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Memories of a Teenager

Between 2004 and 2005 Nicolás "Zabo" Zamorano begins writing a blog about his daily life titled ''Yo, Adolescente'' (literally ''I, a Teenager'') following the suicide of a close friend and a fire at a nearby concert that results in multiple deaths. Shortly after, Nicolás begins to question his sexuality, and becomes intimate with several people.

Draft:Dead Matter (film)

Zombies have taken over a small town in Germany, being held by Vellich (Andrew Divoff) who’s using an ancient magical relic scarab (artifact) which can control the dead. The scarab, known as the “Tear of Osiris”, is a mythical amulet worshiped by ancient Egyptians. It was believed to possess necromantic powers, also known as necromancy. Vellich who is vampire, is seeking to use it to control all of the dead. With Vellich about to get his wish, vampire hunters Ian McCallister (Jason Carter) and his friend Mark (Brian Van Camp), break in and steal the scarab from Vellich to stop him from controlling the Zombies.

A week later, McCallister and Mark have made their way to the United States, to a remote area in Ohio, however Vellich had followed them. While going to destroy the scarab at an ancient holy site, Vellich attacks Mark, drawing blood which starts to turn him into a zombie. With Vellich trying to control Mark through mind compulsion, he breaks his vampire spell and runs away while McCallister stabs Vellich with a cross. Vellich attacks McCallister and knocks him unconscious and discovers McCallister doesn’t have the scarab. Vellich soon finds Mark and kills him, however not before Mark hid the scarab from Vellich.

Soon after, a group had made their way to the ancient site. Gretchen (Sean Serino) decides she wants to hold a séance to contact her dead brother Sean (Kenyatta Foster) with the help of a Wiccan friend Jill (C.B. Spencer). Jill's boyfriend Frank (Christopher Robichaud) and Gretchen’s boyfriend Mike (Tom Nagel) unhappily go along with the plan. Frank then finds the scarab at the site and gives it to Gretchen.

Later that evening, Gretchen unwittingly activates the scarab during the séance and seemingly begins to wake the dead until Mike breaks the séance ring. The next day Mike encourages Gretchen to let her brother go, however she becomes obsessed with the scarabs power.

Vellich pays a visit to Sebed (Tom Savini), who is the leader of a group of vampires who are addicted to a drug-like synthetic blood which can transform vampires into junkies. Vellich warns Sebed that what he is doing is wrong. Gretchen begins to research the history of the scarab at the local library until she falls asleep and begins to nightmare about it. She wakes up and finds the scarab activated again and zombies following her. She gets away and returns home.

McCallister is now back at the ancient site looking for the scarab, while Sebed is using his drugs to hire his junkies to find out what Vellich is up to.

Back at Gretchen’s apartment, Mike and Gretchen are in bed together when Mark, who is now a full zombie, appears in their bedroom. Gretchen yells at him to leave. The scarab starts to glow and Mark starts to leave the apartment. That’s when Gretchen realized that she could control Mark through the scarab.

Unable to reach Jill, Gretchen and Mike take Mark to a local bar to find her. Frank doesn’t believe the story and tells Mark to come in to the bar and have a beer with him through the scarab while holding Gretchen’s hand. Soon after Mark walks in to the bar, sits down and starts drinking a beer. Frank doesn’t believe he’s real until Mike tells him to check for a pulse. After finding no pulse he realizes Mark is a zombie and tries to convince Gretchen to let him take Mark to the lab for testing. Gretchen refuses and takes Mark home.

Falling asleep at the apartment, Gretchen wakes up to find the scarab activated again. With food coming to life in her refrigerator and corpses coming to life in the morgue she tells it to stop, just as Vellich was sensing the scarab. Vellich was confronting Sebed’s vampire junky who was sent to find him. Vellich finds the drug on him, so he killed him. McCallister meanwhile is holding his own ritual to try and locate the scarab.

The next day, Frank stops by to run tests on Mark while Jill and Mike confront Gretchen about what she’s doing. Gretchen gets upset and leaves with Mark. Gretchen takes Mark out to get new clothes and spend the day with together like she used to do with Sean.

Mike eventually finds Gretchen sitting with Mark at Sean’s grave. Gretchen is begging Mark and the scarab to let her talk to Sean, however she gets no response. With Mark consoling Gretchen, Mark begins to chant “death is the answer” continuously. The scarab now activated again, both Vellich and McCallister sense the scarab while Gretchen is telling it to stop. Mark eventually stops and visits McCallister in a vision begging to be killed, which leads Mark to show McCallister where they are.

Returning to the apartment, Gretchen now agrees they need to send Mark back. Jill says it could be done with a disenchantment. While preparing to go to the séance, McCallister locates them in the apartment and sees his old friend Mark. McCallister warns them all that they are in danger.

Gretchen finds Sean in her bedroom, alive and well. Sean tells Gretchen that she called him back. Gretchen apologizes for causing his car accident which Sean says it was her fault. Confused Gretchen tries to step away, but Sean won’t let go. Jill walks in to the bedroom to find that it was actually Vellich and he was about to bite Gretchen and screams for help.

Vellich throws Jill and Mike across the room and continues to try and bite Gretchen. Mark enters the room and attacks Vellich, however Vellich attacks back. McCallister tries to stab Vellich through the heart and was about to hammer it through when Vellich used mind compulsion to control Mike. Mike then jumps on McCallister and Vellich gets away by turning into a cloud and fleeing.

Mark laying on the floor torn open by Vellich, McCallister tells Gretchen she needs to tell him to sleep, which she does. Mark is again dead. McCallister convinces Gretchen to give him the scarab, that it needs to be destroyed and she agreed.

Vellich also badly hurt, goes to see Sebed asking for a place to rest. Sebed seizes the opportunity to confront Vellich about the scarab, while withholding blood from Vellich. Sebed convinces Vellich to take his synthesized drug which Vellich appeared to do, however he again turned into a cloud and entered Sebed’s body. Vellich then killed Sebed from the inside. Sebed falling dead, the cloud exits him and re-forms into Vellich.

Back at Gretchen’s apartment Frank gets called in to work, while McCallister had returned to the ancient site to destroy the scarab. Gretchen falls asleep and has another nightmare in which Jill begins to chant “the answer is death” and the others kill Frank. Waking up, Gretchen tells the others they have to find Frank.

Now at the lab, Frank is helping the others get into their computers after they had been hacked. Frank discovers someone at the lab had been doing research into the scarab. McCallister meanwhile had started a ritual to destroy the scarab, which triggered a power failure at the lab. Gretchen becomes overwhelmed in pain. McCallister holds out the scarab out when it turns to dust. The others rip open Gretchen’s shirt to find the scarab embedded in her chest.

Angela is staring into Frank’s computer screen which had turned in to a purple cloud. She touches it and then runs out of the room. Ray goes after her to find her turning into a vampire. Returning to the lab room, Ray is confronted by Rebecca who is already a vampire. Gretchen collapses and Rebecca is confronted by Jill who’s holding a cross. Rebecca uses mind compulsion to control Frank, who hits Jill with a book. Meanwhile Angela attacks Ray and drains him of his blood.

Frank opens the blinds to cover Rebecca with daylight to kill her, however it doesn’t work. Frank learns that the lab really is producing the diet pill “Luxnul”, but the lab is being partially run by vampires. This is because the side effects of the pill are highly addictive to vampires and allows them to walk and survive in the daylight.

Preparing to bite Frank and turn him in to a vampire, Rebecca is confronted by Gretchen holding a cross. Gretchen, Jill and Frank escape. Rick returns with pizza, however is attacked and bitten by the girls. Calling McCallister, he tells them to meet at the ancient site while Rebecca and Angela walk out of the lab, freely in the sunlight. Angela is carrying Ray’s head and drinking blood out of it.

Meeting at the ancient site, McCallister is preparing a ritual to destroy the scarab that is now in Gretchen’s chest. However they are confronted by Rebecca and other vampires from the lab telling Gretchen that destroying the scarab will kill her. Gretchen and Mike try to run while Angela attacks McCallister, and Jill and Rebecca begin to fight. Mike is confronted by another vampire when Vellich appears and rips the head off of the vampire. Frank attacks Vellich, however Vellich breaks his neck and kills him too.

Vellich now goes after Gretchen to rip the scarab out of her chest when it zaps him. He soon realizes that the scarab has taken over Gretchen and she is in full control of it. She tells everyone to “stop” and realizes she has the power to not only control zombies, but she can also control vampires. She controls Vellich and tells him to pick up the cross and put it in his mouth, which he does until it kills him.

McCallister tells Gretchen she needs to move to the middle of the ancient grounds; however she refuses and is now controlling a dead Frank. She uses Frank to attack McCallister until Jill finds a gun and uses it to shoot Frank several times, including in the head which stops him. Gretchen however controls Jill’s own dead hair using it to strangle her.

With Gretchen having the full power of the scarab she uses it to raise the dead all around, including her dead brother Sean. Mike tries to get her to stop, however he is grabbed by Frank who brings him to Gretchen. The real Gretchen is still inside herself fighting to trying to stop the scarab from taking her over. It eventually works and she breaks the control of the scarab releasing the control over Frank and Jill’s hair.

McCallister grabs Frank and pulls him off of Mike, which allows Mike to put Gretchen in the circle. Jill then reads the spell to destroy the scarab, but it doesn’t work. The scarab takes over Gretchen again and rips Mike’s finger nails off of him. Jill puts her hand on the circle and reads the spell again which works this time creating a circle of light through the sky, however Gretchen had stepped out of the circle beforehand.

Still fighting, Gretchen again takes control of her body and apologizes to Mike. She controls enough of herself to allow her to step back into the circle of light. The light expands and disintegrates Vellich, Rebecca and Angela as all the awakening zombies collapse. Gretchen awakens to Mike crawling up to her in pain and Jill holding a dead Frank. McCallister stokes up a cigar to recognize his work is completed.

Director Edward Douglas can be seen in the closing seen checking his mail and seeing an ad for the weight loss pill (vampire drug) Luxnul.

The Past Is Red

The Future Is Blue

Nineteen-year old Tetley Abednego describes herself as the “most hated girl in Garbagetown”. She suffers physical and verbal abuse from all inhabitants of Garbagetown.

Decades before the start of the story, all dry land disappeared due to climate change. Most remaining humans live atop the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Humans survive off the trash left by the previous civilization, whom they call the Fuckwits.

Tetley was born with a nuchal cord; her parents did not believe she would survive and neglected her in favor of her twin brother. She recounts leaving home at the age of ten to receive her name, which is a ritual common to all children of Garbagetown. After finding a tea bag stuck to her, she receives the name Tetley; her twin brother becomes Maruchan. She falls in love with a boy named Goodnight Moon, who lives in Electric City, the richest neighborhood in Garbagetown.

When Tetley is seventeen, Garbagetown is visited by Brighton Pier, which survives as a floating city. The Emperor of Brighton Pier claims to have seen dry land, but one of his subjects admits that this is a lie. Goodnight Moon tells Tetley that Electric City has been building an engine in preparation for the news that dry land still exists. It will turn Garbagetown into a massive boat, but this will use up all the fuel which would otherwise last decades. Tetley destroys the engine and thus becomes the most hated girl in Garbagetown.

The Past Is Red

Twenty-nine year old Tetley lives on a boat moored to the side of Garbagetown. She discusses life with Big Red, a girl who sneaks away from home to visit.

When Tetley was twenty-one, citizens of Garbagetown burned down her house. She is rescued and taken to marry the King of Garbagetown. On the journey, Tetley activates an artificial intelligence named Mister. Goodnight Moon meets her in the King's palace and asks her to run away with him. They get on a boat and sail to a tiny patch of dry land. Goodnight Moon tells Tetley that he is the king, and they marry. Mister manages to connect to a satellite, and they learn that other humans now live on Mars. Tetley speaks to a Martian child named Olivia. Olivia's father refuses to help the humans remaining on Earth and destroys their communication link.

Before they can return to Garbagetown, Goodnight Moon dies of a fever. Tetley orders Mister to delete all records of Mars. She debates whether or not tell anyone about the other humans, fearing that they will never enjoy life in Garbagetown if they are always looking for a way to escape. Years later, Olivia reconnects with Tetley via satellite. Tetley gives her the name Big Red.

South Park The Streaming Wars

Denver is experiencing a large drought caused by ManBearPig, resulting in drying streams and discussions about reinstituting watering restrictions. The protesting citizens, including waterpark owner Pi Pi, are told that the city's water sees use in agriculture.

In South Park, Stan Marsh and Tolkien Black are concerned about the former's father, Randy, who is derisively referred to as "Karen". Randy and Steve Black's arguing is interrupted by a Denver water commissioner examining the water supplies at their respective farms. Meanwhile, Eric Cartman is despondent over residing in the abandoned hot dog stand. He is intrigued when he notices construction on a house across the street for golf course owner Talnua Cussler. Cartman suggests to his mother, Liane, that she get breast implants to attract Cussler. Liane refuses and informs Cartman of the cost of such a surgery.

Steve learns that he can sell some of his water supply if the stream reaches Denver's reservoir. At Stan and Tolkien's suggestion, they craft a small boat and send it downstream. The experiment is successful, and Steve begins accepting subscriptions to his streaming service, including Pi Pi. When Steve is told to send boats downstream daily, he pays Stan and Tolkien to increase their production. Randy becomes frustrated at Steve's success, so Stan and Tolkien agree to build him craft boats as well. They recruit Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick and Butters Stotch to help them as demand increases; they initially refuse to recruit Cartman, but relent when Cartman tells them of the surgery. Cussler offers Stan and Tolkien $15,000 for 10,000 boats, thus covering the surgery's cost. Cartman tries to surprise Liane with the surgery, but she stands by her earlier decision, no longer giving in to his demands. He threatens to have the surgery done to himself, but Liane remains unfazed, allowing the surgery to proceed.

When Steve sees a report about ManBearPig's environmental damage, he hikes up the mountains to see for himself. He approaches a dying real estate agent, who tells Steve that a large swath of land near the streams has been sold to a wealthy buyer. When Randy sails one of his boats downstream, it is sunk by Cussler Industries boats. Randy confronts Stan about Cussler's boats and demands that he end their deal. When they visit Cussler's house, they find that he was killed by ManBearPig, and Randy wonders if Stan is in danger. At Pi Pi's Splashtown, Steve tells Pi Pi that he will have to cancel the waterpark's streaming rights to provide water to his farm. Pi Pi refuses, revealing that he is collaborating with the water commissioner and ManBearPig. Steve realizes that Pi Pi purchased the land in the mountains when ManBearPig attacks, stabbing Steve and throwing him out a window down a water slide. Pi Pi later reveals to the water commissioner his plan to replace all of Denver's water with his park's urine-contaminated water. He betrays the commissioner and has ManBearPig attack him in a similar fashion to Steve.

At school, Stan warns the others of Cussler's death when Cartman arrives with his breast implants. Tolkien's mother, Linda, calls him to inform him of Steve's disappearance. The people of Denver waste their water supply as the reservoir is slowly draining, while Randy investigates Cussler and the commissioner's histories.

Cristo y Rey

The plot follows the toxic relationship between circus tamer Ángel Cristo and actress and '' '' icon Bárbara Rey, which was very popular during the Transition and was mired behind the scenes by instances of drug use, infidelity, ludomania and domestic violence, while also covering the alleged affair of Rey with "a powerful stateman".

Mammoth TV special

The programme opens with a slightly out of focus old video of a ski resort including special effects indicating an avalanche. A voice over gives the background to the set up:

"In 1979 on a school skiing trip, PE teacher Tony Mammoth is engulfed by an avalanche. Perfectly preserved he remains hidden under the snow until he’s found and miraculously brought back to life, forty-two years later."

The scene switches to the present day with Mammoth in his 1970s splendour emerging out of his Ford Capri II in the school car park, with a couple of slightly bemused pupils looking on. The narration continues:

"Nine months have now passed, a lifetime in the world of twenty-four-hour news. Mammoth’s celebrity has faded, and his life can finally start to return to normal."

He has returned to his job as a PE teacher at the same school. He seems a perfectly preserved man in his forties, though one born eighty six years ago.

Events get underway with him giving his 1970's friend Roger, now seventy, some tickets to a Hot Chocolate concert as a birthday present – “I don’t do cards!”. He's currently staying with Roger, sleeping on a mattress in Rogers Old Peoples apartment.

The school's headmaster, Kane, is the son of the schools 1970's headmaster, they both think little of Mammoth. Mammoth is equally dismissive of them, including Kane jnr's hobby of marathon running, which Mammoth says is just training for real sport.

Mammoth's heroes include Huggy Bear, Starsky and Hutch, Burt Reynolds and Evel Knievel – other cultural references to the seventies include Jonathan E from Rollerball, CB radio, pina colada, Dickie Davies, playing shirts against skins football ....

Other than Kane, most other people are won over by Mammoths easy charm - his colleague Lucy, his psychiatrist Claire, Liberty one of his troubled pupils, Miss Ronson the chair of governors and Kirsty from the pub. Judy Jones suggests he or Roger pop round to see her.

The Mike Bubbins site has indicated that there might be more from Tony Mammoth in 2023

In the Name of Father and Son

The film is a story of a typical Montenegrin family whose son is no longer the same after returning from war.

In a small provincial town, in the days when the Yugoslav wars began, a young journalist from a local television station writes a fiery article that inflames the already boiling passions among the locals. While the men enthusiastically respond to the mobilization and enroll in the volunteer lists en masse, only the journalist's father, an ordinary man from the people, intends to break the family tradition of glorious warriors and prevent his only son from going to the front. When his anti-war operation succeeds, the dilemma remains whether it's cost may have been too high.

Bluff (2022 film)

Detective Sergeant Daniel Miller is suspended from the London Metropolitan Police so that he can be secretly deployed to a small English town on an undercover assignment to uncover Britain's major suppliers of heroin and crack cocaine. He poses as a heroin addict and manipulates an unsuspecting junkie into working with him so that he can infiltrate the local drug network and work his way up the supply chain. The line between duty and criminality begins to blur as Miller's investigation becomes increasingly dangerous the closer he gets to finding the source of a drug trafficker.


This is a story about the collision of two times: the "dashing" 90s and the "stable" tenths. The main character Foma has been the "right hand" of an influential person with a semi-criminal past all his life. When the "owner" kicked him out of retirement, Foma decided to return back in any way. At first it seemed that everything would be simple: get close to the child of the former boss, bend over, remind yourself of yourself and return to business. But Thomas' plan collapses on the first day. He has to stay at school for a long time. Once in a completely unfamiliar world of children and teachers, which is radically different from his usual circle, Foma not only changes his life, but also changes himself.

The Sea Beyond

Following the death of Carolina, the mother of Ernesto (a theatre director), the latter determines to steal the coffin in order to throw it into the sea, thus fulfilling Carolina's wish. He is accompanied in the journey through the roads of Eastern Spain by his daughter Cloe, who wants to change Ernesto's mind about his plan.

Draft:Yorite Konoha wa Kurenai ni


The story is set in a world where humans and beings referred to as "Mahoroi" coexist on Earth. The Maharoi possess animal features and spiritual abilities and live longer compared to their human counterparts. Humans have coexisted with these beings for hundreds of years. The story is set in its entirety in the town of Tsugumomi, with events taking place in various locations in Konoha's house and outdoors in the woods. The story is set during autumn.

Story and characters

The story follows , the main character, as he moves into the town of Tsugumomi because his parents need to spend time overseas for business. They stay with a family friend, called Konoha, who lets him stay in her home. Seiji used to live there when he was young, but has lost all memory of that time. The story begins with Seiji and his sister, called , are on a train on the way to Tsugumomi. Suzuna is presented as having a close, lovey-dovey relationship with her brother Seiji. When they come to the Konoha's house, they meet , a maid employed part time at Konoha's house who is shown to be inept and have a stoic personality. She leads Seiji and Suzuna to the Konoha's room, where they meet , a half-Mahoroi that is over 200 years old with a childlike appearance. They also meet in the town of Tsugumomi, who has forgotten everything about herself other than her own name and that the main character is her "master". The story then branches off into four different routes, one for each character.

In Suzuna's route, she is shown to be lazy (leaving even dressing herself for her brother to do) and has a mischievous personality, constantly teasing and trying to seduce her brother. The protagonist remarks that her personality reminds him of the Cheshire Cat. She is shown to be hopelessly in love with him, but whenever he confronts her about it, she acts flustered and defensive. She is very envious of Momiji and her openness with Seiji. In Momiji's route, the "master and pet" dynamic runs throughout her story arc. Mojimi and Seiji grow closer throughout the story, and even when Seiji tries to distance himself from her (for her own sake), she begs to be with him again. The second half of her story focuses on her true identity, which is revealed in the common route as well. She is very expressive and feels strong emotions towards the protagonist, showing no inhibitions and a lack of understanding of social norms. She is also excitable and displays dog-like behaviour, for example: going for walks, playing fetch, being petted, and drinking milk. In Konoha's route, the early story focuses on the affection the protagonist shows towards Konoha, he takes on the role of her guardian. The latter part of the story focuses on the time they spend together, giving more insight into her personality and the father-daughter dynamic between them, as well as Konoha's internal struggle between whether to be a mother-figure, or be more childlike as he outward appearance would suggest.. She is shown doting on others throughout her route and is shown to have a penchant for alcohol in the evenings. In Kazuha's route, the story focuses on the protagonist's past. The history between the two races (humans and Mahoroi) is also elaborated on, and the origin of the Mahoroi is explained. The protagonist also teaches her to think more positively about life, as she is extremely worried about her Mahoroi powers being too weak. The characters also help her with her maid duties when she slips up.

The game also has three minor characters: , , and . Minori is Seiji’s classmate, she is described as mysterious and is always “on the edge of her seat”. Ieshia becomes friends with Seiji after he moves into Seiji’s school. He is described as “a handsome and sportsmanlike guy”, but inside he is not. Kurishima, although young-looking, is very mature. She is ver serious and makes a good balance for the more laid-back Konoha.

The Spanish Friar

The tragic part of the plot concerns a usurpation. Torrismond is, unknowingly, the rightful heir to the Spanish throne. He secretly marries Leonora, the unlawful queen, under whose reign Torrismond's father, the true king, has been killed in gaol.

The comic sub‐plot is commanded by the presence of Father Dominic, the eponymous friar, a corpulent and corrupt official who speaks the language of Dissenters and procures women for the hedonistic and politically liberal Lorenzo. Ironically, it is only through Lorenzo's agency that Torrismond is restored. The girl Lorenzo has been pursuing is revealed to be his sister.

Plan and Execution

On the day of the Sandpiper settlement mediation, Jimmy McGill, Kim Wexler, and Jimmy's film crew race to reshoot their photos of the actor portraying mediator Rand Casimiro so the real Casimiro's broken arm will be depicted in the fake pictures. They coat the photos with the pupil-dilating drug they procured from Dr. Caldera, then Jimmy gives them to Howard Hamlin's private investigator, who has been working with Jimmy and Kim all along.

At the HHM office, shortly before the mediation session starts, Howard views the photos, which appear to show Jimmy giving someone the $20,000 he recently withdrew from the bank. Jimmy and Kim listen in on the conference call for the mediation. Howard is shocked to recognize Casimiro as the man from the photos and accuses him of accepting money from Jimmy. When Howard attempts to retrieve the photos from his office to prove his allegation, he finds they have been switched for innocuous photos of Jimmy. Howard's erratic behavior causes the end of the mediation conference, and HHM and Davis & Main are compelled to settle the case for less than they expected.

Lalo Salamanca spends several days monitoring Gus Fring's laundry facility. He makes a videotape recording telling Don Eladio he has proof of Gus's disloyalty. Surmising that Gus is monitoring Hector Salamanca's calls, Lalo tells Hector he intends to attack Gus that night. Mike Ehrmantraut plays a recording of the call for Gus, then adds additional protection for Gus by redeploying security teams from targets considered low priority for Lalo. Howard pieces together Jimmy and Kim's con and goes to their apartment to confront them. Lalo arrives soon afterward, intending to interrogate Jimmy and Kim. As Kim implores Howard to leave, Lalo kills him with a gunshot to the head.

The Valdemar Legacy

Set in two different timelines, the plot uses an extensive analepsis to the 19th century. The film ends abruptly with a cliffhanger, only focusing on the flashback subplot pertaining the tragedy of the Valdemar couple (Lázaro and Leonor) circa 1880, thus leaving the plot not set in the past forgotten as a sort of disconnected preface.

Draft:Badi Baa Aur Bahoo Rani

Apoorva Shinde is a simple yet creative girl who is married into the traditional yet rich gujarati Mehta family, the most renowned and well-known jewelers in Pune Apoorva, A cheerful girl with modern-day ideas is keen to make her career as voice artist while on the other hand, Sarla Mehta (Badi Baa) is the head-matriarch of Mehta Family, whom everyone admires and fears also is a lady of disciplined thoughts that a women is only good in kitchen. the show will focus on the struggling relationship between Badi Baa and Apoorva and how with her creative tricks, she will win the heart of the whole Mehta Family.

Judgment Day (Marvel Comics)


After receiving votes from the Uni-Mind after being revived, Thanos successfully takes over the title as Prime Eternal as he kills his uncle Zuras for revenge and murders Druig to prevent his memory of his weakness.

Thanos requires the newly resurrected Druig's help by replacing his old body which The Machine won't allow him to resurrect. During his research with his parent and his Deviant heritage, Thanos visits his grand-uncle Uranos the Undying, who is imprisoned from the Exclusion and questions him about The Machine. Instead, Uranos tells Thanos and Druig his story about the Eternals' three moral principles: Protect Celestials, Protect Machine, and Correct Excess Deviation. Millenia ago, Uranos argued with Kronos and Oceanus about the principles and decided that eradicating all Deviants and humans, and imprisoning Celestials would provide benefit for all Eternals, which his brothers opposed. His actions in committing genocide of Deviants caused a catastrophic civil war resulting in his 600,000 years imprisonment by his defeat along with Druig's betrayal. After Druig departs, Uranos secretly gives Thanos the imprint key, an armory that allows him to access Uranos' fail-safe into destroying the Machine.''Eternals: The Heretic'' #1. Marvel Comics.

The Eternals led by Ikaris are shocked to learn that the Machine not only resurrects the Eternal but also consumes human life and felt distrustful of the Eternals' society. They also discovered that the Deviants of Lemuria were mutated uncontrollably from their unstable genes and the Eternals were forced to activate their Excess Deviation to kill them. After acknowledging Thanos' half-Deviant heritage, The Eternals decide to investigate why the Celestials created them. With Phastos captured by Thanos, the Eternals visit Ajak and Makkari in Celestia and plans to break into the Avengers headquarters and question the Celestial ghost known as the Progenitor.

With Ikaris, Thena, Sprite, Sersi, and Kingo keep the Avengers occupied after the security breach, Makkari activates the Celestial's mind allowing Ajak to confront the Progenitor and questions the Deviants' creation. Ajak is despondent when she finds out that the Celestials created the Deviants as the result of the Progenitors' death releasing noxious Necrofluids that pollute Earth's environment. To prevent all Earth's lifeforms from extinction and Deviants' self-destruct mutation, the Celestials created the Eternals as their backup to prevent their extinction which allows the Deviants to adapt to the Necrofluid's toxicity resulting in stable lifeforms. Eternal scientist Domo confirms his results that his genes are elusively inconclusive despite his parent's heritage and Thanos realizes that his Eternal and Deviant genes are folly to him, in which the Machine does not recognize him as an Eternal. Thanos plans to activate the fail-safe causing the attention to all Eternals and convincing the Avengers to stop Thanos before it's too late. As Thanos overpowers the Eternals, Druig inadvertently activates Phastos' fail-safe on Thanos' armor for his betrayal, which causes Thanos to die from his mutation. This enables Druig to deactivate the armory and banish Thanos elsewhere. With Thanos gone, the team decides to leave their Eternal society and support the Deviants in Lemuria to help stabilize their civilization. Druig, now the new Prime Eternal and hoping to unite the Eternals, asks The Machine for locations of excessive deviation. It highlights Lemuria and the island of Krakoa, the mutant nation.''Eternals'' Vol. 5 #12. Marvel Comics.

Millenia ago, Uranos and Druig invite Odin to exemplify their principle of Excess Deviation by eradicating mutations and deviancy, which Odin reluctantly tolerates their principles. In the present day, the Avengers fight off against the giant mutated Deviant allowing Ikaris and Sersi to activate their Excess deviation while Druig sets up the plan to infiltrate the mutant resurrection. Meanwhile, Mary Jane Watson gave the public astonishing news about her aunt's recovery from dementia thanks to the Krakoan medicine until she was kidnapped by Moira MacTaggert (who currently has an Omega Sentinel appearance), who was using her to infiltrate the Hellfire Gala for Orchis.

Jack of Knives, one of the four Eternal crime lords, sneaks into Krakoa and discovers the mutant resurrection protocols after witnessing the rebirth of Cyclops. They report it back to Druig, who considers the mutants of Krakoa to be undergoing excessive deviation because of their immortality.

Meanwhile on Krakoa, Destiny foresees the upcoming war between the Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals clashing with each other and informs the Quiet Council to defend their immortality. After discovering the identity of Doctor Statis, Scott Summers confesses to the Daily Bugle news reporter Ben Urich about the mutant resurrection believing it might prevent Orchis' plan on inciting tensions and public backlashes while Emma Frost reveals the truth to Scott about Moira's motives and betrayal. After successfully infiltrating the Hellfire Gala following public news of the mutant resurrection, Moira meets up with Druig and Jack of Knives and informs them to kill five mutants who are responsible for resurrecting mutants. Emma Frost informs the council about Doctor Statis who is revealed to be Mister Sinister's clone claiming to be the real Sinister. This forces Nathaniel Essex to flee much to his confusion while foreshadowing the event that might happen.

The Earth (dubbed as The Machine by Eternals) narrates that it is doing fine as humans haven't been disintegrated yet and that the Avengers and the X-Men have some time off due to a lack of villain attacks as it starts to narrate the following information. On Olympia, Druig speaks with Domo on how to eradicate all mutants. Domo has created an anti-matter bomb of prodigious size which they can drop into a node on Krakoa before activating. On Lemuria, Ikaris is doing some work there and gets attacked by a female deviant mutate named Crimson Karlau. Refusing to kill her, he and Sersi managed to contain her. In the Exclusion, the imprisoned Phastos is visited by Druig who notes that his fellow Eternals are hiding in Lemuria. Druig brings in Ajak and Makkari to help with the mind-wiping as Phastos tells them not to comply with Druig. In Celestia, Phastos is shown by Ajak and Makkari that they are making a god. He also mentions how he tried to stop Project Machine which would end the deaths of mankind. After Phastos leaves, Ajak tells Makkari that they are lucky that they didn't introduce their guest who happens to be an imprisoned Mister Sinister. As Phastos arrives in Lemuria, Thena speaks to Kro about Phastos' actions and the previous actions of Thanos when Makkari arrives stating that the Eternals have secured plans for the Deviants. Druig checks in with Domo on the finishing touches of the anti-matter bomb. Before Druig can take Domo to a diner in Vancouver, Druig was attacked by something unseen as a voice says "Protect The Machine". The anti-matter bomb activates and starts to go to an undersea location only for Domo to deactivate it. When Druig wonders what happened, Domo states that Krakoa is a sentient being and that it is a part of The Machine. Domo tells Druig that he will think of another method only for Druig to turn down his suggestion. Wanting another way to commit genocide and knowing of an expert on that, Druig goes to the Exclusion to give Uranos a proposition. Uranos quotes "Oh Druig, little Druig. Not even a thousand years on the throne and already so desperate".


An unknown figure narrates how it is of such power to speak to the reader. In New York, Sersi is talking with Tony Stark about a fight that is going to be happening in a day or two where she complains that the X-Men are doing the revivals that the Eternals mostly do. Suddenly, Sersi gets ambushed by Echo's Phoenix form as Captain Marvel and Thor bring her in. The attack was seen from the treehouse by Cyclops and Jean Grey. As people protest about the X-Men being life-hoarders, Cyclops states to Jean Grey that they can't bring back non-mutants. On Krakoa, Nightcrawler and Mystique speak with Destiny to confirm her prediction of an upcoming war. Due to Destiny seeing the Eternals in her vision, she advises them to gather the Quiet Council. Arriving on Arrako, Nightcrawler meets up with Cable, Magneto, and Storm to inform them about Destiny's latest vision and warn the Arakkis about the threat. At Avengers Mountain, Sersi regains consciousness as Iron Man interrogates her in Avengers Mountain's psychic dead room. Iron Man mentions that a few months ago some Eternals snuck into Avengers Mountain to do some cosmic stuff and he finds out that Thanos led the Eternals recently. While Sersi regretted that Thanos led them, Iron Man figured out that the Eternals had another doomsday device. Captain America then comes in to take part in the interrogation reminding Iron Man that Sersi was once an Avenger at some point and the team should show her some trust. He wants to know why the Eternals are going to war with the mutants. She asks what they know about what Druig is going to do. Iron Man mentioned a huge spike in the Pacific Ocean as Sersi states that she had no involvement in what happened there and is not the Eternal that they should be worrying about. One hour earlier on Olympia, Druig discusses with the Eternal council and figures out that the X-Gene came from the Deviants and not the humans as he tries to get the Uni-Mind to bring fire and death to those that need to be corrected, which the Eternals society all agreed. At the Exclusion, Druig speaks to his grandfather Uranos about what he had told the Uni-Mind about his speech and is planning to have him released as a test. Uranos states that Druig "will see what Uranos the Undying can do with an hour". At the Damocles Foundation's corporate HQ in Los Angeles, Moira hears from Druig about Thanos meeting Uranos and his plan on assassinating the Five. At Krakoa, the Quiet Council is informed about Destiny's vision and the Eternals' upcoming war. During this meeting, Professor X, Hope Summers, and other mutant telepaths are psychically attacked by the Uni-Mind which allows the Eternal fleets to assault the Krakoans which was part of their distraction. This enables Jack of Knives to lead an attack on Krakoa as Wolverine gives the order to sound the alarm. The X-Men joins the others in the assault. At the Great Ring, Nightcrawler gets a warning out to the Arraki. Wolverine finds that Egg has been taken down by Jack of Knives as Wolverine orders Jean Grey to have the Five secured as the Eternal fleets suddenly retreat. When Moira states to Jack of Knives blew his chance, Druig states that the "Eternals are eternal" and he also informs Moira that Arakko has already been taken care of, despite his failed attempt. As the X-Men work to revive their fallen comrades, Nightcrawler explains to them what happened on Arrako as Uranos was shown to have decimated Arakko's homeworld and massacred a few of Arakki's mutant lives, which includes destabilizing all Krakoan gates. He returns to the Exclusion to inform Druig that he completed his hour while hearing about the Eternals' mission. At Avengers Mountain, Captain America, Iron Man, and Sersi hear about what happened on Krakoa. Druig broadcasts himself to the people of Earth on their high-tech devices stating that the Eternals will help them deal with the "mutant threat" while advising them not to be afraid of the towering death machines that have emerged off the western seaboard of the United States which he describes as the Hex which are giant-sized Eternals consisting of Phebe Reginax, Rheaka Centaurus, Syne the Memotaur, Thieaka the Harpsicus, Tetytrona, and Themex. In retaliation, Captain America assembles the Avengers. As Captain Marvel states that Sersi is locked up, Captain America states that she has no involvement with Druig as Iron Man is informed of an intruder alert. Iron Man flies to the location to find Ajak, Makkari, and a bound Mister Sinister where Ajak wants Iron Man's help to build a god to end the upcoming war. When Iron Man asks how they are going to make a god in a few hours, Ajak states that they have everything they need around them as it shows the outside of Avengers Mountain. The unseen figure narrates that they will find out who this hero is one way or another.

As Druig's declaration of war is echoed across the world, we see different people at the time of this. In London, a man named Tom is getting ready to go to sleep. In Vancouver, a woman named Katrina fires out a supportive tweet at a coffeehouse, hoping that the retweets would be a shield above Krakoa. In Mumbai, an old man named Arjun lies in his bed and shrugs off the Hex. In São Paulo, a woman named Daniela is riding her bicycle knowing the pros and cons of being a mutant. In New York, a woman named Jada notes that people wanting genocide on the mutants are not her people. In Yokohama, Kenta sees his parents worrying about a tidal wave hitting them. The narrator states that these people are important. On Krakoa, Syne the Memotaur fights Exodus and Jean Grey where Exodus gets Syne the Memotaur off of Krakoa. Cyclops is fighting Rheaka Centaurus as he notes to Jean Grey that he generates his attack fauna. In the nick of time, the Avengers show up to help fight the Hex. Back at Avengers Mountain, Iron Man, Ajak, and Makkari work to regenerate their base where the Iron States that Mister Fantastic is going to be as green as Hulk when it happens. A captive Mister Sinister claims that Ajak and Makkari kidnapped him because they feel he is responsible. Back on Krakoa, Captain America and Cyclops go over the objectives that involve getting the non-combative mutants to the safety of the Vaults and making sure the Five aren't harmed. Cyclops tells Captain America to handle the Hex while the X-Men handle keeping the Five safe. Captain Marvel leads Echo, Star Brand, Thor, Storm, and others into battling Thieaka the Harpsicus and Syne the Memotaur as Captain Marvel notes that something that big can't be intangible all the time. The resulting battle formed a tsunami that is en route to the Philippines, New Guinea, and the eastern coasts of the United States. As Mystique shoots at Themix, Nightcrawler rants that this is unfair as Destiny notes that they stand alone. The narrator notes how Iron Man and Ajak have found the thumbprint of Arishem the Judge, Mister Sinister and his clones found a fragment of the Dreaming Celestial, Makkari obtained the fragments of the Destroyer, Sersi gathering the Eternals who oppose Druig's decision, and Tony Stark will pilot Avengers Mountain like he did when a king wreathed in black attacked Earth. Phebe Reginax appears on Krakoa to aid Syne the Memotaur by healing her. Exodus sacrifices his life to take down Syne the Memotaur. The Five are heavily guarded as they bring back Exodus and the other fallen mutants. In another location, Syne the Memotaur is revived. Meanwhile, Tom is watching the news of the conflict on Krakoa, Katrina is still tweeting, Arjun dies on the street as a side effect of the Machine resurrecting Syne the Memotaur, Daniela comforts a customer at her third job as a tremor hits, Jada still doesn't want any Eternal-based protests against mutants, and Kenta gets a blurred shot at a tidal wave being punched by Captain Marvel. Phastos puts in the last of the demiurgic conductors. Mister Sinister breaks up an argument between Iron Man and Ajak so that they can prevent the mutants from being slaughtered. While slaying Rheaka Centarus' attack fauna, Jean Grey gets a status report from Cyclops that the vaults are secured and the X-Men have breached the Eternal armories to cut the Hex's power supply. Nightcrawler notes that Syne the Memotaur has returned to bring Krakoa down. This causes everybody to work to take down Syne the Memotaur as there is not enough time to evacuate everyone. As Avengers Mountain comes to life as the Progenitor, who is revealed to be the narrator as it commands the Hex to leave. The Hex complies with their principles and takes their leave from Krakoa. Despite the heroes' success in banishing the Hex, the Progenitor regained consciousness and declared their Judgement Day after showing its disappointment with the people of Earth for their unrelenting cruelty and unreasonable bickering. The Progenitor addresses the people of Earth stating that they will be judged within the next 24 hours to justify themselves individually and collectively. If there is more than wicked, they will live. Otherwise, there will be no tomorrow. The Progenitor concludes that the people of Earth are all important.


Immortal X-Men

There is a flashback to Exodus' early life. In the present, the Quiet Council of Krakoa discuss as Destiny states that Professor X is about to share some new information he learned from Forge. he learned from Forge that Celestial energy was detected and that Mister Sinister was abducted by some Eternals as Exodus assumes that he was "rescued". As Emma Frost plans to brief the captains to go on the defensive, Sebastian Shaw suggests that they go on the offensive. Exodus brings up a much earlier encounter with the Eternals due to his immortality. He recounts his encounter with Apocalypse in Ancient Egypt, his life during Medieval England where he encountered the Black Knight of that time, and his long sleep until Magneto found him. This reminiscing is interrupted when the Uni-Mind attacks. During the attack, Wolverine informs the Quiet Council on what happened to Egg and that the Eternals are going after the rest of the Five. Exodus recalls his fight with what appears to be a five-headed dragon. Once the attacking Eternals have retreated, Mystique is carrying Destiny as she advises that they get their telekinetic carpenter to get the furnishing repaired as Jean Grey goes on the offensive. The Quiet Council of Krakoa find out about Druig's speech and the revealing of the Hex. Exodus advises Jean Grey to get everyone to safety as he goes to fight two of the Hex that are heading their way.

X-Men: Red

On Arrako, Abigail Brand informs everyone present about Destiny's precognition of the Eternals' attack. Ora Serrata states that Idyll can't see the true future. Just then, Uranos arrives stating that he has one hour to correct them. Isca switches sides and kills Idyll. The Armories of Uranos were also activated the moment he left the Exclusion. Those on Arrako go on the defensive where Uranos defeat Ora and fight Legion. Abigail Brand states that she lost contact with Station Two and assumes it was destroyed while noting that there are confirmed attacks all over Mars as Lactuca states that the enemy has machines of death and Sabunar of the Depth notes that this will be a challenge for them. As Cable and Magneto start to go on the offensive, Uranos returns stating that he took down Legion as Lodus Lugos produces metal for Magneto to make use of. The Brotherhood of Arrako led by Sunspot and Wrongslide join the fight against a self-replicating machine army at Argyre Planitia. Nova protects the evacuees at Port Prometheus from their attackers. Nightcrawler fights Isca the Unbeaten in Sobunar's ocean after she chooses to betray the Great Rings of Arakko and murder Idyll for her own survival. Wrapped in metal, Uranos breaks free and punches Magneto through the chest. Witnessing Magneto's defeat, Cable brings out the Omega-One Plus Rifle to use Uranos which doesn't phase him. Lactuca seals a breach while the Morrowlands start to infect anything organic that comes in contact with it. Xilo unleashes the insects and invertebrates that make up his body in order to attack Uranos. While the evacuations at Port Prometheus have been partially successful, all the Krakoan gates have been destroyed as seven Kymellian priests are killed before Nova can save them. In the markets below, the vendors and their Arrakkii regulars fight to save what they can. Uranos reduces the collective that is Xilo to 13.5% and uses the Omega-One Plus Rifle to shoot Abigail Brand. On the dark side of the planet, the Fisher King feels the wind change. The Arrakki at Aryre Planetia goes on a strategic retreat. After Uranos leaves when the hour is complete, Lodus regains consciousness, Xilo works to put himself back together, and Ora is in the middle of healing. Swearing revenge against the Eternals, Magneto arises with energy in his wound and states to Lodus that they were part of a losing war and that "the seat of loss takes command".

A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants

Following a recap by the narrator of the actions committed by Druig, Uranos, and the Hex, Ajak, Ikarus, Makkari, Phastos, Sersi, Sprite, and Thena talk about Druig's actions on Lemuria and the reconstruction of the Progenitor. As Ajak persuades Phastos to come with her, the other Eternals go to march into the war while persuading Kro to gain them access to a pit where the gods lashed out the day the Second Host showed up. Once at the bottom, they are confronted by the "shadows of the Firmament". The Eternals fight them and found what the Eternals had been through with the Second Host which they now know when they spoke to Kro about it. As Kro notes that the Eternals will fight Druig while the Deviants will pay the price, he states that the Deviants would be dragged into the war through their own actions. In the Subspace Tunnels, Ikaris visits Gilgamesh. In Olympia's war room, Druig watches the Hex in action while getting a status report. He visits a resurrected Zuras to get a status report on the psychic siege. Zuras states that it is hard as they are going up against the strongest mutant psychics. At the Exclusion, the Oceanic Watch's Kalos the Destructor is confronted by Gilgamesh, Ikaris, and Kingo as Kalos forms an energy Hydra while Sprite uploads a temporary override to Uranos' armory. Kalos is subdued by Ikaris enableing Magik and Wolverine to enter the Machine. Druig finds out what happened and dispatches his defense units to deal with the intruders. Ikaris uses device to send a small part of Zuras' mind into another dimension. Druig and Domo find Zuras on the ground as Druig gets word that Syne the Memotaur is ready for redeployment. At Avengers Mountain, Phastos finishes his part on rebuilding the Progenitor. As the Celestials have given the Eternals three principals, the Progenitor gives them a fourth principle giving the people of Earth to justify themselves. This puts Druig in a difficult situation. Gilgamesh and Ikaris flee from the Droogs while having left a message on the wall stating "Death to the Eternals".


Wolverine confronts Krakoa on what happened to Kid Omega as there is no memory in the cradles. Professor X shows up to confront Wolverine who state that there are forces bigger than them at work. In the north pole, Kraven the Hunter is working to survive after the loss of his dogs and the burning of his sled. Kraven the Huntermanages to kill a seal that he fished out. Later that night, a polar bear as it is drawn to a seal corpse so that Kraven the Hunter can hunt it. Once that was done, Kraven the Hunter pulls out a body part of the polar bear and notices some differences. On Krakoa, Deadpool is in a bar talking about how X-Force wouldn't exist without him. Sage gathers Deadpool, Domino, Beast, Black Tom Cassidy, Omega Red as they discuss the protests where the protestors want the X-Men to use their technology to revive the people in their lives who died. They even found an issue in Arches National Park, Utah where they have taken Angel hostage as one of the protestors cuts off one of his wings. Black Tom Cassidy emerges from the gate and drives off the protestors as Domino confronts the one who is holding Angel captive. In the North Pole, Deadpool and Omega Red find a Russian boat. As Omega Red leaves Deadpool to be found by a polar bear, he attacks the Russians on the boat as he frees the captive mutants. In northern Sibera, Kraven the Hunter enters a bar wearing the pelt of the polar bear he killed and a large bag containing Deadpool. He overhears some patrons talking about mutants becoming the apex predator of the galaxy. Kraven says in Russian "What did you say"?


As the X-Men fight Thieaka the Harpsicus, Forge is on the beach as he fires a laser that causes Thieka the Harpsicus to be coated in tiny machines that will render it crystalline enough to put it into a state of hibernation. Once that was done, Forge states that he doesn't have any more nanites as more of the Hex are approaching Krakoa. Jean Grey does a telepathic message to Ikaris who states that the Hex are powerful Eternals deployed from the armories of the Eternals that is beneath the Earth's crust. As non-Eternals can't access the vault, Ikaris can help the X-Men out in exchange that no Eternals are killed. As Cyclops and Jean Grey help the Avengers hold off the Hex, Iceman grows large and takes Firestar, Forge, Havok, Magik, and Synch into the closest armory beneath the Pacific Ocean. Tapping into Ikaris' mind, Magik teleports her team to him as they work to take out the Hex's energy supply by fighting past the drones. After his right arm is blasted off, Synch used the synching he did with Iceman to grow another arm which he uses to destroy the drone responsible. Then Synch assists Iceman into freezing the engine. Magik allows Forge to take some "souvenirs" from the fallen drones. Magik's group escapes through Limbo before arriving back in Krakoa. As Havok suggests to Magik that they check to see if Blob is alive and the Green Lagoon is still standing, they hear the voice of the Progenitor's demands as it tells the X-Men that their adjudication has begun.

Judgment Day (Marvel Comics)

An unknown figure narrates how it is of such power to speak to the reader. In New York, Sersi is talking with Tony Stark about a fight that is going to be happening in a day or two where she complains that the X-Men are doing the revivals that the Eternals mostly do. Suddenly, Sersi gets ambushed by Echo's Phoenix form as Captain Marvel and Thor bring her in. The attack was seen from the treehouse by Cyclops and Jean Grey. As people protest about the X-Men being life-hoarders, Cyclops states to Jean Grey that they can't bring back non-mutants. On Krakoa, Nightcrawler and Mystique speak with Destiny to confirm her prediction of an upcoming war. Due to Destiny seeing the Eternals in her vision, she advises them to gather the Quiet Council. Arriving on Arrako, Nightcrawler meets up with Cable, Magneto, and Storm to inform them about Destiny's latest vision and warn the Arakkis about the threat. At Avengers Mountain, Sersi regains consciousness as Iron Man interrogates her in Avengers Mountain's psychic dead room. Iron Man mentions that a few months ago some Eternals snuck into Avengers Mountain to do some cosmic stuff and he finds out that Thanos led the Eternals recently. While Sersi regretted that Thanos led them, Iron Man figured out that the Eternals had another doomsday device. Captain America then comes in to take part in the interrogation reminding Iron Man that Sersi was once an Avenger at some point and the team should show her some trust. He wants to know why the Eternals are going to war with the mutants. She asks what they know about what Druig is going to do. Iron Man mentioned a huge spike in the Pacific Ocean as Sersi states that she had no involvement in what happened there and is not the Eternal that they should be worrying about. One hour earlier on Olympia, Druig discusses with the Eternal council and figures out that the X-Gene came from the Deviants and not the humans as he tries to get the Uni-Mind to bring fire and death to those that need to be corrected, which the Eternals society all agreed. At the Exclusion, Druig speaks to his grandfather Uranos about what he had told the Uni-Mind about his speech and is planning to have him released as a test. Uranos states that Druig "will see what Uranos the Undying can do with an hour". At the Damocles Foundation's corporate HQ in Los Angeles, Moira hears from Druig about Thanos meeting Uranos and his plan on assassinating the Five. At Krakoa, the Quiet Council is informed about Destiny's vision and the Eternals' upcoming war. During this meeting, Professor X, Hope Summers, and other mutant telepaths are psychically attacked by the Uni-Mind which allows the Eternal fleets to assault the Krakoans which was part of their distraction. This enables Jack of Knives to lead an attack on Krakoa as Wolverine gives the order to sound the alarm. The X-Men joins the others in the assault. At the Great Ring, Nightcrawler gets a warning out to the Arraki. Wolverine finds that Egg has been taken down by Jack of Knives as Wolverine orders Jean Grey to have the Five secured as the Eternal fleets suddenly retreat. When Moira states to Jack of Knives blew his chance, Druig states that the "Eternals are eternal" and he also informs Moira that Arakko has already been taken care of, despite his failed attempt. As the X-Men work to revive their fallen comrades, Nightcrawler explains to them what happened on Arrako as Uranos was shown to have decimated Arakko's homeworld and massacred a few of Arakki's mutant lives, which includes destabilizing all Krakoan gates. He returns to the Exclusion to inform Druig that he completed his hour while hearing about the Eternals' mission. At Avengers Mountain, Captain America, Iron Man, and Sersi hear about what happened on Krakoa. Druig broadcasts himself to the people of Earth on their high-tech devices stating that the Eternals will help them deal with the "mutant threat" while advising them not to be afraid of the towering death machines that have emerged off the western seaboard of the United States which he describes as the Hex which are giant-sized Eternals consisting of Phebe Reginax, Rheaka Centaurus, Syne the Memotaur, Thieaka the Harpsicus, Tetytrona, and Themex. In retaliation, Captain America assembles the Avengers. As Captain Marvel states that Sersi is locked up, Captain America states that she has no involvement with Druig as Iron Man is informed of an intruder alert. Iron Man flies to the location to find Ajak, Makkari, and a bound Mister Sinister where Ajak wants Iron Man's help to build a god to end the upcoming war. When Iron Man asks how they are going to make a god in a few hours, Ajak states that they have everything they need around them as it shows the outside of Avengers Mountain. The unseen figure narrates that they will find out who this hero is one way or another.

As Druig's declaration of war is echoed across the world, we see different people at the time of this. In London, a man named Tom is getting ready to go to sleep. In Vancouver, a woman named Katrina fires out a supportive tweet at a coffeehouse, hoping that the retweets would be a shield above Krakoa. In Mumbai, an old man named Arjun lies in his bed and shrugs off the Hex. In São Paulo, a woman named Daniela is riding her bicycle knowing the pros and cons of being a mutant. In New York, a woman named Jada notes that people wanting genocide on the mutants are not her people. In Yokohama, Kenta sees his parents worrying about a tidal wave hitting them. The narrator states that these people are important. On Krakoa, Syne the Memotaur fights Exodus and Jean Grey where Exodus gets Syne the Memotaur off of Krakoa. Cyclops is fighting Rheaka Centaurus as he notes to Jean Grey that he generates his attack fauna. In the nick of time, the Avengers show up to help fight the Hex. Back at Avengers Mountain, Iron Man, Ajak, and Makkari work to regenerate their base where the Iron States that Mister Fantastic is going to be as green as Hulk when it happens. A captive Mister Sinister claims that Ajak and Makkari kidnapped him because they feel he is responsible. Back on Krakoa, Captain America and Cyclops go over the objectives that involve getting the non-combative mutants to the safety of the Vaults and making sure the Five aren't harmed. Cyclops tells Captain America to handle the Hex while the X-Men handle keeping the Five safe. Captain Marvel leads Echo, Star Brand, Thor, Storm, and others into battling Thieaka the Harpsicus and Syne the Memotaur as Captain Marvel notes that something that big can't be intangible all the time. The resulting battle formed a tsunami that is en route to the Philippines, New Guinea, and the eastern coasts of the United States. As Mystique shoots at Themix, Nightcrawler rants that this is unfair as Destiny notes that they stand alone. The narrator notes how Iron Man and Ajak have found the thumbprint of Arishem the Judge, Mister Sinister and his clones found a fragment of the Dreaming Celestial, Makkari obtained the fragments of the Destroyer, Sersi gathering the Eternals who oppose Druig's decision, and Tony Stark will pilot Avengers Mountain like he did when a king wreathed in black attacked Earth. Phebe Reginax appears on Krakoa to aid Syne the Memotaur by healing her. Exodus sacrifices his life to take down Syne the Memotaur. The Five are heavily guarded as they bring back Exodus and the other fallen mutants. In another location, Syne the Memotaur is revived. Meanwhile, Tom is watching the news of the conflict on Krakoa, Katrina is still tweeting, Arjun dies on the street as a side effect of the Machine resurrecting Syne the Memotaur, Daniela comforts a customer at her third job as a tremor hits, Jada still doesn't want any Eternal-based protests against mutants, and Kenta gets a blurred shot at a tidal wave being punched by Captain Marvel. Phastos puts in the last of the demiurgic conductors. Mister Sinister breaks up an argument between Iron Man and Ajak so that they can prevent the mutants from being slaughtered. While slaying Rheaka Centarus' attack fauna, Jean Grey gets a status report from Cyclops that the vaults are secured and the X-Men have breached the Eternal armories to cut the Hex's power supply. Nightcrawler notes that Syne the Memotaur has returned to bring Krakoa down. This causes everybody to work to take down Syne the Memotaur as there is not enough time to evacuate everyone. As Avengers Mountain comes to life as the Progenitor, who is revealed to be the narrator as it commands the Hex to leave. The Hex complies with their principles and takes their leave from Krakoa. Despite the heroes' success in banishing the Hex, the Progenitor regained consciousness and declared their Judgement Day after showing its disappointment with the people of Earth for their unrelenting cruelty and unreasonable bickering. The Progenitor addresses the people of Earth stating that they will be judged within the next 24 hours to justify themselves individually and collectively. If there is more than wicked, they will live. Otherwise, there will be no tomorrow. The Progenitor concludes that the people of Earth are all important.

Carmina and Amen

The plot takes place in Seville. Following the sudden death of her husband, Carmina decides not to report the death so she could clinch an extra pay.

Draft:Athanasy (game)

The game is set in the postapocalyptic setting of an underground city, the last resting place of humanity. Mysterious Violet Death has turned the surface of the Earth into an uninhabited and inaccessible wasteland, and the last remaining humans are forced to survive in the harsh conditions of the confined space under the watchful eye of six ministries.

Life in the city is kept alive by automated factories, the Machines of Grace and Love. Among the population, there is a religious cult that worships the machines, as they are the only thing that keeps humanity from total extinction.

It is in the workings of these machines that the game's protagonist, Josiah Kaviani, discovers inconsistencies. Receiving a job offer from one of the ministries, Josiah tries to uncover the source from which the city receives the missing resources needed to feed the growing population.

Development of the story depend on the decisions made by the player. Josiah can abandon the investigation and live a quiet life, reaching high places in the Ministry hierarchy; he can join a group of revolutionaries, the Non-Resistance, and get to the bottom of what is going on in the city; or Josiah can make a mistake and fall into the horrible world of shapeless flesh beneath the city, called Hell.

After discovering several endings, the player can piece together a complete picture: in fact, the city is a former scientific center; of which one of the objects of study were robotic nano-surgeons with unprecedented capabilities to cure the human body. The out-of-control experiment led to the spread of an unwanted, unstoppable and acutely contagious immortality: athanasy, due to which the entire scientific complex had to be isolated from the outside world.


There are a total of nine endings available in the game: * '''The Conformist.''' - Kaviani refuses to take part in unfolding events, chooses his career, reaches the position of department head and ends his life in a pool of amrita in the Upper Labs. * '''Minister Kaviani''' - After a series of betrayals and controversial decisions, Kaviani is brought to the Cabinet, and then promoted to Minister of Demography. * '''Alone in the Bright Sun''' - If Caviani comes to the Upper Labs as a Cabinet employee, he can persuade the Engineers to let him alone out from under the dome, having first survived the nanosurgeon purge procedure. * '''Adam and Eve''' - If Kaviani comes to the Upper Labs as a member of the Non-Resistance, he can negotiate with the Engineers to have only him and Polianna released from under the dome (having previously cleared them of the nanosurgeons). * '''Liberation''' - After learning the truth from the diaries, Caviani hastily spreads the diaries amongst the citizens and turns on the elevators between the City and Hell. Flesh bursts out of the caves and takes over the City. * '''Polymer Lake''' - Caviani is captured and written off into a polymer pit for his ''wrong'' actions, where he dissolves to serve as materials for the City. * '''Gulo''' - Caviani trusts Gulo too much and becomes another head in his collection. * '''Demon''' - After becoming acquainted with Bitterness, Caviani becomes imbued with her ideas and leads Hell's rebellion. He takes over the City and turns it into a garden of flesh. * '''Red Grass''' - After learning the whole truth with the help of Peter "Daevlid" and his diaries, Kaviani gets out from under the dome, infecting the planet's biosphere with nanosurgeons.

Episode 1101

Max McGerry (Jo Martin), Madge Britton (Clare Burt) and Henrik Hanssen (Guy Henry) discuss Jac Naylor's (Rosie Marcel) upcoming operation. Elliot Hope (Paul Bradley) informs them that her latest scan results indicate more tumour growth which will make the procedure even more difficult. They agree to work around it the issues. Sacha attempts to convince Jac to abort the operation. Sacha Levy (Bob Barrett) clashes with Adrian "Fletch" Fletcher (Alex Walkinshaw) over doubts about Jac's operation. Jac visits the Darwin operating theatre where she reminisces over old memories of her former colleagues. Jac speaks to a porter and her speech slurs. She begins gasping for breath and she calls for Elliot's help. He treats her quickly, Jac asks Elliot to not tell Max about her deteriorating condition. She says she is not scared and asks only for a fix or let her die on the operating table to avoid further suffering.

Claudia Blaise's (Lottie Tolhurst) mother Anita Blaise (Zoë Aldrich) visits Josh Hudson (Trieve Blackwood-Cambridge) and gives him her diary and blames Josh for neglecting Claudia and blames him for her death. Josh goes to confront Anita but finds Ken Davies (Hamish Clarke) outside the hospital with injured legs and Dominic Copeland (David Ames) rushes to assist him. However he does not know who or where he is. He is convinced his son Noah has been hit by a car. Ken asks for Jac's help. Ange Godard (Dawn Steele) helps treat Ken, they want to find Noah, they need to treat Ken's legs in theatre. Too much necrosis, they battle to save the foot at Josh's insistence. After a successful operation, Fletch visits AAU and identifies the man as Ken, a former patient. Fletch explains that Noah had died years earlier and Fletch helps him remember his reality. Ken reveals he became homeless after losing his job and cannot remember becoming confused. Ken goes into cardiac arrest but Dominic and Ange resuscitate him. Dominic reads Claudia's diary and accuses him of having an affair. He is forced to tell him about Claudia and his bulimia. Josh tells Ange about Claudia's diary. Ange reassures Josh that he is not to blame for Claudia's death.

Alexandra 'Lexy' Dunblane (Jenny Howe) is treated on Keller by Donna Jackson (Jaye Jacobs), Jeong-Soo Han (Chan Woo Lim) and Henrik. They inform her they have kidney match. Elliot checks Lexy an her swollen ankles. He orders more scans and tests to ensure she is okay. Donna notices Lexy's abdomen is distended and Henrik orders further heart scans. Lexy goes into heart failure, ruining her chances of a kidney transplant. Jeong also discovers he is nominated for the junior doctor award.

Amelia Ebrahimi (Lucy Briggs-Owen) visits the hospital to reveal that she is pregnant and Jac congratulates her and husband Eli Ebrahimi (Davood Ghadami) before she goes into surgery. Sacha goes to Jac's flat to retrieve a locket and finds it left in a state which suggests Jac believes she will die. Max and Elliot begin Jac's surgery. They begin to face difficulties in the procedure. Later in the operation Max discovers that the brain tumour is larger than they had anticipated. Max states they cannot remove all of the tumour. Carrying on will cause a stroke and they abort the operation. Sacha, Fletch and Elliot gather around Jac's bedside. She regains consciousness and believes the operation was successful. Elliot informs her that it did not work, Jac is devastated and apologises to Elliot for asking him to let her die.

Amparo (film)

Elías, Amparo's eldest son, has just come of age and is eligible for compulsory military service, at a time when Colombia is immersed in a deep armed conflict and in a remote region where there seems to be no God and no law. Amparo knows that it is very likely that her son will not survive, and she begins to look for all kinds of solutions to save Elías from that fate. But there is a problem: Amparo only has one day to do it.

Yanco (film)

A small child begins to take an interest in sounds. Thus, he discovers his musical talent. He moves away from the town and begins to listen to the sounds of nature. He meets a priest and learns to play the violin from him. When the priest dies, he sneaks into the pawn shop and continues to play the violin. There is a rumor spreads about the presence of an evil spirit in the town.

Rosen Blood

Stella Violetta was passing through a forest on her way to start a new job as a maid when she experiences a carriage accident. She awakens in a strange Gothic mansion occupied by four men: Levi-Ruin, Friedrich, Yoel, and Gilbert. They hire her to be their live-in maid and do not let her leave the grounds. After working there for a while, she soon discovers the four men are vampires who feed on young women to survive.

The Furies (2016 film)

Marga, the matriarch of the Ponte Alegre family, is set to sell the family's summer house, so she encourages their three children to go there to choose as many items as they wish to preserve.

Draft:Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater

Lois' wealthy aunt Marguerite Pewderschmidt comes to visit, but drops dead on their doorstep. A videotaped message from Aunt Marguerite informs Lois that she has inherited Cherrywood Manor in Newport, Rhode Island. There, the Griffins receive a musical welcome from the house's staff, but they immediately start to leave afterward. Peter hires them back after admitting that he secretly sold their former house in Quahog. At a party, Peter has trouble fitting in with the others, while Stewie adapts immediately to ordering servants around, even commanding two to fight to the death for his amusement. Peter begs Brian to teach him how to be a gentleman. After several attempts through regular methods, Brian resorts to shock therapy. When Peter arrives at a ritzy auction that night, Lois is shocked to see him behaving himself and conversing easily with the richer crowd. He becomes wealthy after bidding $100,000,000 for a vase.

Lois demands that the family return to Quahog as soon as possible; she says that she left Newport because it changed people in much the same way that her family is changing. Brian is only able to snap Peter out of his delusion by comparing him to Lando Calrissian and smashing his ''Star Wars'' collector's glass. Although Peter can snap out of his phase, he is still $100,000,000 short on covering his auction bid when a representative from a historical society comes to collect the money. After several attempts to "prove" that Cherrywood Manor has enough historical value to cover the bid, Peter finds a set of hidden photographs. The pictures show Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Ulysses S. Grant at Cherrywood Manor, which was a brothel at the time. Not only does the discovery make Cherrywood enormously valuable, but Peter sells one of the pictures to the tabloids to repurchase their old house.

In the end, Peter no longer cares what Lois's family thinks of him, since her ancestors were nothing more than a bunch of pimps and whores.


The story is set in the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse, triggered by the threat of expanding armies of cloned soldiers. From the ashes arose military factions and corporations, who now race to rebuild the human clone soldier technology.

The factions include Gaia Inc., The Cloners, and Blackshot mercenaries. Gaia are an energy conglomerate that have a large influence over the new world governments. They seek to recover old world technology, and research new forms of energy production. Its nuclear reactor facilities and research laboratories are often the sites for skirmishes. The Cloners are a corporation that owns all of the surviving cloning factories, but dependent on Gaia for energy. The Cloners aggressively pursue cloning technology, and often employ mercenaries to defend what remaining cloning installations it possesses. Blackshot is one of the game world's leading mercenary groups, and agents are expected to fulfil the terms of their contract to the letter.

Crimson Climax

Ryo is a young girl and her mother has died. He returns to his family's home on the island. There he begins to think about his mother's strange behavior in the past. Strange things begin to happen when he meets his cousin, Hotaruko. The past of the island and the girl are mysterious and dark.

Sea of Tranquility (novel)

Edwin (1912)

The novel begins in 1912, following Edwin St. John St. Andrew, a remittance man. The character is loosely based on one of Mandel's great-grandfathers. Edwin is sent to Canada for making statements about colonialism to his British parents which they considered improper. In Canada, Edwin – who is "capable of action but prone to inertia" – eventually lands in British Columbia, where he ponders that the "trouble with Victoria is that it’s too much like England without actually being England. It’s a far-distant simulation of England, a watercolor superimposed unconvincingly on the landscape." Edwin reaches Caiette on Vancouver Island, a fictional place, which also appeared in Mandel's previous novel ''The Glass Hotel''. In Caiette, Edwin is confronted with "the unfathomable wilderness, dark towering trees crowding around the periphery." When Edwin walks into a forest near Caiette, he experiences a mysterious darkness and a mix of sounds − a violin, a hum as if he is at a train station, and an unfamiliar whooshing noise. When he leaves the forest, he meets a stranger named "Roberts", who claims to be a clergyman, but abruptly leaves when Edwin is unconvinced by this assertion.

Mirella (2020)

Leaving Edwin, the novel jumps in time to the near present of its publication − 2020. There, the novel follows Mirella Kessler, who visits a sound and video performance by Paul Smith, the brother of Vincent Alkaitis, a former friend of Mirella's. Mirella, Vincent, and Paul have also appeared in ''The Glass Hotel''. During the performance, Paul shows a video that mirrors Edwin’s strange encounter – violin music, a train station, and a whooshing noise. After the performance, Mirella, who wants to reconnect with Vincent, confronts Paul about Vincent's whereabouts, but Paul has to inform Mirella that Vincent has probably died at sea a few years earlier. At the same time a person introduced as Gaspery-Jacques Roberts also speaks to Paul and asks detailed questions about the video shown during the performance. Mirella − curiously − seems to recognize Gaspery-Jacques from her childhood as she recalls him being a person involved in a shooting under an overpass, which left her traumatized.

Olive (2203)

Again, the novel pushes forward in time and now focuses on Olive Llewellyn, a young and successful writer. Olive lives on a lunar colony with her husband Dion and her daughter Sylvie. She is travelling on earth in 2203 to promote her first new book after the publication of her huge literary success ''Marienbad''. Many reviewers (Ron Charles, Yvonne C. Garrett, Laird Hunt, Bethanne Patrick and Marcel Theroux) have remarked on the similarities between Olive and Mandel: Like Mandel's ''Station Eleven'', Olive has written a book about a fictional pandemic before an actual pandemic happened''. '' Laird Hunt calls Olive "unquestionably a stand-in for Mandel herself".

To the end of her book tour, Olive is interviewed by a journalist named Gaspery-Jacques Roberts, the name of a character in her book.

Gaspery-Jacques (2401)

After a further push forward in time to 2401, Gaspery-Jacques is the centre of attention. He lives in Colony 2 ("the Night City"), a moon colony, and was named by his mother after a minor character in Olive Llewellyn's ''Marienbad.'' After being unemployed for a while, his childhood neighbour Talia Anderson hires him as a hotel detective for the Grand Luna Hotel in the high functioning Colony 1.'''' During one of his shifts, he calls his brilliant sister Zoey to congratulate her on her birthday and later at night – on her insistence – visits her at her office. Zoey works at the Time Institute, where she presents Gaspery-Jacques the video shot by Vincent, which was also shown during Paul's performance.'''' Furthermore, Zoey reads a passage from ''Marienbad'' to Gaspery-Jacques, where Olive appears to write about the same curious incident.''''

Zoey explains that the incident could be file corruption: "moments from different centuries are bleeding into one another". For her, the file corruption could be seen as evidence for the simulation hypothesis, a hypothesis that everyone is at all times "living in a simulation".'''' Against the wishes of his sister Zoey, Gaspery-Jacques is recruited by a childhood friend, Ephrem, to work at the Time Institute. Considering the institute, Zoey says to her brother: "[w]hat you have to understand is that bureaucracy is an organism. And the prime goal of every organism is self-protection. Bureaucracy exists to protect itself."

Unaffected by the pleading of his sister, Gaspery-Jacques starts intense training to prepare himself to become a time traveller. His mission is to inspect the incident and prepare the gathered evidence for further analysis against the simulation hypothesis.'''' He is trained by the institute to interview the violinist in Oklahoma City named Alan Sami as well as Olive and Edwin during his time travels. During his training he learns that Olive will die from the SARS-12 pandemic three days after being interviewed by him,'''' but Gaspery-Jacques is explicitly instructed that he is not permitted to warn her about her imminent death.

Travelling back

Olive (2203)

Gaspery-Jacques does not heed the warning and alerts Olive in no uncertain terms about her impending death during the pandemic. Olive trusts Gaspery-Jacques and hurries back to the moon colony and thereby saves herself and her family. Yvonne C. Garrett has argued in her review of ''Sea of Tranquility'', that Mandel − through the eyes of Olive − has detailed her own experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred during the writing of the novel.'''' An example of this is a sentence detailing the human experience of the pandemic: "the panic, the lockdown, the constant sirens, technology exhaustion, the shifting and rethinking of personal and career priorities."''''

During lockdown Olive has a challenging time, but also experiences intimate moments with her family. For Olive "[t]his is the strange lesson of living in a pandemic: life can be tranquil in the face of death."'''' After the isolation due to the enduring lockdowns becomes unbearable, Olive goes outside into her garden where she overhears Gaspery-Jacques and Zoey and learns what she already suspected: that Gaspery-Jacques is a time traveller and that she should have died during the pandemic.''''

Edwin (1918)

After Gaspery-Jacques has returned to the Time Institute, he is harshly reprimanded for warning Olive about the pandemic and her death. Nevertheless, he manages to be sent again through time to further investigate the anomaly. In 1918, he returns to Edwin, now a veteran of the Western Front during World War I. Knowing that Edwin's future included being committed to an insane asylum, he reassures Edwin that his experience in Canada in 1912 was not a hallucination and that he might be saner than he thinks. After returning to the moon and his original time, Gaspery-Jacques learns that due to his intervention Edwin did not get committed; however, he dies of the Spanish flu nonetheless, within 48 hours of his original death date. At the institute, Gaspery-Jacques also grasps that Aretta, the French publicist of Olive, is working for the Time Institute as well.

Gaspery-Jacques lost in time

For his transgressions – messing with the timeline – Ephrem sends Gaspery-Jacques back in time: He finds himself at the scene witnessed by Mirella at the overpass. Ephrem hands him a gun after the fact and removes the device required for time travel. Then Gaspery-Jacques is imprisoned in a different century for a murder he did not perpetrate; he thereby receives a punishment which the Time Institute calls being "lost in time." In his sixties, Gaspery-Jacques develops a heart problem, while still incarcerated. During the ensuing stay in prison hospital, he is unexpectedly visited by Zoey. His sister hands him a new device necessary for time travel and they both travel to a farm near Oklahoma City in 2172. The farm is owned by a couple who agrees to hide Gaspery-Jacques.

Gaspery-Jacques and Talia (2172)

Zoey explains that she was arrested on the day Gaspery-Jacques was "lost in time" but managed to be sent away to the "Far Colonies". Unbeknownst to the Time Institute, the Far Colonies have also developed a time machine and she has managed to use this machine to free her brother. She hints to Gaspery-Jacques that he should meet his neighbours, but he lives as a recluse on the farm. After some years of not engaging with the outside world, he hires a physician to remodel his face and iris but after the remodelling is done, he recognizes his new face and sees that it is in fact the face of the violinist Alan Sami.

To learn the violin, as Alan Sami did, he engages a neighbour of his. The neighbour is revealed to be Talia Anderson, his childhood friend, who was hunted by the institute and lived underground in the Far Colonies before she also had to hide in this time near Oklahoma City. Both marry and they later inherit the farm of the couple who hid Gaspery-Jacques. Gaspery-Jacques muses that "a life lived in a simulation is still a life".

Gaspery-Jacques interviews himself (2195)

After the death of his wife Talia, Gaspery-Jacques starts to play the violin in the airship terminal of Oklahoma City. There, he is visited by himself as he tries to investigate the anomaly. He thereby discovers that he has caused the anomaly by interviewing himself – and thus the anomaly he was sent out to investigate. As Alan Sami he experiences the anomaly and sees Vincent, Olive and Edwin at the same time as the software struggles with him being there twice at the same time and while repairing the corrupted file.

Depression: The Woman Who Lives at Night

Necla is a young girl who cannot walk because she is disabled. In fact, she has a double personality and sometimes wears black clothes and a red wig, then turns into a different person. In contrast to her first resentful and tired personality, she is now a vamp character. Moreover, she walks very comfortably when she switches to her second personality. They are in love with her neighbor, painter Fikret, who lives in a house in a nearby garden. And Necla, who takes on her other personality, goes to her at night. After a while, Necla kills her lover Fikret. The blame falls on her sister Selma. However, Selma's psychiatrist husband Kemal begins to investigate the matter. Throughout the movie, the sex scenes between Necla and Fikret are shown. Also in addition, the scenes between Kemal and Selma.

The King of Havana

Set in the Cuban capital during the Special Period, Reynaldo ('Rey'), returns to his old home in the wake of his release from a juvenile prison, and wanders around Old Havana, meeting with prostitutes Magda and Yunisleidi.

Marvel Future Revolution

Earths from different realities are colliding, destroying each other. The heroes of one Earth attempt to stop this "Convergence", but fail. When all hope is lost, Vision sacrifices himself to merge several Earths together peacefully into a single Primary Earth. The new planet is unstable however, and the Convergence is still ongoing. To maintain their new world and seek a permanent solution to the Convergence, the Omega Flight is formed from heroes of different Earths.

The player's character is recruited into the Omega Flight by their counterpart from the technologically advanced New Stark City. After stopping the threat of Ultron from another Earth, they fight to oppose the invasion of Thanos from yet another reality into the regions of Hydra Empire and Xandearth. When Doctor Strange attempts to try and use the Yggdrasil as the solution to Convergence, the task of bringing the last seed of the World Tree back to life takes the player to the regions of Midgardia, Sakaar and the Dark Domain.

Kill Fee

Leon Walsh is publisher for the magazine ''Summit'', which he will soon take over since his boss Joe Sussman has been killed. Walsh had a perfect alibi at the time of the murder. Professional killer Pluto then sends Walsh a bill of $100,000 for the murder.

Conspiracy of Silence (1991 film)

On a cold November night in 1971, local ice hockey jocks Dwayne Archie Johnston, James Robert Paul Houghton, Lee Scott Colgan and Norman Bernard Manger get drunk, swear loudly and drive around looking for women to pick up. While driving, they spot local Cree student Helen Betty Osborne bundled in a winter coat as she walks home along the road. They force her into their car, groping her while she screams. The next morning, a young boy and his father, ice-fishing near a pump house, find the woman's fully-nude body abandoned in the snow, covered in multiple stab wounds and bruises. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police begin investigating the case; meanwhile, Lee Colgan's life begins to slowly go downhill due to his own guilt and mental instability.

The police, like the townsfolk of The Pas, are largely indifferent to the case, making racist remarks about Helen Betty and believing that Indigenous women are all sluts and that Helen Betty was probably picked up as a sort of prostitute. To the disgust of Angie, a local waitress at the town's most popular diner, a department store owner openly tells the joke, "did you hear about the new Indian wine (play on the homophone "whine"))? (in a babyish voice) I want my land back!". The four boys who murdered Helen Betty are all white, and therefore not initially suspected. The police haul in Helen Betty's boyfriend, a local Cree boy named Cornelius, and terrify him so badly with a photograph of Helen Betty's mutilated corpse that he faints during the interrogation. One policeman, Constable Mike Hall, is bothered by the racist attitudes towards Helen Betty. Being a white man himself, he knows little of Cree culture or Helen Betty's inner world, but discovers her schoolbooks and a collection of vinyl records and family photographs she collected in her bedroom. He listens to the last vinyl record she had purchased, a single of "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo", and finds only innocent, harmless artifacts in the room, not any sexual paraphernalia. Constable Hall is then made to go up to Helen Betty's home in Norway House to inform her family of her death. Helen Betty's mother does not speak English, but feigns that she does, while Helen Betty's little sister later translates the bad news in Cree after Constable Hall is gone, causing their mother to break down sobbing and screaming in grief.

As time goes on, less and less is known about the case. Newspaper offers of monetary rewards, as well as a hypnotism attempt on the truck driver who had been behind Lee Colgan's car on the night of the murder, do eventually link Colgan's license plate number to the murder vehicle. The car turns out to be Colgan's father's car; Lee had borrowed it that night. He is subsequently arrested and the car impounded, where a bra clasp is discovered that belonged to Helen Betty. It is revealed that Colgan has been vocal about his involvement in the murder, owing to his increasing mental health issues, and that his eccentric parents both suspect his involvement themselves, as well as his boss at a local department store, though none of them step up to testify. The four boys are given a lawyer known for his own corruption who quickly gets them all released from prison, leaving Helen Betty's case to go cold.

Over a decade later, Constable Steve Frishbilski travels to The Pas to reopen the case. He is initially ignored and an antisemitic remark is made about his name (he is called "Constable Frisbee"). The former high school students who had been classmates of Helen Betty's have long-since graduated, although the atmosphere in town is still haunted by the murder. Angie, who is part-Cree but pretends to be completely white, feels increasingly unsafe around the four boys who murdered Helen Betty, one of whom petends to stab her in the stomach as a joke, and chases an Indigenous man with his car until he runs him off the road, causing the man to drop his groceries. Frishbilski interviews Marie, a white girl and one of Helen Betty's former classmates. She admits that in all her time at school, she never once thought to ask Helen Betty or any of the other Indigenous students to come over to her house or be friends, something that she regrets in adulthood. She also reveals that Lee Colgan, in a drunken stupor during a makeout attempt in a car with her, had once admitted to the murder, frightening her. At the time, she had thought he was just seeking attention.

The case is brought into court. All four boys involved in the murder have since grown up, with one of them having moved to another province, starting his own family after getting married. Colgan himself lives with his increasingly aged, senile parents in his old childhood bedroom, unable to secure employment and having no hobbies or social interests. Helen Betty's aged mother and now adult little sister travel from their reservation to the courthouse to observe the outcome of the case. Helen Betty's mother has since learned some English, and listens in on the trial, hoping to see the boys convicted. Two out of four boys are convicted, while a flashback shows Helen Betty's family on the reserve saying farewell to her as they let her go to school in The Pas. Her mother, who told her to be careful and to enjoy herself, is still unable to move on from the loss, while Constable Frishbilski feels guilty that he was unable to get enough to convict all four boys. It is revealed that Helen Betty was gang-raped, beaten, internally-injured and stabbed over fifty times with a screwdriver tool, cracking her skull, ripping one of her kidneys apart and damaging her lungs severely before she died, after which she was dumped at the pump house.

Draft:Class of '09 (video game)

''Class of '09'' takes place in America between the years 2007 and 2009. It features several references to 2000's American pop culture, including pop-punk, Myspace, and the music of Vitamin C and Soulja Boy. The story of the game follows Nicole, a high school girl whose family had to move several times in her childhood. After Nicole's father commits suicide and blames her in his suicide note, she decides to give up on living a normal well-adjusted life and take advantage of her sociopathy and youthful attractiveness to manipulate others around her for her own amusement. The game's creator SBN3 stated that "every personality and scenario the player can explore is based on real life experiences and encounters."

In one scenario, Nicole can steal pain medication from a jock who got injured playing lacrosse. Another scenario involves Nicole's P.E. teacher sexually propositioning her; she can attempt to extort money and drugs from him, but there's a possibility of an ending where Nicole is sexually assaulted and murdered. When Nicole discovers that her photography teacher is a white nationalist attempting to start a terrorist cell in the school, she can choose to join them and go to jail or report them to the Nation of Islam. There are fifteen possible endings the player can reach in ''Class of '09.'' Many of the game's endings involve Nicole getting assaulted, murdered, addicted to drugs, or incarcerated, but Nicole's ability to manipulate others for her own ends can result in better endings, such as becoming the valedictorian of her school or making a lot of money and moving to Los Angeles.

Red Meat (film)

At a restaurant, male friends Chris, Stefan and Victor recount recent experiences they've had with women.

Tatar Ramazan (film)

The movie takes place in 1942. Tatar Ramazan, who shot the son of Abidin Agha (a landowner), was imprisoned for four years. But Abidin Agha's son, Necmi, does not leave him alone, and a short time later, on a rainy day, together with Hamdi, he squeezes Ramazan. Ramazan is injured, but kills Hamdi with his knife. Necmi runs away. After this incident, Ramazan, who was imprisoned for 11 years, ends up in prison again. While in prison, he opposes gambling and smoking marijuana. Meanwhile, Zeynep is under constant family pressure.

In the sequel of film; he is exiled.

Unbound: Worlds Apart

''Unbound'' begins in Rhu, a village located in the world of Vaiya, just before the annual celebration of The Guardian. Rhu is built around a stone gate that contains a crystal suspended inside of it. Soli involuntarily creates a portal to an alternate realm, from which a creature jumps out. Soli then follows the animal outside of the village. When the ceremony starts, the crystal breaks and a portal opens. Vaiya is invaded by the Demon King, and Rhu is destroyed. Soli learns of his village's destruction upon his return. He falls into a cavern while fleeing from a demon. Soli picks up a crystal in the cavern and gains the ability to open portals at will.

Kelin (film)

It tells the story of an anonymous bride who is married against her will to a shepherd. His true love, Mergen, is not strong enough to take him. Mergen swears that he will win back the girl he loves. Meanwhile, the new bride migrates to her husband's dormitory, where they will live with her mother-in-law. The old woman has absolute dominance over everyone in the house. The bride begins to enjoy the sexual life with her husband over time. But things get complicated when her old love returns to pick her up after a while. Because the bride is used to her new family. Mergen watches the family from afar and begins to look for opportunities.

The story told takes place in the Altai mountains between the second century and the fourth century. In the film, there are practices related to the old Turkic shamanism.

Gipsy King

Two failed and unemployed investigators, Primitivo and Jose Mari (caricatures of the so-called Two Spains), meet up with Gaje, a gypsy scoundrel, pretending to be a bastard son of the King of Spain. They travel throughout Spain to fulfill the mission tasked by Gaje, set on becoming king.

Draft:Elemental (2023 film)

In a city where fire, water, land and air-residents live together, a fiery young woman (Ember) and a go-with-the-flow guy (Wade) are about to discover something elemental: how much they actually have in common.

La part de l'autre

October 8, 1908 - "Adolf Hitler: failed". "What would have happened if the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts had decided otherwise? What would have happened if, on that minute, the jury had accepted and not rejected Adolf Hitler, if it would have fulfilled his artistic ambitions? That minute would have changed the course of a life, that of the young, shy and passionate Adolf Hitler, but it would also have changed the course of the whole world..."

The book includes two parallel scenarios:

First, Adolf Hitler's life is described, from October 8, 1908, until his death on April 30, 1945, and also including the consequences and further ramifications of his dictatorship - such as the Cold War, the Partition of Germany and the founding of Israel.

The fictional plot shows us the completely opposite life course of Adolf H. Hitler, who in this life would come to be always called "Adolf H.", was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna on October 8, 1908, and embarked on an intensive course of study. However, he fainted during a drawing class with nude models. Desperately he consults Eduard Bloch, his family doctor, who refers him to a certain Sigmund Freud.

Freud diagnoses his patient with an Oedipus complex. As it comes out, Adolf H.'s mother had been beaten by his father on several occasions. After the death of his father, followed by that of his mother, H. felt a double sense of guilt. After several sessions, Freud succeeded in curing his patient. Various love affairs in the Viennese nightlife allow Adolf H. to completely overcome his sexual inhibitions. (It is noteworthy that Freud is the main character of a play by Schmitt, "The Visitor".)

When war broke out in 1914, Adolf H. was drafted and sent to the French front - but unlike the historical Hitler, for whom the military experience offered a relief from a frustrating life, for Adolf H. being sent to war was a very unwelcome interruption of the promising beginning of his artistic career. Witnessing the horrors of WWI trench warfare made Adolf H. a lifelong pacifist.

When the war was over, Adolf H. moved to Paris to reconnect with his life as an artist. He joined the group surrounding André Breton, turned to surrealism and became a prominent painter within this artistic movement. He also began a passionate relationship with a French woman, but when she died of illness, Adolf H. abandoned his active artistic career and moved to Berlin where he became an art teacher.

However, in Berlin Adolf H. re-discovered a friend from Paris, Sarah Rubinstein, who has succeeded brilliantly in perfumery. She encouraged him to reconnect with painting. A passionate relationship began between the two, culminating in a marriage and the birth of twins.

During the 1940s and 1950s, Adolf H. became a world-famous artist. His son Rembrandt, who had become a famous physicist, worked in the German space program, his daughter Sophie married an American and entered the world of United States cinema.

After the death of his wife, his star faded in the 1960s. Adolf H. emigrated to California and devoted the rest of his life to lithography, while spending much of his time with his three grandchildren. In 1970, Adolf H. died peacefully, surrounded by his family.

The Butterfly (novel)

The story is set the Appalachians of West Virginia during the late 1930s. The forty-two-year old Jess Tyler is a subsistence farmer who serves as an unofficial watchman over the abandoned Llewellyn coal mine that adjoins his property. A stern adherent to Christian fundamentalism, his wife Belle, of the local Morgan clan, deserted him years before with their two young girls, Jane and Kady, to live with the attractive ne’er-do-well and musician Moke Blue. Jess remains bitter and has no contact with his family.

One day Jess arrives home to discover a pretty young woman on his doorstep. At first suspicious of the girl's insouciance, she informs him that she is his youngest daughter Kady, now 19 years old. Unlike their illiterate mother Belle, the sisters have high school educations. Kady is the mother of an infant son, Danny, sired by her former lover Wash Blount, son of the wealthy coal mine owner. The Blount elders have disowned Kady and the child because she is of the Tyler clan. Demoralized, Kady has in turn left the child with her mother and sister. She takes up residence at Jess's farm. The former school teacher is determined to surrender herself to her carnal and acquisitive cravings. Jess has disturbing sexual thoughts about Kady. Her flirtatious behavior troubles and excites him and he takes to drinking. They embark upon an illegal business venture: distilling homemade whiskey and selling it to local taverns. Kady uses the money to buy fancy clothes. Jess, in a jealsous rage, comes close to murdering a local mine guard who flirts with Kady, and barely escapes imprisonment.

Kady is informed that Wash plans to defy his family and marry her. Jess discovers he has a grandson when daughter Jane arrives with Danny, fleeing from Moke who out of affection, attempted to abscond with the child. The baby has a curious brown moth-like or "butterfly" birthmark on its stomach. Jess and his daughters have a rapprochement and he gives them his blessing to son-in-law to be and the boy Danny. Wash and Jess, believing that Moke planned to harm the infant, capture him and prepare to deliver him to the authorities. Kady convinces them that Moke is harmless. After humiliating him, he is released. Moke survives a mysterious nocturnal assault by the knife-wielding Belle, who collapses when her lungs hemorrhage. Dying, she declares her love for Jess and attempts to apologize to her former lover Moke. The funeral arrangements are made by Moke and his clan. The Tyler family, including Jess, are excluded at gunpoint.

On the wedding day for Kady and Wash, Jess secretly observes Moke at a sniper's perch poised to ambush him as he travels to the ceremony. Jess eludes Moke, but notes that the shirtless man has a butterfly-shaped birthmark near his navel. Jess concludes that Moke is Danny's father, and that Kady has concealed his parentage. Jess believes that Belle had tried to kill Mote so he wouldn't reveal the truth and ruin Kady's marriage. When Wash is informed of this by Jess, he swears to kill Moke, then relents and cancels the wedding.

Jess ambushes Moke and shoots him in the stomach. Mortally wounded, Mote confesses that Kady is a child he sired with Belle: Danny is therefore his grandchild. The birthmark occurs only in male offspring and proves Moke's parentage. Jess casts the dying Moke into a deep mine shaft. Kady is unaware as to why Wash abandoned her at the altar. When she meets Jess in town they begin to drink and dance. He tells her nothing of the murder and of the secret of the birthmark. Knowing that he shares no kinship with Kady, he surrenders to his sexual compulsion for her, and she, distraught, complies. To satisfy Jess's moral concerns, they locate a clergyman and are married. Only Jess knows that the marriage is not incestuous. They spend two days at a motel making love.

The couple's co-habitation is discovered by Moke Blue's brother, Ed, and he spreads the secret. To escape opprobrium, Jess agrees to help Kady, Jane and Danny relocate to another county. They are intercepted by deputy sheriffs: Jess is served with a warrant for incest. Jess pleads guilty so that Kady, a material witness, can be released from custody. Kady, in turn, divulges to the court that Jess is her husband. Under cross examination, she is charged with perjury. To save her from going before a grand jury, Jess reveals to the court - and to Kady - that she is not his daughter, identifying Moke Blue's paternity. Kady objects, disgusted at the thought of being the offspring of the hated Moke. Jess reveals the secret of the "butterfly", and Ed Blue is forced to exhibit his own birthmark, which matches that of his nephew, Danny. The charges against Jess and Kady are dropped.

Kady guesses that Jess murdered Moke. Kady abandons him to marry Wash, now reassured that Danny is his biological son. After their departure, Jess discovers that his firearms are missing. Ed Blue and his clan surround the property. Jess, besieged in his cabin, keeps a journal. He descends into madness, hallucinating that he encounters Moke Blue alive in the mine shaft. His final journal entry reads "I’m cut off. Ed Blue is out there and…"

Mission: Bermuda Triangle

Guests rode on a cabin designed as a submarine vessel as they dived into a underwater exploration through the depth of the coral reefs in the Bermuda Triangle to find a sunken ship. The ride used special effects to simulate the exploration.

Next of Kin (Casualty)

Part one

At Holby City Hospital's emergency department (ED), nurses Lloyd Asike (Michael Obiora) and Scarlett Conway (Madeleine Mantock) complete a competency assessment. Elsewhere, Jay Faldren (Ben Turner) and Ruth Winters (Georgia Taylor) attend an ultrasound appointment. At work, they individually discuss the pregnancy with their respective bosses, Charlie Fairhead (Derek Thompson) and Nick Jordan (Michael French); Ruth is annoyed Jay told Charlie. Fire safety officer Frank Malloy (Sean Blowers) warns Noel Garcia (Tony Marshall), Big Mac (Charles Dale), and Lenny Lyons (Steven Miller) that a snug they are creating in the basement is a fire hazard. At a youth centre, Lily Stone (Eleanor Rowe) shows her friend Jake Coulson (Robert Cheung) her lighter and explains her mother died in a fire. Later, Lily lets off a smoke bomb, giving Jake an asthma attack. Lily accompanies him to ED and stays with Frank, her grandfather. She finds a report about her mother's death, which she burns outside. Frank stops the fire and they argue. Jake suffers an allergic reaction to the potassium nitrate in the smoke bombs, but recovers.

Pimp Damon Lynch (Paul Sharma) watches Sarah Owen (Emma Stansfield) and her foster child, Evelyn, from afar and punctures her car tyres. While driving them home, Evelyn suffers a nosebleed. She is admitted to ED, where nurse Linda Andrews (Christine Tremarco) recognises Damon from protecting Evelyn's mother, Annie Mclean (Naomi Bentley), from him. He confronts Linda, revealing Annie is alive, despite Linda's previous claims. Later, Sarah tells Damon she is considering adopting Evelyn. When Nick asks about Evelyn's father, Linda reveals it is Damon, who then admits to following Sarah. Damon's terminally ill mother, Alice Lynch (Josephine Lloyd-Welcome), is admitted. She threatens Damon and tells Ruth that Damon hit her and caused his father's death. Damon tells Linda his father died of suicide when he was young, before confronting Alice, who belittles him. Ruth diagnoses Evelyn with haemophilia.

Lily gives Alice her lighter and cigarettes; she has one and dies. Damon starts a small fire in her room, which Frank extinguishes. He finds Lily's lighter. Paramedics Dixie Dixon (Jane Hazlegrove) and Jeff Collier (Matt Bardock) tell Ruth that Alice slipped at home. Damon tries taking Evelyn and when Linda stops him, he threatens her. She explains herself and he leaves, telling Ruth he is unworthy. She resonates and ends her relationship with Jay. Frank gives Big Mac a kettle for the snug, which sparks a fire. When another alarm goes off, Frank assumes it is a fault. He confronts Lily about the lighter; she cries in the bathroom. Lenny and Frank investigate the snug, but as Lenny opens the door, a backdraft is created and an explosion rips through the basement.

Part two

In the basement, Lenny extinguishes a fire on Frank; the fire alarm is off. In the ED, everyone returns inside after the alarm is deemed false. Drug addict Binhead (Paul Oldham) is admitted, faking having kidney stones, but Zoe challenges him. He robs the pharmacy, where Lily finds him; he steals her lighter and locks her in a cupboard. Ruth tells Nick she is going home, but goes to her office instead to avoid Jay. He follows her and confronts her. Lenny reaches the ED and announces the fire. The department is evacuated but consultants Dylan Keogh (William Beck) and Zoe Hanna (Sunetra Sarker) stay to treat Frank in Resus. Nick demands they leave once provision is erected outside. Scarlett returns inside to find missing patients Susan Jones (Anne Rutter) and Bernard Jones (Alan Rothwell). As she tries evacuating them, an explosion rips through the department, trapping Susan. They escape with firefighter Richard Stone's (Sam Redford) help.

As Jay realises the ED is empty, the fire alarm sounds. Ruth and Jay find Lily but are trapped by the fire, so exit towards the roof through the ventilation duct. Lily warns them the fire dampers will close soon. They reach the vertical shaft and Lily climbs to the top. Ruth calls Charlie and informs him they are inside, but drops her phone down the shaft. Jay calms her when she has a panic attack and when they reach the top, they realise they misdirected Lily. As Lily tries returning, a damper separates her from Ruth and Jay. The couple reach the roof and Ruth is distressed to lose Lily, who has escaped to a locked room. Elsewhere, Zoe and Dylan try moving Frank but an explosion forces them into Resus. After noticing the fire, Binhead reenters the ED. Fire officers try stopping him but an explosion sends him flying through glass. He runs outside on fire and tries telling someone about Lily. Richard, Lily's father, recognises her lighter and realises she is inside. They call and he instructs her to climb out the window, where Ruth and Jay find her.

Fire officers warn Charlie the building's structure is unstable. Zoe and Dylan drink gin and he prepares fentanyl so they can kill themselves if they cannot escape. Zoe rejects the idea and plays music. Outside, Noel contacts their next of kin and is surprised when doctor Sam Nicholls (Charlotte Salt) reveals she is Dylan's wife. Everyone is rescued from the fire. Dylan is annoyed Sam revealed their secret. Ruth and Jay reconcile and decide to leave Holby. They announce their pregnancy, before resigning. The next day, Nick and Charlie visit the burnt ED. At the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Ruth and Jay depart in their campervan.

Orange Honey

Set in Andalusia in the 1950s, during the Francoist dictatorship, the plot concerns the switch towards clandestinity of Enrique, a young conscript engaged to Carmen.

A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell

The last woman on Earth has to deal with lizard men, a giant, monsters, and a love interest.

Meat Is Murder (The Simpsons)

When billionaire Augustus "Gus" Redfield buys Krusty the Clown's parent company as revenge after Krusty stole his burger business years ago, he asks former business partner Grampa Simpson to join his board of directors. Grampa and Lisa go to New York. There, the rest of the Redfield family want to oust Gus, and his ambitious daughter Sheila tries to manipulate Lisa into getting Grampa on their side in a vote of no-confidence. Meanwhile, Krusty tries to perform without his identity.

Ridin' the Rainbow

Mose Drachman is a young man in the Arizona Territory, trying to make his way. He starts working in his Uncle Sam's cigar store, before beginning to sell Arbuckle coffee, which proved highly successful. Over the years he gets involved in oil wells, gold mines, steam laundries, and real estate development.

Come Clean, My Love

When Wyatt Bruce's father suddenly cuts off his alimony payments, Wyatt is forced to look for work. His mother owns a half-interest in a local steam laundry, however the laundry is not doing well. Wyatt goes to work at the laundry in order to turn it into a success. With the help of his wealthy fiancé, Cordelia, he turns the business around, but also creates a love triangle between himself, Cordelia, and the daughter of the owner of the other half of the laundry, Janey.

Family Camp

Businessman Tommy Ackerman's preoccupation with his job has interfered with his relationship with his wife, Grace, and their two children, Hannah and Henry. Grace insists the family attend Camp Katokwah, a church camp, located in the Ouachita National Forest. Upon arrival, the Ackermans discover Tommy failed to complete their reservation for a cabin and they are assigned to share a yurt with the Sanders family, whose vehicle had earlier passed them aggressively en route to the camp. Eddie Sanders is an insecure, self-absorbed chiropractor who, along with his wife, Victoria, and their two children, present themselves as the perfect family. Tensions quickly rise, especially between Tommy and Eddie. The two families compete for the Camp Katokwah trophy, won by the Sanders the past two years. Meanwhile, Tommy and Grace continue to navigate through their difficulties caused by Tommy's job commitments. Their teenaged daughter, Hannah, begins seeing a boy, which concerns Grace. Henry, who randomly takes videos, records an argument between Eddie and Victoria, which Tommy later views inadvertently.

Tommy and Eddie join several other men from the camp on a hike to deepen their faith. The pair becomes separated from the group and eventually lost after Eddie's attempt to take a honeycomb results in a swarm of bees attacking both men. Searchers are unable to locate them and Henry also becomes lost when he leaves camp to find his father. The differences between Tommy and Eddie come to a head; however, they are forced to unite against a pair of failed reality television show hunters who tie them up, believing they are thieves. Henry is located to Grace's delight. Tommy and Eddie finally escape and find the trail back to camp. Tommy discovers Eddie had a compass and map and is furious when Eddie admits he got them lost intentionally in order for Victoria to appreciate him upon his return. The men return to camp, but are estranged.

During the ceremony which awards the Sanders with the camp trophy for another year, Eddie confesses his shortcomings in his marriage, and also apologizes to Tommy. Tommy forgives Eddie and renews his commitment to Grace that he will be a better husband.

The Fowl Twins Get What They Deserve

Myles and Beckett are at CORPSE so that Myles could give a lecture but then Lord Teddy Bleedham-Drye appears and, in his unending quest to kill the twins, attacks Myles with his weaponized jet. After he fails Teddy is assumed to be dead by all, though Myles has his suspicions. Myles, Beckett & Lazuli then visit a mortuary, meet ghosts and encounter clones. It all ends in an epic showdown on Scilly Island between the Regrettables (Myles, Beckett, Whistle Blower & Lazuli) and Teddy.

The Quest (2022 TV series)

The dark sorceress Tavora and her Dark Legion seek to conquer the magical world of Everealm. As he falls in battle, King Magnus of Sanctum entrusts the mythical Divine Crown with his footsoldier Mila to bring to his three children—Emmett, Adaline, and Cedric—heirs to the throne of Sanctum. Mila arrives in Oraa to deliver the Crown, where the heirs are in hiding under the protection of King Magnus's brother King Silas—along with Magnus's advisor, Dravus, a palace mage. At the same time, eight American teenagers are summoned to Oraa by the Fate Talmuh to restore the Divine Crown and redeem the bond between Everealm and the three Fates. Designated "Paladins," the eight teenagers must reclaim the Divine Crown's four Gems of Virtue. Through these and other challenges along the way, the Paladins demonstrate the virtues of a hero. For each challenge, and outstanding Paladin is awarded a talisman. The accumulation of talismans is used in determining the Paladins who may seek to claim the Divine Crown's fifth gem, the Kingstone, revealing themself as the "One True Hero" with the power to save Everealm.

Doghead (film)

Displaying a fable-like tone and an omniscient off-camera narrator, the plot tracks the mishaps of Samuel, affected by a rare neurological condition and overprotected by his family.

Draft:Tempting Fate (Inside No.9)

Three Cleaners, Keith (Pemberton), Nick (Shearsmith), and Trainee Maz (Opia) are sent to a Rich Hoarder's flat to clean it after the owner's death. They crack many jokes, though Keith reacts quite seriously, which Maz initially questions as they both move into the kitchen, though Nick tells her that Keith has had a hard life and his Son is Wheelchair bound due to suffering from multiple sclerosis. They check the kitchen cupboard and find a dead rat among some canned foods, which they double wrap in a plastic bag before Maz goes to hang it on the handle of the front door.

Maz then moves into another room whilst the other two continue cleaning and discovers a photo wall, she takes off a photo of the owner's deceased wife Brenda, though when she goes to place it back onto the wall, she unknowingly triggers a mechanism that causes the photo frame to slide away revealing a locked safe in a hole in the wall. After initially suspecting it contains the 3.5 million of the owner, they open it by pairing the combination with his wife's date of birth, revealing a small package labelled with "Danger, do not open", and a VHS Tape. They open the package anyway and take out a small bronze hare statue. They question why it was locked inside the safe but dismiss the thought to instead find a VHS player to watch the tape. As they search for the tape, Nick tells Keith that they found a dead rat and had double bagged it, before Nick, whilst holding the hare statue, wishes that the rat Was alive as it would mean less paperwork.

Keith then finds a VHS player and they watch the tape. The tape is a direct recording from Frank (Nigel Planer); the owner of the flat. He says that by the time someone watches the tape, he hopes to be free from the Curse he brought upon himself through greed and vanity. He mentions that inside the package is an object that has ruined countless lives including his. He got the object from a Holy man in Jaipur for a small fortune, and was told that the object would grant the bearer three wishes that would transform their life. It did for a while, before what happened to his wife Brenda. He then implores that whoever find the Package should not open it, and instead send it away and destroy it, saying that "Our lives are ruled by fate, and those who interfere with fate do so to their sorrow", before he stands up and Hangs himself.

The trio are initially hesitant about the statue, though Keith insists that Frank was simply delusional from the loss of his wife. Nick mentions how Hares are associated with witchcraft and trickery in almost every culture in the world, which he knows as he did a PhD in ethnology and folklore, but was stuck working as a cleaner due to his ongoing alcoholism. Keith puts the Hare statue back into the safe and steps outside the room before noticing the live rat double bagged on the front door handle, two which the pair insist it was dead when they bagged it, which leads them to believe that they wasted one of their wishes on bringing a rat back to life. Keith then kills the rat again as he couldn't concentrate. They then start to speculate about how the Hare statue has affected Frank's life; they bring up two pictures of Brenda taken six months apart, in the first photo, she is morbidly obese, whereas in the second photo, she is incredibly thin, which Keith states was because she had Cancer, though they notice in his diary it states that Frank "wishes there was a way he could help her", leading them to believe that, the wish actually gave her cancer leading to her weight loss and eventual death. Keith still refuses to believe that the Hare statue is Magic, so they bring up another theory at how he sent his brother on a vacation to Florida after he initially won the lottery, only for his brother to die in a boating accident, which Nick strongly states happened due to every wish Frank made Backfiring on him as in Folklore, and after his wife died he sold their house, moved to a flat and started buying large sums of items on E-Bay as he believed the money was cursed, though they still don't know what Frank's third wish was. Keith still doesn't budge on his theory. They continue to work again, with Keith cleaning in another room and Nick and Maz working on prying up floorboards. Keith gets a message from his Disabled Son, asking when he's coming home. Maz wants to wish for large sums of money, but Nick brings up the fact that Frank wished for the same thing, and that you Pay the Price if you are greedy, as "The Wish Granter is always Vengeful."

Maz wastes no time in specifically wishing for £93,000, which Nick states was an idiotic thing to do. Keith finds an old Monopoly Board game in the room he is cleaning as Nick starts prying up the Floorboards. After they remove the first floorboard they find a bag concealed within the planks, only for it to contain large sums of play money, which angers Maz. Though in the other room, the board game is shown to have large sums of real money, which Keith initially tries to pocket in hopes to pay for his son's treatment, though is caught in the act by Nick and Maz. Maz tries to take the money from Keith, stating how it's hers as she wished for it. The power dies and Maz runs away with the money. Frank restores power as Nick goes looking for Maz, saying that bad things will happen if the keeps the money. The power goes back on as they enter the back room to find Maz hiding, though she threatens them with the Hare statue, though Nick and Frank slowly try to approach her, with Maz backing away, trying to talk her out of keeping the money. Maz goes to run away, but accidentally sets off a chain reaction leading to her getting impaled on the back of the head by a loose floorboard with nails sticking out of it, killing her. Keith and Nick argue, with Keith initially trying to take the money for himself as he desperately wants the money to pay for Charlie's surgery, and states that if Nick had never found the tape, Maz would still be alive, making Nick realise something important. The Video was supposedly Frank's suicide video, yet it somehow ended up locked inside a safe, he initially thinks that Frank may be alive, but Keith angrily states that he isn't because He killed him, before striking Nick over the head with the Rabbit statue, knocking him out.

Whilst monologuing to himself, Keith attempts to stage Nick's death as an accident, pouring Alcohol on his lips and knocking out a gas pipe. Keith reveals that he heard about how Frank had won the lottery had and killed him in order to make off with his fortune to pay for Charlie’s medical treatment. Keith prepares to make his escape with the money, but then Frank, who was supposedly dead, shambles into the kitchen complaining of being hungry. He reveals that his final wish was to live forever and so, despite attempting to hang himself, and Keith's attempt to murder him, he cannot die. Meanwhile, Nick has regained consciousness and used their final wish for something unselfish, believing that it would break the curse; he had wished for Keith’s son to be cured. Charlie enters the room, showing a miraculous recovery, and Keith happily hugs his son. Charlie mentions how he smells something odd, which fills Keith with Dread. Frank lights the cooker and the entire house blows up.

Point Man (film)

Set in Vietnam in April 1968 - three months after the tide-turning Tet Offensive and one month after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - Point Man is the story of a U.S. Army fire team fractured by racial tensions, moral crises, and the crushing pressures of combat in a war nobody wants to fight. Andre "Casper" Allen, a rough-edged ideologue, finds his radical politics put him at odds with the squad's machine gunner, Silas Meeks. When their search-and-destroy mission in the Mekong Delta goes terribly wrong, both men find themselves pitted against each other and their recalcitrant platoon commander, Lieutenant Sutter. Point men die like flies in the bush, and as loyalties dissolve every step forward comes with a price.

The Black Market Concierge

The Black Market Concierge takes readers inside the counter intelligence world, showing the daily life of zealous men set on greed, extortion and power.

Since his sanction-breaking activities made headlines in 2012, the South African government has attempted to politically prosecute Oberholzer on multiple fronts, all while international smuggling cartels were on the hunt for him. The book provides a tantalizing look at his dangerous life as an undercover confidential informant, as Oberholzer traveled the world for missions targeting its most dangerous cartels, smugglers and corrupts politicians and gives insight into the world's most powerful intelligence agencies.

The Window of the Sadness

Mirza Jalil, who fell ill that day, returns home after wandering the streets of Baku. Painful childhood memories come to mind in his dreams. His childhood friend Ahmed and the unfortunate woman Zeynep and also remember other people in the village where he was born. He was able to attend school while his friend Ahmed was heading towards an unfortunate fate. One of the most important issues in the film is the rights and freedoms of women. Hudayar Bey covets his friend's wife and sets up traps to get her. The arbitrary behavior and hypocrisy of the mullahs, who interpret Islamic Law as they wish and apply it according to their interests, are told.

Story in the book

An old man named Muhammed Hasan, who lives in Danabash Village, takes a donkey to visit Karbala. Hudayar Bey, who is the headman of the village, borrows the donkey and goes to the city. He sets out to marry Zeyneb, the widow of his dead friend Haydar (without the woman's own consent). Hudayar left the donkey at the inn where he was staying and borrowed money. The kadi marries them with false witnesses (without the woman's presence, in absentia) by taking a bribe with two heads of sugar. Hudayar also tricks Zayneb's son and makes him work for himself. Muhammed Hasan, on the other hand, cannot tell the police his problem. He can find his donkey only after five years. The story in the book is similar with the movie.

Dark Impulse

Featuring the backdrop of corruption and careerism, the plot tracks the relationship between Eva, an implacable judge, and Rocco, an alluring male prostitute serving as a protected witness.

Train to Alcatraz

Criminals on a train bound for an infamous supermax prison plan to escape, and to do so they receive outside help.


Act 0

Lucas,a 18 years old teenager boy,was watching Rotnic Entertainment's cartoons when he is a child.When he came 18,he learned that the workers at Rotnic Entertainment have disappeared and a $10,000 cash reward is given to those who find the workers in the factory, Lucas wanted to risk his life to search for the workers and go to Rotnic Entertainment.But he needs to ask permission from his girlfriend.He finds someway to convince her and begins to go to the old animation factory.When he arrived,he got teleported to studio.

Act 1

Place was looked very old but instead of leaving,Lucas moves further into the building and follows the text writed with blood.He finds puzzles, scary hallways and monsters.Lucas finds someway to escape the monsters.After wandering around the studio,Lucas finds a cave in the studio but when going in to the cave,he wakes up the "Cartoonist".After a puzzle and chase,he locks himself in a room and get teleported again to another unknown part of the studio.

Savnet siden mandag

Seventeen-year-old Gunnar Holm has been missing since Monday, and no one has seen or heard anything from him in the past five days. His mother, Astrid Holm, lives alone with her son. While staying with a friend in the country, she had left Gunnar on his own. Mrs. Holm, Police Superintendent Haugen, and the child welfare representative Marit Lien travel around in a car in vain to try to find Gunnar or traces of him. Gunnar has teamed up with the Swedish outlaw and burglar Åke Göransson. During a theft, where Gunnar acts as a lookout, the Swede shoots and kills a shopkeeper while Gunnar fires two shots into the air. At the crime scene, the police find the bullets that Gunnar shot. They can be identified with a fired cartridge that Haugen found in Gunnar's home. The bullets come from the same weapon, and so everything indicates that the boy was there. However, the deadly shots were not fired with Gunnar's weapon, and the police therefore believe he is innocent. Gunnar and the Swede flee through the forest. Göransson makes Gunnar believe that he was the one that killed the shopkeeper. He says that they must stick together because, even if Gunnar is the culprit, they will receive the same punishment. After a burglary at a sheriff's house, they seek refuge with Anna in a small place next to the large forest. Anna has had a baby by the Swede, after he raped her.

The police have identified the fingerprints from the country store and state that they belong to Åke Göransson. The Swede puts strong pressure on Gunnar because he understands that the police are on their trail. He forces the young boy to swear that they must never take him alive: he is saving the last shot in the gun to take his own life. Astrid blames herself for the poor relations between her and her son, but thought she did everything for the best. Her friend has come to town and suggests that she and her son can move to his home in the country. Gunnar discovers in a newspaper that the police know their identity. According to Göransson's plan, they will lie low in the same place in the forest until the police give up the search. The search continues. The search crews have spotted them in their binoculars. The place is surrounded. They suddenly come upon Gunnar, who surrenders voluntarily. Göransson manages to escape. For a long time, he manages to keep the police off his track or sneak away when the search crews get too close. One day it's over: the Swede is sitting in a trap, well covered in a mountain gorge. He tries to shoot his way out, but he is unable to get away. The Swede will not surrender alive and points the gun at his temple. He shoots himself. Marit Lien thinks it will go better if the child welfare service puts Gunnar in her care. Superintendent Haugen believes that it will not be easy for him at first, but the child welfare representative thinks they can do it.

Rough Winds

After surviving a shipwreck, Juan Olmedo seeks solace and redress together with his brother Alfonso (a mentally handicapped person) and his niece Tamara in an Andalusian village in the Atlantic coast of the province of Cádiz, seeking to overcome the death of Charo (Juan's child love, wife of his brother Damián, and Juan's lover) in a traffic collision. He develops a bond and sexual relationship with the maid, the lively Maribel, while Panrico (Maribel's former partner) and Sara (Juan's neighbor and Maribel's friend) stay aloof.

Beauty Queen of Jerusalem (TV show)

The plot of the series tells the story of the Armoza family, intertwined with the story of Palestine during Ottoman rule then under the British Mandate of Palestine, followed by the subsequent periods of depression and war.

At the center of the series' plot, which takes place simultaneously on two timelines wherein present and past stories are presented alternately, are Gabriel Armoza (Michael Aloni), his wife Rosa (Hila Saada), and their three daughters: Rivka, Rachel, and his eldest and favorite daughter: Luna (Swell Ariel Or). The relationship between Gabriel and Luna is in stark contrast to his lack of love for his wife. Rosa's jealousy towards her daughter leads to difficult conflicts in the family.

Poniente (film)

The backdrop in which the fiction takes place is based on the 2000 El Ejido race riots. Upon Lucía's return to her hometown of "La Isla" in the province of Almería and taking possession of a greenhouse inherited from her deceased father, she is witness to a concerning situation at the intensive farming complex in the province, featuring abuse inflicted on the North-African undocumented immigrant labourers, who live under deplorable conditions. This situation pits her against her cousin Miguel while bonds her closer to Curro (a migrant returned from Switzerland who presses for better conditions for the workers) and Perla, a prostitute.

Clyde's (play)

Clyde, the callous owner of a truck stop sandwich shop, tries to keep her staff under her thumb even as the staff members are given purpose and permission to dream by their shared quest to create the perfect sandwich.

Draft:Left Behind: Rise of the Anti-Christ

Six months after the events of the 2014 movie, the world is in shambles after millions of people were taken in an event known as the Rapture, but a new charismatic leader is rising up to take his spot on the world stage. Pretty soon, the whole world will know his name: Nicolae Carpathia. Is he to be believed, or does he have a grand scheme in store, that involves the coming events of the Tribulation?

The Goya Murders

A couple of police investigators with different backgrounds and antagonistic personalities (Carmen Cobos and Eva González) track a serial killer who starts to leave a trail of crime scenes mirroring the scenes from Francisco Goya's ''Los caprichos'' in Madrid.

Nagi no Oitoma

Oshima Nagi, a 28-year-old employee, has always made sure not to be noticed, not to make waves and to agree with everyone. Because of this, her colleagues tend to take advantage of her. One day, she finally breaks down and drops everything. After that, Nagi quit her company, disposed of her household goods, moved her from the city center to the suburbs, cut off all relationships with everyone, and started her new life from scratch.

The Story of Zahra

The novel is split into two sections; the first takes place before the start of the Lebanese Civil War, and the second part whilst it is ongoing.

Part one

At the start of the novel, Zahra is a young Lebanese girl living in Beirut with her mother, father and brother. She is mistreated and abused by her family; her mother forces her to accompany her when she has sex with other men in hotels, and her father beats and whips her. Zahra is sexually abused by a friend of her brother named Malek and undergoes two abortions. To escape the abuse she suffers in Lebanon as well as the shame brought on her by her abortions, Zahra then flees to an unnamed African country, where she lives with her uncle Hashim. Hashim is living in exile after trying to overthrow President Fouad Chehab. Hashim sees in Zahra an extension of his homeland; he seeks to have sex with her, attempting to rape Zahra. Zahra thus marries another Lebanese man living in Africa, Majed, to escape the harassment of her uncle's home. Majed is from a poor family and living in Africa in an attempt to improve his economic situation. The wedding is short-lived, ending in divorce.

Part two

After her divorce from Majed, Zahra returns to Beirut. The Lebanese Civil War has begun at this point, and Zahra at first lives a very basic life, trying to avoid the war as much as possible. After a while, Zahra is raped by a sniper called Sami. However, Zahra enjoys the rape, experiencing her first orgasm. She subsequently begins a relationship with Sami, hoping that by doing so she is distracting him and thus stopping Sami from killing people. Zahra soon becomes pregnant, and tells Sami, who initially tells her to get an abortion, before seemingly changing his mind and proposing to marry Zahra. Zahra starts walking home, happy about the marriage proposal. However, the sniper then deliberately shoots and kills Zahra in the street.

Sweet Home (2015 film)

Alicia, a real estate valuator, decides to occupy a creepy apartment to give a surprise birthday celebration to her boyfriend Simón. The last resident in the building is killed by hooded individuals and Alicia and Simón are assaulted.

Kingdom Business

The show follows Denita (Yolanda Adams), a gospel superstar who runs the in-house record label Kingdom Records and doubles as First Lady of First Kingdom Church. She also happens to be determined to guard her family and its many secrets at all costs. Just as Denita is enjoying the fruits of her labor, the world she’s worked so hard to put together begins to unravel when an unexpected contender in the gospel music scene threatens her status. Rbel (Serayah) is a young woman on the rise whose checkered past as an exotic dancer is no match for her destiny to turn the gospel world on its head with her newfound voice.

Phantom: The Submarine

South Korea's first nuclear-powered submarine, ''Phantom'', is sent on a reconnaissance mission off the coast of Japan.

Floodlights (film)

Andy Woodward is a gifted young football defender from Stockport who attracts the attention of Barry Bennell. Bennell, who has moved from Manchester City to Crewe Alexandra, is regarded as one of the best youth coaches in the game. He convinces Woodward's parents through his charisma and promises the boy to make him rich and lift his family out of poverty. Woodward and other boys stay for a sleepover at the coach's house, which is full of video games and other entertainment. Bennell says that Woodward must sleep with him as there are no other beds. In bed, Bennell initiates a touching game which concludes with the boy touching his genitalia. Bennell continues his cycle of abuse over Woodward by freezing him out the team whenever the boy repels his assaults.

In the late 1990s, Woodward is playing well professionally for Bury under manager Neil Warnock, when he is approached by police detectives. Bennell is due to return to Britain after serving a sentence for crimes in the United States, and the police see Woodward as a key witness for their investigation. He submits an anonymised report that leads to Bennell being jailed in England. Woodward's mental health deteriorates as a result of the relived trauma, and his professional career unravels. He visits his abuser in prison, speaking of his intention to sue Crewe Alexandra. Bennell says that Woodward is chasing money for his failed career, and that he never complained about the abuse at the time.

In the 2010s, Woodward is dismissed from the Greater Manchester Police for a sexual relationship with a woman for whom he was a family liaison officer. He reaches out to a childhood teammate on Facebook to talk about the historical abuse, but when he is added by Bennell under his post-prison alias Richard Jones, he attempts suicide. Woodward contacts ''Guardian'' journalist Daniel Taylor, wishing to reveal his story anonymously like ''The Observer'' s Secret Footballer. Taylor then convinces him that lives could be saved if Woodward goes public with the story.

Draft:Fiancé Killer

Cameron comes home from a vacation with her new boyfriend Brent which, to the surprise of her mother Nicole, Cameron is engaged to be married to. Little do they know that Brent is planning to kill Cameron on her honeymoon with the aide of his girlfriend Lexi for Cameron's fortune.

Mina the Hollower

The game's main character is Mina, a genius inventor and mouse who has created advances in Spark Technology. She is also a Hollower, a member of a guild dedicated to studying the earth, and can move extremely fast while underground using a technique known as Hollowing. She wields a whip, Nightstar, as a weapon. She travels to Tenebrous Isle, home of Baron Lionel, a wealthy lion who has been Mina's patron in installing her technology on the isle, leading to rapid development. Standing in her way is Thorne, a bat who was the former head of Lionel's guard before he and his Shock Troopers betrayed the Baron and destroyed the generators.

Batang West Side

A story of the murder of Hanzel, a young Filipino immigrant found dead on the sidewalk of West Side Avenue in New Jersey. The circumstances leading to Hanzel's death are pieced together by Filipino detective Juan Mijarez, who takes on the case and interviews the teen's family and friends; but this triggers grim memories of his previous life as a government agent dispatched to Manila to kill student protestors.

Hanzel's first stop, Lolita's home, is a set right out of James M. Cain. Between his mother's abusive lover and her paralyzed new Anglo hubby, Lolita seems to have constructed the perfect expiation for the sin of selling her soul to support her children. On the other hand, the grandfather's house is a patchwork of warmly lit nooks steeped in middle-class comforts. Hanzel becomes a model student under his grandfather's strict but loving guidance, writing home to his siblings and sisters. However, unhappy and frustrated at not earning enough money to support his family, Hanzel keeps company with Filipino friends, drinking and eventually using and dealing a particularly corrosive kind of crystal meth.

More prominent points about the Philippine diaspora, the prevalence of shabu and gang warfare among impoverished youths, and the myth of the American dream versus the reality of a young man failed by his community emerge as police detective Juan probes Hanzel and his recently emigrated family's lives. The chain-smoking cop Mijares, however, is the star of ''Batang'', providing narration for the autobiographical monologue about the soon-to-be murdered Hanzel. The film is shot in long takes, maintaining an evocative distance that reads as Mijares' probing gaze. Though he and his mother have been gone from the Philippines for many years, his sun-drenched overexposed black-and-white dreams of his mother are the film's only link to pictures of the Philippines. When Lolita's effort to poison her lover's dog backfires, she hurriedly drags the dog's garbage bag-wrapped corpse across the kitchen floor. An ex-schoolteacher drug dealer, lost in visions of Shabu-fueled cultural revolution and Filipino hegemony, croons love songs to an empty Karaoke club.

Simultaneously, Mijares obsesses over Hanzel's murder in increasingly disturbing ways. Mijares imagines killing Hanzel since he's cut off from his wife and family and going to turn off his mother's life support she's been on for years. Later, he sees himself mercilessly pistol-whipping Hanzel to death in a fit of rage, bouncing up and down in a wild dance before finishing him off with two swift pops to the head. Mijares drops the investigation and starts drifting. Other expatriate Filipinos' stories appear out of nowhere. The film seems to fall apart until the detours lead back to the core in an unexpected twist.

A Summer in the Country

15 year old Luca, the son of a wealthy couple arrives at a summer holiday destination a day before anticipated. The couple also host Fanny, a vivacious 16 year old daughter of a couple of friends. Luca's aunt Martha, the strict housekeeper of the Corsican seaside villa constantly scolds and supervises their young and sexy maids Simona and Gina. Both of them have very high sexual appetite and often have sex with strangers whenever they get an opportunity.

That night, Luca and his parents watch the TV in the living room while Fanny reads a book. While switching her posture in the so-fa, Fanny unintentionally reveals her panties underneath her skirt which triggers Luca to fantasize them naked, caressing each other and having mutual oral sex. He goes to the Fanny's bedroom and snatch a pair of her Lingerie, wears them in his bedroom and masturbates. Later Fanny also goes to her bedroom an retrieves an erotic magazine she has hidden under the mattress and masturbates. In the kitchen while dish-washing, Simona and Gina also discusses about the sexual adventures each had earlier the day. But it only makes them further horny and Simona suggests they should help each other and the two sneaks into their room and have lesbian sex.

Next morning, the maids find Fanny's panties with sperms in the crotch area under Luca's bed-sheets and also witnesses up-skirted Fanny wearing no panties and wrongfully deduces the two teens might have slept together. While Luca's parents assume he has become lazy, sleeping until so late, he sneak peaks at Fanny who vigorously masturbates in the toilet and goes to his room and again wear her lingerie. But before he stars masturbating, Simona and Gina who were peeping from outside the window enters the bedroom. Simona and Gina seduces Luca by taking turns and French kissing and fellating him. Aroused, Luca and Simona engage in sexual intercourse while Gina watches them. Fanny continues to masturbate on her bed while looking at her erotic magazine.

Next morning when Luca was missing while the others were enjoying the breakfast in the garden, Luca's father sends Gina to fetch him. While Luka tells them to give him a few more minutes from the balcony, Gina caresses his penis and fellates him. Later at night while watching TV, Fanny notices that Luca is continuously looking at Gina's panties while she cleans a stool. The two maids continue their Threesome with Luca to call it a day.

Next day Martha and Fanny plays Tennis and Chess and tries to involve Luca, whom they thought were bored. Not much interested, Luca asks Simona if they can have sex but Simona insists she needs to do some laundry with Gina and goes to the basement. Following her, Luca finds a frock belonged to Martha from an old chest and poses in-front of a mirror only to be confronted to Fanny. While Fanny strips and wear it herself, Luca narrates that aunt Martha was his first sexual awakening as a kid and that he got his first erection while she was bathing him and how one night she had to share the bed with him due to party guests staying over night and how Luca up-skirted her and saw his first vagina.

After a two night hiatus, Simona and Gina comes to Luca's bedroom and arouses him by telling about how Fanny masturbates every evening while looking at the magazine. While Simona and Luca cuddle together, Gina sneaks into Fanny's bedroom and confronts while she is masturbating. Gina gradually comforts Fanny and kisses her before giving her a Cunnilingus but not without Simona and Luca watching them from outside the window while having both vaginal and anal sex themselves. Back in Luca's bedroom the two maids continues to arouse Luca by collectively stroking his penis and telling him that Fanny is a Virgin and he must explore her, but not before the three of them engage in another threesome.

The next day Luca takes courage and convinces Fanny to grant him her virginity. At this point Luca also wants to seduce Martha. He kisses her during a boat ride and takes her to observe a waterfall in the woods and takes the opportunity to seclude himself with her and caress her breasts and kiss her. During the night he goes to her room and Martha passionately blowjobs him before the two have sexual intercourse. Meanwhile unable to find him in his bedroom, Simona and Gina goes to Fanny's bedroom and when he's not to be found there also, initiates an erotic lesbian threesome together with Fanny.

In the end, Fanny's parents come back to pick her up and her father, unaware of all these experiences, and decides to capture the moment by taking a photograph of all.

The Unexpected Life

The plot concerns the developments following the meeting of Juanito (who settled in New York hoping to pursue an acting career), with his cousin ( ), who arrives in NYC to pay Juanito a visit.

Draft:The Bad Batch (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)

The Confederacy of Independent Systems has captured the main production facility for the Galactic Republic's battle fleet. While Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu debate on how to proceed, Commander Cody and Captain Rex join them with a theory on their loss. Rex believes that the Separatist droid army uses analytics to predict Republic strategy. The droids learn their tendencies and use that information to fight. The Republic needs to constantly vary its attack. Windu notes that the losses on Anaxes are not commonplace. Rex believes that the Separatists counterattack is so specific because they learned his own personal strategy. Cody explains that if the Separatists have figured out to counter Rex, who is one of the most talented officers, the Republic could suffer even more losses. He proposes that they lead a squad behind enemy lines to steal any intel the Separatists have from their Cyber Center. Windu agrees to this plan, but Skywalker notices Rex obviously has something else on his mind and he asks him if he has anything else to say, and Rex denies this.

In the barracks, Cody finds Rex staring at an old picture of the two of them accompanied by the late ARC troopers Fives and Echo. Rex laments their deaths and the losses the Republic forces are taking in the war, which Cody understands. Rex tells Cody that he believes there's a chance Echo might still be alive, since the strategies the Separatists are using are old battle plans the two of them came up with, but he didn't tell this to the Jedi since they might think he's crazy. Cody is skeptical, but says it's time to go. Rex asks him who they're taking with them, and Cody responds "Clone Force 99." Going out to the landing platform with ARC trooper Jesse and clone medic Kix, Rex and Cody see the squad's shuttle, the ''Marauder'', come in for a wild landing that has other clones running out of the ship's way.

Rex asks Cody why he's never heard of this group. Cody explains that the squad, informally known as the "Bad Batch," consists of defectively born clones who underwent unique and "desirable" mutations. The squad, emerging from their shuttle, consists of Sergeant Hunter, the team's leader; Wrecker, the squad's brash strongman and assault specialist; Crosshair, the team's grim, sarcastic sniper; and Tech, the hyper-intelligent and knowledgeable tech specialist. Mounting a gunship, the assembled team departs for the Cyber Center. However, on their way the clones are spotted and shot down by a battle droid force, and end up crashing in a ravine, leaving Cody seriously injured and trapped inside the vessel's wreckage. It is there that the Bad Batch begins to demonstrate its unique qualities: Wrecker singlehandedly lifts the gunship off Cody's body, and then he and his squadmates engage the incoming droids in a surprisingly aggressive move, taking down the entire enemy force by themselves. After the clones have left, a second droid force investigates the crash site and inform Trench of their findings.

The clones make their way to the cyber center on foot, guided by Hunter's extraordinary sensory capabilities. With Cody incapable of continuing, Rex announces that he will take charge of the mission. This creates tensions with Crosshair and Wrecker, which threaten to escalate into a fight until Hunter intervenes and concedes command to Rex. Proceeding without Cody and Kix, they reach a Separatist outpost near the cyber center, which Rex decides to take, hoping that it will contain vital information. Using the Bad Batch's prior performance as his attack strategy, Rex and his fellow clones quickly overwhelm the outpost's droid garrison and capture its command and communication center. But while trying to hack into the cyber center's computers to investigate its defensive capabilities, Tech intercepts a message which announces the impending arrival of heavy droid reinforcements.

Rex splits up the squad for a diversionary three-front attack on the center's guard force, just as the droid relief forces arrive at the outpost; but before Trench can warn them about the clones' assault, the cyber center droids are taken by surprise. While Rex, Crosshair, and Jesse keep the guards occupied, Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker penetrate the building and capture its command center. As the other clones hold the incoming droid reinforcements off, Rex joins Tech in the command center. Tech hacks into the computer system and discovers the algorithm, but strangely it is not stored inside the center's memory banks but is instead being broadcast from another planet, Skako Minor. Digging in further, Tech manages to receive an audio signal which sounds like a human voice. Rex asks him to send a transmission requesting the person's identity, and the voice responds "CT-1409," as the voice's masking is dropped so it's clearly the voice of a clone trooper.

In the meantime, the encroaching enemy force drives the remaining clones back into the command center. Rex is so shocked by what the voice is saying that he briefly ignores Hunter telling him they need to leave. The clones fight their way out of the structure and escape aboard a speeder craft secured by Crosshair. While Trench learns about the clones' infiltration of the broadcast, Rex, in turn, is left brooding over the startling discovery that Echo is still alive: "CT-1409" was his identification number.

Sleepwalkers (1978 film)

The plot's historical backdrop is the Burgos trials. Ana, an activist involved in the anti-Francoist struggle, has seemingly converted some of her life's worries into bodily symptoms, suffering from strange maladies.

Ninjago: Crystalized

One year after Nya's sacrifice, a group called the New Ninja appear in Ninjago City, fighting criminals who are smuggling vengestone. The ninja have broken up; Zane has switched off his emotion, Kai is teaching students to fight, Lloyd is working as a window cleaner, and Jay is living alone at the Lighthouse Island and has suffered a nervous breakdown.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 1 "Farewell to Sea" Nya roams the Endless Sea in her aqueous form as a water dragon and saves a sailor who has fallen overboard. She begins to recover her memories of her past life and meets another water elemental named Nyad, who helps her to find her way back home. Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 2 "The Call of Home" Meanwhile, the ninja reunite and explore a subway tunnel, uncovering a secret shipment of vengestone. They are forced to fight against Miss Demeanor and her thugs, but are humiliated when the New Ninja defeat the villains.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 3 "The Shape of Nya"

Nya manages to return to the monastery, but she cannot take human form, so Zane freezes her to maintain her shape.The team decide that the only way to save Nya and return her physical form is to break Aspheera out of Kryptarium prison and steal her staff so that Aspheera can drain Nya's elemental power and return her back to her human form. Skylor helps the ninja by using her elemental powers to keep Nya frozen while they retrieve Aspheera and the staff.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 4 "A Mayor Problem" While attempting to collect the staff from a convoy, the ninja are forced to fight the New Ninja. During the fight, Kai accidentally reveals their identities, and the ninja become fugitives. Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 5 "Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!" Aspheera agrees to help them in exchange for her freedom. As Aspheera successfully returns Nya to her human form, the New Ninja arrive at the monastery and arrest the entire ninja team except for Nya but Aspheera escapes. As a result of their crimes, the ninja are convicted and sentenced to five years in Kryptarium prison. Meanwhile, Aspheera is recruited by a mysterious villain known only as the Crystal King.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 6 "A Painful Promise!"

While serving their time in prison, the ninja find themselves surrounded by their old enemies, including Pythor. Lloyd is visited by the Crystal King's messenger, who warns him that the Crystal King is gathering Lloyd's enemies against him.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 7 "Ninjago City vs. Ninja!" When Pythor is recruited by the messenger and broken out of prison, the ninja try to stop him, but fail.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 8 "Kryptarium Prison Blues" The ninja eventually escape with the help of Nya, disguised as Samurai X, and Dareth, but find themselves wandering through the desert while pursued by sheriff HoundDog McBrag.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 9 "Hounddog McBrag" On the road they are picked up by a young singer who is making her way to Ninjago City. They help her to understand that she should return home to her parents, and in the process Zane learns about the benefits of emotions, switching his back on.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 10 "The Benefit of Grief" The ninja reunite at Twitchy Tim's gas station, where Fugi-Dove, who also escaped from prison and accompanied them until now, allows himself to be re-captured to help the ninja escape from McBrag. Deducing that the Mechanic will be the next villain recruited by the Crystal King, the ninja confront him in his lair and subdue him, allowing Lloyd to impersonate him and take his place in the Council of the Crystal King.Ninjago, Season 15, Episode 11 "The Fifth Villain"

Lloyd, disguised as the Mechanic, infiltrates the Crystal King's Council after being invited to meet the other members, whom he discovers to be Aspheera, Pythor, King Vangelis, and Mr. F (a rebuilt version of Mr. E). However, his identity is quickly discovered and he is captured. The Crystal King's messenger then reveals herself to be Harumi, shocking Lloyd, who believed her to be dead.Ninjago, Season 15. Episode 12 "The Council of the Crystal King"

Ninja Kamui

After escaping his clan and going into hiding in rural America, former ninja Joe Higan is ambushed by assassins who exact bloody retribution on him and his family for their betrayal. After the attack, Joe returns to being known as Ninja Kamui to avenge his family and friends and sets his sights on taking down the very clan that made him.

Crossing the Border (film)

Set in the 1960s, the plot concerns the economic migration of two Spaniards from Spain to Switzerland.

Draft:Rabbids Invasion: Mission to Mars

On Rabbid Island, An intelligent Rabbid, Scribbles, a past and smart relative of the Rabbids, dreams of going to Mars to meet Martians only to hear from a news channel that a professor named Frank Nebula says that they are going to terraform Mars with Rabbids. Having enough of living with his Rabbid brethren on the island, Scribbles packs up his things and travels to Nebulous, only that the humans have collected lots of Rabbids for testing.

Trying to show the humans that he is smarter than the other Rabbids, Scribbles successfully clears the landing simulation and writes probability equations. However, no human noticed due to the Rabbids messing it up. That night, an employee named Olivia spots the Rabbid awake and she notices the picture he is drawing. Olivia also notices other smart things that Scribbles has done too. The Rabbids go on a plane to the Nebulous HQ. A mini-Rabbid, Mini, breaks a window on the plane, pulling most of the Rabbids off the plane and raining down near the neighborhood. Only Scribbles and four other Rabbids, Cosmo, a Rabbid who has self-confidence issues, Disco, a Rabbid girl that likes to dance by her boombox, Mini and Scuba, a Rabbid with Scuba gear that wants to swim. The next day, Olivia reports to Nebula that there is an intelligent Rabbid, but furious that he calls Rabbid-handling, demands John Trout to get the freeze ray and grants him access to the cryogenic room. John gets the freeze ray out to make it look believable until the robot's motherboard freezes.

Switching places with Scuba, Scribbles pretends to be a dumb Rabbid to join the crew and blast off into Mars. Olivia shows Scribbles that she recently discovered the terraforming device is a bomb. The Rabbids land on Mars and a chase pursues them to a cave where they discover the Martians. However, when the terraforming device is about to explode, Scribbles tries to get rid of it but the Rabbids keep bothering him. During this, Mini flings it into the mouth of a large orange Martian King, which swallows it and explodes in his belly, causing his radiated body to grow into a giant monster. The hologram message plays out that when saying about Earth’s grand cultures, it tunes into episodes of ''Sunny Love Beach'', which was the Rabbids' favorite show, and helps calm the giant Martian down, shrinking him back to his original size. Like the Rabbids, the Martians became big fans of ''Sunny Love Beach'', allowing the Martian king to learn how to speak English. He then welcomes the Rabbids into the Martian kingdom inside the planet. While the Rabbids were away, Nebula imprisons Olivia and John. Nebula then creates nuclear missiles to aim at Mars. Due to this, Olivia sends a message to Scribbles and the Rabbids to blast off back to earth with the Martin king in tow.

The Rabbids attempt to go back to Earth but a missile was fired by Nebula. The Martian king saves them but Cosmo loses his helmet. The Rabbids and the Martian king were taken prisoner with John and Olivia as Nebula prepares to fire the last missile, only for Scuba to play with it like he’s swimming on it. When he left, Scribbles comes up with a plan to bust them out. During their escape, the Martian king swallows an energy sphere fired from a drone, tuning the Martian king back as a monster again. When Scuba was off, Nebula fires it but the Martian king launches himself toward the missile, swallows it and lands back down, gets angry, and goes on a rampage. The Rabbids distract the Martian king in various ways, but the distraction gets spoiled when a drone destroys it and picked up Scribbles, preparing to drop him and the other Rabbids in the Martian king's mouth. However, during how he reveals why he used the Rabbids as scapegoats, Scribbles broadcast his plans to the news, shattering his reputation while Olivia freezes him with the freeze ray. However, just after he drops the Rabbids, John arrives with Roger from ''Sunny Love Beach'' who told him that the Martian king is his biggest fan, making the Martian King close his mouth to let the Rabbids bounce off and calming down the Martian to his normal size.

With Nebulous shut down due to Nebula's reputation, the Rabbids, Olivia, the Martian King, and the frozen Nebula return to the island to try and fix the ship while enjoying themselves.

Poorhouse Rock

In Sunday school, Bart shows his class a humiliating supercut of Homer acting out, causing Homer to fear that Bart does not respect him. He takes Bart to the power plant, where he is won over by the privileges and high pay that Homer earns. Returning home, Bart dresses like his father and announces to the family that he wants to be a nuclear safety inspector. When Bart is at the power plant the next day, a janitor tells him that Homer's job "doesn't exist" for the current generation. Through a song, the janitor explains the build-up and eventual decline of the middle class. Lisa interrupts to tell Bart that, due to higher standards in education and the rising cost of student loans, he won't be able to take over Homer's position.

Bart then argues that he can make a living through selling cryptocurrency or as a social media influencer, but the janitor finds it unlikely. Various elderly residents of Springfield sing about their bad political candidates, whom they vote for due to fearmongering on social media. Bart gives up and accepts that he has no future, and the janitor follows him to his treehouse. He implores Bart to burn the system and reform it, which Bart takes literally by taking off his clothes and throwing them onto a barbecue grill. As the treehouse goes up in flames, Bart fearfully admits that he does want to live to see the future. He is rescued by some firemen, who tell him about their job benefits and security. As the song comes to an end, Bart realizes that his true future is in firefighting, as there will always be fires in the world for him to put out.

Your Next Life

The plot is set in northern Spain. Over a cow-related row also involving the Severo's kidnapping of Val (Gildo's daughter), Gildo kills Severo. Val and Rai (Severo's son, unbeknownst of the identity of his father's killer) fall romantically for each other.

Amanat (2022 film)

The film takes place in the middle of the 19th century, during the Caucasian War. In 1839, Imam Shamil transferred his son Jamalutdin to the Russian Empire as an amanat or hostage.

At the age of nine, the boy became a pupil of the imperial court of Nicholas I, enlisted in the army and became a lieutenant. The passionate Caucasian young man fell in love with General Olenin's daughter Elisabeth Olenina at first sight and intended to marry her. However, the blood father confused his plans, exchanging his son for the captive granddaughters of Georgian King George XII, and returned him to his father's house. Jamalutdin has to make a difficult choice between his duty to his people and honor, as well as his love and feelings for Lisa Olenina.

Sins of the Mind

The Wideners are an upper-middle-class family of artistically gifted individuals, consisting of photographer father William Widener (Farrell), socialite mother Eve Widener (Clayburgh), and daughters Michelle and Allegra Widener (Crider and co-actress Cyia Batten, respectively). Michelle is a successful commercial artist who chooses to live at home with her parents but still earns money, and Allegra often feels like she is living in Michelle's shadow, and that her parents are pretentious and have constantly fawned over Michelle's prodigious abilities since childhood. The family enjoys a renaissance fair one afternoon, and Michelle stays later, getting a ride with friends, when the car crashes and Michelle is left comatose. Her family, horrified, wait day and night for her to regain consciousness. While singing "Up Where We Belong" by Jennifer Warnes (a favourite family song), the Wideners are surprised and delighted to find out that Michelle has awoken.

Michelle seems normal, and a brain scan reveals no lasting damage, but she exhibits extremely childlike behaviours and noticeable sexual promiscuity. While in the hospital, she hits on a male nurse, French kissing him and fondling him. Her parents, none the wiser, take her home and have a pool party in her honour, but Eve is shocked when Michelle eats a whole bowl of strawberries and then asks for whipped cream, as well. Michelle is sexually-frustrated at the party, upset when boys she likes are seen with other girls. Sneaking out at night, she bumps into a neighbour, Edward, walking his dog in the forest; the two begin a sexual affair that they make minimal effort to conceal. Allegra is disgusted when she walks in on Michelle later initiating sex with an uncle, and when Edward's wife finds out about his infidelity, she calls Michelle a slut and breaks off her friendship with the Wideners. Allegra moves out, and Eve and William discover that Michelle has been shoplifting and stealing family heirlooms.

Michelle is distraught when her parents try to take her to a brain damage clinic, where it is revealed that her initial CAT scan may have missed an undetected lesion or head trauma from the car crash that affects her impulse control. Michelle is especially bothered by the "freaks" she sees in the clinic, people who are physically debilitated by brain damage and unable to cognitively function. Losing employment after inappropriate behaviour, and tired of her family's rules, Michelle moves out of the house and finds solace in sex work as a prostitute, where she is taken advantage of by a physically abusive pimp. William misses Michelle, and learns from Edward that she is living in a room at a brothel. At the brothel, the pimp assaults William, and Michelle flees, returning home out of guilt for what happened to her father. She enters unconventional treatment for sex offenders exhibiting impulse control; all of them are male and former convicts from lower-class upbringings, something that the Wideners object to, but Michelle, the lone female nymphomaniac of the group, finds that she and the other members of the therapy group are kindred spirits. She helps one man in particular who has the impulse to rape women who refuse a relationship with him, teaching him how to respect the wishes of others and earn respect from women. Despite her progress, Michelle's expensive psychiatric drugs and therapy will be cut off by her insurance provider, leading her to run away from home again. William and Eve later find her living in a homeless shelter, filthy, panicked and covered in dirt. She is brought back home, where she is able to receive therapy again. Allegra returns home after William apologizes for ignoring her, while Michelle gives a speech to her family and fellow therapy group members, explaining how her brain damage has changed her as a person.

The Last Viking (film)

A Viking boy, Harald dreams of becoming a warrior like his father Agne. King Grimnir imposes new taxes to collect from the people. However, chieftain Agne refuses to surrender his city's ships to the king and cooperates with the rebels. The king's soldiers soon come to raid the village. The village is set on fire, some of the inhabitants are killed and the rest taken prisoner, and they are ordered to build a new ship for the king's fleet. Harald and the dwarf Gunga go to great lengths to get the city's drunken ship craftsman to complete the ship.

Draft:The Maya of Bunnu K Endo

A runaway couple - a powerful politician's wife and her driver - are held captive by a nameless multinational company in an empty apartment in a big city so that it facilitates the development of a huge power plant. The faceless representatives of the multinational company not only controls the things that go in and out of the apartment, but mysteriously also the time and space therein. []

Draft:Martial Law (video game)

The plot takes place shortly after the introduction of martial law in Poland. The main character is dad, who wants to get presents for his daughter for Christmas. Despite being abandoned by her family, he wants to make his daughter happy. However, he doesn't have all the things that were to be included in the Christmas present. To get them, he engages in discussions with random passers-by.

Good Mourning (film)

London gets a text from his actress girlfriend Apple, one reads "good mourning". Not knowing what it means, London calls Apple but she doesn't answer. He mopes around the house hoping it doesn't mean she's breaking up with him. In come his friends Leo, Dylan, Angel and Fat Joe. To make him feel better, they try to figure out what the texts mean after they get high. London's day consists of finding out what's going with Apple and meeting with his agent Maxine. When he meets with Maxine, she tells him all the sexual things she had to do to land London an opportunity to star in the next Batman movie. London's torn - he's convinced Apple is breaking up with him and feels like he should pursue her, but that might mean losing the biggest career opportunity of his life.

Draft:Shark Bait (2022 film)

A group of five friends enjoying a weekend steal a couple of jetskis racing them out to sea, ending up in a horrific head-on collision. They struggle to find a way home with a badly injured friend while from the waters below predators lurk. Leaving only Nat as the only survivor at the end of scene.

Draft:Elrom (film)

High school student Jonah is biking with his friends when a young stranger suddenly approaches him, telling him that he will pay Jonah fifty dollars to take an ragged antique doll named Elrom. After discussing the offer with his friends; Yurigen and Scott, Jonah decides to take the doll and return to his home.

After arriving home, Jonah places Elrom in his room and begins to plan on how he can sell Elrom and goes to bed. During the night, Elrom begins to move on it's own and it is revealed that Elrom is being controlled by a remote control. Elrom grabs a knife and places itself so that Jonah will step on the knife after waking up.

The next day Jonah steps on the knife and screams in pain. He is tended to by his mother. Jonah then returns to his room to grab Elrom, vowing that he will sell the doll. Jonah Yurigen, to explain what has happened so far and that he needs to sell Elrom as soon as possible. Yurigen suggests that he should try to sell Elrom around Long Beach. The two then walk around asking strangers to buy the doll; finding no one willing to buy it. Jonah says that it may be easier to sell it at his school; which his friend agrees with, the two part ways and Jonah returns home. The next day, Jonah arrives at his school and attempts to sell Elrom to various students around the campus. In response to nobody wanting to buy Elrom, he gets into the center of a crowded area and yells in frustration; garnering everyone's attention.

At home, Jonah calls Yurigen and recounts about how nobody was willing to buy Elrom. Yurigen suggests that Jonah should attempt to sell the doll on eBay. Jonah logs on to his computer and quickly starts browsing through eBay in order to start a bid. Elrom is staring at Jonah sitting at his desk and it is revealed that it has been recording Jonah the entire time. The doll then leaves the house without anyone noticing.

At a park, Scott and Yurigen are playing with a frisbee while Jonah is at home trying to figure out how to start a bid. Jonah then receives a text from his mom stating that they are at Jonah's grandmother's house and that they will be returning by 2:00 AM. Scott and Yurigen are playing when they suddenly hear a little girl's voice from afar. They begin to try to locate where the sound is coming from when they find Elrom in the middle of a grass field. The recognize it as the doll that Jonah was trying to sell as they begin to approach it so that they can return it to him. After being picked up by Yurigen; Elrom's eyes turn red. Yurigen starts to run away when Elrom appears in front of Yurigen and kills him. Scott is walking away when Elrom appears in front of him with a knife, Scott begins to run away until Elrom catches up to Scott and also kills him.

Back home, Jonah finalizes the bid and puts it online. Jonah then goes to sleep. He is suddenly called by a mysterious voice revealed to be Elrom. Jonah originally believes it to be a prank call by Yurigen but then begins to believe that he is in a state of hypnagogia. Jonah then tries to fall asleep again when Elrom jumps onto his chest. Jonah throws Elrom on the floor next to him and turns on the lights. After realizing that he is not dreaming; Jonah faints on his bed out of shock. Jonah's family returns home and finds Jonah's unconscious body with his eyes open on the bed. Jonah's younger brother Nathan then goes to sleep. Elrom approaches Nathan's bed and stabs him to death.

The next day, Jonah wakes up shocked to find his crying mother. Jonah's mother explains that his father killed Scott, Yurigen, and Nathan and that he has since been arrested and taken into custody. Jonah then finds Elrom in Nathan's bed and exclaims that his father didn't kill them and that Elrom is the actual killer. Jonah runs out to his street and throws Elrom onto the road. Jonah returns home and starts to cry in his room. Jonah finds Elrom to be in his room again. Jonah receives a call from the mysterious voice as it explains that Elrom will always be with Jonah. The mysterious voice is then revealed to be Jonah's mother as she picks up the control and makes Elrom slowly approach Jonah.

In the final sequence, Jonah is shown to walk in a park and hand Elrom and fifty dollars to an unsuspecting stranger; thus repeating the cycle started by the young stranger.

If I Were Rich (2019 film)

The plot follows the mishaps of Santi, who has earned a €25 million lottery prize. Since he is in the process of divorce, he tries to hide this circumstance from his wife Maite.


A young photographer, Jun Torres (Abuel), meets a peculiar woman, Teresa (Charo Santos), in her hometown during Holy Week. They become friends. Both of them are aroused by Teresa's strange movements, in which Teresa loses control. Along with Teresa's mother (Lisa), they seek help from a Spirit medium. It is revealed that Teresa is haunted by the spirit of her dead sister Rosa (Susan Valdez) who died in mysterious circumstances. Little by little, the issue was solved when the spirit, through Teresa, told her story: Jun's father, Dr. Torres (Montenegro), who had a secret relationship with Rosa, forced her to terminate her baby through abortion. After the spirit ended her story, Rosa demands revenge for what happened. As punishment, her father falls down the stairs and dies.

Surrounded (1960 film)

The film describes how the resistance fighter Per, modeled on Knut Haugland, operated an illegal telegraph station on the roof of the National Hospital in 1944 during the Second World War.

The Meeting (1955 film)

The picture tells about the friendship between competing collective farmers-cotton growers of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, in the center of which is the love of the Uzbek woman Lala and the Azerbaijani Kamil. The love of the protagonist of the film for the heroine of labor Lale turned him from a careless and lazy guy into a production leader ...

Draft:Labour (2021 Film)

“Labour”, set in a working-class Chennai (a city in Southern India) neighbourhood, traces the lives of four different set of characters who work as blue-collar building construction labourers. In a developing country like India, internal migration (from relatively poorer states to the bigger Cities and Megacities) and other macroeconomic developments weigh down heavily on the working class; eating into their jobs and income levels. In this context we follow certain people from the working-class community. Pandiyaar, a senior worker struggles to arrange money for his son’s College fees and his daughter’s near-in-the-future marriage; investing in informal chit funds to raise the money.

A young couple, Murugan and Annalakshmi, with a two-year-old baby are being torn apart because of the husband being drunk. They even struggle to pay the monthly chit fund due because of Murugan’s drinking and this puts their domestic life under stress. Patrose, a transwoman, has ambitions of becoming a teacher and is saving up by working as a blue collar worker but she faces conflicts due to her identity as a transwoman. Vellai, a migrant worker from another part of the country, forced to work here and send money home is part of this group of friends. Labour talks about the lifestyle, culture and struggles of these specific characters and the larger community around them in their particular geographical area. The characters and the community around them are forced to confront and endure a destabilizing crisis, but still move on with and face life regardless of the potentially devastating outcomes.

Kabaddi 4: The Final Match

Kaji (Dayahang Rai) resolves to become a monk and live a solitary life because he no longer has any hope of finding a bride. However, his parents are not satisfied with this decision; his father now wants to remarry in order to preserve the family lineage. Then, Kaji's mother asks Chhantyal (Buddhi Tamang) and B.K. (Bijaya Baral), two of Kaji's close friends, to locate him. They bring her to Kaji, where she requests him to return home, which he refuses to do. She then threatens to hang herself if Kaji's father marries again as a result of his decision to become a monk. After hearing it, Kaji returns home and resumes his duties as the school's chairman. He hires a new teacher Shanti (Miruna Magar), who seems to have feelings for him. She keeps trying to flirt with Kaji, but he brushes her off each time.

Now that he has a master's degree in mathematics, Bam Kaji (Saugat Malla) has returned to the village. In some informal chats, he is asked to be married by his parents because Maiya, his ex-wife, has left him. He rejects the idea that any lady in the village is deserving of being his wife. He makes the decision to return to the city. He sees Shanti on his way back to the city and instantly falls in love with her. He returns to his home after deciding to remain in the village. He then requests that his father provide him with employment at the same institution where Shanti is a teacher. He is appointed as a math instructor.

Bam Kaji often attempts to flirt with Shanti but she seems to ignore him, while Shanti constantly tries to flirt with Kaji but he keeps ignoring her. Kaji agrees when Shanti requests a few days off to go visit her mother, who resides in a different village. Moreover, she requests him to accompany her. He initially declines, but when his mother insists that he go because Shanti's village is far away and it is his responsibility to get her safely to her home, he agrees.

The following day, Kaji finds Bam Kaji preparing to travel with them while mounted on a horse. Thereafter, the three of them depart for her home. Later, after walking a long distance, Shanti asks Bam Kaji if she can ride on his horse, and he immediately agrees. When they arrive at her house, they learn that her mother is the only member of her family. She speaks with Kaji and Shanti and expresses no concerns about their choice to be married. Kaji is shocked after hearing it, he tells them he never expressed her anything regarding this matter.

Shanti presents a letter with Kaji's name on it, and Kaji closes the talk by joking that it appears to be a love letter. When Kaji got back home, he realized the letter was written by Bam Kaji, but B.K. had removed "Bam" and only left "Kaji" in the letter before leaving it on Shanti's desk. Bam Kaji never says he wants a reply to his "letter" but asks Shanti for her response. He only requests her response, and she assures him that he will receive it shortly. He gladly accepts the envelope she hands him, examines it later, and realizes it wasn't a letter in response to his letter which he expected. It was his suspension letter as an instructor at the school for his unprofessional behavior. He gets furious at Kaji for suspending him; he tries several times to get his job back, but Kaji never gives him his job back.

Bam Kaji is drunk and seeks to acquire Shanti by getting rid of Kaji. He pulls the knife out and moves to murder Kaji. His father stops him and beats him vigorously, because he is angry that Bam Kaji wants to kill his own cousin because of a girl. They then go to Shanti’s home to talk about getting her married to Bam Kaji, which she declines instantly. Thinking of his last resort, Bam Kaji decides to kidnap her and marry her since it is acceptable in their culture.

Shanti gets abducted by Bam Kaji, who then brings her to his residence. Kaji’s father tells him about this incident, where he blames Kaji for not being man enough to protect her. He praises Bam Kaji for being a real man. Kaji then realizes his love for Shanti. While at the marriage ceremony of Bam Kaji and Shanti, B.K.’s father announces there is a dead body in the yard, everyone runs to see it. Taking this opportunity, Kaji runs away from the ceremony with Shanti. Bam Kaji gets to know that he has been tricked; he runs to find Kaji and Shanti. When he eventually caught them, it was B.K. and Chhantyal disguised as Kaji and Shanti. Bam Kaji gets furious and starts screaming; he walks away, thinking of the moments he spent with Shanti. Kaji and Shanti are now walking together where she asks him to at least propose to her now. He replies there is no need to do it, since she should already know it by now.

Little Sparrow (film)

In a press release, Universal Filmed Entertainment Group chairwoman Donna Langley stated that the film will focus on Madonna's music career as well as the "broader, unvarnished story" of her life.


Claire Rivers is a 21-year-old girl living in Los Angeles. To solve her anxiety and depression, she hires a cameraman to make a documentary that follows her journey as she interviews spiritual figures in search for the meaning of life.

On the first day of her documentary shoot, she fails to find anyone who is Buddhist, so she sets up an online video call with a guru. Claire visits his colleague who sells Claire on the promise of a multi-weekend spiritual retreat. When Claire arrives at the planned meeting spot, nobody is there.

After this, Claire decides to visit a psychic medium that gives Claire a pendulum reading. She later meets with a non-duality expert who explains that she is made of the same materials as stars. Claire goes to a second non-duality expert, who tells her that nothing exists because what we see in space is millions of years old and has possibly already been destroyed or devoured by black holes.

Pushed to her breaking point, Claire tells Earl that she has constant anxiety over the fact that one day her loved ones will die. She thinks if she can become enlightened, she will care about them less and will be in less pain.

Earl suggests she meet with an art dealer who sells psychedelics. Claire takes LSD under his supervision, and gets lost amongst his exhibits. Earl later finds her naked, running through an alley, being detained by a security guard.

The film ends six months after her arrest. Claire admits that she has reviewed all the footage, as she was the one to edit the final film. In the time she spent watching herself, she realized how many mistakes she made and how silly she seemed. She said she did not find enlightenment, but had a good adventure and is proud of herself for facing her fears and not being afraid to look silly, regardless.

War Pony

Follows the intertwined lives of two young Lakota boys living on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The Vandal

The short film, set in the United States during mid-20th century, features as the main character an elderly African-American man, Harold. The man receives medical examinations at home, from a doctor who confronts his wife, Eva, about how difficult recovery can be after a lobotomy, which her husband has recently undergone. After the doctor leaves, Eva begins to clean a window by climbing stairs, but loses her balance and dies from the impact. The sight of his dead wife causes in Harold a state of shock, which drives his mind to wander through mysterious mazes in a state of confusion. While a voice calls and orders him to join him, Harold finds himself in an art museum. Attracted by the voice, he tears up a painting, and then we see him in his bathroom taking a jar of sulfuric acid. Harold finds himself back in the museum, and is arrested after throwing acid on another painting. After leaving prison, he returns home, where he again hears the voice that pushes him to return to the museum. While sitting contemplating a new painting, Harold has a vision of his wife next to him, commenting on the beauty of the artwork. Harold is awakened by the voice of a man, and realizing his wife’s absence, takes the picture and ruins it with acid again. In the latter sequence, it is shown that Harold is in reality a patient of a psychiatric hospital, who likes painting.  

Draft:The War Chief

In 1863, Jerry MacDuff and his wife Annie, who is part Cherokee, are headed west along the Santa Fe Trail when they are ambushed by an Apache band led by Go-yat-thlay, also known as Geronimo. Jerry and Annie are killed but when their child Andy is discovered in the wagon, Geronimo keeps fellow raider Juh from killing the baby, whose resemblance to his mother prompts Geronimo to think of him an Indian.

Andy grows to manhood as an adopted son of Geronimo and his wife Morning Star. As a youth he earns the name Shoz-Dijiji (Black Bear) after killing such an animal in single combat. He also grows to hate the enemies of his Apache tribe, the Be-don-ko-he, particularly Mexicans and American settlers. Geronimo is elected chief of the Be-don-ko-he after the previous chief, Mangas Colorado, is treacherously slain by white soldiers. Juh becomes chief of another Apache tribe, the Ned-ni. On several occasions, Juh insists that Shoz-Dijiji is a white, not an Apache, and should have been killed. After the great chief Cochise embraces Shoz-Dijiji as a true Apache, Juh stalks into his hogan one night with a knife to do the deed himself. But Shoz-Dijiji slips past him in the darkness and threatens Juh with a bow and arrow until the older man agrees to give him three ponies and promise never to come after Shoz-Dijiji again.

Cochise dies of cancer, Geronimo takes his place as war chief of all the Apaches. Under his leadership, Shoz-Dijiji earns renown as a warrior but declines to torture captives as Geronimo and some of the other Apaches do. He also grows increasingly attracted to a young Apache woman, Ish-kay-nay, whom Juh also wishes to marry. Like Mangas Colorado before him, Geronimo is captured by soldiers after having been invited to the nearby American fort for a conference. Over the next three months, as Geronimo languishes in prison, Shoz-Dijiji enrolls in the local school to learn the English language, leading the Americans to believe he wishes to assimilate. His real purpose is to gather more accurate intelligence to help the Apaches defeat the Americans. Shoz-Dijiji breaks Geronimo free and the two return to their tribe.

Shoz-Dijiji achieves warrior rank by slaying three white prospectors, and thus feels ready to claim Ish-kay-nay as his mate. But when American soldiers come looking for the prospectors’ killer, the Apaches hurriedly decamp to Mexico while Geronimo, Shoz-Dijiji, and other warriors remain behind to harry any pursuers. During this assignment, Shoz-Dijiji happens upon the attempted abduction and rape of a white girl, Wichita Billings, by three cowboys. He kills two of the men and wounds a third. Then he surreptitiously follows Wichita to make sure she returns safely to her father’s ranch.

After more ferocious fighting in Mexico, Shoz-Dijiji is named a war chief of the Be-don-ko-he. But the father of Ish-kay-nay prefers Juh as a mate for his daughter, so he demands that Shoz-Dijiji give him fifty ponies as a bride price. The young Apache slips into Mexico to try to steal the ponies. His own pony gets away from him and is found by Juh, who brings it back to the Be-don-ko-he and proclaims Shoz-Dijiji to be dead. Grief-stricken and empty inside, Ish-kay-nay becomes the mate of Juh.

Still trying to assemble the bride price for his beloved, Shoz-Dijiji successfully steals a hundred horses from a Mexico ranger, only to lose them to an American cavalry patrol. He follows them toward Fort Apache, where Juh and other chiefs are gathering to attack. He again encounters Wichita Billings, who brings him a fresh horse in gratitude for previously rescuing her. Shoz-Dijiji finds the remains of an Apache camp destroyed by American soldiers. Ish-kay-nay lies there mortally wounded. She tells him of Juh’s treachery, then dies. During a subsequent battle, Shoz-Dijiji captures an American lieutenant, Samuel Adams King, who is romantically interested in Wichita. When another warrior attempts to kill the prisoner, Shoz-Dijiji kills the Apache instead and sends King back to the Billings ranch. Then Shoz-Dijiji stalks Juh, discovers the man made no attempt to defend Ish-kay-nay from the American attack, and kills him in a knife fight.

The death of his beloved drives Shoz-Dijiji to spend months alone the wild, hunting and raiding, during which he earns the nickname “the Apache Devil.” Eventually he rejoins Geronimo’s tribe. During an attack on an American settlement, he discovers an Apache chief about to kill Wichita. To save her life, Shoz-Dijiji claims her as his prize and kills the chief. He brings her back to the Be-don-ko-he and introduces her to Geronimo. After Shoz-Dijiji conducts her safely to the outskirts of her home, they share their first kiss — after which a confused Billings pushes him away. Although she soon changes her mind, he rides away, ignoring her pleas to come back.

The Three Wise Kings vs Santa

The Three Wise Men and Santa vie for the children's attention, unbeknownst that their struggle will wake the Krampus from its slumber.

Nothing Very Important and Other Stories

The stories are centered around LDS missionaries in the Southern California mission in the late 1970s, with Mihaly Agyar being a central character.

Sklifosovsky (TV series)

The series is set against the backdrop of the legendary Nikolai Vasilich-Sklifosovsky Emergency Research Institute. It is dedicated to the complex, dramatic, partly heroic daily life of the famous "Sklif" doctors. Every day the doctors of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute have to make decisions on which human life depends. There are no scheduled patients, long consultations, time to prepare for surgery. It is necessary to act quickly, because every lost minute can cost the patient's life.

At the center of the story is the star of the hospital, a brilliant surgeon, ironically cynical, obsessive doctor Oleg Bragin, devoted to his work. No complicated surgery is possible without his participation. He is not used to standing back or retreating in the face of adversity. Everyone knows that even in the most dangerous situations, he never gets depressed, does not leave the operating table, until a person's life is safe. However, not everything in Oleg Bragin's life is as smooth as it may seem at first glance. Every day of the hero is another battlefield for another's life.

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady

Anisphia, the Princess who remembered her previous life at a young age, as well as her old self’s intense love of magic, set off to live out her fantasies in the fantasy world she finds herself in. During a magical mishap, she stumbled upon a scene where her brother Algard was breaking off his engagement to his fiancee, Euphyllia. With Euphyllia stripped of her title as the kingdom’s next monarch Anisphia offers for Euphyllia to come live and research magic with her as they plan a way to restore her good name.

Draft:Boneyard Racers

Sam and Jackie after leaving a school Halloween party are having an argument about the events at the party which caused them to leave. As they are driving home they get lost on a dark highway trying to figure out where they are suddenly a ghoulish man "Chuck" appears on the road with tire marks on his jacket and a stop sign. Before he car hits the man Sam slams on the brakes just narrowly avoiding a collision. Chuck approaches the car and asks the couple if they were there for the race. Not knowing what the stranger is talking about the couple dismisses his comments to talk to Johnny and drive safe and proceed on their way.

As the couple continues down the road they spot the race that Chuck was talking about and decide to check it out because Sam thinks it looks cool. As they arrive at the race they quickly discover that a party and drag racing are in full swing with live music and dancing people who appear in many different scary and ghoulish costumes. Once they stop the car in the parking lot of the party they are approached by a beatnik looking goth girl who introduces herself as Dee-Dee. After she assesses the young couple for a moment Dee-Dee invites Sam and Jackie to meet Johnny. On the way to see Johnny on the other side of the party Sam seems to get into a party mood while Jackie is freaked out by the party attendees and starts to see disturbing aspects of this motley crew of characters.

Once through the main party Jackie and Sam are introduced to a demon greaser named Johnny who is having a conversation with Chuck from earlier on the highway. Dee-Dee promptly grabs Johnny's attention and introduces the couple to Johnny. Johnny assesses the couple and performs a magic trick in which he lights his cigarette without actually touching it impressing Jackie but causing confusion with Sam. Johnny then proceeds to ask what seems like insulting questions about Jackie when in fact he is asking Sam about the classic Corvette the couple arrived in. Sam starts to get more confused by the questioning when Johnny challenges him to a drag race for vehicle pink slips. Sam declines at first but accepts once Johnny shows more interest in Jackie as she becomes more hypnotized by Johnny's presence.

As the racers bring their respective cars, a 1978 Chevrolet Corvette and a 1967 Cadillac Hearse name Countess Bathory to race Jackie and Dee-Dee have a conversation. Jackie admits to Dee-Dee that this whole scenario is her fault because she kissed a girl name Erin Schwartz at the school Halloween party earlier in the evening. This kiss caused the fight between the young couple. As Dee-Dee listens to Jackie she is reminded about her own past which she then tells Jackie that there is no time for regret in life before hearing Johnny's horn honk that they are ready to race.

Dee-Dee asks each driver if they are ready to race. Sam revs his engine in response as Jackie tells Sam that no matter what happens in the race to keep going no matter what and Johnny flashes a devilish grin towards the couple. Dee-Dee, standing in-between the two cars, grabs her scarf from her neck revealing a very dark and long wound on her neck as if caused by a rope, holds up the scarf and then starts the race in true 60's style street racing fashion.

The two cars race down the dark road with each car briefly taking the lead slightly from the other as Johnny howls and laughs through out the entire race. As the car approach the finish line the race is so close that both fire barrels at the end of the race shoot steam from the top at the exact same time. Johnny quickly applies the brakes with an sinister laugh as the couple speeds away from the end of the race to get away. The couple clearly believes they won the race with Sam celebrating. Jackie in a monotone voice asks if they can go home. Sam turns to Jackie telling her that he loves her when Jackie turns to him with a devilish grin and says "I love you too, Dreamboat" with a voice that seems to combine hers and Dee-Dee's. Johnny's laugh can be heard in the distance which the road is show without any cars fading into darkness.

Ikkyū (manga)

Bastard son of Emperor Go-Komatsu, Ikkyū is given to the Ankokuji Temple in Kyoto for his own safety. Ardent in his studies of Zen, Ikkyu is a clever boy who becomes tired of the hypocrisy surrounding him at the Ankokuji. Wandering the cities and backcountry of Japan, Ikkyu develops a legendary reputation as both an ascetic and libertine monk.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

A.S. (Ad Stella) 122: An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. A lone girl from the remote planet Mercury transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry. Her name is Suletta Mercury. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step by step through a new world.

Las Villamizar

Carolina, Leonor and Isabela are three sisters from the high society of El Socorro. They join the Liberator Army as spies motivated to pursue those responsible for the death of their mother, Beatriz de Villamizar, at the hands of Captain José María Montenegro. Gerardo Villamizar, using his military past within the Commoners Movement, prepares his three daughters in different disciplines of combat, infiltration and sabotage. The three sisters carry out missions and assignments given to them by the Independence Army, and in return, the army gives them information on the location of the culprits so that they can intercept the murderers and accomplices of Montenegro and thus bring justice.

Midnight Cop

The film, which has many humorous moments, is set in Berlin, and concerns a burnt-out (and somewhat corrupt) police detective Alex Glass (Armin Mueller-Stahl), and his glamorous new assistant, Shirley May (Julia Kent), who are on the trail of a drug ring, the leader of which, Miskowski (Frank Stallone), is suspected of several murders. First is a 16-year old ballet dancer Ines Berger (Constanze Rahn) who has been killed with a heroin overdose. The second is Monica (Allegra Curtis), stepdaughter of his old friend, police prosecutor Michael Carstens (Michael York). Each victim has been smeared with Vaseline, leading Glass to assume a common culprit. He drops his attitude of detached disinterest.

During a clandestine meeting, Carstens stabs Miskowski, who has been blackmailing him. Glass, unaware of his friend's involvement, spreads the misinformation that Miskowski is recovering in hospital. Carstens falls for the ploy, but has a plausible explanation for being at the hospital. Glass and Miskowski's assistant, prostitute Lisa Osterman (Morgan Fairchild), develop a loving relationship, and he gets her to tell Carstens she has the original negatives of Miskowski's blackmail photographs. A rendezvous is arranged and this time Carstens is trapped by Glass's men.


The show starts with a family mourning their loss of their daughter, Tooba, who was murdered by her in-laws including her husband Mazhar (Shafaat Ali), her mother-in-law Ishrat (Munazzah Arif), and her sister-in-law Mehwish (Inaya Khan). Mazhar and his family are part of the dowry business, so after Tooba's death, they find Komal (Areeba Habib). Komal's family includes her sister Anmol (Saboor Aly), her father Kabir (Farhan Ally Agha), her mother Ghazala (Saima Qureshi) and her cousin Adeel (Osama Tahir).

After Mazhar and Komal get married, Kabir's sister Zohra (Rabia Noreen) asks Kabir for Anmol to get married to her son Arsalan (Umer Iqbal), after Arsalan gives the suggestion that they will become rich if he gets married to Anmol, even though Anmol loves Adeel. Adeel also gets engaged to Arsalan's sister Erum (Anumta Qureshi), since Erum likes Adeel but he doesn't want to get married right now. Anmol starts a job after she marries Arsalan. After Anmol keeps defying her family and keeps talking back to them, Zohra wonders if she made a mistake getting Anmol and Arsalan married.

At her job, Anmol meets Batool, and she becomes friends with her. But, unbeknownst to Anmol, Batool is the sister of Tooba, Mazhar's ex-wife who he murdered. Arsalan gets involved in an illegal card game, and when he keeps losing, he has to pay them 9 lakh rupee. So, he lies to Anmol saying he needs money for a new import and export business he is starting but Anmol thinks he just wants money for something else and doesn't give him money. The leader of the card game, Sultan, comes to Arsalan's home and tells his family about 9 lakh rupee loan that he has to pay because of losing in cards and he leaves.

When Arsalan comes home, Zohra slaps him and, in anger, Arsalan goes to Sultan to ask him why Sultan went to his house. But, on the way back, they plan to steal Arsalan's car and leave him stranded on the road. But, when Arsalan refuses to leave, Sultan's man accidentally shoots Arsalan and they run away in the car, leaving Arsalan shot on the ground. In the morning, the police come to Arsalan's home and gives Zohra his clothes and he tells his family that Arsalan has died and they found his body on the street.

So Anmol goes to identify the body, and at his funeral, Ishrat walks by, and when she sees Batool, she runs away. She tells Mazhar this and they wonder what relationship Batool has with Komal's family.

Paap Punno

Khorshed is the chairman of his area. He genuinely wants to serve the people. He is the right-hand man of the local MP, while Gaosul Alam Shaon is his left-hand man. When a relative of Shawon rapes a village girl, Khorshed wants to punish the rapist. A police sub-inspector loyal to Shawn wants to save the rapist by claiming that he did not take the law into his own hands. The police arrest him because of Khorshed, but Shaon's men come to Kopa to Khorshed. Khorshed's bodyguard, Vista Al Amin, pulled out a pistol and fired, but Shawn's men fled.

Baul Ratan's land is in the process of being taken over by the government and Shaun wants to take it away. Khorshed stood up for Ratan. This increased the conflict between Khorshed and Shaon, MPO failed to resolve this conflict.

‘Vaista’ Al Amin loves Khorshed’s daughter Sathi. Al Amin's mother Parul, who works at Khorshed's house, feels this love. He requested Khorshed's wife to send her son abroad. Khorshed disagrees. As Al Amin and Sathi's love deepens, Al Amin's mother informs Khorshed's wife. When Khorshed's wife informed Khorshed, he changed his mind and brought Al Amin to Dhaka to send him abroad. On his way back by train, Khorshed Ratan got involved in the murder case.

Khorshed goes to jail. One day news of Al Amin's death came in the newspaper. Al Amin's mother goes to the jail alone to meet Khorshid. He informs him of Al Amin's death saying that Al Amin is his son. Khorshed is in a daze, he doesn't want to meet his wife and daughter in prison. Later he wants to meet Al Amin's mother. The trial resulted in Khorshed being hanged, it is understood that Khorshed had killed Al Amin before being sent abroad.


A news reporter is upset over her channel as she has to cover the 20th memorial service of politician Anand Dighe which made her miss her first Bollywood party. Moreover, she is unaware who the great personality was and the news shows that after his death, locals destroyed Sunitabai Singhania Hospital. The reporter meets an auto rickshaw driver who decides to drop her to the location and tells her that rather than relying on Google she should meet the locals of Thane for whom Anand Dighe Saheb devoted his life. The story takes back to early days of Shiv Sena when a young Anand Dighe Saheb is a party worker. Inspired with his work and dedication, he becomes a prominent member of the party and a very close aide of supremo Bal Thackeray where both share great respect towards one another. At the venue, the reporter meets several people where she finds that Anand Dighe Saheb was not just a political leader but he was much more to Thanekar's and devoted the whole of his life for them. The great personality met with a tragic end and but is still alive in the hearts of Thanekar's.

Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

The film begins when café owner Kato (Kazunari Tosa) discovers his computer's monitor shows what will happen two minutes into the future from the perspective of the television in the café, which displays what happened two minutes into the past. The computer is brought down to face the television, creating a Droste effect, allowing the characters to see several minutes into the future.

Kukulu (video game)

The game opens with cutscene of newborn orphaned chicken hatching from egg. After her growth and produce children, she unexpectedly confronted by old countryman and his dog, finally captured and thrown into poultry house restrained by cage. Luckily, the fowl is escaped when two pigeons arrived in the house and give supernatural force that could open the cage to free the fowl.

The countryman arrived to house with knife for slaughter, but the bird intimidatingly managed to escape the man and chase begins.

Draft:Gran Turismo (film)

A teenage Gran Turismo player applies their skills to competitions the world over on the road to becoming a real race car driver.

Draft:The Bad Guys: Episode 1

In a meeting of The Bad Guys, a group of criminal animals consisting of Wolf, Snake, Piranha, and Shark, Mr. Wolf plans to turn the Bad Guys into the Good Guys club since he's sick and tired of people thinking they're the Bad Guys based on the truth of them, including wolf being the villain of every fairy tale story. They tried to rescue a cat but failed, so Wolf has a new plan called "Operation Dog Pound", where they will release 200 dogs from the Dog Pound. He tells him his plan, which involves Shark disguising himself as a little girl who has a missing dog. Then Wolf attaches Snake and Piranha to a grappling hook and throws it through the window once all the cages are open. The dogs are so scared, they run the left side, which Shark was there and scared the daylights out of them, so they break through the wall and race out of the dog pound. Either way, Wolf still believes he rescued the dogs and drives away with his friends.

Draft:Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente

Cetto La Qualunque, after his experiences in politics, has rebuilt a life in Germany, where he has lived for four years with the beautiful Petra, his new wife, their daughter and his loyal friend Pino.

One evening, returning from a dinner with his in-laws, he receives a phone call informing him that his elderly aunt is on her deathbed: upon returning to his birth town Cetto is informed by the latter of his true origins, as the woman reveals to him that his father was not a door-to-door agent of detergents as they had always told him but the prince Buffo di Calabria and that therefore he too is of royal blood.

Cetto, who in vain seeks confirmation of these noble births from his ex-wife Carmen, who became a nun, and he remains schocked by the changes brought by his and his ex-wife's son, Melo, in the municipality of Marina di Sopra, of which Melo became mayor. He is then approached by Count Venanzio, who pushes him to accept his nobility and to aspire to recreate the Bourbon Two Sicilies, who Cetto also starts to like as idea but wants to rename it as the Two Calabrias, since, as he said, one Sicily is enough. Democracy has now failed in Italy and Cetto is the right man to return to the monarchy.

Cetto and his old friends, however, have a lot of difficulties in adapting to the new context in which they have to live and besides they must deny Ferdinando Buffo di Calabria, nephew of Cetto's father, claims and accusations, who pushes him to have a DNA test to confirm who is his father, to show if he's actually blood related to the noble. Cetto is also forced to leave Petra to marry, according to Venanzio's instructions, the Infanta of Portugal, in order to make his reign more solid. Petra, however, while leaving, promise revenge.

Having also obtained the support of the Church in the person of a powerful cardinal, the wedding between Cetto and the Infanta is celebrated, even if Cetto didn't even bother to know her because of her ugliness, preferring by far the frequentation of many escorts such as his usual, and everything seems ready to start the referendum to ask Italians for the maintenance of the republic or the reinstating of the monarchy. The electoral campaign is organized by Melo, after he was forced to abandon the career as mayor, after he is investigated again as a figurehead for his father, this time in Germany.

Just when Cetto's victory is celebrated, the latter discovers that it is actually a plan of Venanzio, who feigned and who also sabotated the DNA results to make him believe he was a noble, to obtain power and so, a few hours before his coronation, Cetto and Pino reveal to him that they have discovered his plots and they threaten him to make sure he never to tries to rip them off again. The coronation is celebrated and Cetto thus obtains power and becomes king, but soon after Petra wounds him with a pistol.

However, Cetto is saved and, after recovering, decides to continue to pursue his monarchical delusions, in which he now believes too.

Tangos Are for Two

A Spanish couturier immigrates to Buenos Aires in the 1930s seeking to meet Carlos Gardel. There she meets Renzo, a look-alike of the latter.

Smoking Room (film)

The plot concerns the miseries and intrigues unravelling among the employees of a company ensuing with the decision taken by one of them (Ramírez) to file a request for the creation of a smoking room in the office.

Draft:The Longest Marge

At the Power Plant, everyone is gone from their work place, following the sports channel's On the Clock, where Anger Watkins is presenting the Springfield Atoms's draft, picking Grayson Mathers. The workers start rioting the town right afterwards in celebration, while Mr. Burns and Smithers are reviewing corporate revenue going down, where his liquor company, Mr. Gentleman Brandy, is having all the losses, due to their ad campaign.

To reinvent the brand, the branding expert Warburton Parker is brought in, but ultimately Burns overhears the cheers for Grayson, and he hires him as the new face of the company. The Simpson family goes to the Springfield Atoms Stadium for the match against the Los Angeles Chargers, where they find him a complete mess after drinking so much liquor and everyone boos him.

To prove his worth, Grayson is brought to the Springfield Elementary for a speech, but all goes down when the bullies start offending him and he starts throwing books at them. He chugs another bottle of Brandy and passes out to urethra pains, waking up in the infirmary, where Marge is taking care of him and tells him to slow down. A partnership is then formed with Burns where Marge takes care of his home needs while Burns takes care of the rest.

Marge takes him home for the family dinner, where he tells the story of how just as a little kid he was brought in the football career, and he tells them how he never sees his parents in person afterwards, so Marge starts teaching him how to be in a family and invites him to stay for a while, teaching him how to use the dishwasher, getting his drug test all negatives, going to a normal church and giving him a birthday party.

At the party, Mr. Burns arrives ready to take him on party night, but Marge stops him remembering them how he has a football match the next day. The next day his match was a success, but Burns notices how he has become a mama's boy. At home Marge and Burns starts arguing and has him breakdown after they put him on a choice between the two.

Grayson leaves with all of his Ferrari and then sends Marge a ticket for the Sports Channel's annual awards show at The Draft Pigs Center for the Performing Arts, happy she's his plus one, but in the center she finds out that Burns was given the invitation too.

When he's shown for the award for Most Inspiring Athlete, Marge and Burns start connecting instead of fighting as Grayson wins. However, when Grayson thanks the person that inspired him, he mentions his fiancée Kaitlyn, that he met 3 days before, that he made his business manager, and Marge and Burns find out they've been replaced by her.

Crashing the Gates (play)

''Crashing the Gates'' is set in a rural coal mining region of West Virginia during the violent struggles for the unionization of mine workers. The chief protagonist is Linda Hicks, an uneducated Christian fanatic who eagerly awaits the Second Coming of Christ. Her husband is the unemployed and demoralized Buzz Hicks. Their son Oakey is an invalid, crippled in a mining accident. Their daughter, Sally Jewell, is an adoptee. When the itinerant con-man and charismatic preacher, Syd Gody, arrives in the community Linda accepts him as the Savior; Gody seduces her.

Linda’s evangelical fervor leads Gody to believe he is the returned Messiah. He unsuccessfully attempts to raise the dead from a local cemetery. When Gosy fails to heal Linda’s son, the boy exposes his charlatanism. Gody repents, and offers his gun to Oakey to kill him. The boy accidentally shoots himself with the weapon, and Gody is detained as the suspected murderer. When Sally discovers her step-brother's death, she flees hysterically from his corpse, and is shot down by her step-father Buzz, mistaking her for Syd Gody. Gody is cleared of the murder charge, but renounces his evangelical illusions and returns to work in the mines.

Linda remains loyal to both her faith and to Gody.



Vakpati invokes several gods in the first 61 verses. He starts with Brahma, and then refers to Vishnu and his incarnations including Narasimha, Varaha, Vamana, Kurma, Mohini, and Krishna. Next, the poet invokes Shiva and his aspects such as Ardhanarishvara. He then refers to Shiva's son Kartikeya, and Shiva's consort Parvati, naming her various aspects including Mahishasura Mardini, Kali, and Chamunda. He further invokes Saraswati, Surya, Shesha, Ganapati, Lakshmi, and Kama, and Ganga.

In the next 36 verses, Vakpati talks about poets, their impact, their challenges, the language used by them (Sanskri or Prakrit), their aspirations, and their disappointments.

Vakpati then glorifies his patron Yashovarman, calling him the Lord of the Earth, deifying him as an incarnation of Vishnu. He states that the king of gods - Indra - invites Yashovarman to share his throne. The poet then describes a mythological episode of how Indra cut the wings of the flying mountains. Next, Vakpati talks about Yashovarman's courtesans playing water-sports in the bathing tanks of defeated enemies. He then describes pralaya, the periodic dissolution of the world, stating that its sole survivor - Vishnu - had incarnated as Yashovarman. The next 10 verses describe the pitiful condition of the widows of the enemy kings.


Vakpati then states that after Yashovarman's coronation ceremony, as soon as the rainy season ended, the king launched a campaign for world conquest. The gods, the celestial nymphs, and the bards celebrated this event. Yashovarman's army comprised four units: infantry, cavalry, chariots, and elephants: Vakpati describes the horses and elephants in more detail.

The poet then describes the winter season, stating that Yashovarman marched to the Shona river and then to the Vindhya mountains. There, the Shabara tribals directed him to the temple of the goddess Vindhyavasini. The king worshipped the goddess, and Vakpati describes these ceremonies and the goddess in great detail. He uses various names for the goddess, including Madhavi, Bhairavi, Chandi, Narayani, Shankari, Kali, Shabari, Gauri, and Tapasi. Vakpati then narrates the king's thoughts upon seeing a dead body in the temple precinct. Vakpati continues with poetic descriptions of the summer season, followed by that of the rainy season.

Next, he describes the killing of the Gauda king. The allies of the Gauda king initially deserted him and fled away, but later, they re-grouped and joined him on the battlefield. Yashovarman defeated them in a fierce fight, seized the fleeing Gauda king, and killed him.

Yashovarman then marched along the coast, and defeated the Vanga king. He proceeded to the South, where the southern king cordially submitted before him. His army crossed the Malaya Mountains, and reached the sea shore, where Vali and Ravana once roamed about. Yashovarman then defeated the Parasikas in a fierce battle as part of his world-conquest, just like Raghu had done in the past (a reference to Kalidasa's ''Raghuvaṃśa''). He marched to the western mountain ranges, and collected tribute from the local rulers. Vakpati narrates how the ancient king Pṛthu had leveled the mountains, which had now grown in size.

Vakpati states that Yashovarman then arrived on the banks of the river Narmada, and encamped there. The poet personalizes the river, and describes her love for the royal sage Kartavirya. Next, the king visited the sea shore, and stayed at the site of the churning of the ocean. His army then marched across the desert region of Maru-desha (Marwar).

Vakpati then describes Yashovarman's arrival in the suburbs of the Shrikantha (Thanesar) city, where the ancient king Janamejaya had performed a snake sacrifice ceremony to avenge his father's death. The poet provides a graphic description of the ceremony. The king then moved to Kurukshetra, where he enjoyed water-sports with his lovers in a famous lake, which was the site of the fight between Bhima and Duryodhana. Vakpati alludes to episodes from the ''Mahabharata'', including the fight between Karna and Arjuna.

According to the poet, Yashovarman then visited Ayodhya and built a "palatial temple" there in one day. Vakpati narrates how the gods transported the city of Ayodhya to heaven as requested by the ancient king Harishchandra. After Ayodhya, the king proceeded to the slopes of the Mandara mountain, where the local rich people offered him gifts. His army then proceeded northwards, and visited the Himalayan region, including the vicinity of the Kailasa mountain. Vakpati describes the natural scenery, as seen by the king's army, in detail. He then describes the pitiful state of the kings subjugated by Yashovarman.

After the end of expeditions

Vakpati then describes erotic scenes involving the army soldiers and their wives after the end of the expedition. He then narrates how panegyrists glorified the king using poetic exaggerations and described how the king's lovers undressed before they got into bed with him. Vakpati mentions that now the king focused solely on love-making. The wives of the king of Magadha (or Gauda) were made to wave fly-whisks over the king, like the slave girls, and cried at their plight. The poet then describes the king's love scenes and playful activities with his lovers. Next, he narrates the grooming and make-up activities of these ladies after bath.


The poet then provides an autobiographical note, stating that he held the title "Kavi-raja" (king of poets), and that poet Kamalayudha highly respected him. He describes his work as "spray particles of poetic nectar churned out from the ocean of Bhavabhuti's works". He enjoyed reading the works of poets such as Bhasa, Jvalanamitra, Kuntideva, Kalidasa, Subandhu, and Harichandra. He also enjoyed reading scritpures, works on grammar and mimamsa, prosody, Bharata's ''Natya Shastra'', Gautama's Nyaya Sutras, lgendary texts (such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata), and the works of other excellent poets. Vakpati then praises himself, calling his poetic speech "full of sentiment, full of substance, brilliant and solid in thought".

Story behind composition

Vakpati then describes what led him to compose ''Gaudavaho''. He states that one day, in the assembly, the audience requested him to tell them about king Yashovarman, especially the slaying of the Gauda king. Vakpati praises the king, calling him a manifestation of the god Vishnu.

Vakpati then devotes 150 verses to describe the "dry and insipid worldly life" of his period, venting out his frustrations about sycophancy of courtiers, nepotism, fraud, poverty, stinginess of rich people, lack of respect for the non-wealthy, and general wickedness in the society. The poet then states that in this sordid world, it would be rewarding to hear about king Yashovarman's virtues. He then glorifies the king, narrating how god Shiva tested him by appearing as a lion before him, calling him as an incarnation of Vishnu multiple times, and describing him as a member of the lunar dynasty.

Vakpati states that now "Gaudavaho, a big enterprise" will be narrated. The assembly then disperses to meet the next morning. The poet describes the sunset and the moon-rise. He states that he decided to sleep, finding himself unable to continue narrating the king's exploits because doing so incorrectly would weaken the king's glory. However, he did not get sleep, and used the night to compose 42 verses describing love scenes involving young women applying make-up, couples flirting and drinking wine together, hugging and kissing, enjoyment of sex, and sleep afterwards. He then describes the end of the night and the sunrise.

After waking up and finishing his morning routine, Vakpati prepares to narrate the king's life, describing it as similar to the life of Chanakya. A great assembly of gods, nymphs, men, women, and birds gathers in an open auditorium (as had happened in Bhavabhuti's play ''Uttararamacarita''). As Vakpati starts his narration, there is perfect silence. He states that he is now going to talk about the king's life, and asks the audience to listen.

Syair Bidasari

A king and his pregnant wife flee an attack by a garuda. The queen gives birth along the way. Due to the danger, they place their newborn daughter in a boat on a riverbank and leave her there. A merchant finds the infant and raises her as his own, naming her Bidasari. He and his wife place her soul into a small fish, which they hide within a casket in a pond in their garden. Bidasari grows into a beautiful girl.

Djouhan Mengindra, Sultan of Indrapura, is married to the beautiful but vain Lila Sari. Lila Sari becomes consumed with worry that she'll be replaced as his favorite wife. She sends four servants to seek out any girl more beautiful than her, leading to the discovery of Bidasari. She commands that Bidasari be brought to her, claiming that she will treat her like an adopted daughter. Her parents reluctantly allow her to go. When Bidasari arrives, the Queen locks her up and beats her. The Queen wants to kill her but is thwarted until the despondent Bidasari – who believes her parents have abandoned her – tells her about the fish containing her soul. If she removes the fish from the water during the day, Bidasari will die. The Queen obtains the fish and wears it on a ribbon around her neck, and Bidasari swoons. Triumphant, the Queen has her body sent home. Her father hopes to revive her using the fish, only to discover that it’s been stolen. At midnight, Bidasari returns to life and tells her parents what happened, but she “dies” again at dawn. Her parents, terrified of the queen, build a refuge in the wilderness which they name Pengtipourlara. There they leave Bidasari alone for her safety, visiting regularly with supplies.

King Djouhan dreams about the moon falling to earth. When told that the dream means he will find a beautiful and deserving wife, he denies that anyone could ever equal Lila Sari. He goes on a hunting trip, only for his servants to discover Bidasari's refuge. The King orders them to break open the gates, enters alone and finds the dead Bidasari. He is struck by her beauty, and tries unsuccessfully to wake her. He returns again the next day, and stays until night when she awakes.

Bidasari is alarmed, but the King declares his love, explains who he is and states his wish to marry her. Bidasari tells him about the Queen, before swooning again as dawn approaches. He returns home, where he notices the fish on the Queen’s necklace and realizes that Bidasari was telling the truth. He takes the fish and at that moment, Bidasari is fully revived. The King returns and marries her in a magnificent wedding, building her a new palace. He invites Lila Sari to make amends with Bidasari, but she insults them both until he leaves in anger.

Meanwhile, Bidasari’s biological parents are once again reigning in their kingdom. Her brother learns of her story and decides to search for her. He successfully tracks her down and meets her foster family and husband. Bidasari is initially conflicted, wondering why her parents abandoned her, but the prince explains their story, and they arrange for a family reunion on the isle of Nousa Antara. There, the prince goes on a hunting trip which leads him to a palace. He fights an Ifrid and rescues a maiden named Princess Mendoudari, whom he brings back as his bride. The royal families are overjoyed when he returns, having thought him lost. With the celebrations coming to an end, they return to their kingdoms to live in peace and prosperity, with Bidasari’s story spread far and wide. Lila Sari is left alone in solitude to repent.

The Weasel's Tale

The plot follows four aged people living in an old mansion (Mara, Pedro and Martín and Norberto), all of them professionally related to the showbiz (respectively lead actress, bit-part actor, screenwriter and director) and how they deal with the arrival of the young Bárbara and Francisco, who are real estate developers wanting to purchase the plot.

I Will Buy You

Kishimoto is a talent scout for the Toyo Flowers baseball club, one of three competitors who try to buy new promising hitter Kurita for their team. While Kurita's shadowy benefactor and manager Kyuki, who financed the student's education, is making negotiations, Kurita's girlfriend Fudeko tries to talk him out of entering the professional baseball league. The competitors finally meet at the countryside home of Kurita's family, who have their own plans for their son and brother.

Draft:Pacific Bell (2022 film)

The sun burns the nape of young Adam Loera who, accompanied by his older brother Carlos, is engaged in the perilous journey across the desert on the Mexican-American border. The brothers were abandoned by their guide, who was to help them get to Long Beach where their mother awaits. The brothers risk it all.  When the desert is on the brink of swallowing them alive, a telephone booth appears like a mirage. Pacific Bell is the fable of two migrant children left to fend for themselves; a story told from the imaginative perspective of the youngest Adam, for whom the desert resembles the bottom of the ocean, and the phone ringing is a mermaid’s song.

Draft:Where the Witch Lives

Phe, a little girl, plays by the river. Her older sister, Cassie, runs after her, but only catches up to her once Phe has reached the road. Their mother, Christine, finds them and grounds them for having gone too far from the house. When they come home, the kitchen is a mess and Christine blames her daughters for having transgressed against the river witch. The children recite the river witch's rules.

Standing by a fire outside, Christine thanks the river witch for allowing them to live in the house, but asks Phe to throw her toy in the fire as a sacrifice. Cassie complains, saying that the toy is the last memento they have from their other mother, but Phe gets angry and tosses the plush bunny in the fire. The next day, they awake to a kitchen that is now clean and filled with fresh produce, which Christine claims is thanks to the witch.

Later, while Christine and Phe are playing in the river, Cassie searches the old home for a phone. She steals a key from Christine's room and finds a cellphone in a drawer, which she uses to call Heather, her other mother. She leaves her a quick message before Christine finds her.

During the night, Cassie is awakened by some noise and goes out of the house to find Christine and Heather having a fight. Christine throws a net over Heather to drown her. Cassie runs back to the room she shares with Phe and tries to get her out of bed. Christine steps inside the room, wet from the river and bleeding from a cut. She is angry that Cassie is out of bed.

After offering to get her mom a bandage, Cassie hides outside of the bathroom and screams. When Christine comes running to check on her, Cassie locks her in. She then gets Phe and the two are reunited with Heather, who had managed to drag herself out of the river.

Draft:Shadow Glass

Zoey floats through life in a deprivation chamber of insomnia and anxiety, drowning in self-destructive thoughts. Time has no meaning, darkness envelops her. She uncontrollably erupts into bouts of anguish where the siren's song of substance abuse promises to ease her pain, secretly becoming her true master. Her shame and self-loathing is a prison from which she lies to family and friends, assuring them that she has everything under control. But in a rare, lucid moment, Zoey will try to reclaim herself with her music.

Wide Open (novel)

Set mostly on the Isle of Sheppey on the north coast of Kent on the Thames Estuary. Two men, both called Ronny (one is then renamed to Jim), strike up a strange friendship. Jim invites Ronny to live at his prefab near the beach on the island. They meet an oddball cast of neighbours, including Sara who breeds wild boars and her daughter Lily, Luke a pornographer and part-time nudist, Carrie an optician who is related to Sara who is investigating an inheritance from her father to Ronny. Then Ronny's brother Nathan arrives as their childhood brings bad memories...

Draft:Part I (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Ten years after the execution of Order 66, in which most of the Jedi were killed by their Clone troopers for treason and resulting in the emergence of the first Galactic Empire formed by the Emperor, former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is on exile on the planet Tatooine under the alias "Ben", where he works at a meat factory and watches over a young Luke Skywalker despite numerous warnings to stay away from him and his family by Luke's step-uncle Owen Lars. Kenobi also experiences nightmares of his past and has lost connection to the Force as he struggles to contact his deceased former master Qui-Gon Jinn.

The Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, and Third Sister / Reva Sevander arrive on Tatooine in search of a Jedi named Nari. Once they find Nari, Reva recklessly proceeds to kill him, which the Grand Inquisitor prevents. Nari manages to escape in the ensuing commotion. The Grand Inquisitor berates Reva on her impulsive actions and tells her obsession on finding Kenobi, who is widely believed to be dead, and unbeknownst to them on Tatooine. That night, Nari attempts to seek help from Kenobi, but he refuses and tells him to hide from the Inquisitors as the Jedi are nearly dead. Kenobi then finds his hanging corpse the following day.

Desperate to lure Kenobi, Reva hires bounty hunter Vect Nokru and his gang to kidnap a young Princess Leia Organa, after finding out connections between Kenobi and her adopted father and senator Bail Organa, from Alderaan. After failing to convince Kenobi to rescue Leia the first time, Bail travels to Tatooine to convince him in person, which he successfully does so. Kenobi finds his lightsaber and leaves Tatooine.

Draft:Part II (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

After tracking the kidnappers to the planet Daiyu, Obi-Wan Kenobi encounters con man Haja Estree, who pretends to be a Jedi. Haja directs Kenobi to Princess Leia's location, where he defeats the kidnappers and rescues her. The Grand Inquisitor learns of their presence and locks the city down. Reva disobeys orders to stand down and places a new bounty on Kenobi, causing mercenaries around the city to target him and Leia. When Leia realizes they are after Kenobi, she loses trust in him and runs away; he follows her onto a roof. With mercenaries attempting to kill them, Leia jumps off a roof and Kenobi saves her using the Force, gaining her trust. Haja finds them and directs them to an unguarded cargo port from which they can escape, but cannot stop Reva from following them. Reva reveals to Kenobi that Anakin Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader, is still alive, which shocks him; he presumed Anakin had died ten years ago. The Grand Inquisitor arrives to arrest Kenobi himself, but Reva stabs him with her lightsaber, inadvertently allowing Kenobi and Leia to escape. Elsewhere, Darth Vader awakens in a bacta tank.

Harka (film)

A young Tunisian man dreams of a better life and sells contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies, he is left to take care of his two sisters, with eviction from their home looming.

Scary Stories: Dark Web

After finding a mysterious book of stories in her attic, college student Chloe Whitaker (Savanna Rae) gathers her friends for a video call to reignite an ancient storytelling tradition called "The Moonlight Order." She tells the story of Sara Bogan, now remembered as The Boogeywoman, who lived a tortured life and found solace sharing stories. Chloe includes footage located on the dark web, unwittingly unleashing a dark force upon the call that targets the friend group one by one...but could it be Sara Bogan herself? After Jenny (Shannon Leigh Webber) and Alyssa (Alexandra Alontaga) disappear from the call, Michael (Bryan Renaud) heads on foot to Chloe's house.

Found footage segments are interspersed with the main plot and include a queer Tinder date gone wrong ("Date from Hell"), a haunted bridge ("Emily's Bridge"), a woman followed by herself ("Selfy"), and documentary footage ("The Pittsford Haunted House"). "Emily's Bridge" and "The Pittsford Haunted House" were previously featured in an anthology entitled ''Dead Static''.

As Michael runs through the city, the dark force overtakes the call and reveals footage of Chloe participating in a ritual, becoming possessed. As the friends (Sarah Patin and Ben F. Locke) attempt to stop him, Michael arrives at Chloe's house where he finds hundreds of candles set up for a ceremony, but Chloe is nowhere to be found. We see that the ritual required a ceremony of six, only completed with a human sacrifice. Finally, we see Michael enter Chloe's screen on the call before he is attacked by Chloe, posessed by Sara Bogan.

Chloe calmly collects "The Moonlight Order" book and walks towards the camera as the call runs out of time. Despite similarities with ''Host'' (2020), the film is based on the 2019 theatrical play ''Scary Stories: Are You Afraid?'', and entered production before ''Host'' (2020) premiered.

Draft:Holy Crap

Peter's devout Catholic father, Francis has been forced to retire from his job at the mill. Peter invites Francis to live with the family, much to Lois' dismay since she is a "Protestant whore". He yells at Chris for masturbating in the bathroom when in reality, he was defecating, and makes Meg feel guilty by holding hands with a neighbor boy. Peter takes Chris and Francis to a baseball game to bond, but Francis is arrested for breaking into the mill after-hours. Francis admits he wants a job again, and Peter gets him a job at the Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory. He exhibits excellent proficiency, leading to him firing Peter upon discovering Peter and the others are exhausted.

Lois tells Peter that what his father did was cruel, leading to the latter telling Chris he can use the restroom and Meg is allowed to like boys. He also decides to kidnap the Pope, who is on a visit to Rhode Island to convince Francis he is a good son.

The Pope considers Peter is a good son, and he chews out Francis, who claims that the Pope has "gone soft". Peter and Francis reconcile and the latter is given a job as the Pope's personal security.

Deep Down (film)

A young man, Andy, comes to California, hoping to become a rock musician. He stays in a small house with a swimming pool, renting a room from a man who believed in his debt. There he meets a beautiful woman, Charlotte, who lives with a fierce and jealous husband much older than her. Charlotte seduces Andy, but later this affair proves to be far more sinister as she in fact wants to get rid of her husband.

Draft:Sea of Love (Animation Series)

''Sea of Love'' features a group of aquatic animal friends — Bruda, the gentle whale; Bobbi, the mighty shark; Wayu, the cheerful ray; and Puri, the kind-hearted seahorse. Despite their wildly different appearances, personalities and aptitudes, they learn and grow together, supporting one another as they share the vast and serene sea. Through their adventures, children can see that friendship can grow between those who are different.

Duangjai Taewaprom

'''Laorchan''', the girl who conceal her true identity to apply for work as a secretary of '''M.L. Phuthanate Juthathep''' at ''JT Center'', the department store of Juthathep family. Her real intention is to steal ''Atchanajakkra'', the mysterious sapphire necklace of Bhukhamwong royal, for proving an innocence of her family.

A necklace full of dark mysteries become a noose that thread the hearts of both of them altogether. They have to cooperate each other for finding the truth of the mystery and overcome the danger that could shake the throne of Viangbhukham. Moreover, the both have to find their true feeling with the help of the people around.

Duangjai Taewaprom

'''Maj., M.D., M.L. Chatklao Juthathep''', a handsome military doctor who works far in Chiang Rai province, meets '''Kwanruetai''', the young food vendor who is brave and tough. Chatklao's polite and gentle personallity makes the girl misunderstands that he is gay. The both always argue and fight with each other, but suddenly there is a reason that the both have to cooperate for helping soldiers break down drug production sites.

They have the good feeling for one another but the past of their parents makes them separate. Their paths seemed to be parallel, only the power of true love to make them listen to the voice of hearts.

Duangjai Taewaprom

Suddenly, '''Capt. M.L. Roonajak Juthathep''' has to adopt '''Somjeed''', the naughty sister of his best friend. The only one who can help him is 'Mhoo Pook', the crying girl that he usually teased in the past. The girl become Kru '''Jaiphisut''', the class teacher of Somjeed, who had the most beautiful legs he had ever seen.

Even though she has the suspicion origin which may detrimental to the Juthathep family, but he does not afraid, also still looking for ways to win the heart of her to make his first love become eternal love.

Duangjai Taewaprom

'''Dujapsorn''' determines to take revenge on behalf of her mother, M.L. Wilairampa Taewaprom, she therefore applies for a job at ''JT Property Group Pub Co., Ltd.'', finding the way closer to M.R. Ronapee's offsprings. As the time passes, she falls in love with '''M.L. Asira Juthathep''', her boss, but he is not the person that her mother wanted.

On the other hand, M.L. Asira used to meet her once in the past and he has waited to meet her again Finally, he meets her again but the love of the couple had her mother's hatred as a barrier. However, it doesn't matter, because the destiny has determined the love already.

Duangjai Taewaprom

The optimistic daughter of M.L. Kratin Taewaprom, '''Cheewan''' who received a scholarship from Oon to study in Italy. She took orders from Oon to be a cupid connecting the relationship between '''M.L. Saruj Juthathep''' and '''Porncheewa''', the youngest daughter of M.L. Kedsara Taewaprom. The mission is not easy since M.L. Saruj is arrogant and cold, and Porncheewa is also undemonstrative.

The story will going well, if the profound charm of the secretary is not get into the eyes' of the cupid, which causing she falls in the love with him.

Halik ng Vampira

Vanessa (Anjanette) is a cursed female vampire who poses as Midnight Solitaire, a sought-after caller on Dead Hour Dave's (Michael) radio show, to get many victims. Living a double life, Vanessa finds love in Victor (Raymond), whom she asks for help to cure her state.

Draft:Pixelschatten (film)

Two years after graduating from high school, small-town blogger Paul, known as Pixel, realizes that his once-popular autobiographical blog is no longer reaching anyone, and that his friends, now students, have moved on. Unable to take his future into his own hands and striving for attention, he provokes his best friends Dunia and Lutz and his girlfriend Suse with his entries so much that they increasingly turn away from him. When he can no longer find any other way to communicate with them, he decides to cut off all contact and disappear without a trace. The only message he leaves behind is a blog entry with an intimate video of himself and Suse. Weeks later, the local scandal surrounding Paul's and Suse's video has faded. Dunia, Lutz and Suse have grown increasingly apart, dealing with Paul's sudden disappearance in their own way. One day, Dunia uses Paul's now silent blog to tease a sign of life out of him. The new entries get renewed attention as many former readers believe Paul has returned. Dunia persuades Lutz, and later Suse, to use Paul's voice to communicate their grief over his disappearance. With the new attention, and in disguise, they manage to complete Paul's dream and finally turn the blog into a life-affirming community project.

:Category:2011 films :Category:2014 films :Category:Films about the Internet :Category:Films about social media

The Postman Always Rings Twice (play)

See summary for Cain's novel: The Postman Always Rings Twice (novel)

Draft:Marion Bridge (play)

Set in the kitchen of a family home in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, ''Marion Bridge'' follows the journey of three sisters as they return home to care for their dying mother. All in their thirties, the women navigate the discovery of self as they come to terms with the expectations set upon them by their mother as well as themselves. Touching, vulnerable and often humorous, MacIvor's play explores how we can heal, move on and create a new family.


Growing up, Akane admired her father and his ''rakugo''; a traditional Japanese form of storytelling where a lone performer, called a ''rakugoka'', depicts a long, complicated, and usually funny story involving multiple characters, who are distinguished by changes in pitch, tone, slight turns of the head, and hand movements, all while sitting in place. But when she was in elementary school, her father and all the other applicants were expelled from the Arakawa School during the promotional test to obtain ''rakugo'' s third and highest rank of ''shin'uchi''. Six years later, Akane, who had been secretly receiving lessons from her father's former master, sets out to become a ''shin'uchi'' of the Arakawa School to avenge her father and prove ''rakugo'' is a legitimate profession.

Mummies Alive! The Legend Begins

At the local museum, Presley Carnovan and the Mummies discover a new exhibit about Egyptian artifacts. Part of the exhibit includes two sarcophagi, each labeled "Kimas" and "Scorpion". When Ja-Kal comes across the sarcophagi and looks at it, the other Mummies are surprised about how he remembers the names. When the Mummies and Presley leave the room, Ja-Kal begins to open them up, until Set and Anubis attack him, revealing they are working for Evil Sorcerer Scarab to steal the Mummies inside and use them to battle against him and the others. Set and Anubis successfully escape with the sarcophagi and head back to Scarab's lair, where the three then summon the Mummy inside the "Scorpion"-labeled sarcophagus, named Arakh, and bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Ja-Kal reveals to the other Mummies about his brother Arakh, who during the 1500s, was a spear bearer for Amenhotep. When Ja-Kal had saved his life from a lion, he was left in the dust when Ja-Kal was made the leader of the Royal Hunt. From that point on until his death, Arakh began working with Scarab on his main plot to kill Prince Rapses and then eventually Ja-Kal.

Ja-Kal and Arakh soon confront each other in the museum and fight. Back at his lair, Scarab summons the other Mummy, Kimas, who is Ja-Kal's nephew and Arakh's son. Upon Heka's request, Kimas soon explores San Francisco and later meets Nefer-Tina and Armon, unbeknownst that Scarab and Arakh were planning to use him to trust the other Mummies and kill Ja-Kal. Nefer-Tina and Armon take him to various places in the city until Scarab and his Shabti attack the two Mummies, to which they discover that Kimas is a mummy and can transform in armor as they can. They all soon escape and Kimas reunites with his uncle Ja-Kal. Ja-Kal gets extremely cautious about how Kimas is, and then soon begins to contemplate Kimas, Arakh, and his own duty of being the leader of the Mummies and protecting Presley. Back at the Sphinx, Rath discovers the power of Arakh's scorpion charm and that if it is destroyed, Arakh would be sent back alongside his armor beyond the Western Gate, and plot to find it to send him back. They are soon interrupted by Presley when he finds out that the museum has taken away the Arakh/Kimas exhibit which contains the said charm. The Mummies chase after the van, but Scarab beats them first and retrieves it himself for Arakh. When the Mummies meet with Kimas at Beefy Burger, Kimas tells them where the charm is, however, Presley doesn't believe Kimas is telling the truth.

The following night at Fort Point, Kimas leads Ja-Kal to one of Scarab's hideouts to find the charm much to Presley's hesitation. Ja-Kal soon discovers that the hideout is fake, and he is soon attacked by Scarab, his Shabti, and Arakh. As the other Mummies try to find him on Presley's orders to try and expose Kimas, Kimas himself soon discovers that Arakh, his own father, was lying about Ja-Kal's betrayal and that Arakh was using him as a weapon against Ja-Kal over his jealousy. The Mummies and Scarab end up in a massive fight which soon ends with Arakh injuring Ja-Kal's arm. Kimas takes down Arakh and certifies to him that Ja-Kal was more of a father than he was. Still wearing his armor, and knowing there was no other way to send Arakh back, Kimas destroys Arakh's scorpion charm and armor, sending them both back beyond the Western Gate. Realizing his defeat, Scarab escapes the scene.

As the Western Gate appears, Ja-Kal asks Presley to fire an arrow of his feelings and love for both Kimas and Arakh. He does so as the arrow flies into the Western Gate, ending the feud once and for all.

Draft:Condor's Nest

American World War Two veteran Will Spalding travels to South America on a vengeful quest in search of Colonel Bach, a sadistic Nazi officer who executed his bomber crew during World War Two. He teams up with an Israeli agent and an atomic scientist to pursue Bach across jungles and deserts, waylaid by betrayals, amphetamine-crazed Nazis, and his own dark secret.

Anak Langit

Al (Ammar Zoni), Andra (Immanuel Caesar Hito), and Key (Cemal Faruk) live at the Orphanage owned by Babe Rozak (Fathir Muchtar) and Nyak Ida (Mega Aulia). The three of them have different personalities, but complement each other. They are members of a motorcycle gang, ''Rainbow''.

One of the members of ''Rainbow'' named Reno (Juan Christian) who had died entrusting his younger brother, Vika (Ranty Maria) to Al. As time goes by, Al puts his heart on Vika. However, Rimba (Dylan Carr) who is the leader of the motorcycle gang ''Anthrax'', who is none other than Al's biggest enemy, tries to win Vika's heart.


Danish bailiffs rule the Faroe Islands with a firm hand. In Tórshavn resides the bailiff Hammershaimb, who is hard and unapproachable in his civil service, but is caring and loving as a family man. He tries to relieve his daughter Inger's boredom by letting her travel to his new country house, Skardir, while he ponders his administrative problems. First and foremost, it is the royal trade monopoly and its harsh methods that is a source of dissatisfaction, and public opinion against the monopoly is growing stronger. The Faroese are aware that this institution is impoverishing them, and the leader of the public opinion campaign against it is Paul Nolsøe, with the rich farmer Hannes Klasor by his side. The first time Paul and the bailiff's daughter Inger meet is when Paul, who is a renowned at catching northern gannets at risk to his own life, tries to show Inger how this dangerous task in the mountains takes place. Inger feels strongly attracted to the stout Faroese farmer, and gradually a friendship develops between them. Paul shows her the land, and he takes her home to his farm, where his cousin Ragni manages the house. Inger discovers that Ragni is in love with her cousin, something Paul does not understand. After an unsuccessful meeting between Paul and the bailiff, the bailiff is made aware by his servant of the friendship between Inger and Paul. Nonetheless, they continue to meet. Paul tells Inger that he has plans to travel to Copenhagen and tell the king about the irregularities of the monopoly. However, Inger is skeptical about this. Hannes is upset after a failed courtship, and he urges the farmers to fight, but Paul urges level-headedness. This leads to a fight between the two men, when a humpback whale is suddenly spotted in the sea. Then the hunt is underway, and afterward there is a party.

It has been arranged that Inger will leave the Faroe Islands, but she refuses. However, when she finds out that her father is corrupt, she agrees to travel. When Paul is to take the boat to Copenhagen, he and his two fellow travelers are overpowered and locked inside the hold. Paul sees Inger from the hold, and he thinks she has betrayed him. He tells his comrades the legend of the seal woman. In Copenhagen, Inger engages in fun and parties, but she is reminded of Paul, who is now accused of rebellion against the king. Inger then seeks out the judge and arranges for an investigator to be sent to the Faroe Islands. She then seeks out Paul in prison and tells him to take courage. She says that there is someone at home waiting for him—namely, Ragni. Paul is then acquitted, and the king receives him in audience. Paul imagines the Faroe Islands, with its bustling bird life, the whale hunt, and Ragni's happy face.

The Drover's Wife (film)

The film opens with a scene in which Molly Johnson, heavily pregnant, shoots a stray bull which has wandered near her home, after ensuring that her four children are safe. Shortly afterwards the new sergeant of the district, Sergeant Klintoff, turns up with his sickly wife, Louisa, asking if they could share some of the meat that they smelt cooking, as they had lost all of their provisions when crossing the river. She gives them food in exchange for their taking her children to the settlement for safekeeping while her new baby is born.

A Perfect Pairing

LA-based wine executive Lola (Justice) starts up her own company and flies to Australia to secure a potential client. Lola finds herself working on the client's sheep farm under Max (Demos) in order to prove her proficiency. She secures the client and falls in love along the way.

Svanhild (play)

The two main protagonists share their names with those of the 1862 drama's Svanhild and Falk. The first scene is set in a country house belonging to lady Halm, the widow of a public servant. Falk, a poet, is performing a song for those gathered in a pavilion. Later, he encounters the young Svanhild alone, who is angry with Falk after witnessing him kill a starling in the backyard the day before. Falk justifies the killing by asserting that the bird had sung its verses for him, and that this inspired poetry in him that he intends to write the same evening. Thus, he decided that the bird had no further use of its life, and that he might as well end it. Falk then hands Svanhild a copy of the Völsunga saga, jokingly proclaiming it her family chronicle as Svanhildr is a character featured in the saga. He then recalls the method of Svanhildr's execution (trampled and torn apart by horses) and declares that Svanhild must be trod on, desecrated and crushed before being of use to anyone else, framing this as a "sacrifice to the world". He then asks her if she has the "courage" to be his muse for a summer of eroticism and poetry, and to devote her sacrifice to him and his poetry instead of the world or anyone else. Crazed, he continues to accost an increasingly-frightened Svanhild, imploring her to let him "learn her by heart" before the winter season, until she finally declines his advances as the other members of their social circle notice them and draw closer.


Draft:Pattern (film)

It’s several months after the death of Curtis’ partner Mia, due to post-birth complications. As the initial fog of grief starts to lift, he is at  a crossroads of how he wants to raise their daughter Salome.

Sleep-deprived and isolated from the world, it’s just him and Salome in their downtown city condo. He works remotely as Head of Engineering for a growing tech company. He was the original architect behind the App that is putting the company on the path to success. It’s also the place where Curtis and Mia originally met and formed their personal relationship.  

The job means so much to him as it keeps him connected to Mia, whilst keeping him from being debilitated by grief.  He does this all whilst trying to raise Salome as a single parent. He’s determined to bring her up against the original plan that Mia and Curtis had together.

Things soon start to fall apart around him. Despite putting his all into his work, the project he’s in charge of starts to crash-dive. Mortgage payments and bills  start to pile up, and he becomes over his head.

Curtis retracts emotionally and gets lost in head. He digs deep into past memories, searching for love and security. He switches between dreams he had as a child to past moments with Mia. This turns into darker reminders of being let down by people in his life. As a result, he starts to push away the people who have been helping him, primarily his mother Gillian and mother-in-law Vea.

Vea wants to respect Curtis’ space, but when pushed too much she fights back. She needs to see her granddaughter to ensure she’s kept as safe as possible. Salome is the last connection to her daughter and she needs to keep her as close as possible.

All Curtis wants is Mia back in his life so that they can raise their daughter together, as they both dreamt of. But as everything come to a head, not achieving his dream would be the least of his problems as he crashes back to reality.

Jezebel's Kiss

A young, beautiful woman arrives in a small town to take revenge for the egregious injustice that was inflicted on her family many years ago. To fulfil her plans, she resorts to seduction and manipulation.

Draft:Part III (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Darth Vader instructs the Third Sister (Reva Sevander) to find his former Jedi Master-turned-enemy Obi-Wan Kenobi, promising her the position of Grand Inquisitor if she succeeds. Kenobi and Leia Organa's transport lands on the planet Mapuzo, and they proceed to the rendezvous con man Haja Estree provided. Finding no one there, they accept a ride on an Imperial transport. Reva tracks them and alerts the Imperial garrison, but they receive help from a female Imperial Officer, Tala, who reveals that she is a member of an underground network helping enemies of the Empire go underground. Before they can leave, the Inquisitors appear with Darth Vader, who brutally kills some of the townsfolk to lure Kenobi out. Kenobi sends Leia and Tala ahead while he delays their pursuers. After a lightsaber duel, Vader catches Kenobi in a Force choke and sets him on fire. Tala returns with a distraction, enabling her to rescue Kenobi. Reva catches up to Leia, who flees from her.

Draft:Part IV (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Having escaped Darth Vader, Obi-Wan and Tala infiltrate the Inquisitors' stronghold on the ocean moon of Nur in the Mustafar system to rescue a captured Leia, who is being interrogated by the Third Sister. During the infiltration, Obi-Wan discovers a vault full of preserved, dead Jedi that the Empire had captured. While they are successful in freeing Leia, Tala's cover is blown and they have to fight their way out, escaping with the help of Roken and his guerilla troops. An enraged Vader threatens to kill the Third Sister for her failure, but spares her when she reveals she has put a tracker on the group. Back on the ship, the tracker is revealed to be placed in Leia's companion droid, Lola.

Draft:Part V (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

During the time of ''Attack of the Clones'', Obi-Wan Kenobi trains Anakin Skywalker in lightsaber combat on Coruscant. Tracking the Path's location on Jabiim, Darth Vader promotes Reva to Grand Inquisitor. The Empire arrives to siege the facility, and deactivates the escape doors. To stall for time, Kenobi negotiates with Reva and deduces that she knows Vader's true identity as she witnessed his massacre at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as a Youngling. She reveals she wanted to gain Vader's favor in order to kill Vader for revenge, rather than serve him. The facility is then breached, with Tala sacrificing herself to save Kenobi. Realizing they cannot win, Kenobi surrenders and is taken to Reva. There, he convinces Reva to kill Vader when she delivers Kenobi to him. Meanwhile, Leia opens the doors after removing Lola's tracker, allowing the Path to escape before Vader sieges the facility. Reva uses this opportunity to attempt to kill Vader, but is quickly overpowered after a brief duel and stabbed. Left for dead, the original Grand Inquisitor, revealed to be alive, arrives and reaffirms his status. As the Path network escapes, Reva finds Bail Organa's message on Kenobi's transmitter, revealing Luke's location on Tatooine.

Living Venus

John V. Norwall, editor of ''Newlywed'' magzaine, enlists up-and-coming photographer Ken Carter to shoot a cover for the periodical. The resulting image of a couple being chased by a gunman angers the magazine's publisher, who fires John. The disgraced editor resolves to establish his own magazine, ''Pagan'', where he can enjoy greater editorial freedom.

At home, John rebuffs his fianceé Diane after she insists that the couple be married immediately. He then drunkenly steals a Venus de Milo statuette from an antique shop, hoping to use it as inspiration for his new magazine. John notes the resemblance between his statuette and Peggy Brandon, his waitress at a bar, and invites her to model for his magazine as "The Living Venus". He and Ken take softcore erotic photographs of Peggy and use these images in attempt to attract investors to the new publication. When they are unsuccessful, they pawn off Ken's camera to purchase a new typewriter. The two secure additional funding from Max Stein, a publisher with a shady reputation, and are granted further financing upon the success of the magazine's first issue.

As John is getting ''Pagan'' off the ground, he receives a call from Diane, imploring him to come to the wedding that she has planned for that weekend. When he fails to appear, Diane and her father confront John at his apartment, resulting in an altercation between the two men. John attempts to begin an affair with Peggy, who is also being pursued by Ken. When Peggy informs him that Ken has proposed to her, John offers his own marriage proposal and hires photographer Geoffrey Page to replace Ken at the magazine. John persuades Peggy to retire from modelling and serve ''Pagan'' as a "promotions manager", seducing clients into buying advertising. Peggy is reluctant to perform this role and soon becomes dependent on alcohol.

''Pagan'' enjoys a period of commercial success until John and Geoff become more focused on romancing the models than running a magazine. Meanwhile, Ken finds success in his new career as a fashion photographer. A drunken Peggy encounters him during one of his shoots, and he assures her he will be there if she needs him. Embarrassed, Peggy runs away, eventually arriving at a tense ''Pagan'' staff meeting. When she confronts John, he slaps her and calls her an alcoholic.

Before the magazine's two-year anniversary party, Max announces that he will no longer finance the publication and suggests that John re-hire Ken. A sober Peggy arrives at the party, reaffirming her feelings for John. Upon rejection, she resorts to binge drinking and ultimately drowns in a swimming pool. At her funeral, Max reveals that he has hired Ken to replace John, leaving the latter without any job or romantic prospects.


The plot follows a murder that happens in the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border region in 1995.

2084: Il potere dell'immortalità nelle città del dolore

''Twenty-Eighty Four'' is divided into 3 chapters. The story takes place in an imagined future, starting in the year 2084, when the doctor Andrew Robinson discovers the "pill of pain" (to not feel physical pain anymore) and "the pill of life" which permits humans to live forever, staying young.
''2084'' was inspired by George Orwell's ''Nineteen-Eighty Four'' but the plot is completely different, wondering on what would happen to people if they would find the medicine to live an eternal life on earth.

Transference: A Bipolar Love Story

Katarina, a Norwegian nurse starts a new job in palliative care in a London hospital. When she meets an older male nurse Nik, Katrina initiates a passionate love affair that ultimately suffers the consequences of concealed mental health issues.

Black Tears (1998 film)

The plot tracks Andrés, a photographer engaged to his long-time girlfriend Alicia who falls romantically for a mentally-ill woman, Isabel (under the guise of 'Ana'), some time after their first encounter when the assault on Andrés by Isabel together with another woman, Cinta—as well as Andrés' ensuing kidnapping, humiliation and rape—took place.

Either/Or (Batuman novel)

Selin Karadağ is a sophomore studying linguistics at Harvard University in 1996. Through the novel, Selin retrospects on her previous summer relationships, her work in Hungary, and her new travels abroad.

Sinful Woman (novel)

The story is set in Nevada during the early 1940s. Hollywood screen star Sylvia Shoreham is in Reno, having just finalized her divorce with her now ex-husband cum manager. Shoreman remains resentful that her genuine talent had been squandered in demeaning screen roles. When her former spouse is suddenly found dead, Shoreham comes under suspicion. County Sheriff Parker Lewis is assigned to investigate, but discovers that the suspect is the same movie actress he has idolized for years, based on her early screen portrayal of a noble and self-sacrificing young woman. Lucas wishes to serve as Shoreman's champion and mentor, despite her apparent moral lapses. Shoreman suspects that her sister, Hazel, is the murderer, but she attempts to shoulder the blame to shield her sibling. The situation is complicated when Hollywood executives make a clumsy attempt to shelter their movie star Shoreman from the tabloids by framing the death as a suicide.

The high-minded Lucas and the noble Shoreman discover that they are in love. The mystery is solved when an eyewitness to the accidental death testifies in court. The story ends happily, and the couple helps to raise funds for a tubercular hospital in Reno.

Furia (novel)

The book begins with Camila Hassan leaving her home to secretly play in a soccer match (referred to as ''fútbol''). Camila's secret becomes increasingly difficult to keep as her fame grows, her lover arrives back in town, and she struggles with injuries, sexism and family dynamics.

Natchez Trace (film)

The film takes place in the 1820s focusing on the exploits of John Murrell, a slave trader and bandit who worked the central part of the Natchez Trace in the 1820s and 1830s. The plot centers around the revenge against Murrell by a bank clerk following the abduction of his fiancé and her father.

Draft:How Ya Like Me Now (1992 Film)

Thomas(Darrell Williams) is a cheap, lazy and unmotivated young man who simply lives for the moment, with no thoughts of the future. Valerie (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) is a hardworking, energetic and sensitive soul who desires the finer things in life and is getting disenchanted with Thomas and his nonchalant demeanor.

Thomas's friends include: Spoonie (Daniel Gardner), a cynical, streetwise lad who makes a living driving an illegal "taxi cab" on a revolked license, Alex (Raymond Whitefield), an arrogant and condescending wanna-be "player" who thinks he's God's gift to women, as well as constantly bragging about his wealth, and B.J.(Darryl Roberts),the owner of a failing Afrocentric shop, who lives as simple as possible to the effect that its cost him his relationship with his girlfriend. Despite thier own shortcomings,the three have the audacity to try to give Thomas relationship advice.

After a bitter split the two attempt to see other people, with disastrous results. Thomas and Valerie both learn important life lessons.

The writer and director of this film also portrays the character to B.J.

Murder House (video game)

In 1985, a young teenage boy wakes up locked in a mall after closing hours. He explores the mall before being kidnapped by a serial killer wearing an Easter Bunny costume. The game then jumps forward to 1988 and follows a TV news crew who travel to the now-abandoned house of the so-called "Easter Ripper" serial killer to film a documentary on him. However, they find that the killer is still in the house and he begins killing them one by one. News crew intern Emma must escape from the killer by completing his egg hunt.

Lake (video game)

On September 1, 1986, Meredith Weiss arrives at her hometown of Providence Oaks and stays at her parents' residence while they are away on a holiday trip, intending to take a short break from her hectic career at an American software company. To pass the time, she fills in for her father Thomas Weiss, the local mail carrier, for two weeks. Meredith may interact with up to 20 of the town's residents during her time in Providence Oaks, including her father's colleague Frank Coleman, the local postmaster; her estranged childhood best friend Kay Evans; Kay's aunt Maureen Hennessy, the proprietor of the local diner; the elderly Mildred Jenkins, who keeps many cats; and Lori Young, the local mechanic's daughter. Meredith may also establish a romantic relationship with one of the game's two love interests: Angie Eastman, the owner of a VHS rental shop, and Robert Harris, a lumberjack and environmental activist.

By the game's end, players must decide whether Meredith will stay on permanently in Providence Oaks and take over her father's position as the town's full-time mail carrier, or accept a partnership offer from her boss Steve Mitchell in the software company and return to her life in the big city. Each of these main endings has several versions, depending on player choices. A third main ending becomes available if player choices led to Meredith owning an RV: She can go on a road trip. If Meredith owns the RV and is in a relationship with Angie, the couple can decide to depart from Providence Oaks and commit to an itinerant lifestyle.

Purple Hearts (2022 film)

Cassie Salazar serves and performs with her band, The Loyal, at a bar. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes six months earlier, she struggles to afford insulin. One night, she serves a group of Marines who are soon to be deployed to Iraq. One of them, Luke Morrow, flirts with Cassie, but she turns him down. Luke experiences his own set of difficulties: he became an addict after his mom's death, and although two years clean, he still owes $15,000 to his dealer Johnno. Estranged from his retired Marine dad, he asks his brother for help, but his brother declines.

Cassie proposes to Frankie, a childhood friend and Luke's bunkmate, to benefit from the health insurance granted to military spouses. Frankie explains he plans to marry his sweetheart Riley. Although Luke overhears and advises against a fraudulent marriage, he realizes both their financial difficulties could be solved by getting married. They agree to marry before Luke deploys. After a year, they will file for divorce.

Frankie, the witness at the wedding, gives Cassie the ring he plans to marry Riley with, asking her to keep it safe. After, the newlyweds go to the bar with Frankie and Luke's fellow marines. Cassie argues with one of them over a toast about hunting down Arabs, resulting in an argument with Luke, but to keep up appearances they pretend to make amends. That night, he admits he is scared of both the marriage and Iraq. Cassie comforts him and they share an intimate night together.

The next morning, the Marines are deployed. Cassie and Luke start sending emails and video calls to one another to keep up the ruse. She tells him that she wrote a song, "Come Back Home," for the Marines. She performs it for them, uplifting their spirits after a rough day.

The song goes viral. Luke asks Cassie if he is her muse, and Cassie concedes he may be. One night while performing, she receives a call that Luke has been severely injured and will be sent back. Cassie tries to contact Luke's brother but accidentally contacts their father, angering Luke, as his father is a retired MP Marine officer who would turn them in. Afterwards, it is revealed Frankie was killed in action. At his funeral, she gives Riley the ring she promised to keep safe for him.

Luke, now a wheelchair user, moves into Cassie's apartment after being discharged. Luke made a wedding ring out of his dog tag chain for Cassie and they re-decorate their house to support their marriage for his father, who picks him up for physical therapy. Cassie adopts Peaches, a golden retriever, as an emotional support animal to aid in Luke's recovery. Luke's rehab and their cohabitation inspires Cassie to write another song - I Hate the Way - which captures the attention of record companies.

Still seeking his money, Johnno breaks Cassie's mother's window and threatens Luke. That night, Cassie's sugar level drops, sending her into shock. Luke helps her recover and they share a kiss. The next day, Luke beats Johnno up, gives him money and tells him to stay away. Instead, Johnno informs Cassie's mother about Luke's past. When Cassie confronts Luke, he reveals he had stolen his father's car to sell but crashed it instead, forcing him to borrow money from Johnno to pay him back. Cassie asks for a divorce and demands that he leave her apartment by the next day. When Luke returns home from a run, he is detained by the MPs, who were informed by Johnno of their fraudulent marriage. Luke's father calls Cassie to tell her of the charges and the impending trial.

At his trial, Luke pleads guilty, taking full responsibility and says that Cassie was unaware she violated military law. Luke is sentenced to six months in the brig after which he will receive a Bad Conduct Discharge.

Cassie's band is signed to a label and are opening for Florence and the Machine. During the show, on the same day that Luke is to be jailed, Cassie sings her newest Luke-inspired song, I Didn't Know, which was apparently written while waiting for Luke's trial. After the show, she rushes to confess her love for Luke before he is sent off. Luke gives her his wedding ring and tells her "it’s real now."

As the credits play out, six months later, Luke and Cassie are a happily married couple at the beach.


The film shows the problem of prostitution among underage students. 15-year-old junior high school girls look for sponsors in the shopping malls, to whom they offer sex in exchange for clothes, small electronic equipment or money.

Maybe Happy Ending

Oliver and Claire are helper robots that look completely human-like. Both were abandoned and lives alone. The two met each other by chance and gradually became closer. As they go on an unexpected journey in search of fireflies, they learn the feeling of love. But the deeper the love, the more you learn the sadness that love brings.

In the near future Seoul Metropolitan Korea, there is an apartment where abandoned helperbots live. The HelperBot 5 model, Oliver, stayed here for a long time, waiting for his old master, James, who promised to come to pick him up.

One day, while Oliver was living the same life every day waiting for James, Claire, a helperbot 6 female model living in the same apartment, knocks on Oliver's door. Her charger was broken, so Claire knocked on the doors of every nearby house to ask for help, but there was no answer, and then finally came to Oliver's house. At first, Oliver also tried to turn her away, but he sees Claire, whose battery had run out, left alone in the hallway. He finally brought her inside. He learn that Claire is a newer model than him, So Oliver need to make somekind of adaptor to be able to charge her.

Claire, who has been charged, starts working again soon, but Oliver is dissatisfied that Claire is a helperbot 6, a more advanced model than himself. Oliver childishly mentioned advantaged features of HelperBot 5.

Offended by this, Claire goes back to her house and tries to fix her own charger, but it only gets worse, and her other friend, John the helper bots, are also unable to come to help due. At this time, Claire, seemed to be very concerned about it, so Oliver knocks on the door of Claire's house and leaves the paper cup phone behind. Oliver's suggestion over the paper cup phone was that he would lend her his portable charger if she came at a set time each day, at one o’clock to borrow the charger and return it at 5 o Clock. Claire accepts the offer and goes to Oliver's house twice a day. Meanwhile, while making fun of each other and exchanging simple gifts, Oliver implicitly accepts Claire's knock into his daily life.

Then one day, Claire does not come as usual. Oliver, who has been waiting for Claire, visits Claire's house. At that time, Claire goes out with her friend, John the helperbot, who already repaired her charger. Oliver, who is trying to get back in hastily, is caught by Claire in the hallway because his ankle part breaks down. When he returns home, Oliver is relieved that he doesn’t have to see her anymore, but somehow he feels strange.

After a little longer that day, Claire visits Oliver with flowers, and looks around things in Oliver's house. Then, Claire saw a yellow raincoat hanging on a hanger. Seeing this, Claire remembers the 'a robot that picks up bottles in a yellow raincoat' She once saw, and learns that Oliver is collecting and selling bottles to make money. Oliver is saving money for a trip to Jeju Island, to go see James. When Claire asks if James will be surprised if he visits, Oliver says, "Of course he'll be surprised, and he'll be proud of it."

After listening to Oliver's story, Claire suggests that he don't waste a anymore times saving money and why not go to Jeju Island with her now. Claire also wanted to go to Jeju Island, to see the rare fireflies that remain in the forests of Jeju Island. Claire says that she's renting a car from a friend to drive, so she goes to Jeju Island with Oliver with a portable charger. At first, Oliver, who was reluctant to change his plans, eventually agreed, and the two pack their bags and leave for Jeju Island.

On a trip to Jeju Island, the two decide to pretend to be a human couple, and while running on the road, sharing all kinds of jokes, they stop at a motel to recharge. While watching Terminator 2 together, Claire realizes that Oliver has become more precious to her than she thought, and asks Oliver to promise that he will not fall in love with her.

After spending one night in a motel, they set off again, and the two finally arrive on Jeju Island. Oliver wanders around and finds James' house. Claire stops Oliver and says, “The reason James hasn't contacted you until now is because he abandoned you.” Angry at Claire's words, Oliver says, “You're jealous of me, who has an owner,” and goes to James's house.

Looking at Oliver like that, Claire recalls her past. Before being abandoned, Claire was originally a couple's helperbots. At first, the two masters loved each other deeply and affectionately, but their relationship began to grow farther and farther apart, and the woman of the two masters gradually suffered from loneliness. Claire watched the process of breaking the hearts of the owners as they changed, and came to believe that the human heart is not eternal.

When Claire is feeling sorry for Oliver, remembering that memory, Oliver returns. James had already died a year ago, and James's family laughed at the fact that Oliver had visited and said, “The new helperbot at home wouldn't have run away like that.” The thought that the mind is not eternal discourages Oliver. However, when Claire saw that James had left Oliver a record of the piano that he had played himself before he died, Claire realizes that She was wrong, saying, "I've never seen a human who left a gift for a helperbot before he died." He admits that James really regards Oliver as his friend.

Thinking of Claire's comfort and the meaning of James' gift, Oliver accepts that James thought of him to the end but he is no longer in the world, and goes with Claire to the forest of fireflies. The two return to their apartment in Seoul, leaving behind the beautiful appearance of the fireflies that fill the forest as memories. When Oliver and Claire return to think of each other, they realize that each other's existence has already grown out of control for them, and eventually confess that they have not kept their promise that they will not love each other, and they kiss in the hallway of their apartment.

The two become lovers, sharing what they like with their partner, and mimicking human couple fights, and they get along. However, that was only for a short time, and Claire, who was weak in durability, was becoming more and more irreparably broken, and Oliver, who could endure it for a long time, had no choice but to watch it. At first, Oliver said that it would be okay to join her, but Claire, who couldn't stand Oliver's concern as her body started to deteriorate more and more, suggests that the two should end their relationship. However, even after arranging the relationship, the two feel longing for each other, and eventually decide to erase the memories of the time they spent together. It's sad to erase the memories that were so beautiful and precious, but Oliver and Claire go to their respective houses saying they have no choice but to go through the videos of the two together like a lantern.

After that, Oliver is living every day as before. And Claire knocks on the door again saying her charger is broken. Oliver kindly opens the door this time and lends Claire a charger. While charging with Oliver's charger, Claire asks, "Are you okay?" asked Oliver, "Maybe." , leaving the play open ending.

Draft:Stuck Together, Torn Apart

Plot Summary At a warehouse club, Lois runs into an old boyfriend of hers named Ross Fishman who invites her out. Peter, growing suspicious, uses Joe's police surveillance van to spy on them. He becomes extremely jealous of Fishman, and Lois becomes frustrated with this as Peter had overwhelming jealousy over people not even hitting on her countless times before, so the two go to couples therapy. After their marriage counselor videotapes the daily occurrences at their home and sees how dysfunctional their lives are, he recommends that Peter and Lois have a trial separation. He strongly advises them to date, other people.

Peter moves out of the house and stays with Mort Goldman's family and ends up dating his niece, who turns out to be Jennifer Love Hewitt, while Lois goes on a date with Quagmire, and both couples end up at the same restaurant on the same night. Despite her disgust towards Peter and his unpleasant antics, Hewitt becomes extremely attracted to him. Lois then unexpectedly displays her jealous rage and violently drives Hewitt away. Now that Lois can finally understand how Peter can get so envious, the two decide to live with their mutually jealous natures. Quagmire and Hewitt hook up, with Quagmire ending the episode by ordering a "roofie colada".

Meanwhile, when at the warehouse club, Stewie finds a bottle of industrial adhesive and tries to eat some of it, but is stopped by Brian, whose hand is instantly joined to Stewie's. The two spend the rest of the episode trying to hide their predicament until the released solvent arrives. As the instructions state it will take effect within an hour after applying, the two decide to take a walk to pass the time. Minutes before the glue is to dissolve, Stewie and Brian discover a little girl stuck in a deep well. Brian lowers Stewie into the well and they manage to rescue her with seconds to spare. Despite the glue being gone, the two decide to hold hands on the way home.

The One Man Jury

Jim Wade (Jack Palance) is a ruthless cop with a bad reputation of being rude to suspects, informants, witnesses, and just about anyone who crosses paths with him in the wrong way. When a mysterious serial killer named the Slasher starts killing women, Wade vows to end the killing spree by any means possible, whether legal or not.

Northwest Mansion Mystery

At the Northwest Manor, the Northwest family are getting ready for their annual party when suddenly, objects start flying around due to a ghost. Preston, Pacifica's father, eventually sends Pacifica over to the Mystery Shack to ask for help, where Dipper, Mabel, and her friends, Candy and Grenda, are watching Gravity Falls Public Access TV, who are covering the party on local news. While gossiping about Pacifica, Pacifica knocks on the Mystery Shack's door and asks Dipper for help, which he reluctantly accepts after Mabel convinces him so that Mabel and her friends can go to the party.

At the Northwest Manor, Preston and Prescilla meet Dipper. After Pacifica forces Dipper to change into formal attire, Pacifica brags to Dipper about the Northwest family's "high standards" while taking him to the "problem room". Meanwhile, Mabel and her friends gossip about boys coming to the party. Grenda eventually develops a crush on Baron Marius von Fundshauser.

In the "problem room", Dipper investigates the room, and while investigating, finds that a figure of a painting in the room has disappeared. At the same time, Pacifica notices blood coming from the mouths of taxidermy heads, which chant "Ancient sins!". Dipper, under realizing he has grossly underestimated the ghost, doesn't know what to do. The heads start chanting about an ancient prophecy for revenge, when suddenly a lumberjack ghost with an ax in his head comes out of the fireplace in the room, pursuing a member of the Northwest family. Dipper and Pacifica hide under a table, but are quickly discovered and run from the ghost. Meanwhile, Marius enters the party. Mabel and her friends decide to make a plan on how to seduce Marius.

Pacifica and Dipper run through a garden while Dipper tries to find a silver mirror to trap the ghost. Upon finding one in a silver room, Pacifica relents, saying that her parents would "kill" her, as Dipper has dirty shoes that would stain her parent's favorite carpet pattern. The two argue and eventually end up in a hidden room behind a painting, letting the ghost fly away freely. The ghost finds them in the room, but Dipper eventually traps him with a handheld silver mirror. Dipper and Pacifica eventually fall into the garden, where they share a hug. Her family thanks Dipper, and Dipper eventually leaves the party, having a newfound opinion on Pacifica that she is not the person that he thinks he is. However, the ghost warns him otherwise, saying that 150 years ago, the Northwests robbed the lumberjacks that built Northwest Manor. After dying in a mudslide, the lumberjack put a curse on the Northwest family, saying that if the family still existed, that he would kill the entire family.

Dipper busts into a room where the Northwest family is, confronting them into lying about the curse. Pacifica tries to defend herself, but is eventually stopped by a bell from her father. Dipper, outside the mansion, accidentally lets the ghost out of the mirror, and eventually runs back to the mansion to save Mabel. Inside the mansion, Mabel and her friends fight over Marius, with Marius eventually developing a crush on Grenda. The ghost eventually enters the mansion, turning people into wood. When Dipper asks how to stop the curse, the ghost says that a Northwest must open the gates to let the general public into the party. When Dipper finds Pacifica in a hidden room, Pacifica is filled with shame, as she has found out her family's true history of lying and scamming the local people of Gravity Falls. Dipper eventually apologizes for his words, and tells Pacifica that it's not too late to change. After the ghost has turned the mansion into wood, Dipper runs to stop the ghost, but then is also turned into wood. Pacifica then confronts the ghost, wanting to open the gate. However, her parents, who are hiding in an underground bunker, try to coerce her to stop by ringing the bell. Pacifica, mainly for the cause of wanting to save Dipper, resists and pulls the lever, to the dismay to her parents. The ghost eventually praises Pacifica as not being like the other Northwests, and eventually fades. The public storm the mansion, and Dipper and Pacifica become friends, with Pacifica hinting a crush on Dipper. Old Man McGucket eventually pulls Dipper into a hallway, warning Dipper of an apocalypse. Dipper shrugs him away to rejoin the party, leaving McGucket worried about the impending event in 24 hours.

Draft:Speaking in Tongues (play)

Speaking in Tongues follows two couples as they navigate their troubled and interconnected relationships. Jane is married to Pete but has gone to a hotel room with Leon; meanwhile, Pete is another room with Sonja, Leon's wife. The complex love connections are highlighted by mirrored text, typically staged with four actors playing nine characters.

Bottomless Pit!

The Mystery Gang, consisting of Grunkle Stan, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, and Soos, throw away unwanted trash at the bottomless pit next to the Mystery Shack. While Dipper doubts the possibility of such a pit, strong winds cause the crew to fall into the pit. While in the pit, the crew try to pass the time by telling stories, with Dipper going first.

Voice Over

Dipper runs to the Mystery Shack, screaming for help. The Mystery Shack crew, hearing this, makes fun of his high-pitched voice. Dipper walks away, ashamed of his voice. While walking, Old Man McGucket hears him, and brings Dipper to where he lives. McGucket shows Dipper a formula that changes his voice, and Dipper drinks it. The next day, Dipper finds his voice to be much more "manly", to the shock of the crew. Dipper decides to play a prank call on a local citizen. Soos still doesn't like his voice, and Dipper goes away from the Shack. While walking, the victim of the prank call hears Dipper and, with the help of the townsfolk at the local bar, chases Dipper. Dipper runs back to McGucket's place, and regrets taking the formula. Dipper eventually gets a new formula that changes his voice back to normal. Dipper's voice turns back to normal, and dumps the rest into Grunkle Stan's coffee.

Soos' Really Great Pinball Story (Is That A Good Title? Do They Have To Be Puns Or Whatever?)

Soos' tells his story next, about a pinball machine. Soos, with the support of Mabel and Dipper, plans to beat the high score on a pinball machine. Dipper recommends tipping the machine, and the crew join in. Soos gets the high score; however, a cowboy skull inside the machine was able to tell they cheated, and the machine sucks the three into the pinball machine. The machine starts in its most intense mode, and the crew hide. Soos recommends to go to the manual switch-off, and devises a plan to distract the cowboy skull. While Mabel and Dipper distract the skull, Soos rides a minecart to the switch-off button. However, in turning the machine off, the machine would erase all data, including Soos' high score. The skull eventually finds Dipper and Mabel, and reluctantly, Soos pushes the button, and the crew are returned to normal.

Grunkle Stan Wins the Football Bowl

Grunkle Stan tells a grandiose story about how with his help, his team won the championship. Everyone on the team, a robot, and a trophy girl congratulate him. The rest of the crew thinks the story is boring, to the dismay of Grunkle Stan.

Trooth Ache

Mabel tells her story last, about Stan's toothache. Stan buys a bear to teach them how to drive, and gets pulled over by the cops. Grunkle Stans tells a lie, and gets away scot-free. Later in the Shack, Mabel tries to confront Stan on lying to the police. Stan defends his lying, to Mabel's dislike. Mabel devises a plan to stop Stan's lying by checking Dipper's journal. Inside it, she finds an entry about teeth that forces people to tell the truth. At night, Mabel enters and replaces Stan's regular dentures with the truth teeth. Immediately, Stan tells the truth. Dipper thinks it's a horrible idea, but Mabel convinces him it's good to always tell the truth. Stan eventually goes haywire on telling the truth about his thoughts, being brutally honest. Mabel and Dipper start to regret the idea, when Stan is eventually questioned by the cops under further investigation. Before Stan can tell the truth, and Mabel reluctantly lies to get Stan away from being arrested. Mabel eventually switches his teeth back to normal.


The crew end up going back upwards to reality to the Mystery Shack, with no time having passed. The crew eventually agree to keeping the story secret between themselves. Stan accidentally falls into the pit again.

Show-ha Shoten!

Shy high school student Azemichi Shijimi and former child actor Taiyo Higashikata both love comedy. After learning that Azemichi is a skilled and famous anonymous joke writer, Taiyo tricks him into being his partner in a sketch comedy routine for their school's cultural festival. The sketch is a hit, with the two winning the award for best performance. Realizing that each excels in the area where the other is weak, Azemichi with writing comedy and when to transition and Taiyo with performing and ad-libbing, the two decide to team up and form the comedy duo . In order to earn the blessing of Azemichi's parents, they must win the bimonthly High School Comedy Battle. There, they meet and become rivals to the duo Sprechchor and come in second place behind Rising. However, Rising resigns so that One-Way Ticket to the Top are elevated to first place and can continue comedy. Azemichi and Taiyo then enter the Kanto-2 block preliminary round of Wara-1 Koshien, or "Wara-Ko" for short, a national ''manzai'' competition for high school students.

Lorong Waktu (2019 TV series)

''Lorong Waktu'' tells the adventures of Ustād Addin, Haji Husin and a young student named Zidan. Ustād Addin is a young orphan who is considered a child by Haji Husin and have skills in information technology. He then invented a time machine which then took Haji Husin and Zidan on an adventure through the past or the future.

Overall the plot of this animated series is almost similar to the television version that aired from 1999 to 2006. The basic differences brought in the animated series include the location of the mosque which was inspired by the Siti Rawani Mosque (it was used as the main location in the first season on TV series before being replaced by the Baitussalam Grand Mosque from season two to six) and the figure of Ustād Addin who is described as a single (as he appeared in the first and second seasons on TV series before marrying Sabrina).

The depictions of the characters of Haji Husin, Ustād Addin and Zidan also take from the characters on TV series version, each with a likeness similar to Deddy Mizwar, Adjie Pangestu (who played Ustād Addin in the first season in the TV series) and Jourast Jordy.

KKN di Desa Penari

Nur (Tissa Biani), Widya (Adinda Thomas), Ayu (Aghniny Haque), Bima (Achmad Megantara), Anton (Calvin Jeremy), and Wahyu (Fajar Nugraha) will carry out KKN (Student study service) in a remote village.
They never think that the village they chose turns out to be extraordinary. Mr. Prabu (Kiki Narendra) the village head, warns them not to cross the prohibited gate. The mysterious place might have something to do with the beautiful dancer who starts to disturb Nur and also Widya. One by one began to feel the strangeness of the village. Bima begins to change his attitude. Their KKN is a mess. It seems that the invisible inhabitants of the village do not like them. Nur finally discovers that one of them violates a fatal rule in the village. The terror of the mysterious dancer is even more sinister. They ask for help from Mbah Buyut (Diding Boneng), a local shaman. Too late. They are threatened not to be able to return safely from the village known as the Dancer's Village.

Zeroes (novel)

The book follows six teenagers, all born in the year 2000, who have superpowers with huge drawbacks.

Streetlight Harmonies

The film tells the stories of the birth and evolution of Doo-Wop music.

The Villains of Valley View

Vic is a mad scientist who is married to the electrical supervillain Eva. They have three children named Amy, Jake and Colby and were part of a villain group called the League of Villains that was led by the evil Onyx. When Onyx passes Surge over for a promotion to Chief Commander which he gives to Slither, Amy tries to get Onyx to reconsider to no avail which followed with Onyx insulting her family. Amy attacks Onyx in retaliation and her family goes on the run. They eventually settle in Valley View, Texas under the alias of the Madden family. The Madden family work to maintain their ordinary lives while trying to keep themselves from being found by the authorities, the superheroes, and Onyx's minions while befriending their landlady's granddaughter Hartley.

The Golf War

While Dipper watches television at the Mystery Shack, Mabel runs in with a newspaper, excited that she is soon to be in the local newspaper for fashion design. However, Grunkle Stan notices that Mabel's arch-rival, Pacifica Northwest, is instead the front cover. Mabel is saddened by the newspaper. Meanwhile, Soos tries to create a new fashion trend, by creating "W-neck" t-shirts.

While downing shots of orange juice, Mabel hears a television advert promoting a mini golf place. Dipper, knowing that Mabel is an expert at mini golf, offers to take Mabel there to cheer her up. The crew agrees, and heads to the mini golf palace.

Dipper is shown to be terrible at mini-golf, while Mabel shows her extraordinary skill at the game. At the last hole, she tries to hit a hole-in-one to beat her all-time record, but fails to do so. Shortly after, the gang spot Pacifica and her parents at the golf course, with Pacifica openly mocking them. After some arguing, Mabel eventually challenges Pacifica to a match. However, the owner of the course announces that the course has closed. As a compromise, Pacifica then offers that Mabel head down to the course at midnight. She accepts the offer.

At a restaurant, Mabel is demotivated at the fear of losing; however, Dipper convinces her otherwise. The crew arrive at the course, with Grunkle Stan giving Mabel a sticker that says "You Da Best" with a trophy on it. While Mabel is practicing, Dipper notices a strange sound coming from a windmill on the hole after Mabel fails to hit a single shot. Dipper breaks it open, and finds out that inside, there are alive golf balls, introducing themselves as "Lilliputtians". They control the entire golf course. After figuring out that the Lilliputtians also hate Pacifica, different factions argue that their respective hole is the best. After some fighting, the Lilliputtians decide to let Mabel choose who is the best hole, with the reward being her sticker, capturing the attention of the Lilliputtians. Dipper convinces Mabel to force the Lilliputtians to sabotage Pacifica's game, and let whoever sabotaged her the best be the best hole.

Pacifica eventually arrives, with her being pressured to win at all costs from her parents. Pacifica's referee, Sergei, announces an 18-hole match. With the help of the Lilliputtians, Pacifica is shown to have absolutely terrible results, with Mabel cruising to an easy victory. Mabel claims the miner hole as the best faction, to the dismay of the Dutch hole. The Dutch hole decide to kidnap Pacifica, and tie her to the final hole to kill her. Mabel and Dipper think their plan is going too far. The other factions start to fight once again. Mabel, fueled with anger, decides that no one gets her sticker for fighting. Mabel calls rivalries done, to the surprise of Pacifica. The Lilliputtians eventually decide to work together to then attempt to kill Mabel. Mabel chases to rescue Pacifica, and eventually rescues her. The two fight off the Lilliputtians, and Pacifica starts to like Mabel. Dipper and the two drive away on a golf cart successfully to Grunkle Stan's car. Once outside, Mabel apologizes for cheating, and gives Pacifica a sticker, to which she accepts. While initially refusing to ride in Stan's car, Paciifca gets in after rain starts to fall. Pacifica is disgusted by the car's condition. Eventually, Mabel eventually pulls out two tacos, and Pacifica eventually accepts a taco. The two become friends, and the gang drop her off.

Night River

Kiwa Funaki is a young successful kimono designer working at her family's Kyoto-based business. While she fends off both the admiration of young painter Goro and the obtrusive advances of business partner Omiya, she eventually falls in love with scientist Takemura, who is writing a paper on the Shojobae fly. After she has started an affair with him, Kiwa learns that Takemura has a wife terminally ill with tuberculosis. When Takemura's wife finally dies, he proposes to her, but Kiwa, criticising him for his egotism, chooses her independence over the prospect of becoming his wife.

Golmaal (2022 film)

''Golmaal'' revolves around two playing boys (played by Shiva and Jiiva), who usually use “cheat for a living” mantra to live.

Draft:Happy Birthday (2011 film)

Dariush and Alireza who no longer have time to lose; Are trying to use their remaining time to survive. It is Darius's birthday and every sound brings them closer to death and...

Draft:The Colony

The protagonist, Ballhaus, is sent by Palmer Corp. to farming colony A.G/7 in order to investigate the death of one of the colony administrator's wives.

Heavily inspired by the works of Philip K. Dick and David Lynch, The Colony is a surreal murder mystery in a strange futuristic space colony.


The player controls an unnamed character wearing a thick protective suit and explores a post-apocalyptic landscape covered in a dense fog. The short game features a surreal, black and white art style, that is exploited to blur the line between reality and the possibly hallucinatory states of the main character.


Ehf Eliya, an actor who experiences a fall from grace, relocates to a small mountain town to find peace of mind. However, Eliya soon becomes involved with a local group of holistic practitioners, and finds themself in a world of alternative acupressure, experimental biotech, and clinical trials.

The Gentiles

Set in Seville, the plot tracks Ana, a teenager and social media enthusiast who feels attracted to Corrales, and which otherwise becomes acquainted with a suicide-related game.

The Toll (2021 film)

In Pembrokeshire, a man working solo shifts in the quietest toll booth in Wales, hides from a criminal past where nobody would ever look. As his past actions catch up with him and his peace is shattered, he enlists the help of local ne’er-do-wells and oddballs (including a female Elvis impersonator, rampaging triplets and disgruntled sheep farmers) when local police officer Catrin grows increasingly suspicious.

Draft:Welcome Back Carter!

A brutal drive-by shooting sends dozens of victims in to the ER, inundating the staff with treating all the victims. Meanwhile, Carter (Noah Wyle) is late for his first day back at the hospital, now as a surgical sub-intern, as he gets caught in traffic on his return from a summer vacation. He decides to abandon his cab and runs with all his luggage to the hospital.

At the hospital, a new group of medical students arrive for their ER rotation, including Harper Tracy (Christine Elise). Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards), now an ER attending physician, is struggling to adapt to his new position and the extra responsibilities it brings. Carter finally arrives hours late, much to the annoyance of his resident Peter Benton (Eriq La Salle), which is only exacerbated when Carter seems to have forgotten a huge amount of anatomical knowledge over his break, reflecting badly on Benton.

Draft:Bugs Bunny Builders

At ACME Construction Company, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage an inept crew of builders. By working together as a team, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety, and others use their tools and wild vehicles to pull off some of the looniest construction jobs ever.