cj's astrological sign

From:Sean Barrett
Subject:cj's astrological sign
Organization:Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

    Most people do not understand you.
Some think you don't really exist; some
think you're a different sort of individual.
Moving quickly is second nature to you.
Because you move so fast, people have
difficulty understanding where you're
coming from, what you're doing, and where
you're going; other people's "perceptions"
about you are more reflections of their
limited abilities to understand and cope.
You are a facilitator of efficient
communication.  For those who know you
well, it is easy to guess how you will
behave in "typical" situations; however,
there is much that they still do not understand
about you, and noone understands well how
you interact with other individuals.

Horoscope for Friday, February 19th

    Progress today will be slowed due
to imperfections in the medium.  You
will be buffeted by vibrations caused
by your neighbors, although they will
not be of significant magnitude to
damage the structure around you.
may try to reach an understanding with
you.  Advancement probable.

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