Note bene: The following document may strike you as a bit mysterious if you haven't read the reasoning behind it. Most importantly, I'm not necessarily advocating that all of the formal properties herein should be preserved, nor that Marot intended them all.

Also, the following document will be essentially entirely meaningless to you if you've not read Douglas Hofstadter's Le Ton beau de Marot.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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                      The piece's a poem.
          It's got a title, "A Une Damoyselle Malade"
           and that title doesn't appear in the poem.
           In each line the final syllable's accented 
           and each line's got just three syllables.
          The starting line has got some alliteration 
       and the first and last lines are exactly the same.
      The poem's meter occurs naturally when read as prose
       and it's perfectly grammatical when read that way.
     The lines rhyme in the pattern AA, BB, CC, ..., MM, AA 
      and no rhyme's repeated save the first and the last.
      All those sounds that rhyme are spelled identically
    and the first line's acronym refers to the rhyme scheme.
    "A Une Damoyselle Malade" has as many lines as this poem
    and "A Une Damoyselle Malade" has one-quarter the words.
    Marot's poem is composed in French that's 500 years old 
  and its meaning is in couplets out of phase with the rhymes.
     All its odd numbered lines have punctuation at the end 
     but no even numbered lines save the last end with any.
     There's five trisyllabic words sitting alone on lines
       and almost no internal punctuation, nose and jazz.
         There're four couplets with bisyllabic rhymes 
         but there're twelve bisyllabic rhyming words.
         Four letters go unused (including 'w' and 'y')
       yet only pronouns and articles are ever repeated.
      The poet's own name appears midway through the poem
       where it changes from respectful to familiar, too.
                      It's light in tone.

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The Secret Scoop on "Several Species":

In every couplet, one of the two properties applies to "Several species" itself. Some of these require a little flexibility of thought, such as the lines that explicity name "A Une Damoyselle Malade", which already "apply" to SS without any remapping.

Properties that require extreme bending and other properties:

Notes on form:

For reference, here is one of the very first drafts.

PS: Let's see ya translate that.