- my games
- source code on github:
- stb_image.h: public domain C image loading library
- stb_vorbis.c: public domain C ogg vorbis decoding library
- stb_truetype.h: public domain C truetype rasterization library
- etc.
- Greatest hits:
- my twitter
- my music
- my edited NIN videos (2009)
- my first remixed OK Go 'WTF' video (2010); my better second remixed OK Go 'WTF' video
- a mirror of Erik Ray's mostly-one-man mostly-humorous sci-fi "radio play"
Lambda Expressway;
although he was a friend of friends, I never met Erik before
he died in 2008 at the mere age of 38 (apparently from complications
of an accident involving him on a bike and a 93-year old lady in
a car).
I congealed as much as was possible in this merciless
heat and slid into the Mondrian van sleeping soundly
on the driveway. Minutes later it was barreling down
the highway through rippling mirages at near-death
speeds -- hundreds of metal pieces spinning, pulling,
crashing beneath the weight of a bouncing ton -- sucking
fluids through tubes to soothe the pain -- working feverishly
at the decree of pedal-to-floor to go ever faster. The van
had crossed a hundred thousand miles without too much
trouble -- there were occasional instances of... rebellion:
oil and transmission fluid leaks; a blown rod; exploding
ignition coil; wheels falling off -- but these were minor
inconveniences and just added to the excitement of
our myriad road adventures. This time was different, however.
The car wanted to die.
- miscellaneous long-term computer-related projects I'm working on (currently sGAR, a monome-controlled music creation system)
- free C source code on github -- I have placed all this code in the public domain, so you can use it in any way. (To be explicit: I am the sole author of these works and I disavow any copyright claim over them; or I was the sole author of the original version of the work, and every contribution from other persons has had its origins vetted and the contributor explicitly assigned his contribution to the public domain as well.)
- stb_truetype.h: public domain truetype font rasterizer
- stb_vorbis.c: public domain Ogg Vorbis audio decompression
- stb_image.c:
public domain JPEG decompression public domain PNG decompression public domain BMP, TGA, PSD loading public domain ZLIB decompression
- stb_image_write.h: public domain very-limited image writers for PNG, BMP, TGA
- stb.h: my personal archive of "snippets" of C code that fix gaps/oversights/inconveniences in the standard C libraries
- stretchy_buffer.h: a tidy little C implementation of stretchy buffers / dynamic arrays / aka C++ vectors - declare an empty buffer with something like 'mytype *myarray = NULL', and then use the sb_*() functions to manipulate; read/write individual elements by indexing as usual. Warning: gcc strict-aliasing optimization breaks this, which is too bad. Just Say No to strict aliasing optimizations in C, which should be the sane systems programming language. (See also this.)
- There's a separate "repository" of stuff that is an early/incomplete/experimental stage here
- Other programs and source code:
- The Indie Game Jam
- game development & rendering:
- 2013-05-16: How I Found Myself in the Game Industry
- my photos
- my Lisa Germano fan site
- archive of (other people's) talk.bizarre Fail to Suck Day posts
- interactive fiction games and tools
- game writings:
- writing about computers
- general non-fiction writing:
- refrigerator magnet poetry
- fiction and constrained writing
- comics etc.
- Comic Whispers (by ifMUD denizens and LJ acquaintances)
- an unauthorized max and cow adventure
- Meat Wars, Max Cannon meets George Lucas
- me:
- miscellaneous stuff
 me circa 1998