others of the group, Shigeno and Seiko, have been married to local men in the meantime, but are seemingly unable to receive healthy children: Shigeno lost both her children some time after birth, while Seiko has just lost her first expected child in a miscarriage. Teruhide instructs Rie not to tell his uncle about her true origins but instead to pretend that she is a local girl.
Seiko eventually dies of her miscarriage, while Teruhide's uncle finds out about Rie's provenance, which puts an end to the couple's marriage plans. During Seiko's funeral rites, a debate starts among the attendants about the rumoured re-opening of the orphanage. The elders among the villagers, all descendants of Crypto-Christians, object against the project, again to be operated by the orthodox Catholic church. Also, a re-opening would mean new orphans arriving, and new unfertile women, with the result that the village would become stigmatised like a community of untouchables.
The series are the love and relationship stories of '''five Juthathep half-brothers''', who were born as '''Mom Rajawongse (M.R.)''' ( ), starting in 1957 year. Although, they were born from different mothers but they really love each other's and have a great relationship. After their parents die altogether when they were young, they were raised by the grandmothers, '''Mom Aiet''', and Aiet's younger sister, '''Grandma Oon'''.
Their fathers, '''M.C. Witchakorn''', had a promise with his best friend and lifesaver, '''M.R. Taewapan Taewaprom''', in the past. That is he wanted an either of his sons marry to an either of Taewapan's daughters. As a result, five of them have a responsibility to keep the promise. But later, all of them want to choose their own partners, so it leads their grandmothers to force them to marriage.
After spending time and money at a theme park called The Overpriced World of Angelica Button, the Simpson family return home, where they find Grandpa holding Snowball II instead of Maggie in his arms. Luckily, Ned Flanders knocks on the door with her. Tired of Grandpa's incompetence with Maggie, Marge fires him as a babysitter. During a talk with Ned, Marge mentions that they haven't baptized her. Ned has more than a thousand children that he's a godfather of and declines their request to be Maggie's godfather. Marge is tormented over the prospective of Maggie going to Hell due to not being baptized.
Marge then forces Homer to go search for a godfather for her. Homer first goes to Moe's Tavern where he finds Lenny, Carl, Moe, and Barney as unfit candidates. When two men drop a piano above them, Fat Tony saves them, saying the Blessed Mother saved them. Tony offers to be Maggie's godfather, and Homer is too scared to refuse.
On bringing the news to Marge, she gets angry because of Fat Tony's status as Springfield's crime lord, but Tony showers Maggie with gifts and seems genuinely interested in her welfare.
At the First Church of Springfield, the baptism happens with Selma appointed as Maggie's godmother. Legs and Louie become babysitters for her while Maggie starts to act like a boss herself. Johnny Tightlips and the other mobsters worry that Tony is becoming soft and begin plotting against him.
Marge becomes worried about Tony's influence on Maggie but Tony insists he's getting out of the crime business. The other mobsters arrange a hit on Tony, which he violently squashes. Realizing he is not a good influence, he bows out of being Maggie's godfather.
Hannah is left to navigate the aftermath when her husband Owen disappears during an embezzlement investigation. He leaves a note begging Hannah to protect Bailey, her teenage stepdaughter. Bailey is often difficult towards Hannah, but after finding a duffel bag from Owen with six-hundred-thousand dollars in cash, she depends on Hannah for answers. The FBI begins to investigate, and Hannah learns Owen is hiding his true identity.
Hannah remembers Owen's defensiveness when she suggested they go to Texas for vacation, and Bailey recalls some early memories from there, leading to their departure from California to Texas. In Austin, his old Professor recalls him and gives them access to old class photos. They discover a picture of a woman, Kate Smith, who looks nearly identical to Bailey. After doing some research, Hannah connects Kate to a bar nearby. She heads over, hiding Bailey in a cafe. Hannah speaks to the bartender, Charlie, gleaning bits of information about the woman—his sister—who has since died. Trying to connect them to Owen, she shows him a picture. Charlie reacts violently, throwing Hannah's phone to the floor. Bailey bursts in and orders him to back away. He freezes in a state of shock, identifying Bailey as Kristin. They return to their hotel to hide and pack for a flight home.
Bailey remembers that Charlie is her uncle, and Kristin is her real name. She wants to go back out, but Hannah warns it is not safe. In the bathroom, Hannah researches Bailey's family more. She discovers Bailey's grandfather, Nicolas, is connected to a crime syndicate, and Kate was killed when he failed to follow through for them. Owen's real name was Ethan, and after the death of his wife, he provided evidence to convict Nicolas, before he took Kristin and ran. They were meant to hide through Witness Protection, but after a leak, Owen chose to hide them himself.
Hannah smashes her phone and leaves the bathroom, finding the hotel room empty. She searches frantically for Bailey, but cannot find her. A U.S. Marshal agent pulls her aside and lets her know they're looking for Bailey. He attempts to convince her to enter the Witness Protection Program, reasoning that Owen will be able to return to them if she agrees. After he gets news they've found Bailey, she tells him it will be up to her to decide. Hannah sneaks away, and returns to the bar. She asks Charlie to take her to Nicolas to negotiate. Nicolas is heavily guarded, but meets with her one on one. He insists his superiors in the gang will not shine a blind eye toward Ethan's betrayal, so he cannot negotiate his safety. However, Hannah only seeks to ensure Bailey's safety, knowing it is what Owen wants. Nicolas agrees she and Bailey will be safe and can return home. Hannah grapples with the reality Owen will not be part of their lives anymore.
Upon reuniting with Bailey, she learns Owen called her through a special app he installed on her phone. He spoke only twenty seconds, to tell her he was not coming back. Though the U.S. Marshal insists they enter Witness Protection, Bailey is tired and wants to go home, so she and Hannah return to California. Years later, Hannah waits for Bailey to arrive with her newest boyfriend, and a man bumps into her on the street. He looks very different, but he still wears their wedding ring. He only lingers a moment, and is gone before Bailey arrives, calling Hannah "Mom."
A married artist enters the world of intrigue and sexual exploration with a prostitute.
Mabel, a young girl, lives with her father Raymond, mother Penny, and newborn sister Isobel in relative poverty. After a visit from wealthy relatives, Raymond wanders drunk into the forest at night and encounters the mysterious architect Mr. Van Schoonbeek. The following morning, Van Schoonbeek’s employee Mr. Thomas visits the family and convinces Raymond and Penny to accept Van Schoonbeek's offer to move into a new luxurious house built for them at no charge.
After the family moves in, Mabel notices several peculiar things about the house and the workers constantly refitting it, but her parents are too mesmerized by the house and its luxuries. Raymond becomes increasingly obsessed with the house's fireplace, which he constantly fails to light up, while Penny spends more and more time sewing drapes. Mabel becomes further put off when her parents don attire designed by Van Schoonbeek which resembles the furniture they adore (a chair and curtains).
Exploring the house one night, Mabel and Isobel find themselves lost in the maze it has become, eventually stumbling upon Thomas. Drunk, Thomas confesses that he is an actor following a script provided by Van Schoonbeek. Meanwhile, Raymond is finally able to light a fire by burning the family's old possessions, including his father’s chair and Mabel's dollhouse. When the sisters finally reunite with their parents, they find Raymond and Penny turned into furniture—Raymond into a chair, and Penny into curtains. As the fire expands, the parents urge their daughters to escape. Using the curtains to climb out a window while their parents burn alive, Mabel and Isobel watch the smoking house from a distance as the sun rises.
The story is set in a world populated by anthropomorphic rats, and the house is now settled in a developed city street and about to go up for sale. The developer renovating the house recently laid off his construction crew to reduce costs and must do all the work himself. Discovering the house has been infested by Fur beetles and larvae, he uses copious amounts of boric acid to get rid of them, to no avail.
On the day of the viewing, the guests are unimpressed by the house, but a strangely shaped couple remains, expressing a strong interest in buying the house. Unwilling to risk the sale, the developer lets them stay the night. Over the next few days, the odd couple remain firmly settled in the house, the bugs return in force, and the bank keeps demanding repayment of the developer's business loan. The developer decides to stop indulging the couple, only for many members of their family to show up wanting to enter the house.
At his wit's end, the developer tries to use the boric acid on the couple, but he inhales a mouthful and faints; he survives but is reduced to a catatonic state. The couple picks the developer up from the hospital and brings him home, where the couple's entire family welcomes him back, many of them now sporting additional limbs. The final scene shows the family ravaging the inside of the house—climbing up the walls and chewing through everything. The developer, having regressed to animal-like intelligence, briefly emerges from the remains of the oven to eat garbage before retreating underground.
In a world that suffered an apocalyptic flood and is populated by anthropomorphic cats, the house is surrounded by water which keeps rising. Rosa, the landlord who cherishes the memories of her days growing up in the house, dreams of restoring it to its former glory. However, she struggles financially, and her only tenants, fisherman Elias and hippie Jen, do not pay rent despite her insistence; she consistently ignores their attempts to address the rising water.
When Jen's "spirit partner" Cosmos, a craftsman, arrives to visit, Rosa enlists him to work on the house, but is infuriated to find out he has instead been tearing up the house's floorboards to build a boat for Elias. As Cosmos continues to refit the house against Rosa's wishes, Rosa argues with Elias, hurt that he wishes to leave, while he accuses her of being afraid to do the same. He later departs on the makeshift boat.
As the water and mist continue to seep into the house and Jen prepares to leave the house with Cosmos, she puts Rosa into a dream-like trance, in which Rosa sees the house destroyed and her friends abandoning her. Emerging from the vision, she sees Jen and Cosmos sailing away, calling for her to join them, but the boat is too far away. Remembering a large lever Cosmos had built, she pushes it, transforming the house into a seaworthy vessel. Encouraged by Jen, Cosmos, and a returning Elias, Rosa takes control of the house ship, escaping as the floods destroy the surrounding foundations, and the four sail out into the ocean.
Melvin "Smelly" Mckenzie (Aml Ameen) is a British immigrant living in Los Angeles. After the release of his new book he is prompted to go back home to London for the first time in two year in order to promote his book. He and his almost-fiancée Lisa Dixon (Aja Naomi King) journey to London to meet Melvin's lovable but dysfunctional Caribbean-British family. While there, things become complicated by the presence of his ex-girlfriend and global superstar Georgia (Leigh-Anne Pinnock) who is still has unresolved feelings for him and is very close with the family he left behind.
Under assignment from the state of Maine to locate and secure a Christmas tree for the annual tree lighting ceremony in the state's capital, "tree whisperer" Charlie Freemont and her assistant Rohan travel to the town of Camden. They find their ideal tree on the property of the Alma Beltran and her parents, the proprietors of a century-old Christmas goods business. The Beltrans receive a report from a consultant providing several ideas to modernize their business, which Alma, whose parents are retiring from the company at the end of the year, rebuffs. Charlie formally meets Alma at her friend Marie's pâtisserie, where the two hit it off.
Charlie and Rohan visit the Beltrans to ask about acquiring the tree, not knowing that Alma is their daughter. Although her parents favor the plan, Alma disagrees that the tree should be cut down. She texts Charlie to decline the offer and later, Charlie shows up at her business where the two spend time together. Alma's mother tells Charlie about the town's annual gingerbread decorating competition, which Charlie enters. She and Alma are randomly paired and win the event, after which point Charlie tells Alma she hopes Alma has reconsidered her offer to use the tree, but Alma has not.
The next day, Charlie invites Alma on a date to the pâtisserie, where the pair kisses. After the date, Alma learns that the consultant has recommended the Beltrans move their warehouse to Arizona, while Charlie learns that legally, she only needs Alma's parents' signatures to acquire the tree. She intends to tell Alma about this development but decides not to after the pair spends time viewing the tree together. On a phone call at a party that night, Rohan tells Sonal (his mother and Charlie's boss) that they have not yet secured the tree and accidentally delivers the news to her about not needing Alma's signature.
Sonal comes to town the next day. Charlie protests that she is still attempting to find a new tree, but after Alma happens by, Sonal makes Charlie tell Alma that they can take the tree without her permission. Alma leaves angrily. Charlie and Rohan go into a nearby reforestation project area and find a new tree after following the hoots of an owl Charlie saved in a previous year. Charlie and Alma tearfully say goodbye to each other. As Charlie is about to leave the next day, she receives the trophy she and Alma won from the gingerbread competition.
At the Camden tree lighting ceremony, Alma tells her parents she will not be moving the company to Arizona. Charlie appears and tells Alma that she was successful in finding a new tree and the she plans to apply to be the executive director of the reforestation project. The pair decide to attempt to start a relationship in Camden and the Beltrans invite Charlie onstage as a member of their family to light the tree with them.
Josef Vadassy is a Hungarian refugee of uncertain statehood. Born in Szabadka, as a result of the Treaty of Trianon he is no longer a citizen of Yugoslavia but a persona non grata. While on holiday in the south of France, he sends a roll of camera film for development, however it turns out to contain pictures which are not his, of nearby naval defences. He is arrested on suspicion of spying. The police realise that Vadassy did not take the pictures, but that someone else at his hotel must have an identical camera, a Zeiss Ikon Contax. Vadassy is told to return to the hotel to find the real spy, with the threat that should he fail to do so, he will be deported, which could mean death.
Foster is a playwright who is hired by an American newspaper to visit an unnamed East European country, to report on the show trial of fallen politician Yordan Deltchev. Deltchev is accused of plotting to assassinate the country's leader. Foster meets Deltchev's powerful wife, but gets caught up in a bewildering conspiracy.
The Roberts family goes on an adventure cruise for Chelsea's seventh birthday. Margaret is busy but promises Chelsea that the next day will be dedicated to her. So Chelsea, with her stuffed toys and sisters; Barbie, Skipper, and Stacie, search for the perfect place on the ship to celebrate the birthday. First, Stacie finds a basketball bouncy house, but the Activities Director says that Chelsea's height isn't tall enough to enter. Then, Skipper finds a club and thinks it's perfect, but the Activities Director tells them that the club is only for teens and tweens, not for four-year-olds. They try to talk to the Activities Director, and he suggests talking to Arlene, who shows the sisters a place with pools and water slides, with a special place for birthdays.
Chelsea finds it perfect and then Arlene asks them to go ahead and make a splash. The girls keep their things on a beach chair and dive into a pool. Someone picks up Kelsie, Chelsea's plush toy elephant, and makes it get stuck in the pool's wave controls. The Activities Director blames Chelsea for the incident, but George supports her and believes she would never do that. Chelsea goes back to her room, and her sisters follow her. Chelsea hugs Kelsie, while Barbie appreciates her for taking care of her plush toy elephant so well. Chelsea goes to sleep so that her birthday comes sooner.
At midnight the criuse ship they were on crosses the International Date Line. By morning when they woke up, Chelsea jumped up and down in delight as her birthday had finally arrived. Barbie and Stacie joined the pre-celebration until Skipper wakes up and checks her phone. She is shocked upon seeing the date tells them that it was the 11th while Chelsea's birthday falls on the 10th. Stacie at first thought that she was pranking them like before until Barbie checked her phone to see it for herself. Shocked and surprised to hear the confirmation, Chelsea speeds out with her plush toys to ask everyone what day it was whiles her older sisters chase after her, but they end up getting blocked by their cabin's entrance. Everyone says it's 11th, and Chelsea finally admits that her birthday is lost. Then, Chelsea finds the Activities Director, who tells her that they had crossed the International Date Line. Disappointed about her birthday being lost forever, Chelsea hides under a tent and talks to her plush toys about it, but instead, a talking parrot appears and tells her about a magical gem that grants wishes hidden in a jungle island. Desperate, she leaves her plush toys and ziplines her way to the jungle island. Chelsea goes through the forest and finds a glowing waterfall and unusual but beautiful flowers. Her sisters searched everywhere for her on the ship, but to no avail.
Barbie, Skipper and Stacie goes to check from Arlene whether she knows of Chelsea's whereabouts. She replied negatively much to their downcast but cheered them up by encouraging them to think like Chelsea, which led the three to assume she had gone into the nearby jungle island. Meanwhile, at that island, Chelsea starts to discover the real-life forms of her plush toys; first up, she finds a baby elephant named Kelsie crying. Chelsea asked her what was wrong and she replied that she is lost and misses her family. Chelsea tells her about the gem and the two become allies. They both find a giant talking flower who asks them a riddle. Chelsea tells Kelsie to follow the river. Meanwhile, not far off where they are, Barbie, Skipper and Stacie go to the island and take a jungle tour to find Chelsea. In the way, Chelsea and Kelsie see a giraffe named Darbie stuck in a web and about to get eaten by a spider. Chelsea cuts off the web, and the spider gets trapped in its own web. Finally, the three find a clue that says to go to the Ancient Temple of the Tiki.
Darbie says she knows a shortcut which leads them to a cliff and taps her foot on a flower. The three slide on a rainbow and reach the cliff's other side. Not far off where they were in a different part of the jungle, Barbie, Stacie and Skipper go further and deeper, with the latter falling on a bed of flowers and finds them soft. She pulls Stacie to the flowers too, and the two find them really soft. Barbie, Skipper, and Stacie suddenly feel itchy. Barbie checks the internet on Skipper's phone to see which flowers they are and finds out they are itchy flowers (''or poison ivies in the form of flowers''). She had got some oatmeal with her, so they apply it all over the itchy spots.
Chelsea, Kelsie, and Darbie reach the Ancient Temple of the Tiki and find a notice board that warns them not to wake up Tiki Statue. A monkey, Lacie, wanted them to play with her, so she asked them to play the upside-down coconut ball balance challenge. Chelsea cautions her to be quiet, but Lacie ignores her and throws her ball up and the birds make noise and fly. After Lacie speaks through a megaphone, the tiki statue wakes up and threatens that he will make the volcano erupt. Chelsea asks him to do a cannonball challenge, and Tiki agrees. Then, he dives into the water and floats away. Lacie joins the rest of the three; inside, Lacie's ball was a clue, and they go ahead. Barbie, Skipper, and Stacie reach the seashore again because they had been going in circles all that time. Because of the oatmeal smeared all over their bodies, seagulls surround them.
Meanwhile, Chelsea, Kelsie, Darbie, and Lacie reach the darkest, coldest and wettest place in the forest, unaware that it was the cave of a tiger named Snipper. Snipper made some music she was afraid to share, so Chelsea tells her it is great. Snipper suspects her telling a lie, but Chelsea really meant it. They sing a song together (later known as "''Make A New Day!''"), and Snipper joins them on their journey. They go through Snipper's cave, a tunnel, while Tiki covers the entrance with a rock.
Meanwhile, Skipper and Stacie get stuck in quicksand, Barbie saves them by swinging on a vine. Meanwhile, Chelsea and the animals come out the other way, but the river was full of crocodiles. The tiki statue comes again and makes the volcano erupt. Chelsea asks the animals to jump on the crocodiles' backs as if they were stepping stones. They finally reach the other way, while Tiki tries to stop them but flows away with the river again. Chelsea, Kelsie, Darbie, Lacie, and Snipper find the gem and read the instructions on the stone. Only one could make a wish, so they give the wish to Kelsie, for a family is the most important of all wishes. But just as Kelsie was about to quote her wish, her parents arrive there and say they will throw a party. Chelsea says Lacie can arrange games for the party, and Snipper can be the DJ. Then Chelsea asks Darbie to make the wish, but Darbie only wanted to help. Chelsea then makes a wish and blows off the little flame on top of the gem. (''Spoiler alert: her wish was to return back to the ship.'') Barbie, Skipper and Stacie find Chelsea sleeping with her plush toys in a tent and wake her up. Unaware it was all a dream, her sisters hugged her and got her reunited with the Roberts family. As the family was relaxing, Chelsea noticed the Activities Director trying to sabotage the Lazy River again, but sneaked out and caught him in the act. It was there it got revealed that he was the one sabotaging the ship all along, just so he can get out of doing his job. Chelsea announced her capture to all who could hear, notably Arlene and the Captain, with the latter promoting Arlene as the new Activities Director, while the caught fake gets sent to the lower deck for his crimes. And even though Chelsea had missed her actual birthday, she still cut the cake but denied making a wish, having made one already that reunited her with her family. Arlene remarked her action as "sweet" but asked her to blow out the candles anyway, which she did, and everyone wailed in excitement. Skipper plays music with the DJ while the others dance. Chelsea even had a hand-bat handed to her and her eyes blindfolded to strike open a piñata.
George Carey is a former WWII bomber pilot and recently qualified lawyer. In 1951 or 1952, Carey is tasked with going through the Schneider Johnson files, to check that nothing has been overlooked in the search for the heir to the Schirmer fortune.
Steve Fraser travels to the Southeast-Asian island of Sunda for a holiday. Sunda is a former Dutch colony, which has recently become independent. Fraser is taken hostage by a fundamentalist Islamic group attempting to overthrow the provisional government.
Arthur Abdel Simpson, the narrator, is an amoral taxi-driver and petty-criminal in Athens, who gets his living mostly by ripping off tourists. One of his targets, a man named Harper, catches him, and blackmails him into driving a car across the border from Greece into Turkey. The Turkish authorities find that the car is loaded with concealed illegal weapons, and Simpson faces the terrifying prospect of a long term in a Turkish prison. However, the authorities offer him a chance to earn leniency: he must deliver the weapons according to Harper's instructions, and then somehow ingratiate himself with Harper's gang, learn their goals and plans, and report regularly to the government's agents. The government suspects an attempt at terrorism or insurgency, but it turns out that Harper and his gang actually have an audacious plan to steal valuable gems from the treasury museum of the Topkapı Palace. While preparing for the robbery, one of the gang suffers a disabling injury, and Simpson is forced to take his place and participate in the commando-type raid on the museum, despite having no relevant experience whatsoever.
Michael Howell is a "levantine mongrel" who has inherited his family's Middle-Eastern business. He is forced by the Palestine Action Force to produce bombs for them.
Dr. Ernesto Castillo is a young, competent, cynical physician living and practicing on the fictional French-Caribbean Island St. Paul-les-Alizés. His nickname, "Dr. Frigo", means, literally, "Dr. Frozen-Meat", which refers to his clipped, unsympathetic demeanor with patients and colleagues. The country he lives in is not his native land; he lives in exile, because his father, a left-wing revolutionary activist, led an unsuccessful uprising against the ruling junta, and was assassinated, some years before. At the time of the father's death, Castillo was just beginning his medical training at a prestigious medical school in a wealthier part of the world. He spends most of his free time with his girlfriend, a beautiful but moody art-dealer, descended from a leading member of the Hapsburg dynasty and neurotically obsessed with its history.
Now, oil has been discovered in Dr. Castillo's native land, and the father's former comrades are planning a second insurgency. Their leader, who was a close friend of Dr. Castillo's father, comes to Dr. Castillo as a patient, with some puzzling symptoms. At the same time, his father's former comrades seek to recruit him: as the son of the assassinated leader, he would be a useful figurehead to lead the next revolt.
Dr. Castillo discovers that his new patient's illness is more than just an excuse for contacting him: in fact the patient has early-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, familiar to readers today as the same neurodegenerative illness which afflicted Stephen Hawking and Lou Gehrig), and will soon be completely and permanently incapacitated. When the other would-be revolutionaries perceive the progressive degeneration, it becomes even more urgent for them to recruit Dr. Castillo to their cause to replace the ailing charismatic leader. At the same time, agents of the government compel Dr. Castillo to meet with the revolutionaries, in order to help them (the government's agents) monitor their (the revolutionaries') activity - effectively, to serve as a spy. Caught between the government's threats and his professional obligations to his patient (including confidentiality), he reluctantly agrees to work with the revolutionaries.
Eventually, Dr. Castillo learns that his patient, not the junta, ordered his father's assassination. Before Dr. Castillo can decide what to do about this, the patient is himself assassinated by a traitor within his group. Happily relieved of the need to resolve his dilemma, Dr. Castillo returns to his medical practice and his fiancée.
Criminologist Frits Krom visits Paul Firman, a crooked investor. They come under attack by Firman's former business partner, Mat Tuakana.
Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo are the only two Black students at their private school, Niveus Private Academy and exist in completely different social spheres. However, on the first day of school, they are both named as school prefects. One day, a group message from "Aces" is sent to the student body that shows Devon kissing another male student, outing both students and sending the school into an uproar. Soon, more and more incriminating texts and images are sent about both Devon and Chiamaka, forcing them to work together to discover who Aces is, why they selected Chiamaka and Devon to humiliate, and why they want to ruin both students' futures.
Near the end of the book, Chiamaka and Devon learn that Aces is not a single entity but rather a large swathe of the student body, working in tandem to destroy the lives of Black students. They discover that Niveus Private Academy is one of many private institutions across the country that, due to age-old ties to slavery and the Confederacy, rarely accept Black students, but when they do, their goal is to perform social eugenics by allowing the students to climb in the school, then, in their senior year, destroy their futures, disallowing Black individuals to succeed in the world beyond high school.
''Chaos In Kansas'' is an adventure in which two scenarios are set in Liberty, Kansas in the 1920s.
''School of Hard Knocks'' is an adventure in which a group of super-powered kids are causing trouble in town and the superhero player characters must stop them.
Wealthy couple Paul and Elsa live in 1970's Manhattan overlooking the East River with throwbacks to 1944 Britain where they started their relationship. Paul notices that Elsa always has a fixed shadow, and doubts her sanity and her analyst Garven is always on her beck and call. Elsa recognises Kiel, a German ex-POW working at a shoeshop, where she slept with Kiel back in 1944. But Paul believes that Kiel died, in fact there appears to be some question on whether the book's main characters themselves may not be alive...